#din running after that ass: HOW MANY BABIES SHOULD WE HAVE?!?
thewriterowl · 1 year
Din: I don't think I really have a type or a taste for a romantic partner. I don't really react. Everyone is just a person to me. Lust at first sight, love at first sight, relationships and romance…it’s got nothing to do with me.
Luke: (exists)
Din: Well that was a fucking lie.
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no-droids · 4 years
Ch 17 was so, so, so good (thank you!!) 🥺 i am still processing. ((Edit: this turned into an essay so i Am Very Sorry in advance, there is a tldr at the end though))
First of all. We get to see Din going through it the same way sweet girl was a couple chapters ago and I love it! She’s been so clear from the start that she doesn’t want to run away from him and now Din’s getting to the point where he doesn’t want to chase her anymore because he just wants her to be physically there with him again. The second night of comms while she’s camped out at the orphanage?? “I thought this was going to be alright, but I hate it.” ??????????? i am a Puddle of Emotions no one look at me 😭
And then the way he’s so unsure about whether she hasnt begun to reconsider wanting to keep up with his bounty-hunter life now that she’s finally gotten a break if being forced to outrun a mandalorian can be really even be called a break for the first time in a year?? And he can SEE all the places she’s stopped to talk to people on this planet (his comment about the number of times the blond guy turned around to talk to her in the line? 🥺.) Din knows she’s enjoying these small encounters with people, getting to interact with a new planet and learn new things as she’s making her way through each place, and since they’re only talking at night he gets to think about it literally all day long as he follows her trail and tries to figure out what her plan is. This is truly an exercise in Din thinking nonstop about sweet girl (which ofc he does already, but like, thinking critically about what she thinks/wants/does/needs and why) and I feel like that’s causing him to slowly start to second guess himself in terms of where he would put himself on sweet girl’s list of priorities. And I wonder how much of this he’s actually considering for the first time? because it’s always him who leaves and comes back when he gets jobs — this is the first time that sweet girl has left him instead of the other way around. Sweet girl has had tons of time to think about these things, whereas Din hasn’t really had to... because it’s not the one who leaves who feels the absence most, it’s the one who’s left behind (even if just temporarily).
I can just picture Din’s increasing doubts as the chase keeps going, whether he’s worth putting up with his lifestyle and whether sweet girl wouldn’t rather have a life like the people he sees in the footprints around hers? because he knows her, knows she likes soft beds and meeting people and fresh fruit and beautiful scenery, which are all things that living on the razor crest can’t always provide except for the last one bc Din Djarin IS beautiful scenery let’s be clear and just. the ANGST. I cannot. ( a n d meanwhile sweet girl is having a breakdown thinking he wants to STOP looking and LEAVE her? As if)
So when she shuts down his tentative doubts about it on the second night she’s at the orphanage and Din starts asking questions about favorite animals and flowers and things?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I lost it. Din is mirroring the love and care he receives from sweet girl (and learning to tap into those emotions as he does) and I am just in awe of both his character development from ch 1 to here and your ability to show that gradual shift in your writing.
Tl;dr thank you very much for this latest chapter! I will continue to be a soft emotional little puddle for the foreseeable future, or at least until I can figure out to scrape myself off the floor and function like a human being who has not just read rough day ch 17 and promptly dissolved as a direct result🌻
okay first of all ma’am/sir/friend, please do not put tl;dr’s on a fucking MASTERFUL DISSECTION LIKE THAT like I genuinely hope people read every word of what you have written because you’re so spot on about everything that I was almost taken aback JEJFJJDJFJF
I would like to say, and I need to do this in list form because you have presented so many beautiful points that I’d like to address them one by one,
1.) Din Djarin is used to being alone. Full stop. Like even with sweet girl helping out with the baby and agreeing to stay on the ship while he goes and grabs quarry, he’s gone for weeks sometimes. He is used to being by himself, to fending for himself, protecting himself, patching himself up, EVERYTHING by himself. He is the most independent self-sufficient driven bounty hunter Karga has on the payroll and he’s reliable, which is why Karga would give him four pucks at a time. Giving anyone else four pucks would mean that if they happened to die during their hunts, then more than one puck would be lost and that’s money down the drain. Din doesn’t die, he always comes back with all four bodies and he’s fucking quick about it. Him telling sweet girl “I thought this was gonna be alright” is apt, because he’s been able to exist without her and do good work while he knows she’s safe on the Crest. In fact, the only time he EVER didn’t do good work is when a) she was attacked on the Crest on Corellia, or b) when he desperately wanted to get back to her as quick as possible and he pushed himself too hard and put himself in danger (aka frozen on Hoth scene). And actually c) when he stole Grogu back from the empire and had Karga and the guild on his ass about it. Those were the only times Din had trouble doing his job. The only times he stopped looking and gave up. “I thought this was going to be alright, but I hate it” means that YES ABSOLUTELY DIN DJARIN DOES NOT LIKE STAYING PUT WHILE SHE LEAVES, even though he’s okay with going out and doing his job when she stays. Even though he’s still hunting, it’s like the roles have been reversed. She’s understanding his side, and he’s understanding her side. It’s been 4 days and he hates it, so imagine weeks or months of that. Not being able to move or chase after her either, just hanging out on the crest with Grogu and waiting to see if she’ll be able to make it back. Which
2.) makes it hurt just a lil more in that wonderful delicious angsty way when he actually asks if she wants this life. On Naboo, he didn’t know where she went or where the kid was—he didn’t know if they were in danger, if she was safe. He said he’d rip the galaxy apart to find her if she ever disappeared like that again. But... she’d be safe on Sanctuary II. This is different, and just like you said, he’s had multiple days where all he did was try to think like her. Get in her head, predict her. Understand her more than he’s ever attempted to do before, in a NECESSARY capacity, like he would a bounty he’s hunting. Din Djarin is used to being alone. He’s used to being silent and that’s how connections are severed before they can even be established. His only practice at empathy was through his job, a job that he is very very good at, but it was never enough to get him to stop looking. He would never be able to empathize enough to ask if the bounty wanted him to stop looking for them. Even with the baby, he turned him in at first and then let the guilt eat him alive before going back to save him. So, if you couple that with his true connection to sweet girl, the natural empathy he has for her and the kid (him immediately following her after he accidentally snapped at her on the Crest and apologizing) and Din is now TRULY beginning to understand her on a level he’s never experienced with another person
3.) BUT!!! Even though he “needed to ask” (meaning he understood enough to know that asking the question was necessary) he started out the entire conversation by admitting he doesn’t think he could do it. Before ever telling her what specifically he doesn’t think he could do, he already knows this about himself and says it flat out. I don’t think I could. Even if you asked me to, even if you said you’d be happier if I did, even if you told me right now that it’s what you wanted, I don’t think I could ever stop looking. And a lot of the turmoil he experiences is because of that. I make you sleep on the floor. I teach you to fight when you just want to look at waterfalls. I do all these things that you’d never willingly do yourself, and I’m a bad person BECAUSE I still want you to always be here with me in spite of all that.
4.) Meanwhile sweet girl just has no fucking clue all this is happening and it seems to come out of nowhere, all she knows is that he’s been in the city when he should’ve caught up to her days ago. She’s out experiencing things and meeting new people and yet she always comes back to Din and the baby and how much they should be here with her. She tries to come up with clever ways to outthink him but she also offers to give her coordinates to him practically every single night. Her wanting to be with him so bad but trying to hold out (“ask me again tomorrow”) while Din is also wanting to be with her so bad and also trying to hold out (“find her again tomorrow”) 🥺
So yeah basically in conclusion I love them together and they’re so different but they make each other somehow both stronger and softer in so many ways and yeah u mighta heard of DD/LG u kinky fucks but lemme present to u DD/SG
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vvitchering · 3 years
Tbobf finale thoughts real quick:
I have like 5 mins to write this before I have to get up for work so let’s go
I can’t figure out if I hated this or not
Like yeah they did end up with the same “oh they’re going to have to wrap this up REAL quick and dirty” pacing issue I’ve been worried about
But they didn’t even give us much good character stuff to smooth over the plot/pacing
Liked Din being loyal to Boba to the point where he’s willing to die but it would have been nice to have acknowledged WHY that is.
There were a lot of emotional gut punches in this episode that ended up being more emotional love taps due to lost or forgotten context and that’s….bizarre for a show as obsessed with flashbacks as this one is.
Like the only reason I even knew Cad Bane and Boba had previously established beef is because I glanced at a tumblr post about their unfinished duel from the clone wars show. That’s not the kind of fan knowledge you should be working off of…
Genuine question: how many of y’all even knew who Cad Bane was? If my brother hadn’t forced me to watch a few seasons of the clone wars I’d have had absolutely no goddamn clue who this joker was. (And I think a good percentage of Mando / TBOBF viewers may also be like me and aren’t big Star Wars buffs outside of these shows, so they’d have zero context for this interaction)
Lost opportunity to have the Tusken lady in black and the kid come back to help Boba. Yes I’m still upset about that, I was planning on dying mad about it.
Just…so very little of any of this finale made reasonable sense……..I’m gonna have to watch it again and do a play by play because it’s so jumbled in my head after one viewing
Luke really did put that infant in a ship and send him off to god knows where care of who the hell knows because he was angry he picked the beskar huh
Who’s the true baby here mr skywalker
This has been and will remain a “Luke Skywalker can fight me in the Denny’s parking lot and I’d win” house
Pacing aside since there’s not a lot to be done about that, this ep could have still been good if they’d given us even an ounce more context for some of these interactions.
It really feels like the writers were just stalling for time with this while finishing up Mando S3 which is a huge shame because this could have been GREAT as like an hour Boba Fett special or something. Trim the fat, do better with the Tusken story line, get rid of those GOD AWFUL mods, focus on what these events mean to BOBA (and Fennec), we could have had a real tight and punchy story.
Seriously fuck the mods everyone here hates the mods who’s idea we’re they
Blah blah other stuff happening I don’t even care about this nonsense at this point beyond watching my favorite little imaginary people run around on screen
Grogu should have taken the lightsaber too. Just for extra “piss off Luke” points.
I know Din didn’t take his helmet off this entire time because Pedro couldn’t actually be there to film, but I would have liked a nice helmet-less reunion scene with Grogu. Or a face reveal with Boba. I just miss Pedro’s handsome face ):
Boba did look really good this ep though 👌 and we’re almost back to his Mandalorian s2 levels of badassery in combat which was nice to see.
Bobadin shippers we won today
IM SO FUCKING GLAD COBB ISNT DEAD HOLY SHIT this was really the only thing I ever cared a little bit about djskdjsjjd
How’d he get there though
Did the townspeople bring him in? And for what? Did they know Boba had a bacta tank????
Or did Boba and co swing by and pick him up after the fight and bring him back? How’d he survive that long if it was an injury bad enough to take him out/keep him out/require the use of a bacta tank????
Oh god please don’t give him a whole ass robot arm like the fuckin mods I’ll scream. Give him a nice discreet job like Fennec’s. Please don’t make my boy cringe.
Anyway see y’all at Christmas time for Mando s3 💀
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
Hot Spring - (din djarin x fem!reader)
A/N: hi everyone dont look at me please i just really really really think Din deserves a lil TLC. This is basically a reader insert into CH.10, beginning right after they crash land and wake back up. Originally this baby was a whopping 6K, so if we like it there is technically already a part two i guess. lol  thank you rea for your help!! :)
Word count: 2.6K
Warnings: cursing, some steamy exchanges, oral sex (m receiving because he deserves it), cumplay. 18+, NSFW
Neither GIF is mine!
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You stumbled through the wreckage of a hull towards the cockpit, the Child crying and afraid in your arms. You held him close to your chin, pressing tiny kisses to his forehead and cooing at him softly.
The frigid air was already working it's fingers through the damaged walls of the Razor Crest.
Din found you before you reached the cockpit, his chest heaving and his arms reaching out for your shoulders. "Are you two okay?"
You nodded and ran a hand over the baby's trembling ears. "I think he wants you." You moved the baby towards his father and his small green arms reached out for the armored man.
Din took him in his arms and then hurried back towards the cockpit.
Being with Din as long as you had allowed you to see him through the beskar, to see him as you knew him to be, not how he was.
The Mandalorian was anxious, his mind whirring as fast as it possibly could to figure out how to repair the ship and get back in the air. Din always felt as if the fate of his clan rested solely on his shoulders. It was apart of his Creed, his religion, his DNA, to provide for and protect the three of you and he always delivered. His world rested heavily on his shoulders and it was in times like these when he slipped into the man he used to be. The man you had met so many years ago, the one concerned only with the next move, the next solution, the answer.
You entered the cockpit to find the Frog Lady exclaiming in Frog, her webbed hands flying desperately around the space near her.
Din still held his adika in his arms as he sat in the pilot's chair, his helmet turning from one side of the control panel to the other as he thought.
You went to the frazzled amphibian woman and placed grounding hands on her shoulders. "Shh, shh." You said, motioning for her to take some deep breaths along with you.
"She needs her eggs, cyri'ka." Din called over the blare of the ship's alarm system.
You lifted your hands from the woman's shoulders and looked towards Din. "Where are they?"
"They were down by our quarters. I'm gonna get started on the repairs." He stood from his chair and walked past the inconsolable woman to you. He handed the baby back to you and cupped your face in his hands, tilting his helmet down to meet your forehead with his own. "I'm glad you're safe." He whispered.
You reached up with your free hand and grabbed one of his outstretched arms. "I'm glad you're safe too."
The Mandalorian let his hands fall from your face and then began to scour the wrecked ship for his tool bag.
You turned your attention to the baby who was now sucking his thumb and had settled in your arms. "Let's find some eggs, pal."
"Crescent wrench." Din said, extending his gloved hand out towards you.
You moved your attention from scrutinizing the entrance to what looked like an ice cave behind the wrecked Razor Crest, back to the tool bag beside you. You grabbed the wrench and handed it to Din. A wicked chill rushed though the flimsy blanket wrapped around your shoulders and you shivered.
Din asked, "Cold?" A subtle hint of worry dance across his voice.
You smiled and nodded sheepishly. "Yeah."
"I'll get you warm soon enough." He said, his tone matter-of-fact.
You looked to him, a playful grin on your face. "Oh, you will?"
Din nodded, his attention still on the damaged ship in front of him.
Making a print in the snow as you moved, you scooted closer to the Mandalorian, moving your hand to rest on the frigid metal of the beskar armor on his thigh. You leaned up towards his ear and whispered, "Show me."
Din stopped his working and touched his chilled helmet to the warmth of your cheek, pulling a surprised hiss from you. "How do you ask?" He whispered, his tone thick and gravelly.
The Mandalorian chuckled and said, "You should get in. Keep yourself warm."
Your eyebrows went up high on your face and you smirked, "Uh huh, sure. You just want me to get naked, don't you?"
The warmth of the hot spring bubbling in the icy ground behind you made the air circling around you and Din thick and moist with humidity. You could see the speckles of condensation upon your riddur's beskar.
Din shrugged his shoulders. "Well..." He began, holding his arms out in surrender. "Yeah. That's kind of the whole reason we're in here in the first place." He nodded to the blue ice of the cave around the two of you.
You smirked and crossed the space between the two of you, slowly moving your palms up from the armor on his chest to rest over his shoulder. Your body pressed against his and the feeling of his form against yours made you sigh in contentment.
Din's hands instinctively went your waist, his gloved fingers gentle on your goosebump-ridden skin.
"How do you want me first?" You whispered, your eyes searching for where his would be behind the beskar.
Din's fingers tightened on your waist and you could feel his chest grow against yours as he took in breath. He shook his head and you were so close you could hear the parting of his lips.  
You smiled softly at him, his embarrassment making your blood thump loudly in your ears. You bit your lip and began to unzip your coat, stepping out of your boots as you did.
Din's gloved hands took the coat from off of your shoulders, dragging his fingers down your skin softly.
Chills instantly over took you, making the hairs on your arms and face stand up. "I want to feel your hands on me." You whispered before pulling your shirt up and off of your body, throwing it onto the growing pile of clothes at Din's feet.
Din hurriedly pulled off his gloves and steadied you as you stepped out of your pants and socks, leaving you almost completely exposed in the frigid cave. The Mandalorian could see how painfully hard your nipples were against your bra, could see the subtle shivering of your frame, and he felt a twinge of jealousy. Moving slowly, he reached behind your body and unhooked your bra clasp, dragging each side of the garment down your arms delicately.
The fabric landed on the snow below you and Din took in a deep breath as looked over your exposed breasts. His hands reached out for your ribcage and he spread his fingers across your skin, one of his thumbs softly teasing your nipple. The other hand he moved to the rim of his frost-covered helmet and started to push the beskar off of his head.
You cooed at his excitement and said, "Hold on, sweetheart." You turned around so that your ass faced him and, swaying your hips back and forth slowly, you worked your underwear down your thighs, letting them fall to the snow.
Din groaned and reached a hand to caress your ass, running up it and squeezing tenderly, the flesh molding to his grip. "You're so beautiful."
You hummed at his praise and leaned back against him, his hardened cock pressing against the dip in your ass. You moved your body up and down his shaft slowly, teasing him through the rough fabric of his pants.
Din groaned loudly and allowed his bare hands to run across your naked body. He held one of your breasts in his hand as you moved, his grip tightening the harder you ground your hips against his. His other hand moved to your abdomen, his fingers cautiously moving towards your pussy.
You moaned in building desire, and whispered, "I want you in my mouth."
The Mandalorian echoed you, groaning low in his throat and he responded, "Take me then."
A wave of moisture ran through you. You pushed yourself out of his grip and turned around to begin to undo his waistband. You wriggled his pants as far down as you could and ran your hand over the bulge in his boxer briefs carefully, earning a soft groan from the bounty hunter.
"Kneel for me, baby." Din said, his tone darker than usual.
You did as you were asked, keeping eye contact with him as you did. The snow was cold on your legs and you began to shiver. You dug your fingertips in between the waistband of his briefs and started to pull them downwards, but Din interrupted.
"Shit, sorry." He said, pulling you up by your arms.
"What?" You asked, your eyebrows pursed in worry.
"It's cold, I'm sorry, I forgot." He said.
You smiled and ran a hand up his armored chest. "Let's get in the spring then." You turned from him and started towards the steaming pool of turquoise water. You could hear him crunching in the snow after you, so you winked at him from over your shoulder before dipping your toes into the warm water.
The spring felt almost frigid at first, your skin having become so cold it had forgotten what heat felt like. Your skin began to tingle as it adjusted to the warmth and you dropped more and more of yourself into the water. You closed your eyes and dipped under the water, drenching your hair and face in the warm water. You stood again to your full height and walked to the edge of the spring.
Din stood at the edge of the spring, his hands clutching his waistband. "Warm?" He asked.
You ran your dripping hands up his legs and the beskar that covered them, leaving behind a trail of your affection. You took the pants from his grasp and pulled them back down, his dick now pushing painfully against the dark fabric of his underwear. You pressed teasing kisses to his exposed thighs, sending a shudder through the Mandalorian. Your palms moved upwards to the waistband of his underwear and shifted the stretchy fabric downwards. "I'm about to be." You answered, pushing the underwear as far down as they would go.
Din gasped softly when you flitted your eyes up to meet his, gazing at him innocently through your eyelashes.
The sight of him, so hard and weeping for you, made your hips grind against nothing. You moaned and ran your tongue over your lips before taking his cock in one fist and licking a thick stripe over the length of him.
The bounty hunter let out breath through gritted teeth and you could almost see the rigidity in his shoulders soften.
Keeping your eyes fixed on where his would be behind the beskar, you circled the tip of his dick with your tongue and took a little bit of him in your mouth. One of your hands rested at the base of him and pumped his hot skin in time with your lips.
Din's bare hand jerked out to your head, his fingertips pressing tightly into your scalp.
You worked more and more of him into your mouth, not stopping until he pressed into the back of your throat, forcing you to choke around him.
"Maker, fuck..." Din breathed. He rumbled low in his chest and his helmet leaned backwards in pleasure. He had needed this. He had needed it for weeks now, but with the Child and now the Frog Lady there was no safe space or time for you to give him what he needed.
You started slowly, moving your lips up and down him, your tongue swirling around the thick member as you worked. You looked up at him as you began to pick up the pace, spit coagulating thickly around him and dripping to the snow below.
"Holy...shit, cyri'ka." Din stuttered.
His pleasure sent a wave of desire through you, your hips jerking in the warmth of the pool. You pumped him mercilessly now, his hips moving unconsciously to fuck your mouth.
You could feel your cunt throb for him and the pressure swelling in your abdomen forced your lips faster and faster down his member.
Din moaned and sucked in air, "I'm gonna...fuck, where do you want it?"
You hurriedly pulled your mouth from him and left your jaw hanging open, eyes looking to his.
The Mandalorian fucked his hand savagely, the slapping skin making your pussy clench in response. Din growled and gnashed his teeth, warm ropes of cum splaying partially across your face and partially in your mouth.
You swallowed the liquid and opened your mouth again.
Din whined, milky liquid dribbling down from his dick to his fingers. He stopped his berade on his cock, the member still twitching with aftershocks. He let out a deep contented sigh and said, "You look so good with my cum all over you." He held his fingers out to your mouth and you happily sucked them just as you had his cock. You ran your tongue around the digits, collecting the last of his cum and your lips pulled off of them with a satisfying pop. "It's your turn now." He said darkly.
You wiped the rest of his cum from your face and licked it off your fingers before reaching out for his helmet. As your fingers clasped around the rim, the sound of two little feet and two larger feet in the snow stopped you.
Din hurriedly pulled his briefs and pants back up, buckling and zipping with shaking hands. He turned around to face his babbling son and the Frog Lady.
"Din!" You whispered tersely, motioning to the fact that you were about to be completely naked in front of your child and a complete stranger.
The Mandalorian cursed under his breath and wrangled your clothes from the snow. He placed them at the foot of the springs and held his cape out, shielding you from peering eyes.
The baby cooed happily at his father, tottering towards him with his arms raised.
"Get out, mesh'la." Din whispered in a hushed tone.
"I'm trying." You replied, pushing yourself up out of the water and using the side of the pool as leverage.
Din held his cape out to shield your naked, steaming body, his helmet looking from you to his whining son and back again.
Water dripped from your skin and onto the snow below as you worked to wiggle your clothes back on. You could feel a chill on your bare feet and in the dampness of your hair, it's fingers tickling down your neck and under your shirt.
As soon as you were fully dressed, the bounty hunter turned to his son and picked up the upset child, nestling him in his arms. "We should uh, get back to the ship." Din said, his helmet tilting towards you. "It is your turn after all."
You nodded, eyes shifting to the half boner in his pants.
Din smirked and said, "Go, cyr'ika."
Your chest filled with warmth and you beamed at his pet name for you, walking quickly through the crunching snow.
As your clan passed by, the Frog Lady began to remove her clothing, her eggs resting in their incubation chamber in the snow beside her.
You and Din averted your eyes, walking quickly back towards the cave exit.
"The fuck is she doing?" You asked as soon as you were out of earshot.
"How am I supposed to know? She speaks Frog." Din teased.
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DIN DJARIN TAGLIST: @anetteaneta @hoodedbirdie @foxrap @insideafictionaluniverse @kirstendm66 @din-damn-djarin @artsymaddie @yougottakeeponkeepinon @oloreaa
 GENERAL TAGLIST: @softly-sad
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221bshrlocked · 4 years
Deepest of Desires
Y’all I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself but here we go. I’ve already talked about what some of Pedro’s Characters’ kinks would be but I need to compile them in one place...don’t ask me why. All suggestions for any characters are welcomed, I will happily add to the filth on this list.
Warnings: NSFW under cut
Words: 6K+
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The Mandalorian - Breeding Kink. Period.
You somehow don’t notice it at first. He’s always careful not to make a mess of you because he thinks you deserve to be worshiped and not taken like a common whore. But then it gradually escalates and you’re not sure what caused this new change but you don’t mind it. Little do you know, Din noticed the little bump in your arm one night when he was kissing every inch of your skin. And something switches inside him and he becomes more needy and desperate whenever he fucks you. The first time he comes in you, you think it’s because he may have been distracted so you don’t think too much about it. The second time, you blame it on the kid cooing from the other room just as Din comes. It’s the third time that gives you an inclination as to what Din has been doing because not only does he cum in you, but he continues to fuck you and moves his hands down to feel your combined juices soaking your skin and the sheets. You feel overwhelmed by how much it turns him on but say nothing, choosing to bring it up another time. When it finally rolls around, and you’re in the middle of the most passionate, sweaty, crazed sex ever, you pull him down and mouth at his jaw, begging him to cum in you. Din freezes for a moment and you hope you haven’t said the wrong thing. Before you think twice of it, he’s hooking one leg up against his shoulder and railing into you, whispering his need to fill you up with his cum over and over again until you’re leaking with it. You could barely manage to respond, moaning when he tells you how often he thinks about breeding you, how much he wishes he could fuck a baby in you, and how hard he gets when he pictures you nursing his kid while taking care of the little womp rat. And you all but lose it when he cums in you and continues to fuck you, not caring about the filthy squelching sounds emitting from where you’re joined as he ensures you reach your pleasure. As soon as he tells you how he wishes he could fuck your tits when they’re full of milk and suck on them until you’re oversensitive and you’re soaking him, you’re coming on his cock and are reduced to a mess as he pushes his cum deep into your aching cunt to ensure that not a single drop is wasted. And it’s not until later that he suggests you take the implant out so he could see your belly growing with his child.
Agent Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels - Bondage, preferably with his lasso or whip.
Jack loves to play in the bedroom but he never brings it up with you, afraid that his tastes might be a little too much for someone as sweet and innocent as you. You’ve only known each other for a couple of months but he’s been smitten when you walked in and showed him who’s boss during one of the training sessions. And ever since then, he’s wanted nothing more than to tie you up to his bed and have his way with you all night long. But he’s reluctant because even if this dating thing is official, he’s still the senior agent and he should be taking care of you everywhere, including the bed. So mark him surprised when you literally crawl to him on your knees one day with his lasso hanging loosely around your neck and tell him to take you on the floor. Jack loses whatever self control he has left and instantly take hold of the lasso, pulling you towards the couch until you’re kneeling in between his spread thighs. He tightens it just a little as he nods to his belt, almost coming as soon as he feels your lips around his cock and your nails digging into his thighs. You beg him to take what he wants and he trusts that you’ll tell him to stop should you feel uncomfortable. And that’s how his little games with you start. You’re either following him around with the rope around your neck like a fucking collar or you’re bending over or getting on all fours as he expertly whips your backside without breaking skin. It makes him hard knowing how much you trust him and he finally has the courage to ask you if it was possible to tie you to his bed. You’re all giggles and smiles before you run up to his room and strip for him, barely letting a moment pass after he ties you before you’re begging him to fuck you dumb. He takes you in as many positions as possible all night long and you take everything he gives you like a little sweet girl. Whether your hands are tied or your legs are tied and spread out open for him, not a single complaint leaves your lips. And he keeps fucking you long after the two of you are sensitive because he can’t believe how lucky he got with you and how willing you are for him to take over.
Javier Peña - Degradation in the forms of Dirty Talk, Choking, and Spanking.
There is a lot of pent up frustration and aggression that Javi keeps bottled up throughout the day. And you realize this job is really getting to him when he stops visiting his friends after work. When you ask him why he doesn’t go to any of them anymore, his answer is surprising. It’s not because he doesn’t want to have sex anymore, no. It’s because he can’t get the same satisfaction out of a simple fuck. And when you press him further, he tells you that he would never want to mistreat one of them how he wants to because they’ve seen enough and they don’t deserve seeing this ugly side of him and they really don’t deserve getting called all sorts of names that fly through his lips in the moments of passion. So you strike a bargain with him. It’s much more difficult to convince him than you think it would be considering how much you know he enjoys this and you leave it on the table until one day, he knocks on your door and apologizes because he can’t take it anymore. There is an awkwardness to what the two of you do in the beginning and he does nothing of what you know he yearns to do. But slowly, his touches get rougher, his words get harsher, and before you know it, he’s no longer the private, somehow shy agent that you’ve worked with for a few years now. No. He’s a man who twists his hands into your hair and pulls you up to him when he needs to bite your neck. He slaps your ass until you’re a crying mess and then he calls you his ‘sweet fucking cockslut’ because you’re taking him so well. You occasionally find his hand around your throat as he rails into you against the wall or in the shower or even on the floor when he’s desperate, and you can tell that he enjoys this more than he’s letting on because the louder you whine for him, the harder his thrusts become and the tighter his grip around your neck is. He loves sees the bruises after and he especially enjoys it when you don’t bother to hide the handprints beneath a scarf. No, you wear it proudly so everyone knows not to fuck with you. And it takes you a while to notice that it’s the fastest way he could get you coming, something that he realizes much before you, hence the constant need to keep his fingers tight around your your lovely skin. But as rough as Javi gets, he also knows how to take care of you after. You smile when you hear gruff voice whispering how perfect you were for him and how he can’t believe you’re letting him do this and how lucky he is to have someone like you giving him this much pleasure and allowing him to use you as if you were nothing more than a harlot. He leaves you sore and bruised most of the time, and his words echo in your mind until you fall asleep and dream of him fucking you over and over again...
My cockslut...Little fucking whore...Letting me fuck you like a bitch in heat...This is my filthy cunt...You belong to me querida...Look how pathetic you are...You gone cockdumb now hermosa? I own you...My fuckdoll...My filthy girl...I’m gonna fill all your holes...Such a good girl for letting me fuck this ass...You’re mine my little whore...No one gets to fuck this except me...You’re nothing but a quick fuck that gets me off...So filthy...Worthless...Wet pussy...Scream my name...Or better yet, shut the fuck up so we don’t wake the neighbors...Fucking hell this cunt is so wet...knew it...Knew you were a whore.
Pero Tovar - Spitting Kink or anything with fluids really.
He’s still unsure of how he managed to have you lay in his arms night after night. He swears this is a dream because you’re an angel and he’s a monster. But you go to him night after night, begging him to have his way with you. Tovar loses his mind when you moan his name so innocently and he can’t bring himself to deny you anything when you’re asking him so sweetly and spread out for him. He does, however, grow quiet when he watches you one day as you get on your knees and suck on his cock until he cums down your throat. But that’s not what surprised him, no. It’s that you’re drooling and spitting and making a mess of yourself. And Tovar likes how you look when your chest is messy with your spit and his seed. This interest only gets worse when he fucks you so hard you squirt around him, and he wants to do that again. He wants to bring you this much pleasure again. So he fucks you hard and deep until you’re soaking the two of you and then he’s coming hard. And before he does anything, you’re leaning down and licking his cock, humming when you taste yourself on him. And that seems to be it for him because he grabs your chin and forces you to open your mouth, and before you can say anything, he’s spitting twice in on your tongue and shoving his fingers deep down your throat. He’s proud of your shocked expression and swears into the night when you get on all fours and start sucking him off again, this time knowing that he has his spit and yours on his cock. And that’s how it is for the two of you from now on. Him spitting down your throat to make sure your mouth is wet enough for his cock, or sometimes spitting on his hands and pushing them past your lips so he could keep you quiet. Occasionally, you’ll ask him to hand you a cup of water but instead, he drinks it and raises an eyebrow for you to open your mouth. You do so without hesitation every time and it almost always ends with the two of you fucking like animals on the floor or against the wall. And one hundred percent of the time, the two of you have to go wash because there is spit and cum and sweat and your juices drenching the two of you.
Oberyn Martell - Touch and anything that involves fruits and drinks.
It’s intimidating in the beginning. Actually, the act itself is not intimidating. He is intimidating. Prince Oberyn is anything but shy and it takes you a while to realize that you shouldn’t be shameful around him. As a matter of fact, you notice that he will reward you if you treat him as a lover and not as your Prince. He teases you the first few times, telling you that there was no way you were the same person he’s heard so many poems about. You grow bolder with him and beg him to lay down as you walk across the room and take hold of the basket of fruits. Oberyn raises an eyebrow at your actions but says nothing, spreading himself out and whispering a quick ‘careful’ when he sees you bring a knife out from between your thighs. He watches as you expertly cut the large orange, and hisses when you begin to squeeze it on his nipples, down his chest, and finally on his cock. The nectar is cold but his eyes never leave you as you lean down and lick him dry, his hands going instantly into your hair when you gag on his cock. He cums down your throat not too long after that and pulls you towards his lips, shoving his tongue into your mouth and moaning when he tastes himself and the orange juice. And it becomes a habit after that. Sometimes he’s drenching you with sour liquids and massaging them across your muscles and other times, you’re licking them off of his warrior body. It comes to a point where he no longer enjoys fucking you unless there’s some sticky juices slipping between the two of you. He doesn’t care what it is. All he cares for is touching every inch of your skin with whatever viscous material you chose this time and it’s his happy day when you bring in honey and drip it all over yourself and him. It’s the filthiest it’s ever gotten between the two of you and you notice how he can’t keep his hands to himself anymore. He’s torn between fucking you into the next kingdom and kissing and touching your sweet soft skin. But he’s an intelligent man and he finds a way to do all of that simultaneously, bringing you closer to your pleasure much faster than before. Who knew honey and fruits would make the Prince of Dorne this unhinged.
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales - Mile High Club. Enough said.
It’s something the two of you have briefly discussed but never actually had a chance to act upon. But then Pope approaches the two of you for a job that doesn’t sound too exciting even though it pays well. As soon as he mentions how they need Frankie to fly them to the drop point though, you’re both nodding furiously and telling him that you’re in, smiling to each other when he tells you he’ll send you the details before leaving. You’re not sure how it will work but you agree that you’d figure it out once you’re in the plane. It’s not until you’re in the air that you realize how quiet you have to be, with the guys sitting outside and talking through the plan. You’re thankful that Frankie manages to convince them that he needs you to co-pilot the aircraft with him since it’s been a while. Once you’re up in the air and it’s safe to put the plane on ‘auto-pilot’ you’re moving across the small space and kissing down Frankie’s neck. He’s still looking ahead to ensure that nothing surprising happens but it’s getting more difficult to pay attention when all he wants to do is commit every little nip and kiss and lick to memory. You’re shoving your hands down his pants immediately, knowing that one of the guys could come in any moment and you smile when Frankie moans and swears beneath his breath. You don’t tease him, kneeling down between his thighs and taking him in your mouth until his cock hits the back of your throat. He almost cums right then and there but tries his hardest to last a little longer, if only to enjoy this and feel the adrenaline kick in a little more. As soon as he looks down and watches spit corner at your lips, he’s groaning and moaning your name and you nip at the underside of his cock to shush him, telling him that you really didn’t want to give the other guys a show. He obeys your warning and tries to keep himself in check, torn between removing his hands from the controller to push you down on his cock further, and begging you to strip down and sit on his lap as he continues to pilot the plane. The former seems like a better option and he does tangle his fingers in your hair before pushing you down and savoring the sounds of your throat gagging on his cock. When he sees you touching yourself through your pants, he cums down your throat, so far down that you don’t even taste him when he finally pulls you off of him. You’re both panting and the windows have gotten a little fogged up and it smells like musk and sweat in here but you don’t find it in yourself to care as you stand up and wait for him to right himself before opening the door. You’re met with a couple of whistles and you can’t help but laugh at how flustered Frankie is when the guys continue to tease him. Oh well, it was worth it.
Comandante Veracruz - Exhibitionism.
It’s no secret that the Comandante loves to have his women screaming his name into the night. But when you’re assigned to him, he makes it his life’s mission to ensure that no man will come near you. He’s heard of how you like to play and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get you to start a little game with him. Not even a month in his camp and Veracruz has you writhing in his bed. He fucks you every chance he gets, and he tries to convince himself that it’s because he’s gotten bored with the other women. But he knows very well that it’s only because he’s gotten so fucking obsessed with you that he can’t stop himself. He doesn’t realize that you’ve stopped sleeping around as well and you don’t bother to mention it, mostly because you know it gives him a little edge when you fall into bed with him. He becomes a crazed man when you come to him in the night but then he sees you wrestling with one of his men and he loses his shit. He doesn’t care how pathetic it looks when he comes through the late night camp and drags you across so every one knows who you belong to. Your laughter only makes it worse and he isn’t able to make it into his tent, instead pushing you against one of the trees that’s too close to camp and ordering you to strip down. You do as you’re told and bite back from sobbing when he shoves his cock deep into your cunt. He doesn’t go slow, doesn’t wait for you to get used to him. He just fucks you and keeps fucking you until you’re screaming his name and telling everyone how well he fucks you. He’s whispering filthy things in your ears and you feel his cock grow impossibly harder when you tell him how good it feels and how much you love pleasuring him so everyone could know who makes him cum. It should be the other way around but he doesn’t care, continuing his assault and occasionally spanking your ass when you’re not loud enough for him. The camp grows quiet and he’s sure it’s because everyone can hear the two of you hate-fucking the shit out of each other. When he cums in your cunt, he doesn’t give you any reprieve, instead dragging you again the few steps into his tent and not bothering to tie it closed as he pushes you to your knees and forces you to gag on his cock. Anyone can walk and he’s sure that anyone can hear him calling you his filthy cocklut and you’re giving his ego a boost with all the noises you’re making and how much you’re begging him to take you out to the bonfire and fuck you in front of all those men so they know who owns this pussy. Perhaps one day he would do just that, but for now, he’s content with having you to himself. Well, except your screams that is.
Marcus Moreno - Age Play.
He’s not sure what to do anymore. All he knows is that he hears you telling Missy that she needs to get ready so ‘daddy’ isn’t late for work and he has to run to the bathroom before he embarrasses himself. After that little incident, he rarely leaves the two of you alone when he’s at home, always making sure that he’s around just to hear you say that godforsaken word again. He feels guilty for thinking of you that way and he tries to convince himself that he should stop because you’re his kid’s nanny and you probably already have someone closer to your age and it occurs to him that he is getting turned on because of the age gap and how sweet and innocent you look. He feels bad for avoiding you but he doesn’t know what else to do, afraid that he’d lose his control one day and pounce on you. But you’re cornering him one night and you’re asking if you’d done anything wrong and he says that everything’s fine and he’s just been tired but you don’t believe him. He’s about to tell you when Missy walks in crying and she’s telling you that she had nightmares and she wants to go Marcus but you kneel down and take her in your arms and tell her that daddy needs to rest too. Your eyes widen in horror at what you just said and you look up at Marcus only to find him clenching his jaw tightly and thank god the kid is already half asleep in your arms because as soon as your eyes trail down, you find a large tint in his pants and when you make eye contact again, you know. You know why he’s been avoiding you and you see him blushing because he knows that you know. Marcus thinks he’s screwed up and when you walk into his office after putting Missy to sleep again, he’s embarrassed and tripping over his words. But you’re not giving him a chance to say anything and you’re pushing on his chest until he’s sitting on the couch and you’re unbuckling his belt and it’s all happening so fast. Marcus feels his heart skip a beat when he sees you looking through your eyelashes and begging for him, for daddy, to cum down your throat. From then on, it’s hidden glances and soft touches and Marcus waits for you every night in his room, his eyes beaming with joy when you walk in and coo in his ears. He’s hard in an instant when he hears you call him ‘daddy’ and he switches between making love to you and fucking you into the next world every time he hears you whisper how much you enjoy it when he uses you and how much you love it when he calls you his ‘little girl,’ and how you’ve longed to hear him say that he owns your pussy because he’s your daddy and because no one else gets to fuck his sweet little angel. You tell him everything, of how long you’ve wanted him and how none of the boys at college can come close to the way he makes you feel and how much you wish you could stay in his bed forever because he makes you feel safe and he’s your daddy and he takes care of you. And it’s not long before Marcus realizes that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Missy to have a little brother or sister.
Ezra - Cockwarming.
He’s shy when the two of you shift towards a more physical relationship, mostly because it’s been a while since he’d had anyone he could call his, especially someone as beautiful and kind as yourself. He’s not sure what he’s allowed to do at first but he quickly comes to the realization that you would let him do anything he wanted with you. He’s overwhelmed by your affections and how deep they run because they mirror his own. The idea comes to him one night when the two of you are back in his pod. Neither of you have the energy for anything but he really wants to feel you against him so he begs you to open up for him. You do, thinking he was going to take it slow and pleasure the both of you until you fall asleep in each other’s arms, but then he’s not moving at all, not one muscle, and you quickly realize that he just wants to be inside you and doesn’t care for moving or for doing anything. The thought makes you clench tightly around him and he hisses in your ears, begging you to relax so he doesn’t cum. Not yet. It slowly becomes a habit and more often than not, the two of you are relishing the feeling of being warm and in each other’s arms. His cock twitches inside you and makes your pussy soak him through, squeezing him tightly until he can’t take it anymore and he’s coming deep inside you. Neither of you move as he fills your cunt with his seed and he bucks his hips involuntarily before the two of you relax. You wake up in the middle of the night and he’s still inside you and you sigh when you feel him harden the more you flutter around him. It doesn’t take long for Ezra to pull you closer to him in his sleep and you shut your eyes to enjoy how full you feel before you let your mind relax until you’re softly snoring against him once more.
Maxwell Lord - Praise Kink.
You’re not sure if he’s being serious or not when he mentions it in passing, but you start to notice how he reacts to your words whenever the two of you are alone. He relaxes and leans into you the more you praise him and tell him how good he’s been for you and how lucky you are to have him. It gradually becomes a thing in bed as well except it’s his turn to whisper those sweet filthy words in your ears as he’s pulsating inside you and filling you up over and over again. You were never into this because of how embarrassing it sounds but you find yourself growing hotter and shaking with need the more he tells you that you’re his ‘good little sweetheart’ and that he doesn’t want anyone else but you because you’ve stuck with him through the tough times and now that he literally owns the world, he’ll bring you anything your heart desires. You’re telling him that he’s the only thing you desire because no one treats you so well or cares for you this much or thinks of you so often and Maxwell’s heart shatters because he’s never thought he could hear those words from anyone and he loses himself and takes you as many times during the night as he can because you’ve fallen into his lap and he can’t imagine a life without you and he grows harder in your cunt the more you tell him how good he makes you feel and how perfect he fits inside you and how full you are from his hard and fat cock and it brings him over the edge. So every time he bends you over his desk or pulls you to his lap, you’re both exchanging sweet words to each other because he’s never felt like he could bring the world to anyone but he can with you and you never thought you would every feel this satisfied by someone and you are.
Dave York - Con/Non-Con Play, and the knife/gun comes into play here. (this is dubious so please don’t read on if this makes you uncomfy)
You had some inclination as to what you were getting yourself into when you started working with Dave. He was your senior in the field and never once did you think of breaking his rules. But you do one day and his calm resolve shakes you to your core because his tone maybe patient but his eyes are swimming with anger and frustration. You listen to his orders and nod before going your separate ways. Something is off, however, when you go back to your hotel room and find it darker than you left it. You have about three seconds to react, but you’re three seconds too late and your training is about to kick in when the familiar musky cologne hits your nostrils. You know who it is immediately but his hold tightens around your throat and he’s biting into your neck to let you know who’s in control. You can feel him smile against your heated skin and you’re not sure what he wants but then his hand travels down and roughly grabs at your cunt through your jeans. You’re already a wet mess but Dave is full of surprises, and your eyes widen in horror when you feel a knife to your neck. He breaks for a single moment, asking you if this is what you want, and your brief nod makes him chuckle because he didn’t think he’d be able to get this far but you’re letting him take over. He pushes the knife harder against you and you’re whining and asking him to not hurt you. You took a wild guess at what he was silently asking from you and you’re right on the mark, no pun intended, when his grip tightens around you and he’s shoving you against the wall and ripping through your clothes. You’re begging him not to hurt you and it eggs him on. You don’t have time to think of a proper reaction as you feel the knife dig into your shoulder blades, bordering pain and pleasure. He’s telling you that he owns your body, your breaths, your noises, your arousal, and there’s nothing you could do about it. Because he can kill you with the simplest flick of his wrist. His cock twitches in his pants when you start crying and begging him to not take you but he’s already shoving his dick in your impossibly wet cunt and he can’t believe he found someone who’s tastes run as dark as his. You’re sobbing at how good it feels and how shameless he is with his touches and you’re losing yourself to the pleasure. But right before you fall over the edge, you hear the sound of a gun clicking back and your eyes instantly widen at the sudden shift in the air. You turn around just in time to see Dave hold the gun to your throat while the knife is between his teeth. He’s looking dangerously at you and you realize he must have really had it with you today because he’s pulling out all the stops with you. One glance and you know the safety is off and at the realization of how far he’s willing to take this, you’re coming hard on his cock, soaking him and the your clothes and the ground. He continues to fuck you through it, not caring about the mess the two of you are making. When you lean down and start begging him to not cum in you because it’s not safe, his pace picks up and he shoves the gun in your mouth. One look at how wrecked and sweaty he is and you’re clenching tightly around him. He growls his release when he sees mascara running down your cheeks and he shoves the gun deeper in your throat until you’re gagging on it. He stops and pulls out just to watch his cum rolling down your thighs and he can’t hold back from pushing the handle of his knife in your cunt so you wouldn’t lose any more of his cum. You’re panting and shaking against him and he brings you to your bed and strips you down until you’re naked beneath him. He takes his clothes off as well and pushes himself against your back, telling you to get some rest because he as nowhere near done with you yet, making sure his tone conveys that you may have little choice in what he has in mind for you.
Marcus Pike - Somnophilia.
His hours are hellish, he knows that, but that doesn’t stop Marcus from wanting to sink into your sweet, wet cunt as soon as he gets home. He’s happy that you text him and tell him that you’d wait up for him but when he walks into the bedroom and sees the television playing while you’re fast asleep, he can’t bring himself to wake you up. So he shuts off the television and walks into the bathroom, taking himself in his hand and pretending it was your nimble fingers bringing him pleasure. And before he knows it, he’s coming hard on and makes a mess of himself. Not thinking much of it, he throws his shirt in the laundry and cleans up before slipping between the sheets and bringing you closer to him. It takes him a few moments to allow his heart to rest because you’re so beautiful and warm against him and he feels his cock twitch at the thought of you bringing him pleasure even in your sleep but he brushes the thought aside just as quickly as it comes because he would never do that to you. It’s a surprise when you’re doing laundry the next day and see proof of what he’d done and you feel a little guilty but also, you’re not sure why he didn’t wake you up. So you make sure to wait up for him and confront him, guilt eating you alive when he tells you that he didn’t want to disrupt your sleep because it wasn’t that important. But then you’re asking him why he doesn’t just have you while you’re asleep and you think you’ve gone too far because of the look on his face. But Marcus gulps and asks if you’d really be okay with that or not because the thought of him fucking you in your sleep is making him hard and ready. You feel your panties dampen just from thinking about it and you’re pushing him down on the bed and fucking him and telling him he could do anything he wanted to do with you and you wouldn’t mind. He cums with your name on his lips and you fall asleep immediately. He doesn’t think he’ll want to do it this soon but when he comes home the next day and you’re asleep, he thinks about it but decides not to. But then he sees what you wore to bed and he swears you did this on purpose. Before he thinks about it, he’s pushing your thighs open and licking at your cunt like a starved man, groping and cupping your breasts through the flimsy material of the lingerie and you’re moaning in your sleep but you’re not awake yet. He takes his pants off immediately and feels you clench around him as soon as he sheathes himself inside you. He thinks he’s died and went to heaven because he’s barely touched you and you’ve cum around his cock and he’s fucking you slow and deep, and you’re moaning in your sleep. He’s sweating from how much he’s holding back and he cant’ take his eyes off of your heavy chest and how willing you are. You’re at his mercy and the thought almost brings him over the edge but he holds back and continues to thrust into you until he feels like he’s going to lose his soul. He’s coming in your cunt but he doesn’t stop until there’s nothing left in him and he goes to sleep without cleaning you up because he’s probably going to wake up in the middle of the night and fuck you again and he wants to push in you easily when he does and just use his cum as lube. And he does, two more times. And still refuses to clean you up because he really wants to watch you wake up in the morning and feel your mixed cum between your thighs and know that he used you for his own pleasure...
Max Phillips - Biting and Bloodplay (don’t read if this makes you uncomfy)
It’s a little jarring when you find out the truth about Max. You think it’s a dream at first because there’s no way vampires exist, it’s just not the world that you live in. You’re a bit afraid in the beginning because you know how he gets sometimes but he’s been nothing but patient with you thus far. When he invites you for dinner at his place one night, you can’t help but joke about being his meal and it’s awkward for a few moments but he laughs along and promises you he doesn’t bite...yet. One thing leads to another and the next thing you know, you’re staying over his place almost every night. Curiosity gets the best of you and you ask him what it feels like to sink his teeth into someone’s skin and he’s reluctant to respond because he doesn’t want to give himself away. He doesn’t want to tell you how he dreams of biting your neck and your thighs and anywhere he could reach almost every night. But he doesn’t have to because you're moving closer to him and you’re whispering reassurances in his ears and you’re telling him that you trust him and it’s all he needs to hear before the thread snaps. He’s on you like dew on leaves and you’re baring your neck for him and he nips at your jaw before moving to your neck and your shoulder, leaving love bites anywhere he could reach because he can finally mark you as his. He can feel blood rushing through your arteries and he looks at you with need, a silent question swimming in his eyes and you sink your nails into his shoulder when you nod and he immediately digs his sharp fangs into your skin. You’re so glad you started this conversation because it feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced. There’s pain shooting through your neck from how deep his fangs sank into your skin but there’s so much more pleasure coursing through your veins and there’s something erotic about hearing him sucking and slurping and gulping down your blood. He sits up for a second and you’re met with the scariest yet prettiest sight in the world and Max knows he should stop but he can’t and he turns your head to the other side and breaks the skin at the top of your breasts before he starts sucking again and it’s filthy but erotic all at once. He laps harshly at the puncture wounds before he wraps his lips around your nipples and bites a little harder than he intended. You have no time to react as he descends down your body and pushes your thighs open before he’s biting into the meat of your thighs and you’re shaking with need. As soon as he shoves two fingers into your cunt, you’re drenching his arms and coming violently around him, and Max forces himself to pull off of you just to watch you come undone at his touches. He leans down and licks across your cunt, his cock twitching in his pants when the taste of your arousal and your blood mix on his tongue and he realizes, then and there, that you’re it for him. He looks down at your blissed-out expression and he’s proud of how wrecked your look, even more so because he sees his marks everywhere on your skin, from your neck and shoulder to your breasts and your thighs. And fuck if this isn’t the prettiest sight in the whole wide world. And you’re all his.
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 4 years
Mar*juana/Catching you high with the Pedro boys.
A/N hello! Just wanted to bring in some warnings. TW, Obviously drug use so if thats not your thing do not read! If it is your thing omg hi me too. Most likely some grammar errors, whoops. Fluff mild mentions of smut.
*edited to be Gender Neutral (if I missed anything please let me know!)
Din Djarin
This one may come as a surprise but Din is no goodie two shoes, he collects and hunts bounties. He would have definitely have caught you early on with some spice but he would just shrug it off. Eh it's harmless, the worst it does is kinda smell so he asks you to smoke in the fresher for the kid, you of course oblige because we are polite stoners in this household. He would definitely be curious to try and would bring it up randomly to you. "Y'know if your spice helps you relax that well, maybe I should try it?" um, DUH Din your life is stressful af. So you plan it out later that night. You decide to go with an indica strand because while it would be fun to see Din more peppy he did specifically ask to relax so indica it is. Teaching him how to smoke tho was a test in of itself he coughed ALOT the first few hits and was getting a lil bit grumpy. "I dont FEEL relaxed Bambi, when is this stuff suppose to kick in?" Din, baby, its been 3 minutes give it at least 7 to kick in. He ends up being a very happy little noodle with his face burried in his riduurs neck. "Wait, Bambi, so if I'm like a father to Grogu does that make you like his mother/father also?" Well, conisdering you're both married you would personally say so.....damn you're too high for this.
Javier Pena
Ahahahahahahahahahaha yeah no he will not be partaking with you. He works for the government for fucks sake he can't just toke up, they get drug tested ALL THE TIME. However, with you he doesn't really care. You are sneaky and mindful about it. You don't just light up infront of him randomly since he does get a bit annoyed by the smell. He thinks you're really cute when you're high though. When he first found out you smoked he popped in for an unexpected visit (he wanted to fuck). Imagine his surprise when his honey that works in the office is sitting on their couch halfway through a joint. You immediately get up and stumble over your words. Partly because you're half baked and partly because omfg not only will your basically boyfriend break up with you YOU'RE GONNA LOSE YOUR FUCKING JOB!? Javi doesn't really comment on the fact that you are doing something that definitely does not line up with your work life but he takes a breather and rationalizes. He knows drugs and he knows the levels of danger each drug has, weed is harmelss and infact helps a lot of people, its not like he caught you snorting a line. He just plops his ass down next to you and lights up a cigarette. Hey, if you can smell up your place with skunk we*d, he can smell it up with some cigarette smoke.
Frankie Morales
Oh yes please someone pass this man the pipe. Baby boy is stressed. Like all the time. I know in the movie they bring up for like 15 seconds he has an addiction towards....I don't even remeber but it wasn't weed so we are ignoring canon because that movie was below par anyway. It was still during the first month of dating Frankie when you brought up smoking with him. You two were having your classic bon fire night when the conversation dipped into college/early adult life. When you bring up you still smoke weed for the calming effects he lights up. "No way me too!" He doesn't smoke as much as you do since hes a pilot but he will def help you finish a blunt. Many a times Frankie has come home from work and found you smoking on the back porch. "Babe, can I get a hit?" Ofc Frankie.
Of course Ezra smokes we*d, how else is he suppose to calm his brain that runs over 100 miles per hour. You don't get that loquacious with a brain you can easily shut off. He's definitely more of a hybrid type of man. He likes both effects, feeling his body melt into whatever hes sitting on while his brain can construct more conversation in a happy filter. When he lights up one evening in your pod he immediately snuffs if out apologizing for not asking due to the scent. You just snort and bring out your own stash. When you see his eyes light up you just know he's become even MORE smitten with you. Your evenings with Ezra consist of puffing together and essentially wrapping yourselves over eachother. "To have this vision of devinty, Aphrodite thine self grace me with their wicked ways is truly a blessing." Jesus Ezra calm down it's called shotgunning it doesn't have to be so deep....but you know what is deep and mostly undiscovered? Oceans. Thus Ezra springs forth with more conversarion revolving around Oceans and their deep deep mystery
Max Phillips
Surprisingly he can still get stoned even after upgrading to a vampire. It's just the most effective way is via edible. He likes the gummys for some reason. He says it feels like biting into a soft neck.....freak hokay. He LOVES stativa strands he gets super peppy and cutesy with you. Sure it will take like 2 hours to kick in and he had to eat like 80 mlgs but hes stoned out of his mind with his face planted in your chest. Oh yes, when hes high you cannot escape his grasps he becomes a literal cuddle monster since his face morphs into vamp mode because hes so relaxed. So many giggles and so many snuggles. He knew you smoked from the first interview. Vamp super smell guys, while humans can't get past fabreeze, vampires definitely can. "Let me just lay here Sweetheart I promise I don't bite....well I don't bite you." Sigh, even if his humor gets more cringy high you still think hes the cutest.
Pero Tovar
Pero is the one to show you the devil's lettuce. And since its so early in history it wasn't seen as something 'bad' yet. He was gifted some mar*juana on one of his travels and was taught how to use it properly. While he was too worried to try it out on the road he decided to show you, his spouse, the strange smelling plant once he returned home. You were excited and extremely curious of the effects the plant had on people as Pero explained how the men in his crew would act once they inhaled the smoke. So you two decide to try it and oh my god you both think you are going to die from coughing so much. You both shrug when you feel nothing. Its when you both get up is when it all rushes to your head. Pero stumbles so bad that he falls on his ass and you erupt into giggles. Yup unbeknownst to you two you were gifted a stativa strand! You two end up where you always end up. Naked in bed with blissed out smiles both from the mind blowing orgasm and the high still lingering. Fun fact Pero gets 10x more snuggly while high. "Move Amor, let me be near you"
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disgruntledspacedad · 4 years
in defense of Din’s subdued reaction to losing the kid...
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gif by @quantam-widow
I know we were all thinking it. We got a 2 second reaction shot to the destruction of the Razor Crest (may she forever rest in peace), but then, Grogu gets taken, and... nothing?
What the fuck, Din? we all protest. That’s your baby on that ship! Don’t you care? Scream, curse, kick a rock, cry, make a fist, something!!
I will acknowledge that so far, the show has been excellent with giving us emotional payoff, am I right? I mean, just today we got Din laughing, twice. Twice in a row. I honestly never thought we’d see that. There have been so many excellent, precious soft!Din moments this season, and they all feel deliciously earned.
So, from a meta POV, I guess I’m saying that I have faith in the writers to get it right, and in Pedro to deliver. Duh.
In universe, though, I think it’s fair to point out the obvious - that Din is a pretty reserved guy. He’s much more of a thinker than a feeler. He’s used to keeping things bottled up, and I would even argue that his life often depends on his ability to dissociate from his emotions. Din’s entire journey so far has been about how one little baby yodito shakes his worldview to its very foundations. He’s getting there, but it’s a slow process. 
And also, consider this - we haven’t seen Din alone yet, not since Grogu was taken. For a guy who lives a guarded life literally encased in fucking armor, any display of emotion is going to be carefully protected until he’s in private.
But anyway, Din is detached, rational, a little emotionally constipated, and definitely comfortable in a stressful situation. A true ISTP if you ask me (yeah, I know you didn’t, but whatever). Often, it seems that these cool headed, logical types who have never ruffled a feather over anything in their lives are the least adept at handling genuine fear. In other words, when panic does strike, it strikes them hard. 
And guys, Din was definitely panicking during this episode. 
He’s clearly unsettled from the jump - that outburst of “dank farrik!” in the cockpit sells it, and his distress only becomes more obvious from there. Talking out loud, trying to convince himself that the best thing for Grogu is for him to be trained as a Jedi. Reminding himself of the creed. His overt caution as they approach the seeing stone. His impatience, “Are you seeing anything??”
Then there’s the effects of long term stress. Sure, a bounty hunter in the outer rim doesn’t exactly live an easy life, but Din is definitely used to the drama being on his terms. Compare Din’s body language in the opening scene of season one to when Boba confronts him in chapter fourteen. You can just feel the anxiety, the weariness, the frustration. Din has been on the run for months now, constantly looking over his shoulder, sleeping with one eye open. Notice how he even startles at Fennec’s voice? Season one Din would never have given that much away, regardless of the situation. Long term stress has clearly taken a toll on him.
So we have unsettled, stressed out Din in an emotionally charged situation. He’s exhausted, he’s scared, he’s desperate. This scenario is a recipe for even the most level-headed of adrenaline junkies to loose their cool, and that’s exactly what happens to Din. He panics, and he makes some pretty big fuckups because of it. Leaving Grogu unprotected, twice. Trying three different times to break through that “force field,” even when he knew he couldn’t. Dropping that jetpack and then just forgetting about it (I know we were all screaming about that one, or at least, I was).
So, fear is a positive feedback loop. Those neurotransmitters that do us good in a bad situation - raising heart rate, narrowing focus, shunting blood to the muscles - can also be detrimental if we get too high of a dose - tachypnea and tachycardia, inability to think critically and see the big picture, lack of blood and oxygen to the brain. Epinephrine, in particular, even inhibits the laying down of new memory pathways. In other words, stress leads to poor performance, and poor performance leads to more stress, which leads to... you get the idea.
Then, in the middle of all this chaos, they fucking blast the Razor Crest.
More epinephrine, more cortisol, more stress. 
By the end of it all, Din is a fucking shitstorm of stress hormones and pent up emotions. Notice how he seems to be on autopilot in the immediate aftermath, robotically scanning the ashes of the Crest for anything that might be left intact. Notice how empty his voice is when he says, “the child is gone.” This is a dead man walking. Din has nothing left. His whole life has just gone up in smoke, and he can do nothing about it. 
Guys, Din is holding onto his sanity by a fucking thread in this scene. “The child is gone,” he says, like he’s reminding himself, grounding himself in his shitty reality. He’s stunned. 
And helpless. There’s literally nothing he can do for Grogu. He has no ship, no credits, no resources, nothing to bargain with, nothing to offer. Din literally cannot allow himself the luxury of feelings right now. He’s just got to focus on surviving this very shitty day.
Then, Boba Fett upholds his end of the deal, and suddenly, Din has something to hold onto. An ally, a badass friend, some hope. I don’t think Boba shows Din that chain code in order to verify his claim on the armor - he’s already wearing it, for godssake. I think Boba shows him the code in order to catch Din’s attention - hey friend, I know you’re hurting, but I’m a man of my word. When I make a vow, I keep it. Let’s regroup and go find your kid.
And Din would totally latch onto that. A fighting chance? Din fucking leaps at it. There’s a job to do. A kid to save. All of those stress hormones are going to keep on stewing, because Din has never really come down from his adrenaline high. 
It’s like this in real life, too. There isn’t time to be afraid. There isn’t time to be sad, or second-guess, or say, oh how terrible, or wonder what if it doesn’t work? There’s just you and the job, and if you are the only thing standing between life and death, you will put everything else aside and do what you have to do, for as long as you have to do it.
And that’s where Din is at this moment. He’s running on the fumes of his adrenaline, all tempered focus, all strategy and no bullshit.
Emotional shock, my therapist buddy calls it. Apparently, it’s normal. Expected, even.
But guys, the fallout of this kind of crazy ass adrenaline high is insanely intense. I’m talking collapse to the floor, legs won't hold you, trembling, crying so hard you sling snot, shuddering breaths, stare dead-eyed and spent at the ceiling because you’re just too wiped out to even sleep kind of intense. 
And then, after the breakdown comes the angst. The detailed thinking. The oh god, what if this had happened, or, should I have done that instead? It seems like every emotion that gets put on the back burner in the moment comes back to bite you with twofold intensity when all is said and done. 
In other words, Din is definitely going to feels some things .A lot of very intense things. A reckoning is coming, my dudes. Trust me. It’s just not quite here yet.
That being said, here’s what I can expect from Din going forward:
Just like he’s is slow to acknowledge his growing parental feelings for Grogu, I think Din’s going to be slow at processing his grief at Grogu’s loss. In the next episode, he’s got plenty to distract him - getting together his hit team to take back the kid and coordinating an attack on the empire. 
However, I do think we’ll get a slow moment with Din, probably sometime at the beginning of next week’s episode if the pattern holds. I doubt it’s the full-blown breakdown that we’re all needing, but I’m willing to bet money that we’ll see Din grappling with the fact that his kid is gone. I also think that badass beskar murder machine Din from chapter three will resurface. Stress and desperation make us do irrational things, and anger is one of the stages of grief that Din will inevitably have to work through (I think he’s flickering between denial and bargaining for now).
But then, after Din gets Grogu back? I think that’s we’ll have our big, dearly earned emotional payoff. 
For one thing, Din won’t be able to deny his feelings anymore. He wants to keep this kid, it’s so very obvious. Losing him just forces it all to the forefront. 
And then the relief/joy/regret/guilt that Din is going to feel once he’s got Grogu back? Not to mention the physical exhaustion? All of the fear/terror/angst/grief that he ignored in favor of just going pedal to the metal, guns blazing, get the kid or die trying? That shit’s going to crash into him with all the subtly of a fucking tsunami. I guarantee you, we’re going to get some sort of confession, or adoption vow, or face revel, or other sort of profound softness from Dad!Din in the falling action of this season (At least, I hope we get it at the end this season but I wouldn’t put it past them to kick it into the premier of season three, just for pacing reasons, but then again, I obviously have trust issues).
Personally, I would love to see Din grappling with the long-term fallout of losing Grogu - night terrors, guilt, paranoia, etc. That’s probably the stuff of fanfiction - mandalorians don't have nightmares on screen, surely - but still, some lingering effects Grogu’s kidnapping would be realistic, and I would absolutely live for it.
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ooops-i-arted · 4 years
What did you think of episode 3?? From a child development perspective at least?
I’ll start with a couple things I would like to add about Episode 2:
I s2g if I see one more stupid-ass post about Baby Yoda being “canceled” or “committing genocide” HOW THE FUCK IS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW OR UNDERSTAND THEY AREN’T FOOD IF NO ONE IS TEACHING HIM THAT?  HAVE YOU MET A TODDLER, EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS NEW TO THEM AND THEY ARE EXPERIMENTING AND EXPLORING AND IF THEY DON’T HAVE ADULT GUIDANCE YOU CAN’T EXPECT THEM TO START LEARNING ADVANCED CONCEPTS INDEPENDENTLY AT THAT AGE.  If it smells and/or looks like food to him (which is probably does) he’s gonna think it’s food and eat it until he is taught differently!  Also the episode CLEARLY states the eggs are unfertilized, so not a baby at all yet, and that the species is not endangered, that frog lady just personally is having her last batch of eggs.  Pay attention before you start having stupid opinions. /rant
Well to build on that - Baby is learning and we see it in this episode.  Din tells him “I will get you food” when he sees Baby is hungry and Baby does successfully wait until he gets food!  We also see him use a spoon, which is fantastic because he can then practice those fine motor manipulative skills, even if he couldn’t quite figure out how to use them to get that octopus off his face!  And his self-preservation/problem solving skills come back with him sealing his pod to protect himself.  Like I’ve stated before, to me that seems like a learned behavior, since we don’t see it in Season 1.  There’s clearly a time skip between Season 1 and Season 2* so to me that implies Din has been teaching him to do that to protect himself.  He also seemed to have some awareness of/reaction of fear to what the Quarren meant by “we’re gonna kill your pet” so he is definitely comprehending more, including things that no child should be having to experience, unfortunately.
It’s subtle and a little up-to-interpretation, but the way Baby was looking between Din and the dehelmed Bo-Katan made me think he’s trying to process this, because his Dad DEFINITELY does not do this, who the fuck is this and why the hell is she taking her helmet off???  IIRC I think he looked funny at Cobb too when the helmet came off but I haven’t rewatched Episode 1 yet so I’m not 100% sure.  It’s another mark of his attachment to Din; what Din does is Normal and Right and these other Mandalorians are Doing It Wrong to his mind.
And ofc Baby does actually learn “these are not food” when he sees the eggs hatch.  I think Frog Lady had figured out what was going on with the eggs and it seems she and Frog Husband maybe even actually took the time to show him the tadpole and teach him not to eat it?  Since that is definitely a food-sized item to him by the end of the episode.  He is so excited to have a playdate when Din picks him up!  So many people want to hurt him and Din has to keep him close and out of sight so much, it’s wonderful he got a chance to have some healthy social interaction.  He clearly enjoyed himself since he didn’t want to leave.
And ofc he continues to have his dad as a “safe harbor” to use while he experiences the world, and also seems to regard the ship as a safe place.  In Episode 2 he was crying and scared a lot while the spiders were around, but he recognizes that on the ship with Dad, he is safe, seeming more curious than frightened of the sea creature at the end of the episode.  He even laughs when Din kills it!  No matter how dangerous things get, he still knows that he’s safe with his daddy, and that sense of security is SO important for a child’s mental well-being.
As for Din, Dad Points gained for actually talking to the kid about things (telling him he’ll get food, trying to tell him not to eat the eggs although he really should’ve been more explicit with a little kid) and for being so Soft it melted my heart when he was checking on the baby after his kraken encounter.  Minor Dad Points lost for just yanking the poor kid away from his new frog friend (you have to transition little kids, no wonder poor Baby was fighting so hard to not leave!).  MAJOR Dad Points lost for bringing the kid close to the big-ass hole in the ship when those Quarrens were acting sketchy as fuck about insisting he let the kid see.  Seriously Din what were you thinking??
*I’m actually kind of sad we didn’t see The Shopping Trip, an episode where Din does nothing but bargain shop for a new pod.  (That will probably be a Baby Yoda POV Interlude tbh, since I set up Baby Hating Pods Now and will have to realign his Feelings On Pods to align with the new season.)  And more seriously, where did he get that thigh plate??  Did he have to forge it himself (since it’s kind of implied his Mandalorian search has been unsuccessful so far)?  Did he just find a raided covert and retrieved it from a fallen brother?  That’s depressing... or did he just make a pit stop to see the Armorer?
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yoditorian · 4 years
lacuna- part 6
once again i left my writing down to the wire and did the bulk of this today so that’s why its Like That, as always a huge thank you to my wonderful @brothersdrxke for being my favourite sounding board and reminding me i am capable 
word count: 3.2k
warnings: swears, violence/death/murder, reader has a panic attack if you squint (not specifically mentioned and only referred to in one sentence), angst and arguments, we got a little more explicit with the smut this time (with added biting), 18+ no babies thanks
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Nevarro’s cantina is always dusty. Something that’s struck Din as odd for as long as he’s been meeting Guild reps there, since the planet itself is all humidity and sulfur.
“You know, I’ve never met a hunter quite as efficient as you are.” Karga smiles warmly, but there’s something about his tone that makes Din’s skin crawl. The way he drawls out ‘efficient’ makes him wonder if he means something else. He hopes he doesn’t get asked anymore questions.
A set of new pucks slide across the table towards him, and Din pockets all five of them without even really looking. An amateur move, one he knows better than, but the longer he stays under the new Guild rep’s piercing stare the more he feels like he’s being studied.
“They’re of your usual calibre.” Karga reassures him as he stands to leave, not fool enough to try and palm off any jobs that nobody else will do.
Though the pucks are heavy in his pocket, you’re the only thing on Din’s mind when he steps into the shadow of the Razor Crest. You always are. He sees you everywhere, welding the outer panels together, meticulously painting the orange stripes “because they’ll look cool, Mando.” He sees you every time he has to rewire the internal electrics, that smudge of engine grease that seemed to be a permanent resident on your cheekbone back at the space station, or with the top half of your body wedged in a wall panel and your ass in the air.
The memories of you building the ship used to make him smile even after the worst jobs. Now they just make his hands shake.
You’ve been haunting him more than usual. Every time he turns around in the ship he calls his home, it’s like he expects to see you tinkering with something in the hull or staring up at the stars from the pilot seat with your feet up on the console. Something the others in the crew used to scold you for, but never him. It was endearing, to see you so at home in control of a ship. Any ship. Like you could speak their language.
Din knows it’s because he hasn’t heard from you since you told him you survived. Not that he really expected you to after he didn’t respond.
He almost did, he wanted to. He stares at the comm for hours at night, turning the stupid little thing over in his hands like it holds the secrets to the universe. Maybe it does. Maybe if he had the guts to say something, to say anything, to you. Or maybe he already knows the secrets of the universe, the one that matters to him anyway, and he’s just too afraid to think about it. He doesn’t contact you, he can’t contact you. Not when he knows exactly what it is he wants to say. It’s unfair to the both of you to speak it out loud.
He’s pretty sure you already know anyway. He doesn’t need to say it, maybe he never did. Maybe you’ve always known. How could you not? He’s never been soft like this with anyone the way he has with you. He’s never made so much space in his heart for somebody else. There’s no way you can’t tell. He feels so much for you, so much, there’s hardly any room inside left for him. It must be so obvious. And if he had any control when it comes to you, he could pretend like you don’t make him want to claw out his own heart and hand it to you. It’s yours anyway.
But Din compartmentalises, the way he always has. He takes a deep breath and packs every thought of you back into the box and stows it firmly away in the back of his mind. There will be time to miss you later.
It’s the worst job he’s ever had. By far. This is one bounty he’s not sure he can bring in.
Cork Gyll’s smile is sickening when he sees Din standing in the doorway of his home. If you could even call it that. It’s more of a cave, with an improvised door of thin sheet metal and a badly constructed bed against the far wall. A small metal crate is tucked just underneath the bed frame, half concealed by a threadbare blanket. Not much else, not that Din was expecting much of anything. The dar’manda sits and regards him for a long moment.
“You were there, Beroya.” He spits the title out like it’s a dirty word. It probably is, in his mind. Din only nods.
He should stun him and cuff him and drag him back to the Crest to freeze. That’s what he should do. But it’s too intriguing. Their situations are too similar. Din can’t help himself.
“Why did you do it?” 
Cork perks up at that. Like he wasn’t expecting to be spoken to at all, like he thought he’d just be dragged back to the noble family that ordered the bounty to atone for his crimes. Crimes Din doesn’t even know the extent of.
He loved her, is the first thing he recounts. A dreamy look in his eyes replaces the amusement at fate’s cruel blow. Is that the same look Din gets when he thinks of you?
He’d loved her to the point of removing his helmet, breaking the creed he’d followed all his life, for this daughter of some Outer Rim noble family he was running security for. Cork reddened at the memories of her fingers tracing his face when he bared himself to her the first time, the second time, and every time after that.
But his eyes grow dark suddenly, an odd coldness sweeps the room, and Din finds his hand inching ever closer to the blaster strapped to his hip. Just in case.
He’d proposed. Of course he had. She’d seen his face so many times and they loved each other and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, the guilt of breaking the creed had been at war with the space he’d made for her in his heart. But she’d said no. She had responsibilities to her family, to the son of another powerful family on the planet whom she’d been promised to before either of them were even born. She loved him, she loved him so much, but her answer was no.
Cork had panicked for his creed, her answer struck him so terribly in the chest that he hadn’t even registered that he’d drawn his blaster until there was a smoking hole between her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. But that was the way. No one alive had seen his face, and he’d been declared dar’manda anyway. He’d lost his love and his creed by his own foolish hand in the space of a few hours. And now? He’d likely be killed for it too.
The raw pain in Cork’s voice as he recalls what he did to his love is enough to make Din accept what he has known all this time to be true. He could never, would never, hurt you for anything. Not even the creed, he was a fool to think otherwise. No matter what it came down to. He’d take dar’manda over being responsible for your death. He’d take exile and disgrace and whatever else they dealt him if it meant he got to feel your skin on his. Your lips on his. No creed or vow or religion could ever bring him the solace that you do. Duty be damned.
Din moves silently across the room with the cuffs, something tells him Cork will go willingly.
He is so very, very wrong.
Part of his mind is still so absorbed in the story, in thoughts of you, that he notices Cork grabbing a heavy wrench just a second too late. It collides with the side of his helmet, taking out one of his auditory sensors and leaving his ears ringing. Cork takes the opportunity to strike once, twice, three times, at his chestplate in a vain attempt to wind him. He winds up for the helmet again, but Din throws himself onto his attacker before he gets the chance. While not graceful or calculated, it does the trick.
Cork laughs as he’s tackled to the floor, a horrible grating sound in his throat. Din doesn’t hesitate to pull his blaster and fire. The other man flops, lifeless, beneath him. The puck said taking him alive was preferable, but somehow Din’s not sure they’ll mind.
The wrench is still clasped in Cork’s hand, old and rusted but oddly familiar. A Mythosaur skull is carved into the base of the handle, and he knows. He must have taken it from the forge at the covert and stashed it before his exile, suspecting a bounty would be set on him. It’s no wonder the thing almost caved his helmet in. Din rips it off in the privacy of the room to inspect the damage, a dent the size of his fist in the right hand side and the auditory sensor is sparking. He’ll need a whole new one.
It’s as though the Armourer is expecting him, she never seems to be surprised by the state of some of the warriors who walk through her door. She simply directs him to a small curtained alcove and asks that he deposit his helmet on the shelf in the wall when he’s hidden.
“You should not regret it.” She speaks clearly, certainly, after he tells her how he sustained such damage. Din’s not sure he can agree with her this time around.
“He was a vod.”
“He was dar’manda. His crimes could never be forgiven. The vows you spoke for your creed no longer applied to him.” She places his new helmet, forged from the remains of his broken one, on the shelf for him to take. It’s been so long since he got a new piece, Din has forgotten how shiny beskar can be. His face stares back at him, distorted by the curve of the metal, for a moment before he finally puts it on. A perfect fit.
Green Squadron, you’re making your final approach.
It’s still kind of jarring to hear a droid coordinate the drop instead of one of the officers back on one of the rebel cruisers. Just something you’ll have to get used to, you suppose.
Three loud beeps sound from your dashboard and you flick the correct switches to drop out of hyperspace in perfect synchronisation with the rest of the team. The two cadets on this particular training session are a little shaky, but they come back into formation once they’ve reoriented. Until another ship appears out of nowhere, uncomfortably close to your left hand side. The squadron scatters, cadets panicking over the comms as your commander demands to know why it wasn’t caught on the sensors. You’re about to echo the sentiment, until you realise exactly why it’s not running a beacon.
“Green Leader, I know that ship. Request a line.” Your heart is in your throat the moment you spot the mismatched panels, the orange stripes you’d spent hours making sure were even.
“You know it? You’re sure, Four?”
“I built it! Put me on the line!” You don’t mean to snap the way you do, but the longer he stays in range the more danger everybody’s in.
Part of you expects a fight, expects your commander to doubt you, but it only takes another second for your comm light to flicker to life on the dash. You can only pray you can convince him to haul ass before the commander gets antsy and calls you to fire.
“Razor Crest, this is a New Republic drill. Please proceed to a safe distance from the training zone.” You want to tell him it’s good to see him, that he’s alive, but you’re all too aware that every one of the team can hear you. Best to stay professional.
The way your name echoes around the cockpit makes your stomach flip. His voice is soft, like he’s surprised it’s you, the tone barely appropriate for the kind of company you’re in. You don’t look forward to the questions you know will follow this session.
“Razor Crest,” You can’t keep the urgency at bay, “Please proceed to a safe distance or we will use force.”
Stars, you don’t want it to come to that. But the Crest is pre-empire, something you’ve noticed leaves any senior officer more than a little on edge. Hell, you would be too if you didn’t know who was at the helm.
“You’d shoot me down for the rebellion?”
“I would.” You answer immediately, because yes, yes you would. There’s no question. The same way that you’re sure, if it came to it, he’d kill you for his creed. Duty is a far more powerful thing than either of you.
Din sits on the comm silently for a long moment, as if he doesn’t believe you. Or maybe he’s- no. You stop that train of thought before it can even leave the station. He’s not shocked at your admission. He would do the same.
Green Squadron remains steady in formation, but a low order from your commander comes over the team system.
“Lock s-foils. Prepare to fire.”
Din flies out of reach and on his way the second he registers the blind panic in your voice. It would be beautiful to watch the Crest arc through the stars if you weren’t so fucking terrified you were about to be ordered to pursue. But the order doesn’t come. Instead, Green Leader starts leading the cadets through drills, designating you and Shara to keep guard.
A private comm request appears on your display, and you accept without hesitation.
“So, Mando?” Shara doesn’t sound amused, or excited like she might have in any other situation. She sounds worried. Maybe she’s right to be, you’re still trying to remember how to breathe.
“Mando.” You confirm, but you leave it at that. She doesn’t pry. You’re thankful she doesn’t ask any more questions before you can do something really stupid like cry, or fly off after him.
You find yourself at the inn at Mos Espa as soon as the training run is over. Your commander can reprimand you for taking the A-Wing when you get back to base, a vague excuse about staying on top of your patrol duties has been ready on the tip of your tongue since the moment you decide on the detour. They could handle a few hours without you and your ship.
It’s unspoken, but somehow you know he’ll be there. And he is.
Perched awkwardly on the edge of the bed in your usual room, elbows on his knees and his chin resting on his fists. Just watching the door and waiting for you. There’s deep scratches in the red paint of his armour, chunks missing where it was intact before. He’s got a whole new helmet.
“Fuck, Din, what happened?” You wonder about the injuries underneath the metal. Whether there’ll be new scars to trace, freshly healed wounds to run your lips over in the moments after-
“Don’t call me that.”
“Don't use my name again. Ever.” Even with the modulator, you can hear him force the words through gritted teeth. He doesn’t sound angry, he sounds in pain. You’re only more confused as he stands and starts to shed the battered armour, giving way to sheer, blinding rage at the way he sets the pieces down on the table so reverently. Not unlike the way he handles you.
“So I can’t say your name but you’ll still fuck me. You’re gonna make me call you ‘Mando’, but you’ll still take off the helmet and kiss me?” Your hands shake at your sides. You’re so angry. You want him to reassure you, to backtrack and tell you he doesn’t mean it. Maybe you’re too used to the way he’s always been so ready to comfort you, to hold you and fit himself into the empty space in your ribs that you know is meant for him. Instead of the gentle words you’ve come to know from him, he only presents you with silence. Silence and anger on both sides, maybe misdirected, maybe not.
You’ve always respected his creed, his Way. But you’ve never had to like it.
In only his flight suit and helmet, Din stalks over to the doorway with one hand on the side of his helmet and plunges the room into darkness. You don’t hear him approach you, don’t even feel the air move until he’s standing chest to chest with you, lungs heaving. The Hunter. 
Your forehead bumps into the lifted lip of the helmet when his empty hand creeps up your back and pulls you by the neck into a bruising kiss, although he’s quick to send the thing crashing to the floor and free up his other hand to grab at you.
“You don't,” He lifts your shirt over your head, “Know me.”
“No?” You reply, sinking your hand into his suit to squeeze him through his underwear. He growls, like he always does when you do that, and his mouth is hot on yours again. He has always known you, just as you have always known him. However reluctantly.
It’s a power struggle like you’ve never experienced with him. He’s pushing as you’re pulling and every touch is burning and biting, each determined to get your way. Somehow you don’t think there will be any winners tonight.
His every touch cuts you down to your bones, every drag of his fingers as he exposes more and more of you to the night threatens to tear you apart. You revel in the way he’s grabbing you, twisting and turning you just to his liking, and find you don’t miss the softness one bit. Not right now. Your blood still boils at how he’s stepped back from you, revoked the one thing of his you thought you had. Although maybe you never really had it in the first place. 
You don’t give in, you can’t. He’s got you pinned against the bed, smug smile pressed into your neck at your breathlessness, and you sink your teeth into his shoulder. He tastes like salt and metal and you lose yourself in the deep groan that rumbles through him.
Din’s sure you’re trying to break him and, honestly, you’re well on your way to succeeding. Taking him apart piece by piece and leaving him shattered for treating you the way he has. He deserves it. Although he’d argue this is certainly a humane way to exact your revenge. Every touch, every moan and squeal and bite, sends another crack spider webbing through his guard. He’s done pretending every time is the last time, you’ve settled so deep in his heart he’s not sure he could ever dig you out. 
It’s later, in the dark and quiet, when the anger and desperation has faded that you whisper.
“I know you better than I know myself.”
And for a moment, he can pretend that you’re right.
TAGLIST (add yourself here):
@brothersdrxke @rebloogggs @keeper0fthestars @remmysbounty @sirianisrock @thevoiceinyourheadx @firstofficerwiggles @1800-fight-me​
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xmalereader · 5 years
The Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: Can I request a mando x male reader. Where the male reader and mando have been together for a while and mando proposes to reader and If you can some light smut
Warnings: Light smut, fluff, baby yoda being a cockblock, humorous.
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“Just a little higher—yep! Right there!”
“No wait—move a little bit higher, wait! There! There! Perfect.”
Y/n stands back as he stares up at the mandalorian fixing up their small home. “What you think?” He looks over his shoulder to see the child holding a frog in his hands as he gives y/n a confused look before shoving the small creature inside his mouth. “Yeah, I’m gonna have to get used to that,” he gags out and turns back to face their small house.
After traveling and being together for years th two have finally decided to settle down. They were a small family of three and the kid came first, din was more worried about the kids childhood than anything else. He wants the little womp rat to have a life, they didn’t have to run away anymore, they can finally settle down in a nice planet that the kid would enjoy being on.
The planet was small and the population wasn’t big, good thing is that not many bounty hunters know about the place and it gave them a chance to actually start a new life. It was full of green forests and vegetation, the ocean was near by so y/n and the kid could go any time they want and play around in the sand and in the waters. It was perfect for the three.
He is brought back from his thoughts as he looks up to see Din staring down a him. “What is it bucket head?” He calls back with a grin on his face, knowing that Din was frowning under that helmet of his. He simply shakes his head and turns back to look at their roof top, “Does it look good from down there?”
“What? Your ass? Because it sure does look pretty great from down here.”
Din wasn’t having it today as he listens to the other laugh at him. “Can’t believe I’m proposing to this man.” He mumbles to hismelf as he climbs down the ladder and walks over to y/n. “Maybe you should fix the roof and ill keep an eye on the kid.” He says with a small grin as y/n shakes his head. “Nope I’m on baby duty.”
The two turn to look at the child who was staring back at them with his big black eyes. “Maybe we should take a break, it won’t even rain tonight so we can finish fixing the roof tomorrow.” Said Din as he removes his gloves and heads inside the hut.
Y/n smiles and picks up the child, holding him in his arms as he taps his nose. “Lets make some dinner, what should we eat tonight?” He asks the child who only cooed at him and squeals as he began to climb onto his shoulders. Y/n allows this with a small laugh as he enters their home.
The mandalorian was already removing his beskar, setting it into a small pile on one of their chairs. “What should I make today?” Asks y/n as he enters their small kitchen, gently taking the child off his shoulders and setting him down on top of the counter. “Actually I want to do something different tonight.”
Y/n raises a brow at Din, frowning as he held a wooden spoon and points it towards the mandalorian. “You’re not Turing my kitchen into a work shop.” He glares at his direction but Din laughs and moves the wooden spoon away from his face. “I want to cook today, let me make you something.”
“You, cook?” Y/n gives Din a baffled look.
“You saying I can’t cook?”
“No, no! Just a little shocked...and worried.”
“I’m not gonna burn down the place.” Din takes the spoon from him and rolls his eyes. “Out.”
“You’re kicking me out of my own kitchen?!”
“Yes.” His voice was stern.
“okay.” Y/n is quick to give in as he reaches over to take the kid but Din stops him. “Kid stays with me, need his little help.” The child blinks up at y/n and gives off a small chirp in agreement, meaning that him and din had already agreed to help each other.
Y/n eyes the two in curiosity. “Should I be concerned?”
“Go!” Din laughs out. “And don’t come in unless I tell you too.” He adds.
“I feel so bretrayed, my own boyfriend and son kicking me out of the kitchen.” He says out dramatically with a hand over his heart as he showing them that he has been hurt.
The child giggles at his caretakers dramatic moment and waves his own little hand towards him, shooing him away from the area as he too waves a wooden spoon around. “You heard the kid, now go.”
Y/n groans and walks over to his bag, taking a pair of gloves out. “Ill be outside getting the garden ready, want ot make sure that we have a good spot to planet our own Vegetables.” He grabs the things that he’ll need, kicking the door open as he sends the two a wink and steps outside, making sure that the door closes behind him.
Once Y/n has gone, the mandalorian sighs in relief and reaches up to remove his helmet. Setting it down next to him as he turns to face the child who tilts his head to the side, his ears lowering slowly as he waits for instruction.
“Alright ad’ika, today is a very special day.” He says, talking to the child as he moves around the kitchen and gathers up some ingredients. “Today we are going to make a cake, something that I’ve never done before but we should give it a try since we will have to learn, but that has nothing to do with what is today.” He hears the child chirp at him.
The child was frowning and had his little arms crossed over his chest, tapping his little foot as he grew inpatient with his buir.
Din rolls his eyes. “You’re getting y/n’s sass and its showing.” The child giggles as he moves around the counter, helping his Buir with making a special cake for y/n.
For the rest of the day both Din and the kid worked together to make the cake, it took a couple of times to find the perfect mix before they started baking. The kitchen was a mess and the kid was all covered in flour but Din was able to clean him up before they could present their work.
They made sure to clean up the kitchen since they don’t want to upset y/n with the mess.
Y/n was outside all day, he was sweating and dirty. He was covered in dirt and mud as he gathers his things and places them down by a corner where no one will take his things, sighing deeply he wipes the sweat away and enters his house. “I’m almost finished but I hope that we get to plant—“ he’s frozen in place as the lights are off and small candles are lit up around the place, giving it off a romantic vibe as y/n looks around to see both Din and the child sitting by a all table.
“What’s this?” He smiles at his boys and kicks off his shoes, walking over to sit acros from Din as the Mandalorian smiles under his helmet. “We both made you something.” He says as he places the cake in front of y/n who’s eyes widen.
“Happy anniversary.” He hears Din say as y/n gasps. “Oh no, I totally forgot I’m so sorry!” He quickly says as Din shakes his head. “I figured you would, we’ve been busy for the last couple of weeks so I didn’t expect you to remember.” He shrugs it off like it wasn’t a big deal.
“But still! I don’t have anything for you and you made me cake! Like how the hell did it turn out so perfect?” Y/n inspects the cake as he raised a brow.
“You saying I can’t bake?”
“No, no, just surprised.” Y/n smiles at Din and sighs. “Thank you, this is perfect.”
“That’s not all I did.” Din turns to the child. “Ad’ika, Can you bring me y/n’s gift.” The small green child nods as he waddled Over to one of There bags, digging inside he pulls out a small brown box and uses the force to pass it over to Din who takes it genlty. “Thank you.” He says as he reached over to steady the kid and sit him in his lap.
“For you.” Din slides the small box across the table and towards y/n.
Y/n genlty takes the box and bites his lip nervously as he pops it open. “It’s a ring? No wait—“ he takes it out of the box and takes a closer look, not noticing Din removing his helmet as y/n inspected the ring.
“It’s beskar! It’s made out of beskar!” He says proudly and looks up to face Din only for his eyes to widen, seeing dins face for the first time in years. “Din—“
“Marry me.” He blurts out as the child coos at the two and smiles.
“Wait what? Din you just—you can’t just—!” He was stuttering. First he gets a proposal from the man that he’s known for years and now he finally gets to see his face, breaking the creed.
“Din the creed—“
“It’s still my creed, I haven’t broken it.” He explains. “What do you mean?”
“The creed is only broken if I show my face to strangers or people that I don’t know or can’t trust but you—“ Din reaches Over to take his hand. “Your family and were allowed to show our faces to the ones we love, also to our spouses.”
Y/n holds Dins hand. “But I’m not your spouse.”
“That’s why I’m asking you to marry me, are you saying you no?”
“What?! No! Of course I want to marry you!” Y/n shouts out happily as he stands up and makes his way around the table to hug the Mandalorian also giving him a kiss on the lips as he grins. “You know I could get used to this handsome face.” He wiggles his brows as Din chuckles. “Not in front of the kid.”
The child was sitting between the two as he looks up at them, smiling happily that his two parents were going to get married, finally! He claps his tiny hands together and cheers out in mando’a. “Oye!!”
“How come the kid knows better mando’a than me?” He questions as the child continues to cheer. “Because he actually Pays attention.”
Y/n gasps. “What? How dare you, the wedding is off.”
Din barks out in laughter. “We just got engaged!”
“I know.” Y/n grins at him and looks down at the beskar ring that he held in his hand. Din smiles as he takes the ring and slips it onto his finger, brining his hand up to kiss the top of his palm. “We can plan things later, right now it is our day.”
“Your right.” Y/n takes the kid from Din. “Which means that this little one needs sleep, ain’t I right?” He asks the kid as the small little bean coos and leans his head against his chest, closing his eyes immediately as he grows tired from all the working.
“I’ll put him to bed.” He tells Din and heads to the kids room, setting him inside the crib they had as he covers him up with a blanket and makes sure that he has his stuff frog next to him since the kid really liked that stuff toy that Din got him. Smiling he quietly leaves the room and heads back to the main room to see Din sitting up against the wall. “He asleep?” He whispers out.
“Yes.” Y/n responds as he walks over to straddled Din’s lap. Smiling at him as he keeps his arms wrapped around him. “Good.” He hears Din say as he leans up to kiss his husband to-be. Y/n laughs against his lips as he pulls away, cupping his face as he examines him closely. “Wait, the last time I touched your face you had stubble.” He gasps dramatically. “Why did you shave it off? I love your stumble and mustache.” He grins at Din who rolls his eyes. “I needed to shave, besides it’ll grow back.” With that he dives back in, capturing his lovers lips into a deep kiss as the other laughs and falls back onto the floor with Din hovering above him and gripping his hips.
Y/n sighs out a moan as he ran his fingers through Din’s hair, gripping it softly as he grinds his hips upwards, hearing Din moan back as the two have their own make out session. The two are so distracted that they don’t notice the child standing information of them, holding his stuffed frog with his ears lowered down in worry as his whines, thinking that is own dads were fighting or something.
Din is the first to detect the whining, pulling away quickly as he sees the child and groans. “What?” Y/n questions as he leans his head back to see an upside down baby, smiling nervously he gives the child a small wave. “Hi..”
He was shirtless while Din had his pants semi-off, the two were too distracted to even know that the kid was watching but of course the kid had no idea what was happening. He was afraid that his parents were fighting that he had gripped his frog closer than usual and begins to tear up, letting small tears pour out of his eyes.
“No, no dont cry!” Y/n scrambles off the ground and reaches out to take the kid in his arms, patting his back as the child buries his face between the crook of his neck as he sobs silently. “It’s okay, we weren’t doing anything.” He assures him and turns to give Din a side glance. He was pulling his pants back up and sits back against the wall. “Maybe its best to finish once he’s officially asleep.”
“good idea.” He chuckles out and turns his attention back to the kid who has calmed down and was only sniffing quietly as he holds onto Y/n. For the rest of the night the three of them stay awake, keeping the child entertained and happy until he has fallen back asleep.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Hello there, my darling. It is me 🐣. Forst of all, sorry for leaving you on ''read''. I've been too busy with shitshow happening in my life. Finally, late at night I can indulge in our little world. Also, I am so happy that other readers have been participating! I've seen so many good points! Oh, but I felt kinda bad for the anonnie who was dissatisfied with Boba's lack of proper sexting. Sorry not sorry but I have a blast everytime we bully tech-grandpa Boba. Okay, onto your entries!
Yes, camping with Paz!!! He lives for hiking,
Also sharing a sleeping bag with him,
Yes, yes, especially since nights in the mountains are definitely cold 😉,
Oh god, oh yes, after some intense wrestling session, laying together and stargazing,
Paz with tatts??
Hell yeah!
I've seen noonies being onto idea that Paz is a geek,
So he definitely has a sleeve tatt with all of his favorite heroes,
Also Miles Morales! Omg, yes, Paz favorite movie is Into the Spoderverse!,
Also Paz has some inspirational/self-love related tattoos in this foreign language (mando'a?),
Trip too Zoo with our beloved clan = a disaster,
Lots of pics of Din holding Grogu while petting and feeding animals 😍,
Grogu and his weird food fixation, bless his soul,
Yes a frog stuffie!!! When you guys get back home, he waddles back to his cool space room and introduces baby Yoda to his new friend!,
Ah yes, the frog catching disaster,
You and Din discussing getting Grogu a pet frog,
Uncle Paz helps with getting the right terrarium kit!,
You often catch Paz babytalking to his Ad'ika,
Typicial, who's the good boy? Yes, you are,
Also Paz playing dead and his little companion jumping all over him to revive him,
Din as Mando, Grogu as Baby Yoda and you as Omera, you say?? Heck yeah!,
Also Razor Crest needs a costume as well!,
Uncle Boba throwing a huge ass Halloween party,
Big deal event, celebrities showing up,
Kudos to anon who pitched the idea of Bonnie and Clyde!,
Also Pedro Pascal shows up at the party too,
He is dressed as mando,
Shitshow is about to go down 😂,
People getting confused because Pedro and Din not only have similar posture but they also sound similar, it's too uncanny-valley,
Boba would definitely kidnap you from the dance floor to do some urgent wrestling!,
Also umm 😳 gunplay!kink Boba 😳,
You and Paz going trick or treating!!!,
Witch Paz once casted a curse upon a customer who was being a huge karen to the waitress,
He loves his employees dearly, so no messing around is allowed!,
His employees were shipping you with him long before you became a thing,
Paz once jokingly said that he would lick and eat anything off of you,
You were like hmm even spaghetti?,
And he was like heck yess,
Eww, Paz baby, gross!
Next time he was slurp slurping pasta from your body, srsly this goofball,
Afterwards, he cleaned you nicely, through and through no worries,
Giving Boba a head while he dives his expensive car? 😳,
Also he has a big hot tube and a pool in his penthouse!,
Drinking expensive alcohol while snuggling in the tub?,
Making Boba to loosen up, skinny dipping in the pool??,
You and Din were wrestling rather intensively, and he mumbled something about adding another child to you little family,
You didn't pay much attention to that,
Until he started to grunt about putting a baby in you every now and then,
You having a talk with him,
He shyly explaining that it was his deepest desire to have a big loving family,
Admitting that vision of you carrying for Grogu makes him bothered every time,
Also he said he couldn't get the image of you with a baby bump out of his head,
Omg Paz being infertile???
You've just broken my heart as wel...
But Boba and Kamino project to the rescue???,
Or alternatively, he would have no problem adopting children, being blood related isn't important to him at all,
Auntie Armorer comforting him about his problem,
But imagine if he somehow managed to get you pregnant... 😭😭😭
Also, Mr Fett senior looking up from the heavens at his son, thinking when he'd get grandchildren to carry on the family ''business'' legacy
Once again sorry for the lack of my participation I will try to tune in more often, my darling! Also, I didn't add much this time sorry my mind was somewhere else this time. I will try to add more ideas later! - 🐣
Welcome back darling!!! I missed you, and don't worry about being away take all the time you need. I am also glad that you enjoyed all of our other little rambles that I've answered!
Paz named his dog Ad'ika, this man most definitely has quotes/self love tattoos in mando'a, mandalorian ruins, or aurebesh
Paz has a tattoo for all of his fallen friends and teammates he lost while he was in military
Paz baby talking his dog is so fucking cute!!!
Paz definitely taught his dog all of the tricks, including play dead
When the two of you go trick or treating some of the kids do get scared of him because he's dressed like chewie and he's huge. He pouts because he didn't mean to scare them
Paz totally does little curses to the people who come in and are rude, you don't treat his employees like that, or the other customers without retaliation
His employees had a pool going to see how long it takes before Paz actually mans up and asks you out, and then another one fore how long it'll take before the two of you are married
If you would let him, Paz would never use a plate again. He would eat anything and everything off of you, but his favorites are sweets
Chocolate syrup, yes please. Paz makes sure to thoroughly clean you up 😉
Paz finally opens up to you about his impotency issues one night and you hold him close telling him that, that doesn't matter to you
Paz would and could adopt every child he meets if he could
But also like imagine, one day while you both are still dating, you've missed your period for a month or two, but you don't think much about it because you can't have kids with Paz right?
Well you go to the doctors because something is obviously wrong, and because it is procedure they run a pregnancy and it comes back positive and you're just floored
When you get home and Paz asks how everything went, worried about you, you just blurt it out and Paz freezes
He doesn't know what to think, he's overjoyed and he loves you, but he isn't supposed to be able to have kids, so is it his kid? He quickly yeets that thought away because he knows and trusts you
After that he goes full daddy bear mode and is protective of you and just constantly trying to hover over you
Also Paz helping Grogu with finding and taking care of a frog
Din absolutely melted at the sight of Grogu feeding the animals, it made him so proud of his son
Grogu loves all of his stuffed animals and he is constantly playing and talking with them
His favorite is ofcourse his baby yoda
GROGU POINTS TO PEDRO AND ALWAYS CALLS HIM DAD. He does this with the mandalorian and just any pictures
You totally introduce Grogu to bubble tea, and he absolutely L O V E S it
Din making little comments about about want creating a family with you
Din always begging to cum inside of you
Grogu once asked for a little brother or sister and Din almost combusted
As for what Razor Crest should be for Halloween, I would say either a ting Razor Crest ship or tiny Kryate Dragon?
Pedro would be so ecstatic to meet his basically identical twin
(You accidentally go up to Pedro and kiss his cheek at one point before you realize you mixed and Din pouts)
Boba's Halloween party is totally Great Gatsby themed
Boba totally keeps trying to get handsys and you have to push him away
Slow and passionate wrestling in Boba's hot tub
I raise you, Boba fingering the life out of you as he's driving
Imagine finding a picture of Boba and Jango and smiling at Boba telling him he looks just like his father
Boba joking about carrying on the tradition and making a little Boba
Then the both of you just look at eachother and pretty much jump eachother simultaneously
(Also imagine getting kidnapped by an enemy crime syndicate and Boba just going on a war path)
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Part 17
(Misaki tilted his head back, while the older boy deepen the kiss. The two cuddled on the couch, Greys Anatomy played in the background, somehow during their binge watch things became heated. Misaki wrapped his arm around Usagi’s neck.)
Usagi:  (While kissing the younger boy) Is that comfortable? 
Misaki: (Nodding) Yeah. (He softy answered, pressing harder into Usagi. He didn’t bother turning around to face the older boy, their legs were intertwined, he loved the feeling, and didn’t want to mess it up). 
(Suddenly, their front door burst opened, the two quickly pulled apart. Eri staggered in dropping papers and her bag at the door). 
Eri: I need a break, Akihiko I just finished one book out of four. (she grinned sitting on the couch across from them). Oh, was I interrupting?  
Misaki: Kinda!
Usagi: I'm going to need my key back!  (he reached his hand out).
Eri: Wait! seriously?!
Usagi: Seriously!, you can’t just come over like this anymore! we’re engaged now. we want our privacy! 
Eri: But what  about  your promise? 
Usagi: (rolling eyes), you can get  the key back when I sell you the house, but that won’t be for a while. 
Eri: Fine. (places key in Usagi’s hand), When are you going to look at the place where you want your house to be anyway?
Misaki: (Scratches his head), Um tomorrow I think, why? 
Eri: Can I go?
Usagi: I guess, but don’t you have other stuff you need to do?
Eri: I need to turn in one of your books to the company, but I can do that over email. I still have the other three I need to work on  but I can do that later. 
Usagi: Eri, (Usagi steepled his fingers together against his face), why are you here?
Misaki: Usagi, that was rude. 
Usagi: It’s my house!
Misaki: She could be in trouble!
Eri: I’m not in trouble, Rose is working a double, she  won’t be home until tomorrow night, and I’m lonely, so can I hang out here until she’s done with work? I won’t be in the way.
(Usagi sighed he glanced at Misaki, the younger boy gave a small smile, he already knew what Misaki’s answer would be). 
Usagi: Sure Eri. You can take Misak’s old room. 
Eri: Thanks. (stands up, walks to front door to collect her stuff, starts up the stairs to Misaki’s old room, Usagi following).
Usagi: Don’t make this a habit.
Eri: What makes you think I will?
Usagi: Because I know you. 
Eri: (Opens the bedroom door, setting things down at the desk). What do you think I should do?
Usagi: Ask to move in?
Eri: It’s too soon!
Usagi: Misaki and I were living together before we were really dating.
Eri: Misaki didn’t have a choice did he?
Usagi:(Grins, wiggles ring finger) It all worked out though!
Eri: I know, and I am so happy for you guys, but I don’t think I’m ready to live with her yet. 
Usagi: That’s okay. We should probably head back downstairs though.
Eri: right.
Misaki: Guys, I was thinking... You know how Eri’s been trying to  set up interviews so  Usagi can come out and we can talk about our engagement? 
(Eri and Usagi were walking down the stairs, Usagi sat on the couch beside Misaki, he threw is arm around him, pulling him towards his chest, Eri sat across from them on the other couch).
Eri: Yeah, I’m still trying  to work on the by the way. 
Misaki: I don’t think you should worry about that.
Usagi: what do you mean?
Misaki: Well it’s 2020, most people come out over social media, and you set up and Instagram account when you were in the hospital, why don’t you come out over a  live?
Usagi: You mean now?
Misaki: It doesn’t have to be now.
Usagi: I think it should be, I don’t want to tell anyone about us yet though, that should wait until after graduation. 
Misaki: Why?
Usagi: Your graduation needs to be about you, not our relationship. 
Misaki: Right. 
Eri: Okay, you should probably look better before you do the live though. 
Usagi: What’s wrong with how I look?
Eri: You’re in sweats. 
Usagi: They’re comfortable. it’s not like anything else is easy to get into right now anyway. 
Eri: At least brush your hair.
Misaki: He doesn’t have too. (Runs his hands through Usagi’s hair), He’s perfect. 
Usagi: (Grins placing a kiss on Misaki’s face). Love you.
Misaki: I love you too. I’m going to go start dinner, so i’ll be  out of the way. (gets up, heads into the kitchen).
Eri: Okay, give me your phone so I can do the live.
Usagi: I can do it myself. (opens phone, starts the live). How many people should be on here before I do it? 
Eri: How many people are on there now?
Usagi: like a thousand
Eri: That’s probably enough.  
Usagi: okay, (clears throat). Hello everyone, thank you for joining my live. I wasn’t planning on doing this today, but I was planning on doing it at some point, first I would just like to thank you all for your support over the years, having such a huge fan base all over the world means a lot to me. I’m working on a lot of  books, so keep an eye out for that. ( He cracked his knuckles, looking back at Misaki who gave him a small grin and a nod).The next thing I would like to talk about it myself, I am someone who is extremally personally and keeps my private life to myself, most of my interviews involve someone asking me if I’m in a relationship. (Takes deep breath). For the past for years, almost Five, I have been in a relationship with the most amazing man in the whole world, he’s my everything, my soulmate, bestfriend, the love of life, and now my fiancé. Just recently we got engaged. Now, I am not ready to introduce him to the world yet because there is  something he needs to take care of but, he will be ready to meet the world soon. I will answer a few questions if anyone has any. “Have you always know you were gay” I have, for as long as I can remember. “can you do a Q&A with your Fiancé?”  Only if you wants to. “Do you live with him?” I do, and I think I’m going to end the live on that note, because it seems dinner is ready. He’s an amazing cook. Thank you for coming to my live and I hope you continue reading my books, but if you don’t support me for who I am then that’s your problem, but I mean by books are BL, so it was kinda obvious. 
Eri: Hey, you can’t say that stuff to your fans.
Usagi: Why?
Eri: It’s rude.
Usagi: (Shrugs).
Eri: end the live.
Usagi: That’s my editor, she’s the reason my books get out on time. Goodbye. (ends live) 
Eri: I really thought you were  going to say, “she’s a pain in my ass”
Usagi: I thought about it. (Places phone on table, Misaki walks into living room, passing the two to put dinner on the dinning room table). What did you make?
Misaki: Just different types of  tempura. I need to get some plates, and glasses. Want to get some wine?
Usagi: Sure. 
(the two walk into the kitchen, Misaki grabs  glasses and plates Usagi pulls out a bottle of wine, he places his hand on Misaki’s chest).
Usagi: How was the live? 
Misaki: Fine.
Usagi: (Blushes): Fine as in bad, or fine as in good. 
Misaki: Right, you did good babe. (Leans up to kiss him). Don’t worry about it. (starts towards the dining room). 
Usagi: (gently grabs Misaki’s), that last comment I made, you know the one, was  it-)
Misaki: No, it was okay. Don’t worry about what Eri said. I don’t think it was rude. 
Usagi: Okay but-
Misaki: You know me well enough to know that I would tell you if I thought it was rude.
Usagi: Right. 
Misaki: So don’t worry about it. 
(they go to sit down with Eri, talk about the plans for the morning and have a nice meal. After dinner Eri takes a bath, Misaki cleans the kitchen Usagi watching him). 
Usagi: (leaning against the counter), I could do that once in a while you know. 
Misaki: So do it. (Cleans off a dish, setting it on the rack to dry).
Usagi: Yeah, but like not now. 
Misaki:  (rolls eyes), Don’t bring it up then.
Usagi: Okay, how about, I put the dishes up.
Misaki: I’m shocked you actually know where they go. (Smirks)
Usagi: (Grabs a pile of plates, stacks them in the cabinet). I’m not completely  helpless you know, I’ve lived here since I was sixteen, and did buy most of this stuff by myself. 
Misaki: Most of the dishes were gathering dust by the time I got to it though. 
Usagi: I still know where they go. 
Misaki: (empties the water out, turns to face Usagi as he puts the last of the sliver wear up). I’m glad you do.
Usagi: (Walks over to Misaki wrapping his arms around his waist), What would you do if I didn’t?
Misaki: (Places hands on Usagi’s forearms), Honestly? I’d be really worried for you, given the fact that you’ve watched me put them away so many times, and like you said; it’s your house, you should know where things go. 
Usagi: I do... Most of the time.
Misaki: Great! So you can start cleaning up after yourself? I mean especially when we get our new place, that won’t only be my job anymore. 
Usagi: Seriously?! 
Misaki: Yeah babe. (he shrugged, walking into the living room handing him the basket that was on the floor), you can start now, do the laundry. 
Usagi: I just had surgery you know!
Misaki: (reaches up, rubbing Usagi’s chin), awe, you can’t keep milking that baby. 
Usagi: No heavy lifting!
Misaki: (scoffs), it’s no, you can do this, I believe in you. 
Usagi: B-B-B
Misaki: What?
Usagi: I-I... I can’t think of any more excuses. 
 Misaki: It’s a small load of our sweat pants and some hoodies, it’s easy. 
Usagi: If I mess up, I never have to do it again right? 
Misaki: Cute. 
Usagi: (groans), Fine!  I’ll do it!!. (walks out of living room).
(Eri walks downstairs in a oversized shirt and leggings, a towel is still wrapped around her head, she’s wearing a clay face mask).
Eri: What’s his problem? 
Misaki: I’m making him do laundry, what’s all this? (he waves his finger around her face). 
Eri: It’s  my face mask, keeps me young.
Misaki: huh, and aren’t you supposed to stay quiet, so it hardens? 
Eri: (nods), I just wanted to know why he was upset, plus you guys were fighting, I was wondering why.
Misaki: It’s not fighting! its called bantering! 
Eri: Right, because there’s a difference? 
Misaki: Bantering is teasing, fighting is yelling. Usagi and I don’t fight. 
(Usagi, walks into the room brushing his hands together).
Usagi: Well, I did it, and if I messed up we can always by new clothes! (walks over to Misaki throwing an arm around him), What’s on her face?
Misaki: Facemask.
Usagi: Oh, to keep her young?
Misaki: Yeah.
Eri: I need to wash it off,  I don’t think  it  worked.
Misaki: Because you were talking the whole time!
Eri: Oh well. (Rushes upstairs to the bathroom).
Misaki: So, what time are we supposed to look at the property? 
Usagi: Around 11.
Misaki: (lets out a nervous sigh), Okay.
Usagi: You’re not Nervous are you?
Misaki: (Faces Usagi), It’s just, (picks up his hands), A week from Saturday a graduate. We look at this property Tomorrow, I mean everything is real. 
Usagi: Once, I pay for this, it’s a done deal. Are you sure you want to build a house together? 
Misaki: yeah, and don’t do it alone, let me pay for half. 
Usagi: Mi-
Misaki: The whole reason I’m doing this, is so we can have it together, it’ll feel like my house if I help pay for it. 
Usagi: Okay, but I’m going to pay the full amount tomorrow. I have the money already. 
Misaki: I have the money to pay half, in cash. 
Usagi: You do? 
Misaki: (laughs), yeah, I do. 
Usagi: Okay, but I know I can get the price lower, so let me do the talking I trust my realtor. 
Misaki: Got it. (Kisses Usagi gently on the lips).
Usagi: So when did you get all this money?
Misaki: Because Unlike you, I save my money. 
Usagi: But I always have money. 
Misaki: You never had to worry about saving, and that’s fine, I did, but I was able to buy our engagement rings, and i’m going to help buy our house. 
Usagi: Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?
Misaki: (sighs), your family was rich, you were born into wealth, and because of your talents your lucky enough to keep making a good sum of money. 
Usagi: I could save money.
Misaki: I know you probably could, I’m just saying you never had to worry about having too. (sits on couch arm, pulling Usagi towards him), that’s why I don’t always want you taking me on expensive trips or buying out entire restaurants for us to have a good time, I don’t  always need that. 
Usagi: So what do you need?
Misaki: I just need you.
Usagi: (smiles) I just need you too. (lifts up Misaki’s chin,softly kisses him on the lips, running his hand through his tangled brown hair, Misaki  moans softly, pulling back to look at the  older man).
Misaki: I need you, us to start saving for our house, and our wedding. 
Usagi: I’ll put aside money each month for that stuff then okay?
Misaki: (Nods), Thank you. I love you. 
Usagi: I love you too, (wraps arms around the younger boy. He wanted to keep his word, he made a lot of money, but setting aside money for their home and wedding was important, he could easily afford all of it now, but this meant a lot to Misaki, and he was not going to go back on his word). 
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b0n-chann · 5 years
My follow up to prompt 131! If you haven’t read that one yet I highly suggest you do, as this follows up directly after 131 ends. Pleaseeeee enjoy! Again, thank you @sentimental-ghost for requesting that prompt because it seriously gave birth to this mini series. 😘😘😘
To Love and Protect (part 2)
Part 1? Part 2? I’m still deciding but I guess it’s a follow up so we’ll call it part 2.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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“Miss, we will be landing in Nevarro shortly. Shall we look for the Razor Crest?” IG-11 asks you, not looking up from his position. Although he is a droid, you found his presence helpful and even comforting during your time on the ship.
“Yes. Head towards the outskirts of town, I’m sure they would have landed there.”
“Of course.”
In the next few minutes, the rocky terrain of the planet comes into view. IG pilots the small ship, slowing down to look for the Crest.
“There,” you point out, catching the gleam of the ship in the light. The droid turns slightly and you feel the ship begin it’s descent. Your heart skips a beat, wondering if Din was still there, but know that more than likely, he and the group were already in the city.
You exit the ship and are welcomed by the dry heat of the planet. The desert plains never suited you, the sand and wind always too rough on your skin but you reveled in the heat. Everything had felt too cold since Din left, and feeling something, anything, was a welcome change. The droid follows closely behind you.
“It appears that the ship is empty,” the droid speculates, unable to detect any life forces within the confines of the vessel. “However, I do believe my master did not make it.” You look at him in alarm, and follow his gaze out to the desert. You notice a form on the ground; at quick glance you would have thought it was a pile of rubble but as you squint harder, you realize that it was indeed Kuiil. You run over quickly and drop to the ground next to him.
“Kuiil!” You gasp as you turn the ugnaught over and shake him. No response. “Kuiil!” Still nothing.
“Miss, I do not detect a heartbeat coming from him. I do believe he has passed.” A quiet voice comes from the droid. You know that he’s a droid but his voice is reserved, sad almost.
You did not know the ugnaught well but he seemed trustworthy, and Din must have thought highly enough of him to ask him to join him. Another pang hits your heart as you think this, as you remember his last words to you. You sigh and give Kuill’s hand one last squeeze.
“Let’s get him back onto the ship for now,” you tell IG-11 as you stand up. The droid quickly picks him up as you make your way to the Razor Crest. He places Kuiil in the storage area and you take one last look at the ugnaught, noticing a comms bracelet on him. You take it from him as you try to analyze the situation.
“Do you think he had the child with him?” You ask the droid. What other reason would Kuiil have to return back to the ship without anyone else? Your heart drops, realizing that if that is the case, the Empire would have the kid.
“It is a possibility. I believe we should look for the child to ensure his safety. I am a nursedroid, and am designed to protect.”
You stifle a laugh at his statement. You get up and peruse the weapons case before settling on a few blasters.
“Of course,” you say as you toss one to the droid.
You and IG-11 head towards the city, deciding that if the child was indeed taken, that would be the best place to look. The sun beat down on you as you both tread through the desert sea and you are grateful that you had taken off your extra layers back at the ship. IG-11 signals for you to stop.
“I sense three life forces directly ahead of us, Miss.”
“I can sense the child is close. Maybe he’s one of them?” You contemplate, not realizing what you had just said.
“How do you know the child is there?”
Oh, kriff.
“I...don’t really know, but I’ve always been able to sense when he’s close by.” You shrug, telling the droid just enough. The only person that knows about your connection to the child is Din. “Are you able to tell if he’s there?” You ask to try and distract IG.
“I have been programmed to recognize each of your signatures, the shock trooper included.” Kuiil thought of everything. “I will approach the group first. In the event that they are hostile, I will dispose of them quickly. Please stand by for back up.” IG-11 leaves little room for you to argue. Just as you are about to start, he interrupts you. “Miss, please, I am required to not only keep the baby safe, but you as well. This is the best option. Please, stay behind me.” If he was concerned about your ability, he did not make it known.
You can only sigh in response. “Okay, let’s go then.”
Two storm troopers come into view as you and IG-11 walk over the last dune. You sigh in relief as you see the child with them but instantly your blood boils as you watch one of the storm troopers hits him. IG-11 steps forward and makes your presence known to them.
“Stop that.” The storm troopers quickly draw their blasters on the both of you.
“Identify yourselves!”
“I am IG-11. I am this child’s nurse and this is his mother. I require that you remand him to us immediately.”
One of the troopers laughs. “A nurse droid? I thought it was a hunter. Aren’t IGs usually hunters?
“Yeah, well, evidently this one’s a nurse. And you sure she’s his mother? They don’t look alike at all.” You roll your eyes to yourself. These two were exceptionally chatty. You just hoped they were as lousy a shot as storm troopers are rumored to be.
“I’m sorry, nurse, but you’re gonna have to get out of here.” The first storm trooper shoots at IG as the droid walks closer but misses horribly.
“Are you denying my request?” IG asks.
“No,” the first storm trooper says. “I’m telling you to get out of here.” He walks up to IG, his blaster still aiming at him. IG makes quick work of this, however, and grabs the storm troopers arm and twists it in the other direction before flipping him over, effectively knocking him out. You cringe, hearing the bones in the storm trooper’s arm crack.
“Hey!” You hear the other one cry. Before you can even lift your blaster up, IG grabs him by then helmet and slams him into the ground. Twice. You remind yourself never to piss off the droid. You quickly make your way over to the speeder with the child and open up the bag. He blinks up at you and recognition fills his eyes as he coos excitedly at you, his little arms raised, begging to be picked up.
You are eager to oblige him. “Hi there, little one,” you say as you pick him up. You touch his ear affectionately in greeting. He coos at you and you laugh as he pats his hands on your face in greeting. He keeps his hands in place and a vision forms in your head; he and Kuiil are riding on a blurrg with the Razor Crest in the distance. You can hear Din’s concerned voice calling out to Kuiil multiple times. You see this playing out in the position of the child and before you can reach the ship it feels like you’re falling and everything fades to black and brought back to the present.
“Are you alright, Miss?” You hear IG ask but his voice seems so far away. You shake your head as if to clear your vision and you see the child looking up at you expectantly. Was that the child showing you what happened? You know that you both have a connection, but this is the first time you have experienced anything like this.
“I’m...I’m okay,” you reply. You try not to think about what just happened but realize that if Kuiil and the child were riding back to the ship that something must have happened to Din and Cara. You look over to see IG inspecting the speeders.
“Are you comfortable riding this on your own?”
“I can manage.”
“Very good, Miss.” The droid walks over to you and takes the child from you, strapping him to his front. “I will protect the child for now, I am unsure of how many hostiles we will encounter if we make our way into town.” You nod in agreement; it’s a smart decision and his metal body would offer more protection than you could.
You walk over to the speeder and inspect it, everything appearing to be intact. You haven’t driven one since before you met Din and the idea of being on one again excites you. You get on and turn on the engine, the speeder revving to life. IG follows suit and you both take off towards Nevarro City.
As you travel through the desert you hear the comms bracket crackle to life.
“Kuiil! Do you copy.” Din’s frantic voice comes over. Your heart leaps into your throat. “Kuiil!”
You speed up next to IG, the child babbling excitedly in front of him. You can hear him through your own communicator and you realize the child must have one too.
“Kuiil has been terminated.”
“What did you do?” You hear Din’s voice, scathing. Before IG can respond you answer.
“Coming to save your sorry asses.”
“...You came.”
“Is that all you have to say to me?”
“What are you doing here?” Din asks, effectively ignoring your question. This time it’s IG who answers.
“Performing my base function. To nurse and protect.” With that you and the droid speed up your pace.
Din’s heart pounded in his chest as he hears your voice. You were supposed to be far away from here. You were supposed to be safe.
“Guess your little plan backfired,” Cara says from the front of the cantina as she looks out to the army outside.
“Don’t get me started.”
“I’m just saying, did you really think she’d take that lying down? Do you even know her? Hell, I knew she’d come back here to kick your ass and I can’t wait to see her do it.” She really couldn’t. When Din walked into the Crest without you and told her that they were leaving, Cara had been dumbfounded. It took Cara most of the way to Nevarro to get him to tell her what happened, and when he did, she punched him. Hard. She tells herself that she did it for you to justify it.
“Look, can we figure out what we’re gonna do to get out of here?” Karga says from the bar as he downs a drink and then another in rapid succession. Just as Din begins to say something they watch as all the troopers turn their heads towards the edge of town. And that’s when they hear it. Blaster shots.
IG arrives in the square first, blasters blazing as he jumps off his speeder and uses it to crash into several troopers at the side of the cantina. He continues his assault as you follow shortly behind, providing cover. As you speed by the droid, he grabs you off of the bike by the leg and arm, surprising you as you are turned sideways, parallel to the ground, and watch your own speeder crash into another squad of storm troopers. However, your surprise is short lived as you continue to shoot down more enemies as IG turns you in the air before placing you down behind him.
“Nice moves, IG!” You say between blasts, trying to run for cover. The line of troopers was never ending.
“It helps that you are very compact, Miss.” More troopers go down. IG turns his upper body towards you to protect the child. If it wasn’t such a dire moment you would have laughed; the look on his little green face is of pure delight. The droid begins to move, forcing you backwards and towards a few stacked crates you can use for cover.
“Was that a joke?!”
The three in the cantina watch as you and IG continue your assault at the Empire.
“I’m telling you Mando, if you’re really set on leaving her tell me now because I love her,” Cara says as she watches the droid spins you around as you shoot down troopers. Din doesn’t respond, he eyes still transfixed on you. All he can think of is getting to you.
“Cover me!” He says as he runs towards the cantina entrance. The door opens and he shoots a trooper before kicking another to the ground but all he can see is you. He tries to make his way closer but is caught off guard by two shadow stormtroopers. While he tries to disarm one, another rushes him from his other side and throws him to the ground. Din recovers quickly but before he can counter, a blaster shot disposes of the trooper quickly. Din looks up to see you, your arm extended.
He reaches for you and you pull him up. “You’re here, Beautiful.” His nickname for you slips from his lips. He watches as your expression goes from shock to pure rage as you punch a storm trooper and throw him into another two.
“You. Do. Not. Get. To. Call. Me. That.” You say as you shoot another trooper behind him. Din looks at you in amazement. You are beautiful and terrifying and he’s has never wanted to kiss you more even if he knows he’s risking a shot to the beskar. You both hear IG fall to the ground and notice that backup troopers are arriving. Din looks over your shoulder and walks past you, his gloved hand giving yours a squeeze. You realize he’s going for the E-web and cover him while he lifts it off its base. He swings it around and takes down trooper after trooper as you watch in awe at his strength. You always thought that he was capable but watching him now, he looked invincible.
A loud blast near the cantina catches your attention as they blow up the door and you grab another blaster off the ground and run off before Din has a chance to stop you. You slowly edge your way through the cantina door, guessing that Cara is in there providing cover fire. The storm troopers have their backs to you looking through the large room and you use this to your advantage. You shoot two in quick succession before ducking behind a table to take cover. You take a deep breath, listening for a pause in blaster shots before popping up quickly to take out two more. You move your aim over to the last trooper who has his own blaster aimed at you and before you can shoot, the shadow trooper crumples to the ground, Cara standing behind him with her own blaster trained on him.
“Gods, am I glad to see you,” she rushes over to you and clasps your shoulder. You return the gesture in greeting. You both quickly make your way back to the windows of the cantina to provide more cover just in time to watch Din attempt to swing the E-web around towards Moff Gideon. But he’s not quick enough. You look on in horror as the Moff shoots the case of artillery next to Din, causing a large explosion, sending the Mandalorian flying back off his feet. The blood drains from your face when you realize he isn’t getting up and you try to rush out to him but Cara stops you.
“Wait! Let me go get him.”
“Cara, please! I need to, please,” you say, barely forming a coherent sentence.
She looks at your, her gaze softening just slightly. “Do you think you can haul the tin can back in here?” You know you probably couldn’t without using that which you realize you shouldn’t because of the Empire. They were already after the kid, and if they realized you had similar abilities, it would be impossible to hide. “I’m not saying he’s a goner but you need to stay in here and stay safe for the kid and for him. Cover for me, I’ll bring him to you, okay?” You nod as she runs outside. You take down enemy after enemy as you watch Cara lift Din by his shoulder plates and begins to drag him back towards the Cantina. Rage fills you as you continue to shoot down trooper after trooper; and you enjoy the feeling of hatred and power as it consumes you.
“Hey!” Cara yells, placing a hand on the top of your blaster. You stop and whip your head in her direction; eyed wide and chest heaving with adrenaline. She holds her hands up in front of her as a sign of peace. “There you are,” she says in a quieter voice. You look around seeing IG with the child tucked safely in his pack, and the man you saw on the holocom, Greef Karga. Your eyes finally land on Din and you rush to him, collapsing before him.
“Din...” you say softly. You place your hands in his and squeeze. A sigh of relief escapes you when you feel a soft squeeze back.
“Hi, Beautiful,” he wheezes. You wince at how labored his breathing is. “Sorry, I know you told me not to call you that, but old habits die hard.”
“It’s fine. You’re fine,” you say, trying to reassure yourself more than him. You can barely focus on anything else besides the man in front of you. You barely register that IG is attempting to remove the grating from the wall.
Din presses a glove hand against your cheek and the familiar smell of leather and blaster residue brings you a small comfort. You feel his thumb stroke your cheekbone slightly.
“I’m not going to make it.”
“Don’t say that, you’re fine. We’re gonna get you out of here.” He gently takes your other hand and places it at the base of his head. You feel something warm and sticky, and your hand shakes as you bring it back to inspect. Blood.
“I can fix you right up but...but I have to...” you begin to say, your hands slowly inching towards his helmet. He stops your advance with his own.
“You know I can’t.”
“But, Din...”
“This is the way.”
You bite back your tears. You want to rip his helmet off of him and tell him he’s stupid. You want to scream and ask him if the creed is more important to him than you and the child. More than anything you want to fall into his arms and tell him you love him.
“You have to know, I lied about everything before I left.” His hand finds your face again and you lean into him once more. “I never wanted to leave you. You...you’re everything to me.” You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel him wipe your tears away. “Beautiful, you had to have known.” You shake your head in disbelief. You feel a pull at the back of your shirt and see the child behind you. As you turn he scrambles up into your lap, looking up between you and the Mandalorian.
“No,” you say. “You’re not allowed to do that. You’re not allowed to say things like that when you won’t let me save you.” You’re body is shaking at this point as you hold onto the child tighter. A blast of fire interrupts you as the cantina door bursts open. A flame trooper steps in through the flames and another pass of fire comes through, the force of its heat throwing you and the child against the Mandalorian. For the briefest moment fear strikes your heart but an immediate calm washes over you and once again you find yourself in a trancelike state. It feels almost like a dream as you watch your hand and the child’s hand raise up in sync as you see the flames comes so close to you before time seems to stop. You exhale and everything comes crashing back as a huge wave of energy is pushed away from you and the child. The fire is forced the other direction, sending the trooper and flames flying out of the cantina. You blink a few times and look down at the child who is looking back at you.
“What in the world was that??” Karga asks but the droid is quick to silence him. Even Cara looks alarmed but keeps quiet as she watches the three of you.
“You had to know...that was why I didn’t want you to be here.” Din says with some effort. “I needed to keep you safe. And I knew you wouldn’t let me go without you.”
“I’m so mad at you still,” you say lamely.
“I know, Beautiful, but let this be my apology.” Din yanks a chain off his neck and presses it into your hand. “Bring this to the covert. Tell them it’s from me. Tell them you and the kid are my family and they’ll protect you.”
Your heart throbs when he says it. “I can’t leave you.”
“You have to. I’ll hold them off long enough for you to escape. Please, let me do this.”
He places his hand behind your head and brings your forehead down to touch his helmet.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Said at the same time and you can almost laugh at the irony. Here is a man you thought incapable of loving and being loved, yet so thoughtful and fierce in his loyalty. He wouldn’t let you stay, this was his final act of love for you and for the child.
“Miss, I will stay with the Mandalorian. Escape and protect the child. You are his mother,” IG says as he kicks the grate open. He comes to you with the empty sack, placing the child in it before returning him to you. “Many hostiles are making their way to us, our time is limited.”
You look to Din once more and he nods. You touch your forehead to his helmet one more time before taking his hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. The child coos, his hands reaching out for him.
“Sorry, baby,” he says as he touches the child’s ear. “Can’t go along with you this time.” He shifts his gaze to you and watches as your tears fall.
“I know,” you say with a watery smile, “good bounty hunters aren’t supposed to cry.” You squeeze his hand once more as you get up and look to the droid.
“Promise me you’ll bring him, IG.”
“You have my word, miss.”
With a quick nod of your head you bring the child up closer to you as you enter the darkness of the sewers. You feel your chest ache with each step further you take away from the Mandalorian, your heart left bleeding next to him.
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@momc95 @electricprincess888 @maia-hocane @lamnothome @highonsoundwaves @tedpicklez @renreypoe @mabelleen @cryptkeepersoul @holamor @mando-vibes @lustriix @katialvi @spookyold-saintjm
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Harry potter and the set of trigger words part 1 (..harry potter...duh.)
A odd fact not known to many, as it turned out your normal run of the mill wizard was actually quite easier to put under trance and implant key words even with only a basic knowledge of hypnotism.  This would be a fact Harry discovered to his delight having gotten interested in it over the course of a summer and trying it out for fun on the train ride to Hogwarts. Of course with him using it on his friend the triggers were just harmless ones, like every time Ron would hear a five sharp knocks on a door he'd bark like a dog, Or Hermione becoming a stereotype ditz if she was offered bubble gum till the flavor ran out. He also quickly removed said trigger once they got to the school and erased the memory of the act of them ever being in place. However, encouraged by the success of his little experiment, Harry would slowly work his way up with more and more amusing/twisted triggers on students he wasn't all that fond of till he came up with the perfect set for one blond haired prat: Draco Malfoy. Getting the blond twat monkey alone to work his mojo hadn't of been easy, but once it was done and Harry had removed the memory of the triggers even being place, it was time to sit back and have some fun.  Still Harry tried to at least be semi fair about it, and promised himself to only use his new found powers if Draco was being a true and utter pain in the backside. which, again, this was Draco we were talking about, only took all of a day from the planting.
"ugh, did somebody cut the cheese?" Draco asked, walking into the dinning area and moving pass Harry, Ron and Hermione. He paused and then leaned down, taking a over the top sniff of Ron and then held his nose. "oh guess not, it's just a weasley!" He said and laughed, prompting his two loyal thugs to laugh with him even if the dim look on their faces meant they didn't get the joke. "really? reduced to making fart jokes Draco?" Hermione asked and rolled her eyes, moving in a bit closer to Ron and then wrinkling her own nose. the red head had skipped a shower after practice that day and well, did smell a bit ripe. "Ha! See? even you think he stinks!" Draco crowed and hooted with laughter. "You know Draco, it's not nice to tease others. Ron will smell fine once he gets a shower in but YOU'LL always just be a 'dirty boy'" Harry said, sipping some pumpkin juice and smirking. "Really? thats the best..you..got..?" Draco scoffed back but suddenly he felt weird and found himself starting to pop a squat. "ah..what are you doing?" Crab asked. Draco went to answer with his mouth, but a blast of ass gas from his rear handled the reply for him and then as his thugs looked on in disbelief and Hermione and Ron and Harry looked on with amusement, the back of Draco's jeans started to puff out as a horrid stench filled the area. "Is he crapping himself?" Ron asked, laughing and pinching his nose shut. "N-No! I'm not a stinky baby pants pooper!" Draco whined and then even as he was clearly fighting himself, he popped his thumb into his mouth and started to suckle on it as he kept destroying the seat of his pants. "I guess Draco's jealous of Ron's stink and wants to top it~ 'Isn't that right baby Draco?'" Harry asked. Hermione was moving back to the other side of the table where the air was a little fresher but had to turn and watch in amusement as now only did the teary eyed blond nod his head up and down, helpless to refuse the command but he also lisped around his thumb making drool run down. "Yesh 'arry. Ous wight." Draco whimpered and as he finished with the back of his pants, he closed his eyes and relaxed his bladder soaking the front. "Gah watch it!" Ron cried up, jumping up on the table before the smelly puddle the blond was making could reach him. Crab and Goyle had like wise stepped back away from Draco in part to avoid the puddle and the smell and to avoid being seen as besties with the pants pooping dork. Harry had been about to unleash his next command but instead decided to call off the torment for the moment as a certain raven haired potions master was storming towards Draco and did NOT look pleased. "Head's up stinky boy, your uncles coming." Harry advised and leaned back, casually munching on a slice of pie. 'dinner and a show..never a dull moment at Hogwarts.' he thought. Sadly it wasn't much of a show as Snape just wordlessly took Draco by the ear and led him off, taking the time to turn around and use a spell to clean up the mess the blond had left behind. "heh, I'd like to be a fly on the wall for that conversation." Ron mused. "Which the smell coming off of him flies wouldn't look out of place either." Hermione giggled, and that set them all off laughing.
it wasn't till they were in the relative quiet of the dorm room (a glare from Snape had sent the few slytherin's who had been sitting in the common room scampering off) That Snape finally spoke up to the blushing and ashamed Draco. "I thought you were done with this childish behavior after we had that talk during the summer young man." Snape said. "I..I wasn't doing it on purpose! Someone muse of cursed me or something!" Draco whined pathetically. this couldn't of been worse for the blond, his body just betraying him like that after that summer while Uncle Snape had been visiting he'd caught Draco purposely soiling himself and bouncing in it! "Considering you've been with your friends all day and no one took out a wand in the dinning room, I think that's highly unlikely." Snape said dryly. "Do you remember what I told you before?" Draco started to full on bawl and rub at his eyes, which combined with his soiled garments made him look like a over sized toddler. "T-That if you caught me messing m-myself like a little boy again y-you'd dress me to fit the role.." Draco sobbed. "Please! I'm telling you, it wasn't on purpose! give me anther chance!!" "It's against my better judgement to do so..but I also don't wanna be the uncle of the only nappy lad waddling around the school. there will be NO more chances though young man, do I make myself clear?" Snape asked. If Draco hadn't of already let all of his wee out in the dinning room, he would of soaked his pants here at the tone of his uncles voice and hiccuped and nodded. "Oh for heavens sake.." Snape sighed and waved his wand, a oversized green soother popping into Draco's mouth and the poor lad found himself forced to suckle on it. he couldn't even seem to tug it out of his mouth and whimpered and pointed at it, looking at his Uncle. "It'll come out once you get cleaned up. and after you're clean, strait to bed. no supper for pants pooper's." Snape said and then walked over, leaving the confused and ashamed boy the less then pleasant task of cleaning up. 'I just know Potters behind this somehow..' Draco thought and due to the heavy load in his seat, he was forced to waddle to the bathroom to clean up. the only saving grace of everything was that Draco was so tiny downstairs his uncle had never been able to notice that despite how ashamed and humiliated he was, Draco was rock hard.
word of Draco's accident spread like wild fire though the school and even though the teachers tried to encourage a forgive and forget policy Draco had simply made too many enemies in the school and was forced to endure multiple taunts, and worse, well meaning teachers calling him up to their desks several times a class and asking if he needed to use the rest room. the consent teasing had a effect of making Draco keep his fat mouth shut for a change and true to his earlier self promise Harry left him alone, though lord knows he longed to test the rumor he'd heard that Snape was prepared to put Draco back in nappies should he have anther accident.
At dinner that evening Harry noticed that Draco was sitting alone, other students had bunched in together as close as possible just to avoid being near him 'in case he went off' again. Feeling a tiny bit of guilt Harry, after clearing it with Ron and Hermione, got up to go and invite the poor git to sit with them. Draco was munching slowly on a piece of bread, resting his head on a fist and staring off with a million mile stare when Harry got his attention. "Hey Draco, I wa-" Harry started but was cut off as Draco yelped and jumped, snapped out of his daze. this got more laughs from the other students and Draco fumed and blushed as he glared at harry. "What do YOU want?" he huffed. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over and sit with me and my friends..you look a little lonely." Harry said, forcing down the urge to make Draco disgrace himself. the blond HAD had a rough day after all. "Do you really think I've sunk THAT low I'll take your pity just like that potter?" Draco huffed and leaned forward. "I don't know how, but I know for a FACT that somehow you were behind what happened yesterday. So thank you, fuck you." and Draco tossed the rest of the bread in his hand at Harry's head. "BYE!" eye twitching Harry clenched a fist and for a second thought of taking a swing at the brat, but again cooler heads prevailed because to be honest, Draco had EVERY right to be pissed with Harry and was on the nose. Still, he couldn't just let that go away totally unpunished and snorted. "Fine whatever. 'Why don't you just sit her and sulk while you suck on your thumb!'" Harry said and turned to leave, knowing even without the laughter that started up that Draco had just started to nurse on his thumb like a pouty toddler. the thumb sucking command would only last for 5 minutes but it was enough to get even more laughter directed Draco's way and a look of disdain from Snape. by the time he was able to free his thumb for his needy mouth Draco would have a extra nick name to go with Potty pants Malfoy: Sucky baby Draco.
with what happened in the dining room proving to Draco for sure that Harry had SOME form of a hold over him, he had planned to go over all the books and scrolls available in the common room to try and figure it out. He was willing to pull a all nighter if that's what it took. However the other slytherin's had other plans. "oi, isn't it past little thumb suckers bed time? it's going on 7:30 after all." Crab asked, blocking his path to the book shelf and smirking. "Bugger off, you know I can keep later hours." Draco said and and went to move around him. "you know.." Pansy said in her smug voice. "I heard that if widdle Draco her makes anther mess in his undies, it's back to nappies for the wholllle year~" Draco gulped and paled a little, noting how Goyle was coming up behind him now and back stepped away for his clearly ex thugs and friends. "I..I mean..G-guys c-come on.." Draco whimpered, realizing just how out classed he was in a physical fight have like a doofus having forgot his wand in his room. "So it IS true!" Pansy said and let out a shrill laugh. "I think you should just get it over with BABY Draco. Snape's coming back any time now and can see you in all your smelly glory again." Crab chuckled. "I..Uh..I don't even have to.." Draco mewed and held up his hands. "oh, you need help  disgracing yourself? All you had to do was ask." Goyle said and unleashed a powerful gut punch that sent spit flying out of Draco's mouth and sank him down to his knees holding his gut, looking up at a sneering Goyle who added. "what are friends for?" the fear had been working his bladder like crazy and Draco had had maybe one too many drinks of milk at dinner because the force of the blow had his poor bladder unleash and for the second in for the second night in a row, he started to flood his pants. "Hahahaha the baby is wetting himself!" Pansy laughed then turned to see Snape standing there. "Professor! you're just in time! Draco wet himself! are you gonna put him in nappies now?" Draco was sniffling and tears welling up in his eyes as he turned to look at his uncle, who strolled over with a look of anger on his face and taking out his wand. "U-Uncle Snape Please I-" Draco started, but then Goyle, Pansy and Crab suddenly turned upside down and were floating in the air, "How utterly stupid do you three believe me to be to think that you could fool me like that?" Snape asked in a quiet voice full of rage. "even if I hadn't of been standing there and seen the last little bit of that, you really think I wouldn't of found the bruise?" he added and started to move his wand up and down shaking the three bullies and making them knock together before dropping them in a heap on the ground. "W-We're sorry!" Yelped Goyle, who was the first to scrabble to his feet. "Won't happen again!" Crab added getting up. "Totally hands off!" Pansy finished and got to her feet. "Oh no, you'll be hands on. If ANYONE else threatens Draco with physical violence, or worse..carries it out, it'll be YOU three I blame and come after. so it's in your best interest to make he stays relatively safe. That said, a little verbal humiliation will do him good, but Hand.Off. Do I make myself clear or do you need anther demonstration?" the three got the point and scrambled off and as Snape went to turn to Draco he got the soaked and smelly boy glomping his waist and whimpering out thanks, getting snot on him. "thank you thank you thank you!" '...I'm getting soft in my old age.' Snape thought dryly and ruffled the boys hair and then lead the way to the bathrooms to get him cleaned up.
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lilzebub · 4 years
Vacations and Vows
Thanks @thegildedquill for the prompt for the Mando’a Challenge! Had a blast writing this one, obviously, since it almost hit 7k LOL. Mando x reader Summary:  The Mandalorian meets a ruthless failed Jedi, who somehow manages to navigate the intricacies of the man beneath the beskar.  He whisks her away on vacation to pose a very important question that’s been weighing heavy on him.
Prompt: Gett’se (nuts, or brave)
Word count: 6.9K
Warnings:  Mandalorian typical violence, minor description of injuries, some season 1 spoilers.
Thanks @thegildedquill​ for the Mando’a Challenge! Summary:  The Mandalorian meets a ruthless failed Jedi, who somehow navigates through the intricacies of the man beneath the beskar.
Prompt: “gett’se”, Mando’a word for ‘courage’, ‘nerve’ or ‘nuts’ (generic) Word count: 6.9K
Warnings: Mandalorian typical violence, light mentions of injuries, season 1 spoilers
“What’s wrong?” The deep voice from the captain’s chair jarred her from her thoughts: not only from the sudden, almost deafening onset of sound in the otherwise silent cockpit, but his sporadic initiation of conversation. She wasn’t entirely sure how long she’d been staring out into the black void of space that laid before the ship. Ten minutes? Maybe twenty? “Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Just thinking, is all.” She relaxed back into the seat, fingers blindly trained on the edges of the domed crib beside her. A sharp intake of air. Was that a laugh? “Don’t hurt yourself.”  She cocked her head towards him, incredulously.  “What are you thinking about?”  He continued, not turning his helmeted head. “Oh, you know. Just everything, I guess. We’ve been on the run for…How many years now?”  Pressing the autopilot button, his chair swiveled to face her, expressionless as always. He slumped down, placing his elbows on his beskar clad legs. “Five years? Six?”  The subtle tilt of his helmet told her that he hadn’t really considered it until she brought it up.  He peered at her through his visor, suddenly glad that she was unable to see his eyes, trained on her petite form.
She was a far cry from the drunken brawler he had met all those years ago, and his lips, hidden behind beskar, tugged into a semblance of a smile at the vivid memory. The newly failed Jedi stood in a darkened back alley of Canto Bight, chest heaving after escaping from a mob of angry gamblers.  Her gift with the Force allowed her to cheat her way through a game, winning her a substantial amount of money.  Giddy, and moderately tipsy from the free drinks, she shoved credits into the pockets of her long, satin dress, fingers brushing against the lightsaber strapped to her leg.  As the young woman navigated her way through the slimy underbelly of the city, blaster shots rang out: her keen senses knew it was only a couple of blocks away, and she stealthily navigated towards the sound.  The moment she turned the corner, her heart lurched.  Momentary flashes of silver were illuminated in the firefight, and she could see all of the shots were trained on one individual.  “I always have to root for the underdog, don’t I,” she whispered under her breath, hiking the skirt of her dress up to remove her lightsaber.  With a running start, and a drunken stumble, (Y/n) activated her lightsaber, illuminating the alley in a sunset gold hue, and sized up no less than 8 people nearly surrounding the figure. Slashing through the one that stood directly between her and the figure under attack, she turned, pressing her back towards the cold feeling of what she quickly recognized as beskar. “Who…” the voice called to her, before she quickly cut him off. “We can discuss formalities later, Mandalorian. For now, I’ve got you.”  Another round of shots flew directly towards the pair, and she deflected them with ease with the saber. For a moment, the Mandalorian paused and watched the woman in the long dress, admiring the way she fought:  she clearly had training, but there was a chaotic element, something unrefined, about the way she took out her enemies. Singlehandedly, the woman took out all but one of them, with the Mandalorian vaporizing the assailant in one swift motion. She sheathed her lightsaber, hiking up her now filthy dress to replace it in its holster.  A cocky grin plastered her face, as she reached out towards him. “I’m (Y/n). I’d love to chat more, but seeing as how you’ve clearly made some enemies, we should probably get this show on the road.  You got a ship?” The helmet tipped forward, a subtle nod of affirmation.  The motion would be the only invitation the woman would receive from him.  The Mandalorian turned mumbling quietly to himself about the woman’s apparent mental state, a deathwish, and she followed.
“Definitely closer to six.” The woman hummed, propping her feet on the side of his captain’s chair, wiggling her bare toes.  “I’m getting a little….antsy.” “Antsy? About what?” His voice held no indication of what he was feeling.  Fear, perhaps? The Mandalorian knew the day would probably come that his traveling companion would grow weary and branch off on her own, leaving him and the Child for good.  He could never tell her how badly he wanted her to stay.  She had become his best friend, his closest confidante, and a mother figure to the child.   “You know….Like maybe we could make a stop for a couple of days.  Like a vacation or something. Take the kid and visit Cara or something.”  It wasn’t completely lost on her that he exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.  “I don’t know, Din. I feel like I’ve been staring at the inside of this ship forever.  I want to see a sunset, put my feet on solid ground.”  She frowned when he didn’t immediately respond.  The captain’s chair swiveled back to its original position. “Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin,” her whine drawled, awakening a slew of butterflies in his stomach. “I’ll see what I can do.” He answered succinctly.
The sound of the docking ramp woke her from a peaceful slumber.  Stumbling from her cot, she slipped on a loose, knee length dress and boots, scrambling to see where the Mandalorian had taken her.  The hulking figure stood poised at the edge of the ramp, cradling the small bundle. “Navarro? This really your idea of a vacation?” She glided to his side.  The child cooed at the sight of her, making grabby hands in her direction. Din slid the child into her arms, silently admiring the care with which she held him. She is the perfect dichotomy of deadly and nurturing, he thought to himself as he continued peering down at her out of the corner of his visor. “No, quick pit stop,” he placed his hand behind her elbow, guiding her off the ship, towards the center of the city. The small gesture of physical contact caused a flame in her cheeks, as she quickly adjusted the baby to sit on the swell of her hip. “CARA,” (Y/n) screeched, passing the child to Din to fully engulf her dear friend in a tight embrace.  “It’s been so long!”  Din joined the pair, and the child gurgled and cooed excitedly. Cara reached down and stroked the child’s long green ear. “Hello there, little one! What do you think about staying with Aunt Cara for a few days while your mom and dad go have some fun?”  She peered pointedly at the Mandalorian, knowing full well that he was blushing under his helmet at the implication of their partnership.  (Y/n) glanced quickly at Din, mouth fully agape, then back to Cara. “We couldn’t possibly inconvenience you like that!” she protested, “I mean, this guy is getting to be quite a handful, with his….thing. You know. *the Force*” she mouthed silently, knowing that Force users are generally unfavored, sought after by Imps.  Cara found purchase under the child’s arms and pulled him gently away from (Y/n). “Look, if I can handle all the weird shit his mom does, I can handle whatever he can do.  You two haven’t had any time to yourself in years now. Stay the night here tonight, we’ll catch up, and you can get an early start in the morning after a night of good sleep and a full belly!”
(Y/n) was one of the few women Cara knew that could drink her under the table.  Cara narrowed her eyes as the woman giggled, leaning into the shoulder of the heavily armored man.  Through heavy wheezing and laughter, she continued her story. “You should have seen the look on Din’s face when I sabered the guy clear through the chest right before the guy pulled the trigger on him.  I have saved your ass SO many times.”  Cara doubled over in laughter. “Really? ‘The look on his face’??”  She tipped the flagon of alcohol towards her mouth, spewing a bit in her fit of laughter. “So you’re telling me you’ve seen his face?”  (Y/n) bristled a bit at the comment. “Well, no, of course not.  But I know what he’s thinking sometimes, I can feel it. So I can….imagine, I guess?”  She peered up at him with big, glossy eyes. “Right, right. So is that part of the ‘Force’, or the fact that you two are clearly hopelessly in love with each other?” (Y/n) shot her gaze towards Cara, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, mind reeling.  Would that really be that far beyond the realm of possibility?  She knew she would be lying if she tried to deny it, instead opting to lean forward, away from Din, and grab her drink off the table.  Certainly, their relationship held a peculiar degree of intimacy: what some would consider a simple gesture, such as revealing their real name, was a huge step in her friendship with the Mandalorian. They sat in the hull of the ship in silence after acquiring a particularly difficult asset, the pair both bleeding from fresh injuries. Through heavy, altered breaths, he finally spoke. “You really don’t have to stick around. Bounty hunting is a dangerous business.” Thuds of beskar hitting the cold floor punctuated his sentences, as he peered over at the woman through his visor. She had hastily stripped out of her minimal armor, revealing a startling amount of bruised and bloodied flesh underneath, a large gaping wound staining red the pale flesh of her upper arm. The Mandalorian quickly averted his gaze down to his own wounds, barely visible through the cloth of his underclothes. “I’m not made of glass, Mando.  I was one night away from becoming a Jedi Master…you know. Before I ran.” A hiss escaped her lips as she staunched the bleeding from a deep vibroblade cut.  His curiosity was piqued. “Seems like a lot of effort to go through just to run off at the last second.”  He slid a medkit across the floor over to her, as she busied herself with the next most severe wound. “Do you know anything about what it means to become a Jedi, Mando?” she asked, no hostility in her voice. “Hm. I imagine it’s similar to my Creed.” Bacta spray coated his split knuckles, his gloves discarded to his side. “Well.  Because of my…skills…I was taken away from my family as a child. Told to surrender my entire past, my entire self.  And for what?  To come of age and be told I can never get married or have a family, can never pursue anything that would fulfill me. I couldn’t have anything.  So the night before I swore my oath, I took my lightsaber and ran.  I didn’t stop running for what felt like an eternity.  Hopping from planet to planet, swindling, fighting, killing if I absolutely had to.”  Her wounds tended to, she laid back on the cold floor of the Razor Crest.  She exhaled. “Honestly, it’s for the best. I’m having too much fun now. And now, all of my choices are my own.” Turning her head to peer at him.  “What about you? What’s your story?” “My uh…parents. Got killed.  I became the Mandalorians’ foundling.  They raised me, and I adopted their Creed as mine.  I owe them everything.  It’s why I kept the Child as my own.”  Suddenly, she reached across the space between them, taking his bare hand in her own.  He was taken aback at first:  this marked the first non-violent physical contact he had had with anyone in a long time, especially skin to skin.  It felt foreign, but something else. Pleasant.   “Mando….I’m so sorry.”  He laced his fingers through hers, earning a quiet gasp. “Din…Din Djarin.”  His voice through the modulator was breathy, as if the words escaped from him on their own volition.  She quickly rolled onto her side and pulled her hand away, much to his chagrin.  More confidently, he spoke again. “I would like for you to call me Din.”  In one swift motion, he reached towards her, initiating the contact again.
“Oh my gods, (Y/n), are you EMBARASSED?” Cara continued laughing, sloshing her drink.  “Your eyebrows are about to disappear into your hairline.” She stumbled to her feet. “I’m going to go check on the baby.”  She navigated through Cara’s small lodging towards the room that held the child’s crib.
“Really, Din? REALLY? You haven’t told her yet?” Cara leaned forward, chastising him.  His helmet tilted slightly as he stretched his arms across the back length of the seat. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Cara.” “So you’re telling me. That you’ve been traveling together for five-“ “Six,” he interrupted. “SIX years, and you haven’t told her that you love her?” He cleared his throat beneath his helmet. “She is the bravest warrior I know. I show her that I appreciate her service every day. That’s why I’m taking her on a vacation.  She fights beside me well, and cares for the child as if he’s her own.”  Shifting his weight, he glanced down the hallway she had gone down. “Din Djarin, you are staring down that hallway waiting for her to come back. You love her.” “She left the Jedi order so she could have some sense of normalcy.  Marriage. A family. I cannot give that to her.” He husked angrily.  Cara paused, blinking at him for a moment. “But you already did. Do you think it’s normal for two people to gallivant around the galaxy together, raising an adopted child together?  Honestly, when you told me you were coming to visit, Greef and I made a bet:  he said you two would already be married by the time you got here.  I said you would announce it when you arrived.” “It is not the Way,” he replied simply. “I happen to know that Mandalorians can get married.  The Armorer loaned me some books on the Creed. Maybe you should go talk to her.” “She still here in Navarro?” His interest was piqued. “Yeah, maybe you should go see her before you guys head out.” She stood, stretching her arms above her head. “And on that note, I’m going to bed.”
Din crept down the hallway towards the room with the crib, noting the door was slightly ajar. Peeking inside, he saw the child nestled against (Y/n), both fast asleep.  Sighing heavily, he exited the building, in search of the Armorer.
The new covert wasn’t far from the old one.  A handful of Mandalorians in their armor spread out in the comfortable common area, a handful of children toddling about.  He couldn’t contain the swell of pride in his chest, seeing how the tribe was starting anew, with a fresh generation of foundlings. “Ah, Din.  It’s been a long time.” A voice called from behind him. He turned, regarding her warmly. “How is the child? Where is the foundling?” “He’s with his moth-…Uh, with my traveling companion.”  He barely caught himself. “Ah, a companion? The woman from the siege of Nevarro?”  Her voice lilted in what could only be described as amusement, his near slip up wholly noticed. “Yes,” he replied in short. “A failed Jedi Master.” “A dar’jetti. Interesting. She understands the Force, then. Did you choose her companionship for her to teach the Foundling?”  She busies herself with a gauntlet from the forge, not looking in his direction. His shoulders slumped, “She put her life on the line for me. She fiercely protected the child and I. More than once. First time on Canto Bight.” “How long ago was that?” Placing the gauntlet on the armory shelf, she turned, as if to urge the truth out of him. “Six years,” his voice was nearly a whisper. “So you have been traveling together for six years.  Has she seen you without your helmet?  Have you made her your riduur?”  Tilting her helmet inquisitively.   “You are raising a foundling together. It is a practical decision; we can extend the protection of the Covert to her. Aliit ori’shya tal’din.” He struggled for words, finally resigning to silently hooking his thumbs into his utility belt, shaking his head ‘no’. The Armorer walked over to him, placing a gloved hand on his shoulder. “If you take her has your riduur it is still within the Resol’nare. To remove your helmet in front of your family...It is the Way.  It is right, and just, a clan of three.”  With that, he turned on his heels without a word, finding his way back to Cara’s homestead.
Din arguably never slept. Between the Child, piloting duties, and watching over (Y/n), he had learned to rely on as little rest as possible. It was no surprise when Cara rose that morning that the Mandalorian was comfortably reclining in the common space. “Morning, Mando! You find the Armorer?” she plopped down on a tufted cushion beside him. “Mhm” he answered flatly.  A silence hung thick over the air, as if Cara was waiting for something more. “I’m taking her to Canto Bight. Called in a couple of favors.”  She clapped her gloved hands together. “You’re taking her to the place you first met because you’re going to ask her to marry you. I KNEW it.” “Keep your voice down,” he husked. “I need you to take some of these credits from the last bounty, go with her to buy some clothing before we leave.” The creaking of a door startled the pair. (Y/n) dragged into the room, the Child toddling behind her.  “Good morning, Cara, Din.”  She stretched, and Din regarded her clothing.  Her shoulder was exposed from the loose linen top she wore, her black jodhpurs torn and frayed from numerous falls.  Since joining him, her style had become simple and practical, but all he could think about was the long dress she wore when they first met. “Um, good morning.”  Din stood awkwardly.  “Cara is going to take you shopping before we head out.  Is that alright with you?” (Y/n) leaned down and picked up the Child, eyeing Din suspiciously.  Glancing over at Cara who by now had a shit eating grin plastered across her face, she nodded slowly. “Sure, that sounds like it could be fun.” “I will take care of the baby until you two get back, cyar’ika.”  The Mandalorian closed distance and collected the child from her.  Before she could react, he leaned his helmet down, pressing it gently to her forehead.  “I will see you soon.”
The two women meandered towards the market, (Y/n)’s face still flushed. “You know what that was, right?”  Cara asked when they were out of earshot of her dwelling. “That was like, the equivalent of kissing by Mandalorian standard.” She dragged her hands down her face, “I KNOW what it was, Cara.  I just don’t know WHY. What the HELL was that?! Was that MANDO’A? WHAT DOES CYAR’IKA MEAN?”  He had only ever spoken to her in his native tongue once before, and the low growl of his words always sent a fire straight to the flesh of her neck and face.
Everything had gone to hell in a handbasket.  They were cornered, bruised, and broken, under heavy fire from just beyond the cantina doors.  A booming voice had just called the Mandalorian by his name, and the woman clutched her saber so tightly that the skin of her palms began to crack.  Despite the debris from the ammunition and explosions digging into her knees from where she crouched behind the bar, his name being revealed to everyone wounded her somewhere deep behind her ribcage. Something sacred that he had gifted to her out of trust and mutual respect, shouted with indifference to the seemingly infinite number of troops as they pinned the group down.  
The rag-tag group desperately clamored for some promise of an exit, a path to safety.  The medical droid turned child protector had uncovered a small opening that could potentially lead the group to safety, but there wasn’t much time.  Cara, Karga, and IG-11 crouched towards the small opening and began moving forward. (Y/n) scrambled towards the hole, turning to make sure Din was close behind, only to see him collapsed on the ground, unmoving.  She scrambled over to him, tapping the side of his helmet. “Din! DIN? You have to get up, we have to go NOW.”  As she slid her hand behind him to try to assist getting him up, she found that he was covered in something dark and slick.  Blood, and lots of it, was seeping from a wound that was concealed by his helmet.
His breath came through the vocorder in slow pants. “(Y/n) I’m not going to make it. You take this, take the child, and get to safety.”  He pressed a necklace with the emblem of a Mythosaur into her palm, then reached up to press his gloved hand to her cheek. “The covert. They’ll know…..know I sent you.”
Years of Jedi training had taught her about stoicism.  It had taught her about loss, and death, but nothing had prepared her to say goodbye to the Mandalorian.  Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, as she violently shook her head in protest. “No, Din.  I’m not leaving you.  I will slaughter every Storm Trooper that comes through this door.  I will slay Moff Gideon myself and watch the light leave his eyes. I swear this to you.”  She looped the necklace around her neck, and slowly stood up, flicking her golden lightsaber and taking a fighting stance.
“Cuyir gar gett’se?!”  The Mandalorian wheezed through his vocoder, struggling to catch his breath. “Don’t do this, the child needs you, you’re his mot-.”  He stopped speaking abruptly, and she screamed for IG-11 to assist he Mandalorian.
Several Storm Troopers pressed their way inside, and the only thing she could focus on was holding them off for long enough for IG-11 to get Din to safety.  As they fell one by one, a much larger Storm Trooper entered with a flamethrower and began spraying his flames towards her.  Her palm pressed forward, as she used everything in the Force to keep the flames at bay.  Her strength began to falter, as she peered down to her side.  The child had waddled up beside her, and she quietly pleaded for him to get back. “Baby, please. Please, you’re going to get hurt. You’ve got to go back.”  He raised his tiny three fingered hand and mirrored her position, and the flames began quickly receding.  They soon engulfed the Trooper, and she clamored to scoop the now unconscious baby from the ground, running past IG-11 and the body of the Mandalorian. Cara chuckled to herself, “So now that it’s just the two of us, be honest. You’ve got it bad for him, don’t you?” “No shit, Cara. You can only be stuck with someone on a floating chunk of metal for so long before you start to think they look pretty appealing,” she rolled her eyes. “How long?” Cara guided her into a vendor stall, lined with dresses and garments.  (Y/n) traced her fingers absentmindedly over the lush fabrics, deep in thought. “Uh, remember the story when he was getting jumped by the eight dudes in Canto Bight?”  She picked up a long black dress with an open back. “….You mean the night you met? Are you insane?” Cara looked at her incredulously. “You’ve kept your shit together for six years, without even giving him a hint that you were feeling something?” Her skin flushed. “NO. I was just gonna say this dress is very similar to what I wore that night. GEEZ, Cara, I didn’t even know him yet.”  Cara huffed in frustration. (Y/n) draped the dress over her arm, and placed her hand on Cara’s shoulder. “I can’t describe it. Let me just….show you, okay?”
It all came at once as a flood: everything was suddenly warm, like the heat of the sun on a perfect day, or the way spotchka burned just a little on the way down.  It was a small, smoldering pile of cinders, giving way to an unquenchable blaze.  The feeling of being surrounded by cool, blue water, and a fearless feeling of sinking all the way to the bottom of the sea. The undeniable sensation of falling from some high distance, unsure of when you’ll reach the bottom.
Cara’s eyes opened. “Damn, (Y/n) could you warn me before putting me through the ringer? I didn’t know that was a thing you could do.”  (Y/n) turned towards the dark dress, and shrugged her shoulders. “This is the one.” She gestured to this shopkeep, shoving a handful of credits into their hands. “Let’s get out of here. I need a vacation.”
The Razor Crest docked in Canto Bight, and (Y/n) could barely contain her excitement, a stark contrast to the man behind the beskar.   “if you would like to get dressed, I’m going to run an errand. Will you be ready in half an hour?”
(Y/n) peered at herself in the small mirror as she dabbed a deep rouge color to her lips.  The dress glided behind her as she strode towards the weapons cabinet and pulled out her lightsaber, still in pristine condition.  The high slit of the dress allowed her easy access to strap the weapon to her leg.  The loud hissing of the ramp to the Razor Crest alerted her to Din’s arrival, and she stood expectantly awaiting the moment he got to lay eyes on her.  
The man in the shiny beskar paused in front of her, his helmet tilting downward to take her all in. “You look….” He paused, seemingly choking, noticing the Mythosaur necklace he had given her during the siege situated on her chest. “Really nice, (Y/n).”
She smirked, enjoying how flustered he seemed to be.  “You look pretty nice yourself, Din.  Did you shine your beskar up just for me?”  He quickly nodded.
“I uh….wanted to look as nice as I could for this.  Are you ready to depart?” He gestured towards a speeder at the bottom of the ramp.  “I got a speeder with a sidecar so you wouldn’t have to…um….straddle it in a dress.”  She broke into a giggle, which swelled into a belly laugh.
“That’s surprisingly thoughtful of you. I really can’t believe you pulled all this together for me. Thank you so much.” “Don’t thank me until you see the rest. There’s a lot more to see tonight.” He held out his arm, chivalrously as they walked towards the speeder.  “Do you trust me?”  She thought for a moment. “Well, that depends.  Are you making this nice for me so it’s an easy let down? You’re dumping me back off here or something?”
He scoffed. “No, never. I’m not sure what I would do without you.”  The sincerity in his voice caused her to falter a bit. He regained his stoic composure quickly. “Keep your eyes closed, I’ll tell you when to open them.” The speeder ride felt painfully long, and a bit disorienting.  She had absolutely no concept of space, nor any idea where he might be taking her. The whirring of the speeder engine slowed to a halt, and she could vaguely make out the sounds of waves crashing somewhere nearby.  The Mandalorian disembarked, and strode around to gently lift her from her seat.  
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”  His voice through the vocorder gravelly beside her ear.
The woman wasn’t prepared for what sight was in front of her.  A large dock surrounded by blue ocean stretched out before them, leading towards a large yacht.  The sky was beginning to display a twinge of orange and pink, reflecting off of the gently rolling waves.  (Y/n) looked over at the Mandalorian, speechless for the first time since they had met.  “Din, this is really too much.  It must have cost a fortune in credits to get this boat.  And if I recall correctly, you HATE the water.”
He shook his head.  “I had a few favors to call in from some associates here.  This is yours to enjoy while we’re here.”  She jumped up and down gleefully, and began running towards the boat.  It never ceased to amaze him her ability to run in high heeled shoes.  
The pair embarked on the yacht, and she watched puzzled as Din entered coordinates into the GPS system. The boat began moving towards some undisclosed location, and she ran towards the front of the boat.  She perched herself against the railing, staring down as the waves passed quickly as the boat sped along.  Innumerable fish passed by, many species she had never seen before.  Din stood back and watched her, arms crossed, an immense amount of hidden enjoyment spreading across his features.  The young woman quickly turned back towards him. “So where are we even heading? I saw you input some coordinates.”  She kicked off her shoes to the side unceremoniously, enjoying the freedom to move about.
“I know a spot.”  He answered plainly.
“Hmmmm, a place where you dump the bodies?” She chided, eyeing him suspiciously.
“No. Just a place I thought you might like to see. I don’t imagine you got to enjoy many spots in Canto Bight during your time here.”  She thought for a moment.
“You’re right.  Most of the time I was just ducking out in alleyways.  I think I only even got to see the coastline twice during the time I was here.  And never like this.”   The setting sun caused her to squint her eyes a bit as she peered out, and the Mandalorian took that time to really take her in:  she was truly beautiful, all pointed features and sharp angles.  He very seldom had the luxury to see her this way, without lines of worry across her forehead, or thinking deeply about how they were going to capture the next quarry. She consistently held a brave face for him and the child, so much that it was often easy to forget that she was a living being.  For a moment he tried to imagine her other life, one where she was a hardened Jedi master: fierce and unrelenting, but also quiet and solitary.  He thought, that life would have never suited her, she was like a wildfire, wild and unquenchable.  Her smile when she held the child, or the attitude she so quickly gave the Mandalorian when he agitated her.  No, she felt far too much to be confined by the life of a Jedi.  She looked back over to him, smiling.
“You know, sometimes I actually can feel what you’re thinking.  You try to keep your thoughts quiet, but sometimes you’re so loud in there.” She shook her head, almost embarrassed. “You’re right, though.  That was never the life for me.  I’m a little bit too erratic for the discipline they expected from me.”  He moved towards her, placing his hand tentatively on her shoulder.
“There’s nothing shameful about that. You’re impulsive at times, wild even. But you know, sometimes I’m not sure this is the life I want to live either.”  She gazed at his hand for a moment, before turning her attention to the T shaped visor, confused at his confession.  He continued, “There are many days when I think maybe it’s time to take off the armor, to give all of this up. Maybe settle down with the kid somewhere and try to have some normalcy.”
“Din, where is this coming from?  The Creed is your entire life….”  The boat sputtered to a halt, and he gently guided her to turn back around:  all that could be seen around them was a beautiful sunset undisturbed and untouched by the Canto Bight skyline. Her mouth hung open in shock.  “Din, I’ve never seen anything like this before.  Every planet I’ve seen, in all my travels. Nothing this beautiful.”
“Neither have I.”  He spoke softly, and she smiled back towards him. She immediately noticed his visor didn’t face the sunset, he was looking down at her.  “(Y/n), I want you to do something for me.”  He clasped both her hands in his, shocking her at his blatant display of affection.
“After you put all of this together for me? I’ll do literally anything you ask of me.” She winked at him.
He slowly lifted her hands to the edge of the beskar helmet on his head, exhaling shakily.  Her fingers traced the cool metal that shielded his face from the world, as he let go of her hands.  She felt herself starting to tremble at the immense amount of trust her placed in her, allowing her to touch his helmet.  His hands now found purchase at her waist, another action so intimate she felt her heart swell.
“I want—I want you to take it off.” His voice was uneven and gentle, as though he couldn’t believe the words had slipped out to her so easily.
“Din, NO,” she quickly removed her hands and tried to pull herself from his grasp.  “Your Creed. I can’t see you without it. Why the kriff would you want to give that up now, after all this time?”  His grasp on her waist didn’t falter, instead pulling her in closer to him.  She slapped her hands on his cuirass, agitated.  “I won’t let you throw away your entire life for me.”  
“I don’t have to ‘throw away’ anything for you, cya’rika.  All these years you’ve traveled with me…You’ve followed me to the ends of the earth to protect the child…OUR child.  You have never betrayed my trust, despite your absolute ruthless nature.  I want to give this to you.”
Tears began welling up in her eyes. “You can’t, Din. As much as I wish I could say yes, we can’t.  I know what it means to throw away everything you worked for, but I made that choice.  Your Creed is everything to you.”
“I don’t have to give up my Creed to show you my face…”  He spoke barely above a whisper.  “We’re a clan of three. Aliit ori’shya tal’din: Family is more than blood.”  He echoed the phrase the Armorer had told him.
“I’m familiar with Mandalorian customs, Din: You can remove your helmet in front of your child.” She grew increasingly more agitated and anxious.
“Or…my riduur.”  She shifted her weight nervously.  
“Din, I’m familiar with customs, not the language.  I don’t even know what that means.”
His hands moved to grasp hers again, placing them on his helmet with more conviction.  “Wife.  It means, my wife.” “Are you….are you asking me to…?”  He nodded.  “You’re not just messing with me right now?”  He shook his head in response, and she began a combination of laughing and crying all at the same time.
“So will you do it?” He whispered softly, and she squeezed her eyes shut tightly as she lifted the helmet.  A quiet hiss echoed around them, as the sun began to dip just beyond the horizon.  Din took the helmet from her, and placed it to the side.  “Open your eyes, (Y/n).”
She slowly opened her eyes to the man before her.  The rays from the finally setting sun settled upon his golden tan skin, framed by loose brown curls.  Her hands shot up to her mouth in shock.  “Din, you’re…..hot? Like, I knew you had swagger, but you’re….you’re a vision.”  He looked at her shyly, and began to laugh. “Stars, and your smile? I can’t believe you never told me how beautiful you were underneath that tin can.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, and leaned towards her so dangerously close that their lips were almost touching. “I mean, I figured all this time you thought I looked like the child.”  She reached up to touch his face with nothing but reverence and adoration.
“You could have been a Mon Calamari under there and I would love you…” She paused, her cheeks flushed with her confession.  His gloved hand cupped the side of her face, and she leaned into him, never breaking eye contact.  “I love you, (Y/n).” She released his face and threw her arms around his still armor-clad shoulders, pressing into a tentative kiss.
“I will marry you, Din. Under one condition.” She murmured, lips still hovering close to his.
“Anything you want, cyar’ika.”
“You gotta start teaching me Mando’a.”  She felt his chest move, as laughter began bubbling up from deep within him. “Hey, it’s not funny! You keep slipping in words and phrases and I’ve been in the dark this whole time!”
He brushed his lips against her forehead. “Okay, anything you want to know.”
“When we were on Nevarro, and you were….um…dying.  You said something. What was it?”  He pulled back and thought about it for a moment.
“I’m pretty sure I told you that you were nuts.”  Her fist connected with his shoulder. “OW, what was that for?”
“All this time, I’ve been sitting here, thinking that you were professing your love with your dying breath. And you were just telling me that I was CRAZY?”  
He gently thumbed over the necklace he had given her. “In a way, I was. Gar cuyir gett’se. You’re the bravest, most fearless, insane woman I have ever met. Cyar’ika, my beloved.”  
The pair had spent their travel time back to Nevarro, with Din patiently teaching her phrases of Mando’a, particularly phrases for their wedding vows.  They had made the decision to have the ceremony performed on Nevarro, with the child, Cara, Greef Karga and the Armorer present, even though Mandalorian weddings were a simple exchanging of words.  As they approached the docking bay, (Y/n) seemed to vibrate with excitement.  The hatch opened, and the pair could see Cara laughing with the baby settled on her hip, and Greef Karga gesticulating animatedly.  
(Y/n) practically skipped off towards the group, Din following slowly behind.  He was still tentative; he didn’t know what to expect with their news. As (Y/n) approached, the baby wiggled and writhed away from Cara, and she plopped him down watching him waddle over and clasp onto (Y/n)’s leg.
Cara eyed the pair carefully, cutting between the two of them. “Something’s different, isn’t it? You’ve got an awful lot of spring in your step to just have some vacation afterglow.”  (Y/n) turned, smiling at the Mandalorian.
He nervously cleared his throat, and moved to stand by her side, dwarfing her in his height.  “I have asked (Y/n) to be my riduur.”
She proudly bounced on the heels of her feet. “Wife.  That means wife, everyone. He’s been teaching me Mando’a on the trip back.”  Everyone gaped at the pair, the baby cooing and sputtering excitedly.  “What’s everyone staring at?”  For a brief moment, seemingly suspended in time, everyone was too shocked to speak. Greef Karga broke the silence by stepping forward and clapping the Mandalorian on his pauldron covered shoulder.
“I knew you had it in you, Mando.  I’m glad you’re keeping her around. She’s always been crazy enough to get things done.” He shot a quick wink over to the woman, who beamed up at the expressionless helmet.
“She certainly is, which is why she wants to go ahead and do it today.”  As if the baby knew what Mando was saying, he began cooing and gurgling excitedly.  He reached down and stroked the child’s slightly furry head.  “We would like all of you to attend as our witnesses.  Mandalorian wedding vows are a simple exchanging of words, but we would like for all of you to be a part of it.”
Later in the day, as the blazing sun hung above the city, the group found themselves in the Mandalorian covert.  The Armorer greeted the group warmly and led them to a common space with comfortable seating.  Din and (Y/n) stood before them, hand in hand, as they began to recite the vows he had taught her on the flight back to Nevarro.
“Mhi solus tome.  Mhi solus dhar’tome. Mhi me’dinui an.  Mhi ba’juri verde.”  Din clasped his gloves hands on her cheeks, pulling her towards him.  Gently, he pressed the forehead of his helmet to her, and she beamed back at him.
“So that’s it? You’re married now?”  Karga slapped his hands to his knees.  The Armorer nodded.
“Yes.  Mandalorian custom dictates a simple exchange of words as a binding marital contact.  This is the Way.”
(Y/n) strode towards Cara, collecting the baby.  “Well that’s it little guy, I guess I’m officially your mom now.”
The Armorer nodded her head in agreement.  “A clan of three.  Go forth and raise warriors.”  (Y/n) chuckled.
“I think warrior, singular, is about all we can handle right now.  I think our little clan is finally complete.”  She gazed at his visor adoringly.  “Now, we better get back to work.  I blew a bunch of our credits at the casino on Canto Bight. Karga, got any pucks for us?”  The group stared at her incredulously, as Din wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“I told ner cyar’ika no using the Force to cheat.  We didn’t need their security ruining her vacation.”  She shrugged under his weight.
Karga grumbled. “Nuttiest bounty hunters in the entire Guild.  I swear, they were made for each other.”
The baby cooed happily between them, and (Y/n) felt her chest swell with pride.  After all those solitary years, the brutal Jedi training, she finally felt as though she had the entire galaxy within her reach.  The things she so outrageously dreamed of, prematurely stolen from her in her youth, restored by a fifty something year old child, and a man clad in armor as impenetrable as his heart: a family all her own. A clan of three.
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Happy Birthday to The Explosion Boy🥳🎉💥
🥳🎉- He definitely doesn’t want to admit it but, he enjoys the attention you and his friends give him (especially his private surprise from you).
🥳🎉- It’s cute how you wake him up early in the morning with his friends on the sides of your bed, Kaminari somehow having birthday dazzlers in his hands.
🥳🎉- “HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET IN?” Bakugou stands up in all his glory, the way his body stretches out should be a sin (or that could just be because of how hard you’re staring.
🥳🎉- “tHrOuGh ThE fRoNt DoOr,” in hindsight, it’s probably wasn’t the best idea to invite his friends over so early but, you couldn’t help yourself.
🥳🎉- “Ignore him, Bakubro. Get ready so we can go workout,” Kirishima slams his fists together, smiling widely. “Gotta work up your birthday sweat.”
🥳🎉- Bakugou facepalms. All he wanted to do was relax and cuddle with you (this would be his first birthday with you) but, nooooooo. Instead, the extras had to ruin everything.
🥳🎉- Begrudgingly, he got up and slapped some clothes on, slamming doors so everyone could know he had an attitude which is exactly why everyone thinks he’s a Pomeranian.
🥳🎉- Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou went for a morning run while you, Mina, and Jirou got to cooking for all the spicy foods you wanted to make for the birthday boy (Kaminari sat in a corner in timeout after he almost blew up your house from putting aluminum foil in the fridge).
🥳🎉- “I wannna helpppp,” you slapped Kaminari upside the head and told him to go set up something to watch on the t.v
🥳🎉- “Jirou, go with him. I don’t trust that fucker,” you could trust that she’d be responsible. “And, don’t let him seduce you. I swear to god, if I walk in there and see you naked, I’ll let Bakugou kill you both.”
🥳🎉- “It was one time!” One time too many in your opinion. You shivered from the memory...who knew Kaminari had a lighting bolt birthmark on his ass?
🥳🎉- Bakugou returned home with his boys, laughing at something one of them had said. He kissed you, wanting a full kiss but pouting when you broke it at a peck.
🥳🎉- “Go take a shower and get ready for dinner,” you gave him one last kiss before pushing him towards the stairs. “You two too. Y’all not gonna stink up my house and ruin my dinner with y’all nasty must.”
🥳🎉- “We’re not musty...it’s our natural essence,” Sero told you as he lifted his arm so the stench could waft towards you. Your eyes watered.
🥳🎉- “Please, get the fuck in some water before I have to disinfect the entire house,” they left laughing, Bakugou sneaking another kiss before they all ran off to go rinse off their sweat. You stayed with the girls and continued cooking some homemade spicy curry especially for him.
🥳🎉- Dinner was relatively pleasant with Bakugou complimenting your skills and you telling him that you weren’t the only one that cooked. Mina kept having to get a drink of milk every time she tried to eat some of Bakugou’s curry (even though you told her it was too hot but she didn’t think so)
🥳🎉- You brought a large, yellow cake to the dinning room so you could sing to him for his birthday. It had black writing and spelled out ‘Happy Birthday, Blasty Boy.’
🥳🎉- “Happy Birthday, dear Baki. Happy Birthday to you,” you wrapped your arms around his neck from behind and hugged him as you spoke. “I’m glad to be able to spend your birthday with you.”
🥳🎉- “It’s not so bad being here with you either. Thanks for coming, shitty extras,” you all smiled as he blew out his candles. “Deku wasn’t able to come?”
🥳🎉- “He had a really important mission. He told me to give you this though,” you hand a green wrapped present to your boyfriend. He rolls his eyes and tears into it, a scare smile crossing his face when he sees a picture book from his nerdy friend. You leaned over his shoulder to see the cover with him, Bakugou, and All Might linked in arms.
🥳🎉- “Let us see,” Kaminari reaches for it.
🥳🎉- “Keep those fucking digits to yourself before I kill you,” he goes off upstairs to put it away, leaving your friends to question you on what it was. You make a motion of you zipping your lips, sticking your tongue out at their pleading faces.
🥳🎉- “Everyone get your cake so we can go watch a movie,” you dive up the cake and lead them into the living room with you sitting on Bakugou’s lap, Jirou petting Kaminari’s head in her lap, and Kirishima, Sero, and Mina cuddles on the love seat.
🥳🎉- “Thank for today babe,” he whispers as you grab the remote to turn on whatever Jirou had picked.
🥳🎉- “No problem, baby. I’d do anything forrrr YOU SON OF A BITCH. JIROU, HOWWWW?!?!?” you point and gesture and whine at the t.v. Apparently, Kaminari convinced your friend of this.
🥳🎉- “What??? You never said it couldn’t be Hentai!!!”
@sakurashortstack @sinclairsamess
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