#dick thread: finally bonding
dramatisperscnae · 1 year
@messeduphood [x]
"Seriously? At least wine me first, bitch," Jason Todd muttered under his breath as he found himself locked in a fierce battle with Dick Grayson. The tension crackled in the air, each blow exchanged fueling their rivalry. As the fight raged on, Jason's back pressed against the unforgiving ground, pinned beneath Dick's weight. The pain surged through his body, but Jason refused to let it break his focus. Summoning every ounce of his physical prowess and mental fortitude, Jason's muscles coiled like a tightly wound spring. The anticipation built as he prepared to strike, channeling the power of a cobra ready to strike its prey. Then, with an explosive burst of strength, Jason arched his body forcefully, mirroring the lethal grace of a cobra in motion. His goal was clear: to catch Dick off guard, pushing him against the wall with a force that would leave him reeling. The element of surprise was on Jason's side as he propelled himself off the ground, his muscles screaming with exertion. The maneuver was audacious, an audacious attempt to gain the upper hand and assert his dominance. In that moment, the clash of their bodies against the wall echoed the intensity of their rivalry. Jason's unyielding determination and calculated moves sent a clear message to Dick: he was not one to be underestimated.
Sparring with Jason was always a test. Big as he was, it was easy even for Dick to forget just how fast Jason was. Most bruisers on the streets weren't all that quick, either in thought or in body, but Jason? Jason was fast. Almost as fast as Dick himself. The one thing Dick had to his advantage was his agility, and even that wasn't always enough.
That was why he hadn't been able to help the grin when he'd finally pinned Jason down, astride the other's waist, mind already working on how to keep him down. If he couldn't think of something fast, Jason was going to break free. Dick might be strong in his own right, but Jason was a goddamn wall of muscle; in a test of pure strength, Jason was going to win.
Okay. So count on him breaking free and use that to some advantage. Dick shifted, unable to help the grin as he tried to get his feet under him enough to be ready without sacrificing any of his hold on Jason. A tricky order, that, and one he didn't quite manage; when Jason bucked, Dick went flying.
He had managed to get some traction, but not enough to actually steer himself; the wall knocked the breath out of him long enough for Jason to be on his feet and against him. Not that he planned on surrendering just yet; it would take more than this for Dick Grayson to throw in the towel. This was half of why he enjoyed sparring Jason, after all; it kept him on his toes. Underestimating Jason Todd wasn't something anyone did more than once.
Dick braced himself against the wall, considering which angle to try for in his own attempt at escape. Going straight forward was just stupid, given he currently had a 6'4" wall of muscle blocking his path, but trying for an angle? That he could do. Just as soon as he found a good opening for it.
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clockwayswrites · 11 months
Ficleting Together Start:
cw: internalized abelism as issues with therapy and mental help, injury
Jason had an imaginary friend. He hadn't always. He wasn't like most children who had one when they were just learning to understand the world around them. He hadn't even had one on the streets when he was so desperately lonely for anyone to offer him kindness. No, Jason hadn't had one until he had become Robin— until he had become magic.
He didn't actually think his friend was so imaginary.
Bruce and Dick did, though. It was actually the first conversation that they had that didn’t end in shouting in months. Jason had listened to the whole thing through a vent on the other side of Bruce’s study. There were concerns of him regressing. Apparently it was something that could happen to traumatized— and fuck he hated that word, traumatized— children when they finally got somewhere safe.
Dick thought Jason would benefit from therapy. Worse, Bruce agreed. It turned out that went Jason took part in the shouting match it could be so much worse.
“I’m not crazy! I don’t need to see a fucking therapist!” Jason screamed.
He wasn’t helping his case, he knew that. But he wasn’t crazy! They couldn’t lock him up. He wasn’t crazy. It already felt like he was locked up. The study felt suddenly small. The lights too bright. The furniture too big. Bruce and Dick were too big.
“Jay-lad, that’s not what we’re saying,” Bruce tried.
“I’m not talking any pills!”
“No one is talking pills, Jay,” Dick said. He stepped forward, reaching a hand out.
It would be comforting. Jason knew that. Dick’s touch was always comforting.
He gave great hugs.
He wasn’t like—
Jason ran.
Jason bolted out of the room and past Alfred and out the door and into the woods that surrounded Wayne Manor. He ran past trees and shrubs and rocks that all looked the same. He ran until his legs were burning and he couldn’t catch his breath and—
The dirt, damp from the fall rainstorms gave under Jason’s feet. For a moment he was standing on nothing. It felt just like when Bruce had said that he had arranged a therapist for Jason. It felt like his world had fallen out from under him. And then Jason was falling, tumbling down the rock face that up the small hillside that Jason had been running along.
He screamed as something in his leg snapped, the noise was cut short as his head bounced against the rock and snapped his jaw closed. Even when he stopped rolling, the world swam around him. Jason closed his eyes and tried to stop himself from hurling. It was close. Jason lost time counting his breaths through the pain.
And then they were there.
Jason knew it, he always knew it.
It’s why he didn’t think they were imaginary.
He couldn’t help the sob that ripped from his throat as he felt their presence settle against his side. “I’m not crazy. You’re real. I know you are.”
Jason didn’t hear their response. It wasn’t like they spoke. But Jason could feel their response: a rumble of reassurance, a bubble of wry humor that Jason didn’t understand, and an undercurrent of worry.
“I’ll be okay,” Jason said. It had started to get dark. When had it started to get dark? “I’ll be okay.”
A cold sensation pressed against his brow.
He could close his eyes for a little longer.
He’d be okay.
“Jason! Oh god, Jason. Bruce! It’s over here! Please be alive.”
Jason whined as hand touched his neck.
Murmured Romani filled Jason’s ears as his world went black.
The voted prompts were Danny/Jason, soulmates/bond, Eldritch. This isn't going where I thought it would, but that's the fun of it! I might just tack all the parts onto this thread an not do an update thread since this shouldn't be too long (famous last words) but we'll see. I have at least two scenes that I know I want to do.
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writeroutoftime · 7 months
pawns in your game
pairing: cassian x fem!reader
summary: when you get injured working a job with rhys, your mate - worried for your safety - loses it and finally lets go of his pent up anger
warnings: angst, injury towards reader, cass getting angry at rhys and also rhys kinda being a dick (look I have a lot of thoughts of conversations that never happened in acosf lol - I just hope this isn't horribly ooc)
words: 1.3k
a/n: first cassian fic! honestly, I know I said I'm in love with rhys, but it's the same for cass and az - so this one is for my fellow cassian people! wasn't sure how to wrap this up, so I left it open for a part 2. let me know if anyone is interested and/or has any ideas? but either way, please enjoy!! (also, if you could let me know what you think because I'm so nervous about posting this!)
tagging @captainsophiestark as requested! (hope you're having a lovely day!)
"Cassian, I need you to visit Windhaven and deal with Devlon. I'm getting reports of unrest, and I want this handled before it becomes a problem." Rhys commanded, not looking up from the papers on his desk.
Standing at attention, Cass nodded his head once, sharply. "Of course. I will go and pack, so that y/n and I may leave before the sun sets." He moved to exit the room, holding his hand out for you, but was quickly stopped before either of you got too far.
"Actually, y/n, I need you to accompany me." Rhys interrupted, directing his attention to you.
Your jaw dropped, caught off guard, and you hurried to school your features. It was not that you had to be paired with Cassian for all missions, but it had been that way for at least a century now since your mating ceremony. It served as peace of mind to you and Cass, and usually meant your missions were more successful compared to when you were separated. Surely, Rhys understood that.
"We will be leaving for the Spring Court in the morning, and I need my most trusted courtier with me."
Shock ran through your body, but you nodded your head regardless. It must be a serious matter, for you had not visited the Spring Court in many months. However, you instantly felt a sharp tug of your mating bond followed by waves of anger that poured off of Cassian.
"Spring Court?" he ground out, fists clenched at his side. "Why must you travel to the Spring Court? I thought we put that behind us?"
"Because I have official business to conduct with Tamlin that supersedes our personal desires. And I need the Night Court's courtier present for." Rhys snapped back.
You sent a soothing message down the bond, trying to calm Cass' anger you felt growing with each second that passed. "Cass, it's alright. Both of us will be fine."
"No. Rhys, you know what happened the last time any of us stepped foot there. You really want to risk it? Can't you send anyone else to go? Lucien, Mor, Feyre?"
Now it was Rhys' turn to growl. "Watch it, Cassian. I've told y/n she will accompany to Spring and that's enough."
"But can't you just-"
"I said that's enough!" Rhys shouted, his eyes darkened dangerously as the thread of his patience snapped. "I am your High Lord, and you will not push back against what I command."
A tension so thick that it threatened to choke you immediately filled the room. You kept your eyes locked on the ground, but you didn't have to look to know Cass wore a mask of despair on his face. It had been decades since Rhys had lost his temper like that.
Cassian merely bowed his head in mock respect before dragging you from the room. He did not speak for the next hour, only doing so to whisper his love and goodbye to you, before flying to Windhaven, not saying another word to Rhys.
The next day found yourself in the ruins of the Spring Court. What once was a beautiful court that thrived for all its citizens now lay dilapidated and lonely, a reflection of the court's high lord's own feelings. It had rattled your nerves to set foot on Tamlin's territory considering the rocky history between the Spring and Night courts, but you would not leave Rhys' side.
Now, you were utterly exhausted from mediating with two, stubborn males all day; only for no new development to transpire, meaning you simply wasted a day away from your own court and your mate. Your only relief came from the swift exit Rhys insisted on, making sure you would arrive home before the sun set.
Yet, the tension from the previous day lingered as you and Rhys traveled to the border to be able to winnow out. But as you both walked in silence, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. Like someone, or something was watching you. Before you could communicate any of this to Rhys, you caught a solider out of the corner of your eye with an arrow notched and aimed at your high lord.
"Look out!" you shouted. With such little warning, you knew Rhys wouldn't be able to deflect the arrow on his own. And with a rush of adrenaline, you pushed your body to reach Rhys.
Mere seconds before the arrow could lodge itself in its initial target, your body collided with Rhys', knocking him out of the way and safely to the ground. Instead, the arrow lodged itself deep in your shoulder, burning like a thousand fires. You let out a guttural scream, immediately dropping to the ground. 
Being part of the Inner Circle - the Court of Dreams - meant you were no stranger to pain, but this was unlike anything you ever thought existed. Very briefly, you recognized that Rhys had neutralized the threat and now hovered over your body. 
His face was contorted in pain and tears clouded his eyes. He moved to pull the arrow from your body, but halted the moment he touched it. Your scream reverberated in the stone courtyard. 
"y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he cried, never seeing you like this. Quickly, Rhys gathered you in his arms and winnowed back to Velaris and directly into the med wing. He prayed Madja could mend the wounds, and he blanched at the thought of Cassian discovering the events that had played out. 
Meanwhile, in the Windhaven camp, Cassian was meeting with a handful of males, attempting to negotiate peace. His focus wavered, however, as a blinding wave of agony struck his heart through his bond. He froze on the spot, his heart stopped pumping blood. While on a mission, the two of you had agreed to keep the bond closed - for safety reasons. The fact that he could feel this immense pain, meant something very wrong had occurred. 
"I-I have to go." Cassian mumbled, not bothering to offer any more explanation to the Illyrians - consequences be damned.
Immediately, he took to the skies and started the flight back to Velaris. The already long flight felt like it took an eternity. The wind strung at Cassian's cheeks as he soared, but the pain didn't register like the way the bond sung in pain.
Finally, Cass could see River House in his site, and when he finally entered the house, he was met with the site of his family huddled together in the sitting room. All eyes turned his way, a mixture of pity and concern as they looked at him. 
"What happened? Where is y/n?" he demanded, fully stepping into his role as Lord of Bloodshed, eyes darkened and wings drawn out menacingly.
Before anyone could answer, another scream could be heard from the halls. Cassian's knees buckled, and he would have fallen to the floor if Azriel hadn't been standing by. Rhys blocked his path, unable to meet his brother's eye.
"She was attacked, brother. We were ambushed while visiting the Spring Court." Rhys whispered.
"And they attacked her?" Cass questioned, though he knew deep down that wasn't the case. When Rhys, or anyone else for that matter, refused to speak, Cassian growled. "What happened?"
Unable to speak, Rhysand gently scraped against Cassian's mental shields and projected to him the whole truth of what had happened at the Spring Court; the ambush, you pushing yourself into harm's way for the sake of Rhys, and the pain you felt from the moment the arrow struck your body.
As Rhys withdrew himself from his brother's mind, Cass drew, deep rugged breaths. The silence in the room was so thick it felt suffocating, but no one dared to move or speak first. However, instead of speaking, Cass pushed past everyone and demanded his way into your room to be by your side.
One look at your crumpled form, sent Cassian to his knees by your bedside. He reached out, hesitantly, to grasp your hand in his and allowed the tears to fall. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." he mumbled.
Madja made herself known from the corner, approaching Cass the way one would a frightened animal. "The arrow she was shot with was laced with a terrible poison - much worse than faebane. I've done my best, but some of the poison already made it to her system."
"When will she wake up?" Cass asked, not allowing the possibility of you never waking to cross his lips.
The healer sighed deeply, looking over the famed general, now brought to his knees at the sight of his mate fighting for her life. "Only the Cauldron and Mother know. It will be up to y/n to bring herself back from the brink." Madja spoke slowly.
With a final, soothing touch to Cass's shoulder, Madja made her exit. Now off to deliver the same news to the rest of your waiting family.
"Please don't leave me. Y-you can't leave me." Cass whispered, clutching your hand. "I'm here with you every step of the way." he vowed.
And that was how it continued for the next four days as your body continued to try and heal itself from the inside out. Cass refused to move from the chair he had dragged to sit by your bed. Unwilling to leave your side for even a moment.
The rest of his family took turns sitting with you and Cass, bringing him meals, forcing him to at least take a bite. He knew that everyone else was suffering as well from your situation, but it felt like his heart was being torn apart, bit by bit, with each hour that passed and you still remained asleep.
He wasn't stupid. He knew the longer you went without improvement, the less likely it became you would heal. Cass heard the hushed conversations Mor and Azriel held outside your door, discussing what to do should the worst happen, Cauldron forbid.
It was on that fourth day that Cassian reached a tipping point. He heard the door creak open behind him, imagining it was Amren who would be sitting with him, based on the previous days' schedule.
What Cass had not anticipated was to see his High Lord approach the bed and pull a chair up on the opposite side of your bed. It was obvious to see the prominent dark circles that overtook Rhys's normally bright face, and the way his body and seemingly sunk into itself. But Cass could not bring himself to care for his brother's guilt or be the first to utter a word.
With a wave of his hand, Rhys summoned a tray of food for Cassian, and only sighed when he rejected the peace offering. Finally, Rhys found a sliver of courage and was the first to break the silence.
"Madja has yet to make headway on identifying the poison y/n was hit with, but she is not giving up. None of us are." he offered, unsure of how to breach the subject.
Rhysand could only imagine what Cassian was experiencing. The pain of losing Feyre had been so immense, but in a twisted sense, at least it had been quick. A blink of an eye and she was gone. Rhys didn't think he would have been strong enough to sit vigil, feeling her fade through the bond with each passing minute.
"Stop looking at me like she's already gone." Cass growled, eyes darkening towards Rhys.
"Brother, I only want to help her, and to support you."
"I think you've done quite enough. It's your fault she's even in this position to begin with." he spat, enjoying the way that Rhys flinched at his words.
"Now that's not fair, Cassian." Rhys tried to counter. "I never asked her to that for me."
Cass could only scoff at the High Lord's response. "Of course, you didn't have to ask. You're the fucking High Lord, of course she was going to risk her life for you. Isn't that we all do here?"
"All of you, y/n including, knew what you were getting into, what the dangers were, when you swore allegiance to my court. You don't get to throw that back on me. You think this doesn't hurt me just as it hurts you?"
"No, it fucking doesn't!" Cassian screamed, his blood boiling at this point. "Because you use us like your puppets to protect you and your mate-"
"Careful how you continue, Cassian." Rhysand warned, not caring for slander against his mate, even in Cass's state of grief.
"Ever since this "death bargain" you and Feyre struck, it's like the rest of us don't matter. All we do is making sure your asses aren't killed because Cauldron forbid the saviors of Prythian are stolen from us." Cassian blazed on. "Yes, you've lost your mate before, Rhys, but she came back to you, and you to her.
"Who will remake y/n if she can't fight this? You and your High Lady are so far up on your pedestal that you don't know what it's like for the rest of us. Yes, we understood what our duties would entail, but that doesn't mean we have to continue to stand for this." Cassian spat, finally allowing years of pent-up fear and anger to spill over.
With one last, murderous, glare, Cassian turned his back on Rhysand, letting his words ring out for all in the House to hear. His wings stretched out behind him, hiding both you and he from Rhys, the Night Court, and the rest of the world. If it was to only be the two of you against everyone else from that point on, so be it.
part 2
a/n: part 2?
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lurkingshan · 4 months
10 Things I Love About Triage
I am extraordinarily late to this party but I am here to scream about Triage, a show which I started on a whim after a stray comment from @incandescentflower and subsequently finished in two sittings. This drama has been on my list forever (I didn't watch it live because the distribution was wacky) and then it just kept getting overlooked as I fought to keep up with the deluge of Thai BL coming at us at all times. But I am very glad I finally hunted it down and made the time and I would like to tell you why!
Hello Again, Dr. Sammon
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I am on record as a Sammon fan. She is one of the best writers working in Thai BL and she has a knack for mystery and suspense. Her narratives are always really well constructed with tight plotting and smart character work, and Triage is no exception. This story feels confident, steady, and complete in a way few Thai BLs do.
The time travel rules are blessedly consistent
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Part of what makes the story sing is it's a time travel plot that actually gets the particulars right. In a time loop, the details are everything, and this show understands that. The series of events are consistent, the rules of the time travel mechanics are clearly explained, and when our protagonists learn something new, it always lines up with something we'd gotten hints about before or gives us new context for old information. There are no loose threads in this show.
My boy Tin is going through it
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Tin is a fantastic protagonist. He starts the show disillusioned with his work and hilariously grumpy about this time loop situation--he is a busy ER doctor and he does not have time for this--but as he starts to piece together how the loop works he gets more methodical in his approach, and eventually becomes emotionally invested in his mission to save Tol. Tin felt really well-calibrated in that he was smart and he tried all the things you would be shouting at the screen for him to try, but he's still a human being with flaws and insecurities and so he makes mistakes, learns, and has to try again. The show really successfully put us in the frustration with him.
Tol makes for an interesting damsel
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Because he's kind of an asshole! Tol is rude and disrespectful when he first meets Tin, he hangs around with some truly awful bullies, he treats Rit like garbage, and he's all around an arrogant dick. Until he isn't. I like the choice to make the focus of our mission such a difficult character, not only because it makes Tin's challenge that much harder, but also because it invites us to consider the reasons why someone might be behaving the way he is and whether they can be redeemed.
This show has everything: action, romance, and agony
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It's truly an emotional rollercoaster all the way through, and you can't relax for a moment. The pacing is relentless through most of the show, and even as a bond develops between Tin and Tol and they begin a tentative romance, danger is lurking around every corner. As soon as these boys started making out in episode 9 I knew something awful was coming for me and IT SURE DID.
Jinta, the ultimate frenemy
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On that note let's talk about Jinta, my nemesis!! Jinta is some kind of unspecified deity/whimsical god and the one who appears to be responsible for putting Tin and Tol in this loop. Is he trying to help them? Is he trying to torture them? I definitely think it's both! He seems to delight in showing up to taunt Tin as he struggles to figure out how to get through to Tol, and when it's Tol's turn on the merry-go-round he sends him to the darkest timeline for his high stakes final attempt to save Tin just because he can. I love/hate you, sir!
Sing and Gap and the darkest timeline
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Speaking of which, can we talk about how appropriate it is that Sing and Gap are a couple only in the darkest timeline? I don't know if people were shipping this for real during the live watch, but I definitely was not and so I started cackling when we got to the worst possible timeline and Sing was suddenly calling Gap his boyfriend. Sammon, you are hilarious and I salute you.
Fantastic side characters
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Let's talk about the sides I did love. First of all, aside from his weird aggressive flirting/not flirting thing with Gap, I actually did like Sing's friendship with Tin a lot. I also loved the hospital gang who were around to alternately tease and help Tin, most especially Toy and Fang. Toy is a sweetheart and a gossip who never misses a trick, and Fang is an actual badass who first cracked the case with that evil doctor and saved Tin's life. They are fabulous. Rit was also an excellent character with a lot of complexity and he added some much needed depth to the school storyline (does anyone else think he was basically the proto-DFF Non?). And while Mai and Heart were not my favorite people, I did appreciate that the show gave them a sympathetic portrayal instead of making them evil villains (we had the organ harvesters for that).
That beautiful clocktower
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I must give a shoutout to this gorgeous clocktower featured in several important scenes. I got so excited every time it showed up. Fun fact: in the first clocktower scene I was like oh hey I recognize that from gifs, but it can't be that scene because it's too early for a kis--TIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING! (I was right, it was too early for a kiss and Tol was Big Mad but bless you for going for it anyway, Tin).
The romance is balanced and rootable
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And on that note, let me give a shoutout to the romance part of this story for actually feeling balanced. This is not an epic swoony love affair, but more a story of two people putting in the time to understand and empathize with each other. Sometimes in these kind of time loop stories the romance can end up feeling very one-sided because one character is holding all the knowledge and all the cards. But in this show we have the neat trick of Tol taking over the loop to try to save Tin in the final arc, which means he got to go through a similar process of getting to know the darkest version of his lover and figuring out how to get through to him. I was delighted by all the events of the long loop playing out again, but this time with Tin being the obstinate one. Tol got a taste of his own medicine and it left me feeling like they were both equally invested in this relationship.
TL;DR: If you haven't watched this yet, you really should! It's a fast binge and a great time with some Thai BL favorites. It's unfortunately still not available for international streaming, but it's very easy to find grey now and it's worth the effort. Go forth!
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defensepunk · 1 year
Get On Your Knees
A D/s bullet fic w/ sub!Miguel O'Hara and maledom!Reader
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Minors please DNI with this post!
Content Includes: D/s with sub!Miguel and Dom!Reader. Both are cis men. Includes oral sex (reader receiving), cockwarming (reader receiving), praise/degradation, dumbification, dacryphilia, dick stepping (reader giving), pet play if you squint
Buckle up, y'all. This one gets long.
Your first meeting was a disaster. Miguel had never considered the idea of being a submissive, but you clocked his potential for it as soon as you stepped into the room. Looking back you laugh at how he reacted
Poor boy never stood a chance. He tried so hard to be commanding at first, but there was just something about your tone, the way you carried yourself, that made him desperate for something he didn't have the words for
From then on it was a game of cat and mouse that was obvious to pretty much everyone except Miguel. You would tease him, sure, but as you continued to spend time together you started to use your Dom persona to get him to take care of himself more and more. Your bond with each other deepened
It was a late night at the Spider Society HQ when it happened. Miguel was at his wit's end: tired, frustrated, frazzled. You were the only one who dared go near him. It was a long shot, and it may completely ruin your budding friendship, but you knew Miguel needed something only you could give him
(Very long so I put the rest under the cut!)
A gentle hand on his back made him startle, only to minutely relax when he realized it was you. It looked like you had your work cut out for you
"I'm fine. What are you doing here?" came Miguel's response to your unasked question.
"I'm here because you're not fine and you know it." Your hand started to gently caress the tense muscles of his back. He still hadn't looked at you.
"Let me take care of you, Miguel. Please. Let me help." and what the hell was he supposed to say to that when you were all he had been able to think about for weeks?
When Miguel finally turned to look at you, it was like a gentle thaw after a harsh winter. He looked vulnerable. He looked wrecked, and you hadn't even done anything yet
"Please.." came his whispered, almost shameful response. He wasn't even sure what he was asking for at this point, but if it involved your hands on him he would have done anything you said.
The moment your lips pressed to his he fell apart. Small whines and moans escaped through the wet slide of your mouths, and he felt like a starving man
You weren't faring much better. You had fallen completely head over heels for Miguel O'Hara, and all you wanted was to take care of him and make him come undone for you
"Baby, would you get on your knees for me?" You asked him once your kiss had ended, but both of you knew it wasn't really a question; it was an order.
Miguel sank to the floor with a soft groan of relief. He didn't need to think about anything right now. All he needed to do was obey the sound of your voice and the feel of your hands on his skin
You sat down in the chair that Miguel usually frequented, spreading your legs and exposing the prominent bulge of your cock through your pants. Miguel felt himself start to salivate at the thought of your cock inside his mouth, fucking his throat until he lost his voice entirely
"Aw," you mocked sweetly, "you want a taste, puppy?" The nickname had Miguel's cock hard and leaking in his suit, and he found himself spiraling out of control in the best way possible. Frantically, he nodded, mouth opening in a silent plea, and really, how could you refuse that?
The tip of your cock sliding inside of his mouth made both of you groan in blissful satisfaction. Miguel knew already that he was going to be addicted to this: to your taste, the feel of you in his mouth, your hand threading through his hair with a gentle, yet firm grip
"Beautiful boy, fuck, Miguel," your voice was so much deeper when you were getting your cock sucked, and it made Miguel throb in his suit
You used the grip you had on his hair to slide him deeper onto your cock, fist tightening minutely whenever Miguel let out a little noise that vibrated up your spine. And then you simply.. kept him there
Miguel was so confused, cock drunk and hazy. Why wouldn't you let him move? He wanted to be good for you, but he couldn't do that if he couldn't suck you off properly. Him gazing up at you with tears in his eyes and your cock stretching his mouth had to be the most beautiful, arousing image you had ever seen in your life
"Shh, baby," you soothed, "Just want you to stay still for a bit. Can you do that for me? Relax for me for a little bit?" you said with so much affection and implicit authority that Miguel could only moan around your length in his mouth in immediate agreement.
Time became a distant and irrelevant concept for the two of you, Miguel's mind slipping into subspace, tension finally bleeding out of him the way you set out to do in the first place
Eventually Miguel's neediness began to get the better of him and he began to not so subtly work his tongue around your cock, trying to get a reaction out of you
And you may have had near endless self control, but you were only a man, and feeling Miguel O'Hara's tongue trace along the veins in your cock was your final straw
The gentle stroking of Miguel's hair turned into a vice grip, tight enough for fresh tears to spring to his eyes that threatened to fall as you placed a booted foot on his aching cock, still covered by his suit
"C'mon, puppy, didn't you know what would happen if you teased me? Did you realize that dumb little teases like you get their faces fucked?" Your voice was sickeningly sweet, saccharine and degrading and it was everything Miguel needed to hear as his eyes crossed at the feeling of your boot pressing against his leaking dick
Everything was so much, so perfectly overwhelming that Miguel's only coherent thought was more. Moaning obscenely around your cock, he tried his best to convey his contentment at the humiliating position he found himself in
You decided that the time for softness was over. Using both your grip on Miguel's hair and the boot stepping on his cock you fucked his face with no mercy while putting increasing pressure on his cock
Miguel was in heaven. He was openly sobbing and whining around your cock with abandon now, uncaring of how pathetic he must have looked.
"Silly little puppy, just look at you drooling around my cock. Just absolutely fucked dumb; although, it's not like there was a lot of brainpower to get rid of, huh? This is all you've been able to think about since you met me, am I right?"
The words went straight through Miguel, who sobbed and whined through his orgasm, then just whines and little gasps escaped him as you didn't stop, you just kept grinding your boot on his cock and fucking into his throat to the point of pure overstimulation
"'M gonna cum down your throat, alright sweetheart? I want you to swallow all of what I give you like a good little slut" you were moaning yourself; Miguel's mouth felt like heaven around you, and you wanted so bad to keep him like this for as long as you possibly could, possibly forever
A broken, garbled wail escaped from Miguel, tears and saliva and precum covering his face. His thoughts were a mess; he was so fully in subspace, so close to a second orgasm that his vision was fuzzy. He needed your cum down his throat more than he needed air to breathe
Your orgasm shot through you as you slammed deep into Miguel's throat, pumping cum into his waiting, eager mouth. Finally, you removed your boot from his cock, noticing distantly that he had cum again from the sensation of your semen in his throat
As soon as you had caught your breath you started on aftercare. You managed to use your watch to take Miguel back to your home, stripping him down and cleaning him as gently as you could manage
Miguel was completely out of it, fully in subspace, all worries gone from his mind, so he let you manhandle him and secretly enjoyed it as you tucked him into bed with you and maneuvered him into being the little spoon
Eventually he came back to reality, but when he tried to speak even you made a face at how absolutely fucked his voice was. There was no way to hide this from the Spider Society, and the thought sent a shiver up his spine despite how inconvenient he knew it would be
"Worrying already? I guess I didn't do a good enough job then" you teased, not unkindly. Miguel flushed as he remembered his behavior from just an hour prior. You shushed him gently when he opened his mouth to speak
"Save your voice, darling. I already know"
And Miguel found it in himself to snuggle closer into your chest, close his eyes, and let himself be held
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33max · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone that participated, we managed to bring twenty two wonderful pieces of fic/art into the world!
Please show the authors/artists some love for all of their efforts, comments and kudos make everyone’s day ♥️
All you need is love and some cats by Astron03
“I think Teddy is finally getting used to the flat.”
One sentences was enough to completely break Daniel's world.
A story of misunderstandings and some olympic level jumping to conclusions.
Comfortable in chaos by winhighmaintenancemachines
Max and Lewis know the terms that they both deal in, the choices they make every day. Their whole world is walking on a spider’s thread.
Or, the NICU doctor/nurse au.
De Sebly (Part 2) by @miesgaga
Most people only meet one soulmate goose with a connection to them. Soulmates were sometimes romantic and sometimes platonic. Family bonds happen too, but those were rare.
Max met his goose, fell in love and felt like his life couldn't get better.
This is not that story.
Max meets his second goose, this is that story.
GBB Server Exchange by anangelwillfly
Headspins by @albertparks
“I do have feelings for someone else though.” Max’s comment breaks Daniel from his thoughts. “I broke up with her because of it.”
Daniel’s gobsmacked at first, before saying, “Who is she, Maxy?”
It’s a poor attempt at a joke, but now it’s his turn to be nosey, to put his beak in business that isn’t his. Max has never been single for long, he can’t imagine now would be any different.
Except Max says, “It’s a man. And it doesn’t matter.”
I don’t get much sleep most nights (I’m seeing you in every dream) by @enjoythebutterflies
In the real world, Max is well-versed in breaking more than just records.
The one where Max and Daniel dream.
in paper rings by @thewindowatkirkland
"Maxy I would fly to Vegas with you tomorrow and pay some guy dressed as Elvis to marry us. I don't care about any of this crap, I don’t care about anything other than you being happy and us being married. I thought you wanted all this, but if you don’t, then fuck it all."
And Max just has to kiss him, hard and fast and certain before he says "okay, let's fucking do it. Let's go, tomorrow. just me and you and a fake Elvis."
OR: after a ten year engagement and with an extravagant wedding all planned out, they decide to elope to vegas instead.
It was written in the stars, but you erased it by @formula-maxiel
Max was twelve when his father had his soul mark removed. He had no idea how much anguish it would cause him.
Let me guide you by @waddlingpenguin
Max learns something about himself.
Daniel is more than happy to indulge.
listen to the slow parts by winhighmaintenancemachines
Neither Max or Daniel are the one to find the baby. That honor belongs to Christian, and Christian alone.
lock it up by @33max
Max is in their bed frantically humping a pillow that he’s folded in half. He’s shoved his little dick into the crease of it and he’s rabbiting his hips, he’s not got the equipment to properly thrust – if he pulled his hips back too far his cock would slip out of the fold.
the meaning of a flower by @meecamille
silly cute fluffy stuff led me to flowershop and hopeless romantic boys.
of angels and demons by @shitferraristrategy
Daniel loves to corrupt his little angel~ <3
platinum trophy by togenkyo
Fame, fortune, fortitude: For the man who has everything, what's left?
postcards from the past by @thatsapodium
I’ll send you another postcard soon. Miss you, love Max
A selection of postcards from the time Max backpacks across Australia.
Punch it! by @stardust-speedway6
An animatic of Lando and Max.
Max admonishes a punching bag.
Static by @chaoticzoomies
Walking into the Red Bull garage that Friday something felt off but Max couldn't put his finger on it. It wasn't necessarily a bad feeling but just slightly off kilter, like someone had shifted things a few centimetres to the left. As he rounded the corner to the operations desk it clicked.
stay in for the summer (it's quiet, i'm trying) by @33and3
Take me to the Water by @fricative-pharyngiale
Still, he yearned for more, for everything Daniel could give him and then the rest too, his greediness all-consuming until it was all he could feel. He wanted to be the muse of every song Daniel wrote, so that they would be immortalised together. He wanted to take his poet to the river and drown him in his waters, keeping him close forever. He wanted to let his body liquefy so Daniel could drink him entirely, not a single drop left behind. He wanted to drain him of his blood and replace it with water from his river so they’d be the same, always.
A series of vignettes about nymph Max and his poet
The Tale of Max Verstappen by @danielfuckingricciardo
During the summer break, Max and Daniel take a trip to the Lake District to spend some time together alone.
When Max suggests they visit the Beatrix Potter museum, Daniel is only happy to take him on a date and treat him to a gift.
until I hear it from you by @fourmula1
DeuxMoi (also stylized Deuxmoi or @/deuxmoi) is a pseudonymous Instagram account which publishes celebrity gossip.
with the right amount of sugar by flyingkageyama
Max only wanted to find solace in one of the coffee shops he knew was a few miles away from campus, he didn’t expect one of the employees with a crappy drawing of a honey badger on his name tag to come try and get him to talk about his problems.
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depressedhouseplant · 7 months
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 69 🔞
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Prompt: Yoongi is a total cockslut and his boyfriend indulges him
Tags: Unprotected sex, rimming, Taehyung is traumatized, hair pulling
A/N: Full disclosure - this is actually a repost of a repost. It started as a thread on Twitter, then I transferred it to AO3, & now it’s here with some editing from the original. You’ll see today’s 100 words somewhere else 😏
Usually they’ll be in bed and Yoongi will wake up from a nap. Jin was reading in bed while Yoongi was napping. Half asleep, Yoongi reached over and started pawing at Jin’s pants.
“It’s that time is it?” Jin asked, looking down at him over the top of his book.
“Mmhmm,” Yoongi noised, wrestling with the button on Jin’s jeans. He finally picked up his head and got Jin’s pants open. Jin lifted his hips so Yoongi could pull down his pants & underwear. Jin went back to his book while Yoongi worked him to hardness.
“Missed this,” he mumbled, still not quite awake.
“All yours again,” Jin smiled at him before turning the page. When Jin was completely hard, Yoongi grabbed the lube and doused Jin’s cock. One time they all got drunk and had a literal dick comparing contest. Yoongi was quite smug when his boyfriend won by a long shot.
Yoongi pulled off his sweats and underwear. He reached back to open himself up, but not much. He loved how Jin stretches him. Once the initial burn passed of course.
Yoongi lowered himself onto Jin’s cock, moaning loudly as he quickly bottomed out. Jin smiled to himself, but didn’t look up.
“So full,” Yoongi moaned.
“Happy?” Jin asked, rubbing Yoongi’s side.
“Uh huh,” Yoongi dropped his head back, pushing his hands against Jin’s hips.
“Enjoy yourself, babe,” the older man told him even though Yoongi didn’t really need permission. He started grinding on his boyfriend’s cock making no effort to stay quiet. They’d been apart for almost a month and Yoongi missed their routine. They’d been together long enough that Jin hardly even noticed anymore. He’d periodically hum or rub Yoongi’s side, but mostly left Yoongi to enjoy Jin’s cock as he pleased. They both know when Yoongi actually wanted sex and not just to ride Jin. After a month of not seeing each other, the couple is well aware that Yoongi’s cock slut side will dominate for at least a week.
“Fuck, Jinnie. I missed this so much. That dildo you gave me wasn’t the same,” Yoongi whined.
“I’m sorry, love. I tried. I even measured for you,” Jin told him.
“I guess I just...need you,” he grunted as he started to bounce on Jin’s dick.
“Nice to know you’re gonna keep me around,” the older man grinned.
“A-always,” Yoongi breathed, leaning closer into Jin’s chest. Then someone knocked on the door.
“Yeah?” Jin called.
“It’s me. Are you watching porn in there?” Taehyung asked through the door.
“Nope, no porn,” Jin replies. Tae opened the door to the sight of Jin sitting on the bed with his pants partially pulled down and Yoongi naked from the waist down bouncing on Jin’s cock.
“Holy fuck, Seokjin! You could’ve told me you’re having sex!” Taehyung turned his head.
“Eh, not really,” Jin shrugged. “What did you need?” Jin put his book down and Yoongi was pressed against his chest, moaning and whining.
“I don’t remember now,” Taehyung said.
“You should try this sometime. It’s a great way to bond as a couple,” Jin said.
“By having someone walk in on you?!” Tae still hadn’t totally processed what he’s half seeing and definitely hearing. Jesus, Yoongi’s loud.
“Ever have Jimin just ride you until he comes?” Jin asked.
“No! We have sex! Like normal people!” Taehyung protested.
“Something you might want to consider,” Jin put his hand on Yoongi’s back as he rode him even harder. “I’m sure Yoon would agree with me if he wasn’t so preoccupied.”
“I...you...bye,” Taehyung closed the door without another word.
“Only trying to help,” Jin said, mostly to himself. “You close?”
“S-soon,” Yoongi grunted into Jin’s neck.
“Okay,” Jin replied. He picked his book up and started to read over Yoongi’s shoulder. When he felt Yoongi start to shudder around his cock, Jin put the book back down and moved Yoongi just enough so he can take off his shirt. It only took once for him to learn he didn’t like getting come on his shirt. Yoongi circled his arms around Jin’s neck. As Jin rested his hands on Yoongi’s lower back, the younger man came in a fit of keening and bucking - his cock smacking against Jin’s stomach. He came for what seems like forever, but likely just the product of a month of pent up orgasms. Yoongi slumped against Jin when he finished, ignoring the sticky come on both of them.
“Staying,” he muttered into Jin’s neck.
“That’s fine,” Jin replied. He’s still hard and nowhere near coming. Yoongi will fall back asleep for a bit, still on Jin’s cock. Then he’ll wake up and shamelessly abuse the older’s impressive dick again. Jin thought how much he missed it too as he felt Yoongi lull into sleep. Nothing could replace the feeling of his completely sated boyfriend asleep on his chest and a good book.
Yoongi stirred against Jin’s chest. He’d gotten off twice since Taehyung walked in on them earlier. Jin was still chuckling to himself about that.
“Ready for another round?” Jin asked, ruffling Yoongi’s hair. The younger man gives him a sloppy, lazy kiss.
“Sex,” he whined a little.
“So you actually want me to fuck you now?” Jin laughed.
“Please,” he rubbed his nose against Jin’s.
“How should I take you? From behind? On your back? I definitely think you’ve ridden me enough,” the older man kissed him.
“From behind. I always feel so dirty spread open for you like that,” Yoongi replied.
“And I love seeing you spread open for me like that. Nice and wide for me. Ready to ruin you,” Jin put his hands on Yoongi’s hips.
“Fucking ruin me, Jinnie. Please,” he whined.
“Up you go, baby,” Jin guided Yoongi off his cock. It’s a little sore from being ridden hard for several hours, but that won’t stop him. Jin got a raging case of blue balls after the third time Yoongi came.
Yoongi rolled over on his stomach and stuck his ass in the air, practically presenting to Jin. The older man couldn’t resist.
He mouthed at one of Yoongi’s perky asscheeks and ran his fingers around the rim. Yoongi whimpered. Jin pressed gently without actually entering him.
“Jinnie...not fair,” Yoongi whined.
“What’s not fair, baby?” the older man picked up his head and rested his chin on Yoongi’s ass, still teasing his hole.
“You’re teasing,” Yoongi pouted.
“I think I’m allowed a little teasing. You’ve come 3 times and I haven’t come at all,” Jin massaged the other cheek. Yoongi whined in protest, but didn’t move. Jin grazed his teeth across the perfect white skin of his boyfriend’s ass. Jin wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s thighs and dipped the tip of his tongue into the younger’s pulsing hole.
“Fuck Jinnie!” he gasped. Jin giggled against his rim causing Yoongi to squirm. He pressed his tongue in further, holding Yoongi in place. Yoongi loved it when Jin used his tongue. After being apart for a month, Jin can practically feel Yoongi falling apart. He picked up his head and kissed Yoongi’s lower back.
“Why’d you stop?” Yoongi panted.
“Because it’s not time for you to finish yet, baby,” Jin sat up on his knees and put fresh lube on his rock hard cock. He knew he wouldn’t last long, but he was determined to try. Yoongi whined loudly at the empty feeling. Jin didn’t make him wait long as he thrust hard into him. Yoongi grunted and slid forward on the bed.
“Better, baby?” Jin asked, weaving his fingers in his boyfriend’s hair.
“Yeah,” he panted. Jin pulled him up onto all fours and began pounding into him. Yoongi was loose from sitting on him all afternoon, but it still felt good to be inside him. It still felt good to feel him contract around his cock as he struggled to keep his breath.
“Jinnie, Jinnie, please,” Yoongi whimpered.
“What, baby?” the older man asked, still holding on to Yoongi’s hair.
“Harder,” tears were starting to roll down the younger man’s cheeks. Jin tightened his grip in Yoongi’s hair and pulled his head back.
“Since you said please,” he replied, placing his other hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. He began to ram his cock into the smaller man, completely manhandling him. Yoongi moaned and whined giving no thought to the other five residents of the house. Jin saw Yoongi start to claw at the sheets.
“You ready to come for me, baby?” his voice was deep with need, his own orgasm tickling between his legs.
“Yes, yes...” Yoongi whimpered. Jin slammed into him one, two more times then Yoongi came hard all over the sheets below him, shaking under Jin’s grip. In spite of his best efforts, Yoongi’s orgasm tipped Jin over the edge. He let go of the younger man’s hair and falls across his back, thrusting hard into him as he came with the force of a lost month. He buried his face between Yoongi’s shoulders gasping his name like it was his dying breaths. When they finished, Yoongi dropped down with Jin on his back.
“I missed this,” Yoongi said, already half asleep and fucked out.
“Me too,” Jin agreed as he played with Yoongi’s hair.
“I love you,” Yoongi says quietly.
“I love you too, baby,” Jin replied. “Sleep well.”
“You too,” Yoongi yawned.
And they fall asleep that way, not a care in the world.
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scoops-aboy86 · 8 months
Everyone in the Party makes a cameo in this one, because it's the holidays and over the holidays you spend time with the found family that you defeated an unspeakable evil with. ❤️
🔞 Seven Christmases pt. 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
The Byers-Hoppers (2569 words)
rated: T | cw: none | tags: chubby eddie, established relationship, weight gain, belly kink, stuffing, steve has a praise kink, fluff, they’re in love, robin/vickie, marijuana, chubby argyle, jargyle, argyle/jonathan/nancy, byler, button popping
When Eddie first came up with this Christmas plan, he’d thought it would feel good. All of his indulging ever since his near death and the recovery had suggested as much, and from the way Steve’s pupils had instantly blown wide at the initial suggestion… He’d been wrong, though. 
It feels fantastic. He’s so full, so fucking big that he’s aching with it, a dull throb that’s forged a direct connection between his tight, heavy belly and his dick. It’s an orgasm denied to him all fucking day, edging himself every time another meal comes to a close and he still has space for more. It’s a harness cinched tight around his middle and all down his legs, restraints that are leaving marks to trace over later in awe. Waiting for just the right thread or button to strain just enough that it finally gives, and it will fall away to reveal him in all his hedonistic glory, the luxury of excess spilling off his frame in every direction and stretch marks that he chose painted over the scars he didn’t. 
And he has to have more. He needs it. That’s his Christmas present to himself. 
Jonathan and Argyle are already loitering out front in the driveway when Steve pulls up, and Eddie rolls his window down with a chuckle. “You two wouldn’t happen to be lying in wait for us, would you?”
“Of course, bro,” Argyle says at the same time Jonathan shakes his head. “You dudes have the munchies express, what’s Christmas without that?”
Eddie fakes a swoon. “A man after my own heart. Look out, Stevie, you might have some competition for my affections here.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve throws the car in park and rests a hand on the keys in the ignition. “Roll up your window, snookums.”
Snookums, Eddie mouths exaggeratedly, but he fondly does as he’s told so Steve can cut the engine. When he opens his door, he doesn’t miss Jonathan’s glance and little nod at Steve—appreciation, or solidarity or whatever, as he stands in the driveway with an open bag of red and green tortilla chips angled Argyle’s way. 
Not that the Californian has Eddie beat in any category besides hair length, but he too has gotten heftier since settling in Hawkins. Which is nice, because… Eddie had, maybe, for about five seconds, gotten a little worried when he first heard through the Party grapevine that Jonathan came out as bi. It was one more thing the elder Byers boy and Steve had in common, and what if they bonded too much over that? But then Eddie met Argyle, clocked the way Jonathan always seemed to hover in his orbit, and just as quickly relaxed. He doesn’t pretend to understand whatever arrangement that still keeps Nancy in the equation too, but Jonathan and Steve really do have a lot in common. 
They smoke up quickly before heading inside, Eddie already munching on a handful of chips that Argyle graciously shared in return for the complimentary weed. He can feel Steve watching him—feels the way he crowds against him too on their way inside the house. 
It’s a good thing they’re at the back of the slight bottleneck at the front door, because Steve is practically grinding against his ass. God, if there’s one thing he never gets tired of in this life it’ll be the way he can drive his man wild just by following the whims of his appetite, indulging in the impulse for more. He’s not even hungry again yet, but the crunch is nice as he settles into his high. 
Because the turkey is still in the oven after a late start defrosting and the kids are practically vibrating, Eddie is able to relax into some light snacking while they do presents. The bowl of white chocolate-covered chex mix and M&Ms only needs to be refilled twice, and Steve sits close enough with an arm around him that he can provide some amount of subtle belly rubs, low at the curve of it where his hand is hidden from view by the arm of the couch. There’s a seemingly unending supply of hot apple cider that keeps turning up in his cup, refilled seemingly whenever he isn’t paying attention, which is amazing, but—
Eddie turns his head to rest his chin on Steve’s shoulder and murmurs “I gotta move” in Steve’s ear.
Steve glances at him. “Yeah?”
He nods and then gives a little pout. “Yeah. Bathroom… for real, this time. Just need a little help getting up.”
The molten flash in Steven’s hazel eyes and the answering grope at his side is compensation enough for the fact that getting up is the only help Eddie is going to get. He ends up on his feet after a few rocks back and forth and Steve helping support his weight for a second, and then he’s wading through the ocean of torn wrapping paper and discarded bows. 
Aside from Steve (whose heavy gaze seems to follow him out of the room), no one pays him much attention. The younger boys are crowded around the new d&d books they’ve received, deeply intent on devouring every scrap of information contained in the pages as soon as possible. El sits with a smiling Hopper in the center of a slowly rotating hurricane of colorful cardboard shapes, holding one as they both scan intently over the fitted-together edge pieces of a massive jigsaw puzzle. Max in her wheelchair is holding Erica’s new skateboard and giving rapidfire tips, tilting and twisting the board in demonstration while the younger Sinclair listens with complete and utter focus. Joyce, Murray, and Argyle are in the kitchen, Nancy curled up against Jonathan on the loveseat while she chats avidly with Robin and Vickie about college life. The entire scene is cozy and domestic… and Eddie has never had a big family, but that’s what it feels like. 
Maybe it’s the weed, but his Christmas spirit and goodwill towards his fellow humans is at an all-time high right now. 
As soon as the bathroom door closes behind him, he runs both hands experimentally down his front to feel the full extent of how swollen he currently is—very, and then some. His sweater is stretched as tight as it will go without pulling up. His fingers circle the dip of his belly button and slide lower, until they encounter a sliver of bare skin where his undershirt finally started coming untucked while he was struggling on from the couch. And his pants… Eddie bites his lip as he feels how the button is straining to hold on, gasps softly as he realizes that the zipper has already undone itself at some point when he wasn’t paying attention. His stomach sits heavy in his hands wherever he touches, not so much as a jiggle while it’s still so tightly constrained. 
For a moment, he lets himself fantasize about popping that button at the dinner table midway through his sixth meal of the day. 
Not gonna happen though, not after all the cider here and the nog at the Buckleys. He’s willing to risk ripping his pants with an audience, but he draws the line at wetting them in a room full of people. So, with a sigh of dreams deferred, he paws his waistband to pull it down over the swell of his underbelly and love handles, because the button is pulled way too tight too—
“Oh god,” he moans under his breath, unprepared for the sudden release of his gut from its prison. His belly surges out, practically bouncing, the tender underside still caught in the V of the stretched out fly, air cool on the now exposed, reddened skin… Oh, Steve will be so sad he missed this. Eddie leans back against the bathroom door and loses himself in exploring for a moment, grabbing, jiggling, pressing his fingers in as deep as he can even with how stuffed he is, until his bladder reminds him why he’s here. 
When he’s finished relieving himself, it’s a whole new ordeal to get the pants back on over his well-padded ass. Even then, he realizes with rapidly reddening cheeks, he’s exposed. His belly drops over the front of the pants, disguising the fact that they’re hopelessly open, unable to contain the sheer size that he’s glutted himself to—an observation that makes him rub his thick thighs together where he’s taking a breather on the closed toilet seat, hands smoothing over his belly again, back arching slightly to give the illusion of more that he still wants, a desire he’s more unsure by the day if he’ll ever see the end of. Fuck, maybe he could get off like this and no one would ever know, his own body would cover up the evidence even standing, and without the added constriction he can eat so much more—
A knock on the door shakes him out of those vivid thoughts, though he’s still hopelessly turned on and unlikely to cool off any time soon without either getting off or being full enough to pop actual stitches. Both preferred, of course. 
“Hey, dude?” Argyle says through the door. “Dinner’s on, and Steve said you were in here so I brought you something that just might come in handy.”
“Yeah?” Eddie replies, and knows that he wasn’t quite successful in keeping the breathy strain out of his voice. It gets him a knowing chuckle through the door. 
“Yeah, it’s an apron, my dude. Don’t want to waste any tasty food dropping it on that nice sweater, right?”
Eddie’s head drops back in amazed relief. “Argyle, have I told you lately that you’re a literal angel?”
“Never a bad thing to say it again. I’ll hang it on the door handle out here, ‘kay? For when you’re ready.”
Steve had some idea of what he was in for. How could he not, at the end of a day like this? But it’s a damn good thing he’s already seated at the table by the time Eddie returns from the bathroom, because just the sight of him is enough to send all the blood in his body straight to his dick. 
For starters, Eddie is wearing an apron. A green one, decorated with slices of cake and pie and festive candies, all examples of things already eaten and being digested and slowly turning into more fat beneath it. It’s not even tied—maybe because the ties couldn’t reach far enough, Steve’s horny brain supplies as he blinks dazedly at the sight, mouth dropped open—and sways a little with every heavy step the man takes. It’s not in-your-face obvious that it’s to hide his bare belly where the sweater has crept up and the undershirt has completely given up the ghost, but Steve can tell that’s the case. 
Robin, seated on his left, takes one look at Eddie and one look at Steve’s face, and snorts. “Cool it, loverboy,” she mutters out of one side of her mouth, which at least gets Steve’s to snap shut. 
The chair to his right creaks as Eddie settles into it, huffing as he makes a vague effort to scoot it closer to the table. Which Steve leaps up to help with, of course, boner or not, because he is a good boyfriend and because the sight of Eddie’s stomach all bloated and spreading out as seen from above is a fucking sight to behold. 
“Thanks sweetheart,” Eddie says with a wink as Steve sits shakily back down, and he makes a subtle show of readjusting his belly in his lap. With all the activity, Steve can tell from the side, the hem of his sweater has ridden up almost to his belly button. 
“H-hi,” Steve replies dumbly, unable to stop staring. He distantly hears Robin snort at him again, but he’ll save his scathing comeback for the next time he catches her and Vickie making out in his and Eddie’s place during a movie night. 
Eddie leans a little closer, the chair giving another creak of protest as he shifts. He holds out a hand, gesturing for Steve to do the same, and then presses a circle of warm metal into his palm. At first Steve thinks it’s one of his rings, passing it off for safekeeping until it can be resized again, but when he checks surreptitiously under the table his breath catches in his throat. 
It’s the button from Eddie’s pants. 
His brain flatlines for a moment while the last of the food is brought in—a big enough spread for two Christmas dinners, almost. 
“I don’t know how this happens every time,” Joyce is saying as she sets the serving dish of mashed potatoes on the table with a sigh. “Every time! No matter what I do, they always end up runny somehow…”
“Mom, it’s fine,” Will insists. He sets a bowl of… something down next to it. 
Eddie leans forward curiously, trying to decipher the hot pocket-sized things that look like they’re wrapped in some sort of paper. “What’s that, burritos or something?”
“Tamales, my dude. Shredded chicken wrapped in cornmeal dough, wrapped in corn husks, and steamed to perfection,” Argyle explains from behind Will. “Beep beep little Byers, enchilada comin’ in hot!” He’s carrying a large flat dish with oven mitts. It’s probably a miracle that he doesn’t get his hair in it (or anything else) while setting it down. “Both made by yours truly, just like my abuela taught me.”
“Except it’s a casserole,” Jonathan says with a chuckle, setting bowls of green beans and guacamole on the table. 
“Nooo man, I had a brainwave while I was in the kitchen earlier today! It’s all the same flavors and cheesiness, but half the work… because instead of individually rolled tortillas, it’s flat.”
“Yeah… like a casserole.”
“Whatever you call it,” Eddie interrupts with a grin, “it smells great. Grandma food is always the best.” 
Steve’s brain clicks back on enough to offer a fond wave of appreciation for the little wooden box in his kitchen that’s crammed full of his nonna’s recipes, painstakingly translated from the original Italian with Robin’s help. Some of the early translations had produced truly inedible results, but the finished versions had made substantial contributions to Eddie’s waistline. 
There’s a beat of quiet while everyone else finishes settling into their seats and Steve soaks in the wonder of being surrounded by the smells of good food and people who care, and then—
“Mike,” Will says, making direct eye contact with his mom’s runny mashed potatoes, “I think we should worry for our future kids.”
The delivery is so deadpan, so perfectly timed, and so unexpected that the entire patchwork family gathered at the table cracks up, even Joyce. Just full on, tears-in-their-eyes, can’t-believe-we’re-all-still-alive-and-now-this laughter at something that shouldn’t be funny, yet somehow is. Eddie clutches at a stitch in his side and he can barely get a breath in from shaking so hard (Steve couldn’t look away from him if he tried, god he loves him so much), but it’s worth it because against all the odds little Will Byers is sixteen now and he just gave up on defending his mom’s questionable cooking abilities in the most ridiculous way possible. It’s another two minutes before anyone even realizes that’s how Will and Mike are coming out as together, and the cacophony only intensifies from there.
Part 7, part 8
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chumpovodir · 10 months
btw I really have to say, you're braver than any US marine to engage in conversation with Lenore stans on Reddit 😭 I found your comment about Lenore being evil, and honestly if someone said to my face "[Lenore] did indulge Hector's kink since it's clear he liked it also" I would throw in the towel. What's with these people and finding all sorts of ways to downplay rape? Also what's with her fans literally victim-blaming Hector, as if anyone deserves slavery and sexual assault (let alone that the story itself frames him as the most decent in Dracula's court)? I wonder if they'd justify Carmilla getting raped since she wanted to conquer the world :'D oh no wait, she's a woman, that would be gross.
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I don't know about you, but he doesn't look like he's enjoying himself, and that's not counting the inherent compromised consent that comes with being a prisoner. Furthermore, Lenore started calling him "good boy" after she beat him half to death - it was her kink, not his.
I think the discourse surrounding Lenore is a symptom of how bad the writing is, because the cunning Lenore of S3, the one who as you said is willing to do anything in pursuit of her goals but gets underestimated for her pacifist nature (which makes her beating OOC IMO, she never used force again), and the tragic Lenore of S4, the one who feels cast aside by her fellow sisters and can only bond with her prisoner who also was mistreated and underestimated (and makes dick jokes like a 12 yo brat), are simply not the same person. Her fans focus on the latter, her detractors focus on the former. S4 also quite simply ignores Lenore's actions in S3 and only mentions them for the sake of a joke ("Oh shush you were having fun" "Right until the end"): every single defense of her character works if you ignore, or worse justify, that Lenore unnecessarily resorted to rape by deception to put Hector in that infamous "gilded cage". (the same could be said for Alucard, who gets over his own rape and betrayal with amazing ease for what the finale of S3 set up)
"Anyway, Hector/Rosaly for life 🤙" you're so right bestie 💖
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dhfdsjhfgd i waded into that against my better judgement but just could not let that "Lenore isn't what I'd call evil" comment slide
(dishonorable mention to another comment in that thread that went "She also honey trapped him but it was also clear that they liked each other and would have banged each other anyways" absolutely rage-inducing. had to completely ignore it for the sake of my mental health) like i don't know if it's just fans trying to downplay what she's done so it's easier to enjoy her, because there is a weird stigma against liking villain characters these days, but it also says alot about just how bad her actions are that people aren't willing to come out 100% in support of her either
and that is such a good point btw about how it's the writing and characterization that's so inconsistent between S3-S4 that's the cause of all the discourse around her. it felt like the writers were really angling to make her something of a 'good character forced to do bad things', kind of in the same vein as Hector, but because of the power imbalance they're not ever really equals in that sense
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sing-me-under · 1 year
I want to draw an allium duo comic about Tommy and Ranboo bonding over patching up torn clothes with cute patches. I need to draw this. I’ve needed this for Years.
Tommy realizing that Ranboo’s been wearing the same old suit for weeks. Tommy aggressively patching up the holes and forcing Ranboo into sewing lessons so Ranboo can fix his own clothes and maybe make something that’ll fit his ungodly height. Tommy embroidering a dick into the back of Ranboo’s jacket and Ranboo not noticing until after he’s made a set of nice clothes for his new job in the New L’Manberg cabinet and is finally washing his old clothes.
Ranboo realizing that Tommy has been wearing the same shirt and cargo shorts in exile. Ranboo sitting down with a depressed Tommy and sewing a heart-shaped patch over the left-side of Tommy’s shirt. Ranboo making sure that Tommy is as okay as he can be. Ranboo talking about his sewing progress and showing off the little purple flowers on their nice button-up for work. Ranboo off-handedly mentioning the embroidered green flowers on Tubbo’s necktie and Tommy flipping out.
Tommy embroidering stupid little jokes on the corner of Techno’s everything no matter how small it may be.
Ranboo embroidering cute little flowers and decorative patterns on Techno’s everything. (Ranboo notices the evidence of snipped embroidery floss. There’s still some thread left behind)
Tommy refusing to touch anything that could cause even the slightest pinprick of pain. Tommy letting his clothes fall apart because he can’t stitch the tears back up.
Ranboo sewing heart patches on Tommy’s clothes post-prison and reminding Tommy that he’s alive.
Tommy sewing Ranboo and Tubbo’s wedding attire because they got married for tax benefits and never had a wedding.
Ranboo embroidering the logo for the Wilburger Van onto his apron.
Tommy and Ranboo sewing together.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
ok well, I’m well into s11 and so it’s time to talk about s10
Edit: talked so much about Margaret, that now I’m gonna divide it into individual posts: this one Margaret, then Klinger, then Charles, and maybe some closing thoughts
it’s funny because I’m reading back on the episodes and they were really solid + had some overall favourites in them, but I think my head has been in a “rapidly approaching the end” kind of mood, which has made it hard for me to go into watching episodes that are following the same patterns as before.
which is interesting, because obviously it’s syndication, and so that’s what the episodes are meant to be doing, I’m just being more and more subjective in how I engage with that format. I instinctively want these episodes (and the s11 ones) to give me character insights and building stakes, but of course it’s not going down like that 
(on that note I wonder if the backhalf of s11 will have some of that -- not the stakes so much, but big character moments that affect them throughout the rest of the season, or if it’s not until the last episode that these things occur)
I think my main (subconscious?) comparison while watching this is deep space nine -- I’m drawing lines across the two that aren’t at all intentional, but just come from how deeply these two shows have affected me, but of course one of the things that makes deep space nine special is that it resisted easy categorisation by making a series of arcs that continued throughout the whole show and continuously affected and changed the characters, even as it was technically meant to be in syndication (and airing things out of order was consequently a mess) 
watching MASH for the first time, what surprised me was that it threaded in long-term character arcs into the syndication format, with Margaret’s arc being the one that I think is the most obvious. 
so speaking of Margaret I think that arc culminated in “stars and stripes,” in season 8, which gave me one of my favourite interactions between any characters on the show (the final one with her and Hawkeye). 
In s9+10 she’s had “father’s day” and “the birthday girls” which both give us things (in particular was interesting to finally see her father and be like... “yeah, you’re exactly the kind of man I imagined... a dick” + whenever Potter especially stands up for Margaret I’m warm and fuzzy -- “birthday girls” sees a rare Klinger and Margaret bonding moment, and I just rewatched “aid station” way back in s3 in which he and Hawkeye both tell her she’s their favourite, so am glad they got this moment)
but I would argue, especially “the birthday girls” isn’t so much taking her character new places, so much as polishing up some things we already know + giving a few neat character interactions
beyond that she’s been far more of an ensemble member, and not in a way where she gets to have narratives in conjunction with others, except for in “give ’em hell, hawkeye,” in which she’s specifically in charge of the garden + speaks with the Korean kid who’s struggling 
In “that’s show biz” she fades a bit to the back after the first half, but it does have one of my favourite things about Margaret, which is her bonding with another woman (and me feeling some kinda gay way about it)
-- I’m also personally very fond of the dressing-down she gives BJ in “wheelers and dealers” -- she and BJ and Hawkeye don’t share as much space as during the hey-days of s7. (There’s also “oh, how we danced,” in s9 when she dances with BJ, but she’s not so involved with the plot beyond that, which is similar to her space in “wheelers and dealers” and generally how I’ve felt her character to exist in s10).
EDIT: actually as with so many others, one of my favourite Margaret moments in s10 came from “where there’s a will, there’s a war,” and it’s the scene where she and Hawkeye are laughing in the supply room. have talked a lot about how she and Hawkeye have one of my favourite dynamics as a particular kind of misfit finding one another, and that scene highlights it so well!!!
EDIT EDIT: I cannot BELIEVE I forgot her scream in “follies of the living” it’s one of the top ten Margaret moments of all time! I feel like that really contained some of the tensions I’ve been missing from her character in s9+10, and it didn’t need that much episode space!
what I’m getting at is that she’s not much of a plot-driver, either on her own or in coordination with one or a couple of other characters. She’s in the main ensemble, but she’s not getting to do much that tells us about how she feels or where she might be going next. there’s a little bit of plateauing going on in my opinion
lastly wanted to mention “sons and bowlers,” in which I felt kind of bad for her the whole way through, which was at odds with the intentions of the episode I feel. I think she deserved to be angrier at the way she was being treated in it, rather than “just” desperate for a chance to prove herself, and I think that was a good example of where I feel like I’m missing something from how she’s included this second-to-last season, in connection with what I was saying above (that is, as childish as it comes out, I want there to be some lasting deep character exploration to take me towards the end of the story. I think my expectations are unfairly higher, because I’m sad)
It also features this one sweater I have mixed feelings about, which she wears reeelatively often these days (I am going to figure out how often on this next watch I’m doing). On the one hand, it indicates a freer Margaret who isn’t so bound by military conventions in order to create her sense of self, on the other hand, I feel like it acts as a softening characteristic, similar to (more ds9 parallels) how Kira Nerys went from being a stompy butch to growing her hair out and wearing dresses in order to allegedly not alienate fans. 
so whenever I see it I feel a bit... suspicious. 
It’s a hard balance for her to pull off the abrasive, perfectionist a-student with a chip on her shoulder characteristics with the person who has softened, because she now trusts the people around her and doesn’t have to put up so much of a front all the time. And I imagine this is all so subjective, and back in “stars and stripes” we got some of the core of Margaret’s conflict and it relates very much to what I’m saying -- everything that she is is balanced precariously and constantly expected to perform in one way or another for men around her. In a lot of ways that performance relates to how an audience views her as well. She has a lot more to pull off than the other characters, and has from the get-go
It’s nice to think that maybe her character has let go of some of those expectations, but at the same time I feel like there’s so much more depth to get out of the questions and conflicts her character has, and I don’t think a looser sweater can solve them
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mach-speed-extra · 1 year
I made this because I lost a bet
If I won, my friend would’ve had to make a Tumblr account and write superwholock crossover fanfiction. If I lost (which is what happened based on the title), I had to go over Lily Orchard’s simple writing tips. Then we did double or nothing, where if I won he’d have to double the length of the fic (from 15 to 30 pages) and if he won, I’d have to make a second post talking about High Guardian Spice. For context, the bet was on who won a game of Mario Kart on the Switch played with the leg strap and motion controls
So I’ll begin with Lily Orchard’s writing tips. At least I get to add my own thoughts to this. I am writing this introductory paragraph before looking at her writing tips, so I don’t know how much I’ll agree or disagree (also I didn’t know anything about her until a few minutes ago when I did a quick Google search and if what I read was true, then what the fuck). At least I’ll be (probably) shitting on her. Also, it seems the original thread was deleted (or Twitter just sucks) but the tips were recorded on google docs which is what I’ll be using
Written after I finished: I didn’t need to add “(probably)” in the last paragraph
tw: rape mention
1. Don’t worry about spoilers: There is some truth to this in that good stories are still enjoyable on rewatch/ reread, but certain things are more enjoyable the first time. Reading a murder mystery is fundamentally different the second time because it goes from using the pieces to find a solution to analyzing how the pieces actually led to it. It’s like solving a math problem vs seeing someone else do it and following it step by step
2. The middle is the best time to put couples together: I don’t give a shit about romance in fiction. At best, a relationship is believable and developed enough that it serves as character motivation. As someone who has never tried (and likely never will) to put romance in his stories, couples usually get together off screen before the story starts. I then build the relationship like I would a close friendship or family bond, where the point of the couple is to have characters that care deeply about someone else
3. Friends to lovers is better than enemies to lovers: Refer to the point above. Also, fandom jokes about Negan slipping his dick down Rick’s throat and being thanked for it (actual line from The Walking Dead) are fucking great and one of the best things about the later parts of that show
4. Abuse victims healing does not equal redemption arc: I agree that they’re not synonymous, but she uses Zuko as an example which kinda defeats her point. Whatever the cause of a character being evil, a redemption arc is a character arc that leads to them no longer being evil. I don’t understand what she’s getting at
5. Heroes refusing to kill villains is bad: I’ll be using Rick Grimes as an example again. One consistent thing with Rick is that outside of times when his sanity is questionable, he’ll avoid killing villains if possible. He’ll do it if he has to, but that scene where he tells the Governor and his forces that if they stand down, he’ll happily take them in to his community is a perfect example of it (followed by them opening fire and all of the Governor’s men dying except for the one that stood down). Now, there is a difference between not killing and not punishing, but Lily doesn’t make that distinction
6. Lesbian enemies to lovers present in one scene in the finale sucks: I agree with this. She then says it’s “fetishized abuse and violence.” It certainly is sometimes, but I would not say this is an inherent (or even general) thing
7. Revealing information on Twitter instead of the story itself is bad: Depends. Hiro Morita revealing character ages on Twitter? Fine, because the actual ages aren’t relevant to the story. Just Kidding Rowling going on Twitter to say wizards shit their pants? What the fuck. Character birthdays being revealed in outside media (tie-in guide book, spinoff video games, etc) is fine if its not relevant to the story. Not revealing important information in the work itself sucks, but I don’t see it done often enough to warrant this take
8. If a character kills more than 10,000 people they’re not redeemable: Kill count is relevant to redeeming villains, but not the sole factor. This varies from person to person, but I say the most important thing is whether the villain is willing to put in the work to be redeemed. Do they put one foot forward and say “I’m gonna make this right?” I’d also factor in the cause of the killing (mind control or demonic possession for example). Were they aware of what they were doing? I wouldn’t say the titular protagonist from Ender’s Game is irredeemable because of his kill count when he didn’t know he was actually killing anyone. And 10k seems like such an arbitrary number but I’ll assume she just means “a metric fuck ton of people”
9. Tip 8 does not apply to characters if their villainy was character assassination: Huh? I genuinely don’t know what she’s trying to say here
10. Everything in a story is a decision made by the creator and justifying problematic elements with worldbuilding doesn’t work: At face value she’s right. Considering who it’s coming from I doubt her examples are good, but she does have a point
11. Don’t pair adults with minors: I have 2 things to say about this. The first is that Lily Orchard is not the right person to talk about this. The second is that it assumes all pairings are meant to be liked by the audience. Lolita wasn’t written with the intent of making readers like the romance. Toxic relationships exist in fiction for more reasons than I can count, and this tip is reducing fictional relationships to such a narrow, simplistic narrative purpose that it shouldn’t be said by anyone that ever took a literature class in high school
12. Don’t sexualize teenagers: I could be pedantic and say “um akshually nineteen year olds are fine,” but that would be worthless. Now, there are ways to make sexualized teenagers work, but it’s rare enough to see it pulled off well that I will give Lily a pass here. (As for how to do it well, that’s for another day but basically, teenagers fuck irl, and realistic depiction does not mean glamorization, though glamorization happens more often than it should. Also, don’t actually cast minors for fucks sake you pedo-ass fuckers behind Cuties)
13. Don’t use “actually a 6000 year old demon” to justify point 12: I don’t have much to say here that wasn’t said in the last few points. But the idea of an adult that looks like a child and faces issues specific to that context is an interesting story premise (ex: a 25 year old who magically reverses her body’s age on accident but not her mind and has to navigate her adult life while everyone treats her like a child)
14. Metaphors for queer characters is inferior to actually having queer characters: Depends on the story’s setting. A story set in Los Angeles in 2030 likely wouldn’t have queer character treated the same way as in 1930, so unless you do some worldbuilding to explain what cultural shifts happened until 2030, it’s not something you can realistically show. Then, a metaphor works better. Alternatively, a setting where queer characters are accepted but the metaphor is not (or vice versa) which serves to point out how arbitrary the distinction between “acceptable” and “unacceptable” minorities is
15. Confining queer representation to non-humans in a story where humans exist sucks: If I have a story about a bigoted human group that flies off into space to establish their own world (kinda like a metaphor for the Puritans) and they meet an alien race where queer people are accepted, it makes sense to confine queer representation to the aliens. I admit that premise is specific enough to not apply to many scenarios, but it shows how this rule can be easily broken with a scenario I came up with within 2 minutes of reading the tip
16. Fuck having the only gay man in your story be a “faupish diva:” I am currently writing a story about a guy that got a reputation for being extremely violent and decided to play into it because he’d rather have people be scared and stay away from him than deal with their shit. It’s fairly easy to make a gay character that actively plays into certain stereotypes because it prevents him from dealing with other people’s shit. All that you need is a setting where gay characters are kinda accepted but not fully (which isn’t that hard to make)
17. Fuck having the only lesbian be abusive, angry, and have a codependent relationship with the protagonist: Doesn’t the codependent relationship require at least 2 lesbian to be present in the work? Also, refer back to point 16
18. Fuck having the only enby be a non-human shapeshifter: Refer back to point 15 about a setting where [group] isn’t accepted by humans but is by other non-human societies
19. Fuck having the only autistic character be an “ethically-challenged number fetishist:” Refer back to point 16
20. Fuck having the only black character play into the “scary black man” trope: Refer back to point 16
21. Fuck having the only woman get barely any screen time and just be fetishized: I’d expand this to say “any character” rather than “only woman,” because this applies everywhere. It being the only woman is bad, but just because there are multiple women it doesn’t make much better
22. Fuck having the only trans woman be a drag queen: How many times will I say “refer back to point 16?” Also, a society that accepts gender nonconformity only as a performance (viewing gnc identities as characters the actors play) isn’t that hard to come up with
23. Fuck making a woman kiss her abuser: Me when villains to evil things [surprised Pikachu face]. Also, “acting like I’m in love with my abuser to keep up appearances in a setting where I’ll be demonized for stepping out of line so I force myself to throw away my dignity for survival” isn’t a bad protagonist idea
24. Fuck sidelining every poc character to focus on a white guy’s redemption arc: At face value it makes sense but how often does this happen to warrant an entry? I’m actually asking since redemption arcs happen for characters that were antagonists so it’d mean sidelining the protagonists which I don’t see very often
25. Fuck justifying horny designs with “sexual agency” and refer back to point 10: What? I’ll refer to one of my own stories, where a woman actively sexualizes herself after realizing that letting go of society’s notions of sex makes life in general more enjoyable. The entire point of it is exploring the possibility of a “sinful” life while maintaining morality, and how it’s very much possible. This argument also assumes the only reason to include horny designs is to get off to it, ignoring the fact that the exploration of human sexuality is an actual thing fiction can do
26. Fuck justifying horny designs by saying “I’m horny:” This isn’t even about writing
27. Don’t worry about planning. No writer actually plans everything: I literally do. I create what I call “the encyclopedia” where I list out everything. Every character, their relevant information, relationships, etc. It also includes things like maps of cities (real or fictional), the layout of buildings, the make and model (and mods when applicable) of the main character’s car, and more. Not every writer does this, but many do (and if you make it up as you go along, please review it because it’s likely an unpolished first draft that needs revising)
28. Don’t try to be Avatar: I don’t even know what this means. Now, I take inspiration from other works. Every writer does. Just don’t try to replicate someone else’s work. Every writer has their own style, and combing your own style with your inspiration is what makes a work good
29. Low stakes interpersonal conflict is more engaging than high stakes: Why not do both? An interpersonal conflict that escalates until it becomes high-stakes isn’t exactly a rarity. Now I’m gonna plug in a JoJo reference and say that Jonathan and Dio’s relationship in part 1 is a perfect example of what I mentioned. And I can look at The Walking Dead and say that the interpersonal conflict involving Maggie and Negan in season 11 is nowhere near as engaging as the Saviors arc from the second half of season 6 to the season 8 finale. That’s because the interpersonal conflict mainly stagnated and we spent a lot of time with the conflict neither escalating nor deescalating, while the tides of the Savior War were constantly changing and there were many moving parts
30. Choose either comedy or drama and stick to it: You can have both a comedic episode and a serious episode as long as you set up the plot well enough. It’s really not a problem. Going back to JoJo, the episodes with Boingo are comedic, but the Vanilla Ice fight certainly isn’t. Or for a more condensed moment, Lisa Lisa’s backwards cigarette. We see Caesar die, Joseph cry, and Lisa Lisa light a cigarette stoically. Joseph then points out she has it backwards, prompting a light chuckle from the audience before we collectively go “oh” at the realization that she’s so distraught she can’t even light a cigarette properly
31. Don’t overdo it on worldbuilding: I understand that pulling away from the action to focus on worldbuilding can be boring. I also tend to include a glossary of fictional terms at the end of my stories detailing the information that isn’t relevant to the story itself (ex: the sci-fi story has a spaceship. The glossary goes over the history of the design and its notable uses)
32. Characters come before anything else: Well written characters push the plot forward in interesting and engaging ways. A well written plot forces the characters into situations that either cause them to progress or give us (the audience) more insight into a character. Characters are dependent on the narrative elements around them to function
33. The protagonist should not be a vessel for the antagonist to hog the story: I’m not sure what she means by this. She mentions villain protagonists but I don’t see what she means by “a vessel for the antagonist.” I guess it’s about sidelining the protagonist in favor of the antagonist? Even then, a protagonist being used to make the antagonist more interesting isn’t bad
34. Fuck not having perspective shifts: I don’t know if she means characters (which is easily countered through first-person stories like memoirs, diaries, etc) or if she means thematic perspective (which is countered by the fact that static protagonists who change those around them exist and aren’t inherently bad)
35. Writers, and not story boarders, should write: Yeah, and the actors should act, the director should direct, and the sound designers should design sound. She’s not wrong, but this advice is completely worthless
36. Fuck will-they won’t-they: Agree, but I give negative 2 shits about romance anyways
37. Making a romance tropes gay doesn’t improve it: I’ve never seen anyone say it makes it better
38. “We need more lesbian noncon” is a bad take: Huh? I don’t see the point in this piece of advice. Is this an actual thing that is common enough to include here?
39. Fuck women who fetishize abuse in media: Relationships are narrative tools that don’t have any inherent morality to them. I admit fans can be annoying as hell, but that’s not something the creator should be concerned about (unless it’s your job and that’s how you pay rent)
40. Don’t listen to abuse fetishists: I’ll take this a step further. Ask yourself why do you write. I write for myself, for the catharsis of exploring different parts of the human experience. If someone doesn’t want to read that, they don’t have to, but I won’t stop writing. If you write to engage an audience, then you do what you can to engage the audience. It comes down to purpose (writing as a hobby for myself vs writing as a job and you need to sell books vs writing as a hobby to share with the world). Some purposes let you alienate readers. Others don’t
41. Never write rape victims as villains: I made a villain protagonist who was a rape victim. His story is that he tracked down the woman who raped him and killed her, but realized that didn’t cause his trauma to go away. So he doubles down and starts murdering anyone who he suspects of being a rapist (even when there’s no evidence other than a hunch). Is there an issue with this? Because I find the idea of a victim who becomes a villain due to the lack of a proper support system to be more about the failures of our system than about the villain himself
42. If straight men hate a character but lesbians love them, they’re a great character: Not writing advice and also pulled out of her ass
43. Fire any writers who have a certain take on Infinity Train: I never watched Infinity Train so I can’t respond
44. Solve love triangles with polyamory: Or don’t have love triangles if you can’t make them work
45. If a male character is called a simp for respecting women, they’re great: Refer back to point 42
46. Disregard “Mary Sue” criticism: The term “Mary Sue” is so loosely defined that criticism using it is about as useful as “it was bad.” Still not writing advice. I have made attempts at defining “Mary Sue” but eventually came to the conclusion that writing a paragraph explaining why a particular character is bad is better than using a vaguely defined buzzword
47. Emotional vulnerability doesn’t make a female character antifeminist: Do people really claim otherwise? She’s not wrong, but I don’t think this needs to be said (but I don’t use Twitter so idk)
48. Goblins are inherently anti-Semitic: I took all of 10 seconds to come up with a subversion of it. Picture a fantasy world where Jews are discriminated against and goblins exist, with anti-goblin groups comparing goblins to Jews (which then raises questions with Jewish discrimination and how it’s so acceptable in the setting that the characters don’t bat an eye because they’re used to it). This idea can be expanded upon to other groups. Using a real life example, “transgenderism is a mental illness” is rooted not only in transphobia, but also in ableism, and this story idea lets you tackle multiple forms of bigotry at once
49. Making bigoted tropes “work well” is missing the point: Metacommentary on bigoted tropes isn’t missing the point. It’s literally pointing out the issues with them in the first place, while often showing how/why these tropes can be seen in reality (whether it be selection bias, a self-fulfilling prediction, or otherwise). Most bigoted tropes can appear to be true irl on the surface, and being able to look at what makes the bigotry superficially convincing while pointing out its deeper flaws that aren’t immediately visible is certainly not a bad thing
50. Writing a relationship around a particular dynamic or trope is bad: She’s right but only if you confine yourself to that trope or dynamic. It can be used as a springboard for something great. Understanding established tropes and playing around with it is what led to Don Quijote
51. Don’t tone police criticism: Not writing advice
52. Don’t tell your fandom to stop fighting: Not writing advice
53. Don’t say every headcanon is valid: I’ll do you one better. Never interact with your fandom. Most of it is probably shit. Also not writing advice
54. Speak up against toxic people in your fandom: Refer back to point 53
55. Forget about fanservice: Agree. Just fucking write and ignore what readers think (assuming it’s a hobby and not your income. If it’s your income write whatever pays the bills)
56. If your fandom is dominated by shipping, it means your character dynamics are the most interesting part: Don’t look at your fandom. Ever. Fuck your fandom
57. If there’s “too much negativity,” there’s a root cause for it: Again, fuck your fandom
58. Cancel culture isn’t real: Didn’t Johnny Depp lose roles because of false allegations? And, reiterating this yet again, fuck your fandom. Also not writing advice
59. Own up to mistakes and don’t make excuses: Fuck your fandom. Actually. Ignore their existence. Also not writing advice
60. Forced diversity isn’t real criticism: Outside of historical context, forced diversity is a meaningless term. And yet again, fuck your fandom
61. Never include reclaimed slurs: My faggot ass made a character who always says “my faggot ass” and the story was better for it. “I dragged my faggot ass to the middle of bumfuck nowhere" is a good line of dialogue because of how it reflects the character and his views on things
62. Oppressed groups fighting back aren’t villains: They’ve been heroes in a thousand stories and villains in a thousand others. This is such a broad concept that you can have them fall anywhere on the hero-villain spectrum and make it work. What about an oppressed group being taken advantage of through misinformation telling them they’re fighting against their oppressors and not for them? That’s a cool idea I might use
63. Heroes who don’t kill being indirectly responsible for future villain acts is an interesting story idea: It is interesting but based on the previous 62 tips, I would not trust her to write it
64. Fuck not having poc in a fantasy work: Every element that deviated from the real world needs worldbuilding. Anything that doesn’t have worldbuilding tied to it should align with reality, so by all means include poc in historical periods they weren’t in. Just say “alternate history migration,” but address it. As a bonus, a vague fictional migration that isn’t detailed enough to be put under real scrutiny will, at worst, amount to nothing, and at best make readers appreciate your fantasy world a little bit more. If it’s a completely different setting from reality (like the galaxy in Star Wars) you don’t even need to address it. So outside of historical contexts, Lily is right here
65: Sexual tension and chemistry are not the only things in a relationship: Agree. The primary factor in a fictional relationship is what each character is willing to do for the other (which makes “my partner’s safety/ happiness/ etc” into a character motive)
66. Best potential romantic partner is the best friend: Hard disagree. Friendships irl aren’t “romance waiting to happen,” Platonic relationships exist, and both in my works and irl are some of the strongest I’ve had (granted, my stories lack romance so I don’t have the best sample)
67. “I don’t want the character to be defined by relationships” is stupid: When your character only exists in relation to others that’s not a character. That’s an extension of other characters. What is their relationship with themselves? That question should come first. Then you ask about relationships with others. Put simply, I, as a person, am not merely “[my dad’s name]’s son,” or “[my brother]’s brother.” I am those things, but those descriptors don’t define me
68. If you don’t want a character remembered by a romantic subplot, don’t make it the finale: If you dedicated time to a subplot and don’t want it to be greatly remembered, don’t include it in the first place
69. Slow burn doesn’t mean taking forever to get together: Refer all the way back to point 36
70. Sexual awakening is not a character arc: Hard disagree on the basis that, going back to point 25 where I mention one of my stories, a woman’s sexual awakening being the catalyst to break free from societal ideas to become a happier person is a character arc
71. Fuck boob armor: Boob armor is stupid from a practical perspective, but a character saying “I use it because I like the look” is a good enough justification for its inclusion. And in some ways it adds realism because if I could wear boob armor irl I certainly would
72. Bow and arrow are strength weapons, not dexterity weapons: True, even if not very relevant for writing as a whole. But I will say, Soul Knight’s 40m Long Blade requires more strength to wield than most bows
73. Avoid tokenism by having multiple characters: If you need a band-aid solution for tokenism, your story has deeper issues
74. Increase diversity by only one having straight, one white, and one cis character (or one character that’s all three): If you need this tip for diversity, your story has deeper issues
75. Don’t be afraid of failure and backlash: I agree. Fuck your fandom
76. Poc and queer characters can exist without the story talking about bigotry: She’s right, but this is one of those basic things that I wouldn’t call writing advice
77. Wanting the audience to have fun is good: If you write as a job, yes. As a hobby, you choose why you want to write. Personally, I don’t think about the audience at all when writing, but that’s just me
78. Slice of life is more popular than action/ adventure: Look up the wikipedia list for top grossing movies of all time. And for best selling manga of all time. This is blatantly wrong and also not writing advice
79. Don’t cram every idea into your story: Agree, and it’s a genuinely good tip for beginner writers
80. D&D alignment charts don’t work outside of D&D: Any game will simplify it’s character creation for the sake of being playable. It’s not just D&D. Though alignment charts aren’t bad as long as they’re paired with more things to make the character
81. Fuck Rocky Horror Picture Show: I don’t know enough about the creator of it to confirm nor deny her claims that it was made by a terf. Either way, not writing advice
82. Don’t call queer character queer: My faggot ass is queer, and when I make a queer ass faggot character, their faggot ass is also queer. Get over it
83. Rape is unforgivable: Irl? Definitely. In fiction? Write your world with its rules. What are the laws in it? Social norms? How do characters feel about it? If we have a dystopian world where rape isn’t considered bad and a character engages in it because they’ve been told their whole life it was ok to do, how accountable should we hold the rapist vs the system? That’s yet another cool story idea that explores how we should address large cultural issues and hoe responsible any one individual is for reinforcing the system. And if you can’t blame any individual, who do you hold accountable?
84. Sex scenes are unnecessary: Going back to the woman with the sexual awakening, the sex scenes are important. It’s her indulging in so many things she were taught were wrong and realizing how much happier she feels afterwards while also growing spiteful of the people who spent years keeping her down
85. Vulnerability is not a character flaw: Who ever said it was?
86. “Peak tv” means “addiction-fueled misery porn:” Huh? What? Also not writing advice
87. Addiction-fueled storytelling relies on keeping audiences hooked on what happens next: Audiences only care about what happens next when they’re invested in the story already. The Walking Dead lost a fuck ton of viewers after the season 7 opener, despite it starting off one of the storylines that relies the most on twists and turns in the series. Viewers cut their losses
88. Game of Thrones and Steven Universe were only as long as they were because of sunk-cost fallacy: Not writing advice and also pulled out of her ass
89. Continuity isn’t the most important thing: Consistency matters. Consistency is what keeps the illusion that is a story from shattering in front of our eyes. We know fiction is fake, but we’re happy to pretend it’s real while we read, watch, or play it. But we can only pretend as long as consistency is present
90. “Too political” isn’t real criticism: Agree, but this goes back to fuck your fandom
91. Little Mermaid and Cinderella are more feminist than Beauty and the Beast: Not writing advice, and I don’t have any of these movies in my recent memory so I can’t comment on this unless I rewatch them
92. Change a trans character’s pronouns the moment they realize they’re trans: Not a bad idea, but not the only one that works. First-person narration for example is a notable exception. One other exception in my works includes a trans woman who the narrator refers to with she/her pronouns in scenes when she’s alone but uses he/him pronouns in public until she comes out and the narrator switches to exclusively using she/her
93. You don’t have to justify story decisions unless it’s harmful or bigoted: This is true assuming writing isn’t your job. I still justify every story decision because I want everything to have an underlying reason, but that’s just my style
94. Vampires and werewolves aren’t queer-coded and work better as metaphors for the aristocracy: You can make vampires and werewolves anything-coded and with some effort make it work fairly well
95. Some of the best stories were written out of spite: True, but not writing advice. The Divine Comedy (specifically Inferno) is just Dante going “ha, I’ve portrayed you as the soyjack and me as the Chad” except “soyjack” is replaced by “damned soul punished in hell.” Don Quixote is Cervantes doing the equivalent of shitting on the MCU nowadays. But spite alone won’t make writing good. Both Dante and Cervantes are masterful writers whose greatness comes from a number of factors, not only spite
96. No government system is inherently good or bad: In fiction, I agree. Any decent writer can make any system good or bad within a story. She uses irl examples but that’d be getting into my political beliefs of inherently bad government systems and that’s not what we’re here for
97. Lesbian being on good terms with ex boyfriend from before coming out is a cute trope: Yeah, it can be. Again, any decent writer can make this cute, creepy, happy, terrifying, etc.
98. There is functionally no difference between a close platonic and a romantic relationship: I won’t go into detail about my love life, but hell no. Touch some fucking grass
99. Normalize friends saying “I love you:” This can work when done by a skilled writer
100. If you write a 100-tweet long writing advice (debatable) thread, go outside and touch grass: I swear I didn’t read this before writing my response to point 98
Conclusion: Lily Orchard either lacks critical thinking skills or assumes her audience does. Either way, don’t take her advice. If this is the best she can do, she’d fail any literature class I took in high school. She should learn Spanish if she hasn’t already and meet my 12th grade Spanish literature teacher. She’d fail the class but she’d hopefully learn something
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fruityuncleskeletor · 2 years
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I posted 984 times in 2022
That's 984 more posts than 2021!
226 posts created (23%)
758 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 291 of my posts in 2022
#vegas theerapanyakul - 125 posts
#pete saengtham - 93 posts
#vegas - 89 posts
#vegaspete - 89 posts
#pete - 66 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 58 posts
#kpts - 53 posts
#kinnporsche - 50 posts
#build jakapan puttha - 38 posts
#fic - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#or the minor family home guards having to unsee vegas' dick out as he returned home with his wet pants in hand
My Top Posts in 2022:
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When you finally find that epic drip that feels custom made for you.
129 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
More late night thoughts about Vegas and Pete
I was thinking about Vegas and about the way Gun raised and beat him into becoming a weapon; I was thinking about his office, which is a front decorated with shiny shit by someone who secretly and desperately wants to be discovered and found interesting enough to dwell on. I was thinking of how the Bond villain attire is strictly mafia and stricly work gear, Vegas himself being a snuggly PJs kind of man. I was thinking of how his family did to Vegas what many people do to pitbulls - take a very mellow and protective nature and twist it into something hideous and then BLAME the animal for how it was trained and for being too good at carrying out his master's orders. And then in walked Pete.
I saw your witchy shit. I saw your BDSM gear. Cool decor, bro. You need love. You're doing your best. You're a good son. You don't have to compare yourself with others. Like on those shows where they rescue abused dogs, they cower or try to bite when they see a hand approach because they are used to the beatings, but when the hand pats the head, the dogs wag their entire person. It takes one instance of being seen to be reset. And sure, it could be argued that this take makes Vegas too needy and pathetic, and painting him as a victim is boring and not as fun as making him be an unrepenting monster-
but I propose to you this: he is still a monster, and he's worthy of forgiveness, healing and love nonetheless.
A pitbull can still rip someone to shreds even once it becomes a beloved family pet. It just chooses not to. And Pete is like that one person who stops in front of the cage at the shelter where the most scarred and gnarly dog sits, ignored by families and young couples, Pete looks and says "I'm the only thing between you and the gas chamber, but I can deal with you, I can take your anger because you and me, we're the same." And the scarred and mean looking dog gets to go home with a human, and sleep on a soft bed. Not even God can save whoever is reckless enough to threaten his human.
Then, what does it say about Pete, a man hardened by a life of poverty, abuse, and intense violence, who still, even when pushed to his limits, can look at a man and say "yep, needs love" ?
172 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
I made this because it's mixing two of my favourite things: the Black cat bring good luck video and VegasPete. This one needs the sound on.
182 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Not these stale takes on Vegas again
I was reading a thread on reddit and someone was saying that Vegas is a chronic loser, that he always loses out to Kinn, that even Porsche with his one braincell knows all Vegas deserves is a hard pass. And then they had the gall to add "and he ended up with a fucking bodyguard". I've seen the post yesterday and I am still fuming. It bothered me so much that there's people who see Vegas as a loser and it made me think. While I was watching the series, I felt that for Vegas to be a credible villain, he should have gotten with Porsche FIRST, before Kinn, a la Dangerous Liaisons, but then I realised that if he had done that, sure it would have one-upped Kinn, but it would have made Vegas petty and short-sighted in his pursuits. And I like to tell myself that Porsche does find Vegas attractive, but the little self-preservation he has is begging him not to fuck around and find out because sure, Vegas is appealing and he promises a lot, but danger follows him wherever he goes and Porsche would like to live to see Chay graduate ( *cough* if Chay sees fit to get his shit together at some point *cough*). Calling Vegas a loser is looking at him through his father's eyes and choosing to ignore the fact that he is hands-on, competent, brings the skills needed to lead and is respected (and feared) by his henchmen. Kinn sits on his ass and does what daddy tells him, and when shit doesn't go his way he flashes his ring like he's in a Green Lantern movie. He wins just by showing up. On a level, I also think Vegas was sabotaging his attempts to get with Porsche just to stick it to Kinn because I can't imagine he approved of the plan since it came from his bitch-ass dad and it was in poor taste. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine that Vegas, perceptive and good at reading people Vegas, failed to see that his sad meow-meow cursed prince act would not work on Porsche, who loves to be the princess in every scenario and who is looking for a hero with big firm tiddies he can dramatically faint on. I also don't think Vegas is a loser AT ALL. Sure, he didn't beat Kinn at... *checks notes* being trapped in the mafia and under Korn's foot? And he "ended up" with the best, most interesting and hottest character on the show, who also happens to be compatible with him and loves him back... wow, such tragedy (that I would also like to experience)!
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Look how in love he is. Pete is the best thing that happened to him, at the right time too. That's not losing and going home with scraps to me.
268 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I like to imagine this is Vegas' dating app profile pic and that those sacks are full of cocaine.🥳
429 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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r0-boat · 2 years
Alpha Nanu who’s usually so calm and relaxed, snapping at the slightest scent of his omega’s heat?
- noodle 👉👈
BET with a cool and calm Alpha like nanu it would take a lot for him to crack but it's not impossible
Cw: name-calling, biting, breeding, omegaverse, possessive
Afab reader, but no set gender
Eat up nanu simps
First off he has to already be in a bad mood. It's not easy but you will know when his scent is stronger.
And then it would be so happen to be on the day where his rut starts, and the stars have aligned, your in preheat, he notices that. He doesn't react to it but don't worry, he will.
Scent enhancer perfume, will make other alphas and even betas turn their heads and he will definitely notice. He knows what you're doing but he won't fall for your sneaky tricks, he knows that punishment is what you want, and Nanu does not reward bad behavior.
But little does he know you've already won, his arm around your waist holding you closer than he normally does. You could just barely make out that sour smell of jealousy
His patience is running on only a thread and his rut is here, he's pent up, pissed off and aching. You're in preheat, Omega... soft Omega... His omega should be home not out and about.
The final straw would be coming home from your work smelling like another coworker... Is... Is that-that's not your jacket. He could scence the presence of a beta on that jacket. You told him that it was raining and you didn't bring a jacket or umbrella so your co-worker lended you his.
Shit Excuse
His hand grabs the back of your neck slamming you against the arm of the couch. You whimper his palm pressing against your bonding mark, as if he was reminding you, reminding you on who gave you that mark.
" you're in preheat and you dare parade around as if you aren't mine?" You squeeze your legs you've never seen Nanu this angry... it's exhilarating.
His hand slips into your pants grabbing your ass fingers dangerously close to your cunt. " is punishment what you want, heh, then punishment you will get"
His hand grips the back of your throat harder as he struggles to pull your pants down with one hand. He growls at your constant Squirming " quit squirming, if you think I'm going to let you get away now oh oh, your wrong"
His rut and your arousal triggers your heat early. Crying for more of your Alpha's touch.
The irresistible smell of your heat hits him as he Smacks your bum red. He Can't take it anymore, you're wet, ready, and submissive. Nanu wasted no time fumbling with his belt before feeling heat of your walls milk his cock.
He tilts his head back hearing you scream his name as nanu didn't give you time to think before moving. His hips slapping against your ass. Occasionally his hand colliding with your ass cheek feeling the room with that sounds and sharp slapping.
Your nails dig into the couch at the way he's bullying his growing knot against you, and to brace yourself for each strike on your now tender red Bum.
" maybe just scenting you isn't enough huh?. Do I have to make you mine in other ways, do I have to make you take my knot and pups?!"
You screamed his title clenching cumming on his cock.
"Fuck! Y-your creaming! S-so good..."
He slams is knot inside of you while you're still cumming. Locking the both of you in place but he's not done. He grabs your arms putting them around your back something cold is around your wrists along with hearing a click.
Grabbing the chain of the metal cuffs Nanu pulls you back into him you have no choice but to lay there and take everything he has. Grinding his dick against your tightening slick walls. You feel his hot breath against you even knows you can hear his heavy breathing and occasional cussing, Grinding harder and faster with that delicious friction pushing him over the edge.
Nanu thrusted one final time stilling his hips, unleashing sounds he never thought he could, his seed filling you to the brim, his knot making sure you don't waste a single drop.
Your heat was satisfied for now but his rut wasn't. Nanu tosses the key onto the coffee table hoping you close as he shuffles himself onto the couch, hoisting you up in his lap making you warn his knotted still hard cock.
His hand gently rubs your thigh as he turns on the TV to pass the time with his knot swells down. Purring and kissing your neck. Nanu hopes you know that once the swelling goes down he will go right back to fucking you because he's not quite done with you yet.
Someone asked me for cock warming nanu while writing this and I couldn't resist
"P-please!" Your legs are shaking your Alpha's knot has gone down for some time now. The sounds of the TV being completely tuned out, in favor of His hot, breath against your neck as he gives you licks bites and kisses, his hands grabbing and growing every inch of your body. His cock is snug in your core occasionally twitching. Your slick coating his cock and dripping down onto his tight balls.
Nanu is trying to keep his composure but he still is rut and he can't help but push deeper inside of you. If you start to move he holds your hips down on him stilling you. Having no energy to scold you for trying to soften your punishment. However he feels your pain, it's taking everything that he regained not to neglect your punishment and make your body hurt for a week.
That can happen later for now...
You tilt your head back your legs shaking Nanu's fingers playing with your clit, pinching and rubbing, faster, and faster until.
You jump at the strike yelping, "FUCK!" Nanu yells in tandem at your hips slamming back down on his cock, his newfound patience was already running thin, he needs more, more of you. Your abused clit stings with pain and pleasure.
He tilts your head to him to kiss hard and heavy, his lips silencing your moans of happiness when you feel him grab your hips and slowly move you up and down on his cock.
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itsrapsodia · 3 years
Thinking about the aftermath of Vesemir's death.
What if all three wolves stand there, in front of the burning pyre, and they're sad, and there's pain, but there's also... relief. For some more potent than others, but undeniably there. Because it feels as if the last chain that tied them to kaer morhen has fallen off, and a weight on their shoulders that they believed was permanent has unexpectedly disappeared.
There's guilt in the feeling, of course. They're all hesitant to share it with each other. But with it also comes a new worry. Suddenly the bond of brotherhood between them feels fragile, like it's being pull tight. Like if they dont move carefully all its threads are going to unravel.
Geralt is the one to reach out, and no one would've expected that of him before Ciri came into his life. He tells them he came into posession of some land, down in toussaint, as payment for a job.
Lambert sees the invitation and clings to it, placing his metaphorical foot on the door so it cannot be taken back. Says something about that being much better weather to spend the winter in, not having to worry about his dick falling off if they forget to light a fire.
Eskel smiles and replies to Lambert's joke with one of his own, cushioned in familiarity and the renewed feeling of the strength of their bond. Still agrees that it will be nice to pass the winter somewhere warm.
From then on, the last weeks of autumn see the wolf witchers turn their back to the blue mountains and make their way south. They meet in corvo bianco, where new rooms have been built to house Geralt's brothers and any guests they may bring.
The days are lazy and the night are warm, and they fill them with laughter and companionship. Far away from the ghosts that haunted the keep, the only monsters they have to chase off are the ones that get too close to the little villages that surround them. And wounds that they thought would always be a little too raw, a little too intense, finally begin to heal.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I think it’s interesting how you say that out of all the vampires, Nadja is the one that disrespects Guillermo the most(?) At least she calls him by his actual name lol. Laszlo continues to be a dick to him by still calling him Gizmo (even after everything Guillermo has done for him) and throughout the series has been verbal about his dislike towards him (including Colin, but I’m sure that’s going to change now with how supportive and loving Guillermo is being with him rn). But it’s weird cause at the same time it seems like Laszlo respects Guillermo in a way cause he trusted him (and his skills) enough to send him with his wife to protect her (and where he finally used his real name out of respect for the first time), but I guess that’s Laszlo for ya. I do feel that Laszlo is finally going to /actually/ start respecting Guillermo this season though, with helping him take care of reborn-Colin (the fact that Laszlo is even confiding with him for co-parenting is huge, cause he could have easily asked his wife to help him but he didn’t). Laszlo already admitted that Guillermo “was right” with his viewpoints about Colin’s upbringing in 4x03, so hopefully this thread of respecting Guillermo (not just from Laszlo but from all the other vampires) continues.
Actually, she Gizmos him kind of often haha. I think she respects him the least of the household because she acknowledges his talent the least. Nandor feels almost proud of Guillermo's slayer abilities sometimes (like when he bragged that he'd killed the Baron) and Laszlo obviously trusted in his abilities enough to protect Nadja. Even before he died, Colin Robinson did seem to have a weird soft spot for Guillermo. (Like when he thought for a second that Nandor had killed him and he was like ???)
I don't think Laszlo likes Guillermo, but he respects him. There's a difference. He's willing to acknowledge his ability to protect Nadja and his skill with Colin Robinson. He understands, perhaps more savvily than any other vampire there, that Guillermo knows how to do things that they do not. He knows that Guillermo is extremely capable, smart, and stubborn, and has a canniness to him that lets him figure the tough things out. He's also willing to defer to Guillermo in matters of childrearing, so let's say that he respects his skills in empathy as well. He's more willing to give Guillermo important responsibilities than anyone else in the house -- and will force him to do those things even if he has to lock him in a crate. He was also totally chill with letting Guillermo wander around the Council's library, so he trusted him not to wreak any havoc lmao.
And then there's Nadja, who I'd really hoped would bond with him more in Europe. lmao. I'm not sure if she even had a reason to ship Guillermo home instead of just letting him fly? It's unclear if he had to be tricked into going back. She seems to like him more than a generic familiar these days (see: Doctor Tom) but she still treats him more like a pet she doesn't actually care for that much. Or maybe a possession, but far from her favorite...
She's by far the most likely to scream at him until he does what she wants (even if he's already doing it) and the one who probably cares least if he dies. I don't think she respects Guillermo very much at all, truthfully. She sees him as potentially useful at times, but she kind of seems like she half-expects him to die any time they let him do something dangerous and she's fine with that. (See: how fine she was using him as bait for the Sire.) I think she sometimes kind of sees him as cannon fodder that does the housework. But she does like him more than she used to, I think. So that's... hopeful, I guess? lmao
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