#damien would be so sweet during this time of month i just know it
free-boundsoul · 1 year
Menstruation mention, in case anyone wants to avoid
Gods I want nothing more than Damien's hands on my lower stomach right now to soothe these damn cramps.
Or Vega to come around and give me a free hysterectomy since I don't plan to ever use it
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revnah1406 · 6 months
🌕Amara X Sparrow☀️Wedding headcanons💍
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Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton
Amara Thompson
(the green brush means how it actually went 🥰)
I know there's still a long journey in their love story but I talked about this with a few mutuals on the discord server and I can't stop thinking about it hahahaha! My babies getting married 😭😭
So here are a few cute Headcanons about her Wedding!🥰🧡✨
They started to talk about getting married a Year later after Amara moved to Zermatt (Switzerland) with Sparrow. They also mentioned it on their first anniversary. First it was casual, talking about the advantages of getting married and fantasizing about how amazing it could be.
After a couple months Sparrow started to think about it more seriously. Talked with her siblings and her mother looking for advice. Of course their family was more than supportive and excited.
She wanted to keep things small, simple, but make it personal. She knew Amara liked small jewellery, nothing too showy. Sparrow wanted to make the ring all by herself, to give more personal value, so she asked for advice from her closest friends, Aly (@alypink ) helped with the design, Damien (@kaitaiga ) helped to forge and weld it, Anna (@applbottmjeens ) helped with the proposal, how to prepare the perfect moment.
Sparrow would lie if she said she wasn't nervous. She decided to propose during a hike. She woke Amara really early and prepared breakfast... Being more romantic than usual. Amara complained about going for a hike and offered staying at home, she wasn't the most enthusiastic person about hiking. So the possibility of cancelling the plan made Hannah really nervous but she managed to convince Amara, promising she will massage her feet and back for hours once they return home.
When they got to the top of the mountain, with the beautiful swiss mountain landscape, Sparrow knelt in front of Amara and showed a beautiful handmade ring made with pyrite (gold was more expensive and harder to work on).
"Amara, my love. Hey look at me. I know I know sweetheart." Sparrow got even more nervous when Amara started crying, she had to hold her hand to steady her. "You already know this. And you know I'm awful with words. This is just a little reminder that you are everything to me. With you I forget all the bad things. You showed me how it feels to be truly loved, and showed me how to truly love you. I just... wanted to climb one more step with you, together..."
Amara's knees were clearly shaking. "I can't fucking believe you made me do this in sweatpants and fucking hiking boots Han..." She shook her head, trying to assimilate what was happening.
Sparrow chucked. "So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes you dumb idiot!!" Amara wasn't angry, far beyond that, she was too happy, too anxious, too excited she didn't know how to process all those emotions. Sparrow got up and put the ring on Amara's finger, now her fiancée.
The Wedding was six months later, during spring. Amara planned everything with her mother in Law's and Aly's help. She knew Sparrow wasn't very good at planning big events, and Hannah would always like what Amara proposed.
In the end the Wedding was on the mountains, that was Sparrow's only wish. A small one, with friends and family. It wasn't very traditional, they got married civilly two days before the wedding, so Hubber (Sparrow's captain in the Swiss Armed Forces) could make oficial the union of both women in the ceremony.
Hannah's father took Amara to the altar. The stoic man cried and had no fear of showing it. He kissed Amara's forehead before handing her to his daughter. "Your parents would be so proud of you"
Tora (Sparrow's dog) proudly brought the rings to the altar. And after an emotional speech from Hubber Sparrow could kiss Amara and name Amara her wife.
The ceremony was amazing. The after party was even better.
The Wedding night was so sweet, full of kisses, necking and love.
When it was time to organise the honeymoon, Amara had to fight with Sparrow. Hannah wanted to go to Nepal, to show Amara the big 8000s. But Amara refused to climb one single rock during her honeymoon. NUH UH. So she offered to go to Japan, and visit Kyoto, Amara's mother's native city.
They spend a few lovely days there and Sparrow learnt more about Amara's family.
A couple months after the honeymoon Hannah decided to retire from the military.
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readthephible · 4 months
“how is it you always know what i need, huh?” is giving shaymien :’)
(this turned into coffeeshop shayne x visual merchandiser damien au) (prompt from here)
Initially, Shayne never understood the purpose of opening hours before the rest of the mall. It seemed like a waste of time, resources, and payroll. Business was slow in the early hours, their only customers were usually the elderly people who walked laps around the stores to get their steps in. The more openers he worked, though, he soon realized how early some of the retail workers got there.
It was free entertainment to hear the groups of employees come in, complaining about a recent shitty customer or bad judgment call that corporate made, open to his ears without the concern of the general public able to hear. He’d inadvertently learned a lot of buzzwords that way, the names of some of the higher ups at the stores he’d been going to since he was a teenager, and had a better understanding about how horrible the retail industry treated their employees.
The slower hours allowed him time in between to study his college textbooks and chat with frequent visitors, one of which he had become much more acquainted with.
Shayne could hear the telltale sound of the store gate creaking upwards, then a minute later closing back down, along with the jingling of keys.
“Shayney days and Mondays!” Damien greeted. The lanyard of his store’s badge repeatedly hit his stomach as he walked in.
“Good morning,” Shayne said in a yawn. Once his eyes fully opened back up, he could see Damien giggling. He mentally cursed his body for distracting him from the sweet sound.
He went over to the computer, pressing buttons to start a new order of drinks in the system.
“Who’s all here today?” Shayne asked.
Damien sat in a stool at the counter, rubbing his temples.
“Uhh, me, Keith, Amanda, Courtney, and…”
“Let me guess. TWB?”
Damien sighed heavily, nodding and looking up at Shayne.
“The Wicked Bitch of the West,” they both whispered in unison, trying to hide their laughter.
“You gotta talk to Ian about that, man,” Shayne said, putting in the orders from each employee he’d memorized. “Wait—Amanda likes whipped cream, right?”
“Oh, uh, yes,” Damien said, “And yeah, I know. Ironically, I’ve been working so much lately, but just haven’t had a chance to talk to him about TWB. And I really need to, next week he’s supposed to go over to the Central location to help them with their corporate visit. As if we need any of our employees taken away to prep for ours.”
Shayne nodded, having Damien check the screen to make any corrections to the drink orders. He hesitated before having Damien pay, tacking on a cookie to the order, then overriding the price of the treat to zero.
“Twenty one forty five,” Shayne said, that number ingrained into his mind, as it had become tradition for Damien to come in most mornings during the week.
Damien usually only had to do the 6AM shifts every couple months. Part of him dreaded it, but his passion for wanting to become a better manager and leader kept him going—the drive the man had despite all of his complaints was something else.
He started talking about his recent turmoil with his dreaded boss, the highest authority over the department he loved so much unfortunately was the source of most of his recent problems. Shayne listened and nodded, flipping through the collective bills Damien had handed over then sticking them in the cash drawer. He’d have to remember to make up the difference for the cookie later on.
“Like why the fuck would I lift an already heavy shelf and keep the boots on it? Is she fucking nuts?” Damien griped, watching Shayne work to prepare each coffee.
“That’s crazy,” Shayne answered, “but another great example to bring up to your store manager. Surely he can bring her into his office to talk about stuff like that. Do you think she was purposely trying to make you look incompetent to your coworkers?”
Damien paused.
“I never really thought of it like that…” he said quietly, “That makes sense, though. When you say it like that.”
“I think she probably knows better, but potentially doesn’t have the best intentions for you. Just something to think about,” Shayne said, “And, I’m sorry if that’s out of line. I know you came here to vent, not for me to go all Therapist Shayne on you.”
“Hey, I’ll take what I can get,” Damien chuckled, then thought for a moment. “Hey, do you wanna see what I’ve been working on today? We didn’t have, like, most of the things I needed, but I’m really proud of how the display turned out, do you wanna see pictures?”
Shayne nodded, then leaned over the counter to look over his phone.
“Wow. That looks great, man. I might have to go in and buy some of that,” Shayne joked, looking at the details Damien had described—the steamed pants on a mannequin, the tight folds of shirts on a table, the colors that he’d gracefully balanced on each fixture of the room.
“Thanks. I had to rush a bit this morning, but I’m happy how it turned out. I wish we didn’t have customers coming in soon, they’re just gonna fuck it up.”
Shayne placed each coffee in a holder, but left Damien’s cup and the cookie out, handing them directly to him.
“Is…this my order?” Damien asked, looking at Shayne confusedly. His words weren’t accusatory, instead laced with gentle concern as to help Shayne realize his mistake.
“No, I—“ Shayne stuttered, his face flushing with pink. “I mean, yes, it is, but I—I added the cookie. I bought you the cookie.”
Damien’s lips pursed for a moment.
“Oh,” he said, “You…you didn’t have to do that.”
Shayne shrugged.
“You sounded stressed. And those cookies are really good.”
As if he wasn’t expected back at work, Damien stayed frozen for a minute. Shayne was worried he had done something wrong.
“How is it you always know what I need, huh?” Damien asked. His eyes looked Shayne’s expression over, quickly following up with, “I appreciate it a lot, I mean. I just feel so…different, compared to my coworkers, but whenever I talk to you…you just…get me. And my unrealized need of a cookie, apparently.”
Shayne prevented himself from shrugging again, recognizing the need to maintain the sincerity of the moment, but he was silent. The add on of the cookie was meant to be just a simple, friendly gesture, but…maybe it could mean more.
It did mean more. And Shayne was okay with that.
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afterdarkprincess · 11 months
Sweet Like Justice
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Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Backstage at Crown Jewel, Jey and Sami hatch a plan to subvert the Judgement Day -----
Quick little fic that wouldn't get out of my head 🥰
Tags for @elementaldoughnut12 @feelschicken @harmshake @southerngirl41 and @jeysbvck 💖 (If anyone else wants tagged on my samijey fics let me know! And if I forgot anyone I'm sorry!)
Sami stares at the monitor backstage, watching as Drew put up a decent fight against Seth. He’s watched these two fight enough times to see the way that Drew’s stamina is depleting, and the result of the fight is all but inevitable.
Warm arms wrap around him from behind and a bearded chin rests against his left shoulder, Jey’s signature cologne fills his senses. Jey hadn’t been advertised for this event but he’d be making an appearance later on during Cody’s match with Damien, so he’d been secreted into the venue and into Sami’s locker room.
The two had travelled together as they had during their week in Germany, though they had to be much more discreet here than they had in Europe. Sami is finding that keeping his hands off Jey in public is quite difficult, but in the privacy of their locker room, he’s free to do whatever he likes.
Sami turns his head, pressing a kiss to Jey’s temple as he takes Jey’s hands in his. “Looks like Seth’s gonna retain.”
Jey scoffs, “Serves McIntyre right.”
“Just hope Damien doesn’t use this to his advantage. I don’t think I could stand to see another belt on the Judgement Day.” Sami sighs, frustrated at all the chaos that the group has caused over the last few months.
Jey turns Sami to face him, a wide grin on his face as he shucks off the black hoodie he’s wearing. “Think I got an idea, Sami.”
Sami tilts his head, watching him curiously.
Jey pushes the black hoodie into Sami’s hands, looking back at the monitor to catch Seth putting Drew into the Pedigree. “If we gon’ do this, you gotta be fast. Put this on.”
“What do you mean?” Sami asks, though he trusts Jey enough to put the hoodie on over his still bare chest.
“Get into position now, and watch for Priest. He’ll probably wait to let McIntyre clear off,” They hear the crowd erupt as Seth hits the Scotsman with the stomp, and Jey zips the hoodie for Sami and pulls the hood to cover his hair. “You run out there and stop him.”
“How do I do that? I’ve already fought tonight, no way I can take Priest right now,” Sami asks.
Jey grins, sharp and deadly like a shark. “You ain’t gotta fight ‘im, Sami. You just grab that briefcase and run like hell.”
A full picture of whats about to happen forms in Sami’s mind as the count happens on the monitor. He’s almost out of time.
Sami takes Jey’s face in his hands, kissing him firmly. “I’ll be right back,” He says before he takes off out of the locker room.
Jey watches it all transpire on the monitor, smiles at the crowd pop when Sami yanks down the hood to reveal his face. The fans cheer and crowd around him as he makes his escape, running with the purple briefcase.
Sami returns to their locker room, smiling from ear to ear, and shuts the door quickly.
“Well where do we put this now?”
Jey gets one of his suitcases, emptying it a bit so they can shove the briefcase inside, zipping it shut so no one would be the wiser.
“Let’s go ask Cody what he thinks, might have some ideas ‘for his match.” Jey smiles, pulling Sami in for a hug and a quick kiss. “Proud o’ you, boo.”
The two of them leave the locker room to find Cody, keeping a few respectable feet between them. There’s a commotion down one of the hallways that catches Sami’s attention, hearing the sound of JD’s voice but instead of gruff and angry the younger man sounds frightened.
Sami wants to go investigate, but Jey’s already a few feet ahead and they need to speak with Cody about what’s transpired, so he reluctantly lets it go. He has enough to worry about without getting even more involved with the Judgement Day’s business.
What else is going on backstage????
Thank you for reading :)
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lily-drake · 2 years
Part 4 of timinette siblings with Kon and Bart coming over and bonding?
Maybe they were on an off-world mission of something and they video-called him
A second Anonymous person asked: If you make a part 4 (you do not have to) for the sibling Tim and Marinette, I think its time we see some protective big brother Tim moments don't you think? Stepping in when he spots a guy crowding his sister to suing Lila and Alya when he discovers the bullying, and the blog. Helping Mama Sabine bring evidence to the school board over the mistreatment of Mari, maybe his reaction to hearing Damien calling Mari a 'harlot' or 'tramp' (Tim totally goes to Luka for 'how to be best big bro' advice)
So I’ve decided to put them together. Enjoy!
Siblings Don’t Stand Back and Watch, They Always Get Involved
First <> Previous
Tim absolutely ADORED his sister.  She had done so much for him and he could never thank her and her their parents enough.  Tim had gone from hating who he was and feeling like a tool to be used and tossed away to knowing that he was loved and needed not for his intellect and what he could give, he was needed because he existed and they enjoyed spending time with him.  They were all so supportive of him and his choices, and he almost cried when they said it was okay if he didn’t want to talk some days and just silently stayed with him. No interrogation, no forceful tactics, not even a hint of manipulation, they just loved and cared for him.  
He had explained all of this to Cass during a lunch they had together while Marinette was at school.  She had smiled brightly at him and said,
“Happy for you Little Brother.  They good for you.”
Her tone was gentle and he could hear and feel the joy and love that she felt for him.  Once he was finished retelling everything that had happened since they had seen each other in person he asked her about her time in Hong Kong and about all of the different things she had done and learned there.  He loved the way her eyes lit up as she signed out all of her experiences.  The way she moved her hands with such excitement and the swiftness showed just how much she loved the new city she called home.
After they finished their lunch Cass asked if they could surprise Marinette at school.  Now that Tim thought about it, he’s never actually been to Marinette’s school before, and it had been months.  He quickly nodded and they headed to Collège Françoise Dupont to surprise their little sister at her school.  Once they got close enough to the school they could hear a loud commotion which worried Tim.
“Look at Maritrash!”  
“Where are your bodyguards now, huh?”  
“Not so invincible now, are you?”
“I can’t believe she would do that to Lila!”
“What happened to the sweet girl we once knew?”
Tim and Cass made eye contact for a moment before both rushed through the crowd and through the school in search of the small bluenette.  He had heard things here and there about how cruel some of the people here could be, heard about the girl that could twist anything, but it seems that it was extremely downplayed if this was what was happening during their lunch hour.
They shoved their way toward the center of the gathered mass of students to see Marinette in the center, food completely covering her, and every time she took a step toward the crowd in hopes of an opening to escape, she was pushed back and something else was thrown at her.  And near the center watching what was going on with a face full of sorrow, but eyes full of gleeful malice and Tim snapped.
He yelled while rushing towards her which caused her gaze to snap towards him.  He quickly pulled her to his chest which caused her to start shaking, her breath spiking slightly, his shirt becoming damp.  He needed to get them out of Paris and quickly before Hawkmoth got the opportunity to use her rightful emotions against her.
“Cass, I need you to call Kon.”
He yelled over the cacophony of people yelling and shouting profanities toward him.  He couldn’t focus on that right now though, he had to stay vigilant and protect his sister.  She was priority number one at the moment.  He wondered where the others were, but then recalled that Chloe, Adrien, and Kagami were on a business meeting with their parents out of the country.  It didn’t help that Kagami and Luka were out in different schools, but that didn’t explain where Juleka was, and he couldn’t find her in the crowd at all.  He could feel things begin to hit him, but that didn’t matter because they weren’t hitting Mari.
The entirety of the school froze and turned toward where the noise had come from.  Teachers began to pile out of the room with looks of fury and outrage even before they noticed the crowd of students, but once they did their looks made even Tim shiver in fear.
“So you think it’s funny to trap the entire faculty in the boardroom just so you could cause havoc?  Well you’ve all got another thing coming to you.”
The girl with sinister tear filled eyes spoke, clinging to another student.
“M-Marinette did it!  We tried to get her to-to stop, bu-”
“I’ve heard enough from you Rossi!  After a similar stunt was pulled we were able to get the camera footage sent directly to our phones, we know exactly what happened, and so will your parents.”
At that the girl paled, and Tim felt a vindictive satisfaction.  There was a small yank on his sleeve and he looked to the side to see Cass pulling him towards the doors.  Kon must have arrived.
“Hey, I have a few friends that want to meet you.  Follow me.”
He whispered softly into her ear.  She nodded wordlessly and let herself be pulled along as they traveled past all of the students who were still being yelled at by the teachers and staff.  Once they made it to the stairs Kon ran up to them and looked all three of them over, slightly panicked.
“What happened Tim?”
“Can you take us to the tower?  We need to get out of here quickly.”
Tim urgently replied.
“Lila might become Akumatized.”
Marinette murmured against his chest.  Tim ran his fingers through her hair and whispered,
“It’ll be you if we don’t leave now.”
Tim gently pushed her towards Kon and looked him directly in the eye,
“This is Marinette, take her first and make sure she’s safe.”
Kon nodded and waited till Marinette came towards him before he picked her up and left.  Tim slowly clenched his fists and took in long slow breaths before relaxing them again.  He needed to be level headed right now, he needed to tell their parents about what happened.  Sabine had told him all about how she, Tom, and many other parents protested against the school to the school board and how, because of that, the school had gotten new administration and a stricter zero-tolerance policy.  They needed to know about this.
Cass placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, grounding him, keeping him present.  He carefully placed his hand atop hers, taking one last calming breath before giving her a small nod.
“I need to go tell Tom and Sabine about what’s happening.”
Cass gave a serious nod and once Tim released her hand they made the quick walk to the bakery.
To say Sabine was upset would be the understatement of the century, she was enraged.  
“I knew it!  I knew that it wouldn’t be enough.  We are either transferring to homeschool or to a new school completely.  Kagami said that the school she attends gives out scholarships, I just know Marientte would be able to get one with her designs.  She is never going back to that Hell Hole ever again!”
Sabine yelled as she paced anxiously around the apartment flat.  She made a quick turn and looked Tim directly in the eyes, her face softening as she did so when Tim flinched back.
“Sorry dear.  Thank you for saving Marinette.  Please make sure that she’ll be okay for us.”
Tim nodded.
“Of course.  You’ve all helped me so much, and I’d do anything for her.”
Sabine pulled him into a tight hug that he quickly returned.
“I’m so proud of you Tim.  You truly are one of the greatest souls to be on this Earth.”
Tim could feel his eyes water, but he quickly pushed them back feeling Cass’s gaze on the two of them.  He could feel the soft smile she was sending the both of them.  Sabine pulled away a few moments later only to leave a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Tell Marinette that she can stay with your friends as long as she would like.  It will take some time for me to complete the transfer process, but it will happen.”
Tim nodded, his eyes showing a determined fierceness.
“Of course.”
Tim felt his phone buzz.  Kon was back.
“Be safe.  I love you Tim, and please tell Marinette that I love her too.”
Tim nodded shyly, still unused to the open shows of affection.
“I will.”
A pause.
“I love you too.”
It wasn’t the first time he had told them that, but the words still felt foreign on his tongue.  Sabine softened a little more, placing one last kiss on his temple before she stood up and left.  And with that, Cass and Tim left the small apartment to meet Kon who was waiting for them right outside.  
“How is she?”
Tim immediately asked.  Kon stared at Tim in shock, his heartbeat was through the roof.  
“She was very distraught, but Cassie is taking care of her right now.”
Tim let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s good, Cassie should be able to help her.  Alright, I need you to take us.”
Kon raised a brow, he had so many questions, but from the panicked look on his friend’s (practically brother’s) face, he knew that he wasn’t going to get them until this was resolved.  He bent down slightly, letting Tim climb onto his back before he scooped Cass up and they flew to Titans Tower.
Marinette paced around the room like a caged animal.  There was so much that could go wrong, and she was stuck here unable to do anything.  Cassie and Bart watched her with concerned eyes.  Kon had only given them the briefest rundown of everything, saying that this was “a friend of Tim” and that he had asked for him to bring her here.  
“She doesn't seem very crash.”
Bart stage whispered as he snacked on a bag of potato chips.  Cassie rolled her eyes at her friend,
“No, she doesn’t.”
Marinette wasn’t paying attention to their words though, she wasn’t even aware that they were talking.  All she could do was listen to the thoughts in her mind telling her that something bad would happen and it would be all her fault.  That because she was gone she would not be able to help or save her people if there was an attack which would make her the worst and most useless hero in the world!  Then she would lose her Miraculous, Chat would demand that she pass on the guardianship because of how irresponsible she was, Tim would abandon her when he realized how useless of a sister she was and-
Warm arms wrapped around her causing her racing mind to pause.
“I need you to breathe Mars, I know you’re scared, but everything is going to be okay.”
Marinette sucked in a deep breath, she wasn’t even aware of how shallow they had been, but now that she thought about it she had been seeing small black dots in the corner of her vision.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good now.  I’d never leave you Marinette, you and the others, you’re the last bit of family I have left.  Even if you weren't, you're still my sister, and that means everything to me.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she needed to fight them back, she couldn’t have strong emotions, those emotions would attract,
“It’s okay to cry now.  You’re not in Paris, if you need to cry I’m right here.”
She heard a door slide closed behind her, they were moving.  When had they even started moving?  Her body was gently moved down and she could feel herself sitting on her brother’s lap, her head resting against his chest letting her hear the steady beating of his heart.
Thump thump,
Thump thump,
Thump thump.
It was a steady rhythm, soothing in more ways than one.  Gentle fingers brushed through her hair and the dam broke as tears fell down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body.  It wasn’t fair.  She had done everything right, she was kind, patient, tried her best not to cause a scene, she forgave others, she helped them even when they didn’t like her, she had done everything right!  So why did they all hate her then?  What had she done, what was so bad about her, what did she do to make others hate her so much?!
“You didn’t do anything.  It’s all on them, you are so good Marinette, far too good.  They don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve you.  But we’re going to get through this, we’re going to do it together.  I’m not going to leave you to suffer on your own, I’ll stand by you, I’ll be your shoulder as long as you need me.”
Marinette clutched onto her brother, letting her hands fist around shirt.  Marinette didn’t know how long they were there, how long she spent ruining his shirt with her tears and snot, it could have been a few hours, minutes, even a day.  Despite that fact, Tim never once left her, always either rubbing her back, running fingers through her hair, humming, whispering comforting words, and just being the comforting presence that she needed.  It made her heart warm and helped to silence the sobs and slow the tears.  Tim loved her, he was here for.  She had Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, and her parents too.  She wasn’t alone.  Marinette slowly lifted her gaze to stare at her brother where he gave her the softest most loving smile she’d ever seen on him.
“You feelinging any better?”
He asked.  Marinette nodded, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.  Tim leaned backwards and grabbed a box of tissues from some corner of the room they were in.  
“Thank you.”
She whispered hoarsely, using the tissues to wipe her eyes and a few more to wipe her nose.  Now that she was thinking a little clearer she began to look around the room.  A mess would be an understatement, but a pigsty would be an overstatement as well.  She could tell it was a form of organized chaos, papers scattered across the floor, boards covering each of the walls with red strings wrapped around them, pens were scattered everywhere on the desk as well as stacks of manila folders filled to bursting with different papers, and when she looked up there was another board up there, this one was empty though, which was strange.  It kind of looked like her room, except it was mostly paper rather than bolts and scraps of fabric.  
“Is this your room?”
She asked, sniffling slightly.  Tim blushed a little in embarrassment as he too looked around his room.
“Yea.  It probably looked a lot worse before.  I have no doubt that one of them was nice enough to clear out all of the trash and coffee mugs.  I’ll be doing the dishes for a month.”
He replied, grumbling the last sentence.  Marinette let out a small hum, leaning into the warmth that was her brother.  So who are your friends?  Tim smiled at that before he let out a long sigh.
“The one that took us here was Kon, he’s the one that we saved from that lab I told you about.  The blonde is Cassandra Sandsmark , though we call her Cassie.  She’s an Amazionian fighter, Wonder Woman’s sidekick, I think you too would get along really well.  Probably too well.”
He mumbled.  Clearing his throat he continued,
“The last one, the one who’s going to absolutely talk your ear off, is Bart.  He’s a speedster from an apocalyptic future that is living here.  So if he says something you don’t know or understand, there’s a high chance we don’t know either.”
Marinette giggled at that, causing time to smile as well.
“Your-er, Mom,”
She snickered again causing him to roll his eyes.
“Mom told me to let you know that she is going to try to transfer you to Kagami’s school.  She’s probably already called her by now to ask her about scholarships and admissions.  I’ll help of course, you deserve the best.”
Marinette sniffled again at that.  She would be leaving her old school then.  It wasn’t technically a bad thing, but it was still a foreign concept in her mind.  That she would be able to leave and escape the cruelty there.  She still had two years of school left and she had a feeling that they would be well spent at Kagami’s school, even if she did have to wear a uniform.  She had once asked Tim why he wasn’t in school, she had learned that he had actually skipped three grades and instead of graduating, like he should have, got an online GED.  He said that it didn’t matter to him since he “was running Bruce’s company before he even graduated”.  Sabine and Marinette had not been thrilled to hear that.
“Can I meet your friends?”
Tim smiled at that, he knew she was just trying to change the subject but he would let it go.  She deserved a break anyways.
“Yea, I can also get you some water since they’ll probably be in or near the kitchen anyways.”
With that marinette slowly stood up, Tim followed after her though he stretched his legs first before he opened his door and began his tour of his home-away-from-home.  
Tim watched from the sidelines with a smile as he watched his friends/family talk with Marinette.  He had no doubt that they would all get along, but it was still a relief and a weight off his shoulders to truly see it happening.  He watched Kon whisper something in her ear, Marinette glanced at him for a second and Tim felt nervous.  The next thing he knew Marinette burst out laughing and Tim was blushing despite the fact that he had no idea what was said.  He glanced over at Kon to see if he could get a hint of whatever story he was telling but only got a sly smirk and sideways glances from a chuckling Cassie.  He didn’t know if he wanted to know what story they told her.  They had so many stories, most of which he didn’t even remember due to his sleep deprived state that it was frankly concerning.  For him at least, they seem to enjoy holding these stories over his head whenever they need something.  
Slowly, Tim approached the group, his family, and hesitantly asked,
“What exactly did I miss?”
Kon shook his head and placed a finger to his lips, smug smirk still firmly in place.  Marinette’s eyes glittered with mirth as she followed suit and shook her head.
“Sorry Tim-Tam, can’t say.”
“And why not?”
He asked, crossing his arms and lifting a brow to look at all of his team members.  Bart zipped right next to him, causing a small breeze in the room before rushing out,
“It’s a secret story.  Maybe one day you’ll be able to find a way to unlock it in one of your side quests.”
Cassie snickered as Tim pouted.  He honestly hadn’t played one of his open world adventure games in a while.  He mostly played any version of UMS with Marinette and her their family. Tim sighed, dropping his hands to his side casually enough as Bart placed an arm around his shoulders.  He could tell that there was some sort of trap here, they were holding out on something but he couldn’t tell what yet.  The kitchen was clean (that was a first); Kon, Cass, and Cassie were all gathered near Mari; and there was nothing that could be considered suspicious on the counters.  There was just a bag of flour, one on his side of the counter and one in hers.
Oh no.  Tim could tell that Marinette knew that he figured out what she planned to do.  So with almost inhuman speed she lord the bag and threw a handful of it at Tim.  He quickly closed his eyes as the dusted wheat hit him square in the face.  Quickly reaching for his own bag he began to throw flour at her, only missing and hitting Cassie instead.  The fight went on for a while, everyone getting involved until they were all white as ghosts.  Marinette and everyone else was laughing, he knew that this was her idea. Probably revenge for the last time he initiated this same kind of fight.  It was worth it though.  She was happy, she wasn’t worried about a thing, and hopefully she can accept his friends.  Let them be a part of their small found family.  Tim never liked standing on the sidelines before.  But just watching her, seeing her happy like this even if it wasn’t fully him that made her smile like that.  Maybe he could make an exception for his dislike, but only if he could see her like this more often.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @miraculous-ninja @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @trippingovermyfeet @maribatforever @miraculous-ninjabird
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thesunandmoons-blog · 2 years
disappearing act.
after i wrote my really sweet comfort fic with freelancer seeing caelum again, i knew i had to write the literal opposite and get the feels rollin’
cw/tw : angst/no comfort, no happy ending, anxiety, post-inversion
Word count : 693
Fandom : redacted asmr
Pair : gavin/freelancer, platonic (as always) caelum
if you wanna read on ao3!! 
It had been 2 long months since the Inversion happened. The Freelancer was still on their road to recovery, and they would be for many more months to come.
They couldn’t have asked for a better support  group during this time- Damien, Lasko, Huxley, and Gavin were all there, practically on call for them, and vice versa. The four of them knew that Freelancer would risk their own health if it meant the others would be okay, so they all made it a group-known fact that they were all there for each other when they needed it.
Actually- one thing had been missing. 
The Freelancer hadn’t seen Caelum since their interaction right after returning home with Gavin from the... event. Gavin had explained that Caelum just needed to process this with other demons’ help back in Aria, and that he would be back when he had a better handle on processing everything. 
They weren’t sure how long that would take, and they were willing to wait as long as it took, but that didn’t make the waiting game any easier. Freelancer really missed Caelum. A lot.
Gavin and Freelancer had been home all day, relaxing and preparing themselves for the upcoming classes for the oncoming semester. They both were using this time to take care of each other and themselves, trying to just keep it chill and relaxed for the evening.
The Freelancer had ordered their usual for dinner- pizza and wings, much to Gavin’s delight. It had almost become a form of self care for the two of them, ordering easy food to be delivered. It would probably take another 20 minutes before the food would arrive, but they were in no rush.
With the both of them seated on the Freelancer’s cozy couch, their head resting in Gavin’s lap, their eyes opened took ask him, “Hey, Gav? Do you know how Caelum has been? Or when he’s coming back?”
Gavin’s eyes went immediately wide and the Freelancer felt a wave of anxiety hit them when they saw.
“Gavin..?” They sat up next to him now, hands perched almost as if they were reaching out to him, but slowly retracting to anxiously fiddle in their lap. 
The demon’s eyes flickered in front of the Freelancer’s tv, where Caelum stood. The poor empathy daemon was... worked up, to say the least. Small tears dribbled down his cheeks, soft sniffles coming from him, and the overhang of his sweater was being gripped with white knuckles in his hands. It was obvious to Gavin that Caelum was trying to accept that this was reality now. Not so obvious to the Freelancer, though, seeing how he was veiled to them now.
When Freelancer saw his eyes glance to their tv, they looked over, turning their entire head, seeing nothing but their television. “What are you looking at? Gavin, talk to me, what’s going on?” Anxiety bubbled in the pit of their stomach, the anxious fiddles of their fingers now turning to anxious scratching. 
“Freelancer, I...” Gavin didn’t know what to say. He knew that they would realize, but he didn’t want to bring that kind of pain to them. There was already so much they were working through, and now this was added to that shit-list.
Almost looking relieved, they looked at him, saying, “Yeah, Gav, what’s going on?” Gavin didn’t reply with words, only turning his head to face the tv again, where Caelum still stood.
With a few back and forth glances between the tv and Gavin, their eyes rested towards the tv, pure fear and guilt filling their features. 
“He... he’s there, isn’t he? He’s here right now, isn’t he?”
Again, Gavin didn’t say anything. The silence and tension were thick enough to cut with a knife.
“Wh- no..” They cut themself off, almost laughing with disbelief. They shook their head furiously, tears quickly building in their eyes as their lip began to tremble, heart now racing and breathing being uncontrolled.
“No no no, that can’t be right. This is a trick. He... he’s not right there, I can’t see him! This is some kind of sick joke.. he-... he’s not.. there.”
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maanae · 3 years
SAO x Miraculous x DC
Triple crossover, help
(aka Kirito and Asuna need hugs and I threw in Damian and Marinette to help them. They're the babysitters yeah. And moral support. (lmao Damian a moral support, he grown up so much)
Vocabulary I can think of now:
IRL is In Real Life
PK in Player Killer
Beta is a first limited release of the game and later is the nickname of the players who were in it.
Green player: a regular player
Orange player: a player who killed another one
Clearers: the players who are on the front line and battle with the Boss(es?) of each floor, it's thanks to them that they can keep going up the floors
Solo: someone who isn't in a guild
Guild: a official team of players
The context:
⇒ In 2022, a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online (SAO) is released. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds. Both the game and the NerveGear were created by Akihiko Kayaba. On November 6, 10,000 players log into SAO's mainframe cyberspace for the first time, only to discover that they are unable to log out. Kayaba appears and tells the players that they must beat all 100 floors of Aincrad, a steel castle which is the setting of SAO if they wish to be free. He also states that those who suffer in-game deaths or forcibly remove the NerveGear out-of-game will suffer real-life deaths. {thanks wikipedia summary}
⇒ Marinette, 20 ans, go to Japan with Adrien and they get a NerveGear. T'was not a good idea. (Adrien wanted to test it after her. Well, not anymore.)
⇒ Damien, 19 ans, is one of the 800 beta of the game because Wayne Entreprise is a sponsor of Kayaba Akihiko (they sponsor searches for a therapeutic use too), and of course he is one of the 10 000 players when the game is officially launch (because they'll make goddamm sure to monitor the thing!)
⇒ Canon compliant for the SAO characters.
The Story :
Marinette is Mao (cat in Chinese) because it's cute and a nod to Adrien. Quickly she becomes one of the best (because hey, she's a born gamer). And Mominette. The average is in the 20s but there are younger players, and Marinette is 20. So she takes care of the younger and protects when needed and she's building a nice reputation.
Damian is Taniyn (dragon in Arab) because fierce and all (and it's cool). And he becomes one of the best because he is The Heir and also because he already knows how to wield way too many weapons IRL and there's this thing with knowing weapons IRL who just gives an edge to the player. And he was one of the Beta because WaYnE and rObIn (listen, this technology is a first and extremely interesting for more reasons than one, of course Batman would have an eye on it). (Now, Tim would probably have killed to participate but he just doesn't have the time. He's co-CEO and vigilante and already sleep-deprived. Not. The. Time. Vigilantism aside, Damian is 'just' a student.)
They meet officially months after the Opening Event (aka the You All Are Trapped In The Game Mwahaha) on the 10th or 11th floor. Taniyn is already part of the clearers since the first floor (bc where else would he be than in the group with the best players) but Mao took her sweet time to build the best gear possible and taking care of the young players. Mominette we said. But! They meet at last!
And well, at first it's not a great "wow she's pretty/smart/idk" or "wow he's handsome/smart/idk" it's more "oh a newbie, i'll keep an eye on her" and "ah shit, he seems like an ass". But they're both great players and have a good head on their shoulders so they quickly have an "alliance" which pretty much is : we cooperate during hard times and ignoring each other otherwise. And fuss over Kirito and Asuna. Look, I know what you want to say "Damian doesn't fuss blablabla" but Kirito and Asuna are among the leaders of the clearing group and they're young. Less young that Tanyin and Mao when they had their responsibilities sure but Damian knows what it feels like to be view as an enemy and forced to defend himself because everyone wants your head and Marinette knows what it feels like to have too much responsabilities and prying eyes on you. So Mao makes sure they take naps and they have a safe place when they need a break and Taniyn makes sure they learn how to wield weapons without Sword Skills. It's a thing in SAO : when you know how to use a weapon IRL it's easier in the game. You can pull off things you can't with a Sword Skill and there's no cooldown. It gives you an edge. And Kirito needs all the edges he can have with him soloing the front lines and Asuna is young and a girl within a leader group, she wants all the advantages she can have too. (And there's the death game thing too. Nobody say no to new ways to survive.) So, they learn. And from time to time, Mao and Taniyn can be found in a screaming match of "they need REST" "no, they need to STAY ALIVE" and well... it's bonding time I guess?
On another hand, more and mode floors are cleared and soon enough the clearers reach the 25th floor. It's a massacre. They lose way too many players and, like a backlash, the hate toward the Betas increases. You know the whole "i need a scapegoat and here is an entire group of people I can hunt for no reason", yeah that. (we all hate it and it's somewhat not well thought because flemme but it serves the plot well.) Kirito took it upon him the last time, but here there isn't anything to do but hide.
Mominette is back! Well, no, just Mao in fact. She has a great deal of friends because she's badass and warm and gives favors like petits pains. So she calls to the friends she knows she can trust in her network and organises the Protection and Rescue Squad of the Betas (the known ones at least). Kirito disappears like he can do so well and Klein and Asuna curse him because "stupid solo, gonna tie him up!" and "ARG let us help!". Taniyn ignores all of it with his aloof arrogance and Mao took upon her to watch him, wary. Well, guess who is attacked by an orange guild because they were payed!? She knew it! They fight together and manage to escape and Mao all but imprisons him at home. Hers. Home, I mean. Oh look, they're roomates.
Eventually the need to make progress exceeds the crisis and the betas can come out of hiding. Kirito reappears and gets an earfull from a good deal of his friends (not that he imagines they think of themselves as his friends this sacrifiying little gremlin) and Taniyn returns in his home with great relief. Or so he thinks. (It's too dark and too silent and too lonely and wow he regrets a little Mao's sun now.) Hah.
Anyway, they live (truly live for the first time for way too many players) and they make progress etc, etc. On the 70th floor, the PK are pests who don't seems to want to disappear and they have officially killed more than Kayaba. All the players had lose at least one friend by the hands of the PK. And more likely by Laughing Coffin, the main PK guild. Then the location of their headquarters is leaked (or, well, the questers/scouts have done their jobs) and the clearers form a subjugation team in haste to put them down one and for all.
A majority is imprisonned. Some are killed, in both factions. Kirito, Asuna, Taniyn and Mao all killed. Taniyn and Asuna are orange-player now, and would be for a few days. Kirito and Mao didn't strike the first blow so they're still green players but it doesn't erase the deed. Kirito disappears but Asuna go with him this time, Heathcliff being gracious enough to allow her to take her time (and she would have tell him to go f himself if not). Taniyn and Mao both retreat in her home after having dealt with the aftermath - Klein and Agil all but chasing them off when the sun rose up.
They end up in the living room, silent and brooding. Damian has striked the first blow and killed, he can't be Robin anymore. Marinette has killed and they can't be revived, she killed for real this time. But it's the justice of SAO. They aren't vigilantes or heroes here. They are among the leaders and have made a decision for the sake of their people. They were indeed juge, jury and executioner. It was their duty, to strike before they could. They killed people nonetheless.
Mao and Taniyn stay in her home for a week. It's a tough week. But they come around and when they get out Taniyn is once again a green player and they're affectionate like they never really been before. Sure they're friends since a while now but it's different. They talk, they eat together, Mao makes him gloves and ornaments (at least one for his katana for Strength) and have a project for a cloak. Taniyn draws her and gift her drawings of their friends, of animals meet in mission, of monsters and landscape (never from the IRL, they're in Aincrad and they don't talk of the IRL). Somehow he's more at her place than his and suddenly the guest room is his and they're truly roomates and maybe a little more. Mao smiles more and Taniyn is serene in an extraordinary way for him. She gushes at the wedding of Kirito and Asuna and he rolls his eyes at her antics but congratulates them all the same, both happy for their friends.
Then it's the 75th floor. It's the 75th floor and suddenly it's hell. Way too many die before the Floor Boss explodes in pixels. Heathcliff is Kayaba. Heathcliff, the Head of the Knights of Blood Oath, one of the leaders of the Clearers, the mentor of Asuna, is Kayaba. Asuna the Lightning Flash and Kirito the Black Swordman fight him and they... die. The temporary effect which paralysed them vanish and suddenly they can move and it's hell again and Mao searches players around her for Taniyn and Klein and Agil and all her friends but can't see them and suddenly-
A coutdown.
They're free.
The Game is beaten.
How ?
Darkness engulfs all.
They didn't expect it. They were only on the 75th floor, a quarter before the supposed end of the game! But Kirito and Asuna are cheatcodes all by themselves. (good for them anyway, with the carnage of the 75th? Reaching the 100th Floor would have been impossible.)
Now begins the aftermath (I'm a sucker for aftermath AU sorrynotsorry).
Marinette wakes up with a hand in hers and for a wild moment she thought it's Taniyn. But she has like the worst headache ever, she's thirsty, hungry and frankly weak. She feels a little like she's dying and her limbs are way to heavy. Only the IRL can make you feel like dying in such a sweet way (that's sarcastic). So she's back. Hooray? She doesn't really know how to feel to be honest. Adrien cries when he sees her without the NerveGear. She cries with him.
Damian wakes up alone and experiment the worst headrush ever by trying to move. (why do you do this to yourself seriously?) He's stubborn so he somehow gets up and leave the room. (His room in the Japanese house of his father, he recognises it vaguely from two years ago. Or well, what could be his room or a hospital room with very very expensive furniture. Either can work.) It's in fact his room because he ends up in the living room, shocking the hell out of Raven and Garfield (they're the babysitters of the week).
Needless to say, Tom and Sabine and Bruce come back to Japan very quickly. (listen, one is Batman so he can't be absent a long time from Gotham whatever the reason (death is another thing), and Tom and Sabine have a business they need to tend to.)
Each of them has to relearn how to live in a physical world, a very breakable world in fact. Crazy how things seems fragile when you haven't got any "immortal object" thing going on. It's a hurtful learning for Marinette and a very frustrating one for Damian. (Look, one is notoriously clumsy and has the permanent power of somewhat gods on her side and the other is way too prone to anger for the good of his environment.) Plus the whole "two years in a coma-like situation" and they need to rebuild their muscles in addition to their mental state. So. They struggle. Enjoy.
But! They don't do just that (struggling with the physical world I mean). They search for each other and their friends too. Damian finds Marinette one month after their return and Marinette is already in contact with Argo to reconnect the survivors.
Their reunion is Marinette who hugs him and Damian who held her close and the shock of their mutual entourage. (and a very sweet moment that I won't write because english and the flow of the story, but maybe in a bonus one day.) There was then a long explana- pff, who I'm kidding? Adrien (honorary Dupain-Cheng's son) might be able of supplying some kind of explanation (because in one month Marinette would absolutely tell him all about SAO and her friends and the maybe-more with Taniyn) but the two don't give a care about what their entourage think. And after the sweet moment and introductions, they would absolutely scheme. They have friends to find okay?
Here comes the absolute trio of Argo - Mao - Taniyn.
Between the network of Argo and Mao and the hacking skills of Argo and Taniyn, they're a sight to behold. The Deep Web becomes the headquarter for the players with high levels or interesting things to say and the civilians can meet and post testimonies on an official site monitored by the government. The former know what's happening before it goes mainstream.
Three hundred players are still imprisonned.
And Kirito and Asuna are way too quiet for their liking.
Kirito calls during dinner. Marinette has all but move in the Wayne's appartment (the heroes thing was an interesting conversation) and she seeks Damian's hand when she hears the weak voice in the phone. He's not crying but it's a near thing and Mominette is instantly summoned. When he says that Asuna is among the three hundred players, she bites back her tears and says all she could to comfort him without lying. They defeated one game, they can beat another. They just need to find her. She gives the phone to Damian when he asks for it and instantly contacts Argo.
When Damian hangs up, he has an adress and she has a lead.
Long story short, they found her three weeks later. The thing with IRL prisoners in a game is that they're not discreet. The servers have been opened with the fall of Aincrad. And the Kayaba-wannabe couldn't hold a candle to the man. So Argo pursues the hunt of the bastard who took hold of their friends with the help of Red Robin - sent by Batman because the Justice League keeps a close eye on the situation - and Damian and Kirito dive in ALO to save Asuna from the inside. Marinette can't, because she has magical responsabilities she can't risk and because she has to take over if they're trapped. To say all of them are relieved when they log out is an understatement.
They save Asuna and the other players just before Red Robin and Argo send an email with all the evidence to the SAO Rescue Force. They're safe.
Asuna calls Marinette and they cry but it's okay (and it's okay too if she and Damian jump in the car to go to the hospital in the second). There's a lot of tears of joy and of anguish and a lot healing to do but they're gonna be okay. (And Damian congratulates Kirito for his job in the parking. He learned well.)
(Tanyin didn't get to be here at the final duel in the game, it was just Sugou, Asuna and Kirito. But when all is dealt with, Kirito bows to Tanyin with bleak eyes and Damian sighs before pulling Kazuto in a hug. The influence of Marinette, he swears. But also because there was torture in there and Asuna refuses to be touched by anyone for way too long and he's not the only one wishing he could kill Sugou. Just a little.)
They're really free of their nightmare now.
Damian asks Marinette to be his girlfriend the day after and she accepts as red as ever (Adrien and Argo are snickering in the background because they very much look like middle school sweethearts). It doesn't change much to their dynamic but Damian can at least shut his brothers up so it's good. And they go to dates. That's a change. It's good too.
Then they need to go back to their respective countries and sure they'll have the AmuSphere (who is a really good thing for long-distance relationships) but it's just not the same. When they part, they have their next encounter wholly planned. (Marinette's going to Gotham since she's the first one to have holidays then it'll be him in Paris.)
The End I guess ?
(maybe one day I'll do one or two scenes) (maybe) (but go ahead if you want)
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Hey Mods! I wanted to ask if you can make a little story of Mackenzie x MC about if MC was a princess and Mackenzie was a knight ^^ I always look at this page and admire the ✨beauty✨ of it. If you ever do, I just wanna thank you so much and that I wish everyone a great day! ^^ (Plus I really like Mackenzie with MC)
“Evening, Your Highness. I hope you are well?”
A small, fleeting glance reveals the small curl on the otherwise stoic knight’s lips. From afar, Mackenzie would come off as quite threatening – all strong shoulders and heavy gaze and cool presence – but you had gotten to know her quite well over the past few months. She was vibrant and sweet and caring, one of the few people who truly listened to you. There were no barriers there. She wasn’t intimidated with what your position implied, didn’t see you just as the princess. She was intense in a quiet sort of way. She was someone wonderful you wanted to capture in a poem but didn’t know how, because how could you ever capture something as ethereal as her?
You bit your lip slightly, seeing her standing there, posture as stiff and respectful as the rest of the knights. Nothing was amiss, nothing except the glint in her eyes.
If you were alone, you’d pounce on the chance to flirt. It was a game between you, a friendly competition to see who could tease the other the most, something you enjoyed almost as much as a warm bath and
Regretfully, though, Grace and Lord Razi trailed behind you, almost as tired as you were after the long session you had had discussing the kingdom’s most recent affairs. It had been madness. Utter madness. And you’d have to go back tomorrow morning for round two.
Just the thought depressed you.
“Exhausted,” you finally say. “At the rate things are going, the upcoming festival will be—”
“We will have it under control in no time, surely.” Lord Razi intervenes, smiling as though the preparations weren’t about to go up in flames. The parade, especially. Three hours under the scorching sun, and the speech afterwards, and…
“If Lady Liliane cooperates for once, then maybe.” Grace huffs, her eyes angry like the ocean during a storm. All mirth in Mackenzie’s expression vanishes, and she hums thoughtfully at that. “She’s too focused on those projects of hers, but if she rushes them as she is doing now—”
“Regardless,” Razi says, more firmly. “That is an issue for tomorrow. Don’t you want to relax, princess?”
Grace blinks. “I don’t think I could, I’m too frustrated.”
“Please. I’m sure Dame Gwen can help, even a little.”
“Ah. Yeah…” Something interesting happens to Grace’s expression, then. You are drawn to it like a moth to flame, puzzled, wondering about the change. It’s not what you think, is it? Since when did that happen?
You open your mouth to say something, then pause, realizing how similar Grace’s predicament is to your own, and choose wisely to remain silent. Razi and your sister are out of earshot soon enough, and Mackenzie turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
“Will you go directly to your chambers?” Then, as an afterthought, she adds. “Your Highness?”
“Drop that, we’re alone.”
The glint in Mackenzie’s eyes rekindles, a soft warmth that seeps into your very soul.
“If you aren’t, we could go for a walk.”
“This late?”
“The moon is beautiful tonight.”
You have no doubt in Mackenzie’s abilities as a knight. You know first hand how capable she is, strong and proud as a mountain, as a creature from old. It would be a wonderful evening, there by her side, the stress from your duties forgotten for as long as she is with you.
“Well, if you insist…”
“Just a light stroll. We’ll be back before you know it.”
“I’d rather take my time, honestly. I don’t want tomorrow to come.”
“Was the session really that bad?”
“Just… messy. Picture ‘Damien learning how to parry’ levels of messy.”
Her wince is evident even through her armor. “How are you still sane?”
“Believe me, I ask that to myself every day.”
Mackenzie smiles, but keeps silent. The door to the patio comes into view eventually, and the young guard that looks like he’s going to doze off at any second snaps into position as soon as you both come into view.
“Evening, Your Highness, Dame Hunt.” He greets, pale, mortified by your presence. “Going, uh, going out…?”
“We are,” Mackenzie says, words as firm and quick as a bark. The guard hurries to open the door, trying to meet her gaze after a small, cowed blink. “Do try keep awake. Your shift hasn’t even properly begun.”
He nods quickly, closing the door right afterwards.
The beginning on a tease ends on your lips as soon as the moonlight catches on Mackenzie’s short hair, gleaming like golden halo, a cascade of dim glory shining on her armor. Your cheeks warm with a shy blush at the sight, but you can’t bring yourself to avert your gaze even when Mackenzie catches you staring, an amused smirk dancing on her lips.
“Cat got your tongue?”
You mumble the beginning of a shaky defense when your foot catches on a loose stone, instantly losing your balance. It doesn’t help how distracting you were, nor how difficult it is to walk in high heels in the first place, with layers upon layers of clothing to boot. The flowers surrounding you become a blur, and for a second you think you’re going to hit the ground before a strong arm curls around your waist, pressing you against cold metal.
“Careful there, Katie. Wouldn’t want tomorrow to come faster if you pass out.”
You look at her, green eyes gleaming like a gleeful gem, awfully close, and grin. “I might if you keep holding me like this.”
Even through your clothes, the pressure of her arm feels like the sun on the skin, just right.
“Then, it would be a pity if I were to take advantage of the moment…” She leans down ever so slightly, her smirk wolfish. You are sure she can feel your breath hitch.
Her lips taste sweet like chocolate, powerful like desire. You melt against her, and for a moment there’s only her, you, and the moon raining her approval on your silhouettes, locked tight.
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iloveitwhen · 4 years
Detective/Rival au
Ok so this is based off of this post by @mysnis but like, detectives. Also robin and ladybug are their codenames. Daminette.
first fic hope the few people who read this enjoy(:
“Al Ghul!”
The police officers and detectives in the breakroom all turned to see Detective Dupain-Cheng in her iconic deep red biker jacket storm in with a file clutched in her hand.
Although she was relatively new she quickly proved herself and was an exceptional detective and surprisingly very kind. The only one that didn’t get along with her was, well, the one that got along with no one, save Jon, the beat cop. Detective Damian al Ghul was definitely not well liked, it was no secret he was easily the best but his title was being threatened by none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the current furious french woman glaring at the man sitting at the table. She had gained the respect of the whole precinct and everyone was well aware of the chaos her anger could bring, so the only logical thing everyone could do was take a step back and clear a path to the one she was staring daggers at.
The room had gone silent upon her arrival and everyone stared between al Ghul and Dupain-Cheng.
“Yes?” he replied from the table, not bothering to look up from his book.
“I’m going to kill you.”
He merely hummed as if considering a business proposal which only furthered her anger.
“So. What’d you do this time?” Rosa, this isn’t a brooklyn 99 au i just need her in here cause i love her back off the only one other than Damian not afraid of the sunshine-turned-hellspawn, asked. She reveled in the chaos those two brought.
Damian stood up and placed his book down, only for the purpose to look down at Marinette he refused to be looked down on. With a malicious glint in his eye and a smirk he said, “I didn’t do anything-”
“Yeah right, you, di-argghh-”
The man scoffs. “Still won’t curse? Pity.”
“Shut up!” she snapped back. “I wouldn’t have the need to if you MINDED YOUR OWN BUSINESS!”
This had Jon raise an eyebrow, he did not take angering sweet Marinette lightly, it was dangerous business to do so.
“Damian,” he began at the man who still wouldn’t tear his eyes away from the woman in front of him, “what did you do?”
“He invaded my stakeout, got what he came for then left so I had to deal with the FBI and post operations. If you had the decency of a normal human being then you could have at LEAST helped me! But no! You got in my way then left it a bigger mess than when you came! And made me deal with the aftermath! And guess what Birdbrain? Now I have another month at least to tie up the loose ends because of your interference!” al Ghul didn’t step down, instead his smirk grew wider.
“Well if I hadn’t you would’ve missed your opportunity, they were about to initiate their plan and that would have been an even bigger headache for both of us. So,” he crossed his arms, “you're welcome.”
The only one to not take a step back from the red clad woman’s anger after that was Damian, which in hindsight was very foolish as he was the only one in danger. Her hand twitch, eager to wring his neck.
“Detective Dupain-Cheng,” the captain warned after stepping into the breakroom from all the commotion, “stand down.” She growled in response and stormed off while Damian’s smirk only grew.
Rosa only rolled her eyes and muttered, “wow, not even a single punch. Losers.”
Marinette sat at her desk with several people gathered around, laughing at something on her screen when Damian stormed into the precinct. No one took notice of him until he barked out a “HEY!” and everyone's laughter died out. Everyone’s smiles left their faces at the sight of Detective al Ghul, well, everyone except for Marinette who ignored him and started typing something else up on the computer. The group of eyes flickered between the two as Damian’s clear target was Marinette and he was practically burning holes in her head.
She merely glanced at him and said, “hey Damian,” as if nothing was wrong. The only tell giving her away was the devilish smirk growing on her face.
He stomped over to her and spun the chair to face him, placing his hands on the armrests and leaning inches away from her face, but she didn’t budge.
“Don’t "hey Damian" me,” he seethed.
“Ok, bye Damian.”
A deep growl escaped him. “Stay out of my way, Bug. You might get squashed.” With that he stood up, looked down at her with a snarl, and left, leaving his threat hanging in the air.
As he left Marinette caught everyone’s attention again with a “hey look what I made everyone,” and clicked on something she had pulled up during the man’s entrance. The group once again howled in laughter at the compilation video labeled: “Our “Greatest” Detective Being a Brat for 5 Minutes”
Marinette and Damian were currently sparring in the underground workout room, it was mostly empty except for Detective Diaz who liked to follow them around and add to their chaos or just watch for her amusement and the thorn in her side, Jon Kent, the beat cop.
“Damn,” Jon commented, munching on popcorn he brought from the breakroom. They had been going for ten minutes trading hits and kicks without a breather.
“Yeah. They’re crazy.” Rosa cackled, throwing popcorn in her mouth.
Marinette’s eyes shone with determination as well as Damian’s, both refusing to back down and admit defeat but they were also running out of stamina. They had taken their work clothes off and wore simple shorts and tank tops, running shorts for Marinette and basketball shorts for Damian. They had fought each other so much that they knew each other too well, each unable to surprise the other.
“When do you think they’ll just go for it and have like, a really aggressive make-out sesh?” Jon asked, glancing at the woman beside him before turning his eyes back on the fight. Rosa grinned maliciously, eyes sparkling at the thought of the chaos that could bring.
“Two weeks. Tops.”
“Nah, no more than five days.”
The captain appeared next to Jon who flinched and flung the half the bowl of popcorn on himself and Diaz. “I think within the month but after two weeks, they have no idea what they’re feeling.”
Jon and Rosa looked at each other, then at their captain with growing grins.
Marinette was fuming in her anger.
How? How did this happen? She asked herself, screaming in her mind since she wasn’t in her bed and couldn’t do it into her pillow. She unintentionally let out a growl and felt Damian al Ghul’s chuckle through his chest.
They had been compromised, Ladybug’s informant had been bugged, pun not intended and they weren’t aware until their informant arrived at the pickup and was immediately taken hostage, they were forced to hide in the rafters and there were more thugs than expected as they had come prepared for the two detectives.
Which led to Robin covering her under his stupid long cape in the rafters of the warehouse and waiting for her to come up with a plan as they hid in the shadows.
“See, this is why I bring this ‘dumb black cape’ with me.” Robin whispered in her ear to which she growled again in response. She hated when he was right about anything, especially about something so dumb. And it definitely wasn’t helping that she could his breath on her neck or his arm wrapped around her waist. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t think of a plan to escape.
She internally cursed herself for letting her thoughts carry away and focused solely on her breathing for a few moments then to the commotion below them.
“I am never working with him again.” Marinette complained to the captain, both her and Detective al Ghul had been brought into the Captain’s office to discuss their distracting relationship.
“Why not? You two are better together, your strengths weigh out the other’s weaknesses.”
“He’s a brat!”
Damian scoffed, “At least I’m not naive, you imbecile.”
“Detectives!” the Captain dragged his hand across his face in despair. “You two will get over your differences, one way or another, and do it quickly if you want to work another case.”
“WHAT?” they both shouted in unison.
“You will not work another case until you figure out how to be civil with each other.”
Immediately they both started yelling over each other at their captain, protesting the terrible idea and gesturing to each other as proof of the terrible idea.
“Enough!” He shouted over them and just as quickly as they started, they stopped and glared. “I know you two love your jobs and are unhealthy in your obsession with them so I can and will hold this over your head until you get over your differences. No cases. You are dismissed.”
The two detectives glared at their captain, no doubt thinking of petty ways to get back at him for doing this to them and they stormed out.
One week later, Jon lost the bet Detectives al Ghul and Dupain-Cheng were sitting in the captain's office again.
“How was your time off?”
“Shut up, Robin.”
The captain sighed. “So I see that you two are not civil.”
“What? No we are, right Damian?”
“... yes me and miss Dupain-Cheng get along rather well. We had a discussion earlier this week and have agreed to be civil with one another.”
“It’s just banter.” Marinette chuckled, waving the notion away.
The captain looked between the two, his two best detectives, one sat in stoic, perfect posture with an unreadable, emotionless face and the other was beaming at him with a blinding smile.
“Ok perfect. Here’s your next case,” he slid a thin file over to them, “I went over it already and you will have to begin with a stake-out to gather more information.” With that Damian’s ever present scowl deepened and Marinette’s smile became strained and her eye twitched.
That’s what they get for lying to me, thought the captain. Hopefully they won’t mess up this investigation.
As they left he heard Damian mutter “way to go imbecile,” to Marinette who growled back a “you started it,” before the door clicked shut behind them.
There was a knock on Damian’s door. He sighed in annoyance, he was stuck with Dupain-Cheng so the person on the other side of the door could only be her.
“What do you want?”
“I’m bored Damian, let’s spar.”
“No, go away.”
Ugh, stupid cute voi- what? No. No no no. Stupid annoying voice. “We sparred yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.”
“Well you won’t do anything else with me.” her muffled voice complained. It was true, he didn’t want to be in her presence because for some reason he enjoyed it because she was a nuisance.
“Fine!” he got off of his uncomfortable mat and swung the door open to find a hopeful expression on Marinette’s face and twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes. “What is it you want to do?”
This investigation was not fun nor was it enjoyable. They had a measly little refrigerator and constantly ordered take out to not be seen by the goons across the street. Marinette, however, snuck out in broad daylight to go grocery shopping because “it’s more obvious to go at night than during the day, besides, do you really want them to see a pretty girl in the middle of the night and kidnap me?” Damian had to agree with her and let her treat her childish needs while he stayed and kept watch. He was thinking about these things, rereading the same sentence of his book without grasping what it actually said when his partner burst open his door.
“DAMIAN!” Marinette glared at him from his most likely broken door with focused fury.
“What?” he asked without looking up from his book.
“What is wrong with you? I've tried so hard to be civil, to be friends with you, but no! You want to be a brat. You're not better than anyone and you’re a fool to think so!”
“Well too bad I guess.”
“Damian look at me.” he glanced up for a moment then back down to his book which only heightened Marinette’s anger. “How could you eat the ice cream from the bottom up just to trick me into thinking there was more! You piece of sh--monster! You monster! You are coming with me right now. I need to take my anger out on you, I want to punch you in the face so bad right now.”
“No, I'm good.”
Marinette smirked. “So you’d rather admit defeat now? Knowing you can’t beat an angry Marinette?”
“No, I know I can beat you, I don't need to test out my abilities.”
Marinette barked out a laugh. “You’ve never beaten angry Marinette and you know it,” she snapped.
Damian closed his book with a snap and replied “fine” before following her to the mat.
“You’re going down.”
“I beg to differ, Dupain-Cheng.”
They took opposite sides of the mat and took their stances. Circling one another Marinette sized up her  opponent, she knew that he was a little more reckless and aggressive when he was angry and of course she wanted an excuse to pummel him so she needed to rile him up. She took a jab which he easily grabbed her wrist instead of swatting it away and pulled her to him. She ran at him gaining extra momentum and twisting her wrist to grab his, she jumped on top of him and the imbalance toppled them to the floor. With his right wrist trapped in her grip she got one good punch in his face before his left hand pulled her off him. She released his right wrist only to trap it again under her leg as she shot her left hand out and grabbed his other before falling to the mat, quickly maneuvering her legs to pin him. As he tried to wiggle out she tightened her grip till he relaxed and he tapped her cheek with his fingers in defeat. She let him go and they restarted.
Each time only lasting for a few minutes, every time Marinette won Damian’s anger rose and every time Damian won Marinette’s determination grew. Soon both were breathing hard and glaring at each other, circling the mat like two alphas in a battle for dominance.
Damian attacked, throwing a punch which she easily ducked under and tried to counter with an uppercut but he backed away only to attack again just as quickly. She dodged and weaved around his advances barely having time to think until she swatted one punch only to be little too slow to dodge his second punch. Pain struck her cheekbone and he faltered, not expecting to actually land a punch, even if it only skimmed her face. She took his surprise to her advantage and took a step back and kicked into his stomach, sending him to stumble backwards. Before he could recover she gave him a flurry of punches until he threw on of his own, forcing her to step back. As she did he quickly swiped his foot under her, catching one heel, forcing her off balance. Before she could save herself he was on her, pushing her back onto the mat with a heavy thump.
He straddled her with the weight of his body trapping her and his hands clamped around her wrists. She squirmed under his weight but she knew she was stuck so she gave up the struggle.
She glared up at him, both breathing heavily and completely exhausted, not that either would admit it of course.
“Looks like I pinned a bug.” he said to her, smirking, only inches away from her face
Marinette glared at him, pushing the thought out that he was so attractive with that smirk.
She couldn’t help her eyes flicker to his lips, he was so close.
“Fine you win this round, just get off.”
His grin slipped away and licked his lips but didn’t move, only loosening his hold on her, she watched his own eyes flicker to her lips then back again, only to find her eyes on his lips. She didn’t know what she was doing, he was so close. He was slowly moving his head down until she lifted her head off the ground to meet his, finally crashed their lips together.
Marinette slipped her hands out of his grip wrapping her fingers through his hair and around his neck, pulling down. Damian let himself fall on his elbow using his other hand to snake around her waist to pull her up into him. He lifted his leg and slid it between her thighs before doing the same with his other to comfortably press their bodies together.
Damian could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body, he didn’t know how badly he wanted to kiss her, to touch her, until now, and he didn’t want to stop.
Marinette heard a groan escape Damian, or was it her? She didn’t know, he tasted so good....
Damian pulled away, both were breathing heavier than before and they locked eyes.
“Holy shit.” Marinette said, not believing what was happening was real and lifted her head again, capturing Damian's lips, each giving each other softer, more gentle kisses than before.
“You cursed,” he said, pulling back again.
“Yeah well you taste like my fuckin ice-cream.”
I’m a Wayne.
*gasp* oh wow.
You knew?
Wow you must really think i’m dumb.
Wha-no i do not!
I found out the second day I was here.
… wow I guess that makes me the dumb one
It’s ok i still love you
You love me?
Shit. Rosa! Save me!
Hell no get away from me, how dare you break my trust like that.
Hope y’all enjoyed, please let me know if i misspelled or have bad grammar or anything like that or if you like it. or not thats fine too. 
Thank you for reading!!!😁
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Hooked (Damien Haas x Reader)
Damien and his producer girlfriend just wanted to update their fans on a SMOSHcast after he posted a picture to his instagram account indirectly outing them as a couple. So, why are Sarah and Shayne singled out at the end?
Damien Haas x OC
5020 words
ITALICS are flashbacks
AN: I wrote this in 5 hours so if it sucks, it’s because I rushed. I tried really hard not to delve into SMOSH fanfiction but fuck me, I’m here. and I hate it. I had to pee the entire time. I have zero clue how VIDCON or any fan convention works. It is what it is. Mythical are assholes kinda in this.
AN2: Find my first Ian Hecox fic here.
AN3: I’ve rewritten it to be a Damien x Reader
“Welcome to another SMOSHcast. I am Ian Hecox from SMOSH.” The host of the podcast looked into the camera put off to the side to record video. “We have a few guests today. Right next to me is producer Sarah Whittle…”
“Isss meee!” The producer proclaimed in her cute tone. “I’m Sarah Whittle from SMOSH.”
The host continued, “And next to her is Shayne Topp, actor extraordinaire.”
“Heeeeyyyy. I’m Shayne.” The actor whispered weirdly into the mic.
As the group at the table giggled and/or rolled their eyes, Ian did the next introduction. “And then we have our video game professionalist: Damien Haas.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, man. Thank you.” Damien replied to the host and then looked into the camera. “Yes, I am Damian Haas, an actor from SMOSH. Disclaimer: we ALL play video games. Don’t let them fool you, listeners.”
“Mmmm...not quite.” The final guest commented from the left side of Damian. “Unless you count merge games on the phone. Not that you haven’t tried to hook me into them.”
“Oh, yeah.” Shayne piped in. “Y/n, you’re not a fan of video games.”
 Damien and Y/n were sitting on his couch with controllers in their hands and cats by their legs. Damien was working on loading Smash Bros onto the tv while Y/n scratched behind Zelda’s ears.
“I know our thing is you watching me play, but I think you might really like this one. I promise.” Damien tapped at his buttons to work through the settings.
“When I gave you that business card back at VIDCON that said ‘I’d love to watch you play games sometime,’ I meant it. YOU play. YOU.” She pouted.
He shrugged as if it was out of his hands. “It’s already been decided.”
“Do we gotta, though? Like, I’m totally content watching you play and using my hands for more important things...like loving on the felines. So important.
”“Super important.” Damien nodded in agreement.
“Super important.” Y/n repeated, feeling as if she won.
“Too bad.” Damien looked back at the screen. “What character do you want to play as?”
Y/n groaned in despair and threw her body backward against the cushions. “Fuck me.”
Damien looked at her with raised eyebrows. “What’s up?”
The look on Y/n’s face told him not to push it.
 Damien turned his head to the new producer. “You just can’t be hooked.”
Ian chuckled. “Well, I think we’ve proved that you can, as a matter of fact, be hooked.”
She looked at the host with a playful glare. “You really ready for this conversation?” 
It was Y/n’s first VidCon and, honestly, still her first month at Mythical. Her job was to engage the attendees that walked past the Mythical booth in conversation. She was meant to talk about things pertaining to the people and things in the videos. She was still fresh at her production assistant role and didn’t know much about Mythical’s behind the scenes things quite yet. She’d had a few people stop by, and she was able to amp up the hype for the projects she knew were coming up. That was a thing she could do, and she did it well. She loved Mythical so far.
When a small group of people around her age started walking towards her booth while laughing and what looked to be recording, she started to feel a little shy. She was an extrovert, which helped with what she was supposed to be doing. But there hasn’t been an actual group of people to approach her. The closer they got, the more nervous she got. She ended up deciding to take the L and make herself look busy in hopes that they’d just keep walking. It worked in the end, but she felt bad about purposefully not doing her job. She promised herself she wouldn’t let herself do that again and made sure to engage with anyone she could while at her station.
When it was Mythical’s turn at the panel, she stood off to the side and took pictures of her bosses and co-workers. She filmed a little for future needs and made sure to enjoy her time overall. She also made sure to listen to what Rhett and Link talked about and store it away for later and made mental notes on things she had questions about.
It was when she was going through some of her pictures during the fan Q&A that she noticed someone was watching her. She had glanced up for a second while being in thought when they locked eyes. She squinted while trying to figure out who he was really looking at because there was no way he was looking at her. She wasn’t even a producer that the fans knew. It took a minute, but he eventually looked away, while looking like he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
The next day, she was able to explore a little bit more. One of the OG producers took over the booth, and she decided to go and see what else was out there. She ended up stumbling upon interactive video gaming booths. She wasn’t a fan of video games, but she always liked watching people play them. Those that really enjoyed video games would be the most entertaining. It always pulled her in.
She scanned the games that were being played and caught sight of the group of people from yesterday. Feelings of guilt from not doing her job hit her, and she gnawed at her lip. She knew she had to start going easier on herself, but there was still a fear that the company would one day realize she was some incompetent girl from the midwest that didn’t belong in California or the industry.
“Hey, are you okay?” A voice spoke from in front of her.
She looked up and noticed the guy from the day before looking at her with scrunched eyebrows. “Huh?”
“You looked like you were trying to give yourself snakebite piercings with your teeth, and your foot was tapping faster than Thumper. Do you need anything? Or is there someone I can get for you?” He looked around the area.
She shook her thoughts from her head. “No, thank you. I’m fine. I didn’t realize I was that lost in thought.”
“Do you...do you work for Mythical? I saw you yesterday taking pictures of the panel, and I noticed you were at the booth. So yes...you do work for Mythical. That was a dumb question, never mind.” The guy scratched his face awkwardly.
Y/n assessed the situation. Was this guy a fan of Mythical? Like one of THOSE fans that she needed to be concerned about? Or was he just trying to make conversation? Y/n was at a disadvantage. She was alone at VIDCON (and California altogether, but that's for a different day), and she wasn’t quite sure what to do.
“Hey, Damien! I thought you were going to play the Halo campaign?” A blonde guy came up to the two. There were a few others with him; Y/n recognized them as the group from earlier.
The guy, Damien?, looked to the group as if forgetting that they were there. “Oh. Yeah. That slipped my mind entirely. Guys, this is...uh…”
“Y/n. My name is Y/n.” She smiled her work-place smile—the polite one she saved for when she didn’t know what else to do.
“She works for Mythical. Isn’t that cool?” Damien smiled as if he really thought taking pictures of the panel at VIDCON was the biggest dream job anyone could ever have.
“I think you’re way too excited about what I do for my job.” She laughed in response.
“It’s probably because he relates to it a little. We work for SMOSH.” The blonde friend supplied.
Y/n tried really hard not to let her face control the conversation. “Forgive me, but I don’t know what that actually is. And by the looks on your faces, I feel like maybe I should….”
“Oh, it’s ok!” Damien interjected. “If you haven’t gone to a panel yet, ours is later tonight. You should come by and check it out. Our channel has a few different things.”
One of the other group members stepped in. “Yeah, there's sketch comedy, video games, things like that. You’re at the video games booths, so I’ll assume you like video games?”
That made her chuckle. “I actually don’t really like video games. I was just wandering around because I got a break from the Mythical booth.”
When she looked at the group again, she noticed they were all staring at Damien with raised eyebrows.
“Oh. Right…” He said while looking shocked. “Well... as Noah said...there’s sketch comedy?”
“Well, who doesn’t like to laugh??” Y/n shrugged. “I’ll try to make it to the panel! Thanks for introducing me to something. I have to actually make it back to my booth to help with cleaning up. But I’ll be waiting for the panel!”
On the last day of VIDCON, Y/n was exhausted. She was just thoroughly exhausted. When she went to get herself a snack from the food service area to refuel for breaking down the booth, Damien was there as well. His group wasn’t with him, which made it easier for her to approach him.
“Damien?” She called when she was a few feet behind him. He turned around and held a pleasantly surprised expression. “Hey, I ended up missing your panel, but I hoped it went really well.”
“That’s ok. It means a lot that you found me and told me that. Thank you for the consideration.” The look in his eyes was earnest. He really meant what he said. “How was your first VIDCON?”
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect, to be honest. I don’t know a lot about any of this. I’m completely new to the industry. But I’m excited to see where it takes me. I hope to see VIDCON next year. Maybe you’ll be here too?” She licked her lips, wondering if that was a little too forward.
“I hope so, too. I’d really enjoy that.” He gave a smile that melted Y/n’s insides.
“Oh! I have a thing for you!” The PA reached into her sweater pocket and pulled out a small card. “It’s the industry, and one of the rules is to exchange business cards, right? Here’s mine.”
He looked at the white cardstock in his hands, noting that something was scrawled onto the back of it. “I gotta say. You’re super prepared for someone new to this. I don’t even have one. But thank you. I gotta get back to my group so we can head back to Sacramento. It was nice to meet you, Y/n.”
Y/n watched him reach a hand out to her, and she took it to shake. “It was nice to meet you, too, Damien.” 
The host sighed. “And our final guest, today, is SMOSH producer: Y/f/n Y/l/n. This is her first cast, and we’re very excited to have her on.”
“Aw, thanks, Ian. I almost forgive you.” She said with a glint in her eyes. “Yes, I am Y/n. I’m a new producer for SMOSH. I currently work under Sarah until I can get my feet more settled on the ground here.”
Shayne chimed in. “Have you noticed a difference yet? Between here and Mythical?”
The producer looked to be in thought before she replied. “Hm. The obvious difference is the job title. I was just a PA there, but I did a lot of producer side work because there were opportunities. I didn’t ever actually produce, but I still did a lot. I’m not complaining; I loved it. Obviously, or I wouldn’t have stayed as long as I did. But because I am currently working under someone, it’s mostly the same.”
The host closed his water bottle after taking a swig from it. “Are you excited to start as a producer on your own soon?”
“Uh, oh! Trick question!” Shayne called in his Aunt Carolyn voice before going back to normal. “You gotta say yes. Or you get fired.”
“Listen, bruh. I’ll take you. Don’t think I won’t.”
“Well, that’s not fair. Fighting you is like fighting three people right now. I’d have absolutely no hope!” The actor threw his hands into the air.
“OOOH nice segue, Shayne! It goes right into today’s first topic.” Ian looked into the camera. “We’ve always considered SMOSH as a...a family. We’ve had good times and some really awful bad times together. There are a few different kinds of out-of-the-workplace relationships amongst all of us.”
“Yeah, like Y/n has become my complete best friend. I mean, it started while she worked at Mythical, but it hasn’t changed since she moved over here. And right now, especially right now, we’ve grown even closer.” Sarah cut in while motioning to the new producer.
Y/n excitedly jumped in. “Yeah, I’m super thankful for Sarah just existing in the first place. I don’t have any family here in California, as you guys here at the table know. So, during everything that’s been happening, it’s been really...uplifting to have her support through it all. I couldn’t imagine the past year and a half without her.”
Sarah’s sweet smile held as she reached her hand out across the table and Y/n grabbed it to hold for a second. The men around the table let out a chorus of “aw’s.”
“Yeah, Damien, are you being replaced?” Ian asked. Jokingly.
The actor chuckled. “Listen, if Sarah wants to replace me, that’s fine. She’s got more cats. I completely understand.”
“That’s true.” Y/n looked into space. “She has quite a few more cats than you. But Freya and Zelda have become my children. I could never leave them behind. I’d have to take them with me!”
Damien looked at her for a second before he gave a simple “no.”
“I tried. Sorry, Sarah.”
The older producer giggled and shrugged. “That’s okay. I don’t know how many more cats Claudio will be okay with me having.”
“You just see Claudio coming home one day to an apartment full of six cats, and he’s super confused. ‘Sarah Whittle???? Do you even live here anymore? Sarah?’” Shayne laughed after giving a very bad mimic of Claudio’s accent.
“And then there’s just one giant cat because I’ve become one myself. ”
“But it’s like a cat from the movie ‘CATS,’ so it’s super terrifying.” Damien chuckled his way through his addition to the joke.
“Oh, my God. No. My poor husband. I couldn’t. OKAY, no more cats. I give I give! Damien, you can keep your girlfriend.” Sarah laughed.
There was a quick hush that spread across the studio. Ian raised his eyebrows and nodded. That just made his job so much easier.
“So, back to today’s topic…Some of our guests have an announcement to make.”
“It’s not really an announcement, though, Ian.” Damian began but stopped when the girl to his left gently put her hand on his arm.
“It kinda is. The photo from earlier wasn’t like...an official announcement. The caption you gave was a little vague. I also don’t know why I’m even arguing. My bad, babe.”
Damien turned toward her as best as he could with the surrounding equipment and table. “No, don’t worry about it. You’re right. This morning’s photo wasn’t an official statement.” 
If there was one aspect of being in Y/n’s current life situation that she detested the most, it was the constant migraines. Without fail, she would develop a headache when she first woke up.    
Damien learned to be prepared for the morning routine. In the first few months of their new lifestyle, he had grown to realize that mornings weren’t going to be the easiest. He would be the first to wake up, take his shower, and start the coffee and tea. Y/n had been a heavy coffee drinker until recently.  
After the actor got his morning routine out of the way, he went to wake up his girlfriend. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a morning person...but that she had difficult mornings. As he walked into their shared bedroom, he noticed she was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a while. Without wanting to miss out on the opportunity to express how happy he was at seeing his partner in a relaxed state, he pulled out his phone and snapped a pic. He opened Instagram to edit the picture, adding a grayscale filter. The caption was kept short, simple, and mildly vague; they did have a SMOSHcast announcement to make later that day, after all. After making sure that the blankets covered her body, he posted the picture for all of his followers to see. He proceeded to put his phone back into his pocket and get on with the rest of the usual morning routine.  
 Y/n pouted. “You’re so good to me.”
Damien gave a gentle smile and tapped her bottom lip so she’d stop. “It’s because you deserve the world.”
“I remember now why I made that rule about you two showing affection in the office. Y’all are gross.” The host shivered.
“You don’t have to lie, Ian. We know you dig it,” Shayne interceded.
“Yeah, when I first started a few months ago, I really believed my job would have been in jeopardy had Damien and I been caught in anything other than a respective distance apart from each other as co-workers. But, now that I’ve been here for a minute, I can tell how much you like to see your kids happy.” Y/n winked at her boss.
The president of SMOSH nodded in agreement. “The rules were for you two, honestly. I knew that you wanted to keep things private, so I was just trying to create a safe work environment for you. I’d never, well...at least now that I’m in charge of it all… I’d never ask you guys to do anything you weren’t comfortable with. When we agreed that you’d be coming over to SMOSH, Y/n, I knew that your privacy as a person and a couple would be at the top of your concerns. It wasn’t necessarily your choice to be a part of SMOSH, and I’ll never stop apologizing for that, but I want your experience here to be worth it. You’re worth it just by existing.”
“God, Ian. You know I cry easier these days, man. Don’t do this to me. Don’t be that ho. Fuck.” The girl was wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her SMOSH merch hoodie. “It’s fine. I didn’t actually put makeup on today. It’s cool. Whatever.”
“But I mean it. You were thrown to us when we needed it the most, and I’m, and the rest of us, are extremely grateful for you.”
 There was a jovial nature to the lounge that everyone was in. The SMOSH cast hung out in between sketch takes and were gathered for an impromptu meeting that Ian had called earlier that day. No one thought anything of it when Y/n walked in and made herself comfy next to Damien on the couch. Shayne was originally next to him, but he automatically got up and sat on the arm instead.
“How’s today been so far?” The Mythical PA asked as she settled in.
“Not bad. We knocked out a few sketches. We have some Pit stuff to record after this meeting.” Her boyfriend’s best friend responded.
“OH Y/n!” She heard Courtney cry from across the room. “Them boots! They’re so cute!”
“Thank you, Courtney! I found them on a resale Facebook shop. I’m not mad at them.”
Everyone in the room fell into their own conversations about this and that. Y/n took the time to look around and really take in the SMOSH members surrounding her. A year ago, she didn’t know ANYTHING about SMOSH, but she was happy for the relationships she built and the opportunities that being affiliated with the channel gave her. When SMOSH was bought by MYTHICAL, she found herself wandering over to SMOSH once or twice and did some side work. They’d borrow her occasionally, and she loved it.
Ian had walked into the room during her reverie and was attempting to draw everyone’s attention. Y/n missed the first part of what he was saying but eventually caught on.
“So, because we’re down a producer, we’ve been able to pick up a new one full-time. I think we’re all pretty excited that Y/f/n Y/l/n is officially joining our team as a SMOSH producer.” Ian kept going, but Y/n tuned him out to work through what he just said.
“Wh...what?” She asked, completely confused. “What did you just say?”
“You moved to SMOSH?” She heard Jackie ask from her right.
“Babe?” Damien looked down at her with scrunched eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were leaving Mythical.”
“I...I didn’t either.” The girl started floundering. “I...what? When did I move here? What do you mean I work here now? I don’t...What? I love Mythical...I would never leave.”
The president of SMOSH sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Well, fuck. This is not what was supposed to happen. I was given the green light from Mythical to make an official announcement. I would not have had this meeting if I, at any point, didn’t think you would know…”
“So...just like that...I work here now?” The girl was close to tears.
The room was quiet.
“Right. Right...I uh…” she got up and wiped her hands on her jeans. “I guess I have an office that I gotta cleanout on the other side of the building. If you’ll all excuse me…”
No one said anything as she left. Everyone looked at Damien, who then looked at Ian. Ian sighed heavily and walked out of the lounge.
Y/n was in the office she used to occupy putting things in boxes and trying hard not to cry. She loved working at Mythical. There hadn’t seemed to be any problems that she could see, but maybe she was so blinded by all of the good things in her life that she missed something.
“Do you want some help?” Damien stood in the doorway, wearing a sad smile.
That’s when she lost all composure. He must have caught the second she was about to start sobbing because he was right next to her chair, holding her as she kept sitting. He whispered words of love and encouragement as she cried.
“I don’t understand! I thought I was doing so well. I love it here! I got so much out of being here. What did I do?!”
Damien was crouched next to her at this point, wiping her tears. “Did you talk to them?”
“For like a minute. They said that I’d see more opportunities at SMOSH. They said that they could see me becoming something better over there. But they didn’t tell me that before they talked to Ian? I’m the one that essentially got fired! How can they just make these decisions for me?! I’m not…” She stopped.
“You’re not what, Baby?” He had his hands cupping her cheeks.
“I’m...I’m not ready...I don’t want to be a producer yet. I’m not ready to leave the nest yet. I don’t want it to change.”
Damien nodded in understanding. “That’s what’s really upsetting you, isn’t it? You don’t feel you’re ready to make this career change. Yes, and about being traded to SMOSH.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I love all of you. I love SMOSH. But I belong at Mythical. This is my home.” The woman sniffled. “It’s not time to leave.”
“Baby, you’re going to flourish at SMOSH. I know you’re terrified. Especially since this isn’t something that was discussed with you. And you’re right. It’s not fair. I’m sorry that they didn’t say anything to you.” He brushed some hair out of her face. “Love, it’s your choice if you want to work at SMOSH, but Baby, it’s time to leave Mythical.”
The next day at SMOSH, the couple found themselves at Ian’s desk. They were called in first thing, but Y/n wasn’t quite sure why. Ian was in his chair, taking a sip of his coffee while the two looked at each other.
“I think...we need to talk about somethings now that you’re both at SMOSH together. I know that you guys have been keeping everything private dealing with your relationship.” Ian took a minute to think through his thoughts.
The two nodded to show that they were listening and agreeing, so far.
“I couldn’t be happier that you two found each other. You’ve somehow managed to find your perfect other halves. It lifts the spirits here when you’d come over and visit, Y/n. You were already one of us before this week happened. I mean it.”
Y/n gave a sweet smile. “I know you do, Ian. I love you, too.
”Ian sucked in a breath. “So, I’ll have to lay some rules down in order to protect your privacy, because that’s my concern. What you do out of office hours is whatever. If you decide to come out as a couple, then I support it one hundred percent. But for now, with your wishes to remain unknown to the fans as in a relationship, there can’t be any PDA. We gotta nip that in the bud. I know this place is our home, but you never know. And when we’re on location or on a set, just please be careful. Okay? We’re a small company. We don’t have that many PR resources. Okay? Does that sound fair?”
The couple looked at each other. They seemed to be conversing with just their eyebrows and head movements. It took a minute or two before Damien spoke up.
“Yeah, about that...We do want to keep it as private as possible, but that might start to get a little hard.”
“Please don’t tell me that one of you posted something and that I’m too late.” Ian tapped the desk, anxiously.
“Oh, don’t worry, Ian.” Y/n bit her lip. “You’re not the one that’s late.”
The president couldn’t keep the deadpan expression from his face. “You kids are gonna put me in an early grave.”
 “Keep it up, Hecox, and I’ll quit. I swear it. I’ll just sit at home all day with the cats whilst judging OG SMOSH videos and why that weirdo with a bowl cut acts the way he does.”
“Okay, claws in, tiger.” The table laughed with Ian trying to fake-placate the girl. “I’ll hold in the nice things for the rest of the cast.”
“Thank you.” Y/n blinked. “No, wait!”
“Hey, Y/n,” Shayne called. “I like your hoodie.”
“Oh, this ol’ thing?” She pulled at it. “It’s borrowed, and it’s super soft. I’m LIVING. I wanted to ask if there was some vault or something where I could get my own.”
“No, no…” her boyfriend patted her shoulder. “You can wear this one. You can just wear all of my hoodies. Don’t worry about it.”
“I won’t be able to fit in them forever. I was already bigger than you to begin with. I don’t have long until I’ll get stuck putting them on. I need bigger ones, babe.” She turned to Ian. “Honestly, I don’t care what they look like. I just know I’m quickly running out of time before nothing fits anymore.”
“Yeah, of course. You’ll get your own to pick from. Don’t worry about it.”
It was Damien’s turn to pout. “But I like seeing your tumtum. Don’t put it awaaaay.”
“I love you so much, Damien, I do. But I’m about to suffocate in this.” She tried pulling at the bottom hem of the shirt to prove her point.
“If I may ask, how far along are you?” Ian spoke. “Also, as I ask this, I can see Shayne in the corner of my eye, giving me a look because he knows this answer.”
The blonde gave a suspicious smile. “I’m like the pregnancy stalker. I wasn’t trying to be weird about it. I was trying to give them their space, but like, Damien is my best friend in the entire world. I admit I have a problem. It hasn’t reached the point where I show up to doctor appointments, however.”
“Yet.” Y/n chimed in. “But uh to answer your question, Ian, we’re about...6 months? I think? Honestly, anything with numbers is gone from my head. Pregnancy brain is real. I talked to my best friend back home, who has two children, and she said sometimes, pregnancy brain never goes away. So...I’m SUPER excited for that. I can't wait to never do math again. THANKFULLY my man is super smart. He just has to be smart enough for the both of us from now on until we die.”
“That’s the most pressure I’ve ever been under. Thanks, babe.”
Shayne laughed. “Yeah. Having a kid? Easy. Being smart? Oh, man. OOOOOOH MAN. Whole other level.”
The SMOSHcast went on and drifted away from Y/n and Damien’s relationship to other topics. They talked about upcoming projects, future trips, and movies that were coming out. Shayne and Damien threw out jokes. Sarah and Y/n shared looks pertaining to things that were between just the two of them. Ian made sure to keep the talk flowing and always had something to say to stir the pot.
Finnerty called out that they were winding down to about fifteen minutes left of recording. Ian looked at the couple across from him and gave a slight signal that Sarah and Shayne didn’t miss. They shared a look but waited for the expecting couple to start. Y/n and Damien looked at each other to decide who was going to start. Y/n shrugged and sat up straight.
“So there was something else we wanted to share. But it’s actually for the two of you.” She faced Shayne and Sarah. “We were wondering if you’d do us the honor and be our kid’s godparents?”
Sarah’s face lit up, and Shayne gave a simple and quiet “what?”
Damien picked up where Y/n left off. “You two are our best friends, respectively. While yes, we wanted to discuss everything and make this cast an honest statement to the fans, we wanted to ask you something important to us. We love you guys, and there’s no one better for it.”
“OH MY GOD YES! REALLY?!” Sarah yelled but immediately apologized into the mic to the editing team. “You really want us to be godparents?? It’s a total, yes from me! I could never turn that down!”
Everyone turned to Shayne, who was busy trying to hide his tears behind his hands as he tilted his head back. They let him try to collect himself for a minute before Damien tried again.
“Buddy? You good?” He put a hand on his best friend’s shoulder.
“Oh, my God. You really trust me with that?” The blonde actor ran his hands through his hair while still looking at the ceiling.
The look in Damien’s eyes was softer than what Y/n was used to seeing aimed at anyone but herself. But she understood it. It was Damien and Shayne, after all. She winked at Sarah as the two giggled softly.
“Of course! Who else do you think I’d ask? You’re the only one I’d ever pick for that, man. I love you. And I’d be honored if you’d just say ‘yes,’ you dingus.”
“Well, duh! You think I’d say no? Oh, my God.” Shayne and Damien awkwardly hugged as best as they could.
Ian nodded at the whole thing. “Yep. Well, that’s a good place to leave that. Thank you, guys, for listening. If you enjoyed this SMOSHcast and want to know when we post more, then hit that bell. Subscribe. And hey, watch the rest of the videos we’ve uploaded. Stay safe out there. We love you.” 
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
I Thought We Were Brothers Ch. 1: Wish I Could Relive Every Single Word
Summary: Marvin and Chase have a lot of unspoken grievances between each other and neither of them know what to do about it.
A/N: For Marvin’s birthday. Chapter title from the song “Brother” by Kodaline.
Chapters: 1, 2
Marvin knew he should say something. Anything at this point was better than the growing chasm opening up between him and several of the Septics. J.J and Henrik were civil on a good day but Chase was a different matter.
It started way before time travelers came came back with grim news, or Marvin first voiced the want to train Chase’s daughter in magic. It began with Robbie.
Sweet, innocent Robbie.
Marvin would never apologize or regret raising the young teen from the dead. He couldn’t.
The magician had looked the young man’s mother dead in the eyes and swore that he’d protect Robbie. Had sworn on his magic and own soul that he would do everything in his power to always bring him back to her alive. And Marvin had done just that, he wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he hadn’t tried.
But that night had left Marvin and Chase on unspoken bad terms. Chase ceased trusting Marvin, had started drinking again, and then cleaned himself up a couple months after. The atmosphere, forever spoiled.
After the incident with the Suits, Marvin had ceased trusting Chase as well. Chase now had a part of Clubs forever buried in his soul, and it showed in little ways. His beard was getting trimmed instead of him just allowing it to go wild until he shaved it back. He’d gotten a gun, a real one, and was hiding it in his room in the base. None of the heroes tried to talk about it, but many of them knew it was there. The marksman sometimes made especially barbed jabs at Marvin when he was tired or too exhausted to keep his filter up. Then there was the matter of Dark.
Marvin had seen the look in Chase’s eyes whenever Damien was on the news. Chase was especially anxious whenever Marvin got near any of Dark’s kids. Even if those kids were King and Host. Dark was more willing to hold long conversations with Chase, and Chase had been caught by Marvin on more than one occasion texting Dark.
There was something growing between Dark and Chase and everyone was too busy walking on eggshells to confront either party about it.
Well Marvin was sick of watching his friend group tear itself apart. He needed to talk to Chase, before the guy did something stupid.
Marvin walked into the comms room. Chase was in there with Tommy and King.
“This job always as borin’[1] as shit?” Tommy asked.
King chuckled, “Yeah but so long as you’re listening to the feed you can be on your phone or work on stuff. Logan and Bing once built a transforming roomba from the ground up during a couple comms sessions. It’s why Logan likes to be in here, he gets his little side projects done.”
While King and Tommy were talking, Chase immediately noticed that Marvin had opened the door and was just staring at him.
“Hey Chase, can we talk?” Marvin asked.
“Logic, takin’[2] a smoke back,” Chase scoffed into the microphone and stood up, “King, yeh[3] have seniority, call us if anythin’[4] happens.”
“Yes, finally!” King smiled in joy and threw his arms up as Tommy groaned in annoyance, flopping back in his chair and rolling his eyes. “I got it!”
Without a word, Chase stepped out and quietly motioned for Marvin to follow him and took him out to the little smoking area. There Chase lit up a cigarette and took a deep lungful of nicotine laced smoke, before even acknowledging Marvin’s presence, “What do yeh[3] want?”
“I wanna talk,” Marvin reminded. “Why do yeh[3] think I followed yeh[3] out here yeh[3] bollocks[5]?”
Chase took a seat, “Fine, what yeh wanna go on about?”[6]
“Look, I know we don’t usually talk, but we need ta[7] talk about somethin’[8],” Marvin told him.
The marksman gave an amused chuckle, “Nah, we don’t have anythin’ ta talk about. Just go back ta yer books Marv.”[9]
“Yeh[3] hate me, so we got shite[10] ta[7] talk about,” Marvin told him.
“You murdered Stacy an’[11] the kids, ‘a[12] course I fookin’[13] hate yeh[3]!” Chase ripped the cigarette out of his mouth and stomped towards him.
Marvin flinched and Chase pulled away, “An’ sure yeh didn’t this time, but yeh did the other times, yeh did before they came back. Yeh set an entire city on fire, killed hundreds ‘a people. What am I supposed ta say ta yeh?”[14]
“I know,” Marvin called back, terror in his voice. “I know an’ don’t know what the fook was wrong with me ta brin’ me ta that point. That is hundreds ‘a thousands ‘a people who did nothin’ ta deserve the horror ‘a fookin’ burnin’ ta death!”[15]
“I don’t remember what was wrong with yeh[3],” Chase shot back, still angry. “I got stuck with that fooker’s[16] feelings, not his memories.”
The two of them fell quiet, the air nasty and injured between them.
Marvin felt like poison was bubbling in this throat. “The fook[17] happened ta[7] us?”
“Yer gonna have ta be specific,”[18] Chase asked curtly.
“I wanted ta[7] learn magic an’[11] hunt ghosts,” Marvin raked his hands down his face. “I didn’t want ta[7] save the world an’[11] deal with the fact I fooked[19] the future so bad it had ta[7] be fixed.”
“Yeah,” Chase frowned, before his phone went off. Chase pulled it out to see a text had shown up. It was Mori, in the water, near some tunnels with a fish in his mouth, the photo taken from the shoreline which meant Memento or Tempus had probably taken the picture.
The picture got a tiny breathy laugh from Chase, and a small smile. His kids seemed to be having fun, they didn’t seem to be getting into some big trouble. Yet, at least.
“They usually text yeh[3]?” Marvin asked, trying to make his tone sound less hostile.
“Yeah,” Chase’s expression turned bittersweet, he started texting Dark with an update. “Helps ta have a second pair ‘a eyes on ‘em. They tend ta slip out ‘a the Manor or the warehouses when Dark’s not watchin’. An’ that’s on a day when Wil doesn’t just sweep ‘em away an’ cause trouble with ‘em.”[20]
“Why are yeh in charge ‘a watchin’ ‘em?”[21] Marvin asked, completely confused. “Can’t those two just rise an’[11] repeat what they did with the other six? I mean if yeh[3] can handle raising six fookin’[13] demons in secret, three seem like no big deal.”
Chase paused, his fingers still. They were going to figure it out eventually. King already knew, he’d confided that in Chase already. “Cause[22] they’re mine, Marv.”
Marvin spent the next minute trying to figure out if Chase was joking, and then another minute trying to figure out how that was possible since they were demons and Chase was still human.
But a nagging feeling tickled the back of his head: was he still human?
Logan and the other Sides had been demons since the first moment he had met them and no one had been the wiser. Not even the Sides, and Marvin should have known. He should have taken one look at Virgil and more importantly Remus and known. Chase could be a demon, he could not know, and fly under every kind of test and radar known to magic itself. Hell, Patton and Roman still came up as humans for those tests.
“Do— Does uh,” Marvin floundered for an adequate response, because what the hell was he supposed to say to that! “Does Dark know?”
“Yeah, he’s the one who told me,” Chase was moving his cigarette back up to his lips. “Don’t know if he told the rest ‘a[12] his kids but they all know too. King said as much.”
“So what now?” Marvin asked.
Chase let out an ugly, contemptuous snort, “What about now?”
“Dark’s got yer[23] kids, is there another custody battle comin’[24] up?” Marvin winced at the memory of Chase’s last custody battle, one he had lost handedly.
“They’re Dark’s kids, he’s the most powerful bein’[25] in all Egoton, there’s nothin’[26] ta[7] fight against, Marv,” Chase dismissed, rolling his cigarette around in his mouth.
“Chase, no yeh can’t just roll o’er an’ just—”[27] Marvin spat.
“Calm yer[23] fookin’[13] tits, Marv,” Chase scoffed. “Dark an’[11] I have somethin’[8] set up. I see ‘em[28] more than I see my human kids.”
Marvin shoved his hands in his pockets, not sure what to do with them. “Okay, that’s good at least. So did yeh an’ Dark talk about stuff then. I know that the Clubs version ‘a yeh was with him in the future.”[29]
“I don’t have a future with Dark anymore,” Chase snarled. “He’s with Wil.”
“Wil cheats on him with practically the entire town,” Marvin reminded.
“I know!” Chase slammed his fist on the bench before raking his fingers down his face. “Yeh[3] think I haven’t noticed that bubblegum bastard perched on his arm, being the fookin’[13] shittiest arsehole[30] in the whole fookin’[13] world?”
Marvin opened his mouth but Chase turned and started on a tirade, “Dark is loyal ta[7] him. He fookin’[13] raised those kids almost by himself. An’[11] what does he get in return? The fooker[31] rips his heart out an’[11] leaves. It pisses me off.”
“I thought they said Wil died?” Marvin asked and all the momentum bled out of Chase’s system.
“Yeah he did,” Chase corrected himself. “Fook![17] I did it again.”
“Did what again?” Marvin asked.
“I say weird thin’s[32], I do weird thin’s[32],” Chase dismissed. “Yesterday I made like three different coffees, one fer me, one fer Eef, an’ another fer Dark. Crank wasn’t e’en in that day, an’ why the hell should I be makin’ a fookin’ coffee fer Dark? I was in the base.”[33]
“Wasn’t future yeh datin’ him or fookin’ him or somethin’?” Marvin asked.
“I think he was gonna[34] propose,” Chase admitted.
Marvin just stared at Chase, “What? How do yeh[3] know?”
“I caught myself lookin’[35] at rings,” Chase admitted. “Tryin’ ta find somethin’ that looks nice with red an’ blue. Not that it’s ‘a any use now.”[36]
“How much do yeh[3] remember or feel?” Marvin asked, coming closer and taking a seat next to Chase.
“I don’t have memories, just his feelin’s[37],” Chase frowned in thought. “Frustration, anger, love. Future me was so smitten with Dark that I know he was killin’ fer him. The weight ‘a my guns feel off now. Whene’er I look at Mori an’ Memento I feel so upset ‘cause they’re with Wil an’ they’re so big an’ it eats at me. Wilford fookin’ stole my kids an’ changed ‘em, an’ I’m supposed ta stand by an’ watch his aura keep changin’ ‘em.”[38]
“Have yeh tried talkin’ ta Dark about this?”[39] Marvin questioned.
“An’[11] tell him what?” Chase demanded. “That I fookin’[13] hate his guts an’[11] I wanna[40] take him out on a date ta[7] this nice curry place I saw on my last patrol at the same time. That I think his boyfriend is awful fer[41] him an’[11] I wanna[40] put a hollow point right between his fookin’[13] eyes?”
Marvin was trying to find some way to comfort or calm Chase down as he kept rambling. “Yah know maybe I should march my arse o’er ta his office an’ tell him that I hate wakin’ up in the morning. That when I wake up, I can’t stand it when my bed is fookin’ empty. That someone is supposed ta be in my bed with me an’ I just lay there fer hours ‘cause I can’t leave until he knows I’m there.”[42]
“Yeah, Marv, Dark would love that,” Chase laughed sadly. “Big, powerful mob boss would love some sad alcoholic who can barely hold himself together long enough ta[7] get out ‘a[12] bed in the mornin’[43]. That’ll really get his attention.”
“Well he must’a liked somethin’ ‘cause he was datin’ yeh,”[44] Marvin tried to offer.
“Wil was dead,” Chase reminded. “He’s alive an’ kickin’ now. Dark’s not gonna e’en look my way if Wil’s alive.”[45]
Marvin and Chase went quiet again. Unsure how to help either of them.
Fortunately for Marvin, he didn’t have to. King called them both back in. City hall wanted Average, Marvin, and Jackie to come in for a meeting.
Marvin saw the tense look in Chase’s eyes but he agreed and the two of them set off to meet Jackie at City Hall.
Accessibility Translations:
1. boring
2. taking
3. you
4. anything
5. balls
6. Fine, what do you want to talk about?
7. to
8. something
9. Nah, we don’t have anything to talk about. Just go back to your books Marv.
10. shit
11. and
12. of
13. fucking
14. And sure you didn’t this time, but you did the other times, you did before they came back. You set an entire city on fire, killed hundreds of people. What am I supposed to say to you?
15. I know and don’t know what the fuck was wrong with me to bring me to that point. That is hundreds of thousands of people who did nothing to deserve the horror of fucking burning to death!
16. fucker’s
17. fuck
18. You’re going to have to be specific
19. fucked
20. Helps to have a second pair of eyes on them. They tend to slip out of the Manor or the warehouses when Dark’s not watching. And that’s on a day when Wil doesn’t just sweep them away and cause trouble with them.
21. Why are you in charge of watching them?
22. Because
23. your
24. coming
25. being
26. nothing
27. Chase, no you can’t just roll over and just—
28. them
29. Okay, that’s good at least. So did you and Dark talk about stuff then. I know that the Clubs version of you was with him in the future.
30. asshole
31. fucker
32. things
33. Yesterday I made like three different coffees, one for me, one for Eef, and another for Dark. Crank wasn’t even in that day, and why the hell should I be making a fucking coffee for Dark? I was in the base.
34. going to
35. looking
36. Trying to find something that looks nice with red and blue. Not that it’s of any use now.
37. feelings
38. Frustration, anger, love. Future me was so smitten with Dark that I know he was killing for him. The weight of my guns feel off now. Whenever I look at Mori and Memento I feel so upset because they’re with Wil and they’re so big and it eats at me. Wilford fucking stole my kids and changed them, and I’m supposed to stand by and watch his aura keep changing them.
39. Have you tried talking to Dark about this?
40. want to
41. for
42. You know maybe I should march my ass over to his office and tell him that I hate waking up in the morning. That when I wake up, I can’t stand it when my bed is fucking empty. That someone is supposed to be in my bed with me and I just lay there for hours because I can’t leave until he knows I’m there.
43. morning
44. Well he must have liked something because he was dating you
45. He’s alive and kicking now. Dark’s not going to even look my way if Wil’s alive.
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afterdarkprincess · 1 year
🌙🌟 Fic Masterlist 🌙🌟
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Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Explicit Summary: Sami and Jey dealing with the aftermath of Tribal Combat at Summerslam -------- Jey had no right to ask Sami for help in the tribal combat match. No right to think that Sami would help anyway. He’d done his damndest to make sure that DIDN’T happen. But his damn stupid heart had hoped, had some faith that maybe in his hour of need Sami would be there for him.
And instead he got…well, what he got.
Masterpost AO3 Link
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Tangled Up With You All Night (Burning It Down)
Relationship: Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns Rating: Explicit Summary: Shield Era 2012 Seth has an encounter with 2023's Jon Moxley and Tribal Chief. Sexytimes ensue. ------ He drops his gaze, avoiding Roman’s eyes.
“I dunno, Ro- I don’t understand...” it sounds like weak protest even to his own ears, and Roman’s not having it.
“What’s not to understand?” Seth’s chin is gently lifted and held to meet Roman’s gaze again. “Look if you wanna leave, we’re not gonna stop you. But we’ve been wanting to get our hands on you for a long time, baby. Let us take care of you.” -----
Post AO3 Link
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The Devil's In the Details (But You Got a Friend in Me)
Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Explicit Summary: Royal Rumble AU- Sami gets injured at the Rumble and never betrays Roman. Friends to Lovers through SummerSlam ------ “Yeah, Uce. I know Roman was probably jokin’ back then, but you really Sami Uso now. You stuck with us.”
That earns a laugh, “Can’t say I’m complaining.”
“Damn straight,” Jey grins. “And you don’t have to prove nothin’ to nobody.”
Sami’s eyes glisten as he nods. “I like that, ‘Sami Uso’”
“Me too.” ------ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 AO3 Link
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Relationship: Roman/Jey/Jimmy/Solo/Sami Gangbang Rating: Explicit Summary: After WarGames, Roman decides what Sami Zayn's place is in the bloodline, a willing hole for them to use. ______ “You see boys, our ‘Honorary Uce’ here has been struggling to find his purpose in our family.” Roman looks at Jey directly. “It took him a while to earn our trust, but he’s done so with hard work and dedication. I decided it was time for him to finally take his rightful place.” He gestures back to the bed.
Post AO3 Link
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Can't Keep My Hands to Myself
Relationship: Sami/Jey/Cody Rating: Explicit Summary: Things get a little heated in the bus after the Fastlane Press Conference, Sami facetimes his boyfriend to get in on the action.
---- “Yea, Boo- we was just getting cozy…” Jey’s dick brushes against the warm bulge in Cody’s pants and he lets out an unmistakable groan.
Cody freezes beneath him, looking at Jey in alarm.
There’s a pause before Sami speaks again. “Oh we’re getting cozy like that, huh? Baby, you know the rules.” ----- Part One Part 2 AO3 Link
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Sweet Like Justice Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Backstage at Crown Jewel, Jey and Sami hatch a plan to subvert the Judgement Day ---- “Just hope Damien doesn’t use this to his advantage. I don’t think I could stand to see another belt on the Judgement Day.” Sami sighs, frustrated at all the chaos that the group has caused over the last few months.
Jey turns Sami to face him, a wide grin on his face as he shucks off the black hoodie he’s wearing. “Think I got an idea, Sami.” ----- Post AO3 Link
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A Moment Backstage Relationship: Sami/Jey Rating: Gen Summary: Sami and Jey share an interaction backstage before the Tag Title Rematch (set during Nov 13th 2023 Monday Night Raw) ---- “They were trying to mess with us, Jey. Don’t let them get in your head.” Sami’s face is soft, and the understanding look in his eyes is doing nothing to assuage Jey’s guilt.
“Sami, I messed up wit’ you. Big time.” ---- AO3 Link Post
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raleigh-ocean · 4 years
among the fields of gold (is where i want to be with you) | billie dean howard x dara ann lynch
words: 3,897
summary: AU. Everything is almost the same, except that after Dara’s ultimatum to Billie, the older medium got hit by the wave of maternity, thanks to finally have everything be displayed in front of her. And now, a year later, Billie wanders idly in the feeling of building a new home while looking at how her soon-to-be-wife and mother of her kid, keeps being effortlessly beautiful and amazing even with the pressure of carrying their unborn child.
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Billie was almost falling asleep while reading her book, glasses slowly sliding down her nose, when the sound of broken glass sounded all over the bedroom. 
"Oh fuck," it was definitely a gasp followed by a groan of pain and Billie didn't feel more awake ever in her life. "Fuck, fuck."
"Are you okay?" Billie went to the end of the bed, with her heart beating fast against her ribcage and when she saw the other woman trying to move, her voice came out rushed. "Wait, don't move Annie. The floor is covered in glass and you're barefoot."
Before doing anything else, Billie was really fast checking Dara's whole figure. Wet long hair half covering her face, scrunched up in discomfort; hand in her stomach, as if she was pressing something back in place; long legs covered in clean pajamas, no signs of anything worrisome. Okay, everything was in place, she thought while moving to get the broom and the mop. 
Billie tried to be as quick as possible brooming around Dara's feet and then helped her to sit in bed, pressing a kiss to her temple with love.
When she went back to the bedroom after cleaning the mess, the tiredness of the day slowly coming back to her, there was another priority before anything else. Dara didn't move from where Billie left her, sitting on the edge of her side of the bed, and she was trembling ever so lightly with her hands covering her face. Billie worried, stopping in front of her and kneeling between her slightly parted legs to be closer to her. Hearing Dara sniffing like that broke Billie's heart a little and, carefully, she managed to put her hands over her wife's.
"What's wrong, my love?" Billie said with a tender tone while pulling a bit so she could see Dara's face. "Are you hurt? Tell me, c'mon."
"I'm fine, it's just...I feel so...clumsy," Remember Billie, she's way too tired from the day too. Billie said to herself, caressing with her thumb the inside of Dara's right wrist. "The kick caught me off guard," Dara lowered her left hand, covering the spot near her ribs where she felt it. "Now my tea is gone and my favourite mug as well."
Billie lowered her head so Dara couldn't see her smile in some kind of relief, because it wasn't that serious after all, and then placed her hand over Dara's. There, on top of her eight months' big belly, to reassure her while gathering the correct words to put her at ease.
"You better prepare yourself once you're out, you're in big trouble for breaking mama's mug, you little rascal," she tried to sound serious while tapping softly with a fingertip in Dara's belly, pressing a kiss there thanks to being in the best position to do so. "You're not clumsy, lovely, you're just really tired and still in need of tea," then she moved her hands to cup Dara's face to kiss her on the lips, lovingly, and then place a few more on her cheeks. "So what do you say about me bringing you another one while you get in bed, babe? Hmm?"
It wasn't hard to see how Dara wanted to tell her otherwise, that she didn't need to go get another one, but for some reason she didn't voice it this time. Dara accepted the offering with a tiny nod and Billie kissed her again, sweet and slow like she liked, before standing up and making her way back to the kitchen.
Who would have told Billie that Dara, the most 'don't worry, I'll do it myself' force to ever exist, would finally let her indulge in caring for her without putting up a fight?
In the privacy of the kitchen, she chuckled a bit while preparing another tea for her girl just for thinking like that. All it took for that to happen was to be heavily pregnant with all her hormones being a total mess. 
Again, the reminder of Dara being actually pregnant made Billie feel her chest explode in warmth. She still couldn't believe they were going forward that direction, still recovering from getting married almost two years ago, but for once Billie felt that everything was falling in place in her life. And that made her happy, for real, because she had wandered too long without having a long term plan, only living one day at a time in her head, until the possibility of losing what she loved the most at that point of her life became present. Sometimes Billie still remembered the crippling fear that drained her during those three awful days, but looking at her right every morning to find Dara sleeping soundly with an arm over her middle, was enough to make her forget about the bad times.
How was she so blind to almost lose such a good thing?
Pushing her glasses up in her head, she took a peek from the corner of the kitchen at the bedroom. She could see how Dara was in the middle of the bed, laying on her side with her head on Billie’s pillow, and she seemed peaceful, or at least calm. These days it was confusing for Billie to discern everyone’s feelings, which made her be more vocal and talkative about them because she couldn’t rely on her powers for that. But she truly wished for Dara to have an actual break for the day.
Not only they had been dragged around by Audrey in what she called an 'emergency wardrobe alarm', which basically consisted in the actress taking them to window shopping - and then do the actual shopping -; but they also had passed by Dara's older cousin's new home to help her unpack. All of that Billie could do perfectly fine, but her wife - God, she would never not smile like an idiot when she referred to Dara like that - found it very trying and tiresome after the first four hours.
Even Danielle had tasked her own twelve years old daughter, Damien, to look over her aunt but soon Dara was helping them - and Danielle's wife - with taking things out of the many boxes they had.
And, on top of it all, Carla and Lucille had called to check up on them. In between their mothers and their incessant need to remind them to actually set up the nursery like now - and argue, once again, why they didn't find a new place -, they had managed to drain the last bits of energy Dara still had in her.
Ah, and how could she forget that before of it all, it was Saturday and that meant house chores.
So she couldn't blame her girl to react like that upon feeling something normal, at this point, like their bun trying to be noticed.
Billie loved to refer to their baby as silly stuff.
"Bills?" Dara's voice sounded a bit louder, snapping Billie out of everything.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"Can you bring me a soft candy from my bag as well?" Billie had to muffle a laugh against the back of her hand, Dara unaware of it. "A cherry one."
"On my way to you."
And to think that they were in this because Billie got hit with the maternity wave in a tidal wave mode. It was all Harriet, Jo and Dayanara's fault, waking in her that need she never felt before. Best friend, sister and sister-in-law respectively, the three of them managed to warm her to the idea after seeing them be that happy with it at the same time. Billie thought Dara was going to be the one falling in, but it was actually her the one voicing all those new feelings and doubts to her wife. Dara was insanely good with kids, she could handle her nephews and nieces so easily that it always amazed Billie...and also worried her, because maybe she was holding Dara back from having her own children.
Tea ready and a couple candies in the inside of her tit pocket - ha, God bless tit pockets in pajamas -, Billie made her way back to the bedroom to find Dara drying her hair better with a towel and brushing it to keep herself occupied.
"Here you have, my queen," Billie said in a soft voice, climbing into bed and giving Dara the new cup of tea. "And I'll let you guess where are your candies."
"Sweet," Dara hummed while sipping on her tea - to this day, Billie didn't know how could she drink it that hot - and then give her a tired yet a bit amused look, a smirk forming on her lips. "I bet you didn't eat them."
Billie faked a hurt gasp, making Dara chuckle - sweetest sound she could hear - after leaving her tea on the nightstand. Then Dara leant a bit, kissing Billie's neck while taking her hand and slowly moving it over her belly.
"And I know you have it on you," Billie felt a chill going down her spine when Dara whispered that in her ear, kissing her under it. "Then where could they be, I wonder?"
"Billie," no, the ting in her voice, that wasn't fair! Billi felt how Dara was using her free hand to walk slowly with her fingers over the buttons of her pajama shirt. "How many times did I tell you..."
It was the right thing, the natural thing to do to just turn her face enough to capture Dara's lips in a deeper kiss. It was also natural to turn her body enough for Dara to lean in better and for her to be able to hug her back, still trying to not move her hand much from where Dara left it.
"...not to hide food from me."
And then Billie wasn't kissing Dara like her life depended on it because Dara was getting comfortable in her chest, unwrapping her reward and eating it with the happiness only she could get from something so simple.
She couldn't help but laugh openly, letting her wife be and receiving an innocent kiss in her neck for that. Getting more comfortable like that, Billie rubbed her eyes under her glasses with her right hand before taking them off and kissing the crown of Dara's head tenderly - soft mint scent from her shampoo making her slowly forget that she got turned on. Her left hand, over their child, started to draw soft patterns to keep herself occupied, getting under Dara's shirt with expertise.
"One day you'll be the death of me, but I'll probably deserve it for being an asshole," Billie chuckled again and then looked down to find Dara with her eyes closed, enjoying the caresses and her candy. "Is she moving right now?"
"Like a clock," she mumbled, half for being comfortable and half because she was chewing her candy. "And you should start admitting he's going to be a boy." 
"I'll admit that once I actually see it, your doctor can kiss my ass if she thinks I'm gonna believe that cranky image was supposed to tell me she's a boy," Dara groaned but giggled the same because they've been having the same quarrel ever since. Not even their two whole families were capable of making her think otherwise - maybe it had to do with Dara's grandmother, Alicia, agreeing with Billie in this. "We're going to win this argument, sweetpea, so I can remind all of this to your mother for the rest of our lives, right?"
Billie's hand drifted down Dara's belly and in her way, as if the baby overheard her, felt a 'bump' against her hand. 
"That's my baby girl," Billie smiled and Dara only pressed her body better against her, unwrapping the extra candy in Billie's titty pocket. "And that's mine, you sugar thief."
"Come get it then."
Holding the candy between her lips, Dara waited for Billie to indulge - how much she loved to indulge - and get it after pressing a long kiss to her lips. And sometimes Audrey asked why she loved kissing her wife so much, how not when every kiss gave her a sugar rush? 
Oh great, now she was getting sappy.
"Bills?" the only one being able to call her that and not leaving her with a weirded out sensation was Dara. "What were you reading?"
"Remember that book you bought me last week about the Peloponnesian War? I started it at work the other day and got more invested after a quarter of it, so I was almost finishing already," Billie explained absent-mindedly, trying to reach for it to show how she had left not more than a hundred pages. "However I do admit I was falling asleep."
Dara chuckled at that, taking the book from Billie's so she could go back to caressing her belly. From the moment it was more noticeable, Dara had started to be very protective of her baby and if in the second trimester she still let people to put a hand on her belly, with the third trimester she only let Billie do that and the rest would actual get her best angry stare if the thought of touching ever crossed their mind.
Audrey absolutely got a few, making Dahlia to console her by kissing her cheek several times.
"You should rest then, you've been having trouble sleeping lately and today was a really long day," Dara played with the pages, passing her thumb over the corner to make a little fan. "Maybe you could oversleep tomorrow."
Said the woman who got insomnia over the last few months, who could understand her. 
Putting a half dry dark lock behind Dara's ear, Billie kissed the top of her forehead and let out a deep sigh. She wasn't letting Dara be awake all by herself, at least as much as she could.
"I'm okay, don't worry," Dara moved to drink more of her tea while Billie tried to find a position in which she couldn't fall asleep. "What're tomorrow's plans?"
"As far as I'm concerned, ironing and getting lunch ready," Billie opened her arms again for Dara to get in them and got a new kiss, then a soft boop on her nose. "Remember, Dani and Tiffany are coming over."
"Where was I when that was said again."
"Smoking in Dani's backyard," Dara nuzzled her nose into Billie's neck a bit. "I sent Damien to get you but, and I repeat what she said, you were taking a nap balancing the cigarette with two fingers like a pro."
Oh, right. 
Billie didn't even notice those micro naps, because she felt them as if she was blinking a bit too long. With Dara being restless many nights, those had become frequent. Sometimes at her desk, in the car, watching television, reading...and now smoking as well, apparently.
"Well, then I'll do the ironing and your only task tomorrow is to nap and think what are we cooking," Dara whined when Billie took the chores off her and she only tutted at her. "You're exhausted and hanging on weird naps because you can't sleep well, let me do the heavy parts around the house so you can have some proper rest."
"I'm not gonna break Billie Dean, I can still do stuff."
Of course I know that, silly. Billie thought when Dara said that in a half annoyed tone. 
"That's not what I'm saying and you know it," Billie tried to look at Dara in the eyes, but she turned around to let her back face Billie. "Annie."
"Annie what?" Dara mumbled that against her pillow, trying to get comfortable after turning off her night lamp, while Billie was sitting up in bed to rest her back against the headboard.
"Don't be angry," a little groan not for telling her otherwise, Billie noted. "I just want you to rest for one day, a few hours even, is that so bad?"
Billie was met with silence this time and if it wasn't because she knew by hand Dara's sleeping patterns as of now, she would've believed she fell asleep right away.
She sighed but didn't move from her position, except for her right hand that went to brush Dara's hair tenderly. As far as she knew, Dara had always been traumatized by having her hair a mere inch longer than her usual, but since they knew about the baby...well, she had been letting it grow until it was longer than Billie's. As if she was battling with her own traumas now instead of keeping on dwelling in them, going forward with her all in order to be...free of them somehow.
And that wasn't the only thing she battled and therefore made Billie think that, yes, her wife was the toughest cookie out there.
"Annie," Billie caressed her side with care, trying to spoon her from behind and getting a soft hum from her. "Dara," she snuck her arm with mastery under Dara's, who just nuzzled her back against Billie's front and laced her fingers with hers. "Dara Ann," Billie pressed her lips behind Dara's ear even more carefully. "I love you, you know that right? I love you and I care about you, I care about our baby and I don't want you to exhaust yourself just because," she felt her wife shift in her arms, slightly enough to turn her head a bit and look at her again. "I'm here to make things easier for you, I don't forget you totally can drag my ass if necessary and I absolutely don't want to make you think you can't do stuff or that I'm doing it because I think you can't," Billie took advantage of the position to lean a bit and kiss her temple. "I can iron our shirts while you play, rest or nap or just talk to me about anything in your pretty head."
Billie totally knew that the short annoyed feeling passed the second Dara pouted, her lower lip a bit more out and she stole a kiss out of habit.
"You always leave weird crooked lines in them, you're impatient as shit."
"Hey, I've been watching you iron for over five years now, you rascal," it was easy to find where Dara was the most ticklish and soon her giggles were filling the room. "How do you think I survived the four prior years to that and since I moved at twenty-five?"
"Do you want me to reply to that or…?"
She totally had to shut her pretty wife up with a deep kiss, it was fair, right?
But having Dara reciprocate more eagerly than expected, turning fully around and then pinning her in a not that swift move, made Billie feel like, yeah, her wife could be the death of her anytime and she willingly would let her. It's hard to find a position in which she's comfortable, but they managed as they had managed for the last few months.
And afterwards, when both were even more exhausted than they already were, there's no doubt that probably none of them is going to iron their clean clothes early in the morning.
However, it's all worthy because, after cleaning up, Dara is completely off to dreamland before Billie can even go back to bed with her. And let me tell you that, after many days, Billie felt herself rest hearing her snoring ever so soft with a pretty smile on her matching pretty lips. She even smiled as well, getting comfortable and letting her hand lower until she felt the back of her hand touch Dara's belly.
From the moment they were just a thought, through the whole process to actually be there where they were comfortably growing now, Billie always felt this odd pressure in her chest. Growing or lowering, it was always present to remind her she was still there, breathing and feeling. 
When the first couple of tries didn't work and then Dara finally told her about how almost fifteen years ago she had an involuntary abortion, thus that's why she reacted the way she did upon knowing Dayanara was pregnant of Benjamin and her's first child. When Dara announced this third time was the good one yet still she had a major breakdown because she was scared. When around the fifth month they had to admit her in the hospital for a few days, because things weren't going that well - and then it was a false alarm. When she herself broke her arm while filming and had a major breakdown about not feeling she was going to be good enough, not even for Dara alone.
The pressure was always there and she worked well around it, maybe because that was her own survival instinct kicking in to make her go forward. But at the end of the day, all that Billie wanted was to be able to rest and have some good things coming. 
Moving her fingers around a bit, without caressing Dara's skin, Billie felt how her tears were finally pushing their way out. If she didn't love them that much, she wouldn't be feeling all that. How could she balance all of that between the only two beings on this Earth that she truly loved that wholeheartedly and purely? 
She would find a way, of course, she always found one...but the pressure was making her anxious.
Dara moved and Billie dried her tears in case she was awake, but the only thing her wife did was to reach for Billie in her sleep and then nuzzle her head against Billie's arm with a content hum. The little interaction reminded Billie that she wasn't alone in this, that they both could figure that out together and overcome any minor possible thing since they had managed to overcome pretty big and nasty ones.
She didn't know that next morning she would wake up late just to find Dara with all their clothes perfectly ironed and very invested in her video game; she didn't know that she would prepare her surprise lasagna nor that she would have a heartfelt conversation with Danielle over coffee.
They for sure didn't know that, a month from now, exactly the morning of the thirty-first of December, Dara would wake her up because her water broke, when she wasn't supposed to until a week or so on the new year. The chaos of Dara's family around them because they were spending the end of the year in Sacramento and with Danielle and Audrey, both the future godmothers, feeling as if they were going to pass out instead of the actual mother who wasn't giving birth.
Nor that Nathaniel Howard-Lynch would become Helena Marie Howard-Lynch, a healthy baby girl born before the New Year ringed and with Billie's ticket to annoy Dara for the rest of their days under her tiny arm - even when Nathaniel actually would come a couple years later as well.
No, she didn't know any of that.
But Billie did know, in that very moment, that she would stay by Dara's side for the rest of her days, among the fields of gold she chose not to leave and with the infinite source of white light shining upon her, all of that showing in the way Dara smiled only for her to see.
And let me tell you, Billie didn't want it any other way.
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ankhashiva · 3 years
War Of Souls Chapter 16
Heya! ~Yes.It’s here.After a year of this damned writers block.And of course I’m posting it right now, freshly made and translated.I hope you’ll appreciate it!If you like my Julius Novachrono x OC fanfic, please share, like and comment, it means a lot  🥰 War Of Souls: Synopsis:  Two worlds, two sides of the same coin and an enemy wanting to destroy them. It was by wanting to protect the Earth from this enemy that she found herself projected into this other world, gravely wounded, in the Clover Kingdom. A man, whom she took for an angel, saved her life. But what she didn't know is that she should save his in turn. Because the enemy doesn’t just want these two worlds. He also resents these two people who, together, could change fate itself.This story starts a few days before Asta joining the Black Bulls. War Of Souls Chapter 16 : Nightmares and Reality - HERE CW: Angst, lots of sadness, mental torture, LOTS OF FLUFF BE WARNED OMGGGGG WHAT HAVE I DONE???
Previously It is your feelings that give you this mission. Do not reject them.
"I don’t reject them. I just intend to... lock them up if necessary."
It’s a programmed leak.
"It's not you who live with voices in the head. If I don't make this stone, madness will carry me away before."
We are you. And you are us.
"I am Katerina Bella. I am myself, I never wanted to be more."
You have no choice, neither have we.
"That’s why I’m doing this fucking rock. 'Cause I’ve never had a fucking choice."
This is not the way to go. You’re going to hurt more people than you’re going to save.
"It is not up to you to decide. I WILL TRACE MY LIFE AND SAVE JULIUS!"
My fist clenches and plunges into the workbench, breaking it in half. The cut stones roll to the ground, the pain in my knuckles is sharp, the blood beads on the broken wood. I slide down on my knees, exhausted. I put the amethyst around my neck, the cold chain contrasting with my burning skin. I feel my mana calm. I sigh, relieved. My gaze is on pink quartz, polished to perfection in a sphere the size of an orange.
"If I have to seal my heart to save the ones I love, I will do it without hesitation. No one will steal my most precious thing anymore. I will succeed where you failed, ladies. I will succeed where I failed, for lack of guts."
If I am to become... No. To become again the monstrous goddess that I was, I will. But first of all...
The Underworld is waiting for me.
Six months.
Six months since my return to Earth, to my home world.
Six months, during which my time stopped. Since Julius' death in Clover. Where Patri gave him the fatal blow, aided by William Vengeance's betrayal.
And where I was forcibly sent home, while the man I love was breathing his last breath.
It ruined my life.
I couldn’t save him, let alone say goodbye.
So I took refuge with my mother and father-in-law, temporarily moving in with them in Lorraine. I found a normal human life there, returning to work as a perfumery consultant in a large company.
I did not want to fall into a daily "metro-work-bed" but, pushed by my mother, worried very much for my mental health, I gave in after a month. I couldn’t, and I still can’t go back to Clover on my own. My powers aren’t strong enough to cross worlds. Aether is missing, there is only Eros and his wife Daphne who are thirty kilometers from my home, to visit me often and to invite me to endless drinking.
The first month of my return, I don’t really remember much of it. The only thing that resonated in my skull was the perpetual hangover that I felt when I drowned my grief in ambrosia, and the echo of Julius' sweet voice.
Drunken parties followed one after the other, my best friend Erika holding my hair when I puked my guts in the bathroom, Daphne handing me water bottles so I wouldn’t die dehydrated.
Even though dying has become a luxury for me ever since I totally became a goddess again. A goddess unable to save the man she loves.
Chronos had won.
I had lost everything.
But what everyone was unaware of, except Eros and Daphne, is that at the end of this month, I had used my pink quartz orb to enclose my emotions. All of my emotions.
All my emotions and feelings related to Julius, sealed in a crystal that I had polished and enchanted myself after my arrival in Clover.
If I had done this sooner, could I have saved him?
That’s a question I probably would never have an answer to. Monday, January 4, 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes. Look at the pictures on my phone, those of Clover. Smoking cigarettes again on cigarettes. Falling into a picture with Julius. Looking at him calmly, without emotions. Smoking a last cigarette.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces. Smell the scent of black musk and sandalwood. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this unforgettable fragrance. But not find anything. Tu-dum
Get back on the road after a moment of doubt. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Parking in the garage next to my stepdad’s car, Steve.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, fist bump with Steve. Take a shower, think about the smell after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone is ringing.
Unknown number.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep watching Steins Gate. Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces.
Feel the scent of black musk and sandalwood again. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this nostalgic fragrance. But not find anything.
Tu-dum Get back on the road after another moment of doubt. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Parking in the garage next to my stepdad’s car, Steve.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, fist bump with Steve. Take a shower, think about the scent after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone is ringing.
Unknown number, like yesterday.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep before the end of the Steins Gate season. Wednesday 13 January 2021
Open the store. Open the cash registers, launch the cashing program, receive the re-supply of the shelves. Prepare online orders. Greet co-workers who arrive one by one. Advise customers, sell them items. Take the lunch break, smoke cigarettes on cigarettes. Watch the videos on my phone, taken in Clover. Smile calmly, the heart still empty.
Perfume yourself, go back to work.
Counting the register, closing the perfumery. Walking in the city to reach the car, music in the earpieces.
For the umpteenth time, smell the scent of black musk and sandalwood. Stop walking, turn around to find the origin of this unforgettable fragrance. But find nothing, as usual. Tu-dum
Going back on the road, there is no place for doubt when madness has clearly insinuated itself in my mind. Enter the car, turn on the engine, drive home. Park in the garage, next to Steve’s car.
Go home, kiss my mom on the cheek, check in on Steve. Take a shower, think about the scent after work.
Sit on the couch, drink the aperitif with my family. Dinner, clear the table, go to my room. Being attacked by my two cats, Leo and JoJo. Let them sit on my legs, hidden under the blanket.
My phone rings, always at the same time.
The same unknown number, who never leaves a message.
Do not answer.
Put the phone in "airplane" mode. Activate my alarm clock, fall asleep in front of Steins Gate 0. Saturday 16 January 2021
Wake up without waking up. Pick up the phone, see a missed call.
It’s 10:30 in the morning.
Drinking coffee with the family. Eating an almond croissant. Take a shower, get ready, go to Luxembourg with Erika to buy alcohol and cigarettes for the evening at Eros and Daphne.
Go home to Erika, get on her 31, go to the mythical couple at 7pm sharp.
Being greeted by Daphne, always so stunning. Go into the living room, filled with familiar faces. Eros, my cousin James, Uncle Hades, my favorite cousin Persephone. Damien.
Ignore Damien.
Head for the buffet.
An appetizer for dinner.
Eat a few snacks, go to a contest of the biggest drinker with the girls.
Win the said contest.
To be completely drunk.
Smoking marijuana joints, being completely off the grid.
Isolate myself in the veranda to catch my breath. 10pm
My phone is ringing
I can’t stand it.
I pick up the phone. I’m about to scream, but a soft voice is ahead of me.
I recognize it.
"After more than a week, you finally decide to pick up your phone. It’s a long time coming."
I hold my hand before my mouth, trembling like a leaf. My knees slip away, I slide to the ground.
I feel the scent of black musk and sandalwood filling my lungs.
My heart is contracting painfully.
"Breathe... I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you, baby." The bile settles in my throat. I swallow, then I manage to articulate gently.
"I saw you die... the dead cannot call the living..."
A little silence ensues. I must hallucinate. It must be that.
"Turn around and tell me what you see."
I obey mechanically, pivoting towards the bay window.
My vision is blurring.
White, red, gold and purple.
The colorful figure approaches me.
Tears leak from my eyes, my heart contracts painfully after more than five months of hibernation.
My phone slips from my right hand and falls heavily to the ground. A warm and familiar hand rests on my cheek, the thumb caressing the beading tear on the skin. The gold becomes a golden wheat mane by the sun, the violet glitters like an amethyst in the moonlight.
The shape is defined at the same time as my breath is blown.
The face that I missed the most in this world as in the other one finally appears to me and I can no longer rationalize my thoughts, already clouded by drugs of all kinds.
But this face so soft, so strong, so familiar smiles at me.
And the only thing I can do is throw myself into his arms. "Julius..."
I repeat his name again and again, like a litany, a prayer, a vow, to anchor this moment in reality.
His embrace tightens, his right hand on my neck, the other on my waist.
Then, after long minutes sitting on the ground, I step back to look him in the eyes.
Heterocromia eyes staring at his eyes holding the galaxy, the universe, in a purple hue.
My thumb caresses his lower lip, fleshy and soft like a ripe apricot. A wave of well-being overwhelms my heart whose time had stopped. I desire only one thing, to embrace him with all my soul, with all my being.
Julius perceives this desire, his eyes glow brightly and his smile widens.
His hand takes mine, he kisses it. "It will have to wait, my Princess. You don’t belong here."
My trance breaks after he utters this strange sentence. Before my perplexed face, he continues.
"Nothing is a foregone conclusion. Not even this reality. Get out of this prison now. Get up and get out of this house. I opened a path for you."
"But... Julius..."
Julius helps me up and heads for the living room.
"Chronos holds you prisoner. Get out. Ignore the people here. They are illusions. Even I am one."
I look at him one last time, the incomprehension in me. But I obey him. I begin to run towards the crowded living room of my friends... Illusions from my friends. Damien tries to grab my arm, I get rid of his hold. Then Erika tries to hug me but I flee again. I run again, reaching the entrance. I open the door, a blinding blue light floods the darkness. I rush into it.
I'm finally breathing.
Tuesday 17 September 2019, during the night
Somewhere in the underworld
Eros felt the Aether's magic fluctuate. It had been more than two hours since the Primordial God had entered the psychic prison in which Katerina was in and he was trying to save her. And as the Primordial God of Love, Eros lent a strong hand to his favorite couple... Or at least, future favorite couple. These two have an extraordinary temporality, the labels are not enough to describe them.
The blue sphere protecting Aether disintegrated and the man landed on his feet, exhausted. Eros rushed towards him, holding him with an arm behind his back. The God of Love sat the masked God on the bench, who took off his mask in order to breathe properly. "Did the Primordial God of Time manage to get his sweet and stubborn half out of this nameless mess?" Ask Eros, already knowing the answer. His pale pink eyes stared at the tall blond, who turned his lavender eyes towards him.
"It took me a few months in that time prison, but yes, I managed to free her."
Eros laughed warmly, tapping on Aether's back. He then handed him a cup of an orange drink that the God of Time swallowed with a blow.
"After that, if Katerina doesn’t understand who you are, I will feel compelled to parade around Clover completely naked, a sign in my hand saying TAKE OFF AETHER'S MASK YOU STUPID GODDESS!" Aether, perked up by the divine drink, leaned his back against the bench, pensive.
"I have already broken some dozens of time travel laws to redirect Katerina to a less bleak future. Her making that quartz sphere was somewhere a chance and a premature act, it created a time fixed point into which I could intrude."
"But in which Chronos could also interfere, and imprison her."
Aether nodded, the features of his face pulling as he thought of Chronos.
"Right. In this life... Kat is literally freewheeling. Her actions are almost unpredictable. I only see them a few days in advance, whereas before I could predict them up to a year in advance depending on gravity. Having created this sphere months before its initial creation disrupted the course of time and of course, Chronos felt it. He took advantage of her weakness to imprison her in her sleep and change her memories. It’s a low blow." Eros replied immediately.
"A low blow that could very well add oil to the blaze that consumes Katerina. She is the Phoenix, even human, every ordeal she has undergone has drastically made her evolve. I wonder how she will react when she wakes up."
Aether scratched his chin, thinking.
"We are at a time crossroads. Knowing her character, she can very well run away for days to put her ideas in order. This time, I can’t predict exactly what his next actions will be. '
Daphne, who listened to the conversation in the distance, joined the two men, with food in hand. Eros and Aether served in the bowl of fresh fruit. "Personally, and knowing Katerina differently from you, I rather think that she will join Julius, kiss him, and then run away for a few days out of shame for having just kissed the man she loves and who she had silently promised to maintain a certain distance." Daphne said, sitting on her husband’s lap.
Eros laughs while imagining the scene.
"You should replace Apollo as an oracle, my dear Nymph." "I have already married one god, I do not intend to replace another." Retorted the interested one.
A slight smile appeared on the face of the Primordial God of Time.
Tuesday 17 September 05h
Tartarus In this part of the Underworld, imprisoning the greatest criminals and threats of the magical world, resounded a guttural cry full of hatred. The deep pit keeping the evil Titan trembled at the echoes provoked by his rage. The seal resisted the attack on his aura, alerting his jailers.
Hades appeared above Chronos' prison, an apparent mocking smile.
The God of Hell felt satisfied. Proud of his niece Rhea-Tayet, Katerina.
Proud of Aether.
The two beings capable of putting his father Titan out of his hinges.
But above all, out of harm’s way.
A small hand caressed his short snow-coloured hair. Hades turned around and saw his wife, Persephone, floating at his height. He wrapped a lock of her pink fleece on his finger.
"Soon... things will soon be better for them." Whispers Hades, hasty.
"I hope so. They deserve to be happy at last." Persephone replied, loud enough for her crystalline voice to reach Chronos.
My eyes open in a heartbeat. I am dripping with sweat, my breath is erratic. I look at my phone and realize several things.
First of all, I’m still in Clover.
Secondly, it was only a few hours between my return home, my nervous breakdown in my father’s workshop and now.
Thirdly, this vision that I had.... This mental prison.... It was so realistic that I thought it was real. My reality.
Julius was dead. Killed by the captain of the Golden Dawn, who harbored an elf soul. I had returned to Earth in the same way I had arrived here, without warning. Chronos had defeated us. I leave my bed to take a shower, disoriented and the heart bruised. Everything around me seems to me attenuated, my brain is numb. My head hurts, and the weight of my wet hair doesn’t help. It seems that I unconsciously used my magic again during my sleep, my hair reaches my buttocks.
I dry myself, put on black jogging pants and a tee-shirt of the same color, put on my grey sneakers and run out of the house, passing in front of Papa in the kitchen, drinking his coffee.
I need to see Julius.
This sentence resonates in my head over and over again as I run into the nature slowly waking up, my lungs put to the test. I take an impulse to the ground and fly in the morning sky, towards the Castle.
I scan the cloister leading to the floor where Julius' office is and my heart misses a leap. Julius
He’s here... he’s really here...
I begin my descent to the cloister he is about to leave and, in a fiery volute, touches the ground, just a few metres from him.
The tall blond smiles at me and astonishment appears before my bewildered face.
I try to catch my breath, my rib cage in full effort, moving fast. The sounds are blocked in my throat.
Julius... you’re alive. you’re really alive. My gasping calms as the eyes of the Wizard King seek an answer in mine.
My body’s not responding.
And for once, I agree with my other two inner voices.
My right leg goes forward, then the left. One step at a time.
Then, my right hand grabs the white fur collar adorning Julius' cape. The left slips on his neck.
I feel the tension in his muscles, the surprise permeating them.
Time stops around us. I stand on my toes and, without understanding what I am doing, slip my lips over his, in a sweet kiss.
He doesn't repel me, though momentarily paralyzed by stupefaction, and wraps his arms around my shoulders.
The kiss becomes urgent, I dominate the dance, desperate, in a primary need to be reassured. My embrace tightens, his lips open, allowing me silently to pursue this unexpected kiss.
Our tongues dance harmoniously together, timidly then intensely. Everything seems right. Normal. Destined.
He tastes so sweet.
The only drug I need.
Time stops around us.
But it’s back in my heart.
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bashlandrya · 3 years
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sebastian ‘bash’ landry: an updated intro !
since it has been literally like 9 months since i posted his most recent intro, here is a new updated one for anyone who has not kept up with bash’s crazy dumb life. yeet
tw drugs, alcoholism, death, violence, jail, dumbassery
let me say first he’s honestly the worst, he's nice and friendly almost to an annoying extent and it will absolutely be genuine most of the time but at times he only is because he will gain something from it. he lies a shitload but can also be extremely blunt. he’s arrogant and has way too much confidence but deep down probably hates himself. he’s selfish, he’s impulsive and he might punch you if you step on his toes at a bad time. he will make elaborate excuses instead of admitting he did something wrong but has still been in jail a few times because he said ‘yeah i did it lol’ (usually when caught red handed). he also drinks way too much but denies alcoholism and he’s barely changed mentally in over a decade. it is honestly a miracle he’s not dead. ok thanks for coming to my ted trash bash talk. i love this man.
name: sebastian damien landry
nicknames: bash (almost always), seb (but rarely), idiot (regularly)
birthday/age: march 22d, 1991 / thirty
gender/pronouns: cis-male / he, him
sexuality: sadly still a heterosexual
zodiacs: aries ☉ ; gemini ☽ ; sagittarius 🡕 
occupation: drug dealer (mostly weed, some cocaine and psychadelics).
hobbies: all types of adventures, his motorcycle, drinking, video games, music (he plays drums and does back up vocals in a not very serious local punk/rock/metal mostly cover band - more info here).
neighbourhood: downtown (apartment tour here)
length of time in crescent harbour: since summer 2009 (12 years)
place of birth: new orleans, louisiana (yes boi has a bit of an accent)
height: 6′5″ (195cm)
moral alignment: chaotic neutral.
positive traits: adventurous, kind-hearted, fun-loving, witty, spontaneous, humorous, clever, generous, protective, sweet and caring.
negative traits: troublesome, sarcastic, deceitful, somewhat arrogant, temperamental, impulsive, rebellious, loud, blunt, dishonest, sometimes aggressive and a bit selfish
tattoos: a seven of spades on his left pec (x). an arrow on his left outer forearm (x). the moon cycle on the right side of his torso (x). geometric tattoo on his right outer forearm (x). a wolf on his left shin (x). aries-inspired ram skull on his upper back (x). a fleur de lis on his left upper arm (x). a sloppy drunk tattoo his friend gave him a year after his mother’s death, on his right knee that just says ‘mom’.
scent: cigarette smoke, liquor, citrus, cologne.
Grew up just outside of New Orleans with his parents and six siblings, he’s the third (black sheep but they all love him anyway<3). His mother died suddenly when he was 18 years old and the family moved to Crescent Harbor where he repeated his Senior year in High School. 
He started getting into more trouble, arrested several times and graduated High School behind bars and then..... Continued reckless, bad behavior for the next 12 years anyway.
To some peoples’ surprise he went to College and actually has a Bachelors in Humanities. He’s dumb but not dumb.
Slept around a lot in his teens up until his first year of College when he got chlamydia and got more careful. 
Started dating the Blackwood cousin Jamie when he was 21 and they were on and off for four years, Bash going in and out of jail, until she finally left him in 2016 and moved to New York. 
Bash set out to change but didn’t succeed and kept living like he always had; going to jail a couple of times, sleeping around somewhat but with protection and disappearing out of town for weeks at a time. He once ended up staying on an island for two weeks because he got super drunk and hopped on the ferry and had no money to get back — and of course he left his phone on the mainland.
In July 2020 he reconnected with LiIy Whittaker, an old High School friend-ish. They ended up hooking up on a boat (that Bash, unknown to Lily, had stolen borrowed from her dad). 
They kept hooking up throughout the fall and in October Bash realized he had caught feelings for her and decided to tell her, only he was arrested moments after for 2d degree theft (class c felony) for stealing jewelry from the Whittaker household. He spent two weeks in jail, and found out Ian Whittaker had likely framed him, before Lily helped his sisters bail him out. 
He was proven innocent and not guilty in November and the same day Lily admitted she had feelings for him too and they started dating.
Has worked several jobs that he’s lost either because he didn’t show or because he was arrested. Between 2018 and 2020 he worked as a bouncer in a town over but was fired in November 2020 after not showing up when he was out on bail for the Whittaker case. 
After being fired he went back to dealing like he'd also done between 2015 and 2018 (that time he got out of it because his sister got him a job at the drive-in that he lost after a few months). Lily, his family, and honestly anyone who would like him not to, are not aware he deals drugs.
His mother died in the spring so during the season he drinks more and gets extra reckless and aggressive so he recently wasn’t very nice to some people........ and him and Lily are fighting a bunch at the moment.
more random shit for no reason so u can skip if u wanna lmao
Suffers with insomnia, probably because of his high alcohol consumption but also anxiety that he won’t really admit to. Went to therapy once after his mother’s death but never continued with it. 
The absolute worst at keeping track of his phone and it’s always on silent and either on low battery or just dead. It usually takes him a few days to get back to you if you text or even call. The easiest way to get a hold of him is to visit his apartment and kick on the door or wait for him to get home if he’s not there (u might have to wait a while sometimes tho....).
Has played drums since he was ten years old, starting when he found a drum set in the music room at his Elementary School. At this point he can pretty much play some songs blindfolded. He also started playing guitar at 15.
Has slightly bad eyesight but you will rarely see him in glasses, he wears contacts and usually has an extra pair with him in case he’d lose one. Which he did once when he was drunk and far away from his apartment and had to nagivate home half-blind and tipsy.
Used to skateboard a bunch but hasn’t done it much since some time in College.
Has broken a bunch of bones but most notably his nose 3 times, it’s not as straight as Casey’s.
Likes cooking and is pretty good at it. Pasta is the shit.
His motorcycle is an Indian Scout he bought in 2015 and it’s his baby. Before that he had a Suzuki VS 1400 GL Intruder from 2003 that he got in 2010 and sold to get money for the new one. He’s never owned a car butyes, he knows how to drive one.
He doesn’t dance and if he does, it’s not exactly serious.
Smokes Winston Red 100’s.
Criminal record at the bottom of this page.
Rocks a beard like seen above even though I sometimes use stubble-only gifs.
Despite his unhealthy lifestyle he manages to work out a couple of times a week and he eats.... A lot, because he knows that if he doesn’t he’ll turn into a noodle boy like he was in his teens due to his height.
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a-singleboat · 5 years
Unwanted Visitor
REQUEST:  I am having some INTENSE period cramps, like to the point of tears. I was just wondering if you could write something with damien where he's just a sweet and caring boyfriend to his gf on her period.
A/N: these are all on backlog now, and so is my brain. a big thank you to my betas though, here’s a short piece for all y’all
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If you were going to be honest, you were having a shit day. Not only had you been late to work that morning, but you had also been late because you got an unexpected visitor two minutes before you planned to leave the house that morning. Aunt Flo had decided to wreck your day before it had even begun and you were not happy about that. 
Of course, her visit meant you weren’t pregnant but it also meant you had to spend the extra time to change after you were already bundled up in your winter gear. You didn’t mind the cold weather but gosh was it a pain to get everything on and then back off after your thirty-minute commute. 
To make matters worse, on your way back from work you had reached into your bag only to realize that you had left your Midol on your desk and didn’t have the will to take the train back during rush hour. 
You got home, greeted both your cats and promptly collapsed on the couch. You essentially wriggled out of your winter wear and left everything in a heap next to the couch. Two hours later and you hadn’t moved. Freyja had made herself a bed out of your winter coat while Zelda decided that she’d lay directly on your stomach. You weren’t gonna lie, the heat was a welcome feature. The weight, however, made things a little uncomfortable. 
You managed to fall into an uncomfortable half-asleep state, barely acknowledging when the front door opened and Zelda jumping off of you to greet her dad. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Damien greeted, kicking off his shoes and hanging his coat by the door. He came over and kissed you on the forehead, noticing how your clothes were haphazardly thrown on the floor. “What’s wrong?”
You said nothing, groaning in pain and curling into a ball on your side. You went limp and decided to complain to him. “I got my period like ten minutes before I left for work and I was late this morning and then I left my Midol at work but I was already on the train back when I realized and now I’m in pain.”
He frowned and disappeared into the small kitchen, opening the microwave and throwing something relatively heavy into the appliance. You watched as he grabbed his coat, “I’m gonna head to the drug store. I’ve put your heating pad in the microwave.”
He pecked your lips and put his shoes on, “I’ll be back in ten minutes. Do you want anything other than Midol?”
You smiled at him, “What did I do to deserve a fiance like you?”
You watched as his cheeks flushed, “I’ll be back.”
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit then.”
When you heard the door shut and the cats had returned to their posts, you rolled off the couch and stumbled up. You felt a little disoriented, feeling all the blood rush up to your head after laying for such a long time. After a quick trip to the bathroom and then to your bedroom to change into your pajamas, you grabbed the heating pad from the microwave and laid back down on the couch. 
Damien came back and beelined to the kitchen. You heard the rustling of paper bags and the freezer opening and then closing again. When he came to sit next to you, you sat up to accept the drugs and water. 
You put the water on a side table and settled into Damien’s open arms. He put on a show the both of you were watching together and you sat there in silence, enjoying each other’s company. 
“I love you,” you whispered as if it were a secret only the two of you could know. You giggled a little bit, feeling like a child in love. 
“I love you more,” he whispered back, giggling as well. 
You looked up at him, at everything he didn’t like about himself and everything you loved about him. For the ten years the two of you have been together for, he’s never strayed his affections and every day you found yourself falling more and more in love with him. 
“Let’s get married,” you said, looking into his eyes. 
“We’re already getting married in a month, Y/n,” Damien smiled fondly at you. 
“That’s just the ceremony,” you frowned. “Next week, let’s go to city hall and fill out the papers and be married.” 
“Why the sudden decision?”
“I just love you so much that every time I look at you, I feel like my heart could explode. Please, we can still have a ceremony and everything. It’ll be a fun party for our friends and family, but just the thought of being able to call you my husband,” he cut you off with a kiss. 
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer, the heating pad falling to the floor as you climbed onto his lap so that you were straddling him. “I love you so much, Damien. I’ve loved you since we were eighteen, long before we both thought the same thing.”
He laughed, his arms hooked behind your back to keep you on his lap. “Are you really quoting One Direction at me?”
“I couldn’t think of anything else to say!” you defended yourself. “Besides, it’s true! That song is actually us!”
“I still remember the day in the library when you came up to me to ask me to get a book on a shelf,” Damien reminisced, a goofy smile stuck on his face. 
“I’m glad I asked you and not the librarian,” you slid off his lap and sat next to him, feet tucked under you and facing him. “Besides, she was scary. She never liked me either.”
“Imagine what would have happened if you asked anyone else but me,” Damien poked your side, making fun of you. 
“Let’s not think about the what-ifs,” you frowned and poked him back. “Because we’re here now and you can forever get things off the top shelf for me.”
“I resent that,” he stuck his tongue out. He got up and you watched as he got a bowl from said top shelf and make a bowl of ice cream. He grabbed two spoons and brought it back to the couch. 
Zelda emerged from your bedroom with her sister following and decided to join you both on the couch. Freyja wormed her way in between the two of you while Zelda opted to sit atop your lap. The TV still played softly in the background as you fell in love with the moment your small family created.
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