#crochet lesson
mettatonsass · 2 years
Hello! I'm Alexei and I'm trying to do an interest check for a paid crochet class via zoom which will include all materials, Up to four (4) 4-hour lessons, and up to four (4) 1-hour lessons for $50 total plus shipping for your crochet kit.
Lessons will be provided in English, as I do not speak any other languages fluently.
If you would like more details, or to fill out my interest check form, please submit all responses here
Thank you all so much! I'm going for my disability and have no income right now while I go for my disability so I want to see if I can drum up some interest for this before going all in on it.
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trickstersaint · 15 days
fr though you have to write bad poetry. poems are not handed down to you fully formed by god they are things that you have to work on and practice your skill at creating. nobody would expect you to sit down at a pottery wheel and end up with a perfect vase with no practice. it's a skill! art is a learned thing!! you have to make the shitty little pots with dents and marks and your fingerprints all over them in order to get better. and you're allowed to be proud of those first little pots you made too
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yarnoverhook · 3 months
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[The Blackthorn Cardigan]
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the-fibre-stuff · 7 months
Double teaching joys today!
A couple of the boys were watching me cast on for someone and decided that they needed to learn the cast on I used, because it was so fast. (I do the long tail cast on, the version where you hold the yarn in one hand and most of the motion is with the needle). I got the "wait, look what I just did, that's so cool" look TWICE from one of them as he figured it out.
And I had pulled up Ravelry to help one of the students look for something to make. (This kid has TAKEN to knitting, and was looking for a bit more of a challenge, and I goofed and returned the book with the pattern they were interested in to the library). I realised afterwards that I had been less clear than I probably ought to have about the fact that that wasn't a site for 12-year-olds. Given that I had an e-mail address for their mom, I dropped her a line to clarify and apologise. She replied with a huge thank you for teaching her kid to knit. They have taught her now, and the both of them knit together. (This kid really needed something productive and positive to do too, last I heard from the mom she was a bit worried about some of the decisions they were making.) I'm still smiling over this.
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I’m pretty sure not many people might relate to this but let’s address it,
I’ve been in a very hostile environment, I’m not in danger or anything but we’ll let me tell you. My parents and sister and probably the most capricious and vagrant people I’ve met, truly it is an understatement, the reason I obsess over these guys I see on t.v. Is all because of these issues, there is no constant, unconditional, free, affectionate source of love I have. Worst part is I was talking to a few boys online, yes maybe I said some things I shouldn’t have, some explicit stuff but…. They’re just words, olive branches to affection, I will never have any. At least it feels like it. So since I did his, my parents found out after grabbing the phone, alright it IS the phone they bought for me long back but he didn’t have to slap me 10 fucking times. My sister is volatile and absolute carbon copy times hundred of my mum, she just recorded my rant of fury and sent it to my dad. I don’t have any love, or respect. I have my own room but when they come sometimes, I don’t like sleeping beside them, I feel very unsafe. And I also hate talking to him. All he has to talk about is my studies. Yes. I’m studying. I’m smart enough. I have a lot of talents. I have like 8 other plans if I don’t become a doctor, which I’m pretty sure I will become. I have a beautiful home, amenities, books, clothes. I appreciate it, I do. But right now I just wanna be in the arms of the men I see on t.v., because they seem loving, they seem nice and probably wouldn’t hit me as a vice. Even if the try to make it better, it will never be better. Because even if I don’t see the men on t.v. I know there’ll be a nice man who heals me. Preferably stronger preferably old i don’t care if the man is 124. I just wish he holds me when I cry and tells me all his gentle lies, of a brighter future, forgotten past and time with him till all time lasts. I need him to see me, how I really feel and age shouldn’t be the main ordeal. I think of brighter forgotten past, and my mistakes that certainly seem to last, when all is lost and I am found the men I see on t.v. Keep me spell-bound
P.s. sorry if there are any errors, I’m bawling my eyes out, I can’t see well and I’m sure by the writing you can tell, I really mean it I need a man, who can hug me and render me un-damned
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years
just fucking realized that can openers arent supposed to be hard as hell to use. my mom is left handed and although i can write with my left i usually grab stuff with my right hand.
anyway. turns out our can opener that ive been using for Twenty Two Fucking Years is made for left handed ppl.
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beautifulsnake2162020 · 9 months
Brain fart crochet moment
The moment when you're wondering why the current sleeve you're working on looks different from the sleeve you finished - and then you see the size of your crochet hook is two sizes smaller than the original hook you worked on and you grabbed it by accident. 🥲🙃And now I am unravelling all my hard work to do it again because velvet yarn is expensive af.
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dandyshucks · 8 months
ouhhhh the neighbour doesn't have any supplies of her own for crochet and I'm teaching her and my mother today starting in just over an hour
and i am ... not selfish with my supplies but i am unemployed and living off a very tight budget (cannot purchase any more yarn for projects unless i manage to do some pretty spectacular savings on my groceries for the month which is... not very doable) so I'm a tad worried she's going to be good at crocheting and want to Make Something with the yarn that i do have fjdskl and I would normally be totally fine with that but considering there's basically nowhere in town to buy yarn (i've had to buy online) and shipping is $20+ lately, that's not exactly a great thing for me right now 🧍‍♂️
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kaimukiwahine · 5 months
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Also happy mom day to all the moms and mom-like loved ones in your life.
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mettatonsass · 1 year
Hey guys, my crochet class post got nuked by tumblr for some reason? Anyway, I'm making a new post to advertise signups for my crochet class. It costs $70 to attend ($25 for the kit, $25 for my time, and $20 for shipping) and tipping is encouraged but not compulsory. Please reblog this around even if you aren't interested, as I'm trying to drum up some extra income for mobility aids and to get extra things that I need. (I live in an environment where I don't have many bills, and am not doing this to be able to eat)
I'm very flexible with times, as I do not have a job past this at the moment and am going for my disability. This is my backup plan in case I don't get my disability this time, as I know it's a lengthy process. Click the link for more information or DM me.
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
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the gloves look messy and weird but at least they're done. probably not gonna add any toe beans since the placement would be too awkward with the way they fit on my hands
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luvgendr · 13 days
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day 5 progress (first two, technically taken today because i didnt take pics before i went to bed yesterday) + day 6 (last two) !!
as predicted, i WILL need an extra day of work to finish crocheting this, but she is SO big and SO gorgeous i am really proud of myself. she's 49 inches big right now (measuring from the center to one of the peaks). im measuring in inches because thats what the pattern does. so for anyone else wondering what the FUCK 49 inches are in cm: approx 124.50cm. thats how big she is right now. yay!!! cant wait to keep crocheting tomorrow. HOPEFULLY i won't need to extend it another extra day, but i wouldn't be surprised if i did have to.
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delphinidin4 · 1 year
I won't bore you with the many, many details of my dream last night, but I was told at one point that a member of our community had given birth to a daughter. When I went to learn more, I found out it was actually a son, and the reason people were confused was that they had named him Rosie, spelled Rosse.
His middle name was 3000.
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magpieddd · 1 year
Went thrift shopping today (<- robbed their grandparents of everything their closet had to offer)
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 6 months
I want to be a singer-songwriter. I want to be a published fiction author. I want to be an actress. I want to be a cinematographic youtuber. I want to do all this professionally. I also want to keep participating in my various side hobbies - crocheting, journal-ing, photography, skateboarding, reading, language learning (currently learning french which is my fourth language), clay art work, sketching & painting, morse code, fan-fic writing (it is still a dignified form of writing, i have no shame), cooking & baking, playing instruments (piano, guitar, violin), becoming ambidextrous, etc, etc, etc... I'm also only fifteen. I'm slowly realizing the truths of what I want and how to achieve it, and also what to let go and what to postpone. It feels like I'm always in a vicious cycle of tackling everything all at once, spending every moment of my time not taken up by school or sleep in my various interests (or thinking about a "perfect" future life), burning out spectacularly, picking myself up, and repeat. It'll be a struggle but I hope to implement true time and stress management in my life from now on, and also prioritizing what I love the most - spending time doing "nothing" with my friends and family.
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claudiajcregg · 8 months
💚, 🐷, and 🎨 for the get to know me asks. Please & thank you.
Thank you, friend! Tumblr just scared me with the 10 above the inbox notifications, so best if I answer before bed than forget about them.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Purple! I can make the case for others, but I always go back to purple. (I'll say a bit more in a couple of questions.)
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
Owls. Even answering that makes me go all 'hm, is it really' but it is one of them. It's the one that my family will gift me in little trinkets the most, too!
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Apart from the "basics", such as consuming media and reading (eta: and writing, lmao, how could I forget the one I'm actively not good at), I think the two main ones currently are photography and crochet.
I don't do much of the former lately, especially since those street photography workshops I attended stopped in the summer (guy running them got busy), but I crochet often, even when I cannot go to the group sessions – often while consuming media! My current project is not an amigurumi, for once, but a cotton tee in a light shade of purple, that might take me a while. (I also think I want to do longer sleeves than the owner of my local store suggested, so it's more spring than summer but idk. I'm using Drops Safran yarn, with a 3mm hook, so it's going to take me a while.)
More get to know me questions here!
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