#don’t touch me i’m ARO ACE
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The way Alastor is portrayed and explained as being Aro-Ace really made me more aware of my Aro-Ace feelings and how I go about my life.
Allow me to explain that I’m Aro-Ace myself and I can have several similarities with how Alastor is portrayed and explained by Viv.
For starters I very much dislike being touched at all unless I initiate the contact, I feel in control, or it’s someone I trust, or a situation where I can expect unwanted contact to occur even though I know I’ll hate it and likely get angry.
Second of all I have thought that maybe haven’t met the right person yet and maybe I might find someone but at the same time I feel sure that won’t happen because I tried to have all of one romantic relationship and I hated it, I wasn’t able to really be romantic? I guess and I didn’t really feel anything. And I hated everything to do with any possible kind of intimacy, absolutely despised kissing of any kind and the thought of trying anything else almost made me feel sick. And I didn’t like romantic gestures of affection or anything.
So I really feel connected to Alastors AroAce cannon portrayal. And I don’t care if anyone wants to ship him with whoever or whatever they please. He’s a fictional character.
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pawthorn · 2 years
I’m still trying catch up on last week’s episode, but I want to talk about Taliesin’s invisible character traits and Matt’s ability to reveal them.
Of all the CR cast, Taliesin’s characters are least likely to “let me tell you my backstory.” They are reticent until it’s necessary.
Vox Machina had been going for years before Percy revealed that his family had been killed. Molly only admitted his amnesia after faced with questions about Cree. Caduceus didn’t spill about lilies and dreams till the last few episodes of the campaign.
On top of this, Taliesin often gives his characters invisible character traits. Things you wouldn’t know for sure unless that character verbally confirmed it. And Taliesin, of all the cast, is least likely to offer that information up unless it’s relevant. Even on 4-Sided Dive, he keeps his characters’ inner workings under-wraps. So how do we ever learn it?
Matt Mercer.
I’ve talked about this a bit with Caduceus before, but Matt really made an effort to give Taliesin a chance to communicate that Caduceus is aro/ace. The demeanor of multiple NPCs shifts with Caduceus. You can see Matt feeling out whether this character would flirt with Cad, how far that would go, if the time was right. (This is why the Eadwulf/Caduceus ship blossomed so suddenly in C2. There was pretty obvious interest on Eadwulf’s side, just not the right timing to facilitate Cad turning him down.) Finally, the meat-lady was bold and opportunistic enough to go for it, and Tal was able to naturally RP Cad’s disinterest. Plenty of people had speculated that Cad was aro/ace, but that moment let it be spoken and understood in-universe.
Ashton’s chronic pain is even trickier to bring to light. It’s been speculated, of course, but how could it come out naturally? Matt has made it a point to have multiple NPCs who were strangers touch or try to touch Ashton, which is always rebuffed. So that let us know that Ashton is touch-averse with people they don’t trust. But that wouldn’t necessarily relate to chronic pain (the touch aversion might well pre-date the pain.) So this time when Imogen and FCG pushed into Ashton’s mind, Matt let FCG inhabit Ashton’s body. And that fantastic choice allowed this invisible trait to be known.
Watching a DM show that level of attention and care with a character, always makes me so happy. There’s so many things to do as DM, so many plates to spin, it can be easy to gloss over or miss opportunities if players don’t initiate them. Matt is great at bringing secrets to light, helping players reveal the core of their characters.
I just wanted to take a second to appreciate that.
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radskull-69 · 4 months
Vent? I guess?? More like talking about this INSANE guy omg
This guy has got to be the worst person I have ever fucking met omg
they never respect boundaries, even SIMPLE ones, like: kissing ppl on the cheek without consent, name calling, trauma dumping, touching
and this guy isn’t even confirmed he has autism, which is fine normally. Because neither am I, and so are most people.
but this mother fucker has gone to TWO offical autistic tests and BOTH said he didn’t have it, but the iNtErNeT quiz said he did so I guess he has it-
said I probably have adhd because I have daddy issues???
has kissed me and my bsf on the cheek without asking and when we confronted him he said he has ‘memory issues’ and doesn’t remember it (it happened only hours prior). Then had a panic attack since we ‘cornered him’ (I texted him on discord)
he CONSTANTLY trauma dumps, like he’d just walk up to me and without even saying hello he’d rant about his ‘broken foot’ or how ‘he hasn’t slept for three weeks straight’
and he so obviously fakes every mental illness and disability ever, it’s annoying bruhhhh. He’s half blind, half death, has scoliosis, schizophrenia, Tourette’s, autism, pregnancy? And so much more I can’t even name (none of these are officially confirmed either, and he only ‘uses’ or has the disability randomly on a blue moon when no one is talking to him)
once when I was getting kicked in the legs and being called useless by a shitty friend he laughed along and agreed I was useless, so in our next class we shared I refused to partner with him and just sat down at my desk. I was his only friend in that class but I didn’t care.
he slammed his chair into the desk, cried and ran out the room. When the teacher asked what’s wrong he went on a rant how ‘no body likes him and how he hates the school’, The teacher offered to be his partner but he said no and just ran outside..
then behind my back to my REAL friends he said I was being a cold asshole to him for no reason?
this mother fucker has faked a pregnancy for two years straight.
when I was dating this guy he sent me his kink list and said ‘I’m fucked if he gets horny’. We’re both minors, just started dating, and he knows I’m asexual.
once we were making some spicy butter chicken at school, and he was in charge of crushing and adding the spice.
when I ate my butter chicken it was really spicy to me, and I know I’m very sensitive to foods and people like to tease me about it. Which is funny and I can laugh along with it.
but this guy just kept and kept on making fun of me nonstop, calling me a pussy for not handling the spice and how I was ‘so white’ for how i was acting.
so I said- ‘maybe since I’m autistic I take it differently then most others?’ And I thought he’d sympathise since he’s also ‘autistic’.
motherfucker said ‘erm- well- my autistic level is higher then yours so-👆���’
what does that got to do with ANYTHING!?? And you don’t even have a confirmed ‘autistic level’, neither do I?? What even is that!??
I hate this guy so muchhhh, the ONLY reason I keep him around in the friend group is because I’m worried he’ll victim blame himself again and make me look bad. Also because as cruel as it sounds, the drama he brings is so entertaining.
luckily my friend group agrees this guy is toxic as fuck and annoying, I’m planning on cutting him from the group the next time he does something fucked up to me again so I can call him out.
because dear GOD is he so annoying..
Idk why I even dated him bruh.. I think he’s what made me aro-ace and that not all relationships are just ‘friendships with extra hand holding’
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rozcdust · 2 years
I don’t speak to whores
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Pairing: Bonten x AroAce!GN!Reader, QPP Kazutora Hanemiya x AroAce!GN!Reader
Genre: Crack, fluff
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, ooc, whore behaviour, qpp relatinship, NO ROMANCE, just reader bullying Bonten, vomiting, drinking, taking care of a drunk person, reader has emotional capabilities of a carrot
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Knuckles rapping on the doors of Mikey’s office, you don’t wait for a ‘come in’ or ‘open’ or ‘fuck off’ or any other response your boss may offer, walking in without a care in the world.
You will, however, soon enough have many, many worries.
“What’s up, boss?”
“We have dinner on Thursday, 9 p.m.” He said from his desk, not raising his gaze from the game he was playing.
“Cool, I’ll schedule that at that one restaurant you like, party of 7?”
“Party of 8.”
“Oh, that spooky-ooky guy I barely see is going too?”
Mikey finally looked up at you.
“No, Mochi isn’t coming, he’s on his honeymoon, but you will.”
You blinked.
“I’ll what?”
“Bonding time.” He merely responded before going back to playing fucking Tetris, as if he didn’t just utter the most horrifying phase in the history of Heaven, Earth and Hell, ensuring your therapy bills quadruple in an instant.
“Boss, is that smart?”
“Bonding with coworkers in a controlled environment is important.”
“You haven’t felt another person’s touch since 2007.”
“Correct, but bonding.”
You stared at him, appalled.
“Boss, I work with feral cats in heat, how the fuck would that be a good idea?”
Mikey never looked as kickdroppable as he did at that moment.
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Apparently, and according to Takeomi, company dinners are mandatory and you wouldn’t be able to get out of one even if you tried, and tried you have.
Mikey spreading misery all around, as he does best.
“Have you noticed how all aro ace people dress like whores?” Tora was sitting on your shared bed, his current job of helping you pick an outfit so, oh so tiring, he gave up and chose to just provide random comments from the side.
Which weren’t worth shit, half of his closet was tacky animal print shirts.
“I think that’s exclusively a you thing, but shut it right now, I am angy.”
Kazutora threw up his hands in surrender.
“I have to go to a stupid dinner with stupid coworkers and handle all their stupid flirting and-“ Huffing, you angrily threw the leather jacket off yourself, plopping on the bed and right into Kazutora’s lap.
Kazutora sympathetically patted your head,
“Do you want cuddles?”
“Yes.” Gathering just enough energy to drag yourself up so you were fully seated on him, you buried your face into his neck, his arms immediately wrapping around you. His hair tickled your face, now let out of the bun he usually wore, but it smelled nice, so you allowed it.
“I just want to poison their coffee,” You muttered, pouting when Kazutora chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple as the only response, “They’re so fucking annoying, I swear. I will stab them.”
“Not recommended, sweetheart.”
“Yes, the fuck it is.”
“You’ll be fine, babe.” Forcing you to look at him, he peppered more kisses onto your face, the pout on it growing even more, and he couldn’t help but think you look so cute like that.
He laughed at the expression, earning a smack in retaliation.
“You suck, Tora.”
“Come on,” He grinned, too cocky for your liking, “Ya love me. You asked me out first!”
Sighing dramatically, you allow your head to fall on his chest, closing your eyes as you breathed in his scent.
“Truly, what a terrible curse has befallen me, to live with a dumb bitch like you, you stupid piece of shit.”
Kazutora’s grin widened, and before you could process, he whipped out the camera out of nowhere, snapping a picture to probably develop and bully you about it later.
“Love you too, honey. Love you too.”
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“Hello, y/n l/n, I’m here with a party of 8.” You already sounded exhausted, and the dinner hasn’t even started.
The smiling receptionist led you to the room you reserved, on the top floor, a rather luxurious dining suite with a beautiful view of the city, absolutely breathtaking and way too fucking cliche.
To be fair, you did ask the restaurant for the most expensive suite and the most expensive dinner they offered.
You were already adding dents to Bonten’s self-esteem, why not do it to their wallets too?
All of the men were already there, their eyes observing you carefully and hungrily, and if you were any less confident in your clothing choice, you would have felt a little unnerved.
Fortunately for you, and unfortunately for your stupid, horny coworkers, Kazutora stuck you in his ‘Dick slaying outfit’, which meant you were wearing exclusively oversized men’s clothing, courtesy of Kazutora’s lanky form and the muscle mass he seemed to keep no matter the fact the heaviest thing he ever lifted was a cat, with the exception of the sluttiest, smallest crop top the entire city of Tokyo has ever seen.
Also belonging to Kazutora.
Maybe his hypothesis that aroace people dressed like hoes was correct.
Kokonoi tried to comment that the outfit wasn’t quite ‘fine dining’ appropriate, upon which you bit back that their job wasn’t fine dining appropriate, which seemed to quickly shut him up.
Kakucho politely told you that you looked pretty, but he also received a glare, even if he hasn’t quite done anything wrong.
As expected while the night progressed, your coworkers were loud, rude and fully insufferable.
You and Mikey seemed miserable both, desperately trying to pretend you weren’t there when Rindou and Sanzu got into a biting argument about who was taller.
They both got a devastating blow to their self-esteem they realised Kokonoi was, in fact, taller than them both, which got them to start arguing about who’s dick is bigger.
You made a mental note to kill them all if they actually start comparing dicks.
To your relief, they didn’t, instead opting out for a few rounds of a poker drinking game with bullshit rules they made up themselves.
Sanzu was, shockingly, the best, barely having to take a sip all night, and you had to admit you found that at least a little admirable.
You just assumed he fried all his neurons a while ago.
Kokonoi and Kakucho, meanwhile, were failing desperately, and your eyebrows furrowed in worry at the speed the two men were forced to drink.
Fucking idiots, the whole lot of them.
You solemnly vowed to yourself that under no terms would you drive any of them to their house.
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You were driving all of them to their house.
God fucking damn it.
Some of them had to be shoved out with a boot and a threat of a stabbing, while some, like Mikey, and shockingly, Ran, left the car quite politely.
You were in mid-pondering when will Ran realise you were in fact, driving his car, and, in fact, left with that same car, when you heard rather unpleasant gagging noises, followed by the sound of car doors opening and vomiting.
Thank God you were at the red light.
And Kakucho was the only one left in that damn back seat-
Fucking lovely.
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Kazutora whistled from the balcony as he watched you try and fail to drag Kakucho into the apartment building.
“Damn. That is a nice ride- Does this mean I can quit my job and become the trophy husband you always dreamt of?”
You stopped to look up and glare at him, Kakucho’s arm firmly placed around your shoulder as he still dry heaved, face flushed red and his eyes watering.
“Shut the fuck up and help me take him upstairs!”
Kazutora saluted you as the only response.
You will smother him in his sleep.
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Eventually, Tora did come and help you take Kakucho up to your apartment, handling the man more gently than you ever would, perfectly gentle and soft-spoken, borderline cooing, he helped the man take off his coat and shoes, before promptly taking him to the bathroom.
Frowning, you kicked off your shoes as well, following the two and finding Kakucho kneeling on the dark tiled floor in front of the toilet as Tora rubbed his back softly.
Your partner, ever the traitor, left as soon as you stepped in, mentioning how ‘It was your job because it was your coworkers’ and leaving you, the least caring person ever, in charge of this mess of a man.
Sighing, and after forcing one of Kazutora’s tiger-themed headbands with ears on Kakucho to keep his hair at least somewhat clean and out of his face, you sat on the floor next to him, considering your next move.
Maybe you should provide some comfort? You really had little in terms of experience with taking care of drunk people, usually, Tora was the only person you ever had to babysit, and he was usually perfectly content with you just hugging him from the back like a koala and holding his hair.
Yeah, you’re not getting that close to Kakucho, no way, he probably had cooties.
Rubbing his back should be okay, though.
“There, there, big guy, get it all out- Yep, good job, like that. Want some water?”
Kakucho merely nodded, his throat dry and scratchy, a stabbing headache and nausea scrambling his brains until he could barely think, but water sounded nice.
Your hand on his back was cold enough to be felt through his shirt, and it felt soothing.
Briefly leaving to return with a bottle of water from the fridge, you uncapped it and offered it to Kakucho, who washed his mouth with the first sip, and downed the immediately, chugging it fast enough that you were genuinely shocked he didn’t choke on any and die on the spot.
He, unfortunately, was not able to keep any of it down, his stomach rejecting to hold any and all liquids, but hey, it was worth a shot.
You opted for wetting a washcloth with cold water and dabbing it on Kakucho’s face, one palm firmly placed on his cheek as you rotated it around knowing Kazutora and Baji liked that when they got sick from drinking, always saying it grounds them.
Maybe talking to Kakucho and reassuring him everything is fine will work too, after all, Chifuyu seemed to like it whenever he joined the other two in their benders and ended up requiring care.
Come to think of it, you only really knew how to take care of people based on Kazutora’s, Baji’s and Chifuyu’s needs.
Maybe Kazutora was right in his insistence that you need more friends.
Lightly scratching Kakucho’s scalp, you leaned against the wall, gently telling him to hold on in there and that things will work out just fine, not to worry, this horrible state will pass soon enough, cooing that you’ll let him sleep in your bed, no need to break his back on the shitty couch.
What you did not anticipate, however, was for him to hug your leg firmly enough that you were certain he would break your femur, and start sobbing as he buried his face into your thigh.
Your brain short-circuited just in time for Kakucho to start hiccuping about ‘Missing him so much, he let me sleep on his bed when I was sick too, I miss him so much-‘
Yeah, no.
Not your area anymore, nope.
Fuck this.
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🔖Taglist (open):
@dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @levistiddies @graythecoffeebean @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @nahoyas-nymph @one-green-frog @justrandomlypassing @kio-kookie @haikyuu-simps-assemble @ayhashi @tiredlattes @crown5 @medusalovessnakes @bblyerim @ohnoyouareasimp @sakinotfound @syddisheep @barcelona-sergei @solliver05 @vanillaashakee @gumiwaka @withlovetengen @naorizenin @bontensbabygirl @anahryal @luvjiro (second tag list in the comments!)
a/n: finally reviving this, no idea why i even stop posting it 😭
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aroace-confessions · 7 months
Over the summer I made a friend who sort of indirectly helped me discover my asexuality and this lead me to leaving a relationship that wasn’t going so well. As I’ve stayed in touch with this friend I’ve started to see myself differently. He (also ace) is so genuine and kind to me that I’ve started to see beauty in myself too, which is kinda crazy.
Here’s the thing tho. I still really don’t know if I’m aro. Any relationship I’ve been in in the past has felt very claustrophobic and imposter syndromeish but I don’t see myself ever living alone. I’m definitely a social person and ideally I’d live in a home with one or more friends where we have a cat and a dog and cuddle n stuff. I’m also a big gift giver. So it seems I like the “romantic” stuff but I’m scared? It might be different now that I’m getting more confident in myself but I guess what I’m asking is what’s the difference? Where’s the “line” with aro?
Submitted 02/03/24
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bestloversfan · 2 years
We're in 2023, and there are still people trying to argue that Katniss was aro/ace and never felt romantic/sexual attraction for Peeta... 🤦🏻‍♀️ I could write a long meta about this for the milionth time, but this time I'll do something different. I'll just show some quotes from the books.
If she was unable to feel romantic/sexual attraction and only ever had platonic feelings for him, what are all of these quotes supposed to mean?
"He gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me." (The Hunger Games)
"This is the first kiss that we’re both fully aware. Neither of us hobbled by sickness or pain or simply unconscious. Our lips neither burning with fever or icy cold. This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another." (The Hunger Games)
"So, in a way, my name being drawn in the reaping was a real piece of luck,’ says Peeta. For a moment, I’m almost foolishly happy and then confusion sweeps over me. Because we’re supposed to be making up this stuff, playing at being in love not actually being in love." (The Hunger Games)
[...]"His face takes on a special look when he concentrates. His usual easy expression is replaced by something more intense and removed that suggests an entire world locked away inside him. I’ve seen flashes of this before: in the arena, or when he speaks to a crowd, or that time he shoved the Peacekeepers’ guns away from me in District 11. I don’t know quite what to make of it. I also become a little fixated on his eyelashes, which ordinarily you don’t notice much because they’re so blond. But up close in the sunlight slanting in from the window, they’re a light golden color and so long I don’t see how they keep from getting all tangled up when he blinks.
One afternoon Peeta stops shading a blossom and looks up so suddenly that I start, as though I were caught spying on him, which in a strange way maybe I was. But he only says, “You know, I think this is the first time we’ve ever done anything normal together.” (Catching Fire)
"I don't know what I expected from my first meeting with Peeta after the announcement. A few hugs and kisses. A little comfort maybe. Not this." (Catching Fire)
“When Peeta holds out his arms, I walk straight to them. It’s the first time since they announced The Quarter Quell that he’s offered me any sort of affection. He’s been more like a very demanding trainer, always pushing, always insisting Haymitch and I run faster, eat more, know our enemy better. Lover? Forget about that. He abandoned any pretense of even being my friend. I wrap my arms tighly around his neck before he can order me to do push-ups or something. Instead he pulls me in closer and buries his face in my hair. Warmth radiates from the spot where his lips just touch my neck, slowly spreading through the rest of me. It feels so good, so impossibly good, that I know I won’t be the first to let go." (Catching Fire)
"I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.
'I do', I say. 'I need you'." (Catching Fire)
"I feel that thing again. The thing I only felt once before. In the cave last year, when I was trying to get Haymitch to send us food. I kissed Peeta about a thousand times during those Games and after. But there was only one kiss that made me feel something stir deep inside. Only one that made me want more. But my head wound started bleeding and he made me lie down.
This time, there is nothing but us to interrupt us. And after a few attempts, Peeta gives up on talking. The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest, down through my body, out along my arms and legs, to the tips of my being. Instead of satisfying me, the kisses have the opposite effect, of making my need greater. I thought I was something of an expert on hunger, but this is an entirely new kind." (Catching Fire)
"When I wake, I have a brief, delicious feeling of happiness that is somehow connected with Peeta." (Catching Fire)
"I sit next to Peeta on the sand to eat my rolls. For some reason, it's difficult to look at him. Maybe it was all that kissing last night, although the two of us kissing isn't anything new. It might not even have felt any different for him." (Catching Fire)  
"I sit back on my bed cross-legged and find myself rubbing the smooth iridescent surface of the pearl back and forth against my lips. For some reason, it’s soothing. A cool kiss from the giver himself." (Mockingjay)
"I’m light-headed with giddiness. What will I say? Oh, who cares what I say? Peeta will be ecstatic no matter what I do. He’ll probably be kissing me anyway. I wonder if it will feel like those last kisses on the beach in the arena, the ones I haven’t dared let myself consider until this moment." (Mockingjay) 
“Sometimes when I’m alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena. To make myself put a name to the thing I've lost. But what's the use? It's gone, he's gone. Whatever existed between us is gone." (Mockingjay)
"Despite what I feel for Peeta, this is when I accept deep down that he'll never come back to me." (Mockingjay)
"On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. [...] So after, when he whispers, 'You love me. Real or not real? I tell him, 'Real'." (Mockingjay)
There's more quotes like that, but I think these are enough. Now, can you all please stop pretending that these quotes don't exist and accept the fact that there's canon evidence refuting the belief that Katniss was aro/ace and never felt romantic/sexual attraction for Peeta? 😑
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prince-liest · 6 months
Your Angel/Lucifer fic was wonderful!! I’ve also read most of your 666 series and remember in the notes of one of the stories that you mentioned something about Alastor being aroace and that’s why he experiences things the way he does in your fics. I felt like that was portrayed very well!! I also felt like Lucifer not being that way, being overtly attracted to Angel was well written!! I was just wondering how you’re able to write both sides of the coin as well as you do?? I’m asexual and I don’t think I even realized I was writing all of my NSFW fics from an asexual perspective on things until I compared some of your works. I guess that kind of attraction just feels so out there for me it’s hard to imagine anyone feels that way?? I’m not sure lol…
In any case!! I was wondering if you had any tips on accurately portraying an allosexual character?? I feel way out of my depth now that I’ve realized there is a readable difference.
AH, thank you so much! It's funny that you say that because I was just thinking about how writing NSFW from Lucifer's POV after Alastor's POV is actually really funny to me given the sharp contrast in how they experience sex and intimacy. I'm glad that they come through properly!
When I write NSFW from the perspective of an allosexual character (which is most of my NSFW), I'm not really thinking, "Hm, this character is allo. How does that affect things?" Rather, I'm still very much just writing what I want to see. There's a text post that was going around the other day that said something to the tune of, "When I say that man is fuckable, that does not mean I want to fuck that man. / I want someone else to fuck that man for me." and I'm definitely channeling that, hahahaha.
Not all aro/ace experiences are the same and not all allo experiences are the same, so a lot of it comes down to how I think a specific character would feel as a whole rather than their sexuality alone. I wouldn't write Vox the same way I'd write Lucifer, either, and a not-insignificant part of Alastor's detachment comes from him being an asshole on top of being aroace, haha.
Nonetheless, some concrete things about how I write these particular characters differently:
When you are writing in third person limited like I do, what you describe is often a reflection of what the character is paying attention to. I spend relatively little time describing Vox's body from Alastor's POV. Describing Alastor's body from Vox's POV would be, uh, a time, let's just put it that way.
Lucifer very much thinks that Angel Dust is hot, and he will admire him, both plainly and when Angel takes advantage of his obvious attraction to do something cute
Lucifer wants to touch Angel Dust for reasons of "I think it would just be nice to touch him" rather than always for a specific goal (eg. Alastor mostly touches Vox to get fun reactions)
The goal for Lucifer is sex with Angel, not sex, and Angel is helping that happen or even messing around with Angel, and sex is helping that happen
When you're a guy who's mostly been having sex in the context of a loving, committed relationship for millennia, sexual contact is intimacy is vulnerability is emotional connection, and all of those things can get really tangled up in one another.
I've streamlined a lot of it into just code-switching into the characters' heads to the point where I don't really keep these things explicitly in mind, so I hope that this was at least a little helpful!
...Also, honest to god, I've just read a lot of porn, and most of it is obviously not of ace characters. Over the years, you pick up what you find hot, LOL.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
Hello! May I please request Miguel head cannons with an asexual! Reader. Both romantic and platonic. I don’t feel like reader needs any specific pronouns so they/them are fine. Thank you so much!
I took more time to write this one because i wanted to make sure i would give correct representation ! i talked to my bestie @gollygothgal so that she might help me on this and tried my very best ! i also tried to learn more on the subject with this video right here
PLEASE if you are ace and you feel like you have not been represented properly in this i beg you to tell me, misrepresenting you is the last thing in the world i would ever wish for
word count : 757 words (without vocabulary)
headcanons : Miguel x asexual!reader
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Platonic :
when you came out to him, you had to properly explain to him what this meant
because although this man is very understanding, he also doesn’t know much about sexuality and gender (you also had to explain to him about gender, be patient with him because he’s trying very hard to understand)
the man made EXTENSIVE research on the matter, asking Lyla about articles and historical events as well as chemical explanation just to be sure to understand you and respect your orientation
once he understood what it was exactly, he bought you an ace bracelet so that you could go around the society without being bothered, but also so that you could be sure that you were in a safe environment that respected your sexuality and identity
you might’ve gotten anxious about the possibility that he would’ve looked at you in a different way when coming out to him, but this man just dearly wants you to be honest with him so that he can be sure to never ever make you feel uncomfortable in any sort of way
at this point he knows everything about the subject, to the extent that he might even know more than you on it
if you’re (aro)ace, he might try and strangle any person that annoys you the slightiest bit on the subject of your sexuality
someone actually once compared your sexuality as “just being single” and Miguel was so about to braid their veins
“yea I’m just like you I don’t want to have sex this year” ← the person who said this ended up to the hospital
he heard about a sort of inside joke in the community of asexuals about them loving cake, so he buys you some occasionally
he is curious though about how your life works with that, but will only ask questions if you assure him you’re comfortable on this subject
romantic :
first of all, he is very respective of your sexual orientation
once, you felt bad about not being able to satisfy him sexually, and wanted to at least try to do something for him
but it made you way too uncomfortable and had to stop
Miguel was not disappointed at all, far from it, because you had tried your best and he loved you no matter what
he spent his whole time after that event comforting telling you how it is okay
because this man is grown alright
he knows that love is not only about sex, and that sex is just a part of love. things like trust, respect and communication are much more important to him than carnal stuff
he knows that you love him, and that’s all that matters to him
one of this man’s love languages is touch, and whenever he touches you, he has to hear from your own words that you are okay with him touching you even if it’s on regular places of the body like the waist for instance
once he accidentally touched your butt = the man apologised and felt bad for the entire day because of this no matter how you told it’s okay
you were worried that miguel would want to stop dating you as soon as he learned you were asexual, but not at all, because you had not built your relationship around sex, you had built your relationship around each other, and that’s what mattered to him the most
if you do like cuddling though and maybe are heteroromantic, this man will never get his hands off of you (he will also kiss you at every given moment because kisses are the “I love you”s of he body after all)
if you’re a grey asexual/sex positive asexual, he really wants to be sure before doing any move that he has your written consent
if you’re a repulsed asexual, he is completely understanding
if you’re demi-sexual and bond enough with him to have sexual attraction developing towards him, he’ll fly through the roof
if you’re autosexual, he is completely okay with that and gives you room and space for this (will even leave the house/quarters to make sure you can have this time for yourself)
if you’re acespike, he’ll waste NO TIME like- he’ll really be there on the minute for whatever you want to do
if you’re quoisexual he will be incredibly patient and of course understanding. He knows it can be hard sometimes to identify your own identity and will support you no matter what
if you’re caedsexual, and you tell him how and why, he might cry and never let go off you because he feels extremely honoured that you felt trusting enough towards him to tell him your story
vocabulary :
gray asexual : they experience some sexual attraction though it may be rare or mild, inconsistent or irregular
demisexual : they experience sexual attraction only after a very close emotional bond is formed
autosexual : they feel sexual attraction to themselves as opposed to other people (like preferring masturbation to sexual activity with a partner)
ace spike : will usually experience no sexual attraction but may sometimes have sudden very intense spikes of sexual attraction (these usually last for short periods of time before returning to feeling no sexual attraction)
quoisexual : describes a little bit of uncertainty or confusion as to your identity on the asexual spectrum/can describe someone who doesn’t really understand sex or sexual orientation as it relates to themselves – they also sometimes don’t see the importance in defying it
caedsexual – describes someone who once had sexual attraction and no longer does, especially people that have had negative sexual experiences in the past or ptsd that contributes to their lost of attraction
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wonderlandgoblin · 6 months
Okay, so I don’t watch Hazbin Hotel (if I wrote it wrong, sorry) but for like weeks, the only thing I see in the asexual tag is people complaining about allos shipping ace characters in a very allo way, and it’s been annoying me to no end, because while we do have to be upset about that, the ace tag should also function in a way for us to share jokes, have fun and enjoy our identity without having to fight for our right to exist.
So I propose we do something different. Let’s annoy the aphobes. I propose that from now on, every character becomes ace/aro/aroace. No more shipping fanfics, just platonic relationships and friendships. Every fanart is now SFW and has the ace/aro/aroace flags colors.
Tell me the characters you’re claiming!
My ace claimings are:
1-Luffy (any pairing with him just gives me nausea)
2-Zoro (fuck zosan, he prefers swords over anything except maybe luffy, who he has a squish on)
3-Bakugou Katsuki (I love that kid, I’m making him one of my own)
4-Sasuke (I hate that guy, but he rejected both Sakura and Naruto, that kid’s definitely aroace)
5-Yor (my queen mama prefers killing over kissing, that should be an obvious sign)
6-Yona (no one’s touching my queen, she never liked Soo-won nor Hak, it was all social pressure to not end up alone, fight me)
7-Xie Lian (I don’t like the idea of anyone touching the god I worship, so that means he’s ace now)
8-Kageyama (idk why, he just has a vibe)
9-Handa from Barakamon (I don’t think this needs explanation)
10-Fushiguro Megumi (I like him, he’s one of my own now)
11-Maomao (she prefers venoms over sex)
12-Mash from Mashle (like, look at him, that guy just wants to exercise, eat and be with his family)
13-Violet Evergarden (I don’t think I need to explain this, this girl dedicated her entire life to understanding romance as it made no sense to her, aroace queen)
14-Sokka (he’s too smart to like sex)
15-Zuko (he’s an angel, angels don’t have sex)
16-Magnus Chase AND Alex Fierro (they’re my babies, I identify too much with them, the idea of them having sex gives me the ickies)
17-Jude from the Cruel Prince (I liked her better before she fell for that stupid fairy)
18-Edmund from Narnia (he was my childhood crush, I’m making him ace)
19-Annabeth Chase (she’s too perfect to have sex)
20-Alec Lightwood (I just like imagining Magnus loosing his shit every once in a while because of it)
21-Leo Valdez (bc why not?)
22-Blue Sargent and half the women she lives with (no explanation needed)
23-Dick Gansey the Third (he prefers dead kings over sex)
24-Katniss Everdeen (if you disagree, what is wrong with you?)
25-Castiel (fuck destiel shippers, angels don’t have sex)
26-Felicity from Arrow (haven’t finished the series but as far as I know, she’s too cool for sex)
27-Barbie (she’s a doll, she has no reproductive organs, she can’t feel desire)
I could probably pick more characters but I think this is enough for now, have fun annoying the aphobes!
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our-aroace-experience · 7 months
i’ve identified as ace for years and i’ve recently realized that i’m aro as well, and i’m thrilled to have my identity pretty well figured out now. but i would love some advice on how not to feel like i’m being left behind. it’s really been hitting me lately that i’m probably not going to experience a lot of the same things as most of my friends (some of those i’m okay with) but it just feels lonely. i don’t want to be the friend that everyone drifts apart from
i'm glad you figured it out! as for your friends, i think just keeping in touch with them is a good idea! just because you will have different experiences doesn't mean that you won't still have things in common! another thing you can do is find some local groups of people who share your interests that you can join!
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
I’m 100% percent sure I’m aro, but I love physical contact and it’s soo.. invalidating.
I grew up in a household where hugs and kisses were normal and whenever I was sad I could lay in my mothers lap and she’d massage my head.
Of course there’s nothing romantic about it to me.. that would be weird asf!
However, I keep being told that liking physical contact or looking for a qpr whose chest is my pillow is romantic. I assure you it is not.
I’m also ace and I don’t mind people touching my chest or butt. (I didn’t grow up having those areas touched, but it just seems like a normal thing, yk?) how are chests sexual?? How are butts sexual??
I’m an aroace who likes physical contact and it’s easy to feel invalid because of it.
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altschmerzes · 6 months
Words for the word game if you want them!
Gentle and/or quiet and/or smile
(Good luck with your papers!)
thank you!!! i absolutely want them, they are pulling me all the way through my finals season thank you <3
"gentle" in "loneliness into loneliness", the queerplatonic two aces ted lasso fic
“Jamie,” he says. His voice is quiet and gentle, warm the way it always is, but edged with worry. “Jamie, are you alright? I mean- I mean, I don’t… I just need to know if you are okay, or if you need something. If you’re alright with the way I am touching you right now. I want to help but I don’t want to make it worse.”
"quiet" from my flashpoint time loop fic, "one right move"
Even as the landscape grows darker and the lights and activity of Toronto fade behind him, Spike keeps driving. He drives past Barrie, up through the corridor between Lake Simcoe and the Georgian Bay. Hours pass, until he runs out of gas and gets out of the car at the side of some quiet little offshoot of 400 North. The team is probably going to call a search and rescue on him, but Spike can’t find it in himself to care. He just starts walking away from his now-useless car, up a gently sloping hill. 
"smile" from the aro buck 911 fic, "never been in love"
“I’m sorry,” he says, trying to plaster a smile on his face and sound as fine and breezy as possible. “This was stupid, I sound insane, I shouldn’t- I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said all of that.”
send me some words to find in my wips for motivation if you'd like to help me reward myself through my finals XD
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uhshsmsmaka · 10 months
Tumblr media
Kin list because I keep forgetting and I wanna keep it written so I remember
giving the biggest “please be my friend ur so cool please please please please” to whoever knows all of these characters
But I’ll say them here anyway, in order from the top left going right.
Mikey - rottmnt
SCP-035 - SCP Foundation
Tawnypelt - Warriors
Ennard - FNAF Sister Location
Dr. Iceberg - SCP Foundation
Moxxie - Helluva Boss
Space Kid - Camp Camp
Phone Guy - FNAF 1 (I think?? I never played the games..)
Phillip Graves - Call of Duty Modern Warfare (reboot)
uhhh idk if I label or spelt that right. I hope I did. That’d be kinda embarrassing if I didn’t lol..
———— why I kin them ig.
btw some stuff is headcanons like so and so being lgbtq and Graves having daddy issues
Mikey ROTTMNT- hell, there’s a lot of reasons.. it’s like… really personal with me lol
4th child, plus youngest. 3 older brothers and often gets left out, or brushed off from being involved. + aro/ace spec.
+ orange theme buddy agh I love u ur so pretty 💛💛
SCP-035 - hmm.
Wants to watch the world burn, and is here for a good time and is really opportunistic with people, and often forms bonds with people for what they can give him… I’m a bad person I know. I’m trying to change.
+ Latin hehe
+ a lot of people really like him when they first meet, and learn the longer they spend with him, the worse he gets.
Tawnypelt - I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about her bc I didn’t read the 2nd arc, but from what I get, she seems to have struggled with gaining her own identity and being seen as someone other than a clone in her family. I struggle with people only knowing me for my brothers so I relate to her for this.
Also idk her leaving Thunderclan, despite her family, friends, and everything she knows and it being genuinely a good place she is comfortable and happy with— to Shadowclan so she can start a new life just touches me personally.
I don’t want to stay here. It’s not bad here, and everyone I love is here, but I don’t feel like I belong here, and I relate to her for it.
Ennard - yeah.. no, I got nothing. Idk why but he’s just like me fr.
Dr. Iceberg - HE’S AN ASSHOLE!!! I’m an asshole!!! Easily entertained, and doesn’t think of others that much, or the consequences of his actions. + mentally ill
+ bad taste in men
+ probably American with a small fraction of his ethnicity from Europe.
Moxxie - Daddy Issues. shit on by everyone. Underestimated kinda I guess???… and mixed morals. Often really polite— or at least is perceived to be, and is a thinker. Can go absolutely feral if necessary.
+ Italian I guess lmfao
+ short- ish..
+ adults and some older kids shall be referred to as ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’
Space Kid - he likes space. What can I say?
He’s so silly. A lot of the actions and stuff he does feels like stuff I would have done/do.
+ brown hair
Phone Guy - tries to help and probably fails. Hey, he’s trying.
Phillip Graves - Daddy issues. I also headcanon his dad was in the military and he moved around a lot and lived throughout the US, so he’s fairly decent at adapting to different places, and tolerate as hell. “It is what it is” mentality about most everything out of his control.
Finds that one person and looks up to them, and gets really clingy and obsessed with them. Doesn’t show it of course, but in his head he wants to impress them and please them in every way possible. *cough, Shepherd, cough cough*
(I met a lotta people I hyperfixated on giving away everything to make them happy. We’re just casual friends now. Except for that one. She was mean as hell to me. We still meet occasionally tho.)
Outside of headcanons, his personality and the way he acts is just very familiar and relatable to me.
+ American (wtf is a kilometer🦅🫡🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅💥🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸)
+ makes shitty jokes no one laughs at
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I’m a huge Multishipper and find the merits of almost any Ship for Bob’s Burgers. I’ve seen so many good content for so many lovely ships!! Here are some of my favorites (and the blogs that produce the best content for these ships):
Tina/Josh is so underrated, in my opinion. The show did make it so they’ll never be canon (probably), and Josh didn’t get nearly enough screentime, but I think they’re adorable. I loved them so much in Linda-Pendant Woman, with Tina pulling a Prince Charming and trying to find who Josh’s bandaid belonged to. And their Fresh Feed kiss!! Tbh, I kind of ship them the most (please don’t come for me) and they’re super cute. But the show’s most likely not going to do anything else with them. They have a ton of potential, and I wish they spent more time fleshing Josh out as a character. If they had, this ship had the potential of being as good or even better than some of the other ships with Tina. I also definitely headcanon Josh as Bi. That boy is not straight in my opinion.
Tinimmy is such a classic, I adore it and all of the lovely content that @drawthethingdoppelganger and @jimmyjrsmusoems have put out. These two are the absolute Tinimmy Queens, so if you want Tinimmy content, go to their blogs immediately!! It helps that this ship is basically canon, and Jimmy Jr. is such an awkward dork 😭 He doesn’t know how to express his emotions, but he does care so much about Tina despite what some people say 😒 It’s so frustrating when people always put J Ju down because of one episode (V For Valentine-Detta). Yes, it was a jerk move, but he’s a flipping middle schooler!! And it wasn’t even that bad, anyway. And one bad move doesn’t erase all of the lovely things he’s done for Tina. Like finding her Barrecklace and saying it made him think of her?? Wanting to do a Sky Kiss with her?? Agreeing to go on a date to Pie in the Sky even though he’s not really a fan, and inviting her on a completely genuine date to Fro-Yo Mama?? Come on, these two are adorable. And they deserve a coffee date sometime if DT’s recent art is anything to go by. I also headcanon Jimmy Jr. as Bi sometimes and a heavily closeted Gay boy other times. It kind of depends how I’m feeling, pffffft. @br1ghtestlight has headcanoned him as Aro/Ace, and that’s a fun and valid interpretation too, but I usually feel as if he does have some sort of interest in Tina romantically. I’m not sure. I guess it depends??
Zekina is so cute even though I don’t ship it as much as the other two. Zeke wanting to take Tina on a date to the aquarium and then out for tacos is just so adorable!! But it always annoys me so much when people say that Zeke is obviously the better choice for Tina and is always nicer to her and always has her best interests at heart. Like, Zeke is a sweetheart, but he’s had his moments of not being great to Tina. He’s a teenager just like Jimmy Jr. He’s not obviously the better choice for her just because he suggested that date of tacos and touch tanks. Zekina is lovely, and I respect anyone who ships it and makes content for it. I definitely see the appeal. But people really need to stop coming for Jimmy Jr. Yes, I will keep yelling about this forever 😭 Anyway, if you want some of the best Zekina content, you must go to @theangrypomeranian’s blog right now. You should absolutely read Baby Steps!! I started it but haven’t gotten far because of the length, but everyone should go read it and support them!! @br1ghtestlight has also written a Tina and Zeke fic (though they might just be platonic there) that I still haven’t read yet, but everyone should go read that too.
Zeke/Jimmy Jr., aka Zesto (not sure if that’s their actual ship name, but it should be) is great. It has so much potential, and I ship it a ton. I tend to ship Tina/Josh and Zeke/Jimmy Jr. the most, not because of Jimmy Jr., but because those are the ships I just enjoy the most and I think have the best potential/chemistry. But plenty of other ships have lovely potential and chemistry too!! Anyway, these two can be read equally well as platonic besties, but them being together romantically intrigues me. It would be a ton of fun, I think. They would definitely be a chaotic couple, but a cute one. I mean, Jimmy Jr.’s reaction when he thought Zeke would start going to a different school?? He was so stressed!! And Zeke always wanting to wrestle with J Ju as a sign of affection? And agreeing to do things like help J Ju get a chicken nugget in his mouth? I love.
Genecadero is adorable and @dianadeadwing has made such cute artwork for them. Gene doesn’t have many ships, and I probably enjoy this one the most. It’s definitely a rare pair. Gene deserves a cute romance with a sweet partner!! It’s weird to me when people sometimes say that Gene is too young for that when the show already tried giving him a straight relationship with Courtney. Yes, they broke up, but still. The showrunners are clearly open to giving Gene a relationship. I love the idea Diana brought up of Peter not-so-subtly having a crush on Gene and Gene just not getting the hints. But I like to think he becomes super lovestruck and a super doting partner when he’s older.
I’m cheating and putting Gene/Alexis (I came up with a super cute ship name for them now now I can’t remember what it is ☠️ Does anyone want to help me come up with one??) on here, because I was like “Welp, if others don’t want to give Gene many ships, I’ll make one myself!” I’ve grown very attached to Alexis as an OC, and I’ve suddenly realized he has similarities to Alex 😭 I imagined them both as being voiced by Thomas Middleditch, their names are similar, and are both kind of nerds. But I think that’s where the similarities end. I definitely wanted Alexis to stand out as a character, and I think he’s still different enough from Alex. Anyway, I can’t help but talk about these two, they make my heart sing. I will never get tired of making content about them or just rambling about them like here.
Gene/Sasha is such a rare pair, and the enemies to lovers potential?? Amazing, actually 🤌🏼 If this ship wasn’t so rare, I think it would have Louigan potential, tbh. I love the idea of these two talking more and bonding, because let’s be real, Sasha is 1,000% not straight. Just look at him. Their ship also kind of reminds me of Dipcifica from Gravity Falls, with the rich kid potentially opening up and becoming a better person thanks to someone else’s influence. I just love a good Enemies-to-Lovers romance, and the potential they have for banter is immaculate.
Ahhh, Roudise (aka Louwheeze, which is an incredible ship name), is just the cutest thing on earth, I adore it. I love a good Friends-to-Lovers, and I think I just have them on the brain because of Roudise Week. They’re just adorable and basically canon like Tinimmy. I probably ship them the most?? They just make me happy. I love how Rudy brings out Louise’s softer side, and Louise helps bring Rudy out of his shell. Their friendship is precious, their potential romance even more so. I just have a lot of thoughts about these two, they make me happy. Also, Louise slapping Rudy after kissing him in Bob, Actually sends me every time. If you want some of the best Roudise content, go to @ltwharfy and @devilh0rnsinc. Their Roudise content is just so lovely!!
Louigan!! This ship is great too. I don’t understand why people who ship it get blocked. There’s so much potential there!! Again, Enemies-to-Lovers is one of my favorites. And their potential for banter?? Amazing. Incredible. No notes. If you want the best Louigan content, you must go to @babsvibes immediately. I started reading Stacy’s Cardamom, which is basically her Magnum Opus. I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s incredible and everyone should go read it. She’s truly the Louigan Queen and got me interested in this ship in the first place. And she was kind enough to invite me onto the Louigan Discord, which has been an absolute blast (even though I hardly share anything Louigan on there ☠️). I want to change that and make more Louigan content. I have a lot of ideas. Y’all better watch out if Louigan Week happens again next September 👀 Louigan Week was also amazing this year!! Everyone show Babs some love for running that incredible event.
Louissica is cute and has potential. I feel as if it’s quite similar to Roudise as a cute, charming Friends-to-Lovers. But Jessica just needs to appear more and be more developed as a character, because she just hasn’t appeared enough for me to have as many thoughts about this ship as all of the others I’ve listed so far. I loved them hunting for that Wharf Monster together, that was such a fun side plot. And them bonding at Louise’s sleepover when she’d driven everyone else away.
BOBLIN. If there’s a ship from this show I love the most, it’s Boblin, no contest. There’s a reason my very first ask to DT was Boblin-related. But I’ve rambled about them enough, so I’ll try to keep this short, pfffffft. They’re an example of a couple that’s as close to perfect that I’ve ever seen. They’re so sweet you’ll get a cavity, they’re domestic, and they’re ancient as hell muppets. What else could you want?? I love how their love stems not just from huge, loud, romantic gestures. It also stems from more quiet, subtle moments. Like Bob massaging Linda’s feet. Or Linda deciding to give Bob a quiet night in for his birthday, because she realized he’d enjoy that the most. Or Bob making her a heart-shaped pancake on Valentine’s Day. You get the idea. If you want the best Boblin content, then @jimmypesto is your girl. She’s written some of the best BB fics I’ve read, and the way she writes Boblin is unmatched. She’s such a talented writer, it’s insane. She’s also written a ton of Boblin smut, if that’s your thing!!
Frondbrose is wonderful. These two also have such good chemistry and banter, it’s insane. Their Enemies-to-Lovers potential is insane. I wish they were canon so bad. They definitely need to interact more. Mr. Ambrose showing his softer side for Mr. Frond is just so adorable to me!! This man would be the epitome of “I hate everyone, but I don’t hate you 😌” They make me all giggly. I can’t get enough. They’re definitely the type to have Hate Sex once and then deny it ever happened 🤣. But everyone would know the truth.
Tedmort is so cute and has so much potential. I love it. I think Teddy and Mort’s friendship is precious already, but a potential relationship between them?? The wholesomeness meter would be off the charts. They can be an ancient muppet couple like Bob and Linda!! Mort would treat Teddy 1,000% better than Denise, but tbh, anyone else would treat Teddy better than Denise. If you want Tedmort, then @keepyourhornson-spyro is the person for you!! They’ve written some lovely Tedmort fics that everyone should read.
Marshmallow/Nat has such potential, and there should be content about them!! It just seems like such a fun ship, and I think being with Marshmallow would help Nat get over her ex-girlfriend. These two also share a similar vibe of just coming and going as they please, and “being truly free” 😌 I still love that Marshmallow is canonically Trans and Nat is canonically a Lesbian. They’re wonderful.
Hemita is a canonical rarepair, which I didn’t think was possible, but here we are. I think they’re so cute and definitely good for each other. Susmita asking out Henry in Morse Code?? That was adorable. We need more moments of these two being cute. I love them.
Barryl is such a rare pair and has won me over so much. There’s just something that makes sense about these two being together that’s difficult to describe. There’s something so sweet about Becky being able to find love after being unlucky with Jimmy Jr. Darryl would be such a sweet boyfriend to her, and she would be such a sweet girlfriend in return. They would be so cute holding hands and listening to the Frozen soundtrack on repeat. Sure, to ship them, you need to ignore Rosa, but she was only in one episode anyway. I gotta shout out @theangrypomeranian again for basically creating this entire ship herself. Amazing.
Arnlee is such a gigantic rare pair it’s insane, and they’ve definitely won me over too. They’re so cute!! They’re just two socially awkward kids who would work really well together. They deserve to have some sort of side plot where they bond. I would love that. @devilh0rnsinc made the cutest art of these two together for @ltwharfy, and that was what officially won me over. That and @ltwharfy’s adorable fic about them which everyone should go read.
I might cut myself off there, because this post is insanely long. But it just goes to show how many lovely ships there are in this fandom. And they’re all valid. Seriously, can we please just respect each other and who we ship??
Anyway, there’s a little something for everyone in terms of ships, and I just love that so much. Everyone needs to check out all of the blogs I mentioned for some lovely content❣️They’ve also just been so sweet and welcoming towards me, I can’t stress that enough!!
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Hey so genuine question (which I'm doing not on anon Incase you'd rather answer privately) and please pardon my ignorance but how does an aro/ace person like romance/smut let along create it? Like I know being aro/ace is lacking the respective attraction towards someone else specifically but wouldn't that still bleed over into media? Like I don't understand how you write romance but also don't like it yourself and I wanna understand haha
Hey, I don’t mind you asking, but thanks for understanding that not everyone would be happy to discuss it. I don’t pretend to be able to speak for everyone, obviously, and asexuality is a beautifully broad spectrum and people fit at different points along it, sometimes more than one at a time.
Asexual is not the same as aromantic (I know you’re talking about the ‘romance genre’ in general, but I figured I’d drop this in too). I’m not aromantic - I’m happily married and very soppily in love - but I am asexual so I’m not really interested in sex happening to me. Im not sex-averse, the way many aces are, but Im just not super bothered or interested in it happening to me. It’s akin to autochorisexuality, I suppose, which is a subset of the wider umbrella of asexuality. I’m not too fussed about labels for myself, so I just go with ace usually and leave it at that.
I enjoy reading stories which happen to have smut in because it is something the characters in the story want. They’re involved and enjoying it (at least in the stories I read) and I enjoy reading how they react to each other and to various sensations. AO3 is an absolute blessing because of its tagging and filtering system, because I have a lot of squicks when it comes to smut, and I also don’t tend to seek out stories that are just pwp one-shots. I need the characters to have some kind of connection before I’m interested in reading a smutty bit of their story. Again, this is similar to demisexuality.
I enjoy reading about how people feel when they’re being touched sexually, how they explore one another physically, how that brings them closer together, what it means to them etc. I like to equate it with reading about someone doing something like bungee jumping or flying a plane. I have no real desire to do it myself, but it’s fun and enjoyable for me to read about how they experienced it and what it felt like and how they felt about it. If that makes sense?
Tldr: I don’t enjoy all kinds of smut. There’s an awful lot of smut and erotica that I really super duper do not enjoy, and if you know my writing, you’ll know the kind of thing I am drawn to - tender, loving, with an underlying emotional connection between the characters, and all pretty vanilla really, I suppose.
I hope that helps explain a little about why I’m happy to write and read some smut, even though it’s not something I am interested in experiencing myself in my own life.
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artwithoutblood · 3 months
Oh man… I think I’ve worked out why I’m such a menace to Dorian.
It’s because I want to simp for the demon girlies however there are forms of affection I’m not comfortable with expressing… And also there are many forms of flirting or affection the characters wouldn’t accept.
It’s hard to know how to interact.
Eri ironically is the easiest to interact with. You know he likes quiet parallel play, little gifts, being allowed to infodump. As long as you don’t cross some very clear boundaries you could acts of service and uwu the hell out of him and eventually become somewhat close. He also spends a bit of time interacting and talking with you, even shows a twisted form of empathy.
Genesis actually doesn’t strike me as ‘just a guy’ in any sense of being generic. There’s no issue with his characterisation or look that would cause him to get less fan attention. Quite the opposite. He has an exciting extroverted personality and a cool look.
It’s more that there’s this vibe of him not really being available to bond with? In old canon Genesis was gay and aro so maybe that was a smaller audience of people who wanted to self ship, but even now that’s changed there’s the feeling that his life is very full and he’s self sufficient. Friendly and chill but not too interested in you. He’s a butterfly, here one moment and gone the next. He’s a dad, busy with his child! He’s not even home, he’s on tour! Leave the poor man alone! 
Also it’s kind of that we (player) didn’t spend a ton of time interacting with Genesis. Like he probably had a lot of the screen time in the old demo but he was more just doing his thing with you tagging along, and spent more time on the phone or interacting with Eri.
Aeron hates touch that they didn’t initiate and hates being looked at, so it feels weird and invasive to compliment or do art of them even if it’s just a fictional boundary. 
Their whole deal also doesn’t feel exactly romantic in the way they think it is but is more like… stimulation seeking? As in they’re kind of aroace coded (Demi romantic grey ace at best in my head). Aeron may only experience aesthetic attraction and fascination/obsession with a person. They flirt for excitement, to seek social interaction (and assert dominance). 
You’re like a shiny new toy or a special interest that will be a companion and give them interesting reactions until they break you. Cat with mouse. I think any private fun they indulge in with Dorian is more about novelty and strong physical sensations or causing strong emotional reactions.
In a twisted way all this is their way of expressing affection. It’s (temporarily) making them feel less empty, soothing their loneliness and boredom. Even negative reactions are feedback. Even breaking you down is sharing an intimate experience. So is metaphorically consuming you via the parasight, the mementos, or the blades. They think this heady emotional mix is love. So unless you’re into all that scary stuff it’s probably not wise to attract Aeron’s attention.
Dorian… I have no clue how to even approach Dorian. He wouldn’t stand for the babying that Eri might accept. I really don’t know how to flirt with Dorian in ways that aren’t incredibly obvious (and slightly uncomfortable to me). He seems like he’d want OTT grand mushy romance and scandalous behaviour! 😳
Plus knowing about his volatile temper yet knowing how well he covers it up makes me want to constantly test his limits to know where they are. To avoid going along in blissful ignorance then triggering him unawares and getting a really nasty surprise. In the demo bro turned on a dime. 
So I’m really curious about what he’ll tolerate from you out of love (and to what extent). Can he actually care for you a little as a person, in his own way, or whether it’s all just a projection of his own loneliness onto an ideal of someone he doesn’t even know and will inevitably disappoint him. Wondering how long he might bother to keep the soft gentle act up and not being able to stand waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I also feel like Dorian has abandonment issues but ironically also gets mad and pushes people away?
So… yeah. Lub the demon girlies but some of them have serious emotional barriers. (Understandable - this is who they are! Also I’m aware there’s no canon romantic intent in the games outside of 10:16/AWB and that’s fine!)
And I genuinely don’t know the acceptable ways to interact with them as blorbos… so it defaults to constant ‘affectionate’ teasing which probably gets old and unintentionally comes off as being a jerk. 🙁
Hmm… I am really thinking over what makes them (and me) tick.
Ps. I also just keep picking animal forms because I don’t know how I want to represent a human self insert, I don’t really have any fleshed out OCs I identify with. Also the story shenanigans are just fun. The forms will get lore.
Adding your second ask as well:
I forgot to get to the point. Basically I tease the demons due to not feeling comfortable or able to be affectionate in other ways. (Which probably doesn’t always land well and shouldn’t be the go to.) But I am also very much trying to gauge what will or won’t make Dorian snap.
You've got the main three pretty much marked down. Erebus loves and desires attention, but he won't come to understand or appreciate it until he dies a second time. I make jokes that the second death will make him an asshole. It won't, it'll just make him...more positive
Genesis's love is in family, not necessarily romance. He will leave after the first kiss. He has always been a floater. He goes where the music goes, where the world takes him. Fate is the woman he follows with her blindfold and her lyre.
Aeron wants to feel, but isn't sure how to. Or what they like. But they love reactions. They love to see what work they've done is displayed on others. True love and desire and anything else is beyond them. They will sate a companion's sexual desires with a delusion that feels all too real, while they sit and do their work. Maybe one day, they'll learn past the viscera. But after how they have been treated, the desire for true softness is not there. That is okay. They are a demon. They need not the romance.
Dorian would love if you try to test his limits. It's a game to him. He would find it very fun! He loves cheesy, over-the-top romance, but he also loves small hints at scandal. Risque attire in a public place. Making out on his work desk. But he also just loves to garden and spend time. His personal love language is quality time. Just spend time, and that's love for him. Dorian can learn to love. He's been trying. You're the first step for him to know what he likes.
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