#don't hate me i'm sorry for the logan stuff
3,6-10, 12-22, 24-25
Let the violence commence!
to start with I was like what is violence about this? Now I see Also, going to go with x-men. there are other fandoms that I was mentally thinking about for some of these but i don't want to actually be murdered also, AHHHHH still enjoy asks so much
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Charles dies before Erik of alcohol poisioning. Like there's not comics and movies where he dies of literally everything else first. The man dies at least once a day.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
It's cherik shippers. It's us, let's be honest, I'm sure it is. What other ships are out there?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Logan. I don't know everyone is like FUCK MAGNETO LOGAN IS THE MEOW MEOW MURDER ERIK and it's like...excuse you. I want to see them fight this out themselves. I mean Erik would win but still.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Charles is a night owl, Erik is up before the sun every morning. I've seen so much of people flipping it or saying Charles is somehow both. I'm sure the telepath doesn't get much sleep but Erik? He doesn't either. Charles just stays up late trying to tire himself out enough to sleep and Erik sleeps until he can't and then he's up and out of bed and it's like 4am.
9. worst part of canon
MOIRA FUCKING MACTAGGART. I was going to say the lack of cherik but i think we've been given that.
10. worst part of fanon
I can't really think of anything. I mean there's the constant nom-powered au that leaves me wondering what Erik's problem is then but it's nothing I have that much of an issue with. More just curious
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I suppose Erik doesn't count? It seems like most of the general population is convinced he's just an evil villain and dislike him. Charles? I mean people seem to have the right ideas. They like Pietro and I'll take that.
13. worst blorboficiation
Going back to logan about this one
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
A negative thing? positive? something I just noticed? no beach divorce. I see that a lot.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I don't actually see that much fan art. I don't know? Cherik kissing? That seems to be most of what I see
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The fics based in canon where Charles can just suddenly walk and is fully able-bodied. Like if he's using a cane or walker or something sure, all for that but like post-apocalypse and he's walking or they're on Genosha and it's magic.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Misunderstandings, secret relationships, and insecurity are all tags I start ao3 for almost daily
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Still want more dofp fics where Erik is there as Charles's powers return and sees the pain he seems to be in. Or fics dealing with Erik's mental state after solitary. I can't write them all by myself. Someone help me.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
mpreg is coming to mind. the idea of Charles and Erik having a biological child? Charles pregnant during Cuba and getting Erik to come back that way? OR Erik leaving, realizing he's pregnant, and then coming back to Charles to protect their child? YES
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
Jean Grey.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Honestly, not to keep bringing it up, but still haven't seen the Logan movies
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
It's the little things. Erik saving Charles as they crash on the beach. Paris. The way Charles winces when he sits in Darwin's cab during first class. Oh also "you're always sorry, Charles, and there's always a speech"
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Similarities between Erik and Shaw I think. I hate when people are like "Oh so now you're turning into the man that killed your mother" no, he's not turning into a nazi fuck off. He's making some...decisions. but he's not literally turning into shaw.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
...how bad the last two movies were. Don't get me wrong, they weren't great. They certainly weren't the level of the first class and dofp, but they had their moments. I don't think they were entirely terrible and some people insist they weren't worth the time watching them.
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logansdoll · 2 months
Heyyy. Ok really cheesy but I’d like to request a Logan x reader friends to lovers where it’s like an accidental confession. Maybe someone makes fun of the reader and Logan without thinking about it just starts yelling and defending why the reader is great and everything he loves about her? Ik it’s a little OOC but maybe he gets so mad (as Wolverine does) that he gets all mushy without realizing lol. Thanks ❤️❤️
while on library duty, Logan overhears two girls talking shit about you... and corrects it quickly.
CW: sorry i went in a little different direction, suggestive, profanity, takes place during the timeline of the og X-Men, these girls are bitches, etc.
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"I just don't get what's the big deal about her," Maya scoffed, resting her cheek in her palm as she thoughtlessly flipped through her biology textbook.
Talia nodded, glancing up from her notes with an excitement that screamed nothing to do.
"No, seriously," she agreed. "Like we get it... you can grow shit. Big deal."
That piqued Logan's interest.
With Jean and Scott off on a date, the professor away, and you and Ororo teaching a joint class, he was slapped with library duty—watching the kids during their scheduled study period.
Now, originally, he planned on simply plopping himself down in a corner and puffing his cigar, hoping to fall asleep and just ride out his sentence.
And he was halfway there, too.
But just as he was about to catch some Zs, his hearing picked up on a conversation between two older girls who seemed to be trash talking his girlfriend.
"Word," Maya turned the next page, a grimace settling on her face when she noticed the image of a flower.
One you were very vocal about liking.
"She won't shut up about these stupid lotus flowers either... Hey! Did you guys know that the lotus is considered sacred in many Eastern cultures? And it often symbolizes purity, beauty, and rebirth!"
Talia let out an obnoxious snicker, the impression not nearly as funny as what she was making it to be.
But maybe she just hated you that much...
"You sound just like her," she commended, very much amused. "Only she's always smiling. Like I've never seen her frown before... it's almost creepy."
"Seriously creepy. But Peter can't get enough of it... you know he has a crush on her, right?"
Logan let out a quiet chuckle, tickled by the news.
He'd caught the boy staring at you during a few Danger Room sessions, but didn't think much of it, assuming he'd just caught him while he happened to be looking in your direction.
Oh, how wrong he was...
He couldn't wait to tell you later tonight.
"Mhmm. Half the boys at school nearly fall over themselves to make sure they're not late to her class... It's almost funny."
"Funny, my ass. Why'd it have to be Peter?" Talia huffed, tossing her pencil at the textbook in frustration. "She's not even that pretty. I've had dogs that look better than her."
Maya attempted to muffle a snicker, but Logan heard it loud and clear, his brows furrowing at the horrible comment.
"I'm serious. She puts up this whole nice and innocent act, but I bet she's a raging bitch behind closed doors."
That was it.
All the stuff before was just normal, teenage jealousy; something he'd—albeit reluctantly—let slide.
But calling you out of your name?
Insulting your character?
Comparing you to a dog?
A line had to be drawn.
"Tali, you can't say that," Maya chuckled, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.
"Like I care," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'd tell it to her face if I ever got the chance. Just walk right up to her and say—"
"Say what?"
The girls nearly jumped out their skin, whipping around, only to be met by Logan's arched brow, the man leaning up against a bookshelf as he puffed on his cigar.
They were at a loss for words, unable to say anything under his imposing presence.
"Don't get shy now," he goaded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on. Tell me what you're gonna say to Dr. (l/n)."
The two were practically frozen, frantically glancing at each other for assistance, Logan's eyes flicking between the two expectantly.
"Nothing?" he hummed. "That's funny... 'cause you both seemed to have plenty of shit to say earlier."
Both their faces fell almost instantly, the color practically draining from Talia.
"You heard that?" Maya squeaked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Every word," Logan nodded. "And what I managed to gather from it was that you both just can't stand her because she's kind, passionate, pretty, and beloved."
He listed each trait off on his fingers, glancing at the two for confirmation.
"How's that? Am I in the ballpark?"
They remained silent, hanging their heads in embarrassment as Logan's confrontation had garnered the attention of the whole library.
"Well, then, how's this..." he pulled the cigar out his mouth. "I'll let you both off this time with a warning... but if I catch either of you trash talkin' anybody again, teacher or student, you're grounded."
"'Til when?" Talia asked, nervously.
"'Til I tell you you're not."
The end of day bell punctuated his statement, a flourish of shutting books and closing pencil cases muffling the girls' sighs of relief.
"Now get outta here."
He had never seen two students pack up so fast.
They were gone in T-minus ten, and once the library was cleared out, Logan allowed himself to sit down, letting out his own sigh.
He could've tore into them infinitely worse—and he honestly wanted to for that dog comment—but he figured that was the right, and legal, amount for a teacher.
But even still...
'I dunno how a girl who can only float two inches off the ground is talkin' about (n/n) havin' a shitty power...'
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Ofc pookie (I turned it into hcs though I'm sorry
(Tagging you so you get the notif that I finally answered lmao @nurse-sainz )
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One of the first things they had taught moon was how to hold things
Well they kind of had to
He learnt what his lil fingers could do and ran with it
Like literally picked stuff up and ran with it
And then tried to eat it (most of it was inedible)
So, they taught him to hold stuff
Which was how Logan found himself in this situation
Moon loved his dad
Nightly snuggles with his parents and all that
But he didn't listen to logan
No matter what trick logan tried to get moon to do, he'd only do it if his mum was asking
Logan held the ring out to moon
"You gotta promise me, buddy," he said as moon wrapped his little raccoon hands around the ring
And then he tried to put it in his mouth
"Moon, no!" Logan tried, taking it off of him and trying again
It took several tries
On the final try (final because Moon didn't try to eat it), Logan called his girl in
He kept Moon behind him, the ring hidden from view (not hidden from view, he was too fat for that)
"Baby," Logan said to her, "I've got a real important question"
He stepped to the side
Immediately she was on her knees, clicking her tongue
On all fours, Moon went running towards his mum
Without the ring
"Hello my little man," he said and picked him up
It took Logan a minute to realise Moon was no longer holding the ring
"Fuck, no, no, no!" Logan cried as he turned to look for the ring
On all fours
Searching for it
But it wasn't on the floor, was it
No, it was in Moons stomach
Standing up, Logan looked at that little demon
"Baby, don't hate me," he began
She furrowed her brows
"We need to go to the vet"
She questioned it in the car with Moon on her lap
With a red blush logan explained
And called moon a demon
Which he was forced to take back
"What do you say?" He asked in the waiting room of the vets office
She was still glaring at her boyfriend
How could he let their sweet precious baby eat a ring?
Sweet little moon (who the receptionist loved)
"Logie, honey, you let our Baby eat something inedible and I'm really mad right now, but yes, I'll marry you"
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logansargeantsbabymom · 5 months
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
TW: hurt/comfort & cursing
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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Logan's been so focused on working out that he hasn't noticed that his phone has been ringing the past minute and a half, not at least until there's a banging on his home gyms door.
Logan's head snaps towards the door at the sudden noise, taking long but cautious strides to see who's there, opening it only to reveal a less than pleased Y/N standing there.
"Hey," Logan says breathless as he wipes sweat from his forehead "You could've called first"
a scoff leaves Y/N's mouth "I just did, you've blowing me off this past week. I need you to talk to me"
Logan's first season in Formula 1 wasn't the best, he was a bit underweight, not following the diet his trainer gave him and he wasn't managing his energy well in the car which would burn him out and either made him DNF or finish last, which was really getting to him.
"I'm working out, Y/N, I'm busy." he pants, going right back into the exercise he briefly put on hold.
"You're gonna make their weight requirement in the next 10 minutes?" Y/N spat, a little harsher then she intended it to come out but she still stood her ground, making Logan stop and stare at her.
"Thanks you for being so supportive of my work" Logan said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"Because you've been such a champion of mine?" Y/N scoffed. It's true, Y/N just recently signed a contract with WWE's developmental program NXT and not even a single congratulation from her boyfriend.
Logan turned around, fire burning in his eyes "What's that supposed to mean?"
Y/N looks back with an icy stare "What do you think it means?"
Logan just stares at her dumbfounded which causes Y/N to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration before she continues, "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to talk about my needs? What needs?"
"Did I say that?" His eyebrows knit in confusion as he stares at her urging her to explain.
"You didn't have to say it, it's implied." She rubs her forehead in anger
Logan whips around in utter confusion "How is it implied?"
"You're the athlete and I'm the girlfriend. That's how you feel right?" That causes Logan's hands to cover his eyes and roughly rub his temples as he senses an argument brewing.
Logan absolutely hated arguing with his girlfriend, but ever since his first season started that's all they ever seemed to do. Logan left the TV on all night? Argument. Logan ate something he shouldn't have? Argument. Y/N left her shower towel on top of Logans beach towel? Argument. Y/N forgot to lock the ferret in the cage and now Logan's keys are missing and he's late to a very important William's meeting (he wasn't making it anyway, he took too long acting like Taylor Swift during the ERAS tour in the shower)? Argument.
"Can we talk about this later, please" Logan tries to change the subject so he can finish his workout
"When Logan? When is later?" Y/N raises her voice an octave higher than she intended.
"Not tonight," Logan said, tears of frustration forming on the brims of his eyes threatening to spill.
His response made Y/N's face contort with anger in a way he's never seen before that he made a mental note of never to make her that mad again because he was scared.
"I have been working out all day. I have up since 4 this morning. I have tried to make their weight requirement for a week, and I am nowhere!" Logan yells, those tears of frustration once threatening to spill have now poured out his eyes with more following in pursuit.
"I've been telling you how unhappy I am for months!" tears have now also started flowing out Y/N's eyes as they argue.
"Everyone's unhappy in Miami! That's what Miami is!" Logan screamed has he throws a 5 pound dumbbell on the floor by the bench
"I don't know how to get through to you anymore. You keep shutting me out! You keep putting up these fences!" Y/N's hands tremble in anger as she throws them up, running her fingers through her hair
"I'm not, I'm not shutting you out" Logan states as he wipes the tears from his face but to no avail as more tears spill from his green eyes
"You're a million miles away all the time" Y/N's voice trembles as she lets the tears free flow.
"Actually, I'm right here." Logan says with the straightest face you can have as a crying arguing mess of a man
"Are you Logan? Actually? Cause I know you" Y/N says as the tears slowly stop falling.
"You're right. I've been distracted, but I promise you, after I make this requirement-" before Logan could finish his statement, he gets cut off
"After the requirement?" Y/N whispers in disbelief
"After the requirement!" Logan confirms in a harsh tone
"Everything is after the requirement!" Y/N screams
"What if you make the requirement and nothing happens? No William's contract extension? You don't go straight to point positions? You're still a bad driver, You still DNF, You don't get signed with anyone else? What then, Logan? What about me?!" The tears that briefly stopped streaming down her face started back up and flowed faster than this time.
"I can't move with you to Orlando. I can't leave my career behind" Logan ripped off the band-aid, he couldn't put off the real reason he's been avoiding this topic, why he's been avoiding Y/N.
"You think I don't know that?" she trembled.
"What," Logan stops, unsure of what she means and what he wants to say next, a million thought in his mind at what his girlfriend just said to him, but not one of those questions are coming out of his mouth right now "What are you...? What is this? What do you want?" he finally manages to choke out
"I guess I just, I wanted you to tell me not to go" Y/N finally lets out and that's when all the emotion she's been bottling up for months comes out, unable to stop the sobs she chokes out. She's a shaking sobbing mess on the floor and all Logan could do was just stare. He knew she'd been hurting at his cold shoulder treatment but he didn't think it hurt her this bad. He couldn't believe that he was watching her hurt this bad because of him and there was only one question floating in the back of his mind...
why don't I feel bad?
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, can I request a poly sbg x fem gyaru reader who gets bullied by Barron and his friends? (Angst but a very fluffy ending) :3
I'm not sure if you want this romantic or platonic so I'm gonna write it both
So you can read this in a platonic or romantic way
Btw sorry i was busy doing loads of commissions and I'm so happy theres so many requests don't worry i will do all you're request ^^
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Characters: Tyler, Ben, Aiden, Taylor, Ashlyn, logan
Warnings: mention of sexual harassment, bullying, death threaten, suicide, self-harm
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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You met them when you went to that scary mansion and became friends they love your style so much
Taylor loves doing you're nails and you love doing hers and sometimes you paint all of your nails tyler said he hate it but still wears it
Ashlyn and Tyler is the one defending you she doesn't like you getting picked on because of your style
Aiden well let's say your both dork and do nothing but do shitty things that annoyed you're friends
Ben loves playing guitar while you sang songs and sometimes you do band with them
Logan helps you and everyone study
They don't mind you're style they just know they love you and that's all that matters
But then one of Barron's friend kept bothering you telling you how small you're skirt is, how sexy you are and other uncomfortable stuff you didn't tell them because once you do they will start another riot
And they kept telling you that you should die already and the gang would be happy if you no longer exists
And your starting to feel insecure about your style so you started to change a big and that caught everyone's attention on you like you're still wearing a make-up but there's something different
Then Barron spread a fake rumor that your friends hates you aswell you didn't believe them at first then he showed you a video recorder hearing they're voice's talk shit
"i really hate that woman's make up i mean its to many makeup"
"yea and te way she dress psh pass"
But little did you know they were talking about that one woman who attacked Taylor
But yet you didn't know you started to avoid them and come less in the school
Whener your in the realm you didn't care if you did die In there but the only thing that comes to your mind is run away and never see them again
"what happened to her i cant find her anywhere..?" Tyler said with a bit of concern in his voice
"I'm starting to worry even in the realm we cant see her" Ashlyn said
They tried to knock on your door but everytime they went there you're parents shrug it off and say your just sick and you need more time to rest
There's no windows or doors that are unlocked no curtains were up your house seems a like a dark cave now
Then one time they knock again now really getting worried they were ready to confront your parents no matter what happens they wanted to see you but when they're about to knock they heard a loud screech
Ben heard it and broke down the door your as they went to your room they can see both of you're parents holding you while your dad was lifting you and your mom holding a phone calling an ambulance
When they saw you chills ran down they're spine
You were pale and purple and Taylor saw the rope in the ceiling and a chair knocked out
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They were all in the waiting room your mother was walking back and forth while your father calm her down
They were all sitting there dumb founded they just saw you lifeless body on the floor
Aidens smile was never seen
Ben kept fidgeting non stop
Taylor and tyler were holding hands trying to comfort each other
Logan wouldn't stop the sweat in his hands
Ashlyn who couldn't sit still
They all love you they cared now...
Then everyones parents came to check on their children and they asked what happened to you
Ashlyn was so curious what you're mom was saying so she didn't care if her ears hurt she wanna know what the hell happened to you
"and then she said she was getting death threath and she started to get sexual harass by some guy and we don't know what happened they started not to eat and we noticed there are big scars on her wrist we tried confronting her but its just getting worst... And then this guy who I've heard Barron.. he beat up my daughter whom he was a guy-."
"BARRON?!" You're mothers mouth went shot when Ashlyn stand uo and looked at your mom
Her eyes were full anger and hatered
She explained what she heard from her mother
Aiden tried to calm Ben down but he couldn't sit still just like that all because of this because of Barron
Logan was flaming anger aswell he knew about how Barron's treats to him
( i don't wanna add a fighting scene here sorry)
They spend most of the days by your side they were still happy they were talking to each other joking around but they cant help get more worried about you
Not until they all fell asleep and you were awake and saw Aidens rubix cube you also noticed your parents on the couch you smiled slightly then looked at them down on the floor
Once aiden woke up he saw you playing
"look... I can finally do it..its hard work though" you said weekly
Aiden couldn't care less about the rubix he held you so tightly making the rubix cube fall which landed on Tyler's head
"ow! What.. what the heck Aiden!..." He whispered yelled when he stand up he saw you hugging aiden and when you looked at him with a slight smile he couldn't stop the tear drops
"please please never do that again"
Once they all woke up you said sorry to them but confusion started going in your head didn't they hate you you asked them why did they said those things
Taylor said they were talking about that asshole and not you
You cried in the verge of tears
"but please if you're getting bullied or something don't hold back to tell us please we don't want to see you or be like this alright?" Logan's smoothing voice said then you heard a loud sound coming from Ben he typed
"I'm angry but i love you"
You smiled as you were all now in the growing hugging
When you're parents woke up they panicked when they didn't see you anywhere but stopped when you're father noticed you were all in the floor
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They found you're body in one of the bus in the graveyard and they protected it while you're still unconscious
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And that's it sorry if i haven't done one of your request but i promise i will
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icarusredwings · 23 days
Snippet of my one fic series im calling
"Finding home."
This comes after DOG TAGS. They're spending the night at the Xmen mansion when someone pays them a visit. Established Poolverine.
Warning: Wade is just.. Wade. Logan (worst wolverine) is learning to stand up for himself, Complicated stuff with Jean Grey and other xmen characters. Post unknown context.
Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff.
Coming into the room, Logan had found Wade lying down. Sprawled out beautifully like a dame in one of those fancy paintings. As if he was worn out. This had pleased him greatly. It meant he had so much fun that he was satisfied with the level of exercise and socialization for today. Something that was a rare sight.
Walking over, he climbed into the bed with a big smirk, pulling him close, underneath him.
He chuckled softly, starting to kiss him all over. The kind of kisses that meant he was hungry for something more, already nipping at his lips and his neck. Putting his head back into the silk pillows Wade groaned, putting his hands up to the back of his head, beginning to pet him.
Sliding his shirt up, It wasn't often that Logan let himself wonder so confidently. Which is why Wade whined, his stomach fluttery a bit as he groaned. Maybe it was because Logan was leaving a trail of nips down his abdomen or maybe it was because of how nauseous he was getting, but something wasn't right.
“Oh god. I usually would never in a billion life times say this but.. Stop?” What ever has gotten into Logan had got him good because he only chuckled again and bit his ear, Holding him by the hem of his jeans. “Sorry, Bub, But you're all mine now. Stuck with me. So get used to it because you're gonna be scr-”
“Logan Stop.”
Almost instantly, Like a switch he sat up, No longer touching him. In Fact the look he gave him was filled with concern and almost ashamed for the things he's done. For not stopping the first time. There've been plenty of times where stop didn't actually mean it, but he knew better when it was said in that tone.
This only made Wade pout more. Look at him!! All confident and ready to play the way they've been training his self confidence for. And the dirty talk too? Come on! How he was sitting like this? All obedient and worried for him? Ugh! He only wanted to fuck him more now. It wasn't fair.
“I'm gonna puke.” He stated a quick explanation that made the man frown, his thoughts instantly going to because of him, as if he were too gross to play with, but a single brain cell pipped up as he remembered his dear fiancé was not new to throwing up.
“If… if you don't mind. Do you think we could just cuddle tonight?” He asked, looking almost ashamed of himself too, feeling bad for turning him away.
“Yes. I mean- Of course… Do you want help?” Watching him light up like a puppy with hope to be helpful.
Wade couldn't help but stifle a laugh, giggling after the scoff. “Can you hand me that trash can? And.. maybe look away. Or something.” He muttered, not liking when people saw him so gross, especially not him. No one wanted to kiss you with vomit in your mouth. Within a few seconds, He fetched the trash can, sitting next to him as he rubbed his back.
“You're alright.” He whispered, reassuring Wade that it was okay, that he could do whatever he needed to do, and no one would be mad at him. Sometimes, he became upset with himself for times like this. Thought it ruined the moment, and past shitty hookups have convinced him it was true and his fault.
This was the opposite of looking away, but no one really wanted to be alone when sick.
“You're burning up…” he mummbled, looking away but kept his hand on him as he hurled, gagging and grunting how much he hated doing this.
Listening to him try to catch his breath was the worst part for him, knowing how sensitive he was to unauthorized breath play and cancer didn't exactly believe in safe words.
“I know.. I know.” It took him about a month to finally get it when he first moved in, that Wade wasn't lean and thin because he wanted to be, Rather, he could barely keep anything down some days.
“It's alright. Hey. You're okay. I got you.” He whispers to him. Wade put his head back, tears in his eyes as he breathed deep and slow.
“There we go. Better?”
Starting to nod, this quickly became a shake of his head, putting his head in that trash can again. Oh, the poor thing…
Opening the door, Logan swallowed as he saw her. “Hey…”
To make matters worse, there was a knock at the door. God, they couldn't catch a break, could they? Without even getting a chance to ask, Wade went off to the bathroom, slamming the door. He always did prefer a toilet, really. It's much easier to throw your guts up when you don't have to worry about holding a bucket full of vomit. Much easier to clean up too, just flush it instead of rinsing it and cleaning it with soap.
“Erm.. Hi?”
“Look.. Logan I- We.. we're sorry. For everything.”
Crossing his arms he looked away, leaning against the door frame. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Yes. You very much do. You claim that you're different, but the way you've been acting shows that we even hurt you in your timeline, too. So.. While I don't know what we did then, I want us to be on good terms.”
“Us?” He asked, a little confused, shaking his head a bit. “Jean.. that was a long time ago. And you're not even the same person. I'm not even the same person.”
Blinking, Logan looked outside of the door, as if trying to see if there was anyone else. “I'm sorry- this is bothering me. We?? Who's we?”
“I know.. but that doesn't mean we can't apologize... Maybe start over? We would like that."
“Well.. you know how he can be.”
“Jean, Usually when people apologize, they're in person and say it to their face. Not send their pregnant wife to come confront them by herself.”
A Small look of horror came to her face, as if she hadn't told anyone else yet. A look that said ‘How did you know?’ But she only sighed.
“Only ever what mattered…” His nose crinkled a bit, Able to smell it. She wasn't far enough along for him to tell if it was a boy or a girl, but the baby was healthy. That's all that did matter to him. There was nothing wrong with worrying for a friend's child.. was there?
“I never could hide anything from you...Could I?”
“Logan, Please. He really is sorry. He's just.. you know.. with the school and you of all people know how much a man's egos can get in the way of things...” She mumbled, taking his hand, rubbing over his knuckles.
She wasn't even doing anything with her powers, and yet he felt this intense wave of relief fall over him, only for it to be instantly covered with a sense of protectiveness. She always had that effect on him. He wanted to protect her no matter what.
Swallowing again, he pulled his hand away as it started to sweat.
“That's exactly my point.. If he actually was sorry and believed he did do something wrong, He'd be standing here with you, now wouldn't he?”
“That's not-”
“I'm not finished!” He growled, tired of being spoken over. Wade did a hell of a job to connect his emotions to his mouth, and now he wasn't shutting it off. He worked hard to turn his grunts into words. And she would litsen.
Becoming quiet, she nodded, Implying that he could finish without another interruption.
Taking her other hand, he held both of them.
“I know you're an independent woman. You always have been. But you shouldn't have too. You need a man that will not only defend you, but will take care of you, and stand next to you for things like this.”
This speechless promise quickly becomes a lie. “Logan-” Her eyes were almost… hopeful.
Tears welled in her eyes but wouldn't let them drop.
“I'm not that man.” He started, shaking his head slowly as he did, not wanting her to get any ideas.
“Not anymore… Do you understand? Hell, Even Forge stands up for Ororo and would defend her until his last breath despite her practically being an all-powerful weather goddess!... and your husband won't even stand next to you while saying sorry? Think about it.”
“F-for what?”
“Jean, I'm sorry.”
“Because I'm happy. I was never going to fit into your marriage. Not ever. Not… well. At least. Everyone thinks that relationships are finding someone who matches your puzzle piece. When in reality it's finding someone who's willing to change pieces to fit. I mean- I'm engaged now!” He whispered this bit, almost excited, leaning down some to talk to her.
“Is.. he okay?” She asks.
“How crazy is that? The Wolverine settling down? Crazy to think about. And with a dying maniac at that.” He smiles, only to frown, hearing a big cough and a groan of frustration from the bathroom. “Oohh Fuck..” It said.
He now stands, putting his hands in his pockets. “He gets tummy aches.” He lied, whispering. “Gluten sensitivity.”
“Ooh…then why is he-”
Just before she could say it, Wade came out with a stretch, seeming better as he dramatically held his stomach.
“We're pregnant!!”
“No- we are not.”
“Pfft-” snickering some, Logan put his hand to his face, rubbing it embarrassedly.
“Oh we so are! Don't you remember? It's the only reason he's marrying me really. Got me knocked up and now we're having A shotgun wedding. How scandalous! I can see the headlines now.”
“There's not going to be any headlines, you lunatic!” He chuckled, almost at the brink of giggling.
A frown came to her face, only to softly smile.
“... I've never seen you laugh like that before.”
“Huh? Oh… heh.. yeah. I uhm… I didn't know that I could..”
“Hmm.. Well.. I guess I should be going..” She whispered. “Leave you two alone..” Turning to leave, she had mixed feelings about the interaction. Happy for him yes, but also now had other topics to think about.
“Mmh.. Yeah.. Oh- And Jean?”
Turning, the hope in her eyes made him frown, feeling sort of bad for being kind of a jerk to a pregnant lady. “When Scott grows some balls? He knows where to find me.”
Sighing, she nods. “…Goodnight, Logan.”
“ ‘Night.”
Closing the door, he came back to bed, still giggling a bit. “Why did you tell her we're pregnant? I can't get you pregnant, idiot.”
Laying on the bed, Wade looked slightly offended. “Are you calling me a liar!?”
“I'm calling you the biggest liar.”
He shrugged. “Oh well. And who knows? Maybe I got a cancer baby in there or something.”
Rolling his eyes, He climbed under the blanket with him. “Oh shut up. You don't have a cancer baby.”
“You never know…So…marrying a dying maniac?”
“Oh… how much of that did you hear?”
Grunting, He rolled over, Putting his face in his hands again. “Nngh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean for you to hear all that..”
“The bathroom has surprisingly thin walls.”
“It's alright. It's always nice knowing that you're just as big of a whore as I am.”
“Hey! Am not! It was just… complicated.”
“That's what whores say when they can't pick one dick to ride” he giggled, Rolling over to climb into his chest, nuzzling up under his chin.
“Are…are you sure you aren't happier... here?” He asked, the questions slipping out.
So many things were running through his mind, things that he probably shouldn't be thinking but he's learned that as long as it stays in his head, no one would get hurt… except.. that was the hard part.
Logan let out a deep sigh. “Wade?”
“I mean- Do you even like that i'm with Vanessa? What were you doing? Being a barrack bunny? But for the mansion? The mansions personally sex pet or some kinky shit like that?”
“Yeah, yeah.. shut up.. I know...”
“I let you cut up my dog tags…and turn them into a ring”
“Technically Forge did that- actually.”
“.. a ring that you own now.. right?”
“Uh… yes?”
“And dogs go with their tags.. right?”
“I guess so?”
For a few seconds there was silence.
“So what does that mean?”
“25- no! 26. I'm pretty sure it's 26.”
“What?” He laughed. “That wasn't even a math question.”
“Ugh, just tell me. I'm not good at stupid riddles! If I ever met the riddler I'd just shoot him in the face.”
“The who-? erm, nevermind. If the tags belong to me. Yes?”
“And now you own them. Yeah?”
“Then that means..”
Blinking, he suddenly gasped a few seconds later, going into a giggle fit as he held him tight. “Oohh!! I wanna get married!”
“We will. Just not yet.”
He wasn't tucking and running anymore. He would stay like a loyal mutt. As long as he wore that ring on his finger, he'd follow him. Whether here, or at that shitty apartment. He didn't care which.
“Because.. you deserve a good one. And good ones aren't planned overnight.” Logan smiled.
“And for your information… I was always the Barrack bunny..”
“GASSSP!! No way!! Same!”
“Yeah I figured that much… and.. As for Vanessa? We're inviting her to the wedding right?”
“Obviously. Duh.”
“.. Go ahead and kiss her after me.”
“Shut up and take orders, Wilson.”
“Really? But that’s- I don't think-”
“Yes sir!.. erm... peanut?”
“Do you still want too?....you know”
“Hm?” It was these late night talks that really made him enjoy having him around. The pressure on his chest, the gabbing, the giggles. It made him feel young again.
“Eh.. not really. 'm tired."
“Oh thank god! My stomach is killing me.” He groaned. Shifting them to lay on his side, Logan pulled him close into his chest, rubbing his stomach softly.
“Behave, Jr.” He mumbled, earning himself another laugh and a deep kiss. “Mmh..” intertwining their hands, Wade curled up against him, happy as always just to be next to him.
“...I love you..” Holding him in his arms as he said this, he felt embarrassed and almost.. nervous. As if he wouldn't say it back. But if there was anything about Wade he knew, it's that he'd never skip a beat to reciprocate affection.. something he wasn't used too.
“..How much?” Usually, he wouldn't ask such childish things. But Tonight? He might have needed it.
“I love you too, Logan. A lot.”
“I'd fight the entire world.”
“You do that anyway. More than tacos?”
“Woah there, Angelcakes! Know your place.”
They both laugh, the giggles die down, and snoring replaces the sounds.
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hii wifey!!! okay it's currently super late where i am right now and i can't sleep 😭 but ever since my post on @dirty-little-mind33 i- i haven't been able to stop thinking of dbf!tangerine 😫
it's giving your dad's hired hitman and they're friends or whatever (don't ask for the specifics, I'm half asleep) and he takes a liking to you and he treats you like a princess FR
keeps you in check so you stay out of trouble, little touches, "love", "princess", "sweetness", "SWEET GIRL" ANRJRNENDN like it's giving the same vibes as bodyguard!tan.
can just imagine him sitting in an armchair of your living room, legs spread bc he's a man and it's sometimes super hot (don't sue me), and he asks you for a lighter and so you hand him one and he blows smoke in your face as he thanks you and calls you his good girl 🥵
okay sorryyyyyyyyyy this is so long i just needed to share and hear your thoughts 🫶
on another note, dbf!logan is also sooo hot but that's for another ask 💖
my wife!! hi wifey! so this will be like im talking to you directly, like im typing everything my brain is thinking in real time. it makes it personal and intimate, I love it. enjoy 💞💞💞💞(also sorry only just got round to this)
no bc you’re so onto something EURRRGGHHHH!!!!
and like okay right so! he’s been working for your dad for a few years and bc it’s only been a few years he’s not known you long (meaning he didn’t see you grow up etc bc that’ll be😃🤮) and like when you visit ur parents or idk you live with them (pick what you fancy) you see him at the dining table with your dad and got all the papers out and laptops etc and they’re chatting about work stuff/ plan
idea time. you go past them and into the kitchen and your dad is none the wiser looking at the papers and maybe questioning the prices but tans looking at you in the kitchen. and tans like “do us a couple teas would ya darling” (ew tan, why would you say that? have you no respect? no shame?) and he’s being all cheeky bc of the darling. but your dad doesn’t think anything of it, like it’s a common petname kinda thing. and it makes your ears prick and turn to look at him and he’s all smug????? and nodding at you????
this is really getting away from me but im not done, you’ve got me going 😭😭😭
tan definitely tests the waters, pushes the boat out LOADS. like he’s so teasing and cheeky in how he does it. def touches your back when ur dads in the same room, looks at you during dinners, sits opposite you during said dinners and touches you with his foot (but not in an gross way bc feet are disgusting) or sits beside you during said dinners and spreads his legs so his thigh bumps yours AND AHHAAHHAGAHA OMG THIS IS KILLING ME has his elbows wide on the table so he takes up more space and feels your arm up with his
and if you’re in the garden after dinner getting some air bc of what happened at the table. he’d come out and join you. but not properly. you might be at the end of the garden sitting at the patio table or something and he’s on the steps by the back door having a fag. like he’s keeping an eye on you but not making it obvious for your family inside
he’s also always offering lifts! so like if you don’t have a car or it’s in the shop or idk blah blah you ask your dad for a lift and tans there and he offers to drive you. and you’re like “no it’s fine” bc sitting in a car with him will make you like idk but like yk GO CRAZY. and tans all like “it’s no fuss. gotta pick something up that way anyway” and your dad is still oblivious so he’s agreeing to it like “tan’ll take you” and tan grabs his keys and he’s nodding you along like (okay don’t hate me for this. I don’t have a daddy kink but this idea is sending me and I need to say it) he’s all like “what daddy said goes” 😫😃😫😀🫠👍😉😔😖😱😰🫣🤭🤔AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAHHHH!!! and it has a double meaning!!!!!!!!!!!! bc he means your dad but also him!!!!!!! and the ‘take you’ bit!!!!! he also means that he’ll take you. like fuck you. so it’s all a huge double entendre
GOD THIS IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! making me wanna do something with dbf tan now
but he’s such a gentleman about it. like he’s teasing and smug and cocky but he’s still very charming and charismatic about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when he drops you off he’s looking at your ass getting out and then opens the window to talk to you through the car and he’s like “call me if you need me”
and you’re like “why would I call you?” like shouldn’t he be saying to call your dad????
and he’s all like “you know why”
and you’re like “huh?” looking at him all weird
AND YHEN HE SAYS “he don’t pay attention to you like I do” GOOD DUCKING GOD SJJABSJDBS
im gonna have to stop there bc I know I never will. plus I have rice cooking and the timer went off 5 mins ago so I really gotta run😭😭😭😭
but you’re so right about him being the same as bodyguard tangerine!!!
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Tylo oneshot - Tire Swing
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Everyone was walking around their camp, doing something.
Ashlyn was teaching Aiden how to throw a proper punch, Ben was restocking the first aid kit, Taylor putting in new light bulbs in their stage lights, and Tyler was kind of just sitting there, bored.
He had gotten an injury at his last baseball game, and everyone insisted that he sit down to avoid him overexerting himself. He just thought they were all overreacting. It wasn't an awful injury. He wasn't a baby. And besides, it was only his arm.
It really just frustrated him. He hated not being able to feel helpful. Helping and being productive is how he's managed to keep his family from crumbling for years.
Though, there was one thing he did notice, since he wasn't too busy working. Logan was missing. Everyone else was so busy with their own tasks that they just didn't seem to notice.
And, honestly, the more he thought about it, the more concerned he got. Logan hasn't been in a very good mood today. Sad and melancholic.
Out of instinct, Tyler checked Logan's tire spot, but was reminded that it wasn't there anymore.
Due to Logan getting overwhelmed easily, they decided to give him his own quiet spot a little farther from the rest of the camp. A tire swing, hanging from a sturdy tree.
Tyler got up and froze like a deer in headlights for a split second, hoping no one noticed him leaving. Namely Taylor, who's been keeping him under surveillance like a security guard.
Once he saw that everyone was distracted enough, he slinked away. The grass was getting really tall and itchy. He waded through it and spotted the swing, gently moving back and forth against the wind. And there, in the swing, was Logan, the evening sunlight reflecting off of his glasses, casting a faint shadow.
Tyler hesitated. Logan looked sad and rather serious. Lost in thought. Should he really interrupt him?
Tyler shifted a little bit and decided to try and take a step back, only to end up stepping on a branch.
Logan's head quickly turned to where the noise came from and froze, staring at Tyler.
"Um... sorry. I just came to check on you."
Logan stared at him for a bit longer before turning his head and blinking a bit. "It's ok."
Tyler stood there before taking slow and steady steps forward. "So, uh... what are you, uhm-"
Logan turned to him again, his brow furrowed and tears in the corners of his eyes.
They stared at each other, another staring contest before Tyler clenched his fists.
"You're crying," he said. Pointing out the obvious, thanks Tyler.
"Who made you cry?" Tyler asked, seething with rage.
"It's not something you need to worry about, Tyler."
"But you're crying. I can't not want to-"
"I said it's ok!"
Tyler's eyes widened, and Logan's did too. Neither of them expected the outburst.
Tyler almost felt helpless. And he hated feeling helpless. When Taylor was sad, he always managed to make her feel better. Who was he if not someone who could help the people he cared about?
Tyler turned his head, thinking, before stamping his foot into the dirt in frustration and climbing into the tire swing with him.
"H-Huh!? Tyler, what are you doing?"
Tyler uncomfortably got situated and grumbled a little. "How do you spend so much time in this thing?"
Logan pouted a little and repeated his question: "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna stay in here until you tell me what's wrong."
Logan's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Yep. You shouldn't bottle it in, or whatever."
"Tyler, you're too cramped. Your arm-"
"-will be fine," Tyler finished for him. "Don't worry."
Their legs awkwardly tangled together. Tyler's legs were definitely too long for this.
Logan sighed a little and looked out at the distance. "Why are you doing this?"
"I.. I don't like not being able to help," he said gruffly. He hated saying that stuff out loud, but if he was going to force Logan to open up, he should probably as well... just a little. He didn't like being too vulnerable.
Logan doesn't say anything for a good minute before rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothing specifically is wrong. I'm just.. sad."
"How can that be? You can't just be sad for no reason."
Logan shrugged. "Sometimes I am. I have a bad habit where I think about things, make up scenarios in my head, fake conversations in my head and I get sad about them before forgetting what it was that I thought to make me so sad in the first place."
Tyler doesn't know what to say to that before being Captain Obvious again: "That sounds awful."
Logan chuckles halfheartedly. "It is what it is. I've been like this ever since I started to live with my grandparents. I just get sad for no reason and I hide myself away."
Tyler pauses for a moment before gently tapping on Logan's knee. "What can I do to help?"
Logan shakes his head. "Nothing. I can't help that this happens. Most I can do is ride it out."
"But how am I supposed to make things better? I'm supposed to...-" I'm supposed to be the problem solver.
Logan sniffles a little. "Honestly... knowing that you care is almost enough."
Tyler pauses, sweat dripping down his nose from the heat of being in the tire, the Georgia sun, and Logan's body heat so close.
"It is?"
Logan nods and their hands almost touch before they both stop themselves.
"So should I stay?"
"I'd like that.. just no talking. I want your presence."
"Will that make you feel better?" Tyler asked. He didn't know why his voice was so quiet, it just was.
Logan thinks for a second before nodding again. "Ya. It really would."
The swing gently swayed in the wind, the almost setting sun in the distance, casting a shadow over the tree, giving them a cooling shade, as if the world itself was saying:
"Stay and rest."
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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lizthewriter · 9 months
love is so embarrassing / ted logan
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PAIRING  ted logan x fem!reader
SUMMARY  you continually give your all to a jock who could care less - ted makes you realize there's mucb better options out there. namely, him.
TAGS  ted logan x fem!reader, high school, prom, og!boyfriend is a complete dick, best friends to lovers, fluff, angst, loser!ted, kissing, cursing, canon-typical lingo, most excellent
QUOTE  "just watch as i crucify myself, / for some weird second string, / loser who's not worth mentioning, / my god, love's embarrassing as hell," - love is embarrassing by olivia rodrigo
WRITTEN  12.30.2023
ted -
you stormed into ted's bedroom, slamming the door behind you. ted watched from his bed with an expression of mostly shock, mingled with a slight bit of awe. you flopped onto his bed, buried your face into his pillow, and let out a feral scream. he placed down the magazine he'd been flipping through and held a finger next to your side, weighing the pros and cons of poking you to elicit a reaction. before he had time to do so, you immediately sat up with an angry pout and offered him the most sympathetic look you could while so angry.
"sorry, it's just . . . i hate him. i hate him! he said we would be spending the whole night together, but yet again he's made plans with his 'friends' and he's 'so so sorry.' honestly, i'm getting sick of it!"
oh, you were angry about that boyfriend of yours. ted wasn't a fan at all - the way he treated you was most heinous. he didn't really seem to care about you - if anything, he treated you like a side piece. no, Ted didn't like him one bit.
"don't be sorry," ted said, flashing you one of his trademark grins. somehow, just with a smile, he was always able to make you feel better. "I hate him too! a dickweed like him doesn't deserve a babe- i mean, a girl - like you."
your lips spread into a thin line, which he supposed was an attempt at a smile. "thanks teddy," you responded softly, patting him on the thigh. you tried to think about something else, move the topic of conversation away from your good-for-nothing boyfriend. "so, whatcha doing?"
"me?" ted asked, a little suprised that you were interested. you had spent a lot less time with him and bill ever since you started dating that douchebag. sometimes, he thought you had forgotten about him completely - and that made him feel totally bogus. thus, his eyes sparkled in excitement and he began to talk very fast because when was the last time you two had some time to just chat? "i'm just looking at these totally awesome dudes, to get uh - uh -" he glanced upwards in an attempt to remember the word he wanted to use. "well, i'm writing music for wyld stallyns and stuff."
"oh, cool!" you exclaimed. "can I see?"
"no!" ted responded, perhaps a bit too quickly. he didn't want you to see the many failed attempts at writing a most bodacious love song for you. "they're still, er, works in progress, dudette!"
"oh, well, all right!" you paused, lost in thought, before you asked, "wanna go watch a movie?"
you -
you had felt the guilt creep in rather quickly once you realized how much you'd been procrastinating on hanging out with your best friends, bill and ted. you had been so hyperfixated on your boyfriend that you had completely forgotten about your weekly movie night and failed to meet up with bill to help him paint some posters for a wyld stallyns. you decided to apologize by treating them to a day at the mall, buying ice cream and movie tickets for all of you.
while you and bill chatted vehemently about perhaps the coolest sci-fi film you've ever seen, ted was a bit preoccupied watching your so-called boyfriend get a bit too cozy with cindy. cindy, who most considered to be the prettiest girl in your grade, was head cheerleader (though you had always been the prettiest, in ted's mind). you noticed that ted was being uncharacteristically quiet and followed his line of sight. immediately, your jubilant expression fell to something much more hardened.
"of course he's here. why wouldn't he be." he somehow always found a way to ruin your best days - and who the hell was that he was copying up with?
"hey, wow, look over there!" bill said all of a sudden, pointing to the lower floor of the mall, in the opposite direction. you didn't notice the look that bill gave ted and glanced to where he was pointing. there was nothing there.
"i don't see anything," you said with furrowed brows, completely distracted now and confused as to what exactly bill had spotted. ted had rushed to your side and looked down as well.
"what? i don't-" ted let out what sounded like a small whimper of pain (you didn't see bill step on his foot). "oh yeah! duh! the thing, you didn't see . . . the thing?"
"what thing?" you asked exasperatedly.
"come on!" bill exclaimed, running towards the escalator. ted barked out a laugh before quickly following him in pursuit.
"wait, guys!" you didn't realize until you jad gotten home - they were distracting you from your so-called boyfriend. you couldn't help but smile the rest of the day.
ted -
you and ted walked off the bus together, laughing your asses off as you made the slow walk to your houses. the two of you had lived next to each other for as long as you could remember. the bond between the two of you had remained strong ever since.
ted watched as you through your head back with a bark of laughter and he admired the way your grin split your face, the way your hair tickled the nape of your neck, how the sun twinkled in your beautiful eyes. he was snapped back to reality when you had straightened out your head, your entire back even, and stared in suprise at someone sitting on your front lawn. they held a boombox, romantic music blaring through the speakers. they held a sign, one that made ted sick to the very depths of his stomach. will you go to prom with me?
ted had been planning on asking you that very same question later today. but it was too late - you were running up to that douchebag, your arms thrown around his neck as you shouted "yes!" rather a bit loudly. that sound is punctuated in his ears for the rest of the day.
later, when you were both sitting in his room doing homework (well, you were doing homework - he was sulking while pretending to write about history stuff) he placed down his pencil. this drew your attention.
"what do you see in him?" ted asked.
"what?" you responded with furrowed brows, obviously not yet accustomed to the sudden change in conversation.
"what do you see in him? your boyfriend? he's not - not smart or anything. not that funny. not even that good at football."
you leaned back and closed your math textbook. "what's that supposed to mean?" he felt uncomfortable now, at your offended tone, and wondered whether he should have spoke up at all.
"he just doesn't treat you right," ted grumbled. "you deserve to be treated most excellently - and he certainly does not treat you as such. you saw him with that girl at the mall."
you nodded slowly before gathering all your books together in a rush, fury painted all over your face.
"where are you going?" ted asked innocently.
"away from you," you responded harshly. "you know what i think, ted, I think you're jealous that i have a date for prom and you don't. don't pick on my boyfriend because your miserable."
"what, no, that's -" you held a hand to his face as you left his room, slamming the door behind you. "non-non-heinous, man."
you -
you smiled for the picture your parents took with you, your boyfriend, and bill and ted (the boys were glaring daggers at each other, not to your awareness). as you were ushered out the door, you were met by the sight of a limo out front.
you felt someone snake a finger under the strap of your dress, pulling it back and snapping it against your skin. you let out a yelp, slapping your boyfriend in the arm, half-serious. "ow!"
"well show a little more skin next time, missy, i thought we were having a fun time," he responded with another cruel chuckle. you wrapped your arma ariund your shoulders with discomfort, pulling the straps of your dress further upwards. yoy glanced towards ted, his teeth clenched and fists crumpled. maybe he was right. maybe he really was a douchebag. it was time you didn't let him treat you like shit.
"well if that's all you cared about tonight, getting your dick wet, then i suggest you find another easily-manipulated girl to be your prom bitch," you barked back sharply. as soon as you realized the words that had left your mouth, you slapped a hand over your mouth. bill arched a brow at ted in suprise, who let out a snicker.
"you find that funny, logan?" your (ex-)boyfriend said to ted.
"yeah, i do," ted responded, blowing out his chest, trying to seem tough. only a second later there was a sickening crunch, a blow dealt to his jaw. he fell down to the ground, his face turned away from you. you rushed over to ted, asking if he was okay. you only heard your ex scoff and walk back towards the limo.
"ted, let me see your face," you said gently. he turned his face towards you and you let out a gasp. his jaw was all bruised up. "oh god! i'm so sorry!"
"cool, dude! battle scar!" bill exclaimed excitedly, letting out a chuckle. ted pushed himself to be sitting upright, a grin spreading like an infection across his face.
"i totally pissed him off, didn't i?" ted asked, obviously very smug with himself despite having just been punched square in the face. "I told ya he was bogus."
"i should have listened to you earlier," you responded sheepishly, wincing at the memory of raising your voice at ted. "I wish i could make it up to you."
"well, there is a way . . ." ted trailed off, looking towards bill. he responded to ted with an ostentatious thumbs up, and ted returned to your gaze with another lazy grin. "go to prom with me?"
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
The days we have at night
Garfield Logan X Male Reader
Request - Garfield Logan x poison ivy male reader, Gar being absolutely mesmerized by how beautiful reader looks.
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Garfield is patrolling the city alone and it's a slow night. He is on the roof and he starts to look down and not many people out tonight. Then he heard a loud noise coming from the laboratory owned by Lex Luthor. Garfield transformed into a cheetah and starts to run towards the laboratory. He noticed the fire on the tenth floor, then he transformed into a hawk and starts to fly. Once inside he transformed back to himself.
He walked towards the vault and you turned around. He is smitten by your looks and he gives you a small smile.
“And who are you?” You asked.
“My-my… my well my…”
“Do you have a stuttering problem? You do know they have therapy for that” You said.
You start to walk away then he starts to follow you.
“My name is Beast Boy! But I have to take you to jail” Garfield said.
You smiled and he likes your smile.
“Sorry, but that won't happen. I hate that big companies don't use their resources to help people. So I'm taking it so I can help people” You said.
“What’s your name?” Garfield asked.
You used your powers to control the plants from the lab. Garfield transformed into an animal and starts to rip the plants apart, but you managed to escape. He runs outside to try and find you but you are far gone.
“Damn!” Garfield mumbled.
You got away and you go to your hideout. Garfield can't stop thinking about and that was the first time he met you.
Days and nights went by… Garfield kept hoping he would run into you. He doesn't know much about you, the only thing he knows is that you can control plants. Then he starts to think about how to search for you.
“Dick, can I use the bat cave computer to do research on someone?” Garfield asked
“Yeah, sure. Bruce is away so he won't be back until next week but I will let Alfred know that you will go to the bat cave” Dick said.
“Thanks!” Garfield smiled.
Hours later… Garfield went to the Batcave and starts to do research. First, he looked up Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy. She is connected to you then he clicked on your profile. He starts to read your profile and it's kinda long, your picture is on the screen and he takes a picture of it with his phone.
“Who is that?” Dick asked
That made Garfield jump and his heart is racing.
“You scared me!” Garfield said.
“Sorry,” Dick said.
“That is Y/n. I'm trying to find him” Garfield said.
“Why?” Dick asked.
“Why are you here?” Garfield asked.
“I thought you would need my help, but I guess not. Looks like he went to Arkham Asylum a while back but -” Dick said
“I’m done. I got what I need but thanks” Garfield said.
He walks away and Dick turns off the computer. Garfield went home and he is looking at your picture and he hopes to find you again.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Garfield knew where all the bad guys hang out, but he couldn't just go in. So, he asked for a favor from the bartender and he agreed to it. He told Garfield where you will be next and Garfield knows the place. He starts to get ready then he starts to brush his hair. Now, Garfield puts on cologne that he stole from Dick because he always buys expensive brands. He left and headed to Gotham Botanical Garden and He is feeling nervous.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“To stop you from stealing,” Garfield said.
“I didn't steal anything. I'm just here to take what is mine” You said.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” Garfield smiled.
“I thought you were going to arrest me,” You said.
“I’m here alone. I have been trying to find out because I really like you, Y/n. I was hoping we can get to know each other and stuff” Garfield said.
“Wow, I didn't expect this to happen,” You said.
“It took a while for me to find you. So?” Garfield said.
“Okay, I will go on a date with you,” You said.
“Awesome!” Garfield smiled.
You used the plants to tie him up.
“What are you doing?” Garfield asked.
“I will still go on the date with you, but I couldn't risk you stopping me from stealing,” You said.
You walked by him and took his phone from his pocket. Then you typed in your phone number then put it back in his pocket.
“You should put a code in your phone,” You said.
“Bye, Y/n” Garfield smiled.
You walked away but eventually, the plants let him go.
You met Garfield at the carnival. When he saw you, he couldn't stop smiling at you. He did stutter a little bit but you want to get to know him. While walking, he gently grabbed your hand. He is happy that you will let him hold your hand.
“They do sell veggie pizza. Do you like vegan food?” Garfield said.
“Yeah, I have tried a few vegan foods. It's hard to find a decent place in Gotham” You said.
“I know what you mean,” Garfield said.
You and Garfield start to eat the vegan pizza. After that, you and Garfield went to play a few games. You and Garfield get in the bumper cars and you are having fun with him.
Later, you and Garfield went to play basketball. You tried to win a plush shark but you lost
“Don’t worry I will win it for you” Garfield smiled.
You watch him play and he did miss the first shot. But in the end, he did win the plush shark for you.
“Thanks. You are really good at basketball. And I'm having fun with you tonight” You said.
“Me too, Y/n. I'm really glad you said yes to the date. I was so nervous to ask you” Garfield smiled.
You and Garfield are smiling at each other. Later, you and Garfield sat down by the grass to watch the fireworks. He moves closer to you then you felt his lips on your lips. You start to kiss him back and he has his hand on your thigh.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend, Y/n?” Garfield asked.
“Yeah,” You smiled.
He starts to kiss you again.
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fanartfromafan · 10 months
The new episode only came out, like, 30 minutes ago, but I have so many thoughts and feelings.
Janus being Disgust feels so right and I'm glad he thinks so too. I adore how he called Logan sweetie and Remus buddy. His outfit suited him. WHERE ARE HIS GLOVES?!???! I'm happy he got his wine. He doesn't seem to care much about Roman's hostility.
Speaking of Logan, him being Anger makes me feel stuff. I know we all thought the same thing when we saw him. I like his tie. I feel like the colors could mean something, but I'm probably just reaching.
It makes me sad that Patton was Sadness, but it makes sense with him being in charge of the heart and emotions. They both also have matching colors. He looks adorable in those glasses.
Roman being Joy is interesting, though makes some sense. Joy is the leader of the group and I think Roman wants to be or thinks of himself as a leader. Patton agreeing with Remus when he called Roman "Kill-joyman" is... something to note. He seemed upset that his idea was derailed again. Understandable. He is clearly still very hostile with Janus. I don't think that's gonna stop for a while.
Remus is perfect in every way, I accept no feedback. I love his outfit! Has his mustache always been greeny? I love how honest he is. "Everyone wants to say 'yes'". I believe he also said "No" when Virgil said he would win in a fight against Other Anxiety.
Virgil looks so wrong in orange. I understand why he hated it. Sorry, Virgil, but Inside Out's anxiety is pretty accurate to how I see anxiety. You're still cooler, though.
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fictionkinfessions · 13 days
WHAT THE SHIT I miss my big stupid non blood related f-word gahhgtrrtghhggrafghhhhgggdeghhv WEBS WOLVIE CABLE LITERALLY ANYONE EVEN IF U HATE MY GUTS UR GUTS R AWESOME totally blows the multiverse SUCKS but at least I don't look like a [redacted words that I can't be bothered to replace] anymore. Is that insensitive? Probably, whoopsies, oh well YAP TIME
I totally blew all my money on spider-man/deadpool arms race omnibus but idec I'm sourced totally from the movies pretty much I deserve to know why I want to kiss Peter Parker like a man kisses a woman WHO SAID THAT NOT ME WHAAAT no regrets tho like who needs money anyways moneys for NERDS W POSTER ADDICTIONS (me I need money) I'm typing this at like 12367643135 miles an hour call me quicksilver DOES ANYONE EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT I lost track of the x-men movies plot ever since logan wore that grey zip up ( current DIY project ) jokes but days of future past is so CONFUSING I've been trying to finish it for a week w no luck OH WEL I literally just made an account on here today about half an hour ago I'm totally new to all this tumblr stuff but it feels good knowing someone will read this even if it's just for moderation purposes yk? I'm trying to stick to the rules but I suck at remembering them so sorry if I accidentally said things I'm not meant to
Ok I've talked enough DEADPOOL OUT ( tag as fictive if you will thank u )
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p-perkeys · 2 months
NYX Stuff... A.K.A. PK Bitches Again
Sophie and Kamala is an interesting friendship pair. To be honest, I would like to see Sophie and Laura interact a good bit. Especially after all that stuff with Gabby and the mind fragment and all. What is Marvel's aversion to putting characters together that make sense? What is their aversion to building on and referring to their own canon? This only book one though, so. I'll chill about it.
To be honest again... didn't love Laura's interaction with Kamala really at all. I liked her being protective but they definitely gave her the Logan Special on her personality. Stabbing a phone and being vaguely mysterious and dark was... a little cringe. A little too Logan. Laura knows how to talk to people. Kamala's gotta be just a little older than Gabby. Should've been easier for Laura to level with her. Think of all the times (even recently in Blood Hunt) Laura's had to go help Gabby because she got into something she shouldn't have. Laura's never been condescending to her. I don't think she would actually be that way to Kamala either. Could've been a nice interaction between them. But no. We got weird and cringe instead.
I don't really know anything about Kamala, so I apologize in advance, but, still in regards to the interaction with Laura, I didn't like her there either (I'm being a hater today. Sorry). Maybe I just read it all wrong. But. Laura got the Logan Special and Kamala got the Naive Teen Special. "Being a mutant doesn't mean you don't get to have a life." - huh??? Was that supposed to hit hard or something? They're lacking personalities to me. Like, real personalities.
You could write that dialogue with any two characters and it would basically work.
Again though... this is only book one. I know.
I liked Prodigy being a college professor. Anole was cute but even he felt a little bit off to me. Just like a little bit.
Julian as the Krakoan - not hating it yet. Interesting to see the other Cuckoos with him. Not even gonna try to guess what's going on there. I'm anticipating Laura and Julian to interact on some level. Hoping nothing romantic but usually the opposite of what I guess is what happens, so. I'm already trying to warm myself up to whatever might go down. I just don't want all of Marjorie's deep story-telling to be swept away because someone wants to write about horny college kids. Marvel kinda likes that sometimes.
I'm gonna keep reading it because I want to support Laura being in the books. However, I'm significantly less excited about this now.
I think the next book is really Laura-central. Hoping it gets better.
NYX #1 from 2000s had me sobbing after book one... in a good way. This is such a different vibe.
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fireessie · 4 months
As I think that I'm not going to string these segments together to make a full fic, please enjoy the little snippets from my planned abo logan/Oscar Miami fic 😊
“So are you excited for Miami?” Oscar watched as Logan randomly pulled shirts out of the wardrobe and tossed them in the general direction of the suitcase. He batted away one flying towards his head and stretched his arms as he waited for his mate to respond.
“Eh I guess.”
“Dalton's coming right?”
Oscar raised an eyebrow, “Are you okay?”
“Fine, why?”
Oscar shrugged, not being able to put his finger on it. There wasn't even anything flagging up in the bond, it was just a feeling.
“I'm fine,” Logan repeated, “it'll be good to be ‘home.’” He did air quotation marks as he said home and Oscar's stomach twanged at the action.
“”Home?’” he repeated.
This time Logan shrugged, pulling a face Oscar before turning his attention back to the wardrobe. “Have you seen my dolphins hoodie?”
“Second drawer down, you'd know that if you ever put the washing away,” Oscar lightly teased, “why do you need a hoodie anyway?”
“Because it'll be cold, it's not summer. And, I do the laundry.”
“You put it in the machine and forget about its existence.”
Logan shrugged again, “I hate folding things.”
“Yeah I've noticed.”
“Oh are we having an argument about laundry? Is this where our relationship is now?”
Oscar laughed, making Logan grin widely.
“I wouldn't call it an argument but yeah I guess we're that old and domestic now.”
“Welcome to the rest of our lives. I'll start nagging you about the bins next.”
“I've already said, I'll do the recycling and stuff but I won't touch the food one,” Logan shuddered, “it's disgusting.”
“But I hate it as well. We need to alternate.”
“Oorrrrr,” Logan drawled, flopping down onto the bed next to Oscar, “you can just do it because you love me.”
“Even my love has limits.”
“Ouch Osc, you wound me.”
Oscar watched as Logan pushed the lasagna around his plate, not making an attempt to eat it.
After a few minutes of this, his concern steadily growing at the faraway look in Logan's eyes, he gently poked the bond.
Logan jumped, eyes snapping to Oscar's.
Oscar put down his fork and reached out a hand, which Logan took.
“Darling, please talk to me. What's on your mind?”
“I'm okay Osc,” Logan tried to soothe with a soft smile but he could see that it didn't work, “I'm just thinking.”
“I'm worried about you,” Oscar squeezed their joined hand, “you've been so quiet this week.”
“Please don't shut me out.”
Logan finally met Oscar's eyes and he felt his stomach twist as he saw the concern in them. He sighed softly, pushing his chair back as he stood up and tugging on Oscar's hand to pull him away from the table. Oscar followed him without resistance, letting Logan lead him into the living room and wrapping his arms around him as they sat on the sofa. Logan curled as close as he could without sitting on Oscar's lap, taking hold of the zip on Oscar's hoodie.
“Come on darling, let me help,” Oscar urged after a few moments of silence and Logan fiddled with the zip as he tried to get his thoughts into order.
“It's just.. I don't know, I'm worried? Like my fight or flight is constantly on.”
“Anything in particular making you feel like that?”
Logan sighed heavily before cuddling closer, tucking his head under Oscar's chin. “It's the first time I'll be in Miami after everything.”
“And I don't think they're coming but I don't know for sure. What if they come and try and talk to me? Or say anything?”
“I'll be the-”
“You can't be around at all times Osc. And what if it's a friend of theirs or something? And it's not even just that. Everyone thinks I'm excited to go home but it's not my home. Not now. Dalton’s the only thing tying me there and he's more than happy to travel. And then…I don't have a home.”
“Darling, how long have you been feeling like this? Of course Miami is your home.”
“It isn't though Osc,” Logan said shaking his head, “like I was born there and spent the first 11 ish years of my life there but it's not home. It's not somewhere I'd want to take the pup's. It's just a place. Like, when I saw you in Australia over the break, that's your home. It's so easy to see because you just relax, you're happy there. I don't have that.”
“Are you seriously telling me you didn't notice the way Tom Brady was looking at you? Fuck Logan, he was being so obvious.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Why would I notice?”
“Because he's Tom Brady!”
“Yeah, he's not you. Wait Oscar, are you jealous?”
“You know that I'd never cheat?”
“Of course I do Lo’, it's just,” Oscar scuffed his shoe as he avoided Logan's eyes, “it's Tom Brady and all those football players, they're more…”
“More what?”
“You know….hunky.”
Logan laughed loudly, cooing as Oscar folded his arms over his chest and scowled.
“No,” Oscar growled, grabbing hold of Logan's arms and holding him still, “you are not a dumbass! I don't want to hear you speaking about yourself like that.”
“If you start saying ‘it's fine’ or ‘it's true,’ I'll loose my shit because it's fucking not fine or true Logan.”
Logan nodded shakily and Oscar could see the wetness in the corners of his eyes.
“It's not true,” he repeated, softer this time as he slid his hands down Logan's arms until he reached his hands which he clasped tight. “It's not true Logan.”
“I know, I just made a stupid mistake. A stupid rookie mistake.”
“It's okay to make mistakes, we all do it.”
“But I keep doing it.”
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
Broken Circuits
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader , Oscar Piatri x Fem!reader, Logan Sargeant x Oscar Piastri
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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The paddock was alive with the familiar buzz of anticipation as mechanics made last-minute adjustments and engineers hunched over their laptops, analyzing data. It was a scene I had grown accustomed to, yet today, the excitement felt like a distant echo. Logan had been struggling all season, and with each race, his frustration had grown.
Standing by the Williams garage, I watched as Logan stepped out of the car after qualifying. His face was a mask of disappointment, and I knew from the slump of his shoulders that he had once again qualified last. My heart ached for him. He had worked so hard, dedicated every ounce of his energy to this sport he loved, and yet, the results just weren't coming.
"Hey," I said softly as he approached. "You'll get them next time. I believe in you."
He didn't respond, just walked past me with a curt nod. I followed him, trying to offer some comfort. "Logan, please talk to me."
He spun around, eyes flashing with anger. "What do you want me to say, Y/N? That I'm fine? That it's okay? Because it's not! I'm sick of losing!"
I took a step back, shocked by the intensity of his outburst. "I know it's hard, but I'm here for you. We'll get through this together."
He laughed bitterly, running a hand through his hair. "You don't get it, do you? I don't need you to tell me it'll be okay. I need results. I need to stop being a joke on this grid."
"You're not a joke," I insisted, reaching out to touch his arm. He pulled away, the hurt in his eyes cutting me to the core.
"Just leave me alone, Y/N. I can't deal with this right now," he snapped.
I felt a lump form in my throat, tears stinging my eyes. "Logan, please don't shut me out. I love you, and I want to help."
"Help? How can you help?" His voice was rising, drawing the attention of a few team members nearby. "You can't make me faster. You can't change anything. Just stop trying to fix this!"
His words hit me like a physical blow, and I felt my vision blur as tears finally spilled over. "I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I just want to be here for you."
Logan's face softened for a moment, but then the anger returned. "You know what? Maybe you're the problem. Every time you're here, I don't get good results. Maybe you're bad luck."
The words hung in the air, heavy and painful. I couldn't believe he had just said that. "Logan, you don't mean that."
"Maybe I do," he said coldly. "Maybe I regret ever giving you a chance. Maybe I hate you. Maybe we should just break up."
I stood there, stunned, as he walked away. My heart shattered into pieces, the pain of his rejection overwhelming. I turned and walked away, the tears streaming down my face. I found a quiet corner near the back of the paddock, sinking to the ground and hugging my knees to my chest. The sounds of the busy racetrack faded into the background as I let myself cry, the hurt and confusion washing over me.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice called softly. I looked up to see Oscar standing there, his expression filled with concern.
"Oscar," I managed to say through my tears. "He said... he said he regrets ever giving me a chance. He said he hates me and... he broke up with me."
Oscar knelt beside me, pulling me into a comforting hug. "He doesn't mean it, Y/N. Logan's just frustrated. He's under so much pressure, and he's taking it out on the person he cares about the most."
"But it hurts," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I thought we were a team."
"You are," Oscar said gently. "When you're not around, Logan's always wishing you were. He loves you, Y/N. He's just lost right now."
We sat there in the fading light, Oscar's presence a small comfort in the midst of my heartbreak. After a while, he stood up, offering me his hand. "Come on, let's get you somewhere more comfortable."
I nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead me away. As we walked, I saw Logan in the distance, his expression conflicted. Oscar's grip on my hand tightened as we passed him, a silent promise that he would take care of me.
Later that evening, as the paddock quieted down, Oscar found Logan in the team's hospitality area. "We need to talk," he said firmly, his usual easygoing demeanor replaced by a steely resolve.
Logan looked up, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with regret. "Oscar, I—"
"No," Oscar interrupted. "You don't get to apologize to me. You need to fix this with Y/N. You hurt her, Logan. You pushed away the one person who's always been there for you."
Logan hung his head, the weight of his actions crashing down on him. "I know. I was an idiot. I let my frustration get the better of me, and I took it out on her. I need to make it right."
"You do," Oscar agreed. "But it's not going to be easy. She's really hurt, Logan. You're going to have to work hard to earn her trust back."
Logan nodded, determination replacing the regret in his eyes. "I will. I'll do whatever it takes."
The next day, I was in my hotel room, still trying to process everything that had happened, when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Logan standing there, looking more vulnerable than I had ever seen him.
"Y/N," he began, his voice shaking. "I'm so sorry. I was wrong. I never should have said those things. I don't hate you. I love you more than anything."
I looked at him, the pain still fresh in my heart. "Logan, you really hurt me. I don't know if I can just forgive you like that."
"I understand," he said, taking a step closer. "But please, give me a chance to make it right. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back."
I hesitated, the memories of his hurtful words still lingering. But I also remembered the good times, the love and support we had shared. "Okay," I said finally. "I'll give you a chance. But you have to prove to me that you mean it. You have to earn my trust back."
Logan nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I will, Y/N. I promise."
As we stood there, the weight of the past few days slowly lifting, I realized that love wasn't always easy. It was messy and complicated, filled with highs and lows. But as long as we were willing to fight for it, to work through the pain and come out stronger on the other side, it was worth it.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v @eddieharrington @hellowgoodbye
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adventuringblind · 4 months
I was tagged by @481boxboxbaby (JUST REALIZING I NEVER DID IT)
Who is your favorite driver?
Oscar, Lando, and Max (I'm not choosing only one)
Do you have other favorite drivers? I do!
Logan, Charles, Liam, and Daniel
Who is your least favorite driver?
Esteban (i'm sorry) and currently on my ick list is Carlos (I'm sorry again)... I don't hate either of them they just are not my faves and I don't quite vibe.
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Both I think? Redbull and McLaren are my teams but if one of the drivers I like is on a different team then I'll also pull that way.
When did you get into F1?
Somewhere around 2019
What got you into F1?
OKAY LISTEN - I've been into cars for forever. I wanted to drive any kind of fast car since I gained a conscious. Then I lost my vision and that went down the drain.
Originally started with NASCAR and Indy and then moved to MotoGP because I thought you could ride those without... you know.... VISION.
My dad was the one who found DTS on Netflix (yeah shoot me) and suggested I watch it because CARS GO FAST. And I took him up on it because it sounded interesting. That spiraled into what it is now. I still keep up with all the other stuff but F1 has a different feel to it that I enjoy.
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
How do you view new fans?
As new friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
Redbull because that's where Max is and I like Mr. Stella to much to take his spot
Are your friends and family into F1?
I have a cult. I made a cult. I have them all planning their schedules around races. We have the schedule on the fridge.
TBH i have like zero irl friends because I'm to much for people. BUT my partner watches with me when he can!
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
HELL YEAHHHHHHHH! As previously stated I have few friends and the ones I do have are online... (You know who you are). So like... literally an open book and have no boundaries. COME TALK TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Tagging: Nobody?
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