#daydream group
collective-can · 4 months
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doodles from a coupla weeks ago
FEY translation: NICE OPINION. UNFORTUNATELY, [fake IP address]
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gen-toon · 3 months
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
"there's not much to say about Sunny's personality, as he is a silent protagonist-" how about no ?? We literally get to be inside that guy's head. We literally get to be him
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
Maladaptive Daydreaming things
making AMVs of with your paracosms
losing sleep to daydreaming
lying in bed daydreaming
acting out daydreaming
having multiple paracosms you switch from
daydreaming in everyday life, getting lost in daydreaming when you're supposed to be doing things
daydreaming mid conversation
listening to music to get you in a daydreaming mood
starting to daydream after getting triggered
not being able to talk about your paracosms cause theres so much of it and its very complex
daydreaming irl scenarios to see all the options that could happen
maladaptive daydreaming instead of other coping mechanisms like cutting
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everyone-with-a-para · 2 months
I hope everyone with a para that sings has a great day
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dreamingdreamdrop · 1 year
People don't understand that we're almost always daydreaming in some sort of way and it's hard to function.
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veelvetroses · 5 months
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still trying new things to force myself out of the artblock
without "filter" + sketch :D
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fearforthestorm · 3 months
the THING about having a complicated multifaceted identity is that if I go to the asexual social/support group, I'm the only trans person there and I get misgendered; and if I go to the trans support group, there's amatonormativity and - for some reason! - the expectation that I hate living here and being trans in the south makes my life miserable, which I don't and it doesn't. and don't even get me started on the ableism/saneism in BOTH groups!
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i keep forgetting to scribble the mothwoman i saw in my dream the other night... she was so big and beautiful...
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dreamdropcompanions · 10 months
our plushies are not just plush companions they're daydream and psychosis companions aswell we are a maladaptive daydreaming schizophrenic SQUAD lmao
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“What’re you doing?”
Thinking so much about the friend group I made up in my head that I confuse them with real people. Fuck you want?
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justanotherstardrop · 2 years
Maladaptive daydreaming + dissociation = disaster
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
coping by daydreaming when literally any small inconvenience happens lmao
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couch-house · 1 year
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bebe i like her! i've been experimenting with giving her Shirt
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
listening to same music, stimming, pacing til feet hurt, daydreaming to cope, stuck in our head
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feralboo-the-weirdo · 10 months
I want a big friend group. A friend group where everyone feels safe to be themselves, to be happy and to be sad and to be a chaotic mix in the middle. I want a friend group where being nerodivergent is not only okay but normal. Where we help each other with our impossible tasks where it's okay to not be on top performance, to be struggling to have accommodations. I want a friend group where we can stay up all night and be laughing as we make breakfast the next morning. I want a friend group that feels like what a family is supposed to be. Where everyone is celebrated as they are. Where we're constantly encouraging each other to improve and be better but it's not malignant. Where softness is a strength, where everyone is so comfortable around each other our walls start to fall. where support is a given. Where it's not enmeshed, we still have boundaries, but it's safe. Where we're close not because we have to be but because we want to be. Where we go on chaotic adventures and things are still safe. A group of friends where you forget how lonely you've been. where you run through fields and travel the world and the world is bright and safe.
I just want a group of friends, or even just one. Not a soulmate, but something close. I'm tired of being so lonely. I just want someone to love and care about and someone to love and care for me, someone who feels safe. I'm just so tired of being alone. Of having to shield myself from my family.
I don't want to be lonely anymore.
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