#datas esotericism
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Dear Problematic Siblings; An Open Letter to Older Siblings Survivors from a Youngest Sibling Survivor
(TW: Some levels of emotional abuse, neglect and psychological abuse mentioned. Not sure what level of detail to warn since its that whole Trauma Thing where you don't know what is and isn't 'that bad' so just be careful if any of those are particularly touchy topics)
Don't think too formal of this writing despite the formal sounding title, this is a bit of an open free form letter I wanted to put out to those who have siblings you aren't in contact with or don't have a relationship with following an abusive childhood environment may that be due to having to cut contact for safety or bad blood from how you hurt each other growing up.
I am / We are the youngest of two sisters - one older by 6~ years, the other older by 4~ years and our household was unsafe since before I was born. In theory, my oldest sister might have seen the abuse arise, maybe my middle sister had a bit of time before plunged into hell, but I was born condemned. First and foremost, its important to acknowledge how even these few years have likely developed how we perceive our lives and our situation greatly; far more than either of us can probably have the conscious awareness of as - regardless of how old we were when we first faced it, we were still learning and forgetting a lot of things that would innately frame the way we see the others and the world.
To the sister that made my life miserable, to the one that actively attacks and bullied me, actively tried to silence me and turn my parents against me, actively made the already bad neglect worse and actively took away all of the very few to no resources I had; to the sister that told me I couldn't complain because I was "too young" to remember the worst of the trauma; to the sister that I threw out of my life for four years and refused to so much as be in the same room as or see for two years, to the sister I gave up on after she disappointed me by repeating the same harmful behaviors over and over again over the six to eight years I had made an attempt to come to an understanding and make things work with; to the sister who - after time apart and given independent healing - came to the realization that our lives and childhood sucked, that we both were put through, that over time realized that the there was a lot more to life than the petty stressors we had built a habit of fighting over; to the sister that still from time to time, when prompted with specific triggers, will still revert back to those survival mechanisms and begin behaving in ways that are similar to how she did when we were younger; to that sister, I understand and I forgive you.
It took a while to get around here - a lot of work of healing and a lot of time apart to work through, process, recover and grow from the damage I had sustained in childhood both at your hands and not, but I understand. We were both children and we were both trying to survive. Children being forced to survive like we did will almost always look ugly, will almost always make a mess, and thats not your fault nor mine. Neither of us should have been put into that situation, and I understand why we were that way before, I forgive you and I hope you forgive me for whatever slights I likely did while trying to survive myself. I also understand that just acknowledging and being aware of this doesn't stop the trauma and immediately cure the pain and wounds that were inflicted upon us, and while we might relapse into old dynamics, I understand and forgive you already so as long as you do the same back. Healing isn't easy and more than anything, the thing that I value and cherish most is that we both have reflected on our pasts and how they affect our present and have made active genuine effort to handle it. The past is in the past, and the future is what we make of it. I'll be patient with you if you are patient with me.
To my oldest sister; to the sister that saw my pain when I was seven and came to help me; to the sister that took responsibility for making my life good and making sure I succeed; to the sister that saw the danger I was in and became dedicated, obsessed even, with making sure I did better than she did; to the sister that sat me down when I was not even in middle school to plan out all my classes up until graduate school and planned to help me enroll in the military at age 14 to pay for my tuition; to the sister that wanted to see me happy all the time to the point of recognizing a complex dissociative disorder and intentionally triggering one part out regularly to make herself feel better; to the sister that trained me in the brutal world of capitalism and taught me how to live on nothing because she knew, for a certain, that no one would be there for me and made sure I knew that I was entirely on my own; to the sister that gave me freedom and protection from my parents in exchanged for the knowledge that no one would help me should I fail; to the sister that got me a bird when she knew she was going to leave me alone and unprotected; to the sister that taught me to dominate everyone and everything to maintain peace, safety, and control; to the sister who was extensively traumatized and scared who used me as a subject to project her anxieties upon with good yet selfish and inconsiderate intent; to the sister who both saved me from my parents, but also made the effects of the 10x times worse and more dramatic; to the sister who I defended for 21 years of my life and kept from being disowned 6 times when no one else in the family would stand up for her; to the sister who - upon the slightest push back and watered down critique to acknowledge the damage done - threw me to the side as a party not trying in the relationship; to the sister who doubles down and refuses to reflect and grow, I appreciate what you have done for me and understand, but I do not forgive you - nor do I see myself forgiving you in the near future.
The most I can hope for is that you, much like my other sister, when given time apart, will come to realize the damage that you have done. That you will come to realize the true shittiness of our lives and understand that by constantly running, by constantly living in the ways that we originally learned to cope with our lives, by perpetuating the trauma that we were born and raised in, by never looking back to move forward, we will never truly escape and live the life that we deserve but were denied. As much as I wish I could sit here with you and help you through this process, that would cost me my own ability to heal, to move forward, to grow. I understand that you were doing the best for yourself, and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you did what you thought was best for me - growing up how we did was hard and you more than any of us three had to deal with a lot of it on your own and without warning. You were of an older generation - mental health information was not as accessible and far more stigmatized - people were more conservative and less progressive. I completely understand how and why it is that your pain had been redirected onto me; however, I can't see that you see that. You seem unable to see your own fault and folly along with the consequences I was forced to bare. I can not forgive you, if you can not acknowledge your part in this show.
To that sister, all I can say is I hope you heal. I hope you get better and I hope you see that life doesn't have to be a constant game of run away from the past and trauma. I hope that one day you will realize why it is that conflicts follow and case you around. I hope that one day you reflect on the past and realize how your pain had caused others pain and I hope you can still love and accept yourself anyways. I hope then that we can talk again and start anew, but until then, I can not forgive you.
To both my older sisters, I don't know what our childhood was like for you - I lived it, I watched it, I saw it, but I could never truly fullly understand or begin to fathom what it was like on your side of the table, so I won't act like I do any more than I need to understand that I don't need to hate you for the rest of my life. Our childhood was hard, harder than any of us can properly remember by the sheer nature of it. I don't wish to hold bad blood over things happened in the past that will only get further and further in the past until they disappear to irrelevancy. I don't wish any ill upon either of you (excluding the acute moments when you really piss me off and/or we trigger one another****). I truthfully hope we all can heal, move on, and live our lifes regardless of how bad our first two or so decades of our individual lives have been. We are all survivors and thats something to be respected of.
The Youngest Sibling
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algorithmquartz · 3 months
First Post!
Or at least, this is my first post on Tumblr since high school lol. I used to use Tumblr often a long time ago, but I left. Now I start fresh with a new account!
My name is AlgorithmQuartz. I'm 22, an INFJ, and a Capricorn Sun/Leo Moon/Libra Rising. I'm into gaming, singing, coding, witchcraft, tarot/oracle, astrology, and exploring esoteric ideas. I'm currently in school for computer science with a minor in data analytics. I'm also a practicing witch.
If any of that sounds interesting, feel free to give me a follow! I may also follow back. I've recently started making YouTube content as well, and I'm shortly going to post the couple videos I have so I can put them on the featured section of my blog. If you wanna check out my YouTube channel, then here it is!
Y e e t u s
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
I just love all your analysis, there is something heartfelt that always resonates. Can you do sun in 9th 🏠?
Thanks for the love, I'm glad to know it resonates. And sure, I can.
Sun in the 9th house
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Here we find extremely curious natives with a desire and ease to obtain different types of knowledge. They stand out for their intelligence and enthusiasm when it comes to diving into topics that they are passionate about or like very much. They have an incomparable sense of humor that arises from their social charisma, they are very witty and are capable of lighting up the humor of a site. It is very important for them to project themselves as a capable and intelligent person and they do not like to be fooled. Their pride and self-esteem often lies in the level of intelligence they have or want to have. Something for which they are not usually given the credit they deserve is their unmatched creativity, bordering on genius, they can be people who have that facility to do things that others do something unique by putting their own touch on it. Many of them have a talent for languages, becoming bilingual or speaking more than two languages, this of course depends on many factors, but here is the potential. There is also a potential for esoteric abilities, they are people for whom their beliefs are important and can be very devoted to them, they can develop intuition and other abilities that help them delve into esotericism.
In them there is a desire to be able to enjoy life, either because they feel that they have not been able to fully enjoy it or simply to satisfy that curiosity. They are very interesting people, because they are the classic person who relates to others in an incredible way (perhaps not being very emotionally expressive, but being kind and friendly) easily captivating with their appeal and charm, however, they are also very important for them to have that time to themselves. Introspection is very important to them, as well as getting to know each other from head to toe. Many of them find it difficult to bring out this stereotypical adventurous and incredibly sociable side that is assigned to natives with this placement, but it is a matter of feeling that they are with the people and in the right place. Something that is very faithful to them and I already mentioned a little is their fascination for travel. They love the idea of ​​seeing different places and exploring other things beyond what they are used to seeing. Your mind needs to be constantly stimulated, besides it seems to be a place that you will never finish visiting, and a place that keeps random data in every corner that you don't expect.
These natives are quite observant, becoming very capable of learning important lessons through contemplating the mistakes of others, they do not judge, rather they take what they see and learn. They possess a wisdom that makes them perfect candidates to be the counselors of their friends and acquaintances, who may see them as superior in some way. It is not surprising that they can mentor and guide others (the sign and the degree can give us more clues as to what they can guide others, along with conjunctions or other tight aspects). This placement shows that the natives can be very successful if they decide to complete their higher education, having enough prestige or at least a great reputation. It is likely that some teacher, tutor or guide has greatly impacted and influenced them. Another of the sectors in which they can be very lucky is travel, where fortune, good experiences and happiness augur them. The theme of the father can be quite varied, the native may have a foreign father who was born in another country than the native's place of origin. Other chances are that this is an academic, intelligent man or who works in the education or law sector. Or a father who does not usually see much physically.
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dukeofdumbass · 2 years
hello! i was going through my ao3 bookmarks the other day and i noticed that all of the ones written by you had been archived into a collection, inaccessible. Can I ask why? Is it just a temporary precaution, or are they gone for good?
HI!!!!!! i'm so sorry for causing any inconvenience - as it happens, as of just a couple hours ago, before i logged back into Tumblr, all of the works have been unarchived. whenever my works do go into an archive collection, there is a sort of safety net in that i'm too obsessive/compulsive to actually delete them from Ao3, because that means that all their stats and comments disappear too. something something media/data preservation, something something the work is really only complete to me once i post it (my spreadsheet more or less ensures that...).
now. i'm gonna soapbox on your lovely ask. i am constantly editing my Ao3 bio trying to say something like this...
as to why: i've just put a lot of pressure on myself, starting back when there was rather a lull in TTGC fic (my longest fic was in the works for a couple months before i made my Ao3 account in mid-May of 2021), to sort of be The Author in the [Xeno] tag(s) who has all the best concepts and ships and interpretations and style, consistently, universally. i want to appeal to everyone! i want everyone to love me! i want everyone to respect me! i want everyone to smile when they see my username pop up YET AGAIN in the tags. i want to be recommended! i want to be remembered... i'm not on Twitter so much anymore, and the culture's obviously quite different here, so how do i even ensure that people who don't browse the tags know who i am? hough...the impossible task... so, i have only continued to experience that pressure in comparing myself to other creators (writers/artists) who are "less online" than i've been at points but have "better" work in terms of length, range, appeal, quality, imagination/esotericism/divergence, themes/mood/gravity, self-indulgence, representation...you name it. newsflash for me: that's just not a thing! it can't be!! fanwork is as varied and personal as each and every person who's ever experienced media properties and expressed their thoughts in any medium or forum. i seek out other creators/fans who like the same elements as i do (all minoade fans, you're on my list) specifically to converse with them and conquer my feelings of inadequacy head-on, and when i find myself scared to join a conversation with those who have become my best friends (or speculating from afar on ex-friends from whom i just grew apart, for these reasons or others) because i feel like i'll ruin the "quality" of the conversation...it's really not a good feeling. when i'm really feeling like a fraud and an intrusion, away go the fics...
all that to say: if you create something, if you think something, if you love something, i love you. even if it's really hard and scary, i'll make myself do it. that's what i want my fandom experience to be about <3
(but most importantly THANK YOU for asking - i am glad that i didn't see this before deciding to re-reveal the works, because it honestly might have spooked me, but seeing it now lets me know that it was the right decision :)
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angelasymposium · 11 months
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Discover the enigmatic connection between myth and history in the realm of esoteric and Pagan traditions. 🌟 Can myths sculpt our spiritual beliefs without the foundation of historical evidence? Should we believe in something even if it's not historically proven? Dive into the origin and influence of the Triple Goddess, the role of myths in spirituality, and the significance of personal visions versus historical facts. Key Questions: -Can you believe in myths without historical evidence? 🤔 -What impact does the Triple Goddess have on contemporary spirituality? 🌒🌕🌘 -How do Jungian archetypes contribute to our understanding of spiritual myths? 💭 -Are personal spiritual experiences valid if they contradict historical data? ✨ Perfect for spiritual seekers, religious studies enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the delicate interplay between belief, myth, and evidence on their spiritual paths. Join us as we navigate the rich tapestry of belief beyond the evidence. 📜💫 (link below and link to YouTube channel in Bio) https://youtu.be/cSIpv-ygPtI #mythvshistory #evidencebasedbelief #witchcraft #paganism #esotericism
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lomorock · 2 years
Final fantasy xiv lodestone thura
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#Final fantasy xiv lodestone thura series#
177 David Juste PHILOSOPHICAL INTERMEZZO Aperçu sur le rôle de l’harmonie musicale dans l’œuvre de Proclus. 157 Brigitte Van Wymeersch Musical Theory and Astrological Foundations in Kepler: The Making of the New Aspects. Le cas de la vibration par sympathie chez les savants et théoriciens de la première moitié du 17e siècle. Représentation ésotérique et pensée scientifique. 109 Concetta Pennuto Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639) e la musica. Giovambattista della Porta e l’efficacia terapeutica della musica. Anthony Rooley Orpheus “Recured”: The Healing Art of Thomas Campion. Rothĭwelling in Darkness: Dowland’s Dark Songs as Hermetic Pessimist Gnosis, and Could this be ‘Evidence’ of the Esoteric ‘School of Night’?. Prophecy, Harmony, and the Alchemical Transformation of the Soul: The Key to Lasso’s Chromatic Sibyls. Le médecin et les sons : Musique et magie dans Le Livre des eschez amoureux moralisés d’Évrart de Conty. Laurence WuidarĮARLY MODERN OCCULT KNOWLEDGE AND MUSIC Music and Magnetism, from Abu Ma‘shar to Kircher. printed in the netherlandsĬONTENTS Acknowledgements. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. ISSN 1871-1405 ISBN 978 90 04 18267 7 Copyright 2010 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. English (chiefly) some articles in French or Italian, with English summaries. Texts and studies in Western esotericism) Includes index. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Music and esotericism / edited by Laurence Wuidar. Roland edighoffer – antoine faivre olav hammer – andreas kilcher arthur mccalla – monika neugebauer-wölk mark sedgwick – jan snoek michael stausberg – györgy szőnyi garry trompfĬover illustration: Detail from “Aurora consurgens”, Zurich Zentralbibliothek (MS. Jean-Pierre Brach Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke Wouter J.
#Final fantasy xiv lodestone thura series#
Aries Book Series Texts and Studies in Western Esotericism
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2centsoframblings · 3 years
Two cents of ramblings on: “Gekijōban Hagane no Renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist: Shamballa o Yuku Mono”...
...and why I DON’T recommend it (unless you really, really want to learn how the characters will end).
Title: Gekijōban Hagane no Renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist: Shamballa o Yuku Mono (劇場版 鋼の錬金術師 シャンバラを征く者 “Movie Alchemist of steel: The conqueror of Shamballa”)
Media: Anime motion picture
Sequel of: “Hagane no renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist” (鋼の錬金術師 “Alchemist of steel”) anime series dated (2003/2004).
Genre: Adventure, Dark fantasy, Steampunk
Directed by: Mizushima Seiji
Written by: Aikawa Shō
Studio: Bones
Original run: July 23, 2005
Running time: 105 minutes
WARNINGS: There is murder, war, body horror.
The plot in short: The Nazi, believing Edward’s world to be Shamballa, wants to conquer it so as to obtain new weapons. Edward ends up discovering this and having to stop them.
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Well, after watching the series, how could I not watch the movie which supposedly ends it?
I’ll reference the series. Also this isn’t a ‘let’s sing praises of this movie’ sort of review, quite the contrary. If the idea of reading a review commenting on its mistakes and weak points bothers you just stop here.
Also some info:
Shamballa or Shambhala is a spiritual kingdom in Tibetan Buddhist tradition. With time Shamballa was identified as the abode of particularly evolved spiritual beings and therefore became a recurring theme of esotericism which also fed Nazi mysticism.
Thule is the farthest north location mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman literature and cartography however in classical and medieval literature, ultima Thule (Latin ‘farthermost Thule’) acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the ‘borders of the known world’. In Germany, occultists believed in a historical Thule, or Hyperborea, as the ancient origin of the Aryan race so the Thule Society was founded.
Also you might not know it as they aren’t that well known in popular culture but Karl Ernst Haushofer, Rudolf Hess and Fritz Lang, which are characters who appear in the movie, were actually real people.
Longinus is the name given to the unnamed Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus with a lance.
Dietlinde Eckhart’s name might have been inspired by Dietrich Eckart who was the founder of the German Workers’ Party which was the predecessor to the Nazi party.
Dr. Mabuse is a character in Fritz Lang’s movie. He is a criminal mastermind, doctor of psychology, and master of disguise, armed with the powers of hypnosis and mind control, who oversees the counterfeiting and gambling rackets of the Berlin underworld
THE SHORT VERSION… or what I can tell you about this while trying to keep spoilers at the very bare minimum.
Opening & ending: The movie uses as opening “Link” by L'Arc-en-Ciel and, as ending “Lost Heaven” always by L'Arc-en-Ciel. For what regards the ending there are no accompanying images to it, there’s just a black screen on which credits rolls so I can tell you that the song is good but… that’s all there’s to say. The opening uses scenes from the anime and rather pretty art in a way that reminds me of otome game openings. It’s enjoyable and pretty but… nothing over the top.
The plot: The plot is the real sad note of this movie. It doesn’t really develop the characters, it focuses way too much on Nazi Germany and on side characters I didn’t really care about and that didn’t really get developed that much.
The characters: We see… too little of the characters I’ve come to love and the movie seems to think to make up for it presenting us alternate version of them who lives in Nazi Germany… only they don’t really get explored that much either so…
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The visual: Okay, the visual is very good, the background is filled with details and beautifully drawn, the colours have an odd slightly brownish tinge as if I were to be watching an old movie which fit with the Nazi Germany atmosphere while scenes in Ed and Al’s world are in bright colours as to draw a contrast. The computer graphic is not so great although not ugly but this is 2005 and, anyway, it’s way better than what will use “Golden Kamuy” in 2018.
The BGM: Ōshima Michiru continues to do a good BGM, which, if you ask me, is well used.
Overall: The anime deserved a better ending movie. It definitely did. You might watch the movie to see again the characters you loved and because it’s aesthetically pretty but… I’m not sure it’ll satisfy you, plot wise.
THE LONG VERSION… or what I loved and hated about this with, of course, TONS OF SPOILERS.
When I talked about the anime, I mentioned how there were things that it didn’t explain and an ending it left open. So a movie was a great chance to deal with all those loose threads and expand the characters arcs so as to explain them and their motivation better… but no, this is not that sort of movie.
One of the characters the anime neglected for example, is Envy. Well, Envy is in the movie too, we’ve left him going to through the gate in search of Hohenheim in its dragon form and so he’s in Nazi Germany too. He appears in a castle as a dragon because apparently, even if alchemy doesn’t work there, homunculi’s powers work just fine, tries to kill Edward and is easily captured by the Nazi who, instead than kill or take captive Ed who had witnessed the scene, leave him there unconscious and take Envy away. Then they impale him with Longinus’ lances and Dietlinde Eckhart’s uses magic/alchemy on him so that they have him bite Hohenheim, which they had captured, so they can use him to open the gate that leads to Ed’s world and he’ll stay quiet because, hey, biting Hohenheim us totally worth being held captive and used by humans.
Basically Envy is reduced to a plot device.
Hohenheim let himself be bitten because he tried making a passagerway to the other side using the magic and science of this side, therefore cooperating with the Nazi and because he failed Envy, as he couldn’t resurrect him but turned him into a homunculus and then discharged him… and also he took over the life or plenty of people in order to go on living and WHY he should care at this point after 400 years spent pretending it was none of his business is of course left unexplained.
I mean, I get he somehow wanted to help Ed going back home because in the anime he mysteriously discovered, after dumping him and Al when they were small, that he loves them, but if this needed to get developed in the anime but I could still pass over it, here it becomes beyond weird.
So anyway, as he’s been bleeding out like hell by God knows how long yet not dying, he decides he’ll transmute into a gate Envy, you know, the son he has turned into a monster and discharges, something which he now rejects but not to the point he won’t use him to help the son he actually cared for, Edward and his idea of how to transmute him is to force him to bite him to… explosion apparently, as all of sudden he sprays all around a sea of blood by making him clench his jaw.
All this for Dietlinde Eckhart to shoot Edward a moment later but apparently she can’t aim so she actually only scratches Edward’s artificial arm, which… causes Edward to apparently faint and fall from an amazing height and not even get a scratch. So okay, as you might notice I also find the logic on which the movie is based beyond dumb.
I mean there are those huge plot contrivances like Edward seeing Lang, who looks like King Bradley for movie reasons because in real life they didn’t look alike, so Edward forgets there’s just people who looks alike the people of his world despite spending times regularly with a copy of Al, one of Gracia and one of Huges (and I’ll argue Noah might be a copy of Rose but with normally coloured hair) and tails him so that the latter ends up bringing him in the castle in which Envy is, so he’s around for… no real good reason when the Nazi capture Envy.
I mean, Ed decides to do something only when Noah goes with the guy of the Thule society, which she decides to do in front of him instead than leaving him without warning so that they’ll get a reaction from him… and Lang will coincidentally decide that’s a good moment to crash with his car inside the place Edward was in so he can help him escape with a car who doesn’t even have a scratch.
So for now we have no proper development of familiar characters, no logic in the plot, plot contrivances a gogo.
Adds way too much focus on the world Edward is in, which we should already be familiar about as it’s our own only in pre WW2 time so really, why should I care?
Why should I care of the story digging onto how Nazi Germany also wants to invade Amestris as if Nazi Germany attacking something or playing the role of the bad guy were some sort of new idea?
Okay, the movie wasn’t made for me so maybe Japanese viewers likes this but really, there has been already plenty of anime about this so… couldn’t we have a movie about something else? Something new, like the “Fullmetal Alchemist” universe was?
And I’m saying this as someone who loves historical series but I felt zero need to see 1923 Germany take over “Fullmetal Alchemist” because the way it was done it felt more like they were tossing at me real life characters and random real life info just for the sake of doing it.
I could already see the “Fullmetal Alchemist” parallels with my world, the racism, the wars of aggression in the world of Amestris, they really didn’t need to toss in Nazi Germany, especially because it breaks the parallels between Amestris and my world and paint Amestris like the good guys when it’s only four years they got rid of Führer King Bradley (and Dante), who really wasn’t called Führer at random, and Mustang wasn’t rewarded for getting rid of Bradley, quite the contrary, and what about all the people who supported King Bradley? Couldn’t we see how Amestris evolved after Bradley’s death instead?
But that’s not all of the ‘why should I care?’
The movie introduces a new character, Noah, a Roma girl, who’s sold by other Romani girls because she has the eerie ability to read the mind and is saved by Ed and seems to play as ‘romantic interest’ for him of some sort (but not really that much), and tries to push forward the theme of racism that was well depicted in the anime this time using her, which could be interesting if the anime hadn’t done it better. But the real role of Noah in the movie is solely to read Ed’s mind so that she can memorize all of Edward knowledge about alchemy and complete the transmutation circle.
I mean… that’s not clairvoyance, the idea she would learn all of Edward alchemic knowledge just by peaking at his mind or that she could memorize as much as the magic circle… at least I think she memorized the magic circle because otherwise I don’t know what use she had, she just told them there were no incantation and that they had to make circulate the power between themselves and the transmutation circle which means… what for those humans who know nothing of Edward’s alchemy?
But who cares, the gate reacts anyway but Noah can’t open it, maybe because she’s just stretching her hands toward it and doing nothing?
But whatever, what’s her point beyond that?
Express her longing for a place that won’t mistreat her due to her race? She learnt Edward’s knowledge, didn’t she saw what happened to the Ishbalans? Edward left without knowing if Mustang defeated Bradley, as far as he knows they might still be persecuting them, them who has darker skin like Noah, what makes her think she’ll be safe there?
And then we’ve Dietlinde Eckhart, which we can speculate is an alternate version of Dante but who actually knows, who has zero development and it’s just evil and first claims she wants to go to Shamballa to gain weapons then we get this:
Dietlinde: Why?! Why is my magic being obstructed?! This place is a new world, completely different from our world. Edward: It's not at all different. People live, weep, laugh, and die. There's one thing I'd like to ask you. Why did you suddenly attack? Weren't you going to use this world's know-how for your war over there? Dietlinde: I am going to destroy this world! Edward: For what reason?! Dietlinde: Because it is terrifying! Once I learned that a doorway could be opened with the power... ...of the Great Serpent, and that there was another world... ...when I learned that it had power that exceeded our own... I became frightened-- so frightened that I could not stand it. I knew that I had to destroy it! Edward: The people here would never start a war with you! Dietlinde: How can you know that?! Edward: We are humans, like you! Dietlinde: No, you aren't! You may take the same form, but you are monsters from another world!
I mean, this could really be an interesting point to ponder, the idea she waged war merely because scared by what’s different, and would tie nicely with the theme of racism… but it’s all so random!
She jumps from ‘why my magic is obstructed’ to ‘this world is completely different from ours’ with no real logic connection. Then it turns out she has also changed her goals or that was never her goal but since her character development was nonexistent this feels just random.
Edward claiming they would never go at war with her world is dumb considering that people has followed and supported King Bradley who has waged war effortlessly so it can’t all be blamed on Bradley being an homunculus, never mentioning he was lead by Dante, a human, so again this is dumb and Ed should know and the fact he says ‘ah, we’re human like you so we wouldn’t attack you’ actually doesn’t hold ground because humans attack each other both in Amestris and in Dietlinde’s world so really that doesn’t stand.
Besides why is she Dietlinde instead than Dietrich? The movie didn’t shy away from using real people, why turning Dietrich into a woman? Because Dietrich in real life died of heart attack short after the Munich Putsch and wasn’t turned into a monster during it and shoot? Why would the movie care? Is that why she only shoot in the arm Haushofer? Because the latter is not meant to die there? Why shooting him anyway? Why not knocking him out?
And we finish the movie with Ed and Al being stuck into our world so how cool, they’re together but again, they’re not back home and Winry is left in Amestris because Winry’s arc in this movie goes nowhere, she’s only here to provide Ed with a new arm and leg and that’s it.
Besides what about making Hughes a Nazi but not developing the thing at all and then pairing him back with Gracia, who’s actually a decent person instead, as if nothing had happened at the end of the movie? I mean the idea of making him evil could have been very interesting but it’s basically not explored and the same goes for a possible switching side… which we don’t really know if happened. Has he changed just because the Munich Putsch failed? Because he shot Dietlinde Eckhart after she turned into a monster? Who knows?
And there’s more but I’ll stop here.
So everything is bad?
No, actually the action scenes are really, really cool, a real pleasure to watch.
Then they tried ending Wrath and Gluttony arc. Gluttony arc works, Wrath’s arc would have benefitted of some parts that ultimately were cut from the movie because apparently a lot was cut from this movie to give it the length it has and not the 3 hours and more length the original script was meant to have… which means they basically cut half of the movie so maybe it’s not all the movie’s fault if it was so messed up. With so much cut, of course things didn’t properly get developed. But, back to Wrath, although his arc felt a bit shaky because they cut his reason to sacrifice for Alphonse, it wasn’t that bad.
I somehow loved Alfons Heiderich because it’s one of the few characters the movie managed to actually develop and he worked well enough. I love this exchange between him and Ed.
Alfons: Looks like she missed you and hit your artificial arm. “At a speed of over 11 kilos per second, this rocket will punch through whatever phenomena occurs within the doorway, and get us to the other side.” That was Haushofer-san's idea. This one-seater should also put out enough speed. Edward: Hold on! I never said I was going to the other side. Alfons: I want you to go. Edward: Alfons, am I in the way? Alfons: We don't just exist in the middle of one of your dreams. Even as my life is coming to an end, I'm still me. I will definitely be here. Don't forget me. Edward: Alfons! Alfons! Alfons!
And then Alfons dies, shot by Rudolf Hess, but he dies smiling because he has managed to make his rocket and use it to send Edward where he needed to go. And it’s a great moment. Alfons came a lot more likable than Noah, who yes, is mistreated so I feel bad for her, but she’s also solely caring for her own interests ignoring how Edward helped her. Alfons didn’t have to help Edward, he didn’t own him, but he did because he was a friend and a good person. I wish they had given Noah something more likable quality than just the sad part of the discriminate girl (and, as I already said, I found her wish to go to Amestris to escape discrimination, baseless as there was discrimination in Amestris).
I loved the dialogue at the end between Ed and Al…
Alphonse: Another great war is sure to start. That could be something that's unavoidable, huh? I wonder if it's something we should be getting involved with. Edward: We can no longer go on thinking that this world has nothing to do with ourselves. This is our world. There's no difference. This is where we live.
I mean, I like the conclusion they can’t feel uninvolved that they now belong to that world… even if I don’t like how it seems to imply they gave up on their own world and… I’m not sure how they mean to get involved in WW2. I mean, they can’t use alchemy, they’ll be just soldiers like everyone else. And even if they weren’t to be soldiers, if they were just to walk around, they would still be involved in the war because it’s a WW what’s about to happen with invasions and bombing and everything so really, they can’t escape to it.
But whatever, still that bit was good and, as I said previously, the visual was also good. I don’t know why they put Rome’s Vittoriano in Amestris but hey, cool, beautifully drawn.
So, do I recommend this or not?
Honestly it’s not a great movie, but it’s also the only way to see the end of the arcs of some characters so you might want to watch it anyway. Just don’t expect much from it.
And now let's end this with an AMV about this series I recommend watching Your Hand in Mine
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i-am-obscuram · 4 years
The Darkside of Empaths that we don't want you to know
If you do a search on empaths you can find a lot of the same information, they are highly sensitive, narcissist fodder, and more; repurposed in different ways. Yet you won't see much of anything on the science or theories behind these abilities. That’s understandable, as many people lump these abilities in with esotericism, mysticism and woo-woo. I’m going to start by taking the mysticism out of it, but I won’t leave you there. 
There are different categories of empaths, along with varying intensity of those abilities. Some who associate with being an empath can be more influenced by having physiological reactions to our innate biochemistry. What I mean by that is, the way a pet can “sense” your feelings. If you are sad they are right there by your side to comfort you. It’s likely the same with insects such as bees, ever notice when you are afraid of them they seem to go after you even if you froze in your fight or flight state? Much of this is due to changes in your scent, think pheromones.  Pheromones are a chemical that we secrete which influences the behavior of those around us. Even though pheromones themselves are undetectable, we cant see or smell them, we still react to them; they can still greatly affect us and our behaviors. Pheromones simplified are scent molecules that invade our bloodstream and then change our behavior in reaction to the chemical being detected in our body. 
“Pheromone signals affect you subconsciously. You may not be aware of them until the effects are impossible to ignore.” The way our bodies react to this may differ, and some people are going to be more sensitive to the influence of pheromones than others.
Moving forward with that in mind, we can also pick up on, and be influenced by, what we perceive through our other senses subconsciously.  As we are ocularly, audibly, tangibly and gustatorily taking in information we can be influenced by what is received.  Our brains take in and process far more stimuli than we realize, much of it gets filtered out of our conscious mind and how much much is not readily studied or revealed in the scientific field. The questions still stand of, “what happens to the rest, and what really is the extent of the data that we are taking in?” Some progress can be found by clicking here The other theory behind empathic abilities is with what powers our bodies.  Our bodies carry electricity; when someone is in cardiac arrest, a defibrillator sends an electric shock to the heart. Basically, under certain conditions you can be jump-started like a car.  There is not a whole lot of information on how our bodies electrical system works and the full extent of what it's capable of but we are beginning to move in that direction  “The new technology appeared in a Sony patent filing that describes how engineers in the company's Tokyo research unit developed wireless headphones that rely on electrical signals sent through the body.” - ARS Technica    
This also coincides with abilities such as mirror touch synesthesia. Given those considerations we are all biologically predisposed to being empaths on some level. Many empaths would agree that their abilities can run on proximity, however the most interesting and unexplained is with COVID even being socially distanced there are empaths that can still perceive and there are significant overlapping similarities on the effects experienced with social distancing. Nearly all had insomnia, feeling drained, hyper-sensitive, or advanced their capabilities. So that mostly rules out things of proximity such as electrical field or pheromone based concepts with certain groups of empaths. Which brings up the theory that certain empathic abilities fall within the realm of consciousness, and what that is, still remains a mystery, likely one that would address subjects like psychic abilities.
If you are an empath or want to know more about empathic abilities join me for a Live Virtual Summit as I interview several specialists for this FREE one day event!
click get access below to register
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azdoine · 4 years
I think it’s no great secret that I have a pretty complicated relationship with my Judaism, to the point that it’s gotten me into a fair bit of trouble and it’s gotten me to say some pretty stupid shit. I am, to put it irreverently, a heretic, or just a dumb kid on the internet - that I’m now an adult seems of no consequence in the face of the desolate confusion and alienation I still feel towards my religion, have always felt since I really was a child, have been irrevocably characterized by. such is the scope of my big fat idiot mouth that I hesitate to say anything more, on these topics and on others.
But why the alienation, and what of its kind?
In many respects, it’s probably a common story, so I won’t belabor the point too far: I was raised performatively into my religion - at the behest of a mother I still have a complicated relationship with! - not to believe in it with all my heart, but to find a community and a culture in it, and even back then, I was already too much of a fag and a fuckup to ever fit in with the world that had been presented to me in bits and pieces. My experience with Judaism is a decade of passively absorbing Torah anecdotes that I didn’t even believe in while my peers ignored me or laughed at me for being the little bitch that we all knew I was. C’est la vie.
But if my disconnection from the Jewish religion feels embarrassing, my lingering attachment to it is even worse, because here we come up on the k-word - no, not that k-word. I’m talking about the Kabbalah, and perhaps no element of the Jewish religion is more charged, easily disrespected, or frequently misappropriated. Were I not so wounded in my attachment to Judaism, as it were, I would feel no such need to explore the Kabbalah as I do, and thus have nothing to rationalize, but were I not still ethnically Jewish, I would have no rationalization for it which I could accept. I would have turned back at the gate rather than be another idiot pretending he knew anything whatsoever about a tradition that wasn’t his to claim.
Why am I talking about this now? In part it’s nothing more or less than what it is: a rumination on some of my eclectic traumas and interests. (If you can’t use tumblr as a sounding board in the absence of a therapist or religious leader in your life, what good is it even for?)
But it’s also a disclaimer and a contextualization. Because although I would have no basis otherwise to comment on the appropriation of Kabbalah by various vulgar mystics, I wouldn’t feel confident or honest talking about that appropriation without also contextualizing my own place in that discussion, as someone who may indeed have participated in that appropriation.
Why is the Kabbalah so appropriated as it is, and what is the significance of its appropriation? Why did the Kabbalah catch my eye when the lore of a more mainstream or conventional Judaism could not?
In his Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, Gershom Scholem speaks not as a vulgar mystic but as a dedicated Jew. And yet, although Scholem does not perhaps forgive the vulgar mystic for his trespasses against Jewish lore, Scholem’s profoundly and aggressively historical approach immediately forecloses the possibility that anything else could have come to pass:
The great Jewish scholars of the [1800s] whose conception of Jewish history is still dominant in our days... had little sympathy—to put it mildly—for the Kabbalah. At once strange and repellent, it epitomised everything that was opposed to their own ideas and to the outlook which they hoped to make predominant in modern Judaism...
It is not to the credit of Jewish scholarship that... the greater part of the ideas and views which show a real insight into the world of Kabbalism, closed as it was to the rationalism prevailing in the Judaism of the nineteenth century, were expressed by Christian scholars of a mystical bent.... It is a pity that the fine philosophical intuition and natural grasp of such students lost their edge because they lacked all critical sense as to historical and philological data in this field, and therefore failed completely when they had to handle problems bearing on the facts.
The natural and obvious result of the antagonism of the great Jewish scholars was that, since the authorized guardians neglected this field, all manner of charlatans and dreamers came and treated it as their own property.
Scholem and others similarly contextualize the “great Jewish scholars” in their own time, explaining their steadfast refusal to engage with the mystical discourses of Judaism, but we needn’t concern ourselves with the reasoning of those great scholars here, beyond acknowledging its existence and its essentially reasonable character. (We should by no means imply that the final “fault” for the appropriation of the Kabbalah by other religious bodies somehow lies with the Jews who dismissed the subject, after all.)
The more important and interesting takeaway here is that this “emergent” mythologization of the Kabbalah by non-Jews is, in fact, not so different in character from the mysticism of the Jews who formulated the Kabbalah in the first place! For Scholem likewise characterizes the formulation of the Kabbalah as, among many other things, a kind of metaphysically (rather than politically) reactionary response to the sterile rationalist discourses of the Judaisms that were predominant at the time: a historically-necessary and inevitable attempt to reclaim the possibility of a mythic theology and a personal (and mystical) experience of God, despite the oppressively transcendental and impersonal formulation of monotheism that held so much more authority. The Kabbalah is implicitly a heretical foil to a more traditional canon - an ecstatic and pre-Othered body of work which always threatens to dissolve and lose all integrity under the immense weight of the purpose it was created to serve. The unleashed spiritual thirst of the deprived devours beyond restraint.
In this respect, there is no strain of Kabbalah which we can isolate, shining and unsoiled, as the thing which was later appropriated by vulgar syncretists, because the Kabbalah itself was always vulgar, and both the creation and the appropriation of the Kabbalah are products of the same human drive for mystical experience. It’s heresy all of the way down! The phone call is coming from inside the house. The genie was always already out of the bottle. Lord English was always already here.
Scholem bitterly appreciates this problem, I suspect, for even in charting the self-destructions of mysticism and in identifying the psychic universality of the mystical experience - the mystic’s unmediated contact with an absolute - he rejects out of hand the notion that mysticisms are fungible, or that our study of mysticism should treat it as infinitely plastic. A Jewish mysticism is not a Christian mysticism, nor are they merely two different forms of some “pure” archetypal mysticism. A mysticism, however transcendental, can neither be divorced from or escape from the historical context that created it. And nor should it, at least in Scholem’s estimation.
So what, then, is the historical context which created the appropriated forms of the Kabbalah that proliferate western esotericism, and how does it still imprison or inform those mysticisms?
Answering such a question with any degree of depth is, at least for now, beyond me... but I wonder, sometimes, whether we can escape from the infinite plasticity and universality of mysticism any more than we can escape from its specificity and boundedness.
Such a dialectic is a thing that Scholem does not speak of, a reach his expertise does not want or need know.
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gnosticinitiation · 6 years
The Definition of Gnosis
”Having these semantic explanations firmly established, now let us define Gnosticism in an absolutely crystal-clear manner.
It is not irrelevant to emphatically clarify in this exposition that Gnosticism is a very inner, natural and profound religious process.
Gnosticism is genuine, in-depth esotericism, developed from instant to instant, with very individual mystical experiences and with its own doctrine and rites.
It is an extraordinary doctrine that fundamentally takes a mythical and, sometimes, a mythological structure.
It is ineffable magical liturgy with vivid illustration for the superlative Consciousness of the Being.
Unquestionably, Gnostic knowledge always escapes the analyses of normal subjective rationalism.
The correlative of this knowledge is the infinite togetherness of the person, the Being.
The reason for the Being to be is to be the Being himself. Only the Being can know himself.
In Gnosis, therefore, the Being becomes Self-known.
Undoubtedly, Gnosis in itself is Self-Gnosis; it is the Being revaluating and knowing himself.
The Self-knowledge of the Being is a supra-rational movement that depends on the Being, and which has nothing to do with intellectualism.
The abyss that exists between the Being and the ego is impassable; this is why only the Pneuma, the Spirit, can recognize himself, and the action of recognizing himself is an autonomous act in which the subjective reasoning of the intellectual mammal becomes ineffective, insufficient and terribly weak.
Self-knowledge, Self-Gnosis, demands annihilation of the ‘I,’ as a previous, urgent and unpostponable work. The I, the ego, is made up of additions and subtractions of subjective inhuman and bestial elements, which unquestionably have a beginning and an end.
Unfortunately, the Essence, the Consciousness, since it is imprisoned, trapped, bottled up within these diverse elements which constitute the myself, the ego, is painfully processesing itself according to its conditioning.
However, the Essence, the Consciousness, awakens, becomes enlightened, is liberated, when the ‘I,’ the ego, is dissolved, thus as a consequence or corollary, Self-knowledge, Self-Gnosis, develops. Undoubtedly, authentic revelation has its irrefutable and indisputable basis in Self-Gnosis.
Gnostic revelation is always immediate, direct, and intuitive; it radically excludes subjective intellectual operations, this has nothing to do with experiencing and assembling fundamentally sensorial data.
Indeed, even recognizing that Intelligence or Nous in its Gnosiological sense, can be the basis of enlightened intellection, nonetheless, it categorically refuses to fall into vain intellectualism.
Therefore, the ontological, pneumatic or spiritual characteristics of Nous (Intelligence) are perfectly clear.
In the name of truth, I solemnly declare that the Being is the only real existence, and before the ineffable and terribly divine transparency of the Being that which we call I, ego, myself is just outer darkness, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Therefore, due to the flow of the anthropological aspects of the Pneuma or Spirit, Self-Gnosis, or the Self-gnostic recognition of the Being, is confirmed decisively a Savior.
Knowing oneself is having achieved identification with one’s own Divine Being.
To know that you are identical to your own Pneuma or Spirit, to experience directly the identification of cognizance with the cognizant, is what we can and must define as Self-Gnosis.
Clearly, this extraordinary disclosure invites us to die within ourselves so that the Being can manifest himself within us.
On the contrary, to move away from the Being, to continue as ego within the heresy of separateness, means to condemn ourselves to the submerged devolution within the infernal worlds.
This evident reflection leads us to the topic of the freely chosen Gnostic. Unquestionably, a serious Gnostic is already a chosen one, a posteriori chosen one.
The Gnostic experience allows the sincere devotee to know himself and to integrally realize the Self.
Let it be understood that Self-realization is the harmonious development of the entire infinite of human possibilities.”
-Samael Aun Weor, from his book, “The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Ancient Americans and the Serpent-Dragon of All Religions
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poetyca · 3 years
Occhio puro – Pure eye
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Horus, Dio dalla testa di Falco, figlio di Iside e Osiride era considerato il Dio della preveggenza. Il suo occhio simboleggia la spietata acutezza dello sguardo giustiziere cui nulla sfugge. Grazie a lui Iside riuscì a vendicare il marito e a scacciare Seth, dando inizio al Regno dei Faraoni. Secondo la mitologia l’occhio di Horus è l’occhio che “tutto vede” . Veniva impresso all’ingresso delle case, sui sarcofagi e sulle tombe, per contrastare il maligno o per proteggere il viaggio del defunto verso l’aldilà.
Nell’esoterismo egizio le figure terrene, non sono immagini delle realtà corrispondenti, ma funzioni multiple di potenze che attivano un proprio sistema di significanti. Una delle più famose immagini egizie è l’Occhio di Horus nella quale si visualizza l’occhio magico che Osiride, una volta reintegrate le membra disperse da Seth, grazie all’opera di Iside e Neftis, dona al figlio Horus allorquando, emergendo dal mondo della luce velata, la Duat, lo abbraccia trasmettendogli il potere della conoscenza, della consapevolezza e della trasformazione.
Nella rinascita l’Occhio di Horus vira su un piano superiore, anche nel dato numerico, lo smembramento di Osiride e questo processo è registrato nella sua polarizzazione, come mostra il Duplice Occhio di Horus ai lati di Osiride risorto con Corona Atef, nella tomba di Sennedjen, XIX dinastia.
      Horus, the falcon-headed God, son of Isis and Osiris was considered the god of foresight. His eye symbolizes the grim avenger acuteness of vision which nothing escapes. Thanks to him, Isis was able to avenge her husband Seth and cast, starting the Kingdom of the Pharaohs. According to mythology the eye of Horus is the eye that “sees everything”. He was impressed at the entrance of the houses on the sarcophagi and tombs in order to counter the evil or to protect the deceased’s journey to the afterlife.
  Egyptian esotericism earthly figures, no images match reality, but multiple functions of powers that enable its own system of signifiers. One of the most famous images is the Egyptian Eye of Horus in which you see the magic eye to Osiris, once replenished the members dispersed by Seth, thanks to the work of Isis and Neftis, gives to his son Horus when, emerging from the world the veiled light, the Duat, embraces the power of imparting knowledge, awareness and transformation.
In the Eye of Horus turns rebirth on a higher plane, even in numerical data, the dismemberment of Osiris, and this process is recorded in its polarization, as shown in the Dual Eye of Horus on the sides of Osiris risen with Atef Crown, in the tomb of Sennedjen, Dynasty XIX.
  Occhio puro – retta visione
Escludendo il mondo esterno, con lo sguardo fisso tra le sopracciglia, i respiri affluenti ed effluenti che fluiscono regolari per le narici, con i sensi, la mente e l’intelletto sotto controllo, giunto alla meta della liberazione, il muni (saggio), gettati via desiderio, paura e ira, è per sempre libero.
Bhagavad Gita (V, 27,28)
“Se dunque il tuo occhio è singolo, tutto il tuo corpo sarà illuminato”. (Matteo, 6, 22)
(E’ da presumere che le Bibbie più antiche dicessero proprio “occhio singolo”, forma che si trova nella Bibbia di Martin Lutero e ancor oggi nelle traduzioni greche e inglesi. Più tardi, non comprendendo il vero significato della parola, i traduttori cambiarono “singolo” in “semplice” e poi ancora in “puro” N.d.T.). Durante la meditazione profonda, l’occhio unico o spirituale diventa visibile nella parte centrale della fronte. Le scritture si riferiscono in vari modi a questo occhio onnisciente: quale terzo occhio, stella d’Oriente, l’occhio interiore, la colomba che scende dal cielo, l’occhio di Shiva, l’occhio dell’intuizione, ecc.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografia di uno Yogi. Roma, Astrolabio-Ubaldini Editore, 1971, p. 153
Il corpo fisico ha due occhi – positivo e negativo – a causa della legge della relatività. Il corpo astrale ha soltanto un occhio, variamente chiamato: occhio spirituale, occhio singolo (dalla Bibbia cristiana), terzo occhio (dalla Bibbia indù), stella dell’est, stella di saggezza, colomba che discende dal cielo, occhio interiore, occhio intuitivo, occhio di Shiva, stella attraverso cui vedono i saggi, ecc. Quando fu battezzato dallo Spirito Santo, Gesù lo percepì come un suono cosmico o Cielo, e vide l’occhio spirituale come una colomba.
Il Vangelo di Gesù secondo Paramhansa Yogananda. Volume primo. Edizioni Vidyananda
L’insegnamento giunge solo a indicare la via; ma la visione sarà di colui che avrà voluto vedere. … E’ necessario che l’occhio si faccia uguale all’oggetto per accostarsi a contemplarlo. … Il tuo occhio interiore ha dinnanzi a se una grande bellezza. Ma se cerchi di contemplarla con un occhio ammalato o non pulito, o debole, avrai troppa poca energia per vedere gli oggetti più brillanti e non vedrai nulla, anche se sei dinnanzi ad un oggetto che può essere visto.
Sophia – Plotino. (Commento: qui Sophia potrebbe essere quindi intesa come la saggezza di colui che osserva con occhio singolo, lo stesso che talvolta si scorge durante la meditazione).
Quando la mente si concentra,prima o poi si manifesta un segno. Questo non e’ per tuttiil medesimo. Per alcuni potra’ essere una forma come una stella,un diadema di gemmeo un filo di perle. Altri lo avvertiranno come un fior di loto,la ruota di un carro,il disco della luna,il disco del sole. Se appare un segno luminoso,non bisogna cominciare a pensarci ne’ dargli attenzione diretta. Il segno e’ originato dalla percezione. Percio’ bisogna capire che appare diverso a causa della differenza di percezione.
(Visuddhi Magga)
Non identificatevi … siate un testimone, un osservatore. Allora, se vi riesce di essere testimoni, sarete focalizzati nel terzo occhio. … anche l’opposto è possibile. Se siete focalizzati nel terzo occhio, diventerete un testimone. … focalizzati nel centro del terzo occhio la vostra immaginazione diventa potente, efficace. Ecco perché si è insistito così tanto sulla purezza …
Rajneesh (Osho) – Il libro dei segreti, Bompiani, 1978, p. 90 e seg.
Lo spazio tra i nostri due occhi (terzo occhio) non è uno spazio delimitato nel vostro corpo fisico. E’ lo spazio infinito che è penetrato in voi. Una volta che questo spazio venga conosciuto, non sarete più la stessa persona. Non appena conoscerete questo spazio interiore, avrete conosciuto l’immortale. Allora non c’è più alcuna morte.
Rajneesh (Osho) – Il libro dei segreti, Bompiani, 1978, p. 217
Se per un’ora al giorno fissi una fiamma e pratichi questa tecnica per alcuni mesi, il tuo terzo occhio inizia a funzionare alla perfezione. Diventi più attento, più luminoso.
Rajneesh (Osho) – Il libro arancione, Mediterranee, 1983, p.109
I Maestri indù hanno insegnato che, per conquistare la più profonda conoscenza, bisogna focalizzare lo sguardo attraverso l’onnisciente occhio spirituale. Quando ci si concentra fortemente, anche chi non sia uno yoghi aggrotta la fronte nel punto fra le sopracciglia: il centro della concentrazione e dello sferico occhio spirituale, sede dell’intuizione dell’anima. Questa è la vera “sfera di cristallo” in cui guarda lo yoghi per apprendere i segreti dell’universo. Coloro che andranno abbastanza profondo nella loro concentrazione penetreranno quel “terzo occhio” e vedranno Dio. I ricercatori della verità dovrebbero perciò sviluppare la facoltà di proiettare la loro percezione attraverso l’occhio spirituale. La pratica dello Yoga aiuta l’aspirante ad aprire l’occhio singolo della coscienza intuitiva. L’intuizione, o conoscenza diretta, non dipende da alcun dato fornito dai sensi. Per questo la facoltà intuitiva è spesso chiamata il “sesto senso”. Tutti hanno questo sesto senso, ma la maggior parte delle persone non lo sviluppa. Tuttavia, quasi tutti hanno avuto qualche esperienza intuitiva, forse l’intuizione che una determinata cosa sarebbe dovuta accadere, sebbene non ci fosse alcun segno percepibile dai sensi a indicarlo.
Paramahansa Yogananda, L’eterna ricerca dell’uomo. Roma, Astrolabio-Ubaldini Editore, 1980, p. 31-32
Signore, esiste un metodo scientifico, oltre il Kriya, che può portare un devoto a Dio?, s’informò uno studente.”Si”, disse il Maestro. “Una via rapida e sicura che porta all’infinito è quella di tenere la propria attenzione fissa nel centro della Coscienza Cristica fra le sopracciglia”.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Il Maestro disse. Roma, Astrolabio-Ubaldini Editore, 1970, p. 66
Coloro i quali non meditano regolarmente e profondamente sono irrequieti, ovunque essi meditino, e rinunciano dopo un breve sforzo. Ma se voi fate uno sforzo più grande, giorno dopo giorno, verrà l’abilità di immergervi più profondamente. Io non debbo fare alcuno sforzo, adesso; il mondo intero sparisce istantaneamente, quando chiudo i miei occhi e fisso istantaneamente il Centro Cristico (l’occhio spirituale, nella fronte fra le ciglia). (Paramahansa Yogananda
Ora, vedete, nessun Gesù Cristo viene dall’esterno dentro la visione di nessuno. Nessun Rama, Nessun Krishna, nessun Buddha, nessun Baba Faqir si manifesta da fuori a nessuno. Queste visioni sono fenomeni provocati dalle impressioni e dalle suggestioni che il devoto ha già accolto nella propria mente. Queste impressioni e suggestioni gli appaiono come un sogno. Ma nessuno viene da fuori. Questa è la pura verità. (Baba Faqir Chand, 1886-1981)
Gli illusi non vedono l’anima quando lascia il corpo e nemmeno quando ci abita dentro. Non si può veder l’anima mentre si gode degli oggetti dei sensi o si agisce mossi dall’attaccamento alle passioni, all’ignoranza o alla purezza. Solo coloro che hanno l’occhio della saggezza vedono.
(Bhagavad Gita 15:10)
Se uno tenesse la propria mente costantemente concentrata nel punto fra le sopracciglia (nel Centro Cristico), vedesse l’occhio spirituale e gli comandasse di ricaricare il corpo d’energia, esso lo farebbe. Facendo questo, la gente smetterebbe d’invecchiare
Paramahansa Yogananda – Alomentazione Yoga – Edizioni Vidyananda
Il terzo occhio non fa parte del corpo fisico, ma del corpo sottile, il secondo corpo, quello interiore.
Osho – I segreti della trasformazione, Bompiani, 2000, p. 150
Quando il terzo occhio si apre per la prima volta, il buio sparirà, e ci sarà luce, una luce senza sorgente. … Per questo le Upanishad dicono che Dio non è come il sole o una fiamma. E’ una luce senza sorgente.
Osho – I segreti della trasformazione, Bompiani, 2000, p. 169, 170
La prima delle otto vie fondamentali del Nobile ottuplice sentiero è la Retta Visione per cui si contempla la realtà così com’è, senza inquinarla coi propri complessi inconsci, abitudini inveterate, pregiudizi, ripugnanze innate, limitazioni caratteriali, memoria automatica ecc.
Le altre vie sono: retto pensiero, retta parola o retto modo di parlare, retta azione o karma, retto comportamento o modo di guadagnarsi la vita, retto sforzo, retta consapevolezza, retta concentrazione o samadhi.
Secondo un moderno maestro occidentale, qui l’aggettivo retto non è usato come contrapposto a sbagliato, secondo il comune modo di pensare dualistico, ma si potrebbe tradurre come “non”, non concetto, non visione. “Eliminando tutti i concetti, si ottiene la retta visione. Procedendo di un passo si elimina anche la non visione.” (Bernie Glassman, “Cerchio Infinito” p. 57, Oscar Mondatori).
“Vedete la pagliuzza nell’occhio del fratello ma non la trave nel vostro. Quando vi sarete tolti la trave dagli occhi allora sarete in grado di togliere la pagliuzza dall’occhio del fratello” (Tommaso, 26).
I concetti sono quelli che distolgono la Retta Visione, i pre-giudizi, i pre-concetti, le idee pre-formate. Tutti guardiamo il mondo attraverso queste lenti deformanti ma non ce ne accorgiamo. Siamo però molto bravi a vedere le lenti, anche piccole, negli occhi degli altri. I nostri concetti, i nostri giudizi sono quelli giusti, quelli veri, quelli saggi; poverino il vicino o il fratello che è costretto a guardare con quella pagliuzza che lo disturba e gli deforma la vista.
Ma “quando vi sarete tolti la trave dagli occhi allora sarete in grado di togliere la pagliuzza dall’occhio del fratello” perché quando cominciamo a vedere rettamente, cioè a vedere eliminando tutti i concetti, aiutiamo tutti coloro che ci sono vicini: fino a quando, però, non vedremo quanto grande sia la trave che ci portiamo dentro l’occhio e in che modo deformato guardiamo il mondo e gli altri, continueremo a sproloquiare di giusto e sbagliato, bianco e nero, morale e non morale e tutti i difetti li vedremo nell’occhio del nostro fratello.
“Il sesto patriarca disse: – Io vedo e non vedo -. Allora Shen-hui chiese: – Maestro, cosa significa “vedere” e “non vedere”? – Il maestro disse: – Io vedo. Vedo sempre le mie trasgressioni e i miei difetti. Per questo dico che vedo. Non vedo. Nel mondo non vedo le trasgressioni e le colpe degli altri. Per questo vedo e non vedo -. (citato in “La Mente allo specchio”, a cura di Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Oscar Mondatori, p.188).
Pure eye – right view
  Excluding the outside world, his gaze fixed between the eyebrows, the breathing regular tributaries and effluents that flow through the nostrils, with senses, mind and intellect under control, came to the goal of liberation, the muni (sage) cast away desire, fear and anger, is always free.
Bhagavad Gita (V, 27,28)
“Therefore if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be enlightened.” (Matthew, 6, 22)
(can be assumed that the oldest Bible say its “single eye” form that is in the Bible of Martin Luther and even today in Greek and English translations. Later on, not understanding the true meaning of the word, the translators changed ” single “in” simple “and then again in” pure “NDT). During deep meditation, or spiritual eye becomes visible only in the middle of the forehead. The records relate in many ways this all-knowing eye: as the third eye, Star of the East, the inner eye, the dove descending from heaven, the eye of Shiva, the eye of intuition, and so on.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Rome, Astrolabe-Ubaldini Publisher, 1971, p. 153
The physical body has two eyes – positive and negative – because of the law of relativity. The astral body has only one eye, variously called: spiritual eye, single eye (from the Christian Bible), third eye (from the Hindu Bible), Eastern Star, star of wisdom, the dove descending from heaven, inner eye, eye intuitive eye of Shiva, they see the star through essays, etc.. When he was baptized by the Holy Spirit, Jesus perceived it as a cosmic sound or Heaven, and saw the spiritual eye as a dove.
The Gospel of Jesus according to Paramhansa Yogananda. Volume first. Editions Vidyanand
The teaching comes only to show the way, but the vision will be the one who wanted to see. … And ‘necessary that the eye is equal to the face of approaching to contemplate. … Your inner eye has before him a great beauty. But if you try to contemplate it with an eye on sick or not clean, or weak, you have too little energy to see the brightest objects and do not see anything, even if you’re in front of an object which can be seen.
Sophia – Plotinus. (Comment: Sophia here could thus be seen as the wisdom of the observer with a single eye, the same can be seen that sometimes during meditation).
When the mind is focused, sooner or later it shows a sign. This is not ‘for allThe same. For some you can ‘be a shape like a star, a tiara gemmeo a string of pearls. Others will feel like a lotus, the wheel of a wagon, the disc of the moon, the sun’s disc. If you see a bright sign, do not start thinking about it ‘to give direct attention. The sign and ‘originated from the perception. Therefore ‘we must understand that it is different because of the difference in perception.
(Visuddhi Magga)
Do not identify … Be a witness, an observer. So, if you can bear witness, you will be focused in the third eye. … The opposite is also possible. If you are focused in the third eye, you become a witness. … third eye focused in the center of your imagination becomes a powerful and effective. That’s why we have insisted so much on the purity …
Rajneesh (Osho) – The Book of Secrets, Bompiani, 1978, p. 90 et seq.
The space between our two eyes (third eye) is not a designated area in your physical body. E ‘infinite space that has penetrated you. Once this space is known, you will not be the same person. As soon as you know this inner space, you know the immortal. So there’s no death.
Rajneesh (Osho) – The Book of Secrets, Bompiani, 1978, p. 217
If one hour a day set a fire and practice this technique for several months, your third eye begins to work perfectly. You become more alert, brighter.
Rajneesh (Osho) – The Orange Book, Mediterranee, 1983, p.109
The Hindu masters have taught that in order to gain the deeper knowledge, you must focus your gaze through the omniscient spiritual eye. When you focus strongly, even those who are not a yogi frowns at the point between the eyebrows, the center of the concentration and the spiritual eye ball, the seat of the intuition of the soul. This is the real “crystal ball” in which the yogi looking to learn the secrets of the universe. Those who go deep enough in their concentration will penetrate the “third eye” and I see God seekers of truth should therefore develop the ability to project their perception by the spiritual eye. The practice of Yoga helps the aspirant to open the single eye of intuitive consciousness. The intuition, or direct knowledge, does not depend on any information provided by the senses. For this reason, the intuitive faculty is often called the “sixth sense”. Everyone has this sixth sense, but most people do not develop it. However, almost everyone has had some experience intuitive, perhaps the intuition that a certain thing was supposed to happen, although there was no sign to indicate perceptible to the senses.
Paramahansa Yogananda, The eternal human search. Rome, Astrolabe-Ubaldini Publisher, 1980, p. 31-32
Lord, there is a scientific method, as well as the Kriya, which can lead a devotee to God?, He asked one student. “Yes,” said the Master. “A quick and safe way that takes forever is to keep its attention fixed in the center of Christ Consciousness between the eyebrows.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, The Master said. Rome, Astrolabe-Ubaldini Publisher, 1970: 66
Those who do not meditate regularly and are deeply restless, wherever they meditate and give up after a short effort. But if you make a greater effort, day after day, will be the ability to dive deeper. I should not make any effort, now, the whole world disappears instantly, when I close my eyes and instantly fixed the Christ center (the spiritual eye, the forehead between the eyebrows). (Paramahansa Yogananda
Now, you see, no Jesus Christ is outside the vision of anyone inside. Rama No, no Krishna, no Buddha, no Baba Faqir is obvious to anyone outside. These visions are phenomena caused by the impressions and suggestions that the devotee has already accepted in his own mind. These impressions and suggestions to appear like a dream. But no one from outside. This is the truth. (Baba Faqir Chand, 1886-1981)
The deluded do not see when the soul leaves the body and even when we live within. You can not see the soul while you enjoy the sense objects or acts motivated by an adherence to the passions, ignorance or purity. Only those who have seen the wisdom eye.
(Bhagavad Gita 15:10)
If one held one’s mind constantly focused at the point between the eyebrows (the Christ center), the spiritual eye could see, and commanded him to recharge the body of energy, it would. By doing this, people would stop getting old
Paramahansa Yogananda – Alomentazione Yoga – Edizioni Vidyanand
The third eye is not part of the physical body, but the subtle body, the second body, the inner one.
Osho – The secrets of transformation, Bompiani, 2000, p. 150
When the third eye opens for the first time, the darkness will disappear, and there will be light, a light without a source. … This is why the Upanishads say God is not like the sun or a flame. It ‘s a light without a source.
Osho – The secrets of transformation, Bompiani, 2000, p. 169, 170
The first of the eight basic ways of the Noble Eightfold Path is the right understanding for which we contemplate reality as it is, without polluting it with their own complex unconscious, ingrained habits, prejudices, innate repugnance, character restrictions, automatic memory etc..
Other ways are: right thought, right speech and right way of speaking, right action, or karma, right conduct or way of earning a living, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration or samadhi.
According to a Western modern master, here the right adjective is not used as opposed to wrong, according to the common dualistic way of thinking, but could be translated as “no”, no concept, no vision. “By removing all the concepts, you get the right view. Going a step will also remove the non-vision. “(Bernie Glassman,” Infinite Circle “p. 57, Oscar Mondadori).
“You see the mote in your brother but not the beam in yours. When you removed the beam from his eyes then you will be able to take the speck out of his brother (Thomas 26).
The concepts are those who turn aside the right understanding, the prejudices, pre-concepts, pre-formed ideas. All these we see the world through distorting lenses but do not realize it. However, we are very good at seeing the slow, however small, in the eyes of others. Our concepts, our judgments are the right ones, real ones, wise ones, the poor or near his brother who is forced to watch with the straw that disturbs and distorts the view.
But “when you have removed the beam from his eyes then you will be able to take the speck out of his brother” because when we begin to see rightly, that eliminating all concepts see, we help all those who are close to us: as long as However, we do not see how big the beam that we carry inside the eye and how warped look at the world and others, continue to rant about right and wrong, black and white, moral and not moral flaws and all them we will see in the eye of our brother.
“The Sixth Patriarch said: – I see and I do not see -. Shen-hui, then asked: – Master, what does “see” and “not see”? – The master said: – I see. I always see my transgressions and my faults. For this reason I say that I see. I can not wait. In the world I do not see the transgressions and sins of others. To see this and I do not see -. (Quoted in “The Mind of the mirror,” by Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Oscar Mondadori, p.188).
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
There is a unique source of isolation and pain when society at large cheers and celebrates your trauma
At that point no longer is it treated like trauma, but even those who are supposed to be your peers look at you in envy
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neverwasmag · 6 years
Cities lost to time and half-remembered civilizations, discovered deep in the mountains of the Himalayas, the Amazonian rainforest or at the bottom of the sea, are a familiar trope in steam- and dieselpunk fiction.
Drawing on the expeditions of Percy H. Fawcett and Heinrich Schliemann, the writings of James Churchward and Theodore Illion and the esotericism of Helena Blavatsky, W. Scott-Elliot and Rudolph Steiner, both genres exploit the half-real and fully imagined tales of ancient races that supposedly roamed the Earth millennia ago.
James Churchward’s map of the lost continent of Mu
James Churchward, a British-born Sri Lankan tea planter, claimed in his 1926 book The Lost Continent of Mu, Motherland of Man to have learned of an ancient Pacific civilization from an Indian priest, who taught him the language of the Naacal: a people who, according to French explorer Augustus Le Plongeon, lived in the Pacific tens of thousands of years ago.
Translating ancient tablet inscriptions, Churchward uncovered the history of Mu, the homeland of the Naacal people: a vast continent in the Pacific Ocean, stretching from the Marianas in the east to Easter Island in the west and Hawaii in the north to the Cook Islands in the south.
When volcanic eruptions sunk the once-flourishing civilization, the people of Mu spread out across the world. Ancient Egypt, Greece, Central America and India all trace their origins to Mu, according to Churchward.
Like so many lost worlds, Mu was, in Churchward’s telling, a land of plenty. Tropical weather, beautiful plains and valleys, slow-running streams and rivers, “shallow lakes bejewelled with sacred lotus flowers in emerald green settings” and “tiny hummingbirds, glistening like living jewels in the rays of the sun.”
Another trope we’ll find in later ancient-civilization myths: the white man descending from Mu’s priestly, patrician class. According to Churchward, Mu’s darker-skinned inhabitants knew their place in the racial hierarchy. I’m afraid this won’t be the last time white men glean the origins of their “master race” from ancient Asiatic wisdom.
Mu appears in several Japanese cartoons and video games, Marvel Comics and H.P. Lovecraft’s story short, “Out of the Aeons” (1935).
Amazing Stories (June 1945)
Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria
Another sunken continent, this one in the Indian Ocean. Nineteenth-century zoologists postulated Lemuria’s existence to account for fossils found in India and Madagascar but not in Africa and the Middle East. Their theory has been superseded by plate tectonics. India and Madagascar were once part of the same landmass (Gondwana), but it broke apart; it did not sink into the sea.
Before it was discredited, the Lemuria theory gave credence to the Tamil myth of Kumari Kandam, a continent that allegedly connected India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Australia in ancient times. Helena Blavatsky and other theosophists believed it. Charles Webster claimed to have received the ancient wisdom of Lemuria from Theosophical Masters by “astral clairvoyance”. James Bramwell called the Lemurians one of the “root races” of humanity, the other two being the Atlanteans and the Aryans.
Richard Sharpe Shaver popularized the theory of Lemuria in his short stories for Amazing Stories. Lin Carter, another American fantasy author, based several of his stories in Lemuria as well, including The Wizard of Lemuria (1965). The Agent 13 novels of Flint Dille and David Marconi, which were written as a homage to 1930s pulp fiction, feature a mysterious Brotherhood founded by survivors of Lemuria plotting world events from the shadows. Lemuria is mentioned in Mike Mignola’s Hellboy. The 2014 video game Child of Light is set in a mystical land called Lemuria, but it appears to have no relation to the real-world myth.
Hyperborea and Thule
Art by Vsevolod Ivanov
Hyperborea and Thule were both mythical lands in the Far North. The former was known to the Greeks as a land were the sun never set. Thule is commonly associated with Greenland, Iceland and Norway. Occultists in interwar Germany identified it as the homeland of the Aryan master race.
They weren’t the first ones. Jean Sylvain Bailly, a French astronomer and revolutionary, pointed out that, in most ancient mythologies, races originate in the north and then migrate south. William Fairfield Warren argued in Paradise Found (1885) that humanity once inhabited the North Pole and that various mythical lands — Atlantis, Hyperborea, the Garden of Eden — are all folk memories of the same thing. Warren rejected Darwinism and believed the Great Flood had submerged mankind’s Arctic home. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, an Indian nationalist, believed the Vedic people migrated to India from the Arctic region during the last Ice Age.
In the 2009 video game Wolfenstein, the Paranormal Division of the SS (based on the real-life Ahnenerbe) is investigating ruins of the vanished Thule civilization.
Searching for images of “Hyperborea” turns up the artwork of Vsevolod Ivanov, who believed the “Vedic Rus” descended from an alien race. Weird Russia has more.
The ultimate lost civilization. Invented as an allegory by Plato, Atlantis has inspired too many books, movies and video games to count. Wikipedia has a complete list. I’ll focus focus on the most steam- and dieselpunky ones.
We have already met the theosophists, who believed the Atlanteans were one of several great pre-Flood civilizations. “Atlantean” became a shorthand for supreme ancient race. Ignatius L. Donnelly imagined an Atlantean Empire lording over large parts of America and Europe in his Atlantis: the Antediluvian World (1882). The Nazis traced the origins of the Aryan Nordic race in Atlantis.
Professor Aronnax and Captain Nemo visit Atlantis in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870)
Art by David Saavedra
Professor Aronnax and Captain Nemo visit the remains of Atlantis in Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (1870).
In H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Temple” (1920), a German submarine discovers Atlantis when it sinks to the bottom of the Atlantic during World War I.
In The Maracot Deep (1929), Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, describes Atlantis as a high-tech society that is inhabited by people who have adapted to life under the sea. In Carl Barks’ “The Secret of Atlantis” (1954), Uncle Scrooge, Donald Duck and his nephews discover a similar underwater civilization.
Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge discover Atlantis in “The Secret of Atlantis” (1954)
Fantastic (August 1961)
In Robert A. Heinlein’s Lost Legacy (1941), Atlantis is a colony of Mu. In the 1982-83 anime The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Atlantis and Mu destroyed each other with nuclear weapons.
David MacLean Parry’s The Scarlet Empire (1906) Poul Anderson’s “Goodbye, Atlantis!” (1961) both feature Atlantis as something of a communist dictatorship. In the latter, it is destroyed by vengeful gods.
The 1992 video game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis shows Nazis searching for Atlantis technology.
Scene in Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Atlantis in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
Disney’s 2001 Atlantis: The Lost Empire featured an early-twentieth-century expedition to find Atlantis in a Nautilus-inspired submarine called the Ulysses.
Atlantis is discovered in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012), which is based on Jules Verne’s The Mysterious Island.
Art by Flavio Bolla
Art by Gaius31duke
Art by Raphael Lacoste
Plenty of artists have created their own versions of Atlantis. Here are three examples by Flavio Bolla, Raphael Lacoste and “Gaius31duke“.
Agartha, Shambhala and Hollow Earth
Shambhala is a mythical kingdom in Central Asia or Tibet, supposedly the refuge of the survivors of Lemuria or Hyperborea and a center of spiritual enlightenment.
Jean-Claude Frère wrote that the survivor of Hyperborea settled in a Central Asian city called Agartha, which sunk into the Earth as a result of another catastrophe. In his telling, Shambhala was founded by dissident Hyperboreans who followed the path of the “Black Sun”.
Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre told much the same story in his Mission de l’Inde en Europe (1886), which for the first time connected the myth of Agartha with that of a Hollow Earth.
At the Earth’s Core
Hollow Earth Expedition
The idea that the Earth’s poles provide entrance to the underworld is an ancient one. Edmond Halley (who discovered Halley’s Comet) brought it into the modern world in 1692. The myth inspired Edgar Allan Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838), Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) and Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Pellucidar novels, among others.
Iron Sky: The Coming Race concept art
More recently, it has featured in such dieselpunk fiction as the role-playing game Hollow Earth Expedition (2006) and Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2018), whose title is drawn from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 theosophist novel.
Something these Hollow Earths have in common, aside from being popular with Nazis: dinosaurs.
Shangri-La and Xanadu
Lost Horizon
Shangri-La in Lost Horizon (1937)
Return to Xanadu (1991)
James Hilton was probably inspired by the myth of Shambhala when he invented Shangri-La in Lost Horizon (1933). It also sounds similar to the pleasure land described by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in the poem “Kubla Khan”, which was based on the old Chinese capital of Xanadu.
Lost Horizon was adapted into a movie twice, in 1937 and 1973. Shangri-La’s appearance in the first inspired the Valley of Tralla La in Carl Barks’ 1954 Uncle Scrooge comic. Keno Don Rosa later revealed Tralla La to be Xanadu in his 1991 sequel to the story.
Shangri-La in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
Shangri-La also appears in dieselpunk favorite Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004).
El Dorado and the Seven Cities of Gold
Painting of El Dorado
There are several American city-of-gold myths, the most famous ones being El Dorado and the Seven Cities of Gold. The former was supposed to be hidden in the jungles of Colombia; the latter in New Mexico. Numerous expeditions were undertaken by adventurers and conquistadors during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in search of both.
Scrooge McDuck and his nephews discover both lost lands: in Carl Barks’ “The Seven Cities of Cibola” (1954) and Don Rosa’s The Last Lord of Eldorado (1998). The latter makes reference to the El Dorado expeditions of Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Nicolaus Federmann and Sebastián de Belalcázar.
The Last Lord of Eldorado
The Lost City of Z
British adventurer Percy Fawcett searched for a similar city in the Amazon rainforest known as “Z”. His quest was turned into a book by David Grann (2009) and a movie by James Gray (2016).
In Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), El Dorado and the legendary Inca city of Paititi are revealed to be the same place, called Akator.
Lost cities and civilizations in #steampunk and #dieselpunk Cities lost to time and half-remembered civilizations, discovered deep in the mountains of the Himalayas, the Amazonian rainforest or at the bottom of the sea, are a familiar trope in steam- and dieselpunk fiction.
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occultissimo · 4 years
What Is Esotericism?
What Is Esotericism? #esoteric
What Is Esotericism? Esotericism describes a multi-disciplinary field of spiritual knowledge within all religions that concerns the principles or qualities of magic and Mysticism. 
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No matter what religion (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.), all spiritual paths have an esoteric aspect that focuses on an interpersonal connection with the Spirit, God, the Divine, or whatever you choose to call…
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nibaldop · 5 years
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En el antiguo casco de Cervera hay un callejón, que data al siglo XIII, llamado el "Carreró de les Bruixes", calle donde, según cuenta la leyenda, habitaban las brujas del pueblo, muchas de ellas ahorcadas o quemadas en la hoguera. Esta leyenda dio origen a la actual fiesta de las brujas, "El Aquelarre de Cervera" que durante más de 30 años, el último fin de semana de agosto, se viene celebrando en Cervera. Una celebración llena de connotaciones históricas, que llenan al pueblo de arte, música, espectáculos, y sobre todo de magia, esoterismo y brujería. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the old town of Cervera there is an alley, dating back to the 13th century, called the "Carreró de les Bruixes" (The witches Street), a street where, according to legend, the town's witches lived, many of them hanged or burned at the stake. This legend gave rise to the current feast of the witches, "El Aquelarre de Cervera" (The coven of Cervera) that for more than 30 years, the last weekend of August, has been celebrated in Cervera. A celebration full of historical connotations, which fill the town with art, music, shows, and especially magic, esotericism and witchcraft. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #turismo #turisme #tourism #turismorural #ruraltourism #arquitectura #architecture #edificio #building #calles #strees #brujas #carrerodelesbruixes #cervera #lasegarra #cat_imatges #iglleida #installeida #poblescatalans #lleida #lerida #cataluña #catalunya #españa #spain #spain (en Cervera, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24WdaCoCDO/?igshid=187deqa9u6rq0
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beyondenigma · 5 years
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I was looking up search trends and was curious why google would present the data this way. Also stay woke Iowa!
Want To Read Fascinating Articles On The Occult, Esotericism, And Spirituality? Then Click This Link To Visit BEYOND ENIGMA!
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