#digital homework planner
homeworkplanner · 2 years
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tryclarifi123 · 2 years
Some advantages of using a digital homework planner
Students complete their assignments independently
Nowadays, all students are busy with real-life pressure. They don't get time to pay attention to their kid's studies after a hectic day. A good digital student planner aids students to complete their assignments independently. As a result, all parents and guardians get some leisure time to enjoy.
Students become stress-free
Sometimes it becomes stressful for students to finish their assignments flawlessly at the scheduled time. As a result, they become stressed, and it affects their mental well-being. By utilizing a digital homework planner students can complete their homework assignments effortlessly at the right time. This factor assists students to stay stress-free about their home tasks and assignments.
Buildup organizational skills among students
A digital homework planner encourages the organizational skill of students. It aids students to complete their assignments in an organized way and build up good study habits among students.
 Rapid reminder decreases home task missing chances
Students are also human beings and they don't have any supernatural power to store all information at once. An online homework planner is the best option for students to get reminders and track all assignments effortlessly. It decreases the chance of missing any assignment or task.
 Students complete their assignments in a short time
At present digital world offers students various distractions. They neglect their study and spend their valuable time on social media platforms. But an online student planner assists students to complete their home task in a short time and give them some free time. It enhances the productivity level of students and reduces the desire to skip homework.
An online homework planner is a magical tool for students to achieve academic success. Managing time and tracking all homework, a digital homework planner helps students to improve their academic scores. 
The students who are looking for the best app to manage their homework assignments, Clarifi is the one-stop solution for them. Being an intuitive digital homework planner, it aids students to keep their homework organized in one place and gives them the tools to block out distractions for strengthening their executive functioning skills for completing all assignments. Simply, it can be said that Clarifi is the best online student homework planner for ultimate academic progress.
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I've released my university student planner on Gumroad! Features a time blocker, essay planner, student reading list, budgeting guide, and more!
Link: https://pointybird.gumroad.com/l/university-student-general-notion-planner
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bloomzone · 25 days
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📋-goal sitting tips :
Setting goals for school can help you stay focused, organized, and motivated throughout the academic year. Here’s a tailored with practical goal-setting tips specifically for students:
1️⃣ Define Your Academic Goals
Think about what you want to achieve this year. Is it achieving a certain GPA, mastering specific subject, or for college entrance exams? Be about your objectives.
2️⃣ Set Specific Goals
Make your goals specific so that you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Instead of saying “I want to do well in math,” say, “I want to raise my math grade to a B by the end of the semester.”
3️⃣ Make It Measurable
Use measurable criteria to track your progress. This could be completing a certain number of study hours each week, scoring a specific grade on tests, or finishing all assigned homework on time.
4️⃣ Use the SMART Framework
Set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example:
- Specific: “I will study for at least two hours every Sunday for my history exam.”
- Measurable: “I will complete all my assignments on time.”
- Achievable: “I can realistically aim for a 3.5 GPA this semester.”
- Relevant: “Improving my writing skills aligns with my goal of studying English Literature in college.”
- Time-bound: “I will finish reading my assigned book by the end of this month.”
5️⃣ Break It Down
Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. If your goal is to prepare for finals, break it down into studying each subject for a set amount of time each week.
6️⃣ Create an Action Plan
Draft a detailed action plan, including specific tasks and deadlines. Use a planner or a digital calendar to map out when you’ll study, complete assignments, and review for tests.
7️⃣ Stay Organized
Organize your materials, notes, and schedules. Use binders, color-coded folders, and digital tools to keep everything in one place, making it easier to stay on top of your tasks.
8️⃣ Set Daily and Weekly Goals
In addition to long-term goals, set daily and weekly goals to keep yourself accountable. Each night, jot down what you want to accomplish the next day—homework assignments, studying, or extracurricular activities.
9️⃣ Find a Study Routine That Works for You
Experiment with different study techniques and environments to figure out what helps you focus best, whether it’s quiet study sessions, group study dates, or flashcards.
🔟 Seek Help When Needed
Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or classmates if you’re struggling with a subject. Learning is a collaborative process, and seeking assistance shows strength.
1️⃣1️⃣ Celebrate Small Wins
Acknowledge your accomplishments, big and small. If you finish an assignment on time or score well on a test, treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a favorite snack or a fun outing.
1️⃣2️⃣ Reflect and Adjust
At the end of each month or term, take a moment to reflect on what you accomplished. Assess what strategies worked and what didn’t, and adjust your goals and plans accordingly.
1️⃣3️⃣ Stay Positive and Motivated
Keep a motivational quote or your goals visible at your study area. Find inspiration in stories of successful students who overcame challenges and achieve their dreams.
1️⃣4️⃣ Maintain a Growth Mindset
Embrace a growth mindset by acknowledging that failures are opportunities to learn. If you face setbacks, reflect on what you can improve and keep moving forward.
© bloomzone
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lemondropdancer · 2 years
ADHD Study Tips
Novel Spaces
One of the biggest things that aids me in studying is a change of scenery. Although, many people suggest having a dedicated workspace for homework and studying. That isn’t the case for me because of my ADHD I need new novel spaces. Therefore I’ve created a few spaces within my home. Solely, because a lot of spaces such as cafe’s have too many distractions such as: customers in and out, constant changing noises, and unfamiliarity.
As the mini adhd coach states the need for novel things is because it provides dopamine and fuels ADHD interest based brains. Oftentimes following the dopamine can be harmful however by creating novel spaces it makes following the dopamine useful and takes advantage of it. It’s a great motivator and it’s a lot of fun to change things up.
New situations are the most motivating for those with ADHD. Each place creates a new situation. And as soon as one becomes boring you can switch to another. I tend to move from my kitchen table to my bedroom set up.
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"Notes & Coffee" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Kitchen Table Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Sofa Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Bedroom Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Body Doubling
Another major thing that helps me focus is body doubling. Body doubling is when you have another person around doing some sort of task to help your brain focus better. For me I like to invite my coworkers who are in college over to body double or ask my boyfriend to body double with me. Additionally, body doubling is why I prefer to work at the kitchen table because my boyfriend can be cooking or cleaning while also acting as a body double. 
Body doubling can also work in public spaces. When I went to college in person rather than online I achieved body doubling in the library. It’s also possible to virtually body double. I tend to do that with friends in discord. Study with me videos on YouTube have also helped with body doubling.
Something else that helps but is often hit or miss with a lot of folks with ADHD is planners, reminders, calendars, etc. Some people forget about these lists of tasks as do I. However, I make it so obnoxious that I can’t and make sure it’s everywhere. I use a physical planner for almost everything from assignments, to-do’s, and due dates. I use my Google Calendar for major due dates as well as meetings and my work schedule. I then also use Momentum, a chrome extension for a to-do list. In addition to that I write out a schedule by the hour as well as a to-do list in order of priority.
Although mine is a bit excessive, I think having a physical as well as a digital is very helpful especially if the digital can send reminders.
Follow the Dopamine not the Priority
Despite the goal of getting things done in order of priority, sometimes it’s easier to start on the task that’ll get the dopamine flowing and get you into that flow state. More often than not doing that task and then the higher priority task is faster than sitting on the higher priority task for a lot longer because your brain simply doesn’t want to focus. Therefore, sometimes following the dopamine is the best option.
Create a Reward System
When studying for large bursts I tend to use my breaks as little reward periods. Usually because I’m studying with a coworker we devise the breaks in terms of assignment or when both of us are starting to zone out and get less productive. For us because our study sessions overlap meals we’ll do our rewards such as going and grabbing food or getting boba and things of that nature. Once it was a Target run to get supplies for a root beer float which was the following break.
Find ways to fidget that allow you to remain focused simultaneously. I tend to like to bounce my feet or chew gum. However, depending on what you’re doing you can use putty, stress balls, fidget cubes, etc.
I think this helps with restlessness and remaining calm while doing homework. I’ve also found it helps me avoid getting too overwhelmed especially if I’m behind on tasks or have procrastinated.
Use Caffeine & Sugar but WISELY
I tend to use caffeine when studying. I’m currently not medicated due to other conditions. So I use caffeine to self-medicate in a way. For this to work though you have to find the sweet spot that doesn’t make you sleepy or overly anxious. So it tends to have to be sips that are tapering out the caffeine slowly.
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The Accountant
A Caption Tale
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Ruth walked to her office after exiting the elevator. She sat down and took a sip of her coffee. She was excited as a major new client was meeting her today. This could be the break she needed to take her career to the next level. She had been preparing for weeks. The office was quiet except for the occasional sound of the air conditioner kicking in and the distant murmur of colleagues in the hallway.
She straightened out her desk as she readjusted her jacket. She checked her reflection in her desktop computer screen as she fixed her hair. The digital clock read 8:50 AM, and she had ten minutes before the meeting was set to begin. The anticipation grew within her like a tightly coiled spring, ready to unravel at any moment.
The quiet was suddenly pierced by the sound of approaching footsteps. The door to her office swung open, revealing a sharply dressed man with a briefcase in one hand and a coffee cup in the other. "Good morning, Ms. Taylor," he said with a firm handshake and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm Alex Mercer, from Mercer Industries. I hope I'm not too early."
Ruth's heart skipped a beat. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. She returned the smile, trying to hide the nerves that danced in her stomach. "Not at all, Mr. Mercer. Please, have a seat." She gestured to the chair across from her desk.
Ruth took a deep breath as her heart continued to beat rapidly. Ruth gathered her thoughts as she couldn’t help but be attracted to the successful businessman. She hoped she could impress him with her presentation.
Alex sat down and placed his briefcase on the floor. He took a sip from his coffee, eyeing the room with a critical gaze. The silence grew thicker as he took in the neatly arranged documents and the diplomas hanging on the wall. He looked back at her, his gaze unreadable. "I've been looking forward to this," he said, setting his cup down. "Your company has quite the reputation, and I have high expectations."
Ruth felt a surge of confidence. She had worked hard to make sure everything was perfect for this moment. She opened her file and began her presentation, her voice steady and professional. The room was filled with the soft glow of the screen, displaying graphs and figures that painted a picture of growth and potential. Alex nodded occasionally, his eyes never leaving the screen.
“Wow you really did your homework Ms. Taylor. I am impressed but I do have one question.” Alex leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk, his eyes now fully focused on her. Ruth smiled at the compliment of her work and responded. “Please call me Ruth and I would be glad to answer your questions.”
“Well I’m primarily here for your other services.” Alex’s voice was measured, hinting at something beyond the usual business dealings. “You see, I have been facing some... challenges with self-control. I’ve heard your firm has a knack for... handling such situations discreetly and effectively. Is that true?”
Ruth squinted as she was confused by Alex’s question. She was an accountant and financial planner not a therapist. “I’m not sure I understand the question Alex do you mean you spend company funds frivolously?” She asked carefully trying not to misconstrue his words.
“No… well I do that too but I’m talking about the special service you perform for top clients.” Alex leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. “The kind that ensures their dirty laundry stays out of the public eye and doesn’t affect their bottom line. I need your help with that, Ruth.”
“I still don’t think I get what you mean…” Ruth replied, feeling a chill creep down her spine. Alex’s smile grew wider, but it no longer looked friendly. He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a folder, tossing it onto the desk. Ruth opened it to find Alex’s prenup. She wasn’t a legal expert but the financial language was very clear.
“That’s right Ruth if I get caught cheating then I lose my company. However, being a handsome, rich, public man makes it extremely hard to resist temptation.” Ruth looked at Alex still confused as to how she could assist with this problem. “I’m sorry Alex… I still don’t understand how I can help you with this…” she replied tentatively.
“Wow, you really don’t know?” Alex leaned back in his chair, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. “Your firm is the perfect cover for releasing tension. So I’m here for a session… my frigid wife is purposefully resisting me. She also hired a lingerie model as my assistant. I need a release.”
“Mr. Mercer I’m sure a good porn video can do the job. I can help you with your financial portfolio. Not that.” The words came out before she could stop them. Alex’s smile didn’t falter, but his eyes turned icy. “So you have no idea that your company is really a brothel for high end businessman?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Ruth felt the blood drain from her face. This was not what she signed up for. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was an accomplished educated woman and this powerful man was treating her like an object to be used. She couldn’t hold back her frustration and anger. “Brothel! How dare you! I understand that you are rich and powerful but I do not need your business you Neanderthal!!! I graduated from Yale you bastard. I’m sure I can find other clients.”
Alex kept his smile during Ruth’s tirade. “Are you finished?” he asked calmly, taking a sip of his coffee. His composure was unshaken. “Yes get out !” she retorted, pointing at the door. Alex stood up, his movements deliberate and unhurried. He took a moment to look her over before speaking again. “Your firm’s reputation precedes it, but I admit I had my doubts but consider them gone now.” He stared at Ruth deeply into her eyes. He then whispered “reformo”
Ruth fell back into her seat as if she was struck by lightning. She felt as if her skin was on fire. “Uhh what … what did you do to me?” she stuttered. She felt as if her skin was stretching all over her body. She grasped the handles to her desk chair as her body stiffened. She arched her back as her breasts exploded from her chest doubling in size. She moaned as they felt so sensitive against her clothes. Alex sat back down enjoying the show.
Ruth continued to moan as her body continued to shift. The room became heavy as magical energy permeated inside. Ruth’s fingernails grew longer and more feminine as they gained a beautiful French manicure. Her lips puffed out and became soft like pillows.She felt her skirt recede until it became a tight pencil skirt. Her hips and ass grew larger making the skirt hug her flesh. Pantyhose covered her smooth legs making them even more irresistible.
The clothes morphed as her shirt lowered to expose her amazing cleavage. She felt her panties become a g string. The sleeves of her jacket shrunk exposing her toned arms. The heels of her stilettos grew longer as her feet became more delicate and comfortable in the arch position. A pearl necklace formed on her neck with a matching bracelet on her wrist.
Her mind became cloudy as math and numbers erased like it was on a whiteboard. Ruth continued to moan as her lips curled into a smile. The wall of diplomas also changed as they became pictures of her with celebrities and businessmen. Ruth began to giggle as she felt her pussy become wet. She was a professional all right. She was a professional bimbo slut for her clients.
“Mmm fuck that felt so good! Ah Mr. Mercer! Pleasure to have you here in the office. How can I serve you?” The words slipped out of Ruth’s lips without thought, her mind now a haze of pleasure and obedience. She pulled her hair into a ponytail. She was no longer the sharp-witted financial planner she had been moments ago. Instead, she was a bimbo, eager to please the man before her.
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“Ah well um … Ruth. I needed a release.” Alex leaned back in his chair watching her transformation with a twisted smile. His eyes scanned her new body with hunger. He adjusted himself in his seat feeling his cock press against his slacks.
“Why of course Mr. Mercer! I’m going to make that hard cock spew so much yummy cum. And it’s Roxy sir not Ruth.”
Roxy smiled as she stood up from her chair and kneeled in front of her client. She unbuckled his pants and grasped onto his engorged member. Alex sighed in relief.
“You’re in good hands now sir.”
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itgirlblogger · 20 days
𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝐬𝐭: 𝙷𝙾𝚃 𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻 𝙵𝙰𝙻𝙻 𖥻 ⠀ᰋ ~ !? 🥮𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆
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September 1st is the true launchpad for new beginnings. Whether it's the start of a new academic year or a renewed mindset for chasing excellence, September 1st kicks off what we're officially dubbing "Hot Girl Fall"
September doesn’t just mark the transition from summer to fall—it’s a complete reset. The end of vacation mode means a renewed focus on goals, routines, and all those dreams you’ve been nurturing.
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1. set clear goals 🧋౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ Hot Girl Fall is all about growth, so start by setting goals that are important to you. Whether it’s academic, finishing a creative project, or learning a new skill, give yourself something to chase. Break your goals into smaller, achievable steps, and celebrate your progress along the way. (I will make a post abt reward ideas)
Tip: Create a vision board or digital collage for some visual inspiration to keep you motivated!
2. elevate your style this season 🥮౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ Fall fashion is the ultimate combination of cozy and chic. This is the season for layers, textures, and statement accessories. Invest in a few key pieces that you like. Consider leaning into trends that resonate with you— (I suggest looking up some styles on Pinterest) Recently, I have been loving the academic/preppy chic autumn outfits and the dark academia aesthetic.
Tip: Don't just follow trends; find pieces that express your personality. Mix in some timeless classics for a balanced look.
3. self-care 🍂౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ Being a "hot girl" isn't just about looking good—it’s about feeling good. As the days get shorter and cooler, make sure you're staying active and eating well. A little self-care goes a long way in keeping your mind and body balanced during this busy season. This is also a great time to focus on mental health, whether through meditation, journaling, or therapy.
Tip: Try creating a new fall wellness routine—maybe morning stretches or pilates, afternoon walks in nature, or weekly self-care nights with skincare and a good book.
4. organize your space to boost productivity 🚬౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ With September comes a new focus on work and personal goals. Take some time to declutter and organize your space, whether that’s your desk, closet, or digital files. A clear environment can lead to a clearer mind, allowing you to focus better and feel more at peace in your everyday life.
Tip: Implement simple systems like a daily planner, productivity apps, or dedicated time blocks to keep your tasks organized without overwhelming them.
5. embrace seasonal changes 🍁౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ Fall offers some of the most beautiful landscapes, so make sure to soak it in. Whether it’s a hike, a walk in the park, or just sitting with a cozy drink while watching the leaves fall, spending time outdoors can help you reset and ground yourself. Nature has a calming effect and can inspire new ideas, so use it as a creative escape when needed.
Tip: Get Outside & Enjoy Nature, you can even start a nature journal / sketchbook !
6. autumn mornings 🌟౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ Autumn mornings bring a cozy, refreshing vibe that can inspire a productive and peaceful start to your day. Establishing a consistent morning routine sets the tone for the day ahead and helps you feel more grounded as the season shifts. Start by taking a few deep breaths and thinking of one thing you’re excited about for the day—this positive intention will help you get moving.
Tip: Craft an Autumn morning routine that works for you !
6. homework and boost in productivity 🪶౨ৎ ˖ ࣪
Homework can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re balancing it with extracurriculars and social activities. Designate a spot for homework, whether it’s a desk, a library, or a quiet corner at home. Keep your workspace organized with all your supplies on hand—this minimizes interruptions and keeps you focused.
Start by listing all your assignments and prioritizing them based on deadlines and difficulty. Break large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and schedule specific time blocks for each task. Use a planner, to-do list, or digital app to stay on top of assignments. By having a plan in place, you avoid last-minute cramming and unnecessary stress.
Instead of scrolling on social media during breaks, do something that refreshes you mentally and physically. Stretch, take a short walk, grab a snack, or chat with a friend. Active breaks re-energize you without the risk of falling into procrastination traps.
7. caffeine for energy and focus🪶౨ৎ ˖ ࣪
Autumn calls for cozy beverages, and for many of us, that means indulging in caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or chai. Caffeine can be a helpful tool for boosting energy and focus—if used wisely.
Try not to rely on caffeine first thing in the morning; allow your body to wake up naturally. Have your coffee or tea about 1-2 hours after waking when your natural cortisol levels dip. This maximizes the effectiveness of the caffeine and prevents jitters or dependence.
8. reading more this fall🕯️౨ৎ ˖ ࣪
There’s no better time than fall to get lost in a good book. The cool weather and cozy atmosphere make it perfect for curling up with a blanket and diving into a novel, memoir, or educational read. Start by setting a realistic reading goal for the season—whether it’s reading one book a month, finishing a certain number of pages a day, or diving into a new genre.
Keep a book or e-reader with you at all times, whether you’re commuting, waiting in line, or relaxing during a break. Instead of reaching for your phone, get lost in a story. You’ll be surprised by how much extra reading you can squeeze into your day this way! (I love reading at libraries and on public transportation.)
As the crisp autumn air settles in, let this season be your time to reset, refocus, and thrive. Whether it’s building a morning routine, staying on top of your homework, or creating a cozy atmosphere, remember that Hot Girl Fall is all about balance.🌟
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selfhelpforstudents · 28 days
Any tips on how to create a proper schedule? I struggle a lot with time management.
Mastering Time Management: How to Create a Schedule That Works for You
Time management can be a tricky thing to master, but the good news is that with a little planning and a few smart strategies, you can create a schedule that keeps you on track and reduces your stress levels. If you’ve been struggling to get a handle on your time, don’t worry—you’re definitely not alone. Here’s how to create a proper schedule that works for you.
1. Start by Setting Clear Goals
Before you even think about scheduling, take a moment to define what you’re trying to achieve. Whether it’s finishing an assignment, studying for exams, or balancing school with extracurricular activities, knowing your goals will help you prioritize your time. Break these goals down into smaller, actionable tasks that you can tackle day by day.
2. Understand Your Natural Rhythm
Everyone has different times of day when they’re most productive. Some people are morning people, while others hit their stride later in the day. Pay attention to when you feel most alert and focused, and try to schedule your most challenging tasks during those times. Use less productive times for easier or routine tasks.
3. Use a Planner or Digital Calendar
Having a physical planner or using a digital calendar (like Google Calendar) is essential for keeping track of your time. Start by blocking out your fixed commitments like classes, work, or meetings. Then, fill in study sessions, homework time, and any other tasks. Don’t forget to include breaks and time for relaxation—these are crucial for avoiding burnout.
4. Prioritize Your Tasks
Not all tasks are created equal. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize your tasks into four groups:
Urgent and Important: Do these first.
Important but Not Urgent: Schedule these.
Urgent but Not Important: Delegate if possible.
Not Urgent and Not Important: These can be minimized or eliminated.
By prioritizing your tasks this way, you ensure that you’re focusing on what really matters.
5. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks
Large tasks can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, manageable pieces that you can tackle bit by bit. For example, instead of blocking out an entire day to “study biology,” break it down into specific chapters or topics to study in shorter sessions. This makes the task less daunting and helps maintain focus.
6. Set Realistic Time Blocks
When scheduling your tasks, be realistic about how long each one will take. It’s better to overestimate and have extra time left over than to underestimate and feel rushed. Start by tracking how long it actually takes you to complete different tasks, then use this data to plan your schedule more accurately.
7. Use the Pomodoro Technique
If you struggle with staying focused, try the Pomodoro Technique. This method involves working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break (15-30 minutes). This technique helps maintain focus and prevents burnout, especially during long study sessions.
8. Review and Adjust Your Schedule Regularly
Your schedule isn’t set in stone. Life happens, and things change, so it’s important to review and adjust your schedule regularly. At the end of each day or week, take a few minutes to assess what worked and what didn’t. If you find that certain tasks took longer than expected or that your priorities have shifted, make adjustments accordingly.
9. Build in Flexibility
While it’s important to stick to your schedule as much as possible, it’s also crucial to build in some flexibility. Allow for buffer time between tasks in case something takes longer than planned or if something unexpected comes up. Flexibility prevents you from feeling overwhelmed when things don’t go exactly as planned.
10. Stay Consistent, But Be Kind to Yourself
Consistency is key when it comes to following a schedule, but it’s also important to be kind to yourself. If you have an off day or something doesn’t go as planned, don’t beat yourself up. Simply adjust your schedule and keep moving forward. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection.
11. Use Apps and Tools to Help
There are plenty of apps and tools designed to help with time management. Apps like Todoist, Trello, or Notion can help you organize your tasks and keep track of deadlines. Experiment with a few and find what works best for you.
12. Balance Work and Rest
Finally, remember that a good schedule isn’t just about getting work done—it’s also about ensuring you have time to rest and recharge. Make sure to schedule in downtime, hobbies, and social activities. A balanced schedule will keep you motivated and prevent burnout.
By implementing these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering time management and creating a schedule that supports your goals. It might take some trial and error to find what works best for you, but with persistence and a bit of flexibility, you’ll get there. Good luck, and happy scheduling!
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loving-jack-kelly · 8 months
turning the tables of what i think is normal fanon to say. jack is super organized and on top of all of his commitments because he knows that if he isn't, things will get left behind. he has a digital calendar that's so updated he's adding weekend plans to it the second they're in the group chat. he's got a physical planner that's organized by date and priority. he's a regular user of a label maker so when he cleans his desk he doesn't have to work hard to figure out where things belong. he is consciously and consistently on top of things because he doesn't want to get back into the habit of forgetting and feeling terrible about it.
davey, on the other hand, never had to work hard at staying on top of things until crunch time right before he graduated college, when suddenly he had work, projects, exams, job applications, and social obligations all happening at once. he never had to build actual skill at staying on top of things, because for a very long time he just was. he did homework when it was assigned, had a consistent work schedule that worked for him and felt routine, and had few enough social things going on that they weren't hard to remember. as an adult, he has no idea how to keep track of it all. he's a disaster. double booking himself for lunch with Sarah and lunch with work friends on the same day, never knows where his good shoes are because he was distracted when he got home and took them off in the wrong room, only has events on his work calendar that other people put there and even then he barely remembers to check it. his notes app is a million unfinished to-do lists that stress him out to look at, so instead he just makes a new to-do list and doesn't finish that one either. he always feels like he's forgetting something, and he's usually right. that doesn't mean he isn't good at what he does, because he is, he just never feels caught up and on top of things, because he isn't.
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isbahstudio · 1 year
🌸 Academic Tips
Here are some tips to start off the academic year strong!
🟣 Setup your notebooks, planner, folders, digital files, and notion in advance.
🟣 Review the syllabus and mark down all important dates.
🟣 Introduce yourself to your professor or teacher and build good rapport.
🟣 Introduce yourself to a few classmates to have acquaintances you can depend on.
🟣 Do a digital declutter and clean out old files beforehand.
🟣 Set aside extra study time for tougher subjects.
🟣 Come up with an efficient study method and stick to it.
🟣 Reward yourself for academic milestones to keep fueling your motivation.
🟣 Block out a specific time for homework and studying. Spend the rest of the day doing non-academic tasks. Strike a balance!
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skwpr · 10 months
7 Terrible Study Habits To Quit Immediately
Not Making To-Do Lists
If you’re going into a study session without a plan or to-do list regarding what you’re going to study, you’re not properly maximizing your time. 
I usually start working on homework assignments as soon as school is over; but before I actually start, I review the day’s classes and make a list of the assignments I have to do.
It’s also helpful to prioritize so you can efficiently finish your homework. I usually do this on my laptop with digital sticky notes (like the image below), but you can also use a physical planner and to-do lists.
Making lists and setting goals doesn’t just apply to homework, though. Whenever you’re having a study session or attending a lecture, come prepared! Always preview the work beforehand and make a to-do list of important things you’ll learn or will go over.
Writing to-do lists will help you organize your tasks while studying, and is a great study habit to build to effectively tackle your busy study life. 
Not Prioritizing
Prioritizing comes hand in hand with making to-do lists, and it’s key to studying productively without feeling burnt out. 
Once you’ve got your to-do list written out, analyze each task and determined which are the most important and urgent. These could be based on a variety of factors, like:
Due date
Time it will take to complete
Percentage of your grade
Whether you’ll be collaborating with someone
Once you’ve ranked each task on your to-do list (don’t worry, it will become easier as you do this more often), you can get to work with a sense of purpose and structure.
Having structure has always been one of my top study habits and has helped me stay productive, and I hope you’ll try it as well!
Having Your Phone Near
Your phone is likely your biggest distraction while studying. It just holds so many interesting things, especially social media and entertainment. These will distract you and cause you to procrastinate or multitask while studying, both terrible study habits.
It’s not easy to break your phone addiction completely, but physically keeping your phone away can definitely help. When your phone is in another room, you won’t be exposed to constant notifications and will then stay focused and productive while studying.
However, if you find extreme difficulty in separating from your phone, you can begin by turning off social media notifications. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. can be hard to quit once you open them, so avoid doing so in the first place by turning off notifications.
Looking & Not Seeing
I used to take notes by reading the textbook and copying down whatever I thought was important. I highlighted terms, underlined names, drew some pictures… but the entire time, I didn’t really understand what was going on.
Whenever you’re taking notes, annotating a document, reading an essay, or learning something new in general, actively see and understand, not just look and accept.
This means that you should think about what you’re learning, pose questions to yourself and/or the teacher, make connections with your previous knowledge, and overall put thought into what you’re learning.
Just looking and not seeing is a study habit you should quit immediately, as it is a complete waste of time and effort on your part. Only when you actively use your brain to understand and form connections will the information stick.
Studying In Bed
Your bed is where your body associates with rest and play, and your mind will not be focused enough for you to study productively and effectively. Therefore, what you should do is to study in a designated study space like your desk.
However, it’s important to note that you should only study at your desk as well, and not watch movies, go on your phone, etc. Only when you clearly separate spaces for work/rest will your body and mind make the same associations.
So get up and off your bed and move to a desk or table the next time you’re studying, then jump back when you want to rest; be sure to make this a habit!
Procrastination is one of the most common bad study habits students have. When you get intimidated by your work or distracted by something fun, you often end up procrastinating for more than you intended.
But it’s not impossible to beat procrastination! One of the best tips I have is to plan ahead and break things down. Similar to making to-do lists, doing these 2 things will give you structure and actionable steps, which will make everything seem easier.
Relying On The Textbook
The last bad study habit that many students don’t realize is their complete dependence on the textbook. No textbook is perfectly exhaustive and comprehensible, so it’s important to utilize outside resources as well.
Though reading the textbook can be of great help, you sometimes need more information (or simply more opinions) to fully comprehend something. Therefore, a good habit to build would be to search around more.
Here are some resources you can use other than the textbook to learn about a certain topic:
Your teacher or classmates
Wikipedia (great for people and historical events)
Britannica (great for people, concepts/ideas, and events)
YouTube (best for math and science concepts)
Quora (best for abstract/opinion-based ideas)
Once you break these 7 bad study habits, you’ll be ready to become a better student and tackle your studies with no trouble.
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homeworkplanner · 2 years
Eliminate Distractions
This is a common factor with ADHD children easily distracted. Here is one of the most significant ADHD parenting tips. All parents can consider turning off all electrical devices whenever their children perform their tasks or do assignments. To make children more attentive in their daily activities it’s imperative to minimize all kinds of distractions.
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tryclarifi123 · 2 years
Why are digital homework planners important for students?
Study planning is essential for students to improve their educational life. It assists them to continue their learning process in an organized way. At the same time, a proper homework planner aids students to avoid unforeseen pileups of homework assignments.
The rapid growth of technology can only lead to more development in the educational industry. An online homework planner helps students complete their assignments efficiently at the scheduled time. Digital homework planners allow students to use the latest and advanced technology to improve their academic grades. 
Students don't need to grapple with the correct solution to complete their home tasks when they use a digital homework planner. An online homework planner aids students to structure their study sessions and prioritize urgent assignments.
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ghostgirldiaries · 14 days
Senior Year Goals! 📓
Hi pretties welcome back to another post! This is one about academics specifically my senior year. I have started school already and have these few goals in mind.
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Cut off toxic people
I will do this by placing down boundaries for myself along with enacting them and putting these certain people in their places!
Learn to have better self-respect and reevaluate my values.
Have Amazing Grades
Stay on top of my assignments and homework!
Write assignments/homework in my digital planner and reminders
Balance out clubs and classes
Use my free periods for study sessions
Turn in things on time
Style my Uniform to be Cuter
Wear jewelry that I love: juicy couture, pandora, silver or gold, PINK PINK PINK,etc!
Wear studded belts
Customize my skirts: wear black or navy ones (which are the school colors), leg warmers, charms/keychains.
Have Cute Stationary
Pink pens, markers, book bag/purse/pencil pouch.
Decorate my locker with: Polaroids, stickers, magnets, etc!!
Take good Risks
Step out of my comfort zone: be a leader, present projects/assignments on my own, read aloud, participate in debates, etc!
Choose new things: a new lunch item, class or club
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That’s all for today, I hope you liked this post and lmk if you’d like more of these! Drink water, go for your hot walks and journal!
With love,
Ur ghostgirl 💋
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bhhstilinski · 8 months
Chapter 2 (cont)
The library stood out in the small town, a newer building against the old, concrete against the brick, wide against the thin. It was a few minutes’ walk away from the cluster of more central shops that housed stationery and trendy clothing. Although Annabeth loved the store offering a selection of planners and pens, her destination today was the library. She pulled into a parking space, noting the plethora of empty spots, and twisted the key to turn the car off, her music stopping abruptly.
Annabeth took her keys and phone from the front of the car, pulled her bag from the backseat, and locked it as she walked towards the front doors. Once inside, she made a beeline for the stairs, bypassing the children’s section. The bottom floor of the library featured tables with picture books on display, enticing young potential readers. Annabeth remembered getting her first library card and excitedly running around the building, collecting books from all the tables and shelves, curating a diverse taste from the moment she had the opportunity. She would read historical fiction, fantasy, mystery, and to the librarian’s surprise, books about architecture.
As Annabeth reached the top of the stairs, she surveyed the top floor. A few chairs were arranged around a table in front of her, all facing a fireplace with a TV above it. The TV silently advertised different events the library would be hosting over the next few weeks, including storytimes for little kids and an arts-and-crafts day. Beyond the sitting area there were rows of bookcases that held the selection of fiction for teens and adults. Individual seats with attached desks lined the wall of windows to Annabeth’s left, each seat closed off by a screen that made for a more private study space.
She continued past the fiction section and turned to the right before reaching the non-fiction area. Her footsteps muted by the carpet, Annabeth approached the study rooms. Each room offered a table with several chairs and a whiteboard on the wall, so this hall was a hotbed for high school students. Since it was still the beginning of the school year, Annabeth had her pick from plenty of open rooms. Each had a clear glass wall, making it easy to see if they were occupied. She chose the one at the end of the hall that featured a window on one wall.
Offloading her backpack onto one of the chairs, Annabeth glanced outside. The sky was a vibrant blue, with puffy white clouds skidding across it. She wished she could go for a hike through a park rather than buckle down over calculus homework, but the life of a senior was not one to be desired. Especially one with aspirations as high as Annabeth’s.
Despite not knowing which college she wanted to attend next year, Annabeth knew she wanted to do great things. Her dream was to design an entire city, using her knowledge of architecture to create a masterpiece. Whenever she visited a new place, she analyzed the features of its buildings and its layout, knowing she could improve upon it if given the chance. The second she’d had a space in her schedule, Annabeth had jumped at the opportunity to take the Architecture and Design course offered at Olympian High. It was her favorite class, and not just because it was one of the only times she got to see Emi during the school day. She was truly invested in learning as much as she could; one day she would prove herself to be the best architect the world had ever seen.
Unfortunately, this also meant she had to battle her way through calculus. Annabeth grabbed her dark blue math binder along with a pencil that had a sufficient amount of eraser left and set to work on the newest worksheet. As she analyzed graphs and completed equations, Annabeth thought longingly of the days when math worksheets simply required you to prove you could add two-digit numbers.
“Thank the gods!” Percy exclaimed, his gaze landing on Annabeth as she walked down the bus aisle. “I need your help on this worksheet.”
It was the end of the school day, and the sun shone through the window onto Percy’s face, giving him a golden hue. His curls seemed to glow, their beachy look enhanced by the late-summer lighting. Annabeth slid into his seat beside him and dropped her backpack on the floor. She leaned in to get a better look at the paper in Percy’s hands.
Columns of addition and subtraction problems lined the page. Annabeth could see Percy’s scribbled pencil marks on a few of the problems, noting where he needed to carry a number and guessing at the solution. “Oh, this is easy, come on Seaweed Brain. We just did one like this yesterday. Here,” she said, reaching for the pencil.
“Sorry if I don’t have a mind like a sponge like you do, Wise Girl,” Percy retorted, smiling. He held out his hand to give her the pencil. Annabeth took it, their fingers brushing, and pressed the worksheet against the back of the seat in front of them. She walked Percy through one of the problems and explained his mistakes on the questions he’d struggled with. By the time the bus reached Annabeth’s stop, there were only a few problems left.
She slid out of the seat and pulled her backpack with her, hooking her arms through the straps. Straying from their usual routine, Percy stood up with her.
“I should get off here with you,” he said earnestly.
Annabeth stared at him, contemplating. With the way he was turned now, the light sparked his blue eyes. She thought they bore a resemblance to the reflection of the sun’s rays on the surface of the Atlantic. “You’re not allowed to,” she reminded Percy. “I think the driver has to have a note from our parents or something.”
Percy shrugged. “So?” he said, grinning. Annabeth couldn’t help but smile back. She felt a very strong urge to pick up her backpack and follow the boy down the bus steps. “We need to finish the worksheet,” he urged her.
“I don’t want you to get in trouble,” Annabeth said. She frowned when Percy’s grin fell from his face. “Get on your email at exactly five, and we can talk!” she offered.
“Okay,” he conceded, and she hurried down the bus aisle before the driver could pull away from her stop.
As the bus’s folding door squeaked and slammed shut behind her, Annabeth turned around. Her eyes scanned the windows, landing on Percy’s faint shape through the window. He waved to her, a simple goodbye that always made her happy. She lifted her hand and waved back as the bus lurched and drove away from the street corner.
~present day~
Annabeth pulled herself out of the memory, returning her focus to finding the limit of some equation on the paper in front of her. She found herself wishing a certain blonde-haired boy was still sitting beside her, offering a brain to bounce ideas off of and promising to email her. It was ridiculous. They had phones now anyway, and his number was blocked, although her calendar still alerted her to his birthday every year. She always found herself annoyed by the notification, but for some reason never turned it off.
As if summoned by her thoughts, Annabeth’s phone chimed. She knew by its tone that the text was from Emi. The smile that this revelation brought was dimmed by the remembrance that she’d given Percy’s messages a unique sound once, too.
Annabeth opened the text and paused her music to play the voice message from Emi, which detailed a disturbing occurrence of a rat hiding behind a box. She shot a sympathetic message back and returned to her homework, mentally cursing herself for taking calculus instead of statistics, the other AP math option. But as Annabeth worked her way towards the bottom of the page, her mind drifted back to her former friend, once again questioning herself and what she had done wrong that had led to the emptiness of the seat to her right.
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redfinchandwolf · 2 years
2023 Printable Planner & Appointment Books
Designed with multi-tasking in mind! Keep track of all your goals. Digital instant download, print at home or through your local office supply store. Compatible with disc, ring, and wire binding systems. Professional, minimalist design for work and school.
This is a printable planner and appointment book for keeping track of to-do lists, monthly goals, resolutions and habits, and appointments and meetings. 145 total pages, best printed double-sided.
~ Yearly Overview of 2022 - 2025
~ Habit Tracker | 365 dated check boxes to keep track of your resolutions and goals!
~ Weekly Appointments | 7:00am - 10:00pm M-F, 10:00am - 11:00pm S-S time slots to plan out your days, keep track of appointments, etc. | Each day also features two lines for reminders, due dates, birthdays, etc., and four check-box lines for daily to-do lists. Perfect for homework assignments!
~ Monthly Planner | Plan out your months, keep track of upcoming events, and track your monthly goals!
~ Graph Paper | 10 pages of graph paper for your note-taking needs. Lined Paper version also available!
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