#dae really care for jongup
everythingbap · 9 months
🎤 Interview: B.A.P, “All six members each have different colors”
Rookie 6-member group B.A.P (Bang Yongguk 22 · ZELO 16 · Himchan 22 · Daehyun 19 · Youngjae 18 · Jongup 17). Debuted in 3 weeks and already gaining members on their Internet Fan-cafe for over 20,000, debuted with the song ‘Warrior’ which is already topping on various daily music charts. “The team was formed with a goal to conquer the earth. We want our music to reach all over the world”.
- Lately we heard you guys are becoming more popular. Did you realize?
“I don’t know. When we perform and saw our fans cheering, it makes us feel stronger. Leader Bang Yongguk hyung and ZELO had debuted earlier and it was very helpful for the rest of us. The members had to give their handphones during trainee days, I don’t know how to respond to that. There is almost no contact with the outside world.” (Daehyun)
- So the handphones were taken by the company.
“It’s not that. The members volunteered to to give them away. We dont really need handphones in practice room and the dorm except to call parent and members’ family only. The aim is to focus on practice and the members only have one handphone for later use but then lost it. We’ll borrow from manager-hyung if needed” (Yongguk)
- A little pre-debut story.
“Since middle school I play dae-gum (flute-like instrument)·Janggu (drum-like instrument)·ggwaeng-ga-ri etc as a major in traditional music. Then suddenly, I got into black music like hip hop and R&B. Naturally, I have the dream to be a singer and was street-casted and later was able to join the team.“ (Himchan)
“There was a talent show on my Middle School campus and I sang to SG Wannabe’s song. Standing on stage having friends shouting and cheering is overwhelming that I cant put into words. Since then, I’ve been knocking to audition hoping to be a singer." (Youngjae)
“Since 3rd year in junior high school, I’ve been working with underground hiphop artists. When my parents found out about it they strongly opposed on the idea. Then I got to vocational school (Yuhan Technical High School) and said that they would allow me to be a singer if I did well so I studied hard. Then a scholarship was offered from a named college and in the end got my parent’s permission. Passed to college but have not attend.” (Yongguk)
“I fell for dancing eversince I was a kid. In middle school, my friends and I created a dancing clubs and entered dance competitions. The show was by a casting manager. I was really lucky.” (Jongup)
“I joined a dance academy in my 5th year of elementary school. Watching DBSK and Super Junior brought me up to be a singer. Joined the team after passing the academy’s audition.” (ZELO)
“I dream of being a singer eversince I was little. I worked hard to audition and sing professionally to learn more skills and I had to also study hard in school. Auditioned last summer and joined the team at last. I dream to be a great vocalist like 4MEN’s Shin YongJae.” (Daehyun)
- The title track ‘Warrior’ has an intense dance which is often compared to H.O.T’s debut song ‘Warrior’s Descendant’.
“It is an honor to be compared with the seniors. But the seniors were from the 90s and at that time, we were too young to know anything properly.” (ZELO)
- How is it like living in one dorm?
“We live together in a villa in Hannam-dong, Seoul. There are a total of 3 rooms and we use one room together. Another one is the closet-room, and the other one is a music studio. We have the chores divided thoroughly. Maknae ZELO does the laundry, Jongup does the dishes, Himchan throws the garbage, Youngjae keeps everything organized, as a leader I am in charge of managing (what goes around) the dorm. Haha” (Yongguk)
- You are in the same company with SECRET. Are you familiar with each other.
“The sunbaenims took care of us eversince we were trainees. They make us food on Chuseok (Thanksgiving) · Lunar New Year and brought it to the rehearsal studio for us.” (Youngjae)
- B.A.P’s competitiveness.
“All six members have different personality. Six members each with different colors to show you a different side and image of ourselves." (Himchan)
- B.A.P’s goal.
“A week before debuting, we had a meeting in the dorm and had the goal to ‘conquer the earth’. We not only want our music to stay in Korea, but also looking forward to stretch to a larger global market. Starting next month in March, we’ll be going to Singapore and Malaysia for a first fan-meeting overseas.” (Yongguk)
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❉ 139 Dreams (Daehyun Jung) Intentions
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, AU, Fluff, Romance, Crossover ☁
Word Count: 1,761 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Jung Daehyun ☁
World: Kpop, B.A,P ☁
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You never believed in love. It was never part of your world, ripped from you at a young age. You were a hunter, a soldier against the inhuman creatures inhabiting the world. You lived a cursed life, one that saw more death than any one person should witness. You’ve spent too many years crying over people that were ripped from you and you finally decided to stop caring. No matter what happened, you refused to get close to another human being, and for many years, it worked out for you. If you didn’t care about anyone, your enemies would have no one to destroy.
Although it wasn’t the best, you had accepted that this was your life. Once you become a hunter, there’s no escaping it.
That’s what you always told yourself, what you wholeheartedly believed until he entered your life.
It happened so suddenly that you’re still not sure about the events that had taken place. You had been in Seoul, tracking down a small coven of vampires that had been terrorizing the locals. All of them were sitting in their home just waiting for you to murder them, except for the youngest, who you tracked down to a nightclub several blocks away. You found the vampire in question, about to bite a man that was clearly drunk and unaware of his surroundings. One clean sweep of your hatchet was all it took to end the terror the clan had been spreading.
You had been in similar situations many times before and you had no problem walking away from the victims. There were dozens of people just a few feet away – one of them would eventually enter the back room and find the male, but this time was different.
His eyes were clouded over from the mixture of alcohol in his system and the pheromones injected by the vampire. His hand reached out for your own as he slid down the wall, too inebriated to stay on his feet without assistance. You wanted to walk away like you had done thousands of times before, but your feet would not obey. You couldn’t break your gaze from his.
His plump lips parted, but no sound escaped.
Knowing you were going to regret your decision, you helped him back onto his feet, throwing his arm around your shoulders. It took some patience to get him through the crowd, but you managed, stepping out into the cold night.
“Where do you live?” You questioned, only to grunt when the weight suddenly increased. He nearly hit the ground, but you managed to readjust your grip, setting him against the wall. He was out cold, his chest rising and falling as he slept. With a groan, you repositioned him so he’d fall onto your back. You were seriously regretting your decision now, but it was too late to turn back now.
You struggled to get back to your hotel, which wasn’t too far from the nightclub. A couple people sitting outside looked at you strangely but you just sent them what you hoped was a friendly smile before hastily sliding the keycard into the slot.
Backing up to the bed, you released your grip and let him fall, lightly bouncing on the mattress. He didn’t stir from his slumber. How were you going to explain why he was in a stranger’s hotel room? Whatever, you’d cross that bridge when you got to it.
After that night, there was a little piece of red twine that tied the two of you together. No matter where you went, you would run into Daehyun despite trying your best to avoid him. He was after your heart, and that terrified you. By the time you realized what was happening, it was far too late – you were addicted to each other and neither could get enough.
In the blink of an eye, you had been dating each other for two years. The fear never left you, but Daehyun instilled a small flame of hope in your heart – hope that you could love and be loved, and live a normal life.
This would prove to be your biggest mistake.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
From the moment you woke up, you had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. You didn’t know what was causing it, but you knew something wasn’t right. The unease made you stick to Daehyun like glue, your body on high alert. Being the clingy shit he is, he thoroughly enjoyed being so close to you at all times throughout the day, unaware of the real reason behind your sudden clinginess.
Daehyun poked your cheek, a smile on his lips. “I need to get my makeup done, babe.”
Your grip around him tightened for a moment before you reluctantly released him.
He chuckled, pecking your lips. “I’m not going far.”
Your eyes followed him as he crossed the room, greeting a cordi as he took a seat in the chair. You caught her eyes and felt a chill go down your spine, your heart picking up speed. A sense of dread filled you, one you had become quite familiar with. Swallowing hard, you sucked in a breath, quickly exhaling. Wrapped up in the words was a faint, “Cristo”.
The cordi’s head snapped up, eyes scanning the room. It only lasted for a moment, but her eyes turned completely black, swallowing the sclera and iris.
It felt like your heart stopped.
“Are you okay?” Jongup asked softly, noticing how tense and rigid your body had become, hands turning white as they tightened around your jeans.
“Fine,” you breathed out shakily. “I’m fine,”
He wasn’t convinced, but he let it go, sparing you a worried glance every few minutes.
Daehyun was the last of the boys to get his makeup done, so when the cordi finished with him, she packed the makeup and left the room. He tried to wrap his arms around you, but you pulled away.
“I have to use the bathroom,” you rushed out of the room, running after her. She knew you were following her, but her relaxed pace didn’t change as she entered an unused room, glancing at you as she did so.
Your eyes scanned the area, making sure it was clear before you pulled out your knife. It was infused with salt, holy water, and demon blood. While it couldn’t kill a demon, it would certainly hurt them long enough for you to exorcise them.
You slowly entered the room, closing the door behind you.
She was sitting on a broken stool, her legs crossed as she applied mascara. “You seem a bit young to be a hunter.”
“There’s many that are younger than I am.” You commented, taking a few steps forward but careful to keep your distance.
She sighed dramatically, snapping the compact shut. “I came to Seoul because I heard there were very few hunters here. My luck would lead me straight into one.”
Your grip on the knife tightened. “What are your intentions here, demon?”
She clicked her tongue. “I have a name, human.”
“I couldn’t care less, you’ll be back in hell soon enough.”
Her eyes narrowed, red lips pursing. “Or we could make a deal.”
“Do you really think I’m fool enough to make a deal with a demon?” You scoffed, pointing your knife in her direction. “I’ve been around long enough to know better.”
“Hmm, even if it’s in your best interest?” She smirked, leaning forward. “You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your precious Daehyun, would you?”
Hearing his name triggered something within you and you rushed forward, aiming for her throat. She easily dodged your attack, gripping your wrist so tight that you lost feeling in your hand. The knife fell, clattering against the ground.
“Humans never change. Make them angry and they lose all sense of danger, rushing into their own death.” Her grip tightened for s moment before she shoved you down, the wind knocked out of you. “Calm down, I don’t want to fight.”
“Then what do you want?!” You demanded with a growl, trying to ignore the pain in your wrist.
She pursed her lips, eyes growing distant for a moment. “Peace,”
“I just want peace. I’ve paid for my mistakes, centuries of paying for them. I made it out of hell, and I won’t be going back anytime soon.” Her eyes bore into your own. “We’re not so different, you and I. We’re both running away from a fate we didn’t want…”
You bit your lip, heart racing. Your mind was screaming at you for even considering such a thing. “What… What are the terms of your deal?”
“We scratch each other’s back. You help me fend off any hunters that happen to pass through, and I’ll help you protect that boy from any creatures that come after him.” She held out her hand, waiting for you to accept.
Your hand shook as it hovered over yours. Making a deal with a demon went against everything you believed in, everything that had been ingrained in you since childhood, but you would do anything to protect Daehyun. “Deal,”
She easily pulled you up, her lips finding yours. “The deal has been sealed. Pleasure doing business with you, human.”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, watching as she headed for the door. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.”
She paused, glancing over her shoulder. “Alera,” And then she was gone.
You took a few minutes to compose yourself before heading back to the boys. It still felt as if your insides were shaking, but at least it wasn’t something others could see.
Daehyun’s eyes lit up when you entered the room and his arms immediately found your body. “I missed you~”
You buried your face in his chest, breathing in deep. His scent invaded your senses, helping to calm your nerves. It didn’t matter what you had done or what hell you would face. All that mattered was the man before you and his happiness.
“I’ll do anything for you, Dae.”
His heart fluttered and he picked you up, your feet hovering over the ground. “I know and I love it! I’ll do anything for you too, Y/N.”
You pressed your lips against his, nipping at his plump lower lip. He groaned in approval.
“Ahem,” Himchan cleared his throat loudly. “Maybe you could wait until AFTER the interview?”
Daehyun broke out in laughter, snuggling his face into your neck. His happiness was pure, tugging at your heartstrings as you ran your hand through his soft hair.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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theworldofsisi · 5 years
Overdose Scene 2
Bang YongGuk, the leader and oldest member of B.A.P, sat at the desk in the band's recording studio, editing audio for a song that the band had been working on for 1004 (Angel's) album. With headphones on and gaze glued to the screen of his computer, he didn't hear the door opening, allowing the other five members of his band to enter the studio without his knowledge. He only noticed their presence when he felt a hand on his shoulder all of the sudden, which made him jump and somehow hit the delete button on the snippet of audio he had selected.
Daehyun, realizing what he had just made him do, stared at Yongguk with wide eyes. The leader took his headphones off and turned to face Daehyun, grinning slightly. “Everything's fine. The program I use has an undo function - I can get the audio back. If I couldn't, we'd be rerecording the entire song.” he turned back to the computer and pressed a button on the keyboard. The missing audio was put back where it had been a moment before. “So, what do you need? All of you came in here but you haven't said anything. Is it that important?”
Dae nodded even though YongGuk wasn't looking at him. “ Do you remember how we checked our weights together for fun right after we debuted?”
Yong turned to look at him out of curiosity. “Yeah. Why are you bringing it up- did you want to do it again or something?"
Daehyun glanced at the other members before nodding his head once. "I think it would be interesting to see how we've changed over the past few years, especially since Junhong has grown up so much," Dae said with a small smile. It was true that their Junhongie had grown and matured over the two years since their debut. However, that wasn't the only reason that he was smiling. He had managed to slip in a true excuse to cover up the main reason for the weigh in.
“Let me finish working on the song. When I get done, we'll go to the gym next door - they should have a scale.” He put his headphones back on and began working with the audio again. The rest of the members met each other's gazes before filing out of the studio, leaving their leader to his work.
A few hours later, the members of B.A.P were standing around the scale in the local gym. No one had volunteered to go first, so DaeHyun stepped onto the scale.
“It says one hundred forty-six,” Daehyun said after a few seconds, not really caring about the number. Dae stepped off and HimChan, deciding to go ahead and it get over with, stepped onto the scale. His weight read one-hundred fifty. He stared at the number in horror as he came to the painful realization that he had gained five pounds since the last time that he had checked his weight.
“HimChan hyung, is something the matter?” JongUp asked carefully when Him didn't step off the scale.
“N-nothing.” HimChan stuttered out as he moved off of the betraying scale. “Everything is fine.”
After HimChan, YongGuk sighed realizing that it was his turn to weigh himself. He stepped onto the scale and watched the numbers change.“One-hundred twenty-three.” he muttered casually after a moment. He realized that he had lost weight since the last time that the group had done a weight check, but he found that he didn't care. He stepped off and looked at his band-mates. He was confused to see that they were all staring at him with different expressions of shock and worry on their faces. “Is something wrong?” he asked carefully, still not understanding why they were staring at him like he was broken.
“YongGuk hyung... you've lost a lot of weight since the last time we came here together,” DaeHyun answered quickly, looking anywhere but at his leader's face. “You haven't been eating either - even when going out to restaurants, you don't order anything.”
YongGuk met Dae's gaze and sighed. “I do eat. Just because you don't always see me doesn't mean that I don't - if I didn't, I'd be dead by now. And you know that I like to work out - I come here at least once a week. That's why I keep losing weight.” Yong hated lying to them, but at the same time he hoped that they believed him - he hated making them worry more.
Zelo shook his head angrily. “Not lately you haven't been. I don't remember the last time that you said that you were going to the gym, even on days that we're not practicing. And maybe you do eat, but how often is it, huh? I see you eat maybe once every three or four days, and every time it's not even a full plate. How do you explain that, YongGuk-hyung?” he took a breath and glared into his leader's eyes. “You don't want us to see it, but you're not okay. It's alright to let us see you when you're weak, because we're not going to sit back and watch you slowly kill yourself, even if you don't care if you die. We care hyung.”
YongGuk took a step back and stared at his youngest member. He had been shocked into silence and couldn't formulate a coherent thought. There was only one time before that he had ever seen Zelo so adamant, and he didn't want to relive the memory that had led up to that event.
YoungJae gently laid his hand on Yong's shoulder. “The only thing that we're asking is for you to take better care of yourself, hyung. We need you to be our leader - you're the one who holds our band together. You could always get another member, but experienced leaders are hard to find. If we lose you, B.A.P won't exist.”
Yong shook his head. “I'm fine. Whatever you all think is the matter, you're wrong.”
“Didn't you say that you were “fine” when you tried to kill yourself? We could see that you were spiraling to a bad place, but we were too afraid to say anything. By the time that we realized that we should step in, you were already too far out of reach for us to help. We nearly lost you hyung.” Zelo was pleading with him now, feeling like had stepped on sharp glass and was trying to avoid making the cut deeper.
YongGuk looked down at the floor. “You don't know anything about that, Junhong.”
“I know that it started after your grandfather died,” Zelo responded, wishing immediately after he said it that it hadn't slipped out.
Yong turned away from Zelo and walked away without another word to any of the other members. He rushed out of the gym and began walking back to the dorm. He hadn't left because he was angry. No, he had left because Zelo had him completely figured out - the maknae knew exactly when his depression had started, and that it was still affecting him to this day. He wasn't ready to face that losing his grandpa still hurt him and made him have trouble sleeping at night. He didn't want to admit that he still blamed himself for not realizing that his grandpa was sick the last time he had seen him. He couldn't deal with the fact that he hadn't come home to see him more. He had betrayed his family for his career and was now paying for it by giving a piece of himself to his depression every time it tried to bring him to his knees.
Somehow by using muscle memory, YongGuk made it safely back to the dorm, but the damage had been done. The leader locked himself in the bathroom and broke down, allowing himself to cry for the first time in months. He finally realized that trying to act strong had made him weak. Hell, maybe his band-mates were right. He was broken.
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How about all of the soft kpop questions? :)
Welp, but thank you ♡
1. What kpop songs make you feel at home?
A lot honestly, but probably B.A.P ones and ones from my oldies. They feel nostalgic. To name a few, Baby by Daehyun, B.A.B.Y and With You by B.A.P, From Zero by MX, Hello and Juliette by SHINee, Dancing Out and No Other by Super Junior.
2. What idol(s) do you associate with kindness?
Too many, but top three: Daehyun, Wonho, Wonpil
3. Has a kpop song or group helped you through some difficult times? If so, and if you feel comfortable, share how.
B.A.P definitely helped me through a lot. I went through many years coping with my mental health, but their music was always able to calm me down.
4. What idol would you star gaze with? Why?
I feel like Daehyun would make it a sweet and memorable experience. We both probably wouldn’t know the constellations, but it would be nice to just stare in awe at the starry sky with him.
5. What’s your favorite ballad?
Does I Need Somebody count? Because that song is a piece of art.
6. What was your first kpop group that you stanned? Why did you stan?
Super Junior! My friends introduced me to them when I was 11 years old. Yesung was the first person I ever found attractive, and then I ended up loving their music and their shows (I really loved Explorations of the Human Body, that show was hilarious)
7. Would you rather give or receive a gift from your bias?
Give a gift, his music is already a beautiful gift ^^
8. What are some cute nicknames you have for your biases?
Simply just “Dae”
9. What idol(s) would you go to an arcade with? Why?
100% Jae and Dowoon, it would be so fun! They already like playing video games together, and I feel like it would be fun to see their reactions if they lose LOL
10. What are some things you associate with your bias?
Adorable, caring for his fans, literal sunshine, warmness
11. What idol(s) would you bake cookies with? Why?
Kihyun. We’re both neat and organized people, and I feel like we would be able to follow a recipe well without any mistakes.
12. What idol(s) would you like to share comfortable silence with? Why?
Ah, I’m not sure! I like silences, but I am very awkward and then the other person would be awkward, and it would just be awkward.
13. What idol(s) would you like to share your favorite food with?
Daehyun, apparently his taste buds are not working (I think Himchan said that once LOL) so he shouldn’t have a problem eating some hella spicy fish curry.
14. What idol, when they come to mind, makes you feel warm, fuzzy, at home?
Jung Daehyun 100%
15. Which idol would you like to have a long, deep hug with? Why?
Again, Daehyun. I already got to hug him at the meet & greet for the concert I went to last year, and he gave the best hug ;_;
16. What’s your ideal day with an idol(s)?
Spontaneous road trip to the beach with B.A.P
17. What idol(s) would you watch the sunrise with?
Young K
18. What idol(s) would you watch the sunset with?
19. Has an idol or group said anything that has stuck with you?
“Don’t be sad and don’t give up on your dreams. Dreams will come true one day. There’s no person more beautiful as a person who dreams.” - Kim Himchan
20. What idol would you like to spend a rainy day in with? What would you do? (please keep it appropriate lmao)
Jongup and I could watch anime all day!
21. Talk about why you love your bias so much.
Not only is he so talented that my heart melts when I hear him sing (also the emotions clear on his face when he does sing) but as far as I can tell, he’s a kind-hearted human being that always smiles genuinely. I have been surrounded by people with fake smiles my whole life, and it warms my heart when I see such a real smile on Daehyun.
22. Would you rather go to Disneyland or Everland with your bias? What would you do there?
I don’t know what Everland is, so Disneyland I guess. We would go on the rides and see the attractions :3
23. What do you imagine your bias to smell like?
I have a terrible sense of smell and wasn’t paying attention to it at the time, so I don’t know?
24. What do you wish for your bias group or idol in the future?
For them to succeed and be happy no matter what they do or whether they are together or not. I will always support them!
25. What season do you associate a group or idol with? Why?
Honestly, it depends on the era and the member, but I don’t really know…
26. What idol would you like to share childhood stories with?
Youngjae, so we can laugh at them together.
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yutasbirthchin · 6 years
It’s Complicated 
Text AU ft BAP and BTOB - Part 58
Previous / Next
Jongup woke with a start, he was used to it by now, but it didn't make it less terrifying. He looked around realising that he and Olivia had fallen asleep on the couch and was amazed. He'd actually fallen asleep without taking his pills and without being so exhausted that his body had no choice but to shut down for a few hours.
He'd still had a nightmare though. That same terrifying nightmare that had haunted him for a year. He looked at Olivia who was drooling slightly on his shoulder and laughed quietly to himself. He tried to push her away so that she wouldn't wake up, but it didn't work. Olivia stirred and yawned, wiping her mouth. She looked across at the television, which had put itself on standby hours ago, before looking over at Jongup. “We fell asleep.”
“Yeah.” Jongup nodded.
She noticed he was uncomfortable and frowned, looking him over only to realise he was drenched in sweat. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He lied. And she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I can tell when you're lying, Up… Did you have a nightmare?” She asked, her voice softening. He didn't respond but she could tell by the look on his face that he had. “Do you usually wake up like this?”
“Yeah.” He admitted. He felt really vulnerable and he hated it, he didn't want anyone to know this side of him. Especially not Olivia.
“Have you lost the ability to say any word other than ‘yeah’?” She teased, earning a smile from him.
He shook his head. “Nope. I really need a shower, though if you don't mind.” He said as he sat up, going to find his bag. Olivia stood up with him, wrapping her arms around him and leaning her head against his chest, catching him off guard. “Liv, I'm covered in sweat, wh-”
“I love you.” She said.
Jongup blinked, processing what she had just said. They'd been best friends for about four years so they'd thrown the phrase at each other before. But this was different. This had weight to it. It was Olivia's way of thanking him for everything he'd done for her; her way of telling him that she appreciated that she was seeing his vulnerable side and would be there for him. And of course, that she did genuinely love him. He swallowed, forcing tears away and he returned her embrace. He nodded as he rested his head atop her head.
“Unlock the door, Jae!” Daehyun whined from the other side of his bathroom door.
“Babe, please.” Daehyun begged, dragging out the words.
“I’m waiting for the ground to swallow me whole so that I cease to exist.”
“But that would leave me all on my own.”
“Yes it would, and I don't care. I'm being selfish.”
“I had a crush on you and waited for a year and a half and then three months into our relationship you're going to leave me like this? I'm heart broken.”
“Ha ha.” Youngjae replied sarcastically.
“Everyone thinks I'm the cute one, no one believes me when I tell everyone you're cuter than me.”
“Dae please.”
“It's not a big deal, Jae.”
“I'm having a shower.” Youngjae said as he got up off the bathroom floor to undress. Daehyun laughed so hard that he could barely breathe. He was still laughing when he heard the water start, and hoped that Youngjae could still hear him laughing.
He'd gained his composure after about five minutes and sat against the bathroom door waiting for his boyfriend to get out. He almost fell through the door when Youngjae opened it. Youngjae, seeing the look on Daehyun's face, went to close the door again, but Daehyun managed to stop him. Daehyun stood up to face his boyfriend and went to hug him but Youngjae wasn't having it.
“No. No. Get off me. Go away.” Youngjae said, fighting Daehyun, who had started another seemingly endless laughing fit. “I hate you so much, my god.”
“Awww, look at my shy Youngjae. You're so cute!!” Daehyun said between laughs, trying to pinch Youngjae's cheeks.
“Stop laughing at me!”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Daehyun said, managing to compose himself for a second before bursting out into laughter again.
“You're the worst.” Youngjae said, managing to get past Daehyun and escape to the bedroom.
When Daehyun left the bathroom, having finally composed himself again, Youngjae was sat on his bed, on his phone. He walked over and sat next to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Youngjae leant away from him. “Eww, get off me.”
“You're really cute, babe.”
“Stop patronising me, please.”
Daehyun frowned. “I'm sorry, but it was really funny.”
“No it wasn't. It was embarrassing.”
“Your reaction was funny.” Daehyun teased.
Youngjae put his phone down and turned to loosely put his hands around Daehyun's throat. “I'm serious, I'll kill you.” He threatened, but they both knew it was an empty threat.
“I thought you said you wanted to cease to exist? Now you want to kill me too? You're mean.” Daehyun said, laughing again.
“Stop laughing.” Youngjae whined. “I've had it with you.” He added and the two started wrestling, Daehyun laughing the whole time.
They'd been arguing and play fighting for about five minutes and were starting to get tired. Daehyun finally managed to grab Youngjae, wrapping his arms around him and flipping them over so he was on top. Youngjae was squirming, trying to get out of the hug.
“Dae, get off me.”
Daehyun cocked his head to the side, a smirk playing on his face. “Give me a kiss and I'll get off.”
“No.” Youngjae huffed.
“Why not?”
“I said no.”
“It’s not like we've never kissed before.”
“Daehyun, no.”
“Are you scared you're going to get a boner again?” Daehyun teased.
“Baby, please.” Youngjae begged, his face flushing red. Daehyun was still laughing, but let go of Youngjae and sat up. Youngjae followed suit and they were now sitting opposite each other on the bed.
“I've never seen you blush so much, Jae.”
“Please stop teasing me, Dae.” Youngjae said, burying his hands in his face.
“I'm sorry. You're just really cute. And I know you're embarrassed but it really isn't a big deal.” Daehyun reached out to pull Youngjae's hands away from his face. “Hey. Youngjae, look at me.”
“What?” Youngjae said as he looked up at his boyfriend, his cheeks still burning red.
Daehyun smiled. “I love you, Youngjae.”
Youngjae's ears started to turn red too as he felt the butterflies in his stomach. He got the butterflies almost all the time he was with Daehyun so he should be used to it by now, but the feeling made him feel all soft and squishy inside. “There’s a parallel universe somewhere where the roles are reversed and I'm laughing my butt off at you right now, you better believe it!” Youngjae said, making Daehyun giggle. “I hate you, Daehyun I really do. You flipped my life upside down and confused the fuck out of me and you make me feel all these feelings I'm not used to and it's not fair.”
“You're so damn cute.” Daehyun said as his smile got wider and he leant forward to kiss his boyfriend. Youngjae swooned, melting into the kiss. “I love you so so much, Youngjae.”
“I love you too, Daehyun.” Youngjae whispered, pulling Daehyun back for another kiss.
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iwritekpopthings · 6 years
Ch. 25 (Final!)
Characters: Misun (OC), Jung Daehyun, B.A.P, other side characters Genre/ Warnings: Romance, slow burn, fluff Word Count: 1544
It was New Year's Eve and Misun was hanging out with Youngjae and Daehyun in their apartment, watching them play video games. The university was on winter break for the next few weeks and the play had ended spectacularly, so the group of friends had much more free time than they were used to. The whole group was going to meet up in this apartment to welcome the new year that evening, but Misun had come over early to spend some quality time with the boys. She was curled up on the couch next to Daehyun and enjoying hearing him yell at Youngjae every few seconds.
She involuntarily shivered despite her many layers on and huddled closer to Daehyun. "Are you cold? You can go into my room and grab a sweater if you want." He offered as they waited for the game to load the next chapter.
"Okay, thanks." Misun smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up and walking down the hall to Daehyun's room. It was a mess; clothes thrown around, textbooks and snacks sitting on his desk. Misun shook her head and chuckled at the chaos while she shuffled through the debris to his closet. She quickly found her favorite grey hoodie and pulled it out.
Just as she pulled it over her head, something caught her eye. She finished putting the hoodie on before making her way over to Daehyun's bookcase. There was a black spiral-bound notebook that looked oddly familiar sitting on one of the shelves. Slowly she picked it up and looked at the water-damaged cover. Sure enough, her name was written in her handwriting on the top right corner. She opened the book and flipped through the stiff pages, recognizing her initial drawings for the play's costumes and her own sketches. This was the book that she had been showing him that day that Sooyeon had knocked it into the mud.
"Misunnie, did you find something warm? Sorry my room is such a mess…" Daehyun apologized as he came in, walking through the clutter to get to her. Her back was to him so he wrapped his arms around her waist and looked over her shoulder before freezing. "O-oh… so you found that, huh?"
Misun turned around and Daehyun let go a little reluctantly. "Why do you have this?" She asked, not looking up at him, but still at the crinkly muddy pages in her hands.
He shrugged, a light blush covering his cheeks. "I picked it up that day and thought that one day you might want it back. But you never asked about it, so I just held onto it. Also… It was my only way to learn more about you at that time. Himchan hyung isn't one to talk about other people freely, so I couldn't really ask him about you. I had wanted to be close to you for so long that I just took whatever I could get." He admitted, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. Now that he looked back on it, it was probably kind of a weird thing to do.
Misun finally looked up at him and he was surprised by the amount of pure emotion in her eyes. "Really..?"
Daehyun gave her a soft smile and nodded, taking the book from her hands and setting it back on the shelf before pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to the back of his shirt tightly. She couldn't believe that he had cared that much about her even back then. They were barely even acquaintances, but he still kept something so personal. She sniffed, trying not to cry as she was overwhelmed by all of the feelings going through her heart. Daehyun stayed oddly quiet, swaying gently from side to side until Misun had composed herself once again.
She pulled away from him and looked up at her boyfriend's adorable face. "Thank you." She told him while biting her lip to keep herself in check.
Daehyun chuckled and wiped the few tears that had escaped from her eyes off of her cheeks with his thumbs. "No, thank you. Thank you for accepting my heart and loving me for who I am. Even if it did take forever for you to finally realize that I liked you." He teased, lightening the mood considerably.
She chuckled and hit his chest lightly. "It did not take forever… Just.. probably longer than it should have."
"Probably." He agreed with a grin. Then the smile slid off of his face and he was serious again. "I love you."
Misun met his gaze and she felt herself tearing up again. She blinked quickly and smiled at him. "I love you, too." She stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. Daehyun kissed her back passionately, surprising her a little. But she reciprocated with equal force before they heard Youngjae's loud voice interrupting them.
"Daehyun!!! Are you coming back or what?!" His voice carried easily down the hall from his place in the living room.
The two pulled away and laughed. "Come on, let's get you back to killing monsters or whatever those are." Misun said, taking Daehyun's hand in her's.
"They're magical monsters, thank you very much." He retorted with a grin. He held her hand tightly, knowing he was never going to let go of it.
The apartment was loud. And chaotic. All of the boys, plus Sera, Fae, and Misun were there, having to sit on each other in order for everyone to have space. Yongguk and Sera were off in one corner talking to each other while she sat on his lap. Fae and Misun were sitting with Himchan and Daehyun respectively, watching Zelo and Jongup have the dance battle of the century.
Misun had never laughed so much in her life. Himchan often glanced over to see her clapping like a seal with Daehyun whenever Zelo did something funny or when Jongup made his weird, out-of-nowhere remarks, or when Youngjae had something witty to say like the sassmaster he is.
After calming down for a moment, Misun looked at Daehyun. "I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything?"
"Just you." He said with a cheesy grin, making Misun blush and push him away as she stood up
"I'll come with you." Himchan said, following Misun to the kitchen. It was significantly quieter there.  The two long-time friends looked at each other and smiled.
"You and Fae unnie seem to be doing well together." Misun remarked as she raided Daehyun's fridge.
"Same for you and Dae." Himchan's smile could not leave his face as he watched the blush return to his friend's cheeks. "I can tell he really loves you a lot."
She nodded and opened a bottle of water. "I love him a lot, too. I'm glad he found me."
Himchan walked to her and pulled her into a hug, which Misun easily returned. He had gotten busy with work and she had missed seeing him. "Hey, I found you first." He teased.
"That's true." Misun admitted with a laugh.
"Earlier, I was thinking about how far you've come from when I first found you." Himchan remarked as he let go to hold her by her shoulders. "You went from being scared and not talking to anyone to finally finding all of us who love you so much. I'm so proud of you Misunnie."
"Oppa…" She looked up at him, surprised by this sudden statement.
"Hey, are you trying to make my girlfriend cry?" Daehyun asked loudly as he entered the kitchen.
Himchan looked up and let his hands drop from Misun's shoulders. "Maybe I am, what are you gonna do about it?" He taunted with a smirk.
Daehyun walked over and wrapped his arms around Misun protectively, holding her close against his chest. "I will fight you."
"There's no need for that, oppa~" Misun laughed, leaning in to kiss Daehyun on his cheek. "We were just talking about the past."
"Oh, okay." He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "Anyway, it's almost midnight, are you ready to start counting down to the new year?" She nodded and held his hand as he led Himchan and Misun back into the living room.
Everyone was sitting together and Youngjae had a countdown set up on his phone. Misun sat on Daehyun's lap, feeling butterflies in her stomach.
"Alright, here we go guys!" Youngjae said, showing everyone the timer.
Everyone counted loudly together. "5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!" Misun smiled and immediately turned to look at Daehyun. He captured her lips with his, kissing her until they both ran out of breath. There was cheering and noise makers going off all around them, but nothing mattered at that moment. It was just Daehyun and her.
Misun pulled away first, licking her lips as Daehyun smiled at her. "Happy new year. I love you Daehyun." She said, blushing heavily.
"I love you, too, baby. Here's to a whole year together. And many more." He leaned in and kissed her again, both of them smiling at the prospect of being together, loving each other, for the rest of their lives.
★☆★☆★☆~The End~★☆★☆★☆
Author’s Notes: Everyone!!! The end is here!! What are your thoughts? This is by far the longest story I have ever written (110 pages long!!) I hope you liked it ‘n stuff ^^”
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bapofficial · 6 years
b.a.p limited in seoul day 2!
most of you have probably already seen fancams but I’m gonna try to remember things that happened anyway!
youngjae lobbing water bottles at the audience while himchan delicately underarm-threw them as carefully as he could
jongup announced all the top 20 songs that fans had voted for. seeing him mc for so long......dude..... youngjae gave him one of the drum sticks and took the other himself, so jongup could act like a teacher when he was talking. kinda backfired because daehyun was constantly saying something like “teacher can you show us!!” with every next song jongup spoke about lmao. i’m not complaining though bc daehyun was just trying to get jongup to sing for all of humankind
as part of that segment, tiny parts of songs that were sung (as far as I can remember): 
youngjae: rewind
daehyun: goodbye & think hole
yongguk: pray (actually rapped part of it this time! then junhong joined in playfully for his part)
jongup: killer (??? he nana-ed the whole thing but DUDE his VOICE) & albatross!!!!!! binch!!!! & he danced moondance
himchan turned every song into blind.....we were in stitches man he was hilarious
i can’t remember why but jongup whacked himchan on the butt with the drum stick???
youngjae and daehyun and junhong joining in the dance for jongup solo! I hadn’t actually noticed youngjae at first lmao but i saw one guy who was so chill about completely making up the dance so....I should have instantly known then...
when the band kept playing the melody for 1004 after the song finished i think there was a problem with the guitar? bc the main guitar bit stopped and then the guitarist picked another one up and instantly got back into it, it was really cool
during crash they each picked up these signs that said “na” in korean and did a cute lil dance with them for the nanana part :’((((( after the concert i saw a girl with one of them!!! imagine the luck omg
just as daehyun was about to do the high note for lovesick, youngjae jumped on his back and dae couldn’t do it and it was a wonderful mess
water fights!! himchan chucked a whole bucket of water at daehyun who then hugged him to get him wet too... then junhong put the bucket on his flipping head and danced whilst the rest of the members slowly realised what was going on omg. youngjae and daehyun shooting himchan, youngjae basically getting everyone lol. even yongguk loitering by the side was not safe
seriously why was there a bucket. whose idea was this
they honestly seemed so happy this day. everyone was really comfortable and in a great mood. giggles abound :((((
the talk... not gonna lie i didn’t understand most of it because of language barriers so I guess I didn’t have the same reaction as the rest of the audience, but I knew it was about 7 years / 6 members / the future. i’ll say it again here: for them to properly acknowledge the situation and to reassure us that they’ll always be 6 shows they actually care and do value their bond as a group. they could easily have not said anything about it and just let the concert pass smoothly but they wanted to be honest. i trust them and have complete faith they’ll do what they can to maintain a bright future
when youngjae got teary this sad background music started playing and he jokingly yelled at the staff and tried to alleviate the mood
but anyway after that they tried their best to make the concert a thousand times more fun and honestly... they managed to top the first concert. the encore was like twice as long! they did: with you, excuse me, that’s my jam, do what I feel, jongup’s solo, b.a.by, bang x2. (bolded are songs they didn’t do in the encore on the first day.) it was so so so fun :’)
it ended at around 8.15?? and started at 5? definitely over 3 hours long!!! they just kept going man it was so beautiful
literally i have somehow managed to love them even more? i genuinely didn’t think that was possible but here we are
they came out of the venue publicly this time! on the first day we waited but they must have gone another way, but this time we saw their car in the parking lot! we waited for a bit and then I heard screaming and i looked up and it was daehyun!!! (not the screaming lmao but his presence) and then himchan, junhong, jongup and youngjae!!! they all looked so soft! :’’) i was so lucky to basically have been at the front of the line somehow? like i was about 10 metres away from them my brain froze... they were waving and smiling and stuff and I waved backck and!!!!!!! telepathically sent them my love and support i hope they received the message. (idk where yongguk was, maybe i just didn’t see him?)
mum i love them
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
B.A.P as Best Men at Your Wedding (1/2)
(A/N) In this part it’s Himchan as Yongguk’s best man, Youngjae as Daehyun’s best man and Junhong as Jongup’s best man. Expect to see vice versa in part 2!
“Himchan-ah, isn’t it already time for you to go and prepare for the ceremony?”
He gave your friend who had just addressed him a charming look and stayed contained in his response.
“It probably is, but I ain’t gonna let a certain someone flip out on their own without my caring watch. So give me just a few more minutes.”
You watched your friend nodding at him, and looked around the room once more as she was walkling away. You were sitting on a leather couch in the corner of the room and were just breathing in and out, trying to stay focused and trying to remain calm. Things had just almost gone horribly wrong, and you still needed a moment to process the fact that “almost” was the keyword here.
Who knew getting married was such a big strain to the psyche?
Himchan was here though. Being Yongguk’s best man meant him knowing all there was about the wedding, including sticking his nose into business he shouldn’t stick it in just because he’s Mr.Curiosity - like your own preparations for the wedding, and not just Yongguk’s - but at the end of the day, you were grateful that you had him by your side.
“How do you feel?”
“Grateful and anxious... Grateful and anxious,” you repeated, running your fingers over the lace on the lower part of your dress. This thing could’ve looked different by now. You were glad it was still snow white, pure and without stain.
“Himchan-ah, I’m so sorry for your shirt, by the way-”
“Don’t sweat it,” he said with a small chuckle, adding, “I’m glad we could find a replacement for it though, but one way or another, I’d in any case much rather take the bullet in the form of spilled ice tea than watch it stain your dress instead. So I’m glad I could help.”
A moment of silence followed, in which you considered what would’ve happened if he wouldn’t have been in the right place at the right time. Himchan’s been so nice and supportive this whole time, to be honest - he came around earlier to take a peak at how you looked like and to hype you up, and next thing you know he’s catching one of your friends mid-fall and preventing the ice tea she held in her hand from spilling over the lower part of your dress by letting it spill across his dress shirt instead.
He was.. A savior. Yeah, today he was a savior, as at least you wouldn’t have to walk down the aisle.. Ice tea-ed, if that’s even a term (it most definitely isn’t).
“I don’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if you wouldn’t have noticed the situation on time.”
“You would’ve walked down the aisle ice tea-ed and Yongguk would’ve loved it,” Himchan said without thinking much, making you raise a brow at him and chuckle a little in response. Maybe ice tea-ed was an actual term, after all.
“How come he would’ve loved it?”
“Well, when didn’t he love something related to you?” Himchan said with a smile on his face and a “duh, silly” tone to his voice, making you blush a little as you considered. Was it cheesy to say that Yongguk had most definitely made you feel like this during the whole time you’d been together with him? He’s showed you support in any good or bad situation and made bad times feel like everything was alright. Himchan was right, without doubt, and you knew it. Yongguk was never restrained on making you feel loved by him.
“But, come on.. A ruined wedding dress IS a big deal...”
“You could walk down the aisle in a tank top and sweatpants and he’d most definitely question it, but he still wouldn’t love you any less because of it,” Himchan said, his tone softening as he was basically starting to gush about your and Yongguk’s picture-perfect relationship yet again - that’s something that he had been doing ever since you and Yongguk started dating.
“Ice tea-ed or not, that wouldn’t stop him from putting that ring on where it should’ve already been for quite a while-”
“Kim Himchan!”
“What?” he smiled sheepishly, letting out a nasal laugh, “Just saying, I knew you’d end up here anyways. So technically, I was right when I told him already years ago that you’d be the one he’d marry.”
That was something you hadn’t heard before, and it made your cheeks tint a little darker. The same friend from before called Himchan again, and this time around he knew it was his time to go. The ceremony would start soon, and right now he needed to once again check his things and looks and go to be by Yongguk’s side. Without hesitation or question, Himchan rose from the couch and turned back to you, giving you a last thumbs up, another compliment on how stunning you looked an a reminder not to worry, because it’s not like you had anything to worry about. It’s a day of celebrating the love two of Himchan’s really close friends have for each other, and he wanted you to be relaxed, happy and most of all, comfortable in your own skin and confident in your feelings. Everything would be picture perfect form now on.
And as you watched him leaving the room, you kept thinking about all that had just happened and about all he’d just said. About how good it was to have someone like Kim Himchan in your life to lift your spirits and prevent disaster. And about how you’re now sure that he’d been right - nothing will go wrong and even if it would, Yongguk wouldn’t love you any less because of it. He would only love you more for going through troubles with a bright smile on your face.
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“Ooh, look at you.”
Youngjae’s smile widened the second he saw you turning around to face him from the big mirror you’d been standing in front of, and it remained plastered on his face even though your facial expression didn’t match up with his regarding emotions.
“How is it?”
“Well.. There’s a lot of white in that dress,” he lifted a finger to his chin, seemingly taking a step back to admire your beautiful wedding dress from afar. His remarks earned him a few chuckles of your friends and stylists who were still working on making you look as gorgeous as possible for this special occasion, but you wanted to simply roll your eyes at him. Cheeky and with a whole lot of mischief on his tongue as always, Youngjae just couldn’t help but steal the show whenever he walked into any room.
“But that’s how wedding dresses are supposed to be, I guess, so I’d say it’s fine. Haven’t really worn one myself, so I don’t know.”
You threw him a little glare, turning back to the mirror and running your hands over the soft fabric of the lower part of the dress. It was a nice fit, it was classy and delicate and just what you wanted it to be like in every single aspect - you knew you’d end up picking this dress the very first second you saw it months ago in one of the many bridal salons you had visited. But the real question was, will Daehyun like it as much as you did?
The anxious huff you let out lied all of your doubts and insecurities out to Youngjae on a silver plate.
“Hey, you really do look beautiful,” he stepped forwards now, walking up close enough for you to see him in the corner of the mirror. The little mischievous spark that his eyes usually held is long gone and he’s being all serious now. Heartfelt and serious.
“Do you think Dae will like it?”
“He has to. He’s stuck with you officially and lawfully for quite a while now, so he better like what he sees.”
Chuckles filled the room again, and you glanced over at all of these happy faces surrounding you. Faces of your friends and family that kept reminding you of how beautiful this day was supposed to be. How special it was not only to you, but to all of them as they would watch you and the person whom you loved the most in this world exchange vows. Youngjae’s jokes weren’t taken as offensive, not that they were intended to be that way in first place. They were supposed to be lighthearted mood-lifters, and everyone was taking them as that.
You couldn’t bring yourself to smile this easily though, as much as you had already tried. The wedding dress still looked too good to be true, and the sole thought of Daehyun watching you walking down the aisle to meet him still haunted your thoughts, because, well... What if..
What if he saw you there like this and wouldn’t feel the way he first thought he would? What if his heart wouldn’t be jumping out of his chest like yours definitely would, what if he imagined you to look different..
What it.. What if something would go wrong?
“Hey, he was actually the one who sent me over to take a look at you, I didn’t just accidentally stumble into your headquarters, you know?” Youngjae’s voice quieted down a bit and set you back to reality as you turned to face him properly, “Because, you know... He’s not really supposed to see you yet, but he’s very curious. And my tales will have to mend his curiosity for now.”
This didn’t really help either. It rather made you cross your arms over your chest protectively as a friend of yours came up to help you to properly fix up the veil, and you kept looking at yourself in the mirror, wanting to just know Daehyun’s reaction already. Feeling like your heart would burst if you waited any longer.
“And he’s got a message for you too.”
Youngjae cleared his throat at that, snapping you out of your thoughts for the second time in the spawn of a few minutes. Way to go.
“It was all cheesy and I couldn’t recite it word-by-word even if I tried, so instead I’ll speak my mind on the matter.”
Way to go, Youngjae. You’re given a message and you simply forget it.
“He’s in his own room right now, being no less nervous than you yourself are,” Youngjae continued without break, “If he stutters while saying his vows, forgive him. If he drops the ring during the ceremony, forgive him too. He’s sweating more than Himchan ever did right now and come on, if that isn’t an indicator for him being nervous, I don’t know what is. But hey, what are you two even stressing about if this is what you’ve ultimately been wanting to do for so long already? My advice for both of you is to just let it all go and enjoy this moment - it shouldn’t be stressful anyways. It should be soulful and loving, like this whole relationship between you and him is in first place, understood?”
There were a few “awws” throughout the whole room, and now that you looked at everyone’s faces and then looked back at yourself in the mirror, you noticed the little smile that had made it’s way to your face. That was your man - even without being present, he sent his best man over to you to wish you all the best, and that makes your heart skip a beat.
And Youngjae.. Youngjae was the greatest friend of all for being humorous and mood-lifting, but beyond that, supportive. You were thankful he’d stopped by.
“So yeah, erm.. Good luck to you, beautiful,” Youngjae said with a friendly smile as he started heading for the door, “I gotta go back to my idiot now before he does stupid things in his state of nervousness and excitement, so yeah.. See you there.”
You couldn’t wait for the moment, so you simply nodded and went back to fixing the veil.
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“Shh,” you heard a familiar voice whispering to the person who had just called him out loud, and smiled to yourself as the image of one of your friends and Junhong playfully bickering behind your back crossed your mind, “Don’t give me away like this-”
“Junhong, you can’t come in here. Leave right now or we’ll be forced to kick you out-”
“Hey, don’t kick me out for nothin’! I ain’t the groom so I think I should be allowed to peak for just a second-”
“What if you’re a spy?” your friend was not letting him live so easily, as another two had approached to corner him and stare up at him in playful suspicion, “Why should we trust you on anything? What if you came to snoop around and will take pictured proof of all your investigations-”
“Oh, just let him be. We all know that’s not the case.”
Your voice was enough for your friends to call it quits on accusing Junhong, and they laughed at the over-dramatic and playful approach to Junhong’s sudden visit to your room. Next thing you know, as long shadow cast upon you, and you looked into the mirror to be met with Junhong’s excited glance that stared you up and down before landing on your face.
“Hey there, spy.”
“Not a spy, just a best man minding his own business and looking around a bit,” Junhong said, standing a little bit behind you and admiring how you looked in the mirror, “What’s up with all your friends though? I swear, I came unarmed and with good intention, and they just cornered me like this, without any chance of survival or surrender.”
“I guess everyone’s just a little bit nervous,” your turned back to Junhong, smiling up at him and trying not to show how the corners of your mouth were twitching as you smiled, “And we’re trying to play if off with humor. Don’t blame them. And actually, I myself am really nervous as well. Like..  Hella nervous, to be honest.”
Junhong nodded slowly, seeing as you turned back to the mirror to inspect yourself some more. His glance landed on your back, and something about your dress set him off as he studied it more carefully. His fingers were tangled in the corset of your dress in a second and despite your chuckles and questions about what he was doing he continued fiddling around with the garment, saying it looked like it was tied loosely and he wanted to fix it up a bit.
“You’re not the only nervous one though.”
That statement intrigued you, and you knew it was a way of Junhong making a segway into spilling some info about your lovely husband-to-be. It had to be - he’d just spent so much time with him in one room. He had to be able to provide some gossip that would mend your nerves.
“Tell me.”
“I’ve never seen.. I’ve never seen him acting like this before,” Junhong said with a chuckle, still working on getting your corset tied up properly. The more he fiddled around with it, the more you realized that it had actually been a bit too loose. Junhong had come to the rescue just in time.
“At first I didn’t notice, because he was quiet as usual and I literally thought he was just zoning out, but, like.. He’s walking back and forth across the room instead of falling asleep on the couch, he’s constantly checking how he looks in the mirror and keeps fixing that one strand of hair that’s already looking alright as it is, and I don’t even think he knows what he’s doing himself... He asked me where the rings were. Twice. I think he was about to ask for the third time right as I was leaving the room.”
Junhong chuckled along with you to his story. Seeing Jongup this nervous and puzzled was new. He usually had more chill, he didn’t have cold sweat coursing down his palms.. Hell, he never had such a strong desire to constantly fix his hair either. He never had such a freaking desire to make sure that everything was in it’s right places and simply perfect. He was clearly nervous and it was visible only to the ones who knew him well.
“To be completely honest, I didn’t think you’d get married just yet.”
You rose a brow at Junhong who had just blurted this out out of nowhere, and was quick to explain his statement before it could seem offensive or disrespectful.
“I mean, you’re both kind of.. Not complete adults. Okay, I know it’s silly when that’s coming from me since I’m younger than Jongup hyung, you know, but still.. I can’t imagine you just going like “Yeah, sorry, can’t make it to the party tonight. Me and my husband are gonna pull an anime all-nighter, but hey, if you wanna come, feel free to join”-”
“So married people don’t watch anime, yeah?”
“Well.. They do..” Junhong finally stepped back, scanning over the corset. It was in place and looking good now that he’d tied it up a bit tighter, and he motioned with his finger for you to do as spin. A quiet murmur saying “ooh, perfect~” left his lips as you did the spin and faced him again. Junhong was still trying to find the right words to make his point.
“What I was trying to say is that.. I didn’t think Jongup hyung would be the one to marry this early in life, but.. I’m so glad that you two found each other, like, I really am. If it was anyone else, it would feel weird, or just not right, but with you.. I keep looking at you two and I can totally see you still watching anime like you do now after 30 years, and even more than that, like.. It’s surreal, and I’m so glad it’s happening.”
Junhong’s words were all over the place since they were quite improvised, but they were sweet - they made you think back to your life by Jongup’s side, and you smiled at the thought of spending even more of your life with him. With this guy who’d completely stolen your heart and still did so every day again and again, even if rather unconsciously. And Junhong was such a good friend - he had always been, to start with. Not only because he was supportive of you and Jongup for this whole time and would remain like this probably forever. But also because he was the one to set your two up in first place. You... You really felt so lucky to have both of them right now.
“Keep your head up and feel beautiful, because that’s how you are, okay?” you nodded at Junhong who was already heading to the door, and gave him a “yessir!” to wrap it up with, “Jonguppie hyung’s a lucky one - remind him of that again when you walk down the aisle to him~~”
You would. You definitely would.
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jookyun · 6 years
kpop + music tags!
my dumb partner jo @joheoonie tagged me! thank you bb! 
music shuffle tag!
rules: put all of your phone’s music library – no playlists! – on shuffle. list the first ten songs that play. bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicise the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. then tag ten people!
1. Lucky One- EXO 2. Kingdom Come- Red Velvet 3. Mamma Mia- SF9 4. Lonely- SISTAR 5. Gashina- Sunmi 6. Kingdom- B.A.P 7. I’ll Be Your Man- BtoB 8. The Eve- EXO 9. Special- Monsta X 10. Ready or Not- Monsta X
kpop tag!
rules: answer the questions!!
1) 5 favorite groups? Monsta X, B.A.P, VIXX, Winner, Victon
2) top 5 on your bias list? evil question       Changkyun, Yongguk, Leo, Mino, Sejun
3) ult bias group and why you love them? Monsta X and wow.. I love them a whole damn lot. They’ve just always been there for me, even if they don’t know it, and they’re so caring towards their fans. They work so damn hard for us, and continuously improve their skills. They’re just so talented, but still so humble and sweet, it’s amazing. They’re also so funny and never fail to make me laugh. I always go back and watch their variety shows if I’m sad and need to distract myself. They’re the best. 
4) ult bias and why you love them?
Im Changkyun is my ultimate bias and he’s an absolute weirdo. but i love him for it. He’s so attentive and just wants to be loved. He’s so talented and works so hard to improve his rap. He’s also the definition of duality (along with jooheon). like one second he’s this charismatic rapper “i love it when she groove on me” and then he’s an actual baby. he’s also really quiet and brooding sometimes and just needs to be protected. I love my kyunpuppy. 
5) favorite kpop meme the dinosaur pole dancing to House of Cards OR Dae’s “who am I?” 
6) favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one) i love this ic cause his neck it’s technically the start of his journey with Monsta X as it’s a No mercy picture and it’s a really great picture
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7) 10 favorite kpop mvs 1. Honeymoon- B.A.P
2. Shangri- La- VIXX
3. Shine Forever- Monsta X
4. Island- WINNER
5. Starry Night- Mamamoo
6. Scentist- VIXX
7. Shine- Pentagon
8. Fantasy- VIXX
9. That’s My Jam- B.A.P
10. Fire- BTS
8) 10 favorite kpop songs? (not in order) 
1. house of cards- bts
2. love me do- vixx
3. diamond 4 ya- b.a.p
4. blind- monsta x
5. island- winner
6. all in- monsta x
7. honeymoon- b.a.p
8. trigger- vixx
9. all i do- monsta x
10. the closer- vixx
9) favorite kpop crack video? i agree with jo here.. youtube user is it a meme yet is a fav!! 
10) favorite content creator within the fandom? oh shoot um.. for vixx it’s @hakyunie and there are too many good mx/bap ones
11) what fandoms would you say you’re an active member of? all of the groups I stan
12) take your top 3 biases- fmk  or kiss marry kill
changkyun: kill this is bs how could i kill changkyun
yongguk: kiss
leo: marry
13) if you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose? hakyeon lmaooo or ken. that would be such a fun frienship
14) If you could date any idol, who? jooheon. i feel like we could be really compatible and a fun couple! 
15) what’s one kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
16) are you a soft or a hard stan?
soft until 9 pm.. I don’t make any promises after that
17) an idol that makes you go into soft mode?
18) an idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
19) favorite vocalist? kihyun, daehyun, and ken are my top
20) favorite rapper
lee fucking jooheon
21) Favorite dancer? jongup? or ravi? 
22) Things you have in common with your ult?
oh dear god um.. we both have a weird sense of humor, really attentive, knows when the people around us aren’t ok. 
23) The most beautiful trait any idol can have?
dimples and a genuine smile
24) Songs that will always make you jam along? that’s my jam, dramarama, future, and a lot more I can’t think of rn
25) Your worst wrecker? negl Jung fucking Daehyun messes me up on the daily. 
26) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to? Monsta X when they came here last year BUT I NEED TO SEE BAPVIXX IN CONCERT PLEASE CONCERT GODS MAKE IT HAPPEN
27) Favorite choreo? Fighter? or Stuck? I love those two. 
28) Favorite live performance?
There’s this one really amazing Stuck live where the MR removed is literally so damn good. It sounds the EXACT same. 
29) Favorite debut mv?
sf9 had a really strong debut with Fanfare. 
30) Recommend a rookie group
victon even though they aren’t technically a rookie anymore
31.) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
Body- Mino
I’m gonna tag @wonheoney @wonhosflower @2chainbebe @shineekeylover @taesthetic25 @spicedvanillachae @happy-daes @sera-chyeah always optional! 
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sera-chyeah · 7 years
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Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it! 🎄🎁🎄🎁 thank you to everyone who has helped me get through this year. It really means a lot to me. 💖💖💖💖
You guys especially have helped me so much. Either through your humor or through your comforting words, I really felt the love. You may not know it, but many of you actually saved my life within this past month just by being yourselves/ interacting with me.
In no particular order, I want to thank some people individually. I’m sorry if I miss someone ><”
@roses-for-jongup I love sending you DaeJae and Jongup and b.a.p-related things and screaming about them with you.  ♥
@matokisonyeondeul I love our interactions and attacks. It feels like a great friendship lol  ♥
@lightning-loving I love talking to you, your reactions are always great. It’s a helpful thing to send and receive gifs form you haha  ♥
@jhhixtape bitchHHHHhhhhhhhhh I love talking to you about swearing, alcohol, b.a.p and everything. I love how close we’ve gotten, and it just doesn’t feel right if I haven’t talked to you every few days.  ♥
@memorymoon Talking to you is so much fun! I love that we have so many similar interests. You are so easy to talk to and I love discussing anything and everything with you.  ♥
@blurrredpages You checked in on me and made sure I was okay at just the right times. How did you know? You are amazing and I am so glad I met you. I seriously would not be here without you.  ♥
@lulumonnie I love making puns with you and sharing gifs and all of that good stuff. Screaming with you about ‘Fire Flame’ is still a highlight of the year for me. I hope we can scream together more. ♥
@banghimchan I love screaming with youuuu lol Our friendship started out with screaming, but I think it’s become very close. Thank you so much.  ♥
@moondancing04 You are the best unnie and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. I know things are difficult and you struggle with a lot of things. But I am here to tell you how important you are to me and to thank you for talking to me in the first place. ilyyyy  ♥
@moondance-mp3 Your humor has been a great help to me. Like Your tags always make me smile. Even though we don’t interact much, I still love the moments when we do.  ♥
@brainboxercheetos Thank you so much for sending me so much Yongguk. It really meant a lot to me and helped me through some tough nights.  ♥
@thefroghyungwon You checked in on me when I really needed it. You supported me and I cannot even tell you how much that meant to me. Talking to you helped me a lot and I will repay the favor someday.  ♥
@happy-daes You are so cute and amazing. I look up to you so much. You are honestly one of the strongest people I know. I wish I could express myself like you do. It’s so amazing. I’m trying to learn from you as much as I can.  ♥
@daehyunmylove Ahhh, you were one of the first people I talked to here. Thank you so much for continuing to talk to me even if it’s just about b.a.p or random things. I really appreciate it so much ;;  ♥
@daehyuns-lip-ring You are so amazing and I love your posts. Your tags often made me laugh and helped me a lot. You are very important to me and I look up to you a lot, even though you’re much younger than me. lol  ♥
@forgivemyevilsins While we started out just exchanging Himchan and Yongguk gifs, I think our friendship has evolved into something very important. You mean a lot to me and I hope we can continue like this.  ♥  
@justkpopstuffinmyhead You helped me a lot this year! Reading your stories and eventually talking to you made it feel like someone cared about my opinions, and I really appreciated that. Thank you  ♥
@bangyongguktigger I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you. I love that you give me feedback on my writings, and that you let me read yours. I love that we attack people together and that we both bias a legend. I love you lots and am so happy you talk to me.  ♥
@yongguk-hell-chyeah I love our interactions. I love our sharing of fics and merch and screaming about Yongguk. Thank you so much for talking to me.  ♥
@yooaremydae You are a good maknae, Neha. I’m trying to get better with expressing affection. I’m honestly trying. ><” please be patient with me. ily  ♥
@dontlookatmelikethatyongguk You piss me off. Like at least 50% of our interactions leave me miffed. But the other ~50% make it worth it, I think. You’re a brat, but you are interesting to talk to. ♡
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daehoneyy · 7 years
this is a callout post
for all the lovely people i met this year
@lulumonnie my dear Jaerrito, you know I am really bad at expressing my feelings so let me tell you a story
You can’t imagine how glad I am that i decided to go to Claras birthday last year even though i really didn’t wanted to go there. Clara and Desi always told me there was a girl in their politics class i would get along with really well and i was like aha why are you telling me this but okay i’ll go to that birthday. So i went there and at some point i stood in the kitchen awkwardly talking to this really cute girl and she seemed just as lost as me lol. We kept talking and then we noticed that we both liked kpop and i asked her for her number and to be honest this was one of the best days i had in a long time and i was so excited that i made a new friend. So i started texting with her and i was so afraid that i am to fast forward or that i’m annoying her (we were kind of awkward while texting i have our chat in fron of me and i am cringing so hard and i told you that woozi is taller than you two days after we first met ahahahha) and at some point I started spamming her with pictures of Daehyun because this Sahneschnittchen was casually ruining my life by that time and we started meeting at school even tho we were at different schools and she always brought me cake and we gave each other things for valentines day because we are both forever alone (together) and everyone was so jealous lololol and we used to go to that too expensive coffee shop every first monday of each month because i didn’t want her to be alone. Shape of you by Ed Sheeran played literally everytime while we sat there and it became one of my favourite songs and now, everytime i hear it, it reminds me of her and that just makes me really happy. We had so many inside jokes by that time that i was able to wrap her birthday present in duct tape and newspaper pages and write and draw on it.  I’ll just skip the weekend of the concert and my birthday, (you know the story) but i think it’s also a reason we’re so close now. AND I AM STILL SORRY FOR SWITCHING UP THE DATES OKAY. 
I could write so much more but I think you got the point. 
Anne i honestly love you so much and i am so thankful that you’re still here with me even tho i am not an easy person and rn also not the friend you deserve and i am sorry if i ever hurt you. Just know that i love you. I love that you laugh with your whole body and that you sometimes clap like a seal while laughing, i love the way you roll your eyes at people (mostly at me) and raise your eyebrow at me, I love how we always pick at each other and judge each other for our puns and jokes, i love our stupid spontanious ideas and i love that we reached that level of friendship where people are thinking we are actually dating. You are a beautiful and wonderful person inside out and i want you to know that. You really meme a lot to me. 
@muteki21gd we know each other since like forever and i’m so glad we started talking again this year. I love how easy going and drama-free our friendship is and that we get along so well. I don’t really know what to say but Oli, please know that I love you and that I support you. 
@zeloswaffles Emily. You are a wonderful person and i’m really happy we met. I can always come to you with my stupid problems and you always take the time to send me long ass texts in respond to help me find a solution. Also you have a great humor and we had literally the best conversation ever with these tumblr chat picture things and I’ll make sure that you have a pun in your askbox from time to time. You are really important to me and I love you.
@daehyuns-matoki Viv you were the first person i ever talked to on tumblr and it takes so much self-control from me to not write this whole thing in caps. We usually don’t have much time to talk because of timezones but we still kind of manage? You are just as soft as I am and I love everytime we talk or scream over the perfection that is called Jung Daehyun. I really love and adore you AND I MISS YOU SO MUCH ON HERE 
@lightning-loving Becca i know we don’t talk much (i’m really bad at keeping conversations going) but you are such a nice and lovely human being and you care so much for the people around you and i  want you to know that i love you. 
@blurrredpages Yara, we never really talked but you always tag me in cute things at just the right moments and i always stalk your blog and idk why but i was so happy when you followed me Sending lotsb of love your way.
@roses-for-jongup @daehdream @fae-hyun @happy-daes @daehyuns-lip-ring @dreamermoonchan @talentedrice @minhyukwithagun even tho we don’t talk i want to make sure that you know that you are wonderful and it always makes me happy to see you on my dash.
@ Babyz: Thank you all for being such a loving, welcoming and wonderful fandom. You all made my life so much better. Thank you. 
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theworldofsisi · 5 years
Overdose Scene 1
It was midnight in Hannam Dong, South Korea. Five out of six members of Korean boy band B.A.P (short for Best Absolute Perfect), were standing crowded closely together in the recording studio of their dorm, with a laptop situated on a desk in front of them. On its screen was a” healthy weight” chart for men of their leader, Bang YongGuk’s, age and height.
The youngest of the band, Choi Jun-hong or “Zelo” as he was more commonly called, squinted at the tiny numbers on the laptop screen, trying to read past the older band-mate’s heads. “Does anyone actually know how tall YongGuk hyung is? I know he’s shorter than me, but..”
YoungJae, the fourth oldest and lead singer of the group, choked back a laugh. “Everyone here is shorter than you, Junhongie.”
Zelo sighed and rolled his eyes in mock irritation at his hyungs height joke. YoungJae wasn’t lying, however - at about 6'2, the seventeen-year-old was easily the tallest of the group. “I know that. What I was about to say is that we know he’s shorter than me but it’s not by too much. I would guess that he’s somewhere between 5'9 to 5'11”
HimChan, the visual and second oldest of the group, stepped towards the laptop and tapped his finger against the screen. “He’s 5'11. I know because he’s only a little bit taller than me.”
DaeHyun, who was standing directly in front of the laptop, moved his gaze to where HimChan was pointing. “So, according to the chart, if we can trust it, YongGuk-hyung should weigh at least 147 pounds at the minimum.”
JongUp, the main dancer and second youngest of the group, shook his head. “I don’t think that he weighs anywhere close that.”
Dae nodded in agreement. “You’re probably right. That’s why we want to know how much he weighs. I’m not saying that this chart is approved by a doctor, but what if it is? We can all tell that he’s losing weight, and let’s be honest. When was the last time any of us have actually seen him sit down and enjoy a meal?”
Dae glanced around the room at the other members, waiting for one of them to answer his question. No one did. “Exactly. That’s why we’re doing this, so we can make sure that we can make sure that he’s not losing too much weight.”
Zelo looked nervously towards the door to the recording studio as if he were afraid that they were being spied on. “How do we get him to agree to this without making him suspicious?”
“Well, we’ve done it before, just for fun, haven’t we? This time isn’t any different as long as we act like its the same as before.” YoungJae explained though he sounded like he wasn’t confident in what he was saying. “I don’t like lying to Yonggukie, but I don’t think he’d do it if he knew that it’s because we’re worried.”
HimChan sighed sadly. “He’s stubborn like that. He doesn’t want us to worry, but when it’s obvious that something is wrong, how can we not?”
Youngjae stared at the rest of the group thoughtfully. “What if we’re overreacting and he’s perfectly fine? He won’t appreciate us meddling when there really is nothing to be concerned with.”
DaeHyun glanced at him in irritation. “Weren’t you the one who just said that we’re doing this because we’re worried? Why are you overthinking it now?”
“I..” Jae swallowed before looking down at the floor, avoiding everyone else’s gazes. “I’m worried that there is something wrong with YongGuk.. something that we can’t help him fix.”
Him gestured impatiently for his dongsaeng to continue. “What is it, Mr. Brains?”
“YongGuk… is depressed. I think he has been for a long time. He doesn’t want us to see it, and I think he even tries to hide it, but you don’t have to be a genius to see and understand the signs.” Jae muttered quietly.
JongUp leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. “Yeah. We all realized that… after what happened last year.” Jong opened his eyes and glanced at Zelo apologetically, knowing that the youngest member hated it when they brought up their leader’s attempt at suicide.
“Do you remember what happened not long before that?” Dae questioned as his mind wandered back to finding their leader near death in the very same recording studio that they were standing in at that moment.
“His grandfather had just passed away.. while he was here with us working on promotions for Power,” Zelo said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I remember when he got the news… he locked himself in our room until he had to get ready for the funeral. None of us could get inside.”
Dae nodded. “Exactly. His grandpa was like a father to him - he was practically raised by him. Yongguk was.. heart broken. I’d only seen him cry once or twice before, but never like that.”
“The director made him come home right after the funeral because we had a concert that day. Our fans could tell that something was wrong because he wasn’t interacting with the crowd. He kept forgetting his parts because he couldn’t focus on the performance. The fans sent him comforting messages on SNS, and normally they would have made him feel better, but they didn’t help.” JongUp muttered in a low monotone.
Youngjae, took his cue to rejoin the conversation when no one said anything for a tense few seconds. “I’m not saying that we didn’t already know that there was something wrong with him. What I meant is it’s something that he wants to deal with on his own - I don’t know if we can help him through it by forcing him to confront it. I think he needs more time.”
“But, if he’s not taking care of himself, how long will he be able to keep going before he gets sick? We need to at least convince him that he needs to eat, regardless if he doesn’t want to. We may not be able to help his mind, but we can help keep him from destroying his body.” Dae argued gently. He understood Jae’s point but knew that his argument was sound.
“You’ve both made your points. There’s no sense in arguing about it now - it’s getting late and I’m afraid that YongGuk will wake up soon. He has a hard time staying asleep sometimes - he wakes up about this time to take sleep medication. We’ll worry about the weigh in later.” Himchan said dismissively to his dongsaengs and then pointed towards the door to the recording studio. “Let’s get some sleep.” And with that, the five members filed out of the recording studio. Himchan was last to go. He cut the light off and watched as darkness fell over the room that harbored some of the band’s darkest memories.
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anna-something · 7 years
ginger, blueberry lemon? ^^
{ginger}  a new feature you wish tumblr would have?
the functional non-stressful feature where things you post instantly go in the search tag?????????? no I’ll be serious. I would’ve said an ability to blacklist, particularly on mobile as you can’t use x-kit, but they’re introducing that now. Otherwise, I dislike the way tumblr kind of just groups everything painfully together in your activity feed? Like often it won’t tell me if I’ve been tagged in something or have been messaged and I really don’t need any more help in anti-social tendencies I literally have that covered already. 
{blueberry lemon}  favourite blogs?
oh gosh I have so so many. These are my top-top favourite okay! and I likely will miss a few (tons and tons actually - I literally love all my mutuals and so many blogs that I follow). Anyways I have had a long-day of ‘I AM LOOKING AFTER A TINY HUMAN’ panic so if you’re not here then I’ve made a mistake. 
@daehyuns-lip-ring (an absolutely decent enough person/’jif’-maker. really need to throw some more tea cosies at her since she still occasionally brings out the bad name)
@doitforbangyongguk (um yes hi there Sissa - this is my sister I adore her I turned her into a B.A.P stan it was me I’m sorry) 
@roses-for-jongup (gifmaker and all-around sunshine?? so pretty and with such a gorgeous aesthetic in everything she does?)
@happy-daes (just the most wonderful handsome being whom really deserves so much love so please go send him some) 
@blingjonghyun (this is where I go to for Jonghyun and to ground myself and see real pure love for him whenever things get messy anywhere else. Followed her for such a while now and I just.. truly adore this blog. I really hope you don’t mind me tagging you)  
@jion-a (such a positive person and so so sweet tumblr wouldn’t be the same without her presence) 
@blurrredpages (a truly kind human being who does so much for others and is always so surprised and happy when people help her back??? please don’t be surprised you deserve so much??) 
@fluffyzelo (THEIR GIFS ARE PHENOMENAL I TRULY CANNOT??? COMPREHEND??? THE BEAUTY??? and they are truly so nice and I’m a little in awe every time they appear near me) 
@brainboxercheetos (the fluffiest stan to match the fluffiest boy just so nice and really cares about the fandom)
@90himchan (fabb gifmaker and when they compliment mine I always feel so so happy)
@seren4moonjongup (WONDERFUL PERSON who’s an extraordinary singer and really keeps putting herself out there and it’s inspiring to see) 
@bap-time THE MEMEIEST and a fellow Eddie-Izzard lover who is so so funny (even if they are at fault for… the milk and cereal discourse..) FELLOW LOVER OF THE BODY HAIR WE WALK THIS JUNGLE TOGETHER
@fae-hyun (Sal the Beard Stan who was at fault for setting me off on one of the greatest meltdowns of this year because of her editing) 
@zainbap (still up in the air whether he truly survives/survived Ta-Dah it could very well be his soul blogging) 
@yikes-anotherkpopblog (well hello there wifey my darling Gisele the apple of my eye the lone star in my life lemme hold you)
@amantidellaluna (truly and utterly a favourite darling, I adore you and your blog and you’ve been so so lovely)
I have other non-kpop favourites too but as I mostly post about kpop I’ll stick to naming them. 
Thank you for asking my dear dear anon!!
send me ice cream asks!
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yutasbirthchin · 6 years
It’s Complicated
Text AU ft BAP and BTOB - Part 31
Previous / Next
a/n: I wanted a way to give a short update/add some story to some of the characters so here ya go. Also I get to introduce my favourite character!! I hope y'all love her as much as I do.
Junhong watched you peacefully sleeping and it filled his heart with joy, you were beautiful and you were his. But then he frowned. You hadn't shed a tear, in fact you'd barely spoken since you'd found out Mina was pregnant. He was worried about you. He was worried that he might lose you and, even worse, that you might actually believe Mina. He'd never had sex with her, of course he hadn't, he was loyal to you. The only exception being the occasional kiss with Mina to keep their relationship believable.
He had called his mother earlier to tell her about the Mina situation and she was on his side, which he was grateful for, he'd worried that Mina's family might have gotten to her first and filled her head with lies. He wondered if ‘dating’ Mina had ever been the right thing to do. As annoying as it was he would do anything to keep you, and that's what he had done. But was it the right decision? He didn't know. He didn't know where Mina would take things next, and that scared him. He shuffled forward in the bed slightly, tightening his grip around you waist so that he was closer to you. You stirred but didn't wake up. Junhong pressed a kiss to your head and smiled. He loved you more than anything.
Yongguk woke up to the feeling of kisses being peppered all over his face. He kept his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep but it wasn't long until he lost control and his lips pulled up into his usual gummy smile. He opened his eyes to see his girlfriend perched up in the bed leaning over him, his smile got wider. “Morning, baby.” He said, placing a hand on either cheek and pulling her down towards his lips. He then moved his hands down to her waist, pulling her down for a cuddle.
She snuggled into him and lay there enjoying the warmth but after a while Leyla struggled in his arms. “Awww, come on baby, I have to get up!” Yongguk shook his head.
“I don't want to let go.”
Leyla giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Well if you get up with me now we can have a shower and get dressed and eat together and you’ll have spent more time with me than if you just cuddle me for five more minutes.”
Yongguk made a noise as if he was thinking it over. “Sounds like a good idea.” He said eventually, but didn't loosen his embrace.
“You're so predictable.” She replied, rolling her eyes but she had a massive smile on her face. Yongguk went to kiss her but she dodged it. He tried again, but she maneuvered away. He pouted at her, making her laugh. “I love you.” Leyla placed a hand on his cheek, leaning in to kiss him.
“I love you too.” He said against her lips.
“Now come on.” Leyla shrugged his arms off, sitting up and grabbing his hand. “Time to get up.” she finished as she stood up, dragging him with her.
Sungjae groaned at the body squirming around on top of him and pulled the cover up over his head, only to have it pulled back. “Daddy, daddy, it's time to get up!!” 
He looked over at Jess who was chuckling to herself. “It’s supposed to be your turn to get him up.” He whispered and she shrugged.
“He likes you more.”
“You’re lucky I love you.” He said as he sat up, coming face to face with Jess’ four year old.
“Daddy!!” Sam squealed in excitement and jumped on him, enveloping him in a big hug. Sungjae’s grumpiness dissolved, as it always did when he laid eyes on the adorable toddler.
“Good morning, Sammy.” He hugged him back and pecked his cheek before leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “Shall we jump on Mommy to wake her up too?” Sam nodded his head enthusiastically, a huge smile playing out on his face. Sungjae counted down silently on his hands and when he reached one the two of them pounced on Jess who was not expecting the attack and screamed in laughter. 
Sungjae sat back watching Sam and Jess play around and couldn’t stop the pull of his lips. If you’d have asked him four or five years ago he would have said there is no way on God’s green earth that he would have ever dated a girl who already had a child. But three years ago when he’d met Jessica and her one year old he didn’t think twice about it. He was convinced it was the best decision he’d ever made.
He got up and stretched, walking around to the other side of the bed to pick up Sam, swinging him around and making him giggle. “Come on little one, let’s get you ready for preschool.”
Changsub walked into his class late as usual, receiving a roll of the eyes from his professor. What did he expect? Did he really think Changsub was going to get out of bed early enough to make a 8 o'clock class? Of course not. His eyes landed on Helen, sat at the back of the class away from everybody else. He didn't understand why no one had tried to talk to her, she was gorgeous and seemed nice. He chose to sit in the same row, but a few seats down as he didn't want to make it obvious. She turned her head and watched him and he sat down. Their eyes met so he smiled and she smiled back. She had an amazing smile, the type that draws you in. He really couldn't understand why everyone avoided her, she was the type of beauty that should have guys falling at her feet.
After emptying the contents of his bag he realised he didn't have a pen. He leant forward and tapped the shoulder of the guy in front of him to ask for a pen, but he didn't have one. Suddenly Changsub wished he hadn't sat so far in the back, but then he heard tapping on his right and turned to see Helen holding out a pen to him. “Oh, thank you.” He whispered, taking the pen. She didn't say anything, turning her attention back the the class.
“Here's your pen back.” Changsub said at the end of his class, reaching the pen out to Helen. She took it and put it back in her bag, giving him a smile as she turned to leave the room. “Hey, Helen.” He called out to her and she turned to look at him. “You look really pretty today.”
Thank you.
Changsub blinked after her in confusion. He definitely understood what she’d said, but he hadn't heard it. What just happened?
Ilhoon stood near the entrance to the campus, waiting for Peniel. He hadn't expected to see him walking towards campus hand in hand with Amelia. He watched as the two of them got closer to the gates and then said their goodbyes. The arms wrapping around his waist made him jump and he turned to see the Izzy’s adorable face. “Hey, baby.” He said as he leant down to kiss her.
“Hey! Is Peniel here yet?”
“Yeah.” Ilhoon pointed her attention to the couple. “He's over there with Amelia.”
Izzy looked at them and then back at her boyfriend. “She looks happy.”
He nodded and then looked down at his girlfriend. “It doesn't bother you, does it?”
She shook her head. “No. I trust that you love me. And I think I'd feel the same about an old best friend of mine, even if I didn't have a crush on them. I'd want to make sure they're happy.”
Ilhoon pressed another kiss to her lips, and she smiled into it. “I don't deserve you.”
“Nuh-uh it's the other way around.” She said against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Whew, calm down you two. We're in a public place.” Peniel said, making them both jump away from each other. They all laughed.
“We saw you with Amelia, you guys are so cute!” Izzy exclaimed and Peniel smiled, his ears turning red. “Awwwwww! You're blushing!”
“Leave the poor guy alone, you. Don't tease him.” Ilhoon told Izzy, playfully. She mock frowned, pushing her bottom lip out as far as it could go.
“You guys are cute too.” Peniel said with a laugh.
Daehyun smiled to himself, things were different and he liked that. A few months ago they were just two friends who would spend their Tuesdays together before going to afternoon classes, but now they were more than that. 
Their hands bumped into each other for what felt like the thousandth time and this time Daehyun gave in, grabbing Youngjae’s hand. Unfortunately Youngjae immediately froze and pulled his hand away. Daehyun sighed, he should have expected that, Youngjae had the same reaction every time he tried to hug him or put an arm around him. 
They carried on walking in silence, before finding their usual bench and taking a seat. “Youngjae it-”
“I’m sorry.” Youngjae cut him off, catching Daehyun off guard. “I’m sorry I just… I… I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to apologise. I was going to say it’s okay.”
“I don't think I can do this.” Youngjae leant back and ran his hands through his hair. “Why is everything so hard?”
“Because it's new. It's like if you had an accident and ended up with a big scar, or even if you had a spot. You're insecure about it, you think that everyone is looking at you and all they see is the scar or spot and they judge you. And heck, some people probably are but after time you learn to live with it and you stop caring. It's the exact same concept. You feel like everyone is paying attention to you and watching your every move so that they can judge you any time you do something ‘gay’. It's okay to feel like that, it's normal and you don't have to apologise to me for it.”
Youngjae nodded taking a deep breath. “Thank you, Dae.”
“Don't mention it.” He replied, reaching a hand out to squeeze Youngjae's thigh.
“I'm really glad I have you.” Youngjae mumbled to himself.
Jongup was sat in the library working on a draft of his essay. He heard a bang and looked to find the source of it, then he smiled. 
“Shit. Fuck. Ouch. Yes, I’m fine thank you, don’t worry. Fuuuck. Oh. Yeah. Thank you.” Olivia caught his eye and rushed towards him, balancing all her belongings in her arms.
“Nice entrance.” Jongup said as she sat down next to him.
“Fuck that hurt.” She said, rubbing her knee. “I don’t even know what I tripped on.”
“Knowing you, probably nothing.”
“Shut it, Jongup. You’re right, but shut it.” He looked over her as she sorted her things out. Hair in a messy bun, the white t-shirt that she’d obviously spilt coffee on (again), the bright green tracksuit bottoms, black flip flops that looked like they would fall apart any second. She was a mess, as always. “What?” Olivia asked when she noticed him looking.
“You look like shit.”
She laughed. “When do I not? I fucking spilt my coffee again this morning. AGAIN.”
“You should really stop wearing white.” He responded as he reached in his bag for the old t-shirt he always carried around for cases like these. “Here you go.”
“Thank you! Honestly, Jongup, you’re a godsend. I’ll get it back to you tomorrow.”
“I know you won’t listen, because you never do, but you may as well keep it because all I ever do is carry it around with me incase you need it.”  
“I’ll get it back to you tomorrow.” She repeated, standing up to go and change. True to her nature she tripped and if it wasn’t for Jongup catching her she would have fallen.
“Jesus, Liv. Be careful.”
“Unfortunately my clumsiness is on such a high level that being careful makes no difference.”
Jongup shook his head as he watched her leave. “Cute.”
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lightning-loving · 7 years
@happy-daes @roses-for-jongup @muteki21gd @daehdream @fluffyjae @sera-chyeah @daehyuns-lip-ring @daehyuns-beautiful-golden-skin @zainbap @brainboxercheetos @seren4moonjongup @jongup-is-an-enigma @junhongiee @bapofficial
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Yongguk - Dangerously Innocent ♥ [Part 1]
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Member: B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk
Pairing: MafiaLeader!Yongguk &  You
Genre: Angst-ish
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Shooting and other Mafia stuff.
Words: 1,940
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Epilogue.
It all started with an accident. Just a coincidence. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was it the right place and the right time? You are just walking down the street after buying something at the grocery store when a person dressed in all black brushes past you, ripping the plastic bag from your fingers and spilling its contents all over the street. The person stops abruptly and looks at you- and that’s a big mistake. Heavy footsteps are behind you and you turn around to see who is apparently following him since he seems to be running from someone, when you suddenly feel an arm wrap around your neck and the cold metal of a gun pressing against your temple. Your pulse speeds up as you look at two young, beautiful men. Almond eyes, one of them has dark hair and one of them bleached blond hair. They are slim but don’t look fragile at all in their black dress shirts and matching pants. “Oh come on” the blond one says and cracks his knuckles “Pulling an innocent bystander into this? You know Mr. Bang won’t like this” he says and pulls out a shiny black pistol. The other man has a fox like face with a sharp jawline and his eyes are clear and his hand is silently hovering over his pocket where you could see the shape of another gun. The street is empty and you are currently in a relatively bad neighborhood so even if you would scream people would probably just ignore it. “Let this poor girl go and you will make it out of this alive. . maybe.” The blond says and aims his gun at you. . Or the person behind you. You aren’t quite sure. When the man behind you doesn’t let you go you hear a sigh and then a loud bang followed by a sharp pain in your ankle and the hand around your neck is gone immediately “Well done Dae you hit her.” You hear another voice say. It has to be the brown haired man. You fall to your knees and look at your ankle. There is blood. So. So much blood. You feel black creep in on you vision but try to fight it – Unfortunately you aren’t strong enough and you feel your body go limp before the darkness consumes you.
“What did I tell you?” A dark, angry voice says. It is raspy and velvety all at once and has to belong to someone of power because the voices that reply sound sheepish. “Not to pull anyone else into this” they say in unison. You recognize them as the two men that were following your kidnapper. “And what did you do?” The dark voice doesn’t leave them any time to reply “You shot an innocent girl!” “It is only a graze! And it also wasn’t us who pulled her in-” the voice belongs to the blond one. “I don’t care. Now we have to make sure she won’t tell the police” The dark voice says cuts his excuses off and a wave of fear rushes through your body. The beeping that you haven’t noticed until now speeds up and you hear heavy steps walk over to you. “She can hear us” Your body reacts to the velvety voice without your permission, your heart calming down again and you now have goose bumps all the way down your arms and legs. “I will take care of this Yongguk” the fox-like man says but the dark voice- Yongguk? - Only takes a deep breath. “You take care of this piece of shit that pulled her into this.” The order doesn’t leave any place for discussion and two pairs of feet leave the room. Now you are left alone with the stranger and his dark intriguing voice.. “What are we going to do with you?” He asks himself and sits down on something. It has to be a plastic chair as you can hear its feet screech on the floor. You are once again consumed by darkness but only to wake up after what feels like a second. Your eyelids flutter open and you carefully look around. Next to your bed is a sleeping man that can only be described as beautiful but even this feels like an understatement. Rough but beautiful.  His hair is a soft, curly, dark brown mess, his skin is clear and looks as soft as silk and his eyes –despite being closed- look like they are sharp and clever. His lips are full and look unusually soft for a man. Next to the corners of his mouth are small wrinkles that indicate that he laughs a lot. His neck is long but slim and suites his tall body just perfectly. He is wearing a white dress shirt that is slightly see-through and gives you a glimpse of a tattoo that seems to reach from his left shoulder to his right one. It looks complicated and there are definitely letters in there but due to the fabric of his clothes.  His long slim legs are clad in a black pair of pants. He looks slim but muscular and would definitely clean up well in a suit.  Just as you are done studying him, he opens his eyes and stares directly at you. His almost black eyes seem like they hold no warmth in them but they suit his beautiful face perfectly. “Fuck” he mumbles to himself while stretching. His voice was unusually deep while he was awake but now, shortly after waking up, it is raspy and even deeper. “I hope you haven`t been awake for long.” He says while sitting up straight, his posture oozing authority and leans forward, resting his muscular arms on his knees. “Are you alright?” Asking this seems ridiculous since you are currently in a hospital bed with a shot wound on your ankle but you still nod as you try to get into a sitting position and immediately realize that - in fact- you are not alright. You gasp in pain and rest backwards on your forearms. “That is going to hurt for a little longer. But our doctors will take care of you.” The beautiful man tells you and lays his head to his side. “What’s your name?” He asks and you pant out your name. Your ankle still feels like it is on fire and you would give a kidney to make it stop. “Y/N it is. . .” he says thoughtfully and looks at your leg. “You should rest” A recommendation that seems stupid to you, because what else were you supposed to do? But you just ignore it and watch him as he stands up. “We will talk about all this later.”  He motions around and leaves the room quickly, leaving you behind with even more questions. People come inside and leave your room again. The one who shot you – Daehyun - and his fox-like partner – Jongup- come in to say sorry. They are even more handsome than you remember them but can’t quite compare to their leader. You are overwhelmed with everything happening and just quietly nod and answer the questions they ask with a small nod or a shake of your head. After a few minutes and awkward silences they leave again and soon after, a man with brown hair and a soothing but silly smile comes in. “How is my patient doing?” He asks you and pulls back the blanket from you injured ankle. “This looks really good. You are an exemplary patients. Other than a few others in this building.” He mumbles to himself. “I’m Kim Himchan. I am you doctor in here. And since you are doing so well we can finally move you to a nicer room.” Adding this he makes his way over to a wheelchair - that you haven`t seen yet –and rolls it to your bed. Himchan helps you into it and stands behind you to wheel you to your new destination. “Where are we going?” You ask and look over your shoulder at your nice doctor. “We are going to see Mr. Bang.” He says cheerily and you look ahead again, nervous as to whom exactly this “Mr. Bang” is. When you come to a huge pair of heavy wooden doors, two men with short black hair, which can only be described as a military cut, and similar looking suits immediately stand up and open them for you. Inside the room is the beautiful man, sitting at a solid wood desk with beautiful decorations on it. Today he isn’t dressed in a white shirt but in a wine red one. He looks up as you enter and gesture for you to sit in front of him. “I will take care of her from now on” he says to Himchan who just leaves the room again without arguing, the heavy doors falling shut behind him. “How are you doing?” Mr. Bang – Yongguk? – asks and looks at your face. “You look exhausted” He adds almost worriedly and you nod. Your eyes are heavy and you feel the well know tiredness behind them. “My ankle is better. But I’m exhausted.” He nods and looks you in the eye. “You know that you can’t talk about meeting us. About knowing us. It would not only be dangerous for us but for you as well.” He says and waits for your answer. “Do you understand what I’m saying?” He raises his voice and makes you flinch. You nod quickly and look at him, now feeling nervous. He rubs his forehead and runs his hand though his hair in distress. “We will keep you here until your ankle is better and you will come back to get your stitches removed. After that you will act like you do not know us. If you see any of the people you met here on the street you will ignore them. If you are asked by anyone you will say that you fell and cut your ankle on a stone. If we find out that you did talk about us – and believe me, we will – you will deal with the consequences” he informs you strictly and you just nod and whisper a small “Yes.” He then stands up and wheels you out of there, along the dark wooden halls and into a lovely black and white room. “You’ll be staying in here. You won’t leave. There is an en suite bathroom over there” he points at a door “your doctor will come over once a day to check on you.” And with that he leaves and everything was exactly like he said. Once a day Himchan comes in to check on your foot and you would soon look forward to those times. Himchan is nice and it feels good to talk to someone like him. This continues for five days. You would have lost track of time ages ago if not Himchans daily visits. After those five days he checked your stitches once more, telling you to come back a week later to get them removed, and Jongup, who doesn’t say a word to you on your way back brings you home. You don’t know how he knows where you live but you also don’t dare to ask. As you leave the black car with those tinted windows Jongup immediately speeds off, not giving you enough time to say “Thank you.” You enter your house, ready to leave this incident behind and continue your life as you had before. At least that is what you planned to do. .  
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