#does this make any sense lol. i'm so tired but i was just like. fuck it today i will actually express this
new BSD chapter is almost here and i still haven't gathered my thoughts on 117 yet, so i'm doing that now. My..... extremely frustrated thoughts, to say the least. kinda been numb to it all for weeks now which is why it took me this long to ramble about it, meh. incoherent negativity and spoilers belowwwww
I'm... really not happy with Bram's death, to put it lightly. and yes you can say I'm just grieving, I'm in the denial/depression stage. but I'm not just sad because he died. I wish that was all it was. I wish I could just be devastated in a normal, well-meaning, bittersweet way. but I can't.
Because this is BSD. And that means there's a chance he could come back. And I know, I know, I hear you: "that was so final, so conclusive, more than any other named character death in the manga so far; there's no way he would be brought back after dying peacefully and having been reunited with his wife and daughter." And you're absolutely right! For all intents and purposes, this was Bram's permanent sendoff! And I would 100% believe that with absolutely no room for doubt.... if this wasn't bungou stray dogs!! Where people drop dead and then come back to life as casually and rapidly as going in and out a revolving door (cue that one Simpsons door gif)! If this was any other manga, I wouldn't for a single second question the permanence of his death. And yet..... because it's BSD, there's a 1% chance, as low as that is, as final as that sendoff felt, that he might still be back one day, against all logic. And that's the most aggravating part of all this.
Because I can't just be sad. I have to be sad while having hope. I have to be sad, all the while wondering if my grief will all be for nothing in a few months. If my feelings are being played with, yet again. I can't just grieve here and now and accept it and that's the end of it; I have to go on still hoping, because this manga has trained me to not believe that ANY death of a named character will be for real.
While it was much more obvious compared to Bram that say Chuuya and Dazai weren't going to stay dead after chapters 101/109 (because they're popular characters lol, but especially because their arcs aren't finished yet if Chuuya even gets one, which I despairingly doubt more and more every day), I felt for everyone extremely distraught by their deaths at the time. I mean, Dazai is one of my favorites as well, and regardless of whether or not I thought his death would stick, it was incredibly painful to see him in that state. Just like it was painful to see Fukuzawa get fatally stabbed 34596 times multiple chapters within the same fight, and painful to see Mushitarou's initial fakeout death after his arc, and Kunikida's when he exploded himself on the helicopter. It hurts, and you go through the grief, only for "whoops they're fine actually!" just a few chapters later, meaning that none of your grief ever mattered and that you never needed to go through all that in the first place; it was just for shock value, just to extort strong emotions from you in the moment that weren't meant to actually hold any meaning, because soon after it would be like the angst never even happened. And that's exhausting. It's not fair. It makes future deaths hold less and less weight and become harder to believe in/take seriously, as many people have said, but on the other hand, if a large part of you does believe in it, if that's your fave and you're grieving over their death, prior experience tells you that you might just be having your emotions played with; that you might spend all that time being sad ultimately for no reason at all, that you have to keep hoping for god knows how long. The rational side of you says "don't be affected by it, because it won't last" (which is shitty in of itself if you succeed in that, because imagine seeing your fave die and just instinctively not feeling anything???), but the irrational side of you that IS scared and upset because we're humans and we can't help but react strongly to something like this, has to contend with the thought of "but how many months am I going to have to wrestle with "will they or won't they"? How long am I going to have to be strung along with the possibility that this might not be permanent, like no death ever is in this series? How long will I be forced to have HOPE, until it's crushed even harder than it is right now?"
Again, everyone is going to have a different response to a character death, based on the person and based on the character and the circumstances of their death. But the objective fact remains that we haven't had a single permanent named character death in the manga so far (except for... Ace, I guess? lol that's the only one I can think of. And Fukuchi, I guess, for now lol), so it follows that anyone would have at least some small degree of doubt, even with the most damning of circumstances like how Bram went out here — I mean, in a sense, he already had one fakeout death before he came back to Aya here briefly (the end of the last chapter literally cliffhanger'd on his revival lol, the opposite of what it normally does), and his death here happens in the same fucking chapter as another death that is 100% not going to stick, which just makes it even more laughable and harder to take seriously!!!
But there's another side of this, too, that makes all this even worse. Let's say that Bram's death is permanent, that this is indeed no fakeout, no take-backsies ten chapters from now. Why is Bram the first time plot armor has no effect? Why is HE the first character who has to die for real? After so many instances of characters getting to come back from literally anything, it doesn't feel like him being the first one to actually stay dead is because there's something significant about him, or about everyone else inversely compared to him, but simply because Asagiri chose to finally go against his formula and lift the plot armor at random just this once. AND THAT DOESN'T FUCKING FEEL GOOD!!!! Not that having your body taken over by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (god what is this series) is something I'd expect someone to just shrug off, but literally all these other characters shrug off getting stabbed, shot, EXPLODED, etc, so why is it only Bram that can't get off just as easily, just because the writing said so? Hell, Asagiri literally went out of his way to have Bram come BACK in another body one last time, so that was even MORE reason to assume he could have found a way to permanently stay alive not in Aku's body though obviously, with how powerful he is — I mean, supernatural rules are made up by the writer, Asagiri could have made it so that Bram could come back and stay back if he wanted to lmao, versus actual physical wounds that you can't just magically survive (again without supernatural interference). But he didn't do that, because Bram needed to die, because he's the unlucky one in a series where you can survive literally anything. Okay then. Sucks to be him and sucks to be a Bram lover, I guess. Sucks to be Aya.
Listen. I love Oda's death. Oda is my favorite character in all of BSD, and his death is my favorite moment in the entire franchise so far — which sounds contradictory, of course, but as devastating as it makes me, his death is so beautiful, and so pivotal and meaningful for the series as a whole, not just for Oda and Dazai themselves. I wouldn't want it to be removed or changed in any way, and I would be perfectly fine with him and a couple other notable light novel characters being the only ones to actually die in this series. BSD is a hopeful series, ultimately, so I don't need deaths everywhere, since it's ultimately about people learning how to live and getting those second chances — Oda being the notable exception to that and catalyst for the entire story (and I do mean the entire story). But what I don't need are the illusion of death and stakes, only to not commit to any of it for that aforementioned message, trying to have your cake and eat it too. Because, as beautiful as Oda's death still is, it looks rather foolish now, because now things have reached a point where I (and others too, I've seen) ask "how is it that he died from just a little bullet, when so many others have since survived similar or worse?" Which is what I'm similarly asking with Bram now, if I'm meant to believe this really is his death, when the only reason we have to believe he couldn't just override Fyodor himself (or at least Akutagawa permanently) being "because Asagiri said so". His death is beautiful too in isolation, just like Oda's is, with everything he says to Aya, and the closure and peace that he gets. But how can I appreciate it or take it seriously when all I can think about is how A) there's absolutely no reason he had to die here, when so many others before him survived, and B) that I could potentially spend months being distraught only for him to come back eventually anyway, and that minuscule amount of fleeting hope just makes it hurt unfairly even more?
I love that he found peace, in the end, and felt like Aya helped him get closure with his daughter. I love that I fucking called it that Aya is going to become a knight for him and save the day (aka beat Fyodor herself, most likely), in his place, because that just makes sense for where her character has been going, and I feel vindicated in seeing him say that to her, as much as the circumstances fucking kill me. I don't MIND the idea of Bram's death in of itself, I can't stress this enough; I love him so goddamn much and I want them to be a family together so much it hurts, but I don't think it's unreasonable to imagine writing him dying to further Aya's character development, and there are a thousand ways it could have been done. But I just........ hate the circumstances leading up to it here. I hate that it feels so sudden, I feel like we still needed so much more time with him, and FAR more than merely two pages of backstory for him and his family. I hate how all the fakeout deaths before it make it feel like a cruel, unfair fucking joke even though it's supposed to be a powerful, moving moment — when Kunikida DIES BY TURNING INTO SPARKLING SOAP BUBBLES LATER IN THE SAME FUCKING CHAPTER, A DEATH PLAYED JUST AS STRAIGHT AS BRAM'S DESPITE HOW RIDICULOUS AND OBVIOUSLY IMPERMANENT IT IS (so if the manga is putting them both on the same level and wants us to take both equally seriously, what does that say about Bram's death???). And if it is indeed permanent, I really hate that even though Bram's last words to Aya were so touching, Aya's last words to him were basically telling him to gtfo — obviously it's a completely reasonable reaction for someone her age in that moment, she doesn't know how to cope, but you're telling me that that's the last thing she'll ever say to him, which we know she'll hate herself forever for??? It just leaves a bad fucking taste in my mouth, ugh.
Idk. I've been pretty disillusioned with the direction of the manga for a while now, and how much its changed from how slower-paced and more thoughtful it used to be, so I know I'm very biased and very tired and that that's clouding my judgement lmao. But I just hate this so much 🫠🫠🫠 I never wanted Bram to die, but worst of all is having him die like this, where i just feel numb and bitter and angry, instead of sad but touched, the way a good character death in the vein of Oda's (which Bram's is very much meant to emulate) should make me feel. It's so rushed, and all the "deaths" around it and before it undermine it so badly it's just pathetic. I'm looking forward to Aya's future development, but I'll always be bitter at how much better she and Bram deserved, and if he does come back I won't be surprised at all lol (and I hope he does, not just because I want him back, but because he deserved a better death than this....)
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wordsarelife · 10 months
heyyy, I just saw your appeal for theodore nott requests, but I also saw in one of your posts that you have a lot to do lately and I don't want to annoy you or something, take your time ♡
My idea for something with theo would be detention with Umbridge (I know it's cliche, but let's ignore this fact) and the reader (fem!reader would be great, but you can choose) has to write something that really insults her and hurts her pride like "I must not open my filthy mouth" or "Nobody wants to be bothered by me" (wow that sounds a bit depressing but let's ignore this too). And maybe theo is in Umbridge's little investigation team but changes when he sees the cuts on reader's hand (does this even make sense?). And maybe a little bit of angst which ends in fluff?
But please don't stress yourself ♡
—you are in love
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pairing: theo nott x reader
summary: after a lovely visit with umbridge, theo must prove that the words carved into your skin are the opposite of the truth
warnings: mentions of blood and a wound, a little graphic
note: i initially didn't want this to get all like 'who did this to you?' but i just threw my principles out of the window in the middle of writing lol!! i hope this is something in the direction of what you wished for!! also: i'm living for enzo, just thirdwheeling and living his best life lmao
you knew you didn't like the woman the moment she had entered the halls of the castle. but now your hate was as evident as ever. she was sitting across from your, sipping on her tea, while reading the papers and you had a single task to fulfill.
you had much rather used the quill to cut out her eyes-
"go on, dear" she smiled and you had the sudden need to throw up "start writing"
"i don't think-"
"that wasn't a question!" you looked down at the paper, reading the sentence you were supposed to write ten times. it didn't even make sense to you what kind of punishment this should be. but what you read hurt you and maybe that was just the punishment she was so proud of.
you raised the quill, tapping it into the ink. the quill flew out of your hand after the first word. pain flodded through your body. "what?" you whispered to yourself, as you noticed the first word of the sentence carving into your skin slowly. the blood escaped the wound and dripped down your finger.
"continue" umbridge said and you did as you were told.
whatever she had done to you in that room, was the worst kind of torture, especially because you were doing it to yourself, with no escape. you read the sentence on your hand over and over again, scrunching your eyes closed in the hope that it would disappear, but it didn't.
atleast it was in the palm, which didn't make it any less hurtful, but atleast you could hide it better that way.
"there you are!" theo said the moment you entered the common room
"hi y/n!" enzo waved from one of the couches
"hey" you said tiredly, making a beeline to your dorm.
"woah" theo stepped into your way "no chess?"
"not tonight, theo" you tried to escape his eyes
"is something wrong?" theo asked concerned "did something happen?"
"i'm just tired okay? i want to sleep" you clenched your hand together, trying to upkeep the lie. but you had unintentionally clenched your wounded hand. you winced in pain and a drop of blood hit the floor.
it was like slowmotion as theo, enzo and you all looked down.
"what the fuck" enzo stood up "is that blood?"
theo reached for your hand, but you pulled it back, causing more blood to drip.
"fuck, y/n" theo said "show me your hand"
"yeah" enzo agreed "whatever that is can't be normal" he leaned in to whisper at theo, but did it loud enough for your to hear as well "girls don't normally do that right?"
theo turned his head at enzo, sending him a look with raised eyebrows and then slowly shook his head. enzo nodded, turning back to you "show him, y/n"
you sighed, understanding that you couldn't escape them even if you tried. theo gently took your offered hand, rolling the cloak up and opening your hand. he was met with nothing short of a sea of blood, which flodded your whole hand, making it impossible to see any skin underneath.
theo was staring at your hand. "get me a towel or something, quick" he instructed enzo, who just gulped and nodded, looking like he was going to throw up, but he hurried off right away.
theo guided you to sit down.
"what happened?" he asked, but you didn't answer "i asked you something"
"i fell over" you said. you knew that if you said it was umbridge, theo might never believe you. there was no use in fighting a teacher. especially not when theo was working for her and definitely not if this was your punishment after simply talking during class.
"the fuck you did" theo shook his head. before you could argue, enzo reentered the room, with a towel and a whole roll of toilet paper in hand.
theo wrapped the towel around your hand. it quickly soaked up the blood. he opened it back up, to softly pat some toilet paper on your wound. you winced in pain.
you watched theo closely and you knew what question he would repeat any moment now. he opened his mouth, but before anything could come out, he halted.
"are those words?" he asked calmly. too calm.
you tried to drag your hand away, embarrassed what exact words had been carved into your skin, but theo was quicker.
"hold her arm" he instructed enzo. enzo took your arm with one hand, while he clasped the other over both mouth and nose.
"what are you doing?" theo asked irritated.
"it smells so bad" enzo said disgusted, tears in his eyes, while looking anywhere but your hand "and i don't want to throw up on her, then she'd be full of blood and puke"
"very wise decision making" you nodded "can't you just put a plaster on that and call it a day?" you asked theo. he shook his head, taking a new piece of the toilet paper and soaking up the rest of the blood. the wound was mostly dried now. the blood had been moved all around your hand and arm, but it was all dry aswell.
theo took off the toilet paper and his eyes flew over the words on your palm.
enzo, incapable of reading it quietly announced the words loudly "i will never be loved" he turned his head to look at you, eyes big. you kept your eyes on theo, waiting for his reaction.
theo just kept staring at your hand and you were more anxious than ever before. "theo?" enzo asked "what are we gonna do about it?"
"what are you gonna do?" you repeated "nothing! obviously. none of you will do anything, you hear me?"
"fuck that" theo said, making both enzo and you look at him.
"what?" you asked.
"tell me the name"
"no" theo was still keeping a close eye on your hand, before he looked up at your answer suddenly.
"tell me the name, y/n" he repeated "enzo and i will deal with it."
"yeah" enzo agreed "we're on the inquisitorial squad. we can at least take points from them"
theo noticed how you looked at your hand at that. a very obvious tell you should've hidden better. but theo was usually too smart for you to trick anyway.
"oh" he said, understanding what had happened "umbridge did it, didn't she?"
"umbridge?" enzo repeated confused "what did she do?"
"sometimes, you're so slow" theo rolled his eyes at enzo "umbridge hurt out girl" he turned back to you "she did that to you"
your lack of an answer was enough for him. "take her to madam pomfrey, enzo" theo stood up.
"where are you going?" you asked.
"i have to take care of something"
you watched him leave the common room. enzo just shrugged. "come on"
madam pomfrey had quickly wrapped your wound in some bandages, but not before putting on a special treatment, that would help to heal it faster.
you were staring at the ceiling, bored to death, when there was a sudden sound. "theo" you said surprised. "where is your badge?" you asked, noticing it missing on his robe.
"i gave it back" he sat down on your bed.
"you did what?" you tried to sit up, but accidently put your weight on your hurt hand, wincing in pain.
theos eyes softened "i don't want to join some club that is fine with hurting the people i love"
"you didn't have to do that" your argued.
"yes i had" he insisted "simply because what she made you write isn't true. but i know that you questioned if it was. i won't let you think that"
"theo" you said softly.
"i spoke with potter and told him what happened. he has something going on as well. i know i can't do much, but he said he had a plan"
"you did all of that because of me?"
"are you kidding?" theo asked "of course i did. because i love you"
a tear slipped over your cheek. "thank you" you whispered "i love you too" theo softly kissed your forehead.
"i hope you get out of here soon"
"it will just be tonight"
"good" theo smiled "did enzo, the coward, really leave you here on your own?"
you shook your head, smiling, before you leaned over theo, dragging the curtain behind him to the side. there in the bed was laying enzo.
"he passed out, just after she took out the first syringe" you laughed "she gave him some sedatives and he's been out ever since"
theo shook his head, laughing, before he drew the curtain close again "at least then he can't see me do this" and with that, he kissed you.
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samandcolbyownme · 7 months
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This was originally going to be just a Sam one shot, but then i decided to make it a Sam and Colby one shot. I felt like Sam's cover was too good to change, so enjoy the buy one get one free deal lol.
Summary: Reader drives herself insane trying to think of this mystery man she cannot stop thinking about and completely caught off guard when there's two of them.
Warnings: SMUT18+, vampire!Sam, demon!colby, compulsion and mind reading from both Sam and Colby, mentions of blood and blood drinking, strong language, mentions of alcohol, reading feeling like they're going insane, hair pulling, biting, scratching, choking, fingering, oral (m&f rec), threesome w/ dp, dirty and cute pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, filth
Word count: 10.3k | NOT edited
Not a request
Bold italics are Sam and Colby speaking in readers head.Regular italics are scenes they create in her head & reader being compelled at times.
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Have you ever tried moving on from something that hasn't necessarily happened, but no matter how hard you tried, you just can't?
Your mind, constantly replaying stuff in your dreams, random times throughout the day.
Hitting you when you least expect it?
Then, when you finally think you've gotten over it, gotten rid of the haunting thoughts, it comes back, stronger than it was before?
That was you. Right now.
You had this feeling of anxiety, feeling like something was going to happen. It's happened multiple times a day, even causing you to wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes gasping for air.
But, you can never remember your dreams and nothing ever happens.
You could never describe the feeling.
Your friends would ask if you're okay because you looked 'tired' or you said no to doing something you always have said yes to.
They knew something was up, and so did you, but you just didn't know what was causing you to feel like this so it was always 'I didn't sleep well last night' or some other lame excuse that they could see right through.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Your friend, Cami asks, "You've been, not sleeping well, for the last week or so." She tilts her head, "What's really going on?"
You take a deep breath, "I honestly.." you pause, leaning forward to set your coffee mug down on the coffee table, "If I tell you, you have to promise not to call me crazy."
She nods, leaning back against the couch, "Okay."
You pinch the bridge of your nose, "So besides me not sleeping well, I'll get to that in a sec, but it started last week, after we came home from Tara's party."
"Did someone h-"
You cut her off, "No. no. It's not that."
She sighs, "Oh fuck, okay good." She motions, "Continue. Sorry."
You bat the air, "When I came home I felt like I was forgetting something, but I had everything I took with. I also felt.. I don't know, almost guilty for going and having a good time? Like, almost like I shouldn't have gone? I'd don't know."
She furrows her brows, "That doesn't make any senses. I mean, I just.." she stops, "it sounds like you're feeling emotions you'd feel when you're with someone and you did something you know they don't like."
You shrug, "I mean, yeah. It kind of does feel that way, but at the same time if I really think about it, it still doesn't make sense. I mean, maybe I think about it way too much, but-"
She cuts you off, "Are you talking to anyone? Maybe someone who is a potential boyfriend and you felt bad for going out?"
You look up at her, "That's where it gets crazy."
She gives you a weird look, "Huh?"
"I feel like- okay. You promised not to call me crazy, so just.. hear me out." You stare at her and she nods and you continue trying to explain, "I feel like.. I already belong to someone."
She makes a face and you hold your hand up, "I know. I know. I just, I can't. I can't explain it really. I mean, I keep seeing this person in my dreams and it almost feels like they're who I'm-"
You shake your head, "That sounds absolutely fucking insane. I take back what I said, you can call me crazy."  
You laugh, slightly embarrassed at what you just said.
This is the first time that you've actually talked about it out loud, and it sounds a lot crazier than you originally had thought.
"You're into reading books, right?" Cami asks and you nod, "Yeah, I'm actually reading one right now."
"What's it about?" She brings her legs up, moving the blanket to cover up. You purse your lips, "It's a darker romance book, so it's basically about a guy who comes at the most random times but he has a big secret and all that."
"What's he described as? Like what does he look like?" She brings her mug to her face and you shrug, "Um. I mean, like a normal looking guy. Slightly tall-ish. Blue eyes. At first he had brown hair, then he bleaches it to blonde, what does-"
"Who's the guy you see in your dreams?"
You stare at her, "Oh shit."
She chuckles, "I don't know about you, and now when I say this, I speak from experience because I'm sure we've all have done it, but it sounds like you're experiencing fictophilia."
"What the hell is that?" You laugh slightly at the last word she said, "fictophilia?"
She nods, "Yeah, it's where people, real people like us, fall in love with fictional characters in a book."
"Can it be as strong as taking over how you feel?" You ask, tilting your head, "Because when I tell you, I could have puked from feeling guilty that night, I was-" you hold up your thump and pointed, an inch from each other, "-This close."
She shakes her head, "No, I don't think it can cause that. I think you just drank a little, too much." She smirks, "Those back to back shots definitely had something to do with it."
You sigh, closing your eyes as you nod, "Yeah, yeah no. You're probably right. I'm just definitely over thinking about it."
"And the not getting sleep will definitely play a part in that. You need to take a nap. A real nap." She smirks, "and stop being delusional."
You roll your eyes, smirking as you nod, "Yeah, yeah. I know. But these fictional men, Cami. They'll getcha."
She nods as she stands up, "No I know. I watched a movie the other day and thought about the one character for three days straight."
"See. My point exactly." She laugh as you walk her over to the door. She turns, "I don't think you're crazy. Fictional characters happen to us all."
She leans in for a hug, "But if it gets to the point to where you tell me you're dating someone who isn't real, I'm funny farming your ass."
You laugh, leaning back as you look at her, "I won't put up a fight."
You close the door after she walks out, turning around to look at your empty apartment. You flick the lock before you walk over to the couch, sitting down to switch on the tv.
You put on the show you were watching and you can't help but think about your conversation with Cami.
It felt like so much more than what you told her.
It felt too real, but you really didn't want her to think you were losing it. That you were crazy.
But you felt it.
After multiple days of trying to figure out who the guy in your dreams is and not having any clue whatsoever is maddening.
Constantly telling yourself, I'm going crazy, each time you try hard to remember his face and about lose it because you can't.
You have a feeling that he wasn't just the guy in the book.
He was so much more than that, to you, in your head at least.
But, little did you know, that he was a creature who had such a pretty face, a dark, dark soul - along with his friend.
You shake your head, laying down and getting comfortable on the couch so you can try and take a well needed nap.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You reach over the counter, smiling at the barista, "Thank you." She nods, moving on to hand out the next coffee.
You walk away, heading towards the door. You go to push it open but stumble out when someone on the outside opens it before you.
"Oh, shit." The guy lays an arm in front of you, stopping your stumble. You stand up straight, looking up at the blonde.
He smiles slightly, "Are you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming out."
You nod, laughing slightly, "Y-yeah. Yeah I'm okay. Thank you for opening the door for me." You smile at him and he shrugs, "Call it fate."
A loud thump causes you to jump awake. You sit up, slowly turning to look back over the couch. You blink a few times, trying to get your vision used to the darkness of your apartment.
You call out slight groggy, "Hello?"
No answer.
Your phone ringing causes you to jump and you let out a sigh as you look at it. You debated on not answering, mainly because you seen the movies.
You know how it goes.
But it was cami, so you answer, "Hello?"
"Hey, a bunch of us are going out tonight. Wanna join?" She asks, "We're going to bar hop." You bite your lip, quickly turning around when you feel a presence off to your left, "Uh, yeah. Yeah."
"You'll come?" She asks, excitement seeping from her words, "Great. We can all just meet up in the parking lot of your place and we can walk to Bar Eight."
"That's fine with me. I need a shower, I just woke up from a nap." You stretch your arm above your head, "you can come over whenever. I'll be here."
"I have to finish getting ready, too but I'll be over within the hour."
"Okay." You nod to yourself, "See ya." You pull the phone away from your ear and stand up. You walk over to the lamp, switching it on and from the corner of your eye, you can see a figure disappear.
"Oh fucking hell." You rub your eyes and sigh. You mentally tell yourself that it's the sleep deprivation or that you just need to distract yourself.
Maybe having people stay over after a night out will help.
You walk to the bathroom, switching the shower on and it quickly fills with steam. You undress, stepping in and sighing as the hot water washes over your body.
It feels like hands slid over your shoulders and you zone out.
You're walking down the street with Cami, having a small conversation. You're oblivious to the people walking towards you on the left side of the side walk.
Someone runs into your shoulder, knocking your purse off. It falls to the ground and some of your things spill out.
As you bend down, what you assume, is the guy who bumped into you, bends down to help you.
"Here. Let me help."
You look up, tucking hair behind your one ear as your eyes meet a guy with dark hair and blue eyes, "Oh, um. Thank you."
He nods, handing you the strap of your bag, "No need, I should watch where I'm going more often."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, that probably wouldn't be a bad idea." He stands up and holds his hand out. You felt oddly trusting of him, so you take his hand to stand up.
"I'm Colby." He smiles and you nod, "I'm y/n."
You turn around quickly, wiping the water from your face as you only remember the hands on your shoulders, "what the fuck!"
You pull the shower curtain back, peaking out as if that was the smartest thing to do, "Go away."
Nothing in response.
You lean back into the shower and fix the curtain before doing your routine. As you're rising the conditioner out of your hair, you feel like there's eyes on you.
Like someone is watching.
You finish up, quicker than you thought, and step out.
You tilt your head at the neatly folded towel on the corner of the counter and stare at it, "Did I do that?"
You think hard but can't remember.
You grab it, snapping it open so you can wrap up your hair and put the other one around your body. You open the bathroom door, and nothing else seems out of ordinary as you step out.
You turn, walking into your room and going to your closet. You shift through the hangers, finding a cute top and a pair of ripped jeans.
You toss the towel down, quickly getting dressed before taking your hair down.
A very faint, she's so pretty, causes you to snap your head towards the door, "Cami?" You slowly scrunch your hair in the towel and shake your head, it's just the tv.
After a while, there's a knock on your door and you get up to go open it, "Hey guys. Come in." You smile as Cami and your other friends walk in, greeting you with smiles.
"I just need to grab my bag then I'm ready." You walk into your room, grabbing your purse and turning to walk out when you suddenly stop.
You don't know why you stop, but you just do.
Your mind goes blank for a second and then suddenly you're walking back out to your friends like nothing just happened, "Okay. I'm ready."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"So do you come here often?"
You try not to roll your eyes at the cringey, overused pickup line, "I mean.. kind of?" You laugh slightly and sip your drink, "I only live a few minutes away."
Why would you say that? You don't know him.
Your brows furrow, "That was weird."
"What was weird?" The guy still standing infront of you asks, making you realize that you now just thought out loud, "Um, nothing. Nothing sorry. Continue."
"No." He laughs, "I like weird shit, tell me."
You sigh, smirking slightly, "Do you ever.. how do I say this." He shrugs with a smile, "Just say it."
"Do you ever feel like there's someone in your head but it's not you?" The words roll off your tongue and you instantly regret it, "Wait. No. That sounds awful."
He shakes his head, "No I know exactly what you mean."
No he doesn't.
You close your eyes, "Almost like it's someone trying to talk to you, but it's just.." you laugh, "Confusing. Weird. I don't know."
The guy nods, "I'm so glad someone else thinks the same as me."
You smile and that feeling hits again. Like you shouldn't be there. Like you're about to be sick, which can't be from the alcohol, you've only had three so far and they weren't your usual double shots.
"If you'll excuse me I need to g-" you walk away, leaving your drink at the bar. As you're walking towards the bathroom, someone steps back from the bar, too quickly for you to dodge them.
You run right into them and sigh, "Excuse you."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart."
You look up and a blonde guy is standing there. Something about him causes your curiosity to spike, "No.. it's fine. I was just-" you shake your head, "I'm sorry, is this is weird, but do I know you?"
He shrugs, "My name's Sam."
"Sam. Sam. Sam." You repeat to yourself a few times quietly, "No, sorry. I don't think I know a Sam."
"Hmm. Well maybe we can call it fate that you just happened to run into me like you did." He smirks and for some reason, his words cause you to straight up your posture, "first off, you weren't paying attention."
You smirk and tilt your head, "Second off, I swear we've had a conversation before. I just-"
"Can't think of it right now? That happens to me all the freaking time." He chuckles as he sips his drink, "Are you drinking?"
"I mean, I was. I left mine back there with a guy, I was on my way to the bathroom."
"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, are you with someone?" Sam asks and you shake your head, wanting to say yes because it really feels like it, but in reality, you're not.
"No, no. My friend just left me there and he appeared and yeah. Nothing serious, I don't even know his name."
Why are you defending yourself to someone you don't know, you think, "I'm y/n. I guess I should have told you that when you told me yours."
He smiles, "Pretty name, y/n." He motions to the bar, "Can I buy you a new one?" You smile, "I think I'd like that a lot, Sam."
You step up to the bar with him and Sam flags down the one bartender, "Whatever she wants. It can go on my tab, Golbach."
As you look up at him, you get this odd feeling of déjà vu.
"What?" He asks with a smirk and you shake your head, "You just.. remind me of someone I can't really remember."
"What?" He laughs, "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh I just-"
"No, no please laugh. I'm so awkward." You cover your face with one hand and he shakes his head, "I'm sorry." He moves your hand from your face, "I think you're beautiful."
You feel your cheeks heat up and he bites his lower lip, "Can I ask you a question?"
You nod, "Yes."
He leans in, eyes focusing onto yours, "You will answer yes to my question and not question anything else. Can you follow me to the bathroom so I can have a taste of you?"
You smile, "Yes."
"That was easy." He downs the rest of his drink and slides his hand down into yours, "Follow me, princess."
You leave your drink, mind only focusing on one thing right now and you absolutely were not questioning it.
He leads you to the back, pushing the door to the bathroom open and lets you walk in first. He follows behind you, shutting the door and locking it.
He stares at you for a few seconds, the only thing he's focused on right now is listening to your blood flow through your veins.
"You're going to taste so fucking good." He moves in front of you within a second, hands on your hips which guide you back to sit you on the sink's edge.
His eyes focus on yours again, "Don't make a sound."
All you do is nod, moving your eyes from him to the wall behind him as he dips his head down to press his lips to the side of your neck.
Your eyes flutter closed as he gently sucks a spot into your neck, tongue moving over your skin before lifting his head ever so slightly.
His grip tightens on your waist as his fangs emerge, eager to be sunk into your delicate skin.
"Ready?" Sam whispers and you nod silently. He smirks and your eyes go wide, hands sliding up and gripping the collar of his shirt as his teeth sink into your skin.
His groan is muffled by your neck and his hands pull you in closer to him.
Your hand lays on the back of his head, mouth parted in completely silence as your eyes flutter closed.
The feelings you get is pain mixed with the upmost euphoric pleasure.
As you open your eyes, you see a man leaning up against the wall, watching. You can't tell who he is, as your vision is kind of hazy.
Sam lifts his head a little, "Go away Colby."
The guy, who you presume as Colby now, chuckles, "Come on, who says you can have all the fun?" Sam stands up, licking his now red lips. He lifts a finger, wiping away the blood drop that's rolling down his chin from the corner of his mouth.
"You can have your fun later. This was my idea, so I get first dibs, remember?" Sam glances back at him and he walks up next to him, eyes on you, "She is so fucking beautiful."
"Ain't she?" Sam grips your chin, "You can talk now, but you're still not questioning anything."
You clear your throat, swallowing to relieve it from the dryness and Colby sighs, "Clean her blood up, Sam."
"Why?" Sam teases, "Smells good doesn't it?"
Colby shakes his head, "You know I don't have control like you do." Sam sighs, rolling his eyes as he wipes the blood from your neck with his thumb, "Scaredy cat."
He smears some of his blood on the open wounds, getting them to heal faster so he can cover his tracks before he brings his thumb to his lips.
You watch as he licks the red liquid from his skin, "Mm." He leans back slightly before leaning back in, his voice going quieter, "So fucking good."
He presses his lips to yours and the metallic taste of your own blood washes over your tongue.
"Alright. You gotta get her back to her friends, they're ready to go to another bar." Colby moves back, leaning against the wall and Sam nods, "Do you have any questions for me, sweetheart?"
You smile slightly, reaching out to grab his shirt with your hands, "You're coming with me."
He raises a brow, "Is that a demand?"
"Only if you want it to be." You bite your lip, staring up at him as you continue to smile at him. He sighs, "I'll find you, babe. I promise."
You nod, sliding down from the sink, "You better." As you go to walk towards the door, Colby clears his throat, "Sam."
Sam sighs, "Shit, right." Sam quickly moves between you and the door, "I promise I'll undo all of this later, but for right now.." he cups your cheeks with his hands, looking into your eyes, "Forget about what happened and what you saw. You're going to tell your friends that you used the bathroom and only remember me as Sam Golbach. A regular guy from the bar down the street."
Within a blink of an eye, they're both gone and you're left standing alone in the bathroom, "Guess I'm done here."
You walk out and your friends are standing in a group by the door, "There she is. We thought you left." Cami says reaching out to grab your hand.
"No, I was just using the bathroom." You smile, "Are we going to another bar?"
Cami nods, "We're going to go hang out at Electric Avenue." You groan, "Oh my god, I love that place."
She laughs, "Then what are we waiting for?" She wraps her arm around yours and as you leave Bar Eight, you can't help but feel like you're forgetting something.
Something that happened, but you can't quite put your finger on it. That sick feeling returns, but this time it comes with heartache.
Even though you're with your friends, you feel extra lonely right now. In this moment you just want to go home, curl up in bed and cry because you're missing something so bad right now, but if anyone were to ask, you can't give them an answer that sounds sane enough for them to not laugh or think you're not crazy.
Because let's face it, the fact that you're obsessing over someone or something that you have zero knowledge about, is pretty insane.
"ID's please." The bouncer says as you walk up. You dig into your purse and pull out your wallet, slipping your id from its holder.
He checks it over, handing it back to you to move onto Cami. You wait for her by the door and when she walks through, you link your arm with hers, pretending that you're not ready to run home.
"Shots. Please!" She yells over the music and you sigh, "I'll do one, maybe two."
"We'll see." She giggles as she pulls you with her to the bar and rests her arms on the tall counter.
"Well hello ladies." The bartender walks up, "I'm Blake, anything you need I'll be happy to serve it to you."
Cami giggles, "Thank you, Blake. I think.. to start off, we'll do-" she pauses for a second, "Six teq-"
"No." You say quickly and she sighs, "Fine. Six vodka shots."
Blake smirks, "You got it." He winks at you before walking away and Cami leans in, "He is so hot." You shrug, "He's alright."
"Alright? Are we seeing the same guy? Y/n. He's into you!" She nudges your side with her elbow, "Get his number."
If he, as so little as it may seem, gets your number, I will snap his neck in front of everyone.
"No." You snap at Cami, "I'm not giving him my number. And you aren't either."
She scoffs, "Is this about the little crush you have on that character in your book because if so-"
"Cami." You roll your eyes, "no it's not about that okay." She turns towards you, leaning against the bar, "Then what's it about? Hmm."
You sigh and right as you're about to give her some bullshit answer, a guy comes up beside you and wraps his arm around your waist, "It's about me."
You look up and your mood instantly switches, "Sam! There you are."
"Here I am." He smiles as he looks down at you, "I told ya I'd meet you here."
Cami shakes her head, "Wait." She points to Sam, "Who is this and when did you meet him?"
"Cami, this is Sam Golbach. A regular guy from the bar down the street." The words seem scripted to you, but you didn't really pay attention to that.
You felt safe. Complete. Almost like this is the meaning to your obsessing and empty fantasies.
"Why didn't you tell me? I thought you were talking to that other guy?" Cami tilts her head and you scoff, "You make it sound like I'm a whore, Cami."
She laughs, "Oh god, no. No, I didn't mean it-"
"It's fine." You laugh, "He knows about the other guy I was talking to. It just.. didn't work out."
Blake comes back and delivers the six shots on the tray. His eyes move to Sam, staying on him as he speaks, "Six vodka shots."
He walks away and Sam can't help but laugh, "I don't think he likes me."
"Well maybe it's because he was eyeing up your girl before you showed up." Cami grabs a shot and looks around for the others.
She waves them down, motioning for them to come over and they do. Singing along and dancing mildly to the music that's bumping through the club.
"Heyyy. Who's this?" Your other friend asks pointing to Sam. He leans forward, "I'm Sam."
"Sam. Sam. Sam." She laughs, clearly reaching her alcohol limit, and fast, "You gonna stick around?"
Sam nods, "I mean, yeah. I planned on it. At least until one of us-" he nods towards you, "- is ready to leave."
Your friend laughs, "No, no. I meant sticking around as in dating my girl here." Sam's brows raise and he nods, "I mean, yeah. Yeah. I plan on it, I mean. That's if she wants me to."
Your arm tightens around his waist and he smiles, "I think that's a yes." You nod, resting your head on his shoulder. As you're standing there, waiting for the shots to be distributed, you spot another oddly familiar face.
"Who's that guy over there?" You ask pointing across the bar. Sam leans down, "Which one, sweetheart?" You lean over slightly, "The guy next to the girl in the pink top."
"Oh that's Colby." Sam turns his head to look into your eyes, "You recognize him from back at the bar, he's a good friend of mine." Sam looks at you and you nod, "Oh okay. Yeah that makes sense. Maybe I do remember him."
Sam smiles and kisses your temple. He closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath, remembering what your blood tasted like on his tongue.
His hand grips your hip tight, loosening as he takes a shot glass from Cami, "Thank you."
You take yours and wait for Cami to tap hers against the bar. Everyone follows, tapping each glass against the wood before knocking them back.
Everyone cheers, pulling each other onto the dance floor. Sam takes your hand into his, pull you with him before spinning you around to press his chest against your back.
His hands slide down, gripping your waist as you move to the beat of the song. Your head rests back onto his shoulder and he rests his cheek against yours.
Your arm slides up, wrapping around his neck and you spin around to face him, your other arm moving up to interlock your hands behind his head.
"You're so beautiful." Sam says which causes you to smile. He brushes hair from your neck, subtly inspecting the now healed bite mark. He lick his lips, tilting his head as his eyes meet yours again.
"Does your friend need a dancing partner? I can send Cami over to talk to him?" You tilt your head and Sam chuckles, "Nah, I think he'll be alright."
"Girlfriend?" You ask and Sam shakes his head, "No."
"Oh, is he gay? My friend Curtis ca-."
Sam laughs, "No, no. He's not. He just.." he brushes hair from your face, "He has his eye on someone very special already."
"Good for him." You smile, pulling Sam closer. Sam nods, "Yeah, it really will be good for him." He leans in, lips connecting with yours and its sparks.
Bright sparks, hell. Those are fireworks.
"I don't want to leave you." You admit, "Sorry if that w-"
"I don't want to leave you, either." Sam cuts you off, lips connecting right back with yours. You lay your hand on the back of his back, sliding the other one down his chest and pushing away from him, "They're all coming back to my place, so I hope that doesn't change anything."
Sam shakes his head, "doesn't change a thing, baby."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You giggle slightly to yourself as you dig for your keys, "I hope I grabbed them."
"I'm sure they're in there." Sam says giving you a smile. Cami pushes between the two of you, "Do you have them?"
Sam glances at her and back to you, "She's looking for them."
You look up at her, "Can you move your head, you're blocking the light." You try not to laugh but fail, causing her to laugh which spreads throughout everyone else.
Sam shakes his head and you pull out your keys, jingling them as you look back, "Found them."
They all cheer and you unlock the door, pushing it open before you drag Sam in with you.
You set your bag and keys on the counter before turning to face Sam, "Do you need a drink or anything?"
He licks his lips, brushing hair from your neck, "I do, but I'll get it then."
"I can get it fo-"
He cuts you off, "I'm fine, sweetheart." He smiles, "Come on, let's go sit." He takes your hand into yours and pulls you towards the couch.
You sit on his lap, looking back at Cami and your other friends who are raiding your fridge. She gives you a look and nods towards your room.
She walks over stopping at the door way, "Y/n, can you come help me unzip my dress."
You look back at her, "Oh yeah." You get up, sliding your hand along Sam's shoulders as you walk around the couch.
Cami pulls you into your room and shuts the door, her voice is quiet, "Don't you think.. Sam is.." she trails off and you tilt your head, "Sam is? What, Cami?"
She waves her hands in a circle, "I don't know, he seems a bit.. controlling."
You laugh slightly, "What do you mean?"
"The way he just pulled you over to the couch, I mean you were just trying to offer him a drink." She shrugs, "I don't know, it just.. you just met him, we just met him, and he's already back at your place?"
"I don't understand what you're saying? You do this all the time, cami." You cross your arms, "Do you want me to kick him out?"
"That's not what I'm saying at all, y/n. I'm just saying that I get a really weird vibe from him, he just.. he seems cold." She shrugs, sighing as she turns around, "Can you unzip me quick, though please?"
You roll your eyes, reaching up to quickly unzip the dress, "I know you're just trying to look out for me, but something about him just feels.. right."
She turns around, leaning down to grab her bag, "ultimately it's your choice at the end of the day, but I'm just saying be careful. I just didn't like the way he drug you over to the couch."
"I think you're being a little dramatic." You laugh, "Now change, and come out so we can watch a movie."
You walk over to your door, opening it to walk back over to the couch. Sam greets you with open arms as you sit back down on his lap, "Everything okay?"
You nod, "Yeah, her zipper was just stuck in some loose string from her dress."
You didn't have to lie, Sam already heard everything.
"Dress okay?" He asks and you nod. He plants a kiss to your cheek, "Good."
Cami walks back out, coming over to sit next to you, "So, what movie are we watching?"
"Something funny. Oh!" Cami snaps, "Why don't we watch Vampires Suck? Have you seen it?"
"Isn't that the movie that's based off of Twilight? Doesn't actually suck?" One of your friends say, and Cami nods with a smirk as she leans forward to grab the remote, "Yes, it is, and it's supposed to suck on purpose. That's the whole point."
Sam chuckles shaking his head, the thought of watching a bad vampire movie was so cliche to him.
Cami turns his head, leaning out to look at him, "Is that alright with you?"
He looks at Cami and nods, "Why wouldn't it be?"
"Cami." You sigh, "Just play the stupid movie." She sighs quietly and presses play, tossing the remote down next to her.
A little bit into the movie, you lean in to Sam, "I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." He nods, giving you a smile as you get up.
You walk to the bathroom closing the door and as you look at yourself in the mirror, your mind shifts from Sam and you zone out.
"You're just.." Colby smiles, brushing hair from your face, "So pretty."
You smile, a blush rising onto your cheeks, "Thank you, Colby." He leans in, "I've honestly never come across anyone as pretty as you."
"Okay, now you're just saying stuff." You laugh and he shakes his head, "No, I'm not. I'm being serious. I've seen hundreds of faces, and yours is my favorite one of all."
You look away, laughing slyly, "Colby."
He grips your chin, turning your head back to face him, "I'm being so serious right now. I'd risk fighting Lucifer himself to be with you."
"Lucifer?" You question and Sam's voice pops up, "Colby. That's enough. Knock it off."
You look around, unable to spot Sam..
Your eyes focus on your figure in the mirror, blinking a few times before you continue to do what you went in there for.
You open the door, flicking the lights off as you walk out.
"Hey I think I'm going to head out." You look up at your friend as you sit down next to Sam and Cami, "Are you good to drive?"
They nod, "Oh yeah, I feel fine. I'll text you when I get home."
"Okay. Be careful." You smile and they nod as they walk out.
A little bit later, two more friends leave, then another one, leaving you with just Sam and Cami.
"Is it just me, or were they acting kind of weird?" You look between them and Sam shrugs, "I know they were getting tired, probably didn't want to have to sleep on the floor." He teases them reassures you, "I think they were good."
Cami yawns and stretches as she leans forward, "Yeah, I think I'm going to head home. I forgot I had an appointment early in the morning."
"But it's Saturday?" You question and she shrugs, "Yeah. There's one that has certain hours."
"Oh." You nod, "Okay." Your eyes follow her as she gets up, walking over to grab her back, "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you!"
"Yeah, okay. Love you, too." You watch her shut the door and then you slowly look over at Sam, "That was so weird."
"Maybe they just settled down, got tired from the alcohol?" Sam suggests and you shrug, "I mean, yeah. You're right." You laugh, "Sorry I'm just-"
There's another thump, almost like the same one at earlier on in the day.
"That happened earlier." You look back, "Hello?"
"Maybe it's your neighbors?" Sam stands up, "I'll go check, maybe someone else did leave."
You nod, turning around to watch as he walks back to check the rooms. He comes out of your room and shakes his head, "No one's here."
You nod, continuing to watch as he then gets this annoyed look on his face and he sighs, "Fine."
"Sam?" You slowly get up, "Who are you talking to?"
"No one, I just-" he laughs, "I have something to tell you."
Your heart starts racing and you feel like your chest gets heavy, "Oh god." Your mind starts racing through every single idea that could potentially happen.
He had a plan this whole time. Gain your trust, get your alone, murder you.
He chuckles, "Relax, sweetheart. I'm not going to murder you."
Your head snaps towards him and you point, "H-how did you-"
"I can read your mind."
His words catch you off guard, "Y0u ju- you can r-" he pause, closing your eyes as you rest your forehead in your hand, "What the fuck is hap-"
You look up, gasping when Sam is right in front of you, "Shit." You go to step back but Sam grabs your wrist.
As scared as you want to be, when he touches you, it's like all your fear washes away and you want to do anything in your power to keep him with you.
"Listen to me." Sam's voice is soft, "I have to tell you something, but I need you to not freak out." He looks into your eyes, "Okay?"
You nod your head, "Y-yeah. I guess I can try."
"Come." He motions towards the couch, "Have a seat."
You walk over, sitting down. You turn your body towards him and rest your hands in your lap. Sam leans back, casually extending his arm over the back, "I made your friends go home."
"Huh?" You tilt your head, "What do you mean you made them leave?"
He shrugs, "Because we were getting impatient and they were just being massive cockblocks."
You sit in silence as you try to process his words, "We?"
Sam nods, "Yeah, remember Colby from the bar?" You nod slowly, "um, yeah. Yes." Sam nods, "Well he's here, too."
You whip around, looking for him, but you don't see him, "Where?" You turn back around, heart racing faster, "Why is he here, too?"
Sam stares at your chest, biting his lip as he pushes the thirst for your blood out of his mind, "You can't see him, he's hiding himself."
"Hiding himself?" You run your hand through your hair, breathing out a quiet, "Fuck."
After a moment of silence, Sam speaks up, "Do you want to know what happened at the bar?"
"I know what happened at the bar. I met you, we talked had a drink, I went to the bathroom then came out and walked with my friends down the street to another club." You look at him and he smirks, "No, sweetheart. Do you want to know what really happened?"
"What really happened?" You question and Sam leans forward, looking into your eyes, "When you remember, you won't make a big deal about it."
You nod and Sam tilts his head, eyes still on yours, "Remember."
You freeze as your mind plays what actually happened at Bar Eight.
Sam compelling you to say yes to his question. Following Sam to the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the sink and being told not to make a sound.
His teeth sinking into your neck and you can almost feel the pleasured pain he caused you as he sucked your blood from your neck.
Colby emerging from behind Sam as your vision goes hazy.
Everything flows if, filling the cracks with missing information and you're left speechless.
You blink, your eyes moving to look at Sam. The only words you can form leave you more shocked as they leave your lips, "Y-you're.. a vampire?"
Sam smiles, nodding his head as he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees, "Correct."
"And Colby?" You raise your brows and Sam tilts his head, "He's a demon."
"A de-" you shake your head, "No. I'm dreaming I can't- this can't be real." You stand up, placing one hand on your forehead and the other on your hip, "I'm having a really, really weird dream."
"Hate to break it to ya, babe." Colby's voice startles you as he walks around from behind you. You jump, stepping back as you look at him. He holds his hand out, "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya."
He chuckles, "But you're not dreaming. You're awake, and we're here."
You slide your hand down, resting your fingers over your lips and your mind starts racking up questions.
"Yes, we're why you felt guilty after going to Tara's party." Colby nods, "And why you felt so obsessed over, well.. nothing really."
"It wasn't really nothing, y/n. We made it so you were, what? Colby. I don't even know what you'd call it." Sam looks to Colby and Colby purses his lips, "Mm."
He snaps his fingers and looks to you, "Love sick."
"We made you love us, without even knowing us. That's why you felt so comfortable with me at the bar, we'd basically manipulate your dreams so you'd know who we were, but someone.." Sam trails off, glaring at Colby before looking back to you, "Thought it would be best if we made it so you couldn't remember when you woke up."
You can feel your legs shaking below you, "And the making me do things? What.. what's that?"
"Oh the compulsion?" Sam nods, "Yeah, that's my favorite thing about being a vampire." He laughs, "I can make anyone do anything I wanted."
"So you.. compelled me.. to.." you point to your neck and he nods, "Yes."
"Why?" You stare at him and he shrugs, "Come on, if a stranger came up to you and said follow me to the bathroom, I want to bite your neck and drink your blood, would you have honestly, willingly gone with?"
"I mean, no but- wait." You point to Colby, "You don't like my blood?"
He sighs, "Ah, yeah. That."
"He could rip you apart if he really wanted to." Sam laughs and Colby rolls his eyes, "So could you, Sam."
Sam nod, leaning back to bring one of his legs up to least on his other one, "That's true. I could tear you apart if I wanted."
Sam is in front of you within the blink of an eye and you lean back slightly. His arm snakes around your wait, hand planting on the small of your back, "But I think you are just.. the sweetest thing."
There is absolutely no fear in your body, and they both know it.
"Why me?" You ask, your breathing growing faster as Sam slides his other hand up your arm to push your hair out of the way, "Why not you?"
His fingers run over the spot he had previously drank from before, "You have such a pretty face, on a pretty neck. You drive me crazy."
He leans in, lips gently pressing against your skin before tilting his head up, "Tell me you don't want me right now. Tell me you don't want us.. right now."
"I-I." You gasp as you feel Colby appear behind you, his hands sliding onto your waist. You bite down on your lip, "Are you going to hurt me?"
"Not unless you want us to, baby." Colby chuckles, "We're here to pleasure you. Make you feel things you've never even thought of feeling."
Colby presses his chest against your back and Sam tilts his head, "We don't take orders from anyone.." his thumb brushes over your bottom lip, "But you."
A rush of excitement washes over you and they both chuckle, "she's excited." Colby whispers, "I can feel it."
"This is so fucking weird." You laugh, still slightly in shock, "Oh my god."
"What do you say, sweetheart." Sam looks into your eyes, "Will you let us be your sickening desire?"
Your lips part open as Colby's lips attach to your neck, sucking a mark into your neck.
You had to admit, the devils voice is so sweet to hear.
Along with them being pretty cute for being, what others would consider monsters.
"You think we're cute?" Sam teases and you sigh, "My thoughts aren't safe anymore are they?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not at all, babe."
"You share them with us now." Colby whispers, "So are you going to answer Sam's question. Are you going to let us show you what an exhilarating ride it is to dance with the devil?"
After taking a moment to think, your eyes meet Sam's and you nod, "Take me."
"As you wish." He lifts you up, walking over to the couch, "But before we start. Can I have that drink now?"
"So that's what you meant?" You bite your lip and he nods, "Uh huh. Exactly." He looks over at Colby and when you look over at him, he's gone.
Sam turns your chin back towards him, "He's not too far off." He winks and slides his hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in closer to him as he leans up, mouth close to your neck.
Your hands grip the collar of his shirt, preparing for the initial piercing of your skin.
"Tell me when. You call the shots." Sam whispers and you nod, "Go."
You let out a whine, tilting your head to the side as his fangs sink into your neck.
Your fists tighten with his collar still balled up in them, and a moan slips through. Sam wraps tightens his arm around your waist, groaning against your neck.
The euphoric feelings rushes in, causing your arousal to spike.
You need him, and you needed him bad.
Your mind dances off onto the topic of Colby, thinking about how good he looks in the black leather jacket.
How his dark demeanor intimidates you, but also turns you on more than anything.
"Fucking hell, babe. You taste fucking good." Sam leans back, fangs still out as his licks the blood from his lips.
Your eyes gaze over his face as you slide a hand up, wiping away a bead of blood that's getting ready to drip. You drag your finger up his chin, slowly placing it in his mouth and you gasp when his lips wrap around it, sucking your flood off your finger.
"I know I should be scared but.." you bite your lip, pulling your finger from his lips, "I'm not."
"We don't want you to be scared." Sam whispers, "We love you."
Without any hesitation, "I love you both."
"That's the way we want it." He smirks, looking over your shoulder, "You good, Colbs?"
"Oh yeah." Colby answers from behind, "Clean her up. I want my turn with her." Sam smirks and licks his lips again before leaning forward.
A shiver goes down your spine from Colby's words and Sam's tongue gliding over the fresh puncture wounds.
A little whimper leaves your lips, "Please."
"Soon baby." Both say in unison.
"Stand up for me, princess." Sam says and you stand up, slightly wobbly. Colby moves behind you, sweeping you off your feet, "You'll get used to that the more it happens."
You stare up at him, captivated by how a demon can look so pretty.
"I'm not in my true form, sweetheart." Colby smirks, walking you into your room, "Maybe one day I'll show you."
"What do you look like?" You ask and Colby lays you on the bed, "Let's not talk about that right now." He licks his lips, pressing them to yours.
Your hands move to his neck, moaning quietly against them. He slides a hand down, slipping it under your shirt, earning a moan as he toys with your nipple.
You tilt your head back, arching your back as he pinches a bit harder.
You wonder where Sam is, and he instantly appears next to you, "I'm right here, princess." He smirks down at you and you bite down on your lip.
You had so many emotions flooding through your mind and body.
You have never, never felt like this before and that was part of their goal.
Colby slips his hand out, gripping your shirt at the top and tearing it with a smooth glide, exposing your chest, "Mm. Naughty girl, not wearing a bra."
You bite your lip, looking down at him and he smirks, "I like it better when you don't." He winks and leans down, attaching his lips to one nipples while his fingers find the other.
A moan leaves your lips as you lay a hand on the back of his head, "Fuck."
Sam leans down slightly, laying a hand on your head and brushing it over your hair, "We've been watching you for a while now. Did you know that?"
"N-no." You whimper and Sam chuckles, "Of course not. We didn't want to make you love sick, we just needed a way to make you ours before we told you who we truly are."
Colby leans up, "You're the only sense of humanity we have."
"Really?" You look from him to Sam and Sam nods, "Really." You look back to Colby as you feel your jeans being unbuttoned. You lift your hips, eager for them to be off quicker.
Sam stands up, unbuttoning his shirt as Colby works on undressing you fully, "Shit, this is so fucking hot."
Colby smirks, chuckling as he slides his hands up your bare legs, stopping at the band of your panties, "You're more than ready for us, aren't you?"
You nod quickly, "Yes." You move your hips up and down, "yes."
"Taste her, Colby." Sam commands and with that, your panties are ripped from your body, tossed like nothing to the floor.
"Fuck." Colby groans, quickly getting into position with his head between your thighs. Your lips part as you watch his inch closer to you, biting down on your lip when he glances up at you.
He closes the space, his tongue gliding up and down your folds, groaning against you as he finally tastes what he's been anticipating.
Sam's eyes are heavily focused on Colby, watching as he eats you out, "Fuck." He whispers, hand sliding down to palm himself.
You slide your arm towards him while placing your other hand on Colby's head, moaning as your back arches, "S-Sam."
Sam's eyes move to you, instantly picking up on what you want to do for him. He discards his pants, his boxers quickly following, leaving him naked as he climbs on the bed.
He sits on his knee, resting back on his calves as he reaches down. His fingers wrap around your wrist, guiding it to wrap around his cock.
He lets out a relieving moan, bucking his hips as you squeeze and gently stroke him up and down, "F-fuck."
His chest rises and falls quickly as his eyes watch you touch him.
You look over, locking eyes with him as you moan. He focuses on yours, "Cum."
Your body tenses up as a wave of absolute pressure washes over your body, screaming out as you tug on Colby's hair, which earns a deep groan from him.
"That's it, princess." Sam moans, "Fuck."
You catch your breath, watching as Colby sits up. He moves up, attaching his lips to yours and you moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue that moves against yours.
Sam grabs your wrist, pulling it away from him as he moves to the end of the bed. Once Colby climbs off, Sam grabs your ankles, easily pulling you down so your legs hang down.
You watch as Sam drops to his knees, hooking his arms under your knees as he moves in. His tongue slips into you, groaning as you gasp, "Sh-it."
Colby gets onto the bed, biting his lip as he watches you take his cock into your hand without being told, "Such a good girl." He reaches down, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
You part them, taking his thumb into your mouth and sucking. He tilts his head, watching the sight below him.
He looks down at Sam, watching him devour you before looking back, "Use your mouth, baby."
You comply, you don't need any kind of compulsion to do anything.
It's all you.
You push his thumb out of your mouth with your tongue, lifting your head to allow the tip of his cock to replace it.
He gasps, moaning as he lays a hand on the back of your head, "More, baby. Take more of me."
You swirl your tongue, coating him in saliva before you push your head onto him more. You moan around him as Sam slips a finger into your soaked cunt, tongue swirling around your clit.
Colby fights to keep his eyes open, "Shit." He pushes your head down, holding it there as he thrusts his hips, "Doing so fucking good."
Your back arches and your moans are muffled. Colby holds still, allowing you to have control again.
You bob your head, pausing as Sam slips another finger in, curling them slowly as he sucks your clit.
"Fuck." Colby glances down at Sam and back to you, brushing hair from your face. You tilt your head back, taking a deep breath as you moan loudly.
Colby moves back a little, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Cum."
You whimper as your orgasm rushes in again, ripping loud moans and screams from your throat as you cum around Sam's fingers.
"Does that feel good?" Colby asks stroking his hand over your hair, "Looks like it does."
"Yesyesyes!" You scream out, "Fuck yes!"
Sam pulls his fingers out, standing up to lean down over you. Your eyes lock into his as he slips his two fingers into your mouth, "lick them clean for me."
Your tongue swirls around his fingers, sucking them clean like he said. He drags them out, pulling your bottom lip down slightly as he leans down to kiss where he bit a not, too long ago.
He reaches up, gripping your chin as he studies your face, "I want to drink from you while Colby fucks you from behind."
You nod, "P-please, Sam."
"You don't have to beg, princess. Not this time." He smirks and stands up, walking around to lay on the bed, "Come here."
You sit up, turning around to crawl up the bed, straddling his lap. Colby moves behind you, hands on your hips as you lean down to connect your lips with Sam's.
You feel spit run down over your center, followed by Colby's cock rubbing it in before slipping the tip of his cock in.
You gasp into Sam's mouth and both of their hands hold your body still, "Feel good?" Sam asks lowly and you nod, eyes closed as you moan, "So good."
Sam kisses down the front of your neck, licking back up to under your jaw, "Think you can take both of us at once?"
His words surprise you and he chuckles, "Only if you want to try of course."
Colby pushes his cock into you, groaning as his fingers dig into your hips, "Shit." He bites down on his lip, slowly pulling out before starting to thrust at a slow pace.
You moan, looking down at Sam. He watches your face scrunch up as he slides his hand up to your neck, slowly squeezing.
"fuck, I can't fight it anymore." Sam groans as he pulls your hair back into a make shift ponytail, holding it with his hand, "Stay as still as you can for me, okay?"
You whimper in response, moaning from Colby's cock thrusting in and out of you.
Sam licks his lips, tilting his head to get to the side he hasn't bit yet. He pulls you in close and sinks his fangs into your neck.
You let out a small yelp, quickly covering it up with a loud moan. You fist the sheets next to Sam, pulling in them as you try to stay as still as you can.
Colby's grip on your hips is tight enough to where you know you'll have small round bruises from his fingers digging into your skin.
Sam sucks your neck, moaning lowly as lifts his head slightly. His eyes flick down to your neck, "I'll never get enough of you."
"I'm yours." You moan out quietly, "Both of yours."
"Who do you belong to?" Colby asks, "Say it louder."
Sam reconnects his mouth to your neck, making your vision go blurry, "Y-yours." You moan, screaming out, "Both, I belong to you both."
"That's our girl." Colby groans, "Our fucking girl."
Sam lifts his head, licking your neck clean and lays his head back. You stare down at him as Colby's thrusts come to a stop.
Sam reaches down, grabbing his cock to slide it into your cunt along with Colby's.
You let out a whimper as you feel yourself stretching to accommodate them both, "F-fuck." You hang your head down, whimpering as they both start to thrust, quickly finding a pace.
Sam slides his hand back up, cupping your cheek, "Tell us how good you feel."
"So.. fucking.." you gasp, "Good!"
"Do you want to cum?" Colby asks and you answer him immediately, "Yes, yes. So bad." A string of whines and moans leave your lips non-stop.
"Little bit longer baby." Colby rubs his hand up and down your back, "Doing so good for us."
Your eyes scan quickly over Sam's face. There's just something about the blood covering his chin that turns you on even more.
"Thank you." He groans out with a smirk. You smile, biting your lip as your brows furrow, "Oh fuck. Fuck."
"Think she's had enough, Colbs?" Sam asked eyes not leaving your face.
"She's earned a break." Colby answers and Sam pinches your chin between his pointer and thumb, "Look at me, princess."
You open your eyes and he locks his onto yours, "Cum."
Pleasure washes over you, causing your body to shake as it feels much more powerful than the last two orgasms you had.
You feel their cocks slip out of you and you cling to Sam, moaning and whining as you work your way through your high.
"That's it, baby. That's it." Sam whispers as he plants kisses on your face, leaving little spots of blood.
You slowly relax, breathing heavy as you roll off of Sam to lay on the bed.
"You know. You look so cute with blood on your face." Sam leans over and smiles down at you. You laugh slightly, too tired to even care.
You feel someone one wiping you off and Sam comes back with a clean face and something to wipe yours off with.
You didn't think they would do this, you thought they were just going to have their way with you and leave.
"Just because we're labeled as not good doesn't mean we don't care about the aftercare part." Colby smirks slightly and you smile, "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. You have a lot to learn." He winks and pulls the blankets up over your legs, "And yeah, that means we aren't going anywhere."
"Mhm. We claimed you." Sam says lying next to you, he brushes hair from your face, "so does it all make sense now?"
You nod, looking between them, "oh yeah. Everything is so much clearer now."
"You're still in shock aren't you?" Colby asks and you bat the air, "not at all." He raises a brow and tilts his head, "We can tell how you're feeling, babe. No need to lie."
You sigh, "Okay, fine. Maybe a little bit."
Colby lays next to you on your other side and rubs your arm, "Do you have any questions for us?"
"Were those thuds I heard earlier, you guys?" You ask as you pull the blanket up a little more. Sam laugh, "Yeah, that was Colby accidentally knocking stuff over."
You laugh, "This is just.." you sigh, "I'm sure I have more questions, I just.. my brain right now is so scrambled."
"You're fine, princess." Sam smiles, "You need rest."
"Will you be here in the morning?" You ask and look between them. Sam nods and Colby smiles, "We're always with you."
Sam smirks, "You have claim on us now."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and let me tell you, it was A LOT. So let me know how I did!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
Taglist: @fawned01 @theblackcatwitch @jaeyuns-world @littlec0ffeegirl @rosie-writings @nikkiwastaken
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
Issa Party
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
Requested by: my boo @hoodharlow 💕
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Liked by jackharlow, druski2funny, urbanwyatt, normani, saweetie, taylorrooks, claybornharlow, and 2,372,947 others
y/ninsta: hi :)
saweetie: long time, no see. where you been at bitch?! jessicakelce: I second that because your ass just disappeared off the face of the earth traviskelce: jess? you literally saw her less than twenty four hours ago jessicakelce: well it feels like longer! urbanwyatt: she got them apple bottom jeans! quiiso: boots with the fur! yungskylark: the whole club was looking at herrrrr! y/ninsta: I've been around lol normani: jackharlow didn't get you pregnant again yet? jackharlow: normani working on it y/ninsta: normani I think absolutely the fuck NOT blancahood: oohh yellow is your color mamas 😍 saweetie: snapback game goes CRAZY theestallion: triplets WHERE?! jackandy/naremyparents: the queen has graced us with her presence urbandjack25: I could just eat her UP jackharlow: urbandjack25 YOU GET ME y/ninsta: lmaooooo 😭
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Liked by jackharlow, blancahood, brandisimmons, yungskylark, traviskelce, saweetie, and 3,180,771 others
y/ninsta: now I know yall have heard about magic city, but what about latto city?
jackharlow: sooo you giving out lap dances or nah? y/ninsta: jackharlow for you and only you. got something real special too 😜 dualipa: y/ninsta what about me? pretty please with a cherry on top? jackandy/nupdates: oh lord here we go jackharlow: dualipa you are literally the pest that doesn't go away and y/ninsta does it involve clothes?
y/ninsta: jackharlow of course it doesn't, don't ask silly questions!
saweetie: lemme get a couple of stacks to throw at you sza: me too, I support this vision druski2funny: latto city sound like you have a fish fry going on in the back for customers lilnasx: druski2funny your dusty ass would say something like that urbanwyatt: fry mine extra hard please! softtcurse: and don't forget the hot sauce! normani: but we know that's too spicy for jackharlow cozane: my man probably thinks ketchup is spicy jackharlow: now why the hell do yall always come for me on this damn app and I can literally never be at peace? dualipa: jackharlow you brought it on yourself y/ninsta: druski2funny I got fish plate dinners, chicken plate dinners, you name it and I probably got it blancahood: I always forget how good she can cook jaysontatum: imma have to slide down there so I can get a plate y/ninsta: jayson! I didn't forget what you did! jaysontatum: I thought all was forgiven?! I gave him back! jackharlow: not them fighting over me like I'm a piece of meat y/ninsta: jackharlow but you so cute bae, I can't help it 😍 claybornharlow: y/ninsta I mean he's okay...... jackharlow: claybornharlow don't you muthafuckin start claybornharlow: jackharlow 😉 jackharlow: y/ninsta I'll make sure to leave enough room for dessert y/ninsta: jackharlow I didn't make any? jackharlow: y/ninsta I know you didn't y/ninsta: jackharlow smush, I don't get it lilnasx: y/ninsta YOU ARE THE DESSERT MA'AM y/ninsta: lilnasx oh that makes sense lol
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, brandisimmons, urbanwyatt, sza, quiiso, shloob_, and 1,273,997 others
y/ninsta: late night runs and spending time with my favorite person in the entire world is absolutely priceless 🥹💕
Likeeee this man is EVERYTHING to me
jackharlow: 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 y/ninsta: jackharlow stop acting like I don't tell you this every day lmao jackharlow: y/ninsta but I never get tired of hearing it saweetie: here they mushy asses go blancahood: I love yall, but yall make me sick at the same time lmao jessicakelce: blancahood I see no lies lol urbanwyatt: I literally called it when we were younger that they would be married yungskylark: jackharlow would be lowkey drooling while staring at y/ninsta jackharlow: yungskylark I WOULD NOT! quiiso: and spoil the hell out of her and wonder why her ass acts the way she does now lol jackandy/naremyparents: these two make my heart flutter, true love really does exist y/ninsta: jackandy/naremyparents ehhh I tolerate him jackharlow: y/ninsta oh? so you were just tolerating me earlier as I rearranged your guts and had you damn near ready to scream the safe word? do I have that correct? saweetie: OH druski2funny: what's the safe word?!?! theestallion: yall some nasty ass muthafuckas sza: theestallion??? please shut the hell up because I KNOW your ass isn't talking about someone being nasty lmao lilnasx: hold on, where are yall kids?!?! jackharlow: lilnasx they're around here somewhere lmao y/ninsta: jackharlow lmaooo they gave you a run for your money today jackharlow: y/ninsta nah I only got 2 now, autumn belongs to you and only you y/ninsta: she wasn't even that bad! jackharlow: y/ninsta speak for yourself. I don't even drink anymore, but that child had me wanting to take all the shots in the world y/ninsta: 😭😭😭😭
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, dualipa, brandisimmons, generationnow, jackandy/naremyparents, theshaderoom, and 4,183,949 others
y/ninsta: I told Saweetie, "get the balloons, we gone throw her a surprise" 😜
jackharlow: imma need you to bring your ass here NEOW druski2funny: aye! run me my wing stop discount! urbanwyatt: druski2funny bruh... the latto meal is only 20 something dollars lilnasx: druski2funny if you broke just say that smh y/ninsta: druski2funny not you asking me for another discount over top of the one I just gave you and jackharlow BEHAVE jackharlow: y/ninsta how can I behave when my wife looks like this? EXPLAIN y/ninsta: jackharlow lmaoooo you are a hot ass mess claybornharlow: produced by little baby 🥰 y/ninsta: claybornharlow nothing but magic happens when those Harlow's hit the studio jackharlow: y/ninsta I'm just tryna hit your guts, but I get it y/ninsta: JACKMAN, PLEASE quiiso: I swear you cannot take his ass anywhere when it comes to her jackharlow: y/ninsta what? what I say? blancahood: jackharlow and this is why you have three children jackharlow: blancahood I dropped them off at my parent's house so they're their problem maggieharlow: jackharlow and I will make you come and get them normani: oh lord smh jackharlow: maggieharlow next week? lilnasx: lmaoooo not him saying next week y/ninsta: jackharlow what am I going to do with you?! jackharlow: y/ninsta nothing because you're stuck with me 🥰
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, taylorrooks, generationnow, hollywoodunlocked, saweetie, and 2,382,941 others
y/ninsta: the face your husband makes when he had asked you if you wanted Starbucks and you said no, but now twenty minutes later you want some and are trying to steal his lmao he is so sick of me 😭😭
blancahood: he had better given you some of his too otherwise I'm sending panchito jackharlow: blancahood why the fuck are you so got damn violent? of course I shared it with her because SHE GAVE ME NO CHOICE. she was literally perched in my lap until I gave her some. traviskelce: jackharlow happy wife, happy life. just smile and nod and swipe your credit card jessicakelce: traviskelce ooh I taught you well, babe! blancahood: jackharlow me and panchito stay ready for when you step a toe outta line urbanwyatt: lmaoooo and y/ninsta kept eyeing jackharlow's drink until finally she was like 'babe, can I have some?' and jack of course was like 'now didn't I just ask your spoiled ass if you wanted one?' 😭😭 saweetie: urbanwyatt lmaoooo sounds just like them jackharlow: AND SHE DRANK 75% OF IT AND IS GOING TO LOOK AT ME LIKE I'M CRAZY TALKING ABOUT BABY WHY DID YOU DRINK IT ALL FROM ME? sza: and at that point, jackharlow chose violence lmaoooo y/ninsta: jackharlow I love you smushhhhhh jackharlow: y/ninsta you about to buy me another one when we land y/ninsta: jackharlow or you can face fuck me, your choice yungskylark: every day we stray further and further away from our savior smh jackharlow: y/ninsta OH, well don't mind if I do 😏😏😏😏 jessicakelce: just nasty as all hell smh urbanwyatt: pregnancy announcement in 3...2....1.... y/ninsta: URBAN HENRY DON'T YOU DARE WISH THAT UPON ME urbanwyatt: y/ninsta it is literally only a matter of time lmao druski2funny: I give her 24 hours y/ninsta: druski2funny and that's why your ass can't even afford my meal at wing stop smh druski2funny: y/ninsta I got your baby daddy to pay for it 🥰 y/ninsta: druski2funny 🙄🙄🙄
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sugarlywhispers · 9 months
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☆–a.n; @hitoshisbf MOOTIE, I GOTCHUU♡ tho, idk if this is the turn you were looking for with his, but i hope at least satiates a bit of your need ;) also, i haven't written this fast anything LOOOL idk, i'm living for the angsty fics lately♡
☆–warnings; angst, alcohol consumption, a bit of smut in one paragraph lol, and of course swearing, because Shinsou is as bad as Bakugou.
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Shinsou Hitoshi is not a man that shows his feelings openly. 
Everybody knows that.
So it isn’t a surprise when he returns to the agency from that hell of a fight, face blank, void of any emotion, eyes looking sleepy and tired like they always do. But there is something. Something about the way he is walking, the way he is breathing, or maybe call it his aura, that makes everyone flinch as he walks from the entrance directly towards the elevator.
From all the eyes he knows and feels looking at him, he strongly feels yours. He knows he shouldn’t close on himself and not seek help when he perfectly knows this is a moment to seek for help. For you.
But he can’t avoid it.
The guilt.
Another partner lost.
Another person died in his care.
More than one.
He is 32 years old and apparently he can’t take care of a sidekick half his age, who is already an adult, but still a baby in this profession. This fucking profession of being a hero. How many have already gone? How many have lost their lives because he wasn’t fast enough, strong enough, or even smart enough? How. Fucking. Many.
Hitoshi sighs when he’s in front of the door to his office, not really knowing how he got there; and when he enters and then turns to close it, he encounters the eyes of Midoriya Izuku who looks at him, worried and pitiful.
“It wasn’t your fault, Hitoshi,” Midoriya’s words feel more like a dagger stuck deep in his guts than the comfort he tries to give.
“How many, Midoriya… How many.”
And with that he closes the door and locks it. He doesn’t wait for his co-worker and friend's response. Hitoshi doesn’t need it. He knows it.
After throwing some of his equipment over the small couch he has in the middle of his office, Shinsou walks directly towards one of his furniture where he hides it. Alcohol. Rum, to be exact. He discovered –after a situation similar to this one– that the only thing that gives him a bit of comfort is the burn of the liquor going down his throat. He hates it, he loathes it completely. But he loves how the painful burning turns off his senses and closes down his gullet as the liquid slides inside his system. His ability to speak turns off, just as his consciousness.
He gulps down glass after glass after glass. He doesn’t care that he’s at work and by all ethics he shouldn’t be doing this here. But he doesn’t fucking care anymore.
He doesn’t care that once again one of his co-workers and two of his sidekicks died right in front of his eyes.
He doesn’t care that even if he got there a tad bit sooner, they could still be alive, he could have saved them.
He doesn’t care that it was his fault, because he got distracted from trying to follow one of those villains and didn’t stay to help his team.
But he does care. It is his fault. Everything.
Glass after glass after glass of rum, and he already feels the rise in temperature and the dizziness in his body. But he doesn’t care. He deserves feeling like this… This helpless and useless, because that’s what he is. A fucking useless piece of shit. Not even good at his own job. What would Aizawa say? Dad would agree with Shinsou. He’s just a fucking nuisance. He has been for everybody since his very first day at UA.
The rumble of knocks on his office’s door makes him groan. He doesn’t move, whomever it is should know already that he’s not going to fucking answer the door.
“Shinsou, it’s me,” your muffled voice sounds and he curses Midoriya’s name. He knows it was him who sent you. He always did whenever Hitoshi traveled down to the most inner dark places of his own mind.
He can’t not open the door to you. You are and will always be the exception to any rule. You come before anything and everyone, even his own misery. But, he had drank so much he realizes now he can't move his legs as he tries to stand up from his chair behind his desk. His arms and legs feel like gum, uncontrollable and useless gum, and he doesn't have the strength to even throw the keys closer to the door so you can grab them from under it and get yourself in. He knows, he had tried it, just now. Unfortunately, he just knocked a decorative vessel that sat at the corner of his own desk. What a shame, you have gifted him that from one of your trip missions.
“Hitoshi, what was that? Please, please, let me in,” your begging voice is something that stir so many emotions inside him.
He likes to hear it when he’s on top of you, buried so deep inside you that you beg for him. More, fast, harder, deeper. He loves it, to drive you that insane that only him can give you what you need.
Now, it sounds so desperate and sad, he hates being the reason too behind that begging.
It doesn’t pass too much time until the door is forced open. He regrets having locked it when he looks up and you’re there, standing with all that worry and fear in your eyes as your chest pushes up and down in puffs of air that you inhale. Oh. You forced it on your own. He feels proud of you. You have grown so much. So strong and so dependable.
He remembers when he met you, a small thing of eighteen years old, filled with dreams and hopes, that had just joined Hero Deku’s agency, where he also worked too. You had also been his sidekick for a while, before everyone –Hitoshi included– recognized your strength and power and by your twenty one years old you already had sidekicks helping you on your missions.
He was so proud and mesmerized by the person and hero you have become, he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help to feel things for you.
Your first kiss happened on your twenty-fifth birthday. Izuku had the idea to throw a surprise party after you came back from a mission in Osaka that day. Hitoshi would never forget the shine in your eyes when you entered the conference room, turned on the lights and everyone jumped yelling “happy birthday, Y/N!!” in greeting. You almost cried, and Hitoshi found that cute.
Shinsou was also known for liking his own space, so it didn’t take you long to finally find him at the balcony, alone and smoking his cigarette.
“You know, that thing kills you,” you closed the door of the balcony before walking and standing next to him.
He smiled, a genuine one, before saying, “Our work can kill us, did you know that?”
You rolled your eyes at him, softly pushing him with your shoulder, which made him laugh.
“Thanks for being here, Shinsou-san.”
“Ugh. Drop the honorifics already. Makes me feel old,” this time you laughed, and he took that as a queue to take out the little box he brought for you.
“What is this?” You asked receiving the little box.
“The villain’s teeth of my last fight,” you look up at him, not really amused and he snorts, “It’s your present, dumbass.”
“Couldn’t you just say that?” You protested, clearly exasperated by his jokes, which made him even fall for you more.
Hitoshi takes another drag of his cigarette as you open the box. It’s a necklace, not a very expensive one, with a pendant that has the form of a moon. To others, it might not mean shit, and maybe they would comment on how cheap the present looks. But to both of you, it had a significance. It signified all that time you spent together, patrolling and wandering the streets at night when you were his sidekick, given that both of your Quirks worked better at night.
You’re silent for a bit, and that silence worried him for a second. Then he saw the little droplets of your tears on the railing of the balcony where you are standing close to, and he sighed, throwing the cigarette to the ground and stepping on it to turn it off.
“You’re not supposed to cry, dummy,” his hands grabbed your face and he softly tilted your head back so he could look at your face better.
He saw the tears running down your cheeks, but your eyes looked genuinely happy. Fuck, you're gorgeous, inside out.
“It’s my birthday, I can do whatever I want,” you replied back, your beautiful dove eyes not leaving his.
“That you can.” He said almost in a whisper, his eyes darting down to your lips for a second. And when he looked back at your eyes, he saw the realization in them.
“I… Can I?” He saw your eyes do the same action he did before, and fuck, yes please.
“You can.”
You stood suddenly in your tiptoes and finally connected your lips together. One of his hands slid to the back of your head as the other went down and his arm surrounded your waist, pulling you against him even closer, lips firm against each other.
Shinsou had felt on cloud nine. He still does every time you kiss him. Every time he wakes up and sees you there laying next to him, all cutesy with your sleepy-puffy face and all. Every time you come back to him, even when he told you many times before that he isn't worth it.
He doesn’t deserve you. And you deserve so much better.
“Why did you lock the door?” Your voice sounds angry, but also worried.
Hitoshi looks down again to his desk where he finds the bottle of rum almost finished. Wow. How much time has passed since he got here? The dizziness and the constant burning in his throat doesn’t let him think straight, or do the maths. So he immediately disposed of that thought. He won’t be able to find the answer either way. But he can tell that, by your worried expression, it’s been long. I mean, the almost empty bottle in front of him says much too.
“Shinsou,” you call him again. And by his surname, which means you are angry too.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he asks in a murmur, his voice sounding so rough and deep he barely recognizes it like his own.
He then feels hands, small delicate hands, that hold his face and turn him to the side. They feel so soft, so sweet as the thumbs caress his cheeks that he closes his eyes, feeling that knot in his throat so tight is about to explode and make him bleed til he dies.
Hitoshi takes a faltering breath as he feels your forehead press against his.
“Let’s go home, love,” your gentle voice says and he feels like crying now.
But he nods and lets you help him up.
You’re his home. So he will go anywhere with you.
When Hitoshi wakes up the next day, he feels like a truck ran over him. Bones and all heavy, his head pulsing with pain that makes him want to vomit.
He remembers vaguely what happened. And he remembers you dragging his stupid and sorry-sad ass to the apartment. With Izuku. Midoriya helped you bring him home. How embarrassing.
Hitoshi finds the strength to sit on his bed, after seeing that your side of the bed is empty. That’s weird, but it doesn’t surprise him. It is just time you finally see the scum and worthless ass he is.
He rests his elbows on his knees, holding his head with his hands. It hurts, realizing that he lost you. Hurts more than anything. How fucking hypocrite of him. Yesterday, he was moping about the death of his team members, swearing that what he felt was pain. Nothing compares to what he’s feeling now.
The tears slide through his face before he has a chance to stop them.
He never deserved you. He doesn’t even deserve to be called a Hero.
He feels like a fucking loser.
Your voice makes him look up instantly. And in two long strides you’re kneeling on the floor in front of him, arms around his neck.
He immediately returns the hug. And cries. Like a fucking child.
But this is you, he can do this with you. He can be vulnerable with you.
“You stayed.” He cries, feeling like a wounded animal that needs help.
But somehow, he is. Wounded. In pain. And you’re his savior, what he needs to heal.
“I’m always going to be here, love. I choose you, and I will always do.”
The fingers of one of your hands slides in his hair as his whole body shakes in his cries.
“You have to stop doing this. Nothing that happened was your fault, and if you don’t believe yourself, believe me.” You back away from him just a bit so you can look into his eyes. “Believe me when I say that it was not your fault. And believe me when I say that it’s time you stop this behavior.” He knows you’re talking about his drinking habit from this past months.
“I choose you, but you have to choose me. Or… I don’t think I’m going to want to stay here to see you lose yourself. It hurts me too much, Hitoshi.”
That gets his attention completely.
No. He can't lose you. He won’t lose you. No. No. No.
You're the one crying now, and he’s the one that pulls you up so you straddle his waist and hold your face very close to his.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I won’t… I’ll be good, I’ll be better for you, I promise.” He chants like a prayer as he kisses every part of your face as he can.
You shake your head, “No. Be good for you, be better for you. Because you deserve it. You deserve to be happy, Hitoshi.”
He doesn’t believe it. Not yet anyway.
But he believes you. He loves you. And if to cherish you how you deserve means he has to believe he’s good, he will.
He will be good for you. And with time, for himself too.
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eating-plastic · 8 months
Headcanons: Maison Talo Punishing his Fem!S/O for ignoring him (SMUT)
Warnings: nsfw (duh), smut (minors and ageless blogs do not touch please and thanks), AFAB!reader, vaginal sex, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, unprotected sex, Maison becomes pussy drunk (yes, I am making that a tag), masturbation, voyeurism, any other warnings that come with fucking a man eating house creature lol, lots of inaccuracies about Maison's anatomy, established relationship, probably some grammatical errors
A/N: Wow, this took me way too long to write, but it's finally done. First things first, I would like to thank @oliviathatgirl for giving me the idea for this as I was starved of ideas for a Maison Talo x reader thingy (pun not intended btw). Secondly, I get it. I took the easy way out when making this. But let's be real here, I don't think anyone knows what trying to have sex with Maison would be like. So yeah, I don't wanna hear it, I know. Let's all just have a little bit of fun and enjoy fiction, got it? Also this is long too, sorry about that. I could've shortened it, but I had already had everything almost written out so I just said "fuck it" lol. I blame the fact that I'm in a fic writing mood. Still, I hope someone out there enjoys this. Cheers!
🏠-Let's be very clear, you weren't trying to ignore Maison, things just happened
🏠-You were busy. VERY busy
🏠-Be it work, college, or a combination of the two, on top of maintaining your social life, you just would be too tired for any of his romantic gestures
🏠-You felt bad about it, really you did, but Maison would always tell you that it was alright and you believed him. After all, he had his own busy days himself trying to keep himself fed and it wasn't like he was a clingy or needy lover
🏠-This would've been an accurate statement had it been made before you managed to work your way into his life. And that is all because you had managed to introduce him to a new need that wasn't hunger
🏠-And that was love. A sweet, gentle affection that was so foreign to him. Something that he doesn't know if he has experienced it before or even at all, but he does know one thing:
🏠-He revels in it. Both getting and giving it from you and you alone (after getting used to it of course). He just can't get enough of your love and loving you
🏠-It gave him a new purpose that wasn't just keeping himself fed and maintaining his reputation as number 1 realtor in the Uncanny Valley
🏠-As such, the lack of affection was starting to make Maison a bit antsy. A bit on edge, though he didn't blame you about it
🏠-And then one day *poof* you finally had time to yourself. You were so excited you went to tell him the good news...and of course it had to be on a day when he left to scout for a meal
🏠-No matter, you would make yourself comfortable while you waited for him to come back to his house body or a little text telling you to get out as he was coming by with a "potential buyer"
🏠-Meanwhile at a bus station on the edge of the Uncanny Valley, Maison was waiting just out of view to spot an unfamiliar face
🏠-He could sense everything you were doing within him. If he closed his eyes, he could see you putzing around as if you were just in a normal home. If he strained his ears, he could hear you talking to yourself, or singing along to your favorite song, or laughing at a joke said in your favorite TV show
🏠-It never failed to calm him and put him in a good mood. He always worried about your well being due to the many dangers within the Uncanny Valley, so it was nice to know where you were and that you were safe and sound
🏠-It was cute too, watching you. It showed just how much you trusted him. He could just eat you so easily right then and there, not that he ever would. He'd truly rather starve than have it come to that
🏠-You on the other hand, were completely unaware of this ability of his. A fact that was evident by you heading up to the master bedroom for a different way to destress after the long week
🏠-'What harm could it do?' you thought, while shucking off your shorts and panties. Sure, it could be seen as a little odd to touch yourself in a home that was a living thing, therefore you technically couldn't call it yours despite staying. This house would always be Maison's because it was him. Still, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him
🏠-While you lay on the bed, stroking your clit, your mind drifted to your beloved realtor. You wondered what it would be like to be so intimate with him. Yes, "would be like". You were too embarrassed to initiate it or even bring it up. Hell, from how he ate, you wondered if it was even possible. Of course that never stopped you from fantasizing about it.
🏠-If it was possible, what would having sex with Maison be like? What would he look like under that fancy blazer of his? What would he be like in bed? What would he be into?
🏠-Soft moans fill the room while you continue to imagine the most filthiest scenarios with him
🏠-All the while, Maison was going through his normal routine of reeling in some food for himself. The poor soul, though just as suspicious as they always are with his "offer," he could just see it in this person's eyes that they wouldn't be a difficult meal
🏠-After giving them his card, it would just be another boring waiting game once more. At least that's what he thought until he suddenly tasted something sweet
🏠-It startled him a bit, tasting something out of nowhere. Perhaps you had accidentally dropped a snack for yourself. Yes, that was probably it, poor you. Might as well check on you, he figured
🏠-And that's just what he did, getting quite the surprise when he got a view of you. Pretty, little you moaning so sweetly while your hand played with your soaked pussy, slick dripping onto the bed underneath. So that's what that sweet taste was
🏠-Similarly with love, lust was also foreign to Maison, and yet he was quickly receptive to it. After all, what was lust, if not a different form of hunger?
🏠-Oh how his mind was almost instantly filled with thoughts of what he could do to you. What he wanted to do to you
🏠-The moment his name left your lips while lost in your pleasure, the thoughts of his new meal vanished. He needed to relieve this new hunger he felt
🏠-He needed you
🏠-To say that he hurried back to his house form, would be an understatement. With the mess you were making, each of his strides grew faster. He would've loudly slammed the front door behind him, had he not have a sliver of self control tell him it would be better to catch you off guard
🏠-After all, didn't you deserve a little bit of a startle for what you've done to him? You had gotten him so unbelievably worked up, and after being denied giving and getting your affection too
🏠-While Maison quietly made his way up to the master bedroom, you were slowly reaching your peak. Your moans grew in volume as rubbed away at your clit. Just a few more strokes would tip you over the edge. Just a few more-
🏠-"My my, what's this?"
🏠-Your eyes shoot open and you rip your hand away from your dripping cunt. You scramble into a sitting position with your legs crossed, but there was no hiding what you were doing. The longer Maison stares at you, waiting for you to explain yourself, the hotter your face gets
🏠-"M-Maison! W-what I was-! I-I mean I was...just um...," you let out an ashamed, defeated sigh and cover your face with your hands. "I'm sorry."
🏠-Your eyes glance around at everything but the tall realtor in the room. This allows him to prowl his way closer to the bed, gently dragging his fingertips up your leg when he gets close enough. His eyes trail down your body, trying to get a better look at that sweet, little treat in between your legs
🏠-You let out a confused squeak and will up the courage to look back up at Maison, only to have all thoughts freeze as he slowly brings his face closer to yours. So close in fact, that the tip of his nose touches yours
🏠-"This is quite the interesting surprise to...return to," his voice comes out as a low purr. Maybe one day he'd tell you about his ability to spy on you, but if he could have more moments to see you playing with yourself and completely unaware of him watching you, he'll be keeping that to himself for a while
🏠-"I-I'm sorry...I d-didn't mean for you...," you whimper, which causes him to darkly chuckle. Perhaps it was the fact that you were so close to cumming that made you do this, but the sound does cause you to clench around nothing
🏠-"Ah yes, you wanted this to be a little secret. Do it while I was away searching for a little bite to eat, hm," suddenly, his hand grabs your face and holds it firmly, forcing you to look up at him. "I never realized how cruel you could be, my little tenant. How long has it been since I was able to cherish you, hm? Or that you were able to extend me that same grace?"
🏠-You really don't know how to feel. You're still mortified, sure, and yet this whole situation wasn't helping the slick leaking out of your pussy. After realizing that Maison was waiting for you to respond, you breathe out the answer
🏠-"That's right. And this is what you do while I'm still missing you? You cry out about how much you need me while I'm gone? You make such a delicious little mess that you know I can taste?"
🏠-Your eyes widen at that. God, how did that slip your mind? If he can taste the food you drop and the drinks you spill...then of course he could taste...
🏠-"Would you like to know just what I think about all of this, my dear?" he asks, reveling in the cute, little expressions you were making
🏠-You hesitantly nod your head. With that, Maison leans his head towards your ear and takes one of your hands into his own, slowly dragging it down his torso. Once your hand crosses below his waist, you gasp, a noise that causes him to chuckle once more. Not even your fantasies could've predicted that he was that well endowed
🏠-"I think I liked the little show you put on," he purred while rubbing your hand against himself. "But I think I'd like it more if I could indulge in it as well."
🏠-With that, you are pushed back down onto the bed with your hands pinned by your head. Maison moves to hover over you, smirking at your wide eyed expression. Despite the suddenness of it all, you've never been more turned on in your life
🏠-Slowly, he dragged his hands down from your wrists, to your arms, to the curves of your body, until they landed on your thighs. Moving underneath them, he lifts them up, almost pushing your knees against your chest. There was no hiding your sex from him now
🏠-He takes in the sight of it, the sensation of his stare making you squirm in his hold. He then moves one of your legs up onto his shoulder so he can free one of his hands. He wasted no time swiping his fingers through your wet folds
🏠-You gasp and continue to writhe underneath Maison while he toyed with your cunt, settling on having his thumb stroke your clit and his index and middle finger slipping in and out of you. He found that to be most efficient with coaxing your sweet slick out of you
🏠-It was like a drug with how that little puddle underneath you had him addicted. With every passing moment that it grew, the more insatiable he got. It made his pants even tighter too
🏠-You were completely blissed out with his ministrations to your body, and as soon as you knew it, you were right at the cusp of your peak again. You mewl and whine about your impending release, throwing your arms above your head to grip the pillow. With just a few more strokes to that sensitive, little bundle of nerves in between your legs, your vision goes white and you cry out Maison's name
🏠-While you get lost in your orgasm, Maison finally pulls away a bit to take you in. Oh how he revels in your pleasure just as much as you are. Not just because of how good it tasted, but because it was his darling, little tenant getting lost in an ecstasy he administrated
🏠-And he wanted more of it
🏠-Not understanding that your poor body was hypersensitive now, he decides to try something new. If his lure form could experience senses like touch, sight, and sound, then why not try tasting your juices at the source?
🏠-He wasted no time leaning down and hoisting your hips upwards. He then slowly drags his tongue through your puffy lips in an experimental lick, letting out a pleasant hum once he picks up your taste
🏠-A wail leaves your lips as he begins lapping at your pussy, each drag of his tongue making your body jerk in his grasp. You try to wiggle out of it, but your squirming just causes his grip to tighten
🏠-"A-ah-! Too much! P-please, Maison, too much!" you sob, tugging at his rough, gray hair to push him away. At the same time though, you felt the conflicting feeling of wanting him to keep going
🏠-"Aww, you poor thing," he coos once he pulls away from you. "I thought this was what you wanted. That's certainly what it sounded like."
🏠-He moves up your body so that his face is hovering above yours. He then raises a hand to caress your cheek and gently swipes his thumb across your bottom lip. The feeling causes you to nuzzle your face into his palm. Oh how you missed it
🏠-"You can handle a little bit more, can't you my dear?" his voice is as soft as his gesture, coaxing you to agree. And of course you do, from how gentle he was being and the bit of pleading in his eyes
🏠-"Y-yeah, I think I can," you breathe, causing Maison's smile to widen. He then leans down and places a kiss to your lips. You eagerly return it, realizing just how long it really has been since you got to enjoy his affection. You also moan slightly as you also get a taste of yourself. He then pulls away and leaves a final kiss to your forehead
🏠-"Good girl," he purrs, before returning himself back to the position he had in between your legs. There you were once again treated to that conflicting feeling of wanting him to continue and stop all at once
🏠-You continue to whine and keen once you feel his tongue back on you. Despite agreeing that you could handle it, you still writhe in his grasp. Your fingers find his hair again, which you both tug on as a brace and to pull his head closer. You even start grinding yourself against his face as you feel your second orgasm churn within you, your voice spiking in pitch each time his nose brushes your clit
🏠-Maison lets out an amused hum at your action, both from your taste and your desperation to cum again. In fact, in anticipation of feeling your release on his tongue, he begins to grind himself against the bed. The small rushes of pleasure cause him to let out low groans, the floorboards creaking with each one that escapes him
🏠-Of course the vibrations from that cause you to tip over the edge and cum all over his face. Due to it being your second release of the day, the pleasure was intense. Tears seep from the corners of your eyes, an overwhelming bliss flows through your veins, and your body feels like it's floating
🏠-Unfortunately for Maison, he was unable to see you in such a state, too busy indulging himself on your juices once more. He only pulls away from you once he realizes just how worked up he got from simply grinding against the bed. If he continued, he would've spilt himself in his pants, and what a waste that would've been
🏠-While you slowly come down from your high, he finally undoes his pants, allowing his length to spring free. He lets out a sigh from the relieved tension, before taking a moment to actually get a good look at it
🏠-'How interesting,' he thinks, while investigating his cock. It was the same tannish color as his lure form's skin tone, yet the tip was a bit darker. What has him the most curious however, is the whiteish clear fluid beaded from it. He carefully swipes his thumb across it, causing him to hiss and for the house to shift a bit
🏠-He then moves his hand to wrap it around the shaft, feeling how oddly heavy it was against his palm. After getting a feel for the weight, he decides to slowly move his hand up and down, letting out another low groan and another creak. What an interesting kind of pleasure this was
🏠-Your soft gasp pulls him away from his investigation. As his dark eyes lock with yours, he instantly remembers all the things he can do with the length in his hand. Your brain on the other hand was still fuzzy from your intense release, as well as actually seeing Maison's dick. While he wasn't too girthy, he definitely was long, and it was making you actually consider going another round
🏠-Smirking at your wide-eyed expression, he lets himself go and moves back on top of you, hand gently stroking your cheek once more
🏠-"Oh my poor, little tenant. I know it's cruel of me to ask this of you, again," his voice drips in sweetness, yet you can still hear that bit of sleaze that makes your brain tilt in favor of overstimulating yourself again. "May I take you? Indulge in you in a way unlike ever before? Bathe you in ecstasy one more time? Please, my dear?"
🏠-It's a repeat of the same charade he did when his tongue was against your pussy, and you fall for it again. You didn't know how long he could perform it over and over until you finally denied him, but it certainly wasn't now. Carefully, you move to sit up, Maison shifting off of you to give you a bit of space. His face holds the same, soft expression, yet there's a hint of curiosity there as he wonders what you are doing, as well as your answer
🏠-And you give it to him in the form of you removing your shirt and bra, leaving you completely bare in front of him. If you were going to let him take you, why not let him have all of you. Besides, you were getting all sweaty and hot anyways
🏠-Amusement takes over his eyes and smile, hand returning to your cheek. You melt into it and back into your position underneath him. Of course, you should've known he wasn't going to do anything until he heard your response
🏠-"Yes," you decide, despite knowing your body was more hypersensitive than ever before. "Please...take me."
🏠-And that's just what he does. After shifting into position and wrapping your legs around his waist, Maison slips himself inside of you. With every inch pushed into your tight, weeping core, you softly whimper and throw your arms around him to hold him close. The moment his cock is completely sheathed within your warm, velvety walls, your mind goes numb from how deep inside you he was
🏠-To be perfectly honest, he wasn't faring that much better. Just the feeling of you wrapped around him alone was enough for his eyes to close with bliss. It causes him to take a moment to both get used to and savor the sensation. It truly made him wish you both would've tried this out sooner
🏠-After his little break, he finally starts to move in small, shallow thrusts. All the while, he enjoys the cute, little look on your face. Your eyebrows knitted together and eyes closed from overstimulation. Your soft lips parted, with the only sound dripping from them being whines and whimpers
🏠-"Such a pretty, little thing," he muses, fondly, adoration in his eyes. He raises his hand to hold your face, before leaning down to kiss you. It doesn't take long for his tongue to find itself in your mouth and eagerly greet your own
🏠-Suddenly, as if his hips had gotten a mind of their own, he harshly bucks himself inside of you. You moan in surprise from the tip of his cock slamming right into your g-spot, and tighten your grip around him in more ways than one
🏠-Liking the new, rougher pace, in tandem with your pussy constricting his dick, Maison grasps your hips and begins to rut away into your cunt. That poor little, sweet spot inside of you wouldn't be able to the escape the abuse he had in store for it
🏠-To say that your brain is now mush at this point would be an understatement. You can hardly form a coherent thought, and all you can say when he finally broke that delicious kiss is sobs of pleasure. Even as you feel your body building up your third orgasm of the day, you can't get out anymore than stuttered words broken by cries
🏠-Fortunately, Maison can decipher your pleasant sounds and responds to them by quickening the pace. He is going to make sure you cum right on his length at least once today. He needed to feel it
🏠-"That's it," he breathes, another loud creak following. "Just one more, my dear. Just one more for me."
🏠-It only takes a few harsh thrusts for you to become completely spent. Your velvety walls clench around him like a vice and your body jolts in his grasp as your release crashes over you
🏠-From the intense sensation, Maison follows closely behind. With a loud groan, he fills your core with ropes of his cum and the house shakes as if a small earthquake had sprouted
🏠-Eventually, the shaking goes from violent, to a vibration, to a complete still. By that time, you had both come down from your highs and decide to revel in the afterglow. That was truly better than either of you could've imagined it would be
🏠-"Well...that was certainly...something," Maison muses, smiling down at you. You tiredly laugh at his remark. Honestly you couldn't think of any other way to describe what the two of you did
🏠-"Yeah...just...wow," you return his fond smile, before realizing how sticky with sweat your skin was. "Augh, I think I need a bath."
🏠-"Of course. Please, allow me, my dear," he purrs, before puling out of you and fixing himself back in his pants. "You deserve a little rest after being so good for me."
🏠-With a gentle kiss to your forehead, Maison leaves to head to the bathroom. On his way there however, a soft buzzing catches his attention. Ah yes, his phone. That must be the "potential buyer" he was talking with earlier. He answers, but tells them that they would have to check out the house tomorrow
🏠-He had much more important matters to take care of right now
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augustghosts · 2 years
The Best Thank you
Tommy Miller x fem!reader
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On that night in 2003, Tommy calls his girlfriend instead of Joel. 
(let's pretend the literal apocalypse doesn’t happen for this one, ok?) 
 I started writing this like a week ago before ep 6 and after seeing ep 6 I haven't been able to stop thinking about tommy fucking miller. Anyways, this ends kind of abruptly because i’m bad at endings lol. And this is the worst title ever, I couldn't think of one. Hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: 18+ so minors dni pls, not proofread so lmk if u spot any mistakes lmao. Lots of pet names. Established relationship, ppl in love n all that. Oral (f receiving), unprotected sex. Tommy defo whimpers btw.
Word count: 3.1k
“Shit!” She almost rolled her eyes at herself as she did the classic scramble around the bed in the dark for her phone. After a few seconds she grasps it, her eyes squinting as she looks over a number she doesn’t recognise. She considers not answering, it is midnight. But calls this late are usually important, right? Fuck it. 
“Hello?” She’s hesitant, but the sigh she lets out makes it sound like she’s annoyed. Tommy is nervous, he’s actually fucking nervous. After no answer from Joel, he didn’t know what else to do. He was well and truly fucked. He's leaning against a cold wall, the payphone is heavy in his hand - not as heavy as the stare the officer who’s watching him is giving him. He looks down at his boots instead and squeezes his eyes shut before replying. The sound of her voice immediately helped his situation. 
“Hey, honey!” He sounds a little too cheery, he honestly cringes at himself. He can’t tell if its the pure fucking anxiety he’s feeling because of this phone call or the alcohol. 
“Tommy? What’s wrong?” She sussed him out immediately, the sounds of his voice initially putting her at ease before she sensed the edge in it. God, he thinks, she’s so damn smart. And she knows him so well. He catches himself smiling at the just the thought of her, until he remembers where the fuck he is. 
“Yeah. I’m, uh - I'm okay.” Did he just stutter? This is one of those times he wished she didn’t have this kind of effect on him. 
“Okay?” She beckons him to continue, leaning over to her nightstand to flick the light on. Her room is illuminated revealing a pair of Tommy’s shoes by her door and some clothes he’d left there still thrown over the back of her chair. 
“Look, I'm - um.” Fuck, Tommy. Just say it. “I’m in jail.”
There’s a pause on the other end, a pause that’s a little too long and makes him think she’d hung up. He takes the phone away from his ear to glance at it, as if that would help.  Her voice is small when it finally comes through. “What?” 
“Did you actually not hear me or do you just want me to say it again?” He tries to joke. 
“Say it again.” Her voice is stern, it immediately shuts him down. 
“I’m in jail.” He sighs. 
There’s another pause before she asks: “Are you okay?”
His heart squeezes in his chest. He had expected a million sighs, a telling off or maybe even a dial tone ringing in his ear telling him she’d hung up on him. But no, of course she’s not like that. He knows that - she’s better than anyone he’d ever met. Of course his beautiful girl with her beautiful heart, who had just been woken up at midnight, was going to ask him if he was okay. 
“Yeah. I’m fine.” His voice is uncharacteristically small. 
“What happened?” 
“I don’t know. It's- you know I was at the bar and one of my buddies got into a fight and I was just helping him out. I think maybe I knocked the guy out, I don't know.” He does know. He did knock the guy out and honestly, he was pretty proud of it. But he doesn’t want to tell her that. 
“Oh, okay.” Honestly, she’s confused. Not sure why he was calling her, didn’t he have a brother? 
“Anyway, look baby, I'm sorry but I need you to help me out.” 
“How?” She asks. She’s sitting up now, and suddenly she doesn’t feel tired anymore. 
He sighs again, he really doesn’t want to be doing this. “Darlin’, I really am sorry but I need you to bail me out.” 
She’s silent again for a second, “Now?” 
“Yeah, it’s friday. If I don't get out tonight I'll be here all weekend.” He’s speaking faster now, he sounds like he’s panicking. Shit, is she really gonna do this? Of course she is. She sighs as she stands up. Tommy hears it and it makes his chest squeeze again, guilt flooding him as he speaks. “Please. I’m sorry.” 
“Which jail?” She asks - he tells her. A feeling of relief almost overtakes the guilt as he hears her shuffling around on the other end. 
“Okay.” She says, slipping her shoes on. “I’ll be there soon.” 
“Shit, thank you sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you.” He promises. She doesn’t respond - the line goes dead. Honestly, he feels like he’s getting mixed signals. Was she mad? Was she upset? He couldn’t tell. Fuck Joel for not answering.
Half an hour later she’s pulling up in front of the station. Her heart is beating faster than ever, maybe she should have left him here over the weekend. Taught him a damn lesson. She knows she doesn’t mean that, but she seriously considers it as she gets out of her car. The place is weirdly empty for a Friday night, a few people sitting on chairs in front of the desk. Only two people sitting behind said desk, she had expected it to be a lot crazier. Maybe the crazy is happening where Tommy is, somewhere in the back. In just a few minutes after a conversation at the desk Tommy is walking towards her. He looks more nervous than she’s ever seen him. His usual cocky and confident demeanor, which she loves so much, has been replaced by guilt and embarrassment. She stands with her arms crossed as she waits, watching as he’s handed back his phone and wallet. 
“Hey.” He says as he turns to her, he almost wishes he could go back inside. 
“Hi.” She replies, she turns and leaves. He follows, already going through an apology speech in his head. When they get outside she stops by her car, turning to face him. 
“Baby, look, I'm sorry. I-” He starts his speech but is cut off by her soft hands grasping his face. Her hands are warm on his cheeks and he brings his own hand up to rest on top of hers. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asks. He nods, his gorgeous brown eyes wide as he anticipates what she’s going to do next. She surprises him by leaning up to kiss him, pulling his head down to meet her lips. He sighs as she kisses him softly, his hands wrap around her middle - he pulls her as close as he can. He had been contemplating tonight being the end of this, all his worries that he had disappointed her melting away as he felt her smile against his lips. 
“You’re an idiot.” She mumbled against his skin as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. He mirrored the grin on her face as he pulled away from her, she was still holding his face lovingly. 
“I know.” He smirked. Shit, even after all this - a night of drinking, an apparent bar fight and a few hours in jail, he still looked gorgeous. 
“So, am I taking you home or?” She trailed off, stepping away from him and rounding her car to the drivers side. 
“Only if you’re coming with me.” 
“We’ll go to mine then. I have work in the morning.” She says, and that guilty feeling almost returns, but when he sees the smirk on her face, he mirrors it with the same amount of enthusiasm. 
When they enter her apartment, Tommy suddenly isn’t as nervous anymore. Alcohol still running through his veins and excited over the thought of getting to spend the night with his girl instead of in a fucking cell. She’s slipping her shoes off and placing her keys down on the shelf beside the door when he approaches her from behind, wrapping his arms around her - chin on her shoulder. 
“You’re my goddamn hero.” He jokes, mumbling the words against her skin as he nuzzled into her neck.
“Sounds like you were the hero tonight.” She whispers back, placing her hands over his and leaning back into him. He’s pressing kisses along her neck as he responds. 
“Yeah, and i got fuckin’ arrested for it.” 
She laughs loudly, turning in his arms to kiss him again. More passionately and messily than in front of the police station. His hands grip her hips tighter, one traveling down to knead at her ass. Her own hands push his button up off of his shoulders, leaving him in just his white shirt. God, he looked good today. She can feel his cock through the front of his jeans as his hand on her ass pulls her forwards into him.
“I gotta admit,” She pulls away from him, his mouth tries to follow hers but she grasps his hand, leading him to her room. “It is kinda sexy, Thinking about you winning a fight.” 
She decides that maybe he deserves a bit of a show after the night he’s had. He’s standing in the doorway watching her, his trademark smirk plastered onto his face as she slowly takes her shirt off - Tommy’s shirt, actually. Already braless from being woken up at midnight, the jacket she had thrown on top of his shirt has already been abandoned at the door. He couldn’t lie about noticing her nipples through her shirt as she’d taken the coat off earlier. He makes a show of crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame, the smirk now turned into a grin. One that she's mirroring as she unbuttons her jeans and slowly slides them down her legs. His eyes follow, once they trail over her hips and legs he decides he can’t take it anymore. Having her standing in front of him in nothing but panties is not how he thought this night was going to end. 
“Fuck, baby.” His voice is noticeably deeper now as he comes to her, gripping her hips so she's against him. Her bare chest pressed against his clothed one. “I’m gonna give you the best thank you you’ve ever had.” 
And with that, he crouches down to haul her up into his arms - her legs wrapping around his waist as she laughs above him. He presses a quick kiss to her lips before dropping her down onto the bed. It’s his turn to put on a show now as he rids himself of his own shirt. He kneels in front of her and presses a kiss to her ankle before grabbing them both and using them to haul her towards the end of the bed. His mouth is inches from her pussy and she sighs as she feels him pressing kisses up her legs. He’s always been a tease, he lives for the sounds she makes. He loves to see her squirm. And squirm she does as he begins to slowly suck and bite the skin on her thighs. 
“Tommy.” She sighs his name and tugs on his hair and he swears his cock twitches in his jeans. “Please touch me.” Fuck, the effect she has on him is insane. He wants nothing more than to rip the denim off of his legs and fuck her into the matress, but he knows what she needs. And he will always give it to her. He presses one last kiss to her stomach before sliding her panties down her legs and throwing them behind him. 
“You’re so pretty, baby.” He whispers, just inches away from where she needs him. He used his thumbs to part her lips, a groan leaving his lips as he leaned in and dragged his warm tongue down the length of her. She sighed above him, her hands still holding onto his hair. He focuses on her clit, his tongue drawing tight circles over the nub. After a couple of strokes he closed his mouth around it, sucking gently. 
“Shit, Tommy.” One of her legs lifted around his shoulder, her heel pushing him further towards her. He smiled against her, he loved pleasing her. She always thought about how lucky she had gotten with Tommy.  A man who knows what he’s doing, and loves to do it. After playing with her clit for as long as she could take he pulled away. A beautiful smile on his face as he watched her squirm, her hands grasping his shoulders trying to push him back down. 
“You wanna come for me, gorgeous?” He asked, breathless. 
“Please.” She nods enthusiastically, just as breathless as him. “Please make me come!”
“Whatever you want princess.” He smirks, bringing his mouth back down to her pussy. His lips closed around her clit once more. He brings a hand up underneath his mouth, a single finger tracing her entrance before pushing inside. He moans against her when he feels how wet she is, adding another finger. She’s whining above him, moaning his name and pulling on his hair and he thinks about how he could definitely come like this. Shit, he has before. He fucks her with his fingers exactly the way he knows she likes, his tongue continuing to dance on her clit until she closes her thighs around his head. 
“Oh fuck, Tommy!” She moans loudly, neither of them have time to think about her neighbors right now. “I’m gonna come.” 
He continues what he’s doing as she grips harder on his hair, her legs closing tightly around his shoulders as she arches her back as she comes. He watches her face, she always looks so gorgeous like this. He fucking loves it. He fucking loves her. He keeps going until she's giggling breathlessly and pushing him away. He sits up, kneeling at the bottom of the bed between her legs, pressing one last kiss to her thigh before standing up and ridding himself of his jeans. She whimpers when she sees just how hard he is. He looks gorgeous as he stands above her, his cock flushed and leaking. He climbs on top of her to kiss her messily, her wetness still around his mouth as he pushes his tongue inside of hers. 
“How do you want me?” She whispers against his lips. 
“Fuck, turn around sweetheart.” He’s grinning at her as she follows his instructions. Turning around onto her stomach and leaning on her elbows. He takes a hold of her hips, pulling her ass up so he can get a view of her dripping pussy. “God I can't wait to fill you up, you ready for me?” 
“I’m always ready for you.” She smiles at him over her shoulder. He groans at her words, realizing he cant wait any longer, he takes a hold of his throbbing cock and lines himself up to her glistening hole. They both moan as he pushes in, her warm walls welcoming him as they squeeze him in. 
“So fuckin’ tight.” He whimpers as he begins to set a pace. “God, i fuckin’ love your pussy.” 
She feels like his words make her more wet, if that's even possible. 
“I love your cock, Tommy.” She moans as he fucks her slowly, holding himself back. He wants to enjoy her, but her heavenly cunt makes it so difficult. “Please, make me feel good.” 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I'm gonna.” He says through gritted teeth. He always does, but she loves to tease him. And she knows how much he loves to hear her beg for him. He continues to fuck her like this, picking up his pace eventually when she begins to whine for him to go faster. She breathes his name as his cock begins hitting just the right spot, her hands tightening around the bedsheets - needing something to hold on to. Her chest pressed up against the bedsheets, her body being thrust forward as Tommy fucks into her, adds deliciously to the stimulation. He knows her so well, he can feel when she's getting close. Her silky walls tighten around him, her hands clenching and unclenching as her back arches more. Her whines of his name becoming higher in pitch. He’s close too, so with a smack to her ass that makes her yelp he pulls out. She doesn’t have time to process as he turns her over climbing over her again to kiss her. She moans against his mouth, his soft lips and tongue mixing with her own. Her legs wrap around his body as he pushes into her again. Immediately setting a bruising pace, both of them too close to care. 
“You gonna come for me baby? Yeah?” He eggs her on as she nods, desperately. “Come on baby come around my cock. Let me feel it.” 
The sight of her reaching down to play with her clit as she comes undone beneath him is enough to do it for him. 
“Where do you want it?” He hisses. He knows the answer, but he always asks anyway. 
“Come inside me Tommy. I wanna feel you.” He practically whimpers her name as he empties inside of her. She pulls his face down towards her again, wanting to hold him close. He bites into her shoulder as she whimpers in his ear, still coming down from her own high. Both of them enjoying the feeling of him filling her pussy up. 
“Holy shit.” She murmurs. A drowsy smile on her face as she plays with his hair until he eventually lifts his head from her shoulder. He laughs before pressing a kiss to her cheek. He sits up, pulling out of her and biting the inside of his cheek as he watches his come drip out of her. 
“I love you.” She says, reaching for him again. 
“I love you more.” He smiles as she pulls him down for a kiss. “You gotta sleep, not long until you need to get up for work.” 
“Yeah,” She agrees, still trying out her breath. She stands up to make her way to the bathroom and stops at the door to say: “A long night of being a hero.” She hears him laugh from the bed as she shuts the bathroom door, her legs still slightly wobbly and tingling. He definitely kept his promise, the best damn thank you she’d ever had. 
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
little blog announcement
TLDR: my könig fanfics from here on out will be focused on discovering his character rather than porn
rant below the cut
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before you read this, just look into his eyes for a moment. are you seeing what i'm seeing? the pain and hardships he went through? the years of training and going to bed with broken bones and bruises and a bloody nose? the tears he cried alone because he had no one? can you see how many times he had to pick himself up because he was the only one he had? can you see the man who didn't get to live his dream, who couldn't be the one thing he wanted to be?
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i have been thinking a lot about könig's character, story, personality, etc., and i've decided that i want to dedicate my fanfictions moving forward (for the most part) to things that only really make sense for his character. so, this means no porn without plot from me anymore.
there is so much porn without plot out there for könig, and i'm far from the best smut writer. there is an abundance of porn for könig, but far, far less fanfictions (even fewer halfway good ones) that actually have to do with his character. i don't mean disrespect to any fanfic writer, but i'm just very tired of the mischaracterization of könig. the same thing happens to ghost's character too, and several blogs have also posted about these mischaracterization issues.
yeah, some people might say this take is "too deep" or "it's not that serious", but i feel very connected to könig since i am similar to him in a lot of ways (obviously not in terms of being a killer lol). i have spent a lot of time lately just thinking about his character, and the more i think about him, the more i realize that there is so fucking much that most fanfic writers are missing about könig.
yes, we all love könig's accent, height, cock, and everything else that makes him sexually attractive. but what about the little boy who was bullied his whole life, who never had any friends, the one who dropped out of high school to join the army? the one who worked his way up from nothing to become a fierce and respected soldier? after all the porn without plot is said and done, what thoughts go through könig's mind at the end of the day? how does he interact with others? my point being, i want to dedicate my blog more to understanding his character. if you want könig porn without plot, there are many other blogs to find that from. I AM NOT SAYING PORN WITHOUT PLOT IS INHERENTLY BAD! Just that I don’t want to contribute to it.
I will still have porn without plot on my blog, but i will not be writing it myself.
this doesn't mean that i won't post könig porn. oh fuck no, i will have könig porn, but it will be in the context of a story and his character overall than just porn without plot. now, i might break this rule here and there if i have a really good idea, but i'd like to stick as close to my new personal rule as possible. i'm still going to finish the death's angel AU, and i will still be taking requests for butcher!könig cuz that AU is just so good.
but other than that, i seriously want to dedicate this blog to truly understanding könig: to getting under his skin and picking his brain and figuring out who he is behind the hood, who he is other than an austrian military sex symbol many of us - myself included - have made him out to be
if you disagree or don't like this, just don't interact. no need to be hateful. you'll get blocked if you're rude :)
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saotoru · 11 months
the most recent ask from 🐯 anon got me thinking thoughts... what about all of those at the same time? :P
leon coming home from work while you're sitting lazily on the couch, so he comes and sits between your thighs. at first hes watching your show with you, however when you rest your head on his shoulder you realize that hes so squirmy ..? in the end he tells you that was just soo pent up all day at work today but was too embarrassed to tell you!! how cute!!
so, like any good partner would do, of course you tease him saying how hes so naughty thinking of you all day while trying to do his job? wooow what a whore <3. but of course he's your whore, so he ends up with his pants + boxers off shirt unbuttoned hands ALL over his chest. soon enough you're jerking him off without even moving from your original seat (bc leon :( i'm just so tired from waiting for you all night D: OHHHH LAWWWDDD SEDATE ME)
does this even make sense? idk its my late night ramblings again... - 🐞
(loved the brittany broski reference from the last ask btw LOL she's literally the spokeswoman of being insane over fictional men)
wahhh sitting on the couch w him resting against your chest after a long day :( hes so needy but doesn’t know how to say it. fidgets in your arms, nuzzles his cheek against yours until you finally ask why he’s moving so much. he’s still shy to admit it but then he feels your hands slide beneath his shirt and up his waist and soon you’re playing with his nipples :( you definitely won’t get a straight answer out of him now, the only noise he can make is a sharp inhale through gritted teeth while you pinch and thumb them. he’s nearly forgotten all about his day or what even happened before being in your lap like this—that is, until your hands fall away from his chest. suddenly he can talk again, but only to beg; i couldn’t—i couldn’t stop thinking about you today. please, just wanna feel good. want you to make me feel good, please please please.
soon you’re lifting his shirt overhead and slipping off his pants and now he’s fucking naked. the feeling of your clothes on his back only serves as a reminder of just how embarrassing this is and leon’s secretly grateful he’s not facing you otherwise you’d see just how hot his face feels. it only grows worse when you’re whispering in his ear, asking him to show you what he was fantasizing about all day. that’s when he’ll guide your hand down to his cock, lets you feel how it’s leaking and throbbing and aches so damn much. ‘s been like this all day he whines. thought about you sitting on my face and it wouldn’t go away. he’s so impatient too, humping himself in your palm, hand holding yours as he guides you to jerk him off :( and who would you be to not start pumping him slowly, licking his neck, and telling him what a pretty slut he is for being horny all day :( he can’t help but whimper at that but he can’t even complain because this exactly what he wanted! all he can do is clutch your wrist sooo tight as you jerk him off. he won’t stop squirming and cums so fucking much when you wrap an hand around his neck and squeeze <33 he just wants to be your boytoy </3
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mutipede · 2 months
whats yr experience w being a centipedekin? ough that sounds presumptuous im just wonderin what its like for you, i don’t see other centipedekin around a lot. u get any past memories? is it spiritual or psychological? (It’s cool if you don’t wanna answer any of that
Aaayy thanks for the ask! Shit I hope it's alright if I use this as sort of an excuse to ramble - does anyone else get that sensation like "I always think it's cool and fascinating when other people talk about themselves and are open about "weird" shit online but if I do it it's CRINGE" but if someone is interested then I have an excuse hah
It's actually been an interesting roller coaster over the course of my life, figuring that out. I knew I was a zombie way sooner (and that's sort of a… I think mostly psychological? I'm not 100% sure on a lot of terminology or how to explain my experience when it comes to stuff like this hah) but realizing the centipede thing is more recent. And technically they sort of overlap, like I'm not sure if I'm "actually" a centipede when strictly speaking it's more like "I'm a sentient teratoma mutated out of my own spinal column piloting my zombified body around like what would happen if John Carpenter's The Thing LOOKED like a centipede. But also at the same time I'm sort of a centipede."
…If that makes any sense. Which I know it doesn't, but I'm okay with that hah.
The interesting part is - when I was a kid, I was always into bugs, monsters and creepy/gross things. But my mom was also afraid of bugs, and especially centipedes. Like, a bad enough phobia she can't even say the word "centipede". Over time being around that rubbed off on me. But at a certain point, I went "…This is fucking dumb. I'm tired of being afraid of something that I'M not even actually afraid of it's just a contagious reaction caused by someone ELSE'S fear." So I worked on changing that and regaining my childhood appreciation for arthropods. And with centipedes, it was just like… something clicked. I started realizing I didn't just appreciate them for being cool, fascinating creatures (and honestly? Another connection I made was "I like horror movies and roller coasters and the experience of being afraid. I don't scare easily. Therefore it is cool and IMPRESSIVE that this animal made me afraid and makes so many people SO afraid.") - but I also realized that I related to them in a lot of ways.
I'm mostly carnivorous and pretty much entirely nocturnal. Many people seem to find me offputting for reasons that are out of my control and unrelated to my intentions. I feel most comfortable in enclosed spaces and I got that ADHD restless leg syndrome fidgety as fuck. I become uncomfortable in low humidity conditions lol
On top of that I'm pretty sure I've had uhhh - shit, I don't know the terminology I am brand fuckin' new to this as a community or things that other people/entities/stuff experience hah - but that thing where your perception of the shape of your own body changes. Shifting? Various varieties of experience of that. And finally, as a bonus, it sort of feels like some metaphorical healing from internalized self-hatred kind of thing. So that feels pretty nice.
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laufire · 9 months
it's very funny (read: not funny) how after the new 52 reboot, dc altered two of my favourite first meetings (you know how much I care about first meetings) in a very similar war.
first you have batman incorporated vol. 2 #2, that more or less reproduced the first meeting between bruce and talia in detective comics #411 in a few flashbacks (league dude fighting it off with ra's kidnaps talia, bruce is fighting it off with him and ends up wounded and in her medical care, etc. the flashback doesn't include the very best part of the first meeting, at the end of the story, so: read 'tec #411 it's great. there's a facsimile reprint coming on march if you think you'll be into it). but then... makes it as if that meeting, and talia falling for bruce during it, was all orchestrated by ra's.
then you have red hood and the outlaws vol. 1 #0. its first sin is that it changes bruce and jason's first meeting completely: instead of occurring on the anniversary of the death of bruce's parents, involving a kid showing the gumption to steal the batmobile's tires and making bruce laugh in such a momentous anniversary... it's just batman catching jason as he tries to steal some prescription drugs (not even for his now presumed dead mother) from leslie's clinic. then it commits the BIGGEST sin of saying this was all... orchestrated by the joker, who one day saw jason and decided to manipulate his whole life (taking dad away, faking mom's death, putting him outside the clinic) to make him, somehow, become batman's sidekick.
in the first case, I don't mind it as much, if only when compared to the other. it annoys me that talia's feelings are rewritten as the result of manipulation, but a.) ra's is a mastermind type, so they're not just elevating his character for no reason, and b.) given this is the very comic that made talia a rapist, I'm gonna pick my battles. plus I only recently read 'tec #411 so as much as I love it, it's not part of my Psyche the same way batman #408 is lol.
but the second one profoundly aggravates me lmfao. first, because of just how much I love their new earth meeting!! lobdell's version focuses on what a lot of writers afterwards have tried to use to smear jason's name, aka, "he's just some juvenile delinquent". he's also made jason part of a gang, when new earth!jason clearly had very clear lines about what he was willing to do (boost what he needed to survive) and what he wasn't (becoming "a crook", joining ma gunn's gang).
and like... to be blunt, in no logical universe seeing some rando steal from a clinic would make bruce up and make him robin. it's the sequence of "shameless enough to go for the batmobile" + feisty against bruce + "ready to prevent crime on his own when it looked like batman wasn't going to" that did it. of course making any random kid robin wouldn't be logical anyway lol, and bruce's own loneliness was the deep motivating factor... but one of this versions make jason distinctive, someone who WOULD trigger bruce's baby robin fever. and the other is generic and makes me feel pretty sceptical about the whole thing.
and that's not even getting into the joker's supposed role in all this because FUCK THAT. good GOD do I hate the idea that the freaking joker is some super genius mastermind playing five dimensional chess with the bats and orchestrating events years in advance. my first story really reading joker was aditf. the guy beats robin to near death (which he manages thanks to the element surprise, deceit, and having goons help him), blows him up to hide the evidence because he's scared of what batman would do to him, then immediately admits he killed robin to taunt batman the next time he sees him. I can't ever buy him as anything other than a coward dumber than a bag of rocks that just Does Random Shit to people who can't fight back because he's a sadist, and gets away with it because unlike the people he faces, he has not an ounce of sense or morals or apprehension that could stop him. I'm not gonna lie and say I've ever enjoyed the joker as a character (I think he's trite and uninventive and his utter lack of inner life bores me), but this turn has made him completely unbearable, and his continuing survival all the more inexplicable the more dangerous he gets.
tl;dr the new 52 tried to fix a lot of shit that wasn't broken but these two examples make me want to ask for financial compensation.
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mysteriouswolf · 3 months
Adding a read more cause it's literally just my random thoughts and a bit of a vent:
Being acespec and arospec as a minor fucking sucks. Because if I even begin to mention it to anyone besides some of my close friends, I get shut down with "but you're only *insert age*. Things change as you get older. You'll want those things someday."
And it hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts because I KNOW. SEXUALITY IS FLUID. I KNOW THIS OKAY? And I don't need you to tell me that. I just- I want to be met with "okay. If you never want those things, that's fine. You're your own person who gets to choose what they want and what they don't."
I know things might change. But I want support for who I am now. Because I hate to break it to you, but almost everyone I know has had at least a crush, if not a first kiss and a romantic relationship by this time. And I don't want one. I don't have any interest at ALL. And I don't remember really ever truly wanting it except for wanting to fit in with other people.
I dunno why I'm so suddenly upset about this. I haven't even came out to anyone recently. It's just hitting right now and I don't know why
Oh wait fuck I need to take my meds. Wait this makes so much more sense now. That's why I'm freaking out--OHHHHHHH WAIT OKAY IMMA GO DO THAT
I'm not expecting anyone to really read this besides maybe Royal, Char, or Geode. If you're here and actually made it this far, hi lmao.
The other thing that bothers me a lot is just like- I have this one friend that I've had since 7th grade. They're really kind and supportive, but they've got a lot of shit they deal with in their personal life too. (Home issues, anxiety, anorexia, etc). And so I'm always there to support them because I care about them so fucking much and they really care about me. And if I ever need help, I can go to them and they won't question it.
It's just- they've like...been infected with romance-fever. For the past year. And it's all they wanna talk about, and usually that's fine because it *usually* isn't repulsive to me. But sometimes it is and I feel like they don't know how to communicate with me otherwise
Also random side note. They like guys. I don't find guys at ALL attractive (very rarely I get aesthetic attraction towards a guy but usually it's like one on the Internet or a fictional character lol) but they wanna show me whoever they're currently dating and I don't know how to react. I'm just like...yeah. cool.
And for the record, I'm not gonna stop being their friend. I care about them too much for that. And this literally won't even be an issue anymore cause I don't think I'll have any classes with them next year and they're mainly a school friend so whY IS THIS STILL BOTHERING ME
It's cause it's 10pm and I literally just took my meds. They haven't done their magic yet
Okay. Good. Then my brain will go back to normal soon.
Tumblr media
You get a picture of Rosie is you actually made it this far into the post. I'm impressed lmao.
Imma go listen to some music until my brain shuts off now. That's probably a good idea. I'll probably put on your cover of Well It's Better Than The Alternative Royal because it's stuck in my head and it's really nice to hear someone singing who isn't doing it to like. make money. Just to sing and make their friend happy cause sing. :)
Idk if that made any sense. Okay. I did a shit ton of work today. I didn't know setting up a fish tank for the first time was so much work. But not I am tired.
P.S. I found a really pretty shell today :333 Also wtf does P.S. stand for???
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ddelline · 5 months
wip saturday (feat post-canon nobamaki & platonic h/c champions yūji/nobara)
blurb | that's right, we're back to this one. rocking up at 16k at the moment, I'm thinking of rounding it up....... soon....... I hope lmao god f*cking damnit. it wasn't meant to be this. anyway, nobamaki to the nation, I have no regrets after all
premise | ngl, this snippet now posted may be one of my fave parts in this, even though it's not nobamaki at all. usually I keep on those scenes, but it's barely a quarter of the full scenario, so. anyway I love my dysfunctional, trauma!bonded sibling-coded friends 4 life!yūji/nobara (what would their ship acronym even be lol) sfm wtf 🥺 yea so feat post-canon yūji & nobara & comatose megumi (sry boo, it makes for gud Angst what can I say) Going Thru It; part of the post-canon nobamaki that's been in the works for a while now, exploring trauma, and what surviving sukuna & kenjaku does to a bitch
The corridor outside Fushiguro’s suite unfolds barren and bloodless in both directions. Nobara clicks the door shut behind herself and steps to the left. She leans heavily into the wall and tips her chin upwards. She feels small, prone to shattering; feels the shape of her heart in her throat—how it presses wet and bloody and heavy against her trachea. She digs her fists into her eyes and knuckles across her eyeballs until stars pang on the insides of her eyelids.
Her voice, once she trusts it to come through as something more than disjointed, reedy breaths and gulped breaths, is wet and pitiful. “Fucking—shit. Goddamnit, Fushiguro.” 2019 coming in hot and hopeful as a thing with feathers, she thinks, and thunks her head against the wall. Her eyes are smarting with unshed tears. She tugs the sleeve of her sweater over her knuckles and reaches up, mopping angrily at her lower lashes.
She’s not sure if she gets five or fifteen more minutes to herself before the door clicks softly open. Itadori sticks out his head. Nobara refuses to look at him. He doesn’t push. Only steps out to join her. In the greater span of things, her feelings don’t exactly matter, but she feels like she needs every tiny, feeble victory that can be afforded her.
“It’s okay now. He’s steady again,” says Itadori. He nudges her with his foot. She shuffles left to give him space to sit down next to her.
“We should call Ieiri-san,” says Nobara. She’s tired; all the adrenaline flushed from her system. Itadori nods. “I did. She’s coming.”
Nobara isn’t sure what she expects from the situation now, but whatever it is, it certainly isn’t for Itadori to hook his arm over her shoulder and tug her flush against himself. Nobara stiffens. “Stop that,” she says. Itadori doesn’t deign her with a reply. Nor, apparently, will he budge. She wedges a palm between them and pushes at his ribs. “What are we, five? You think it’s all gonna be okay with a hug? Let go.”
It’s what she thinks and what she feels—but it’s got maybe half her heart in it at best. She’s fraying in the seams: it makes everything seem a little heavier; all of Itadori's clammy puppy dog love a little less urgent to quash beneath the heel of her boot. She shoves at him weakly again, mostly for posterity; it contains little energy, less genuine protest. Itadori seems to sense it as well as Nobara knows it, and responds in turn by tensing his triceps—fashions an unyielding cage of his arm and side.
Fuck. “Fine.” Nobara isn’t so dumb she can’t gauge a situation’s futility when it’s staring her balefully in the eye. She lets her hand drop between them. “Breathe a word of this to a single soul and I’ll have you dismembered.”
“Yeah, yeah,” says Itadori. She can’t see it, but she knows he’s just rolled his eyes. He shifts carefully around until he’s semi-facing her. “C’mon, move with me.” 
Nobara concedes without any more protests; tolerates herself being rearranged and only slits a half-hearted glare up at his dumb face for it. Itadori touches her no more than necessary, though no more carefully than Nobara suspects he does anyone or anything else. She twitches only marginally when palms not her own are fitted on the outside of an elbow; when they push on the flat of her bicep, and tugs her forward by the shoulder. Once he has her fitted in the crook of his arm and bracketed between his knees, her forehead pressed into his shoulder, he stills.
Nobara sighs. She offsets more weight into her forehead, allows for her neck to go slack and shuts her eyes. She’s beginning to accept that she needs one or more forms of rest, preferably right now, if she’s going to stand even the slimmest chance against the deep-seated fatigue that’s making a home of the physicality of her. 
They sit like that for a while: Itadori curled like an open bracket around her; Nobara sagging progressively heavier into the curvature of his ribs. His left arm is warm and solid where it’s hefted over her shoulder. After a while he fits his chin over the cap of her skull. Nobara blinks into the darkness of him. Her thoughts are beginning to take on a sticky quality like warm tar. “Itadori,” she muffles into his sweater.
Itadori presses his chin almost imperceptibly downwards. “Hm?”
“Happy New Year. Shithead.”
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lonesomedotmp3 · 7 months
right ok. I'm so exhausted I think it's making my anger a lot more composed but I'm ummmm actually really angry! haha! text message guy was being a fucking dickhead all night with his stupid dickhead friend who keeps egging him on and sharing stupid unfunny offensive jokes where the joke is just like fucking. saying the word aids or pedophile or whatever. proper juvenile shit genuinely I don't Get what is funny. well they were drunk so that's the answer I guess. and then they doing the guy thing and the drunk thing of being overly friendly in a way that's making fun of you being kind of rude and being fucking. attention seeking. and loud and interrupting me and my friend (who was a fucking godsend except for a moment we'll get to in a second 😐) who were just being chill and watching the live music. and it goes on so much longer than anticipated I'm tired I only basically went because I wanted to show my friends they should still invite me to stuff LOL and because a potential new friend was gonna be there too. but that's not relevant except to let you know my I was already not in a bitchy mood by any means I was just sort of ready to Go. and I left my stuff in my (chill) friend's room on campus so we all (chill friend, text message guy, his twat friend) went there. and they would not stop with these stupid jokes over and over and I was like " 😐 you literally have three jokes" and in response the twat friend said "no like I was saying I'm not even drunk I'm sober rn" just to give you a sense of what I was dealing with in terms of conversation. and I was over it I wanted to fucking leave but they kept going even in the hallway while my chill friend went to the loo. I don't remember specifically what set it off but I had already stopped acknowledging them/humouring them at all I just ignored them then it got bad enough I walked off. and those stupid cunts FOLLOWED ME . and were like teeee tee we're sorryyy 😥😥😥 in that stupid childish drunk way and I was like I'm fine it's fine I just need to go. and they could tell I was mad at this point. and fucking text message guy. has the AUDACITY. to go "aw, come on tee, you know we love you"
and I, admittedly in a manner that made me feel for a brief moment like a Bad Bitch, replied without missing a beat: "yeah I know- you fucking texted it to me, remember?"
and then it was out there!!!!! I said it finally I was just so angry and frankly I did say it to try and hurt him and embarrass him I'll say it lol because I felt fucking embarrassed that whole night and with the whole stupid ordeal anyway. and there was SUCH a relief. like ok I said it it's out. I said it EXPLICITLY. There was no way to misinterpret what I just said to him even with him drunk like that. I did the hard thing I did the confrontation now I should get the reward of finding out what the fuck is his problem. and he delays for a moment, still with mothballs in his skull, and then goes "oh" but like not an "oh shit" oh more like he was just remembering it and he LAUGHS and goes "...and you sent the question mark...?" and EYE say "and you never fucking explained what that was, yeah" and I was fucking fuming I was heated I wasn't yelling but like. I was mad. lowkey wish chill friend was there I think their reaction would have been crazy. sorry I luv to narrativise my stupid life! anyway. and he's just like oh yeah. and then laughs. and goes. 😐😐😐😐😐. he goes, "well I guess you'll never know." all smug. and I wanted to break his neck. like it's not even that there's any truth to it you fucking gave it away you admitted it was a message to me you admitted you saw the text back you admitted that these were all deliberate choices! If not now than in a second when you keep fucking talking. but the way he said it like it was so funny keeping that from me. when I was so stressed about it and about protecting HIS feelings. fuck him oh my god.
but yeah so he does that and then the twat who caught only half of it and is using negative percents of his brain is like wait what message! what message! and text guy laughs and just goes haha just a message I sent to show my appreciation for tee! and the twat is like you're such a sap man. or something to that effect. I'm literally doing deep breathing rn typing this fucking hell. and of course coming out of the loo chill friend hears ONLY this small bit and I don't know now if they understood at any point that I was no longer kind of tired and annoyed by what I will extremely generously call their "drunk antics," but instead was seriously pissed. but they go, at this point thinking everything is still chill and a laugh, "what, are you two an item now?" and I just felt so small and miserable. and I just muttered "ask fucking [guy's name]" and kept moving I wanted to scream. because still he could not just be fucking straight with me and was messing me about for no reason at all. and by the time our paths diverged I just sort of loudly went BYE! without any sentimentality or individual goodbyes as they went to a bar and I went on my way home. and then I immediately called my friend and yelled about this so loudly and viciously I'm sure the entirety of the fucking city heard about it. I literally was like "hey it's late I hope you're not busy or trying to sleep" and as soon as she said she could talk I went. I hope the guy who sent me that fucking text kills himself. and I mean it.
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tojikai · 3 months
I just finished the “home” series, i just found your account yesterday yet all that’s left for me to read is “permanent mark”🙃
Like the “fix you” series, i ended up with alot of questions which is weird because i don’t have any for sundered but then again, im more of a toji girl
- why did toji cheat?
- What happened in their marriage for it to get like that?
- did he ever truly fall out of love?
- do you have any plans for another story series?
- what would’ve happened if she hadn’t died?
- would’ve he regretted it or come back to her eventually?
- did he think of her daily after her death?
- how was he feeling after her death, years after?
- why did he put his mistress over his wife?
- Does he love his mistress more
- what’s up with the whole thing he did/him putting her over his wife
- what was his thought process when it first happened and after it kept happening
- ik he said he didn’t love hana but why would he cheat and basically put her over his wife if he didn’t?!?!
- i read 3 out of 4 stories so far and it seems like there a pattern of dudes putting someone they think they love yet don’t over someone they do or love more, is there any reason’s for it
Just me rambling about the story and your other stories:
I know he did but i hope toji suffers so so so much more until his last breath! (He did but I hope it felt like it was infinite for him😌) also Fuck hana! Wtf😭😭 if only toji didn’t fuck up bro its so sad, im hating yet understanding him?? If that makes sense, actually no not understanding but sympathetic towards him in the first ending ig but still fuck toji!!! I felt bad for him and then the next life chapter??? With his thoughts wtf and putting hana over y/n again😭 fuck toji!! he basically emotionally cheated if i was y/n i would’ve lefttt!! I swear your y/n’s are saints compared to me shhsjs
Your stories are so beautifully written yet so sad
I love them even if i might hate the love interest lol
Im More of the resentment type so it feels so silly to say this especially over a fanfic(but then again all of yours are so wonderfully written) but your stories i guess have made me possibly see things in a different light: like ppl do make mistakes and can change or genuinely regret them or that people can maybe hurt the people they love which is so weird for me to say because its a story and also im the type to refuse to believe you can love someone after you treated them so badly or cheated on them. Ig ur stories have made me realizes humans make mistakes and they aren’t BAD people for it butt the pppl they hurt doesn’t have to take them back nor forgive them or they can and it lean to something better than what would’ve been if they ended things
Im so sorry if im asking too much and i hope im not bothering you, i just tend to talk alot regarding things that i get invested in and i get so curious sbsjsj
Im probably writing this much because im so sleepy right now haha (my apologies especially if i wrote so much nonsense or I didn’t write/explain things wellh
thank you in advance if you answer 🫶i appreciate it, have a good day/night🖤i hope y enjoy the remaining of summer! Tysm for creating these masterpieces ‼️
hiii omg thanks so much, im glad that you enjoyed them <3
- to answer the first 3 questions: toji cheated bc he was bored. i have no excuses for this man in home series bc he really cheated bc their rs was getting a bit dull for him. do u know that point they say in some lovers' relationship. the drought, the feeling similar to "falling out of love" but they say not to leave your partner during this time bc that's when true love begins? yeah that. 🥹 he didn't really fell out of love but it's like a similar feeling to it.
- as for plans for another series, i'm thinking of doing a mini one. i have a draft here just waiting to be polished and published.
- if yn didn't die, hmm... assuming they stayed together, it's gonna be a very dead relationship. bc yn is so so tired. not just emotionally but mentally too. she's gonna have a hard time believing that toji still loves her even if he tried to explain. she's gonna be very reserved and visibly uncomfortable around him, thinking that he doesn't really want to be w her and just staying out of pity. she's gonna limit herself, and the love that she shows him. it will ultimately end in divorce, and he's gonna end up not wanting to sign it.
- yes, toji would've still regretted it even if yn didn't die. he's bound to come back to yn eventually. the day he left, he never planned on staying with his mistress for long. he just went there bc he was frustrated and he's trying to run away from yn's confrontation and the consequences. deep inside he was hoping that yn won't push through w the 'divorce.'
- for the 7th and 8th question, yes toji thought of yn every day and every night. the onyl time he's not thinking of her is when he's swarmed with work. but even during those times, his mind wanders to her still. the feeling that he felt when he learned of her death and discovered how she prepared everything for him and his new life was how he felt his whole life. it was never lessened. if anything it only got worse w time.
- for the 9th, 10th and 11th question: no, he didn't love his mistress more than yn. he left and put his mistress over his wife bc he thought that's what he wanted. there was a sense of thrill, the feeling of being with someone new that pushed him to act like that. as mentioned in the home series, his pride took over and he thought that that's the freedom that he wanted but it wasn't. it was too late when he realized that. you really don't know what you got until it's gone. he thought yn's gonna be there forever and that's why he kept choosing to go to his mistress not knowing that yn's days were numbered and that he's about to lose her.
- when he first cheated w her out of pure lust. there was no deeper meaning to it. and then it kept happening bc he found escape and thrill in it. other than that, she gives him a different type of attention, something new.
- w hana it was the attraction that made him act like that. im not saying all people, but some tend to be nice to attractive people and they don't even notice that to impress a new one, they end up neglecting another one. other than that, it's bc they work together. he doesn't plan on getting it on w her tho. he loves yn.
- i just like the thought of them making mistakes to learn from LMAO but i guess the difference is in fix you, his wife's dead. it's the lack of appreciation for the present and being stuck in the past. while in sundered, uhm it's a lot of pride and he did love Naomi tho. she was so good to him. (except that 'thing' she tried to do)
it makes me happy when people say they learn something from the content i put out🥺 the fact that you guys read my masterlist also makes me happy bc it makes me realize that literature really do make something immortal AAAAA i enjoyed reading this and answering your questions~ thank you so much for the love and support you give my stories <3 hope you're having a great week ~!!
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