#davy rivers
acircusfullofdemons · 6 months
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Ref Sheets 2/?: Crossfire Edition!
Crossfire is about a young man named Jake, who recently got amnesia and is trying to regain his memories. In reality, he's actually an Angel that got cast out of Heaven and put into a Human body as a form of "time out", which is also technically part of a bet some other Angels have going on. Tldr this is the angel/demon story lol.
I wasn't able to draw a lot more characters this time, mainly because they come in later in the story and tbh I'm not 100% sure on their roles n shit yet. Except for Daniel, he appears early on and SHOULD be here but. alas.
You can view their toyhouse profiles here.
🏷 : @burningivy @shrimpnymph
( 👻 ) Paige "Willow" Murphy (she/her): Ghost who lost her memories, Davy's best friend.
( 🍂 ) Brooke Winchester (she/her): Annoying ass cheerleader that framed Nox for murder once.
( 🔮 ) Nox Hyde (he/they): Reboot!Shadow/Shadow reincarnated. Has their own sideplot where their dad — aka Life/Vitalis — is tryna kill them for being happy basically.
( 🐇 ) Jake Rivers (he/him): Angel who lost his memories after getting put in the worst time out possible (stuck in a human body until he Learns his Lesson).
( 🗝 ) Veronica Devlin (she/her): Angel that lowkey helped start a cult.
( 🥩 ) Connor Wolfe (he/it): That Thing in The Woods. Cannibalistic werewolf that somehow adopted Willow after she died. idk either man.
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biblicalhorror · 1 month
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THE Dr. Angela Davis speaking at the student encampment on Auraria campus in Denver this weekend.
"I want you to know how important it is that you are taking this stand and this moment," Davis said, addressing the protesters. "I want to emphasize what this means for history. As you imagine this period being narrated 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now, you will be the historical actors who made it possible for a breakthrough for the struggle against Zionism and the struggle for a free Palestine."
Civil rights icon Angela Davis speaks at Auraria campus in Denver after 40 protestors arrested
Please take the time to donate to the Colorado Palestine Coalition and the encampment here if you can!
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based Doctor who
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huariqueje · 2 years
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St. Croix River Lighthouse 1856, Calis, Maine  -  William Davis , 2020.
American , b. 1952  -
Oil on panel  , 6 x 8 in.
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thekingofspin · 1 month
After listening to the bekdel test for the 100th time I would like to formally ask the creators of Dr who to not only bring back missy and river BUT PLEASE HAVE THEM MEET ON SCREEN. PLEASE. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE DESPERATION.
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querade · 1 month
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god...the impact of david tennant's acting...
coping with doodles!
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
slight case of derangement today! you’ve been warned.
anyway has anybody considered… what if ruby sunday turns out to be river’s daughter from the 24 years she spent on darilium with twelve. plenty long enough to begin to raise a child. river could have wiped the doctor’s mind of all memory of their daughter for some kind of safety reason, likely to protect ruby (not that it works for long). would explain her tabula rasa heritage, and, more importantly, act as the obvious reasoning behind the bbc adamantly refusing to reveal the name of the leaked future companion played by varada sethu after millie leaves post-s1/14: it would be a massive spoiler for the series finale since she’s a regenerated ruby, 3/4 gallifreyan (or 1/2 weird time vortex augmented human?? one heart or two for ruby then? what even is river species-wise? many questions zero answers) another clue backing this concept up is the nature of the ruby/doctor relationship being completely non-romantic from what we’ve seen, with the doctor probably finding a male love interest in s1. just imagine a final two-parter — the doctor and ruby are facing some world-ending stakes, the universe is in peril, ruby ends up fatally wounded and… her hands start buzzing with a familiar golden glow
one more tidbit in corroboration: in a recent panel at some con (i can’t remember the video link now but if someone asks for receipts i will find it) alex kingston was quoted saying that river’s journey “may not be over just yet”. of course this could mean big finish or it could mean nothing at all but what if it hints at her showing up in a flashback sequence. what if she’s behind the black cloak, carrying baby ruby to the church? what if the doctor didn’t approach the hooded woman because of a subconscious recognition…
now, disclaimer so none of you start weird discourse for whatever reason, of course this could end up being a completely idiotic theory that’s way off the mark. or it could accidentally turn out to be spot on. imagine if i got it right. what would be the odds. would i feel vindicated or disappointed?
p.s. adding stuff i initially left in comments because it completes the post
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post-postscriptum: (mrs) flood… river… pond…
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Viola Davis posted about Francesca. I hope she is feeling supported and love coming from across the globe
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Awww... that was so sweet of Viola. 🥰❤️
LOVE her msg to Francesca.
Being a darker-hued Black woman, I'm sure Viola knows firsthand how the ET and arts world can be.
I'm glad to see so many giving Fran their support. 🥰 I'm sure it means a lot to her.
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star-adventurxr · 2 months
Good evening
As the new season of taskmaster starts I’m just here to remind you’s all Greg Davies, the taskmaster himself… played an alien robot king with a detachable head and a cult like status in doctor who-
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mydreamsmyworld-tr · 5 days
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amazonbot · 5 months
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I want to repost my last year Doctor Who drawings. I'm so excited with these three specials with Tennant! Gods, he is good.
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who-datgirl · 24 days
Who IS Ruby Sunday?
My head is spinning over the secret identity of 15’s companion. Ruby is only in one season as Millie Gibson, something very important will have to happen to have her only appear in 8 episodes. At first I wondered if maybe Ruby was The Master hiding in plain sight as a human. Davies confirmed recently that The Master is taking a break from the plot, so that knocked them out of the running for Ruby’s identity. I am left with one headcanon that, regardless of it winds up true or not, exists rent-free in my mind.
I believe Ruby Sunday is the child of 12 and River Song. I think during their 24 years on Darillium, River wound up pregnant. Once she realized she was carrying The Doctor’s child, she took the TARDIS while 12 was busy with something (In the Husbands of River Song special she confirms that she often steals the TARDIS with The Doctor none the wiser). River carried out her 9 months of pregnancy in secret and used the Chameleon Arch on newborn Ruby. The TARDIS then chose the coordinates that landed her at the church on Ruby Road on Christmas Eve (A clue chosen by the TARDIS for The Doctor since River and 12’s time on Darillium started on Christmas Day). River then popped the TARDIS back on Darillium mere seconds after she left and lived out her remaining happy years with The Doctor, with the truth about Ruby weighing on her heart.
Why would River do this? Simple. The TARDIS is no place to raise a newborn. The Doctor would have stopped running and settled down on Earth to raise Ruby. River knew her time was almost up, but with a child The Doctor would have continued his 24-year vacation and extended it into Ruby’s adulthood. River loves The Doctor for their gallivanting around the universe and saving countless worlds through their travels. The thought that an untold amount of stars in the sky would vanish without The Doctor’s help broke River’s heart: “Maybe The Doctor would never have travelled again” was her fear. Rather than raising Ruby out of a mix of love for Ruby and grief for River, River chose to let The Doctor’s grief of River be their fuel for saving worlds instead. Also, River figured by letting a Ruby live a human life on Earth she would get a quiet and good life that is without Daleks, Cybermen, The Yssgaroth, Weeping Angels, and all the other horrors that The Doctor and his companions deal with. For anyone interested in seeing how I imagine 15 and River’s confrontation about Ruby playing out, I will post a dialogue I wrote between them at the end of this post.
NOW, onto the little easter eggs that I have noticed so far that give credence to Ruby being River’s child:
15’s run has had a ton of talk with Ruby about family and being adopted, The Doctors biological ties are definitely a theme of the season.
Ruby’s initials are R.S. Same as River Song.
As mentioned above, Ruby is born Christmas Eve. 12 and River’s time on Darillium began Christmas Day. The TARDIS chooses coordinates that best suit a Time Lord/Time Lady when a Chameleon Arch is used. I believe The TARDIS chose that time and place as a clue for The Doctor to eventually find Ruby.
Coincidence seems to be forcing Ruby and The Doctor together. Almost as if 15 is the answer to her question about who her actual parents are.
When viewing Ruby’s memory, her hooded mother points at 15 which alters the memory. River and The Doctor’s connection has been shown to transcend laws of time and space before (I.e. 11 being able to see River on Trenzalore and even kiss her projection from the Library).
There is such a pervasive theme of music between 15 and Ruby. The Christmas special kicks this off with a fun musical number which seems innocent enough. Since then, all the talk of music has caused the words “Melody” and “Song” to come up quite a few times in the latest season. The Devil’s Chord episode to me felt like a slap in the face with deliberate wordplay. Timothy Blake begins the episode by discussing melody with Henry Arbinger (and Melody is River’s birth name). Towards the end of the episode Maestro finds “A hidden SONG” in Ruby’s soul. If she is River’s daughter that would literally be her last name.
I listened to the hidden song in Ruby’s soul that she sings before the Christmas music several times. Melodically it is quite similar to the melancholy tune “sung” by the Towers of Darillium in the “Husbands of River Song” special.
In “BOOM” the ambulance could not identify 15 properly as a life form. The ambulance had the same error when trying to identify Ruby’s next of kin.
I think if I am correct, once restored to a Time Lady Ruby gets fatally wounded and regenerates into the next season’s companion. This is why Millie Gibson is only in one season. I think Ruby lives on, just as the new actress Varada Sethu (Also Millie and Varada are both credited in next season’s first episode, perhaps we see the regeneration then?)
Is there any truth to this theory? Ultimately, that is up to Davies. As I said before, for me it will live as true in my head rent-free regardless.
As promised, my headcanon confrontation between 15 and River at the church on Ruby Road
*15 stands in front of the hooded figure on Ruby Road, demanding that she pull down her hood*
15: I know who you are! I know who Ruby is. I just have one question that I cannot understand……..*tears forming in 15’s eyes* WHY…..River…..
*The hooded figure pulls down her hood, revealing the saddened expression of Professor River Song*
River: Hello, sweetie.
15: Why River, why did you hide her away from me?!
River: Do I need to make you a list of reasons a baby on the TARDIS is a horrible idea? Traveling the way you do is no place for a child. And that was my greatest fear. I know that for you, you lost me long ago. If, if you knew we had a child. You would’ve stopped immediately. You’d do the one thing you’d never do in a million years.
15: *Angrily* What’s so —
River: You’d stop running, Doctor. You’d park your TARDIS on some corner of London. You’d sweet talk yourself into a quaint home, in some quiet city. You and her would spend years on Earth while she learns to walk, to speak. Long enough that the day would come that she’s old enough to ask why she doesn’t have a mother. I couldn’t do that, but not just to her or you. Do you have any idea how many worlds would see their final dawn if you are not around to pop in and interrupt some horrible disaster? Why, I couldn’t risk every star in the sky going out due to some mix of love for our child and grief for me!
So I did what was best for her, and best for the universe. I used the arch. I landed here. A time and place where she would grow up to be loved and to have one thing neither of us ever had, a normal life. I gave her the gift of a life free from Daleks, from collapsing stars, from the cold of space. I did that, and then I hid her time lord essence in the safest place I could, the one place you’d never go. Nine months have passed for me but for The Doctor on Darillium, I will return after a few seconds. We still have a few more years to go in the long night, and you haven’t a clue I left. You’re the smartest man I’ve known, but also the stupidest.
15: Well the universe didn’t seem to want us to be apart did it?! Coincidence pushed and pushed until I found her, or she found me, I’m not even sure which happened first. Everywhere we went together there was children, mystery, belonging, family all practically forced into my view. I was the answer to her question. Every time she asked who were real parents were, coincidence nudged my foot in her direction. It nudged and nudged until we found each other, and then the answer to her heart’s song screamed itself out in silence. I was meant to be in her life and I got there…..it, it was just the long way around.
River: In my heart I knew, if anyone could find her with no clue to go on, it would be you. I don’t regret the actions I took to hide her, but I’m so glad you are with her now. You, at least, can know her. My diary is out of pages. I don’t have any room for adventures with my daughter. You Doctor, you have all of time and space. Show it to her! If the universe doesn’t want our daughter to live a life of domestic bliss on Earth, teach her to be the Time Lady that she’s clearly meant to be. For the first time in a long while, you don’t have to be the only one of your people on the TARDIS. You finally don’t have to be alone in this universe, and for that I am so happy.
**The Doctor gently grabs River, holding her in his arms**
15: River…if I could do anything to save you, you know—
**River wipes away her tears and slowly backs away after the embrace**
River: Oh sweetie. Hush now. You and I both know how this works. We’re always rushing by each other in reverse. You have the beginning of the rest of your life with her ahead of you. Me? Well……all I have is the time with you on Darillium. I really must be getting back. Eventually you’ll stop entertaining yourself or impressively monologuing to some poor sap on that planet and notice that the TARDIS is gone. I must be back before then.
**Rivers walks into the distance, fading into the darkness of Christmas Eve night. A lone stream of light appears as she opens the 12th Doctor’s TARDIS. River takes one last look at baby Ruby on the church steps, and then one last look at 15**
River: Until next time Doctor.
15: NEXT time? Wait, River. How in Earth do you mean?
*River grins widely at The Doctor, and says one word before shutting the TARDIS door*
River: Spoilers
*15 stares a long while at the now vacant space of their former lifetime’s TARDIS until the glimmer of an idea appears in their eyes. 15 dashes to their TARDIS. 15 slows their approach as they go deeper and deeper into the halls of the space-and-time-ship until they stop at the door. This is the one door on the TARDIS they refuse to walk by, to even think about. With tears forming in their eyes, they open the door for the first time in centuries. Cautiously they walk into the bedroom that 12 and River shared in their time on Darillium. The room’s lights slowly hum on, the bed still unmade on the side River slept so her imprint can be seen in the sheets. Atop her pillow, rests a Time Lord’s pocketwatch. 15 opens it and hears the hum of a Time Lord soul. Inside it are two holographic pictures, one on each side of the watch: one of River, one of the 12th Doctor. On the bottom of the watch 15 can see something inscribed in the Gallifreyan tongue. It reads a name: Amelia Song*
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Saw "Boom." It's the best episode of Doctor Who since "The Husbands of River Song."
Steven Moffat was an iffy showrunner, but he's always been the best NuWho writer (except maybe Gaiman). This is one of his great episodes.
If you were wondering if Doctor Who was back after the wilderness of the Chibnall years, this is proof it is.
Also, loved the dead-on anticapitalism and The Doctor's atheism.
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My new favorite brain-tickley phrase is
✨️Haunting the narrative✨️
Because I love learning new things by having them obviously and clearly demonstrated
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kornocreep · 1 year
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r0ttenskull · 1 year
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Sam eating Wes’s hair 💀
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