#doing a little boo hoo OH WELL
nerves-nebula · 7 months
googled "granola bar" for a drawing and almost started crying cuz the images reminded me of when i was really small and mom would have us wake up early to go on field trips with the rest of the home schooling group and she'd make us home made granola bars which, to my memory, were way better than anything store bought ever was.
my sister and i sometimes talk about how our mom gave us dessert in placement of being a good parent and this memory just makes that even more clear than it already was. i don't know what being loved feels like nowadays but i think being given my own little baggy of warm crumbling granola bars probably made me feel loved back then.
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dylanconrique · 11 months
"what's there to talk about? you don't love me. what else is there?"
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
Well glad to know I'm not the only one not feeling the Christmas season this year. Mom isnt either
Now we dont know why, but here are my guesses. Feel free to place your bets.
Is it:
Bc our aunt/great-aunt died and essentially dissolved the family
|_> Bc of this we've faced so much bullshit from the surviving family we have left.
Bc the only remaining family we have are major assholes aside from like 4 people.
Long covid?
Work stress/ working under a tyrant piece of shit.
Bc I'm an adult now so the *magic* is gone?
All of the above??
#marquilla#we still havent made cookies and are like i want the cookies but i dont want to make the cookies...#so we agreed we can do it after christmas if need be#i really think it's all of that combined. like my g-aunt dying really tore this family apart. we weren't like close close before but i mean#everyone started taking sides (the executors (my mom) vs my cousins. like listen you motherfuckers she left you [insert number bc i also#got this amount and am not disclosing]. you little freaks need to get over the fact that she loved me as much as if not more than you.#maybe bc i wasn't a fucking entitled brat and was always a polite well behaved child (for her) and didnt take my mommy/daddy issues out on#her. you already got: 2 free cars. 3 fully paid for weddings. 4 college degrees (one that you're not even using bc you havent worked since#college bc you became a tradwife. (not dissing stay at home moms im dissing her making college a BIG DEAL for her and then just#essentially saying haha thanks for the 100k in tuition but no ❤). COUNTLESS hours and money poured#into your lives from her and our g-uncle. amongst the 4 of you. (only 1 is not a brat but thats bc they pretend she doesnt exist bc shes#annoying and autistic so a drain on them they were ever so happy to dump on their dad)#you aren't entitled to any of that. that was a GIFT. your inheritance was well thought out. it is an insult for you to suggest otherwise#anyway so theyre being whiny brats and oh boo hoo you exects are SO MEAN to poor Ally who didnt sign the fucking will and thus held up#$50k FROM A CHURCH. and my uncle (not their dad. their moms brother) is taking their side. his wife is a massive piece of shit ab it too.#dont know whose side dog cousin is on bc shes close to my mom but very close to them. and i know lesbian cousin is on moms side to some#degree. and idgaf what Murderer cousin thinks bc that bitch can and will rot in hell.#so anyway any one we could possibly spend time with this season is either dead or hates us. or lives states away and won't be in til after#and only for a day anyway. and we just dont have the fucking energy to deal with anything
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runicsorceress · 1 year
oh shit i was going to mail the curse balls today wasnt i.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 2 months
Enemies to Lovers (Wolverine)
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Description: Enemies to Lovers with Wolverine and Y/N
Author’s note: I had a request for hate sex (which I can still do) but decided to do this for now.
Wade smirked as Y/N walked out in her new outfit that the TVA gave her. She looked really sexy. “Hey beautiful. Don’t you look like you’re ready to get fucked.” 
Y/N gave him a weird look but shrugged it off as Paradox began to tell them that their universe was about to die off. Oh Hell No! 
Wade and her did not like that but when Y/N found out that Logan of all people was the reason why…she was livid. 
The second they find him she punches him in the face. He chuckled and stood up getting ready to face the person that did that. Only to be faced with Y/N. 
He looked down at her, amused by her, “No wonder that punch didn’t hurt so bad.” She went to punch him again but harder. Wade had stopped her before she could. 
“We need him Y/N/N. I sense in the near future you may be under him and not in a fighting way.” He teases. This Logan was a drunk and let down his universe. Y/N wasn’t taking that. 
“Look asshole, you’re coming with us to fix this. Because you’re the reason that it’s happening.” She yelled at him before Wade held the gun to his head. 
He was not taking them seriously at all. He laughed and drank himself to sleep. Y/N gasped as his body hit the ground. “Well this one will do.” Wade said. 
Y/N secretly did a double take at him in the “comic accurate” suit as Wade put it. He did look good but she still hated him. 
She rolled her eyes as Paradox made both of them disappear. “Let’s go.” She said and before she fought Paradox he made her disappear too. 
She ran up to the boys as they were fighting. “Hey.” She kept yelling but they kept fighting. 
She watched and almost came as Logan ran on all fours towards Wade. She stared at him for a good 5 seconds after. 
She snapped out of it and attacked him to the ground. “No time for games, Wolvy.” She said and held her knife up to his throat. 
He would never admit it but he found that super hot. She was super hot but yet she was an asshole. 
When Johnny showed up and started flirting with Y/N. Logan felt a little jealous but he shouldn’t. She laughed at every joke he said while they were tied up together. 
Wade watched as Logan rolled his eyes at the two and instantly knew that he was jealous. “Awww is Wolvy jealous?” He asked, teasing him. 
“Of what?” He asked, annoyed. “Of fire dick flirting with your girl.” Y/N was not his girl. But before he could deny what Wade said, Johnny started talking to all of them about Nova. 
Y/N had never met anyone in the X-men so she never knew Charles or that he had a sister. Wade and Logan didn’t know either. 
“Oh your thoughts were naughty naughty earlier Y/N.” She said to her with a wink. Wade was hella curious but Logan couldn’t give two fucks, thinking it was about Johnny. 
When Nova killed Johnny, Y/N glared at Wade. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She asked him. “You just got him killed!.” Wade was shocked that they were on the same page. 
“Wade, you’re a dick! I can’t believe you did that!” She yelled at Wade after he got Johnny killed. “Boo hoo he got your little boyfriend killed.” Y/N glared at him but Wade had to stop them before they fought.
Nicepool also made an enemy out of Logan after he saw him briefly check her out and drop the biggest bomb ever: “You look just like my wife who just had a baby.” 
Y/N was his wife…well a different Y/N. Wade was shocked by the news as was Logan. “So Y/N you’re married to me in a different universe?” Wade was kind of excited.
Y/N shrugged and walked past them. Logan wasn’t thrilled by the news but why did he care so much? Y/N wasn’t even thrilled by the news. 
The Honda Odyssey where fights and almost fucking happened. 
After Logan’s speech to Wade Y/N did one too but for Logan, “I know you’re not talking Mr. I fucked up in all my universes. Maybe we should have let you drank yourself to death because it’s clear that you aren’t any help anywhere.” 
Ouch that was harsh 
“He lied to me. Oh I’m sorry you guys lied to me.” He yelled back, kinda hurt by her words.
“You’re the reason that our universe is going dickhead! It seems like you’re useless in every universe.”
“Yeah well in my universe you were a whore on the street.” 
Y/N chuckled at that and thus began the fighting. Y/N wanted this no good loser dead but unfortunately that couldn’t happen.  
Waking up to Logan drinking and Wade cuddling her was not what she had in mind. “Thor.” Wade yelled as he woke up. “What the fuck?” Y/N said as she sat up. 
Gambit was another problem for Logan as he also was flirting with Y/N. “Just like in my universe.” Logan groaned as he watched as Y/N flirted with the card guy.
“That girl in there. Do you actually hate her?” Laura asked him. He shrugged, “No but she hates me and it seems like she does in every universe.” 
Y/N and him never got along in his universe and she was still the same here. But they would have to work together to put an end to this. 
A team they made and it was pretty good. Both of them along with the others took down most of the people and Nova…almost 
“What do you mean don’t kill her?” Y/N yelled at him but unlike her Logan knew Charles and this wasn’t what he would want. 
When Nova let him go back to their universe Y/N fell right on Logan. They both groaned and looked at each other. It was almost like the world had stopped before Wade interrupted, “Listen guys you can fuck later. We have a universe to save.” 
Seeing Nicepool again was not a good thing especially when the other deadpools arrived. “Ewww Wade they’re so many of you.” Y/N said and that made Logan laugh. At least they could agree on something. 
The Mask? Oh Y/N felt the hate leave her body while he wore it. It was very sexy and he smirked at her before they fought the pools. 
Once it was over they sighed but unfortunately it wasn’t over and they all got back up. “So only Nicepool could die?” She asked in shock as the others were alive again. 
Peter Pool saved the day and they escaped to Paradox. Y/N felt herself get sick at the thought of losing herself or Wade for this universe. She almost wanted to push for it to be Logan. 
But she cared about him too and also hated that idea. “It has to be toots.” Wade looked at her and held her hands. “Wade, No you can’t.” She said with tears in her eyes. 
“It needs to be me.” Logan said not expecting her to disagree. “It can’t be either of you.” She said which surprised him. “Well it certainly won’t be you.” Wade told her. 
“Why can’t it?” But before he could respond Logan did, “Look I know you hate me and want me dead but I regret us hating each other in my universe. I want you to be happy in this one.” Right there in that moment she fell in love. 
Sobbing at the fact that she would lose one of them until they came out alive and oh boy did she let her jaw drop at Logan’s abs. 
“Like what ya see sweetheart?” He asked with a smirk and she didn’t deny it. “Put on a shirt you slut.” Y/N took the shirt from Wade and shook her head.
Logan chuckled at that and took the shirt from her hands, “You’ll see more of it later sweetheart.” He told her and Wade looked surprised. 
“Oh so now we have enemies to lovers in these films.” Wade said and they looked confused. 
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pixxyofice · 4 months
🏰 cursinguponcastles
of course i manage to grab everything EXCEPT for my anxiety medications. they're still stuck there!! in the House!!! every night I worry my friends are going to leave me for asking them to come along and some part of my brain is like "you wouldn't be worrying if you had taken your meds" and I have to then tell my brain the meds. ARE NOT WITH ME!!!
(this post is unrebloggable.)
(anon) asked:
plum? how have you been running this blog without anxiety meds?
🏰 cursinguponcastles replied:
Um! How did you know I didn't have my anxiety meds??
(anon) asked:
Don't the Houses keep stuff, like, forever? I'm sure if you go back to that House you'll be able to get your meds back. Unless it's like, frozen or something?
🏰 cursinguponcastles replied:
Oh. Ohhhh. Well, um! I am going back to get them! They're back in Dormont! I just won't be focused on getting my meds when I'm there, you know??
🎗 ribbpeat reblogged from 🍑 yetanotherfinepeach
🍑 yetanotherfinepeach
so was anyone going to tell me the savior of vaugarde runs a horror blog account or was I supposed to just find that out from her APPARENTLY LEAVING HER MEDS IN THE CENTER FREEZING POINT
🍙 chateau-riceballs reblogged from 🧦 socks-to-be
🍯 lovelyhoney-truths
and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the savior of vaugarde turns out to be a tumblr user
🛴 offowchmy-nkee
and this is bad... how?
🍯 lovelyhoney-truths
How is this not obvious to you people? She's on tumblr. She's been ACTIVE. Instead of doing her job of saving us she's been giggling about her little vaugarde boys getting eaten. I'm sitting here typing with one arm waiting for vaugarde to be saved, and she's wasting time reading. Boo-hoo she left her anxiety meds in the House where the King is freezing all of us from. Actually, wait! Why didn't she just turn around and take him out? If she's supposed to save vaugarde, assigned to, and she was close to its starting point, why the hell did she walk the other direction and faff about?! Some Savior she is! Most of the country is frozen because of her! And instead of just shutting up and doing her job she went on a funny little pilgrimage. I'm not calling her a Savior anymore. 
🐱 ChangeGirlClaws
do you know about the existence of paragraph breaks. Like at all.
🎀 darts-chatting-blogg
Instead of looking at... all of that, apparently not everybody knows this so look at this.
THE DOORS OF DORMONT GOT LOCKED BY THE KING AND THE SAVIORS HAVE TO FIND FIVE ORBS TO BE ABLE TO EVEN TRY TO SAVE US. And in case you don't know, Vaugarde is huge! The saviors passed by my place a week ago and they only had four Orbs then.
I think Plum and her friends are making good progress, actually! I think she's allowed to relieve stress by reading about guts and gore, actually.
🍙 chateau-riceballs
she's what
🐝 finalgirl-standing reblogged from 🐮 The-Cointry-of-Voigarde
🍯 lovelyhoney-truths
Not only does that orb bullshit sound made up and stupid, but apparently Plum also runs a guts and gore blog??? what the fuck is wrong with her. Has she Changed to be so disgusting when she should be Changing herself to be able to save the country?? Do you guys really believe that shit? I haven't heard of a House where Orbs lock the gates, that's clearly her making up excuses for why she can't just go there and beat him. How can her friends stand to be with her when she's this irresponsible?
🎀 darts-chatting-blogg
One. The King warped the place (see image here!) and Dormont was known for experimenting with locks. People just be saying crab, I guess.
Two. Defenders. Get their asses. I'll start.
🎗 ribbpeat
🍑 yetanotherfinepeach
🛴 offowchmy-nkee
🐱 ChangeGirlClaws
🍙 chateau-riceballs
🦴 justanotherchange-blog
⚓️ insertcreativebloghere
🧦 socks-to-be
🐮 The-Cointry-of-Voigarde
🐝 finalgirl-standing
(this post is unrebloggable.)
⚓️ insertcreativebloghere reblogged from 🦴 justanotherchange-blog
🦴 justanotherchange-blog
if I was on a journey to save the country and I forgot my focusing meds at home I would just forget everything. Honestly, Plum's doing much better than I am???
⚓️ insertcreativebloghere
If i had to save the country without my meds i would've thrown myself into the sea
🐮 The-Cointry-of-Voigarde
(a picture of the countryside. Half of it is frozen, and the other half isn't)
Well. It was an honor, everyone. I'm glad to have contributed to the crab pow.
🏰 cursinguponcastles reblogged 🐧 penguin-do-be-writing
🐧 penguin-do-be-writing
hi everyone, sorry for the silence! My family has been loudly debating what to do about the freezing country, I think i touched something weird and my feet have stopped working for me, so it's hard to get to my writing desk. whoops! it's been a struggle to get words written down. Don't worry, though! I've got a chapter for everyone! This time, things get INTENSE. That internal organs being not internal warning was for a reason!
🏰 cursinguponcastles
CHANGE, THIS WAS SO GOOD!! I'm really sorry you're close to being frozen, but I could see how it affected how you wrote Dembélé struggling to get away! It felt too real, haha!!
I'll miss your fics! I, well, hopefully, will see you in a few months!!
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star-suh · 4 months
This is a Competition 
Choi Jongho & Song Mingi x Male Reader
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cw: tops jongho and mingi, lame jokes lol, multiple rounds, cum fest, unprotected sex, gaping hole, nipple play, sweat kink, shower sex, exhibitionism, public sex, double penetration, size kink, degradation, rimjob, fingering, marking, some pet names.
an: this is a direct continuation of this fic.
“well, would you look at that” mingi shakes his head and pokes his cheek with his tongue, “who would've thought i would find the top football player acting like a bitch in heat in the showers with his whore”. “the fuck are you doing here mingi” jongho was visibly angry trying to hide yn's body with his.
“this is a public space you know” he walks closer to the couple “you're little horny show make some things to me” he grabs his big bulge “you both should take responsibility” he adds while undressing. “what if someone comes?” yn asks with some concern in his voice, “oh trust me, that would be the least of your worries”.
mingi jumps in the shower and stars spanking yn's ass with his dick, “fuck you really got the best whore out there, look at this pretty ass”, jongho just looks at him angrily while kissing his boyfriend. “can you make it bouncy?” he said using his fingers to make the other's ass jiggle “fuck yeah” he kneels and starts sucking on yn's hole making sure to insert his tongue deep inside.
jongho was not having it and to stop mingi he lifted one leg from yn and began to finger him, however, this only made mingi hornier and he continued sucking it, now with jongho's finger on it. 
yn was secretly enjoying what was happening, two of the hottest jocks of the campus are using him for their pleasure. to hide his moans yn bit jongho's shoulder, leaving the mark of his teeth on it. a mark that would remind him who he belongs to.
“fuck off mingi can you just leave us alone” jongho pushed him, “i'm here trying to fuck my boyfriend in peace”. “come on man look at him he's enjoying it” mingi signaled at yn with his index finger who was already lost in pleasure.
“he's not” jongho was even more angry. “why are you so mad jongjong? perhaps are you afraid that i might fuck him so good that he ends up leaving you for me?” the taller licked his lips and bite the lower one. “the fuck are you talking about?” jongho asked. mingi stood up and went closer to jongho, their faces just inches apart of each other “i said, let's see who makes him cum the most a.k.a who's the better fucker him”. jongho loves challenges like the sports player he is and seeing that this must be a way to beat mingi in his own game he accepted.
jongho watched while mingi fucked yn senseless in a bench inside the shower room, it almost look like he was desperate for it, as if that was the last fuck hw would have in his life. his thrusts were so harsh and sloppy that sometimes his dick slipped out of the hole with a somewhat delicious popping sound that was like music to his ears.
“my god mingi, if he was an object you would have already broken it” jongho blurted out while lazily stroking his dick. “he kinda are, look at this gooning face” he grabs yn’s face so he can see him, he was with his eyes rolled back and tongue out, “this motherfucker is already gone” mingi said, slapping yn’s cheeks.
jongho rolled his eyes, “whatever, move it’s my time”. “boo you party pooper” mingi mocked the other and pulled it out. jongho spitted on his hand and smeared it on his gaping ass. his thrust started slowly and later they were hard. “i'm not gonna let fuckass mingi to fuck you better than me. i'm the only one who can make you feel good”. he whispered on yn's ear, again with anger and competitiveness laced on his tone. he sucked on yn's neck and collarbones marking him, “you're my bitch, only mine”; “who you belong too?” he asked to the cockdrunked yn who just barely responded a breathy “y-you.. you, j-jon-... hoo~”.
‘woah he's really gone and we're just getting started’ mingi thought  walking near yn's head to use his throat as a fleshlight “come on fucker, milk me dry with that throat” he says through clenched teeth. 
as the minutes passed yn was still being used while the two tops were still battling for dominance of the bottom, it was as if the world around them ceased to exist, they didn't care if someone came in and saw them, their only goal was to fuck yn until they both got tired. 
with no warning yn came hands free, ropes of white cum landing on his torso, followed by mingi who emptied his balls deep inside his throat, “so fucking tight” mingi groaned and pulled out. yn gag reflexes kicked in making him cough some cum mixed with thick saliva that dripped down his face, “i just did a masterpiece” mingi proudly said folding his arms on his chest.
jongho came seconds later, yn’s insides being painted in white sticky cum. “damn…” he sighed trying to regain his breath. 
“what? are you tired already?” mingi said with a cocky smile “i still have a lot on here” he massaged his balls. 
“you wish” jongho muttered.
“what just happened?” a dizzy yn said caressing his forehead, he then stared dumbfounded at the mirror, watching his hole ruined and dripping with cum “holy shit” he just muttered. 
“what do you think, baby boy, you like my work of art?” a smug mingi says stroking his already hard dick “brace yourself because i’m just starting” he adds…
“have you seen mingi?” san, who's part of mingi's team asked to another member. “nope, he's been gone for almost an hour” he responded. san just looked everywhere trying to see if he was coming to the training but it seems that no…
“fuckkkkkk” groaned jongho loudly accompanied by the skin slapping sound causes by his hard thrusts. meanwhile mingi forced yn's throat down his shaft, pushing his head and locking it with his thighs. a moan escaped from the taller's throat, he tried not to cum but he did nonetheless flooding that tight throat with his warm thick seed.
yn tried to swallow it all but failed, instead he spitted back some of it right on top of mingi’s dick covering it with the mix of saliva and his cum. his face was red and sweaty, the hair sticking on his forehead due to it. “you're so fucking pretty” mingi complimented and kissed the desperate bottom boy. jongho came inside yn, his dick twitching inside his velvety walls while spurting ropes of cum. this caused mingi having to swallow yn’s moans because they were still kissing.
now mingi used the saliva and cum sliding down his shaft as lube to rail yn’s hole again “this poor ass need weeks of resting to recover from today” the taller top pinched his nipples and then began to spank the ass not stopping until he came inside meaning that he was going to leave that ass with a bright red hue. jongho was using yn’s throat gently knowing that he is going to wake up sore tomorrow. then an idea formed in mingi’s head, he laid down on the bench and yn ride him, then he opened both cheeks showing to jongho how his boyfriend’s ass is swallowing his cock. he was biting yn’s nipples but in between gritted teeth he said “there's room for one more”. catching the idea jongho nodded and put it inside “shit.. this feels amazing” the smaller top moaned starting to move his hips trying to reach that amazing feeling only his boyfriend, and now also mingi, could give him…
“hey mingi, where were you? you didn't come to the training” san asked right away after seeing mingi sitting on one of the campus’ benches, “i was… somewhere doing some things… mind your own business”. san only hummed but noticed mingi was watching something or rather someone, yn was sitting with his boyfriend jongho while eating in one of the benches across the field. san almost has an idea of what was happening and just smiles as he lies down on the bench. 
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jamespotterismydaddy · 8 months
Study Session
michael gavey x reader
A/N: a fufilled request :)
TW: smut!, dry humping, titty sucking, size kink
word count: 1,283 words
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“C’mon you can’t be dumb and weak, that’s just pathetic” Michael rolls his eyes as he holds the flashcards in front of you.
“I already said it’s 1536 and I’m not weak or dumb.” You glare at him.
“You have to know the full date. You know that.”
“That’s stupid.”
“May 19th.”
“I knew that!” You protest and snatch the cards out of his hands. You begin to look at the answers on the cards. “And I knew that was June 16th and that was March 3rd.” He tries to grab the cards back.
“You won’t learn anything if you do that.” He snatches them out of your hands with ease. “And like I said before, not very strong.”
You shove him. He doesn’t go very far. “I’m not weak.”
“Yes you are. You’re tiny compared to me.” He teases and you push him again. “Stop that you little brat.”
You snatch his glasses and stand up, taking a few stops back. You stick your tongue out at him.
“Oh very mature.” He stands, holding his hand out. “Give them back.”
“No.” You say like a petulant child.
He sighs before reaching out to try and grab them from you but you’re a little too quick this time. You dart to the other side of the room and you actually have him chasing you now.
“This is silly.” He says as he stops. You’re cornered now.
“Boo hoo Michael hates fun.” You say with a fake pout.
He holds his hands out for his glasses once more and you try to dart away. He grabs you firmly around your waist and pushes you back on his bed, realizing that he’s going to have to wrestle them out of your hands. You giggle as you fall down, playfully fighting back but he gets on top of you, gripping your wrists firmly with one hand and pinning them above your head. He puts his glasses back on with his other hand, not quite yet realizing the position he’s put you in.
“Michael?” You murmur out and he looks down at you. You can feel how hard he’s gotten against you due to all the movement and he can see the slightest glimpse of your panties from how your skirt has ridden up.
He brings himself back down to reality. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to. I-I can’t control it.” You know he is referring to the very obvious tent in his trousers. He’s clearly about to get up but you see your chance and  you grind yourself against him. He lets out a strangled groan.
“Maybe now’s a good time to tell you that i’ve liked you for a while.” You say softly as you look into his eyes. He can practically feel the lust radiating off of you. “Do you-”
You’re cut off before you can finish the sentence as he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is hungry and needy and you feel all his emotion through it.
“I’ve liked you for a while too.” He murmurs before kissing you again. You can feel him rubbing up against you subconsciously. “Um… you should also know that I haven’t done this before.”
“Done what before?” You know what he’s referring to but you want to make him say it.
“Sex.” He says nervously.
“Who said we were going to have sex?”
“Nobody! I mean - that’s not all I want or something. W-We don’t have to!” He stumbles over his words, feeling like he’s fucked it all up now. “I really like you!”
You giggle. “I’m just teasing Mikey. We can have sex.”
“You’re such a little shit.”
“Well if you don’t want to then I can just leave.” You begin to sit up but he puts his hands on your shoulders to push you back down.
“No, I want to. I definitely want to.” There’s a very intense look in his eyes and you just kind of nod in response.
He looks down so he can unzip his trousers and pull his length out. By the time he looks back up, you’ve taken your top off. His jaw drops at the sight of your lacy bra and he realizes it matches the tiny glimpse that he got of your panties. He immediately lifts up your skirt to check if he remembered correctly.
“Michael!” You scold him for looking under your skirt without asking.
“You wore a matching set to study with me?” There’s a stupid, cocky grin on his face as he asks the question.
“Shut up.” You murmur in response with flushed cheeks from your embarrassment.
“You really do have a big fat crush on me.” He teases. “Don’t girls usually wear shorts under skirts or were you just really wanting to flash me your panties?”
“I swear to God, I will leave right now.”
“No, don’t go. I’m sorry.” He teases gently with that dumb grin still on his face before he leans down to give you another peck on the lips.
“You’re lucky I like you.” You grumble before you reach for the clasp of your bra. 
A bra that clasps in the front; he feels like he’s going to go fucking feral.
“I’m a very lucky man.” He breathes out as you reveal your tits to him. “Oh fuck.” He groans like a desperate preteen boy before palming them with both hands. If he wasn’t rock hard before, then he sure is now.
“Whatever.” He very clearly doesn’t care as he begins to suck on your right breast. You run your fingers through his hair, whimpering as he licks over your nipple.
“Are you going to suck my tits all day or do I get to pop your cherry?” You ask and he rolls his eyes.
“I don’t have a condom.”
“Of course you don’t. Virgin.” He pinches your nipple. “Ow!” You glare at him.
“Can I still fuck you?” 
The audacity.
“You’re paying for plan B.”
He grins at your answer and pushes your skirt around your waist. He decides to keep your panties on and just push them to the side. You feel him rubbing his tip against your opening. He looks at you with pleading eyes. “Can I put it in?” You nod right away before you feel yourself stretch around him. He’s just so goddamn big.
“Oh fuck.” You whine as he begins to thrust in and out of you. He goes slow and concentrates so he doesn’t become a one pump chump. He watches as your hand goes down to rub your clit. He’ll have to learn to do that for you next time.
“God, you feel so good.”He moans as he feels your creamy, tight pussy around him. It makes him fuck you a little faster now.
“You’re so big, Michael. Feel you in my tummy.” You whimper out as you squeeze a bit around him.
“I-I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” He can’t stop himself when you say such things to him and he doesn’t even ask before he cums inside you. You squeeze around him in tandem when you feel him fill you, managing to reach your peak as well. “Sorry…” He breathes out. He may not have finished right away but he sure as hell didn’t last long.
“It’s okay. You did good.” You praise him as he pulls out of you. Michael puts your panties back in place right away because he likes the idea of you keeping his cum inside you. “Perv.” You mutter.
“Your perv.” He grins and lays his head down on your chest. “Does this mean I get to be your boyfriend now?”
You pretend to think for a moment.
“Of course it does, idiot.”
taglist (comment to be addex): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 7 @watercolorskyy @ophelialaufey @aerangi
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princessmaybank · 2 months
Hey Princess 👑! Chefs Kiss 💋😘 for writing and you deserve the 1.5K celebration 🎉 and may I please get Cherry red 🍒 with prompts 24 and 25 cause they are my fav! Thank you so much have a wonderful day! Love you lots!😘
Thank you so much honey and absolutely! Sorry it took forever baby, I hope you like it though!
Gettin' Mouthy
Pairings: Dom!Boyfriend!JJ x Kook!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Annoying!reader, public, hickeys, fingering, grinding, oral (Fem. receiving), rough!JJ, gagging, daddy kink, unprotected p in v, creampie, etc.
Summary: Reader had an attitude problem and JJ decided to fix it!
Author's Note: I hope you all like this one, I would really enjoy some feedback on this one! Enjoy!
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"I just don't see why you can't get me both Jay!" She whined. All day long it's been this back and forth game of which thing to buy her. I couldn't afford both and she damn well knew that but didn't seem to care I guess.
"You know I can't afford both!" I said, irritated. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Maybe you should get a better job." That's when I snapped. I pulled her by the wrist until we were far enough away from the street in a small alleyway. I pushed her harshly up against the brick wall and my hand found its way around her throat. "Who do you think you're talking to?" I ask through gritted teeth.
She rolled her eyes again, not giving a fuck. "You. Who else would I be talking to?" She snipped at me. "I suggest you choose your words very wisely darling." Her attitude hasn't gone away, I can still see it in her eyes and in her body language. "Or what?" She asks. I paused. She's a brat but she's never been this bratty. "Who do you think you're talking to?" I ask, getting genuinely upset. Her arms crossed against her chest with another huff and eye roll. "There's no one else around...who do you think I'm talking to?" She said in the same tone that started this mess. I let out a huff as my tongue swirled the inside of my cheek.
"You're testin' my patience darlin'." I gave a small fake laugh. "Oh boo hoo.." Y/N mocked. I slammed her against the wall again, keeping my hand around her throat. "Fix your attitude or I'll fuck it out of you." I snapped. "Take me home then." She rolled her eyes with a huff. I let out a deep chuckle.
"Oh no princess, you wanna act like a spoiled little bitch in public, you're gonna get punished in public too." I smirked and her eyes finally went wide. "What? No Jay..I was only playin! Swear!" She tried to save her ass but it wasn't gonna work. "Too late for that princess. You're fucked." I grinned.
I swiftly grabbed her wrists and held them above her head with one hand. My other hand roamed her body as did my lips. I kissed and bit at her neck, leaving a path of beautiful red markings. "Jay- s-someone might see us!" She whined. I continued my line of kisses down her breasts and smirked against her skin. "Shoulda thought about that, huh." I said looking up at her with a shit-eating grin. All she could do in response was whine some more and wiggle around, but she wasn't going anywhere.
"Remember princess...I'm still in charge, no matter how bratty you think you can be." I whispered in her ear before flipping her around and pinning her to the wall. I put my hands on her hips and pushed my hips against her ass. I placed gentle kisses on her shoulder, causing a small gasp to come from her lips. My hand snaked its way up under her dress. I gasp in her ear when I find a little surprise. "No panties? Naughty girl." I tease her slit by lightly running my finger over her folds. "For you daddy. For later." She whined again. "You're lucky it isn't a windy day, doll." I release a breathy moan in her ear as I insert my middle finger into her. She moaned and tried to grind against my hand. "Ah ah ah. I don't think so princess." I pulled my hand away from her and placed them both back on her hips.
I jutted my pelvis forward, lightly grinding my cock against her ass. "JJ, please, stop teasing!" Y/N yelled. My hand slapped over her mouth to keep her from shouting more. "Gonna get us caught with that loud mouth of yours." I pulled her a little bit away from the wall so I could bend her over. "C'mon princess you know what to do...hands on the wall." I smirked as she huffed before complying.
"Mmm good girl.." My hands slowly massaged her ass, giving each cheek a little slap before dropping to my knees. "Wha-what are you doing Jay?!?" She yelled again. Without a second thought I gave her pussy a nice slap causing a yelp. "Shut that pretty little mouth princess, ya never know what could get shoved in there."
She finally settled before my tongue swiped from her clit to her asshole. I grabbed her thighs to support her as my tongue swirled around her perfect little cunt. Moans spilled from her lips, even when I peppered her lower lips with kisses. My tongue circled her hole before plunging in and out with the most beautiful noises coming from my little lady. "Oh fuck Jay- need more!" She always loves to whine.
Before I knew it she was fuckin' herself with my tongue. Her hand crept down to her clit and toyed with it as she pushed herself backwards. "Oh..oh shit..." Moan after moan leaving her body. Just when she thought I'd let her cum, I pulled away and stood up. Once again she whined and complained about me doing this to her. Y/N turned around to start arguing with me.
"Really Jay?! You knew how close I wa-" I cut her off by slamming her against the wall. I quickly pulled off my belt and wrapped it around her head and used it as a gag. I stepped close to her and bent down to her ear. "Since you seem to have no control over that pretty little mouth princess.." I smirked.
One hand stayed on the extra length of my belt while the other worked my jeans down. My lips attacked her neck, earning me some muffled moans. I got my cock out and started pumping myself and continued. Y/N was eager and so was I, she took my cock and led it to her entrance. "Someone's needy.." I tease. She rolled her eyes at me. "Even gagged you find a way to give me attitude.. unbelievable" I let out a small laugh before slipping inside her juicy pussy.
I lifted her leg up and gently started thrusting. Her head fell back against the wall and she closed her eyes. Y/N didn't get to sit like that for long because I pulled her head back up with the belt. "Eyes on me princess." My thrusts got faster and I forced her to keep looking at me.
I was a mess. She looked so beautiful like this. I took the belt off and urgently attached my lips to hers while speeding up my thrusts some more. I reached down and started circling her clit. "Ya ever-gonna mouth off- again princess?" I said through pauses for breaths. "mmmm fuck, probably!!"
I pinched her clit. "Ow! fuck, no! I won't ever mouth off ever again daddy!" She squeezed her eyes shut as my pace quickened and I suddenly got sloppy. "Almost there princess..c'mon.." I grunt. "Oh fuck- don't stop daddy! please please please...right there" She squealed and came on my dick, nearly sending me over the edge.
"Where do ya want it princess?" My breath hitched. "In-inside.." I smirked. "Fuck..yea take my cum princess..fuck- just for you..oh shit.." I released inside of her just like she wanted. She was still recovering as my liquid shot into her.
"Sorry for mouthing off Jay, I learned my lesson, even though, no one came down here." She giggled and I chuckled. "Next time your ass is on display princess. But I am glad I fucked your little tantrum away."
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topsytervy · 9 months
Lucky One ~ Leon Kennedy
synopsis: Leon believes that he's the lucky one in the relationship.
word count: 1,239
warnings: swearing, grammar/spelling mistakes
Leons eyes moved from the tv to you, your embroidery in hand as you occasionally glanced up to watch the show the two of you were watching before focusing back on what you were doing. 
Your feet were propped on his lap and one of his hands rested on your crossed ankles while his other was draped over the back of the couch. 
Leon truly didn’t understand how he managed to snag you. 
The two of you had met at some dingy little bar, him being with a group of friends and you being there to act as a way out in case your friend's date went south. 
“Oh my god, Leon. Just go talk to her.” Jill told the man, tired of him peeking over his shoulder to look at some girl. 
Leon eyes snapped towards her, “are you crazy? There's no way she’d be into me,” he picked up his beer, taking a drink from it. 
Claire looked over at Chris, nudging him in the ribs before nodding towards Leon. 
“If you don’t go talk to her, I will.” An empty threat from Chris. 
“No, you won't.” 
Well, it was supposed to be an empty threat. 
Chris sighed as he set down his drink, pushing his chair back against the floor before he stood up, looking at Leon who raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, but if I ruin your chances with her because of all this,” he motioned to himself, “don’t come boo-hooing to me every time I bring her along.” 
“Chris!” Claire scolded and he shrugged at his sister, walking backwards towards where you sat. 
“He’s not actually going to do it,” Leon smirked, “he's just trying to get me to intercept him and talk to her first. It's his schtick.”  
And then Leons eyes widened as Chris sat down across from you, hand outstretched and a smile on his face which you returned, shaking his hand. 
“Well, that’s curtain for Leon.” Jill chuckled, raising her drink to her lips. 
“That little fucker.” Leon cursed, looking towards Claire who just held up her hands. 
“I did not want him to do that. I wanted him to give you a pep-talk. That was it.” 
Meanwhile, Chris was being a wingman. 
“Listen, you’re beautiful, but I'm not interested in you,” Chris started, smile on his face causing confusion to cross yours, “my buddy is though,” you turned to look in the direction his head nodded towards, “no, don’t look. We're having a nice little chat up.” Chris told you. 
“Oh?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“His names Leon and look, from the outside, he looks all rough and tough and like he would rather be anywhere but outside but he’s honestly a really great guy. Little awkward around girls he finds pretty but swell man. Sure, he has his rougher days, but we all do. Those days where you feel like there's no point and you want nothing more than to stay in bed all day and when you get to know him more, you'll understand why. I know you might think I'm bullshitting or whatever, just talking him up, but I honestly would not set you up with him if I thought he was a bad person.” 
You smiled at the man across from you, taking a peek at the table he came from to see a dirty blond man watching the two of you. 
“If I give you my number, will you give it to him?” you asked, grabbing a napkin. 
Chris withdrew a pen from his pocket and handed it to you, “I'd be more than happy to,” he grinned, watching as you scrawled down your number. 
Once you handed it to him, he bid you goodbye before getting up and heading back toward the table where Claire was shaking her head as Leon shot him a glare. 
“Chris-” his sister started but was cut off by him placing a napkin in front of Leon. 
“You’re welcome,” he stated as Leons eyes dropped to the napkin, seeing your name and number scrobbled on it before looking back up to your table where you smiled and waved at him. 
He waved back as Chris plopped back down in his chair, “you can buy my drinks for the rest of the night.” 
Your foot moving slightly caused Leons hand to tighten a bit, keeping your feet on his lap as he was brought back to the present. 
“I'm sorry? What did you say, my love?” 
You giggled, leaning forward to brush his bangs out of his eyes, “I asked if you felt like cooking tonight?”  
Leon grabbed your hand as you pulled it away from his, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “not necessarily.” 
You nodded, placing down your project on the coffee table as you swung your legs off of your boyfriend. 
“Hey, where are you going?” he asked, still holding onto your hand. 
“To start dinner. I lost track of time and if I don’t start now, it’ll be oatmeal tonight.” You joked and Leon shook his head. 
“No, sit down. You’ve cooked the last couple of times,” He pulled you into his lap as he grabbed his phone, “since I don’t want to cook and you’ve cooked enough the past week, I'll just order us something. Get it delivered to us or I'll pick it up. Doesn’t matter to me.”  
“It's not a big deal Leon. I can whip us up something.” You tried and Leon just placed a kiss to your lips. 
“All you're doing tonight is deciding what you want to eat.” 
You sighed and Leon smiled, knowing he won. 
“It's Friday?” Leon nodded to answer your question and you shrugged, “could kind of go for some fish from the bar.”  
“I'll call the bar and place an order for pickup then.”  
You smiled, running a hand through his hair, “how did I get so lucky land you?” 
Leon shook his head, leaning forward, “I'm the lucky one here, my love,” he whispered against your lips before pressing them together. 
“What makes you say that?” You asked when you pulled away for some air. 
“You’re beautiful, smart, and kind. You’re understanding of my job and always there after a mission, helping me with any injuries I got. You remind me why I do what I do. Well, why I do what I was forced to do.” your hands went to his cheeks, thumbs rubbing over his cheekbones as he leaned into your touch, eyes closing for a couple of seconds before opening them and looking into your eyes, “you’re the light at the end of the tunnel for me. The reason I make sure I come home every time.” He took your hands off his cheeks and brought you close for another kiss, “I am definitely the lucky one.” 
You leaned forward and kissed his nose after he pulled away, “Let’s just say we’re both lucky,” you told him and he smiled before reaching across you, grabbing his phone from the end table. 
“Now, you keep working on your project while I get our food ordered.” 
You patted his cheek twice as he searched up the local bars number before leaning forward and grabbing your embroidery from the table in front of you, shifting to lean against him. Leon’s arm snaked around your waist, and he made himself comfortable, his fingers drawing shaped on your skin as he placed your order. 
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gayvorestories · 5 months
Mike wiped his forehead as he set the last load from the daily delivery truck onto his dolly and waved at the driver, letting him know he was clear to back out. As the man backed down the bakery alley, he waved back to Mike, who was pushing an entire load of flour up a short ramp by the door alone. As he pushed the door open, he heard a familiar voice behind him and sighed deeply in frustration.
"Well, well, they really did get the right guy to move the heavy stuff."
"Not today, Alan."
"Oh, right, I forgot someone gets cranky when people compliment him."
"Not people, you." Mike rolled the dolly to the closet where they kept the dry ingredients and started unloading them, his thick arms bulging as he set the hefty flour bags onto the shelf.
He turned around and saw Alan standing in the doorway, looking him up and down like a cut of meat.
"You can't be back here Alan, what the fuck, get out!" he shouted.
"Oooh, feisty. You gonna slap me, daddy? Choke me a little, spit in my mouth?"
Mike grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the supply room as Alan laughed.
"What are you gonna do big boy, call the cops on me? I'm sure they'd looooove to hear what I have to say."
Mike stopped dead, still holding Alan by the collar.
"Yes officer, that's him! I saw him do it! He said he'd eat me too if I told, boo hoo!" Alan said in a mocking tone.
Mike released his collar and looked down at him, fuming but knowing he was powerless to do anything else.
"Now that's a good boy," Alan said as he straightened his shirt, "how about you follow me in here and keep being good?" He tugged Mike's shirt in the direction of the supply room, but he didn't budge.
"Alan please, I-"
"I own you," Alan said in a much more aggressive tone, "I caught you red handed eating that stupid slut from grindr and I got it on video." He stuck his finger in the middle of Mike's chest and smiled, "so how about you and be go back in that closet, you be a good boy, and give me what I came here for?"
Mike looked down, feeling defeated. "Everyone else is gonna be here in half an hour, can't we-"
"Then you better stop bitchin' and get on your knees." Alan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the supply closet, this time with Mike right behind him. The door closed behind them and Alan started to undo his pants. "What a good boy. Come on, on your knees," he said in the most degrading tone he could muster.
Mike stopped in the middle of the room and started at him. "Is this just how it is now?"
"You're mine now, handsome. This is what you do."
Mike looked at the floor for a moment. Fuck it, he thought to himself. He closed the gap between them in two steps and shoved Alan against the shelf. Hard.
Alan fell to the ground, the breath knocked out of him and his pants around his ankles. "Wh... what... the fuck?" he wheezed. He pulled up his pants as he stood, backing away from Mike and pulling his phone out of his pocket.
Mike grabbed his hand firmly, squeezing the tendons in his wrist until he yelped in pain and dropped the phone. They both looked down at hit as Mike put his full weight on it with the heel of his boot, the screen letting out a crunching sound as it splintered and popped apart.
As Mike loosened his grip, Alan met his eyes and his blood ran cold. "M-Mikey, c'mon man. I won't bug you anymore, I swear."
"No, you will."
"No, no man I swear I won't ever come near you again, just lemme go."
"I don't believe you."
"Mikey please-"
"Don't call me Mikey. You lost that right a long time ago."
"Shut up!" Mike yelled as he gripped Alan by the shoulders, "I can't fucking stand you anymore. I should've done this a long time ago!"
"No, no!" Alan said as Mike opened his mouth wide. Stuffing Alan's head into his throat, he gripped him like a vice as he squirmed, slowly engulfing his shoulders as his head slid deeper into his gullet.
Alan's screams were muffled by the Mike's throat, but no one was around to hear them even if they hadn't been. Mike swallowed him down quickly, his thin, small frame easily slide into Mike's tall, broad body. As his waist passed Mike's mouth, he felt warm breath on his cock before it slid across his tongue, and down Mike's hungry throat with the rest of him.
On the outside, Mike was surprised how easy he was going down. He had been a small guy, but he was slipping into his stomach far easier than any other guy he'd ever eaten. As Alan's thighs started to go down, he leaned up and let gravity slide him the rest of the way in. His mostly-flat belly was bowed out and squirming, growing larger as the rest of Alan tumbled into his stomach. Giving one last gulp, he felt his body expand as his meal finished settling in.
He picked the phone up off the floor and started out the door towards his car. His white work shirt was riding up his belly significantly, but he kept an extra large in his trunk in case of an unexpected meal. Despite being muffled, Mike's yelling could be heard from inside of him, so he hurried, his belly swaying as he jogged across the back alley.
Alan kicked violently as he slipped his shirt over his head and pulled out the large button-up that looked like his usual wear.
"Please! Please don't do this!" Alan pleaded, "you can't do this to me!"
Mike flexed his abs as he put on the shirt, squeezing Alan painfully as he cried out. Once the final button was done, he tossed the apron onto himself and slipped back in. Checking himself in the mirror, he was definitely rounder, but as long as he stayed out of the way, no one would notice.
"Mikey, please, let me out!"
Ah, right. That, he thought to himself. Time to start the electric mixer I guess.
The surface of his stomach shifted and squirmed as he looked over that days pickup orders, deciding which ones to pick out first. His stomach groaned and gurgled as he scooped out ingredients into the mixer, Alan's panicked form making bulges and movements under his clothes as he worked. Just as his coworkers were coming in, he flipped the switch and the loud mixer drowned out any sounds Alan was making.
As they entered, he kept his back to them, giving a friendly wave over his shoulder but otherwise pretending to work at the counter on the far wall. When they walked into the front to begin opening up, he quickly slipped into the walk-in and grabbed all the ingredients he needed to start working on the filling for the pastries, avoiding everyone's gaze while his stomach worked overtime trying to shut up his meal.
Pouring the various fruits and liquids into the pot to start making a fruit filling, he winced in pain as Alan started kicking against him frantically. Turning the heat down, he looked around the room and started for the employee bathroom when he nearly walked directly into his coworker Marshall.
"Oh, hey Mike, you get started on those orders?"
"Yeah, yeah, I got the first one going, just gotta step to the bathroom real quick, waiting on the water to boil."
"Cool, cool." Marshall walked away and Mike let out a sigh of relief that he'd completely missed the movement in his midsection.
Locking the door behind him, Mike hung up his apron and leaned on the wall, unbuttoning his shirt and rubbing his fuzzy, bloated belly.
"God, you're almost more annoying like this," he said to Alan, who squirmed in response. "What's wrong, not having fun in there?" he taunted, "is my belly gross and uncomfortable?"
Alan's muffled voice was barely audible, "please, let me out, I won't say nothin' to anyone, please!"
Mike grinned and rubbed his belly, "I don't know, after months of this bullshit it's nice to have the upper hand for a little while. Besides," he said letting out a little moan, "it feels good."
Alan let out a sob and kicked as Mike rubbed the firm surface of his belly.
"Mmm, just like that. I can't wait to feel you sliding around in my guts tomorrow."
"You're a fucking monster!"
"I thought that's what you loved about me," Mike cooed as he rubbed his belly firmly, "that and my biceps. I bet I'm gonna get some good gains out of you, been a while since I've eaten a man."
Alan made no noise in response other than a muffled yell as he punched and kicked in vain.
"Mmm, keep doing that. Feels so good, almost makes me wish my stomach wasn't gonna pulverize you." Mike's stomach let out a low grumble and he chuckled, "almost."
He buttoned his shirt and threw his apron back on, washing his hands quickly and heading back out the door and to the kitchen where his pot was starting to boil. He went back to his job, the squirming in his stomach slowing down considerably as he worked. The time passed quickly as he rolled, shaped, baked, filled, and packaged the pastries for the afternoon pickup. Leaning back on the table, he wiped his forehead on the back of his wrist as Marshall walked by.
"Damn bud, big lunch?" he said as he walked by.
Mike's eyes widened and he scrambled for a reply. "Oh, yeah, I'm on a bulk right now," he chuckled nervously.
"Hey man, clearly whatever you do works," Marshall laughed back. He gave Mike's belly a pat as he walked past, "just keep off the customer orders and we're all good."
Mike laughed and started filling up the mixer again, feeling his heart slow down to a normal rate again. The pat disturbed Alan enough he started to shift around again and Mike gave his belly a gentle rub while he was alone. "Shh, just relax," he whispered, "no more fighting."
As if answering for Alan, his stomach let out a low grumble.
"There you go," he whispered as he gave his belly a pat.
He switched the mixer on and went back to work, the kicking and thrashing replaced by shifting, squeezing aches as his stomach worked on Alan's body. As he popped open a set of boxes to fill up, his evening coworker showed up and put on his apron.
"Woah, dude," Tyler said looking at his belly.
"Oh, uh. I'm uh... bulking," Mike said nervously.
"Oh. Okay," Tyler said, "one hell of a bulk, what'd you eat?"
"Just a big lunch. Buffet spot."
"Cool man. We got any more orders left?"
"Just this one, gotta fill the boxes and put the stickers on 'em."
"Neat, Marshall is good up front so I'll help."
"You don't-" Mike tried to say as Tyler read the sheet and went back for the pastries.
He returned quickly and set the tray down on an empty spot on the table. Mike handed him one of the first boxes he had ready and he started to fill it, taking his time to make sure the warm pastries were arranged neatly.
Every minute they had to stand close to each other Mike got more nervous, trying his best to focus on assembling the boxes. As he handed Tyler the next one his stomach let out a low groan and he caught Tyler's eyes wandering towards his belly.
As he popped open another box, his stomach let out smaller groans and wet digestive sounds. Tyler could clearly hear them, but was feigning ignorance and ignoring it. The timer on the mixer buzzed and it slowed to a halt, the background noise slowly fading out. When the room was completely quiet, the low grumbles of his stomach echoed on the walls.
Tyler kept glancing at his belly and Mike kept looking away nervously as he put the final box together and started to fill them himself. Unlike Tyler's precise placement, Mike simply filled the box and moved to the next one, desperate to get away from the table.
"Hey man, no need to rush, last order of the day right? We just gotta clean up and wait for closing time."
"Yeah, yeah, just eager to sit down is all."
Tyler nodded and kept working, the two of them finishing quickly. "Alright, you sit back, I got cleanup."
"I can-"
"I got it, I got it," Tyler insisted, "you did all the other orders without me, I'll at least clean up."
Mike was in no mood to argue over it and sat down on a chair in the back of the kitchen. "Thanks, man." As Tyler swept up and wiped the counters down, Mike leaned back, his stomach starting to really pick up in intensity, groaning and gurgling loud enough Tyler could hear it across the room.
Just as Tyler was finishing up, Marshall walked in, wiping his hands and shutting off the lights up front. "Alright boys, closing time. I got the front locked up. Mike, try not to throw your back out on this bulk, we need a baker and your ancient mixer scares the shit out of me."
All three of them laughed as Marshall grabbed his keys and slipped out the back.
Mike stood up and started towards the employee office to grab his own keys as Tyler came in behind him.
"So... what'd you actually eat?"
Mike froze. "I'm not sure what you mean."
"I think you do."
Mike turned and looked at Tyler. He was short and scrawny, Mike could probably lift him with one hand. He took a step towards Tyler, cornering him and nearly pressing his belly against him. "I think I'm not sure what you're tryin' to say."
Tyler's face turned red as Mike's belly was directly in front of him. "I-I, uh."
God I hate double-entrees, Mike thought to himself as he steeled himself to force Tyler down too. "You what?"
"I... think you look good... like this," Tyler said, a mixture of fear and arousal in his voice as the reality of the situation started to hit him.
"Like what?"
Tyler swallowed. "Please don't eat me, I've known a while, I think it's hot," he said quickly and nervously.
Mike was caught off guard by how forward he was and furrowed his brow. "I uh. Oh."
"Yeah, uh. Can I... touch?"
Mike blinked a few times. "Sure, go ahead."
Tyler's eyes widened as he touched Mike's belly. "Fuck, it's so firm."
Mike took off his apron and started unbuttoning his shirt before Tyler took over. He backed away from the corner and leaned back on the table in the middle of the room as Tyler slowly unbuttoned his shirt and gently touched his belly. Opening it slowly, Tyler looked Mike in the eyes as he gently rubbed the sides of his belly. "When?"
"This morning, just before we opened."
"Holy shit, is he still moving?"
"No, he stopped a little while ago."
"Fuck... that's so hot."
Mike snorted, "you like that?"
"Fuck yeah. Do... do you like it like that, or is it just eating?"
"Oh, I like it like that too," Mike said with a wink.
Tyler bent down and kissed the top of Mike's belly and looked up at him. He kissed down the surface slowly, lowering onto his knees as he reached the underside of Mike's belly. As he undid Mike's pants, he ran his tongue around his bellybutton, sticking it deep in and nibbling the surface of his firm, round belly.
"Fuck, keep going," Mike moaned softly.
Tyler slid his pants down and was greeted by Mike's hard, thick cock in his face. He slid his lips over the tip slowly, getting it nice and wet as he bobbed further and further down. The head of his cock pressed hard against Tyler's throat as he reached the bottom, his firm, fuzzy underbelly pressed against Tyler's face.
He bobbed up and down on Mike's cock as Mike gently tugged his hair. "Fuck, your mouth feels so good," Mike moaned.
Tyler let out a soft moan as Mike started to thrust hard into his mouth, grabbing the back of his head and using him like a fleshlight.
"I'm... oh fuck I'm gonna cum," Mike moaned as he started to shoot. He gripped Tyler's hair tightly and let out a low, husky moan as Tyler eagerly swallowed the load he pumped down his throat. He licked Mike's cock clean and sat back on his knees, panting and fixing his hair.
"Are you... still.. gonna eat me?" Tyler panted.
"Did you want me to?" Mike said with a grin.
"No, no but I wanna watch."
"I think I can arrange that."
Tyler smiled, "I'd like that."
"Do that with your mouth again, and I'll give you anything you like," Mike said as he buttoned his shirt.
Tyler stood and ran his hand along Mike's bloated stomach, "oh, I'll do that any time you want." He leaned in for a kiss and Mike followed through, kissing him gently on the lips.
"How about my place, this weekend?"
"Need me to bring a friend?" Tyler asked with a sly grin.
"Oh I have a dinner guest in mind," Mike chuckled, "just bring yourself."
The headed towards the door together, and before splitting off to their respective cars Mike paused, "oh, and bring some lube, too."
Tyler smiled and nodded, "see you then."
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lovedrruunk · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were taking requests! Is it alright if I can request venture with reader that loves placing kisses all over their face? Hopefully this is alright with you if not feel free to ignore this!
'Kisses galore ⊹.(⸝⸝ ˆ ³(⁎˃ ᴗ ˂⁎)˚.
Venture (Overwatch x GN reader)
[Established relationship!]
Authors note!!! (;° ロ°); third....venture.... post......I have like 5 posts in total... well anyways!!! idc cuz i luv them! and i love YOUUUU AHH tysm for requesting this it was super fun to write i hope u like it !!!! also sorry its pretty short! I kinda wrote it on a whim wanting to post it before I went out so its not proof read either (Im actually so late rn its not even funny okay srsly gtg bye!)
Y’know that one tiktok trend that was popular last year where someone would be reapplying lipstick and then the camera would turn and its their s/o covered in kisses yea yea that’s just you guys all the time lol
In the beginning of your relationship they’d get all flustered and have this goofy grin on their face whenever you’d smother their face in kisses. Oh? And how do they react now? The exact same! Literally nothing has changed since the first time you’ve kissed them, they still giggle and look away. No matter how long its been they just can’t seem to get used to your affection
They could be hit by a bus going 200mph, in critical condition and one kiss on the nose from you would get them up and doing a little jig going yippee!
They might pretend to be annoyed or irritated but really that's just because they love playful banter and it’s pretty obvious how they feel about your kisses by the way they laugh and refuse to let you pull away
Their favorite moments with you are when you're laying over them somewhere enjoying each others company with your hands on their cheeks and your lips all over their face
They're pretty ticklish overall so kiss sessions usually turn into laughing fits
Although 99% of the kisses you share are all in good fun there are those times when they're sad or angry and you're kisses can't help but feel a bit more intimate and loving (please kiss their tears away!!!)
They appreciate you so much like they literally can't get enough of you. They cherish every kiss like it's the first and definitely act like it too. If you tell them they're blushing they'll deny it with their whole chest meanwhile looking like 🟥
“Augh! You’re suffocating me!” You and Sloane had been neglecting all your duties for the day in order to lay on the couch and bathe in the warm sunlight seeping through the windows. You both had been watching some random brainrot on their phone when you got bored and decided to pounce on them planting loving kisses all over their face. "Oh shut up" you playfully roll your eyes as you kiss them on the lips this time.
"One of these days I'm gonna die and you'll regret not listening to me" "Boo hoo" you giggled at their melodramatics deciding to pull away from them, but before you could you felt their hands tighten around you holding you in place.
"I mean... Dying in your arms doesn't sound so bad..."
"Yea yea whatever" You mumble happily as you lean down again pressing a kiss to their cheek.
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reuben-7991 · 8 months
Octavian’s treatment is one of my least favorite things about HoO because it isn’t his character, it’s his lack of one.
We COULD’VE had an excellent character who was a look into what could truly go wrong with blind devotion like Octavian’s, drawing an excellent parallel to Luke’s blind hatred in the original series (Percy even says Octavian reminds him of Luke).
We COULD’VE had a fantastic contrast into a follower’s descent into insanity after making empty promises of power whilst under the influence of a massively elder being, thus leading to said follower’s death.
What makes me especially mad is that Octavian has no backstory. This is a problem with a lot of Roman characters, but Octavian especially. He doesn’t even have a last name. All we know is:
- He’s a legacy of Apollo.
- He used to be sane and probably very charismatic, due to Reyna stating she used to have a crush on him in TTT.
That’s it! One of Rick’s gold stars is that his human characters are just that: human. They have motivations and flaws, deeply personal origins and ideals that affect their actions and their outcomes. None of the villains are just plain villains, evil by birth. They have motives to back up their actions (now weither those motives make sense or not, that’s another story, but they’re still there.) There’s Luke, Medea, Lityerses (who is an entire other can of worms), Circe, Loki, Gunilla, Randolph, hell, even Kronos and Gaea. All of them have reasons for the shitty stuff they did. Octavian is a glaring exception. We know he’s power-hungry, but we don’t know why. We know he’s violent, but we don’t know why. We know he hates the Greeks, but we don’t know why. You may argue ‘oh, he’s a minor character, he doesn’t really get a reasoning’ which is just blatantly untrue on both fronts.
1: Octavian is NOT a minor character in the slightest. He has major roles in the plot throughout the books.
2: Him being a ‘minor’ villain wouldn’t have anything to do with his motivation. Chris from the OG series has stated motivation, and he’s way more minor than Octavian.
Another thing is that Octavian’s insanity is played off almost comically. He’s relatively well put together in SoN, only being super dramatic and reportedly blackmailing Hazel and probably other legionnaires, but by BoO he’s absolutely broken. He’s utterly obsessed with being a hero to the Romans, with being Pontifex Maximus, with killing Gaea and almost proving himself to Apollo (who is utterly disgusted by him), but it’s all either framed as ‘hate this guy more plsplspls’ or brushed away to the side.
I’m torn on his death scene, because it’s a good scene overall but too much of it is humorous in my opinion. Between Will calling Octavian an ‘anemic loser’ (which like. what.) and Leo describing his screams as a little girl’s, it seems almost too light for such a pivotal point in the story. Octavian has truly lost himself to madness, ranting and raving and insisting no, HE has to be the one to kill Gaea, HE has to be a hero.
His death is horrific, yet it’s framed as a silly oopsie.
What the fuck.
Overall, Octavian is a shining example of missed character potential. We could have gotten the Riordan special and made to empathize more with our villain, like what happened with Luke or Randolph from MCGA, but all we get is a crazy blond kid, character so shallow he could count as a tide pool. It infuriates me to no end how in a sea of good, properly motivated antagonists, Octavian is the outlier.
It’s a real shame.
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mgc02 · 7 months
Adam ends up in Hell. Charlie wants to take him in. Vaggie wants to kill him again. Alastor wants to kill him slowly.
Charlie: we should show him and heaven that we are better than them by offering him help and a place to stay
Vaggie: after everything he's done?!? And he's learned nothing! He's trouble and he can't be trusted
Alastor: he broke my damn cane!
Vaggie: boo hoo there are more important things than your cane
Charlie: wait Alastor... didn't he almost kill you too
Alastor: I told you we do not speak of that. Anyway maybe there's a compromise. A way we can offer him sanctuary while also dealing him a worthy punishment
Vaggie: and what's that?
Adam: so you're telling me... in order to receive a place at the hotel I have to spend everyday with this ugly ass hag
Charlie: volunteering to work with the elderly is a great and noble service
Susan: who's this whiny little bitch?!?
Adam: excuse me lady! I am the first man and the first dick. All dick descends from me!
Susan: well that explains why I've been divorced three times
Adam: I... I don't wanna do this
Charlie: Oh you'll be fiiinnnee....
Susan: bring me my herbal tea. No sugar or cream, sifted for 10 minutes and don't forget to cool it off but not too cool. If it tastes off in any way I'm spitting it your ugly face!
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seneon · 2 months
orter madl…bratty reader…brat taming without the seggs….degradation…please….
note. thank you mars for the very inspiring request and words. i am sen n i will serve you a super short orter drabble
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orter mádl has his own special way to put your bratty personality into place. the whole kingdom knows his heart intertwines with a rather difficult woman who harbours a fiery persona, and it will always be a mystery how the divine visionary could tolerate such blazing flames.
well that's easy. always and forever will be easy to orter. all he needs to do is become as soft as melting ice creams and dissolving cotton candies. everytime he's so gentle with you, it confuses you and you forgot your heart is set ablaze. the flame will be replaced on your cheek instead of your persona.
but then again, orter mádl isn't exactly known in the area for being the nicest man. so he only does it whenever the two of you are alone, just like the other affectionate things he performs to race your fiery little heart.
orter reaches his hands out to poke your forehead with his fingers, earning an often glare from your eyes that burns into him. he then slides his fingers down your nose, a shiver coursing throughout your body from the touch on your nose.
"i heard you the first time. no need to get so angry and scold," his voice laced with the poison of nonchalance as his fingers gave your nose a little squeeze then a poke. that one simple gesture has your lips sealed shut like a good girl.
the moment orter notices your feistiness ceased under his wizardry, he lets out a scoff and gives your forehead a flick with his fingers. "look at you... all red. how cute."
"oh shut your mouth..." your own fingers moved up to touch the surfacing sting, rubbing over it to ease the sting. "boo hoo, you shouldn't talk. it's making me all fuzzy on the inside."
"that's really good. now if you'd tear that murderous glare off your face, i'll buy you your desired lipstick."
the glare disappears in no more quicker than a second and heaven forbid you resist his tempting words. of course, orter will get you whatever you wanted the most with no hesitation whatsoever. he simply just found a new way to put his authority to use. again, all he needed to do for you to oblige to him is be the complete opposite of what you are.
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© SENEON 2024 ♱ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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jungshookz · 1 year
smitten: jungkook's date is tonight but y/n's more stressed about it than he is
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; smitten!miniseries!! bff!kook & smitten!y/n!! university!au!! honk honk humour!! the boo hoo angsty wattpad-energy fic of your dreams!! unrequited love!! so much pining!! it hurts so bad but that's what makes it so good!! yoongi should really mind his own business!!
➺ wordcount; 6.5k
➺ summary; jungkook's dream date with ji-eun is tonight and y/n's going to do everything in her power to make sure everything goes perfectly.
➺ what to expect; "we've been planning and preparing for this date for the past week, jungkook. i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that things go according to plan. your date is going to be perfect.”
➺ currently spinning on the record player; i wish [one direction]
➺ smitten: part one [the almost confession]; part two [the incriminating note]
»»————- ♥ ————-««
“pepperoni to garlic knot- pepperoni to garlic knot- come in- are you there?" 
the sound of the walkie talkie crackling to life makes you perk up and you reach behind to pull it out from your back pocket, pressing down on the side button with your thumb before bringing it up to your mouth
“garlic knot to pepperoni- i'm here." you bite back a grin at the silly nicknames jungkook insisted on using before speaking up again, "the last of the fairy lights have been strung up, by the way! over." 
“oh, sick!" jungkook gasps lightly, "okay, i need you to come down and help me because i've been trying to tie this tie for the last, like, half an hour and at this point i’m just going to have to wave a white flag and surrender. over.” 
"roger that. i'm coming down." you tuck the walkie talkie into your pocket again before letting out a sigh and looking around the rooftop setup with your hands on your hips 
you must admit it looks really good (as it should, because you've literally been setting everything up since this morning and it's about 5:30pm now)
the bubble tent's been blown up and you made it all comfy and cozy inside with fluffed up pillows and soft throw blankets 
you strung the fairy lights up on the clotheslines and you made sure to use fresh batteries for them so that they'll last all night 
and the little round table that jungkook and ji-eun will be eating dinner at was a little wobbly but that problem was easily fixed with some blu-tak 
the happy smile on your face twitches slightly when the realization that you spent the entire day setting up a date that you're not even a part of hits you
"…oh, you silly girl.” you can't help but snort as you shake your head and turn around to head towards the rooftop door so you can go to jungkook’s apartment, "you silly, silly girl-" 
all of this time
all of this effort
all of this everything for a boy you like who you know for sure doesn't like you back because if he liked you back he wouldn’t have asked someone else out
what exactly do you think the end result is here?
what exactly do you think you're gaining out of this?
literally nothing!!!!
so why are you doing all of this??
"because i'm a big ol' simp with no backbone, apparently-" you mutter under your breath as you open the door to jungkook's apartment, forcing the frown off your face and replacing it with an easygoing smile 
you may be a simp with no backbone but…
well, no
that’s it. there’s nothing else to say. 
"y/n? that you?" 
"yeah! sorry, probably should’ve knocked or something- also, not to toot my own horn or anything, but i did a fantastic job with the decorations! i could be a party planner or something if this whole school thing doesn’t work out-” you kick the door shut behind you before looking around for jungkook, "where are you?" 
"gimme a sec! i'm, like- i'm almost done, just wait-" 
you plop down on the couch and tilt your head back to look up at the ceiling before letting out another quiet sigh 
this is why you need to be constantly busy doing things, because if you get even a moment of peace, you start to think and think and think and you hate being alone with your thoughts because your brain starts to mock you and berate you and say things like hey, y/n? you have a paper due at midnight tonight that you're only halfway done with but instead you're prioritizing being a wingwoman to a boy who's head over heels in love with someone else-
"okay, hi!" you jolt in surprise at the sound of jungkook's voice from behind you and you're about to turn around when suddenly he speaks up again, "hold on! close your eyes until i tell you to open them."
"what? why?" you frown as you settle back against the couch again and shut your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “i already know what you’re going to wear, i’m the one that picked the outfit for you anyway-”
"i know, but surprises are fun-" you hear the shuffling of material and you resist the urge to turn around immediately as your impatience grows, "okay, i think that looks fine. turn around!" 
"i really don't know why you had to prepare me to see you in-" you twist your upper half around so you can finally look at jungkook and almost immediately you feel your heart skip a beat at the sight 
the crisp white button-up tucked into a pair of slacks are a stark contrast to the outfits you're so used to seeing jungkook in because most of the time he's drowning in a sweatshirt that's ten sizes too big for him and some slouchy cargo pants and a pair of chunky black stompers
but this? this is…
oh, wow.
"so?" jungkook's being uncharacteristically shy with you as he averts his gaze and reaches down to fiddle with one of the buttons on his shirt, "how… do i look?" 
"-handsome." you blurt out, shaking yourself out of your slight daze as you get up from the couch so you can go over to him, "you look- you look very handsome, jungkook. you- yeah, you look very handsome.” you press your lips together, unsure if you should say anything else because you’re not sure where the line is between being a supportive friend or just ogling your friend like he’s a piece of meat 
it's when you find yourself looking down at your own outfit (jeans and a t-shirt and socks with a hole on the right heel) that the little voice in the back of your head reminds you of the reality of the situation: that he's looking very handsome not for you, but for ji-eun, and in this moment you wish there was a way to just shut your brain off to cease all cruel thoughts 
jungkook looks very nice. just focus on one thing at a time. 
“oh my god-“ jungkook's nose immediately scrunches up before he lets out a little laugh, "you're totally hitting on me right now, you weirdo- you look very handsome, jungkook-” he mocks you in a higher voice and you can’t help but feel a little dejected that this is how he reacts to a genuine compliment from you 
if anything, it’s more confirmation you didn’t need that jungkook most definitely doesn’t feel the same way about you  
"well, i-" you stop yourself from walking any closer to him as you feel your entire face flush bright red, "i- well, i’m trying to be supportive here… you look nice, i’m not gonna be an asshole and say you look bad for this date-” you force out a nervous laugh as you reach up to rub the back of your neck, "whatever, you look fine-" 
“thank you, i just- i’m not used to compliments but anyway-” jungkook interrupts you (thankfully, otherwise you definitely would’ve continued to babble and babble and babble) to hold up a black tie, "you need to help me with this." 
"you know, i… i actually don't think you need the tie?" you tilt your head a little as you look over jungkook's outfit, "i think you'll look better without it on, and a tie seems a little too formal for the date- can i-" you shuffle forwards slightly before undoing a couple of buttons on jungkook's shirt and spreading the collar open a little, jungkook raising his head a bit so you can work your magic 
"you really think this looks better?” he asks quietly, and your eyes flicker up to meet his for a brief second before you quickly look back down at your fumbling fingers 
"yea,” you respond, pressing your lips together as you smooth out the collar before taking the tie from his hand, tossing it over your shoulder and stepping back to look at your work, "yeah. that's much better. okay, put the suit jacket on, lemme see the whole look-"
"dude, i've been, like- so nervous all day." jungkook lets out a breath as he pulls the suit jacket up off the back of the couch, "like- okay, obviously ji-eun and i get along really well in real life, but this is the first time we'll be in, like, a romantic setting, you know? like romantic on purpose.“ 
"it'll be fine. i mean, you already got through the hardest bit which was asking her out-" you shrug as you lean against the back of the couch and cross an ankle over the other, "and she said yes, so… obviously you're doing something right. you’re gonna be fine, you just have first date jitters! everyone gets the first date jitters.” 
"i know, but-" he smooths the sleeves of the suit jacket out before looking back over at you, "ah, i don't know. i just feel like i'm gonna screw up somehow, you know?" 
"you won’t,” you shake your head before offering him a smile, "just be yourself! don't put too much pressure on, like- on acting like how you think she wants you to act, you know what i mean? just be yourself. she likes you, jungkook. you're a total catch, so-" you cut yourself off before you wander into the ‘you’re a total catch which is actually the reason why i’m in love with you' portion of your pep-talk as you get up off the couch, "yeah! just- just relax. everything's going to go perfectly tonight. and like i was saying when i first walked in here, not to toot my own horn or anything but the rooftop looks immaculate.”  
“i’m sure it does! i can’t wait to see it-“ jungkook pauses all of a sudden, his eyes widening in realization, "oh, shit!"
you don't even get the chance to ask him what's wrong before he starts to spiral and you blink rapidly at the sudden change in behaviour 
"oh my god.” jungkook slaps his hand against his forehead, “i- fuck, i forgot to pick up the flowers and the- oh my god, i knew i forgot to do something today!" he gawks, pulling his phone out of his back pocket, "shit! shit, shit- damnit, i was gonna pick them up this morning and then i went to the gym and i forgot-" 
“i-" you’re slightly startled at how stressed he is over some flowers and you can’t help but chuckle, “there’s even a little sticky note on the fridge to remind you-”
"i know!” jungkook whines, “i know, i don't know, i guess it just slipped my mind because i've literally been thinking about this date all week-“ he sucks some air in through his teeth before shaking his head, “okay, i guess i can just head over there right now and then come back-”
"woah, woah-" you skid over and press a hand to jungkook's chest to keep him from bolting out the door, “what are you talking about? you can't leave now! it's- it's 5:45- and not to mention, it's literally rush hour so the highways are probably all clogged up right now and- ji-eun's going to be here in half an hour so you'll never make it back in time and your suit's going to get all wrinkled because you'll be all cramped up on the bus-" 
"y/n, the flowers and the teddy bear are two essential parts of the date,” jungkook looks at you with wide eyes, clearly desperate to leave the apartment, “i’m not gonna have anything to give her when she arrives, she can’t show up only for me to be empty handed-”
"hey, relax!” you snap, softening your tone when jungkook’s shoulders droop slightly, “listen, you are not going to leave the apartment because ji-eun is coming and i’m sure she’ll be disappointed if she finds me on the rooftop instead of you. this is what’s going to happen: you’re going to sit here and wait for ji-eun, i’m going to go and pick up the flowers and the teddy bear, and then you can give them to her after the date. it’s going to be fine, you are literally being so dramatic right now-”
"look, i'm sure ji-eun isn't going to throw a tantrum if you don't present her with a bouquet of flowers at the beginning of the date- if she did, that’d be kind of odd but that’s not the point- the point is, it'll be fine. you go on your date, i’ll pick them up." 
"yeah, but-!" 
"kook, i've got it, alright?" you back away from him slowly but you keep your arm extended to make sure he doesn't move, "i'll take care of everything, you know i can handle it- just- i'm gonna go now and then- i'll leave behind the rooftop door as soon as i get them, okay? and i'll text you so that you'll know they're there-" 
"y/n…" jungkook chews on the inside of his cheek anxiously, guilt swirling around in his eyes, "you've already done so much for me, i can't ask you to-"
"we've been planning and preparing for this date for the past week, jungkook. i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that things go according to plan. your date is going to be perfect.”
“are you sure? i feel bad, i feel like you did so much and-”
“i’m sure, jungkook-" you interrupt him again before turning to grab your jacket off coat rack, “the only thing you have to think about tonight is how you’re going to charm ji-eun — and to be honest, you don’t even need to think about it because all you have to do is be yourself! now sit down and try to relax. and try not to wrinkle your shirt, i spent way too long ironing it earlier."
»»————- ♥ ————-««
your nose crinkles slightly as you look up at the sky, your brows knitting together in concern at the light grey clouds hanging in the air
the forecast did say it would be cloudy today (and it has been cool and cloudy all day) but you’re hoping it doesn’t rain because if it rains that’ll completely ruin the date and jungkook will probably be electrocuted by the fairy lights if he touched them 
of course, jungkook and ji-eun can take cover in that bubble tent if it starts to rain, but hopefully it doesn’t… (why are you so hellbent on making sure this date is going to go smoothly?! you might as well plan their wedding for them as well at this rate.) 
you perk up when you see the bus you’re supposed to take rounding the corner and you fumble in your purse for your bus card, stepping up to the stop eagerly
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out once you plop yourself down in a seat in the back  
from: jungkook (5:58pm) — Holy shit I’m acc so nervous 
from: jungkook (5:58pm) — What if this goes horribly 
you can’t help but roll your eyes at how panicky jungkook is being because he really has no reason to be nervous 
all he had to do was dress himself and make himself presentable because you were the one who did all the hard work of setting up (to be fair, you insisted on setting up alone because you like things done a certain way and jungkook seemed too jittery to focus) 
to: jungkook (5:58pm) — you’re literally going to be fine
to: jungkook (5:58pm) — it’s going to be fine 
to: jungkook (5:58pm) —  you already know she likes you 
to: jungkook (5:59pm)— just think of this as another one of your hangouts but you guys are dressed more fancy and you’re on a rooftop for some reason LOL 
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — Okay 
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — She says she’s almost here
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — Do you think I should’ve picked her up instead of her meeting me here 
to: jungkook (5:59pm) — …you rented out a rooftop for her i think she’ll survive 
you pause, setting your phone face down on your lap before letting out a yawn and leaning your head against the window
you got up far too early this morning and the gentle rumbling of the bus down the highway is very soothing
google maps said the journey to your stop was about 38 minutes which means you have approximately 35 minutes to take a quick nap and the remaining 3 minutes to wake yourself up so you won’t be too groggy after hopping off the bus 
you’ve worked hard today, so you deserve a little snooze! 
your right eye peels open when your phone buzzes again
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Omg she’s here early 
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Okay 
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Wish me luck and also thank you for everything you are the best 
a smile twitches at the corner of your mouth and you can’t help but think to yourself that yes, i am kind of the best, aren’t i? 
to: jungkook (6:04pm) — yes yes 
to: jungkook (6:04pm) — good luck! 
to: jungkook (6:04pm)— :-) 
another yawn slips past your lips and you tuck your phone into your purse before leaning your head against the window again and shutting your eyes 
an additional benefit to getting some sleep on the bus is so that your brain won’t start to flood with reminders that jungkook doesn’t like you like that and that you are currently sitting on a bus going to get flowers for him to give to another girl- 
okay, that’s enough of that, your teeth grit together slightly and you clear your throat, crossing one leg over the other as you get settled into the stiff, itchy seats, a quick power nap and then the overthinking can begin again. 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
“excuse me-” 
your eyes open immediately at the feeling of someone shaking your shoulder and you sit up straight, clutching your purse tighter to your body as you look up to see the bus driver smiling down at you in mild concern 
“morning!” he jokes, raising an eyebrow before clicking his tongue and nodding towards the opened doors, “end of the line, miss. gonna have to ask you hop off.”
in your half-asleep state you can’t help but wonder what you’re doing on a bus and where you were meant to be going in the first place… is the date over? are you heading home? 
“end of the-“ your heart plummets to your stomach at the realization that you took more than just a little snooze because you are, in fact, at the end of the line when you were supposed to be at the flower shop and heading back to jungkook’s apartment now, “wait, end of the line?!”
“i’m guessing you missed your stop? happens a lot when people fall asleep on the bus.” 
“i- yes-“ you pull your phone out to check the time (and your heart nearly stops beating when you see that it’s 7:13), “i was supposed to get off at crown street, how far are we from crown street?” 
“not too far-“ the bus driver hums, “about fifteen-“
“minutes?” you get up from the seat, starting to make your way towards the door but still looking at the driver
“blocks.” he sucks some air in through his teeth, “fifteen blocks away. if you walk from here, it’ll probably take you about… twenty-ish minutes or so to get to the crown street stop-”
“twenty-ish minutes, twenty minutes is nothing, i can make it in ten if i sprint-“ you mutter to yourself, pulling your purse up over your shoulder and turning to smile at the bus driver before hopping off, “thank you, sir, enjoy the rest of your night-!” 
it’s only a second later that you find yourself sprinting down the sidewalk, your runners smacking loudly against the concrete as you keep your purse tucked tightly underneath your armpit
unbelievable! something just had to go wrong tonight, didn’t it?
and it certainly doesn’t help that it’s drizzling right now — you don’t even have an umbrella with you! 
“so stupid, shouldn’t have fallen asleep-“ you look up briefly when you hear a rumble of thunder, stopping at the crosswalk and slapping the button multiple times as if it’s going to make the walk sign appear faster, “c’mon, c’mon…”
you jolt when a flash of lightning lights up the sky before suddenly- 
“oh, come ON!” rain suddenly starts to pour down from the sky and you resist the urge to just fall to the ground and completely give up because it seems like the universe is actively trying to tell you that what you’re doing is clownish behaviour and you need to stand up 
of course, because one of your more prominent traits is your innate stubbornness, you pull your purse off your shoulder and raise it above your head as if it’s going to stop you from getting completely soaked 
rainwater starts to flood into your shoes as you jog across the street and the feeling of your socks increasingly getting wet sends a shiver up your spine 
you pull your purse back onto your shoulder and keep it tightly held under your armpit once your arms start to get sore — you’re already completely soaked so using your purse as an umbrella seems pretty redundant at this point 
“don’t know why i didn’t bring a stupid umbrella with me either!” you huff to yourself, wiping your hair away from your face as you cross another street after looking both ways (safety first), “fall asleep on the bus, gets caught in the rain- stupid, stupid-“ you grumble, reaching up to wipe under your eyes and pressing your lips together in frustration at the wet mascara ink staining your fingertips
just wonderful 
and now you probably look demonic as well 
you pick up in pace when you recognize the street the flower shop is on, speeding up even more when you notice someone standing in front of the doors with a set of keys in their hand looking very ready to close up shop for the night 
“woah, woah, wait! wait, please!” you call out and the person immediately stops, looking over at you and then taking a few steps back in what seems to be mild fear, “so sorry, i just need to pick a bouquet up, i know you’re closing but i really need this bouquet- and-“ 
“did you run here?” he asks, looking you up and down as he adjusts his grip on his umbrella, “…you do know it’s raining, right?” 
“yeah, i- woo, give me a second to catch my breath-“ you pant, bending over and putting both hands on your knees, wincing to yourself as your lungs constrict in your chest, “i don’t remember the last time i ran like this, jesus christ- i think i’m going to puke-“ you force yourself to stand up straight again, placing a hand on your hip as you continue to suck in puffs of air, “i need to pick up an order.” 
“oh, wait! you’re the girl who’s in love with her friend, now i remember who you are-“ his eyes light up briefly before the deadpan expression returns to his face, “sorry, champ. we close at 7:30.” 
“it’s 7:29,” you choose to ignore his first comment before holding your phone up to his face and he immediately deflates, “come on, yoongi- it’s yoongi, right? please. give me a break.” 
“i’m just tryna go home-“ 
“please, my friend’s date is tonight and he was supposed to pick up his flowers this morning but then he went to the gym so he forgot even though there was a sticky note on the fridge reminding him to-”
“wait, you’re picking up his flowers for him?!” yoongi asks, eyes widening again before he throws his head back in a laugh, “hah! oh my god, you- you’re actually kidding me, this has to be a joke-“
“i will give you five glowing stars on google reviews if you let me in-“ you pant, wiping strands of wet hair away from your forehead again, squinting slightly because the rainwater has now fully fucked up your vision and yoongi is starting to look like a dark blob, “even though your customer service skills suck because you’re clearly laughing at me and i really thought you’d have the decency to share your umbrella considering the fact that it’s pouring-“
“my customer service skills are fantastic, you should see the way i flirt with all the older ladies who come in-” yoongi jingles his keys in his hands before checking the time on his watch, “they always leave with $15 silk ribbons on their bouquets and a boost in their self-esteem-“
“we’re wasting time here, i’m supposed to be back at my friend’s place like, now-“ 
“alright, fine.” yoongi sighs, shoving the keys back into the lock before clicking his tongue, “but i’m only doing this because i feel like saying no to you is equivalent to, like, leaving a puppy out in the cold or something. or stealing candy from a baby and then shoving the baby off of its high chair. or, like, taking a chainsaw and destroying a nice old lady’s rosebush in front of her for no reason while she’s standing there with a pitcher of iced tea for you-”
“alright, i get it, you pity me, just let me into the store and give me my damn order.” 
“did you really run all the way here?” he asks, opening the door to let you in as he closes his umbrella and shakes the excess water off before shoving it into the holder
“i took the bus but i fell asleep and missed my stop. ended up at the end of the line and i thought running fifteen blocks would be faster than waiting for the next bus.” you breathe out, your shoes squeaking obnoxiously against the marble floors as you step into the shop and leave a generous trail of rainwater behind you 
yoongi deflates slightly at the mess you’re leaving behind you and he quickly reaches out to grab onto your elbow, “do not take another step. i literally mopped up before closing and you’re leaving a trail everywhere.”
“sorry, sorry…” you apologize sheepishly, taking a step back closer to the front door and looking down at the puddle growing around your feet 
you reach up to squeeze some water out of your air, freezing when you realize you’re just squeezing more water onto the ground for yoongi to mop up 
yoongi gives you an unimpressed, blank stare before shaking his head and flicking the lights on, “there is nobody in the world i would ever run in the rain for. hell, there’s nobody i would even ever run for in general.” 
“well, i’m sorry your heart is made out of literal ice and you don’t have the ability to feel love for another human being.” you respond sarcastically, yoongi turning around with raised eyebrows 
“hey, for someone with an icy cold heart, i didn’t have to let you in, i could very well kick you out right now because i already clocked out for the night-”
“okay, sorry, i’m sorry- just- if i could just pick up the order, i’ll get out of your hair, i’m sorry-“ 
“why are you doing this in the first place?” yoongi asks as he gets settled behind the front desk, switching the monitor back on, “also, i promise i’m not stalling because i also want to get out of here as soon as possible, i just need to check what your order number is-“
“because jungkook forgot to pick the order up this morning.” you respond as if it’s the most obvious answer in the entire world (because to you, it kind of is) 
“well, i get that, but you still didn’t answer the question.” yoongi hums, tapping on the keyboard and hitting the enter key obnoxiously 
“sure, i did.” you frown, “i answered your question. i’m here because jungkook forgot to pick up the order this morning. he’s on his date right now and i told him i could pick it up for him. he’s on a date.” 
“with another girl.” yoongi murmurs, propping his chin up on his palm, “you are picking up flowers for jungkook to give to another girl because…” 
“because i’m his friend.” you feel your eye twitch slightly out of a mixture of growing frustration and impatience, “you have that order number yet? i’m on a time crunch here.” 
“…okay, i think all the rainwater must’ve flushed the logic out of your head…” yoongi purses his lips as he gets up from the seat, offering you an overly polite customer service smile, “please wait here while i get your order from the back. i would offer you a glass of cucumber water and an apple rose whatever cinnamon pastry thing but we are technically closed, so you’re just going to have to stand here and wait.” 
“funny.” you raise an eyebrow, about to squeeze some water out of your top before stopping yourself (you’ll wait until yoongi disappears to the back and then you’ll do it) 
you’re picking up flowers for jungkook because you’re his friend
and on top of that, not only are you his friend, you’re a very good friend of his! 
he would do the same for you if the roles were reversed (well, if the roles were reversed, you would’ve never forgotten to pick up the flowers so jungkook would never have to run in the rain to pick them up for you) 
what does yoongi mean by why are you doing this? 
isn’t it obvious??
if anything, he’s the one with no logic in his head if he can’t grasp the simple answer to his simple question
you’re doing this because you’re jungkook’s friend, and this is what friends do when they care about each other 
“okay, one more time- what are you doing right now?” yoongi pops out from the back with a beautifully wrapped bouquet and an adorable little white teddy bear with a pink heart as its nose and you can’t help but pout sweetly at it 
you know you said the teddy bear would be a little much but looking at it now… you want one too! 
“picking up a bouquet and a teddy bear.” you point out, holding your hands out to take them from yoongi 
“picking up a bouquet and a teddy bear for…” 
“for my friend…” you trail off, making grabby hands at him only for him to pull back slightly
“for your friend jungkook because…” 
“why do you care so much about this? you don’t know me and what i do is none of your business, your job right now is to hand me a bouquet and that teddy bear and you’re not doing a super good job if i’m being honest-”
“you’re right, i don’t know you, but i’m nosy as hell and you seem nice even though you’re oblivious as hell- you’re so close to the answer, too! what are you doing right now and why are you doing what you’re doing?” 
“what are you doing right now? and why are you doing what you’re doing right now??” you snap, looking at the little clock sitting on the desk, “i’m running very late, just give me the damn flowers, man-“ 
“alright, fine.” yoongi deflates, handing you the bouquet and the little bear before shaking his head and turning around to grab the mop from the back, “guess you’ll figure out the answer on your own. by the way, let your friend know that if he wants to order another bouquet for you to pick up that we now have an online ordering form so he doesn’t even have to come in store anymore- by the way, i can lend you an umbrella if you didn’t wanna run in the rain again because like i said, our customer service is-” yoongi spins around and immediately clams up when the only indication that you were even here at all are the two dirty shoe marks staining the white marble floor and the puddle of water around them 
he shrugs to himself and clicks his tongue 
oh well 
…you still better give the store a five star review. 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
the journey back to jungkook’s apartment is a little less chaotic than the journey leaving his place, thankfully 
you managed to get to the bus stop right as the bus came, and if anything, you took that as a sign that the universe was now on your side 
it was rewarding you for being such a good friend! 
of course, you still got caught in the thunderstorm jogging back to jungkook’s building from the bus stop (according to the forecast, it’s supposed to rain all night long) and the bouquet is a little soggy and the little bear’s fur is kind of matted now, but you tried your best to keep them dry under your sopping wet jacket, “alright, kook, don’t worry, i’m coming-“ you mutter, going up the stairs two at a time and ignoring the fact that you’re leaving a wet trail behind you 
you can’t help but shiver at the feeling of cold, wet clothes clinging uncomfortably to your body, pausing when you accidentally use the bear as a makeshift towel to dry your face 
“shit, whoops-“ you pull the bear away instantly, relieved to see that you didn’t leave any streaks of makeup on it 
your legs slow down as you reach the steps leading up towards the door to the rooftop, and you pause at the top of the steps when you hear a melodic giggle from outside amongst the rhythmic pitter patter of chubby raindrops splashing against the cement
sucking your bottom lip in between your teeth as you slow your movements as to not make too much noise and ruin the moment, you press yourself against the side of the stairwell and crouch down on your hands and knees, placing the bouquet on the ground by the door and the little bear right next to it 
the only thing to do now is turn back and head home before you catch a cold from staying in your sopping wet clothes, but the sound of jungkook’s laugh makes your ears perk up and soon enough, you find yourself crawling up the additional three steps up so you can peek through the crack between the door and the frame and- 
almost instantly, your mouth goes dry and you feel a sharp pinch in your chest at the sight of jungkook and ji-eun kissing, their lips seeming to slot together perfectly as ji-eun curls up closer to jungkook and he reaches up to cup the side of her face, the two of them looking nice and warm (and dry) in the bubble tent as raindrops continue to bounce off the top of it 
your eyelids flutter slightly as your brain catches up to what you’re looking at, and just like that, everything hits you like a ton of bricks 
what the fuck am i doing?
you are crouched down in the stairwell like a creep, sopping wet from the heavy rain, still exhausted from sprinting fifteen blocks to get to the stupid flower shop before it closed, staring at the boy you love kissing someone else on a rooftop that you spent all day decorating and setting up  
you look down towards the bouquet and bear, swallowing the lump in your throat as your eyes begin to glaze over because oh my god, what are you doing? 
the bouquet of flowers is not for you 
the cute little bear is not for you 
the bubble tent and the fairy lights and the porcelain plates and fancy cutlery — all of it isn’t for you, it’s for someone else, it’s for ji-eun 
ji-eun is the one that’s kissing jungkook right now, not you 
in fact, it’ll never be you because jungkook doesn’t like you 
you turn around so you can sit on the steps properly, folding your arms over the tops of your knees and propping your chin up on top of them
jungkook does not like you back
you helped him plan this date and you helped him set up the rooftop for his romantic date with ji-eun and you ironed his shirt and you ran in the rain to get the bouquet and the bear not just because you’re a good friend — you did all of this because you are hopelessly, hopelessly in love with jungkook and you would pluck all the stars in the sky for him and put them in a jar if he’d asked 
“oh my god, y/n.” you breathe out, pinching the bridge of your nose as you shake your head in dejection, “what the fuck are you doing?”
you feel that all too familiar prickle in your nose as you get up onto your feet and head down the steps one by one, your heart heavy in your chest as you adjust the strap of your purse over your shoulder 
(and as you stare up at the ceiling when you’re in bed later that night after taking a nice, hot shower and shoving your cold, wet clothes into the hamper, you can’t help but wonder if perhaps you’ll be pining after jungkook for the rest of your life.) 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
from: jungkook (1:08am) — Thanks for getting the flowers and the bear for me you’re a lifesaver 
from: jungkook (1:08am) — Like actually the best
from: jungkook (1:08am) — So grateful to have a friend as good as you 
from: jungkook (1:09am) —The date went really well btw 
from: jungkook (1:09am) — Hope you’re sleeping well :) Will text you tomorrow 
🎙️ tell yoongi to mind his own business or console y/n (talk to my characters!)
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