#decided to take an mbti because why not
turtlemagnum · 6 months
:0 <- people when the personality test they told facts about themselves tells them facts about themselves
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sparxyv · 2 months
Milena Student ID 💜🦅
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I decided to finally issue a proper introduction to Milena Chase for you guys so she doesn't remain a face without a story any longer 😤
Thank you for the template @kiwiplaetzchen !! 🫶
Brace yourself for a big infodump - here is Milena's backstory etc etc 🫠
Milena Jacqueline Chase was born in 1874 to a French muggle, Henri Marie Chase, and a Japanese witch, Miyuki Hoshino.
Milena is the oldest of seven siblings.
The Chase Family™ is extremely rich, like, buttloads of money rich. Coming from a long line of vintners, they founded one of the leading brands of the best quality wines in Europe, as well as owned a luxury hotel in central Paris.
Milena's grandparents on her mother's side lived in Feldcroft, and still do. They often watched over the Sallow twins after their parents death when Solomon was busy. (Milena does not know her grandparents. 👍)
Miyuki - Milena's mother - was a Slytherin in Hogwarts, and was friends with Solomon Sallow.
Life Before Hogwarts
Growing up, Milena and her siblings resided in their family's hotel in Paris, France. Since their parents were too busy with business and galas, they were raised by the housekeepers and servants that worked at the hotel.
Milena was homeschooled, undergoing typical muggle education with many tutors over the years. She gained a passion for learning early on, intensively studying practically anything that piqued her interest! (my little Matilda LOL)
Milena did NOT go to Beauxbatons, yet showed signs of magic very early on. The only reason she was aware of magic and wizardkind because of her mother's house elf, Teeley. (we love Teeley 🫶)
She had so much free time on her hands that she'd mastered and studied so many different things, making her a true jack of all trades! Some of these things include - Chess, fencing, horseback riding, painting, embroidery, baking, PLUS she's fluent in German and Russian (in addition to English and French).
I'm planning on going more in depth with Milena's relationships in a series of separate posts so I'm just going to list her closest friends 💜
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Imelda Reyes
Athol 'Mousey' McGregor
Samantha Dale
Amit Thakkar
Natsai Onai
Garreth Weasley
Poppy Sweeting
Sacharissa Tugwood
Richard Jackdaw
Alignment - Neutral Good
I really think of Milena's personality as close to the in-game MC as possible, but I do tend to wander from that sometimes.. 😗😗
Milena always strives to help out people when faced with trouble, but never actively seeks out problems to solve - they just always seem to find her. Nevertheless, she always takes on difficult situations and rises to the challenge.
It helps a lot that she's very self-assured, something that came out of spending most of her childhood alone and taking care of herself AND others. That being noted, she's a natural born leader. Milena is assertive and logical and can easily adjust and adapt to many different situations - which makes her the perfect person to deal with a certain Slytherin boy who's emotions control him and not the other way around.. 👀👀
Milena is an ambivert. While she enjoys socializing, she's also comfortable being alone. She doesn't exactly prefer one over the other though. Socializing comes easy to her, and she has a secure attachment style when it comes to her relationships, never really feeling insecure about them or getting jealous easily. Milena tends to be more mature, and she never internalizes things when people are rude - but because she's so calm and mellow, people are usually either drawn to her or intimidated by her.
As a Ravenclaw, Milena is naturally curious! She's constantly on the hunt to learn new things, which is why she enjoys exploring outside of Hogwarts so much, taking in everything she can about the hamlets and just the Highlands in general. Her curiousity helps her find wonder in even the smallest of things. She's very open-minded, yet nearly always at least slightly skeptical when it comes to new things. She can be very opinionated, but is always open to other perspectives.
Milena is not one to be overly expressive with her emotions (but to be clear - she doesn't hide them either 😗), yet she does have a side of her that naturally comes out only when she feels comfortable. With friends like Sebastian especially, she feels like she can let loose and be more playful as well as a bit snarky/sarcastic.
Additional Fun Facts!
I've already mentioned this before - but Milena's absolute favorite things in the world are BIRDS. Birds of all kinds. She knows everything about every species, and I mean everything. And somehow, birds naturally flock to her like she's some type of woodland princess.
Milena's hair is NOT naturally curly/wavy, nor is it naturally auburn! Prior to Hogwarts, she used a charm to change her hair color, but it seemed to have some extra effects on her hair texture too..
Milena doesn't often speak French after arriving at Hogwarts, but since it's her native language, she finds it much easier to express herself in French even though she speaks near-perfect English. She also enjoys sneaking in French phrases to occasionally mess with Sebastian since he has no idea what she's saying 🥰🥰
Her love language is gift-giving, but when it comes to receiving it would be acts of service and quality time.
Is VERY passionate about potion-making.
Becomes an animagus in the summer before sixth-year, her animagus form being a giant golden eagle!
Already mentioned but she's quite fearless, except for when it comes to mooncalves. (She's more creeped out by them than scared of them, though.)
More of a dog person - Raphael is the exception 💜
Seeker for Ravenclaw in her sixth-year!
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yanderederee · 3 months
Hope you’re doing well 🥰
For your event, I’d like to request Kazutora Hanemiya & Hanma Shuji? Thank you 🫶🏼
Thank you for being my first request of the mbti event ♡ and Thank you for your constant support through this page!!
yandere mbti event page : here!
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Kazutora Hanemiya - CDMS
While Kazutora does practically worship his darling, and does revere them, love never quite goes his way. Kazutora feels like he has to be cruel in order for his love to be recognized.
He is equal parts praise and degradation. Something like, “Oh, you’re so smart darling~ no wonder everyone takes crap about you behind your back! They must be jealous of how much better than them you are!”
And downright; Kazutora is Delusional. Even canon Kazutora managed to trick himself into a totally backwards way of thinking during the Valhalla Arc.
Kazutora would absolutely delude himself into believing his darling reciprocates his feelings.
Is also 100% the type to manipulate his darling. Gaslighting, faking events, anything to make it so they’re playing into the palm of his hand.
Especially likes to use the “so you don’t actually love me?” Tactic if he’s in a relationship.
Will make you feel guilty for things that aren’t your fault—about things he has deluded himself into thinking are fact.
Creates strict rules for you in his head, and gets mad when you don’t follow them. You should just know these thing, it’s common sense, he thinks.
No part of Kazutora is leanient. He has no trust in his darling, and will often think of ways they might betray him if he gives them too much freedom.
He is the type to make excuses for you to not participate in group activities, or force you into isolation.
Kazutora just wants his darling to be all his.
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Hanma Shuji - CAHL
Without a shadow of a doubt, Hanma is Cruel to everyone; his darling is no exception.
He might say things to break down their self esteem, make them second guess their worth, and might even take away their will to live without him.
Let’s have this be known; Hanma very much loves his darling. Even if he’s mean, and his darling doesn’t love him, Hanma’s decided you are his to play with and smother however he likes.
Hanma is good at reading people. He doesn’t try to delude himself into thinking you love him. He doesn’t need that validation.
Hanma is aware that you’re weary of his presence and the cruel things he says to you, despite his honey tone and affectionate approach.
And while Hanma does enjoy playing manipulation games with his darling—like when he gaslit you into believing you left the stove on, when he in actuality burned your place down just so you’d need a place to stay—he’s actually more honest.
If you were to ever catch him in one of his deplorable acts, rather then doubling down and having you second guess yourself again, he would simply smirk and ask, “and what are you going to do about it?”
He loves knowing how powerless you are compared to him. Loves it when you have no choice but to admit it too.
Which is exactly why Hanma is so lenient with you. He doesn’t need strict rules to keep you in line. You know the consequences of talking to any another guy. They will either be found dead on your doorstep, or left like trash in a random alley way. Whichever makes you the most distraught.
He lets you do as you please, because he loves creating messes from your mistakes.
You belong to him; and the more you struggle, the more he breaks.
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suguru-getos · 10 months
| Aftermath | Keigo Takami x f!TherapistReader |
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-> chapter one
summary: hawks who has just lost his quirk in the war & coping with his life as a quirkless man, decides to finally listen to his own self & seek therapy. why did he choose a quirkless therapist? maybe to seek solidarity— or maybe, he hoped you’d not judge him.
warnings: therapy, childhood!trauma, bnha!spoilers, mentions of inner child healing, keigo talks about his childhood, mentions of toxic!parenting, cocky!kei as always.
a/n: don't mind me giving my comfort character and my loml some healing lmaooo <33 i had sm fun writing this istg it made my heart warm. this is a slow burn fic, and the reader is a self-insert on some points because i can get self indulgent tehee!!
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You wandered aimlessly, looking around the suite-like cabin and then down the skyline. Tokyo was always beautiful, even now when winters had just started to greet. There was a foggy blanket of clouds covering the labyrinth of buildings and you could never get over it. With your next client, it was obvious your thoughts were along the lines of… an Angel flying out in the skies keeping everyone safe, now reduced to someone without wings. Still an Angel though, but that's what you think. Maybe he doesn't.
You grimly sighed when your eyes wandered at the clock, there were still 30 minutes to your appointment, normally… someone like you would never get the opportunity to deal with heroes so popular. Hawks was a no show after the war, people thought he had died. People thought he left Japan for good. Though a faint glimmer of hope always made you want to believe he's still around. To your surprise when he was your client, you felt a knot on your stomach churn with anticipation and excitement.
You sat on your velvety chair, the lights dim and comfortable to the modernized architecture of your office. You gulped, opening his file and looking at the passport photograph of him. The scar he got in one of the fights in which a villain named Dabi publicized his kill was there, siren eyes staring into your very soul were there. How could you even try to open up someone who looks so ethereal and so threatening at the same time. You feel just as nervous as your first time, the personality that Hawks carries eating away at you slowly. You shook your head, jerking the thoughts away. Be professional, he is a client and you're doing your job.
If you hadn't been so dazed by your favorite hero and your crush; you were quite a number yourself. Cut-throat, not afraid to walk the talk, stern, fierce, kind and disciplined. People respect you and you command it when they don't. Not afraid to force someone to bend the knee if they indulge in animosity with you. It's just… Hawks was someone you admired oh-so-much! You had his merch and posters after all. Not that he would get to know that, oh no. That'd never happen.
Takami Keigo, 26, Born on December 28th. Blood group B+, MBTI-> ENTP, Schooling and training and everything was blank. Difficult, this would be a difficult case to deal with.
How did you fangirl over him? Well, that's perhaps for another day.
"Excuse me, Ma'am. He's here." Your assistant opened the door with a knock and you felt your stomach sink, biting your lip nervously and clearing your throat to gain composure.
"Hey there doc!" there he was, with his magical grin and long palms raised up to his eye level as he waved. Wearing denims and a loose fitted white T-Shirt. Casual, cute, confident.
"Oh hello Hawks!" You manifested the same energy, greeting him respectfully by standing up and bowing a little. "Jeez, can't get rid of the name yet huh?" He chuckles, though your mind has already starting to process if it was a fake one, the carefully crafted hero chuckle or was he genuinely this chill.
"I don't think so, whether or not you do hero work, you own the name." you responded with a smile, ushering him to take his seat. Oh he manspreads, leaning back and getting comfortable. Makes you wonder if he can see through the cracks of your personality just as you're trying to see in his. Who will unfold who first…
You closed the client book you had, looking into the beautiful goldens of his eyes and making eye contact. "So, I know the first session is usually the most awkward one. People try to get to know their shrink before letting themselves to open up." You glanced, and Hawks looked like he would devour you whole. He looked invested in your words, not in a faking concentration way… in a 'I will listen to what you have to say' way.
"Allow me to share some stuff about myself then, my name is Y/N. I am a therapist good morning. Apart from that, I like to participate in various hobbies like kickboxing, journalling, playing games, spending time with my cat, yada yada. I am an INTJ, I think MBTI has started taking the same wavelength in Japan as Korea huh? Everyone's obsessed with em' I think."
"Well" Hawks clicked his tongue, clearly unamused by your introduction, it was brief and curt. Not a fair deal for someone who will unravel him… then again, you are his therapist, not vice versa.
"I think so too, do you know, a lot of the fans pretend to be INTJs because they tend to be compatible with ENTPs?" He chuckled, rolling his eyes. God he does know everything… there was a whole article about this. "We could do the quiz together if you have your concerns." "Shyeah- no, I don't. Just sharin' yknow?" he winked, noticing how you nervously pressed your legs together. He was wearing Killian's Angel Share, and Bad Boy… one of your favorite scents & the effects were almost affecting you almost at a subconscious level.
"Mkay, gotcha! So, anyways… I don't want to force you to open up, take your time in it. Let's start simple. How are you?" You asked Hawks, and for a moment, the barest of seconds, you could see his eyes turn to a void. "Yeah, good, never been better you know? Vacationing now that I have a sick ton of money with practically nothin' to do. Ain't gonna waste it otherwise by being depressed."
You clicked your tongue, oh he would not open up huh? Well, not that you expected this to be an easy ride either. "Yeah, of course. Money does help… helps everyone. At the end of the day I'm sitting on this chair to be paid a hefty by you." You hum, crossing your legs and getting comfortable too. This would be a fierce mental war already. From the determination of a hero and from a healer who's been sought out by the same hero.
"Then again, it isn't everything."
Oh except if you could tell that to childhood Hawks, it was… it was everything. His eyes pale with the answer a little. "Led a very comfortable life haven't you?" He smirked, giving you a miniscule opening.
"Yeah, luckily." You responded, smiling… "Clearly you haven't."
Hawks stood silent at that, and that was an answer enough.
"You were a rich kid since you started your agency, was this your teens or childhood?" Before Hawks could decipher, the session had already begun.
"Well, I was the viral news subject after they found out I was Thief Takami's son." He raised a brow, and you nodded. "Shitty murderer dad, mum?" You felt bad on being so professional, but you also felt Hawks would push you away if you were too kind. Some people have stopped treating him as a person ever since All for One had taken his quirk away.
"Mum was well, absent, mentally." He responded, and shrugged. "Dad was abusive, used to beat me up as a child and mum was too engrossed in her own shit I suppose. Happy for her that she has a new life with a new husband and new kids." It was amusing how Hawks didn't sound salty about it… it could only mean detachment to the finest. A befitting coping mechanism.
"You didn't have to go through that, I'm guessing if I needed to ever, talk to baby Hawks, I can't have a childhood photograph?" You glanced hopefully. "Nah, not a single childhood photograph. Dad was too paranoid of things and mum didn't care."
"We usually uh, have this exercise you know? That you'd keep a picture of your childhood self at your bathroom mirror and remember who you're talking about whenever you feel self-doubt." You smiled, looking into his eyes with empathy but no pity.
"Well, too bad." He chuckled, embarrassed and definitely not liking this emotion.
"Who cares at the end of the day, it's just the first few years of your life." He responded again balming his own thoughts more so than talking to you.
"Yeah, but every phase of our life is important. When your father abused you, hit you, didn't you feel enraged? Or scared? Or both?" You bit your lip, trying to mentally detach as much as possible.
"I felt nothing. I just wanted to not end up like them. If I was as angry as him, then I would become like him. Even my childhood self knew I'm better than that." There was pride in his eyes when he said so.
"True, yes, however… no expectations from your mum to save you?" Hawks shook his head no, shrugging. "She'd get beaten up too."
You nodded, not writing anything down on the paper just yet.
"Alright, I want you to do something for me." He raised a brow when you said that, "I don't want us to traverse further until you try doing this, mkay?" You grinned, "Imagine someone coming to your home, breaking the door at the moment of your abuse, that someone is you. The big, pro hero, you. Then, I'd like you to hold little Keigo's hand, and take him out. How about that?"
Hawks gave you an expression which was a mixture of 'How absurd' and 'Interesting'.
"Do that for me, and do that as many times and in as many scenarios you feel like you needed to be protected. You needed to be healed from." You coo softly… meanwhile Hawks' brain lagged at you saying 'Little Keigo'. So far he thought you didn't know his name… despite it being telecasted worldwide. No, you just refer to old Keigo as Hawks, but little Keigo isn't Hawks… he's just Keigo.
Was he reading too much into this? Would you soon bridge the gap between little Keigo and Hawks? Would you call him Keigo too?
The alarm clock chimed, time was over. You glanced at it and then back at him. "Well, guess you wouldn't be bored anymore, of me." "Hey, give yourself some credit little Shrink." he winked, smirking, "You're really good at this, can't wait to see you next time." "Don't come until you don't do what I asked." "Sure thing jeez."
With that, he left, and you could almost kill yourself at the way you tried to imagine little Hawks in pain. No, attaching to clients is the biggest NO. Yet, you can't help but feel positive tingles at the thought of him doing that little exercise and telling you about it.
Until next time, Keigo Takami.
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Can you do INTJ please?
Alastor x Different Personality Type's Reader
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Turning this in to a mini series for my MBTI peoples
INTJ (Architect) Reader
You are a mastermind of being able to see right through everyone, and nothing is more curious and damning for Alastor than someone who does this. You are an enigma to him, and he wants to crack your code.
Due to your common goal of understanding one another, you look past his fake smiles and poor quips. You know deep down he cares and would do anything for the two of you. He doesn't need to know that, though.
You are a force to be reckoned with in the hotel, however, as you are fiercely independent and far from a follower. This piques Alastors' interest more than anything, as you have no problem turning Charlie or even the King of Hell down.
You are very sarcastic and witty, allowing you to end 90% of conversations with an impressive mark. This drives Alastor wild, as normally he has the final say, yet you seem to match his wit far better than he anticipated.
You can be quite hostile at times, leaving Alastor not only aggravated but put off. Yet he also understands that social cues can be hard at times, and you always try to make up for slighting or wronging him in some way.
Overall, be cautious of how you speak to others. Sometimes, a joke can go too far. Other than that, you two are the rulers of wit and sarcasm, leaving everyone in the radius afraid to even open their mouths.
ENTP (Debater) Reader
You are the definition of curiosity that killed the cat, as you and Alastor seem to be arguing every moment. To you two, however, it isn't arguing. It is merely a friendly debate as you want to understand what makes him tick, and he wants to understand you.
You test the boundaries of not only your relationship together but everything in the whole hotel. You are quick-witted and ready to explain why you decided to do what you do. Plus you can quickly and articulately defend any action as solidly as you can.
You and Alastor agree that you are too busy to do all the grunt work for the hotel. You guys would rather sit back and watch everyone else do it. You have too many ideas and questions in your head, while Alastor just doesn't want to bother.
Your need for knowledge and understanding is admirable. Alastor also sees it as a tool for him to obtain valuable information. If you can win over a crowd or even win over at least some souls, he is eager to take advantage of your gifts.
You do have a tendency to push people away with your debates, though. That can be quite hard on Alastor as well. He wants to support you and agree, yet when you argue with him over every small thing, his patience can wear thin.
Overall, try to be understanding when too much happens. You need to balance your desire for knowledge with your desire for companionship. If you do this, there will be no problems, and you will be the one to strike deals.
ISFJ (Defender) Reader
You are kind-hearted, leaving Alastor curious about your motivations and directives at the hotel. Yet he didn't expect how you were a quiet observer who learns everything you absorb.
You know about every birthday, holiday, and special event for those around you in hell, making you a trusted and valued member of the residents. It even sparks a genuine smile on Alastors face when you also remember about him.
You are knowledgeable and fiercely loyal, which leads to your devotion to not just Charlie or the King but also Alastor. Nothing fuels this man's ego more than your dedication to him and his missions.
Your kindness can even rub off on Alastor as he begins to have a highly altruistic and caring persona with the residents. After Adam's battle and you tending to his wounds, he quickly realizes how important it is to be there for others.
However, your most extraordinary downfall is pushing yourself because you do not feel good enough for anyone. It especially frustrates him when you feel like you are not good enough for him. He can repeatedly tell you how well you are doing, yet you protest.
Overall, you are a gentle soul who brings out the good in Alastor, yet your inability to accept yourself and your worth can leave him bitter. Try to be more expressive with your emotions early on so you don't bubble over and lose your value.
ESTJ (Executive) Reader
You are a natural-born leader who takes on the more logistical side of Charlie's grand ideas. This immediately puts you on Alastors' radar as you seem to not only fine-tune the young princess's ideas but also perfect them.
He loves having you read through scripts and adjust them to ensure they are well articulated and understood. You manage to help even him sound more like a leader than he did alone.
You are not afraid to get down and dirty to lead by example. You will get with Charlie and rally the troupes or even remake a script for Alastor. When battling Adam, you were just as covered in angelic blood as any other.
You take pride in being responsible for others, something Alastor knows well with his desire to be accountable for those he owns and wishes to control. Because of this, you two can reason why you do the things you do. You would be the most likely to match him in being an overlord.
You have a hard time sitting down and relaxing. You are constantly overworked and focusing on your next steps and moves. This means it's hard for Alastor to get you alone for some quality time, leaving the overlord concerned for your well-being and frustrated.
Overall, you are an intense couple of forward thinkers. However, you tend to overwork yourself and only allow a few breaks. Slow down and give Alastor much-needed attention; he will happily help you lead your people.
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randoms-fandoms · 9 months
Hi can I request a yandere adult calamity trio x reader headcanons please
Yep! I love stories where multiple yanderes share the same beloved <3
Warnings: possessiveness, stalking, obsessive behavior, guilty feelings, kidnapping (more like they just don’t let you leave, but yk),
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🥀(I don’t know all the names for the yandere types/mbti things, but I’m gonna try to describe them—)
🥀Sasha, of course, is a manipulator. She’s unpredictable, cunning, and willing to get violent over you. She wants you all to herself, with the exception of her girls of course 💙💚 you’re not the first person she’s been like this about, but the others were just unrequited crushes. This time it’s true love, right?
🥀Marcy is more careful and precise about how she loves you— on the surface, she seems more normal, but that’s just because she can’t bear the idea of you hating her, so she obsesses in secret (except for Anne and Sasha— they’re just as fucked up as she is). She’s the type to steal your things and takes tonnns of photos. She’s the brains of the operation.
🥀Anne feels really guilty about her obsessive feelings. Shes more the dramatic and sad type, who’s only happiness comes from her beloved <3 she knows it too, it’s happened time and time again. It’s just how she loves. she doesn’t want you to be unhappy, so she’ll bend over backwards to please you. She’d do anything for you.
🥀 you didn’t even know them prior to what happened. It was a mystery to you why they would choose you as their target.
🥀of course, it wasn’t really a choice. It was fate. Destiny. You were meant to be with them— each of them knew it since the first time they saw you.
🥀Marcy had flown out to California to visit Anne and Sasha, but after meeting you and realizing that she couldn’t live apart from you, she decided to move back.
🥀at the time of your meeting, you were working full time waiting on patrons at a high end restaurant— you were good at your job, but it was demanding.
🥀Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were having a nice girls night out, wanting to catch up after a few months of not really getting to talk much. Anne chose the restaurant mostly at random, but thank goodness it happened to be the one you worked at!
🥀Sasha saw you first. She thought you looked lovely, even in just your work uniform. You weren’t even waiting their table, she just spotted you across the room.
🥀Anne and Marcy recognized that smile as soon as it graced her face. The thrill of finding something new to cherish. “Look at that cutie,” she was casual enough, any outsider might just think she was planning to ask you on a date.
🥀Marcy was shameless, selfish almost. She felt no apprehension when she decided to let herself fall for you. She’s been so good for so long, she’s earned this. “Oooh, look, Anne!” She could hardly take her eyes off of you from then on. She had always adored pretty things, she just couldn’t stop staring.
🥀Anne didn’t want to look. She knew what would happen. She didn’t know if she wanted to fall in love again, it always hurt so bad. Even if things went well and she ended up dating the person she was interested in, it was all too much— she would start to worry, then she would rationalize getting too clingy and too close. Before long she would be afraid to let you out of her sight, and then you would leave her. Because she was broken, and couldn’t be normal about love. She knew she couldn’t stand it. “No, not again.” She groaned, putting her face in her hands. I was doing so well, why again? Sasha and Marcy are really a bad influence…
🥀”Come on, Anne. It won’t be like last time.” Sasha lied. “I can get their number for you if you want to ask them on a date,” she said with a smile. It was barely on the edge of a teasing, predatory grin; you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking for it, but Anne and Marcy saw. “You can have a perfectly normal relationship… as long as you promise to share.”
🥀Easily pressured, easily falling back into old habits, Anne glanced behind her. She saw you then, and you were the most perfect person she’d ever seen. You looked tired and worn down, taking directions from your boss, but there was a hint of defiant annoyance that made her heart skip. She wanted to take you far away and keep you, so you wouldn’t have to work so hard. She knew she could take care of your every need, if you just let her.
🥀Marcy and Sasha smiled watching her face darken with a blush. “See? Nothing wrong with looking.” Marcy giggled. “I think someone has a crush~”
🥀”Should we wait ‘till their shift is over?” Sasha asked under her breath.
🥀”No! I-I mean, you can if you want, I just— I don’t know if I want to move so fast.” Anne felt flustered. She wondered if you had seen her in the crowd, if you had thought she was pretty.
🥀”I guess we could do things the old fashioned way, like when we were in school.” Marcy mused. Anne frowned. Stalking. That’s what you mean.
🥀Marcy and Sasha were perfectly normal the rest of the night. It kind of put Anne on edge. Did that even happen? How can they act so nonchalant with them in the room? Disgust in herself boiling deep in her stomach, causing her to loose her appetite, Anne realized she didn’t even know your name. And she was already so infatuated it was like you were on a radar, she was aware of your every move. Creep.
🥀Of course Marcy and Sasha hadn’t forgotten about you. They just knew Anne would take a while to get used to having these feelings again. For them, there was no guilt. It was like a game. It was fun. They were almost glad to have another special person to fixate on.
🥀As they were heading out to the car, Sasha had taken a peek at your name tag. She thought your name was very nice. Of course she told Marcy and Anne this new information later that night. She laughed, imagining how their group chat would turn into nothing but you in the foreseeable future.
🥀Marcy was in town for another week. She knew she didn’t have much time. That night, she had a hard time getting to sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about you. She wondered and wondered and wondered if you were dating anyone. I wonder if I’m their type? Do they even like girls?
🥀mumbling your name over and over to herself, Marcy spent the rest of the night looking you up online. She was able to track down pretty much all of your social media accounts. She took countless screenshots of your posts— even if you didn’t post photos, or anything personal, just knowing your thoughts was important to her. It’s like you’re telling me this! It’s like I’m in your mind! She thought, pretending you were there with her, face flushed. She really had missed having someone to love.
🥀The next morning she was still awake on the couch when Anne walked into the main room of her apartment to make breakfast. She knew what Marcy had been doing. She still had that guilty feeling, but she let Marcy ramble and infodump everything she learned about you as they ate breakfast together. She secretly wanted to know too.
🥀That morning when you woke up you had three new followers on all your social media accounts. You wondered if maybe they were old forgotten friends you knew in high school— it’s not like your personal accounts were very popular, you had no idea why they would want to follow you. For some reason they looked a little familiar, though.
🥀Sasha was already getting restless by the third day. She had spent a good few hours parked outside your place of work or in the surrounding businesses each day, but she wanted to talk to you. Every moment she didn’t have you, you might be falling in love with someone else. Imagining it made her chest tighten up. She told herself she was just angry, just protective, but she was also scared. What if they don’t even like me? Sasha hated getting rejected. She hated losing.
🥀She texted the group chat on your lunch break the fourth day. I’m doing it. She then turned off her phone, even though she knew Anne would be panicking.
🥀do what?? Sash dont
🥀There were a number of things Anne could interpret that to mean. Stalking in real life instead of just online? She already was. Asking you out on a date? Anne certainly wouldn’t put it past her. Kidnapping you? The mental image of Sasha manhandling you into the back of her shiny red convertible was disgustingly thrilling to Anne. She felt sick to her stomach from guilt.
🥀When Sasha approached you in the fancy bakery across the street you usually ate your lunch at, you were a bit intimidated. You instantly recognized that she was there to flirt, and you weren’t necessarily opposed to it, but it had been a while since you had been with anyone. You weren’t feeling too confident in yourself, and Sasha knew that.
🥀”Hey, mind if I sit by you? All the other tables are taken, and you look the friendliest.” Sasha had said casually. She laughed, feigning embarrassed, shrugging her shoulders. “My name is Sasha.”
🥀You introduced yourself, surprised at how bubbly and talkative she was. You were beyond curious about her— what is that facial scar from?— but it wasn’t polite to ask, so you just smiled and nodded along.
🥀It was like a dream. Sasha knew just the right things to say because she had read months back in your social media posts. She had researched your interests, your favorite TV shows, made jokes she knew you would laugh at… she was perfect for you.
🥀You didn’t hesitate at all when Sasha asked for your phone number. “We should hang out this weekend. Wanna go to the movies with me?” She flashed a grin, pretending to be charmingly shy. She knew there was a new one playing in theaters you’d been dying to see.
🥀”Sure. It’s a date.” You said playfully. You went back to work with a smile on your face.
🥀I’ve got a date ;)
🥀Anne breathed a sigh of relief when she received that message— Sasha hadn’t done anything too drastic. She felt a pang of jealousy, but knew that it was useless. She would always have to share with Sasha— either that or get her heart crushed when Sasha inevitably swooped you away. It had happened once before, the very first time the three girls had fallen so deeply in love with the same person. She and Sasha had both asked someone out, and they had chosen Sasha. The loss had devastated Anne so much that she decided she’d rather share than be beaten again. That’s how she had settled into the group’s routine of obsession.
🥀That Saturday, Anne was off work, and Sasha had her date. As she got dressed in a stylish pair of slacks and casual patterned button up shirt, Anne wished she was going too. Marcy was content to wait— that’s because Sasha had let her in on a secret. This wasn’t going to be just a date. The two of them wished her luck before she left Anne’s apartment.
🥀Three hours after Sasha left, Anne heard the front door of her apartment open. She’s back already? She was surprised to hear that the other girl wasn’t alone. The sound of an unfamiliar voice accompanied her, hushed joking and giggles, a familiar voice she’d heard in the restaurant only a week ago.
🥀Anne’s heartbeat sped up. They’re in my apartment! Why didn’t Sasha tell me? She sat up in bed, feeling her blood run cold. I hope they don’t think it’s too messy… she stood up and made her way to the cracked bedroom door.
🥀”Are you sure your roommates won’t mind me coming over for dinner?” Your hesitant voice was like music to Anne’s ears. She felt a smile creep onto her face. Feeling a rush of excitement, she gave in. Fuck it. I’ll play along.
🥀”Hey Sash, home already? How was your date?” Anne left her room and made her way to the entry area. She was nervous as hell, but tried to act cool.
🥀Sasha put on a show of acting annoyed. “I guess I could introduce you…” she said, telling Anne your name as if she didn’t already know practically everything about you. “I thought you guys would already be asleep, so I thought we could come back here and cook something to save money.” She explained.
🥀You and Anne also got along well. You noticed that Anne was acting awkward around you, but thought that that was because Sasha had unexpectedly brought someone home.
🥀At some point Marcy came back from the errands she was running, and joined the three of you in cooking. You were surprised, not expecting to meet so many new people, but they both seemed like reasonable young women. Sasha, of course, was just perfect.
🥀”I should be getting home… Sasha, would you mind driving me?” You eventually said, after another few hours. It was really getting late.
🥀That was when the first red flag popped up. Sasha’s face dropped. You caught a glimpse of her face pulled into an almost confused looking glare before she smiled again, a little agitated. “Uh, actually, I don’t think so.”
🥀You were confused. Sasha had done all the driving that evening, how did she expect you to get home? Little did you know, Sasha didn’t expect you to go home at all.
🥀Bouncing her leg up and down in barely contained excitement, Marcy leaned into your view. “Why don’t you stay?”
🥀You we’re beginning to get uncomfortable. “Uh, I don’t have my overnight stuff…” you glanced around for answers, eyes landing on Anne.
🥀Anne looked scared. She was sweating buckets, face flushed, fingernails peeling at her already bleeding cuticles. At this point she was regretting every decision that lead up to this moment, every time she should have protected you from Sasha and Marcy. And me, she thought, feeling her heart drop.
🥀”Don’t chicken out now, Anne.” Sasha’s voice was cold. It was like she could read Anne’s mind. Sasha then turned to face you, smiling again. “You’re staying with us.”
🥀”What do you mean?”
🥀Sasha rolled her eyes, but Marcy took the time to explain. “You can’t leave. You’ll live here in Anne’s apartment now. We can get you anything you want, we can do anything you need, just… stay here.” She said, voice wavering a little.
🥀Finally understanding— these girls aren’t as safe as I thought they were— you looked back at Anne. She just stared. “Anne? This is weird, right?”
🥀Anne shook her head, resigning herself. “…Sorry.”
🥀”Now, let’s turn in for bed. Do you want to take a shower? You can borrow some of my clothes.” Sasha said casually.
🥀You shook your head quickly, frowning at Sasha. “I’m not staying here.” You stood up and made a break for the door— it was easy to reach, Anne’s apartment was tiny— but before you knew it, Sasha was behind you.
🥀She covered your mouth with her hand and managed to restrain you easily. “Help me out,” she called to Anne and Marcy.
🥀Anne just watched. She watched as you struggled, trying to bite Sasha’s fingers. She watched as Marcy snuck up behind you, smiling wide, and hit you over the head— just enough to knock you out. She watched as Sasha caught you in her strong arms and gently laid you on the hard wood floor, sighing.
🥀"You gonna help out? Or did you change your mind again?" Sasha said to Anne, exasperated.
🥀Swallowing nervously, Anne nodded.
🥀Then the next thing you remember is waking up in Anne’s room, gently restrained. The three of them take care of you, even hand feeding you until you’ve given up enough to not fight when they untie you.
🥀You choose now: how long does it take before you stay voluntarily? Will you ever give in and let yourself be loved by them? It’s up to you!
A/N: hope this is alright! I had fun writing it, especially Anne agonizing over everything lol
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stellayuta · 3 months
Mbti ask: ISFP + Sukuna? 👀
Sire, I can't really decide if Sukuna will treat you as a lover or a MEAL.
He enjoys simplicity because he feels most people are disingenuous about their bold declarations and gestures when it comes to love. But ISFP is the exact kind of person he'd devour in bed.
An ENTJ and your exact opposite, Sukuna finds it odd why someone that different than him would want to be with him. You intrigue him as much as you bore him. But since he also desires thrill and a challenge, he'd think of you as someone he can toy around with till you break. He will test your loyalty and your limits for sure and when you prove that you can in fact, love him despite his many flaws, he'd accept you while saying "I'm only taking you because you make good breakfast."
That being said, when he cross certain lines, you are willing to sit him down and school him! And he listens, with his mouth open because he is utterly stunned.
It's giving tyrannic, toxic husband and a wife with superhuman patience.
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haru-dipthong · 6 months
Translation of Sekai no Owari - Habit
I love this song, and the choreo is fucking crazy. I'll attempt to explain some of the decisions I made in the translation below the cut!
First a little explanation about this song. I have been thinking about my gender for a few years now, and I recently had a few conversations that have made me realise I'm probably agender. My partner showed me this song at the peak of when I was thinking about it the most (she didn't know at the time), and I was shocked at how relevant the lyrics were to my thought process and especially to our relationship. This song means a lot to me, and I felt like I just had to translate it.
Anyway, let's talk translation. I've had a look at some other translations, and mine slightly differs in that I feel I've attempted to convey the core message of the song more strongly than the others. For example:
陰キャ陽キャ "What's your MBTI?"
This line could be translated to something literal like "are you cheerful or gloomy" but I felt it was better to use an english-world equivalent of a popular system of putting people into boxes. Also worth noting that this line is extremely short, and my subtitling software warns you when the amount of time the subtitle appears for is too short, based on how many letters are in it. The translation needed to be like, 3 short words. I'm honestly pretty happy with this, I think it fits well and introduces the premise of the song well.
気付かない本能の外側を 覗いていかない? 気分が乗らない? Nice dichotomy idiot, what exists outside it? Wanna take a peek? Not in the mood?
Ok, obviously this isn't a direct translation, but I love that post and this song is basically "nice dichotomy idiot" the song, so I really wanted to work it in somewhere. A literal translation would be like "Won't you peek outside your subconscious instincts?" and I had trouble making that sound song-y in english until I decided to work in the meme.
やってるのにイケないヤツ and the ones using skills they don’t have
The Japanese here is a bit of a double entendre. It could be translated to "people doing stuff who really shouldn't be doing that" (いけない being kind of equivalent to ダメ in such an interpretation), but it could also mean "people who are fucking but can't cum". I tried really hard to work in similar sexual imagery ("the ones who go but don't come"??) but it just didn't work and in the end I just made it mirror the preceding line.
I almost want to say that was the hardest line in the song but that award has to go to this:
大人の俺が言っちゃいけない事言っちゃうけど 説教するってぶっちゃけ快楽 酒の肴にすりゃもう傑作 でもって君も進むキッカケになりゃ
Most adults won’t admit it, but what the hell, Lecturing is such a guilty pleasure This, plus a drink - that's heaven And if this gets you to grow up?
Making this catchy and natural was really tough. I actually stole a bit of the first line from another translation because I liked the way they handled the 大人の俺 part. 酒の肴にすりゃ is also a difficult thing to translate - in the English speaking world we don't really have this idea that food needs to accompany a drink.
But the line I'm most happy with is this:
すぐ世の中金だとか愛だとか運だとか縁だとか なぜ2文字で片付けちゃうの?
It’s all about cash, or love, or luck, or fate How neat, summing up the world in 4 letters.
This wasn't a particularly hard translation to come up with ("love" and "luck" are basically the only translations for those words which locked in "4 letters", and it wasn't hard to find 4 letter words for 金 and 縁), but I was surprised to find that none of the existing translations I could find did this. One went with "Why do you want to wrap it all up with a single word?" and another even further abstracted, "How can it be so simple?"
I hope you enjoyed the song/translation! Let me know if you would have translated something differently or if I've made a mistake, I really love seeing your responses!
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ruddyhotelau · 5 months
Are there any characters/people you were inspired by while creating Michael? what is his mbti? ineedmoreofhimineedmoreofhim
We also need more Mikey 😭😭😭!!! We love this big ol rascal so much, such a cutie!! We haven't done a test for Michael's MBTI yet, but maybe we will sometimes later.
As for the inspiration for Michael, we actually first did our research on Michael from the Bible to learn about Michael's position, role and relationship with Lucifer and God. From there, we decided on his personality based on what we had known from the Bible.
After briefly learning about the Archangel in the Bible, we decided to let Michael hold the position of the General of the God's army, so his personality is based a lot on our own personal takes on an army soldier. Like what kind of personality will they have to have to manage to train their soldiers, discipline, strict, demanding, highly responsible, fair-minded... Combined with some bad habits that we think will suit Michael: workaholic, hates socializing in crowded places, seriously lacking the ability to understand emotions, being hard on himself both physically and mentally, rarely asks for help from others, too stubborn sometimes and a bit conservative, having high self-esteem... However, as an angel, Michael will still help others when they are in trouble, listening and answers to their prayers (though he doesn't like humans very much).
Michael does not let his personal matters affect his jobs. The Archangel will not oppress someone because he dislikes them nor favors them because he loves those individuals. Michael will never go against God's orders because of his personal feelings or desires and will never allow any actions that may disrupt the safety of Heaven. The angel of Justice will always put logic above emotions and he puts Heaven above all.
Only Michael in Ruddy Hotel AU prioritized his emotions first, and that led to a horrifying event in Heaven's history that will be mention later on in the series as the Blank Age - everyone knew this was the period of time that the war took place but the reason for why the battle broke out, the number of deaths, the main event that took place,... All have been completely erased from any historical records. It had become taboo topics that are forever forbidden from being mentioned. The only thing that everyone is certain about that lost history is that Michael was the one who started the war and the one who ended it all was Lucifer...
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dumbkatsu · 1 year
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You ask and I deliver! I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the Mu Qing hc, so let's start:
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Mu Qing would notice the littlest things about you.
From how you style your hair, how you prepare your coffee/tea, what you put first in the bowl if it's the cereals or the milk to the little gestures you do when you're nervous.
He just loves your little mannerisms so much. He finds them endearing.
Even the way every week you organize your books in a different system
He would notice how you sometimes forget to take care of yourself properly so he would help.
If you are a very busy person in the morning and forget to eat breakfast he'd prepare it for you to take away with a sticky note saying: "Don't forget to eat dummy"
When you first introduced him to MBTI he was really confused.
And when you explained the concept to him he low-key thought it would be another zodiac thing.
Which made you really pissed
So you made him do the test.
(And during the test he was a bit bored ngl)
It gave him ISTJ
At first, he was confused but as he read his results he was starting to doubt his convictions and so he became interested in mbti's
Cue you sending him a shitton of mbti memes 24/7
And whenever he saw a meme roasting your mbti he would def sending you
You would def make him dress up as your mbti for Halloween
But he wouldn't mind
Because if it made you smile he would do anything for you
When it comes to communication in a relationship, he can get a bit shy and insecure, so there will be times when he won't say wants to say. But if you talk to him and show him that you can give him a safe space to express his feelings he will become more confident and it will show.
OH! I totally feel like mu qing is the type to avoid you when he realizes his feelings for you (pre-relationship)
If you were close friends before and this starts happening it can be very hurtful.
You try to corner him but to no avail, he just gives a half-assed excuse and weasels his way away from you again.
It takes Xie Lian, Feng Xin, and even a tiny roast from Hua Cheng to make him apologize and confess to you
"Mu Qing you should be honest about your feelings, it's clear that they like you too!"
"Yeah bro you need to go head in and do it, it's been too long and now that you decided to very obviously distance yourself they've kinda been upset these past few days"
"Only a pussy bitch boy wouldn't admit their feelings and just confess instead of causing mindless hurt to both parties, isn't that right Mu Qing?"
"San lang..."
Yes that was basically the last drop for Mu Qing and he decides to drive up to your place
(cliché warning: I'm about to be so corny on this one I hope you can forgive me)
It started pouring rain and Mu Qing cursed himself for not doing this sooner and just being a blatant coward.
When he reached your driveway he calls your phone
"Hey, why are you-"
"Come outside"
"Mu Qing it's raining"
"I don't care just come outside, I want to take you somewhere"
"Fine. Give me a minute"
You basically leave in your pajamas and go on a late-night drive with Mu Qing.
He obviously gives you the aux cord bcs he likes your taste in music
You guys drive for a bit until he stops at a place with a nice skyline
You guys stay silent until he turns the engine off.
Mu Qing sighs to himself as you look at him expectantly
"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I have been a first-class dick these past few days and I really didn't want to hurt you by doing it but...it's just that... " he stops.
The words he wants to say can't get out of his mouth it's stuck in his throat until he feels your hand on top of his giving him an encouraging nod
It's incredible how you make him feel like he can conquer the world without uttering a single word really.
"I have feelings for you y/n. I never felt like this before. I feel like I don't deserve to feel like this, I feel like I don't deserve you in my life because I can't treat you like you should be treated. You've been here for me through thick and thin and I would do anything for you. But I am honestly feeling very fucking scared for what it might happen next."
You stay quiet trying to process all of the information you were just told. It was a lot to take in. Until you broke the agonising silence.
"I like you too Mu qing. I always have" you said with a beaming smile
"And yes you were being a total asshat, I was so confused. I thought you were upset that I ate the last chocolate pudding in your fridge"
You two broke in silly laughter and when you opened your eyes you saw mu qing really close to your face.
He was looking at your eyes with such adoration that it was hard to maintain eye contact with those grey eyes.
He momentarily looked at your lips and his Adam's apple bobbed
He looks back at your eyes again moving closer. Your lips almost touching
"Can I k-kiss you?"
You guys can figure out the rest ;)
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Please explain why you believe in the horoscopes 😛
Well isn't that a SPICY question for an MBTI blog lmao. This will be fun, thanks for the question!
An MBTI Enthusiast's Take on Astrology
This is all of course my opinion, and everyone else is totally entitled to their own on the matter of astrology. I respect everyone's thoughts on it, and I expect the same from everyone else, especially if they disagree with me (which I know a lot of MBTI enthusiasts do). I am not going to argue with anyone about this or try to "prove" its worth to anyone.
My Thoughts
So, yes, I really love astrology in addition to MBTI (and the other personality typologies)! Part of my interest in astrology is definitely inspired by my mom, who has been studying it for many years.
My main reason for loving astrology is because it is so much more detailed and complicated than most laypeople understand.
Most people only know their sun sign which is determined by your birthday and decide that they don't relate to it, so therefore astrology is worthless/meaningless, etc.. There is so much more to understanding astrology and how it impacts everyone that skeptics can be very close-minded about.
Astrology dates back to ancient Mesopotamia (around 3000 BC), so it has been around for a long time! There is some debate about whether or not it is a science or a pseudoscience. Honestly, I don't think it's either. I am a scientist; I work in academic research, so I cannot say that astrology is a hard science because of its lack of quantifiable metrics and abundance of uncontrollable variables that prevent us from performing scientifically sound experiments on its foundational concepts. I suppose it fits into the category of pseudoscience because people mistake its practice as fitting into the scientific method, but I don't really like this classification either, because of astrology's inextricable ties with Roman and Greek mythology. Because of this, I think astrology is much closer to a religion than it is to science of pseudoscience.
It's More Complicated than Most Think
Natal Charts
Every person has a unique astrological chart (aka a natal chart) that is split into 12 sections and displays the locations of all planets from mecury to pluto (not including earth, and yes, pluto isn't a planet, it's a dwarf planet, but it is still orbiting our sun, and therefore included as a meaningful planetary body in astrology), as well as the sun and the moon with respect to which of the 12 zodiac signs the planets are currently transiting through.
Each of these 12 sections is ruled by one of the 12 zodiac signs and is designated one of 12 "houses", that is, specific areas of your life that you experience the human-condition. The house dictates the area of life you are talking about, the zodiac sign dictates the overall themes/outlooks that you experience in this area of life, and the planets you have in the house dictate how you personally navigate these areas of life.
Your natal chart gives you an idea of the types of themes, challenges/obstacles, fortunes, etc. that you'll face in your lifetime in addition to, of course, your personality, also. Because it always comes back to personality with me lmao. In my opinion, because of how many moving parts there are to characterizing a person through their natal chart, I think astrology is actually more nuanced (and complicated) than MBTI. I'm sure that is a hot-take, but that's how I see it.
Mundane Astrology (aka Horoscopes)
The current movement of planets through the astrological signs (and each person's natal houses) can also inform/characterize/describe what types of experiences people can expect to go through in the present day. This is called mundane astrology - it describes your everyday experiences. This is where horoscopes come from! Not all horoscopes are created equal, by the way. There are a lot of poorly written horoscopes that people are unlikely to identify with because the writer does not understand astrology enough (or they are lazy with their interpretations lmao).
Mercury Retrograde
For example, most people are familiar with the concept of mercury going retrograde (which inspired that one joke about how "mercury is in Gatorade" or something like that). Interestingly enough, mercury is retrograde right now at the time of writing this!
Mercury as a Roman god rules over things like communication, processing information, short-distance travel, and routines. When a planet goes retrograde, the significations that they rule over will feel like they are slowing down, becoming less efficient/effective. This makes sense because retrograde is another way of saying that the planet appears to be orbiting backwards in the sky from our perspective (it's not, it's just an optical illusion). During a mercury retrograde, you can expect to experience a lot more miscommunications with people (this also includes slow computers because they have to "communicate" with servers, etc.), car troubles/more accidents, or just other inconvenient wrenches thrown into your plans that disrupt your day-to-day life and routines. This doesn't mean mercury retrograde is the only time these things can happen of course, but they will feel more prevalent and intense during the retrograde.
All of this to say, I love astrology. I am biased because I grew up learning about it from my mom, and it is totally fine with me if other people don't care for it. It is not okay with me when people insult me or others (calling us stupid, etc.) for having an interest in it. Especially because I personally see it most closely to a religion than anything else, and just because I'm not Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., does not mean it is okay for me to call anyone with those beliefs stupid for having them. But, I can't control other people, and nasty people will be nasty whether I like it or not, so the best I can do is not tolerate it.
Hopefully more people will learn to be open to learning about it, even if it's just to have some fun. My blog started with MBTI, but I love so many other systems of characterizing people because it helps me understand and relate to people in fun and unique contexts. I am relatively well-versed with astrology and trying to learn more about other things like the Enneagram and Socionics, so I can post about those too!
But if people really like the astrology stuff, I could up the ante with those types of posts? It really depends on what people want to see!
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neiacrockets · 3 months
It’s middle league sports!! (A post dedicated to my backyard sports oc)
I decided to repurpose my old OC for this, the main reason why i titled this as “middle league sports” is that she is slightly older than the other kids like 12-14 yo and i just though it was funny bc she is a mid baseball player (according to stats)
She is sort of a friendly rival to the backyard kids i guess she would randomly join their games for fun or to mess with them like in a slightly older sibling way yk
it took me a long time trying to replicate the classic og 97’ art style well my hands are litterally fried
Veronica (Nika) !!
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Her main weakness in her stats is running, she is wearing platform boots so obviously its gonna take her longer just to get to the next base + she is like short 😭😭 at least she is cracked at pitching though
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would describe her as very enthusiastic but slightly snarky when she has to be. Her main passion in life is fashion/beauty, she takes a lot of time perfecting her hair & mascara skills.
Other info & headcanons :
• veronica is 12 yo
• her mbti is esfp
• she is the same height as dimitri in her lil platform boots (same height as marky without them)
• veronica’s ethnicity is mexican & filipino
• veronica’s best sport is skateboarding but her worst sport is football
• she would literally pull out a portable mirror in the middle of a baseball game when its her turn
• she both bats and throws with her right hand
• she was that one kid who would throw a whole dance routine and perform it to her parents to convince them to let her go to a sleep over
• i headcanon her to sound like louise belcher
Relationships/ headcanons (they contribute to buffing her if on the same team)
• i feel like maria would instantly think she is the coolest looking girl ever just because she’s slightly emo & also loves pink
• she would also get along with billie jean i believe because they have similar interests in beauty stuff since billie was a pageant girl at one point
• she also gets along with both of the kahn siblings because she has a similar music taste as them when it comes down to rock
Negative relationships (would debuff her if put on the same team as them)
• veronica would definitely get into arguments with sally if sally ever tries bossing her around (this also applys to jorge, veronica also dislikes him)
also i have a lil extra sketch of her in the atari era art style!!!
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i decided for a more emo/mall goth style for her bc it was popular in the early 2000’s and her main design leaned sort of into being ambiguously alternative
anyways thanks 4 reading this !!
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mindfloating · 2 months
I'm having a mbti crisis (fucking again, yes). I've read a lot about the differences between infj and intp, ni dom vs ti dom and each cognitive function but my head is actually exploding with so much information, which I don't even know if it gives away something and I'm just not seeing it? I don't know if the way i perceive information is logical and analytical because I do feel that it is sometimes but then again I'm all about patterns and that seems to be a recurring word in the infj archetype. I've always felt that I'm both intuition and rational, I don't really know where one begins but I just sometimes notice things and my head feels like a whole world with information that seems so useless but I can't help to gather from every single place i'm in? I don't even know, on the other side, I'm not clear minded and intuition oriented in a Ni way?? my head is all over the place and sometimes the amount of possibilities (another key word for Ne) overwhelms me HORRIBLY, like it freezes me, but I end up shutting every logical part of me to decide because otherwise i will never move on. Also I'm very much in tune with other people and sometimes it's so overwhelming to feel what other people feel and to be so conscious of every subtext in a social gathering is EXHAUSTING which is why i need so much alone time.
And lastly, i am future oriented but I don't know if it's in a Ni or Ne way. Let me give an example. Just a few seconds ago I've decided that I'm going to try and not put so many personal things in my phone because I know that a lot of people get robbed at least once in their lifes and it's very dangerous out there, especially now, so if someone were to take away my phone, all the things I care about would not be there. How would i do that? Taking pictures and printing them, keeping a journal instead of my phone notes, erase messages sometimes, etc.
I feel like with everything i wrote here It's kinda obvious but it really isn't to me, if someone has a piece of advice i would really appreciate it
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Hi! Can i ask for a matchup with Tokyo Debunker? If yes then thank you so much! Pronouns: any Zodiac: Aquarius Demiromantic Omnisexual MBTI: INTP Personality: I have ADHD, I'd describe myself as someone who is easy going, stubborn, honest and observant, though I dont think im also that good at understanding others emotions and struggles, so usually i try my best to sympathize and find logical advices to help them. My bad trait is that i give up easily at things i dont find myself good at. I also do have some issues trust people and myself, but when i start to trust people, I act more blunt and more teasing towards people, jokes around and can be sarcastic and mean around them. oh and i forget and let go of things really easily, so i dont really hold grudges. Appearance: Im kind of thin, purple with yellow strands, jellyfish hairstyled hair. My hair is pretty short cause i dont tend to like having a long hair to carry around. Orange eyes. My resting bitch face usually look like im mad or exhausted and thats usually why people don't tend to talk to me that much- oh and im about 6'5 and do tend to have scars all over the body because im pretty clumsy and cant concentrate much things around me. Likes: arts in general, i also enjoy watching people do their own activities. I enjoy music in general. Outside of arts, i also like to experience new things as long as it sounds interesting. I find human psychology interesting because we never know what others are thinking and why they think that way (maybe thats why i like taiga sm hshhshs) Dislikes: Bitter food and drinks, chocolate, insects, being forced to do something i dont want to. Hobbies: Listening to all kinds of music and drawing, sleeping and writing stories (i get to analyse people's mind) Thank you for reading if you ever decided to do this request!! I really love your writing style! Sorry if its a bit too long, its my first time asking in tumblr-
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Haku are going to be an unstoppable teasing machine. You’re both too stubborn to back down when the other starts the teasing war and everyone around you will just have to deal with it.
I feel like he would also enjoy people watching. I think he finds it interesting watching people interact with the world around them and would like making comments to you and pointing out funny events he sees.
Haku can definitely relate to not liking being forced to do something. His relationship with his family and the shrine says a lot about that. So he’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to. He values both his and your freedom too much to do that.
Since you have trust issues, I can see a relationship with Haku taking a long time to form. He can come across as ingenuine sometimes or seem like he’s just playing around so he’ll have to work hard to convince you that he really does like you.
I see Haku as someone who loves exploring new places and trying new things so he’s ecstatic that you’re the same. Expect to go on a lot of crazy dates when you both get free time.
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toastray · 3 days
greetings to all,
I appreciate the effort and insight in the original analysis. However, I’d like to offer a different perspective on Dazai Osamu’s attachment style.
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☆ Dazai and Fyodor may be similar but in intellectual terms. Having different MBTIs would give them different things to prioritize psychologically.
honorable mention: @literatureloverx ‘s attachment style post is what lead me through this analytical process
alternative layout: AO3
warnings: spoilers, nihilism, suicidal tendencies, chronic depression, mafia, emotional detachment, womanizing behavior, attachment styles, fear of intimacy, trust issues, @toastray is deprived of mentions associated with a psychologist
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𝟎𝟏 | introduction
𝟎𝟐 | relationship approach
𝟎𝟑 | attachment style proposal
𝟎𝟒 | extra
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Despite Dazai’s emotional distance and self-destructive tendencies, labeling him as Fearful-Avoidant doesn’t fully capture his character. Here’s why:
1. Emotional Detachment:
Dazai keeps others at a distance, which contributes to his unpredictable and intimidating nature, especially with foes like Mori. His deep intelligence and past experiences with betrayal have led him to be distrustful. He doesn’t oscillate between wanting connection and pushing people away out of fear—he deliberately keeps people at arm’s length
However, his enduring connection with Chuuya is noteworthy. Even after being apart for years, he still keeps Chuuya’s contact and remembers his fighting style. This bond shows a different side of Dazai’s relationships, suggesting that he forms meaningful connections in his own strategic way.
This strategic approach reflects the mindset of someone who chooses emotional distance because it serves a purpose, rather than out of a fear of intimacy.
2. Self-Destructive Tendencies:
Dazai’s self-destructive behavior is a key part of his character and comes from his emotional detachment. His actions reflect a need to control his own vulnerability and align with his nihilistic outlook. This behavior fits with someone who values independence and keeps their emotions hidden.
While self-destruction might seem like a cry for connection in the context of Fearful-Avoidant attachment, for Dazai, it seems more rooted in his nihilistic outlook and existential despair.
3. Reluctance to Form Deep Bonds:
Dazai is known for his reluctance to form deep emotional connections. His womanizing and strategic behavior suggest he often prioritizes personal gain over emotional involvement. This indicates a different attachment style than Fearful-Avoidant and highlights his unique way of relating to others.
☆ which leaves us to ponder on Dazai's relationship style. As a subconscious INTJ (and one in general) it was quite difficult for me to see a possibility of feelings into this analysis (leave my aroace self alone). Since I have decided to analyze, I shall take on from every perspective (and for the reader's sake).
In accordance to the analysis laid above, Dazai Osamu is deemed near impossible to sustain a successful relationship.
In the canon world, he has womanizing tendencies and selfish traits. Such a character would find it challenging to be available for his partner emotionally and intimately (not in the physical sense).
He is inflicted by his own emotional detachment and trust issues to form a meaningful relationship. Even if he does, like with Chuuya, he would in a way that emphasizes independence and emotional distance.
However, Dazai’s actions suggest that he isn’t seeking that kind of emotional connection, and his depression and philosophical beliefs push him towards isolation and control rather than connection and vulnerability.
“No Longer Human”, the book has a protagonist (Yozo Oba) which Asagiri most likely got inspired from. From this we can conclude that Dazai (in a one way to simplify this analytical process/see from another perspective) has chronic depression. A person affected by chronic depression has issues forming bonds and commitment.
Based on Dazai’s characteristics, I propose that a Dismissive-Avoidant attachment style may be more fitting than the Fearful-Avoidant style. This style is characterized by a strong preference for independence, emotional distance, and a focus on self-reliance. Dazai’s self-destructive tendencies and strategic relationships align well with this profile, as opposed to the Fearful-Avoidant style, which involves more pronounced fears of intimacy and trust.
• Fyodor Dostoyevsky: I agree that Fyodor Dostoyevsky fits the Fearful-Avoidant attachment style. However, he would likely approach relationships with ulterior motives, such as gaining power or maintaining a certain image (appearing like a civilian with a normal life and relationship / family).
• The fact that Mori saw potential in Dazai and made him live, instead of murdering him off—he saw a chance that he would need Dazai in the future, despite Dazai’s nihilism and suicidal tendencies.
your dedication to reading this analytical piece is appreciated. Any thoughts and counter arguments are welcomed. I still hate him.
• dividers: blue
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ukelele-boy · 9 months
The long overdue why TOA Apollo is an enfp analysis for @fearlessinger
(I'm going to preemptively say: If anyone has a different opinion please make a new post instead of in my comments XD )
I'm going to explain using the functions. There are eight functions total: Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, Si, Se.
And each mbti type will use 4 of these 8 functions. The order the functions are in determines their type. The first function(dominant function) is used the most, the second is also commonly used, the third is more subconsciously used and the fourth is inferior function which is not as developed and tend to be used in times of crisis as a last resort.
Functions are basically types of thought processes and associated behaviors. And it's only possible to have one of each type of F, T, S, N with extroversion or introversion classification. 
Hence it would be impossible for a person to have both Fi and Fe. 
I won't go into too much detail on this so if you guys are interested you can look at the link at the end of this post for more details.
But anyways, here we will take a look at the functions and decide what Apollo is. 
How much the traits of each function show through depends on their ranking in the 4 stack. Higher ranked functions tend to be used more etc etc. 
Lets start: Te vs Fe. 
Fe people tend to value the group and the emotional wellbeing of others. They also care about fitting in and belonging to the group. "how does the group feel about this?" 
Te people value the group but from a productivity and practical wellbeing standpoint. They care about getting things done effectively. 
A very basic example, if deciding if the population should be waiting at a traffic light for a time or have the option to speed past it but crying and sobbing for 1 minute. A Fe person might lean towards letting everyone wait but the Te person might lean towards letting everyone speed through. This is because Fe is considering the emotional state while Te is considering the time wasted from the person's life. 
You might be inclined to say then Apollo should be Fe! He cares about his friends! But I'll actually argue he does not have Fe. Recall that a person can only have either Fi or Fe.
Fi people tend to have a  personal moral system that is very tied to their sense of self, and a desire to figure out who they are and what they believe in, and where they belong. You can argue that all people do this, but I'll say Fi havers definitely does this way more than average. Especially if the Fi is first or second in the function stack. Fe sees identity as something that is part of you, "I am what I am". 
They will never have the thought of "oh i did xyz but that's not really me" Fe will consider that since they did it, it is them. 
Apollo is a strong Fi. He values his identity a lot. During TOA, he struggles with his identity after losing what he thinks makes him, well, him. Hence you can see his original concept of his identity was tied to what he could do as a god, and his beauty and powers. Once he lost that, he lost his sense of self. This is devastating for a Fi because their identity is heavily tied with their moral system. Fi make decisions based on their moral compass that they created over their lifetime. This allows them to quickly make decisions based on it in times of crisis. They may say "I FEEL xyz" but the feeling they speak of is generated through their moral system. 
Outside input -> Moral system + identity -> feeling - > decision - > action. 
An older, experienced Fi user will be able to sense what they are feeling and make quick decisions based on it, and leave the analysis part to their databank of past judgements. However, on the outside this can look rash and like they are making decisions based on emotions (which is true. But there's more to it!) 
Apollo lost his sense of self and had to start from scratch. This makes him begin to doubt his morals and past judgements, because they were all part of his old self, and that's now gone. Now how can he make the "right" decision? He no longer knows what is right. He has deluded himself that his choices were right for so long, that once his self is shattered and he is rebuilding his identity from scratch, his entire world tilts. Key word here is delude, he probably already had a sense he was doing something wrong but he ignored it and kept using the old pathways of thought he made to arrive at conclusions. Now that its like this:
Outside input -> ?????? -> feeling - > decision - > action.
It leaves him in constant doubt about his present and past self. 
So yeah, Fi. 
And Fi users must have Te, so Te as well. But I argue his Te is lower than Fi and not that noticable. 
Now, we move to Ne vs Ni. 
Ne and Ni are two different ways of thinking and connecting things.
Ne connects thoughts in a spiderweb like pattern and hence has seemingly random jumps and connections. (The grass is green, my shirt is green too and oh, my shirt is from california, and I think california has great icecream and now we are talking about icecream.) Ne tend to derail conversations with their explorations. 
Meanwhile, Ni tend to think more linearly on one topic and discuss it to the end. Their thoughts are more like a graph form where they explore along the line. (the grass is green and it is very lush and beautiful. It grows well in the summer etc etc) Notice we are still talking about grass
Apollo's narration is a classic Ne style narration where you see him talk about traveling with Meg and the next thing he's telling you what happened in Egypt 50 A.D.
So now we know he has, Ne, Fi, Te. 
We just need to figure out whether he has Si or Se. 
Si is focused on memories and familiar things. They like consistency and patterns.
Se is focused on experiences and physical sensation. They like to explore new things and go out. 
However since these aren't as obvious, I will first narrow down the possible types. 
Mbti with Fi, Ne, Te are: 
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And since these types don't have Se, we know he has Si. 
We can rule out ESTJ and ISTJ because Fi is not as prominent , and are more Te based (see image). 
Apollo bases his decisions on his heart (Fi) more than rules and traditions (Si) or productivity (Te).
This means his Fi is either first or second. Which means he's either INFP or ENFP. 
And now it's an easy choice because INFP is an introvert. 
And Apollo is just… extroverted, he loves being around people, he gains energy around them. He loves meeting new folks. (I can promise you as an INFP, I do not feel this ajjfjsksksk) 
Apollo is ENFP! A type who follows their heart, is passionate about their interests, loves learning and exploring new things, and curious.
As well, in regards to his Si as his last function (also called the inferior function) . When people are in times of extreme stress, they can sometimes fall back and unhealthily overuse their last function. For example, for Enfps they will go into "Si grip" and begin to have tunnel vision and overanalyze their past mistakes, try to make little detail perfect, project previous bad experiences onto the future, become isolated and withdrawn… 
Does this sound familiar and like a certain sun god during TOA…? 
Other enfps in fiction, that kinda have traits similar to Apollo: c!Tommy, Steven Universe. (I know ppl say steven is ESFJ but I'll maintain he's enfp based on functions) 
And if you want a well written, deeper read into Enfp functions:
Go here
Also these images:
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