#cycling guru
cyclingguruindia · 2 years
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subhashdagar123 · 2 months
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astrolovecosmos · 12 days
Sun in the 4th House: Golden child, matriarch or patriarch of the family, attention - seeker, the family artist, everyone in the family's heard of them, the family pride, legacy, identity may revolve around family, FAMILY IS EVERYTHING
Moon in the 4th House: Matriarch vibes or mama bear, the caretaker, strong ancestral connections, the family's counselor, loyalty and tradition matter, provider and/or protector, YOU DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON FAMILY
Mercury in the 4th House: The family's problem solver, the one to keep everyone connected or up to date, the smart one in the family, knows everyone's business, the tech guru, the organizer, the family historian, FAMILY IS WHERE YOUR STORY BEGINS
Venus in the 4th House: Holidays at their home, keeping the peace, the one to join families together, has the family's talents, gets all the compliments and maybe all the attention, best friends with some family members, IN FAMILY LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS
Mars in the 4th House: Head of the household, needs their space, competitive or hot-heated family member, always at the center of conflict or family drama somehow, never runs out of energy or passion, the defender or warrior of the family, FAMILY CELEBRATES THE GOOD TIMES AND GETS YOU THROUGH THE BAD
Jupiter in the 4th House: The family's moral compass, the joker or prankster, the family fool or wise woman/man or sometimes both, bold and productive family member, so generous, open-hearted, making waves or making legends, the lucky family member or maybe the one who always "seems" to have everything handed to them, A FAMILY'S VALUES MATTER
Saturn in the 4th House: The responsible one, provider and protector vibes, the stern or controlling one, taking on all of the family's problems and burdens, cares a lot about what their family thinks, can be distant, strong sense of duty, the reliable one, can be the scapegoat of the family, FAMILY SHOULD BE A SANCTUARY
Uranus in the 4th House: Family rebel, maybe outsider, can be about found family, the weird one, has unconventional family dynamics, detached or separated family member, making new traditions, brings change or new understanding to family, always moving, trendsetter or leading the way, FAMILY LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE
Neptune in the 4th House: The psychic of the family, the healer or counselor, the sensitive one, the one who might get babied, coddled, or overprotected, the dreamer or artist of the family, may romanticize their family members or dynamics, takes inspiration from family, lack of boundaries, FAMILY IS WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS
Pluto in the 4th House: Intense family member and/or grew up in an intense family, uncovers family secrets, can be the family's healer or therapist, the witch in the family, deeply loyal to family, what happens in the family - stays in the family, empowers others, protective, the possessive or controlling one, is always right, FAMILY IS WHO YOU SHOULD/CAN BE VULNERABLE WITH
Chiron in the 4th House: Healing family or ancestral wounds, breaking cycles, asking questions no one else will, stirs the pot sometimes, family members tend to take their side or goes against them, can be a family scapegoat, the spiritual one, the erratic one, the insightful family member, FAMILY IS WHO'S THERE FOR YOU AT THE END OF THE DAY
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burst-of-iridescent · 4 months
South Asian and Hindu Influences in ATLA (Part 2)
disclaimer: i was raised culturally and religiously hindu, and though i've tried to do my research for this post and pair it with my own cultural knowledge, i'm not an expert on hinduism by any means. should i mess up, please let me know.
please also be aware that many of the concepts discussed in this post overlap heavily with religions such as buddhism and jainism, which might have different interpretations and representations. as i'm not from those religions or cultures, i don't want to speak on them, but if anyone with that knowledge wishes to add on, please feel free.
Part 1
In the previous post, I discussed some of the things ATLA got right in its depictions of desi and hindu cultures. unfortunately, they also got plenty of things wrong - often in ways that leaned towards racist caricatures - so let's break them down, starting with...
Guru Pathik
both the word "guru" and name "pathik" come from sanskrit. pathik means "traveler" or "he who knows the way" while guru is a term for a guide or mentor, similar to a teacher.
gurus were responsible for the very first education systems in ancient india, setting up institutions called gurukuls. students, referred to as disciples, would often spend years living with and learning from their gurus in these gurukuls, studying vedic and buddhist texts, philosophy, music and even martial arts.
however, their learning was not limited merely to academic study, as gurus were also responsible for guiding the spiritual evolution of their disciples. it was common for disciples to meditate, practice yoga, fast for days or weeks, and complete mundane household chores every day in order to instill them with self-discipline and help them achieve enlightenment and spiritual awareness. the relationship between a guru and his disciple was considered a sacred, holy bond, far exceeding that of a mere teacher and student.
aang's training with guru pathik mirrors some of these elements. similar to real gurus, pathik takes on the role of aang's spiritual mentor. he guides aang in unblocking his chakras and mastering the avatar state through meditation, fasting, and self-reflection - all of which are practices that would have likely been encouraged in disciples by their gurus.
pathik's design also takes inspiration from sadhus, holy men who renounced their worldly ties to follow a path of spiritual discipline. the guru's simple, nondescript clothing and hair are reflective of the ascetic lifestyle sadhus are expected to lead, giving up material belongings and desires in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and, ultimately, liberation from the reincarnation cycle.
unfortunately, this is where the respectful references end because everything else about guru pathik was insensitive at best and stereotypical at worst.
it is extremely distasteful that the guru speaks with an overexaggerated indian accent, even though the iranian-indian actor who plays him has a naturally british accent. why not just hire an actual indian voice actor if the intention was to make pathik sound authentic? besides, i doubt authenticity was the sole intention, given that the purposeful distortion of indian accents was a common racist trope played for comedy in early 2000s children's media (see: phineas and ferb, diary of a wimpy kid, jessie... the list goes on).
furthermore, while pathik is presented a wise and respected figure within this episode, his next (and last) appearance in the show is entirely the opposite.
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in the episode nightmares and daydreams, pathik appears in aang's nightmare with six hands, holding what appears to be a veena (a classical indian music instrument). this references the iconography of the hindu deity Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. the embodiment of divine enlightenment, learning, insight and truth, Saraswati is a member of the Tridevi (the female version of the Trimurti), one of the most respected and revered goddesses in the Hindu pantheon... and her likeness is used for a cheap laugh on a character who's already treated as a caricature.
that's bad enough on its own, but when you consider that guru pathik is the only explicitly south asian coded character in the entire show, it's downright insulting. for a show that took so many of its foundational concepts from south asia and hinduism and yet provided almost no desi representation in return, this is just rubbing salt in the wound.
"chakra", meaning "circle" or "wheel of life" in sanskrit, refers to sources of energy found in the human body. chakra points are aligned along the spine, with energy flowing from the lowest to the highest point. the energy pooled at the lowest chakra is called kundalini, and the aim is to release this energy to the highest chakra in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and consciousness.
the number of chakras varies in different religions, with buddhism referencing five chakras while hinduism has seven. atla draws from the latter influence, so let's take a look at the seven chakras:
Muladhara (the Root Chakra). located at the base of the spine, this chakra deals with our basest instincts and is linked to the element of earth.
Swadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra). located just below the navel, this chakra deals with emotional intensity and pleasure and is linked to the element of water.
Manipura (the Solar Plexus Chakra). located in the stomach, this chakra deals with willpower and self-acceptance and is linked to the element of fire.
Anahata (the Heart Chakra). located in the heart, this chakra deals with love, compassion and forgiveness and is linked to the element of air. in the show, this chakra is blocked by aang's grief over the loss of the air nomads, which is a nice elemental allusion.
Vishudda (the Throat Chakra). located at the base of the throat, this chakra deals with communication and honesty and is linked to the fifth classical element of space. the show calls this the Sound Chakra, though i'm unsure where they got that from.
Ajna (the Third Eye Chakra). located in the centre of the forehead, this chakra deals with spirituality and insight and is also linked to the element of space. the show calls it the Light Chakra, which is fairly close.
Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra). located at the very top of the head, this chakra deals with pure cosmic consciousness and is also linked to the element of space. it makes perfect sense that this would be the final chakra aang has to unblock in order to connect with the avatar spirit, since the crown chakra is meant to be the point of communion with one's deepest, truest self.
the show follows these associations and descriptions almost verbatim, and does a good job linking the individual chakras to their associated struggles in aang's arc.
Cosmic Energy
the idea of chakras is associated with the concept of shakti, which refers to the life-giving energy that flows throughout the universe and within every individual.
the idea of shakti is a fundamentally unifying one, stating that all living beings are connected to one another and the universe through the cosmic energy that flows through us all. this philosophy is referenced both in the swamp episode and in guru pathik telling aang that the greatest illusion in the world is that of separation - after all, how can there be any real separation when every life is sustained by the same force?
this is also why aang needing to let go of katara did not, as he mistakenly assumed, mean he had to stop loving her. rather, the point of shedding earthly attachment is to allow one to become more attuned to shakti, both within oneself and others. ironically, in letting go of katara and allowing himself to commune with the divine energy of the universe instead, aang would have been more connected to her - not less.
The Avatar State
according to hinduism, there are five classical elements known as pancha bhuta that form the foundations of all creation: air, water, earth, fire, and space/atmosphere.
obviously, atla borrows this concept in making a world entirely based on the four classical elements. but looking at how the avatar spirit is portrayed as a giant version of aang suspended in mid-air, far above the earth, it's possible that this could reference the fifth liminal element of space as well.
admittedly this might be a bit of a reach, but personally i find it a neat piece of worldbuilding that could further explain the power of the avatar. compared to anyone else who might be able to master only one element, mastering all five means having control of every building block of the world. this would allow the avatar to be far more attuned to the spiritual energy within the universe - and themselves - as a result, setting in motion the endless cycle of death and rebirth that would connect their soul even across lifetimes.
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do you have songs that you feel represent certain characters?
Damn I've been kind of waiting for an ask like this because Yes I absolutely do.
Lili: "WantMe" by RITCHRD, "Everyone's a V.I.P. to Someone" and "Huddle Formation" by the Go! Team, "You Needed Me" by Anne Murray
Sera: "Gravestone without a Date" by Shiro SAGISU (also the bossa version, which i think fits Sera more), "4:00 AM" by Taeko Onuki (also fits Powers well)
Powers: "Love Was Really Gone" by Makoto Matsushita, "Manchild" by Eels, "Who Will Know" by Shiro SAGISU, "Papa, Can You Hear Me?" by Barbra Streisand (I also consider this song the peak Powers song)
Cheri: "Fly Me to the Moon" by Frank Sinatra, "Cycle Song" by Imogen Heap
Junior: "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones, "Gone Guru" by Lifeseeker
Ciel: "Nobody" by Mitski, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by Regina Spektor
Catty: "Boyfriend, Girlfriend" by Tyler the Creator
Domino: "Bad Boys" by Wham!, "Dancing on Quicksand" by Bad Suns, "Death by Glamour" from Undertale
Adam: "Halfcrazy" by Musiq Soulchild
Luvart: "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" by Billy Joel, also I think death metal would suit her
Eva: "Mirrors" by Caravan Palace, "C'est Comma Ca" by Paramore (but the Wet Lag version), "Soldier of Love" by Sade
Mara: "Kitty Kat" by Megan Thee Stallion, "Trampoline" by Kero Kero Bonito
Scylla: "STFU" by Rina Sawayama, "OKAY SHAWTY" by Kwe the Artist, "Break Shit" by Jasiah
Shuck: "Me and Michael" by MGMT
Also I consider "Something Stupid" by Frank and Nancy Sinatra the peak Sera and Lili song
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lua-magic · 5 months
Intresting Astrology facts.
Cancer ancendent, their seventh lord is Saturn and their seventh house is Capricorn, hence they face lot of dissatisfaction in their married life and has to work for their partners alot .
Gemini ancendent always look for their better half or wants company to complete them, as Gemini is ruled by Mercury and Mercury being kid, always wants to be with someone.
Taurus ancendent are great foddie as moon is exalted.
Any planet that gets combusted has special purpose in this life time, as you have done lot of mistakes regarding that planet in previous life so in this life that planet is combusted.
Mercury combust- You have to learn to be confident and develop leadership qualities in your life time
Venus combust- You have to learn to balance your finances, work and love life and become grounded in relationship.
Mars combusted- You have to show courage and help people unconditionally and also be humble about your strengths.
Jupiter Combusted - You need to be humble about your knowledge and show respect to elders and gurus in your life also give knowledge unconditionally.
Saturn combusted - Saturn -Sun conjunction becomes problematic only one you have poor relationship with your father, otherwise this combination is good for someone who wants to go for government job and can reach great heights, but again be humble, otherwise Saturn will trouble you
You have to respect, father, government, and higher authority.
For natives ruled by nakshatra of ketu, ie Ashvini, Magha and Mula(ketu), their lucky planet is Mercury, so if they really maintain good circle of friends and keep developing their skills, and do something for kids always they will really prosper in life.
Moon is another planet which is good for their well-being, if the align themselves with moon cycle and carry Moon related objects like Moon water, or even stay near flowing water they can keep themselves physically and mentally balanced..
Native ruled by nakshatra of Rahu Ardra, Swati and satbhisha (Rahu) their lucky planet is Mars, always have cordial relationship with your brother, be courageous, involve yourself in some kind of sports or excercise. You will notice great changes in you
Lucky objects to Carry with you are green colour cloth or objects with you .
For natives of moon nakshatra ie Rohini, Hasta and sravanam nakshatra, Sun is the lucky planet, so if they become disciplined in life and start taking sun bath daily they will notice great change in their life, another planet is Jupiter, whose constant blessings will keep them physically and mentally fit.
You can carry with you, yellow topaz especially to work place, it will get you good results.
For the natives of sun nakshatra, kritika, uttarphalguni, uttarshada Venus is lucky planet, so start taking care of you daily and spend some time and money on self care and self love, pray to female goddess and respect females, you will notice great change in your life in a positive way, lucky object that you can carry with you for your mental and physical well-being are idol of elephant or picture of elephant.
For natives of Baharani, poorvaphalguni and poorvashada ruled by Venus , their lucky planet is Ketu, so if you want to prosper in life you have to be spiritual and detached and learn more about Spirituality and occult.
Lucky objects that you can carry is any red colour cloth or gemstone with you.
Natives ruled by Saturn nakshatra Pushya Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada, their lucky planet is Jupiter, so atleast have one teacher or guru in your life, if you want to progress and lucky stones that you can carry with you for your mental and physical well being are any photo of female goddess or white crystals.
Native ruled by Mercury nakshatra Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati their lucky planet is Saturn, so serve or do charity, especially do something for old age people, and lucky object that you can carry is Photo of Sun, or "Surya Yantra"
For the Mars ruled nakshatra Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha Moon is the lucky planet, so respect your mother or mother like figures in your life and pray to moon goddess and allign with moon cycle to manifest. Lucky objects that you can carry is black cloth or stones to help you in your professional and personal life..
Jupiter's ruled nakshatras Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Poorvabhadrapada "Rahu" is the lucky planet, and rahu represents ancestors, so praying to your ancestors and seek their blessings would be really help you.
Lucky objects that you can carry with you are any triangular objects with you to help you grow personally and professionally..
I am mentioning here moon nakshatra that nakshatra in which your moon is present
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valorascult · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 / 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 (𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝)
I am not against self improvement. Wanting to be the best version of yourself is your birthright. There are a lot of helpful books, ‘gurus’, articles, practices, etc; that are beneficial & have valuable information to share.
That being said, lets move forward.
Many start their ‘self improvement journey’ when they are at their lowest because that’s when you are most aware that something is ‘wrong’ - making you more vulnerable / susceptible to deception & addiction.
It usually starts by reading a book, watching a yt video, etc;. You watch / read one and then continue to consume more, because ‘maybe the next one will finally get me to where i need to be’ - not understanding that this is just another form of entertainment and procrastination.
There is satisfaction after immediately reading a self help book. You have a quick rush of ‘I’ve accomplished something’ (dopamine) - giving you the illusion of progress until you get stuck inside a cycle and realize, nothing has changed.
Sitting behind a screen is not the self improvement you think it is. Is there good knowledge shared? Yes, of course, but the real self improvement starts by actually DOING. Living life will give you more answers than binging content.
Action Faking - ‘the practice of confusing being 'busy' with making actual progress towards an intended goal and often involves a lot of over-analysing and planning, but very little meaningful action.’
Listening to someone talk about their own lives & share their own improvement stories is not going to help YOU. Gurus try to fit everyone into a mold when self improvement is not a ‘one size fits all’ & when something doesn’t work for someone after its worked for others, they usually see themselves as a ‘failure’ so they move onto the next thing that doesn’t fit them & this becomes a pattern, soon they start to build levels of guilt and shame.
Before consuming anything, you should know the specific problem you want to solve, if not, you are coming into something without a strong foundation, soon, you will start to believe there are 500 other things wrong. Don’t get sucked into a black hole.
Also, understand that many other these therapists, psychologists, content creators, etc; all thrive off of people who are at their lowest. It’s important to know when someone really wants to help vs when someone keeps wanting you to come back. The industry is worth billions.
Many have been accustomed to pacifying the silence. Always picking up the phone, turning the tv on, listening to music when there is downtime, instead of tapping into our bodies - their thoughts and feeling have now become distorted & influenced by ‘the noise’.
Fake positivity instead of facing reality is an issue within itself. These ‘positive’ messages / posts about encouragement and ‘never giving up’ convinces you that it’s ‘wrong’ to changes paths / passions in life & you then see yourself as a failure instead of a soul, growing.
With all of that being said, remove yourself from artificial motivation & start doing. I have nothing against self improvement, but I do have an issue with the addictive side of it that seems to only profit a select few.
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lains-reality · 10 months
I sincerely apologise for writing this. i feel really conflicted right now. I have been getting suicidal thoughts lately because of my circumstances. Sometime I feel like I don’t even want to exist. I came to non-duality from loa. I spent 3 years trying to “manifest” a peaceful life. Trying to escape from my circumstances and wake up to a completely different life.
I make myself promises to like “manifest my desired life my the end this month” or “to stop making the same mistake” but I end up breaking them. I felt like I over consumed alot and now I don’t know where to begin or what to detach from. I tell myself that I’ll throw my phone aside and start applying but then I get caught up in my problems again and it’s just a cycle on repeat.
I have to say I’m quite ashamed of myself. Not being able to accomplish anything in my life and disappointing those around me despite knowing the law of assumption and now non-duality.
This is probably the most stupidest thing I have ever asked but could you simply non-duality in a a few sentences? I feel like I have come to the point where I can’t even trust myself to stop over consuming and wishing for change. Thank you.
you might benefit from this and this.
i really would like you to read this!
the body-mind, the "I" you think you are, i'll call them sam!
give up trying to manifest. give up trying to change the world with sam's thoughts and feelings, its torture.
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here's the main point:
simple mindfulness is what gurus have asked of us. not convincing, denial or forcing. its observing. 
observe the habit of 'you'. you take the "I" to be the body-mind, sam. sam is a habit, and is sustained through attachment and aversions. drop them.
all you need to fix is your wrong identification. let go of sam and all their stories.
if you find yourself forcing, suppressing, or trying to get rid of sam (something that you don't do), then remember this: god is already perfect. the answer is to surrender.
there's no image or role to maintain. you can just be.
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here's a more in depth reminder.
there's so many words for Self: Absolute Perfection, Bliss, Infinite Being, Supreme Reality. i want you to remember I AM. I AM is complete and whole, alone. its just beingness. just as it is. before the world and sam, you are conscious. before wanting, you are conscious.
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nondualism's goal is letting go of all the concepts that stop you from seeing Self.
the body-mind is a thought. its an idea. you are already detached from sam. but you don't see it bcs you are identified with them right now. you are attached to your character, and we want to release all those attachments.
"the identity is a shadow. it is not us. analyze your mind briefly, and you will find that is nothing but a byproduct of societal conditioning, peer opinions, books, movies, whatever content you've most willingly consumed." - luvcompass
the mind is just a bunch of thoughts, feelings and memories. are you a thought? are you a story? are you a memory? are you a feeling?
sam is. but you are not sam.
sam doesn't want sam and all the stories anymore (likely because you think you are stuck as sam). but sam never was. sam is an idea, a story. they are a thought in the mind. because you are identified as sam, you see sam. without your awareness on sam, sam wouldn't be.
Unless they understand who they really are, that Vanessa (sam) is a habit and nothing more - that nothing has existence outside of awareness, including her, that awareness assigns reality and is the only reality - they're always going to struggle to control something and get frustrated they don't see what they think they're aware of. What you're aware of is what you're being. You can't be aware of being something new while also being Vanessa. [source]
The ego is an activity, its not innate, its FORMED.
"Ego (sam) is not an entity. It is an activity. It is an optional activity of identifying itself with a fragment that Consciousness is free to make or not, from moment to moment." [source]
and by habit of taking the "I" to be sam, it continues.
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focus on respond vs react. start catching yourself out when you say 'i am ...', start asking questions to yourself abt who 'i' is. start watching your thoughts. learn how to feel your emotions when they come up, don't run away from them or they will continue to come up until you deal with it. this is a process of allowing.
"I make myself promises to like “manifest my desired life my the end this month” or “to stop making the same mistake” but I end up breaking them."
i want you to accept now. you are sam, so you see sam. stop chasing a future that will never come. there's only ever the present moment.
To be identified to your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be. The compulsion arises because the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions. — Eckhart Tolle
what would happen if you stopped using the past as a reference? what would happen if you stopped projecting past stories into the future? what would happen if you stopped thinking of a tomorrow?
"i felt like I over consumed alot and now I don’t know where to begin or what to detach from."
start with "who am i?". anything you can outgrow? not you. anything you can observe ? not you. in the absense of it, you don't disappear? not you. it changes and you don't disappear? not you.
how do you know you are sam except by your belief that you are sam?
"I have to say I’m quite ashamed of myself. Not being able to accomplish anything in my life and disappointing those around me despite knowing the law of assumption and now non-duality."
read this. also, there are no others. you are seeing yourSelf play out.
let go of the shame, regret and guilt. read the linked post, and watch the source from the first quote, it'll help. i also want you to watch this.
give yourself compassion. give yourself space to grow. sam is a random person just like anybody else, so why chastise them for stuff that just happens?
sam cannot do anything in the first place. (what is sam gonna do to change the infinte? why would the infinite need changing anyway?)
you are putting pressure on sam to change the world, but really Self orchestrates all. sam is just another creation of Self. this entire world is Self's expression. give up intellectualising what sam did, maybe it has nothing to do with you and it just happened?
sam is not a problem or mistake!
sam is already part of infinity and exists whether sam likes it or not. you are unconditionally accepted already as perfection or else you wouldn't be here.
“All you need is already within you, only you must approach your self with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.” - nisargadatta maharaj
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i'm sorry i wrote too much, but i hope this helps! please be safe!
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mindfulstudyquest · 3 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲: easy tips to form healthy habits ( based on this alessya farrugia video )
lately i've been having trouble being productive and finding a healthy balance between study, passions, exercise and free time. i've been searching for a long time online for advices and ideas that could help me find my serenity, and my searches led me to this. i hope you appreciate it.
pro tip do not try to improve everything all at once, you're gonna fail. just try to incorporate something small in your routine to start forming healthy habits. it might take months, but one year from now it will all be worthy.
𝟭. don't hit snooze ( ⏰ )
the "snooze" button is definitely my worst enemy, i simply don't want to get up and start a new day that will be tiring and hard, but when i realized the reasons why putting off the alarm is so harmful for me i seriously started to stop doing it. you will actually wake up even more tired and sleep-deprived after the second or third alarm goes off, since falling back to sleep after having already woken up causes your brain to begin a new "sleep cycle" that takes 75 minutes to complete, abruptly interrupting these cycles brings unpleasant side effects such as tiredness, irritability and headaches.
bonus start waking up at the same time every day, this will not only help consolidate your routine but is scientifically proven that it significantly reduces levels of anxiety and depression.
𝟮. don't check your phone (📱)
i've always spent at least an hour scrolling through social media right after waking up every day, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. do not go on your phone for at least 30min/1h after waking up. i know it seems hard ( i have a severe phone addiction so i understand ) but i guarantee you that your days will be so much more stress free and productive. why? going on your phone as soon as you wake up gives you an instant hit of dopamine ( for more info, check this post ) that is gonna literally ruin your day, because your brain is gonna pretend more and more dopamine for the rest of the day in order to function properly.
𝟯. have a glass of water ( 🫗 )
you didn't drink for 8 hours or more so it's time to rehydrate your body. i hate drinking water as soon as i wake up so you can try adding some lemon juice to give it more taste, you can also try some herbal tea if it's winter and you don't feel like drinking cold water first thing in the morning, but avoid caffeine ( and theine ) for at least one hour after waking up. exactly like the hit of dopamine that your phone gives you, caffeine and similar stimulants will have the same effect on your body.
𝟰. have a cold shower ( 🚿 )
ok, i'm not one of those gurus who tells you to get up at 5 in the morning, take an ice bath and run 12 km before 7am, but switching to cold water for the last two minutes of your morning shower will have some benefits invaluable for you and your body. first of all it helps to wake you up, because it stimulates the nerve endings and makes the brain more active, it also helps to tone the skin and make the hair shinier. it's a difficult thing, but doing something like this in the morning will help your brain cope better with the workload during the day. it also reduces stress and anxiety, since the cold can activate the production of endorphins ( known as "happy hormones" ).
𝟱. physical and mental care ( 💕 )
take five or ten minutes to just look after yourself, do skincare - it doesn't have to be a deep session, just a little moisturizer and lip balm -, meditate, journal, cut out a few minutes from your morning routine where you leave out for a while all the negative thoughts, stress and anxiety, your body is your temple and you must treat it with reverence, your mind is your home, your safe place, and deserves your attention.
𝟲. get direct sunlight ( ☀️ )
apply some sunscreen and go get some sunlight, the benefits are so many that i couldn't list them all: i quote, production of vitamin D ( very important especially if you are a woman ), improved mood and, in general, physical and mental health, sleep regulation, improved skin. i know it's not always possible, especially in winter when there is very little sun, but for example if you have the chance to walk to school or work on a beautiful sunny spring day, take it!
𝟳. make the bed ( 🛏️ )
why should i make my bed if i'm going to have to sleep in it in the evening anyway? well, this is the mistake that i very often make and i admit that i am guilty of it. however, not making the bed is exactly the reason that pushes me to go back there immediately and sleep again. making your bed in the morning as an act of discipline will not only improve your self-esteem and make you less want to go back to sleep, but it will make your room seem cleaner and generally improve your environment, making you feel more productive and satisfied. completing that little task in the morning, even if it's small and simple, will give you motivation and will push you through the day.
𝟴. high-proteine breakfast ( 🥞 )
make sure you eat a balanced, protein-rich breakfast that will keep you feeling full until your next meal. it is useless to limit calories especially in the morning when we need an extra boost, this will only make us feel more tired and irritable and will significantly decrease our productivity.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Red Flag Checklist
Okay witches, let's have a round table.
When you're reading or contemplating the purchase of a book on modern witchcraft or paganism, what are some red and green flags that you look for?
I'll start.
Red Flags:
Disreputable Author - If the author is either a known source of bad information or bad behavior, or one of those "house names" that certain companies use, that's a no for me.
"New Age White Witch" Syndrome - If a text has a more-than-incidental or very deliberate focus on culturally appropriative practices ("Use this exotic voodoo doll ritual to hex your ex"), outdated terminology ("black magic," that G slur we don't use, etc), antisemitic bullshit (Lilith is not a pagan goddess), or anti-science rhetoric ("Essential oils are better than pills!") And yes this means the ever-expanding list of racist dogwhistles too.
Poor Understanding or Misrepresentation of History - If someone's repeating Murrayisms or insisting things are ancient that definitely aren't (POTATO GODDESS), that says to me that either the author didn't bother to do their research or they don't know what they're talking about.
Insistence on One Correct Way - If I encounter anything resembling "this is the only TRUE way," the book's going out the window. The more so if the author is citing their personal opinions or UPGs as fact.
Insistence on Gendering Everything - If a book insists on assigning a binary gender to everything (outside of citing a historical context), or is boomboxing ~*SACRED WOMYN'S WOMB MAGYCK*~ throughout, or even if it's just overly preoccupied with fertility and childbearing as part of the "natural" life cycle, I'm immediately putting it down. (This is more of a personal one, in a way? But it's a red flag for TERFy things too.)
Lack of Sources - If there's no bibliography, no works cited, no recommended reading, or just a really flimsy list that's rife with internet links or problematic titles, that's not a good sign.
Green Flags:
Inclusive Language - If the author refers to the reader or an unidentified person as "they" or "them," that's a good sign. Double points if it's in a context that you'd normally expect to see gendered elsewhere. There's always room for gendered language when it's appropriate, but to me, it's refreshing when an author doesn't assume the reader identifies as female.
Health and Safety Warnings - If there are notes for safe handling or harvesting of potentially harmful herbs, or warnings about health hazards (i.e. keep this away from persons who are pregnant or nursing), or reminders to be careful with fire and glass and the like, this is a good sign. To me, it means the author has a practical mindset and is at least keeping real-world limitations in mind.
Lots of Sources...and GOOD Sources - If the book has a nice fat bibliography, especially if there are mundane sources as well as magical ones, and if those sources are solid? A+. Double points if there's an index or footnotes and citations throughout the text.
Lack of "Guru" Mindset - If the author encourages the reader to take what they've learned and continue to do research on their own, that's a good sign. Encouragement of critical thinking is excellent, and also the admission that there is more than one way of Doing The Magical Thing. (Hi Lee)
Good Formatting - A book should be visually appealing, but it should also be easy to read and formatted properly, in a way that makes sense. I like to see clean margins, good spacing, and clear text. Page decorations and pictures and fancy title fonts are fine, so long as they don't make the book difficult to decipher.
(Okay, your turn!)
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infiniteko · 8 months
i have been following your instagram since the beginning of 2023. at first, i barely understood anything. ego made up its own ideas, did not know the terminology’s, nor read from any respected gurus. this changed back in summer, as i began reading from many gurus. i took notes, then everything started to piece together. i saw how there was no method to materialize, how nothing could be true but “i am”. it was truly a marvelous experience. i feel as if non-dualism has done more for the egos well being, than any other entity. thank you so much for your continuous explanations to people’s questions, and just posting daily reminders. i look forward to your posts both on here, and on instagram!
that being said, i do have a question but i fear it is from the ego. i am unsure if when in the act of deciding, if it was through ego or self, however it was decided many times that i would observe a new ego, with a whole different life. i understand this life is an illusion of Maya. it has never really existed, yet it is being observed through Brahmin. This has been a repeated cycle for a couple months now. Deciding to wake up as a different ego, and if not happening. There is nothing Atman could do wrong. which leads me to wonder why i am still observing the old ego? this is also the ego speaking, however observing anything else, or materializing is very simple. it is instantaneous. but this one thing is just like a fish that doesn’t swim. ego’s actions, nor thoughts don’t matter since they are unreal and observed- but then why the incompetence of one materialization? ego has been pondering this, but it goes way with the response of “neti, neti.” i would greatly appreciate your feedback, thank you for all you do.
i've always liked "neti, neti" = "not this, not that" or མེད་རང་རྟག་མེད (med rang rtag med) in tibetan because no matter what descriptions you read of your "SELF", it is nowhere near the actual Truth. If I say you're "awareness" , it is not true, your beyond that label. You're not this "awareness", you're not that "Self". You're nothing but also something; no-thing but even then, "you" can never ever be described in words.
Have you noticed that you jump between "this vs that" all the time? You say you "know" this is all Brahman but then you ask about the ego and why xyz isn't happening the way you want to. Then, you say you know you're not this, not that. You're contradicting yourself, it's a very easy trap!😄
"Ego" is only what you THINK you are. Fundamentally on a deeper level it has no existence of its own, no real reality. It is just a collection of thoughts. Thoughts are nothing, meaningless. What you call the "ego" is nothing.
If you forgot EVERYTHING you ever knew and lost all 5 senses, wouldn't you still have an effortless sense of existening?
You said: "this one thing is like a fish that doesn't swim", what made you come to this conclusion? Isn't All "THAT"? Where does the destinction between "hard" and "easy" come from? Aren't you imagining the concepts of hard vs. easy?
"Deciding to wake up as a different ego" How do you expect to wake up as something that fundamentally does not exist? Would it make sense to you if the ocean wished to wake up as a wave? Does a wave truly exist on its own or is it an illusory form the ocean takes on? What are both made of?💧
It sounds confusing because there is no other way to put it other than into limiting words but please read carefully 🙏🏻:
You think you are a physical person trying to get something physical. But for "THAT", all is "THAT". All is instantly "THAT" because "THAT" is all there is to begin with. Do you need any effort to be aware of the words you're reading right now or is it simply happening without anything to do? I'm NOT talking about understanding these words, i'm only talking about being aware of these words before anything else.
So it is with everything else. What you are "aware" of, Is. EVERY other interpretation is illusory. In order for you to come up with an interpretation, you must think imaginary thoughts first. Without thinking, is there anything to say against what you are aware of or is it simply happening now?
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cyclingguruindia · 2 years
Electric bikes are being proven as one of the most environment-friendly vehicles and the best for commuting. Without disturbing the balance of Mother Nature they have been making our lives easier by making us travel distances in no time.
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🤍 Venus - The essence of beauty.
शुक्र - Shukra is known as Venus .
In Sanskrit , Shukra (Venus) means clear or bright. He is also known as the Guru of the the Daityas - the powerful but demonic beings. ( In whom ignorance , selfishness, dullness , greed is more high ) . These are the most difficult students & difficult lessons to learn . And these are also the traits that are also within us that lead us away from our true self .
There's deeper meaning to it .
Venus signifies beauty , material wealth , sensuality, Art , love , sex , creativity, relationships, great depth of understanding , soft & tender feelings , comforts , addictions , and most importantly spiritual wealth too.
On a superficial level Venus grants outward beauty , good relationships , love , sex , material wealth & possessions but on a deeper level , Venus is clarity & illumination . It represents the true essence of beauty which can only be felt within , the clarity we attain after realising our true self , the love we discover for our all parts of personality - the soft tender & the rough rejected dark edges . Understanding our selves and thus the compassion we feel for ourselves , the brightness of our hearts .
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Venus also represents our relationships. How our relationship is with our inner world reflects in our outer relationships & world as well. 💌
🤍 When we establish and honor our need for quality time for solitude , we are able to connect with something permanent within. The silence & the depth of stillness. And in that stillness , true love blossoms . This love encompasses not only ourself but all others.
☘️ It's significations - singing , painting, literature , dance etc carry the song of the soul . It's for its own sake. The blossoming happens within & the fragrance shares itself & thus attracts. 🪷💚
🌻Sex is another way to transcend the boundaries of our timid self and experience that unification with everything & nothing .
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🤍 Venus also teaches us that lower levels of addiction are in itself just inadequate ways to obtain that true understanding and love . It's the teaching as well as a lesson. You can get lost in the Mirage of Maya ( Illusion) that Venus creates or you can see through it and realise what really matters. The truest , most intimate love relationship you will ever have is with yourself first.
🤍 In solitude , silence , stillness & with proper guidance , in the environment of pisces , Venus finally gets to emit it's true brilliance. It's true face.
🪷The understanding that the other is the self too.
🪷That there's only oneness. Letting go of our boundaries & merging.
🪷That You and I are one on the deepest Level. That god is everything & nothing . And this is the reason why Venus is exalted in pisces in the sweet tender creative nurturing last Nakshatra of the karmic zodiac cycle - Revati. 🤍 Total dissolution , transcendence & Realisation of self.
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💌Life itself is art & thus living intensely & fully in the moment . The beauty , terror & the adventure . Venus teaches us the tantrik way of living . Immersion and witnessing .💌 Simultaneously.
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kronosveritas · 2 months
I don’t know if any of you know much about Tarot, but I am in the process of drawing an rvb tarot deck and these are my thoughts for which character should be assigned to each of the major arcana cards.
Included in parentheses after the character are some trailers generally associated with that arcana (to my understanding)
Please feel free to let me know in comments/tags if YOU think these fit/what fits better so I can potentially make the deck!
_____________ {arcana below fold} _____________
💙 Fool- Caboose (new beginning, fresh start, risk, a chance, new cycle, originality, fearlessness, travel, innocence, being green, trickster, acting foolish)
❤️ Magician- Tex (talent, skill, power, magic, control, manifest, tools, mastery, willpower, focus)
💙 High priestess- CT (intuition, feminine wisdom, hidden knowledge, secrecy, initiation, receptivity, spirituality, the inner world)
❤️ Empress- Allison (feminine power, abundance, fertility, pregnancy, marriage, creativity, receptivity, pleasure, mothering, nurturing, giving birth)
💙 Emperor- The Director (Order, structure, authority, power, boss, masculine, father, ownership, autonomy)
❤️ Heirophant- Sarge (tradition, structure, teacher, mentor, counselor, religion, dogma, advice, status quo, organization, conformity, rules, church, obedience)
💙 Lovers- Grif and Simmons (romance, partnership, love, choices, duality, opposites, union)
❤️ Chariot- Shiela (triumph, directed willpower, control, direction, movement, progress, vehicle)
💙 Strength- Carolina (strength, inner power, self control, calm, endure, willpower)
❤️ Hermit- Epsilon (inner wisdom, solitude, withdrawal, quiet, teacher or guru, research, seeker)
💙 Wheel of fortune- The Triplets, or the Chorus Rebels??? I can’t decide (luck, change, a turn of events, karma, movement, shift, improvement, fate)
❤️Justice- Doc & O’Malley (fairness, court, justice, balance, weighing options, seeing both sides, consequences, integrity, honesty, truth, law, middle path)
💙 Hanged man- Temple (sacrifice, letting go, faith, suspension, waiting, hang-ups, martyr, illusion, surrender)
❤️ Death- Felix (ending, transition, transformation, release, change, severance)
💙 Temperance- Lopez (moderation, balance, healing, alchemy, middle ground, patience, blending, harmony, guardian angel)
❤️ Devil- Meta/Sigma (bondage, materialism, negativity, slavery, addiction, stuck, jealousy, deviance, excess)
💙 Tower- Kimball (chaos, disruption, tearing down, rebuilding, uncertainty, blow, enlightenment, unexpected change, overthrow, revolution)
❤️ Star- Donut (hope, optimism, healing, balance, spirituality, health, well being, peace, wishes, vulnerability, success, balance)
💙 Moon- Wash (intuition, illusion, deception, darkness, reflection, fear, subconscious, dreams, difficulty, fear, imagination)
❤️ Sun- Tucker (optimism, success, joy, birth, happiness, health, inner child, energy, enthusiasm)
💙 World- Rooster Teeth Founders? Or Blood Gulch? Or RVB kill switch? (completion, ending, success, travel, closure, graduation, Universe, freedom, environment, rebirth)
^^possible link for meaning reference
<<I have individual assignments for nearly all the minor arcana too, but that would be far too long to post here>>
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seleniangnosis · 2 years
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓾𝓼💗
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
In this reading I will be focusing on Venus' energy and how to utilise it in order to make the best out of your life and live in more harmony with yourself and others, with the channeled help of Aphrodite 🌸
This is a collective reading so take the parts that resonate to you and/or applies to your personal experience💗
Feedback is appreciated🥀
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Pile 1
Hello pile one and welcome to your reading 🥀
Relationships and interactions with others.
To make the best out of this life area , you should be more open and optimistic when it comes about human interactions.
People might have hurt or abandoned you in the past , but locking your heart away isn't going to help either.
You are encouraged to find the strength to open up little by little to new experiences with people ( I'm talking about all kinds of relationships here) , and find some like minded people you can actually confide in.
Be compassionate to both yourself and others and don't push them away. With time and gentleness, good people will stick around 💗
In order to raise your self esteem, you should relax and focus on balance. Be it a nurturing diet, trying new journal prompts,staring a self care routine.(any type of self care you might find enjoyable)
Try to remain balanced in times of stress and think about your health more often.
Try to create the perfect balance using different methods of self care that appeal to you , instead of following the advice of beauty gurus 💗
In order to make your life more pleasurable, you should develop the ability to communicate your needs to others, in order to feel more understood and satisfied with yourself.
Give others love and you'll receive it back .
Afirm yourself and regain your confidence by expressing your needs and desires.
Additionally, you can also take some time for yourself each week , buy something for yourself, redecorate your room, do some meditation on connecting with mother earth, or anything that is pleasant to your senses.
You should take a bit more responsibility in terms of how you view relationships in your life. Even if you were hurt by some people, not everyone has intentions to hurt you all the time.
Bring some clarity to your thoughts before deciding to make any sort of connection with other people 💗
Pile 2
Hello pile two and welcome to your reading 🥀
Relationships and interactions with others.
To better these connections , be it a romantic one or just a friendship, you need to consider the way you view people I your life. Do you cherish them and form genuine connections, or you make friends or get into relationships just out of being bored or wanting some fun?
You might be stuck in this cycle and missing beneficial opportunities to forming a long lasting relationship or friendship.
Try to see I there are other ways trough which you can enjoy and experience human connections.💗
In order to raise your self esteem you should challenge yourself to be more willing to confront what you don't like about yourself. You might be refusing to " grow up" and this might reflect into the real world as seeking some sort of escapism that manages to give you self confidence for a short period of time, then you're back to feeling shy and/or inadequate.
Some of you could also be a bit childish when dealing and confronting other people, or a bit manipulative. You need to learn how to stand on your own feet and make your way through the world. Others cannot do it for you.
In order to make your life more enjoyable you should learn how to be more self reliant. Instead of waiting for others to point out your achievements or what you are good at, start doing this yourself! Self recognition feels 1000 times better than what you receive from people around you.
Think about how you can spend your time alone, when not seeking approval or slightly meaningless connections with others.
If there are some fears you have about accepting yourself, you can try look for some books or videos on how to get past traumas or self improvement💗
As a general advice, you should be more original in what you do. Get closer to the real you! Overcome doubts and go into a new direction, rather than repeating the same cycles over and over again.
Pile 3
Hello pile three and welcome to your reading 🥀
Relationships and interactions with others.
To better your connections with others , you should be more careful about what type of people you allow to get close to you. It is possible that you might be the type of person who attracts hurt and toxic people, whom you will later try to "fix".
It ain't gonna work... while your intentions are good, they are 'unfixable ' and will only use your as long as you have any use to them.
In order to develop more self esteem you need to give yourself more credit for  the way you look. You might be gorgeous, with an amazing style, yet you have this idea I mind that others are and will always be better than you at what they do and how they look.Being a doormat for others won't increase your worth I their eyes.
In order to make your life feel better, you need to ,again, stop comparing yourself to others. Certain things and advancements in life happen at a different peace for everyone. If you haven't accomplished something yet, don't feel inferior, but rather use the time to consolidate your foundation for the future.
The general advice of the reading is to spend more time investing in yourself and your dreams rather than feeling concerned about what you haven't achieved yet. Build your own dreams slowly and invest whatever you can in what brings you happiness and joy!💗
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lua-magic · 7 months
Jupiter and " How to get Lucky" in life?
Jupiter in your chart shows your luck and blessings.
Jupiter blessings will get you right guidence and right people at right time.
That is why if you want to increase your luck get more blessings from the people, the more people would bless you in your life more powerful Jupiter gets and more lucky you become .
Jupiter is also your morality and ethics.
Jupiter is the one and only planet that can take you out from the dark and give you everything that you lost or deserve or want in your life.
House two, six and ten are for your Karma or duty
Jupiter when sit in any of these houses, two, six or ten, your area of focus should be only on your duty, more sincerely you perform your duties in life, more Jupiter bless you.
When you have Jupiter in these houses it is better you keep learning skills regarding job and atleast have one mentor in your life that would guide you regarding your work.
House one, five and nine are house of Dharma or religion, or morality and ethics.
When you have Jupiter in these houses it is best that you always keep your morality and values front. The more values you have in your life and more you stick to it, more your Jupiter gets power.
When Jupiter is any one of the above house, it is always good to have one teacher or guru in your life, who would give you knowledge on righteousness.
More righteous you become, more powerful your Jupiter would get .
House three, seven, and eleven are for your desires.
Here, Jupiter will get you everything that you desire, only condition is that you have to get desires only through right way, if you are scamming and cheating others or taking money from someone just to fulfill your desires you are damaging your Jupiter and your luck.
If you have Jupiter in any or these houses, then it is better you partner with someone more knowledgeble than you as a counselor or advisor, if you want to make huge profits and follow him/her only .
House four, eight and twelve are for your moksha, or libration and peace .
Here Jupiter placement is little tricky, though Jupiter is exalted in these houses because Jupiter here will help you to get liberation, it will release you from all your bondages, and from your desires..It will teach you how to let go and rise and get into cycle of desires.
Most of time Jupiter in these houses wil bring you mental peace and comfort but blocks your manifestation or your desires.
People with such placements have lot of karmic relationship and Jupiter will break you free from all your karmas here, only condition you should never compromise on your own values and morality.
If you fall from the Grace, or get into greed or lust you will block all your help and guidance from divine realm.
You have here, learn to let go and focus on nothing more you are detached from your desires more easily it will come to you.
You have to only focus on yourself here, you have let go any emotions and people that is troubling you, then only you will make space for Jupiter to help you.
When you have Jupiter in fourth house your mother is your best teacher, Whenever you face any difficulty go to your mother.
If can't go to your mother, than pray to goddess as your mother or assume her as your mother and ask for help.
If you have Jupiter in eighth house then only "silence" can help you. Your silence is golden here.
More, you be silent about your weakness, hurt, pain, more Jupiter bless you
Eighth house is your hurt, pain, heart breaks, death, and problems, you need to learn to be silent regarding your eighth house matter, don't discuss and don't post it or announce it on social media. More you become quiet about your weakness and vulnerability more Jupiter bless, so think all your pain and heart breaks as a pill swallow it and move on don't speak about it to any one not even your close friends.
Never, discuss or reveal your secrets as eighth house is of secrets as well.
Lead a secretive life and your eight house will get better.
Jupiter in twelfth house would give you lot of isolation, comforts and gain to your husband and to your in-laws.
Yes, your Jupiter is reason why your husband has more money after marriage and your in-laws status increase.
Here, you have let go any hurt, negativity and focus on your own growth.
You get knowledge only when you sit in isolation.
"Forgive your eniemies" as twelfth house is of liberation and falls last in zodiac sign.
Whatever you don't want to carry after this life you have to get rid of it here in this life itself
So, get rid of all your negative feelings and toxicity within you, then Jupiter will help you .
You have all the knowledge within you, as Jupiter is exalted in twelfth house, you have to empty you mind and knowledge would flow to you.
Pieces is sign where what you give, is what you get, more you bless, more blessings you get..
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