#did lala give it to him or what
temiizpalace · 1 month
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SUMMARY: a friend on the inside told you that this restaurant gives out free food to guests who propose.. well what better way to get free food than to get your crush in on this?
NOTES: ignore the fact it’s a ton of highschool students getting proposed to
reader gender is not mentioned, reader could be yuu
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so let him get this straight. you want to fake a marriage proposal with him just to get a free dinner at a fancy restaurant? are you joking? why would you want to go through the hassle? he could literally cook or get someone to cook you a meal twice as good! also for free! you’re so lucky he likes you too. i mean what. anyways, reluctantly, he agreed to the plan.
as you got on one knee, he couldn’t help his heart from pounding. it’s fake, the boy reminded himself, trying to suppress his painfully obvious heartbeat. you slide the ring on his finger, the applause around him being the only to pull him out of lala land. at first he thought it was dumb, but next time, he wouldn’t mind doing this again so long as you don’t go back on your word.
he forgot about the food and barely ate.
ace, riddle, leona, azul, jamil, idia, sebek, rollo
proposal? like, marriage proposal? oh. oh seven. SERIOUSLY— wait, no, a staged one. whoops. haha, you got him. gosh darn it.. you want to do this with him though? you could’ve asked anyone else! what an honor it is to pretend to marry you.. it’s like a dream come true! sort of. hold on, what if he gets carried away? jeez, it makes him nervous just thinking about it.. can he do this? is this morally correct? well you asked him first.. okay, he’ll do it!
the ring box rests in his pocket, waiting for your signal before he can ask for your hand. as he got on his knee, he could feel his hands tremble, begging not to screw up or accidentally drop the ring. his eyes meet yours, as did the audiences. the heat in his cheeks rose immensely as he uttered the four magic words, your acceptance gaining cheers from the crowd. that.. that felt good. he’ll definitely propose to you again! but the next time he does, it won’t be for show.
he was sad when he remembered this was fake. the food didn’t taste good anymore.
deuce, cater, trey, jack, ruggie, epel, malleus, silver
there was no convincing involved at all. the moment you said “let’s fake a proposal” he already agreed. and please let me tell you how into it he got. he went through rehearsals, wrote down heartfelt poems, and even got all dolled up just for the occasion. he showed up to your door with a bouquet of flowers, lifting your hand to brush against his lips, escorting you by the arm to his transportation, just the whole thing. like damn you’re not even in public yet. relax.
at the restaurant, he grabbed your hands suddenly, turning you to face him. he began to go on about how much he loved you, and how much your moments together meant to him. he lowered himself onto one knee, pulling the velvet box out of his pockets. you are presented with a REAL ring (not the fake one you offered, nono), with a glittering stone on top. this was an act, yet even you believed it was real for a moment. you accept his proposal before he suddenly pulled you in with his lips nearly against yours.
he pulls back, the sounds of tears from the waiter and compliments from other customers being the only sounds made in the moment. he plays it off like it was nothing, yet you felt yourself overheating at his bold acts. if this is how far he’ll go for an act, imagine how far he’ll go for the real thing.
ate his meal like nothing happened. you were the one who couldn’t eat.
jade, vil, rook, lilia che’nya
yes. you didn’t even need to finish your sentence, it’s a yes. he’ll do it. ohhh propose! sure! he’ll do it right now! what? later? okay! wait, just pretend? ah. he sees now. while a little disappointed that this was just for a free meal, he’ll still do it. it’s basically real if you act like it is, right? whatever! you asked him to do this, meaning you must like him enough right? he’s excited now just thinking about! don’t worry about anything, he’s got it all figured out!
or he thought he did. you grab his hand as you wore a charming smile on your face. you spoke of fond memories you had of him and moments you’ve had together (that didn’t actually happen) which just gave him butterflies. he was such anice outgoing and cheery person, yet, this is the first time he just can’t find the words. as you asked for his hand in marriage, he felt his heart skip a beat before accepting gracefully. as you both hear your congratulations, finished your meal, and left the restaurant, he refused to take the ring off of his finger. he’ll wear it forever. it’ll look very nice with the real one he got you when it’s his turn to propose.
pookie please take the ring off it made a dent in your finger
floyd, kalim, neige
free? food? now those are words ruggie likes to hear in the same sentence. AND ITS A FANCY RESTAURANT? sign. him. up. there’s proposal involved? cool. while he’s also really into that, he seemed more interested in what kind of foods they give out for free yknow what im saying?
will it be authentic sunset savanna dishes? scalding sands dishes? foods from the shaftlands? cmon, just spit it out. it’s not that he doesn’t care! you actually did catch him off guard with that proposal bit. he’s just really excited for the food part. when he saw the restaurant, he could already tell the food was going to be good.
as the proposal goes along, yada, yada, yada, the dinner is presented on the table. was he in heaven? did he die? cause holy crappp.. getting to become his crushes fiancé while also eating good was his idea of paradise! and this was just one restaurant that did this? what about the others? you can’t just leave em hanging! when you guys actually propose to each other, he’ll definitely want to do it in another fancy restaurant.
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A/N: hey guys im back (god damn that’s a lot of tags)
date published: 8/16/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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imaginaryf1shots · 4 months
Hidden | Max Verstappen
WC: 1.5K
Max x wife!reader
Summery: May has always a private person, but is he that private that he could hide his wife of 8 years and 2 year-old son.
Warnings: none
AN: This is a little something, while I’m working on two big fics
Max Masterlist
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Max Verstappen is many things, and when people ask you to describe him they always have a lot to say. He’s a great driver, at the top of his career, he’s aggressive, he’s sarcastic, definitely has an unhealthy relationship with his skinny jeans. He’s also incredibly private, not much is known about him that he doesn’t want to be known, how he does it is a mystery.
You both value your privacy, and any post made of you before he made it to F1 was deleted the second there was a possibility he would join. You were both young, and you knew how much hate some wags get and you didn’t want that. While Max was off racing, you were back home finishing your studies, the moment you finished high school and you were both 18 you got married. A small wedding with only family and very close friends in attendance. Some of your families were against it at first, saying you’re too young, too naive but you never listened to them. Both you and Max knew what you wanted, and there was not stopping you from getting what you wanted.
You finished Uni and when Max moved to Monaco you did too, you met some of the drivers, the ones close to Max, you met some of the team that were also close to him. And you even attended a few races, but no one paid you any attention, thinking you’re just a fan.
However the last time you made it to a race was well over a year and a half ago, you gave birth to your baby boy last winter, and after a hard delivery and a long recovery, where Max stuck by your side through it all. Your boy is almost 2 and he misses Max every time he’s away from home.
”Are you sure this is the right time?” Max asked you as you got yourself ready, Karel happily playing with his toys next to Max on the bed.
“I mean we’ve been married for 8 years now, and dating for three before that.” You point out and finish the last touches to your make-up. “We have a son and I want him to grow up seeing you do what you love to do, I don’t know when you actually want to retire, so let him see you do it before it’s too late.”
You walk over to your husband and sit in front of him with a smile.
”You’re right.” Max leans over and presses a kiss to your lips, that leaves you craving for more, Max pulls back leaving you chasing after his lips. The dutch driver laughs and lets you close the gap, your lips meeting for a bit longer, before you have to pull back or things would escalate.
“Don't forget your ring.”
“Already wearing it.”
Walking in the paddock with your son on your hip and your hand in Max’s turned a few heads for sure. It was the tack of the paddock, Max has a girlfriend and a son? There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that the boy you’re holding is anyones’s but Max, he’s a literal mini Max, with the small red bull merch and everything.
”Oh my god! Loca.” Lando said seeing you both, your son wiggles in your arms. He loves Lando who he sees a lot when you’re all in Monaco. Lando is one of the few people who knew about you for so long and he’s seen Karel mere days after he was born. “Come to uncle, Lala.” Karel leans out of your arms and easily goes to Lando’s. “I didn’t know you guys were bringing him today.”
“We weren’t 100% sure.” Max explains and you give him a look. “Okay, I wasn't 100% sure I’d want to bring him.”
”Well, I’m for one glad that you did.” Lando said entertaining your son.
”That makes the two of us.” You say smiling, as Max pulls you closer to his side.
After Max is sure you and Karel are comfortable at RedBull, he goes off to do his round of interviews and media duties. And it's just his luck that, he's on the panel today.
And it didn't take long before he was being questioned about his family.
“Question to Max, you seem happier today, does that possibly have something to do with your ring and those that came with you today?” Max chuckles, he looks at his wedding ring. On the panel today with him, Charles who knows about his family, Lewis who has no idea, Oscar who has no idea and Pierre who has a suspicion but hasn't been confirmed by Charles.
“Eh, if you're talking about this ring, yes. My son is here for the first time, he's finally old enough to come.” Max is smiling but just because his family came means he's suddenly open with the press and will spill everything.
“You have a son?” Lewis asked confused the gossip hadn't reached Mercedes yet.
“I'm not over the ring, you're married?” Pierre asked, Oscar was looking super confused at the RedBull driver, he heard Lando talking about Max and a child and wife but he thought it was the other Max not this Max.
“Karel's here?” Charles asked, smiling.
“Yeah, I have a son, he's almost 2 and I'm married.” Max said as if he didn't Just drop the biggest news in F1 at the moment.
“You knew about it?” Pierre asked his friend feeling left out, Charles looked cheapish and shrugged.
“It was a secret mate.”
After the panel the drivers waited for Max to ask him some more questions.
“When were you married?”
“Did you get married because of the kid?”
“What's his name?”
“Why did you hide them?”
”When can we see him?”
and so on and so forth, Max knew that this would cause quite a stir in the media but he had no idea the other drivers would be interested.
”Okay calm down everyone, let the man speak.” Lando, the latest person to join the circle said. He wrapped his arm around Max’s shoulder. ”Let me answer the oblivious stuff. His name’s Karel, he was born during the winter break of last year, he’s a carbon copy of Max, and yeah, I knew about everything for a few years.”
Lando looked so smug with himself for being in the know.
”And you’re married? Never saw you wearing a ring before.”
“Yeah, got married when we were 18-“
”EIGHTEEN!!” There was a gasps and repetition to the number 18.
”Mate, that’s over 8 years ago.” Pierre said with wide eyes, he’s been Max’s teammate and he was married and he had no idea.
”Yeah, we were dating for 3 years before that, and decided to just do it.” Max explains, he was itching to get back to the garage and see his family. But he had to stand there for a few more minutes to answer all their questions, which he was comfortable with anyways.
You could see a few of the drivers shaking their heads as they dispersed from the circle in disbelief. The gossip and new information was hot, it will be all they can talk about this weekend.
You were out of his driver’s room, and standing beside Max’s car talking with a mechanic as Karel was looking at his dad’s car in fascination. It’s the car he saw every week on the TV.
“Hey.” Max greeted coming in and giving you a quick kiss, he took Karel from your arms and kisses his cheek. “How’s everything?”
”Good, Karel wants to get in the car.” You inform your husband, smiling as your son nodded his head furiously.
”Dada, car.” Karel says cutely and points at his father’s car.
”You can sit baby, don’t think you’ll see anything but you can sit.” Max says and places his child into the cockpit, RedBull cameras snap pictures and take videos.
”Future RedBull champion in the making.” You tease Max and grin, Max had this adoration look on his face. “You should get in and put him on your legs so he can see.”
Max does as you say, he hands you Karel, who you shower with kisses making him giggle and push your face away. Max gets in and you hand him Karel who he places on his lap, the child now able to see out of the car.
”Here Max.” One of the mechanics hand him the steering wheel, and Max puts it in.
”Dada, drive.” Karel says and takes a hold of the steering wheel, Max helps him turn it right and left, it’s. too heavy for him to do it alone. You take out your phone and also film this moment.
If there was ever doubt about bringing Karel, just seeing them making memories and enjoying themselves proves that it’s the right thing to do. There’s no guarantee for how long Max will stay in F1, the motorsport is forever changing and you’ve always wanted Max to make these memories with your son. And if Karel continued showing interest in cars as he does now, there’s no doubt in your mind that you’ll be back at karting tracks soon enough, and replete the cycle that you went through with Max with your son.
Max looks at you and smiles, you couldn’t help but lean over and press your lips to his, in a sweet and short kiss.
”It’s good that I can kiss you whenever now.” You comment and wink at Max before you pull back.
“Lucky me.”
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 24 days
A Chance - Part 5**
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Here it is! The final part of this series! I hope you guys like it!
Read the full series here
Warnings: mentions of a break-ins and the police. Sex (oral & p in v), fingering, dirty talk, slight dom/sub dynamic and degradation, choking, overstimulation, forced orgasms
WC: 6.6k
You were absolutely smitten with Harry, you were an absolute goner for him. After he’d stuck up for you and your budding romance you didn’t have the heart to hold back. You really were giving it your best effort to put aside your fears and let yourself show him just how much you cared for him.
The past two months had been wonderful and so much fun with him. You’d gone and done some touristy things in Hollywood, you’d been to see the L.A. Phil, you’d gone to the beach, and were now on your sixth date at The Highlight Room. The sunset was breathtaking and you couldn’t help but reach over to his free hand. He glanced up from setting his beer down and smiled at you.
“Nothing. Just…admiring you.” You shrugged simply. “Do you like the pizza?” You asked and he nodded immediately.
“Hell yes. This is delicious.” He emphasized and you smiled.
“Good.” You hummed in contentment. 
You had planned this date and you wanted to do something a little more special for him because he always did the most thoughtful things for you. And well…you were kind of hoping that you guys could progress a little bit more in the physical aspect of things at the end of the night. You’d truly been taking it so slow because of all of the things you felt for him, it was the first time in a while that you’d felt this way. Harry was great though, never expecting something more than just your typical steamy make outs and handjobs. You guys were going to go to the Griffith Observatory after dinner. He had never been before and they were going to have a star party that night. People from local astronomy clubs were able to bring their equipment as well and set up on the lawn so that others can also get a chance to see the night skies. Harry was loving it, as were you! You’d gotten the chance to see a couple planets and the moon in so much detail. You’d learned to locate some summertime constellations in the sky and also got to walk around inside the building. Harry did not miss his chance to ask if you could dance like in “LaLa Land”, to which you blushed madly before declining anxiously.
“I know, m’ just messing with you, baby.” He assured you softly before kissing the highpoint of your cheek.
You eventually made it out onto one of the ledges and looked out to the millions of little lights from the city down the hill. You now had his jacket draped over your shoulders as you curled into his side.
“Thank you so much for planning this. It’s been a really wonderful evening.” He hummed with gratitude, “I mean…this is just…spectacular.” He said softly and you smiled.
“I’m glad you’ve had a nice time.” You hummed  before kissing his chest and then resting your head against it again as you hugged him a little closer as a cool breeze started to blow softly.
“It’s always have a nice time with you.” He said lowly before kissing the top of your head.
“Yeah, baby?” 
“D-do you want to have sex? Like…with me?” You asked with a slight stutter and you felt his body start to tremble a bit as his chuckle worked his way up his belly and out his mouth. You playfully smacked his chest and sniggered.
“What kind of question is that?!” He asked and you shrugged in his arms.
“I just…I don’t know, like you’re so respectful that while I’m certain that it’s because you know that I just…need to take things a little slow, a little, insecure part of me likes to believe that it’s because you’re not so much in a rush to get there with me either.” You confessed.
“Oh baby, I want to! So. Fucking. Bad.” He assured you, “But like you said first, I just want to make sure that I’m not pushing you too much. And well, what we’re doing now for each other, that’s alright with me too. I quite…like that we don’t get too far. I love the longing.” He confessed and you slightly loosened your grip to glance up at him and he looked down at you at the same time and you both smiled at each other.
“Oh…okay.” You hummed timidly and he smirked.
“Do you like…want to do that soon?” He asked.
“I was thinking tonight…I mean, we’ve been on six dates now…”
“Is that the magic number?” He teased.
“Stop…” you giggled, “I’ve been thinking about this a lot.” You confessed timidly. He pulled you closer and kissed you gently. 
“We can go if you’re ready.” He mumbled against your lips and you giggled.
“Are you done looking at everything?” You asked and he nodded.
“Definitely.” He hummed and you grinned before grabbing his hand and pulling him along.
You were driving a little over the legal limit. And yes, you had driven, you had given him the full “princess” treatment that you had come to discover he liked. He didn’t really make a big deal of it, he acted very casual when you’d do something that was particularly thoughtful to him, but you knew that inside he was giddy about it. You liked how he was practically leaning over the center console to be closer to you. He kept kissing your shoulder and whispering things about how pretty you looked and how badly he wanted to taste your pussy. Your skin was tingling all over as he worked you up. He was very playful and teasing, it was making you even more impatient than you already were. 
“H, I’m driving.” You giggled as he suddenly nipped at your earlobe.
“Sorry, baby.” He hummed. It made you feel on fire from the inside when he called you “baby”. It made your heart flutter in ways that you didn’t know it could. When you finally pulled into your parking spot your muscles relaxed in relief. Harry immediately leaned in to kiss you and your lips met in a heated kiss.
“We should go inside.” You mumbled against his lips.
“Kay.” He responded and you both hurried out of the car and locked it. 
Next thing you knew, you were riding up the elevator, nestled in the corner as you continued to make out. When it came to a stop you hurried down the hall while rifling through your bag to grab your keys. His hands landed on your on your hips and squeezed gently as the impatience got the best of him. Finally, you were stumbling into your dim apartment with his body still draped over yours. One of his hands was sliding up your front and groping your boob under your top. You sighed in relief when he dragged down the cup of your bra and gently tugged at your nipple. You were loving this more domineering side of him, you wanted to see what he’d do if you gave him no direction.
“Where do you want to do this?” He asked as your hand reached back and scratched at the nape of his neck soothingly.
“We can go to my room.”
“Okay.” He whispered and grabbed your hips again as he guided you through your apartment and into your bedroom.
“Can I…have a couple minutes? Just to, you know…freshen up a little bit?” You asked him when you both stopped at the foot of your bed.
“Oh, of course, baby. Take your time.” He assured you before kissing your shoulder again. “Want water or wine?” He asked.
“Some water would be good.”
“Okay, I’ll go get the water.” He smiled and you nodded and turned around to kiss him gently. “You know…” he mumbled against your lips and you pulled back, “If you’re not ready we don’t have to.” He reminded you and you smiled.
“I know. I just ummm…if we did end up doing this I…had bought something t-to wear for you.” You said and his smile widened before his eyes narrowed as if your words were hurting him.
“Baby…” he groaned as his fingers squeezed into your hips and you giggled.
“Go on.” You whispered as you playfully nuzzled your nose into his and he kissed you again before hurrying off. 
You were soon just wiping down your bits quickly before slipping into the baby blue tie-front teddy. The bottom was a little long to allow some flounce to the fabric, so it made your ass look a bit more voluptuous. And well, the cut-out in the center of the piece exposed your mid back and from under your breasts to right below your navel. You moisturized a bit and then headed out of the bathroom to see Harry walking into the bedroom. He stopped and just bit down on his lip to suppress his smile a bit.
“Fuck…look at you.” He complimented you. 
“Like it?”
“Yeah, love. So fucking pretty.” He said before dipping down to kiss your lips. 
In moments you were helping to undress him. You couldn’t help but feel over his muscles over and over again, they were so firm. Your urge got the best of you and you dipped down and sunk your teeth into his pec and started to suck. His big hands grabbed your ass and kneaded your plush skin as you sucked your mark into his chest. Your need for him was making you feel like you were burning up from the inside out. 
“Are you ever going to undress me?” You asked as you smiled up at him and he smirked.
“Of course, but patience, baby-”
He was interrupted by your doorbell ringing and then some knocks on your door. You groaned but decided to leave it be until there it was again. You huffed in irritation and pulled back.
“Let me check who that is.” You said and hurriedly shrugged on your robe as you made your way to your front door. You peeked through the peephole and saw a familiar face, you’d seen the woman in the mail room before. She was looking a little anxious, you were a bit worried since it was nearing 10pm.
“Can I help you?” You called through the door.
“Hi! Oh my god, I’m Willa. I live around the corner, down the hall? Unit 412?” She said, “Someone broke into my apartment while I was gone.” She explained and you gasped and quickly opened the door.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” You asked the woman and while it was evident that she had been crying, she wasn’t right now.
“Yeah, just a little shaken up.” She said and you nodded.
“How can I help?”
“Ummm, I noticed you have a ring camera and since you’re near the elevators I figured maybe you have footage of who it was since they took quite some big items.” She explained.
“Oh, yeah of course. Ummm, I can take down your contact info and look through it.” You said and she nodded.
“The cops will be here soon, d-do you think you can get the footage if there is any before they go?” She asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, of course! Did it happen today?”
“I honestly don���t know, I’m sorry. I’ve been gone since Wednesday so it could’ve been any time in the last four days.” She explained.
“No need to apologize. My boyfriend is here so he can help.” You assured her and she smiled slightly.
“Thank you so much!” She sniffled. You gave her your phone number and she texted you her contact info before heading off to wait for the police. When you turned around you saw Harry leaning on the counter, it startled you.
“Geez! When did you get in here?” You asked with a small smile.
“After I heard you opening up the door.” He said and you bit your lip because that meant he’d heard you call him your boyfriend. You hadn’t talked about that yet but that’s how you viewed what you two had. Even if he hadn’t asked officially, it was the best thing to describe what he was to you.
“So you heard what happened?”
“You mean the boyfriend thing?” He asked and you felt your stomach flip with anxiety. 
“N-no the break in.” You shook your head nervously.
“Are you sure?” He asked with a small smile.
“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just the best thing t-to describe what you are to me.” You explained. 
“Oh, I’m not upset. I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” He said.
“Yeah, we’ve been dating a while now, huh?”
“Yeah, I think about two months…and 10 days.” He added with a little grin and your cheeks flushed at his precision and attention to detail.
“Technically nine days, s’only 10pm.” You said and he grinned, “I really like you, Harry. I want to be with you. I would be so happy if you wanted to be my boyfriend.” You said and he smiled wide.
“Yeah, baby?” You nodded with certainty as your face started to grow warm as the blood rushed up to it as your happiness and excitement swelled within you.
“Yeah, I want to take that step with you.” You assured him.
“Me too.” He said before pulling you into a hug and you relaxed in his arms.
“My boyfriend…” you hummed.
“My girlfriend.” He whispered before giving you a firm squeeze. 
You soon broke apart to sift through your Ring footage from the last week. Harry had the the great idea that maybe the person who’d broken in had visited before, so he started from the week prior and you worked your way from today back. Luckily for you, you’d seen that the break-in had occurred the day before, in the afternoon. There were three men, two had been dressed as movers and one in pretty plain clothes. You only saw them leaving with things, so they had to have come up to the apartment another way, probably the staircase where there weren’t any cameras. 
“Did you find anything?” You asked as you glanced over to him who was looking at the footage from your laptop. 
“Not really…yet.” He said.
“I just found them leaving with her things. They’re dressed as movers.” You explained, “They must’ve come up the staircase because they didn’t come down this way.”
“Jeez…” he frowned as he glanced at you and you nodded.
“I know…at least we can see their faces on the way out. Do you want anything?”
“Do you still have those little Trader Joe’s ice cream cones?” He asked and you smiled.
“Yeah, baby.” You said and stood to go bring him one. You were just about to open the freezer when he gasped.
“I found something! Well, I think. The only person who has come by with Willa is a guy, maybe a hook up. He doesn’t come out this way though…” he said at the end. You rushed over and pulled up your down loaded footage.
“It’s the same guy! The one behind the fake movers.” You said pointing to your phone and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, that’s him. Let me download this and you can send it over to her.” He said and you nodded. 
After a couple of moments you were sending over the information to Willa. While the sensual mood of the evening had sort of melted away with Willa’s unfortunate circumstance, the romantic feeling between you and Harry were still brewing. You’d opted to curl up on your couch and watch a show together, Bridgerton, when you admitted that you had not actually attempted to watch it yet. But just when things started to get saucy between you two there were knocks on your door again, this time there was an officer with Willa. He wanted to ask a few questions but that you were at work at the time of the break in so weren’t much more help than providing the video from your Ring camera.
“Is it a sign or something?” You huffed as you plopped beside him in the couch again and he smiled at you.
“Coincidences. There’s only been two interruptions. If there’s a third interruption I’ll take it personally.” He said and you chuckled. “But I promise you, I’m not in a rush, baby. I’m not disappointed.” He assured you.
“I am!” You said with a pout, “I wasted this perfectly adorable lingerie for nothing!” You reminded him, “Well…at least you got to see me in it, but the mood is gone.” You mumbled.
“I do agree that the moment has passed but I would like to see you in it a little more.” Harry said with a soft smile and spread his legs just a bit before patting his thigh and you smirked before taking off your robe and scooting up against him. You draped your bare legs over his lap and let him smooth his warm, soft palms up and down your smooth legs. He smiled at you before he dipped down to kiss you.
“Do you want to stay?” You asked him as he pulled back a bit to allow you both to breathe for a second.
“I’d love to but-”
“But what?” You grumbled before pecking his lips again.
“I don’t have a tooth brush.” He said and you kissed his lips again, “Or my skin care…” he said and you smiled. “Don’t you say a word. Self-care is important.”
“Okay.” You giggled before smooching his lips again.
“Or clothes.” He finished with slightly raised eyebrows.
“Arguably, clothes are non essentials.” You said and he smirked.
“They are if we’re going to brunch tomorrow.” He added and you pouted.
“But…if you pack a bag we can go to mine?” He suggested and your lips quirked up quickly. You were excited because you actually had only been to Harry’s apartment three times in all this time, including when you picked him for your date earlier. Your place was closer to work and downtown so you usually ended up here, but now he was asking you to stay over with him. It would be your first time spending the night with each other. With him. And it made you feel so fucking giddy. “You could stay tomorrow night too. We could drive to work together?” He added optimistically.
“Yes! I’ll go pack right away!” You said with excitement and hurried off to your room. 
You had an outfit in mind for brunch already so Harry helped pick your outfit for work on Monday while you gathered your toiletries and makeup. He had a great sense of style so you trusted his selection and on top of that, it was absolutely endearing that he put your clothes on a hanger instead of stuffing them into the large tote you had set out for the rest of your belongings. You picked your shoes, a pair you could wear Sunday and Monday, and then your phone charger before you both headed out of your bedroom.
“Have everything?” He asked you before you left.
“Oh, a pillow!” 
“I’m a grown up, baby. I have pillows. Four of them to be exact…” he chuckled.
“It’s a thing for me, it has to be my pillow.” You explained, “I’m particular.” You grinned.
“Of course you are…” he muttered as you headed back to your room.
“Heard that!” You called back with a grin. 
Soon enough you were locking up and riding down to your car before heading off to his place. You were really excited at this opportunity to be in his space overnight. From what you’d seen of Harry’s place it was pretty tidy and looked cohesive and aesthetic. Because his building was a bit older it had elements that made it feel more cozy, which you appreciated and were excited to see in more detail. As soon as he let you both inside you were taken over by a faint warm, woodsy scent…perhaps bergamot and sandalwood? Regardless, you were obsessed. You loved that as soon as you came in you could see the kitchen. The light hanging over the slate-gray granite top counter was on and casting a lovely golden glow to the entrance  of his apartment. It was a whole vibe.
“Sorry for the mess.” He said lowly as he held the door open for you.
“Are you one of those people who just says that and has an immaculate home?” You inquired as you slipped out of your shoes.
“Not necessarily.” He chuckled as he locked up behind you before doing the same, “I think a bit of mess is healthy.” He continued saying and you giggled.
“Give me an example…” you said as you set your pillow down on the counter and he hummed as you draped your hanger of clothes over a stool then set down you tote on top of it.
“Like…having a laundry chair. Or…a decent pile of junk mail…maybe some ketchup or soy sauce packets on the coffee table from your weekend, munchies-induced takeaway…” You laughed at his nonsense and turned around to look at him. There were literal hearts in your eyes right now. “What?” He chuckled boyishly and you smirked.
“Oh, I am so fond of you.” You hummed and Harry grabbed your face and angled you up to kiss your lips so tenderly. It made your heart leap in your chest and your hugged around him. “Take me to your room.” You rushed out and he nodded before pecking your lips a few times and then pulling away to guide you past the kitchen and living room and down the short hallway that led to his bedroom. There was a little bedside lamp on that gave his room some dim light. His room was tidy despite his previous comment about laundry chairs. You liked his bed, it looked so fluffy and inviting. Beside the small bedside table, there were four, rather stall stacks of books and you grinned.
“S’that your mess?” You mumbled against his lips and he chuckled.
“A bit, it’s more like my shame on display. I bought some shelves but I haven’t put ‘em up yet.” He explained and you hummed in acknowledgement before your lips met again. It was all quiet besides your increasingly ragged breaths and the sounds of your lips smacking together. Your hands where sliding down his chest and you got even more wet than you were from feeling over his sturdy pecs. 
“Can you get this off of you?” You asked quietly and he nodded and you pulled away so that he could slide out of his cardigan and then tear off his t-shirt. 
Harry just let the clothes fall to the ground and you immediately dug your nails into the tops of his pecs before scratching down them a bit. He groaned softly before grabbing around your throat and holding you still as he kissed you deeply. Your lips smeared feverishly as your lust started to seep from the two of you, making the atmosphere feel a bit hotter. You reached for his other hand that was on your hip and guided it to the hem of your shirt. He got the hint and pulled away to help you get out of your top. As he dropped it on the ground you reached around and undid your bra. As soon as you started to slide it off Harry was reaching for it and helping you out of it. 
“Fuck…look at you.” He groaned before grabbing at your breasts and attaching your lips again. You were kind of laughing because the way he was squeezing and groping at your boobs was almost juvenile. “They’re so fucking soft and warm and pretty.” He said to you and you sniggered.
“Such a boy…” you teased and he grinned.
“Can’t help it.” He mumbled and you smiled as you started to trail your hands down his abs.
“No, baby?” You asked and he shook his head, “Do you already have a boner for me?” You whispered and he groaned before kissing you deeply.
“Course I do.” He responded. You loved how reactive he was to you, it turned you on to extents you weren’t familiar with. “Please touch me, m’so fucking hard.” He confessed and you slid your hand further down until you were palming over the bulge in his slacks. Feeling it straining against his pants made your pussy clench and you gave him a little squeeze as you rubbed the heel of your palm under his tip. He moaned and you grinned at his reaction. 
“Like that?” 
“Yes, baby…fuck, keep going, making me so fucking hard.” He encouraged you. You added a bit more pressure to your rubbing until his hips were grinding into your hand. “Can I eat your pussy?” He asked breathlessly and you nodded quickly.
“Yes. Please.” You responded and he grinned and started to help you out of your skirt and underwear. In just a few moments you were on his bed, propped up on your elbows while he was getting on his knees. He held your legs open and kissed up your left leg, from your knee and about halfway up your thigh. He looked up at you with a small smile, it made your heart beat in your chest erratically. He glanced down again and smooched a kiss against your right inner thigh. 
“C’mon, baby…” you encouraged him softly and he kissed his way further up until he reached the apex of your thighs and kissed over your lips softly. He then nuzzled in a bit further and let his tongue roll out over your center before dragging it up to your clit and swirling around it a few times. You sighed in relief and let your head fall back when his lips wrapped around it and sucked gently, “Yes, that’s so good…it feels so good.” You muttered breathily. 
Harry’s soft groans against you every time you pulled on his hair made you squirm just a bit more underneath him. When you felt his finger sliding down and rubbing over your entrance your legs dropped open a bit further. Finally, he pushed it inside, to the knuckle before drawing it out and then pressing his middle finger in beside it. His long fingers rubbed against your front wall deliciously. And next thing you knew you were groaning in relief as his fingers pressed in as deep as they could and he pressed up against you g-spot. That, in combination with his tongue flicking at your clit had stars in your eyes and your slick dripping from you. You were going to come so hard. It was building inside of you and making your muscles start to tighten one by one. You were trying to take a proper breath, but then he started to finger-fuck you faster and you gasped as it started to bring you to the edge.
“Oh my god, Harry!” You gasped, “You-you’re gonna make me come!” You announced and he moaned against you and kept going exactly as he was. Your abs were so tense that you felt them start to quiver. You were right there. “Oh…I’m coming!” You whimpered before everything went white. Your mind went blank as your hips rolled in time with the thrusting of his fingers. His encouragement and moans being mumbled against your sensitive clit were driving you insane. Especially when his mustache would tickle over your swollen and throbbing little bundle. God…and the heavy petting at your g-spot was about to make you drool. The orgasm was lasting longer than you were accustomed to and you were running out of air.
“Fuck, you squeeze so tight…” he groaned as your walls pulsed around his digits. How he wished that was his cock getting strangled by your tight little cunt. “Gonna give me another one? Hmmm?” He asked you inhaled sharply and nodded.
“Yeah, fuck! A little harder…yes, just like that!” You gasped until you were withering in his hands again. You were a little lightheaded and when your eyes opened you saw colorful spots on the ceiling from how out of it you were. A soft chuckle bubbled out of your mouth and he kissed your inner thigh as he slowed his finger down.
“Fuck, you’re dripping down my hand.” He hummed as he pulled his fingers out slowly and you grinned as you propped yourself up again to see him reaching down and groaning. His fist started to slide up and down as he stroked over his stiff cock. “Fuck…” 
You bit your lip as you sat up further to watch it happen. He was a fucking sight…his face card was always on point. And well, his body was fitter than fit. 
“You’re so fucking hard.” You mused and he glanced up at you and nodded, “Squeeze a little tighter, right on your tip.” You instructed and he started to do just that. He started to thumb over his tip.
“Do you have a condom?” You asked and he nodded quickly. He got up and grabbed one out of his bedside drawer. You knelt up and waited for him to get on the bed. 
Finally, he was settling in and you hurriedly straddled him. You kissed him deeply, holding onto his face for a few seconds before kneeling up and reaching between your legs to hold him up against your entrance. Just feeling his thick head prodding at your entrance was enough to make your walls flutter. You needed to feel him stretching you open so badly. You wanted him to be so deep it made your breath hitch. You teased at him, letting him in just a bit before rolling your hips until he slid between your lips. He groaned as he watched his cock slipping between your swollen and sticky folds, just desperate to feel the heat of your pussy engulfing his achey cock. His balls ached too, he wanted to come so fucking bad but he also knew that he wanted to keep fucking you for as long as he could. 
“Please, baby. Get me inside.” He beseeched and you smiled up at him teasingly.
“Yeah? Can’t wait anymore?” you hummed playfully and he shook his head as he slightly glanced up at you. 
“Please, baby. Want you so bad. Need to feel your tight little pussy taking my cock.” He mumbled as you started to tease him at your entrance again. “Please.” He begged, holding perfectly still.
“You’re being a little pathetic.” You hummed and he groaned lowly.
“I don’t care.” He chuckled as he squeezed your hips hard. “Fuck, I’ve wanted you for so long.” He confessed and you bit your lip.
“Oh yeah?” You smirked inquisitively.
“Even when I was snappy with you?” You asked and he bit his lip for a moment.
“Especially then.” He admitted and you smirked and without warming you sunk down on his cock until he was sheathed inside of you completely. He moaned as his nails dug into your ass as you squeezed around his erection. “Fuuuuck…” he moaned with need.
“You’re so big.” You whimpered as you rolled your pelvis into his.
“Yeah, baby? Am I good enough for you?” He asked and you nodded.
“So good…you feel so fucking good!” You praised him as you ground over his lap. One of his hands came to your breast and grabbed it before sucking your nipping into his mouth. You yelped as he bit down for a second before sucking it eagerly again. 
When Harry started thrusting up slightly you became covered in goosebumps. He was filling you in such satisfying ways. He was doing so good for you and you loved that he had been lusting after you for so long. He was doing incredible things to your body, your brain was going fuzzy. You wanted to come so bad, you needed it.
“Lay back.” You panted and he settled back against the pillows behind him and you ran your hand up his abs and his gorgeous pecs. He was already slightly sweaty and it made you even hotter for him. Your hand slight up his sternum and then right beneath his throat.
“Do it. Choke me while you make me come.” He said and you smirked and slid your hand a little further up before squeezing a little bit as you started to bounce a bit.
The limited amount of oxygen he was able to breathe in was aiding in that floaty feeling he knew would make his orgasm come soon. You were a smug fit around his cock. So wet and warm. How he wished he could just blow his load deep inside your exquisite little pussy. 
“Oh you feel so good right there!” You whined as you tried your hardest to keep the same pace that was getting the both you there.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come…fuck, fuck…” he gasped before you felt him start to thrust up against you. His jaw was slightly slack as the pleasure coursed through him. You were getting so close… it was right within your reach. “Oh shit…” he gasped as he tried to slow your pace. 
“Just give me a little more!” 
“It’s…fuck, it’s too much!” He whined as he started to squirm beneath you from the overstimulation. He tried to sit up but you pressed him down by the chest.
“Please, just let me come! You can do it, baby.” You encouraged him. You could feel his chest rising and falling quickly and his thighs trembling beneath you. He was letting out the most desperate moans, it was pushing you to edge. You were so close! You started to bounce on his cock a bit harder, you could feel your walls fluttering around his cock so hard as he rammed into that soft spot in you that had you creaming around his girth. 
He hissed and his eyes squeezed tight because every time you dropped down his cock was colliding with such a warm and squishy part of you that he was making Harry lose his mind. He was the one seeing spots now. He was twitching and tense and the slight smack of his balls up against your butt added a delicious tingle to everything else that was going on. He was going to come again, he couldn’t help it.
“You’re going to make me come again…oh fuck!” He warned.
Before you knew it, Harry hugged around your waist and started to thrust up against you hard. You grunted with every sharp thrust, he delivered until that coil that had been pulled taut deep in your core finally exploded. You moaned in relied and hugged around his shoulders as your started to grind freely over him as your orgasm took you out like a tidal wave. You were covered in goosebumps as you shivered in his arms as you came undone. And then Harry was rolling you on your back and delivered three merciless thrusts until he was coming again. 
His body was shivering and his ears ringing as the pleasure peaked and courses through his veins. He lost all strength and dropped over you, kissing your neck and chest sloppily as you two shivered in each other’s arms as you came down from it all. It was a few moments before he had come down enough that he pressed himself up and kissed you lovingly. 
The tender kisses you were sharing started to deepen as the minutes passed. There was this feeling in your chest that was bubbling up and making it feel like you couldn’t breathe. It was making your fingers prick. You hugged him closer to you as your lips smacked softly. He was so warm against you. You hummed happily as he parted your legs and settled himself between them again, he wasn’t hard again, but he just wanted to be as close as possible and you did too.
“M’so lucky you’re mine.” He hummed against your lips and you smiled, breaking the kiss.
“I think I’m the lucky one.” You whispered and he pulled back a bit to properly get a look at you. 
“Oh, I don’t know, baby…” he smiled warmly. The way he took you in and the adoration you could see in his gaze, it made it hard to contain the feelings that were swirling in the pit of your tummy. You knew what it was…and well, you wanted to say it. You wanted to tell him that you loved him. You loved him so fucking much.
“Harry?” You asked softly.
“What is it, love?” He asked before pecking your lips quickly and looking into your eyes.
“I ummm… I…love you.” You said in a small and nervous voice. His eyebrows arched up and his lips parted in surprised before he laughed in relief and kissed you ardently for a second.
“Oh I’m so fucking in love with you.” He mumbled before kissing you again and you smiled.
“Hell yeah.” He mumbled before your lips met again for a few seconds.
“Good. I’m so fucking gone for you.” You confessed breathily before he moaned and kissed you hotly for a few more minutes before the kiss naturally started to slow down.
After another few minutes of kissing you were just cuddled close, basking in the love-filled atmosphere of the bubble you were in. It had been so long since you’d felt this way and it was even better to feel it and know that your heart was safe with Harry. 
“What’re you thinking?” He asked quietly as he fiddled with your fingers.
“Just that…” you giggled as he started to kiss your fingertips, “I feel really happy and safe with you.” You said and he smiled.
“Good.” He responded, “I feel the same with you. I haven’t had so much fun with anyone in such a long time.”
“Me either.” You smiled and then leaned up to kiss him again. As your lips met slowly you raised your leg a bit and gently skimmed your thigh over his cock. His lips twitched up in a grin and it instantly interrupted the kiss,
“You can’t do that to me.” He chuckled, “You made me come twice! I need a minute.” He laughed and you giggled.
“I was just playing.” You whispered and he smirked.
“No you weren’t…” he said knowingly and you giggled.
“Sorry, not sorry. That was really good.” You said and he hummed.
“A little fast but I mean, it was our first time. I’ll make it up to you during round two.” He assured before kissing you deeply again before he rolled over you, “We’ll see who’s being a little pathetic when I’m charge later…” He smirked. 
And well, if there was anything you could expect from Harry it was to do precisely as he said. In that moment you felt so relieved knowing that being vulnerable with him was alright. He was your safe space. He loved you, he had been showing you the entire time and you were thrilled to have let him in when you did. You were looking at him with so much endearment, he melted your heart. 
“What?” He asked with a smile.
“C-can you just hold me while we wait for later to come?” You asked and he smiled.
“Of course, baby.” He smiled and pulled you close to him for the time being. 
His warmth, his scent, the rhythm of his rising and falling chest…all of him, all of this was everything you had been so afraid to try for. But now you had it, you had him and you were so happy that you had just given him a chance because it had been so. Fucking. Worth it. 
< Previous Part <
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 10
summary: When Lando's "playboy" image is setting a bad reputation for him. He's turns to the person he trust most in this world for help.
pairing: lando norris x best friend!reader
warnings: none!!!
part 9
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It wasn't a long drive to Lando's childhood home, only about 40 minutes with traffic. You pulled up the stone drive, turning the loud music down.
"Home sweet home" Lando smiles, removing his hand from your legs “Is your mum home?” he hums, nodding his head taking his seatbelt off “Are you ready? You look nervous?”
“I am” you panic turning to him “Why? You’ve been here like a million times” he laughs taking your hand “Not when the pictures have been out, oh my god Lan she’s gonna hate me” you put your hands to your head
“Baby, look at me” he takes your hand from head “You are the last person in this world that my mum would ever hate. Yes, she’s definitely going to have some questions but we will just be honest with her and everyone else. They’ll understand”
“Okay, yeah. We will go in and answer any questions they have” you nod “I love you” he lifts your chin up with his finger “I love you too”
He kisses you, several times before you’re interrupted by a knock on the window “Who’s behind me” Lando sighs “Ollie” you press your lips together
“Hi” Lando smiles rolling down the window “Yeah hi are you two going to sit out here kissing the whole time or are you going to come inside?”
“Okay I’m going inside now” you sigh awkwardly opening the car door, Oliver walks on ahead into the house closing the door behind him “Not only do we have to face your mother with these pictures but we also have to face your brother”
“Let’s just go inside” he shakes his head, dragging your hand into the house “Mum!” he calls out
The familiar sounding footsteps rush towards the door, followed by another pair not far behind them. You’re greeted by both Cisca and Adam.
“Oh my babies!” Cisca smiles hugging Lando before hugging you “I’ve missed you so much, both of you”
“I’ve missed you too Mum” he says pulling away from Adam “Come in, make yourself comfortable. Adam has put the suitcases upstairs in your bedroom already. Have you both eaten?”
“We had lunch, just not dinner yet” Lando answering following his Mum into the living room “Perfect, I am making dinner. Your sisters will be here soon and Savannah is out with the girls”
“Sounds good.” he sits down on the sofa “How did your meeting go today honey?” Adam asks you sitting across from you and Lando
“Really good, we got everything caught up on everything we needed to and I’m actually getting a break for the triple header which will give us a chance to make a holiday out of Spain and Austria and all of us can spend time with everyone at Silverstone”
“That’s amazing, how’s the racing going Lan?” he turns to his son handing him a cup of coffee that Cisca brought for him “Very good Dad, very happy with how everything is going”
“We’re all very proud of you, very very proud” Cisca smiles proudly “Thanks Mum”
“Awh golden boy is doing Mummy proud” Oliver teases grabbing Lando’s face “Get off me” Lando slaps his hand away
“Stop it you two”
“Granny” Milas voice shouts through the house “Oh my goodness my babies” you quickly get up, rushing towards the door “Auntie Y/N” Mila squeals running towards you “Hi baby. I’ve missed you” you pick her up spinning her around
“No hugs for Uncle Lala?” Lando wraps his arm around your waist, stroking his nieces hair. She reachers out to him and he take her off of you
“Hi lovely” Sav smiles at you opening her arms “I’ve missed you so much” you squeeze her “Trust me, me too. Never marry a Norris”
“She doesn’t have another option” Lando interrupts “What if I did have another option?” you turn to face him “Nuh uh” he says childishly
“See what I mean” Sav nods to Lando “Yeah I’ve missed you too”
Within forty minutes Lando’s sisters arrived and you all sat around the dining table finishing eating dinner.
“Baby pass me the water please” Lando asks with his arm stretched out “Baby?” his sister Cisca asks with a laugh “Uh inside joke” you cover it up quickly, leaving the room to fall into the sound of cutlery tapping against the plates
“Are you staying here this week?” Flo asks you breaking the silence “Mhm, me and Lan are staying in his room”
“Okay, everyone Cisca and I need to talk to Lando and Y/N would you mind clearing from the table” Adam coughs, watching everyone clear the table
“Shit” Lando whispers to himself, looking at your leg that’s now bouncing “Relax”
“I know it’s not our place to put our noses into things but we need to know what it actually going on between you two. If you’re dating I’m going to be really hurt that I found out through social media and not my son or my girl” Cisca sighs
“We’re not dating” you say looking between them two
“Zak came to me, telling me that my image of being with a lot of different women is ruining my reputation and McLaren’s. They tried to set me up with this girl and I refused to do it. They said that I had to and that if I don’t want anyone that they choose then I can choose myself. The only person I could think of was Y/N” Lando explains
“What the fuck Lando” his dad says angrily “So you’re using Y/N? You’ve disappointed me this time. You have set this bad image for yourself that you’re using your best friend? The girl we look to as family?”
“No Lando” he stops him, leaving the table “Mum, please understand that this is the last thing that I wanted to do but she’s the only one that I trust okay and I just. I wouldn’t be doing this if Y/N wasn’t comfortable”
“You know that I would do absolutely anything for Lando, even if it means faking something with him. As Lando said it wouldn’t be happening if I wasn’t comfortable”
“I’m just confused, the nicknames? Sharing a bed?”
“I think that would have to be something Lando and I have to talk about, we won’t be able to give you and answer until we have one ourselves”
“Alright” she nods “Well Lando honey you better go talk to your father and also your siblings. They have just been as confused as us”
He agrees, getting up and leaving the table “I’ll help with dishes”
You gather all the plates and follow her into the kitchen loading up the dish washer, you’re in comfortable silence.
“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you what was going on, it should have came from us earlier”
“I wish that you just saw what we all saw” she sighs “And what’s that?”
“That you are both so hopelessly in love with each other, you’re the only girl that I want for my son. All these years I have had this feeling that you two are going to tell me that you got together. You’re perfect for him Y/N. I know when he says I love you he really means it” she tears up, you look at her. Tears filling your eyes too.
“I am in love with him. I’m so so so in love with him that every time we have something, every time that he holds my hand, kisses me, tell me that he loves me that he will tell me that he’s in love with me” you can’t help but let the tears fall from your eyes
“Awh Y/N” she hugs you and you sob ok her shoulder “I didn’t what to interrupt” the girls poke their head into the kitchen “My mum is right. You have always been my sister, always and one day I want you to officially be apart of my family” Flo smiles
“You have always been my sisters and I love you both so much”
“We love you too”
“Y/N. I’m so sorry love” Adam says coming into the kitchen “Adam, I promise you. I’m going to talk with Lando. We will set things right”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I promise you I am”
“Well you better go talk to him, he got pretty upset”
You nod heading upstairs to Lando’s bedroom, knocking on the door before entering “Well it’s been a while since we’ve been in here together” you smile, sitting on the bed next to him
“Yeah it has” he laughs resting his head on your shoulder “You okay pretty boy?” you run your hand through his hair “I don’t make you uncomfortable do I?”
“Promise me” he holds up his pinky “I promise” you link your pinky with his, kissing them, he leans down kissing you pressing his forehead to yours
“Sav said something about a movie night together tonight. Do you want to go downstairs and join everyone?”
“Stay here for a while?” he asks moving his head to your chest, you lay down flat allowing Lando to get more comfortable, before you knew it you heard snores coming from Lando’s mouth
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star-burst365 · 1 year
“Children have treated toys better than you’ve treated me.”
As much as I love Scarlett (I’m an avid Tella hater im sorry), Evangeline is absolutely my favorite MC that Stephanie has written so far.
Here you have a deeply lonely character who hasn’t even turned 18 yet. All Evangeline wants is love — she gives so much of it (again and again) and it’s all she wants back. She forgives Marisol, befriends Luc again, and gives Jacks and the other Fates second and third and fourth chances. That’s why it hurts so badly when she gets so little of it. Everyone in the book uses her. Tiberius (to frame her for murder), Marisol, her Stepmother, Chaos, LaLa, and even Jacks. She stayed the entire night hugging (kind of) almost-vampire Jacks in the crypt just for him to abandon her when it was her under the venom 😭. In Jacks’s own words, she’s “the unluckiest person he’s ever met.” Our poor girl cannot catch a break: everyone in the books manipulate her for their own gain while she gets absolutely nothing in return, despite getting things done for the people around her. She found the stones, she unlocked the arch, and what did she get as a thank you? Dying in the arms of her almost-lover, before being turned away cruelly by said almost-lover and losing her memories. Jeez.
But that’s why it’s so inspiring seeing her get back up again and again. Evangeline would kill them with kindness if she wasn’t nice enough to try and save each and every one of them. She hugs and forgives LaLa after she placed a curse on her. She tries to talk Petra out of killing her (we all know how that went, yikes). She chooses Jacks again and again, because that’s what love is. It’s everything she stands for: fighting for the people you love and never abandoning them.
Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I really would love to see more of the characters appreciating her, this girl and her blind faith in everything that moves, who’s stubborn and fearless and determined to help others instead of herself. So excited for acftl <3
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koolades-world · 5 months
i saw the cat and corvid mc ones and i wanna see dog-like mc so bad, like one whos very loyal, loves cuddling with loved ones, if they had a tail and one of the gang came home itd be faster than a helicopter i think, if they see anyone with food theyd just come up to them with their puppy dog eyes, they just lounge around in random spots nearby the characters or even lays their head/body on them. sometimes theyll be playing with something and be possessive over it and a "Whats that in your mouth" situation comes in and they run away taking random stuff they found lying around the HoL, maybe theyre also rly playful and love playfighting and stuff like tug of war
thats just a few things that come off the top of my head lol how the mc is like is up to you, sorry if theres too much or doesnt make sense! xoxo
haha hi!!! yes of course!
this is such a fun idea. i may or may not have based this reader off my goofy goober of a dog. she's so sweet but sometimes i wonder if theres even a single thought in that head of hers haha
enjoy <3
Dog-like Mc
getting lock out of his bedroom always proceeds as such: being sad that you're locked out, sitting sadly in front of the door and scratching at it, lucifer feeling bad and eventually letting you in so you can sit on his bed and ruin the freshly made sheets lol
rinse and repeat the cycle nightly
the puppy dog eyes work very well on him
since he handles his brothers so often, he's good at getting you to listen when you're off in lala land or something along those lines
he himself is kinda dog like, so the two of you get along pretty well
both of you would follow the other to the worlds end <33
you probably steal his sunglasses from time to time and he has to hunt you down to get them back, just because when he said “drop it” you accepted that as a challenge lol
the only difference in the two of you, however, is that you’re much more open with how you feel and will not hesitate to admit that you love him even if it flustered him haha
he's a little wary of having you in his room
he has lots of valuables that he treasures and while he's a little afraid you'll steal and or mess something up, he genuinely cares about you and is willing to get past that
however he did need a day away from you after you drooled on his Ruri pillow haha
after he got to know you better, he really appreciated always having an outgoing buddy to go out in public with someone that wasn't one of his brothers
sitting with him while he reads!! randomly laying your head in his lap <3
you always check out what's in his mug while he reads despite the fact that it never changes (it's always tea) but maybe one day it'll be something delicious, like chips haha
he's wary of taking you into a cat cafe, but surprisingly, all the cats love you!
now he's questioning if he's really a cat, or if he's a dog person lol
you let him do any kind of skincare and treatments he wants on you
and he thinks it's great! until he sees you at the end of the day and it kinda looks like you swam in a mud puddle
he's not going to be the one to subject you to a bath so he always shoos you off and tells you to go clean up before you can get something else done (my dog hates water lol)
if he's ever missing one of his rather tasty smelling skincare products or a brush, or something like that, he just opens a bag of chips and summons you + beel (see below lol)
please the amount of food you're getting from him
those puppy dog eyes work so well and he can't help but give in every single time
both of you come running every time someone opens a chip bag even if it's on the other side of the house haha. if the others have issues finding you, that's how they do it quick and easy
every meal of yours is eaten together, of course
the realest cat and dog dynamic ever!
please there's no way you're not jumping on his bed just for fun while he's sleeping in it. he's convinced it's to annoy him but it's just you being incredible oblivious and wanting to have fun
you guys are best friends. i don't make the rules haha
when you do want to nap with him, however, it's the best nap you've ever had and is probably a very cute pic
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sketalya · 8 months
✨The Steam Team✨
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The Steam Team full ref's
And here are some of my headcanons about them (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
1) Thomas | 26 y.o | 165 cm
• Cheeky, a little naive, hardworking, friendly, and very loyal
• He didn't have any family left after his older brother Timothy died. So Edward, who is Timothy's friend, decided to take care of little Thomas. And that created a strong sibling relationship between them
• Really admires Edward and always tries to be the best to make his brother proud of him. He even dyed his hair (Thomas' hair was blonde before) and chose to wear blue uniform to look like him
• Teasing grumpy seniors is his daily routine
• Can be a bit stubborn and pushy. But don't worry, he always learns from his mistakes (even though it usually will happen again)
• Always ready to help his friends
• Really likes new challenges and adventures that might cause problems. Don't know how he always makes new friends after that. But yeah, that's what makes this puffball famous isn't it
• Has a huge crush on Lady after saving her. But unfortunately they have to separate because Lady has the responsibility to keep the Magic Railroad alive. Thomas didn't get to express his feelings at that time and now he only hopes to see her again one day
2) Edward | 34 y.o | 175 cm
• Before being the wise Eddie that everyone know, Edward used to be a trouble maker for his brothers and sisters in the past. But after a fatal accident that took the lives of all his siblings, Edward felt guilty for not being a good brother to them. And that made Edward turn into a good older brother figure for all young drivers just like what his older brothers and sisters did
• Always reliable for everything. In fact, because of that, sometimes he gets assignments that actually give him difficulties, but he always tried to do it himself because he didn't want to disappoint people
• Pretty good with children too. He sometimes takes his time to play with the neighborhood children. And all the kids really like him and are very excited every time he comes
• Has his own way of disciplining young drivers who like to cause trouble, Bill and Ben for example. Usually he would just advise patiently but he also don't hesitate to make a little prank to teach them a lesson
• Not very good at understanding jokes and that often makes him misunderstands it
• Actually very tired from everything but trying to look okay (He needs a little help)
• He has quite severe scars on both legs and he also has insomnia...Never let this man get drunk
3) Henry | 29 y.o | 192 cm
• Quite shy, very easy to feel anxious, gentle but can also be a little rough, one of the strongest but people sometimes forget about that because he is quite timid
• Gets along well with young drivers. But he can be a bit mean to them too when he's with other seniors. But slowly he changed now
• Has health problems and has a large scar on his body from the Flying Kipper accident. It makes him feel insecure and try cover it with his turtle neck clothes
• Really likes nature, likes to spend his free time in the forest, and his room is literally filled with potted plants. Has venus flytrap plants that he names Fairy, Bubble, and Lala that he talks to and considers them his pets
• Sometimes he would fish at night after delivering the Flying Kipper and sometimes he would ask Percy to come with him if he wasn't busy and chatting about lots of things together
• Whenever he felt anxious and had a problem, he would usually talk to Edward or Emily about it
4) Gordon | 30 y.o | 192 cm
• Overproud of himself, grumpy, and always seems to look down on young drivers and diesel drivers. But actually he also has a soft side that he doesn't show openly to everyone because of his pride. His face would change when he smiled
• Sleepyhead even though he's a coffee addict, likes to eat a lot, and sometimes smokes in his spare time
• Only likes to take the Express, and would be very lazy if he got another job besides that. Will feel annoyed if other people take the Express even if it's his own friend. But he didn't mind if it was Rebecca
• Very stubborn, only Edward and Sir Topham Hat can deal with that
• Comes from a famous family but he doesn't really like it and doesn't care. Because he has a bad relationship with his relatives and is even awkward when he is with his brother Flying Scotsman
• Really loves all his friends even though he doesn't say it. He will usually give gifts as an apology when his friends are offended by his behavior. He has a hard time accepting new people and can't let go of his friends easily
5) James | 27 y.o | 180 cm
• Splendid, a little narcissistic, and sometimes looks down on others even though he doesn't really mean to
• He looks tough but is actually sensitive, easily offended and will cry silently if someone insults him. That's why he always wants to be the best so that people will praise him more often
• The gossip in the group, literally loves to talk about any drama with the others
• Has several piercing scars on his ears from his emo past. He also has big scars on both arms from an accident but he covered them with fire tattoos and it makes him feel cooler and more confident than ever
• Doesn't like anything dirty and hates insects, especially bees
• Very knowledgeable about fashion, likes to go shopping for new clothes every weekend, happy to give advice on outfit styles. Emily was the one who helped him dye his hair
• Likes collecting cute little things but never tells it to anyone except Emily and Percy
6) Percy | 26 y.o | 160 cm
• The youngest in the group and is often teased by his friends and seniors. Cinnamon rolls but doesn't hesitate to say bad words when he gets really annoyed
• Literally can make friends with anyone even diesel drivers. But a little cynical with Harold because he calls him "Dirty Percy"
• Animal lover, friendly with wild animals, and has many pets such as dog, cat, fish, and even has a collection of insects in his room. Sometimes he liked seeing James' frightened expression when he brought his insects pet
• Admires Henry and considers him his older brother. Henry thought it was cute and was okay with it. In fact, Percy's current uniform is actually Henry's old uniform that was given to him because Percy didn't like his own uniform
• He likes to stay over at Toby's place to play with Henrietta's pet dog. And he thought it was a suitable place to write poetry at his free time (Yes, he likes poetry)
• Percy is quite often asked for help writing and sending love letters by his friends. That made him know about everyone's crushes on Sodor
7) Toby | 40 y.o | 175 cm
• Introverted and doesn't really like being around a lot of people but he still socializes because of his wife. Wise and actually always able to give useful advice but he is quite often underestimated by young drivers
• Always doing things slowly and relaxed, he doesn't like being rushed. Even every lunch time, when his friends had almost finished their food, he still on a few bites. Henrietta was the only one that patient enough for that
• Bookworm and will only wear glasses when reading. Percy says that he looks different when he wears it
• Very good at cooking and often brings food to his friends but he always says that it was made by Henrietta (He doesn't want people to know about it). But of course Percy knew about it, and every time he came to his place, Toby would make cakes and other snacks just for Percy
• He prefers to spend holidays with his wife at home or playing with his pet birds, so sometimes his friend had to push him a little to get him go out together
• Secretly has trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't put much trust in other people who he only considers as ordinary friends. He usually tries to be quiet and patient when someone bothers him, but he can become very out of control when he loses his temper.(Better no need to know what he's do and just don't make him angry)
8) Emily | 29 y.o | 170 cm
• The mature ones in the group, bossy and stubborn in the past but now she has learned to be more open-minded to other people's suggestions (Still a bit bossy sometimes but at least she tried)
• Perfectionist, always wants everything to work well and can be a bit strict about it
• Love pretty and shiny things, she and James often talk about their favorite things
• James sometimes helps her with makeup and choosing outfits every time she goes out somewhere. Which was challenging for James because Emily liked goth style
• She also often talks about flowers with Henry, literally can spending a lot of time just talking about them. Grows lots of flowers in her room with Henry's help, and as a thank you, sometimes she gave Henry some insects to feed his pet venus flytrap (Don't know where she got them but Henry is always happy to receive it...Don't worry, she didn't take it from Percy)
• Likes to borrow novels, especially thriller and mystery genres, from Toby. But that often makes Toby annoyed because she always forgets to return it
• Love to playing with her friends' fluffy hair. Percy, Henry, and Edward are always be the victims if they are careless
• Unlike Edward, she's quite strong and can drink a lot without getting drunk
Sorry if this is too long...I had a lot of fun writing all this ;D and in the future I will always use this design for my AU ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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pixaho · 9 months
Hi eli🥳It's nice to see a new high & low writer.how would sword leaders be with their girly lover
How The Sword Leaders Are With Their Girly Lover.
AN | YES! I will happily do this, thank you so much! I decided to also add a wee little twist by adding 1 more character since technically he is a SWORD leader.
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Cobra | Hino Junpei
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Skin care
"What are you doing?" Cobra rounds the corner to your room, taking in the sight of you. Here you were, wearing a face mask, your hair pushed out of your face, and painting your nails your favorite color. "Doing skin care. Would you like to join?" You ask, a sweet smile plastered on your face. He seems hesitant before walking over and sitting next to you. "Good choice, I was gonna force you anyways."
Public affection
He does it rarely, and when it does happen you seem surprised. This is mainly because the others like to tease him. Unless Naomi is around, then they all shut up about it. (I make Naomi a hype woman, because I feel like she would definitely be one. Her and Lala.)
Date Nights
I feel as though Cobra would ask the others about what to do for date nights. This often leads to him just caving and asking Rocky or settling for a movie night. This man is half good of a cook, he never really learned. More of a take-out kind of guy, or will ask Yamato's mom to help him cook.
Getting hurt (Him)
He gets hurt a lot while fighting, which makes you kind of annoyed. Usually it is just you cleaning him up. You've started to keep a medkit on you at all times of the day.
Getting hurt (You)
Would stay calm but deep inside is worried to hell. If you didn't know how to use a medkit or how to clean your wounds, he would take you to Naomi. If you did, he'd pry the names of the people who hurt you and disappear for hours on end before coming back.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
This man would walk behind you and give anyone who looked at you in a weird way the deadliest death stare there is. We're talking about psychopathic death stare.
Not entirely the jealous type, but when he is, he tends to show it by wrapping his arm around your shoulder. If he is really jealous, he holds your love handles/waist.
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Rocky | Mutsugi
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Skin Care
"Is it suppose to make me feel like my lips are burning?" Rocky asks as he stares at his lips, the lip plumper you had put on him moments ago finally kicking in. "Yes my dear, it is." You giggle slightly as you continue to rub your face wash into your face.
Public Affection
This man does not care if someone sees him being affectionate with you, he wants everyone to know who you belong to and who is the lucky person that gets to be with you.
Date Nights
Ohhh he knows how to cook. I mean, he's been on his own since he was a teen so he's had to learn how to cook. Your date nights are typically him cooking and treating you like you're a goddess. If he doesn't feel like cooking, he'll take you out somewhere and if you're lucky, shopping spree!
Getting Hurt (Him)
Rocky rarely gets hurt since he doesn't really fight but when he does, he usually doesn't want to tell you. He doesn't want to stress you or make you worry so he talks to Koo.
Getting Hurt (You)
If you get hurt, he'll send the others out to hunt down the person or people who harmed you. He will then spend the rest of the time making sure you are okay and helping you clean up. If he's really livid, he'll tell Kizzy to stay while he goes out. Just expect him to come back a wee bit roughed up.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or dress)
He wouldn't walk behind you like Cobra would but he will make you wear his jacket. If anyone makes a disrespectful comment, he will simply make sure they never speak about you like that ever again. We're talking about this man being so unreasonable that he attacks someone.
Doesn't get too jealous unless the other person starts getting touchy feely, then he steps in. His way of making it clear that you are taken is by holding you real close. Unlike Cobra, he doesn't really give death stares but he does give people the stink eye.
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Murayama | Yoshiki Murayama
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Skin Care
"'Yama.." You whisper, he had fallen asleep with the face mask on. His sleeping face looked so peaceful, you almost felt bad for waking him up. "Five more minutes, this is really comfortable to sleep it." He mumbles, holding your hand.
Public Affection
You don't get to really see each other that much as majority of his time is spent at Oya Kou. But when you do, he's super affectionate. Not wanting to lose you of course. Even if its in public, he is still lovey towards you.
Date Nights
Murayama can partially cook, if he does, that is rare. He doesn't want to cook in case it tastes really bad so he occasionally asks you if you want to order take out and stay in all night. This dies down to cuddling and having fun.
Getting Hurt (Him)
He always comes home with new injuries, whether they come from Todoroki or from others in Oya Kou. Although it is tiring to constantly patch him up, you love him nonetheless.
Getting Hurt (You)
Let's just say that this man goes lethal. We're talking man hunts. He will have Seki and Furuya hunting down whoever hurt you while he stays with you and covers you in pink or your favorite colored bandages. After that, he typically kisses your face to make you feel better.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
Best believe this man is walking with his jacket wrapped around your waist. Giving an ugly stare to anyone that stares for far too long. If you do this just to irk him, he'll see to it that you are wearing leggings.
Oh boy, he's jealous. He'll act childish if someone is flirting with you or if they're getting way too close. This usually leads to him getting into a fight or him clinging to you like you are going to drift away at sea.
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Smoky | This man has no first name
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Skin Care
"Lala uses this too," He squints, reading the label. "Did you buy it for her?" "Yes, I've been helping her earn money from things." You laugh as you continue rubbing the lotion into his hands. His hands were not always rough, but he wanted to try your skin care routine.
Public Affection
Private or public this man don't care. He's hugging, kissing, and or giving you all his attention. Unless he's fighting. Or feels really under the weather. Then he is resting.
Date Nights
There isn't really anywhere romantic for you two to go other than hanging around in the high places. Your date nights consist of taking care of the Nameless Road children or spending the night looking at the stars. Your dinner time is spent with the other Rude Boys and or Lala.
Getting Hurt (Him)
You worry enough about him as it is, considering how sick he is and how fighting also effects his condition. The others usually take care of him while Lala takes you with her, this is by his request.
Getting Hurt (You)
If it's from someone who isn't in Nameless Road, he typically doesn't tell anyone to hunt the person down but instead requests the help from the others (Cobra, Murayama, or Rocky (it's usually Rocky)) and takes the day to spend with you. If it's from someone who is in Nameless City (as in was naturally born there) he will have the others get the person. He is a forgiving person so he'll give them a warning and that is shouldn't happen again.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
If he isn't with you, the other Rude Boys (Mainly P and Takeshi) will walk with you, one of them giving you their jacket. If he is, he's walking behind you to make sure that his jacket isn't short either. He does love when you wear clothes that you're comfortable in, he just doesn't like it when others stare for creepy reasons.
Not the jealous type, will feel a tinge of jealousy but he knows you are capable of handling yourself.
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Takeshi | "Beat Takeshi"
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Skin Care
"This won't take long, right?" He mumbles, still wanting to get to Smoky's grave in time. You nod, rubbing the scrub into his skin. His hands placed on both sides of your hips, him looking up at you.
Public Affection
He's very affectionate in private, but in public he minimalizes his affection. This doesn't have anything to do with being manly, but it has something to do with the fact that usually by the time he's running around with the others, he's already covered in dirt.
Date Nights
Just like Smoky, except instead of being around the Nameless Road children, he usually takes you to a high area to cuddle and watch the stars.
Getting Hurt (Him)
Even though he gets hurt, he takes good enough care of himself that he usually doesn't mention it because he forgets or is too busy.
Getting Hurt (You)
Best believe this man will bring up to P. In return, P and the others will go looking for whoever it was and Takeshi will stay with you to make sure you're doing okay. He worries about you even if he sometimes doesn't show it.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
The only and last time you wore a dress that was too short was the time that Takeshi got a jacket that was long enough to help cover your bum. You still wear skirts and dresses but you always wear the jacket.
Definitely the jealous type, he'll boast about how you're his girl and how you're beautiful. If that isn't enough, he will take you away from the person and be super close to you.
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Hyuga | Norihisa Hyuga
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Skin Care
"No." He pushes away the idea of doing your skin care routine, he would like to do it but he does not want you to know that. "Fine then, grumpy." You grumble as you walk back into the bathroom. That was enough to get him to get up and do it with you. Playing it off as though he hates it, when in reality he really enjoys it.
Public Affection
You best bet this man will refuse to show you any form of affection in public, and even in private his affection is quite shit. It isn't that he doesn't love you, it's that he doesn't know how to show it quite yet. His way of showing you affection is getting you all types of gifts, which are usually small (candles, makeup (he so fucks this up), clothes, and sometimes jewelry).
Date Nights
Your date nights are spent at restaurants, but 80% of the time he has the other Daruma Ikka members there, and if they aren't there then you actually spend time alone. The rare date nights are where you both stay in and do shit together.
Getting Hurt (Him)
Actually doesn't care to tell you or bother asking you to help him. It's not about being manly, well it partially is, but its also because he doesn't want you to see him when he's like this. He cares for you.
Getting Hurt (You)
Let's be brutally honest, he'll act as if he doesn't care but in secret he gets his right hand men to hunt and possibly kill the person who hurt you.
Wearing a skirt thats too short (or a dress)
He doesn't really care if anyone is staring because he wants to flaunt you. Granted the people that cat call you annoy him, he's too proud that he landed you to really give a shit.
This mf.. if someone is getting too close or touchy feely with you, he'd act as if it didn't bother him but he's secretly grabbing you and holding you close. Not in the affectionate way, more so of in the "she's mine" way.
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Masterlist High&Low Masterlist
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hdusa · 5 months
that was my first time watching a lifesteal stream in like 6 months i dont know what is going on in season 5 at all . the red sky was kinda awesome. guns were scary. i hope u kill more people soon ^_^ will be trying 2 tune in more - @renchant
I can try to summarize the entire season in like 3 paragraphs it’s going to be so terrible and long I’m so sorry watch me do it here we go
So basically… lifesteal season 5 begins…. There’s a group called the PMC that consists of MinuteTech LeoWook and ClownPierce and since they’re all big strong men they beat up every other team on the server. Eventually the PrinceZam + Pangi pirate team group up with Gucci Gang (Bacon Parrot Mapicc) to beat them up because they’re really strong and scary. Eventually Clown stops logging on so they feel the need to form a new team called the Phantoms with Vitalasy Jumper and Reddoons and they go around jumping people by staying logged out and then all logging in at the same time after someone’s lured to a location. It got them a PrinceZam kill but they failed against Mapicc and Bacon. Tons of fights happen that are just PMC vs Gucci Gang + Me or LaLa Legion (Spoke Ash Ro Planet) vs Us or whatever. Eventually new members get added, Squiddo Pentar Jepex Wemmbu. There’s a gay wedding between Parrot and Ashswag. Squiddo kills the entire server at a birthday party. I made 200 backup maxed out armor sets. Midmystic makes Pangi and I an awesome pirate base and lastly a chunk of the server lowkey stop logging on.
Because of the void left by the players that are now gone (Parrot, Vitalasy kinda, Reddoons, Poafa, Woogie, Vort3x etc) Mapicc and I have no choice but to find a way to make things awesome again. We build a void trap at spawn and try to lure Minute and Planet over, successfully killing Planet (this is ok because he’s a 20 heart monster this season btw!!) Bacon joins us and decides we need two extra members so we invite Pentar and JumperWho as well. Together we formed a team called The Abyss, a group of players that want to revive the server by destroying it. By making ourselves the big bads of the server every time people logged on their goal was to kill us so that we’d stop making our void hole at spawn bigger. They tried other things like filling the hole with water and obsidian but those all got fixed relatively fast. One of the things they did was find my secret base and steal all 200 of my armor sets. This made me really mad so I destroyed the entire PMC base. After months of constant fighting over this big dumb hole to the void at spawn eventually we come up with an end goal. We were going to turn the entirety of spawn island into void. While working on this insanely large project we get jumped and after like 5 battles where Planet just keeps dying but his teammates live, he bans himself in the void hole. Before doing so he asks what our goal is so I told him activity, and he says “well in that case I guess in a way I’ve beat you”. This was like cold asf so we immediately switch gears deciding we need to make our plan way awesomer and cooler so we add a puzzle for them to solve!! It’s super long and if they couldn’t finish it in 7 days the entirety of spawn would be turned to void. Our team immediately got to work running big bedrock break machine and cleaning out layer after layer. However, as this is all happening Wemmbu Squiddo and 4CVIT reveal that they have a massive canon that will blow up literally EVERYTHING on the server unless we give them 50 hearts. They blows up 4Cs entire beautiful base to show they’re not joking around. Minute and his group are able to find the canon and break it saving the server but for a moment the entire server was united against Wemmbu and his team. The Abyss goal was completed before our final project even began which sucked, but we kept moving forward. To get people interested Minute (temporarily) added Rekrap2 Back To The Server!!!! He was here to help them finish the puzzle and after a week of us racing to void everything while they solve our puzzles, it was over and they had won. The 5 of us now had to jump into the void but that’s when JumperWho revealed she had been a mole the whole time. For 3 months of constant work on the void hole, she was betraying us. Relaying everything to Minute and his team. Filled with rage Mapicc decided to bomb her base but ended up with Clown Leo Minute Jumper and potentially more on him. I came to help but I wasn’t ready to fight Jumper, somebody I’d been allies with for 3 months. I managed to escape but I couldn’t believe it. Afterwards Pentar also left our team leaving just Mapicc Bacon and I.
The next paragraph is basically everything that’s happened since so basically the last month or so. To fix the lack of order on the server players could now run for God! Mapicc, Minute, Squiddo and 4CVIT/Reddoons decided to run. Simultaneously Branzy was now working on a carnival which was really cool! During one of the games I rigged it so that Jumper would die which was silly revenge but then for serious revenge me and Mapicc tried jumping her. Unfortunately she got Minute to save her leading to us losing badly. Afterwards the presidential god stuff starts taking priority and to campaign we ask a bunch of people to vote for us. In the end we came 2nd place, and Pentar as well as Pangi voted against Mapicc. Pentar made sense since he never said he would vote Mapicc, but Pangi had quite literally betrayed all of our trusts by voting for Squiddo. Also Minute came dead last despite helping everyone on the server regear and also saving them from void and the canon which is hilarious. The winners were 4C and Reddoons who instead of actually running themselves chose to give their presidency to CaptainSparklez! It takes him a while to join and during that time period to fill the lack of things going on Mapicc and I start an all out war against Jumper. It started with a silly spar against MinuteTech that ended up turning into a 2v2 against Jumper as well. We got them to run the first time around but the 2nd time we just lost badly. The next day Jumper said she’d deliver stone from Vitalasys old base to Midmystic so we hid in Vitalasys base all day long. It was taking a while so I changed my discord pfp and name to match Mids and got her to log on 😭😭. Once she showed up we killed her. Minute logged on and she ended up coming back but we escaped with me on the brink of death. Because of this they were angry angry at us but we didn’t care we wanted to make them more mad. We started base hunting and found Minutes somewhat old base for the anti abyss people. While searching the base Minute showed up so Mapicc got there and we 2v1d him. During the fight we spawned a wither in the base bombing the area and revealing a third of the 200 armor sets I had stolen from me during the void arc!!! Eventually Jumper showed up so we decided to run away taking our win. But after this we had another fight where they jumped us at my base and we ended up losing after an extremely long and hard fought battle. Before this I forgot to mention but Bacon Mapicc and I brainstormed a team name as well as an end goal, SPOILERS NO LIFESTEAL MEMEBRS READ BEYOND THIS!!!!
Essentially we wanted to reset the server to how it was on day one, breaking apart every team and then resetting every area back to how it looked on day one. With this goal in mind I realized we’d need to actually be able to kill people so I needed to get past being on 9 hearts. 4C/Red made hearts literally uncraftable so I had to kill. This segment is really cool there’s a 10 or 20 minute clip of everything that happens and if I tried to explain it I wouldn’t do it any justice but I’m sure somebody will link it below. Anyway after the awesome clip moment I’m evil now so I try to kill Pangi. I lead him to our old day one base and get him to help me repair it but he is wayyy too sus of me. I eventually muster up the courage to block off the bases exits and ask him over and over why he voted Squiddo, as this was supposed to be revenge for that. However, MinuteTech logs on and arrives at the base leading to them 2v1ing me but I end up escaping. We scream at each other before I leave to set up a new base. Later that night Pentar calls with Mapicc and I to join our team. Thanks to him I’m basically able to fully regear myself after losing almost everything to all the fights we had with Minute and Jumper. I end up on 12 hearts by this point and I think that’s most the shenanigans wrapped up, all that’s left is the captain sparklez stuff which this specific asker has already seen I think. For anyone else I personally believe this should be vod watched!! Up to you of course but I’m sure someone else on here would be willing to summarize that specific event sometime.
I spent an hour writing this on my phone before bed and I can’t believe it took this long. I thought it’d be shorter. Sorry!
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hummusxx · 1 year
Thank u to my man (insta au)
Jude Bellingham x reader
summary: in which a popular influencer discovers the most handsome man on earth (Jude)
Face claim: Lala Baptiste
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liked by: judebellingham, y/bestie, jobebellingham, trentarnold66, and 114,309 others
y/nzworld: on Wednesday’s, we wear pink
^ y/nzworld: BYE BITCH
user2467: is it pink
^ user890: okay we ain’t gotta do all that
judebellingham: 💓🌸💝
^ jobebellingham: ain’t no way bruv just did that
^^ y/nzworld: i’m not okay rn
wagsoffootbal: new couple alert 👀
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liked by 300,789 others
wagsoffootball: Are #y/ny/l and #judebellingham on bae watch👀 Is this a 🚢 or sink
y/nzworld: girl bye 😭🥱
user904: why we still doin this in 2023. Cringey as hell
liked by judebellingham, y/nzworld, and others
^user736: HELP😭😭
user627:she’s not even pretty😒
^user907:girl ik u didn’t just say that about miss.y/n
user627: she’s probably just another gold digger 🤣
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liked by judebellingham, y/nbestie, jobebellingham and 700,000 others
y/nzworld: and my man, thank u to my man
tagged: @judebellingham
judebellingham: you’re welcome ig🙄
^y/nzworld: wow okay. 😪🤧
y/nsbestie: rue when was this 😦
^y/nzworld: whoop’s i forgot to tell u
^y/nsbestie: call me right now Y/N Y/L
judebellingham: out of all photos you took of me…
^y/nzworld:you just looked so cute i had too 🥹
jobebellingham: bruvs finally getting play 🙏
^judebellingham: you’re not funny.
^y/nzworld: i think he’s funny
^jobebellingham: thank u y/n. see this is why i like u more than him.
^judebellingham: she’s lying to u
gioareyna: mama y papa
user896: WAIT WHAT!?
user267: gold digger 🤮🤮🥱
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hummusxx’s corner
well hello. Im trying out insta au’s because i love reading them sm so i thought why not give it a shot. Haven’t posted a fic in a while (i see your requests and i have started them all) Requests are still open if anyone wants something done by me, just don’t expect it to be done right away. This has been siting in my drafts since like mid July so here ya go everyone
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lala-lolly · 1 year
Kim Geonwoo x Gn!Reader (anyone can read, no race/color/ethnicity, age, gender or physical appearance specified)
Argument with Kim Geonwoo (Gunwoo) as best friends
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We all know Geonwoo is a very nice and respectful man
We all also know Geonwoo is very protective over his loved ones and that includes his friends
What happens when he gets into an argument with one of his best friends?
It all started because you felt that Geonwoo kept blowing you off to spend more time with Woojin
You two were suppose to hang out but he kept saying the same thing every time, "Sorry Y/n, Woojin and I already have plans. Sorry."
Like okay maybe two times is fine but FIVE?!
What was so important about what him and Woojin had planned that he couldn't make time for you?
When you confront Geonwoo about it, he doesn't say anything at first, just makes uncomfortable noises
He may know how to handle himself and stand up for himself and others but you are one of his best friends
After you finish rambling about how he's been making you feel, he finally says something
Geonwoo would feel guilty and apologize for making you feel that way because obviously that wasn't his intention
He wouldn't give you a clear explanation as to why he's been spending so much time with Woojin but he keeps saying that it's safer that way and that it will be over soon
This would make you more frustrated because what does that even mean, right?
You would keep pushing until he told you what he was talking about but all that made him do was snap
Geonwoo has always been known as a calm and collected person even when faced with confrontation so when he started to raise his voice it made you scared
When he seen your face, he realized what he did and immediately started to apologize profusely
You walked away to catch a break and get some air. That break lasted three days
You finally decide to talk to him and he explains everything to you and apologizes again
Woojin also ends up apologizing for stealing him away from you and keeping you in the dark about everything that had been going on
When you all finish making up, they offer you to treat you to some pork belly and kimchi fried rice at Woojin's aunt's restaurant
A/N~ I'm so sorry if this is bad or not what you wanted. Remember this is my first time writing something like this so if you feel I need to or should change something let me know. Hope you enjoyed. Also if you a story version of this where there's more context or in depth then let me know.
Keep dreaming~~💚💙
~ Lala-Lolly 🌆☁️🍭
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daxerian · 1 year
Out of all, you are my favourite flower
Mick Shumacher x Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, and my wonderful grammar😜
Words: it's 3:20am please, this info is too much to ask for
A/N: So basically I'm kinda sick rn again😻🤞🏼 and I was too lazy to write another fic but here I am at 3:20am ❤️
Also I read every comment, inbox message, etc. And I am so incredibly greatful for the ideas, sweet messages and all❤️❤️ and I will be writing soon enough the ideas you guys left on here ‼️ and take care, stay hydrated and don't lose your lip balm!!! Now enjoy reading 🧁
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Mick Schumacher dashed into the quiet flower shop, his racing heart matching his hurried footsteps. He had promised his friend a gift for the birthday party they were attending, but in his rush, he had forgotten to buy one. His eyes scanned the vibrant display of blooms, searching for the perfect gift.
"Excuse me, do you need any help?" a sweet voice called out from behind the counter. "Um, well yes! I'm attending a birthday party and I forgot to buy a gift in all that rush, would you mind helping in any sort of way?" Mick was honestly surprised he could say more than one sentence without stuttering because, in his eyes, he was talking to the most beautiful woman ever to walk on earth.
"Well, to save you some time, you can pick one of the pre-made flowers we made this morning or you could pick some flowers and we can do a custom bouquet for you." Y/N softly told Mick the two options he could pick from with a smile on her face. "If we did a custom one, how long would it take?" Mick asked her, "About 10 minutes? It also depends on what kind of bouquet and how many types of flowers you want" Y/N once again answered softly with a happy face.
"Ooh, I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time to wait out for that custom one" Mick told her, "Oh, no worries! You can take a look and pick out one of the pre-made ones" Y/N told Mick with this tone in her voice that made Mick feel this weird but in a good way..
"These are all so beautiful too, which one do you like the most?" Mick asked Y/N, of course, he would go with the classic red roses but he wanted to talk to her more, "Well I would choose the one with peonies and irises, since it's giving such a fresh look and never looks bad anywhere you know? And it's also one of my favorites so that's the other reason" Mick listened to Y/N carefully, making mental notes to himself that Y/N likes peonies and irises together.
"I'll gladly take them then" Mick smiled while looking at her. "Perfect choice! That would be 27 euros" Y/N told him. Mick paid, thanked Y/N for her time and was now rushing to the party destination.
"Honey, I bet he's gonna come soon again" Y/N's colleague and friend, Layla, told her once Mick left the shop. "And what do you mean by that Lala?" Y/N asked Layla with curiosity in her. "He was looking at you like you were some kind of goddess, and with these big love heart eyes" Layla was now excited to tease her friend a bit, since she only told the truth, she could have all that fun in the world.
"He wasn't! He needed help and I helped him, that's part of our job you know?" Y/N told her, trying to deny the fact that Mick was looking at her like that. "Now what exactly are you trying to deny?" Layla asked Y/N, raising her eyebrow because she saw all of those lovie-dovie looks he was giving her friend. "Nothing Lala! I'm just saying the basic facts, he needed help and that's what I did, helped him" Y/N told her.
"So you are telling me that a man that's in a rush stops his spinning world just to talk to you more? Girl, you know damn well that if someone is in a rush they just pick out these pre-made flowers that we put our souls into, pay and leave, running to their destination so they can look like they are on time. And that man stopped his rush mode to listen to you, to adore your passion about this whole flower business, and I'm telling you, he'll come back soon" Layla just told her friend the truth, she wanted Y/N to understand that the stranger that came to the shop was gonna return, for her.
2 weeks passed and Layla was right. Mick Schumacher was back in the flower shop again, but this time more chilled with no intention of rushing to get somewhere. "Hello, how was your day so far?" Mick asked Y/N with a smile on his face, "Welcome again! I'm feeling perfect, what can I help you with today?" Y/N was happy to see Mick back in the shop, but she also knew that Layla wouldn't shut up about how right she was.
"Could we do a custom bouquet today?" Mick asked, "I hope we don't have to rush it this time" Y/N laughed a bit, bringing up the situation from 2 weeks ago. "No rush today" Mick laughed alongside her, oh how pretty she looked with her hair down. He thought to himself, "So a special bouquet for somebody, who might that person be?" Y/N asked him, to know a bit about the person she's gonna be making a bouquet for, because it can't be just good, it needs to be perfect.
"For my mum, she's visiting after what seems like a long time" Mick answered her question, having this cheeky smile on. "A special bouquet for a special person then," Y/N told him. "Yeah, and she likes roses kinda classic but I don't want to get her only roses, and I have no idea what goes with them" Mick told her. "They go along with a lot of types of flowers, one of the more fresh combos that I recommend to people are these pinkish roses with daisies and dahlias but maybe, for a more classic red rose bouquet, you could just do with a few baby's-breath, the little white flowers."
Mick listened, he could honestly listen to her talking about different types of flowers all day and wouldn't get tired of it."Let's do the fresh one you like to recommend to people" Mick told her, "Okay, perfect" and just like that Y/N started working her magic on the flowers. "So, I never quite caught your name?" Mick told her, "It's Y/N" She answered him, not looking at him but only focusing on the flowers. "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman" Mick told her while truly admiring her, he never met anybody with such a dedication and love towards flowers. And that's what made him like her, adore her, love her.
"What's your name" Y/N asked him, "Mick" "That's a very beautiful name, Mick" Y/N looked at him and gave him a soft smile before continuing her job. And the two of them made a small talk, got to know each other a bit more and then came the time when Mick had to pay and leave. "28€ today" Y/N told Mick, "There you go, and thank you so much again Y/N" Mick told her after he paid, "No problem, I hope your mum will like them" Y/N told him before they told each other goodbyes.
"And you didn't believe me, honey" Layla told her, feeling proud of herself that Mick had come again. "You should start listening to me more" she also added. "I will listen to you more than ever before Queen Lala" Y/N told her friend.
*time skip to like a year later cause I don't have the energy to write everything 😔*
After months of being friends, Mick finally got brave enough to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend and of course, she said yes. (My dream fr, sorry) Now the two of them were having a lazy evening in Mick's apartment, a movie they weren't paying attention to and just focusing on each other's company. "You know Mick, out of all, you are my favourite flower" Y/N told him, "And you are my favourite thrilling memory, Meine Liebe"
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Human Alastor (FTM trans headcanon)
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Commentary below:
Here, Alastor is shown at four different stages of his human life:
Childhood - around 12 years old
“Voodoo Killer” - late teenage years
Jazz Musician - early 20s
Radio Star - later adulthood to time of death
His career as a serial killer started when he was around 12 years old and continued up until his death.
The three stages of his adult life are supposed to correspond with different aspects of his demon form’s hairstyle.
During the “Voodoo Killer” stage, he straightened his hair and styled it similarly to his demon form’s hairstyle. However, he did not have an undershave. If viewed from the back, it would look like a simple bob. His appearance is inspired by Clementine Barnabet. I intended for his tignon to be tied in a similar manner to Clementine’s. Additionally, the bandages wrapped around his legs are meant to make him look a little like Voodoo Queen Lala from the 1930s. I gave him bandages instead to make him look like more of an edge lord (lol). The cross worn was originally his mother's. After she died, he painted it black in mourning. He wears it at all times, up until his death, to remember her.
During the “Jazz Musician” stage, he kept his hair short in order to pass for male. This is supposed to correspond with the back side of Alastor’s demon form, which is shaved short. His appearance is inspired by Jelly Roll Morton, one of my favorite Jazz musicians, who also happens to be Creole. Not visible in this pose, but Al wore black gloves that match the color of his hair. 
During the “Radio Star” stage, several aspects of Alastor’s appearance are inspired by the late, great Cab Calloway. Like Cab, Alastor styled his hair in a conk. His suit is also inspired by the iconic white suit worn by Cab Calloway.
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That being said, creative liberties were taken with Al’s white suit, which is anachronistic for the 1930s. Cab famously wore zoots, but I don’t think that would be Alastor’s style. Since I know so little about 1930s fashion, I gave up and didn’t attempt to give him a historically accurate suit. Instead, his tuxedo is based on the one he wore in the pilot. There are several anachronisms present in Alastor’s canon design, so it might actually fit his character to wear a suit atypical of the 1930s. This could preserve the otherworldly, “Willy Wonka”-esque presence that he has, even on Earth. Still, it’s a pretty glaring historical inaccuracy. Once we get to see Al’s canon human form, I might redesign him.
Since Alastor would have more than one suit, I didn’t worry too much about the inaccuracies present in his clothing. The one thing I refused to compromise on was his microphone.  In the TV show, Alastor’s iconic microphone is a vintage ribbon mic. However, this “pill capsule” style looks more similar to models that were only invented after Alastor’s death. Here’s an example of a ribbon mic that was rolled out shortly before Alastor’s death: The RCA Type 77-A. As you can see, it’s a lot larger in size than Alastor’s microphone.
My first attempt at drawing human Alastor gave him a ribbon mic, seen here: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-ribbon-mic-1035514228
In order to be more historically accurate, I discarded this design. Instead, I gave him a spring microphone, technology that is more iconic of the 1920s/1930s. 
Here’s an image of Cab Calloway in front of a spring microphone, one year after Alastor’s death:
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I took some creative liberties with the flag of Alastor’s microphone. Normally, it is supposed to say the radio station. Since I don’t know what radio station Al’s show aired on, I just had it read “ON AIR” in red.
Importantly, Alastor’s suit has to match the design of his microphone, which is an extension of himself.
It’s a little awkward how Alastor is holding his microphone, so here is how it looks from the back: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-back-of-mic-1035514255
The backside of the microphone is supposed to look like an eye, and have a bit of an ominous presence.
A headcanon I have is that Alastor had a severe case of stress-induced vitiligo. Because he was very egotistical, this was a source of shame for him, so he hid it with makeup and clothing. Here is how his face would have appeared shortly before his death: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-no-makeup-1035514264
Al’s colors are mostly browns, whites, and black, to keep with the deer theme. The black tips of his shoes are supposed to look a bit like deer hooves. I pictured his height as 5’10, one inch taller than Michael Dillon. Since the average male height was around 5’7, Al was still taller than most men, which made it easier to pass for male.
In addition to Clementine Barnabet, Jelly Barnabet, and Cab Calloway, FTM Al’s appearance is largely inspired by the famous biracial drag king Stormé DeLarverie.
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I picture Alastor having a darker complexion than Stormé, or Cab Calloway for that matter. Compared to Stormé, his nose and eyes are different (his eyes are supposed to have the same shape as his mother’s. distinctly African, not European at all) but his mouth, jawline, and overall facial structure are similar. He’s basically supposed to be a much less white-passing version of Stormé DeLarverie. Because he was born around year 1900, Al would not have had access to any form of medical transition. He would be physically indistinguishable from a cisgender drag king.
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I also picture his physical build being pretty similar, but he’s taller (I’m not sure how tall Stormé was, but I don’t think she was 5’10) and skinnier. He’s supposed to have a really striking appearance, where he’s really slender but really tall for someone born in his time, and he has an androgynous face.
In my more recent drawings, the drag king Alberta “Bert” Whitman has also served as visual inspiration for human Alastor:
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Bonus image:
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thelampisaflashlight · 7 months
Thinking about Dewdrop and Rain tonight, but in a very specific kind of way. Let's go.
-Dew is a chunky skater shoes type of person, whereas Rain is a converse hightops in all kinds of weather type of person.
I don't wholly know how to elaborate on this other than to say that they both would fall into the category of "punk", but on different ends of the spectrum, albeit not too far apart.
Rain gives off more of the classic shy boy with flippy hair who wears t-shirts over long sleeved shirts, but Dew is the "I'm going to wear a shirt that is three sizes too big with tripp pants." sort, ya know?
Skater boy meet sweater paws emo boy kind of energy.
...but transfer that into grow adults without the haze of teenage angst and drama anddd... they'd still dress like that if they could, and sometimes still do.
-For no reason whatsoever, I think Dew could name almost every Sanrio character correctly, but somehow forgets what Hello Kitty's name is.
He called her "Goodbye Doggy" once, but that was on purpose to baffle the others.
On the topic of Sanrio characters, Rain forgot the names of the Star Twins one time and Dew got offended like, "YOU DON'T KNOW KIKI AND LALA???" sources say he did this purely to pick a fight.
-Dew is either the "I carry everything I own in my pockets." type of person or the person who carries a backpack everywhere, because you never know when you're going to need -insert anything really- in your day to day life.
Rain is a "I will bring a bag if it matches my outfit." person or "Someone else will carry my things for me." person.
Dew carries it... and like forty other bits and bobs including, but not limited to, any other bullshit the other ghouls have left behind.
And lastly;
-Dew has kits, but nobody really knows he does, because he doesn't really bring them around the other ghouls a lot, not because he doesn't trust them/think they'd be good influences on them, but because his kits would probably be bored out of their minds in a room full of adults.
He's very good at keeping them out of the public eye, and wants them to live normal lives.
He's a good dad, despite others assuming he can't take care of himself at times, let alone a couple of tiny ghouls.
Rain doesn't have kits, but he does have a betta fish named Frank.
Frank is a dick.
Rain loves him.
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drpoisonoaky · 8 months
When you realize you have a new weapon to make fun of your sister, you have to use it even though for you it isn't a weapon. At least that's how Zuko thinks about it.
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Azula: I’m going to kill your friends and my brother.
Katara: Your brother is also my friend.
Azula: But it’s a different crime. And is that what you are worried about in the whole sentence?
Katara: You want to kill them a lot. Nothing new. But don’t.
Azula: Ugh.
Azula: At least you could ask why.
Katara: Fine. Why do you want to kill them this time sweetheart?
Azula: I’m going to ignore your tone. They discovered the “Lala”.
Katara: Is another weird tradition of the Fire Nation or..?
Azula: It’s Zuko’s Zuzu.
Katara: Oh that Lala. I think it is cute. But isn’t new, right? Zuko calls you that a lot.
Azula: To them it is. And Zuko is enjoying it.
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Sokka: When you come back to the Southern Water Tribe I’m going to force you to do penguin sledding.
Azula: Why would I eve-
Zuko: Hey buddies.
Azula: Don’t call me buddy ever again.
Zuko: Ok Lala.
Sokka: We were-
Sokka: Wait what, Lala? What is a Lala?
Zuko: You know Zuzu?
Sokka: Are you asking me if I know you? Did you hit your head or something?
Zuko: Not dumbass, the nickname. Azula calls me that all of the time.
Azula: We know, Zuzu. So penguin sledding?
Sokka: Forget that. Did he just call you Lala? Can I call you Lala? Oh god the mighty Azula, princess of the Fire Nation…AND WE CAN CALL YOU LALA.
[Azula proceeds to electrocute Sokka]
Zuko: That was unnecessary.
Azula, getting ready to throw another lightning:
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Aang: Azula really did a great job in the meeting.
Zuko: She’s actually really good but she’s really mean.
Aang: Yeah, although I was thankful when she made all of those councilors shut up.
Azula: My pleasure Avatar. I always love to make a grown up man cry. Ask Zuzu.
Zuko: She certainly does. Especially when I’m in that group.
Aang: Anyway thanks for today. Right?
Zuko: Yes, thanks to Lala now we only have like 5 boring meetings to go.
Aang: Wait.
Zuko: There’s more?!
Azula: Oh no.
Aang, grinning: Did he just call you Lala? That’s so cute.
Zuko: See Azula, that's so cute. You should appreciate it.
Azula: I will deal with Zuzu later but if you want to use that word again Avatar let me remind you I already killed you once.
Zuko: If you kill him now Katara would break up with you.
Azula: SHUT UP DUMB DUMB *goes away*
Zuko: That’s worse than Lala. But at least she’s angry for the next meeting.
Aang: The next meeting it’s going to be awesome.
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Suki: All of my warriors are spread inside the festival so we are protected.
Zuko: Great. All set then.
Azula: Wait, what about the harbor?
Suki: We are protecting a festival inside the city.
Azula: If I want to attack a festival I would do it through the harbor cause nobody would be there. You bring a few water benders or a Katara and break it all in like 5 minutes.
Suki: I hate to say this but you’re right. Let’s relocate some of the girls.
Zuko: Good job Lala.
Azula: I’m honestly more angry by the fact you just praise me like a dog than the nickname.
Suki: Yeah Zuko. We’re grown ups.
Zuko: But-
Zuko: Suki, I am giving you a chance to laugh at Azula’s expenses.
Azula: And she’s a grown woman who is doing her job. Shush.
Suki: Yeah Zuko I’m busy now. When I finish I can laugh and use the Lala.
Zuko: It doesn’t feel like a victory.
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[After sparring time with Azula]
Toph: I needed that. Being police is awful.
Azula: Well you are a gun for the government.
Toph: You are part of the government.
Azula: Not the government that has you as chief.
Toph: You and I? In the same government? We will have to stop a coup like every day.
Zuko: But unfortunately you both will stop them.
Azula: Of course we will, Zuzu.
Toph: What are you doing here, Zuzu?
Zuko: Came to see why we were hearing two people fight to death on a Wednesday afternoon.
Toph: I was beating a princess’ ass.
Zuko: And also Lala, can you look at these scrolls? I need a second opinion.
Azula: Sure let’s me clea-
Toph: LALA.
Azula: Shit.
[Toph is rolling while she’s laughing]
Zuko: For once, I didn’t say it to bother you.
Azula: For once, I believe you.
Zuko: I think she can’t breathe.
Azula: Whether she dies because she can’t breathe or she feels more relaxed after a good laugh, she deserves it.
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Azula: I swear to Agni.
Mai: Don’t be dramatic.
Ty lee: Why are you so angry? It never bothered you so much before, Zuko has been calling you Lala for years. It’s cute.
Azula: I mean it doesn’t bother me if Zuko calls me that. But them. Feels like I’m a joke.
Mai: Lala sounds like a joke.
Ty lee: I think what’s bothering you so much is the exclusivity.
Azula: Explain yourself.
Ty lee: When he calls you Lala it comes from your “bond”. When any other person calls you Lala they are probably trying to laugh at your cost.
Mai: That’s deeply complicated with only having 2 lines of information.
Ty lee: I manage all the feelings in this group. I’m well trained.
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(many years ago)
Zuko: Why can’t you stop calling me that stupid name?!
Azula: Zuzu, it's cute. Nobody calls you Zuzu. I’m the only one who does it.
Zuko: Oh. That’s…okay you can call me Zuzu but
Azula: What?
Zuko, grinning: I’m calling you Lala cause nobody would call you that.
Azula: WHAT! NO! ZUZU.
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valeskawhore · 9 months
Masky x target! Reader.
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Imagine waking up to hearing a creak in the hallway. And instead of getting up, you’re like—
“Nah fuck that man,” you turn over and pulled the covers over your head, “I’ll die happy.” You scoffed.
As you let the sleep from your body lull your mind back to sleep, you suddenly hear your bedroom door open, and getting frustrated you stick your head up from the pillow, glancing around your dark ass room.
Getting paranoid, you sat up in bed.. looking around trying to find something out in the open.
But nothing.
You turned on your LED lights and flinched back when you saw a masked man standing in the corner of your room, just as frozen and still as you are..
You rubbed your eyes and took a hit off your pen. “Yo..” smoke blew out of your mouth, your voice foggy and distant because of it but you are sure he heard you.
The man didn’t move, he stayed still, watching.
You finally flicked on your bedside lamp and continued getting high. “If I can help you let me know cause I got some sexy ass motherfucker waiting for me back in LaLa world right now.”
It was a joke, but the man’s fists tightened around the crow bar.
You finally popped the question,
“You’re here to kill me, ain’t’cha? You don’t just carry that shit around for fun.. right?” I stayed calm.
The man finally spoke, his voice deep and raspy, “oh.. him?” He laughed sadistic loudly, he threw the crowbar down, “don’t worry about him honey pie, I prefer to do this with my own hands..” his knuckles cracked.
He really was terrifying, a strong build, a feminine mask covering his face, fresh blood spotted on it, his hair was brown and wavy, flipped over his mask just slightly, in a handsome way.
I raised my eyebrows with a smirk, “I’ve always had a thing for masked men, take that thing off yeah? Let’s have some fun..” I wiggled my eyebrows.
The man did not respond well, he just froze and stared at me.
“Alright alright— fine— let me stretch..” I sat up in bed and began stretching my body.
The man let out a scoff with a laugh, “you really think that’s gonna save you?”
“Well I need to feel just a tad bit younger if I’m gonna be running.” I said,
The man stared at me like I was stupid, crossing his arms. “Oh don’t give me that look, we both know you’re gonna catch me and kill me, but give me a chance.”
I continued stretching, when I was done I popped my fingers, the man shook with frustration, “why the FUCK would you need to crack those?”
I stared at him, “what if I need a weapon?”
“Sweetheart you won’t—“ “Get the chance” I finished, “blah blah blah.” The man shook with rage, “I’m gonna fucking kill you..”
I smiled, “maybe you should stretch then?”
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