#do you ever just. want to write about hot gay vampires
starry-night-author · 9 months
Prompt #23
cw: blood
Hero was the first one awake, she always was.
Slipping through the huge, quiet, empty house, she couldn't help but feel like one of the undead herself. It was late in the year and cold, and the blanket she'd wrapped around herself trailed long behind her like a cloak.
The sun was just setting, the last violent dregs of red, orange, and yellow streaking through the sky. The huge elevated back patio was bathed in an orange light, Hero sat on one of the porch chairs to watch the light disappear from the sky like she always did.
She'd given up her diurnal schedule quite willingly, but sunsets were something she refused to let go of. It was harder now, with the sun going down earlier in the crisp autumn, but she always made sure to wake up in time.
The cold around her promised a frigid night, and Hero pulled her blanket tighter around herself and shivered. Her breath wasn't showing in the air just yet, but she knew by the time the sun went down, it would be.
She was just getting settled when there came a creak from behind her, a swish of the large sliding glass door that led out onto the patio opening. Hero twisted around to see who it was, no one in the house would be awake at this hour.
Villain squinted in the dying light, ducking down so she was beneath the line of direct sunlight that stretched horizontally across the house. She closed the sliding door behind her, almost hissing in discomfort.
"Oh, I didn't think you'd get up!" Hero exclaimed.
Villain moved toward her, being sure to keep out of the direct sunlight that beamed over her head. "Woke up too early," she grumbled, coming to sit next to Hero. "It's too bright."
Hero draped the blanket around her partner, Villain was quick to cuddle in next to her, still wanting to keep out of the light. She leaned most of herself on Hero, pulling the blanket around her and shivering into the crook of Hero's neck.
"You could've waited until the sun was down," Hero pointed out, kissing her forehead.
Villain didn't answer immediately, only cuddling closer, cold fingers finding Hero's warm ones and gripping them tightly. She didn't look directly at the sunset, but rather watched the red clouds drift by overhead.
"Wanted to spend some time with you before it got too dark," Villain mumbled, turning to bury most of her face in Hero's chest. "'M hungry, I want to go out tonight."
"You can't," Hero reminded her. "Superhero's been organizing those hunts, they'll catch you."
Villain growled, low and annoyed. "They won't catch me."
"They will," Hero stressed. "And I don't think I could get you out this time."
Villain growled again. "How long until the hunts stop?"
"They're planned to last until next week."
This growl was more a snarl, and Villain flopped dejectedly down into Hero's lap. Hero chuckled, petting through her partner's hair.
"Don't laugh at me."
Hero looked back up at the dying light, her hand still absently running through Villain's hair. "Don't think I can last that long," it was always easy to read when Villain was hungry, she got grumpier, spoke less and in less complete sentences. Villain couldn't have lasted the week, and Hero couldn't have lasted the week of her behaving this way either. "Might start biting things."
"Like what?" Hero asked teasingly, leaning back. "Me?"
Villain turned her head to look up at her. "You're serious?"
Hero hesitated. Villain had only fed off of her once before, and then had overreacted afterwards when Hero had felt woozy. She said she'd never bite her again- but clearly that had now been forgotten in light of her current hunger.
"Hm... maybe." Hero scratched Villain's head the way she liked, and Villain leaned into it, smiling faintly. Her brilliantly white fangs glistened in the glow of the sunset. "I trust you."
Villain sat up. "Please, yes, only enough to get me to next week, I promise."
"I trust you," Hero said again, holding Villain's chin so she could lean in and kiss her gently.
"Good." Villain's red eyes were light brightly warm light from the sun. She leaned in to kiss Hero again, pressing against her lips, before moving to the corner of her mouth, then her jaw, then just below her ear.
Hero's breath hitched as a blush moved across her face, she was fully aware of exactly how this would feel. Warmth bloomed in her stomach, her hot breath now becoming visible in the air around her.
As Villain continued her kisses turned more to nipping, sharp fangs brushing against Hero's skin. Not biting, not yet- but enough to promise it.
Hero's hand found Villain's once more, and she gripped it tightly.
"Nervous?" Villain murmured against her shoulder.
"It's- it's not going to hurt, is it?" She couldn't remember if it had last time.
"Only for a second," Villain promised. She nipped harder at Hero's skin, and the crime stopper gasped. "Only for a second."
There came the swish of the sliding glass door from behind them, and the two of them both sat up, twisting around. Hero's heart was pounding as if she'd just been caught doing something forbidden- and perhaps she was. Her jacket had been pulled down to reveal her shoulder, the teeth marks left there by Villain outlined neatly in the sun behind it.
But it was just Supervillain, standing in the doorway and squinting at them. The sun had gone down enough that she didn't have to duck to be out of its light. "What's going on?"
They didn't answer.
Supervillain stepped closer. "Villain- I thought you said you wouldn't bite her again!"
Supervillain herself had flat out refused to ever bite Hero, not wanting to run the risk of taking too much. "Besides, I thought we were going out tonight."
"Superhero's organizing vampire hunts, they're going until next week." Hero explained quickly, defending Villain. "Villain was just going to have enough to make it until then."
"I'm sure she could make it without feeding off of you." Supervillain came to stand behind the cushioned outdoor couch the two were sitting on, leaning down to kiss Hero's forehead.
"I suggested it," Hero told her. "I don't mind."
"You're sure?"
"I trust her."
"I don't think I could make it," Villain piped up. "If you wanted my input."
"Oh hush." Supervillain kissed her forehead as well. "It's been even longer since I've fed and I'm doing just fine."
"You're stronger than me." Villain leaned forward, resting her forehead against Hero's shoulder. "Now can we continue?"
"Oh by all means," Supervillain walked around to the front of the couch, flicking her hands dismissively as she sat down on Hero's other side. "Just act like I'm not here."
"You could... um, feed off of me too." Hero had never much liked that phrasing.
"You want both of us?" Villain sat up.
Hero blushed. "Well, a-as long as you know where to stop I don't see the issue. Y'know, just enough to help both of you until the hunts stop."
Supervillain thought. "If we were careful... I don't know, Hero. You'd trust us that much?"
"Of course," Hero moved to adjust the collar of her jacket so more of her neck was exposed on either side.
"Let me help," Supervillain's voice was suddenly much lower, more sultry. Her hand landed at Hero's throat, fingers toying with the zipper for a moment before pulling it down.
On Hero's other side Villain went right back to kissing at her jaw, and Supervillain pulled Hero's face to hers to kiss her lips as she adjusted Hero's jacket.
Hero sighed against Supervillain's lips, and she felt the criminal smile. Opening her eyes, she was met with Supervillain's half-lidded gaze, red eyes seeming to glow in the darkening red night.
Jacket pulled most of the way down her shoulders, Hero's neck was perfectly exposed to both of her vampire partners. Villain's teeth gently pinched her neck, but she didn't bite yet. Supervillain's mouth trailed down Hero's jaw, slowly moving to the place between Hero's neck and shoulder.
Villain bit first.
Sinking her teeth unexpectedly into Hero's neck the crime stopper gasped at the pain- which faded almost as soon and as suddenly as it'd come. Hero's gasp was released as a groan, heat coursing through her as Villain properly attached herself to her neck.
Supervillain was rushing back to Hero's lips almost before the groan left her, kissing her and running her thumb over her cheek. "Sshhh-shh, it'll fade in a second."
That's when Villain started to suck, and Hero's head would've fallen back if Supervillain wasn't holding it up. Hero whined, eyes drifting shut, and she heard Supervillain chuckle.
"You're so pretty when you blush," Supervillain murmured. As much as she wanted to focus on her words it was difficult to do so when Villain was licking and sucking at her neck. "All that blood rushing through your face- I could watch you for hours."
Supervillain let go of her face and Hero's head fell back to rest on the couch cushions. Hero could feel her licking her neck for a moment- before she bit down too.
There came the flash of pain- before that faded and Supervillain was sucking away. Hero moaned, all she could do was gasp for air as the heat spread throughout her.
Villain's hand trailed beneath her jacket, resting just over her heart, feeling the pounding organ. Hero shivered at her cold touch, then whined again as Villain's sharp nails pricked her skin. It was as if she wanted to claw her heart out, to feel the thing that pushed the delicious blood all throughout her body.
A drop of blood managed to escape Supervillain, running down Hero's collarbone and nearly dripping onto her jacket. Supervillain was quick to follow it, licking a strip back up to her neck before biting down again.
Hero moaned once more. "Supervilla-ain-"
At the same time she could feel Villain getting more ravenous, shifting to bite harder down on Hero's neck. Her nails began gently petting Hero's chest, and Hero shivered again.
This felt amazing. Hero was sure it was something in the vampire's bite that made it this pleasurable, and she most definitely wasn't complaining. Their biting, their sucking, their touching- she didn't want it to end.
Hero wanted to give it all to them, wanted them to bleed her dry until they had everything they needed. She would do anything for them, beg them to just use her. She was theirs to do with what they pleased, and that was everything she could ask for.
The two vampires pulled away suddenly and simultaneously, they could feel just how much they were draining Hero and knew when to stop. They left Hero still gasping and internally begging, head fallen back on the couch and her neck and shoulders a mess of blood.
"You're delectable," Villain breathed. Hero smiled faintly. Her earlier lust for them was already fading, she was suddenly much more grateful that they hadn't taken all of her blood rather than pleading for them to take more.
Supervillain lifted her head, Hero's eyes opened and she nearly groaned again. Supervillain's face was a mess- her chin and once dazzling teeth now coated in Hero's blood.
Supervillain kissed her- and Hero had to admit there was something enticing about tasting her own blood in Supervillain's mouth. Villain, never one to be left out, began leaving bloody kisses along Hero's neck.
At last, Supervillain drew back. "Thank you, dearest."
"Yes," Villain pressed a quick kiss against Hero's lips. "Thank you."
"N-no problem." Hero was still trying to catch her breath, still trying to calm down. "We- we could do that more often if you guys need."
Supervillain smiled, and Hero flushed once more at the sight of her bloody teeth. "We'll see. Now let's get you cleaned up."
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dontbelasagnax · 1 month
hi, do you happen to have any fic recs? :)
Hello!! Of course I have fic recs!!! Now, I must say I haven't read in two or three months due to depression and brainfog so none of these fics are recent but they are highly recommended by me!!
First off, we have non explicit fics!
The General by @snowywinterevenings
Very cute canonverse fluffy fic in which Cody adopts a tooka. There are cuddles.
the spaces between us by @soap-brain
This is THE codywan cuddling fic. It's the first fic that comes to mind when I want to read about them cuddling. It's canonverse.
seeing the long day through by @biscuityskies
Canonverse late night of flimsiwork. So soul wrenchingly tender. They had their first kiss(es). Stoked my overwhelming love for codywan by showing just how well these two can be done.
cherished in sunlight by @inkformyblood
This fic made me smile so much. It's perfect. Just perfect. Another first kiss fic, this time after the war. Soft, hopeful beginnings.
Another Happy Landing by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
Goddddd this fic!!!! Order 66 happens, codywan lose one another (neither of which is shown in the fic), but this is their reunion!!! Obsessed with Lttrs' take on this.
calls for you tonight, to share this moonlight by @anaclastic-azurite
Modern AU with beekeeper Cody and baker Obi-Wan. Cody is just a gay disaster. He's so sweet. Alcha is the best at writing this dynamic.
Now! For explicit fics!
all your vivid dreams by @meebles
This is a no order 66 necking fic inspired by this artwork of mine. Read it. Have your life changed.
Chasing the Heat of You by @kotekenobii
This is THE fucking for warmth fic. Amen.
Thicker than water by @galateagalvanized
Canonverse vampire Obi-Wan. Cody gets his world rocked. What more could you want? (Also the art is hands down my favorite codywan art ever)
Right on Time by @elwenyere
This fic... God. Bury me with it. It's no order 66 and Cody and Obi-Wan have some spectacular marathon sex. It's fucking amazing.
well. haha. (nuts) by @oathkeeperoxas
Cody with a praise kink. Amen. It's no order 66 domestic sweetness. With hot smut.
Full Moon Blues and the Warmth of Sunlight by @anaclastic-azurite
Werewolf Obi-Wan spends his rut with his loving sun elf boyfriend Cody. Mwah mwah
This is a non-exhaustive list but I hope you enjoy reading these and perhaps acquire a new favorite or two! And of course, if you read, make sure to leave the author a comment ❤️
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after my post about steve being just as obsessed with eddie as he is with him, i had to write something for it. with a little extra transfem!stevie flavour bc i have a serious problem
also on ao3 here
Robin has had enough. She’s spent all this time telling Stevie she’d always be there for her, but this is where she draws the line.
Stevie’s staring at Eddie Munson again.
Robin looked up from her shitty cafeteria food when she heard a dreamy sigh come from her best friend. Stevie had that look on her face again, the hopelessly besotted one that made Robin sure cartoony little love hearts would start popping up next to her head. Robin followed her eyeline and, yep, there was Eddie Munson, super-senior leader of the dungeons and dragons club, sticking carrot sticks up his nose to the uproarious laughter of his group of nerd friends. Robin shook her head in appalled fascination.
“Stevie. Babes. Why.”
Stevie turned towards her, tilting her head in confusion. “Huh? Why what?”
Robin waved a hand towards Eddie’s table. “Your obsession with Eddie Munson. It baffles me.”
“Wh- I mean-” Stevie flushed, looking back across the cafeteria with a shy little smile. “Just look at him, Robs.”
“Yeah, I’m looking. He’s trying to sneeze out a carrot stick he got stuck in his nose.”
Stevie giggled. “I know, he’s so funny!”
Shaking her head, Robin placed a delicate hand on her friend’s arm. “You don’t have to do this, y’know. I know pickings have been slim since you came out, but like. You’re still a catch! You have options!”
Stevie frowns. Robin hadn’t wanted to say it, but she knew Stevie had taken her ‘fall from grace’ after she transitioned pretty hard. She’d gone from King of Hawkins High to near social untouchable, and the whiplash had her privately confessing to Robin that sometimes she felt unlovable, like no one would ever want her again. It was ridiculous, but Robin understood that insecurity. She combatted it by complimenting Stevie whenever she could. And now by trying to dissuade her best friend from falling ass over tits in love with the first weirdo to be nice to her post-transition.
“It’s not that. He’s just so…” Stevie waved her hands around vaguely, searching for a word to accurately describe the apparent wonder that was Eddie Munson. Across the cafeteria, Eddie finally got the carrot stick out of his nose. He threw it towards the bin a foot away and missed, spectacularly. “He’s himself. It’s nice.”
“He’s himself.”
“Yeah! Like, he’s passionate about everything he does, and he’s not afraid of being judged for anything. It’s nice! Most people aren’t like that.”
“Most people are definitely not like Eddie Munson.”
Stevie rolled her eyes at her friend’s flat tone. “Plus, he’s super hot. And you can’t say anything about that one- you’re too gay to be an accurate judge.”
Robin groaned. “Steph, he dresses like an 80s vampire.”
“He has a distinct style!”
“It’s distinct alright- hey!”
Stevie had apparently had enough of Robin’s bitching, reaching over and trapping her in a loving sisterly headlock. They scrapped for a couple minutes, nearly knocking both their lunches off the cafeteria table, before being interrupted with a light cough.
Both girls looked up, Stevie immediately blushing a gentle pink as Eddie Munson appeared before them. He seemed nervous, fiddling with his rings and chewing on his lip. Robin watched the two stare at each other, and oh god. Eddie was down just as bad as Stevie was. He giggled a little manically at Stevie’s attention, pulling a lock of hair in front of his face and hiding behind it.
“Hi, Eddie,” Stevie said in a little breathless tone that had Robin about five seconds away from face-palming. She considered pulling out her phone and recording this conversation, just so that next time Dustin implied Stevie was some kind of goddess of romance Robin could show him the dumb little face she made as she stared at Eddie Munson’s chapped lips. “What’s up?”
Eddie smiled, shuffling his feet a little. “Um, so, my band is playing this Thursday- oh! Wait, I got you something-” He rummaged around in his bag for a second, cursing under his breath, before he finally pulled out a slightly crumpled looking sunflower and presented it to Stevie with a flourish. “A sunflower! Just reminded me of you- because you’re so sunny. Also it kind of matches that sweater you like.”
Stevie’s grin was blinding. She took the flower like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Oh my god! This is- Eddie this is beautiful!”
Eddie grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet a little bit, as if Stevie’s acceptance of his gift had filled him with so much happiness he was in danger of floating away. It was, unfortunately, the cutest thing Robin had ever seen. 
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl,” he said, and the cringiness of the line had Robin taking back every positive thing she’d ever thought about him. Stevie seemed to enjoy it though, if the pleased blush that spread over her face was any indication. “But I wanted to ask you- totally cool if not, I know it’s not really your style- but I’ve been practising some new songs for y- I’ve been practising some new songs. So, yeah, if you wanted-”
“Eddie,” Stevie interrupted, smiling up at him and placing a gentle hand on his arm. Eddie turned bright red. “Thursday, right? It sounds fun, I’d love to come watch you play.”
“Really? Great! I can pick you up at seven?”
Stevie nodded happily, bringing the sunflower to her face and turning back to Eddie with another besotted grin. “Seven sounds perfect! I’ll see you then! Just let me- I’m gonna go put this in my locker so it doesn’t get squished, but- yeah, I’m really looking forward to it!”
Stevie stood up, grabbing her bag, and hurrying out of the cafeteria. When she reached the door, she turned back and gave Eddie a happy little wave, which he returned with a sort of dazed look on his face. As soon as she was out of the door, he did a weird little jump/fist-bump combination with a loud whoop that had everyone in the immediate vicinity looking over at him.
Robin cleared her throat pointedly.
Eddie looked at her with a sort of deer-in-headlights expression that honestly she appreciated. Let him be scared of her. “So,” she said. “You’re taking my best friend out.”
Eddie blushed a bit, smiling despite his apparent survival instinct. “Yeah,” he said, dreamily. “God, she’s so out of my league.”
“She is.”
“She’s just so… wow.”
“One time I saw her bodily lift that curly-haired kid she babysits out of the way of a car. Like fully carry him a foot off the ground for five steps. And then yell at him for like ten minutes for being a dumbass. What a woman.”
“Oh, shit,” he said, looking down at Robin with a panicked look on his face. “You’re like, her sister basically, right? Was I supposed to get your permission to ask her out? Wait, no, that’s marriage. Later, then.”
“Okay, that’s enough of this,” Robin said, throwing her hands up and stalking out of the cafeteria, leaving a befuddled looking Eddie behind her.
They were just as bad as each other. Robin had a feeling she’d be cringing at those two at their wedding.
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marilynthornhilllover · 3 months
Hey!! just started following you and I would absolutely love if you wrote some "what we do in the shadows" Nadja x reader, vampire smut :') Also if you haven't watched the show Oh My God, its my current obsession. gay vampires what more could you want.
The Halloween Snack
Vampire Nadja x humanfem!reader
Warning: smut, praise kink, slight degradation, choking kink, biting kink, slight draw of blood, cunniligus, fingering, slight overstiumlation, pet names, nipple play, feral play, not much dialog etc.
A/n: I've never really watched the show actually but I've definitely seen her in edits and I can remember watching season 1 I think, it was a pleasure to write this! Hope you enjoyed darling, also sorry this took so long.
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You groaned in frustration as you looked at your reflection through the mirror. This was the fifth dress that you tried on that you didn't like or you thought didn't suit your personality very much. It was a skin tight black dress that stopped right above your knees with strip back openings.
Nadja had asked you to be her plus one for a Halloween party last minute - well two weeks ago to be exact. You just didn't know what to wear. Not that Nadja would judge you but, you wanted to atleast impress her but luck just wasn't on your side tonight.
Nadja and you had been friends for quite some time. She was funny, kind..... sometimes, sassy, fashionable and excruciatingly evil. But to be fair she was the most kindness towards you. That might be hard for some people to believe because when you first became her roommate other students had told you that she hated the presence of humans, every semester they would place her in a dorm by herself.
They said, One slip up and she just might rip you to shreds making a fine dress for herself out of your flesh.
Or that you'd constantly be walking on egg shells, one day she'd like you being around then quickly get tired of you, and possibly rip your throat out. Everyone on campus had their fair share of horrific experience with the vampire. But on the first day of moving in, as dark as everyone claimed her to be she was actually your light, a sunshine. Now as cliché or ironic as that might sound it was the God given truth. You saw the way nadja talked to people, treated them, looked at them. Never once was she ever the same with you.
When it came to you she was like a puppy lover, soft and compassionate. Thoughtful even. For your birthday once she gaved you a gold bat pendant necklace with her initial on it. You started developing feelings for her, I mean everyone had feelings for nadja. She was insufferable, hot and a total vibe. She would call you specific pet names that she specially came up with such as, darling, babes, and love.
Whenever she called you by one of theses names you had to try your best not to fall falt on your face. Being with her made you weak to your knees. Her accent was so dreamy, the way your name rolled off her tongue had you squirming or blushing like a silly school girl in love, you especially loved the way she would read out loud her romance book that she writes at night whenever she thinks that you'd already fallen asleep.
Her eyes were also another factor that had you Turing as red as a tomato. Every time she glanced at you or gazed at you with her sultry eyes , you had to try your best not to scream your voice out. Soon Nadja would noticed the way you could clench your thighs whenever she spoke in a raspy voice towards you whenever she got upset with you at something. Or how you would whisper a little " oh god" whenever she winked at you or called you a" good little pet".
She used this to her advantage and teased you constantly non - stop , it's safe to say she knew what to do to have you on your knees in no time..... and we're not talking about vampire powers here.
You sighed once again in frustration as you sat on your bed with tears in your eyes. It's not like you didn't have enough time to plan for this party, you just didn't know what to wear. And everything you had looked either too girly or just not Halloween themed. You heard a soft knock before the door to your room opened as nadja peeked her head in.
" you ready or what babes?" she asked approaching you. When your didn't respond to her, she entered the room taking slow but carful strides towards you, tilting her head slightly to get a good look at your face, she noticed that you were crying. Upon seeing this she quickly knelt infront of you and gently grabbed hold of your chin to get you to look at you.
" aw darling what's wrong?" You sniffed and rolled your eyes as you moved to stand, nadja standing quickly with you. You felt small. You didn't want her to see you cry, she'd probably think your weak or cast you away for being a cry baby, but not answering her won't help the situation. It will only make it worse.
" Well, are you gonna fucking answer me or do I need to stand here all night and act as your therapist that you pay for extra tissues?" it was a rhetorical question but you heard the frustration in her voice. You sighed as you turned to look at her. God her eyes.... they would deadly poisoning when she was upset. her eyebrows were quirked in a worried expression and her lips stayed pinched as she studied your every move.
" i don't know what to wear" you spoke in annoyance as you turned to look into the mirror once more. Nadja bit her lip as her expression dropped. What started questioning if maybe what she was thinking was harsh or maybe what she was seeing was wrong. On your body was a perfectly well fitted dress, that matched the occasion you were going to attend and one that she didn't see a problem with.
" forgive me if I'm blind sweetheart but I really don't see anything wrong with this outfit, my love". you huffed, walking into your closet you began to toss out numerous pairs of clothes onto the floor. Nadja watched in awe as you looked through your closet, she smirked tilting her head to the side, admiring the way the dress was hooked on your body.
Your curves, the way your hips swayed. The thoughts got the best of her, she watched as you bent down to pick up a shirt and got back up. The dress you were wearing now showed off your curves plainly.
You turned to glance at her before continuing your hunt.
" and what are you supposed to be dresses as?" You heard as she sat on your bed and sighed, groaning as she cracked her back before proceeding to respond.
" myself duh" she spoke watching as you fought to unzip your zipper on the side of your dress. She got up and walked back over to help you. She gently gripped your hips and pulled the zipper down, you were too busy looking for a skirt to notice that she got lost in a trance as she stared at your red lace underwear like a pyscopath or perhaps - a total vampire pervert. She reached out her hand too touch your skin but pulled back. She was utterly desperate......
Your skin looked smooth, the density of the flesh twinkled in her eyes. Just one touch.... one bite.... even the smallest nibble will suit her well....
Her eyes flicked up towards your neck, the delicate flesh with a irritable beating pluse. When she bit into the sweet flesh, to hear your moan, taste your blood, Oh what she would give to taste you. Both your blood and your -
" nadja?" She flinched as her body forced her snapped out her corrupted trance. She realized that she was now face to face with your lips as you looked at her confused. Temptation was running high for nadja, her pupils delayed, her eyes darkening as she looked up at you.
" may I kiss your neck, darling please" you were a bit taken back by the suddeness and randomness that the question held but who were you to deny 'the nadja ' a taste of your skin, after all you'd be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't dreama about this moment. You gulped as nodded slowly, titling your neck to provide her with the required access. She smirked as her eyes beamed at your approval. Her super speed allowed her to push you up against the wall. Both her hands grapped your hips firmly as her body laid flush against yours. Before she could lean down to began what ever mission she had intended to do, you gently pushed against her biceps.
" please don't bite me nadja" she chuckled softly but nodded her head, silently agreeing. Her lips hovered over your skin debating whether or not to truly bite or to just enjoy the moment, who knows it might just be the last time she even gets to touch you. As soon as her lips made contact with your neck, it was a if a light switch went off for her. She immediately started nipping and sucking at the tender flesh.
You whimpered when you felt her finger tips grazing across your scalp, carefully pulling on your hair. you exclaimed when nadja's fangs scrape across your flesh.
" f- fuck nads no hickeys either" you manged to crack out slightly pulling away to look at her. She looked straight back at you with predatory eyes. It was evident that she was absolutely blood thirsty. But you couldn't let her bite you - you just couldn't..... fuck it, who cares about rules and morals.
Your lips met nadjas lips in a hasty passionate kiss as you used your body to push her back against your bed. She fell onto the soft mattress with a gentle thud and a small gasp. Biting her lips with lidded eyes she used her body strength to turn you over beneath her, straddling you instead.
" looks like someone's a little eager" she teased, her voice dripping with honey. You moaned as you felt her thigh slip in between your legs, parting them away from eachother. Nadja smirked she then moved to attacked your neck once more.
" oh God nadja p-please" you moaned as you titled your head providing her with more access to your neck. You could hear her chuckle softly before feeling a dull but sharp pain in your neck. You winced as your back arched as you felt her fangs dig into the skin of you flesh, drawing a slight blood flow.
You feel nadja body relax above you, as she whimpered quietly. She then slowly removed her fangs from the wound before placing a chaste kiss there. She removed the straps of your dress exposing your breasts to her. Her eyes lingered on them before they flicked up to yours.
You granted her the permission her eyes searched for. She took it upon herself to latch her mouth onto one of the already erected bud. Your eyes rolled back as your hands flew to her hair. A moan escaped from you causing nadja to look up at the sinful sight about her. As You arched your chest into her mouth your grip in her hair tightened even more.
Your body temperature began to increase and so did the heat in your core. Your breathing picked up when nadja slide her hand down your stomach, she toyed with the hemming of the dress before pushing it up around your hips then proceeding to pull your underwear to the side.
She realesed your nipple with a pop before moving to the other one. You whimpered as your eyes rolled back, pleasure started taking over your mind leaving you fuzzy and completely under nadja mercy.
She wasted no time bringing her fingers back to her mouth where she then spat on them before quickly sliding them in and out of you without warning. You gasped as you spread your thighs even wider hoping that she was go deeper.
She slowly sinks two fingers back into your cunt, curling them slowly, before pulling out completely, spreading your wetness to your clit. you let out quiet whimpers at the stimulation as your eyes flicked back, her fingers gently teased your pulsing clit. you call her name in a quiet whisper, in attempt for her to give you what you wanted.... what you needed most. its a plead you can’t help but let out. her actions send waves of heat surging throughout your body.
She then shoved her two digits back into your dripping cunt. You let out a silent sob at the sudden intrusion. Nadja curled her fingers at the right spot where she felt you clench down tightly. She grunted as she started sucking brutally on your nipple as if she's getting milk from doing so.
Your gummy walls hugged her two digits so good that she picked up the pace. You were a hot mess beneath her, gasping and moaning ever so slightly. Nadjas fingers curled deep within you which caused you to erupt in pleasure.
" That's it darling, God I wish I had taken it upon myself to fuck you sooner" she muttered while looking down at you. Your hair was completely ruined and sprawled out on the pillows, tears were evident in your eyes as your mascara started running down your cheek. You looked gorgeous.
You couldn't even think straight, you began muttering incorhent sentences. She could feel your walls already spasming around her fingers indicating your close to your first orgasm.
Nadja pulled her fingers from your cunt at the right moment just before you reached your high. Seeing the confusion mixed with frustration in your eyes boosted her ego to destroy you even more.
She crawled down to the end of the bed coming face to face with your aroused pussy. She smirked before putting both of your legs on her shoulder, kissing your ankle while doing so.
Again like some sort of feral animal that hadn't eaten for days she wasted no time, she enveloped her mouth around your clit, her tongue flicking and sucking on the tiny bud furiously in a attempt to make you cum quickly. After all you both had places to be right after this.... well... let's just say inconvenient...
You grabbed the bed sheets tightly, if you were hulk your sure that they sheets would be torn by now. You let out a pornographic moan as you felt nadja fingers slip into you once more, this time her pace was absolutely brutal and quick, making squelching noises as she hit your g- spot over and over again.
You felt coils after coils snap in you before feeling as a big one was building. You prompted yourself up on your elbows to look at nadja. Her eyes flicked up to yours for a split second before she started slurping your cunt eagerly and rapidly eating you out.
You fell back in a silent scream, feeling your legs as they began shaking dramatically. You felt as she realesed your clit with a pop but her fingers were absolutely driving you insane.
It felt so fucking good you started hyperventilating. Nadja then pushed her fingers knuckles deep into you before curling her finger and doing the barel movement.
" such a good fucking slut for mommy mhm" she cooed as her other hand wrapped around your neck tightly. its not long before you’re teetering on the edge of your orgasm, nadjas thumb rubbing tight circles around your clit, finger’s pumping in and out of your dripping cunt so deliciously.
You began seeing stars as the raven hair vampire pushed you further and further into oblivion. You shook your everything inside you as your orgasm hit you like a passing train going at a high speed.
You felt a completely drenched feeling of liquid slowly make its away from your throbbing hole to your thighs and further down. You knew exactly what just happened..... you squirted.
You blinked rapidly until you could no longer see the tiny white flying balls in your vision before sitting up straight and looking down at nadja.
She smiled softly at you before she kissed your forehead while caressing your arm.
" now that you feel like the princess that you are, you have five minutes to refreshing up so that we can hit the road my love" nadja winked before playfully smacking your biceps.
Before she left she brought her fingers to her mouth and gaved them kitten licks before smirking sheepishly at you.
She opened the door and left, leaving you in complete awe and limited time to get re- dressed. You knew that this was not the end of tonight and that after you both came back home, she's going to make you do that all over again until your screaming her name for the entire campus to hear...... and you honestly could not wait......
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thesporkidentity · 5 months
an incomplete list of texts i sent as i slowly lost my mind over the second book of rivers of london, because i fully intend to drag at least one more person into this pit with me. come read with me i promise you're gonna feel so good and normal over this book, come closer
wow okay peter remains the absolute horniest bastard ever. is he a tits or an ass man? yes
oh we are just getting the surface levels hints of nightingales MOUNTAIN of unresolved PTSD and i am very 🥺
you ever feel like a character was written specifically to appeal to you? i'm getting so many tantalizing hints and i KNOW he's going to destroy because he's catnip. he is bait specifically designed to hurt my feelings
also his description makes me think of lee pace or like, 90s/00s paul mcgann and that's just Very Good and i'm being deeply not normal about it
also nightingale reads as SO queer to me, and the potential in fic to explore what that means insofar as how he has navigated the changing landscape of queerness from 1900 to present day is so tantalizing. i don't care that the author says he's not, in this case the author is wrong lol
i must say, i do not care for simone. if we absolutely MUST have hetersexual nonsense in this book i would like beverly back please. she was cool and not a cheating homewrecking jazz groupie lol
still not impressed with simone. i mean, far be it from me to judge a woman's grieving process and all, but she doesn't seem very broken up over her within-the-week dead lover. i mean, i LOVE peter and all and he's hot shit, but immediately falling into bed with him? sus
in conclusion bring 👏 bev 👏 back 👏
also peter, buddy, WHAT ARE YOU DOING
he's a disaster so even though i'm screaming DON'T DO THAT i am unsurprised he is being led around by his dick by a beautiful woman throwing herself at him
but i just. i Don't Trust Her. she doesn't make sense, and i can't tell if this is a case of male author writing wish fulfillment and thus not giving the hot girl adequate motivation of her own
or whether i AM supposed to find it suspicious the way she basically doesn't mourn the man she homewrecked who died very suddenly and then IMMEDIATELY jumps into bed with the magic cop investigating his very probable murder
and i REALIZE the only way to find out is to keep reading, it's just frustrating that women are written poorly so often that, even if he's written good women before, i still have to debate with this is a subtle clue or just Male Author Syndrome
oh my god he finally twigs that this may be weird behavior. peter. bud.
at least he got it before trying to sneak her past folly wards?
side note: god lesley really got the short end of the stick. like, her face fell off, her teeth are a fucking mess, and she probably has brain damage. she got royally shafted
peter "i'm totally straight" grant, talking about how he wants to take a muscly guy by the shoulders and kiss his cheeks and making sure to mention how many phone numbers her got while canvasing the gay bar.
hmm sure, jan
look i KNOW peter is Incredibly Horny All The Time when near any attractive woman, but simone appears from NOWHERE half dressed while he's canvassing for the jazz vampire and he just skives off like that? while looking for a potential killer? that doesn't seem like him he's not that irresponsible. that smells like conspiracy and glamour and i don't trust herrrrrrr
like, peter was already horny wanting to motorboat mama thames (lol don't think i didn't catch that pun) last book. but this book has been a whole new level of horny, and peter may be distractible but not THAT distractible surely
another side note. i love molly and nightingale's weird friendship they've developed living basically with just each other for decades.
oh jesus that's fucked up
oh the severed head is talking
oh. oh no. it got worse
peter, darling, beloved, is now REALLY the time to be talking about how hot your boss is? like i appreciate your dedication to the thirst but time and place, bud
oh never mind i forgive you nightingale is so fucking cool, i get it, i love him
he's so good. the most tragic backstory and perfect stiff upper lip old fashioned english gentleman on the outside, and then just below the surface he's a daredevil and a bit of a bitch and he fucking CARES just SO MUCH and have i mentioned how much the casterbrook wall HURTS ME?? this was revealed in the last book but i just remembered it and it stabbed me again
okay i'm done
i feel like peter has miscalculated making a deal with his cousin to teach her if she aces latin. that's gonna come back to bite lol hope you like teaching too smart for their own good teenagers cuz that's gonna be your life now
"but sir, what do we do if you die??!" "well, that doesn't seem like it will be my problem at that point :)" he's such a bitch sometimes and i LOVE him, mother
ohhhhh. oh no. the pale lady looked like molly and now molly is obviously not okay after she died, that resemblance wasn't just coincidence she definitely knew her 😢
and this is the first person peter has killed, no matter how accidentally. and nightingale is back in the hospital with his chest infection. wow everyone is just having a terrible time right now
okay. i realize that as a memory for him this probably isn't a GOOD one, it's from the war and probably much scarier and MUCH more traumatizing than he makes it sound with his dry narration of it. but god. nightingale knocked out two TANKS. by himself. with his mind. fucking sexy lol
oh damn it why can't they just let me be horny about how powerful he is instead of immediately following it with the fact that he was rear guard and making emotional that it means he was the one trusted to watch over and protect the rest of his men while they retreated as that one final shield between them and enemy fire
hhhhhhhholy shit what did simone DO to mama grant???!!!!
she just bitch slapped her!
fuck i was right she was sketchy as hell!!
she's a fucking jazz vampire and she's been glamouring and sucking him dry! buddy, get to dr walid STAT for a brain scan and make sure she's not turning you into cauliflower!
peter don't you make excuses for her you KNOW it's possible, stop lying about your mum and trying to make her feel better you need to take her in she's a m u r d e r e r
i mean, glamour yes i realize but god, frustrating
good lad peter, i see you fighting it 💪🏾
ohhhhhhhh. oh fuck. she didn't KNOW. she didn't know she was from the 40s and killing people. oh this is bad
nightingale, attempting to show concern: "that was not the most intelligent thing you've done" xD 10/10 nailed it buddy
umm, nightingale? this may not be the black and white moral situation you think it is to go in guns blazing...
it's both funny and little sad how militant both molly and dr walid are when nightingale is injured like. i do LOVE when the person who is SUPPOSEDLY in charge gets lovingly bullied, but it hurts because that's also probably the ONLY way to make him take care of himself is if they FORCE him. and peter's not any better, he's gonna need bullying too
i do love when they team up though. molly and nightingale ganging up against peter like. nightingale gets the special treatment and a hot cocoa from molly, but peter gets the dog's leash and smug little "i'm on bedrest :)" or nightingale foisting the rest of his kidney pie on peter while molly is out of the room then grabbing his empty plate back to pretend he ate it all himself when she returns xD
the cases are interesting and all, but i think it's the core characters that are really the standout of the novel and the reason i keep reading even while i'm asking myself things like, but WHY is she killing via vagina dentata instead of literally any other assassination method? i think it's also why simone stood out so much. she HAD no background that we were told (until now) aside from being sexy. which of course i now know was intentional
"this is your brain, which is not only clean and unsullied by thought..." i love dr walid. it probably says something about me that my favorite characters all have to be at least a little bit of a bitch
oh no i'm having feeeeeelings about both nightingale and peter trying to keep the other out of the vampire raid to shield them from the emotional effects of it, just from opposite ends. nightingale doesn't want peter to have the pain of ANOTHER death on his hands, this one purposeful as opposed to the accidental death of the pale lady, so he's trying to just cut him out of it. and then peter ALSO doesn't want NIGHTINGALE to have the weight of more deaths on his soul and wants to protect him from what he sees as the unfortunate necessity of having to off someone who isn't intentionally hurting someone but still may be too dangerous to live. nightingale trying to save peter from his bleeding heart and peter saving nightingale from his practicality overriding his morality 😭 i just love when characters try to take care of each other in mirrored ways
uh...uh oh peter...no i don't think those are the police OR nightingale's paratrooper buddies
okay the audiobook is fucking excellent though, his infomercial voice while extolling the virtues of doc martins is KILLING me
oh this posh wanker. "oh what is feeding on people but another form of exploitation, and we all know there's nothing wrong with exploiting workers, equality is morally bankrupt anyway" god i hate you already you're insufferable
like of COURSE a dining club oxford nose wipe would think that way. he thinks he's sooooo slick and original with his chimeras they're such exciting new COL crimes but it all just boils down the the exact same rich white bullshit mentality
he would hate it if he realized how dull and banal his villainy is once you strip back the shock value of the trappings. just another entitled prick who views people as things, fuck this dude
i'd be tempted to say the faceless man's signare smelling like pork was a dig at david cameron and piggate if i didn't know it was written a few years too early for that lol
peter: oh no nightingale is going to give me SUCH a bollocking nightingale, obviously so relieved he's alive: very much does NOT give him a bollocking and instead tells him how impressive it is that he didn't just immediately die against the faceless man
"for a terrifying moment i thought he was going to huge me, but fortunately we both remembered we were english just in time. still, it was a close call" 🤣🤣🤣
oh ouch peter. just use all his dead friends against him. effective but also, low blow
god he wants so badly for peter to be right, too, that they and HE doesn't have to kill anyone anymore, that how that it's not Just Him ALl Alone they might have the support structure for other options. oh no i want this to work so badly so that hope is validated, but i just know something is gonna go wrong
i didn't like her but i didn't want her fuckin DEAD you know?
and now the ones left standing have to deal with the trauma and the fallout
oh lesley :( they're both trying so hard to be normal about it and they're such good friends 🥺
also don't think you've been sneaky there and that i haven't noticed SOME sort of thematic symmetry of lesley struggling with having lost her face involuntarily from magic, and the faceless man having voluntarily masked himself. involuntary vs voluntary loss of identity. i'm sure there will be more parallels in the next book but like. i see you. i see you setting up face themes with these two
hopefully with lesley regaining her face somehow and thus reclaiming identity while the faceless man is unmasked thus losing the identity he built for himself and revealing the true one he hid. maybe hopefully? i want good things for lesley and bad things for the faceless one.
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koskela-knights · 4 months
My fic collection
Straight up taken from my page, but now as a post.
I write a whole bunch lmao so here some of them are, all in 1 place. Might update this post too. Always read the tags on ao3 for possible CW & TWs!
No matter how stupid
Ilmo deals with the aftermath of his brother’s death.
Without Wake
Alice is depressed since the supposed passing of her husband. Barry comes over, trying to help in ways he can.
Knitting is good for the soul
Jaakko takes up knitting as a hobby.
Off trail
Self-indulgent Ilmo x Reader. You are taken on an adventure in the National Park.
Altered World Event
Maybe down the loop, it wasn’t Jaakko who paid the price for taunting Scratch.
Ilmo and the kids visit Jaakko’s grave. As simple and sad as that.
Alan wants to do something right to the remaining Koskela brother.
Bleeding Hearts
Wake tries to make sense of the world, what happened and how to rewrite it to fix it. Ilmo is there to help along the way.
The Body Swap Accident
Somehow, the writer switches body with an unusual suspect which could turn this case upside down.
Koskela Home-Knit Sweaters for the Holidays
I wrote an ad for the Koskela sweaters, created by yours truly :P
Hot showers and the things that follow after
Ilmo and Alan return back home. Messy, tired but still kind of high on the adrenaline of escaping a deadly situation, they need to unwind and also take a shower. It’s NSFW!
Daddy Issues
Jaakko learns he’s become a father.
A drabble where Jaakko wakes up one day, realizing he’s trapped in the spiral.
Curious Case(y)
NSFW fic revolving about Detective Casey being possessed by Scratch who is very curious about the Detective.
Will it ever be okay?
Reader insert who comforts Ilmo post Jaakko’s demise.
Bear Season
The Cult of the Tree encounters a new terrifying enemy.
She’s one of us
In this reality, Saga’s daughter drowned.
The Grandmaster Returns
Ilmari/Zane if you squint hard enough.
Again and Again
A drabble where it’s Ilmo who wakes up, now aware of the loop.
Stab me again, please
Based off a Tumblr post where you see during Deerfest Ilmo yells this specific line at Alan.
Just a normal day at the Valhalla Nursing Home
A silly fic where we follow a trio of elderly ladies at the VNH. The Koskela ads are their highlight of the day and they are also very interested in a certain brother.
Mirror Mirror
Slightly experimental fic with switching POVs about Ilmo resisting the Dark Presence.
Rose’s Secret Side Business
A fic about Rose’s side business of taking care of the Taken outside.
Blood Brothers
A vampire AU about the Huotari brothers, their early life in Watery and the undoing of their lives when Ilmari accidentally kills detective Kesä in self-defence.
A collection of drabbles about reunions between brothers.
Different Ritual
Explicit spin-off/sequel to the Blood Brothers fic. Ilmari/Seine PWP.
Ilmo finally gets a hug after his brother’s death.
Private Invitation
Explicit Jaakko x m! Reader
Flesh of a Fallen Angel
Explicit Ilmari x transmasc! Reader (dub-con)
Ahma Beer!
Jaakko gifts Ilmo something once the beer deal is sealed.
Friends with Benefits and Beer
Explicit Jaakko x transmasc! Reader x Ilmo
Wolfish hunger
A werewolf AU with werewolf Koskela brothers & Rose Marigold.
Angsty drabble about Ilmo trying to fix his broken heart after Jaakko's death.
Minds Collide
Explicit Zaneling (Zane x Darling) drabble about their collaboration.
Dance with me?
My first Ilmo/Rose fic about them dancing together.
Kalevala Knight
Explicit Ilmo/Alan drabble. Something about a knight and a writer.
Smalltown Boy
A coming of age, slice of life AU where Ilmo's a closeted gay kid.
Smalltown Boy at Prom
Sequel to Smalltown Boy where Ilmo has his first prom.
Rose finds a familiar Cultist after he gets unmasked. My first Rose/Jaakko, Rose & Jaakko focused fic.
Ghost Towns
AU where Alan is a sentient doll who goes on an unexpected journey.
Underneath the skin there's a Human
An angsty CultCase fic about different POVs on echo! Cultist Ilmo.
Cigarettes x Rain
A CultCase drabble about smoking with your enemy.
Trans! Ilmo x Rose and their firsts. No Dark Presence AU
CultCase angst about tattoos and remembering loved ones.
He created me in his image
A transmasc! Reader x Ilmari, arranged wedding AU.
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megaawkwardhuman · 11 months
hello hi hey I'm icarus (but I'm also fine with virgo) and welcome to my blog!
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idkf how you got here but uhhh congrats?
also sorry if parts of the gif look weird idfk how to fix it
I'm a neurodivergent artist who talks about gay vampires (wwdits) a lot!
I do have other interests tho like ofmd, good omens, hannibal, re-animator, interview with the vampire, watcher, the band ghost, the world of mr plant, and south park (it's just that wwdits is just what I think about the most)
things I've made:
I've written a few fic before and one can be found on my blog! it's a post season 4 nandermo fic and here's a link if you wanna check it out :)
as for the rest can be found on my ao3 here! (I'm not going to move the post season 4 fic there mainly cause idk if I really wanna)
I made a uquiz a few months ago that basically tells you what you would be if you where in the wwdits universe (a vampire, a familiar. an energy vampire etc)
I have an instagram that I just post my art to and that's really it
things I like to make:
as you can probably gather by now I primarily do pixel art but I also like to doodle/sketch with good old pencil and paper
I make a LOT of kandi (primarily singles) buuut I don't really post it on here (I mean unless someone asks me to I'm more than willing to share)
I kinda write? like I've written fics before and I DO have a bunch of wips but it's kinda hard for me to finish a fic due to the fact that I get distracted easily and the fact that I'm really dyslexic (you have no idea how badly I wanna fist fight the english language in a denny's parking lot at 3am)
oh while it's not a medium or anything but I'd like to mention I LOVE to draw characters from the media I like as pastel bunnies! (tho at this current moment it's primarily wwdits characters I draw) is it weird? yeah but I like to so I'm not stopping anytime soon if you want a rough explanation as to why I made a long post about it
fav characters:
guillermo de la cruz from wwdits (seriously I'm fucking feral for this man he's my top blorbo atm! he has my gender in a chokehold and I relate to him A LOT also harvey guillen is just really fucking hot-)
nandor the relentless also from wwdits (not as crazy about him but like he fascinates me and I love his goofy cringefail vibes... HE'S ALSO REALLY HOT-)
dib from invader zim (while I haven't watched invader zim in a while I still consider dib to be a fav! hell he's my fucking profile pic. he's one of the first ever characters in something I've seen that I've related to)
stede from ofmd (he's a huge fucking mood and I too jump into things head first without any plans whatsoever)
argos from twomp (a new addition to my fav character list since I stumbled upon twomp more recently. idk I just like him like go googly eye man date that murderous plant dude! wow that must sound weird to those who don't know what the world of mr plant is XD. it also might have to do with the fact that he's kinda socially awkward)
mr plant from twomp (another new addition. idfk something about that murderous plant I find oddly relatable? I think it's the fact that he's also socially awkward. arguably more than argos)
herbert west from re-animator (idk I think this autistic man with no care for ethics is neat)
I have more but for now those are the ones I'm gonna list :)
other shit:
as I've already said I have dyslexia, I possibly have ADHD (never officially diagnosed buuuuut really fucking confident I do and a past therapist said I most likely do), I keep running into situations where I question if I have autism or not so take that as you will, and despite what it may seem I have really REALLY bad social anxiety (well I have overall anxiety too but let's just say there's a reason I spend a lot of time online and not out and about)
asks as you can already tell are open
DMs are also open (tho I will say it's mainly to mutuals)
nandermo shipper but I'm fine with other ships involving the two :)
overall I try to be nice on here cuz there's enough negativity out there why add to it? tho key word here is try (I've gone on small rants here before and there's the possibility I will again)
I really REALLY fucking love bats and frogs THEY'RE JUST LITTLE GUYS HOW CAN I NOT?
there will be moments where for one reason or another (sleep deprived, sad, bored, it's a tueday, etc etc) I'll be reminded that oh yeah I fucking love frogs and will just start spam reblogging frog posts so be warned if you see me reblog a frog photo and read the words frog blogging or frog posting in the tags run while you still can (or don't cuz frogs are the best and need to be loved and cherished)
tag stuff:
misc thoughts/ideas/this tag is mainly random shit: throwing up my thoughts onto tumblr again
theories/meta/looking too much into small stuff: word garbage™
answering asks: answering stuff
my art: *funny tag for my art*
bunny art related posts: bun stuff
mothman memo related posts: mothman memo stuff
fanfics I've written: gather around and lend me your time
edits I've made: edit shmedit
memes I've made: brought to you by ms paint
show + tags thing: + tags
all the weekly wwdits sparkle on images: sparkle on it's gay vamp day!!!
posts that involve irl friends of mine: friend chaos
follow for a fuck ton of reblogs, art, and long tangents about whatever takes over my mind atm
thanks for reading, have a nice day, and remember: baby bats are called pups
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this has nothing to do with this post I just thought this was important info plus I just wanted to throw in this cute bat image I found on google
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
omg thanks love for asking all of these <33
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
gonna be honest and say i don't really get any general insecurities anymore for, like, every fic i post. i hope people like it, but generally speaking i had a fun time writing. a fleeting thought in the back of my mind is always like 'i hope there's no embarrassing spag errors' but other than that i'm quite ok. it's especially easy with one shots or simple drabbles like lover, lead me astray because that was all written on my notes app as i waited for an hour. yeah that's not gonna be the best fic i've ever written but that's also not the point, it's an extended thought, really. when it comes to specific fics, however, i do get certain insecurities. for Racing Heartbeats (but especially its sister the racing verse) i get quite the insecurities. i haven't looked at the story as a Whole in a long time so i am certain there's a bunch of plotholes in it and the pressure of getting every new sex scene to be hot is quite high. and then also the relationship development and just a little bit of is this even realistic?... yeah, quite some thoughts.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
i have quite some creative ideas and i like that i'm down to writing nearly every kink!
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
the plot!🫡 i am a servant of the plot forever and ever. i always hope that the fic's realistic in terms of characterisation but i also know i'm not too good at paying attention for it. i'm very keen on driving the plot forward and may just forget to make it all realistic. same goes for worldbuilding. in the vampire au i'm literally just throwing things out there randomly with 0 explanation when it comes to worldbuilding. who cares. i just want my silly little dudes to do silly little gay things for each other. i've said this a million times but will say it a million times more: due to @wormeo-and-juliette's three small daisies i have learned to characterise max's speech so so so so much better. i literally see this huge difference in my writing before reading three small daisies and after it in terms of max's speech patterns. so !! like !! i'm learning to see that characterisation Is important and slowly paying more n more attention to it :)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
i've said before that in any 4433 work of mine, it's always past!brocedes. not per se in the sense that brocedes dated for a while, but just generally: there was Something There and it left Lewis hurting (and Nico forever jealous). i always write it in a bit of an implicit sense, like, the vibe is there. but! for keep me under the charm past!brocedes is really coming to life.............
[context: fic writer asks!]
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pleasecallmeeds · 10 months
my top ten favorite television shows
did anyone ask? no! do i care? no! 
(I actually found this post in my drafts a few days ago and decided to update it and actually finish it. Most times you can tell when 2021/2022 Madison is writing because it’s all in lowercase. I mainly just moved things around and then changed a few of the standings. I also included gifs for the ships that I love the most. I hope you enjoy!) 
10. The Sandman
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I wasn’t expecting to love The Sandman as much as I did, but I did. I’m also grateful that this is my first dive into Neil Gaiman’s writing, which led me to watching Good Omens, which I also enjoyed. I personally prefer The Sandman’s mythology and the strange way the season is formatted; it has a plotline running through but each episode feels like it’s in an anthology--almost like this was based on a comic series or something. Also, major props to The Sandman for being one of the gayest shows on television. I’ve never seen a show be comprised of probably 95% queer people. It was a marvel. Don’t love that Morpheus hasn’t had any queer relationships yet--doesn’t mean he’s not queer, but so far, hasn’t said anything regarding this. I’d like it if the main character was queer and not just all of the side characters, but I’ll take what I can get. 
favorite quote: “What power would Hell have if those imprisoned here were not able to dream of Heaven?”
favorite character: the Corinthian is so fucking cool. Dream is hot too.
favorite episode: “Sleep of the Just,” “24/7,” & “The Sound of Her Wings.” I love them all. 
favorite ship: dream/morpheus x hob
9. What We Do in the Shadows
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On the topic of “the gayest shows in television,” this one is included. Literally all of these vampires are queer and fucking each other. It’s groundbreaking! It’s also one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen. I wish that I had stronger, more genuine bonds of friendship between this group, but they’re vampires that have lived for hundreds of years. Outwardly showing love toward your friends is overrated, I guess. 
favorite quote: “Trust me. Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it’s gonna be.” 
favorite character: laszlo cravensworth, my beloved
favorite episode: “The Wellness Center” (season 3, episode 8)
favorite ship: look, i’d love to ship Nandor and Guillermo but their dynamic is pretty toxic. besides, we all know that they’re all just living in a polycule. 
8. That 70′s Show
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That 70′s Show is nostalgic for me. My aunt is nine years older than me, so she was a teenager when I was in elementary school. She would watch this show on the television at my grandparents’ house and I’d watch the camera circle around a group of kids getting high in Eric Foreman’s basement and I was invested. I love the group dynamics, the sarcasm, the humor, and the rare emotional moments, too. 
favorite quote: “Damn, Jackie, I can’t control the weather!”
favorite character(s): Kitty & Red Foreman (people who don’t like Kitty Foreman need to grow up fr)
favorite episode(s): “Eric’s Buddy” (Season 1, Episode 11), “Grandma’s Dead” (Season 1, Episode 23), and “Garage Sale” (Season 2, Episode 1)
favorite ship(s): hyde x jackie, eric x buddy
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7. Stranger Things
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If it weren’t for the last two seasons of Stranger Things, this could easily be at the top of the list. But my perception of Stranger Things has changed so much through these last couple of seasons. I still really enjoyed the fourth season, which is why it has remained in my top 10. There’s things to like about season 3 and 4, but they don’t compare to seasons 1 and 2. The mystery, the character development, and the strong relationships between characters made me fall in love with the show. Unfortunately, I feel like this has declined over time, but nonetheless it’s still a fun time, even if the actors will be grown adults playing children by the time season 5 comes out. Also, I’m just begging on my knees for queer characters and relationships in the forefront. Robin is the only openly gay one (so far, we know that Will is canonically gay) and her relationship isn’t a main focus and she isn’t actively in any relationships yet.
favorite quote: “Harrington’s got her, don’t ya, big boy?” & “Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak.”
favorite character(s): steve harrington. eddie munson. robin. my beloveds
favorite episode: “Chapter Four: The Body” (Season 1, episode 4) had me genuinely freaked the fuck out. that’s what got me hooked on this show. 
favorite ship: steve x eddie, mike x will (but will deserves better)
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6. Freaks and Geeks
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It’s actually criminal that Freaks and Geeks was cancelled after one season. I think it is one of the most realistic depictions of high school I’ve ever seen. I felt seen in both Sam and Lindsay Weir. I related to Sam’s awkwardness and finding comfort in a few close friends, but I also related to Lindsay’s desire to fit in and try new things but not exactly finding the right friends. I loved the dynamic, the humor, the references, and the relationships. Overall, it is one of my favorite comfort shows. 
favorite quote: “I’ve seen God...he plays drums in Led Zeppelin.”
favorite character: Bill Haverchuck, you comedy genius 
favorite episode: “Chokin’ and Tokin’” (episode 13)
favorite ship: look, I would have loved if Lindsay actually liked Nick, because i thought they were really cute together. I don’t get why everyone’s obsessed with Daniel. James Franco is gross on so many levels. 
5. Criminal Minds
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When I went to college, all of my classmates were studying forensic science because of this show. They all told me to watch it, because literally my whole class was obsessed with it. So I did what they said, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Wow, is this show fun. I haven’t even finished it because I don’t want it to end. This is one of the strongest casts of characters I’ve ever seen. I genuinely love and care about each character. If any of them died, I’d be heartbroken. The cases are compelling and thrilling to watch (well, not all of them, but most of them), and I love watching the BAU figure it out together and take care of each other. 
favorite quote: ‘You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you’ve really stopped to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
favorite character: obviously the Dr. Spencer Reid. but Penelope Garcia is a VERY close second. 
favorite episode: “Amplification” (season 4, episode 24)
favorite ship: reid x morgan (i present evidence A, your honor: “pretty boy”), morgan x garcia (i present evidence A, your honor: every episode of CM), garcia x every woman
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4. The X-Files
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I recently got into The X-Files because of my friend @midwestmothman and I will forever be in their debt. I haven’t even finished more than two seasons of this show and I’m in love with it. I don’t want to watch it too fast because then it’ll be over, and what do I do then? (I know they have this exact same dilemma.) Mulder and Scully are one of the foundations of so much of our current ship/fandom culture and it’s obvious why. I love the mystery & sci-fi of it all but we all know that it is the chemistry between the two leads that keep us invested even if the episodes aren’t as strong as usual. It’s one of those shows that I could turn on and watch all day. 
favorite quote: “Mulder, sometimes I think the world is going to hell and we’re the only two people who can save it.”
favorite character: I can’t pick. They’re both iconic.
favorite episode:  “Ice” (season 1, episode 8)
favorite ship: mulder x scully ofc
3. Seinfeld
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ok, sorry (not sorry?) but Seinfeld is hilarious.
i absolutely love it. it is partly a nostaliga thing, but when i got old enough to actually give a damn about what i watch i decided i would watch it on my own instead of reruns on my grandfather’s television and i decided on my own that it is one of the most hilarious things i have ever seen.
i am a piece of each of these characters. they’re all complex characters with deep flaws but just as deep character and depth. they’re not meant to be praised; they know they are selfish people but the whole point of the show is that we can laugh at the terrible things that they say that we’re too afraid to joke about (as in like little rude things not hateful things).
this show is iconic. there are so many sayings, so many scenes, so many quotes that are iconic. Kramer--iconic. Seinfeld’s apartment--iconic. they’re all iconic.
obviously i do not care for the actual namesake of the show but every other character has an incredibly special place in my heart.
favorite quote: “You’re a nice guy, but I actually only have three friends. I can’t really handle any more.”
favorite character: the man, the myth, the legend Cosmo Kramer
favorite episode: “the red dot” (season 3, episode 12) & “the voice” (season 9, episode 2)
2. Fleabag
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Fleabag has a special place in my heart. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a genius and this show is a testament to that. I thought season one was a great examination of what it’s like to be a woman that feels like she’s being a woman wrong. That she wants to say things and feel things that she’s not supposed to. She also doesn’t know how to handle her grief or to handle love. Then season 2 is a full-blown love story (admitted by Fleabag herself) and I LOVE it. It is so tragic, it is so beautiful, it is so comforting. It is upsetting that Fleabag finally finds someone who gets her but they have a barrier that they can’t overcome. It is one of the most heartbreaking moments of TV for me recently. “I love you.” “It’ll pass.” ARE YOU JOKING. 
favorite quote: “I want someone to tell me what to wear every morning. I want someone to tell me what to eat. What to like, what to hate, what to rage about, what to listen to, what band to like, what to buy tickets for, what to joke about, what not to joke about. I want someone to tell me what to believe in, who to vote for, and who to love, and how to tell them. I just think I want someone to tell me how to live my life, Father, because so far I think I’ve been getting it wrong.”
favorite character: fleabag, duh. but obviously the hot priest, too. 
favorite episode: series 2, episode 1
favorite ship: fleabag x the hot priest, it truly breaks my heart
1. Succession
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Succession is one of the best meshes of comedy and drama that I’ve ever seen. Endlessly quote-able, at times nauseating, at times hysterical, at times the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen. A story of cycles and power and prisons. A tragedy. Witnessing these ups and downs over the past few years have been one of my favorite television experiences. It was like a new Game of Thrones for me. In a similar vein I think both shows ended the way the story demands but weren’t very satisfying in nature. (Spoilers) No one will admit it but Tom being the successor is like Bran being the King at the end for me. I loved it, though. Every minute. (I was secretly rooting for Ken but we don’t need to talk about that.)
favorite quote: all of the best quotes are between Greg and Tom. Tom’s “Are we talking to each other on the deck of a majestic schooner? Is the salty brine stinging my weather-beaten face? No? Then why the fuck are you are wearing a pair of deck shoes man?" always gets a laugh and Greg’s “It’s not like they pre-poop them” response regarding the dog poop bags. Also of course “You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Gregs.”
favorite character: roman roy you weird fuck 
favorite episode: “This Is Not For Tears” (season 2, episode 10) - probably my favorite episode of television ever
favorite ship: tom x greg, ken x nate somehow?? like can we go back to the line “Man, I forgot how eager you were to get laid at a party”??? also ken x stewy -- once again going back to the line “You like pancakes and waffles and you kiss guys on molly”??? kendall roy & his relationships with men will forever remain one of life’s greatest mysteries
favorite quote: "It's one of the great tragedies of life — something always changes."
favorite character: Dr. James Wilson my BELOVED !!!!!!!!
favorite episode(s): tough because i love “three stories” (season 1, episode 21) but “wilson’s heart” (season 4, episode 16) absolutely destroyed me. 
favorite ship: wilson x house ofc 
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The Great British Bake Off
favorite quote: James Acaster’s “Started making it, had a breakdown.”
favorite contestant: GBBO 2020′s winner PETER (noel’s not a contestant but he’s my favorite) are you kidding me he’s so cute
favorite season: 2020 season 
Full House
look, it’s peak nostalgia. I’ve been getting back into it lately. 
favorite quote: Stephanie’s “How rude!” and Michelle’s “You’ve got it, dude!”
favorite character: Uncle Jesse. He’s easy on the eyes.
favorite episode(s): “Secret Admirer,” (season 4, episode 5) & “Silence is Not Golden” (season 6, episode 17)
favorite ship: danny x joey x jesse. don’t act like you don’t see it, too!!
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones used to be my favorite show of all time. It was one of the only shows that kept me in anticipation every week for the next episode. It takes a lot for a TV show to do that. And I loved every minute of this show, even the last season and its ridiculousness. I’ve always felt this, but I feel like that now that we’re a few years out from the finale I think maybe if some people looked back on the last season they wouldn’t think it’s so bad. I thought the ending made sense. It was disappointing, but it made sense. I’m more upset about the character arcs reverting, ending in disappointing ways, or progressing too fast (I’m looking at you, Daenerys.) However, even when it was bad, it was still good. Just not good enough to break my top 10. Close though! That’s why I’m giving it a little speech. 
favorite quote: “Our fathers were evil men. All of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it.” (Oh, Daenerys. You had such potential.)
favorite character: jon fucking snow 
favorite episode: “The Winds of Winter” (Season 6, episode 10)
favorite ship: jaime x brienne (we almost had it all), jon x ygritte 
Thanks for reading. What are your top ten favorite television shows?
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measuringbliss · 11 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 022: The Master Plan of the Molten Man... and Dracula is also there (ASM 132-133, GSSM 1)
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In this duo, we see an old friend... or two. And then, we meet a vampire. OoOoOh~!
I really enjoy the Molten Man's new design! Gorgeous cover.
It may be January in the Marvel-verse, but we're in May 74, publication-wise!
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Liz is back! Hasn't been seen since issue 30, which explains why I keep mistaking Betty and her.
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I don't know why, but I remembered this specific (and very ugly) maid. Poor lady.
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Anyway, Raxton is hot, there I said it, we can get on.
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When I first saw those panels, I thought it was exactly like how Romita would draw Liz... then I checked the credits again... and it's him! His soapy style is gorgeous as ever. Peter says she never got on with MJ, but given that MJ appeared for the first real time in #42... I don't know what he's on. The art of the retcon!
Ned, who's investigating the maid's intel on Raxton, almost dies as Raxton (actually the Molten Man) makes his room explode. I like that Ned (and the rest of the cast) are more involved! I miss them.
The Molten Man has apparently not been seen since #35, which checks out. It's the occasion for the artists to put gold, which is a shade we don't see so much.
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Look, is this a safe space? Can I say what's on my mind?
The feet are really nice. I'm not particularly into feet (I know, TMI) but I'm really impressed by how it looks good. And the rest of Raxton's body is obviously quite well-done too. I'm not saying that Spider-Man comics made me gay, but they sure aren't beating the allegations.
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Ned is very badly aged, but I like the damsel in distress look.
Raxton's radiation has a bad influence on Peter's metabolism, and he might very well die by the next issue...
Oh, who are we kidding?
In the readers' letters, it seems like Gwen's death has now mostly been forgiven, and someone is praising MJ--and she deserves it!
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Even men want to see more of Peter! I'm afraid the situation isn't exactly adapted, however.
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As a matter of fact, Spidey has already planned to party in a sauna with another man. Better luck next time!
(I love those smoke effects.)
Liz reveals that Raxton is her brother, which I completely forgot about.
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We rarely see that kind of comedy, hahaha.
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So. Um. It's a classic story of Spidey kind of being a jerk. Um. So Liz's brother is dead. For now. Maybe. Oof.
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In the comments, there's also people talking about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Gerry Conway's run is really provocative, huh! I'm kind of loving it. His shaking of the status quo, not the attack.
I wonder if we'll get to see Liz's reaction :(
I'll do Giant-Size 1 later, it's currently more than 3 am. Hey, do you know what we'll get next time? A big batch... and Harry's big moment as, you know, the, the...!
Oh, you'll just have to wait!
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And here's the late addendum of Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!
I'm into that, actually!
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So May's dying again (isn't she always?) and Peter needs to get her a vaccine. Ross Andru thus entertains us with a brilliant perspective shot.
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Their homoeroticism never fails. Reading the summary of Marvel Team-Up 23 actually was a treat, because I finally got the answer to a years-old question of mine: did Iceman really rob a bank in the first few pages of this issue?
No, he didn't, folks!
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Yes, you're getting a ton of screenshots for this part, since I know there's no more issue in this batch after this one.
Anyway, Dracula... Could you please breed me?
To me, Peter and Dracula crossing paths was like, an interplanetary event. It gave me chills. In fact, it still does and I think I should write Peter/Dracula smut now so thank you to the whole team, you've made a mess out of my brain, ARE YOU HAPPY?!? (It is 3 am.)
At least three factions are out there to find Maxfield, either to kill him (Dracula), use him for bartering (the Whisperer and Simian), and naturally Peter just wants to heal his aunt.
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I remember that exact cosplay!!!! Funny what the brain remembers and doesn't. Sir, if you thirst so much, maybe I could come to your aide. You just need to ask. Okay, that's actually optional.
The Whisperer's men have a run in with Dracula and think he's Maxfield, which totally offends Dracula. As revenge, he decides to homosexualize his assailants.
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The writing team then attempts to gaslight me into thinking Dracula isn't hot as fuck.
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They're not doing a good job, I can tell you.
A woman is attacked by Dracula, Peter hears her, alerts the captain, who makes Dr. Maxfield come... and Simian follows them.
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The fake Hawkgirl attacks one of them and is knocked unconscious. They escape with the man, Peter escapes too...
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I'm all giddy!!!!!! Don't know why, but I love that "oh it's not the end yet... or rather, at all! I'm loving this romp. It's a complete joy.
In a great feat of misdirection, Simian and his men find Spider-Man... but actually, he's just a rando in a costume! That's funny and foreshadowed (given that everyone's in a costume anyway). And if I remember, this isn't the only misdirection...
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The guy on the right is a fun one.
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Meanwhile, Dracula is just as uncomfortable watching Babylon's first 10 minutes as I was. (It's a great movie, go watch it.)
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Great mise-en-scène! The Whisperer has trapped the guy, but a bat follows... and hits Simian with its gay ray. Hurray!
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Gosh, Dracula is such a girlboss. "I have been harassed--attacked--INSULTED..." Iconic.
Dracula eventually escapes, convinced that he just threw Maxfield overboard... but Spidey caught fake Robin Hood!
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And thus, the biggest twist arises!
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What a girlboss too.
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And that's how it ends. A stellar issue! Loved it.
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enbydust · 7 months
Finally got a little writing done so here y’all go :D
CW blood I guess cause this is about gay vampires
The hairs on my neck raised from the warm touch of her breath as she bared her fangs, preparing to entwine us forever. Obediently, tilted my head to the side and or a moment her lips curled into a smile.
“Good girl.” She said in a deep, breathy whisper.
Then came the stiff pain of her fangs sinking into me, which quickly transformed into a pleasure unlike anything I’d ever felt. A wave of ecstasy washed over my entire body, an indescribable feeling that I knew at once I never wanted to stop. Drowning out not just the searing pain of being reborn, but any thought in my head that wasn’t of her. Yet as quickly as it began, it ended.
“N-no don’t stop please, again bite me again please please I need you to do it again” I whined desperately.
Above me I saw a glimmer in her eyes, it was something new and primal I hadn’t seen there before and from it I knew she’d give me the bliss my body was aching for as many times as I asked for it and more.
Then her hot breath was on my neck again, and I could feel a trickle of blood snaking down my chest and a ravenous, feral hunger consuming my being. I knew in that moment that I had been transformed. This new hunger, this desire to consume and to devour was so… inhuman. I had chosen to forsake my free will for the promise of eternity. I understood that what that truly meant now. I would forever be in service to my boundless craving not for blood, but for her. Without warning this time I felt her fangs dig into my soft flesh once more and now the pleasure was too much for my mind, delirious from the ecstasy. I fell unconscious in her arms as a blissful smile crept across my face.
I awoke on the floor completely nude. My head felt too heavy to lift, so with some effort I managed to loll to the side to look down at myself. The sight that greeted me was enough to shake the grogginess from my addled brain. I was covered head to toe in bites, most still dribbling blood onto a growing puddle beneath me. In spite of my aching body I forced myself onto all fours. Letting my fatigue do most of the work I lowered my head and began desperately lapping up the blood from the floorboards of nearly the same deep red as the stain still creeping across them.
It’s still a WIP but I’m pretty happy with this bit, I just wish I could get more comfortable with writing smut so it sounds natural cause I’d love to actually finish this scene.
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armandjolras · 1 year
9 people you want to get to know better (thanks for tagging me @fitzrove and @wo-der-horizont-beginnt!)
Three Ships:
Recency bias and embarrassing to admit, but lesbian Rudolf/Stephanie. I love the concept of a female Rudolf, and musical Stephanie is one of my fave characters; i want to write more butch/femme fic for them. Sorry historical Rudolf but you’re a lesbian to me now 😭
Mary/Matthew from Downton Abbey
Very rare one, platonic Jesse&Daniel from the Vampire Chronicles. I love the idea of them as bffs bc they have so much in common; i even wrote a fic for them once but never published it 
(Though my fave “ship” is just playing mix and match with random women from Rebecca)
First Ever Ship: Before I knew what ships (or gays tbh) were, Felldoh/Brome from Martin the Warrior 😅. I loved their tragic intense wartime friendship
Last Song: “I’m Here” from the Colour purple musical
Last Movie: Cabaret (1972) rewatch. i like how it captures the mood of the book and imo handles Cliff/Brian’s bisexuality/homoflexibility better, but not how it gives Sally cliche daddy issues
Currently Reading: Monstrous Regiment, but not actively — I’m a bit busy rn and while I do have free time, I like to save reading for when I can actually devote my full attention to it and get wrapped up in the plot. So it’s on hold but I will continue when I can 😭
Currently Watching: nothing 😬 I’m bad about getting into tv shows
Currently Consuming: hot chocolate :)
Currently Craving: Petting a cat, I haven’t in 2.5 years and miss them. Maybe eventually I’ll go to a cat cafe and stay as long as my allergies allow
Tagging (but with no pressure): @sebyecosesimili, @szabadmadar, @astreetcarnamedliv, @webbysmuse, that’s not nine ppl, so anyone else who sees this!
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nenestansunsthings · 1 year
a drabble based on tv static?
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there wasnt a hermit specified here, so i wrote, uh... a lot of em? but thank you so much for your joe vote, theuwumaster!!! this was very fun to write, so i hope you enjoy :))
"This is, by far, the weirdest thing that has ever happened to us."
There's a small murmur amongst the people crowded by the TV, all watching the poll live. Grian truly isn't sure whether its agreement or dissent. They've had some experiences.
This definitely does rank up there as one of the weird ones, though. 100 percent.
"I'm honestly still mad I lost," Jimmy mutters. Grian snorts. As if. You went up against Scott, Timmy. Not a chance. "What! It's true. Don't laugh at me, Grian."
"We put up a good fight," Tango assures him- everyone? Everyone seems to accept it. "Those eight just put up a better one. Or campaigned harder? Could be both."
"I mean, the campaigning is definitely a fight. Joe spent actual, non-diamond money." Xisuma shrugs. "And there's quite a lot of people saying all the art swayed them to vote for someone they'd never heard of before. The campaigns work!"
"So we didn't campaign hard enough..." Scott sighs, slumping down dramatically. "How did we not campaign hard enough? How are we not sexy enough? I was a hot vampire, for god's sakes!"
"Well, Scott Smajor," Charlie Slimecicle says, "it seems they're just hotter. No-one can compete against the Hot Guy."
"There's like seven people trying to compete against Hotguy right now."
Grian tunes them out, curling back up and looking at the TV. It's not the best quality- weird interdimensional shows about a past-present-future poll aren't exactly easy to get service for- but it's interesting. Honestly, he's kind of insulted he got kicked off so early. And...
"What're you thinking, Grian?" Pearl asks, nudging him playfully. "Sad you lost to another red bird?"
"They don't even draw his wings red!" he squawks, offended. "But nah. Not really. I've got... other things in mind."
"Hm." Pearl hums. "Like the winner? I mean, I sure hope Cleo wins. It means I didn't lose for nothing."
"Not Scar or Mumbo?" he teases. "Shame on you, Pearl! What happened to Boatem loyalty?"
"I'd sell you all for a single corn chip."
"Ouch." He laughs. "... Hm. Yeah, I was thinking about who'd win. Who I'd want to win."
"Etho for sure!" Joel declares. "I mean, really. Look at him. He got added as a block into Minecraft. He's like the ultimate candidate."
"I think BDubs could surprise us," comes Impulse's addition. "I mean, it's not likely, he's against Cleo, but it sure would be interesting. I'd like to see it."
"Doc, too!" Ren leans forward, stage-whispering like this is a secret. "I mean, have you seen those abs? Those beautiful, beautiful machines? You'd better not forget the power that man holds!"
"If you ask me, I hope Joe wins," Scott chimes in. "I mean, I do know all of you guys, but come on. Joe shot me for being homophobic. Which I'm too gay to be. Legally I have to support him to support the gays. Plus, his fanbase just keeps growing the more he campaigns. He's the surprising underdog in this race." He pauses. "... And I fear for our souls if Cleo wins."
"Aw, Scott! What happened to Double Life loyalty?"
"You are unbelievable, Pearl."
Pearl snickers. From in the back, someone else pipes up.
"I think you all are underestimating someone," Wilbur says with a smile. "It's a shame I didn't have to go up against Quackity this round, but alas. It means poor Mr. Hills has to deal with him alone. My yin is a formidable opponent." He covers a small smile with a gloved hand. "I know that from experience. Very intimate experience."
"Oooh, yeah. And your side of the people will probably be supporting him, too..." Pearl grins. "Nah. No chance. I believe in our viewers. We're gonna have a Hermitsweep on our hands soon enough!"
Wilbur flips her off. She bursts into guffawing laughter.
"Well, okay! I see your point." She slumps over Grian, enjoying how the smaller man yelps at her weight. "What about you, G? You rooting for Scar? I mean, the people love him and his abs. His scitties. And a sidekick has to support his hero, am I right?"
"I still haven't gotten the sidekick clothes off him, Pearl. Not a sidekick yet." He shakes his head. "And anyway, there's only one person I'd support."
He snaps his fingers, and the TV explodes into static, faint flickers of purple glimmering in the grey. The room erupts into protests as the broadcast is cut off.
"Five diamonds per person if you want me to turn it back on, people!" Grian says gleefully. "All proceeds go to the most worthwhile campaign of all!"
A grin splits his face. "Mumbo for Mayor."
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indigayghost · 11 months
1, 3, 14 and 16
1. what disability/ies do you have? (and are they mental, physical, or both?)
Autism & adhd (also like anxiety/depression I don't know if those countashahaj), chronic pain due to crocheting very hard + fibromyalgia + something autoimmune probably (I'm going to the doctor tomorrow)
3. what, if any, disability aids do you use? (mobility aids, sensory aids, braces, communicative devices, IVs, etc. meds also count here). do you customize them/their containers/outsides?
I take lots of meds for depression/anxiety, adhd and fm but like I won't try to translate their names I'm sorry agshsjs and also lots of painkillers and I have a cute pink container for them and the extra boxes I put in a cute cookie tin! (also funny story I stopped writing this to go take my night meds and I LOST THE CONTAINER I had to search the whole house I wasn't finding it anywhere and then it was with my nail things that I used in the morning :/
Sometimes when I'm nonverbal I use an text to speech app, sunglasses for eye sensitivity, ear mufflers, lots of sensory toys! Wrist and arm braces, hot bags for The Pain™ and I'm starting to use a wheelchair when I'm outside
Also i bought a thingie to put in the hairdryer so I don't need to hold it because it hurts I'm counting that as a mobility aid
Something I don't have but it would be so so so helpful is a shower chair because my blood pressure is very low and I faint like 8 out of 10 showers haha
I'm counting the little salt bags as a disability aid too sue me if you will but these things saved me more times than I can count
14. has there ever been a time where you felt solidarity/community with another disabled person in a situation with you?
Oh yeah! There was this time in the train that I was seated in the preferential seat and a woman started to scream with me that I shouldn't be there and then the guy seating next to me was like HE'S AUTISTIC IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE and I was like thank you 😭 and he said it's fine I'm *insert here another invisible disability I don't remember sorry kind train man* we got to have our backs and I was like yeah!
Also my cousins fiancé is disabled and everytime we're in a family dinner or something there's always one moment someone say something so dumb and we look at each other with so much understanding it's funny
And also obviously all the times I talk about an issue here there's always so many kind comment and helpful advice ❤️ to my disabled moots yall are awesome and you helped me understand and validate my experiences so so much I love you all
16. free space to talk about whatever disability issue or experience you want !
Uuuugh I'm so bad at free spaces!!!! I don't know what to saaaaaaaaay
Well I think like, my journey of accepting my disabilities is just beginning actually
Growing up autistic (and specially afab, autistic and fat) makes it very very hard for you to listen to your body and needs. Everytime I said something was wrong or that I didn't felt right people said it was nothing or that I was being a crybaby and it wasn't as bad as I was making it or that it was my fault because I was fat, so I'm still very bad at telling like how much pain I'm in and stopping doing something before it hurts me, but I'm learning and everyday I get a little bit better at stepping up for myself and my needs so that's cool!
I love how I found in the wwdits fandom not only other crazy people to scream with me because of gay vampires but also a really kind community full of disabled folks that make me feel so validated and free and looked out for so yeah I love you guys 💖
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I have a macdennis vampire AU bouncing around in my brain but I doubt I’ll ever actually write it out as a real fic so here you go:
Charlie is the oldest. He got turned long before the story begins, but he never bothered to keep track of how much time went by so exactly how old he is is a mystery even to himself. I like to think he’s old as shit though—over 500 for sure. He was born in Ireland but he moved to America so long ago he barely remembers it
Charlie is, at first, the sole owner of Paddy’s. He uses the bar to get easy prey (especially easy Alcohol Blood he can use to get drunk because you bet your ass they’re still alcoholics in this). Also when you run a bar no one questions why you sleep all day and are awake all night.
A few years before the story starts (maybe like 5 or 10 or 20 I can’t decide), Charlie met Mac when Mac wondered into Paddy’s one day looking for cheap drinks. Mac was the first person he met who he actually liked, so he turned him on a whim. He jokes frequently that he regrets it, but the two are still best friends and run the bar together
Mac simultaneously thinks being a vampire is super badass and a sin/insult to god. He goes back and forth between loving being a vampire and feeling intense guilt/shame, especially since he can no longer wear a crucifix or go to church. But he figures if he’s already a vampire he might as well sin and be gay, so he’s accepted his homosexuality at least mostly when the story starts
The story starts with Mac and Charlie wondering around Philly in the middle of the night, looking for shit to do. They notice two 30-something humans (Dennis and Dee) in fancy business attire looking very lost. Charlie insists they eat them but Mac thinks the guy (Dennis) is hot and doesn’t want to. They argue for a minute and settle on at least going over and finding out why two clearly rich people are in this part of town. Dennis and Dee immediately ask if Mac and Charlie have crack when they go up to them, answering that question. Mac and Charlie wonder aloud why they can’t get fancy business crack and Dennis and Dee both start talking over each other, ranting about how their dad fired them both and completely cut them off (Dennis insists it was all Dee’s fault, Dee says it’s Dennis’ fault) and now they’re forced to try and get their fix from a shady place like this. Mac lies and says there’s a guy at their bar that sells crack because he wants to excuse to hang out with this pathetically hot human more, and Dennis and Dee immediately ask to be taken there. Charlie mutters that he still thinks they should eat them, but Mac ignores him.
When there is no crack at the bar Mac lies again and says that the crack guy must have left while they were out. He offers Dennis and Dee (mostly Dennis) free drinks for the night and they accept, both getting absolutely sloshed. As they drink they both open up about how terrified they are and how neither of them can afford even a shitty apartment and they don’t know what they’re gonna do now. Mac quickly offers them jobs at the bar, despite Charlie’s protests, and says Dennis can live with him while he’s figuring shit out (Dee: “Why just Dennis? I need a place to live too!” Mac: “Yeah but I don’t want to live with a woman, so…”). Charlie reluctantly agrees to let Dee sleep in the bar while she saves up, which she hates but accepts because she can’t think of a better idea.
From there things fall into a new routine, with Dennis and Dee opening the bar in the evening and Charlie and Mac strolling in after the sun sets. They end up all getting along surprisingly well, Mac and Dennis especially finding out they actually have a lot in common and they enjoy living together.
They dance around each other for a while, before having sex. When Mac bites him during climax, Dennis quickly deduces that Mac is a vampire (he admits he’d been suspecting it for a while, and this confirms it). He insists on being turned, but Mac doesn’t want to because he wants Dennis to be able to go to heaven. Dennis insists that even if heaven is real, he sure as shit isn’t getting in, so Mac should turn him, but Mac still refuses.
Queue main bulk of story: Mac and Dennis try and navigate their budding relationship, especially regarding sex vs feelings, dealing with past trauma and internalized shit, etc, all while Dennis tries to become a vampire and Mac tries to prevent it. He tries to ask Charlie, tries to trick Mac into it, almost gets himself killed to give Mac no choice, etc but nothing convinces Mac. Mac thinks he’s being selfless and Saving Dennis, and Dennis thinks Mac just doesn’t want him to live forever with him. Misunderstandings and assumptions ensue, making things even more difficult.
At some point Frank shows up. He says he’s here to see if Dennis and Dee have learned their lesson. They try and kiss ass to get their old lives back. Mac is hurt that Dennis would leave him just for money, throwing another wrench in their relationship. Dennis insists he and Mac would still be together, but Mac thinks he’s just saying this to get Mac to turn him before he leaves.
But Frank ends up taking a liking to Charlie instead, and announces that he’s retiring to bum around with Charlie in the sewers and under the bridge. Dennis and Dee are furious about this, even more so when Charlie proceeds to make Frank a vampire almost instantly. Frank starts flaunting/abusing his new powers, making Dennis even angrier and more impatient for Mac to turn him.
I haven’t decided how I want Mac to decide to turn Dennis (probably something sappy like Dennis convincing Mac he’s not just using him and showing him he cares about their relationship beyond just being a vampire), but eventually, he does. Happily ever after…?
Sequel where they’re both vampires but still have other problems they didn’t consider. I don’t have as clear ideas for this one but it would feature Dee being upset that she’s the only human and Dennis eventually turning her “just so she’ll shut up” but really because he can’t imagine living forever without his twin, Dennis being way sloppier than the others and getting vampire hunters called on them (I think it would be funny if the McPoyals were a huge family of vampire hunters who are now after them), and Bruce Mathis having a cure for vampirism that he tries to force on the twins once he finds out they’re his kids.
Please clap
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 2 years
Maybe a vampire vi/jinx/caitlyn x fem! Reader? Your pick of who if that'd be alright
How about all of theeeeem?!!!!!! Like I said I won't write gay relationships, that includes lesbian relationships, sorry for not clearing up. But I think if I write the reader GN it will suffice? Sorry about that. I hope you still enjoy it in some way. Warnings: Blood, Blood sucking, hot blood sucking, a few punches (come on it's Vi what do you expect), some kisses
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The first time you had ever caught her eye was during a brawl. You weren't the fighter type and it was painfully obvious from your wild swings and missed hits.
You weren't even able to keep up some sort of defence. When Vi had spotted the brawl she had sighed but upon seeing your hopeless position she had had to interfere.
"Hey assholes! How about you take on someone who can actually fight back?" She spit out onto the stone beneath her feet and readied her stance.
Upon glancing at her, the three dudes that had cornered you laughed.
"Awww, did yo mama come to pick you up?" They laughed at you and one shoved you so the other could kick you in the stomach.
You coughed violently and a bit of vomit escaped you.
"Hey you rats. I'm right here!" Vi had taken a hold on a rusty iron rod and violently swung it against the knee of one of them.
His scream made you flinch. Wide eyed you saw the girl punching out the lights of one of the two remaining men.
She took a punch to her head an shook it to regain her bearings. Then she kicked the last one down.
"Yeah, scramble off you filth." Her voice was venomous as she spoke to them and they grumbling took their leave.
As she turned to your still heaving form she frowned.
"Hey, I'm Vi. Are you okay?" She squatted down next to you. Your eyes were wide with fear. Maybe she would try to take your money too.
When she opened her palm towards you, you very cautiously took it. Immediately you winced and yanked your hand back. A big nasty cut had split open your palm and in your moment of awe you had forgotten.
As you looked into her eyes again something flashed dangerously in them.
"I would be careful with that sweetcheeks... Not everyone out here can stomach blood."
You eyes were transfixed on her teeth. Her canines looked awfully pointy and long. When she took a step forward, you took one back until your back hit the wall.
"You're a vampire.", you whispered.
You had heard of them before. Killing people,sucking them dry without mercy.
Vi held up her hands in surrender. "I won't hurt you. Let me take a look at that hand, please."
Shaking like a leaf you curled into yourself. Slowly oh so slowly she brought one hand onto your shoulder. She was warm, gentle.
"If you want, I can heal it, while having a taste."
Something must have posessed you, because you nodded once you saw her alluring grin. She took your hand gently into hers while caging you in with the other arm. Her gaze was molten lava on your skin.
Very carefully she brought your cut hand up to her lips. Then she pressed a kiss to your palm.
Now you were shuddering for a whole other reason. Her eyes locken onto yours and she gently licked your palm, sucking, kissing all the while.
Heat spred through your entire body and she hummed upon tasting you.
"You are awfully sweet. Maybe I should call you candy, since you taste like the sweetest thing I've ever had."
As she pressed a kiss to your wrist, a whimper escaped you. You face was burning up.
She lowered your hand again, which didn't hurt anymore and leaned in close. Her lips next to your ear.
"I wonder if you are this sweet everywhere."
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When you heard her frustrated groan you looked up from your reading place on her bed.
"What is it, Cat?"
She walked over and fell onto her bed next to you, face first.
"The blood bank has been robbed. Which means no dinner for me. Yey, lucky me. Just as I have been abstinent for one week."
Her voice was muffled but her words reached you very clearly. Oh shoot. You knew how much she hated drinking blood but even she needed to. And if she went without it long enough she wouldn't be able to control herself.
"What about your donors? Surely one can donate some?" Your worry bled into your voice.
She shook her head and turned to face you. "They are contacting all donors but until they have enough blood, for everyone who needs it, it will take at least another week. The first blood bags will go to those in most need. To the hospitals and orphanages. Everyone else should be able to get by for one week."
She was biting her lip, her pointy canines capturing your attention.
Now it was your turn to bite your lips. She needed the blood. The longest she had gone without had been a week and two days. She wouldn't be able to control herself for another week and if she did the pain would be immense.
You didn't want her in pain. Which led you to your next question. "Say, Cat, have you ever fed on someone directly?" You couldn't stop yourself from asking.
"No. Never. It's frowned upon in the circles my parents belong to. Only lower class vampires can't afford blood bags." She smiled. "I couldn't hurt anyone that way."
"What if someone were to offer it. Hypothetical of course."
Her eyes widened. She had cought on to the reason for your question. "I would decline, hypothetically of course."
You slid closer to her, wanted her to see how genuine you were. Your breath fanned her face and she gulped noticably. "And if that someone was a close friend of yours. And worried about your health and really really wanted you to feed on them... Only hypothetical."
Her gaze had turned hungry and she couldn't help it as she eyed your neck and the pulsing veins there.
"It would be a lot harder to decline. In theory."
You craned your neck, and fluttered your eyelashes. "Please Cat. Please. I'm worried for you. You need to stay healthy."
Another gulp. Her throat felt too dry. The hunger gnawing in her stomach made her question why she would ever decline something like that from you. The only person she had ever wanted to drink from.
She was above you in a flash, pinning your arms to the bed, sitting on your hips. "You are unfair. How can I say no when your blood sings out for me.", she practically whined.
You tilted your head to the side and looked up at her. "I trust you. I love you."
Her mouth was on your throat faster than you could blink. But she hadn't bitten you yet. With desperate puffs of air she mouthed along your throat, kissed your jawline and licked a stripe down the side of your neck till she got to the point where she could feel your quick pulse under her lips.
She pressed the softest of kisses there and goosebumps erupted all over your skin.
Then you felt the press of her teath and squeezed your eyes shut at the pain.
You felt her suck and knew, that you would carry a hickey as soon as she let go.
Tears escaped your eyes and you grit your teeth. She needed this to survive. You didn't want her to go hungry.
A sniffle escaped you and immediately she let go.
"Oh. Oh no. Oh Bunny. Look at me. I am so sorry."
She cradled your face between her hands and her brows furrowed in concern.
"This is why I don't feed directly."
"It's fine Cat. It just hurt a bit. But you are more important that a bit of pain. You know why?" Her reaction to your offer had made you bold. "The I love you wasn't only meant as a friend. Hypothetically."
She laughed at that. "I would say, that hypothetically speaking I return those feelings." She kissed your cheeks and the pucture wounds on your neck.
When you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her down she collapsed onto you. immediately snuggling her face into your neck.
"Thank you Bunny, that you did that for me."
"Always Cat. For your, always."
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You had known that a Vampire was after you the second you left the house. You had heard reports before and it almost made you laugh, how accurate the descriptions had been.
The shadows seemed just that little bit darker, while an eerie silence wrapped around you like thick fog. People and animals alike seemed to avoid you. You felt the hairs at your neck stand up.
Hell you knew what that all meant but why did no report mention how to behave in such a situation? What should you do? Scream for help? No one would listen. People in the Undercity rather looked away than getting involved. They would be happy that you were the one being killed, not them.
No one cared for some stranger like you were.
Finally you decided on the most stupid thing. You turned into a narrow alley and called out into the dark.
"Hello. I know you are there. Please come out and talk to me. I am scared of you."
You heard a person landing on the floor behind you and whipped around. Before you a skinny girl stood with the biggest bluest eyes you had ever seen. No way in hell, was she a vampire.
She curiously looked at you and stalked around you.
Okay, scratch that. She walked like an absolute predator.
Her voice was surprisingly rough when she finally started talking. "Noooooo.", she drawled out. "I didn't wanna hurt you. You look just so kind and I wanted a friend."
In the blink of an eye she was before you again and you flinched back. She tilted her head at that and laughed.
"Listen, the thing is I was abandoned time and time again. And I didn't want that to happen with you so I settled on just watching you instead of approaching. Do you get that?" She sounded almost nervous and you couldn't help but admire her long blue hair.
Weirdly enough, you did understand. Her childlike gaze made you relax your tense shoulders.
"You know, that stalking isn't exactly a good way of gaining friends. Like I said, you scared me."
She stood on her tiptoes and put her face as close to yours as she could. "Scared... as in past?"
Her nose almost brushed you jaw. Uncertainly you nodded and that seemed to please her.
"You just smell so deliciously. I couldn't help myself."
"Well, now I am scared again."
She laughed at that. "I won't hurt you. I would never hurt someone I love." Suddenly she whipped around and screamed into the alley. "No shut up, shut up. I wouldn't!"
As she looked at you again she seemed out of breath. "Sorry 'bout that. Sometimes they're mean to me."
You had furrowed your brows in concers. She was just another teenager who had been abused by the undercity. Her psyche wearing the damage like a badge of honor for everyone to see.
You exhaled, having made up your mind. What more could you loose than your life? Hell you certainly needed a friend as well. So what if she was crazy? That would only make things interesting.
"I believe you. You wouldn't hurt me intentionally. So how about we grab a bite somewhere and get to know each other?"
You looked at each other and suddenly broke out in laughter at your wording.
"You know, I could grab a bite right here." She giggled.
"Would you want to?", you asked, suddenly serious. And she stopped giggling her eyes as big as they could get.
"You would let me?", she breathed in disbelieve.
You nodded. "Why not? I mean if you wanted to seriously hurt me you would have already and I don't think the start to our friendship is in any way normal, so why not make it a bit more absurd?"
She grinned widely at that. "No, I won't take to much!", she suddenly said and looked around wildly.
Maybe she did scare you a bit. But you had always been way too trusting and kind. You felt your heart hurt for her.
Taking a slow step forward you enveloped her in a hug. "It's okay. You can feed. You must be hungry."
You felt something wet on you shoulder and she began to shake in your grip. "So hungry.", she whined.
She bit down on your neck without a warning and you groaned in pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", she mumbled as well as she could. Her tears wet on your skin or maybe it was your blood running down your neck.
Finally she released you, her eyes shiny and big.
"I hurt you, didn't I? Now you are gonna leave me, hate me." She looked around wildly. " I know. I know. I shoudn't have!"
Her hand gripped her other arm and you saw her nails sinking in. "Please just let me be!!"
As softly as possible you took her face into your hands. "It's fine. It only hurt a bit. And it was worth it if it means you aren't hungry anymore."
Her gaze on you was almost reverent and her arms hang limply at her sides. "You mean that?"
You nodded. "I do. And now, that that's taken care of. I think it's time for introductions."
She repeated your name once you had introduced yourself and grinned. "I'm Jinx."
The following hug was long and needed.
You hugged her back as tightly as you could.
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