#cuz i wanted to write something that is beloved and known by all the way HP is/was
bunni-bun · 2 years
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lorkai · 2 years
Hello!!! I love all of your barbatos fics! Could you do a barbatos courting a reader but is so awkward because he doesn’t know how to 😂. Thank you!!!
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A/N: Hi hi darling, thank you!! Ngl this was one of my favorite requests to write, cuz awkward barbados? Yes please! I was imagining several scenarios but I only wrote three so it wouldn't be too long or tiring, but ahem I can elaborate on that in the future. Hope you like it, honey! 
Btw I proofread two times but lemme know if there’s any typo!
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The ticking sound of his watches was driving him crazy. His state of mind was like his room, with locked doors and stairs leading to any and all other dimensions, it was confused and lost.
Barbatos sat in the middle of his dark room, his shoulders were slumped forward and an expression of doubt was painted on his handsome face, anyone who saw him there would think that something terrible had happened and that he was now going through a difficult situation. But that was far from the truth. The truth was, for days the only thing he'd been able to think about was a certain human who dominated his heart and made him act like an idiot every time he was in their presence. Living all those years alone made him think that romance and love were just fairy tales too good to be true, and even if it wasn't love at first sight, you proved to him through your actions that he could have something, only if he would just try a little, if only he would reach out and hold your heart like you held his so gently.
The first attempt
It's hard to talk about how he feels when there's a cultural barrier between the two of you, besides the fact that he doesn't know how you feel. Resigned, Barbatos lets out a sigh and lets his head hang to the side, he wanted not to think about what he would do if the love he came to nurture wasn't reciprocated. The thought alone sends a shiver down his spine in a totally unpleasant way, the familiar bitter taste filling his mouth as he tries to direct his thoughts towards positive things. And sitting there he remembers all his failed attempts to woo you, it was shameful and he wanted to hide his whole body in the dirt so he wouldn't have to leave his room and face you.
   His first attempt at professing his love for you was surely more shameful than anything else, it wouldn't fade from his memory as quickly as your confused face. For long months he took on the intense task of cultivating for you a bouquet full of special and unique flowers, flowers that only bloomed in Devildom, but never withered or lost their beauty. Just as you would forever be like the beauty of a flower; strong, resilient and beautiful.
    He remembered how the petals began to elongate and grow, how soft to the touch and scented they were and he could already visualize the smile taking over your face as soon as you saw them. Barbatos remembered the time he spent in the gazebo cutting the flowers - similar to Morticia with the poor roses. It was a Devildom custom to cut the flowers from their stems and present this unusual bouquet to their beloved when one demon courted another. And he didn't even remember how the RAD hadn't introduced any of these customs and traditions to the exchange students, had he known that he would have given you full and beautiful flowers.
With his heart pounding he strode forward to the House of Lamentations, hoping none of the brothers would stand in his way, for they would know his intentions and Barbatos wanted anything but to deal with competition coming his way on that special day. The time demon didn't dare look at your reaction for the foreseeable future, not when it violates a few things, plus he had a hopeful certainty that you felt the same. Barbatos is one of the most modest and humble demons but he notices how your face lights up whenever your eyes meet or how you smile when he makes your favorite dessert, the little things seem to fuel a feeling crawling through your chest and more times than he could count, as soon as he held your hands he felt your hot skin, your rapid heartbeat and how you shivered.
The way to your room was smooth. The sound of voices and excited screams came from Levi's room which was where he supposed all the brothers were gathered, the butler entered your room as soon as he received your permission and smiling, almost tripping over his own legs, he approached the table of studies and showed you the bouquet. Your face was comical as the seconds passed and your silence perpetuated.
“Is it not to your liking?” He remembers asking hesitantly.
“It's my first time getting a bouquet without flowers.” You admitted, scratching your head and taking the bunch of stems in your arms not knowing how to react. You seemed to want to ask what happened to the flowers, but chose to remain silent and look to the butler for an explanation.
The second attempt
Barbatos doesn't even remember what little lie he told you that day, but he remembers the feeling of wanting to bury his head in the dirt like an ostrich very well.
  More aware and now considering human courtship ways, Barbatos formulated another plan to talk about his feelings. After the first attempt and your confusion he just couldn't bring himself to talk about how you were the sun to his moon, the whipped cream to his cake, and so the gesture was a little in vain. If you realized what he was trying to do you either kept quiet to spare his dignity or ignored him because you didn't feel the same way he did, and the second assumption hurt him a little. He was hoping you'd turned a blind eye to the cultural difference and let him remake his plan.
    He was now planning to write a letter with all his feelings to ask your permission to officially court you. It was a simple but elegant letter, he had a very beautiful cursive and Barbatos was proud to know that his words were well articulated and thought from a to z. He'd even drawn a smiley face on the envelope because it was cute and human beings like cute things, or that's what Solomon had said.
And theatrically he let a trained bird deliver the letter to you, counting every minute in the hopes of hearing the D.D.D playing or hearing your hurried footsteps running down the hall towards his room, like those protagonists in romance stories did once they realized that they did in fact love the other character. But thirty minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into two hours. He was about to climb the walls, pulling the hair out of his head and destroying the kitchen when he received a simple message followed by a photo of his letter.
   A message that read “Good night, Barb. I received your letter, but... It's all written in demonic language. Can you tell me what it means?”
The third attempt
Yeah, it looked like he was so nervous that he was switching between demon language and human language. He really should learn to control his nervous heart.
  By far the third attempt was the least awkward. A ball was being organized to celebrate Diavolo's birthday and Barbatos had asked you to dance with him. He guided you perfectly and you seemed to float along with the notes of the songs, like fairies float, like the sea ripples, you were unparalleled beauty and you were having a great time, laughing like a little child after drinking a glass or two of wine.
   “Barb, do ya’know I like you a lot?” You said, your hands roaming over his shoulders and face as you spun around once, twice and glided across the ballroom like it was yours for the entire night. The butler's face immediately lit up at your words and he almost wanted to jump like a child, but he caught himself and smiled. "You have a very pretty face, it's very... squeezable."
“Thanks for the compliment, Mc.” He squeezed your hand a little tighter and looked into your eyes with determination. Anyone looking at you now could see the difference in posture and the confidence you exuded. “There is something of valuable importance that I have been trying to tell you for some time, however, it always seems that I use the most wrong methods to communicate what I feel growing inside me. What I mean is, Mc, you..."
   Tired and confused, the butler took refuge in his room. Sometimes he wanted life to be like The Sims game that with just a few commands made things work, alas, things weren't like that. Barbatos hugged the plush you gave him and buried his face in its neck imagining it was you there, with your warmth and scent, with your hair tickling his ears and your breath hitting his face. He wanted you there, whether you rejected him or not, he just wanted to be able to look at you and touch you - not in a weird way, more like a person admiring a painting. Because you were art in his eyes.
 “MCCCCCC!” Mammon's scream echoed through the dance floor and in the next second the avatar of greed hid behind your body so Lucifer wouldn't punish him. And that was the third time he tried to tell you how he felt and woo you. After that you had to go away and drag the two demons away to have a talk with them.
The passage of time became confusing for him after his thoughts started to fade and mix like water and sand on the beach, like milk and chocolate. Everything was quiet and comfortable, maybe he had fallen asleep, but Barbatos only opened his eyes when he felt something on his cheek, a hand. He looked up in confusion and saw you there, standing with your face mere inches from him, watching him. You smiled and sat down beside him, taking his hand in both of yours affectionately as you studied the doors lining the walls and trying to guess what material they were made of. Was it wood or something else? Perhaps they are magical doors?
"It's a little cruel to admit it, but I know what you've been trying to do all along." You turned to him after a few seconds. The two of you were shaking like autumn leaves, and Barbatos' ever-stoic face was filled with fear and surprise, tinged with an unusual pallor with fear of rejection. And squeezing his hand you smiled trying to pass a reassuring air. “I feel the same way you feel. Sorry to make you have these mini heart attacks while trying to confess, but I didn't know how to react whenever I received your gifts. I confess that I loved the bouquet of stems though. It was unexpected, in a good way!”
Barbatos released his breath at once and buried his face between his knees, you gave him a second to compose himself as you traced his fingers under his glove. His heart was still pounding against his chest and he looked like he was hit by a volleyball in the face, but finally he pulled you closer, to his chest and hugged you like his life depended on it. Tears of happiness came down in his eyes, finally he could forget his fear of rejection and his worries, you had chosen him and he would do anything to keep your heart in his hands. He would take care of you forever.
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
I've always wanted to like horror. I always try to get into it? I've had friends all through life that love horror, especially movies. But i end up loving the time i spend watching it with friends more than I've ever enjoyed the content itself. And like i feel like I'm somehow failing to see it the way large parts of the population like yourself do? But i don't know how to enjoy the medium?
The hurtles I've identified so far are that when there's ableism involved i tend to check out fully. That's been a dead end. And when there's painfully illogical choices by the main characters (the ones that the audience are encouraged to connect with). I get it's a useful tool for plot and moving the story along, but any emotional connection that was built there is like nullified? Idk. Not sure how to see what other people see cuz it looks like fun for y'all
Got any advice?
First I'd say - maybe horror just isn't your thing? I love it, I don't expect everyone to love. I barely expect anyone that likes horror to like anything at all similar to what I like. It's a damn slog for me to find new horror I enjoy, even among the horror fandom, because so many of them want it all to be Insidious or Saw or whatever - which is fine but not interesting to me.
Ableism is a deep dive I need to spend time on, but short answer is - I haven't got a good answer here other than maybe steer clear of the "slasher" sub-genre where it seems most rampant.
I think the main item I want to dig into is whether or not horror in general is uniquely poor with ableism, or is it consistent with other media and singled out for other reasons. I have a suspicion that it's the latter, purely on the basis that it's common in generalizations like "horror has an ableism problem" where the reality is "society at large has an ableism problem" that the problem of the former is a reflection of the latter, rather than innate to the former.
But I don't know, Jason is a horror icon and earliest versions ain't too pretty from that perspective. Hard to equate the latter versions with ableism on accounta he is essentially a supernatural entity after a certain point and whatever, you get the idea. It's all complicated and takes time to unravel. However, all that to the side, it may help to consider if those movies in some way reflect something uniquely bad, or if it's instead more upsetting due to horror characters generally existing in upsetting or disturbing situations. Both can be true on a case by case basis - like the infamous "black guy dies first" problem, which STILL HAPPENS somehow even though it's a problem so widely known that it's cliche even as satire. I have some thoughts about that I'll write up sometime as well.
I'm thinking a way to approach it may be via Franklin, the wheelchair using character of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, who I believe is meant to illustrate the poor way disability is treated, confronting the audience with their own biases. That's a whole other long essay that needs a good deal more work. But I notice it, oh boy do I, especially in the beloved "80s movies," yikes. I enjoy much about them, but there was some... stuff.
Now, characters making stupid decisions I mean... that's just movies. That is literally all movies, characters make stupid decisions. I can't say that makes it better, but I can promise you the average bad character decision per horror, science fiction, Disney(tm), drama, romance, etc etc movie is going to average the same. On the other hand, if this happens in almost all the movies your friends watch, they might just have bad taste in horror.
The takeaway here is getting into horror is something you're probably gonna have to work at if you really want to make it happen. Check out reviews, trusted sources, see if you can find some novels or shows or movies that handle those specific issues well. You may find some trusted artists you can go to more consistently but it's probably going to require some screening. And then also - again - if you don't like horror, that's not a failing or bad or anything to stress over. Some people just don't like certain stuff. No big, live and learn, other fish in the sea, different strokes, all that jazz.
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TMI Tuesday! What lead you to Christ?
OOOO! I really like this one! It can be a simple answer and a complicated one depending on how I say it...
I grew up in a mostly Christian household and was witness to some miracles throughout my life. The list of what I've personally experienced can go on (and to be honest, some reading this may find it pretty stupid or illogical), and while I can't possibly list every single thing I've experienced supernaturally or through faith, I can list a few things! Get ready, cuz I'm gonna get into story-mode!
When I was about 4 years old, I lived in a house that was nearby a wooded area, but was separated by a big, dry weed field. It was wildfire season, and the wooded area had caught on fire and was headed to the field and our house. I remember the firefighters coming to take care of it, and my mom rushing me to my bedroom so I wouldn't see all the drama. But as I was headed there, I stopped by the windowsill and peeked my nose over the edge to look outside in the backyard, where the fire was happening a ways off. There, standing in the field, I saw a VERY tall individual dressed in pure white, glowing white, standing straight up, with a large sword in each hand by their side. They had this stern and serious look on their face. They turned their head towards our house, and towards the fire. That was an angel. And he was sent to protect us. And then my mom rushed me into my room, none the wiser of what I saw, until years later when I remembered and told her.
When I was in my early or mid 20s, a few years ago, I got to experience an angel (or the Holy Spirit) hugging me from behind in a church I didn't normally visit, but had made myself build up the courage to go to after not having gone to church at all for years due to severe social anxiety. They had a guest speaker that day, and I don't remember who he was, but he had somehow said something that allowed the Holy Spirit to make Himself known in the building. I was sitting at a pew, by myself. The one behind me was completely empty. As soon as that guest speaker asked the Holy Spirit to come over the church, I felt these two large, strong arms hug me from behind, like they belonged to someone who was very tall and was crouching down to hug me while I sat. It wasn't exactly physical, but it felt physical, but also in a spiritual sense. It's not something I can easily explain. But when I felt that embrace, I cried... It told me that God still saw me as someone worth loving and having a relationship with, no matter my past or present. I just needed to be open to Him... To be hugged by an angel...or perhaps the Holy Spirit... That is something I genuinely want EVERYONE to feel, because it is the most amazing experience.
Then there's my husband. <3 Ever since I was little, I felt it in my soul that I was supposed to marry someday. But, seeing so much divorce and heartache throughout life, as well as a cycle of self-hatred, can make receiving a lifelong best friend/significant other feel next to impossible. This story can be...the LONGEST one I'll EVER share if I go into every single little detail. I SWEAR, if I could write down EXACTLY EVERYTHING that lead to this miracle I now have with my beloved that God so graciously gave to me, I would probably be able to fill up a novel or more. The important thing to know is...there is absolutely NO WAY I would be living the life I do now, with the man that I love, had he and I not leaned on the Lord the whole way through. GOD made this marriage possible when we believed it to be impossible and, quite frankly, couldn't even begin to comprehend it. @fractiouslemonofficial, my husband, is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. And I love him so dearly. God has literally given me a miracle husband. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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in request to someone to put this anonymously out of respect:
I have a confession to make. I'm a hater...or atleast I THOUGHT i was. I did not particularly cared about your blog Until tonight where I was scrolling through Ao3 and saw one of your bed time story fics. I decided to say "fuck it" and read one of your fics. I then went to read the origin comics, thinking it would be a hate read...but...I was laughing. Smiling. And giggling over how cute it was. My favorite parts of the comic was your author notes, being really proud of your small accomplishments in bettering your art. It made me, a fellow artist, proud.
I was once a hater but now fell in love with Mary and your AU. My problem was that I couldn't sleep tonight. I think because I feel like the grinch who's heart melted away and I just can't get this off my mind. So I typed this all up and drew some fanart cuz we have the same comfort character I think.
So uh. Sorry I misjudged your AU and OC. It reminded me of a children's show I use to watch and I liked seeing your progression with your art skill. sorry that this was so long. It's 3am and I literally can't sleep until I get this off my chest
Anyway here's a little something something as a apology. Idk how cottonball would've gotten damage. I'm thinking maybe freak dog/bully encounter on the way home from school
Uh anyway thanks and sorry again
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hey! there’s nothing wrong about not liking something at first! sure my comics at first aren’t the best (After all, I was 16 when I started to write this story and i’m almost 24! the reason why my digital art looked like absolute shit was because my mom thought digital art was “fake art” and i was still learning how to master digital art with a newly-acquired tablet at the time) but I am so so glad that even with the flaws of my earlier stuff, it still manages to bring a smile to your face!
about the children’s show stuff...i did take a lot of inspiration from shows like that! some i can name off the top of my head were Heidi (the pre-ghibli adaptation), Bear in the Big Blue House, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (my beloved) and now most recently, Bluey!! I think it definitely has in part from the fact my childhood was a mess and wanted to create something that fosters wholesome vibes to heal and reclaim my childhood, especially from the fact i’m the only autistic person in my family :’)
but hey! at least though you were honest! i’ve had to deal with people in the fandom who said I was either “sanitizing” hetalia as a whole just because it was wholesome or a well-known artist (name redacted) who was vagueing about me in a gc when i was at work saying that they hated ocs like Mary because they were self-insert mary sues. but otherwise, i forgive you plain and simple :D
i apologize if this was definitely a tangent but this made me really happy! i probably think petunia (rich girl asshole bully in school) snipped cottonball’s leggy and germany saw that mary was in distress since cottonball is a comfort item for her since she had him since she was a lil baby, and he is a good dad who will fix him up!
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anothanobody · 1 year
To have one of my favorite writers like my prompt is my highest point in the fandom. But I insist, this story is yours, make it your own au or what you like best! I really don’t have it in me, but you do! It is my honor!
So, in History, Attila invaded and destroyed a good chunk of what remained of the Western Roman Empire before being stopped at the Battle of the Catalonian Plains in modern northern France. This campaign even included a dramatic meeting between Attila and Pope Leo ‘the Great’ at the gates of Rome itself, when the Pope convinced Attila to turn back.
This started in 450, and the fall of Rome was less than 30 years later in 476. So you can imagine the Empire wasn’t so great and was in perpetual crisis when Attila invaded. Many historians assume Honoria sent that letter convinced that Attila could be bought off as an ally against other enemies (the invading Germanic tribes that were also Attila’s enemies - and who defeated the Hunnic Empire for good in the later Battle of Nedao). Other historians assume that, in his own twisted way, Attila wanted to become emperor and protect Rome as his own. Anyway, he WAS a brutal conqueror, known as the ‘wrath of God’. And Honoria’s gamble - made without the Emperor’s knowledge or approval - backfired horribly.
So having Princess Mikasa ask for Barbarian Emperor Eren for help, maybe even offering her hand as reward in her desperation to save her crumbling Empire, could be a good start. And Eren does come, just not in the way she expected. This would be, most likely, an enemies to lovers. I don’t think Mikasa would love from afar this brutal enemy of her brother the Emperor, who killed so many of her people. It’s up to you to make it Angst, but I’m a sucker for romance and in the end I’ll always want a Happy Eremika. Maybe this Eren could indeed help save this fictional Rome? Rome allied with the Germans to stop Attila, after all.
bro you make me gonna cry with that first paragraph like really. warmed my heart and made my whole week with it. cuz stop that’s so thoughtful and cute. 🤧😭 really it’s an honor a huge one to be high regarded or even regarded as a good write really. 😩 anon stole my heart with praising. anon marry me.
but yeah i want some romance too! maybe we could do a bit more nuance. like we can have the conqueror the brutal one with the people of the Empire or the Emperor itself wanting to do some shady shit secretly. endangering her. or something more that i don’t have in mind now. but at the end she sends the letter for help for herself in a rush, she would rather have it with a barbarian king that would always be in battle and being forgotten to the side. so when he invaded he found her and like letter said he married her, she was filled with guilt at the consequences she registered for her people, a lot of anger and sadness at herself. but with his barbarian king something was being created that she didn’t expect.
or i mean give me your input anon. about how to structure the romance, my beloved spouse.
or we can go angst and do the original. imagine doing the same as risks:the series but here is only like historians give the full story on different accounts. one is a romance and the other is a fateful mistake.
btw both will have angst just cuz mikasa will be go through it as her people will die, either guilt or guilt. 🤔
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panchams · 5 months
long time, no see
happy 2024! the website layout on here has changed so dramatically that i can barely recognize it. i hate to admit that it took me a couple of minutes to find my followers...
anyways, hey! it's been a while. i jumped ship off of here... god... who knows how long that was? i genuinely feel like it was a permanent move circa 2015. but that's not what im here to talk about.
after the loss of twitter circles, i've struggled finding a place to put my thoughts. don't worry, this blog definitely won't be it but i thought it would be fun to put a little reflection on here as my final post (probably forever?) on this funny blogging website that i decided to use back in 2009 (I'm pretty sure my archives go that far back.... which is certainly something i cherish to see how much I've changed)
so many of you either have known me as eddie, edward, mukuro, bajime, hajime..... lord knows this list goes on. im eddie! or if you want to use my online user, i go by haunter now. a lot has changed since i stopped using this platform regularly! i think i hard quit tumblr maybe around 2016? you can see on my profile that i came back and reblogged some things, but i think it was around the time of my twitter bot's birth (@nintendoqt) when i really stopped using it permanently.
i'm writing this as a reflection of where i've been and where i came from when i first started using this funny website. im officially a couple of months away from graduating college with a bachelors in computer science! that means I'll be a real deal certified software engineer this coming may.
but don't you worry! i got some real time experience as a software engineer last year, right before my senior year began. i worked as a software engineer for the military/government! yeah, that's right... tumblr user Panchams was a military scientist (intern, but it counts). crazy right? and in just a couple of months i'll be hitting the biggest milestone of my life so far which is college graduation.
back when i began this blog, it was towards the end of 2009 and my myspace girlfriend at the time karina recommended i join because the community from our beloved myspace was jumping ship. i jumped in and well, the rest is history.
2009 eddie was a fidgity, undiagnosed autistic relentless kid. it's kind of crazy looking back on that era because i'm so proud of kid me going out of my way to socialize by going to conventions at every possible event he could go to. i would even wear cosplay and force myself out of my comfort zone to talk and take pictures with complete strangers.
to summarize my academic journey to save some space here, i really sucked at math. my math classes were so horrible, i actually got placed senior year in high school in the lowest math possible for seniors (something like college math help course or something, while the other kids were doing calc 1 or 2). but look at me now, baby! i went from pre-algebra all the way to calculus 2 in college, as well as discrete mathematics (possibly the hardest math class anyone outside of a math degree could ever take). i passed them all! it wasn't easy. i failed calculus 1 on my first try. my community college professor even told our entire class in a very vague way that we should commit suicide via bullet if we didn't pass it cuz we would never pass if we couldn't pass his class lol.
caught myself yapping there for a second. anyways, i really just wanted to say that i was a fidgety autistic child with such huge dreams and wonders. you can see throughout my entire blog's lifecycle that i've felt a special connection to characters like pokemon's red, sasuke from naruto, mukuro from katekyo, cloud from final fantasy 7 et etc.... you get it!
i think my life could've easily been one of complacency and laziness. after all, i am the only one in my immediate family to have attended college or even be in STEM whatsoever. my father was a horse trainer and my mom did random odd jobs/cleaning jobs as a kid. i could've easily been stuck forever in poverty and never aspired to do anything with my life. outlets like tumblr, gaia, twitter, youtube, the list goes on but these shaped me in ways that i am beyond thankful for.
as well as pokemon and the other games i mentioned, they gave me a lifeline. those characters i hooked onto as a kid which basically shaped how my personality is... i genuinely wouldn't have it any other way.
what is blud yapping about!!!! i end this weird ramble yapping session to update where my life is and where im headed. I've mentioned graduation (LETS FUCKING GOOO!) but i am beyond excited to be a big boy software engineer (no intern in the title!)
i'm pining for the bay area after graduation. i know, i sound like a lunatic going straight to san francisco as a new grad but.... you only live once! how cliche right, a new software dev moving to san francisco... the story writes itself.
don't worry, i have backup plans! if i can't make enough I'll be sure to live amongst the cows in arkansas (maybe oregon?! who knows.) big things are coming into my life, an entire chapter of my life finishing (the college years? academy saga?) and i'm just happy that i kept pushing. i'm glad i kept trucking on and will have some form of a tangible life that i will create with my own two hands.
happy new years! i don't think anyone will read this but... thank you! thanks tumblr for everything. maybe one day I'll go through and read my #priv or whatever i used to signify as my private posts here eventually. that day won't be today, but maybe when im in my SF apartment?!
have a great year, a great life, and so on. i don't think I'll ever update this blog again. thanks for everything and much love from me!
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outivv · 2 years
this is kinda of a senerio i randomly thought of BUT YA PLSPLS WRITE THIS
so y/n and scara have been dating for a month and he forces her to move in with him cuz the fatui made him go to lyuie and he didnt wanna leave y/n so he took her with him. ANDDD Y/N NEVER SLEEPS IN HIS ROOM. she sleeps in a 'guest room' or living room couch when she wants to watch movies all night right?? so one day y/n goes on tt and sees a post ab something someone saw on a twt account that was scary and y/n was like supeerrrrr curious so she looked at the twt page and she INSTANTLY GOT SCARED. during night she had trouble trying to sleep so she went to scaramouches room and asked if she can sleep with him and he was all tsuandere like ab it and calling her a dumbass for scaring herself like that then eventually he feels bad and just lets her sleep in his bed BUT he said u have to sleep on the other side dont touch me. and y/n didnt care bcuz at least she was not going to be alone…but then y/n couldnt rly sleep bcuz she still felt scared and asked if she can scoot closer to scara which he obviously said no to and after 5 minutes of aruguing scaramouche finally cuddled with y/n
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Synopsis: [name] is a lil dumb (lovingly) and decided to scare themself before bed, to which they seek Scaramouche out for comfort. Only for Scaramouche to tell them no… until he doesn’t.
Warnings: none this is pretty lighthearted, it just isn’t proofread
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Character: Scaramouche
Note: modern au
Pronouns for reader: not mentioned
A/n: Scaramouche my beloved <3 I just wanna give him a kith, but he’d probably punch me
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The night breeze lightly made the curtains sway, the beautiful light of the moon shining down into your room. You never knew liyue could be so pretty at night. You moved here at least temporarily, since your boyfriend Scaramouche invited (told) you to, and you happily obliged! Now… you and Scaramouche haven’t been dating for long, but you’ve known him for a while so you were comfortable living in with him… but not comfortable sleeping with him.
You wanted to take things in your relationship slow, which is completely understandable, and scara tried to respect that, but he clearly was kind of frustrated. He wanted so bad to have that blissful morning with you where you would just relax in bed until his subordinates came knocking on his door, and forced him to get up. But that would never happen since you slept in a separate room. So… he was… kinda pouty about it.
While Scaramouche lie awake longing to just cuddle you to sleep. You however, would be scrolling on tiktok. Yeah. Tiktok. Instead of laying in your boyfriends arms, you scrolled on tiktok. [name] you fool. Anyways, there are always creepy videos on tiktok, some are actually really awesome, while another’s are… actually horrifying. You just so happened to stumble upon a horrifying one. You threw your phone onto the other side of the bed when you saw it, horrified at the image on it.
You calmed yourself down, and tried to sleep since that was the logical thing to do. But after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, you got up, and waddled your way over to Scaramouches room. Knocking on the door, you could hear a groan on the other side, he must’ve thought you were oke of his subordinates since when he opened the door he answered with a harsh, “what do you want.” Seeming it was you however made him… embarrassed. “Sorry for bugging you scara…” you said sheepishly.
The sigh that he let out made it clear he was sorry “no no, it’s alright.” He pinched the beige of his nose trying to wake up “what is it?” You cuddled with your fingers, Scaramouche had always been kind to you… for the most part, he treated you with utmost care as you were oke of the few people who viewed him as a person. Not a toy. And yet, you were still so nervous around him. “I uh… I cant sleep cause… I just watched something scary you know” you said letting out a nervous chuckle at the end.
You looked at Scaramouches unamused face, “you know you’re stupid right.” He said lovingly. “Yeah…” your shyness never failed to amuse him. “Good. But no you’re not sleeping with me.” He internally cursed at himself for saying that. He was the stupid oke here! He was so close to having you in his arms sleeping peacefully like he’s wanted for weeks, but no! He just had to open his big mouth, and say something so??? Dumb! The disappointment on your face broke his frail heart.
“Please! I really can’t sleep and I’m really scared, I know it’s stupid but please scara!” You begged, you knew you were being childish, but you genuinely were afraid. Another sigh left him, “fine. But you stay on your side do the bed.” Scaramouche said opening his door wide so you could enter. His room was nice, but it had very little… life. His large bed took up a fair amount of space in the already fairly large room, so you would have no problem sticking to one side. Oh foolish [name]. This is the second time I have called you foolish in this one scenario so you know it’s bad.
You laid down. And tried to sleep. And couldn’t. Why? Because you were cold, because you were nervous, and because you were still scared. You wanted to turn around and scoot closer to Scaramouche so he would cuddle you but this is Scaramouche alright? You think that he wouldn’t cuddle you in a million years. You’re wrong, however that’s fair of you to think that with his attitude. “Um… scara?” You said looking over your shoulder at him.
“Yeah.” He responded, he couldn’t sleep either, too nervous with you right next to him. “Do you mind if we uh… cuddle?” You could hear a sharp inhale of air coke from him, his reaction clear. “No. Go to bed.” He was so stubborn, pretending like he didn’t love having you near him, and trying to be mean when in reality he never could be mean to you. “Please…?” Was all you had to say to have Scaramouche turning around and spooning you. “Happy now.” He said harshly but you knew there was no malice behind it. “Mhm…” you said sleep finally taking over as you turn around into his chest. Scaramouche didn’t get much sleep that night, too happy with you peacefully cuddling each other.
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widow-maximov · 2 years
Sorry to double send, I realized my ask probably may not have been detailed enough
I imagine like reader works at a bookstore or library or cool store of some kind. And Wanda walks in lookin Daddy af but is polite and kind of a gentleman ya know? Like she’s confident and definitely flirting with reader but in a gentle kinda soft not to forward way. But reader is just fumbling anyway cuz hello Wanda Maximoff is in front of her smiling at her.
Also picturing Wanda like wearing a short sleeve shirt that’s like tight on the sleeves or something OR she’s wearing a button up with the sleeves rolled up (AHHH) and yes so I’m imagining her leaning on the counter just casually flexing and her shirt already shows off her biceps but reader (me) is trying not to faint
Also picturing Wanda genuinely wants to get a book or whatever thing she decides to buy if not a bookstore and it’s like a cool af book. And reader is like 😍 —-If you need book ideas you could do Kindred by Octavia Butler or Beloved by Toni Morrison (ik those two are intense) you could also do How Long til Black Future Month By NK Jemisin..(that one is sort of less intense anyways I love all those books and they’re really good).
Evening Shift
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, angst, fluff
Summary: Regular day working at a book store, you wouldn't think that someone as famous as Wanda Maximoff takes a trip to where you work, how will your gay heart react?
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I would just like to say that I prefer detailed requests but I don't mind those who send some what detailed, thank you for this request, it was quite fun writing it.
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
You always would recall messy interactions with girls that you met, it was horrible. You could never keep your cool around women, especially ones that just look so fucking hot.
The reason you took the job at the book store, it was because not many people nowadays like books and that just gives you some peace with yourself whilst you're stacking books.
Plus it's a way for you to be yourself and not fall over every word at a sight of a woman, it was a perk that not many young women came in here, but mostly elderly who are just looking to stay somewhere quiet.
This bookstore was known to have every book that has ever been published, some are in the storage room and some are out on display, you really loved it especially when you would have your breaks, you would just sit and read.
It was one of the things that came with the job, unlimited amounts of books and it was the best feeling in the world, day after day went by and yet you were still stunned by how many people were tempted to walk into the store.
Your colleague Mike, recently joined the store as an employee as one of the girls who worked on evening shifts left, so he was hired to replace her but since evening shift didn't have many people, you offered to do it as well.
Since then, you were promoted, it was a feeling of reward for you really, I mean you worked here for sometime and dedicated a lot of time to make sure everything was in order.
As time came to slowly start closing the story, you and Mike were managing the books that were left in places that didn't belong, you heard the door bell as if someone walked in.
You knew that Mike was here so you didn't bother going over to the counter until he ran over to you with his eyes widen "What's wrong?"
"Wanda Maximoff is here" That was his only words.
Your eyes widen at what came out from his mouth "W-what?"
It wasn't the first time she stopped by just never when you were at work but not many people knew who she was, but not you, you knew about her. God of course you knew, you adored her, the way she left everything behind with no one to trust and her brother dead.
It must've done a lot to her and now that she is here, you couldn't face her, you knew you would just make a whole ass mess out of this so you stood glued to your spot "W-well go!"
He whispered "No, you go"
You pushed him slightly "Are you crazy! I'm not going"
He pushed you back "I'm not talking to her, you're the supervisor here!"
Before you could try to send him again, her voice echoed "Hello?"
You gulped, as this time he pushed you out so she could actually see you, you sheepishly smiled at her as you made your way towards the counter.
"Ah, I thought it was closed" She spoke when you were closer.
You smiled at her "N-no, we are soon though"
Her smile dropped "What? Oh silly me I didn't think it was this late"
Your eyes dropped to what she was wearing, a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves with jeans that complimented her figure really well, that shirt fit her perfectly, showing off everything that she wanted to.
How her muscles would flex and teasingly just enough of her cleavage to make you weak in the knees but it all tied together with the most softest smile anyone could pull off.
"Is it okay if I quickly take a look around?" She asked as she noticed your eyes travelling down her body.
You met her eyes, feeling the sudden butterflies hit your stomach "Yes!" You answered quite too loudly and quickly for your own liking
"Check me-" Your eyed widen at your words but quickly tried to cover it up "Check whatever you need" You chuckled nervously in hopes it worked.
Wanda forced the most innocent smile anyone could plaster across their face "With pleasure" she answered as she walked off and a small smirk replaced the smile within seconds.
Your heart hammering in your chest, not quite registering what she said yet, your head whipped to Mike who appeared next to you with a shocked face "That was-"
"Insane!" You whispered, as excitement coursed through you.
He stood next to you as he slightly leaned with his hip on the counter "But you girl are a mess"
You rolled your eyes, knowing that from the start "Yeah no shit"
You didn't even had the time to calm your nervous down before she appeared back by the counter "I'm so sorry to bother, but I can't see the book I am looking for"
Your breath hitched as if she just walked in but this time you actually held onto the counter, trying very hard to not just faint "What book are you looking for?"
Mike asked before any words left your mouth, she smiled at him "Beloved by Toni Morrison"
He smiled slightly "Let me check if I can find it for you"
Now that he was gone, her attention was pulled back to you but your eyes never left her face, who would've believed that the Wanda Maximoff would step into some corner book store at night.
"Very good taste in books" You spoke up, quite surprising yourself when you didn't stutter.
She raised her brow perfectly "Coming from someone who works at a book store it must be true then"
You laugh slightly at her as you nod "Not many people come here and ask for books from the 80s"
She leaned on the counter "They are fascinating, wouldn't you say?"
You nodded with a slight smile across your lips but before you could say anything, she fired another question towards you "I haven't seen you before here, are you new?"
You shook your head "Uh, no, I have worked here for 3 years"
Her brows shot up in shock "Wow, and I haven't had the pleasure to meet you"
Your heart picked up again "Well at least you did now"
Her eyed dropped down to your hands after giving you a nod, her hands reached out to it as she grabbed it and looked at the ring on your finger "That's a really nice ring."
You swallowed down your dry throat "T-thank you, my ex girlfriend bought it"
For some reason you felt the need to point out the gender that you dated, causing her to look up at you "So you're into girls?"
The grip on the counter definitely tighten, trying very hard to keep yourself in balance as you smiled and just nodded "Good to know"
Mike's head appeared with a little smile "Uh Y/n could you come for a second"
His eyes never failed to notice that your hand was held by Wanda, her eyes only left you when she looked at him but they were solely focused on you.
You looked back at her with a nervous smile as you slowly slid by your hand "Excuse me"
She nodded as she turned around to take a double look at the empty room whilst you went to sort out whatever he needed.
"What?" You asked slightly worried.
"You see I can't find out box with the books from the 80s" He confessed with anxiety.
You sighed as you let your eyes close for a second before opening them, you pointed in the direction of a box that was well hidden "They should be there"
He nodded as he walked over to where you pointed and pulled out the box where, you were correct, the books were. He quickly found the book that Wanda needed and handed it to you.
"Here, you can take it to your new girlfriend" He smirked as you took the book from him.
"Not my girlfriend" You whispered as you walked out with a slightly glare at him.
You walked back, a little bit less nervous this time, you held the book out for her to see if it was 100% this one "We had the last one"
She sighed with relief "Thank god I got here when I did because not only I would miss my chance to meet you but also buy this book"
Your cheeks flush a red colour and she noticed, causing slight giggle to escape from you, she smirked as she takes the book but doesn't pull it out of your hands.
Her hands touch yours but her eyes are glued to your face as if to search for some sort of conformation, when you looked into her eyes so quickly at the interaction, letting your breath hitch in your throat at the direct contact.
She knew exactly what she was doing "Thank you little one"
You let go of the book when you realised that you had to calm yourself otherwise you would just trip over your words again, you looked over at the monitor which displayed the price.
"You know, have the book, it's on the house" You offered it as you knew this was once in the life time opportunity.
The corner of her lips tugged upwards at your words "I can't let you do that"
You waved your hands to dismiss her "Nonsense, it's yours"
"Plus when have you ever gotten a free book after walking in near closing" You joked causing her to let out the most cutest giggle you ever heard.
"True" She replied simply, you knew it was the end of this moment, that this was probably the last time you'll see her.
She was close to turning around and walked out but something was stopping her "This could go two ways"
You looked at her a little confused and just let her continue "I could walk out and there could be a possibility of never meeting again or I ask you out to a date and you agree and we see where this goes"
Now your throat was dry, was she really just suggesting a date, it was as if the time has stopped as you stared into her eyes. They felt warm and you without a doubt knew she was that warmth you needed in your life.
"I could give you a choice but I think I already know your answer" She smiled widely as your shocked face made her giggle.
"I'll be back tomorrow by 7pm before the closing for our date, what you say?" She asked as she stood straight with the book held to her body with one hand.
You swallowed down the dry throat, realising you haven't said anything "Y-yeah okay, I will be ready"
But were you? How could anyone be ready for a date with the Wanda who looked like she could grab you by your throat and you would only encourage her to proceed.
As she walked towards the exit, she stood by the door as she looked at you once again and just send one of her winks towards you with a wide smile, all you could do is just blush a deep red colour and try your best to return a smile.
She disappeared and you almost immediately fell to the floor as your knees gave in on you as Mike appeared with a simple "Whoa"
You nodded with your eyes focused on the shelf in front of you, trying to process what just happened "I have a date with Wanda Maximoff.."
He smirked "Now aren't you glad you did evening shifts, little one?"
You finally looked at him with a simple eye roll "At least I got a date"
He opened his mouth in shock "Shut uppp"
You giggled as you finally stood up and looked at the clock "Okay, let close up and head home, I need to pick an outfit"
He laughed as the two of you worked your way through the book store and closed within couple of minutes. As you walked home a smile never left your lips.
It was a very good day, the best day you ever could wish for, you met someone who you adored and now she is here, asking you out like you were the only person in the world.
The next day came quickly and before you knew, even though you felt like it was longer than it was, you stood anxiously as you waited for her.
Mike has gone home as you waited in the book store, the only thing you had to do was close the door and enjoy the rest of the day with your date.
As excitement slowly leaves you and disappointment starts to flood in, a sad realisation hits you, maybe she wont come? Maybe she forgot or maybe it was only false hope..
As time starts to drag with the anticipation of her arrival, you stared at the clock on the wall with a sad smile, maybe it was too good to be truth.
You took a deep breath trying the best to hold back your tears as you closed the door, just as you turned around there she stood, breathing heavily with a smile.
It was as if she read your mind "I'm sorry, the meeting was longer than I expected"
You gave her a smile of relief, she didn't bail, she looked like she ran here, you walked towards her as her eyes finally took you in "Even more beautiful than I remember"
Even though the air was cold, it was easy to tell that her comment made you blush "Good save"
"You look- very hot" Your words left your mouth as you looked up and down at her, she smiled at you as a giggle left her soon after when your eyes took her in.
She laughed as she extended her arm towards you "Ready?"
You smiled at her laughter, taking her hand, taking a second to answer "Always"
Her smile widen and her eyes shined with excitement and a familiar warmth that engulfed the two of you, good you were holding onto her because you were sure you would faint.
If this was your chance at happiness, you took it with a smile and followed it with ease, her eyes were more beautiful with the street lights shining and the most beautiful smile.
This was the start of a beautiful story...
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
Here's the other: How'd they react to their S/O who cherishes their gift given by their beloved so much, that one day the gift was destroyed by a hilichurl and they went so livid they practically fought the creatures to death and threw them to a lake somewhere, and sulked the whole how they don't deserve them anymore cuz of how careless they were. For Razor, Albedo and Xiao 👉👈
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: razor, albedo, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread, mc is referenced as an alchemist/adventurer in albedo’s, one swear word in xiao’s
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he made you a paw-shaped clay sculpture!
it was cute and small, fitting right into the palm of your hands
to others—it may look like some worn-down toy, but to you, it was a good luck charm from the ever-cute razor
but perhaps, it wasn’t quite the clay-shape that you held close to your heart... no, it was the strenuous effort razor put into sculpting the paw
you remember it vividly. how the boy would dig his hands into mud and sit under the burning sun, carving the dirt with his bare fingers as he hid the gift from your sight
so when a good-for-nothing hilichurl decides razor’s paw-shape charm was a nice pebble for hot potato... boy were you livid
Patting the ground beside you, [e/c] eyes widened upon the feeling of nothing but grass.
What...? Peering over, you stared blankly at the empty space, comical arrows pointing at the now-gone charm you had received from Razor. Just where was it? You swore it was right beside you...
And as if Barbatos were laughing at you, the wind blew, burning your eyes as the sight of mitachurls and hilichurls danced around the fire in the distance, tossing what looked like a rock into the air.
You blinked.
That was the charm Razor made.
first of all... how did the hilichurl get it? the charm was literally right beside you!
agh, whatever.
you’ll just retrieve it. easy, right?
first of all, your power would literally turn the lush grass into a desolate canyon (not really). second of all, you’d probably end up destroying the paw in your rampage
—if the hilichurl didn’t destroy it first
Materializing your weapon, you couldn’t help but hope that the paw had miraculously survived the impact of a hilichurl throwing it against the floor.
Hah, what were you thinking? Of course it didn’t... physics just didn’t allow it.
But you know what physics did allow? Why, beating these enemies to a pulp, of course!
once you floored the hilichurls, you quickly scrambled as to look for signs of the paw anywhere
berating yourself as to how utterly foolish you were for letting it go and leaving it unguarded in the first place, you stared in defeat at the sight of crumbled clay and hardened dirt in the grass of the hilichurl camp
why? why were you so careless? seriously, how did this happen? if you had just kept it in your backpack like a regular person, razor’s hard-earned hours and craft would still be as grand as ever-
Blinking, you hadn’t realized you had been sulking in the midst of this hilichurl camp. [E/C] eyes lifted up, widening once they had landed on none other than Razor, his crimson eyes like the agates that littered Dragonspine, his hair as grey as stormclouds.
“Ah... Razor...” You smiled in exasperation, staring at anywhere but said boy. How could you face him after watching his clay paw get destroyed by some measly hilichurls?
“Are you okay?” He asked, glancing around at the scene before him. The grass wilted, the camp that he remembered being obnoxiously loud and disturbing was silent and empty.
“Yeah, no biggie,” Waving off his concern, you began to walk away, your heart sinking with each step.
First, you let his gift get destroyed. Second, you walk away from him.
You were such a terrible partn—
“[Y/N]?” Razor’s voice cut through the air, a tension you had created solely on the thoughts of your own mind. Gripping your wrist with a tender touch, you didn’t fail to notice the way his eyes drooped down ever so slightly.
“Did I... make lupical mad?”
Gulping, you quickly waved your hands in front of your face, eyes widened as you tried to carefully explain the series of events that had just led down to this very moment.
“I—well, you see, your uh, paw-clay-thingy... I was careless and I—“
“Break it while hunting?” Razor answered, tilting his head as his hold merely stayed still, not wavering for a second, as if you were a boar in his hands.
Razor was much better at observation than you had thought.
“It’s okay. I make more for lupical,” Razor nodded, already beginning to pace over to a pond as he dipped his gloved hands into the water, wafting around for dirt as you rushed up behind him.
“Wait! But I was careless... you don’t need to make ano—“
“It’s for lupical. Lupical close, I give lupical gift that never break.”
Everlasting—that was what he wanted to make.
And a part of you couldn’t help but agree.
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albedo, in all of his alchemy prowess, made you an artificial flower
how? don’t ask him. he’ll spew some lengthy thesis and paragraph about the fundamentals, the research, the prototype, the testing, the—
ahem, anyways!
you had never intended to bring it outside. but one day, you had left your camp under the supervision of barbatos (wow go barbatos) and ventured off to fetch some materials
and when you came back? you were met with the sight of hilichurls and slimes raving around your tent
what the—
“I...I’m hallucinating,” You deadpanned, slapping your wrist at the sight of pyro slimes and masked hilichurls dancing around your tent, the inside of your humble abode moving around as if it were possessed.
And the cherry on top? A pyro abyss mage emerged, the flower floating besides it. But oh boy, it was no flower anymore... it was a flaming flower.
At that moment, you were left to ponder. Maybe, just maybe, you kinned a whopperflower at that point. Because oh boy did your temper and sanity explode on those little enemies, the way your blade sunk into their forms—
you were already planning your apology to albedo. he trusted you and loved you enough to make an artificial flower for you... and yet, it so pitifully crumbled at your touch
okay, not quite your touch. but it crumbled at the ugly pyro abyss mage’s touch
so, as any good s/o would do, you sulked while rebuilding your camp. it’s okay. as long as albedo didn’t know his creation was charred, all would be well. besides! he was quite a busy man! chances were low that he’d discover!
busy, he was, observant, he is
perhaps, you should’ve known
“Ah... hi Albedo,” You winced, opening your tent to smile at the alchemist who merely stared at you.
“You were gone for a while. Is everything okay?” He noted, remembering your absence from visiting his own camp at Dragonspine. As an alchemist, he knew what it was like being holed up in a camp. But for two weeks? Even he needed breaks.
“Well, you see... I was out... gathering materials! Yes!” You gave him a weak thumbs-up, wailing internally once his piercing azure eyes trailed around your camp, noting that nothing looked new. 
 “You don’t need to lie to me, [Y/N]. Is something the matter?”
“I’m sorry!” You cut off, clapping your hands together in a prayer-like position, guilt welling up in the pit of your stomach.
“Your flower—I left it unsupervised and it was set aflame and I’m so so so sor—“
“Don’t be.”
Mouth dropping, you stared up at the male, an amused expression painting his face like the canvases he dedicated to you.
“At least you were not hurt while it was set aflame. Come, I’ll show you how to make some more,” Opening your tent for you all the way, Albedo held a hand out to you, eyes flickering in mirth.
“And next time, don’t try to run away from your problems.”
“You cheeky littl—“ A blush of both embarrassment and fluster formed on your face, shocked at his sudden remark.
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he made you an adepti amulet
enhanced with super-cool-adepti-no-mortal-can-have power, xiao had informed you that all you needed to do was hold up the amulet and it’d scare any kind of enemies away!
cool, right? too bad you left it unattended while fighting the irritable anemo cube! now it’s at the bottom of the sea <3
how did this happen, exactly? well... you see... when wind picks up and becomes strong... light-weight objects will fly up into the air!
and sometimes, those light weight objects will fall into the sea, and sometimes, those objects would be gifts from your adeptus boyfriend who was waiting for you back at wangshu inn—
ahem. anyways. you beat the crap out of the anemo cube (aka, beth. aka, tornado cube. aka, cube waifu)
I should just... not go back to Wangshu Inn today. Haha... I’ll go ask Katheryne for a commission... You nodded, stuffing the turquoise shards of wind into your pockets, your bags filled with mora and enhancement ores being thrown off the side of the cliff.
—Along with the adepti amulet Xiao had made for you.
Seriously... you still had to wonder just how that happened! One second, you were avoiding getting sucked up by the vent of the anemo cube... and the next, your bag was traveling the world!
Can’t have shit in Teyva—
Trekking back to Mondstadt in defeat, you were innocently oblivious to the worry of the Yaksha back in Liyue.
are they okay? do they need help? did they go to dragonspine? all these questions spun around xiao’s head as he watched the moon rise, his mask dissipating into the wind
you told him you’d return tonight... yet you hadn’t. and a part of him had wished you hadn’t left liyue, so he had at least some control over whatever dangers dared to attack you
but, he knew you were strong. why else would he love you, anyway? he does not find appeal in being the savior 24/7
so, he waits. atop the balcony of wangshu inn, across the stars and moon, he prays to his archon, wishing—no, hoping you arrive safely
And—you did. You arrived back at Wangshu Inn.
... Three weeks later.
“You’re late. Very late,” Xiao’s voice blared in your ears, a blessing and a curse all at the same time. You didn’t know how to tell him the amulet was thrown off a cliff—but at the same time, you really wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
“Haha... sorry about that,” You laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your head as Xiao merely grumbled, appearing before you with a piercing stare.
“Where were you? You did not even send me a letter.”
“I’m sorry... it’s just... eh... well...” You looked away, your heart churning against your ribs as Xiao extended his index finger out, tilting your chin to face him.
“What?” He asked, his tone harsh yet soft, longing yet logical.
“I uh... kind of... lost your adepti amulet... I’m sorry.”
He blinked.
“You waited three weeks to tell me that?” He asked in disbelief, almost in disappointment. Seriously, he was an adeptus! A Yaksha, at that! He could’ve just made another one for you... But nooo... you decided to wait three weeks in the land of the free (America?) and then worry him to death.
“Mortals...” Xiao muttered under his breath, crossing his arms with a huff as he turned his head away, the wind picking up.
“Hey, wait! Aren’t you going to say anything? Like a disappointed lecture or something?”
Disappearing, you facepalmed, already pulling out some sweetflowers and milk to whip up some almond tofu.
Damn that adeptus. Who was he to tug your heartstrings like that?
You sighed, sitting beside a cooking pot as lingering yellow eyes watched your form, their irises softening at the sight.
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— constellations! 💫
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ficsnooneaskedfor · 2 years
congrats on 100 followers!!
For the pov rewrite-- could I get Tech either during the birth of Marina or just a domestic moment? I think he could have interesting thoughts from that moment, I'd also like to see how he views downtime, but I'll leave it up to you!!.
For the ship thing-- I'm Mason/Spectre (they/them) studying library science to work in an archive. I like listening to music from movie soundtracks to pop-punk, playing video games (Fallen Order and Undertale my beloveds), and baking. Hanging out with friends is typically shopping, the park, a restaurant, or a night in with games. All genders are in my radar. If you do this, it doesn't even have to be romantic, it could be someone you could see as a friend!!
Can't wait to read your next chapter, just got the update notification! (I am starboars on ao3)
Hello my dear and thank you so much! Sorry this took so long, Covid has been really, really rough. I hope you don't mind me going with the "domestic moment" prompt, though I will be writing about Tech's thoughts during Marina's birth for another request, so be on the lookout for that. Not sure if this is what you had in mind, this is kind of a moment of free time for Tech but also him bonding with Marina. I love the idea of them just hanging out and Tech rattling off information to her lol. It's something I've wanted to write for a long time but haven't had the chance. (Also I really struggle writing dialogue for Tech so if this seems ooc, apologies) I'll make a separate post for your ship request if that's cool cuz this post is a bit long 💕
Content warning: mentions of birth and medical procedures, and baby stuff.
Word Count: 1.3k (this turned out much longer than I planned. The concept of drabbles apparently is lost on me lol)
Tech seemed to have a harder time at first with this new, quiet life in comparison to his brothers and Omega but after establishing a bit of a routine, he adjusted. Not just adjusted, he'd grown to love it rather quickly.
Living in the countryside was very, very different than living in Ord Mantell City. Many of the amenities and conveniences they had grown accustomed to in the city like launders, grocers, food stands, etc just weren't available out here, even in the tiny village near their new home. Tech like everyone else had many tasks he did to keep the household running smoothly but even with all the chores, helping Omega study, and caring for the baby, Tech still had hours of free time every day to do whatever he wished. He spent his days reading Citali's many books, tinkering with new creations, working on the ship, and doing lots and lots of research.
At the moment, Tech was laying on his bed with three textbooks, a notebook, and his datapad in front of him. He began to self-educate himself more in the field of medicine when Omega started showing an interest in midwifery, much like the rest of his brothers though he was more methodical in his approach. He'd always been fascinated by medicine but what had started as simply an attempt to support his sister and finding a way to counteract the accelerated aging in him and his brothers quickly turned into a desperate desire to satisfy his own gnawing curiosity. When it became known that Citali's patient Anaasa needed an operative birth and hysterectomy to survive, his thirst for knowledge only intensified. He was particularly interested in surgeries, medical research, and internal medicine and was even toying with the idea of becoming a doctor himself one day. If the hospital ever became fully operational again- and he truly hoped it would- there would be a need for many people and/or medical droids with different areas of expertise. Perhaps Citali and Omega could focus on midwifery, neonatology, and herbal medicine, and Tech could focus on...other areas. What they could be exactly he wasn't yet sure but he had plenty of time to figure that out.
Tech paused his research when he heard Marina's cries coming from the other room. She had not slept well last night, meaning Wrecker and Melita hadn't either. Tech had hoped the baby would take a nice, long morning nap to give her mother and Wrecker a chance to rest themselves but Marina had other plans. He got up and walked to Melita's room, knocking softly on the door.
"Come in," he heard Melita's sleepy voice say and he entered her bedroom, finding Melita on the bed, Wrecker trying to rouse himself in the rocking chair, and Marina in her crib wailing.
"Would you like me to attend to Marina for a while so the two of you can rest?" Tech asked and Melita gave him a grateful, relieved smile.
"That would be wonderful. Thank you so much Tech," she said, picking Marina up out of the crib. "Would you like to spend some time with Uncle Tech?" she said to her daughter in a singsong voice and Marina smiled. "I know you would. You love learning from him, don't you little girl? I just nursed her about thirty minutes ago but if she gets hungry, you can bring her back to me or make her a bottle. Whichever you prefer."
Tech took Marina into his arms, supporting the baby's head, and grabbed the basket laying beside her crib. The basket had actually been his idea shortly after her birth. Inside was some diapers, wipes, clothes, a baby wrap, swaddling blankets, and other items. The basket kept things that Marina often needed in one place and could easily be moved from room to room throughout the day. Tech sat down on his bed again and tied the wrap from the basket around himself, slipping Marina inside.
"Would you like your pacifier, Marina?" he asked the infant and attempted to put it in her mouth but the baby pushed it out with her tongue. "Your opinions on pacifiers appear to change day by day," he said matter-of-factly.
While most of their family often spoke to Marina using "baby talk", Tech almost always spoke to her more seriously. Not that he wasn't affectionate with her. He dearly loved Marina and his heart seemed to swell with pride whenever someone referred to him as "Uncle Tech". He simply showed his affection for her in a different way, namely by talking to her about anything and everything. Citali would sometimes joke that Marina was sure to be an early talker thanks to his "lectures" but it wasn't really a joke. It seemed that from her first few days of life, Marina would watch Tech's lips move when he spoke to her and try to mimic the sounds he made. As she got older, it became quite clear that was precisely what she was doing.
Tech set the pacifier aside and held up one of the textbooks a few inches away so Marina could see it. "I'm educating myself on hysterectomies. Did you know there are different types?" Marina gurgled at him and Tech responded to her. "I did not know...fascinating, isn't it? See here..." Tech pointed to one of the diagrams with his index finger, though Marina continued to stare up at him. "This one is called a 'partial hysterectomy'. During this procedure, the cervix and ovaries are left intact. There are also 'total' and 'radical' hysterectomies. A total hysterectomy removes the cervix as well, and a radical hysterectomy includes a 'bilateral oophorectomy'...that's the medical way of saying removing both of the ovaries. There are benefits and drawbacks to each type of course."
Tech looked down at Marina. She was still staring at him with her big brown eyes and she gave him a wide grin, her dimples becoming more visible in the process. Tech could never resist the smile that tugged at his own lips at her when that happened. He found her dimpled smile almost unbearably cute. "I must say, you have one of the most endearing smiles I have ever seen, Marina," he said in a still serious tone of voice but with a noticeable sweetness. He ran his fingers through her black curls and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "I am in need of a break from research, my eyes are feeling somewhat strained. This has been occurring more frequently recently, I do believe an adjustment with my goggles is necessary. Would you care to assist me?"
Tech repaired his goggles under Marina's watchful gaze, then brought her onto the Marauder to "assist" him with some modifications he'd been making to the ship's hyperdrive, "educating" her on the different parts of the ship and the tools he used. When she started showing early signs of hunger, before she started crying, Tech brought her back into the house. Rather than wake Melita, he went ahead and made the baby a bottle. After feeding and burping her, she fell asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. Tech considered putting her in a bassinet for her nap but that only lasted about two seconds. Instead, he slipped her back into the wrap and read while she slept on him, unwilling to part from her. Marina was growing up so fast, it wouldn't be long before she was too big for babywearing and taking naps on her uncle like this. The thought made Tech a little sad.
But Marina growing up also filled him with joy. Someday soon he would be able to have real two-way conversations with her. He could teach her all he knew about piloting, building and repairing things, and she would tell him all about her own interests as he listened intently...he truly couldn't wait for that.
I hope you enjoyed this @spectres-swtk-thoughts! Thank you so much for your support and I'll try to have your ship posted later today.
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miss-mossball · 2 years
Paris?? :v
Tumblr media
Full Name: Paris Tolbert
Gender and Sexuality: male, gay~
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: half human, half shadow
Birthplace and Birthdate: June 14th, he was raised in the Tolbert family bakery in Blumenstrand
Guilty Pleasures: Reading and writing shippy fanfiction, spending all his money on sex toys and commissions of his ocs, and…rose petals? :v…stalking Roulette, just a little bit
Phobias: Doing something that would make roulette genuinely hate him ☹
What They Would Be Famous For: becoming a well-known writer for trope-y romances :v Also if Peter and Mic’s band Roadkill ever takes off, he’d be known as their on-again, off-again bassist  
In the fantasy AU he’s also the Rat King :>…..not exactly good fame to have
What They Would Get Arrested For: trespassing(as all shadows would be), disturbance of the peace(he’s very loud! And starts fights really easily)
OC You Ship Them With: Ahh my beloved Roulette~!!!! <333 (also Marion, in a three-way sorta way)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Nette. Peter also. The only thing theyd ever agree on is how to take out Paris (they both think hes redic annoying)
But also in the fantasy AU, Nette again because he’s the nutcracker. Actually a lot of people want to murder him!!! Including the Rat Queen tbh :’) poor Parry
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance, obviously~
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when the characters break up in the end D: if you love eachother, why can’t you just communicate?!?!?!
Talents and/or Powers: Typical shadow things: free use of the shadows as transportation. Shapeshifting(for Paris: A bunny or a rat, but most likely, a guitar). When his emotions get intense, his eyes shift from red, to yellow, to green (yes, like a traffic light uwu most shadow eye colors change tho,).
Paris, as kind of a silly character, has the innate ability to make the breeze blow in a flattering way, showering mysterious rose petals(assumed to come from his bag, which is filled with fake rose petals), spring roses and lace and pastels in the background, ect… Probably has his own bg music for his antics
Why Someone Might Love Them: Paris is intense and passionate, and if he locks onto you, you cannot deny that you’re loved by him!!! He feels a lot of the same affection for his friends. Very much ‘I’ll bite them for you’. He’s basically a bishounen knight in shining armor
 Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s just as intense in his hatred :v Paris doesn’t hold back and gets in fights pretty easily. Even if he were indifferent, he’s very loud and aggressive and pushy. He can be kind of an asshole, even to people he loves. He really grates on Peter with all these things
How They Change: When Paris was young, he was very shy and careful about being in the closet around his family. He really struggled to mask his LGBT+ and shadow identity and autism, pretended to be a Hetero Male Human™
He had an outburst of sorts and decided, “fuck you actually, I’m going to be me to the very most!!!!!!!” He went totally opposite to his family’s ‘keep things on the down-low’ approach to life.
He changes a little more as he grows up more, like realizing you can’t harass someone into loving you :v just mellows out a tiny bit when he realizes its safe and he can relax and he doesn’t have to make everything a huge defiant statement anymore, cuz the people around him love him for who he is <3
Why You Love Them: He’s the reason me and Roulie are together today :> I used Paris to harass him as a joke, and it turned into becoming roleplay partners and eventually….we’re gonne be married :D
Paris, like Vanicho, is my love for roulie compacted into one character uvu its very intense <3
He’s also just fun as fuck to use
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misterewrites · 2 years
Piltover’s Finest
Hey everyone! E here with a new story idea because I love writing and I have long accepted my fate of just being random with my story ideas. Arcane was such an amazing show it's hard to believe it came out of the League of Legends...anything. (great game, eh community. Try wildrift for less toxicity or just play with bots on lol. Not perfect but significantly less toxic. Also there's a card game called legends of runeterra that's pretty fun). So I decided to write about Vi and Caitlyn cuz I love their dynamic and ship.
So right now it is a oneshot but I'm also leaving it open in case i ever want to come back. Possible spoiler warnings as I am drawing from both Arcane and regular canon and kinda fusing it together. So heads up? I mean it's possible it'll never happen but I wanna cover my bases.
Okay that's it for me! Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands, get vaccinated and boosted if you can for the love of living, keep yourself and loved ones safe, spin around in a circle with a broom yelling "Six feet!" and push for worldwide vaccination cuz i'm really freaking tired of all this shit. Feel free to leave likes, comments, recommend this to your friends, reblogs. Honestly I love and appreciate all that and I'm just happy you wanted to read my work. Means a lot to me so thank you. Have a great week and I'll see you soon. E is out peace!
So check out this story over on the way more friendly Ao3 right here
Fan of Arcane? Hey look another story I did right over there
and the rest of my work if you’re interested or bored.
and now we’re here at the keep reading sign. For those of you disembarking at this stop, have a nice day.
I should not post these late at night haha.
Summary: When you see a legend, a true champion, it seems impossible to fathom how one holds such a prodigious title. Their trials, their tribulations and everything in between. But even the most legendary start on their path somewhere. Even if it's at the bottom. Arcane season 1 spoilers (also maybe possible later season spoilers)
Have you ever been in a place that just felt wrong? A place so starkly different from anything you’ve ever known you can’t help but feel like you shouldn’t be here. That your mere presence upsets everything around you.
That’s how Vi felt standing in the posh, clean streets of Piltover.
It’d been weeks since Pow….Jinx, she was Jinx now, attacked the Piltover Council in a brazen display of power. Though the act was her final goodbye to that psychopath Silco, she didn’t claim the attack for Zaun. She didn’t even tell anyone she was the one behind it: Jinx simply blew up a building and vanished into thin air.
Most of the council managed to survive the initial blast due to some miraculous early warning but a few still remained in critical condition.
Vi couldn’t remember the last few weeks if she was going to be honest. She wandered the streets of this foreign land, desperate to prevent grief and guilt from consuming her. Her only purpose in life had been to find Powder and put Silco six feet in the ground. Now both were gone and she’d been left with nothing.
Part of her wanted to return to The Lanes in a childish hope that she would find purpose there. Something, anything to keep going.
She knew better though: Her beloved Lanes died when Vander did and returning would not change the fact that only Zaun, Silco’s legacy, remained in its stead. Not to mention the shimmer that ran rampant in the streets and the chembarons who still held tight control over the city. Going back there with nothing more but the clothes on her back would never end well for her.
Piltover, however, wasn’t much of a better choice: Everything was too polished, too clean and just wrong. While having air that didn’t burn your throat with poisonous toxins and actual sunlight was nice, Pilties were uncomfortable with the idea of a undercity thug wandering their streets freely. Vi noticed the hushed whispers and sideways glances she got whenever she walked on the street. While The Lanes had the odd Enforcer patrol here and there, here in the “City of Progress” they were everywhere. On every other street corner, walking in pairs down alleyways and on the rooftops. Maybe it was the recent tension between the two cities but Vi found it awfully convenient that there was always one nearby whenever she did anything.
“Would you stop!?” Vi shouted angrily as she turned around, startling the enforcer that not so subtly been tailing her.
The enforcer flinched, dropping their gun to the floor in surprise. They scrambled to pick up their fallen weapon and hide their panic.
Vi scoffed “Greenie aren’t we?”
“No!” The enforcers voice cracked.
Vi rose an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“I mean…” The enforcer cleared their throat “I’m not following you.”
“Yes you are.”
“I am not...ma’am.”
“You’ve been trailing me since I left the alley.” Vi rolled her eyes, unable to hide her annoyance “About three blocks ago. You like to scrape the floor with your left foot.”
The enforcer paled “I…”
“Leave me alone.” Vi muttered quietly “I’m not really up for this shit right now.”
The enforcer paused for a moment, weighing their options. Evidently they decided it was best to listen to her because they gave a short nod and turned around, quickly making their way as far away from her as possible.
Vi sighed, blowing a strain of pink hair out of her face.
“Maybe Bilgewater is nice this time of year.” she whispered under her breath “Booze, guns and piracy. It’ll be like I’m a kid again.”
“I wouldn’t recommend that.” A familiar refined voice said softy “I rather like you as an adult.”
Vi felt her cheeks warm as Caitlyn stood next to her, a cheeky smile dancing on her lips.
“Whoa cupcake when did you get here?” Vi backed up.
“About three seconds ago.” Caitlyn replied simply “When you decided to lightly threaten an enforcer.”
“Suggested.” Vi countered impishly “Threatening an enforcer is a crime after all.”
Caitlyn shook her head in disbelief “Of course. So suggesting is what we’re calling it?”
“It is what it is cupcake.”
“Right.” Caitlyn crossing her arms with finality “Well since we’re suggesting things.”
Vi narrowed her eyes suspiciously “I don’t like where this is going.”
Caitlyn chuckled playfully “I doubt you would but the fact remains you cannot be running around in the streets Vi.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.” Caitlyn said, a hint of a threat in her voice “Come back to my home. I have more than enough space to accommodate you.”
Vi raised a hand to stop her “Sorry, hard pass cupcake. I didn’t come up here to be a pet.”
Caitlyn let out a cute frustrated noise that made Vi’s heart skip a beat “I will not allow you to wallow in self pity!”
“I’m not wallowing in anything princess.” Vi growled “I’m casing joints so I can rob them later. You know like the big bad undercity bitch I am.”
Vi rolled her eyes sarcastically “What? It’s the truth, isn’t it? I failed as a sister, I failed to be a hero and I sure as fuck failed to stop your mom from being blown up!”
Vi turned away, realizing she had taken it a step too far. How could she be so stupid? Really Violet you were going to bring up how her mother was nearly killed by your sister. Why don’t you spit in her face and kick her while she’s down? Oh wait you already did that!
Vi’s heartbeat thundered loudly in her ears as she felt the warm embrace of Caitlyn’s arms wrapping around her tightly.
They stayed like that for a moment, an understanding in the pain they both shared.
“You need to stop.” Caitlyn whispered gently in her ear “Blaming yourself for what happened won’t fix anything.”
Vi remained silent, shame eating at her resolve.
“My mother will recover thankfully.” Caitlyn continued “And I know how important your sister was to you. I don’t blame you for what happened but you can’t hold onto the guilt Vi.”
Vi took a shaky breath.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It was.” Vi said, turning to face Caitlyn “If I just accepted what everyone had been saying.” her voice grew louder, more desperate and laced with pain “If I just accepted that she wasn’t Powder anymore, that she wasn’t my sister anymore I could’ve stopped her! I could’ve stopped all this! I could’ve…!”
Vi’s eyes widen as Caitlyn gently placed a finger on her lips.
“You talk too much Vi.” she teased before cupping the pink hair girl’s cheek “You are a product of the schism between our cities, not the cause.”
Vi could feel the tears forming. She closed her eyes to stop them.
“Vi.” Caitlyn’s sweet voice echoed in the darkness “She is still your sister. Not the one you knew but family all the same. And we must stop her.”
Stop Jinx? Could she even do that? Could she bring herself to raise her fists against her own flesh and blood? Vi still had nightmares about that faithful night, the regrets that haunted her in that lonely cell for all those years.
Vi slowly opened her eyes, stormy gray meeting sapphire blue.
“We need to stop her.” Caitlyn spoke with an authoritative firmness “Only you and I can bring her in safely.”
“You’d do that?” Vi asked, unable to keep the awe out of her voice “For me?”
“For you.” Caitlyn’s eyes widen as she took a step away and breaking their embrace “F-for Piltover!” she quickly added, brushing nonexistence dirt off her skirt “The others won’t care she is a broken girl destroyed by our war. We cannot allow this senseless circle of violence but we also can’t let her cause untold mayhem and panic.”
Vi chuckled. She stretched her arms as she tried to discreetly wipe the tears away.
“Okay cupcake.” Vi gave a cocky grin “You’re the enforcer thug. Where do we start?”
You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed.
Vi tilted her head curiously “Cupcake?”
Caitlyn gave a strained smile as she nervously played with a strain of her hair.
Vi gave her a deadpan stare.
“Well…” Caitlyn said slowly “I’m...not...actually an enforcer anymore.”
“I’m sorry what? Excuse me?”
Caitlyn gave Vi a pointed finger “Let me explain.”
“What do you mean you’re not an enforcer anymore?!”
“I was fired.” Caitlyn admitted “After the bombing.”
By Jinx went unsaid for which Vi was grateful for.
“My parents talked to Marcus and convinced him to get me off the force for my safety.”
“Wow.” Vi clicked her tongue disappointingly “That sucks and blows. Wait, how did you get me out of Stillwater then? You said it was for a case.”
Caitlyn cutely twiddled her thumbs “I sort of….lied.’
Vi couldn’t tell which she was more: surprised or impressed.
“You? Lied?” Vi asked, disbelieving.
“Only because I knew I can solve the case!” Caitlyn added quickly, with a hint of pride Vi noticed.
Vi stuck up her nose as she took on a mocking posh tone “That isn’t very elegant for a refined lady such as yourself.”
Caitlyn playfully shoved Vi “Oh shut it.”
“But now I gotta know. How did you get me out?”
“Forged Jayce’s handwriting on some council documents.” she answered casually as if discussing the weather.
“Forgery and Fraud.” VI whistled appreciatively while giving her a cheeky wink “You know what I like.”
Caitlyn could feel her cheeks burn “Don’t you start.”
Vi gave a good nature laugh but dropped the subject “Okay cupcake so what now?”
“We need to get back on the force.”
“We” Caitlyn confirmed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world “Otherwise we leave your sister’s fate up to chance.”
“Okay.” Vi nodded in a daze “Me, an enforcer? I died and I’m in hell.”
Caitlyn nudged her “The only way for us to make a difference is in the system.”
“Not when the system is corrupted” Vi countered.
Caitlyn scratched her chin thoughtfully “True. There’s telling how deep this runs and we have no idea who else was in on Marcus’s machinations.”
“Oooo machinations? I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
“Vi!” Caitlyn shrieked, unable to keep the blush off her face anymore “I’m serious.”
Vi raised her hands in surrender “I’m done, I’m done. So we burn down the system and make a better one. Easier said cupcake. Where do we start?”
“Pretty boy?”
“I know you have your reservations about him but he is a good man. Misguided and utterly vain but a good man.”
Vi rolled her eyes “If you say so.”
Caitlyn turned to face her face set in a grim determination “Do you trust me?”
Vi thought back to their adventures: Caitlyn saving her from her ill advised fight with Sevika, trading her only defense in the harsh undercity to heal her, offering her home as safehouse after the disastrous incident on the bridge and now giving her new purpose in life.
Did she trust Caitlyn?
“With my life.” Vi answered honestly, allowing some vulnerability to slip through.
The smile Caitlyn gave her was more lovely the fresh air and the sun. Combined.
“Well then.” She slipped her arm in Vi’s “We’re on the case!”
Vi couldn’t help but smile in return as the pair made their way toward Jayce’s workshop “Piltover’s Finest!”
“We are not calling ourselves that.”
“I dunno, I kinda like it.”
And Vi meant it.
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the-wee-woo-royal · 2 years
Birthday Excitement
I know you're not really in the Renegades fandom anymore but the characters are all I can write at the moment so bear with me.
I made you a lil something special inspired by this wonderful, creative and visually appealing drawing from a while ago. Now, this fic has two of my favorite of your old headcanons for these men (1. Simon being a fem manwhore -in the best way, I still think about this one sometimes lol- and 2. Hugh being a certified himbo -like that isn't common knowledge lmao- and Hugh being French and Simon being some type of Spanish speaking latino… I used google translate so be nice.) There's also a few callbacks from a few of your old stuff (i underlined em and there's a google doc at the end with it all. Yes, I did my work. Only the best for you.)
A small ittle trip down memory lane with a little royal touch to it (get it… cuz ‘royal’... I’m royal. I’m so funny)
Plus a little added surprise, your welcome (Will I probably not be able to read this later out of embarrassment? Yes. Yall can probably guess...😏)
Trust me, my friend, you're gonna want to read this.
Fic under cut—
Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday To You)
Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti (Happy Birthday To You)
I… just feel we need more… excitement.
I'm not following, Si.
Ya know… excitement.
It took Hugh getting a random drink of water at 4 o’clock in the morning to realize what Simon meant, but ‘excitement’.
When it came to Simon there was only one thing that would need changing in the excitement area. Not that either of them were… lacking… but a little change wouldn’t hurt.
Simon's birthday was soon, so Hugh waited until then.
Hugh’s been married to Simon for… 5 years now, known him for even longer. It's only right that Hugh knew his husband's favorite animal.
A cow.
The little black and white ones that were so adorable and heart stopping to Simon.
It brought a smile to Hugh’s face when they would have to drive in the mountains and see the cows littered throughout the hills. To see his beloved's wide eyes and adorable grin looking out the window like he’d never seen them before. And the passerby fairs that had a petting zoo. There was always at least one cow. You could bet that it took a lot of convincing to get him to move on when there was a baby cow that he could brush, pet and feed right in front of him. Simon even once tried to buy it from the owner, but was sadly rejected.
With that memory aside, it wasn't too hard to find something that would make Simon's special day. Neither were too particular men, and although Hugh didn't have the best taste in clothing, this was… well … this. Upon opening the package, he already could tell it would look great on him, even he knew that.
In honor of Simon's favorite animal Hugh got himself a cow costume that Simon would certainly enjoy. Among other gifts that were nice and meaningful, but this one was by far the most clever.
He has Kasumi, Tamaya and Evander take Simon out for a brunch. Simon had questioned why Hugh wasn’t joining, his best response was that it was unfair of him to have Simon all day.
Yeah, not the best.
Simon insisted and Hugh said he had some work, which got Simon mad.
Again, not the best.
They had made a series of unbreakable rules a while back to make sure work didn’t take over family time. One of those rules was not a bit of work was to be done on birthdays or holidays unless the world was ending (which had actually happened more than a few times, but they were in the clear now, so there was absolutely no excuse.)
This was why Hugh hated lying. He was so bad at it. For a self-proclaimed politician, he sucked at the lying and fibbing part. His excuses were always either outright dumb or outrageous.
It reminded him of a movie scene he’d watched it Adrian, (Play dumb.. NOT THAT DUMB…).
He eventually got an irritated Simon to go out to brunch alone with their friends while Hugh secretly set up a mini celebration in their Simon’s, it was all of theirs in spirit but it was Simon’s house that they lived in before they got the mansion. He and Simon, the last of the council to be in that house, moved out around 3 years ago, and surprisingly the place hadn’t been bought yet. The landlord did not allow rentals so Hugh he bought the place outright so he would ever have to see those sharks again. He doubted Simon would mind considering what this place meant to the both of them.
It was the first place that they lived together, they experienced everything there. There were so many memories here, one being Simon teaching Hugh how to bake a pie. Another where they talked about Simon's invisibility and that conversation leading up to how Hugh sometimes poops chromium. Also the place was close to one of their favorite parks where they would go on little short dates when they could get away during the Age of Anarchy. Everything about this place holds memories.
Toi Cent Dux (Your One-Hundred and Two)
Tu Ciento Dos (Your One-Hundred and Two)
Kasumi texted Hugh that they were almost done. She and the rest of them didn’t know exactly what Hugh had planned but just that it was a surprise. Simon, however, was oblivious. They could tell that he was a little angry that Hugh had to do ‘work’ on his birthday.
For a man that can be smart he was so dumb at times.
They did their absolute best to get any negative thoughts out of Simon’s mind, and they succeeded. He seemed so happy and they knew that it would only grow. Hugh may be a himbo, but he knew how to make Simon the happiest man in the world (he could upset him just as fast, not on purpose of course, but that isn’t relevant right now).
Simon tried not to sigh or let the fact that he would be met with a husband that didn’t seem to care about him today. He didn't even get a compliment on his outfit. He put on some nice tight pants that made his butt look big and plump and a crop top, plus his make-up was fire. He’d forgotten his jacket but it didn't take away from the fit.
Absolutely stunning, sex on legs… maybe even better… but nope, nothing out of Hugh.
They walked into the parking lot together, they had all parked together so they didn't need to split.
“Si, keys.” Evander said with a snap of his fingers.
Simon snorted, “Like I’d ever willingly let you drive my car.”
Evander grinned like an idiot, “Well you won't need it because that,” he pointed to a really fancy and expensive looking car that came into view, “is your ride.”
Simon looked between their friends and they all just smiled as they shooed him toward the car.
The very tinted driver rolled down to reveal Hugh. He got out and Simon was able to see all of him. He was wearing… his old cool-guy outfit from Highschool. It was a pink muscle-tee with jeans and a thick belt. The letterman jacket that was always a bit tight was thrown over his shoulder. He leaned against the car, “I was just driving around the neighborhood and spotted something very sweet.” He said in a low voice, tilting his sunglasses down, giving Simon’s body a seductive look.
Evander gagged from behind him, “OK, I'd like the keys now. I wanna leave.”
Simon didn't break eye contact with his husband as he handed them over.
Hugh held out a hand and Simon took it instantly and allowed himself to be pulled in close, “I thought you didn’t care…” Simon whispered, a bit ashamed he thought so lowly of his husband.
Hugh only laughed, “How could I not when you look like this.” He took the jacket and put it around Simon, “Sorry for hiding your jacket and making you forget it. I just really wanted you to wear this one. Like old times.”
Simon slipped his arms in place and his stomach erupted in butterflies.
Exactly like old times.
In the spirit of the past, Simon poked Hugh’s chest, “Since you're wearing the outfit, can you do the thing I've always liked?”
Knowing exactly what Simon meant, Hugh let his arms fall and stood straight. Rolling his eyes, he bounced his pecs a few times and Simon bit his lip.
Hugh stopped, earning a soft whine from the other, and made his way to the passenger door and opened it for his love, “Enough horniness, get in, we’re not done yet.”
Simon looked at him wide eyed, licking his lips, “ Ok, Pap-”
Simon giggled as he got in.
Hugh, mi vida, what do you have planned?
Bonne fête (Happy Birthday)
Feliz cumpleaños (Happy Birthday)
Simon would recognize this neighborhood in a cloud of thick fog. He would be able to tell where he was blindfolded just by the feel.
He knew that after the last turn there would be a pothole and only a few seconds after that the car would stop.
He saw his home.
The old one, the one where everything started.
Dos Mios, it was already great but this is…
No words could describe his surprise and happiness from just being near this place.
“H-how. Does no one live here?” Simon said, perplexed, getting out of the car. Hugh shook his head, “Nope… and nothing’s changed either.”
Simon stood in place while Hugh came around the car, “You went inside?”
“Well… I had to tour it to buy it.”
“Yea, that makes sen- Wait, what?”
Hugh smiled, “Left pocket.”
Simon reached inside the pocket and pulled out a key. He saw the initials he’d written as a kid.
His key.
He hid it under one of the stones in front of the house. He told everyone it was just in case the next owners wanted it but in all reality he just didn't want anyone else using it.
S.W with a n added ‘E’ that stood out against the other faded letters.
“Yeah, I added that. Felt right.” Hugh covered one of Simon’s hand with his own, “You wanna go inside now, baby?”
Simon all but ran to the door, unlocking it and going inside at record speed.
When he stepped inside, he instantly made his way to the living room, as Hugh predicted, where a mass of presents awaited.
Mon très cher DT (My Dearest DT)
Mi Querida DT (My Dearest DT)
Hugh watched as Simon finished up the slice of cake he’d been working on. He smiled at him and Hugh couldn't help but smile back.
“You like everything?” Hugh said, bring his plate to the sink. Simon let himself fall on the couch, “Of course! It's all perfect.”
“Well I hope you are not all birthday-d out ‘cuz there's still one more thing…” Hugh trailed, pulling one last gift from behind his back.
Hugh handed Simon the last gift, “Wait,” he interjected before Simon could open it, “Ima go to the basement, wait… one minute, then open it and put it on. Meet me there after.”
Simon raised an eyebrow and Hugh grabbed his chin lightly but firmly, “Only this.”
Simon nodded, his breath catching in his throat.
The minute couldn't have gone by any slower. The instructions rang in his head like a tempting bell.
Only this.
When he’d reached 60 in his head, he tore the wrapping off to find a nice, soft and flowy purple holographic skirt. Just the shade he liked too.
Only this.
It just covered his ass, it was merely an inch from showing. He did a little twirl to himself. It was pretty, the colors changing every so slightly.
Hugh’s words stayed true as he only wore the skirt. He wasn't an idiot, he knew what was about to happen. He waited another minute to give Hugh time to finish up whatever he was planning. He grabbed the letterman jacket.
Yeah, Hugh said only the skirt but Simon doubted there would be any bad feelings to him wearing the jacket.
“Oh Hubby… I'm coming down…” Simon called, when there was no response, he took that as an invitation.
No amount of daydreaming could've made him guess that the great Captain Chromium would be ‘w’-sitting on the bed dressed in cow lingerie.
They made eye contact, Hugh blinked at him with a tilted head and a sly smile taking over hip lips, “Moo.”
Simon walked forward slowly, admiring the sight. His eye caught on something familiar.
The corner of the sheet was pulled up, revealing the floral blue mattress they had way back when, “Is this the same mattress?”
Hugh followed his eye line, “Umm, I don't think anyone changed it.. So yes?”
Simon wiggled his eyebrows, “We lost our virginities on this mattress.”
It took Hugh a moment to remember but he mimicked Simon’s face when he did, “Then let's put it to good use once again.”
When Simon was close enough, Hugh reached out and pulled Simon to him, pressing small kisses to his bare chest, “You like the outfit?”
Simon looked down at him, stroking the side of his face. “I love it.”
He knelt on the bed to Hugh’s level and kissed him slowly and sensually. As they invaded each other's senses, Hugh grasped Simon’s bare ass from beneath the skirt, “Good boy,” he whispered, causing Simon to shiver in excitement. Hugh reached behind him and grabbed the mini bottle of lube he’d brought, “It's your birthday, let me pamper you.”
Simon nodded and Hugh took over his mouth, their tongues clashing together in an ongoing battle. There was a slight cold feeling at his entrance but it quickly turned to pleasure as Hugh pumped his fingers in and out of him.
Hugh added another finger after some time, then another, preparing him
When the time finally came Simon allowed himself to be bent forward on the edge of the bed and Hugh took over him. Lifting Simon’s skirt up, Hugh pressed the head of his dick slowly in Simon’s entrance. There was a labored breath from Simon and Hugh leaned forward, biting his earlobe, “Do you want more?” Simon whined in response and Hugh let loose a low laugh, “Words, mon amour.” Simon groaned, “Yes! Please! I want more… so much more… please.”
“As you wish.”
Simon fisted the blankets as Hugh pressed more of himself in him. It hurt a little bit, but the pain was worth it. The reward was worth it.
The low creek of the bed was arousing, the soft grunts from both of them as Hugh started slowly, building both of them up.
Hugh was pressing him deep in the bed, the friction on his own dick making him leak from his tip.
“F-Fuck” Hugh groaned as he hooked Simon’s leg in the cook of his arm and drove himself as deep as possible in his husband. Simon arched his back, his mouth parting letting loose a beautifully deep moan as his prostate was hit. Hugh pulled out half way and repeated the action, watching the way it slipped in and out, rhythmically.
The pleasure took over their bodies in waves. Pulling back, then coming back at them full force.
“H- Oh… Hugh?”
He slowed his thrusts to a stop, allowing Simon to breath and talk.
“Ca- Oh my..” Hugh started sucking on Simon’s neck. He knew exactly what he was doing to the man, “Speak, I can't promise I'll w-wait for much longer…” Hugh tried to play the tough dom for tonight, but the slight stutter reminded the both of them that Hugh’s body was for Simon.
For him to use anyway he pleased. Most assumed that Hugh was ‘in charge’, but more often than not, it was Simon who had Hugh wrapped around his perfect little finger.
“I wanna see you.” Simon finally breathed.
Hugh waited until Simon was situated on the bed before making his move, “Where do you want me, Love?”
Simon sent in a smile, his eyes full of arousal, “Still on top… please, Papi.”
Hugh wasted no time setting himself between Simon’s open and awaiting legs. Hugh removed the horned headband from his head and placed it on Simon, who tilted his head and mimicked him from earlier, “Moo.”
He captured Simon's mouth in a deep, rough kiss and took that as an opportunity to slip himself back into his husband. They both moaned at the feeling and the noises only got louder as their movements got faster and rougher.
Neither man liked to be handled delicately.
They were past the soft touches and hesitation. They left that stage of their relationship years ago. It was rough, now. Just as both of them liked it. Hugh couldn't be marked but it didn't stop Simon from acting like he could. Sucking and grabbing Hugh’s body to ground himself. Though it was him whose body was battered in the best way. Bite marks and hickey's littered Simon’s body. Being able to touch them the next day and have his body erupt in tingles at just the memory.
One of Hugh’s hands was on the headboard, and Simon would feel his back muscles working underneath his hands. The other was holding his leg wide open. Simon’s other leg was wrapped tightly around Hugh’s waist, allowing minimal space between them. And Hugh wouldn’t stop attacking his neck and jawline. Not that he wanted him to stop.
Anything but stop
Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday To You)
Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti (Happy Birthday To You)
“I'm guessing you're hungry right now” Hugh sighed into his husband's neck. He felt the slight laugh in Simon’s chest and he groaned, “for something actually edible, mon amour?”
“Boring… but yeah, kinda.”
Hugh got up and Simon admired the sight. He didn’t know when exactly their special clothes had gotten taken off, but wasn’t complaining. Hugh picked up the discarded costume, “Would you like to enjoy this a little bit longer?”
Simon bit his lip, “Maybe…,” he sunk into bed, pulling the cover up to kid his reddening cheeks.
Hugh chuckled, “Well then, give me a moment, this thing is hard to get on and I'd rather not me struggling be a turn off so I’ll be in the bathroom.”
Simon took his leaving as a sign for him to get up too. Stretching out his back, he spotted his discarded skirt and Hugh’s jacket. After a few minutes of mentally preparing himself to get out of bed, he put them on, not even asking Hugh if that's what he wanted. He already knew that answer, if he did ask, “Is that even a question, Amour?”. He could hear it in his mind perfectly.
When Hugh came back out his heart did a flip in his chest. They had just had sex like this but he couldn’t get over how damn sexy he looked.
They made their way back upstairs and Hugh pulled two bowls from the refrigerator and put them in the microwave.
When they came out Simon couldn’t help but laugh, “My favorite noodles!”
Hugh laughed with him, “It's your birthday, Was I not going to get them?”
Simon leaned over and kissed him, “Thank you for bringing me back here. Thank you for showing me love in so many different ways.”
“Anything for you, mon coeur.”
Happy Birthday
Tagging (plz dm/comment of u want to be added or removed): @dt-everwoods (ofc) @obsidianfr3sk @greenalmond @galaxy-creationz @deprivedmusicaljunkie
(think I got everyone. Lost my tag lost so I went with what I remember. Feel free to out me if you were forgotten -sorry-)
-The doc mentioned in the begining: here
8 notes · View notes
the-crows-typist · 4 years
Hello! I recently read your azul's ficlet and i'm close to crying at how beautiful it is (its 4am emo hours). If its okay, may I request a ficlet of Jade with a gn!reader with the word 'sleep' or 'rest' (pick whichever suits better!). Thank you in advance! 💖
CW: Spoilers for the movie Your Name (Kimi no na wa), character death, body switching, angst with a happy ending, and slow burn (sort of)
Feedback in greatly appreciated!
Thank you to @opalmaplehibiscus , @jellyfishstuckinwonderland , and @raven-at-the-writing-desk for the input in the making of this fic. I greatly appreciate your help.
The Possibilities are Endless
“My name is..”
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“Please remember me...!”
The crowds on the train pushed them apart, a braided bracelet was tossed towards Jade. A lifeline connecting both of them together, a connection between two souls; the face of one that was desperate to keep holding on, they yelled one last time just as the doors of the train closed and their grip on the bracelet wrap loosened.
“My name is—!”
Jade opened his eyes and he was in his room, his very dark room.  To his side was his closet and to the other a white wall. The sound of bubbling water churned behind the window of his dorm room and with one slow blink, he pulled himself up and hunched over.
The same dream, the same voice, the same bracelet tossed to him.
He craned his head to his lamp stand where the colorful wrap lay next to his earring, he doesn’t remember where he got it nor does he remember why he wanted to keep it for so long. He took the bracelet and looked at it and thought back to the voice in his dream.
“Please remember me...!”
Pushing himself off he moved to the mirror to fix his appearance, with his brush and hair gel in hand he let out a gasp when the lights of vanity shined light on a note. A note written on his cheek with a marker, a message he didn’t remember writing.
“Who are you?”
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It was during breakfast that Jade began to notice the strange happenings around him, how Azul asked if he was feeling better or how Floyd said he was wearing his earring again. “What do you mean,” Jade questioned. “I always wear it.”
“You weren’t yesterday. And you looked so lost like some little guppy, you even forget how to get to class yesterday morning.” Floyd complained, eating his breakfast with a huff. “Was it a prank? Cuz’ you got me good.”
What was he doing yesterday?
He woke up, went to school...No. That wasn’t what happened. He didn’t recall anything from the previous day. In fact, he remembered being at  a different place.
In a city full of buildings and faraway from the sea, the familiar smell of white roses, the smile of an unfamiliar fellow and a bento box he had no recollection of him cooking or making.
His uniform wasn’t black but a cream with a tint of yellow, his magical pen was nowhere to be seen and was instead replaced with a pen nib brooch.  He touches his cheek, remembering the message written on his cheek. “Who are you?”
“C’mon, you gotta tell me.” Floyd pestered, his arm over Jade’s neck “Was it a prank?”
“Perhaps.” The twins laughed, Floyd pulling close but in his mind he thought of the message, his incapability to remember the previous day. He needed more answers but only questions filled his head.
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His notes were a mess and full of sketches. There were sketches of Night Raven’s facade and the students, his classmates. A slew of messy messages on paper, the handwriting worrying as if the person writing was stressed beyond belief.
“The uniforms are black, the gems are pens.”
“Nothing but roses for miles.”
“Wishing well???”
“Where am I?”
“Mr Leech, please read the next line.”
“Yes, sir.”
Trein’s brow raised and he blinked. “Well, today you actually remember your name. Perhaps you were just feeling ill.” A hum of laughter passed through the class. “And your hair is fixed as well; I was beginning to think you and your brother switched places when you came into class with a messy bed head.”
Jade blinked, tilting his head. “I...see. I’ll make sure to not make that mistake again, professor.”
“Good. Continue on reading.”
“Magic transcends all meaning when twilight occurs, when the sun and the moon share the sky for a single moment.” Trein explained, using a magical pointer. “The word twilight means ‘half-light’ when the light of the sun glows and causes refraction in the atmosphere and signaling the end of the morning and welcoming of night or visa versa. At times like this does magic become unpredictable and free-forming and when realities begin to overlap each other for the time twilight occurs. This was used to the advantage of the earliest magician in recorded history.”
Trein faced his students. “Nowadays, these times of day are known as dusk and dawn as the world twilight has fallen out of favor in recent years.”
“It’s probably because of that one book.” A student yelled from the rows behind and Trein nodded his head. “Ah, yes, ten years ago was an odd time for the word ‘twilight’.” Trein blinked, shaking his head slightly. “Who would have thought the human body produced so much diamonds but that is beside the point.” The bell rang and the students began taking their books. “Be sure to read up on your lesson today, we will be having a quiz tomorrow on the topic.”
Jade stayed in his seat for some time and stared at the diagram on the board.
In the back of his mind, a flash of a memory comes to him. He remembers a train stopping by and the droves of people coming in and out. Jade was alone that time, buying something some seeds or fungi. The sun was setting at the time, the yellow sun turning orange and the sky dimming to a nightly violet.
He didn’t know the person who called out his name nor did he remember what they looked like but he did remember the smile they had, as if they were looking for him for a long time, it was a  face relief. 
“It’s me.”
He didn’t know who this person was nor did he ever remember their face and yet, at that instant he seemed to have known them his entire life. In his heart was a feeling of warmth, of glee, of content and relief; he was confused by it all. A strike of panic pierced his heart when that smile turned into a confused and upset frown. “You don’t...remember me..?”
The next stop came and people began filing out, pushing the two of them away from each other. “Jade, please remember me!” They said as they were pushed out by the crowd. Reaching up, they pulled the braided tie from their hair and threw it out of him. “Please remember me..!”
He caught the braided tie just as the other let go and doors began to close.
“My name is—!”
“Is there something wrong, Mr Leech?” He blinked, looking to Trein with confusion. He had missed the door and stood by the wall of the classroom. “Ah—I’m sorry.” There was a hissy laugh from Lucius as Trein set him down on the table to collect his papers. “You seem to be in deep thought, is there something on your mind?”
“No, professor, I was just thinking about our topic today.” Jade lied through his teeth and Trein took it with a huff. “I know twilight is a regular phenomenon but I didn’t know that it was an important time of day for mages and magicians.” A nod came from his professor. “Many people nowadays don’t see its importance as magical materials and magic itself have grown and changed over time. With the new technology and the new breakthroughs we have, the archaic practices of the past have since then been abandoned.”
Trein looked to the window and Jade followed his gaze, the sun began to set and the color of orange and violet painted the sky. “Twilight has begun.” Picking up his beloved cat, Trein stretched his back and moved to face the student in front of him. “It’s best to get back to your dorm, you might miss the curfew.”
“Professor, have you ever experienced anything during twilight? Like the way you’ve explained it during class?” Jade asked suddenly, his professor’s eyes widened then looking to the side to think for a moment. “I have but they were more of dreams than the otherworldly claims of recording happenings. I would often see myself in another person’s shoes, seeing a world I did not know about, it wasn’t a pleasant experience but...It was interesting, for a dream at least.”
“I see. Thank you very much, professor. I’ll be on my way.”
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He stared at his messy notebook unblinking, the messy handwriting and the sketches were foreign to him. He drew a few doodles but he never put any detail to it nor was he able to do sketches of his peers in movement.
“Where am I?”
Taking his pen, Jade wrote a message. What had happened to him wasn’t a dream, he knew that and he knew that what he was about to do wasn’t a sure fire guarantee that whoever wrote this will see it but the unpredictability of the situation allowed him to push through with an eagerness to see the end results.
“You are in Night Raven College. My name is Jade.”
The night loomed over the dorm, the once blue waters a dark purple and tinge of black. Twilight has ended. Jade closes his eyes for a moment and sighed, thinking back about the lesson and to the confused glances of his peers.
“Please remember me...!” The voice begged, the image of a braided bracelet flowing through the air as it flew towards him. Tugging his sleeve, the bracelet was wrapped around his wrist snugly; its design was simple and bright mix of blue, yellow, and red.
“Please remember me...!”
Jade tugs his sleeves back down, only stepping out of to his bed when he felt tired. The bracelet was removed from his wrist and sat next to him.
“My name is—!”
The voice echoed through his mind, he felt that he should remember it,  he felt like he should know who it was, and all he felt was frustration and eagerness to see this unpredictable situation through. He closed his eyes wanting to rest his eyes rather than sleep.
“So this is what Night Raven College looks like. It’s very pretty, your uniforms are very pretty too but I’m not used to the environment there. It’s probably because of the walls or the silence.”
It had been a few days since the messaging through the notebook began with Jade and his pen pal, of sorts.  It seemed that his new pen pal had been observing weird happenings to them too. Their classmates telling them of their weird behaviors, one time all they ate were mushrooms.
“I don’t even like mushrooms and because of you I ate a whole lot of them in just one day!”
It seemed that his odd dreams of seeing another world unlike his own weren’t dreams after all. The white and yellow uniforms, the sweet smell of lilies, and the pen nib brooch all pointed to Royal Swords Academy. Apparently the person he switched bodies with studied there.
“And I was told that I ate eel for lunch and it upset my brother. It seems both of us are even on this regard.”
He always wrote messages on his notebook the moment he got home and he preferred it that way rather than waking up to writings on his face and arms. The marker ink was hard to wash off, even with large amounts of sudsy soaps.
“We have a notebook to communicate for a reason, please use that.”
“I like writing on your hand, Jade.”
There were moments that he expressed frustration with them, even anger but that soon dissipated into childish antics of messages written on skin, eating disgusting foods they came to like, and a bond that transcended physical reality. They were from two different worlds and yet, here they were being friends.
All this was just like a dream to him.
“Hey, about that braided bracelet...Where did you get it? I had one just like it before it disappeared; I used to wear it on my hair.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that. It just came with me, I suppose. I couldn’t part with it for some reason so I’ve been wearing it ever since.”
“I guess we just so happened to have the same braided tie, huh? Hehehe!”
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After class, Jade went to experience the twilight hour for once and see the students filter out of school and run about. It was the end of the week and it was a time for fun, brooms flew overhead and magical swirls of dust were thrown about by fun-loving students.
“What I like about your school is that none of you are afraid to get dirty and have fun.” He remembered his pen pal writing. “I love RSA but the uniforms and the rules we live by stop us from having fun like all of you there in NRC.”
He couldn’t blame them, RSA had some rules to go by and the uniforms really stopped them from having fun too. The chaos that he saw in RSA wasn’t like those in NRC, not by a long shot but he could see the charm it had in it despite the difference in school life.
Jade wanted them to experience this first hand one day. In their own body, of course.
 He went back to his room when the sun had disappeared and the moon stood in its place. Sitting by the notebook, he took his magical pen from his pocket and began writing his response to his pen pal’s recent message. 
“RSA has beautiful scenery, there’s no doubt about it. It’s a nice change of pace from the gothic feel NRC has, I find it rather peaceful. Though the sudden music lessons do tend to throw me off but that is something I will eventually come to get used to.
He tapped his pen on his desk, humming at his short reply. He looked at his wrist; the braid coiled around his wrist and was vibrant under the yellow light of his lamp. Unlike them, he never really gave hints of what his school life was about nor did he give details of what it was like to spend a day in RSA.
“We had a lesson about the magical phenomena known as Twilight. Apparently around that time, magic becomes different and realities begin to overlap...Do you think that’s what’s causing us to switch bodies?”
 “Twilight...I’ve heard of that phenomenon too! It actually makes sense, maybe that’s what's causing it but if it’s really true then that’s some real strong magic!” 
Jade slept that late that night, the braided tie next to his forehead. For once, he didn’t dream of the train station but of a hand coming up to take his own. No, it wasn’t his hand, it was his pen pal’s hand, and it grasped softly then tugged for him to follow. 
He was on a mountain, the sky glittering with millions upon millions of stars. It was a beautiful sight, his eyes widening as the stars grew closer and closer, the heat around him rising and rising; burning his skin and singing his hair. The world around him was destroyed and the last thing he heard was the terrified scream of someone he was beginning to hold dear. 
He awoke with a gasp, his eyes tearful and his lungs out of breath. Next to him were a concerned Azul and his brother Floyd. “We could hear you gasping from the hallway.” Azul explained but Jade kicked off his covers and ran to his desk, his notebook, their means of communication was empty. The messages he had collected with them were gone and only his own remained.
His brother tugged at his shoulder. “Look at me.” He was whirled around, their foreheads touching. “Breathe. You’re gonna give yourself an attack if you don’t breathe.” 
He closed his eyes, leaning against his brother to breathe harshly. A pair of hands pats his back, Azul’s and Floyd’s, in an act of comfort but none of their touches reached Jade. He was too confused, too shaken up, too anxious. “It was just a bad dream.”
A dream...
What he had seen in the eyes of his pen pal was all a dream...?
Pen pal?
“It’s best that you get some more rest.” Azul said, pulling Jade back to his bed. “I’ll explain to the teachers what happened to you.” Floyd nudged him down and pulled the covers up until his brother’s chin. “We need you well rested, Jade. We’ll have the others check on you every once in a while.”
He forced himself to breathe slowly and carefully, his eyes screwed shut and thoughts in a whirlwind. His memories scrambling and confusing, he tries to remember the train station, the lake that was on RSA’s sloping hills and the falling meteorite.
Had there been a meteor shower? There was no news of it, no indication.
A hand caressed his head, shushing his sounds to silence. 
“Sleep, Jade.”
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The next day, Jade spent all his time in the library with books about stars and meteors and sleep being the furthest thing from his mind. He poured through the articles about meteor showers, checking online news sites, and pouring through scientific documents.
No recent reports of a meteor shower anywhere near the area of RSA or NRC. 
A frustrated sigh left Jade’s lips and he held his head with a huff, burying his fingers into his hair when a fluffy tail rubbed and pawed against his arm. “Good to see you’re up and about, Mr Leech.” Trein stood over him as Lucius stepped over the articles to sit on one of the books. 
“I didn’t know you were taking a liking to astronomy.” The professor commented, taking an article and reading through it. “Meteor showers, eh? I haven’t seen those for some time. The last one was beautiful but also very tragic.”
“What do you mean, professor?” Jade stared up at his teacher, slightly surprised.
“You weren’t in NRC at the time this happened but there was a meteor shower that passed by Twisted Wonderland, it was a festive time...But that soon became a tragedy when a fragment broke off from one of the passing meteorites.” He sighed, closing his eyes and setting the paper down. “Though NRC and RSA have been rivals for a long time, I can’t bear to think such a catastrophic event would happen to them.”
His heart skipped a beat, eyes wide in surprise. “You mean to say...”
“A meteorite fragment fell on RSA three years ago, specifically on the field just outside the school where some students were watching the shower. Those poor children...” 
The white crystal of his magical pen glowed bright and Jade pushed himself off his chair, figure hunched forward and head hung low. Lucius let out a meow as he scrambled away from the student. “Mr Leech, what are you doing?” Trein demanded but his voice fell on deaf ears, Jade remembers his last dream, the last time he switched bodies. He remembers the falling meteorite, the scream that wasn’t his own, he remembers them.
His pen pal.
In a burst of magic, Jade disappeared from his position leaving a scared Lucius and a confused and upset Mozus Trein.
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The landscape around him was heavy, the crater left by the meteorite was massive and no traces of life were seen within the impact zone. The memory of the meteorite fragment falling right on top of his pen pal, killing them instantly played again and again in his head. Jade, normally so aloof and calm, fell to his knees.
They died. 
They died where he stood.
For the first time in a long while, Jade screamed his heart out. A wail of agony loud enough to echo through the empty void that was essentially his pen pal resting place. He sunk to his knees and continued crying until his throat became hoarse and painful.
He laid on his side as the sun went down, the braided tie peeked out of his blazer. 
“Please remember me—!”
The train station...Was that a dream too? What had he been doing when he was in there? What was he there for?
Who was calling out his name.
The sun set over him, the sky turning orange and violet. It was twilight hour.
 There was a touch to his shoulder and a soft shake. His head turned, his eyes widened. A student from RSA stood over him. They smelled of white lilies, uniform a mix of white and yellow, and their magical crystal a pen nib brooch. There was a familiar gleam in their eyes, a smile he came to know from the many days they had switched bodies. 
His pen pal smiled at him, offering their hand for him to take. “It’s really you, Jade. It’s actually you.” 
They laughed, pulling Jade into a hug; his tall figure dwarfing them easily as they hugged his chest. Jade sighed, returning the hug soon after and rocking each other back and forth for a few moments the sun shined in the horizon.
“I thought I lost you, y’know?” They said, looking up at him. “I just...I suddenly couldn’t reach you.” 
“I thought you had died. I saw the meteor fall on you.”
They looked at each other for a moment and a laugh was shared, their foreheads linked together soon after. “I know but...somehow, maybe...I don’t really know what happened to me. I just couldn’t reach you to tell you what happened on that day. I nearly forgot about you and I cried for days wondering why.”
Pulling away, they looked down to Jade’s wrist. “Hey, that bracelet...”
“You gave it to me in the train station.”
It was all coming back to him now. This person, his pen pal, was someone he held dear for a long time.
He felt comfort.
“Oh yeah! I did, didn’t I?”
“Do you want it back?”
“No. Keep it.”
The two held hands for some time but were immediately thwarted by them pulling out a marker. “Hey, why don’t we write our names? That way, if we ever forget each other there’ll always be a reminder. Ah, but I don’t have any paper with me...”
Jade offered his palm, his smile teasing and knowing. “You always liked writing on my skin.”
They shared another laugh and the marker’s cap was pulled off, Jade looking over the horizon as they wrote their name on his palm. “Your turn.” 
He took the pen from them and as soon as he wrote the starting strokes of his name, the marker fell from his grasp.
The twilight hour had ended and the moon took over the sky.
“Eh...? What am I...doing...?” 
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Jade was found by his peers not long after, taking him in and letting him rest as they descended the crater near RSA. Mozus Trein was their chaperone, explaining to the staff of the rival school and covering his own students.
“Someone he knew died here,” He explained, looking at Jade being covered with a blanket by his brother. Jade’s eyes were closed and he leaned against him, clearly exhausted from the ordeal and exposure to the elements.
“I’m very sorry to hear that, professor.” Said one RSA’s employees, brows upturned and frowning deep. “The meteorite crash was a very tragic event for all schools. I can’t imagine how much grief that young boy has gone through knowing that a friend of his died that day.”
“I hope you can look the other way on this. I know we shouldn’t come into each other’s premises without proper—“ 
“It’s quite alright. I’ll explain the situation to the headmaster once everything has settled.”
Floyd pulled his brother to his chest and stood up, Azul placing a hand on his back. 
“Let’s go home, Jade.” 
Jade wasn’t alone that night, Floyd and Azul wouldn’t allow him to be alone. They slept next to him, keeping him company but while the two slept, he couldn’t. The moon shone against his window and gave his room a very soft blue glow. He raised his hand to his face, the message from someone he held dear was still visible but slightly smudged.
“Thank you.”
Bitterness rose in his chest and to his throat, his brows furrowed in frustration. The tears forming stung his eyes.
“You idiot,” he brought his palm to his face, sniffling. “I can’t remember you this way.”
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A year had passed and the dreams stopped coming after that night. Jade had picked up the habit of sitting outside during twilight hour, watching the set and holding the bracelet that never left his wrist for more than a second. He wore it everywhere he went but when asked; he never had a proper reason for it.
“I feel complete wearing it.”
The yearly magical shift festival brought troves of customers and onlookers, Jade and his brother sat on a bench and let their legs rest after a long day. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. You want anything?”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll buy some myself.” 
Jade was left alone after that and he closed his eyes for a moment, his nose taking in the different smells of food and perfumes.
There was a familiar smell of white lilies.
“Excuse me.” 
A person stood in front of him, holding a brochure. They were a uniform of white and yellow and a pen nib brooch. They smiled at him and familiar warmth bloomed in his chest. “I don’t mean to disturb you or anything.” 
Their smile was sheepish but it felt as if he’d seen it somewhere before.
“Do we know each other by any chance?”
“I think so.” Jade’s smile was easy and suddenly their eyes began to water. “I had a feeling we did.”
“Hey,” Jade reached over and intertwined their hands, the bracelet’s colors were vibrant against his skin and theirs.
“May I…”
“Can I…”
“...Know your name?”
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Okay I died at the angst of the fallen seraph reader, it was fantastic. May I request if u can write an x reader where instead of being d*cks, the angel realm just let's the reader stay with their beloved and they just suprise him cuz "guess who can stay here!!!" I was thinking of Satan x reader but u can do any character u want obv, I need to recover from the angst🥺👉👈 thank you!!💗💗
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An angel - A Seraphim, nonetheless - The highest ranking, most beloved creation of God...Falling in love...With a demon?
First of all, falling in love, as an Angel, is a horrible crime, you are falling into sin, no longer pure-
And even worse, you fell for a demon?
Well, at least it wasn’t one of those traitor fallens...
But the Avatar of Wrath, the most destructive and rageful demons of them all...
Blasphemy! How could you something so atrocious?
No matter how you tried to reason, things just weren’t going to end up good for you, in any way.
That is...
Until God finally saw how desperate you were, and how you would have sacrificed everything, just to be with the one that captured your heart...
And He was shocked to see that such a dark creature, known only to bring death, destruction and chaos, actually felt such pure and beautiful emotions in his heart, just like yours!
How intriguing...
It’s the first time since Heaven and Hell were created when such a beautiful Yin and Yang, the divine Feminine and the divine Masculine, come together and create such a...An incredible harmony.
It was exactly what God wanted to see in the Human realm.
Perhaps, if he were were to allow this union to happen, it could serve as an example for his human creations.
So he allowed you to commute to the Devildom, but should you ever wish to return, or just visit, you’d always be welcomed in the Celestial realm, back home.
And the shock on Satan’s face when he suddenly saw you in front of him, grinning brightly, almost sparkling, he’d say, your beautiful white wigs spread widely, fluttering slightly from emotion, and your halo golden above your head...
But nothing could compare to the glee and love he could see glittering in your eyes.
“They let me marry you without having to be exiled.” 
That was all it took for the Avatar of Wrath to leap on you, cup your face and give you such a passionate, firey kiss, so full of love, that even Asmo would be jealous.
He may not have been his Father, but he was so happy that your Father wasn’t a complete douchebag like He had been with Lucifer and his brothers when they rebelled.
He didn’t know how he’d react if he had to see you suffering, or if you were to be killed, like Lilith...
But he couldn’t care less about the past now - No, all he cared was about living in the present, with you in his arms, loving you, and never letting you go.
Maybe the angels have 1 tiny bit of respect from him, after all...
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