#cue heartbreak for everyone that's happy right now
zaczenemiji · 3 months
Hi there! It's me...again. Hope your doing okay.
I was thinking about a new request about Kenji Sato x Fem! Reader based on the song "Please, Please, Please" from Sabrina Carpenter. Reader is a singer just like her so and has a relationship with Ken but she thinks that some things aren't doing good, but she also has him wrapped around her finger. Like the part with "I beg you, don't embarrass me, mother******". It can be angst but also fluffy and spice (Only if you want to but no smut) It can end in a happy ending.
The rest is up to you because I know you'll do a great job. No need to rush so take your time.
Don’t Prove ‘Em Right
Kenji Sato x Singer!Reader
Word Count: 1,358
Genre/Warnings: Angst (light), Character Development, Drama, Emotional, Redemption
Author’s Note: I went with a bit of angst 🤧
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“You could do better.”
This was one thing you’ve always heard since you started dating men as a singer. Throughout your career, you were either cheated on, abandoned, or used in a way that they just rode your fame.
Other times, fans would ship you with another singer or celebrity or whoever famous and you’d give it a try for them but the ending is the always same: you two were just pretending for public entertainment and there was never love at all.
Your perception of love blurred the longer you got in the singing industry. You sang about it, wrote songs about it, but you’ve never really experienced it for a significant amount of time or for a significant depth.
That was until you met Kenji.
Despite his fame, he seemed down-to-earth and genuinely interested in getting to know you. He took you to his baseball games and introduced you to his teammates. In return, you invited him to your recording sessions.
Kenji was always supportive, and always encouraging. He seemed genuinely proud of your achievements and was always there for you. Despite his busy schedule, he shows up at your gigs and concerts and cheers you on from the front row.
He had a way of making you feel special like you were the most important person in his world. It was easy to overlook the occasional outbursts, the moments of impulsiveness that seemed to come with his fiery temperament.
You told yourself that everyone had flaws, and Kenji's good qualities far outweighed his bad ones.
You believed in him and in the future you could build together. Despite the red lights and the stop signs, you held on to the belief that this time, this love was right.
But as time went on, the cracks in Kenji's facade began to show. His temper flared more frequently, and his impulsive decisions started to take a toll on your relationship.
You made excuses for him and justified his actions to your friends and family. You told them he’s different.
But they told you that with the way he’s behaving, you’ll just end up in the dumps again—that he’s going to cheat on you, hurt you, leave you, and the ending will be the same…
“You could do better.”
Heartbreak is one thing, but your ego is another. You couldn’t afford your name dominating the headlines again. And for what reason? Another breakup.
You loved him deeply, but the constant cycle of highs and lows was exhausting. You wanted to believe that he could change, that he could be the man you fell in love with.
But the more you tried to fix things, the more you realized that some things were beyond your control.
You sat in front of your vanity doing your makeup nicely. You glanced at the clock. Kenji would be here any minute to pick you up now. Tonight is your big night. It’s an afterparty to celebrate the release of your new single.
Your boyfriend had a reputation for causing a scene. It wasn't entirely his fault—he was passionate but it sometimes translated into impulsiveness. Tonight, of all nights, you needed him to be on his best behavior.
As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Kenji stood there, looking dashing in a tailored suit, a grin spreading across his face as he saw you.
"Wow, you look stunning," he said, pulling you in for a quick kiss.
"Thanks," you replied, forcing a smile. "You sure you wanna come?"
"Of course," he replied with a confidence that both reassured and worried you. “I’m always here for you.”
You arrived at the venue in no time. Celebrities, reporters, and fans filled the room, all eager to celebrate your success. You and Kenji mingled with the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and accepting congratulations.
But as the night went on, Kenji's behavior started to shift. The drinks were flowing, and while you had stuck to soda water, Kenji had not.
You watched with growing anxiety as he laughed a little too loudly, and gestured a little too wildly. The conversations around you started to feel like a backdrop to a ticking time bomb.
You pulled him aside. "Kenji, please," you whispered urgently. "Just... take it easy, okay?"
He frowned, a mix of confusion and irritation crossing his features. "What? I'm just having a good time."
"I know," you said, forcing another smile. “Just... for me, okay?"
He sighed but nodded and for a while, it seemed like he was keeping his promise. He stuck by your side, an arm around your waist, engaging in polite conversation with your friends and family.
However, you left him one moment and then the next, he was talking to one of the reporters. The latter walked away, a smirk on his face. Kenji turned to you, his face flushed with anger.
"Can you believe that guy?" he spat. "He had the nerve to ask about the last game. Said I sucked."
"Kenji," you said softly, trying to calm him down. You placed your hand on his chest. "It's not worth it."
"Please, Kenji. Just... let it go."
He looked at you, the anger in his eyes slowly fading. He took a deep breath and nodded. "For you," he said quietly.
But the reprieve was short-lived. You caught sight of him at the bar, raising his voice at someone who had apparently made a snide comment.
The situation escalated quickly, and before you knew it, Kenji had thrown a punch, causing a commotion that drew everyone's attention.
Your heart sank as security rushed in to break up the fight. You could feel all eyes on you, whispers spreading through the crowd.
You felt a sense of dejà vu as this wasn't the first time Kenji let his emotions get the best of him, and you were able to hold it together as you’ve always done, but then you heard the one thing you hated.
“She could’ve done better.”
Without a word, you grabbed your things and stormed out of the venue, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over.
Not long after, Kenji arrived at your house, disheveled and remorseful. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry," he began, reaching out to you. "I didn't mean to ruin everything."
You stepped back, keeping a distance between you. "Kenji, this can't keep happening. You promised me you would behave tonight!” You said in between sobs. “This was supposed to be my night, and you turned it into a disaster.”
You sat on your couch, your legs feeling too tired to keep you up. "I can't keep making excuses for you,” you continued. “I can't keep sacrificing my career for your mistakes."
Kenji fell silent, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He’s scared. He knew what those words meant. At that moment, he felt like the sky was crashing on him.
"I don't want to lose you, (y/n)," he said quietly, tears falling down. "I love you, and I know I've been screwing up. But I'm willing to do everything to make things right. Therapy, anger management, whatever it takes."
You stared at him, your heart aching with a mix of love and doubt. "Kenji, this isn't just about tonight,” you said. “This has been happening for a while now.“
“Please, (y/n),” he begged, his voice trembling as he knelt in front of you, embracing your legs as he rested his head on your lap. “I want to be the man you deserve. Please, give me one more chance."
Over the next few weeks, Kenji followed through on his promise. He made genuine efforts to address his issues.
He went out of his way to apologize to your friends and family for his behavior at the party, taking full responsibility for his actions.
Slowly but surely, he’s coming back to being the man you fell in love with. He made sure you wouldn’t be the one doing better because he was becoming better himself.
One afternoon, you had lunch with your friends. They asked about how things are now going between you and Kenji. You gave them a smile, a genuine one since after the party.
“He became better.”
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@flowerloves @eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan @reggies-eyeliner @buggs-1 @miffysoo @spencerrxids @stupidbutsmart @marimargirlies @mixvchelle
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hellsenthero · 8 months
A Brothers Mate
Azriel X FemReader X Cassian
You knew there was more between Azriel and Cassian, despite others' opinions of the two. You were okay with that, their relationship, but seeing your mate's happy without you was killing you.
Warnings/Themes: Smut, Language, (2.7K Words.)
You knew the Illyrians were closer than they let on. Others said that the two were raised as brothers, and that may be true, but the sentiment of brotherhood had clearly changed over the centuries. Brothers didn’t look at each other like that.
Azriel leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, a few of his shadows gently swirling around him. Rhys and Mor were talking about some wine and who'd drank more of it the night before. Cassian was sitting comfortably in an armchair adjacent to Mor. One hand hung limp over the side, the other clasped around a glass of amber liquid. You sat on the couch, beside Rhys, listening to the heated debate. You listened, but your gaze was focused on the Shadowsinger and the War Lord. It was small, casual–the glances they shared, but you didn't fail to notice the rosy tint to Cassian’s cheeks or the shy little uptilt of Azriel’s lips.
It was sweet to see the love the two shared. You supported it, you wanted the best for them, but Mother above, it was heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking because you knew they didn't feel the same about you.
“Well,” you drawled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “I'd hate to cut this riveting debate short, but I'm headed home.” You stood from your seat with a stretch and a small smile. “And it was me, by the way, that drank all the wine.” Mor and Rhys shot daggers at you with their eyes as Cassian let out a boisterous laugh.
“Should've known,” he said with a knowing look your way.
“Night all,” you said as you grabbed your things before leaving out the front door.
The air was crisp. You could smell the beginning of autumn in the air, a soft, smokey undertone that was pleasant to your senses. Your steps echoed in the night as you strolled along the paved pathways of the city. You didn't make it far before a gust of shadow swept wind brushed past you, tickling the tips of your ears.
“You don't have to walk me home.” You told the shadowsinger.
“I want to,” came Azriel's deep reply as he materialized by your side.
“I thought you'd be with Cassian right about now.” Another gust of wind picked up before a second voice answered you.
“Who says he isn't?”
You rolled your eyes at the two over protective illyrians that walked on either side of you. “Hello, Cassian.”
“Hello, sweets,”
“So you two bats are that determined to walk me home?”
“Well,” Cassian begun, nudging his shoulder against your side. “You left too soon sweets, we just wanna spend time together.”
You let out a small laugh. “Right.”
Azriel stopped you with a hand to your shoulder, his grasp was firm, but gentle.
“He's right, Y/N.”
You stepped forward and turned around to face the two males. In the low moonlight they looked even more mysterious and handsome than ever. Their wings appeared darker, more intimidating as they rose above them. You wanted to lean forward and touch the leathery membrane of their wings. You wanted to watch them shudder with pleasure from your touch, listen to their heavy breathing and deep moans. You wanted to taste them, drink their…
You breathed out and took another step back. Your wants didn't matter, the males before you weren't yours.
“You two can move on to whatever you had planned for tonight. I'll tell the others you walked me home and we had a late nightcap, if they want to know why the two of you didn't return right away.” The two males shared a look between themselves and you took that as your cue to continue on your way. You only got a few feet down the street before the males were at your side once more.
“You're more observant than you let on.” Cassian said softly.
“I'm more surprised the others haven't figured it out.” You answered.
“We've been careful. We didn't want them to know anything before you.” Azriel replied.
That comment had you pausing. “Why?”
Cassian ruffled his wings uneasily.
“Isn't it obvious?”
You wanted to believe it, wanted to believe that they felt the same about you than you did them, but you couldn't, wouldn't let yourself entertain the thought.
“No,” you said softly. You knew Cassian and Azriel could hear it for the lie it was.
Azriel stepped forward, close enough that you had to tilt your head up to meet his eyes. “Try again.” He ordered.
You swallowed. “Yes,” you breathed.
“Say it,” Cassian begged. His signature smirk was back on his face.
“I can't,” you admitted.
“C'mon sweets, say it.”
You paused, taking the moment to cherish what was possibly the last moment of your relationship with the males before you, because if you were wrong… Cauldron, if you were wrong, you think you might break. “Because,” you began, “I'm your mate.”
The males before you smiled, even Azriel, who was always very careful with hiding his emotions.
“There you go,” Azriel said, “we've been waiting for you to admit it.”
“How long have you known?” You asked.
“Long enough,” Cassian groaned. “We thought you might say something, that you felt how we did-”
“I do.” You admitted.
“Good,” Cassian breathed. “Then let’s continue home, shall we?” Cassian swept his hand out before him, motioning to continue onwards to your little apartment in the city.
The silence that followed the three of you through the night was comfortable, more comfortable than it perhaps had ever been, now that things were out in the open.
“You don’t mind sharing?” You blurted, disrupting the silence.
Cassian chuckled. “No. Do you?”
“No,” you answered truthfully.
“This bond,” Azriel began softly, “goes three ways, Y/N. It’s not a thread that branches off between us, it’s a continuous circle.”
“A continuous circle,” you murmured. It made sense, the way they looked at each other along with the way the males spoke to you. This wasn’t just some ill fated love triangle, it was the reality you had hoped it would be.
“The snake that eats its own tail.” Cassian said as he threw his arm over your shoulder.
“We don’t want to force you to accept anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I know.” You answered as you finally reached the front door of your apartment. You stopped on your front steps, pausing for a moment before facing the males just a few steps behind you. “Do you want to come in?”
Their grins were answer enough.
The War Lord and the Spymaster had envisioned this moment many times, many ways, but living it out was something entirely different.
You led them to the living room, waving a hand to the black couch that sat against the far wall. As the males took a seat you busied yourself at the bar cart. “Drink?” You asked, already pouring out a helping for yourself.
“Yes, please.” The males answered in unison.
You made quick work of getting their drinks, pouring each a generous hand of amber liquid before facing them. “When did it click for you?” You asked.
Cassian and Azriel shared a look amongst themselves before looking back at you. “Do you-” Cassian cut himself off as you straddled his lap. His breathing stuttered as Azriel adjusted himself beside the two of you. “Do you remember that party Mor threw a few months ago?”
“Well,” Azriel took over for Cassian. “It clicked for both of us that night.” Your brows rose in surprise. Up until now, you had thought the two males had separate experiences with the bond.
Azriel chuckled at your look of surprise. He layed a scarred hand on your leg before continuing on and you found yourself wishing he'd trail it up higher, closer to where you needed him.
“It was when we were dancing.” Cassian admitted. “Remember when I stumbled and stepped on your toes?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled at the memory. The War Lord who was usually so balanced on his feet, stumbling on the dance floor to the point of crushing your toes. “I recall being quite upset with you for nearly breaking my toes.”
“Yes well, I was stumbling like a fool because the bond had just snapped for me.”
“I suppose in that case I can forgive you.” You purred, leaning in closer to the male. Cassian set his glass down in favour of holding onto your hips. “And you?” You asked, turning to face Azriel.
“It was when the two of you approached me at the bar that it snapped,” Azriel paused for a brief moment. “For the both of you.”
You debated asking your next question, but figured that no matter the answer, you wouldn't mind. “Have you two…”
“Fucked?” Cassian finished for you boldly.
“Very eloquent, Cas.” Azriel muttered.
“I mean, I figured you have.” You continued. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.”
The males shared a look before Azriel answered. “No, we haven’t.”
“We wanted to wait for you, to at least tell you about our feelings before anything happened.” Cassian supplied.
You paused, a slow, knowing smile creeping up on your face. “You romantic fucking bastards.” The males laughed–Azriel’s hand traveled further up your leg. He was so, so close to where you wanted him. “Go higher, Shadowsinger.”
The Shadowsinger complied.
“Mother above the two of you are making me fucking hard.” Cassian groaned.
“Join in.” You demanded as you ground your hips down on his hardening length. Cassian laid one hand on top of Azriels own, right on your hip. The other hand raised to the side of your breast, caressing you over your clothing as he leaned in and began kissing up your neck.
You tilted your head to the side, giving the War Lord better access to your neck as Azriel dipped his fingers under the band of your underwear. His scar covered hand teased your slit, sliding through your wetness to find your bundle of nerves.
“Yes!” You gasped in pleasure as Azriel toyed with you.
Azriel’s warm breath ghosted over you as he chuckled. “So wet.” He murmured.
“Let me taste.” Cassian ordered.
Azriel brought his hand away from your heat and over to Cassian's open mouth. Cassian hummed around Azriels two fingers. If the moment weren’t so intimate, you would ask Feyre to paint a picture of the look in Cassian’s eyes as he licked your juices off of the Shadowsingers fingers. “My turn.” Azriel said. You expected him to dip his fingers back down into your core. Instead, Azriel pulled his fingers free from Cassian’s mouth and leaned in, kissing him.
That, was what you would get Feyre to paint if you could. The two males clung onto you as they devoured each other. Cassian’s hips shifted up, grinding into your core. “She likes it, Az.”
Azriel pulled away with a chuckle. “Of course she does.” The Shadowsingers hazel eyes met your own. “I think it’s time we move this to the bedroom.”
You didn’t take your time going to the bedroom. The three of you were a rushed mess of scattered clothes, heavy breathing and tangled limbs by the time you found yourself spread out on your sheets. “Need you,” you panted. The males in the room knew it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular.
“Need this?” Azriel asked as he slid two of his fingers inside of you.
“Fuck,” you gasped.
“That’s not an answer, sweets.” Cassian said. The War Lord was kneeling beside you, tugging at his cock as he watched Azriel pleasure you.
“Yes,” you answered. “I need this, please, don’t stop.”
“I don’t plan on it.” Azriel answered before he leaned over you. The hand that wasn’t inside you gently grabbed hold of your throat, securing you to the bed as he kissed you. His shadows caressed your body. Cool, dark tendrils that were both an extension of him and their own being entirely. Cassian’s free hand followed the shadows path along you body, bringing warmth back into your body after the shadows cool touches.
“I need more.” You demanded from the males above you. Cassian and Azriel shared a look, both pausing in their movements.
“Who do you want first?” Azriel asked.
You paused, thinking. “You,” you answered back to the Shadowsinger.
Azriel crept off your body and stood at the end of the bed. “As you wish.” He rasped as he shucked his clothing off. With each layer that fell to the floor you wanted to devour the male more and more.
You sat up in interest as Cassian moved away from your side and over to Azriel, lowering himself to his knees. “Gotta make sure you’re ready too.” Cassian said before taking Azriels length into his open mouth. You gasped at the sight of the Spymasters scarred hand clutching onto the other males hair, pulling at his locks as he fucked himself into his mouth. You couldn’t help but find the sight of Cassian on his knees to be natural. Alluring, and natural. With a gasp and a line of saliva, Cassian pulled himself off of Azriel once he deemed him ready. “Go fuck our girl.” He ordered.
And by the Caldron, did Azriel listen.
“Fuck!” You cried out as Azriel thrust relentlessly into you.
“You feel so good.” Azriel breathed.
“So, so good,” you babbled.
“Cas, help her out.” Azriel ordered.
Without removing himself from your breasts, Cassian reached a hand down and circled your bundle of nerves.
“Yes!” You screeched. Your climax came hurtling through you at the hands of your mates and it was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Azriel reached his end along with you, spilling himself into you with heavy breathes. Cassian ran his hands along both of your bodies with light kisses and whispered words of affection.
“Do you have enough energy to ride Cas?” Azriel asked you with a wicked grin.
Azriel pulled himself free from you with a groan, his spend slipping out after him. Cassian was ready and waiting for you at your side, laying flat on his back. As you prepared to sink down on his length Cassian stopped you with a firm grip around the waist and a light chuckle. “Not my cock, Y/N. I want you to ride my face.” He said as he guided you to sit above him. You knew that if Azriel hadn’t just pulled an orgasm from you then Cassian’s words alone would have.
“Cas,” you gasped as he sat you right where he wanted you.
“Perfect,” Cassian murmured before licking up your core.
The War Lords mouth was absolutely sinful against your already abused core. Azriels shadows wrapped around you, holding you in place for Cassian to devour and Azriel to tease with his mouth and hands. Cassian slurped, sucked, licked and played with every part of you as you sat above him, fucking his face.
“I’m close,” you warned the males. Whether it was minutes or hours after your first orgasm, you couldn’t tell, all you knew was that you had been filled with pleasure for longer than you could contain. “Cas!” You cried. “I’m-close! I, I…” you broke off in a moan as you came over your mates face.
Behind you, Azriel fisted Cassian to completion, working him through his own climax with his hand.
After a few deep breaths you slid off of Cassian and into the sheets beside him, throwing an arm over his naked torso as Azriel stood and made his way to your bathroom. The Spymaster was gone for less than a minute before he returned with a damp cloth and cleaned the two of you up, ridding of it somewhere else in your room before sliding into bed with the two of you.
It was later in the night, or perhaps early morning, that you broke the silence between yourself and your mates. “Tell Rhys you can’t go on any missions for a while.” You said to the males that laid on either side of you.
“Why?” Azriel asked.
“Because,” you admitted, “in the morning I plan on making the two of you breakfast.”
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actualbird · 1 year
do you think the nxx ever cries or just… don’t deal with their emotions in a healthy way? they must be so emotionally repressed!
im so sorry but this is worded in a way i find absolutely hilarious omfg. do they cry or do they suck it up til the end of time? KJAHVSJFHAVSLFSFKJA
i like to think they Do cry, but my god it takes a Lot. this goes for All of them. like, we've seen in canon when the nxx boys and rosa cries, and it's usually during/after very high stakes or very emotional situations. some examples off the top of my head are
marius cries in SSR Unconcealable, the card where mc gets KIDNAPPED and then both of them get TRAPPED IN A FREEZER FOR A HOT SEC
mc cries in SSR Peaceful Place because she thought luke got shot and DIED,
luke cries in his Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4 because he thought mc DROWNED AND DIED
artem cries in SSR Two Hearts as one because he got so emotional acting like he was choking mc
vyn cries in...well, several cards like SR False Tears and SSR Neon Melody but those were 1) not exactly a "healthy" way of dealing with emotions or 2) caused by pepper spray KJHVSKJDF. im behind on vyn's cards, idk in which ones he cries honestly due to genuine in distress
so like, they DO cry. but it seems to take rather a lot to get them there. the flipside is that they also cry when overcome with immensely positive emotion (like, mc was on the verge of tears when luke finally proposed in SSR Orange Scent) so at least theres that!!!! but it's not much, chief....
all members of the nxx team all are IMMENSELY repressed. i think the most emotionally healthy of the team is DAVIS, which isnt a good sign, given that hes not even human
anyhoo this ask inspired me so
here are some misc headcanons on the nxx team and crying
i hc that luke as a kid was Such a crybaby. he'd cry over everything: when he saw a sad movie, when he saw a happy movie, when he saw a dog being walked but the dog was so dang small, when mc cries and his high empathy kicks in to make it Our Cry Session, just...he cried over IT ALL. he was just a very emotionally sensitive child, even to emotions from others. he eventually got emotionally steadier as he grew up but i think there are innocuous movies that, due to him crying over them as a kid, still make luke cry as an adult
[nxx movie night]
marius: man i love this movie, absolute classi---WHY ARE YOU CRYING??
luke: because ANYBODY can COOK!! EVEN A RAT!!!!!
mc, silently glaring at marius over luke's shoulder as if to say "Don't You Say A Mean Word To Him Right Now": O_O
(yes, they were watching ratatouille)
vyn has mastered crying on cue and can do it at the drop of a hat, but when he REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY is hit by the genuine need to cry for any reason, be it positive or negative, he cannot stop it at all until its run its natural course.
which is just AGONIZING for him, surely, but this is the price he has to pay for the power of being able to cry on command: not be able to stop when it's for realsies
vyn: //throws a book at him because just cuz he cant stop crying, doesnt mean he cant attack
it slightly pisses everyone off a teensy bit that artem can cry artfully.
like, the single tear. the lines of silent tears streaming down his face. even the more desperate sobs. doesnt matter whether theyre stage tears for another play or if theyre during high stakes situations, artem seems to naturally cry in a cinematic manner
artem: //shedding a few tears because of the stress of an nxx operation or something
luke: hey it's okay, everyone's alright
luke internal thoughts: why is he so pretty while crying?????? .....wait what
and lastly, marius can hold back tears like nobodys business. like luke, he was a huge crybaby as a kid. but unlike luke, he held it back so much that when he DID cry as a child, it was REALLY CRYING. like wailing, like sobbing. it's heartbreaking to watch
so via his Entire Life Of Repressing Weakness And Related Emotions, he became rlly powerful at holding back the need to cry. it only happens during VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE scenarios ORRRR
during horror movies
because hes such a horror weakling and he gets so spooked that tears literally come out
mc: how did that jumpscare make you tear up but not the intro scene to Up
marius, hiding behind a pillow to avoid any more jumpscares: im a man of endless mystery, miss
thank you for the ask :D
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5cookiekitty · 2 years
*『Meeting of a lifetime』
Yandere portgas d ace x gentle reader headcanon
Regular Ace is the definition of a slow burn. Like him falling in love takes years and even then he may not act on his feelings on thr bases that he thinks he's not worthy of s/o loves.
Yandere Ace on the other hand knows this but decides to ignore those thoughts.
You guys probably met a bar when he was still a rookie.
You were the big sis of everyone and the only reason you caught his attention was from one of the little kids running up to you and calling you "onee-san!"
and while it wasn't love at first sight interest were made. On his side atleast.
You were use to seeing pirates.
You were kind and gentle , something ace wasn't used to and that what drew him to you at first.
After the first interaction between you guys ace was hooked. He kept coming back and back and soon enough he became a regular at the bar
"Hey y/n"
"Oh ace your back!?"
Your kind ways had him wanting , wanting , and wanting until he burned with an desire that consumed him whole unlit.
Ironically really
He wanted you.
He wanted you so badly it hurts
But not now , he needed to do something first before he could treat you like the royalty yoy were meant to be
This contuied for on for months and the spade pirates had a bet going on to see how long it would take ace to confess.
But those bets were soon forgotten whe ace was taken by the whitebeard pirates as read in the news paper.
It broke your tiny gentle kind heart
"I'm sure he'll be fine ms.l/n ace is strong."
"I know that but whitebeard is-"
Cue anouther set of tears falling as one of the younger girls try to comfort you.
"I know you love him ms-"
"I don't love him! He's just kind and has a nice smile and he's supper good looking and strong and he's...my..friend."
The realization that you were in love with ace was one of wonder and heartbreak.
He could be dead and you wouldn't even be able to tell him your feelings.
For weeks after that you spent your days in yiur room contemplating everything.
It wasn't until you were dragged put the room did you finally began to try to move on.
Somewhere else though ace was loosing his God damn mind.
He was used to being able to get to visit your isalnd whenever and now he can't cause of "Stupid whitebeard."
Whitebeard notice how much more agitated ace seems to become on certain days and try to stay clear of him.
He's their father problem not theirs not yet atleast
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.
There wasn't a day ace didn't think of you and your gentle voice or kind eyes as you talked about the kids as if they were your everything.
Finally ace saw that the whitebeard were good people and joined.
It wasn't until his promotion to second division captain does the right time come up to ask the question that has hunted him for months.
"I want to visit <Island name>."
Immediately all the old spade pirates in the vicinity are loosing their God damn mind as the whitebeard's stare on in confusion
Mask duece and everyone then began to poke fun of their old captain as thatch ask question on everyone's mind
"Whats that about."
"Ace little crush who he hasn't seen in like 6 months is on that island."
Immediately the whitebeards are all yelling in confusion as chaos takes hold
While they did began to set sail towards the isalnd immediately the moving after no info of you was passed around by neither the spade pirates or ace.
When they docked no one ran but they did seem nervous.
It wasn't until ace leaned over and smile did everyone begin to relax.
As soon as ace feet touched the docked he was immediately surrounded by kids of all ages and shape calling him big brother ace.
A croud was formed by the time they reached the island and while there was no outright hostility towards the whitebeard passive aggressive comments and gestures were made.
And then that's when they hear it. A soft gentle voice that hushed the happy croud.
All the whitebeards head snapped towards the gentle looking woman who began to run in ace direction almost immediately.
Whitebeard were immediately on edge but with the look ace was giving thr girl they knew...
And finally the long awaited reunion was met as you and ace embraced each other in a hug.
And the whitebeards watch as ace eye get a gleaming that they were all to familiar with.
Cause it was the same one whitebeard and everyone else got when they got a new brother
"Oh would you look at that."
What better present to their little brother promotion than his lover
Yandere whitebeards are Canon change my mind
That night the whitebward kidnapped you
The poor town people didn't even do nothing about it since the whitebeards claimed you left on your own accord to go be with ace oh how wrong they were
You woke up confused and daised as the nurses that were surrounding you scurried off somewhere without a word
Then ace walked in and gently sat by you as he confessed right then and there.
He was overjoyed when you said you liked him back.
But then you had asked that dreamed question and he could only hoped that you forgave him in the future. You will its not like you had a choice
"Let me go tell the girls!"
"Um about that..."
When ace told you that his brothers got kidnapped you for him as a congratulations present you could only stare in confusion.
"Ace what do you mean?"
"It means you ain't leaving me...ever."
Cue you shooting up out of thr bed as ace let's you run out the door and practically throw yourself at the rail in hope...hope that what he said doesn't mean what you think.
You break down in tears when you see the ocean and no sign of your island in sight.
Ace did nothing but gather you in his arms as he shields you away from everyone's gaze as he walks back to his room and deposited you on his mattress with him not to far behind.
He sits the left side of you against his chest as you back pressed into his muscular arms as he cradles you as tears continued to spill.
He can't find it in himself to feel sorry as he cradles you against him.
Feeling your warmth and body good as he hoped it would feel.
He pressed a kiss to your head as he stared out the tiny window thag faced the ocean , feeling the breeze hit him as he let's you fall asleep.
Looking down at your tear strikes face he promises himself to keep you with him forever
"I love you y/n."
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pixyys · 2 years
thou shalt not be sad!
making corny jokes and pick up lines for them
ft. the flags + chuuya + verlaine + adam
warnings. possible storm bringer spoilers; fluff/humor + hurt/comfort
notes. romantic/ platonic; huuuuge thank you to @silverbladexyz for these wonderful pick up lines ♡; reposting bc oh god, tumblr was in a silly mood
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art by @/shan_zeze (twt)
❝you have a little bit of some loose screws in your head. everyone knows this well enough. but seriously, every person in your vicinity are just so depressed and gloomy! surely, that's nothing some some good ol' one liners can't solve. ❞
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Our little story starts during a time when The Flags have the pleasure of gathering together. Everyone has been busy with their businesses for quite a while. But they finally get the time to relax and act like normal young men without the burdens and horrors of their line of work.
Of course, you are there too! For.. whatever reason you have. No one minds nor questions your presence, so you sit there, simply observing; grinning with a dumbstruck smile at how everyone is happy and enjoying their time.
Especially lippmann. You saw his recent movie, the one that blew up on the internet, yeah. He's been flying all over the world for premiers and promotions. Even now, he just got back from one of his world tours.
"Lippmann," you make your way towards the end of the billiard table. "How was Europe?"
"Europe?" he recovers from his hunched position, the billiard cue still in his hand. "It was quite nice. Do you want me to take you when I go on another tour in the future?"
Whoa. Traveling Europe with 'the' Lippmann?
"Yes please," the response comes a bit too eager than you intended. "But won't it be a hassle? Was there any quarantine during your latest travel?"
"Well, for safety measures-"
"-Because you can't spell quarantine without U R A Q T."
The room falls silent as those words leave your mouth, save for the ticking of the clock and someone's pool ball falling on the floor.
"Ah.. well," Lippmann laughs nervously. For a flit moment, burying yourself six feet under sounds like a very tempting escape. But the thought dissipates as the charming actor chuckles, with a very lilting voice and a cute-looking smile that could've made you keel over right there and then.
"I suppose there will still be momentary quarantines since the virus is still around," he continues. "After all, you can't spell virus without U and I."
"Oh hell no! Not this again!"
Something cracks with a horrible crunch, probably Chuuya breaking his billiard cue. Not sure didn't care. You're too busy gaping at the actor slash mafioso like some dying fish. Either way, this dying fish got that world tour free pass! yeah!
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Looking back, you have no idea how you managed to crawl out from that pit of embarrassment and continue life as usual. Maybe your sense of dignity just dried out. Maybe you're the kind of person who just rolls with everything. You pulled through, either way.
As it goes, your existence and role in The Flags is a peculiar one, as peculiar as your personality. A wildcard, if you will. Again, maybe that's why you find yourself helping Piano Man with those 'supernotes' of his.
"Say, Piano Man, do you play the piano?" you ask, mind drifting wistfully as you watch him send away some of his underlings. Some others are still waiting for their next order, standing by within the vicinity—you included.
"I don't," he regards your curious question.
"I think you'll be a great pianist."
Piano Man offers a raise on his brow, "On what ground?" he said.
"I mean, better yet, you can be Bae-thoven."
To put it in the most less-heartbreaking sense, his response is both something you definitely expected but nevertheless didn't prepare for. The silence that follows is reminiscent of that time you landed a free Europe tour pass with Lippmann, so is the forced laugh that grows from Piano Man's mouth.
Another, painfully awkward silence that comes after it, however; you can't help but reel from it.
"Piano Man, please. That's the worst possible response," you half-whispered.
"Ah, apologies. I suppose.. thank you?"
The room is dead silent, and it doesn't look like it's because Piano Man's underlings are too afraid to laugh in his presence. No, at this rate, your sense of dignity will really dry out, dissipating out of existence. That is until you saw a glimpse of Piano Man's subtle smug face.
Ah, right. It is Piano Man you're up against.
[name]: i showed you my best pickup line pls respond
piano man: no <3
In bitter shame of such pitiful defeat, you toned down your puns ever since. But one time, when you cross paths with your arch nemesis once again, Piano Man strikes up a conversation.
"About that thing about not being able to play the piano, [Name]. I think I'll start learning it."
"Really?" you turn to him.
But what did he do? he, in turn, closes the distance, leaning his face to your ears, "How about you give me some piano lessons?" he whispers, and you can almost, almost feel his breath lingering on your earlobe.
"We can play all night and make sweet music." you can feel his smile.
You ascended; jaws dropped, eyes popped out, cheeks hot. You didn't remember if you passed out or dropped dead.
Really, it's best to only pick battles you can win.
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"Iceman is it? You seem like a cool guy. I hope we can get along."
Iceman knew you're a walking embodiment of a headache the moment you exchange names and shake each other's hands.
He still wonders why he still puts up with your shenanigans. Or why he still agreed on helping you do combat practice and friendly spars. All the while trying to not accidentally stab or decapitate you, probably.
He watches you pat down your light bruises, making use of the momentary rest. Objectively speaking, you are no weak opponent. Sure, he can likely kill you in your sleep. But at least not without some struggle in your part.
"This place is pretty neat for sparring, like a very comfy practice room," you comment, still holding the shoulder that might have a nasty bruise- or a sprain? He hopes not. Iceman wonders if he threw you too hard just now.
"Oh! Speaking of," you suddenly turn to him, "Are you a practice room? Because I want you and I hope you're not taken."
Yeah, No. he really should've thrown you harder.
Iceman, once again, questions why he puts up with you. You both are not even musicians and you manage to force that line into this context, and for what?
He remains passive.
"Uh, please laugh?..At least?"
You made it a mental note to not mess with Iceman again. Poor guy. He still helps you patch up those sparing bruises though, so you should be good👍
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"Sorry, can you help me? I think something's wrong with my eyes."
Being sent to the battlefront is tough. Guns and fists and knives don't exactly line up with an unscathed body. But you're tougher! And you have your reliable good friend, Doc. Iceman's training retinue polished you like a coarse diamond grinder, so Doc didn't have to do much than patch up minor cuts and scratches.
Doc decides to hold back further questions at your remark. Instead, choosing to appraise your face- the eye you claim to be 'wrong'. There's a subtle crease on his brow as his hands frame your cheek, trying to observe visible damage on your eye.
Of course. Even the most skilled doctor won't find anything. your eyes are fine.
"I think I just can't take them off you." you wink.
Doc tilts his head, then blinks.
Cute! Yet, the silence is starting to trigger the PTSD you got from Piano Man and Iceman. You hope it won't be the same case for this 'Doctor-Man.'
He finally nods, as if making up a decision. "Does it feel numb? Or painful?"
"No, I mean-"
"Maybe something is wrong with your extraocular muscles. I can open them up and-"
"You know what? Don't worry about it," you cut him off, rushing to swat away the current topic. "I think it just healed! That's amazing! I knew you're the best doctor one could ever ask for!"
Yeah.. better be careful next time. Getting your eyes dissected and cut open must not be fun.
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You're not saying you have a favorite in The Flags, but you're saying you have a favorite in The Flags, and that might or might not be Albatross. (It's definitely Albatross).
He is your true partner in crime, aiding you in your eternal quest to annoy every single living existence (especially Chuuya, but don't tell him that). Albatross isn't very keen on puns or pickup lines, but he picks up the habit as soon as you start greeting him with those daily doses of corniness.
"Morning!" you send the energetic wheelman a lighthearted smile, waving as you pass by the hallways of the headquarters.
"Oh, mornin' [Name]-"
"-Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
By normal standards, a perfectly normal person normally does not start their morning with a badly-placed and badly-formed, relatively corny pickup line. But abiding by the normal standards isn't exactly how you roll, and neither does Albatross. That moment marked the day The Flags must put up with a brand new headache.
"I'm confused… I thought happiness started with an H, but mine seems to start with U."
"Life without you is like a broken pencil... totally pointless."
"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."
"Are you a loan? 'Cause you've got my interest-"
"Alright. i believe that's enough, you two."
It takes Piano Man a lot to get him to lose his patience, and apparently, you've done abundant. Don't worry about Chuuya, the little precious bundle of rage is long gone. He knows better than to risk exhausting his voice or accidentally ransacking the whole hideout (lmao).
You are suffering from success. Or winning from failure? These jokes and pickup lines became something of a second nature to your tongue. You can't even remember what you said to this robot- er, supercomputer agent Adam Frankenstein.
"Oh. This is what humans call as puns, also known as paronomasia, a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous effect."
"But yours wasn't funny."
"W-well," you cough, recovering yourself. "Funny isn't the only intended effect. It was a punny pick-up line."
Adam nods.
"A pick-up line or chat-up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging a person for romance or dating. Are you trying to woo me?"
So, a literal robot just pulled an uno reverse card on you. Yet still, that's a good question. Are you really trying to woo him?
"I- I thought you'll start making one of those android jokes." you make an unsteady smile.
"My android jokes? Of course. They are not made with the intention of expressing romantic expression, so I can make one for you if you wish so."
Well. This tin man just indirectly reject your yet-to-exist confession.
"Either way, I am flattered by your attempts. However, I'm afraid that it will be impossible. You are a human and I am an autonomous humanoid supercomputer, the first to be used for law enforcement use-"
Yep. the tin man just directly rejected your yet-to-exist confession. Adam woke up and chose violence. At this point, you're better off going home and curling up in your blanket with some sad love song playlist. You think Chuuya winced and made a very pitiful expression for you. But you choose to mark that off as your imagination.
For a reason you can't fathom, you somehow end up in Verlaine's, Chuuya's, and Adam's theater of bloodshed.
Right here, right now, you're a vanguard of the battlefront. You shouldn't be thinking 'this'. Your chest hurts so bad from dodging Verlaine's attacks, your limbs are aching from bruises and cuts, your head is spinning with adrenaline, and this French man is trying to kill you and kidnap your ginger friend.
But darn, he's fine- You slap yourself.
"You good?" Chuuya rasps, struggling to make his step as he flanks your side.
"No, but-" another flying car flings towards your direction, and muscle memory forces you both to flee from your position, escaping death by a grasp.
This man is merciless, and *cough* attractive. Had he not currently trying to throw cars at you, you'd take him to some nice cafe and start serenading him with, uh, 'sweet' words.
Might as well.
"Whoa sir, you have some killer moves!" you roar heartily, uncaring by the way chuuya is eyeing you like an incredulous mother daring her child to do something stupid. "I'd simply die to have you." you wink.
In that split second, your words seem to catch Verlaine in a trance. Adam's fancy iron man laser beam almost grazes the French man's shoulder..somehow.
Hey, that worked! :D
[name] : chuuya, i think he's french.
chuuya : no shi-
[name] : i think eiffel for him.
This is it. The curtain calls, and it's time to face the final boss; it's time to unleash the ultimate torment to this poor boy.
"Ooh! Don't you look dapper? I always liked your fashion sense. You look good in that suit."
Chuuya doesn't immediately answer, opting to silently trace the paved sidewalk you both are treading on. By all means, both of you have no trouble with resources that a personal car, or even a whole limousine won't be impossible. It's just that the moon shines beautifully that night, so you drag your grumpy friend for a breath of fresh air.
"But you know what you'll look better in?" you chuckle, following his steps. "My arms."
Nothing. Mo reaction. No swatting your finger guns, no annoyed and incessant curses. Chuuya treats you like a nonexistent ghost, until he halts and simply stares at you with an inexplicable expression.
"Chuuya?" you falter, "Did- I go too far? Or did it finally get you? my jokes..?"
Oh, it did get him. No, you got him.
He shifts closer to you, like he finally loses it and is about to choke you to death. But this feels different. There is no malice or raw anger in his movements. They feel.. heavy, tired. Wordlessly, he leans his weight on your body, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
His breath is warm against your collarbone; the slight shudder from his long exhale stripped the corny jokes off your tongue.
"Oh, Chuuya.." you mirror him, putting your arms around him in a reassuring embrace. He is now here, in where you both want him to be: Your arms.
Some things come, and some things simply go. But some other things just don't change. Chuuya is grateful he can still hear your annoying jokes and lines, and that you are still by his side.
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madamebaggio · 2 years
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Notes: Previously...
Happy new year, everyone!
I bet you thought I had given up, hum? NEVER!
Chapter 12
So… Jon did go over to Sansa’s. He probably broke the speed limit while getting there.
And yet, it wasn’t as bad as when she asked if she’d see him the next day.
“I can’t.” He cleared his throat, avoiding looking at her.
Sansa arched an eyebrow at him. “Okay… Is everything alright?”
Jon hummed. He was a bad liar, and he didn’t even want to lie to her, but he also didn’t want to tell the truth because it’d be awkward as fu…
“I’m meeting Robb tomorrow.”
Cue awkward silence. Just great.
“My brother Robb?” Sansa asked, even though she winced after her question -probably realizing how obvious the answer was.
“Aye…” Jon said anyway.
More -excruciatingly -awkward silence.
“I… I didn’t know.” Sansa tried to sound cool about it, but she was obviously not cool.
“We try to get drinks together often.” Jon explained, once again unnecessarily. “And tomorrow worked for both of us.”
God, he needed to leave.
“So… I’ll see you… Around?”
Sansa snorted a laugh. “I think you won’t see me around, Jon. You’ll see me here. The day after tomorrow.”
Jon let out a relieved sigh. “Right.”
“Yeah. I bought underwear.”
Jon turned to her, very interested. “Did you?”
“Yeah. Sexy underwear, remember?” She teased with a grin.
“As long as it’s not those weird edible ones.”
Sansa laughed. “I can’t promise that.”
Jon wasn’t as dramatic as his friends liked to make him out ot be. He wasn’t as brooding, mysterious or sad as people might want to believe.
He was quiet and not really social. That was it.
But he deserved a break if he was being a bit dramatic just then. He was going to drink with Robb.
His best friend. His oldest friend.
And Sansa’s brother.
Jon and Robb had become friends at nursery school. Their mothers always said that it was an instant connection, and that it was adorable.
In truth, Robb -the true extrovert between them -had taken a look at Jon and decided they were going to be friends forever. Jon didn’t have much of a choice.
Fine. He liked Robb; loved him like a brother, actually.
They’d been together through a lot: adolescence -so much drama -, first disappointments, heartbreak… Lianna’s death.
When Jon lost his mother, he’d thought he’d never get over it. He felt submerged under dark waters, and he couldn’t see a way out or forward. He wouldn’t ever have left that dark place if Robb hadn’t pulled him out.
The Starks opened their house and their heart for him. They helped him as much as they could, much more than they should have bothered with.
Jon hadn’t lied to Sansa when he said he never considered dating her. He hadn’t, and it was never because she was ‘Robb’s little sister’. He’d recognized she was a beautiful girl, because she was, she was just not his type.
Well, at first it was because he wasn’t a fucking creep. Sansa was 14 when he was 18, so he wasn’t looking at her. And then many things happened. Once he finished school, he traveled for a bit, took an apprenticeship in woodworking, became a firefighter… By the time Sansa was older, she was walking around her own crowd and so was he.
Sansa was pretty but she wasn’t exactly his type. So no, he’d never once looked at her and thought about dating her.
He’d never thought about her in that way until that fucking message. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and he was about to meet Robb.
Jon felt guilty. Not because he was having sex with Sansa, exactly. She was an adult who’d made her choices and he knew he was going to treat her well. It had more to do with the lying, even if it was by omission.
Jon was an honest person to a fault. He hated lying and playing games. He liked lying to his friends even less.
“Hey, Jon.” Robb slapped his shoulder as he sat next to him. “Have you been waiting long?”
Jon shook his head, unable to hold his smile. “How are you?”
“Oh, you won’t believe it.”
Robb launched into a tale about his work week and Jon listened and laughed along with him. Jon enjoyed Robb’s company because he didn’t need to say a lot, since the Stark was the talkative between them.
Unfortunately, after years of friendship, Robb was really good at figuring him out.
“So, who’s the girl?” Robb asked suddenly, making Jon choke on his drink.
“What girl?” Jon demanded.
“Jon, you only look this relaxed when you’re getting regularly laid.” Robb snorted. “I think your skin is going.”
“It’s disgusting that you can even guess that.” Jon shook his head.
“Who’s she?” Robb pressed.
Your sister, Jon thought but fortunately didn’t say. “It’s… New. I’d rather not…”
Robb laughed. “Sure, sure. You don’t kiss and tell, anyway.” He gave Jon a careful look. “Is this… Anything like Val?”
Jon frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t get this wrong.” Robb asked putting his hands up. “But you date this independent, confident ladies, then you fall in love and they leave. I just hope this time, you’re seeing a nice girl who’s looking for what you are.”
Jon had to take a deep breath in. “She’s a nice girl, but this is casual.”
Robb threw his head back and groaned dramatically. “Jon! You always do this. You’re gonna fall in love. Again.”
“I won’t!” Jon insisted. “It’s different. She’s different.”
“Oh fuck.” Robb grumbled. “You’re already in love.”
“I’m not!” Jon frowned. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Yeah? You’re not in love? Then don’t see her anymore.” Robb challenged. “If it’s just casual, that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Well, no, but I still want to see her.”
“Because you’re in love.”
“I’m not!” Jon hissed. “This is just new and exciting, and I don’t have to prove anything to you”
“Fine.” Robb conceded, way too easily. “What do you like about her anyway?”
“She’s so fucking smart.” Jon answered before he even realized what he was saying. “She makes me feel a bit like a neanderthal at times, but I don’t actually mind it. She’s sweet, a giant dork, funnier than she gives herself credit for.”
“Right…” Robb drawled.
“I just find it interesting that, for someone who’s having casual sex, you never once mentioned that she’s hot or good in bed… You decided to gush about how special she is.”
Jon was cringing at Robb’s words (he might not know he was talking about Sansa, but it still was weird), when what he actually said registered.
“Well… She is…” He didn’t want to say she was hot. It was weird.
“Jon, you like the girl.” Robb told him simply. “Just admit it.”
“Shit. I am in love with her.”
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jeysbvck · 2 years
Update on the boyfriends please bc I keep seeing things and I need my Shanny to explain what it all means 👀
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hiiii my ash, my babe!! i would be more than happy to update you, buckle up bc it's me talking about buddie so this will get long🤭
to recap; last week buck got hit by lightning (after working two lightning strike calls, one father, one woman in labour on her way to hospital 👀) AND DIED. BUCK WAS DEAD IN CANON FOR A WHOLE WEEK. before buck got hit by lightning, we had eddie call him cowboy (the last thing eddie said before buck died was "go get em, cowboy" so i mean...) cue eddie running up the ladder screaming buck's name, asking him if he can hear him, ATTEMPTING TO PULL HIS HANGING LIFELESS BODY TOWARDS HIM before lowering it down where bucks dad i mean captain could rest him on the gurney. cue eddie flying down the ladder (all while he'd just been yeeted off the controls by the same lightning strike), pushed captain out the way to get to buck, but captain wouldn't let him see buck and instead told him he's driving.
cut to last night; we had eddie take over cpr after getting to the hospital, he got bucks heart started again, then he shouted at the nurses to "DO MORE" when they said they'd "do their best" 👀 now, we didn't see eddie too much this episode, because it was all about buck realising he is enough thru his coma dream, but we got some GREAT buddie stuff regardless (and i will die on this hill!!!) SO...the first thing buck remembered when he woke up in his coma dream was Eddie having his back, most notably, calling him cowboy. then we have a lot of unnerving scenes to do with Bucks backstory (which i would happily get into but rn it's Buddie time!!) we spend the episode flipping between coma Buck world and the real world, and in the real world we see that Chris (buddies son) has forced Carla (a care aid & friend), to take him to the hospital because he HAS to talk to Buck, even tho they don't allow kids in the icu. So Eddie and Carla sneak Chris into Bucks room and cue the tears as Chris tells Buck "wherever you are, you have to come back now." and the camera flashes to Eddie, who has tears streaming out of his eyes, who can't even look at Buck and his son.
back in coma world, Buck is at his loft, this is not his world and he knows it. (like it's a wonderful life, although i haven't seen it). He notices there's a statue of the ferris wheel from the pier in his loft, and he hears Chris screaming his name as he flashes back to the tsunami that he and Chris were in at the start of s3 (one of the best story arcs ever and integral to Buddie/Buddifer). A few more things happen, blah blah blah, he goes to find Chim (brother in law in the real world, also works at the 118), and he doesn't know him etc, but he tells Chim "I know why everyone calls you Chimney" and that makes Chim basically believe him (we don't know why they call him Chimney, they've teased it so much tho!). we find out a couple of heartbreaking things, but ive rambled way too much so the main one for this point is - Eddie lost Chris to a major custody battle with his parents, and they took Chris back to Texas.
This is a major thing for the Buddie of it all, because in 4x14, Eddie confesses to Buck that he made him Chris' legal guardian a year ago, after he almost died (3x15), but he didn't tell Buck for a year. We know from 3x15 (Eddie Begins) that after his wife and Chris' mum left, his parents tried to take Chris from him, and he alluded to Buck that they would probably fight Buck for custody, but that "nobody would fight for my kid harder than you, and that's what I want for him." So the fact that in Buck's subconscious, Eddie's parents went for a custody battle, and won, because Buck hadn't joined the 118, Eddie hadn't met Buck (or Bobby the captain, for reasons I haven't gone into right now), and that Buck hadn't introduced Eddie to Carla, is a MAJOR thing.
Then, we have Buck trying to escape his coma dream, he wakes up and everyone's happy. He knows he's enough, and that he's the heart of the 118, and that even though he had his parents love and attention (the way he SHOULD have it) in the coma dream, it wasn't worth the sacrifices that came with it (his sister still being in an abusive relationship, Bobby being dead, and Eddie not having Chris), and that HE is the heart of the 118 (which we all knew anyway, he just needed to know it!) But during the trying to get out scene, they have Chris, who even isn't in LA in coma world, ask Buck if he can "help him look for his dad" (Buck replies, "I can't, you're not real. I'm always gonna feel guilty for this" although i am paraphrasing)
This got way off track, yay ADHD🙄 but basically the entire episode was centered around family (parents & siblings), and it's very telling in an episode where they confirm in canon that Bobby (captain) and Buck ARE father & son (Bobby's stepdaughter says; "Mom brought two kids into the relationship, you brought one." & Bobby laughed and replied, "Yeah, I guess I did"😭😭) that they basically confirmed that Hen and Chim are adopted siblings to Buck (add in that Chim is his brother-in-law, technically), that Chris was also in the dream, BUT THERE WAS NO EDDIE. Because, Buck IS Chris' dad. and EDDIE does not fit into the box of "siblings or parent" in Buck's life. And when we did see Eddie in the real world, he was barely holding it together, and he was dressed in all black. 👀
I could literally talk about this forever, and there are more theories and thoughts I have for what we could possibly see/foreshadow for the next episodes of Season 6, but instead I'll leave you with this adorable picture of Buck looking at his sister while he hugs his son.😭😭😭
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taechnically-blog · 6 years
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Taegi University AU (21/60)
Previous << Masterlist >> Next
Yoongi lives a double life; architecture student by day and stripper by night. Taehyung on the other hand is a rich business study student who discovers Yoongi’s double life and decides it would be fun to make the elder his non-literal servant.
Or the au where Taehyung is a brat and Yoongi wants to jab himself in the eye with a pencil
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slytherweasley · 2 years
Gryffindor Courage (Hermione Granger x reader)
Warnings: mentions homophobia
Summary: You feel ashamed about your feelings towards hermione and desperately want to take her to the ball but your insecurities get the best of you almost ruining your night.
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Everyone was excited, Christmas was just around the corner and the Yule Ball excitement had made things so cheerful. You and Hermione went shopping for your dresses together, the conversations were all about the ball. Hermione hadn’t secured a date yet and neither have you.
Hermione told you that Viktor has asked her and she didn’t give him an answer, he was so sure he wanted Hermione that he would wait for her answer. Deep down inside you, you wanted to ask Hermione and you were sure she was only delaying an answer to Viktor so that you still had the chance to ask her.
The humiliation you went through when you told your parents that you might like girls too was heartbreaking. Only your close friends know about it and you don’t know if you could take Hermione to the ball and face the whole school.
A week before the Yule Ball you still hadn’t gotten the courage to ask her, which is ironic because you’re a Gryffindor. “So I think I’m going to tell Viktor that I’ll go with him” she says, you can hear the reluctance in her voice. “Okay” is all you can say because you didn’t want her to go with him but you can’t bring yourself to ask her.
Harry and Ron were on last minute date searches, you told Harry you’d go with him after he’d asked you. The day of the Yule Ball, you didn’t see Hermione much, you spent it with Harry and Ron. It wasn’t until later that night when you saw Hermione walking down the stairs that you regretted everything.
Seeing her with Viktor hurt “I thought you would’ve gone with Hermione” Harry says. “I should’ve but I was too scared” “scared of what? Hermione fancies you” “I wasn’t scared of her, I know she wanted me to ask her. I’m scared of what everyone else thinks” “You shouldn’t care about that as long as you’re both happy” “well it’s too late now” you mutter.
You and Harry have to dance together with the other champions. Harry was pretty pathetic, you had to lead him. You tried to enjoy yourself but seeing Hermione having a good time without you made things harder to have fun.
By the end of the night you were ready to go, you sat down beside Harry and Ron when Hermione approaches the three of you. “How was your night?” She asks the three of you “Fine” you reply “I had a great night, Viktor was such a gentlemen” you would rather be anywhere but here right now, listening to Hermione talk about Viktor.
“That’s my cue to leave” you say standing up from your seat and walking off. Unbeknown to you, Hermione follows you out of the Great Hall.
“Hey! What’s your problem?” She yells and you stop, turning around. “I don’t want to hear about the amazing night you had with Viktor” “I was waiting for you and you knew that but you decided not to ask me.”
You sigh “I so badly wanted to ask you but I knew everyone was going to be here and I don’t know what they would say about me” tears fall down Hermione’s face. “I would much rather be at that ball with you than Viktor and I would not have cared what anyone said about us because we would be happy.”
“I know what it’s like to be humiliated and I can’t do that again” “do you fancy me?” She asks “do I fancy you? Yes of course.” “I get being nervous about what other people will think but sometimes you have to face it for the sake of your happiness. Besides, it won’t be you alone, I’ll be there with you” Hermione tucks your hair behind your ear and places her hand on your cheek.
You lean in and cup her face, kissing her in front of people walking by. She grabs you by the waist and pulls your bodies closer together. “That was great” she says pulling away from your lips “we should go back to our dorm.”
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xxskycrystalxx · 2 years
DS:MOM Thoughts [heavy spoilers beware]
I’m literally still processing the movie but here are just some jumbled thoughts of mine. (mostly of palmerstrange)
1. Defender Strange... you will be missed.
2. When I saw Stephen watching Christine get married in the trailer I thought yes, this is absolutely saddening and nothing could be worse than that (in terms of palmerstrange). Little did I know that that was only a fraction of how much harder Stephen took it in the movie. I mean just seeing him there and talking to Christine and wishing that things had went differently literally BROKE ME. Right person wrong time tbh.
3. America Chavez is amazing. The way people are hating both her and the actress is horrible and shouldn’t be condoned. She’s a great character and I can’t wait to see more of her in future movies/shows. Love how she and Strange really bonded, it was heartwarming. Makes me even sadder about him and Peter.
4. WONGGGGGGGGG THE OGGGGGGGGGG ; I had worries that they’d kill him off but he’s alright and being iconic as per usual.
5. Wanda. Dear Wanda. She was an absolute menace in the movie lol and I mean it literally. We knew she was as powerful as Sorcerer Supreme and just in general but damnnnnnnnnnn. I was legitimately terrified of her at certain points. I get why she became like that, I mean everyone should know. I feel for her I really do, but damn. Also... I’m pretty sure she’s not dead :)
6. Not Stephen’s significant memory being the one with him and Christine having dinner and Christine giving him THE watch. *crying in palmerstrange feels*
7. THE ILLUMANTI!!!!!!!! I was expecting the others (especially Professor X since we heard him in the trailer and Captain Carter as well as Monica Rambeau being Captain Marvel) but what really made me internally scream and pump my fists in the air was John Krasinski as Reed Richards. He was the perfect fan casting as him and I’m literally over the moon seeing him in the suit/character. I’m expecting him to come back in the new F4 movie and when he does I will literally lose it. Actually I’d lose it even more if they cast Emily Blunt as Sue Richards. Besides that, it was quite gruesome and sad that the heroes of that world were killed off so easily and brutally like holy crap. RIP
8. The music fight between the two Strange’s was just absolute *chef’s kiss.* 
9. “I love you. I love you in every universe. It’s not that I don’t want to care for someone, or have someone care for me, it’s just -- I get scared.” *cue the sobbing* I lost it when Stephen said this, absolutely lost it. I will never EVER climb out of the Palmerstrange hole I’ve dug for myself after this. I just can’t. Then the way 838-Christine caressed his face like Christine did in the sacred timeline in the first movie..... that was it for me. Rachel and Benedict. You guys destroyed me, but I’m entirely grateful for it. The fact that in every universe Palmerstrange were a thing but could never get the endgame they deserved hurts me sm that just thinking about them makes me want to cry forever. WHAT DID THEY DO TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS????????!!!!! On sidenote: I want someone to love me in every universe too.... 
10. The watch. THE WATCH. Seeing the watch Christine gave Stephen now will just be giving me trauma and heartbreak. I do like the fact that at the end they had Stephen fix the watch and put it away as a sign of him moving on. I mean there was always going to be a point where he moved on. I’m happy for him. But ofc, my sad Palmerstrange heart always had hoped for a happy ending for them. It is what it is now. 
11. They introduced Clea [pretty sure that’s her in the first end credits although the casting is not my favorite] so she’ll be a very important character in the next film (or whatever else she’ll be in) and will most likely be Stephen’s love interest [since yes they are married in the comics.... Clea Strange....], I don’t hate her. I’m looking forward to what her character will bring, but it doesn’t mean I’ve recovered from Palmerstrange and that Rachel/Christine should not be in future films. If they want to erase her when Clea comes in, sorry that’s not it. I won’t have it. If they can’t be a thing anymore fine, but at least let her still be in Stephen’s life as a close friend, a confidante even. It’s the least that could be done at this point. 
12. No cap but all the multiverse stuff made my head spin lol, but that sequence where Stephen and America were going through all the universes’ was really cool though, props to Marvel for that. 
13. Marvel really made me wait like 20 minutes to see the second end-credits scene and then proceeded to troll everyone by showing us that pizza-donut thing seller guy finally stop punching himself in the face. Thanks for that Marvel. 
Overall really great movie, I had a great time being in the theaters and watching it (seeing as how I haven’t been to the theaters ever since COVID started), absolute stellar performances from the whole cast, love them all!!! I have more rambles/thoughts about the movie but I think I’ll stop here and spare anyone who reads this from anymore lol. 
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angstama · 3 years
god knows you tried | manjiro (mikey) sano
pairing: bonten!mikey x reader 
genre: angst
warnings: heartbreak, attempt suicide(?), original characters/manga plot (pls do not read if you haven’t read the manga D: ), mentions of religion, implied sex (no smut ok!)
summary: god knows you tried your best. if only mikey knew how hard you’re trying too then perhaps this love wouldn’t hurt as much as you thought. 
 words: 1823 words 
 a/n: i think this sucks but... i hope you enjoy it! <3
god knows you tried.
you watched the ex-toman boys eagerly catching up with takemichi quietly, hands resting against your chin as you took in the rare sight in front of you with a sad smile etched on your lips. this was the happy ending that mikey had sacrificed for everyone but himself. 
“a penny for your thoughts?” mitsuya asks, plopping down next you on to the stone steps. that’s right, it’s june 19th 2018, toman’s formation day anniversary and everyone had gathered around to re-open the time capsule from twelve years ago. “hm? nothing much. just missing a particular someone.” you hummed, dragging your fingers across the ground to draw a heart. mitsuya nods understandingly, knowing not to pry any deeper anymore and for that, you’re thankful. 
crouching down, you hesitantly picked up the the blue coloured envelope you left behind twelve years ago. unsure if you’d wanna read the contents of the letter your naive self written back then. with a deep breath, you slipped open the cover. revealing a photo of candid photo of you and mikey leaning on each other asleep with your mouths wide open taken by emma. 
dearest y/n, 
i wonder what you’re doing right now? 
are you perhaps finally studying in film? 
has that idiot manjiro finally proposed to you?
 or are you the one who proposed to him? 
“y/n, you’ll be with me for a long time right?” mikey asked, staring at the very sky that you both loved oh so very much with your hands intertwined. having grown up with each other since young had pretty much given you both the illusion that the two of you will always be a part of each other’s world. and you hoped with every inch of your heart that mikey wants it to be that way forever. “of course. you’re my heaven and home mikey. i wouldn’t go anywhere else without you by my side.” you squeezed his hand in assurance, knowing that at this very moment, mikey was at his most truthful and vulnerable self with you. 
whatever it is, i hope that you’re living the happy life with him that you’ve been dreaming of. 
signing off, 
toman’s honorary member, y/n l/n. 
everyone was silent. even hakkai who had been making fun of everyone’s letter kept quiet. the boys knew how much you loved and you still love mikey. each opting to give you the concerned and sympathetic look. you could feel you heart breaking even more for you knew you weren’t doing anything that you had hoped for back then. 
you felt mitsuya’s comforting hand softly grabbing onto yours. “well that’s depressing,” you chuckled softly, wanting to get rid of the awkward tension in the air as soon as possible. “let’s grab some ramen, i’m starving.” and with that, you let your feet drag you away from the heavy atmosphere with your head hung low. 
perhaps the hurt wouldn't be as painful if you weren’t the only one who knew what kind of path mikey had chosen to go down. you see, when mikey turned his back against all his closest friend, you had the privilege of staying as his only constant thanks to your stubborn nature but even with that, you weren’t enough to keep him away from his dark impulses. mikey chose the path to destruction and the only thing that you could do was watch from the sidelines and be there when he shows up at wee hours of the night to borrow your body. but you didn't mind. it was during these most intimate moments with mikey that you finally get to feel a piece of him again when he spews the words of “i love you” so effortlessly. 
god knows that you tried. 
“mikey those aren’t good for you.” you frowned, snatching the capsule away from his hand seconds before he could flush it down his system. “what the fuck y/n?” the angered male snaps. you felt yourself falling and back colliding against the hard ground. opening your eyes, you see mikey pining you down with nothing but void darkness in his eyes. “i’ll fucking kill you if you do it again.” mikey taunts, he was serious and you know it. 
“then kill me mikey.” the words slipped out of your tongue instantly. you were tired. tired of trying. you don't know what else can you possibly do to help mikey anymore. mikey says nothing but got off you. he dusted himself and without sparing you single glance, he showed you his back again, walking out of the door where sanzu was already holding open for him. “get her home.” you heard him say. 
it’s been a week since you guys opened the time capsule. nothing much had happened since then except you’ve been spending more time with hina considering how she’s often over to mitsuya’s studio for gown fitting. you admired and envy her love story with takemichi. but who were you to complain? you were lucky enough that mikey still wanted you around. so it shouldn’t hurt so much when you sae her adorning the beautiful wedding gown that mitsuya had spent months on tailoring. 
you let out a tired yawn, stretching your arms above your head as you finished touching up the last few bits of editing on your laptop. you looked over at the calendar on your table, a pink heart circled over today’s date and smiled. “mitsuya, i’m gonna knock off first okay?” you announced, tidying up your table and reaching out for the bag of the familiar favourite deserts of a certain male. 
mitsuya nods, “thank you for your hard work y/n”. he flashes you a smile, eye slowly trailing to the white plastic bag dangling from your side as you waved goodbye, back facing him and walking away. “you’re going to see him aren't you?” you stopped in your tracks. “i know he never left you. plus you got a bag filled with dorayakis and taiyakis. that’s pretty obvious.” mitsuya chuckles. you always knew mitsuya to be perceptive but it never once occured to you that your best friend who is also your boss would ever catch on to the secret you’ve been hiding for twelve years. 
“how did yo-” 
“be careful y/n.” mitsuya waves you off, going back to whatever he was doing. a fond smile creeps onto your lips as you watched mitsuya working hard. “thank you mitsuya. for everything. really,” you whispered, but loud enough for the dual dyed coloured hair boy to look up again when you walked away. 
you made your way towards the secluded vip section of the club through swarms of body swaying around you until you saw the familiar tall pink haired male standing outside the golden door. 
“hey sanzu,” you greeted, barely audible over the loud booming music. you were about to push the door open when sanzu towers over you immediately, denying you of your entrance. you looked at sanzu in confusion, “it’s me, y/n. i’m here to see mikey.” you said loudly, voice straining to over power the background noise. “ i know. but mikey will not be seeing anyone right now.” he retorts back. 
surely mikey knew that you were visiting tonight right? after all it’s your anniversary date. you tilted your head at sanzu. not fully understanding what he’s saying. to say that you’re feeling absolutely livid would be an understatement right now. you’re too tired, angry and broken hearted to process anything anymore so you exploded. you only wanted to see your boyfriend. was that a very difficult request? 
“sanzu,” you said lowly, eyes staring blankly into his and as if on cue, you brought your knees to his precious manhood before making another high kick at him, bringing him down. it was a technique that mikey had taught you when you were younger and attending martial arts lesson together with baji. god you missed baji so much. 
“y/n because you’re short, you can do this instead.” mikey suggested smugly, kneeing poor baji’s little friend before swinging his legs much more harder than he intended to at baji’s profile when he bent forward. the main point was to get your opponent to lean forward so that your legs could reach high enough to create an impact on their skull. you eyes lit up in excitement, “wow! that’s so cool! let me try it!” you jumped impatiently. turning towards mikey to execute the exact same move. “wait n-! AHH,” mikey’s eyes widened, and before he knew it, you had completely knocked him over. 
that day, as mikey and baji lied down with pain still intact barely moving an inch, shinchiro only gave you a thumbs up and praised you for taking down the invincible mikey. you were the only one who could do that. 
“sanzu, i’ll see my boyfriend as and when i’d like to.” you said curtly, eyeing sending daggers at him lying on the ground before stepping over him to swing the door open, revealing your petite self to the other bonten’s executives and hostess who were staring at you in surprise. 
you don’t see anyone else but your lover who’s currently sitting in the center with two pretty hostess sitting by his side. you don’t hesitate and begun walking  towards him. “get your hands off my man.” you said calmly. there was tension in the air and from the corner of your eyes, you could see the executives slowly getting up to leave as if on cue. 
“aren’t you as stubborn as always,” he raises a brow as you settled down next to him, pouring the bag of dessert on the glass table in front of you. you smile softly, grabbing a packet of taiyaki and handing it to him before grabbing one for yourself too. “happy 14th anniversary mikey.” you mumbled softly before grabbing a bite.  14 years, that was how long you two had been together for. “mhm. happy 14th anniversary y/n.” mikey hums, allowing you lean in close to him and resting your head on his chest. 
you take in the scent of mikey for you knew that this is going to be the last time you’re going to be able to hold mikey close to you. you didn't want this moment to end but you were too tired to continue on and see what's going to happen the next when you go back to just another normal day. you held tightly to the gun you hid in your bag, shutting your eyes tightly. 
“hey mikey,” you called out. you never thought you’d see it again but you saw a flash of endearment in his eyes when you called him. “i love you so much, promise you’ll take care of yourself alright?” you smiled warmly before pulling the gun out of your bag and putting it against your head. 
god knows you tried. 
god knows you did your best and now you’re going home. 
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
I’m currently obsessed with tiktok and tom holland so I’m obsessed with imagines about both. i think it would be cute if you do a tiktok trend with the boys but like the world doesn’t know about reader and Tom so people are shipping her with one of the guys? like from the tiktok? Tom maybe gets jealous or something ? idk i’m rambling haha
Thanks for the request anon :) I hope this was okay!
Heartbreak Anniversary
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pandemic and COVID, cussing, maybe suggestive at points???, angst, jealous Tom, uhhh sucky writing and no proofreading so bare w ya girl n kinda longer than I anticipated but here we are :)
Notes: italics = flashback
If someone asked you how you managed to get a life as crazy as your’s, you’d simply reply “just meet Harrison and become best friends.” You almost couldn’t fathom what your life looked like right now - you sat in the kitchen with your two friends, Harry and Tuwaine, who had fallen into the pits of TikTok with you, while Harrison, Sam, and your beloved, Tom, sat in the living room, screeching at the television as they watched a game. All of this, while in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.
You didn’t officially live with the boys, but you might as well have. Your apartment was only minutes away, but with how communal your living situation was, Tom simply talked it over with his brothers and best friends, who didn’t even hesitate to scream yes when he asked if you could stay there. It was “safest,” he explained when he begged you to come stay for a while. So you did.
How did we get here? It all started with a little project, Harrison Osterfield, and him playing cupid.
“Clumsy, are we?” Harrison managed to balance you as you tripped over your own two feet, walking into the studio. “What makes you think that?” You huffed back, a small laugh escaping your lips. “Just get that vibe.” He replied, shrugging with a smile.
It didn’t take long for you and Harrison to practically become the best of friends. He soon was inviting you out to drinks with his friends, who immediately accepted you. Though you and Harrison’s friendship was strictly platonic, you found him itching to find out about your relationship status. “Should I even wonder, Harri?” “I mean, no. I’m just curious.” “I thought I told you before I’m not interested in a relationship right now.” You said, glaring at him with a smile. “I didn’t ask that, I was just curious. So anyway, are you coming to the pub tonight? I’m dying for you to meet my friend, Tom.” The excitement in his voice was too much to understand, but instead of questioning, you just replied with a yes.
There you were, walking through the doors of the pub at 8pm sharp. Your eyes finally spotted familiar faces who were calling out to you. You followed suit, inching your way to the booth at the back. “Y/N!” They called, urging into hugs. “Hi everyone!” You replied, taking a seat. Tuwaine was already scooting over your favorite drink towards you. “Told you we’d always take care of you! Anyway, we’re celebrating tonight. Tom’s back home!”
Your eyes landed on the curly-haired boy who had a gentle smile playing on his lips. “No need for anything big, I’m just glad to be surrounded by my favorite people.” Tom said. “Nice to meet you finally, Y/N. Glad to finally put a face to the name.” Tom held a hand out, gripping tight to yours as he shook it. Little did you know, Tom was well-aware of what your face looked like. He hadn’t been able to stop scrolling through your social media pages after Harrison had posted a picture of you, him, and Tuwaine on his story during a night out.
“So who’s this girl you’ve been posting?” Tom said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible during this conversation with his bestfriend. “Y/N, I thought I’d mentioned her to you.” Harrison said through the phone. “I don’t believe you have, are you like…” “No, no, dude, you know I’ve been talking to Grace.” “I know, but I was just worried my best friend had moved on without telling me!” “You know I would. No, she’s just a friend, we met during a project. Grace actually loves her, and so does everyone else - including your brothers. Have they not told you about her?”
Tom tried to think back to his conversations, only briefly hearing mentions of your names when he’d ask what they’d been doing. He couldn’t help but scroll through your pictures, soaking up every aspect of your life, well, only what you displayed. You had a dog, bingo. You seemed to be funny by the way you captioned your pictures, good. You seemed to have fun, love your family, and live a life that perfectly reflected how Harrison had described to him after he had came to the realization that Tom had already began crushing on you just by what he’d started telling him and the way you portrayed yourself.
Tom begged Harrison to be his wingman. Harrison practically scolded him the first few times. “I don’t want you to mess up this friendship.” “She’s not just a fling, Tom.” “Can’t you just be friends first?” Tom would settle for the last comment. “Fine, introduce us.”
Your conversations with Tom seemed so effortless that night. With too much alcohol in your system, you found yourself completely flustered by how pretty he was with his glazed eyes, rosy cheeks, and the constant giggles escaping his lips.
Though nothing ever happened that night, you found yourself spending more and more time with Tom in the coming weeks. Harrison didn’t mind as his relationship was truly flourishing with Grace. Weeks later, Tom had finally kissed you out of the blue and it changed everything. He was leaving for a few more weeks for filming, and instead of gaining the guts to make it official that night, he waited until he came back. It was the first thing he asked you when you reunited.
But, it wasn’t as simple as that. The logistics, the orchestrating, there was so much planning involved with what felt like should just be simple. Tom had fans, and sometimes they weren’t so nice. Tom wanted to protect you in every way possible. Though it was obvious you’d been hanging with the guys, since some of them had posted you, you had just figured that if you went out in public, you’d all go together and you couldn’t spend too much time just next to Tom. Posts were limited, it was all planned to a T. But you didn’t mind, because Tom made you happy and you knew it was for the best.
For a while, you did long distance. Your relationship had been based off of late night or early morning FaceTime calls, quick calls in between breaks, and short text messages throughout the day. It was hard but worth it. But this last time didn’t last near as long as others.
When word of COVID swept through the news, the world became frantic in all aspects. When everything began going into lockdown, Tom was sent straight back home from filming.
Laughter erupted between Harry, Tuwaine, and you. Tuwaine had showed you a both a video on TikTok he came across of a girl dancing in the midst of her friends to the song Heartbreak Anniversary. Though her coordination was obviously great, it was the reactions and how aggressive she was doing the dance that made it so funny.
As if on cue, Tom, Harrison, and Sam walked into the kitchen, Harrison mentioning that they couldn’t hear their program over their laughing. That’s when they found themselves gathered around the phone, joining in the laugher.
“I think we should recreate it. I think Y/N should learn the dance and be in the middle. It’ll be too good.” Harry said. “Me?” A nervous laugh escaping your lips. “For sure, we learn dances so fast, you’ll have it down in no time.” Harry was right - over the last few months, you’d formed certain hobbies with each of the boys. You had became just as close with them as Tom was, and one thing you and Harry found yourselves doing often was learning dances in the backyard, most likely disrupting the neighbors from your obnoxious cussing and laughter.
After protesting the dance, the guys had won and you were now practicing the dance. You felt so dumb, you couldn’t help but laugh. You didn’t allow the boys to see it so that when you videod, it would be their fresh reactions. And that’s what it was -
The boys circled around you, ready to endure the dancing. Right before, Tom had pulled you aside and reiterated not focusing that much time on him, though he wanted you to. You agreed, understanding the circumstances considering the world still was unaware of your relationship. To everyone else, you were just some friend that came to hang out every now and then.
So when the music started, you kept that little rule in the back of your mind. You tried to spend enough time with each, trying to make them laugh which definitely worked. You added your own flair to the dance, leaning back towards each of them, causing them to spit out laughter. You still found a moment with Tom, because it’d be too obvious that you were not trying to be obvious if you didn’t (haha).
Afterwards, the guys laughed over your shoulder as they watched their own reactions. “You killed that!” Sam exclaimed.
Hours later, you all sat in the living room, engrossed in your own thing - television, telephone, reading, someone was doing something. That’s when Tuwaine busted out laughing. “Shit, these comments are ruthless!” “Hmm?” You said, not even thinking to go check on the video you’d posted. When you opened up the app, Tom was looking over your shoulder to look for himself.
“Yeah, Harrison and Y/N are def fucking”
“Y/N and Haz 👀👀👀”
“Look at the way Haz looks at her 😍 obvi in love”
The comments continued. You cocked your head, watching back at the video. There was nothing much different between your interactions other than he was laughing the most - but that was just Haz. You shook your head, laughing as everyone but Tom joined it.
“Dang, Y/N, didn’t know we cared so much about each other!” Harrison said, giggling. “Right, just so in love!” You jokingly fell back into the couch, but soon noticed that Tom was barely participating in the jokes. Instead, he was leaning back, barely cracking a smile, even when you tugged his arm. You tried to shake off his reaction, not expecting him to actually be upset.
“I think I’m going to shower, wanna join?” You pulled out some sweatpants from the drawer that you’d claimed. “Why don’t you go ask Harrison?” You stopped dead in your tracks. “Excuse me?” Tom stayed silent. A nervous laugh escaped your lips, in hopes that his words were only joking but the straight face he was giving, along with no eye contact, made it clear that he was not joking.
“Are you being serious right now?” You asked quietly. You felt yourself beginning to get upset, considering you had never given him a reason to believe that for one, you’d ever cheat, and for two, that you and Harrison had ever had sex. He was well aware of the friendship that you had before Tom came along, and not only was it strictly platonic, but Grace had been in the picture the whole time.
Tom finallt replied with a shrug, which elicited rolling eyes from you. “You’re unbelievable.” You slammed the door to the bedroom, slamming the bathroom door across the hall. It may have been absurd, but in that moment you honestly were shocked. You and Tom had never really argued about something like this before - it just never showed itself as a problem. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been rumored dating each one of the boys before anyway, you didn’t know what was different.
Harrison had obviously heard the slamming of the doors, including the other boys who surrounded him. Sam pushed the television, looking around at the group, who was already exchanging looks. “Nose goes.” Tuwaine said, instantly pinning his finger to his nose, the rest of the boys following. Harrison was the last to reach his nose. “Aw, come on. You know this is probably about me.” Harrison whispered. “Guess you gotta find out.” Harry replied, shrugging.
Harrison slowly made his way to Tom’s room, slowly knocking before opening the door. Tom was laying on the bed on his phone, seeming that he was not phased by the events that seemed to have just occurred. “Tom?” “Hmm?” “What’s going on?” Harrison asked, inching closer to the bed.
Tom laid his phone on his chest with a smirk. “Why don’t you go find out?” “Seriously, Tom? Are we twelve right now?” Harrison huffed back, crossing his arms. When Tom didn’t reply, Harrison felt like tugging his hair out. It wasn’t very often that the two lads argued, but Harrison honestly couldn’t believe that THIS is what the argument was about this time.
Harrison made it clear time and time again before Tom and you had started dating that you two had been platonic from the beginning. Harrison loved you like a sister, but never anything more. Tom was well aware of that - so he didn’t understand why he was lashing out?
“Look, mate. I don’t know why you’re acting like this, but I can guarantee you, that if you keep on, Y/N isn’t going to like it. You have no right to take it out on her. You know she wouldn’t do that to you in a million years, hell, you know I’d never do that to you in a million years. If you want to be mad, be mad at me, though you have no true reason to be. Fans make assumptions all the time. You can’t possibly be upset when you’re the one who continues to vow her as a secret to the world. You orchestrate every plan with her to make sure that it looks like you’re not dating, so yeah, people might get skeptical. I’m sorry that you’re feeling insecure right now, but you have no right to accuse her of anything.” Harrison had no intentions of giving a speech, but he knew that it had to be said. Tom just looked at him, and for the first time, Harrison couldn’t get a read on him.
Harrison made his way out of the room, almost colliding with you as you came out of the bathroom. Harrison gave you a sympathetic smile before going back to the living room. Confused as to what had just happened in Tom’s room, you took a deep breath before opening the door. There was no doubt that you were still upset, but you also were bothered about the fact that this came so suddenly. Or had it? Had he been so skeptical before and you’d just never caught on? How could he not trust you?
As you walked in, Tom laid on his side away from you. You let out a small sigh, placing your dirty clothes in the hamper and walking over to the bed. “Tom?” No answer. “Can we talk?” Though you couldn’t see around him, Tom squeezed his eyes shut at those words. He finally turned over. “Hey.” You said. “Hey.”
You assumed an apology would come after that, but it never did. You tried to be reasonable. “I get it.” “Hm?” “I get it. I’m sorry that you’re feeling like this. I can’t say there haven’t been times I’ve gotten a little jealous or scared or insecure when you’re miles and miles away. But I’m right here. You have nothing to worry about.” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted that way towards you.” “It’s okay, but you have to trust me. We’ve been together over a year now and this conversation has never came up. Why now?”
Tom took a minute to gather his words. He let out a slow shaky breath. “I don’t know how to put it into words. When I’m away, I long to be back home with you. It seems so simple to know that I get to home and you’re here for me. So, now that I’m home for longer than a week, I recognize that you have developed these amazing friendships with people who can be here for you more than me, and sometimes it just feels unreal that I have you - like I don’t deserve you. I just love you so much that the thought of you being with someone else ever hurts me, and I think that’s why the comments got to me so much this time. Y/N, I think I’m ready to tell the world. I’m tired of keeping you a secret. I want to show the world you’re mine, I want to be the one they make those comments about. Ridiculous, huh?” Tom let out a small chuckle and shook his head.
You grabbed his hands, shaking your head. “Babe, if it weren’t for Harrison, we wouldn’t be here. The relationships I’ve grown with everyone is over our shared love of you. We are so grateful that we can be altogether in each other’s presence and enjoy it because we all have a shared love. You’re so important to all of us, and that’s just how it works. I’m ready to tell the world if you are. I’d love nothing more than to finally call you mine publicly… and maybe go on a date outside of our backyard when this pandemic ends.” You say with a grin. He pulls you on top of him, laying a slow kiss on your lips. “You’re so important to me. Let’s show the world how much.”
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pixyys · 2 years
thou shalt not be sad!
making corny jokes and pick up lines for them
ft. the flags + chuuya + verlaine + adam
notes. romantic/ platonic; possible storm bringer spoilers; huuge thanks to @silverbladexyz for these wonderful pick up lines ♡
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art by @/shan_zeze (twt)
❝you have a little bit of some loose screws in your head. everyone knows this well enough. but seriously, every person in your vicinity are just so depressed and gloomy! surely, that's nothing some some good ol' one liners can't solve. ❞
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our little story starts during a time when the flags have the pleasure of gathering together. everyone has been busy with their businesses for quite a while. but they finally get the time to relax and act like normal young men without the burdens and horrors of their line of work.
of course, you are there too! for.. whatever reason you have. no one minds nor questions your presence, so you sit there, simply observing; grinning with a dumbstruck smile at how everyone is happy and enjoying their time.
especially lippmann. you saw his recent movie, the one that blew up on the internet, yeah. he's been flying all over the world for premiers and promotions. even now, he just got back from one of his tours.
"lippmann," you make your way towards the end of the billiard table. "how was europe?"
"europe?" he recovers from his hunched position, the billiard cue still in his hand. "it was quite nice. do you want me to take you when i go on another tour in the future?"
whoa. traveling europe with the lippmann?
"yes please," the response come a bit too eager than you intended. "but won't it be a hassle? was there any quarantine during your latest travel?"
"well, for safety measures-"
"because you can't spell quarantine without U R A Q T."
the room falls silent as those words leave your mouth, save for the ticking of the clock and someone's pool ball falling on the floor.
"ah.. well," lippmann laughs nervously. for a flit moment, burying yourself six feet under sounds like a very tempting escape. but the thought dissipates as the charming actor chuckles, with a very lilting voice and a cute-looking smile that could've made you keel over right there and then.
well, it's lippmann for you.
"i suppose there will still be momentary quarantines since the virus is still around," he continues," after all, you can't spell virus without U and I."
"oh hell no! not this again!"
something cracks with a horrible crunch, probably chuuya breaking his billiard cue. not sure didn't care. you're too busy gaping at the actor slash mafioso like some dying fish. either way, this dying fish got that world tour free pass! yeah!
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looking back, you have no idea how you managed to crawl out from that pit of embarrassment and continue life as usual. maybe your sense of dignity just.. dried out. or you're the kind of person who just rolls with everything. you do you, champ.
your existence and role in the flags is a peculiar one, as peculiar as your personality. a wildcard, if you will. maybe that's why you find yourself helping piano man with those "supernotes" of his. 
"say, piano man, do you play the piano?" you ask, mind drifting wistfully as you watch him send away some of his underlings. some others are still waiting for their next order, standing by within the vicinity—you included.
"i don't," he regards your curious question.
"i think you'll be a great pianist."
piano man offers a raise on his brow, "on what ground?" he said.
"i mean, better yet, you can be bae-thoven."
to put it in the most less-heartbreaking sense, his response is both something you definitely expect but nevertheless didn't prepare for. the silence that follows was reminiscent of that time you landed a free tour pass with lippmann, so as the forced laugh that grows from piano man's mouth.
another, painfully awkward silence that comes after it, however; you can't help but reel from it.
"piano man, please, that's the worst possible response," you half-whispered.
"ah, apologies," he simpers, "i suppose.. thank you?"
the room is dead silent, and it doesn't look like it's because piano man's underlings are too afraid to laugh because of him. no, at this rate, your sense of dignity will really dry out, dissipating out of existence. that is until you saw a glimpse of piano man's subtle smug face.
ah, right. you forgot it was piano man you're up against.
[name]: i showed you my best pickup line pls respond
piano man: no &lt;3
in bitter shame of such pitiful defeat, you toned down your puns ever since. but one time, when you cross paths with your arch nemesis once again, piano man strikes up a conversation.
"about that thing about not being able to play the piano, [name]. i think i'll start learning it."
"oh really?" you turn to him. 
but what did he do? he, in turn, closes the distance, leaning his face to your ears, "how about you give me some piano lessons?" he whispers, and you can almost, almost feel his lips lingering on your earlobe. 
"we can play all night and make sweet music." you can feel his smile.
you ascended. jaws dropped, eyes popped out, cheeks blushed. you didn't remember if you passed out or dropped dead.
really, it's best to only pick battles you can win.
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"iceman is it? you seem like a cool guy. i hope we can get along."
iceman knew you're a walking embodiment of a headache the moment you exchange names and shake each other's hands.
he still wonders why he still puts up with your shenanigans. or why he still agreed on helping you do combat practice and friendly spars. all the while trying to not accidentally stab or decapitate you, probably.
he watches you pat down your light bruises, making use of the momentary rest. objectively speaking, you are no weak opponent. sure, he can most likely kill you in your sleep. but at least not without some struggle in your part.
"this place is pretty neat for sparring. like a very comfy practice room," you comment, still holding the shoulder that might have a nasty bruise- or a sprain? he hopes not. iceman wonders if he threw you too hard just now.
"oh! speaking of," you suddenly turn to him, "are you a practice room? because i want you and i hope you're not taken."
mm, no. he really should've thrown you harder.
iceman, once again, questions why he puts up with you. both of you aren't even musicians and you manage to force that line into this context, and for what?
he remains passive.
"uh, please laugh?..at least?"
you made it a mental note to not mess with iceman again. poor guy. he still helps you patch up those sparing bruises though, so you should be good👍
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"sorry, can you help me? i think something's wrong with my eyes."
being sent to the battlefront is tough. guns and fists and knives don't exactly line up with an unscathed body. but you're tougher! and you have your reliable good friend, doc. iceman's training retinue polished you like a coarse diamond grinder, so doc didn't have to do much than patch up minor cuts and scratches.
doc decides to hold back his questions at your remark. instead, choosing to appraise your face- the eye you claim to be 'wrong'. there's a subtle crease on his brow as his hands frame your cheek, trying to observe visible damage on your eye.
of course. even the most skilled doctor wouldn't find anything. your eyes are fine.
"i think, i just can't take them off you." you wink.
doc tilts his head, then blinks.
ha! cute! yet, the silence is starting to get you ptsd from piano man and iceman. you hope it won't be the same case for this doctor man.
he finally nods, as if making up a decision. "does it feel numb? or is it painful?"
"no, i mean-"
"maybe something is wrong with your extraocular muscles. i can open it up and-"
"you know what, don't worry about it," you cut him off, rushing to swat away the current topic. "i think it just healed! that's amazing! i knew you're the best doctor one could ever ask for!"
haha yeah.. better be careful next time. getting your eyes dissected and cut open must not be fun.
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you're not saying you have a favorite in the flags, but you're saying you have a favorite in the flags, and that might or might not be albatross. (it's definitely albatross).
he is your true partner in crime, aiding you in your eternal quest to annoy every single living existence (especially chuuya, but don't tell him that). albatross isn't very keen on puns or pickup lines, but he picks up the habit as soon as you start greeting him with those daily doses of corniness.
"morning!" you send the energetic wheelman a lighthearted smile, waving as you pass by the hallways of the headquarters. 
"oh, mornin' [name]-"
"do you believe in love at first sight, or should i walk by again?" 
by normal standards, a person normally does not start their morning with a badly-placed and badly-formed, relatively corny pickup line. but abiding by normal standards isn't exactly how you roll, and neither does albatross. that moment marked the day the flags must put up with a brand new headache.
"i'm confused… i thought happiness started with an H, but mine seems to start with U."
"life without you is like a broken pencil... totally pointless."
"are you a camera? because every time I look at you, i smile."
"are you a loan? 'cause you've got my interest-"
"alright. i believe that's enough, you two." 
it takes piano man a lot to get him to lose his patience, and apparently, you've done abundant. don't worry about chuuya, the little precious bundle of rage is long gone. he knows better than to risk exhausting his voice or accidentally ransacking the whole hideout (lmao).
you are suffering from success. or winning from failure? these jokes and pickup lines became something of a second nature to your tongue. you can't even remember what you said to this robot- er, supercomputer agent adam frankenstein.
"oh. this is what humans call as puns, also known as paronomasia, a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous effect."
"but yours wasn't funny."
"w-well," you cough, recovering yourself. "funny isn't the only intention for that pun. it's a punny pick-up line."
adam nods.
"a pick-up line or chat-up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging a person for romance or dating. are you trying to woo me?"
so, a literal robot just pulled an uno reverse card on you. yet still, that's a good question. are you really trying to woo him? 
"i- i thought you'll start making one of those android jokes." you make an unsteady smile.
"my android jokes? of course. they have no slightest intention of expressing romantic expression, so i can make one for you if you wish so."
well. did this tin man just indirectly reject your yet-to-exist confession? 
"either way, I am flattered by your attempts. however, i'm afraid that it will be impossible. you are human and i am an autonomous humanoid supercomputer, the first to be used for law enforcement use, adam frankenstein-"
yep. the tin man just directly rejected your yet-to-exist confession. adam just woke up and chose violence. at this point, you're better off going home and curling up in your blanket with some sad love song playlist. you think chuuya winced and made a very pitiful expression for you. but you choose to mark that off as your imagination.
you're here to flex occasional puns and linguistic adeptness. you didn't come here to get yourself absolutely decimated. when life gives you lemons, well, try to not cry too hard..?
for a reason you can't fathom, you somehow end up in verlaine's, chuuya's, and adam's theater of bloodshed.
right here, right now, you're a vanguard on the battlefront. you shouldn't be thinking this. your chest hurts so bad from dodging verlaine's attacks, your limbs are aching from bruises and cuts, your head is spinning with adrenaline, and this french man right here is trying to kill you and kidnap your ginger friend.
but darn, he's fine- you slap yourself.
"you good?" chuuya rasps, struggling to make his step as he flanks your side.
"no, but-" verlaine flings another flying car at you, and muscle memory forces you both to flee from your position, escaping death by a grasp.
this man is merciless, and *cough* attractive. had he not currently trying to throw cars at you, you'd take him to some nice cafe and start serenading him with, uh, sweet words. 
huh. might as well.
"damn sir, you have some killer moves!" you roar heartily, uncaring by the way chuuya is eyeing you like an incredulous mother daring her child to do something stupid. "i'd simply die to have you." you wink.
in that split second, your words seem to catch verlaine in a trance. adam's fancy iron man laser beam almost grazes the french man's shoulder..somehow.
hey, that worked! :D 
[name] : chuuya, i think he's french.
chuuya : no shit-
[name] : i think eiffel for him.
this is it. the curtain calls, and it's time to face the final boss. it's time to unleash the ultimate torment to this poor boy.
"woah, don't you look dapper? i always liked your fashion sense. it looks nice on you."
chuuya doesn't immediately answer, opting to silently trace the paved sidewalk you both are treading on. by all means, both of you have no trouble with resources that a personal car, or even a whole limousine won't be impossible. it's just that the moon shines beautifully that night, so you drag your grumpy friend for a breath of fresh air.
"but you know what you'll look better in?" you chuckle, following his steps. "my arms."
nothing. no reaction. no swatting your finger guns, no annoyed and incessant curses. chuuya treats you like a nonexistent ghost, until he halts and simply stares at you with an inexplicable expression.
"chuuya?" you falter, "did- did i go too far?- or did it finally get you? my jokes..?"
oh, it did get him. you got him.
he shifts closer to you, like he finally loses it and is about to choke you to death. but this feels different. there is no malice or raw anger in his movements. they feel.. heavy, tired. wordlessly, he leans his weight on your body, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
his breath is warm against your shoulder; the slight shudder from his long exhale stripped the corny jokes off your tongue.
"oh, chuuya.." you mirror him, putting your arms around him in a reassuring embrace. he is now here, in where you both want him to be: your arms.
some things come, and some things simply go. but some other things just don't change. chuuya is grateful that he can still hear your annoying jokes and lines, and that you are still by his side.
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endnotes. man i wish I hadn't hit tumblr's 10 images cap. sorry adam, verlaine, and chuuya </3
(... sorry not sorry chuuya-)
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justpevensies · 4 years
Please Come Back to Me
request:  “ hi can i request a edmund angst like a really good heartbreaking one where he says really hurtful things he doesn’t mean but with a happy ending” - anonymous
blurb: Edmund says some things he didn’t mean..
A/N: my first request! this one was difficult to write but I hope you all enjoy it x
warnings: lots of angst but eventual fluff
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Curled in a ball against the door, hot tears were free falling down your face spilling all over your hands and clothing. You had no idea how long you had been sat there weeping bitterly as the pain continued to sting every ounce of your being - your heart ached - and at the same time you felt numb with the sadness and shock. Muffled you could hear a voice crying from the other side of the door.
Very rarely did you and Edmund get in arguments but in this moment, that was exactly what you were doing. You couldn’t even remember what had triggered it but you both were here now and it was going back and forth. At the peak of this anger, Edmund said: “You know, I don’t even know why-”
“Say it!” You spat at him. 
“I don’t even know why I care. Why I bother. I can’t believe we’ve come to this”. As far as you were concerned, that was what he thought of this relationship, unworthy of attention or care. 
He stared blankly at you, there was almost no traces of remorse in his body. Tears began to glisten on your horizon and when you responded to him pleading your case, Edmund didn’t say anything and in that moment you wanted to slap him across the face for being a coward. 
This wasn’t the Edmund you knew, this wasn’t the Edmund you loved. The Edmund you knew and adored didn’t argue with you, he didn’t raise his voice at you, he wouldn’t dream of speaking to anyone like this. In fact, it scared you.
“So that’s it?” You asked sternly. “That’s us?! After everything we’ve shared, experienced and dreamt, all it will come crumbling down over some stupid argument?” You asked, arms folded. Edmund looked at you and it was a look that could kill. “Well” he scoffed, “I guess it will”.
That was not what you were expecting. Your voice went quiet, almost as if you were restrained and you asked in a whisper: “What?”
Edmund turned around and sighed, about to resume work at his desk and he responded: “I don’t know if I can talk to you like this”. At that you stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around. “No!” you yelled. “I want to hear what you have to say”. 
Edmund looked at you and shrugged, “Okay”. After that, he laid it on you. He told you everything he had been feeling in the last few minutes - anger, disappointment, frustration. You knew that recently he had been overworked and tired so you assumed that contributed greatly to everything he was doing right now - probably to this very argument - but the things he was saying at this moment felt different. Every word felt like a stab at your worst insecurities, it felt like an attack and you knew you wouldn’t dream of speaking to him like this, regardless of how he made you feel. In this moment, you looked at Edmund - tears in your eyes - and for the first time you didn’t feel any love for him.
Frozen in that moment, you whispered back to him when he finished: “Is that really how you feel? I’m not enough, I’m not good enough?”
Edmund didn’t say anything, he just clenched his jaw. However, he knew that as soon as he finished that he didn’t mean a word. The pent up frustration, anxiety and exhaustion of duties he had been experiencing lately had almost possessed him and he had found no other way to let out that anger than onto you. Everything he had just said to you was how he felt about himself, yet here he was - an unworthy, stupid fool who had wasted the most joyful and good thing. He knew instantly he had made the biggest mistake.
However, his lack of response convinced you that everything he said was true. You didn’t need him to say anything, so you took that as your cue to leave.
“(Y/N)! Stop! I-”
The door to his study opened and immediately slammed shut.
You raced to your dressing room in your bedchamber, slamming the door and locking it shut. Sliding down in defeat, you just the agonising pain consume you. His words raided your head, your heart was detonated, you wanted to scream but no words came. 
Suddenly you heard another noise that wasn’t your heavy breathing or sobs: approaching footsteps. Rather quick paced footsteps. 
You had forgotten to lock your bedroom door so whoever had come to check on you (bearing in mind several people saw you in the corridors) was obviously going to waltz right in after your emotional exit. 
However, you recognized the sound of those footsteps, that walking speed. You wanted to believe it was him but everything right now was telling you he wasn’t interested and didn’t care. 
“(Y/N)?!” A pleading voice cried out. It was Edmund. 
He must have heard your cries from the other side of the door as you heard the footsteps approaching and then a loud banging on the door. The handle rattled as he attempted to burst in and - due to getting a fright - you suddenly held your breath. You were certain that your heart was pounding, as if something cruel was trying to break through. For a brief moment, everything was quiet.
That was what happened... you had no idea how long ago it was but you couldn’t see yourself moving anytime soon.
The voice crying from the other side of the door became more muffled as time ticked on. Cries, pleads and shouts from Edmund of your name gradually became more audible to you as you tried to inhale more and calm your breathing. 
The cries became more desperate, the thumps on the door became more repetitive but less strong, evidently it was hurting his hand. However that pain - as far as you were concerned - was nowhere near what you were enduring on the other side. 
“Oh (Y/N), open the door!” Edmund yelled through with a cracked voice. 
You didn’t want to imagine how he was looking right now because it would only tear you in two. 
You managed to piece some of your emotions together to wimper out: “Edmund-”. You heard him let out a sigh of relief before his thumping stopped. “Oh goodness (Y/N)! Please open the door!” You had somehow managed to stop crying, as if all of reality had snapped back into place. However, it felt like some alternate universe, a nightmare, and one you wanted out of quickly.
“Edmund-” you repeated, holding back more tears, “No”.
“Please go away”.
There was a silence before Edmund again knocked - this time in a more gentle manner - “(Y/N)” he said before you snapped: “Go away! Leave me alone!”
These words broke Edmund more than he could say, as if he wasn’t feeling guilt already. This came down on him like a tonne of bricks: you didn’t want him. He cracked involuntarily and he fell into the wood. With his face pressed against the door, some stray tears began to glide down his cheeks. You could hear him but you didn’t say a thing - right now there was no sympathy.
“Oh (Y/N)...” Edmund began to whisper. “Please... open the door. I need to talk to you”. 
You scoffed, more tears beginning to glisten: “No you don’t! You’ve made your perspective very clear” you replied sharply before burying your face in your knees. 
There was a silence but it was piercing. You could hear Edmund sniffling through the door and while you did feel compelled to open it - largely out of heartbreak -but out of stubborness you didn’t. He finally broke the tension by saying: “Listen (Y/N) you’ve got to open the door”. Just wanting him to leave you alone you shouted back: “Why should I?”
Immediately, Edmund responded: “Because I love you!”
Before you could even say anything back, he continued: “Yes. I love you! You may not believe that right now and the feeling is probably not mutual right now but I love you”. 
You were silenced and you waited to hear if he said anymore. He did.
“Oh (Y/N) I love you so much. Every aspect of your being - your radiant smile, your character, the fact that you are truly genuine, caring and loving regardless of who or circumstance. I would compare you to the beautiful things of this world but none could do justice for you are so perfectly different from everyone and everything else. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have you in my life - you’re a saving grace to me. However, I understand if that loving nature isn’t extended to me currently-”
You slowly began to stand up at the other side of the door, at the same time your head had fallen silent and no words were capable of coming from your mouth.
“I’ve been a fool. I was stupid and immature, and instead of talking about how I was actually feeling because of all this outside pressure, I took all of my own doubts about myself and put them onto you. You will never be like that - you are worthy of every ounce of love and praise, you are a saint. If I have to spend every day proving that to you then I will do that but I know I am unworthy to have you for making you feel how I did.
There was a pause.
“If you can find it in your heart to forgive me-” you heard Edmund whisper before breaking into tears. At that you leaned against the door, pressing your hand to the wood. Your heart ached, torn in two. He sniffled, wiping away any emotion before continuing: “If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I’ll never make you feel the way I have ever again. You’ll never doubt my love for you. I didn’t mean what I said, I don’t even know why I said it. But I know it was wrong”. 
Those final words were the ones you needed and they began to patch your brokenness. He finally said: “If you will forgive me, I will dedicate all of my soul to yours. ” It was a bold statement but Edmund knew it was genuine and you could feel the truth from within it. “Please come back to me?” he asked in a whisper but you remained in your position, listening against the wood, unable to move from the response you had just heard. 
The silence marked the answer. Edmund began to cry yet again outside and, defeated, he turned and walked away. His legs almost gave way and more tears began to fall - he had never known a feeling of loss and pain like this one. It was the pain that you could only feel when something special was taken away from you too soon, too unexpected, and he knew it was his fault.
Suddenly, from behind, he heard a noise and as he turned to see, he saw the door was unlocked, the handle moving at an angle and you stepped out from the hiding. You looked at his face, drowned in grief and his body beginning to sink, and the vision in front of you was a broken man. As Edmund looked at you, his heart pounded - unaware of what was coming and whether to be hopeful or not - and you simply responded: “I will forgive you”.
Without anything else being said, the two of you sprinted to one another and embraced closer than you had ever been. The most deepest of kisses was shared and almost instantly all of the pain had been washed away. Through muffled voices you both cried “I love yous” and Edmund restated his promise of faithfulness and love - you believed every word. 
After kissing several more times, Edmund held your face in his hands delicately and he smiled brightly at the look on your face. Your crying had been replaced with tears of joy. You just wanted to hear him tell you how much he loved you again and again and as you gazed into his eyes, you knew those words were true. This was the Edmund you knew, this was the Edmund you loved...and would continue to love for all time.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Punch to the Heart (Part 1)
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: After repeatedly blowing you off on plans, events and trips, you have finally had enough. But Peter soon regrets it as he sees the harsh reality of almost losing his best friend.
Based on a request you can find here!
Warnings- Crying and a bit of flinching. This is probably my most angsty fic yet, with sprinkles of fluff here and there :)
Here is my Masterlist in case you wanna find more of my work :)
Part 2
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“No, I can’t make it.”
“Sorry, I gotta hang out with MJ.”
“Oh, MJ wants to go out for the evening.”
“Of course I can’t come for movie night, MJ and I are going on a date.”
“Hey Pete, I got the snacks here, come on in”, you said, excited to be spending time with your best friend for the first time in weeks.
“Uh, so I can’t stay for movie night. I gotta pick up MJ and we are heading to her house for the night.”
As he said that, you could feel your heart sinking, stomach curling. Peter never used to bail on your plans, let alone not come to movie nights. Before he started dating MJ and fought Mysterio, you two were inseparable. Always joined at the hip. Whether it was Spiderman duties or simple day to day things, you two would always do it together. Through thick and thin.
That was your motto. You and Peter made it when you were young. But perhaps, you could get through thick and thin, but not through MJ…
“What do you mean? We have been planning this for more than a month. Or well, I have”, you said bitterly, rolling your eyes.
“Well, can’t we just reschedule or something. MJ wants me there tonight.”
You scoffed, looking down. “Peter, I’m your best friend and we haven’t hung out in a month. Can’t you just postpone your plans with MJ?”
He sighed, looking annoyed. “Okay, I can’t just bail on MJ!”
“But you have no problem turning me down every time….”
Peter chuckled humourlessly, running his hand through his hair. “But she is my GIRLFRIEND Y/N!”
“So that’s just an excuse now?” you asked, taking a step back when he yelled.
“Look, it’s not my fault that I want to spend time with my girlfriend. So stop always trying to get attention, and for gods sakes, stop being so fucking clingy!” Peter shouted, throwing his arm back. You stood still, stunned. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you looked down. You wanted to say something, a backhand comment, something to redeem your dignity, but all you let out was a choked sob. Suddenly, Peter looked up, recognition on his face as he reached out to you. But just as he was going to touch you, you flinched, stepping further away from him.
Hurt burst through his face when he saw what you were doing. “Y/N, I didn’t mean-”
“Just go, Peter. You already know how to…” you whispered, arms wrapping around your frame. You felt a fresh batch of tears forming, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing it. So you turned around, grabbed the door handle, and turned to see him, heartbreaking in two as you saw the flowers he had held behind his back for MJ.
“I’ll stop being a clingy best friend. Hell, I’ll just stop being a best friend.” And with that, you walked in, shutting the door behind you before crumbling to the ground. The smell of fresh sandwiches was in the air, the kind from Delmar. You knew Peter liked them, so you had gone and bought some for your movie night. But now, the sight of them made you curl up as you cried softly into your arms.
A part of you hoped Peter would come back, knock on the window and say that he had dumped MJ and was ready to spend time with you. Alas, life doesn’t always go the way you hoped it would, since, within minutes, you heard the familiar WHAP of his web. That was the first night in years that you cried yourself to sleep….
“Ugh”, you mumbled as your eyes tried to adjust to the bright yellow light streaming in through the window. “Mom, close it!”
“Nope, you have to get up! This pity party of yours has been going on for too long. You’ve stayed in bed the entire weekend. You have to go to school today!” Your mom stood up, yanking your cover out of your bed. She sighed, looking at your bedridden head and dark circles. “How late did you stay up till?”
You sighed, leaving the warm embrace of your bed. “Just till one”
Your mom clasped your shoulder, pulling you up gently. “Okay I don’t know what happened, but I have a plate of bacon and egg on the table. Go have a shower and then get some breakfast.” She ruffled your hair. “A full stomach makes a happy person” She winked at you before walking out of your room.
You pulled yourself out of bed and into the bathroom, shedding your clothes. Stepping under the war water, you let your worries flow away with the mascara marks that were stuck on your face. Running your fingers through your tangled hair, you promised yourself Peter wouldn’t see you break down today. Drying off, you walked out of the room, dressed in some of your comfortable clothes. Quickly eating your breakfast, you left for school, wanting to get there before everyone else arrived. You ran up the stairs, going straight to the library. You didn’t have a busy day, actually, you had only 2 classes today but quite a bit of work to do… Since you had something else to do on the weekend.
Tossing your books down, you grabbed a chair, getting your notebook out to start writing. Time passed as you did your work, your hand aching but you didn’t care. For some reason, you couldn’t immerse yourself in you studies.
As if on cue, your “reason” walked through the door, heading straight for your table. You acted as if you couldn’t see him, staring down at your scribbles. Hearing his feet get closer, you tense up, breathing heavily.
“Your heartbeat is getting faster, so it’s kinda useless trying to avoid me…”, Peter said, towering over you. Furrowing your eyebrows, you glared up at him, not saying a word, worried about what might come out of your mouth. Peter sighed, sitting down. You looked at him warily. He didn’t say anything else, just continued to stay quiet and stare at his lap.
Okay, you thought, starting to pack up your things, If he doesn’t want to talk, then neither should I.
You stood up, an as if Peter saw you for the first time, he reached out grabbing your wrist, making you flinch back. “Sorry”, he muttered, retracting his arm. “Sorry”, he said again, looking you in the eye. “I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been spending time with you, and blowing you off everytime. I just- uh, MJ is my first girlfriend. Ever. And I just don’t want to screw this up.”
You scoffed at his words, looking away. “So you would rather screw up a friendship of 8 years than say no to your girlfriend of two months?”
Peter shook his head, trying to find the right words. “I-I don’t want to stop spending time with you just because MJ is now part of my life. Plus, I miss our movie nights…”
You contemplated it, staring at Peter’s soft puppy eyes he was giving you.
“Okay, fine. It’s okay, I know I can be clingy sometimes, and I’m sorry-”
“You’re not clingy! At all. I’m sorry I said that.”, Peter said hurriedly.
“I just don’t want to lose my best friend Pete. Even when we went to Europe you ignored me. And I know it was because of Beck, but after that, it was always MJ this or MJ that!”
Peter hung his head down, not responding. You sighed again, staring at him. “It’s fine Peter. Let’s just try and make time, alright?”
Peter nodded, smiling hesitantly at you before opening his arms. Smiling back at him, you hugged him, feeling the warmth of his body for the first time in days. You felt him nuzzle his head into your neck, his warm breath hitting your skin, leaving a tingling sensation. Without even thinking about it, you whispered softly into his shirt. “I love you Peter Parker.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you tensed up, but Peter didn’t respond. You relaxed, as he probably didn’t hear it.
You could’ve stayed with Peter for hours, but then his phone started ringing loudly, He let go, sheepishly smiling at the annoyed librarian. Looking at his screen, you saw a picture of his and MJ, with her kissing his cheek, way too close to his mouth. Turning away, you tried to concentrate on anything else but Peter’s voice as he picked up the phone, words of love and admiration flowing out.
Hearing what MJ was saying, you leaned closer. “Where are you Peter? It’s been 15 min.”
Peter didn’t say anything for a moment, looking back at you, which made you look away. “I’m just doing something. I’ll be right there…”
He turned around to you, giving you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I gotta go. I’ll see you later though, right?”
Nodding at him, you pulled your books out again, and watched him walk out quickly, a bounce in his step. You hoped you would see him later, that he would keep his promise of spending time with you, that he would stand up to MJ and tell her that he wanted to hang out with you. But for the second time in a few days, you were wrong. So bloody wrong. And this broken promise would definitely be a punch to the heart…
Ooh, I really liked this one! Anyway, thank you for reading this, and the next part will be out later this week, possibly on Friday or Saturday. If you want to be tagged in the next part of the following fics, please just respond to this one telling me that. Until next time👋👋
Tag List: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326
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