#do not badmouth your cousins
septembergold · 5 months
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thatsexcpisces · 1 month
Astrology observations pt. 10 🤍
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* Leo placements are the type to get angry when you talk over their favorite song playing in the car
* Aries Venus: are you actually in love with that person you started talking to a few days ago or are you just convincing yourself of that cause you’re really bored?
* Libra risings will only talk shit about others with people they feel comfortable with and trust. They’re diplomatic and care about reputation so they know how to play their cards right and make sure they’re not badmouthing others to the wrong people who might spread info
* Gemini mercuries = acting dumb to get more tea and info on someone
* saturn in 8H may fear intimacy or even having sex because they want to “perform well”
* in synastry, you have moon in someone’s 8/4/12H or vice versa you will basically never get over them or always think about them from time to time.
* Pluto square/opposite moon aspects usually had an “evil” mother who would always want to control them and manipulate them to do things she wanted
* Leo moons love people so intensely and usually never get it reciprocated to them. Like I know you have a big heart babes but save it for people who actually care back💞
* virgo moons are the best at planning bdays or events for their loved ones. They know their favorite things down to a T and can make someone have a great themed party with the things they love
* from what I’ve noticed, taurus moon men seem to be very kind and patient around women. They have a feminine energy that can make most women feel comfortable around them and they’re very thoughtful
* I noticed that Scorpio sun, aries moon is a very common occurrence among athletes. Especially soccer players. Probably that mars energy
* this is gonna sound weird but if you have mars in the 3H your siblings or cousins may be interested in your sex life in the sense that they would want to know who you’re hooking up with and may talk about those things with you
* Pisces/Virgo moons never miss when it comes to their feelings and intuition about someone they meet for the first time. If they tell you they don’t like them or there’s something off: take their word for it!!
* Aries love being challenged and not listening to others opinions. If you tell them to do something or give them advice, they’re gonna do the complete opposite
* Pluto in 12H is a common placement for having nightmares or sleep paralysis
* Venus/Pluto 10H are the type to stop being friends with you if you have a bad reputation. Even if you’re a really good friend and did nothing wrong, if they find out there’s some gossip going around about you they’ll stop being seen with you publicly. They’re social climbers
* Venus in the 4H are the embodiment of feminine beauty and energy
Thank you for reading
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starogeorgina · 6 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬
Paring: Harwin Strong × Targ OC
Warnings: Swearing
Your hand presses into the cold stone cobbles of the wall as you try to regain your balance after almost slipping on one of the damp steps. It’s hard to know if the noise of your foot slapping against the ground is hard enough for others to hear over the sound of heavy rainfall and your own heartbeat echoing in your ears.
Aerion was sharing a room with his cousins, and while you lay in bed staring at the ceiling, a sudden feeling of nostalgia overcomes you, and you decided to go a walk down the secret passageways that you used many years ago to see your now husband when you were first pregnant, but you didn’t except to overhear Alicent and Criston discussing you and Rhaenyra’s children.
“The princess Rhaenyra is bold enough to flaunt her bastards proudly at court; why should her sister be any different?”
“Spoiled cunts.”
“Whores of the keep.”
You become bored quickly of listening to them repeat the same slander they had been for years. However, you do question if their constant badmouthing is why your other siblings haven’t spoken to you since they arrived back. Helaena offered you a curt nod. Aemond acted as if you were invisible whenever you attempted to speak to him, and you had yet to see Aegon.
You suddenly feel as if the air has been sucked from your chest when Alicent mentions the death of Ser Richard, alluding to Larys somehow being behind his death.
This was dangerous—far too dangerous.
Carefully step backwards and slowly go back into the passageway where you are completely out of sight. But if you do remain by the doorway while trying to gather your thoughts, how would Harwin feel if he heard such a thing? Larry was odd and creepy, but being behind the murder was unthinkable.
Suddenly, Criston’s voice is closer to you, and what he says next makes your head spin.
Rhaenyra practically leaps from her bed when she becomes aware of your presence. She claps her hand against her chest. “Sister, what are you doing in my chambers at this hour?”
“Do you wish for me to leave?”
Rhaenyra shakes her head before moving closer to the wall and pulling the covers back so you can sit beside her on the bed. You spoke softly to one another as her newborn was sleeping in his crib placed next to the bottom of the bed. Moonlight filled the room, allowing you to see the worried look on her face. You explain everything you overheard between Criston and Alicent.
“Forgive me… Jacaerys' father, what Criston said…”
Rhaenyra brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them. “How could you ask me such a thing?”
You squeeze her hand; the last thing you wanted was to upset her, but if what the knight said was true and neither Ser Laenor nor Ser Richard were at court around the time she fell pregnant with Jace, then the greens would have something else to use against her. “I love you, Rhaenyra, and my sweet nephews, and I want to keep you safe.”
“I know they are Laenor’s sons, my sweet.” You rub circles on the back of her hand with your thumb in an attempt to soothe her. “But if the greens somehow find a way to convince—”
You stare at her, puzzled.
“Laenor was still mourning his lover, and I had yet to meet Richard.” Tears stain her cheeks. “I was so lonely, Vaella, and despite everything that happened, I turned to familiarity for comfort.”
Her confession lingers in the air as her words seep into your mind. Criston was Jacaerys biological father.
“We never spoke of it; I don’t understand why he would do this now. Not even Laenor knows.”
Hearing Rhaenyra’s voice break caused your own eyes to glisten with tears. You couldn’t imagine how hard it was for her to keep a secret like that to yourself. You cup her face gently. “Sister, I promise you, I will do whatever you need me to.”
“I need to know Criston won’t mention it again.”
You nod and say, “Then I shall make sure of it.”
Rhaenyra cries in your arms, letting out years of pent-up emotions. Eventually she pulls back, a small smile on her lips. “When Joffrey is a few weeks old, I think me and the boys should come to Dragonstone.”
“To live?”
“Yes, long as you don’t mind.”
You kiss her on the forehead and say, “Don't jest, I’ve been begging you to live on the island with me for years.”
You spend the rest of the night with your sister, assuring her that no matter what, you'll always look out for her. You stay with her until daylight breaks through, and you return to your chambers to get ready for the day.
You had watched from one of the towers as the boat your husband and children were on docked a few hours prior. It wouldn’t be long now until they arrived at the keep. You were going to fly down on Varos to greet them, but due to how exhausted you are, you were advised against it, which gave you plenty of time to think, and you’d come to the conclusion to mention what you heard about your brother-in-law at a later date, so not to ruin Harwin’s reunion with his father.
You’d been waiting in the court yard for some time, unaware you’d been watched, until you felt a presence behind you. “How long have you been lurking for, Aegon?”
“You’ve gotten fat again.”
Rolling your eyes, you smile, “lēkia.”
You’d chosen to wear one of the dresses Harwin gifted you; the blue fabric swirls around your legs as the winds pick up.
Holding onto your hand tightly, Aerion looks up at him curiously and says, “Hello, uncle.”
Aegon stares at him for a moment, then looks up at you. “The dragon keepers have brought three eggs Dreamfyre has laid. I thought you might like one for your new child.”
In high Valyrian, you say, “Perhaps you can help your nephew pick one.”
Aegon puffs out his cheeks dramatically like a brat but does say, “Nephew, do you want help picking a dragon egg?”
Aerion looks up at you for permission. “You may go, SweetPea, but don’t wonder away from your uncle.”
You catch the eye of one of the ladies who mainly serves Rhaenyra, but also yourself whenever you return. You ask her to keep an eye on your son and brother from a healthy distance. It would mean a great deal to you if Aegon bonded with your sons; you’d heard that he was pretty closed off from everyone in the family, and you didn’t want him to become as lonely as Rhaenyra once was.
“You look truly breathtaking in that color.”
“My loves!” you say excitedly, hearing your husband's voice. Harwin had been beaming at you while walking behind your children. Vaegon holds onto Ada’s hand tightly, making sure she doesn’t wander off. “I hope your trip was good.”
“It was,” Harwin kisses you on the cheek, then glances around the courtyard. “Where is Aerion?”
“With Aegon.”
Harwin raises his brows and says nothing, but you can hear the unspoken question in his silence. You greet both your children before continuing. “They have gone to pick a dragon egg,” you rub at your growing bump. “I’m actually surprised that my brother brought it up; he wanted to know I’d like one of Dreamfyre’s.”
Your husband's lips press into a thin line. He knew how badly you wanted to have faith in your brother, but he didn’t trust Aegon or Aemond, despite them only being young. “That was kind of him to think of the baby.”
You smile while watching as Ada, who is still holding onto Vaegon’s hand, takes Harwin’s as well.
“Come, let’s get you both inside before the rain becomes heavier; your grandsires are dying to see you both.”
As you walk up the stairs, heading towards the king's quarters, you catch sight of Criston lurking nearby. You’d need to deal with the threat he poses to Rhaenyra and Jace immediately.
Brother - Lekia
Sister - Mandia
— Another Harwin & Vaella image —
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watching much ado about nothing with david tennant and catherine tate
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first update they are hilarious
more under the cut
Claudio guy: did u see the daughter of don x Benedick: uh. yeah I did Guy: what'd u think of her Benedick: she's too tall for a great praise, too brown for a fair praise, too lean for a large praise. I can only say that if she were anything other than she is she would be unhandsome. And being no other than she is I do not like her.
Guy: oh stop joking around Benedick: damn why you asking so much about my opinion, you want to buy her?? Guy: could the world buy such a jewel?? Benedick: yeah!
the guy: oh she's the most lovely lady I've ever seen Benedick: i can still see without glasses and i can't see it bro
benedick: her cousin is so much prettier?? shame that she's possessed by a fucking demon and keeps insulting me
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i managed to capture the moment of absolute betrayal. priceless acting over here
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also beatrice is serving cunt over here damn
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poor man getting absolutely destroyed to his face having to stay quiet 2 dead 380 injured (he's also serving cunt)
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when u badmouthing your crush and she appears behind you
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 4 months
Like it or not, the one who saved and modernized the monarchy was King George V, not king Edward VII, and this is an undisputed fact that all historians would agree with. After all, It was during the reign of King George V that 13 European Monarchies crumbled to the ground while the british monarchy survived. And it survived because of George V, because of his leadership, his modern statesmanship, his will to embrace and encourage changes, his popularity and the respect that his nation had for him, while he led his country to victory during WW1. He was the FIRST Monarch that brought monarchy close to people, hence why he was nicknamed the People's Monarch or the Citizen Monarch. George reigned during the most difficult times in the history of monarchy and of mankind, but he managed to save his monarchy and to modernize it, setting the path for a Constitutional Modern Monarch*. Your bias cannot change it, because facts dont give a damn about your opinions. A pity that you cannot uplift Edward VII without bringing George down. George wasnt dull, he was quite the character. He was genuine, funny, reproachable, a lover of books and cinema, and most importantly he was a SERIOUS LEADER, who acted exactly as a modern head of state is suppsed to act. Oh and he was a FAITHFUL Husband, he was devoted to his wife and loyal to her throughout their entire marriage. Something that can never be said of Edward VII who was unfaithful and over-indulgent in everything ( Im sure his mistresses would have preferred Handsome George though). If being faithful and family-oriented makes a man dull, than give me dull everyday. Queen Alexandra would've been happy to have married a man like George who never embarrassed and humiliated his wife
Oh my, where does this come from? lmao. Tbh, I deserve this kind of message when it's about Wilhelm. I'm totally biased regarding this rascally young fop (Alexander III said it first!). Badmouthing him is one of my favourite pastime. But George, come on! I never been too harsh with him? EXCEPT, perhaps, when it comes down to the Romanovs, but what can I say? When you don't have a backbone, you really don't…
Yet, I'm a tad puzzled by your message because we are talking about George V right? The one who in April 1905 hadn't seen his children for three months. The one who used to shout at his second son "Get it out" when the poor soul was suffering from stammer. The one who in 1917, while on a stroll in the grounds of Sandringham complained to Nora Wigram that his children always avoided him. Nora retelling this story in one of her letters to her parents said how Mary, David and Bertie became "quite cheerful & entirely flippant, writing their names in the snow" when George and Mary had gone home on said stroll. However, do you know who was ACTUALLY a good father? his cousin *whispering* Nicky.
Faithful yes but let me remind you that their marriage was far from smooth sailing. They lived seperately for months on end. You also must have forgotten the countless letters from George trying to apologise for shutting down, being rude or cold towards May. + May's letters complaining on how he would shut her out. The man was unable to articulate his feelings which led to endless misunderstanding. May who once wrote to George while in Paris : "I quite understand about yr not wishing to come to Paris & am not angry, I only thought it wd be nice change as I find life in general very dull- unless one has a change sometimes." She had wanted him to join her but had received a rebuff instead. May who wrote to his brother in 1900 while she was stuck in the gloomy York Cottage: "It is so dull here & I feel very low & depressed tho' Im pretty well on the whole" (alright she was pregnant at that time, but guess where George was?… out shooting birds).
Led his country to victory during WW1? Hmmm, you really mean George V who was described in 1918 by the Viscount Esher in those terms: "he seems virtually a recluse, steadily devoting himself to good purposes and little works of a good kind, but with not conspicuousness, no assertiveness of the King's position." / "making himself a nonentity" ? While May wrote on 19 november 1916 to her son David about the hospital visits: "They are "assomant" (tiresome) & I dislike them more than words can describe!" and then proceeded to explain how much she enjoyed her shopping trips at Goode's.
I'm teasing because OF COURSE I think George V was a good ruler and perhaps he was the kind of ruler the country needed at that time. He was a great arbitrator and was able to adapt and change despite having conservative views and being very much uneducated. How he dealt with the Irish question is a stellar example! He was an ordinary man who disliked society and suffered from bouts of depression. There is a sentence that struck me in Ridley's book which in my opinion sums up George : "He was a man of disconnected feelings".
I could write PAGES about Bertie's shortcomings and how his shenanigans damaged the monarchy. Yet he was a gifted ruler, very much in tune with his time.
So I guess anon, it comes down to... preference. If you are more into shooting birds and collecting stamps, you do you! I, on the contrary, have a soft spot for cosmopolitan kings with a string of scandals.
Now if you'd excuse me, I'm off painting the town red with Bertie!
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lesbianbluesey · 2 years
arguing over how the godly DNA thing does/doesn’t impact shipping in pjoverse (aside from like, actual siblings obviously) is actually the stupidest thing ever. Just accept that the explanation was half assed / not written in a logical well thought out way but that we as a fandom have no choice but to accept it at face value and see it as a situation that isn’t analogous to the real world. I would say it’s similar to consuming paranormal media where all the main relationships are paranormal x immortal and you have to accept that as a trope of the genre / norm of the world rather than argue about 100 yr age gap vs 2000 year or something, when neither is appropriate and neither is analogous to like a teen show romanticizing a student-teacher relationship in a school setting which is technically less of a gap but sooo much more harmful in how it influences/relates to situations that happen just like that every day in reality (and this isn’t about ships with immortal x mortal like that in this verse necessarily since there are very few of them/it is not the norm, so I get people being uncomfortable with them (I Hate C*leo but my reasons for hating them aren’t necessarily that one)). There’s a false equivalency in trying to make demigod relationships out to be analogous to real life ones in that way and I haven’t seen one argument about this that isn’t blatantly just someone disliking a specific ship and trying to badmouth it and in doing so coming off as a hypocrite.
Like let’s see, ‘shipping Jasicois Disgusting idc what Rick says about DNA people are going to hell for shipping First Cousins 1!1’ okay… do you feel that way about Jercy? If you say yes you also hate that for the same reason do you feel that way about Pipabeth because Athena and Artemis are both daughters of Zeus making them ‘first cousins’ too (and here’s where I think you start losing people because in reality a lot of these arguments are based around the mlm ships but ignore the wlw ones because fandom has a very 2d way of interacting with ships like Pipabeth a lot of the time where sure a fan will say they Like the ship but they’ve never in reality ever given actual thought to their dynamic enough to notice this (also applies to things like arguing about a 1.5 year age gap for other ships like Jasico/Valdangelo maybe Jercy if they actually remember their 1.5 age difference but not being able to catch that Annabeth is also 1.5 years older than Piper because again it’s usually transparent when people haven’t actually payed the attention the female characters and f/f dynamics they pretend to, also 1.5 years is not a serious age gap like 3+ years is when it comes to ya/middle grade but this isn’t about that) And if you are taking the stance that what Rick said about godly DNA is like, a lie (when it is fantasy world-building albeit poorly constructed but still world-building) how are you going to ship Any of the demigods together if your answer is like amount of distances the family tree that’s also a bizarre/weird take because do you think shipping second cousins would be better/less gross/less harmful? Like by ‘Gods do have DNA actually’ logic Zeus is Athena’s father and Poseidon is Zeus’s brother so that makes Poseidon Annabeth’s great uncle and Percy Annabeth’s (As a die-hard Percabeth can’t believe I have to actually type this out to make a point I hate ya’ll for making me have to think about it this much 🤮🤢) Uncle ???!! Similar with Nico to Will and Hazel to Frank. Do you still believe what you originally spoke about? Like unless the take you have is that no demigods are shippable / you hate all ships between them the way these takes operate is Clearly not actually about like activism it’s because you dislike a ship and want to put it down/make it seem like other people should not ship it, be serious, and in the process you actually made everything much weirder and grosser than it needed to be in the first place. 
And like listen… you can just hate a ship! There are always some valid criticisms of ships/dynamics I’m including ones I personally ship in this. You can State your actual reasons for not liking the ship instead of this hypocritical faux-activism. For example I personally dislike Jercy as a ship because I think it’s overrated and boring compared to more interesting dynamics, their relationship could have been a good one but almost all their interactions in the books involved this weird toxic masculinity macho bs that seemed ooc for both of them and I didn’t enjoy reading about them together much. But I’m not going to try and tell Jercy shippers that shipping Jercy is problematic and terrible because they’re cousins or a toxic relationship or something because I have a functioning brain thank you very much! People can go for what I don’t personally like. See it’s very simple. You don’t even have to have reasons like I gave! You can just not vibe with something.
*P*rcicos dni this is not about you! No I don’t think the cousins argument holds weight there anymore than for other ships but their age gap + power imbalance Is troubling in a real world context in a way that doesn’t apply to other ships I mentioned ( Frazel similar in age gap but not in power dynamics, and I dislike Frazel too) the combination of 3.5ish years age gap + Nico having idolized Percy to an unhealthy degree for years/since he was a ten year old child + Percy very much views Nico as a child in his narration in pjo and that means he would never look at him in a romantic light at any point in the future, if you think otherwise you just don’t care or get Percy’s characterization frankly. I don’t support relationships that have such a troubling imbalance in a real world context. (It should go without saying L*kabeth L*kercy Th*labeth and dynamics with super egregious imbalances like that dni again not about you).
Most of the really irritating stuff I’ve seen about this is on twt I just felt the need to write all this out here 
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starry-hughes · 1 year
Congratulations on 500 could you write mark Estapa with B asking A to attend a wedding with them, to get out of going with someone their parents tried to set them up with.
thank you!!
“no mom! don’t make me go with jaxon!” you groaned over the phone as you plopped down on the couch next to your roommate. you liked at the sophomore house, it wasn’t ideal to live with so many boys but you needed cheap rent.
mark threw you a glance. “i don’t need to bring someone to her wedding!” you argued. your mom was trying to get you to bring a date to your cousin’s wedding, attempting to set you up with some son of her coworker. “are you seeing someone? is that why you’re so adverse to this?” she asked.
“yes! yes i’m seeing someone,” you lied after you panicked. mark threw you a confused glanced. “his name?? his name is uh mark!” you lied.
mark’s eyes went wide, trying to motion to you “no!”
“i’ll see if he can come, okay okay, love you bye!” you said hanging up the phone. “mark, i need the biggest favor,” you said sweetly, looking over at your roommate. he sighed, “when’s the wedding?”
mark’s arm was looped through yours as you walked into the barn for the wedding reception. the ceremony had went smooth, mainly because no one was able to interrogate mark. the two of you had practiced answers to all the basic questions like what he’s studying, what he does, how you two met. mark had agreed to go with you after you offered to do his laundry for a month and he secretly just wanted to go with you and pretend to be your boyfriend.
“there’s my bitchy cousin,” you mumbled as you steered him around various family members. “are you badmouthing the bride on her special day?” he joked. “listen, she and i are the same age but she’s always tried to be better then me and boss me around, i’m happy she’s found love but she’s not the best person.”
mark stifled his laugh as you approached your cousin and her new husband, wiping the snarl off your face and replacing it with a smile. “chelsea! hi! congrats on the wedding!” you greeted.
“oh is this the mysterious boyfriend that everyone is talking about?” she said.
“i’m mark,” he extended his hand for a shake, “it was a nice wedding, congratulations.”
“so mark, how’d you meet, what do you do, ya know all the basic questions!” your cousin asked. “we were actually roommates but got to know each other at a hockey game,” you said.
“oh you watch hockey too? (y/n) loves hockey but i personally don’t like sports at all, just the boys.” she said.
“i play actually.”
and you would never forget the face your cousin made. surprised, shocked, and jealously. “we should get to our table, babe, do you want a drink?” mark asked, a cheeky smile on his face, he saw your cousin’s expression as well. “i’d love a drink,” you grinned before walking off.
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I’m going to be the first to say it, because I know this fandom is going to give Rhaenyra a lot of shit after tonight’s episode, but Rhaenyra did nothing wrong.  She didn’t do anything wrong when she snuck out of the Red Keep and enjoyed the streets of King’s Landing.  She did nothing wrong when she went to the pleasure houses.  She did nothing wrong watching people have sex in such a public way.  She did nothing wrong when she got turned on from this.  She did nothing wrong from engaging in sexual activity with Daemon (may I remind people the context of Westeros and the Targaryen family dynamic, not to mention how every noble house in the seven kingdoms engages in cousin incest and uncle/niece and aunt/nephew incest) even though Daemon’s intentions were not as pure as Rhaenyra’s.  She did nothing wrong when she took charge in a sexual way.  She did nothing wrong when she had sex with Ser Criston Cole (seriously fuck those Kingsguard rules).  She did nothing wrong when she denied the claims of having sex with Daemon, because she was telling the truth, she didn’t.  And she did nothing wrong when she hid the fact that she did have sex with Ser Criston.
There is no reason to badmouth Rhaenyra about these things, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking control of your own life and making your own choices, even if, especially if it goes against a seriously corrupt status quo that treats women like chattle incapable of doing nothing but bearing children.  Rhaenyra did nothing wrong, but I fully expect after tonight, and in the coming weeks that I’ll be bombarded with misogynistic claims that Rhaenyra is a “slut” or a “whore” for “not doing her duty” of being a good little passive woman who endures pleasureless sex and being treated like nothing but an object to have children with.  
Rhaenyra did nothing wrong.  End of story.
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 6 months
I still feel guilty for having a falling out with my remaining grandma, even though I didn’t do anything wrong. She kicked out my cousin (making her literally homeless) for setting reasonable boundaries and keeps badmouthing her to the entire town and when I was like ? That’s disturbing? She went all you try living with her! Not even her own mother wants her! And it’s like - 1) what the fuck that does not make you sound as good as you think it does 2) wish I could! She sounds like a super easy roommate but I live over an hour away! 3) she wasn’t even your roommate, she was in the mother in law basement apartment with a separate entrance but you wouldn’t stop going down there and going through all her stuff! She just yelled at me until I cried - and to top it off, this was literally the morning after my other grandma’s funeral, and she knew this. She was there!
And I feel guilty because I’m like, wow she accepted that you were trans and this is what you stop talking over. But I don’t owe her unlimited grace just because she could be worse.
I’m also remembering last family xmas when she saw me and the first thing she said was “what happened??? You told me you started exercising but you look even fatter!” And I was like “I have started exercising and it’s going well… I feel a lot better than I did…” and it’s like, am I missing that much by avoiding her? Maybe the awkwardness of not talking is an improvement to the interactions in normally get.
It also sucks because we were very close growing up and she really shaped a lot of my hobbies and interests. I still do things that would interest her and we could bond over. But she’s just different now. My mom has noticed too that she just doesn’t care about her grandkids once they become adults.
When my aunt asked how it’s been after kicking out my cousin, she said shes “never been happier!” So I guess I shouldn’t feel bad for her.
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kumquatwriter · 6 months
Hi! Your story has been really inspiring, im sorry if something similar has been asked before but I have a fear that my aunt is starting a cult and is going to indoctrinate my younger cousins as well as some of the tennants she is the landlady of... because my other aunts and uncles fall in line with my aunt's strange demands they are fine with letting her dictate my cousin's day to day but I want to do what I can to protect my cousins... is it worth telling them directly? Do i just make my self overly available to them? I'm scared if i speak out my aunt will cut me from the rest of my family.
That's a very difficult question. There isn't a "right" answer. Being available is good. Gently expressing your concern to your cousins is a good start. It's less about what your aunt is doing as much as the effect it's having on the people she appears to be targeting.
Don't push too hard trying to "save" anyone though. Be gentle and calm and stick to facts. Pushing too hard or badmouthing your aunt could have the opposite effect: pushing your cousins to cling closer or feel obligated to defend her.
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rytlockdripstone · 1 month
what do you consider to be your characters’ fatal flaw, if they even have one?
do any of your characters have planned out deaths/ends to their stories?
what is something that really gets under your characters skins? ie something that makes them genuinely angry
do any of your characters have planned out deaths/ends to their stories?
not right now, no! i'm a sucker for happy endings so they would probably have a nice conclusion to their story. but they are my barbie dolls and the torment never ends
what do you consider to be your characters’ fatal flaw, if they even have one?
gratta is incredibly arrogant as a way to cope with the way she was treated in the past. she does not accept certain jobs that have her seen solely as hired muscle or a bodyguard, because she doesn't want to be compared to the stereotypical charr muscle that can be seen around bars or trailing nobles for some coin. she thinks as herself as all important, and only does things that benefit herself. (unless iovitus or their mutual friend is involved, but rarely for him as iovitus takes up all of her moral compass and what remains of it.)
wixxi on the other hand is incredibly manipulative. she also does this as a way to keep herself safe, only letting people know certain things about her and keeping on the facade that she is a helpless woman who can't protect herself to most people. while she's incredibly open with her loved one and friends, she still keeps herself well guarded out of fear and only presents what she wants to be seen. she hides most of herself behind barriers that are generally well intended and only her partner can see what she's usually like most of the time.
what is something that really gets under your characters skins? ie something that makes them genuinely angry
everything gets under gratta's skin. instead of getting physical when she's angry, she tends to get more loud and vocal. she openly badmouths people with little disregard and often goats people into a fight first so she's not seen as the physical aggressor. however, what truly sets her off is people going after her cousin when she's present. she will typically engage when iovitus is insulted or looked down upon first, or generally made uncomfortable.
wixxi does not like when her intelligence is insulted. she has dyslexia, and adhd. she's always struggled to fit the typical 'asura' standards and suffers a lot of judgement from her kin. she's quick to shut up when she's called stupid, or anything insulting her intellect and simply wring her wrists or try and leave as quickly as possible. in the few times she's actually spoken up about it (ie eros) is usually because her friends are around and she feels like they're also being insulted because of it. who would want to hang out with a dumb asura anyways?
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Maedhros SFW Personal Alphabet
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Request: Can I get a Maedhros SFW alphabet #1 please? - anon
A/N: Ask and you shall receive anon.
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A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
All Maedhros ever wanted to do was settle down and have a family. He'd build a house a good distance from his previous home and garnish it with all the designs he and his spouse desired. He'd have a few children, nothing more than three because his brothers were a headache. There, he'd finally be at peace. It used to be his goal in mind until his capture.
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
He is extremely good at suppressing his emotions, so showcasing his nervousness is an expression that only those close to him would notice. The most obvious sign of him being nervous is his hesitancy. He'll create tons of excuses as to why he can't do what needs to be done. 
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Maedhros and having a crush is something that nobody knows about. He's secretive like all his other brothers and perhaps the most successful. Maedhros' form of interacting with you is painfully too formal and he appears too stiff. Nothing about the way he approaches or hovers around you is relaxed. Because he's the heir to the Crown Prince, he believes that he must be proper so no one can badmouth his behaviour.
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Private and nothing else. He wants to be far far away from civilization and his snooping family. Once everyone learns that the eldest is courting they are quick to eavesdrop. He isn't grandiose when it comes to showcasing his love, so a simple day spent picnicking or perhaps a boat ride down the river is enough for him. He does love to spend time in the library, mostly in the private section where no one would visit.
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
He ensures that he provides flowers whenever he visits. Never does he see you with a bouquet accompanying him and it's always your favourite or something symbolic. He's the reason the floral shop always has good sales. 
F is for Favourite: a favourite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
As much as they annoy him as all siblings do, he loves his brothers unconditionally. It pained him the most when each of their passing occurred and he had to bury them. He always remembered when they were little and they'd all run to him for help or when he held all of them as babies. He was most pained when he left Maglor behind. 
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
The only people capable of making the giant redhead laugh are Fingon, you and the twins. The rest of his brothers give him a headache and makes him question life - his life that is. There are rare occasions where he’ll laugh at something they did. When Maedhros does laugh, it’s more a chuckle and not a burst of full-blown laughter. He’ll first scoff through his nose, hang his head and then shake it left and right as he chuckles at the action performed. 
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinkie promises?
His hands are extremely large and warm. Your fingers don’t even cross over his palm, so you have to stick to holding his fingers - mostly two or three. Before the oath, his hands used to be toasty warm and soft, but after the oath, his hands became calloused and cold. After wielding swords and his captivity, hand-holding became less a physical activity he’d perform with you. He believed that he wasn’t clean enough for you to touch even though at times he yearned for your touch. 
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
As the eldest of all his cousins and siblings, Maedhros was secretly assigned the mom of the children and from a young age, he took his role seriously as stated in this post by @tanoraqui. Before any event, he’d spot check all his brothers and cousins to ensure that they were all dressed properly from head to toe. It became a natural habit of him to perform no matter where they were, as long as there was an event to be attended. A few times as everyone sat around the dinner table, they all joked about how he was super serious about their appearance, however, Maedhros had failed to understand what was so funny about him wanting their appearance to be clean. 
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
A tad bit, though the most he’d be, is interested in hearing the reasons behind the tale and why certain practices are held to prevent any harm. But at the same time, due to Maedhros suffering at the hands of the dark lord and being tortured, part of him would take all the warnings seriously because he’s seen some horrific things in Angband.
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
He’s a very passionate kisser, though, for the beginning of your relationship, he’d allow you to take the lead. Once he becomes comfortable and you give him the okay go, his kisses will escalate. At first, he’ll cup your chin tenderly as he leans in the deliver the early pecks and then his hands would move to the back of your neck and lower waist as it becomes more heated. He prefers if you sit on a table or the both of you are sitting so he doesn’t have to strain his neck. Maedhros isn’t opposed to lifting you but he feels comfortable in doing so when your relationship deepens or it’s marriage. 
L is for Love Language: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Maedhros is big on words of affirmation and gift-giving. Physical touch has been one gesture he preferred to act on in private, though he became to dislike it during his healing after Angband. Maedhros understands the importance of praises and compliments in a person's life and does not hesitate to inform you of your accomplishments. Praises easily slip past his lips whenever you require them. Being a very diplomatic person, you would expect his words to be formal and lack affection, but he knows how to show his affection and love for you.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
You and Maedhros would be friends or you would be a worker under him or someone else. He’s not going to fall in love at first sight, he just doesn’t seem like the type that would, sorry (personal preference). With consistent meetings and conversations whenever you both cross paths, it would take a while before Maedhros and you have an intense conversation and he becomes aware that he enjoys your company. He may outrightly ask to see you again, or not depending on which Maedhros we’re talking about. He would spend a long while getting to know you before believing that you could be his “one”.
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favourite thing to be called
His nicknames for you are simple terms of endearment as he isn’t grandiose. However, for him, every possible name you can create that would remind you of his appearance or some embarrassing action he’s performed in the past. The latter would be for private moments. He is already named for his hair colour and figure, so you might as well add in your own to make him blush further. Please only use them in private and intimate moments because he’s going to turn redder than his hair if you call them out in public.
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Pre!Angband Maedhros is organised and takes great pride in his appearance (same). He hates to be untidy or dwell in an untidy environment, it bothers the life out of him. Post!Angband Maedhros's tidiness depends on what mood he chooses to select on that given day. If he’s in a sprightly mood, then the environment would reflect such, but if he’s in one of his cold moods then the place is in an absolute mess and he could not be bothered with it. The same goes for his appearance after his capture. 
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Maedhros hates when people aren’t on time for events. It makes him pop a blood vessel especially when it’s his family, mainly his brothers. He can’t understand how one could arrive at a formal event that started an hour ago when they were necessary in being early. He wishes people would take greater pride in being punctual - like it’s not that hard.
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
Maedhros likes to cuddle with you by the fireplace or on the balcony reading. Either he’s reading while you’re wrapped up in his arms or you’re reading and he’s drifting off the sleep to the sound of your voice. To him, the act alone makes his day a thousand times better than it was already going and cures his boredom. 
R is for Rainy Day: Do they like rain? What about storms? How would they spend a rainy day?
Rainy days make him remember when his brothers were all little and would run to him for comfort, especially when there were thunderstorms. If he were sleeping, they would rush into his room instead of his parents and cuddle him for safety. He would sit by the fireplace drinking a cup of tea and reminisce on these old memories as he watches them carry on about their day.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Maedhros is named for his appearance so everything on him is perfect and soft, but if you had to choose, it would be his smile and eyes. His silvery-grey eyes would become soft whenever he saw you or something interesting caught his attention. The smile that would follow makes you melt. You often remind him would beautiful you found his eyes and smile to be and this leads to him being a blushy baby while thanking you. 
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone?
Out of all his brothers, aside from Maglor, he’s the second-best at writing love letters for you. His words always make you melt and become mussy on the inside. Maedhros sends at least two letters a week or two once you two haven’t seen each other, but if you have, then one letter. Most of his letters are affectionate, while the others are describing his days in the noisy household and around the family with any fun events. 
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
He isn’t one for singing like the rest of his family is known for, but because he’s been around his brother and cousins a lot, he developed the habit of whistling. Whenever he feels a tune coming along, he whistles it instead of singing. He’ll nod his head unconsciously along with the whistling while tapping his feet. It’s greatly done whenever he’s buried under a pile of papers. 
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Yes, he does celebrate it, but not as openly as the others or grandiose. Maedhros is a very private and formal person so he’s going to treat his love life as such - behind closed doors. After you explain what the celebration is all about and how it is usually celebrated, he understands that it is an intimate event. Wanting to show you how loved and appreciated you are, Maedhros would not spare any expense when treating you - it’s all behind closed doors away from his nosy family. E believes that if he’s going to treat you to a day full of love, then it’s going to be perfect.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
Because Maedhros has taken care of many of his brothers and cousins, it comes naturally to him to switch into paternal mode whenever a child is around. His gentle nature around children when he interacts with them makes your heart explode. It gets you thinking about what he’d be like when you two have your little ones, especially daughters since he wished to have a sister. 
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Maedhros has great pride in how the public views him and his family, mostly him. Because so many people have insight into their lives as it was laid bare before the world, he appreciates what little dignity is left to be used through hospitality. That way, no one can further comment negative words on his character. He does his best to ensure that his are comfortable and can acquire all that they need. When it comes to your visit, he goes above and beyond to make you feel as though you’ve walked into your house - he wants you to feel right at home. 
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
He remembers whenever his brothers were feeling under the weather after playing for hours in the rain and mud, he would cradle them after bathing them, by the fireside. Wrapping them in layers of blankets, Maedhros would snuggle them as he fed them their soup, tea and medicine. When he was finished, he hum a song his mother would sing whenever she was lulling him to sleep for him to have peaceful dreams. 
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Pre!Angband Maedhros loved to sleep close to you - not the type to cuddle you like others but kept close. He normally preferred if you slept on top of him since he’s so big, that it’s impossible to roll off him once he wrapped his arms around you. He doesn’t snore so you have nothing to worry about. Post!Angband Maedhros is a nightmare to sleep with because of his nightmares and traumatic experience in Angband. He tosses and turns all over the bed and even suffers vivid dreams that he acts out in real life. It was disappointing to you when you learnt that sleeping beside him was going to no longer be a reality. 
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Taglist: @whenloveexists @givemaedhrosahug @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings
If anyone wants to be tagged, click the link or request in the asks.
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sentimental-idiot25 · 7 months
Hi i know you're busy but when you have time could you do one where sasuke sees that sakura's mother really doesn't like her (sakura) for being a ninja and all that and looks down on what she does. Everything sakura does is wrong in her mother's eyes and her weight is picked on. etc.
Sakura's mother feels that she wasted her time raising "ungrateful" sakura who fell in love with a traitor, basically ran away and got married, became a shinobi and did everything to "shame" the civilian haruno family name. She makes sakura feel like a failure.
Hello!! I got a prompt similar to this let me paste it down below:
could you write something where sasuke was always jealous of sakura for having a family and thought she never understood his loneliness or what he went through because she wasn't an orphan or from a clan etc.
Then he met her family after they were married and all of them were rude to sakura or looked down on her for being a ninja and marrying a "traitor" etc. and they picked on her weight and stuff... and sasuke realised why she was the way she was when they were genin..insecure as he saw her who's usually strong shrink into the small insecure girl she was when she was a genin because of them. 
Mebuki does all the slandering and badmouths everything about sakura. sasuke thought sakura's dad would defend sakura or smth but he agrees with mebuki.
sakura is sad when she leaves but thinks she's wrong and selfish for not being the perfect daughter they wanted. (maybe introduce a cousin staying with sakura's parents who was also there at the meeting and mebuki talks about her as if she were her daughter...she basically replaced sakura) what I could do is combine these two prompts HOWEVERRRR if you want me to make yours JUST sakura centric I can def do that!! Just let me know in a follow up Anon Ask!!! <33
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
Trying to spread some positivity in the OC community today, so: tell me ten random facts about Iris Winchester! Whatever fun little tidits you can think of, tell us about them!! <3
DOLLY! You're so incredibly kind <3 I'm sorry I didn't answer this sooner, I've been busy!
So, facts about Iris, my beloved!
She's more of a cocktail drinker than a drinker for the sake of alcohol. Like, she will drink gin from Hawkeye's still, but she prefers mixed drinks like caipirinha or calimocho (which is called "Korea" in German, fun fact) - mainly to piss off her fancier family members who would never dare mix a good red wine with cola. She's generally a wine drinker, but doesn't do it very often during the war.
She owns a good amount of jewelry, but she initially doesn't have it with her during the war. It's only when Klinger starts crossdressing that she starts asking her parents for jewelry and the like, for the sole purpose of passing them on to Klinger. He refused her lots of time because he feels bad about her gifting him all her things, but lots of jewelry still mysteriously ends up in his possession anyways.
Honestly, she has no clue of class differences and regularly falls flat on her face because of it. Mainly, she has no real idea of what the middle class is like. She'll either assume that they live a lot like she did at home or that they're fairly poor, with pretty much no inbetween.
She's a very generous person, partially because she has no perspective on money. While some of her relatives may be stingy, she likes to throw money at people with the impression that money will solve their problems. A lot of times, it does, but oftentimes it doesn't. Then, she'll be there to emotionally support them as well. But she really has no idea of what "rich" and "poor" actually mean.
She absolutely adores ancient Roman poetry, mainly the works of Ovidius and Catullus, and can cite a lot of verses by heart. Her favourites are the raunchier ones.
Occasionally, she and Father Mulcahy hold little Latin book clubs because they're among the only ones in the camp who actually actively know Latin. Charles knows Latin too, but only bits and pieces. Iris is definitely the more Latin-oriented relative.
She has a tattoo of a quote from Catullus's carmen 5 on her upper thigh, just beneath her hip. It reads "Da mi basia mille, dein mille altera" which translates to "Give me a thousand kisses, then another thousand" which is the beginning of verses 7 and 8. The poem is about love despite the gossip, badmouthing and jealousy of others and is a reminder to Iris of her love for life.
She almost died from an accidental overdose of cough syrup when she was young. Charles saved her from dying, which is part of the reason why they're so close in the present day. When visiting her in the hospital afterwards, he gifted her a book on Roman poetry, which sparked her keen interest in the topic.
Charles and Iris are cousins and they're over ten years apart in age. As such, Charles actually helped raise Iris and has always had a soft spot for the little girl that continues on into their joint service at the 4077th. He considers her an honorary little sister.
Iris is very rebellious where her family is concerned. Her family, including Charles, is very conservative, but she's having none of it. She's a drinker, she's bisexual, she's a woman in the army (shocking! But at least she made it to Captain) who joined voluntarily, to her family's dismay, and she's known for being very promiscuous in all of her relationships, whether they're romantic, sexual, or just platonic. One of the prettiest girls in camp, it's not like there's a lack of options to be had.
Thanks so much for your ask!!!
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So, I live for your shipping posts, Sirius Black and Patrick Bateman? Best buds? One ends up dead?
Now I know you guys are just throwing names together and seeing what nonsense I say.
For those who don't know, Patrick Bateman is a character from the film/book American Psycho. For some reason, people like to ask about him on this blog.
Sirius Black and Patrick Bateman
I've talked about Patrick in Hogwarts before. We have to do a bit of head tilting to make it work. For Patrick to fulfil the same role in society that he does in American Psycho, and thus have a similar characterization if with a Harry Potter flair, then he's not a Muggle on Wall Street in the 80's getting high on cocaine.
He's going to be in Slytherin, going to be the son of a very wealthy pureblood family, who's getting high on wizarding cocaine in the Slytherin common room with the Malfoys, Blacks, LeStranges, etc.
Because of this, he and Sirius aren't going to be friends.
Sirius pointedly rejects his entire family and all their values. Patrick Bateman is the very core symbol of these values as much as Lucius Malfoy is.
Sirius will hate him on principle, never mind how they might have gotten along in different circumstances.
I imagine Patrick isn't harassed too much by the Marauders, in the sense that Lucius didn't seem to be nor any of Sirius' siblings or cousins. I imagine their primary victim is still Severus Snape for a variety of reasons. But Sirius makes a point of badmouthing Bateman at every opportunity and noting how much he hates their ilk.
Obviously, this means they're not getting together in the shipping sense either.
But What About Different Circumstances?
I'd still say no.
Bateman isn't really the mischievous/prankster sort. He views what he does as a very serious endeavor and one absolutely vital to his existence. He takes his murdering of random female Hufflepuffs very seriously.
He's not going to make Severus' life miserable just to make it miserable (especially as Severus Snape has nothing he wants/isn't someone who has anything he covets).
Now, he might murder Severus in a dark alley to get his kicks and giggles, but the violence would very much be for the violence's sake with no pretense otherwise. Where Sirius in canon tends to stand by his explanation of being young, stupid, and looking for a good time.
Sirius isn't always out to kill Snape...
Bateman would be.
Bateman I think would find Sirius to be very dumb and generally not worth his time. He's throwing everything away so he can pretend to be one of the common folk and wastes his time on juvenile pranks to make nothing Severus Snape feel miserable.
Bateman's busy raping and murdering Hufflepuffs in closets because he knows he can get away with it. He may also kill Lucius Malfoy and steal his manor in a fit of jealousy, only to then realize no one can tell the difference between him, Lucius, the LeStranges, or anyone else so he gets away with it completely (bonus points if Sirius is somehow implicated for it, as he's mistaken for Patrick Bateman) but it's not the same thing.
I imagine both Bateman and Sirius would view each other with contempt. And that Sirius would have generally very little idea of what Patrick Bateman is up to (especially as Bateman does not become a Death Eater, meaning his pillage, rape, and murder seems almost out of character for a man who does not become Death Eater scum).
Does One End Up Dead?
I'm going to say no. I think they'd keep out of each other's way as neither has anything the other really wants or is in a position to be declared a direct enemy.
When Hogwarts ends, they go their separate ways, and all of Bateman's many crimes are blamed on Bellatrix.
It's a great time to be Patrick Bateman.
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 1 year
Tell me more about your headcanon that Rio really wants a daughter. How do you see him bonding with Beth's kids? How do you see Beth bonding with Marcus?
Ohhhhh...Where do I start????
First :  Maybe what I'm about to say is wrong, but that's my take on it. I sincerely think that the relationship between a father and his son is completely different from the relationship between a father and his daughter. It doesn't mean that the love of a father for his son is less strong, they are equal; but I think that there is a more important feeling of protection for a girl than for a boy, in many areas. And that's why we often tend to say that a girl is always going to be her daddy's little girl, or his princess.
I also think that many parents, when they have a child and want a second one, they hope (without necessarily saying it) to have the other sex. (I mean I know a lot of people who only want 2 child, but they had only boys and want a girl, or the contrary).
Before I talk about this headcanon, I'll talk about another one.
Personally I think that Rio and Rhea were never serious, a real couple. That they were friends with benefits, or just sex partners and that Marcus was not at all planned, but he is the most beautiful thing that happened to both of them.
And also that contrary to what we could see in the canon, Rio and Rhea have a program of co-parenthood, a week/a week. Except when Rio has to leave for work or if he is really hurt.
Anyway...^^, now I'll move on to why this headcanon.
I think this headcanon comes from a lot of other headcanons I have about Rio, which led me to this one.
First, I really think Rio always want a big family, like 4 or 5 childs. (And now he's gonna have 5, yeahh for him^^.) 
Second, I think Rio like going to shopping, but Marcus isn’t a fan of that. So he can just became completely gaga at the idea of going shopping with her daughter, and buying her hairbands, dresses, shoes, hats, to excess.
Third, I think he has a lot of little cousines, and he loves taking care of them. I think he learned how to do his little cousins' hair, and he would love to use this new talent on his own daughter.
Four, He does things he’ll never do with Marcus, because he didn’t play with these kind of game, but also because he couldn’t say no to her. He will agree to pretend to drink tea with her. He will play with her dolls enthusiastically, making up the craziest stories just to see her eyes shine. And above all, since she won't be able to do his hair, he will let her put nail polish on his nails.
In conclusion, He knows that he will be wrapped around her little finger and that she will make him do anything and everything. But he won't care, because his daughter will be his princess.
And when she’s gonna be older, he’s gonna scared all men who’s gonna try to seduce her (specially douch)^^.
Voilà!!!! (I’m not the answer is the answer to your question...oops^^)
Rio and the boland kids :
I think Jane and Emma would take to him right away, not only because he's Marcus' dad, but because they thinks he's so cool and nice.
For Danny, I think he would like Rio, but he would be all shy around him, at least at first, but Rio would do everything to make him feel comfortable.
The hardest one would be with Kenny, not only because Kenny is the oldest, and for him the divorce of Beth and Dean will be hard, but also...Kenny is a number two Dean, and that he listens to everything his father says. And when Dean finds out that Beth is with Rio (really), and that he'll be in his old house with his ex-wife and kids, he won't be able to stop himself from badmouthing Rio, and Kenny will take his word for it. But with time, he will get to know Rio, the real Rio, not just the gangster, the man with the tattoo described by his father and he’s gonna like the real Rio. And most importantly, he will see that his mother is truly happy and fulfilled with him, and that’s is the most important.
Rio would never try to take Dean's place, never. In fact, at the beginning of his relationship with Beth, he will not interfere with anything, and will even refuse to do anything too much personal with the children. Not because he doesn't want to, but just because he doesn't see it as his role. And especially he wouldn't want it to create an even bigger conflict between Beth and Dean, like for the custody, and that the children end up in the middle.
But as time goes by, and after several discussions with Beth, he will behave with them, as he really wants to; reprimanding them if they do something wrong, taking them to school, to their activities. He will even take them to the park, shopping, that kind of thing. And in the futur, he will go to their graduation, advise them on their first love relationship, helping them to find their first apartment, to move, will be their second wedding witness. just as he would with Marcus, because he loves them as much as his own son.
Beth and Marcus : 
I think Beth, even though she will try not to show it, will be happy but also embarrassed to be around Marcus again. Happy because for her, it means that between her and Rio everything is really behind them, and that he trusts her to let her get close to Marcus, in that way, so domestic. But also embarrassed, because despite herself, she couldn't stop feeling guilty, about the fact, that she was the one who almost took his father away from him forever. But also because...seeing him, reminds her of the time when she had befriended Rhea. Because she had finally found someone she could drink rosé with, talk about the kids, about anything and everything, just another person, other than Ruby and Annie; a new friend. And sometimes it made her nostalgic.
But in the end, her relationship with Rio would allow her to improve her relationship with Marcus' mother. Not to the point of becoming friends again, but that the other woman, would not be bothered by Beth spending time with her son.
I also think that as like Rio, Beth will not interfere with Marcus' education, and will let Rio handle him, even though they may not have the same approach.
Of course she would never take Rhea's place, but sometimes when Marcus would be sleeping at home, he would ask her to read him a story or sing him a lullaby, and she would accept, because...who could say no to this little angel?
And when they all gonna leave together, she just gonna treat him if he was her 5th child.
Thank you infinitely for your enthousiasm about my stupid brain headcanon and your ask <333333. And sorry it take so long, but i would to be sure I didn’t forgot something^^. And also because I have feeling I didn’t really answer the question... (I’m so bad at that^^)
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