#don't know if there's any additional rules to this game?
petrifiedforests · 1 year
10 songs 10 people
I was tagged by the lovely @cacodaemonia and after approximately, conservatively speaking a million years, here are my 10 songs:
Band/artist - Title
Juniper Vale - Will I Find My Home
The Amazing Devil - Blossoms
ABBA - Thank you for the music
Mumford and Sons - I Will Wait
fin - Ship in a Bottle
Mighty Oaks - Be with you always
Autumn Orange - Strange Dreams IV. Wander
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Cosmo Sheldrake - Come Along -Edit
Austin Wintory - To Know, Water
And now I've got to tag 10 people, oh my. If you want to play (No pressure!):
@silvipeppers @silvermintnightprincess @witcher-and-his-bard @kueble @rebrandedbard @a-kind-of-merry-war @trudemaethien @samstree @flowercrown-bard @greyduckgreygoose
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
TTRPGs for people with dyscalculia?
THEME : Dyscalculia Friendly.
Hello friend, I’m going to first point you to the Math-Lite Chaotic Murder Hobos recommendation post I wrote up a year or two ago.
What I understand about dyscalculia is that in can affect the ability to do mental math, but I'm not sure how much it affects number recognition. I have a few games here that ask you to read the faces on a die, but I don't think any of them expect you to do any addition. I hope you find something fun on this list!
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Cats of Catthulu, by Joel Sparks.
CATS OF CATTHULHU is the beloved rules-light roleplaying game in which the players take the part of ordinary cats, secretly defending human civilization from the Chaos Cults of the other animals. All the players have to do is act like cats, while the Cat Herder arranges exciting challenges for them—anything from snacky time to daringly interrupting dire rituals.
In Cats of Catthulhu, the way the story will go is always a mystery. You and your friends play to find out what happens. One person, the Cat Herder, arranges the secrets and situations, and sets the scene, but even they don’t know where the night will end. The players take the role of individual, ordinary cats. All you really need to do is act like a cat.
It might be a bit difficult to get your hands on them, but the original dice for Cats of Catthulhu don’t have any numbers on them; instead, they have sad cats and happy cats. Whenever a cat does something, they roll 2 of these dice. Rolling a Happy Cat is a success; rolling a Sad Cat is a failure. The reasoning behind these dice is: cats can’t do math!
If you can’t get your hands on cat dice, you can use any old d6, and regard 1-2 as Sad Cats and 3-6 as Happy Cats. You’ll also want to get some kind of physical token to use as Treats, which are player currency used to allow free re-rolls. Cats of Catthulhu is great for groups who are mostly getting together to just have a fun time, ready to act silly and get into all kinds of shenanigans.
DUSK, by Gila RPGs.
Equipped with the latest suntech, you are tasked with venturing out into the Dusk, and helping bring a new dawn to humanity. The Dusk does not want you there. 
Good luck.
In DUSK, you play as Shards, survivors on the planet Obron after the devastating nova-event that saw your world destroyed. Now you wield powerful technology fueled by pieces of your dead sun, in hopes of surviving another day. DUSK uses the LUMEN 2.0 system, and is a diceless RPG focused on resource management rather than luck or chance. 
As a diceless game, DUSK feels a lot different from a number of other diceless games, and I think that’s because of the style of game it’s working off of. LUMEN games are more about strategy than they are about narrative, and in DUSK that’s carried forward in the form of Suntech, items that require energy to power and provide specific advantages.
DUSK is still a relatively new game, but the designer is prolific in the amount of quality work he’s released in the past - and so when he says that there’s more to come, you best believe there’s more to come. If you’d still like to roll dice but you like the idea of the setting in this game, you might want to check out NOVA, which also uses the LUMEN system but gives you dice to roll or LUNA, a game about cultists trying to destroy the moon. Both of these games use pools of d6’s and ask you to look for the highest number, so I don’t think there’s that much math involved.
CASE & SOUL, by Briar Sovereign.
CASE&SOUL is a lightweight tabletop game for telling action-packed stories in the mecha genre. CASE&SOUL is designed for one-shots and short to mid length campaigns. Speed through a lightweight downtime; hire freelancers to pad out your Crew’s skills on missions. Customize your playbooks with SOUL moves, and enjoy a cut-down FITD gameplay with just the essentials for fast and flexible sessions.
Forged in the Dark games use a dice pool, rather than abilities with modifiers. You add dice from various places on your worksheet, and try to roll at least one 4 or higher. Rolling a 4 or 5 is usually a mixed success, and rolling a 6 is a complete success. Personally, I’m a big fan of games that use dice pools, as I’m also not a fan of trying to add up all of those numbers, and having to just look for the single highest dice helps speed up action resolution.
At the same time, Forged in the Dark games can have a lot of moving pieces at once, especially if the GM wants to track a large number of factions, or players want to plan multiple-stage missions. CASE & SOUL advertises itself as a slimmed-down version of these kinds of games, but I can’t tell whether or not that is the case when I look at the character sheets. What intrigues me is the CASE and SOUL tracks; I think your CASE is your Mech, and it receives Harm differently than your SOUL, which is an interesting way to measure how much your mech is (or is not) part of you.
Keyforge: Secrets of the Crucible, by Edge Studio.
In the center of the universe hangs the Crucible, a gigantic artificial world created by the enigmatic Architects and home to countless beings and cultures. Here, impossibly advanced technologies mix with arcane powers to make for a setting unlike any other! Uncovering the secrets of this mysterious world will take all your skills—but the potential rewards are boundless…
Explore this world of boundless opportunity in Secrets of the Crucible, a new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System set in the KeyForge universe!
You’ll need the Genesys Rulebook for this one, because the main reason I’m recommending Secrets of the Crucible is because of the dice system. Genesys dice don’t use numbers; they use symbols that represent success and failure - and they also have symbols that deepen the nuance of each roll. You can roll advantages or disadvantages that calibrate exactly how much you succeed, as well as triumphs or despairs that give you the same kind of highs and lows as a Nat 20 or a Nat 1 in D&D. This means that each roll tells you so much more about what’s going on around you than just whether you open a door or sweet-talk a guard.
As for the setting, Keyforge is originally a card game published by Fantasy Flight games, about a world called the Crucible, full of secrets that various factions are competing to unlock. It reminds me of the worlds of Magic: the Gathering or League of Legends, with various settings that look very distinct from each-other, and represent different styles of play.
SHIVER, by Parable Games.
SHIVER is a tabletop roleplaying game that lets players bring their favourite scary movies, spooky tv shows, and horror stories to life. Ever wanted to play through the plot of your favourite film on the tabletop? Or wanted to make sequels, prequels and original stories in the worlds of pop culture you love? SHIVER lets you play that!
SHIVER is setting neutral allowing you to play any story, anytime, and as anyone. Want to play a game of teens in survival mode against a zombie horde? Kids on Bikes who dread exploring a haunted house on Halloween night? Or perhaps a medieval monster hunter looking for a werewolf, vampire or mage? SHIVER can deliver stories and characters for anything from cult pulp classic to Cthulhu fuelled eldritch mystery.
The designer of SHIVER set out with the goal of making games easier for his friends, who had similar struggles with games that had too much math involved. Players roll six-sided and eight-sided dice with various symbols on them, looking for the symbol that represents their character's strengths. The more difficult the task is, the more of the required symbol you need. The game itself is recognized as a class-act horror game, good for everything from pulp-action to gothic fiction to slasher horror. If you don't have the special dice, you can substitute with d6's & d8's, or you can use the free Dice Roller designed for this game.
Tournament Arc, by Biscuit Fund Games.
Are you looking to experience the triumphs and defeats of Space Hyper-Basketball? Need to feel the epic highs and dizzying lows of card games in the post-apocalypse? Want to face the trials and tribulations of the cheese-rolling World Circuit?
Tournament Arc is your very own collaborative sports anime experience, made in the diceless Belonging Outside Belonging engine popularized by games like Dream Askew and Wanderhome. In every thrilling episode, you’ll play the part of the Team as they negotiate the complexities of their daily lives, explore a collaboratively created world, and, most importantly, play the Game.
Tournament Arc is both diceless and GM-less, and is designed to tell stories about teambuilding and competitive sports, although the setting appears to be pretty flexible. The Belonging Outside Belonging game system provides each character type with prompts, and sorts those prompts into different categories. Usually there will be some things you can always do that generate tokens as well as narrative obstacles, and then other things that you can only do when you spend tokens - and as a result, also help characters confront those narrative obstacles. If you have players that like having something tactile to keep in their hands as they play, you might like Tournament Arc.
Warehouse Bitches, by Darling Demon Games.
The Time Worm arrived as it was prophesied just as the crown fell upon his head, and all potentials collapsed into a single haunted citadel, which you call Hex City. You are transgender punks and goths from earth, and in this place your powerful hearts make you witches, daemons, beast-people and arcane architects. We bide our time, smoking and drinking, playing video games and eyeing the crumbling walls of our enemy, The Lord of Olympus.
In Warehouse Bitches, you play as one of the titular warehouse-dwelling trans folk in the hellish Hex City. In this GMless Belonging Outside Belonging game with a unique coin-flip mechanic, you'll wield magic, build allies across the city and fight back against the bastards in subtle ways.
I’ve already explained a bit about how Belonging Outside Belonging works, but Warehouse Bitches adds another layer by using coins as tokens. Using coins, your options are different depending on whether or not the coin is on Heads or Tails. The moves on your character sheet are not just differentiated between Strong and Vulnerable, they’re also differentiated between Heads or Tails, and you must have matching sides of the coins showing in order to be able to use those moves. Characters also have Magic moves, which require the player to flip every coin they currently hold, and reassign those coins based on whatever side they land on.
Warehouse Bitches has only 4 playbooks as it stands now, so a group of 4 players is probably the largest group that can play the book as it stands now. The game is GM-less, but looking at the rules, I think it would be possible to have someone pick up the GM role in order to introduce complications and narrate the actions of various other factions in town. Similar to other BoB games, there are zones that have various elements and details that need to be decided as you play, which will also help provide events and interesting features that keep the game fresh and exciting.
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themodernmarriage · 4 months
A New Learning
We've been doing this a while now, and it's working. I think I've got into a real groove, and it's become second nature. At first, especially when you are both new to this, there's a part of this chastity game which feels like a bit of a chore - or at least, a bit 'maintenance-y'. Of course, in any good sexual partnership, there is always work to put in, but what I sometimes didn't like was the feeling that I was doing the work. He was doing the 'suffering', and I was reaping many benefits, but I still had to do additional things that were not previously part of my routine or lifestyle.
Well, this feeling has gone. He knows the rules now, I know how to pin back and attempts to subvert them or bend them. "No". But I must admit, I have had a new learning recently worth sharing.
I've mentioned previously that the 'hardest' part of the lockup period for the male is the first 7-or-so days after an orgasm. The 'post-nut' clarity, and often 'drop', kicks in, and they often seem reluctant to get locked up again. Similar to how a previously-keen locked male will all of a sudden refuse to eat their cum straight after an orgasm - all of a sudden they are repulsed by an idea that turned them on massively a few seconds earlier.
Well, like all things male, this is simply primal physiological response. Post-orgasm, the male brain floods with blood, there is residual adrenaline and the blinding hormones of horniness dissipate. The result is a distinctly objective and un-sexual analysis of current state. This is inconvenient and to be avoided.
So what's my learning?
If my male is being allowed a full orgasm with his nub cage removed, I have now made it essential for the ring of the cage to be in place. The SECOND he has had his release, I firmly place the cage back on his ejaculating nub and firmly press until I can relock the cage. This means that the cage is back on his nub before the orgasmic glow subsides. His post-nut brain now takes in the 'current' state, and moves on. In this version of current state, he is already locked, so 'nothing to see here'. Since doing this, I have seen significant reduction in begging/whining/reluctance to start the next lockup cycle. Of course, ruined orgasms and caged releases have a similar effect, so take your pick.
Would be interested to hear your thoughts on this, or if you have any tips for the post-nut moments worth sharing. This may just involve "Do as I say - I don't care what you think", but hey!
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Welcome to the Cutting Room Throwdown!
Not every character gets their chance to shine, and finds themselves cast out of the narrative while it's still under development. Even if they do make it, the end result can be completely different from what was initially pitched. So...that's what this is! A battle for characters who technically don't exist!
Rules and criteria:
Submitted characters must either be characters cut from their intended media, characters from cancelled media, or characters whose initial planned portrayal (their "beta" version, if you would) differs heavily from the final product.
To help clarify what could count, here are the three characters who autoqualify and an explanation of why: - Sake (Tekken): A character who was originally proposed for Tekken, but was scrapped shortly after. While data exists for the character, they do not have a unique design, and all knowledge of the character comes from developer explanations. - Barrett (Mega Man Legends 3): A playable character to be introduced in the cancelled Mega Man Legends 3. The character has not appeared outside of a brief playable prototype, and has not been acknowledged by Capcom since the game's cancellation. - Woody (Toy Story - Beta): The first draft of Woody from Toy Story, with the character instead being an antagonistic ventriloquism dummy. The character was not well liked by the higher ups or Tom Hanks, and they were reworked into one of the film's two protagonists.
Any additional questions can be sent to the ask box. I"ll clarify when I can. I know this is a bit tricky to define.
Pilot characters may count, but it would be preferred if there was a significant difference to how they are portrayed in the final product.
Due to the nature of the medium and how sometimes they can be hard to define, OCs will not be included.
Characters from Harry Potter, South Park, and Hazbin Hotel will not be considered due to personal reasons.
Please do not spam a single character. Trust me. They will have a chance.
I'll do research on the characters before approval. But if you want to link any sources for the character regarding their existence or info regarding them, feel free to link it below.
Be kind. :)
With that, let's get into it!
Anyways bonus tags to boost!
@princess-polls @foundfamilyhq @blond-jerk-tourney @fairytale-poll @polls-showdowns @yall-hate-kids-tourney
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
I'm really glad to have found the Hermitcraft fandom here on Tumblr, I've been a long time fan and it's awesome to discover all this great fanart and content and stuff. Any must-follow MCYT/Hermitcraft/Minecraft blogs?
oh gosh, welcome! in general i am BAD about remembering who i follow and who i don't; a great way to find who you want to follow might be to just go through the #hermitcraft tag and follow people you find funny, or, heck, if i reblog a lot of art from a certain artist you like (or not a lot, like one art even), go follow them!
while we're here, a few additional general etiquette rules (keeping in mind that like, this is tumblr, trying to claim ANYTHING is a whole-community norm is basically impossible i am claiming a norm from my specific circle of guys): do not crosstag, only tag things that are actually in your post. don't use the 'minecraft' tag, that tag is for people who like the actual game. (i mean, you can use it if you are posting about minecraft, but not if you're posting about the youtubers). it's generally considered rude to put your crit in the main tags, especially without tagging 'discourse' somewhere so it can be filtered. shipping should generally have a 'hermitshipping' tag on it for filtering purposes as well, but if something is tagged hermitshipping and you're mad about it just like, block them, they did the important part.
the hermits i know of on tumblr (could be more, idk): @/joehills @/pearlescentmoo @/falsesymmetry @/therealdocm77 (not actually active but has the account) @/geminitayyt. cleo also had an account but it is no longer active. also @/inthelittlewood is here and like very active, as is @/askzloyxp and @/quinnhills. as a general etiquette rule, just... act like they're perfectly ordinary tumblr users and continue your business as usual! and don't send them weird asks or anything.
off the top of my head, a few blogs i like, an EXTREMELY non-exhaustive list, find your own guys out there as well you won't regret it! like, you will find the experience you like best just going out there and looking for it yourself! i've absolutely missed a bunch of guys i love, let alone guys you would love! this is like 10 million percent non-exhaustive, i follow 1,570 blogs apparently, many of which aren't hermitcraft or mcyt related, but many of which are, so i just sorta. went for it. and when i was having trouble remembering if a name was a repeat that's when i stopped. so. non-exhaustive list:
@nightshadeowl, @jestroer, @astronomodome, @kingtheghast, @floweroflaurelin, @roenais, @silverskye13, @wasyago, @rusty-courage, @art-by-fate, @silverskye13, @redstonedust, @betweenlands, @sixteenth-days, @judas-iscaryot, @terracottakore, @cherrifire, @antimony-medusa, @hybbart, @made-nondescript, @luigra, @cuteiemonster, @mawofthemagnetar, @potionofinstantdamage, @concorp, @spiderziege, @salemoleander, @bc-jpeg, @magicalmanhattanproject, @simplydm, @12u3ie, @mishapen-dear, @lunarblazes, @girltimeswithscar, @kishdoodles, @quaranmine, @shadeswift99, @bdoubleowo, @quicksandblock, @beacon-lamp, @kikunai, @sideblague, @applestruda, @ingapotejtoo, @belmarzi, @strifetxt
anyway FEEL FREE TO PROMO GUYS OR YOURSELF ON THIS POST TOO! from what i understand we may be getting some new guys sometime soon here from the twitter lands? so it may be helpful to have that for anyone who's looking for new guys to follow!
and most of all: WELCOME!!!
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kayuripax · 5 months
Valve news and the AI
So. I assume people saw some posts going around on how valve has new AI rules, and things getting axed. And because we live in a society, I went down the rabbit hole to learn my information for myself. Here's what I found, under a cut to keep it easier. To start off, I am not a proponent of AI. I just don't like misinformation. So. Onwards.
First off, no, AI will not take things over. Let me show you, supplemented by the official valve news post from here. (because if hbomberguy taught us anything it is to cite your sources)
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[Image id: a screenshot from the official valve blog. It says the following:
First, we are updating the Content Survey that developers fill out when submitting to Steam. The survey now includes a new AI disclosure section, where you'll need to describe how you are using AI in the development and execution of your game. It separates AI usage in games into two broad categories:
Pre-Generated: Any kind of content (art/code/sound/etc) created with the help of AI tools during development. Under the Steam Distribution Agreement, you promise Valve that your game will not include illegal or infringing content, and that your game will be consistent with your marketing materials. In our pre-release review, we will evaluate the output of AI generated content in your game the same way we evaluate all non-AI content - including a check that your game meets those promises.
Live-Generated: Any kind of content created with the help of AI tools while the game is running. In addition to following the same rules as Pre-Generated AI content, this comes with an additional requirement: in the Content Survey, you'll need to tell us what kind of guardrails you're putting on your AI to ensure it's not generating illegal content. End image ID]
So. Let us break that down a bit, shall we? Valve has been workshopping these new AI rules since last June, and had adopted a wait and see approach beforehand. This had cost them a bit of revenue, which is not ideal if you are a company. Now they have settled on a set of rules. Rules that are relatively easy to understand. - Rule one: Game devs have to disclose when their game has AI - Rule two: If your game uses AI, you have to say what kind it uses. Did you generate the assets ahead of time, and they stay like that? Or are they actively generated as the consumer plays? - Rule three: You need to tell Valve the guardrails you have to make sure your live-generating AI doesn't do things that are going against the law. - Rule four: If you use pre-generated assets, then your assets cannot violate copyright. Valve will check to make sure that you aren't actually lying.
That doesn't sound too bad now, does it? This is a way Valve can keep going. Because they will need to. And ignoring AI is, as much as we all hate it, not going to work. They need to face it. And they did. So. Onto part two, shall we?
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[Image ID: a screenshot from the official Valve blog. It says the following: Valve will use this disclosure in our review of your game prior to release. We will also include much of your disclosure on the Steam store page for your game, so customers can also understand how the game uses AI. End image ID]
Let's break that down. - Valve will show you if games use AI. Because they want you to know that. Because that is transparency.
Part three.
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[Image ID: A screenshot from the official Valve blog. It says the following:
Second, we're releasing a new system on Steam that allows players to report illegal content inside games that contain Live-Generated AI content. Using the in-game overlay, players can easily submit a report when they encounter content that they believe should have been caught by appropriate guardrails on AI generation.
Today's changes are the result of us improving our understanding of the landscape and risks in this space, as well as talking to game developers using AI, and those building AI tools. This will allow us to be much more open to releasing games using AI technology on Steam. The only exception to this will be Adult Only Sexual Content that is created with Live-Generated AI - we are unable to release that type of content right now. End Image ID]
Now onto the chunks.
Valve is releasing a new system that makes it easier to report questionable AI content. Specifically live-generated AI content. You can easily access it by steam overlay, and it will be an easier way to report than it has been so far.
Valve is prohibiting NSFW content with live-generating AI. Meaning there won't be AI generated porn, and AI companions for NSWF content are not allowed.
That doesn't sound bad, does it? They made some rules so they can get revenue so they can keep their service going, while also making it obvious for people when AI is used. Alright? Alright. Now calm down. Get yourself a drink.
Team Fortress Source 2
My used source here is this.
There was in fact a DCMA takedown notice. But it is not the only thing that led to the takedown. To sum things up: There were issues with the engine, and large parts of the code became unusable. The dev team decided that the notice was merely the final nail in the coffin, and decided to take it down. So that is that. I don't know more on this, so I will not say more, because I don't want to spread misinformation and speculation. I want to keep some credibility, please and thanks.
Portal Demake axed
Sources used are from here, here and here.
Portal 64 got axed. Why? Because it has to do with Nintendo. The remake uses a Nintendo library. And one that got extensively pirated at that. And we all know how trigger-happy Nintendo is with it's intellectual property. And Nintendo is not exactly happy with Valve and Steam, and sent them a letter in 2023.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from a PC-Gamer article. It says the following: It's possible that Valve's preemptive strike against Portal 64 was prompted at least in part by an encounter with Nintendo in 2023 over the planned release of the Dolphin emulator for the Wii and Gamecube consoles on Steam. Nintendo sent a letter to Valve ahead of that launch that attorney Kellen Voyer of Voyer Law said was a "warning shot" against releasing it. End Image ID.]
So. Yeah. Nintendo doesn't like people doing things with their IP. Valve is most likely avoiding potential lawsuits, both for themselves and Lambert, the dev behind Portal 64. Nintendo is an enemy one doesn't want to have. Valve is walking the "better safe than sorry" path here.
There we go. This is my "let's try and clear up some misinformation" post. I am now going to play a game, because this took the better part of an hour. I cited my sources. Auf Wiedersehen.
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 months
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Someone asked: What is the most common misconception or mishap users have/make?
There's a lot of misconceptions! I won't say this one is the most common but it's the one that's sticking out in my thoughts. It's not uncommon for someone to say that the volunteer handling their case is out to get them or doesn't know what they're doing. AO3 has millions of users — most of the time we've never heard of the user whose case we're handling. We also have a recusal policy. If someone thinks that they may have any conflict of interest, they don't interact with the report.
For the "doesn't know what they're doing" part, our team has standard procedure and protocols. The majority of situations already have established precedent to follow. With more novel or borderline situations, those cases are reviewed more closely by more people and we'll often ask for additional opinions on top of that too. Sometimes we're missing context or key details aren't in the report, and it's always possible to make a mistake, but no volunteer makes a decision that isn't grounded in our policies. PAC is very collaborative and decisions aren't made in a vacuum.
Another person also asked: What's the biggest misconception you see in either discussion around the TOS or reports people submit?
I hinted at a common reporting misconception when I did my first Q&A here. Reports only contain the information that someone lists in their report and nothing else. Lots of people will only type "Spam" or something similar in both fields of the report. Or "stolen work" and don't share what the source work is. We also get people who seem to think the report form asking for "A quote from or summary of the reported content" means they should pick a random TOS or FAQ quote (instead of giving a description of the work they're reporting). We don't need you to provide an essay, but a few details about the situation go a long way towards making it easier to handle a report.
About the TOS in general? Personally, I am surprised when people claim that AO3's TOS only prohibits what is illegal in the US and anything else is fair game. We allow a lot of different topics in fiction, and that fictional content might not be allowed on other sites (especially sites from other countries). But we have plenty of rules that have nothing to do with US law and more to do with what kind of environment we want AO3 to have (for example, our harassment and commercial promotion policies).
What's fair game on AO3 is what's allowed by our TOS. We want to allow all fanworks within reason, but we don't have to allow all legal everything. I'd imagine a site that stopped at what was legally allowed would become intolerable very quickly. Keysmash posts, advertisements, harassment, and such would overtake a platform like that pretty easily.
— guest mod tealight
If you have a question you’d like answered, you can ask here.
Disclaimer: I’m speaking for myself and not behalf of AO3 or PAC. I can only answer general questions. I cannot tell you if a specific work or user is breaking the rules. If you want to file a report or otherwise need an official PAC response, you can find PAC’s contact form by clicking on the “Policy Questions & Abuse Reports” link on any AO3 page.
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the-afterparty-au · 19 days
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The Afterparty AU is briefly summarized as taking place in a party within the void, lasting forever after a genocide route that was never undone. After many months of nothing but wind, our first fallen human realized the world was not going to be reverted by the player, and they stayed true to their word of Erasure. Chara however, simply getting bored decides to play a game framed as a experiment & brings back all the monsters you failed to befriend in a Genocide route back for a encore. Allowing everyone to reside in the void, a space between files & between deltarune and UNDERTALE. The amount of monsters that are happy about this is uncertain, but all of them are certainly questioning literally everything that brought them here.  (Lightly Inspired by these fanworks so, Thanks to @garbagechocolate, @djsmell & @jazze-bee for accidentally inspiring me to make a whole AU)
By; Modphys (They/them) (Main Blog & Art Blog: @kates-cave & @ryzies-ralley)  Modtaton (He/they) (Main Blog + Art Blog: @spiltmilk34 & @spoiledcheese34 | Instagram ) Papymod (She/they) (Main Blog + Art Blog: @theartistthatcantraw & @fail3dexp3rim3nt) Also thanking this for the text boxes haha
#ModAlphys🍍 #ModMTT🦝 #ModPapy💀 - Content from specific Mods
#OutOfVoid - General out of character posts/Asks/Announcements Etc.
#PostsFortheVoid Reblogs of any Fanart or random posts I/we might reblog
#PostsOfTheVoid Extra Content asks lore etc. not relevant to the actual plot Or announcements
#TheAfterPartyAU In universe & Main Story posts
#AskAfterparty is any asks in character
#ModsQ&A, Any Asks directly for the mods + #ModsArt is any Art Directly from the mods (not counting story)
[📋*RULES 📋]
[*Current AU Status: Active]
- No SERIOUS NSFW media. Swearing and certain (Chara Frisk & Flowey are all children) jokes are allowed but actual sexually explicit content & HARD GORE is prohibited. Plus the mods are minors 
- Harassment towards me, Or anyone of Any group, will not be tolerated
- Repeat asks will probably be ignored, sorry.
- Please Be patient, This blog does not have a schedule & updates come out when they’re ready (aim for at least 2 weeks) 
- No Magic!Anon please, While this story is a bit aimless it’s still there, plus Keep Roleplaying limited maybe. Makes my life easier.
- Technically not a hard rule but If you’re asking & have an ask blog I recommend you add your @, Love seeing other AU/Blog’s Out there in the wild!! Doesn't matter the fandom either :D 
- Probably will close the ask box if it gets too full, might cap it at 20 0r 25.
* Have funnnnn. =)
[*⚠️ *WARNINGS ⚠️]
This AU is estimated to be 15+  
While I don't plan to include shipping, it might sneak its way in here, who knows.
Swearing in Asks Is allowed plus the mod swears. (Steer clear of slurs, even if you can reclaim them.)
Scarring, Blood, Death, themes of unreality trauma & gore is around, Everyone was brought back from the dead. Additional CW for mentions Genocide considering this au is after one. 
potential mentions (& possible depictions) of suicide & Self harm, Fratricide, Mind Control (Possible Manipulation), & Divorce.
While this aims to be (kind of) joke au, General CW for potential disturbing content is out there. 
Feel Free the DM With any warnings I missed & should include
*Chara - 💔 *Frisk - ♥️ *Flowey 🌻 *Toriel - 🔥 *Papyrus - 💀 *Mad Mewsy - 💢 *The Undying - 🦈 *Muffet - 🕷️ *Mettaton NEO -  👾 *Sans - 🦴 *Asgore - 🔱
Homophobes, Terfs, LGBTQIA+Phobic, Racists, Xenophobes, Pro shippers, Anti-Anti's, Misogynists', Cancel Culture & Cringe Culture, NSFW/18+Blogs, Abelists, Zoophiles, Anti Semitism, Hate speech, MAPS/Pedos, Discourse Blogs, Y’know the basic DNI criteria stuff  (Just don't be a dick man this feels dumb to make.)
[*LINKS – 📎]
Beginning - N/A
Arcs  - N/A
Character Sheets - N/A
Most Recent - N/A 
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vitaminseetarot · 3 months
March Palette Game: CLOSED 🌈
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Somewhere, over the rainbow...
I felt inspired to do a game based on my huge stack of palette cards. I have 700+ palette cards to shuffle through, multiple stacks that take an hour to shuffle at least lol. I remove any duplicates, so 99% of these cards are different, which leaves much room for exploration.
All participants for this game will receive one palette card which will be read like an aura. What is your current energy? What kind of aura are you radiating? I will not reuse cards, so everyone will have a chance to get a unique card drawn! I will also pull one tarot card from the Spectrowhirl deck to give you additional insight as to why your palette card was selected along with additional guidance if needed. Images will be provided.
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RULES to Play:
☼ 1 Follow this blog if you're not already a follower: VitaminSeeTarot
☼ 2 Reblog this post with the tag #vitaminseetarotgame
☼ 3 Send me an Ask (not DM) along w/ two different signature emojis of your choice 🌈🎨
☼ 4 Asks will be accepted starting 3/18, deadline is 3/21 @ 5pm EST. Be sure to check the open/closed status before submitting. Asks submitted before 3/21 may receive their reading after the deadline has passed. Asks submitted after the deadline will not. Make sure to submit your Ask before the deadline if you want to participate.
☼ 5 Please be kind & patient while I finish your reading, as I don't know how many will play.
☼ 6 This game is for your specific energy/aura reading only. I will not do palette card readings for your friends, family, or other people in your life. I will not do readings for celebrities, events, or situations here.
☼ 7 Remember that energy is always changing and your aura reading is not meant to be interpreted as a permanent, fixed state. Free will is yours.
☼ 8 I reserve the right to refuse a reading for any reason (I may refuse only because certain guidelines weren't met. You are free to resubmit your Ask before the deadline, provided the above guidelines are followed).
☼ 9 You must agree to the above rules before playing.
☼ 10 If you would like to leave a tip, you can do so on my Ko-Fi page. Check back to my page soon if you're interested in paid readings as I will be opening up for personal sessions very shortly.
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Thank you for your donations, likes, reblogs, feedback, and follows. Thank you for your support! 🙂
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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Love Booth Challenge
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Love Booth for underrated characters.
Ikemen version
Hello and welcome to my first challenge. I am proud to present to you the Love Booth challenge, a month long exploration of love for the underrated characters of the Ikemen games.
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General Rules
Works and art of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, moodboards, playlists and everything you can manage to think of is included. 
Limited to Ikemen fandoms and to certain suitors, due to popularity of some characters more than others I have decided to host a challenge exclusively for the less appreciated.
I had this idea since forever what took me so long to post it was the creations of the prompts I created in association with my lovely friend MO @xxsycamore.
I did my best to include most of the less loved characters from the Ikemen games exclusively with an English version.
That said if you think about other less popular characters, belonging to one of these games or to other Ikemen games that are not out in English yet, You are allowed to use these prompts as inspiration.
The main focus is to show love to characters not so loved by the fandom/game all year around without limit for this reason I won't make a masterlist.
When posting your works, use the tag #love booth challenge - you can as well tag me @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help find other creations for those interested to check them out.
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Content Rules
This challenge features a list of prompts, and dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
Under the cut, you will find the prompts linked to the characters included in the challenge, that can be mixed up with prompts from other challenges happening around the fandom in the same month.
Any additional rules are up to the artists. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creator.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge whenever you feel like.
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!
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If you have any additional questions, I’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! I wish you happy creating!
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai - Storyteller - A walk under the cherry trees.
Jean - Monster - "I am not worthy of love."
Mozart - Music - "You are my muse."
Sebastian - Secrets - "My composure is an act."
Shakespeare - Bard - A poem for my lover
Faust - Alchemy - "Behave for me."
Charles - Obsession - "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Isaac - Scholar - "I don't understand people at all ... yet I found myself quite curious to know everything about you."
Ikemen Prince
Keith - Duality - "Trust me."
Luke - Bear - "I will protect you."
Jin - Sweets - "All I need is our love."
Rio - Pet - "I will love you always and forever."
Sariel - Discipline - "It will do good to remember I am quite a strict tutor."
Nokto - Facade - "Were the truth lies ?"
Licht - Scar - "No matter what I do this scars will not heal, but your presence made me forget about them."
Yves - Fashion - "Would you like to get ready together ?"
Ikemen Revolution
Zero - Identity - "I am human because of you."
Harr - Magic - "I only want to keep you safe."
Loki - Abandonment - Seeking comfort on a rainy night.
Blanc - Gentleman - "Do you remember what I warned you about when you came in Cradle?"
Mousse - Dreams - "You are the subject of my dreams. I want to know even more about you."
Dean - Strict - Stern gaze softening upon an endearing sight.
Dalim - Flirt - "You shouldn't have trusted me."
Oliver - Creativity - "The best part about my creations is seeing you smile."
Ikemen Sengoku
Kennyo - Revenge - "You make me feel complete with your love."
Ranmaru - Loyalty - "I will always be there for you."
Sasuke - Companion - Fanning over the fanboy.
Mitsunari - Knowledge - "Let me take care of you."
Yoshimoto - Beauty - Admiring art together.
Kanetsugu - Strategy - "I found quite difficult to keep my composure when you are around."
Hideyoshi - Devotion - "You're my number one priority."
Ieyasu - Teacher - Collecting herbs together.
Once again Have fun and Happy Creating! I can't wait to see all your creations. 🧡💟💌🤗
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Just a game
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Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
Tags/Warnings: Dragon!Jungkook, strangers to lovers/mates, mentions of folklore and traditions, modern fantasy, romance, human?Reader, Fluff, Courting, MC kinda wary of kook at first, but he's cute give him a chance pls
Additional Chapter Warnings: reader has some internal struggles, slight angst, fluff?
Length: Short (because tumblr eats long drafts these days)
A/N: I'm not done force-feeding you my dragon boy yet. Also thanks noni for the content ideas for this AU, I'll definitely use them well!
-> Masterlist
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He's waiting for you to approach him, and you know that. But you're pretty much terrified of doing that- especially considering how many gifts he's already received from all those pretty dragons around him.
Every dragon learns a craft from their parents when they're young. Be it woodworking or carving, braiding, knitting- every family has something they're good at. For Jungkook's, you've learned that he's a born protector. He's not necessarily good at any delicate handcraft, but is more gifted in anything involving physical strength. He knows multiple self-defense sports according to his friend Jimin, and due to him fully embracing his dragon blood, he also knows his own, and other's, instincts very well, and is able to almost sense if someone poses a threat just by nods language and instinct alone.
Meanwhile you grew up without a functioning family. You only had your father who had to work most of the time- so you basically grew up all by yourself, and never really learned anything you could use right now to impress him.
He's going to participate in the hunt this year, and traditionally, participants will receive tokens of good luck from admirers or family. You know he's waiting for you to give him something, anything really since that would be your way of courting him as well- but there's nothing you could give him.
You suck at everything.
Compared to what you've seen others give him as an offering, your own gift feels pathetic, like an admission that you're just not fit to be a good partner for him. But you know that giving him nothing at all might confuse him- it might give him the wrong idea, could make him think that you don't like him after all, which wouldn't be true at all.
It's just that the more you start to like him, the smaller your confidence shrinks.
And you don't know what to do about it.
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You watch how he gets ready for the hunt, lanterns all around lighting up the scene. You can see the way some older woman paints his ink-free arms in runes for protection, while other younger dragons are watching, swooning and trying to see if he's wearing any of their tokens.
He's not, from what you can see.
You could just be cool and give it to him. You know he likes you enough that you could give him a handful of dirt and he'd keep it safely in his pocket during the entire hunt as to not loose it. But you want to impress him too, as impossible as that might be.
But there's nothing you've got that could do that.
He seems to look around, searching for something, when an elder calls for everyone to get to their starting spots. Your heart is racing, your eyes are stinging with unshed tears as you grip the clumsily braided bracelet, before you finally jump over your shadow.
If you don't do anything, you might loose any chance of potentially being with him- and it's just not worth it.
"Jungkook!" You call out, and he immediately turns towards you, as if relieved to see you. "I, uh.." you stammer, before you simply grab his hand, slap the bracelet in it before closing his fingers around it-
And running away to hide, because that was the most embarrassing thing you've ever done.
Unbeknownst to you, he himself is a bit caught off guard for a second, before he looks at what you've given him.
The braiding isn't very neat- it's bigger and tighter in some spots, and there's knots here and there where they shouldn't be- but it's clear that the wooden beads are handmade, and from the way you've tried to create a pattern (and the fleeting sight of your fingers covered in bandaids), he realizes how much effort you've put into it.
It makes him smile as he slips it onto his wrist, tying it tightly with the help of his teeth so he won't lose it later.
He gets to the starting point assigned to him, sleeveless top hiding none of his actual tattoos, nor his toned physique. It's just a play this time, not a serious hunt- that'll be later, in a few days. Tonight, it's just so the participants can get the layout of the woods ingraved into their minds, to become familiar with everything before actually seriously racing for their own mate.
He's not invited you yet. Has not given you a token of his own yet- his necklace being merely a way to impress you, but not an actual offering of more than just fleeting interest.
Maybe he won't invite you at all. Who knows?
But when you see your clumsily made gift on his wrist, and his eyes on you having easily found you amongst the spectators, you feel like he will.
You feel like he's made up his mind already. You feel like he knows exactly what he wants now that you've made that step towards him.
He wants you.
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readypanda · 28 days
Indigo Park Spoilers (and very long post) ahead
Since Indigo Park is the newest fandom I've been dipping into, I figured I might as well make my own analysis for the game. The question I'll be discussing today is,
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(sry for bad picture quality lol)
The thing I find interesting about these mascots (Molly, Lloyd, and what we've seen of Finley) that kind of sets them apart from other monsters in the mascot horror genre is...they almost seem like they're just animals. (I'll go over evidence for this in this post)
Think about it. In other mascot horror games, we've gotten:
animatronics possessed by dead children
employees/kids surgically(?) turned into toys
people mutated by a giant ink machine
animals/people who have had their DNA spliced with a mutagenic chemical
A little girl somehow turned into a monster (I think??)(really sorry Amanda I don't know what you are)
(I'm not up to date on all these properties and I know there's many more, so forgive me if my lore understanding is less than adequate. you know how it is with indie horror)
The important note about all these is that for the most part, these mascots are intelligent, or at least have the capability of intelligence. Almost everything on this list was at one point human, in fact.
So why do I think Indigo Park is any different? What leads me to believe they aren't intelligent? (at least, the animal versions of the characters that we run from in the game. Whether they are separate from the versions of the characters Rambley interacts with is something I'll touch on later)
I think the most obvious piece of evidence in regards to Molly and Lloyd (again, not much info on Finley yet) is how Lloyd acts. He doesn't talk at all, he just stalks the main character and attacks like an animal might (with the exception of a couple times he stands on two legs or props himself up here and there).
As for Molly, I hear you saying, "But she talks! We hear her speak!" And yes, dear reader, you are right. Molly does speak. This would disprove my argument of the mascots being purely animalistic, if it weren't for this kill screen.
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Now, do we ever actually hear Molly say something that isn't a repetition or couldn't reasonably be a repetition? Has she said anything to prove her intelligence at all? (genuine question here because I haven't examined every one of her voice lines lol. If I'm wrong about this then whoopsie!)
Despite the past 250 words of speculation, though, whether they act just like animals isn't actually that important. We'll see more of them in later chapters anyway (or Lloyd and Finley at least) so that will likely prove or disprove this point with time.
The more interesting question is, what are they? Like, physically?
When Molly dies, we clearly see blood around her decapitated head. At the very least that rules out animatronics or something mechanical. In addition, in the audio of the hidden tape you get when you show Rambley one of the collectables, you can hear two staff members complaining about being replaced by "new mascots" right after they "got a new raccoon costume." This could mean a few different things, but it seems to imply that the mascots we see in this chapter are meant to be replacements for actors in suits (for meet and greets, promotion, shows, etc) and/or replacements for limited, expensive, and cumbersome animatronics. If this is true, we can also probably rule out them being human. Unless Indigo Park also had a secret human experimentation lab, which I wouldn't put past them.
I think it's too early to definitively state what these mascots are, but based on the evidence of above, I have a theory.
My personal theory is that these mascots are just animals who have been changed or mutated in some way to allow the park to have more "realistic" representations of the characters (also probably to cut down on the costs of paying a human employee). That would explain why they act the way they do and why they are so violent. They literally are just wild animals who have been warped to represent these cartoon characters.
Another important caveat to this theory is that, if this is true, then the mascots who attack us in the game are most likely NOT Rambley's "friends" as he knows them. That would explain why he doesn't call attention to Molly chasing us or Molly's dead body (with the exception of one very small reaction when he talks about the mascots). You would expect him to seem a little more upset if he thought that was his friend, but maybe on some level he knows it's not really her, just a representation of her.
That brings up another question, which is a can of worms I won't fully open here: Do Molly, Lloyd, and Finley have sentient "AI" equivalents like Rambley? If not, does Rambley know his friends aren't real? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, that just about closes my thoughts on this silly raccoon game. Thanks for letting me ramble on about it, and thanks for making it to the end of the post!
Lemme know about your own theories in regards to what these things are, or if there's any key evidence I missed. Kinda threw this together lol. Most of it will likely get disproven by future chapters but hey, thus is the price of theorizing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ottogatto · 11 months
I would like to submit two ideas because I think I'm poking something but not going in fully, so I would very much like your opinions and additions about it (of course, as long as they remain in good faith *side eyes possible antis viewing my post*).
Marauders and surface-level rebellion
I've finally put to words something that really bothered me with the Marauders, though I don't know the name for it.
It started when I read a reblog that said:
I remember Brennan saying “laws are just structured threats made by the ruling socioeconomic class” during an episode of D20 and we truly just had to stan immediately
This is something dear privileged white woman Rowling didn't realize/understand well, since she held a high socioeconomical status even during her """poverty""" stage. It's known that, despite seeming to be defending ideas of fighting against fascism and "pureblood" supremacy in favor of acceptance of the other, her books reek of colonialism/imperalism. The story of the Marauders, a gang of privileged boys like her, is an in-world replica of that problem where Rowling betrays yet again her actual mindset.
The Marauders adopt the "bad boys who break rules" to get style, while completely losing/staining the moral sense in it.
Let's take piracy.
Some people pirate stuff because they consider that the stuff they'd like to get comes from unethical companies that abuse their employees or use modern slavery, or people who spread harm against certain minorities (like Rowling against trans people and thus the LGBT+ community), so while they may want to access the content, they don't want to give them money and might even encourage pirating their stuff to make them lose money.
Some pirate stuff because otherwise it's lost due to unfortunate "terms of use" -- see video games companies like Ubisoft (deletes gaming account after a while), Nintendo (does not bring back old games), etc.
Others pirate stuff because they just don't have the money but they still want to try the stuff that might make them happy and forget that they're poor -- reasoning that the company isn't losing any money anyway, or not much, since they wouldn't have been able to pay for it in any case.
Others pirate stuff because they consider the price ridiculously high or they consider it shouldn't be something to pay for at all. (Like education stuff -- isn't education supposed to be free for all, so that it can actually uphold everyone's fundamental and unconditional ( = not conditioned by wealth...) right to have an education? Oh and before anyone asks: I've DEFINITELY bought the ~15 expensive books that's roughly worth 500€ in total and that my uni asked I buy to study and get my degree...)
Rowling's Marauders is a group that would pirate stuff just because they'd think it would give them an edge, because they'd think it would make them cool to be seen as "talented" hackers who "defy" companies. Companies... that their own friends and families would own, and as such, would find that kind of behavior funny and entertaining (while they would trash other people around for considering it).
Another example. In society, in history, it's been proven time and again that breaking rules -- going against the law -- is an eventuality that's important for everyone to consider, if they want to defend their rights. Anti-racism, feminism, LGBT Pride, etc, advanced because people broke rules. In USA states where abortion is currently being banned, women and minors (+ their close ones) must now consider breaking the rules to get an abortion. (Privileged people don't give a fuck about those people, and if they suddenly decide that (moral) rules don't apply to them and they will get an abortion, they will just take a plane ticket to a country where abortion is legal, fiddling with legal stuff if necessary thanks to the lawyers their fortunes can afford and the lobbies that they're instituting.)
Revolutions happened because people broke rules too. I particularly like the 1793 Constitution in France Because it asserts that the people have the right to break rules and riot if the power in place threatens their fundamental rights:
Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs. Article 35. - When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most essential of duties.
(Of course the power in place would state and enforce and make use of propaganda to say that it's completely illegal and illegetimate and that those who riot for legitimate rights are terrorists!)
Breaking rules is at the core of anti-fascism, anti-dictatorship, anti-totalitarianism. Breaking rules is essential when those rules are abusive. Too often, those who put those rules in place really are only setting their rules of the game to establish their power over the others. Or as the reblog says: "laws are just structured threats made by the ruling socioeconomic class".
Rowling's Marauders break rules because they are the socioeconomical class in power. As such, no one can do anything about it, no one will really tell them down for it. They get excused and justified and romanticized by their peers, just like billionaires & politicians are excused by their peers and notably mainstream media (which is owned... by other billionaires). They break rules -- not because they think it's necessary and the morally right thing to do despite the dangers it puts them in -- but because it makes them feel powerful, important, invincible, which for them is very fun. As Snape says: James and his cronies broke rules because they thought themselves above them:
“Your father didn’t set much store by rules either,” Snape went on, pressing his advantage, his thin face full of malice. “Rules were for lesser mortals, not Quidditch Cup-winners. [...]”
They break rules because they're allowed to.
Which is why, in reality, the Marauders aren't really breaking rules or defying anything or opposing an actual big threat. They're a bunch of jocks who are having fun in the playground that's been attributed to them thanks to their status and family heritage (others wouldn't get the same indulgence because they don't get that privilege).
They break rules because they want to look cool, to be the "bad boys". The message has been compleyely botched. Especially with Lily actually finding this hot.
Because Rowling finds this hot:
[...] I shook hands with a woman who leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, 'Sirius Black is sexy, right?' And yes, of course she was right, as the Immeritus club know. The best-looking, most rebellious, most dangerous of the four marauders... and to answer one burning question on the discussion boards, his eyes are grey.
(Anyone has an eyes washing station?)
Another quote:
"Sirius was too busy being a big rebel to get married."
(Nevermind the eyes washing, anyone's got some bleach instead?)
Stanning James Potter for being the leader of a gang that prides itself on breaking rules and always getting away with it -- it feels like stanning Elon Musk for being "innovative" and "a daring entrepreneur" despite being a manchild who exploits workers and modern-world slavery to play with his billions while always getting away with it.
They're not being "rebels" -- they're being bullies and flexing the fact they can get away with it thanks to abundance of privilege. Those are the tastes of a posh British white woman. She wanted the facade -- not the substance (that is, if she ever understood it).
You might say that they did oppose a big threat, the Death Eaters, but again, it's botched because:
they target a lonely, unpopular boy who's best friends with a Muggleborn Gryffindor, rather than baby Death Eaters like Mulciber, Lucius, Rosier, Avery, Regulus, etc.
The leader sexually harasses the Muggleborn Gryffindor because he's sexually jealous of the unpopular boy who dared not take the insult about his chosen House and shut up. Lily is treated as an object, they don't listen to her, and they barely speak about her later. (Lots to say to show that, which I won't do here because this is not the main subject.)
When the Marauders do join the Order, they do it... because they primarily want to adopt a rock-n-roll style and play the "bad boys" again. Or at least that's the message that's given to the reader:
They seemed to be in their late teens. The one who had been driving had long black hair; his insolent good looks reminded Fisher unpleasantly of his daughter's guitar-playing, layabout boyfriend. The second boy also had black hair, though his was short and stuck up in all directions; he wore glasses and a broad grin. Both were dressed in T-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird; the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, tuneless rock band.
(God, the Prequel is so cringy.)
They don't choose Dumbledore as the Secret Keeper, they don't tell him they changed to Pettigrew -- even though he literally was their war leader -- James uses the Cape to fuck around even though he was supposed to be hiding with Lily and then Harry (until Dumbledore takes the Cape from him)... and eventually, their group exploded, with James killed off, Sirius thrown to Azkaban, Peter (the traitor) hiding as a rat and Lupin going off to find jobs to survive.
Why did that happen? Because they thought of playing their part in the Order like going on a teenage adventure rather than engaging in a resistance organization. It was, first and foremost, about playing "the bad boys" and having fun.
(Harry half-inherits this. While he doesn't break rules just to look cool, and actually has several moments where he does break rules because it's the right thing to do -- like under Umbridge or, of course, when Voldemort takes power -- he does often get pampered when he breaks them in his earlier years. By Dumbledore, but also McGonagall, however much Rowling tries to sell her as a "strict but fair" teacher. Or by Slughorn, now that I think about it. That's something that enraged Snape, as it brought up memories of Harry's father -- Snape's own bully -- getting the same treatment.)
It's not a coincidence that Rowling not only failed to properly convey through the Marauders the true value of breaking rules, but also lusted over them for adopting that "bad boys" trope. It speaks to her own privilege -- she who never had to put herself in danger and go against the law in a risky attempt to protect herself or other less privileged people.
(Here's a useful read to expand on those worldbuilding issues.)
2. Dark Magic, obscurantism and conservatism
For context: Opinion: The Dark Magic/Light Magic Dichotomy is Nonsense (by pet_genius).
The idea of "Dark Magic" as something that's repeatedly told to be "evil" magic and where you cross the line of the forbidden, while hardly putting in question that notion that was (for some reason) enforced by wizard society, is another blatant example of Rowling betraying her mindset of privileged British white woman.
Rowling couldn't put herself in the minds of a society of "outcasts (witches & wizards) deeply enough to consider they would not see any magic as "Dark" at all (being a ""Muggle"" concept), or that Dark magic is only magic that requires something unvaluable to be traded off -- like one's soul or health or life or sanity. Instead, she has Dark Magic defined as "evil" magic, even though her own books show that you can do evil stuff with normal magic, and that you can do morally good stuff with Dark magic. This thing happened because Rowling could not think past her own little world and instead she poured a conservatist mentality (+ typical "Muggle", anti-witch prejudice) into the HP (wizard society) worldbuilding without considering that there could, in fact, be fundamental differences between the two worlds that include thinking of magic differently. (This has a lot to do with Rowling's wizard world being a pro-imperalism fest.)
"Dark Magic" feels like a lazy, badly-executed plot device to tell the reader who's a good guy and who is not. Because of course, that's how things work in real-life, huh… (Did she ever hear of "don't tell, show"?) It's used as an excuse to define who's evil (teen Severus) or not (James), who's worthy or not -- not how their magic was used. Which is a BIG problem:
“I’m just trying to show you they’re not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are.” The intensity of his gaze made her blush. “They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” / “Scourgify!” Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him —
Even worse, Rowling doesn't follow her own in-world moral framework. Dark magic is acceptable for some people (Rowling's partial self-inserts: Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione to Marietta...) but not for those that Rowling hates (Snape, who ironically represents the closest thing to rebelling by unapologetically obsessing over the Dark Arts). Again, this is at best unadressed in-world hypocrisy, at worst an expression of in-world and out-universe privilege (I get to do this and stay a good guy, but you don't).
There could have easily been rightful criticism of whatever could be defined as "Dark Magic". What if Dark magic was just something defined as "Dark" usually because the power in place doesn't want the people to touch it? Is abortion or contraception or a sex-altering or a goverment-threatening spell, Dark Magic? Is foreign or ethnicity-specific or female-centered or queer-centered magic, "Dark"? How about showing why (Muggle-raised but also neurodivergent) Severus thought Dark magic was so great, showing his point of view, while also establishing where the true limits are? If Lily can't be the one who sees past the "fear-mongering anti-intellectualism/propaganda", how about Harry being the one who does, thanks to him relating to Snape on a personal level? How about making Hermione go from someone who condems Dark Magic, to someone who entirely changes her point of view and understands that this is all bullshit -- effectively showing the dangers of only following what the books say, without putting them into question or thinking by yourself? How about a nuanced view of Dark magic as something that requires a significant sacrifice, which is conceivable for something they see as equally or even more important [Lily's life for Harry; Snape's soul integrity for Dumbledore]? How about making the Death Eaters, people who deviate that legitimate interest, rather than just evil guys who thrive in Dark magic for its supposed added evilness? How about showing that Dark magic was just a notion invented by Muggles to throw "witches" (real or not) to the burning stakes -- later taken by the witches and wizards in power to define, in the magical community, what was okay or definitely forbidden because it's the trademark of those who represent a threat to the magical community (understand: people who riot or strike or protest against the ruling socioeconomical class' politics)?
But there was none of that.
"Dark" magic in HP merely seems to be a weird concept that at best accidentally takes the form of an in-world obscurantism, at worst is just the trademark of someone who cannot imagine a "hunted, ostracized" community with a different culture and mindset than her own. Aggravating is the fact that she used "Dark magic" as a plot device to magically cast some people as good and others as never bad – again, probably reflecting her own questionable mentality.
The fact Rowlnig invented the notion of Dark Magic and had her world consider it seriously as an evil thing instead of being open-minded seems to be less telling of her wishes to show a wizard society that can be as prejudiced as the muggle one, and more of her own bizarre world where you must be evil if you are knowledgeable in or interested in certain "taboo" things (RIP neurodivergents).
Rowling glorifies the Trio and the Marauders for breaking rules. Yet when it comes to actually breaking expectations and norms, notably in the wizarding society -- like the use of another magical species as slaves, or the blatant anti-Muggle prejudice held by everyone including "good guys" (or anti-centaur while we're at it), or stupid anti-knowledge prejudice like "Dark magic is evil" -- there is none of that. At best, it's surface-level opposition that comes out as white savior syndrome. At worst, the protagonists make it their noble code to enforce those norms, and "sinful" characters (Snape, for one) are punished for not conforming. Too often, those sinful characters are punished by the "good guys" with the very thing that they apparently oppose so fervently.
Without ever adressing the fact that those characters were ("morally") allowed to do that because it was just, in the end, a matter of who gets the privilege to do that, and who does not.
Do you have anything to say to develop on those ideas? I feel like I'm reaching my knowledge limit and I'd like to see if those ideas can be expanded.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SR Riddle Rosehearts - Beach Wear Vignette
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Riddle: Hm…?
Riddle: It's rather refreshing to be woken up by the sound of lapping waves. And the others are…
Everyone: Snooore… Zzzzzz…
Riddle: It looks like they're all still asleep. …Well, since I'm awake, I suppose I'll step outside for some air.
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Riddle: The ocean stretches on forever. This doesn't feel real at all, but we really are stranded here…
Riddle: I wonder if Trey, Cater and the others have started to worry? What about my mother…?
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Riddle: …
Lilia: Why're you just gazing off towards the ocean like that, is something wrong?
Riddle: Oh, Lilia-senpai. No, not really…
Riddle: My daily routine every morning was to wake up before all my other dormmates and patrol the dormitory, before ironing my shirts.
Riddle: Ever since coming here, I haven't needed to do either. That's why I'm not sure what I should do.
Lilia: It's good that you're so studious. But I think it'd be fine if you relax a little and enjoy the moment, too.
Riddle: Relax, you say… Even if you were to tell me that, it's difficult to bring myself to waste my time doing absolutely nothing productive.
Lilia: Hm, I see. I guess that's very much like you… OH, I GOT IT!
Lilia: I had a great idea. After we all eat breakfast, do a quick patrol and gather more provisions, we should meet back here on this beach!
Riddle: What do you plan on doing?
Lilia: That's for you to see later. Kufufu!
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Lilia: ―So, here we have it, folks!
Riddle: Beach Flags… They say this competition originated from the training that surf lifesavers did.
Riddle: The runners would lay face down on the starting line with their backs towards the flags, and upon the given signal, would run towards the flags.
Riddle: If I recall, the rule was that there was one less flag than the number of runners, and the one who could not capture a flag would be eliminated.
Lilia: You know your stuff, have you done it before?
Riddle: It was the theme of a crossword that was in the appendix of one of my study materials. So I do have some knowledge of it, however I've never tried it…
Lilia: This isn't just a game. We are all stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean… There's no telling when we could all fall prey to danger.
Lilia: So basically, we'll use this sport to train ourselves, both mentally and physically. However…
Lilia: Since it wouldn't be fun just running, I've prepared for everyone a rather splendid prize! The winner will get...
Lilia: Floyd's Super Deluxe ☆ Special Fruit Parfait!
Everyone: PARFAIT!?
Ace: I totally didn't wanna run, but… I definitely want to eat that super deluxe parfait!
Azul: Floyd's excellently whipped-up creations may be great additions to the Mostro Lounge menu…
Jack: I don't really care about parfaits, but… There's no way I can let myself lose in a competition.
Floyd: Aha! What, you all think you're gonna get to dig in? Obviously, I'm gonna be the winner!
Riddle: A parfait! …Ahem. If this is to be training, I shall have to focus up properly.
Grim: I wanna eat the parfait already! Lilia! Let's get this show on the road!
Stitch: Yeehaw!
Lilia: Everyone's so fired up! Alright, let's begin! Reaaaaaadddyyy…
[blows whistle]
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Everyone: RAAAAH!!
Riddle: A-Ack!? Everyone just dove at the sand face first!? You're all covered in sand. Are you alright, Ace!?
Ace: The sand's real smooth, so I'm totally fine. 'Sides, Beach Flags is just supposed to be for fun, anyway.
Riddle: Eh, you're enjoying being covered in sand!?
Lilia: The lifesaver's mission is, just as they're called, to save lives. In order to do that, they must be prepared to fly towards the target without any hesitation.
Lilia: Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to say that diving into the sand with great vigor is just another rule of this competition! It can be a necessity in times of emergency!
Riddle: It's a rule!? I-I understand. If it is a rule, then I shall also jump forth.
Ace: …Was there actually a rule like that in Beach Flags?
Lilia: This is more fun… I mean, more exciting. Alright, we're starting the next round!
[blows whistle]
[running, sliding]
Riddle: I captured a flag! Oh… Right, I was supposed to dive into the sand. Hup!
Floyd: Goldfish-chan, that's hilarious that you're just flopping yourself into the sand after you grabbed a flag! You make no sense!
Riddle: W-Well, I can't figure out how to slide.
Floyd: You just gotta go for it, like how you'd jump into the water. Like, this!
Riddle: What are you even saying? When entering a body of water, you need to first shower yourself with the water, let your body get used to the temperature, and step in one foot at a time!
Lilia: Hrrm, he's a hard-headed one. ALRIGHT, NEXT!
[blows whistle]
Riddle: This time, I'll definitely get it right… HIYAH!
Azul: Wha―! Riddle-san just slid into the goal and grabbed the flag with his foot!?
Riddle: I concluded that it is more difficult to dive into the sand face first. There is no rule against capturing the flag with your feet, now is there?
Ace: I mean, it's technically not against the rules, or anything… But shouldn't that actually be harder to do!?
Lilia: Alllright, it's really starting to heat up! Next!
[blows whistle]
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Lilia: After so many bouts of fiery competition that could dry up a whole ocean… Finally, we come to the championship round! The two remaining contestants are…
Lilia: Jack, the supernova of the track and field club, who has been capturing the flags with his beautiful running posture and spirited diving!
Lilia: And Riddle, the rose-red ruler of Heartslabyul who has somehow continued to win, despite never successfully diving into the sand!
Lilia: Any comments from the rest of you, who have all been eliminated while trying to sabotage and drag each other down?
Ace: I mean, I don't think even my Housewarden'll be able to beat Jack…
Azul: There is an overwhelming difference in physical stature. And since magic is forbidden, he may not have much of a chance to win.
Grim: Both of you do your best~! And then give me a bite of your parfait when you win~!
1. Do your best, you two! 2. Share your parfait with meee~!
Lilia: Kufufu… No one can predict what may happen. Monsters lurk everywhere on this summery beach.
Floyd: …Hmm~? Those shells by Sea Urchin-chan's feet… Are those…
Lilia: Alright, here we go! Both of you get ready… Seeeet!
[blows whistle]
Jack/Riddle: RAAAAH!!
[rustle, rustle]
Jack: Ack, what's happening!? All the shells around my feet are starting to move… Were these hermit crabs that were hiding under the sand!?
Riddle: HAAAAH!
Azul: The sand is flying everywhere… Such momentum! Does he not know what moderation means?
Riddle: …Bleagh! Cough, cough! Th-There's sand all in my mouth… But, I finally was able to dive into the sand!
Riddle: And I captured the flag! Yes! I won! Did you see that, Ace!?
Ace: Yeah, yeah, I saw you, Housewarden. Gooood job!
Ace: Maaan. Look at him covered in sand and jumping for joy… If any of our dormmates saw this, they'd flip their lids.
Jack: That was due to the course being faulty! I demand a remat… Meh, I guess it's ridiculous to get worked up over a silly game like this.
Jack: I guess having the hermit crabs jump in is just another part of it being summer.
Floyd: Mmkay, so to our winning Goldfish-chan, here's Floyd's Super Deluxe Special Fruit Parfait ♪
Lilia: And for the rest of the participants, you'll get a special sundae for your valiant efforts! Let's all go eat!
Everyone: YAAY! HOORAY!
Riddle: This is the first time I've ever been covered in this much sand. But… Heh, this isn't too terrible.
Stitch: Ehe!
Riddle: Ah, hey! Stitch! This is my parfait! If you try to snatch it from me, it will be off with your head!
Stitch: Yahahaha!
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Requested by @dida-books.
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AITA for taking my video game back?
For context, I currently live with my partner, my brother, and his girlfriend. Me and my partner are long-time video game players, and as such, we have certain ways we like to do things. My brother and his girlfriend started playing with us, and we told them how we like to do things and asked that they respect how we do it. They have made plenty of passive-aggressive comments about it, but as we pay for their online play options, they have dealt with it.
Recently, my brother's gf has become obsessed with one game in particular that is a special comfort for my partner and myself. To make playing easier for her, I've let her borrow a copy of the game.
Well yesterday me and my partner and I got on the shared in game world, and every rule we had was broken and disregarded. So we messaged the group chat to call her out on it and ask what was going on. She responded by calling us rude and claiming she didn't know it was wrong because she's still learning the game and ignoring me for the rest of the evening.
Now it's just a game and shouldn't be a big deal, but this game and its world have been a key part of my relationship with my partner, so it's very sentimental to us as well. We have also encouraged her regularly to create her own spaces on the game to play or respect how we do things.
The incident has bugged me so much that today I took back my copy of the game while they were at work because I just don't want her using it any more.
It's important to note that she can still play the game, she would just have to use split screen with my brother (which they both hate and would rather just not play at all) or but there own additional copy ($40).
What are these acronyms?
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dawns-beauty · 9 months
How to Write Bug Reports for Mods (that are actually helpful for the modder)
I have received a lot of useless bug reports over the years and it sucks big time. So here's a guide on how to write not-sucky reports for mods. Keep in mind this is based on my experience modding Skyrim on the Nexus, so YMMV, but hopefully it's somewhat game-agnostic.
Before you do anything:
Read. Everything. EVERYTHING in the mod's description. Then, when you're done with that, go to the Comments section and read ALL Sticky Posts. Then at least skim the most recent comments.
If you don't find your solution there, then proceed.
What is a bug?
A bug is an error in the mod. Whether it's a bad texture, mesh, or an error in the data package (.esp files for Skyrim.) Bugs will be present even on an otherwise unmodded setup.
What is NOT a bug?
Mod conflicts are when two or mods have conflicting data with another mod. This often presents the same as bugs BUT the key difference is that issues caused by mod conflicts are not present if the other mod(s) is not loaded.
These may need a patch to fix or you may just need to adjust your load order.
Why does it matter?
Bugs are a modder's responsibility and they (and other users) would benefit from knowing about it. If you find a bug after ruling out your other mods, please report it in the Bug Reports section!
Mod conflicts are not a modder's responsibility: there is no way modders can (or want to) test their mod with the millions of mods out there. Conflicts are not inherent to the mod, and should not be reported as bugs. However, it would be beneficial for users and the modder to know about, so I recommend leaving a comment.
What Information Should You Include in a Bug Report?
What version of the mod are you using?
Include the version number. Nexus tacks one onto reports, but it is usually inaccurate.
If there are multiple versions of the mod (whether it be separate files or choices you make while installing with a FOMOD etc.) include your choices. This can make a HUGE difference, as they can contain completely different data and the modder needs to know exactly where to look for the issues.
Are you using any additional patches the modder made?
Include these in your report.
Have you ruled out other mods/tested on a minimal mod load?
If not, please do this. If you don't want to, then don't post as a bug report (as it may or may not be a bug.) Adding a comment about it is fine, though, of course.
Explain your issue.
Give as much information about who/what/where/how you encounter the bug. Give information about how you tested for it, what happens, exactly when the problem happens.
Did you encounter the bug while updating? Say what version your started with and what version your updated to.
Particular NPC(s) affected? Add their names (please.)
An Example of a Report I'd Like to See:
*on the Nexus Bug Report Page: Very Real Cat Mod*
Hi Modder. I'm using version 2.0, the Oops All Bingus option.
While playing, I noticed Bingus (the cat that lives in the Bannered Mare) has solid purple eyes. I tested without any other mods active and it still happens. It only happens to Bingus, all the other cats I've seen have normal eyes.
I am not using any of your other patches for the mod.
Bottom line: modders should not have to play 20 Questions to get to the bottom of the problem.
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