#dark clint barton
thefiery-phoenix · 7 months
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It would be difficult to know if he's a yandere or not since he hides his obsessive yandere tendencies really well no joke. You wouldn't even notice if he was after you or not, he's THAT secretive
He's really good at sneaking in the shadows all stealthy like but he's all smiles and rainbows with you since he doesn't want you to suspect him
As a yandere Clint can be possessive, obsessive and a bit manipulative too. Oh and violent too if anyone is that stupid or that much of a dummy to hurt you while HE'S around
When he realizes you like books as well he'll get you some books for you to read and you both engage in conversations about books quite often. He loves it when your eyes light up and sparkle with joy and adoration when you talk about books, it makes his heart go all Doki doki
Yes, Clint is a swearer too so no need to be shy but he finds it really amusing and hilarious not to mention cute too when you start swearing be it at Tony or some other random villain
Speaking of Tony, this man will get INSANELY jealous as HECK if Tony or ANYONE else for that matter starts flirting with you. One death glare from Clint will make the opposite person shut up in seconds and maybe running away in fear. Oh, what's that? Someone from SHIELD asked you out today? Oh too bad they won't be able to make it
He already has a place for you to live with him. His farm, where the 2 of you can lead a nice normal happy life with a happy big family. This man here sure plans everything ahead and he might have even taken the help of Natasha and Steve and some of the other Avengers to spot if there were any loopholes in it
He's prepared to you fighting him and everything and he'll fingerprint locks on all modes of escape like doors and windows and stuff like that. He will do whatever it takes to keep you by his side at any cost no matter what
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angellyslion · 1 year
Quand un enfant meurt kidnappe en un d'une autre dimension Chapitre 1
Tony Stark, le dirigeant de la terre-2666616, depuis deux ans cherche une manière de ramener son précieux fils à la maison. Son enfant a été leur petit lumière et la personne qui maintenait tout le monde ensemble. Il était leur boussole morale.
La personne la plus douce et gentille qu'il connaît. Il avait un coeur en or. Il l'a trouvé, un soir d'hiver dans la rue. Ses vêtements été abîmé et sale. Il avait des contusions et des cicatrices sur tout son corps . Il l'a ramener à la tour. Bruce l'a examiné et soigné. Ils ont découvert que sa tante était abusive et l'avait mit dehors suite à la mort de son oncle. Sans aucune hésitation, le groupe a adopté l'enfant.
« Boss, nous avons trouvé une dimension compatible ! Dans cet univers, il y a quelques changements. Pour commencer le plus gros changement Peter sera Pénélope. Elle n'a pas de pouvoir et elle sera plus jeune, si les informations son correcte elle aura douze ans. Les Avengers de son monde sont morts ou à la retraite. Ils ne vous empêcheront pas de récupérer l'enfant. Nous ignorons si sa tante l'a traité de la même manière cependant.
- Parfait, sa tante ne sera pas un problème à traiter ! Je vais prévenir les autres de cette avancée ! Tony Stark connu sous le nom de Superior Ironman cconvoque une réunion d'urgence des Avengers.
- Si j'ai rassemblé tout le monde, j'ai une bonne nouvelle ! Vous savez que j'ai essayé de trouver un monde compatible au notre ?
- Oui !
- Mon équipe en a trouvé un. Il y a quelques différences, notamment que dans cet univers Peter n'existe pas mais Pénélope si. Elle sera plus jeune que notre Peter et elle n'aura pas de pouvoir.
- Tu veux remplacer notre enfant ?! Crie Bucky.
- Non, personne ne remplacera Pete. Depuis sa disparition, nous sommes tous misérable. Nous ne passons plus de temps ensemble. Chacun fait ce qu'il veut Et je me suis dis si nous il nous manque un Pete peut-être que là-bas, il y en a un qui a besoin de nous, qui n'a pas ses Avengers qui prennent soins de lui
- Tony a raison. Et si nous accueillons une fille, les choses vont être différentes.
- Stephen serait-il possible que tu modifies la mémoire de tout le monde pour faire croire que nous avons toujours eu une fille depuis que nous l'avons adopté, il y a deux ans ? S'ils remarquent que nous avons un deuxième enfant des questions seront posés et je n'ai pas envie d'expliquer le pourquoi du pourquoi.
- Bien sûr, j'aurai juste besoin de voir à quoi elle ressemble avant de lancer le sort.
- Parfait !
- Nous allons préparer sa chambre aujourd'hui. Et demain un volontaire et moi irons la récupérer.
- Tu veux prendre quelle chambre ?
- Celle qui est à côté de Peter ! Pour l'instant, personne ne touche à la chambre de Pete. Nat et Wanda, je vous confie la tâche de lui acheter des vêtements et ce qu'il faut pour une jeune adolescente de douze ans, bien entendu vous avez un budget ilimité !
- Bien sûr Tony ! Une fois que tout le monde ai vaqué à ses occupations. Tony murmure pour lui-même devant la vue de New-York qui s'étendait devant lui baigné par la lumière du soleil levant.
- Bientôt tout reviendra comme avant. J'ai hâte de te récupérer mon enfant bien-aimé ! Je ne ferai pas les mêmes erreurs deux fois. Je te donnerai le monde sur un plateau d'argent si tu me le demande ! JARVIS !
- Oui Monsieur ?
- Quand Pénélope sera ici, réactive tout les programmes de protection ! J'en rajouterai une fois qu'elle sera installée en fonction de comment elle est et réagi à sa nouvelle vie.
- Bien patron !
- Merci JARVIS.
Le lendemain matin, Tony et Bucky se tiennent devant le portail en direction de la terre 616.
- Buck prêt à récupérer notre enfant ?
- Oui j'ai hâte de l'avoir dans mes bras !
- Bientôt, très bientôt, elle sera avec nous ! Et cette fois-ci rien ne nous l'enleverra !
Le duo traverse le portail.
Chapitre suivant ->
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acriminalmind · 6 months
Songs From the Wood
Forest Dweller Wanda Maximoff x GN Reader
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Summary: For years tourists who enter the mysterious woods around the town you grew up in are never to be seen again. What happened to them remains a mystery. 
After years you return to the place you rather forget if it wasn’t for your parents still living there. 
A party thrown by your former classmates ends up with you fighting for your life and getting a new one you can’t return from. 
Warnings: ⚠️ 18+, minors DNI, dark themes, shitty and immature people, consequences of alcohol, spiked drink, use of weapons like knives, swords, and axes, very graphic images (blood, horrible injuries, torture, violent and gruesome deaths), use of strong language, allusions to cannibalism, kidnapping (taking someone without their permission), manipulation (kinda gaslighting), Stockholm Syndrome (rational thinking has gone out the window), smut (later in the story) (mention of penetration, but not specified with what), human sacrifices, loyalty tests, marriage, fluff, angst, some deja vu moments, slighty dark Wanda at times. 
Please don’t report. You’ve been warned
AN: Sorry for the long wait. My new job takes me a lot of time and energy. I hope to find time to write during my vacations and weekends. I’m not out of ideas yet. 
AN: In this story, Wanda is the 20-year-old sister of Pietro, who is a 10-year-old boy.
Word count: 14213 (Damn)
Enjoy! And let me know what you think. 
On a warm summer evening, you received an invitation to a party organized by some former high school classmates. Initially, you had not planned on going because your high school days were not the most fun period in your life and you certainly would not be mourning never having to see your former classmates, who pretended you were invisible most of the time and only talked to you when they needed something from you, ever again. You had left the village where you had grown up shortly after the last day of high school. A university on the other side of the country had offered you a scholarship, which of course you had accepted. Five years later, you had graduated with flying colors and had been offered a well-paying job at the company where you had been an intern for the last two years of your education. 
Despite having no reason or desire to go to a party so far from what you now considered home you still replied that you would attend. Your parents still live in that village and you hadn't visited them in too long, so you would visit them before you went to the party. You opened your digital calendar and put in the date of the party. Fortunately, you had just gotten a raise so the plane ticket was easily paid for. You had even granted yourself a seat in first class.
Turning off your phone you put it face down on your desk and refocused on what you were doing, writing a smutty fanfic about your favorite female heroine.
"She dropped to her knees and took their hard member in her hands. In her small hands, their cock seemed even bigger than it already was. Opening her mouth she leaned forward and took..."
Two weeks had passed and you were about to leave for the airport. A suitcase and backpack stood neatly packed next to you on the pavement as you locked your front door. You had asked your neighbor to watch your house during the time you were gone, which would not be more than 3 days if everything went right. The cab you had ordered pulled up into the driveway. After the driver had helped you with your luggage the both of you took your seats and drove off. The ride took no longer than half an hour due to the lack of traffic. After you paid the driver and tipped, you walked into the large building in front of you. The check-in went as it always did. You were happy to finally get on the plane and be seated. Next to you sat an older man who had fallen asleep not soon after takeoff. After it was announced that passengers could unbuckle their seat belts you grabbed your laptop from your bag and started working on an assignment for work. The hours flew by, no pun intended.
Once off the plane you stretched and walked to the waiting area where your parents were already waiting for you with welcoming smiles on their faces. You gave them both a big hug before your father grabbed your stuff from you and started walking with them to the car even though you told him he didn't have to do that for you and that you could do it yourself, but he was stubborn and ignored you. Your mother talked to you during the car ride about what was happening in the village. Pretty little happened in the small community where almost everyone knew each other. Except for one thing. Over the past few years, several people went missing in the woods surrounding the village and were never found. Those who went missing were mostly tourists who had probably wandered off the marked hiking trails, but it was still strange and slightly worrisome. It also wasn’t good for business as word about the woods spread fast and as a consequence, the village was being avoided by many tourists who would normally fill up the streets and spend a good amount of money in the local shops. Quite an amount of shops had to close their doors due to a lack of customers and lack of income. The shopping district was now filled with lots of empty buildings holding a gloomy atmosphere.
Your mother mentioned that someone had been reported missing again, but it was a villager this time. She mentioned the name and you recognized it immediately. It was the name of a former classmate of yours from high school. Apparently, someone had dared him to go into the woods and go off the path to see if the stories were true and that there was indeed a monster in the woods that kidnaps and eats anyone who goes off the path. It was funny until he hadn't returned after an hour and he didn't answer his cell phone either. Authorities were called in to search, but all they found was a large pool of blood with his phone lying in it. To this day, he has not been found adding another name to the growing list of missing people who fell victim to the woods.
The date of his disappearance was a week before you got the invitation to the party. You thought it was odd that they were throwing a party right now when a fellow villager was missing, but your mother said they were already planning the party before the man went missing and his parents insisted that the party should just be held as planned.
When you arrived at your parent’s house, you made sure to get your luggage out of the car before your father could. You followed your mother to the front door which she unlocked to let you in. Everything looked exactly the same as the last time you visited your parents. The house was spacious but still gave off a cozy feeling. Several pictures of you and your parents hung on the walls. It was like a timeline of your life. It puts a small smile on your face. Your mother told you to take your things to the guest room, which was your old bedroom, while she would prepare dinner. As confirmation that you had heard her, you nodded to her before walking upstairs. The second room on the right side of the hall was yours. It had its own mini bathroom and walk-in closet. You put your things in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed to rest your eyes for a while.
Stepping out of your father's car you had borrowed to drive to the party you could already hear the loud music and people singing along from the parking lot. The party was fully going. Calmly you walked toward the entrance, breathing in the fresh air one last time before entering the smelly and crowded space. You made your way towards the bar where you ordered a diet coke, not wanting to get too drunk this early in the evening, especially while being surrounded by people you hadn't seen for years and wouldn’t fully trust with your well-being if you were drunk. 
Looking around you, you took in the different faces of the people dancing on the dancefloor. You recognized most of them, they were just a bit more mature since you last saw them, but looking more mature didn't stop them from acting immature as you saw a group of men, who were part of the football team back in the day, act like monkeys on speed. Rolling your eyes at the sight you moved your eyesight to a couple of young women standing in the corner giggling about something. The blonde woman standing in the middle of the group took your breath away. It was your secret school crush and she looked even more beautiful than you remembered. The ring on her finger stopped you from approaching, not that you knew what you would have said to her if you would have. You didn't want to embarrass yourself more than you had already done in school. 
For a while, you sat in silence sipping on your drink at the bar, watching the people around you like you also did as a teenager when you sat alone at lunch. When you were done with the one coke you had ordered that night you headed towards the exit, wanting to call it a night, but on your way, you were pulled onto the dancefloor by an unknown woman who started to dance around you. "Danzz with meeee!" she yelled barely hearable due to the loud music. Her slurred words and strong smell told you that she was highly intoxicated, but like the decent person you are you started awkwardly dancing with her. You didn't want anyone with bad intentions to get their hands on her as long as she was under the influence of alcohol and could be easily manipulated into doing regrettable things. After what felt like an hour of dancing with the woman you felt yourself getting tired. The woman had in the meantime sobered up a little and had found the people she came with. She gave you a quick peck on your cheek and thanked you for keeping her company after apologizing for bothering you in her drunken state. The action made you blush. This didn't go unnoticed as a small group of people made their way to you while cheering at you and making kissing sounds. One of the broad men threw his arm over your shoulder while ruffling your hair with his free hand. "Look at our favorite nerd getting some action!" Laughter filled your ears. One of the others yelled that it was probably the furthest you've ever gotten with a girl. The people now surrounding you were all people who had made your life in school unnecessarily difficult and less enjoyable. You awkwardly laughed at the stupid jokes that were being made about you in the hope that soon they would get bored of themselves and would leave you alone so you could leave this place as fast as you could to never see anyone of them again.
Half an hour later you were still at the party you had badly wanted to leave a while ago, but the strong arm on your shoulder and your shyness preventing you from speaking up had made you stay where you were. One of the women pushed a drink into your hand after you had declined the offer, guess no isn't an answer she takes. The jokes about you had stopped and the topic of conversation had changed to the missing people cases that held a tight grip on the local community. One of the women, who you remembered to be the daughter of the sheriff told about what she had heard from a whispered conversation between her father and the mayor that she had eavesdropped on four days ago. Apparently, investigators had found evidence that points to a new-found theory of mystery people inhabiting the woods. Silently sipping on your drink you listened to the woman and all the things she had heard. Even though the whole matter wasn't of interest to you, the thought of possibly dangerous people living in the woods close to your parent's house, made you more than uncomfortable. The thought of convincing your parents to temporarily live with you while searching for a new place for them far away from where they lived now crossed your mind. You were pulled out of your thoughts by someone patting your shoulder to get your attention. "Come on, let's see for ourselves," you heard someone say. You wanted to pull yourself away from the group who were now walking you to the back exit leading to the mysterious woods, but you failed. It felt like you had lost control over your body. Looking down at the empty red cup in your hand you cursed to yourself. You hadn't even noticed you had drunk the whole thing. The girl who gave it to you held your hand, pulling you with her toward the edge where the trees met the main road. You wanted to say no, but no sound came out of your mouth. Before you could register it you had been pulled into the darkness, the only sound you could hear was the drunken laughter of the people around you and the breaking of the twigs underneath your stumbling feet. While you were pulled further into the woods, even getting off the designated hiking trails, multiple pairs of eyes were watching your every move from behind the trees waiting to strike. 
At hearing a weird sound behind you you turned your head to see where it came from. You could have sworn you saw a silhouette standing next to one of the many trees surrounding you, but before you could get a closer look the girl still holding your hand pulled your attention to her. She pulled you into a deep and unwanted kiss. After she had ended the kiss she complimented you for how good of a kisser you were, saying she hadn't expected that from you. Before you could react to her insulting expectation she had passed out on the floor from the combination of alcohol, drugs, and tiredness with you following her not close behind.
The woods became now completely silent.
You woke up when the first rays of the sun showed through the trees. Your head was pounding as a result of last night's activities. Looking around you noticed that you were the only one there. There was no sign of anybody else. Those fuckers had abandoned you in the middle of god knows where. Curse words left your mouth as you tried to stand up from the cold ground while having to deal with a major hangover. Once on your feet, you took another look around hoping to spot an indication as to where in the woods you were exactly, but as far as you could see you only saw trees and bushes. Looking at the place of the sun in the greyish-colored sky you decided to head east where the sun had come up some time ago. It was cold and damp and the thin shirt you had on did nothing to keep you warm. Hugging yourself you tried to keep the little body warmth you had left with you. Every time you exhaled a cloud of fog left your mouth. Without you realizing it you had started to chatter your teeth.
After what felt like hours of walking you collapsed to the ground. Your feet were dying beneath you as you weren't used to walking for so long and underneath these conditions. Leaning against a huge tree you tried to catch your breath and talk yourself into getting up again and continuing walking. You didn't even know whether you were going in the right direction, but you couldn't just stay in one place with these cold temperatures and not knowing whether someone was looking for you. Just now you realized how far you were dragged into the woods. The night before it had felt like just a few meters. 
When you had found the strength you needed to get back up you took a deep breath and continued your journey toward your hopeful escape from the dense woods and to not be another name on the missing persons list who fell victim to it. 
Every step you set hurts. It felt like your feet were about to fall off any second now. The frightening thought of never being able to see your parents again and leaving them in uncertainty about your well-being made you pull through.
To distract yourself from the pain you were in and keep up the spirit you started silently singing one of your favorite songs.
"Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you ..."
As you started to sing the song you were singing for the past half an hour for the ninth time you were disrupted by a high-pitched scream coming not far away from you. Holding your breath while standing deadly still, you looked around searching for the source of the scream while wondering if it came from someone who needed your help and in exchange could help you or if it came from someone who you should run from. Out of nowhere one of the guys who were with you last night came storming out of the bushes on the right of you while screaming for his life. He was covered in blood and you were sure that you saw the bone of his right arm sticking out.
You stared wide-eyed at the panicked man en wondered what had happened to him to put him in a state like he was. Another noise coming from the bushes grabbed your attention. As fast as you could you dove behind a tree to hide from whatever was gonna come out of it. Carefully you peeked your head around the edge to see what was gonna happen next. Not even five seconds after you had taken your hiding spot behind the tree two big figures with deer fur as clothes and animal skulls covering their faces appeared from the bushes. They both had a handmade axe in their hand which was dripping with blood. One of them let out some sort of battle cry before the both of them sprinted behind the wounded man. You watched fearfully as they rapidly reduced the distance between themselves and their prey. One of the figures threw his axe toward the man which ended up drilled in between his shoulder blades and throwing him face first on the ground. He let out cries of pain while trying to crawl away, but his suffering came to an abrupt end when the other figure who still had his axe harshly brought it down into his skull splitting it open and ending his life. Blood and brain tissue was splattered around the lifeless body. You slapped your hand over your mouth to prevent any sound from coming out and ducked back behind the wood. You wanted to scream, but you couldn't do that because they would hear you. You wanted to run, but you couldn't do that because they would come after you and do god knows what to you.
Never in your life had you felt this kind of fear.
You sat quiet and motionless behind the tree in the hope the two figures wouldn't see or hear you and would soon walk away so you could make a run for it. The only thing you could hear was the sound of flesh being cut. It was horrific and made your stomach turn.
When you thought it couldn't get any worse a man and a woman who you recognized as people from the group you were with last night appeared to the left of you, both of them also covered in blood. The man held a little silver-haired boy who looked to be around the age of 10 in his arms while keeping a dull knife to his throat. While the two hadn't noticed your presence, the boy did and he looked you right in the eyes with his tear-filled ones. His small body was trembling in fear. You noticed that just like the two large creatures he was wearing deer fur. He is probably part of the same group as them. He sniffled as a lonely tear dripped down his cheek. Suddenly the man who held the boy hostage started to scream at the two people to not move or else he would kill the kid. Your eyes widened at hearing that threat. The knife was pushed closer against his skin, now drawing blood. Cries of pain and fear left his mouth. The devastating sound pulled on your heartstrings. You wanted to help the boy. You couldn't leave him to his own devices even if the chances of you getting hurt in the process of saving him were high. The girl wasn't an obstacle as she was standing on the other side of the man watching it all go down with fear in her eyes. When the two people started to scream back in some unknown language the man pulled his knife away from the boy's neck, pointing it in front of him in defense. This was your chance. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down a little you got into a running position before sprinting from behind your hiding place toward the boy. 
A red-headed woman was watching it all unfold from behind a tree. No one had noticed her presence yet and she wished it to stay that way.
It felt like everything went into slow motion the moment you had a grip on his arm. Your unexpected appearance surprised the man holding him captive, resulting in him losing the tight grip he had on the boy. This gave you the chance to pull him away and motion for him to make a run for it. He looked at you with a grateful look before running off as fast as he could on his short legs. As you watched him run with a satisfied smile on your face you felt a sharp pain pierce through your skin. Looking at your waist you saw a knife being pulled out of it. The same knife that was against the boy's neck just a minute ago. Blood started to sipe through your shirt. While grabbing at the wound you looked with a panicked look behind you, locking eyes on the man who just brutally stabbed you. He looked down at the in your blood-covered knife in his trembling hand and then looked back at you. His eyes held a gaze of confusion but it soon turned into anger. “You fucking asshole,” he whispered angrily. As you fell to the ground you could hear the young boy scream in anguish. Your eyes became heavy as more blood started to gush out of your body. As you stared up into the sky waiting for the inevitable the man and woman who had captured the boy were being slaughtered at your feet by the forest people. Their screams didn't reach your ears as they could only focus on the slow beats of your own heart. Before your eyes closed you were met with a pair of beautiful emerald-colored eyes that held a soft gaze in them as they looked down at you. 
Every morning before sunrise Wanda would take a walk through the woods surrounding her home. On bare feet, she wandered through the area she had come to know like the back of her hand. Her hands gracefully moved through the high grass, like birds in the sky. She would close her eyes to take in the sounds of nature better. It was like the woods sang a song just for her. It brought a smile to her face.
When she arrived at the heart of the woods she was met with a sight she hadn't seen before. A group of strangers lay sleeping on the ground. She remembered her father's warning words about strangers and that she was not to be near them by herself, but curiosity got the best of her, so she hid behind a tree at a safe distance from the group and observed the scene with curious eyes. 
Before the sun started to come up all but one started to stir awake. Instead of waking them up, they whispered something to each other before running off laughing, but what they didn't know was that they were heading to a place where strangers from the outside world weren't wanted and would probably be their demise.
When the group had left her sight she averted it back to the lone stranger who was still sleeping peacefully. She wanted to take a closer look, but she stopped herself from doing so instead she stayed safely hidden behind the big tree and kept watching the stranger making sure nothing bad happened to them. Wanda always had a caring nature, always wanting to make sure the people in her community were okay. However, the person laying on the ground wasn't someone from her community. She didn’t know them. They were a stranger. Someone her father warned her about numerous times, telling her they were bad people who destroyed good things for selfish reasons and had no respect for nature, something that is very important for her people. She had seen the damage these strangers left behind with her own eyes. Still, she didn't want to leave this one all alone. She always tended to see the good in people and the person who was left behind hadn't given her any reason yet to think otherwise, unlike the people who had left them behind showing the rotten side of humanity. 
As the sun started to appear from behind the trees she saw that the person started to stir awake. She watched every move they made. From them looking with utter confusion around them after waking up all alone in the middle of the woods, to them standing up while muttering unfamiliar words. As Wanda took in their appearance now that she was able to see them better from where she was standing she felt a fluttering feeling in her stomach. They were good-looking. The clothes they were wearing were strange though. Not practical for a life in the woods at all. She couldn't admire them long though as the stranger started to make their departure.
When the stranger had left she decided to head back home herself before her father would start worrying about her and sent out a search team. She also didn't want to make her little brother wait as she had agreed to spend some time with him. The last time she had made him wait he decided to go look for her all by himself in the big and treacherous forest, ending up with a gash on his knee from falling down a rocky path. And with these strangers wandering around she didn't want him to leave home by himself. Who knows what they would do to him if they got their hands on him? The single thought of something happening to him frightened her. She would never forgive herself. 
Wanda held her little brother tight against her body, afraid that if she let go something bad would happen to him. Tears streamed down her face, dripping on top of Pietro's little head. She had watched the whole scene go down, from the moment those two evil outsiders grabbed her brother, who was innocently wandering around the woods while picking flowers, till the moment that the lone stranger she had been watching that morning saved him and as a result got stabbed themselves.
She felt Pietro calm down in her arms, which made her calm down a little too. He is alive and safe in her arms. She looked up and saw how her brother's captors were slaughtered by two of her father's hunting men. They screamed in agony as their bodies were mutilated until their lives had left their bodies. She had watched with zero remorse. Her sight was soon pulled to the lone stranger's motionless body that lay in a small pool of their blood. The person that saved her little brother from their people. She felt warm and grateful. When the hunters moved away from the two piles of flesh and made their way toward the unconscious stranger with their axes in their hands, ready to butcher them too, Wanda abruptly ordered them to a halt. As the daughter of their leader, she had some kind of power. They halted their movements, lowered their weapons, and looked at her through their masks, waiting for their next orders. Wanda looked down at her brother who was now looking up at her with his big friendly eyes which both still held some unshed tears, then returned her sight back to the lone stranger. She thought it over for a second before looking up at the hunters and saying in their language, "Strangers from outside the woods are not welcome in our home because of their evil natures and disrespectful behavior towards our woods, but I believe this one is different. I witnessed early this morning how the people who were with them mercilessly abandoned them in the middle of these dangerous woods. We just saw how they saved Pietro, son of Django Maximoff our celebrated leader, and my father, from their own kind and in return got stabbed. They need help, which our healers can give. We owe that to them." The two hunters grumbled something while shaking their heads. "Don't worry about my father. This is my decision. All consequences are on me. I give you my word." The two hunters looked at each other before nodding at Wanda. One of them ripped off a piece of their fur clothing and used it to tie off your open wound before he carefully pulled you off the cold ground and started walking in the direction of their home, followed directly by the other hunter, Wanda, and Pietro. 
Upon their arrival at the gates of the hidden village, one of the gatekeepers blew on a horn to announce their return before letting them in. They were greeted by Django, his wife Marya, his right-hand man Erik and a handful of guards. Pietro ran like a speedster to his mother who brought him in a loving hug. Wanda made her way over to her father who was already waiting for her with open arms. She almost forgot about what happened just a while ago until she hears her father say, "Who's the stranger you brought with you?" Wanda pulled away from the hug to look her father in the eyes before she would answer him. "You know how I think about outsiders, Wanda. What is one of them doing in our home?" Wanda took a deep breath before she calmly tried to explain the situation to her father and those around them who were also listening. "This morning when I was on my morning walk and arrived at the open spot in the middle of our woods I walked upon a group of them sleeping on the ground." She noticed her father's eyes widen and mouth open ready to tell her once again that she isn't allowed to come near outsiders alone, but before he could Wanda continued, "Don't worry, Dad. I stayed at a safe distance and blended in with nature so they wouldn't notice me. Like you taught me as a kid." Her dad smiled a little at the memories of him and his daughter spending time in the woods while he taught her the ways of nature and how to take good care of it. "I watched them for a while until all of the group but one woke up. They then left, leaving the one still asleep all alone in the middle of the woods. Sometime later they woke up looking confused, scared, and angry. Not long after they had left I decided to walk back home. I had promised Pietro to spend some time with him and I didn't want him to wander alone through the woods with outsiders lurking around..." Wanda stopped to take a breath, knowing what she was about to say next would upset her parents. "Next thing I knew I heard Pietro scream. I ran as fast as I could towards the direction it came from. When I arrived I saw how two of the outsiders I saw that morning held Pietro hostage while holding a knife to his throat. They were yelling at two of your hunters. I was so afraid they were gonna hurt Pietro, but out of nowhere the lone stranger who got left behind sprinted from behind a tree and rescued Pietro. They got stabbed after. I know our rules and how our people think about outsiders, but I think this one is different. They at least deserve to be helped by our healer as a thank-you for saving Pietro. My little brother. Your son and successor." It became quiet. For a few minutes, no one said a word. Django stared at his daughter with an unknown look. He then looked to Pietro, who was still being held by his mother. "Is it true, little warrior? Did the lone stranger save you from those barbarians from the outside world?" Pietro nodded his head. One of the two hunters then spoke up and confirmed the part about the lone stranger saving Pietro. Django walked up to the hunter who still held your motionless body in his arms. He looked at your face, then at your wound, which was in high need of treatment. He looked back at his wife who nodded at him, he then looked to his daughter who was already looking at him with hopeful eyes. "If we treat them we can't just let them go back to the outside world. They will know too much about our civilization. It will bring our community at risk. I can't let that happen, Princess." Wanda understood her father's reasoning. The outsiders had hurt her community more than enough. One of her uncles fell victim to them. He died three years ago in a one-sided fight he got into with a group of outsiders he came across at the edge of the woods when he was taking an evening walk. Her father was never the same after finding his brother's beaten and lifeless body. Later he found out that a  member of their community, who secretly had started seeing an outsider, had told her about the village in the woods. Her brother and his friends went to the woods that fatal night to look for these so-called forest people and bumped into Clint, her uncle. He refused to lead them to the village and ended up choking in his own blood after a severe beating. The villager who had given up their secret existence had been sentenced to death a day later after they had tracked him down. Wanda could still recall like it was yesterday how he begged for mercy as he was about to be beheaded by her father. The sound of his sword cutting through his neck had given her the chills. His head was after that placed on a stake outside the gates as a warning, so no one would ever make the same mistake as him. In the years after that, the people of the woods secluded themselves even more from the outside world. No trips to the edge of the woods were made again. 
"They won't tell anyone about us, Dad," Wanda says confidentially. "Not when we keep them here." Django looks at his daughter with confusion, "What do you mean by keeping them here? You mean like a prisoner in the caves or that we keep their body here after ending their life?" Wanda shakes her head at that. "No. I mean that they become one of us. It may take some time for them to adjust to their new home, but I will personally guide them into accepting their new life if you give them the chance. It happened before, remember? We've accepted an outsider before and that went positively. I know that was a long time ago and it happened before that horrendous evening, but I have fate this lone stranger will be a good addition to our community." Django shakes his head with a sigh, but before he can speak up one of his most trusted huntingmen steps forward, Buchanan, who was the former outsider Wanda spoke of. He was now happily married to his wife Natalie and has two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. Ten years ago he had ended up lost in the woods after his car broke down on the road that went through it. Due to no service on his phone, he started walking, hoping to find a nearby gas station of some kind of civilization that could help him fix his car. He ended up walking further into the woods. After seven days of wandering around the woods without food or drinkable water, he passed out. Django and two of his men had found him on a hunting trip. They brought him back to their home and the rest was history. "With all due respect, sir. I stand with your daughter, Wanda, on this matter. I understand your worries about the possible consequences and dangers it could bring us and our loved ones" he said while looking back at his wife Natalie, "but not every outsider is like those who ended your brother's life. I am an example of that. The lone stranger can also be an example. In my eyes, they have already proven they are different by saving your son's life while risking their own. I volunteer to help them, together with Wanda, with adjusting themselves to their new life. If you agree at letting them stay, of course." "I volunteer too, sir," Natalie says while stepping forward to stand next to her husband. Wanda smiled at hearing her best friends supporting her. Marya then steps forward and places a hand on her husband's shoulders. He looks at her. She doesn't even have to say anything for him to know what she thinks. He thinks everything through before giving her a small smile while nodding his head. He turns back to look at his daughter with his mind made up. “Okay”, He says. “I will give them a month to adjust. If by then they have, they can stay with us. If not...” He doesn’t need to finish his sentence for Wanda to know what will happen then. She nods her head in acceptance. “Thank you, Father.” 
Django orders the man who is still holding you in his arms to bring you to the healer so she can patch you up. Wanda follows them together with Natalie and Buchanan. 
You are placed on a wooden bed with animal fur covering it. The village healer, Stephany Strange, walks towards you with a serious face. She tells Wanda, Natalie, and Buchanan to step back and give her space to do what she does best. She removes all the clothing that is covering your knife wound and starts her treatment.
After thoroughly cleaning your wound she grabs a jar from the shelf behind her. The content of it she smears on your irritated wound. You flinch in your unconscious state, but soon your body relaxes as the cream is doing its magic. Wanda watches everything with careful eyes. Stephany mumbles some ancient spells while moving her hands in patterns above your wound. When she's done she wipes the remnants of the cream off of your waist and as if a miracle just happened the wound had magically disappeared. The only indicator of you ever being stabbed there was a decent-sized scar where the knife had been.
Stephany looks up at Wanda and says, "They're healed and should wake up within the day. Make sure they rest well and drink enough water," before turning around and elegantly walking out of the room. Wanda takes a seat next to the bed. She inspects the scar and amazes herself with the healer's work. No one knows how she does it. Every time someone asks her about it they get a different answer. According to rumors, Stephany Strange is an ancient sorceress with great magical power. Whether it's true, no one knows. Whoever she is, she is well respected and beloved in the village. From the moment she arrived at the gates casually asking for a place to shelter from the rain all those years ago, she made herself useful in the community. Before her arrival, many villagers had severe health problems, causing a lot of them to die. Stephany changed that. Instead of staying only temporarily until the storm had passed she never left and became their official healer.
Wanda looked outside the window at the darkening sky. Nighttime had come. The full moon was placed in the middle of the darkness, surrounded by thousands of stars. Her mind went to her father's words. If you hadn't accepted your new life by the next full moon, you would end up as a sacrificial meal. She grabbed one of your hands in her own. She barely knew you, but she felt a certain way about you. Maybe it was because you saved her little brother. Maybe it was because you had a certain aura around you. An aura different from the other outsiders she came across from. Natalie placed a reassuring hand on top of Wanda's shoulder, knowing exactly how she felt. She had felt the exact same way when she first laid eyes on Buchanan. She was gonna support her friend in every way possible like she did with her. 
While unconscious, you were haunted by terrible nightmares. You were running for your life through the dark woods while clutching your stomach trying to keep your intestines from falling out. How you were able to keep on your feet in this state was beyond you. You could faintly hear the rushed footsteps of your attackers running after you. They were screaming in an unknown language. It sounded like battle cries. You did not dare look back or reduce speed. This was a life and death situation and you weren't gonna die because you were tired of running or were curious as to how far those savages were. You were not gonna end up like one of those dumb characters in a horror movie, even though it felt like you were in one yourself. In the state you were in you didn't notice the branch sticking out of the ground until your tripped over it and fell face-first on the harsh ground. You grunted in pain as your whole body was shaking. Your vision became more blurred as you desperately tried to crawl forward with the tiny bit of energy you had still left due to adrenaline rushing through your body. You didn't get far. When two big hands grabbed you by your shoulders you knew that this meant your demise. You were roughly turned onto your back. Three large creatures stood bowed over you. They had animal skulls covering their faces and wore animal fur as clothes. You wanted to scream, but no sound came out of your mouth. One of them suddenly moved their hands to your stomach and pulled your intestines out you had desperately tried to keep inside. The other two then raised their axes and started slashing into you. At first, you were in the most horrendous pain you could imagine until you didn't feel anything anymore. You stared at the birds flying in the sky above you as your body shook with each slash. The sound of flesh being cut and breaking bones didn’t reach your ears anymore. Soon your eyes closed.
Suddenly you jolt awake. Your breathing was irregular and your body was covered in sweat. You felt two soft hands on each side of your face and heard an unfamiliar but soothing voice say something. It took you a while to calm down and get out of your disorientated state. It was only when you were calm you fully registered the other person in the room. It was a beautiful-looking woman with long wavy red hair and emerald eyes you could drown in if you looked into them for too long. They looked familiar as if you had looked into them before, you just couldn't remember when. Her thumbs were brushing in circles over your cheeks, calming you down even more. Both of you looked at each other for some time in comfortable silence until it dawned upon you that you had no idea who this woman sitting in front of you was. Then you remembered what had happened in the woods. You pushed the woman's hands off of your face and jumped up from the bed. You grabbed an unknown object and held it in front of you as a defense weapon while you backed up until you hit what you think is a wall. The woman calmly stood up and walked in your direction while saying something in a language you don't recognize. Suddenly two other people burst through the door. The woman in front of you looked at them while speaking to them with the same calm voice as she did with you, only they seemed to understand what she was saying. At that moment while the woman with red hair was too distracted by her conversation you made an unfortunate decision as panic had taken over your mindset. You grabbed her and pulled her into a headlock while you started yelling at the two people who just entered for answers. "Who are you? Where am I, What are you going to do to me?" If you had paid better attention to your surroundings you could have noticed that the ‘wall’ you had backed yourself against wasn't a wall, but a door. Before you could register the person standing behind you, you were hit on the back of your head with a blunt object. The force made you lose your grip on the woman as you fell to the floor in a hazy state. You didn't register what happened to you after that until you regained your clearness again in a poorly lit cell.
After an unknown amount of time had passed the door to your cell opened, showing an unfamiliar woman with short red hair. She held something in her hands, but due to the darkness, you couldn't make up what it was. She stepped closer to you until she was in the middle of the room. Crouching down she placed the object on the ground. It was an earthenware bowl with fresh fruits in it. The bowl contained strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, and pears. You hesitantly looked at the bowl, you were hungry but too afraid and unsure to make any sudden, unwanted moves that could lead you to be punished or brutally killed. You had seen with your own eyes what these people were capable of. The woman's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. She pointed at the food and then toward you. She didn't sound angry or dangerous. Carefully you moved towards the bowl. Picking it up with your hands you studied the colorful fruits before bringing them piece for piece to your mouth. It was delicious. They were sweet and juicy. With each piece, you let out a moan from delight. This was far better than the fruit you bought at the grocery store. While you were busy eating, the woman standing in front of you was watching you, studying you. She didn't see anything dangerous in you. She saw the fear in your eyes when she walked in. Fear can do a lot to people. You woke up in a strange place with a stranger after witnessing something traumatic. At least, for you. Natalie had witnessed multiple deaths in her life and even though it still did something to her, it wasn't traumatizing to her. Your fear drove you to the stupid action that led you to be put into the cell you were in. She understood that. It reminded her of Buchanan. He did something similar in the first week here. With her right hand, she touched the small scar on the side of her neck where Buchanan had held a knife to. They had come so far. A small smile plastered her face. When you were finished with eating you placed the bowl back on the floor close by the woman's feet and slid back towards the wall. The woman grabbed the bowl and walked back towards the door. The whole time it had been wide open while calling your name. You could have tried to escape through it, but you didn't. Progress. Natalie thought. It was small and to some meaningless, but to her and most definitely to Wanda, it wasn't. She closed the door behind her and made her way to Wanda's cabin, who was already anticipatingly waiting for her to give her an update about you.
Soon the second morning of your stay in the woods dawns. While you're still secured in your cell, your parents were seated at their kitchen table with the sheriff seated across from them. Your mother could barely hold it together as your father worriedly told the sheriff about you not coming home after the party. It got even worse when the sheriff told them you weren't the only one who was reported missing. He told them that partygoers had seen you and a few others walking towards the woods. While your father was trying to console your mother he asked the sheriff if they had found any trace of you and the others. The sheriff nodded and placed your phone on the table. The screen was broken and there was something that looked like blood on one of the corners. The only thing the sheriff could bring out was "I'm so sorry. We will try everything in our power to bring them back home..." If we ever find them... He doesn't say that last part out loud, but with all the people who went missing without as much of a trace, he fears the worst. His thoughts go to his daughter who was also part of the group that was seen walking to those damn woods. He prayed to god that his daughter was okay, not knowing the horrid ending she had gotten. Her body lay almost unrecognizable in one of the death traps the people from the woods had places to keep outsiders far away from their home. Her screams of pain still echoed through the air as a crow was picking flesh from her split open head.
The early sunlight shining on your face woke you up. The door to your cell stood wide open. With care in your movements, you stood up and walked towards the light. As you walked out of the darkness from your cell you moved your hand up to block the bright sunlight from shining in your eyes and blinding you. When you were adjusted to it you looked around, taking in your surroundings. No one seemed to pay attention to you. Maybe this was your chance to escape from wherever you were. Taking another look around you to make sure the coast was clear, you started to walk in the direction of a seemingly unguarded piece of the high wall surrounding the village, not aware of the watchful pair of eyes that lay upon you. At the wall, you placed your hands on the wooden beams looking for any weak spots you could take advantage of, but you found none. Looking up you calculated whether climbing over it was an option. Before you could make a decision a firm hand was placed on your shoulder. Your eyes widened and you were sure this was the moment you were gonna die. Slowly turning around you stood face to face with a scary-looking man with brown hair that was tied in a bun and had only one arm on his body. He looked at you with an unknown look in his eyes. Suddenly he threw his arm over your shoulder and walked you towards a large cabin in the middle of the village. When you entered you were met with a room full of people who were eating and talking together. The man led you towards a table with a small group of people sitting around it in the middle of the room. Both the woman who you tried to hold hostage the other day and who gave you food last night were seated there. There was also a man and a woman who looked like to be around your parent’s age seated at the end of the table. The silver-haired boy was also there, seated next to two red-headed children who seemed to be enjoying some sort of meat. The man who still had his arm thrown over your shoulder pushed you down on a chair next to the emerald-eyed woman before taking a seat himself next to the other redhead. He kisses her on her cheek before he grabs some food off his plate and starts to eat it. You look down at the plate filled with food in front of you. Your stomach was rumbling as it was begging to be filled with food. Everyone around you was already enjoying their breakfast while moaning at the apparently delicious taste. You hesitantly reached for the reddish-looking meat before bringing it to your mouth. Taking a small bite you chew on it a couple of times, enjoying the taste of it. It wasn’t something you had eaten before as you didn’t recognize the flavor high-jacking your taste buds. The structure of the meat was a little tougher than you were used to, but it wasn’t bad. Before you knew it you had finished your breakfast and so had everyone around you. You see people clean up their things before walking out of the room to start their day. You feel a hand on your shoulder. It was the emerald-eyed woman. She looked down at you with a sweet smile and motioned for you to stand up and come with her. You could feel the stares of the others linger on you as you stood up from the table and walked after the woman. You did not know where she was taking you but you were not in a position to question things as it could cost you your life. If you wanted to live, you were obligated to live by their rules, even though you didn’t know them yet. Maybe if you showed them you meant no harm, they would let you go. It sounded like a good plan but you knew, in the back of your mind, that you were probably never gonna be let go and that this place was where you were gonna spend the rest of your life, but for now you ignored that thought. You ended up at the cabin where your stay in this village started. The woman opened the door for you and you walked in with her following not close behind you. When you heard the door lock behind you you feared the worst. 
As you stood with your back to her you felt her hands being placed on your shoulders. You felt yourself tens up and she felt it too. She wanted to comfort you, but she knew that you weren’t there yet. She retracted from you and walked towards a closet in the corner of the room. She grabbed some clean clothes, clothes made of deer fur, and gave them to you. She turned around to give you some privacy. When you’re ready you scrape your throat to get her attention. She turns around and looks at you, taking in your appearance. You look a little bit more like them now. She smiles. You don’t understand why. She holds out her hand for you to take, which you reluctantly do, and pulls you outside. 
Fourteen days went by. Every day you were woken up by the scary man and led to breakfast with his strong arm thrown over your shoulder while he hummed a happy tune, which had given you the chills the first half of the week, but by now you were at a point of almost joining him. You would sit next to the emerald-eyed woman, whose name, you learned, is Wanda. Slowly but certainly you started to understand what they were saying. Sometimes you even joined in on the conversation even though it wasn't much. You felt yourself getting comfortable. Your fear of them had lessened but hadn't gone away completely. There was still that small voice in the back of your mind that kept you on your toes. While the urge of wanting to leave this place wasn't as strong, you still were thinking of ways to do so when you were alone at night in your cell before sleep overtook you. Sometimes you feel guilty for still thinking of escaping plans. Most of those times were when Wanda was with you. You didn't want to admit it, but she made you feel a certain way. A feeling you were a little scared of. Her contagious laugh, her soft touch, the need to help others, you being one of them, made you fall more and more for her each day. 
It was on the eighteenth day that instead of the scary man, Wanda woke you up. She had this sparkle in her eyes as she looked at you. She walked with a skip in her step to you and crouched down. Her hands were placed on both sides of your face as she smiled at you. "Today me and my friends will take you on a walk outside the wall. My father just gave me the green light." She brought you in a tight hug before standing back up again and walking towards the open door. When she didn't hear you move she looked back and nudged her head for you to follow, "Come on, handsome." You didn't understand the last part but you hurriedly stood up to follow her to the gates where the Buchanan and Natalie, whose names you just learned from Wanda, stood waiting for you both. Wanda's parents and leaders of the community were also there. He hugged his daughter, "Be safe out there, sweetheart. I trust you and your friends to behave yourselves out there and stay inside the safe area." Wanda nodded, "Yes father. And if anything somehow goes wrong, Buchanan is with us to protect us." Django looks at him as he nods in confirmation. He then looks at you. "Don't disappoint my daughter. See this as a test. If you fail..." He doesn't finish his sentence, but you know what he's alluding to and he knows you know by the slight fear in your eyes. He has seen the progress you've made in the past weeks. He has also seen how happy you make his daughter, even though you don't seem to notice it yet. But he knows from experience that some people, under certain circumstances, can do disappointing things. He hopes that you're not one of them. Time will tell. He watches as Wanda takes your hand and leads you through the open gates into the woods with Buchanan and Natalie walking not far behind.
Wanda let's go of your hand to go take a closer look at some beautiful flowers. You watch her as she does so. A small smile is plastered on your face as you watch this goddess of a woman as she gracefully touches nature's decorations. Buchanan and Natalie are watching you while having a whispered conversation.  "This sight reminds me of our story, my love," Natalie says as she hugs her husband. "Who do you think will make the first move? Them of Wanda?" Buchanan shrugs his shoulders at his wife's question. "It doesn't matter, doll. What matters is what comes after the first move. Once they discover how the other feels about them not many other things will be on their mind. Like with us. You're my everything, Natalie." He looks down at his wife and brings her in a loving kiss. "I love you." "I love you too."
Soon Wanda returns, taking your hand back in hers again. The four of you walk further while taking in the beauty that is nature that surrounds you. It's quiet, only the sound of leaves rustling in the wind and the chirping of birds that fly in the blue sky can be heard. Now you have a slightly bigger chance of escaping the people who brought you to their home the thought has not come up in your mind once. You enjoy walking with Wanda, Natalie, and even Buchanan. You feel at peace. The stress that had you in its grip back home has let you go. There is no worrying about work deadlines or bills that need to be paid. While you had trouble socializing with the people outside the woods, in the woods, with its inhabitants, it felt so much easier. It didn't feel forced and you didn't feel like throwing up when you had to speak to someone you didn't know yet. The small acts of affection from Wanda, like her holding your hand, felt like something you had craved for all your life without you even knowing. Not once you had experienced the feeling she gave you before. You did have flings before that made you feel something, but that was nothing like this. This felt more intense. Her presence made you feel like butterflies had made your stomach their home. You wanted to express your feelings towards her, but you didn't know how, and even if you did, you didn't know if she felt the same about you. Sure she was affectionate with you, but that didn't mean automatically that she had some sort of romantic feelings for you. You hoped she did though.
It doesn't take long however for your peaceful and slightly romantic walk through the woods to be disturbed. Unknown voices in the distance alert Buchanan as he leads Natalie, Wanda, and you to hide in the bushes. He grabs hold of a large knife that he always carries with him, as he waits for the outsiders to appear. Your eyes widen when you see who they are. Remembering that his daughter was with you the night you entered these woods you looked at the sheriff who, together with a few of his men, was walking from behind some trees with their guns in their hands, ready to fire whoever dared attack them. Suddenly the voice in your head that you hadn't heard in a while and had forgotten about spoke again, telling you that this was your chance to escape. The chance of Buchanan taking out all these armed men was present, but not high. The sheriff knows you and would probably not shoot you. You thought the idea over. If you waited for them to come a little closer Buchanan had less of a chance of grabbing you as he sat furthest away from you. They could help you find your way back to civilization. Back to your loving parents, to your good but stressful job, paying bills that got higher each year, and forced social gatherings. You were pulled from your thoughts by Wanda who hugged your arm tightly as she watched the men with worry and slight fear. She knew that if they were discovered it would probably mean their end. It was at that moment that you made your choice. You squeezed Wanda's hand tightly to reassure her. You weren't gonna leave her. She means too much to you. You love her too much to betray her and her people like this.
Natalie had seen the internal struggle when she looked at you. She could see it from your body language and the look in your eyes when you shifted your gaze from the armed group of outsiders who, from Natalie's perspective, you seemed to know, to Wanda who hugged herself close to your side. She knew you could have made a run for it. You didn't. You had de perfect opportunity and you didn't take it because of her. Wanda. She knew at that moment that you had fallen head over heels for her best friend. Even under the current circumstances, you all were in, a small smile was plastered on Natalie's face.
Luckily for you, the sheriff and his men walked past the bushes you were hiding in and back towards the edge of the woods, far away from the hidden village. When they were out of sight and ear range it felt like all of you could breathe again. Buchanan made sure that the coast was clear before you all got out of the bushes in silence. Wanda hadn't let go of your arm the entire time. You didn't mind.
The four of you decided to walk back home. Natalie and Buchanan are in front with you and Wanda walking close behind. It didn't take long for you to arrive. The gates were opened for you to come in. You thought that Wanda would want to go see her parents after what happened, but instead, she bid her silent goodbyes to Natalie and Buchanan before she made her way to her cabin pulling you with her without saying a word. When the both of you are inside Wanda locks the door so no one can interrupt the both of you. You turn to look at her, wanting to make sure she is okay... "Wanda...I" But before you can say anything else, Wanda steps forward and closes the gap between you. She cups your face in her soft hands as she kisses you with passion. You’re surprised at her action and it takes you a moment to snap out of it. But when you do, you kiss her back with just as much passion.
A whine leaves your mouth as Wanda pulls away from you and takes a step back. The woman in front of you stares at you with desire as she starts undressing. Slowly. It takes everything in you to stay patient and calm and not just rip her clothes off of her body, but you manage. As her dress lowers to the ground you can feel yourself getting aroused at the godly sight of her nude body. Her breasts are perky with hardened rosy nipples calling for your mouth to suck them. Her tighs a canvas for you to place marks on. The forbidden fruit between her legs you can't wait to eat from. While admiring her you start to undress. She watches you with a slightly opened mouth and reddened cheeks. When you're both completely naked she walks backward towards her bed and takes her place on it, not taking her eyes off of you. Her hands move to her breasts to kneed them, something you'd like to do yourself. One of her hands soon moves south. She spreads her legs for you to see her dripping core, where soon two of her fingers disappear in. It's hard for her to not close her eyes at the pleasure, but she wants to watch you. She wants to see the lust in your eyes as you watch her pleasure herself. She wants to see you struggle to prevent yourself from taking action. It turns her on even more. You clench your fists when a loud moan leaves her mouth. When your name escapes her lips you can't stop yourself anymore. You urge towards her and before she can reach her orgasm you pull her fingers out of her, replacing them with your own. Her back arches off the bed as you hit the perfect spot inside her. You take one of her nipples in your mouth and start to suck. Her hand moves to your head to keep you in place. She bucks her hips into your hand, getting close to her orgasm again. A simple plea leaves her mouth, "P-please..." You look up at her. Her mouth hangs slightly ajar as sweat beads cover her head. Her eyes are closed tight shut as she feels herself coming closer and closer to her release as your fingers keep a steady pace. "Look at me, my sweet flower. Look at me while you cum. I want to see how beautiful you look when you do." It isn't easy, but she manages to open them and look you in the eyes. Your beautiful eyes hold love and care in them, but also desire and lust. "Cum for me." You say one more time as you watch the woman beneath you cums undone. You can feel her walls clench around your fingers before her wetness covers them, together with your hand and the sheets underneath her. You help her ride out her high before you carefully retract your fingers to lick them clean. You moan at her delicious taste. She can't help herself from staring at you licking yourself clean from her juices. Before you can start with your hand she sits up and takes a hold of it, bringing it to her own mouth to lick her juices off of it while keeping strong eye contact with you. When you're all clean she brings you into a loving kiss as your tongues battle for dominance, which you eventually get. You push her back onto the bed and start slowly kissing down her body, leaving multiple marks on your way down. You open her legs to make space for you. With her legs placed over your shoulders, you start licking and sucking until she sees stars.
As the days went by you and Wanda grew closer together. She had taught you about her people's way of living and the language they spoke. Each day you became more like one of them, each day you forgot more about your previous life. Django and Marya could see how happy their daughter was with you. They too started to think of you as one of their own. You earned more freedom as you earned their trust. Your favorite occupation was taking long walks with Wanda through the woods while listening to her endless stories. You'd even admit that sometimes her stories wouldn't reach your ears as her beauty was too distracting for you. You loved everything about her. You loved her so much that you couldn't imagine a life without her anymore. Life before her became meaningless to you. Each night you declared your love over and over again to her. Every morning you would tell her you loved her in her language, which had become yours too.
  Soon it was the day of the full moon. The judgment day. But everyone knew what the outcome would be as you were now almost fully a forest person. You were one of them. It would be official after the ceremonial party that was being thrown that night. Everyone was gathered outside celebrating their new neighbor with self made beverages and food in their hands. As Django held a speech everyone raised their cups to toast on you. While everyone cheered after Django finished, Wanda pulled you away from the crowd to congratulate you in peace and quiet. Wanda pulled you into a loving kiss as she held both your hands in her own. "I love you so much, Y/n. I'm so proud of you for becoming one of us. Now you and I can be together forever." She said before bringing you into another kiss. Your mind was taken hostage by your love for Wanda. "I love you too, my love. With every fiber of my body. Every thought holds you in it." Without further thought you pick Wanda up and take her to your shared cabin. Placing her on the soft bed with care you undress her while kissing every inch of her skin. When she's fully bare you take one of her rosy nipples in your mouth while you pinch and roll the other in between your fingers. You push your muscled thigh in between her parted legs, making her moan at the sudden pressure against her dripping cunt. She rolls her hips to get more friction. "Baby, I-I need you. I need you down there. P-please." Wanda begs beneath you. "If you want my mouth you need to cum on my thigh first. I know you can do it. Be a good girl and cum for me. Ruin my pants." You move your mouth to her other nipple, making her cry beneath you. She fastens her pace, chasing her high. She needs to cum, she wants you in between her legs so bad. She is so close. You tense your muscles for her. "Oh yes, baby!" She moans as she can feel a wave of pleasure flood over her. Her juices cover your thigh as you help her ride out your orgasm. "Good girl. Such a good girl." You whisper in her ear before you make your way down. 
After another terrific orgasm, you decide to give her a break. You lay beside her and bring her into a tight hug. "You did so good for me, love. I'm so proud." Wanda snuggles further against you with a satisfied smile as she throws her arm over your stomach, not wanting you to move. "Thank you, darling. Thank you for loving me and making me feel so good." The two of you lay there in silence for a few minutes, listening to the people partying outside.
"Marry me"
"Marry me" You repeat.
Wanda looks up at you and sees the seriousness and love in your eyes. Last night I talked to your parents about me. You. Us. I love you, Wanda. So much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but before I ask you if you want the same I asked your parents for permission out of respect. I mean it, Wanda. I've never felt this way. I know we only know each other for about a month, but I've never been so sure about something before. Marry me. Make me the happiest person in the world. I will treat you like the queen you are and make you the happiest woman. I want you to be my wife." You look at her in full expectation. Her eyes start to get watery. For a second you panick and think the worst, until she cups your face and places a gentle kiss on your lips. "Yes, my darling. A 100 times yes. Of course, I want to marry you and become your wife. I want nothing more." You smile at hearing her answer. The both of you stay in bed for another hour before both of you dress and return to your party to share your big news, receiving nothing but positive reactions from your new family and friends. 
The next few days were all about planning your and Wanda's wedding. Wanda's mother, Marya assigned herself the task of sewing her daughter the perfect wedding dress and you, her daughter's fiance, the perfect suit. Django and his men made it their mission to build an altar in the middle of the village. Buchanan had gotten the task of collecting everything for the wedding ceremony. To do this he had to go to your parent's house. Together with two others, he left the village two days before your big day, promising Natalia a safe return. Natalia spends her days with Wanda, helping her get ready. Wanda felt nervous. She wanted everything to go right. She couldn't wait for her wedding night which she would spend against your hot sweaty body. She felt herself getting aroused by the thoughts of every sinful thing she wanted to do with you. She knew you loved her with all your being, but she also knew something you didn't. The wedding ceremony contained a sacrifice that was to be made by the one who had asked the question of marriage. You. Her worry of you maybe leaving her left as soon as she looked outside to see you playing some made-up game with her little brother. With a smile, she watched on as the two of you competitively battled for the win. It ended up in you giving the win to Pietro, making him smile with joy. Soon she would be your wife and the two of you would be bonded till death parted you. She wasn't gonna let you ever leave her. She loved you too much to let that happen. You loved her too much to do that anyway.
It was the night of your and Wanda's wedding. You were standing in your earth-colored suit at the altar waiting for your almost wife to walk down the aisle, together with the rest of the forest people. The open field where the wedding was taking place was beautifully decorated with decorations from nature and various small bonfires. The clear night sky was lit up by thousands of stars. It was the perfect night. You made eye contact with Marya, who gave you an approving nod. Behind you stood Buchanan, who became your best friend in the past weeks. On the other side of the altar stood Natalie, who looked at you with a pleased smile. Her best friend was getting married to her husband's new best friend. Life was good. The four of you could go on double dates. She already had so many fun activities in her head you could do together. As you looked around to look at all the people attending your special day, something nagged at you. Something was missing but you couldn't put your finger on it. Before you could think further of it, you spotted Wanda. Wanda who wore a stunning dress matching your suit, was being walked to the altar by her father. Tears threatened to leave your eyes at the sight. A true goddess she was. Soon Wanda stood before you. Her father gave her hand to you. The both of you looked at each other with love until the person who was gonna bond you two spoke up, drawing all attention to them.
When he was done Django spoke up. "Tonight is special to me. My eldest child and only daughter is marrying her forever love, Y/n. A person who comes from the horrid we call the outside world who found their way to us after being abandoned by those whom they once saw as their people. A person we welcomed into our home who eventually made it theirs too. They proved themselves to us and became one of us, something we celebrated in harmony as a community. Tonight I want to welcome them into my family." He said with a cheerful expression, but that soon changed into a serious one. "But before that can happen, Y/n has to perform our traditional wedding ritual to prove their undying love and loyalty towards their future wife, Wanda." You felt Wanda's grip on your hands tighten at his words. Django turned to you, "Will you y/n, accept doing the ritual to prove your undying love and loyalty towards Wanda?" You look at Wanda who nods at you, then back at him. "I will." You say with determination in your voice. Django calls for two of his men to go grab something from the cabin you remember vaguely being held in the first nights of your stay here. They return with two other people who have jute bags covering their heads and rope bound around their wrists. The two unknown people are pushed onto their knees in front of you. You can hear Wanda whisper in your ear as you look down at the strangers, "You will do this for me because you love me. Remember that, baby. Remember how much you love me and how much I love you. After you do this, we can be together forever." She pecks your cheek before she lets go of your hands. In replacement, you feel the handle of a hunting knife being placed in your hand. "Think of me when you finish them. Think of how good I will make you feel after this is over. You've seen what a good girl I can be, but imagine me being your bad girl..." With one last kiss, she nudges you closer toward the kneeled people. Django grabs both jute bags and pulls them off of the people's heads. Seated in front of you, covered in dirt, blood, and bruised were your parents. As they looked up at you you could see some relief, but a lot of fear. As you looked at them all sounds around you faded away. You could see their mouths move as they seemingly pleaded for their lives, but no sound reached your ears. Everyone else looked at you in expectation, waiting for you to immortalize your wedding in blood. Before you can think about all of this too much, you feel Wanda's soft hands on your shoulders. You remember why you needed to do this. You needed to do this for her. For your love. Your happy ending. So without further thought and doubt, you step forward, closing the gap between you and your begging parents and in one swift motion slash both their throats. Blood splatters all over you as it leaves their body. It doesn't take long for two lifeless bodies to drop onto the ground. Everybody starts to cheer you on and celebrate the official making of your and Wanda's wedding. You turn around to face Wanda who smiles at you with love. She lunges forward and kisses you with might, getting blood all over her dress. As the ceremony finishes you take Wanda to your cabin for your wedding night. Seeing you sacrifice your parents for her made Wanda go feral. The door is barely closed when Wanda rips your suit off of your body en pushes you onto the bed. She jumps on top of you and starts to place kisses on your skin, leaving hickeys everywhere. She rips a piece off of her dress and ties your hands to the headboard with it. You can only look at her with pure hunger as she devours you. Teasingly she riddens herself off of her dress, throwing it on the floor. She straddles your thigh as she kneads her breasts, pinching her nipples. while humping your thigh one of her hands moves between your legs. You moan loudly as she slowly pleasures you, building up to your first orgasm. No words are being spoken, only grunts and moans are leaving both your mouths. You can feel her wetness drip down your leg and it makes you reach your orgasm faster. Some crazy boost of strength enters your body as you free yourself with a strong tug from your restraints. Before she can register what you've done you flip her over, onto her stomach, spanking her a few times as she has been a bad girl. Her eyes roll back at the burning feeling of your hand hitting her ass, probably leaving a handprint. You take hold of her hair, making a makeshift ponytail to pull on. You align yourself with her dripping cunt en slowly thrust inside. A deep moan leaves Wanda's mouth at each inch you move further inside her until you're fully inside her. Not giving her a lot of time to adjust you start pounding into her like a wild animal. Wanda's face is being pushed into the pillow beneath her as she drools from pleasure. You don't care about the noises you make. Everyone is allowed to hear how good you fuck Wanda. Your wife. Wanda murmurs something inaudible, but you know what she wants, and you're gonna give it to her. You're gonna give her as much as she wants. "Cum, my queen. Make a mess. Show me how good I make you feel." You pull her up against your chest and move one hand towards her clit. Everything becomes too much for her and soon her dam breaks. Her juices spill from her pleasured pussy. You help her ride out her second orgasm. You pull out and lay onto your back on the bed, helping Wanda straddle your lap again. "I want you to ride me, my queen. Fuck yourself on me." Due to her sensitivity, she slowly sinks down. She places her hands on your chest as she rides you, leaving scratches all over your skin. Her breasts bounce with each roll of her hips and you love it. Your mouth drools at the sight of them. Wanda's eyes close as she feels another orgasm approach. She sits up and moves her hands to play with her breasts again as you place your hands on her hips, guiding her. "Go on, baby. Cum." You sweetly order her. Watching her orgasm is beautiful. The sound she makes while doing it is like music to your ears. Tiredly she drops on top of you. You stroke her hair while she calms down. "Tired baby? Do you need a break?" You ask her. A slightly dark laugh leaves her mouth as she sits back up and wraps one of her hands around your throat, slightly choking you. "Break? Oh, baby. I'm not tired yet and I'm far from done with you. We're just getting started. You're mine now as I am yours and I will keep reminding you of that till death do us part. Now open your mouth and eat my pussy..." 
Onto the Next!
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beheworthy · 6 months
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Thor looking out for his mortal friends
(requested by anonymous)
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glorystark · 22 days
His Saviour | Part 1
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You disobey one of Steve's orders in a mission but you don't think about the consequences...
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING!) mentions of self harm and suicide, mentions of killing and torturing, pure Angst no happy ending, mentions of injures, dark!Steve Rogers, swearing, minor spoilers of Black Widow, Steve being an asshole in general
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Featuring: The original 6
Disclaimer: please don't read this if you're not comfortable with any of the topics below or/and if they trigger you. This is just a fiction and it's never ok to act like this. I'm not romanticizing any of these topics and this behaviour!
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You are sitting in the Quinjet, observing everyone who is injured in different ways. Natasha has been stabbed in her right thigh, Clint’s left ankle has been twisted, and Bruce, although not injured, appears exhausted due to a significant code green call, during which Nat almost lost him trying to retrieve him. Thor has a few scratches on his face. Everyone’s faces show bruising in different areas, and their bodies are still aching. But you, you have been injured the most. Your right wrist is broken, and you have been shot in your left leg, though the bullet wasn’t deep and didn't cause major damage; otherwise, you probably would have passed out by now. You still have trouble breathing, and your voice is sore because one of the HYDRA agents almost choked you to death. Your face is bruised, you can only open your right eye halfway, and your lips are swollen. The numbness has made it so you can barely feel any pain. When everyone saw you upon returning to the jet, they were extremely worried. You didn’t possess inhuman powers and weren't a super soldier, but you used to be a well-trained assassin and spy in the Red Room, closely partnered with Natasha Romanoff before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. So, it was surprising for the team to see you so battered, though they understood the mission was challenging.
Everyone needed a break upon returning to the tower. Initially, everyone thought it was a straightforward mission: infiltrate a high-security HYDRA base, get two flash drives containing vital and dangerous information, and exit. What no one knew was that it was a trap, with far more agents present than expected. Eventually, you managed to escape, but only securing one of the flash drives.
As everyone settled back in the jet, Bruce finished removing the bullet from your leg and bandaging Nat’s thigh. Thor bragged to Tony about his usual lack of injuries on missions, joking that he could have taken down all the HYDRA agents that day if he hadn’t been 'unlucky', which elicited laughter from Tony. Clint checked on Nat while she recounted a memory from Budapest. Meanwhile, you contemplated going home for a long shower until you noticed Steve, whose eyes were fixed on you with intensity. Confused, you assumed he was lost in thought, but you were wrong.
“How could you be so reckless?!" Steve's voice boomed through the jet as he stood up from his seat, his gaze piercing into yours. Everyone stopped what they were doing, surprised by his uncharacteristically loud tone, given his usually calm demeanor, even when upset. You looked at him, uncertain of what to say. You understood why he was angry; you had disobeyed an order. However, if not for your 'disobedience,' you wouldn't have acquired half the information you have now. To you, this seemed like Steve Rogers throwing a typical Captain America tantrum.
“Well, are you going to answer, or are you too stupid to respond to a simple question?" he growled, advancing toward your seat.
“I wasn't being-" you began to mutter, only to be interrupted by Steve.
“Speak up," he demanded, his voice cutting you off. You met his gaze, puzzled by his demeanor.
“I wasn't being reckless; I was being thoughtful. The-" you tried to explain, but Steve interrupted again.
"Thoughtful?! You call that thoughtful?! Really, Y/n? It's clear you don't understand the difference between stupidity and thoughtfulness.” he retorted.
“Will you stop interrupting me?" you interjected, your voice growing louder as you rose from your seat. You locked eyes with Steve, standing almost chest to chest in front of each other.
“I wouldn't have interrupted you if I knew any useful words were going to come out of your mouth," he countered, finally yelling, causing everyone but you to flinch.
“You have no right to yell at me like this, Steve.” you asserted, standing up for yourself.
"I have EVERY right to yell at you, you-" he began, but you cut him off this time.
"Why are you making it seem like I committed a crime? Yes, I agree it was wrong for me to enter that room alone, but I retrieved the flash drive we needed, didn't I?" you challenged.
“That is not the point right now. The point is, I'm your captain, and I gave a strict, direct order not to enter that room, and you disobeyed me.” he stated firmly.
That was all true. When you disobeyed his order, you knew he would be angry, but not to this extent.
You sprinted down the hallway, incapacitating every HYDRA agent in your path. You tried not to use your gun too often, knowing there would likely be guards in the room.
"Steve, I found the room," you said through your earpiece. You subdued the agent guarding the room where the flash drives were, and as the door swung open, more than twenty HYDRA agents stood before you, blocking your view of the drives on the computer table.
“Y/n, what did you just say? Get out of there now! Do you even know how many agents are in there?" Steve's urgent voice echoed in your ear.
“I do now," you replied, still facing the agents, who were also eyeing you cautiously.
"Y/n, this is an order. Get. Out. Of. There. Now.” Steve commanded, his tone almost a shout.
“Sorry, Steve, but people's lives depend on this.” you declared, charging toward the agents, disregarding Steve's pleas for you to retreat.
“Steve, I really don't understand what the big deal is. I got one of the drives, and yes, I went alone, but at least I obtained something that will help us.” you reasoned, taking a seat.
“Alright, y/n, I'm definitely sure now that you are deaf. You entered a room with so many HYDRA agents-" he began, only to be cut off by you.
“They were like 10 and they were really weak-" you defended.
“They were 27 trained assassins!” he corrected, making you widen your eyes.
"And do I need to remind you that your leg has been shot, and you can barely keep your eyes open, not to mention the rest of your injuries." he added mockingly.
“Okay, Steve, I get it, and I'm sorry for being reckless. Can we let this go now?" you pleaded, sitting down.
“Let this go?!" he started laughing, though his laugh lacked any humor. Everyone looked at Steve, unable to believe his behavior. They never expected him to speak to you this way, especially in front of the whole team.
You and Steve had been friends since meeting during the Battle of New York. You had a lot in common and quickly connected. A few months later, at one of Tony's parties, he kissed you, and the following day, he asked you out. It had been six months since then, and Steve treated you like a princess. He called you his savior because you helped him adjust to life after being thawed from the ice. He adored you. You had a few minor disagreements, but they were hardly fights, more like disagreements. You could never stay mad at each other, and now you couldn't believe the man who was laughing at you and humiliating you was the same person.
"Steve, I think that's enough," Nat finally intervened, her voice calm yet firm.
"Is it really? I think baby y/n hasn't learned her lesson yet.” Steve retorted sarcastically.
“Fuck you, Steve. You can't speak to me like that. I'm not a kid. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't even have that one drive, and god knows how many people could have died. But you can't even realize that because I disobeyed ‘Captain America's orders,' and no one is allowed to disobey America's 'hero.' The only kid between us is you!” you shot back, your voice rising, though not as loud as Steve's had been.
“I'm a kid, y/n? Really? And what are you, a hero? Do you expect me to thank you now? Do you expect all of us to be on our knees thanking you?!" Steve challenged.
“That is not what I said!" you finally snapped.
The tension in the room escalated, and the team grew more uncomfortable by the second.
Steve smirked at your angered state.
“What's the matter, y/n? You seem a little bit defensive. I thought you liked being a hero. You know, because of the guilt, since you started killing and torturing people at the age of 8.”he said, still wearing the hurtful smirk on his face.
The whole team gasped, especially Natasha, whose story paralleled yours. You looked at Steve, unable to believe what he had just said.
“You seem shocked, Agent y/l/n. Oh, and Natasha, don't take this the wrong way. We all make mistakes in our life, but at least after we realize our mistakes, we try to make them up as soon as we can and not run away like a coward.” Steve continued, ignoring your reaction. You and Natasha widened your eyes, understanding what Steve was referring to."Steve..." Nat began, but Steve cut her off.
“I'm not done yet. Some of y'all look confused, well, let me explain it for you," Steve said, addressing the rest of the team.
"Steve, don't." you murmured, your voice weak now. You weren't even sure if anyone heard you, and you were right. No one heard you, but Steve who chose to ignore you.
“Our dear y/n y/l/n was a well-trained assassin back in the years with Natasha Romanoff in a place called the Red Room, which I'm sure you've heard about. Before even Natasha was out of there, Agent y/l/n found a way to leave the Red Room, a way to save every girl, from children to adults, who were mind-controlled into killing, and even worse. But do you know what she did instead?" he turned around the room, looking at everyone as if it was a show. No one said anything; they just kept looking between you and Steve. It was getting harder for you to focus on your breathing.
“Well, in case you haven't guessed yet, she just left everyone who could've been saved, even her best friend who is sitting right here with us.” he said, pointing at Nat.
“And even though she could've killed Dreykov, who was the leader by the way, with her genius plan, she didn't because she was a coward.” he said, emphasizing the word coward.
You've never felt so small and betrayed. You couldn’t believe he was using your awful past against you. When you confided in him, he comforted you, assuring you it wasn't your fault. That you’ve been through a lot and you took the only chance you had to save yourself. And now… now he was a different person.
“Cap that’s enough, it’s not our business what she did in the past. We all did something in some point that we aren’t proud of. She made up for that mistake many times now, since the battle of New York until today’s mission. I’m sure she still feels guilty and you’re just making it worse.” Tony looked at your trembling sight, standing up from his seat and walked towards Steve. The rest of the team nodding along, glad that Tony stood up for you because they were frozen themselves.
“Oh yeah Tony, you’re right I’m sure she feels guilty, don’t you y/l/n?” He looked at you as if you were a kid
Everything about him was hurting you right now. His voice tone that humiliated you in every way, his eyes that sent daggers to your way, his body that was intimidatingly towering yours, his smile which always made you happy and now it was only mocking you. Your throat is dry, your eyes are wet and you feel like your heart is going to come out of your chest in any second. You were hurt and unwell, and everyone could see that, everyone but Steve.
“Agent y/I/n do you feel guilty about your past?" He repeated his sarcastic question.
"I wouldn't worry about that too much since you have a good way to cope with your guilt right?" He continued.
You looked up at him frighteningly, understanding where he was going.
“Steve don't you dare." you whispered, finally being able to say something.
Everyone was confused since they had no idea what you both were talking about.
“you seem scared agent." Steve smirked at you sending shivers down your spine. It hurts so much more that he wasn't even using your name anymore, he felt like a stranger to you.
“SHUT UP!" you had never yelled so loud in your life, the whole jet shook. Everyone flinched but Steve. It seemed like he was waiting for this.
“Come on y/n are you that afraid of everyone knowing how you used to deal with your problems, or do you still do it?"
Everyone was quite once again, something in them wanted to know what Steve was talking about but they also didn't because of the way you reacted.
You looked at him not saying anything but your eyes were begging him to stop. You've never been in such a vulnerable position, especially considering everything you’ve been through.
“oh don't tell me you're gonna cut your wrists open again because you feel guilty you didn't get the second driver."
Everyone froze and widened their eyes, silence filling the jet. No one knew that you used to harm yourself until you started dating Steve, he was the first person to ever know. You felt so comfortable around him that you didn't want to have any untold secrets.
You thought about what if you guys break up but you convinced yourself that even if you guys separate your ways from each other at some point, you're definitely going to stay friends and he's never going to tell your secret to anyone because you believed he was a good man. You trusted him more than yourself and now he proved you all wrong.
You didn't cut anymore, because you found a way to save people. If it wasn't for Nick Fury, making you join the team you'd be long gone by now. But you didn't have a reason anymore, you were happy you had a new family and a new job, everything was perfect for you. Now you felt alone all over again and you didn't even blame Steve, you blamed yourself. You failed.
You started trembling more and started to see black spots. The team walked towards you to see if you were okay. Thor pushed Steve away, "Stay away from her," he warned, before walking to you. You heard Tony and Natasha yelling at Steve, Clint trying to calm them down but looking angry himself, Bruce and Thor asking you if you were alright, but you couldn’t hear anything anymore. It was so loud, but you only heard annoying mumbles. You let out a sob before passing out in the strong arms of the god, the last thing you saw being Steve's worried eyes…
A/N: This was my first (published) fan fiction. I apologise for any writing and/or grammar mistakes considering that English isn’t my first language. Feel free to correct me! If you enjoyed this, please let me know and let me know if you want to be tagged in the upcoming posts! (This fic will make a twist;))
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siriusly-writes · 6 months
Give it to me
Give it to me
Your a dick
Great… I’m still not giving you the sticker
POV: your trying to rehabilitate a long life child soldier as an ex-child soldier your self
You forgot that you have questionable morals, no childhood to reference and are not qualified for this.
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comicsiswild · 1 year
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Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #9.1
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americasass81 · 6 months
Embracing The Darkness
Warnings 18+ for the following:- Non-Consensual Sex, Dubious Consensual Sex, Character Deaths, Violence, Blood Exchange, M/F Smut (Penetrative Sex, Gun Play, Blowjob, Teabagging, Knife Play), F/F Smut (Fingering, Oral, Spanking, Squirting), Restraints, Implied Squirting.  This is a dark story.  Seriously do not read if any of this upsets you, the warnings are there for a reason.  Feedback is welcomed and any mistakes are my own.
By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are over 18 and are consenting to the content below the cut.
Pairings:- Steve Rogers x Original Female Character, Tony Stark x Original Female Character, Natasha Romanoff x Original Female Character, Maria Hill x Original Female Character, Clint Barton x Original Female Character.
Author’s Note 1:- This is my submission for @jtargaryen18 Halloween Challenge 2023. Having chosen the prompt below, I just had to include a little nod to our beloved Jamie with my original female character as well as using the same costume from my previous Halloween fic in this same challenge.  Yay recycling.  Anyway hope anyone who reads this enjoys it 💖
Challenge Prompt:- (The Halloween Costume Comes to Life: Remember that episode of Buffy?  You rented a costume and when you put it on, that’s who you are as long as you are wearing it.)
Author’s Note 2:- Since this story switches between the present perspective and memories (italic text) I really hope it makes sense.
Author’s Note 3:- As always, all images have been found through google search.
Synopsis:- Accepting an invitation to Tony Stark’s annual Halloween party, what will you do when an unforeseen interference with your costumes causes far reaching consequences for you and all of humanity?
Total Word Count:- 9,565
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Opening your eyes to find yourself dangling off the couch at a rather awkward angle in the entertainment room, the chill settling on your skin might have been enough to have you reaching for a blanket if there was one in sight.  Unfortunately there wasn't.  What was evident to you however as you straightened up was the utter mess lettering the room in every direction.  Bottles piled on every available surface.  Clothes discarded with no evidence of the people they once belonged to.  A shoe tossed aside carelessly with no one to claim it.  It was worse than a pigsty.
Righting yourself on the couch now as you tried to figure out exactly what was going on and how you had ended up in this condition, standing up brought a whole new element to your experience however.  One you most certainly weren't prepared for.  Rising to your feet and making it a whole two paces, a sudden queasiness found you running towards the nearest available container as the contents of your stomach spewed forth before your eyes into the waiting plastic pumpkin and filled you with a terror you had never felt before.
For what came up was red.
Continuing to vomit until all the offending substance had been expelled, you now stood staring at the liquid and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what it was ... it was blood.  But how could that be?  Having heaved up everything and definitely identifying the taste of copper in your mouth, you should at least be unconscious or near death with the amount you had expelled, but you actually felt fine.  In fact, no part of you was in pain and you had never felt better.  So what then was going on?  If as you now suspected that all was well with you and the blood you just heaved up was not actually coming from within, where then did it come from and worst of all, how did it get inside you?
Walking out of the entertainment room now and heading off to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water to remove the horrid taste from your mouth, you began to think over how you had ended up here when an odd thought suddenly struck you ... where the hell was here?  Looking around you suddenly now as you tried to figure out the answer to this question, the state of the place here too troubled you also, but at least you recognised it beneath the mess.  This was the Avengers compound.
Searching through your memory now as you finally reach your destination, a cool glass of water trickling down your throat and a wayward glance at all the decorations visible around the place at least brought the reason for you being here bursting to the surface.  Tony Stark threw a party.  But in typical Tony fashion this was no ordinary party.  This was his now usual Halloween costume party and being The Avengers P.R. consultant your presence was requested.  And you just had to dress up as a vampire princess.
But what had any of that to do with all of this and what had happened to your costume?  Oh sure parties were messy and a Stark party was notorious for being a wild experience, but he always employed people to clean things up.  This had clearly not happened here.  In fact the opposite seemed to have occurred.  Finishing up your water now and taking stock of the t-shirt and boxers shielding your modesty, you now took in the state in this room too and discovered some things you had not previously noticed.
While well lit with electricity, all the windows were covered over and the substance spattered on the walls and other areas which now caught your attention was definitely blood.  Add to that the fact that you couldn't remember most, if any, of last night and you now had to wonder if it was possible that you had survived some horrific event.  Refilling your glass now to steady your nerves as your hands shook from this new information, another glance off to your left however alerted you to the presence of someone's leg.  It seems you weren’t as alone as you thought after all.  Slowly moving towards it now to see who had partied too hard here, the glass slipped from your hand and shattered the silence all around you however as the owner of the leg came into view and a shroud of darkness lifted from you to reveal how your night here had started.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #1- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Zipping up your costume, buckling the belt in place and slipping your feet into the knee high boots, you had to admit this party couldn't have come at a better time.  Thoroughly exhausted and seriously in need of a good time, no one knew how to throw a party quite like Tony Stark and you were more than ready to let your hair down.  After all the problems created in New York and Steve all but crippling the U.S. intelligence and security services, being P.R. consultant for the Avengers was nowhere near as glamorous as it had once seemed.  In fact it was your living nightmare.  But at least you were good at your job which kind of made this your reward.
Grabbing your jacket then and driving to the compound, you were still a tiny bit unhappy with the lateness of the event, but you figured Tony knew what he was doing.  After all, he had told you as much when he handed you the invitation personally amid your complaints that five minutes to midnight was no time to kick off one of his shindigs.  At the very least you argued that he should consider the effect such a late hour would have on people's constitution, to which he gleefully replied that sacrifices had to be made in the spirit of debauched revelry.
Sighing at the time upon realizing that Tony Stark would never let anything get in the way of a good party, you took the invitation, promised him you would indeed show up and securing your costume here you were ... stepping through the main doors of the compound ten minutes before the appointed time.  Removing your jacket now and grudgingly discarding it upon the first pile of clothes you came across, you marveled at the wondrously spooky scenes all around you until you reached the entertainment room and was blown away.
Noticing now all the superheroes decked out in costumes that most ordinary people wore every Halloween, a smile actually graced your features when at the same time some Stark and Avenger employees' costumes caught your attention.  They had come as their favorite heroes.  Stepping through these doors now and finally feeling the buzz of the festivities all around you, you might have questioned the mild dizziness and funny sensations now taking place within your body if not for the image that greeted you by the bar.  Talking discreetly to Sam and Bucky while decked out in a suit that most definitely could have come from Tony Stark's closet, you would have suspected that Steve had shown up as some businessman if not for the piece visible just through the opening in his jacket.  The man was packing some serious heat.
Staying silent now and moving quietly along the outer perimeter as mist unknowingly formed around you and concealed your activities from the party at large, you finally reached the bar only for Sam and Bucky to swiftly move between you and the man that had captured your attention.  It seemed they perceived you as some type of threat and perhaps they were right.  Smiling now however at their response while trailing his eyes up and down your exquisite form, it seemed their mob boss friend did not hold the same assessment of your skills and waving his flunkies aside, stretched his hand out to beckon you closer.
Moving forward now with a grace you had not previously known, you took the offered hand and waited to see what the man would do.  "Steve Rogers, head of the New York Mafia at your service," he introduced before leaning forwards and placing the most tender of kisses against the back of your hand.  "And you are?" he then questioned as he straightened up and his blue eyes locked with yours.
"Jemisha Targaryen, vampire princess," you replied with a smile while embracing the roleplaying game Earth's first Avenger seemed fully engaged in and the man now whispering your name like a prayer in response would have been enough to stop your heart had that not already happened.  Not that you had even noticed.  Alerting a passing waiter now for drinks and taking you to a quiet closed off corner, a considerable amount of time passed in his splendid company until a walk through the compound found both of you alone in the kitchen trying to find any excuse not to become intimately acquainted with each other.  But the excuses never materialized.
Smacking his lips against yours as if a lifetime of intimacy had passed between you, Steve reluctantly pulling back for air gave you the perfect opportunity you needed to get familiar with the man before you.  Admiring again the suit that enveloped his frame so ideally while also exuding that air of danger a man in his position should possess, it pained you to peel him out of it, but it had to be done.  Returning to your lips now as the jacket lay discarded while your nimble fingers swiftly opened his crisp white shirt, Steve now moved both of you to the couch and seating you gently upon the back, dropped to his knees on the floor before you.  Gazing down on him now with lipstick smeared from his attention, you now wondered what he had planned as his gun appeared before your face and an inquisitive look from him told you some action from you was now required.
Looking quizzically now between him and the metal object that could quite easily do you irreparable harm, it seemed his patience finally ran out as the man below you finally spoke.  “Well come on sweetheart, this baby isn’t going to lubricate itself.  Time to put that mouth to work.”
Shocked now by what he had planned as his other hand pushed aside the crotch of your bodysuit and toyed with your folds, your hand reaching out to raise the gun towards your mouth shocked you even more.  Apparently you wanted this too.  Placing your mouth now over the barrel and mimicking events that were still to come, Steve’s fingers and tongue getting acquainted with your intimate area did more than an adequate job of getting you ready before he decided enough preparation had been done.  Delighting now in the feelings he was creating as he slowly and carefully manipulated the metal object into your pussy, you would have enquired if the thing was loaded, but he never gave you the chance.  Reaching in as far as it would go and satisfied with your compliance when you finally nodded for him to continue, Steve now rose to his feet and resumed kissing you again as his hand, the gun and your hips worked your pussy into a frenzy that not only triggered your first release of the night but also catapulted you and Steve over the top of the couch and onto the kitchen floor behind the island unit.
Beyond amazed now that you had landed as you had and not caused the gun to fire, you thanked Steve for his obvious control the first chance you got.  Laughing next when New York’s Mob Boss finally stopped assaulting your mouth and gently removed his weapon from your core, the aftershocks should have kept you satiated but it seemed you wanted more.  So tossing the gun aside now and tackling Steve to the point where you were now in charge, you quickly unbuckled his pants and reaching it to remove his package, smiled in satisfaction when no extra clothing was discovered.  The man it seemed was ready to go.  Moving your bodysuit to the side again as Steve had previously done, slotting his cock into you channel now and moving atop the still fully clothed mob boss as his massive rod pounded your cervix over and over again, your second orgasm of the night ripped through you now as your fangs buried themselves deep in Steve's neck.
Placing your hand over his mouth now to silence his screams while his hand reached out uselessly towards his discarded weapon, your hips, thighs and fangs kept him in place now and a satisfied moan left your lips as the last of his life's essence flowed down your throat while his phallus released one final load against your shuddering walls.  Looking down at his almost lifeless body now as you finally detached your mouth from his battered neck, you knew the world could not handle his loss.  Slicing your wrist then and placing it against his lips, you reached out with your powers and coaxed the man beneath you to accept the final gift you offered.  Remaining like that just long enough then for his pupils to give the spark of evidence that signal the change would take, you now separated yourself from him and leaving him there, returned to the party.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #1- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Returning to Steve's rumpled and discarded body now, your mind tried to reconcile what you had just remembered with what you were currently seeing and feeling, but things just weren't syncing up.  Reaching forward then to check on the condition of the super soldier, the memory of the blood you had just discarded stopped you dead before your hand even touched his skin.  This had to be a dream.  A very bad one at that.  Changing your mind now and rushing from the room to see if someone else could explain what had happened here, you next found your way to the indoor pool while Steve slept on, oblivious to the changes that would soon signal his transformation.
Opening the door here now not all together surprised to find this place relatively untouched given that Tony usually closed it off during parties, a sticky spot touching your foot did cause some apprehension however given what you had just experienced.  Raising your foot now to check out the offending substance, your heart now skipped a beat when your fingers touched your sole and came away red.  Something gruesome seemed to have occurred here too.  Moving farther into the room now, the image of Natasha's body laying in the center of the room decked out in the robe of the goddess Athena would have tricked anyone looking in here to believe that she was lost in peaceful slumber.  But you knew different.  As did the bloodstain lingering atop her left breast which triggered another memory flow.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #2- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Righting your bodysuit and walking back towards the party now to find Natasha, dressed as the goddess Athena, heading in your direction, the image of Steve beginning his undead journey forced you now to ignore what you had become in favor of deflecting the redhead from discovering your secret.  Smiling at her now as you stood before her and asked her why she had chosen the goddess Athena as her costume, her eyes still traveling towards the kitchen as she confessed to being the wisest of all the Avengers told you that a greater distraction was still needed.
Locking your eyes with her now as you allowed your hypnotic skills to take you over once more, five minutes later and the pool room hid your activities perfectly from those individuals like Natasha/Athena that might discover what you were up to.  Coaxing her farther into the room now as you engaged the lock behind you, a hunger you had never felt before took hold as your eyes feasted on her ethereal form.  She was beyond beautiful.  Moving forwards now at a speed you never imagined possessing and coming to stand behind the redhead, you wrapped your arms around her waist as your lips came to nestle against her ear.
"Tell me beautiful, has anyone told you how divine you look?  Godhood totally becomes you," you uttered before your mouth then moved lower and your tongue snaked out to lick a stripe along her neck.  Delighting in the squeal that left her lips now and the thrumming you felt pulsing in her veins, you would have sunk your teeth into her right there if your body still wasn't hungry for something else.  Something far sweeter.
Moving in front of her now while simultaneously lowering her body onto the floor, the chill of the tiles beneath her might have caused her to rethink what you were proposing if not for the hold your powers still had on her.  Spreading her legs open now as your lower body moved between them, you placed your lips quickly against hers before moving down her body with the promise of giving her an experience she would never forget.  Looking up at her now with a smirk as you lifted up her robe and discovered her naked underneath, you couldn’t hold yourself back any longer as her exquisite aroma called out to you.  It was almost like her own super power.
Laying down flat between her legs now and placing them over your shoulders you would, before this activity was over, be extremely grateful that your current state did not require you to breathe.  You could stay here all night.  Latching your lips onto her intimate folds now as your tongue darted out and savored the taste of the first woman you had ever touched in this way, you would have questioned where your skills and knowledge came from, but you didn’t really care.  And it seemed Natasha/Athena didn’t care either.  Writhing and moaning beneath you now as her body tried both to pull away from you and also move closer, her nectar flowing from her and flooding your mouth was beyond distracting.  It was something you couldn’t get enough of.  Sweet and slightly salty at first, the seconds after her first orgasm subsided and the flavor changed.  Delicious now in a way you couldn���t quite describe, each release brought more and more of this delightful substance to your senses until she finally couldn’t give you any more and squirted out her last powerful release.
Satisfied now with your accomplishment as the goddess of wisdom, craft and warfare lay in a blissed out pool beneath your still wanting body, you moved yourself up hers now and tried to get her to focus what little consciousness she had left on you.  “So beautiful, are you ready to experience that final high that will forever ruin you for all mortal beings?”
Trying to focus now on your words as her body still shook from the experience you had just given her, an imperceptible nod of her head was all the confirmation you were going to receive.  Smiling in triumph now as your fingers returned to her oversensitive core and began manipulating her walls once again, your lips resting against her newly exposed breast gave little indication of what you had planned.  At least until your fangs slid home.  Suckling the life giving liquid from her left breast now as your fingers turned her screams of terror into screams of pleasure, her final spasm as the liquid leaving her body became little more than a trickle told you it was time.
Removing yourself from her breast and pussy now as her life signs began to dwindle, you now sliced open your neck and bringing her mouth towards your essence, urged her to accept this final gift.  Claiming her last ounce of strength then, she followed your gentle prodding and now you stood over your second victim of the night wondering how long it would take for this unique creature to embrace her new reality.  Not that you would be here to witness it.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #2- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Shocked again now by what this memory showed you you had done, yet still not believing it, you now looked around the room in the hopes of finding something to cover the evidence of yet another Avenger you had managed to dispatch.  Failing in this endeavor however and deciding that the clothes you wore were nowhere near good enough, you argued with yourself silently before at last accepting you had no other option.  Gingerly reaching forward now and apologizing to Natasha both for what you had done and what you were doing now, you carefully removed her robe and straightening it out, covered her body from head to toe before leaving the scene of your latest crime.
Standing out in the hall now as tears streamed silently down your cheeks, you took a moment just to feel the loss of these two fallen heroes before wondering what to do next or more precisely what you might find.  Walking away now from the changing body of the Black Widow and moving farther into the depths of this revered building, a quick glance into Tony’s lab and a voice in the back of your mind told you to go inside.  But you didn’t want to.
Fearing now what awaited you beyond these walls, your mind was made up however.  Raising your hand now and placing it on the keypad, you hoped Tony hadn’t sealed this place off to everyone except himself.  Listening intently now for the buzz that would signal success and still somewhat surprised once you were accepted, you cautiously took one step at a time inside before the sight you now feared the most greeted you here too.  Lifelessly stretched out on the floor in front of his beloved orange Audi R8, the two familiar spots visible on his wrist only because you were looking for them  told you everything your memory would soon reveal.  You had encountered him too.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #3- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Finding yourself back in the entertainment room again, you picked up a drink from the tray of a passing waitress before heading off to the same corner Steve had first taken you to.  Sitting down now and taking a sip of the cool beverage, you didn’t exactly dislike the taste but it seemed something else was calling out to you.  Closing your eyes then and reaching out with your powers, you honed in on the smallest noise, smell and sound and began to filter through them for some tasty morsel until the presence of two warm hands resting on your shoulders opened your eyes to the arrival of someone your body craved more than all others.  He was here.
Staying perfectly still now while trying to rein in the impulses that came with your new body and seemed to be wreaking havoc everywhere you went, your eyes lit up when Tony vaulted the back of the couch, flopped down beside you and locked his piercing gaze with yours.  But this wasn’t the Tony Stark you knew.  Sitting beside you now in the blue and black racing suit of his Formula 1 team with the word STARK emblazoned diagonally in large white letters on his chest, the confidence he displayed in most aspects of his life seemed somehow magnified now …  and it was completely directed at you.
“Well, well, well Jemisha, look at you all decked out in practically … nothing,” he greeted with a smirk as his eyes roamed over your very scantily covered body while his fingers glided up and down along your closest thigh.  “You hoping to have it off with a race car driver darling?”
Looking over him now while simultaneously trying to fight the sensations his fingers were awakening again within you, a woman coming up asking for his autograph and practically throwing herself at him awakened something more primal and darker in you.  It was something that screamed of jealousy.  Calling on your powers again this night, you suggested she walk away and bother someone like Thor before rising from the couch and pulling Tony up with you.  You needed him away from here.  Leading both of you then through the compound , you waited until Tony opened up his personal lab before using your considerable strength to push him inside as the door closed behind you.
Laughing now as Tony actually seemed surprised by your eagerness, this surprise was soon magnified almost tenfold when asking which car you wanted to take for a test drive, the billionaire found the wind knocked out of him when his back came in contact with his vibrant orange Audi R8.  Composing himself now as the air returned to his lungs and he attempted to raise himself up off the front of the vehicle, you kissing him deeply before peeling open the zipper on his racing suit stopped him cold.  This he wanted to experience.
Placing your hands on his thighs now, you winked up at him as you sank to your knees between his outstretched legs.  Removing one hand then, you withdrew him from his boxers and smiled at the gasp he released as your hand gave a firm squeeze before placing your lips gently against his tip.  Leaving them there then and doing nothing else as Tony waited above you, you now threw your head back and laughed with unbridled glee when Tony finally whined at you to do something before he combusted.  Thinking then of all the things you could do to him, you now patted his thigh with the hand still resting there before moving forwards once again.
Taking Tony in your mouth again, you now began a steady rhythm of licking and sucking his cock as your free hand wrapped itself around his shaft and started twisting back and forth along his impressive length.  Taking more and more of him into your mouth then while Tony egged you on, the longer you manipulated his rod, the less your hand was needed so you now moved it down to fondle his sac as you tried not to gag on his sheer girth.  Almost choking now as your hand squeezed and caressed him while drool and saliva dripped from your chin down his racing suit, the man above groaned once more in protest when your warm mouth left his pulsating phallus.  But you weren’t done with him yet.  Not by a long shot.
Placing both of your hands back on his thighs now and moving your head forward beneath his shaft, his firm hands reaching for your head stopped you momentarily as his wide eyes locked with yours.  “Jemisha, are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
Leaning towards him now and kissing him again while this time nipping his lower lip enough to draw blood, you then removed his hands and pushed him back against the car once more as your mouth descended back towards his balls.  Wrapping your lips around one now, you hollowed out your cheeks and vigorously began to suck as Tony gasped, moaned, cursed and generally came apart above you.  And this reaction only increased when your mouth emptied and began the same treatment of his other testicle .  And it fed your confidence.  Soon robbed of the ability to form any coherent words at all and barely capable of holding himself up, his hand reached down now to stroke his shaft in the hopes of ending his torment and hastening his release.  But you weren’t having any of it.
Slapping his hand away now and biting his sac just enough to cause him pain, your mouth and hand returning to his cock filled the room with sounds you wished you could listen to forever.  But hearing them now would do fine.  Employing your supernatural skills now, you licked, kissed, nipped, sucked and squeezed in all the ways it seemed that drove Tony wild and just as you felt his heart quicken that extra beat, you swallowed him whole and drank down everything he had to give you.  Literally.
Lodging him snugly in your throat as deep as he would go and thankful once more that you no longer had to bother with the pesky task of breathing, you waited just long enough for Tony’s whining to start again before sinking your fangs into his package.  Washing down his cum with the life-giving liquid that had just previously been supplementing the organ now feeding your being with everything that was uniquely Tony, drinking slow and deep of this savory bouquet now, Tony came out of his orgasmic haze just long enough to realize what you were doing.  And he was no longer happy.  Trying to detach you from him now while also about to scream out for help, you now released him, stood up straight and facing Tony promised him he could live forever if only he was brave enough to take that final step.
Nodding as much as he could now given his lack of strength as his heartbeat began to fail, you brought his lips to your neck and slicing across it watched in satisfaction as he latched on without a second thought.  Drinking freely from you now until you feared for your own survival, you gently pulled him from you and kissed him one last time before dropping his body back onto the car.  Walking over to Tony’s workstation now and dropping down onto his chair as his lifeless body slid to the floor, you took a few moments to recover from his feeding and work yourself towards completion before standing back up and walking towards the door.  Giving one final lingering look behind you now before exiting the lab and leaving behind the body of a man you so admired in life but cherished even more now in death, all you could do was smile at the thought that Tony Stark’s last living blowjob had actually changed his life.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #3- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Leaving your memory of the previous night behind you now and returning to the present, you knew now reaching out to Tony would reveal the same result as Steve and Natasha.  All three were dead at your hand.  Looking around the lab now for anything that would hide the body from view, a portable workstation seemed to be your best option and so pulling it forwards a weird thought suddenly hit you … you missed your vampire strength.  Eventually placing it in front of the Audi and finally satisfied that no one would see what had transpired here, you now left the lab and actually welcomed the isolation that greeted you outside the room.  You needed somewhere quiet to think.
Walking through the compound now in a complete daze with no idea of your destination however, you soon found yourself outside the gym with the horrible feeling that your costumed alter ego had visited her brand of destruction here too.  Contemplating going inside to investigate or simply walking away and keeping the possible memory of events here locked away where they could never torment you, you instead waited a heartbeat before twisting the lock and heading inside.  And you were glad you did.
Looking every bit as pristine now as it always did when the Avengers and their employees were not dripping sweat everywhere, you actually sat down now on the nearest bench and released a grateful sigh of relief.  Nothing supernatural had happened here.  Taking a few moments now to relish in this small victory and perhaps let go of all the tension you had been holding onto in anticipation of yet another death to come to terms with, you eventually started to feel more like yourself and so rising from the bench made a beeline back towards the door.  That is, until the faint echo of laughter grabbed your attention.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #4- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Kicking the door closed behind you as Maria Hill pulled you deeper into the gym after finding you wandering around the compound, you couldn’t believe this was really happening.  Admiring her from afar for her gorgeous looks and ball busting attitude, the idea that she would actually find you interesting was a complete surprise.  But this?  Watching her now in her maid’s outfit as she skipped across the gym floor and climbed her way into the ring, her perfectly toned ass on display as she bent over and manipulated her body through the ropes had you practically creaming yourself.  Damn, you couldn’t remember seeing anything sexier.
Delighting now in this thought, as well as the laughter emanating from the woman currently teasing you as she winked at you before straightening up, you let all caution and pretense fall away and taking to flight, landed softly in the ring just as Maria righted herself.  Much to her shock and awe.  Removing your adjustable collar now as Maria glanced around between where you had been and where you were now, a girlish giggle you never imagined her capable of creating took you by surprise as you closed the distance between you before placing your lips against hers.  Kissing her deeply then before burying your nose in her hair and inhaling her scent which hinted at her excitement, both of you burst out laughing as she tripped over herself and caused both of you to hit the canvas.
Relishing in this opportunity now as she seized the initiative for her lips and tongue to devour any of your flesh they could latch onto, you quickly remembered what you were and the powers you possessed.  Which meant this treatment could not stand.  Tossing her gently off you then and using your incredible speed to move both of you to the nearest accessible corner, you next removed one of the drapes from your costume’s belt and made short work of tying Maria’s hands to the ring post.  Smiling now at your handy work as she tried unsuccessfully to free herself, your body resting against hers stopped her suddenly … as did your words.  “Such a naughty girl I have here thinking she can take the lead with me.  What should your Queen do with her maid who’s forgotten her place?” you whispered against her ear as your hands began to roam underneath her maid’s outfit before pulling her panties and allowing them to snap back into place.
Yelping slightly now at the sting left behind by this action, you might have taken pity on her if she had only chosen the words she uttered now more carefully.  “Oh come on Jemisha, you know you like it when I take charge.  Waiting for you one could die of boredom.”
“Jemisha?  Did you just call me Jemisha?” you asked incredulously as you tore her skirt from her now before continuing.  “When did I ever give a lowly maid such as you permission to call me by my name?  Seems someone’s looking to be punished,” and with that you reached around her front and snatching the duster from her apron, brought it down on Maria’s ass numerous times as the brunette cried, shook and pleaded until suddenly the sound you longed for most left her lips.  And oh how delightful her moans were.
Untying her now before lowering her back onto the canvas again, you now kissed her tenderly before moving your hand down her trembling body to completely remove her panties that gave away the effect your actions had on her..  Naked from the waist down now and dripping slick between her thighs, you allowed her to retain the top part of her costume as you then tore open the crotch of your bodysuit to give her easy access.  Laying on your back now and sitting Maria on your face, you waited now until her mouth descended to your pussy before letting your powers take control.  Floating towards the ceiling now and trapping Maria between it and your own body, she might have been panicked by the scene unfolding if she wasn’t currently occupied elsewhere.  Devouring her now as she too began to eat you out, orgasm after orgasm rocked through both of you and threatened to consume all that you were, but you had other plans.
Removing your mouth from her pussy now as she continued to dine on everything you had to offer, you gently began to kiss along her thigh until you felt her pulse thrumming beneath the surface.  This was what you craved.  Nibbling a while longer now as your fingers entered her again and worked her closer to one last, powerful orgasm, right when Maria bit down on your clit did your fangs pierce her thigh and puncture her femoral artery.  Drawing out her blood now that was so much sweeter as your fingers continued to eke out her release, the warmth flowing through you was still an interesting contrast to the cooling body above you.  Maria Hill was not much longer for this world.
Grudgingly removing yourself from her now and carefully turning around to face her, you kissed her swiftly with lips moistened by her blood before bringing your nail across your neck and allowing all that you were to transform her into a creature like you that would now call the night her own.  Lowering both of you back down to ring floor then as your wound closed and your blood stopped flowing, you picked up Maria’s legs and dragging her body towards the apron, lifted her down onto the ground before raising the side canvas and placing her safely underneath.  Dropping the canvas back down then to shield her body from prying eyes, you left the gym now in search of your next adventure before morning’s light ended the party and whatever fun this was.  Which is what happened now it seemed.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #4- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Deciding this time however to forego confirming that your memory of what transpired here was real in favor of what your eyes now focused on, the drape off your costume dangling where you’d tied Maria’s hands was confirmation enough.  So you accepted where she was, along with the horror of what had happened here, without looking any further.  Reaching out now instead and running your fingers along the fabric as you pictured Maria once more squirming in pain and pleasure as her duster colored her ass a glorious shade of red, you standing behind her suddenly crystalized in your mind as a wayward thought suddenly struck you.  You had woken up dressed in the clothes you now wore.  Which didn’t belong to you.
So where then was your vampire princess costume?
Thinking now on where you had been so far and where you, in your normal frame of mind, might be most likely to strip off your clothes, the guest quarters Tony had set up for you here at the compound seemed the most obvious destination.  Leaving the gym now and taking the elevator up to the living floor while trying to figure out how you were now decidedly human, the elevator doors opening and alerting you to your arrival would furnish you with this answer and a whole bucketload of extra information however as you now walked down the hall towards your room only to stop suddenly when you noticed Hawkeye’s door slightly open.
Which was extra proof that something wasn’t right.  Even here among their colleagues, no Avenger would ever leave their room door open.  Unlocked?  Maybe.  But definitely not open.  Unsure now of whether or not you should trespass and also mindful of what you might find given all the surprises the compound had already dropped in your lap, a voice in your head told you to put on your big girl pants and see if death had left its mark here too.  And as you pushed open the door that’s exactly what you did.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #5- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Watching Clint walk ahead of you, swaying slightly with his axe resting on his shoulder, you couldn’t help but smile a little.  He really seemed to be enjoying the night.  Decked out in a lumberjack outfit that showed off muscles you never really noticed him having before, the closer you got to him the more you had to admit that there was something about this rugged side of him that just turned you on.  Then again maybe it was just the night that was in it and whatever this costume was doing to you.
Looking at your costume now and reminding yourself why you were still prowling around these corridors, the images now of the rugged woodsman tickled your fancy once again and altered your plans for now.  Seizing your opportunity now with Clint's inebriated state and no one else around, you waited just long enough for him to open his door before slipping beneath his stumbling form and helping to hold him upright as any good friend would do.  Mumbling an incoherent thanks that you could just about make out until his head turned towards you and acknowledged who you were, a triumphant smirk graced your features as he perked up a bit and managed to speak clearly.  “Come on in honey, let me taste a little darkness.”
Pausing momentarily now to look into his bloodshot eyes, Clint staggering closer into your personal space however unleashed two more powerful weapons against the part of you that told you it was wrong to take advantage of him in his current condition.  His scent and his blood pulsing beneath the surface.  Delighting now in your hesitancy and swirling his fingers along your shoulder, he now moved his lips against your ear and tried once more in slurred speech.  “Please honey, I know I can make you come like no other.”
Smiling to yourself now as you thought about what he said in conjunction with all the fun you had participated in so far this night, you wanted to inform him what a bold statement this was.  But something stopped you.  Giving him the once over again while he raised an eyebrow in response as if to say well what’s it to be, that little voice that made its presence known throughout the night intervened yet again.  It was time for another romp it seemed.  Looking along the corridor now in both directions before reminding yourself of your earlier appraisal of the man beside you, you figured if he was willing to offer himself up, drunk and all as he was, who were you to refuse.
Taking the initiative then and walking him into the apartment, the door closing and locking in your wake didn’t even reach the level of a warning as Clint’s lips latched onto yours before your back hit the nearest wall.  A bit taken aback now by his forcefulness as he always struck you as the more timid of the Avengers, or at the very least lacking any real passion in the romance department, the surprises kept on piling up when he reached down into his boot and produced one hell of an impressive hunting knife.  Seems he wasn’t as intoxicated as he had led you to believe.
Trailing it along your neck now as the sensation and sense of danger released a flood of arousal down your thigh, the blade moving lower and lower towards your flower brought a look of disapproval you never knew him capable of creating as Clint now dropped to his knees and discovered your secret.  The crotch of your bodysuit told him you had already been breached.  Tutting loudly now as he rose back up to meet your gaze, the blade grazing across your chest with a bit more pressure now than its previous trip along your neck made you wonder what he had in mind.  But you wouldn’t have long to wait to find out.
“Guess someone’s been a naughty vampire princess tonight.  You want to tell me who’s been all up in this precious cunt Jemisha?” he asked and before you could even form any kind of witty response, the blade sliced your bodysuit just enough for Clint to gain access to your tits since your pussy was already open to him.  Latching firmly onto one of your nipples now as you tried to get the upper hand in this situation, you ended up losing the battle however when Clint dropped his hand towards your lower body again and this time found his way to plunging the handle of the knife into your unprepared pussy.
Screaming out now from the shock of this unexpected penetration since you were nowhere near wet enough despite the slick already waiting, you might have wondered how he achieved this task without slicing his palm open, but to be honest you really couldn’t focus much on this question at the present time.  Continuing to work the knife handle in and out of your core while his warm mouth suckled on your breasts as if he could somehow draw nourishment from them, your eyes actually rolled back in your head as a powerful orgasm rocked your body and made you acknowledge that maybe he was right.  He could be your best yet.
Coming down from your high now as Clint continued to assault your breasts while teasingly withdrawing the knife’s handle, his other hand coming up to caress your cheek revealed a strong leather glove you had totally missed before.  How the hell had that happened?  Unsettled now by this total lack of awareness on your part but also putting it down to the fact that he totally caught you unawares with his drunk woodsman performance, you wondered what he had planned now as he took your hand and led you to the bedroom where your tender body hitting the soft sheets covering the bed actually felt nice for a change.  After all, this was the most softness you had had this night.
Gazing at your ethereal form now while giving the impression he could read your mind, you actually laughed a little when Clint informed you that while anywhere would do to get things started, a bed was the only place a vampire princess deserved to be ravished.  Honing in on this last word now as Clint removed his boots and crawled onto the bed next to you, you swiftly remembered what you were when he reached out, removed two of the remaining drapes hanging from your costume and made to tie your hands to the frame of the bed behind you.  But that could not be allowed.
Misting away from him now as a powerful wind materialized out of nowhere and slammed him into the very position you had just vacated, coalescing back to yourself before a wide eyed Clint left you in no doubt.  He had not expected this.  Smiling seductively at him now as the wind you commanded held him in place, you contemplated using these powers to keep him there, but where was the payback in that?  Here he was a mere mortal, with no extraordinary powers either in his normal life or the existence gifted to him this night, and he had dared to tie you down.
You.  The monarch of the night.  The queen of darkness.
Hell even the great and arrogant Tony Stark hadn’t pulled a stunt like that.
Becoming more furious now the longer you thought about what Clint had attempted, picking up the same costume drapes that he had attempted to use on you, you now moved forwards and tying each of his hands in place, gazed into his equally furious eyes before speaking.  “Seriously Clint, did you really think you stood a chance against me?  Shame on you,” you added with a disappointed tutting sound before grasping his chin and kissing him harshly.  Checking out his position and costume once more now before getting to the real fun, you did however decide that his arrogance warranted playing with him a bit first.
“Look at you all strung up for me now.  Bet you’re sorry you didn’t use the sharper end of your knife on me now baby.  Or better yet your axe,” you laughed now before placing your legs on either side of his right thigh and sinking down on it.  Moving back and forth along it now as you watched him pull against the restraints, you smiled triumphantly when reaching out and squeezing him through his pants caused him to curse you out before his head shot forwards and attempted to connect with yours.
Too bad for him that you were faster.
Displaying the fury of your race now that he would behave like this when you were so close to completion and had planned to get him off too at some point, you now decided some form of punishment deserved to be leveled against him.  Reluctantly removing yourself from his thigh then, you also alighted the bed and picking up the knife discarded by his boots you returned to your previous position and watched Clint’s look of anticipation morph into one of fear.  This was dangerous territory now.
Forcing him to look into your eyes now before compelling him not to make a sound, you next cut open his top and began placing shallow cuts all over his chest and shoulders.  Licking the blood from each one then before moving onto the next as he thrashed beneath you, you meticulously worked your way down his body and upon reaching his hips, smiled up at him through blood stained lips just as the knife slipped under his belt and cut it open.  Impressed now with the edge on the weapon, you might actually have admired the strength of his gloves to have protected him from slicing his palm earlier if time was on your side.  However that was not the case.
Noticing now that Clint’s pallor and demeanor was beginning to change as a possible result of his many, many wounds and accompanying blood loss, you swiftly removed his cock from its confines and actually had to marvel at what was revealed.  The man turned out to be very well endowed.  Tossing the knife to the side now and placing your hand around his substantial length, you quickly got to work getting him to full mast before moving your pussy over his rod and sinking down.
Gasping a little now from the feeling of fullness you hadn’t naturally experienced that night, you took a moment to appreciate what he now brought to the equation before your desire for release got the better of you.  You needed to come on this cock.  Bouncing on his package now, your head thrown back in pure ecstasy, you wished you had let Clint scream in passion along with you, but it couldn’t be helped.  The last thing you wanted now as you skimmed your fingers over his blood stained chest and chased your own orgasmic bliss was some man with an inflated sense of his own importance telling you all the ways he would make you suffer for what you were doing to him.
As if he had that kind of power.  As if any of them had when it came to you.
No, focusing back now on the feelings building within you as Clint’s breathing began to falter, you worked yourself over that last hurdle and released your arousal around his cock as your walls began to milk him of everything his mortal body had to offer.  And then you took more.  Releasing him from your compulsion now, you asked him quickly if he wanted to live and when his reply was a haggard, coughed out yes, you leaned forwards towards his wrist and sinking your fangs deep into the veins, drained him almost completely before reaching for his knife again.  Dragging it across the top of your chest now and urging him to drink, you held him in place just long enough for a slight flush to return to his cheeks.
Removing yourself from his rod and bed then, your next task was to take stock of the environment around you.  With Clint still secured to the bed and well on his way to an undead existence, your sole focus now could shift to you.  Gazing from the drapes still wrapped around his arms to the costume from whence they came, it was easy to see how the night’s activities had taken their toll here too.  Now lamenting the fact that your deposit was well and truly forfeit thanks to you and Clint, you searched through the immediate area and coming across an extra t-shirt and pair of boxers belonging to your latest victim, took one last look at the man in question before returning to the living room and closing the door behind you.
Peeling off the remains of your costume then and redressing in your borrowed attire, you sat down swiftly on the couch now as a wave of dizziness hit you again for the second time this night.  Recovering in practically the blink of an eye and ignoring it now as you had earlier, you then headed out of the apartment but not before picking up Clint’s axe, placing it atop your shoulder as he had done and returning once more to the party downstairs.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #5- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Which was exactly where you had woken up.
Standing in the living room now and walking towards the room your memory had just confirmed would contain one more dead Avenger, the same memory you had just revisited still could not prepare you for the shock of finding Clint laying on the bed where you had left him.  Covered in blood with his costume cut open and his cock still hanging out after you had finished with him, the clothes you now wore missing from this room sent a chilling shiver down your spine.  But that was the least of your problems given that Clint had begun to stir.
Walking towards the bed now under the impression that your eyes were playing tricks on you, the drapes snapping as Clint’s body broke free and reached out to grab a hold of the person responsible for his current condition might have been enough to give you a heart attack if the bedroom door hadn’t at that very moment filled with four more bodies that now brought a whole new wave of terror crashing down upon you.  Your victims had awakened.
Flanked by his three colleagues now as you fought and raged against the man at your back, something in their demeanor however indicated you were in more danger than at any previous time in your young life.  Tony, Natasha, Steve and Maria standing before you.  Clint at your back, his arms locked around you.  All five heroes you had fucked, fed from and summarily dispatched and now with blinding clarity you knew where all that blood had come from.  It was theirs.  Conflicted now between figuring out how their transformations had stuck while yours had not, a far greater realization made its presence known however as Maria turned and locked the door before all four former heroes blocked your only exit.
This was retribution.
No longer possessed of the powers bestowed upon you by whatever occurrence had caused your costumes to come to life, the vampires now circling the bed as Clint held you tighter would have been a frightening experience under any circumstances but these were your creations and that thought frightened you even more given that you had no control over them,  Or so you thought.  It seemed to your relief that your natural curiosity proved somewhat powerful enough to halt their plans however as you blurted out the memory that now crystalized within your mind.  “Oh my god, the blood on the walls?  That was you.  But how?”
Tossing you back on the bed now as Tony nodded in your direction, Clint joined the others and five pairs of red eyes made you wonder if your outburst had angered them, but as the red faded and Tony spoke you breathed a welcome sigh of relief.  However temporary.  You may have bought yourself some time.  “Of course it was us darling, you left us to starve after all.  Not very nice of you I might add.”
“But how?” you asked again, remembering finding each of them exactly how and where you had left them.  Which you now reminded them of.
Exchanging knowing looks, this time it was Maria who was only too happy to inform you that they rejoined the living while you were passed out on the couch in the entertainment room.  Feeding their hunger then on those that Tony had hired to clean up the place, it seemed only right to return to their final resting places and wait for you to discover the devastation you had unknowingly created.
Shocked now at this revelation and what it had meant for the eighteen people who had suffered as a result of your choice in costume, you wanted to ask what had happened to the axe that had been part of Clint’s costume but looking at the five creatures undressing before you now, the answer was as clear as a cloudless sky.  They had removed it from your presence during their killing spree.  Knowing now that they had watched and waited until all the memories of what you had done to them had been recovered, you could only hope they would show mercy and dispatch you quickly once they satisfied their lust as they now joined you on the bed and proceeded to show you all the ways they intended to repay you for condemning them to eternity’s dark embrace.
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
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What If…? Dark: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2023), #1.
Writer: Erica Schultz; Penciler and Inker: Edgar Salazar; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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aleksmaximoff · 2 years
take me back to these days
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pandagirl45 · 4 months
The horrifying thing about magic, the arcane arts, is that it is because it's alive. It's conscious and it doesnt like being taken advantage of. It demands a payment. A return of equal or greater value.
The terrifying thing about magic, it can take, whatever. It. Likes.
That is the scariest part. Technology is similar.
Thor said it himself. Respect it and it'll respect you.
The issue with chaos magic... the chaos realm... it doesn't care.
The wailing screams from the scarlet witch. The red whip tails piercing at her body. Tearing at her veins, her sharp nails tearing at her face.
Chaos magic as the tendency to demand its price and give more. The team are seeing this.
Her wailing scream breaking into laughter. The churning soft ha, ha, ha. Her blood stained hands hanging loose. Eyes red as scarlet, her head cracking up. Auburn hair falling in weak strands, a to wide grin spread.
A simple finger raise, aimed at the many she felt crossed her.
The scarlet witch bleeding from healing wounds. The red of her powers tearing at the seams of this reality. The pounding of the payment and gift given shredding into the team.
Vision body crumbling. Clint flying into a poster. Natasha formed wrapped in lace. Bucky screaming. Steve stunned coughing up water. Sam screaming running for a body.
Thor eyes gripping blue, mumbling apologies to nothing that was there. Hands visibly shaking with statics of lightning.
Tony eyes Bruning with tears as howard stood their, grin empty of a smile and gash seeping red.
It was her world to make of it.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 month
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Bruce, Bucky and Peter would be really miserable and heart broken. They'll ask you in a broken voice if what they're doing isn't good enough for you. They just want your love and affection that's all, they're already giving you everything you could ever ask for. If you still continue to misbehave with them, I imagine them just being like 'Angel please behave, you're upsetting me'. They're the soft yanderes who will use punishment as a last resort and even then, their punishments would most probably be something like locking you in a room with nothing to do till you say sorry. They'll overpower you in an instant and give you cuddles and don't even THINK of throwing things at them, it won't work
Now as for Tony, Thor and Clint, as much as they love you, they're trying their best to control themselves and trying you up. They'll just grit their teeth and pin you to the wall and ask you why you're doing this. They really don't want to punish you either, so at the very least, for punishments I have a feeling they'll emotionally manipulate you and say how dangerous it is for you to go out there. And heck, they might give you a chance to escape, till you get caught by kidnappers or people trying to harm you to which you'll run right back into their loving arms as they shush you and tell you hw much they love you and how safe you are with them
And as for Steve, Natasha and Loki, and Scott, well they might do the 'physical stuff' to you like treating you like a doll or slapping you and things like that. They won't care at that point if you're comfortable with doing something or not, you'll most likely get spanked by them. As much as they love you you're testing their patience levels and they'll do whatever it takes to make you behave for them even if it means breaking you
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missacidburn928 · 4 months
Hello Heathens! I'm finally feeling inspired enough to get back to writing LUNATIC. It's one of my personal favorites but I have to be in a certain headspace to write it. So while I flesh out these next chapters, I felt like I would at least share there summaries.
Now LUNATIC is VERY NSFW so if your under 18 get the fuck out right now. There be adult themes and words after the cut...
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Chapter 5:
You and Nat sparing, which quickly turns into fucking. Sweaty dirty girl on girl that gets alerted to Tony by Jarvis. He then calls all the boys down to watch the action live.
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Chapter 6:
Steve and Bucky find you seeking vengeance. Well hunting your prey really and you allow them to join in on the festivities. You retreat to Tartarus afterwards and have a bloody, sexy, messy good time. You find out that Steve is unsurprisingly a freaky little perv.
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Chapter 7:
Clint drops in on you during the day at Sins. You're teaching an aerial hoop and fabrics class to the members of your staff that want to add it to their repertoire. He joins in and shows off some of his own tricks. You dismiss the class and play with Clint. Sex in the air is fun!
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sgrdoll · 2 years
chapter 2 chapter 3
synopsis - steve and the avengers break up a sex trafficking ring. steve finds one of the survivors barely hanging on and decides she needs him.
warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of death, extremely sick reader, mentions of malnutrition, mentions of sex trafficking/sex abuse, moral!steve rogers, if i am missing anything please let me know!
a/n - i really loved writing this and i can absolutely seeing this becoming a series or at the very least having a couple more parts. give me all the feedback you can!! thanks sm for reading :)
wc: 3k
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 “On my signal,” Steve commanded the men behind him. This mission had been six months in the making, there was no way he was letting rookies fuck it up. He had instructed them before they even stepped foot outside of the compound that his word was law and they were to listen to every syllable that dripped from his lips. 
He pressed his right hand against the steel door while his left went up swiftly. His hand told the man to rush the door. Steve’s fist broke the door open expecting to see strippers and mobsters dancing underneath flashing lights, instead he was met with the grizzly sight of men and women in miniscule cages sitting silently. 
His rookies stopped abruptly, looking to the older Captain for guidance. Steve couldn’t offer any due to his shock. He had never seen something like this before, and he had been around for a long time. 
They all looked so defeated, sitting silently in their prisons without so much as a flinch towards the men dressed in tactical gear in front of them. They didn’t seem alarmed, but they also didn’t show any signs of relief. 
Steve looked behind him at the people who were meant to be following his lead, at first he was perplexed at what to do. 
“Civilians have now been moved to top priority,” he said loudly into the comms attached to his Captain America suit. 
“I want everyone on the basement level getting them out of the cages. Avengers, upstairs and we’ll take down the men behind this operation.” 
His command was heard through the comms and Natasha was the first to copy. Steve turned his attention back behind him to the men who didn’t seem to know what to do without him holding their hands. He almost rolled his eyes but reminded himself of the time he was once in their shoes, scared and confused in the line of fire. 
“I want them all out. Now. Get Fury to send a shuttle and take them to the compound.” 
They shuffled in front of him and he watched as they broke the locks that confined the poor victims. Steve let out a sigh and felt his heart crack. He had always been a sensitive guy but even the most coldhearted man would feel a bit of sting seeing the conditions these people were being held in. 
He shook the feeling off knowing he had a job to do. He ran up the stairs to the top level where he already knew Nat and Clint were waiting for him. 
Once at the top floor he saw them crouched behind the wall with their weapons loaded and ready to fire.
“On your go, Cap,” Nat muttered while watching several men cluelessly smoke cigars in leather office chairs, completely oblivious to the people they have been sex trafficking being freed. 
Anger filled Steve’s chest. How could they be sitting here happily while hundreds of people were in cages? Steve let the feeling wash over him, a feeling he could use when taking these assholes to prison. 
Nat was the first to act, a warning shot to let them know what they were in for. That’s how she’s always been, never one for efficiency, she wanted to see the look on their faces when they realized they were paying for their crimes. Steve always had an inkling that quirk came from her time in the Red Room, but he never dared to bring that up to her. 
Clint stayed behind the wall, silently shooting arrows at the men that had now erupted into chaos. Clint wasn’t aiming for vital organs, though they all secretly wanted these men to be killed, preferably by their own hands. 
Natasha skillfully blocked their every move while simultaneously disarming each of them. Steve didn’t step in until one of the assholes had Nat in a full nelson, restricting her movement. 
Steve knew that they didn’t stand a chance against three Avengers with a mission. It didn’t take long until every one of them, seven men in total, were either unconscious or in some form of handcuffs. They spit obscenities at the trio but they all ignored their screams. 
“Get any information you can off of their computers. I want names, client lists, business associates, and anything else you can find,” Steve barked another order while preparing the compound for the influx of people. 
“On it.”
“Clint, get someone to take these pricks to jail.” 
Steve went back downstairs to do a final walkthrough of the sex trafficking ring disguised as a casino. He always double checked. Making the mistake once was enough for him to learn his lesson.
The basement was his last stop before he could head back to the compound and help out the recently freed victims. 
He already had plans to put them in apartments and hire social workers to take each of their cases, with Tony’s money of course. There had to be hundreds of them freed now that he looked at the cages they once occupied. The basement was empty without their presence. 
Steve walked to each corner of the room and checked thoroughly for any remaining people in need of his help. His blue eyes scanned every inch of the filthy space. 
As he was walking he almost tripped over a ratty blue blanket. Steve could clearly tell there was a body under it, but wasn’t sure if whoever it was could possibly still be alive. 
It didn’t matter how much death or sorrow he saw in this world, he would never get used to how it made him feel. 
He mentally prepared himself as he slowly touched the corner of the blanket to unwrap the person tucked inside of it. He pulled and the blue blanket slowly unraveled to reveal a tiny girl. She was clearly malnourished and her brown hair was thin. Her boney arms were wrapped around her torso in a last ditch effort to keep herself warm. Her eyes were squeezed shut and there was no color on her face, she looked like a ghost.
Steve’s heart squeezed as he came to the conclusion she must be dead. He was almost sure she was gone but he was trained to always do a medical assessment on victims, even if you thought they were deceased. He pressed two of his fingers against her cold neck to check for a pulse. Steve unexpectedly felt a slow, faint heartbeat. 
He jumped into action picking up the girl who couldn’t have weighed more than ninety pounds. He could feel her rib cage against his chest when he pulled her against his body. She was clearly freezing cold and her small body shivered without the blanket that she was previously covered with. 
Steve had no choice but to pick up the disgusting blanket she was once swaddled in. He wrapped it tight around her body and hurried out of the basement she resided in. 
He walked as quickly as he could to the black SUV that was going to be taking him, Natasha, and Clint back to the compound. Nat and Clint were already there waiting on him. As he slipped inside with the tiny girl in his arms the pair both looked down at her curiously. 
“Is she alive?” Clint was the first to break the silence as the car sped off to the other side of down. 
“Barely. She’s holding on but her heartbeat is faint and she’s practically frozen,” Steve answered, concern etched on his handsome face. 
“I have some emergency blankets and hand warmers in the back,” Nat remembered. She didn’t even wait for a response, she just jumped over the seats and came back with two shiny blankets and a package of hot hands. 
Steve replaced the torn blue blanket with two shiny silver ones. He activated the hot hands and placed them on her neck and stomach. 
“She’s tiny. Her ribs are poking out and it looks like she hasn’t been fed in weeks. The guys that took the prisoners out missed her,” Steve explained as the SUV turned harshly in the New York traffic.
Steve tried not to be furious that his rookies missed her small body, but how could he when he almost did the same? 
“There’s no way she makes it through the night. The girl is practically dead,” Clint commented leaning back against the black leather seating. 
Steve’s face turned angry, “She’s not an animal. Don’t speak about her that way.” His oddly protective nature was no surprise to anyone in the car. He had always been a fiercely protective man, which is most of the reason he saves lives. 
“I’m just saying not to get your hopes up about her.” 
“I’m taking her to medical and they’ll get some food and water in her and it will be fine,” Steve didn’t know if he was reassuring Clint or himself. 
There was no way in hell he was letting this girl die. He would do anything in his power to prevent a civilian casualty. Especially for a defenseless young girl barely holding on. 
The car eventually made it to the compound and the girl’s body had become a bit warmer since the beginning of the ride. Steve rejoiced but he knew they weren’t out of the woods yet. 
He scrambled to get her to the medical wing and have Banner and one of the doctors look at her. 
As soon as the doctors saw her they immediately hooked her frail body up to an IV. He could tell by their expressions that they weren’t very hopeful for her recovery. 
“We are getting a feeding tube in her as soon as possible. It seems she has no underlying disease. She’s just severely malnourished and dehydrated,” One of the female doctors explained to Steve. 
“Is she going to be okay?” 
The doctor’s mouth went into a thin line and her eyebrows lowered in sympathy, “I’m afraid it’s just a waiting game now, Mr. Rogers.” Steve’s heart dropped. He imagined in his mind that this young girl spent her life in the underground facility she was kept. She had probably never felt a summer breeze through her hair, or the sun on her skin. He wanted more than anything for her to be okay so she could feel those things.
It pissed him off that she wouldn’t get to have those simple pleasures in life. She deserved those things. He had never even heard the fragile girl speak or even seen her open her eyes for that matter, but Steve was fighting for her. He was going to stay there and he was going to be an advocate for her and root for her because it’s likely no one else had ever done that for her before. 
“Banner,” Steve barked out, “I want you to do everything you can for her. I mean absolutely everything. I’m counting on you to keep her alive.” 
Banner’s eyes widened, “Cap..”
“No,” Steve stopped him, “No excuses. Just make sure she makes it through the night.”
Banner just sighed and nodded, he knew there was no arguing with Steve. 
There was no way Steve could just go to his bunk without knowing what was going to happen to her. He sat down on one of the black vinyl seats stuffed in the corner of the room. He was not going to take his eyes off of the girl layed in the hospital bed. He felt like if he did she might disappear or waste away. 
He knew she was strong, she had to be. She had spent her life in that warehouse afterall. He prayed she was still holding onto that strength. 
Steve tried not to think about the horrors she must’ve gone through before ending up in his arms, but he almost couldn’t help it. Those thoughts intruded into his consciousness until he felt like it was eating him alive. 
Doctors and nurses filtered in and out of the room but Steve’s presence was a permanent fixture. Eventually Bucky stepped into the room to check on Steve. “You know you’ve been in here for hours watching a girl get fed through a tube, right?” 
Steve sighed at the simplicity of that statement. It was so much more than that. He almost felt as if him being there was passing on his fighting spirit to her. He didn’t know if that was true or not, but what if it was and he left her to fend for herself?
“I know.” 
“Wanda made lasagna, do you want me to bring you some?”
Bucky was sympathetic to Steve. Bucky could remember the first time he himself had lost a civilian, and it hurt like hell. They were supposed to be the guys that saved everyone, and when you can’t it’s a shitty feeling. 
“No thanks, Buck. I think I’ll just stay right here,” Steve answered without taking his eyes off her sleeping form. 
Bucky knew there wasn’t much else he could do for his friend so he just got up from the seat and left him to his thoughts. 
Steve was relieved to be alone once again. He felt like he was there for hours upon hours, but he didn’t care. He would sit in this vinyl seat for the rest of his life if that kept the poor girl alive. 
“Mr. Rogers,” the doctor’s voice knocked Steve from his thoughts. 
He looked up at her with hope in his eyes. 
“She’s taking her feeding tube very well and the intravenous fluids have hydrated her well enough that her heart rate is back up. I’m confident she’ll wake up in a couple of hours.” Both Steve and the doctor had huge smiles on their faces, “Thank you so much Dr. Lim. What’s going to happen when she wakes up?” 
“She’s going to be incredibly weak. I want her to stay in the medical wing under my supervision for at least a couple of days after she wakes up. She has a long road of recovery ahead of her but I’m confident.”
Steve almost started celebrating right there in front of the entire medical staff. He kept his composure but the smile on his face seemed to stay in place. He still didn’t want to leave her but he was so happy she was fighting. 
For the first time since he had brought her back to the compound he stood up and walked over to her bed. Her eyes were still shut and she was still asleep but there was a red tint on her cheeks that made Steve’s chest feel like there were fireworks going off inside of him. He could remember a mere ten hours ago when her face was completely void of any color.
He stood next to her bed and took her hand in his. Her skin wasn’t quite as warm as his, super soldier serum and all that, but it was still significantly better than the way he had found her. 
Stever rubbed his thumb across the smooth skin on the back of her hand. He smiled down at her. He wished she would wake up so he could tell her how brave he thought she was. 
As the thought crossed his mind her eyes slowly fluttered open. Steve quickly dropped her hand and looked down at her. He pressed the button above her head that called for the doctor.
He watched as she took in her surroundings and finally him. 
The girl opened her mouth to speak, “Stop,” he said quickly, “Don’t speak, you’ll strain yourself.”
He could tell she was scared out of her mind but she obeyed anyway. 
He heard the footsteps of Dr. Lim run into the room. Both Steve and the girl looked at the doctor’s frantic expression. Dr. Lim realized nothing was wrong and put her hand over her heart.
“You scared me so bad,” she spoke breathlessly, “I thought she had coded.” 
Steve shook his head, “No, she’s okay. She’s awake.”
“I’ll call the nurses to take your vitals and bring you some water,” Dr. Lim turned and walked out of the room. Steve’s attention was back on the girl in the hospital bed.
“My name is Captain Steve Rogers. I found you in the care of some very bad people. I’m here to help you,” he tried to speak to her as gently as he possibly could. He wanted her to be comfortable. 
“You are such a fighter,” he praised her, “All you have to do now is rest. No one is going to hurt you anymore.” 
He watched her muscles lose their tension when he reassured her that he was going to keep her safe. He felt the girl’s trust in him without her having to say a word.
It was clear that even though she was awake, she was weak and tired. Steve put his hand against her forehead and pushed the hair out of her face. 
The nurses came in shortly after and handed Steve a cup of water with a straw sticking out of it. The nurses explained to him that she would be using a feeding tube for a while before she could eat solids again but she still needed to drink a good amount of water. 
It seemed that the hospital staff had deemed Steve as her caregiver and he was tasked with helping her drink water as well as keep her company and hold her gaunt hand.
Steve held up the straw to her lips and entertained her with the plots of the movies he had seen recently. He told her in detail about Star Wars and Cinderella while she tried to push the straw away from her mouth. 
He sat and spoke to her for hours, even at one point making a nurse bring him chapstick to put on her dry lips. He continued to talk to her softly even after she had drifted off to sleep. 
During the night, he sat next to her hospital bed with his head propped on an extra pillow the nurses had given him. Steve never slept though. 
Every time his eyes shut he was scared she would stop breathing. Somehow, at around 3 a.m. the next morning he finally found peace with his head layed on the hospital bed. Steve drifted off into sleep with his hand over hers. 
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Embarrassment: Thor odinson x reader
Summary: during an argument, you threw a glass cup in his face. You were taught a lesson for embarrassing him in front of his friends.
Additional characters: Thor odinson, reader, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bruce banner, James " Bucky" Barnes, Loki Laufeyson
Warnings: verbal abuse, humiliation, degration, voureyishm, dub-con, money throwing, yelling, arguments, childish men, cumming inside.
It all started with a party and some broken glass. You were making snacks for the boys, while they were telling over some music. Alcohol filled the house with a wafting scent that made you nauseous. You didn't know he was having people over and was taking a relaxing bath to forget about the argument you and Thor had earlier that morning. You couldn't exactly remember why it happened, all you remember was the stinging smack to the face. So, you wanted to forget about that day with some candles, a bubble bath, and some champagne. You were going that, listening to music, when he called out your name. You had quickly gotten dressed and was met with the menin your house. Now, you were slaving away in the kitchen, making various snacks for the men.
You roll your eyes and walk out with the food. " Here.. " you dropped the plate on the food, almost making their drinks drop. They all give you a look, but your anger was focused on Thor. " so, why did you decide to have this party in my fucking house, Thor? Why not Stark Tower ?", you were really pissy that he wanted to party her instead of the big, gorgeous penthouse that belongs to Tony. Thor gives you a boreal look and sighs.
"Because darling, Stark Tower is under renovations for decorations purposes." Thor spoke, making the guys glare at Tony, jokingly. Tony puts his hands, smiling in amusement.
"Look. I just wanted to change it up a little bit", he says in defense and the guys laugh. You grumble and sighs with bags under her eyes. Sleepiness was starting to enter your system, making you more irritated about the abruptness of this party.
"Then why not go to the fucking bar? Thor, you know I don't like your brother in my house. The last time he was here, he destroyed my family photo." you were starting to raise your voice and you knew Thor was getting angry because of the thunder outside. The storm got worse as you both got into a full blown argument in front the men, who watched the fiasco with amusement. This party was such an inconvenience for you. You were so tired, but he didn't give one fuck about how you felt. " Then how about we break up!" you yell, taking Tony's glass of bourbon and throws it in Thor face causing the childish men to burst out laughing. Your anger disappeared as the storm was swirling violently outside. He wipes the alcohol and glass off of his face, growling.
He stomps towards you and lifts you up by the throat. He squeezes and cuts off your airways completely, watching you struggle. You grab at his hands, gagging and choking. Black spots started to appear in your vision before he drops you because Tony talked him out of killing you. " calm down, Thor. We know your embarrassed, but how about you embarrass her back." he suggested that he fuck her right in front of them. By Thor's face, you could tell he was thinking about it. You pant and he grabs your arm, kicking the coffee table towards the wall. He forces you infront of everyone, letting everyone have a view of you in your lazy pjs. Tony plops down and Thor walks up on you. You back away from him, but he pulls you back against his chest. Fear was dancing in your stomach, making your cunt wet. He connects your lips and gropes your ass, as your hands rest on his chest.
This was embarrassing, with all these eyes on you. It made your stomach twist as all the men stared you down, Thor grabbing and kissing all over your neck. He rips off your pants and shirt, making the men cheer and throw money at the both of you. Thor scoops you up into your arms, trying not to fight him, knowing that it was only gonna get worse. He attached his lips to you chest, sucking hickies into the soft skin. He moved your body up and down, making your soaked panties rub against the rough material of his jeans. Moans spill out your mouth, grabbing at his blonde locks. The friction felt amazing against your sensitive pussy, almost making you forget why you were angry at him. The pleasure was making your pussy pulse. His fingers moved down your body and to the sky blue panties, moving them to the side. He rubs your slick clit, making you squirm against him.
"Please Thor, can't we go somewhere more private. This is embarrassing." you beg him and he lets out a thunderous laugh, slapping your ass and placing you on the carpeted floor. He doesn't answer you and exposes you to his friends. A red tint invades your face as he tears your panties in half, the boys all gathering around the both of you. You cover your tits and whimpers. Thor smiles, " you guys can touch her if you want.", he dips his head down between your thighs, kissing your clit. He kissing your thighs, biting at them and marking them up. Even if he was allowing his friends to touch you, you were still his no matter what. He made sure of that with all of the marks.
The men were touching you all over your body, squeezing your breast, kissing on your neck, and holding your arms up. You whine as his lips connect with your pussy. He was sucking and basically devouring your sweet cunt. You squirm, moaning. His tongue was toe-curlingly amazing. It felt like that he was eating you like you were a turkey dinner and you fucking loved everything about it. His tongue curled up inside of you and you arched your back, whining. You thighs started to shake, trembling horribly. Clint pinched your nipples and you moan, trying to move his hands off of your sensitive breasts. His tongue had your body convulsing and your mind began to numb. All you can think about was his cock in her cunt. You desperately wanted him to slam his cock inside of you. You didn’t care anymore about everyone around you and him. You had tuned them out and stopped worrying about them, spreading your legs wider, letting him bury his face deep inbetween four legs, drooling.
Thor pulled away and takes off his shirt. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his cock out, lining his thickness with four entrance. He pushes in and stars appeared in your eyes, groaning out. You movea closer to him, letting his cock go deeper inside. You were already shaking, his dick was so fucking big and he was pounding, holding his biceps. The weeps, groans, and moans got louder as he lays on you, fucking you in a deep missionary. You scratches up his back, screaming. The pleasure was indescribable, his dick felt like it was ripping you apart, and his body was sweaty as he was rubbing against you. Pain and pleasure was settling in as the fuzzy feeling was speeding towards her uterus. " THOR! ", you screamed and creamed all over his cock, whimpering. You relax against the floor and pants, letting him cum into your tight pussy.
You breathe shakily, pulling away from him, curling up. You forget about the embarrassment and just desperately wanted to be held. You lift your arms up and smiles. He wraps you in a blanket and tucks himself back in his pants. They continue the party as you slept against your lover , completely and otherly embarrassed.
Note: thank you guys so much for all the likes and support! This means so much to me!
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kitmoas · 2 years
Standing in the Ruins
Summary: The world as Kate knew it may have ended but she was just getting your world ready.
Pairing: Dark! Kate Bishop x Reader
Genre: Plot and stuff with some nice little smut
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: Dark Fic (mentions of killing, kidnapping, weapons) Semi-Public Smut, slight degradation (If I missed anything important, let me know)
A/N: I became obsessed with the idea of Kate keeping the Ronin suit, and here we are.
***MINORS DNI*** ***18+***
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Twisted Promise AU (Coming Soon)
If Kate was asked what she wanted to be when she was ten years old, she would have replied that she wanted to be a superhero; just like Hawkeye. The world was bright and exciting as a child, especially when the Avengers existed. That’s how the young Bishop grew up, wide eyed and a naive sense of confidence. It was the blip that destroyed every ounce of hope for most people, and it shoved the once blindly optimistic Kate into reality. Her childhood idol was nowhere to be seen, seemingly hiding while the rest of his team fought against the most dangerous enemy to land on Earth’s soil. 
She went to work for her mother at Bishop Security, uncovering her deal with Fisk accidentally. It should have bothered the once morally righteous young brunette to know what Eleanor was doing to make sure the business thrived, but for some reason she couldn’t find it in herself to care. Keeping her head down at the company, Kate got her work done and really only got close to Maya. The two bonded over being the youngest and having a lot of pressure put on them. 
When tales about a dark hooded figure with a sword that was taking down organizations across the globe began to spread, Fisk began to spread his assets. Kate took an even larger step away from the spotlight in regards to the company, deciding to focus on college and her sports. Her mother was pleased by this, always wanting to protect her daughter. 
The Avengers tried, one last time, to reverse the blip. It was a very public and violent fight that ultimately ended in failure. The entirety of public heroes were gone, dead, or rumor has it some are stuck in different universes and timelines. Society didn’t trust them anymore and there was no longer a need for them but the hooded swordsman came back. The Bishops weren’t worried until Kingpin was targeted. 
When the Ronin showed up to the penthouse it was Kate that he came face to face with, shock filling his body when he realized she was just a kid. A young girl dressed in a hoodie with a flimsy looking sword attached to her hips, an incredibly innocent looking expression on her face. He was expecting Fisk, or at least his group of workers. His hesitation was his downfall as Kate used his second of doubt to disarm him. The young Bishop wasn’t the one to drop him to his knees though. No, that was Maya the silent accomplice to the young archer. Shooting him three times with a smile on her face; once in the knee, once in the torso, and once in the sternum. 
Curiosity got the best of Kate as she unmasked the so called vigilante that had been wreaking havoc across the globe, and there bleeding out on her marble floors was her childhood hero Hawkeye. Clint Barton, the person that made her want to take up archery and the person who saved her life many years ago. The person that disappeared when Thanos came to Earth causing Kate to turn her back not only on him but the idea of heroism. Believing that her hero was nothing but a coward, instead delving into her mother’s operations, he was ultimately the reason the young archer fell into the darkness in her soul.
It was Kate’s arrow, shot from a small loaded crossbow that was concealed between her shoulder blades, that drops him dead. Instead of following through with the original plan of burning the body and suit, the archer decides to take up the mantle. Following in her once-hero’s footsteps in a demented way by working for Fisk, killing any target regardless of who it is. 
Carrying the infamous retractable sword, along with a small crossbow and collapsible bow, Kate under the guise of Ronin became one of the most feared members of Fisk’s organizations. The other two were Maya (Echo) and Yelena (White Widow), who joined in favor of following the people who killed the man responsible for her sister’s death. The three of them became Kingpin’s most prized weapons, and were sent out to deal with the most special targets.
The first time she sees you it's past midnight and you’re rushing home after a long closing shift at the small movie theater you work at. She can’t help but think how you look entirely too cute to be her next target, bundled up in an oversized jacket and a beanie that is falling into your eyes. Confused, the young Ronin decides to follow you around for a few days in hopes to gather information that will allow her to understand her assignment. The longer she trails you the more confused she gets, you’re just a normal person. You walk your dog daily, go to work at the theater almost every single day, and eat ice cream in bed while watching Bob’s Burgers episode on repeat. You aren’t threatening nor did you have anything threatening in your apartment. 
The first time she comes into the theater you spill an entire cup of soda on the floor, tripping over air as you get distracted by her striking ocean eyes. Little did you know that she was taking advantage of a tactic that Yelena taught her, drawing trust from the target to find a more convenient spot to kill you.
Kate had thought you were adorable, and stumbled through awkwardly flirting back. The archer tried to act cool as she tried to charm you. Her ego stroked when she realized how difficult it was for you to act normally around her.  You cursed yourself as you stuttered through asking her what movie she would be seeing, but she just asked for a small popcorn and left. 
You’re ecstatic when the gorgeous brunette begins showing up at work often, getting a small popcorn and leaving. You are hooked, completely infatuated. Every time you work you have to hype yourself up to finally ask her out, you never do. You don’t even know her name yet. 
Another day, another shift, and you can’t help but feel disappointed by the lack of ocean girl for the past week. Your co-workers watch the entire day as you perk up each time someone walks through the doors and sulk as you clean up to close. The walk home was brisk, trying to avoid being in the cold for too long but just a few blocks from your apartment you see someone leaning against a street light. You don’t have too much time to try and think of a different route when the figure starts walking towards you, closing the distance swiftly. 
The person is shoving you against an abandoned building, back hitting rough dirty brick. Your heart beat is pounding but the moment your gaze catches a flash of ocean blue you calm. “You haven’t been to th-the theater in a while.” Your voice is soft, anxiety making your voice crack halfway. 
Kate, who was flipping an arrow in her hand, looks up at you shocked. Her mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to put together what was happening. How were you not scared? An almost complete stranger just shoved you into an abandoned alleyway, and you’re worried about them getting a bag of popcorn? She lets the shiny arrowhead tap against your leg, smirking as you look down at it. “I’ve been planning something a little different.” 
Her voice is low causing a shiver to run down your spine as you look at the reflection of a street light shining off the sharp tip. “Usually I don’t get this…adventurous on the first hookup but for you I would.” You’re a bit nervous, but you know you need to be open to anything if you want to keep the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever seen. She’s entirely out of your league, but you won’t let your inexperience get in the way. 
She’s staring at you, an incredulous look on her face. Deciding to test you, she lets the her weapon of choice ghost along her body until it’s beating against your skull. Slowly she lets the tip of the arrow dig into your temple, eye widening as you just let her pierce her skin. The girl is pulling away, jaw slack, about to say something when some random girl screams interrupting the two of you. 
The girl runs up to you, asking if you’re okay, but you just notice that the ocean girl is gone. A small trail of blood your only reminder of your close encounter with the popcorn girl. Slumping against the wall again, you just nod and grumpily thank the stranger for her help. 
Arms crossed, Kate pouts in the oversized arm chair as Yelena and Maya laugh at her. The glare in her eyes is weak, and her friends know it. “Guys! It doesn’t make sense, okay. Why are they my next target?” Her hands are erratic as she signs, making Maya laugh at the mistakes she makes. 
The blonde just shrugs as she struggles to sit up straight through her laughter, but Kate relaxes when she sees Maya get her attention. “The boss has a connection to them that he doesn’t want them to know, Kazi figured that part out but the files are destroyed on what the connection is.” The older brunette shrugs at the end of her sentence, quickly signing an apology before smacking Yelena on the head. 
The widow sighs before shrugging too, “I really do not think I can be of help. I could not find anything.” Her sloppy signing still makes Maya smile, knowing English in every way is still a bit of a struggle for the Russian. “Besides, just take the target out and get the job done and over with. It should be easy Kate Bishop.” The smirk on the blonde’s face makes the archer roll her eyes, pouting again at the tease. 
The young Ronin nods nonetheless, looking out the window, trying to piece together her thoughts. 
For the next few weeks you keep getting in awkward situations with ocean girl, who after you practically begged for the answer told you her name is Kate. You still can’t actually get the nerve to ask her out. You can’t even get the nerve to just try and actually initiate hooking up with her, even though she has definitely tried. Even if every single time you are alone with the brunette ends with her disappearing with no trace, you can’t help but look forward to the next time she pops into your life. 
The subway was the most annoying thing ever, preferring to walk everywhere, but you were going to the opposite side of the city so you had no other choice. Your head is down, airpods secure in your ears, as you try to rest a bit before you get to your destination. 
You don’t remember dozing off but the feeling of cold metal along your throat wakes you up, a hand in your hair stops you from flinching. Panic rushing through you but the smooth voice that speaks calms you. “We are finishing this tonight, I’m done playing around.” 
Slowly opening your eyes, relaxing your face, taking a chance to look up at the ocean blue you crave. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you because I am, you look amazing tonight by the way, but can I ask if the weird sword thing was necessary?” You don’t mean to ramble but she makes you nervous.
Kate is staring down at you, jaw tense as she takes you in. Your entirely too innocent eyes, sparkling looking up at her like she was the best thing in the world. Your nervous smile, flinching every time your skin is pricked by the sharp blade, but it just makes her melt a little inside at the cuteness. You are the easiest target she’s ever had, honestly you’re the easiest person anyone could have ever been told to kill.  
The moment you bite your lip, out of awkwardness mostly because of the heavy silence, it breaks something in Kate. She crashes her mouth into yours, messy and sloppy, but it stuns you nonetheless. This wasn’t the first time someone kissed you, but the way she’s pushing against you is different. No one has ever wanted you like she does at the moment. No one ever touched you like she is.  The blade against your throat retracts, scratching a thin line across your throat, but you don’t have much time to think about it when Kate’s calloused hand replaces it. 
Your eyes flick around, grateful for the empty car you’re in, as she moves to straddle you. “I- maybe we shouldn’t do th-” She cuts you off with a sharp slap on your cheek, anger flashing in her eyes before she rubs the red skin soothingly. A small smile reaches her face as she coos over you. You can’t tell if she’s serious or just mocking you, but it makes you blush either way as you wiggle around beneath her. 
The flush rises up your neck as she pulls on the baby hairs there, “Oh my sweet little thing, you’re already squirming.” The brunette is moving around, forcing herself between your legs and letting her mouth ghost along your neck. 
You can feel the heat in your belly, spreading across your body the more she touches you. The wetness between your thighs makes you whimper, embarrassed at how easy it was for her to turn you on. You let your head shake slowly, cheeks burning as you slam your eyes shut so you don’t have to look at her. 
Her hand is already slipping under your shirt, her rough fingers sliding directly under your sports bra. Her palm slides against your hardened nipple, a smirk spreads across her face when she hears your breath hitch. “So sensitive, don’t tell me a pretty pet like you is a virgin.” Her voice is arrogant, as she lets her knee fall between your thighs. 
Your hips buck against her knee as it comes to lay flat against your covered center, a pathetic whimper escaping through your lips. Even though it’s a lie you’re adamantly shaking your head, refusing to seem even more pitiful. Letting your eyes close, you try your hardest to ignore the way her hand makes you feel as she palms at your breast. You try to ignore the way you just know your arousal is leaking through your panties as you try not to desperately grind against her knee. 
The knee between your thighs is moving, slowly but grinding perfectly into you, and it makes your vision blur. “Now now, don’t lie to me. I’m taking mercy on you, don’t take my niceness for granted. Tell me the truth.” Her mouth is moving against your neck, a particularly hard bite makes you wince as you try to focus. The smallest yes falls from your lips, meek and quiet. “That’s a good girl, I guess I should reward you. Yea?” 
Her forehead is leaning against your shoulder, watching as your hips are uncontrollably rutting against her knee. She wants to laugh at how awkward and sloppy it is, but she can’t help the rush of arousal through her body thinking about breaking that. You were going to be hers to ruin, no matter what her job was. 
The grip she has on your breasts is borderline painful and you were getting frustrated at not being able to reach your high alone, you were never good at getting off by yourself. You could feel your body starting to give it in, and your mouth hanging open in a silent plea, but it was like you couldn’t fall over the edge. Stuck dangling and Kate was just having a grand old time watching you struggle. 
You were completely focused on trying to reach your orgasm that you weren’t aware of the subway coming to a stop, nor were you aware of Kate’s focus shifting. The moment she pulls herself off you, pulling her hood off her head and a gray beanie over her head, a whine tears through your teeth. She’s shushing you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and shoving your heads down to stare at her phone screen. 
The archer is watching, through her lashes, as people rush to get into different cars but she sighs in relief when the doors finally close with no extra occupants joining. Making quick work of calculating how long until her stop, less than 2 minutes, she sighs and looks down at you. Your entire face is flushed, your breath coming out in harsh labored pants, and you're rubbing your thighs together in a feeble attempt to find pressure. 
Grumbling, she reaches down unceremoniously gathering you in her arms and waits for the doors to open. The moment the metal slides open she’s rushing out, dodging people and shushing you as you whimper with each thundering step she takes. You try to look around, but when you see her taking dark abandoned alleyways you hide your face in her neck instead. The slight pang of fear makes you want to find safety, and for some reason Kate feels like that for you. 
The young Ronin sighs as she enters her penthouse, relaxing as the Bishop Security panel comes to life and secures the door behind her. She drops you roughly on the couch before she starts stripping layers, throwing everything around as she tries to take in what she just did. Her boss, Fisk, was going to murder her if he ever found out that this target was alive. Not only was this target alive, but she was keeping them in her apartment and trying to hookup with them. 
When she looks up from the glass of liquor she poured, her gaze meets yours and she knows that it doesn’t matter. She was going to keep you, no matter who tried to go against her. You were hers, even if you didn’t know it yet.
Taglist: @katebishop-ladyarrow @yourtaletotell @caroldantops
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