#delicious confections
oe6 · 1 year
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@candy_coin19 on ig
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bluemoonsundae · 4 months
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chocolate covered strawberry marshmallow hearts from @toasted.mallow on ig
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Ate 2 big beautiful slices of homemade brioche that tasted like apple pie (baked by my husband) and am seconds away from lying in the sun - I am living the cartoon mouse life 
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daifukumochilover · 10 months
🍰Nanjakora Daifuku🍰
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Nanjakora daifuku is a rare version of daifuku found in Miyazaki City in the Kyushu region. It's filled with a unique combination of chestnuts, strawberries, and cream cheese. The word “nanjakora” expresses disbelief, like a rough way of saying, “What is this?!”. If you ever have the chance to visit the Kyushu region, don't miss out on this exceptional treat!
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fallauween · 1 year
Turkish Delight by Natalie Panga
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chewablepebbles · 10 months
Time to retrace my steps
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maretriarch · 2 years
watching mukbangs feeling like miss trunchbull in the chocolate cake scene
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tintcosmetics · 1 year
Welcome to Satou, where the artistry of baking meets a commitment to your well-being.
Satou was born from a deep passion for desserts that don’t only taste great but also nourish the soul. We aim to ensure that every indulgence is a mindful experience, where every bite leaves a lasting impression, one that makes sure you leave no crumbs.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Summer Loving
Ft. Bruce, Dick, Jason, Roy, & Tim.
AN: Have a lot of lengthy and/or smutty wips on the go atm and I can feel them bogging me down a bit, so I decided to take a break and work on some short summer themed slice of life/domestic fluff to cleanse my palate. I feel I must apologise for my gratuitous and obvious Roy Harper thirst but I wont, enjoy!
CWs: Some are more suggestive than others, reader discretion advised. Minor swearing and minors swearing, mentions of alcohol. GN! Reader
Bruce: Tan Lines
It’s moments like these where you wish Bruce didn’t have to spend his nights on the endless pursuit of justice. You knew what you’d signed up for, but you’d missed him all day and god, the feel of his strong fingers massaging after sun into your skin was euphoric. Would you be such a bad guy for trying to convince him to stay home?
“I like this.” His hum pulls you from your train of thought, and you look down to see his fingers trailing against the tan line your shorts had caused. He spares you a quick suggestive glance, the look a wolf might give a rabbit it’s particularly fond of before dipping down to replace his hands with his mouth.
“Ohhh, stay home tonight Brucie?” The look he gives you this time maintains its warmth but there’s an air of warning to it. Despite his simmering combativeness, you add a charming “Please?”
To that he lifts his head, just far enough to deny you of his lips, but close enough that his low voice still seems to reverberate through your body as he speaks. “Crime doesn’t take the night off, neither can I.”
“I know.” You sigh, admitting defeat before the battle has even begun, and he rewards you by assuming his barrage of kisses to your lower body.
“Just don’t go out too early.” You advise, trailing the tip of your finger from ear to ear, estimating the line where his Batman cowl ends. “Don’t want to get any tan lines of your own.”
“Trust me.” There’s humour in his tone now as he works his way upwards, ghosting his 5 o'clock shadow along the skin of your stomach as he prowls closer. “The evening is young, and I have plans for you yet.”
Dick: A/C
The A/C is broken. Again. To combat the heat the whole household has resorted to wearing nothing but their underwear, except of course for Haley who is always naked. Lucky dog.
Additionally, all the windows are open in an attempt to let the cool night air circulate the humid apartment but all it’s really doing is letting in the ambient sound of Blüdhavens boisterous nightlife and countless flies.
“Want one?” Dick asks from the kitchen spaces as he digs into his second ice pop since dinner, you joke about envying his metabolism despite knowing damn well that’s not the real reason for his physique. Although between the food and the heat-induced skipped workout, he’s bloating, just a little bit; the tiniest, most delicious bit of plumpness and you can’t take your eyes off of it. “Are you checking me out?”
“Always.” You reply with a brazen smile, continuing your laser-focused stare even as he begins approaching your spot on the couch.
“How about you stop looking and start touching, huh baby?”
“No.” You finally cease your objectification of his stomach to look him in the eyes. The intended sternness in your tone is stifled by the way his icy confection has turned his lips blue. “I already told you, no sex in this heat until the air con is fixed.”
Despite your posturing, you don’t fight his closing proximity, nor do you stop him from dragging his cool-raspberry-stained tongue along the length of your throat, it’s still cold from the half-eaten lolly and the sensation sends a welcome chill through your body. As inefficient as it may be, you much prefer this method of cooling down to an A/C.
Jason: Sunrise
The metal grate of your fire escape is surprisingly cool against your bare feet. It’s early, pre-sunrise early but the air is still thick, a combination of the arid summer heat and steam of the cities underground. Despite the unpleasant temperature, you settle onto the grill, with nothing but a pillow for comfort and two ice-cold glasses of lemonade.   
When 15 minutes pass, and you start to notice a growing tinge of orangeness in the sky, you start to worry you’re being stood up, or worse; something awful has happened. Something that would prevent him from coming home, but then you hear it; The heavy steps of Jason’s steel-toed boots approaching from your apartment’s rooftop.
You glance up just in time to see him dropping down. A loud clang rings out as he hits the floor, causing the whole structure to vibrate and you wonder if he does that every night, surely not, there’s no way you could sleep through it or that your neighbours wouldn’t complain.
“Aren’t you sweating balls?” You ask, taking in his gear as he sits down beside you. The boots, the cargo pants, turtleneck, jacket, gloves, and the full-face mask.
“Nah.” His voice is muffled by the headpiece until he takes it off, shaking his head to support his answer. “It’s weird but I’ve kinda run cold ever since I died, you know?”
Obviously you don’t know, in fact having felt his searing, naked skin pressed to yours on multiple occasions, you highly doubt him, but you nod regardless and hand him his drink. Unlike a man on the chilly side, he chugs half of the icy drink in one go and you wonder if he’ll ever stop jumping from buildings and telling white lies to impress you.
“Want some help warming up?” Before he can respond you lean up, brushing your nose against his and watching as his lids flutter closed in anticipation, his breath is cool on your lips and when you finally press into them you can taste nothing but the tartness of the lemonade. Regardless, it’s heavenly; soft and tender. Every kiss with Jason makes your heart flutter in the same way it had the first time.
When he pulls away you chase after him, eyes only opening to meet his heterochromatic irises when your pursuit for more becomes an abundant failure.
He’s grinning as he tells you; “We’re missing the sunrise.”
“I don’t care.” You answer, trying again, and this time succeeding in drawing him in for another kiss.
Roy: Paddling Pool
If ever anybody asked you to describe a moment of pure domestic bliss, this moment would be a strong contender. Your lower body is submerged in a paddling pool as you bask in the sun, enjoying the occasional splash of water caused by Lian’s uncoordinated but enthusiastic dancing beside you. She too is basking, but hers is under an endless stream of hose water being directed by her father; Roy, who is watching the two of you from a sun lounger, hosepipe in one hand and a non-alcoholic beer in the other.
He's quite the vision, no shoes, no shirt, just tastefully tacky swim trunks and his iconically worn-out grey baseball cap that may be protecting his head, but is doing little to tame his mop of fiery hair. From this angle, you’ve got a great shot of some of his lesser-seen tattoos, but every time you look over at him you find yourself far more smitten with the countless freckles that adorn his chest and shoulders, made darker and more noticeable by the recent heatwave.   
“How’s the Heineken?” You ask, genuinely curious how he’s enjoying his first taste of alcohol-free booze.
“Crap.” He replies, lips briefly curving into a self-amused smirk before dropping to woefully panicked as you both turn to look at Lian. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to have been listening in, content in her own toddler babblings. Relieved, he turns his attention back to you and corrects himself. “Um, not good babe.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry.” You offer your condolences, but he seems completely unbothered.
Instead, he turns the glass bottle around in his hands a few times before chucking it over his shoulder. It sails through the air before seamlessly landing in the open bin by your backdoor. Your concern about it leaking into the rest of the recycling is seconded by how impressed you are. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times his trick-shot hit, you’re always at least a little bit captivated by his impeccable aim.    
“It’s cool, hon.” He shrugs and leans back into the lounger. His eyes flicker back and forth between you and his child, a slow, contented smile spreading across his face. “Got everything I need right here.”  
Hours later, you’re sorting through the soggy contents of the recycling as Roy scoops Lian up in his arms and takes her sleepy frame inside. The sun is still high and bright, but it’s past her bedtime, and it’s been a long, exciting day for her. He dries her with the softest towel he can find, careful to pat down every pruned finger and toe before putting her to bed.
“How was your day, sweetie?” He asks, strong fingers petting her soft hair to help soothe her to sleep.
Tim: Ice Cream
Tim is still sleeping off a rough, muggy night of crime fighting as you circumnavigate the boat's sad excuse for a kitchen. The bags under his eyes had been growing darker each day under the stress of hunting down a mysterious new bank robber. You’d hoped to lift his spirits by surprising him with a tub of homemade ice cream, but so far all you’d managed to make is a mess.
After having a falling out with the thrifted ice cream maker you’d stuffed in the back of a cupboard months ago, you settled for hand mixing. By the time you put the concoction in the freezer to set, your wrists are aching, and Tim has begun to stir. You’re just finishing up the dishes you’d created when he finally emerges from the bedroom in shorts, flip-flops, and a not-so-summer-appropriate hoodie.
Before you can offer a ‘good morning, Timmybear’ his arms are around your waist, pulling you close from behind and settling the weight of his sleepy head on your shoulder.
“What’s this?” He asks and then he’s licking what you can only assume is a stray splash of the mixture from your cheek with the bravery only a man raised by Batman could possess. It could have been literally anything. “Banana?”
“Chunky monkey actually.” Goddamn. Surprise ruined in less than a minute. Oh well, at least you can give him something to look forward to. “Don’t worry, I didn’t get ice cream without you, I made it for you.”
“I figured.” He hums, sounding so very drowsy despite the ease with which he manoeuvres your body against the kitchen counter so he can keep you close while brewing his morning tea, occasionally planting soft kisses to the side of your neck as his hands move absentmindedly. “You’re the best, you know that? Can’t wait to try it.”
“You figured? How did you figure?” You skip right past the justified praise; he’d been practically comatose since 4 AM, how could he have figured?
“It’s on the ceiling.” He’s right, you look up to see a cream-soaked walnut lodged above you and let out a dramatic sigh as you fall deeper into Tim's arms.
Taglist: @wandalfnation
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adamthepastryguy · 2 years
Coincidentally on the same date 2 years later 25th September 2020 and 25th September 2022. I knew from the planning there was more room for further development with dishes. Often the case with me at least, i am very ambitious with the amount of treats i make. This does mean ideas do go undeveloped and left out from the menu. This year with all my sequel teas, has given me the chance to bring…
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oe6 · 1 year
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@yosweetiee on ig
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zorrasucia · 8 days
“okay, slow down, you’d never done this until 5 minutes ago” with virgin carmy 🧎🏼‍♀️
Hello, Anon! 💜
Of course! This takes place in his Copenhagen era. Thank you for allowing me to continue my ongoing campaign for Virgin!Carmy 😌 I hope you like it!
"I didn't expect you to cook," you said, watching Carmy plate pasta with ease, a healthy serving of parmesan cheese on top. "Thought you'd be sick of it at the end of the day. It smells delicious, by the way."
"Thanks," he smiled shyly as he sat in front of you, the boat swaying a little. "Wanted to make you something from home."
You didn't know what to expect when Terry arranged for you to meet up with her new golden boy, Carmy, but this was feeling more and more like a blind date. Weirdly enough, you didn't mind her meddling this time.
"Where's home?" you asked.
"Chicago. You?"
"I don't even know where my home is anymore. Before Copenhagen, I was in London for a long while. And I haven't been to visit Aunt Terry in months..."
Carmy arched an eyebrow but didn't ask.
"She's my godmother, Chef Terry, not my actual aunt. I don't usually tell people about it, don't want to make her look bad," you shrugged, something about Carmy made it so easy to open up. "For whatever it's worth, I tried to stay away from cooking and baking and everything, I really did. I just couldn't."
"I get it. Why desserts though?" he asked.
"There's something freeing about them," you bit your lip, trying to put it into words. "You know how they're described, right? It's always decadent, confection, guilty pleasure - things like that. You can be creative."
When you looked up, Carmy was smiling - he looked younger and softer.
"I like that. Sounds nice."
"It is," you smiled back and took a forkful of spaghetti. It was delicious. "Oh, this is incredible," you hummed.
Carmy beamed.
While you dried the dishes, you caught a glimpse of one of Carmy's drawings.
"You make these?"
He looked up from the sink and flushed. "Helps me remember details," he explained shyly, avoiding your gaze.
You learned he had notebooks full of vegetables and dishes, diagrams for plating and cooking. You were surprised to find one of the pastries you had been working on perfecting there too, notes scribbled on the side. Your fingernails traced the lines carefully.
"You can have it," he offered.
He had an adoring, boyish look on his face and you melted inside.
"Yeah," he said, tearing out the page and giving it to you.
"Thanks," you said and without thinking, leaned in to kiss him.
It was quick, a gentle peck. As soon as you parted, you realized you wanted more - you both did.
"Can you- Would you do that again?" Carmy asked.
You tilted your head, moving slowly, relishing the moment right before the kiss, the way his lips parted slightly in anticipation. When you pressed your lips to his again, you took your time, let him cup your face and caress your waist as your tongue touched his lower lip.
When you parted, he looked relieved - that you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"I didn't think we would do anything like this tonight," you said, your voice breathy from the kisses Carmy was leaving on your neck and collarbone.
You had spent the last half hour making out on his bed, slowly losing layers of clothing. Your blouse and trousers were on the floor, along with his jeans and t-shirt. His right hand was on your breast, caressing your nipple through the fabric of your sports bra, your right hand was palming his cock through his boxers.
"Neither did I," he exhaled into your skin, his thumb hooking on the elastic of your panties. "It's good though?"
He looked up at you for confirmation.
"I- uh-" you hesitated.
"Shit," Carmy froze, starting to withdraw from you.
"No, wait, Carmy," you grabbed his wrist before he could get away. "It's great. You're great. It's just, I've been busy so I didn't- It's a little hairy down there is what I'm trying to say," you said awkwardly, your fingers intertwined with his on your hip, trying to convey your meaning.
Carmy tilted his head, confused. "Okay... Something wrong?"
"I don't know if you're, uh, used to girls that shave it all or- I don't know. Men can be assholes about body hair," you said, a little defensively.
"I'm not used to anything," Carmy said, chuckling nervously. "I like what you look like."
"Oh," you smiled. "Okay."
You nodded, getting rid of your bra, while he tugged down your underwear.
Carmy got close, his right hand moving to cup your pussy, carding his fingers through the hair, caressing. It made you hum.
"Want to taste you," he whispered.
"Yes," you squeezed his bicep, encouraging him.
"Just- Shit. I think I might be bad at it," he said, his eyes suddenly looked vulnerable.
"Evil ex told you that?" you asked gently, trying to lighten the mood.
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "I've never done it," he confessed. "Don't want to fuck it up with you."
"Carmy," you touched his chest, tracing soothing patterns, calming him. "You said you wanted a taste, right?" he nodded. "There's no way you can fuck that up. If you make me feel good, that's great but I don't need it to be perfect, okay?"
He kissed you, slow and soft - thank you. Then, deep and full of lust - I want you.
He made his way down your body, licking and nipping at skin, stopping between your legs. You opened them wider for him to settle. He took a good look at you, fingers touching your outer lips with care.
"Beautiful," he exhaled and it tickled you in the most delicious way. You shivered.
He started giving you long, vertical licks, tracing the contour of your folds, almost like he was trying to memorize the shape of you. You moaned low. It was good. There was no rhythm to it but was making you wet and restless.
"Mhmm," you encouraged him, carding your fingers through his curls.
Tracing the lines of you and listening to your breathing, he found your clit. After a couple of his licks were followed by sharp inhales he decided to stay there, kissing and licking, becoming frantic, quickly addicted to the sound of your pleasure.
"Oh! Fuck. Okay, slow down, you’d never done this until five minutes ago," you pulled on his hair, trying to keep his tongue from completely undoing you.
"Shit. That bad?" Carmy asked, sitting up.
"Too fast," you tried to catch your breath. "Too fast."
"Fuck, sorry," he soothed the skin of your thighs and your hips.
"It's- You found the spot. That's good. Just- take your time with it," you explained. "Let me savor it."
He chuckled, your play on words reminding him that he had tasted you and then some.
"Okay," he kissed the valley between your thigh and your hip, soft and sensual, like he was trying it out.
You smiled fondly, watching him slowly kiss his way back to your pussy, open-mouthed, gentle. A needy sound caught in the back of your throat when he finally got close to where you wanted him.
Carmy's eyes widened.
"Oh. Got it," he mumbled, realizing that half the fun was making you wait for it.
He tortured you, carefully finding every place that gave you pleasure. Then, he built up a rhythm that had you writhing on the sheets, fighting the grip he had on your hips, trying to fuck his face, and he paused.
"I've made a monster," you complained, panting and caressing his face - shiny with his sweat and your arousal.
"Fuck," he groaned. "Can't believe you're letting me do this."
You exhaled and giggled giddily. "Can't believe you're enjoying this so much."
"Mhmm," Carmy nuzzled the inside of your thigh, his roman nose tracing zigzags while you caught your breath.
When he started again, he was a little rougher - sucking harder than he had dared so far, hoisting your legs above his shoulders. You moaned low and squeezed your breast, looking for something to keep you grounded. Carmy caught your movements and rushed to replace your hand with his, humming in approval as you intertwined your fingers. You closed your eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure.
He stopped for a second.
"Eyes on me," he growled.
And he kept on devouring you.
You struggled to keep eye contact with how vehemently he was sucking on your pussy, lewd noises coming from his mouth. He was making you gasp for breath and grab desperately at the bedsheets underneath.
You were vaguely aware of the mattress shaking - was Carmy grinding into it? You didn't check or ask any further questions - he was humming in delight against your pussy, lips closed around your clit and eyes fixed on you. He arched his eyebrows. Now? You nodded eagerly.
"Please, Carmy," you keened.
He kept sucking on you, his grip on your breast and thigh getting forceful enough to bruise as you reached your high. You came with a needy sound, something between a whine and an exhale, legs shaking and hips grinding towards his face.
You regained your bearings just in time to see Carmy humping the mattress desperately, drowning gravelly moans into your thigh as he came too.
"Fuck," you sighed, your fingers soothing Carmy's scalp, probably sore from you pulling on it hard all that time. "Oh, my God. Carmy..."
"Sorry. Shit, sorry," he panted, his sticky cheek resting on your hip.
"Are you seriously apologizing for making me cum?" you giggled.
"I couldn't hold it back any longer," he explained.
You didn't tell him how hot it was to see him like that, completely lost in wanting you, cumming in his boxers because he liked eating you out that much. He wouldn't believe it.
So instead you said: "Guess that means we'll have to see each other again. So I can repay the favor."
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stars4chratt · 6 months
Pairing: Matt x fem!reader
Warnings: pure smut / established relationship / softdom!matt / breeding kink / nipple play / mutual orgasms / cunnilingus / p in v / unprotected sex (do NOT) / creampie / FILTHY kitchen sex / LOTS of praise / pet names (baby, my love, sweetheart, good girl) / aftercare
Summary: The reader walks into her home after a prolonged and stressful day to Matt - her boyfriend - making baked goods in her kitchen. He welcomes her and gives her a taste of the delicious desserts. However, in return for the favour, Matt gets to taste her.
Author’s note: hiii guysss, i love you all for liking and enjoying Pins n’ Needles (there is a part 2 btw) After seeing the most recent Wednesday video, this made my fantasy grow even worse LMAOO. Also, leave a comment if you want to be added onto my taglist! Anyways, i hope you enjoy this one! From Maxine, with love ♡.
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“Cause I’m all that you want, boy. All that you can have, boy. Got me spread like a buffet. Bon a– Bon appetit, baby.” - BON APPETIT, KATY PERRY
Your shoulders ache and the migraine you have encapsulated in the back of your head feels like it’s going to split your skull in half.
People gave you a lot of shit at work today. Both coworkers and customers. Nagging and berating you and reiterating the same jaw clenching phrase that ‘the customer is always right.’
You close your eyes and let your chest fall as you sigh longly with relief after you arrive home.
The strong and pleasant scent of stiff caster sugar alongside a tangible hint of lemon citrus whiffs through your sinuses.
Ah, Matt’s baking again. You comprehend yourself.
You plop your keys on the marble countertop and set your bag down. The feeling of a thousand weights being lifted off of you as you remove accessory after accessory attached to you.
Peeking around the corner, you see Matt whisking dairy products mashed with madagascan vanilla extract whisked into butter cream. You peer down and see something resting in the oven at exactly 195 degrees celsius.
The peacefulness Matt baking brings you is heavenly. Just him concocting a sugary delight for the simple enjoyment of doing so can’t help but make your cheeks flush bright red and your core ache desperately.
The paternity your boyfriend holds within him orchestrating treats of chocolate frosting and yeasty dough makes you fall for him even more. Not only do his sweet delicacies taste amazing, but he also does it for pure comfort and vindication for you both.
Sometimes you wonder if he would enjoy baking for a family of three, maybe even four.
You sneak up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. He looks over his shoulder, he has a large piping bag in his grasp. A large grin appears on his face as he sneers. “Hi my love, how was work?”
You let out a fatigued sigh and your clasp around him tightens. “Not great, it was super stressful.”
He turns around to face you and pulls you in by your hips in an act of reassurance.
“Aww, my poor baby. What can I do to make you feel better? Hm?”
Matt’s words make the caterpillars in your stomach hatch into butterflies. You two have been dating for quite a while now and yet you still giggle and squeal like a small child whenever he asserts words of refreshment.
“There may be one thing I have in mind…” You whisper softly into his ear. After the distress of work and the mind blowingly stupid and egotistical customers you dealt with all day, you only wanted one thing that could ease your displeasure. For Matt to fuck your brains out.
As you were about to inform him about your dilemma, a soul-jumping alarm sitting on the table top starts dinging. Blaring across the entire kitchen. 
The migraine you’re suffering from induces even more, spreading through every crevice of your skull.
Matt notices the discomfort of the ear-splitting noise written all over your face and quickly shuts the alarm off.
“One second, sweetheart.” Abruptly, Matt grabs his teal blue oven mitts and crouches down to the oven to release the now strong scent of citric lemon flow through the room.
He takes out the tray and reveals to you that he had baked lemon drizzle cupcakes. Very tasty looking lemon drizzle cupcakes at that.
The glint in Matt’s eye along with his pearly whites framed with his smile presents his joy to you.
“Oh my god… They look delicious”
“Exactly, I’m a fantastic chef.”
“Damn right.” You both giggle together whilst Matt sets down the tray on a heatproof mat.
“What were you saying again, baby?” He twists back around to face you, letting you continue where you left off.
“No, no. It’s fine. I’ll leave it for after you finish off your cupcakes.” Matt’s eyes now glow with anticipation and curiosity.
“What you want won’t be an inconvenience for me at all, I can finish the cupcakes afterwards baby. I don’t wanna make you wait.” Matt crosses his arms patiently waiting for you to respond.
You gently stride over to him and lift your arms up to tug behind his neck over his shoulders.
“Matt..” You whisper softly into his ear. Trying to contain the burning sensation in between your legs. You really wanted to fuck. The intensity of today made you grow greedy with lust, and your boyfriend was the only person who could assist with that.
“Yes, baby?” He returns, completely oblivious to the pent-up arousal you’re experiencing.
You move one of your hands up the back of his head whilst the other tangles in the silver chain of his jewellery. 
You don’t say anything before you rapidly intertwine your lips with Matt’s. Your cravings of thirst for Matt’s touch starts to fester passionately.
He almost immediately reciprocates and swings his arms around your figure, your whole upper body in his grasp. You whine loudly at the sudden action as it makes your entrance leak and his touch makes you tingle like electricity shooting up your spine.
You advance your hands onto his chest and push him up against the wall beside the table top island stranded in the middle of the room.
The bulge throbbing slightly in his grey sweatpants presses against your core. Which makes you both gasp and sob into eachothers mouths.
“I’m so impatient, Matt. I need your dick now. Today has been so shitty and I really want it. Please, baby.” You choke up the words through the desperate whines thickening the air around you.
“Get on the counter then, sweetheart. Let me relieve all that stress for you.” Matt states delicately as he peppers kisses all over you up until he stops at your collarbone. He grips onto your shoulders as he forces you down on the counter until you're fully laying down with your legs spread wide.
“I don’t think we have any more condoms left.” Matt speaks softly whilst he towers over you. There’s a small worry in his pupils before you reassure him.
“Fuck it, we can go without. I need you so badly right now Matt, you don’t understand. Condom or not, I don’t care anymore. Just please fuck me.”
Your constant begging in impatience makes Matt’s prick pulse harshly. He rushes over on top of you to connect his lips with yours again.
The sloppy wetness of the kiss alongside his rock hard cock restricted in his sweats rubbed against your clothed heat has him writhing in a needy haze. His eyes go cloudy and his skin is painted ruby.
Matt viscously tugs at the hem of your work shirt pulling it upwards to reveal your laced bra. Your chest rising and falling heavily underneath Matt’s aggression.
He pulls down your underclothes instantaneously. Your tits spilling out and your nipples are swollen red.
“Oh, fuck yeah… Wait just one second sweetheart.” Matt leaves the enclosure of the space in between your legs but you can still see him in your peripheral. 
You look over to see him grab the piping bag. He races back over to the original position he was just in. His horse pendant jangling about and grazing over his defined collarbones.
“What’re you gonna do with the piping bag..?” You question him hesitantly, feeding your bottom lip into your mouth.
“You taste so good on my tongue baby. I bet you’d taste even better with cream on top of your tits. Hm?”
Matt’s filthy idea makes you tremble and your folds become velvety slick. Who would’ve thought that Matt, your boyfriend, a professional baker would want to fuck you as messily as this.
Matt leans over you and squeezes the piping bag slowly. The cream grazes your skin and the coldness of the substance makes you squirm and your back arches.
He moves the piping bag down and leaves a trail of sugary white down to just above your belly button.
His bottom lip fully concealed under his teeth in concentration before he sets the bag down and reels your hips in so the lower half of your body is hanging off the edge of the counter.
Matt then drops down to your height and starts to suck on your rock hard bud. Fully licking the cream off and nibbling at the centre, his mouth on your fully perched out nipples makes your entrance twitch and soak in your juices.
“You taste so fucking good, I’ve been wanting to do this to you for so long. You don’t understand.” Matt gasps between licks on your tit.
He moves his head up slightly to suckle and nibble on the flesh of your neck. Leaving hickeys and bite marks all over your skin. Making you whimper into the air of the kitchen.
He advances down the thick, sugary trail that stops at your belly button. Licking and consuming the cream off of your now hot and plush flesh.
After all of the cream is gone, Matt brushes against his lip with his tongue and grabs the bag again. 
He hastily undoes the button on your work jeans and rips them off your legs in keenness. He uses his thumb and index finger to push your matching lace panties to the side. Now fully unveiling your bare, bright pink pussy.
Matt repositions his hands and puts the nub of the piping bag on the very peak of your clit.
“Matt, what are you doing?” Your eyebrows furrowed and your breath is still heavy and uneven.
“I’m eating you my love, wasn’t it obvious?” Suddenly, you feel a thick and freezing cold liquid resting on your swollen heat. This kind of filth during intimate times like this really makes you think about what other kind of things Matt is into, and you fucking love it
He throws the bag back onto the counter and crouches down until his face is barely touching your pussy. He blows on your clit gently, making your entire body shiver.
His lips are just slightly touching your soaking wet entrance. Just as you thought he was going to eat you out right then and there, he turns his head to pay his full attention to your thighs. Kissing and sucking on them gently. Whilst his hands have their full grip on them, squeezing them in temptation at relishing at your throbbing core.
“Matt..” You whine in impatience. You were so desperate for him to just consume all of you. His tongue felt amazing on your skin. He knew all of your weak spots and he knew exactly how to take advantage of that.
“Shhh, I’m here. I promise.” He drawls out faintly, his breath brushing over you again.
Matt focuses on your dripping centre again, and gradually sticks his tongue inside your entrance.
His saliva mixing with your silky juices and the cream still laying on your clit makes your head tilt back and your eyes roll back into your skull.
Matt pulls out his tongue straight away after he notices you broke eye contact.
“No, sweetheart. Look at me. Look at me whilst I eat you out like a good girl.”
You whimper at Matt’s mixture of a command and a praise. You turn your head back down to see him staring up at you through his eyelashes with his tongue deep inside you.
He licks a stripe up your folds and fully swallows up the sugary goodness of both the cream and your juices. 
You could not stop trembling under his tongue circling around your throbbing clit. His nose resting slightly above with his irises still dilated onto yours. 
You can feel your body tensing as Matt’s mouth is latched onto your slippery heat.
“Matt.. I-I’m gonna…” You mumble faintly.
“Cum for me. Cum all over my mouth. Let me taste more of you.”
An overwhelming flush or euphoria strikes all through your body in waves. Your breath hitches and you grab onto Matt’s hair, making him hum into your heat.
Your chest rises and falls smoothly whilst coming down from your high and Matt slows the rhythm of his tongue down on your clit.
Suddenly he detaches his mouth from your skin and pulls his sweatpants down.
Matt’s dick comes sprawling out of his garments. The vein that runs down the middle of his length spikes outwards. The very sight of his cock is an aphrodisiac to your senses within itself.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck you raw. I’ve never asked you because I didn’t think you’d like it.” His necklace glints under the artificial light beaming down on the both of you that hangs just above the counter.
“Matt, you really should’ve asked. Fuck a baby into me, fill me up with your cum. Forget about the fucking cream. I want yours.” You sigh out. Your core twitching at the sight of his taffy pink prick fully exposed practically grazing against you.
The gaze in Matt’s eyes is full to the brim with hot pink lust. He’s practically drooling in admiration at how fuckable you look right now.
He grips onto your thighs again and presses his tip against your slippery entrance. He hisses at the overwhelming thrill of the feeling of your drenched folds.
Matt pushes his length inside of you at a sluggish pace, almost like he’s teasing you by going slow in the beginning.
Your spongy, slick walls squeeze down on his cock and it makes it pulse inside you. He whimpers on top of you while he sits inside of you in and out stagantly.
“Fuck…you’re so tight sweetheart.” Matt stutters, the utmost feeling of your pussy clenched around his dick is like heaven to him. Your breathless whines and moans are like harmonic symphonies ringing and humming in his ears. His visual stimuli are more than satisfactory from your tender and curvaceous figure that he has held in his hands at this very moment.
Matt’s pace starts to quicken and becomes more rapid inside you. Every single time he rams into you, he slightly grazes that sweet spot that drives you absolutely fucking insane. It’s like his cock was made for you. “I want to fuck you so good your pussy turns into the shape of my dick baby. It’s so perfect. I can’t wait to fuck my cum into you.”
“Please do it Matt… cum inside me.” His dick is slightly bulging out of your stomach. He sees this as an opportunity to use his two fingers and press on your abdomen slightly. “This is where my babies are gonna be, sweetheart. All for you. Taking it all like such a good girl.” He huffs out smugly.
The sound of your skin clapping and beating against each other every single time he pounds his dick into you and his waist clashes into your thighs and ass cheeks almost hypnotises you. “M-Matt… I’m gonna cum again…”
“Fuck… me too baby. I’m s-so close..” The rhythm of Matt fucking his cock into you starts to slow down and you can feel his lower body start to stutter and his member pulses thickly inside of you.
“Oh f-fuck… take all of my cum sweetheart…I’m gonna cum…c-cumming…” His arms give in and he loses all balance as he feeds his cum into your hole. His and your juices swirl and mix together inside you.
Suddenly, your stomach starts to feel warm. The feeling of Matt’s hot and thick load spilling inside all the way through your cervix pulls and twists at your neurons, especially alongside your soul-shattering orgasm Matt just gave you.
He drops his whole weight on you completely and hides his head in the crook of your neck. His heavy breath brushes on your skin while his prick still rests inside you, you can’t tell if he’s too tired to take it out or he wants all of his cum to stay inside.
Either way you both savour the moment while you lay still on top of each other. Catching your breath and coming down from your second high.
Matt raises his head up and reaches out for the cloth laying next to the piping bag. He balls it up and wipes at the skin with small spots of butter cream from earlier.
“I wasn’t too rough on you this time, was I?” He enquires. He looks down on you, still swiping away the white mess all over you.
“No, of course not baby. I loved it.” You respond, giggling exhaustedly. “We should do this again, sometime.”
“I’d love to, sweetheart.” Matt smiles before pecking your cheek and rests his head on your collarbone once more.
“A-are you still inside me?” 
“Pfft, yeah.” 
Author’s Note No.2: MY GOD THIS WAS ANNOYING TO WRITE. Sorry for the slight delay, I was incredibly tired and fell asleep and I got preoccupied with school. Anyways. Again, thank you so much for enjoying Pins n’ Needles. I WILL be making a part 2 very soon! :)
༝༚༝༚, Maxine.
Taglist: @gamermattsgf @luverboychris @worldlxvlys @chrissystur @chaosisalwayscrying @bellasfavbisexual
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
Sweet Treat (Clay x FemReader)
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Summary: It’s all you’ve wanted, all you craved. That one certain sweet treat, that goes so well with…
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there’s sooo much of the smut. Oral (male receiving), wonderful use of ice cream, manipulative/possessive Clay, and… his thick, long dick.
Notes: A continuation of Too Sweet! 🧡🖤
- “So, this is what you’re craving?” Clay taunts, lips curled up in a smirk. The object of your current obsession held tightly in his hand. “This is what my little wifey wants?”
- You gaze up at him. Cheeks flushed, eyes wide and shining. Desperate, hungry look on your face. While you wait obediently on your knees, rubbing your ample bump in anticipation. “Yes, baby’s been kicking me the whole day for it.”
- Raising an eyebrow, he lays back against the lavish pillows. Shaking his head, chuckling softly. “Has he? Naughty boy.”
- Ever so slightly, he tilts the melting cone. “Beating up his poor mama.” A few fat, creamy drops plopping onto his bare chest. “Just because of a bit of ice cream.”
- Whimpering, you shift in his lap. Watching them slowly trickle southwards. Fighting the urge to lap, lick them off. Even as they come to settle at the base of his hard cock. “Please…can I have some?”
- Further he tips it, more begin to freckle his skin. Until finally the entire scoop falls and lands squarely…
- “Of course,” he mutters. Spreading, smearing the sugary confection all over his torso…his length. “Better get every last drop though. Can’t have any going to waste.”
- “Thank you, hubby.” Timidly, you lean forward. Stomach pressing into his, small hiss escaping you from the sudden cool touch. Mouth hovering barely an inch above his left pec. “I promise.”
- Running your tongue across his skin, you squeak happily. Savoring the sweetness, his salty sweat. Lips brushing his nipple; sucking gently, cleaning it thoroughly. Before giving the same attention to the other. Eliciting a soft growl from him.
- Slowly you slide down, dipping between the cracks of his abs. Following the lines of his body, along the path of his happy trail. Taking your time, enjoying each delicious inch…the way your flesh sticks to his.
- Hard muscles quiver beneath you. A low groan escapes Clay when he glides through your soaked folds. When you taste your way upwards; tracing the veins, circling the tip. Before wrapping your lips around, the flavor of yourself and him mixed perfectly with the dessert. “Good girl…”
- Big hand comes to rest on the nape of your neck. Fingers tangle in your hair, gripping it firmly. “Such a good, good girl…” Tugging on it just harsh enough that your head jerks back, eyes lock. “Loving her treat…”
- Pressing, he forces you to descend. Watching as he disappears into the warmth of your mouth, your throat…while you gag and sputter. Saliva dribbling out of the corners of your mouth, making a mess of your chin and neck. “Gobbling it all up…” Until your nose was finally flush with his abdomen, buried into the gooey remnants you left behind.
- Now fully lodged, you will yourself to relax. Tears pricking at your waterlines, your breaths coming out in small puffs. His nails digging gently into your scalp. “ Always asking…”
- His hold tightens and you brace your hands against the woven rug. He starts to guide you, moving your head up and down. Bucking his hips; setting a quick, merciless pace. “Begging for more…”
- He was close. You can tell by the way he twitches, throbs. The guttural sounds that fall from his mouth, whenever he hits the back of your throat. How his hips stutter; drives grow irregular, erratic. “Like the greedy thing she is…”
- Pushing, thrusting hard one last time. Streams of hot cum shot into your mouth, coating your tongue. Overwhelming your senses completely. And you can’t help but moan, squeal uncontrollably. As you swallow down his entire load…at the feeling of being so full of him.
- Gingerly, he pulls you off. Cupping your cheek, rubbing his thumb across your swollen bottom lip. Wiping away a stray glob, offering it to you. “There. Did that satisfy your craving?”
- Panting softly, you nod. Cleaning off his digit, humming in appreciation. “Yes, baby and I are happy.”
- “That’s what I like to hear, that you enjoyed your ‘sweet treat’,” he coos. Hand finding its way to your stomach, caressing it lovingly. Massaging your taunt, sticky skin. “Now why don’t you lay on your back…and let daddy have his?”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @anakinstwinklebunny, @decaffeinatedunicorn, @beresfordsgirl, @kenmaiica, @sythethecarrot, @xx-ttamaraa, @everydaydreamer, @rafeswifeyy2, @laoif, @xhunnybeeex
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 day
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Summary: Ari forgets to do something important before leaving out the door...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Fluff, Implied Smut, Kisses, Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Sweet Renegade Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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You’re currently standing at the stove, slowly stirring a pot of freshly melted chocolate. For some reason, you’d awoken this morning with a craving for chocolate dipped strawberries. So, instead of paying an arm and a leg to buy them from some fancy shop, you’d simply decided to make your own. 
Humming under your breath, you’re surprised when you hear your front door open and shut. A quick glance at the clock suggests that it’s much too early for Ari to home for good just yet. More likely he’d probably forgotten something. 
Turning off the heat, you move to pour it into a bowl. Next up was your favorite part – turning your favorite fruit into a delicious confection. You run your finger along the spoon, wincing as the still-too-hot treat burns your skin.
But you don’t care. Not when it tastes so good. So good, that you can’t help the satisfied moan that escapes your throat. 
“Is it really that good, sweetheart?” 
“Mm.” You purr before helping yourself to another taste, this time using your tongue now that things have cooled a little more. “It really is.” 
Grinning, you take a moment to get a good look at your man. He’d been a man on a mission this morning, rushing out the door before you were barely awake and alert. And while you weren’t quite sure what business it was that had him moving so quickly, you were pretty certain that he’d tell you at dinner.
“You in the mood to share?” Ari rasps as he leans against the wall, looking exceptionally sexy in his dark blue Levi’s and black henley. You find yourself slightly disappointed that he’s not rocking one of his signature flannels. 
Mostly because you liked to steal them. But to be fair, your sweet Beast also never seemed to complain when he caught you wearing one. He mostly just sighed and grumbled about his diminishing wardrobe. 
Which was fine by you, considering the fact that he was the sole reason your entire panty drawer had been reduced to next to nothing. Those flannels were owed to you by right! 
“Just what are you doin’ back so early?” You ask, holding the spoon out to him. “I didn’t expect to see you until dinner.”
“Forgot to do somethin’.” He rasps as he moves towards you, his long, powerful legs bridging the distance between your bodies in mere seconds. “Somethin’ important.”
“Oh?” Guess you were right. The man had been moving so fast this morning that he’d likely left behind an important file or notepad. “I don’t recall seeing anything on the table, but–”
“That ain’t what I forgot, little Bird.”
Now he’s standing in front of you, his work boots almost brushing your bare toes. You’re caught off guard when Ari moves to tenderly cup his cheek, his roughened palm warming your delicate skin. 
“What…what did you forget?” Confused, you move to offer him the spoon in your hand, only to be surprised when he declines. You watch as his normally brilliant blue eyes darken as they stray to your waiting mouth. Your heart speeds up when his head descends, making his intentions all the more clear.
“Something much, much sweeter.”  
Squealing in surprise, you can’t help when your eyes flutter closed as his sinful lips capture your own. The kiss starts off soft and sweet, that is, until you feel Ari’s free hand make its way down your lower back so that he can grab a handful of your ass, pulling you closer to his big body.
You feel his tongue sweep against your bottom lip, encouraging you to open. To respond in the way you so desperately know he wants. Rising on your toes, you eagerly grant him access, wanting him to know that you were feeling just as hungry and wanting as he felt for you.
Feeling emboldened, Ari lifts you off your feet, prompting you to wrap your legs around his trim waist. Your fingers find their way into his hair, lightly tugging at his already tousled locks. Meanwhile both of his impatient hands busy themselves with kneading and squeezing your curves as he rocks his hips against yours, letting you feel the weight of his already impressive erection.
It makes you want him here. Now. So you can't help but feel disappointed when he slowly eases away, leaving you wet and needy.
“Fuck." He promises now that he's finally allows you up for air. "Promise I won’t forget to do that again.”
“Uh huh.” You breathe, your legs wobbling slightly the moment he releases his hold, lightly setting you down. It doesn’t help when he leans in once again to gently brush his lips against your temple. And his satisfied grin has you giggling as your head falls to rest against his broad chest. 
“Tell me what I interrupted here, baby.”
“I was making chocolate covered strawberries.” Nuzzling your nose against the fabric of his shirt, you continue. “I woke up with a taste for them, so…” You offer up a small shrug. “I decided to make some.”
“Well, that’s funny. On account of I woke up with a taste for you.” You feel his big palm come to rest on your head, stroking a path along your silky curls. “And these are about to make the proceedings even better.” 
You can’t help but feel a little dizzy when he pulls away. His teasing words were filling you with all kinds of spicy ideas.
“I’ve gotta run.” Ari tells you. “I only came back to rectify my mistake. But I want you to save some of these for tonight…” He glances down at your now cold bowl of chocolate. “Because I have plans to enjoy my little Bird for dessert before I even think about dinner.”
Reaching around you, he snags a ripe berry and lifts it to your mouth. His eyes never leave yours as he watches you bite down on the plump fruit, its juice lightly dripping down your chin. Groaning low in his throat, Ari leans in once more, lapping up the sweet trail with his tongue. 
“And Bird?” He calls as he turns to walk away, confidently striding towards the front door.
“Y-yeah?” Dear God, this man was going to be the death of you.
“No panties, alright? I don’t want anything between me and my strawberry delight.”
Fucking Beast.
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sailortongue · 1 year
Sweet Tooth
pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
wc: 4.5k
summary: spencer finds himself frequenting a local donut establishment for more reasons than one. his sweet tooth isn't limited to just pastries and he bets you'd taste delicious
cw: oral (fem receiving), fingering. pls pls pls let me know if i missed smth but i think those are the only major things
It was widely known that Spencer was fond of overly sweet coffee, but his sweet tooth was not limited to just his morning pick-me-up. The team had recently wrapped up with a rather grueling case, and he thought he’d surprise them all with donuts that morning. So there he was, in the local donut shop, staring at what must have been the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. The way the early morning light shone in through the windows and illuminated you was truly breathtaking. Try as he might, he stumbled over the order, embarrassing himself in front of you and surely ruining his chances of you liking him.
You could tell he was flustered, so you did your best to suppress your giggles. He was cute. Very cute. This was the first time you had seen him come into the store, and you were hoping it wasn’t the last. He paid for his order and you boxed it up, receiving a shy smile from him as you handed it to him. “Thank you,” he said, before turning and walking out quickly, the bell above the door chiming.
It was a little over a week before you saw him again. He greeted you with a “good morning” as he walked in and approached the counter.
“Good morning!” you said back cheerily, glad to see that he had returned. He scanned the selection of confections before selecting a chocolate donut with sprinkles.
“Huh, I thought you’d be more of a donut hole kind of guy,” you said, trying to make conversation with the handsome man.
He laughed a bit and shook his head. “No, chocolate and sprinkles are definitely the best. They've been my favorite since I was a kid.”
“Oh yeah? I think if I was to pick a favorite it would have to be the apple fritter.”
Not missing the chance to learn about you, even if it was just your favorite donut, he asked, “Why that one? Not that it's a bad choice, but most people seem to prefer the chocolate and glazed.”
You laughed and Spencer swore his heart melted right then and there. “Well, they're my dad’s favorite. And every time he had one he would split it between us. So not only is it delicious, but it reminds me of my childhood.”
He smiled at your wholesome reason and before he could stop himself he said, “That’s really cute.”
You blushed, consumed with the thought that he considered something about you was cute, even if it was something so minor as to why your favorite donut is what it is. God, you didn't even know his name and there you were, developing a crush. Your eyes met his, and you were awestruck at how warm and inviting they looked. He had these expressive brown eyes that you could get lost in if you allowed yourself to. You shook your head from your thoughts, realizing you were probably freaking him out. He was just here for a donut and here you were staring at him like some creep. You hadn’t even bagged it for him yet. Pull yourself together you chastised yourself internally, finally breaking eye contact and doing your job like a normal person.
When you handed him the bag he briefly glanced down at your name tag. “Thanks, Yn,” he said, giving you a small smile. What a pretty name, he thought.
“No problem, have a good day…” you trailed off, hoping he would introduce himself. It was only fair since he knew your name.
“Spencer,” he filled in for you.
“Spencer,” you repeated. “I’ll have to remember that for next time.”
Next time turned out to be three days later. You were back in the kitchen, not expecting a customer to be there so early until you heard the bell chime. “I’ll be right there!” you called out. You quickly rinsed your hands and were still drying them on a towel when you walked out to see a familiar mop of brown hair. “Spencer! Good morning!”
He chuckled, “Good morning, Yn.”
“Chocolate with sprinkles?” you asked, remembering his favorite.
“You remembered?”
“You’re beginning to become a regular, and I make it a point to memorize those orders.”
Spencer’s smile dropped a bit, somewhat disheartened that it was something you did for all customers and not just him.
You didn’t notice the slight change in his expression and continued, deciding to take a chance. “Plus, it’s hard to forget the cute customers.”
Spencer’s face instantly flushed crimson, all logical thought leaving him. So much for his high IQ. His mouth opened and closed again, desperately trying to formulate some sort of response. But Spencer couldn't even think straight. His thoughts were in a flurry and every single one was about you.
Seeing his reaction, you backpedaled as fast as you could. “I’m sorry. That was too forward of me. I don’t know why I said that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable—”
“It’s perfectly alright.” He cut off your frantic apology. “You didn't make me uncomfortable at all. I’m actually quite flattered that you find me as attractive as I find you.”
It was your turn to be speechless. When his words fully sunk in, you couldn't stop the wide smile and giggle that bubbled forth. This man was going to be the death of you. “So, uh,” he started nervously, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, “I was wondering if I could get your number?”
You beamed at him. “Yes, of course!” You went to the register and rang him up, writing your phone number on his receipt before handing it to him. He dialed it into his phone, and you heard your phone ringing faintly from the break room where you had left it. “There,” he said. “Now you have my number, too.”
Your morning rendezvous with Spencer quickly became the highlight of your week. He was always dressed professionally, and you finally decided to ask him where he worked. The two of you talked about nearly everything under the sun, so you were shocked when you came to the realization that you didn't even know what he did for work.
The next time he came in, you practically ambushed him with your question. His eyes widened in surprise, “Oh, I’m an agent with the BAU. Did I not tell you that?”
“No, you did not. What’s the BAU?”
“It stands for behavioral analysis unit. It’s a department of the FBI. We analyze the unsub’s-”
“Unsub?” you interrupted.
“Unidentified subject. So what we do is analyze the unsub’s actions and behavior and create a profile to better understand how and why they do what they do. This is what allows us to determine the identity of the unsub and arrest them.”
Your jaw had dropped open during his explanation. The guy you’d been casually talking to turned out to be an FBI agent. Cute and badass.
Becoming shy from the attention, he changed the subject to something he’d been wanting to ask you. “So, Yn, would you be interested in meeting somewhere other than here? When you're not at work and I don't have to go to my own job?”
Your face flushed with heat, and your heart pounded in your chest. “Like a date?”
Trusting that your hopeful expression was a good indication, Spencer nodded. “Yeah, like a date.”
The bright smile you gave him at his confirmation would live in Spencer’s mind for the rest of the day.
“I’m free this weekend,” you suggested.
And just like that, it became a routine for Spencer to visit the shop at least once a week. He began to find himself getting up earlier and earlier each day just so he could stay and talk with you for longer. The physical attraction was instant from the first moment he saw you, but now that he was truly getting to know you he was falling and falling fast. You had this light about you that Spencer couldn't put into words, even with his impressive vocabulary. 
Reid’s highly observant coworkers were quick to notice his frequent morning donut runs. He never ate them at the shop, choosing to use that time to visit with you. Instead, he waited until he got to the office so he could enjoy the sweet goodness with his daily cup of coffee. And today was no exception.
“All those donuts are going to catch up with you one day, Reid,” Prentiss teased. “You can't be skinny forever.”
“So be it. She's worth it,” replied Spencer, taking another bite, sprinkles falling onto the napkin he’d placed on his desk.
“She?” Morgan raised his brows, a grin spreading across his face as he turned in his chair to face the young doctor.
Spencer’s eyes widened and he nearly choked on his food, trying to figure out a way to take back his slip of the tongue. “I meant they. They’re worth it. The donuts.”
“Uh-huh. Sure. So what’s her name?”
Spencer sighed. “Yn.” That was all he said as he pulled his paperwork towards himself. No point in denying it when they were already certain. 
“Woah, woah, you can't just leave it at that! Tell us about her. What's she like and how did you meet? Spill everything.” 
Spencer merely took another bite of his donut, a smug smirk on his face for withholding the information his colleagues were so curious about.
For the rest of the day, Morgan and Prentiss attempted to convince Spencer to divulge his sweet secret. After another failed attempt, it finally hit Morgan, and he had to admit he felt very silly for it. He waited until Spencer left on his lunch break before he approached Emily’s desk.
“Hey, what’s up?” she asked.
“What’s up is that Hotch should probably reconsider our positions on the team,” he joked. “The donut bag. It’s in Reid’s personal mini trash can under his desk. All we have to do is look at it real quick and we’ll know exactly which shop he goes to!”
Emily laughed, amused how it took so long for one of them to think of that. “Then what are we waiting for? Let's go dig in the doctor’s trash.”
They both stood and went over to Spencer’s desk. Morgan reached under and pulled out the small trash can, plucking the crumpled bag from the top. As he flattened the bag back out, a voice startled the two of them and they spun around in unison, like two kids that had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
“Why are you two digging in the kid’s trash?”
“Reid has a girl in his life and if he wont tell us then we’re gonna find out ourselves. She’s either a regular at this place—” he held up the bag, displaying the logo for Rossi to see, “—or she works there.”
“Hm. I see. Carry on, then,” was all he said before continuing on his way.
The younger agents turned their attention back to what they were digging for. “Meche’s Donuts,” they both read aloud.
“Pretty sure that’s close to Reid’s place. Y’know, I think some donuts tomorrow morning would be great, don’t you?”
“Now that you say it, yeah, donuts would be good. Meet you there at 8:00?”
“You bet.” He recrumpled the bag and replaced the trash can as it was.
When Reid returned, he didn't notice the look his friends exchanged and was none the wiser.
The next morning, both Emily and Derek got up earlier than usual and met in the parking lot of Meche’s. They approached the building, and Derek held open the door for Emily, the bell chiming to notify you of a customer’s arrival.
“Good morning!” you greeted like usual.
They returned your greeting as they neared the counter, both of their sights narrowing in on your name tag: Yn.
“Has a guy named Spencer Reid been here today?” Morgan asked, never one to beat around the bush.
“No, do you know him?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah, we’re friends of his. We noticed that his sweet tooth has been getting the better of him lately. Lots of donuts,” he smirked, gesturing down to the transparent display. “Pretty boy had a bit of a slip up and told us that it was because of a girl, but wouldn’t tell us anything else. So we decided to do a bit of sleuthing.”
“And here we are,” finished Emily. “I’m Agent Emily Prentiss and this is Agent Derek Morgan. Promise we’re not creeps, this is just the first time we’ve known him to have a crush on someone and we wanted to know what you looked like. He’s got good taste at least.”
You laughed good-naturedly, “Don't worry about it. We have a date scheduled for this weekend actually.”
Emily ooohed like a schoolgirl. “You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I’m dying to know. What is Spencer’s idea of a date? Bet he takes you to a bookstore.”
“Or a foreign movie,” interjected Morgan. “With no subtitles, so he can whisper the translations in your ear.”
You were getting ready for your date with Spencer when you heard your phone ring. The caller ID told you that it was Spencer calling and butterflies erupted in your stomach.
“Hey, I was just calling to let you know I’m on my way.”
“Ok, perfect! I’m almost done getting ready. You remember the address?”
He laughed. “Of course I remember. There’s not much I don’t remember.”
“Oh, my bad Dr. Reid. We can't all be super geniuses with an eidetic memory.”
The two of you talked and joked with each other until Spencer told you that he was parking and would be up in a moment to meet you at the door. All you had to do was quickly slip your shoes on and you were ready.
Three sharp raps sounded from the door, and you peeked through the peephole before unlocking the door and swinging it open.
He seemed stunned for a second, just taking in your appearance. “Wow,” was all he could think to say. “You look beautiful.”
“And you look very handsome,” you returned the compliment. And he did, as always. He was probably the only guy you knew who could pull off a sweater vest. He may dress like an old man, but damn did he make it work.
Turns out that he picked out some hole in the wall diner you’d never even heard of. But he swore by their food and claimed it was some of the best in town. Also that they made a mean bread pudding. A broad smile overtook his features when he saw your eyes light up at the mention of the dessert. He’d recalled from a previous conversation that it was your favorite and had made sure to choose a restaurant that had it on the dessert menu.
The meal was spent indulging in a lively conversation about all of your favorite books. He even suggested a book exchange; he’d load you his favorite, and you’d loan him yours. Though you did warn him that you might have to pick up a new copy first, as yours was particularly old  and practically on the verge of disintegrating in your hands.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” he said.
“No, it is!” you insisted. “The last time I read it I looked down and there were a bunch of particles on my lap from the pages.”
After picking up the check at the diner, Spencer informed you that there was a movie he wanted to take you to. “It’s a Russian movie, and I’m not sure if there’s subtitles or not, but I can whisper the translations for you. But I definitely think you’ll enjoy the plot.”
You thought back to what Morgan said when he and Emily visited you. Morgan: 1, Emily: 0. 
Turns out, there were, in fact, subtitles. However, Spencer claimed those weren't very accurate to the tone of the movie and chose to give you his own translations anyway. In order to not disturb other movie goers, he had to lean in to whisper, so close that his lips would occasionally brush the shell of your ear. If not for the fact you were already sitting, you thought your knees would have given out. The low timbre of his voice traveled straight from your eardrum all the way to your core. You tried to pay attention to the movie, you really did, but the gentle rasp of Spencer’s voice in your ear had you beyond distracted. He was so close. Between the close proximity and his voice, your panties were quickly becoming uncomfortably sticky which led you to squirm in your seat occasionally. 
Spencer, the hyper-observant profiler that he was, noticed your pitiful attempts to adjust the way you were sitting. “Are you ok?” he asked, interrupting his translation mid sentence.
“Yes!” you answered hurriedly. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You cleared your throat nervously and hoped he would let it go. You could see a slight frown form on his face before it looked as if a metaphorical lightbulb went off over his head.
He resumed his position near your face, once again whispering to you, but not translations this time. No, this time it was as if a switch had flipped inside the sweet man you’d become so fond of. “If I didn't know any better, I’d say you like having me so close to you. Isn't that right, Yn?”
The way he whispered your name so sensually had your heart beating out of your chest and your breath hitching in response. His laughter came out as a huff, trying to stay quiet. “Think you can wait until the end of the movie?” he asked with a suggestive lilt to his words.
You both knew the answer, but you pretended to think about it in an effort to spare at least some of your dignity. “No,” you answered with your head down, almost ashamed at how easily Spencer had riled you up.
“‘No’ what? Use your words, sweetheart.”
To hell with your dignity. “No, I can't wait. I want you now.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your seat as he stood. He led you out the doors and to the parking lot, heading straight for his car.
“Where are we going?”
“My apartment.” he answered swiftly as he put his hand on the back of your seat to back out of the parking spot. 
The ride to his apartment was spent mostly in silence, both of you tense for all the best reasons. At one of the red lights he’d made the bold move to relocate one of his hands from the steering wheel to your left thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth and gently squeezing it every now and then. Every squeeze sent a bolt of electricity to your center and you were getting needier by the second.
As soon as his apartment door shut behind him, his mouth was on yours, lips crashing together in a heated kiss. With both hands on either side of your face, he licked the seam of your lips impatiently, wanting nothing more than to taste you. You obliged, and his tongue snaked its way into your mouth, intertwining with yours. He groaned into the kiss, unable to get enough of you. Pulling away from your lips, he kissed down your jaw and neck slowly, deliberately. Taking his time to leave dark marks in his wake. He took a deep breath in through his nose. “You have no idea what this perfume was doing to me at the movie. Could barely even translate for you,” he mumbled into your skin.
“Bedroom?” you asked, near breathless with anticipation but not particularly wanting to get fucked in his entryway.
He led you through his apartment to his bedroom where Spencer wasted no time reconnecting his lips to yours, backing you up until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, prompting you to sit. Before you could lay down, his hands tugged on the hem of your shirt. “Let’s get this off of you, hm?”
He made quick work of the cloth and tossed it aside “God, you're so pretty. Lay down for me, sweetheart,” he said. You flushed and did as he told you, scooting yourself higher up on the bed before laying your head onto his pillows. He removed both his sweater vest and shirt before eagerly crawling atop you. He propped himself up on his elbows, his face aligned with yours. You impatiently leaned up to kiss him again, and you could feel him grinning into the harsh kiss before kissing you back. His hands wandered across your body, settling on your breasts. You moaned into his mouth and pressed your chest further into his large hands, your hips bucking up, seeking the friction you so desperately wanted. 
He chuckled, removing his hands from your breasts to your hips and holding them down, preventing you from moving them and eliciting a whine from you. “Patience, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you. Promise.” His voice was low and gravelly, his lips pressed against the skin just under the skin of your earlobe. He suckled the skin lightly as one hand came up behind your back, unclasping your bra and giving it the same treatment he gave your shirt. He pulled back and groaned at the sight of seeing you half naked beneath him. This felt like a dream come true to Spencer and it was taking everything he had to not throw his inhibitions out the window and ravish you right that second.
He groped your bare chest for a moment before leaning down to lick a stripe between them. He placed feather-light kisses across your skin, his hair falling over his face and tickling you where it brushed. His trail of kisses led him to one of your nipples, which he took in his mouth, sucking lightly. You gasped when he used his teeth to pull on it slightly. “Spencer!”
While his mouth was busy with one, he had a hand on the other, tweaking the bud between his nimble fingers. You raked your hands through his hair, holding him in place. The tug on his roots had Spencer groaning into your chest and increasing the intensity of his ministrations and suckling you more and more fervently with each tug of his hair and sweet moan from your lips. Satisfied, he released your bud with a slight pop and switched to the other side, determined to make you squirm and beg for him before he touched you properly. The hand that wasn't on your breast lowered from your waist to your hip, massaging the supple flesh.
“Please, Spencer,” you begged, needing so much more than he was currently giving you. You were aching for him, panties soaked with evidence of your want.
He released your nipple and tilted his head to look at your face, both of your pupils blown wide with lust. He cooed at you, “What does my pretty girl need? Tell me, and it’s yours.”
“You!” you cried. “I want you! Please, Spencer!”
He groaned, the sound low and guttural. “You already have me. I was yours from the first moment I laid eyes on you.” Your eyes softened from his words, and you watched him as he tilted his head back down, tracing his nose down your abdomen as he lowered himself further down the bed, his hands caressing your sides as he did so. He placed a chaste kiss just above the waistband of your bottoms before hooking his fingers under it. “May I?”
You nodded frantically, and he placed another kiss in the same spot as he pulled your shorts and panties down together, tantalizingly slowly. Finally seeing you completely bare before him had him nearly cumming in his pants on the spot. You were so perfect and he wanted to make you feel so good that the only name you knew was his. He ran his hands up your thighs and settled his head between them. “You're absolutely dripping for me, sweetheart.” Spencer was practically panting from the lust flowing through his veins. He placed a chaste kiss to your clit before tentatively licking your cunt. You let out a strangled moan, his hot tongue not providing near enough pressure.
“Don’t tease me, Spence,” you mewled, your hands weakly trying to push his head back down where you needed him.
“Savoring, baby, not teasing. I don’t want to forget a single moment of this.” With that said, he licked a broad stripe across your pussy, much more confident than the first time. He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked harshly, groaning into you. You cried out his name, grip on his hair tightening. “Fuck, you taste so good,” he said breathlessly before diving back in, slurping at you like a man starved. He hummed with bliss as he continued to eat you out, the vibrations adding to the stimulation. “So sweet, baby, oh my God,” he praised. He lifted your legs and placed them over his shoulders, pressing himself further into you as he wrapped his arms around your thighs.
It was all you could do to keep from screaming his name as he continued to lick and suck at the most intimate part of you. You thrashed in his hold, overwhelmed with the pleasure he was giving you. He tightened his hold on your thighs, holding you open so he could continue to drink you in. He swore he would never be able to get enough of you. If this was the last thing he ever did then he'd die a happy man.
“C’mon, sweetheart, cum on my face. Give it to me. I want it,” he grunted. Without warning, he plunged a finger into you, causing you to cry out. He added a second finger shortly after, and he relished in the way your walls were squeezing around his fingers. You were so close and it was all because of him. With his fingers thrusting in and out of you and his mouth on your clit, you were finally pushed over the edge, cumming with a scream of Spencer’s name. He didn't stop until you were practically shoving him away, the overstimulation becoming too much. His face was covered in your juices, and you watched with rapt attention as he licked his lips before wrapping them around the two digits still covered with your wetness, sucking them clean and groaning at the taste as he did it.
Yeah, Spencer Reid definitely had a sweet tooth.
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