#day 1: weddings/anniversaries/goodbyes
girliism · 6 days
you don’t when it happened but you knew you felt it. patrick falling out of love with you, after twelve long years of marriage. but what had caused it? was it when you gave birth to your son? did he now find your body unattractive? couldn’t have been that, he made sure to tell you how beautiful you were, he worshiped you now no less than he did before, even giving you a daughter two years later. was it when you asked him to retire after he lost the us opening? “pat, maybe it’s time-” patrick stood up abruptly. “no. i’m not retiring, not yet, i still have one good season left in me.” or maybe it was when he started to rekindle with his recently divorced old girlfriend. “tashi said she’d coach me.” patrick said. you didn’t know how to feel as you watched him dry himself off. tashi the gorgeous ex girlfriend that he had weird history with. “oh… tashi.” patrick gave you that look he often gave your son when he was unimpressed with his goofing around during practice. “it’s not like that.” no, it was before that, when him forgetting little things like to kiss you goodbye when he left in the morning, or how he stopped sending you a good night message when he wouldn’t be home in time, turned into him forgetting your wedding anniversary.
“my parents have the kids tonight so it’ll be just us.” you laying on the massage table next to your best friend. the whole day was spent getting your hair and nails done, your body fully waxed and now massaged. “are you gonna do the steak and potatoes or the alfredo?” you hummed thinking. “probably the steak, i just bought this wine that’ll be perfect for it.” so you spent hours making steak just how he liked it, roasting potatoes so they were that perfectly crispy but not burnt. you put on a new dress and wore that perfume he loved, only to wait hours for him to get home. it was 1 am. you scraped your fork back and forth on your empty plate as you stared at the clock. 1:01 am. 29 minutes late patrick stumbled in. drunk. “where were you?” your voice was soft as you watched patrick trip over his own feet. “shit! fucking scared me.” patrick laughed, taking in your appearance. “why are you so dressed up?” you stared blankly at him. “do you what today is?” there’s no way he could have forgotten. right? “saturday.” “the date, patrick, what’s the date.” you were practically begging him to remember. patrick closed his eyes for a second trying to get his half drunk mind to remember. “it’s uh. fuck, the 15th it’s the 15th.” “of may patrick!” you yell at him, trying to hide the fact you were about to cry. you could tell when he finally understood. patrick’s head fell and a deep sigh left him. “shit, baby i’m so sorry” you turned away from him. “the guys, they wanted to get drinks after practice and i lost track of time.” patrick whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist dropping kisses on your shoulder. but he didn’t just forget cause he was out with friends. you thought back on the whole day, how no flowers greeted you when you woke up like usual, or how he didn’t call you to tell you something random that happened at your wedding that you surely forgot but he didn’t cause that day was on repeat in his mind. “there’s food on the table.” you walked away from him, wiping the tears that were falling fast.
the sound of padded feet running down the hall snaps you back to the present as you tear your eyes away from your wedding ring. “mommy, can we make pizza now.” your daughter plopped her little body next to you on the bed. sometimes you wonder if your genes even put up a fight as you stare down at the little girl who looked exactly like her father. “yeah, go grab your brother and i’ll meet you down stairs.” you tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, watching her running out the room. it was friday, and the kids have been begging for a family pizza making night and patrick finally had an off day. “have you seen my watch, the gold one?” patrick rushes around the room dressed oddly nice. “where are you going?” patrick freezes in the hall. “to uh meet with tashi, she wants us to look over some prints for a campaign.” tashi. “but, tonight we’re supposed to be making pizza, it’s literally all the kids have been asking me about.” you followed patrick to the front door. “i’m really sorry honey, but these prints they have to go out at a certain time and tashi she wants us to look over them together.” it was like that now a days, if tashi called patrick came running. “but daddy, it’s pizza night.” your daughter pouted, dressed up in a little chef outfit. “i know, princess and daddy is very sorry, wait for me a bedtime, i’ll read to you tonight.” your daughter nod saying goodbye before running back into the kitchen. “i want be long.” “ok, i love yo-” the door was slammed.
patrick wasn’t back by bedtime. “he probably just got caught up baby, he’ll read to you next time.” you had to explain to your daughter. you got a sick wave of deja vu siting there at the dinner table. waiting, waiting, and waiting. when patrick got home the house was dark and the stairs creaked as he crept up them. “how was it.” patrick jumped a little, not expecting to see you just sitting there. “fine.” patrick cleared his throat walking into the walk in closet. you smelt it in the air when he walked past. her perfume. it wasn’t faint either, it was as if he rolled around in it. “you smell like her.” patrick let out a sigh walking right past to the bathroom. “we hugged goodbye.” he was hiding something, you could see it in his desperation to get away from you. “did you fuck her?” time froze for a second, the only sounds being the breathing coming from you and patrick. “what?” “did you fuck her, did you have sex with tashi.” you weren’t backing off. “wh-why would i do that? you, you’re crazy.” you weren’t. “answer the question patrick.” tears welled up in your eyes, voice cracking, but you refused to cry. “just fucking answer me.” your voice was loud but still low enough not to wake the kids. patrick squeezed his eyes shut, pinching his nose bridge in annoyance. “i’m not gonna answer such a stupid fucking question.” you huffed. “fine, then do you still love me?” please just say yes and tell me in being paranoid. you thought, picking at the skin of your finger nail. patrick turned to face for the first time since he got back. “of course i do.” the tears you were holding back finally slip when patrick places his hands on your cheeks. you felt that the sliver band that usually rest on his ring finger wasn’t there. you pulled his hand from your cheek stroking over the empty spot. “love.” patrick whispered. “wait wait, please i can explain. it was just this one time, it ment nothing, i love you, please, i do i love you.” the fear of losing you was setting in and patrick’s eyes were started getting watery. you sighed, teary eyed and red nosed. “i really wish you didn’t sound like you were trying to convince yourself of that.” patrick looked at you with wet eyes. “baby.” you pulled your hands out of his and walked out of the room.
(why i’m sad like i didn’t just write this.) part 2.
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thegnomelord · 2 months
Nobody can convince me otherwise that Price wouldn't cry if he was proposed to/proposing
He gives off similar vibes to my dad and he cried at his wedding cause he was so happy
Okay, 1) Ur dad sounds super sweet lol. 2) Price so would and have a surprise ficlet.
Would you?
CW: SFW, Price X GN reader fluff, proposals, crying
The thought of marriage strikes him as you two lay in bed one night. It's not a particularly special night; he's not fresh from the battlefield or hardening his heart to go back to it. It's just a regular Tuesday night — your arms around him, your legs a tangle of limbs in the sheets, your head resting over his chest so you can be lulled to sleep by the sound of his heart — when he thinks. . . Wouldn't it be nice to be buried under your name?
That maybe, just maybe, he'll have you to keep him from a pauper's grave. That your and his bones will be able to mix when time erodes flesh, wood, and earth between you two. That the only thing that will remain will be those gold rings.
He starts planning that morning, approaching the proposal like he would a suicide mission; he calculates every variable, scours his brilliantly sharp mind for every little detail he's catalogued about you, making plans upon plans for how it could go both wrong and right. Writing sessions of what he wants to say to you stretch long into sleepless nights, he cracks open that old dusty book of family recipes and scribbles little exclamation marks next to the dishes you enjoy, secretly taking your ring measurement so he can confidently go ring shopping.
His wallet is fat from his work, yet he picks up side jobs in the private security sector on his off time — He's happy to babysit overgrown brats if it means he can buy you a ring without blood money. He wants this to be something pure and free of the violence shrouding his life. He doesn't do it often, but some times he fantasizes of what will come next; he'd hate to wear a stuffy suit like he does his military blues to those posh military dinners, but for you, it wouldn't feel like a labour nor a penance. He's sure it wouldn't take much for Kate to get her officient license, and whenever he starts thinking of that Price finds himself smiling like a loon at the thought of you on your wedding day, bright eyed and with a big smile with his ring on your finger.
A simple question — what if you refuse? — always brings him back down to the ground and drags his heart to the pit of his stomach. He tries not to think about it (he thinks too much about it, the bloody fool)
He decides to propose on your anniversary.
He wakes up long before you, having barely slept a wink the night before with last minute thoughts running through his head. Breakfast is ready for you by the time you stumble out of bed, his beard scratching your chin as he gives you a goodbye kiss before you set out to work. He spends the rest of the day making sure the house is spotless, getting you flowers, picking out the nicest clothes you two have and then goes to make dinner.
And of course, the things out of his control go wrong on the one day he needs it to be perfect. He only notices the oven is busted when the roast he's making in it starts smoking enough to set off the fire alarm. He scrambles to salvage it but it's too late and he's left scurrying around the kitchen trying to figure out something else.
Price doesn't notice when you get home, the locking of the door and your tired footsteps betting lost in the sound of clattering pots and pans. He nearly tosses the pan he's holding when you sneak up and wrap your arms around him, pulling him back from the roaring fire of the stove to press your chest to his back.
You rest your head on his shoulder, lips brushing his neck. "Relax," You say, both an admonishment and a suggestion.
"Bloody git". Price grumbles to himself under his breath but relaxes into you, nuzzling his head against yours. "M' sorry love, the bloody oven broke and-" he clams up just as he's starting to explain, already rethinking the proposal as a whole because Christ, how can he be a good husband when he can't even make you dinner properly?
"Hey," You begin and kiss his temple, rubbing soothing circles into his side. "How about we dress up and I'll order take out huh?" You say, letting go of him and taking charge by calling both of your favourite takeout place before he even has a chance to refuse.
Price knows this proposal is dead in the water. He's seen far too many proposal videos on that TokTik app — the ones with extravagant locations and massive diamond rings gifted to the brides to be via doves — to know such a simple proposal would fly.
But he still goes along with your plan; At the very least he can enjoy the sight of you done up in nice clothes, in the knowledge you do it for him. And he's sure you love how he looks in his suit too, his beard can't hide how pink his cheeks get when you call him dashing or handsome as you fix his tie. He gets you back though, cupping your cheek when you're done with his tie so he can pull you in for a long and slow kiss. He wants to press further, proposal plans already at the back of his mind, but he's interrupted by the delivery guy. He's especially not pleased when you stick your tongue out at him like a child and scamper away to get your takeout.
After plating the food, you sit down to eat, and Price remembers to light the special candles he'd bought. The food is good even if it's not what he'd wanted, but it's easy to forget about this shortcoming of his when you're laughing and telling him about some thing that happened to you today. He listens intently, remembering why he loves you when you speak so passionately about your hobby.
Price decides this is it.
He had a speech prepared, written and rewritten a dozen times until it was perfect, the one he'd practiced all day until his throat was raw. But the words dissapear like a mirage in his mind, and even if he did remember them, it would feel too out of place. So he simply stands up, cutting your talk short. His back aches as he gets to one knee, hands shaking a bit and fumbling with the box before he presents the golden ring to you. "Do you. . ." He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "Do you want to spend the rest of our lives together?"
Your eyes flicker between him and the ring, staring, bewildered. The pit in his stomach grows with every passing second, only to swallow up his heart when you open your mouth and say "Are you serious?"
This is it, Price thinks, he's mistaken what you two had together for something it was not. He's already thinking of ways to backtrack, fat tears building at the corners of his eyes that he desperately tries to blink away.
He's caught unaware when you kneel down in front of him. There's a sheepish look on your face as you bring out your own little box. Inside is a simple golden ring, your and his initials carved into it.
You give him a wry little smile, "Surprise."
Price stares at the ring. A second passes. Then another. A third one is well on it's way before his mind finally realises what this is and a childish laugh bubbles from his chest. "You-" He reaches out and pulls you into a bear hug. "-bloody Muppet almost made my heart give out." He grouches but absolutely melts into your body as you return the hug. You feel his mighty shoulders shake and chest rumble as his laughter gets out of control, pulling you into laughing with him.
He buries his face into your neck, trying to say something but his hiccups turn the words into meaningless happy noise. He doesn't even notice when he starts to cry, but it's a good type of crying — the one where you just don't know how to express the light airy feeling gripping your chest. Price feels like his ribcage is stuffed with dandelion fluff, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I love you." He says into your skin, low and quiet, voice still raw as he nuzzles his beard into your neck. His hands grip you tightly, afraid to let go.
"I love you too." You say, kissing him with nothing but love and care and tenderness in your actions.
Price is running high on the buzz of getting engaged when you two settle on the couch, back in comfortable pyjamas and wrapped up in blankets and each others arms, your takeout on the table as you settle to watch a movie. Your hand finds his, two golden rings clicking together beneath the sheets, and Price feels fresh tears roll down his cheeks before you kiss them away.
Being buried under your name would be nice, but living under your name is much better.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 11 months
Do you know of any Stiles/Derek blind date fics? Where they’re set up. I’m struggling to search this and you’re amazing work is my last hope 🖤
For sure.
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Day Two: Blind Date by christinchen
(1/1 I 918 I Teen)
Stiles is being set up on a blind date. Guess with whom?
The Blind Date Dysfunction by withered
(1/1 I 2,138 I General)
It isn’t like Stiles has anything against going on a blind date. His history of them sucks, but he’s never intentionally ditched one before. But what was he supposed to do, let the kid finish his penis mural? No, sir.
In which Stiles ditches his blind date, and then doesn’t.
Midnight Meetings by Cozy_Rosy28
(1/1 I 2,197 I Not Rated)
Alpha Derek Hale gets set up on a blind date at the urging of his cousin, it isn’t until it’s too late that he realizes his date is his rival. What a way to bring in the new year.
no less blind for seeing you by insane_falcon
(1/1 I 2,695 I Teen)
Lydia sets Stiles up on a blind date. It goes much better than he's expecting.
That Awkward Moment by stilinskisderek
(1/1 I 2,751 I Explicit)
...when your sister sets you up on a blind date with the one night stand you hooked up with three weeks ago who vanished without a goodbye leaving you pathetically heartbroken.
Finders Keepers by inhystereks
(1/1 I 3,340 I General)
“Sorry, I know I’m kind of staring, but she didn’t tell me you were so good-looking,” Stiles babbled, wanting to hit himself even as the words left his mouth.
“She,” the guy said, something in his expression shifting. “Laura.”
“No,” Stiles replied with a frown. “Lydia. Who’s Laura?”
“My sister,” the guy said, brows furrowed once more. “Who’s Lydia?”
“My best friend,” Stiles said.
Lucky Thirteen by Inell
(1/1 I 4,500 I Teen)
Stiles isn't expecting his thirteenth blind date to be so out of his league, but he can't complain when Derek Hale turns out to be a gorgeous geek who could be the perfect man for him.
turn the lights out by CelebrateTheFreedom
(1/1 I 7,357 I Explicit)
Derek is not your stereotypical Omega, when he goes to this blind date event he gets mistaken as an Alpha. If only the nice Alpha next to him knew.
Fuck The Past by Lizbit_97
(10/10 I 28,128 I Teen)
In which Stiles is a lonely, cynical 34 year old. Scott is his stepbrother and encourages stiles to “put himself out there”. Derek is a recently divorced 40 year old looking for love. Oh and it’s the 15 year wedding anniversary of Sheriff and Melissa. A blind date and mistaken identities occur as well as bold decisions... What could go wrong?
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gojo-enthusiast · 9 months
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The Affair
Series — My Husband Toji Zenin
Part Two: The Big Fight
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MDI, 18+, infidelity—
“Was work okay?“ you asked staring at your husband from behind the kitchen counter. “Mm. Yeah.” He hummed lightly, chugging his second beer and eating the dinner you made. “Was it busy?” You proceeded to ask. Your husband had been busy as of late, work picked up and he was coming home later than usual. But it also didn’t help that the other reason he was coming home late. Was because he was having an affair.
You met Toji when you had turned 18, he was 28. Now you are 21 and is 31. He took your virginity, he was also your first love. And you two had gotten married last year when you were 20. Now your husband who you love so much, is having an affair. And you don’t even know what to say at that point.
“Doll, I’m tired.” He yawned, not answering your question. “Oh okay.” You smile, taking his plate and washing it off. It pained you that he was cheating on you, but you knew at the end of the day he would always choose you, and that was enough. Even if… it crushed your confidence.
“I’m gon’ be busy tomorrow afternoon.” He says as he gets into bed. “Oh well tomorrow is—“ you paused realizing if he cared enough, 1. He would remember it was you both 1 year wedding anniversary, and 2. He promised to spend the day with you since he had been working Saturdays and he was finally getting a Saturday off. “Hmm?” He asked, “nothing important, goodnight my love.” You smiled, kissing his lips before turning off the bedside table lamp, and letting him pull you into his embrace. You knew he didn’t hold anyone the way he held you. Yet it made you feel small, it made you feel not important.
The next you woke up and made breakfast like normal, waffles, bacon and eggs. You kissed your husband good morning, and as he left for “work” you kissed him goodbye and told him you love him. You could see the way his eyes fell down, like the guilt inside was eating at him, but the guilt wasn’t strong enough to make him stay.
Toji stood in the hotel room with a woman he had met at a bar a couple days prior, one of his many encounters. Pulling up his pants from the sexual encounter he just had with her. “Hotel room is paid for. Stay if you want. I got’sta get goin’” he said, pulling his phone out looking at the time <4:47> “fuck.” He groans, realizing he is out later than he wanted. He wanted to go home, shower and take his lovely wife to dinner. He would have time, just needs to be quick to get home.
Satoru: hey man! Happy anniversary! Hope you and your wife are spending it fun ;)
Satoru Gojo, his work colleague sends. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” Toji says to himself, rushing out the hotel. Toji rushes to the nearest convenience store, getting you flowers and your favorite sour gummy’s. arriving home at 6:03PM.
“Hey doll.” He says walking in the door, seeing you curled up on the couch watching a movie. “Hey baby.” You smile brightly. You instantly smelt a woman’s perfume on him. Making your nose flinch in disgust. Your husband only bought you the best, so smelling cheap perfume made your stomach churn. “Is that really what he’s into?” You think to yourself. He notices your instant change in mood, the perfume hitting his nose. “I’m gonna go take a quick shower. I’m all sweaty.” He chuckles, rushing to the bathroom. He throws his clothes off, putting them in the washing machine instantly and jumping into the shower.
Something inside of you finally told you to confront him. Why not?
“To-“ you croak out, feeling the lump in your throat form, and tears trickle down your cheek. “Hey baby, what’s wrong?” He says washing off the soap from his body. “Why am I not good enough for you?” You cried out. The instant pain that swelled Toji’s heart. Hating that he is breaking his sweet little wife’s heart. Jumping out the shower, Toji embraces you as he is soaked with water. “There is nothing wrong with you baby doll. I’m the problem, not you.” He groans, feeling tears swell his eyes. “I’m the problem baby.” He says again before crying silently against you. “You’re perfect baby.” He says rubbing your back.
Toji wasn’t going to leave you, and you weren’t going to leave him. You both are joined at the hip, in your own love sick way. You hated how he broke your heart so easily, and he hated how you put up with his bullshit.
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Christian Pulisic (Fics Masterlist)
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Surprise x2 (fluff - dad!pulisic)
Between Us (fluff)
Polar Opposites (ongoing series) part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 (coming soon)
Happy Anniversary (smut 🔞)
Family Day Out (fluff - dad!pulisic)
Winning Prize (smut 🔞)
Comfort Person (fluff)
Goodbye, Summer (angst)
Wedding Night (fluff)
Future (fluff)
Start of A New Life (fluff - dad!pulisic)
Two and A Half Men (fluff - dad!pulisic x best friend!weston)
Frustration (smut 🔞)
Wanna Prove It? (fluff)
My Player of The Month (fluff)
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disneyfemslash · 8 months
Disney Femslash week!
That’s right, a week to prompt, promote, and inspire f/f Disney works! A week to encourage the artists, editors, and writers to create and share their work. If you want to gush about your favorite pairs, or show off your take on how a pair would get together and work, now's the time!
The tag is #Disney femslash week
Running from Sunday March 10th - Saturday March 16th
Here are the prompts: each day has a prompt and an alternate prompt. Note you don’t have to use the prompts at all if you don’t like them or want to. They are there for those who would like a starting point or inspiration for a piece, but no one should feel obligated to use them. If you want to, neat if you want to create 7 pieces of your favorite ship with your favorite tropes also neat!
Day 1. Seasons/A New Relationship
Day 2. Colors/Music
Day 3. Fancharacters (Oc’s)/Marriage
Day 4. AU/Style Swap
Day 5. Adventure/Gifts
Day 6. Angst/Happily Ever After
Day 7. Free day/Dedicated to
Seasons: A date in spring time, holding hands and sharing a cup of tea in fall, a snowball fight in winter, or a pool party in summer, let’s see something seasonal!
A New Relationship: A first date, a first kiss, when they’re in the honeymoon phase, a first meeting where someone is struck by cupid’s bow. An early look at two people together, and the start of their love.
Colors: Maybe it’s a monochrome piece, or black and white with a single color. Maybe it’s about how the color of her eyes or her hair are so beautiful, or how the world seems brighter and more beautiful that they’ve met. Maybe it’s about how the memory of her colors day to day tasks, even now. Literal or metaphorical, let’s see some color.
Music: Two characters singing or playing instruments. A band AU, or a songfic. A first dance, or a playlist, or using a Disney song for a new ship, use music to inspire and shape a piece!
Fancharacters (OC’s): Whether it’s an OC who you ship with a character, or an fancharacter family for your ship, let’s see an a work that incorporates an OC.
Marriage: Ring out the wedding bells and get ready to cut the cake. Planning a wedding, an arranged marriage, a big bells and whistles affair, or a runaway bride. Your ship in their wedding best, a secret elopement, or a piece about your ship being happily married. What does marriage inspire?
AU: Now, practically all Disney femslash ships are AUs, but let’s see something more than X meets Y. Are they assassins? Superheroes? Is this an AU where people have wings, or are taking the roles in your favorite romcom?
Style Swap: Wearing each other’s threads, or swapped into a different style entirely. Maybe we’ll see Jane Porter in the captain’s uniform and Amelia the dress, or Tiana and Charlotte in avantgarde fashion. Maybe swap your ships into an art style, like art deco, or early rubber hose animation.
Adventure: Sometimes you fall in love right at home, at a dance, or in the neighborhood, but not this time. The clock is ticking, the sails are set and we have no time to rest. High seas, high stakes, your ship meets on or undertakes an adventure together.
Gifts: A birthday gift, an anniversary gift, or a just because gift? Tiana is a gifted cook making something, Ariel is a gifted singer, Merida is a gifted archer. The Madrigals have their gifts, and use them to impress someone. 
Angst: Is it unrequited love, a tragic end, or a bittersweet goodbye? Maybe it’s starcrossed love never to be, or true love cut short by fate, but no matter what there is at least a tinge of sadness at the end.
Happily Ever After: They finally get together, triumph, or spit out how they feel. Do they defeat the dragon, the sorcerer, they move in together, run a business, adopt a dog, or grow old? What’s the happily ever after?
Free Day: Go nuts, go wild.
Dedicated to: This isn’t a prompt so much as encouraging everyone to shout out their friends, fellows, and inspirations. Whose art got you into this all? Is there a friend you shout your concepts to and bounce ideas off? Who is always in your notes or giving you feedback?
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esmealux · 1 month
esmealux's masterlist
last updated: 17.08.2024
Multi-chapter works
Feels Like Home
AU in which Chloe and Lucifer are roommates [extended work]. Written in collaboration with @my-crazy-awesome-sox 42 / ? chapters posted Rated E
Living with the Devil (isn't always Hell on Earth)
AU in which Chloe and Lucifer are roommates [original work]. Or, 5 times Chloe seriously considers moving out, and 1 time she doesn’t. Written in collaboration with @my-crazy-awesome-sox 6/6 chapters posted Rated M
Planning a Hell of a Wedding
The Devil and the Detective make their way through the wedding planning checklist. One is more passionate about it than the other. Set a year after season 5 (written before 5B was released) Rated M
When All Else Fails
Lucifer and John's relationship throughout the years. Set in the universe of take me back to the start by usuallysunny; a belated birthday gift Rated T
Mummy's Workplace: The Guided Tour
Lucifer shows baby Rory around the precinct. Rated T
Going through Hell
Amenadiel has a message for Lucifer and pays him a visit in Hell. Set post season 6. Rated T
The Original Starry Night
When God comes to Earth, Lucifer needs to get away. Chloe finds him in the moonlit desert. Set after 5A Rated M
Definitely Don't Like You
Chloe and Lucifer go on a date and visits the precinct after dark. There's something they never got to try. Set post season 5B Rated M
Something Close to Sex? Yet Entirely Different
‘Lucifer, you’re hurting.’ Her eyes, full of worry, flicker over his wounded, broken body. And yes, it hurts. Like hell, as a matter of fact. But what hurts more is the thought of being alone. Rated T.
Certainly Our Best Collab
‘I just want to let you know that I love you.’ Rated G.
Rejected at the Pearly Gates
He stays by her side, holding her still hand, waiting. Hoping. And—when the sun has set, risen, and set again without the slightest movement from her—praying. Rated T.
The Devil Doesn't Do Children
Last time Linda saw Lucifer in a state similarly chaotic, dark, leathery wings were sticking out of his back. Before she can ask him what’s wrong, his trembling voice fills her office.
‘The Detective’s pregnant.’
Not what she’d expected, but his reaction seems about right. Rated M. Posted in 3 chapters, but it's only 10K words and was written as a one-shot.
How Chloe Decker Ruined the First and Greatest Slut of the Universe
Lucifer had never seen the point of monogamy. But then he’d met her. Rated M.
Bloody Hell
‘Yes, thank you, Detective, I am familiar with the concept of menstruation.' Rated T.
Granniest Panties (sequel to 'Bloody Hell')
Lucifer proves his worth as Chloe's very own PA. Period Assistant. Rated T.
Ship: Sailing
Ella finds out her OTP is finally happening. Or, Lucifer bragging about finally having sex with Chloe, Ella fangirling over it, and Chloe being so done with them. Rated T.
Two Firsts in One Night
‘I guess that’s two firsts in one day… Well, night,’ he smirks at her, surprised when she mirrors his suggestive smile instead of rolling her eyes at his last remark. But then again, she did seem to enjoy the night in question.
Tit or Tat
Chloe and Lucifer make a bet. Rated T
How and when Chloe came up with Rory's name A gift for @my-crazy-awesome-sox Rated T
Being a Dad
Lucifer has always worn suits. But then, he became a dad. Rated G
An Unspoken Promise
Her shirt is still soaked with her blood. Lilith’s ring, now white, still rests on her left ring finger, an unspoken promise. A last goodbye. His ultimate sacrifice. A sob builds in his chest at the sight, the aftershock suddenly threatening to wash over him and rip him apart. But he pushes it down. Wraps his arms tighter around Chloe, pulls her closer, breathes deeper. Set after the last episode of season 5B Rated T
You and Me, from A to Z
A Deckerstar drabble for every letter of the alphabet. 4 / 26 chapters posted Not rated
Happy Anniversary, Detective
Chloe and Lucifer celebrate their second anniversary together. Set in season 3. Rated G
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heartidylla · 1 year
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started : 03/25/23
last uploaded : 05/01/23
▹ smut ➪ ✿
▹ fluff ➪ ♡
▹ platonic // kid ➪ ☆
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♡javier peña ;
▹ i forgot you existed , javier peña x f!reader — feeling as if the entire office is watching your every move, javier peña comes into your life to try and ease it. | ♡ , 1.4k |
▹ high infidelity , javier peña x f!reader — javier peña informs you a little too late about his future wedding, which forces you to walk away from the love of your life. years later he continues to flirt up a storm with you, and one day you have to walk out of his life for his best interest. | ♡ , 3.2k |
▹ how you get the girl , javier peña x f!reader — javier peña screws up with you big time and had six months of pure torture to fully digest the severity of what he had put you though. one day he arrives at your doorstep asking for a second chance. | ♡ , 2.3k |
▹ cruel summer , javier peña x f!reader — one summer night you were invited to a anniversary party of one of your friends, and you begin to realize the suffocating feelings you experience around your childhood best friend, javier peña. | ♡ , 3.3k |
▹ don’t think, just feel , javier peña x f!reader — you have a rocky relationship with your dad and even more so men. your childhood person, javier peña, wants nothing more than to show you your true worth. | ✿ , 9.1k |
▹ secretly his
↳ chapter one , javier x f!reader — first appearance of you and javier peña. being a famous music artist that is on tour, you find yourself attending an awards show which leads you into meeting the man himself, javier peña. | ✿ , 6.7k |
↳ chapter two , javier x f!reader — your ex comes unexpectedly to your house and causes a scene in which javier is there to assist you at the right moment where you desperately need assistance. | ♡ , 2.7k |
⟡din djarin ;
▹ you are in love , din djarin x f!reader — you meet the mandalorian within a small towns bar and one thing leads to another and you find yourself on a journey with him and developing feelings faster than space travel itself. | ♡ , 3.5k |
▹ the story of us , din djarin x f!reader — you and the mandalorian had a spark once before; however, it ended on horrible terms. two years later, you awkwardly cross paths once again. will you two be able to rekindle the love that still lingers? | ♡ , 2.4k |
▹ the bitterness behind goodbyes , din djarin x platonic!teen!reader | 1/3 | — you and your little brother, grogu, come into contact with a mandalorian. soon after he earned your trust, you allow yourself to let him into your heart. though, as you continue on your path you eventually find what you’ve been looking for, a jedi. | ☆ , 3.9k |
↳ part two , din djarin x platonic!teen!reader | 2/3 | — memories that were spent between you, grogu, and mando have been taunting you within your sleep. | ☆ , 3.0k |
❀javi gutierrez ;
▹ state of grace , javi gutierrez x f!reader — you accidentally bump into javi within a busy street which caused his shirt to become ruined. you’re kindness sticks like honey within his mind, and soon enough you find him once more. | ♡ , 2.8k |
✃joel miller ;
▹ evermore , joel miller x f!reader — after his first love, he never thought that he'd ever find another chance. the older he got, the more hope died out. when he first met you, you were a simple librarian who took on a motherly role to sarah who loved to listen while you read to her. she honestly just loved being in your warm presence that seemed to affect joel in some way as well. even though you may seem as if you have everything together, you're just as much of a mess as joel is and you don't exactly know how to express that to him. | , | [ coming soon ]
✑oberyn martell ;
▹ the idylla princess , oberyn martell x innocent!f!reader — meeting in a rose bush garden, oberyn preys on you from afar before slowly inching closer to your alluring self. | ✿ , 7.8k |
⌖frankie morales ;
☻ pedro pascal ;
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shelbydelrey · 1 year
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Isa, we've discussed this a few times so it will come as no surprise when I ask you a question about the 10th anniversary of Peaky!! I'm wondering what you would rate the top 10 kisses?
Hi Lee 🤗 This was a surprinsingly difficult question since i've never even considered rating the show's kisses before (a mistake i now realize) and also because tumblr gif engine is absolute shit in aiding me in this task 😅 I've unfortunately came two kisses short from what you asked but i hope you enjoy it anyway 😚
8. I didn't manage to find a gif or even just a cropped image but Number #8 goes to those two fellas making out at the entrance of Eden Club. They were there just entering the roaring 20's, in a drug induced chaotic party, living their best lives so i would like to give props to them 😆
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7. I love Arthur and his genuine reaction to Linda's news warms my heart despite me knowing that everything from here goes downhill. I read this kiss as a gesture full of hope, promises and even some pride showing that Arthur had some desire to be a better father than the one he had. This, unfortunately, didn't come into fruition as we know but i appreciate that the spark to be something other lived in heart.
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6. Polly and Aberama were something else, weren't they? Admittedly their relationship kinda came out of nowhere but it worked even if short-lived. So their mention on the list it's also a memento of their dynamic ☺
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5. And we finally arrived at my two beloveds🥰 I love May's slight desperation and Tommy's slight surprise as they kiss 🤭 It holds an adorable level of awkwardness as May states (with the kiss not with words) that she's willing to stand the public ridicule for Tommy!
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4. I guess this one speaks for itself 😳 A deep passionate kiss in the midst of love making. You can't go wrong with that.
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3. This is the perfect level of devotion for a wedding kiss (the exchanged gaze and the comfort between the two is *chef's kiss*) and it's enhanced by the way Tommy helds her face 🫠
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2. This could be easily my favourite kiss in the entire show... I mean, look at Tommy's shoulder dip, the tenderness of his lips and how May starts to grip his coat... (and they even start to sway a little bit, i couldn't find a longer gif that showed it) 🥹 It's beautiful and it plasters all over my face the ENORMOUS chemistry potential these two had 😭
1. But number one comes and does THIS to me:
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It's Derby day, May is clinging onto the hope that he will stay with her and it's heartbreaking because even despite not yet knowing about Grace's pregnancy, we as an audience now that (for plot reasons) Tommy has no interest in staying by her side. BUT Cillian and Charlotte were in another frequency over here 🤭 All the elements that made Kiss Number #2 great are here as well, dusted on this small peck on the lips 🤩 Instead of the detachment and indiference Tommy is suppose to feel, it reads more like a domestic bliss scenario where May says goodbye before he ventures to a long day of work and crime.
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h3artbreakaaaaaa · 2 years
The one for you // Shuri Udaku
Part 1 - Part 2
Shuri x Black Fem!Reader
(Sorry for typos/spelling errors)
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You and Shuri had been together for almost 4 years. You have seen each other highs and lows as you had been with her though everything.
But Shuri had knew since the day she met you that she was gonna Marry you. She admired the way you would care for other before your self and your kindness and appreciation to life.
But she also loved that body of your as whenever you walked into a room she admired you.
Shuri had shared to Nakia and okoye that she knew that it was the perfect time to make you her wife.
She felt that if she did couple of months ago it would bring to much pressure with the grief and a wedding so she decided to wait.
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You woke up in you and shuri’s shared bedroom wearing your silk nightgown that Shuri had got you for your 2nd anniversary. Sunlight beaming through the windows as you squinted your eyes trying to see but you saw the beautiful view of the capitol. You looked at your phone and the time read 8:32 am, but you heard your name softly being spoken from the other side of the door “y/ n” you heard, “come in you” you yelled in a tired tone then you heard the door creek open then close.
then you Aneka came in a greeted you “good morning princess” she said and you both laughed at her formalities.
“You are the princess of another nation that normally you don’t talk about but you are originally from wakanda but adopted by the queen and king. And you also had superhuman abilities which you used to help fight with shuri against namor.”
“You know you don’t have to greet me like that” you say to Aneka slowly getting up out of bed to walk over to the mini fridge in your bedroom and grab a water.
“ where is Shuri? “ you ask and aneka had a look on her face that she was nervous, “ s-she is in her lab “ she said quickly bringing a smile on her face.
“Mhm” you say in a suspicious way wondering why she was so nervous to say anything, you then said your goodbyes as she exited the room and you walked into your shared bathroom and grabbed the tablet to turn on the shower and put the water at a certain temperature and you started your playlist.
Crazy Tings - by Tems started playing as you slipped off your nightgown and putting it into the hamper. You then opened a draw and grabbed, a claw clip and grabbed your 40 inch bust down in your Hands and twisting it to put it up and put a clip over it and which you grabbed your shower cap and put it on as you stepping in the shower.
“ crazy things are happening if you need somebody’s craze”
Played as you sang the lyrics and your accent practically bounced off the walls with your singing skills.
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“Shuri!” Aneka called out as she rushed over into Shuri’s lab and she turned around, “ so…” Shuri said with a look on her face wondering if you were awake and took the bait. “ she is getting ready now “ she said excitedly.
“ can I see the ring “ Aneka asked and Shuri smiled and grabbed it out her pocket and opened the velvet box with what was your dream ring, it was a flashy but not too flashy diamond ring that had vibranium in it. “ she is going to love it “ Aneka said as her eyes lit up by the sight of the ring, “ What if she says no” Shuri said with a nervousness in her voice.
“ you know she loves you why would she say no?” Aneka asked as Shuri had a little bit of a frown on her face.
“Well- “ shuri said as she was cut off my Nakia coming into the lab more excited than ever and following behind her was Okoye and Ayo.
Shuri felt awkward about since you two never even talked about your future together and she didn’t know how it was gonna go or how you would react.
“ So what’s the plan? “ Nakia said as she looked at Shuri and who was looking down at the floor.
“I’m going to propose on the cliff where we first met.” Shuri said with a smirk on her face remembering the day when she went to the spot she always went to to calm herself down when she saw you there crying.
“ what are you doing here” Shuri said alarmed and startled that someone had found out about her secret spot.
“ What are YOU doing here “ you said back with an attitude but you were also distraught, the first thing Shuri noticed about was that you didn’t automatically know she was the princess and didn’t bow to her or anything.
After that Shuri made eye contact with you and that’s when she just knew you were The One for her.
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You were walking making your way into the kitchen to make yourself your favorite Iced Coffee.
As you grabbed everything you need you felt someone wrap their hands around your waist touching and admiring your figure and your curves.
You automatically and obviously knew it was your girlfriend because you smelt that scent that she always had that was sweet and could put you to sleep anytime because of how calming the smell was.
She kissed you neck softly “ Good morning sthandwa (my love)” she said against your neck with a deep raspy voice with that accent that had you in a whole chokehold.
“ molweni ekuseni (good morning) “ you said softly back as you continued doing what you were doing. “ so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have the whole day just dedicated to me and you.” She said as you agreed and nodded your head as she picked you up and took you on the adventure of a day you two were about to have.
A/n : HEYYYYYYY so I know I write like this is wattpad cuz that what I’m used to I also decided it would be better to add the translation with the word instead of the top just to make things easier. PART 2 WILL BE OUT TOMORROW!!!!
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foster-the-world · 1 year
In route
7 hours into our 14 hour flight to Japan. Cannot wait. Girls are being great. Currently quietly zoned out on TV. Let's hope it holds out.
Baby boy was perfectly happy saying goodbye this morning - thankfully. I've been warning him all week. I miss his sweet face already. While also appreciating how easy it is to travel with two 6yo.
I passed my nursing exam - so I have zero obligations hanging over my head. It's a dream. I was confident I failed but I guess you can get a lot wrong and still pass. So glad to have that behind me.
So helpful to have my Mom around. She got bad news that she has to do chemo along with radiation. She'll start two days after we get back. She'll do three rounds - finishing up a month before our Costa Rica trip for her 70th Birthday/50th wedding anniversary. Then she'll do a fourth round when she gets back. She refused to let it interrupt the trip. Which is understandable.
We arrive around 1:35 in the afternoon. People have been highlighting 3-4 hour immigration waits. Fingers crossed thats not the case for us. There is apparently a pull out line for young children/senior citizens. I'm not sure if 6 year olds are considered young children in Japan. We are staying near one of the most famous temples. Hopefully, will have enough energy to check it out + grab dinner. Then all crash. I'm sure will be up super early in the morning. Hopefully, that works in our favor. I've heard restaurants/activities open post-10am. We are staying across the street from a 24hr department store. Worse case we can check that out. So excited for all of the sushi coming my way. My Mom's the only non adventurous eater amongst us. The girls will be thrilled. So many snacks/street foods to try. Cherry Blossoms bloomed sooner then ever before. I think will still catch some. Fingers crossed.
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louwhose · 2 years
louwhose art masterlist
Instagram | Drawing tag
The Legend of Zelda
Zelink Week 2024: (SS) Under the Stars, (BotW) Fading, (MC) Blooming, (EoW) Enchantment, (AoL) Spellbound, (OoT) Sealed Fate, (ST) Reunion
Fable/Legend DTIYS, Idiot hair Link, Heaven's DTIYS, Twi's Skyrim AU, ALBW Rumors,  ghost link/ witch zelda, LU camping, ladye’s daybreak, lively bunch, LOZ sketch dump
Breath of the Wild
Zelda in Shining Armor (my comic)
Zelink Week 2022: One Last Look, Age, Rainy Day, Statue, Sparring, Rituals, Healing
Swords and Storms Cosmere Inktober: Puppet, Weapon, Glass, Chains, Flame, Miscreant, Lantern
Linktober: miniature | adventure pouch | boat/ship/vessel | nostalgia | secret | link | boss | storm | dream | zelda | deity | botanical
Link, Link but in a cool pose, March of the Koroks, Zelink Reunion, Zelink braids, Divine Zelda, Champions meme, Zelink in Gerudo outfits, Calvin and Hobbes Zelda and Link, Zelink kiss comic, Tebasaki Tackle, You are my Sunshine, "Pure" friends, Stained glass monster, Speedrunning a century meme, Anne AU, Swords and Storms AU, S&S incognito, Zelda pixie cut, Zelink reunion redraw, Witch Zelda, Fall Under Your Spell, Battle & Overgrown, Halloween Scholomance AU, I’m Not That Girl, Link would be best dad, Christmas zinc, link_inofficial, The Fallback Plan DTIYS, Physical Touch for Keik, Redraw, Loftwing Letters Zelink, Down Bad Christmas Link, OoT Parallels, Written in the Stars, chrsmsmsmss, Redraw (again), A Mother’s Love
Tears of the Kingdom
"BotW 2" with BACKGROUND, Dramatic BoTW 2 Link, Feral Link BoTW 2 prediction,  BotW 2/ LOTR animation, After the announcement, Ghost, After February Trailer, Journey, Save Him, B’s DTIYS, fond goodbye, Ruben’s Study
Ocarina of Time
Starting struggles, Zelink meet CUTE
Play-by-play sketchdumps: first, second, third + Shink, fourth, final
Expression meme: Link, Sheik, Golden Trio
smol zelink, Ending sad, OoT/ Stormlight, OoT 24th anniversary, 100% cannon secret marriage mistletoe kiss, Skipping Stones | Zelinktines Day 20: Meet Cute, OoT Zelink flangst, Zelink/Deku Mountain Greek inspired, Impertinence, BoTW Parallels, butch impa, wedding shink, magical girl, shink kiss, 200 DTIYS, masks, Sheik-xedo mask, fireboy and water girl, Impa drawing meme
Skyward Sword
Zelink at the start of the game, Groose on the surface hehe, Link with Nightblood, Loftwing Sunset, Sky sandals, Zelink hug, Play with Me, angy link, sweet DTIYS entry
Wind Waker
telink redesign, ocean adventures, Watery Smile, fancy goth vibes telink, recruit uniforms, telink dynamic
Spirit Tracks
Hand holding, birds, Ethereal
Minish Cap
Minish Cap Beginnings
Ren Faire Week: (1) Meeting, (2) Market, (3) Token of Favor, (4) Tournament, (5) Archery, (6) Dancing, (7) Until Then
Sousou no Frieren
Dwight in Shining Armor
Expression memes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Shining Smooch Week 2023: Yesterday, Marigold, Crown, Gothic, Heart, Wanderlust, Hero
Dwetta, A kiss like fireworks, Dwetta christmas, Baldric’s Koi fish, Sir Dwight, gotta kill this guy meme, Cow Advocate, Pie Knight, Dwetta (A2), Bald x Hexy F1
Swords and Storms Cosmere Inktober: Puppet, Weapon, Glass, Chains, Flame, Miscreant, Lantern
Rithmatist characters, Vin, Fancy Vin, Vin and Elend flirting, Melody + Icecream, Link with Nightblood, Miraculous / Stormlight Crossover, Swords and Storms AU, S&S incognito, OoT/ Stormlight, Soaring through the mists, rithmatist pose
Hamin's Flower (Seasons of Blossom), Totally not a king Hesho (Starsight), That dallymart scene in turning red, Yona and Shirayuki, The spy family!!, Anya Smirk/punch (SPY x FAMILY), Anya Peanuts (SPY x FAMILY), Scholomance The Last Graduate vibes, Sesshomaru, TwiYor snuggles, Goblin, El and Orion <3 (Scholomance), FMAB Expression meme, Cecil (Answer Me, My Prince), Edwin, Defiant, slugs and delvers, Wonka, Volo and Akari, Ides of March, Apothecary diaries, Normal jk mafuyu, sketch dump
My Stuff
Fantasy OC???, Witch, Villainess Idiots (OCs), Mermaid Unicorn, Villainess Expression Meme OCs, sky island dragon
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cherishwithmeevents · 6 months
Cherish Every Moment with Cherish with Me Event Planners!
Hey there party people,
it's time to sprinkle some extra magic onto your special occasions because I've got some exciting news to share! Gather around as we dive into the world of event planning with none other than the fabulous Cherish with Me Event Planners. 🎉
Now, picture this: You have an event coming up, whether it's a dreamy wedding, a corporate soirée, or a milestone birthday party. You want everything to be flawless, right? Well, say goodbye to stress and hello to Cherish with Me Event Planners! We aren't just your ordinary event coordinators; we're like your personal fairy godmothers, waving our wands to make your visions come to life.
So, what's the scoop? Let me spill the tea on what makes Cherish with Me event management company stand out in the world of event management:
1. Personalized Perfection: One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to events. Here at Cherish with Me, we understand this perfectly. We take the time to get to know you, your style, your preferences, and your wildest dreams for your event. From there, we weave our magic to tailor every detail to your liking.
2. Creativity Unleashed: If you can dream it, we can do it! Whether you're envisioning a whimsical wonderland or a sleek and sophisticated affair, Cherish with Me has the creativity and expertise to bring your ideas to fruition. From breathtaking décor to unique entertainment options, we'll add those special touches that make your event truly unforgettable.
3. Stress-Free Zone: Planning an event can be overwhelming, but fear not! With Cherish with Me by your side, you can bid adieu to stress and hello to serenity. We handle everything from start to finish, leaving you free to sip champagne and soak up the magic of your special day without a care in the world.
4. Attention to Detail: It's the little things that make a big difference, and here at Cherish with Me, we know this better than anyone. From coordinating timelines to ensuring every napkin is perfectly folded, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for perfection.
5. A Touch of Fun: Let's face it, planning an event should be fun! And with Cherish with Me, it's an absolute blast from start to finish. We inject a healthy dose of joy and enthusiasm into every step of the process, ensuring that you not only love the end result but also enjoy the journey along the way.
Some of the event management services we provide:
Birthday decorations in bengaluru (along with First birthday party ideas, Unique birthday themes)
Balloon decorations in bengaluru
Flower arrangements in bengaluru (Flower gift hampers)
Anniversary celebrations
Surprise parties
Meeting Arrangements
Fun Activities
and so much more, Cherish with Me Event Organizers are here to make your dreams a reality. Trust us, once you experience our magic, you'll wonder how you ever planned an event without us!
Reach out to us here to book us for your next event!
Au revoir,
- Cherish with Me Event Management Company in Malleshwaram Bengaluru.
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looksforleaders · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🌞🩵Farkle 2007 Edition Dice Game Box Set.
0 notes
sarah99jain · 2 years
5 Premium Wedding Gift For a Friend
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As the year ends, the wedding season begins. And that’s the beauty of saying goodbye to a year that gave you a lot of memories, good relations, good health, something/someone to be grateful for, and gave your friend a beautiful soulmate!
But if you are from gen Z and are unaware of what to gift your friend on their D-day, then you have landed at the right place my friend! Let us guide you to find some premium wedding gift for friends.
What is the Best Wedding Gift for Friends?
Well, let’s start with the basic no-brainer if you don’t have enough time to get a gift because you were too busy prepping up for their D-day, handling all the last-minute decorations, and were a part of the core team responsible for the wedding preps, then this one is for you-
1. Cash Envelope AKA Sagan
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This is one of the traditional wedding gift in India specially. Your friend won’t mind some extra cash in place of a premium gift because they know that you’ve been holding the fort for them to make their D-day even more special. And if they are genuinely your best friend they might give you a gift instead of making all of it happen for them (Haha just kidding, but you wish, right?)
Yes, it might not be a premium wedding gift for them but you can surely think of something thoughtful on their 1st anniversary or maybe when you meet after the wedding! You’ve got some time, you can consider the rest of the below-mentioned options 😜
2. Sponsor their First Night-Out
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If you truly are their wingman/wingwoman then you would know that they have been going through an emotional roller coaster throughout their wedding (Because a wedding ain’t no joke kids! It’s a life choice!!)
And you can make their first night with their better half even more special by gifting them a night stay at their favorite hotel so that they can just relax, be with each other, and thank you later by treating you with a Chardonnay maybe! (*Double Winks*)
3. Spa for the Soul
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Just an add-on for point number two. If for some reason you see that they can’t manage to escape for an entire night because of the post-wedding rituals, then a “couple spa” can be the best wedding gift read more.
0 notes
honniedonnie · 2 years
Did you know Fennec foxed mate for life? Tighnari x GN!Reader ANGST
TW/CW: Major character death, (the reader is already dead) grief, depression, faking a happy personality, hurt/no comfort, mention of intense pain, you are cremated (out of spite, rant at the end)
Pronouns: They/Them
Notes: 1(one) mention of Y/N, the rest are pronouns or pet names. (i.e. darling, my love, etc.) You and Tighnari were married. I Wrote a mini rant at the end that was supposed to be included at the beginning, but it got longer that what I thought. (that’s what she said lol)
Word Count: 675 words
EDIT: whoops, there's a part 2 (two) also part 3 (three)
This is going to be my first time writing fanfiction since 2017 (I was 14 years old…) The only reason I’m writing is because I’ve got MAJOR brainrot over this Prompt 
By the way if there are any grammar issues please tell me. I will fix them because I apparently have anxiety over making a grammar mistake(s). (I learn something new about myself)
“Fennec foxes are monogamous and mate for life” (source - Fennec Fox | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants)
‘It was supposed to be a simple walk, it was supposed to be a simple walk, it was supposed to be a simple walk’ Tighnari’s mind repeated the same sentence over and over again along with the image of his lover's dead body. Tighnari looked over your urn, twisting the gold ring on his left hand. You were only cremated after a couple days of discovering your body, your cause of death was clear; you decided to go for a walk into Avidya Forest, and decided to take a nap near a patch of flowers, only to never wake up. A withering zone appeared when you were sleeping. You died peacefully, at least that is what the coroner told him. Nightmares plagued his sleep; him seeing you in pain, and there was nothing he could do except to watch you die. The same nightmare; over and over again. There was a period of time that he absolutely refused to sleep; replacing sleep with caffeinated teas. It got to the point where Collei and other Forest Watchers had to replace his caffeinated tea leaves with calming/sleeping tea leaves. It took some time for Tighnari to believe that you died peacefully, and even longer for him to stop blaming himself over your death. (even though there was nothing he could’ve done) 
Eventually he forced himself to be happy; to be his former self. Even though his former self died alongside you. While the Forest Watchers and Rangers were relieved to have their Chief Officer back, they still had to be careful whenever they mention you. Even if he’s 100 feet away he can still hear them talking; talking about you, how you were too young, how heartbroken the Chief Officer was (is) about your death, and evening wondering if he would move on! Once he heard, oh boy was he furious. How dare they even think about that. Move on from the LOVE OF HIS LIFE! His lover, his darling, his partner, the person whom he’d married! Him?! Find someone else? He still has his wedding ring underneath his gloves, for Archons’ sake! Poor Collei had to drag him away before something bad happened. 
Tighnari’s was never the same after you passed. Around the days before and after your and his birthdays, anniversaries (both wedding and death) he refuses to leave his home, spending days taking care of the memorial he had for you. Cleaning your urn, clearing the dust from your self-portrait he had commissioned for as a birthday gift. (Took a lot of self restraint to not cry at the portrait, but sometimes he fails) He does try and get better, but how can he when he wakes up to an empty spot on the bed. How can he when you’re not there to kiss him goodbye and tell him to have a great day, and to be safe! Oh, and also not to eat some random mushrooms… again. How can he when everything reminds him of you, how can he…
“Collei, who’s (Y/N)?” A certain floating companion asked. A golden-haired traveler pondered as well; who was this mysterious person? 
“Shh, lower your voice Paimon.” Collei looked all over as if she was looking for someone. Deemed it to be safe, Collei answered the question. 
“They’re, I mean they were Master Tighnari’s spouse, umm they’d passed away a couple of years ago. He’s still grieving, so please don’t mention them in front of him!” Collei pleaded with the traveling duo. 
“Wait…How did you know about them?” “We overheard one of the Forest Rangers mentioning them”
“I see… Though I’m a little bit offended you didn’t ask me about my spouse” A new voice speaks out. 
“Tighnari! Hehe, you were here! Wait, your spouse? Aren’t they, you know, dead?” Paimon insensitively asked. Only realizing her mistake after seeing the faces of the traveler and Collei. “Don’t you know? My kind, we only have 1 (one) mate for life”
I’m taking a wild guess that burials are the norm considering A FUNERAL PARLOR EXIST! (I know some funeral parlors offer cremation services) Also Mondstadt has a cemetery behind the cathedral. ALSO HU TAO’S VOICE LINES (2 (two) lines about coffins, and 1(one) mention of burial) (Also if Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru are inspired by asian countries, then CREMATION SHOULD BE THE PREFERED METHOD OVER A BURIAL (source- List of countries by cremation rate - Wikipedia)) You know what! NO YOU ARE FUCKING CREAMATED I AM DOING IT OUT OF SPITE!
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