#deep fried chicken sounds so good right now
freckleslikestars · 2 years
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We talk about how flirty Mulder is in season one, but we don’t ever talk about how culpable Scully is.
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asunflowerana · 1 month
06:50 PM — Nanami Kento
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"Fried or grilled chicken for dinner?"
"Uhm—" a grunt can be heard from the other line, followed by the sounds of slashing and inhuman shrieks. He must still be busy. "Uhm, grilled is good, love. What you're thinking for side dish?"
"Cheesy mashed potatoes and tomato sauce, just the way you like it." You close the fridge door, holding the phone with your free hand while the other arm carries the pot of fresh seasoned chicken you prepared a few hours ago. You organize the counter with all the ingredients, pan pre-heating with butter.
"Perfect." There are a few more distant grunts, but you can still understand your husband's approval, making you proceed with your dinner plans. "Don't forget to lower the heat, in case you want to practice your dance moves again."
"It was just once, Kento!" You sulk, not like being called out for grooving in the kitchen. Did you burn a few things back then? Yes, but who didn't? It was your favorite pop playlist, your body went on its own!
Making sure your phone stays still well between your ear and shoulder blade, you land the first filet of chicken breast on the hot pan, a not-so-usual sizzling sound taking place in the room. Yep, let's definitely lower the heat, you move your fingers around the knob. "I won't burn our food again, smarty pants. Stop bullying your wife."
But you can't stay mad at him for too long. Not when you feel his deep, breathless chuckles flowing right inside your ear, into your mind and heart, making your stomach flutter like a scholar girl just like every single time. "I'm sorry love, you're right. Your food 's heaven, burned or not."
Letting out a last huff, you roll your eyes, feeling your lips curve in a lopsided smile. You bet Nanami has a similar one on his face right now. "How long 'til you come home?"
There's a small pause, filled with lowly breaths and the far sound of crickets. Maybe he finished what he was dealing with. "45 minutes from now. Think you can hold tight?"
"You're not deserving, but I'll make an effort." Now you hear the perfect form of a snicker, making you wish you could kiss it away and fill that pretty cheeky face with even more kisses. You miss your husband. "Come safe, 'kay? I'll see you soon."
"See you soon, love. Stay safe."
And the red finish button is pressed. Nanami carefully returns the device inside his pocket, now investing his whole attention on the last, persistent curse gaping at him behind a pillar, thinking it could catch him out of guard.
Rubbing of the remains of blood coming from a small cut on his jaw, he roughly loosen the tight knot of his tie that you so lovingly did this morning. He needs to move without restraints if he wants to get the next subway, though.
"Let's finish for today, shall we?"
And like every weekday, Kento makes it on time.
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© asunflowerana 2024
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lolokouhm · 1 year
thinking about Geto, who's a really good driver. and it's not like he does some crazy shit on the road, no - he's just so calm and relaxed, tapping his fingertips in the rhythm of some slowed down remix of an obnoxiously sexual song you've decided to listen to. the car is quite old, but he made some adjustments to the speakers, so the sound coming out is full and deep, despite the fact that you're using some shitty bluetooth device to keep your phone connected.
thinking about Geto, who likes driving, but completely adores driving with you in the passenger's seat. it's just another night, same story - he texts you, then pulls up, you get inside and then the two of you drive somewhere, blasting the songs you've found on some weird playlists. these nights feel a little bit like a fever dream - you don't talk much, except for some short updates on each other's life. until you get hungry.
thinking about Geto, who quietly laughs when you announce that you're going to die if you won't get some chicken strips RIGHT NOW, so he drives to the closest KFC on the petrol station in the middle of nowhere. is his car going to be full of fries later on? probably yes. you're not the cleanest eater, but he doesn't mind. you love food and you always have this spark in your eyes when the chicken box is finally on your lap.
thinking about Geto, who turns right from the main road, just to slowly drive into the woods - this weird place that scares the shit out of you every time you drive next to it. you shiver and pout under the checked blanket you've been keeping in his car, but then he suddenly takes his hand off the wheel and puts it on your thigh and it's not that scary anymore.
thinking about Geto, who stops the car in the middle of nowhere, just so you could leave the damn chicken and get right there on his lap, complaining about the temperature in this autumn night, shivering, freezing even, but still completely willing to let him take off every piece of clothing you're wearing. his fingers do it almost automatically - he knows all of these. the hoodie you spilled the coke on last friday. the t-shirt with some rock band's logo you've never even listened to. the bra, which deserves some respect for still being able to hold on, despite the fact he's ripped it off of you so many times.
thinking about Geto, breathing faster and faster with each and every thrust, every kiss, every scratch on his back. the way you're breathing right into the crook of his neck, still shivering, but not from the cold. your lower lip tastes like this chicken and fries but you're still the most delicious thing he's ever had. his slender fingers tapping on the skin on your hips, just like on that wheel before, soft but determined to hold you in place when again, you whisper some sweet nonsenses that make his eyes roll.
thinking about Geto, who holds you tight and doesn't want to drive you back home. not tonight. not ever again.
masterlist ❤️
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tanuki-voice · 1 year
Your body ballooned when you gave in to eating junk. There was nothing like the feeling of being stuffed, feeling the sugars and saturated fats crawling through your veins. You loved it, were given over to it, totally addicted. In the end, the thing that broke down your inhibitions wasn't their relentless advertising, or even the clever marketing. It was the coupons.
It began simply: you would come home from work tired and hungry, and order fast food. To expedite the process, you'd downloaded all the value apps for the places in your area. The promises of free stuff and quicker ordering was too good to pass up. However, you'd forgotten to turn off notifications.
Every so often, your phone would ding with a new deal, a temptation, a siren's call to get you to order in exchange for deep discounts. In the beginning, these were free fries, an upgrade to a larger soda, a cheaper sandwich. All the same, on those late nights, it sounded good. Why not treat yourself once in a while?
Of course, soon, "once in a while" turned into "every few days", then "every other day", until you found yourself becoming slowly dependent on the offers, a bit of elation from every little perk. The more you ordered, the more their algorithm could read you, serving you exactly what you desired, calling you each day at the proper time. As if trained, you would feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and your mouth would begin to water. It was time to order.
The algorithm, of course, was not entirely in tune with your identity. It was a being designed to generate profit. By ordering so much, so often, you had managed to convince it you were a large household, and it reacted accordingly. The deals changed to suit this belief, family size meals, multi-packs, pastries by the dozen. You ordered them all, gorging yourself without end to fuel your ravenous appetite.
What began as a dinner routine extended to other meals, and soon after that you'd even find yourself going through the drive-thru for a quick snack between meals. To live in such gluttony, messily pigging out without end, shoveling food into your mouth day after day, brought you such pleasure. You found yourself going back, again and again, every day, consumed by the desire for more. Tonight was no different.
Reclined into your sofa, you awoke from a potent carb nap. Your lunch, two large pizzas, half a dozen donuts, an order of chicken wings, and a 40oz soda, had truly taken it out of you. Your enormous belly strained your comfy pajama pants, barely covered by an extra large t-shirt. Your hands comfortably rested on its pillowy softness. Through the mountains of squishy fat, you felt it rumble. It was time for dinner. And right on schedule, your phone buzzed.
With potent glee you snatched it up. Today, if you ordered in the next hour, you could get a meal for four, burgers, onion rings and milkshakes. The kicker: order now and get two more burgers free. Your payment details had never danced across the screen faster, and thirty minutes later three greasy bags full of food were dropped off judgement-free at your door.
You brought them back to the sofa and began to chow down. It had become tradition for you to eat without a shirt on by now; your meals had long since become too indecent to go without dirtying your clothes. Your tummy bared to the world, you picked up a burger in one hand and a fistful of onion rings in the other, and devoured. Like an animal you ate primally, as if starved, not knowing when your next meal may come. There was no one to tell you you couldn't, only you demanding that you would. Each mouthful was calorie rich, and each was washed down with more food, more milkshake, more trash.
You spared one of your grease covered hands to rub your stretch mark covered stomach. As you teased gassy burps and wind breaks from your middle, it growled, pleased, yet still expectant. Rarely was it ever satisfied. No matter how much you stuffed into it, it wanted more. It commanded you to fill yourself, to bring yourself to the brink, feeling as if you would pop. Your appetite controlled you, but under its warm, pleasant, hazy influence, you were happy to be its willing pawn.
The joy of feeding took priority over anything else. You felt like you could eat forever. Your body would adapt to the gluttonous demon you had become, one whose mind lived in its stomach. To eat was so simple, so thoughtless, mindless. You just let your belly think for you as you ordered, and let it bring you to pleasurable, mind-clearing bliss. Your body, particularly your ample midsection, was a temple, a testament to the food gods you worshipped. You loved to see it grow, to see it flow over you, to see it bulge, swell and fill your chairs and mattresses.
A loud belch stirred you from your enraptured state for just a moment to see that you'd gone through a majority of your offerings. There was a slight sting as you realized your feeding was nearing its end. Suddenly, without thinking, your hand reached for your phone again. Your stomach rumbled. It wouldn't be satisfied with just this, but would you really go over that line? Ordering even more, without thinking? Was this who you had become?
A notification dinged. If you ordered in the next thirty minutes, you could get a dozen eclairs for half price. Your bloated belly purred. Maybe it was who you'd become, and maybe you weren't ashamed of it. You had been, at one point, but that reluctance had faded. This was who you were, an insatiably hungry animal given over to your muses, and you loved every second of it. Dessert wouldn't hurt. And perhaps, maybe, even a little after that. You smiled and confirmed your delivery. You had a long, gluttonous night ahead of you, and you were raring to get started.
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fitgirlfemdom · 11 days
This fictional story is a continuation of this story which is a continuation of THIS story.
This fictional story is 18+ and contains: public humiliation?, femdom, weight teasing, overstim, mommy kink, gentle dom, and a happy ending <3
"Logan, we got your favorite."
He glanced up from the couch, surrounded by his nest of empty red Solo cups, soda bottles, empty bags of chips, and empty plates. He had his laptop in front of him, with the newest MMORPG he'd been grinding on for two weeks now. Logan heaved himself up, pulling his glasses from his face and running his fingers through his fluffy locks of hair. He felt half-asleep.
"We also brought your favorite," Cole said from the kitchen.
Logan walked in, wiping at his eyes with the palms of his chubby hands. "What's that supposed to--?"
In walked Anna and Cassie, chatting about something or other. A few other girls and guys emerged, all of them being Cole's friends from work or school. The second Cassie's eyes landed on him, he felt a deep shiver run down his spine. Immediately, he felt his face grow hot. The last time he saw her was when he... accidentally came inside her. She was on the pill, but nonetheless, she was rightfully pissed.
On the kitchen table were bags of food from a local burger place. He watched as Cole pulled out his chicken sandwich with a small helping of fries. He watched as Anna brought out her little dainty salad with chicken strips. He stared dejectedly at the large bag in front of his chair.
Some of Cole's friends said hello, and some just gave him passing glances. He felt underdressed in his tank top and sweatpants.
"Cassie, you remember Logan, right? You guys met?" Cole asked, cluelessly. Logan could feel the girl's eyes on his skin. He couldn't take his eyes off the bag. The last thing he wanted to do was pull out all the food he was planning on eating. It was like some sort of humiliation ritual.
"Oh, I remember," Cassie said low. "I actually was planning on talking to you, Logan--if you had a second."
"Uh..." This couldn't be good. Was it a crime to finish inside someone if they said not to? Was she gonna press charges? Was she gonna kill him? Did he actually fuck up that bad? He couldn't help but stammer, "U-Um, yeah... Sure..."
She beckoned him down the hallway as both Anna and Cole exchanged confused glances.
His heart dropped when they went towards the bathroom, and it sunk further when she closed the door behind them.
"You're gonna make it up to me," was the first thing out of her mouth.
"In, um... In what way?" Logan stuttered, watching as she pulled out a small cylindrical device from her purse. "Is that...?"
"A bullet vibrator."
He held his hands up. "You are not putting that up my ass."
She rolled her eyes. "You're so fucking stupid." She pulled out a few hair ties as well. "I'm gonna strap this to your dick. I can control it from my phone." Without warning, she yanked down his sweatpants, revealing his free cock. He must've forgotten to put on boxers. She smirked. "The vibe might be too big, come to think of it..."
"M-My dick's not that small." He made for it to sound firm and defiant. It did not.
She knelt down and fastened the small, purple device to his cock, jacking it a few times to get it semi-hard. The hair ties were tight and pretty uncomfortable. Seeing her on her knees immediately did the trick--If she'd glanced up at him, he might've leaked.
She stepped back, admiring her work, as she yanked up his sweatpants. His face was bright red. "We're gonna have a nice dinner now," Cassie cooed, her voice domineering and low. "And you're gonna try your best not to embarrass yourself."
"I was planning on inviting you three out to dinner," she said, turning to open the bathroom door. "Y'know, so I could see your face when you cum down your leg in an Applebee's, or something."
"Oh, but--"
She cut him off, saying over her shoulder as they walked down the hallway, "You should thank me, though, for being so kind."
He muttered out a stagnant, "...Thank you," as they reemerged in the kitchen, with Cassie as neutral as ever and Logan so red, the other two must've noticed.
What'd happened to him? He would never let a girl ever disrespect him like this before. He used to slap girls in bed, making them call him Daddy as he spat in their mouths. He wasn't a sadist by any means, but he thought that's what guys did. He actually could remember when he made the switch.
It was the summer after high school, when he was still deciding if he was going to go to college, despite losing the scholarship. He met this cute girl at a coffee spot, and they really hit it off. It wasn't until that night, when he really thought he bagged another bitch, that she saw his dick, and audibly laughed. She told him to put it away and drive her home, laughing the whole way.
He realized he was a muscular, handsome, over 6-foot, charismatic guy who looked like he should be on the cover of a magazine, but it felt like it didn't matter. Once he finally let himself go completely, he just kept telling himself that even if he lost all the weight, took care of himself, and got himself back on his feet, self-respecting girls would just laugh at him, and he couldn't take that. Internet girls wouldn't. Internet girls didn't care if he lived or died.
He pulled out the two double-cheeseburgers and large serving of fries from his bag, as well as the chicken tenders and vanilla milkshake. Suddenly, he felt sick, and uncomfortable, and unconfident. As he went to take the first bite of his burger, that feeling changed.
Suddenly, he felt very, very turned-on, and it must've been from the vibe on his crotch.
As Cole talked about his stocks and investments to the others at the table, Logan couldn't help but choke back a moan. The vibe was right up against the most sensitive part of his body, right up against his cockhead, and with the base of it snug against his balls. It was distracting. He glanced over to Cassie, who was smiling at her phone. He watched her drag her thumb upward, and at that moment, the vibrator intensified.
"Fuck," Logan breathed out, taking another bite. He had to pretend it wasn't that, that it wasn't happening. If he just didn't focus on it, it'd be gone, and no one would think he was a total pervert. It'd be one thing if it was just Cole and Anna, but with all these unfamiliar faces, he felt like he couldn't breathe. He almost wished Cassie just pressed charges, or pushed him off a cliff. "Ah, fuck..."
"Something wrong, Lo?" Cole asked, plucking a fry. "Oh yeah, guys--This is Logan. He's a friend from high school. He's our roommate."
He thought he'd slipped by the awkward introductions, but there he was, smiling at the other people at the table, pretending his cock wasn't twitching against his sweatpants.
"I'm fine, just..." He shook his head, trying to laugh it off. "Just got this throbbing headache."
"Throbbing, huh?" Cassie asked, still staring at her phone. She was really messing with the settings, setting the vibrations to a dull murmur before hiking them up to the highest possible option. "You're probably just hungry."
Nobody noticed, but she definitely meant it as some sort of diss. He was the heaviest one at the table, by far, and he had the biggest order. He couldn't lie, though. Being horny did make him hungry, and he couldn't understand why.
As the conversation drifted to someone else, Logan went back to eating his burger. It was pretty good. He was a frequent customer at this place, much to his waistline's dismay. He really hoped everyone else hadn't noticed how much he was moaning while eating. At one point, when he was finishing his tenders, his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. He really hoped no one noticed that.
His cock twitched. He was uncertain if he was going to make it through this meal without shooting ropes down his chubby thighs. He must've been making a scene--A few of the girls he didn't know at the table were snickering amongst themselves.
"Are you okay, Logan?" one of them--a particularly pretty, blonde one--asked. She was smirking behind her hand. They must've known something incredibly humiliating was happening. Maybe they could hear the vibrator. Maybe it was because he was sweating like a horny pig. Maybe it was because his nipples were so prominent against his stained tank top. Maybe, maybe, maybe--He was losing his mind.
He knew Cassie would be pissed, but he didn't care. He rose to his feet and left, unannounced, to the bathroom. He had to get this stupid vibrator off, before--
He made it halfway down the hallway before he fell to his knees. He bit on his wrist to stifle a moan as he came, with the streams of cum seemingly never-ending. It must've been twenty seconds before it was over, as the vibe continued to torture him. The front of his sweatpants, and bottom of his gut, were stained and sopping wet. When he opened his eyes, he saw Cassie staring down at him.
"You lasted a lot longer than I thought you would," she said flatly. He slowly rose to his feet, using the wall as support. He felt so sensitive, so vulnerable, and the vibe just kept stimulating him, on and on. He was still leaking.
"Cassie, I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did that the other day," he breathed out. He couldn't look her in the eye. "I... You were just so pretty, and I..."
"You just had to blatantly overstep my boundaries?"
"No, that's not--" He watched as she raised the intensity on her phone. "Fuckin' hell--Turn it off."
"I don't like your attitude." She pushed him down the hallway, and with the vibrator so strong against his cock, he couldn't put up much of a fight.
They were back in the bathroom again.
He fell to his knees on the tiled floor as she locked the door. Every muscle in his body was contracting. His head was pounding. He started gripping at his waistband. "That's it--I... I can't--"
"You disobeyed me." She crossed her arms over his full chest.
"I... I did," he admitted, tears stinging his eyes. "I'm sorry. It just... You said you'd punish me if I did it, and it..." Her arms lowered. "I... Fuck it, I like being punished by girls like you."
She was silent, and her expression was completely neutral. "...What?" she asked at last, lowering the intensity of the vibe.
Logan covered his face. "I like getting talked down to. I like being humiliated. I like getting slapped around by pretty girls. It turns me on. And... And I just figured, y'know, whatever you'd do to me... It couldn't make my life any worse."
She was silent. He didn't know what could possibly be going through her head until she knelt down in front of him on the floor. They were level to one-another. She pulled down his sweatpants and unstrapped the vibe, throwing it off to the side.
"You're probably right about that," she sighed, finally making eye contact. "Your life is pretty shitty." Cassie looked askance. "Maybe I should go a little easier on you." She met his eyes. "Against the sink."
"Lean against the sink, facing the mirror."
He did as he was told, standing to see his gross self in the reflection. She was so much shorter than him, and so much more petite, but he watched as she forced him down to bend over the counter, taking his cock in her hand as she jerked him off. She leaned against his back.
"You're still so hard," she cooed, stroking him softly and slowly. He bit his lip as he stared down the drain. "I want you to cum again. Can you do that for me?"
"Y-Yes..." he breathed out. This dynamic was new to him. He'd never even treated a girl like this, much less be on the receiving end.
"Just focus on me stroking you." He couldn't help but whine. "Focus on me milking you dry. Focus on my soft hands."
"Everyone's outside, eating dinner," she whispered sweetly, "And you're in here, being a good boy for Mommy."
There was that word again. It made his stomach flip.
"Aw, sweetie..." She wiped at his lip with her other hand. "You're drooling."
"It just... It feels good, I'm sorry," he breathed out.
"That’s okay, baby… Does it feel that good?”
“Y-Yes, it does.” He could feel his small cock twitch in her grip.
“Imagine if it was my cunt wrapped around you," she whispered. His breath hitched. "Imagine rutting your little cock into something warm."
"Ah, fuck." Her hand was so tight, and his dick was already slick from the amount of times he'd leaked already.
"Do you think you could make me cum from your cock?" she mewled, gripping the base of his jaw with her free hand. She wasn't choking him, but it made him tighten up nonetheless. "Or is it too small? Am I just gonna have to use your face?"
"I could... uh..." he groaned out. It was hard to think. He couldn't keep his eyes open for too long, mainly because he hated to see his reflection. “It’s too small, I’m sorry.”
"You are good at head... Must be all the eating you do." She was stroking him faster, holding up his gut with her other hand. He was so sensitive there. "And you're so stupid... So brainless... You'd be happy to suck my clit all day. It's not like you work or anything."
"I wanna suck on your clit," he admitted pathetically, his voice barely over a dull whimper.
"Shh... I wanna feel you cum in my hand first." She was stroking faster, and his breaths were growing more rapid. "Then you can suck off Mommy, when you're nice and empty."
“I wanna suck you off…”
“Hear how pathetic and embarrassing you sound,” she breathed out. “It’s making Mommy so wet.”
He still couldn't get over how much that word turned him on. He could look introspectively into his own personal mommy issues, but that would definitely fuck up his vibe. He'd much rather feel his cock melt in her hand as he shot ropes into the sink, moaning out so loud that Cassie had to wrap her hand around his mouth.
"Shh… Good boy... Cum for Mommy," she cooed, her engorged chest right up against his back. He could feel every inch of himself shaking as he finished leaking, his breath rapid and his heart beating out of his chest. “Mm… You made such a mess.”
“Fuck… Cole’s gonna give me so much shit for this la—“ He was cut off by Cassie kissing him from the side, taking his lips against her own. It surprised Logan, but he slowly melted into her embrace, taking the sweetness of her lip gloss. It was long, and breathy, and a bit awkward because of their height difference, but he was glad she milked him dry before. It felt so deep, he probably would’ve cum again.
“I wanna do that again sometime,” she whispered, staring up at him with big brown eyes.
"I really wanna make that happen." He was panting. He couldn’t look her in the eye. “I… I wanna make you cum. I wanna do something for you.”
“How about you come home with me tonight? Make it up to me?” she cooed. Then she turned to the door. “Come on—Our food’s getting cold.”
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ggidolsmuts · 1 year
Oppaheimer - EL7Z UP Yeeun
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"Congrats!" Yeeun jumps in your arms as you welcome her home. "I knew you'd make it all the way! My Barbie!" You've taken to calling her that occasionally since she's gone blonde, and since the Barbie movie came out you've started calling her that more.
"I can't believe I actually did, oh my god!" You squeeze her tightly as she tries to do the same. "I'm so happy!"
"You should be! I'm so happy for you!" You peck her and hug her all the tighter, lifting her slightly.
"Dinner later? My treat!"
"That's the part I was happy about," you tease, earning you a shoulder punch.
"I'm just ordering in, I can't be bothered to go out tonight."
"Okay okay, we'll order whatever you want."
"We better, since I'm paying!" Yeeun pouts, but she quickly changes into something comfortable and snuggles against you as she starts looking up delivery options. "Should we get chicken? Ddeokbokki, or chinese?"
"Whatever you want, if you want fried chicken I can go get beer."
"Ooh sounds good, let's do that!" You peck her cheek and uncuddle yourself.
"I'll be right back then." You step out quickly to the nearby convenience store and grab a few beers, and return to find Yeeun lying on the couch. She sits up when you voice your return.
"Oh oppa, the chicken will be here in like 30 minutes!"
"Great! Want a beer now?"
"Yes please!" You knock bottles together and down a satisfying gulp each.
"Pwah that's the stuff! Should we fire up a movie? There's Barbie and Oppenheimer that's popular recently."
"Ooh yeah, let's do Barbie!" You nod and start looking for the remote. "Or..."
"Or?" Yeeun scoots closer to you, her breath hot on your ear.
"It's been a while oppa." You turn to kiss her, your arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards and underneath you.
"Does Barbie miss her Ken?" you murmur in her ear, kissing her neck and hearing her coo.
"Oh I miss you more than Ken. For example, Ken is missing this." She grabs you daringly, palming you over your shorts. "You know what they would do if Barbie and Ken stayed a night together? Nothing."
"Spoilers." Yeeun giggles as your hands run up her sides, lightly tickling her before pulling her t-shirt off. "I guess I need to be Oppen— No, I'll be Oppaheimer."
"Yes, Oppaheimer, destroyer of pussy." Yeeun cracks up at that, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you in.
"You're too funny oppa. But," She pulls on your t-shirt, tugging it up and over your head, leaving you as topless as she is. "You're welcome to try." Yeeun teases and challenges you at the same time.
"Cheeky cheeky, you want me to try?"
"Yeah, do whatever you want, I fucking need it right now." You are more than happy to give Yeeun what she wants, and your hands slip into her shorts, squeezing her ass before pulling her underwear and shorts off her in one swift movement. You similarly kick off the rest of your clothing, and in less time than it took for her to order dinner, the two of you are ready for dessert.
"Oh, slowly, oh fuck..." Yeeun moans decadently into your ear as you split her open. She asks you to go slowly, but her hands are on your hips, pulling you deeper into her with the help of gravity. Yeeun's sighing and groaning as you suck on her neck, the two of you adjusting to her stretched fully over your cock.
"You good?"
"That's not what a destroyer of pussy would ask, but yes— ahh!" You pull back slightly and jerk forward, a short thrust rubbing the deeper section of her walls. She opens her mouth in a soft yelp, and you take advantage, plunging your tongue into her fiercely before pulling back.
"Fine, Barbie." You start the destruction process with deep grinds, rotating your hips, following Yeeun's squirms and listening to her moans for where exactly she wants it, your cock stretching both her walls and her resistance thin. A soft lick on her breast frays it just that little bit more, and Yeeun clenches on you lightly. You continue doing so, and she stays tight around you until you finally let go, her nipple shiny with your drool.
"Did you cum?"
"Mmm yeah, just a small one, it was nice," Yeeun sighs, the long drawn out orgasm exactly what she needed as an appetizer. "You feel so nice inside me, so thick."
"You're so tight, and I know you can be tighter, mm!" You draw yourself out and plunge back into her with a smooth thrust to drive the point home.
"Yeah, I'll be loose after though, you are going to destroy my pussy, aren't you?" Yeeun puts on a high-pitch tone, your Barbie doll suddenly coquettish, expressing her desire for a good fucking. "You still have... 25 minutes."
You respond wordlessly, grabbing a toned leg and placing it on your shoulder.
"Oh— haah!" Yeeun drops the tone and shouts as you start drilling into her with short and sharp thrusts. The flexibility of your doll is not in question as you push against her leg harder, hugging it to allow you to rut into her better. Yeeun contracts when you pull out, only for you to drive her walls apart once more, rubbing them wonderfully.
"Shit, oppa, oppa I'm going to cum again!" It had been a while since she came over, but it hadn't been that long had it? She grabs at her own jiggling tits, teasing and playing them for her own pleasure and your viewing enjoyment. Her toes curl above your head, and her legs bend as her entire body tries to contract in pleasure. She's so close, she's pushing herself off the sofa and—
"Nnngh fuck!" And nothing. You stop moving, and Yeeun is left gasping and moaning in disappointment. Her leg, still taut from pre-climax, shudders against you violently—when it goes slack you grab her ankle, licking her still curled toes open one-by-one and kissing the sole of her foot. "Why did you—" You shush her with a finger before kissing down her calf. Silently you push her legs and turn her to the side, and with a grunt you start hammering into her.
"Oh mmm..." Yeeun whines as her legs dangle off the side of the sofa, unable to push back against your thrusts or do much of anything else. She twists herself best she can, watching you fuck her sideways literally. You watch her mouth begin to hang open as you hurry your thrusts—you are slowly destroying Yeeun from the inside out. You take what you want from her externally as well, your fingers squeezing her wherever you wanted, leaving firm grip marks on her delicious thigh and hips.
Her head lays limply on the couch cushion, watching the television shake in her vision. Yeeun can feel drool leak out the side of her mouth, but her hands are too busy grabbing the couch armrest—it feels too good to do anything else! Her entire body shakes with each thrust, her throat opens for a loud moan and her pussy clenches in orgasm, only for all the air to be pumped out of her as her pussy is pushed open by your tool, extending her pleasure. She stains the sofa from both ends, coating your shaft with slick, splashing everywhere in between your hammer strokes.
Yeeun finds herself coming back down from her peak, your lips pressed firmly on hers. Your hands are on her shoulders, continuing to buck heavily into her.
"You're destroying your Barbie so well oppa, mmm!"
"Good, you're my perfect little fuckdoll, right?"
"Yes, whatever you want!" You slide an arm under her knees, and with fuck-fueled strength you lift her and manage to get into a sitting position. You briefly savor Yeeun in your lap, your cock hilted fully inside her. With her legs kept together and lifted high, she can't see in front of her, but she certainly feels her clit being played with and another quick orgasm rubbed out of her.
"You're so fucking tight when you cum." Languidly Yeeun reaches back, wrapping her arms around your neck and undulating against you, riding the small shockwaves of pleasure left over.
"Mmm, make sure to cum in me babe. If you're going to destroy my pussy, you should explode in it, blow it up from the inside."
"Good idea, do you think you can take all of it?" You lean forward, making Yeeun brace herself against the coffee table. After the grinding, the drilling, and the hammering, it is time for the pounding. You hold her slim waist and start doing just that, slamming your bodies together over and over.
"Ah! Oh! I-I don't know, fuck!" She rests her head against the table, groaning as you pull all the way out, leaving just your head spreading her lips open. Your shaft is coated with shiny slick; you sink back inside her, and Yeeun groans, a hand smacking the table. "Nngh god!" You watch her thighs jiggle as her legs shake in another apparent climax. You pull out again, and this time your shaft has some streaks of white—Yeeun has creamed all over your cock.
Yeeun's eyes are tightly shut, the emptiness overwhelming when you pull out—she needed you in her again! The fullness is equally all-consuming when you push back in, and she is truly broken, cumming easily with every body-rattling, table-shifting, pound of your cock into her. She's sagging a little, her knees bending in weakness and to your will—part of her wants you to stop, part of her wants you to keep going, to pound her until she's part of the furniture, ready for use whenever you wanted. Your warm hand clasps over her abdomen, and she grunts at the particularly rough shove, as if you're trying to bring her womb closer to your throbbing cock.
"Fuck..." Your raspy grunt floats into her ear, and her hand drifts over yours. Together the two of you experience your detonation, an explosion of fissile genetic material filling Yeeun to the brim instantly. In her hypersensitive state she feels every sperm pepper her walls, each sending a spark of pleasure straight up her body. She immediately hits critical pleasure, and it is a runaway chain reaction as Yeeun goes taut, her legs kicking out and quivering in muscular frenzy. Your arm around her midriff is the only thing holding her up when she goes limp, her feet dragging on the floor. A mix of her cream and your thick load gather and froth at your connection, and it comes pouring out of her when you maneuver the both of you back on the sofa—she has completely failed to contain your "payload".
"Mmph..." Yeeun reaches for your chin and pulls you in for a kiss. "You really went and did it, I think I can still feel your cock inside of me."
"Yeah? Say it, who am I?"
"Ugh you are so stupid sometimes, fine. Oppaheimer."
"Yeah that sounds stupid now, never mind."
"About time that post-nut clarity hit. But..." Her fingers trail teasingly across your cheek. "I think after destroying my pussy, you need to put it back together oppa." Yeeun slinks down your body, and soon your fingers are tangled in her hair as she cleans your cock, bobbing on it until it is back to full stiffness.
She gets in your lap once more, this time facing you. "I'll need this brick in me." Yeeun kisses your collarbone, biting down lightly and leaving a mark before moving up further. She's on your neck, sucking and nibbling as she grinds her creamy pussy over your shaft. "And I'm going to need a lot of semen, I mean cement, to fix me."
"Fine." You push Yeeun off your lap, only to scoop her up and carry her to the bedroom. "We'll need more space, I can fix you, but it's going to be a messy job."
The delivery person knocks and leaves the fried chicken at the door. They shake their head at the noisy "construction" going on behind the door, lots of pipe-laying and hammering and drilling.
"Oh fuck, cum in me, cum in me now!"
Yep, lots of repair work being done.
A/N: This took too long, as you can tell by how late it is after Barbenheimer and EL7Z UP debuted XD The original idea was just Yeeun as a "Barbie" doll with a bunch of references to it, but then I came up with "Oppaheimer" and it was too good to not use. It's stupid but fun, so eh, good enough, helps that Yeeun is active now with EL7Z UP to remind me about the idea lol. Thanks for reading!
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astroboots · 2 years
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Pairing: Steven Grant x female reader x Marc Spector (x hints of Jake Lockley)
Summary: You get more than you bargained for when you follow Marc out into the night. Or alternatively: 🎵 Fighting evil by moonlight. Winning love by daylight 🎵
Content: Cthulu horror, violence, blood and gore, angst, yikes overall.
Word Count: 6.2k words
Series Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist | Thirstworldproblemss’ Masterlist
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You’re not thinking straight. 
Somehow you’re already at the end of the hallway, pushing the button for the lift and having a staring contest with the red floor indicator, and you don’t even know if you managed to lock up behind you.
The lift is stuck at the ground floor, apparently unwilling to do the one bloody thing a lift is supposed to do and lift itself. You can’t be bothered to wait. Before you even properly register making a decision, you’re already down the five flights of stairs, out the building's front door and onto the street, cheeks stinging from the bone-chilling cold.
Usually, the residual heat from the bustle of city life coupled with fumes from the busy traffic will keep London warm enough even in the dead of night. But now, as you make your way down the cramped street, it’s so cold that your breath is frosting in front of you. 
It’s eerily quiet for Central London. The only sound is the one made by your feet carelessly splashing through the puddles of rainwater filling the potholes in the cracked pavement, and it seems to echo off the tall concrete walls on either side of you. 
You don’t know what you’re doing.
It would be better, safer,  smarter for you to go back upstairs where you could stay comfortably warm under the covers while you wait for Steven to return to you in the morning. 
You know all of this, but you don’t turn around. Don’t even hesitate. One foot after the other, you stride determinedly down the narrowing passageway that’s lined with pungent beer bottles and deep fried chicken bones, until you reach a fork in the street. 
This is all so stupid.
You don’t know which direction Marc went—right or left—don’t know what his intended destination is or if he even came this way at all. But you do know one thing.  
Marc Spector loves you. 
His quiet voice still echoes between your ears. ‘I love you too’, he’d said, and it was real. 
You chance left into an even smaller alleyway. You don’t know why, other than that the dark tapered alley seems like a more likely place for Marc to have slunk off to in the middle of the night. 
There are no street lights here, and the walls on both sides seem to narrow in on you, until you feel like they're practically scraping against your shoulders. Somehow, even though you’ve been more or less living in this area as of late, you’ve not ever come across this path before. 
A foetid smell lingers in the air, like someone’s left rotten eggs out in the sun. London’s never exactly smelled good, but the sudden overwhelming odour stings your nostrils, invading your throat in a way that threatens to have you doubled over, dry-gagging.
The rain is coming in heavier now, but it does nothing to help with the smell. Just permeates every single layer of your clothing, until you’re soaked all the way down to your socks. 
You’re bloody freezing. 
Something doesn’t feel quite right, but you chalk it up to the fact that you've chosen to take a stroll down a dark alley in East London in the middle of the night by yourself. Not your brightest decision ever, but here you are.
A tingling at the back of your neck makes you throw a quick glance over your shoulder, checking to see if someone’s watching you, but there’s nothing there. All you see is the same depressing-looking alley that you just came down. Red-rusted brick walls above a concrete street covered in manky puddles and rubbish, just like every other dirty little alleyway in East London. 
Somehow, this does nothing to reassure you.
The skin between your shoulders itches, prickling with uncomfortable heat despite the cold, and it feels like a warning sign. 
Despite the fact that you’re wearing sturdy boots and covered from toes to chin, you still feel uncomfortably exposed. Like any minute now something might start nipping at your heels from behind. It’s the same illogical fear you feel when you’re alone in bed at night with your feet sticking out from under the covers. You’ve left yourself defenceless and vulnerable to the monsters under the bed. It’s only a matter of time before something from the darkness will reach out and grab you by the ankles, dragging you under. 
You continue forwards, hurrying your pace with every step. It’s irrational, but you can’t shake off the feeling that if you don’t, something will catch up to you.  
Some sort of.... clicking starts up behind you, and you slow to a stop. Some lost survival instinct is screaming at you, telling you to freeze. To hide so it won't see you.
The unsettling noise continues, rattling oddly in your ears and growing ever more distorted as it echoes off the walls around you. You’ve never heard anything like it, and you wish you weren’t hearing it now. It’s… strange. Not quite right. 
The noise stops, leaving just the sound of your breath rasping in and out of your too-tight chest. You force yourself to move; fighting the warning siren of your heart hammering painfully hard in your chest, you turn slowly to look over your shoulder at the alley behind you.
There’s nothing there. You're alone.
Slowly, slowly you turn the rest of the way, but there's still nothing. Aside from the usual smattering of rubbish, the only thing in the alleyway is the image of the moonlit sky mirrored on the rain-covered, empty pavement.
You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, and force yourself to keep breathing, fighting the stubborn tightness of your chest to take in deep, calming breaths that turn visible as you exhale against the crisp air.
So you heard an odd sound. And what of it? Probably just someone’s ancient radiator clicking up a storm. That’s all. Everything else is just your overactive imagination. Might even have been a bird. Someone’s escaped parakeet doing a strange mating call perhaps. What do you know? London wildlife has always been unpredictable and strange, after all. 
You’ve nearly managed to convince yourself, about to turn on your heel and continue on your way when you spot it. The gentle ripple pattern spreading out across the thin sheet of water covering the grey concrete. Not unusual in the least, given that it’s raining. Except it’s a large ripple. Too large to be from the rain.
Despite the freezing temperature, your spine prickles with cold sweat underneath your thick coat. 
The noise starts up again. It warbles and clicks-clicks-clicks. You can’t pin where it’s coming from. It’s disorientating. It comes from the ground, rattles off the walls and lingers in the air above. It’s everywhere. 
Water splashes on the ground some feet away from you, a small spray going up in your peripheral vision, like something stepped on it. Something heavy. Something large.
But there’s nothing there. And that maddening clicking noise won’t stop. 
You can’t see anything in the empty space over the water puddle in front of you. Nothing, not even the smattering droplets of the pouring rain. The water is eerily still which… can’t be right. 
You narrow your eyes at the puddle, dragging your gaze upwards, and…
There’s a hole in the rain.
A void of some sort, defined only by the absence of the falling water. Following the empty space upwards, you can see a clearly defined boundary where the droplet starts again. Like the rain is bouncing off a transparent surface.
There’s something there. Something solid. Something big.
A huge eerie shape. As you squint at it, you begin to recognize that the water is outlining crouching limbs and a torso. Your brain keeps trying to pin down what it looks like, but it’s not the shape of any animal you know of. There’s something not right about its form. It's disproportionate; all overly sharp edges and grotesque bulging curves that make your skin crawl. The angles are wrong somehow in a way that makes your brain itch to look at them.
Not of this world. 
You hold your breath, standing motionless, feet rooted to the wet pavement as rain pelts your face so hard it stings. 
Click. C-Click. CCCCClick. 
The noise rattles closer. Louder now. It feels like it’s burrowing under your skin. Into your brain. But the warning sirens blaring inside your head are louder still. Deafening. Every instinct and nerve ending in you is screaming one thing. 
You turn and run, one leg leaping in front of the other. You run without looking behind you. Running even as you almost stumble, feet skidding against the slippery-wet concrete. Your lungs burn, but you don’t stop. Don’t dare look back. Eyes fixed on the dim, rain-fogged light at the end of the alley in front of you. You run. 
There’s a loud crash behind you. A percussive thunderclap of sound that hurts your ears. The crunch and clatter of concrete being torn apart. 
But you don’t stop. Don’t look behind you to investigate. You run. 
You run, ignoring the bile pushing its way up your throat. Run, ignoring the shrieks of sound erupting behind you. Running from the sound of a wounded creature, like no animal that you have ever heard in your life. A hellish scream that doesn’t sound of this world, tearing through the thin space. A pain that is born out of pierced flesh and broken bones. You run.
Stupid. You’re so fucking stupid. 
Why are you here? Why didn’t you just stay in the safety of your home, tucked up in bed under the covers? The stinging wetness in your eyes blurs your vision as you tear down the alleyway. Does it open out into another street or dead end? You can’t tell yet, but there’s nothing else to do. You run.
You collide with something solid and firm.The impact knocks the wind out of your lungs, and a strong pressure surrounds you from every angle, grabbing hold of your shoulders and constricting around your ribs. You can’t run. 
You can’t breathe. There’s something clamped over your mouth and nose. Coarse gauze pressed into your nostrils, suffocating you. 
You make a desperate attempt to free yourself, arms trying to push out against the tight hold, hands clawing at whatever you can reach, but your pathetic attempts are no use. The grip only tightens at your resistance. It’s too strong. You can’t get free. 
This is it. There’s nowhere left to go. You’re trapped. It’s over. 
Still, you can’t stop fighting, thrashing in every direction, trying to squirm yourself loose.
“Stop! Stop!”
You recognize that grumpy, impatient voice. You’d know it anywhere, even muted as it is by the blood thundering in your ears. You register that the solid weight holding you captive is a person. 
You go limp. Shoulders slumping into his hold. Legs no longer kicking as your feet settle onto the ground below.
“I’m gonna let go of you now. I need you to not fight me. Or scream.” 
You nod into his hand, and the pressure finally gives, as does his grip. Then you’re free. 
Turning around, the sight that greets you nearly has you screaming and running after all because it’s not Marc at all. It’s…
A mummy.
Layers upon layers of white gauze are wrapped like bandages over every inch of the body before you. Wound around limbs and woven over a broad torso, continuing up to shroud the face. 
And the eyes…
Where the eyes should be, the eye sockets are hollowed out. The gorgeous brown you expected is absent, replaced by a white glow that blinds you when you try to look directly at it.
You wobble on your feet, a sick nausea filling your throat. 
It spoke like Marc. Used his voice. 
Oh god! Is this some monstrous creature that mimics human voices to lure in its prey? 
Did it eat Marc!? 
Is it going to eat you!? 
The glowing eyes narrow into impatient triangular shapes, the shoulders pulling up and back while the feet shift in an almost nervous gesture. An odd sense of recognition fills you.
The eyes narrow further into a scolding glare. Even without a mouth, you can tell he’s scowling at you. The thing growls, but it’s a human sound. And a familiar one. 
Marc, definitely Marc.
Only he could manage to scowl behind a hoodie, three layers of mummy bandages and a glowing Halloween mask. 
As you watch, the hood and mask recede, evaporating into thin air. White bandages give way to golden-tanned skin, and you’re greeted by the face you know so well. Hard eyes staring down at you above steel-cut cheekbones and a jaw set with displeasure. 
“Marc!” Thank god! Relief floods your chest, but it’s short-lived. That thing could still be out there. “We need to go!”
“Why are you here? You can’t be here,” Marc grates out, resisting your attempts to pull him into motion. He’s clearly furious, but right now the two of you have got more important things to worry about.                                                                                  
“We need to go,” you repeat, pleading with him, hands grappling for his, trying to tug him in the direction you were running before, but he resists you effortlessly, like he’s anchored to the spot. You might as well be trying to tug a stone statue.
“Marc, please! There’s something out there! Like a– a–” you fumble, unsure of what to name it, because you don’t know what the hell that thing was. 
An invisible monster? A demon? A boogeyman? 
“I don’t know what it was! Some kind of… creature. Something big,” Your voice breaks. Your fingers tremble where they’re curled over his arm, and you grip harder. Digging them further into the bandages, trying to get them to stop. “You have to believe me Marc!”
He’s not going to believe you, is he? He’s going to think you’ve lost the plot and need to be sectioned. God, maybe you do.
But the vexation in his face fades as he watches you, his expression shifting into something softer, filled with worry. His hands reach for you, the bandages soft against your cheeks. 
“Hey. Hey, it’s okay.” He tips your chin up, eyes searching your face, and if he thinks you are mad or hysterical, there isn’t a trace of it in his gaze. There’s no disbelief. “I know.” 
His calm acceptance stuns you. 
“What do you mean you ‘know’?” 
“I know because I…,”—he hesitates, mouth set in a grim line—”I took care of it.” “You took care of… what? Marc, what–? What do you mean by that?” 
Marc falters at that, and runs one gloved hand over his hair. His eyes dart around like he’ll find the answer hidden somewhere behind the overflowing rubbish or carved into the worn brick of the alley wall. 
“I…,” He hesitates again, glancing at you and then away, like he can’t make himself hold your gaze. “This is what I do,” he finally spits out. “I tried to keep this shit away from you. It’s not something you were ever supposed to see. I need you safe.” 
The unhappy set of his mouth makes your aggravation falter, but you need to understand.
“What do you mean? Tried to keep what shit away from me?” 
“I–” He breaks off, eyes darting up and across the wall of the building across from you, high above your head. “Shit. We need to go.”
Oh sure! Now he wants to leave. (Though it’s not like you’re going to argue.)
Marc grabs your arm again, and you do your best to keep up as he hauls you along down the alley. 
You try to watch the alley walls and street as you run, searching for any sign of the grotesque invisible creature from before, but you can’t make out anything in the pouring rain this time. You try to listen instead, but you can’t hear anything over the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
Marc stops suddenly, and you stumble to a halt as well, crashing into his back and nearly falling. 
“Quiet,” he cuts you off with the low demand, and the quiet urgency of his voice has you freezing instantly. He stares at the mouth of the alleyway, then up where the moon is just barely visible in the gap between the buildings, eyes wide and alert, face rigid with something like fear. It makes your own fear balloon, your pulse screeching in your ears.
Suddenly there’s a scraping sound, and small bits of brick fall from above, skittering down from the wall on your left. You peer at the shadowy face of the building, but there’s nothing to be seen.
Another grinding sound, closer this time. Something large and heavy rubbing against brick. Another shower of gravel and debris, but you still can’t see where the bloody thing is.
Dread curls in the lining of your stomach.
Then it starts again, that otherworldly clicking that seems to burrow right  into your skull. You cover your ears reflexively. Would claw them right off if only it would make the noise stop. 
Marc reaches for you then. Moving slowly and deliberately, he wraps an arm around you, scooping you close against his chest and taking you with him as he backs away. 
You huddle against him, staring up at his determined profile. His eyes are trained on a spot on the building across from you, clearly seeing what you can’t. 
Without looking away, he leans in closer to you and whispers, “Get ready to run.” 
He’s barely finished speaking when the wall crumbles above you, and Marc’s arms untangle from you, leaving your side. 
You think you catch the sight of something moving in the rain, a slight distortion visible as the shape crosses in front of the moon, then you’re shoved to the side, voice echoing in your ears.
You weren’t ready. 
Shoes skidding backwards in the slippery rain, you lose your footing, and go down. You land hard on your bum, and can’t seem to get up again.
Everything is happening too fast. 
Your chest hurts. Breath stuttering in your lungs, too quick and shallow to let you take in any oxygen. Your heartbeat is pounding so rapidly against your ribs that you’re sure it’s going to rip a hole straight through your chest to the open air.
It’s too bright.
The light from the moon above seems to flood the alleyway, and your eyes throb.
Too loud. 
A solid thud reverberates through the air mere feet away from you. It’s the sound of knuckles meeting flesh. A blood curdling shriek rips through the space. 
Too much. 
Marc's forearm is held up, parallel to the wall, like he’s pinning something that isn’t there. Something large and thrashing. Your eyes are fixed on the bizarre scene before you. You don’t understand what you’re seeing. Don’t understand how the man who folds your clothes in neat squares and makes you lukewarm tea is the same man as the one who stands before you now. Poised and calm in the violence. Holding his own against an otherworldly monster, and winning. 
None of this feels real.  
His fist slams forward, landing some distance away from the brick. Punching into the invisible air. But there’s a horrifying squelching sound with each landing punch that lets you know something is there that you’re not seeing. 
You watch, so focused on Marc and the damage he’s meting out that you almost don’t notice when a damp gust of air grazes against the fine hairs on the back of your neck and sends the soft skin underneath prickling. You fail to take it as the warning sign it is. 
Fuck. There’s another one!
You don’t have time to react. No time for anything. Just the sound of glass crunching against asphalt, and something slamming into your back, so forcefully that the impact threatens to crush your ribs. 
You land face first this time, cheek kissing the concrete with a painful sting. There’s a heavy weight on your back, and mud in your mouth. Or maybe blood. Everything tastes like pennies. 
Marc shouts your name. His voice is raw, panicked. So full of fear it's almost unrecognisable.
You want to go to him.
Anchoring your elbows on the gravelly ground, you try to push up against the heavy weight pinning you to the ground. It hurts. Everything hurts. Your shins are stinging. Cheek too and your forearm where your sleeve must have ripped. Your ribs are one big throbbing blotch of burning pain. But you manage to lift your head up in time to see Marc leaping towards you.
He seems to be suspended in time, one hand pulled back, the other outstretched in mid-air as he reaches for you. Droplets of rain sparkle where they’re caught in his hair, and others seem to trickle leisurely down his forehead above his brown eyes that are wide in blind panic. 
You feel it before you see it. 
His fingers curl around your wrist, the solid weight of his hand clamping tight around your forearm. Time speeds up again at the touch. You hadn’t realised sound had gone missing too until it returns with a deafening fury. 
The suspended rain smatters down all around you. Marc’s other hand impacts the creature pinning you down with a sickening squelch, and a grotesque shriek tears through the space behind you, tapering off into a rheumy deathrattle. 
Marc’s face fills your vision, the terror in his expression just starting to shift into relief when some small distortion, barely seen out of the corner of your eye, breaks into your line of sight, and he’s ripped away from you again by some invisible force.
You don’t understand what you’re seeing. There’s some disconnect between what’s happening in front of you and your brain’s ability to process it. 
You know that can’t possibly be Marc hurtling through the air, white cape billowing behind him like a white flag of surrender. Surely there’s no need to worry because of course you aren’t seeing his body impact the side of the building with a horrifyingly meaty thud that reverberates in your bones, and then tumble to the ground in a shower of broken masonry
You stare at the pile of white fabric and brick pieces there on the ground for a moment, and your heart pounds so forcefully that you feel lightheaded.
It’s a horrible nightmare made reality, and your brain wants to fight it. To pretend it’s not happening. Tell you that it’s not Marc’s lifeless body lying facedown on the ground in front of you.
But… it is.
You can feel the bitter acrid taste of the truth carving itself into your throat. 
You scramble up, ignoring your bloody knees and the searing pain in your side, not stopping until you’re hunched over Marc’s body. He’s terrifyingly still. You grip his shoulder, tugging hard until you’ve managed to turn him onto his back, all the while begging to any deity or higher power who might be listening to please let him be all right; let him be awake; let him still be alive. 
He has to be. 
Cupping his cheeks in your palms, you have to swallow the raw sob in your throat at how cold his skin feels against yours. 
A pulse. You need to check for a pulse. 
You shove two fingers against the column of his throat up under his jaw, trying to find the right place, but the stupid bandages are too bloody thick. You can’t feel anything through them. You tug at them, trying to rip them free or wedge your fingertips underneath to get at bare skin, but they’re hard as steel. You don’t stop though, clawing at them now because you’ve got to– 
A heavy, thudding footfall lands on the ground a short distance away, and you jerk your head up.
The creature is there in the alley, right in front of you… 
All you can see is the malformed outline, silhouetted by the cascading rain refracting in the moonlight. It turns slowly towards you, feet grinding against the pavement.
Absolute terror swamps you. Every cell in your body is screaming. You need to escape!
You scramble to get ahold of Marc, barely managing to wedge yourself underneath him until you can wrap both your arms around his chest from behind and heave, straining to drag his uncooperative body away from danger. You don’t get very far.  
Marc is heavier than he looks, and your feet scrape and skid against the wet concrete as you desperately try to drag both of you backwards. You barely manage to budge him at all, gaining at most a few inches before the creature begins clicking again.
You can see the outline more clearly now. If you squint you can just make out mangled tentacles protruding from where its head must be and writhing grotesquely in a way that your eyes refuse to focus on. Your breath seizes in your chest and you have to look away, your body wracked with shivers.
You watch it come out of the corner of your eye, thick limbs advancing on you one torturously slow step at a time. You don’t understand why you’re still alive. The creature certainly seemed capable of ferocious speeds when it had attacked Marc before. You get the feeling it’s mocking you. A giant supernatural cat playing with its prey before it eats, and you’re the hapless dinner. 
The thought sickens you.
You tighten your grip on Marc, wrapping your arms around him with renewed determination. Clutching him as close as you can in a futile attempt to protect him from this thing. Unwilling to let it have him. 
There’s more loud clicking, closer still, scraping against your brain like nails on a chalkboard and making your spine curl. 
You’re out of time. Out of options. Your brain furiously scans through a lifetime of collected memories and information for any shred of useful knowledge. Anything to help get you out of this, but there’s… nothing. No secret escape route. No Hail Mary play. 
 It’s hopeless. 
You wish it hadn’t come to this. That you could somehow save Marc and Steven and yourself. That you had more time. 
You wish you had taken the time to eat the breakfast Steven’s made for you with him yesterday morning. That you could have had the chance to taste Marc’s pancakes again. That you had kissed Steven more often (should have done it every opportunity you had), gotten to see that sunshine smile of his light up the room one last time. That you could’ve told Marc you love him in person. 
But that’s the thing isn’t it? 
You don’t have all the time in the world. You never did. Everything has an end. 
You hug Marc closer to your chest. You’re just glad you got to face your end here with him, together.
Searing pain rips into your ankle as cold claws sink into your flesh. The breath you’ve been holding all this time is knocked out of you. Any small shred of peaceful resignation you’d been able to muster in the face of certain death is ripped away, and you react without thinking.
Your foot flies out in a swift kick. The heel of your boot connects with something soft and pulpy that yields with a sickening squelch. 
There’s an angry clicking shriek. It rattles your eardrums painfully and vibrates through your chest, like standing too close to a speaker at a club. The monster takes a step back, but the taloned grip around your heel doesn’t ease, dragging you with it. 
You kick again. Firm sponginess that makes you think of decomposing flesh. Unnaturally soft for something still moving. You think you might vomit. 
The thing screeches but doesn’t loosen its grip. Asphalt and shards of glass dig into your back as it drags you along. You try to cling to Marc, but you can’t. You might as well be a flea for all the hope you have of challenging its strength. 
You twist around onto your front. All you see is mute greyness of the alley. The increasing distance between you and Marc as the thing drags you along. You try to claw at the ground but there’s nothing to hold onto. Your watch, somehow miraculously still on your wrist after everything, pops free now, and you watch it disappearing from your sight, growing smaller and smaller as you’re dragged away, and somehow that’s the final staw. You squeeze your eyes shut on a ragged sob, draw in a half breath to scream, and…
Everything stops. 
It’s dark behind your closed eyelids. Your throat is raw, burning. Are you still screaming? You must be, but you can’t hear anything anymore. There’s no more clicking. The rain seems to have stopped. You can’t feel it falling onto your skin or the asphalt scraping against your torn clothes.
Are you… dead? 
If you are, why do your knees hurt so much? 
You crack your eyes open to find yourself staring up at the pitch-black sky lit by a perfectly circular moon. 
Something white flutters in the periphery of your vision. A white… flag? No, it’s a long flowing white cape that hovers over your body. 
Or… is it? 
Something’s different. 
Tracing the cape upwards, it takes your frazzled brain a second to register what’s changed. This mummy is missing bodyparts! Or… no. His costume is just a different colour. Solid black ink runs up his legs instead of the white bandages that were there before, masking his outline against the black sky above.. 
Is this someone else?
You crane your neck towards where you last saw Marc’s body lying on the pavement, but he’s not there any longer.
This must him, then. 
…Isn’t it?
He’s standing hunched over empty air, a vicious brutality emanating from his entire body that wasn’t there before as he delivers repeated bone-shattering punches to…. nothing. His fists sink into the space that you know isn’t really empty. You can hear the impacts now, even if you still can’t see the creature. The dull wet thud of knuckles connecting with flesh over and over and over again, with almost mechanical precision.
With each blow the same hellish scream you heard earlier rings in the air, but it’s growing weaker, soggier each time until finally it fades all together. And the stomach twisting crunch of bones breaking grows ever louder as his fists sink deeper and deeper into the invisible mass. 
Then, finally, silence falls.
Squinting your eyes open—when did you close them?—the first thing you see is his silhouette standing some feet away from you. Right where you last saw him, but he’s standing upright now, towering over you and what’s left of the creature, a now semi translucent mass that glints wetly.
There’s an unsettling calmness to him as he takes a step back, head tilted to the side as his eyes narrow, observing the thing with disdain. One leg lifts, rising above the ground, poised like an executioner’s axe… and then falls.
The creature isn't making any sounds anymore, not even a whimper when that foot comes down,  delivering an earth-shattering stomp that shakes the ground beneath you. 
There is only a stomach-churning, pulp-crunching sound, of something moist-yet-solid being torn through. You clamp your eyes shut, stomach roiling, trying not to think about what is there that you can’t see. Instead you imagine he’s stepping on a bag of rotten fruit. Repeatedly.
You don’t dare to open your eyes again until everything goes quiet. 
But the horror of the moment isn’t quite over yet. He stands still in the same spot, unmoving. His shoulders squared but loose as he stares at the place the creature had been with a disdainful sneer on his features, eyes flat and blank. He eyes it like he’s inspecting a squashed cockroach stuck to the bottom of his shoe. 
The hairs on the back of your neck are still standing on end. Your body is screaming out to you that the danger hasn’t passed. Something even more dangerous is standing before you. The scene plays out like some twisted nature documentary where a rabid bear was just ripped apart by a monstrous wolf. 
Marc tips his head to stare up at the night sky. Something changes. The whole of his body seizes, shoulders pulled taut, head thrown back like he’s being yanked up by invisible puppet strings. 
The linen covering his body slithers down his limbs like receding snakes. Every inch of the primordial gauze disintegrates into dust and smoke, giving way to the much more familiar tight jeans, form-fitting t-shirt, and loose jacket. 
As if finally satiated, whatever force had its hooks in him relinquishes control, and he slumps forward, feet still firmly grounded to the asphalt, and opens his eyes. 
And then Marc is back. You think… 
Marc seems disoriented at first, breathing erratically. His body language is a stark contrast to the one he held mere moments ago, as though the calm callousness has disintegrated with the mummified gauze. Now he’s hunched over, tense, and appears confused, eyes darting around the alleyway until they land on you, still flat on your ass on the concrete ground.
His eyes stay on you as he covers the distance between you in three great strides, his footfalls skidding along the rain-slick concrete before he falls to his knees beside you. You turn your head, trying to look behind you to observe all the damage, but Marc cups your face in his hand before you can see anything. 
“Hey. Hey, you look at me,” he says, voice rough but hands gentle as he smooths your hair back from your face. His eyes search your face frantically for a long moment. It must eventually penetrate that you’re all right because the panic in his eyes finally melts into relief, and seems to spread to the rest of him. The harsh line between his brows relaxes  slightly, and he lets out a long breath, the tight line of his shoulders softening. 
Then he’s cupping the back of your head in one hand, and hauling you into his chest, and holding you there, pressed tight against him.  It makes it hard to breathe, your face mashed up against his firm chest, nose and mouth partially buried in his shirt and jacket, but you only want to press closer, have him hold you tighter, for as long as he possibly can, even if it chokes the breath out of you.
“It’s okay,” he says after a long moment, “You’re okay. You’re alright. I’ve got you.”
You’re not sure if he’s trying to reassure you or himself. 
His voice is gentle and comforting as he rests a firm hand on the small of your back and keeps it there. His eyes are soft now, no longer cold and blank, even if they do look sad. 
“You’re safe,” he tells you.  
It’s not until he says it that it finally sinks in. The rigid muscles in you melt. Your heightened survival instincts dim, your body finally willing to accept that the danger has passed. 
His grip around you loosens, and the palm of his hand roams over the top of your shoulder, fingers resting on the pulse of your neck, before ghosting under the place that stings and smarts on your cheek. There’s a tremor to his touch, but he’s still meticulous as his hands run gently down your arms, across your back, stomach, and ribs, inspecting you for injuries, and cataloguing the location and gravity of each.   
A long time passes before Marc is satisfied and finished with his examination. Then he lets you go and leans back, shimmying off his jacket—the very one you’d been haunted by when he lent it to you once before—and settles it around your shoulders. Residual heat from his body still lingers in the fabric, instantly warming you and making you aware of just how cold you were before.
You stare up at him, through the rain as the pale moonlight shimmers off the droplets of water caught in his hair. The familiarity of it makes your heart squeeze tight in your chest. Once again the two of you find yourselves in the middle of the rain with Marc’s jacket wrapped around you. It’s a deja-vu you wish you can relive a thousand times over. 
“C’mon,” Marc says, holding out a hand and helping you to your feet, “Let’s get you home.” 
~ Continue ~
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Dedicated to @thirstworldproblemss because I am just very happy I have a friend like her in my life and that I get to share this story together with her.
a/n: to be notified of new writing updates follow @astroboots-writes and turn on notifs 🤡💖🤡
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le-poofe · 8 days
Hello Poofe! Me again! (Srry if I pop into ur ask box too much- I'm a very chatty human-) Anywho I have a question! More of an opinion type! Do you think Grillby likes country music? If so, are there any country artists you think he'd enjoy? Very random question im just curious! Hope u have a fantastic day/night! ^^
This question is something I apparently didn’t know I needed. The second I read this, my neurons fired so hard, it’s like I’ve been waiting for this day. I put it all under the cut~
I grew up with country music Pandora stations as background music all the time at home, and I’ve listened to some for the general vibe when I’ve drawn Grillby/Sansby stuff. But I have yet to actually apply it directly like this. This may be longer/more extensive than you anticipated hehe, lemme crack open my arsenal. For extra flavor, everyone is in cowboy getup and Grillby’s is a saloon now-
Bartender by Lady A jumps out at me for obvious reasons hehe. This feels like something one of the regular npcs would play on the jukebox. Mayhaps Drunk Bun.
Little Bitty by Alan Jackson and similar ones could be a good one. In an au I can picture Snowdin residents having fun doing line dances in the bar. Very rare occurrence to get Grillbz to dance along. And even when you do, he’ll deny he did it. While we’re on Alan Jackson - Chattahhoochee, Tall, Tall Trees, Margaritaville, and It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere also feel fitting
3. Natural Disaster by Zac Brown is a fun juxtaposition to throw at Grillbz’ quiet demeanor. If you’re imagining him singing these, he’d pop off for the duration of the song and go right back to his calm collected self the second it’s over
4. This is a specific pull, but People Are Crazy by Billy Currington sounds like a song for someone talking to Gerson at the bar
5. Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker is That One Song everybody plays on the bar jukebox, the regulars are sick of it but they can’t help singing along to the chorus
These next ones have less specific imagery to me, but are worth a mention imo 6. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo by Tracy Bird
7. Chicken Fried and Knee Deep by Zac Brown Band
8. These Are My People by Rodney Atkins
And while I’m at it, here’s some Sansby ones-
Project by Chase McDaniel is a cowboy au Sans @ Grillby song and you can't convince me otherwise
2. I Need You Now by Lady A is one that I think speaks for itself when you hear it
3. Just a Kiss by Lady A is soft, y’all know that I’m weak for softness
4. Midnight Ride by Orville Peck because it would be a sin to not include Mr. Peck
Mini Category for Zac Brown specifically bc a lot come to mind- 5. Beautiful Drug bc I like it, and there's some good lyrics that relate to fire. I take what I can get
6. As She’s Walking Away - is a cute one, v good for first meeting scenarios.
7. Toes - I see Sans plucking at a guitar and mumbling this one under his breath while looking at Grillby from across the bar. Especially that “my bartender” line, y’all know the one.
8. Free - Say it with me now, soft as fuck
This is by no means an exhaustive list, just what i was able to come up with mostly off the dome. If anyone has their own suggestions, yeet them in the replies
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rebelwrites · 1 year
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Three: He Was Checking You Out
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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“Auntie Nova,” Elenor shouted over the sound of the shower.
“What’s up princess?” I smiled, poking my head around the shower curtain, making sure my body was covered.
“Poppy, called me your name today,” she whispered with an air of sadness in her voice. She was too young to fully understand Pops’ health concerns, but she knew something was wrong with him, there was no way we could hide that from anyone.
Retreating behind the shower curtain I ran my hands over my face. How the fuck was I meant to explain to her that her Poppy’s memory was getting worse? I took a deep breath before speaking. “Poppy just got confused, baby, he was watching the race and when I was your age, I used to sit on his knee watching with him.”
“Okay,” she hummed, slowly nodding her head as she chewed the inside of her mouth. I could tell by her reaction it was not the response she was seeking but I let out a small sigh of relief when she asked no more questions on the subject. For now, I had dodged a bullet, but I needed to warn Jax that at some point we needed to try to find a way to explain everything to Elenor that wouldn’t scare her. She loved her Poppy to bits and the last thing we wanted to do was cause her to worry.
“Have you thought about what you want to wear tonight?” I asked, quickly changing the subject as I shut the water off. Reaching my arm out of the shower I fumbled until I found the towel.
“My Ferrari hoodie,” she giggled, making me smile. I had definitely taught her well when it came to which team to support.
“Good choice, baby,” I grinned to myself as I wrapped the towel around my body. I was so grateful that we made sure the bar had an apartment upstairs and that we all kept a spare change of clothes here. “Has Uncle Bobby made you anything to eat?”
“He made my favorite.” She beamed as I pulled back the shower curtain, stepping out over the edge of the bath. I didn’t need to ask her what she had, her go to was always chicken nuggets and curly fries. It was honestly quite scary how alike Elenor was to not only Jax but to myself as well, especially since I had no blood relation to either of them.
Once we were both back in the small bedroom I quickly dried myself and got dressed. The outfit I had was simple: a ribbed light gray cropped vest top, black high waisted skinny jeans, my oversized long gray cardigan and finishing the outfit off with my black boots. It was the perfect outfit for relieving Chibs for the rest of the night whilst maintaining that edgy look I preferred whilst working at the bar.
Staring at my reflection I let out a small breath, my whole life I had been battling with the demons. It had been a long road, but I was slowly loving the body I was in but some days the voices grew louder making them hard to ignore. Taking one final glance at my appearance I made sure I was satisfied, I had done my makeup in record time but decided to leave my hair as it was because drying it was more effort than I wanted to spare right now. Feeling Elenor take my hand, I tore my gaze from the mirror smiling down at my niece. “Come on then, trouble.” I hummed. “Let’s go find your Dad.”
The two of us ran down the stairs, quickly reaching the small hallway that ran through the entire building, at the end was the main bar area, on the right side was mine and Jax’s shared office which was off limits to everyone and then the kitchen and storage area were towards the back.
Elenor instantly made her way over to Jax who was sitting with some guys from the MC, whilst I dipped in the kitchen to check on Bobby.
“There's my favorite cook,” I hummed, entering the kitchen. “How’s it been tonight?” I asked, leaning against the stainless steel countertop, picking at the batch of curly fries that had just come out of the oven.
“Not too bad, it’s been pretty steady, to be honest,” Bobby nodded, “it’s nice that it’s just the usuals. Lord help me when the summer tourists finally hit. Might have to drag a prospect or two in to help.”
“Whatever you need, you know you’ve got it. All you need to do is say the words,” I smiled, as he passed me a bowl of chicken nuggets, cocking my brow at him he just smirked.
“You won’t eat otherwise, and picking at the fries doesn’t count either,” he said, giving me a knowing look. Leaning over I pressed a kiss against his cheek before pushing myself off the counter to go relieve Chibs from behind the bar.
As I entered the main room, chicken nuggets in hand, I took a moment to scan the area; it was still pretty early in the evening so the place was somewhat quiet, however I knew things would change once the lads finished work piling in the bar. But it was something I loved, this bar was the heart of the town.
As soon as I was behind the counter I abandoned my chicken nuggets on the side before placing a clean mug under the spout of the coffee machine, pressing the green button on the front of the appliance to make Pops a fresh brew. He rarely drank alcohol now, so we always made sure we had a good stock of fresh coffee grounds and soft drinks, not only for him but for Elenor, too.
Looking up from the machine, my heart melted as I watched Jax with his daughter. Elenor brought out a completely different side to him. When he was with her he became softer, watched his language and didn’t drink too much. Initially it was weird seeing Jax completely change, but it always made me smile. She definitely made him a better man.
My mind was spinning with what Elenor had revealed to me upstairs, my worries were getting worse when it came to Pops’ health. Now he was calling Elenor by my name. I had a strong feeling things were only going to get worse. I needed to speak to him; I needed to understand what was going on with him right now even if he wasn’t going to make any sense. Looking over to the booth that Pops was sitting in I saw a bright smile on his face, one I hadn’t seen for a couple of days, it always warmed my heart. But the main thing I noticed was he wasn’t sitting alone, there were two people sitting with him, both with their backs to the bar.
Taking a deep breath, I left them to it not wanting to disrupt the conversation that was causing Pops to be this ecstatic.
“He looks happy,” Chibs whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah, he does. So anything I should know?” I asked, changing the subject, glancing at Chibs over my shoulder.
“Nope, you are all good to take over, lass,” Chibs winked, leaning against the bar, pulling the beer bottle to his lips. He was hiding something from me, the smirk on his face gave that away, in fact I knew when all the club members were keeping things from me, one of the numerous benefits of being brought up around the MC. Raising my brow at him, he just shook his head quickly changing the conversation. “Tig isn’t joining us tonight, so it's gonna be a quiet one.”
“Tiggy isn’t gracing us with his presence, has hell frozen over?” I chuckled, as I finished the coffee. “I swear he props the bar up most nights.”
“I think one of his kids is in town for a couple of days,” Chibs shrugged.
“Which one?”
“The crazy one.”
“Again which one?” I chuckled, cocking my brow at my favorite Scotsman.
When it came to Tig and his girls we all knew it was best not to interfere, letting him do what he needed to do because the last time one of us got involved it got messy.
It didn’t take long for the coffee to be ready but before I had a chance to take it over to Pops, Chibs had already picked the mug up from the counter. “Oh and lass, you never know who might be in the bar tonight,” he smirked, throwing me a wink as he exited the bar making his way through the room to join Pops and whoever was sharing the booth with him.
Shaking off his words I quickly found myself busy tending the bar along with serving food, even though Tig wasn’t gracing us with his presence tonight the place still had a buzz about it. Scanning the room I was greeted with the familiar faces of people I grew up with, most nights it was filled with members of the MC. This was practically our home, if you couldn’t find one of the guys around town, you knew they would be here.
More of the locals joined us when we hosted themed nights, quiz and karaoke evenings were definitely the most popular. I loved it when this place was packed, the sounds of everyone talking, laughing and having a good time with their friends and family.
It also made the hours pass quickly.
However, no matter what I did I couldn’t shake the feeling of worry, I needed to speak to Jax about Pops. We needed to sit down and work out what we were going to tell Elenor but we needed to figure it out sooner rather than later.
Eventually things quietened down, the mad rush of everyone finishing work had passed, giving me a chance to catch my breath, looking over to where Pops was sitting, noticing that his guests had left. Quickly I grabbed the two mugs of fresh coffee before making my way over the booth, sliding into the cherry red leather, automatically resting my head on his shoulder.
“How was your evening?” I asked, letting the familiar smell of coffee and aftershave wash over me.
“Pretty amazing, my sweet Nova,” Pops beamed. Pulling away from him I looked up noticing how wide his smile was, he had that sparkle back in his eyes. “I spent the whole evening talking to Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly.”
I had just taken a large sip of coffee as he spoke, his words caught me off guard causing me to choke on the caffeinated liquid.
The realization finally hit me like a ton of bricks, he had completely lost his mind.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to ignore the feeling of my stomach twisting into a tight knot. I knew there was no way he had spent the evening talking to two drivers that he had spent two hours watching on the TV.
“Of course you did Pops,” I mumbled, trying to mask my worry with a strangled laugh. “Let me go find Jax, he is your ride home tonight.”
Pushing myself to my feet I scurried back behind the bar, bouncing on the balls of my feet whilst I waited for Jax to finish conversation with Chibs. I found myself holding back tears as I tried to calm myself down. I was normally pretty good at holding it together and not showing any emotion to the outside world but right now I was failing.
Suddenly Jax was now standing in front of me, wrapping his arms around me providing a sense of comfort. Yes, me and Jax fought like biological siblings but when it came down to it I knew I could count on him when I felt weak and needed someone to be strong for me for once.
“Where’s your head at Squirt?” Jax hummed, guiding me from behind the bar and out onto the patio terrace.
“Can you take Pops home please?” I sniffled, pulling away from him, leaning against the wall. Automatically I ran my hands over my face before speaking again, Jax extended his hand holding out a smoke which I gratefully took. “I’m worried, Pops is getting worse. Tonight he told me he spent the evening talking to Leclerc and Gasly.”
“As in Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly?” Jax mocked, cocking his brow at me. There was something about the look on his face, I couldn't quite place. Normally I was pretty good at reading my brother but right now I was struggling.
“Yuup,” I hummed, popping the ‘p’, ignoring his playful tone. Right now wasn’t the time for him to be joking. “My head is spinning right now, he is getting worse. I don’t know if I have time to focus on Pops, the bar, and the cafe. I feel like I am drowning. I think we need to look at getting outside help.”
The moment the words left my lips I felt the bile rise in my throat. I hated myself for even saying them. Teller’s never quit on family, but saying those words made me feel like I was giving up on him, when in reality I was just struggling to keep my head above water. The look on Jax’s face changed, this look was something I knew all too well, it was a look that told me he felt guilty.
“Nova,” Jax breathed, draping his arm around my shoulder, pressing a kiss against my temple. “You deserve a break more than any of us. I know the last couple of weeks, hell even the past year with the custody hearings, I haven’t been around much and I am so fucking sorry,” his voice was quiet as he spoke. “I will take Pops home, don’t worry about anything else but the bar tonight. Tomorrow we will sit down and work out what we need to do to help him.”
Taking a deep breath, I silently nodded at Jax. “I just hope tomorrow is a better day,” I whispered.
“It will be, Squirt,” Jax hummed, “think positive. We are in this together, till the wheels fall off, remember.”
Hours had passed, the work was steady which I was grateful for however I desperately needed sleep. Over the last month I had been opening up the cafe followed by a closing shift at the bar. Both businesses were short staffed due to people taking vacation time and illness, meaning I had to spread myself thin to make sure both establishments kept bringing in income for the club. I could have asked for help getting some of the prospects in to take some of the pressure off but the truth was I didn’t trust them. They hadn’t been patched yet and a lot of them still had to prove their loyalty to the club.
The moment I had put the lock on the main doors of the bar I let out a huge sigh of relief that was until I looked around the bar seeing the glasses scattered across the tables. The prospects that had been chosen to help around the bar really hadn’t pulled their weight this evening, confirming my decision not to ask for any help. I was definitely going to be having words with Jax about it.
Glancing at the time I groaned knowing that by the time I had finished the clean up it would be well past 2am, so once I had gotten to bed I would only end up having a couple of hours sleep before I had to be up to get the cafe ready for opening.
It made me wonder if it was even worth going to sleep tonight.
“Nova, go home,” Bobby said, appearing from the direction of the kitchen. He already had the large black plastic tub that we used for collecting the glasses tucked under his arms. “I’ve got this, you go get yourself in bed, sweetheart. The last thing we need is you collapsing from exhaustion.”
“You sure?” I asked, trying to hide the yarn that escaped from my lips.
“Absolutely,” he said, flashing me a soft smile.
Right now I was so grateful, I hated abandoning ship but I knew I could never win this fight with Bobby. He was someone that once he had set his mind on something you couldn’t do anything about it.
It didn’t take me long to round my things up, not when it comprised my phone, smokes, car keys and lighter. Slipping everything into my pockets I strolled over to Bobby giving him a hug.
As I was making my way out of the bar Bobby started speaking again. “I’m proud of you sweetheart, you acted better than we all expected tonight.”
“What are you on about?” I laughed, cocking my eyebrow at him in confusion.
“We were graced with the presence of your favorite Formula One driver tonight,” he said with a large smirk firmly planted on his face.
Great first Pops and now Bobby, was everyone losing their mind in this town?
I had two options: play along with it or call him out on him going crazy. After weighing up my options I decided to go along with this crazy story.
“I know right! I can’t believe they chose our small town, let alone our bar,” I squealed over dramatically whilst rolling my eyes. “Maybe they will come back tomorrow, we will fall madly in love before running off into the sunset together!”
“Kiddo with how the boy was checking you out, it wouldn’t surprise me if he became a regular,” Bobby replied, with a large smirk on his face.
“You’ve been reading Elenor too many stories, old man,” I scoffed, once again rolling my eyes at him. There was no way on this earth that two talented formula one drivers were in the bar let alone checking me out. “Maybe I need to send you with Pops to the memory clinic.”
“Sweetheart, he definitely was, I swear Jax was moments away from ripping his throat out with the way Leclerc was running his eyes over your body,” he chuckled, a large smirk gracing his face as he continued to collect glasses.
“Goodnight, you crazy old man, I will text you the details of Pops’ next appointment,” I hollered over my shoulder, making my way to the back exit.
For what felt like the millionth time this evening my mind was spinning.
Was it fuck with Nova day or something?
Clambering in the driver's seat of my old truck I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, I desperately needed sleep. I knew I would be fine in the morning and this would just be a bad dream.
The drive home went by in a blur, a small smile appeared on my face as I noticed Jax had left the porch light on for me. No matter how many times he did this it always warmed my heart.
All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, but there was something playing on my mind. I needed to know if Pops and Bobby were telling the truth because if they were I had made a complete fool of myself from the moment me and Jax got back from dirt biking. I just prayed that if he was in the bar, he wasn’t there when I was reciting Crofty’s commentary from Monza. Because if he was then I could never show my face in the bar again.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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Itadori Yuji x Reader
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⚠️ Spoilers for chapter 257 and also a warning for cannibalism
Itadori Yuji
You enjoy fawning over babies, are a dog person or you have the attention span of a goldfish
First Date:
You were ecstatic. You never would have dreamed that your crush would agree to go out with you. Yuji insisted that the two of you meet up outside the theatre. Something about how he wanted to show you this romance movie? "I don't care as long as I'm with you itadori." You then heard what sounded like someone trying to vomit? "What was that?" Before Yuji could respond he slapped himself. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Just swatting an annoying mosquito. Anyway I'm gonna go grab some popcorn now..." You wondered why Itadori was acting so nervous. "Maybe he's just as excited about this date as I am?" You then made sure your mascara was on fleek and then made your way to the screening. "Great, you made it! It's just about to start!" You sat down while the previews began playing.
You couldn't help but notice how your date was shovelling fists full of popcorn down his throat, almost as if he was eating for two people. "Hungry?" you whispered. You then heard a voice saying "No more brat, this tastes awful!" It was probably just the movie since you two were the only ones in the room. Yuji then gave you a bashful look as he rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I've always had a larger appetite. My grandpa once mentioned something about my uncle eating his twin in the womb?" You were too stunned to speak.
The title of the movie showed up on screen. 'HUMAN EARTHWORM 4'. You cringed. How was this a romance movie? You were starting to fall asleep out of boredom when you heard a voice that was far too deep to belong to Itadori. "Pathetic. This is your attempt at courting a woman? Back in the Heian era I would-" There was a loud clap that was enough to fully wake you up. "What happened Itadori?"
Yuji was now sweating bullets. "Oh, You fell asleep? Is the movie not to your liking? We can always do something else if you want." Why did your date have to be so sweet? "No, it's fine. I suppose I'm just tired." The movie soon ended and the two of you decided to get something to eat. You then stopped at the local KFC. Yuji sat down while you went to order. You then returned to see him with a strange look on his face. "What's the matter?"
"I think I just saw my teacher? No wait, maybe it wasn't him? But then again who else has white hair in Tokyo? Anyway, I think this girl in blue robes dumped him or something? He just started crying. Look, he's still there!" You cast your gaze down the street. Itadori was right. There was a man sobbing on the ground while slamming his fist into the concrete. "SUGURU, WWWWHHHHHYYYYYYYY?????? PLEASE I NEED YOU!!"
You turned away. How embarrassing. You were just glad that he wasn't your date. "Hey, the foods getting cold. Let's eat!" The two of you then began to feed each other chicken tenders. You were so lovestruck that you failed to notice the burnt piece you had picked up. If anything it resembled a claw made out of hot dogs more than fried chicken. You put it to Yuji's lips and watched him swallow it whole.
Somethings wrong. Why was your date convulsing all of a sudden? "I swear if they gave you food poison!" You then noticed black markings appear on Itadori's skin. "What the hell-" You were then cut off before you could finish speaking. Literally. Next thing you knew, you were being cut apart into tiny meat cubes. Your date then took a slice of human meat, savoring the flavour. He then started tasting the blood on his fingers. "I guess that's why they call it finger licking good!"
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 3 months
Inspired by Ryoko Kui’s recently revealed picky eater tendencies, I, myself a bit of a picky eater, now bring you:
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Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hot Pot: I’d absolutely try the scorpion and walking mushroom. But the algae and the slime seem very… slippery. Not a huge fan of jell-o so I’d sit those out.
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Man-eating Plant Tart: putting the slime and broth into a savory tart does sound good… however, the man-eating plant fruits look a lot like bell peppers, which I do Not like. Also my perennial enemy, pepper, is there too.
Verdict: carefully pick at the tart itself, then DUMP reluctantly
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Roast Basilisk: ohhh yeah baby now were getting somewhere. Im tearing off those drumsticks like a starving dog. I’m a bit wary of the stuffing, however… how bitter are anti-paralysis herbs do you think?
Verdict: MUNCH
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Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet: i just don’t like omelets.
Verdict: DUMP
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Mandrake Kakiage and Giant Bat Tempura: I am very unfamiliar with both these foods, but looking over the ingredients list, its deep fried, its got garlic, only thing I’m not a big fan of is mandrake and soy sauce.
Verdict: MUNCH, but experimentally
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Living Armor Stir-fry and Living Armor Soup: i dont like stir-fry
Verdict: DUMP
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Steamed Living Armor: even the characters aren’t huge fans of this.
Verdict: DUMP
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Grilled Living Armor: Genuinely unsure. On one hand, it’s just calamari, right? On the other, the soy sauce.
Verdict: DUMP
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Golem Field Fresh Veggie Lunch: lettuce. The most disappointing vegetable.
Verdict: DUMP
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Vegetable and Chicken Stew with Bread: ingredients list says the chicken is spicy. that’s all I need to know
Verdict: DUMP. Except for the bread I’ll have that-
… oh right only ten images are allowed. Well I’ll be forced to continue with another post then
… which can be found over here!
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out of context @beanthebugboi quotes because they're very funny
(other friends we have for context are d (she/her) sd (they/it/he/she) and s (she/her))
(quotes that aren't signed were bean because this post was supposed to be about them before i started copy and pasting an entire document full of quotes. i dont take credit for any of this apart from stuff i said i just think its funny)
"i was going for "rotisserie chicken" and ended up closer to "roadkill""
"hell yeah i have a rice krispie spine"
"would you recognise my hands if they weren't full of bird?"
“I just found out that vegetables don’t exist, reality is crumbling, YOU EXPECT ME TO BE POSITIVE??” “Bean, Bean, Bean, Bear Grylls should have taught you by now, the three rules to survival are: positivity, positivity, positivity. How else will we survive in this crumbling, vegetable-less universe?”- @sarkylittlemonster
“….y’know I was just doing an impression of Hooty singing Wii music when….”
“For the last time, it is NOT cannibalism”
“AWWWW I love thatttttt it is absolutely perfect” “Ah yes beqn >:]” -D “I am going to hold your imaginary pet peacocks hostage”
“I saw it in your bass music” (in a dream that @forest-fairy-wren had)
“Do you have a lot in common with a pine cone?”
“GHOSTBUSTERS” "THOSE BUSTARDS” - @sarkylittlemonster
“Yay for not getting stabbed”
“How dare you insult my deep-fried root vegetables” “HA, vegetables don’t exist, and neither does taste, it appears” - @sarkylittlemonster “IT IS TOO DAMN EARLY FOR THIS” “IT’S TOO DAMN EARLY FOR ONION RINGS BUT THAT DIDN’T STOP YOU DID IT” - @sarkylittlemonster
“I’m so honoured I just choked on my own spit”
“Oh you play violin, that’s so cool!”- @sarkylittlemonster “*Screams in violist*”
“Good morning, fbi's most and least wanted! How are we all today? :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “…I need to know who’s who lol. Am I most wanted or least wanted” “You're probably right in the middle :D” - @forest-fairy-wren
“Why the heck are you talking like that :)” “Whatever do you mean? I have always talked in this manner” - @forest-fairy-wren “THOU MUST NOT ASKETH QUESTIONS CONCERNING OUR WAY OF SPEAK.” - s “…Alright I shall not asketh.”
“Please close your balls of sight and rest.” - @forest-fairy-wren “D o   n o t   c a l l   e y e s   t h a t   e v e r   a g a i n” “Very well I shall call them seeing orbs instead.” - @forest-fairy-wren “Yeah that works”
“I- she’s so pretty. So flippin majestic. *gay screaming*”
“I have no idea what conversation i just walked into but it seems interesting :)” “Whale reproductive organ size debate” - S
“Sleep is cool, Bean! It's like a free trial of death :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “Mhm really selling it there lol”
“OMFG GUYS I was listening to Will Wood (as one does, when one is trying to get through a stupid math project) and just as 6up 5oh Cop-Out started, an ambulance passed, and the siren went perfectly with the music nsafjhdsklfhdakshfg I literally had to pause the music because I was like “wait why does the siren bit sound different”
“Oh I’m sorry let me just-” *becomes ilikemenderman*
“...so his tongue is a breadstick revolver?”
“Hi, I’m back, also what the fuck”
“Is that the same as t4t but with cannibalism?”
“You’re averaging 120 children per wife lmao” “Who are you to judge, cannibal”- @sarkylittlemonster “If they were sour, you'd probably eat them :(“ - @forest-fairy-wren
“Witchcraft is talking* to my sage plant so it’ll be better at getting rid of bad vibes)” “*nicely, not the way Crowley does” “Well, you’ll never become Crowly at this rate, BUCK UP AND THREATEN THEM” - @sarkylittlemonster “Witch duties take precedence over gender envy rn. I refuse to put any negativity in my sage plant 😤”
“Wedding?”-S “For the last time S I am NOT marrying Ronaldo” “I- lol, what?” -D “Yesterday, when Uni and Wren decided to have a double wedding with Vox and Akira, S decided to make it a triple wedding and tried to marry me off to Christiano Ronaldo. I hissed at her, passive-aggressively played a country song about a girl and her bestie murdering her husband, and then ran away to live in the woods and become Squirrel Girl”
“……so I have to marry a football guy, an evil capitalist TV screen, and someone’s cat-eared OC???” “Sounds like a Tuesday”-me
“Is Ronaldo in hell?” “I’m the one who sent him there” -S
“...are you a writer or a serial killer” “I am a professional multitasker” -S
“Star why are you lobotomizing pencils”
“Rt54re4” (his cat)
“I have literally zero flirting skills, I cry when I get mad, and sometimes I sit on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night eating sliced cheese out of the packet. I am the opposite of simp-able”
“Fear not sib, for I am thick-skulled. Also I think it's currently Uni's turn with The Sanity so dw I didn't damage it.”
“Y'all I think I resurrected a fish yesterday. Also there are sooo many Hamilton songs stuck in my head rn (again), and I really really really want some chocolate rocks.”
“*scurries away with a slightly larger number of bones than the average human*”
“I just want to point out thstI sond a my bones, they wrre not stolen :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “I think Weeb is having a stronk”
“…I may or may not have just consumed a dead gnat.”
“I'm dysphoric AND disabled, Body is my comfort song”
“nOPE no no fuck no I will kick you in the kidneys” -Bean “Not my crunchy kidneys :(“ - @sarkylittlemonster “What.” - @forest-fairy-wren 
“Anyway, gonna go stick the lil fella in the microwave, brb :D”
“Every uterus should come with a free lavender-scented microwavable plushie”
“The goop is indeed goopy”
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buckybringsviolets · 2 years
Can I get a letter from 40s Bucky? Like an enemies to lovers one. Where he lists all the things that annoys him about her and then confesses that he actually loves them and her? A little angst to sweet sweet fluff?
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Hope this is what you had in mind!
40's Bucky X Female Reader
600+ words
No warnings except for lovesick Buck
  Little troublemaker,
      You asked me why I hate you so I’m gonna tell ya. I’m gonna try to keep my cool and not curse, but dammit doll, no one makes my blood boil like you do. And before you go and call me chicken for not confronting you in person with this, I’m only writin’ you ‘cause I don’t want to catch heck from Steve. 
Okay, here goes, right outta the gate, when we first met, at the age of 8. When Steve introduced you. “Bucky?! What kinda name’s that? Sounds like your ma & pa named you after a dog.” You then started giggling, Stevie joining in with ya. “It’s a nickname, short for Buchanan, my middle name.” I told you, a smirk on my face. And you just smiled at me.
 Even then, so young, but such a know-it-all. The way you talked, like you know everything, rattling off facts left and right, Ol’ Stevie just listening to ya like you’re the smartest person alive or something. “Did you know that horses and cows can sleep standing but only dream when lying down?” you’d look so proud, waiting for me to say something. “Yeah, that’s really something sweetheart.” 
 Speaking of Steve, don’t think I didn’t notice how you worked your way into his heart, by the time we were starting middle school it became Y/N & Steve this, Stevie & Y/N that. Stevie said you always asked about me, wondering why I was around much, but I think you were just looking to tease me about something. 
  That summer, between middle & high school? The trip the 3 of us took to Coney Island? Not only did you chase away Betty McIntosh (she was a real cookie! 😍) but you won that stuffed bear, THEN gave it to me! Jesus, doll, I wanted to win one for you!
  I’m not even going to start in on prom. Every girl I asked, every one, said no way, that I was too hung up on you. “Y/N?! Are you nuts?” then they’d say “Yes, y/n!”  I honestly don’t know what you told them to say that. But you must’ve said something. 
    And now, the way you go out with these guys, active duty men, I nicely warn you about them, ask you where they’re planning on taking ya. And you get all feisty with me “that’s none of your concern Bucky!”  Just me looking out for you, and you’ve gotta get all upset with me. Just being a gentleman and all I catch is flak.
  Doll, I’m gonna be a bit honest here, you kinda stunned me with what you said. “Bucky, why do you hate me?” a look on your face like I ain’t never seen before, something like concern, maybe heartbreak? And me, hate YOU? That is most certainly not something I could ever feel for you. 
  From the first time I saw you, when Stevie said “ this is y/n y/l/n, she’s new in town.” I knew. I was hooked. Doll, you are everything to me and more. But how could I ever tell you just how perfect you are? Not when I’m so… so not perfect. So I pushed you away. For your own good. Convinced myself you were better off without a mess up like myself. 
  So hate is not what I feel towards, for, you. Love, adoration, deep affection, definitely. You are amazing, gorgeous, so amazingly smart, generous to a fault. How could I not adore you, doll face? 
  Now before you start screaming at me, cut me some slack. I know I’m a dope, Stevie lets me know that every chance he gets. I’m crazy ‘bout you sweetheart, so maybe my brains a bit fried. 
 How about you let me take you out? Little dancing, a quick bite to eat, try my damndest to make it up to ya. Because y/n, you are IT for me. The endgame. ‘Till the end of line doll. 
  My love, always
  James Buchanan Barnes
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It's the little things (7)
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After nine years of knowing him, Christine Vega had about lost hope about ever learning how to not give in to John MacTavish's puppy eyes.
So when he had started whining about how long had it been since she had last cooked fried chicken (it was last month), she just... got to work. She couldn't help it.
And there she was, in the small kitchenette that Price had made install in their private common room, up to her elbows in flour and spices, coating chicken in it, then in eggs, then in panko crumbs, then dropping it in oil, checking over it with the wood tongs...
It was a tedious and messy process for just one person, but both Soap and Gaz had been roped into taking the privates to the assault course. So they'd be hungry when they got back. And that day Price had mentioned mournfully that Dr. Heather was having lunch with a friend. So she had to make sure it was enough food for five people, four of which ate like they were always famished.
But she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel joy seeing them devour the food she cooked. It made her feel useful to know that she was good at something.
Now, if only she had been good at tying her damn hair properly, that would have been awesome.
For the last ten minutes the shorter strands of her hair had escaped from her loose bun, and brushed over and over again her face, tickling her nose when she leaned in. And her hands were sticky with the mixture of flour and egg and bread crumbs, so she couldn't just... brush it back. So she did as she could using her forearms, to no avail. She even blew softly to get the loose strands out of her face.
''What are you doing?'' Simon's deep, gravelly voice sounded right behind her, and Christine let out an undignified squeak, almost dropping a piece of chicken and turning her head.
He was standing there, hands inside the pocket of his hoodie as usual, looming over her and watching curiously the messy display on the counters.
''One day, Simon, I swear I'll scare you to death just like you do when you sneak up on me'' Christine mumbled, facing again her task, but she couldn't help but smile. And then frown when with the movement her bun definitely came undone. ''Well, shit''
''Problems, lovie?'' His low rumbled laugh made her heart flutter as always, and the left corner of her lips hurt when her smile widened without control.
''Bad hair day, I guess. I can't seem to keep it up, and my hands are filthy and I can't...'' She froze when he felt hands... his hands, gently brushing her hair back and bunching it up until he could hold it with just one of his enormous hands.
God, he even had taken off his gloves.
''Does this help?'' His voice sounded lower than before, and a tad more uncertain, and she resisted the urge to nod like an idiot, trying with all her might not to tremble.
''Yes...'' Christine murmured, exhaling the breath she had been holding, and continued working while he stood there beside her, holding her hair with one hand and the other still inside his pocket.
Simon wasn't even sure why he had done that. And even less why he had taken his gloves off before touching her hair, but he had remembered Belarus. When she asked permission to touch the skull plate on his mask, and when he agreed, she had taken her glove off to touch it with her bare fingertips.
As if it would have been disrespectful, unholy, to touch him with anything less that her exposed skin.
Maybe that was why he had shed his gloves before touching her hair, and now, was still trying to decide if it had been a good or a bad idea. Feeling her hair between his fingers, the back of her head almost resting on his palm, made him feel things. Things that made him clench his jaw beneath the balaclava, his eyes focused on the nape of her neck.
Soft, pale and delicate skin where he could maybe...
Her low humming distracted him from his less than chaste thoughts, and he couldn't help but look at her fondly. Busy as a bee, completely dedicated to feed them like a mother hen, fiercely taking care of her newfound place.
Without thinking, his fingers tightened his hold on her hair, craddling her head in his palm, and he saw her shoulders relaxing, her humming becoming sweeter and softer, almost a purr.
Wait, he knew that tune.
''What are you humming?''
''Ah... Think, by Kaleida, it... it's in the first John Wick film'' Christine barely turned her head to look at him, not bothered in the slightest by how tight he was holding her hair now. If she had to be honest... she liked it too much.
Simon pretended to be deep in thought, and then shook his head.
''Don't remember it'' He was lying. That was the song that he heard in the video that Soap sent him during his last solo deployment.
She fell for it. Or maybe pretended to fall for it. But she turned her head back to her task preparing food and started to hum softly again, until she ended singing just as softly, warming his heart.
Think of me, I'll never break your heart Think of me, you're always in the dark I am your light, your light, your light Think of me, you're never in the dark
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
where when Felix go so oftenly in that restaurant more for the cute waiter than the food
This is my first smut ever 😭 although I'm still quite uncomfortable have I wanted to try my hand at writing so I hope you like it <3
Thing to get first :
• the restaurant is inspired by American dinners in the 50s but the fic is happening in today's world
Now enjoy this will be my last fic before i go on vacation 🫶
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It was late, around 9:30 p.m., and Felix was out walking the streets of Sydney. He wasn't looking for any particular place after all, at that hour, everything was almost closed except for a few restaurants and entertainment venues.
In the distance, he could see the Luna Park funfair, which you had to take the ferry to get to. He liked the aesthetics of this amusement park; in fact, Felix loved things that had an old-fashioned aesthetic, as if evoking a good memory.
So when on his walk he came across a rather atypical restaurant, his gaze went to it, as did his eyes. The pink neon lights clearly read "Dwaekki's Dinner" and the exterior had a 50s American restaurant vibe.
Without hesitation, Felix entered and was greeted by the muted sound of Elvis Presley's "Blue Suede Shoes" jukebox as he surveyed the interior, which seemed to be typical of the restaurant seen in the movies. Even the waiters were dressed in pink roller skates and uniforms.
No sooner had he entered than a waitress approached him.
-"Welcome to Dwaekki's Dinner, take a seat, one of my colleagues will serve you", she smiled broadly before rolling away.
Felix simply shrugged and moved to a table in the corner. He put down his jacket and turned off the music on his phone before glancing at the menu.
It was classic: burger, fries, chicken nugget, soda... but one offer caught his eye.
Indeed, the prices were low, but in the menu proposal he could see
Felix chuckled, so this restaurant was a kind of hooters? It's true that judging by the waitresses' rather sugestive outfits, he felt foolish for not having understood earlier.
-"May I take your order, sir?" asked a waiter whose accent made it clear he wasn't from around here.
Felix turned his attention to him, detailing him for a long second. Curly brown hair with a small red bow on his head. Round, plump cheeks. He was quite chubby and his uniform gave a good view of his generous thighs trapped in those leather shorts, while the white shirt emphasized his bulging belly.
It's ... totally his type.
-"S-Sir? Is everything all right?"
- "Oh yes ... yes very good ... um I'll take ... your special offer" he said, pointing to the box showing the menu and spending it with a waiter of his choice.
The waiter nod then take a note of this on his pad, a little unsettled by his counterpart's deep voice: "And ... who do you want to spend it with? We have Alice , Mary , Ruby ..."
- "You"
The boy then gasped "Me?"
- "Yes you ... well unless you don't want to of course I don't force you"
The brunette blushed slightly, although the pink neon lights made it easy to see his embarrassment "non it's fine , I'll bring you your order."
-"Thank you. By the way, what's your name?
Felix wasn't convinced, and when Lewis tried to leave, Felix caught up with him: "Tell me the truth, it'll be our secret".
-My name is quite hard to pronounce... I'm Korean".
Felix's eyes widened as he better understood the strange accent he possessed. To put the boy more at ease, he decided to change the language from English to Korean.
-"I'm Korean too, my name's Yongbok but just call me Felix".
"Lewis" seemed to sigh almost as relieve as he seems a little more in cinfident with Felix.
-"Really? You speak English so well though!"
Felix chuckled, "That's because my parents are Korean, but I've lived in Sydney since I was born."
-"Oh I see, I'll go and get your order and be right back".
- "Hey" interrupted Felix again "you never told me your name".
- "Oh... Changbin ... Seo Changbin" he said shyly.
Felix smiled before letting him leave with a wink.
Changbin returned a few minutes later with his menu in a tray as he moved along on his rollerblades.
-"And here's your order" he said with a smile, happy to be speaking his native language with a local.
Felix thanked him and was then surprised by the size of the burger, which was truly imposing, even though it only consisted of steak, cheese, tomato, salt and onions (in short, the basics).
- "Since we're insoiring from America's restaurant, the boss decided that the portions would be imposing too" Changbin remarked with a chuckle.
- "Oh, I understand better! Thanks for keeping me company, feel free to eat if you like".
- "Oh, I wouldn't dare, it's your meal after all"
- "I'm not that hungry, so eat with me" he said, moving his tray towards the waiter who hesitantly took a fry ... then a second ... and then he was unstoppable
The two began to chat, talking about each other, their lives and everything.
Changbin tell how he was a music student who, thanks to a scholarship, had gone to study in Sydney. The restaurant was run by his uncle, who decided to offer him a job to help pay the bills (which meant he was the only boy waiter among all the girls).
Felix then also told him about his life. As an art student, he loved movies from an early age, and wanted to make his own one day.
Changbin, amusingly, offered to be the main actor, which made Felix laugh. It had been a long time since he hadn't laughed like that.
But the interesting detail was that Felix had barely eaten a few fries and tasted a bite of his burger, leaving everything for Changbin, including his Large soda.
The poor waiter had an full stomach and was leaning against the back of his seat, rubbing his belly. A very exciting sight for Felix.
-"Sorry, I must look like a pig ... but I just don't want to resist this food, you know? I remember, when I came here I was pretty fit, but with college and work I spent most of my time here and ... i got a bit oit lf shaoe but i start to like it " he said, reaching out to shake one of his love handles.
Felix bit his lip at the sight, what a delicious treat for the eyes and he felt he was going to end up in an erection if he continue like that.
-"No, don't say that... you're very handsome ... and attractive" but Felix stopped and placed his hands in front of his mouth, ashamed of what he had just revealed.
Changbin was quite surprised and the blush on his face was quite noticeable, but he was pretty charmed by this reveal from the Australian. After all, Felix was a very attractive young man with a deep voice that almost made him glap. So if the youngest was attracted to him, it would be the most beautiful compliment in the world.
-"I... I'd better go," said Changbin as he try to get up on his feet.
"-Did I offend you? I'm sorry hyung , I didn't mean to."
But Changbin turned his face to Felix's, anchoring his gaze in his as a mischievous smile grew on his lips "I'm off in 30 minutes ... if you're interested".
Felix said nothing, but silently nodded. Tiut two venakt to accept without any word the continuation of their evening.
And as soon as Changbin had finished, Felix left and offered to take the oldest home with him. They walked silently through the streets of Sydney. It was winter, so there were few people out, apart from the bars that stayed open until late.
They didn't talk, just enjoyed the silence until they reached the brunette's apartement.
-"Well... this is my place".
Felix gave a slight grin without adding anything more.
The two of them looked at each other in silence, not knowing what would become of this night.
Until Changbin dared to ask "Do you... want to come in and drink something inside?"
It was an invitation I couldn't refuse. He entered calmly and, once the door was closed, asked "Shall I kiss you?"
The brunette was surprised by this sudden courage but nodded. The kiss was short and quite shy but the second one came to make the kiss better than he had already done it. and so the kisses began to follow one another
And so it was, until the blond man bent the wall and kissed the back of his neck, while the brunette let out a few moans.
But Felix's kisses spread a little further down to the oldest's collarbones. He paused for a moment to see if Changbin really wanted to continue. He even asked, "Do you give me your consent? As Changbin took of emotion make a strange noice who sounde like a moan although it meant yes.
Then, like a gentleman, Felix led him to his room, following the brunette's instructions between their kiss. Once the bed was in sight, he placed him on it and looked at him with amusement.
-If I'd known this offer included hook up with the waiter, I'd have come before now".
- "It's only for a handful of clients"
Felix smiled proudly before languorously kissing the brunette "I hope I'm the only one then" before marking the oldest with hickeys on the back of his neck. Soon his shirt was off, revealing his plump body, his breasts and, above all, his round belly.
- "And to think it's your body, now with me I'll make you bigger, is that what you want?"
Changbin moaned again then spread his thighs
-"Oh, does that turn you on? You want me to fuck you and tell you how much your body turns me on? That I'd come back day after day to watch you get fatter?"
Again a groan was heard, and the brunette's nascent erection made it clear that he was eager to the idea.
-"Tell me how much you weigh, so I can see if your body can support all that fat" Felix now had the brunette's ass in front of him, which he'd already seen in the past. The trousers and underwear were soon removed by Felix, who, unlike Changbin, still had his boxers on. Une slapped the brunette's ass and squeezed his hand to tighten the graisdeuse part "i love it but i can make it fatter" he said before finally removing his underwear.
Changbin made a moaning mess , which earned him the title of pig, given the fact that he barely spoke or only when Felix asked for his consent.
-"'I'm so impotient , i just need to ruin you" he said hoarsely as he took two of his fingers and soaked them in saliva before thrusting them into the brunette's hole. The poor moaned in a high-pitched way as Felix tried to widen his turn by making various movement while covering Changbin with teasings like "You're huge and yet you're so tight " but he didn't forget also to cover him with softer words even xompliment like "You're such a good boy" "you're pretty it hurts".
Changbin seemed to be living in another world, and no words came out of his mouth, preferring instead to yelp and beg.
-In the drawer ... quick" Changbin mentioned, leaving Felix curious as he opened the drawer and came across a box of condoms, which Changbin seemed to be prepared for! He took one of the condoms and slipped it on. The best was about to begin.
So when Felix finally decided to stick his penis in his hole, his voice was so high-pitched that even the blond was surprised. Fortunately, the acoustic foam glued all aroung the brunette's bedroom was here to mask their obscene noises , although he used it definitively to record songs, for being fucked it was perfect too!
So the back-and-forth began, slow at first to allow Changbin to get used to it, but as time went by, the more Felix picked up the pace. He himself began to talk less, preferring to devote his energy to his movement while panting.
Changbin would let out loud, high-pitched whimpers that by now he was sure to have a sore throat.
This went on for some time before Felix managed to get to his climax tiut like Changbin. And then, at different intervals, they ejaculated with a rippling groan that would definitely wake up a neighbor.
Felix withdrew, discarded the cappote and hovered over Changbin. They both caught their breath, embracing each other.
-"Do you often fuck your customers?" asked Feoix curiously.
- "Only the ones who find him attractive" teased Changbin with a wink
Felix chuckled, even though the bed was soiled he wanted to postpone cleaning until the next day so he could fall asleep in his arms.
So they two fell asleep from exhaustion, proving that the evening had been extremely useful.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
But Felix had kept his word, and so he returned every evening at the same time, and they shared a menu... Well, sharing was more Changbin's mealbthan other thing.
Over time, they got to know each other and became close friends. From that heated evening, they would sometimes sleep together again, or Felix would offer Changbin a blowjob during his shift in the toilet cabins .
Maks the two of them began to develop a real mutual attraction that became naturally tactile between them. Felix would his cheek and peck at it to kiss it. Changbin would sit by his side and let the Australian feed him.
A real little couple, although they never officially said so. Maybe they'd just have to wait for the day when Changbin would be the ideal boydy type of Felix had since the day one of their meeting.
A day when the brunette would be so tight in his outfit that Felix wouldn't be able to resist ...
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
This evening was just like any other, Felix would come in, sit at his table and wait for Changbin. He could see him in the distance on his roller skates, the oldest had grown a lot over the months. His belly had become so massive that it began to hang out of his shirt, creating a wide space where his belly could be seen between the buttons. His shorts were crushing his poor honey-colored thighs, which had been carrying his weight for too long. And his now big breasts became so large that even some waitresses began to envy him.
-"Lixie ... you're here" declared Changbin as he approached him more slowly than before, after the poor man had weighed in at over 132 kilos, he was officially obese and still loved his plump, round body.
Felix also loved his body. He loved to grab his ass and say "it's now so fat now thanks to me".
The two had fallen so deeply for each other that they hadn't stopped seeing each other every day without missing a single evening. . We'll bet it was due to sex they loved each other's presence more than just kissing to the point of losing their voices.
-"hey beauty! Looks like someone's been eating well lately" he teased, caressing his chubby cheek playfully.
-"I have a secret admirer who likes to feed me" he retorted amused.
The two of them were so complicent that everyone could see that their relationship was so fused and unique that no one could boast of having the same one.
So Changbin took his usual order and added a few cheeseburgers and a large slice of cheesecake. What was it? It was for him after all.
Then he returned a few minutes later, surprising Felix with all the food.
-"Is it for me? He said with a twinkle in his eye, leaving Changbin to giggle.
The blond chuckled too before adding "My Changbinnie is finally becoming a big little pig , your shirt isn't going to hold on for long you know? "
Changbin (who had already started to eat a cheeseburger) shrugged his shoulders before leaning closer to Felix and whispering a few words that no one but him could hear.
"I've already holed my shorts down my ass. "
Felix blushed when he wanted to see, but Changbin's reddened cheeks stopped him.
-And otherwise what's up in life?" Asked the brunette as he continued to eat.
To be honest, that's all he ever did, and since he'd become so heavy, his uncle preferred to limit his work, which meant he did worked less but ate more.
In any case, he was sure to eat enough to keep his shirts buttonbeven more tighter.
Felix was overjoyed, the brunette was already eating without stopping and didn't need any help, but above all he'd seen the button on his shirt disapear to leave an place fold on his growing body, and Chanbgin didn't even seem to react to it.
This was too much for Felix, who decided to kiss the brunette full on the lips, not caring that there were other people around, or that carless whisper was playing in the background or that the brunette had the sweet taste of chesecake in his mouth.
His eyes were open to their situation. He wanted Changbin more than anything else, he needed him in the morning when he woke up, at noon to send him pick up line that would make him blush and at night to treat him to food and sleep next to him with his Chanbin sized pillow.
-"Be mine please", he declared, looking him straight in the eye.
Changbin was confuse by all this but couldn't help smiling broadly and replied "yes I do, I want to be yours as much as you will be mine".
So the new couple held hands for the first time in as they were finally together while they were in a lovey dovey bubble that no one could interompre.
Not even Chanhbin's shirt where the buttons popped off one by one exposing his belly to everyone's view
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
-"Come and dance Binnie!
- "No, I'm too full, I can't make it"
- "Come on it's for you boyfriend" begged as Felix pouting
Changbin finally decided to accept. Today was a rest day but they were still here at Dwaekki's dinner, mostly for their chea food and this jukebox playing old classic music.
Felix was in a mood for dancing even if Changbin only know to shake his whole body when he waled, but in fact he didn't know how to dance very well
But for Felix, he'd make an exception: when his hands rested on his body, he couldn't stretch out fully in his arms ariund him , je did make a thing in his heart as he smilled even more
If it wasn't love that changbin felt then I don't know
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It gets worse before it gets better - Hyunjin part 2
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Pairing: no specific pairing right now
WC: will always be between 2k-4k words
Warnings: Language, smut, throwing up, talk of past trauma, drugs
Preview, description, characters here
Hyunjin: Can you come over? 🍆
Jimin: Sure, just gimme 10
Now Hyunjin knew what he was hoping for when he sent that emoji, because he had sent it quite a few times in the past, and Jimin knew what it meant because he too wanted it.
Whenever a certain purple emoji was sent, it was known that the sender was asking to be dicked down. Usually it was sent whenever the other was just feeling it but sometimes it was sent when they were stressed and needed to relax.
Like today, Hyunjin was in need of some serious relaxation after yet another time consuming phone call from his mother explaining all the ways in which art is not a real career.
He has full support from his dad, but his mom just doesn't see it and he always just feels so drained after taking to her. His dad will joke and say that's why they split, because she always made him feel drained.
"Hey are you sure you want this? you seem out of it?" Jimin asked, 3 fingers deep in Hyunjin's ass and slightly panting.
"I'm sorry Hyung, it's just my mom again. I do want it though I promise, could really use a good release" Hyunjin whined at the loss of feeling, really just wanting to forget that phone call ever happened.
"What did she say?"
"What she always says, how art is not a real career and that I'm ruining my life by pursuing it, and like always she- Ah Hyunggg -tried to convince me to change my major" Hyunjin vented, getting a little worked up at the thought while Jimin slowly yet deeply thrusted into his ass and lightly stroked his cock.
Hyunjin moaned but it sounded a little teary, the thought of not doing art as a career was not a thought Hyunjin liked, painting specifically was his passion and he had always dreamed of doing it for a living.
Jimin started to thrust faster, making Hyunjin let out a sob. He felt oh so good but was also feeling super overwhelmed. Jimin grunted as he got closer to the edge, but despite his own pleasure he was concerned for his friend. He couldn't imagine having a mother who shit on his dreams, thankfully his own mother wasn't one of those people.
"Jin, try to take a breath, your working yourself up too much" Jimin slowed but only for a moment as he watched Hyunjin do as asked, "there we go, focus on the feeling yeah" he started up again, focusing on getting Hyunjin to the edge as he could tell he needed it.
"She just doesn't understand! Painting makes me feel whole and sane- fuck I'm close!" Hyunjin was moaning once again, shaking all over with the need to come.
"Fuck her then, you don't need that negative energy in your life. how close hmm?"
"So fucking close, please lemme cum fuck-"
"It's ok, cum as hard as you can for me yeah?"
After all was said and done like literally done, Hyunjin was just staring off into space while Jimin cleaned up. Usually he liked some help but he understood that his slightly out of it friend was in no state to help.
Jimin opted for lightly running his fingers up and down his leg until he came back to him, until his eyes weren't glazed over and his mind was no longer foggy.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" all he got in response was a tearful whimper which was automatically taken as a no.
"Want me to ask Seungmin to bring chicken from that place you love?" before Jimin even got an answer he was messaging Seungmin anyway, fried chicken makes everyone feel better.
"And soju! wanna get drunk" Hyunjin declared while he sat up and started getting dressed.
"We have that party Felix is taking us to remember? so don't over do it ok?"
"I won't Hyung promise, thank you."
Beautiful sluts bunch
Felix: Everyone still good for tonight?
Seonghwa: YEP, my outfit is picked and everything!
Yoongi: Ooooh
Hyunjin: What are you wearing?
Felix: Remember come to my place first so we can all go together, Chan invited me to this so please don't be embarrassing
Wooyoung: Felix will you please shut up we are not embarrassing
Seungmin: Says the guy who always does stupid shit when given vodka
Jisung: Ahahahahah TRUE
Wooyoung: HEY
Seonghwa: OK was thinking cream cargo pants and a white cropped singlet, plus my basic airforce one's cause I can't be fucked wearing other shoes
Jisung: You do look great in cargo pants!
Hyunjin: OMG LOVE I can't decide between leather pants or black flared jeans?
Yoongi: Go with the jeans, they will go so well with that new top you got yesterday
Hyunjin: Great idea, thanks Hyung xx
Felix: I think asking us to tone down our craziness for one night isn't too much to ask
Jisung: It wouldn't be if you weren't talking to the craziest friendship group but-
Wooyoung: As long as Minnie takes back his statement!
Seungmin: Sorry bitch but NO
Yoongi: AHAHAHA you just got burned!
Seonghwa: Where are Taehyung and Jimin?
Hyunjin: Hyung is ordering chicken for Minnie to grab
Taehyung: I was taking a nap until I was rudely woken up!!!!
Wooyoung: Sorry Hyung x
Hyunjin: What are you wearing tonight?
Taehyung: I have no fucking idea, my head still hurts from last night
Wooyoung: Wait, you're having chicken without us?
Hyunjin: it's been a fucking DAY and the day isn't even over yet so yes I'm having chicken
Seungmin: Hyung, I'm here can you buzz me in?
The party was wild, almost as wild as the parties that frats throw expect there were signs to state which rooms not to go into. The cup system was always the same and Hyunjin chose a red one as per usual.
How Felix was convinced to attend a party with Jongsung students Hyunjin will never know, let alone Wooyoung after what happened to him, he was so expecting Wooyoung to sit this one out.
He guessed he could call it growth that their here it's just that when Felix stated that day that he thought Jongsung should be burned down, he sounded like he meant it but now here he was partying with them.
As the night went on Hyunjin began to feel a little floaty, as he always felt when he had a few plus one bite of his friend Yunho's special brownie.
The night started out with the hoe bunch dancing a little too close together but then they were called away for a game of seven minutes in heaven as if they were 12 rather than 21. Hyunjin just laughed but denied to join them.
He soon found his friend Yoongi and spoke to him for a few minutes, casually sipping on his rum and coke while doing so. Hyunjin wasn't one for beer as he preferred mixed drinks or wine. He didn't even notice his phone ringing until Yoongi told him so.
"Hey, who is this?" Hyunjin blocked the other ear trying to silence the music, but it only slightly worked. He had also forgotten to look to see who called him before he answered.
"Jinnie, everything hurts!"
"Shit, Taehyung, where are you? are you with anyone?" Hyunjin frantically asked as his friend didn't sound ok. Half of him wasn't surprised considering Taehyung went out the night before so he had a feeling he wouldn't last as long. When in reality he just wanted to make sure his friend was safe, Taehyung was always an emotional drunk.
"I was with Seungmin before but then I had to *puking noise*"
"Taehyung, where are you?"
"Some bathroom upstairs, I wanna go home!" Taehyung started to slightly cry, and it made Hyunjin wince. An emotional drunk alone was never a good combo.
"I'm coming baby ok, don't go anywhere!"
Hyunjin didn't know which bathroom specifically but he knew it was upstairs, so thats where he went. He opened a few doors but they were all bedrooms and all occupied he even saw Seonghwa in one of them so now he was scarred.
When he opened up the next door, he sighed when it was a bathroom. Someone was sat leaning over the toilet, vomiting up something disgusting but somehow stopped when he heard a noise.
Hyunjin was about to leave when he realised that he was in the wrong bathroom, "I'm sorry I was looking for a friend-"
The world stopped, like literally stopped. Now Hyunjin felt like puking.
Sitting by the toilet with a surprised look on his face was none other than Seo Changbin, aka the guy who took Hyunjin's virginity then never called him back even though he said he would.
To be standing there had him stunned in a bad way, he had never wanted to see Changbin again after what he did. Now that he was here he didn't know what to think.
"I'm not doing this" Hyunjin went to walk away but was stopped.
"Wait, please" it sounded a lot more slow considering Changbin was drunk.
"Why should I? I mean I'm surprised you even remember me!"
"It's just- I didn't plan for that night to go how it went, neither the next few days. I wasn't out to my family yet and-"
"Oh don't give me the whole I was scared bullshit, no one tells intimate sex details to their parents!"
"I know and I'm sorry-"
"Well then why didn't you call me? I gave my fucking virtue to you like I can't get that back you know!"
"I don't know fuck I was an idiot back then, you were so beautiful still are so beautiful."
"Just don't"
"Hyunjin please-"
He sighed, it sounded just as sad as he was. Hyunjin knew he didn't owe an explanation, hell he could just spit out a fuck you and walk straight out the door.
However, he wanted to explain how he felt considering he was already so worked up.
"You have no idea the pain you caused me, loosing your virginity is meant to be a special experience and I thought what we had was special, but then I woke up and you were gone only leaving a note that said last night was fun I'll call you! AND THEN YOU NEVER CALLED."
"Fuck, you don't think I know that! I've been looking for you for months!"
"You were looking for me?" Hyunjin's tone changed when he heard this, and for the first time since stepping into the bathroom did he want to continue listening.
"Well I actually never got your number that night, so I thought you didn't wanna see me, but then I told the story to my friends and they helped me realise that you did probably want to see me and I've been trying to find you ever since!" Changbin explained, a sheepish smile on his face. He was glad he finally found him considering he missed him so much.
"Oh um...wow. I don't know how to feel now" fuck, now Hyunjin looked like the bad guy since there was never a number for Changbin to call.
"It's ok please don't feel bad, you were in pain and that's valid" Changbin walked over to Hyunjin, and the moment he placed his hands on his waist; everything started coming back.
The way Changbin's hands felt as they roamed around his body, his smooth voice guiding him through everything, the immense pleasure flowing everywhere.
It made Hyunjin shudder as a few stray tears fell, he had had sex after Changbin, but no one was ever the same. No one was as good.
"I'm going to kiss you now ok?" and all Changbin got in return was s sob but also a nod.
So, he leaned in.
Everything came back tenfold.
New pleasures and remembrance of old pleasure as their lips explored, Changbin had been waiting for this moment and he could tell Hyunjin had been too dispite his previous feelings.
They continued kissing until oxygen became a problem, slightly gasping from how heated everything felt.
"That was... wow!" Hyunjin was in disbelief, hot and bothered disbelief.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long, and this" Changbin took out his phone, then handed it over. "May I please have your number? I actually promise to call this time" Hyunjin giggled at that.
All was well until his phone started ringing, why was Felix calling?
"Felix hey is everything ok?"
"Um... no it's not, Hyung, Taehyung was drugged." Fuck, he completely forgot about Tae, what a shit friend he was.
"It gets worse, Wooyoung and Yoongi are fighting. No one's gotten physical but they're saying some vile shit to each other" Felix was trying his hardest not to faint, which was hard enough considering how much he was panicking and crying.
"Do you know who drugged Taehyung?" Hyunjin asked, sounding just as panicked. He got no reply just more cries.
"Felix baby, I need you to breathe and tell me where you are, also do you know who drugged him?"
Felix on the other line tried his best, and it worked enough for him to speak, "I have no idea who did it, it could have been anyone! I'm out the front with the rest of the gang, Jimin is trying to stop the fight, Seonghwa is in the ambulance with Tae"
"FUCK, I'm coming, stay out front!"
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