#darcy lewis x steve rogers x bucky barnes
grimeysociety · 9 months
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sometimes you're stressed because you're hosting your divorced parents for Christmas Eve dinner so you don't sleep and then ask an AI to generate some art at 5.30 AM
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sycamorelibrary754 · 5 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 10: MacGyver
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Summary: Wanda and Monica hurry to Rome to save the team from San Castillo's catacombs while you anxiously wait for news about Wanda and your newfound family.
Warnings: Mentions of injury, asthma, anxiety
Word Count: 8k
A/N: The latest chapter of Guardian Angel is the longest yet. Thanks to everyone who's reading! I'm excited about where the story is headed, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Guardian Angel Masterlist 
Tony slowly opened his eyes, but all he could see was darkness. The faceplate of his Iron Man helmet slid open, and he heard the dripping sound of condensation. The only indication that he was still alive.
Steve stirred next, feeling the damp air and touching the hard stone floor. He started crawling on all fours and ripped off his oxygen mask, coughing as small pebbles from the drop scraped against his skin.
“Buck, come on. There you go.” Steve tapped his friend's cheek as he started to come around. “Wow,” Barnes gasped as he looked back up at the height of the drop.
Yelena crawled towards Natasha, her face and arms stained with dirt and blood. Despite the pain in her wrist, she began moving the small pile of rubble that had buried her older sister's lower body.
“Are you okay, sestra?” Her voice was muffled under the oxygen mask, but she managed to ask.
Nat slowly sat up and let out a hiss as the pain in her right leg began to hit her. Looking down, she noticed a gash spanning the length of her lower leg, visible through her suit. Although the cut wasn't deep, it was enough to cause her discomfort.
All around them, there was an eerie silence that sent shivers down their spines. The darkness was so thick they could barely see anything beyond a few feet.
Carol quickly sprang into action, helping Peter and Kate to their feet, while Sam and Clint sputtered and coughed as they crawled out from behind a chunk of stone slab covered in a cracked fresco painting that had fallen along with them. The sound of the debris crashing against each other had been deafening, and it had taken them a few moments to get their bearings.
Thor was the last to appear, tossing rubble and rocks aside like Legos. His strength and determination were evident as he worked to clear the wreckage.
“Is everyone alright?” Steve asked the team.
A smattering of grunts and mumbles floated out of the team in response. Everyone was nursing a modicum of injuries, but somehow, all were alive.
"FRIDAY, can you give me an IR scan of the space?" Tony's voice echoed through the underground catacombs.
FRIDAY's response was unexpected. "This is not part of the previously mapped subterranean pathway, boss."
Tony's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean? Are there any air currents?"
"This catacomb is not accessible to the general public. Therefore, no air currents were constructed at this depth," FRIDAY replied.
Steve had a sudden realization, "How much oxygen is left in the masks?"
"Undeterminable, Captain,” FRIDAY said.
Panic set in as the realization hit them - they were running out of oxygen. "Maria, can you hear me?" Nat urgently called out through her comms, hoping for a response. But all she got was static. "Is comms working for anyone?" she asked, looking around for a glimmer of hope, but no one could get through. 
Not waiting for further instruction, Carol swiftly flew up the shaft. The team could hear the distant sound of energy blasts as scattered debris and water droplets fell from above. She returned shortly after, displaying an air of calm anxiety similar to Natasha's.
"We fell at least one hundred feet," Carol reported, removing her oxygen mask. "The top of the shaft narrows, and the passage is blocked by rubble from the fall."
Thor looked around in frustration, "This is ridiculous," he lamented. "I'm getting us the hell out of here," he declared as he started to spin Mjölnir.
But Bruce quickly stopped him. "No, don't you remember what Friday said before the fall?" he said, grabbing Thor's forearm. A core reactor holds the tunnel together. We have no idea what is behind the energy surges. Introducing thunder into the mix could collapse the entire catacomb."
Thor's face contorted in exasperation, "So what do we do now?" he asked, the tension rising.
“How far out are we?" Wanda inquired.
The low and gentle hum emanating from the Quinjet reverberated through the atmosphere as it soared through the endless expanse of the bright blue sky.
"Just a few minutes. Their trackers are still active, but I can't say how long they'll stay online," Monica replied, glancing down at the GPS display.
Wanda wasn't sure what to say. This was the first time she and Monica had been alone together since the events in Westview. Despite the hug they had shared on the loading dock, Wanda wasn't sure where they stood. However, she couldn't bear to dwell on what they might find when they arrived in Rome. She needed a distraction.
"So... how have you been since, well, since..." Wanda began.
"Since you trapped Westview, New Jersey in an idyllic suburban illusion of your grief and turned me into a photon," Monica finished for her, raising an eyebrow.
Wanda buried her face in her hands, feeling embarrassed. "In a manner of speaking, yes," she mumbled.
"I've been okay. After the Hex was dismantled, Fury sent for me. I was recruited into S.A.B.E.R. I've been shuttling back and forth between Earth and the space station for the last year," Monica explained.
Wanda nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions as she absorbed Monica's words. After a moment, she turned to face her. "Listen, I-"
"You don't need to say anything, Wanda. You already apologized, and I meant what I said that day. I understood how you felt, and given the circumstances and your powers, I would have tried to bring my mom back, too," Monica said, her voice filled with empathy.
Wanda nodded in recognition and gratitude, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.
"Now, I have a question for you," Monica said. "What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"Our meeting was pure luck, and now... now I can't imagine my life without Y/N. Losing Vis was a turning point in my life. The world around me crumbled, leaving me and my boys vulnerable and exposed. But I had to be strong and protect them, even if it meant building a fortress around my heart. But Y/N, she shattered the fortress the moment our eyes met. It's weird; sometimes it feels like Vision sent Y/N to me, you know? Like she's my guardian angel."
"That's amazing, Wanda. I'm so happy for you,” Monica declared.
"Approaching target landing zone. Cloaking technology initiated," FRIDAY announced.
Darcy seemed to have an unmatched familiarity with the Overwatch system—she navigated through it with precision and ease, almost as if she had designed and constructed it. You couldn't help but notice how meticulously she calibrated her equipment, making every adjustment with utmost care and attention to detail.
“What kind of data were you seeing before the fall?” Darcy asked.
“Mostly thermostats,” Maria said. “A core reactor holds together the stabilization of the tunnel structure.” 
At this point, they could have been speaking a foreign language. You were having difficulty washing off the shock of the last few hours. You were also worried about Wanda putting herself in danger to rescue everyone.
“Why were they all on this mission, anyway?” Darcy continued. “Jack Sparrow doesn't usually push all his Poker chips into the middle of the table for surveillance.” 
Maria pulled up the mission file on the screen, "In the city of Rome, there are more than sixty catacombs composed of miles of underground tunnels in which thousands of tombs are found. Currently, only 5 of them are open to the public. For the last month, we have received some unusual readings from the Catacombs of San Callisto. It spans five floors and more than 12 miles in length,”  Maria continued. “Despite our best intelligence, we were unsure about what we were walking into because it wasn't publicly accessible. Fury wanted us to be prepared for any contingency."
Darcy caught sight of your zoned-out expression. “Hey, Y/N, you okay over there?” 
“Yeah, I just,” you trailed off. “I mean, I make candy for a living. The most dangerous thing I encounter in my day is Harper forgetting to turn off the stove,” you said, starting to get worked up.”
“Y/N,” Maria said, seeing your anxiety rising. 
“I just watched the Avengers fall to God knows where, and my girlfriend just left to try and rescue them with her magical powers…. What the hell is my life?” 
“Y/N, it’s going to be okay,” Maria repeated as she and Darcy approached you.
“How can you possibly know that? This is fucking terrifying!” You shouted. “What if we never see any of them again?”
As you were spiraling into a state of panic, Darcy's hand came down hard and made contact with your cheek, jolting you back into the present moment.
“You were spiraling,” Darcy said, patting you on the back with a smile. “All good now.”
Y/N," Maria said as she placed her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes while you rubbed your cheek. "Everything will be alright. Their trackers are still sending signals, and I just received an update on everyone's vital signs. They're in distress, but they're still stable. Wanda and Monica will find them.”
After a deep breath, you said, "I'm sorry, Maria. I don't know how you guys do this every day,” wiping your hand across your face. “With Natasha down there, I don't know how you're holding it together." 
“I’ve been doing this for a long time, and if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that Nat doesn’t give up. If anything, this entire ordeal has pissed her off, and she’s even more of a fighter when she’s angry,” Maria said.
You glanced at your watch. "Shoot,” you sighed. It's almost 3 p.m. I have to go pick up Billy and Tommy from school. Please call me as soon as you know anything.” 
As you arrived at the boys' school, a sense of nervousness washed over you. You had only met Billy and Tommy once before, and you weren't quite sure what to say to them. You remembered Wanda’s request not to go into detail about the reason for her unplanned departure, so you were hesitant about how to approach the conversation.
Within just a few minutes of your arrival, the sixth-grade class began to come out of the building. It didn't take long for you to spot the twins, carrying their backpacks and books, scanning their surroundings for you.
You called out, "Boys, over here!" Billy and Tommy ran towards you.
“Hi, Y/N, how come you’re picking us up today?” Tommy asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah, where’s our mom?” Billy added, looking a bit confused.
“Your mom had to go on a last-minute mission with the rest of the team,” you said, trying not to go into too much detail. “So, she asked me to look after you boys until she gets back. Is that okay with you?”
Billy and Tommy looked at each other, seemingly communicating a message without words, and then turned back to you with a nod. You couldn't help but wonder if they had some secret twin language that only they knew. Either way, you were relieved they seemed alright with you taking care of them. 
It felt odd stepping foot in Wanda’s home without her. It was your first time there, and the absence of her presence made the atmosphere feel eerie. However, you took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling, reminding yourself to focus on Billy and Tommy.
Once settled, you asked, “Okay, so what do you guys usually do first when you get home from school?” 
Tommy and Billy stood in the kitchen, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. "Well," Tommy began tentatively, "Mom usually lets us play video games after school."
Billy nodded eagerly, adding, "And then we have ice cream. It's our favorite snack."
You couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. "I see," you said, playing along with their little routine. "And after video games and ice cream, you'll probably get started on your homework, right?"
At this, Tommy's face fell. "We don't have any homework," he admitted sheepishly.
You chuckled, leaning back against the counter. "Listen, boys," you said, adopting a more earnest tone. I know we don't know each other very well yet, and you're probably thinking this is a free-for-all. But you should know I invented the 'I don't have any homework' line," you said, placing your hand on your chest. "I was a kid once, too, you know."
“It was worth a shot,” Billy said. 
Why don't you two bring your homework out here, and I’ll fix us a snack in the meantime?” You suggested. 
“Okay,” they said in unison before clambering down the hall. 
You shook your head at their cheekiness and set about preparing a snack. You sliced up some crisp apples, added a dollop of creamy peanut butter, and poured some refreshing lemonade.
After spending some time helping the boys with their homework, which turned out to be more challenging than you remembered, you decided to tidy up around the house. As you walked into the living room, your attention was immediately drawn to the family photo on the wall. Vision stood tall and robust, with Wanda's arm around him, while Billy and Tommy grinned from ear to ear. The image was a gentle reminder of her life before you. Rather than jealousy, you felt a deep empathy and sorrow for all the hardships and heartbreaks she had endured.
You couldn't help but wonder if Wanda was okay right now. If they were all okay.
As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a soft glow began to spread across the ancient cobblestones of the Appian Way. The air was still and quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant chirping of birds. The surrounding landscape was bathed in a golden light, casting long shadows stretching across the fields and trees. Amidst this stillness, the Quinjet lay concealed in a nearby field. Wanda and Monica walked down the cobblestone path and made their way through the Arch of Dursus, their footsteps echoing in the quietness of the night. The entrance of the San Callisto catacombs suddenly materialized, rising from the ground like an ominous apparition.
The iron gate had been meticulously re-welded shut—Tony’s standard attempt at not drawing suspicion after they entered. Wanda’s hand began to swirl in red. 
“I got it,” Monica said, breaking the lock with electrifying blue energy. 
The two women donned oxygen masks and walked down the stone stairs into the catacombs, their communications and body cameras crackling to life. 
As they descended the steps, their feet moved steadily, one after the other. The count of each step eluded them as they were fully immersed in descending. As they reached the end of the stairs, the first of the tombs revealed itself, emerging from the darkness before them. 
Do you feel anything?” Monica asked, “Anyone?” 
Wanda shook her head, “Not yet.”
“We’re looking at 90 acres of catacombs to search, ladies,” Maria said over the comms.
“So, you know, it may take a minute,” Darcy added. 
Yelena frustratingly turned to Tony, "Can't you fly us out of here? I thought Iron Man could do anything?"
Tony snapped, "Oh gee, I hadn't thought of that blondie. Thank God you finally mentioned it after five hours!"
Natasha intervened, "Take it down a notch, Tony."
Tony sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Don't you think if I could have flown us out of here, I would have done it by now? The energy surges compromised the calibration of the thrusters. FRIDAY is down, too.”
Sam nodded in agreement, "Same here. It's a complete multisystem failure."
Suddenly, Kate's voice echoed off the stone, "Help!!"
Peter dropped from the wall onto the floor, webbing still hanging loosely from the rocks. "I couldn't find any other openings."
Bucky added with a hint of sarcasm, "Terrific. Well, Steve, we died once; looks like it's going to stick this time," he lamented, as he pulled a small flask from inside his leather jacket and removed his oxygen mask.
“Bucky, stop,” Steve sighed.
Clint chimed in, "Hey, give me some of that," as he took a swig out of the flask. 
The archer passed the flask to Thor, who reluctantly sipped,” Your human alcohol is so weak.” 
Natasha stood and hobbled over to Bruce, the cut on her leg now causing her more significant discomfort. 
“Do you want me to look at your leg?” Bruce cautiously asked.
“No,” Nat said, ripping off her oxygen mask. “I want you to get your green ass off that rock and go MacGyver something with Stark to get us the fuck out of here!”
“What’s a MacGyver?” Peter asked.
“It's not a what, it's a who,” Kate responded. 
“I've never heard of him,” Peter continued. 
“MacGyver is amazing!" exclaimed Kate, her excitement bubbling over. "He’s a super resourceful secret agent who uses his vast scientific knowledge to escape dangerous situations. He uses everyday items like matchsticks, paper clips, and rubber bands to complete his missions.”
Nat's voice echoed through the cramped quarters as she shouted, "Knock it off!" The two young Avengers quieted down immediately, their eyes fixed on her. 
Steve took a deep breath and scanned the room, his eyes settling on each of his teammates in turn. "Look," he said, getting everyone's attention. "We don't know how long Wanda and Maria will take to find us, but we must assume they're close. That means we need to stay calm and do everything we can to conserve oxygen in this tiny space and our masks. We don't know what will happen next, but we're in this together, and we're going to make it through."
It had been an hour since the boys had gone to bed. Now that you were finally alone with your thoughts, you couldn't hold back the tears. Your mind was consumed with worry and fear, and you had not received any updates from Maria and Darcy. The silence was deafening, and the longer it persisted, the more scared and anxious you became.
You gazed at your phone, considering calling them, but decided against it. Instead, you wiped your eyes and scrolled through your camera roll, looking at pictures of you and Wanda that reminded youof your favorite memories together.
You suddenly felt like someone was watching you. You looked up and saw Billy poking his head around the corner.
"Hey, Billy. You okay?" you asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Are you?" the young boy asked in return, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your thoughts are really loud."
It took you a moment to realize what he meant, but then it hit you. Of course, like his mom, Billy could hear other people's thoughts. You wondered how often he had to deal with that and how overwhelming it must be.
"I'm sorry, Billy," you said, trying to keep your thoughts in check. "I didn't mean to be so loud."
"It's okay," he said with a shrug as he joined you on the couch. "I'm used to it.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to say next. Then, you remembered why you were there in the first place.
"I'm just excited for your mom to come home," you said, trying to inject some positivity into the conversation.
"Same," he said, his face lighting up a little. He scooted closer to you on the couch. It was a small gesture, but it made you feel like maybe you were doing something right.
"You and Tommy love your mom a lot, don't you?" you asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, she's amazing. She's always there for us," he explained with a smile.
"I can tell," you said, pulling a soft blanket off the back of the couch and placing it over Billy. "She talks about you and Tommy all the time. She's so proud of both of you."
"Really? What does she say?" Billy asked curiously, his eyes widening with interest.
"Well," you began, "she says you're both brilliant, funny, and sweet young men. She admires your sense of humor and your kindness towards others. Tommy is a great athlete, and you like to draw. She thinks you're a very talented artist."
"Mom told you that?" he said, surprised. "I didn't know she talked about us so much."
"Yes, she does. She loves you two very much," you replied, smiling at him warmly.
You followed Billy’s eyes as he stared at the family photograph you admired earlier. "I miss Dad," he said. "Tommy does, too."
"I know you do," you replied. “I’m sorry.” 
"We were happy in Westview," Billy said, fidgeting with his hands just like Wanda. "Then, one day, we woke up, and Dad was gone and Mom said we had to go."
"That must have been difficult," you said softly.
"Yeah, at first it was tough," Billy continued, "but then we came here. Mom got Uncle Tony to build us this cool house, and we have a lot of fun.”
You couldn't help but smile as he talked about Wanda. "Your mom is the coolest person I know," you said, and Billy beamed with pride.
"You miss her too, don't you?" he asked, and you felt a pang of longing in your heart.
"You're good, kid," you said with a smirk as you ruffled his hair. "Yes, I miss your mom very much."
“She talks about you too, you know,” Billy mentioned.
Your surprise showed on your face. "Really?" you asked.
"Yeah," he said matter-of-factly. "She says you make her happy, and you make the best chocolate in the world."
You giggled at the compliment, but then you noticed the time. It was almost 2 a.m. "I think we both could use some shut-eye, Billy. We want to be well-rested when your mom gets home."
"Okay," he agreed, climbing off the couch.
But before he left, you had an idea. "Hey, what do you say you and I and Tommy make brownies tomorrow as a treat for everyone when they get home?"
Billy's eyes lit up. "That would be awesome!"
"I think so, too," you said with a smile. "Okay, now, bedtime. Off you go."
Unexpectedly, the young boy hugged you goodnight, and you felt a warmth in your heart. "Thank you, Y/N. Goodnight," he said.
"Goodnight, Billy," you said.
Meanwhile, half a world away, Wanda and Monica ventured through the dark and musty catacombs. The eerie silence was only broken by the echo of their footsteps. They had been walking for hours with no sign of anyone. Suddenly, Maria's voice broke through their comms, sending chills down their spine.
“Our last point of contact was down this secondary tunnel just ahead,” she said.
Wanda's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. "Watch your step," she warned. "If this is near where they dropped, we're on unstable ground."
As they continued, the walls around them became adorned with ancient symbols and paintings, marking Papal tombs. But their peaceful exploration was abruptly interrupted when Monica came to a sudden halt. "Stop," she said, sensing a change in the electromagnetic spectrum. 
Wanda spun around to face her. "What is it?" She asked, her anxiety rising.
Before Monica could answer, the ground began to shake violently, throwing both women to the ground.
As the ceiling crumbled, debris rained down onthe two women. Acting quickly, Wanda summoned her powers to redirect the falling fragments away from them.
“Are you two okay?” Maria asked nervously.
“Yeah, we're okay,” Wanda said as she helped Monica to her feet. “What was that?” 
Take a look around," Darcy pointed out. "Do you see those fissures along the walls? Someone is utilizing the catacombs as a natural storage space for geothermal energy. But there is something wrong with the core reactor. It's causing the structure to become destabilized.
Monica's voice trailed off as she tried to put her thoughts into words. "So, in other words, we're..." she hesitated, unsure.
Darcy picked up on Monica's hesitation and completed her thought. "Walking on eggshells. You need to find them, and soon.”
Clint, feeling a tad bit drunk from sipping from Bucky’s flask for the last few hours, began singing to himself, “Nobody knows the troubles I've seen.” 
“No, we need to find some physical conductor for the thrusters! We can't use Thor or Danvers down here,” Bruce exasperated.
Clint, not paying attention to the conversation, continued his solo performance, “Nobody knows my sorrows.” 
Tony suggested, “We could use Barnes’s arm,” side-eying the super soldier sitting against the wall. 
Bruce momentarily thought about it and responded, “That could work. We could use the vibranium and cybernetic implant to hot wire the thrusters”.
“Nobody knows the troubles I've seen,” Clint shamelessly continued. 
Bucky, who had been quietly listening, pulled down his oxygen mask so that only his eyes were visible and said, “Come try to take it; I dare you.”
“No one at all!” Clint finally finished singing. Natasha gently coaxed her best friend back into a sitting position beside her and Carol.
Nearby, Yelena, Peter, and Kate sat on the ground. Kate’s head rested in Yelena’s lap, doing her best to clean the cut on the young archer’s forehead. 
"Ouch!" exclaimed Kate, her voice muffled by the oxygen mask.
Yelena had attended to Nat's leg gash and now turned to the cut on Kate's forehead. She took out a disinfectant wipe from her vest pocket and dabbed the wound gently.
“Stop moving, and it won't hurt so much, Kate Bishop,” Yelena said, trying to hold her still. 
Suddenly, the sound of Peter wheezing broke the blonde's concentration away from Kate's forehead.
"Woah, are you okay, spider?" Her voice was filled with concern as the boy tore off his oxygen mask.
Peter gasped between every word and said, "I don't know, I can't,” he sputtered. “Catch my breath."
Kate sat up nervously, "Hey, what's happening? Where is your inhaler, Peter?"
Peter's voice strained, and his breaths became shorter as he said, "On the jet."
Bruce took charge of the situation, moving Peter into a sitting position against the wall. He placed an ear to his chest and frowned at the raspy, short breaths.
"Peter, look at me," Bruce said gently as he held the boy's face. "Are you certain that you don't have a rescue inhaler with you?"
He shook his head, his eyes filled with fear as each breath became more labored.
Tony quickly turned to Steve and said, "Help me out of the suit."
Steve was confused and asked, "What?"
"FRIDAY is down. I need you to get it off me, do it!" Tony's voice exclaimed anxiously.
Steve found the central seam of the Iron Man suit and tried to pull the chest plate apart, but it wouldn't budge.
"Buck, Thor, help me!" Steve shouted.
The sound of Peter's shallow breaths was drowned out by the metal bending as Bucky and Thor worked to free Tony from his suit.
"It's going to be okay, Peter. Stay with us," Sam said, as he and Carol did their best to keep him calm.
Peter's vision began to blur as his breathing was reduced to a squeak.
"Shit!" Bruce exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation.
Tony quickly stepped out of the broken pieces of his suit just as Peter was about to lose consciousness. He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a rescue inhaler. He shook it several times before removing the cap as Nat lowered Peter’s head into her lap. Tony tilted the puffer slightly, angling it down his throat as he gave two puffs into his mouth. 
"Slowly breathe in, kid," Tony instructed. "One, two, three, four, five."
Tony administered two more puffs of the inhaler before Bruce listened to Peter's chest and confirmed his breathing had improved.
"Thank you, Mr. Stark," Peter whispered as his lungs began to open up. "Where did you get that inhaler?"
From Aunt Mae. It was one of her conditions for you to join the team. I always have it on me," Tony explained.
"You broke your suit," Peter realized.
"It's an easy fix, kid. You're not," Tony smirked.
Peter continued to use the inhaler as Tony kissed his forehead and walked away, his hands trembling.
Kate and Yelena comforted Peter while Bruce examined him.
"You're okay, Peter," Bruce said. "Continue using the inhaler, and when you feel up to it, put your oxygen mask back on." He picked up Peter’s mask, but his eyes widened with anxiety. The gauge was empty, and the light had turned red.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"The mask is out of oxygen," Bruce whispered.
"I'll give you mine," Carol offered, taking off her mask and giving it to Peter.
"Thanks, Carol," Peter said as he continued to use the inhaler.
Steve pulled Bruce to one side. “Be honest with me, Bruce. How much time do we have left?”
"It's hard to say. With Peter's preexisting medical condition, he may have been using more oxygen than the rest of us. I'll check the other masks, but with so many people in this small space—”
“Bruce,” Steve said solemnly. 
“An hour. Maybe,” Banner conceded.
Instantly, an avalanche of disordered thoughts rushed into Wanda's mind, emanating from Peter. The intensity of his anxiety was so profound that Wanda had to cling to the wall of the tunnel to steady herself. Overwhelmed with relief and anguish, she burst into tears. It was as if Peter's distress was contagious, and his emotions threatened to engulf Wanda's consciousness. His mind was a chaotic maze of thoughts, all leading to the same inescapable conclusion: they were all going to die.
Monica's voice interrupted her thoughts, "Wanda, what is it?"
Wanda had to grab the side of the wall for support. "Peter. I can feel him; he's close."
It was as if Peter’s thoughts broke the dam, and one by one, the desperation and fear of her teammates came through. But soon, it was replaced with something else entirely: acceptance. They seemed resigned to their fate, and Wanda couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.
“This way,” Wanda said as the two women doubled back. 
A dark tunnel forced the two women to duck as they crawled through it. As they forced their way through the ancient passage, they were relieved when it opened into a larger space—rubble scattered everywhere and the feeling of uneven ground underneath their feet. 
Maria's voice echoed through the comms, "What do see?" 
Monica took a deep breath and replied, "It's much cooler in here." The air around them was refreshing, starkly contrasting the humid air in the rest of the catacomb.
Wanda knelt and placed her hand on the ground, feeling the dampness seeping through her fingers. "The ground is damp, too," she added.
Darcy's ears perked up at their report, and her eyes widened. “This is it! If the water sinks into the ground, it's coming out somewhere.” 
Monica took notice of the uneven gravel. “Don’t move,” she said as she phased through the ground, leaving Wanda alone with the team’s thoughts in her head. 
Bruce, true to his word, carefully examined all the oxygen in the ten remaining masks. Unfortunately, five more had depleted, leaving the group with only five masks to share. They sat in a circle and passed the masks around, agreeing on five-minute turns, but the adults made sure Yelena, Kate, and Peter had the masks on for a bit longer without saying anything.
As they breathed heavily and coughed occasionally, it became apparent that the air was running out. Suddenly, a low rumbling sound made everyone scramble to the walls. Yelena instinctively reached out for Natasha, who was struggling to stand on what was now most likely an infected cut in her leg.
"Cover your head!" Steve shouted, not sure if it was another energy surge or if the catacombs were finally caving in.
Suddenly, Monica dropped through the stone ceiling and landed on Carol, causing her to grunt in pain. Monica quickly stood up, dusting herself off and helping Carol to her feet. 
Kate screamed in relief, "Oh my God, it's Monica!!" and hugged her. Yelena tried to pry Kate off Monica while everyone else watched in surprise.
"You found us," Carol said, hugging her next.
"Actually, Wanda found you,” Monica said as she held Carol. “She heard Peter's thoughts," turning to the young Avenger.
"Thank you for having asthma, you wonderful little arachnid!" Clint said, kissing Peter on the cheek.
"Umm, you're welcome," Peter replied.
"Wanda is here?" Steve asked.
"I knew she could do it," Natasha said under her breath, recalling the day Wanda returned to the compound.
"Wanda," Monica said, pressing her comms closer to her ear. "You were right, they're down here."
"Are they alright?" Wanda asked, her voice a mix of anxiety and relief.
"More or less," Monica responded, looking around at the sweaty, exhausted, and dirt-covered group. "When I give the word, you do your thing."
"Got it," Wanda replied.
"Everyone move away from the center," she instructed. 
After ensuring that everyone was safe, she issued the command, "Alright, Wanda. Now.”
The redhead stood still, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Her hands and eyes began to emit a bright red glow, almost like they were on fire. As she closed her eyes, your words echoed in her mind.
“The magic that courses through you is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
She focused her energy and channeled her magic to lift the endless amount of heavy rubble that blocked the narrow shaft. As she lifted the debris, the sound of rocks and debris tumbling down from above echoed through the small space. The team looked up as they saw a faint ray of light piercing through the small opening over a hundred feet above them. 
Wanda's heart pounded as she floated down, eager to reunite with her family. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Natasha enveloped her in a warm embrace. "No arm tied behind your back anymore," she whispered, her words full of relief. 
Tears filled Wanda's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. Then, Tony stepped forward and hugged her tightly. "I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you, Red," he said, his voice filled with genuine joy.
"Same here, Tony," Wanda replied, a smile spreading across her face.
But their reunion was cut short by Maria's voice crackling over the comms. "You can all exchange pleasantries on the way home; time to rejoin the above-ground dwellers," she said briskly.
Wanda quickly wiped away her tears and, with a wave of her hand, conjured a ladder leading out of the shaft. 
After Wanda and Monica checked the stability of the ladder, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Thor, and Carol led the way up. Monica offered her assistance to anyone who needed it. 
"Does anyone need a lift?" Monica asked, glancing around at the group.
Tony immediately pointed to Peter, who quickly protested, "What? No, not necessary, Mr. Stark. I'm fine."
However, Tony was quick to dismiss Peter's objections. "Nice try, kid. Your asthma almost killed you. Let the Photon carry you. That's an order," he said, picking up the broken chest plate of his suit and ascending the ladder.
Peter reluctantly acquiesced. "Fine," he grumbled, "but no one tells MJ.”
Monica picked Peter up bridal-style and flew up the shaft, ensuring that he made it to the top safely.
Natasha leaned on Yelena and Kate for support as she hobbled toward the ladder.
"May I offer you a lift?" Wanda asked with a smirk, knowing that Nat would be hesitant to accept help from anyone.
"Do I look like Peter?" Nat replied sarcastically, trying to shrug off the offer.
Wanda's smirk turned into a concerned expression as she noticed the pain she was in. "No, but your leg looks pretty bad, and I have someone on the line who wants to speak with you," she explained, handing Nat her comms earpiece.
Nat begrudgingly grabbed it, knowing precisely who would be on the other end. She put it on and said, "Hi, Maria.”
Maria's voice echoed through the earpiece. "Natalia Alianovna Romanoff! I can see your leg on their body cameras. Let Wanda help you, or I swear to God, you are sleeping on the couch until it heals," she shouted in a stern tone. 
Natasha let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that Maria was right. She reluctantly handed her earpiece back to Wanda and nodded in agreement.
"Have a nice conversation, did you?" Wanda teased, noticing the annoyed expression on Natasha's face.
"Shut up, and get me out of here," the Black Widow grumbled.
"Good choice," the redhead said with a smile as she used her magic to lift Natasha out of the shaft. She then turned her attention to Yelena and Kate and gestured for them to follow. "After you."
The last one to leave, Steve smiled broadly at Wanda, his dirt and blood-covered face unable to conceal his immense pride in her.
“Are you going to give me some big hero speech, Cap?” Wanda asked, half-joking.
"Maybe later," Steve replied with a sigh. "But for now, all I want to do is this." He wrapped his arms around Wanda, pulling her close. "Welcome back, Wanda," he said, his voice filled with warmth.
Night had descended upon Rome by the time the team finally boarded the Quinjet. Monica took control of the jet and put it on autopilot, allowing her and Wanda to attend to everyone's injuries. The mood was somber as they tended to the team.
"No more underground missions!" Sam declared loudly, wincing in pain as Wanda wrapped his shoulder. "I mean it. If we need to go underground, Fury can send in the incredible shrinking Scott or use Red Wing. I was chasing ghosts down there, and we still don't know what the hell was going on."
Monica tried to reassure him. "You were probably just hallucinating from a lack of oxygen," she said.
Ha! Probably!" Sam responded, his tone skeptical. "See, that's not exactly comforting. Steve, I need you to make sure this is included in the mission report. We can't afford to overlook any potential threats."
Looking around at the team, Steve agreed with Sam. "I think we could all use some rest first though," he suggested. "We can reconvene in the morning and go over everything in more detail.”
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing on the coffee table. You had decided to sleep on the couch after Billy went back to bed, in case either of the boys woke up again. As you picked up the phone and saw Maria's name on the screen, your heart skipped a beat.
Anxious and nervous, you answered the call, "Maria? Have you heard anything?”
Maria's response brought tears to your eyes, "They're all safe. A bit bruised and battered, but alive. ETA is about 2 hours."
Relieved and grateful, you could feel a weight lifted off your chest. "Oh, thank God… and Wanda?"
"She was amazing, Y/N. You would’ve been so proud," Maria's voice was filled with admiration.
You couldn't help the tears that fell down your cheeks. You asked, "So, what happens now?" while looking around the corner to make sure Billy and Tommy were still asleep.
"Well, they'll have a short debrief when they get back and presumably a visit to the med bay. But I know Wanda will want to see you and the boys ASAP," Maria explained.
You nodded, even though she couldn't see you, "Okay," you said while running your hand through your hair and looking at the clock. "We'll be there."
"Good, see you in a bit, Y/N," Maria said.
"Bye, Maria," you replied before hanging up the phone. 
As you were putting the couch back together, Billy and Tommy, still in their pajamas, walked into the kitchen. You greeted them with a warm smile and said, "Good morning, boys! I have some good news for you - your mom is on her way home."
Tommy's face lit up with delight as he exclaimed, "Yes!"
Billy looked at you with curiosity and asked, "When will she be here?"
You checked your watch and replied, "In a couple of hours. I was thinking we could all meet her at the compound. What do you think?"
Both boys nodded eagerly, thrilled at the prospect of seeing their mother again.
Then, you added, "Cool! So, I was thinking, would you like to help me make some brownies to bring as a welcome-home treat for everyone? It's a very special recipe from The Candy Bar."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for their response. The boys looked at each other, then back at you, with wide grins on their faces. "Yes, please!" they exclaimed in unison.
As you stepped into the kitchen, you were struck by the state-of-the-art sound system that Tony had built into the house. You paired your phone with it and turned on your “Baking playlist” to set the mood for your baking session. Billy and Tommy sat at the kitchen island, eagerly awaiting their tasks. You laid out all the ingredients for your fudgy chocolate brownies on the sleek granite countertop, admiring how they gleamed under the overhead lights.
“Okay,” you said, clapping your hands together. “Tommy, you mix the dry ingredients, and Billy, you mix the wet ingredients.”
You couldn't help but grin as the boys rolled up their sleeves and got to work, their eyes fixed on the recipe book as they measured each ingredient with utmost care.
While the brownies were baking to perfection, you whipped up a decadent chocolate frosting that would add an extra layer of sweetness to the treat. The smooth, velvety texture of the frosting was the perfect complement to the chewy, chocolatey goodness of the brownies.
Once you finished frosting the brownies and placing them in the refrigerator, you checked the clock and said, "Okay, why don't you guys get showered and dressed? You want to look your best for your mom."
In perfect unison, they responded, "Okay." That's when Tommy suddenly zipped away and returned in a split second, ready to go. 
"Whoa! That was fast," you said, impressed.
"I know, right? I have super speed, just like our Uncle Pietro!" Tommy proudly announced.
"Ah, your mom has told me a bit about him," you replied, nodding in understanding.
"Well, that's why I'm so awesome at sports!" Tommy exclaimed with a huge grin.
"Actually, that's not true," Billy interjected. "Mom doesn't want him to use his powers while playing."
"Ugh, don't listen to him. Sometimes I use them when she isn't looking," Tommy said, a mischievous look creeping across his face.
"What?! I'm going to tell Mom!" Billy shouted, looking outraged.
"You will not!" Tommy said, pushing his brother playfully.
"Hey, hey, hey!" You stepped between them, breaking up their squabble. "Billy, you can go get ready, and Tommy, how about you help me pack the brownies?"
"Fine," Billy grumbled.
"Okay," Tommy said with a nod.
As you entered the compound, you were informed that the team had already finished their debriefing and were receiving post-mission examinations and oxygen treatments in the med bay, as per Fury's orders. You and the boys patiently waited outside the medical facility, observing as doctors and nurses went in and out.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally caught a glimpse of Wanda. The sight of her filled you with joy, and you couldn't help but smile. Wanda was scanning the room before her eyes landed on you and the boys. The twins' excitement was palpable as they ran towards Wanda with unbridled enthusiasm.
Wanda hugged Billy and Tommy tightly, kissing the tops of their heads. You hung back, holding the Tupperware full of brownies, not wanting to impose on their family reunion. 
“I missed you boys so much!” Wanda said, kneeling to hug them.
“We missed you too,” Tommy replied.
“Yeah,” Billy agreed, “but we had a great time with Y/N. She's so much fun, and we made brownies for everyone, see?” pointing back at you. 
Wanda glanced back at you, and her eyes lit up with joy upon seeing you standing there. “Hello, my love. I missed you too," she said, pulling you into a warm embrace, and giving you a soft kiss on the lips, which made you blush.
“You brought everyone home,” you said, repeating the words you spoke to her before she left. “I knew you could do it,” you said, as you both tried to hold back tears in the middle of the med bay. 
Lost in the moment, Tony's voice brought you back to reality. "Aww! Look at the lovebirds," he exclaimed. You saw Stark walking towards you, holding Pepper’s and Morgan’s hands. He looked a bit worse for wear than the last time you saw him, with a limp, butterfly stitches above his eyebrow, and a cut on his cheek.
You hugged all three of them. "Mmmm, what do we have here?" Tony asked. "Very nice! I don't remember you making brownies for me when I came home from a mission,” turning to his wife.
Pepper shot back, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little busy running your entire company. If you want brownies, make them yourself."
Natasha appeared next, being pushed in a wheelchair by Maria, followed by Yelena and Kate. Natasha's lower right leg was heavily bandaged, "Oh, Nat, are you okay?" you asked.
"I'm fine," she said, reassuringly smiling as you leaned down to embrace her. "This is all just precautionary."
Maria chimed in, "Right, that’s why Dr. Cho also gave us precautionary antibiotics," doing air quotes, and you couldn't help but laugh at her comment.
"My sister has always been stubborn," Yelena said as she and Kate joined the group. The blonde adjusted the brace on her wrist before hugging you and grabbing two brownies.
"Yeah, you should have seen her down there," Kate added. "It was like the Black Widow on steroids," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around you.
"What was that, Bishop?" Nat asked, giving Kate a suspicious look.
"Nothing," Kate responded nervously. "Would you like a brownie?"
"Mmhm, that's what I thought you said," Nat smirked as she took the brownie.
You joined the team for dinner but retired early to your room, wanting to give the group some space to decompress after a traumatic mission. While resting on your bed, a knock on your door caught your attention, and Wanda poked her head inside. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Were you sleeping?” she asked.
“No, just resting my eyes,” you replied as you sat up with a yawn. 
Wanda joined you on the bed, giggling. “Yeah, that's how I usually feel at the end of the day with the boys, too.”
You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her cheek. “The boys were great. It was nice to spend more time with them.”
“They feel the same way, love. To quote them, Y/N is super cool,” Wanda smirked.
“Super cool. I should put that on my business card,” you joked.
“Seriously, Y/N. Thank you. I know two 11-year-old boys are a handful, and I put you in a challenging position, but it means so much to me that I can trust you.”
As soon as the word "trust" was uttered, memories of your parents' dubious actions over the remains of Sokovia and your conversation with Tony flooded your mind. The weight of the past seemed to take its toll on you, and your anxiety was on full display, which the redhead must have picked up on.
Wanda glanced at you with concern etched on her face. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice laced with tenderness and care.
You tried your best to put on a reassuring smile and push the nagging thoughts out of your mind. "I am now that you're home," you replied softly.
Taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @bibliophilicbi @darkstar225
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itsagentromanoff · 5 months
Tony: Darcy. Look, it’s got to be Darcy, the girl in the red skirt. I definitely stuck my tongue down her throat.
Carol: That was me.
Tony: Look, when I’ve been drinking, sometimes I tend to get overly friendly, and I’m sorry.
Natasha: That’s okay.
Steve: That’s all right.
Bucky: That’s okay.
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cherrybright · 26 days
Chapters: 37/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Thor (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, Darcy Lewis & Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis & Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis & Peter Parker Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Alpine (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Mentioned Tony Stark, Mentioned Steve Rogers, Mentioned Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Spoilers, Fluff, New York City, Meet-Cute, Angst, Captain America Sam Wilson Summary:
Bucky and Darcy went through a lot. They've lost a lot. Actually, they've lost so much they're not sure how they can move forward anymore. Maybe meeting each other could do that. Maybe meeting each other could change everything for them. But are they ready for it?
And what about their friends ?
This story is about the second chances our heroes are trying to make happen for themselves.
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sadbi-hours · 1 year
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Title: A Day in The Life
Pairing: Steve Rogers/ Darcy Lewis/ Bucky Barnes
Rating: SFW
A/N: The summary of this moodboard is a little short and sweet, but it's been a while since I've done this. I'm rusty, but to be fair, the idea for this was simple. So I tried to stay that way as well.
Image Credits: Banner made by me with the help of PicsArt and Google Images
Created For:
@darcylewisbingohq: #27 of The Weekly Challenge: Bookish Week- Bookstore
@anyfandomaubingo: I4- Neighbor AU
@fandombingo: G1- Neighbor AU
@multifandom-flash: Card 4021- N1- Free Space
@ultimatechrisbingo: B1- Old Flame
@sebastianstanbingo: N3- Free Space
@cabottombingo: O2- Circus/Fair
@thebo3bingo: O5- Spending the day together
@marvelrarepairbingo: N3- Free Space
It was Jane's bright idea to use their small town's local fair to promote their recently opened bookstore. Free publicity and a nice summer day spent having fun, what could possibly go wrong?
Darcy. Darcy is what could possibly go wrong. It seems that Darcy's life has become a tangled mess...
And it could all come to a head?
It's her fledging relationship with her mysterious neighbor, Bucky... and the homecoming of her childhood sweetheart, Steve who came back with a foster daughter in tow--that makes her realize life has woven a complicated web for her to navigate.
But maybe a wonderful day spent riding the Ferris wheel, eating cotton candy and bonding with two amazing men and a young girl can make Darcy realize that life can sometimes be messy...but the universe always has a way of working it all out for the best.
12 notes · View notes
What Souls Are Made Of (Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Soulmate AU)
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A/N: Not betta’d, not proof read. 
Soulmate Identifying Marks: the first words your soulmate speaks to you are tattooed on your skin. 
Darcy frequented coffee shops almost every day. She always ordered an iced coffee, no matter the weather. In the 100 degree New Mexico heat or in the middle of a New York blizzard, never did she order a hot coffee. The reason for this quirk of hers? She didn’t want to scald her soulmate when she inevitably spilt coffee on them.  Her soulmark, black script under her left clavicle, written with a penmanship that Darcy was awed over were the words “It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” She wasn’t one hundred percent sure that she’d meet her soulmate at a coffee shop, but that was the only logical explanation for how Darcy would ruin someone’s outfit, so she kept her fingers crossed and set aside an astronomical coffee allowance each month. When Darcy moved into the tower, Jane always teased her for bothering to walk the six blocks to the nearest coffee shop when Avengers Tower had it’s own coffee place only a few floors below them. She just always stuck out her tongue out at her best friend/boss on the way out the door.  
Bucky didn’t have a soulmate back in the 40s. He was a blank, just like Steve, it was one of the reasons he and the punk bonded the way they did; they only had each other.  Throughout his time as The Asset, he couldn’t remember ever realizing he had a mark. When your brain is being frozen and thawed over and over, memories turn into a haze of confusion. When he finally had come back to himself, falling from the Triskelion he filed it away for later, not wanting to think about the fact that he had a soulmate. Finally when his running was over, when he had obliterated every hidden Hydra base he had memory of, he found a safe house in the middle of nowhere and tried to put the pieces of his soul back together. His soulmark scared him, it rocked him to his core. Their placement wasn’t lost on him, words scrawled down his right forearm, his dominant hand, the hand he always shot with “You’re covered in blood”. He was terrified that somehow Hydra would find him, turn him back into their weapon, that the Soldier would meet his mate first, and he had no doubt of what the Soldier would do. Their inky black letters were the only reassurance Bucky had that he hadn’t already met them. That his soulmate was out there somewhere, alive and well. He prayed to a god he didn’t believe in, hoping he’d never meet them. 
Bucky hated going to his therapy sessions, he hated having to go meet with a government appointed shrink who he knew was more worried about cataloging every detail about his time with Hydra than they were helping him heal. But it was a requirement of his freedom, that he meet with a shrink once a month, to prove he was making progress, that he was no longer the monster he once was. He scoffed sardonically at the thought, he knew better. He would always be the monster they made him, it was always lurking in the back of his mind, waiting. But he pretended, he put on the black suit in his closet, showed up and told them what they wanted to hear, that he was cured, no longer the weapon he had been, trying to believe the lies himself. This day was no different, he was leaving Dr. Adam’s office blocks away from the tower and trying to calm himself. He counted to 10, breathing in and out slowly, trying to make the anger boiling up in him subside. He was tired of jumping through hoops, putting on the stupid government monkey suit, sitting through an interrogation every month. He still wasn’t free, not really, he had just traded one handler for another, no matter how Dr. Adams had tried to spin it. His head was spinning, he had to get away from the crowds and the noise on the street. He ducked into an alley, one he often used it to cut through to Stark’s gaudy building, ripping off his suit jacket and loosening his tie. He couldn’t breathe, he was suffocating. He started muttering to himself, repeating the grounding words Sam had taught him over and over again like a mantra. Bucky finally came back to himself, not knowing how much time had passed. His panic attacks always felt like they went on forever but usually they only lasted for a few minutes. They became shorter the more he used the techniques Sam had been teaching him. He ran his flesh hand over his face, wiping away the sheen of sweat that had appeared. Taking a deep breath he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket, glancing at the time, 2:08, he was late. He and Steve had planned to meet in the gym at 2:00. Working out and talking things out with Steve always helped after his therapy sessions. He cursed unlocking his phone to shoot Steve a text letting him know he was okay just running behind, when he heard a scream. 
Darcy knew a petite woman probably shouldn’t be cutting through alleys alone by themselves in New York City. It didn’t matter that it was the middle of the afternoon, nothing ever good happened in dark alleyways, even in downtown Manhattan. But she was running late, her favorite coffee place always closed at 2:30 for the afternoon, reopening around 5:00 pm for the after work crowd. She normally wouldn’t have cut it so close, but she and Jane had to catch a flight to New Mexico at 4:30, planning to observe a meteor shower in the middle of the desert, and she couldn’t miss it. According to Jane this shower only occurred once every 200 years, so she knew that if she was late Jane would kill her. Any sane person would just skip their coffee run, shrugging it off and go back tomorrow, but Darcy was not sane. What if today was the day she’d meet them? What if she didn’t go today and that was when fate had decided that it was time, and if she missed them what if she never got another chance? Meeting your soulmate was never a guarantee and Darcy was not taking any chances. So she prayed to Thor, shooting up a glance at the sky hoping Heimdall was watching and ducked into the alley. 
Darcy wasn’t stupid, she kept her head on a swivel, she was halfway through the alley. It was long, cutting her commute by two blocks but she had never had any issues before so she hoped she wouldn’t today.  She spotted the man sitting at the bottom of the fire escape before he saw her. He had a bottle of liquor in his hand, muttering to himself and then taking a deep swig from the bottle. She debated turning back, but something was nagging her to keep going. She stood up straighter, digging her hand into her messenger bag. She admonished herself when she realized in her haste leaving the lab that she had forgotten to make sure she had her taser. That would be the last time she let Stark tinker with her toys, her science bro hadn’t put it back in her bag like she had asked him to. But Darcy wouldn’t let herself panic, nothing had happened, she would just confidently walk past the man and be on her way. She suppressed her cringe when he noticed her walk by and catcalled her. She ignored him, head held high and increased her pace minutely. 
“I was talking to you, bitch!” The man yelled, getting up from the fire escape. 
Darcy knew she should’ve just kept walking, ignoring her indignation and keep her mouth shut, that would be the smart thing to do; but Darcy never considered herself smart. 
She turned back, outraged at the audacity at this man. “And I was ignoring you, bitch!”
“The fuck you just say to me?” The man yelled walking towards her before bracing himself on the railing of the fire escape, clearly drunk. 
“You heard me.” She said, turning and storming off, muttering about sexist repugnant assholes and their lack of respect. It was then when she was shoved from behind, slamming into the brick wall on her left. She let out a shout, she hadn’t heard the man come up behind her. She turned, laying a solid right hook into her assailant, she had been aiming for his jaw but she had underestimated how tall he was. The punch landed on his shoulder, making the man stagger back but it didn’t give her the advantage she needed. 
She was shoved again hard against the brick, her head slamming back into the brick with a crack. The man was right on top of her, pressing her against the wall. 
“You should watch your mouth Bitch. Wouldn’t want to piss off the wrong guy, never know what might happen. .” He sneered, pressing something cold into her abdomen, if she had to bet it was the end of a gun. 
She wanted to scream, to panic, to blindly lash out at her attacker but a voice sounding strangely like a certain red headed Russian she knew told her to be calm, to take stock of her position, analyze what assets she had to her advantage. Her arms weren’t pinned to her sides but there wasn’t anything within arms reach. She knew she didn’t have the strength to fight him off outright, so she decided that running was her only option. If she could get in a good strike or two and  then run, she should be able to escape and get help. She’d have to take him by surprise, but she could do it. 
“You’re right.” She spoke softly, slowly raising her hands to her sides in surrender. 
The man smiled “damn right, pretty girl like you shouldn’t talk like that, especially to a man.” He raised one hand to her face. 
Darcy tried not to flinch away, focusing on how the movement exposed his face to her. Now was her chance. Natasha always told her that the eyes were a weakness, that when cornered she should use any weakness her attacker had to her advantage. So she struck, using her sharp nails to her advantage, gouging at her assailants eyes. He screamed, automatically reaching up to protect his eyes. The sudden movement made her vision swim, she definitely had a concussion. She shoved him then, trying to get him off of her enough so she could escape but his weight mixed with her incoordination from her head injury made it so he didn’t move very much. He pushed her against the wall again, and Darcy fought, panic finally taking over. She kicked out blindly, hoping to knock him off balance so she could escape. 
She heard the gun go off before she registered the pain in her side. She slid down the wall, hands automatically going to where the bullet had lodge in her stomach. She watched her attacker run away, having enough energy to push the panic button hidden on her necklace as her vision grew black. 
Bucky was running before he realized it, he was so focused on the man running out of the alley that he almost ran past her. She was slumped against the brick wall, one hand clutching her side, the other holding on a pendant around her neck. She seemed vaguely familiar but he was unsure where he had seen her before, if he actually knew her or if she was just a random face in the crowd. He shook his head, as if he could shake the feeling that he knew the woman bleeding in front of him. He knelt, laying her body flat, leaning over her to check for a pulse. She was breathing thankfully. He placed pressure on the wound with his metal hand and grabbed his phone out of his pocket with the other, dialing Steve and putting the phone up to his ear before applying pressure with the other hand. 
“Buck you’re—.” Steve answered but Bucky cut him off. 
“Track my location, I need medical, one civilian, gunshot wound to the lower left abdomen, I’m not far from the tower. 
Steve was gone, the voice of the Captain replacing him “Okay Bucky, they’re on the way, I’m headed your way too, ETA 2 minutes.” 
Bucky straightened his head where it had been cradling the phone, letting it fall to the ground. He didn’t know the woman bleeding underneath him, but he would save her, he needed to save her. 
An extreme jolt of pain brought Darcy back to consciousness. She moaned and opened her eyes, squinting against the sunlight. There was a man above her, she panicked momentarily before she realized it wasn’t the same man that attacked her. He was on the phone, she heard him talking frantically, calling someone for help. She studied the man before her, the figure was blurry but she could make out some of his features. He was handsome, striking blue eyes and beautiful brown hair that was tied back into a man bun. She didn’t normally like longer hair on men but he pulled it off. His hair style was a contrast against his outfit, he was wearing black pants and a white button-down shirt. It was a shame he was covered in blood, why was he bleeding?
“You’re covered in blood.” Darcy spoke, raising a weak hand to poke the man on the chest. Another wave of pain radiated from her side and that’s when she looked down, noticing the man had both hands pressed to her side. She frowned then, she was bleeding, why was she bleeding? She ruined this man’s nice outfit. Tears sprang to her eyes then, she hadn’t meant to ruin his suit. A part of her knew that the last thing she should be worried about was this man’s clothes, she was literally bleeding to death, but the blood loss was getting to her and clearly making her brain a little insane. 
“I ruined you outfit.” She said as she ran her hand down the mans front, as if she could wipe away the blood. 
““It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” The man replied in a soothing tone. She hummed and blinked hard, trying to fight off the darkness. He had a nice voice, she thought as the world around her started to fade. It was warm and she was so very cold. 
Bucky was counting the seconds that went by since he talked to Steve. Two minutes, who knew 120 seconds could go by so slowly. At 51 seconds he pressed harder on the woman’s side, hoping he wasn’t pressing too hard but the blood was seeping past his palms. He heard the woman groan then, the excessive pressure and pain rousing her from her unconscious state. She was frowning up at him, a confused look painted on her face. She licked her lips and Bucky tried not to notice how nice her lips were, or that they were painted the same color of the warm liquid leaking between his fingers. His eyes were torn away from her face and to his chest where her small hand nudged his chest. 
“You’re covered in blood” she spoke, the words sounding as if she was confused as to why that was. 
Bucky inhaled sharply, her words setting off alarm bells in his mind. This injured woman bleeding out beneath him was his soulmate. She was his, and she was dying. He leaned on his army training to keep his fear at bay. His panic would not help either one of them, and he would help her, she would not die today, he wouldn’t allow it. He was roused from his thoughts as her her hand traveled the length of his chest. 
“I ruined your outfit.” 
She was crying, tears silently falling from the biggest blue eyes Bucky had ever seen. She was scared, he could see it in those aegean eyes. She was scared and yet here she was worried about how her blood had ruined his suit. 
“It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” he spoke in what he hoped was a soothing voice. He wanted to ease her worries, if she only knew how much he hated this suit. He hated it even more now that it was covered in his soulmates blood. She smiled up at him as her eyes began to close again. 
“Come on doll, you gotta stay awake okay? Help is coming.” Bucky urged her. He wanted to pat her face, to rouse her but he could’t remove his hands from the oozing wound. How many seconds had It been? Surely it had been two minutes. The panic was setting in, this wasn’t what Bucky had planned, this wasn’t how their meeting was supposed to go. 
“Please, please doll, just stay with me. Stay with me, please, please.” That’s how Steve found him, begging his soulmate to stay with him. Bucky didn’t even realize help had arrived until he was being shoved aside by Stark’s medics. Steve had to forcibly drag him from his soulmates side. 
“Buck, they got her. They’re helping her, she’s gonna be okay Bucky.” His best friend was in front of him now, grasping his shoulders shaking him. “You okay Buck?” Steve questioned, concern lacing his voice. 
“It’s her Steve. It’s her and she lost so much blood and I couldn’t—” Bucky choked on the words “—I couldn’t stop the bleeding. She wasn’t supposed to be the one bleeding. It wasn’t supposed to be hers.” It was then that Bucky felt the tears, tracks of wetness falling down his cheeks. He went to wipe them away but stopped short, catching the sight of his soulmates blood on his hands. 
The sound of Iron Man’s repulsors drew both he and Steve’s attention. “Where is Darcy? She activated her panic button.” Stark questioned anxiously. 
“Who?” Steve questioned as Bucky pointed towards the medical team.
“Darcy!” Tony rushed over to the woman surrounded by medics. “I have a medical team ready back at the tower, she stable enough to be moved?” Stark asked worriedly 
“Times not on her side, sir. We were able to temporarily cauterize the bleed but it’s not a permanent fix, any jostle and the bleeding will start back up. She’s lost a lot of blood.” 
“FRIDAY notify medical, we’re gonna need an OR right now. I’m bringing Darcy in through the the Penthouse.You guys get her ready to move, I’m taking her back, quickest way to get her to medical.” Tony demanded turning back to face Bucky and Steve. 
“Did you do this? Did you lose control? If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” Tony pointed accusingly towards Bucky his voice laced with malice. 
Steve opened his mouth to object at Stark’s accusations but Bucky spoke up first. Unsurprisingly Stark had suspected he was behind the bloodshed. He knew what it looked like and he knew what Tony thought of him. “I was at the opposite end of the alley, heard her scream, came running. The person who attacked her ran, couldn’t chase after him and keep her from bleeding out. Don’t know what he looked like. Tell the doctor’s she’s got a head injury, she wasn’t making much sense when she was awake.” 
Stark nodded once in comprehension, not even apologizing for his assumptions before he turned, bundled the brunette in his arms and took off. 
“Steve, please, I gotta…” Bucky’s voice trailed off, turning back towards the tower. 
“I know Buck, go. I’ll meet you in medical once we’re done here.” 
Bucky took off running, sprinting as fast as he could, his thoughts racing faster than his feet. Darcy…his soulmates name is Darcy. His soulmate was Darcy and she would live. She must live. 
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marvelrarepairbingo · 8 months
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Multi Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Captain America (Movies) Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Cute, Early Mornings, Implied Sexual Content, nothing explicit though Language: English Collections: Marvel Rare Pairs Secret Santa 2023 Published: 2024-01-25 Words: 1,005 Chapters: 1/1
Darcy wakes up to not one but two super hot super soldier boyfriends.
For @sadbi-hours
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Thankful Thanksgiving
Summary: All of the Avengers are gathered for Thanksgiving, and Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Carol, Darcy, and friends all take the time to say what they’re thankful for when gathered around the Thanksgiving table.
Word Count: 2006
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope you’re spending time with friends and/or family and having lots of amazing food and good times together! 🥰💗 This one was a little short (it was originally going to be longer until I transferred a scene to my ongoing Christmas fic instead) but hopefully it was still enjoyable! 💖
I am so thankful for all of y’all, and I hope you guys enjoyed this one! 😊
  “And that’s why I’m thankful for Bucky’s arm,” Sam explained, and Bucky just groaned deeply and exasperatedly. Everyone around the room was in varying expressions of amusement, complete disbelief, and speechlessness.
   It was Thanksgiving, and all of the Avengers had come to gather to enjoy a feast with one another. They had finished their food, and they had just started going all around the table to share what they were thankful for. Sam had been the first to go, and his had so far set the bar for some really bizarre explanations.
  “Man, what are all y’all looking at? Ain’t any of you ever been thankful for Bucky’s arm before?” Sam questioned defensively as if it were the most utterly obvious thing in the world.
  “Because it makes perfect sense to be thankful for someone else’s prosthetic arm,” Shuri spoke up from where she was currently seated, sarcasm deeply rooted in every accented word. Okoye simply passed a somewhat disapproving glance in her direction but did not say a word. Shuri raised her hands defensively, and Sam just eyed her with narrowed eyes.
  “It does make sense. Look, wouldn’t you be thankful if somebody’s arm could pop off and you could use it as a literal Wonder Woman bulletproof band?” Sam told them, and Shuri just huffed a little, looking at him as she remained unimpressed.
  “You seem to forget that we literally have vibranium, which just happens to be as bulletproof as this comic book character’s very much fake braces,” Shuri argued, and Sam just scoffed unhappily, shaking his head.
  “She just don’t get it,” Sam complained, and Bucky did not even bother gracing him with a response as he groaned tiredly.
  “Okay, look, seriously, guys, let’s get back on track,” Steve pointed out from where he was seated between Bucky and Carol.
  “I guess I’ll go now,” Steve started, clearing his throat as he prepared to state what he was thankful for.
  At Bucky’s request, Steve had skipped over him. He only heeded requests for skipping when it legitimately had to do with some manner of trauma or something, and in Bucky’s case, he knew it had been.
  However, before he could speak, Yelena started loudly clearing her throat. Steve leaned forward a little, trying to look around all of the people as he fought to meet her gaze. Yelena peered from where she was sandwiched between Kate and Natasha, and she scoffed.
  “Why does Bucko get a free pass?” Yelena demanded, and Bucky flashed an irritated glare in her general direction. Steve swallowed, trying to explain.
  “Because he specifically asked and after reviewing the reasoning, I decided it was acceptable,” Steve explained, trying to remain professional and avoid as many details as possible.
  “Pfft… Just because he’s your boyfriend doesn’t mean you can just make excuses for him,” Yelena declared, and Steve just sighed deeply. Yelena loved to poke fun at their friendship when she could mostly because she hated Bucky’s guts, but he tried not to let the boyfriend comments get to him. After all, she was well-aware that he saw Bucky as a brother.
  Carol, of course, did not let the comments get to her either and would actually even join in on Yelena’s teasing at any given time if it seemed humorous to her. Carol ultimately chose not to throw in her opinion this time since Steve was floundering a bit already with trying to explain why he had excluded Bucky but had not heeded anyone else’s requests to be excluded.
  “As for what I’m thankful for! I am thankful for this team. For our perseverance, and all of the good hearts gathered here at this table,” Steve expressed, and Carol leaned into his side, squeezing his arm before straightening just a little.
  She knew she was next, and she honestly was not quite sure if she was ready. She released him carefully, looking beside her at the amazing, incredible person that she had brought for Thanksgiving.
  Monica looked at her carefully, a surprising warmth in her eyes despite the fact that she did not know what Carol was thinking. Carol swallowed hard, reaching her hand out and placing it over the top of Monica’s as she squeezed it softly.
  “Carol?” Steve prompted, and Carol cast him a very much forcedly casual smile before speaking up.
  “I’m thankful for… Having the opportunity to fix some broken relationships and hopefully having the opportunity to get to know the person all over again,” Carol explained, and Monica’s eyes were shining with something that was positively and absolutely touched as she gazed at her.
  Carol mustered a small grin, trying to avoid the urge to cry. The emotion and the pure love that was swelling within her was almost more than she could take. In an attempt to suppress the emotion, she simply lifted her hand and squeezed Monica’s shoulder lovingly in lieu of hugging her on the spot.
  Monica cleared her throat, mustering some manner of confidence as she spoke up despite being exceedingly uncomfortable at the sheer amount of important people that she either did not know at all or did not know that well.
  “I’m thankful to have a special person back in my life again,” Monica stated vaguely, but given how her gaze was glued to that of her aunt’s, there was no question who her statement was about.
  Kamala then proceeded to move forward a little, grinning ridiculously as she remained just a little speechless despite her best efforts to the contrary. She tried to get a good look at everyone at the table, honestly just excited to be there in the first place.
  “Oh, gosh… I’m honestly beyond thankful that I could get to meet all of you and start training to be a real life Avenger,” Kamala explained, instantly kicking herself for the last part of her statement, dreading how stupid it might have sounded.
  Everyone, however, seemed thoroughly endeared, and she let out a soft breath of relief as it moved down the line to Darcy.
  After a small silence, Darcy blinked, realizing more fully that everyone was waiting for her to speak. She had honestly been so concentrated on trying to avoid Valkyrie’s gaze and ignore Valkyrie’s presence from where she was sitting directly across from her that she had missed the fact that it was actually her turn to talk.
  “Oh! Uh… I’m thankful for becoming an assistant here for Mr. Stark! And getting to know this awesome group of friends I have,” Darcy explained with a smile, leaning forward to get a look at Carol, Kate, Natasha, and Yelena. Carol smiled fondly, and Kate grinned widely. Natasha’s eyes sparkled with something affectionate in her reserved manner, and Yelena, as much as she tried to look unhappy, had a smile that was threatening to tug at the corners of her lips.
  It was then Clint’s turn, and he looked at everyone, smiling a little as he shrugged.
  “I’m thankful for my family, Nat, Yelena, and even Kate sometimes,” Clint quipped, fully enjoying his comment as he glanced in Kate’s direction.
  “Thanks, Clint. I feel loved,” Kate commented in an attempt to muster some sarcasm. Instantly, she tried to hold back how her eyes went wide at the fact that she had actually used the l-word in relation to him. He just huffed in reply to her, grinning a bit, and she could not help but smile in response.
  “I guess like Darcy, I’m thankful for the group of friends that we have made together, and I’m really thankful for Natasha, Yelena, and Clint. They’ve helped me feel really welcome here ever since I came. And I’m also thankful for finally becoming an official Avenger-in-training with the ability to go on missions, so,” Kate shrugged.
  Darcy made some noise of encouragement, clapping momentarily, and Kate laughed a little with slight embarrassment. Natasha reached out, softly touching the back of Kate’s head as she stroked the flowing locks. Yelena honestly just looked utterly surprised at Kate’s admission.
  Kate then looked to Natasha, and Natasha moved her head in a gesture of acceptance as she looked at everyone around the table.
  “I’m thankful for all of us being together and in good health. I’m thankful for Clint, Kate, Carol, and Darcy, and all of you truly. Clint has been here for me through the worst and best of times, and Kate has become someone that is so special to me. Carol’s the best friend anyone could ask for, and Darcy has been someone that I hope to get to know even better over time,” Natasha paused for a moment before gazing at Yelena. Yelena just looked back at her with an adoring glint in her eyes. There was a gentle smile on her face, and nothing but pure love written in her features.
  Natasha took in a small breath, trying to prepare herself to expose more emotions that she would ordinarily dare to show in front of people that were outside of a select few in her world. However, in that moment, looking into Yelena’s eyes, there was only the two of them in this universe.
  “And I’m really thankful for my baby sister. I don’t know what I would do without her there as a constant supporter and friend,” Natasha explained, and Yelena swallowed hard, tears starting to form in her eyes as she moved forward and tried to hide at least part of her face in Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha held her for a moment, and Yelena forced composure within herself as she turned her face so that half of it was buried in Natasha’s arm.
  “And I’m thankful for all of the friends I have made. For Little Peter, the Boomer, Little Bishop, Lewis, and several others. Little Peter is my favorite out of you morons, though, with Boomer coming up as a far second,” Yelena admitted, and Peter from his end of the table instantly shrunk down from where he was seated next to Tony, utter mortification overcoming him at the fact that Yelena had uttered the nickname in front of everyone.
  “I’m most thankful for Natasha. I’m thankful she is safe and that she is still here with me. I am thankful that she is my sister, because there is no one else in the entire world that I would rather have as moya starshaya sestra,” Yelena confessed, the Russian words soft and offering the tenderness that she could not quite muster in English in front of an extended audience like this. Granted, she knew Bucky and Clint could also understand, but she was most concerned with Natasha being able to understand.
  Natasha’s eyes softened and they glinted with the slightest presence of tears. Natasha swallowed hard, and Yelena could not stop looking at her. All she wanted to do was just crawl in her lap and cuddle with her right now, but since they were at the table and literally every other Avenger in existence was around, she knew she could not quite do that just yet.
  “Aww, short-stack, I knew you loved me. That Christmas spirit is really making you sweeter than usual,” Carol called out, affection in her voice as she successfully broke the moment. Yelena knew that Carol had done it to dispel a bit of Yelena’s emotional mess that she was threatening to fall into, and Yelena was truly grateful.
  Therefore, to continue playing it casual, Yelena just scoffed in disdain, lowering her head back down to retreat into Natasha’s side as she chose to focus on her affection for her big sister. Natasha raised her arm, bringing her closer as a warm chuckle resounded within her and vibrating near Yelena’s ear.
  After this, they continued to move around the table, each person continued to express what they were thankful for, and Natasha and Yelena simply remained absorbed in their own world, focused on one another. Kate leaned into Natasha’s other side, and Natasha wasted no time in opening her arm to bring her into her side as well.
  They were thankful for one another, and that brought the truest happiness that they could ever have.
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madamebaggio · 2 years
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“So what I’m trying to say is that we should all be just friends, you know? I like you two and all, but I think it’s for the best.”
Bucky and Steve exchanged looks. “Don’t you think you should put on your clothes before you start saying you wanna be just friends, doll?” Bucky asked.
Darcy looked down to her body, like she’d just realized she was naked. “That’s a good idea.” She agreed slowly.
Steve sighed. “Dar, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but we’re getting some mixed signs here.”
She once again looked down at her naked body. “Okay, I can see how that might happen.”
Bucky snorted. “One date, doll.”
The dark haired man threw his hands up. “Fine. But no breakfast for you. Only Steve gets waffles.”
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polyamships · 2 years
by Masqueradewitch
Not everything ended up in the Director's Cut. Some things still totally happened. These are those stories, now cleaned up and centralized for easier access.
Contains outtakes from the events between 1942 and 2011, things that happened during Bodies in Time but not 'on screen'.
Recorded with permission from BairnSidhe
Words: 65, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Bodiesverse Podfics
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Howling Commandos, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Peggy Carter, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Barney Barton/Laura Barton
Additional Tags: Ficlet Collection, Outtakes, heavy au, (Seriously you need to read Bodies In Time first), Crack, Fluff, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Spy Shenanigans, Miscarriage, mentions of EVIL, Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Human Disaster Clint Barton, Clint Barton Is The Adultier Adult, child characters, Podfic & Podficced Works
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grimeysociety · 1 year
Prompt: Darcy/Bucky/Steve, beefcake sandwich, E rating
Kinktober 2022 | Day 15: Darcy/Steve/Bucky - Couch
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“Jesus, what are we doing?”
Steve hisses this, making Darcy shiver, Bucky’s hand on her thigh.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 7 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 9: When in Rome
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Summary: I have no idea how to summarize this chapter besides saying buckle up. 🫣
Warnings: Danger, angst, claustrophobia.
Word Count: 6.3k
A/N: My apologies for how long it took to get this chapter posted. I wanted to take my time on it because it’s essential to the rest of the story. I hope you enjoy it!
Guardian Angel Masterlist
You walked into your room, anxiously shutting the door behind you. Your mind races as you pace back and forth. Running your fingers through your hair, you struggle to comprehend why Onyx Petroleum would be interested in Sokovian land. Your mental spiral is interrupted by a knock on your door, followed by Tony's voice asking if you're okay. You open the door, and the billionaire walks in, quickly shutting the door behind him.
"I can't believe I didn't clock it before," Tony said, holding up the newspaper. "Those con artists from Onyx Petroleum are your parents - sorry."
You force a smile and respond, "It's okay. They deserve the title, trust me."
"I know firsthand," Tony muttered.
“You know my parents?” 
“Your father was a regular visitor of the Stark Expo in the old days.” You're taken aback, wondering how you never knew that. “Dear old dad rarely spoke to me growing up, but I remember he once said that Y/F/N Y/L/N was the only person who made him believe that humanity was doomed to extinction.”
“Sounds about right,” you said.
“Oh, and then," he recounted, "A few years ago at a September Foundation grant presentation at Cal Tech. Your mother, as usual, was doing her thing - schmoozing with everyone. She cornered Pepper and started rambling about how a partnership between Onyx Petroleum and Stark Industries could transform the global oil exploration and production industry. Pepper kindly reminded her that Stark Industries no longer partners with companies or individuals that harm the environment or the population. So your mother called Pepper a fraud and threw her drink in her face! Can you believe that?"
You sigh as you sit down on the edge of the bed, “Unfortunately, yes.”
"Any idea what this is about?" Tony asked, holding up the paper again.
You shake your head, saying, "No clue. They've never shown any interest in foreign oil.”
"Do you have access to anything that would give us insights into their business dealings?" Tony inquired.
You shake your head again, feeling helpless. "Not anymore. My parents removed me from all of their bank accounts and company mainframes when they kicked me out," you say with a huff, throwing yourself back onto the bed. “I don’t get it. Sokovia was destroyed. What’s left for them to find.”
“What?” You said as you sat up. “That doesn't make sense. Sokovia was a war zone.”
“What do you think they were fighting over?” The billionaire asked rhetorically. 
“How do you know this, Tony?” 
“After Ultron's attack on Sokovia and the subsequent sinking of Navi Grad, FRIDAY performed an extensive deep-sea mapping of the ocean—every square centimeter. Seven hundred thousand images were captured at a depth of almost 4,000 meters,” Tony explained, tapping the screen on his watch. “The mapping exercise was aimed at locating the submerged remnants of the destroyed city and ensuring the safety of any underwater vehicles or divers exploring the area. Doing so would provide insights into the underwater topography of the region and assist in the reconstruction efforts.” 
You rise to your feet as a hologram of the 3D map materializes before your eyes.
“Instead, FRIDAY found something else,” Tony explained, shifting pieces back and forth through the air. “Outside of Wakanda, Sokovia has the largest natural vein of Vibranium anywhere in the world, but no one has been able to mine it yet because…,” zooming in on the composite. “It’s underwater.”
You studied the 3D image carefully, trying to comprehend how Onyx Petroleum would go about mining the most potent substance on Earth. 
“This much Vibranium in anyone’s hands is frightening,” Tony said. “In the hands of a company notorious for unethical business practices, it’s perilous.” 
“Does Wanda know?” Your mind was racing with concern for your girlfriend.
“No, and I don’t think we should tell her,” closing the hologram. 
“What? Why not? She has a right to know! It was her home. We can’t just—“
"Easy, Willy Wonka," Tony said. "I know she needs to know, but we need more information before we can act. I need to do some more research and figure out the next steps. In the meantime, tell the rest of the team what we know. Wanda is running point on a full-team, large-scale mission the day after tomorrow, and it benefits no one for her to be distracted, right?" 
You nod hesitantly in agreement, still processing everything. "Trust me, Y/N. If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen. We need to be strategic and focused if we're going to keep everyone safe." 
After a moment of silence, you let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, you're right," you concede, looking down at your hands. "I just don't feel good about keeping this from Wanda. We've always been honest with each other, and I don't want to ruin that." 
Tony places a reassuring hand on your back. "You're not lying to her. You're just postponing the truth to protect her," he explains calmly. 
You slowly nod, taking in his words. It made sense, in a way. But the guilt still lingered in your mind, gnawing at you. You knew that, eventually, you'd have to come clean.
You stirred from your sleep two days later, but the uneasy feeling in your stomach lingered. Your conversation with Tony was still vivid in your mind. You peered outside and saw SHIELD agents hustling and bustling around the grounds. You felt lost, unsure of what to do or where to be, so you did your best to keep a low profile and stay out of everyone's way. This was your first time seeing a mission play out before you. Sure, team members had come and gone before in the three months you had been living at the Avengers Compound, but being so focused on your recovery, you hadn’t paid that close attention. 
FRIDAY interrupted your train of thought as you stood by the window. “Ms. Y/L/N,” she said, “Ms. Maximoff requests your presence in The Overwatch.”
You were confused. “The Overwatch? Where’s that, FRIDAY?”
“I’ll escort you there, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said, opening the elevator doors.
As you stepped into the elevator, you noticed it was going down. The compartment sprang to life, and you counted at least three floors before it finally stopped. The door opened, revealing a futuristic virtual command center. Wanda stood with her back to you, looking up at a wall of monitors.
You couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow!"
Wanda turned at the sound of your voice, and her smile was enough to melt you into a puddle. "Impressive, isn't it?" she said.
You nodded, still in awe of the sight. "What is this place?"
"This is The Overwatch," Wanda explained. "It's a command center that allows Fury or other Avengers who aren't on a mission to provide support in real-time."
You walked over to where Wanda was standing. "It's only used when everyone gets called away or on big-scale operations," she added.
You looked up at the bank of monitors, each displaying a name in the corner. Your eyes quickly found Natasha's, labeled N. Romanoff. Next to her, you spotted T. Stark, S. Rogers, B. Banner, T. Odinson, C. Barton, B. Barnes, S. Wilson, K. Bishop, Y. Belova, P. Parker, and C. Danvers. 
"Am I even allowed to be in here?” You asked.
"Technically, no," Wanda replied with a smirk, "but this is my first time running point on a mission, and I could use the company."
Curiosity getting the better of you, you asked, "Who are they after?"
"Unfortunately, that information is classified," Wanda replied, typing away on the keyboard and pulling up a map, "but I can tell you they are in Europe."
"Well, that narrows it down," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Wanda sighed and sat before the command module, motioning for you to join her. "I wish I could tell you more," she said, "it's so much more stressful sitting in here than being out in the field with the team."
You tried encouraging her, saying, "Hey, at least you're safe here."
“Yes, but I feel so helpless," Wanda admitted while monitoring the team's vital signs. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to Fury for agreeing to let me ease back into the swing of things, but the loss of control scares me.” 
The tense atmosphere was palpable in the comms as Steve's voice cut through, "Wanda, we're on our final approach. ETA, 30 seconds."
Natasha's raspy voice chimed in, "How are we looking?"
"The approach is clear—five guards in the courtyard outside the building.
"I got it," Tony interjected. You heard muffled groans on the other end of the comms as Tony dismantled the threat in a matter of seconds. "We're clear outside."
Everyone, turn on your body cameras," Wanda commanded as the monitors rose to life, giving you a first-person point of view of what everyone on the team was seeing.
"Nat, the security office is two doors down on your left," Wanda directed.
"Noted, I'm on my way," Natasha confirmed.
"When do I go in?" Peter's voice sounded eager on the comms.
"Hold your position, Spider-Boy," Yelena said. "Patience is key."
"Yeah, Peter. You're too eager. Just slow your roll and wait for the signal," Kate Bishop said.
"So is being quiet, Kate Bishop." Yelena cut in again.
I can't believe this is happening," you said involuntarily.
"Shh," Wanda whispers.
"Who is that?" Thor asks as he catches his hammer flying towards his monitor screen.
"Is that Y/N?" Carol asked between shots.
"No, it's not," Wanda lied to protect you.
"It is Y/N! What are you doing in The Overwatch, Willy Wonka?" Tony asked.
“Aww, they’re having a date night,” Clint joked sarcastically as you watched an arrow fly away from his camera and out of sight.
"Everyone, please be quiet. You're clogging the comms," Bucky demands irritably.
"Let's all be civil," Sam adds.
“I concur,” Bruce agreed.
"How are we doing, Nat?" Steve asked as he knocked out another security guard.
"I'm bypassing the firewall, Natahsa replied, typing away on the keyboard. “There. The Iris Detectors are down.”
"On my signal," Wanda spoke calmly. "Disabling the dome cameras in 3, 2, 1. Go.”
Sitting in front of the bank of monitors, you found yourself momentarily bewildered. You weren't sure which of the screens to focus on as the team moved in unison. Each one displayed a different angle of the action, and you didn't want to miss a single moment of what was unfolding before you. You watched with bated breath as they efficiently made their way through the building, their movements purposeful and precise. It was a sight to behold - you had never seen such determination and skill in your entire life. 
Despite seeing footage of the Avengers on the news over the years, watching them firsthand was an entirely different experience. You felt incredibly fortunate to be able to call them your friends. As they worked towards the second level, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over you. These were some of the most powerful beings on the planet, and yet they were risking their lives to protect others. It was a humbling and inspiring sight to behold.
As the team entered the building, you watched Bucky effortlessly kick in a door. "I'm in the lab," he announced, his voice calm and collected.
Tony's voice crackled through the comms, "Do you see the mainframe?"
"There's two, which one is it?" Bucky replied, scanning the room.
"Open the silver panel," Tony instructed.
With a few hard pulls, Bucky managed to pry off the front of the mainframe. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass filled the air as Carol crashed through a nearby window with a guard's arms wrapped tightly around her neck.
Without hesitation, Bucky turned to assist her. "Keep going! I got this," Carol shouted, her voice slightly strained.
Tony's voice cut through the chaos, "You should see the mainframe HiperSockets that provide high-speed TCP/IP connectivity within the central processor complex."
"For fuck's sake, in English, Tony!" Bucky shouted, his frustration palpable.
"Language,” Steve reprimanded.
An alarm began to blare as red lights flashed, signaling the imminent arrival of more guards.
"Bucky and Carol, eight more guards are heading your way," Wanda's voice sounded over the comms. "Thor, you're the closest."
"I'll be right there," Thor answered.
You watched as The God of Thunder bounded down the stairs and into the lab. In a thunderous flash, he took out all eight guards, leaving the room eerily silent.
"Cut the blue cable!" Tony finally shouted.
Bucky pulled out a pocket knife and quickly sliced through the blue cable.
The rest of the team arrived on the scene, and the lights inside the mainframe went out, plunging the room into darkness.
"How do we know for sure it's down?" Kate asked, her voice laced with concern.
Natasha fired three gunshots into the mainframe, causing the container to smoke.
"That ought to do it," she said, lowering her gun.
"Well done, everyone," Wanda praised. "I'm no longer seeing a heat signature from your location, which means the building is offline."
"Thanks, Wanda. Nice job on the point," Steve said. "We'll reconvene at 1800 hours to go over Phase Two."
Wanda looked exhausted as she removed her earpiece. The monitors had gone dark again; she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm herself down. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at you.
"Wow, sweetheart. That was amazing! I've never seen anything like that in my life. You were great,” you said, touching her shoulder. 
Wanda smiled weakly, feeling a sense of satisfaction mixed with exhaustion. "Thanks," she said, "it was touch and go. But I'm glad they were able to get the job done."
You nodded in agreement. "Are all the missions that intense?"
Wanda thought for a moment before answering. "Not all of them," she said, "but this is one of the most challenging ones we've had in a while. But that's what we're trained for, right?"
“Do you miss it? Being out there, I mean,” you asked hesitantly. 
Wanda’s expression was pensive as she spoke, her gaze fixed on the ground. "It's a complicated situation," she began slowly. "On the one hand, I don't want to leave my boys. After we lost their father, I made a promise to Billy and Tommy that I would always be there for them, no matter what." She paused for a moment as if lost in thought. "But on the other hand," she continued, her voice growing softer, "sometimes I feel like I'm denying who I am. Like my magic knows, I’m turning away from that part of myself.”
As you sat beside Wanda, you suddenly realized something that had never occurred to you before – you had never seen her use her powers. You searched your memory for any instance where you had witnessed her abilities in action, but you drew a blank. The only thing you could recall was being in her arms after the accident before you passed out, but even then, you couldn't remember if she had used her magic to keep you safe.
You took a deep breath and reached out to hold her hand. "I know we've never talked about this, but is there a reason you've never used your magic in front of me?" you asked, your voice gentle and curious. You hoped she wouldn't take offense to your question, but you couldn't help feeling a little curious about this aspect of her life that she had kept hidden from you.
"I was wondering when you would finally ask me about this,” Wanda sighed softly. “Since Westview, I have had difficulty trusting myself to use my powers safely. I lost control in a way that I never have before, Y/N, and the thought of putting anyone through that again is unbearable." Her voice was tinged with remorse and sadness as she continued, "I don't want to be a danger to those around me or myself. I’m afraid to use my magic again, and I don't know how to overcome that fear."
As you stroked her hand, you spoke reassuringly to Wanda. "I know you're feeling guilty about what happened in Westview, but that was only one aspect of your powers. You've done so much more good in the world than bad, and the magic that courses through you is a testament to that. Remember all the times you used your abilities to save lives, protect innocent people, and bring hope to those in need. That is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
Wanda nodded as she looked at you. “Thank you, Y/N,” wiping the tears away that threatened to fall. “I know I can’t avoid using them forever,” she looked around the room, “I also know I can’t hide down here for the rest of my life.” 
“Why don’t you show me?” 
“Show me your powers. Come on, let’s see what you got, sweetheart. It’s just us, and we’re three floors underground. Nothing can go wrong, I promise.”
She looked at you hesitantly before she finally agreed, “Okay.”
Wanda rose from her seat and walked to the middle of the room. She took a deep, cleansing breath, held out her left palm, and began slowly circling it with her right hand. You watched as an orb of red energy materialized in her palm. Pointing her hand in your direction, you felt the chair you were sitting in move underneath you as you quickly rolled across the room and stopped on a dime in front of the redhead.
“Woah,” you said in amazement.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she smirked.
Slowly but surely, she rose above you, her body glowing with a vibrant, otherworldly red magic that seemed to envelop you completely. Despite your shock, you felt a sense of calm wash over you as you basked in the warmth and comfort of the magic surrounding you. It was as if Wanda had wrapped you in a cocoon of pure energy, and you felt safe and protected in her presence. Her eyes were fixed on you, glowing like twin stars in the night sky. For the first time, you knew without a doubt that you were in the presence of a powerful being beyond your understanding. Yet, despite her immense power, she was your Wanda—gentle and kind.
The redhead reached down and gently touched your cheek. For a moment, you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth of her touch. You couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same sense of warmth and safety with you that you felt with her.
I do, Y/N," Wanda said with nothing but adoration in her eyes.
You were confused and asked, "Do what?"
"Feel the same warmth and safety you feel with me," she replied.
You wondered, "I, did I - I don't think I said that out loud, did I?"
"I heard your thoughts, love," she answered.
You repeated, "You heard me - you can hear my thoughts? Oh, God."
Wanda reassured you, "Oh no, no, Y/N. It's okay. This was the first time I've ever listened to your thoughts. Outside of work, I never invade anyone's privacy that way and never would with you without your permission or unless it was an emergency."
The redhead reached for you as she floated down. The red magic swirling around your joined hands.
"That was incredible, sweetheart. I know it will take some time, but don't hide this part of yourself away. It's wonderful.”
The sudden sound of the elevator whirring through the walls startled Wanda, breaking her concentration and causing her to dismiss her red magic hastily. "Shit! Quick, hide in that storage cabinet," she urgently whispered, pushing you towards the stainless steel structure.
"What?! Why?" You asked, confused and alarmed.
"I told you, you're not technically supposed to be here. The security clearance is off the charts," Wanda explained as she urged you towards the cabinet.
You sprinted towards the cabinet and quickly shut the door just as Maria exited the elevator. "Hey, Wanda. Great job on Phase One. Everything looks good on our end," she said, scrolling through her tablet.
“Thanks,” Wanda said, nervously tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear as Maria continued.
"I'm going to go brief Fury, but I'll be back for the check-in call at 6 pm to discuss Phase Two."
"Okay, see you in a bit," Wanda replied, relieved she hadn't noticed you.
As Maria stepped back into the elevator, she teasingly called, "Oh, and Wanda? If Y/N is going to be down here with you, at least give her a key card."
Wanda blushed at being caught. "I don't know what you're talking about," she fibbed.
"Of course, you don't," The Deputy Director chuckled. "Ask her to bring some Candy Bar chocolate for us later when she comes out from the storage cabinet," she added with a giggle as the doors closed.
You cautiously opened the door to the cabinet and stepped out, your cheeks reddening as you met Wanda's embarrassed gaze. She fished a blank white key card out of her pocket and handed it to you. "Here, now you can legally be down here with me."
You took the card and turned it over in your hands. 
"Thanks," you said softly. “Tell Maria I'll bring some chocolate truffles later," you winked.
"Hmm, sounds good," Wanda smiled, leaning in to give you a gentle peck on the lips.
You arrived back at The Overwatch a few hours later, your white key card and a bag of truffles in hand. Maria was sitting next to Wanda in front of the wall of monitors. You sat down next to the redhead, passing the bag of chocolates to Maria. 
"Aww, Y/N. How did you know? This is exactly what I wanted."
"Shut up,” you smirked. “So, what's happening here?" As you pointed toward the dark screens.
"We had the check-in call about forty-five minutes ago, and Steve should be reporting in any minute to confirm they've reached the target,” Wanda explained.
As if on cue, Steve's camera turned on, followed by the rest of the team. "Speak of the devil!” Maria exclaimed. 
You could tell immediately that the team was in an underground passage, evidenced by the rough stone masonry surrounding them. Their footsteps echoed through the tunnel, adding an eerie quality to the tense atmosphere.
"Hey, Cap, you ready to go?" Maria asked, glancing up at the screen.
"Affirmative," Steve replied. “Although some of us are feeling a bit claustrophobic."
"Speak for yourself,” Clint chimed in.
"Tony, you want to take that one?" Wanda asked, typing away on her keyboard.
"Sure thing, Red," Tony replied. "Everyone, reach inside your suit pockets. You should find an object the size of one of Morgan's Legos."
Yelena, ever the skeptic, held up the miniature object Tony had referred to. "What the fuck is this?" she asked, her voice laced with annoyance.
"Language," Steve admonished.
"Oh, tell it to someone who cares," Yelena retorted, rolling her eyes.
"Sestra," Nat scolded, her voice echoing through the tunnels.
"It's a bit of technology I borrowed from our friendly neighborhood ant, and subsequently made even better,” Tony smirked. "Press the button on the top."
As one, the team pressed the button, and a small oxygen mask grew to fit in their hands.
"And we couldn't have worn these on the walk down here because?" Sam asked, his voice heavy with sarcasm.
"Because they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply," Tony explained. "We need to conserve as much as possible."
"Do I have to wear this?" Carol asked. "I can breathe in space. I'm pretty sure I'm fine down here."
"The vacuum of space is very different from underground," Maria said. "We don't want to take any chances. Put it on, please, Danvers."
“Why doesn’t the billionaire genius have to wear an oxygen mask?” She asked. 
“There’s an oxygen supply built into the suit,” Tony smirked.
With a resigned sigh, Carol donned the mask, and the rest of the team followed suit. Wanda went over the topography of the catacomb, identifying key landmarks and intricacies that could help them navigate the maze-like structure safely.
In a hushed tone, you turned to Maria and asked, "Have they ever had an underground mission before?" 
Maria shook her head and replied, "No, not like this. This is completely uncharted territory for them.”
"Okay, as we discussed," Steve said, pointing to the left. "Group one with me down the left tunnel; group two with Tony down the right tunnel."
As you observed intently, you saw each group setting off towards their designated directions, down the ancient corridors. The walls were adorned with intricate archways, illuminated by sporadic pockets of light that added to the mystique of the surroundings.
“Mr. Stark, this is amazing! Have you looked at these carvings and art? Easily third century—” Peter started. 
“This isn’t a history field trip,” Natasha interrupted. “Pay attention to your surroundings.”
The group had been walking through a tunnel for some time when, without warning, felt the ground beneath their feet shake. A low and ominous grumbling noise echoed through the air, and everyone was thrown into the tunnel walls. 
"FRIDAY, what's happening?" Tony asked urgently.
"Accessing the wave radar and enhancing the thermogenic signature," FRIDAY responded.
“Do you feel that too, Steve?” Wanda asked
Steve grunted as he struggled to regain his balance. "Yeah, is it an earthquake?" he asked.
"It's an energy surge, Boss," FRIDAY replied to Tony. "A core reactor holds together the primary stabilization of the tunnel structure."
"That's not first-century tech," Peter mumbled, face down on the ground.
Kate helped him up. "Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock."
Just as the group was getting back on their feet, Sam's voice cut through the tense silence.
"Hey! Hold it!" he shouted.
"What is it, Wilson?" Tony asked.
"Someone is watching us at the end of this tunnel," Sam exclaimed as he ran ahead of the group.
"Sam, wait!” Steve shouted.
"Lock onto Wilson," Maria said, standing up.
Wanda quickly shifted to Sam's primary camera and enlarged the visual. The mystery figure took two quick turns to the left as if they knew exactly where they were going. A third turn to the right, and Sam lost sight of the man for a split second. Looking around quickly, but to no avail, he said, "I lost them."
"How will he get back to the rest of the group?" You asked.
"Good question, Y/N," Sam replied.
Maria glared over at you. "Sorry, I keep forgetting they can hear me too."
"Sam, you're closer to Tony than Steve," Wanda said. "I'm pinging his tracker right now. Two lefts and a right should do it. And Steve and company, follow your tunnel about a half a mile down and then take a right, and you should meet up with everyone else."
The team wandered through the catacomb tunnel in silence, only the sound of their breathing and the stone under their feet breaking the stillness. When they were finally reunited, Tony broke the silence, "Okay, new plan. We're staying together." 
Peter quickly agreed, "I'm with Tony on this one." 
Yelena, standing nearby, murmured to Kate, "Color me surprised." 
“Oxygen masks stay on, Nat,” Maria said pointedly. 
"Yes, detka,” Natasha replied.
Yelena couldn't resist mocking her sister, "Yes, detka," she repeated sarcastically. But before she could carry on, Natasha pinched her arm, causing her to yelp in pain. 
Thor shouted, "Knock it off, Lady Widows!" 
Wanda added, "Thor is right. The catacomb can be disorienting, but you need to keep moving. Tony, I'm reviewing the National Geophysical Data Center records to assess your declination value and sending them to FRIDAY. Keep true north." 
You turned to Maria, puzzled, "What did she say?" Having no clue what your girlfriend was talking about. 
"They should turn right," Maria whispered. 
You watched as everyone walked in a single-file line to the right, trying their best to keep their footing on the uneven stone. Suddenly, a second energy surge echoed loudly through the comms, causing everyone to turn their cameras downwards. Your heart raced as you gasped at the sight of cracks quickly forming between everyone's legs. Before anyone could react, the ground gave way beneath them, accompanied by screams and the sound of broken gravel. 
Maria gasped, and Wanda put her hands over her mouth in shock. 
"Oh my God!" You exclaimed. "What the hell just happened?" 
Wanda asked urgently, "Steve? Tony? Can you hear me?" 
Maria followed with a shaky voice, "Natasha? Come in! Anyone?" 
"Shit," she said anxiously, picking up the phone in front of her. "All SHIELD agents, Romeo, Echo, Delta." 
"FRIDAY, Code Red. Initiate Emergency Protocol 3000," Wanda ordered, running back towards the elevator and flipping a red switch under a glass cover. 
"Compound shutdown initiated. Director Fury and Mrs. Stark have been notified and are en route to The Overwatch," FRIDAY responded.
You stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do with yourself. The shock of what you had just witnessed was so intense that your vision started to blur, and you felt as though you were about to pass out. Suddenly, you felt someone's arms on your shoulders, and you jumped slightly. 
"Y/N? Y/N, love, stay with me, okay?" Wanda said, her voice soothing.
You looked up at her and then back at the monitors, pointing at them with a shaking hand. "They... it..." you stammered, struggling to form coherent sentences.
Wanda nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know," she said, rubbing her hands up and down your arms in a gesture of comfort.
She slowly led you back to your seat, still holding onto your shoulders, and conjured a glass of water out of thin air. Taking it in your hand, you felt the coolness of the glass against your skin, which helped ground you and bring you back to the present moment.
Fury furrowed his brows and asked Maria, "When was your last point of contact?"
"Five minutes ago."
"Maximoff was running point?"
You didn't appreciate the way Director Fury was speaking about Wanda as if she wasn't in the room, but as an outsider, you chose to hold your tongue.
Wanda stepped forward before Maria could respond, "Yes, sir."
"What happened?"
“Two energy surges of unknown origin, but we didn’t have time to assess the cause before-." Wanda’s voice trailed off as she struggled to continue.
“Before you lost them,” Fury finished the sentence for her. Wanda nodded silently, unable to look the Director in the eyes.
“She didn’t lose them! It was an accident,” You suddenly heard yourself shout.
Pepper placed a hand on your shoulder as Fury’s gaze shifted over to you. 
“Who is this?” Fury asked, pointing at you.
“I'm Y/N Y/L/N, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you,” you said, slowly reaching out your hand to shake his, but the gesture went unreciprocated.
"The car accident victim," looking you up and down. "She looks fine, why is she still here?"
You wondered why you were still here yourself, but Maria jumped in before you could respond, "She’s still recovering, Sir."
"Do you have clearance to be down here?"
You fumbled in your pocket for the white card Wanda had given you earlier. Fury looked at the card but gave you no response before turning back to Wanda.
“Are we still picking up pings from their trackers?”
“Yes, faintly,” Wanda said.
"Do we know how deep the catacomb goes?" He continued.
“Roughly 65 feet, but the fall could have taken them another 50 feet at least," Wanda stated.
“They were wearing oxygen masks?” Fury asked.
“Yes, but they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply if they haven’t been damaged,” Wanda explained.
Fury turned back to Maria, “How fast can we have a team of agents on the ground in Rome?”
Your ears perked up at finally knowing where everyone was.
“Four hours,” Maria responded.
“Make it three,” The Director said.
“Yes, sir,” Maria replied as she started to walk away.
Wanda interrupted calmly, "No. I’m going."
“Out of the question, Maximoff. You haven’t been back in the field since your return, save for her accident," Fury pointed at you. "I’m not sending you out there by yourself in the most dire moment in the history of SHIELD. You don’t know what you’ll find down there, and you’re still too unreliable."
“Unreliable,” Wanda repeated. “With all due respect, Director Fury, no one is more reliable than me. There is no one more powerful than me, and you and I both know that it will take someone who can move heaven and Earth, literally, to bring everyone home!”
Fury looked over at Pepper, who had yet to say a word—doing her best to keep her calm.
"Wanda can do it," Pepper declared, fidgeting with her wedding ring. "I have faith in her." 
"You leave in 20 minutes,” Fury said, turning to Wanda. “But you're not going alone.”
“I’ll get changed right away, sir,” Maria assumed.
“No, you’re staying here, Hill. You’re too close to the situation with Romanoff.”
“Nick, I-“
“No, you’ll run co-point from here. That is final."
“Co-point? Who is-“
“I need to make a couple of phone calls. In the meantime, Maximoff, you get suited up. We’ll meet you in the hangar,” Fury ordered.
“Yes, sir,” Wanda acknowledged.
You followed Wanda out of the elevator and into the locker room, feeling nervous and determined. Wanda suited up with a look of solemn determination on her face. You didn't want to show your nervousness; Wanda had enough on her plate. She took out her phone, frowned at the screen, and then turned to you with a serious look.
“I need you to do something for me,” the redhead said.
“Of course, anything,” you replied, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
“I need you to pick up Billy and Tommy and stay with them at my house. I know you have only met them once, but they liked you,” she started to ramble, her voice tinged with anxiety. “Pepper offered to take them, but I just can’t let her do that while Tony is…” she paused, her voice breaking with sadness.
You nodded understandingly, realizing the gravity of the situation. “I’ll do it,” you said, grabbing both sides of her face. “The boys will be okay, I promise. You bring everyone home.”
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I I already called the school to let them know you’ll be picking them up. I know I can trust you,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion. Your lips met in a kiss—one of comfort and reassurance.
The word trust was all it took for Onyx Petroleum and Sokovia to rush back to the front of your mind. But then you remembered Tony’s words. “If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen.” Wanda needed to focus. But God, it was killing you to keep this from her, even under the most dire circumstances.
You walked with Wanda to the hangar, an area of the compound you had yet to visit. The mood was a stark contrast from this morning. SHIELD Agents moved about the space with the same purpose and direction, but the energy differed. It was anxious.
You caught sight of Director Fury standing next to one of the Quinjets with two women you didn’t recognize, but it was clear Wanda knew both of them. She ran a few steps ahead of you and wrapped her arms around both of them in an emotional embrace.
“Y/N, this is Dr. Darcy Lewis and Captain Monica Rambeau,” Wanda said, motioning to each woman. “This Y/N Y/L/N, she said, touching your back.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you both,” you said as you shook their hands, trying to keep your composure.
“Hi, nice to meet you too, Y/N,” Darcy replied warmly.
“It’s a pleasure,” Monica said, giving you a small smile.
"Captain Rambeau will be accompanying Ms. Maximoff to Rome, and Dr. Lewis will be running point with Deputy Director Hill from The Overwatch," Fury explained before glancing at his watch. "It's time to go."
Wanda looked at you with a mixture of anxiety and determination in her eyes. You tried to hide your nervousness, not wanting to add to her stress.
After a deep breath, Wanda spoke, "Billy and Tommy will be off from school in a couple of hours," she said, handing you her house keys. "Let them know that I'm working with the rest of the team, but don't give them any details. I’ll try to check in if I can.”
"Okay, sweetheart," you replied, taking the keys and putting them in your pocket. "Just make sure everyone comes home safe."
"I will," Wanda said with a nod, her eyes shining with determination.
As you leaned in to kiss the beautiful redhead, you felt a rush of emotion wash over you. Her soft lips met yours, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away. When you pulled away, you wrapped her in a tight embrace, holding her close to your chest. You watched as she walked towards the Quinjet, accompanied by Monica. Darcy and Fury were waiting by the side of the hangar, their faces solemn. You couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as the jet's engines came to life and slowly lifted off the ground. You stood there, watching as it climbed higher and higher into the sky until it was nothing more than a speck in the distance. As it disappeared from view, you felt a pang in your chest, as if a piece of your heart was flying away with it.
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shego89notabot · 1 year
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Characters: Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Melinda May, Alexander Pierce, Remy LeBeau Additional Tags: Non-Consensual Touching, Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's Daughter, Protective Tony Stark, Medical Trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Past Torture, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon means nothing to me, Angst has no place here either, No beta - we live like BAMF women here, Timeline What Timeline, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers Summary:
Tony discovers Steve Rogers was found alive before the events of the Avenger's movie. After finding him being abused while still unconscious he has him brought to the tower for safety so Steve wakes up in a completely different situation with a subdued, sympathetic Tony Stark offering support and friendship. How will this change future events? And what will happen when Tony's brilliant hacker daughter, Darcy Lewis, discovers HYDRA hidden within SHIELD at the same time?
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See aimmyarrowshigh’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: aimmyarrowshigh Email: [email protected]
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: I only write canon-compliant and canon-adjacent fic, so I'm not the person to request for totally AU AUs! That said, I'll write AUs that exist within the canon-adjacent space (Shrunkyclunks and Shrinkyclinks, X Character Lives, Everyone Lives In Avengers Tower, Omegaverse, fix-it, etc.) I love writing about food as a metaphor for love, and that will probably show up in anything I'm writing in some way. I love writing about the recovery of the Red Room characters (Natasha, Yelena, Bucky, Nadia, Ying). I love writing Jewish characters. I love a lot of rarepairs -- please check here for more information and to check if your preferred ship is one that I will write.
Will not create works that contain: I will not write breathplay, impact play, hard BDSM, scat, watersports, vore, "good" or "redeemed" Nazis, "sexy" rape including rape fantasy or role play, werewolves, mermaids, catboys, bestiality, furries, or cheating. I also will not write wild AUs that are not connected to the canon world in some way -- I'm just not the best writer for those requests! And I'm not the person to ask for Peggy Carter-centric fic. I pretty much only know how to write flangst -- don't ask for anything with a super dark ending, because I can't do it.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1057
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Natasha Romanov-centric - MCU Bucky Barnes & Yelena Belova & Ava Starr - MCU Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop - MCU Xu Xialing-centric - MCU Scott Lang/Steve Rogers - MCU Wanda Maximoff-centric - MCU Darcy Lewis-centric - MCU Steve Rogers-centric - MCU Nadia van Dyne-centric - 616
Work Description: I will create a fanwork of 5,000 words for the starting bid of $15, with each additional $5 increase equaling an additional 1,000 words (up to a total of 15,000 words). I will also most likely make a little picspam/graphic for the story. :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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adnauseum11 · 8 months
Northern Attitude Ch 9
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“Me too.” She breathed and he looked up at her, her pulse already fluttering under his palm. She shifted above him, moving her legs to bring her hips into better alignment with his. Mac kissed him as her weight settled onto him, making him groan into her mouth, tugging on the base of her braid again. His hands were slow, making a meal out of getting her free from her cardigan and tracing the shape of her body under her shirt. She broke away from his mouth with a gasp when he tweaked her nipples, making her back arch. Logan used the opportunity to tug her shirt over her head, throwing it without looking. She looked down at his intense face, his palms cupping her breasts, her bra tugged low. His eyes were locked on her dusky pink nipples, inches from his face. She watched as his eyes fluttered closed and his mouth wrapped around one tightened bud, her palm instantly cupping the back of his head to keep him close. He groaned against her skin, the sound and vibration making her nerve endings sing. He leaned back, releasing her hard nipple with a pop and undid her bra, tugging the useless fabric from her body and throwing it in the same vague direction as the rest of her clothes. She bit her lip as his eyes stayed locked on her tits and tugged on his hair hard enough to finally break his concentration, the pale ring of blue nearly obliterated by the dilated black of his pupils.
Northern Attitude (48110 words) by Ad_nauseum Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Logan (X-Men)/Original Female Character, Jane Foster/Thor, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton Characters: Logan (X-Men), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hank McCoy, Bruce Banner, Charles Xavier, Kurt Wagner, Pepper Potts, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Matt Murdock, Nick Fury Additional Tags: no beta we die like women, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes Needs Therapy, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Avengers Compound, Protective Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Captain America Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Protective Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Friendship, Frenemies Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson is not here for your shit, Human Disaster Matt Murdock, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Past Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Alcoholic OFC, Depression, Suicide Attempt, Canada Olympic Women's Hockey Team Ensemble, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Feels, Genius Tony Stark, Sassy Bucky Barnes, Sassy Steve Rogers, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Protective Logan (X-Men), martial arts master Logan, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Original Character(s), X-Men References, Alternate Universe - X-Men Fusion, SHIP DARCY LEWIS WITH ALL THE THINGS, Therapist Sam Wilson, I'll Probably Keep Adding Tags, Medical Doctor Hank McCoy, Mental Health Issues, Logan has forgotten more about combat than you'll ever know, Logan in love is a dangerous man, hello unstoppable force, meet immovable object, Hockey, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Spy Natasha Romanov, Penis In Vagina Sex, Cunnilingus, Blow Jobs Series: Part 3 of The Labyrinth Song Summary: As former Olympian Mackenzie Drouin tries to navigate life as a new amputee, her freshly minted boyfriend is reluctantly drawn into another intrigue. With the Winter Solider needing intervention before being cleared for field work again, the Avengers are down not one, but multiple members. They turn to Logan for help in filling the gap - only to have things go even further off the rails when worlds collide.
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marvelrarepairbingo · 3 months
Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Summer Round Up Pt. 2
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Hey everyone! It's summer time and the season's just heating up and so are we with these great submissions that have come our way in this Part Two (from the posts on Tumblr) round up for our 3rd round bingo. Things are getting close to winding up as we head into a 4th round near the end of the summer, so stay tuned for more from us about that in the future. For now, however, enjoy these hot new works under the cut from our participants. They promise to a scorcher in the summer sun!
Too weird to live, too rare to die Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Relationships: Justin Hammer & Loki, Justin Hammer/Loki Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Avengers Family, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Not Canon Compliant, Everybody Lives, Living Together, Enemies to Friends, rivals to friends, Baking, Getting to Know Each Other, Banter, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Family Fluff, Team as Family, Family Feels, Bonding, Family Bonding, Team Bonding, Second Chances, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas references, Mentions of Morgan Stark - Freeform, Mentions of Timmy Hammer (Justin's nephew), moodboard, Tony Stark's Cars, Tony Stark loves his cars and doesn't want to share them, Mission Fic, mission, Road Trips, Developing Friendships, Talking, Sparks of interest, Teasing, Flirting, There Was Only One Bed, How Justin Got His Groove Back, Pet Names, Loki's magic (Marvel), Team Dynamics, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Blood, Blood and Violence, Not Taylor Swift Friendly, Not Travis Kelce Friendly, hostages, X-Men Cameos Language: English Published: 2024-06-28 Words: 34,750 Chapters: 7/7 For the @marvelrarepairbingo's Moodboard Madness, prompts: 7. Road Trip and will likely fall under 3. Mission Gone Wrong and more than likely (in fic) 8. There was only one bed.
Marvel Heroes & Villains & Those a little In Between Presents Title: Marvel Heroes & Villains & Those a Little In Between Presents: Pride Drag Moodboard Prompt: 3. Drag Shows Pairing: No Pairing. Summary: Pride Drag, raising money for May Parker's Home for Displaced Queer Youth, pulling in various heroes, villains, and those considered a little in between to perform.
Code Margarita & Rainbows Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Relationships: Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: alternative universe, No-Power AU, accidentally married, Unknowingly Married, Drinking, Pride event, funny pride shirts, fairy wings, Flower Crowns, Beefy Bucky, Skinny Steve, Language Language: English Published: 2024-06-23 Words: 3,358 Chapters: 2/? Summary: Darcy was on her way to her first pride event. She was a little hesitant, but two nice strangers offered to show her around. An offer Darcy gladly took.
Rainbow blasts For the Pride Month Prompts of Marvel Rare Pair Bingo @marvelrarepairbingo, I made an entry for the Mood Board Madness section. title: Rainbow blasts prompts: Poly ship, Dykes on Bikes characters/ship: Hawkye/Black Widow/Storm/Synch medium: movieverse (Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence) story: Natasha and Ororo are absolutely adamant about leaving the male members of their polycule aka their moping boyfriends at home for Mutant and Superhero Pride this year and rather join the Dykes on Bikes parade section. When the event is threatened by a bunch of radical bigot terrorists sending dozens of suicide bombers to literally blow up everyone's fun though, Everett and Clint need to overcome their aversion against mass events and join the girls to save the day. After Ororo's lightning and Clint's trick arrows have made an inevitable mess of the rainbow decoration while taking out the enemies one by one, Synch lights up the street with his powers for a few hours of celebration instead, before the four of them leave for the nearest motel room for celebrating yet another victory.
Bruises and Bullet Wounds After chillaxing for a bit I finally have time to draw for funsies! I’ve started a few bingo fills but yet to finish most, the curse of the WIP 😔 This wasn’t originally going to be a comic hense why the first one is the only one fairly finished, but this little scenario kept playing in my head while drawing so I ran with it Steve here doesn’t know Logan’s a mutant, not yet at least
Weight Of The World On His Shoulders Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Relationships: Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Additional Tags: Whump, Clint Barton Whump, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop Friendship, Accidental Killing, Clint Barton Needs a Hug, Archery, Hurt Clint Barton, Clint Barton Feels, Skeletons In The Closet, Circus Performer Clint Barton Language: English Published: 2024-05-03 Words: 1,157 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Kate asks Clint a question he can't avoid and he relives one of the worst moments of his life.
Moodboard Madness Marvel Rare Pair Bingo [Round 3] - Square B1 Celebrity AU [feat. Veterinarian AU] + Peter Quill/Thor
Howling in the Dark MRPB’s Mood Board Madness: Historical AU (1940s/World War II) + Bucky Barnes/John Walker, light/pre Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff/Sam Wilson Howling in the Dark: A secret history of the Howling Commandos
Fear Street 2005 MRPB's Mood Board Madness Round 2: Horror Movie + Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff (ver. 2) Fear Street: 2005 - Things have been going oddly great for the sleepy town of Shadyside in the last decade, ever since a string of murders exposed the Sheriff's dark side, and their golden neighbors over at Sunnyvale lost their good luck and their shiny reputations while at it. But best friends Wanda and Nat are starting to see that the peace and prosperity will not last for much longer as people begin going missing and strange happenings become their new normal.
For Brock's Sake Fandom: Marvel, Captain America. Ship: Sinthea Schmidt & Jack Rollins, Sinthea Schmidt X Brock Rumlow. Word count: 100 words. Square: N3 “Free.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Is Brock’s best friend vs Brock’s girlfriend. Major Tags: Arguing.
Helping Fandom: Marvel, Cloak & Dagger. Ship: The divine pairing Word count: 100 words. Square: N2 “Helping a stranger.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Another way that Ty and Tandy meet. Major Tags: Escaping.
Taking hands Fandom: Marvel, Captain America. Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt. Word count: 229 words. Square: 5 “Hand-holding.” Rating: Teen. Summary: A special moment between Sin and Brock. Major Tags: Fluff.
Run Fandom: Marvel, Captain America. Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt. Word count: 555 words. Square: N1 “A locked trunk.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Brock and Sin escaped from Steve. Major Tags: Locked trunk, mission, mention of Dark Dimension.
Violent Fandom: Marvel, The gifted. Ship: Marcos Díaz & Carmen Guerra. Word count: 100 words. Square: I5 “Angry mob.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Carmen asked Marcos for help. Major Tags: Purifiers.
Stranded Fandom: Marvel, Captain America. Ship: Steve Rogers & Janet van Dyne. Word count: 549 words. Square: I4 “Stranded in a blizzard.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Is Steve and Janet vs Snowstorm. Major Tags: Snowstorm.
Kites Fandom: Marvel, Fantastic Four. Ship: Sue Storm & Johnny Storm. Word count: 241 words. Square: 4 “Kite flying.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Sue wanna fly some kites with his brother like when they were children. Major Tags: Fluff.
Saving her Fandom: Marvel, Runaways. Ship: Gert Yorkes X Chase Stein Word count: 100 words. Square: I3 “Stalker.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Chase saves Gert. Major Tags: Time travel, different timelines.
Image Fandom: Marvel, Captain America, Avengers. Ship: Steve Rogers & Clint Barton Word count: 501 words. Square: I2 “Picture of Steve.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Steve’s plan gone wrong. Major Tags: Clint saved the day.
Change Fandom: Marvel, Captain America. Ship: Steve Rogers & Sinthea Schmidt. Word count: 200 words. Square: 3 “Taking photos.” Rating: Teen. Summary: Sin has an objective. Major Tags: Captain HYDRA.
Jetlagged Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Captain Marvel (2019), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) Relationship: Carol Danvers/Peter Quill Characters: Carol Danvers, Peter Quill Additional Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Short & Sweet, Sleepy Cuddles, Soft Carol Danvers Language: English Published: 2024-05-27 Words: 320 Chapters: 1/1
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