#don't tell him but he fits right in
bibannana · 10 months
Echo *trying to be optimistic*: Variety is the spice of life.
Rex *who puts up with all the Skywalker bullshit*: I would like my life unseasoned thanks.
Fives *rolling his eyes*: Boo you bland bitch.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @nekotaetae @staycalmandhugaclone @jiabae @sexy-rex
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fiepige · 11 months
Theory time! (again)
What if Hobie also have powers that most spider-people don't?
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When I first saw the this scene I thought it was supposed to symbolise Hobie havning a similar power to Miles, as he was able to break the barrier when the other spider-people couldn't! (Though this could also be because Miles loosened it like he mentioned himself!)
Having watched the movie several times now I'm not as convinced that this is the case, BUT it would also explain how Hobie knew that Miles could use his powers more efficiently if he used his palms and not just his fingers; if Hobie had a similar power he would know how it works!
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(Another theory could be that Hobie is using a shockwave from his guitar to break the shield like shown when he introduces himself, though he also appears to have some giant speakers behind him in that scene).
ALSO: At first I thought it was just part of the way Hobie was animated, but I heard someone mention it in a youtube video and now I wanna bring it up too:
Can Hobie teleport?
If we look at the first GIF of him telling Miles to use his palms we can clearly see him suddenly appear much closer to Miles than before!
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And in the next shot he appears to be back where he stood before! He actually does something similar another time:
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I did not remove anything between these scenes, Hobie literally goes from lying on his back to behind the corner (top left) in a second. And once Peter B appears he's now behind Miles and Gwen (who have both turned 180 degrees to face Peter!) (I uploaded the video to better show what I mean)
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Again this might purely be due to the way he's animated and the fact that he doesn't believe in consistency but I think it's fun to speculate nonetheless!
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egginfroggin · 4 months
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This was supposed to be significantly simpler, but then backgrounds and crowns happened.
Frankly, I rather like how it came out, excessive effort aside.
Anyway, I hope you all have a very good, blessed night. <3
(Program: Krita; time taken: about 2 hr 45 minutes)
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Dear God how I fucking hate when people dismiss s character's traits because "that's just a facade! you as the reader have to see underneath it!!" like yeah no fucking shit Sherlock, a well written character has more than one (1) defining trait but that doesn't mean their most prominent one or the one most recognized by fandom ISN'T there
yes this is about people thinking dick grayson isn't actually a ray of sunshine, that it's just a mask. he's much more than the happy one, of fucking course, all batfam members (when written well) are, but that doesn't mean that being happy and bright is not a crucial part of his personality. he brings light to people's lives, he's a beacon of hope, that's what Robin was born for, as a light to Batman's darkness. That's what Nightwing is. He can be serious, sure. He's smart, an amazing strategist, incredibly good at fighting, he can be manipulative and morally gray and sometimes an objectively bad person. But he's ALSO funny and quippy and bright and sunshine. BECAUSE HE'S WELL WRITTEN.
Like Jesus stop making him so sad and wrong all the time just because you want so bad to go against "fanon". It's not fanon if it's literally his core trait. It's not fanon if it's what the character was BORN AS. God.
#I'm not sure if this even makes sense#it's almost 6am I haven't slept and I just saw someone say he's a manipulative bitch and to stop writing him as a ray of sunshine#and now I'm mad#because this parson had this lukewarm takes with most of the batkids#like yeah I get a lot of damian's traits and back story are deeply rooted in racism#but like he did try to kill tim. and he killed a bunch of people when he first got to Gotham. that's a thing that happened.#and no matter how racist the reason behind that plot line might have been#it's something that happened and choosing to believe it didn't happen because it doesn't fit your preconceived ideas of how#a character should or should not be is just plain stupid#you can explore the character and change their personality and play with them in fanfic sure that's what we all do#but don't pretend that canon doesn't exist. you can choose to utilize it or not but acknowledge it even if it's just to spit in it's face#damian's not tame he's not more chill than his brothers he's not misunderstood#he's a child who had a horribly traumatic childhood and reacts with violence because that's all he knows#Jason's angry and he has every right to be and to say he isn't is to erase an incredibly important part of his character#you don't get to tell a victim how to be a good victim. Jason's a victim.#dc#batman#rambles#batfam#batfamily#dc universe#dc comics#batman and robin#dick grayson#Jason Todd#Damian Wayne#nightwing#red hood#oh look I made a post about dc that is NOT about Tim#wild huh
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wesavegotham · 8 months
The different parts of Gotham War not lining up at all in terms of plot, character motivation and characterization is bad enough, but now that DC is suddenly trying to explain when other titles like Detective Comics and Batman and Robin are taking place in relation to Gotham War it gets even worse because now all of these storylines make so much less sense too.
#Gotham War#Listing all the reasons why Gotham War and Ram V's Tec run don't fit together would be complicated#Because they are doing similar things with a similar cast of characters but in extremely different ways#And I don't have the energy to go through both storylines to get the details right#But Batman and Robin is simple#You can't have a cozy father-son-story and Bruce going insane and shoving all the parental responsibilities onto Dick#to be a brooding loner again taking place at the same time#Is the entire Batman and Robin book supposed to take place during the few days that Damian was the only one on Bruce's side in GW#Before Bruce abandoned Damian?#Because unlike when Death in the Family happened you can't even use the excuse that Damian changed his mind#And decided to stay with Bruce even though dinf ended with everyone including Dami not showing up at the talk Bruce wanted to have with the#Which was what they did in B&R 2011#Because back then it was the family that decided they didn't want to work with Bruce anymore#In GW it's Bruce who tells them to leave him alone#He very explicitly abandons Damian despite the fact that Damian didn't betray him and stayed loyal#So this time Damian can hardly change his mind and decide to stick by Bruce because it's Bruce who rejected him#I'm still so confused by Zdarsky putting that in the story in the first place because he clearly has very little interest in Damian#Out of all the male Robins he played the smallest part in this#It probably would have been better for B&R if Damian had been somehow absent for Gotham War like in a lot of previous batfam events#And left the time B&R takes place unspecified#So that it just takes place in its own bubble#I'm usually all for DC telling us how things fit together but for that to be good things need to actually line up#And not outright contradict each other
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jomnki · 7 months
"please tell my kids they're siblings one day"
"okay" *apollo goes to khura'in and becomes the minister of justice there* *phoenix's eyes snap open* "i forgo r"
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luvsavos · 6 months
i want so badly to comm someone for art of vodrem but i am Anxious
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mishkakagehishka · 4 months
Honestly i love a3 comfort game ever but. I was listening to sick sick sick and got to thinking, i really wish masumi got some character development re: the whole "crush" he has on izumi. Like, i get it's a joseimuke and you have to have all the archetypes to maximise your audience, but i also think they could easily give him some development and then just introduce a new yandere in a following act. Because it just :/ i don't vibe with the fact that it didn't take a lot at all, within the first act, that it was revealed masumi's neglected and his parents are pretty absent. If it wasn't outright stated, it was heavily implied that he doesn't have a crush, his infatuation with izumi is literally just a result of the fact that he's desperate for attention from a parental figure, and sees izumi as one. I appreciate that he had an arc about learning to love acting, as most had, but i still don't vibe with the fact that he's still unhealthily obsessed with izumi👹
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birdmenmanga · 2 years
birdmen as presented by my bestie beloved @ashe-is-here​
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#just thinking thoughts...#might as well maintag this eh#birdmen#I love this for a lot of reasons including but not limited to#my first reaction upon seeing the title slide being 'lol eishi's so short he's not even blocked out by the title'#and then seeing that that was the very first bullet point in the following slide#also the way that 90% of this is correct#5% of the stuff is understandable misunderstandings#and the final 5% is just baseless personal headcanons I've presented as fact#birdmutuals furrowing their brows at 'kissing underneath the ecstasy of st teresa' and the 'robin and arthur have a thing for tater tots'#and even 'the dead birds twitch chat in takayama's brain'#dont worry about it. it's all in my head#I canNOT believe Takayama being a mechanic didn't make it onto the Takayama slide though you threw a right fit when you found out#like you nod your head when I tell you he absorbed the consciousness of the first bird jesus but when I say he's a mechanic you visibly turn#and yell 'WHAT?!' like THAT'S the weirdest thing you've heard about him#anyways I think this is both hilarious and sobering as it reflects both my own biases and also emery's biases regarding the series#sorry I am ignoring umino I don't mean to be a misogynist I'm just wildly distracted by whatever christian swag the tks trio have going on#it always comes down to the jesus christ kin. the religious weirdness. sorry for being like this (apology for me AND ashe)#but yeah I fucking prommy. i got 2 wips in the works regarding umino#I have no idea why he knows about ende though. when did I drop the fact that god lives in the amazon rainforest and uses they/them pronouns?#wait wiat wait since I have everybody's attention I am going to make this joke once again#'they're really putting the 'ende' in 'gender''#okay thank you for coming to my ted talk#anyways I love this alot and I am printing this out and putting it on my wall#(I am not but maybe I should cram all these slides into the desktop wallpaper folder)
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corbinite · 8 months
watched through steven universe future for the first time almost two weeks ago and I still feel kinda messed up about it
#mine#personal#su future spoilers in the tags below#I weirdly saw myself in a lot of what he was going through#don't fully know where that came from#the part where he runs away to jasper and Changed in particular kind of took me out of my body#I mean I can be kind of suggestible and prone to identity disturbance so there's very likely at least an element of that here#but still#there were just some notes there that hit in a weird and uncomfortable way#also the part where he was mad at his dad and all his dad could focus on was how that fit into his own projection of how things should go#and it just made him madder#I can understand why I reacted to that part at least#(my dad turned into the kind of person I can talk to about trauma AFTER the chance to actually process it right had already expired)#(and he tells me whenever it comes up that if I want to just yell at him I can do it I can just yell at him and he'll take it)#(and I already know that wouldn't help me)#(there's certain things that can't really be fixed and there's just nothing to do but move forward)#(especially cause so much of the source of the trauma is a distant memory by now)#(so even if the emotional scars are still there what would I even yell about when I barely remember the events any more)#anyway yeah I understand why steven got so pissed at greg about wanting him to rebel#also I think the arc where steven sought out jasper unearthed some of my self esteem issues re: my history of anger#there's a darkness inside of me sometimes I scare myself yada yada insert shadow hedgehog jpeg#but yeah when I say that arc took me out of my body I mean it KNOCKED me out and I'm still sort of re-sewing my soul back in place#discombobulated as all hell#did more talking in the tags than I expected here
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poptartmochi · 8 months
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agustín tbh
#my leetel guye... :]#Tav is what he goes by for his mercenary work‚ and what he introduces himself as to Everyone#but then he meets wyll + is like omg blade of the frontiers 🤩 bc he is ofc familiar w the folk tales and greatly respects wyll#so. when will is like 🤷🏿‍♂️ u can also call me wyll 🍻 agustín is like oh! word! you can call me agustín 😇#and everyone else immediately goes *VINE BOOM SOUND FX* *WHIP NOISE* 🤏🏻🕶️🤨 are WE not good enough for ur first name?! 😒 interesting 🤥#anyhow i have figured some more things out.. not sure what his original surname is‚ BUT. agustín's mama's last name is tavriil#so. the tav comes from that! but the timeline goes augusta [REDACTED] -> augusta rustrian -> agustín rustrian -> tav#once he tells wyll his name he's like ahh i guess y'all can call me that too 🍻 but mindwormies ONLY.. everyone else has to call him Tav bc#that's what his reputation is tied to+ also because he's technically wanted by the law under the name Agustín 🤓😰#but eventually the statute of limitations for murder passes or what have you. in the end he gets to stop playing hot potato w his names#and he finally settles down as agustín dekarios hehehe 🦖 but we're a long ways off from that right now 🧍🏻‍♀️#hmm what else abt mr. dino.. AH YES#i decided he has a much older brother who inherited their father's land when dino killed their dad before he got married 🚶🏻‍♀️#and he is like. The Only One who Knows abt The First Murder 🧍🏻‍♀️ but both of them hated their dad more than they hated each other so he's#like. well cheers mate better u than me lol! 💫 but anyhow i think they are able to reconcile once agustín goes into exile#but.. whoo. rotating them in my mind.. we love a frigid family relationship :] anyways i love agustín that guy can fit so many great comet#characters in him lol! i would say war and peace characters but.. I don't know them like that 💔#sriracha.txt#🦖
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camellcat · 10 months
the way I would wither up and die like a flower given too much of something good if I saw a good omens thiam fic written like Paper Moon by Skaboom. it's insane to me that it hasn't been done yet. like not even a one-shot or smth??
UGH. I would lit-er-al-ly die.
#surely I can't have been the first person to think of this right?#it's so obvious and yet not at the same time#they both do and absolutely do not fit#like I don't think either of them would be as caring as azira or crowley#at least theo certainly wouldn't be he's just very very attached to his specific angel and no one else#he'll do nice things because liam gave him the special one-of-a-kind puppy-dog eyes but that is it#he'd learn to care eventually over many many manyyy centuries but for a very long time it's only bc of liam#which ofc he's both like aware of how he acts and is disgruntled by it and yet fully unaware of what this really means for him#and liam would definitely warm up to theo first though theo would be the azira in that aspect#theo is all “we are NOT friends I am a demon you are an angel!!!” and liam is just (; ´° ワ °`)ノ??#(except more angry on the outside. definitely they have had this argument for a few millennia and each time it leads to a big blow up)#but in the beginning they have a very rough relationship of liam going “ur the bad guy get away from me before I smite you”#and theo doing that smirk and calling liam's bluff (but not actually being fully certain just being quite hopeful he's right about liam)#before it switches the other way around once liam warms up to him after theo helps him a couple of times#but like. c'mon. you see it yeah?#btw this au needs a name someone tell me what to call it so I can find my posts about it easier lol#thiam#teen wolf
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kingcervix · 11 months
It's 3 am and I'm nauseous and I don't have a date tomorrow but I also don't NOT have a date tomorrow. It's platonic..but it might not be by the end of.it. if I have anything to say about it
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whats your favorite toh character to draw!
OUGH that's hard.. probably a toss up between Luz, Lilith, Amity and Willow though?
Luz and Willow are two of my favorite girls and both are great for getting to do soft shapes and fun shorthand.
Lilith's great bc I love the shapes her hair makes (straight and curly) and her big glasses give me fun shorthand to work with.
Amity's mostly fun for her hair (esp s1 and 3) and face (it was all over when I gave her the hooked nose <3)
It's very hard to chose tho </3
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something fun happened
#so. a few weeks ago i sent an email to a previous professor of mine (who i'm very scared of) cause i needed a recommendation letter#he accepted and was very chill about it#but hasn't written the recommendation letter yet (it's for next thursday <3)#on tuesday i contacted him again cause i found this program in the university of galway that could fit into what i wanted#i contacted a professor and he said yes#he wanted me to send him a research proposal so i wrote one in half a day and also kickstarted the process to apply for funding#cause the application process closes tomorrow#i spedrun everything including emailing two professors to once again write recommendation letter#one of them was this professor#anyways yesterday the professor from galway that had said he wanted to be my thesis director said he couldn't do it after reading my thesis#proposal#he was very nice about it but yeah#by then one of the professors had already wrote and sent the first recommendation letter#i didn't have the heart to notice them that those recommendation letters didn't matter anymore#and right now the scary professor sent me an email telling me he had written it#the galway one. not the one i actually need#and now i'm stressing cause i don't want to write him again scolding him for not writing the other letter#but there's only one week left and i want to die actually#cause if i can't apply to that funding it's game over for me#so lol.#also you know what's fun?#if the galway professor hadn't pulled back right now i would be finishing my application form and applying for that funding#in galway#isn't that incredibly fun??
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thefirstlie · 1 year
yeah posting this on the secret blog bc i don't feel like getting sniped but anyways if you are attacking aspec people for headcanoning characters as aspec well then i think you need to take a step back and think about what you're saying for a second
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