#creative synthesis
peaceresource · 3 months
Big Leg Woman...
"The comics are where all the crazy subconscious stuff comes out." ~Robert Crumb 
https://youtu.be/75D8-ZIV4PE?list=RD75D8-ZIV4PE Big Leg Blues’ MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT (1928)   https://youtu.be/_BXZbvn8qJs?list=RD_BXZbvn8qJs Freddie King plays “Big Legged Woman”   https://youtu.be/Difumayw86M?list=RDDifumayw86M LeadBelly – Big Fat Woman Blues (1944)   https://youtu.be/n6kUs4rTFUU?list=RDn6kUs4rTFUU MUDDY WATERS — BIG LEGGED…
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venacoeurva · 10 months
I feel kind of insane that it was a very strong consensus that AI voices are unethical because the original VAs never consented to their voices being used in this way, are not compensated, and their voices are being used for things they never agreed/would never agree to say and it doesn't matter if these uses are commercial in nature or not, it feels very ghoulish, but one of the biggest trends rn is AI covers of songs and they're being pumped out like crazy and people are falling over themselves to defend people who don't have big time production budgets using them instead of hiring someone on Fiverr or imitating the voices themselves or voice clip mixing and sampling pre-existing lines like the olden days. ok. alright. Good to see some of you out there have the moral fortitude of a wet paper straw
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pillarofawesome · 3 months
"Does it hurt to get shot?"
Shepard must not have been asleep if that question was heard so easily. Eyes snapped open, head turned to the source of the query, and standing right next to the sun lounger was a small asari girl.
Couldn't have been older than... well, hard to tell with asari. Kid could be thirty Earth-years old for all Shepard knew. Still definitely a kid, though. A pair of eyes, one blue and one green, stared intently over a datapad clutched to her chest, a mixture of nervous regret for intruding and anticipation of an answer to her question in her gaze. Her dress had a floral pattern with African colors, a common fashion here in Rio de Janeiro. A few decades ago, it would have looked out of place on an asari. But with the relays down, the Milky Way was now a constellation of suspended melting pots. This girl was undoubtedly born and raised here. These were not "tourist clothes" for an "alien" girl making a novel visit to an alliance planet. These were just clothes, and she was home. Not a human, but undeniably an earthling now. Hell, she was even speaking English, although many asari were known to study multiple languages. They certainly had the time.
"What?" No sooner did Shepard ask that than immediately register the question. Now it had to be asked again. Shepard hated when that happened.
"Does it hurt to get shot?" The asari maiden repeated, quieter this time, face lowering to hide behind the datapad. She feared she was really being a bother, now.
Shepard was surprised to not mind the question. It would be a ridiculous question in days long past, but this was a new time with a new generation. This little girl didn't know and was genuinely curious. Shepard could recall having nothing but dumb questions to look forward to for a long time after being found and resuscitated ages ago. The most famous human in the galaxy- maybe the most famous person- was still alive. Shepard feared never hearing the end of it. What's that old saying? 'No rest for the wicked'? That was the second best adage describing Shepard's life following the Reapers behind 'it was the best of times, it was the worst of times'.
The war was actually over. No more action; just talking now. So much talking there was barely time to breathe or think. Options of what to answer or reply metaphorically floating in front of Shepard's face on a wheel, with every stupid answer to every stupid question feeling wrong. Statement this, report that, interview over there- with another Arabic-named journalist, ironically enough. There had been acceptance speeches, and many promotions offered (though Shepard only accepted one), followed by speaking tours. Then there were regular meetings with a biographer at some point. All of this was given only a brief reprieve by a stressful tenure as the commandant of the N-school at Vila Militar. After all of that, Shepard was now truly retired; finally too old and broken to even fly a desk these days.
"I-it's just that I thought I saw your face before," the girl continued. Shepard would kick Shepard's own head right now if it were possible. Shepard was lost in thought for so long that the unanswered kid was now feeling awkward. "So I looked you up," she said holding out and pointing at the datapad. "The internet said you fought in the war? I'm sorry!" She started to back up and turn away now. Come on, Shep, say something! You're embarrassing the poor little sweetheart.
"No no! It's okay," Shepard consoled with a raised palm. Straining a humbling amount, the old body augments feeling like dead weight these days, Shepard pulled up to a reclined posture, turned sideways, and set both feet on the ground to face the youngling properly. "I did fight in the war." For that to not be rhetorical, the girl must truly not be talking to the Captain Shepard, but merely an elder; an old veteran who witnessed the mythical conflict before her time that rescued her parents, making her very life possible. The near-anonymity Shepard had to this innocent child was a breath of fresh air.
She gestured with the datapad again. "It says here you were injured in combat?" Shepard cracked a grin at that, barely managing to catch an all out guffaw. 'Injured?' Is that all it said? The internet- the extranet lost its connection to all servers on other planets- was understating it just a little bit. "Yeah," Shepard replied, "you could say that."
The girl's lips pouted and her cheeks darkened a deeper shade of blue at that answer. She was sick of older people giving vague answers with knowing smirks. Everyone seemed to know something big abut the past that was flying over her head, and they weren't cluing her in. They were grinning at a naive little girl who didn't know any better, and here she was trying to learn; trying to understand. She wanted to show some attitude, but she bit her tongue, afraid she was already being rude to a stranger.
"And yes, it hurts to get shot." The girl's eyes snapped back to Shepard's at that. "The bullets themselves were atomically small, but they were projected with mass effect fields that carried a whirlwind of energy. Sometimes some other effects, too. When they pierced the skin, the bullet didn't do anything. The bolt of energy following it would go through and spread out." Shepard gestured with points of fingers and waves of hands between sentences. The asari was listening intently, and visibly trying to understand. Shepard remembered she was young, and opted to illustrate with an analogy. "It's like if a strike from a sledgehammer was contained in a needle, and injected straight into your body." After saying all of that, Shepard wondered if that imagery worked, or just sounded stupid. The "woah" from the wide-eyed youngster seemed to imply the former. Guns were actually the least terrifying weapon Shepard faced, but enough gory detail was being shared for now.
"You're lucky to be alive," she said after digesting everything. Shepard had to pause at that. It was hard to see it that way sometimes, but she was right. Shepard had suffered through so much, seen so much, lost so much, wondered so much. Why did so many have to die? Did so many have to die? What if I made different decisions? Would the ending have been the same no matter what I did, or did my choices matter? Where did the Normandy go? Did my crew survive? Where is the love of my two lives?
All the hustle and bustle following the war kept Shepard busy, putting off dwelling on it. Retirement had brought it all up at once, leaving Shepard in a dissociative state most days. But right here, right now, she was right.
"I'm glad you fought for us," she continued with a smile. "I'm glad you're not dead."
And with that, Shepard's dwellings could take a break for now. The earnest, raw, simple fact stated by this girl broke through all the what-ifs. Her mere existence was proof that despite the great cost, the war was won. Annihilation and extinction were at stake, but here we all were; battered, bruised, scarred, and scattered, but still alive. This beautiful, intuitive, emotionally-intelligent child was telling her elder it was all worth it, and she was right. It hurt to get shot, yes. And it hurt more to face all the other wounds from the war; physical and otherwise. But here sat Shepard victorious, having survived it all. And looking into Shepard's face was a generation who would never have to face such pain, living in a world that was healing from it.
"Thank you," Shepard finally responded, unable to catch the slight voice-crack. The asari girl smiled even brighter at that. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a call from afar.
"Atalanta! Sweetie, time to go!" The parent was a silhouette standing in front of the setting sun. The shape looked human. They must be the father.
"Bye-bye!" said the earthling, using Earth lingo that again betrayed how local she was. Shepard echoed the farewell and waved as she ran off. Lying back down, Shepard allowed the broken warrior a rest, and finally caught a carefree nap. Shepard would go back to mourning later.
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soundswe · 3 months
Download Karanyi Sounds – Analog Nightmares for Vintage
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Karanyi Sounds presents Analog Nightmares, a virtual instrument that transports you to the captivating world of retro synthesis. Explore the rich tapestry of analog soundscapes, where warm basslines, lush pads, and gritty leads reign supreme. Whether you're a seasoned synth aficionado or a newcomer to the realm of electronic music, Analog Nightmares offers a treasure trove of vintage-inspired sounds to ignite your creativity and elevate your productions.
Analog Nightmares meticulously captures the essence of classic Karanyi Sounds – Analog Nightmares Download analog synthesizers, blending authentic samples with modern processing techniques to deliver a sonic palette that's both timeless and cutting-edge. From the warm, pulsating tones of yesteryear to the edgy, distorted textures of tomorrow, each sound is infused with the character and charm of vintage hardware, inviting you to explore new sonic horizons and push the boundaries of your musical imagination.
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spacestationstorybook · 9 months
some‏‏‎ ‎goes‏‏‎ ‎wrong‏‏‎ ‎universe‏‏‎ ‎s/i‏‏‎ ‎stuff. it is SOOO hard to worldbuild in universes where it's just modern day life. i think this is why characters from slice of life stuff (like‏‏‎ ‎susan‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎frankie) don't stick in my head as long even if i really like them. i just need a really sizeable portion of weird world to sink my teeth into. but while they're in my brain
they go to "girls' night" with‏‏‎ ‎sandra‏‏‎ ‎annie‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎vanessa.‏‏‎ ‎at first they're like. you know i'm not a girl right? but they go well. it used to be girls' night but now dennis comes too so you don't necessarily have to be a girl. they all go to one of those break rooms where you can freely smash stuff and‏‏‎ ‎gwu!nyx gets Really into it to the point that the rest of them go dude. are you good...
i think that‏‏‎ ‎robert's‏‏‎ ‎niece‏‏‎ ‎lucy would be the one person they'd successfully recruit for their own productions because she doesn't have really strong connections to the rest of the group and wants to earn some respect as an actor on her own merits. also‏‏‎ ‎robert‏‏‎ ‎is‏‏‎ ‎really mean to her and she doesn't deserve it. she's the closest thing the show has to a david even though chris is technically the david but he's too mean for it.
speaking of.‏‏‎ ‎i literally made chris and my s/i related because i thought it would be funny and add to his Problems but now i'm actually like expounding on their relationship and causes of the resentment between them and. chris was the younger one but seen as the more "promising" one because he was going to go into medical school but then he dropped out and. the turn tables. it's a whole damn Thing. and neither of them want to admit that they kind of judge the other one unfairly.
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m0e-ru · 1 year
if atIus gives iznmi an ounce of personality I'll start biting people's limbs off
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Huh I never knew of Americana Christian evangelist aesthetic 😳 probably bc I never really watched a old west film with the cowboys and stuff. Thanks for telling me I always learn something new from your blog
no worries! it's not something that i would expect ppl outside of the us (or canada, we have cowboys too) to know much about, or even ppl who don't live in the midwest or the prairies. a lot of the white population of those areas is christian (usually protestant/evangelical) so there's a lot of christianity tied into 'cowboy culture'. there's christianity tied into like, everything to do with america, but it can be more prominent in country, in the music especially. it's a pretty close visual leap imo.
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morayofsunshine · 1 year
actually i think that copyright law is way too restrictive AND that using AI to steal people's work without permission or credit is total bullshit. i can think two things at once
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thejaymo · 1 year
My hope is that a new era of abundant media will affirm this social value of art and artists, and this is why establishing new protocols of consent is so vital. I am a deep believer in AI-augmented expression, and have no desire to limit experimentation or enshrine outdated IP laws. I would simply like to avoid what a world looks like in the absence of consent.
AI Art and the Problem of Consent
Mat Dryhurst writing for Art review
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peaceresource · 8 months
China Blues
As Xi Jinping himself explains: “Whether a country is a democracy or not depends on whether its people are really the masters of the country.”
“Whether a country is a democracy or not depends on whether its people are really the masters of the country.” ~ Xi Jinping https://youtu.be/H2IbvLVHvFk?list=RDH2IbvLVHvFk  China Blues · Weather Report This Is This ℗ 1986 Sony Music Released 1986-08-26 Composer, Lyricist, Producer: Joe Zawinul Percussion, Vocal: Mino Cinelu Vocal: Marva Barnes Vocal: Colleen Coil Vocal: D. Siedah Garrett Vocal:…
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krissym72 · 3 months
Mastering the Art of Crafting AI Image Prompts: A Comprehensive Guide
In the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the fusion of technology and creativity has birthed a remarkable phenomenon: AI image prompts. These prompts serve as catalysts for AI systems to generate visual content autonomously, igniting a revolution in creative AI applications. Defining AI Image Prompts:AI image prompts are carefully crafted instructions or stimuli designed to…
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niconiconwo · 4 months
Ngl the thing that rubbed me the worst abt AI voice acting is that everyone acted like it was some sudden grave peril as if vocaloid hadn't existed for decades.
Like I used to fuck around with thinking about how you could make voices using a physical vocal model to generate your own actors years ago. Vocal synthesis has been a long term area of research. I get this is different from using real vocal samples in a ML program to clone voices, but like it isn't a far toss from one to the other.
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anhedonia2 · 6 months
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today i learned that roaches are basically unaffected after getting squished with 900 times their weight, can run just as fast squished down as they can upright, only lose 50% of their speed after losing 67% of their limbs, and lose no speed while switching from horizontal to vertical running (and slam headfirst into the wall as their technique). and ofc we all know that they’ve survived every mass extinction event for the past 300 million years
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ariyan24 · 8 months
Output – Analog Strings Download
Output's "Analog Strings" is a breathtaking virtual instrument that delivers a sonic palette of unparalleled richness and depth. Seamlessly blending the warm, organic tones of analog synthesis with the textural richness of stringed instruments, this software instrument offers a sonic experience that is both timeless and innovative.
Analog Strings boasts a meticulously crafted library of sounds that range from lush, cinematic strings to experimental soundscapes and everything in between. Its intuitive interface allows musicians and producers to effortlessly sculpt and manipulate these sounds, offering endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether you're composing for film, producing electronic music, or exploring new sonic territories, Analog Strings provides a vast array of tools to elevate your music production.
With its ability to emulate the nuances and warmth of analog gear while offering the convenience and flexibility of digital production, Analog Strings is a must-have for any musician or producer looking to add a touch of organic, emotive richness to their music. Download it today and embark on a sonic journey like no other.
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richdadpoor · 10 months
Meta Releases SeamlessM4T Translation AI for Text and Speech
Meta took a step towards a universal language translator on Tuesday with the release of its new Seamless M4T AI model, which the company says can quickly and efficiently understand language from speech or text in up to 100 languages and generate translation in either mode of communication. Multiple tech companies have released similar advanced AI translation models in recent months. In a blog…
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candylandphotos · 10 months
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Dramatic eyeshadow feather creative lipstick beauty makeup model cosmetics lipstick beauty
"Elevating Beauty: Where Dramatic Eyeshadow, Creative Feathers, and Bold Lipstick Converge."
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