#do cat’s understand the concept of gay people
whattfisausername · 2 years
Me: *laughs at a gay meme*
My cat, Dorita: *stares*
Me: *raises eyebrow* “Do you understand the concept of homosexuality?”
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quasarifxxy · 1 year
What primarily drew me to Kazurei as a pairing isn't the roommate trope, nor the golden retriever and brood cat trope, or the gay spy x family gag, but rather this scene from Episode 8 (that I'm somehow still not over.)
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It's the mutual reluctance to love and let themselves heal, with the exception that Kazuki couldn't stand to see Rei in the same position as him, so he offers to take care of him anyway. Both, who had a rough relationship with love, let themselves confide in each other. Rei, who found comfort and experienced what it's like to be taken care of, and Kazuki, who can't help but to extend care because it's something that's just... natural to do in his position. Kazuki, who is hurted by love that is taken from him over and over again, offers what he'd regard as a bare minimum because deep down, he wants his remaining loved ones (and in this timeline just rei) to feel the love he always desired.
Though Kazuki is seemingly full of emotions every time (enough to almost repress his sadness), his actions are always so gentle and full of warmth.
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What makes it more beautiful is how Rei adapts Kazuki concept's, or rather, way to express love to Miri (with the most apparent example being Episode 9) considering Kazuki was probably one of if not the first person he'd experienced and therefore actively saw it from. He initially wasn't able to comprehend how to love and be loved, and only through Kazuki's deeds did he learn how comforting and nice it is to be cared for, so he wanted to extend that to Miri after realizing how much his family meant to him.
Going back to the topic, I genuinely adore how Kazurei is a pairing consisting of two people who weren't given the opportunity to love, and during their time before Miri subconsciously fulfilled each other's emotional needs. Though initially distant, they immediately clicked because they fit together like puzzle pieces. Similar desires but difference in approach and seek what the other has.
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While there is mutual understanding between them, being able to read each other, neither of the two had the will to step onto each others' boundaries and address it. It was satisfying to see them grow closer emotionally and form the courage to communicate, with great examples being the last few episodes of the series.
Tl;dr the soft aspect of Kazurei made me complerely fall in love with the pairing and I used to be neutral about it
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c-53 · 8 months
I think people have well and truly lost the plot with the whole ai art fiasco and no longer understand what they’re supposed to be upset about, so they’re settling on ‘generated images are evil by nature’ for the sake of being angry. and. Not really caring about art theft, misinformation campaigns, or professional artists work being scraped so their bosses can fire them. Anyone can do something awful with a tool but that doesn’t make the tool as a concept morally wrong. The gay sex cats are FINE.
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okayto · 1 year
Mini-Review: Romantic Killer
Living her best single life, romance is the last thing on Anzu’s mind — until a tiny match-making wizard suddenly turns her life into a clichéd romcom.
Came across a trailer for this and then said, "That's either going to be really good, or really bad." My companion agreed and suggested I test it out and let them know whether it was terrible or not.
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Anzu Hoshino is a high schooler with no interest in romance, preferring to spend her free time playing games, eating chocolate, and enjoying the presence of her beloved cat, Momohiki. Unfortunately, when she tries a new game one day, it turns out to be crap, used by a magical creature named Riri as a way to introduce Anzu's new life: due to Japan's declining birthrate, the romantically-uninterested Anzu's life is going to be like a dating sim until she falls in love with someone! And if she doesn't? Say goodbye to Momohiki forever.
Anzu's reaction is understandable.
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So, back to my initial hesitancy: "you have to fall in love! Heterosexual relationships are the goal" is obviously a really skeevy theme, and when you're a person who is always happy with aromantic and/or asexual representation in fiction (hi, it's me, I'm a person), it can make you leery. And Anzu can definitely be read as aro/ace, but what's interesting is that you don't have to, the setup is patently absurd and knows it's ridiculous regardless of her orientation.
Some mysterious wizard council decided that a 10th grader needed to be in a romantic relationship or risk losing things she loved. It's compulsory heterosexuality: this character could be aro, ace, aro/ace, gay, or even just a ~15-year-old straight girl who currently has no interest in dating or romance. All of those options are viable, completely normal, and drive home how fucked up the concept of "threaten a teenager so she'll eventually get pregnant" is. (To be clear, the show doesn't dwell on anything beyond "you need to be in a romantic relationship," but even there it's clear that the show recognizes this is a ridiculous proposition.)
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Anzu is impossible not to like: she's a happy, healthy teen who really likes what she likes (gaming, chocolate, cats), doesn't care much about what others think but isn't a misanthrope, and her reaction to being told "treat your life like a dating sim or never see your cat again" is to swear revenge on the wizard and do everything in her power to avoid engaging with any of the concocted plots, even as they reach cheap-fiction levels of believability, much to her disgust.
Potential love interest has to move in with her because of Reasons? Time to be Unattractive!
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And the thing is, because of Anzu's determination to never get anywhere close to a romantic scenario, the people she meets are able to understand she's a safe person to be around--the first guy she meets, for instance is always having girls ask him out or try to get close--and engage with her without having to worry about hidden motives.
Anzu's determination means she is committed to not putting on a facade, which lets her personality and character shine through. Add to that some Riri-concocted scenarios that force Anzu to spend time with other characters in improbable situations, and what you get is a really, really fun and often-humorous story.
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The guys themselves also turn out to be good, fun characters. They get introduced to the plot as obvious love interests, but none of them were conjured out of magic and thus they all have their own reasons to continuing to be around Anzu (although the continual magic contrivances of Riri certainly help them keep their exposure up anyway).
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The ironic thing is that Riri's terrible game definitely does enrich Anzu and Kazuki's (potential love interest #1) lives, without question: Anzu gains new friends she enjoys spending time with, Kazuki does too, in a way that he's not been able to enjoy with many people before. The other potential love interests' lives are similarly enriched...but it's never because of romance! Really, this show is a good look at the power of friendship and just community in general.
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And while Anzu probably would've been fine if the whole thing had never happened--while she was kinda a loner after-school, there's no evidence that she was harming herself or setting up any future problems (which is, obviously, part of what makes the wizards' scenario so stupid)--Kazuki is a different matter. I don't want to say much because of spoilers, but it's clear early on that he's not just a loner because of his personality, but he's lived through some dark experiences that makes him want to stay away from any kind of relationship talk too.
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It's great, and while the story wraps up nicely, I would watch so much more.
Please, I am begging the Powers That Be: give us a season 2 where Anzu and the gang go after the wizard council. Friend hijinks and cartoon violence, it's a match made in heaven. Please.
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English dub? Yes!
Visuals: Shiny and modern! Except for Riri's game, but that's intentionally bad. Anzu's many faces are very funny as well.
Worth watching? Yes. And I would watch another season, even though the story wrapped up fine. Give me more of this lovely friend group of weirdos who love each other.
Where to watch (USA, as of March 2023): Netflix (sub and dub)
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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tragedyboycentral · 1 year
So I'm copy-pasting my own essay I added onto another post to post on my own. But the amount of people out here who truly DON'T understand the historical importance of WTNV, from a queer media perspective, boggles me.
I want you to imagine the year is 2012. Gay marriage won't be legalized for another three years. A podcast starts to make the rounds, your friends are watching it so you think sure. Let's check it out. And then you here the narrator start to talk about the new scientist in town. And right there, in the first introduction, they make it clear. "And I fell in love instantly." There was no building up, no hiding it, no queerbaiting. Right there in the first episode they told us that Cecil was Gay and in love with Another Man.
And if you weren't there then there arent WORDS for how ground breaking this was at the time. How amazing it was for the tumblrbase, consisting largely of closeted/ discovering pre-teens, to hear this. The finale of Legend of Korra, where two women holding hands was GROUND BREAKING?? That wouldn't happen for another two years. This wasn't an everyday occurrence and hell, I would argue even today, a whole decade later, there still aren't many pieces of media doing it like wtnv was (and still is).
Not to mention in horror media, queerness is traditionally used to notate something scary. The scary lesbian woo'ing another woman and killing her was a horror trope for a reason. In media queerness is used as almost exclusively as a corrupting, disgusting, force. But Cecil's queerness wasn't just loved, it was celebrated within the media itself. His love interest was a 'normal' guy from out of town but Cecil's oddities are why Carlos loves him. Every aspect of Night Vale is odd, is queer, and that queerness becomes acceptably mundane in a beautiful way. The entirety of Night Vale of a concept was taking all that was Queer and celebrating it.
And in greater terms of media, Welcome To Night Vale is what single-handedly changed podcasts from 'the thing your dad listened to' to something interesting and accessible to young people. It practically introduced the concept of narrative podcasts and is still the roadmap many of them use today. Massive media like The Magnus Archives, The Penumbra Podcast, and hell I would argue even the popularity of other media like TAZ? It only happened because WTNV brought not just an audience to podcasts, but a QUEER audience. A queer audience who, once they were old enough, only needed a mic and cheap editing software to start making their own queer content just as fast as they were consuming everyone else's.
But back to 'sexyman'. Again. Tumblr's base is 12-14. And we're given not just the first gay character most of us have ever seen. But a dutiful boyfriend who loves his husband and his cat. Who gets into silly little squabbles with his silly little nemesis. Who's CHARMING. Of course the internet fell in love. But beyond his personality. He had the Homestuck/ Bill Cipher/ Wheatley bonus of not having a canon design. People keep mentioning he's faceless as a weird element but that was the DRAW back then. It was an INTEGRAL part of the appeal. Sure, the basic 'blonde white twink' design was/is the most popular- it was 2012- but some people got creative. No matter what your attraction was too, you could picture him looking like that. He's a good boyfriend AND he's hot?
Sure, The Onceler was insanely popular and so was Sans. But people were either lusting for them or Hated them. But Cecil?? Cecil was our hot gay mentor. He was the closest thing a lot of younger queers on tumblr had for an adult queer role model. He was the basis for so other tumblr sexymen.
TLDR: "Did wtnv have cultural impact?" jesus fuck yes it did.
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charc-arts · 8 months
Not to get on a soapbox abt how much i fucking haaaate AI art but like
It'd be nice for a wider understanding that like. Unfortunately the silley meme generating gay sex cats img machine is also the same thing companies r gonna look at and see it as a cost cutting alternative to hiring actual, professional artists for a living wage to Do Their Job bc AI can just spit out subpar (but passible to the everyday guy as long as u dont look at it for more than 10 seconds) imgs in a quarter of the time and at twice the output said artists could do it at. B/C we live in a society.
And how much places like ArtStation and dA are just. Clogged with AI art entries, esp when the former used to be a common portfolio type website for artists to use.
And how many MASSIVELY underqualified AI "artists" are applying for jobs out of their league bc they either don't understand the parameters of the job they're applying for (eg Concept Art is a LOT more than knowing how to. Input in word prompts into an img generator to get a Highly Rendered Final Output) or like. Basically swindling money out of their clients by banking on the fact they don't know what they're getting is AI work (this has been a MAJOR issue with authors and book cover artists for a while now and uhhh fun fact! AI generated imgs cannot be copyrighted! There was also a recent debacle with Grey Delisle having commissioned an "artist" for a con signing print and it turned out what she got was AI slog).
Im speaking from personal/secondhand experience I see as an artist myself, but this doesnt even cover shit like when people would use ai to "finish" fics that take a while to update or the unethicality of using AI voice generators for song covers and the like (ive seen a LOT of VAs on twitter express their disapproval of having their voice used like that w/o their consent)
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 years
I wouldn’t call Romantic Killer “aphobic” or “acephobic”
More like “a-ignorant”
Like, they just don’t acknowledge aromanticism as a concept. You can’t say that something is homophobic if it has no gay people in it, so the same should go for aspec
I mean, it’s another story if a character straight up says “I hate gay people” and it’s treated like a good thing to say. That would be homophobic
But no one does that in Romantic Killer. Riri doesn’t acknowledge the possibility of being aroace because that’s their JOB. They were HIRED to force someone into a romantic relationship to improve Japan’s birth rate
Which is hilarious. Horrible, but hilarious. Whether she’s aroace or not, Anzu’s stuck in this situation and does not like it one bit, and as a panromantic asexual I find that hilarious
Of course, to aromantics it probably sounds like hell on Earth, which it is, especially to Anzu. She doesn’t want a romantic life and I love that for her, she deserves to choose for herself
All Riri’s scheming seemed to do is give her a found family with people that she wouldn’t have previously acknowledged with her nose stuffed in a game, or a cat, or a chocolate bar
And I love the prioritization of platonic love over romantic in the series. In fact, forced romanticism is villainized in the end via the stalker situation
I loved the show and I can’t wait to see more of it. I’m also confident that Anzu won’t end up with any of the guys anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about. As an asexual, watching this did not make me feel insulted in any way
I can’t speak for aromantics though. I’d love to hear some in-depth opinions from that point of view. Aromantics of tumblr please feel free to voice your opinion! I’d like to gain a better understanding of the aro perspective
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elbiotipo · 5 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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Honestly? I have no idea. The answer to your questions could take whole books. Indeed they must have.
I actually don't understand what makes sexuality or gender, on its current definitions, work. I doubt we will ever get a single answer. For sure there is an inborn component to it, I have gay friends who have told me they had same-sex crushes from kindergarter. I also don't think one can't discount cultural or enviromental developments. I'm not sure, for example, how strong my own same-sex attraction is, but I know I wouldn't have even considered it if I didn't know about the possibility (many people on my own friend circle don't even understand how something such as bisexuality exists). I don't believe sexuality or gender can be defined in "boxes" or even clear cut identities. I have a lesbian friend who tells me she has lots of men who are 'an exception' to her, I've met people who cross-dress without thinking of themselves as transgender, or a trans man who considers his life as a woman as just another phase and dislikes the "deadname" concept.
From a purely biological evolutionary perspective, I think that sexuality, as in, sex for pleasure, is a bonding activity. It's a parallel of what surged in lion prides or cat colonies "why fight when we can love instead", except humans were descended from social beings, so sexuality was inherent to us. As for gender, despite obvious anatomical differences, humans are rather similar between biological sexes, we really don't have that much differences beyond those found culturally. We are more like wolves than lions in that aspect.
As humans are cultural beings and we take what we find in nature and process it into abstract terms, we have created a large "structure", is that the right word? around gender and sexuality, among different cultures and times. I don't believe there is a single correct way to interpret such things, only that it seems inherent to us, obviously, as biological beings to seek sex for procreation and also for pleasure and social bonding, and from there all the complexity arises.
I don't want to say most humans are "pan/bi" because that makes no sense, but I will say that people seem to be inborn with certain preferences to a biological sex or another, but that those traits are more flexible than we think, and that they can be changed to a certain extent by cultural and enviromental factors.
I'm sure there are authors that have explored these topics better than me.
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mallowmaenad · 5 months
19, 26, 34?
19:A fact about your personality
I have multiple.
26:My biggest pet peeves
Being rude to servers, wasting food, people that project their feelings onto the actions of domesticated animals and babies for fun, when an easily recognizable thing in a foreign piece of media gets localized into something stupid, "cute" animal videos where the animal is being mistreated, exotic pet owners, expensive rice, expensive soda, when tv shows' seasons are spread over multiple streaming services vs. all being on one or more, people that find kate upton attractive, people raising their voices, cars that have the bass turned up so loud you hear the chassis rattling like its going to explode more than you hear the actual music, people that tell you to "just google it", ghosting, people making arguments against nobody because they want to look enlightened, christians acting oppressed, people that hate the homestuck and hlvrai fanbase, people that make fandom their whole personalities, conspicuous consumption, people who talk about firebombing walmarts n shit who have never done anything in their lives to help their communities, when I send something to someone for them to read and they never get around to reading it because they don't have the patience to, overconfident men, when someone eggs me on and on to play a video game so we can play together and then when I start playing it they suddenly don't have any time to play it with me anymore, when settings have lore than make whole swaths of species ontologically evil, people who are picky about grammar and spelling, people who say skyrim is the worst elder scrolls game, having to play tabletop RPGs by "official play" guidelines, delivery fees that don't even go to the delivery driver, people who talk about cool weapons "not being practical", hats with poor craftsmanship, the feel of wearing converse shoes, youtube accent, cis white dudes being at the forefront of progressiveness in pop culture, people assuming you understand whatever references they make to a thing adjacent to something you do know about but personally don't care about, farting in my direction, uncreative misappropriation of the word "golem", wanting to fuck league of legends characters, people that think cat girls are more popular than puppy girls in real life, deodorant, people that get pissy about buying pre-minced garlic, when arizona ice tea is more expensive than 1 dollar a can, mr. beast's face, the term "thicc" and its consequences, people who like fat asses and thick thighs who hate it when girls are fat, when people conflate the dnd class list as having actual ramifications in wider fantasy media, people who think weed is bad, asking for criticism and only receiving complaints, people that say chinese-american or texmex cuisine isnt "authentic", formalities, out of character lewd fanart especially if it's of a strong, dominant woman in a submissive position with toned down muscles, when RPGs butch bait me,
blonde girls with no personality, NHentai's tag search system, mid shounen dominating the western anime scene, when someone says something is "so gay" but its just their fandom headcanons, when one take from a post or article gets so popular when you bring up the thing it's related to people can't not bring it up every time the topic appears, people that try to get the attention of zoo animals, people that own over 700 dollars worth of firearms that aren't collectors like actual collectors not fuckin Clint from the suburbs that feels like a man only cause he owns an AR-15 and a Desert Eagle , lack of cool and edgy plus size character designs, when people call transphobic caricatures "GNC AF", gum immediately losing its flavor, the olive oil industry, when people tell me "just emulate it" or "just pirate it" and roll their eyes when I tell them I'm worried about viruses, games that rip off grand theft auto, when charity bundles on itch.io are 80% unfinished PWYW proof of concept demos put there to get good will advertising, people who are concerned with Wario's honor, lack of plus size yuri, people who turn their noses up to foreign foods, RPGs with character customization that won't let you play as a girl, doing my taxes, when people are coy about details, dudes that want to fuck alstolfo, slowed with reverb remixes, the memeification of phonk, the price of video games, waiting on game downloads after putting the disc into the console, people doing me favors and getting passive-aggressive about it later when I didn't ask for it/tried to ease the burden of it as much as possible, when people ask me what I want on my burger when the menu clearly outlines what toppings the burger is meant to come with, trying to find a tf2 classic server without additional weapon mods that break the game, polo shirts
34:What I find attractive in women
Interesting personality, eager to praise, understanding, warm, enjoys eating, weird, decent fashion sense, messy bedroom/car, doesn't wear any strong artificial scents, progressive stances on neurodivergence and psychology, physically affectionate, has incorporated something like a kind of animal or fantastical concept into their identity, caring, vaguely maternal at times, willing to play video games and watch youtube poops, sense of humor, soft, will do drugs with me in a level-headed manner, likes goofy looking cocktails and desserts, not above eating a 5 dollar hamburger on a date, into fat girls, has a broad definition of what sex is, ideally transgender, nice lap to lay head in, endurance to have 300lbs on top of them for some period of time, willing to buy things for me, kinky in a cringe way, a bit ugly (by society's standards), older than me, into obscure animes and music, appreciates a good cup of coffee, lax style, cringe resistant, quiet, into plushies, total nerd, in terms of appearance I like a very diverse range of those to the point where it doesn't factor in as much but I find conventionally attractive people boring and visible ribs make me feel concerned and uncomfortable
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ozymandiasdirge · 11 months
character meme do snake and vegeta
for my sweet sweet boy david snake
First impression: after peripheral awareness of metal gear solid existing for ten years, in 2008 i was playing brawl on my friends wii and was like.....who is real human man caked up with a gun in my silly nintendo party fighter. and then i shot pokemon trainer with a nikita missile and it was love at first sight 💖
Impression now: he's the wolf, he's the lamb, he's the sheep dog he's the shepherd, he's jesus christ. he's done unspeakale horrors he's a monument to the innate kindness of human beings in the face of mistreatment every parental figure in his life. he's been married for a decade and had a child with a man who i know owns more than one horny dakimura. he's the first video game character to ever say the word bisexual. he loves dogs. he's a clone of his father. his father who ignored him his entire life only told him he was his father to manipulate him before snake burned him alive with a macguyvered zippo flamethrower. kojima spend months modeling his ass. literally character of all time.
Favorite moment: "i'm not like you, i love life" "life is worth living even when it hurts you, even when you hurt it." everytime he does that shoulder grab and soulful eye stare at otacon, sunny, or raiden when they're filled with despair.
Idea for a story: he lives another happy fifty healthy years after the end of mgs4 i know this i learned this in a psychic attack from kojima.
Unpopular opinion: people who look at this man and see someone other than a bottom.....girl i cannot help you.
Favorite relationship: otasune my beloved. also him and sunny (father and daughter of all time 🥺🥺🥺, him and raiden (weh), whatever deranged shit he and kaz had going on take that how you will, and him and frankie 😩😩😩
Favorite headcanon: i have never gotten over that one post about hal putting on the first pokemon movie for sunny and dave seeing it and fully cat crying dot png because mewtwo's just like him fr
idiot boy vegeta
First impression: me @ the age of 6 watching toonami at my cousin's house: who is this infinitesimal crying man being beaten to death in front of me.
Impression now: worst galactically wanted planet destroyer princess alive 💖💖💖💖💖💖 i love him so bad.
Favorite moment: his majin arc was so insane he was sooooo #gonegirl, gatekeep, girlboss i love gay divorce.
Idea for a story: vegeta doesn't get inflicted with toriyama's comp het. actualy just apply that to every dragon ball character.
Unpopular opinion: i understand it's like...better for his mental health and i like the concept but like........i wish his character arc had ended with "i dont have to be better than goku" rather than "goku will always bee better than me" like.....thanks i hate that
Favorite relationship: goku and vegeta unfortunately, he and bulma but as people who used to to fuck because they're both stone cold 10's and now they are just little haters together, if i was toriyama i would have done a whole lot more with him and gohan given that they literally have the same backstory, him and piccolo and chichi should have a bitch4bitch4bitch club i would be so down, him and raditz because it makes me insane, him and freeza but only when they focus on his horrifically unpacked trauma and make vegeta shake like a pursedog and then he kills freeza, oh and him and tarble because what the fuck they literally never did anything with that.
Favorite headcanon: okay read above most of my headcanon's got put up there 😭😭😭
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that-punk-adam · 1 year
Sometimes I be reminded that the people in power have convinced members of the 99% that trans people are an issue by just existing. You can’t exist in the public OR the private for any reason. You can’t work a job and mind your business as a trans person bc ‘it’s an issue’, you can’t go out in public with friends to do whatever bc it’s ‘an issue’.
Have people forgotten that we are all literally the same? We work, we have families, we cry and love, we party and celebrate. It’s a cultural difference that those convinced members don’t truly understand. Just as with the cultural differences between white people and black people in America, there is a cultural difference between cis and trans people, and gay and straight people. The culture differs regionally too, which I think is cool.
I think it has to do with the scales of everything. There are a lot of trans people who are simple and just live their lives as human people who laugh and cry and love and have wants/needs/dreams. There are, though still a smaller population of trans people, who make an effort to make (their) gender/identity a prime staple of their life and have near everything revolve around it. They too laugh and cry and have hopes and dreams.Of that tiny population, it separates out to the people who are more the activist type and those who are more into it as a concept. It keeps dividing into more and more micro niche pockets of people, more and more .0000000001% of an already relatively small global population levels of niche. Numbers so small that they could probably get counted on your fingers
I really think that it’s the incessant inclusion of the internet into nearly every single aspect of daily life that’s wrecking the brains of already fragile minds. The alt right platform mentality is growing bc of the relatively innocent minds of people not knowing any better, of not knowing anything else other then what’s directly in front of them because of their life circumstances that they probably have no say in. Maybe they were told it was better for them and others around them, and that’s why they believe what they believe? Maybe it’s the sense if belonging they get because of those taught ideals, because they feel like they don’t belong in other available spaces in the real world..? Because of the heavy inclusion of online activity and spaces*, I think we’re loosing the ability to just… talk to each other. I think people don’t see other people as the same is them anymore… they are just you with a different pair of shoes and a different face, no matter how different they are.
( *- I could go on about all of that but I don’t want to make this post 50 thousand miles longer then it needs to so I’ve condensed this part.)
I’d love to live in a world one day where people as a whole understand more about other people in their own culture who are simply just a little more different then them. ‘Understanding’, in this context, put as plainly as possible, meaning “accepting that there are differences that you cannot control but that this differences aren’t going to kill or harm you in any way”, and not the more ‘universal’ use of the word that I’m hearing/understanding it to mean ‘accept 100% and are on equal levels with and are on board with ideally’. Instead of people attempting to get along and maybe talk things out so there is more understanding between cis and trans people we’re just going to keep fighting. I keep seeing the same exact things being tossed at one another and things gotta change, there really has to be a better way to talk to each other bc we’re going in circles. We are stuck in a rut and no one seems to be going anywhere besides around that corner.
You know what I’d love to do as a queer? Have a safe fair paying job with my lil squishy bf + friends (cis, straight, trans, and queer identities) and live out in a rural area away from the suburbs. We’d all love to have some goats or chickens or some other fowl. We’d love to have cats and a little cuddly socialized n trained chihuahua. If we could ever afford it, we’d have a small animal rescue. As long as you’re not harming anyone with your actions or your words, live and let live. I don’t want to live with anxiety that I’m gonna somehow end up on a hate group’s list because of a few cultural or social differences and be taken away to some strange and scary place (at the best) for who knows how long away from my family n friends because I happen to be different.
Please, for everyone’s health and safety, let’s learn to love each other again. The world is already a big and scary place that doesn’t need any more violence against one another.
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vindlcated · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Damien Angelus Ardeleanu
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: Finnick Odair (Catching Fire & Mockingjay), Lucerys Velaryon & Aemond Targaryen (House of th Dragon), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries), Inuyasha (titular character), Nezuko Kamada (Demonslayer), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire [2022]), Chandler Bing (FRIENDS), Victor, Ben, & Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Ellie Williams (The Last of Us P. 2)
FACE CLAIM: Matthew Daddario
GENDER: He/him, cis man
BIRTHDAY: June 6th, ????
AGE:  29/1k+
SPECIES: Original Vampire
OCCUPATION: Owner of Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo
LIVES IN: Sunnyside (same building as tattoo shop—his apartment is right above the shop!)
CW: Death/Violence
❝ the taste of ink is getting old ❞ The Taste of Ink name by The Used
Positive: Charismatic ◇ Protective  ◇ Resilient   Negative: Rebellious  ◇ Vindictive  ◇ Melancholy 
Their Priorities: He’s chilling. He’s been around too long to have major priorities. He only wants to make sure people he cares about are doing okay and that his shop is doing good and he can still do art.
Muse’s soft spot: Cats
Greatest strength: He has quite the protective nature. Quite dangerous if he’s going to be protective of someone. 
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: This is the irony isn’t it? The people he cares about are always, simultaneously, his weakness. Both weakness and strength. 
Muse’s secret: TBD Hobbies: Doing anything with art, writing & reading, composing music, and of course tattooing. He likes being around people he considers friends. Even though he’s a homebody, he’s very capable of being coerced into other activities such as attending a concert, going to the movies, and taking strolls. He enjoys dancing but rarely, and his dancing is very particular and of older times (craves the intimacy!) and enjoys poking fun of whatever modern generation dominates the world. He enjoys learning! Loves education so yeah loves learning. Knitting & crocheting. Things they love: Cats, cats, cats. Art, of course. Loves to master any bit of new technology. Being with people he cares about. Cats again.  Pet Peeves: People that know what he is, and then they eat in front of him and then offer him food, People that interrupt his or other employees’ work, obnoxious clients, threats made towards people he cares about (and this does include his employees), easily gets annoyed when he doesn’t understand a newer, modern concept that seems obvious to everybody else
DAMIEN ANGELUS ARDELEANU was born over a thousand years ago in the region of Transylvania in Romania. He was a part of a rather regular family and for the most part, this was a multi-generational household. He really adored his siblings growing up and his parents, though weirdly enough, dad sometimes left for long periods of time. He was definitely a mama's boy, and it was sad and worrying when she grew ill and passed away. After it became evident what was happening and Damien and the rest of his siblings were cursed all because of their father's actions, things changed. They were... monsters. They were a new kind of monster that never had stepped foot on this earth, with great power and a thirst for blood.
Within the family of original vampire siblings was the eldest brother who gave himself the daunting deed of being the patriarch of the family. Damien hated this, especially after the first three hundred years. This was when he wanted to go his own way, do as he wished and didn't want to follow whatever strict rules were put in place for the family to be a responsible set of originals. So, he lashed out. First, at his eldest brother, and then in an anger towards his other siblings, he went on a murder spree in the village they were currently staying at. He completely saw red. Couldn't stop until it was over. It was the first and last time he'd ever committed such violence in that manner. But it's an event he forever remembers in his head and one he wishes he could forget. Sadly, as it turns out, he is capable of horrible things.
He lost many of his direct fledglings. It was bad luck, but newborns his direct fledglings created seemed to go on just fine, thus Damien's vampire line is strong enough after all those years. He is very selective with who he turns now, solely because he's afraid they'll end up dying on him. Though one fledgling he did create ended up being the love of his life who was about to die from the black plague. It's unfortunate how things turned out, solely because Damien had done it out of selfish reasons—he didn't want to lose his love, even if his love wished to not be turned into a vampire. At the moment, Damien turned a woman more recently—about a week ago—after befriending her at a concert. It was too save her life, and unlike his love, she was grateful. Though as a baby fledgling, Damien's got his hands tied with making sure she's the best she can be at being a vampire.
Damien currently resides in Los Santos. He's been living there for forty years. At first, hiding in plain sight was easy enough, until it became obvious to humans that there were supernatural creatures amongst them. His tattoo and piercing shop, Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo, has had a reputable reputation for thirty-five years and is very inclusive to creatures and humans alike—both employees and clientele. Art is one of the reasons he manages to drag himself out of bed, along with his Norwegian Forest Cat, Emilia (or Emmy for short), and of course, as been said many times before, the people he cares about.
MUSE AESTHETICS  ◇ Tattoos  ◇ Cats  ◇ Darkness
Siblings (2/4): Rhysand Ardeleanu & Soreana Ardeleanu
More siblings (2/4 available, see wanted connection on main & contact me!)
His best friend (around the same physical age as Damien): Damien is kind of in love with this guy. Been friends for several decades. They have a lot of the same interests. They are also roommates. Would burn the world for this guy.
Ex: His oldest direct fledgling. Damien "saved" him during the black plague. Unfortunately, this was against Damien's wishes, and this ex has become the monster Damien refused to become out of spite.
His newest sire (female fc, 25-28 yrs old)
Vampires hes mentored or is currently mentoring: 0/3 taken. Just the warmest bond despite not being directly sired from him (though could very well be from his sire line. He's pretty passionate about helping baby vampires who were sired by carless or abusive sires. So he takes them under his wing!)
Human volunteers for feeding: 0/3 taken. He pays them and also takes care of them after due to loss of energy. Aftercare is important!
More employees for his tattoo/piercing shop
Other friends are nice
Regular clients
His veterinarian for Emmy, his Norwegian Forest Cat
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 2 years
1, 4, 11, 13, 24, 27
1. is cat hating misogyny
I think it's a little more complex than cat hating directly equals misogyny, it's a combination of how little we value and respect animals, and owning cats as pets being associated with women. people compare cats to dogs and expect cats to behave and respond in the same way dogs do, there is very little effort to understand cat behavior and a lot of undesirable behavior in cats is a direct response to their environment and the way they are treated, animals are a lot of effort and cats in particular get a reputation for being "easy" and aloof. also women need to be conditioned to fear being single in order to pressure them into relationships with men no matter how unsatisfactory they are, a woman putting herself and her pets above all else is demonized and this is why the crazy cat lady is used as a tool to scare women from becoming like that stereotype.
4. political lesbians
I think the concept is absolutely despicable. straight feminists have the tendency to associate lesbian attraction with the perverse ways men behave towards women and therefore they demonize lesbians and their desire for women and try to strip away the neutrality of the lesbian identity and politicize it disregarding the harm this does to actual lesbians. lesbianism is a sexual orientation and not a political statement, and when political "lesbians" eventually desert the term and enter into relationships with men again (because there is no way in hell you can convince yourself to be attracted to women when you are not) it's used against lesbians to prove that we can't be really lesbians cause they knew this other lesbian who is now married to a man. political lesbianism is also not the same as being a febfem or a heterosexual woman who chooses to remain celibate, I think women should do their best to de-center men from their lives and that can be achieved without bastardizing lesbianism.
11. polyamory/polygamy
it's incredibly annoying that liberals blindly accept polyamory without addressing its history (and event present) as a tool used by men to own as many women as possible, without the women's consent as it's not needed. you can't expect multiple individuals to enter into a poly agreement without anticipating that power dynamics due to misogyny will play out, I am very critical of it but I am also critical of monogamous heterosexual relationships but I don't want this ask to get too long lol.
13. who is a better lesbian ally: straight women vs gay men
gay men will understand your struggles as a fellow gay person but as men they can still be misogynistic af, it's the same with straight women we share a class as women but many of them are homophobic unfortunately, this is why I think lesbians are the only ones who can understand each other.
24. t-slur
not a fan of slurs in general specially the ones used in porn, I am just tired of the hypocrisy of having the t-slur as the one slur you never ever say but then all gay people are called "queer" against their will and the genderists liberally use f*g and dyke against gays and lesbians unchecked. sometimes I don't have it in me to care about a group of men who make women and especially lesbians' lives so much harder.
27. do butch/femme couples imitate heterosexuality 
no, it's stupid that this is even a discourse in the "queer" community by people who themselves are in het relationships, it's just lesbophobia
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demoarchivedagain · 7 months
my dreams were scrambled last night. it started off with me being commissioned by a club at my school to create some graphics. all the photos they gave me to apply/use as reference were of legit gore. i coped by reminding myself they were some sort of medical club even though the photos put me off. the dream distorted and i ended up waking up and going back to sleep pretty fast.
i seemed to re-enter the concept of the dream almost immediately. but i remained tied to the fact i was in my room. so the dream swiftly changed locations and soon i was hearing someone rattling at my broken door telling me what they’d do with my ribs after mutilating my torso. i was just conscious enough to think this was real and started to gradually yell back that i was going to kill them, over and over. at one point they went quiet which prompted me to sing the chorus of just like Arcadia which was embarrassing but felt comforting at the time (there’s a chance i was sleep talking). i shot awake again when i saw the door swinging open and ended up staying up longer.
went back to sleep. dreamt that i slept through all of sunday and forgot to do this one important thing. my dad was home even though he shouldn’t be. tried to take my mind off work by thinking of gay porn. woke up close to 6 and went back to sleep.
dreamt i was in my grandparents old home but between the stairs leading to the second floor and the stairs leading to the basement was a staircase that got closer and closer to the ceiling until there was only a tiny opening. it was supposedly a very personal room for their cat. all covered in carpeting, beautifully lit- had the same interior design as mc escher’s works. it even had a tiny piano!! there were two entrances and one exit but i forget where some of the others were. anyway i needed to help clean the place for guests. laundry room creeped me out as always. my brother was bullying the guests for no reason. woke up disappointed because both my grandparents’ cats are dead now, they sold their old home. and that would’ve been a great room for a cat. went back to sleep.
argument with dad. wake up fall back asleep.
dreamt i was a part of some school program i can’t understand but the location was nicer and i overall preferred the people attending. was invited to some kind of ceremony and got a message from an old friend(who is not in sweden) to meet them way outside of the city in a town that i figured doesn’t exist. drifted through lucid school scenarios and made it to the ceremony. really weird booths containing information, voice recordings and videos of the students. the one i was featured in didn’t really seem like myself at all. my voice and mannerisms were unlike my own, i was leaning against an animal cage in a zoo between two other students, talking in-comprehensively. i ended up leaving out of panic. tried to reach the train station but once again, something was off and i was pushed into the ground can’t remember what came after if anything. woke up for real.
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netverk · 8 months
AI Art is Not Collage or Sampling And Here's Why
I rarely feel motivated to make text posts but over the past few days I've seen an uptick in people deciding to defend AI Art, despite them maybe once being against it.
I'm sorry also if this post seems patronising or goes over things which you may already know, I'm writing this for theoretically all potential audiences so I feel obligated to go into detail on things. Again, sorry for the length.
I have been tracking the development AI image generation for many years. When I first saw the news about DALL-E 2 I was shocked that technology had seemingly advanced to the point that any image could be conjured from the aether, basically. However, in my own experimentation with it, I found it to be consistently disappointing in its results. As time went on, we all learnt of the staggering amount of Art Theft this, and all other Generative AIs, engaged in to power themselves. To see then, posts circulating equating AI Art with Collage/Remix/Sampling is very strange, it as if everyone forgot about the whole consensus agreement that these things stole art in a massive and blatant way. On some level I hypothesise this might be because of the reporting on the fact that AI Art may be used by The Powers That Be (Adobe etc.) to tighten copyright law to an incredibly draconian degree, making it so that individual art styles may be copyrightable, but really, I don't know! Regardless, AI Art is not engaging in sampling, remixing, or collage. It is, to cut a long post short, literally a machine to generate forgeries. Again, I thought this was widely agreed upon, but apparently not!?
In college/university I studied Photography. The debate around AI Art now has shades of the debate around the start of Photography, but not really.
The instigating post here is by @whompthatsucker1981, who boldly stated:
"i think that gay sex cats is the new duchamp’s fountain"
Gay Sex Cats is an AI Generated Image of the words 'GAY SEX' resolving in a group of kittens walking towards the "camera". From a distance it resembles the words 'GAY SEX', when viewed closer it resembles those words and also a group of kittens walking towards the camera. When viewed even closer, or for basically any amount of time, the AI generated nature of the image betrays itself, with the kittens being typically malformed and strange looking.
Duchamp's Fountain is an iconic work of Dada art. It is a men's urinal, turned onto its side and signed 'R. Mutt, 1917'. In invoking Fountain, 'whompthatsucker1981' is on some level politicising dislike towards AI Art. In the tags on the post, he states
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Oh, so I guess he really is outright politicising the dislike of AI Art now.
Bluntly, he is completely and utterly wrong about Fountain, and it is an insane false-equivalence argument.
Fountain is hated by Chuds largely because of what it represents. The intent can sort of be gleamed through just considering why it exists and is called 'Fountain'. It's a urinal, but its been de-familiarised and turned literally on its side and dubbed a fountain. It is suggesting that theoretically, anything can be art. If you interpreted it that way, that's basically the 'intended' read! This was the core concept, in his words: "everyday objects raised to the dignity of a work of art by the artist's act of choice".
You can read other things into Fountain. All Art Is Subjective.
Chuds hate Fountain for it doing that. For it to dare suggest that art can have meanings and readings and be, visually, just a piece of ephemera or junk the artist decided to elevate. The Trad-Chud Statue PFP crowd profoundly do not understand art, and believe that art should be purely judged on its visual qualities and in their eyes depiction of traditional and historic scenes. They cannot stand that art is not exclusively Jesus and Imperial History Fanart.
AI Art is ironically really good for people who wish that art was all just meaningless, beautiful images! It does this by literally stealing the works of countless artists present and past.
To loop this around to the first work of ""art"" mentioned, what exactly is Gay Sex Cats trying to say exactly as a work of art?
It... isn't. Of course, that is not to say people cannot read into it like whompthatsucker, as All Art is Subjective. But it is an image not made with any outright statement on AI Art, Non-AI Art, or anything really, in mind. It is a shitpost, it is two words the 'Internet' as a collective semi-conscious has agreed (for whatever reason) constitute a Low Effort Funny, there exist other images of the words 'GAY SEX' rendered in various ways. This image thus simply slots in as the latest in a series.
Therefore the message of Gay Sex Cats is simply to exist, to an elicit a reaction from the viewer, presumably the creator hoping for a little laugh and a like-and-reblog. It is not making any concrete statement about what art means, or really doing anything more than just being a shitpost.
The thing is, though, whompthatsucker1981 didn't just make a really terrible comparison between two entirely different things made for two entirely different reasons, he also painted Gay Sex Cats. Like, he physically painted the AI image.
This act, interestingly, is quite clearly designed to make a statement 'on' AI Art. Implausibly, the arguments presented in his post responding to various rebloggers commenting in the tags. Let's take a careful look through his statements!
He starts by saying that many of the reblogs are 'missing the point', if you look through the screenshots of tags he included in his post, you'll find that the takeaway of a lot of people is 'hooray, I can reblog that shitpost now and not feel bad about it'. He does note that yes, he was taking a silly meme seriously and was 'trying to make people think about it'.
He goes on to ask the rebloggers:
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The thing that 'whompthatsucker1981' fails to get is that it inherently is less of an act of Art Theft by virtue of being hand painted by him. Even should the base image he is practically tracing be made from the mulched together essence of thousands of other images, to make your own work with paint basically means that you... aren't stealing art.
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This is the common defense of AI Art Defenders, that it is completely harmless. No one is losing money, no one is actually getting hurt, so why should we dislike a funny image, a fun tool, by virtue of AI.
In literally the same day I encountered this post, I encountered another post pushing the exact same argument, basically. Generative AI is fine, for memes, as memes are free and just posted around! This post was by a bunch of different people all replying to one-another but the main 'top two' levels of that are the ones that matter.
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The majority of Nightcore uploaded to YouTube quite specifically names the track that has been Nightcored in the title. With remixing, the base track is still often credited somewhere.
Most Nightcore doesn't really alter the base track that much, but one could say that in the choice of song 'Nightcored' there is still some echo of the uploader's spirit. Even so, this argument isn't really worrying about Nightcore/memes making a statement or being something personal to the creator. This argument is simply saying: "Oh, but you steal images and sounds and media constantly to generate internet culture, so how is AI Art any different?" This is why I interjected this post in here, because it puts forward the same argument as the other.
It has been said that 'Everything is a Remix', I make a lot of works sampling other things. One of my favourite emotes in Fortnite uses a song which samples a house track from the 90s. Sampling is very much a normal and accepted part of cultural creation. Sampling and Collage are very much the same things in different mediums. Collage is when a still work collages things from disparate sources, these elements are conspicuously from different places. Much like Duchamp's Fountain and Readymades, the collage artist is taking typically ephemeral imagery and elevating it to art. Fundamentally, in their process they are creating, they are imbuing whatever it is they are doing with a part of their soul, their mind.
An AI is not doing anything like that. At the start of the post I mentioned how I studied Photography. In the early days of photography, there was a similar debate over how it can capture images perfectly, how it is mechanical, how it may not be 'art' by such a virtue. In time, it became accepted that photography was art because in the act of using the machine, a photographer is still exerting some degree of creativity. Choosing the precise composition, waiting for 'the decisive moment', or time of day, or staging and lighting a studio a specific way. Photography is a litany of choices, and although due to capturing reality they don't quite have the hyper-distinct mark of an author quite like illustrative arts (unless you put in the work to cultivate a specific aesthetic that becomes linked to you, as with Wes Anderson), they are still works guided and driven by the human soul.
One could argue that AI Art has a human element. Someone typed words into a prompt box, someone used img2img and attempted to steer the generation a certain way. Just like with photography, the artist's primary tool is a machine, just this machine captures that which isn't seen rather than that which is. The thing is, this is not how Generative AIs really work.
As was already described during the last time people discussed AI Art, Generative AIs take a huge corpus of imagery and artwork. Rather than bringing these elements together in collage, the AI kinda dreams up a new image that resembles all the things it is trained on, so you can describe a room and it will generate an image roughly like that. This result is not akin to any sort of prior form of art. There is no more creative input than pulling for 10 in a gacha game and hoping you get what you want. Even with things that can 'steer' it, such as img2img and whatever the heck the thing that made Gay Sex Cats is called, you are still functionally at the mercy of RNG. The images that train the AI are not acquired with any degree of consent, they are scraped en-masse. If you have any delusions that an AI isn't an art forgery machine, simply toggle one of the 'filters' on Playground.ai and then look at the generated image in the history. In an experiment I did, I applied the 'Filter Style' of 'Ominous Escape'. Only when looking in my history did I see that basically meant that it appended the following to the prompt:
elegant, highly detailed digital painting, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, in the style of simon stalenhag, wayne barlowe, and igor kieryluk.
Again, why is this suddenly now considered OK, when just a few months earlier it wasn't?
Generative AIs have been fed the sum-total of imagery online almost, these images have passed through their insanely convoluted multi-stage digestive systems. You ask it to create something, and it shits out a thing that vaguely looks like what is in your mind, if you're lucky.
Yet at no point in this process is there any true transfer of you into it, your mind, your soul. The prompt is an instruction, but you cannot steer how the machine interprets it too finely. There is no creation, no artistry, no effort. Just the digested mulch of all that came before, shat out, polluting the internet and the world.
This all conveniently answers the last question of whompthatsucker1981's original post.
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Yes, quite literally it is worth more because he spent time on a piece of paper making it. It is that simple. AI Art has no value because it is shat out by the digestive system of a stack of algorithms, it is mindless, artless junk. Even for making 'shit'posts AIs aren't OK. In using them you are functionally endorsing how the AIs were created: Through mass art theft on a gigantic scale. It doesn't matter if what you're making is 'harmless and not for sale'. It is not what is being made that is the problem here, it is the literal nature of the technology itself. To reiterate:
Generative AI is powered through non-consenting Art Theft, devoid of any soul or human input beyond a prompt or an image to draw from. The most it should be used for is to quickly brainstorm and iterate on ideas, for inspiration on a personal and individual level, by feeding it your old works. Even then, it runs into the inherent ethical issue of 'Using It At All'. To support AI Art is to support the eventual destruction of the field of 'Arts', from Visual Development and Concept Art down to even actual things on screen. The people developing this technology do not have your best interests in mind, and only wish to create a world where small artists in the production chain of media do not need to exist anymore. The writers may have won a victory against Generative AI, but the battle is not over yet. As I said above, to even use them for silly images is on some level an endorsement towards the vision that this technology is inevitable and 'the future'. Immediately before this, NFTs were touted as inevitable and the future, yet then everyone listened to artists concerns and they never happened.
This technology does not have to be a part of our future.
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typederror · 11 months
I was tagged by @who-is-a-heretic-now 💕 (like a month ago, but I had family stuff and then got sick, I’m all good now!) for top five comfort characters! Okay in no particular order:
1. Catwoman. I had such a crush on Michelle Pfeiffer (and Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar and Halle Berry, when I first read actual comics I was weirded out that Selina Kyle had like a consistent appearance because I assumed that the artists would just draw the prettiest lady they could without paying attention to continuity because that’s what the movies did… I should have noticed I was gay sooner) when I was itty bitty, so that’s a character I will always come back to.
2. Kurt Kunkle from Spree… hear me out. If you’ve never seen Spree it’s about a rideshare driver who goes on a killing spree, from what I understand the filmmakers were nervous about this being emulated so the failsafe they put in was by making the perpetrator extremely and unmissably lame. In doing this they wound up making him super realistic. Because like the sorts of guys who wind up doing this sort of thing are invariably losers. A mass murder impacted my life a few years back and I don’t think this is the place to really get into it, but that’s definitely why this perspective on this sort of person speaks to me so much it’s become a comfort watch.
3. Prince Caspian. He exists in my mind more as a vague concept than a real fleshed out character because it’s been so long since I’ve read/watched Narnia (I think I might do a reread soon because I plan to finally read Lord of the Rings later this year and think it could be interesting to read them together) but he was in a lullaby my dad sings, so there’s a special place in my heart for him.
4. Cheshire Cat/Pinocchio. I’ve decided they share a space because they’re the Disney characters my family assigned me. Pinocchio was assigned at birth because a few people nearly missed it because of Pinocchio themed Christmas decorations. Cheshire Cat was chosen when I was a little bit older. They are the default themes when it comes to things related to me done by my family. So they might as well be here.
5. I’m gonna cop out and say movie mermaids as a whole. I was named after a movie mermaid (not Ariel, but I don’t really want to reveal which one beyond that), and when I was a kid I was just obsessed with all onscreen mermaids.
If anyone sees this and wants to do this feel free to use me as an excuse. ❤️❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️
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