#detox chakras
crystalbottle · 5 months
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musicflybridge · 1 year
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angelladyterriemarie · 11 months
Chakra & Emotion Detox: Quick Energy Cleanse
🔥NEW VIDEO Alert! 🔥 Clearing energy within and around you is very important. It’s about grounding, releasing any nervous energy, negative thoughts and clearing your mind, emotions and your Chakras.
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pinkpearlgoddess · 9 months
PAC: How soon will your manifestation become reality ✨
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Please remember all PAC (Pick a pile) readings are for entertainment purposes and should not be replaced for mental, physical or financial advice
Free readings: my free readings will be open very soon, I will also be offering exchange readings🐇
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Pile 1:
Rebirth: Tower Card, Death Card
This pile has understood their own gift and method of manifestation, I feel like this pile has gone through its fair share of trial and error and have now understood which method works best for them. I see majority of you have already manifested a few things out of your list but there seems to be one or two main ones you are still working on bringing to reality. Be prepared for some major changes because to get these manifestation into reality I see a tower and death card moment that needs to happen. You have done a lot work when it comes to trying to manifest this in your life. However, the vision I’m seeing is for these manifestation to come to reality it’s not only practice but also a detox as they would not fit in your current life. March and April. Be prepared to see one of two of your major manifestation to come to reality. I don’t see you being surprised as you have been putting the work in. There is a strong inner knowing. Congratulations!
Key to make this work faster: Detox your life, anything that does not longer reserves you let go of it and NEVER and I mean NEVER look back
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Pile 2:
Nurture: Feminine energy, Inner Child
This group has not yet seen anything come to reality as of yet. Some of you have one goal and one goal only but are struggling to understand why your manifestations have not come to light. I'm here to tell you there is a blockage in energy, one that has to do with personal inner growth and healing. I see a gray cloud near your sacral chakra and throat chakra. This group would do well to start writing daily in a journal. I also sense this group may overthink the manifestation method too much, trying multiple methods to see if they're doing it wrong. The key here is you need to be in the right mind space to start receiving from the universe or God, depending on who you believe in. Your manifestation will come to reality six months into creating a healthy routine that includes catering to your feminine energy and inner child healing (the inner child part will be painful to go through but also refreshing at the same time).
Key to make this work faster: Play subs during the night while you’re asleep, Journal literally everything in your life, start working on self care, stop overthinking about others and focus on yourself, speak your mind OUT LOUD and clearly, take walks in nature, start scripting from an “I AM” point of view including gratitude.
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Pile 3:
Experimental: The Fool & The magician 
key word: Consistency
Collective from this pile feel like new energy, new to the practical side of manifestation or have done a full reset and want to start from the beginning. Most of you have studied and explored the mindset point of view when it comes to manifestation and would now like to test the practical side of it. I see a lot of you being very sceptical due to an influxes of information coming in regarding manifestation. When it comes to the practical side of things and the work you put in it’s important you meditate on which methods you would like to start of with, which methods spiritually calls to you, not every method works for everyone. List all the methods that call to you and truly mediate of which one would best serve the manifestation you’re currently looking to achieve. One you have made the choice… practice consistently. This pile definitely rely on logic and practicality, so I see you guys being successful at this. There is a strong magician energy to you all, an academia background. You guys may even make a book documenting how your journey is going, what you’ve notice, what you would try in a different ways. There is no time frame because it doesn’t really seem like this pile is looking for a time but mainly a method to which works best for them. After mediating on a time frame and pulling a few cards, I feel you manifesting your first goal in 10 weeks to 12 weeks, Congratulations!
Key to make this work faster: Consistency is very important here: it should be part of your daily routine, part of your lifestyle, mental diet: learn about your mind and how you communicate to yourself
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cupiddivinearrow · 11 months
Advice From Spirit
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🦅 PILE 1 🦅
🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
Healer/ High Priest(ess)/ Witch
Powerful, Strong, Strengthened, Courageous
Ascending, Growth, Enlightenment
Look on notes on phone for this pile
Throat & Sacral, Root chakra may be blocked
Highly Intuitive
May love to sing
Freedom, Setting yourself free of any limitations, limiting thoughts, and/ or beliefs
Phoenix energy, Rebirth
Divine Timing
Drawn to the night, the Moon
Feminine Energy
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
May be seeing:
3s (333)
4s (444)
5s (555)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
🦅 PILE 1 🦅
P1, the saying: The Eagle Has Landed…
P1, have some of you in this pile been focusing on growth and expanding your abilities/ gifts? Some of y’all in this pile may be healers, high priestesses, witches, etc. You’re pretty pure and straight forward. And as of late, you’ve currently have been gaining enlightenment about how to stay balanced and focused. This pile is strong. Powerful. Intuitive. P1, I feel that you’ve been listening to your intuition more lately, which is allowing you to find your voice and let go of unrealistic expectations that are keeping you bound emotionally. Did you just come out of a storm? You should be celebrating making it through, if you haven’t because it is an achievement. Whatever situation you just fought through, could’ve hurt you, and made feel incredibly alone. I’m glad that you made it though this lesson P1. Because that’s what it was. A lesson. That had to be learned to create a catalyst within you. You may be learning about Divine timing in this pile. Coming to a realization that time is an illusion and where you are at this moment is where you’re meant to be. This pile has been learning to stand alone, to speak their truth. And teaching others while doing so. This pile is setting themselves free of any limiting beliefs or lack mindsets. Congratulations on your freedom P1, you have completed a cycle. You’re learning, or will, how to balance out your material and spiritual world. The balance between the 3D (Earth) and the 5D (Astral). You’re healing and manifesting a world of abundance. Through tapping more into your spiritual side, you’ve made the balance that has brought, or will, bring you peace. You have risen like the phoenix, or a rabbit.
P1, You are safe. Continue to be patient, as well as, focused. You are on the right path. Keep going! You are about to have a whole new world. Try being more compassionate with yourself. You had to go through lessons to be able to be who and where you are today. To be able to help others and guide them through your experiences. Try disconnecting from the internet and others for a day and go out in nature. Spend more time with yourself to continue breaking free of things that do not serve you. Continue to set and keep your boundaries and practicing self love. Try giving yourself advice by imagining giving a friend advice and taking that advice. Ask yourself what would you do to really show that you love yourself? Or what do you really enjoy most? When do you feel most intune with yourself? Try to really take the time out to think and answer as realistic as you possibly can. Then act on it. And don’t worry, the Universe has your back. YOU ARE SAFE P1!!!!
The Universe/ Spirit would like for you to learn how to further respect your body and to detox your body this winter. To continue trying to learn your spiritual abilities and gifts by going out in nature or sitting by a body of water and meditating. Tuning in. Exercising. Dancing. Singing. That help keep your mind and body right, respectfully of course. Also, try returning back to the basics. Retracing what you’ve learned on your spiritual journey so far. You can always learn more by retracing your steps and seeing if there’s anything you’ve missed and can use now. In addition, maybe it’s time to declutter. Look around you and think, do you really need all the stuff that’s around you? If you do not, it’s time to consider cleaning your area, which will help with any stagnancy energy around you at the moment. This should be your sacred space. If it’s cluttered, you can’t really relax or enjoy yourself. It’s time to let go of Earthy materials that aren't necessary. It’s important to take care of your physical surroundings and body, as well as your spiritual energy. It is important. Try listening to music more or tapping into your creative side. Slow down. Without your vessel, you lose access to the material world, so treat it well.
✨ PILE 2 ✨
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✨ PILE 2 ✨
Masculine energy
Distracted, Unfocused
Emotionally Burdened
3D, Material World, Earth Energy motivated
Spends time outside alot
Crown, 3rd eye, Heart, Sacral chakra may be blocked or being aligned
Brave, Courageous
Taking Lead
Passion, Desire
Angel Wings- Earned their wings
Connection to Lady Gaia, Mother and Goddess of Earth
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
2s (222)
4s (444)
5s (555)
8s (888)
10s (1010)
⭐ Animals of Significance: ⭐
✨ PILE 2: ✨
Pile 2, the saying, “Team work makes the dream work” comes to mind when I tap into this group.
Recently, or you will be, P2, you had a glow up. You have put in the work to close cycles and you have done it!!! And because of this, the Universe is blessing you with a gift. In partnership, In new beginnings. Possibly (very) in love… Oh la la 😘
P2, you’ve been working hard on yourself after a possible heartbreak or betrayal that left you feeling like you needed to close yourself off to love and kept you in a confused or negative mindset in the past. Maybe with a False Twin Flame, a karmic. But as of late, you’ve been trying to find your peace by focusing on things that helps you to heal. You’re currently gaining the courage of a lion and growing your power. If you believe in terms such as Earth Angel, then P2, you once may have lost your wings after indulging in lower vibration activities. You’ve earned them back.
You may be drawn to nature at this time, P2, or doing some inner child healing. You may be looking back into the past, wondering what you couldve done better. But P2, dont you see, you have achieved alot. You should be proud. You’re learning to trust in your intuition, and to let go of the past, which will benefit you soon, if it’s not already.
Some of you in P2 will be offered a new opportunity in business or with your gifts. If its business, trust in yourself, stay resilient, move in silence. As for those who gifts are enhancing, protect yourself. The bigger you get, the more haters you will have. (But i appreciate the haters. They let me know I’m doing my job well.)
Some of you in P2, I see a love or new partnership coming in. Try to keep boundaries but dont be afraid of starting something new in your life. Yes, love can be scary, but it’s meant to be a gift. Not feared. When something doesn’t work out, we often forget that it’s the Universe's way of protecting us and helping us learn a lesson that we must learn. And sometimes, we have to learn that lesson the hard way, due to Ego.
The Universe wants what’s best for you, and is just waiting for us to figure that out P2. And I believe you have. You understand how important it is to find balance within ones life by not letting one thing or person take over it by having a career and social life to focus on. And P2, I believe you’re about to receive it. A blessing. Either you’re about to be blessed with a new opportunity in business, life, or you’re about to experience a great big love that will leave you feeling safe and cared for. Pile 2, you’re about to be blessed with security. However, you will need to use discernment. You’re about to have many options available to you. Go out and explore. But take baby steps. It’s time to discover who you are in your heart P2. But, remember to use caution. And you will figure out which is the right path, hobbies, activities, people, things for you by letting your intuition and experiences to guide you. Allow yourself to partake in ALL OF THE SWEET THINGS LIFE HAS TO OFFER YOU.
For those that are receiving new opportunities in life, gifts and business, please let the past go. Balance yourself. Continue to try to find direction if you havent already. Your gifts are growing. Keep pushing forward.Your gifts are enhancing.
Now, for those of you that are having love come in, if you are not ready for a baby, please be careful. I see a baby might be coming in soon. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SOON TO BE PARENTS! BLESSINGS!!!
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
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🌄 PILE 3 🌄
Feeling Insecure, Not At Home
Shadow Work
An Ending
Connection to Egypt
Lady Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of Beauty, Sensuality, Music, Dancing, and Maternity
A whole new world
Throat, Heart, Solar, & Root Chakra may be blocked
Spiritual (Vision) Quest
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
1s (111)
4s (444)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
💫 Astrological Signs: 💫
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
The statement: “It’s the Beginning, Not the End.”
Pile 3, are you currently feeling confused, lost, confused. Or maybe this was your energy in the recent past? Did you start to lose hope in a situation? Were you currently in a dark place? Seems to me that maybe, P3, just maybe, you just experienced what I call a Dark Night of the Soul, or should i say, Ego Death and now you are seeing a brand new world. Have a whole new perspective. P3, the veil has been lifted and your spiritual journey has stepped into a new chapter. It is time to focus more on your spirituality, for the world that you once knew is gone. Now, or in the near future, you will face a 2nd chance in life after some news is revealed and helps you find release.
It’s time to tune into yourself and ground yourself. To figure out who you really are and what your life path, your purpose, is. Deep inside yourself, there are secrets. Secrets that will reveal lost wisdom if you just look a little deeper inside. You may have the ability to see visions. And in this vision, you will see you way forward. You will let go of the past and embrace the future. Learn to experience life as it comes It’s time to forgive. Speak out. HEAL. Set your intentions and believe it. You have limitless possibilities waiting for you. You just have to let go of the past and take a step into the future. Instead of looking at the past with regret, change your perspective. Don’t use the lesson to be hurt, but as a lesson on where to heal. It’s all about “The glass is half empty/ The glass is half full” kind of thing. Life is what you make of it. And only you can decide how you’re gonna react to a lesson. But, it’d be easier on yourself if you try to connect with your ancestors. There may be one that’s reaching out. A grandmother spirit. And she’s wanting to help you heal. You just need to listen. She will help guide you.
Let go and try to have no regrets. There is beauty in the pain. Beauty comes from our perspective on how we see things. We prefer to look at the sky vs trash. We prefer what we call beauty vs believing that everything and everyone has some beauty to it, or a lesson, which is beautiful. Its guidance. Its love from the Universe. Ever heard that saying when someone stays quiet to worry vs someone that nags because it shows how much you are loved? This is the same. The Universe shows us where we need to improve to have a better life. It’s a gift. So when we hurt, there’s something that need to be fixed or taken a closer look at. Just because something seems like its a matter of concern because it’s ending, doesn’t mean it’s not a blessing… It could actually be a blessing in disguise. But that’s for you to determine. Try not to focus too much on this and push forward. Gather the strength from this issue that caused an imbalance in your life and try to focus that energy elsewhere in your life, where you know you’ve needed to take a closer look at. Find your peace by not focusing too much on one area in your life. It helps. Believe me when I say that. It’s time to nurture the whole of you – mind, body, soul. Also, if writing is your thing, go ahead and start journaling. Write about what you’ve been through on this journey. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Try to find the positive lesson there for all your hardships you’ve through…Writing will also help you to manifest your goals and desires faster. It helps you to capture your ideas, plans, dreams, memories, etc. And it can be extremely therapeutic, while also releasing that creative streak inside you. Try to determine what charms and rituals you do or could do everyday to invite a little magick within your life. Try to go out in nature and meditate. Try to get in touch with the water and nature spirits around you. Remember to protect yourself psychically. Also, try making a talisman for yourself or use crystal magick for protection. When it comes to those focusing on their careers, if you’re not already, it’s time to develop some more skills or look at your career and figure out what needs to change there. Go after what you want. If you have to go to school, do so. If you’re not happy where you’re at, start looking for a job to feed your soul. Do what you have to to bring more happiness and joy into your life, now’s the time.
🕊️ Blessings 🕊️
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🙏🏽 My Webpage and IG page coming soon 🙏🏽
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daportalpractitioner · 4 months
cycle syncing guide: nu moon in gemini
the nu moon in gemini takes place on june 6, 2024 at 7:37 AM CST. major themes include: sisterhood wounds, friendship, ancestral communication, relocation, sacral + throat chakra healing, and breaking generational patterns.
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bleed phase: sisters bleeding with the nu moon are in one accord with nature's rhythm, so the need to detox, cleanse, and start anew will feel really apparent. if there are friendships and social circles that you have outgrown but haven't had the courage to cut ties with, then this is your invitation. your ancestors will be speaking to you in order to help you navigate this season in life. so, if you are one to venerate your ancestors, then this nu moon would be a great time to spend some intentional time at the altar or in nature with them. it's time to move forward from the past and stop giving the past permission to be your current story. you have to make room for all the beautiful experiences that match the energy that you're stepping into by releasing all that once was from your reality. some of y'all also may be experiencing constipation as a physical manifestation of you holding onto SHIT that has no business being here anymore.
follicular phase: my follicular sisters may feel increased creativity and inspiration during this nu moon. this is giving you the momentum, power, and strength to choose a different story. it's a beautiful time to think about what you want your life to look like in the next months, by the full moon in gemini in december (gemini is the master manifestor). be mindful of placing limitations on your vision because of what your 3D reality looks like. with this energetic portal, you'll be surprised at what's going to manifest from it. this is a social time to also meet up with your sisters and spend intentional quality time with the women that choose to pour into you.
ovulatory phase: this nu moon is bringing big life changes to my ovulating sisters. there is a strong need for a change that better suits you. you could be thinking about relocating, getting into a more serious commitment, going back to school, or changing careers. regardless of what the change is, it's important that you make a move with the urges that you're receiving. change is scary, but soul necessary for your growth and overall satisfaction in life. you have to take accountability for writing your own story. at the end of the day, this is your life and it is your duty to call the shots around here. take a risk like you know that God has your back.
luteal phase: this nu moon may hit the luteal sisters hard as it has a heavy emphasis on deep healing + curse breaking regarding wounded sisterhood. wounded sisterhood stems from the mother wound and we can only show up as better sisters when we actively work on remedying the relationship that we have with our greatest mirrors — our mothers. a lot of us come from homes where our mother was not properly supported by her community, a wound that has trickled down to us, creating a blockage in how show up for our connections (especially with our sisters). we're being called to address the pains that have led us to not experience genuine sisterhood so that we can then take accountability for the ways in which we've kept perpetuating the cycle. sisterhood is crucial for each woman and how you show up for your sisters is reflected in how you show up in all areas of your life. accept what has already transpired and release it with love through compassion and forgiveness. give yourself permission to eject yourself from this painful story because you deserve to write a nu one where you are chronically experiencing mutual, reciprocated love and trust from other women cause there is nothing else in the word like it.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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Third Eye - Ajna Chakra 👁
Detox yourself from toxins that clog up your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. 👁
Be aware of the sense which is beyond the physical senses. 👁
Be intentional to receive and open yourself to become the Seer. 👁
Practice conscious breathing, meditation and yoga to focus on this energy center which is the portal into the Universe. 👁
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namitha · 2 years
How to go back to your body (womb) and live in the awareness of your lunar cycle:
A woman's moon time consists of four stages. Every phase is unique with its own flow of hormones, resources and challenges. These phases mimic the yearly seasons. Understanding the depth of your lunar cycle will make a difference in your life.
Spring - Follicular phase (Waxing moon)
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The week after menstruation. Other names are Emergence Phase, Warrior Phase.
Chakras are root, sacral, and solar chakra connection
A time of becoming, rebirthing, you will feel refreshed, cleansed and hopeful.
A time to cherish yourself.
Your energy levels will be rising.
This is a time to be productive and focused, to start being more active.
This is when hormones will start to rise, you will start becoming more fertile.
You'll have an increased sex drive.
You will experience more clarity, a time to be playful and say yes to new experiences.
Eat light fresh whole foods and refuel your body, especially fruits and salads.
Summer - Ovulation (Full moon)
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Peak fertility for creation. Other names are Visibility Phase or Creator Phase
Chakras – sacral, heart, throat chakra connection
A time where your hormones will be at their highest, energy levels will be high.
You will feel physically stronger and confident.
You will feel more attractive.
A time to embrace your fullness, express your power.
Embrace your inner goddess and tap into passion and it’s also a wonderful time to release perfection and practice forgiveness and compassion.
Body temperature will be higher.
You will feel more social, sex drive will be at its peak, as well as your fertility.
Increased focus and productivity. Intense workouts are perfect during this time.
Can cope with a heavier work load.
Eat light and fibrous food, food you would normally crave during summer.
Fall - Luteal phase (Waning moon)
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Week before menstruation. Other names are Culmination Phase or Sorceress Phase
Chakras are root, sacral, solar plexus chakra connection
You will start feeling more inward.
Irritated by the demands placed on you.
You will start craving space and self care.
You'll feel more strategic and but less focused.
You'll get a need to declutter and become more organised.
Start to slow down.
This is also a time to embrace your “wild woman.”
You might start becoming more critical of yourself, more reflective.
The ego begins to wane and what comes forth is a fully embodied, expressive, uninhibited woman who feels confident and connected. This woman is no longer tamed by her ego or societies standards, rather she is finally FREE!
You'll be inspired and have a heightened creativity.
More herbs, greens and vegetables.
You'll have more food cravings, try to minimise sugar and salt.
Shorter workouts. Stretching, yoga will be perfect.
Winter - Menstruation (New moon)
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Physical bleeding. Other names are Fertile Void, Oracle Phase.
Chakras are sacral, third eye, crown chakra connection
Time to rest, surrender and detox and reflect.
It is the process of healing, letting go, shedding, resting, reflecting, and listening.
A time you will be deeply rooted into yourself.
A time of metaphorical death.
Focus on yourself. Experience stillness and silence
Expand your awareness.
You will feel calm, withdrawn and unmotivated.
Energy levels will be low. At the start of this cycle hormones will drop.
Immunity will also be at its lowest.
Avoid Intense workouts.
Prioritise sleep and let go of anything that doesn't serve you as your body is shedding too.
Just like you would during winter, eat warm, nourishing food.
Avoid alcohol, coffee, salty foods
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neurospicywitchcraft · 9 months
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OK here is the order I /think/ these should be..
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I went back through all the days and re-identified the stones that came out on each day. Some are different from what I originally identified them. I am not 100% certain on every choice, as some ended up being placed there by process of elimination. Moss Agate and Fluorite could possibly be swapped with each other. I almost put down Carnelian and Cherry Quartz the other way round too.
If you would put them in a different order which ones would you swap?
Amethyst; day 12 Intuition, calming, accessing wisdom, bringing peace, healing.
Green Aventurine; day 5 Good luck, optimism, freshness, gratitude, blessings, heart space.
Citrine; day 20 Abundance, joy, positive energy flow, friendships, wealth, fertility, power.
Carnelian; day 15 Fertility, potentiality, creative power, vitality, sexuality, manifestations.
Dalmatian Stone; day 14 Fun, inner child, optimism, joy, playfulness, light-heartedness, youth.
Howlite; day 24 Relieves stress, overcomes grief, assists with getting a good night's sleep.
Red Jasper; day 18 Vitality, grounding, strength, stamina, passion, creative energy.
Opalite; day 23 Transition, success and achievement, communication, friendships, verbalising feelings.
Rose Quartz; day 16 Love, gentleness, emotional healing, stress relief, romance.
Tiger's eye; day 17 Balance, courage, good luck, inspiration, focus on true passion.
Fluorite; day 9 Removes fear, releases and heal anger.
Black Obsidian; day 7 Psychic protection, cleansing, clearing, magic, safety, power, maintaining.
Clear Quartz; day 21 Healing and spiritual growth.
Smokey Quartz; day 13 Detox and balance.
Yellow Jasper; day 6 Protection during spiritual work or physical travel, communcation.
Grey Labradorite; day 4 Magic, destiny, integrity, protection, unseen realms.
Blossom Agate; day 11 Emotional Support, self-growth, passion.
Cherry Quartz; day 1 Abundance of vitality, strength, energy.
Gray Agate; day 19 Stabilise emotional turmoil, improve concentration.
Moss Agate; day 2 Brings calm, increases security and self confidence.
Sodalite; day 22 Self expression, harmony, creativity, communication, trust, intuition, inspiration.
Yellow Calcite; day 8 Soothes and brings balance to emotions, enhances self-confidence and self-worth.
Kiwi Jasper; day 10 Kiwi jasper helps to cleanse and align our chakras, cleanse our aura and can also absorb negative energies.
Strawberry Quartz; day 3 Boosts flow of love, happiness and joy.
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healingwithkt · 1 year
Healing is a beautiful journey that involves nurturing different parts of ourselves, including the physical, emotional, and mental aspects.
It's about releasing old patterns, healing emotional wounds, and creating space for healthier habits and thoughts.
EFT Tapping: Releasing Emotional Baggage Imagine a technique that can help you let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
That's EFT tapping! By tapping on specific points on your body while focusing on the issue at hand, you can release pent-up emotions and rewire your brain for positivity.
If you're interested in learning more about EFT or want some personal 1-on-1 Coaching and personalized EFT Tapping Scripts message me on here or you can email me or find me on Twitter and Instagram. I will link all channels below.
Cold Showers: Embracing Growth through Discomfort Though it may sound challenging, taking cold showers has incredible benefits for your well-being. They boost your alertness, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and strengthen your immune system. Moreover, they teach you resilience and how to handle discomfort with grace.
Dopamine Detox: Regaining Focus and Motivation In our digital age, we often find ourselves addicted to dopamine-inducing distractions that hinder our productivity and well-being. A dopamine detox helps you temporarily disconnect from these stimuli, reset your brain, and rediscover what truly matters. We'll explain how dopamine detoxes work and provide practical tips to help you design your own personalized detox plan, allowing you to regain focus and cultivate a more mindful, purpose-driven life.
Meditation: Cultivating Mindfulness and Inner Harmony Meditation is a timeless practice that empowers you to develop self-awareness, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with yourself. We'll explore various meditation techniques, including guided sessions, mindfulness exercises, and active meditations. You'll discover the scientifically proven benefits of meditation, such as reduced anxiety, improved focus, restful sleep, and enhanced compassion for yourself and others.
Yoga: Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit Yoga is a holistic practice that combines movement and breath, fostering a profound mind-body connection. Engaging in regular yoga sessions helps release tension, cultivates present-moment awareness, and enhances physical strength and flexibility.
Exploring Energy Healing Modalities: Reiki, crystal healing, Chakra HEaling ect...
—each offering unique approaches to releasing energy blockages, facilitating healing, and restoring balance.
Healing is a personal and transformative process that requires patience and an open mind.
By incorporating energy healing practices like EFT tapping, cold showers, dopamine detoxes, meditation, yoga, and exploring other modalities, you can experience profound positive changes in your life.
Embrace these practices with an easy-going mindset, and remember that healing takes time. By taking small steps, you'll create a solid foundation for greater happiness, well-being, and fulfillment on your journey of transformation
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barerootsenergy · 8 months
Bare Roots Energy
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Website: https://www.barerootsenergy.com
Address: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Bare Roots Energy, nestled in Lawrence, KS, is a sanctuary for spiritual and physical rejuvenation. Specializing in Reiki Healing Services and Energy Healing Techniques, they offer a haven for those seeking balance and wellness. Their Meditation Coaching Online and Spiritual Wellness Courses are tailored to individual needs, ensuring a deeply personal experience. The center is renowned for its Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ and Distance Healing Sessions, providing transformative healing regardless of physical distance. With services like Chakra Alignment Therapy, Energy Detox Treatments, and Life Path Spiritual Readings, Bare Roots Energy is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey to holistic health and spiritual enlightenment. Whether you're seeking Personalized Energy Work, Spiritual Healing Workshops, or Online Reiki Certification, their expert team, led by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney, offers a comprehensive approach to wellness, blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamellezablowmoloney
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisismylifeinpictures/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bareroots/
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godsnameisjoy · 8 months
Date: 15 January 2024
Duration: 67 minutes at 10:56 PM
Last night’s meditation is the 4th meditation in a row in which I haven’t grown spiritually. That is 4 straight meditations without a hint of growth in it. The growth is probably so subtle that I can’t see it.
Back in 2020, a quantum of life energy freed itself from a body-mind dot-knot to give me my first involuntary spinal vibration. In subsequent meditations, life energy took on the route up the spine. It carved the route as it went up. In fact, the point of spinal vibrations did many rounds up my spine before it breached the head.
Having breached the head at the end of 2022, I have experienced life energy as inner peace. Along with a non-tradable type of inner peace came the blessing of an interiorised sense of hearing. In June of 2023, I heard my first chakra sound. Ever since, I have heard a variety of percussion like clacks, clicks, ticks, flicks and now I mostly hear plucks. All of these sounds aren’t heard by anyone else. These are for my ears only.
From its experience, I am convinced that the phenomenon of chakra sounds exists only to guide the attention. The attention has to lose its dependence on mind generated imagery. It has to become one, single pointed. The sound of the flow of life energy in the head keeps the attention instinctively hooked to it. It’s the best detox it can get from imagery dependence.
In recent months, I have realised that life energy’s flow has to move from its entry point in the head to the forehead. The entry is where the spine ends. The upper end of the medulla oblongata is in the centre of the head. I knew that the flow would be forward from the centre point. I never imagined or read that the forward movement will mean a drop from the head.
A few days back, I heard a pinging sound coming from my belly button. I have a feeling that life energy is rising now from the belly button upwards to the forehead. The rise is so subtle that I feel like I have not grown in the last 4 meditations.
Last night’s meditation has been better than the night before. In fact, the concentration has progressed in the last 4 consecutive meditations. Last night, I heard chakra sounds loud and clear. They weren’t faint. The spinal vibrations were stronger than the night before. However, the perceived sounds made my attention return to the centre-back of my head.
It almost feels like the blessed and purifying flow of life energy has gone back to the head instead of going from the belly button to the forehead. Thanks to over 2 decades of meditating, I know only too well that my spiritual growth has been two steps forward and one step back. Raja Yoga techniques can be slow but it is an irreversible path. All the single steps that I have gone back, have proven to be subtle phases of growth.
In my heart, I am hoping that my present phase is going to be short and prove to be a period of growth.
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theropoda · 9 months
i click on one (1) tiktok link to see a funny haha heehee ans im suddenly attacked from all sides by the most gross influencer bougue detox starbcks essential oils for your chakra get ready with me (morning routine that is worth 5,000 dollars at the least) stay at home gf like
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perasperaadastraa · 2 years
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Amanita muscaria and blue lotus 🍄🧿✨
I’ve been stuck in my subconscious and unconscious mind. I’ve had repeating dreams for years now where I’m constantly in a state of escaping something or someone.
I brewed a tea with a micro dose of the amanita and a blue lotus bloom. The first hour brought on a ton of euphoric feelings and no anxiety. My consciousness had shifted and senses became heightened. I noticed I started singing (throat chakra)…a lot, and even was staying on key. After two hours, a sudden sleepiness took over and I went to bed.
I did not dream but rather had the deepest sleep and woke up feeling like some internal work had been done.
As the day went on, I felt incredibly emotional over many factors, as if a blockage had been released. Everything I’ve been trying to stay “cool” about just came flooding out at once. Every feeling was felt. I had to spend an entire day just crying and detoxing. This leads me to [personally] believe the amanita does wonders on clearing and balancing our root and sacral chakras.
The following night, I smoked a small amount of the blue lotus, and the dreams it brought on where incredible! I could feel in the dream that the blockages had indeed been broke through and I was moving forward with my dreams.
Every dream I had prior was of me trying to escape someone/some place and never getting to where I need to. These new dreams have taken me to a better destination that I almost can’t believe I made it to. The most relieving of dreams.
It’s been several nights, and the dreams have indeed shifted.
I have tried mugwort ointment over the months to help with lucid dreaming and to bring a better understanding and sense of control as to what is going on, but mugwart tends to create vivid nightmares, I’ve personally learned. It helps me sleep well, but too much too often effects the unconscious mind more negatively.
I do not recommend taking poisonous mushrooms or smoking herbs without proper research, knowledge, and confidence.
There really is so much power in the plants.
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omshantiomyoga · 10 months
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
 Best yoga teacher training in Rishikesh – Yoga Ashram in India affiliated with Yoga Alliance, USA provides yoga courses for beginners to Advanced in Rishikesh India. The beginner's course includes asanas, meditation, pranayama and mantra-chanting, the study of Vedic sciences, and cleansing of mind, body, and soul.
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200 hours Yoga Certification is the very first step for any aspiring Yoga Teacher / Instructor to teach this ancient art of health, harmony, and well-being on a worldwide level. This is one of the most acceptable minimum standards set by an organization to teach Yoga in recent times. Credit goes to Yoga Alliance, USA for all the efforts made to bring an idea of ​​regulation over learning and teaching Yoga by setting up the designations for Yoga Ashram and Yoga professional's world over.
200 hours of yoga teacher training in India by Yoga Alliance accredited best yoga schools in India. Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram offers the best yoga certification programs by certified yoga instructors.
Our vision is: We will try our best to provide what is best for you!” It is designed for those who are interested in Yoga as a career, self-knowledge, mindful awakening, and also for leisure. Genuinely, the asanas of Hatha Yoga originally have a spiritual purpose within Hinduism, the attainment of `Samadhi a state of meditative consciousness taking oneself from ignorance into a knowledgeable person. This Yoga Teacher Training Course will bring spirituality, unity, egoless, togetherness, holistic, inner happiness, fun, enjoyment, laughter ever after, and understanding the unconditional love by the end of the session. It is a total self-awareness to gain everything in life but to live in nothingness. Just live in simplicity! Is the secret of answers for all the human sufferings. We emphasize spirituality, cultivating the basic rules and discipline in life. This Course is hectic but comprehensive to train the students to be disciplined in life and to build the strength for mental and physical faculties. Nevertheless…no worry that we still give you full relaxation, love, and care, enjoyment with inspiration.
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The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India at Om Shanti Om Yoga School is designed to develop Yoga Teaching skills by understanding the root principles of ancient yoga traditions. The course is ideal for those who aim to take Yoga teachings as a profession as well as for those who want to experience and follow yoga as a path of holistic living.
» Develop a daily practice of kriyas, asanas, pranayama, bandha, mudras, and dhyana.
» Delve deeper into Yoga Anatomy and Physiology.
» Introduction to Structural Yoga Therapy.
» Study philosophy from the classical treatises of Yoga (Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hathayoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and the Upanishads).
» Introduction to Ayurveda and Marma Points.
» Design and teach a 90-minute asana class to your peers which incorporates these components.
» Plan and teach a 30-minute presentation to your peers regarding yoga-related topics (ie, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, yogic diet, anatomy, physiology, chakras, philosophy, mudras, Mantra Chanting & Keertan, etc.)
» Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, detox juices, and teas
» Weekend excursions
» Yoga Material ( books, yoga t-shirts, ayurvedic body massage, etc)
» One the Himalayas sightseeing trip
» Private Accommodation USD 1200
All this knowledge will make you a pure soul, intelligent human, and peaceful man to understand the balance of body and life!
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theawakenedstate · 6 months
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The Root Chakra is a Big Part of understanding our Energetic Foundation. However how do we even know if we have a healthy or imbalanced root chakra? With the release of The Chakra Detox Clearing Audio Meditation bundle in the Membership this month, I wanted to spend some time going into the deeper questions on Chakra Healing for those who are curious to learn more on Energy healing. This is one of my most passionate topics to talk on.
I thought we could take a different approach this time and start to look at each individual Chakra. 
Starting with The Root Chakra
Last Week we went deep on: How does Chakra Healing actually work BTS? 
Now, in relationship to knowing how chakra healing works, we have to start looking at: well, Do I have any imbalances or blocks in my chakra system? How do I know for sure? 
Now, it’s very common to have a blocked or an imbalanced root chakra due to our society at large. 
Unfortunately, we are a very fear-driven society. When we have a spiritual awakening, a big piece of it is learning how to evolve ourselves out of the survival mind and into a place of the New paradigm, Thriving in that 5d consciousness, that lives beyond fear.
Of course fear is normal and a very natural part of life – However When we have a root chakra imbalance or block, FEAR and Survival is often all we can think about in our Worldview. 
The Root Chakra is an important chakra to balance as it helps us:
Regulate our Nervous system
Move out of Lack/Scarcity Consciousness
Feel a Sense of Belonging
Feel safe and Supported in your body 
And so forth. 
The Root Chakra also helps us literally feel “grounded” which is an important skill as an energy sensitive, HSP or Empath. (without question lol)  The root is the place of our Energetic foundation that is located at the base of our spine. It holds immense power in shaping our sense of safety, support, and connection with the world around us. Let’s dive into the signs and symptoms of a blocked root chakra versus a Balanced Root Chakra. However, First, you might be asking yourself:
What’s the Difference Between an Imbalanced Chakra vs. Blocked Chakras?
A blocked chakra is usually a chakra that’s been blocked over a period of time(years even) and that chakra has blocked energetic flow in a particular chakra. An Imbalanced chakra is a little bit different because an imbalance can often be overactive or underactive energy flowing through the body. This means the chakra has very little flow in the chakra or an Excessive amount of Energy in that chakra.
Signs of An Imbalanced Root
What are the common signs of a blocked Root Chakra? Imbalances in this chakra can manifest in various ways, leading to feelings of fear, insecurity, and disconnection. Individuals with a blocked energy in this chakra may experience a constant sense of paranoia, believing that the world is against them. This fear-driven mentality often results in a lack mindset, where scarcity and lack of abundance dominate one’s thoughts.
Moreover, a blocked root chakra can trigger survival instincts, pushing individuals into a fight-or-flight mode. This survivalistic mindset engulfs them in feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy, hindering their ability to feel safe and supported in their environment. The lack of belonging and connection further exacerbates the root chakra imbalance, creating a sense of isolation and alienation from oneself and others.
Balancing the Root Chakra for Healing
On the contrary, a balanced root chakra instills a profound sense of security, support, and abundance in one’s life. Individuals with balanced root chakras exude a feeling of safety and trust in the universe, knowing that they are supported in their spiritual journey. This alignment with the root chakra enables them to cultivate an abundance mindset, where the focus shifts from scarcity to prosperity and growth.
A person with a balanced root chakra will have a deep sense of connection with oneself and the world around them, leading to feelings of belonging and self-assurance. By embracing the healing power of the root chakra, individuals can transcend survival instincts and embrace a state of peace, harmony, and inner stability.
Practical Steps for Root Chakra Healing
To address root chakra imbalances and blocks, individuals can engage in various healing practices, including Mindset tools, Mind-Body Healing, energy healing work, and mindfulness techniques. By exploring and releasing past traumas, fears, and limiting beliefs, one can restore balance to the root chakra and realign with the energy of safety and support. By recognizing and addressing the signs of root chakra blocks, individuals can embark on a transformative path towards self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.
Unlocking the Power of Our Energetic Foundation
In conclusion, the root chakra serves as the cornerstone of our energetic foundation, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world. By understanding the signs and symptoms of imbalances, individuals can tap into the inherent power of Chakra Healing and manifest a life filled with abundance, connection, divine Health and self-realization.
P.S. Here’s Three  ways to Support you with the Chakras! 1. Chakra Detox- Energy Clearing Audio Meditation album just opened and is being released in the membership this month! Energy clearing work is a perfect introduction into helping you heal & balance your chakra system from the Mind-Body Level. 
March’s bundle: chakra Detox will be going through a energy clearing journey of the chakra system all month long. Learn more about How to Join The ultimate Spiritual awakening Membership below 
>>> The Soul-Aligned Life Academy >>> 2. The Ultimate Chakra Academy will be opening soon! Sign up for the Waitlist to be Notified of When the doors open. https://chakra.theawakenedstate.net/ 3. Sign up for the NEW FREE TRAINING: CHAKRA STARTER TOOLKIT: Beginner to the Chakras? Receive my Chakra Crash Course and learn my Framework to help you heal your chakra system:  https://www.theawakenedstate.net/chakra/
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Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is a Big Part of understanding our Energetic Foundation. However how do we even know if we have a healthy or imbalanced root chakra? With the release of The Chakra Detox Clearing Audio Meditation bundle in the Membership this month, I wanted to spend some time going into the deeper questions on Chakra Healing […]
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