#does raven has mommy issues-maybe
gomzdrawfr · 11 months
Sometimes I really wanna reply a reblog ((looking at you @tabsters )) and then realize if I reblog the reblog people cant see the previous reblog statements(woah thats a lot of reblog in one sentence)
I read all of them btw, and collect them like stickers and read them when Im down
I love you all
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stick-ball · 10 months
pspspspsp Kevin's trauma and his choice to stay with Thea, why her why not someone else? How does it work considering his characters as whole books/ec , does it make sense or just feel "random"
<Picks you up like a little cat and smooches your head.>
This responce has been sped up by the people who asked Nora on twitter to break Kevin and Thea up, making me see red KillBill style, so:
For me, Kevin's and Thea's relationship makes perfect sense. Maybe it's the realist in me, maybe its the idealist in me, I don't care. When it comes to Kevin's traumas, I think that since most people can't really relate to a majority of them, they get all hung up on the one they most definately can, as in, his mommy issues. When we relate to something, it becomes a really big deal. And here we go! Thea/Kevin suddenly is feared to be toxic instead of being seen for what I think it is: finding love in a hopeless place.
The main issue i see discussed is the disproportion of power at the beginning of the relationship. The main concern is the age difference. I personally don't really get the hate about the age gap between them, because if you read the extra content you will know that while they met when Kevin was 14 and Thea 18, it's not like anything happened between them at that age? First, Kevin saw her as an impressive player, when he did actually see her. That wasn't all that often bcs from what I understand from the EC, Kevin and Riko trained with the Ravens sometimes before they joined the team but a big part of their training happened without them, as well as their life growing up was more detached from the Uni students than people seem to think. And honestly, do you think Tetsuji would just let all the freshmen know they signed into the Yakuza sportsTM? Methinks not, but be delulu if you want I guess. 💋
So anyway, from the EC, it seems like Kevin had a crush slowly build up for Thea over the years, growing from his appreciation of her skill and athletism. Considering how cold that guy is, it probably took him some time to realise, after his irritation at her romances (yeah hello she was dating people her age when Kevin was mooning for here as a pathetic teenage boy, bye bye Thea haters) with other teammates started having nothing to do with the fact it could result in the teams distraction during the game, bcs of their hormones and feelings, and turned to conscious jelousy. And here I have to applaud young Kevin because he did not even realise he was distracted from the game by being jealous. Knowing how oblivious Kevin can be about non exy issues, it likely took quite a while.
So what's next? The "getting together"? Kevin and Thea only started having a sort of physical relationship when Kevin and Riko were already freshmen for Edgar Allan, at 18/19.
Whoever wants to fight me on this being a toxic age gap, what exactly is your angle?
Anyway, Kevin was the one to initiate their relationship, after Riko was done with his distraction from the game and his focus on picking fights with Thea, and told him to sleep with her and get it out of his system. (And that's how i met your mother.) It wasn't much more than that for a long time, because having a relationship on a 12 hrs day/night full of training and uni and juggling two other teams on top of that as well as celebrity status literally sounds like the most insane schedule ever, so it's insane they even managed to talk privately at all.
Now, we circle back to the question, why Thea? Why not someone else? Well, first and fucking foremost, because Nora Sakavic said so. Second of all, because Jung and Freud weren't as stupid as imternet memes would have you believe. (Read their books, read all the books please, i can rec you like a 100 psychology texts, dont be shy)
To keep it short, we do base our attraction on the role models we have, one way or another. I saw enough of my friends pick partners that have the exact character quirks that make them just slightly like an after image of their guardians. Kevin doesn't really have a father model, but his mother? She's always going to be a huge part of his life, is it really so weird and dangerous, that he got infautated with a strong, driven, 4 years older woman, who's incredibly talented and just as determined as him? I don't think so. Is it unhealthy? Is it unsafe? As much as life is, I guess, no one is perfect, but I think he could've done much much worse for himself.
Why did Kevin decide to stay with Thea? I would find it pretty obvious, because she doesn't actually need him. She built herself, but she wants him. Even if she will never have the same fame and recognition in her career that he does. Being wanted this way must be really new for Kevin, who was always a trophy to show off because of his legacy, always a property. But Thea is not competing with him, she doesnt want to own him either. I believe his mother is as much of a role model to her, as to him. So, they have sex, when they want to, they talk - when they feel like it. They don't, well fucking fine, so they don't, they fall in love anyway. It's okay if exy comes first in the beginning, considering both spent a lot of time in cult mentality, I think neither is all that bothered as long as its not obsessive (we could discuss how reasonable it was of Kevin to ghost her for over a year and not tell her about how he broke his hand but thats a whole other essay).
What's really wild to me, is that I think the power imbalance in this relationship is the opposite of what many may think.
Kevin holds all the cards. Thea joined the Ravens as a 18 years old talented athlete, she was one of the only girls on the team, and the Nest was not a place to make friends, on top of that it was a mafia cult. She had everything to prove there, and no way of being prepared for all the grooming. On top of that, she knew nothing of the Moriyamas or even of what actually went down with the whole Perfect Court thing. Kevin knew everything, on top of that, up until he left, he had nothing to prove. He ghosted her, is it so hard to believe she accepted his cold shoulder in this dynamic, in which she obviously is not at the top of the foodchain? He kept secrets from her, is it really so hard to believe she was angry? I think neither of them was ready for neither what life at the nest was like, or for a relationship when it happened, but I also think they are incredibly lucky that they have eachother, their shared passion for exy, their daughter, their dog and friends from the dog park who can't talk about exy to save their lives.
I think Kevin was incredibly lucky for finding Thea, because maybe she did not know everything, maybe it wasn't easy for them, but they understood that Rikos death wasn't a one dimensional victory, that it was just as much of a tragedy for them, for Kevin. I'm happy with the canon and I wish more people appreciated this ship, as its very soothing.
As an ending fun fact, did you know I am the only person to make a playlist for Thea Muldani in all of spotify? Pretty insane if you ask me.
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sentimuse · 10 months
Ever After High X Twisted Wonderland.
I was high when I made this please forgive the babble. I needed it to be said.
OKay so arguably the TWSTverse goes the best with the EAHverse. I may rant about Descendants later but lemme get this out first via Headcanon.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Pre OB! Royal Post OB! Rebel
The hedgehogs get along.
He and Lizzie have an odd relationship. They both have mommy issues but they both want to live up to their mothers' standards. Riddle has a hyperfixation for her mom and a deep seeded pride regarding her, that gets strained when he and Lizzie commiserate about shitty moms. Lizzie feels weird cuz he's nice but he idolizes her mom and that's awkward when you both have bad moms you still love in a strained almost begrudging way. They're good friends but don't seem like it due to the awkwardness of it all
He really gets along with Kitty and Maddie. Strangely Maddie is the one that reminds him of Che'Nya (Kitty does too because duh but personality wise). Always talking in riddles and rhymes but still a very good friend.
Gets introduced to Ginger via Trey and has to fight himself internally to not fucking ask for a strawberry tart from her. He's genuinely curious as to what it tastes like but knows that Trey would grill his ass into knowing which one was better and would face Dorm Card Trey Consequences. 
Trey Clover:
Rebel and always has been.
He's great friends with Lizzie due to her being kinda just a tamer Riddle.
Friends with Kitty and Maddie as well.
Has had baking contests with Ginger. (Friendly? maybe.)
Midkey respects Daring for having that pearly white of teeth. He's a little jealous, but Trey has the leg up because Daring is kinda vapid.
Is weirdly close with Mad Hatter cuz Trey is always able to concoct whatever weird flavor he's asked for.
Cater Diamond:
He's a Rebel 4lifer
He and Goldie are fucking ride or die besties. Swapping influencer tips? Yes. I bet they even got matching endorsements.
Him and Maddie are besties but not as much. He likes how bubbly she is.
Cater also really gets along with Briar and they're able to connect a little about insecurities and socializing stress.
Cater would fucking love it here everything is so aesthetic and his Magicam would blow tf up plus he's so girlie pop I don't think the transition would be that hard for him. He fits in really well.
Deuce Spade:
NGL him and Ace also fit into EAH really well they're good people (most of the time) and their flaws are light hearted enough to survive transplanting. Deuce is just a lil ditzy and has some anger issues but really loves his mom and baby chickens??? Just a little guy energy.
He would get along well with Cerise imo. Their vibes are similar to me, that is the best explanation I have.
Probably has a crush on Raven he also relates somewhat to the bad past but wants to be good things.
Ace Trappola:
Ace is a shitter. Fucking asshole goofster. But he has a pretty decent head on his shoulders.
Really gets along with Kitty being two shitsers.
Strangely good friends with Lizzie. I mean if you're gonna rule at least be fair yeah?
Epel Felmier:
He's absolute BESTIES with Darling. Because they're both feminine and want to break out of what life has assigned them. 
He's also pretty tight with Cedar.
Wants to be friends with Ramona so so so so so fucking bad.
Vil Schoenheit:
I hate to say it but my man is a centrist.
He understands and respects the audacity the royals have to think they can force others into roles they aren't meant for. However that's kinda his whole fucking issue in life. He doesn't mind some of the Royals, Apple is certainly more bearable than Neige and I'm certain that Vil can see right through her.
Sympathizes with Apple honestly. He'd want to like this Evil Queen and has pointed out her good points like being strong at magic and a good manipulator but also she's kinda a bitch so womp womp.
Totally gets along with Raven he's like the midpoint between the two.
Is very annoyed by Goldie.
Hangs out with Cupid and Rook sometimes. 
Good friends with and commiserates with Duchess.
Rook Hunt:
Rebel ofc bb
Bro if so girly pop and hangs out with Cupid. They go on about pretty things and love together. He and Vil encourage her to go after Dexter.
He's aloof enough to fit into the EAH verse.
Does his rounds with the cast susing them out. Has the Leona infatuation with Ramona. 
Isn't fond of Goldie she's too keen to pry into his life.
Idia Shroud:
Is a Doomer Royal with Rebel sentiments.
Bro is maybe too sad for EAH but the books are a lil kwazy soo…
He hangs out with the gamer boys sometimes like Humphrey and Dexter if he has to socialize.
Would rather hang with Ortho but Ortho is hanging out with Cedar.
Fucking hates it here.
Ortho Shroud:
Bro fucking LOVES it here. Absolute Rebel.
He and Cedar are FAST FAST friends for being non human humans.
Loves hanging with Maddie and the girls.
Probably has like a shitpost Snap/Insta with the wackiest fucking pictures of himself, Cedar. Briar, Raven and Maddie. Like drunk college kid shit, tiddlywinks and necromancy.
Is everyone's little brother and he fucking THRIVES being able to be an enabled little shitter. No clue who helped Kitty and Ace with their latest prank. Couldn't be sweet Ortho! He's just a little guy!
Azul Ashengrotto:
Considered a neutral student for business, but is very much a pragmatist about it whatever the fuck that means lmao. He's a Rebel
Is both sad and relieved there aren't more eels.
He and Hopper are besties tho.
Suave cool guys sometimes and fucking trainwrecks otherwise? Kinnies even
Becomes lowkey midkey hydrophobic upon learning Meeshell turns fishy when wet.
Jade and Floyd:
Both Rebels ofc
Floyd and Jade are living it tf up.
Jade is investigating new mushrooms
Floyd is fucking shit up everywhere he goes and teaching them basketball or learning their basketball.
OFC Floyd has the nicknames on DECK
Maddie likes Floyd's silly nicknames and isn't so fond of him being mean sometimes.
She's also like mildly scared of Jade but he's nice to her dad and they talk about mushroom tea and treats so he's okay in her book.
Floyd always be racing Ramona or Cerise or doing some dumb shit with Briar.
Jade does his girlboss info gathering like in the one vignette with Vil where he looks so pathetically malewife.
Cedar is kept very very far from them.
Jamil Viper:
Rebel and honestly most of them are.
Surprisingly hangs out with Justine and Duchess. 
They be dancing N shit y'know.
Surprisingly gets along with Ashlynn.
Hangs out with Duchess when she gets fed up with Leona.
They vent about Kalim and Princess.
Kalim Al-Asim
Rebel but is so bubbly and sympathetic he's almost a centrist.
Kalim is so sweet he'd be like "Yeah Apple I totally get you wanna be queen and stuff but it makes Raven sad. :((("
Man is living it UP per usual.
He's hanging with every single person he can.
Absolute besties with Briar and Melody.
He's such a ball of sunshine.
He'd be so fucking happy here.
Leona Kingscholar:
Rebel ofc and would be a lot more dramatic about it than Raven is/was.
She ripped the page out of the Book of Legends? Bestie Leona would've dusted the whole thing like Azul's contracts. 👀 👀
Okay that's exaggerating he would've done the same thing.. Maybe
Honestly jokes aside he'd be more akin to Idia. A doomer rebel. 
He bothers tf out of Duchess and they're actually good friends.
Her drive to succeed kinda invigorates him.
Honestly bro is the same as ever. He eeps, he eats, he makes Ruggie do shit. 
Leona in the EAHverse would come to be like a god-tier version of himself. It would force his character development into being better than Falena imo. Yeah you could look at him and say he's just laze around, but in the middle of not only a class, but a life threatening conflict that is so deeply entwined with his actual life? If you ask me a PostOB! Leona would be all OVER this shit. He would be making full on plans and figuring shit out like well…a king. *laugh track*
Maybe then he'd like leave Ruggie alone or have a heart to heart with Ruggie or some cool emotionally mature shit. 
Ruggie Bucchi:
So audaciously a Rebel.
He hangs a lot with Maddie and Ashlynn.
Rosabella is also very nice to him. They're like sibs imo. She tells him to be nicer he tells her she's short or smthn and gives her backbone a boost.
Ruggie with a more developed Leona and with something solid to stand for would be a force to be reckoned with ngl. Even tho I think Ruggie has the weird trauma impulse that he has to earn his keep or earn others love for him so while I think Leona would be nicer to Ruggie part of that kindness is the unspoken way Leona lets Ruggie "steal" from him or do his laundry or whatever to feel like he has "earned" that money or food when those are just things people should do for you or do their best to provide for you because you exist and you are loved and cared for.
Anyway I just think we'd get a softer and a bit less cynical Ruggie. Not less crafty tho.
Jack Howl:
Rebel obvi.
Absolute besties with the Wolf sisters.
They do wolf things together.
Honestly I don't think much would change for him.
He'd be with the Savannaclaw boys being huge Rebel activists because of course they are. <3
Malleus Draconia:
Conflicted but ultimately a Rebel. Understands that people have things they need to do but they should be afforded the choice if possible.
HUGE HUGE BESTIES with Raven. Goth Girlies Unite!!!
Being around Raven and Maddie alot does WONDERS with him being more social and approachable. Maddie is their "cute item"
Hangs out with Cupid a lot after hearing about an old Gargoyle friend she had and REALLY wants to go to Monster High and meet her.
Fucking hates Faybelle. Thinks it's uncouth to crash parties.
Gets so so sad just looking or thinking about Briar.
They're mega besties tho and he like apologizes several times over even though it wasn't his Thorn Fairy that caused this. Immortality sucks dick.
She tells him to chill and shows him how to work a phone. /hj
They cry into ice cream and go on adventures a lot.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Rebel silly
Bro loves it here. The people are so spookable and he's just a cute little guy y'know!
He dispenses his wisdom and has an official ban from all kitchens so decreed by a combined front of (everyone) but mostly Ginger, Trey, and the Crumbs.
Hangs out mostly gaming but also with Poppy!
Poppy does his hair all the time, mostly via magic for funsies.
Also hangs with Kitty and Courtly.
Rebel (He's his father's son)
Fits in so well. Really looks like one of the Charmings.
Hangs out mostly with Darling and Chase.
He has a one sided blood feud with both Hunter and Apple.
He's so princely and he's surrounded by birds and is in nature all the time??
Apple thinks he's coming for her place being so pretty when sleeping and surrounded by forest animals and flowers?? C'mon man wtf??
Hunter thinks he's coming for his girlfriend because Silver was nice to/talked to Ashlynn ONCE.
Bro can't catch a break from Briar either. She's the opp of his sleepiness. 
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek would be whatever Malleus is because loyalty. He is in all honesty so truly deeply conflicted.
All he wants to do is be a good knight for Malleus. He has wanted this forever. It's like his destiny. But then again he kinda (maybe? Idk I haven't read chapter 7 anything) got to choose this. But he should be loyal to whatever it is Malleus chooses, but what if in this world the book chose some STRANGER to be Malleus' knight and not him? AND THEN WHAT IF
In short he's very likely a Rebel he's just gotta get their. 
Crisis of Identity part 2 aka (I've conquered my internalized racism at being part human but now I'm not sure who I am personality and morality wise. What a conundrum! The Musical The Series The Musical.)
He hangs out with Darling and Chase as well.
Is also pretty close with Cerise and Raven.
All in all things would go pretty well together not that ANY of what I said explains that, but in long:
EAH is based on the idea of Destiny v.s Free Will and talks about the deep seeded fears and problems that would come from a society that tells you you must be one thing your whole life when you want to be another. Which goes very well with how the Overblots happen. 
Riddle is pressured and abused by his mother to be a perfect star child and that pressure is too much for him and he snaps. 
Leona is always considered second best and less than his brother. 
Azul has a poorly written (imo) overblot but he wants to feel comfortable in his own skin and feels he needs to do so by being in total control of every situation so he can look good and not feel inferior, as he was bullied in his childhood.
Jamil has to downplay himself to make Kalim look better and is made to live a life where he can never be his true self. 
Vil also has a poorly written overblot (imo) but he wants to feel loved and appreciated and to not be the villain he's always casted as. (Literally Raven's ENTIRE thing)
Idia wants to be a hero, and cope with the guilt of feeling like he killed his brother.
Malleus is grappling with mortality and not having a "proper" family. (Briar does the first half of this in the show)
EAH also does bend and change these "destinies"
Darling being Apple's "Prince"
Daring being with Rosabella when he was certain he'd be with Apple.
In the books, Cedar coming to terms with "being human" without having to be made of physical flesh and bone or being actually human. Thus disregarding the need for her story. 
Apple being the more ruthless between her and Raven when she is supposed to be kind and sweet.
Red and Big Bad being together.
In the books again, Brooke interacting with the story. 
So in long with shit for details and no real argument. I think Ever After High and TWST would make a great crossover and maybe I just want more people to do more idk modern(??) things with EAH. But also I'm a sucker for X but a Highschool/College thing.
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kattythingz · 4 months
I was talking with my mom the other day about the struggles of writing the homunculi in a modern au because the seven cardinal sins aren’t exactly socially acceptable things to name a child (although I have read some stories where that isn’t an obstacle or is pointed out as a strange thing to name a child but is otherwise disregarded past that). So we were trying to think of names for modern au versions of the homunculi.
Some already have one, so those are easier depending on the iteration. Pride being King Bradley in 03 and Selim Bradley in Mangahood. Lust using the alias “Solaris” in Mangahood. Sloth using the name Juliet Douglas in 03. Wrath being King Bradley in Mangahood. It’s not all encompassing, but they are names that can be used for the characters. Envy is likely to use the names of the person he’s impersonating, while Greed and Gluttony don’t have a different alias (unless you count Greed and Ling sharing a body as Greed partially having Ling’s identity, I guess?). So we thought up some things.
Mom supplied the name “Avery” for Greed as a shortened form of “avarice”, and it fits so well???
In that same vein, I think Raven could be a suitable name for Gluttony as being short for Ravenous. But Tony could also work with that same logic.
I know Lust does have an alias with Solaris already, but I can’t get it out of my head that Desiree is also a very fitting name for her!
Elias for Envy as an altered version of the word “alias”, alluding to his ability to have any alias of who he’s impersonating but also starting it with E for Envy.
With Mangahood sloth, I figured just using Douglas could work. 03 sloth is Juliet for short while Mangahood sloth is Douglas for short, still keeping with the main alias used by sloth in 03.
03 wrath, though? Head empty, I wasn’t able to think of anything. Maybe you would have better luck knowing more about 03? Or maybe you have other names that you think fit the other homunculi?
(Also, technically off topic, I like to headcanon Lust and Greed as twins. Lust being the second oldest and with the Ultimate Spear and Greed being the third oldest and with the Ultimate Shield, I figure their abilities and ages being so close could allude to them being created around the same time with Lust being shortly before Greed)
YOOOOOO YOU ARE COOKING WITH SOME OF THESE NAMES. I love Desiree for Lust!!! I think Tony fits Gluttony a lot more than Raven, since Raven kinda has a... cool edge to it? And Gluttony is kinda the opposite of cool, lmao. Elias works great for Envy, and I like splitting the Sloths' names so it's one each! I dunno how I feel about Avery for Greed, though... It's a little basic for him, methinks. Greed, above all the others, would want a "cool" name or at least sth that stands out over the rest. What do we think of Rich, like a derivative of Richard? :D
03 Wrath... see, it's funny cuz I was struggling to give him a title in my hades au the other day too. If we're keeping his mommy issues with Izumi, then he'd def pick sth "ugly" to identify himself as far away from her. Or he'd try too hard and pick a unique name that sounds way too edgy. Nothing specific comes to mind though.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Short replies! As many as I can write in 30 minutes! Let’s goooooooooo
Anonymous asked:
Deuce should have put a ring on his mom if he didn't want anyone to flirt with her. she's free for picking
Yeah, by the time Deuce figures it out there’s going to be a line of people who want to put a ring on his mom, and I stand in this line too.
Anonymous asked:
Which anime characters do you love drawing the most?
This is such a difficult question to answer, I can’t pick 😭 Pretty much every title that we watch or read or play has a bunch of characters that I adore drawing, but I guess I gravitate towards characters with long hair and unusual hairstyles or outfits?? I also feel the urge to try to draw a character when they are out of my comfort zone, which doesn’t mean that I always do it or good at it, but I always have fun drawing stuff in a different art style (like the guys from Scott Pilgrim),with complicated outfits (like Barok van Zieks) or with mechanic parts (like Ortho!)… but the last one is pretty recent, I just noticed that I kind of enjoy drawing it. I guess I love a challenge? In a way? It’s just more fun that way.
By my comfort type of character and a default option would be a gloomy boy/girl in a hoody, my heart is always smiling whenever I draw this type.
Examples of some of my faves throughout the years (without twst): Levi (SnK), Ainosuke (sk8), Killua (HxH), Shiroba (DMMD), Apollo Justice (AA), Geto (JJK)… this is just a few of them.
I also still think that Prussia from Hetalia is our ultimate boy because I’ve been drawing him for about 15 years now lol
Anonymous asked:
Omg, your boob post,bless u... What would Riddle think of her childhood friend having those honkers though?? (Also, her burying her face in those tits or fondling them with curiosity lol)
Ahh thank you so much, Anon!! <3
I still giggle every time I think about how we ended up with poor Riddle being surrounded by busty girls, I swear it wasn’t intentional. But the more I think about it, the funnier and more Freudian it gets… what an aggressive way to heal mommy issues and an acute deficiency of tight hugs.
To answer your question, I think Riddle was kind of surprised when she saw Trey after being separated because she didn’t think boobs could get that big. Logically yes, it makes sense, but seeing it in person is different. Riddle always does her best to be proper and act like a lady, but I can imagine her eyes sliding down all the time during their first conversation. Trey would absolutely notice…
Riddle is indeed very curious, and it’s pretty obvious, but she would never talk about it or even ask to touch Trey’s boobs, but maybe one day… you know, for science… or Trey is just going to offer it herself lol save that girl, Trey.
Honestly? If Riddle could just bury her face in Trey’s chest for a minute or two, I think a lot of her tantrums would just… not happen. She would be so calm…
Alright, now Trey owes this to humanity.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Why do I deeply headcanon Night Raven Collage have orgies? I kind of blame you
😭Look at us being the worst influence on this fandom LOL
Ironically, I don't think we ever talked about orgies and such?
NRC might have a secret student society for orgies though...
Anonymous asked:
Eric Venue can get it though 🥵
And he did! That’s how we got Vil 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
Have you seen Vil’s father?! And why do I get a feeling you might be putting him and Trein together?
Yes, we have! He looks great, and based on everything we’ve seen and heard so far (as always, we aren’t watching the event just yet), he is everything we wished and expected him to be, so I’m very satisfied hehe.
I don’t know about your feeling though, do you want us to? 👀 Is it because of another certain stylish young man?
We don’t know who we’re going to ship Papa Schoenheit with though, only time will tell…
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say i absolutely adore your Ortho x Vil stuff!
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy that you love them!
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think Sebek has fantasies ab breeding Malleus
Kind of talked about it here!
But also in general, I feel like Sebek has all kinds of dreams about Malleus, like he wouldn’t dare to actively fantasise about it, but his mind keeps showing him so many naughty scenarios that he finds it very difficult to look at Malleus after that sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
Do you guys ever think about how Floyd would try to breed Riddle?
Because he probably didn't understand how human bodies work at first (was probably taught but got bored listening)
Floyd probably like : Where the baby bump?
Then Riddle would be like : Baby bump? I can't have babies -
*insert small sad Floyd in eel form here*
Awwww, poor eel, he was so sure that he found his mate 😔 Keep trying, buddy, maybe you’ll get him next time. Or the time after that. Basically, just keep mating with him until you change his entire anatomy lol
We haven’t really thought about this specific theme, but we did talk about Floyd being in heat and being all over Riddle, so at least there’s that!
Anonymous asked:
Hello!!  Iirc, you guys don't read the TWST mangas or light novel right?  There's a bit in the new 4-koma manga I'd thought you'd like: Rook, Leona, and Idia have to paint something and then make it move with magic.  Rook paints himself about to shoot an arrow that always aims at Leona.  Then the Rook in the painting comes to life and terrorizes the Savanaclaw students, so Leona smacks Painting!Rook with his canvas where P!Rook decides to stay.  Leona's okay with it cause it means he doesn't have to paint anything.  Idia's just there to judge I guess.
(new head canon, Leona's a pillow princess)
Hi Anon! Yeah, I heard that they’re making a 4-koma manga, and even though we don’t read any additional twst material, I really love that they’re making it! I love 4-komas, they’re silly lol
The one that you described is golden and pretty in-character; god poor Idia who had to witness all that lol I love that just running around and shooting beast boys is pretty much Rook’s entire essence…
It also makes sense that Leona would do something like this omg, paint your own picture you lazy bitch 😭
(also not a headcanon, Anon, this is 100% factual)
Anonymous asked:
I….That anon was….personally offended by a headcanon? I’m so confused…
(related to this reply)
Maybe?? I don’t know, but they weren’t rude about it or anything, so I hope it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
Jade can gaslight me all he wants…
Don't encourage him, Anon... he is already very ill-behaved.
Anonymous asked:
Jinx from Arcane looks like Idia’s long lost sister.
Don't know much about her other than her design and some bits and pieces of her story, but Idia with two pigtails would look very cute.
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glitchy7734 · 1 year
-Kyle Broflovski Head Canons-
Favourite time of year
Kyle's favourite time of the year would be summer. Despite it always being snowy, he really enjoys the feeling of the sun being out more often. During this time, it's also summer vacation, which means Kyle can spend more time with his friends.
2. Does he read? What's his favourite book?
Kyle mostly reads comic books, sometimes challenging Stan with how many volumes he can read. But, sometimes, if something seems interesting enough to him, he'll partake in the odd romance novel. 'The Fault in Our Stars' and 'Girl in Pieces' broke him. So, in all, Kyle is a hopeless romantic when it comes to romance books - he wants to experience all aspects of love.
3. Favourite way to waste time
Kyle's favourite way to waste time would be studying. If he isn't hanging out with his friends or family or isn't doing something he enjoys, he'll study his ass off.
6. Favourite type of music
Kyle's main kind of music he listens to, which he rarely does, is more alternative/indie. One of his favourite bands is The Cure. But when he's studying, he'll play Mitski or Lana Del Ray in the background to help try and romanticise studying.
5. Hobbies
Kyle's hobbies are reading and playing basketball. He's pretty tall so it makes basketball easier. It was also something he found fun as a kid, so he decided to try and give it a go again.
6. Happiest Memory
When he found out Cartman had AIDs. Even if Cartman ended up giving it to him, he can't deny the pure happiness he felt when Cartman had finally received some karma.
7. Most embarrassing moment
There's been a few. He couldn't say 'most embarrassing' but one that was embarrassing was when Stan read a poem about his ass to the class.
8. A best friend moment
Kyle's best friend moment was one memory of him and Stan calling each other 'Super Best Friends'.
9. Blemishes or scars
Kyle has barely visible scars on each cheek, coming from mouth about a centimetre long. Has a kidney transplant scar on his right side. He also has multiple faded scars on his collarbones, elbows and knees - from a memory he'd rather bury and never mention again :)
10. Biggest fear
Kyle's biggest fear is disappointing people close to him. Maybe it's the mommy issues talking, but if he ever achieved less than what someone expects of him, he'd literally have a break down. This is also why he pushes himself to study so much, despite being called a nerd.
11. Good luck charm
A friendship pendant Stan gave him is both his most prized possession and his good luck charm. It's on a black woven string, and the pendant is a carved wooden raven. It's a inside joke to Stan's goth phase when he was a kid because he called himself 'Raven' as a goth name.
12. How he hugs
I can imagine around the shoulders from behind kind of hugs from him. It's kind of awkward because he's so tall and lanky, though. Also, he isn't much of a hugger, prefers hand holding.
13. How he sleeps
Bro fully sleeps on his back, no movement. Can't convince me otherwise.
14. How does he express love?
Platonically - quality time. If Kyle cares about someone in any way, he would try and spend time with them in the little free time he has, showing someone's important to him. Romantically - words of affirmation. Again, maybe it's the mommy issues talking here but words of affirmation assures him that his S/O loves him and, in return, shows that he loves his S/O.
15. A skill he'd love to have
*I can't think here*
16. His spirit animal
Weirdly enough, I feel like his would be a deer. Don't ask me why, I just feel deer vibes. A white stag, specifically. He also thinks they're really pretty creatures and they're avoidance of humans is intruiging.
17. Hogwart's House
At a first glance, many would assume Ravenclaw. But no, Kyle is actually a Slytherin. Not for the reasons of strong morals and bloodline legacies, but because of his ambition and determination of achieving his goals.
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ravensvirginity · 5 months
i enjoy b3ast b0y a lot more in the cartoon since his comics counterpart was a bit unbearable but i think stans need to realize that the reason they try so hard to put toon personalities into the comics is because it seems beneficial to g*r not so much raven
i doubt that comic/general fans would care that much if a writer were to actually use raven to her full potential with things more aligned with NTT lore without g*r but you'd still get future writers/fans who'd be annoying about the ship because they think its a default setting for raven, i mean look at what happened with titans 2018 even if its a bad adaptation when they said they didnt want romance because of the age gap they were still harassing the actress when she said she was uncomfortable about it
taylor's run is just nostalgia bait with fans and i have little faith in it since he seems to not understand subtlety or metaphors or respect history that much but certain fans still only care if raven is with g*r for shipping moments and i just wonder if they actually truly cared about raven (when i hear g*r mistreatment because of the ship but then fans going ballistic at the thought of suggestion of separation i just think to myself "well maybe the issues lie with that mentality...")
100% YEAH. I have seen a lot of fans of the current run and the b/r/e in it that seem to just not like Raven as a character, even if they say they do. like not even not like ntt Raven, even toon Raven would fall under the things they complain about. they don't like her being emotionally repressed, they don't like her having an evil side, they don't like her having Trigon as a villain, they don't like that she has to fight against herself to be a hero. that just is who Raven is as a character!! if you ship b/r/e but you don't like any of those things about Raven, it doesn't really feel like you ship it because you like both characters and want to see how they'd be together. it feels like you just want gar to have a hot goth mommy gf.
and the thing is, if that's what you want, there literally is a character like that who already exists!! jillian!!
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she's a side character who's main purpose was always to be gar's gf. she does not have any of the baggage Raven has. she's even got the kind of alternative fashion style they've been trying to push on Raven lately!
the kinds of stans who aggressively want Raven to be some not even flanderized, just completely new version of herself probably wouldn't like her because they're so committed to their specific version of b/r/e. but still, it's just ridiculous to me. #bringbackjillian2k24
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cryptiql · 3 years
untitled god song
pairing: bakugou/m!reader (trans reader in mind you can see it if you squint but can also be read as cis)
words: 2k
warnings: themes of religious trauma, homophobia, mentions of blood, the author projecting their mommy issues
a/n: this is purely self indulgent, don't mind me 😩✋ (written in first person)
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i wish i had known him before the pain started. perhaps it is a fools dream to think that his presence would have solved anything, and it is likely that he might blown me sky high at the time, if given the chance, but i often ponder his place in my narrative. he is nothing less than a king—nay, a god—and what else am i to be except his humble servant, adoring him in the only way i've been taught?
i would bruise my knees as i kneel for him, and should he turn me away, i shall be lost and without purpose. but he does not, and instead, he snorts out a laugh and pulls me to my feet, roughly squeezing my cheeks together with a shit-eating grin. he'll tell me a joke i've heard a thousand times, and yet i laugh with him anyways, the pads of my fingers idly tapping the pulse on his wrists.
"dumbass, at least take me out to dinner first."
i never thought i'd ache to hear such a demeaning nickname, but it's like birdsong to my ears, and i long for the myriad of butterflies it provokes.
i would heed his every word like a faithful disciple, and—if i knew he would not use this power for the wrong reasons—carry it out without question. he'll roll his eyes at the notion, far too prideful at the idea of being praised, and card hands through my hair, gripping softly. "right. and if i told you to go to bed before five in the morning, would you listen?"
my smiles are genuine, as they all are with him.
"no." i wish my mother had been more open-minded; more loving to those she claimed were goners. maybe then, i could still call her my mother, and not a snarled version of her first name steeped in vinegar. maybe she could have met him, and maybe she would have keeled over in the process, but that is how we put it "killing two birds with one stone".
he was a fallen angel if ever i saw one—emblazoned in smog and ravenous inferno, the pieces of child-like innocence turning to ash. something happened to him when he was a kid, just as all gifted children, and oh, what a fool i was to let my gaze dawdle on his gorgeous form. but i will never regret it—no, not ever—for there is no such feeling that can compare to his eyes on mine, burning with a mind-fogging intensity.
it was instantaneous, the moment my thoughts turned on me with malicious intent, her voice ringing out like a gunshot.
you'll never be him.
his hand slots with mine perfectly; deliciously warm and comforting in a way i haven't felt in years; and hauls me up, the flecks of dirt and rubble from the road clinging to my jeans.
"watch it, pretty boy. i won't always be here to save you, y'know."
my heart batters against my ribs like a caged bird, screeching and wailing to be set free, and i wonder in a haze if i've died. judgement day must have come early, i think, not realizing that it was spoken aloud until the blonde quirks a brow inquisitively. he does not speak on the matter, but continues on his merry way, leaving my helpless; hopelessly enamored; and praying that we will meet again.
no, i could never be him. but i am like him. he has a sureness in his walk and fervor in the way he talks that is only recognizable when i look in the mirror. and we do meet again. it is a shame, however, that i must burden him with the weight of my past. i remember too often the troubles of my youth, even when all has passed into fleeting memories that haunt me as ghosts do to an abandoned house. yet, i still live in this house, and the ghosts are here to keep me company.
i remember the church, first and foremost; nestled between the barren country road and the outback; a beacon of hope to all those who stood in its doors. the luster of freshly polished wood still sits in my mind, accompanied by the echoing remnants of dulcet tones and multicolored bands of light, glaring from the stained glass windows and dancing across the musty carpet floor. the doddering pews were just as uncomfortable as the poorly padded chairs squatting in the front row, but every sunday, they were filled to the brim with hungry worshippers. they sang praise as though they were starved, but i was too young to understand for what. i am older now, and i still don't understand. all i know is that despite its reputation, the church was a cursed place, and i should never set foot in it again lest i go mad. i remember the creaking stairs which lead downstairs, and the winding halls that reeked of torment where shadows loomed. the paint was corroding and foul, and my conscious always loitered too long on the merlot stain on the ceiling; its origin unknown, but nevertheless urging my stomach to twist with nausea.
i remember the feeling of tall grass grazing my ankles; itching horribly from the old moth-eaten socks i was forced to wear. it had become second nature—running and hiding from my problems, from the church, from her. i shall never know a greater animosity than the likes that my mother encouraged, although unintentionally, with her pressuring views and sickeningly sweet smile. it's fake, and i would know, because ours are the same.
we are too similar, and i am sickened by the fact. will i become the wretched woman she is? will i fail to be the father i've dreamt of being? it is an easy thing to fall prey to haunting questions, and it serves as brain rot for every moment of silence that leaves me clawing at my skin, trying to reap the memory of her touch. then i began to think—about nothing and everything—and it does not stop. i will be kind; unforgivingly so, and without biased judgement; like my mother never was, and i'll make her hate me for it. i will grow in leaps and bounds, not for her sake or for god's, but for mine, as it always should have been. i will drink and curse with reckless abandon and kiss who i damn well please, because in no life does she have have the power to make me something i'm not. why should i feel sorry when the tears she wept were forged by my own blood; by the childhood memories locked away to rot in my subconscious? yes, she has suffered too, but it is through clenched teeth and raw-bitten lips that i must confess this, for her suffering was born in me and grew from a seedling into a thorned flower, nourished by her hatred and mine. she'll tell me the lie of all mothers before her: that she knows best, and i'll never know joy that is not from my savior's gracious hands.
one day, when she lies not with words but in silence, under worm-filled earth and withering pastures, i'll tell her that she was right. i'll tell her, with his hand in mine, that my savior arrived with hellfire in his eyes and fury unrelenting. his tongue holds venom that would make the devil blush, but he tastes of a sinful sweetness that i've drowned in more times than i care to count.
mother you should know, my god is like no other. he has a broad chest and muscles, i attest, that are sculpted like fine marble and smooth to the test.
my god is a man who loves other men, unashamedly; in all that is true; and kisses me like real people do. and i know it sounds silly, and a bit cliché, and he'd surely make a mockery of me if ever he heard, but i love him. i love him as passionately as you she does lord above, and it is a crime in itself how much i crave him, so yes, i will burn for this—not because my mother said so or by the ancient script that foretells it, but because i promise it. i promise to let neither hell or high water deter me from that which gives me life, and i'll do so with a ring.
"you hear that mom?" i'll whisper in the dead of night, his body flushed against mine in the most delightful way; his fingers curled into my nightshirt, pulling me closer as listless mumbles fall from his parted lips. he is dead to the world amid his dream ridden stupor, but still leans into my touch when i smooth back the wild tufts of hair to kiss his forehead.
"i'm gonna marry him." part of me wishes she didn't live on the other side of the planet, just so i could rub it in her face, but i won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me again. i won't let her think she's won, because i know, and katsuki knows, that he and i are one in the same.
i do not know who i should thank for my stubbornness, be it my mother or my father, so i will thank the pain they both caused me, for it made me stronger than they ever could. no, i did not become a better person, because the scars have yet to heal from how deep they cut, and the smell of blood still lingers, and i am angrier than i once was, but i cherish my wounds. the stench of my agony has long since been subdued, and i have learned to swallow the sickness it evokes. and yes, this anger is unhealthy and i've chosen not to purge it from my mind like the weed it is, but how lucky am i to have found one whose malice rivals my own?
the tales of his glory have littered my notebooks in smudged ink. you would hate him, is scrawled messily on the last page, but i only feel giddy with excitement. you would hate him for his spite and his unapologetic behavior, and that is why he's perfect. he's everything you hate about this world, but everything i love.
so when she gets to heaven and asks the angels "why?", they'll tell her it was him who made the devil cry. him, who held me like she should have—could have, if she hadn't terrified me—and who chased the nightmarish visions of her from my weary mind with his callous palms and soft-spoken reassurances. i wish i had known him when we were young; when things were not so simple and i needed a hand to hold; but i suppose we'll have to settle for faded photographs and stories told through the bitter aroma of alcohol. that's more than enough, i muse to myself, legs hooked over his as i rest my head on his shoulder, keening softly at the gentle scrape of his nails on my scalp. his arms wind around my waist as he mutters something along the lines of "i love you", his lips curling into a smile, illuminated by the televisions glow.
so when they ask of my religion, i will think of only him. i will recall the way he looks at me, the sound of my name on his tongue, the feeling of his lips trailing between the valley of my breast; featherlight, cautious and unfitting for a man of his nature. i've written songs of praise, all dedicated to him, and if only he knew, oh how smug he would be. but i love him, i love him, i love him. and when he spins me around like a marionette, it is with overwhelming pride and joy that i tell him this, and with rose hued cheeks and bashful grumbles, he tells me the same. so mother, wherever you are, i hope you know i've found my god.
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apollocomplexx · 4 years
Okay, guys, so hear me out. Feel free to add on to this if you guys want.
But an actual full-length character study of Dabi and Hawks? But like, in an AU where there's no quirks. Dabi, a tattoo artist(i know, so original 🙄) and a burn victim, Hawks. Hawks, who was once a pro athlete who had gotten into an accident ends up having a burn scar smeared right across the side of his face. His backstory is basically similar to his own, but he actually suffered the neglect from his family. So he's got mad mommy and daddy issues. And so, when he was recruited as an athlete(im not sure what sport), he had a full-ride scholarship. He was always a successful person in school and tried to be perfect.
So, he emailed became one of the best AND youngest pro athletes. But, of course, he got caught in a bad accident and he was hospitalized for awhile. Hawks- now Keigo -doesn't have the physical capability to be how he used to. The fastest man alive now barely able to run at a normal speed of the average person. Physical therapy is a bitch.
Because of all his money in reserve, he goes to a therapist. She expresses to him that he seems to have a self-conscious issue with himself. Keigo agrees. Not because he's acknowledging the situation, but because he hates how far he's fallen. He's not the same person he used to be. This prompts the therapist to ask, "Who were you, Keigo?" It throws him for a loop because he can't find himself to be able to scrap up any ideas or proof he actually was a person with a personality.
So, the session ends and he can't stop thinking about it. His best friend, Rumi, encourages him that night whilst eating a a giant bowl full of takeout Ramen that he should, "Try something new! Stop bitching around and wallowing around in your own shit. Life ain't shit. It ain't gonna tell you to get off your ass. You gotta do something." He takes this advice.
There are more troubles when his family ends up contacting him and asking for a stipend on money. You know, to support their "retirement". Keigo, who still has a soft spot and moral compass, reluctantly gives them money. Hie agency had given him a large severance pay when the doctors confirmed to the team and league that he wouldn't be able to play anymore.
Without even contacting Rumi, Keigo decides to do one of the worst(but possibly best decision in his entire life) impulsive things in the textbook. Angrily get a tattoo, that's what he's gonna do. So, he goes to this stupid little tattoo parlor. Isn't the best, the employees are apparently a bit crazy(especially the 18-year-old blonde desk worker, jfc). But he likes the vibe. This is the perfect place to ruin his life. Yes. It's called The League of Villains. Pretty edgy, right? Right, that's the point.
And so he already planned the appointment last night when he was kinda drunk. You know, putting himself in a stupor with deliciously fancy brandy and possible soda in the mix? It was strong. But he was so for this qt the moment. Of course, he was nervous as he got pointed to the closest room. The door was ajar and he could hear some edgy pop punk music he could imagine some teenager in their emo-phase would listen to after their breakup with their first boyfriend they had for like 4 days. So, he opens the door to see this mop of black hair, and instantly, the long overcoat with staples jumps out at him. Oh God, is this guy a teenager stuck in his emo phase?
Said-guy looks up and he has these gorgeous flaming blue eyes that looks like he could drown in and be burnt in at the same time. There were so many piercings on his face, and he looked intense with tattoos. The more he stared. He noticed the leathery burnt flesh underneath the intricately done patchwork of an elaborate tattoo. They were plentiful of electric blue flowers that matched his scorching eyes, monochrome smoke with pairing wild flames that looked something out of a folklore book. It was just utterly magnetic and magical and--
And the tattoo artist glances up at Keigo with this knowing smirk. And wow, he's hot AND pretty. How dare he? His own burn scar visible on his face makes him look so wretched. How can he pull that off so well? And so, that's how Keigo got a Hawks tattoo on the side of his neck. He wasn't that dedicated to get one over his scar like this guy here. Soon enough, he learned that his name is Dabi, he's been a tattoo artist for about three to four years. Before that, he was a starved artist who took like, a couple of years in philosophy(maybe he could be an art student with an associate's???). He blatantly made flirty comments toward Keigo and wow. If he wasn't gay before, he is now.
The two share contact information, they talk, and Keigo genuinely gets 10x better with his mental health. Apparently Dabi had no fucking clue that he was a pro athlete because all he watches are stupid documentaries and terrible reality shows. And maybe some ghibli films, because he's a man of flavor.
Dabi starts to learn a lot about Keigo but Keigo never learns a lot from Dabi. Eventually they start hanging out. This evolves into intense flirting. And then this turns into hook-ups. All Keigo knows is that apparently he's a good lay, Dabi's tongue is very hot for no reason(like temperature don't kill me lmao), and he might have severe commitment issues because he only deems them as friends. Now, Hawks normally wouldn't care. But Dabi then starts to invite him out after he confides in him about his therapy session.
So, they start going on not-dates. To coffee shops, to bakeries, McDonald's at 3am after a quick fuck, and even more stuff that he knows would be deemed as dates but they just aren't. The tattoo artist claims he doesn't care, but it's so evident that he does.
And he doesn't realize Dabi has as many problems as he does when he thinks about the entire situation. He has feelings for the man, and it's apparent that the other wants no strings attached. So, he brings it up after they have an "intimate" moment. Keigo looks over at the raven, and he sees him staring at him with this placid look on his face. And then he swears he sees tears welling up in his eyes. Then there's a slow meld of pink appearing on his face, up on the healthy portion of his skin. Before he knows it, Dabi just fucking up and leaves without much of a word and Keigo just feels-- he feels like shit.
And that's where I stop because I've been typing on my phone for 30 minutes and I'll keep going on. What do you guys thinks lmao
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
Neil Josten's Playlist Part 5 - Nicky, Aaron, and Kevin
Masterpost and link to the playlist in its entirety here
Not as much to say about these three here - they each kind of speak for themselves I think.
18. Relief - Chris Garneau
Of all the foxes, Nicky shows Neil more music than anyone else. Typically, though, it’s music Neil isn’t super into. Nicky knows Neil isn’t into most of the stuff he shows him, but Neil will still sit and listen to it with him if he is asked and isn’t busy, so Nicky keeps doing it anyway. I can imagine Chris Garneau being one of Nicky’s favorite artists, but one he keeps close to his heart. Several of his songs just hit me like they’re talking about the trauma and just general impact of growing up queer and topics like that, and I feel like it’s stuff that would really hit Nicky.
So Nicky listens to Chris Garneau (though he never was able to listen to Halloween the same again after what happened with Drake), but he doesn’t show Neil any of the songs intentionally. But one day Neil gets out of a class early and walks in on Nicky playing this one. He opens up to Neil about how much this music means to him, and Neil decides he likes the song. He keeps it.
33. Rocket Man - Elton John
Nicky loves Elton John. It's one of the artists he usually blasts on Sunday mornings in Columbia when they're all fighting hangovers. One morning he played this one and even got Aaron and Kevin singing along a bit (they were both still a bit drunk). Neil thinks back on that day and remembers it as a good one. Andrew looks back and remembers it as one of the more annoying ones.
60. Your Song - Elton John
Neil caught Nicky quietly singing this to Erik over video chat one morning in Columbia. For as boisterous and unapologetic as Nicky is (and for as much as he's always trying to get Neil and Andrew to act more like a "normal" couple with PDA and shit) it was a very vulnerable and private moment that Neil was a bit surprised by. He didn't walk in or make himself known, but he added the song to his playlist (and sometimes plays it on the car ride back from Columbia weekends for Nicky when he knows he's missing Erik).
43. Up the Wolves - The Mountain Goats
Aaron has a lot of anger for someone who is only 5 feet tall. Neil may find him obnoxious as hell, and may deeply resent the way he holds that anger against Andrew. But I personally feel that an intrinsic and necessary step in repairing Aaron and Andrew's relationship comes with some sort of acknowledgement from Andrew that - regardless of what Tilda deserved, and regardless of what series of events unfolded upon her death - he hurt Aaron with what he did. He made a decision that Aaron did not ask him to make, nor did he want him to do it. And Aaron has every right to hold it against him. He doesn't need to regret doing it, but he needs to understand that doing it hurt Aaron deeply. I think it takes a long time for Andrew to reach this point, and when he does I don't think Neil really gets it at first.
However, I think once Neil has accepted and understood it as much as he can (he still struggles with his own mommy issues, okay?) he begins to understand Aaron much more. This song is a bit of an enigma in a lot of ways; I've never met someone who really fully gets what it's about exactly. Even the artists themselves have vague and changeable understandings of where it came from. But the clear theme of the song is anger and resentment, and carrying forward with those feelings. Maybe you'll let them go, maybe you'll act on them. Maybe you'll just keep feeling them for a while. Who knows when the hurt will go away? You're justified in your anger, but it doesn't make it any nicer to feel. Neil doesn't fully understand Aaron, but he starts to understand how he feels, at least.
62. Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Listen. Neil doesn't willingly think of Aaron when he hears this song. It's a very nice song and he won't let that bastard ruin it for him.
Did he have a phase where he listened to it a lot to try and get himself to not associate it with Aaron? Absolutely. Did it work? Absolutely not.
In all seriousness, there are only a few songs that make Neil think of Aaron and this is one of them SOLELY because Aaron drunkenly mentioned it was his and Katelyn's song when it came on the radio one time. Something about hearing that and then listening to the sound felt very real and human to Neil. It helps remind him that Aaron does have feelings, actually, and does have it in him to care about other people. These are good things to keep in mind when he's trying really hard not to punch Aaron in the face for Andrew's sake.
Also it has a really nice sound. So he has begrudgingly added it to his playlist and he listens to it spitefully.
64. Wake Me Up - Avicii
Neil wouldn't believe Aaron listened to music this carefree and positive if he didn't witness it himself. He learns a bit more about Aaron every day they interact (against his will of course) and this is another song that helps him understand Aaron a bit better.
He has dreams and goals and he really wants to be happy. He wants to enjoy life. And it's really fucking hard to do that for anyone in their group. Neil seeing Aaron actually hold some amount of passion or desire for something better gives him a better view of the guy. Neil guesses everyone must need some amount of optimism once in a while.
4. Amsterdam - Guster
So obviously Neil has never been through a breakup (well I actually hc that he and Andrew almost broke up after Andrew graduated, but they pulled their asses together and that’s a post for another time). But the thing is that Kevin absolutely has! And we all know how Kevin wallows when he’s upset. And Kevin Day is a Guster fan. You cannot take that away from me. So Kevin goes through a breakup and is blasting Guster in the dorm like no one else lives there.
Now Neil is pretty observant and analytical. I mean he had to be for years, so it’s kind of just in his nature now. Most breakup songs he hears are louder and angrier and predictable to him. Not in a bad way, but he expects that they’ll pretty much usually be either angry or sad in style, neither of which he tends to be very fond of. So he heard this one and it’s more upbeat tune without being overly loud or aggressive and I think that really intrigued him. It gets stuck in your head, but it’s the kind of breakup song that - even if you are going through a breakup - leaves you just feeling pretty good! Even if it is in a bitter way. So Neil’s brain just sort of latched onto this one and kept it close. It helps that it reminds him of Kevin in a way that is so intrinsically HUMAN. He can try to be an exy player before a person all he wants, but even Kevin experiences heartbreak and frustration. He's a whole person, too - just like Neil.
40. Still - Ben Folds
Yes, Nicky and Matt made him watch Over the Hedge. Yes, that is where he found this song. Yes, it still kind of makes him think about the sad turtle. Don't tell anyone.
Seriously, though, Neil latched onto this song initially for the smooth, sad sound. Then he listened to the lyrics. It really hits him once he's captain and he suddenly has all these added responsibilities piled onto him. He now has to appear respectable and put-together, and he doesn't have room for mistakes. It doesn't help that Kevin is reminding him of their deal with the Moriyamas at literally every turn, as if Neil doesn't KNOW the stakes and the pressure on him at any given moment.
But, oh, Kevin. Neil can roll with his punches with ease because, really now. Kevin is more terrified than he ever lets on anymore. "No room for weakness", but he hits himself with that reminder before taking it to Neil. He's stubborn and frustrating, and he can be downright cruel and unreasonable. But he's hurting himself with his scathing remarks long before they leave his lips to attack anyone else. Neil thinks about this, and he doesn't have it in him to be quite as angry anymore. He sees Kevin, and he know Kevin sees him too. He just doesn't know how else to provide support, and he isn't really in a good spot to be supporting anyone else at the moment anyway. Neil can only hope that, with time, Kevin can let himself feel safe the way Neil is learning to.
56. Dance Monkey - Tones and I
Neil heard this song and applied it immediately to Kevin. He's seen first hand now how much work it is for Kevin to maintain his image and career the way he does while balancing all the baggage that comes with it. The people in the audience who root for him the strongest are the same ones who rooted for Riko and the Ravens a while back. They're the same ones who thought he lost a brother the day his abuser died, who thought joining the foxes would be a huge gut punch to his career.
There's a lot that's expected of Kevin, and there's a lot of trauma he carries that people seem to think are memories he looks back on fondly. And that's a facade he has to keep up.
Neil sees this and he knows how hard it is for Kevin. He knows.
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
Warning: Long. I’m sorry. I was excited.
• First thought, I'm being forced to watch without subtitles & and it might just be me but these actors are impossible to understand on the first listen.
• "The shepherd teaches us that winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species" so....aliens? ALIE? Ascending into a 'higher' form of existence meaning either life after death (ALIE style) or these people want to become Gods?
• They "believe in transcendence" so i must be on the right lines.
• Bardo have "different plans" for the two killers. Void!Echo might be cominggggg.
• "Death is life" / "may we meet again" / "death is not the end" — "winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species"???? I’ve connected the dots.
• I'm sorry but all this hyper-focus on Clarke and being "The Key to everything" is kinda embarassing me, like 😳 it's just so odd. That this alien cult from another part of the galaxy/universe is fixated on this random teenager born on a space station around Earth. I know, I know it's to do with Becca's tech, but it's still very much sounding like the "super important special protagonist" trope which I hate and until that detail about the code/tech is revealed it will continue to make me rme. LMAO.
• "Rise and shine errand boy" OK MA.
• Indra is out looking for their friends which confirms LGBT wrath squad literally told nobody they were leaving, and since Gaia was kidnapped, there's no news from them at all.
• Emori trying desperately to help Murphy stay out of hell. At first I thought she was reassuring him, but she was explaining why he needs to do these “errands,” because she believes in his ‘vision’ of hell last season.
• "besides [Murphy's] worshipped me for years."
• Memori is the inverse of Bellarke. There, I said it.
• "You don't know me very well-" / "i know you went into that tavern to save a child at great risk to yourself..." is the pretty much the exact same scene as Murphy's with Luna in s4: "you don't know me very well" / "I know you stole medicine to save [a child]..."
• Luna's spirit followed them across the galaxy/universe this season.
• I don't know anything about chess but the fear on Murphy's face when Slim Sheidy moved his Queen makes me think Emori is in danger this season for as long as he's still alive.
• Echo indirectly preaching "love is strength"
• "You don't talk about yourself much and you're a shapeshifter"
• Dude maybe Echo really is getting an arc this season.
• "Bellamy this isn't real" implies she's had to shut “this” down before, and that there's been something between them for a while. And Bellamy literally shut her up with a kiss, telling her and us that she’s being silly. Also, Echo was the one putting it off.
• Tall girlfriend short boyfriend rights!
• The shot of the ring becoming Echo's eye. Oh my GOD.
• "I know you're in pain Echo, I feel it" what a dumb fuck thing to say LMAO what gave it away?????? The way I'm crying right now in front of you??????
• "I'm the monster from Hope's bedtime stories"
• Octavia:
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• Octavia is telling EVERYONE else what we already knew. The parallel was NEVER to Finn. It was to Octavia. After Lincoln died. TELL EM.
• "I wish I hugged him instead"
• Octecho Murphamy parallel oh jesus.
• Octavia is like "no Murphy Echo! I'm not letting you go until you admit you're not useless! it's not your fault!"
• Octavia telling Echo love is the answer, love is what she needs, not death or violence. Love is strength. Here we go bitches.
• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “YOU’RE ONE OF THE HUNDRED”
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• Am i actually right with all these Echo theories i’ve had? I’m feeling so validated.
• It’s a shame none of these scenes will be edited and made into gifsets by fandom the way other Clarke/bellarke/anti-Echo-centred ones have been them with their none-existent Finn ‘parallel’ lmaooooo, because nobody cares for Echo and Octavia.
• Everyone is yelling for Echo. I feel that.
• Diyoza is checking her nails. I feel that too.
• "THAT'S DISHES YOUNG LADY" ajaksjajsjskasjsjdkskdjdj
• I'm so sad we're back in Sanctum😔😔😔
• Emori is fr pregnant.
• Are we really doing a sexism thing, here with Shiedheda and Murphy? I thought those things didn't exist anymore?🤔
• "how you respond to the loss of your Queen will tell me which you are (a leader or a follower)" — I'm going to be unhappy if Emori dies just so Murphy can become a "leader" by the end. Don’t. Especially not after this conversation about “not liking women very much.”
• Well there goes that theory of Hope favouring Murphy from the stories because she was told he was similar to her father. Sigh.
• "I like you John, you amuse me" is a pretty good way of summarising how his character has been used this season.
• "Everyone I ever loved was killed fighting in wars. Some that didn't need to be fought"
• "I LIKE OUR CHANCES" callback.
• Men who?
• "Violence and rage will only destroy your soul"
• “Revenge is a game with no winners” motherly advice vs “They loved people too. Where does it end?” / “it doesn’t end here. I don’t believe in karma” motherly advice.
• These quotes are making me nervous about void!Echo. I hope she gets brought back from the dark eventually. Or makes the dark her bitch.
• This Diyoza-Hope scene looks paralleled to the Octecho one! Thus Echo also wants to "go back to the way things were."
• "They took my mommy away" — Like ‘they’ took Octavia's and Echo's. Two other warrior women in the same group. Clarke dealt with the loss of hers. Madi with the loss of hers. There’s Gaia and Indra’s strained relationship. Emori + being cast out by her parents. The child sacrifices. Murphy + Sheidheda’s mother throwing him in the conclave meaning he doesn’t like women. Is this season about mommy issues?
• A little confused why he’s talking about Lexa as if she directly stole his legacy. Wasn’t he in power when Indra was a child?
• Octavia is laying there staring at a blank book.
• I'm dying at Octavia monologing, completely oblivious to Echo cutting her face with broken glass behind her. LMAO. She's become so accustomed to Echo's whimpering she's not even phased anymore.
• Dying again at Echo out of nowhere just going DO YOU KNOW WHY AZGEDA WARRIORS SCAR THEIR OWN FACES?
• Octavia, again:
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• "We do it to symbolize that the pain is over. The wound is healed."
• That's such a good explanation. And here begins Echo's healing journey. As her wounds heal over the next few episodes so will she. And by the end her scars will symbolise that journey.
• Here Echo goes again being the smartest person in the room, always. "We're not prisoners, we're recruits."
• Tasya is making me super uncomfortable with the jittery, eery way Echo is moving around. I love it.
• The way Echo casually saunters out of the fucking room with not a single care in the world oh she knowsssss. AJDKSHFJSF
• Echo leading again!!! Making the decisions. Octavia following after her (literally) and backing her.
• "This is how my people show they're ready to go to war" — making everyone extremely uncomfortable and I love that for her. Also, "my people."
• Embracing her Azgeda-ness.
• Octavia understanding and jumping in to aid Echo's plan combined with the close-up of Echo's determined abliet slightly unhinged expression makes me believe Echo is leaning into her "spy" along with her Azgeda and going undercover, making them believe she's on their side when she's not. But there's still a part of me thinking Echo is spiraling and is going to war out of habit and because she feels she has nowhere else to go/ "no home." Aka, the detail to finish off the S7 O/E parallels: "this is who I am" / "I'm here for the war."
• Furthermore, her scarring herself could be a callback to Octavia telling Ilian to help her feel something.
• I love this season a lot.
• Back in Sanctum again😒
• How does a chess game take all fucking DAY?
• OH 🙂 That's how.
• Yeah it makes absolutely no sense Raven would ask about Octavia before Echo.
• Raven looking at Clarke when finding out Bellamy's dead as if she isn't the only one there who's his actual family, who spent 6 entire years with him + more. Raven Clarke-Prop Reyes strikes again.
• Clarke's like *sad confusion*
• The scene of Clarke finding out about Bellamy's death didn't feel so much about her as it did "well what does this mean for them now?"
• "From the ashes we will rise" becomes "from the ashes, through the bridge, the shepherd will rise" Gotta say, not as catchy.
• "please call me Bill" - No. No Bill. Only Cadogan.
• We're going back to Earth this season aren't we?
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yangingaround · 5 years
one thing that annoys me is people going but team rwby are traumatizied when the same thing could be said about ozpin ozpin was a like an old war vet who had ptsd and trauma . ozpin had every right to keep secrets I am sick of people trying to paint ozpin as a bad person or manipulative because he kept some secrets which needed to be kept secret due to many betrayals and if they go out it will only help salem like the relic if info is leaked to salem it will help her. ( lionheart 1/2
“Anonymous said to yangingaround:
was his friend and he just betrayed him to salem a short time ago and he has been betrayed many times in the past so why should he immediately trust team rwby who he doesnt know as well ( and given how they reacted to salem being immortal saying it was pointless it shows ozpin was right in keeping salems immortality a secret   the entire reason they kept salem a secret was to prevent the loss of morale ,feeling it was pointless etc  )(not to mention yangs hypocrisy 2/2
Anonymous said to yangingaround:
I am sick of the whole oz kept secrets so we cant trust anything he says ignoring that team rwby have kept secrets and told lies many times and they like to pretend its different when its not . ozpin isnt at fault for summers death her dying on a mission is not oz’s fault . ( oz protected humanity  this attempt to paint oz as a manipulator or like dumbledore   or taking away peoples choices ( check itsclydebitches tumblr she made a post on that )  is bs ( and salem always blames other people ½
Anonymous said to yangingaround:
for her actions like going the deaths of the people who fought against her are somehow oz’s fault  or claiming ozpin is a coward for going away after just seeing the worst moments of his life and his friends turning on him and what qrow did to him  he was stressed out  and needed to go back inside  giving qrow what he wanted   he was crying and the claim that this was cowardice is utter nonsense he needed to escape from the abuse  so he left the only way he could  2/2
Anonymous said to yangingaround:
also the claim that ozpin never tried to unite humanity is complete and utter bullshit his entire plan was to unite humanity and by rwby v1 he was close to achieving that goal  the closest he had ever been ( ozpin was the king of vale)
okay, briefly coming out of semi-retirement on here because this just dropped in
this was kinda the wrong blog to send this to, because none of the mods are on Oz’s side
but let’s start from the top:
Oz had no right to keep secrets when those secrets were endangering lives (keeping the fact that the relics attract Grimm put hundreds of innocent civilians in danger for no reason because the heroes weren’t prepared), and he was purposely leading the heroes to on a pointless suicide mission rather than be straight with them that he had no plan
on top of that, he’s millennia old, so the fact that he can’t get over his thousand year old hurt feelings is literally not anyone else’s fault but his own, and he’s endangering lives over it - he’s had multiple lifetimes to get over it, and it’s made clear from Jinn’s description of things that for the most part he just moped and did nothing
second, Ozpin is manipulative, we see that in how he interacts with Pyrrha, coercing her into becoming the Fall Maiden by taking advantage of her nature and ensuring it by presenting it as an ultimatum - “become the Fall Maiden or the bad guys win” isn’t a choice, no matter how many times Qrow and Ozpin insist otherwise
it’s not just the keeping secrets thing, though that is part of it (oh, and FYI, his claim that he only keeps secrets and lies because he’s been betrayed in the past? was a lie, the first thing he did when meeting Salem again after reincarnating was lie to her, and he had far less sympathetic reasons to lie to her than she did to him - she was afraid of being judged by the one good thing her life ever had, he was lying to her because the God of Light told him she couldn’t be trusted. and we have confirmation from the writers that the gods are heavily based on Greek mythology, and those gods were assholes), he’s manipulative for far more than that
(oh and maybe Lionheart betrayed Ozpin…. because Ozpin lied about the mission… and Lionheart got scared because he couldn’t trust Ozpin… wild concept but maybe Ozpin is the mastermind behind his own destruction)
and no, Ozpin wasn’t right to keep it secret, because they still found morale after that initial despair, but here’s the thing, if they’d known from the start, shit wouldn’t have hit the fan that hard - knowing how bad things are from the start is a lot better than thinking you’re in a better position than you really are; because when that truth comes out it’s a lot further to fall
Ozpin demands trust but never reciprocates and then acts hurt when he’s inevitably betrayed over it, that’s his fault, no one elses
and funny you should mention Yang’s ‘hypocrisy’ because that’s a brilliant sticking point that would have entirely made your argument if it wasn’t top of the line, absolute Grade A horseshit
Yang keeping a single secret about Raven over a very personal issue when that secret no longer has any value to the rest of the group (they already have the Relic and the Vault is already dead, the Spring Maiden no longer holds any value to Ozpin as Relic’s already out and Salem doesn’t have much reason to pursue Spring knowing that the Relic is out of the box) is not the same thing as Ozpin lying to the group by keeping information from them that could get them killed. so show me where the hypocrisy lies here because i’m not seeing it. acting like one small, harmless act is comparable to thousands of constant lies
when RWBY keep secrets, it’s because they have to, they never do it simply because and have never done anything to intentionally endanger lives while Ozpin does it without a thought
oh and here’s a shocker, by being the person sending Summer on mission, Ozpin was knowingly endangering her, so yes, he actually does hold some responsibility for her death - that’s how the chain of command works
and ‘Oz protected humanity’, interesting. did he? let’s see what Jinn has to say:
“Thus began a long and painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma.Some lives were spent in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all.”
yeah, sounds like to me, he spent most of his time running away from the problem, so his current behaviour is on brand, at least (also this scene reveals that he lied about the whole “i merge with the next guy i reincarnate into” thing because it’s made clear that until very recently he just suppressed them; and drank at least a couple to death, so add everyone he’s ever possessed to his body count - and the people he jumps into don’t have a choice but to get involved because he can take over whenever he likes)
and i’ve already addressed that he did take away people’s choices, because he doesn’t give them choices, don’t tell me to read someone else’s post and not argue the point yourself, i pay attention to the show, okay? i can understand what’s happening in it - Pyrrha, ultimatum. the rest of the gang after Yang and Weiss arrive, ultimatum (by not so subtly hinting at Raven’s cowardice as a negative quality they should shy away from). all the people he’s ever possessed, only recently did they even get autonomy and that’s only because he lets them have that. every student who has ever attended the four main combat academies - the entire premise of the schools is a false pretense. it’s not to train warriors to protect the world (hell, the very concept of Huntsmen and Huntresses being the sole defenders of the world is almost propaganda in quality because they’ve only been around for less than a century - humanity got on just fine without them before that), it’s so there’s an ever-rotating array of meatshields to protect his god-summoning paperweights. which puts the deaths of the likes of Gretchen Rainart on him too (as well as the fact that as Headmaster he has a duty of care and he tries brushing those deaths off like “they made their choice” which is a disturbing detachment from responsibility)
and yes, Ozpin is a coward for running away, because this is his fault, and he decides to hide himself away than deal with the consequences of his actions - he’s not a child, he’s not some scared little boy who needs his mommy to hold his hand - he is a millennia old asshole who is very much responsible for the mess everyone is in right now, or did you miss the part where Salem was peacefully holing herself away where no one could bother her? or that he was the only good thing in her life and by stabbing her in the back first by running away with the kids instead of talking to his wife when she got a liittle too edgy (which, by the way, wasn’t even her fault because the only reason she was like that by that point was because she’d tried to kill herself and didn’t know this result was a possibility, and that’s one slip after a near decade of happy marriage) and taking the first hope she’d had in so long away; of course she’d snap
that’s what Ozpin does, he builds people up on lies so they don’t know how far the drop really is - just because his goal is ostensibly noble doesn’t mean he is, especially when his actions are anything but
“needed to escape the abuse” holy shit. okay, this is a joke right? it’s a joke?
being called out on your bullshit is not abuse. people getting angry at you because you lied to them, manipulated them and were planning on letting them die for a cause that you know to be pointless is. not. abuse.
i don’t care if he was crying, that doesn’t mean anything - “oh look at the poor sad millennia old wizard, he’s upset that people are angry at him for the blood on his hands which he has no problem sticking his hands back into”
and i wouldn’t call what Oz did in the Great War ‘uniting’ humanity. considering what that amounted to was forcing the other reining monarchs to kneel to him after he beat them up (as well as the Queen of Vacuo, who was his ally), dismantled their power structures to replace it with the council system (and destroying any remaining semblance of real governance that Vacuo had, leaving it a chaotic hell-pit wasteland) and built the schools (which were meant to not answer to any of the Kingdoms) as a front so he could stay in power and control across reincarnations
yeah, some unity - all that demonstrates was that he never really had a problem with the “beat people up to make them do what you want” plan he and Salem had the first time
Ozpin is a very old, very pathetic coward - he doesn’t learn from his mistakes, he repeats them over and over again then acts like it’s someone else’s fault. he refuses to trust people yet gets angry when they refuse to trust him, he lies to people constantly but tries to dodge out of it than take responsibility, when his secrets endanger the lives of others, instead of acting like a fucking adult and facing the consequences for his actions, for the god knows how many lives he has damaged, ruined, destroyed, how he willingly endangers lives rather than tell the truth for no good reason, he runs away and leaves everyone else to pick up his mess
he’s a coward and RWBY and the others have every right to call him on his bullshit. they’re a lot younger than him, they have more room for mistakes and growth
he’s had literally all the time in the world to be a better person, and all he’s become is a lying, weaselly coward
-Mod S
also, read the rules:
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lightdusk96 · 5 years
The Kids Are Alright
(Hello, everyone! It’s my birthday today, so I made this little thing here to celebrate! This is a tribute to all my friends, especially my writing buddies Ava @fireflyxrebel and @nightglider124 ! Credit goes to @loubuggins for letting me use her lovely BBRae kid OC’s Mark and Maria Logan!)
The Kids Are Alright   
«How longer until we get there, Dick?»
Richard Grayson glanced at his beloved wife, as his attention was on the veichle ahead of them. «Not too long, I think. I remember Bruce said the place is just beyond this clearing.»
Kory only hummed in response before looking back to see the kids. Jake was sleeping peacefully, his short black hair messy and unkempt, while Mar’i was bouncing with excitement, her long dark hair fluttering up and down as she did. She always had an urge to explore and see new places, so this idea of going to this new summer resort for a few days was right up her alley.
Kory couldn’t help but smile, her daughter’s happiness being irresistably infectious. It was going to be a very fun couple of days.
It wasn’t even a few moments before her train of thought was halted by the car slowing down to a halt.
«Woah… I think this is it.»
Dick’s exclamation was one that Kory soon shared as soon as she laid eyes on the place. It was a beautiful cabin made entirely out of wood, with a painstakingly-crafted stone pathway that lead to a small beach, a seemingly uncountable variety of flowers growing on both sides of said path, big windows and lanters completing the a look that was luxirous, yet simple.
Kory gave her gobsmacked husband a knowing look. «We get this beautiful home AND a beach?! I believe you said you wanted something small…»
He smirked at her teasing comment. «Well, OK, not TOO small…»
Kory just shook her head at that. «The house, I get. But a beach?»
Dick’s smirk grew into a full out grin, wrapping a strand of Kory’s firery red hair around his finger. «You mean you don’t want to see me in nothing but a swimsuit?»
Kory’s round cheeks had a soft shade of pink in them as soon as he finished that sentence. «While you make a good point, I don’t think we should talk like that in front of the kids…»
«Right, sorry. I’ll just go and get our things.»
Kory turned to their daughter as Dick got out of the car and started unloading the trunk. «So, what do you think, Starshine?»
Mar’i smile was so bright that it lit the entire interior of the car. «It’s soooo pretty! I LOVE IT!»
Her outburst of excitement woke up Jake, who after shaking off some sleep-induced sluggishness, took one look at their home and stared at it with an open mouth.
«Wooooooow… it’s biiiiig!»
Kory giggled at his blunt, yet apt description as she got out of her seat and out of the car, her children following her. The kids got their backpacks while Mommy and Daddy got the heavy suitcases. Mommy carried the bulk of them for the obvious reason that she was stronger than Daddy.
As they unloaded the trunk, the green Smart that followed behind them stopped a short distance away from them. The Logan family emerged from the car in very good spirits, despite the long trip. Raven showed a rare smile as she held the hand of her son Mark in her own and Garfield was laughing alongside his daughter Maria as they raced each other to the house in front of them. As for their luggage, Raven just levitated it to the cabin. It was times like this that she honestly considered her powers an actual blessing.
Raven turned to Richard as he carried two suitcases down the stone pathway. «Just a small resort, eh?»
«Ah, it’s eight of us, we’ll need the space. Especially with our kids having superpowers and all.»
Raven simply hummed in response as she guided Mark towards the cabin, Kory floating beside her carrying several big suitcases. And her two children, who were letting out excited squeals over how fun of a ride their mommy can be.
The unpacking did not take very long, thanks to the fact that most of the residents had superpowers that made it much easier. As soon as the adults were finished, Maria took the liberty of asking what the rest of the kids behind her were thinking.
«Mommy, can we go out and play now?»
Raven gently stroked her green hair, a warm smile on her face. «Go ahead, sweetie. But be careful and be back by lunchtime, okay?»
Maria rapidly nodded her head. «Yes, mommy!»
Mar’i  was jumping up and down in joy, as Mark and Jake gave each other a mischievous look. «Alright, play time!»
Jake and Mark took off before Mar’i could even finish her sentence. «LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!»
The girls were shocked in place for a brief moment before giving chase. «Hey, good boys are supposed to let ladies go first!»
Mark had this to say as he looked back at the girls running behind them. «You’re not a lady, you’re just a sister!»
Gar laughed at their antics as was lounging on the sofa after he set up his and Rae’s room, very satisfied with how the place looked. «It’s a real nice place you got here, Dick. It reminds me of a place I know of, but that’s inside a forest by a lake, not near a beach.»
Dick riased an eyebrow from his seat on the other side of the sofa, his lovely wife snuggling against his shoulder. «Really? It sounds like a pretty cool place. Maybe we should should go there next time we take a few days off with the kids.»
«It’d be cool with me! I know the kids would love it!»
Kory raised her haed slightly at this. «Speaking of the kids, how are the twins fairing, Gar? How are they handling their powers so far?»
Gar  shifted his lounging position to and upright one. «Well, Maria is handling hers pretty well. She’s already got a good handle on teleporting and can move some small things with her telekinesis. Mark’s getting the hand of it too, although it can get pretty hard sometimes. So far he’s displayed animal senses and empathy, and these can be very difficult to tone down. Said that his head hurt from feeling to many conflicting emotions all at once at schools, while his animals senses can make it hard to sleep. But that was just at first. He’s been seeing both of us and he’s learned to surpress them to the point where it’s not nearly as much of an issue anymore. It’s worth noting that he adapted to his empathy extremely quickly, even Rae was impressed by how swiftly he controlled it. In fact, these helped him make fast bonds with pets and other animals around him.» Gar’s eyes lit up in happiness as he remembered the Mark’s look of pure wonder on his cute little face when he made his first animal friend, a tiger in a zoo that they visited 2 years ago.
Kory let out a huge smile of admiration for how well Gar had conducted himself. «It all sounds glorious, Gar! I am very happy for you and your family! I always knew you would make a wonderful  father!»
Gar couldn’t help but puff his chest out in pride at this. Despite his caring for the kids being entirely out of love for them, it did feel  nice to be appreciated.
«Thanks, Kory. So, how about Mar’i and Jake? They doing well, or is Dick being a Dick again?»
Dick rolled his eyes out at this. «Wow, that was almost an hour without a joke about my name! I’m impressed!»
Gar’s signature toothy grin was very quickly formed around his face. «Well,I would make more, but I don’t have much time for dicking around these days, y’know?»
Dick couldn’t hold his chuckle in time. «Mar’i and Jake are doing fine. Mar’i has got a pretty comfortable hold on her powers, while Jake is getting there steadily. He can’t fly like his sister, but he does have super-strength and starbolts, which he used to launch a bully on the other side of an alley 3 months ago. He didn’t get hurt, thankfully. Mar’i has been really helpful to him as he adjusted to his powers. They’re a pretty tight-knit duo.»
Raven came out from the kitchen, with a tray of teacups and a teapot that softly let out steam.«A new Dynamic Duo, eh? Sounds good.»
As the four adults drank from their cups, they couldn’t but think just how far they’ve come in their lives, to the point where they’ve become capable parents when it felt like it was just yesterday that they were teenagers barely able to handle their own well-beings, much less their own. That feeling of accomplishmenmt and pride combined with the warm tea trickling down their stomachs felt them with a feeling of warmth that could be sensed throughout the entire room as their children played outside in the sand, shouting at each other over not being able to use their powers for hide and seek.
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kylecoopers · 5 years
i’m also stealing this from @bastianlis​ and @westcfsalem​ bc quite frankly i’m aLWAYS down to plot and while i’ve tried my best to reach out to everyone, i’ve gotten a little swamped in messages and i think i’ve missed some people. so, in hopes of reaching out to new members and characters i may not have plotted a lot with, here are some plots i think could work for my babes.
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key: plots that are in italics are uber wanted just bc i think it’d be good for growth or just fun to play out !!
kyle cooper. resident sad boi, will agree with you if you try to bully him. kinda over life. trans and proud and pan and proud! avid dog lover, will only accidentally sleep with your ex and feel terrible about it for the rest of his life. rooms with his hubby who’s not his hubby sonny in audax and sonny’s his front man in his own little drug scheme where he sells his adderall so they can afford weed n stuff. really sweet, just wants to make people happy and v v selfless tbh. will die 4 u but will sacrifice u for a dog at the same time. not to be trusted for this reason alone.definitely true good or lawful good like i have no idea which one. definitely uwus and owos unironically. kermit the frog is his fursona even tho he’s definitely not a furry, he just says he is so another furry feels comfortable and if ur reading this u know who u are. intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist 
wanted connections: more antagonistic plots tbh. like give me enemies, give me physical fights, give me him sticking up for his friends since i know he won’t stick up for himself. ex friends that he’s lost along the way. give me more bad influences too who keep him out too late and let him make out with random people in parties during his transitional phase, give me the people he’s making out with. childhood friends are a must too, he grew up in new york and was in the suburbs for a little while but in the city for the other half. and honestly a LOT of people who are getting their supply of adderall from kyle and sonny bc like that’s their secret and there’s none bc we just recently decided it was gonna be an active thing they’re doing. and some more friend plots are always wanted but he lowkey needs his own little emotional support friends for when him and sonny are being useless gays and can’t just tell each other what is going on.
nicole woods. a hot motherfucking mess. will ghost you, collective heartbreaker and occasional other woman. honestly a coward, terrified of her own feelings so she’s always doing dumb shit. chaotic neutral. current roommates with the only person she is 100% selfless for and will kill 4 her or indira tbh. an effortlessly bitchy person, doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut and will tell you what she thinks if it doesn’t have to do with her feelings. proud wiw but will fuck guys, probs is the top regardless won’t lie, 5′3 and full of fury.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: she’s notorious for ghosting people and collecting hearts so having more people she’s fucked over is kinda a need. maybe more enemies like, she has some but she’s probs not number one in terms of how liked she is in lockwood. give me more flings too; she’s biromantic so she’d go any way. maybe a partner in crime she does fuck shit with. she’s from baltimore so she might not have any childhood friends but maybe some friends she made over the internet that ended up going to the same school as her? her stepsiblings are still connections but i’m always down for cousins n such. also hookups n stuff idk if i said that but it’s always welcome.
maple wolfe. the love child of fleetwood mac and hozier’s music tbh. aloof and kinda loner-like, can be found usually drawing somewhere in a quiet place or doing assignments out in the open. probably painted a school mural with a few art friends. used to roommates with tati but now lives in potentas alone. true neutral, really just stays to themself. can be a little too cunning and observant, keeps mental notes on people and tries to figure out their weakness in case they need it. probably wanted to be a forest nymph growing up and when that didn’t happen they were like “well fuck it ig” and went into art. can be kinda short in terms of talking if they’re not comfortable with you but if you bring up the right topics they’ll ramble for hours with thought-provoking conversations and debates about simple things such as who’s the best artist from certain eras and why the only reason things seem bad is because we see everything nowadays. also probs lowkey the epitome of the raven poem by edgar allen poe.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: honestly some flings would be cool and maybe some exes because they’re a cutie. some people they maybe grow close to, maybe people from virginia who they know if there’s even anyone here. and potentially a connection to their secret; someone who was related to the person involved or knows of it for that sweet angst or someone who’s father was the cop on duty that night. art friends who painted a mural with them in memory of tati or something. honestly i’m down for anything w/ them they’re just easy to work with.
jasper beaumont. grade a dumbass, amazing singer, probably has a soundcloud tbh and he wouldn’t be ashamed. doesn’t give a fuck about anything, has mommy and daddy issues, the guy you should bring home if you wanna piss your dad off. honestly loyal as fuck to his friends but once you cross him, you’re done. deals with his issues w/ his fists and is just a violence drive person but he won’t hit w/o warrant. coulda been a comedian, definitely had a vine account that got some sort of traction. will fuck anything that consents and has a pulse. fuck gender norms and will show up to events in whatever the fuck he wants. pronouns are he/him and they/them so pls use correctly. his secret is tba but !! be on the look out ;))
intro | secret (tba!) | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections. hook ups, ride or dies, people he’s taken the blame for because baby boy does lowkey have a huge crime sheet. people he cheated on, people he cheated with, people he was the other man to, flings, exes, way more antagonistic plots, maybe some bromance bc i mean bros. maybe somebody he knows from l.a or people he knows from high school? he was around tati for that. a roommate too! he lives in fidelis
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tiarawcman · 6 years
Re: Your posts about Rhea/Lena fic, I kind of like to imagine that Rhea did originally intend to seduce Lena but then found out she has mommy issues and just went "nope ok change of plans you're my kid now", because you've said that helping other women is important to Rhea and that she does hold Lena in esteem. And I think Rhea would want to be whatever Lena needed (within reason, obviously, Daxam comes first but you know what I mean) because she loves her.
// rhea went to lena because lena had the capability to make the transmatter portal in the quickest and easiest manner. she had something that could be modified to allow for spaceships to fly through instead of just people walking through (as the original designs for the portal appear to be a copy-paste of the one we see being used earlier in s2, which is far too small for the daxamite invading ships), and she had the qualifications, experience, and lab needed to build it in the first place (and we know rhea did research on lena’s prior work because she quotes it while discussing the proposition with lena in the first place).
we don’t actually see rhea seducing anyone throughout the course of her time on the series, lena or otherwise, and that doesn’t seem to be her way of getting people to do what she wants. she uses her own intellect and knowledge of people for that. when we talk about rhea as a seductress, that’s often something we as viewers add in because that’s how we want her to be OR as a result of the commentary on daxam as a party planet full of frat boy type aliens.
does rhea know how to have a good time? yes. does rhea seduce people sometimes? also yes. (and ironically enough, if you go back to raven’s first appearances in new teen titans, that’s how she got kid flash to join, by using her empath powers to make him feel like he was in love with her. just as a side note.) would rhea have maybe slept with lena if she’d suspected lena wanted that? also yes.
but she didn’t go to lena with the intent to seduce her. or at least, mine didn’t.
and i don’t want to, like, bash your hc at all because it’s totally fine to have different hcs on characters! and that’s cool and normal and nothing against that! and i do like that idea! it’s just not my rhea. >.>;;;;;;;;;;;
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whatmoredoyouwant · 7 years
I was tagged by @laufire (okay like, not really, but it said whoever wants to do it! lol)
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag some friends
The 100
Grey’s Anatomy
The First Character You Loved:
Oh wow. Hard one. Hmm...it’s especially hard cause I just rewatched the whole show, so my “first impressions” are a little skewed. I don’t know if it’s more Octavia Blake or Clarke Griffin tbh. I’m like horribly in love with Eliza Taylor, so that’s a big factor, but Octavia’s character is so dynamic and fun. I loved her from that first, “We’re back, bitches!”
This is even harder because the characters have changed so much! I think it would have to be Cristina Yang, even though she’s not in the show anymore. I miss her so much!
100% without a doubt, Charlie Pace. When I watched the show when I was younger, when it was still on TV, I bawled my friggin’ eyes out every near-death and then his eventual death. It’s funny because now I don’t like him nearly as much.
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Just based on how she was first introduced, Lexa kom Trikru. We get introduced to this badass warrior Commander, twirling a knife and ordering the deaths of Skaikru for burning her warriors, and she turns out to be the biggest gay softie in the world.
A L E X K A R E V. Holy shit, dude. If you told me that Alex Karev would be one of my favourite characters of all time during the first few seasons, I would have laughed. He’s such an asshole, he doesn’t care about anyone, he’s all about machismo and sleeping with the ladies. And then all of a sudden he does this 180 and the whole macho tough guy is just an act, and he’s just this SWEET SOFT TEDDY BEAR UNDERNEATH.
It’s actually crazy how much of a Sun-Hwa Kwon stan I became after rewatching. She’s just such a fucking badass??? Like, nothing gets her down. And the people that disagree with me that Sun is a Slytherin are just WRONG. Like, the woman learns an entirely different language to get away from her murderous, tyrannical father and arguably abusive husband, and plans to just disappear off into a different country. And then, in the flash forwards, she BUYS OUT HER FATHER’S COMPANY? Slytherin. SUCH a Slytherin.
The Character You Relate To The Most:
Hmm...it’s hard to relate to characters in a post-apocalyptic setting, to be honest, cause I just don’t deal with their issues lol. I feel like I would have to say Clarke Griffin, if only for the fact that she’s a headstrong, stubborn bisexual who tries her best to do the right thing, even if sometimes she’s wrong. That’s the closest similarity I can draw from the characters.
Hands down, Cristina Yang. The commitment issues, the aversion to having a baby, the total 100% dedication and obsession with her job and working? Oh, please, I AM Cristina Yang.
Let’s see, Kate’s a runaway, Claire’s pregnant, Shannon’s a rich kid, Sun is too, I don’t know that I can necessarily relate to any of the women. And the men, like, not at all. Everyone seems to have daddy issues and I don’t have those lol. I have “mommy issues.” Does anyone have mom issues? Ooh ooh! Ana Lucia Cortez! Totally had mom issues. Again, that’s really the closest similarity that I can draw from these characters.
The Character You’d Slap:
Ooh man, so many. Thelonious Jaha, for starters. Like, why are you even here anymore? All you do is cause chaos. They should have locked him out of the bunker.
I don’t know that I’d necessarily slap him, but I really don’t like Richard Webber. He has such anger issues and I feel like he just causes unnecessary tension and drama all the time. And his and Catherine Avery’s relationship is so tumultuous and at times, borderline toxic, I’m just sick of seeing the two of them.
Haha, I feel like my first instinct is James Ford aka Sawyer, just because he’s an ass most of the time, but I love him too much. So I’m saying John Locke, because holy shit, dude, can you cause any more trouble?? Just like I said with Jaha, ALL YOU CAUSE IS CHAOS.
Three Favourite Characters (In Order Of Preference):
Raven Reyes, Clarke Griffin, and John Murphy.
Cristina Yang, Stephanie Edwards, and April Kepner
Desmond Hume, Juliet Burke, and Sun-Hwa Kwon
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
Jasper Jordan. This show did you so dirty, my poor child. They should have made him go up in the rocket into space with the rest of them. Can you imagine, crazy alcoholic Jasper Jordan, basically being forced into rehab and made to face his demons? Anyway, yeah, he just went a little too crazy for me, and then he just became a nuisance.
I can’t really think of a character that I liked but don’t anymore. If I had to pick someone, maybe Izzy Stevens? I think she got kind of selfish after living through her cancer death, and then she treated Alex really horribly. I was really happy when he told her he deserved more. But like, it’s honestly me nitpicking a character. I certainly don’t hate Izzy, not even close, I just have to pick SOMEONE.
I already mentioned her, but Ana Lucia Cortez was my first girl crush. When I was young, when the show first came out, I was nine years old and didn’t have any idea I was bisexual. I was IN LOVE with Ana Lucia, I was so upset when she died. Years later, when I rewatched it, it dawned on me just how much I hated her character, and I was like, “Why was she my favourite??” And my gay ass was like, “Ohhhh, it’s cause she’s hot as fuck. Got it.”
A Character You Did Not Like At First But Now Do:
They kind of already asked this? But well, I guess it’s a little bit different. For this one, I’ll say John Murphy. He was SUCH an ass, and I mean, he still is, but now he’s a little more human. And even when you watch him being an ass in the first season, you kind of understand it a little bit more now. Certain things can’t be excused, obviously, but at least they’re better explained.
Ooh, wait, another good one! I couldn’t STAND Arizona Robbins when she was introduced. My boss at the time, Ricky, I was talking to him when I first started watching it (when we were in season 12 I think) and he kept asking me to tell him when I’d met Arizona. And when I finally did, I didn’t get it at all. I was like, “Why do you like her? She’s awful??” And now I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
Benjamin Linus. God, I HATED him when I first watched the show, because obviously, he was the “big bad guy.” Now...well, he’s still a bad guy, but I appreciate his character so much more. Especially in the last few episodes! He really redeems himself.
Three OTPs: (I decided to read this as 3 OTPs for each fandom because I can) (I’m following suit, 3 OTPS per show!)
Oh man. Don’t even get me staaaaarted. Linctavia will forever be like, my most painful OTP. Followed of course, by Clexa. The third one is hard though? Honestly, I just wanted to ship Roan with someone, just cause I found him so effing hot. Any time he was on screen with someone, anyone at all, I went, “I ship it.” But realistically, like a real ship, I guess I would say Memori. Even though Emori is hard for me to like. I’m hoping she’ll be more likeable in season 5.
This is so painful. Mark Sloan/Lexie Grey, again, my most painful OTP and oh GOD, I miss them so much. Alex Karev/Meredith Grey, don’t JUDGE ME OKAY? And again, the last one is hard. I think it’s a tie between Calzona and Japril. Calzona really fell apart, and fell apart hard, whereas Japril is still kind of being hinted at? (Even though this awful Maggie/Jackson thing is being pushed now, I can’t staaaand this.) 
I was a total Sawyer/Kate shipper as opposed to Jack/Kate, and I stand by that. But on that note, Sawyer/Juliet is my I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP ship. THEY BELONGED TOGETHER. When I was younger, I shipped the hell out of Claire and Charlie but now I kind of hate them together. And now I ship the hell out of Desmond/Charlie lol. Oh, and of course Desmond and Penny, but still, the Desmond/Charlie ship has sailed and I am the captain.
I don’t think I really have any friends on this site who would actually do this if I tagged them...so I’m just gonna say anyone who wants to do it should, just tag @sassybrowsreyes in your post!
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