#demisexual din
thewriterowl · 1 year
Din: I don't think I really have a type or a taste for a romantic partner. I don't really react. Everyone is just a person to me. Lust at first sight, love at first sight, relationships and romance…it’s got nothing to do with me.
Luke: (exists)
Din: Well that was a fucking lie.
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all-the-things-2020 · 10 months
Deeds Not Less Valiant - Chapter 9
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Summary: Our friends arrive on Mandalore. Tala meets Bo-Katan Kryze.
Word count: 2500
Rating: Pure PG
Notes: This is very slow burn. Din and Tala both have personal issues to deal with. Bo-Katan will do her best to kick start their intimacy but it’s going to take them awhile. I think the Armorer will help, too. Everyone just wants Din to be happy 😃
Neeli howled as the ship shuddered. “It’s okay,” Tala said. “Grogu says it’s just one ship.” She was hunkered down in the bunk, braced against the walls as the Krayt swooped and rattled. Grogu was up in the cockpit with Din, but was supplying her with a running commentary on the battle.
:They have guns! Our guns are bigger. R5 shoots, bang, bang, bang! Dad is chasing them. They hit us! But we have shields. Dad says hang on tight.:
Tala closed her eyes, seeing a jumble of images from Grogu. A medium sized frigate blasting at them; arcs of blaster fire lighting up the darkness of space; Din still as a statue except for his hands, which danced across the controls. Grogu was enjoying himself immensely. He loved the fluttery feeling in his tummy as the ship maneuvered, the inertial dampers struggling to keep up with the speed of the movement. Tala, on the other hand, was not as amused, and neither was Neeli.
The ship dropped sharply and banked to the left, then swooped up at a steep angle. :Yay, we made their engine blow up!: Grogu sent her a quick image of the frigate drifting in space, sparks trailing from the starboard engine.
:Is it over?:
:Yeah. That was fun! Come up and see.:
Tala got off the bunk and kneeled down in front of Neeli’s carrier. “How you doing, girl? Grogu says it’s over.” Neeli was crouched in the back of the box, her eyes dilated and wary. “I’m going up to the cockpit so you can settle down.”
Grogu was standing up on the co-pilot’s seat, his ears quivering with joy. Din sat quietly at the controls. “Sorry if it got a little rough,” he said. “I hope you didn’t get banged around too much back there. You should have strapped in up here.”
“I didn’t want to leave Neeli alone,” Tala said as she slipped into the jump seat. “Poor thing was terrified.”
:Neeli scared?: Grogu’s ears drooped a bit.
:She’ll be okay. But we need to leave her alone for a bit. She needs quiet.:
“I didn’t think they’d be that hard to shake,” Din said. “This bucket isn’t as maneuverable as my old gun ship, or the Starfighter.”
“Of course not, it’s a freighter,” Tala said.
Din huffed. “I’ve seen plenty of smugglers in freighters that could outfly a fighter squadron. The Krayt just needs a few more modifications.”
:Peli!: Grogu perked back up. He had shared memories of the mechanic on Tattooine with Tala.
“But not just yet,” Din said. “We have to complete our mission for Mandalore and then get Tala and Neeli safely home.”
Grogu shrugged and plopped onto the seat. Tala was always amazed at how well he and Din communicated even without her help.
Mandalore was cloaked in clouds. As the ship descended, Din held his breath, bracing himself for that first glimpse of the surface that always punched him in the gut. He had no memories of what Mandalore had looked like before the Purge, but it still hurt to see the glassy, sterile wastes that had once been his people’s homeland. If any Imperial apologist ever tried to convince Din that the Empire hadn’t been all that bad, he would show them this. This was the embodiment of the hate that had driven the Empire. Hatred and cruelty and destruction; that was the legacy of the Empire.
Tala gasped as they dropped below the clouds. “Is the entire planet like this?”
Din nodded. “Yes. The Empire was very thorough, although not thorough enough.” He tapped a few buttons on his console. “There are pockets of life left. And they’re expanding by the day.”
He steered the Krayt toward a nondescript cavern which, if approached from just the right angle, revealed the entrance to an underground landing pad. “Krayt requesting permission to land,” he said.
“Permission granted, Krayt. Welcome home.” He didn’t recognize the voice on the comm but that wasn’t unusual. More and more Mandalorians were arriving from across the galaxy as word spread that the planet had been reclaimed. And there were even non-Mandalorian workers coming to help with the restoration work. Not many, but enough that Tala wouldn’t feel completely out of place.
Din eased the ship through the cavern entrance and dropped it neatly on the landing pad. Clamps locked onto the landing gear and the pad began to descend. It was an extra measure of security, allowing a ship to be immobilized when it first entered the main shipyard. Din didn’t like it but he acknowledged the reasoning behind it.
The pad reached the ground and Din waited patiently for the clamps to disengage. When they did, he used the thrusters to maneuver to a parking space that was lit by a green beacon. There were more ships than last time, but he had still been allotted a prime spot. It paid to be a clan leader … and a close ally of both Lady Bo-Katan and the Armorer.
“So this is Mandalore,” Tala said as they walked down the ramp. Neeli was perched on her shoulder, cautiously curious. She sniffed the air and her ears swiveled around to catch every noise. There were plenty of those: ships purging various gasses, transport droids whizzing around, the clunk of boots on the metal floor. And Grogu’s excited babbling as he pointed everything out to her.
:That’s a drop ship. Lots of room for warriors. They jump out with jet packs! I like to fly but Dad thinks I might fall. That’s an X-wing. I flew in one once all by myself. Ar-Too helped but I was in the pilot seat. That man is from Dad’s covert. He has neat armor. There’s Bo!:
A woman in full armor, save for her helmet, which was tucked under her arm, approached them. She had neatly bobbed red hair and an amused look on her face.
“I heard you had a little trouble shaking off some pirates,” she said, arching an eyebrow.
Din sighed. “You’re monitoring my sensors again,” he said.
The woman tilted her head slightly. “It’s technically my ship,” she said. “Don’t forget that.” She looked down at Grogu. “You won’t forget, will you, Din Grogu?”
“Na!” Grogu beamed at the woman.
“And you must be Tala Pavan. I’m Bo-Katan Kryze, leader of the Mandalorian people, at least for the time being. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Tala bowed slightly, unsure if a handshake was proper etiquette when meeting the leader of an entire people. “Yes, I am. And it’s an honor to meet you, Lady Bo-Katan. Din and Grogu have both told me much about you.”
Bo-Katan smiled. “All good, I hope. We’ve had our differences in the past. And please, call me Bo or Bo-Katan. We don’t stand on formalities these days.” She gestured around at the roughly finished walls of the cave the ship yard occupied. “We have a long way to go before we have anything other than the basics, so why put on airs?” She turned to Din. “I’ll have a crew unload the ship while we debrief and give your friend a tour.” She hesitated just slightly before the word friend, a smirk playing over her lips.
“That would be nice,” Din said, his voice slightly flustered.
Tala came to his rescue, slipping her arm through his. “It would be delightful. I’ve heard quite a bit about Mandalore from Din and Grogu but I’d love to see it for myself. You have underground gardens?”
Din relaxed next to her as Bo-Katan led the way, chatting about the hydroponic farms. Neeli switched shoulders so that she was between Din and Tala, her claws retracting just a bit. They’re both on edge, Tala thought. She leaned her head against Neel and got a head bunt in return. “It’s okay,” she said softly, not sure which one she was talking to.
:Wait for me!: Grogu toddled after them and was soon swooped into Bo-Katan’s arms, where he settled smugly. She adjusted her helmet so that she could easily carry both.
“You’ve gained a little weight, kid,” Bo-Katan said. “Has he grown?”
“A little,” Din said. “About two centimeters in height since you first met him. He seems to have little growth spurts now and then.”
“Ya. I go.”
“And he’s speaking more clearly.”
“That’s thanks to Tala,” Din said softly.
Bo-Katan’s eyes flicked from Tala’s arm against Din’s up to her face. “A debt we all owe you for,” she said. “As I’m sure Din has told you, both the Armorer and I have some questions for Grogu. I hope you don’t mind playing interpreter.”
Tala met Bo-Katan’s gaze. “I’m happy to do it. Grogu gets frustrated sometimes that he can’t communicate as clearly as he’d like. His mind is ahead of his body right now.”
:I so-fis-i-cat in my head:
:Very sophisticated.: Tala agreed.
Tala was not what Bo-Katan expected, although truthfully she had no idea what to expect. Din Djarin was a curious man. A good fighter, loyal to a fault, a doting father and mentor to Grogu, but he always seemed to be apart from everyone else. He was awkward in social situations, self-deprecating, had a real problem with droids. He just never quite seemed to fit in, either with the Armorer’s covert or the more mainstream Mandalorians. So finding out that he actually had a friend who wasn’t a comrade in arms had surprised her. Realizing that the friendship might be something more had nearly floored her. Yet here he was, on Mandalore, with a woman on his arm.
Tala would never be mistaken for a Mandalorian. She was too soft around the edges. Not a fighter, although Bo-Katan sensed a strong backbone behind the pleasant smile and gentle way she tended to her pet tooka. No, this woman would never be a Mandalorian, but somehow she looked right next to Din. He needs someone tender in his life, Bo-Katan realized. So does Grogu. And they’re sure as hell not going to find that here.
Mandalorians were many things but “soft” wasn’t one of them. Stubborn, hard-headed, brave, loyal, fierce … those were all Mandalorian traits that Bo-Katan saw every day in abundance. There was love, too, but it was a hard edged love, the kind that asked children to stand up for themselves, asked partners to endure separation and hardship, a love that lasted but could shatter if stressed too far. Din and Grogu needed a different kind of love, one just as strong but unconditional.
Look at you being all psychological, Bo-Katan mused. Ever since joining up with the Armorer’s covert and retaking Mandalore, she’d found herself spending more time analyzing her thoughts and actions, and those of others. There were reasons for everything, and not just “because that’s the way we’ve always done it.” Some people needed structure, others rebelled against it. But all Mandalorians could agree on one purpose: to restore Mandalore to its place in the galaxy as a force to be reckoned with. That place might not be exactly what it had been in the past, and the people of Mandalore might not be entirely the same as they had been, but they would be themselves, not caricatures of metal clad warriors blindly following a symbol and whoever wielded it.
And maybe not all the people on Mandalore would be Mandalorians, and maybe not all Mandalorians would walk an identical path. It would have been unthinkable to her once, but now she wasn’t so sure. Din and Grogu belonged on Nevarro, at least for the moment. And they belonged with Tala.
While Din and Grogu were watching a pair of younglings duel in a training session, Bo-Katan gestured Tala aside. “Is she friendly with strangers?,” she said, nodding at Neeli.
“If I introduce them,” Tala replied. “And if they’re female. She’s shy of men for some reason.”
Bo-Katan let Neeli sniff her hand and then gently scratched the tooka’s forehead. “Not Din,” she said simply.
“It took a while,” Tala said. “She’s learned he won’t hurt her. And the fact that she adores Grogu and Grogu adores him has helped immensely.”
“I don’t think Grogu’s the only one who adores Din Djarin,” Bo-Katan said. She tilted her head. “Does he still do the helmet thing? With you?”
“Of course,” Tala said, turning to fuss with Neeli’s harness. “He only takes it off when he and Grogu are alone. And Grogu knows not to show me any memories of those moments. I respect Din’s beliefs.”
“I never said you didn’t,” Bo-Katan said. “I was just thinking about the sleeping arrangements. As a clan leader, Din merits a private apartment, but they only have one room and a ‘fresher. I can put you in the barracks with the other non-Mandalorian workers but I don’t know how your tooka will feel about that.”
“Neeli and I will be fine onboard the Krayt,” Tala said. “She’s used to it and the bunks are pretty comfortable. That way Din and Grogu can have their privacy.”
Bo-Katan nodded. “Very sensible.” She petted Neeli again. “I’m sorry if I seem to be prying, but … the idea of Din Djarin with a romantic partner is a bit unbelievable to me.”
“We’re taking things slowly,” Tala admitted. “I don’t think he’s ever had a real friend before. He’s always careful to not overstep boundaries, to offer something in return for every favor or gesture.”
“So you two aren’t …?” Bo-Katan raised her eyebrows.
Tala smiled. “We’ve held hands a few times. Without the gloves. That’s all so far. But I don’t mind. Din’s worth it.”
“Well, if he needs a kick in the rump, just let me know,” Bo-Katan said. “There are plenty of folks around here who are looking for someone and aren’t afraid to take off their helmets. We can make him a little jealous.”
“No,” Tala said firmly. “First of all, Din isn’t afraid to remove his helmet. He chooses not to. I respect that. And he’s chivalrous enough that he’d step out of the way if he even suspected that someone else would be a better match for me.” She shook her head. “I know I’m not a Mandalorian but I would never think Din was silly for following the helmet rule. It’s part of his culture, his belief system. I would never ask someone to betray the core of their being like that.” Not again. She shoved the thought of Rix back into the depths of her memory.
Bo-Katan stepped back and held up her hands. “I’ve touched a nerve,” she said. “I apologize. But maybe, once we get to know each other better, you’d like to talk about it?”
“Maybe,” Tala said. It would be nice to have someone to talk with, to help her make sense of whatever this was that she and Din had going on. She was just as hesitant to plunge in as Din was. Talking with someone who knew him as well, who could see and appreciate both sides of the issue, might be just what she needed.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
A Work in Progress (Din Djarin x Mechanic!Reader)
Summary: Working at Peli’s repair shop, you’d never expected to find yourself growing close to a customer - let alone a Mandalorian, of all people. Yet, somehow, with every visit you seem to be getting just a little closer to the mysterious man behind the Beskar...
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A/N: First of all, I love my Mando baby, and have been dying to write for him. So, thanks to the anon who sent me the message about Din being Demi-sexual. You really gave me the inspiration for this one. Also, I have to say, I totally agree with your head canon. Personally, I know what it feels like to have to have a close connection before you can even feel remotely attracted to someone. With Din’s beliefs and practises I feel he would need to feel connected before he could consider entering a relationship with you, let alone a physical one - but that’s just my opinion...
Warnings: N/A - but let me know if you think I missed any
You’ve grown to know the Mandalorian quite well in the last couple of years; he’s a frequent customer at the junk yard and repair shop you work at, having returned multiple times since he’d first been forced to ask you for repairs. 
The Razor Crest was now a familiar ship and a smile always slid into place as soon as you saw it entering the atmosphere. Sure, you were instantly rewarded with Peli’s teasing, but you knew she meant no harm - if anything, she seemed to have a soft spot for the Mandalorian and the tiny green child he now towed about with him. 
Why else did she give him such a big discount? 
Why else did she always insist you prioritise him over any customers you already had waiting? 
Why else did she make sure you were the one to do the work - her ’best damn mechanic in the whole galaxy’ - when she could have done it herself? 
He would only get the best… which was probably why he always tipped the best too.
In fact, more than once, you’d been surprised by the purse of credits he’d place in your hand just before leaving, refusing to take it back no matter how much you protested. 
“Mando… This… this is too much.” 
“No,” he’d chuckle, “it’s the least you deserve.”
“But, it was a simple job-”
“Simple? Yes, but you did it well. You earned it, so keep the money. Please.” 
What else could you do but accept? It was just part of your odd relationship and the steady routine you’d fallen in to as time had gone by. 
Just like how he’d always make sure to talk to you when he was around, letting you ask questions about what he’d been up to since you’d last saw one another. 
Just like how he’d let you tend to his wounds, once or twice, after a hunt had gone a little awry and he was unable to do so for himself. 
Just like how he’d started bringing you little things from his trips to different planets, including the beaded necklace you never took off.  
It was all of these things that made him your favourite customer… that made you consider him more as a friend and a good one, at that. You were also pretty sure he felt the same. Otherwise, there were plenty other places he could have chosen to spend his time, but he chose to spend it with you. 
Today was one of those days. 
For some reason, Mando had managed to secure his bounty much earlier than expected and cashed in the reward he’d been chasing. As such, you weren’t quite finished with making sure his ship was safe to fly again. You’d thought you’d have a couple more days at least. 
He assured you there was no rush - he wasn’t desperate to leave the planet anytime soon - which was a relief. You hadn’t been ready to say goodbye just yet, nor had you had the ship ready for him either. 
Still, you were also kind of happy at the change in schedule, especially when it meant that Mando had decided to loiter next to you, watching as you finished your work. And, Maker above, did you love to having him there… even if it made butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
It didn’t matter that you couldn’t see his face, concealed as it was behind that helmet of his. You’d learned his mannerisms well enough to understand him through his body language and modulated voice-box. 
Like now, for example, the way his head tilted and seemed to track you as you dithered about the place told you he was studying you with great interest. You could even swear you heard the odd hum of approval… but that could also have been from the child, who was also watching you eagerly from his perch next to Peli’s office.  
“You know you can rewire this so it doesn’t blow so often.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah,” you chuckle, turning to stare at the Mandalorian, surprising him with your suggestion. You knew he was a capable mechanic in his own right, having made enough patch jobs over the years to see him through his travels. Still, you could tell he enjoyed listening to you and sharing your expertise. “Come here and I’ll show you. That way you won’t have to come in the next time it starts acting up… or force that sweet baby to climb inside the engine.”  
“O… ok - but I would argue it was only once.”
“Still! He’s a baby!”
The Mandalorian chuckled under his breath, and held his hands up in surrender. He knew better than to fight with you on something like this. “Alright, I get your point. It was a bad idea. You better show me how to do it myself then.”  
If you didn’t know better, you’d have said he almost sounded disappointed at the prospect of not needing to visit so often. However, he dutifully slotted into place next to you and began handing you tools when you asked for them, like you’d been working together your whole lives. 
You spent the rest of the day like that; passing tools between you and talking, feeling the tension grow every time yours hands brushed one another. Every time your gazes met. Every time you’d laugh at something the other said. 
It felt good… it felt, easy… it felt right - like something between you had clicked into place as easily as the machinery you’d been working on. 
If only you could understand it so well. 
Instead, your heart was in your mouth as darkness fell over the planet. For the first time since you’d met the Mandalorian, you actually felt nervous. You didn’t know why considering how well you knew one another by this point in your lives, but perhaps it was because you were supposed to be closing up the repair shop soon. 
It was now past closing time, if you were being honest, but you’d been having too much fun with Mando to even consider dismissing him for the night. Besides, Peli wasn’t even back yet to lock up and Mando was making no effort to try and leave. If he was still around it was because he wanted to be. 
Or so you told yourself as you tried not to blush for the hundredth time that day. It was just hard when his hand kept brushing against yours, and he was always somehow stood right next to you, despite having the whole garage to yourselves. The amount of times you kept turning around and bumping into him was getting comical now. 
“So,” he started, surprising you as he tore you from your frantic thoughts. “Don’t you have someone back at home to rush off to? I’m sure they’re probably wondering where you are.” 
“I uh… it’s still just me,” you answered quietly, surprised by the somewhat personal question. Sure, you often talked about personal things, things you never talked about with other customers, but his curious tone still caught you off guard. “No one to worry about me, thankfully. Means I can put in the extra hours here, given how busy we’ve been lately.” 
The Mandalorian hummed to himself. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes after, which was enough to make your nerves fray even more. Your hands were shaking so badly you practically dropped your tools as you tried to put them away neatly, back in their boxes. 
It was the heat of his eyes on you that made you feel light headed. What you wouldn’t give to know what was going on inside that helmet of his… 
“What about you? I know you have the kid now,” you replied hastily. “No one else in your crew to keep you two out of trouble?” 
“Uh, no. Just us two, still.” 
Now it was your turn to fall silent as you tried not to read into the answer. Of course he didn’t have anyone given his private nature and slightly nomadic lifestyle. He’d only even taken Grogu on thanks to the failed bounty, rather than simply because he’d wanted company… even if you knew he was grateful for it nonetheless. 
“Can… can I ask you a question?”
You nodded. “Of course. Shoot.” 
“Do you … that is… dank ferrik, do you like me?” 
You blinked in surprise. You hadn’t expected that question. “Uh… of course, I do. Don’t you like me too?”
“Yes… but… I mean, not just as friends? or as a customer?” 
A small laugh escaped you as you realised he sounded every bit as nervous as you did. 
“Mando, you stopped being just a customer a long time ago. Ever since you brought me back those cookies from the market because you simply thought I looked hungry.” 
His warm laughter made your heart flutter. “I’m still sorry you only got to eat a few.”
“Who knew the little tyke had got so clever, huh?”
“That’s one word for it.” 
You couldn’t help but feel the paternal pride radiating off of the Mandalorian at the mention of his adopted son and his ever growing abilities. 
You could also feel the tension, building with every second his original question went unanswered. 
If you didn’t know better, you’d have sworn the bounty hunter was blushing, even beneath the beskar helmet that concealed the face you’d often dreamed about. 
As it was, he flexed his hands by his sides, as if trying to rid himself of his anxiety. 
“So, if I’m not just a customer then can I ask what that makes me?” 
He’d taken the words right from your mouth. 
Well, maybe you didn’t need words after all to communicate how you really felt about the man who had slowly stolen your heart piece by piece, with every visit... 
So, you took a deep breath. 
You stepped forward. 
To your relief, he didn’t flinch or step back from your advance - or shoot you point blank. 
No. Instead, his head titled and you heard him begin to try and ask you what was happening. 
He never got to finish the sentence. 
He was rendered speechless as you gently reached your oil stained hands up and rested them on either side of his helmet, holding him as if there wasn’t the layer between you both. 
You then rose swiftly on to your tiptoes, before pressing a kiss against where his forehead would be. 
The metal was cold under your lips. Yet, before you could worry that you’d somehow made an ass of yourself, his hands rose to rest delicately on your hips and pull you closer. 
His touch sent shivers through you, the feel of him holding you electric - even through the gloves. 
His head then tilted forward, so that the helmet was resting against your forehead instead, the gesture meaningful enough to make your heart skip a beat. 
“That uh… that answer your question for you?” 
A soft chuckle escaped him, causing you to release one of your own; it was all too surreal. 
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Here you were, in your garage, blushing like some school kid with their first crush, after kissing the customer you’d never even seen without his armour disguising him… yet you knew him. 
Or, at least you knew what was important to know about him - enough to know he was a good person. A kind person. And a lonely one… 
“I think that clears most of it up, yes,” the Mandalorian murmured. “And there was me thinking I was imagining things.”
“Imagining things?”
“Yes, like that you weren’t just being nice because you were working on my ship, for example. Or because Peli asked you to be.”
“Peli asks me to do a lot of things, Mando, and I don’t know how you haven’t noticed by now that I don’t always do them.” 
Your laughter was unanimous, and loud enough that you both almost missed the sound of footsteps echoing from beyond the doorway - followed by a broken cough.  
“So this is what you call working?” 
You froze. 
Both you and the Mandalorian suddenly leapt apart as if you’d been burned. 
Thankfully, the owner of the voice waited a few more seconds before entering the room, giving you ample time to act as if nothing out of the ordinary had been happening only seconds ago. 
"You're… you’re early, Peli,” you choke, trying not to die of embarrassment as your boss sauntered into the garage. The smile on her face was a smug one, as if she knew exactly what had been happening. “I thought you wouldn’t be back until later.” 
"Good thing I decided to swing by early or I might have walked in on you two doing something entirely different," she teased, raising an eyebrow at the sight. “I’m just glad - by the sounds of it - you finally got your heads out of your asses and made a move. The tension was getting unbearable.“
"Oh… right.” 
"Be gentle with them, alright? They're a gentle soul,” Peli stated simply, gesturing to you. “And my best mechanic. Just remember that, Mando. You break it, you buy it.” 
You and Din were in unison without even trying as you both suddenly turned. 
“Shut up, Peli.”
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lesbidin · 10 months
i love din djarin because he’s a powerful warrior and incredibly intimidating but he’s also just a guy. the most awkward person in the galaxy. has not felt human touch in 30 years. just a single dad who yearns for solitude.
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newpathwrites · 10 months
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Din learns of a struggling, teenaged Mandalorian from his former tribe and steps in to help, showing them a different way.
Or… how Din Djarin built a clan by happy accident.
Summary: This story takes place after TBOBF and is non-canon moving forward. It was first posted on AO3 in May 2022 under both “A New Creed” and the continuation “How to Build a Clan”.
Jai is a mandalorian OC who is ~15 years-old at the start of the story which will cover several years with large time jumps.
I love the idea of Din and Omera together - I imagine their relationship would be a more mature, cautious kind of romance, knowing that Din may eventually be unable to return at some point. So they just enjoy each others’ company when they can and leave things otherwise a bit undefined, even though they all feel and act like family (along with Grogu and Winta). We’ll see where that takes them.
Din is demisexual/demiromantic in this story, and other queer representation is present throughout which should be self-evident.
Warnings listed by chapter may include implied or threatened child harm, sexual references, and mild non-explicit sexual content.
I. Lost and Found
II. Sorgan
III. Kindred Spirits (prequel)
IV. Catching Feelings (prequel)
V. Jai’s Decision
VI. Making it Official
VII. Questions
VIII. Epilogue
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palatteflags · 1 year
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Din Djarin and The Mandalorian based Demisexual and Demiromantic moodboard~ ^^ For an anon!! Hope you like this a bunch!
Want one? send an ask!! -mod Jay
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
I realise the more and more I write that I particularly gravitate towards writing first kisses or desperate declarations of affection after two people have grown close together and can no longer ignore their feelings for each other.
Plus, I find it so hard to write smut (and very rarely do) or instant physical intimacy/attraction without an established relationship.
This led to a lightbulb moment of sorts...
I know that I'm attracted in some way to people of any gender and always identified with bisexuality... but I really am beginning to resonate more and more with demisexuality too... because it's pretty clear that I need that connection to feel things for others.
I've known for years I guess because of how different I felt to others when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I mostly just put it down to being (undiagnosed) autistic but I think there was something more going on.
Which is why I'm so happy I started writing!!! It really allowed me to explore emotions and reach other parts of myself that I had ignored for so long.
Instead of being a silly little hobby, this is yet another way writing fanfiction has helped me to figure things out for myself. I'm so happy I found this outlet 🤍
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New Mando tattoo!!!! With Din's signature head tilt and the colors of the ace flag 💖
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lil-ace-of-spades · 9 months
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Filled an OTP meme sheet for DinLuke ( o˘◡˘o)
I based Din's age on the child actor's actual age (10yrs old) when he filmed the flashback scene when we assume that the event is near the end of the Clone Wars/Revenge of the Sith.
I think Din is in the ace spectrum, specifically demisexual. He's never really been interested in forming intimate relationships and is content with the familial/platonic relationships he made in his life. The thought of settling down came to mind when he saw how happy Grogu was on Sorgan but he knew deep down that isn't the life he wants for himself. It's simply not him. Then he meets Luke and falls in love for the very first time. He didn't know what these feelings mean at first so it took some time for him to process that the affection he feels for Luke isn't platonic. He eventually does settle down in the sense that he owns a cabin in Nevarro and a home he shared with Luke on Ossus but he still works as a bounty hunter.
Most of Luke's clothes in his Rebellion days were hand-me-downs since he arrived at the base with just the clothes on his back. He never really bothered with shopping for his own clothes, since he was busy and his friends were more than happy to dress him up.
Din likes to have his alone time. He can't relax in crowded places even when his friends and allies are around. He survived being a bounty hunter in the Outer Rim because of that. So it's usually Luke who does the mingling and the talking, whereas Din prefers to listen and chimes in with a few words when he has something to say or he's been addressed. It helps Din's social battery from running out too fast.
They're both great pilots and often race around each other with Grogu on either of their ships. The little speed demon of a son loves it.
Neither of them are the jealous type. For Din, he's never really fallen in love with anyone to feel that sickly green pull in his stomach. When he sees Luke getting along with people (some clearly flirting), he thinks it makes sense because Luke is a very attractive person but he's firm in his belief that HE is the man Luke will always come home to. For Luke, he's never had a partner that lasted long with the life he led in the Rebellion. He doesn't feel possessive of his partners because he knows he cannot own them. Those first 19 years spent on Tatooine (where he bears the name of generations of slaves and he is the first freeborn Skywalker to carry on living) taught him that no being deserves to be owned by anyone. He also knows that he fell in love with a man who would never break his vow to him. Also, they're both adults that went through so much before they met each other. They're both just glad to have met and fallen in love at a time when their paths crossed at the perfect moment in their lives.
Luke would cook Yoda's soup recipe and Grogu would finish the whole cauldron if nobody stops him. Din isn't keen on the taste so Luke has a version that's easier to stomach for non-green gremlin beings like him.
Whenever they're in public together, they act professionally (except when they're handling Grogu between them). When alone, Din allows himself to be vulnerable with Luke. His burgeoning inner romantic emerges and Luke reciprocates with all the love he feels for his husband.
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thearoacefromspace · 7 months
Happy Aromantic Awareness Week 💚🤍🩶🖤
Here’s some of my aspec headcanons that I will DIE with :)
Obi Wan Kenobi is demisexual and demiromantic (Star Wars)
Anakin Skywalker is demiromantic (Star Wars)
Ahsoka Tano is aroace (Star Wars)
Luke Skywalker is aroace (Star Wars)
Din Djarin is aroace (Star Wars)
Shuri is aroace (MCU)
Yelena Belova is aroace (MCU)
Loona is cupioromantic (Helluva Boss)
Elsa is aroace (Disney)
Merida is aroace (Disney)
Moana is aroace (Disney)
Percy Jackson is demiromantic and demisexual (Percy Jackson)
Leo Valdez is aroace (Percy Jackson)
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano is aroace (Percy Jackson)
Thalia Grace is aroace (Percy Jackson)
Sirius Black is aroace (Harry Potter)
Storm is aroace (Survivors)
Lynn Loud Jr. is aroace (Loud House)
Nimona is aroace (Nimona)
Clawdeen is aroace (Monster High)
Toph Beifong is aroace (ATLA)
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yeehawgeek · 4 months
ok i was gonna reblog my “characters i think are aroace” post but it seems to have vanished
happy pride, here are my headcanons about sw characters’ sexualities/gender identities
starting off with the bad batch
hunter and crosshair are both gay
wrecker is panromantic demisexual
tech is demi
echo is aroace
omega grew up to be a bi disaster
she’s also trans
rex is biromantic asexual
anakin is trans and bi
obi wan is pan
ahsoka is a lesbian
so is bariss
mace windu is aroace
yoda is also aroace
actually here’s a list of all the characters i think are aroace:
luke skywalker
din djarin
rey skywalker
asajj ventress
commander fox
commander wolffe
kit fisto
aayla secura
plo koon
hondo onaka (i think that’s how you spell that?
ok that’s all the aroaces i think
count dooku is gay
leia is bi but tends to prefer women
lando is pan (i feel like that’s canon?)
cassian andor is bi
bail organa is trans
cara dune is a trans lesbian
bo katan is also a lesbian
so is fennec shand
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all-the-things-2020 · 11 months
Deeds Not Less Valiant Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Din Djarin x OFC (Tala Pavan)
Word Count: 3300
Summary: Din, Tala and Grogu go to a festival. Fluffiness ensues and Din has to really think about his feelings.
Rating: PG
Tala was washing the dishes when her door chimed. Neeli pricked her ears and cautiously stretched, ready to either greet or retreat.
“Well, this is a welcome surprise.” Tala quickly dried her hands on her pant legs before Grogu launched himself into her arms.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Din said. “But we were in town and …”
:Going on a mission: Grogu supplied.
“Grogu says you’re going on a mission.”
“Yes. Captain Teva messaged me a few minutes ago,” Din said. “It’s urgent and I don’t know how long we’ll be gone. I thought, since we were already here, why not tell you in person.”
“So you probably won’t be coming by on Benduday.”
Grogu’s ears drooped. “Na,” he said quietly.
“No,” Din said carefully . “But I thought we could make it up to you. There’s a festival starting next week. We should be back by then, and Greef can get us passes to all the entertainments. We can take Grogu during the day and then maybe get IG to babysit for a couple of hours in the evening.”
:Grown up stuff: Grogu wrinkled his nose.
“It sounds wonderful,” Tala said. “Even the ‘grown up stuff’, as Grogu calls it. I heard there’s going to be a professional Kumaiian opera company.”
Din nodded. “I’ll ask Greef for tickets. So … it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.” She struggled to keep from grinning like a fool.
Din held out his hands. “Come on, kid, we need to get the ship prepped and be on our way. Captain Teva is waiting for us.”
Grogu leaped into Din’s arms. :Important stuff.:
“Be careful and good luck,” Tala said. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
The mission went wrong from the start. First, Teva was delayed getting to their rendezvous because he had to report to Coruscant to answer some questions from the Council.
“It’s like they’re deliberately tying our hands out here,” he’d said when he finally met up with them. “Senator Organa has filed multiple protests but they keep ‘requesting more information’ before they’ll okay anything.” He sighed. “But you don’t care about all that. Here’s the deal …”
Then the intel turned out to be stale. Their quarry was no longer on the planet they’d been told, but had moved on to another system entirely. Three days of tracking finally led them to Bila, a soggy excuse for a world that technically had a lot of land but in reality was a combination of ocean and marsh and stagnant ponds that hosted a plethora of fish and reptile species with far too many teeth.
Din lost a chunk of his cape, a piece of boot, and a perfectly good vibroblade before they reached the squalid shack where Doomi Chekkoo was hiding. The Rodian was the nexus of a sprawling net of spies who were selling intel to the Shadow Council, according to Captain Teva. What Teva did not know was that Chekkoo had a Wookiee bodyguard named Chuundar who made Krrsantan look like a lightweight.
“I might need your help, kid,” Din said just before Chuundar rushed at him with a deafening roar. Even beskar armor was not full protection against the wrath of a Wookiee armed with an iron cudgel. As Chuundar hammered away, Din focused on simply surviving until he could get a clear shot with his blaster. In the end, Grogu had used his powers to stop a nasty blow that would have certainly shattered Din’s helmet; Chuundar’s confusion at having his power thwarted was the opening Din needed. He took the opportunity to fire right between the Wookiee’s eyes.
“You shouldn’t kill unless you absolutely have to,” Din told Grogu as he recovered his breath. “If the other guy is trying to kill you, he’s asking for it, but otherwise, it’s best to simply disarm them or otherwise take them out of the fight. We are warriors, not murderers.”
Grogu nodded solemnly, but Din caught him blowing a raspberry at Chuundar’s body as they walked away.
Chekkoo had taken the opportunity to escape, so Din and Grogu retreated to the Krayt, trudging through the incoming tide, with only one small detour so Grogu could sample the local frogs. Normally, Din discouraged him from eating the wildlife, but the kid deserved a reward after literally saving his life.
They tracked Doomi Chekkoo through two more systems before finally cornering him in a back alley on Drevy. By then, Din was in no mood to chat, so he shot Chekkoo with a stun ray and dosed him with Pirian poppy for the journey to Adelphi, where he turned him over to Captain Teva.
“You owe me,” Din said, pointing out the bedraggled state of his cape and boots. “I’m still wringing water out of my socks, and I think Grogu picked up a skin fungus.” How tiny feet could produce such a large odor was beyond Din’s comprehension, but he’d picked up some anti-fungal powder that seemed to be helping a bit.
“Wish I could pay you more,” Teva said as he handed over some credits. ��Everyone in the squadron is pitching in to supplement the pittance the New Republic is giving us, but we’re stretched to the limit.”
“Just buy the kid some nuggets at the bar and we’ll call it even,” Din said.
“New boots?”
Din shrugged. “My old ones had a run in with a very toothy fish,” he said.
:Dad killed it! It was big! And very bitey.: Grogu was tucked in the crook of Tala’s arm. He’d insisted she carry him to the festival.
“I’m guessing the cape had the same problem.”
Grogu shook his head. :Snake. Very big ugly snake. Dad’s knife broke in it.:
“More or less,” Din said. “But it still works, unlike the boots.”
“We could mend it,” she said. “I’ve seen similar fabric in the market.” Din shrugged again. “Or, you could leave it. It does give you a rather roguish look.” She winked at him. He stumbled, just a little.
“Um, here,” he said, reaching into his pocket. “Greef gave me these badges for us to wear. They’ll let us take Grogu on all the rides and get samples of the food at all the booths. Technically, we’re …” He looked at the brightly colored metal. “‘Quality Control Inspectors’.”
He pinned one onto Grogu’s robe, then stood awkwardly. “Do you want me to take him or …”
“You can pin it on me,” she said. “He’s comfortable.”
Grogu gave her the side eye. :Sneaky.:
:It’s called flirting. You’ll understand someday.:
:Grown up stuff. Dumb.: He made a face.
Din gently pinned the badge onto the collar of her shirt, being very careful to only touch the fabric.
“Should I pin yours on?,” she asked.
“Um, no … I can do it.” Din was flustered, so she let it go. She wouldn’t really know where to attach the badge, anyway, what with all the beskar plates covering him. He attached it to a fold of his cape, near the shoulder.
“All set,” Din said. “Let’s enjoy the festival.”
Grogu was entranced by the colors and lights and sounds and smells. He took his role as a Quality Control Inspector very seriously, and took a sample from almost every booth they passed. Tala made sure to pass his appraisal on to the vendors, and gently discouraged him from asking for seconds.
“It’s not polite to take more than one,” she told him. “We aren’t paying so we can’t ask them to give more than just a taste.”
“But if you find something you really like, I can buy a larger portion,” Din said. “After you’ve sampled everything.”
There were rides for the children, but Grogu was too small for most of them, which made his ears droop. He enjoyed the bouncy house, though, and the bordok ride. Tala took him on a flying swing ride that was large enough for her to squeeze into with him. Din was far too bulky and had to watch from a distance.
“Your dad is getting bored, all by himself,” Tala said. “Let’s spend some time with him before we go on more rides.”
Grogu’s ears drooped a little, but he was always happy to return to Din’s side. :Okay:
They found a puppet show that was just beginning. Grogu perched on Din’s shoulder so he could see over the crowd. He giggled and squealed along with the other children as the Jawas stole things from various beings, before finally being foiled by a young girl and boy who taught them the value of sharing.
“No Jawa I’ve ever met would swallow that,” Din muttered.
Grogu nodded. :They took Dad’s ship apart. We had to fight the Mudhorn to get it back. It took a long time to fix. They were bad:
“It’s just a puppet show for kids,” Tala reminded them.
Din hoisted Grogu a little higher. “Well, Grogu’s more sophisticated than that, aren’t you, kid?”
“Ya,” Grogu said. :I’m what Dad said. So-fis-i-cat.:
“Then maybe he should be going to the opera tonight with me instead of you,” she teased.
“No way,” Din said firmly. “I had to promise Greef I’d attend another one of his political soirées to get the tickets. I’m going.”
The opera was being staged in the brand new Community Hall that Greef had convinced all the merchants in town to chip in on. It was owned by the town, and could be used for public events as well as rented out for private affairs (with a share of the rental proceeds coming back to the merchants, after Greef took an appropriate amount for management fees, of course). Din was impressed by the quality of the workmanship, since he knew Greef had cut a few corners here and there in the name of maximizing profit.
He showed their tickets to a harried usher, who immediately became obsequious when he saw that they had front row seats. “Right this way, sir. Honored guests of the High Magistrate are always welcome.”
“I know him,” Tala whispered as they followed the usher down the aisle. “He works at the cantina around the block from my house. Plays the valachord on slow nights when they don’t have a proper band.”
“I didn’t know you frequented the cantina,” Din said as they settled into their seats. It occurred to him that he might not be the only male friend she spent time with and it made him unreasonably upset.
She shrugged. “I stop by with my co-workers for a drink now and then. It’s a little too noisy for my taste. Especially when Tannor is playing the valachord.” She made a face that set Din’s heart at ease.
He glanced at the program that had been placed on the seat. The opera company was from a provincial town on Kumaii but had placed well at the annual festivals. They were touring the Outer Rim to “bring the culture and talents of the Galactic Core to those who could not afford to travel” which he understood as code for “we’re trying to educate you barbarians.”
Tala pointed at her program. “They’re doing Mar Berand’s ‘Queen Biala and the Court Jester’. I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard excerpts. It’s not exactly ‘Finis and Lillia’ but it’s not bad.”
Din simply nodded. He had no knowledge of opera in general, let alone the Kumaiian repertoire. He was just happy to be sitting next to Tala at an event that she could enjoy. And with his helmet on, no one would know if his attention strayed from the stage or if he dozed off for a bit. Being a single parent was tiring.
Soon the lights dimmed and the orchestra began to play a lively overture. The singers were talented, but they sang so fast and ornately that Din had a hard time following the story. There was a queen, obviously, and a court jester who was really the prince of a rival kingdom in disguise, and some dubious courtiers, an ambassador, three cooks who performed juggling tricks, and two assassins who were supposed to be scary but were so inept with their weapons that Din had to stifle a laugh every time they appeared on stage.
Still, the music was good, and even though he couldn’t always understand the words, he felt the emotions of the singers. Tala was rapt, and as the mood of the play turned from light-hearted to tragic, he saw her hands clench and tears well in her eyes. He laid his hand over hers, gently squeezing it. She threaded her fingers through his, the leather of his glove creaking a little. Should have taken the glove off first, he thought. The idea of touching her hand, skin to skin, made something inside him twist. He lost track of the opera and was startled when the music rose to a crescendo and Tala pulled her hand from his to join the rest of the audience in enthusiastic applause.
“Oh, that was wonderful!,” she said once the cast had taken their bows. He could see the tracks of tears on her cheeks.
“You’re crying,” he said.
She nodded, sniffling a little. “Yeah, I didn’t realize their empathic abilities would hit me so strongly. I should have strengthened my shields.”
Of course. The Kumaiians were empaths. That was why he had reacted to their emotions even though he wasn’t sure of the words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it might be too much for you.”
“It was amazing,” she said. “And thank you for letting me hold your hand. It helped me anchor.” She smiled shyly and Din was thankful that his helmet hid the flush he felt in his face. He wasn’t used to being thanked for things like that. Usually it was “Thanks for saving my ass” or “Thanks for the covering fire”. Being thanked for holding hands was nice.
“You’re more than welcome,” he said. The crowd was beginning to thin out. “We should probably go find IG and get Grogu. Kid’s probably exhausted by now.” As soon as he said it, he regretted it. I hope she doesn’t think I’m in a hurry to get away from her. “I mean, I’m having a wonderful time, but …”
“But you’re a father, and your child always comes first,” Tala finished for him. “As he should. You never have to apologize for thinking of Grogu. He’s your priority.” She tucked her hand in his elbow as they threaded their way out of the auditorium, and Din relaxed a bit.
They fetched Grogu, who snuggled into his carry bag, clutching a stuffed bantha that he’d won at one of the game booths. “He says IG had some tokens from Greef,” Tala said. “He promises he didn’t use the Force, but maybe IG helped just a little.”
“I’m sure he did,” Din replied.
They walked slowly across town toward Tala’s home. By the time they reached her door, Grogu was sound asleep. “I had a lovely time,” Tala said. “Tell Grogu I said goodnight.”
“I will,” Din said quietly. He shifted from one foot to the other. “Um, I think this is where I’m supposed to try to kiss you or something, but …” He gestured at his helmet.
Tala smiled and took his hand. She squeezed it tightly and rose on her toes to press her lips briefly against the side of his helmet. “I hope this will do,” she said. “We can take things slowly.”
Din nodded, unable to speak for a moment. “Um, yeah,” he managed eventually. “Next time maybe I’ll take my gloves off.” He laughed weakly.
“I’d like that,” she said, giving his hand another squeeze. His knees felt wobbly. “Good night, Din.” She smiled again before she opened her door. Neeli trilled a greeting as it opened. “I know, I know,” Tala said, “you were all alone for ages and you didn’t get your dinner on time. I’m a terrible tooka-mom.” The door slid shut and Din was alone with Grogu and his thoughts.
It was not the first time he had felt caught between two worlds. As a bounty hunter, he had spent much of his time among non-Mandalorians, set apart by his beliefs and armor. Even within his covert, however, he had been an outsider. Some who had been born Mandalorian showed a subtle bias against Foundlings like himself, and others were wary of him because of his frequent absences.
The covert had been focused on survival. No one had time for frivolous things like romance and courtship. It was not safe to bear children under those conditions, so they relied on Foundlings to grow the tribe, and there were no marriages. Those who were inclined to indulge their sexual desires did so discreetly; it was a natural urge like being hungry or needing the ‘fresher. There was little sentiment among the members of his tribe, except for younglings, and even then it was tempered by stoicism. Life was dangerous. Warriors fell all the time. You mourned briefly and then moved on.
But outside the covert, Din saw people risking their lives not for honor but for love. People taking time to create beautiful things, to show their hearts to the world. He saw devoted couples like the Frog Lady and her husband, traveling treacherous pathways to be reunited, to raise their young. He saw children playing, and simple farmers willing to fight to protect them, even though they had no skill with weapons. He saw beings walking along hand in hand, arm in arm, kissing and hugging, and on a few embarrassing occasions, doing other things out in the open, letting their guard down. It was reckless and potentially fatal, but it was also something Din craved deep down inside.
He had always felt like romance was something that other people did, something that was not for him. He’d never felt the strong urges that some of his comrades in arms did. But now, he felt something stirring inside him. Something he’d never thought he’d be able to feel.
“I want her,” he said out loud, glad that Grogu was asleep and there was no one else on the road to hear him. It felt wrong to voice his feelings, but it also made him lighter. For the first time, he understood why a person would risk it all just to be with another. It was similar to what he felt for Grogu, but different. He would die to protect Grogu, let him go if that was what was best for him (even though it had made him miserable). But what he felt for Tala was more possessive. He wanted her to be happy, of course, and safe, but he also wanted to be near her. He wanted to touch her, to hold her. He wanted … He wanted to kiss her.
And therein lay the problem. He could not kiss her without removing his helmet, and he could not remove his helmet in front of anyone who was not part of his clan. The only way she could become part of his clan was … He swallowed, his throat suddenly tight. To make her a member of his clan, he would have to marry her, but how could they get that far if he struggled with the idea of taking off his kriffing glove to hold her hand? Could Tala be patient with him, or would she get tired of waiting and grow frustrated with his strict adherence to his faith?
“Maybe this is all a huge mistake.” He glanced down at Grogu, sleeping soundly in his carry bag. “Or maybe not,” he whispered. Tala had been good for the kid, and she might be good for him, too.
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Since many of us agree that Din is demisexual, how do you think he dealt with the sexual awakening when he and Luke started to form a romantic relationship and he thought that would be it and then he is suddenly hit with the hormones?
Oh it would be glorious. I think Din has had some moments here and there, primarily when he was late teen to early twenties, where he may have something of a crush or gets a lustful feeling but they are really not very intense nor passionate and most all the crushes soon become "oh...I got friendship and romance mixed up again, lol" (some were still crushes, Din)
But then he meets Omera and he is thinking "i think I like her...like, romantically. But, I dunno, this also doesn't feel quite right." He was pulled too much away; he wanted his life as a Mandalorian, he didn't want to be tied down, he wasn't ready for the emotions and connections and how open he needed to be--he wasn't even ready to look after Grogu at this point as proof.
Then he grows and starts to make more connections outside of Mandalorians, he starts to love with this personal connection with Grogu and what it means to have something like this, and understanding what it means to be open and happy with others.
Finally, he meets Luke. At first, he doesn't really notice him. He's more focused on his boy and their separation. But then he is allowed to come to the planet and meet up with Luke and Grogu and talks and realizes, "huh, the Jedi is actually...pretty?? Weirdly pretty? Makes my heart go doki-doki pretty?" but he has seen beautiful people before (he has traveled everywhere after all) so he doesn't think about it. Then he starts to connect with Luke, learn about him, sees him more than being a Master Jedi and just a goofy guy with a big heart who is trying to learn to balance who he is.
A few months later Din is all "uh-oh" but is all good cause Luke is the same and they timidly, almost shy, come together to find who they are and what they are to each other until they are confident to confirm they want something more.
It's wonderful and great, a bit vanilla but both want that for now, and then...welp...
I think Din would be a bit confused at how much he is burning for Luke. How everything Luke does gets some sort of intense reaction that just makes him itch and needy. He grabs onto Luke so often, needing to nuzzle and press his nose against his neck and hair and just take in his scent and wonder why it almost feels like Spice.
There is something weirdly addictive to Luke and he is growing uncomfortable all the time.
When they finally have sex, Din just sort of lets himself go wild. It was a nice way to just unleash a lot of things pent up.
Both are very happy in discovering these bits about themselves.
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*These weren't necessarily written and/or posted in January, but that's when I read them so lol*
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥Aphelion (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @oscarseyebrow
Salt and Sky (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @clints-lucky-arrow
Pretending (or not) (Cassian Andor x Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Taking Flight (Modern!Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Undoing (College!Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @groguspicklejar
🔥Corner Booth (Din Djarin x F!Reader) - @magpie-to-the-morning
🔥Tender Loving Care (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @clints-lucky-arrow
Risky Kiss (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Tender (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
I'm Scared / 🔥Safe and Sound (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
You Are In Love (Modern!Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite
Triple Frontier
🔥Illicit Affair (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥I’ll Be Back Again To Stay (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite
Home is a Person (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @tropes-and-tales
🔥Thank Me Later (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @writefightandflightclub
🔥Big Red Bow (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @villainvindicator
Fairy Godmother (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @tropes-and-tales
Home (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @bullet-prooflove
🔥Good Form (Benny Miller x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Watercolor Eyes / Blocked by the Snow (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @psychedelic-ink
🔥Take Care (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @wyn-n-tonic
🔥Patience (Benny Miller x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Moon Knight
Nocturnal | To Be Alone (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @moonlight-prose
🔥First Time (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @luvpedropascal
Cute Aggression (Steven Grant x Reader) - @kittyofalltrades
🔥Fast Lane (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @shewhohangsoutincemeteries
Stone Heart (Steven Grant x Demisexual!Reader) - @magpie-to-the-morning
🔥Fire & Desire (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @marc-spectorr
🔥Friends (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @foreverinadais
A Sunday Kind of Love (Marc Spector x Reader) - @moonlight-prose
First Snow (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @softlyspector
🔥Forbidden Delights (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Spirals and Skin (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @clints-lucky-arrow
Purloin (Marc Spector x Reader) - @laters-gators
🔥Say It Too (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @astroboots
🔥Gold Skinned and Eager (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @fettuccin-e
Tales Untold (Marc Spector x Reader) - @softlyspector
Egg Fried Rice (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
A Simple Misunderstanding (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Do You Want to Dance? (Steven Grant x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Ex Machina
Amende Honorable (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @laters-gators
The Last of Us
🔥Mule (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @laters-gators
🔥Radio Static (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @foli-vora
🔥The Light is Blinding (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @writefightandflightclub
🔥Code Breaker (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @inklore
🔥Told (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Tulsa King
🔥Just Like That (Mitch Keller x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
The Bourne Legacy
Long Promised Road (David/Outcome 3 x Reader) - @nowritingonthewall
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
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newpathwrites · 10 months
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Din Djarin never did mince words, did he? The honesty in his confession took her breath away for a moment. Stars , this was really happening, wasn’t it?
The realization sobered her up quickly, and she matched his serious tone, turning her body to face him more squarely and setting the wine bottle on the floor. Her gloved hand rested on his knee. “The feeling is mutual, Din.”
He inhaled sharply in both relief and surprise, having been certain she couldn’t possibly return the sentiment.
Summary: Din and Bo share a drink after his fateful rescue.
Note: I originally posted this before the season 3 finale. This is set following S3E7 and is a prediction (or wishful thinking) for what might have happened between them when all was said and done. I basically compiled all of my favorite predictions so many wonderful fans had formulated and put it down on paper with a few of my own mixed in.
This is now totally irrelevant and canon-divergent, but I have considered continuing their story. Also, I really laid the fluff on thick in keeping with my demisexual/demiromantic Din headcanon.
Warnings: Mildly implied sexual references.
Read on AO3
Bo-Katan hadn’t really known what to expect when Din Djarin showed up at her quarters that evening, wine bottle in hand, and asked if he might join her in the bunk.
And when he shut the door firmly behind him, engaging the lock as he did so, and shared that Grogu would be with Koska for the night, she similarly hadn’t expected the flare of nerves that lit up her body in an instant - a heady mixture that was as exhilarating as it was confusing.  
Bo-Katan had long recognized that she harbored a rather large bit of affection for this man, but other, less familiar emotions were suddenly bubbling to the surface of her consciousness unbidden - ones that she’d long ago discarded in favor of serving her people without distraction.  And how uncharacteristic of him to suggest casual companionship within the intimate confines of her personal space.  This was feeling like a serious moment.  Dank farrik … she might be in over her head… but she’d gladly drown in it to spend an evening alone with the one with whom her fate had been entwined.
It had become clear as she and Din had fought off Moff Gideon and his guards, passing the dark saber seamlessly and expertly between them, suddenly lighter than air in their grasps, that their souls were inextricably bound together by the force.  It was them - not her and not him, but both together - who were meant to rebuild Mandalore.  The prophecies, despite all of Bo-Katan’s disbelief, were true …
What did it mean for them?  She didn’t exactly know.  But something had been building all this time, as they worked together toward this common goal, two complimentary sides of the same coin, and it felt an awful lot like love.  
She felt it, and she knew that he did, too.  The subtext of his declaration of devotion before breaching Mandalore was not lost on her.  It was both an oath of fealty... and a confession…
And now they sat together in the aftermath of the battle they’d waged together on her small mattress, armored limbs unceremoniously clanging against the walls of the bunk as Din settled himself next to her, helmet now discarded and the bottle of Coruscanti wine from Karga sitting between them.
She couldn’t stop looking at him.  It felt simultaneously like looking at a stranger and yet also as if she’d known this face her entire life.  Had she seen him in her dreams?
The helmet was already off when she’d found Moff Gideon’s lair, removed forcibly as a means to humiliate a man who’d dedicated his entire life to his creed.  But she’d immediately recognized the determination in those brown eyes.  Din had come to understand the truth.  He was a Mandalorian through and through - the creed would not be the end for him.
She’d put a fisted hand to her heart, just as he’d done in her honor a few days prior, and he’d subtly nodded in recognition.  Trust me.   It pained her to do it, but when she’d then revealed herself to Moff Gideon, she’d spat vitriol at Din, as well.  She asserted that she cared not for this zealot’s welfare, that he was a traitor to her cause like the rest of his dilapidated tribe, that she’d only used him to exact revenge on Gideon himself.
The ruse worked - at least long enough to distract Gideon for a moment as he reassessed his options in light of this unexpected turn.  And in those moments, she’d ignited the saber and skillfully cut through Din’s bindings before lunging toward the Moff himself.
What they did then was nothing short of magic.  There was no thought or intention.  The saber was guiding them.  They functioned as a single unit, gracefully and effortlessly destroying their opponents until they were the only two left standing.  In a fitting conclusion, Bo-Katan had retrieved Din’s helmet and placed it herself back on his head, assuring him that his Manda’lor found no fault in its removal.
And that’s why it surprised her when he took it off again in her presence these few days later - obviously the reason he’d wanted to do this in the locked bunk.  Maybe the rules had changed now that they knew more clearly what they were meant to be to each other.  
Conversation was a bit stilted, though, compared to their usual, comfortable banter.  Din wasn’t used to conversing truly face to face.  Where to look?  How to school his facial expressions?  And what in the galaxy to say to the woman who was essentially his soulmate?  He was not skilled in these things.
But Bo was merciful.
“We have a lot to discuss, hmmm?”  She raised her eyebrows and grinned, hoping to diffuse a bit of the nervous tension that had overtaken the small space.
He finally met her eyes, a small, bashful grin forming on his handsome face.  “Yeah, I’d say so.”
They gazed at each other just a little too long then, both caught admiring the others’ features in this new light.  Din broke first, uncomfortable with the prolonged eye contact, but he still had that boyish grin on his face.
“You know, in the old times, gifting a weapon in public declared the intention to court the other party…” Her bright smile and waggling eyebrows betrayed her humorous intentions, trying desperately to make Din feel more comfortable, though she did hope to spur a real conversation about what was brewing between them.  “Some have been saying…  you know… ”  She shrugged noncommittally.  This was meant to be mostly in jest, anyway.
He cleared his throat a bit nervously before replying, “I’m aware…”  His expression had now turned very serious. 
She continued on despite herself.  “And others might say that swearing your devotion ‘til death is tantamount to a love confession…”  Okay, that was a bit strong… Maybe she needed to lay off the wine…
He looked down at his cup, aimlessly swirling the liquor.  “Yes, they might say that…”  His voice sounded rougher as he finally looked up at her again, continuing more forcefully, “And they’d be right…”
Din Djarin never did mince words, did he?  The honesty in his confession took her breath away for a moment.  Stars , this was really happening, wasn’t it?
The realization sobered her up quickly, and she matched his serious tone, turning her body to face him more squarely and setting the wine bottle on the floor.  Her gloved hand rested on his knee.  “The feeling is mutual, Din.”
He inhaled sharply in both relief and surprise, having been certain she couldn’t possibly return the sentiment.
But then the fear set in…
He wasn’t good at this… feelings… and romance… and physical affection… He didn’t imagine that she was very good at it, either - though certainly better than him… He’d never had a relationship - only casual trysts, and even those were long ago.
Before he had time to really think all of that through, she was removing her gloves and taking his hands in hers.  “Can I take these off?”
He could only nod, throat dry.  Skin on skin contact of any kind was a rare thing in his life, but how he’d yearned to touch her.
She took her time, recognizing that even just this mildly intimate step might be a shock to his system.  And once the gloves were off, she lifted his hands and slid her palms slowly over his, allowing their fingers to lazily clasp together.
Din was mesmerized.  He never imagined that he would have the opportunity to be like this with someone… or for it to feel so natural and comforting.
But the way she was looking at him right now… with desire… Kriff , he wasn’t quite ready for all of that… not when bare hands were almost too much for him.
“Bo…” he started, more breathily than intended.  “I’ve never really…”
Her eyes went wide, and she cut him off.  “ Never ?”  Voice dropping to a whisper, she questioned, “Is it not allowed?”
He couldn’t hold back a nervous chuckle.  “No… not that… but it’s been a very long time…”  He took a deep breath to compose himself.  “I’ve just never had… this…  I have no idea what I’m doing… And the helmet… and just… there’s so many things…”
“That’s alright,” she reassured him, squeezing his hands.  “We can take it slow…”
“I want to kiss you.”  The words rushed out before he could stop them.  Maker… what was wrong with him?
Did he want to?  Yes, that was simply the truth.  Had he fantasized many times about what that would be like?  Yes… a lot…  But could he handle the reality?  He wasn’t sure.  This was a very intimate thing.
And what if she didn’t want to kiss him ?  Bo had only been familiar with his face for all of maybe two hours, after all.  Perhaps he was being presumptuous.
But she didn’t give him the chance to perseverate further, raising up on her knees to bring their faces in closer proximity and untangling one of her hands which landed on his stubbled cheek.  “By all means, Din - please do…”
He closed his eyes, both adjusting to and reveling in the sensation of her fingers on his face.  He was a little lost here.  He didn’t know what to do next.  So he fell back on a more familiar tradition, bringing their foreheads together in a sort of keldabe.  This was a little easier to wrap his mind around right now.
To her credit, Bo caught on quickly, mumbling against his cheek, lips ghosting over the corner of his mouth.  “You’ve never done this before… the creed…”
And he mumbled back, “No… But… I trust you…”
She grinned against his skin.  There was something refreshingly innocent and honest about this man.  “I’ll tell you what - I’m going to press my lips against yours, and you’re going to press mine back.  Is that okay?” 
He subtly nodded against her forehead, and Bo wasted no time, tilting her head and pressing her mouth to his.  Din did as instructed and to her surprise, brought one of his ungloved hands to her cheek, thumb smoothing over her temple.
The kiss was chaste, but that was alright.  They could both benefit from taking their time with this.  
Bo pulled away, brushing his forehead with her own as she did so in a final gesture of affection, and he sighed contentedly at the comfortable intimacy of it.  This was more than enough for now.
The rest of the evening was spent in relaxed conversation, the bottle of wine eventually running out.  By that time, both wore significantly fewer pieces of armor, their bodies nearly wrapped around each other as they enjoyed this rare moment of calm together.  Din couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps every night could be like this…
In the early morning hours, he finally left for his own quarters, the gentleman that he was, not wanting to cause any more of a stir than they already had.  He was bolder this time, when he kissed Bo goodbye in front of her door, finding the courage to press his lips more firmly against hers and allowing her to guide their mouths in slightly more passionate movement.  It was clumsy on his part, but it was good, nonetheless.  He would get there eventually.
Din was practically beaming with happiness, much like a lovestruck teenager, as he dropped the helmet back over his head and turned to walk back toward his own room.  
Hopefully, there would be many more such evenings to come.
Thank you for reading!
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theministop · 4 months
pag demisexual ba kung gano ka-intense yung emotional connection mo sa tao ganun din ka-intense yung physical attraction? shuta. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
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