#demon lo fic
likesunsetorange · 8 months
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OMG YES I SAW!!!! that’s literally so her i love it so much this mirror palais collection is so bodyguard au mikasa!!! and lia really blesses us with mikasa in the cutest outfits, i always look forward to her art when she posts 😭🩷
i'm sorry this took so long to reply to but i really wanted to write something for this, so i hope you enjoy!!! :)
also slight nsfw warning? lol!
While they weren’t necessarily sharing a mutual dislike for one another anymore, they weren’t necessarily friends either. But Eren also wouldn’t say they weren’t not friends either—it was complicated, but it wasn’t—he was her bodyguard whom she happened to live with, but there was something a bit more there—or at least he thought.
In the weeks since they had come to a truce of the sorts, they had developed a routine of the sorts. He would accompany her on her daily errands (as he was supposed to), but she welcomed his company rather than Mikasa feeling as if Eren was an unwanted presence. It was almost as if they were spending time together rather than Eren doing his job. Even when she spent hours trying on clothes, or trying to choose between (what Eren deemed was the same) lace ribbons, he found himself with the faintest hint of a smile on his face. Once they were back at her house, they would disperse amongst themselves until later in the evening when they would often cook together or watch whatever movie Mikasa picked for them.
The peace within the house was nice, and he found himself appreciating the little things a bit more. When she wasn’t busy throwing insults at him or criticizing every little thing he did, she was actually quite sweet. It was ironic to Eren how a lot of her personality was reminiscent of that first initial encounter—before she drugged him—leading Eren to believe maybe all of it hadn't been as much of an act as he had initially thought.
Today, much like any other day, after a day of various errands and a shower, Eren found himself preoccupied in the kitchen, but rather than cooking dinner like he usually would, he made himself a bowl of cereal, much to what he would assume would be Mikasa’s displeasure. Mikasa had him running around the entirety of the city, somehow managing to go through multiple burroughs (which he didn't even think was possible in NYC) for all of her menial errands, and he couldn't be bothered to make anything, so cereal would have to do.
He had made it through his second bowl of cereal when he heard Mikasa's voice on the phone, approaching. Her figure came into view, her hair damp and clinging to her back and her bangs pinned out of her face with little heart clips. She was wearing one of the many pair of pajamas she owned, today, these ones pink with little red hearts.
There weren't many things Eren allowed himself to indulge in when it came to Mikasa—he tried to keep those thoughts few and far between. But there was one thing that would plague his mind from time to time, no matter how hard he tried. It came in bouts of small moments when he was reminded that at the end of the day, he was a man living with an objectively attractive female who paid no mind to his presence, prancing around her house like she still lived alone.
It came in the form of Mikasa and her abundance of exquisitely crafted satin and silk pajamas—something that to the normal person, was seemingly harmless. Initially, it was. Eren found himself a bit endeared by her seemingly neverending collection, almost looking forward to which pair she'd wear every night—some patterned, some solid, some adorned with little embellishments or details of different fabrics.
But then, for reasons unbeknownst to him, the seemingly cute matching button-up shirts and pants turned into tiny shorts and slip shirts. So the thoughts that Eren tried not to allow cross his mind, ran rampant. When her clothes highlighted the curves of her body, accentuating every dip and crevice, leaving little to his imagination, and the dusking of her nipples against the smooth satin (since Mikasa refused to turn off the AC despite always being cold), it was hard for Eren to think anything but unholy things.
His mind ventured to places of how her skin would feel against his, if her sweet demeanor was applicable elsewhere, and if her smart mouth was good for other things too. And surely Mikasa, who at one point Eren had been sure was Satan incarnate, wasn't all that innocent either—with her sultry looks and sly touches—which only fueled his thoughts further. But Eren allowed these to only exist in his brain in brief glimpses, and would quickly tuck them back into the deepest crevices of his brain where they belonged—for the sake of his sanity and his pride. He would resume his gaze from her very nicely crafted body to her equally pretty face, pretending that he hadn't just imagined multiple ways he wanted to fuck her.
When Mikasa's gaze finally met Eren's he made it a point to keep his eyes on her face, which is exactly how he noticed her face turn from her usual blank expression to a pout as she hung up the phone to whoever she was talking to.
"Are you... eating cereal?" She asked as she walked toward him.
Eren raised a brow quizzically, "Yes, is that an issue?"
"Oh," she huffed, her pout only intensifiying. "Well, what am I gonna eat? You already ate—we normally make something together."
Eren shrugged nonchalantly, knowing she could order takeout like usual when she didn't feel like making something. But it was obvious what the actual problem was—Eren was a bit too oblivious to realize—she just wanted to spend time with Eren.
Eren knew he would probably make her something, always giving in to her, but now that they were a bit more amicable, he enjoyed his fair share of riling her up to compensate for the months of borderline verbal abuse she put him through.
"Last time I checked, I was your bodyguard, not your personal chef," he replied blankly, but the faintest hint of a smile gave way to his teasing.
"You know, sometimes I think I liked it better when you didn't talk to me," her voice dripping with the attitude that Eren had been accustomed to at one point. She glared at him as she walked past him towads the fridge, Eren stopping her before she could make it all the way.
He tugged lightly on the bottom of her shirt, Mikasa swatting as his hand in response. "Mikasa, I was kidding. What did you want?"
"I don't want anything—I can make it myself," she responded, crossing her arms. She glared down at where he sat on her bar stool, Eren trying to maintain his gaze at her face and not her body, which he was at eye level with. He found himself particularly enamored with these little heart pajamas—finding them endearing, but also for the little slivers of skin they showed—but not only could he give Mikasa the satisfaction in knowing that, he couldn't allow it for his own pride.
"Why are you like this? You're a brat sometimes, you know that?"
"And you're annoying," she bit back, but despite her snarky remarks, she seemingly admit defeat, taking a seat, nonetheless.
Eren released a pained sigh as he stood up, knowing he only contributed to her behavior, being the one to constantly indulge in her. He took off his sweatshirt, leaving him in just his t-shirt , not wanting to get it dirty. He almost threw it into the chair before he had half the mind to shove it over Mikasa's head, Mikasa face shocked as he helped her put it on (not bothering to care whether she had wanted to or not), his sweatshirt almost swallowing her tiny frame whole.
"Here, I can see you shivering," he said dully, though he knew it was only an excuse for his own sanity's sake.
"Oh, thanks," she replied, her cheeks flushing the tiniest tinge of pink. "And thanks for making me something to eat, Eren," she added a few moments later as Eren turned on the stove.
"Yea, yea. It's my job, right?" A smile on his face as he rolled his eyes playfully.
And as he sat there a while later, watching Mikasa happily eat the grilled cheese he made her, a smile on her face, while adorned in one of his random sweatshirts, he realized he had royally fucked himself. If he thought seeing her in her clothes did something to him, seeing her in his clothes—combined with her long inky hair splayed across her shoulders, a rare sight to see; the same doe-eyed face that had got him that night just months ago; and her rare but sickeningly sweet personality, that made his heart do a double take—was only so much worse.
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takiki16 · 8 months
A Fine Chain
UPDATE: Chapter 12/?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Beta: @gallifreyburning
Relationships: Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Light Dom/sub, Power Imbalance, Royalty, Slavery, Collars, Leashes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don’t copy to another site, Dark
Summary: Caine Wise, disgraced ex-Skyjacker and convicted criminal, is suddenly inducted into the service of the enigmatic Queen Nea-Seraphi, mysterious new Recurrence and puzzle to the Entitled social circle. While figuring out the boundaries of his new station, worrying about his old commander, and nursing old wounds from his court martial, Caine finds himself slowly being drawn into the confidence of his royal employer. What could Her Majesty possibly want with a defective splice?
In which Caine attends a party, the queen gets a kiss, and there are musings on the line of succession - not necessarily in that order.
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thus-spoke-lo · 3 months
Trickster/shapeshifter Doffy, either as a god or just as some other form of inhuman entity. Anyway, he lures you in with his subtle wires of lies and sweet promises, but there's always a price, and its all one big trap, of course. But he can give you anything you want, BE anything or anyone you want. Well... to an extent. He's still his same sadistic self, of course. But that doesn't change how good he can make you feel. Maybe literally MAKE YOU, with like mind control or aphrodisiac or Conqueror's Haki.
Maybe toss in the ability to shapeshift YOU/your body into anything HE wants, if you really want to give him even more power over you.
Doffy would be a trickster, eh? offers you whatever it is you desire, anything from the mundane to the extravagant, all with a corresponding price. you become his pretty little puppet, bending to his will at the pluck of his strings. but it's what you wanted, isn't it--what you agreed to? you wanted that new car, that promotion, fame, fortune...all he asks in return is for you to be a good little thing and come when you're called and do as you're told. the pleasure you feel at his hands is all just a bonus, a gift free of charge...for now.
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hillsofuhhtennessee · 2 years
I always find it funny when people take ABBA’s “The Day Before You Came” as a genuinely romantic song despite how foreboding it sounds. It’s partly because I have a fear/hatred of romance myself and partly given the context of the album’s creation, but I always saw it as recalling life before ending up in a relationship that ruined everything. I think it’s absolutely brilliant in showing love as a looming threat, personally.
It and other later darker ABBA songs have also always been a quiet background influence for the couple of more serious urban fantasy/horror stories. Haven’t done one of those in like a year now partly because I shifted a lot of that to OC projects vs KISS stuff, but the premise of 70s-80s urban fantasy-horror about the looking threat of fire at the time has always stuck with me. It’s really hard to put into words what late-era ABBA stirs in me besides the love as a threat concept, and general collected sadness/bitterness of it. It’s just something about its sound that implies something mystical and threatening in mundane settings in their era.
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k-n0-x · 6 months
Drunken confessions- Lucifer x reader- 100 Followers special! ✨
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A/N- Hey everyone! This small one shot is a Luci x reader fic to mark my 100 followers special (It increased to 120 as I was writing this lmfaoaoao💀💀) per the poll I hosted not too long ago. We can't get enough of our favourite boy, can we
Tysm guys <3
Nsfw ahead!
🦢·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·🦢
You swirl the remaining amount of red drink in your cup, facing the only man that you love with all your heart.
“So, Apple Pie, this ain't so bad, right?”
Lucifer and yourself have been together for years.
Today marks the fifth year of such.
You guys have been through thick and thin together, and over the course of those years, his love for you only grew, especially when you saw Charlie as your own and she loved you as a mother in turn.
So much so that she decided to organise a ‘Super romantic, candle lit, heartfelt dinner’ (Her words, not mine) at her hotel.
Nonetheless, she really pulled off all the stops; that quirk just sort of comes with her personality.
Just like her father.
“Your daughter has really outdone herself this time Luci,” you place the glass cup on the table.
“Yeah, sshe's like that,” The demon king chuckles, drinking another glass of wine.
“Careful, you know how tipsy you can get darling,”
Your lover snickers.
“Asss if! Your’rre talking to the King of Hell here,” The rosy-cheeked demon takes your hand.
He hiccups.
“Oh yeah? Well, my king seems to be tripping over his words. Come on love, let's go upstairs,” You grab Lucifer by the arm, but he pulls you back into a hug.
“I love you sooooo much, my Songbird,” Lucifer plants his lips on yours, which you accept.
Kissing him is like eating : you need it to live, and it's exhilarating when you appreciate it, no matter how often you partake in it.
His hands trace up and down your back, reaching for the zipper at the back of your dress.
“Hey now? Cheeky are we?” You tease.
“Come on, my darling King, let's go somewhere more… private,” Seems like the alcohol caught up to you too.
Nonetheless, Lucifer displays a toothy grin and bridal carries you to one of the guest bedrooms upstairs.
The room was decorated with an array of shades of red. The bed was king size with plush pillows and a crimson sheet.
But more about that later.
Lucifer hungrily pounces on you, pinning you on the bed, painting bites and hickeys all over your neck, eliciting moans from you.
You tussle his platinum blond hair and your legs find themselves wrapped around your husband’s waist, as you both continue to make out passionately, rocking back and forth as one.
Things were getting steamy, and lo and behold, a familiar friend appears from Lucifer’s groin.
He pulls you closer, and you grind against him.
“Ugh, Sweetheart,” Lucifer groans from the pressure.
Lucifer’s hands frantically try to take off your dress by all means, pathetically wanting you, needing you.
You tsk.
“Needy, aren't we?” Your fingers drum gently on his flushed face, eyes lidded.
You sit on top of him, pretending to think, continuing to grind on him.
“Now, now, good things don't come fast…. but~,” You pause.
“Good boys deserve a reward, am I right?” You coo, the King of Hell whimpering at the words in agreement.
Even though you've done this countless times, it’s still amusing how you can bring the King of Hell down to a blubbering mess.
The alcohol sure does help though.
“Songbird- please- I can't take this anymore,”
“Ssh, It’s okay honey, just relax, you're a bit drunk right now. Let me take care of you,” you say as you pull down your partner’s trousers, letting his erect cock loose.
Lucifer zips down your dress simultaneously and it falls off of the bed. His lust-filled eyes look at your beautiful figure, truly enamoured by it.
Slowly, you let yourself sit on his throbbing dick, holding Lucifer’s face in your hands, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
You could practically feel him itching to thrust himself in you, but refraining from doing so.
“My love please,” Lucifer whines as his hips buckle under your body, begging for any stimulation.
Finally (To Lucifer anyway) you start to shift and move around on his member.
When you started, both of you couldn't stop. Despite his position, he manages to pump in and out of you.
“Hng- Ahh, Yes! Right there, ng-” your wet folds expand to his cock, and your arms claw at his back, you moan at each and every thrust that reaches within you.
“Don't stop- Oh God I'm about to-” before you could even sputter the words out, your orgasm makes you shiver and draw heavy breaths along with Lucifer’s cum filling up your hole, thin ropes of it glazing down his manhood.
You feel the demon’s wings wrapping around you in an embrace, closing you both from the world; it's only you and him.
“Angel?” Lucifer mumbles into your shoulder.
“I love you so much. Thank you for being mine,”
“And the same from me Luci,” You gently peck his beautiful face.
“Sooo, how was the dinner?” Charlie practically jumping up and down of her seat during breakfast the next morning.
Lucifer wanted to sleep in a bit, so you let him be upstairs.
“Perfect, Charlie,” You respond, sipping a cup of tea.
“Thank you,”
“Yo Charlie,” Angel pipes up.
“Seems like you may have a younger sibling sometime soon- ow!” you kick the porn star under the table.
Charlie flushes at Angel’s remark.
You groan at Angel’s smug grin.
Well, at least Charlie knows that you and her dad love each other.
🦢·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·🦢
Word count- 913 words~
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
In where I am tired as shit so I wrote this dumbfuck continuation of a sagau fic as I wait for my fake airpods to finish charging.
Chapter 2 -《 》 - Chapter 4
Running, you were running. Of the many atrocities you faced, this one was more atrocious than Jake Gyllenhaal. Of all times, WHY NOW? why were you suddenly transported to Teyvat!? Well now you've concluded that... this was in fact not a dream and a case of isekai.
Okay, that might've aggravated the knights but in this scenario, who the fuck cares? You're being hunted with nobody on your side, times like these--survival justifies the mean.
With an arrow throught your ankle and forearm you hastily ran for Liyue where you are met with the Conqueror of Demons. He holds his spear with a deathly grip and his head high, "You cannot run forever with an arrow through your ankle," He says, readying his weapon, "You must have ankle kink if you're noticing my ankle, heh," "Foolish,"
Maybe it wasn't the best idea to provoke Xiao, but then again, it was kinda funny. You sloppily dodged all his attacks, maybe "dodged" is too much of a strong word since you just go tgrazed by his weapon, but not fully stabbed. Why isn't he actually trying to strike you where you're vulnerable?
Eius Mortem, my death was not caused by the burning claymore. It was the truth, an exchange of knowledge. What does he have to do with this?
No matter, you ran away not caring for the pulsing pain on your ankle. You whipped your head back around to see Xiao, motionless, not even following you. Liyue is too dangerous for you, so your best option is to seek shelter at the Chasm, but then again, the treasure hoarders will find you and would probably sell you... Sumeru it is then.
The evergreen beauty of the forest surrounds you, a moment of peace, a moment to breathe was gifted to you.
"Who goes there!? Oh, it's just God-nara,"
...God-nara..? You exhaled knowing it was just an Aranara but the nickname it have you was totally uncalled for! God-nara? "God-nara is hurt, come with Aragaru," 'it' suddenly pulled your hand and started leading you somewhere, "H-hey wait a second! Where are we going?"
"I have somewhere to go.. can you just help me with my wounds?"
The Aranara who called itself Aragaru thought for a moment before agreeing with, "Woah, how'd you know hot to bandage this?" You ask in fascination, "Golden nara taught me, Golden nara says Aragaru should be more careful when picking flowers.." it responded, you assumed by what it meant by "Golden nara" was the Traveler, well thank the Archo- I mean thank the Traveler for teaching this Aranara how to bandage a wound.
"Thank you, Aragaru, I'll look forward to our next meeting." You said as you bid him goodbye, Aragaru was waving his tiny little hand. Despite being a fresh wound, the bruise didn't hurt as much, I mean yeah you have to watch where you're going as to not reopen the wound or gey caught, but atleast you can breathe in this wonderful fores-
Why the fuck now?
You stumbled on your knees, not daring to see who the source of voice was, "It is them," He says, when he spoke you knew it was him, it was Tighnari. You toom a gamble and looked up and lo and behold, the one and only mushroom-eating mammal.
"...Spare them of their life, we won't discuss of their presence in the Avidya Forest,"
"But Mister Tighnari-" "We will NOT discuss of their presence,"
And with that, confusion only littered your mind... First Xiao, now Tighnari? Well for starters, Tighnari was never involved in the hunt in the first place, so maybe he just disliked the idea of it... Still doesn't explain Xiao's reason...
"Okay well uh fuck, I think my wounds are infected," You cursed out loud, "Well, that will make my job easier, no?"
Skirk wears the color green
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
hi! i don't know if this ask has been done before but do you have any comedy fic recs? i've had enough of angst for a bit and i just want to read aziracrow bicker and laugh out loud :))
Hey. We have #humour, #humor, #crack, and #bickering tags, for all your laughing needs. Here are more to add...
Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (M)
Season 2 spoilers! When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon. So in episode 6 we see that Mrs. Sandwich is clearly at ease with Crowley and he with her, enough to share a joke together. Combine that with the curious sign on her door which might just be referring to Crowley, and we have a little buddy comedy in the making. I decided to explore the backstory of how they came to know one another between season 1 and the beginning of season 2. While this little comedy is about sex workers, there is NO sex in it, and rated M solely for oblique references to things like contraceptive devices and so on - honestly it could get away with a “teen and up” rating but I like to err on the side of caution.
Pass the Remote, Angel by Mrs_Cake_Is_Here (M)
Aziraphale has returned to Heaven, leaving Crowley a tv binge-watching wreck. However, healing can come from the most unlikeliest of places. While Muriel has been instructed to provide daily reports of the demon’s emotional state, they find that sharing time together, even by watching a scary show, can be the catalyst that builds friendships. And they’d probably both be couch potatoes by now if the Supreme Archangel hadn’t just gone missing.
Christmas Lights by FuzzyGoblin (T)
Christmas Lights is on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association, but it's not the only thing on Mr Brown's, of Brown's World of Carpets, mind. As he pines for the mysterious bookseller, his efforts are thwarted by the tall ginger goth.
The Book Thieves by ThingsJustHappenSometimes (T)
“Did they steal it? Professional book thieves, probably going around in their car stealing books.” Be careful what you tell an adolescent antichrist who has the ability to warp reality, he might just make things real. - - - Featuring: A confused ineffable duo in ridiculous costumes, a presumed relationship, overpowered magical books, meddling humans, multiple chase scenes, and a generally all around silly action-packed time. - - - [If you like 1920s Costumes, Indiana Jones, Isekai Vibes, and/or That-One-Auction-Heist-Scene from Uncharted 4, you’ll like this story.]
Rattle Those Pots & Pans by Mackaley (M)
“My instructions…” He parted his mouth as he searched for a word. “Instruct that I just get right into it. You all have been brought here tonight because you have one thing in common: you’re all being blackmailed.” A tense hush fell through the room. “You’re all paying what you can afford - in some cases I’m sure more than you can afford - to prevent your secrets from being exposed. And none of you know who is currently blackmailing you.” Gabriel scoffed. “This is ridiculous. I’m an upstanding member of the international finance community - what could I possibly have done to be blackmailed about?” “You’re a member of the international finance community,” Crowley drawled. ----- A Good Omens Clue (1985) AU
through the tides by viperinz (T)
With that thought, Aziraphale takes to asking experts if his feelings are something more or just love for his dearest, most sweetest friend. If he wasn’t sure himself, then surely the experts on the internet will have something for him. Which brings him to the front of his computer, ready to search something up on the search engine he has pulled up. He’s not one to ask too many questions, but he supposes it won’t hurt. He starts typing, and is satisfied with his search of "Am I in love with my best friend?" Straight to the point, and very concise. Aziraphale has no doubt he’ll find what he’s looking for. He presses enter on the keyboard, and a bunch of results flood in. “Oh, dear,” he gasps at the mass amount of answers. Where is he supposed to start?
Aziraphale discovers the wonderful world of online love quizzes and WikiHow, all in the process of wooing and confessing his love to Crowley.
- Mod D
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cracking my knuckles to ask for an angsty sully family fic with sully reader 😈
Pairing- Sully family x Sully!reader
Summary- It was you instead of Neteyam.
Warnings- this probably sucks cause I'm on cloud 9 rn, angsty asf, gun shot, blood, A lot of crying from Neytiri Jake Neteyam Lo'ak Kiri and Tuk, and death
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Seeking refuge with the Metakinya Clan from sky people was going good after all the drama issues along with trust issues came to a halt. You learned to live with them as the learned to live with you. That was until the sky people and avatars found you and your family once again.
You watched as Neteyam cut you and Lo'ak a loose. You dogged all the arrows that flighted through the air, and then the demon Quaritch caught y'all. Grabbing a guy you shot him letting him lose Lo'ak and Neteyam. He pulled his gun up and you fell to the water not being able to have saved Kiri or Tuk. You heard Lo'ak and Neteyam cheer in happiness, "Y/N you saved us." Neteyam said with a smile it disappearing as he saw you barely above water.
"Y/N." He said cautiously. "Nete- been hit." Was all you could stutter out as the piercing pain leaked all threw you.
"We got you Y/N." Lo'ak said grabbing ahold to your side and Neteyam to the other. The spotted your father on a rock waving you over. They pushed their overused muscles even harder trying to get you to a ground. Finally reaching the color in Jake's face fell seeing the blood on his son's hands and then you.
Your shoulder pierced straight through, fatal.
"She was shot after sav-" Neteyam's voice broke as tears fell onto his face. "Saved us." Lo'ak finished holding you hand. It seemed Neytiri spotted all of you and landed next to you. "M-mother." You stuttered out as you feel your life leaving your body. Neytiri dropped to the ground pushing Jake out of the way as she wailed. "No no no." She said hand hovering over your shoulder as it leaked even more blood. "Mommy I wan-want to go home." You cried as you feel everything freeze it was suddenly cold. "I- I lo-" your eyes went blank, chest stopped heaving up and down, nothing but your soulless body. Lo'ak dropped his head into your lap and sobbed into your lap.
Neytiri held your head screaming, "No not my baby not my baby girl not my life." She screamed she felt a piece of herself leave as she held your lifeless body in her hands. Jake wiped his tears as best he could, "Your sister where?" Jake said even more tears falling as he sees you lifeless body.
"On- on the boat." Neteyam replied. "Neytiri-" Jake said grabbing her arm just for her to push him away, "Go away." She cried cradling you. "Neytiri they have our daughters." He said and all the emotion left her face standing up she grabbed her bow and called an ikran and rode off. "Stay with your sister you've done enough." Jake said as Neteyam said he should go as well.
And then it happened the fight on the boat, Spider was saved "A child for a child." Jake said as they surrounded you hugging Spider, Lo'ak still holding your hand.
Now you were to be with Eywa your mother and father guided you though the ocean body in a leaf made casket with you in it flowers surrounding you, "Ma Y/N." Neytiri whispered. "Strong and graceful." She continued tears falling from her face as she held onto the necklace you gave to her. "Light of my life you are gone." She said as the Meykayina clan whispered a pray to Eywa. "You will shine like the finest gem in our memories now you are with Eywa." She voice breaking as moss at the bottom wrapped around your body and sinking you in.
Neteyam had his arms wrapped around himself as he watches his sister get sucked into the world. Lo'ak face was shocked in tears as Kiri held Tuk as she cried she would never see her sister again.
And now you were with Eywa.
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97keanu · 10 months
figure skating for the first time x keanuverse ? ⛸️🤍🎄❄️
*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ohohoho this is perfect !!!! Thank you for asking, I've had this on my mind for a bit now! (And I may also be writing a fuller fic for such a thing with reader x young!JW :3c) John Constantine, Kevin Lomax, and Neo undercut! Pure fluff!
❄️.*ㅤ Since he's on my mind, older John would love going ice skating with you! He's probably done it at least once himself, and if not, with as skilled as he is as working his body through the movies, I think he would manage just fine! I also have a head canon that when he grew up with The Director, they didn't seperate teaching ballet by gender of who was there (no "just girls learn ballet, boys learn how to kill" deal.) So, I like to think of John Wick as someone who can do all he does because he also has a rigorous background in learning ballet, having those precise body movements, knowing how to work every muscle in his body to his advantage.
Therefore, I would like to imagine that John takes you to the nearest rink (or perhaps a lake he knows that's more private?) And actually helps to teach you how to skate better (or how to at all if you don't know how!). He would be patient, watching you and only stepping in when you need it, his arms wrapping around your waist or steadying your elbow.
Eventually, you're doing it on your own, and John is there watching you, a smile creeping on his face from being able to teach you something so intimate to him. He actually has to be the one to stop you once the night starts setting in, the temperature getting way too cold to stay out in much longer.
He takes you back to his mustang and already has a fuzzy blanket there to wrap you in. You in the night back at his apartment, drinking a late night coffee and John listening to you giggle about how much fun you had with a warm heart.
❄️.*ㅤTed Logan however, lives in sunny California, so they don't see snow or ice often enough for ice skating to be a regular ordeal. He is your skater boyfriend however, so when you do end up finding a indoor rink to take him too, he thinks he will be pretty good at it from the get go. And he isn't horrible, he knows how to balance well and tries to stay up right, but it's actually so different from riding his skateboard or even rollerskates that it takes him a moment or two to get really good at it. Once he has it down though, he's skating around, pulling you by your hands until you two are laughing and doing goofy circles around the rink. Eventually, his himbo-ness gets the best of him, and as he's admiring how pretty your hair looks under the ice rink lights, he slips, bringing you down with him. He takes the harder of the fall, you fall on top of him with rosy cheeks and a smile already forming from how silly your boyfriend can be. You two end up laying there and laughing in the middle of the rink for way too long, maybe even annoying a few other skaters, but you two couldn't care if you tried. The night ends with the two of you warming up at a nearby cafe with hot cocoa and plans to try it again sometime.
❄️.*ㅤJohn Constantine would flat out refuse to go ice skating with you. Your big doe eyes would plead with him, but that's not going to change his mind. You tell him how much you enjoyed going as a child, how you love to ice skate, but you're not going to find a Los Angeles city boy like him on an ice rink anytime soon. Or, are you?
Maybe after his refusal, he takes on a demon hunting case that just so happens to lead him to a hockey rink. When the chase leads you two there, you don't see John stop to think about what he's doing as he tries to run out onto the ice. You go after him, your sneakers sliding and skidding on the slippery surface, but your years of practice skating have you able to keep your balance. To your dismay, ahead of you, Constantine is not someone who's trained in such things, and for the first time ever(and probably the last), you see Constantine fall flat on his ass. You easily skid by, reaching out a hand to help him up, and he can't deny grumbling a 'thank you". By the time you're ready to resume chase, the demon is gone.
"See? If we had just gone skating last Saturday, maybe you would have been prepared for this type of thing!" You know you shouldn't rub it in, but you can't help pointing out the truth.
"Yeah, yeah," Constantine carefully finds his way to the rinks edge, and gets out onto non-slippery flooring. "Okay, Maybe I'll take you next time..."
You squeal with joy and the two of you end the night with you having a hot tea in his apartment and Constantine taking a whiskey and nursing his bruised backside.
❄️.*ㅤKevin Lomax is not one for ice skating. Our good southern boy hasn't even roller skated a day in his life, and he's not about to trade his cowboy boots for a pair of blades.
"Please, Kevin! I really want to go skating!" You pester him, and eventually he caves, lucky that New York gets more snow than Florida.
He wraps you, and himself, up tight in winter clothes, and bites back complaints about how cold it is. He takes you to a local spot that he's heard of, and only a few other couples are out at the rink. Good, less people to have to see him fall on his ass when this goes awry.
He still has to maintain the confidence of a business man, so he keeps his lawyer smile on and helps you into your skates. At first, he let's you go ahead and skate without him, watching you perform moves he is actually pretty entranced with. When you pull your leg up over your head, he actually gives a holler out of support("Yeah that's my wife/girlfriend!").
Eventually, when everyone else has left, you persuade him into trying on a pair of skates, and to your surprise, he does. You gently take him out onto the ice, and for a few moments he's actually doing it! You let go gently, and he glides by himself, able to get down the simple movements, but nothing too crazy. In the end, you two do slow circles in the middle of the rink, face to face with each other. Kevin looks deeply in your eyes, and you're happy he's obliged your silly request. He leans in for a kiss, and you feel your legs shake on your skates. To your surprise, you're the one who's lost your balance first, and Kevin catches you with a laugh.
"Too much for you, darlin'?" He whispers with that husky southern voice, and the redness in your cheeks isn't just from the cold anymore.
The two of you end the night at a fancy dinner spot, something expensive, decorated in holiday spirit and the sound of a live pianist and violinist playing soft Christmas tunes.
❄️.*ㅤNeo lives in Chicago, so he's no stranger to the cold or navigating ice. I believe he likely has gone ice skating before, probably as a child, but hasn't done that in many years. When you ask him, he's apprehensive, but it doesn't take much begging for him to agree.
He takes you to a spot that's supposed to be the best experience, and only after you two have bought your tickets do you realize it's PACKED. There's way too many people here for Neo's comfort, or yours for that matter, and after about an hour of trying to find your way onto the ice where you two can have some alone time, you see it's not going to happen tonight and give up.
Neo makes it up to you by taking you to your favorite dinner spot. It's an enjoyable date night still, but he can tell how badly you wanted to go and can see the disappointment that you couldn't.
So, after about a week, he tells you that he's taking you out for a surprise.
When you arrive to this mystery destination, you realize it's the same ice rink. You ask him why, knowing it's another Saturday and it will be packed just like before, but Neo motions to the lack of people in the parking lot.
"What...?" You say as you begin to piece things together. "How did you...?"
"We have the whole place to ourselves. I took out every ticket just for us." He says slyly, obviously proud of this feat.
"What do you mean? That has to be crazy expensive!" You know Neo is well enough off, but that sorta price is excessive even for him.
"Well, their website for buying tickets was particually hard to hack..." He looks over at you with a smirk and smiles big when you throw your hands around his neck, gleeful for his talent tonight.
"No! You didn't! Neo..." You say into his neck giving him a big squeeze. "Thank you..."
The two of you head inside and are treated like unknown celebrities, putting on an air of being such, and trying to remain lowkey. You both have fun pretending to be people you're not, and Neo skates alongside you easily, even taking the risk of dipping you back and twirling you a few times. You're surprised your typical home dwelling boyfriend could be so suave and savvy, but you enjoy it nonetheless. You get hot drinks at a concession stand, and eat pretzels and Chicago style hotdogs to your content.
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peachdues · 1 year
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A/N: not me starting a new WIP. All my current works are staring at me with the surprised Pikachu face rn. As you all know, I do most of my fic planning in the shower, and last night, I was wondering whether I'd ever write anything as angsty as Phantasmagoria. My brain said "bet," and lo and behold, Vow Between Man and Star was born.
CW: This story will be extremely NSFW/18+. It will be incredibly violent, angsty, tragic, (but funny), and of course, smutty.
I will upload a synopsis later today, but I don't want to dull the impact of the prologue, included below.
Without further ado!
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July 1, 1995
The early morning air was already thick with summer's humidity when he felt the mark form.
Giyuu shot up in his bed with a gasp, blankets sticking to his sweat-slickened body. His good hand instantly seized around his right forearm as he felt a phantom blade carve a single mark into his skin, right beside the others.
Though covered by his rigid grip, the mark burned a bright blue, its glow seeping through his fingers like a siren light on a police cruiser; a warning.
All of his marks had emitted the same, blue light when they'd first appeared, though the tally's nine siblings had long since faded to silver, nearly blending in with the pale skin of his arm. But they'd scarred nonetheless.
Scarred to remind him of the nine times he'd failed his comrades; failed humanity.
Failed her.
In making that vow, he'd doomed not only himself and his seven fellow Pillars to walk the years of the earth alone, never changing or aging, but he'd doomed her as well. He'd damned her to a repetitive loop of birth and death, fated never to age past twenty-five -- the same age she'd been that first time, when, on the precipice of death, he'd begged for the life she'd already lost. And his desperate wish had been granted; he'd secured her ten lives for them to try again -- to try and find the King of the Demons and rid the world of his and his monstrous creations.
Ten lives, the disembodied voice of a star had told him as his heart slowed, all those centuries ago, when he'd cast that last, feeble plea out into the ethos. Ten lives, in exchange for ten Moons.
Nine had been wasted; in nearly every life, he'd found her, and he'd loved her, and he'd lost her; always too late to save her before some calamity, or from Kibutsuji cornering her, this woman who possessed the knowledge to destroy him, and tearing her limb from limb.
The closest they had come to defeating him had been some seventy-odd years prior. They'd been at the pinnacle of their strength, and they'd just managed to breach the gates of victory when Muzan Kibutsuji pulled one final trick; he'd merged with the young Sun Breather -- Tanjiro -- and managed to rip her head clean from her body right before she'd been able to excise him once and for all.
Giyuu's eardrums had burst from how hard he'd been screaming as he watched his beloved's head thud uselessly to the ground, while his former friend licked her blood from his fingers.
He wondered when he was finally permitted to die, if he would even be allowed into heaven, for having damned the woman he loved to suffer, time and again, each death more violent than the last.
Giyuu spied the early hour of the morning displayed on the small alarm clock resting on his bedside table -- 4:07 AM.
Time had begun for her once more, somewhere in the world, where she'd arrived with a mighty cry, only to be quickly bundled in soft, standard hospital blankets and handed to a relieved and exhausted new mother.
He would have to alert the others; as he'd come to learn over the previous nine cycles, she wasn't even guaranteed to reach adulthood, let alone the level of power she'd need to take on Kibutsuji. She would need her watchers.
So, as the hot, relentless burn of the newest mark faded to a sharp sting, the blue glow winking out beneath the press of his hand, Giyuu found himself kicking the covers off his trembling, clammy form, as he prepared to dress for the day.
Because that tenth mark signaled his last chance had arrived.
His last chance to destroy Kibutsuji.
His last chance to help save humanity.
His last chance to save her.
The sand in the final hourglass was already pouring; and they had work to do.
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Someone ask me how I decided to make Giyuu the love interest bc I find it hilarious.
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itsscottiesstark · 9 months
Excerpt from the fic I'll never write but my brain can't stop nagging me about:
It's the first few eps of season 3. Crowley and Aziraphale are definitely not on speaking terms. Forced to work together, there's only the occasional information sharing, or a mumbled comment here and there.
All that, until they start talking. And there's things to be said.
"I do remember begging you to come with me," Aziraphale stated, matter-of-factly.
"What you did was try and change me." Crowley spoke with so much venom in his voice, but it was only the first time in those 6000 years they'd spent together that venom was actually directed towards Aziraphale.
"I did not-"
"I don't need fixing, Aziraphale. I'm not some stray dog. I'm fine being the way I am and if you can't accept it-"
"I never-"
"Don't. Don't you dare deny it, I saw the way your whole face lit up when you thought I would be an angel again." Crowley was glad he didn't let his guard down enough to feel comfortable, so his glasses were still resting on his nose, guarding the last few shreds of sanity he had.
"Yes, but-"
"All those years, I thought you accepted me. I mean, not from the start, but at some point I really thought you had stopped seeing me as a demon and you only saw me as a- friend."
"I did," Aziraphale finally responded. He looked right into Crowley's eyes, as if the glasses weren't even there. He'd had a lot of practice.
"Well, forgive me if I don't believe you," Crowley mocked. Yes, that one stung.
"You would if you just let me finish." Crowley stared at him, raising his eyebrows slightly, indicating he was willing to listen. "Thank you. I didn't want you to change. I lo-" Aziraphale quickly bit back his words, deciding on the last minute to go another way about it. "I like you just the way you are. I prefer you just the way you are. The way you choose to be. All I wanted was for you- for us to be safe. And I would give everything to see you be as happy as you were when you were creating your nebula."
Crowley let a few seconds pass by before he finally spoke up again.
"I've been happier."
"When I was with you."
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killsaki · 1 year
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wanna fuck your fav while thinking of them as your over protective big brother, or maybe your too sweet step dad? well, lucky you! over at killsaki, there’s no shame when it comes to loving while related, after all—there’s nothing quite like keeping it in the family !
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status : closed !
fandoms : tokyo revengers, my hero academia, haikyuu, blue lock, attack on titan, obey me, demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen + one piece.
due date : june 20th ! [loosely]
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rules :
- you must be 18+ with an age visible on your blog to interact with + enter to write for this collab.
- incest, stepcest and psuedocest are all allowed, how you chose to arrange your family is up to you!
- no more than 2 repeats of a character for the same type of relation to reader. (ex: max of 2 big bro bkg’s).
- everyone in your piece must be of age/aged up to be over 18. no mentions of pedophila or grooming allowed.
- you must tag all your triggers properly for your piece.
- all writing pieces should be at least 1k words.
- to join, just check to see if who + what you want is available, if it is—send an ask!
- when posted, link this collab post + tag me under the fic so i can link it here! please avoid sending it via dm / asks.
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tokyo revengers
stepbro!tetta kisaki — @/killsaki
big brother!takeshi mitsuya — @cweampup
half brother!manjiro sano — @ghoularaki
stepbro!ken ryuguji — @medusashima
big brother!ken ryuguji — @h0n3ysuckl3
brother!hanemiya kazutora — @carnaldesired
stepbro!shuji hanma — @nyahoya
stepbrother!shuji hanma — @the-fishing-basket
jujutsu kaisen
uncle!suguru geto — @ryndicate
step dad!satoru gojo — @garoujo
big brother!yuuta okkotsu — @alekstraszas
blue lock
adoptive brothers!sae + rin itoshi— @dacrinphilia
big brother!rin itoshi — @itoshis-after-dark
stepbro!oliver aiku — @semisgroupie
stepbro!karasu tabito — @chiffiorra
big brother!meguru bachira — @verlainepaul
little stepbro!yoichi isagi — @kunigmis
little brother!meguru bachira — @gojou-violin
my hero academia
step bro!katsuki bakugou — @tired-biscuit
half brothers!fuzen + kiyoshi — @/killsaki
stepbro!tomura shigaraki — @duckiez
one piece
step dad!shanks — @thus-spoke-lo
attack on titan
stepbro!eren yeager — @his-sweet-vixen
twin!johnny silverhand — @vampireloverz
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reblogs appreciated !!
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
Jealous night
Satan and Beel x reader
I made it, because someone challenged me (a group). So I went loose and wrote this.
2k words
It has double penetration.
This is also a more... fleshed out version of something I said for an ask. Enjoy!!
There you were, walking into the club in the most revealing outfit that you had. You decided that tonight you would let loose for once and join some kings in the club. Little did you know that some… problems would occur. Satan wouldn't mind seeing you comfortable in a sexy outfit. So when his eyes landed on you wearing a revealing outfit, he smiled and made his way over to you. Stopping in his tracks as he sees that everyone is eyeing you especially that other king that has been lounging at his place for a while. Some demons could've been jealous, while some were acting as if they were in a trance. He didn't feel jealous when those lower demons looked though, but he DID feel anger when he saw that it was Beel that was eyeing you. He continues walking over to you and drags you away from everyone’s view. He wasn’t listening to your cries of protest as he made his way to the more private parts of the building. You could feel that he was tense out of anger, but the anger wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the demons that would eye you as if they could take you away from him.
When you opened your mouth and tried to ask what was wrong, he interrupted you.
"I don't like how they looked at you.", would be all that he says as he dragged you back to the restrooms and locked you both in a stall.
�� He pushed you against a wall and started to kiss you. You pushed Satan away from you as you sighed, slightly confused that he suddenly dragged you away and started kissing you. You look around and opened your mouth: ‘Very romantic…’, you said sarcastically.
He scoffed and inched closer to you as your noses almost touched. “I need you right now.”, was all he needed to say to get your knees weak. “So a bathroom stall was the best place to fuck me?”, was all you asked as he sighed himself. “Can we please do it here? I really do want you right now.”, he said as he started to kiss your neck. Trying to convince you to let him continue. “I promise it’ll be as good as always.”, he said as he pulled away from your neck and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
“… Fine… only this time”, was all he needed to hear as he started to kiss you more passionately.
  He pulled away and said: ” Stay quiet.”, as he started kissing you again. The kissing that turned into a heavy make-out session, made you moan softly as you tried to listen and stay as quiet as you could. He slowly took off your top as his hands started to move along your chest, tugging on your nipples. You made quiet gasps at the gesture. It made him feel excited about whatever he had on his mind. Little did he know that a certain king followed you both into the restroom. Listening in on you and Satan being naughty in the stall. It was only until you moaned a little louder that Beel walked over to the stall and spooked both you and Satan with his knocking. With an annoying sigh, Satan slammed the door open.
"It's already bad that you were eyeing them, but trying to join in?", Satan scoffed as he looked at the man before him. Beel smirked as his eyes diverted to you, who was still standing in the stall. “Want some help, sugar? I’m pretty sure I could give you a good time.~”, Beel said as he ignored Satan and made his way toward the stall. He let out an annoyed sigh as Satan blocked him and flipped him off. “They’re mine, fucker. Get someone else in the club. I know a lot of demons and succubi that would looove to get it on with you. Try there, you piece of garbage.”, Satan said as he tried to lock the stall with you again. But Beel managed to slip into the already cramped stall.
“Are you fucking for real?”, Satan said annoyed. Of course, Beel would’ve used his weird ass power to get what he wants. So here you were. Locked up in a stall with two demon kings looking down at you. You looked like a fragile, frail little rabbit that couldn’t escape the two wolves that blocked your way.
  Beel laughed at your expression and at the situation as he decided to do what he wanted to do with you since his eyes were laid upon you. He knelt down and tugged at your trousers. A blush spread across your face. You didn’t want to fight back, but having two demons do this with you did make you feel shy. You hesitantly gave Beel a sign to continue. When you did Satan just scoffed and inched closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face again as he went back in for a kiss, his hands were back on your chest. Again teasing your nipples
  The kiss consisted of you moaning, panting, and mumbling. The feeling of being pleasured down there while being kissed and teased felt too good. Beel was slurping down there as if he hadn’t eaten or drank for centuries. Meanwhile, Satan was just sucking your lips till they were swollen, licking and biting down your neck. Even taking some blood. You had to admit it was hot when he pulled back and licked away the blood from the corner of his mouth. “You taste amazing.”, was all that Satan said afterward. Beel agreed by giving a hum while continuing to slurp down there.
  At some point you wanted more, you needed more. You started to beg both of them to actually fuck you and to stop edging and teasing you. They both smirked. Satan moved down to be on his kneels with Beel. He glanced up at you, a devilish smile gracing his features. His eyes felt as if they were piercing through you. “I also want a taste down here, hot stuff.”, was all he said as he attached his mouth to your privates. Beel scoffed as he stood up and whispered in your ears.
“He may have stolen my dinner, but your taste will linger in my mouth for a while. May I just say that you are the number one thing on my menu.”, he whispered as he bit your ear afterward. The blush that was on your face spread towards your ears and neck as you felt him take your hand.
He unbuckled his belt and slid out his hardened member. He started stroking it for a second before his ocean-green eyes looked into yours. “Would you like to pleasure me for the time being? Seems like your hands could be helpful.”, he said as he started to wrap your hand around his member. He moved your hand along his length a few times before letting you do all the work. With his free hands, he decided to tease your sensitive nipples some more. It resulted in you crying out for it to be done. You needed something in you. You wanted them to stop and just fuck you senseless because the constant teasing and sucking didn’t help enough. It made you more impatient by the second. As a way to urge them to speed up, you started pumping Beel’s shaft while your free hand took hold of Satan’s horn. You started to rub the horn softly, soon after getting rougher and rougher with your hand movements. Now not only you, but the two devils there with you needed something more than just teasing and rubbing. They wanted to be inside of you. They wanted to feel your warmth. Satan sped up his slurping and nibbling, getting rougher to get you to release. Beel was whispering into your ear how dirty you were being and how good you were doing, giving both praises and degrading words. It all stopped the moment you felt both of them releasing a liquid in your hands.
  You looked down as you saw Satan’s features being heightened by the blush and the clear liquid gracing his face. Meanwhile, Beel was riding out his high by continuing to thrust into your hand.
Satan laughed as he stood up and unbuckled his trousers. He moved backward, pulling you into him as his back was against the wall. It gave Beel enough room to stand behind you as they both rid you and themselves of their trousers. It being piled up together. You waited for their next move, wondering what they have in mind. That question got answered as they both put on some condoms. Satan placed your hands on his shoulders. “Hang on.”, he said as you were lifted by both Beel and Satan. You felt both their tips push against your opening. “Wait-, double?”, you asked. You weren’t against the idea, but knowing your location, you felt unsure if you could keep quiet with others outside the room. Beel laughed at your sudden shyness. “You’ve been whimpering like a dog in heat the entire time and now you are shy? Don’t worry we’re definitely not the first or the last ones that did shit in public. So there’s no use in feeling embarrassed at this point.”
  That’s when they lowered you down onto their shafts. You felt a slight sting at them opening you up. They both were gentle with you the entire time until they were comfortable sheathed inside of you.
The feeling of both of them stretching you out made you dig your nails into Satan, making him groan.
While waiting for you to adjust, Satan made you comfortable by rubbing his thumb against the flesh of your leg. Beel was whispering some praises and gave little kisses against your neck. Both of them focusing on your comfort before trying to move you. You rested your head back against Beel’s shoulder as you gave them a sign to move. Both of them dragged you along their lengths slowly, soon after speeding up. Both you and the guys started to moan loudly. Satan smiled as he looked down, focusing on how his shaft disappeared and reappeared with every thrust. “Haha! You feel so fucking amazing.~”, Satan moaned out as you could only respond in moans. Your moaning out only fueled both demons as they started to cooperate. Satan was now holing you firmly at your thighs, near your ass. Beel wrapped one arm around your waist as his other hand moved down to start pleasuring your sensitive area. The extra pleasure made tears forms in your eyes, your mind was getting dumber by the second. The pleasure made it unable for you to think as Satan leaned in to kiss you again. Devouring every moan that threatened to spill out of your lips. Only moving away to let you breathe as a string of drool connected both your lips. The eye contact he had with you while moving away only made you want more.
Beel continued to let Satan have his fun with you, but he himself also needed some more. He kissed and licked along your neck as he left love bites on your soft skin. Making them as dark as possible and making them at places you couldn’t hide them. The attention both of them were giving you forced you closer to your limit as you started to clench harder around them. Both men knew that you were close and so were they. They were both fueled by your arousing moans and their upcoming climax so they started to speed up their thrusting. Their breaths became ragged as they released their load. Beel rubbed your privates harder and faster, forcing you to climax with them.
They both thrust slowly to ride out their high. Both of them were kissing you and praising you as you clenched around them again.
  “Heh, let’s continue this elsewhere.”, Satan said. Letting you dress up again as both you and the two kings made your way toward a private room where you could take things further.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
thinking about Scara and you being on a mission, you and your group set up camp but you felt safer sleeping with him after he saved you earlier, hell scoff and tell he didn’t want to do it (he did) and that your stupid for wanting to sleep with him, but you end up being on his chest as he does work, snoozing you accidentally move ur knee down there, he’ll wake you up and tell you this is your test isn’t it? Getting him hard while you sleeping on him so easy to take right there and then
Ya the rest of the camp heard you guys go all night
Words- 1.23k
Scara fic list ART CREDITS
FT: Teasing, fingering. Part 1!
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The abyss, A world within the cosmos of space and time. You've only been their once and that was with your sensei, the strongest human in the world. Il Capitano. Of course, you've seen the horrors, monsters and demons you've never heard of. But to your boss this was nothing. If only you knew that sooner when you were ambushed by a group of abyss lectors while the rest of the group scara was forced to bring along went ahead to set up camp.
You were thrown back after being stabbed through your shoulder. You fell back with a loud thud. The lector charged at you. You we're petrified in fear. You've never been attacked like this before and left in such pained state so fast. All you could do was hold out your weapon in fear, covering you face and closing your eyes as your body trembled with each breath you took. In a instant there was a bright flash of white light, as if all time stoped. You slowly opened your eyes with a view of nothing but red and black ash. Not a enemy was in sight. You sighed with relief. Only to be greeted by a familiar face walking towards you.
"K-kuni.. You saved me!" You got up with a short groan from the stinging pain within your shoulder and hugged him. He sighed. "I turn my eyes for one second because here I thought you we're going to put on some sort of show for me y/n. Or is that something you can only do when you want me?" You pulled away from the one sided hug while he looked you up and down. "Ugh humans really are irritating....... the fuck happened to your shoulder?" He rushed over to you to look at the wound. That was a surprise. Usually he'd just tell you to go patch up somewhere or walk it off. "You fucking idiot. You see how close you got hit towards your neck? What. Did you let that shit hit you?" He sat you down against the boulder to tend to your wound, sterilizing it and wrapping it too stop further infection. You giggled at how focused he was on making sure you we're okay. "Now who's the assistant Kuni?" He blushed and got closer to you "Its still you stupid. And it was nothing- Just need one less liability around here." He gave you a quick kiss on your cheek and then helped you up. "did that hurt?" "N-no kuni" you stuttered. "Good. Because im not walking you all the fucking way there." ((he did))
It was the middle of the night in the camp and everyone slept in shifts, except your boss. You offered to stay up but scara insisted you got your rest. despite that, you just couldnt sleep. You got up and peaked out through your tent before leaving to see if anyone noticed. The coast was clear and you headed to scara's tent. Inside, your boss was busy writing informs to give back to 'his excellency, The shogun' on the progress of your mission. If only she for once came along to see his new technique of the Musou no Hitotachi. He sighed and looked up to notice a shadow appearing from the outside of the tent.
"Come in. Don't waste my time." He was a little caught off guard to see your sleepy form infront of him. "Oh great its you." He said sarcastically. "My lo- I mean. Kuni.. I..I dont feel safe tonight.." "Safe? what do you mean you dont 'feel safe?' is their not anyone on fucking guard outside?" He began to get up. "N-no kuni! Its not that.. im just.. A little shook up from earlier... I never got..Hurt like that before." "Oh really? So the ever so strong y/n never got injured before? Want me to read you a bedtime story~" He said teasingly but stopped after realizing you just held your head down in shame. "God your so sensitive sometimes its annoying. Come here." You walked towards him. "K...kuni... Can i sleep with you tonight...?" "With me? That sounds stupid. I have important things to do y/n." "But kuni~ I wont bother you I promise. I love being with you. You make me feel so safe." Something about you saying that changed his mood through a 180. "Fine. Just dont fucking bother me." He patted on his lap for you to sit, And you gladly did.
You sunk into his warm embrace, Wrapping your hands around him while having nothing but a view of his back and the mesmerizing katana he used to save you with earlier. It was true. Always sitting with kuni or being by his side made you feel so safe despite both of your roles in society. The dead silence around the camp. The quiet tsks and sighs you heard from him with you wrapped around him. Along with the strokes of his pen. Slowly but surely, you fell asleep to the rhythm of his body moving up and down as he breathed.
"Alright. I'm done with my work. You can move now" He tapped you but you were sound asleep. Your body looked so peaceful resting on him. Usually your either on guard while he's sleep or finishing work. The two of you never had a chance to ACTUALLY sleep together. The times you wanted to, scara was always so dismissive of it. But now he enjoyed it. And was a little aroused. He tried to adjust and get more comfortable but your knee ended up shifting around his crotch. Fuck, now he was getting turned on. Remembering The way you'd grind your body against him while he laid in bed. How you'd breathe out how much you want him. God he could take you on right now. He tapped your shoulder again "Wake up y/n." You shuffled around, now your ass was against his crotch. "Huh...k-kuni what's wronggg..I was sleepingg"
"your trying to test me right now y/n?" "What...?"
"you wanted to see how hard your master gets when your on top of him.." He whispered in your ear while cupping your ass with his hand. "No.. Kuni I just wanted to sleep with you~" "you are going to sleep with me y/n."
"That's it y/n.. grind on your master like that. Wanna feel that wet pussy all over my cock...fuck..." You shifted on him back and forth. "K-kuni! Don't be so loud or the others will-" he cut you off "I don't fucking care. Let them hear how well my pet is making me feel good" Kuni pulled you into a kiss and you began to shift your hand under his suit, playing with the buttons. "Ah my little pet is so eager to touch me huh? So this was your test for master?~" "..shut up.." he pulled away from the kiss and picked you up, laying you against the table. Giving you a perfect view while he stripped for you. "Shit I love it when you look at me like that. How that pure and innocent facade of yours dies. You really are a slut for me y/n" now it was your turn, but you we're injured so Kuni took your clothes off for you. Examining your body. "Fuck you look so good on the table like that." He brought himself down towards your neck and whispered in your ear while shifting his other hand down to your pussy, inserting 2 fingers. "How about I call one of those pathetic soldiers in here. So they can watch as I cum inside of you. You want that pet?" "aH~ n-no kuni I don't want it~" "you don't baby? I want them to fucking see how they'll never have you, how much you only love daddy's cock. How much I make you fucking beg for me." he began to speed up his pace as his tone turned aggressive. The ecstacy burned through your body. "PLEASE K-KUNI~ YOUR GOING TOO FAST~" "oh yeah baby? Please what? Do you wanna cum?"
"Y-YES KUNI~" "Then beg for me. Beg to cum on daddy's fingers." "AH~ P-PLEASE MASTER~ PLEASE LET ME CUM. I WANT IT~ " Fuck yes Then cum for me pet, squirt all over daddy's fingers. Be my good girl" You let out a loud moan as your cum leaked onto your masters fingers. He pulled away from you while licking his hand clean. "You taste so fucking good y/n. This pussy is all mine." Scara examined your beautiful body once more, how tired you already we're from his fingers. "Let daddy feel those tits of yours y/n" he climbed ontop of you once more on the table and began shifting his hands around your boobs. Caressing them, then rubbing his thumb around your nipple "K-kuni~ be gentle please~" he laughed "Gentle? Is my little slut sensitive around her nipples?" You looked away. "Mmm I don't think daddy can be gentle right now. Wanted to touch these tits of yours for so long, ever since I first fucking saw you, wanted' to cum right on them so fucking hard." "Shit.. as soon as your shoulder feels better I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk."
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Mexican Restaurant (Obey Me!)
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You and the brothers got hungry and end up at an authentic hole-in-the wall Mexican restaurant. They decide to put their spanish to the test.
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: Bilingual (Spanish/English) Bulleted style fic, Gender Neutral, Pathetic Lucifer lmao
»Note: Sorry if the grammar/spelling is off. Ye ye, I'm Mexican but my spanish is okay at most. 💀
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"Es picante? Lo quiero ordenar." (It's spicy? I want to order it.)
Ordered first
He didn't want you to translate for him
He wanted to use his limited Spanish to impress you
Wouldn't stop smirking since he felt like he was quite impressive
Until Mammon took over
Bitterly ate his enchiladas
He didn't understand what guapo (handsome) meant but heard it frequently in his direction
His pride wouldn't let him ask you
Sulked for the rest of the night
You asked if he was okay
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" Y esto cuanto cuesta? QUE!? " (And this is how much? WHAT!?)
Yeah he picked up *some* Spanish due to possible illegal activities
Took advantage of the free chips and salsa
Ordered steak fajitas
Sung and danced with the band
Yeah he was kind of drunk
Wore the title of "El Mamon" proudly without knowing it can be translated to "Idiot" in Spanish
"No te preocupes, yo te cuido" (Dont worry I'll take care of you)
Got his and your meals taken care of by the end of the night
The people hope to see El Mamon [affectionate] again, he's always welcome
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"Hola! Mi nombre es Leviathan!" (Hello! My name is Leviathan!)
Wanted to impress you so he refused to have you help him
Just pointed at something at the menu
"Por favor!" (Please!)
"El especial es muy picante...seguro que lo quieres? '...si!?' " (The special is very spicy...are you sure you want it? ...yes!?)
Was confused when they brought a crowd with his food
Held back his tears while he ate El Diablo Fuerte burrito challenge
Passed out after saying that
For once, Levi's embarrassing scene made Lucifer feel better
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"Si, tamales por favor." (Yes, tamales please.)
Also a little fluent but not like Mammon
Practiced his Spanish with you, it was pretty cute tbh
Could practically eat from Lucifer's bitter energy alone
Learned to flirt with you in spanish
Took a chance and danced with you
Smirked at Lucifer while dancing
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"Hola!" (Hello!)
Only the most basic of Spanish words
Wasn't shy to admit he needed help with the menu so you sat very close and translated
Worked extremely well in his favor
Levi shot daggers at him while Lucifer continued sulking
Ordered a carne asada quesadilla platter
Posted an unconscious Levi on DevilSnap
Him and Mammon made the place livelier than usual
Ended up dancing and flirting with the server
Got his entire meal for free
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"Dame todo. 'Que?' Todo." (Give me everything. 'What?' Everything.)
Ron Swanson™️ energy
It's the only Spanish he ever needs when ordering so he gets by every time
Happily shared a little bit of everything with you
Upset that Belphie got in the way of spoon feeding you some churro ice cream
Finished Levi's burrito with ease
Asked the server for seconds
His bill paid for the restaurants rent for the month
Got a little jealous of everyone dancing with you
Yes he made his move and got his chance
Was the one to carry Levi back to the hotel
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"Ayudame?" (Help me?)
Can actually navigate the menu on his own
He's use to it because of Beel
Wanted the same experience you gave Asmo
Which he got (much to Lucifers dismay)
But he ordered himself when the server came
"Horchata y birria tacos por favor." (Horchata and birria tacos please.)
Horchatas his favorite drink. I will die on this hill
You asked "Belphie do you actually know some spanish?"
" I just said I needed help. I never said I didn't know."
Was the one to tell Mammon to call himself El Mamon
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Lucifer and Levi lost this one. 😔 What adventure will we go on next? 🤭
⬦You might also like: Coconut︱Devil-Mart⭐︱Waffle House︱You ARE The Father
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hellishchrissy · 1 year
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June, 1987
June gloom. That's the term Chrissy's college friends had used to describe the odd, suffocating fog that had seemingly taken over the entire coast in California, looming over the promise of the summer in Los Angeles.
It was a strange sight, the wall of fog like a physical being in the horizon; suffocating her, pulling her in. Sometimes it felt the same that it had felt back home in Hawkins. Suffocating, alienating. And the fog never failed to invite back the nightmares that haunted her. Of her mother, of Hawkins, of red, vengeful skies filled with creatures her father would've called "demon-like". 
Chrissy had left Hawkins for good in August of 1986 - she had often dreamed of getting away from her mother and the crushing weight of what could be considered the "high society" of Hawkins. In other words, an endless parade of church potlucks, charity auctions and dinners at their local country club. A painfully artificial smile plastered on Chrissy's glossed lips, her mother's reproachful voice in her ear if she accidentally spilled something on her dress. Endless greetings and hands she shook time after time, the perfect daughter with the golden cross dangling between her collarbones.
California and the freedom of college had been a breath of fresh air after eighteen years of suffocation. Chrissy had felt free for the first time since she was a child, free of judgement, free of the red skies. And occasionally, she almost believed that she was free of the knowledge of what lied below their own dimension.
And then her mother died on June 9th 1987, and Chrissy jumped on the first plane that flew out of Los Angeles in the early hours of the morning.
That first night back in Hawkins Chrissy woke up screaming, flashes of red skies and golden crosses in her mind. Her clammy hands clawed at her bare throat, almost confused that her fingers weren't entangling with the dainty, gold chains of neither her cross necklace or the ´86´ necklace that Jason had once gifted her.
She had left both necklaces in the drawer of her desk in Hawkins when she had skipped town, eager to let go of the chains that still tethered her to her mother and the memory of Jason.
That June, Chrissy felt like she was watching herself from somewhere else, hovering over her own body. Making promises to her father, swearing she'd stay until the end of summer to take care of her brother and to help with the funeral, the documents, all the miserable shit that Chrissy's father was dreading to do alone.
And so she stayed. Even with the nightmares, she stayed. It was easy enough to forget, to force herself not to feel real. The numbness was her salvation the days she had to go through her mother's things, the scent of her perfume still clinging to the clothes making her gag. The numbness helped her during the funeral, her thumb drawing absent-minded trails on the back of her brother's palm as he clutched onto hers.
Nothing felt real, and Chrissy was so, very grateful for it.
Until the day a pair of all too familiar brown eyes met hers across the vegetable isle of the supermarket; that's all it took for Chrissy's facade to crumble, and she was no longer numb.
// follow this fic on ao3!
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