#don't want to advertise it too early (even though they did that kind of thing with ffviir so i question that idea)
oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
This lack of new Kingdom Hearts content or talk (like showing trailers or what have you) is honestly a mistake on Square Enix's part, I think.
A friend of mine, who's a casual KH fan (probably even more than a casual. He's played most of the games and kind of stays up to date with it through me) told me the other day that he missed when KH was relevant: obviously meaning that he doesn't think it is anymore. And can anyone really argue with that?
I know a lot of the super fans, who would be a part of the fandom rain or shine--whether there was content or not--are the least into it right now than they ever have been before, since there's literally nothing to keep us going.
And I'm aware that the plan has been for Missing Link to come out, and to tide us over with that (but things, sadly, keep getting in the way of that), but I still think putting so much on the shoulders of one single mobile game is questionable at best.
I also feel like they're counting on the momentum of KHIII to carry them forward, since it sold so well. But that was partly because some people were like, "Oh my gosh! That game that's allegedly been in development for thirteen years finally exists?! I'm going to check it out! Especially since I may or may not have played I and II when I was a kid." They're not going to have that same reaction with IV. A lot of people also really didn't like III (and thus might not give IV a chance for that reason), for some reason. And some who were big fans decided to quit after III, as it was the end of the Dark Seekers Chronicles and thus a good stopping point.
I feel like decisions they're making now are going to come back and hurt KHIV. But we'll see, I guess.
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diogenescynic2288 · 1 year
Gender Stuff and Hobbies
In fifth or sixth grade I was interested in the Babysitter's Club novel advertised in the monthly Scholastic Books advertisement catalog pamphlet thing. The description of the plot sounded like something that would be amusing to see on a sitcom. A girl classmate saw me circle it and teased me for being a boy that wanted to read a girl book. Also, my parents didn't end up ordering that one.
I don't have the experience some trans women have of: "I was always more into pink and dresses and Barbie than blue and trousers and GI Joe". I'm kind of neutral on colors*, I haven't tried wearing a dress yet, and I enjoyed playing with my GI Joe, He-Man, Thundercats, and Transformers action figures as a child.
I also did enjoy watching the GI Joe and He-Man and similar boys' action figure advertisement cartoon shows but the selection of things to watch was narrow enough that I also liked My Little Pony and Care Bears and She-Ra Princess of Power, which I think were more for the girls' marketing demographic.
I did own one She-Ra action figure that may have been a thrift store or garage sale find.
Somewhere I found out that one of the enjoyable things to read, for me, is books in the intersection of chick-lit and YA marketing demographics segments. Things like The Princess Diaries. Or everything Ally Carter writes.
Somewhere else I spent time on the internet and started learning that gender is a spectrum and that things like nonbinary and genderqueer identities exist, and had some realizations.
Recently I picked up the first of the graphic novel adaptations of the Babysitters' Club books and enjoyed reading it.
Most recently I had a good paycheck and felt like disposing of my disposable income in some specific ways I picked up the core rulebook for the Transformers RPG and another Babysitters' Club graphic novel, which seems to be second in the series: The Truth about Stacey.
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I took that picture when I had both books with me. I finished reading the graphic novel in one long sitting at a restaurant. I'm still working on the Transformers. I'm about a hundred pages in, which is around a third of the way.
I was thinking of just posting that picture and a short text caption like "Enby's reading list", but it felt too reductive, and even though I am an enby and that is my reading list it sounded in my head too close to old people claiming schools have to put in cat boxes for catgender students. Don't ask me why.
*I do wear a bit more pink now as a deliberate FU to gender norms. In fact, I think when I get dressed and go out today I will wear my pink t-shirt with Wonder Woman circled by a rainbow.
Thank you to @thewizardofsass of enduring an early draft of this.
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gothicblog · 2 years
Blog entry about "Under the Weather" by Stephen King
The time has come, the final blog post. So, for the last time, today we are going to be discussing “Under the Weather” by Stephen King. 
Let´s cover the plot- a man named Brad Franklin goes to work, while his wife is home sick. He leaves a note for her. He returns and it turns out that the wife is dead and judging by the things he said before, has been dead all along. 
The story is written in 1st person, takes place in the late 20th/early 21st century. The main characters are Brad Franklin, Ellen and their dog Lady.  It covers approximately one day. The story is written mostly in chronological order, but does include one flashback. 
At first, to me and probably for other people as well, it really did seem like Ellen, his wife was alive and was just sick. I think the fact that made me believe it was how he left a note for his wife, and when everyone at work asked how Ellen was doing, Brad responded telling them that she's sick. 
Is this title suitable for this story? Yes, I believe that it would be very hard to think of a better headline for this story. Before reading it, it doesn't reveal too much of the plot, but isn't also completely random. 
Could this story be real? Well, because there are no paranormal elements to this story (such as for example ghosts), it could be real, as there could be a person who just holds onto their past and doesn't let go. 
The previous paragraph leads us to wonder about why a husband would do that. I believe that as she was really important to him, he just didn't want to let her go and accept the fact that she's gone. He tries to keep living as though she is still alive, although I don´t think that it would be very successful, as at one point he´s got to realize that holding onto his wife isn't  going to change anything, as she still would not interact with him or do anything.  
What are the gothic elements? Well, there is a moment of suspense, but it isn´t set in an eerie setting nor does it contain anything paranormal.
Theory: as Brad Franklin talked about how once when he was on a plane with his wife, it seemed like Ellen was dead. Even though she wasn´t, he told her that if she had been, he would have just pretended like she was still alive. Now for the real theory part- Ellen could've died in the plane and he could have carried her home and pretended that she´s still alive. 
Metaphors- I think that the man doing things as his wife is still alive (leaving her notes, not burying her) could be a metaphor of his inability to let go of Ellen Franklin. 
What are the characters like? Brad Franklin- Franklin seems like a normal man living a normal life. He works in an advertisement company. He seems kind and caring judging by how he treats his wife Ellen, but he seems overprotective and lacks the ability to let go and leave the past in the past, as he doesn´t let go of his deceased wife. Ellen Franklin- Due to the fact that she is dead during most of the story (is only alive during the flashback), we don't really know her, but by how she acted and talked in the airplane scene, she seems to be a sweet, friendly, kind and caring woman. 
What is the theme? I believe that the theme in this story is that let go of your past, even when it´s painful and you want to keep living in it.
In my opinion, the author wrote this text because he wanted people to know that it isn´t good to hold onto the past. You have to move on and let go.
Overall, even though there was a really surprising plot twist, I didn't like this story. The thought of someone pretending that their loved one is still alive, even though they're dead, was really disturbing, not even talking about how the dog ate Ellen´s hand. 
Unfortunately, this week I can't say that next week I'll blog about another gothic short story, as this one is the last. Maybe we´ll see each other again! Bye (for now)!
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not-poignant · 2 years
Hi, pia, have you ever heard of radishfiction.com? It's a mobile app specifically for serial writers and allows you to monetize your writing. And since you already have a pretty decent following I'm thinking it might be something you could use? Sorry if this is a weird ask but I adore your work and hate to think of you struggling to earn money.
I was looking at their policies and they allow explicit/dark stories as long as there are content warnings and also allow stories that have been published elsewhere. You'd have to read the policies yourself to be sure (not sure how the payment or tax system works) because I just skimmed them but it sounds good so far? I dunno 😅
Hi anon,
I did look into Radish early on (I got an email from them, actually, way back when).
I have been curious about it, I know that the pay is really terrible overall (some people are doing very well, but dollars to cents are still not really doing great compared to other places). I'm actually a member of several serialised fiction groups and Radish comes up a lot (the pros but also the cons).
The biggest issue is mostly time and labour. I'm a disabled writer with a lot of chronic illness/es. Sometimes just writing chapters each month is enough to burn me out. Putting up chapter notifications on Patreon, Discord, and Tumblr is so tiring that I wouldn't even consider notifying people on say, Twitter, even though that makes good business sense.
I could technically diversify into Wattpad and Royal Road as well, and post stories there, it's allowed. But the extra work involved is extremely intimidated. I'm not a healthy full-time writer who can afford to kind of...put everything everywhere?
I definitely haven't ruled it out, but sometimes the problem isn't that they allow dark material, sometimes it's just that there's no magical energy fairy who will come along and make me able to handle setting up yet another account, monitoring yet more tax forms, and having to advertise yet one more thing. Usually I don't like to commit to something like that unless I know it will work out re: profitability. And I'm not entirely sure it will, much with novel publishing, there are a lot of authors on Radish who are making 5-10 cents a month (or $1-5 dollars a month) with regular update schedules and appealing content. That's...a very poor turnaround for the labour involved in setting up and getting started and formatting and releasing. Are there successful people on Radish? Sure! There are also successful writers on Patreon too! And successful novelists. But for everyone doing really well with it, the vast majority won't be making anything more than pocket money (see: Me and novels when I thought that might really help my income).
The app serial market is fairly oversaturated with novelists breaking up their novels into little chunks and selling them as serials there, it's a hugely competitive market, and even many Radish authors are pulling out and moving to the Patreon model instead, because they just can't keep up. I think possibly I could make it work, but the demographic isn't one that wants sex scenes as long as I write etc. But anyway, it's definitely something I've thought about, we'll see what happens in the future!
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Pre-ROK, one of the S4 alphabets gets tricked into doing a multi-level marketing "business" all because they saw someone advertising all the health benefits of some of the products and thought it would help Fushimi. Now, they don't know how to get out of it and they owe a lot of money to pay for the start-up stock items, so they have to ask Fushimi for help and they don't know how to explain it. Bonus points if it's late at night and a rare night that Fushimi fell asleep early for once.
Trying to convince Fushimi to buy it all in order to get them out of trouble and Fushimi's like 'have fun being poor' XD Maybe it was well-meaning though, like imagine Hidaka sees this thing advertised that supposed to be like some super healthy meal substitute plan. Hidaka at first thinks it sounds fishy but then it also seems like it could be helpful for Fushimi-san doesn't it, like it's sort of a healthier version of Caloriemate and maybe this is something Fushimi could eat that would be quick but would solve some of his nutritional deficits. Hidaka thinks well maybe he could just buy a couple and attempt to convince Fushimi to try them, what he doesn't realize until it's too late is that this is actually one of those MLM scams and suddenly he has a bunch of product that he needs to sell and a bunch of money that he has to pay in order to just break even.
Poor Hidaka's in despair, both for being broke but also now he feels like this stuff probably isn't even that healthy and even the initial reason he bought it is now moot. He isn't sure what to do and maybe he thinks well, Fushimi-san might be able to give me some advice (he's too embarrassed to tell Munakata and Awashima, hoping that Fushimi at least will understand his good intentions and be kind. Even Hidaka is aware that this is a fool's hope). He supposes if he can catch Fushimi while working maybe he can like mention it in an offhand manner but of course for once Fushimi's gone to bed early and now poor Hidaka gets to be mortified knocking on Fushimi's door. Fushimi isn't very pleased about being woken up and Hidaka almost goes 'never mind' and runs off but Fushimi's already irritably told him to spit it out so Hidaka takes a deep breath and explains.
Fushimi listens to Hidaka explain how he got into debt with a MLM scheme and just clicks his tongue, wondering why Hidaka did something so stupid. Hidaka's all chastened like I know I know I just thought maybe it would help you out a little. Fushimi looks up at that, Hidaka didn't mention that part initially. Hidaka says he wanted to find a way to help Fushimi eat a little healthier, he always looks so pale and they're all worried about him, he knows he should have done more research but he was so excited to find the perfect thing and that was pretty stupid wasn't it. Fushimi snorts like yes it was but then as Hidaka dejectedly turns to go Fushimi's like 'I'll handle it.' Hidaka glances back and Fushimi mumbles at him not to worry about it, Fushimi will handle it. Hidaka brightens instantly and tries to thank him, Fushimi just waves him off. The next day it turns out the debt has been canceled and Hidaka's super happy, Fushimi's just like don't do stupid things in my name again. (Later the squad are discussing how Fushimi got rid of Hidaka's debt and Fushimi overhears, muttering it was easy he just hacked into the MLM's main computing system and messed with their files. The squad all exchange glances like okay but that's illegal, Fushimi just shrugs like should I put it back and Hidaka's all no it's fine I guess, maybe a little oddly happy that Fushimi did something illegal for him.)
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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gallickingun · 4 years
so i saw the post about kissing that you reblogged and that made me think... imagine reader retweeting that on twitter and bakugou sees it, then proceeds to kiss her at random times the next day which really flusters her and she wonders why he's doing this because they normally don't advertise the fact that they're dating
a/n: this is a lot of all over the place randomness but... i kind of love it??? short little blurby about bakubaby treating you right!!!
ps, i can’t do anything short, can i? couple hundred words ahead lol 
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Bakugou had always been possessive over what he deemed as his.
So, it’s somewhat strange, when he doesn’t necessarily lay claim to you in front of all his friends.
Sure, Kirishima and Mina know that the two of you are secretly attached at the hip, and Denki may or may not raise a brow when you get too close to one another, but overall it’s not necessarily well known that you have been exclusive to one another for the past few months.
Bakugou is genuinely secure in your relationship; the one constant in his life now that the Pro Hero Sidekick gigs are taking off. He knows that when he calls, you’ll answer, and that there is never too much of him for you to handle. Honestly, he never thought much about the fact that you didn’t really show much affection in public because you were on his mind every moment not premeditated on training exercises and patrols and skirmishes in the streets.
No, your affection comes in small doses, here and there and always in private. And you know that the Pro Hero life will be a lonely one at times, but you can’t help the insatiable need for physical affection. It’s something instilled in you, bred in you maybe. The unbreakable desire to feel the pads of his bare fingers, his knee slotting between your thighs as he lays closer to tell you about his day. You even wish you could just feel his hands on the crown of your head, maybe a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
At this point, after a couple of weeks of non-stop action in the streets, you start to grow restless. Your publicist says you need to show more attention to social media, so you take to Tweeter when you have a second to breathe in the agency locker room.
It doesn’t take long for you to find a relationship-based account that posts sappy quotes and cute photos; it makes your heart ache and long for something a little more concrete than what you have now - something just a smidge more open.
In a moment of haste, you post a response to a specific original comment: I was extremely kissable today and do you know how many kisses I received???? Zero!!!
It’s something harmless; a gentle joke with your growing audience. You need to prove to them that you’re relatable, which is all that you’re doing. It couldn’t have come from the darkness of your mind that clouds your vision at night, begging you to crawl into Katsuki’s bed at ungodly hours of the night even if he’s not there; even if the two of you aren’t there yet.
It is another night spent alone, cold ramen on the coffee table as you fall asleep on the couch to old training tapes of yourself replaying on the television. You were trying to pick apart your every misstep, but all you could focus on was the way your body aches for your lover. Your blood beats heavy in your chest, the sound deafening to your ears when the pulse throbs at your temples and in your jugular. The edges of you crave something solid to fall against, to fall into.
You want Katsuki.
Instead, you step into your hero shoes and get ready to conquer another day at the agency.
When you step out of your car, you’re surprised to find Bakugou’s vehicle parked next to your usual spot. Even though he’s an early riser, he’s usually patrolling or attending appointments during the morning hours, so it’s a bit out of sorts to see his car already in it’s place.
The front door is pulled open for you by a familiar face - ashen blonde hair framing crimson irises, a small smile tugging on his full lips. You tilt your had in silent questioning as you step over the threshhold and into your persona for the day. 
You let out a strangled sound when those very lips find yours, right in the middle of everything, the hallway full of people turning to look at the two of you.
“Good morning,” he murmurs as he steps away from you, vermillion irises trailing over your frame, “sorry I didn’t make it over last night. Patrol was a bitch.”
You shake your head but you can’t reply because your mind is foggy, dizzy in its haze to attempt and figure out why he’s done what he’s done. There are several people staring at you now, mouths slightly agape at the obvious display of affection that is rather unusual for the pair of you. Most of those that you’ve now given full access to the validity of your relationship only hinted and gossiped about it prior, unsure if the lingering gazes you might send one another are truly that of longing rather than carelessness.
“S’okay,” you manage, “no big.”
He’s smiling, squeezing your arm before turning to walk his own way. You’re left breathless in the front entryway, hand covering your mouth as you watch him fade further into the hallway until he’s boarding the elevator.
You blink once, squeezing your eyelids tightly so you see stars. And then you take the first step forward to start your day, desperately trying to ignore the effervescent champagne bubbles in your belly but failing miserably with each passing moment. 
The tap on your door at lunchtime brings your attention back to the present, eyes finding the bulky frame of one Pro Hero: Ground Zero at your door. Your jaw goes slack but you stand to your feet anyway, “H-Hey, what’s up?”
“Can’t I take my girlfriend to lunch and it not be a whole thing?” Bakugou clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. “C’mon, dummy, let’s go.” 
Bakugou actually takes you by the hand - a gesture he hardly does even in the confines of your personal home - and walks you towards the food court near the center of the agency. When you stand in line, he kisses the back of your head and pulls you closer to him. The people around you stop and stare and you know it’s because the big, bad Ground Zero finally appears to have shown that he has a heart.
The pair of you eat in relative silence, focused on scarfing down the food in front of you before you turn to speech. Bakugou is finished first, kicking his feet up on the chair next to yours. He smiles across the table at you and offhandedly asks you about your day. 
Through a mouthful of noodles you mutter something along the lines of a whole lotta paperwork, which makes him laugh. You tilt your head, marveling at this new version of your significant other. You aren’t sure if you should enjoy it or be worried, but the revelry you’re sharing in the way people look at the two of you now that he is being openly affectionate makes you keep your mouth shut for the time being.
It is only when he drops you back off at your doorstep and asks you to consider taking the rest of the day off with a kiss to your cheek that you finally broach the burning topic. The words are like acid on your tongue, “What is going on with you?”
Bakugou brushes his thumb over your jaw, leaning back enough to look in your eyes. Something falters in him and you step closer, palms finding his chest, “Katsuki, did I do something wrong?”
“No,” he snaps immediately. Bakugou turns his face away from you so he can compose himself, “I did something wrong.”
Your mind wants to flood with the horrible things he could be talking about, but Bakugou is already interjecting with another sentence before your imagination can wander too far off of a cliff. 
“I saw what you posted yesterday and I feel like I’m being a really shitty boyfriend by not just fucking telling people that we’re together.” He runs his hands over your arms, tucking his thumbs into your gloves, “This is my way of trying to make up for it.”
The tips of your cheeks are painted pink and you can’t help it when you surge up to kiss him square on the lips. The action leaves him breathless, eyes half-lidded as he tries to work himself down from the adrenaline rush.
You bite your lip, “I just decided that I’m taking the rest of today off.”
Bakugou cups your face, fingertips tickling the nape of your neck, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
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annonmaly · 3 years
Spoilers Ahead!
Hi, fellow bored humans! Today is another day to set aside our real-life problems and overthink matters about fictional situations. Because why not? Mochijun-Sensei can make us do that. So, last time I made a post questioning Misha's knowledge of Vani's self-hypnotism. So before anything else, I want to thank you guys who took the time to read, liked, and replied to that post. It is fun to read ideas that even I can not think about.
Grab a cup of coffee and be prepared for a long-ass non-sense.
I am calling human Vanitas = Vani, and Luna = Luna. The pronoun I use is "she" because I would not confuse myself. I know Luna said she is an enby so, do not fight me.
Today, I want to talk about Luna and her death. I know that we have too little information in our hands right now, but my brain cells can still assume something based on what we have. This thought came about with the premise that Luna is an Archiviste.
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I can't think of anything that happened to them "that day", but I have a theory of why Vani killed Luna. To make things clear, I will summarize my assumptions and list them down. I made an explanation of each point. Supposedly, those would come first but I didn't expect it to be so long, that's why I decided to just put it at the end. You could ignore it if you want. Check it out if you are curious.
Luna is an Archiviste
Vani is protecting memory from his early childhood
Vani casts the hypnotism while/after he was training to be a chasseur but before Luna's death
Luna bit Vani the day she died
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Here is the idea: I think Vani killed Luna because she forced herself to drink Vani's blood for whatever reason and the self-hypnotism activated. Sound farfetched? Because it is, but I'll show you why I thought it this way.
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This is my one and only proof. The eyes are almost the same, right? See, I told you I could make a long-ass post just from two panels. The left one is from the Bal-Masque arc before Vani made a scene. The right one is before Vani and Noe's death fight. I believe that Vani's hypnotism is triggered in both pictures. I actually hesitated if I should do this since Mochijun-Sensei really loves including similarities in the story. You see, Astolfo and Misha made the same eye. But all three of them have the same eyes the moment they thought about why they would kill a vampire.
Vani - to not allow anyone to steal his memory
Astolfo - because vampires shouldn't even exist
Misha - Noe didn't drink Vani's blood.
So yeah, whatever, I'll go ahead and write this one. Vani would be the main focus of this thing.
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1. The way Vani's hallucination phrased this is interesting. We know Vani's father died protecting him. What about Luna? If Vani killed Luna intentionally or because of hate, she did not die "because" of Vani. Vani killed her. There's a difference between the two. Behind all that facade that Vani is showing, he's kind. He's not someone who could just kill anyone without any reason when he's in the right mind. Especially if that someone is the one who became his guardian and is helping him to find a cure to make his body normal. Initially, I thought that Luna had gone wild and reach the point of no return. That's why Vani had no other choice. Though if this is the reason, Luna still did not die because of Vani. Now, this phrase would only be right if Luna died protecting Vani or if something happened to Vani. How could this happen if she was killed by the one she's protecting. So, what if, instead of Luna going wild, Vani is the one breaking down. Thus, Luna had really no choice but to make Vani her kin. If she's an archiviste and Vani already casted the hypnotism. It would be triggered and so he had no choice but to kill Luna.
"You give yourself someone to protect that's why you're weak." -Vani to Jeanne
If Luna didn't save Vani and Misha, she might still be alive. If she chose to abandon or kill Vani (when Vani loses his mind), she might still be alive. But Luna chose to save him by making him her kin. She handicapped herself by choosing to protect Vani and she died by doing so.
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2. Maybe Luna doesn't want to use this method because it involves blood drinking to leave her mark. If she's an Archiviste, perhaps her reason is the same as Noe does not drink blood "She doesn't want to look at anyone's memory without permission".
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3.Vani was never an honest and straightforward guy. If there is someone/thing he wants to protect he wouldn't say it outright. Sometimes we would go full on beast mode, just to hide his real agenda. It already happened a lot (reread the manga for examples). So maybe the reason he strongly disagrees is that he knows that once Luna tries to bit her he would lose his mind and try to kill her.
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4. This is just so heartbreaking. Look at how he cried. I think this is not a cry of relief. Vani is crying out of frustration. It's not because he wanted to kill Noe. For me, it's like Vani is saying "I killed Luna, why can't I kill now." I mean, he realized that this ordeal could be solved without killing the other party. But why didn't it happened before?
This is just a half baked theory so of course there are still things that could negate these panels:
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If Luna is talking with Vani here, she makes him her kin even before dying. Since everything is so calm. Though I would ignore reality and think that Luna is talking with Misha here. I think that Misha became her kin first since he is breaking down first.
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The flashback of Misha shouting at Vani, maybe this is just hallucinations. But if this is true, it means that they spent some time together after Luna's death. And yeah, all of this would be meaningless.
Explanation of each point
1. Luna is an Archiviste. The theory is already out there, so I wouldn't explain it anymore.
2. Vani is protecting memory from his early childhood & 3. Vani casts the hypnotism while/after he was training to be a chasseur but before Luna's death. Going back to my previous post, I mentioned that it is strange for Misha to know that Vani hypnotized himself if Luna is the one who begged Vani to not let anyone take his memory on her deathbed because:
a. The timeline doesn't coincide. The chance that Misha and Vani separated "that day" which is I believe the same day as Luna's death is high. So, there's no way Misha could know.
b. Misha forgot what happened "that day". However, it's not like Vani doesn't want Misha to remember. I don't know but I feel like everything would be civil if Misha didn't mention that he wants to revive Luna. That is the moment everything went a wrong turn.
It is likely that Luna already asked Vani days before "that day" and her death. The problem is if the three are together "why did she only ask Vani and not Misha?". Maybe, Luna and Vani have a shady secret that they don't share with Misha as he's too young. However, if the secret has something to do with Luna, Vani won't even mention something relating to it to Misha, I mean the kid knows exactly the trigger of self-hypnotism. Maybe Luna is not the one who asked Vani. I believe that someone already asked Vani before he entered the church to train as a chasseur. But "who" asked Vani is not my problem today it is "when".
So in short, I suppose that the memory Vani is protecting is something that only he knows at the moment, and it did not happen recently but goes way back in his early childhood. As retracexcviii pointed out, it looks like that the self-hypnotism technique Vani used is the same as what the chasseurs. So, Vani knows this technique way back before he became a lab rat.
Continuing on...
Don't judge but I wasted a considerable amount of time digging information about Vani's childhood (yup, I don't have a life outside). And I found nothing concrete that could help, however, as I said, I could make something out of what we have. So here we go.
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In Vani's delirium due to high fever he finally opens up and we had a peak of his life before everything. There's nothing much here, just a simple story, but let's overanalyze this:
a. In the era they’re living in, vampires are not allowed to attack humans. People are even treating them as folklore or old people's tall tales. Thus, random vampire attacks are seldom. The attacks that we heard are from the cursed ones (e.g., Amelia and Thomas) or harboring resentment (I think this is why the vampires attacked Astolfo’s family). Well, the attack on Vani and co. may be a special case. Vani mentioned that chasseurs are hunting "dangerous" types of vampires that are rampaging in the human world. So, there may be a miscreant group of vampires somewhere that hates peace or being suppressed by humans. Right, Misha's mother was also killed by a vampire.
b. When Misha asked what's a band of traveling players then Luna answered that it's a bit like a circus. Vani answered that "It was nothing like...that formal". He hesitated for a moment, meaning, he wanted to say something different first, but he changed his mind. Or maybe he just can't find the right word. I know that someone already mentioned this, but did you know that according to Wikipedia "Charlatan is a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show." Now that's another thing to add to Vani and Naenia's parallel.
c. Vani thinks that his father doesn't like it there very much. So, why stay even if his wife is dead? Even if Vani's father could not go back to his family, he could still opt to cut ties with the band and settle down somewhere. He's a doctor, it's not like they would be helpless if they leave. Travelling is not a safe choice if you think about it. Perhaps, he stayed in the memory of his wife? Or are there other reasons?
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d. This guy didn't just come to Altus ones before. "No matter when I visit" he already visited during different periods. The times he possibly could go in Altus is before his father's death and after Luna's death. Maybe Luna's going in secretly for whatever reason. I just want to drop it here because it's interesting to take note of.
e. I'm not sure if I should include this since it may be Luna's influence, but Vani knows way too much about vampires and also the babel incident. Also, Ruthven's statement just gives me a weird feeling. Does it mean "You an average human are running around doing ridiculous things, so tell me about 'yourself', kin of the blue moon vampire"? Or "without the context of being the kin of the blue moon vampire, tell about yourself?" I think it is the latter meaning.
There's nothing important here that proves Vani's childhood should be kept as a secret. But this will do for now, I just want to establish that Vani is more than just kin to the Blue Moon Vampire. His childhood, his father, family, and that traveling players are also suspicious. (Why the hell do I find everyone in this series suspicious?!? oh, except Amelia and Riche).
4. Luna bit Vani the day she died. I can't come up with anything that happened "that day". Did Luna has gone wild? Did someone attack them? Did Vani and Misha lose their mind as an effect of that weird doctor's experiment? There's really nothing but I think that whatever happened "that day" led to Luna's leaving no choice but to drink Vani's blood, or to make Vani her kin. There has no explicit explanation of how you make one your kin, but I'm sure drinking blood is included in the process. They would only gain a mark if they were bitten.
I'm actually not done yet. I still have plenty to say, but this should end here now. This is already too long for me to handle. Does this make sense? Or is it confusing? Don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong or tell me whatever you want to say.
So, if what Vani is saying is true, why do you think he killed Luna?
See ya' later folks!
Note: I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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hookedonapirate · 3 years
Book Update
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If anyone is wondering when Hard To Handle will be coming out, I have some news! So, for those who don't know, Hard To Handle is an original A Helping Hand rewrite featuring Harper and Owen (Killian and Emma) and will be part 2 of the series. And if you haven't guessed yet, part 1 features Audrey and Brady (Elsa and Liam from A Helping Hand) with a Harper and Brady friendship. For those interested in their story, I have a little treat for you below. However, this Sneak peek doesn't show Audrey and Brady meeting yet because I haven't gotten that far.
This is sort of an enemies to lovers story (I say sort of because their "enemy" status in the beginning is too complicated to slap a label on it) that starts off with Harper and Audrey butting heads with their new neighbor, Brady, and him and Audrey exchanging love hate letters. 😉 Then Brady and Audrey form an alliance and break up Harper and Bryce. I promise it's not evil like it sounds because Brady discovers Bryce is cheating on Harper. Remember, Bryce is the Neal of AHH.
This book is a bit darker than book 2 because of the toxic nature of Harper's relationship with Bryce, and because Audrey often pays the price for his shenanigans, but there's still humor and fun in this one.
Anyway, here are the first few chapters. I may post more if anyone's interested ❤️
Chapter One
There are strange sounds coming from the unit next door.
Laughter maybe?
Yes, definitely laughter.
More like Cackling. From one—make that two—females.
Two loud, annoying females.
Just great.
I take pride in being a fairly simple man who doesn’t need much to be happy. A few things like fishing, enjoying an ice-cold beer and having a few moments of quiet time usually does the trick. Even the sound the can makes whenever I crack open the pull tab of Coors Light is music to my ears. I finally have time to relax after sweating my ass off from all the unpacking I did. I just moved in today and couldn’t stand the idea of tripping over boxes or searching through them every time I needed to use something. I was unable to stop unpacking until every single item in those boxes had a home.
Now I’m able to sit back in my patio chair, prop my feet up on the plastic stool and breathe in the pleasantly cool evening air, enjoy a refreshing, ice-cold beer and some quiet time.
Or at least I was able to until my air of tranquil serenity was so rudely disturbed by my cackling neighbors.
They could at least close their balcony doors, so the entire building doesn’t have to hear them.
I’m already in a foul mood, and the two laughing hyenas aren’t helping. If anything, my mood is worse than it was when I was packing.
They, however, sound like they’re having a grand old time. Doing what exactly, I’m not sure, but it sounds like one of them needed a break from studying and the other one is encouraging her to get drunk and let loose. Which means they’re college students.
Just fucking perfect.
This is exactly why I moved off campus, even though it meant paying rent and enduring a much longer commute to work.
It’s just my luck to get stuck living next to two loud teenagers or early twenty-something-year-olds. I’m around college students all the time, considering I’m an instructor; I don't need to live next to them, too. I learned that very quickly.
Young adults, my ass. More like impudent children.
I feel like the property management should’ve included that minor detail in the apartment listing. Or that not everyone is required to follow their uniform policies.
A peaceful, friendly community? Ha!
The management will definitely be hearing from me about their false advertising.
“Dude, I’m sorry to tell you this, Harp, but your boyfriend’s a fucking loser! Even Elisa said so!”
“He’s just misunderstood!”
“Misunderstood?! Bryce is such a creep!”
“Is not!”
I take a swig of my beer through gritted teeth. I really wish I had a TV right now.
It won’t be delivered until tomorrow, though. Which is very unfortunate and inconvenient at the moment because I need a distraction from reality. Listening to their conversation makes me furious and sad at the same time because it reminds me of me and my brother arguing about his girlfriend. I kept trying to tell Owen she was no good for him, but he wouldn’t listen. I bet this Bryce guy isn’t married, though.
Or maybe he is; I really don’t know.
I need something to take my mind off the overwhelming urge I feel to hop on a plane, fly to Chicago and kick my brother’s ass for being the fucking moron he is. And let me tell you, the urge is very strong right now. Earlier today, Owen told me the woman he’s been seeing is married. They’ve been dating for six months, during which she was lying to him the entire time. I already didn’t like her very much to begin with because she was a controlling bitch—I’m the only one who’s allowed to be a controlling bitch to my brother—and because ever since he started seeing her, I haven't been able to hang out with him very much. Whenever we made plans, he canceled them because Naomi wanted to spend time with him instead. And he was my best friend. Now he tells me she’s married and that he’s still staying with her.
What the actual fuck?
He’s so brainwashed by her, I couldn’t talk a lick sense into that goddamn head of his. Now he wants me to be okay with them staying together while she’s still with her husband?
Fuck that shit.
“Okay listen, if you’re going to talk shit about my boyfriend, we’re going to need more wine.”
It becomes silent next door for a few minutes, which makes me sigh in relief. Soon I hear, “Son of a fucking bitch!”
There’s a litany of curses and then, “We need a new corkscrew!”
“But we’re too drunk to drive anywhere!”
Damn, if only I had a corkscrew so they could drink more wine, get drunker and become even louder and more annoying than they already are.
That’s actually not a bad idea, though. If they’re anything like my ex-girlfriend, the quicker they get drunk, the quicker they’ll be ready to sleep. The quicker I’ll finally have my peace and quiet.
I contemplate driving down to the corner store, but what would I even say if I showed up at their door with a corkscrew they didn’t ask for? Oh, hi, I was eavesdropping on your conversation and took it upon myself to go to the store and buy you this corkscrew so you could both drink yourselves into an alcohol-induced coma and I could finally have some peace and quiet?
Nope, I definitely can’t say that.
Chapter Two
“Son of a fucking bitch!”
When I rush into the kitchen to see why my roommate’s cussing up a storm, I’m expecting the counter and floor to be covered in wine and shattered glass, even though I didn’t hear any glass break, but Harper’s just holding the corkscrew and staring at the top of the bottle.
“What’s wrong?”
“We need a new corkscrew!” Harper grabs the bottle of wine and points the top of it at me. The cork is still jammed into the neck of the bottle, and the worm of the corkscrew is stuck inside it.
Which is very unfortunate.
She’s been studying her ass off, except for the occasional interruptions from her asshat of a boyfriend, Bryce. She had a really tough time getting him to finally leave so she could study, and she had to literally push him out the door. So I thought Harper could use a break and I could feel saner again by indulging in some wine. But one bottle of wine quickly turned into two. Or rather, it would’ve if not for the end of the corkscrew inside the cork.
“But we can’t drive anywhere,” I point out, considering how tipsy we both are, even though we only went through one bottle between us. But we’re both lightweights.
“Hold on,” she says, picking up her phone from the counter.
I cock my brow. “You do realize Amazon Prime takes two days to ship, right?”
“Yeah, I know, Aud. I’m not that drunk.” After looking at something on her phone for a minute, she leaves the kitchen, returns with one of her tennis shoes and sets the phone down to pick up the wine bottle. She places the bottom of the bottle inside the heel of the shoe, raises her hands above her head and goes to one of the walls in a striking pose.
I rush over and put my hand on her arm to stop her. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“This will push the cork out.”
“But won’t the wine spill all over?”
“Not if I can only push the cork part of the way out and then pull it off the rest of the way.” She hits the shoe against the wall a few times, but the cork doesn’t budge.
“Why don’t we see if any of the neighbors have a corkscrew,” I suggest. “This method doesn’t seem to be working.”
She sighs and drops her arms. “Who do you think would have one?”
“What about Mandy? She’s a wine drinker.”
Harper shakes her head. “She doesn’t get home from the office until late on Mondays. And there’s no way I’m trying mister grumpy pants across the hall. It always seems like he’ll snap at any moment. Plus, once his dog starts yapping, she never shuts up.”
“What about the new guy who just moved in next door?”
I shake my head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. What if he’s an ax murderer?”
“I saw him earlier when he was moving in. He seems harmless enough, and is kind of cute, actually.”
“Yeah, well so was Ted Bundy. And I’d like to stay alive with my head intact, thank you very much.” I haven’t seen the new neighbor yet, but I don’t think going over to a stranger's place while we’re both a little tipsy is the best idea, for several reasons.
She flicks her hand. “Well, you don’t have to go. I will.” She grabs her keys, removes her pepper spray from the attached chain and throws her keys back on the counter before heading toward the door.
“Harp, wait…”
Ignoring my pleas as I follow behind her, she slips into her Nike slides. “I’ll be fine. I got my handy dandy pepper spray,” she says, holding it up.
Before I can talk some sense into her, she’s already dashing out the door and calling out over her shoulder, “If I’m not back in five minutes, call 911!”
I sigh and lean against the door, pressing my ear against it so I can listen for Harper’s screams or any signs of a struggle.
Chapter Three
When I head inside from the balcony, there’s a knock on the front door. I scratch my head and stride over to answer it, wondering who it could be. I just moved into this apartment today, so I literally don’t know any of my neighbors yet.
I open the door to a skinny blonde with green eyes, long, shimmering hair and soft pink lips. She’s easy on the eyes, but I have a feeling she’s one of the laughing hyenas next door. She’s not as young as I thought she’d be, though. She looks to be around my brother’s age. When I give her a once-over, I notice the pepper spray she’s trying to hide in her fist.
I wince at the sight of it. She doesn’t even have the safety lock on.
I offer a tight-lipped smile. “Hello.”
“HiI’myournextdoorneighbor,” she mumbles, her words slurred together. She’s a little tipsy and has to lean against the doorframe so she doesn’t fall over.
“How can I help you, next-door neighbor?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the pepper spray. The sight of it brings back too many painful memories. Memories I’d rather keep locked away.
“I was wondering if you had a corkscrew my roommate and I could borrow?”
On the balcony, I wanted to strangle the two neighbors who were interrupting my quiet time, but now I feel very protective. She’s obviously drunk, yet stumbling over to a neighbor she doesn’t even know. I mean, I like to consider myself an overall decent human being, or as I’ve been called before, “one of the good guys,” but this woman doesn’t know that. She knows nothing about me, yet she’s over here asking to borrow a corkscrew. And yes, she’s carrying a weapon, but I doubt she knows how to use it properly, and with how tipsy she is, I doubt she’d even be fast enough to use it.
“I’m sorry, I don’t.”
Her smile fades, but she looks determined, so I’m hoping she doesn’t go knocking on all her neighbors' doors asking for a corkscrew.
“I could buy you one,” I offer, trying to sound as polite as possible. Which is difficult when I’m irritated.
Her eyes widen in surprise. “Really? You’d do that?”
I cross my arms and give her a stern look. “On one condition.”
She nods excitedly. “Of course, anything.”
I’m so glad I’m a nice guy because this woman seems far too trusting, and I’m afraid of what would’ve happened if I were anything less than a decent human being. “I’ll go and get you a corkscrew if you return to your apartment and keep the noise down for the rest of the night. And maybe close your balcony doors so the entire building can’t overhear your childish conversation.”
I’m thinking this is a very reasonable request. I’m willing to leave the comfort of my apartment to get in my car and go to the corner store to get some women I don’t know a corkscrew, and all they have to do is put a cap on the noise.
But the scowl on her face tells me she doesn’t agree. “First of all,” she raises her index finger, “ruu-uuuuuuude!” She raises another finger. “Secondly, my roommate and I aren’t children. We’re having a stressful week and were finally able to relax and drink some wine when the corkscrew broke. But that’s okay, we’ll figure out how to get the cork off ourselves!” She turns on her heels and starts to head toward her apartment, but spins around again and gets in my space, jabbing a finger at my chest. “And thirdly, we weren’t being that loud!”
I clench my jaw as she storms away and slams the door shut after disappearing inside her apartment. I throw my own door shut, huffing in frustration.
Why couldn’t my neighbors all be sweet old ladies?
So much for having a relaxing evening!
I head back to my balcony when there’s another knock on the door.
“Son of bitch,” I curse under my breath as I march over to the door and yank it open. “What, now?” I ask angrily when I see her standing at my door again.
“I need to borrow a dress shoe.”
I furrow my brows, growing more agitated. “A what?”
She sighs as though I’m the one inconveniencing her. “A dress shoe,” she says impatiently. “Surely you’ve been to a wedding or funeral. You must have one.”
“I do, but why do you—” Before I get the chance to answer, she shoves past me and heads toward my bedroom.
I follow her in there and cross my arms over my chest in the doorway as I watch her go to my closet. “What in the ever-loving hell are you doing?”
“I told you, I need to borrow a dress shoe.”
The audacity of this woman waltzing into my apartment and taking one of my shoes! “That’s funny because I never said you could borrow one.”
“Wow, your closet is super organized,” she comments as she looks around, easily finding one of my brown dress shoes and grabbing it from the shoe rack.
I’m still standing in the bedroom doorway when she tries to get through. I reach for my shoe, but she steps back and aims her pepper spray at me. I instinctively duck out of the line of fire and lunge forward, grabbing the pepper spray from her hand and twisting the safety lock.
“Wait, please don’t kill me! My roommate’s calling 911 if I’m not back in two minutes!” she cries, shielding herself with her hands.
I sigh in exasperation and extend the pepper spray to her. “I’m not trying to murder you, I was trying to get my shoe back.”
She slowly drops her arms and narrows her eyes as she snatches the spray from my hand. “Then why did you take away my weapon?”
I scoff. “It was a reflex so I didn’t get sprayed in the face since I wasn’t actually attacking you. Do you know how many times I’ve been pepper-sprayed in the face?”
“Why, because you’re a rapist?!” she accuses, stepping away from me and aiming her pepper spray at me again, even though the safety is still on. She probably doesn’t even know that, though.
I sigh in exasperation and raise my hands in surrender. “No, because I was in the Marines. Getting pepper-sprayed was part of my training. It taught me how to use my weapons and equipment.”
She lowers the spray, guilt etched in her features. “Oh, sorry. My roommate said you might be another Ted Bundy, and I don’t want to be raped and murdered.”
“Yeah, because breaking into your neighbor’s apartment and stealing their shoe is a good way to prevent that from happening,” I say, my words laden with sarcasm.
“Well, no, but that’s what the pepper spray was for.”
“It won’t do you any good if you don’t use it properly. You need to have a firm grip and use your thumb to activate it so it can’t be taken out of your hand like I just took it out of yours.”
“Thanks for the tip.” She raises the pepper spray at me again and presses the button to activate it. But it’s still disarmed. Once she realizes her mistake, her eyes widen.
I cock my head to the side and plant my hands on my hips. “Really?”
She offers an apologetic smile, then scurries toward me, ducks under my arm and squeezes past me, darting for the front door. “I’ll bring it right back, I promise!”
I let her go and exhale another deep sigh. What could she possibly need my shoe for anyway? To squash a spider or something? Can’t she use her own Goddamn shoe for that?
Right, she probably doesn’t want to get her precious shoe all gross, so she’s using mine instead. Which means my shoe will be returned with spider guts on the bottom.
Just great.
I go to the balcony and curtly grab my beer so I can head inside and not have to hear every goddamn word of their conversation again.
Pound, pound, pound.
What the hell?
It sounds like they’re banging something against the wall.
My shoe, perhaps?
Pound, pound, pound.
Then I hear a loud pop!
They got the cork out.
“Holy shit, you made a mess!”
“Sorry, but at least we can keep drinking!”
I head inside and close the sliding doors, hoping to go to bed and get some rest. But then there’s another knock on the front door.
“Fucking hell,” I groan as I go over to answer it. It’s probably the blonde neighbor with my shoe, but I’m not sure I want it back.
Sure enough, it’s her.
“Thanks for letting me borrow it.” She hands over my shoe with a small smile and heads back to her apartment.
“You didn’t borrow it, you stole it!” I call after her. But she completely ignores me.
“And sorry I tried to spray you...twice!” Before I can respond, she’s already inside her unit.
I bring the shoe to my nose to get a closer whiff of it. I noticed the smell as soon as she handed it to me. “Hey, why does my shoe smell like wine?!”
But I’m talking to the door at this point.
I shake my head and go back inside, trying to decide if I should try to get the smell out or just toss the pair into the trash. For now, I set it aside and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed, hoping my neighbors will down the bottle, get tired and pass out so I can have a quiet evening.
No such luck.
They turn on the music, and I can hear the pounding bass through the wall and also, “Yeeeeesssss, this is my jam!”
The walls are actually shaking.
Why do the other neighbors put up with this! It’s absurd, really.
They should be evicted.
I contemplate calling the police to make a complaint, but this is New York City; the police have better things to do than respond to non-emergency noise complaints. So I return to my bedroom, strip down to my boxers and toss my clothes into the hamper before slipping into bed. I can still hear the noises coming from the unit next door, but thankfully, I’m a patient man. I’m sure they’ll get tired soon and go to bed. Or at least I hope so.
But an hour passes, and the music still doesn’t cease. I groan and roll over on my stomach, pulling the pillow over my head, wishing I had noise-canceling headphones right now. I’m normally against the idea of something that cancels all sounds, because it also cancels sounds that alert danger. Like if a burglar broke into the apartment or there’s an explosion or gunshot. But right now, I’d do anything to get a good night’s sleep. Between arguing with my brother over the phone into the wee hours of the night yesterday and spending all day moving into my new place and unpacking, I’m completely exhausted. Not to mention I always start my day at five in the morning. My classes don’t start until eight a.m., but I like to get an early start to my day. I got up that early when I was in the Marines, and some habits just never die.
I’m about to get up and go down the hall to ask them to turn down the noise, but I’ve already asked her once and she got offended, so I doubt it will do any good.
Chapter Four
I’m immediately regretting the two bottles of Barefoot Harper and imbibed last night. My head is pounding, I’m dehydrated, and I have to be at work in an hour. I take some aspirin, drink a full glass of water before jumping into the shower.
When I leave my bedroom, dressed and ready to go, Harper is shuffling out of her room.
“Morning,” she says groggily, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Morning, Harp.” I head to the kitchen to make her some coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker myself, I prefer tea, but I know Harper can’t function in the morning without a fresh cup of hot Folgers.
“Why did we drink on a weeknight again?” she groans, taking a seat at the table.
“That’s an excellent question.” I pour water into the pot and place it in the coffeemaker, turning it on.
Harper buries her face in the cradle of her arms on the table as I grab some aspirin and a tall glass, filling it with water. She doesn’t have to work today, but she does have classes. She’s already a registered nurse like me, but she’s going for her master’s degree to open up more job opportunities. And also because she’s an overachiever, when it comes to her career at least. I just wish she were an overachiever when it came to other aspects of her life, like the kind of men she dates. Or maybe Harper was purposefully aiming for Class-A levels of douchebaggery when she started dating Bryce. If that’s the case, then she definitely went above and beyond expectations. And while she is my best friend and roommate, there’s only so much sense I can talk into her. And I'm not willing to let some lowlife scumbag get in between our friendship.
“Here, these will help.”
Harper lifts her head and takes the aspirin and glass. When she pops the pills in her mouth, swallowing them down with a big gulp of water, she already appears to be more human again.
I grab my keys and strap my purse over my shoulder, heading toward the front door.
“Speaking of drinking, are you going to be here Friday night?”
I snort-laugh and turn to look at her, placing my free hand on my hip, knowing exactly where this is going. She’s still recovering from her hangover and already has booze on the brain. “That depends. Is Bryce going to be here?”
When she takes a slow sip of her water, I know what her answer is before she says it out loud. “Well, considering he’s the one who invited a few people over, yes, he’ll be here.”
“Then no, I definitely won’t.” I head for the door, trying to leave again.
“That’s a shame because Bryce has a good-looking friend who thinks you’re gorgeous.”
I spin around, cocking a brow. “Which friend?”
“Treyton. You haven’t met him before, but he saw your pics on Instagram.”
I walk to the table, placing my hands on top of the chair, my key ring dangling from my finger. “How did he find my Instagram account if we’ve never met?”
“Bryce showed it to him.”
What the fuck?
I furrow my brows in confusion. “Okay, why is Bryce showing his friends my Instagram account?”
She smirks. “Because Treyton was asking him if I had any cute, single friends.”
I sigh, not liking the idea of Bryce trying to set his friends up with me. I’ve met some of his guy friends, and neither is one I’d kiss if he were the last man on earth. “Sorry, not interested.”
I remove my hand from the chair and try to leave again.
“Oh, come on, Aud. Give the guy a chance. I mean, I don’t know him that well, but he’s fucking hot.” She picks up her phone from the table and pulls up something before handing it to me across the table. “See for yourself.”
I reluctantly take the device, a heavy sigh leaving my lips. I highly doubt his looks will sway me. Even if is hot, he’s still Bryce’s—
Holy crap.
He’s got those smokey grey eyes, a chiseled jaw and a little smirk on his beautiful face that makes me melt.
Well, fuck.
“So, what do you think?” Harper asks curiously, trying to stifle a smirk as she perches her chin on the back of her joined hands, her elbows resting on the table.
I try not to show how attracted I am to a freaking photo of a guy I’ve never met before, but damn, those eyes are spellbinding, and I’m pretty sure I’m blushing. “Okay, he’s a little cute.”
“A little? Honey, you and I have similar tastes in men, so I know you don’t think he’s just cute.”
“Yeah, that’s true. We usually do, which is why I have no idea how Bryce got your attention. He must have a big dick or something.” I narrow my eyes. “Does he have a big dick? Because that would explain a lot.”
Harper bursts out laughing. “Oh my God, Aud, you know it’s not all about the size! And no, he doesn’t, he’s average, but as much as you hate him, you can’t deny he’s good-looking.”
“Yes, maybe on the outside he’s cute but personality-wise he’s ugly as fuck.”
She sighs in defeat as I hand over her phone. This is just an argument neither of us will ever be able to agree on. Well, until she finally decides to take off those damn rose-colored glasses and sees Bryce as he truly is. But I know it would make Harper happy if I agreed to stay for the party. I know that sometimes she feels out of place considering most of Bryce’s friends are college kids. Normally, she’s the oldest one there, but you could never tell, because she has a baby face and looks at least five years younger than she actually is, so to the other college kids, she's one of them.
“Fine, I’ll be here for the party.”
Harper’s eyes widen in surprise. “Really?”
“Yes, but if any of his friends grab my ass, I’m leaving.”
She laughs. “Okay.”
The coffee machine beeps, so she gets up from her seat, grabs a mug and creamer and pours the steaming, hot liquid into her cup. She returns to her seat and sips her coffee as I once again try to leave. “Thanks for starting the coffee, Aud.”
“No problem. See you tonight.” I unlock the door, and when I pull it open, I notice a folded up crisp piece of copy paper taped to the outside. I cock my brow and peel it off, unfolding it. I’m expecting it to be from the building management.
But then I read the first line...
To the two hoity-toity princesses,
I immediately suspect it’s from mister grumpy pants across the hall, but the letter is in fancy cursive writing. Who even writes in cursive anymore? Maybe an old lady or mister grumpy pants, I suppose. But he normally doesn’t leave letters. He’ll just knock on the door with his cane and chew us out in person. Harper said the first time he knocked on her door to complain about the noise, he made her cry.
When he tries that shit with me, I give it right back to him and threaten to call the cops on his dog and have her taken to the pound. He tends to leave us alone now. So, I’m surprised he’s resorted to leaving us notes.
Can you kindly tone down your loud music and obnoxious woohooing, laughter and overall commotion that kept me up until 2 a.m.? Some people actually have to work on a Tuesday morning. I, myself, wake at 5 a.m. every single day and am now forced to go to work on three hours of sleep. Luckily the students I teach possess much more class and are at maturity levels you both obviously could never achieve if you actually tried. I know neither of you could possibly understand waking up early for a job or getting your hands dirty, as you’re city girls who probably live on mommy and daddy’s income and never worked a day in your lives, but some people actually have responsibilities and obligations, not just classes they can skip whenever they feel like it. So have a little respect and lower the volume a few notches.
This time you get a warning, but if the noise persists, I will be forced to contact law enforcement. Have a lovely day drinking your Starbucks lattes and trying to get rid of what I hope are nasty hangovers.
The tired and cranky guy from 8C, thanks to his loud, annoying neighbors
P.S. The blonde who took my brown dress shoe owes me a new pair seeing as it now reeks of Pinot Grigio, thank you very much.
My nostrils flare before I even finish reading the letter. The audacity of this asshole! He doesn’t even know us, hell he hasn’t even met me in person, yet he makes all kinds of false assumptions about us.
I know neither of you could possibly understand waking up early for a job or getting your hands dirty.
What the actual fuck?! Harper and I both wake up at the crack of dawn to go to work at the hospital, and we’re constantly on our feet for at least twelve hours. We only work three days a week, but our jobs are emotionally and physically draining; I mostly use the other four days to sleep, recover, clean the apartment and run errands. So, for someone to say we don’t work or ever get our hands dirty is a blow to the gut. We’re nurses for crying out loud! Getting our hands dirty is part of the job!
Another remark of his that irks me: We’re city girls who probably live on mommy and daddy’s income. My parents would actually laugh out loud if they read this comment. They always tell me how independent I am. Hell, I wouldn’t even allow them to pay for my schooling even though they wanted to; I wanted to do it all on my own, so I had two jobs while I went to college. They also weren’t too happy when I took a job in New York, but they told me if anyone could handle herself in a big city, it was me. Not to mention, Harper had it way worse than me, growing up.
But the fact that this douchebag is so ridiculously wrong about us makes me smile a little. It will feel so goddamn good to make him see the error of his ways.
I’m still carrying the letter with me as I go to my bedroom closet and grab my stationary from the top shelf. I take out a sheet of paper and a pen from the box, replace it on the shelf and return to the kitchen. I hate the idea of using my good paper on this asshole, but if I’m going to stoop to his level and leave a note on his door, I might as well do it with class.
“What’s the note about?” Harper asks with furrowed brows. “I paid the rent just in the nick of time.”
“It’s not from management.” I take the pen and paper to the table and start writing out a letter. “It’s from our friendly neighbor in 8C,” I say sarcastically.
Her eyes widen as she reaches for the letter. “What did he say?”
I look up and hand it to her.
When she reads it over, the sleepiness in her eyes morphs into anger. “What the hell?! Who does he think he is? He doesn’t even know us!”
“Exactly.” I look down again at the paper and continue the sentence I was working on.
I can feel her staring at me as I write. “What are you doing?”
“Replying to him,” I say without taking my eyes off the page.
“What, are we in elementary school?”
“According to him, we are.”
“He’s just a douchebag, you can’t take anything he says seriously.”
I almost laugh. Normally she’s the one wanting revenge when someone wrongs her, and I’m the one having to talk her out of it. “Maybe, but this will teach him not to make assumptions about people.”
After I’m finished, I let her read it before I tape it to his door. I head to work with a smile on my face. This should teach him not to be such a dickhead.
Chapter Five
Dear self-righteous butthole in 8C,
Stay tuned for more...
If you would like to be tagged or untagged, please let me know
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
The Photographer // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
So I made a one-shot based off of the picture down here!
Word count ~ 3.1k
Summary - y/n is a celebrity photographer, and Matthew's birthday is coming up. This calls for a birthday shoot.
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Ever since I was in sixth grade, I dreamed of being a photographer. But back then, I was just taking candid pictures of my cat (Peanut Butter), and random flowers that my mom had graciously planted for me. I really never planned on taking nice, professional pictures of people.
But here I was.
I went to 'California College of Arts' in San Francisco for 4 years. After that, I had a bit of trouble getting myself out there. I had a decent following on my instagram. People liked the pictures of my dog, and the pictures of nature that I took on my many travels. But likes and follows don't get you money, at least not enough. So I switched my focus onto more interesting things.
Advertising yourself as a photographer wasn't an easy task. You had to be ruthless, and be willing to get rejected and not back down. So I did what any semi-sane person would do.
I messaged over 50 celebrities asking of they wanted to do a shoot with me. I sent them my prices, and what kinds of shoots I was willing to do. I didn't have much hope for it, but it was worth a try.
And that's where it began.
Out of all of the messages, Andrew Lincoln, AKA Rick from The Walking Dead messaged me back.
*Hello Miss y/l/n! I've actually seen quite a few of your nature shots and I have always wondered how your photos would turn out with people. I would love to be your Guinea Pig.*
He sent me days he was available and I did his shoot. After posting his pictures, my popularity shot from there.
That was a few years ago, I was now taking photos for multiple celebrities. I was ultimately known for my black and white shoots. I had, in fact, just gotten done with a shoot of A.J. Cook. She had requested *me* to take her pictures for an up and coming article that was being written about her. I, of course, gratefully said yes, being a huge fan of hers, along with the whole Criminal Minds cast.
I emailed her all of the pictures I had taken, edited and all, while simultaneously posting them on my instagram.
It was mere hours later before a notification popped up on my phone of an email that I could not believe. Theres no way that he was emailing me, right?
*You have an Email from Matthew Gray Gubler*
*Hi there! I saw your shoot on AJ's instagram and my birthday is coming up. My manager wants me to do a birthday shoot, and we both like your black and white style. I know it's not usually the kind of thing you, birthdays, do but I figured it was worth a shot, and I think you have some real talent. Let me know when you are free next. I am on a break so my schedule is relatively flexible.*
I could safely say that it was a good thing that I lived alone because I don't think I have ever screamed louder into a pillow. Matthew has been one of my favorite celebrities for the longest time. If we were going to be completely honest, once I started watching Criminal Minds, I immediately had a crush on him. This wasn't exactly the profession to be in if you were going to have a celebrity crush. I was often invited to red carpets and movie premiers, so I met quite a few stars. I never thought I would have to worry about slipping up on my professionalism.
Because I never thought I would even meet him.
My obvious answer to his request was yes. I would never *ever* miss an opportunity to have a photoshoot with someone so inspiring and meaningful to me. So I started writing an email back.
*Hi Matthew!*
Should I address him like that? Is that unprofessional?
*Hi Mr. Gubler*
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
*Hi Matthew!* We are gonna stick with that. *I don't know if this is too short of a notice, but I actually have a free spot tomorrow. (Of course if that doesn't work for you, I can figure something out for later, and try to fit it in before your birthday). I have a few ideas for props that I can send you? Let me know how I can help.*
I sent it and ran my hands through my hair, tossing my phone back onto my comforter. I had taken pictures of so many awesome celebrities:
• Selena Gomez
• Robert Downey Jr.
• Dylan O'Brien
• Grant Gustin
• Holland Roden
• Danai Gurira
But this was by far the coolest one, in my mind at least.
While waiting a little to anxiously for a reply, I decided I was going to make myself some lunch, Ramen. I set my phone on the counter as I boiled my noodles, peering over at the blank screen every few seconds (but really they felt like **minutes**).
Just as I was adding the flavour packet to the bowl my phone buzzed. I jumped slightly, spilling part of the packet out of the bowl.
"Damnit." I quickly wiped the salt into the trash can and snatched my phone, seeing another email.
*Tomorrow is actually perfect, and I would love to hear your recommendations on props, clothes, anything really. I'm going to leave my number on this email so we can have easier contact of that's okay with you.*
Wow, alright. I will now have Matthew Gray Gublers number in my phone. I made a contact for him.
**It's y/n, soooo for props. I figured I could bake you a cake! I took a few baking electives in college so I could make a really nice one and we can do something with it. I recommend you bring clothes you like to wear that are black and white. (Other colors work too, but it just looks and flows better if it's black and white). I will set the rest of the stuff up. I will be ready for you by 1 pm if that's okay.**
*You would bake me a cake?! That would be super cool thank you! I would love that. I will bring a few black and white outfits. Would it be weird if I brought a black and white Kimono?*
A chance to see Matthew in a kimono? Please yes.
**Oh my gosh please do. I would love to take pictures of you in an infamous kimono of yours.**
*Awesome! I will see you tomorrow at 1. Heres my managers info for you to sell the billing to.*
He attatched his managers email. I just sat at my kitchens island, smiling like a true dork at my phone.
**And here is my address, I run the studio at my house. What is your favorite cake and icing by the way? :)**
Was a smiley face unprofessional?
I need to chill out.
*Vanilla cake and chocolate frosting possibly? I will eat anything though probably. :)*
Now I was really smiling at my phone like a psycho idiot.
**Alrighty, see you tomorrow**
Since I didn't want to wake up too early tomorrow, I decided I was going to start the cake tonight. I had quite a few recipes held in my cabinets. I located my vanilla cake recipe and put my pre-made chocolate frosting on the counter.
After about an hour of preparing, making a cake from scratch, and putting it in the oven. The cake was finally done and cooled. I added black cocoa to the frosting to make it completely black and got out my white gel.
*You made it 3 decades :)*
Was scrawled in calligraphy on the top of the cylindrical cake. I added white drips down the sides and white multi shaped sprinkles to the bottom part.
I set it in my fridge and got ready for bed. I know it's going to be hard to sleep just thinking about tomorrow.
My alarm woke me up at 10 am, never before this had I woke up with a smile on my face before 12.
I took a quick shower and dressed in a white and blue floral romper with my hair in a high ponytail. Now it was time to set up backgrounds for the shoot.
I had two stations downstairs where I took all my photos. I set the first one up very normal with a white background and a rustic black stool. The second one was set up with another white background but littered with black streamers and big *30* black and white speckled balloons strung at the top.
Once I was done with all that. It was nearing 1. I slipped the cake out of the fridge and slid it onto my island. I glanced up at the clock above my stove.
Since I just had a little bit of time, I went a put some simple makeup on. I usually don't wear makeup when taking pictures of people, but for obvious reasons, I was making an exception.
Just as I was leaving my bathroom I heard a knock at my door. I walked swiftly to my door and opened it shakily.
"Hi!" He held up the clothes that were hung lazily over his arm. He smiled that million dollar smile and I could have sworn he looked me up and down.
Wishful thinking I guess.
"Welcome!" I stepped out of the doorway, silently inviting him in. "If you wanna set your stuff down, those stairs to the right lead you down the the studio."
"Thanks." He scurried down the stairs as I grabbed the cake and followed him down. I set it on a table that I had down there, he peered over at it and immediately burst into fits of laughter.
"I knew you had a sense of humor, so why put something normal and boring on the cake." I laughed with him as he tried to catch his breath.
"This is so perfect." He laughed a little more. "Thank you, so much." I shrugged with a smile. I posed him in front of the streamers with the cake.
He made some silly faces and smiled like there was no tomorrow. Next I brought him to the more plain station, sitting him on the stool. I looked through the lenses of the camera and glared a bit.
"Hey can you put your left leg up on the second peg of the stool?" I asked, pointing to his leg.
"This one?" He put it on the third. I shook my head. "This one?" He moved it down the the fourth. He was smiling a sly smile, seemingly challenging me.
"Let me do it for you." I had to pose people often, but posing him was going to be a little harder for me, considering I found him painfully attractive.
I moved his leg up to the second one and patted it.
"Now leave it there, so I don't have to help you again." I giggled, walking back to my camera. Taking a picture of him leaning forward on the stool and smiling. I then made him laugh and got a good genuine one of him leaning back and laughing. After all that, I proposed that we eat some cake and took a break.
I cut him a slice and handed it to him with a smile.
"So, tell me about yourself." He said, eating a bite of his cake.
"Well, I have always enjoyed photography. I love all types of art, so I also draw and paint often. And I have a black cat upstairs. His name is-" and I stopped, blood rushing to my cheeks. He is most certainly going to ask me the name, and I do not want to tell him.
He stared at me expectantly. "What is his name?" He motioned me to go on.
"Uh," I laughed a little awkwardly, setting my hands in my lap and staring at them. "His name is Spencer. As in Spencer Reid..." I glanced up at him and saw a huge grin break out on his face.
"So you like Criminal Minds? I never would have guessed. You just don't seem the type."
"Well all my memorabilia is in my room, just so people don't think I'm weird for having quite a few framed and signed posters." I smiled up at him, pushing around the remaining cake crumbs on my plate.
"One, That's not weird, that's awesome. Two, can I please meet Spencer and take pictures with him in my kimono."
I don't think I have ever heard a better sentence in my entire life.
"Yes, absolutely! I'll go get him." I clunked up the stairs on my search to find Spencer. I went to his usual spot first, my bed. Luckily he was sitting there, licking his outstretched foot. "Hi baby! You are about to take pictures with the guy you are named after. He almost as cute as you!" I grabbed him from the bed an headed back downstairs. I walked in with the accidental impeccable timing to see Matthew in his barely tied kimono, showing off his chest. My eyes widened a bit and he tied it off fully.
"Is this the famous Spencer?! He is so cute!" He reached his arms out at Spencer. My little fluff ball curled up into him instantly, cuddling into his silky kimono.
We took many many pictures of Spencer and Matthew together. I think maybe my cat likes him more than he likes me now.
"Okay, last idea. How about we just take some more up close pictures of me feeding you some cake?" It came put as a question because I didn't know how comfortable he would be with it.
"Perfect!" I cut another slice of the cake and brought it over to him. We were both sitting on the floor.
"This might be a little awkward, okay?" I giggled as I leaned back to get his whole face in the shot. This proved to be very difficult as I was using my left hand to take the picture. I fed him the cake with the right as he looked at the camera with a more seductive look. I could have melted into the floor.
I decided to switch hands so I could take the photos better, but now my very uncoordinated hand was the one picking up the cake. As I went down to get another section of the cake for another angle of feeding this sculpture of a man, I instead dipped my thumb right into the deep black frosting.
"Shit, I'm so sorry hold on." As I went to stand up and grab a napkin to wipe my thumb off, Matthew grabbed my wrist lightly.
"Hold on, uh, I have an idea, before you do anything." I sat down with a confused look. "I saw someone do this in another shoot. But we totally don't have to do it. I just thought it would be a different idea." His words were more rushed than usual.
"I'm sure I've done weirder things for other shoots, don't worry. It's *your* shoot." I reassured him, though my head was swimming wondering what he was going to do.
"Ok. So. What I'm going to do is put your thumb in my mouth, and I'm basically gonna, uh, suck on it while kinda smiling?" He could barely get through the whole thing without laughing.
"Alright, weird request but I like it!" I giggled for what seemed like the 30th time today. "And to make you feel better, yes, I have done weirder."
"Thank God."
"So I am guessing you want me to do something like this with the rest of my hand, ya know, the part that's not in your mouth." I stated as I placed my hand on his cheek. He let a slow breath out, staring into my eyes.
"Yeah, exactly."
"Okay." I said with a shrug, grabbing my camera from the ground. He opened his mouth with an all too familiar wide grin as I placed my thumb in. His mouth closed around it and he smiled, just a little. I brought my camera to my face, capturing the moment that I would have forever in my mind and in a small frame on my bedroom wall, for sure.
I slipped my thumb from his mouth and watched as his face turned extremely red. To save him embarrassment, I immediately stood up and grabbed a napkin to wipe the rest of the frosting off.
"Can I see it?" He motioned to the camera. I nodded, sitting down right beside him, showing him the picture. It showed off a closer look at the rose tattoos I had near my wrists and the shiny watch that was gifted to me by my mom. "It turned out good! I really hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"Oh no! Of course not. Total opposite." As soon as I said that I regretted it.
"So that made you extremely comfortable?" A sly smile was making it's way onto his face.
"That's, that's not- You know what? Sure, yes." I chuckled. "You don't really make me uncomfortable at all to be honest. So no, you didn't make me uncomfortable."
"Well I'm glad." He smiled and we sat in silence for a moment.
"Well I guess that's it yeah?" He nodded. "Well this was fun. Thanks for being an excellent subject to take pictures of."
He gathered his stuff as we went back upstairs. Once at the door, Spencer came up to him, rubbing on his leg. He bent over to pet him.
"So, I'm not sure if you are single or not." I could feel the blood draining from my face. Was this really happening right now? "But I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date?"
Yes, this was happening right now.
"Really?" I could tell I sounded extremely excited, but at this point, I didn't even care.
"Yeah, you are super laid back, funny, talented, and you aren't scared away by how weird I am." He laughed, "So yes?"
"I would absolutely love to."
"Great. I'll text you." He winked and waved as he closed the door, leaving.
My back went against the door. I couldn't keep in the squeal so I just embraced it and squealed my heart out, doing a little dance.
Which was quickly ended when I heard a knock at the door.
"I'm sorry, I want to get to know you better immediately." He let out a nervous chuckle. "Are you free for the rest of the day?" I was sure that my face was red as a tomato.
"Yes I am." He grabbed my hand, dragging me outside.
"Then let's go."
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Sangyeon - Hidden job - M
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Author’s note: Merry Christmassy to all The Bs! I hope you will like my scenario for my ultimate bias, Sangyeon! :)
Note: L/N/Y/N - it means insert your “ your last name/your name”
Y/N, together with her friend named Minje are both erotic novel writers. but even though Y/N is an erotic novel writer she still a virgin and didn't have any relationship before because she was just fond of reading those kinds of novels that made her think to try to be a writer. Then Y/N has a guy roommate and his name is Lee Sangyeon and both of them are close to each other and there was one time, Sangyeon came home early and Y/N was shocked because he has so many foods that he ordered for just the two of them.
“Have dinner with me, Y/N!” Sangyeon said as he smiled at her and Y/N smiled brightly at him and nodded and while Sangyeon is preparing the food for them.
“It seems your job really pays you a lot of money, huh?” Y/N said and Sangyeon just chuckled.
"I think so! Also, I just saved some money and that made me think that I should buy food for us since sometimes, we don't have time for us to hang-out and this is the only way I can do for you as my roommate," Sangyeon said and Y/N blushed.
“But, I am curious what is your job because you never told me about it since we became roommates,” Y/N said as she looked at him with curiosity and Sangyeon tried to smile at her.
“Ummm… I am a full-time model of a men’s magazine,” Sangyeon said and Y/N was surprised at his revelation.
“Oh! No wonder you have a perfect body build and your job really suits you,” Y/N said as she smiled at him and Sangyeon just chuckled at her words.
"So, you are checking me out? Is that what you are saying?" Sangyeon asked as he looked and smirked at her.
"Me? No! You know sometimes, I just saw your upper body and you have a good body built. But I don't stare or drool over your body, okay?" Y/N said and Sangyeon just laughed.
"Okay! Okay! By the way, you also didn't tell me your job and I am curious," Sangyeon said and it was Y/N's turn to try to smile at him.
“Gosh! I think I shouldn’t tell him my real job and he might get the wrong idea even though I am an erotic novel writer,” Y/N thought.
"I am a novel writer. That's why I am very focused on my laptop almost every day to think what story I should write," Y/N said.
“Oh! Now I understand why sometimes you are still up until dawn. But what genre are you writing?” Sangyeon asked as he looked at her and Y/N gulped.
“Ummm… A romantic novel,” Y/N said as she smiled at him.
“Oh! Just romance? That’s all?” Sangyeon asked.
“Yup! Why? Do you have any other genres in mind?” Y/N asked.
“Ummm… You are not also writing an erotic novel, right?” Sangyeon asked as he smiled at her.
“Gosh! Sangyeon is really something! He even thought of that genre,” Y/N thought.
"No! I never wrote those kinds of novels because I don't have any experience when it comes to that thing and I don't have any idea to write those kinds of scenes too," Y/N said as she tried to calm down and Sangyeon smirked at her.
“Oh! It means you are a virgin?” Sangyeon said and Y/N blushed at his question.
“Oh well, It seems I don’t have anything to hide from you from now on,” Y/N said as she blushed.
“But you didn’t have any relationship before too?” Sangyeon asked.
"Yup! Before I just focused on my studies and now, I am focused on my job. That's why I didn't have time for dating someone," Y/N said.
"Oh! Now I understand. But did you know that I heard some writers in an erotic novel genre don't have any experience at all because some of them just read it in a book and suddenly made their book?" Sangyeon asked.
“Gosh! That’s exactly me!” Y/N thought.
“I didn’t know that Sangyeon. I am kinda surprised,” Y/N said and Sangyeon laughed.
"But you are not fond of reading those kinds of books, right?" Sangyeon asked.
"Nope! I don't have an interest in those kinds of novels and why should I read those kind of novels if I don't have a boyfriend?" Y/N said.
"Wait. It means if you will read those kinds of novels, you will probably do the sex scenes with your boyfriend?" Sangyeon asked bluntly and Y/N almost choked at his question and Sangyeon just laughed at her again.
“Well, what should I say? It seems you’re right,” Y/N said as she blushed.
“Oh! Okay! Don’t worry I will not judge you by that, Y/N,” Sangyeon said as he smiled at her.
“Thanks for treating me for dinner tonight, Sangyeon! I have to continue writing my novel,” Y/N said.
“No problem, Y/N! I am glad we finally had time for us to talk and hang-out here in our place,” Sangyeon said and both of them smiled at each other and Y/N just went inside her room and continued writing her erotic novel.
"What if Y/N will know my real job? What will be her reaction? I hope she will not ignore me," Sangyeon thought and sighed and he just went to sleep. Then the next day, Y/N is in the publishing company office with Minje and she is working on her novel. As for Minje who is searching for some other references to make a sex scene in her novel, she suddenly saw an advertisement that is showing on a website and she was shocked at what she saw.
“Is this really Y/N’s roommate?” Minje thought and gulped. Then while Y/N is still working on her novel…
“Y/N, you are roommates with Lee Sangyeon, right?” Minje asked.
“Yup! Why? Are you interested to date him?” Y/N said while she was still focused on her laptop and Minje slightly laughed at her statement.
“If I could only be his roommate and I will date him but you are lucky enough to be with him, Y/N,” Minje said.
“So, why are you asking me about Sangyeon?” Y/N said as she looked at her.
“Ummm… how’s Sangyeon as a roommate?” Minje asked.
“He’s a great roommate and he even treated me a food for dinner last night in our place,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Why did he treat you for dinner, yesterday?’Minje asked.
“Well, he just told me that he already saved money from his job and it seems his job really pays him a lot,” Y/N said.
“By any chance, did he tell you his job?” Minje asked.
"Yup! He told me that he is a full-time model in a men's magazine," Y/N said and Minje was kinda surprised.
"Why did Sangyeon didn't tell her his real job? Or I think he is just scared to tell Y/N?" Minje thought and looked at her.
"Oh! Is that so? That's somehow a high-paying job though," Minje said.
"Yup! You're right!" Y/N said as she smiled at her and Minje smiled back at her and went back to work. As for Sangyeon who is on a day off from his job, he went to a bookstore and went to an adult section of books and as he read some books, he noticed a book on the shelf because he suddenly saw the title and author's name and he was surprised and it was…
“Loving you harder by L/N/Y/N”
"What? Am I seeing this, right now? She is the author of an erotic novel? Did she just lie to me? I should tell her about this and I will definitely read this too," Sangyeon said to himself and he just bought the book that was written by Y/N and went back home to read the novel. As he continued to read the erotic novel in their place, he smirked.
"Wow! It seems Y/N read great erotic novels before and she did great at those kinds of scenes in making her novel. Should I do it also to her?" Sangyeon thought and just smirked at his idea and just continued to read the novel. As for Y/N who is now on a break but still searching for some other references to make great sex scenes for her novel…
"Gosh! These advertisements are really disturbing!" Y/N said and then when she saw one of the advertisements, she was shocked at what she saw.
"Oh shit! Are you kidding me? Is this really Sangyeon? I should talk to him later," Y/N thought as she still staring at the ad that is showing on the website and Minje saw her reaction.
“OMG! She already saw it!” Minje thought.
“Y/N, is there something wrong? Let’s go and let’s have lunch now. I am hungry!” Minje said and then Y/N suddenly closed the browser.
“No! Nothing's wrong Minje. Let's go I am also hungry," Y/N said and both of them went to have a lunch break.
After a few hours of working in a publishing company, Y/N went home and as soon as she went inside, Sangyeon's eyes darted at her, and Y/N was surprised at his sudden gaze.
“Why is he looking at me like that?” Y/N thought.
“Sangyeon, we should talk,” Y/N said.
“Me too! I really want to talk to you. But ladies should go first,” Sangyeon said
“Okay! Are you really sure that you are only a model of a men’s magazine?” Y/N asked in a serious tone and looked at him.
“Yes! I am telling the truth,” Sangyeon said and Y/N just chuckled.
“But what is this? Explain it to me,” Y/N said as she showed a screenshot of the advertisement and Sangyeon was surprised.
“Oh shit! She knew it!” Sangyeon thought.
“Tell me now, Sangyeon. You are just telling a lie, right? To be honest, that was not just an advertisement, it was a video clip of your porn video!” Y/N said in an angry tone and she glared at him and Sangyeon just stared back at her.
“So, what if I am a porn star? Also, if you were in my shoes, are you going to tell other people that easily? Huh?” Sangyeon said in an angry tone and glared back at her and Y/N suddenly can’t look at him.
"Well, Sangyeon is right. If I were in his shoes, I will probably not tell my job to others too," Y/N thought and she looked at him with apologetic eyes.
“I am sorry, Sangyeon. Now I understood where are you coming from. Don’t get mad at me,” Y/N said.
"Fine! To be honest, I discovered something about you too. I will forgive you. If you will explain to me about this," Sangyeon said as he put the book on the table and Y/N was shocked at what he was talking about.
“Shit! How did he know about the erotic novel that I wrote!” Y/N thought as she blushed and he smirked at her.
"Ummm… I am sorry Sangyeon that I also lied to you. But I am telling you that I really don't have experience at all and before I really read an erotic novel and just decided to try to write my own novel. That's all," Y/N said.
“Okay! Okay! I will not judge you being an erotic novel writer since that’s your job,” Sangyeon said.
“But to be honest, I am really shocked when I knew that you are a porn star,” Y/N said and Sangyeon slightly laughed at her.
“Don’t tell me, that it was also your first time to see a video clip of a porn video,” Sangyeon said.
“Nope! I always see those kinds of advertisements while I am still searching for references to make a great sex scene in my novel,” Y/N said and Sangyeon smirked at her and he went closer to her and Y/N’s body is suddenly tensed because of his sudden action.
"You know, I read a few chapters of it and I liked the way you wrote the novel and it was a steamy one. By the way, my favorite line in your novel is "I want you so bad!” and to be honest, that line suits my mood tonight. Why don’t I make you experience those sex scenes in your novel? Sounds hot, right? ” Sangyeon whispered to her and he slightly grazed his teeth and licked her earlobe that made her moan and she suddenly realized what she did and she slightly push him but not too hard as Sangyeon’s face is still close to her and Y/N blushed and gulped.
“Oh shit! It seems his wild and beast side will come out tonight!” Y/N thought.
"That's not a good ----" Y/N was cut-off because Sangyeon kissed her hungrily and he suddenly bit her upper lip and Y/N moaned into the kiss. Then one of Sangyeon's hands went to her back and put his hand underneath her shirt and suddenly unclasped her bra.
“Shit! He's really fast and he just undoes my bra, just now!" Y/N thought. Then one of Sangyeon's hands went to her breast and squeezed it roughly that made their kisses deeper. Then his lips, went to her neck as he licked and bit it that made Y/N moan his name softly. Then he suddenly licked her earlobe again and…
"You're mine, Y/N! I will never share you with anyone. Are we clear about that?" Sangyeon whispered at her and Y/N nodded and he smirked then he traced some kisses in her jaw and sucked her exposed collarbone and Y/N just continued to moan his name and suddenly he stopped and he stared at her with lust and Y/N just gulped.
“Clothes off, right now Y/N!” Sangyeon said as he still stared at her like Y/N is the prey. Then she obeyed Sangyeon’s command and his eyes were watching while Y/N is removing all her clothes and he just licked his lips at the sight of her being naked.
“Fuck! You are sexy and hot as hell, Y/N!” Sangyeon said as he smirked at her and Y/N blushed at his comment.
“That’s unfair, you don’t even remove your clothes too,” Y/N said.
"Oh! Someone's eager to see me naked, huh?" Sangyeon said as he smirked at her and he pulled his shirt up and throws it on the floor…
"His upper body is really a masterpiece!" Y/N thought as she continued to drool over his upper body and Sangyeon saw it.
“Staring too much, baby girl? You know, I am not done yet, right?” Sangyeon said seductively.
“Damn! I should prepare myself!” Y/N thought and her thoughts were cut-off when Sangyeon is now removing his pants together with boxer shorts and when he was completely naked in front of her, Y/N’s jaw dropped as she saw Sangyeon’s cock.
“Oh fuck! How will it fit that to me!” Y/N thought and Sangyeon walked closer to her and pushed her in the bed and hovered above her.
"I am sure after this, you will be able to write another erotic novel and of course, I will read that novel too," Sangyeon said as he smirked at her and Y/N gulped. Suddenly he held her hand and make her touch his chest, abs, and finally into his cock that made Y/N blushed because it was her first time to touch a man's cock, but she suddenly did a stroke into his cock and Sangyeon moaned her name but he stopped her and looked at her.
“You can do that next time, baby girl. For now, I will be the one who will pleasure you tonight,” Sangyeon said.
“Oh fuck! He's making me wet just with his words! Damn!" Y/N thought. Then Sangyeon dived into her breast as he sucked and licked her nipple delicately that made her close her eyes and moan his name softly and she pushed his head more and Sangyeon smirked at her.
"So, sensitive! I love that!" Sangyeon said and then he suddenly bit her nipple and slightly pulled up that made Y/N moaned loudly his name. Then after Sangyeon gave attention to her breast, he kissed her stomach and kissed and licked her navel and when his lips reached her thighs, he spread it widely to see her dripping core and Y/N saw him between her legs and it was a hot sight for her and he suddenly looked at her.
"You're so wet for me baby! I like that!" Sangyeon said and slightly pulled upwards her thighs closely to his mouth and he suddenly plunged his tongue to her core as licked it at a fast pace and Y/N throws her bed back in the pillow because of the new sensation she felt and when Sangyeon sucked her core roughly, one of Y/N's hands went to his hair and slightly pulling him more into her core and arched her back.
“Shit! M-more Sangyeon!” Y/N said.
"Needy, are we?" Sangyeon said as he smirked at her and he decided to put his tongue more into her core and Y/N moaned loudly and her thighs are going weak while Sangyeon is still holding tightly her thighs.
"So, hot when you are like that, Y/N!" Sangyeon said and as he continued to eat her out wildly, Y/N cum in his mouth and he sucked all of her juices in her core that made a slurping sound in his room and he stopped and looked at Y/N who is now catching her breath.
“You’re so tasty, Y/N!” Sangyeon said as he smirked at her and he put her thighs down on the bed and put a condom in his cock and hovered above her again and both of them made eye contact.
“Are you ready for a one of a kind experience with me, Y/N?” Sangyeon asked.
“Yes, Sangyeon! I want you to wreck me this night!” Y/N said and he smirked at her words.
"As you wish Y/N! I will have no mercy to you this night!" Sangyeon said and he inserted his full cock into her and Y/N yelped in pain.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I will make you feel so good as ever. I know you can bear the pain,” Sangyeon said as he suddenly thrust his cock to her at a fast pace and Y/N screamed his name and held tightly his biceps.
“Shit! You’re so tight!” Sangyeon said as he continued to pound at her at a fast pace and that time, Y/N already adjusted to him as she moaned his name non-stop.
“Sangyeon! H-harder please! ” Y/N said.
“I will give you more than that Y/N! Prepare for yourself for me!” Sangyeon said as he thrust his cock to her with a mixture of hard and rough pace that made Y/N screamed his name and Sangyeon lifted her two thighs and put in his shoulders and he continued at a hard pace to her that made his cock thrust to a different angle and hit her g-spot.
"Fuck! You feel so good deep inside of you!" Sangyeon said as he gripped her thighs that are still on his shoulders and he also saw that Y/N was in pure bliss as her eyes closed, she arched her back violently and gripped tightly the bed sheets because of his cock that continued to wreck her walls. But as time goes by, Y/N felt that she is close to orgasm same with Sangyeon where his thrusts are becoming unstable and…
"Cum with me, Y/N!" Sangyeon said as he continued to pound at her and Y/N nodded and in a few thrusts of his cock to her, they moaned each other's names as they cum. Then Sangyeon put down her thighs in the bed and pulled out his cock to her that made Y/N slightly moan and he removed the condom to his cock and threw it in the trash bin and went back to lay beside her.
“So, how’s the experience with me?” Sangyeon said as he winked at her and Y/N blushed.
"I don't know what to say, Sangyeon! But it was a mind-blowing one and I can really say that you are a sex god and no wonder why your job really fits you!" Y/N said and Sangyeon laughed at her.
“I can do other things to you next time because you know, this is only the basics,” Sangyeon said as he winked at her and Y/N was surprised at his statement.
“Oh shit! Are you kidding me?” Y/N said and Sangyeon looked at her.
"Nope, I am not! But of course, I will not do it for you now since it was just your first time tonight. So, are you still going to research other references making your sex scenes great in your novel?” Sangyeon said and Y/N blushed.
“I think I don’t need it anymore since I already have you. It’s just that I have to write the right words for the scenes,” Y/N said and Sangyeon smiled at him.
“That’s great! But I want to tell you that, for me, this is not only just for fun or you might think that we will be just going to be fuck buddies or in a no strings attached arrangement,” Sangyeon said.
“What do you mean?” Y/N said.
“Don’t you really understand? Or are you just pretending not to know what am I talking about?” Sangyeon said and raised one of his eyebrows.
“I am sorry sometimes I am not quick-witted,” Y/N said and Sangyeon slightly laughed at her.
“Okay! For the past 3 years of being your roommate, I have fallen in love with you,” Sangyeon said as he looked at her lovingly in her eyes and Y/N was surprised at his confession.
”Really?” Y/N asked shockingly.
"Yup! I am dead serious, Y/N! But because of my job I know you are thinking that I have probably fallen in love with those girls who I worked with. Also, if you want, I can quit my job so that, it will not bother you and I think it will be good for me to have another job too or I can help you write your novel. Sounds good, right?" Sangyeon said as he smiled at her and Y/N smiled back at him.
"But are you willing to quit your job?" Y/N asked.
“Yes, I am! I already thought about it so, that it will not be hard for me to tell other people my job. But Y/N, do you also love me?” Sangyeon asked.
“Yup! I love you too Sangyeon!” Y/N said as she smiled at him and Sangyeon hugged her and Y/N hugged back.
"I am glad that both of us are on the same page and I love you so much Y/N!" Sangyeon said as he cupped Y/N's face and kissed her lips passionately but both of them pulled away immediately and Y/N blushed.
"I am sorry I have to stop because I might not control myself again to you," Sangyeon said as slightly laughed and Y/N looked at him.
“Then don’t!” Y/N said and Sangyeon was surprised at her words.
“Wow! Are you serious? But it was just your first time tonight,” Sangyeon said.
“I don’t care! I still want you so bad!” Y/N said.
“Oh! No! You will be in big trouble this night with me, Y/N!” Sangyeon said as he smirked at her. Then he suddenly kissed her lips passionately again and they went for a few rounds until Y/N was completely exhausted.
“I don’t regret to love him so much and he is just too good for this! Damn!” Y/N thought.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  The Boyz’s Lee Sangyeon!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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prorevenge · 6 years
Don't like the person I picked to take my place once I graduate? Say goodbye to your funding too, then.
This story is from a while ago but the final part of the revenge just took place last week, so I thought I'd post. TLDR at the bottom.
So back when I was in highschool, I was not really a kid who participated in a lot of extracurricular activities. Most sports and clubs in my school didn't interest me, but during my sophomore year, an older friend of mine created a club called the Literature Magazine Club. It wasn't very complex, just a magazine we'd publish every year with a lot of poems, stories, and sometimes artwork, and I was a part of it. I'm not much of a writer, so I wasn't super involved until the club rolled out something completely new; a "Food and a Show" event for the students.
Essentially, on the last Friday of every month, the club would reserve a big empty study room for a few hours or so and set up a place for students to come during their studyhalls. Inside would be food, refreshments, and student performers. For only three dollars, students could eat some sugary food and watch other students sing or recite (usually bad) poetry. It wasn't grand or anything, but it was a better place to be than in a silent studyhall, trust me.
From the start, my club organizer (lets call her Mrs.F) made me in charge of a lot of different things, mainly because I was the one if the few in the club willing to talk in front of large crowds and to people I didn't know. I was the one who got in touch with performers who signed up, organized meetings before the actual event, ran the twitter page, created flyers, tickets, you name it. But the most important thing I did was set up all the tech stuff and be the MC. No body else wanted to go up and introduce people, so I did! For two more years up until my senior year, when the chaos started.
In that time, I became very good at running the entire thing by myself. However, as a senior, I now had to train someone else to take my spot. At the next meeting I was approached by a junior who showed a lot of passion about the position, so I picked her. I figured that since she was the only one that had the guts to actually talk to me about it in person when I put out a call for try-outs, she'd do well! That month, I began to teach her what I did. By the next show, she was MC while I just ran the tech stuff, and things seemed to be going well. Seemed.
Apparently, Mrs.F was NOT happy with my choice. Everyone knew Mrs.F had a thing about picking favorites, and often enough positions in the clubs she ran were promised to people before try-outs were even available. (She ran the newspaper club the same way.) I didn't think this would effect me since Mrs.F really didn't involve herself in the event unless she needed to, but I was wrong.
It wasn't until near the end of the year that she broke the news that my chosen back-up would not be the MC after I left, but instead this sophomore who she apparently recruited from one of her classes. She was a very nice girl, but she could barely speak above a whisper, wasn't very good at confrontation (something you need to work with performers). Most importantly, SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE CLUB UNTIL THAT POINT. Mrs.F though it would be a great idea to give her this major position because she wrote great poetry in her English class. I totally understood where Mrs.F was coming from, but my replacement was already trained at this point, and there was no way I was going to have her pick trained by the time I graduated. When I brought that up, Mrs.F got angry at me. She told me she ran this club, and that means she runs the event too.
So, I took her word for it. If she want's her and her charge to run the place, so be it.
Being a senior, I was 100% ready to just fling myself from the hell that was my high-school, so I didn't care too much about staying on good terms with teachers, but around this time I also ran into a bunch of medical and mental health issues as well. I had a thousand different medical professionals telling me to chill out and start doing less until I could (both physically and emotionally) take on more stress. I emailed teachers telling them what was going on, had to resign from my job, etc. But the one person I did not tell was Mrs.F. I dropped out of the club with NO warning whatsoever, and while I felt kind of bad for leaving my friends in such a way, the reward was so much more satisfying.
A week away from the last Food and Show event of the year, I had performers emailing me asking to be in it, parents offering donations of food for the students, etc. I simply gave them a copy-paste email saying "I don't run this, please contact Mrs.F for details."
Oh, the email I got just two days from the last event was gold. I no longer have it since my highschool gmail account has since been shut down, but it was something like this:
"Hi Skyoctorock. I haven't seen you at mandatory meetings recently and we've been having a hard time getting in contact with the tech people to deliver the necessary equipment, collecting performers, and printing tickets. Can you do this? Thanks."
I didn't reply. The day of the event, I stayed home from school to avoid being roped in last minute (because I knew Mrs.F can and would call me down from my study hall to chew me out.) When I came in the next day, a friend of mine who was also involved in the event came to me and asked me where I had been. I told her I was sick, and she said:
"The whole thing bombed! We couldn't get the music running and had to end the show early!"
The satisfaction was AMAZING knowing it had gone up in flames. Apparently, my backup wasn't there to help (since she thought she didn't need to be there) and Mrs.F chosen MC knew fuck-all about running the set (I taught her how to pick performers and how to advertise, but I never got the chance to teach her about the tech stuff involved.) The show ran very badly, so a lot of people took the food offered to them and left halfway through. I did get chewed out later in the day in front of Mrs.F's class, but I didn't get punished any further, thankfully. I think she may have been trying to publicly embarrass me in front of her students, but it didn't work. I could care less about looking like an embarrassment, I was never going to see these kids again after I graduated.
However, that's not where this revenge ends. It had unknown consequences that I just found out about.
The money made from the event was apparently one of the two main sources of funding. After I graduated, the whole "Food and A Show" thing had a really hard time continuing. A friend who hasn't graduated yet told me they eventually had to stop the event (Mrs.F says temporarily, but we all know she's probably not gonna bring that shit back) because they didn't know how to/no one was willing to find a workaround. The club itself still runs, but the quality of the magazine they produce has gone down considerably. They're running out of other sources of income fast, and I got to see the call for donations for the club made by the local newspaper in my area earlier this month.
TLDR: Teacher tries to replace my already-trained replacement with her own near the end of the school year, refuses to compromise, and ends up losing a portion of funding as a result.
(source) story by (/u/skyoctorock)
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ipurpleyou1993 · 5 years
My thoughts on:
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Starring: Lin Yi/Xing Fei
- It's okay not to know everything. Just because you don't know it today, doesn't mean you'll never learn it. There's always time to learn new things. ✅😊😉
We are all beginners. Our years give us experience. And from these experiences, we learn. 💯😊😉
- Often times, we miss out on opportunities bigger than what we have in mind because we are too fixated on things and people we think are good for us.
Trust in the Lord's plan and everything will eventually work out. 😉👍🏻💯
- It's always good to pursue something you are passionate about. In this day and age, we are pushed to pick courses which will, you know, pay the bills. Hahahaha!
When we do something we love, work becomes play - you learn and enjoy at the same time. And excelling is easier since you are eager to learn. 😊
Do what makes you happy - be it on the sidelines, spare time, or whatnot. 😎👍🏻😊
The Gist:
The story revolves around 2 individuals - Situ Mo and Gu Weiyi. It's a coming of age type of story that takes us to the mature romantic journey of the couple.
Situ Mo, played by Xing Fei, is the female lead in the series. She is outspoken, quirky, and very independent. She knows what she wants and works hard for it.
As for her passion, she loves advertising. But her parents insisted she takes up accountancy, instead (happens to many of us, doesn't it?). This is one of the early struggles of her character in the series. She's a graduate of accountancy but she wishes to pursue an advertising career.
For the longest time, she's been waiting for her best friend, Fu Pei, to pick up his courage and confess his feelings to her.
Sadly though, it didn't happen. But she stood up and accepted what needed to be accepted. Strong girl, isn't she?
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Gu Weiyi, played by Lin Yi, is the male lead in the series. He's the awkward one. Everything is new for him in terms of relationships. He's got it all figured out in books. But he's quite terrible at it in the emotional side of things. Hahaha! 😅🤣🤭
Apart from being the school genius, he's also the university's heartthrob. Well, who wouldn't crush on someone with this face? ❤️😍😊 Such a BB. ❤️💯😍
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Their journey begins with a bag switch and the incident of having to live in the same house. 😅
What I liked about the series:
- The series is soooo fun to watch. It's light and simple. It's a feel good, chinese drama. I hardly noticed that I finished watching 15 episodes in one day. 🙈🤣👍🏻 This is crazy considering that one episode is almost an hour long. For me, this is a good sign. Hahahaha! Don't you think so too? 😊
- I liked Gu Weiyi's awkwardness. It was fit for his cold and clueless character. 💯😊👍🏻 His stiffness really worked as Gu Weiyi making it look natural. 👌🏻😍✅
I also admired his acting. Being clueless when it comes to relationships can hardly be seen in men. 😊 (Is this considered stereotyping? I hope not. Hihi! 🙈) But his projection of the clueless image was so on point and hilarious. Hahahaha! 🤣
And I also appreciate how a guy, despite it being the personality of his character, takes time and effort to study and research about the things a guy should do for a girl during courtship, dates, etc. Do guys really do this? Such a sweet gesture. Kakakilig lalo. UWU. ☺️🙈😍❤️
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- I liked how Situ Mo is not your ordinary type of girl. She isn't shy. Instead, she's very outspoken and quirky. 😊💯👍🏻 You'll want to wish you had her personality when you were her age (At least in my case, for that matter. 😅)
I honestly think Situ Mo is the definition of a strong independent woman. Hahaha! I love how she's so cool with anything - waiting, confession, voicing out her opinion, etc.
Her character is so strong that I am actually jealous. Hahaha! I wish I had the courage to stand up for my thoughts, tell people I am angry, confess my feelings to the one I like, confront my first love, hahahaha! And so much mooooooore! I want Situ Mo to be my spirit animal. Hahahaha! 🙋🏻‍♀️✅💯😊
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- FRIENDSHIP APPRECIATION POST: I love how Situ Mo's friendship with her bff did not falter because of some guy coming between them. I really like watching friendships overcome issues like this. Don't ya wish you have this kind of support system? Hahahaha! Good job girls for not letting men come between your relationship! 💯✅👌🏻👍🏻😊
- I love the chemistry of the main characters. It seems very realistic! The push and pull of the emotions projected by the actors really come across. Nakakagigil! ❤️😍😊 I got butterflies coming and going all through out the series. ❤️💯👍🏻🙈
I enjoyed the series a lot because I can see myself in them when I was trying things about relationships for the first time. I giggled so much as well because while watching, in my mind I am saying, Situ Mo is me/I am Gu Weiyi. Hahahahaha! I can totally relate to their awkwardness. 💯🙋🏻‍♀️😅
Well, we are all beginners at some point in our lives, aren't we?
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- I love how the series shows you the character growth without being too hasty. It's satisfying to watch since you get to see how each of the characters grow and mature slowly but surely without being draggy. Hahaha! Good job to the team! ❤️😊✅💯
- The series is full of comedy stints. Especially on scenes with the nerd squad. Since all of them are clueless - even the professor, it's funny how they try to understand the female mind using scientific equations (which, we all know will be a total failure considering the complexity/simplicity of a woman's thoughts. Hahahahaha!) 😅💯🤣
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- I think it's somewhat unrealistic to have very supportive parents in terms of relationships - especially having their children, who are of different genders, live in the same house without ADULT supervision (at least for my family, that is. 😉🤣). Hahahahaha! But, wouldn't it be nice if this was the case? Hihihi! Freedom! LOL! SANA ALL!
- I love how the conflicts in the series are very relatable. These are issues we've gone through during our younger years. (Speaking based on personal experiences, friends. Haha!😂)
I think it's important when the story creates a connection with its audience thru things like these. Since for the young ones who are watching, how these issues get resolved can help them overslcome what they are going through this time as well. 😉
- The OST is sooooooo nice! It's so refreshing and fun. And the entrances are all on point! Such an eargasm! 🙈💯👍🏻✅❤️ Will be providing a soundtrack link below. 😉
- I think the character conflicts were pretty light. Or, maybe, there were big issues tackled but was not discussed and focused deeply - intentionally. It somehow makes the series feel shallow. Hihi. 🙈😊
Although, I honestly think that the series lacking depth matches the feel good intention of the writer. So, it's still a job well-done. 😉
Put Your Head On My Shoulder OST Playlist
I like everything in here. Hihi! Ni personal favorites. I can put this playslist on repeat for yhe entire day and not get tired of it. Hihi! 💜💜💜
ctto Photos/GIFs/Music
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paradisobound · 6 years
I Want It, I Got It: Chapter 8
Summary: Phil Lester was a worker for the BBC in London. Working in the advertising department, he was content being alongside his friend and fellow coworker PJ during every shift. However, the BBC is temporarily being used as a film set for a new movie staring Hollywood ‘It’ star, Daniel Howell. Being stuck as an extra on the set, Phil finds it’s hard to ignore the famous star. And maybe, just maybe, Dan finds it hard to ignore Phil as well.
Word Count: 2.3k (this chapter)
Warnings: Occasional swearing
Rating: Mature (for right now)
Updates will be every Wednesday at 4pm and Sunday at 1pm EST
Work returned to normal within just a few days and it was like nothing had ever happened at the BBC. Phil wouldn’t ever hear the whispers anymore from the people who were once so infatuated with the idea of big stars like Mimei Lake and Dan being in the same building. 
And although the filming had played such a massive role in the BBC the last few days, it was almost like it never happened. But of course, it had to have happened. Because if it hadn’t, Phil wouldn’t currently be on Skype with Dan Howell who is currently 8 hours behind him in Los Angeles. 
Phil almost didn’t agree to the Skype call when Dan asked for his Skype name. Mostly because Phil was extremely nervous to be seeing Dan again face to face after their day in London that didn’t go as planned. But Dan was pretty adamant that he’d like to speak with Phil in a way that wasn’t over text and Phil decided to comply. 
“I feel like there is a lot I need to explain.” 
Those were the first words out of Dan’s mouth as the grainy laptop camera focused on Dan’s face. “You really don’t need to explain anything.” 
Dan looked down at his lap and let out a sigh. “But I also have to because I feel like it’s not fair to you that you didn’t get to show me around London like we planned because my anxiety got in the way.” 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“But it feels like it is.” 
“Dan.” It was the first time that Phil had really used Dan’s name directly to him and it felt a bit odd. “You never have to apologize for the way something bothers you. If that situation was making you uncomfortable, you had every right to want to go back to your hotel and be alone.” 
Dan let out another sigh. “This life isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.” 
Phil felt the sadness coming from Dan through the screen. 
“When I was young, I dreamt about these days of my life where I could sit back in my Hollywood hills mansion and look at my awards and think ‘damn, I fucking did it.’ But now that this is my life, it’s so much more than I’ve ever thought it to be.” 
There is a stall in Dan’s words and Phil can see that he’s trying to think over what to say next in his head. “I’m not saying that this isn’t the life I want―it’s just that maybe this life isn’t for me? I mean for God’s sake, I couldn’t even handle it when a few fans found out I was on the London Eye.” 
“They shouldn’t have followed you.” Phil said, finding his gaze staring directly at the brown eyed male’s. “That’s a breach of your privacy.” 
“They don't care about that.” There was a sharp pang in Dan’s words. “Most of them do in fact care about my privacy but others are looking for a peak into my life when they don’t need one.” 
“Kind of like how a bunch of them tried to figure out who I was?” 
Dan nodded and smirked. “To be fair, they did a good job. But I’m not too fond of them all assuming that you’re my new boyfriend. Like granted, theres nothing wrong with that, but not every person I’m seen with I’m dating.” 
“Isn’t that how it always works though?” Phil asked, genuinely curious. “I mean look at Ariana Grande or really any celebrity out there.” 
“Well, of course. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed when it happens to me.” 
Phil shrugged. “Fair enough. It’s been odd to see people try and write up a story about me and I’m not even a known person. I’m just Phil from the BBC.” 
Dan flashed a smile at him and cocked his head to the side. “Just Phil from the BBC?” 
Phil laughed. “Does sound kind of lame, doesn’t it?” 
Dan let out a hearty laugh and fell backwards onto his bed, his laptop falling down with him. As the camera fell with it, Phil couldn’t help but notice how soft, yet pillowy, Dan’s comforter looked underneath him. 
“I’m exhausted.” Dan says, turning on his side and positioning his laptop to lay next to him on his bed. “My flight got in last night and then I was expected to be on set early this morning.” 
“Go get some sleep then.” 
Dan snorted. “As if you can talk. Isn’t it like 3am in the UK right now?” 
Phil looked at the time on top of his laptop. “It’s only 2:38am, thank you very much.” 
“You should be the one going to bed.” 
“I don’t have to work tomorrow.” Phil argued. That wasn’t a lie. He really didn’t have to work tomorrow. 
“You shouldn’t be staying up because of me.” 
But I want to. 
“I don’t mind.” 
“But I do.” Dan quipped. “You should go to bed and I should too even though it’s only 6 and I should be eating dinner.” 
“Go eat dinner and then get some rest.” Phil felt himself yawn and Spike shifted on the bed next to him in protest. 
“Okay.” Dan didn’t protest any longer, but Phil could see he was struggling to keep his eyes open. “Can I just say something before this call ends?” 
“What is it?” 
“Thank you for being my friend, Phil. I don’t have many of those nowadays.” 
Phil felt his heart jump in his throat but he didn’t have a long time to process Dan’s words because suddenly Dan’s phone rang and he sympathetically cut off the Skype call to answer it in private.
But Phil laid awake for a while that night, trying to decipher Dan’s words. He could only just barely see where he fit into everything.
I could sleep for the next ten years zzzzzzz
The first thing Phil saw when he woke up the next morning was the notification for Dan’s tweet from the night before. He found himself smiling and opening the tweet, letting his phone take him to Dan’s Twitter. 
It was posted only two hours ago, but given that it was nearing 10am in the UK, that meant it was only 2am in Los Angeles and he was sure Dan was sleeping by now. But something inside of him still moved his fingers for him and suddenly he was typing out: 
amazingphil: hopefully you’re finally sleeping by now! 
The moment that Phil’s fingers subconsciously pressed reply, he had a sinking feeling that this was going to backfire. But he didn’t bother to delete the tweet. He quickly exited the app and threw his phone down beside him. 
Spike was curled into a ball at the end of his bed, snoring in a way where his breath hit Phil’s feet and made them a bit too warm for Phil’s liking. But Spike was sleeping and clearly comfortable so he wasn’t going to bother him. 
He closed his eyes, beginning to feel like he might sleep for an hour or so more when his phone buzzed and he picked it up out of instinct. Seeing what was there caused his eyes to bug and he let out a shocked noise. 
danielhowell: I still can’t sleep :( 
And with that reply set off a minefield in the replies. Phil’s Twitter began to be spammed by people replying to him or to Dan. He suddenly had people following him that he had no idea who they were but they had Dan’s name in their Twitter handle. 
People were screaming in the replies about the interaction and many more were screaming about how they ‘shipped’ him and Dan together. Phil didn’t even know what that meant. 
He was starting to panic, anxiety rising in his throat. From the end of the bed, he could hear Spike whimper and suddenly, his pup was running to him. Phil wrapped his arms around him and held his dog close, burying his face into Spike’s short fur. 
He took deep breaths. Everything was going to be okay. He had to keep telling himself that. Dan has mentioned his fans multiple times. He’s apologized on behalf of his fans multiple times. 
He was going to be fine.
Phil let go of Spike and picked his phone back up, daring to look at everything. It still looked bad…but not as bad as it was before. He unlocked his phone and went back onto Twitter, assessing the damage. 
Well, there wasn’t a lot of damage per se, just a lot of random people suddenly @‘ing him and following him. He even had a few dm’s but he wasn’t going to open those. He was sure they were from fans who just wanted to know more information about him that he wasn’t willing to give. 
In a freak moment, he went into his settings and privated his Twitter, making it so no one could follow him and no one could message him. He didn’t need that in his life. Not now. 
He was trying to continue to calm down when he got a text from Dan that came through. 
Dan: OH MY GOD i’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen. 
Phil: It wasn’t you. I’m sorry for even replying. 
Dan: You shouldn’t be sorry for that. 
Dan: Point blank, my fans can be intrusive and they can be dicks. I’m really sorry. 
Phil lets out a breath and reaches up, rubbing his hand across his face. If it wasn’t for all that had just happened, he might have felt that his eyes hurt from leaving in his contacts over night. But he’s not concentrated on that. He’s concentrated on this entire…mess. 
His phone suddenly vibrates and Dan’s name pops up that he’s calling him. 
Phil answers without a hesitation. 
“I…I can’t believe that happened, Phil.” 
“I’m not sure I can either.” Phil answers honestly. 
“Did anyone bother you? I saw you privated your Twitter really quickly.” 
“I had quite a few mentions and also I think some dm’s?” Phil felt his breathing pick up. “I’m quite nervous to read them.” 
He heard Dan let out a loud sigh. “Please just―don’t let them bother you, okay? I know that I let them bother me sometimes but you don’t deserve to be bothered.” 
“I’ll try.” 
Phil could almost hear the smile that he was sure Dan now had. “I feel so bad. You have no idea.” 
“It’s not you.” Phil repeats. “I just never thought about the backlash of me replying to you.” 
“This is all a right mess, isn’t it?” Dan laughed. 
Phil found himself laughing too. 
Dan let out another sigh before beginning to speak again. “I have a question and I feel like this is probably coming at a really bad time but I’ve been meaning to ask.” 
Phil feels his heart pick up it’s beating and his hands begin to shake. Spike begins to whimper again and Phil reaches out to pet him to feel better. “Yeah?” 
“Would you care if I came back to London next week between filming?” 
“When did you get chummy with the movie star?” 
Phil looks up from his laptop to his brother sat at the small kitchen table in his flat, working on his own laptop for the clothing business that he owned. “What are you talking about?” 
Martyn scoffed. “You know what I mean. Everyone saw what happened on Twitter this morning.” 
“I just replied to him and he replied back.” Phil shrugged. “It can happen to anyone.” 
“Don’t pull that shit on me, Phil.” Martyn laughed. “Are you and Dan dating?” 
Phil quickly shook his head. “No! We’re just friends.” 
Martyn cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?” 
“Martyn…come on.” 
Martyn shrugs and Phil lets out a loud sigh. “We’re not dating. We’re barely even friends.” 
“Do you want to be dating?” 
Phil has to admit that his dating life wasn’t something he had thought about in a while. If he was being fully honest, he was kind of assuming that he was going to remain single for the rest of his life. Mostly considering that he was newly 32 and hadn’t been able to keep a relationship for over a year before it fell apart. 
Phil did find Dan attractive, but who didn’t? Dan was stunning with his brown curls and honey eyes. Phil will never forget how beautiful Dan looked the first time that he met him in person. 
He couldn’t wait to see Dan again next week. 
They had spoken for a while on the phone this morning before Dan complained that he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore and Phil told him to go to bed. Dan wanted to come to London but he said he wanted to keep it a secret best he can. So he asked to stay at Phil’s flat and Phil agreed. 
He was nervous for it. But he was also excited but he felt like this would be a really good time to really develop a friendship with Dan that he wanted. He really wanted to be friends with Dan. And if it led to something else―well, he wouldn’t be mad if it led to something else. 
But that’s only an if. 
“I wouldn’t mind if we did but I also just want to be his friend right now.’ 
Martyn scoffs again. “You’re lying.” 
“Not every guy I’m friends with is someone that I want to date.” Phil comments with a laugh.
“Well, no.” Martyn says. “I’m not daft enough to believe that. But you’re really going to sit there and tell me that you don’t want to date Daniel Howell?”
“I―I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” 
“Wouldn’t be opposed to it?” Martyn mocked. “Just admit it, Phil. You find Dan attractive. It’s okay.” 
Phil felt his face flush and finally, giving in, he muttered a quick. “I think Dan is really attractive.” 
Martyn let out a little laugh again and went back to typing on his laptop and Phil went back to his own work. 
It felt good for Phil to say that for once. It felt almost as if a weight had been lifted off from him. 
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feynavaley · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons regarding the time frame where America grew up faster than Canada? I know it's kind of a specific question, but I don't really see that much content of their age gap which is a shame since it's super adorable and adds a lot to their relationship.
I’m so glad that somebody caught on this as well! Honestly, that timeframe when America was a teen and Canada still a toddler is not only adorable, but it was an important turning point in their relationship, especially on Canada’s part. Canada was insecure to begin with, but in seeing America growing up faster (and as such being ‘more useful’) he clearly internalized even more his feeling inferior to him, basically using America’s physical maturity as a tangible proof of America’s superiority. On his part, America was painfully oblivious to that and what he clearly meant as a reassurance and manifestation of fondness wasn’t nearly enough to convince Canada. 
Said this, stepping back from the angsty implications I find the idea of America (the self-proclaimed hero) having a toddler little brother absolutely adorable, so I have a couple of headcanons :)
- I think that America was insanely overprotective of Canada in that period. He suddenly realized just how small Canada was, and Canada doing something even remotely dangerous would really freak him out internally.
- Unfortunately, we know from canon that America didn’t spend much time with Canada during that period, so a lot of adorable headcanons have to be discarded. However, I do think that America took care of Canada more than Canada realized it.
- For example, I think that being a toddler (even if not with the complete biology of a human toddler) Canada would need to sleep more than America and go to bed early. America always checked on him before going to bed himself.
- On the same note, Canada would sometimes fall asleep in random places. America would find him and tuck him into bed. It actually happened quite a lot, since Canada would try to stay awake until America went to bed as well.
- I think that America would love being bigger than Canada and flaunt it. He would often just pick up Canada and carry him on his shoulders or on his back.
- There was one time when it snowed a lot and Canada was just too short to walk, so Amerca had to carry him or he would just fall flat on his face. America found it utterly adorable.
- In general, America used to imitate the behaviour England held with him. He would tell Canada fairy-tales and sing him to sleep, when he had some free time.
- America would also make sure that Canada was dressed warm enough for the weather, no matter that Canada could stand a rigid climate much better.
- He would also keep an eye on Canada’s interaction with human children and immediately intervened if he thought they were trying to bully Canada. He was far too zealous in that, actually.
- I think that America would also project a lot of his childhood fears on Canada. For example, I think that America used to be afraid of storms, and after growing up he would make Canada sleep in his own bed during a storm. Canada wasn’t actually afraid of storms, but he loved America paying attention to him so he didn’t complain.
- It was during that period that Canada came to associate being held by America with safety, an impression that carried over to modern times. If America realized that Canada was upset, he would pick him up and hold him for a bit, if Canada was scared, he would wrap him in his arms and almost physically shield him from everything else.
- Canada used to follow America around like a puppy, but only rarely interacted with him because he didn’t want to disturb. When America noticed, he would go to him and pick him up before resuming his previous activity while holding Canada. (the times he didn’t notice were quite numerous, though)
- Trying to make himself useful, Canada had studied America’s routine and he would bring him whatever he needed – food, books, parchement…
- Canada also did his best to keep America’s desk uncluttered and tidy, since America didn’t really do it himself. He would also make sure that he always had enough ink and parchement. 
- America totally used Canada’s adorableness to portray himself as a devoted big brother and charm girls at least a couple of times.
Just… in general, I love imagining America as a caring and extremely protective older brother because I think it fits a lot with his personality: for all his flaw, he’s genuinely helpful and caring and takes it upon himself to take care of other people. At the same time, however, America is still extremely self-centred so, in spite of his good intentions, it would be hard for him to realize when Canada (or anybody else, on that note) needed something, and I think that this is the reason he unknowingly neglected Canada a bit. I described a lot of positive scenarios, but oftentimes America was just too wrapped up in his own matters to pay attention to Canada. From that, Canada formed the impression of being a nuisance to America.
In spite of all the negative sides, however, I can’t get over how adorable the entire thing is and I would never get tired of seeing new content. I actually wrote an entire fic set in that period [x]. Sorry for this shameless self-advertising, maybe you’re even already aware of this, but since you specifically asked for content set during this timeframe I thought I would point it out… I hope this doesn’t sound too haughty of me.
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That One Girl I Have Searched The World For...
Let me start from last week basically I met this girl and she is this really kind, astonishing intelligent person (she also likes astronomy) and we share some similar hobbies (one of which is guitar 'this info will be required later.') we had been talking a lot for a week or two but one night she just deactivated her facebook out of the blue and honestly it never occurred to me to ask her for any other means of communication (number, Snapchat, Instagram...etc) so I started going through our old conversations hoping to find some way to reach her and it paid off. Turns out she goes to my old guitar teacher which I used to go to a couple of years ago, so I called him and asked if I could attend a class as a guest he agreed and said I should be there on Wednesday (it was Monday then so I had some time to practice) and with my guitar lessons starting so did me internally screaming because of the pain in my fingertips (I play acoustic guitar which I wouldn’t have touched any time soon if it wasn’t for her).
The Day I Met Her
Heads UP:  some of you might find the first paragraph a bit boring, it is just extra information but will provide some insight for the rest of the story.
 It was a normal windy day in the begging of June I was home watching Supernatural when someone from Horizon office called me (it is a nonprofitable organization I have been a volunteer at for quite some time now) they told me we need to deliver some packages to some unfortunate families since there was an eid coming out we wanted to help provide food to those who can not.
In Horizon, our projects are usually done as groups of four people do those as a team of four.
So I had to be at the office at Two O'clock but my fear of being late taking the best of me resulted in me sitting in the office at 1:30; it was fine I had city of fallen angels (shadow hunter series by Casandra Clare) with me so I started reading until everyone arrived which was 3:30...
Me being the introvert I am I tried to avoid unnecessary conversations and act as professional as an 18 years old could I didn’t really pay attention to what each individual in our group was doing until we were halfway through our list, and there she was,our photographer taking pictures of the kids and playing with them, asking how their lives were and what they would like to receive for the upcoming eid and this is when I got interested in her...
It was around 5 O’clock we were visiting the last families on our list and I was still developing the courage to start a simple conversation and to be honest I probably wouldn’t if I didn’t hear her talk about her pet cat with another one of our volunteers now I have never had a cat, my mom doesn’t trust me with that responsibility but I this was my window, this was my only chance “I have a white Persian cat” it took me less than a second to realize that once again my mouth worked faster than my brain but since my cousin has two Persian cats I know all there is to know about them and this was the chance I needed so we went on talking about cats and how cute they are.
It was eight, we just got out of the office after handing over the documents by now I knew the rest of the team a bit we had occasional conversations about the families we visited so when we got out of the building I waited for everyone to leave (they were waiting for taxis and I was the only guy in the group so I was just there to make sure everyone will go home safely) but she prefers buses over taxis so I offered to keep her accompanied until the bus station (I might have said my house is near there) even though my house is literally on the opposite side of the city but it was worth it, we had an awesome conversation and before she left I asked if she could send me the pictures she took today (I help with advertisement and raising donation for our organization) so she added me on her facebook and my story or rather my search for her began.
The Wednesday and The Next Saturday 
Turns out she goes to my old guitar teacher which I used to go to a couple of years ago, so I called him and asked if I could attend a class as a guest he agreed and said I should be there on Wednesday (it was Monday then so I had some time to practice) and with my guitar lessons starting so did me internally screaming because of the pain in my fingertips (I play acoustic guitar which I wouldn’t have touched any time soon if it wasn’t for her).
I spent the past two days practicing my guitar but it still sounded awful.
My guitar practice was at 1 but I didn’t sleep all night long because I was busy practicing so by the time I got to my class I was a zombie functioning on coffee.. It was four hours of hell, she didn’t show up to that class or the next one nor the other one so at 5 o’clock I just gave up and decided to go home but before that I asked the teacher if it could be possible to schedule me for the same lesson as my friend and he agreed
 I went to my music lesson and I waited, for hours... I was drowned in thoughts and scenarios the only time I was paying attention was when somebody opened the door and I had this temporary hope that this is her, she is finally here but that never happened..my teacher calling my name pulled me out of my daydreaming and he added "I have two other guitar students appointed for today but your friend was 3 hours ago, I am sorry but I don't think she is coming” and that sums up that day and the depression which followed, also I am starting to wonder if she has stopped attending her guitar lessons. 
One Week Had Passed!
one week has passed since I last heard of her and I had all these different scenarios of what might be going on somewhere in this time period I wondered that she might have simply blocked me but our last conversation was:
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Before you judge me I know I know it is a bit lame but she seemed to like it she was somehow fascinated by it so in order to make sure I haven’t done something that made her block me I checked with our mutual friends and it was the same with them as well.. she was just gone. 
It was after dinner when I got a call from horizon saying they have this big event planned to help a refugee camp and they needed 15 volunteers despite my endless desire to stay in my room and just drawn my self in paintings I agreed to go and help.
I was late 'which is way out of character, I am usually 30m early but I was LATE this time' so I am rushing upstairs trying to get there as soon as possible and while I am going up I see two girls coming down, I didn't pay attention; I wanted nothing but to lay down in my bed and think so despite it being early in the morning I was already grumpy but deep down in my heart something was whispering “that was her”
 By the time I got upstairs every other team was on their way (including the 2 girls I just saw)
we waited a bit longer for my best friend to show up so our team would be complete too, it was a half an hour drive so I told him about what happened in the morning and when we arrived at the camp we grouped up with rest of the volunteers and two of my best friends are already there and we pretty much spent the entire day arguing rather it is her or not.
They were identical, the same kind and lovely face with the beautiful smile the exact characteristics but with one major difference she has green eyes and I don’t blame my friend for not realizing the difference they never saw Darya and what they knew of her was what I had described.
It wasn’t until after lunchtime that they convinced me to go talk to her “MEER you have been looking for her EVERYWHERE and now that she is here you are just being shy and hiding in a corner???” shouted aros while glaring toward her, to be honest even though the first thing I noticed about Darya was her sky blue eyes and this girl clearly lacked those, aros encouraged me into talking to the girl and a part of me wanted to know who she was and if she was related with Darya or not.
She was busy taking pictures of a kid sitting on one of our packages, it was a boy probably 2 or 3 and he was playful so I didn’t really blame her for not noticing me the first time I called her (yes she was a photographer too...), "you look like Darya but I know for a fact Darya had blue eyes and your are green but your tone, your face, the way you behave resemble her a lot... my friends insist that you are Darya and at this point I am not sure anymore either..” she looked at the picture she had taken and then at me she said “Hello” while smiling and then added “I am her sister actually” I explained that I am one of her friends and that I am worried a bit considering that she has deactivated her social media and none of our mutual friends have any news of her; she surprised me by saying “ I know who you are, Darya told me about you. You have a cat right?” “uhum, yeah I do!” I might have sounded weird but I wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation anymore I was just thinking what else she might have told her about me and why would she tell her about me.
At the end of the event when we got back to the office I talked to her again and  she  assured me Darya was fine and the reason she wasn’t with us today is that she had to go to university I asked her if there was a way for me to get in touch with her she hesitated for a moment but handed me her phone and said “write what you want in the notepad, I will show it to her...
any logical person would have written something nice and reasonable or something that would attract their attention, me?
I wrote my number, my snapchat, and a simple sentence:
“wanna join the earth is a cat society?” with a smiley face next to it and it wasn’t until I got home and told my friend about it that I realized how badly I had messed up...
To Be Continued If Anything New Happens...
ALSO shoutout to kaylee for encouraging me to post this.. I made a new Tumblr account for this since I couldn’t remember anything about my old one..
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