#did 6 loads of laundry! AND cleaned my bathroom
lavender---sunshine · 2 years
Had a big day but I'm desperately needing more small days
#i got a lot of things done today!#got my car cleaned (and seats shampooed from my little adventure last Sunday) and got gas#a bit of shopping done at target#did grocery shopping and got the last few ingredients for my cheese board#did 6 loads of laundry! AND cleaned my bathroom#made the cheeseboard and bacon wraped dates#put away the laundry and picked out my clothes for tomorrow#tomorrow the ceo is in the office so i dont want to dress up lol i'll take a costume tho#i was so productive today but i wish i could have done this over the course of two days#and being able to rest more while getting a whole weeks worth of chores done#i feel a bit sad. its going to be like this for a while#and today is Halloween and i while i was able to fit in some seasonal activities i wasnt really feeling it this year#too much going on I think#i did do the haunted trail and a pumpkin patch which are my two big ones but didnt get any pictures#of me in a cute outfit like I wanted#and i haven't had time to watch any scary movies (or dont look under the bed)#or reread the series i like to read this time of year#i had to get rent and quarters for laundry and answer work emails in the store#and i cant help feeling that im at this final little edge to my young adulthood. not a child not a teen not a young adult. just an adult#with no time and responsibilities and trying to find fun in the gaps and romanticizing my iced coffee#also! my dad asked me for money to fix my brother's windshield and im still having feelings about that#but ah off to bed. nervous to meet my boss today. everyone talks about how scary he is#i have some time off in January. maybe I'll take a trip
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nothingsure27 · 2 months
🍃Unplanned Journey🍃
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Pairing: Park Sunghoon. as father, fluff🍬 _________________________________
chap: 02🎐
The next morning, sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating his messy apartment.
The sun crept through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. & the sound of his alarm clock ringged, He groaned and reached over to turn it off,
waking Sunghoon from a restless night. He slowly opened his eye,
As he sat up, wincing from the pain in his back.
He looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was already 7:30 o'clock in the morning. He had slept for 6 hours straight, a rare luxury in his life lately ,the longest and most restful sleep he had gotten in days.
He sat up probably protesting the movment on the couch his body stiff and sore from sleeping in an uncomfortable position all night.
still holding his son in his arms.
He looked down in his arms the baby sleeping peacefully.
The baby was sleeping soundly in his arms, drool dribbling down his chin.
A warm fatherly smile tugged at the corner of his mouth even in spite of his discomfort, feeling a sense of love and pride swell in his chest.
Sunghoon looked around the apartment and groaned. It was a mess, and he knew he needed to clean it up. But first, he needed to take care of the baby.
He carefully extricated himself from the baby's grip and set him down in his bassinet.
The baby stirred but didn't wake up. Sunghoon stumbled to the kitchen, his mind foggy from lack of sleep.
He made himself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, sipping the hot liquid.
As he stood there, the events of the previous night came rushing back to him. His anger at the baby's crying, his guilt and regret for his outburst, and his determination to make things work. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
he winced as he remembered yelling at the baby. He had been so frustrated and exhausted, but that was no excuse.
He should have never taken his anger out on the innocent baby.
He still felt guilty for yelling, but he also felt frustrated and overwhelmed.
Taking care of a child on his own was harder than he had ever imagined.
As he sipped his coffee again, he looked around the apartment, taking in the mess Laundry was piled up in the corner,
take-out containers were scattered on the coffee table, the floors were all messed up, and the sink was filled with dirty dishes,
in this past 1 week after the baby's birth he did no house choreos, he get no time for himself either,
rushing to hospital to store, his saving was endeed already, He thought about his job, wondering if he should call in sick again. He already had taken so much time off to take care of the baby
In this past 1 week from his work,He needed to clean the apartment,
grocery shopping, and figure out how to balance his job with taking care of his child.
He had no idea when the last he had a proper meal was, He felt overwhelmed just thinking about it all He knew it was going to be a long and exhausting day.
He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. "One thing at a time," he muttered to himself. He needed to take better care of himself, not just the baby, if he wanted to make it through this.
He took another sip of coffee and let out a deep sigh. "Okay," and set his coffee mug down on the counter.
"I'll start with the most important things and work my way down the list."
He also realized that he had run out of formula, and he needed to buy more. He also needed diapers and baby food. He made a mental list of all the things he had to do,
He found a notepad and started making a list of things to do. First, he needed to figure out how to feed himself and the baby. He opened the fridge, but it was empty except for some old takeout containers and a few condiment packets.
He picked up the baby's & his dirty clothes from the floor and headed to the bathroom He loaded the machine with the clothes and some detergent, then started the wash cycle.
As he waited for the load to finish, he began to clean up around the apartment.
He picked up trash and put it in the bin, swept the floors, and He wiped down the counters and scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors. The whole apartment soon looked much tidier than it had before.
After an half hour later when he was hanging the washed clothes on balcony to get dry, he folded it carefully and put it away in the baby's drawers.
He then realized that he hadn't eaten anything for breakfast yet. His stomach growled loudly, reminding him of the fact
Sunghoon looked around the apartment, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
He had accomplished a lot more than he thought he would, and the apartment was starting to look like a real home.
He looked in the fridge but found it mostly empty.
All he had was some leftover pizza from a few days ago. He grabbed a slice and began to eat it cold, thought that he would need to go grocery shopping soon.
Sunghoon finished his slice of pizza and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The hot water felt refreshing on his skin, and he closed his eyes, letting the water wash over him, he started to relax, he didn't hear any cries coming from the baby. He assumed the baby was still asleep,
and he let himself relax under the hot water, enjoying the rare moment of peace and quiet.
After a few minutes, he finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed, but still tired from lack of sleep.
He stood infornt the mirror in bedroom, d was drying his hair with towel when his mind drift to something.
He was lost in thought, his mind wandering to all the tasks that still needed to be done.
He didn't realize that the baby hadn't cried at all, and he didn't hear the soft sucking noise coming from the baby's crib.
However, the baby had been awake for quite some time already. He was lying in his crib, suckling his thumb, He was probably thirsty & hungry, He just watched the sunlight streaming in through the window birds flying.
The baby's stomach growled softly, hungry for some food. His diaper was now quite full wet, but he still didn't let out a sound.
He just lay there quietly, As the minutes passed, the baby started to get more and more restless. His face twisted in discomfort, and he squirmed in his crib, trying to find a more comfortable position.
Finally, the baby let out a small whimper, his hunger and discomfort becoming too much to bear. He sucked harder on his thumb, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.
He was done drying his hair with a towel after his shower. He was whistling a tune, feeling refreshed and slightly more energic than he had in days. As he looked himself at mirror all refreshed cool.
He stopped whistling, as he heard a small sound coming from the crib - the soft, whimpering sound of a baby in distress., and his heart sank as he remembered that he hadn't checked on his son since he woke up.
"fuck hoon!" he cursed himself & dropped the towel and rushed toward the crib in living room he saw the baby in his crib, tears streaming down his face, suckling on his thumb desperately.
"Oh, oh no," he said, He picked up the baby, feeling the wet and sticky diaper. "I'm so sorry, little one. I forgot,"
The baby whimpered and snuggled closer to Sunghoon, seeking comfort.
"Shh, shh," Sunghoon said gently, cradling the baby in his arms. "I've got you. Let's get you cleaned up and fed, okay?"
Sunghoon carried the baby to the bathroom and began to prepare a bath for him. He filled the bath tub with warm water and added some baby wash, making sure the water wasn't too hot or cold.
"It's okay," he murmured to the baby as he lowered him into the water. "We're going to get you all cleaned up, and then we'll feed you. Sunghoon sat on tool baby in his arms
Sunghoon gently washed him, being extra careful with his sensitive skin. He poured water over the baby's body, washing away the dried spit-ups and caked-on drool.
The baby looked up at him with large, trusting eyes as Sunghoon gently washed his body, being careful around his sensitive areas. The baby seemed to relax slightly, enjoying the warm water and the soothing sound of his father's voice.
Sunghoon kept talking to the baby as he worked, trying to keep him calm and comfortable.
"You're a good boy," he whispered.
"You didn't cry out, even though you were hungry. Are you still upset with papa? For yelling last night? Is that why you didnt cry? Hm?"
"Papa is sorry little one pls don't do that again.. you're such a strong boy you know?"
The baby seemed to understand the tone of his father's voice, and he cooed softly, reaching out to touch Sunghoon's face. Sunghoon smiled at him, feeling a wave of tenderness wash over him.
As he washed the baby, Sunghoon couldn't help but feel guilty for forgetting about him.
He had been so focused on himself and his own relaxation that he hadn't heard the baby's soft, quiet cries. He vowed to be more attentive in the future and to make sure his son's needs were prioritized above his own
He finished washing the baby and lifted him out of the tub, wrapping him in a soft, warm fluffy baby towel.
The baby cuddled closer to him, letting out a soft sigh of contentment.
Sunghoon smiled down at the baby, feeling a wave of affection wash over him. He knew he had made a mistake, forgetting to check on his son earlier.
But now he felt grateful that the baby hadn't cried and had remained patient.
"That's better," Sunghoon said, gently drying the baby's body with the towel. As he sat down on couch.
Sunghoon was staning acroos the balcony holding the baby in his arms.
He held the baby close to his chest, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him as he watched the baby drink from the bottle.
He spoke softly to the baby, whispering comforting words. "There you go, little one," he said. "You're getting nice and full now. You must have been so hungry papa is sorry.."
The baby suckled eagerly at the rubber nipple of the bottle, his tiny hands grasping the fabric of Sunghoon's shirt.
He looked up at his father with wide, curious eyes, seeming to listen intently to the soothing words he was whispering.
Sunghoon smiled down at the baby, his heart swelling with affection.
Sunghoon was watching the baby closely, his heart swelling with love and tenderness.
"That's my boy," he murmured, "Drink up. You must have been so hungry, waiting for me to feed you. I'm sorry I took so long."
The baby continued to drink, his eyes never leaving his father's face.
Sunghoon couldn't help but chuckle at the serious expression on the baby's tiny face. It was as if he was trying to concentrate completely on the task at hand, making sure he didn't miss a single drop of milk.
Sunghoon continued to talk softly to him, telling him how much he loved him and how proud he was to be his father.
"You're such a good boy, So patient and strong."
The room was quiet except for the sound of the baby's suckling and Sunghoon's gentle voice.
It was a moment of pure peace and connection between father and son, a moment that Sunghoon wished could last forever.
As the baby finished drinking, he let out a soft burping sound. Sunghoon laughed quietly and gently patted the baby's back, helping him to let out the gas.
"Better?" he asked, cradling the baby against his chest again "Good job," he said, patting the baby's back softly.
"You drank that whole bottle like a champ. You're a growing boy, aren't you?"
He lifted the baby up to his shoulder and patted his back gently, waiting for another burp.
The baby snuggled closer to him, his tiny body warm and soft against Sunghoon's chest.
as he checked the time on his phone it was 9 am, his shift is in 10 he sighed heavily.
He rocked the baby gently in his arms, start speaking softly to him again.
"You're my whole world, you know that? Everyone left me.. i have no one instead of you little one."
talking about everyone tears filled corner of his eye he sobs trying to held back his tears.
"I love you so much," he whispered, running a gentle hand over the baby's soft, velvety hair.
"More than anything in the world. And I promise I'll do better from now on. I won't neglect you like I did earlier. You're my top priority from now, okay?"
"You're such a good boy," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of the baby's head. "I'm so sorry I didn't feed you as soon as you woke up. I promise I'll be better from now on. You come first, always."
The baby cuddled closer to him, seemingly satisfied and content after his meal. He held him close, feeling overcome with love and a fierce protectiveness.
The baby babbled softly, seemed to understand the words, as if he was listening intenly to every syllable. He continued look up at his father,
his small tiny hands reaching up to touch Sunghoon's cheek, as if he could understand the words being spoken to him.
Sunghoon felt a lump form in his throat at the gesture, touched by his son's innocent sweetness..
he suddenly heard door bell ring, "who could it be at this time?" he thought to himself, he didn't gave anyone his this address nor even any friend's or family.. he stepped forward to open toward door the baby was still in his arm..
____________TO BE CONTINUED..
(I didn't recheck so unsee my mistakes in grammar spelling I hope you guys enjoyed the first one chap look forward for more. Do note & reblog🍃 & let me know your opinion pls :' ()
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year
Don't Bite
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Word Count: 850
Warnings: Slight injury to the reader! Lots of comfort and fluff though of course!!
A/N: Aww this one's kinda similar to one I did for the tea party event but I've actually had this concept in my notes app for like 6 months! Hopefully posting this finally works & I hope you guys enjoy!! ❤️
It started off as a peaceful morning. Steve was in the kitchen, his turn to clean up after breakfast, and Bucky was starting up a load of laundry down the hall. You were splayed across the couch, watching cartoons and digesting your pancakes when Alpine sauntered over to the sofa and leapt up next to you. The cat took a big yawn before curling up halfway on your chest, purring and nuzzling you as you pet her silky white fur. Lost in the dancing colors on the tv screen, you aimlessly scratched behind her ears, down her back, across the length of her tail.
Too far!
In a flash of white, Alpine whipped her body around to face your offending hand and let off a warning hiss! Your precious pet suddenly transformed into a vicious predator, baring her fangs at you with fire in her eyes. Out of shock, you pulled your hand away, some of the fur still entwined within your fingers, and when you yanked back, Alpine sunk her teeth into your arm out of self defense. It wasn't too hard, just meant to admonish you like she would her own kitten, but her teeth were sharp enough to break your skin, and the sight of blood was enough to make you start screaming. 
Naturally, Steve and Bucky were abandoning their respective chores rushing to your side to comfort you in no time. Alpine had fled the scene at the sound of your screams, so it wasn't immediately apparent to them what was wrong; all they saw was their baby, distressed and injured. Hearts racing, they each tried in their own way to figure out what the problem was and solve it. Steve dried your tears, carefully petting your head and whispering words of comfort to you while Bucky protectively wrapped an arm around you, jaw clenched with stress as he scanned the room for what hurt you. 
When they were both certain the coast was clear, they moved you to the bathroom, Bucky holding you firmly against his chest. He kept you in his arms as he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet, pulling your legs up onto his lap as Steve rummaged through the cupboard for the family's first aid kit. He emerged with a clear tub, which he set on the bathroom counter and opened and began unpacking. Your arms were wrapped around Bucky's neck, and he felt you grip onto his t-shirt once you saw Steve pull out the bottle of antiseptic. 
"Nonononono," you mumbled into Bucky's shoulder, "no more ouchies please!"
He tightened his arms around you, soothingly rubbing your back. Both your daddies' hearts broke at your pleas. 
"I know, babydoll. It's just gonna last a second, okay?" Steve tried to reassure you, but your tears were starting up again.
"Shhh.... You're safe baby, it's okay," Bucky whispered into your ear. 
He reached up to untangle your injured hand from his shirt. Holding it softly in his right hand, he slowly brought your arm down from his neck and held it out towards Steve, who was looking at you with eyes like warm oceans. You met his gaze and nodded slightly before turning your face back into Bucky's chest, bracing yourself for the sting of the antiseptic. Maybe it was the gentleness that Steve applied the cotton on your skin, or maybe it was the hold Bucky had around you keeping you safe, but it didn't hurt nearly as badly as you thought it would. Next thing you knew, you were emerging from you Bucky cocoon to see Steve presenting you with multiple boxes of bandaids. 
"Alright, angel, you get to pick whichever kind you want!"
You looked between the boxes, some with cartoon characters, some with animals or flowers or rainbows or stars. You pointed towards your favorite, and Steve got to unwrapping it, kneeling down to your level to softly and sweetly stick the bandaid to your skin. Then he started clapping. 
"All done, baby! You did such a good job!" Steve cheered for you, smile beaming, but your eyes were drawn to something else.
Curious about her family all gathering in one room, Alpine was peering around the doorway of the bathroom. Usually she would bound right in, weaving herself between Bucky's legs or trying to get another treat out of Steve, but now she was unusually reserved. It was as if she knew that all this commotion, all this distress was because of her. Bucky leaned over to see where you were looking, Steve turned around, and instantly they solved the puzzle of what had happened to you. 
"Oh baby, did Alpine get you?"
You nodded, and whispered "Piney bite."
With a steely look, Steve walked over to the cat, bending down to look her in the eyes, and he shook a stern finger at her.
"Alpine, we don't bite our friends, do you understand?" He asked her, which made you start giggling; music to your daddies' ears.
"Its okay, Piney, I forgive you!"
And once again, it seemed like she understood, because with a little trill, she was trotting over to you, pressing her face up against you and starting to purr.
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faghubby · 5 months
Paul had excpted my rule over our relationship long before we where married. When we first met in college he was a quiet boy who joined my study group. We became friends. He was cute. But very quiet, kinda short just not the type of guy I was attracted too. It was obvious that he wanted more from me. I didn't lead him on actually the opposite. I was clear I had no interest in him sexually. He became a confident. I found myself telling him about my boyfriends even my sex life.
One night after a especially bad break up and way to much alcohol I called Paul. He came out at 2 am and drove me home. In my drunken state I kissed him. More then that I threw myself at him. He got me home undressed me and tucked me into bed. He slept on the couch to make sure I was. Okay. In the morning we'll afternoon almost he made me food and took care of me. I teased him about him undressing me. This only made him apologize and blush.
"Paul truthfully, have you ever been with anyone" I asked him. He always seemed to change the subject when anyone asked him about personal relationships. But this time he looked at me.
"No" he told me. I pulled him into bed with me. I seduced him. I let him explore my body. He was hesitant at first but I pushed him. He was gentle and loving kissing every inch of my body. He made me cum with his tounge as he softly sucked my clit. We made love I took top guiding him. He took great lengths to hold out from cumming. Trying to bring me pleasure. We had not used a condom so when he could not hold back any further. He pulled out and finished on the sheets.
"OH sorry I made a mess" he said softly. I held him and giggled to myself. As I went to use the bathroom he got up and changed the sheets. "Such a good boy" I smiled
After that Paul was the most thoughtful boyfriend I had ever had. I had meant it to be that one time. Take his virginity thing but it just grew to more. It was different though. He waited till I initiated sex. He never even asked. I never once sucked his dick. Not liking it. But had done it for every single guy I had ever been with. Paul left things to me. Where, when, and what we did on dates. Often doing simple things just to show he loved me. I would come back to my shared appartment and find he cleaned it, or did my laundry. Expecting nothing more then a kind word.
There was somethings missing. I found myself wanting to taken. Paul just didn't seem willing or capable of it. This led to me cheating on him. Which he quickly forgave twice. Telling me he understood.
Six months later I asked him to marry me. He said yes. We where married 6 months after we graduated. I had landed a great job and we moved across the country away from his family. But he didn't even hesitate. He encouraged me to succeed. Even putting his own dreams on hold while I did. We where happy, but our sex life well was in a rut. Till one night I came ho,e and noticed he was wearing one of my vintage tees.
"Wearing my clothes now?" I joked. He looked down not sure he even realized it. He then smelled it.
"Smells like you" he joked. The shirt was also stretched like he had breasts. I grabbed him and kissed him.
"Well since you already are the girl in the relationship" joking since he was also wearing pink rubber gloves as he washed the dishes. I rubbed his nipples. He just let me di as ii pleased. I had his pants off bit left my shirt on him. I layed on my back and had him mount me in a squat position I knew it probably wasn't the most comfortable position with his dick pointing backwards. But I liked how he rode me. As if in a cowgirl position. Now Paul almost never came inside me, because I had told him what a mess it made inside me once. But in this position if he pulled out he would most likely cum on my chest. Something he had never done. I rubbed and pinched his nipples as he rode me.
As he got close I could see him trying to work it out.
"Go ahead cum in me baby" I cooed. He pumped his load inside me. As he pulled out.
"Ah grab a towel" I said he panicked he was not prepared. He got flustered and then suddenly just stuck his head between my legs and licked up our combined fluids. " you are such a good boy" i assured him as I played with his hair as he continued to please me with his tounge. Not stopping until I had cum.
I pulled him to me we laid on the kitchen floor holding each other.
"Jen, I um" he started.
"Shh it's okay it was really hot" I assured him.
"I know you cheated on me again" he said softly. "Two weeks ago. I tasted him in you" he continued. I was surprised I had but it had been hours I didn't think there would still be trace of him.
"Paul I am sorry, I love you" I said. Kissing him.
"I know, and if you need more It would be okay. Just don't lie to me" he was almost in tears. I held him. We eventually got up and cleaned uo order Chinese and ate it watching a romantic comedy. As we cuddled on the couch.
"Paul, would you like to explore more things like today" I asked
"I don't know what you mean" Paul said softly.
"Would you like to explore more submissive role. You know in bed" I explained. He just looked at me.
"You wore my shirt, would you like to wear more of my things?" I asked.
"Would you want me too?" He asked.
"Could be fun" I smiled. I jumped up and led him to the bedroom. I pulled out a pair of my panties. "Let's see how they fit" I laughed. He stripped and let me help him slide my panties on. I kissed him and pushed him back on the bed. I teased him and ran my hands over his ass. I stopped and rushed to the closet pulling out the box I kept my vibrator in. I returned to bed. Paul was blushing as he saw the box.
"You know what's in here?" I asked
"Yes" he said unable to look at me. I pulled out a toy and held it against his cock turning it on. Making him jump. I continued to tease him with it holding against his asshole he moaned and bucked.
"Someone likes that" I teased he was so red it was funny. I applied lube to the toy and and worked it into his hole. He moaned and came all over himself almost immediately. I was shocked as much as he was embarrassed.
After that night Paul became even more passive. Never even offering a counter opinion of me unless I asked.
"Do you play with yourself?" I asked Paul one night.
"Sometimes" he said unable to look at me.
"I like it if you wouldn't do that anymore" I told him. He just nodded.
"I tell you when I have sex without you, so from now on you will tell me when you do." I told him. Making the motion of him jerking off. I found myself finding a stud to just fuck me about every two months. Paul excepted this and would give me a long hot bath. As if washing him off of me. He often would wear my clothes when this happened as well. He didn't want to be a girl. Often wearing one of my shirts and my shorts or jeans. Telling me it made him feel closer to me.
He was so embarrassed by it I found myself having him wear my clothes out if he upset me for any reason. This led almost everytime to me playing with his ass, ( I even bought a strapon) and feeding him his cum in some way. He loved this but also saw it as a punishment because it embarrassed him so much.
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check In - September 27th, 2023 🎀
today was such an easy day for me, I am so glad that I’m taking yesterday thru Thursday for myself. I really need it.
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - boiled chicken potstickers, shredded hash browns with ketchup, a cup of coffee
Dinner - spaghetti with meat marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese
Extra - 2 cups of coffee
not a heavy eating day for me as I haven’t had much of an appetite thanks to being sick. Might still snack on something tonight since there’s still time left in the day.
🩷 Personal Accomplishments -
Cleaned my bathroom a little bit
Did the dishes
cleaned the kitchen
Washed a load of laundry
Morning self care
morning guided journal entry
Rescheduled an appointment over the phone (I have severe phone call anxiety)
Reviewed Japanese goals for next month
🩷 Academic Achievements -
Passed chapter 8/9 Quiz for Nutrition class
Passed chapter 6 Quiz for Psychology class
Passed chapter 8 quiz for Cooking class
Duolingo/Busuu ~15 minutes
today was a pretty productive day despite the amount of time I’ve spent in my bed, I’m actually pretty proud of myself for doing so much despite this stupid cold I have.
🩷 Academic Goals for Tomorrow, Sept 28 -
Complete extended assignment for Psyc class
Complete lab report for anatomy lab
Complete assignment for personal finance class
Complete lifecycle chart assignment for nutrition class
Complete practical assignment for health and sport class
🩷 Personal Goals for Tomorrow, Sept 28 -
Work on drafts of content for RD Mentor #1’s instagram and send them to her
Clean bedroom/organize bedroom
Put away all clean laundry
Morning + Night guided journal
Morning + Night skincare
Therapy ? (Therapist might be doing a routine training so I’m not sure)
Study Japanese using apps (Anki, Duolingo, Busuu, Renshuu, etc) 15-30 minutes
Drink 1-2 liters of water
I’m going to definitely try to accomplish everything I have planned for tomorrow, I think it’ll make me feel better to get so much done. Most of my homework isn’t actually due until Sunday evening or Monday evening but I figure getting it done earlier will be better for when I get off work this weekend. I’m hoping to catch up and work ahead on stuff a little bit so that way I’m not struggling next weekend. I’m actually going to go see my boyfriend next weekend for about three full days, which I’m excited for because I haven’t seen him in person in three months. (Thank you 1000+ miles of distance haha)
that’s all for now!
til next time lovelies 🩷🤍
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besides having to do 2 light loads of laundry, I am done with cleaning.
it took me about 5-6 hours to clean everything. My living/bedroom taking me the longest. cause of course it did
what's left is vacuuming, (need to get a vacuum), and organizing. (need tools for my dresser and other stuff)
bathroom was the shortest, and kitchen didn't take that long either surprisingly. I started with the dishes at 1 something, then made breakfast. After that I went about cleaning.
But holy shit, that took long. And I'm proud of myself
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charliesimss · 2 years
Gotta whip out the mouse anD laptop for these ones
1. Who sleeps on the left and right side of the bed? Issy sleeps on the left, Mason on the right because the right is closer to the bathroom door in case someone breaks in and kills them.
2. Who does most of the cooking? They don't cook their poor children will starve. Probably Mason, but Issy makes the tea now because it's all she can make confidently. Maybe they'll both get better at following recipes soon.
3. Who’s the little and big spoon? MASON is little. Change my mind.
4. Who says creepy paper and who says crepe paper? Wtf is creepy paper?
5. Who screams and who kills the spider? Issy screams, Steve kills the spiders, but Mason seems like the take outside type instead.
6. Who’s the sun and who’s the moon? Issy's sunny, Masons moon cause it's very witchy vibes of him.
7. How do they share chores? They'd probably both just do whatever needs doing, they're adults so they'd want their house clean and if they have free time and energy they'd do the necessary chores. But I feel like they'd tackle hard chores like laundry and dishes together, like Issy would put away while Mason washes, Mason would carry the laundry and put it on but Issy would organize the loads and fold them.
8. What are their cooking habits? Who cooks meals and who “cooks” insta-ramen? Mason looks like he can cook real meals and Issy can barely boil water to make instant ramen. She can make oatmeal in the microwave tho.
9. How do they handle arguments? What do they argue about? They literally sulk away from each other and cry but then cuddle and make up.
10. What are their love languages? Issy does words, and makes him crafts like cards and stuff on her cricut, and Mason probably is more physically affectionate.
11. Who says marco and who says polo? They've never played this game before but mason being a lifeguard would probably say polo and be out of the pool like a cheater saying it.
12. Who says “party rockers” and who says “party rock is”? I didn't know this was a THING. Mason says BOTH issy probably doesn't know the words.
13. What’s their age and height difference? Ah lemme refer to the chart, 2 years, and 1.5 ft 😌
14. How does their personal styles differ? Do they share clothes? Fashionably they're quite different, issy is all pink and cozy, and Mason is all crop tops and black and punky, but Issy might wear some of his plain t-shirts as dresses of his crop tops as regular tops.
15. How do their past relationships (or lack thereof) affect their current relationship? Issy doesn't really have any solid boyfriends to compare him to but she does have an abusive dad :crygun: and that's affected her by making her apologetic all the time and not feeling worthy of love :)) thanks duncan ♡
16. Who takes charge during grocery trips? Who picks out all the silly snacks and munchies? I think Mason gets snacky during grocery trips but Issy eats before she goes because her dads taught her to not go grocery shopping while hungry.
17. Who made the first move? What was it? Mason did and he asked her out for valentine's day.
18. What’s a typical date night for them? Do they go out or stay in? They'd go out to a fancy restaurant probably that Mason picks cause he knows them, and Issy would compare it to olive garden.
19. Do they engage in PDA? If so, what kind? Casual kisses probably
20. Do they want kids? If so, who initiated the question about having them? YEs, and I think they just started talking about it even before they were dating because they both like kids and have always wanted lots so it just came up in casual conversation.
21. Who drives and who’s the passenger princess? Mason drives like Linc in ntwyw, and Issy sits because she gets into about 3 car crashes a day.
22. What do they bring out in each other? Mason brings out her determined side, not so much spiteful, but determined to be better and be organized to better the both of them. And Issy brings out his self consciousness and makes him want to better himself.
23. Who’s messier? How does the other react? I feel like by male default it's Mason. Issy tries to be very organized like asmr tiktokers. And she'd just clean up for him and organize his drawers with little compartments so he'd always be able to see things and find everything he needs. 😌
24. What’s their song? This one or this one 🥺
25. Who said I love you first? How did it go? I wish very badly that i remembered this :)))
26. Who asked out who first? Mason asked her out fist
27. Who takes the most photos of the other? What are the photos like? Issy takes candids of him all the time, probably blurry and mid sentence of him, because he's always moving or talking
28. How would they describe each other? Issy would describe him as protective, smart, and creative. He would describe her as sunshine :lotslove:
29. What’s their go-to takeout order and movie night combo? It's the Mummy (1999) or Prince of Egypt (1998) because he got Issy into brandon fraser movies after saying he was his bi awakening, and because of the songs in prince of egypt. And idk they seem like sushi people. Low carbs and all that.
30. What are their nicknames for each other? (If any) Issy makes nicknames like it's her JOB. She nicknames him like I nickname Henry. She calls him Mase, Masey, Maseroni, beepers. And I guess she'd throw in a cute basic one like babe. And he calls her a stor (?), and my love.
31. What’s their first dance song? (If they have one) Boop 32. How are they intimate with each other in a nonsexual way? Holding hands :) they are children of god after all
33. What do their families think of their partner? Issy's dads really like him and his dads and they all hang out together like gay dads do (how did you meet each other? ""uhm we're all gay""?) And Mason's fam treats issy so nice, like royalty, she's shocked how Gen treats her and buys her things and cooks for her and stuff, more than Gemma ever did 🤗
34. What couple from another media reminds you of them? Violet and Linc from not the witch you wed!!!!
35. What are their favorite couple activities for each season? I think they'd like Winter a lot and go skiing, and in the summer they'd go swimming a lot.
36. Who wakes up and falls asleep first? Issy does both. Mason doesn't have healthy sleeping habits :/
37. Who initiated the first kiss? What was it like? Mason probably and it was when they were drinking hot chocolate actually that's as much as i recall
38. What do they love most about each other? Issy loves how family oriented he is and how passionate he is about things he likes.
39. Who worries and who calms? They both be worrying so much they got some type of complex anxiety i swear. Gen fucking calms them both. :notlikethis:
40. Do they have any jealous tendencies over each other? Issy is the one to get sad before she'd get jealous, but she hasn't had a reason to be jealous.
41. Who is the most physically affectionate? he is
42. Do you have a playlist for them? Gimme?????? Sometimes I add issy songs to his playlist that u literally made. 💀
43. Which one of them did you make first? Good question. I made issy in like 2018? But idk when Mason was made in game
44. How long have you been playing with them (or making edits with, etc.) Hmmm since Last February!!! "hey babe happy one year. I'm 27."
45. How long have they known each other? What age did they meet? They've known each other for uhm 3 years this month I think, and were 18 and 20 when they met I think.
46. Who takes longer to get ready? Depends where they're going but probably Issy if she's doing her makeup, if not it could be either one. Mason looks like he takes long to get ready, his hair alone.
47. How did they meet? Working at diamond peaks 🥺
48. What is something they have given the other that has a lot of meaning? A baby
49. Who’s more of the “protector” in the relationship? probably mason by instinct because the world hasn't been nice to issy
50. What is their dynamic playing board games and video games? (versus each other and/or on the same team) Mason gets competitive if he's playing with other family members, and Issy is like "I'm just happy to be here :-)"
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my happy sundog :) we get a lot of glorious late afternoon sun in the kitchen and he’s been able to really bask this week in a way he hasn’t since we left texas. looks like it should be a pretty nice day today too! we got up at 6:20 which still feels like 5:20 even a week post-time change 🥴 but my body feels good after yesterday’s longer run—no lingering soreness or shin splints! I did my work task and answered outstanding emails so I only have to monitor my inbox periodically today.
my NUMBER ONE TASK for the day is to do all these returns. I plan to tackle them in two chunks based on geographic location:
trip 1: kohls (amazon returns), target (return toaster + buy cleaning spray), home goods
trip 2: UPS store (need to box & tape before), tj maxx, costco (no returns I just need to pick up paper towels and toilet paper)
most of the places open between 9-9:30 so I will let myself lounge a bit longer before I head out. my goal is to get all of that done between 9-12 (though hopefully it won’t take that long!!).
I think I will also prioritize getting the house in order today—I did some light tidying last night but can do a deeper clean today. maybe I’ll put on a podcast and work on that in the afternoon after I finish my errands. that list includes:
take out upstairs + downstairs trash
take out recycling
vacuum entire downstairs (entryway, living room, bathroom, laundry room, kitchen)
declutter/tidy fireplace area
re-hang bathroom mirror
do two loads of laundry (one for sheets/towels/pillows + one for clothes)
find a permanent storage home for the toaster oven to free up counter space
clorox toilets
wipe down bathroom counters
wipe down kitchen counters
clean out entire car (take a trash bag out for all the crumpled receipts etc, organize the backseat and trunk, wipe down interiors with lysol wipe, vacuum, put toll pass in window)
reorganize entryway closet
finish hanging banner upstairs
vacuum entire upstairs (bedroom, bathroom, hallway, dayroom)
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lornrocks · 6 months
Today was dead in the office so I wfh and in that time I:
1. Did 4 loads of laundry and put them away
2. Cleaned some stains on the carpets (cat puke) and on the mat (blood from my skin leaking)
3. Want through my clothes and accessories and bagged up the ones for donation and made a pile in the second bedroom for the stuff I’m gonna list online
4. Tidied up the desk area
5. Tidied up the shelf in my bedroom
6. Put some stuff away in the bathrooms
7. Brought in the trash and recycle cans
8. Got the mail
9. Refilled the bird feeder
10. Tidied up the kitchen
11. Tidied up the living room
12. Remade the bed after washing stuff
13. Washed some reusable straws
14. Worked on washing/cleaning some sneakers that are good condition and I will donate
15. Reorganized my bag collection
16. Refilled my pill holders for about three weeks of meds
17. Reorganized my socks/undies drawer (and threw out old gross ones)
I still need to dump out the litter box and put in new pellets, rearrange my gallery wall/hang up my new art pieces, and run the dishwasher. And eventually touch up my roots. (And of course list a bunch of stuff I want to sell, stuff my mom wants to sell). And then I’ll take my donations in.
My point of this is: I could have done a lot of this spread out over the week if I wasn’t in office every day, instead of trying to get it all done when the mood hit.
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msbarrows · 1 year
Sept 2 - ran a load of laundry. Finished my monthly backups.
Made a pork curry for supper (sliced pork, red onion, garlic, carrot and potato chunks, sweet red pepper, seasonings, water, plus stirred in some cream just before serving) and brown basmati rice.
Sept 3 - did a beef roast with boiled potatoes, steamed fresh broccoli, carrot coins, and gravy.
Sept 4 - turned the leftovers from yesterday into a cottage pie.
Sept 5 - cleaned upstairs bathroom. Just myself for supper so I did a couple of hot dogs and a tomato-avocado salad.
Sept 6 - ran four loads of laundry and remade bed. Started packing for trip to Toronto tomorrow.
For supper I reheated the last of the steak and sausage chili from the freezer, and served it with tortilla chips.
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urbanresidense · 1 year
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One at the Peninsula is Indianapolis-based developer Flaherty & Collins's first entrant into the Columbus market and is making big strides in trying to stand out. Not only is it the sole residential property currently within the 26-acre Peninsula development, but it also boasts the city's most expensive rentals. Initially listed at $7999, the two 3-bed/3-bath 1,746 sf. penthouse units with direct city views have dropped to $7400 as of the date of this post.
While I have yet to visit them, I am curious to understand the justification for the primary bathroom design. Containing a single shared walk-through closet with connection to the side-by-side laundry room (I do appreciate a top-loading washer), the primary bathroom has a combined tub/shower. For being the most expensive unit in Columbus, I'd expect bathroom luxuries to reflect that with a separate tub and stall shower.
A sucker for clean lines, I do appreciate the attention made to the main facade on Belle St where the balconies available to every unit are inlaid into the apartment homes. I've covered this previously, but I much prefer that look to the protrusion of balconies that seem merely attached to the side of the building. The northern facade is particularly sexy in my opinion as well with slight outcropped balconies. The developers did not skimp on outdoor space for these units, they actually increased the interior floor space for units that do not have as striking of a view. Notice how on the rear of the main building and all the exteriors of the auxiliary building (in white), the balconies maximize interior space and simply stick out from the side of the structure. I really appreciate the thought that went into that - or at least, I assume it did.
According to the complex's website, the two buildings are distinguished simply by a number (#1 being the smaller 6-story building and #2 the 11-story tower). If given the opportunity, I'd love to discuss the zoning and/or entitlement process undergone and whether this final product maximized the number of units given the respective parameters, and whether aesthetics needed to be taken into consideration. For example, if building #1 could have been 11 stories as well, why wasn't it? Could they not get the same return on units given the construction costs and obstruction to views gained by building #2's rear units?
I'm intrigued to take a tour of this building and check to see what the interiors and amenity spaces look like. For the former, are the drawers soft-close? Are the kitchens and bathrooms externally vented? How do the windows open? Why carpet in the bedroom instead of a vinyl wood alternative?
A rooftop pool is a beautiful addition, but is the size compromised? What equipment is available in the gym? How convenient is it to get to the fitness center if one lives in building #1 since the facility is located in building #2? Why is bike storage in #1? I'm only questioning these choices because I'm curious, not that I really have any expertise in what is the "right" decision.
Personally, I hope this building leases up quickly to elicit even more development across the downtown skyline. The developer's Ascent at the Top of the Hill in Cleveland just off my MBA alma mater's campus is a promising behemoth of a community also ideally positioned on an outcropping of sorts with promising views from some of the more sought-after units. Let's see if they continue to invest more in Ohio!
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calamityandme · 1 year
I have been soooo productive today holy shit.
I treated myself to coffee from Starbucks today. They accidentally made my chai tea with a double shot hot instead of iced. They said they could make it iced and asked if I wanted the hot one. I said why not, and called and asked my mom if she wanted a drink.
I took the drink to her office and I got to talk to her for a bit. Her new office is a lot nicer than her old one. It’s a legit office. I hope they don’t work her too hard. It was nice spending time with her.
After that I picked up a grocery order. I was exactly on budget with my $98 order. We got some of the little things that would help with meals at home. Like frozen meals I can eat, heavy cream, poptarts for Danny, things like that. Just to tide us over until payday.
When I got home I smoked, drank my chai tea, then got to work. I finished listening to my Gerald’s Game audiobook today. Thank god it’s over lol. It was interesting but terrible. I started my Graveyard Book audiobook by Neil Gaiman. I love when audiobooks are read by the author.
I vacuumed the kitchen, living room, bathroom and hallway. I cleaned the bathroom. I took out the trash. I cleaned the top of the stove and kitchen counters. I tidied the living room so it wasn’t such a mess. I vacuumed and wiped out Fish’s dog kennel and changed the cat bed bedding. I did two loads of laundry, put a hamper of clothes away and sorted another hamper. Then I decided to do a big-ish project—clean under the kitchen sink. It was grimy from the previous tenants. I should have cleaned it a long time ago but oh well. I cleaned a couple windows in the living room. Scooped the litter boxes.
I think that will be the end of my cleaning day so far. It’s 6 PM as I write this. I’ve been at it since 9:30. It’s been enjoyable, but nevertheless I’m finally getting tired of it. Question is whether my brain will let me stop.
I’m sitting on the couch and I can feel a energy or tingling moving in waves up and down my body. I feel like I’m done cleaning, yet my eyes are looking around the house for something else. Something I’m maybe forgetting.
I could clean Danny’s bubbler. I could put my other hamper of clothes away. I could do some dishes.
I could relax too, though. I need to take a bath. I’ve been putting it off for a few days. Why am I not as focused on that?
I cant decide if i should stop. I know as soon as I stop writing this I will most likely start doing a few more things before I finally stop for the night.
I am anxious about something. I put off filling out some important paperwork that apparently had a 10 day due date. I think I got that letter a couple weeks ago. Hopefully it won’t be too bad.
I am so productive typically, but sometimes will forget something that is very important and I have no idea how. I am so focused on getting tasks done that when a task slips through my radar it’s troubling lol. I know, I know. I’m a control freak.
It’s been a good day, I just hope all this energy and productivity doesn’t doom me for the rest of the week. Sometimes I do too much in one day and it zaps my energy for other days. Like that Spoon theory for the chronically ill. I don’t want to run out of spoons.
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popowerst · 1 year
What am I celebrating on Father's Day?
Thanks for covering some of my living expenses while I lived with you.
Thanks for making sure I always had something to eat and clean water to drink.
Thanks for providing a room for me in your home.
Thanks for the the anxiety and depression.
Thanks for what is probably ADHD. Thanks for telling me you suspected you had it too, but only when it got so bad I started talking to my doctor about it. I was 25 years old.
Thanks for the child abuse. Thanks for hitting me, locking me out of the house, and throwing my books at me. Thanks for throwing open my door and screaming at me at random times of the day any time to scare me.
Thanks for being emotionally unavailable. Whenever Mom and I would get into an argument, she would always threaten me "just wait until you dad gets home." Not because you would mediate between the two of us, find common ground, and help us reach a compromise. No. You would come into my room, tell me to stop arguing with my mother, she's right and I'm the kid so I need to listen to her, you would ground me for weeks for having an argument in the first place.
By the way, thanks for pushing me so hard academically. I did really well in school, so it'll be funny if I find out I really did have ADHD all this time. You used to ground me if I left the honor roll list, or brought home so much as a C average in any class until around my Junior year of high school or so. I love when y'all were still treating me like I didn't understand anything when I started taking college-level courses in 10th grade. Somehow I was able to keep a part-time job- because I had to in order to pay my bills- and take 6 AP classes my senior year and still managed to stay on honor roll. Were you proud of me? You certainly didn't show it if you were. At least you came to graduation? You are the participation award of fathers.
You never even wanted to participate in my hobbies. My very few extracurriculars. I could probably count on one hand the number of plays you came to see. You didn't care- you weren't interested. It had nothing to do with supporting me, it would be boring to you so you wouldn't go.
Thanks for making me stay as quiet as possible while at home. Couldn't even practice my recorder in elementary school because it was "too loud." Yet you would watch movies in the living room with the bass booming.
Thank you for making me start working during the summer when I was in high school. I really appreciate the leg up it gave me work-ethic wise over my peers, and who wouldn't want a part-time job at a pizza place? What I didn't like was how you both then started pushing bills on to me when I should've been saving for college- which you never helped with. Picking up something like my phone bill was fine and a good way to teach responsible money habits.
But then you started charging me rent. A third of the total house expenses as a matter of fact. $500 a month, for: one 10 x 10 bedroom, right next to yours, that I was constantly berated for being too loud in, with a shared bathroom. The living room was for you guys. The other two bedrooms and the converted garage connected to the laundry room with the half bath were all used for storage, because you and Mom are both hoarders. You also put me in charge of my own food purchases, to be kept in a mini fridge in my bedroom. There was no room in the fridge or freezer- you keep it loaded with junk. I also had limited kitchen access, not that I knew how to cook anyway. Thank God I had been staying at my girlfriend's place and her mom took pity on me- she allowed me to store frozen foods in their freezer, where they somehow made enough space for me to keep a few things, despite having twice as many people in the house. They also helped me afford a car. And a lot of other important things. I married her daughter. It ended up being one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I am not a materialistic person, so I don't hold this as much against you as much I am just generally appreciative of them, but you weren't financially prepared to raise a child, were you? There were no savings. No help. I was supposed to go out into the world and start from scratch at the age of 17. Full time job and full time student balanced right out of high school. That's cool and all. But that doesn't strike me as something a loving, caring, thoughtful father would do. No, you opened up a joint account with your crusty bank because I almost traveled across the country to go to college, and when I was out of town and the rent was due, you sent me a text saying you knew I could pay it because you checked my account and I had enough. You transferred the money without asking when I was hundreds of miles from home, and all I can say is I'm grateful my best friend's parents were generous and kind to me, because I'm not sure how I would've gotten food that week without them.
I think about you a lot. I want to forgive you. I'm sure you feel these emotions too. You don't understand how to express them. Your generation looked down upon people who need therapy. I know you have unresolved trauma that nobody else knows about but mom and my grandmother. I know your dad left you at a young age. He's shitty and I know life was harder for you as a result. Honestly sometimes seeing how he turned out makes me wonder whether that was for better or worse. The boyfriend that came after him was pretty bad too. From what I've heard, he was just straight up abusive and I can only imagine the effect that had on you. Either way you deserved to have a father figure. Is it selfish for me to say that?
Thanks for keeping my sister a secret from me for years. I still don't know her name. Maybe I'll meet her someday. Mom was the one that ended up telling me about her- I think she still resents that you gave another woman a child years before her, doubly so because of the following miscarriages. Good on you for paying child support. However, this is where I really get upset.
Did you really not have enough self awareness to realize the damage that you can cause by putting a woman and a child in that kind of position? I would think that you, out of all people, would understand the kinds of difficulties that a father walking out of a family would cause. You idiot. Are you absolutely clueless? How could you live your whole life, feel all the ways that you do, meet a woman, get her pregnant, and think that the right role model to follow in this instance was your father? Did you learn nothing?
But coming at you from this angle won't help at all. This would just make you upset. You shut down, stop listening. You want the patience that you never gave.
I think that you once thought I hated you or that I wanted you dead. That's not true. I love you. Deep down I want to have a relationship with you. I mourn the lack of connection and that's why it's so sour when I see you for a couple of hours every few months. Seeing you is like seeing a grumpy old friend. You don't text, you don't call. You do not know how to make someone feel loved. You never learned that skill.
It's agonizing to have to sit and pretend that everything is okay. It's very damaging to my mental health. But how do I even begin to talk about any of this with you? Again you have no communication skills. I have just begun to develop my own, and I had to do it independently of you. Unfortunately Mom didn't help much either. She's another story entirely.
I feel guilty that I even have these feelings about you. Some people don't even know their dads. A lot of people have it way worse than me. I'm just complaining. But I deserve to complain every once in a while.
I don't know where to go from here. Every time I see you, I have to look you in the eye and act like everything is okay. I keep hoping one of these days I'll get a call from you. A text message. Maybe you'll find my email address somewhere. I want you to open up this conversation. I don't know how to bring it up. Maybe I'll figure it out in therapy. Haven't told y'all that I mostly talk about you when I go.
I remember when I told you I started going. The only thing you said was "therapy's really expensive." And you're right, it is. But this cycle of generational trauma stops with me. You always told me I knew better, that I was too smart to be lazy and I wasn't applying myself. Well here you go. I used my resources to figure out why all the men in my family are awful people, develop the skills necessary to balance those weaknesses, and lay plans for the future that include financial stability, effective communication, mutual respect, and loving my family so much that nobody can deny it.
If you get your act together, I might let you meet your grandkids. Happy Father's Day.
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check-in September 13th, 2023 🎀
So yesterday was absolutely one of the most productive days I have ever had, and I swear I enjoyed it so much. I got so much done, so much planned out, and I'm super happy. I also just got paid, so I bought some Japanese language learning resources, some desk organizer stuff for my ne stationery, and... some more new stationery. I can't help it, I love it all!!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - small bowl of boiled frozen chicken dumplings
Lunch - Leftover homemade cheeseburger and fries
Dinner - Mac and Cheese, Quesadilla
Snacks - rest of Mac and cheese
Extra - 4 cups of coffee
It has been a struggle staying awake some days so I do tend to over indulge in my coffee. It's so yummy. I also bought a matcha set so maybe I'll learn to make my own matcha drinks now and I'll cut back on the coffee?
🩷 Personal Achievements -
Swept bedroom/bathroom
Replacd old carpets with new ones
Replaced old shower liner with new one
Replaced old fitted bed sheet with new one
Organized my desk more efficiently
Washed dishes
Dyed my hair a bit again
Did a load of laundry
Put away ALL laundry in room
Took my bedroom trash out
Studied Japanese 15 min
I got just about everything on my to do list done in my room yesterday! I am super proud of myself for getting it all done. None of it was hard or took long but I had been procrastinating it so I'm just happy it got done.
🩷 Academic Achievements -
Completed and passed NUTR Exam 1
Completed and passed Culinary Quiz Ch 6
Completed and submitted Meal Three Writing Assignment
I didn't do any note taking yesterday cause I was on a video call with my boyfriend for most of the day on my Ipad, and my ipad is how I take notes. Since I don't have much to do today, I figured it'd be a good time to take some notes, watch my lecture videos, and read some textbook chapters.
🩷 To Do List for Today -
Read Ch 11 for Personal finance class + take notes
Watch Fitness For Health and Sport online lectures + take notes
Complete my Sample Nutrition Log assignment + submit it
Study Japanese 15+ min
Clean Bathroom
Attend RD mentorship meeting
Extra Credit Meeting + mini writing assignment
I don't want to have to do too much today because I do have three separate meetings to get done today, and I believe this meeting with my first RD mentor is going to kickstart this program for me and add more to my plate. I have a meeting with my second RD mentor next week, so my schedule is gonna get very busy.
🩷 Song of the Day - Are You Satisfied by MARINA
This is a good motivational song for me to keep me on track with all my responsibilities. I love music so much, what would I do without it?
That's all for now, lovelies! Trying to get back into a self care routine is definitely a top priority right now, so expect some of that to be sprinkled into my updates again as I start becoming more successful with implementing it!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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afrustratedmom · 2 years
His morning versus mine
What my day looked like versus my male partner's morning. Mind you, I did all of this on 2 hours of sleep. 5:30 AM - 6:15 AM Me: - Attempted to wake my partner up with my own alarm since his hasn't been working for days now. - Cleaned my baby's bottle up while heating up water. - Made a bottle for said baby and fed it to her. - Changed the baby's very full diaper. - Attempted to wake my partner up again since he went back to sleep and he was annoyed that I did so. - Washed all of the bottles and other pump parts for breastfeeding. - Got my partner's son up/my stepson and got his clothes ready. - Got my stepson changed and taught him (again) where to place his dirty clothes. - Washed my stepson's feet because they had a ton of dirt in between his toes and I have no clue why (welcome to the life of a 4 year old). - Got my stepson set up with his vitamin gummies, some water, and 2 snacks. - Helped my stepson brush his teeth. - Picked the dirty clothes my partner left on the bathroom floor for the upteenth time because he doesn't care to help me clean up. - Took out the trash. - Did a load of laundry. My partner: - Used the bathroom. - Took a shower. - Got dressed. The shower took at least 1 hour out of that hour and 15 minutes. After 6:15 AM: I asked him to please speed it up because I still had to get myself, my middle child, and get the baby ready to head out for a late morning's doctor's appointment. I told him he would be late getting to work and he said he would not be. While he took his son to daycare before circling back to get me and the other 2 kids, I was able to: - Brush my teeth, take a lightening fast shower, and get dressed. - Get my middle child dressed, fed breakfast, give her medicine, and teeth brushed, and change her diaper. - Get my baby dressed and change her diaper one more time. - Pump so I have enough milk to feed the baby when I get home. By the time he circles back to get us, he FINALLY asks if I need any help. We still have to drop him off to work where he is...you guessed it...late. Through this entire morning, I begged and pleaded with him to hurry up, to stop dragging his feet, to please move it along because I really needed his help. He was annoyed with me, questioned why I was being this way, caught an attitude, and then wondered why I was stone cold and quiet the entire way to his job. Even AFTER I explained that I was sleep deprived, and once again was expected to get these kids ready all by myself while he got to make himself pretty and ready for work even though I too had to go to work later on in the day. I too had things to do and ended up having to take 2 kids to a doctor's appointment that was meant for one (because I have no babysitter for the infant) where I ended up changing yet ANOTHER shitty diaper for my toddler in a hot, dirty bathroom at the doctor's office, with my baby strapped to my chest. I am so fucking depleted y'all. And somehow, he saw and got none of that. Signed, A Fucking Frustrated Mom
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I had the last 6 days off, what did I get done in those days?
Finished watching 'Criminal Minds'.
Cross stitched the majority of my primary's gift.
Watched all of 'Bridgerton' season 2 in one day.
Started a new crochet blanket
Worked on my temperature crochet blanket.
Ran several loads of laundry through the washer and dryer.
Went to the gym 4 days.
Things I didn't do until this morning (I have to work tonight)...
My taxes.
Fold ALL the laundry I'd done days ago.
Vacuumed up all the dog hair tufts I've been plucking from Isis whenever I get within petting distance... it's shedding season.
Cleaned the bathroom.
And I plan to take out all the recycling and do the dishes before I go to work... I still have to walk the dog and hopefully get to the gym too.
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