#does anyone know their shipname. do they even have one
nastronde · 4 months
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persona 3 sketches because reload is making me lose my mind like im 13 again
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loptrcoptr · 2 months
It’s come to my attention that a lot of people in the BES fandom are new to fandom-culture in general (or lack there of; we denizens of tumblr are residents of a cesspool) and don’t know a lot of general old school online manners, laid down in Days of Yore by earlier generations. So let me bring up a crucial one that is generally being ignored on tumblr in the BES-sphere: ship tagging!
I am not doing this to condescend, I genuinely want to be helpful and to help us all enjoy our enclosure and our enrichment in said enclosure together. I think a lot of grief going around the blue eye samurai world on social media could be solved if everyone remembered one good old cardinal rule of fandom bullshit:
you do not put ship wank in a ship’s general tag.
let me say that one more time in different terms:
If you want to rant about how much you hate a ship, general practice has always been, on tumblr anyway, not to do so in the safe space created for said ship.
once again, lemme be very clear; I don’t give one rat’s ass or 800 collective asses of rats what you ship, why you ship it, whether you ship anything at all, why you hate x y z, etc. That’s great, that’s what fandom is for! Enjoy yourself! The issue is that there’s all this infighting fuckery going on that is exhausting to even watch from the sidelines, and I think there’s a lot of confusion as to why anyone is fighting over any of this shit at all as it is 2024 and ship wars are 2011 superwholock garbage that we all collectively agreed to jettison into space by 2015, ya feel me?
(and if you like to start shit and throw hands then obv this post isn’t for you as you know what you’re doing, this is for the folks who don’t know and are confused as to why they can’t rant without blowback)
So if you’ve gotten on tumblr recently and noticed your anti-ship post blowing up for some reason or other and asked yourself “Jesus why are these assholes from that ship always coming for me?? They’re such dicks!!” ask yourself:
did I tag them in my post?
Because when you tag a ship in a post about how much you hate it, it’s not a beacon that says “Hear Ye Hear Ye, Interacteth Not Ye Fuckos From Ship I Hate, This Is About How Much I Hate Your Ship”. For that to be the case, you would need old-school anti-ship tag nomenclature, like this: #anti-[shipname] or #[shipname] wank. Those tags would communicate your intent to rant, which is your sacred fandom right to enjoy doing! It is not, however, your sacred fandom right to enjoy doing it in the wrong space, that’s what’s happening here. A post that tags a ship with its normal tag, but whose content is anti/wank content about said ship, sends the signal: “ayyooo, who would like to debate this with me?”
So, does all that make sense? If you tag your post analyzing all the reasons why you think a ship sucks with #ship, you are encouraging everyone who ships that ship to interact with your post. It’s like rocking up to somebody’s house, ringing the doorbell, and saying “I hate your fugly ass piece of shit house, asshole” and then getting irritated when the homeowner responds with “who the fuck are you, get off my lawn?!”
#anti-[shipname], #[shipname] hate (forgot about that one, also useful), and #[shipname] wank do two very useful things:
1) They let other people who want to gleefully rant with you know that you’re on the level and they give like minded individuals a chance to follow those tags so you can have more rant sessions together, and
2) they minimize likelihood of involvement by the shippers you’re ranting about, who can block the tag, while keeping the ship’s normal tag open for the people who enjoy it
tldr; *swordfather voice* it would be bitchin if people could stop bitchin in the wrong places so that we can all coexist like adults here, touch some grass, and chill. Tag ship hate #anti-[shipname], #[shipname] wank, or #[shipname]-hate and keep it out of the general pro-ship tags :)
if your response to this is “don’t tell me what to do, cuntwaffle” or “I have an unhealthy relationship with the idea of shipping and think no one should have a safe environment to enjoy media except me and people I agree with so I will continue to poison the waters” then ok, cool beans, keep on chooglin’; but know that everytime you walk into a tea party you weren’t invited to and yell I HATE YOUR FUCKING TEA YOUR TEA SUCKS ASS blowback is a bit inevitable
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
What are your opinions on solo leveling ships?
I dont mind the ships that are weird or out of nowhere, honestly I like to ship it too, I have limits on what kinds of ships I like, yes, but I just dont interact with them instead of disliking it(worse things have appeared in larger fandoms so im just null to it and prefer leaving it alone) .
It's Solo Leveling and it's no1 pairing is literally a crossover ship so its not like anyone is inmune to crack ships or non canon realted ships :) /
So far these are all the ships I have in my backpack or weird mind, also yes im making up the shipnames as I go uwu/ :
Gamers/AhYoo (Sung Jin-Ah x Yoo Jin-Ho)
Absolutely out of nowhere. Like there wasnt even a sparing glance of this ship whatsoever and then BAM epilogue says the are dating. Confusing as hell in canon. In fandom its quite nice the ideas that pop up so— but at the same time SL is known for its out of nowhere things. (Kinda. I did think there would have been some points in Jin-Ahs life and Jin-Hos were thry could know about each other. Jin-Ho knew the phone number of the house, where he lived, Jin-Ah probably wasnt unaware completely anout Jin-Ho. Its obvious that Jin-Woo post rewind would have introduced him to the family.)
I love the idea that Jin Ah is a pro-gamer (she might have become one in the next life now that she isnt studying to be a doctor for her mom. It was always referenced just how much she loved games, and its also really cute knkwing that Jin-Ho created his own gaming company :3 so like
Headcanoning that she would always help him beta test the games and since she was well aware of what kind of games were popular, it would be cool to see her being a major help in Ahjin corp's success.
Maybe they met through games too, would be a cute AU
But yeah I dont think there is much to say with the ship mainly being wholesome and pure. I do like those kinds of sships when it comes to slice of life but in action i need more drama spiked up to an 11.
JinHae [the name was from @soulintheskies ](Cha Hae-In x Sung Jin-Woo)
Again its not that bad of a match, a lot of people say its forced and i do agree to some extent, but then again its not a bad match, at least not fanon-wise.
Canon just always tries to pair people up with what seems to be the mantra of "perfect couple that will never fight each other so you totally dont have to worry about them breaking up" or in the more special of canon cases its "pair the hottest girl to the main character and it works! she is just a trophy wife after all :D" and JinHae does fall under that I wont lie.
And honestly, Its fine.
From SL Ragnarok I canactually see more of that love put into work and since it gives Hae-In character I have started to genuenly love the ship.
And thats a big deal for me bc I was at first a huge anti to this ship (Not to the point of hating others but I did constantly hate Cha HaeIn, and the way people elogated her to be the absolute best thing ever and her being the main love interest. I m chill with it now but boi was 2018-21 ship wars the worst)
That is until I geniuely started looking up at the content for her and reading the novel, and all I can say is
Yeah the author is a simp.
But Hae-In's character, for me, had fallen too much due to the romance aspect. They focused on her acting as a plot device for Jin-Woo to always rescue her that theve forgotten she was a character with like feelings and stuff and not just love interest.
Like she legit had all the more power to be a far more complex character even if her character revolved around Jin-Woo.
Detective Hae-In as to why Jin-Woo smells good and suddenly uncovering the whole war between the monarchs and the Rulers before anyone else? or about the system? I tell you we were robbed.
At least she got to be there for him in rough times which im happy for Jin-Woo of all people he needs it. Just as I am happy there were also more people in Jin-Woos life apart from Hae In that knew and were there for him.
As much problems as I have with it, the AUs are still fine for me.
Bc Like, fanon gives her the ability to actually express her felings over the whole situation instead of just "welp she is the hot wife now :)"
Like Ive loved the fics that go into into her thoughts of living with such a powerful being in her house, ranging from thrill to full on slice of life.
I liked the fics were she gets to have her fights.
Ive liked the reading and writting more platonic scenes with them than i have enjoyed of quite literally every other m/f ship in other fandoms.
I love how sometimes Hae-In just accepts whetever the fuck Jin-Woo is, like she is so real for that.
The ship can also work well with a lot of different themes if the roles are just purely reversed or are kept. Like they both are also quite diverse in character and I love that about them. Heck my biggest fic brainrot IS them.
Yes I want them to keep being Malewife x Girlboss that will never change in my mind.
but then there is the height difference, the god and mortal trope, the cute x unhinge, princess x knight (Hae In is the knight do not take this from me), "will always find you", soulmates, chill x chaos, black and white, (and orange was also the contrast to purple which like ??? they fit that too??), confident x internal screams, moral support and love birds, and obviously
the uwu/\owo
and if you dont want to follow canon at all its even more fun for me!
Because we got Fem DOM-- *gets shot*
they are adorable i admit
(but chu gong for gods sake it should have been exploreddddddd. I have to stop ranting about them honestly. BUT WE WERE ROBBED)
gasp omg detective Hae-In and serial killer jinwoo
SunPark (Sung Il-Hwang x Park Kyung-Hye)
Oh they are great
No other comments they are perfect, they are my goals for real---
Im happy about them being just themselves
they show love bro, they show they care
I was fine with Ill Hwangs death and the park appeared and i broke
I was this close to calling it sleepyflame
Igris x Sung jin-Woo:
Top Tier shit
Beru x Sung jin-Woo:
Till this day im still processing this:
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ChulWoo (Woo Jin-Chul x Sung Jin-Woo)
Look look look I get I just said the powerbalance for JinHae might be bad, and this one would be definetly worse.
But at the same time Jin-Chul would have a chokehold on this man so I dont mind it. (dont tell me he wont when he was both a boss for JinWoo and still kept working as a chairman during the apocalypse. SLR also had a huge reason but i wont spoil it here)
Its my favorite too (altho not my top, just right with JinHae)
And because it feels right?
Like most of the complains that range in between the JinHae and Jinwoo x Johee ship wars are completely obliterated because this man fufills every card on the list.
"X isnt fit for jinwoo beuse it never met E rank JinWoo" sucks for you Jin-Chul was the first to notice him and go out of his way to keep him alive, this mans small actions that went unrecognized by I freaking know half the fandom and also the rest of the SL world literally saved the entire uiverse they are in.
"X character did nothing for JinWoo" My mans the sole reason the show even started, my mans tried to stop two S ranks from fighting, my mans did everything he could to understand JinWoo and the internal struggles he might be going through both as the chief of survaillance and then as a chair man (SL Ragnarok does not do him dirty in the list my mans FOUGHT for giving JinWoo a better life as well as the lives of everyone.)
"X is not powerful" Look the world if filled with too many S ranks, put those back, he is capable of dealing with S ranks, he is capable of defending himself, and there is literally nothing more dangerous than JinWoo so, even if its not romantic he does care about him so he will be fine :v.
"X is just there for his power " Brother he wishes S ranks didnt cause him 20x the paperwork.
Actually E rank Jin Woo taken care of by Jin-Chul is quite cute ngl. It gives me Scum villain Bingqiu vibes.
(Or maybe thats just me due to the Jinchul isekai fic on ao3 I wrote bro-)
Either way they also have a wholesome dynamic withing fandom, and with canon it was explored far better than any other relationship with Jin-Woo apart from that of his family.
its crazy how we also know SHIT about him, like JinHae again, but this one doesnt feel dependent of Jin-Woo whatsoever, hes got his life worked out before jin-Woo came into the picture, hes got his principles (somewhere more of a true neutral than morally good) and they both complement each other quite well.
I think I can also be more relaxed with this one bc its not a canon ship.
Also finding love in your 30s hits that kind of a soft spot for me, you know. And its not like it would have been an instant dating for them either, they would both seemed to be more focused on other things than themselves, like work and family. Which makes it feels so casual and calm, especially over the whole crisi that they have to face.
Coming back from a long day of work to a cup of coffee and a warm chair as you look out the window, thats the kinds of vibes i get from these two.
Then theres that other fanon idea of making Jin-Woo an all out Yandere for JinChul that im so here for.
LiuSung (Liu Zhigang x Sung Jin-Woo)
They are so insane for real.
They likely fuck all the time
Pretty hoes AND FOR WHAT
No really I do think I like this one from all the hotness that they pull.
Its literally the definition of " I Ship It because its hot men"
And I stand, good for that.
Good for them.
They embody every sexual energy in the room and I love that.
They are both such trophies
They are drama queens but they will do it just to be little shits.
FireTiguer (Choi Jong In x Baek Yoon Ho)
Tier shit again
Its canon
Its absolutely true
They are so real for existing
They are so real for Malewife Yoon Ho and Girlboss Jong In
They are so freaking perfect
Pass me the weddding documents im arranging their marriage
Girl I dont care if Yoon Ho is a daddy now he is still Jong In's boyfriend and ill stand by this until SL Ragnarok gives me an actual reason to care for the wife! (And I swear, gay or good character mother development im not taking anything else.)
But like they are so craxy for this for real
It works too freaking well
Wayyy to well (oh no wonder they gave Yoon Ho a wife! They knew! THEY KNEW —)
N1 (Thomas Andre x Sung Jin-Woo)
Oh I can smell the Himbo all the way from here.
trust me I get the vibes tho i dont usually browse it, I like another Thomas ship more, but this one still is in my mind
very wholesome too actually
that or I need to stop reading a lot of gen
Legit they will do crimes toguether and im happy for them
Legit they would fight and then go on with their day and thats probably their comunication now that I think about it.
Thomas i s just one big puppy for his black cat and im like, hell yeah that shits great.
LiuAndre/KamishBros (Thomas Andre x Liu Zhigang)
(They were in fact, gay)
JinLee (Sung Jin-Woo x Lee Ju-Hee)
Oh so calm.
But at the same time *slams table* NEED CHEMISTRY PLEASE
I love them. I used to watch amv vids of them, they were lifeline
It was actually my first ship because I thought it was going to be end game
It wasnt and I was pretty sad
But their platonic friendship was also something I would have loved to see
Healing toguether? yes please!
Overcoming their strenghts? Yes please!
A fairly good wholesome male and female friendship? Id give you my entire homelife please im starving for that content.
Juhee becoming the third memeber too would have been so much better, she didnt need to do anything but the friendship between Jin-Ho, Ju-Hee and Jin-Woo would have been so wholesome to see legit.
Infierno (Sung Jin-Woo x Esil Radir)
Putting that tag name because of the Infierno tiktok with jinwoo and Esil and since there its been stuck in my mind
Just... They are partners in crime, they will always be partners in crime fr.
These bitches kill like its second nature
Im honestly quite fascinated by this ship. It gives "i will betray everything for you" vibes.
"I will destroy the world for you" vibes too
Demon x human is a hohoho for me too
Deal with the devil, and its the cutest devil ever
It would have also been fun of JinWoo helping her integrate into society, even when he too is like, super bad at it. bro only knows dungeons.
Yoosung (Sung Jin-Woo x Yoo Jin-Ho)
And dude its so wholesome id be willing to give up my money for it being canon too. Again its just the cutest thing ever and I love that for them.
They are sugar and spice and everything nice
They are my cold water in the mornings.
Sugar, sugar for real.
Bad blood (Sung Jin-Woo x Goto Ryuji)
They got bad bloo—
No actually i dont know how to put it as a ship name, sounds way too corny for these mfs, even this one.
But anyways
HOT DAMN how did they get away with making it this hot
Its legit so good im dying about it. I need to call someone to stop me from being addicted to this ship.
The shits so good mostly for the middle aged freaking dilf.
Its like- its like really good.
Gourmet shit
The way I get whipped by these too.
Huh good for them. These bitches got it all:
Rivals, benefit partners, swicharo and it will still look good, their power dynamic is even jucier than anyone in this list.
Like you cant get better than this (you can)
They got a dilf bro. Look at this man! Look at freaking sugar baby-able Jin Woo is.
Look at how the enemies to lovers through sparring for reallllll
That aside, i do find it really fun just how versatile these two can be and since Goto is mainly an antagonist he does have quite a lot of room for development that can turn into good character growth if executed perfectly. Said arcs can also be good for Jin Woo since it lets him latch on to more of his kinder or humane side, as well as having a room to talk with, favorably more expirienced adults about things he doesnt know. Like legit Jin Woo could use a lot of guides through this sudden life changing shift, not just through new and more powerful fights but a drastic economic change to his daily life and how to balance it.
There are a lot of more expirienced and stronger people out there, yes, but Goto fits in there better than Liu, Christopher or Thomas who mainly look like they are ready to fight everytjing that comes their way rather than be some sort of mentor to anyone. Whereas others like Lennart dont have much interaction with him, and by the end of Jeju JinWoo has basically outcompeted the others in Korea so he might want to look for stronger international power level type partners.
it also adds a lot of flavor for me towards Jin Woos relationships with other people since we see that he will instantly kill anyone that wrongs him, and yet there would be Goto who he is dating while constantly being degrated by the man, not in a bad way really, just nagging him about doing things the wrong way in wife mode and him learning from that.
Dilf tsundere is also good 🤌
ChaLee (Cha Hae-In x Lee Ju-Hee)
wlw wins this one
Thay would make such a cute couple
For the sake of Hae In its really hard for her to pair her with someome else due to her smell, but the ship is still cute as heck, and it wouldnt be soo bad if maybe Ruler! Ju-Hee uwu just a thought uwu
Hae in could help Ju Hee also overcome her fears of the monsters. They both would like habe a safe place withing each other
Its so sugar i swear
MagicTank (Lennart Niermann x Thomas Andre)
Bro that looks so cool you so genius for this
Bro the height and body difference
Bro the everything difference
Bro the way Lennart saved Thomas from a freaking Monarch I lobe you my baby boy have the card for character with the biggest balls in this series muak
Bro the way it would also look so cute cuz i picture Lennart always having a soft german accent that still has its serious tone to it
And then there is thomas who is anything but serious
Bro it would be so cute thinking how soft Thomas would be for Lennart meanwhile lennart is 24/7 more confused than anything about how the n1 strongest hunter suddenly laid eyes upon him, like out of nowhere.
He wasnt even in the top ten and yet Thomas just choose him???
Oh thatd be cute af
Draw sword (Goto Ryuji x Reiji Sugimoto)
Honestly it's freaking good
Like I didn't expect to gravitate into it and then I did. It was stuck in my mind ever since and this might just be from the fanfics
It also somehow seems to be far more wholesome than Goto/Jin-Woo huh.
I guess I get that found family vibe with the both of them taking care of the draw sword guild S ranks.
And that's cool I like that :v
Found family but they all a bunch of rats >>>>
MinLee (Min Byung Gyu x Lee Ju-Hee)
Mn yesss doctor x nurse ship mhm bros perfect.
I think the healing together part will actually be the cutest thing here and honestly they deserve their healing arc
They deserved so much better with everything imo
Sung Jin-Woo/Antares
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....Edit: I am so sorry I accidentally clicked the post button again dammit!
More platonic than romantic:
JinYi (Han Song Yi x Sung Jin-Ah)
Cute and lovely, honestly I think this might be the only one that isn't shipped as much, but I like to do it because childhood friends is my favorite trope
Aura (Thomas Andre x Laura)
Hell yeah to Laura and Thomas being thre friking best of friends.
They are just the freaking best
They have taken me away
I love this, I love the story just for this, this is like the biggest glow up due to how starve I am for any kind of man and female platonic friendship and this one is just Hella good, Hella perfect. I'm in fuking love with their friendship.
Number 1
This is the best thing ever made alright
Best thing ever
Top tier shit
Will not elaborate
They are fucking soulmates
No one can take this away from me.
I crown every one who makes more of this ship
I bless you
I thank you
Bow down to you bro
And seriously this is like 100× filled with more potential for everything
They will live in my heart bitches.
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angellongtail · 9 months
Demon King LMK AU
yknow what I'ma try and do my best to ramble and people can ask me questions from there! If yall want more lemme know! I have many thoughts and a whole doc on this bad boi!
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Everything will be under the cut!
So my OC Jay is placed in Wukongs spot as the great sage, he's a stone monkey demon, he uses his shapeshifting/glamour to make it look like he has horns and a skeleton tail, all purely for the aesthetic. He has many titles much like actual Wukong. He is MK’s mentor/technical biological father and will do anything for his friends and family… even if it means leaving them or dying. He has an on and off fling with Spider Queen (The shipname is DemonicWebs <3) . He’s also a CEO of a pretty big video game studio that helps him work on his video games and he also has a movie studio that makes movies for him.
Jay originally when MK was created was super excited and felt so ready to have a successor, he even prepared everything he wanted to teach MK. Eventually, however, he started feeling inadequate and felt like he couldn't truly protect and raise MK properly. Which was taking a toll on him. That anxiety got worse when someone (Macaque) anonymously sent a fancy letter to Jay that threatened him and his kid which scared Jay down to his core, which caused him to hide MK's demon qualities, erase MK's mind, and put him in Pigsy’s noodle shop, for his own safety.
When MK is an adult he makes regular appearances at Pigsys Noodles to check in on his son, in disguise of course. Although he gets a sort of Tony Hawk treatment where people know who he is but won’t believe him when he says he is Jay. Whenever he’s needed to make public appearances he uses his human disguise, For the movies and shows he’s been in his human disguise most of the time only showing his true form in front of a few select people. Once MK has the staff and is training under Jay, Jay is actually pretty quick in admitting about being MK's actual dad and it takes a while for MK to think about Jay's reasons and if he should forgive Jay or not for essentially abandoning him.
Jay and Macaque adopted each other as brothers, since they were technically the 'weird kids' in monkey society and mostly bullied because of it, and used to always say they were blood-related. As kids they did everything together and practically dragged each other everywhere. Eventually doing the immortality quests, their training, and getting weapons and armor together. Macaque was Jay's right-hand man even before Jay became Monkey King. Whenever they left Flower-Fruit Mountain, they would look into other people's lives for stories that they could perform for the monkeys and demons of Flower-Fruit Mountain, although they often exaggerated details and made some things up to make the stories interesting. That’s actually how Macaque found out he liked performing shadow plays and it's how Jay figured out that he liked being an Actor. Jay and Macaque were essentially dramatic theatre kids.
Jay quite literally paused his journey to the west to give Macaque a memorial service after killing him for Tripitaka's survival. Jay pulled everything he could in the moment to properly mourn his brother, giving Macaque the best funeral any mortal or immortal could ever get. Once Macaque revived and found himself under one of his favorite trees on FFM, he's sorta had a feeling of favor ever since and the need to get Jay back for it.
Macaque in this AU has several jobs; he works at his dojo training kids and adults alike, does his shadowplays, and has a little part-time job at a quiet cafe of sorts. He eventually interacts with his customers too, once he realizes that he likes this job. He gets a lot of tips since his voice is so smooth that it calms just about anyone that he’s talking to. Although he tends to humble any Karens that come in when he needs to, he tends to out-Karen them most of the time. He goes viral every time he humbles someone, in or out of work. His boss is fully on Macaque's side when it comes to all this as he manages to keep calm and can take a hit or two if need be.
Mk's Seasons 1+2 conflict/arc in this AU is panicking over his new role as hero and his identity crisis. That solidifies his identity enough for Seasons 3+4 to be about MK getting his powers and staff back from LBD/defeating LBD, and then becoming insecure about his ability to protect and be there for his friends which results in him becoming a bit clingy after Azure Lion withers away.
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grahamcarmen · 10 months
No i didn't send a ask yet i was just checking to see if you got the ask since a previous ask i send to another blogger was never answered.
anyway, deep thought but if you think about it when people ship carmen and grey back at vile academy and during each one's brainwashing you're essentially shipping different characters making redcrackle have plenty of subcategories, what would be your ship name for each categorie( I can't be bothered to list how many there are i'm sorry).
also also, have you seen kitsukits redcrackle "arcade" amv and AuroralovesMCSM's "Carmen and grey being in love for 5 minutes and 30 seconds" complication video.
Oh ok!
I can see that lol.
I don't romantically ship them at the VILE academy stage [even if I do believe its an important dynamic to their overall relationship] because thats where its strictly platonic. But since I have been around around long enough that I know that people sometimes people use ship as just a relation"ship" marker [hi ouat I know you guys weren't actually shipping certain peeps lol. Like they had platonic ship names regularly and most people understood that :p] that part would probably be cracklesheep or graysheep because thats when carmen was just Black sheep and gray didn't have any attachment to his name graham but also wasn't hard line about being crackle yet.
Carmen looking at Graham looking at her romantically and going 👉👈maybe maybe? And allowing carmen to take the initiative in prioritizing her protective feelings over him?and lowkey allowing graham to again gain affection for her in an entirely different light...Hmmm
Svdjdkdokd i guess grahamcarmen or carmgray because she is still insisting on calling him gray and ascribing his new flirtation and doing good as like a mishmash
Gray pretending that she would have made the choice to be carmen while being on the island with that sinking feeling that no. carmen exists because she was chose to leave and connect with the outside world? And more than just acknowledging it wanting to protect it at the cost of what he valued most? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tbh I've really grown attached to red crackle not just because its the first way to make it clear that i want these 2 to kiss because its the clear romantic shipname lol but also because its kinda what they choose to portray themselves as. Carmen using her red coat and name from the outfit she got off the island to signal the need to stop VILE to anyone who can find her and Crackle as a codename of the path that gray is choosing to follow even as he finds something good inside him trying to make it to the surface
and their relationship allowing them to clash but also want to look past that to the people who made these choices because they care about them.
And what makes it fun is that those subcategories include past subcategories, build on them, and change aspects of their relationship ever so slightly until we end up with something that is not at all how they started [gray in love with carmen and carmen with her deeper feelings of being forced to go without him as fully expressed as the finale allowed] . And when their memories are in place they acknowledge that. Its all rc to me...but I get it ! Exploring each category is VERRRRY different and I even sometimes tag them dark! Redcrackle for the dark red caper version of them instead of redcrackle because that is just ...different.
and my username lol is because I LOVE her nickname for him but always champion that entirely ignoring " graham " isnt....like they do need to adress that...somehow...not even to always go by his name because he's not anti-his nickname [and as you can see i think that carmen conflating his flirtations as something gray now can do 🥰 is hmmmmmmmmmm] but its still...~~~~~~idk. I am very appreciative that he does have a full name.
I have actually a playlist trying to save as many rc vids as I can find so yes! I have seen the arcade fanvid but like I might have just saved the other vid and watched the episodes again 😭
Edit: IALMOST FORGOT HIMALAYA AND TRAIN RC they can be cracklecarmen uwu
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klonoadreams · 5 months
Well, considering that I'm coming out of not being able to move my dominant hand for a long time (I couldn't draw cries), I'll ask questions.
Also-ran Will Brie have interactions with other characters? (I'm talking about characters like Red, Blue, Gold, Green, etc.)
Publicity is important, and considering that she wears clothes from a brand originating from Paldea, would they invite the little changeling to Paldea so she can talk about something? I could also give talks to children who feel abandoned (something quite common, but not said, at least in the anime, Brock and his brothers are a great example, even if that is in Kanto)
At some official gala/event she said "what the hell" to the repercussions and just took off her shoes?
Considering everything about how people try to imitate her idols, what have been the waves in the population in trying to follow her and be equal to her? (the girl is feral, she is made differently, even if they managed to give her a life outside the forest)
How would she behave if she went to Alola? (her parents are pokemon, and Alola is one of those who most see pokemon as equals)
Into the wild Do you know the "El Macho" meme from Despicable Me? is that Volo? (he has a son with what I think is one of your wildest ocs, she fishes with her teeth!)
The Wisteria Does she also show her love with bites? (like when cats get affection overload)
What would her future relationship with Shinjuro be like? (because, you know, alcoholism, even though he left it that's how she met him)
Does the Cat stay with the Owl? What is her ship name?
Would she plant a tree like the one she had in the backyard of the house? (because of the symbolism and familiarity)
Gone Fishing I feel like I know her but at the same time I don't, any information about her?
Will she be one of those who hides or will she send everything to hell with her and not care how people look at her because she is proud of her? (because, you know, racism)
I feel like her clothing style is that of a surfer and/or swimmer, I also feel like she dresses like Nani from Lilo and Stitch? (Also, Nani is a goddess, she gave everything for her sister, and David is a loving person, I also adore him)
yes, brie will have her interactions with others, and as a reminder, Alola Noa and Scarnoa are also in this same continuity, so...lmao :V
Sawyer might pop up, I need to cook more with her first before I come up with an answer. And Punch Baby Akari definitely did exist, her bloodline continues lmao
She'd get along with the Pokemon of Alola so, so well, especially qhen interacting with the Tapus.
AND YES I KNOW EL MACHO, LMAO, yeah that sounds about right.
Andou does show love through bites, watch out. And the Cat and Owl shipname would be idk, Sunflower?? That sounds cute.
Andou sticks around close enough, though she will move in with Himejima, she just bounces from one place to another for training and socialization.
Shinjuro needs to pspspps for kitty to warm up to him. It'll take a while, but eventually. And yes, plant tree for Fujisaki house. :V
Mako is still a babbu, but she is very feral and a brat kid who drives her papa up the wall. But she is love and cherished. And also pretty fucked mentally since she's matured wayyyy to quickly for anyone of her physical age (its the discrimination and injustices)
Also yes, she'd vibe with Nani wear, tho she mostly sticks with comfy clothes.
At least until Nami and the others get to her, so she goes from shorts and t shirts to haltertops at the least, brought to you by Nami growing tired of her dorsal fin ripping the back of her shirts lmao.
She's the ship dress up doll at times lmao.
Otherwise, she keeps to herself unless otherwise. She checks for the right timing, if she sees it, she'll take it and say whats on her mind
Mainly when she knows she isnt alone to face the backlash lmao
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Heyy,LEMME STATE THIS FIRST,UR ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS OUT THERE N ALSO ONE OF MT FAVS.NO CAP DETECTED.😩😩 They make my day better istg. So I have some headcanons request and it's totally fine if u can't do it so no pressure 😌,basically Gojo's OC is OP asf,tall(almost as him because I'm a tall person and I rarely have seen tall S/O]confident,got money,is attractive,overall the baddest bitch and is very intimidating and feared but famous,[ and ehem very bold and not shy basically flirts back and rarely gets flustered] but she isn't perfect as her past is fucked up and sad and I gave the S/O details because I've been finding headcanons of Gojo with an S/O and I can't find it and I miss him too much but once again no pressure,I adore your works
Take care <3
Gojo with a tall s/o
A/N: Thank you so much for your kind words, anon! Sorry for replying so late & I hope you don't mind me foregoing the money aspect because I seriously didn't know what to make of it. Here's a present from me to you on this special day! <3 Enjoy your meal <3
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He’s a little surprised. He doesn’t have to look down in order to make eye contact with you as he talks to you. It’s an odd feeling of excitement. Finally someone who’s not a shrimp!
But please don’t wear heels, he still wants to be at least a little taller than you
The reason? Despite you being tall, he likes teasing you that he is taller
But that’s not the only thing you hide! You’re also strong and more than just capable of protecting other people. That’s a good thing because then he doesn’t have to worry about protecting others while fighting a curse… as long as you’re with him, that is.
He knows his students and protegés are safe with you as they can be.
Gojo is also oddly drawn to you being feared by curse users and curses alike. Yes, the two of you definitely forewent the protocol to exorcise curses on sight in order to scare them away (followed by your and his roaring laughter) at least three times.
Those are probably his fondest memories in recent years.
It’s not like anyone can say anything either. After all, you’re THAT duo. Everyone knows you.
Everyone may know you but not everyone truly understands your past as well as he does. He’s quick to comfort you when you fall down that spiral.
Moreover, he loves your boldness and the way you never get flustered by his flirtatious advances
“Looking good today, Y/N,” he says and pulls down the shades he’s wearing to wink at you. “Thanks but I think you look scrumptious, I almost wanna take a bite.”
That catches him off guard at first but he’s quick to recompose himself.
The students definitely made up a shipname for the two of you!
They even ask you two when the wedding is whenever you two flirt lmao
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mul71v3r53-is · 3 years
Canon Ships in Mul71v3r53 (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Zephyrtop (TopxAster (Undertop GasterxZephyrtale Gaster) because screw you it's the husbands)
Gastby (GasterxGrillby)
Hints of Insomnia (??) (DreamxError, poly go brrrrr)
Afterdeath (GenoxReaper duh)
Crossmare/Fluffynight/Fluffycrossmare (NightmarexCrossxCcino, because how dare you make me choose)
(also eventually Epicross and MAYBE EpicxCcino because I saw some cute fanart of them and now I can't stop thinking about it)
Errink (ErrorxInk, this will happen eventually I promise it's their endgame ship)
Kreme/Driller (DreamxKiller)
HorrorLust/Bloodlust (HorrorxLavender/Lust)
These guys don't have a shipname yet either but Rosemerry/Lust PapxMocha/Fellswap Pap do be hitting different (also add polyamory because Papyton is canon in Underlust iirc????)
Cherryberry (RedxBlue, more of a BROTP rn)
Spicyhoney (EdgexStretch, pre-established before 404 even happens. If you wanna blame anyone for this one blame keelywolfe and their amazing series on AO3 (By any other name). For legal reasons, I'll say right now I'm not being sponsored-)
Rottenjoke (ClassicxRazz)
Basil/Classic PapxRosa (OC) (they're both aro though so it's more like two besties who are soulmates and maybe occasionally they do the adult stuff)
Sherbert (DustxCandy because they'd definitely be cute together don't lie)
Gchess (GxChess, we need to collectively think up a better name for this guys I'm fresh out of inspiration)
SwordsDance (KatanaxDance)
Outersci/Astrophysics/Astronomy (Sci/SciencexPolaris/Outer)
Ganzy (GanzxSensy. Also does anyone else think it's hilarious how Golzy literally cannot remember their Undertale phase despite Gztale and the Echo Animatic being HUGE in the fandom lmaooo)
Omnijam (PJxOmni, I think that's their ship name??)
Freshpaper/Paperfresh (PJxFresh because screw you it helped to ease me into this part of the fandom and I'm not ready to let go yet. Also I want Cray and Cil as well as Mono >:v)
PJxLux (no name yet but they cute uwu)
Pinkscale (GradientxPassion, latter is a Horrorlust kid I invented because my imagination is overactive)
Rot (BlotxRasp, true power couple)
Music Video (SketchxBB, I know I need to make a better name sHUSH-)
Rugit (DigitxRuby, I know this one sucks too, you don't need to tell me)
Poth (GothxPalette)
Raveprint (RavenxBlueprint)
I can't remember for the life of me who it is, but Xhaji's ship with one of the Ganzy kids?? (EDIT: IT'S SNAZZY YIPPEE!!!)
SorrellxIncubux (I don't know if anyone else ships this but considering I can't have Tenpatch here really but this?? Is a beautiful substitute??? I love them)
Sunset (ShinoxAriel, that was gonna be a staple since I made Ari because even if I was gonna have Tenpatch I'm not having Shino and Sorrell pine after him at the same time. Also Shino just gives off wlw energy ok, I don't make the rules)
Vapor (SwirlxDew, former is a Fluffynight kid, latter is a new Cherryberry kid. Both are a year younger than Digit)
I can't remember the ship name but SprinklexPassion all the way
Lucky Blossoms (ConnorxKit, GChess and SwordsDance kids respectively. Also known as the "Hanahaki Kids" in my head 🏃)
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genderenvyincarnate · 3 years
I feel like in Reverse!Batfam/Sidekick aus featuring birdflash/dickwally/wonderwall (whatever you guys call their shipname) we always get a scene of the batfam going “If you hurt our sunshine brother we will end your fucking life” and that is both mandatory and valid but like,, what about the Flashfam? They never get a shovel talk. So here’s my headcanon for how that goes down: the Flashfam is a chipper bunch and I don’t think they’d do it, like, directly. That’s not their style. They’re not the menacing/threatening type. So I think that every once in a while they just... drop a little reminder of how easily they could wreck Dick’s shit.
Like they’re at a family bbq and it’s like
Bart: ...and then I grabbed him, ran around the city a few times, and used that force to smash him through a brick wall! He was fine, had invulnerability or something, but he was out for a while.
Dick: Wow that’s crazy—
Bart, making direct fucking eye contact: If he wasn’t invulnerable he’d have been a pancake though. Like a red smear. I think I’d only do that if someone like... hurt my family. Like if they hurt Wally! But no one would ever do that! Right?
Dick, sweating bullets: haha yeah absolutely
Dick ends up helping Barry with something and it’s just
Barry: So as you know, speedsters can vibrate their molecules through most if not any surface. Once it was even used to remove a woman’s heart. I think that’s such a terrible thing to do. Even in a metaphorical sense. Like, if my nephew got his heart broken I’d like, punch the culprit with the force of five times running around the block to back me up. It would probably put the culprit in a coma.
Dick: Well that seems a bit off topic
And every single fucking member of the flash fam does this even Iris starts talking about how she could ruin the reputation of anyone if she wanted to because she’s a big time reporter and Dick is Suffering. He keeps trying to get Wally to stop bringing him over to Central City because he knows he’s going to be passively aggressively threatened the entire time but he can’t tell Wally that so he gets roped into it anyway. Wally knows, he’s just waiting until Dick cracks. He’s honestly surprised that Dick’s gone this long without saying anything.
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Just LuHo Things (Lucas x JiHo)
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Kun (and Ten)’s Children
Though Lucas and JiHo are knowns as LuHo in the fandom Kun, the only person who really calls them by a “shipname”, calls them LuJi
Whenever the two are together they are usually goofing around a lot which ends up with Kun being on high alert and scolding the duo sometimes
Lucas is already really playful and he really likes JiHo so he gets her to do stupid things with him a lot
You’ll find Kun cleaning their mess they left behind with an annoyed expression
(no one is asking Kun to do it, JiHo has already told him she’ll tidy up after herself, but the leader has no patience when it comes to those kids)
Ten is the more chill parent who tells Kun to calm down and “let them be kids”
Both of them have heart eyes for Lucas and JiHo together because the two younger members always have such a bright smile on their face when they hang out
Dream’s lost members
We all know Lucas has said he wanted to be in Dream multiple times before
JiHo has joked about it before as well
On multiple occasions, whether it was a VLIVE, NCT daily content or on fancams, they have been seen singing and dancing to NCT Dream’s music as well as fangirling about the group
Multilingual messes
Honestly anyone in NCT who speaks more than 2 languages has a hard time speaking some times
Even though this isn’t specific to LuHo, for some reason when the two are together they have such a hard time saying at least one sentence which is completely correct
Lucas isn’t the best Cantonese teacher out there to be completely honest I’m sorry Lucas but you know this as well
So after a few attempts of trying to teach JiHo some Cantonese he just gave up, thankfully because the Cantonese he did learn JiHo wasn’t all correct either
On the other end of things, JiHo has given up teaching Lucas other languages as well
She’s a pretty good teacher if you’d ask the other members, but Lucas’ motivation only stretches out to about 15 minutes until he’s done “learning” the language
It’s their incredible amount of energy that makes it so hard for them to communicate properly
They��re always laughing and cracking jokes, never really being serious, so they just kind of fumble with their words and make hand gestures in the hopes the other person understands
And they do!
JiHo and Lucas seem to be able to understand each other 95% of the time, even if their conversations are unintelligible to anyone else in the room
Lucas spoils JiHo with expensive gifts
We’ve been knew
JiHo doesn’t ask for anything ever, which is just ridiculous in Lucas’ opinion
Which is why whenever her sees something pretty that JiHo would like while shopping for himself, he’d buy it for her no hesitation
At this point JiHo’s closet is at least 1/3 courtesy of Lucas
JiHo wants to return the favour, but she never knows what to buy him
When she does find a cool hoodie or bag to buy Lucas she always checks it with him first to make sure he likes it, which results in either of 3 options
“I already have it, but thank you”
“I don’t really like it” He really doesn’t like it that much
“I don’t really like it” Lies because it’s a bit too expensive and maybe will end up buying it himself so JiHo doesn’t have to make a huge dent in her wallet
There’s one thing JiHo is really good at though
She’s quite observant, so whenever Lucas mentions something small like, “I lost my favourite cologne” or “I recently finished my cleanser” she’ll write it down and the next day she already bought it for Lucas
Those small things really mean a lot to Lucas which is why he keeps trying to repay her with way too expensive gifts
JiHo’s nothing more than a human sized teddy bear
The amount of times the boys have been worried about Lucas hurting JiHo is pretty impressive
The way Lucas tackles JiHo or throws his whole body weight on her, like he isn’t a 183 cm, 65 kg (that’s not even that heavy at all 😭😭) man
It’s concerning
It’s like he’s a Great Dane that doesn’t know his size, but he loves JiHo so much that he just needs to throw himself on top of her
He also doesn’t know his strength sometimes because he will literally just pick JiHo up with one arm and swing her around like she weighs nothing
Lucas seeing JiHo after not having seen her for a month is... dangerous
She always has to brace herself for Lucas coming at her running to just hug her
At this point she just let’s him pick her up and swing her around, because resisting him raises the probability of her accidentally getting hurt
The girl also really doesn’t mind it and secretly likes it a little, even though she wouldn’t directly admit it
Here some quick-fire LuHo things/facts to end this
I guess this is how I end these kinds of posts now
Isn’t fact checked but: Have each other saved as Prince and Princess on their phones
In 2018 had each other as their phone wallpapers for at least a month
When WayV has schedules overseas or JiHo is touring with NCT 127, they call each other at least once a week for a few hours before they go to bed (at least the person who is about to sleep)
JiHo loves Bella, Wayv’s dog (okay quick side note, I don’t know if she’s actually all of the members’ dog or one member...) and comes over to the dorm a lot to play with Bella, Lucas has said that JiHo is officially Bella’s mom and that they (JiHo, Bella and Lucas) spend a lot of time together
LuHo loves to play with each other’s hair and do each other’s makeup or skincare routines -> results in sleepovers 
Side note: I am completely burnt out from writing 😭 it really sucks so if my posts are less entertaining, for lack of a better word, I’m really sorry.
If you’ve noticed I’m back on posting every other day (besides that one time that Tumblr didn’t show my posts in tags so I delayed that post another day) and even with that schedule I’m struggling. I’m trying my hardest not to quit writing though, because that’s not what I want in the grand scheme of things, even if I do feel like I have absolutely nothing to write. I started about 13 posts in the last few weeks which are now in drafts unfinished... I’ll stop complaining now 😅 but I just wanted to let you guys know, because I do feel a sense of responsibility with this blog and that it would be unfair to just stop posting or post less, or continue posting “bad” posts without an explanation.
So that was that, I’m sorry for that 😅
I hope you all have an amazing day/evening/night 🤍💚🤍
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violadiaries · 3 years
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So I'm not only rambling again, have a WIP for a Christmas GuyLeo (it's the shipname variation I've found the most with so far, so I'm sticking with it xD) fic I'm writing on my phone (hopefully my lazy ass will finish it in time)
(none of those idk how many things on my tablet 😅)
So yeah, ramblings under the cut, cause I'm completely emotionally charged rn, and my emotions are riding roller coaster...
Ok so fuck, like I said my emotions are riding roller coaster rn, like this afternoon I was so fucking depressed and now I'm bouncing with energy, I need to get rid of some
And I'm filled with ship thoughts, cause idk Leon and Guy have control rn, but there was a Golkai post in their pixiv tag and I just (๑♡⌓♡๑) and then the vol. 2 of the tob manga I ordered fucking finally arrived and there is Zaveid and Eizen and the sexual tension between them (sry the shipper goggles are stuck) and that hit me with Eizavie feels and then I'm playing Fire Emblem atm and like...yeah feels 😅 but mostly the first three,
But then during the day I remember that I'll probably fail my exams in January, cause I get so distracted during university, cause online shit cause the bad c virus is still going strong, and then I get all depressed again 😓
So I'll distract myself by writing fanfiction or reading fanfiction, btw is anyone else so fucking bad at writing smut scenes but still wants to incorporate them, cause I so suck at that, help 😂, if anyone got any tips pls give them to me, but anyway so I'll distract myself by not doing any coursework, lagging behind even more and it's like vicious cycle and that sucks ass
And don't get me started looking at ship art, like there is so much gorgeous GolKai, Eizavie and Sylvix (Fe3h) out there (not GuyLeo which sucks) and my lonely ass just craves something like that or just...like some sort of affection but my anxiety is like 'nope bish u suck, be lonely' which...sucks...😓
Oh and then those nice 15 inbox comments on my AO3 I don't know how to answer cause I suck at communication, and one is almost over a hundred days old I think...•́ ‿ ,•̀ Like...fuck...they give me so much joy and I want to let the commenters know, but I don't want to come on to strong and drive people away... (@_@;)
Oh and my heart is beating like crazy and I don't think that's healthy but I don't know...xD it just does that (and hurts but that's only when I'm browsing through some of my 3 big otps (well browsing through two, cause there is almost now GuyLeo) or when I'm panicking) sometimes...😂 And then I get all shaky xD
Welp I think that's enough out of me, I'll go and watch Netflix till I'm to tired to pay attention anymore...xD for anyone still reading, have a nice day/evening and bye~
(oh and maybe let me know how you liked that WIP up there, if you read it and only if you want of course, and maybe idk leave some inspiration if you want (◕ᴗ◕✿) )
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My Thoughts On Titans Season 3 Trailer
So, the trailer was pretty much what I expected (and I don’t mean that disparagingly); mostly focusing on Red Hood and new Gotham setting, but with a fair amount of other stuff, with most character getting at least one moment that emphasized them.
The characters who I felt got the most focus were Red Hood/Jason, Dick, Babs, and Kory (in that order). No, this isn’t based on a quantitative analysis of screen time in the trailer, just a general feeling of who was emphasized that I came away with. But overall, it didn’t feel that unbalanced to me, and felt like is tried to give at least something to most of the characters.
Kory looks so good! Like so so good! I can’t get over it. I know people were hoping to see more of her (and I for one could always take more Kory), but I didn’t feel like she was sidelined. As previously stated, I felt like she got the fourth most focus/emphasis (and Titans has a lot of characters). And she got the final line of the trailer, which I don’t think is insignificant.
I know people are also disappointed by the amount of Blackfire in the trailer. But, I don’t think that necessarily reflects her role in the season. And I don’t necessarily mind. There are many possible reasons that she was only in a few shots. They could want to keep her role and what she is doing under wraps (if this is the case then I support it, because I kind of want to be surprised with her story). Or the trailer could only be from the first few eps, and her role in those may be smaller. Or a lot of other reasons. Based on how much she’s been filming, I’m not super worried about Blackfire’s presence in the season.
I, like a lot of fans, were disappointed with the lack of Dickkory in the trailer, but, I didn’t really go in with any expectations of what we would see of them in the trailer. So, I’m not upset or angry; it’s just something I would have liked to see. I also think you can’t tell anything about Dickkory this season from the lack of them in the trailer. They might get together this season, they might not. This trailer doesn’t say anything in regards to that; it’s totally neutral.  I don’t think the lack of them in the trailer says that they won’t happen or that they won’t have that many scenes together. I’ve seen some people convinced that they will never happen or that they won’t have scenes this season because of this trailer, and I think that is WAYY too much to extrapolate from a trailer. A trailer only tells you a very limited of stuff, and doesn’t always mean that much. While I have no idea if we will get romantic Dickkory this season, I do really think we’ll at least get some scenes, based off things one of the writers and the Titans account said on twitter. Now many scenes they’ll be or if it will be building to a romance, I have no idea, and I don’t think anyone else can reasonably say so either based off the small amount of info about them and this season that’s been released. 
Also, on this subject, while the writer’s and Titans twitter’s account responses about Dickkory have been encouraging, I also don’t think that means we will necessarily see them in a romance this season. For one, for some people using a shipname might not necessarily using or seeing it in a romantic way. They might see Dickkory as referring to Dick and Kory and their general relationship, and not as referring to a romantic relationship. I’ve definitely seen that happen with other fandoms, where people behind TV shows would respond to or use shipnames just to refer to a dynamic between two characters. Now, I’m not saying that’s the case here (I actually lean more towards that it’s not), but it is still a possibility that I think a lot of people overlook. I’m not trying to discourage anybody or rain on anybody’s parade, I just don’t want people to feel they have been definitively promised something. I’ve seen this a lot in fandoms (people feeling they were promised something and getting angry when they don’t get it) and often it comes from a miscommunication between the creative teams and fans. That being said, I am still pretty confident we’ll get more scenes between them in season 3 than we did and season 2, and am also hopeful about their romantic future in the series; nothing in this trailer changed that.
I so a lot of people fearing that Dick will take up the Batman mantle, and again I don’t think that’s NECESSARILY the case. It might be! But it might not. For one, we didn’t see Dick’s response to Bruce’s request. And second, it’s unclear what Bruce even means by telling Dick he needs to be a better Batman. He could be referring to literally being Batman, or he could referring to “Batman” just as a superhero who protects Gotham. In the latter case, Bruce could just want Dick to protect Gotham as Nightwing. Like most things in this trailer, and most trailers, it’s unclear. Overall, despite his prominence in the trailer, I didn’t get a good feel of what Dick’s story would be this season, so I don’t really have any judgements on his character this season yet.
I’m excited to see Babs this season. I’m intrigued (although I little worried) to see her dynamic with Dick. I’m diehard Dickkory, so I hope it doesn’t turn romantic. But if it happens, it happens. While I definitely see tension between them in the trailer, I didn’t get the impression that they hate each other, like some people did. For one, there’s only like two or three scenes between them, and one is delivering exposition. And the other seems tense, but not hateful. The writer said on twitter that their relationship would be one of respect, so I don’t think they will be hating each other. I hope that their dynamic is one where they disagree and argue with each other, but there’s still that respect there and that it doesn’t turn romantic again. But we’ll have to see!
I’m also curious to see how much of the season she is in. I’ve heard it thrown around online that she is only going to be in 5 or 6 episodes. But I have no idea where this idea originated. Does anyone know? I think it might be from IMDB, in which case it might not be accurate. IMDB is very inconsistent when it comes to the accuracy of information posted there. And given that she is on the poster, it might be more than that. But again, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Trailers in General
In fandom in general, I think people really overestimate how much they can gleam about the actual show or movie from trailers and other marketing materials. First and foremost, trailers are intended to advertise a show or movie, not give an accurate representation of what the movie or season will be. Trailers can often be misleading, but even when they are not, they are only giving viewers limited information, and without context. Often, trailers aren’t even made by the writing or directing team, but by an in-house marketing team at the company that produced the show/movie or an outside.
Really, trailers are just giving viewers breadcrumbs; sometimes accurate breadcrumbs, sometimes misleading breadcrumbs. But that thing is, it’s impossible to know how accurate a trailer is until you see that actual show/movie it’s advertising. So, you can never really know ahead of time how representative what you’re seeing in a trailer is of the actual movie/show. 
Not to mention, there is very little context for the scenes, images, and lines of dialogue you are seeing. And in understanding scenes, and characters, context is EVERYTHING. And for TV shows, you also don’t know how much of the season the trailer is using. This titans trailer could only be using a few episodes, or it could be more. There is no way of knowing unless we’re told. There is just so much uncertainty with trailers.
When it comes down to it, trailers are just scenes, lines, and images completely removed from their context.
But unfortunately, I think fandom can sometimes treat trailers as a lot more than this, believing they have a better understanding of what they season/movie is going to be than they possibly could given the nature of trailers. Sometimes these impressions are right! But i just find it so hard to ever know.
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anne-writes · 3 years
Yaoi Fandoms; Representation or Fetishization?
1,305 words, 5 min~ reading time. Seperated into 25 paragrpahs for easier reading/writing. I worked on this while very sleep deprieved so comment an edits uwu. Essay under the divider. 
TW: Sarcasm, slight meaness (from me and others), inappriopriate messages to minors, censored cursing, babies?, I’ll update if I figure out any more.
It seems whenever a thing in the media with plenty of men in it (youtube groups, bands, shows, ect.) will eventually come out with an MLM ship. This isn't inherently bad because men loving other men is amazing. Good for them. I'm so proud. The problem comes from the stans focused on this ship/couple. 
Stans, am I right? The majority of unneeded cancel-culture and cyber-bullying. (Note how I say unneeded) I don't actually mind a lot of stans, probably since I don't use Twitter often. 
Now my problem with stans is they find a content creator (musician, artist, YouTuber, ect.) and they try to make this person fit into their specific box of expectations via bullying, and fear of being cancelled and their career ruined. 
This sucks for many reasons, because, these content creators are still human, right? Stans don't usually seem to know this and put these people on an unreachable pedestal. Kind of like your parents who expect you to stay the same gifted kid throughout your life. It eventually gets exhausting. Let's put this train of thought on hold for just a few minutes.
Now all of that brings me to my point of writing this. Are yaoi fandoms a good thing or a bad thing? Are they asking for representation or fetishization of their faves? Are they trying to get more LGBTQA+ creators known or are they looking for their uwu gay babies? 
I think the question boils down to, who is writing the majority of the fanfiction and what kind of fanfiction is it? Are straight women writing your gay man smut for other straight women to enjoy? I think this is a good telltale if your yaoi fandom is good or bad. 
Now, I don't mind straight women writing gay characters having sex, having angsty sex, discovering themselves and falling in love, and straight women reading it,  because good on you for not caring about what kind of romance story it is! Everyone loves a good romance story for the many different tropes, I'm partial to enemies to lovers. 
I do have a problem when it's not really meant as romance and more something for straight women to get their rocks off if you catch my drift. Getting off to a gay relationship because it's gay is really weird in my opinion. (I'm looking at you, straight boys who watch lesbian porn). 
It's quite weird to get off to these kinds of relationships and leads to fetishization. We already are trying to tell the straight boys this, but the gays aren't around for straight people's porn-watching pleasure. It's the same as women liking gay men for being gay. Or men liking lesbians for being lesbian. 
I feel that a lot of Yaoi stans aren't asking for representation more so are they asking for two men making love for their pleasure. This leads to the box of expectations that seem to come with every stan. (I told you we'd come back to that earlier point) 
As soon as the ship is adopted by stans, it seems to always get joked around by the content creators associated with it. Examples can include, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, and Dream and GeorgeNotFound.
There's now the notation of 'well they brought it up so it must be true!'. And so, if the content creators continue making jokes about their shipname, the more of a cultish following grows and the more expectation for this to be real. 
This is pretty dangerous, as whatever one of those men gets a girlfriend, or a partner that isn't this specific person? Then the fandom turns against the 'traitor' and tries to solve any problems standing in the way of their ship. See Babygate. Whether or not you believe in that situation, the way they (stans) treated the families was just downright terrible. 
I mean sending porncaps to an underage minor? Just because you think the actress might also be the same girl that the minor's brother got pregnant, wtf. (Apparently, those larries aren't very approving of sex workers and porn actors/actresses /maybekidding,whoknows)
As terrible as that situation was handled and everything, it does show what kind of people those stans can be when something or someone gets in the way of their perfect ship. 
They also share the argument of 'this man is in love with another man, so he is gay' which makes me think they're even less so wanting representation. Because representation at its finest would be all sorts of sexualities, genders, ect. not just one specific sexuality.
Representation can come without fetishization. Many content things have been able to accomplish this. For example, some nice MLM webcomics can be found on Webtoon. Blades of Furry is quite cute, and perfect for all my furries out there. Boyfriends is about a Poly MLM group of 4. (Kiss it goodbye, Not So Shoujo Love Story for you WLW in need) (I wanna be a cute anime girl for my trans cuties.) (The Four of Them for a story about a group of kids discovering themselves.)
You can ask for representation without it being about the actual sexual component. LGBTQA+ smut is good for communities with these kinds of ships, but it shouldn't come at the cost of sexualization. Their relationships shouldn't become all about sex, because a lot of people do actually have the ability to keep it in their pants y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ ̶f̶*c̶k̶s̶. 
Posters being obsessed with their top and bottom components and how this person has to act a certain way because they are a top or a bottom are just the same people who think dom and sub roles need to be in every relationship. Who cares about who's the top or bottom when we can just care about their love? 
I'm not here to tell you not to ship MLM ships or WLW ships, or any of that. Honestly, that would just be hypocritical of me. I just want people to realize that by allowing yaoi fandoms to sexualize these kinds of relationships, you are solidifying a point in your brain, and other impressionable people's brains that gay people are only for sexual enjoyment. 
Whilst I think that IRL ships are pretty weird, everyone is going to probably do that anyway. Just allow that person to be straight, or any other sexuality, allow them to have other partners and don't make their entire life and career around one little thing. 
Don't expect people IRL to obey/act how YOU want them. They're humans too, and relationships are complicated. Maybe down the line, your fave comes out of the closet, but you shouldn't force them to come out just because you can 'sense' it. 
It's their life, it's their sexuality/gender/identity, allow the choices to be theirs. Forcing someone out of the closet makes you a d*ck. No matter what. No 'but it was so obvious!'. No 'well it was true!'. Forcing someone to reveal a private detail about themselves is creepy and d*ckish. Who cares if you're right, you could've harmed that person's homelife or anything. Maybe they wanted to keep it secret because who are you, as the fan, to dictate what they can share with you. 
And so, I leave you with some final words. Not everyone has to be gay, as much as, not everyone has to be straight. Sexuality and Gender identity are a spectrum and you cannot decide anyone else's. Allow people to be who they are, and don't stalk people. That's f*cking weird. 
I hope you all have a fantastic day/night/whatever. And next time, think about if your actions will be helping the community or not. I'm sure no one means to harm it, but it's ok to check in with yourself and your actions every once in a while to better yourself.  
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Man (or, woman in this case, I guess), I’ve been listening to a lot of AJR recently, and their “Burn The House Down” song just gives me the idea for an ArcFall AU/fic premise of an Arsonist!Cinder who managed to find her own way in life without the Madame or Salem has returned as an adult to burn down the Glass Unicorn, with Jaune (and maybe everyone else) there supporting her decision in destroying something that had so many bad memories (and also to keep her from actually hurting/killing anyone). They’re all gathered up in front of it, Cinder’s just looking at it in silence, Jaune puts a hand on her shoulder, and she tosses a lit molotov into it; cue romantic kiss in front of the inferno. I don’t know your preferences in music, this isn’t a prompt I want you to do, just a cool idea that I’m telling you that I dreamed up while doing some chores, one cultured ArcFall shipper to another. Hope you’re having a swell day/afternoon/evening(?) down there in Oz!
R/WBY and the shipnames can go in the fire, I thought we called it Knightfall.
I mean this sounds like you're having fun. I'm glad you're having fun, that's all I do on my blog. I daydream a lot doing housework too lol. I also looked up the music you suggested. My Cinder Fall playlist looks more like Grimes and Purity Ring lol. That or anything I could've conceivably downloaded from Limewire lol!!!
I find the focus on the Glass Unicorn stuff interesting because to my eyes there's functionally nothing different between her enslavement under Madame versus her enslavement under Salem. She has two masters, not two freedoms. I think that's why personally I'm more interested in how Cinder characterises her time under Salem to herself (Salem is kinder, Salem has motivation for her punishment and isn't just random, Salem is well-reasoned) and what that sort of mental state looks like as opposed to day after day after day of senseless, inhumane cruelty.
I also personally read Cinder's proclivity to arson from a perspective of regeneration. That is, if she is one to burn, it stems from the idea that things die and then are reborn. Or like those trees which propagate seed during bushfires, like euculyptuses. Great explosions when they do. I mean the duplicity of fire is really working with her and I really like it. So it is funny to recontextualise that in a relatively defanged context (e.g. arsonist teenager Cinder), but I don't personally resonate with burning down the Glass Unicorn, then again I'm a real stick in the mud about how different versions of the same story play out.
It is interesting to consider though, I just don't find the Glass Unicorn as interesting when all of the drama is happening with Salem. There is one story I'm working on where it comes into things, and I think in the end Cinder is entirely justified in what she metes out to her slavemaster.
I also think the problem doesn't end with Atlas once the Glass Unicorn is burnt down. It's the whole thing. So how do you fix that.
Cinder already took down Atlas in canon.
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Atlas was personal!
The oppression she experienced was systemic to Atlas! That's why nobody stopped Madame. Every patron, every authority in charge overlooked what was happening. Even Rhodes was willing to say: well wait until you're seventeen, then I suppose you can become a Huntress.
I think that's probably why I don't personally resonate with the idea, but as-is in canon, Cinder does what she helps do to Atlas. That's the death and rebirth. That's Atlas' systemic issues (symbolically) dying, and the people being carried through and reborn in the womb of the Yellow Brick Road:
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So yonic it's almost annoying lol.
Anyway... yes... thank you, I do appreciate hearing ideas even ones I don't necessarily oscillate with because it makes me think! :D And it's fun!
Merry shipping. Hope you're having a good day where you are too!
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koobiluvr · 4 years
your bond with bts | eighth member
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this man would spoil you to death
he would give you anything you wanted
im not even kidding
“hey jinnie if you can, can you get me some mcdon-“
“i didn’t even fin-“
“of course i’m gonna get it for you, don’t be ridiculous y/n.”
he makes u dinner when you’re feeling sad :]
you two make the worst jokes and the members just stare at you while you both laugh at yourselves
you look up to him so he tries his best not to mess up
when he does, he feels like you’re gonna do the same as him and it scares him
you’re his favorite
at first he didn’t like you
but then he saw how passionate you were about making music and being in the group and almost immediately warmed up to you
he helps you with writing songs and you do the same for him
he likes cuddling you—in secret of course
the boys saw it once and were like ‘why doesn’t yoongi do this with me tf????’
in his secret message he told you he loved you
“yoongi sent something to me too!”
“y/n don’t-“
“he said he loved me.”
all the boys are secretly jealous of you guys
during concerts you always go up and back hug him while the armys scream your shipname :]
really pure relationship, you’re each other’s safe place
the sunshine line!!!!!
you are always hyping up the other members
some people consider you the serotonin line because you radiate the most happiness
“hi! i’m your hope, you’re my hope, i’m jhope!”
“annyeong! oh wait- hi! im y/n and everyone looks so good tonight! thank you for coming! :D”
you guys do girl group dance covers all the time
what is love is the best one and twice always reacts to it and luvs it :]
but then again, sometimes your smiles aren’t real and you both know
you understand each other more than anyone else
whenever you mess up in a dance he’s way more understanding
“its okay y/n. just be more careful next time!”
when you guys are on vacation you go and catch baby crabs :]
you guys have a bonsai tree that you both take care of
you tell him everything
when you get hurt (which happens a lot actually) he’s the first to blame himself
you guys had a collab on the recent album
he teaches you new things all the time since you didn’t really have a childhood
stays up late at night helping you learn english
you guys watch friends for the 1000th time together
yall are so cute omg im jealous
you were featured in the mono album
he’s supposed to be the most strict considering he’s the leader but he never scolds you
he can’t stand the frown on your lips when someone gets upset with you :(
cuddles all the time!!!!!
he loves being affectionate with you omg save him
whenever you’re down on yourself he’s the first one to dry your tears and tell you how perfect you are
he really treasures you
matching pink hair in persona era :D
whenever you two are together it’s always soft giggles and rosy cheeks
sleepovers in jungkooks room
sometimes you cry during concerts and he hugs you so tight while he helps you finish your part of the song
in your minecraft world you and jimin have a bunny named boris
jungkook tried to kill it once but you beat his ass and stole his diamonds
you two are definitely the most attractive part of the group
duality !!!!!!!
you two were really close and even worked on a kdrama together :]
he helped you with your fashion and helped you be confident
he cried during concerts a lot too and you two were each others sense of comfort
you and him cried into each other’s shoulder while jin talked about disbanding at the mama
i can imagine you two getting in arguments just because you act so alike
whenever you two do get in arguments its very obvious
the guys always get worried because when taehyung gets mad he always says mean things
one time he said something about how you didn’t belong in the group
you ignored him for 2 weeks because he refused to apologize
after that he never came around you when he was mad because he was too scared of nearly losing you
you guys do vlives together and play pubg with armys !!
very wholesome
no one cares about you like jungkook does
he’s not big on affection so its hard for him to show it
but he talks about you like you’re the most important thing ever
and in his eyes, you are
“y/nnie is like an angel without wings.”
“y/n, i ly awake in my bed at night, full thoughts about you.”
you know how vmin are called soulmates?
yeah well
you and jungkook are called soulmates too
you go to him when you need a little piece of home
it would make sense if you went to someone like taehyung or yoongi because they’re both from daegu just like you, but no, you went to him
he brought it up to the guys one day and they’re like ??? no?? she doesn’t do that with us
“we all have our person in the group that we go to when we need comfort and a sense of home, and i guess that little piece of home is you, kook.” namjoon would say
playing overwatch together :]
selcas together all the time
he really loves you even if he doesn’t say it often
it’s the looks
you two look at each other like an old married couple
hi!! im gonna continue this 8th member stuff because i really like it, so if you have any ideas don’t be shy to send them! thank you ! - leo <3
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tangled-cl0wn-core · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
 HI!! since you asked before sending it, I knew this was coming but my First Cool Guy Tumblr Ask is so neat,, anyway!!
This is my only IT-specific account, but I post almost everything I draw on my instagram, https://www.instagram.com/fabricsofteners/ (I don't know how people make links cool on tumblr aaa) I also have an AO3, https://archiveofourown.org/users/tangledheadphonecord , where I might post this one really long fic I’m working on (maybe not, as it’s super lame but God am I putting in work)? But mostly it’s just really old stuff atm, and no IT content right now - just some random drabbles from past hyperfixations tbh.
I used to be ‘fabricsofteners’ everywhere besides here - tangledheadphonecord is a username I used for my tumblr because I want a change from the fabricsofteners brand, as I've had it for quite a few years and have just grown kind of bored - just waiting a bit to change my instagram user. I also used to be ‘unbrandedmarkers’ like, three years ago on instagram? but, that era ended fast. I think I might have an old Tumblr under some variation of ‘fabric softener’ but honestly even if anything is up on it I’d probably be embarassed to look at it now.
I watched IT for the first time in 2019, I believe, but wasn’t really in the fandom until actually like, April of this year. I entered the fandom and developed a hyperfixation (sobs) by complete mistake - I read all the fics for michael mell/rich goranski on ao3, and was on a camping trip and wanted to read some Homosexual Fanfiction and literally remembered IT on a whim (rich-to-richie association) and read a bunch of Reddie fics, and it was all down (up?) hill from there.
Unshockingly, I’m sure, Reddie is my number one favourite IT ship. I’m also an enjoyer of Benverly, as well as Stanley/Patty - IT is like, the only fandom where I actually like the canon ships. I do also think Streddie/Stozier is really cute and Bill/Mike (unsure of the shipname?) is nice when I see it!! I think Reddis is cute because I am a total sucker for best-friends-to-lovers, as well asthe  ‘I tease everyone but mostly you’ and the ‘I’m so tired of you bullying me but if you ever stop I’ll cry’ and... just, the entire dynamic that they have. Stanley/Patty - there is no reasoning, I just want Stanley to be happy. Benverly - the way they were each other’s first Meaningful Interactions in so like?? agony, they’re so cute. They both deserve to be happy, and I’m so happy they find that happiness in each other. 
As for characters - Richie is absolutely my favourite. I (unfortunately /hj) kin and relate to him on so many levels it hurts. Having a character that feels that fear of their sexuality because of a horrible environment is painfully real. covering up struggles with humour and all that?? yeah, mood (also, crushing on your best friend-). What he means to me, in a sense, isn’t really canon - I read strictly fix-it fics, because I want to feel that hope that like fanon Richie, I don’t have to hide forever. I can be myself and be happy. Obviously I can’t much look to the movies or anything for that but hey - what’re Andy or Stephen gonna do, tell me to stop reading fics? 
I also really like Stanley!! I don’t,, have a reason. I just think he’s adorable and I love his dynamic with the other Losers a lot. Stanley breathed like, once, and instantly became a comfort character and not even I know why at this point, he just is. Eddie & Bev are up there, too - honestly, Bill is the only Loser I don’t have a strong attachment too. And honestly, he’s growing on me rapidly.
I mostly draw whatever my goblin hyperfixated brain can think of, as well as rebloging just about every post that I see and like (art, jokes, edits, fics, etc.) - I start and stop a lot of fics, maybe one day I’ll finish one but as of yet I have not... Sigh.
I honestly don’t think I do have anyone to tag for inspiration? I follow IT blogs but none I would go to for inspiration (no offense to any mutuals-) inspiration for me is mostly just seeing a pose and going ‘okay’ and suddenly I have a drawing - I have no clue what happens in between.
So, my current all-time favourite IT fic atm is https://archiveofourown.org/works/18213215/chapters/43087232, though I will say it’s a really heavy fic and to read with caution. Going away from Angst, any ‘famous Reddie’ AUs are amazing, but I constantly reread the entire https://archiveofourown.org/series/1560019 series. It’s cute and funny and I THRIVE for domestic Reddie content. 
Actually not Reddie, I throughly enjoyed https://archiveofourown.org/works/23201011 for giving me the Mike content the movies have robbed me of for too long, as well as https://archiveofourown.org/works/25262698 which is pure stanlon greatness and made my heart flutter for the boys more than once.
I don’t really have any IT fics up of my own creation, and honestly my reception in way of Tumblr notes is far better than I expected so honestly, I have none to link lol. As long as I get minimun interaction I will thrive.
I wish I could say I’ve been in anything like a zine or anything, but I have not! I’m relatively new to the fandom (and having a social media dedicated to one thing) so I wouldn’t even know where to begin to join or be qualified for one, y’know? I’ve done art weeks in the past and found them incredibly fun but haven’t seen any for IT - but if anyone does happen to know of any... Feel free to send them my way-
As for the last question - other than like, hyping up Chosen and Jeremy just as much as we do the other IT kids (which, honestly I’m not even sure if is still a problem - I’ve just seen posts about it and it’s made me wary), I’m not sure? I’ve honestly not encountered anything in the fandom I find awful and honestly, for a fandom about a movie that is... Well, IT, I’ve really just kind of enjoyed my time in the fandom thus far?
(I will say we need 200% more attention being drawn to 1990s adult Eddie Kaspbrak, who is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen - but I also feel that way about James Ransone, so I’m not mad.)
(Also, we should be calling out the 1990s IT more, I watched it recently and it’s so bad /lh)
Anyway!! I feel like this answer was incredibly long and I am so sorry!! But like, thank you so much for asking me anything at all fihabsfhbafb I thrive at any chance to talk about the dumb clown movie. (Also, i’m sorry I say ‘honestly’ so much-)
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