#does anyone know if the lotr games are good?
buzzbuzzbowie · 3 months
Yesterday I finished Oblivion, and I can finally say I think it's better than Skyrim
While Skyrim has more modern mechanics and charm, I think I honestly just prefer the way Oblivion works and how the story plays out
I still very much love Skyrim !! but Oblivion is 10x better imo
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marietheran · 2 months
Coming in late, but how about Finnick, Jonathan Harker, Halt from Ranger's Apprentice, and Galadriel for the Character Bingo, please?
Thanks a lot for the ask! It's not late at all, in fact it's still open, haha. At your service:
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Hmm... so, I like him, but while I know he's the Blorbo Ultimate for a lot of people, I don't think I would call him mine. I get why people adore him so much; he does share some characteristics with my favourite blorbos of all time.. maybe it's just that while I'm interested in the Hunger Games, I don't love this franchise as much as people seem to.
And, maybe I'm wrong, but I do feel like the fandom kind of reduces him to a pure sunshine boy™, and though there's nothing wrong with this kind of character, I don't think it's plausible to portray Finnick like that. He's had to win the Hunger Games somehow. He's killed people - at fourteen! - he's been forced to participate in this horror as a mentor - if he's got strong principles, his conscience must torment him. And then, of course, the prostitution thing. He's not 100% good cheer.
(I've heard about someone headcanoning him as Catholic - Irish name, etc - and I love this idea, but that would make him even more conflicted)
Of course, I have to add an obligatory expression of annoyance at the way he was killed. It made no sense and somehow the surrounding characters had zero emotional reaction to it.
If I'm allowed to have another quibble with the text I hate the way he was introduced. I get that the author wanted his actual good character to come as a surprise, but it was gross.
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I don't really have much to say except *general positive feelings*. (I feel like he might even qualify as a Blorbo!)
He's excellent husband material and he's never done anything wrong in his life - except, this applies to both those things - when he said he could become a vampire for Mina. Jonathan, no! I'm sure Mina would prefer you to have a strong moral backbone regardless of her own state.
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It feels very much a disservice to consider Halt (or anyone in these books) apart from the other characters. They're very much the most interesting together, especially when you consider the humour of the banter.
However, I will say I find his backstory incredibly cool actually. It seems like it got invented pretty late into the series, but actually I think his character fits someone who was raised as nobility (into the "noble" kind of noble, and not the "pampered" kind), but hasn't been leading this life for a while, and has experienced assassination attempts from close family members. I do wonder what his relationship with his sister was like.
I must admit I'm partial to the common headcanon of him as autistic, although, as always with this sort of thing, I'm a bit bothered by the fact that a character may have some autistic traits, but never the less "aesthetic" ones, so
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Tolkien characters, my beloveds! (with the very strong exception of the darksiders, of course)
Anyway, Galadriel/Artanis!
She's not my favourite out of all Legendarium figures (mostly because all of my blorbos come from there), but I like her a lot, especially when you take into account all the Silm stuff, and look at her role in LotR through that lens. It's tragic, to be honest. She's the only one left. Out of 15 grandchildren of Finwë. And she lives in this delightful (to consider - not to experience) state of being caught between homesickness and pride, ambition and regret.
I strongly dislike Tolkien's later attempts to smoothen her out, to make her so perfect - she never really struck me as a Marian figure; there are Marian figures in the legendarium, but Galadriel isn't one. Her Silm backstory is everything it should be.
I also dislike the theory that she was specifically banned from returning to Valinor. It's way more interesting when it's a "no" said in pride, in the wish to be a queen and not a subject, to be one of the most powerful and not one of the less - a "no" that she may come to halfway regret but believes is an irrevocable choice - or is hesitant to take back.
I find an interpretation that takes into account her more complicated characteristics like the fact that she is willing to cover for murderers really worthwhile. The fact that she starts off as the very skilled youngest child of a youngest child of a king, with ambitions and little way to be taken seriously until disaster strikes... chef's kiss.
I eternally loathe the movies' interpretation of her (and of the other elves, though it's most visible in her). Cate Blanchett seems so cold, even when she's trying to seem warm. They went for "otherworldly" and forgot elves are at the same time just as, if not more, grounded as men are.
Sorry if you expected a more LotR-centered take though, I'm afraid the Silm is firmly holding my mind hostage.
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frodothefair · 1 month
Unwritten fics game!
@meluiloth tagged me, thank you! In fact, I now have several fic ideas that are probably not going to be written any time soon, because I just outlined FoM, and at the pace I'm going, I'll probably be at it until the fall. And I am not particularly good at juggling multiple WIPs; I never have been.
Rivendell - Currently, it is a published oneshot, but I plan to make it into a longfic. Frodo and Marigold Gamgee get together before the quest, and they flee to Rivendell together when disaster with the Ring strikes. Afterwards, they are forced to part, but Marigold soon finds she is expecting a child. The story will feature their psychic connection during the quest, a healer-elf named Nisilë who is a living ultrasound machine, a reunion in Minas Tirith, and the reckoning with Frodo's illness after the war.
Genderbent!Frodo (in a way, Frodo is also socially trans-masc here, as far as this can be understood in the world of Middle-earth). Another post-quest story, where Sam confesses to Frodo in Minas Tirith, and they become intimate, resulting in Frodo conceiving. Now poor Frodo has a pregnancy to deal with on top of her illness and the events of the Scouring, and she and Sam get married. Frodo then struggles with whether to leave Middle-earth when she is offered that option.
Expats - I wrote the first chapter, and this story can work either as a fanfic about Elijah Wood, or an original story about a character who was a child actor and transitioned to a successful adult Hollywood career. In either case, a fan strikes up an unlikely relationship with her idol, and they get married and settle down. However, the actor's statement during an interview reveals that he knows a bit too much about the seedy underbelly of Hollywood, and he begins getting threats, as well as demands from journalists and other interested parties to reveal more. The couple flee and lay low in Ukraine, where the woman is originally from, and then the actor starts getting local roles and gets involved in the community, which gives him the courage to do a tell-all interview and name the powerful players who have abused others and have gotten away with it for years. (Fun fact: this one was inspired by a dream I had, and the fact that "returning emigrant" roles in certain countries are given to actors who are, in fact, native speakers of English, and it just... hilariously doesn't work, but it's funny anyway. Also, yes, reading between the lines you can probably guess what kind of abuse I am talking about above).
Flowers of Chernobyl - Again, a story that can work either a modern AU of Flowers of Mordor, or an original work. A CIA veteran who was part of a highly specialized and dangerous mission in Chernobyl, Ukraine returns home to LA. His close friend who is also the family gardener overheard something he should not have, and was forced to either join a witness protection program, or be drafted into the CIA as well. This friend ended up going with the main character on the mission, and after it is all over, the friend/gardener's sweet younger sister, who is an aspiring doctor, comes to stay at the luxurious LA mansion for the summer, and she and the tragic CIA veteran get romantically involved.
In general, I am not sure if I want to try to get into the publishing industry. Part of me does want the recognition, but part of me feels like I will invariably have to sacrifice artistic license, and with the two stories that could work either as fanfics or original stories as above, I would have to navigate making sure that there is no whiff of an allusion to Elijah or LOTR, for instance. There is, I have to say, a certain freedom in fanfiction and publishing online. You can write whatever the heck you want, within reason.
Tags: @konartiste, @ceemafanfic if you have not been tagged already, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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bloodkeep-escape · 2 years
why is bloodkeep your fave? what stands out?
oohhh this is the perfect ask, the perfect chance for me to ramble, thank you so much <3
the cast
the whole cast is an absolute delight. several of them have little to no dnd experience, and that leads to some DELIGHTFUL moments- they have no pre-conceived ideas, and they just do the wildest shit because of that. rekha has now become well-known in d20 for her shenanigans, but that all began in bloodkeep! and then you've got matt and ify and erika, who are very experienced, and they have a totally different playstyle that is also a delight!! and the comedic styles- trapp is a fantastic straight man, matt and amy are great punching bags, ify and rekha have very chaotic energy, and erika is just so powerful in everything she does. it's a great dynamic!!
the setting
full disclosure, i am a huge lord of the rings fan, and so this game as a lotr parody brings me so much joy. turning sam into a badass polite lesbian, making the king of the vinguri a gay disaster, turning aragorn into just. a disaster and a mess. letting arwen go full evil, the inherent comedy of the sauron figure being a mouth instead of an eye, etc etc. it's all genius and wonderful and i'm obsessed with it
the characters
where do i even BEGIN with this. it's rare for me to find a season of d20 (or any other show) where i love truly every single main character, but that's the case with bloodkeep. maggie and her journey to move on from an abusive ex and find her own path and become her own person. leiland and his journey from a toxic relationship towards finding worth in himself. markus going from being a loner, only out for money, to finding a new family that cares about him more than his old one. efink realizing that she doesn't need approval from anyone else, and fully literally finding her magic from her friends. sokhbarr and the love he has for every creature he meets, especially the ones who aren't loved by anyone else. lilith and her children, the love she carries for them and that they carry for her. it's so good they're all so good
the relationships
this is really what it comes down to for me- the party dynamic, both as a whole and all the small relationships in there. maggie and leiland. sokhbarr and lilith. lilith and efink. leiland and markus. maggie, sokhbarr, and lilith. the entire squad. these characters are presented to us as evil, but then we see them care about each other so deeply, and it just hits!! they help each other through their respective traumas, and by the end of the show we look at these six people and we know that they're a family. and that's so good to me
anyway that was a lot of words lmao i just.. i love bloodkeep. i love it so much
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kebriones · 9 months
Does Greek mythology count as a fandom? Probably not but still there's definitely the community there.
Also i don't like the minute something becomes popular like a series or movie people jump to fanart and i feel the anxious urge that i have to draw it only because it's popular and it may gain popularity.
It's general yeah for commissions but internet has become hostile to new artists so eventually just focus on what i like the most. Though it's also not bad when your art gets appreciated.
well I count everything as fandom. Greek mythology itself is.... a mythology. The entirety of myths from a specific time and place. I would say "the people who like greek mythology" can consider themselves/be considered part of a fandom for sure. fandom isn't a scientific term so we can say "the cat fandom" etc, whatever we want.
Okay yeah, I understand the fear of missing out, but we also need to remember that the fanartists usually actually like the thing. when something is popular it means many people watch it and a percentage of these people are artists. if 1 in 50 people draws, when 50 people watch something then you have only 1 making art, if 50.000 people watch it then you have a thousand artists. that's an over simplification but I hope you get my point. FOMO is an issue we need to work on in ourselves because it's a useless burden.
There's a discussion i've seen happening a lot about the problem with fandoms getting faster and faster, where the majority of fans consumme everything within a month and then forget the thing afterwards, making fanartists feel like they have to rush. That's a problem with media in general imo, and it's up to everyone individually to understand this is a problem, slow down and enjoy things more and for a longer time. But there will always be people who are fans of a thing years and years after it's done. Star trek fanart, or lotr fanart is still doing extremely well out there.
When everyone and their mother is trying to market you a new band, a new game, a new series it doesn't help. At the same time, nobody can police how long people spend on any one interest and nobody owes anyone their free time and attention.
OKay so for commissions, as I said, if your art is good, and you build yourself a small community of artists (even just a few dozens of people) who will see you making a "commissions open" and reblog it, you can get some jobs. then one job will bring another, but it's a very slow process. Another thing about commissions is that you will absolutely get orders that do not interest you at all, and unless you're crazy succesful, you'll have to take them to make a living. so if you see your "making fanart of things you maybe aren't crazy about" as part of your job, maybe that will make it easier.
But literally, don't stress. Just post your art and try to focus on growing as an artist. If you don't rely on commissions to pay rent and food, literally give 0 fucks about the audience.
Final note, it really is extremely rewarding and the best motivation, to have your art appreciated by others. The more you grow and the more you share it, the more of that you'll get. People are usually very drawn to others who are passionate. Whatever you're passionate about, share it. Be annoying, even. post stupid sketches, post whatever. I thought I was just gonna be screaming into a void about alcibiades but i've found a bunch of people who also want to scream about him and it's great.
P.S. PRO TIP I JUST THOUGHT OF. One could say this is a bad thing, idk, but the way social media is, it pays off to show yourself along with your art. I don't mean show pictures. I mean post about your day. Post your thoughts, whatever. Make your presence more personal rather than "I just post my art", especially on places like twitter and tumblr. On instagram, you can do that through stories. Share funny things, be engaging. I have favorite artists that I know nothing about, but the ones I feel like I know personally I will be more likely to support by buying merch/commissions or helping them promote their stuff. It makes people feel like they can talk to you more.
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incomingalbatross · 9 months
Doctor Who fancast of LotR, current draft:
Bilbo: Patrick Troughton <3
Gandalf: Peter Capaldi (this is only partly on account of his eyebrows)
Frodo: Paul McGann. I'm VERY committed to this
Sam: ???
Merry: Ian Marter. He's a posh lad, our Merry
Pippin: Frazer Hines (who otherwise would be a shoo-in for Sam)
Lobelia: ?? Don't know but she deserves the best in terms of casting. Considering SJA-era Liz Sladen
Gildor, Farmer Maggot, Fatty: All ?? (Farmer Maggot MIGHT be John Levene. Might be Sylvester McCoy.)
Tom Bombadil: Colin Baker. Listen, I was very torn here because OBVIOUSLY Tom Baker has the correct energy, but Colin does too and I think he would have more fun with the little songs. Also I want to save Tom Baker's voice for someone else
Goldberry: Lalla Ward (...unfortunately another point for Tom as Tom)
Butterbur: ...I feel like there's an obvious choice but I don't have him
Aragorn: Nicholas Courtney, YES my Brigadier bias is showing through, but you know he could handle "running herd on the hobbits"
Glorfindel: Peter Davison
Elrond: Matt Smith. Listen I like this choice so much. Old and wise and the last of his kind!!
Arwen: ?? This just feels like a game of "which dark-haired DW actress do I declare the Most Beautiful," except they also need the correct Elvish Vibes. For the vibes especially, I'm considering Carole Ann Ford. But then there's Mary Tamm, who is properly Tall. idk.
Boromir: ???
Legolas: Peter Purves?? I can't even tell you why he just kinda seems to fit and that's the best I got.
Gimli: Michael Craze??? See above.
Galadriel: ?? Again, this should be easier. DW has so many good actresses. But I can't think of anyone who's quite right. Mary Tamm in a blonde wig? Jacqueline Hill ditto? Lalla Ward would be great if she were just taller, but I don't regret giving her Goldberry either.
Celeborn: ??
Eomer: David Tennant. Eomer has a good range of Big Emotions, which I feel is important when casting David Tennant. (And yes I'm waiving the hair color here too.)
Treebeard: Tom Baker. THIS is what I was saving his voice for. You get it right??
Quickbeam: ??
Theoden: William Hartnell. <3 This one is very important to me.
Eowyn: Karen Gillian. Listen. She could DO it. (Also this makes both siblings Scottish, which amuses me.)
Grima: ??
Saruman: Jon Pertwee. I wanted him for Denethor too, but if I have to choose... Saruman.
Gollum: ?? Casting anyone as Gollum just feels mean.
Faramir: Hnggggh... I am considering both William Russell (Ian bias) and Arthur Darvill (to be opposite Karen Gillian but also he likes cool parts with gravitas). I don't know.
Denethor: ?? All wizard-adjacent characters should be played by Doctors but I've used all the applicable Doctors. ...Anthony Ainley?
Beregond: ?? He FEELS like a John Levene character but John Levene also feels like he really should be a hobbit. I am considering Duggan's actor on the grounds that he's also an everyman
Bergil: ?? I don't have any child actors on hand
Halbrand: ??
Elladan and Elrohir: ??
Prince of Dol Amroth: Okay actually THIS is William Russell
Ioreth: Catherine Tate I think
The Master of the Houses of Healing: pick any half-decent Time Lord, they'll fit the bill :P
Farmer Cotton: ??
Rosie Cotton: Either Anneke Wills or Katy Manning, probably. Or maybe Jenna Coleman.
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merlyn-bane · 2 months
Hello!! 🤍 For the ask game, if you're still taking prompts: 🌈🌿🎀? Feel free to answer as few or as many as you'd like!! -- 🤍@smoosey
Hello, @smoosey 🥰🥰 I'm sorry it took so long to reply to this lol but I love getting these asks so I rarely actually stop taking these as long as I keep getting them<3
The ask game can be found here if anyone else would like to send some in :)
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
That's actually a pretty difficult question! Assuming I'm interpreting this question correctly, I'm going to say my Order 63 LoTR Fusion. It's very short (by my standards) but to be honest I almost didn't post fic for this fill at all! I was actually very close to just posting the art because I was struggling so hard with the writing portion. Of course I'm very glad now that I did decide to post what I was able to write for it even if I wasn't as happy with it, because now I know that there are people that that fic means a lot to. Really goes to show that there is no knowing how your work will be received--sometimes for the better.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Honestly it really depends on what it is and how the process is going. A lot of it is frustration, and a lot of times you don't want to do it, but you feel worse when you don't! Maniacal glee is definitely another frequent companion of mine though lol, especially when I'm working on a spite project or something I know is likely to get me yelled at in the comments. Mostly creating makes me feel sane and insane at the same time, and no, I don't know what that means.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Damn you 🤣🤣 Lol okay. Um. I think my characterization is really good at least the vast majority of the time, and I do have a lot of really good ideas even if most of them never see the light of day.
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violent-optimism · 5 days
My favourite domination quotes from every TF2 Merc
Holy cow this took a while but was so fun to put together.
Because let’s be honest…the domination voice lines are one of the best things about playing TF2. You can’t tell me it’s not satisfying (or hilarious) when you hear one of these!
To Soldier: “What’s your major malfunction, brother?”
(This is a reference to the movie Full Metal Jacket with a character that Soldier is definitely based off of)
To Medic: “Real nice effort, Deutsch-bag!”
To Pyro: “Dude, you’d get a closed casket at the ugly cemetery”
To Sniper: “You’ll never hit me! You’ll never hit my tiny head! It’s so tiny, I got a frickin’…such a tiny little head!
(If I ever hear this as Sniper I might just throw my mouse out the window lol)
To Spy: “Hehe, hey look! You shapeshifted into a dead guy!”
 “If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created ME!”
To Demoman: “Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!”
To Pyro: “You cannot burn me, I do not have time to combust!”
To Engineer: “Go back to Calgary, you cow-herdin’ Canadian!”
(As a Canadian, this one just tickles me. Why does he think Engie is from Alberta? I’m honestly shocked that Soldier knows the name of a single Canadian city lol).
To Medic: “Ich Bin I just kicked your ass!”
(“Ich Bin” means “I am” in German, which means Soldier said “I am I just kicked your ass” LOL)
To Sniper: “You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!”
(I have NO clue why he says this but as a LOTR fan I fucking love it. If anyone can explain the connection that would be cool.)
Gonna skip Pyro for obvious reasons, sorry Pyro! :(
To Pyro: Go to hell! And tell the devil I’m coming for him next!”
(Damn that goes hard)
To Medic: “How’s that ‘doing no harm’ working out for you, then?”
To Sniper: “I hate you campers! Everyone bloody hates you!”
(Jesus Demo, what did he do to you? lol)
“They’re going to bury what’s left of you in a soup can!”
(No character specific lines but I still enjoy them)
“You are dead. Not big surprise.”
“Killing you is full time job now.”
“Entire team is babies!”
“I think you should fight someone much, much smaller!”
To Scout: “Boy, this here is just gonna keep happening and happening.”
To Soldier: “That there is just a sad display, boy.”
To Demoman: “Drunk on the battlefield ain’t no way to be, son.”
(I love how he calls everyone “boy” or “son” lol)
To another Engineer: “I’m wolverine-mean you son of a bitch.”
To Medic: “You must be a doctor, ‘cause you just saw the extent of my patience!”
(My personal fav)
To Sniper: “Down under? More like six feet down under.”
To Spy: “If ya’ll had more gadgets for killin’, you wouldn’t need so many for hidin’.”
(We love a sassy short king)
(Also doesn’t have any character specific lines, but there are some gems)
“Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!”
“I do not think we brought enough body bags!”
“Aww, did the Fraulein’s have their Mittelschmerz?”
(Translation: “Did the ladies get their period cramps?” Damn Medic that is…something lol)
(Maybe I’m biased but I swear he has the best lines in the game.)
“If your strategy is to build me confidence, it’s working.”  
To Soldier: “Oi, lend us your shovel so I can dig your grave!”
(Jesus Christ lol)
To Demoman: “Ace reflexes, you bomb-chuckin’ waste of good scotch!”
To Engineer: You are inventing loads of new ways to get killed by me!” (The freaking sass when he says this, it’s unparalleled)
To Medic: “Sorry, there nurse, I mistook you for an actual threat!”
To another Sniper: “You’re making this so easy. I’m actually getting worse.”
To Spy: “Aww, did I get blood on your suit?”
“I never really was on your side.”
To Scout: “Here lies Scout, he ran fast and died a virgin.”
(Stop, stop, he’s already dead!)
To Demoman: “Here’s what I have that you don’t: a functioning liver, depth perception and a pulse!”
To Heavy: “You died as you lived…morbidly obese!” (Spy really doesn’t pull any punches lol)
To Engineer: “Did I throw a wrench into your plans?” *laughs*
To Medic: “Aww, you almost healed me to death that time!”
Gosh this took me way longer to write than I would’ve expected so I hope somebody reads it lol
Comment below with your favourite TF2 line (or put it in the tags). I have to know!
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sparrowsarus · 5 months
Still up for the alphabet ask game? What about:
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
P.S. Have a nice day!
Good timing, I'm just off work! I gotta say, the character with the best development arc is Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis (if you ignore S5, wherein the writers chucked all of it.)
When you first meet Rodney in SG-1, he is fucking awful. Every single stereotype about A Certain Kind Of Guy. Sexist, demeaning, has no consideration for others--just the worst. Sam should have gotten to hit him--or, you know, her superiors should have taken him aside and told him it was inappropriate workplace behaviour, but it was the US military in the 90s. Let's temper our expectations a bit.
But in SGA? He's sympathetic. Genuinely respects his (woman!) boss, is only a little bit of a creep to his main woman coworker, is more generally a dick to everyone instead of women in particular and even that eases up as the seasons go on. Is only a little weird to Sam when she becomes leader in S4.
And! He demonstrates loyalty to people not-him! Is brave under pressure! Becomes more self aware about his faults and admits them to people, while still being recognizably the same character.
And frankly that all comes down to David Hewlett rather than the writers, but I digress.
Three favs you say
Ed Darvis, D&D:HAT: A man who is so utterly devoted to his mental idea of his wife and his perfect family that he fucks over his alive family, realizes that fact, and tries to unfuck it. Tries to not make it anyone else's problem. Likes his friends and isn't a fucking creep.
Sam Gamgee, LOTR: Speaking of loyalty. Of friendship. Of doing the right thing. Sam/Rosie is genuinely one of my OTPs. My man is a ride-or-die sort of chap.
Karlach Cliffgate, BG3: My girl. She was sold to the Hells and conscripted into a war, had her body modified against her will in a way that will eventually kill her, and she survives anyway. She survives! She laughs and she jokes and she's so loving, even when she spent a decade in a place where love is dangerous. She knows she's dying. She knows everything she loves will be stolen from her.
But she does it anyway.
Bonus characters: Ulder Ravengard, who fucks up so much no matter how hard he tries--and he tries so hard, who loved a woman who died giving him a son--Sam Vimes, who loves his wife and his city and his kid, whose his wife nearly gave her life for their son--and really this list is characters who love, they love so hard and so much and they get it wrong sometimes but gods do they try their best.
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yamcat · 2 months
ten faves in ten fandoms
I was tagged by the ever lovely @saltedpin , thank you for thinking of me, this was so much fun <333!!!!
Golden Kamuy: this is a tough one for me, because one of the things I love the most about this story is just how well written and intriguingly fleshed out each character is, especially in relation to eachother and to the story itself, but I think I will go with the OG who captured my interest right away, Tsukishima Hajime. Yes we love an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with authority and sense of duty, throw in the belief of living on borrowed time and therefore a life that can't possibly belong to you anymore, and I'm all yours.
Haikyuu!!: the thing is that I've always been IN love with Daichi, but Oikawa is the one who I have always felt the strongest for. A proud dramatic overachiever who cares too much but pretends like he doesn't, genuinely passionate about what he loves to the point it risks consuming him; a tough bitch as much as a sensible nerd. I care for him a lot.
HunterxHunter: Gon, my precious little feral kid who gets traumatized over and over again, but still decides to be kind. What I love the most about him, though, is that he is never portrayed to be inherently good; he is stubborn and occasionally selfish because of his nature as much as because he is just 12 y/o and he doesn't know any better, which is what makes him as lovable and charming as he is.
Helluva Boss: I know I'm not too loud about it, but I have been utterly in love with this show for a good couple months now, as well as with the helluva boss himself, Blitzø. He is a raunchy little imp who severely struggles with self-love and therefore does his best to push away every opportunity he has at a good and healthy relationship because who could possibly love him, right? but he genuinely TRIES, and sometimes he succeeds too, plus, he's still always there for the one he cares about. and honestly, he is just so fucking funny, he has my entire heart.
Dungeon Meshi: Laios, the supposedly knight archetype who does eventually fulfill his destiny, but in the messiest way, unwilling, and at the cost of what he loves the most. There are so many characters I genuinely like in this story, but I am too fascinated and amused by Laios' obsession with monsters and how it makes him so smart and so dumb at the same time to not love him the most. I'm sorry, apparently I have a particular liking for people who are extremely passionate about what they love.
Star Trek: I was unsure about who to choose between Spock and Kirk until the very end, but I have to say Spock. His double heritage and the way he navigates it, all the suffering and treasures he finds in feeling less and more, misunderstood and capable of understanding more than anyone else the multiplicity that deeply characterizes the universe he explores and is so curious about. Rarely I have empathized so much with a character before. Plus, he can be a dramatic bitch, Spirk divorce ark Spock is my favorite Spock.
Tiger & Bunny: honestly both of them, but for the sake of the game I shall say Bunny a.k.a. Barnaby Brooks Jr., my favorite traumatized model face babe with deeply rooted trust issues who completely falls in love with a hot loser single dad who has the tendency to help everyone else but himself. A match made in heaven. And me with them
LOTR: Frodo Baggins. No one understands him like I do....
FMA: my heart is divided between Olivier Armstrong and Riza Hawkeye, because what's not to love about strong, gorgeous, mature, cunning, intelligent, trust-worthy, powerful women? Different flavors, but equally delicious.
Saiyuki: Genjo Sanzo. In a few words, a trigger-happy, easily annoyed, short-tempered Buddhist monk who overly smokes and drinks. In a lot of words, please read Saiyuki.
I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it, it is a lot of fun! And of course, please feel free to @ me if you so wish to!
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
i don't know if you plan to go any further with the Dustin's sister x steddie story but i can't stop thinking about Dustin trying to explain to steve everything he can about the lotr universe so he'll be ready to fight back the next time eddie try to disturb him 👀❤️
Hi, anon!! OMG thanks for sending this i love to talk about this concept!!
First of all, I do plan to continue that series with two more parts for the seasons i haven't wrote about yet. I only gave myself a little rest because i have been writing and consuming a lot of stranger things fanfict for the last month and i was afraid i could end up burnout. I plan to continue, i only gave it a rest to avoid getting a block.
That being said, i LOVE this and i can so imagine it happening. I'm picturing Steve asking Dustin to explain him the things he heard from the reader, at first not wanting to admit it is because she said those to him.
Like, after Eddie told him he didn't deserve the comparison to a captive elve escaping Mordor before becoming an orc, Steve wants to know exactly what she meant with that. She made it sound so sweet and it clearly pissed off her freak friend, so it had to be something really nice although he isn't completely sure because he has no idea.
I'm gonna keep this with a little untituled blurb (sorry for any possible mistakes, i am not doing a second read so it is unedited) :
" They talk on this weird slang, i can't get what they say and I know Munson does it on purpose." Steve was venting to his younger friend. " It's like he constantly tries to remind me i don't belong there because I am not like him. "
Dustin had no calming explanation for that part, other than the defensive mechanisms of nerd culture, but he was at least able to explain it for him.
" What do you mean with ' weird slang'? What does he bring up in front of you?"
" It's that Lord of the Rings thing. Well, i found out it was that when she said it because he does it all cassualy as if it was some code they share."
The implied jealousy was unbelievable to his listener.
" Maybe they are just being nerds together. How do you know the dude wants to make you feel left out?"
" He called me an orc, then your sister said i was like a captive elve escaping them and that upsetted him. Munson said i didn't deserve it. What the hell does that mean? "
The kid's smile indicated the answer was as positive as he once guessed.
" She thinks you are a great guy, he thinks you are an asshole and she is trying to prove him wrong. " Dustin summarized before proceding into a more tecnical explanation. " The creation of orcs is a process that imitates the bíblical origin of demons. Just as the first demons were in fact corrupted angels, Tolkien ubicates the origins of this race of dicks on the long imprisonment of captured elves. After a really long time of prison, tortures and degradations, this corrupted form of life mutated into what the Third Age Middle Earth we read in Lord of the Rings knows as an Orc. For what i understand, the dude must have compared jocks to orcs, what it's actually brillant, yet (y/n) said that your process of transformation never completed. "
The little things he catched in the speech made him feel really good. Steve got to understand at least one bassical point of it.
" She said i am a beated up angel?"
It was on oversimplification, but his friend allowed him to have it.
" To the practical purposes of this talk? Yes. Never call a warrior elve a ' beated up angel' in front of anyone else, specially that guy."
Steve got a bit of a foolish smile just of thinking about your words, finnaly getting deeper understanding of those. It made him wonder how many more details he was missing.
" Who is her favorite character in the books?"
" It depends on how to define a favorite. Is it simbolically or by personal identification?"
" Do you used to play about that shit when you were kids, ríght? It must have been one of your little nerd games. Who did she liked to play as?"
" That's an easy one: Lady Eowyn of Rohan." The boy commented with relaxed determination. " She is not one of the nine companions, but she is a real badass. Meriadoc Brandybuck and her teamed up to kill the Witch King of Angmar, the leader of Sauron's scariest servants that are called Nazguls. "
" Is she a princess or…?"
" Niece of a King, tecnically. " Dustin continued, with excitement. " If you are asking this just to make a comparison that would flatter her, then i need to tell you all what's needed to know about the character.
Steve listened to the ramble with increased attention, but he got ocassionally lost in the naming of weird places and persons that couldn't be explained without tedious delays into other topics. Fantasy was really complicated to learn about in one take, the worldbuildings were intrincated and that was only one universe of the many others in the genre. What sticked the most with him was the description of the warrior princess, her feat and the love triangle plot that Dustin was about to skip if he wouldn't have asked him not to.
" It's just some minor drama that doesn't add much to the plot. " The kid insisted. " Remember how i told you about this nine companions that left Rivendel together, then split by circunstancies? "
" The Fellowship of the Ring. "
" Yes, exactly! And how i told you they have this implícit leader that nobody actually named leader, but kind of takes that role?"
" The wild ranger."
" Strider, his real name is Aragorn and in fact he is meant to be the King of Gondor. " Dustin confirmed. " After the Fellowship splitted Aragorn met Eowyn in Rohan and she fell in love with him, but her feelings were not destined to be required. Aragorn's destiny is to be a gondorian King and marry an elve lady, but Eowyn meet him as this dude who helped save her uncle's kingdom and that impressed her. She hero worshipes him, to her he is like a rockstar and he doesn't seem to mind that she likes swords so she is super happy. "
" But they don't end up together."
" No, she marries the little brother of Boromir. Faramir, he is as much of a hobbit nanny as his older brother was, only ignored by their father. "
That was all he needed to hear, Steve's most valuable conclussion of the talk.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
10 favourites meme
I got tagged by @batri-jopa, thank you friend! Funnily enough I had a long draft of my 10 favourite characters written out and ready to go, though I hadn't been tagged, so this just provides the perfect opportunity to post it! Tagging @stripedroseandsketchpads @erinaceina @notfromcold @bellaroles and anyone else who wants to take part.
I put the characters below the cut because it got long as I tried to justify myself, but I thought I'd copy you and also give a top 10 fandoms by way of introduction for the few new followers who have found me :)
Fandoms (counted as media that I've created fanworks for or actively commented on others' fics for) and what I love about them
The Lymond Chronicles aka tiny fandom: I love all the outsider perspective and unreliable narration around the protagonist, but also I love that he isn't perfect and a lot of problems are caused by his failure to trust people/open up. He has his reasons for being like that, but I like a story where it's clear the hero/great man actually needs those around him (even if they also frequently fuck up and misunderstand things) to get to the end of the story. It's the first series I read since LotR that immersed me so thoroughly in its world - an uncompromising, rich and nuanced take on a huge geographical sweep of history.
And Then We Danced: Oh, it's all about taking beautiful traditions that someone says mustn't ever be changed/aren't for you and making them your own, proving there's no ownership over art forms and culture. It's learning about yourself through art and through other people, it's standing up to the bigots and finding community and defining your nationality and traditions anew in more inclusive, vibrant ways. It's also all the pain of not having the chance to find out more about a first love and all the potential for what might happen in the gaps in the narrative.
The Terror (TV series): haha people sure do put themselves in Positions, don't they? I am fascinated by the hubris and the absurdity of the Franklin expedition, and how the show zones in on the isolated men in their boats and puts their values - good and bad, helpful and destructive - under a microscope and watches what happens to them under the stresses of darkness, illness, hunger and hauntings. There is so much love in the show even as everything that can go wrong does go wrong, there are all these little rituals and objects that people use to give meaning to what they're doing.
Star Wars (predominantly Rogue One): Rogue One reminded me of the SW universe I loved as a teenager, the unimportant people who weren't Force sensitive or powerful, but who fought to do the right thing anyway. I will be watching Andor for the same reason (and tagging so my friends who need to block it can block it - and not letting the Mouse have my money for any of it don't worry about that).
Ripper Street: I loved seasons 1, 3, 4 and 5. The less said about 2 the better for me, though I know a lot of people on here are big fans. In my head, there was a much more interesting story lurking beneath season 4 and 5 that I'm always disappointed wasn't drawn out - the immigrant children who were traumatised on their journey to London ('the world comes to London and London becomes the world' <3) and responded in such different ways. And by god I wanted Reid to answer for all he did wrong but I loved that fucked up man and his Victorian hypocrisy. Hmmm when I stop to think about it I really want to re-watch, though maybe only cherry picking the episodes that tie into my alternative narrative theories.
Utopia (C4 series): I have written fic for this! So odd as it may be, this is a fandom. I haven't been able to bring myself to re-watch since the pandemic because yikes, and it's so cruel that it ends as it does, unfinished. But it's so compelling - season 1 is good, season 2 is absolutely heart-rending. Everyone is complex and fascinating and always developing - the games of 3D morality chess going on are wild, and again, love is such an important factor even as everyone fucks up again and again.
Musketeers (BBC series): I never did watch season 3, it all felt far too silly by then. It's on the list because I wrote a couple of fics way back when and it was the first time I'd written fic in well over a decade. Episode 1 had such potential. The cast was so good. But it just...wanted to be a silly BBC series and not a complicated historically-engaged series so I'll simply enjoy drunk and grumpy Tom Burke!Athos, beautiful-haired Jerott-fancast Pasqualino!D'Art, luschious-moustached cunningulus-loving Santiago Cabrera!Aramis and unutterably perfect WHY-HASN'T-HE-BEEN-ALLOWED-TO-MAKE-THAT-DUMAS-FILM-YET Howie Charles!Porthos without trying to engage my brain these days.
Ghosts (BBC series): I haven't written for it, but I had a glorious binge of Captain/Havers fics after seeing that episode and it gave me enormous feelings of The Kids Are All Right because, while a lot of it felt like it was written by quite young fans, there was so much great ND!Captain and acespec!Captain but there was also some excellent what-if-they'd-just boned fic and I loved it all and it was just the kind of delightful escpaist comfort fic I would hope for from the series.
Castlevania: I still haven't watched the last series wtaff!! Hey guess who loves the big burly idiot who's accomplished in battle and hates how much he's become attached to the effete blond bisexual disaster? haha yeah. Trevor my love you're the hottest cartoon character since Fox from Animals of Farthing Wood :p I haven't written fic for it, but I do love me some filthy Trevor/Sypha/Alucard smut :D
Lupin: Again, not one I've written for, but goddd I want all the Lupin/Benjamin fic! Classic 'male protag is kind of a disaster in the life of every woman he interacts with but he's got a best friend who is never really given any background reason for why he helps him out of literally every scrape so I have decided they're better together'. That is all.
Bonus!! Our Flag Means Death: so far only really interacting with fic when my friend writes it, but I love to see how much @notfromcold loves it! All the characters are great and I don't really have anything to add to fandom but I enjoy it a lot :)
Ok now ten favourite charcters. Not in any particular order, I just wonder if putting them side by side and rotating them in the light will make any patterns emerge.
Eta: holy shit. Yeah. There are patterns. There's a lot of 'characters who pour all their emotions directly into someone else to help further the protagonist/narrative journey and end up not getting anything to show for it in the end'. There are also some crazy ladies :')
And while I didn't put Merab or Irakli in the list below, you can see why either would fit my style. I will say though, that while I fell for Merab when I watched ATWD it was seeing people blame Irakli for hurting him and acting like Irakli was just a heartless asshole that made me furiously protective over Irakli and made me want to explore Merab's own worse side too (love himmm but he's not perfect either).
1. Jerott Blyth (Lymond Chronicles)
Loyal, confused, competent and doomed to an unhappy ending. A brilliant second, who will go along with nearly anything if you just explain it to him - he needs trust and leadership and is unfortunately in the shadow of a leader who finds it nearly impossible to trust and share. But when he does!! Oh. My heart. Jerott's never bitter about being second best though, he's just a man who thinks he's simpler than he is, caught up in a world of complicated, fascinating, infuriating people.
2. Faramir (Lotr)
A good man trying to do good who is Never Enough for the person he looks up to. Happy to be a steward not a king, dutiful to the point of self-destruction. Thoughtful, intelligent and cultured, but generous and devoid of bitterness. Like Jyn and Cathy and lots of the others in this list, it's also particularly his relationship with another that I vibe off (I could have put Éowyn as the fave just as easily), and the way he sees in her the sadness he's experienced himself, but he chooses to reach out, to offer her a different perspective, to be kind and never bitter. Love my depressed kids who feel they'll never live up to expectations but find each other and learn to heal together.
3. Harry Goodsir (The Terror TV series)
...a pattern begins to emerge. Another good man who starts off thinking that the rules are there for a good reason, wanting to see the best in everything, believing that mutual benefit can come from a deeply imperialistic, imbalanced encounter. But he's not a pushover - he is content with his position until he feels he isn't respected and he sees his values are not those of his superiors, and then he stands up for his principles and standards. Does he become bitter? I'd say not - he's fuelled by a kind of singular, protective fury in the end, a desire to save whatever about the place can still be saved from the selfish destructiveness of his people.
4. Deborah Goren (Ripper Street)
She puts herself out for others to a point where it's almost unhealthy - and when it becomes so, she draws her boundary and says 'no more', she won't be the homewrecker when there's a chance for Reid to be this honest with Emily still. Again without bitterness or meanness, just in recognition that she can do no more without losing herself.
5. Jyn Erso (Rogue 1)
Closest thing to a protagonist so far on this list, but she's still in an ensemble piece and only effective because of that! I'm tempted to say it's specifically her connection with Cassian that makes her, and him, characters I love so much. They're mirrors, as Diego Luna said in an interview iirc, and it's by seeing each other that they remember their fire and determination to resist the empire (not that Cassian has forgotten this, but the hope he uses as a mantra has been something beyond him personally for a time, and seeing Jyn crawl her way out of the emotional pit she was in reminds him of things he's forgotten imo). Again competent and doomed, I suppose she fits my preference for secondary characters in the sense of the wider universe - she and the rest of the R1 crew are the sacrifice needed in order for the OT to happen and for Leia, Luke and Han to have their stories.
6. Daniel Molloy (IWTV TV series)
Not the protagonist, acts as a sounding board and outside perspective on the things the MC tells themself, doomed in the sense of his illness and age relative to the immortals he's found himself around...he fits the bill! He might be a bit more snarky and bitter than some of the others, but idk, I still don't think bitterness is his predominant trait - he's incisive and observant and wryly competent. I can't wait to find out more about him.
7. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars OT)
Haha this one is a protagonist Jo!! Literally the Hero on his journey!!
Well let me tell you that 10-year-old me, when first exposed to Star Wars, was not as yet familiar with old Joey C and formalist approaches to storytelling. There are a couple of reasons I think it's important to have Luke on this list. 1) I distinctly remember him being the first blorbo I had where I was like 'this trait [earnest optimism fwiw] actually annoys me deeply and yet he is still my fave. Why?' and 2) whatever media I had been consuming and whatever people I was around, it was a fixed idea for me at that point that The Hero Gets The Girl, and the sibling reveal was a '???? *animal turns its head 90 degrees to try to understand* moment. The hero doesn't become a kind of sexless monk-knight who insists fascists can be redeemed because they're dad-shaped! I joke I joke. Vader is far from dad-shaped, he's just dad. Anyway I recall being FASCINATED and vexed by Luke constantly and he was without doubt my favourite of the original trio. Was that because I thought he should be because he's positioned as the hero? Hmm. Maybe. But I remember it being a kind of thing with the people around me that liking Luke was a bit babyish, and Han was the more 'complex' 'grown-up' character. (Insert Always Sunny conspiracy board meme.jpg IT WAS THE SAME THING WITH STEPHEN GATELY OF BOYZONE WHEN I PREFERRED HIM TO RONAN something something cultural infantilisation/desexualisation of queer people (I only learnt later how many people read Luke as queer)).
Anyway, what I'm kind of getting at is the ways in which Luke is an unusual protagonist, and socially, my experience was of people not treating him as an MC because he was 'boring'. But even as a kid I knew that wasn't true and was fascinated by his repeated *decisions* to be good, to believe in the good and again, not to be embittered by what he goes through. Also the loyalty and earnestness came to be favourite aspects.
8. Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights)
Aaaaah. Uhhh. Make this one fit your theory, bitch! Well, starting simple, WH is once more an ensemble piece about the significant influence a group of people have on each other. Catherine and Heathcliff are mutually significant to each other's journey and arc and emotional development (reverse of the Jyn and Cassian pulling each other out of the mire thing though! Dragging each other down because they can't escape their social circumstances). Cathy doesn't exactly choose to be good, but her choices are motivated by a (misguided, patronising, cowardly) intention to do what she can with her situation (gender) to get ahead in the world and bring Heathcliff with her - because she can't imagine willingly 'lowering' herself to his level, he must rise. Ahh...*chews stalk of grass and surveys crop of awful faves* gives me feelings about Jerott and Marthe's marriage again. Anyway, blah blah, you get the picture - doomed to unhappiness but tries so hard to exert control over her life/others/the narrative anyway.
Also I love a mad lass who dreams of the moors. <3 #teamCathyneverdidanythingwrongever
9. Lucy Snowe (Villette)
Hahahahaha. Speaking of mad lasses! Lucy doesn't believe she's the protagonist. She's plain and weird and not meant to be The One Who Is Loved by the kind, handsome man or the mean, beautiful woman. She believes she's doomed to an unhappy ending - so much so that she even appears to summon one for herself, snatching it from the jaws of happily-ever-after. She's never upset about her position (except when she's so consumed with shame/angst/etc because she realises she let herself believe the handsome man might care for her momentarily), she's an outsider with a wry, cynical view of the people around her, but she does still crave involvement and recognition. Not at all self-aware and 1000x more entertaining for it. Also goes on a furious opium-fuelled rampage through the town, what's not to love?
10. Gudrun Brangwen (Women in Love)
Another mad lass :) Gudrun is a modern lady who thinks she's in control of her life and her sexuality. She realises way too late that she's in fact caught up in Gerald's own experimental, philosophical approach to the modern world (I wanna say like... basically a giant wager between him and Rupert) and she's still subordinate to him and his wants. It's been a long time since I read it, but her angst about the physical side of their relationship always stays with me - when she feels like a glass of wine he's draining for his own strength and she lies awake feeling unsettled and doubtful, while he sleeps it off with a masculine kind of arrogance (sorry, it's a DH Lawrence book, I'm allowed to describe it like that) after they have sex. Also when she punches that cow it's amazing. (I mean the animal, not being rude about another woman. Haha oh Lawrence you funny little man).
By and large then, it's secondary characters (my thesis was on minor characters why is this a surprise!) who exist to support the protagonist, or some other character, and whose relationships with the the protagonist/that other character make me feral, because they play a role that is meant to be kind of thankless but without them the protagonist couldn't achieve what they need to achieve/the story couldn't progress as it does. God it literally IS my thesis fml.
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gallifreyriver · 2 years
I have a question for Harry Potter fans- current and former.
Please don't take this wrong and respond hatefully because this is a genuine, good-faith question about something I've been wondering.
Ok so- JK Rowling is a terf; The Harry Potter fandom is huge; There's a ton of controversy on whether you can separate art from the artist or carry on liking HP without supporting her views.
On one hand, you can say people fell in love with the world she created, not her. On the other, she's come out saying she believes anyone still buying HP merch supports her, and she doesn't seem to care that she's lost a whole audience that used to love her books, saying that "I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly."
My question is, since the Harry Potter fandom is/was so huge, had created so many of their own works within the fandom- both in fic and in art, and hell I know a lot of you guys likely even created your own fan merch- why wouldn't just cutting her completely away from the story be an option? Why wouldn't that be a bigger "Fuck you"?
I mean, yeah I used to like the books too, though I was never super involved in the fandom and honestly thinking about the series anymore makes me sad because what she's done is just so disappointing, and obviously I totally support anyone else who just can't look at the books the same way again and would prefer to leave it behind.
But for the rest of you, instead of fighting with yourselves about which is correct why not just... reclaim the story from her for yourselves? You don't need her. What you all fell in love with was the story you (the fandom) created in your heads around her words. Her words were only the scaffold for the world you all built on your own, and you even created new stories and art based on that world. Your world. Not hers.
You don't need to buy more books or movies from her. You already wrote your own.
You don't need to buy her posters, or her merch, or her toys. You already made your own.
Not one dime needs to go to her as long as she holds her hateful beliefs, especially when you (the fandom) just always made stuff on your own and shared it because you loved to, so why not just... do that? Want more story? Someone's written fic. Want some art? Someone made that too. Want some merch? A scarf? A wand? Mug? (idk) Like I said, one of you is out there making it if it hasn't been done already. Fandom is a conversation, you don't need to include her in it when she now only says hateful things.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone shouldn't branch out to other, better, stories- absolutely do that- but it does seem sad that she just gets to rip away from all of you what isn't even hers.
I don't know if I'm even making sense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that you all built this community around a story she might have written, but you all built it better. You made it bigger, you gave it it's "muchness." I saw you all "fix-it" to parts that were problematic even before she became this bad. I remember reading posts over the years about how people in the LGBT communities related to the characters and found comfort in the community and even more recently I've seen people in the trans communities creating their own representation in HP universe- for the world you all created. Not JKR.
I ask because I've seen on here similar suggestions like with Amazon's Rings Of Power- to not watch (because Amazon/ exploitation), and how if you want more LOTR content fandom already made it and can always make more. And I read how any mention of Minecraft's shitty creator was completely wiped from the game so people could still enjoy without being exposed to/promoting his shittiness. Would doing the same with JKR be possible? Cutting her out of HP and reclaiming it for yourselves? I know I've seen some people say that having fandom still keeps her relevant, but wouldn't this be more like a Morbius situation? They see "oh everyone's talking about this online!" but then everything they put out flops because no one actually went to see the movie/buy the merch/etc?
And idk, but this just seems more effective/sends more of a message of disappointment in what she's become and how she hurt everyone who used to love her story. Like a, "Yeah, we're still doing HP, but the one we built. No, you can't sit with us."
(I'm going to say again because I know people are going to have some strong feelings surrounding HP and JKR. This a question I feel like we can have a good-faith discussion about. I'm not interested in anyone starting fights over this post and I won't be interacting with anyone coming at this in bad faith or screaming at me or others because they've chosen to take a question as somehow an endorsement of JKR's hateful behavior.)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hi i saw you were doing ships & i wanted to join in on the fun! i’d like to request ships for lotr, marvel, and stranger things please! i already follow so i reblogged five posts & did a shoutout <3
i’m bisexual & my pronouns are she/her. i’m a gryffindor, my mbti is INFJ, and i’m a gemini sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising. i’m 5’7. i have long wavy blond hair and hazel eyes. i have ADD i’m constantly switching between special interests. i have a gemini stellium so i’m a chameleon & really just match the energy that others give me. i’m more shy & reserved at first until i get to know someone, then good luck shutting me up /lh. i like reading but i never find the time for it. i’m crafty and i like painting. my sense of humor is pretty sarcastic and i can be sassy. i’m generally a chill, laidback person. i love cats. i’m very empathetic and do a lot of humanitarian work. i also like gardening, animals, and nature.
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You just taught me something! I didn't know what a stellium was until now, so thank you! I hope we can be friends/mutuals xx
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏:
✧ Wholesome  ✧ Good-hearted ✧ Soft-natured ✧ Gentle  ✧ Caring
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Chrissy Cunningham. Oh my GOD YOU TWO WOULD BE THE SWEETEST MOST WHOLESOME PAIR. She would absolutely love you to bits. There wouldn’t be a day where you felt lonely or unloved, because Chrissy constantly shows you affection and care.
・You love watching her perform; you’re constantly being looked at weird because you cheer her on from the crowd (always being the loudest). She’ll look for you during a game and gives the biggest smile when she spots you 
・Calling her ‘Sweetheart,’ ‘Babe,’ ‘Baby’. And she calls you ‘My love,’ ‘Darling,’ ‘Pumpkin.’ 
・Doing each other’s hair, nails, makeup etc. You match outfits, or at least have some sort of matching piece of clothing/accessory 
・Making her laugh is one of the best feelings in the world. You’d fall down a flight of stairs if it meant you’d see that smile
・Relationship Tropes;
  ✧ Sweet Cinnamon Bun x I Will Kill Anyone Who Dares Hurt You
  ✧ Highschool Sweethearts
  ✧ Finishing Eachother’s Sentences
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Chrissy loves your authenticity, how genuine you are. She doesn’t have to put on a facade or pretend to be other than she is. You allow her to be her true self, and you do not judge. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Eddie Munson. The two of you are like a ball of energy whenever you’re together. You bounce off of each other and it’s like dumb and dumber - one is always making the other laugh. 
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I ship you with Steven Grant from Moon Knight! You and Steven would be so comforted around each other. Always feeling like you can be yourself. He loves having someone to come home to, to rely on and care for. 
・Steven is the absolute sweetest man alive. He would tOTALLY bring you home flowers, gifts from the gift shop (if you haven’t seen Moon Knight - he works at a museum) 
・Your apartment is covered in books and you’re always trying to sort them out, but then Steven will bring home another bag full. 
     “They were just sitting on the street love! I couldn’t just leave them there-”
・Oh and his pet names for you are, ‘Love, My love, Sweetheart, Darling.’ 
・He may not have the most knowledge about battle, but he does his damn best to always keep you safe. Whenever there’s danger, he’ll push you behind him and shield you with his body. 
・And when there’s a loud noise in the middle of the night, he’ll grab the bat near his bed, tell you to wait there and find the source himelf. Although he would be absolutely shitting his pants. He would still protect you. 
・Relationship Tropes:
  ✧ Thinking His Love Is Unrequited x You Thinking He Doesn’t Care About You (in reality you both absolutely adore each other but are waiting for the other to show signs of this.) 
  ✧ Two Nerds Nerding Out Together About Nerd Stuff
  ✧ He Can’t Believe Someone Like You Would Notice Someone Like Him
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Steven loves that you don’t judge him. He feels constantly put down by people at work, and he feels so out of place around the general public. He just wants to live a normal life. But you come along and tell him it’s fine to be exactly who you are. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Your best friend would be Thor. You met when he accidentally landed in your backyard, injured and alone. You nursed him back to health, and yes you did have a crush on him. But he was away all the time, so anything romantic seemed to fizzle out. You have great conversations, and love hearing about his home and adventures. 
𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with the BEAUTIFUL Arwen! I think you would work well because she is similar in the same aspect as Chrissy and Steven, where she has so much love and kindness towards everyone. However, she is much more graceful and powerful than the other two. 
・She listens to every goddamn thing you have to say. You want to tell her about your childhood? Good I want to know EVERYTHING about you. You want to tell me about what you had for breakfast? Okay I love it. You want to tell me about this weird dream you had? I’m all ears. 
・Arwen absolutely ADORES that you do humanitarian work. That’s something that is close to her heart - helping others. And she would love to accompany you with anything to do with that. 
・She calls you pet names in Sindarin; ‘ Nin emel’ meaning ‘My heart.’ 
・Relationship Tropes;
  ✧ Badass Power Couple 
  ✧ Will They Or Won’t They (they will)
  ✧ Forbidden Love Turned Into Not Caring About What Others Say
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
The love you have for things that many others do not care about. How you care about animals, when others hunt them, where you care about nature, but many others trample and rip out the earth. Your caring nature astounds Arwen, and she loves it.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Samwise - I think you’d love how loyal he is to Frodo. How he is a hero but doesn’t get a lot of credit. Samwise literally helped on every adventure, he was the reason that everything turned out fine - but he was barely recognised as someone who did anything useful. I think you would see that in him, and give him credit. This would bring tears to his eyes. 
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, October 18
Oz : Don't touch her again. Veruca : Come stop me. I like it rough, remember? Oz : You wanna hurt me, hurt me. You leave her out of this. Veruca : How can I? She's the reason you're living in cages. She's blinding you. When she's gone, you'll be able to admit what you are. Oz : You don't wanna find out what I am. Veruca : You're an animal. Animals kill. Oz : You're right. (Advancing towards her.) We kill.
~~Buffy Episode #62: "Wild at Heart"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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"Happy Halloween, Girl!" (Faith, M, Final Fantasy xover) by apachefirecat
An Eternal Decision (Spike/Buffy, Joyce, T) by apachefirecat
Reversal (Xander, G, Iron Man xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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just like heaven (Buffy/Spike, M) by EmilytheSlayer
Locker Room Talk (Lindsey, E, Leverage xover) by TheologyDiscography
Ante Up (Spike/Angel, T) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
Moment of Pain (Wesley, G) by NAOA
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Stake your bets (Faith/Reader, unrated) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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God Complex Ch. 1/? (OC, Ensemble,M) by pfftcrush
A Numbers Game (Spike/Angel, E) by girlpire
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Bound Chapter 28 Twisted Sister (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by spnae
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Absolute Destiny Ch. 3 (Buffy/Faith, T) by Forgotten Conscience
The Sun Ch. 18 (Willow/Tara, T) by heckate
Shadow Over Hellmouth Ch. 1 (Buffy/Tara, T) by Tuxedo Mark
The Footprints Left Behind Ch. 4 (Buffy/Xander, M) by Willow-98
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The Footprints Left Behind, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Willow91
Take Me Out, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MillennialCryBaby
Willing Slave, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
Needs Must, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, G) by EllieRose101
After Last Night , Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by alittlemoretime
If Only, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MixSaysRawr
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Consequences of Bargaining, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, T) by All4Spike
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Did You Ever Know, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, ) by violettathepiratequeen
No Remedy for Memory, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
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Darkest Before the Dawn CH. 61 (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by Luna
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Blood in a mug (Spike) by inkcalamities
Artwork:Buffy sketches () by chrispypapas
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Who Are You?” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Vamp WIllow () by goofwarrior
Artwork:Lil Ripper () by goofwarrior
Artwork:Spike () by goofwarrior
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Video: spike + buffy | tonight is gonna be the loneliest () by
Video: l0veisntbrains () by
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Artwork:Buffy The Vampire Slayer Pinup Fan Art by Emma Munger
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22 5.12 Checkpoint by handsofabitterman
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PODCAST: Episode 87: Restless by Mythtaken
[Community Announcements]
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Call For Banners by seasonal_spuffy
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Call For Banners by seasonal_spuffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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I'm looking for fics where spike is turned into a girl. by slytherinbrat15
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I've stopped listening to Buffy podcasts. by baumanhp
does anyone know a good Buffy podcast where Buffy is someone’s favourite character? by baumanhp
Why does the Boom Buffy comic love the idea of Xander getting played and victimized? by confusedguytoo
Buffy is by far the most complex and interesting character in the whole buffyverse by baumanhp
What makes a hero? (Vid commentary) by girl4music
I also dropped off reading the Buffy comics after they cancelled “Angel and Spike”, and now I have no idea where to start in order to catch up! by buffythecomicslayer, mostharshrepose
the Season 2 finale of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ is not that different or dissimilar to Season 5’s finale. by girl4music
So did Willow really turn into a Goddess at the end of the series or was Kennedy just being a simp for her? by girl4music
Spike Turning You Into A Vampire Would Include by multifandomfix
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Thoughts on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) by Key_Shallot_2415
how do the morticians deal with the missing bodies?? by JJRGuitarMan69
The Vampire Slayer by vetworker24
What is your favourite podcast that covers the series by RyanRebalkin
Just realised that three of the show’s most unpopular storylines involve substance abuse by unappliedknowledge
Where did Adam keep the ammo he fired from the minigun in his arm? by Malk_McJorma
Something Blue, S4ep9 by Cazolyn
Poll - Character you wanted to take more accountability for their actions by InfiniteMehdiLove
Willow taking over for Jenny by chemeli888
Question about Angel season 3 episode 1 “Heartthrob” by cutestcatlady
buffy and faith by Normal_Pay963
Angelus vs Glory: Which is your favorite villain? by Opening_Knowledge868
The whole Jasmine thing. by missxfaithc
Are any of the buffy books good? by Naive547
How was Enyos death possible? by omegaskunkeh
Character foils by LightBlueSky55
For those who have been fans for 20 years, how do you explain the significance of BTVS by 3littlebirds__
Any Buffyverse theories or headcanons that you firmly stand by despite having little to no evidence by same1224
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PODCAST: Episode 87: Restless by Mythtaken
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Rankings by thegameofnerds
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy's Return Turns Her into a Snob (& It's a Genius Change) by Screen Rant
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floodland, spirit phone, and symbols for the f/o ask game? (for anyone you like, or even multiple)
*dances bc i chose eds*
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floodland - what is your favorite thing about your f/o, whether it be something appearance-related, or personality-related? Good question bc ... for eddie its just... everything about him 🥺🥺 Like...ok to begin with it's his personality because.. jesus fuck- he is such a badass and a rebel.. skeptic kid omfg.. yet god i love his god-wholesome awful puppy eyes bc they break me internally so for god's sake i'd do anything to spoil him when he gives me those,,, stupid puppy eyes... I also love how badass he gets for being a rebel in nature-- even at the,,, end of the book (fl1ght of 1carus coughs coughs ok debate what you want but ill never not think of him also in the BOOK) but i wont say spoilers in case bc,,, yes. but i will say about what he does in the book that i fucking love :" ) I love that omg.. he is such a simp in nature and and and omfg i loVE that he talks so much about LOTR!!!! I don't know anything abt LOTR and oMFG... he even gives his bestie Ronnie (My GIRL ILY forever(tm) ) a 1 hour lECTURE of Elven politics of Tolkien??? Like hoNEY!? Ronnie in the book was like 'uh yeah excuse me im done" roNNIE GIVE HIM to mE BC I wouldn't MIND It when he will talk LOTR on me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 just let him to the talking to me ill listen-
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anYWAYS appearance? I... ever since i was 10 years old, im always into men with long hair- Eddie's such a bonUS-- him w/ a badass battle jacket? SO freaking RAD!!!! I love that most of his room is bunch of metal band posters,, I wouldn't know if he knew most of the hits but im sure he is a big judas priest fan- and a accept, King diamond fan bc... after THOSE posters it really mADE ME LISTEN ALL OF those!! and im ... thankful for learning more of them on the way. It's been a year and.. one of my favorite band albums,,, from one of Eddie's band's is probably Accept's album; Russian Roulette. I would suggest it if anyone wants to hear it too omfg.
spirit phone - does your f/o believe in the supernatural? (if they are a supernatural creature, how do they react to people who don’t believe in them?) Oh eddie? Idk... I.. oh m y god Eddie sure has debated about whether he believes in aliens or not,, but i think he pretty much does... he really is the type to believe on them.. Sometimes.. he doesn't believe much like fairies, big foot, moth man etc. so.. hes a skeptic sometimes... but when it comes to space, he always go with deep questions like... 'what if life is actually out there other than earth??" "are we like... not alone in this universe?"
symbols - what’s a popular misconception about your f/o?
Honestly... I would say somethin controversial and unpopular thing but... i think i'd skip that one bc that... wOULD hit a yikes into my card in this hellsite so... I'll put other thoughts instead if you excuse me,,, omg.. a really big misconception is people think Eddie's necklace is either Red, or black-
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uh look, I realized by research... it's actually tortoise shell made! because it's not even red or black! It's a color of darker brown with half transparency with it...
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honestly seeing that,, it really made sense!! another one? The ring Eddie was wearing?
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its not dark, its actually a vintage looking mood ring-
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this really made me felt like I resemble him a lot bc... i actually own a mood ring that has a hermes theme to it.. it looks old as well : ) I got it from the planetarium in Salt lake city..
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