#do you know if i can buy them on the day of may 30th
Kiss me under the milky twilight
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(From the 6th to 30th April, I am having a mini 100 follower milestone event!)
Tags: Scaramouche x GN!reader, modern au, fluff Summary: Where Scaramouche celebrates Valentine's day with you, even if he's late.
Scaramouche pushes his glasses up while blinking tiredly. Not even the 10th cup of coffee can keep him up for any longer. The file and its blinking mouse begin to look like they are taunting him to no end with the tall pile of paperwork sitting beside him. He lets his forehead hit the desk with a ‘thunk’ while his eyelids shut under their own weight. The moment he is about to drift to dreamland, his own alarm wakes him up. Scaramouche looks at the clock on his cursed computer and is shocked awake. Fuck, he hasn’t prepared anything for you! It is already 23:00 on the 14th! He was supposed to buy the chocolate for you before the last store closed but of course his dumbass boss just had to dump more work on him. ‘You’re a great asset.’ He calls bullshit but he still needs money to buy you your favorite things. He groans. No matter how mean or rude he may act, he has never forgotten to buy you gifts on Valentine’s and any other occasion you like to participate in.
Scaramouche stands up abruptly, puts on his coat, grabs his wallet and clocks out. It’s okay to be late, he thinks, as long as he can get to you before the end of the day, even if there is only an hour left. At this time, only a convenience store would be open so he runs to the nearby Family Mart and looks at the various options under the clerk’s judging stare. And he understands because who even rushes to buy chocolate in a convenience store at 23:00?? Scaramouche looks at the many flavors before picking your usual favorite dark chocolate. He also quickly grabs your favorite tea, pays for them both and makes a dash for your shared home.
You stand on your balcony, fiddling with the little plant that you got from the local fair boredly. Scaramouche knows how early you often go to sleep so he would always go back on time but this is the first time you had to wait for him for so long. Even the fancy dinner you made got cold in the meantime. You pout and push against the succulent’s leaves until you hear rapid footsteps and the gate unlocking. You run down the stairs quickly, opening the door and bumping right into his chest in the front yard. Scaramouche huffs at your excitement despite his heartbeat increasing like a teenage boy in love. He shoves the gifts he got into your hands, “Sorry for being late. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow with something better.” You grins and hugs him tightly, “Don’t worry about that, just come inside. My gift is in the fridge, waiting for you, love.” He holds you tight and kisses you deeply, mumbling against your soft lips adoringly, “What will I ever do without you…”
A/N: This is kinda rushed and the ending is weird but happy Valentine's day~ i'll be suffering for 8hrs later but it ain't important rn Taglist: @amyminhminh (comment if you want to be tagged in future scara x reader posts <3)
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louloulemons-posts · 8 months
Oil At The Coffee Shop XIV
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : The Finale
Word Count : 1.4k
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Warnings : Not proofread, fluff, talks of pregnancy (not reader), fluffy ending for our couple, just cuteness all around, rambles.
Fic Masterlist
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It had been over 18 months since you moved to Hawkins, Indiana which may have been the best decision you’d ever made in your life. You had travelled home for a couple days as it was Diane’s 30th birthday.
Knocking on the front door, a little head popped out, “Hi buddy.” Matthews face was covered with a grin, he reached out to give you a hug. “God you’ve gotten so big,” you laughed as you lifted him up.
“Bud I told you not to answer the door,” you heard Scott speaking, but he couldn’t stay mad at his son when he saw you stood there.
“Hi Scottie.”
“Hey,” he smiled, giving you a big hug. You hadn’t been able to see them in a while, so it was needed. “Guess who I brought with me?” You whispered to Matt, but loud enough so Scott could hear.
“Who?” he asked wide eyed, but before you could answer a man with a head for a curls walked up the path, bags in hand. “Uncle Eddie!” The small boy wriggled from your arms, and ran to him.
“Hey little man,” he laughed, wrapping him in a hug. Walking up to you and your brother, he hugged him too, the pair actually got on very well.
“Come on, let’s get inside.”
“Who is it Honey?” you heard Diane’s voice.
“Only your favourite people in the world,” you teased. Squealing, she ran - well waddled, to wrap her arms around you. “Oh my love how are you?”
“I’m great how are you birthday girl?”
“You know, as well as I can be,” she placed her hand on her swollen belly. “How’s the little bean doing?”
“Wriggly, that’s how they are.”
“Where’s the munchkin?”
“Kitchen, she’s eating a snack.” Wandering to the room, you saw the little lady eating her apple slices, dipping them in what you could only assume was peanut butter.
“Can I have one?” you asked, making the small girl jump slightly, but as soon as she realised who it was she was up on her feet. Bouncing on her feet and clapping in a way that you couldn’t help but grin at.
“Hi munchkin.”
“Hello!” she laughed as you picked her up, placing kisses to her sticky cheeks. “Is uncle Eddie here?” she asked.
“Why don’t we go see?”
Walking with the small girl on your hip, you found Eddie smiling as he chatted with Diane. “Eddie!” she squealed.
“Well hello you.” Taking Jenny from your arms her hands found his hair instinctively.
“Pretty,” she cooed.
“Thank you love. Your hairs very pretty too.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you want to sit with me whilst your mom opens her presents?” he asked her, she nodded happily.
Eddie sat with Jenny in his lap, the small girl inspecting his curls, wrapping them around her fingers. You think she may be the only person who loves them more than you.
Diane had originally come from New York, but moved after meeting your brother. Like you she didn’t travel back home often to see her family, so you and Eddie decided to buy them tickets to travel back.
As she read her card explaining what was happening her eyes welled up with tears, “You’re kidding?” she asked.
“Nope,” you smiled.
“Oh thank you so much,” she cried, hugging you tightly.
“Mama okay?” Jenny asked, looking up at Eddie. “Yeah moms okay, just super happy.”
“I blame the baby hormones entirely,” the woman joked, a grin on her face.
“Happy Birthday.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sat around the dinner table, your grandmother was also here now. She was another member in your family who absolutely adored Eddie.
Kissing his cheek as you passed to sit down next to him, he smiled, continuing to chat to the older woman. “So how is work treating you Edward?” she asked.
“It’s going well, me and my uncle are working hard.”
“You’re still taking rest though?”
“I make sure he does Gran.”
“And how’s the shop?”
“It’s great.”
“Who’s looking after it at the moment?”
“Max and El are in charge, but I have a couple more employees now.” She nodded, happy that her sisters shop was being well cared for.
You chatted happily, sat next to Jenny who was playing with her pasta. You wiped the small girls mouth, rubbing a hand over her cheek fondly.
“When are you planning on having some?” Your grandmother asked. Eddie choked on his drink, “I’m sorry?”
“When are you two planning on having kids?”
“Oh uh .. gran we’re not really ready to think about that yet,” you said to the woman.
“Well don’t keep me waiting!”
“Gran, Diane is pregnant right now, you’ve got another grandchild on the way.”
“And?” she teased.
“Okay, new topic please,” you flushed.
Eddie took your hand under the table, squeezing it gently. You looked up and he smiled softly at you, your face was warm, but you mimicked his expression.
“So when are you two travelling to see your family?” the woman asked Diane, and your focus went back to Jenny.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Drive safe!” Scott called out.
“We will!” you shouted back and were off, heading back to Hawkins. Eddie took your hand, holding it and kissing the back of it.
“You okay?”
“Mhm, it’s always hard leaving them, but we’ll see them soon.”
“I hope so, it was nice seeing your Gran again soon.”
“She keeps saying about coming to Hawkins, she misses it.”
“We’ll get her down, make a thing of it.”
“I think she’d like that.”
“Wayne’s asked if you wanted to come over for dinner when we get back?”
“I’d love that actually.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d been to your apartment to drop off your things and then headed to the trailer park to see Wayne. Eddie shared a big hug with his uncle, squeezing him tight. “Hey son.”
When they pulled away, Wayne smiled at you, “Hi Honey.”
“Hello,” you spoke, giving him a hug, not as tight as Eddie had, but a big hug nonetheless.
“Did you guys have a nice trip?”
“Oh it was great, how’s the shop been?” Eddie asked. “It’s been fine, but let’s not talk work, tell me everything over dinner.”
The three of you sat down to eat a nice warm meal, Wayne had made an older recipe of his moms. “This is delicious Wayne, thank you.”
“Oh honey don’t make me blush.”
“I’m being serious, you’ll have to give me the recipe.” He laughed, but paused as if he remembered something. “I actually have this for you,” he stood from the table.
He handed you over a few pieces of paper, the writing on it was his, messy chicken scratch, but you were use to it by now. “Wayne is this-“
“My sweet tea, I think it’s time we share it with others.”
“Oh thank you,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around the man.
“It’s the least I can do,” he spoke.
“I think you’ve become her favourite Munson old man,” Eddie laughed.
“Who says he hasn’t always been?” you teased.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Thank you again Wayne,” kissing the man’s cheek you waved goodbye. “You kids get back safe.”
The journey back to the shop was a short and quiet one, you and Eddie exhausted from all of the travelling you’d done today. “I’m ready for bed,” the man sighed, waking inside.
“Me too, but um .. before that can we talk about something?”
“Sure Sweetheart what’s up?” Leading him to the couch you sat side by side, holding his hand in yours.
“You know how we’ve been together a while now?”
“Mhm, best 18 months of my life,” he smiled.
“Same here. I was thinking maybe … if you’d want to .. you can say no.”
“Sweetheart, relax it’s just me.”
“Okay, okay. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to move in. Here. With me.”
“Move in with you?”
“I mean yeah, half your stuff is here already and you stay most nights and you have a key, but I want you to be here every night. I want this to be your home. Our first home.”
Before you could say anymore he was cupping your cheeks and pressing a kiss to your mouth. “I would love to live with you.”
“Yes baby, really.”
“We’re really doing this?”
“We are. And hey maybe we could get some practice making those babies your gran spoke about.” You laughed, smacking his chest.
“Make me a Munson and then we can talk about that,” you teased.
“Oh I plan too.”
“I love you Eddie.”
“Sweetheart I love you too.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : i genuinely can’t believe this is the end. the love and support for this story have been so overwhelming, i adore all of you. thank you for every like, comment and reblog it has been insane. thank you thank you thank you. that is all i can say.
i’m gonna miss these guys so much, but i wanted them to have a simple and loving ending. that’s what they deserve.
love you all 🤍
- Lou
taglist : @corrodedseraphine @flawiette @witchwolflea @emxxblog @plk-18 @vintagehellfire @lma1986 @squidscottjeans @eddiesguitarskills @nanas-lasagna @goth-cowgirl-03 @corrodedcoffincumslut @micheledawn1975 @hookergutss
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vertigovineyard · 7 months
Samhain: Agere edition!!
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For those of you that don’t know Samhain (pronounced “sow-win”) is a pagan religious festival taking place October 31st-November 1st. This Celtic tradition acted as a celebration to welcome in the harvest and “the dark half of the year”. This time of year is significant because many believe that the veil between the spiritual and physical world is thinning and therefore creating more paranormal or supernatural occurrences.
Originally fire was used as a community after harvest for the participants to take home and light the hearth. It was also belief that celts would dress as the “monsters” of their time in an attempt to prevent fairies from kidnapping them when the veil was thinned. During the Middle Ages people turned towards more personal fires and used carved turnips known as jack-o-lanterns which Irish tradition later switched out with pumpkins.
“Dumb Supper” was another practice during in which a feast would be set up for the ancestors the celts were expecting to cross from the other side and then be used by the physical people after the spiritual had their fill.
(Under the cut is my personal experience and practices)
Samhain is one of my favorite sabbaths to celebrate because it is during the time of year at which I feel most connected with my spirituality. I love to combine agere with these types of things as a way to bring together two different parts of myself that I chose.
List of things I do from Mabon(autumn equinox) to October 30th:
- Color magick: rearrange my wardrobe and current makeup styles to simpler and muted pieces as a way to slow down and focus on nature and the items I use
- Watch moon phases: keep an eye out for the phases of the moon during this time of year, this is because I feel more connected to the moon specifically and begin to write letters to her(the moon) as a way to manifest her energy and change with the seasons. This also allows for more rituals to be done during this time including lots of energy cleaning (I stay inside most days and I don’t want things to feel stagnant)
- Journal: journal all dreams, signs, numbers, or deck spreads that you happen to come across and stick with you. Intuition is very important during this step but don’t be scared and overthink things. Trust yourself so the self trusts you.
- Shopping!!: This one may not be seen as magickal as the others but for me it plays a big part in setting my energy for my space and my mental. This includes things like candles, blankets, books, incense, certain herbs, and even a new deck. I’ve also found that I tend to buy new jewelry before every season that sets myself up for the energy required to be attached spiritually so that may be a good subtle way to achieve this connection if you’re still in the broom closet.
During Samhain Activities:
- first things first is have my costume ready. I prefer to go by a more closet cosplay like take on my outfits so I can wear them for the entire day without any strange looks or restrictions. This is just a way for me to enjoy myself and also view it as a way of protection.
- Act as usual: seriously, I don’t spend all day thinking about the sabbath. I know a lot of witches may have a full day to celebrate but unfortunately I know a few who definitely don’t and I don’t want it to seem like you have to be dedicating all your time to it to be celebrating correctly. Spend time with your friends. Listen to loud rave music. Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable during this time and be grateful that you made it to this part of the year. This is usually the time where my age regression joins the most: I spend most of the day coloring spooky Sanrio Sheets, watching kids Halloween episodes, and eating whatever I want. Many people view being a witch as being strict with sabbaths and having a certain aesthetic when doing so, I don’t follow this belief and I just allow my kid-self to have the Halloween he’s used to as a way to have nostalgia and think of the good times the year has offered me before this moment.
-Dumb Supper: My favorite was of celebrating is having a dumb supper, which can be even more special as a kitchen or hearth witch. I do this at my working altar currently because I'm still in the broom closet but I still set up a simple dinner, light my ancestor candles, and do a few readings to listen to their advice. I am usually regressed during this because to me it feels like the one time of year I get to sit at the adult table and ask them questions and listen to their stories about their lives and all the things they learned they want to pass on to me.
-Lighting: I always use candles on this night and other light up items such as star projections to bring a child-like thing into the night of Samhain.
-Journaling: after doing all of this I sit in bed and read through my journal from the month before and make any editions or notes, also documenting all that happened that night
I write this post to explain the origin, traditions, and personal practice of Samhain and I hope many of you can learn that it’s ok to incorporate age regression into spiritual or “adult” practices <3 Happy Samhain and Halloween everyone!! (Feel free to add on or tell me your costumes through reblogs or comments!!)
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NaNoWriMo is around the corner and if I’ve fully moved out by then I think my goal is 30k words (1000/day) to prep for actually getting into writing habits.
I just need to learn to channel some of my ideas into the act of writing lmao.
Okay here are my slap down quick dash rules on how to prepare for NaNoWriMo. These rules assume the following things:
1. You have one project to work on. 2. You have a finishing goal in mind. 3. You will stick to a due date, even if that's not Nov 30th.
Have a lot of ideas? Pick one. - Look, I know. I know. You've got all these ideas. They're all shiny and interesting and fun. But if we're sticking to one project, with the goal of finishing that project, you need to devote the entire month to doing that thing.
And yeah, this is going to suck sometimes. It's going to be real hard not to reach for one of those other shiny ideas just because you can't slog your way through this scene. However. The best way to use NaNoWrimo as intended is to stick with your strongest story idea all the way to the end.
You have no ideas? Find one. - How do you exist. Just how. Okay, fine. You want to write, you just don't know what. Use a plot generator, write fanfiction with the intend to revise it later, grab an outline and get to work. If Tamsyn Muir could get her start in Homestuck fanfiction, you can too.
Have only vague ideas? Hammer that fucker down. - Get down whatever you can. The characters you want to use the most, the events you'd most like to happen. Your idea will likely change a great deal as you write, and that's okay. Just get down whatever specifics you'd like to start with.
You don't know how to take structured notes? Write anything down. - Character names, descriptions of places, scenes you want to happen, etc. Slap them on sticky notes and paste those to a big board. Keep them in a notebook and highlight the ones you'll need the most. Take that notebook with you wherever you go. Embrace being one of those weird writing people.
You don't know where to start with the plot? Sketch out vague story goals. The big fight, the romantic kiss, whatever you desperately want to get into this book. The beginning truly doesn't matter, you will undoubtedly change it in the future, but simply starting with 'John wakes up and his house explodes' gets you out the door. Who gives a shit about the middle, you can figure that out as you go. Having the big climax would be nice, but if all you can come up with 'Alex and Bad Guy fight', then you have a goal to work toward.
Worried about getting stuck? Switch to the inner journey. Sometimes forward-moving plot isn't going to happen. Mapping out your characters inner flaws, wants, and needed changes can get you whole chapters of introspection. You may have to cut that later, but any writing that gives you better understanding of your future finished book is writing worth doing. In figuring out plot goals, don't neglect character goals.
You should also think about:
Use materials you like. I buy special pens from Japan because they're the only brand that doesn't smear on my left-handed ass. I like thicker index card over flimsy ones. Invest in good tools that will help you focus, but don't break the bank for untested methods. Scrivener will only help you during NaNoWriMo if you know it's effective to your writing. You don't want to spend several hours trying to learn how to use it once November starts.
Book out that writing time now. If you build writing time into your daily schedule ahead of November, it won't feel like hitting a wall when you devote that time to writing on 1st. Get up earlier (I hate thing part, but it works). Block spoilers for shows you won't have time to watch. Save those unfinished books and art projects as 'rewards' for after NaNoWriMo.
Check out those writing spaces ahead of time. See if your local library has a quiet corner - and if not, they may let you book a room for a group writing event. Find the cheapest cafes that will let you linger the longest. Clean out a spot in your room or house that you'll be able to focus in the most.
Shit will happen. The world will conspire to keep you from writing. School assignments will be due, family emergencies will come up, you'll have several bad writing days in a row. I see a lot of people quit in the second week because they've 'fallen behind' and won't ever catch up, but reaching your word count is not the goal of NaNoWriMo. The goal is to keep trying to reach that deadline every day for a month. No matter what gets in your way, you'll always end up with more than you start with.
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hotarutranslations · 4 months
AraKashi, Seisenkan Muranushi
Thank you very much for your support at the Tachikawa performance🪽
They continued to help us during the new year, and we've returned today,
And also introduced the new Tsubaki Factory members!
It was a really wonderful time Thank you very much for today as well🪽 It was a fun and happy day today too🪽
See you tomorrow, thanks for the support at our afternoon performance at Tachikawa!
Today, it aired🌸
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes! ~Miyagi Super Marktet Side Dishes ・ Sweets Ver.~
Thank you very much🌸
When writing sentences, like, lets update Insta now, the amount of text ended up like a blog⚠️
And so, I came back to write a blog after all
While its nice that the text is also on Insta, its still a lot there⚠️
Please read the blog while, comparing the photos on Insta! lol
I'll write the blog first, though the stream is at a later date……🙊🙊
I visited 2 super markets, and I'll write about them separately!
First off today,
The sight of meat lined up next to these, cute voluminous fruit sandwiches is impressive,
"Seisenkan Muranushi"-sandwiches
With the ripe fruits sold at the store, they create the fruit sandwiches in-store🍓 Its so good you can only find it at the super market………
If you look at the photo of fruit sandwiches line up,
From the product name, Can you tell what I was into lol Everyone think about it its cute😂🫶🏻
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Buying it here today, I ate a grilled fruit sandwich for the first time, it was suppperrrr delicious! It was slightly salty!
At Muranushi-sans's, I helped out with e new product ideas and,
I decided on a theme☀️ fufu
Choco x Banana x Cornflake x Cream That is, we came up with a sandwich that was certainly a combination of these🤦🏻‍♀️
and, we actually made it
Please take a look at the 6th photo on Insta I did a cross-section cut in the wrong direction
I'm satisfied I didn't make the mistake in the 7th photo
Fruits sandwiches are difficult to make!!
Also I got to see them being made, They add in a luxurious amount of cream, it was a really happy scene for customers!!
From today, actually, the product that came from my idea, is being sold at the super market🤤🍫🍌
Ah, of course they are beautifully made and sold←
It also has a disctinct name! lol
Please definitely give it a taste🤤🍫🍌
I don't know, How long it will be on sale but, I wonder if it will be sold for a long time if its popularrr🫶🏻
Do your best! Sunday Morning Fever! lol
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The past show's are,
Wait a bit longer, for todays show to go on streaming~~~
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
Hello! Station #515 "Hello! Project 25th Anniversary" New Member Audition Results Special!!
New members were announced😳🪽
💿Releasing February 7th
Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century~ at Nippon Budokan
Thank you for waiting for the Blu-ray&DVD! Its finally releasing--!
Its already nostalgic but, It has an amazing medley, really Please enjoy it many times
📚Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki📸 Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura📸
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series
Hello Pro Dance Club
The topic of todays column is dance, by all means
🪩Current Winter Concert Tour Hello! Project 2024 Winter ~THREE OF US~
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3
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loreweaver-universe · 2 years
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And that’s where I was told to split the episode.
That’s kind of embarrassing, honestly.  At least I figured it out eventually.
So, looking back--the robots coming out of Naota’s head, are these unwanted sexual feelings he’s having a hard time with?  And Haruko...it’s hard to tell what Haruko is supposed to be.  Is she just straightforwardly an Experienced Older Woman taking advantage of him?  Is she a metaphor for something more indirect?  I’m going to have to think on that for a while.
That’s it for today--I’m going to try to do more liveblogs between now and the end of the month, but I can’t promise anything.  I have some new meds at the pharmacy waiting for me that may severely cut down my anxiety, but I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to test them before the end of the month; I don’t want to go into the final day’s crunch with an untested medication that may make me loopy or sleepy, my usual ride can’t take me to the pharmacy (which is in the next town over) until Friday, and I have patron streams to do on the 29th and 30th.
We’ll see what happens.
In the meantime, thank you all for tuning in, and thank you to my 48 patrons, who help me survive month to month!  I’ll see you all again soon!
I have an ongoing first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV that I’ve been streaming on Twitch! If you’d like to tune in when I’m live, I stream it every Saturday at 1 PM EST, and I upload my stream VODs to my Youtube channel!  If you’d like to see that playlist, click here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Soul Hackers 2!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Metal Gear Solid!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon, or his Sponsus–our Discord server maintenance tech and creator of Rubybot deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games every so often!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
My ask blog, where you can send me questions and comments!
My Twitter, where I make announcements about liveblogs and streams!
My merch store, where you can get shirts, mugs, stickers, and more!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last six years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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lunaloveheart18 · 2 years
Ok, for those wondering, this is mostly a rp account. I might post my art on here sometimes but I'd honestly much rather rp.
Edit: Yes I rp nsfw/smut stuff as well but I make sure to ask before doing it.
If the person I'm doing a rp with is uncomfortable with the nsfw/smut stuff, I will do my best to avoid mention of the topic or anything within the topic.
If the person is comfortable with it, I will ask for what they are uncomfortable with in the nsfw/smut topic so I can make sure to avoid mention of the stuff that makes them uncomfortable.
I also make sure that the one's I rp with are having a good day.
If they aren't, I will offer more of a fluff smut/nsfw rp to help them feel better.
There's not much I can do other than listen but I will do my best to comfort who I'm talking with until they are ready to rp.
If they reject the offer, I will understand and stop all rp's with said person and at least lend an ear for if they wish to vent about their problems.
Edit 2: I might rp nsfw/smut stuff but that doesn't mean you have to rp that all the time.
If you want to rp Sfw with fluff and angst then ask for it!
I'm willing to rp Sfw stuff but I will need help with the scenario and story.
I want to try and extend my rp's beyond just regular smut/nsfw that I usually do.
Edit 3: Ok, let me tell you a few things about myself!
1st off, if we ever meet irl, know that I'm rather chubby and I don't know my own strength according to my mom. So if you want a hug, you'll have to let me know if you need air and/or if you want me to give gentle hugs instead of big hugs with a good squeeze.
2nd, I'm a stimmer. I'm not sure how much I stim or if I stim in a different way than what I already know. You know the old aphmau hide and seek videos, still upset that she became a channel for babies, and Dream's manhunt videos? Whenever I feel like things are getting intense, one of my legs starts to kick around as if a dog, me being the dog in this case, is getting an itch they couldn't get scratched and my right hand starts to basically do jass hands but much quicker and more up and down without the fingers going straight.
3rd, expect me to be online almost 24/7 and usually respond quickly. If I don't respond quickly, I'm either asleep, getting food or something to drink, doing homework aka hell online, or helping my family with something.
4th, I may or may not vent about things that happened to me in the past whenever I'm feeling down. Like how one time my younger sister called me a whiny bitch.
5th, my favorite food is fried chicken. The kind I like the most is from Arby's when you buy their nuggets. Seriously, those things make chicken nuggets from other restaurants look pathetic in size!
6th, my favorite colors as of rn are baby blue and a sort of deep royal purple but it's like on a fuzzy blanket that you just want to cuddle up with your favorite plush and/or scrunkly and just cuddle and nap after a long day. I also like winter cabins with a soft fire glow as in a color palette sort of thing.
7th, I tend to ramble so that's another reason why I might not respond quickly. It would be me taking a long time to type what I want to say.
8th and last I think, I do rp but you don't have to rp if you don't want to. This is basically referencing to my og pinned post.
Hope you have a nice day/night! (I'm in Mountain Time USA.)
Note; I can't really hold conversations that well unless we are talking about how we want things to go down in a rp.
Also, I refuse to reveal my age due to old Twitter drama that I'm still recovering from.
I will, however, reveal my true age on my birthday during December 30th 2022.
Please understand and DO NOT start drama over my real age.
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bangtancastle · 2 years
A Royal Christmas in July
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July is coming again, and it’s time to kill the summer heat with some wintery fics!
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❆ Sign up here
❆ Masterlist
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❆ Must follow our net guidelines
╰ (code of conduct, warnings)
❆ Must be sfw
❆ Must be Christmas themed
❆ Must be a minimum of 1k words
❆ Must include at least 2 quote prompts (and/or) 1 plot prompt
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❆ Sign-ups open: Apr. 23rd - May 31st
❆ Story details due: June 23rd - June 29th
❆ Masterlist made: June 30th
❆ Posting period: July 1st - July 31st
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Quote prompts:
“I told you a fake tree and real candles were a bad combination.” 
“What do you mean you ate all the cookies?!”
“You are going straight on the naughty list.”
“What did the ornament say to another ornament? … I love hanging with you!”
“As a kid, Christmas was all about presents…but now it’s your presence.”
“So, I had a bit too much to drink and…I what?” “You confessed. To me.”
“Oh my gosh is it snowing!?” “No, it’s raining salt…of course it’s snowing!”
“Why are they called reindeer if they’re winter animals…shouldn’t they be snowdeers?” “What was in that punch?”
 “You bought me a present? I thought you didn’t like me.” “I…never said that.”   
“So, I did something annoying.” “You…put multiple boxes within boxes?” “Well…yeah. But the thing is, there’s a ring in the smallest box.”
“What’s this?” “You didn’t decorate so… I thought I could do something about it.”
“Stop being such a grinch!”
“You wanna…hot chocolate and chill?” *winks*
“Well, just because you're in the hospital doesn't mean that you can't celebrate Christmas!”
“I know we hate each other or whatever, but can I come inside? I think I lost my keys, and the party next door is not for me.”
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Plot prompts:
Character A’s family announces last minute they’ll be visiting for Christmas. Their s/o, Character B, must help them get ready despite the fact that the two of them were supposed to spend the holidays alone.
Character A gets Character B in a secret Santa exchange and buys them a very expensive but sentimental gift knowing it’s something A has always wanted. Their only hope is that A doesn’t figure out it’s from them.
Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
Roommates, Character A and Character B, throw a tropical-themed Christmas party after their radiator breaks and super-heats their house. Is it the radiator, or does the other person look better than I thought?
Character A’s best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know A has a crush on Character B.
Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiancé.
Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas party.
Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B.
Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend.
Character A loses a bet and has to wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day till Christmas. Character B works at a clothing store.
Character A overhears Character B’s Christmas wish and decides to fulfill it.
Character A is used to celebrating Christmas in fashion very different from what Character B is used to.
Character A isn’t going home for Christmas because of family drama, and their roommate, Character B, invites them to come home for Christmas with them.
Character A and Character B, both gatecrashers, kiss under the mistletoe at a party they both crashed. After the party, they both realize they seemed to have forgotten to exchange names.
Character A and Character B both volunteered at a holiday charity, and they find themselves in a competition to see who can raise more money.
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Tracking tag: castlejulychristmas22
Please reblog this post upon signing up
If you have any questions feel free to ask us here
Some of these plot prompts are from @alloftheprompts
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tennessoui · 2 years
kit's silly little hiatus
hey besties, don’t panic. it’s just for a little bit.
i’m facing like…a pretty busy next few....days? weeks?. with a lot of obligations and annoyances and things that meet in the middle. but some moments that promise to be really great too. and i think it’d be best for me, for y’all, for irl people, if i took a small break from tumblr to give everything the attention it deserves. i’m temporarily stepping up hours at work to save for a new laptop + i recently got a promotion with zero pay raise but basically i’m the singular task manager for over 200 people so that’s a big oof. i’ve got family and friends in and out of town starting soon, and the weather is supposed to get really, really nice really, really soon. and i absolutely love the sun.
so: cut to the point, what does this mean?
i figured i can probably guess some important faqs, so here’s my best shot:
This feels like a pretty serious announcement for something that’s supposed to be small.
i know. i figured it’s better safe than sorry. i get that when someone just stops posting for a bit, it’s easy to get worried. That’s the crux of internet friendships/internet people. sometimes you don’t know what happens to blogs and that is understandably worrying. i don’t want y’all to be worried. so even if it’s just the one person who would have noticed, i’m making a very long post about it. just in case.
People who take hiatuses never come back. Look at ao3 abandoned stories.
i understand the confusion. but i am not one direction.
Is this not fun anymore?
no, it absolutely is fun. it is so fun i have forgotten how to have other hobbies. last week i told my friend i couldn’t go to a concert with him because i was in for the night on tumblr.
When will you start your hiatus?
april 4th. i know, i’m jumping the gun on this """announcement""" a bit, but i also didn’t want to just spring this on you. i’m going to spend the rest of the week setting up a tiny queue (maybe) and answering asks/writing the tiny prompt fills i’ve been putting off since june 2021 (definitely).
When will you come back?
may 5th. it really will just be a month.
What are you going to do during your hiatus?
maybe start watching all those movies on my list that y’all have been telling me for like a year i need to see?
Most people can watch movies and have a tumblr/time for tumblr.
it’s a LONG list.
What are you seriously going to be doing?
i don’t know! isn’t that exciting?? maybe i’ll learn to parallel park. maybe i’ll finally buy another laptop. maybe i’ll get back into cooking, assuming i can budget well enough to do something nice. i know i’ll write. i can’t wait to write. i have one commission i will probably finish and post sometime during april because that’s an important commitment i won’t forget.
Will you keep your commissions open? Your ask box?
so. commissions, yes. i can’t…really afford anything else at the moment. as for my ask box, i don’t think so. i don’t want anyone who doesn’t catch this hiatus message to send me an ask and then think i’m ignoring them. it’d be better just to close it, so i think i will on april 4th.
You could just pin this hiatus message.
i could. i don’t want to. i think people think of blogs on hiatus as dead blogs, not worth the follow. and it’s so very vain of me, but i would like to think come may 5th, i’ll be just as worthy of a follow as i am now (which, you know. you decide what that worth is). but a pinned hiatus message? imo it scares people away.
So what happens now?
it’s march 30th. i’ve given myself five days ish to get everything set up, and in that time i’m just gonna be kit as normal. if you wanna send me an ask, please do! or a reply on a post! or a fic comment! i absolutely do not want to leave anyone hanging or waiting, and i absolutely don’t want you to…think i won’t miss you or this blog. it’s just a month because a month is all i can think i can do because i’ll miss y’all so much. but this is important i think. for me to do.
see you may fifth, bless 💙
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Hello Sweethearts, here the energies in the sky and events of this week from the 28th March to the 4th April.
First off, the MOON is in Pisces.
When the moon is in this sign there are loads of dreamy energies floating around, very sensitive as well.
First of all you, rest up. You can always feel a bit sleepy, take a nap if you need. It’s better 20 minutes of nap and then back to the things you to do in your day, than 2 hours trying to keep your eyes open and not really getting done anything.
Go slower whenever you feel like to. If you wanna train, maybe do some of my beloved yoga.
Meditate. Even if that’s always a must.
Basically, as my mantra says, just go with the flow. And enjoy this calmer energy before our end of the week new moon.
With the moon in pisces, fill your day with creativity.
If you are like me, someone about creativity for the whole day, as the base of your days, just take time to enjoy it more. Especially because, us creative, tend to get very critical over anything we wanna put into creation and make reality, we are perfectionists let’s face it. Some less, some more bit all of us are.
These days let’s just go with it. Don’t doubt anything you start to work on. Share it.
Dance with your wild creative energy.
And in case you aren’t about creation during your days, then try to insert at least one activity that makes you enjoy the dreamy energy. Do something that takes you places, like dancing, singing, reading, drawing and painting, diy, doing your makeup, redesign your space, plant flowers.
Nurture your inner child with any activity you will do. Pamper the little kid ( We are in Aries season remember? The inner child is one of the main themes.
(In case you haven’t read last week post where I mention also this theme, I’m gonna link it at the end of this post)
Take these days to love on yourself, isolate and retreat in a peaceful place for you.
A little reminder from me… you are LOVE and those are facts.
Overall, follow your intuition these days. What feels right, its what is on your agenda.
If I may suggest, one of my favorite small things to do, is buying flowers for my space and for myself. It’s such a small thought but I enjoy it so much and makes me always smile.💐🐞🦋
Finally, you may feel a little emotional.
I’m all about a good cry, so if you feel like crying, do it. Release it. Never push back down tears.
You must get it out of your system, let your feelings out.
Since yesterday we have two main important movement happening that brought STRONG energies upon on. Let’s dive into them
We have a conjunction of three main planets in Aquarius, which are Venus, Saturn an Mars.
You will for sure find it challenging cause these energy may happen rush and quick in the area that are affecting in your life.
To understand better which house these meeting is influencing, check specifically where Venus is transiting rn for you, and pay attention to those areas these next few days.
(ALSO, please remember CHECK THE ASPECTS she is making to other planets, cause that is gonna play the essential role in how events are gonna play and leave you feel afterwards).
With these energies, your values could be tested (Venus). To make it simple, Don’t let anyone try you. Let the haters and awful ppl hate and be delusional. Especially in relationships (not only love ones).
You may be called to learn some lessons or be reminded of things you have already integrated but happen to forget just for a bit.
(For example, an event that makes you doubt yourself and it reminds you and refreshes something you learned already like “never doubting yourself”. Not essentially, a lesson is something caused by a negative action or event).
Talking about Venus, on the 30th of March, there is gonna be also the bending of the nodes at 23 degrees but it’s a bit more complex and I just got only recently into it, so if you want me to do a quick post and note about it, let me know in the comments.
Now onto the second transit of this week and my personal fave.
Mercury into Aries , being an Aries mercury myself ❤️‍🔥 I SIMPLY LOVE THIS TRANSIT.
If you do not channel my daily energy, you will most likely feel it naturally flowing into you from this week for the whole month.
With both of the transit just mentioned here above, trust me when I say, you will be about that mood, that is instilled into me , of “wait for me, to actually give a fuck”.
You won’t really care nor think too much about doubting what to do or say, no”if”.
Do you my love!
L I T E R A L L Y.
I know what I say, when I state “it’s such a magical way of being and moving through life ✨
If you have been wanting to detach from someone or something lately or for a while, this is the right time to do it. Detachment is gonna come as process flowing inside you if wish for it.
The thinking is gonna be QUICK. Sharp minds, witty energy, very well directed and delivered. Assertive as well. And you are gonna be heard!!!
You will feel free to speak up (especially if you aren’t someone who does it naturally. You will for sure feel the shift) because Mercury in Aries is all about that.
You will make a decision, be straight forward. You will take action. No double thinking.
If having a conversation with someone in any kind of setting or environmental, be careful especially if you aren’t used to these types of energies, maybe cause very different form what you have in your birth chart.
You are the boss, you aren’t bossy. No need to be aggressive (due to recent events, please don’t think I mean violence. I DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE. I DESPISE VIOLENCE WITH MY WHILE SELF).
You can cut with words and a mind. End someone with intelligence. That’s more than enough and also shows if you are intelligent or not.
Say what you need to say but don’t be insensitive don’t hurt just for the sake of it.
Your mind will be full of ideas put them down on paper and the, as I said before, create them into your reality. I cannot stress this enough. It’s Aries season, own your shit.
Your mind will be a big pot of boiling ideas. Remember to give it a break, otherwise you will overwork yourself. Don’t be restless, hustle culture is a toxic culture.
Great transit if you also wanna get there into something that you have been wanting to learn for a while.
To crown all of these new fiery, passionate Aries energy, craving for her goals and going for it, really giving it all already during the first month of the new astrological year, we have a new moon on 1st of April. New moon always mean new beginnings.
This is a magical energy so you will feel ready, powerful, just invincible no matter any bumps on the road you could find.
However be careful, we have a Chiron in Aries as well. The wounded healer.
Be careful with any childhood trauma you may have not faced yet, or an old hurt coming up. Pay attention to any insecurity about you or on your future.
Worker on anything that you feel coming up that may still hurt.
Don’t let any old fear you already moved on from, grab your hand to make you turn around to look at it, you aren’t about that no more.
Slap the bitch in the face and step ahead where you were proceeding to go forward.
Those ambitions and goals of yours have set a date to be realized and coming together already, you are on your way to them just now. Keep going forward.
You are healed or are healing.
You are already living and tasting the new, look at you…
How bright you are already while blooming together with this season.
You pretty flower 🌼
As I said before, new moons are all about new beginnings and April is gonna be an enchanted, magical, blessed month. (Events I’m gonna talk about next week between Jupiter and Neptune).
New moons are obviously the perfect time to
because you can seriously manifest it all, as soon as you realize, it’s already yours.
The new moon is happening at 8.24 am (for all the Europeans like me), while for my Americans at 2.24 am.
New and full moon energies always last two days before and two days after.
The weekend is gonna be characterized with the moon moving into Taurus.
Great energy to ground us and to plan our week ahead and schedule
As a Gemini moon, I highly suggest you to do so, cause when the moon is gonna move into this wild always thinking sign at the start of our week, we perfectly know…
One last quick note I wanna add for Sunday.
It’s gonna be the 4/4, so when days and month, sometimes even years, repeat themselves, they create powerful portal to help our desires, giving them a push, make them move forward even faster.
So work on all of those intentions of the previous days and contend be grounded.
Have a blessed week my loves.
Here I’m gonna link my post from last week, that is about the energies of ARIES SEASON AND ALL THE MAGIC AND POWER IT WILL DRENCH YOU IN.
- the red head
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Sakusa and Ushijima bringing their kids to practice Headcanons !
requested by anon: Um hi idk if you write for them so you can totally ignore this . Um can I ask for sakusa and ushijima (or one of them it's up to you) bringing their kids to practice bc the reader was called into work ??? Like Sakusa with his little boy and ushijima with his son and daughter. Sorry you can ignore this 
a/n: ignore this?? absolutely not LMAO i love this idea. tsym for requesting anon! hopefully, headcanons are okay for this! also sorry that ushijima’s is a little shorter-- i wasn’t quite sure what else to write <3
warnings: manga spoilers 
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This dude was like 👁👄👁 when you called him only half an hour into practice to ask
They were on a water break after doing a bunch of drills and his phone lit up with your contact picture
Atsumu: Aw Omi Omi, that’s a cute picture of you two~
Kiyoomi: I will literally end you ❤️
Anyways he grabs his phone and stalks off to get away from the team since he knew they would eavesdrop if he stayed that close
The second he answered the phone, you started rambling and like begging for forgiveness so he was just “???”
Y/N: Yoomi! I swear I’ll make dinner for the next week and-- and I’ll uhhh... buy all of the groceries and cleaning supplies for a while and-- and
Kiyoomi: tf are you going on about?
Y/N: Is it okay if I drop Hi-chan off with you? ... I got called into work and the nanny’s busy...
He goes silent for a second, which makes you start to freak out because you were out of options for who to call
Your parents were on a cruise which both you and Kiyoomi got them for their 30th anniversary so they won’t home and your siblings lived on the other side of the country
Kiyoomi’s parents were too busy and so was his older siblings
He was your final resort
After a few seconds he just kind of laughs quietly and sighs
Kiyoomi: yeah, you can bring Hito-kun here
Y/N: your hand in marriage pls ❤️
Kiyoomi: ...
He justs SIGHS and hangs up cause he’s tired of your bullshit ❤️
He’ll pocket his phone and go up to the coach and Meian to ask if it’s okay if his kid sits in during practice and they’re perfectly fine with that
LMAO Atsumu, Bo, and Hinata eavesdropping and being like “tiny Sakusa??????”  
Fifteen minutes later, you pop into the gym with Hitoshi (not the bnha character LMAO) and Hinata and Bokuto both go “TINY OMI-KUN!!!!”
Oh my god when I tell you Sakusa almost had an aneurysm when they started to run towards you and his son, i mean it
he literally went from one side of the gym to in front of you two with the most disgusted look on his face
Hito’s pretty similar to Sakusa as in like... he hates germs so when he saw those two sweaty adults running towards him he just
Hito: due to personal reasons, i will be passing away now ❤️
Bo and Hinata are trying to get near Hito, but Sakusa just completely blocks them 
Y/N: thank you for taking care of Hi-chan, Yoomi :(
Kiyoomi: I had nothing against taking care of him in the first place, idiot
Anyways, you realize the time and literally sprint out of there to get to work
Bokuto: Mini Omi-kun! HI!!!
Hito:  👁👄👁 you’re so sweaty pls don’t touch me sir ❤️
Bo goes :(( but recovers when Hito apologizes after seeing how sad he got
Cause even tho Sakusa wouldn’t apologize, Hito was also raised by you and he’s a kid so he just kind of gets all flustered
Hito pats his shoulder to try and comfort him and Bo goes “!!” and like picks up the poor boy
At first, Hito is TERRIFIED but after a few seconds, he starts giggling and enjoying himself
Sakusa was about to kill him but then he saw his little son all happy and his heart clenched
After a few minutes of fooling around with Hito, they start practice again since they can’t spend the whole day just fooling around with the little Sakusa lol
The whole time while they’re doing drills (or smth idk how professional volleyball practice is LMAO), Hito’s standing next to Coach Foster and his eyes are so bright and big
He’s super excited to see his dad play because he hadn’t gone to that many games (Sakusa said that there were too many germs and that he’d get sick)
So to see his dad going like “BLAM” with the ball was like “!!” 
They do a game of 2v2 and he’s cheering so loud for his dad it’s so cute
Hinata and Atsumu are on a team together and they’re sitting on the sidelines with Hito until they get to play
Hito getting super excited and energetic when he sees his dad playing volleyball so he asks them about the players :((( 
Stop I can just imagine a tiny sakusa with more energy just being so cute
Practice finally ends for the day and Sakusa walks out of the locker room and Hito’s like “DAD!!!!!!!” and runs towards him
Sakusa’s soft for his son so he chuckles and picks him up
Hito: you were so cool!!!! You went like BLAM and BOOM!!
Sakusa, internally: oh god, i gave birth to another Hinata...
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SO in this one you’re on a business trip for work and like.. the nanny cancelled on him the morning of so he was like “well, shit” 
But like not really cause he’d probably be nonchalant about it
His daughter, Riko is 3 and his son, Eiji is only a few months old so he comes into practice with a baby carrier and Hoshiumi’s like
>:0 !!!!!!!!
Hoshiumi: BABY USHIJIMA >:0 !!!!!
Riko’s super energetic unlike her father or her brother so she’s running around the second she walks into the gym and Ushijimas like  👁👄👁 cause he’s not quite sure if he should scold her or not 
Honestly, Ushijima would be so confused with kids cause he’s just... 
head full only volleyball
Normally you’re around and or the nanny so he’s not sure what to do LMAO
Riko’s unusually energetic and he’s pretty sure she got it from you lol
Romero sees Ushijima’s look of pure conflict and almost loses a lung from how hard he laughed
Ushijima may be super smart when it came to volleyball but it seems children is the next obstacle 
Riko and Hoshiumi somehow bond in hardly any time and suddenly Riko’s on his shoulders and they’re running around
chaotic duo, we stan 
Kageyama’s looking at the children with utter confusion
Omg Kageyama and Ushijima would both definitely be so confused with children
smh these volleyball idiots
Eventually, they actually have to start practice so Riko and baby Eiji were by the benches
Lmao Riko running onto court because she wants to play volleyball with her dad and Ushijima having a stroke
He’s bowing so low to the coaches because he just... doesn’t know what to do
it was hard enough to get them out of bed today 
It’s okay with everyone and Hoshiumi literally tries to pass the ball to Riko and Romero SCREAMS in fear
Romero’s definitely the savior of the day when it comes to the kids
Ushijima carries Riko off the court and the tiny bab was like >:0 !! When he sat her back down with Eiji
Riko: DAD >:0 !!!
Ushijima just asks her to stay on the bench but he doesn’t want to scold her 
She listens to him because she sees how conflicted he looks finally 
Lmao she tries to pass a ball to Eiji and Ushijima’s like “oh, oh god.”
Talking about Eiji, he starts crying and the coach just SIGHS and gives them a ten minute break
Ushijima losing ten years of his life as he tries to calm Eiji down
Hoshiumi: !! he wants to play volleyball too !!
Romero: Hoshiumi, no... please... 
Ushijima eventually calms the crying baby down and feeds him a bottle
Eiji ends up falling asleep after that tho so there’s no more issues with him for the rest of practice ❤️
It would be interesting to see Ushijima with his kids lolol
practice ends and Riko’s like “DAD!!! Teach me how to play volleyball now!!!” even though he’s already began
She’s a bit forgetful ❤️
Romero literally starts giving Ushijima tips and everything because he sees how confused he is
All of the other players listening as well because they’re interested
Professor Romero! 
Ushijima heads home with his two kids and he’s just listening to Riko ramble a lot and he’s happy
He was scared she wouldn’t like to be there and would throw a fit but similar to her father, she’s super excited about volleyball 
You call them on the way home and Riko’s like “MOM !! I WANNA PLAY VOLLEYBALL !!” 
You start giggling and you listen to her ramble for a while before asking her to give the phone to her dad
Ushijima: please never go on a business trip again ❤️
Y/N: aww, you miss me Waka-kun~
He hangs up
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crxxnt-m · 3 years
Umm So Can I request something about Kaeya's birthday. The reader is in love with him so much. And they will be right by his side to cure his loneliness on his birthday. A little angst and a lot of comfort. Reader only want to see him happy, smile. Reader is gender neutral. It's alright if you wanna Ingnore this request♥
Im right here
Pairings: Kaeya x reader
Pronouns: they/them for reader
A/n: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE<33 just didnt know if the two of them were together or not so I made them confusing friends ;) oh and kaeya's birthday was yesterday so im sorry if its late :<
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November 30th, the last day of the 11th month, and apparently it was also kaeyas birthday. You were new to mondstadt and worked in the knights of favonious, getting up and ready for the day you knew you had only one mission in your mind,
give kaeya his most memorable birthday.
Leaving the door to your house you head on to the headquarters first, you may have a mission but work was still a must. Fortunately you were assigned to assist kaeya with his training for the new trainee's. Heading towards the battle grounds there were many people waiting, but the blue haired guy with an eye patch was no where to be found.
Agreeing to wait for him for five minutes, became 10, to 15, until you gave up and started it without him. It was his day after all, this was the least you could do, right? Already 9 in the morning. You only got the trainee's to a lesson of the knights rules in the book.
Leaving and heading straight towards dawn winery thinking he might be there at the moment. Running as if there was no tomorrow, there! You see him, right beside the statue of the seven sneaking to get the crystalfly, alone.
"KAEYA!!" you scream not only making the crystal fly fly away but the man was also stunned by your sudden appearance, running towards him and jumping to him for a big massive hug, as if you just saw him after a long time.. "slow down there bunny, you almost gave me a heart attack there" kaeya replies hugging you back (he secretly loves your presence)
"Where have you been? You didnt go to the headquarters today" you askes him as you release the hug and helped him off the ground "sorry if i made you wait, i didnt feel like going to work today," he tells you and you look at him while you smile
"I have something for the lady though" he says, "really? Shouldn't I be the one giving you something?" You reply "its alright, I saw crystal flies when i arrived here in the statue, just to keep myself company" he answers.
You were stunned, for how long was he by himself on his big day? Heck, when was the last time he even celebrated it? You were devastated, kaeya could see it in your eyes. He holds your face knowing you, you wouldve already cried. Holding his hand you said "kaeya, promise me whenever you feel alone, or when you are alone come to me.. Please"
"I would never break a promise to a pretty/handsome knight-" he says but was cut of "im serious kaeya, every birthday, every celebration, every new year, i dont want you being all alone in the dark by yourself on a special day kaeya" you said
"Just the thought of you not having anyone to be woth today breaks my heart you know.. You have no idea how much you mean to me, and you being alone makes me devastated" you said yet again "i promise, i promise my love" he replies as your foreheads connect together
You were so close to each other, you loved it there was nothing else on your mind but him
"Come on, lets go to dawn winery, ill buy you all your favourite drinks then lets do whatever you want" you say
"I love you" the both of you say in unison as he kisses you on the cheek
HBD, Kaeya
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
AA7 Speculation Post: One Year Later
here we go again.
A year and a day ago, I made a speculation post about if/when we’d ever be seeing AA7. Obviously, my claim that AA7 would be announced in September 2020 did not turn out to be true, but later that year we did get a leaked calendar containing information on the new ports for Chronicles, and also plans for a new aa7, which I summarized in this post.
Now that we have Chronicles we can verify that the leaks contained legitimate information (as if a statement from Capcom saying they were hacked wasn’t legitimate enough). So that leaves us with one key question: is AA7 still happening? If so, when can we expect it? As well, what other information from the leaked calendar can we consider, especially with early sales data on Chronicles? In addition, what are the implications of this new survey on Chronicles from Capcom?
All of that will be discussed under the cut so that this doesn’t take up too much space.
Revisiting The Calendar
Once again, here is a rough translation of the calendar that was present in the leaks:
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As a note, in this post, I’ll be referring to our new games as “Chronicles” to prevent this from being blocked by people avoiding spoilers.
So: this original calendar, generated before the pandemic, had Chronicles releasing in Q1 of FY2021 - and it’s also important to note that in Japan, each fiscal year starts in April 1st, so FY2021 is actually April-June 2021. This shows that Chronicles was pushed back about a quarter from their expected release date. However, Chronicles was a port of already existing games, therefore somewhat less work was needed on them - upscaling models and textures, adding in some new features like autoplay and story mode, and of course, the English translation and voicework were needed, which is still a lot of course, but less compared to development on an entirely new game. In addition to that, the pandemic hit AA7 in its early development stage, assuming this schedule was still being followed by the time the pandemic hit. That could cause more delays than expected.
So the original plan was for AA7 to be released in Q3 of 2021, which corresponds to October-December, aligning with the 20th anniversary of the series in October. While it’s a desirable goal, it’s quite likely the pandemic pushed it back at least a quarter, if not more, if not cancelled it entirely. ... haha.
We’ll only know the fate of AA7 for certain when it’s announced. Which it is possible it may never be. However, I have two theories for, if AA7 is getting an announcement, when it will be:
1) Sometime during September 2021, either in the leadup to or during Tokyo Game Show this year. These are for the same reasons as I outlined in my initial speculation post. It’s a popular time for Ace Attorney game announcements, after all. TGS, according to what I can find, will be held online this year from September 30th to October 3rd. If Capcom announces AA7 earlier in September through Famitsu, like they did with AA6 for example, then we can expect to get some information during TGS... 
2) Sometime during a 20th Anniversary Event, possibly in October 2021. I’m assuming AA is planning something for the 20th anniversary - Chronicles wasn’t really marketed as a 20th anniversary release, for instance. If they can’t release a new game for the 20th anniversary (which at this rate, seems unlikely, as we’re about two months out from that with no word about it) then an announcement would be just as good at generating hype for it.
Naturally, if we reach this time next year with absolutely no news on AA7, it’s probably safe to say it’s been cancelled or at least delayed so severely that anything we currently know about it isn’t worth much.
There’s one more point of interest on the calendar: reconsidering the porting of 456. I feel that this depends heavily on how well the Chronicles ports are doing; if it’s not financially viable to keep porting games, then why bother? So, let’s take a look at that.
The Success of Chronicles
As I write this, it’s about two and a half weeks since the release of Chronicles worldwide. So... how did the games do? It’s a bit hard to tell, especially as I am not a game marketer and don’t know the expectations for Chronicles. What is obvious is that, if Chronicles does much better than expected, porting 456 and possibly even the investigations games seems likely. (If Chronicles, indeed, does especially well in the West, than a porting of the investigations games and localization of investigations 2 after ten years could very well be possible.) If Chronicles does absolutely terribly, it damages the chances of porting, and possibly of continuing the series. If it does terribly especially in the West, where the games are essentially new, it could damage the chances of any new games being localized at all.
So, a lot is riding on this, and I don’t know enough to tell how well it did. Here’s what I have found, however:
Nintendo Enthusiast reports on Famitsu sales of Switch games, and overall thinks it’s not doing so great. Chronicles ranks third on the list of Switch sales in its first week, with 14,460 units sold, over 4000 less than NEO: The World Ends With You, which was released on July 27th. Keep in mind that Chronicles was released in Japan on July 29th, which is two days later, and that these are only Japanese sales (where they’ve had Chronicles for years on both mobile and 3DS) and only Switch sales, where NEO:TWEWY is currently only available on Switch and PS4 (Chronicles has the additional platform of Steam, where there could be many more sales). In the next week, Chronicles ranked 22 overall, with NEO:TWEWY at 23, though of course they’re still a little less than 4000 units behind NEO:TWEWY overall. Slightly closing the gap, I guess.  
How about overseas data, then? ... It’s hard to tell. I can find this report from gamespot which discusses the top 20 games sold in the US in July, and Chronicles is not on the list, while NEO:TWEWY is at 16. However, they don’t give any number for the units sold, and it seems that they aren’t considering digital sales for a lot of them, so it’s hard to tell how much of a hit that is.
However, let’s go back to Japanese sales for a bit, and look at the 2019 Trilogy re-release for a comparison against Chronicles. Allegedly, combined Switch and PS4 sales in the first week of the trilogy’s release only amounted to about 8000 units, a little more than half that of Chronicles’ Switch sales. It’s also important to note that the 2019 trilogy ended up being the only ace attorney game to sell over a million copies. Ace Attorney is not a big series; I’m sure Capcom takes this into account when considering sales data, especially for ports. If Chronicles does end up doing better than the trilogy overall, it’s definitely looking good for ports and especially so for Chronicles.
However, there’s more to this than just sales data.
The Survey
Capcom now has a user survey for Chronicles, which you can answer even if you’re partway through the first game. I believe it’s only open until September 30 2021, so if you think you can finish the game before then, I’d recommend filling it out once you’re done so that you can give the best feedback.
It asks you a bunch of questions like what platform you bought it on, why you bought it, your expectations, and all sorts of detailed questions on the various mechanics, difficulty and enjoyment of the trials and investigations, satisfaction of visuals, plot, characters, music, and even free response sections for what you liked and disliked about the game. It’s a very detailed survey that’s pretty long but I think is worth filling out. At the end they ask you to fill out some demographic questions (such as age, gender (male, female, other), country, what kind of things you like to spend money on, and what kind of games you like, what platforms you have to play games on). But what’s possibly the most interesting question is this:
“If a new [Chronicles] game is released in the future, do you think you would buy it?”
This means that, depending on the answers to the survey, they could very well decide to work on a third game to Chronicles.
This has huge implications for the future of the series. I’ll probably make a separate post on plot-related stuff later, but for now... let’s talk about logistics.
In my initial AA7 speculation post I said I highly doubted that they would ever make another Chronicles game. I also said that they probably never would be localized, so, guess who’s a clown now. 
Right now the AA series is in a bit of a dry period, with no new games having been released in the last four years. As well, with Yamazaki (the director of the investigations games and AA5/6) having left Capcom, the next director of the mainline games is completely unknown. As described in this video, the main reason Chronicles ever came about was because Capcom went ahead with mainline AA5 before Takumi could come back from the Layton crossover. Now, since 2017, we don’t really know what Takumi is working on. It’s possible he’s gone back to mainline to work on AA7 (though of course, there is absolutely no evidence suggesting that he has, so definitely don’t take that as any sort of confirmation).
However, if we do get a Chronicles 3, it’s quite likely Takumi would return to work on that, as he directed the previous two games. In addition, if Chronicles ends up being such a success to completely eclipse mainline (from what I’ve heard, though I have no serious proof, Resolve is considered as highly rated as T&T by many Japanese fans) then the series could permanently go down the road of writing more Chronicles games, leaving mainline stagnant (which, let’s be real, it’s already stagnating). The success of that is uncertain considering how neatly our current Chronicles duology wraps up, but... we’ll have to see how things unfold in the future.
For now, I highly recommend filling out the survey to give your input to the series’ future directions. Maybe mention that you want localized investigations 2 somewhere in the free response section because uhh I forgot to do it in mine. do that for me.
Main takeaways from this post are:
- I personally expect an AA7 announcement either during TGS or a 20th anniversary event
- If Chronicles does extremely well, then 456 ports are likely to happen, and I personally speculate investigations ports (along with localized investigations 2) will as well.
- Fill out this Chronicles survey before September 30th to give your input on the games and possibly the future direction of the series. I recommend completing the games before you do, but if you think you won’t before September 30th, you can fill it out at any time.
- We Very Well May Get Another Chronicles Game. Who saw that coming. Not me.
Thanks if you read through all of this, let’s hope September/October doesn’t leave me looking like a fool again.
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babiesdreams · 3 years
Nct reaction to their s.o giving them silent treatment (cause y/n is a drama queen)
Part 2 Part 3
-- requests open--
Warnings: Angst (specially TY), sexual tension (DY and Ten), mentions of alcohol (Ten) 
♡ My personal favs will be marked with this heart. 
♡Taeyong: You were mad at him. You really worked hard on that letter and seeing how he basically ignored it. What’s wrong with him. He’s always been this cute boy that you loved from the bottom of your heart and now he just breaks it like it’s nothing. You are not willing to talk to him right now, partially because you want him to know how it feels like to be ignored, but also because you are afraid your words would hurt him. It’s been hours since you’ve been ignoring him and it wasn’t easy to ignore his pouts or his words. “What’s wrong?” He finally says with a trembling voice. “Do you even still care about me?” You say, heart broken. “How could you say that Y/N? You are literally the person I care about the most.” He says almost tearing up. “And why did you ignore my letter?” You say, already crying. “I’ve been busy all day and I wanted to surprise you with another letter gosh” He says, also tearing up. “But why would you ignore me, it’s such a cruel thing to do” He says with a broken tone. “I didn’t want to argue. I’m sorry” You say hugging him. [I may have cried with this one]
Taeil: “What is it really?” Taeil asks, clueless. What in the world would make you ignore him all day along? Oh right, he’s forgotten your anniversary. “So you don’t know” You say with an ofended laugh. “What am I supposed to know? You should talk to me if something’s wrong” He says trying to make you understand his side. “How am I supposed to talk about how you forgot our anniversary? Isn’t it embarrassing enough to just wait for something?” You say ofended as hell. He laughs at your comment. “You are joking right? Is this a hidden camera? Because our anniversary is tomorrow and I have not foget about it, I planned a lot of things to do together, bought you plenty of gifts... I honestly can’t believe you are serious right now” He says, frustrated, angry, mad. “No, today is...” You say looking at your phone, realizing that he was right. “I though today was 30th” You say looking dow, while tears start forming on your eyes. “I’m sorry Taeil” You say in a broken tiny voice. “I-It’s okay” He says, calmed down and coming to you so he can hug you.
Johnny: “Okay what is it now” Johnny says, breaking the silence of the room. You look at him, angry, and completely refusing to talk. “Hello? Can you tell me what the fuck is wrong?” He says, trying to force a reaction in you, and he gets a reaction. “Oh you tell me, Johnny suh, What the fuck is wrong? If you don’t love me anymore, you can just tell me, but cheating on me is really low. I just thought you were better than that” You say yelling at him. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t cheat on you” He says looking at you confused. “Then What is this?” You say, showing him the bra you found on his side of the bed. “That was supposed to be a secret” He says, taking it from your hands. “So you admit it” You say crossing your arms, ready to beat the shit out of him. “Yes, I admit, I bought you that victoria secret’s bra you wanted. Sorry” He says in an ironic way. “Aha, You... What?” You say confused. “I bought you this, because it was on your wish list. And I took it out of the box to compare the size with your bras, I thought I had put it back in the box.” He explains. “Oh, I’m sorry” You say in a soft tone. “It’s fine, just don’t ever think that way about me, I would NEVER cheat on you baby” He says placing a kiss on your lips.
♡Yuta: He tried to ignore you as well, but at this point he’s pissed off. Like why would’t you talk things out? “Can’t you just tell me?” He says, blocking the view of the TV. You move your head, so that you can still see the Tv show you were watching. He gets he remote control and turns it off. “I’m talking to you, are you fucking deaf?” He says, angrier than ever. “Go talk with Samantha” You say looking away from his gaze. “Who the fuck is Samantha?” He says holding your chin so that you are looking at him again. “You tell me” You say taking his hand off your chin with an angry hand movement. “You moaned her name in your sleep” You simply say, heart broken. “How the fuck am I supposed to know that?” He says, angrily. “Are you cheating on me Yuta?” You say to him, almost tearing up. “You know I would never do that, why do you even ask me that?” He says, sitting next to you. “Because you could be with someone better than me, how am I supposed to believe I’m enough for the perfect Nakamoto Yuta?” You say as tears fall down your cheeks. “I’m not perfect, and I love you, more than anyone else Y/N” He says, cupping your face so that you look at him again. “Why?, Why do you love me?” You say in a tiny broken tone. “I just do. There’s no explanation. I love how you simle at me, how you hold my hand, how our eyes meet and my hearts skips a beat. I love you messy hair in the morning, how you sing in the shower, how you support me. I love your kisses, and I love every single inch of your body. There’s no such thing as perfect, but you’re the closest to that word” He says tearing up at the middle of his answer. You smile at him and kiss his lips. [I definetely cried with this one]
Kun: He tries to cheer you up with little things like caressing your hair, kissing you, giving you massages. But his presence just makes you even angrier. The fact that he talked about you with his friends in a not completely nice way, it’s just making you go crazy. He touches your hand slightly and you let go of his touch, which is enough to make him speak. “What is happening?” He asks confused. “So I’m just a fun game, aren´t I?” You say, copying his words. “What? Oh, you think that.. that was another Y/N” You look at him pissed off, not even wanting to look his way and stand up, wanting to leave. “I swear, it was not about you” He says explaining himself. “You must know a lot of Y/N, what a lucky man, surrounded by lovers” You say leaving the room. He grabs your hand and forcing you to stop. “Can I explain myself?” He says looking at you, and you just don’t move at all. He gets that as a yes. “We were drunk and they asked me about my exes, and one of them was named Y/N” You nod ironically and turn your back, resuming your steps. “I would never say something like that about you” He says getting in front of you, stopping you from leaving. “I love you Y/N” It’s the first time he says those words to you, and you hate the timing of it. You can’t help but calming down with his words. “Do you really mean it?” You say looking at him. He simply nods, with a serious gaze. You eventually forgive him, when the boys confirm it was all about his ex.
Doyoung: He sits in front of you wanting answers, explanations to your silence. “What’s it?” He says looking right into your eyes. “Tall” You just say, without any further explanation. He looks at you still confused. “You said your ideal type is tall. How am I tall?” You say screaming at him. “Okay, first of all that’s an interview from a year ago, second of all, I just don’t care about the height, I answered because it was an interview” He says in a calmed tone. “Would you prefer me if I was taller?” You ask, angrily. “No, I like you fun-sized” He says chuckling. You stand up, upset at his words. “I’m serious Doyoung” You say walking out. “I’m serious too” He says as he stands up. Before you exit the room, he puts his hand next to your head, trapping you between his figure and the wall. “Do I need to show you how much I like you?” He says in a low tone and you gasp at his reaction. “N-no” You say looking away from his gaze. He grabs you, making your body rest on his shoulder and walks into the bedroom. “Oh, I’m showing you” He says with a smirk.
Ten:He was completely drunk, but he threw up on your brand new dress. You were more than pissed off, you were mad at him, and definetely unable to speak to him. “Gosh, my head hurts” He says entering the room and you just ignore him. “Did I do something stupid yesterday?” He says, noticing your expression right away. “You puked on my brand new dress” You say, angrily at him. “I’ll buy you a new one” He says calmly. “I liked that one” You say pouting. He comes closer to you and starts kissing your neck, making you forget about the dress “I’m sorry babe” He says against your skin “I’ll make it up for you” He says as he kisses lower. 
Masterlist --requests open--
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✨When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity✨
Hey Nonny!
Ooof this got lost in a bunch of stuff! Sorry about missing it! Only remembered it because I saw a similar ask on my dash hahha.
Seems like a good day to do this, since I'm so tired and exhausted and I need something to make me smile.
Dragons. Just everything and anything with dragons. I'm fascinated with them. If you buy or make me anything with dragons, I automatically love you.
I finally bought myself my iPad I've been saving up for for *literally* 3 years. Because I was saving up for a trip this year that I am no longer taking (was planning a 40th birthday trip to Disney, but now am not going to Florida at all until they get their shit together), I took some of that money also to buy it and bought a top-of-the-line one, the best I could buy at the local Apple store (1TB, 12.9inch Pro... you don't want to know how much it was :|). I love it so much, and it's nice to use it to get off my laptop. I mostly was prompted to buy it now because it was my 40th birthday gift to myself AND my Wacom driver kept crashing my laptop and I'm scared to reinstall it hahah.
Funko Pops. I LOVE them and hate them. I only collect ones from series and shows I like, but I have WAY too many of them that most are in storage right now. I want to get my own home soon so I can display them finally. I am constantly checking the app for upcoming Funkos, and then immediately check my local toy store for their preorders. My local toy store must love me, I have SO much on preorder right now.
Drawing and writing. I'm alright at both, but I've terrible imposter syndrome so I feel like I'm not good at either, mainly because I don't get much traction on either when I post. I've a few people who always help me get it out, but I these days I do it for me, because it makes me happy.
Video Games. Currently playing AC Valhalla, and I LOVE it so much that I ended up buying the Season Pass. I RARELY buy DLC. But the game was SO good and I wanted more, so I needed to play the expansions. PERSONALLY it's my fave of the new trilogy, and because it's a "current" game, it's always got new stuff. Love it. My fave game EVER is Kingdom Hearts 2. I love the story of it so much. Skyrim is a close second – I like Skyrim because I put in over 200 hours in ALL versions I've played, and still there's so much I have to do hahah. AC New Trilogy is third. I liked DA Inquisition but never finished it, and I still have a bunch of games I bought last Christmas I have yet to play, so my list may change... it's highly unlikely though.
So there you have it Nonny! I think it's good I waited until I was in a better mood to answer this... People stopped sending me these because I was always so negative in them, I guess... I hope I get more of things like this when my asks go back on.
Can I also give you 5 things I'm looking forward to? I feel like that will help me keep a positive attitude for a bit.
My current work contract is almost done, and I'll get some downtime before I have to start my normal day-job again. Looking forward to my weekends back.
My broken foot seems to be healing REALLY quick. Yesterday was the first day I woke up without it hurting, and today I've been able to hobble around on my heel (as per my doctor's instructions that I need to start doing once my foot stopped hurting). I'm optimistic that I'll be given the okay to drive again during my next appointment on the 30th. I am going nuts not being able to leave home on my own accord.
So in Canada, we have this thing where you can take out your RSPs tax-free for three things: Retirement, First Time Home Ownership, and Second Education. I set up my RSPs WAY back when I was making piss-poor salary about 10 years ago, and I wanted to make sure that I at LEAST could have SOMETHING when I retired. I recently discovered I maxed out the amount of money I can take out for First Time Homeownership in my RSP, so my plans to home ownership are looking more and more realistic. I just wish owning a home wasn't so expensive where I live (major city in one of the most expensive provinces in Canada). It's hard when you're single-income. Here's hoping that I can make it a reality soon. The idea is a condo, I just have very expensive tastes (safe-neighbourhoods apparently justify a 10,000$+ more in cost :/) so I keep saving into my various accounts and GICs that I set up after I finally was making a liveable salary, so as long as I keep being humble and living below my means, I can finally get what I save up for... if only the cost of housing would SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. It's gone up 100K in just a year. It's insane.
I also saved up enough for a new couch thanks to a second contract I took during my CURRENT contract, which paid me exactly enough for the couch I want to get (I may or may not have strategically negotiated that contract, LOL). I've been needing a new couch for years; the one I currently have, I have sentimental attachment to (it was my dad's and is over 20 years old) but working at home for almost 2 years, I've worn it out and it's SO VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. It's barely staying together. Looking forward to getting it :) ... Was waiting until cooler months since I have to put it together myself (IKEA) and my apt is SO hot in the summer, no way I can do it then.
Having my asks turned back on. I'm sorry, it sounds so cheesy and dumb, but I don't have many RL friends or connections, and you guys help me stay positive and help keep my negative thoughts at bay. The dark thoughts have been coming in a lot lately, to the point where I've convinced myself that no one missed me and no one cares, so it's helped having a few of my regulars and mutuals check up on me in DMs during all this. Thank you <3 I don't always reply back, but your love is appreciated <3
Thank you again Nonny for asking me this <3 And I hope you don't mind I answered more than you asked <3
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starlightrows · 3 years
Something Sweet
Chapter 0 - Chasing Dreams
Next →
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Modern!Paz Vizsla x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: angst, symptoms of depression (not graphic or diagnosed), brief mention of alcohol and drug use, hopeful ending
Summary: Paz finds himself trapped in a routine that’s keeping him tied to a lifestyle that brings him no joy. It’s not until a phone call from his good friend Din, that he realizes that there are better things waiting just over the horizon if you can just be brave enough to make the leap of faith
This chapter is labeled chapter 0, because it takes places before the events of the actual story and does not include the reader. If you’re only here for the couply-goodness, feel free to skip this chapter and sit tight the romance is coming I promise!
Chapter 0 - Chasing Dreams is dedicated to @maybege who inspires me to chase my fan fiction dreams every single day, and is single handedly responsible for my love, yearning, and obsession with the Big Blue Mando Man we all know and love as Paz Vizsla! This is one is for you May ❤️
The 5am train is full of commuters, heading into work with coffee cups in hand and more or less rested ready to start the day. Everyone seems to be on the same page, consume enough caffeine to be personable by the time you get to the office, use the time on the train to do your hair or makeup or start a little early on emails from your phone if you’re behind. It’s all very hustle and bustle, keep your head down and keep grinding to make it in the big city.
Paz rode the 5am train every morning. But not heading into the city. No, he got on the train at 5am and rode it all the way down to the end of the line to get back to his dumpy little shoebox of an apartment on the outskirts of the city around 8am.
Why he chose to move to the city after getting out of the Marine Corps was beyond him. His commander told him that he had a friend that was looking to hire some muscle as private security for his upper echelon nightclubs and it could be a good job opportunity for him fresh out of the service. Not having anywhere else to go, he took the job. Now his days blurred together in a lopsided haze. Wake up around 3pm, eat something cheap and tasteless, work out, shower and get dressed to work. Catch the 6pm train into the city and spend all three hours thinking about far away places. What his life might be like if he was someone else or somewhere else. Get to the club and start work at 9pm. Spend the night watching people dance and sing and scream, drink ridiculously expensive alcohol and take brightly colored party drugs that blow out their pupils and make them want to dance and sing more. By the time 5am rolls around again his head is pounding from listening to electronic dance music for 8 continuous hours, and he spends the remaining 3 hours of his day riding the train back out of the city and wishing he had made different choices in his life.
Of course he does get Monday’s and Tuesday’s off, those days he still doesn’t really know what to do with himself. It’s too expensive to have a car in the city, so he can’t drive anywhere. And he’s too far away from any of the attractions of the city to walk to them. So he tends to spend his off days either walking around the track at the local park, or in his tiny kitchen kneading bread dough and baking test batches until it comes out the way he liked it. This is one of the big things he spends his time wondering about. If he kept up working in private security, and paying for this shit apartment, would he someday be able to afford to move closer to work and spend less time commuting? Maybe he could eventually save up and get a place with a bigger kitchen so he could try making more things. He liked baking. Kneading bread dough, making cake batter, mixing frosting colors. It’s telling that a man like him dreamt about pastries and cooking every night, and spent his long commuting hours debating on saving up more for a better place or spending a little extra on culinary equipment.
He didn’t tell anybody this is how he spent his time and money, not that he really talked to anyone these days anyway. Since leaving the service he hasn’t been good about keeping up with his brothers in arms, or his friends from before getting deployed. He hasn’t really made new friends in the city either. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to any of them, he’s just busy and when he does think about reaching out to someone, he always figures they’re busy too. Every day the sun rises and sets, and it’s like he’s just floating through life, waiting for something to change.
One Monday, Paz is walking around the track at the local park. It’s scraggly and not well maintained but at least it’s outdoors. He’s thinking about the sourdough loaf back in his apartment rising right now. Hopefully this one will turn out good, he’s planning to try a dutch oven bake soon, but that requires buying a dutch oven and he’s trying so hard to save up for a better apartment. His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he considers just letting it go to voicemail figuring it was probably his boss asking him to come in and work tonight. But something in him tells him to look, the name on the screen surprises him. Din Djarin. His long time friend from way back before joining the service. Paz answered the phone.
“Hey buddy, Happy Birthday!” Din says. Paz stopped walking
“It’s not my birthday?” Paz stepped off to the side of the track and sat down on a bench running a hand over his face.
Din laughs on the other end of the line, “Yeah it is, April 30th right?”
Paz pulls his phone away from his face and checks the date, “Holy shit, it is my birthday,”
“Yeah man. Did you really forget?” Din asks, he sounds like he’s moving around Paz hopes he’s not bothering him or getting in the way of his day right now.
“Honestly yeah, it feels like April just started,” he admits
“Been busy then? Running around in the big city, making big money, romancing cute hunnies?” Din teases, Paz can hear another voice on the other side. He figure’s it’s Din’s son, he’s gotta be about two or three years old now.
“Yeah, something like that,” Paz mumbles
“Yeah? Then why don’t you sound happy about it?” Din asks, sensing his friends lack of enthusiasm
“It’s fine, really. The city is nice, I just wish I could actually live in it and enjoy it. Actually I wish everyone who lived here actually enjoyed it. Kinda just feels like everyone who lives here only knows how to work or be a strung out party goer,” Paz sighs
“Guess the big city life isn’t all it's cracked up to be huh,” Din says “Listen… you should come out to visit sometime. I feel like this city is more your style. We’re still a major city with nice attractions and events, but there’s more community here and things are a little slower ya know,”
“I can’t just drop everything and go all the way out there. You live over 2000 miles away,” Paz says, though the prospect of a smaller city with a community atmosphere does sound awfully appealing
“Paz, you’ve been working for a private security company for two years and I can almost guarantee that you haven’t taken a single hour of paid time off or sick leave. Flights are a little pricey, I’ll give you that, but you can stay with me so you don’t have to pay for a hotel or anything,” Din offers “I’ll pay for your half of your flight, call it a birthday present,”
“I’ll tell you what Din, I’ll think about it. You’re probably right, I do need to get out of the city for a bit. I’ll talk to the boss about taking some time off,” Paz says, standing back up.
“That’s the spirit!” Din exclaims “Call me when you figure out a time that’s good for you so we can book you a flight,”
Paz and Din chat idly for another couple of minutes before Din bids him goodbye, and happy birthday. Paz tucks his phone back into his pocket and smiles. For the first time in a very long time, he’s actually looking forward to something.
Two weeks later Paz is sitting on a plane for the first time since coming back to the states after deployment, with two weeks off of paid vacation time on his way to visit Din. It’s a long six and half hour flight and the seat is pretty small for how wide his frame is, but he’s hopeful. If nothing else, he was going to get to spend two weeks with his best friend.
Din is waiting for him at the airport when his flight arrives. He greets him with a bracing hug and the promise of a really good dinner waiting for him. The moment Paz steps out of the airport he knows he’s in trouble. Instead of a massive industrial looking city full of high rise buildings with thousands of people pushing their way through to get on with their day, he’s met with bright blue skies. Trees that are just starting to put out new leaves and flowers for spring. The air is fresh and clear. A feeling wells up in his chest, when he turns and can see mountains in the distance. It’s beautiful.
“You coming?” Din draws him out of his thoughts, tossing his suitcase in the back of his truck.
“Yeah, I just didn’t realize you lived so close to the mountains,” Paz admitted stepping up into the passenger seat.
“Everyone says that when they first come here. You should see them in winter when they’re covered in snow,” Din says. Paz can imagine it, but he hopes to see it with his own eyes.
Din drives through the city, it’s a lot like the city Paz had just come from, except older and less flashy. Less people, and less cars. All of the businesses looked unique and inviting.
Din passes a street and points down it without looking, “My studio is right down there. It’s a great little spot. All the business owners on the block are close, we play poker and shoot pool on Tuesday nights at the bar on the corner. You’re definitely coming with me for that this week,”
“I could shoot some pool,” Paz laughs.
Din turns out of the downtown area, and takes a main boulevard lined with fast food restaurants and dive bars. Din points again, “That’s the stadium for the university. Hope you like football, because it’s kind of a big thing here,”
“Still think I could have pulled a scholarship for football straight out of high school if I wasn’t so dead set on going into the Marine Corps,” Paz jokes
“It’s just as well,” Din shrugs with a smile “you make one hell of a Marine,”
Din turns down another road off the main drag. They pass parks, an elementary school, neighborhoods, and a lone Dairy Queen before turning into another neighborhood full of very nice houses with front lawns and trees giving off pink and white flower buds.
Din pulls the truck up into one of the driveways, and cuts the engine. Paz gets out of the truck and takes in the house. It’s massive by his standards.
“Is your girlfriend a CEO or something?” Paz asks with a laugh. Din gives him a look, and goes to take the suitcase out of the back.
“No? She and her brothers flip houses together,” he replies “why do you ask?”
“Your place is huge, man! When I was a kid these are the kind of houses I thought millionaires lived in,” Paz follows Din towards the front door.
Din laughs, as he unlocks the door. “Maybe in other states, but not here. The million dollar houses here are the size of castles. This house is pretty average for this area, and it didn’t cost us an arm and a leg to get,”
Paz nods and follows his friend into the house. It’s not just a house, it’s a home. Paz can tell because even though it’s clean on the inside it looks lived in, well loved. Pictures and art on the walls. The living room had a big tv and sectional couch, perfect for hosting game day events and watch parties. He could see a chest in the corner that clearly had toys in it. The kitchen was huge! A double doored refrigerator, cabinet space and marble countertops. He can see through a sliding glass door there’s a backyard, a play structure and home swing set sat in the middle of it for Din’s little boy. He didn’t have any pets but he could picture a dog running around out there too.
This is it. This is what he’d spent the last two years dreaming about on the train rides to and from the city. This is his far away place. He’s been here for less than half an hour and he already knows, he is meant to be here.
The next two weeks are the happiest Paz has ever felt. Exploring the downtown area, visiting the parks and the nature reserve just outside of town, the restaurants serve great food that doesn’t cost a fortune. He takes Din’s little boy to the zoo and out for ice cream. He gets to know Din’s girlfriend and her two brothers, apparently flipping houses in some of the older more run down parts of town is very rewarding and breathes new life into the city. He visits Din’s tattoo studio, and goes with him to the bar on Tuesday night like he promised.
Everyone there is friendly, welcoming and adamantly against him leaving at the end of the week.
“You sure you have to go back, you’re part of the crew man!” says Cara, she owns the boxing studio down the street.
Paz took a swing from his beer, and laughed “You think I want to go back there? I gotta figure out how to get out of my lease, quit my job. I gotta find somewhere to live and work here first,”
“If you’re looking for a job just to get on your feet, I could use another bartender,” Boba, the guy who owns the bar says “Fennec is looking to move to part time too, more time slots available for work,”
“If you’re serious, I’ll take you up on that offer,” Paz says.
Boba extends a hand to him, “Job’s yours if you want it,” Paz grins and shakes his hand.
A few days later Paz is genuinely sad about having to hug Din’s little boy goodbye, and get back on the plane to take him back across the country. Back to the city that never sleeps, and doesn’t appreciate the little things in life. Back to the six hours round trip of commuting. Back to the scraggly uncared for parks and dirty streets. He promised himself on that plane ride, he would not get caught up in the monotony and blinding routine like before. There is a better life waiting for him. All he has to do is make the leap of faith and take it.
He holds himself to his promise. In the first week when he got back he spent the entire three hour train ride to work researching apartments in the area he wanted to live. He was shocked to find out the exact same price he was paying for his shoebox apartment with no amenities and terrible maintenance; could get him a huge apartment with a big kitchen, access to a pool, gym, and shared entertainment space. It even came with a parking spot. And there were other options that were almost as nice for less money. And to think he had wasted so much time and money pretending he was happy, or was getting close to being able to afford to be happy living in the bigger city. What a joke.
He had Din submit an application to an apartment complex he really liked about a week after he got back. The second he found out he was approved and got the apartment, he put in his two weeks notice and started packing. Another six hours plane trip didn’t sound very appealing but, at least it was a one way trip this time.
Paz found moving out of his apartment to be exceptionally easy. He threw all of his belongings into two suitcases, and shipped the few things that wouldn’t fit in a box he could pick up at the post office when he got there. Everything else was not worth saving, so he put everything out on the side of the road in front of his old apartment with a piece of paper taped to it that read: FREE!
Unfortunately moving into the new apartment in the new city was a little more challenging. Furnishing an apartment from scratch is no small task. But to his amazement and truly heartfelt joy, all of Din’s friends he had met when he came to visit helped him move things into his new place. Boba even loaned him his truck to go pick up bigger furniture like the couch and bed frame he ordered. Cara and Peli, the woman who owned the auto parts store on the next block over from Din’s studio and Boba’s bar, sat with him for hours assembling IKEA furniture. Din’s girlfriend even came by with Din’s little boy, to visit uncle Paz and help him figure out how to appropriately decorate and furnish a “real apartment”.
He loves his new life in this new city. Working for Boba at the bar in the evenings is pretty low stress, and he makes quite a bit in tips. During the day he’s been working on sourdough starters, determining the best herbs and flavors to top focaccia bread, trying his hand at doing French baguettes. And more recently, he’s been trying to make chocolate croissants from scratch. Though he hasn’t had much success yet. But he keeps trying.
Every time something comes out perfect, he writes down every step in a blue notebook he found lying around with his things before he moved.
Paz never imagined his life turning out like this. If he was told just 3 months ago he would be moving across the country on a whim, to chase his dream of living a simpler life, he wouldn’t have believed it. And then things got even better.
About six months after moving, Paz really felt like he was home in this city. He split his time between working part time as an instructor at Cara’s boxing studio, bartending for Boba, and working on his culinary hobby. Until one day, the older couple that owned the bagel shop a few doors down from Din’s tattoo studio closed up shop. Apparently they were retiring, packing up the business and moving out of state to be closer to their grandchildren.
There was a sign on the vacant building indicating the unit was about to become available. A thought crossed his mind…. he had no idea where it came from or if he was remotely qualified to pull it off… but it couldn’t hurt to ask.
“Does anyone have a contact number for the couple that owned the bagel shop?” Paz asks the group
“Yeah,” Cara pipes up “I house sat for them once. Why?”
“I want to buy their industrial baking equipment, and takeover their lease,” he replies seriously
“You want to run the bagel shop?” Fennec asks
“No… I uh, I wanna open a bakery,” Paz admits
“You do make a mean sourdough dude…. I say go for it,” Din encourages him
“I’m sure they’ll sell you the equipment at a discount. Hell they might even leave it to you for free if you tell them what you’re gonna do with it,” Cara tells him, she writes down a phone number on a napkin and hands it to Paz. He pockets the napkin with a thank you and a nod.
The next day he calls the number, and has a lovely chat with the wife who, as Cara pointed out, was eager to get the equipment off their hands. She also provided a ton of helpful information on running a small business in this area, who trustworthy suppliers were, a good lawyer to get all the paperwork done, a good accountant to file taxes next spring, and more. Honestly it was a lot more than Paz has even considered, but something in his heart was telling him it’s the right decision. That this is a challenge he absolutely had to tackle. That maybe this has always been his calling.
And right he was. Vizsla’s Bakery had a grand debut the following autumn. And he knew, this is it. He’s finally made it. All of the time he spent in the Marines fighting in wars he never truly understood, all of his years spent working a mindless job in a depressing city, pretending he was not struggling. All of it has led him here. To a city he loves, with friends so close to him they’re like family, a home… a real home. And a dream he can finally live out.
Tag List: @maybege
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