#donna is being scared of the dark in another room
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Some lady came into the house and Angie is having none of it. 
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 month
Hi there!! I’ve been following you for a long time and love your work with Donna 🥰 if it’s alright I would like to request something! G!PDonna happens upon Fem!reader’s diary and glances through it. Discovering there are both wholesome and lewd entries of the Doll maker, but she’s too intimidated and shy of Donna to make a move?? And it catches Donna of guard so much because reader hardly interacts with her?? But she also experiments and teases reader trying to make her confess?? Ahhhh 🙈
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your words!!! And for your requests!!!! Your support always make my day!!! I hope you like ir and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
Dear diary
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Maid! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, Donna's POV, Donna being Donna
Word count: 7,623
Summary: What is she writing on that book?...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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Another day.
The mere fact of the passage of time always seemed somewhat confusing to me. If I had to think about how much time has passed, how many times I have seen the sun rise and set, I couldn't do it, I simply couldn't.
Mother Miranda was merciful to me, she saved me, but I can't help but think what would have happened if she hadn't, what I would have become.
Like every morning, darkness envelops me ironically in my bedroom, as if everything around me reminded me where I am and why I am there.
None of that mattered enough to me to let my demons take control of my actions. I've been through that and now I only have to continue living, continue being part of the village, dominate it with my siblings.
Envy was never among my sins, no matter how suspicious I felt about the attitude of my sister Alcina, always surrounded by servants, always adored by them unconditionally.
No, I refuse to think that my decision to have a maid came because I looked with desire at my sister's situation. She lived in a castle and I lived in my lonely darkness.
Maybe I thought this world of shadows, my little, intimate and quiet world needed a change. Maybe with someone around me I could feel that time was actually passing, that I was not a simple ghostly presence, that I really existed.
That shamefully common delusion in my damaged mind was chasing me for days, that idea of ​​having someone who was not me, who was not my monstrous reflection in the mirror.
Luckily those subtle pleas became verbalized and, after talking about it with my sister, she offered me her most recent acquisition, (Y/N).
A quiet girl, perfect for me, according to Alcina.
Since that girl came to my house, few things changed. My sister was right. She was quiet, shy but helpful. I could spend hours watching the cobwebs in the house disappear under her skillful movements, I could spend an eternity listening to her sweet humming when she thinks I'm not there.
Yes, I may have been obsessed with her at first. She was a beautiful young woman, with a smile that reached even the darkest corner of my room. Her shy and sweet attitude made me feel things I had forgotten, things I only saw as entertainment or a need for my body.
But as much as I wanted to know how her lips felt on mine, how it would feel to have her naked body under mine, I couldn't just do it. I was still a deformed monster, everything had changed since my adoption, too many things.
After fighting my instincts for weeks, I decided to relax. I couldn't scare her, I couldn't exercise that power Alcina had over her maids. I wasn't Alcina, I was a monster and (Y/N)… (Y/N) was an angel.
Although she didn't run away when she saw my face, although my appearance didn't stir her stomach, I spent time putting aside the demons that forced me to act, letting that sudden obsession fade away like a light perfume you get used to after a while, an intoxicating perfume.
“Good morning, my lady,” she said in a soft voice when I went up the elevator, ready to spend a new day.
I nodded with a half smile, with that veiled smile that characterized me. At least she didn't run away when she saw me. That was always a pleasure. It always made me want to widen my smile.
“Good morning, (Y/N),” I whispered in a low tone, one that only she could hear. Maybe my obsession had disappeared, but not my desire to have her near me, my desire to see that kind smile on her face.
The girl cleared her throat and turned around, walking elegantly towards the table, where breakfast was waiting for me as every morning. A magnificent breakfast, one prepared by her.
“I, I hope you slept well,” she said kindly, accommodating me in the chair. Her body was shaking, revealing her inexhaustible shyness, her nervousness. I hoped it was just that, shyness, and not fear, anything but fear.
“Mm,” I murmured, nodding, pouring myself some of that disastrous coffee she always prepared.
Of course, my involuntary grimace of disgust didn’t go unnoticed by her, who suddenly began to tremble more intensely.
“I'm, I'm sorry, my lady, the coffee is…” she said with a broken voice, snatching the cup from my hand. I looked at her inquisitively, frowning.
“It's okay,” I said in a whisper, picking up the small cup again.
Her eyes closed, as they always did when she got nervous.
“I'm sorry, I…” (Y/N) apologized again, her cheeks flushed, intimidated by my presence.
I shouldn't be surprised at all, I was a monster and she was just a little lamb.
“You’ve pressed the coffee,” I stated, glancing at the old coffee maker, checking, once again, that she made the same mistake.
“Yes, I…” she stammered, avoiding looking at me in the eye, avoiding our gazes meeting.
“You mustn't do it, (Y/N). This coffee maker doesn't work that way. If you press the coffee, it becomes clumpy and generates too much bitterness,” I explained with a calm voice, with an expression that didn’t betray how beautiful she seemed to me, how comfortable I felt by her side.
“I'm, I'm, I'm so sorry, Lady Beneviento, it, it, it won't happen again,” she said, lowering her head, clasping her hands in front of her body in a pleading manner.
I smiled and shook my head. The young woman's nervousness could be sensed from miles away. I didn't want to see her nervous, but I was still Donna Beneviento, a crazy and dangerous woman. I couldn't blame her for feeling that way.
“I'm not scolding you,” I said, looking away and taking another sip of the bitter liquid, sighing, desperate to stop causing that feeling of terror in her. “It's just a piece of advice.”
She opened her eyes and raised her gaze to mine, nodding as she swallowed; her trembling diminishing little by little.
“Thank, thank you for the advice,” she said in a broken voice, the words not wanting to leave her lips.
I nodded passively, looking back at that splendid breakfast.
“Calmati, (Y/N)…” -I whispered, blowing the smoke coming out of the cup, controlling the trembling of my own body, my own nerves. “I didn't hire you for your ability to prepare coffee.”
“So… Why did you hire me, my lady?” she asked back.
Well, that was new, that girl didn't usually question me. I couldn't help but feel annoyed about it. I was supposed to be a Lord. I made the questions, not her.
I had to take a moment for my irrational fury to fade away. No, she couldn't suffer my delusions.
“I don't know,” I whispered, shaking my head and hardening my expression. “Why do you think I did it?”
She laughed nervously, looking away again, searching with her erratic eyes for an answer, something to say to my unexpected question, one I used to not to say what I thought of her, that her beauty calmed my darkness.
“I... Don’t...” she murmured, breathing heavily, playing with her hands shiny with nervous sweat.
I laughed, shaking my head, releasing the young woman from that slightly uncomfortable question. I didn't want to see her tremble. I didn't want to see her being afraid of me.
“I've taken up too much of your time, (Y/N). I'm sure you have a lot of things to do,” I said with a calm voice, enjoying the bitter taste of the coffee, of her coffee.
“Yes, my lady,” she nodded in relief, with a wider smile, wanting to get rid of my presence. Once again, I couldn't blame her, I'm a monster. “Thank you, my lady.”
“Prego,” I whispered, looking away, listening to her footsteps slowly moving away, surely looking for something to do, something that would take her away from me.
But I couldn't have a quiet breakfast. Some steps on the wood alerted. My conscience had something to say, or rather, something to make fun of.
“Donna likes the maid,” Angie sang, my doll, the only one who was always by my side, the only one I could trust. Unfortunately, she was part of me. She knew my thoughts, my feelings. I don't know why she was so rebellious, so... Angie.
“Shut up,” I hissed when the puppet climbed onto my lap, enunciating a truth that I was unable to verbalize. “Of course I like her.”
“Why don't you tell her, silly Donna?” the doll asked, ready to annoy me, to not let me enjoy the peace left by the fleeting presence of (Y/N).
“You know why, it's absurd,” I answered, spreading oil on the perfect toasts that she prepared every morning. The coffee was a disaster, but those toasts...
“It's not absurd, you are her owner,” Angie said.
I got nervous, looking around in case she appeared, in case she heard the horrible statement that showed my power over her, the involuntary submission I didn't want her to have.
“I don't want her to think that way about me. I don't want to scare her, Angie,” I explained in a whisper.
The doll tilted her head comically and got off my lap, crossing her arms.
“Coward,” she scolded me, which made me clench my teeth tightly, and start to consider deactivating her, at least for a while.
“Angie…” I muttered, rolling my eye, letting the air out of my lungs with a sigh. No, I couldn't agree with her, even though she definitely was right.
“Stop the nonsense and tell her what you feel,” the puppet said, making grotesque movements with her wooden limbs.
“You know I can't,” I protested, abruptly leaving the coffee cup on the table, causing everything to move dangerously and make an annoying noise.
“Fine, fine, whatever you want, silly Donna,” Angie said passively, moving away from me. “By the way, how's your right hand? One night you'll end up making fire…”
I, faced with this shameful comment, abruptly got up from the table, grabbing the puppet and shaking it furiously in my hands, with my cheeks flushed by this very intimate and personal accusation.
“Don’t dare to…” I hissed threateningly, my body shaking with embarrassment.
The doll laughed in my arms, with that sinister laugh that she surely learned from the deepest darkness of my mind.
“Don't touch me with that hand, you sick masturbator,” the puppet protested, making the anger on my face more evident, causing a furious growl from the back of my throat.
“Shut up, damn it,” I hissed, about to deactivate the annoying Angie definitely.
“My lady, I’ve heard a noise, is everything okay?” (Y/N)'s voice stopped me in my action, I froze and lowered the puppet to the floor.
“Yes, everything is fine,” I said in a whisper, with the triumphant Angie cowardly running away from me.
“I, um, do, do you need something?” she asked, approaching me slowly, surely frightened by the trembling of my body. “Are you having a crisis?”
“No,” I answered abruptly, letting myself fall back into the chair, with my senses clouded by nerves, by rage at the accusations of that irreverent part of my conscience.
“Are you sure?” she insisted, approaching cautiously and putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her quickly and she pulled it away, frightened. Always the same, I always ended up scaring her. “I'm sorry,” she apologized, moving away again, with terror marking her features.
“Don't you have to clean? Lasciami stare,” I growled abruptly, unpleasantly.
(Y/N) nodded embarrassed, with a pitiful sigh, disappearing from the room, fleeing from my irrational fury, from my uncontrollable demons.
“Wait, I…” I suddenly said, standing up to stop her escape, to apologize for my unfair attitude. I couldn't do it. My voice was too low and my attempt too pathetic. “I didn't want to…”
A pathetic monster, that was me.
I sighed, sitting back down, running a hand over my forehead, burying my head in my hands, gripping my hair tightly, furious for not being able to keep calm, for unintentionally causing fear in the young woman. She could never love me, not the way I am. Maybe I had to stop fooling myself and let her go before I lost control.
“Cazzo…” I muttered, hitting the table with my closed fist, furious, frustrated for not being able to control myself. I couldn't blame Angie, she was me, I was her.
“Hey, hey, Donna, did you see it?” the doll asked, tugging at my dress to get my attention.
I shook my head confused by that question.
“What? The way I scare her again? Great job Angie,” I said, angrily destroying one of the toasts.
“No, silly, silly, the book, the book she was carrying in her hand,” the doll said, climbing onto the table and threatening to destroy my breakfast.
“What book? What are you talking about?” I asked confused, moving the puppet away from the tray and the coffee pot, avoiding causing more problems for (Y/N).
“The book (Y/N) always carries with her, silly,”  Angie explained, letting herself fall on the table, swinging her legs like a little girl, like me when I was a little girl and I wasn't… A monster.
“A book,” I repeated, crossing my arms, nervous about how mysterious that damn puppet always was.
I wonder what I would be like if I had her personality…
“Yes, yes, a secret book, or so it seems,” she whispered, approaching me in an annoying way.
I laughed ironically, disappointed by that absurd conversation.
“I told (Y/N) that she could read whatever books she wanted, I don't know what's so mysterious about that,” I commented, letting the oil soak the lightly toasted bread, concentrating on it and not on my unfair outburst with (Y/N).
“Are you stupid?” Angie asked, annoyed, slapping me and making me furious again.
“You're one step away from me deactivating you and putting you with the others, Angie,” I threatened with a frown, my chest burning with helplessness. I knew I would be incapable of doing it.
“Do it if you want,” she answered haughtily. “But then I won't tell you what I know...”
“What do you know?” I asked curiously, thus blurring the desire I had to make my faithful companion disappear.
“Apologize and I'll tell you,” Angie said, turning her back on me. Damn evil doll.
“Angie…” I hissed nervously.
“Okay, okay… Listen, do you know why I think that book is important?”
“No, I don't know,” I answered through clenched teeth, watching my surroundings. “Speak.”
“The other night I was watching (Y/N) and then…” the puppet began, with a mockingly mysterious tone. “I saw her writing something on it.”
“Really?” I asked, now interested in that information. “What was she writing?”
“No idea, but it seemed like secret things,” the doll said, getting down from the table and saying goodbye with an unpleasant gesture. “You're welcome for the information, silly Donna.”
I remained thoughtful, sighing. As I already knew, that information was not relevant at all. (Y/N) writing in a book, what nonsense, surely it was not important, was it?
The day continued to pass calmly, silently, terribly lonely.
I didn't see (Y/N) until late afternoon, probably still scared, because of me.
Not even working on my dolls could calm my nerves. All I thought about was her, how I scared her, how much she probably wanted to go back to the castle. Of all the monsters in the village, I was the worst, and she was starting to realize it.
I decided to distract myself with an old essay on plants, in the quiet living room, hoping that, by chance, she would appear. Luckily, she did.
“Here’s your tea, my lady,” she said in a whisper, trying not to disturb my concentration, leaving a steaming cup on the desk. I couldn't help but smile.
“You're always so punctual, (Y/N),” I said, glancing at the clock out of the corner of my eye.
It didn't matter where I was, she always found me, made me that tea, looked for me, gave it to me with that smile. I don't know when I started losing my mind…
“Yes, well, I always finish my chores at this time, I’m pleased to serve you, to make you a, a tea” she said in a kind voice, stuttering as usual.
I smiled kindly, but my face relaxed when I looked lower, at (Y/N)'s hands, which were holding the book Angie mentioned. I frowned discreetly, trying to see what was written on the cover.
“What have you been doing? I haven't seen you,” I commented erratically, just to keep her by my side a little longer, just a little longer.
“I've been cleaning the upstairs, my lady,” she explained in an elegant, helpful voice. I wondered if Alcina also found that voice terribly sexy.
“Donna,” I said, looking away. Yes, I hated that charming formality.
“Sorry?” she asked confused, scratching the back of her neck, holding that book tightly in her hand.
“Call me Donna, please,” I said with an indifferent tone, pretending to read the pages of that essay “Unless it makes you uncomfortable.”
“No, no, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable, Donna,” (Y/N) said, with a calm face, with a shy smile that I returned. “I… I have to, I have to go prepare dinner.”
“Why are you such in a hurry?” I asked confused by that new attempt to escape. This time I hadn't done anything to scare her, besides, I had to know what was written in that damn book. “I'm sure you're exhausted.”
“We, well, the truth is that the dust fluff that was upstairs has made it a little difficult for me… I even had to fight against it,” she said with a broken voice, embarrassed, laughing shyly.
I looked at her with a frown at that tender attempt at joking.
“I’m sorry, I was trying to…” she apologized seconds later. I laughed softly, shaking my head.
“Joking, I know, that’s fine,” I said between laughs, with a casual pose, turning a little to have a better view of that book. “I like you’re funny.”
“I’d like to be too,” she said jokingly, shaking her head, her smile widening as well as the blush on her cheeks.
There was a brief moment when our gazes met, when our smiles greeted each other, but that quickly faded. I had probably imagined it.
“Don’t worry about dinner, go take a bath first,” I murmured, quickly returning to my book, not letting the light of her smile reveal my feelings.
Another erratic mood swing, my life was a nightmare.
“Oh, I…” the maid stammered, playing with the book in her hands, lowering her head in an elegant bow. “Yes, of course, thank you… Donna.”
I nodded disinterestedly as she walked away again, but not before leaving that mysterious book hidden under one of the cushions of the old sofa. Surely she didn't think I was discreetly watching her. Angie was definitely right.
When (Y/N) went upstairs to take a bath, as I suggested, I stood up slowly, my gaze fixed on the sofa, always alert in case she came down again. She didn't, Angie wasn't around either, it was my chance.
I lifted the cushion and found that precious book. Oh, no, it wasn't a book, on the cover worn by the passage of time there was only one word: Diary.
“Interessante…”  I murmured, flipping through the pages at random, sitting on the couch, always watching the door, adrenaline running through my veins as I did something I shouldn't. It was funny, really.
Dear diary:
This morning I stole a cookie from Mom and she caught me. She grounded me from seeing my friends, that's unfair, I want to play with them, especially with Katia, she's my best friend, and the one who gave me the idea of ​​stealing the cookies. Maybe if I pray to the Black Gods my mother will be nice to me…
“Oh, wow, you were mischievous, huh?” I commented amused, reading that childish writing, (Y/N)'s private thoughts. Laughing, I turned more pages of that small book, watching how time passed through her writing as well.
One of the dates caught my attention, it was the date she arrived at the estate. Looking around, checking that (Y/N) wasn't there, I dove back into her thoughts.
Dear Diary:
Today was my first day at the Beneviento estate. I was scared, because I had heard terrible things about Lady Beneviento. My lady told me that I would have to go there and stay with her. I was really scared. They said she was crazy, that she was very dangerous and that I could experience my worst fears. But none of that seemed true. Lady Donna is a shy and mysterious woman, but she is kind, she hasn't hurt me.
I wonder if that beautiful woman in the portrait is her, I wonder why in the village they say she is a monster.
“You weren't wrong...” I sighed, turning the pages with a melancholic air. Once again, as always, I couldn't blame her.
The entries in that diary traveled through the pages, my eye scanned them with curiosity. Nothing particularly interesting, nothing until the day came when she accidentally saw my face, a horrible day that just remembering it makes me shiver.
Dear Diary:
Lady Donna had a terrible nervous breakdown. She screamed that someone was after her, that they wanted to hurt her. I tried to help her, I really tried. To see such an imposing woman suffer like that made me feel sorry about her.
Thanks to my help, Lady Donna recovered from her fears, from her trembling. I don't know why, but I felt terribly bad seeing her in that state. But the most curious thing of all is that finally that black veil disappeared, and I was able to see her face. She is... How can I explain it, maybe the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life? I don't know, dear diary, I don't know why she covered herself
She is beautiful, that scar doesn't hide her beauty. I can't stop thinking about her...
“Beautiful?”  I said with a frown, my heart racing at those words, at that opinion so impossible for me. No, she should be wrong.
But the one who was wrong, without a doubt, was me. One by one I turned the pages of that old diary and, more and more frequently, the beauty she saw in me appeared in them. It seemed that I occupied her mind, her world, that she couldn't stop thinking about me.
Maybe my madness had made me imagine that those words were true, that when (Y/N) said she trembled when she saw me it was because she felt something, anything for me, and not out of fear.
I had a hard time believing it, I really had.
Dear Diary:
I keep thinking about Donna. All day, all night, even when she's not here, her figure appears in front of me like a dream, a wonderful one. I know it's crazy, I know I shouldn't feel this way. She's a Lord, she's powerful, dangerous. If she finds out I'm attracted to her, I don't know what the consequences might be. I'm afraid I'll feel more things than I already do, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop smiling when I see her appear in the morning.
“Are you attracted to me?” I repeated incredulously, reading that entry over and over again, uncovering my maid’s deepest feelings, uncovering a truth hidden as well as a bat in the dark.
I shook my head, blinking in confusion, searching for an excuse, something to tell me that what was in that book was just an illusion.
Dear Diary:
I did something horrible today.
I was cleaning the basement, as usual, and the sound of running water caught my attention. I knew it was her, it couldn't be anyone else, Donna was taking a shower and I, absorbed in my sick attraction, approached the source of the sound.
There she was, her body exposed, her pale skin letting me look at it through a crack. She is perfect. I have no other word to describe her. Her figure, her waist, her breasts, her... Well, everything, everything was perfect. That torrid vision of my lady has destabilized me even more.
I can't stop imagining her naked body against mine. I can't stop thinking about how her perfect penis would feel inside of me. I’m very excited and wanting to make me enjoy myself. But she is still my mistress, I cannot feel those things for her, I’m still intimidated by her presence, by her beauty…
Help me, Black Gods, I’m going crazy, I think I’m falling in love.
“Mamma mia,” I sighed, blushing, slamming the book shut, nervous about the words I had just read, with a sinister smile on my face.
I should have felt ashamed of having been spied on, but quite the opposite. My body had read those words and reacted accordingly. I ignored it, as I always did, focusing on that last sentence, on that confession she never dared to make, on the confession about her feeling the same as me. She loved me.
“Well, well…” a shrill voice murmured, startling me. I don't know when Angie appeared perched on my shoulder, reading those obscene and intriguing words next to me.
“Angie!” I shouted, scared and furious. No, not her… “How long have you been there?”
“Long enough,” she mocked, fleeing from my hands which were trying to reach her. “Perfect penis, huh?”
“Shut up,” I growled, blushing again. “You're always thinking about…”
“That's what you're thinking, silly Donna. Don't blame me for having to put up with your dirty mind,” the doll defended herself.
Unfortunately, I couldn't say anything against that attack. My own lascivious thoughts gave me away again. I simply crossed my arms with a sigh.
“So she… She has feelings for me,”-I murmured, running my hand through my hair, across my sweaty forehead, confused, disoriented, wondering when I would wake up from that dream.
“It seems so,” Angie said, dropping onto the couch.
“Why hasn't she told me?” I asked myself, reading (Y/N)'s praises of me over and over again, the desire she had to kiss my lips, to have my hands grabbing her waist.
“Why haven't you told her?” Angie asked back. I have to admit that sometimes she is too caustic, or am I?
“You know, because… Because she is my maid and I… Well, I’m her mistress…. She could confuse my intentions and… I could scare her,” I explained with a sad voice, running my hands through those private pages, through (Y/N)'s thoughts I read without permission.
“Maybe she thinks the same way,” the puppet commented, swinging her legs again.
“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.
“Oh, please, you know, you've read it…” Angie murmured, also watching her surroundings. “You intimidate her, Donna, when she's around you she's a shaking mess. She probably thinks you'd never have feelings for her.”
“But, but (Y/N) has never, I mean, never… Interacted with me beyond her duties, she's never shown that interest she claims to have on me,” I said, pointing at the book.
Angie growled and climbed up my body, hitting my head in an annoying way.
“Knock, knock, is anyone there?” she asked mockingly. I pushed her away with an angry slap. “Wake up, Donna.”
“You're taking too many liberties,” I whispered threateningly, receiving a mocking laugh as an answer, as expected. “Stop laughing at me, and help me.”
“Help yourself, silly Donna. What you have to do is make the first move, tease her, you know, bring out that seductive side of you,” the doll explained.
I shook my head laughing tiredly.
“I don't have that side,” I said amused, reading the words of that diary again.
“Well, if you want her to react, you have to do it yourself,” Angie demanded.
You have to do it yourself
It seemed crazy, but deep down, I knew that, Angie, that talking conscience was right. The question was simple, how?
The sound of the stairs put me on alert and, nervous, I put the diary away, getting up from the sofa and maintaining a concealed pose that would surely be ridiculous.
“Donna?” the maid asked when she saw me moving in place, with a fake smile, too close to the secret hiding place.
“Ciao, (Y/N), I was, I was waiting for you,” I said with a slightly more confident voice, clumsily trying to be seductive, something that, of course, didn't work.
“Were you waiting for me?” she asked, moving her wet hair, with a sparkle in her eyes that I hadn't noticed until that moment.
“Yes, sure, I, I like waiting for you,” I said awkwardly, closing my eye in embarrassment and clearing my throat. “I mean, I'm, I'm hungry.”
“Oh, I…” (Y/N) sighed, with a disappointment in her voice that I was now able to notice. “I'm sorry, I spent too much time in the bathtub,” she apologized with a strange blush on her cheeks.
No, I really didn't want to think about what she was doing, what she was thinking about. I regretted having read her diary.
“Don’t, don't apologize, a hot bath can be restorative, don't you think?” I said in a lower voice, gaining confidence from nowhere, following Angie's erratic advice.
Slowly, I approached her, who smiled nervously, unable to look me in the face.
“Yes, of course,” she said in a small voice, with the same tone she used when she was nervous, when she was near me. The perfume she emanated was much more intense.
“I would never forgive myself if such a beautiful skin was damaged by overwork,” I whispered shamelessly, approaching her ear, running the back of my hand over the exposed skin of her arms. Her breathing became agitated, her body didn’t reject my touch, she simply trembled more intensely.
“Donna, I…” she sighed, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her skin bristling at my touch. “I'm going to make dinner right away,” she said abruptly, cowardly fleeing from my proximity.
I laughed incredulously, as Angie's shameless strategy had worked.
 I had managed to get her gaze focused on me, my skin to brush against hers, a bit of those secret feelings to be reflected on her face.
It wasn't such a bad idea, after all. I'd have to keep trying.
Day after day my closeness to (Y/N) increased considerably. It didn't matter where she was, dusting, washing dishes... My presence always haunted her. My whispers filled her ears with soft words, words she didn't understand, highlighting her beauty, the grace of her existence, what she meant to me.
Approaching her from behind to guide her hands while she cooked, showing her how to prepare coffee properly, placing strands of her hair behind her ear… They were experimental strategies to make her nervous, to take away the fear she had of me, the authoritarian and intimidating figure she saw in me.
But my efforts, my provocations, my constant teasing had no effect beyond her erratic trembling, the sweat running down her forehead or the blush on her cheeks accompanied by a nervous laugh.
I began to get frustrated again, to secretly read again the pages of her diary that revealed her nerves were at their highest limit and that approach, that subtle touch of my skin, of my words in her ears, only increased the fierceness of her feelings, and her desire.
“Do you know how to do a manicure?” I asked one cloudy afternoon, a boring afternoon in which I interrupted (Y/N) in her free time reading or writing, the diary peeking out subtly from a boring book on Romanian flora and fauna.
“Oh, Donna, yes, of course, I was used to doing it for Lady Dimitrescu,” -she explained, hiding the diary under the sofa in an awkward manner, with an innocent smile that hid her not so innocent thoughts.
Hearing my sister's name filled me with jealousy, but I soon learned to control it. I didn't want to scare her. I didn't want her to see that I really was a monster, that I wanted her just for me.
“To work on my dolls destroys my nails, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to...” I said, looking at my hands with disinterest, walking towards the sofa. She suddenly stood up, making a ridiculous bow and escaping from my presence. “Where are you going?”
“Sit, sit down, I'll be right back,” she said nervously, running upstairs, surely to get the stuff for that manicure I asked her for.
With a delicacy that was hard to believe, she worked on my nails, fixing the mess that the work in the workshop caused. Her warm hands studied mine and her gaze finally had an excuse not to be fixed on mine. She seemed concentrated, but she couldn't help the sweat on her forehead giving her away.
“You have beautiful hands,” she said quietly, playing with my fingers, with a tender smile, as if that moment relaxed her, as if she was starting to feel comfortable with my presence.
Time to act.
I smiled the same way, letting her fingers caress me, letting her take advantage of that moment to touch the skin she so longed to feel, or so she said in her diary.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” I whispered, nodding kindly, searching with my free hand for hers, indiscreetly playing with interlacing our fingers. “Yours aren't bad either.”
“That's not true,” she sighed, searching in a case for the nail polish I asked for, black like the darkness that always surrounded me. “I've spent a lot of time cleaning.”
“Nonsense, they're soft…” I said disinterestedly, playing with her hand, caressing the rough surface due to her hard work. She gasped in surprise, pretending to cough, pretending that her skin wasn't suffering from shivers.
“You're very kind, my lady,” she said nervously, uncapping the nail polish and moving her hand away from my caresses.
“My lady?” I said amused, tilting my head inquisitively. She smiled, closing her eyes and shaking her head.
“Donna,” she corrected, with a shy smile, with the red of her cheeks contrasting harmoniously with her skin.
“That's better,” I said, satisfied, dragging out the words and making myself more comfortable in front of her, relaxing my body on the sofa.
“Don't, don't move,” she asked me in an almost imperceptible voice, as if she didn't want to give orders to me. Maybe my strategy hadn't worked as well as I thought.
“I won't,” I whispered with a reassuring smile, while (Y/N) brought the small brush to my hand. She couldn't stop shaking.
Abruptly, I grabbed her wrist firmly before she started with her task.
“You're shaking, (Y/N),” I said with a bit of cockiness, with a dangerous look, with a dark glint that was surely piercing her soul.
“I'm, I'm sorry, it's just that...” she murmured, breathing deeply to try to calm down, something she didn't manage to do.
“I want you to paint my nails, not my hand,” I joked, without letting the young woman's wrist go. (Y/N) was beginning to thrash around, looking with her eyes for a place to escape.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,” she apologized again, when I finally let her wrist go. I was beginning to feel sorry for her, but the truth was that I was very tired of waiting, very tired of that submissive attitude.
She was mine, but I didn't want her to see it that way, I wanted her to feel comfortable.
“You're nervous, why?” I asked in a soft, unexpectedly seductive tone.
She shook her head, opening her mouth to speak, but regretting it immediately.
“I, I don't know.”
“Relax,” I whispered, getting a little closer, feeling that my prey was cornered, that she couldn't, that she didn't want to escape.
It may have been a lack of manners, of subtlety, but my love, my desire, my desire to make her mine overcame me without wanting to after whole days of teasing, of getting closer, of having her so close, of trying to bring her heart closer to mine.
My hand wandered curiously over her bare leg, caressing her skin with a relaxing rhythm, totally different from her breathing, which quickened in a moment.
“Does this relax you?” I asked, without taking my hand off her leg, off her addictive skin.
(Y/N) didn’t know how to react, what to say to my shameless touch. She had been nervous for days too, I know, I read it.
“N, no,” she murmured, shaking her head, looking at me with bright, confused, disoriented eyes. Despite her refusal, I didn’t stop, studying her gaze with a serious expression. “But, but… I don’t want to relax.”
My mouth sketched a smile. I didn’t want to talk, I didn’t want to say anything, to revel in that small victory, no, her skin was my main point of attention, my hand passing under her dress, conquering that desired terrain.
Her breathing guided my movements, my gaze focused on hers, hers focused on my hand, on that bottle of nail polish that I gently snatched from her, with an intense, serious but kind look, as kind as a monster like me could be.
“Donna…” she sighed, swallowing and moving at my upward touch, when my hand was already brushing the wet fabric of her underwear. I couldn't help but smile. The situation was as exciting for her as it was for me.
“What, tesoro?” I asked, speaking to her trembling ear, caressing her lustful crotch, already wet with my soft touch. “Do you want to tell me something?”
“I… I… Ah…” (Y/N) couldn't speak clearly, my fingers ran over her folds through that annoying fabric, making her voice betray her with a moan of surprise while her other hand grabbed the fabric of the sofa as if she wanted to tear it off.
“Shh, relax…” I said again in her ear, softly kissing her earlobe while my soft caresses intensified at the point of greatest pleasure, at that point almost made her jump. “Tell me, how long do you plan to keep hiding it from me?”
(Y/N) moved nervously, opening her eyes wide, but without rejecting my touch, without letting my fingers leave the wet patch of her underwear.
“Donna, I…” she murmured, alternating gasps with moans when my impudence exceeded my own limits, moving the fabric aside, sinking into her wetness, running through her folds, playing with her clit. “I, I don't know what… Oh…”
“Oh, yes, yes you do, honey…” I whispered amused, leaning towards her, playing with my fingers at her eager entrance, causing a subtle but perceptible movement of her hips.
“I, I really don't know what...” she stammered, confused by the pleasure, by feeling my fingers playing with her most private area, just playing.
I just wanted to hear her confess, to give me permission to take what was already mine. Just a few words from her...
“You should be more careful with how you hide your personal stuff,” I murmured amused, releasing her from my touch and taking the diary out.”
Her face turned red, almost black red, her eyes confusedly searching for a place to escape, and she tried, oh yes, she tried.
Without saying anything, breathing nervously, she tried to get up from the sofa, frustrated by my hand pushing her chest, by my body climbing hers.
“My, my diary...” she stammered nervously as I dropped the book on the floor and my hands traveled to the edges of her dislocated underwear, pulling it down to her ankles.
She was paralyzed, but I didn't give it any importance.
I just wanted to know, I wanted to know if what she said was true and if I could take her without feeling guilty.
“Tell me what you said was true,” I whispered in a nervous voice, caressing her legs, scratching her skin with my nails, closing my eye to listen to the sounds of her body, her nervous breathing, her embarrassed sobbing. “Tell me you feel the same way I feel about you…”
“Donna, I…” she stammered, grabbing my wrists so they would stop desecrating her body, so she could look directly at me, with a sigh that revealed a sudden air of confidence. “Yes, it was true.”
“Do you love me?” I asked, with a serious look, leaving lust aside, focusing on a feeling that, until the last week, I thought was impossible.
“I love you,” she said in a low voice, looking away, with a tear running down her cheek.
I wiped it with one hand, taking the opportunity to caress her cheek, to cup her face in my hands before looking at her, studying the shine in her eyes, a sincere shine.
I smiled, I smiled pleased by her words, but I didn't know how to respond as I was expected to do.
I simply leaned towards her, positioning her legs on either side of my waist and placing my lips on hers, kissing the softness that her mouth was, the beauty that (Y/N) was, being able to feel my own fantasies, losing myself in the sweet embrace of our lips.
I didn't want to do it, but I moved away, studying her reaction, proving once again that there was no lie in her words, in her actions.
I sighed, closed my eye to kiss her again, this time more passionately, a kiss she returned with the same reaction, melting us into a bonfire of passion, of caresses, of almost desperate kisses, eager to receive what they had been waiting for so long.
“Take me, Donna, please,” she asked when my lips allowed her to speak, when her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling my body to hers, making me crash against it, my erection caressing her wet center through my skirt.
“I thought you were more romantic,” I murmured, ignoring my romanticism, the desire to love innocently.
The lustful desire was much stronger. She laughed, freed from the anguish, from the fear of rejection or a reprimand.
“If you really love me, we will have enough time to be romantic,” she said in a whisper that was more of a warning, the fear that the feelings I didn’t know how to express were false.
“I promise you, (Y/N),” I whispered as I released my erection from the skirt, causing her eyes to dance down, her head to lean back, waiting for the moment we had both dreamed of.
Her body moved nervously as the tip entered slowly, stretching her “until then” incorrupt body, something my dark mind had not stopped to think about.
But I wasn’t going to stop because of that.
“I'm sorry,” I said in a soft tone when I saw her grimace of pain. “I'll go slower.”
I kept my word, moving slowly, not letting myself be carried away by the overwhelming sensations of her body hugging mine tightly, almost desperately. Her wetness, her excitement allowed me to move my hips, to run my shaft along her walls, to let them embrace me in an incredible way, impossible just a few weeks ago.
There was no room for apologies or stopping anymore. The pleasure was intense, her wetness bathed my flesh asking for more, asking me to move faster.
The timid moans came out of her mouth, her legs kept me inside of her while her hands scratched my back, searching for my breasts, those she said she liked that much.
Damn diary, it gave me the advantage, I knew what she was going to do, what she was going to touch, or what she was going to kiss before she did it.
I continued moving in a comfortable rhythm, letting out with my moans a small part of the pleasure I felt inside of her body. I wanted to adore her, worship her, make her mine even though she already was. My hips demanded more, hers struggled not to arch, not to release shamefully.
“Donna, it's, it's amazing,”  she murmured in a confused way, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure of my thrusts, by the sensations caused by her walls stretching around me.
I nodded trying to maintain my composure, not to be carried away by my throbbing erection, which was already demanding its own release.
“You, your body, is, amazing… You are amazing, (Y/N)…” I murmured, unintentionally increasing the pace, kissing her lips, forgetting about the movement of my hips, letting everything flow as fate wanted, and so it did.
Her back arched held by my hands, her body moved nervously around my shaft, squeezing it, forcing me to release myself along with her orgasm, to fill her with my heat, with my seed, so there would no longer be any doubt. She was mine, and she would always be.
Exhausted, heated, we looked at each other, catching our breath, letting our release mix in silence, our hands traveling over our skin, over our clothes that still held some modesty in that carnal act.
“(Y/N),” I sighed, lifting her chin so she could look at me. “I'm sorry about reading your diary.”
She shook her head, closing her eyes, joining her hand with mine, holding it tightly with hers.
“If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't have been able to say how much I love you…”
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cdyssey · 6 months
I think that “The Waters of Mars” and “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead” are soooooo interesting to view in parallel to each other because they have a lot of complementary beats. (CW: Suicide Reference for “Waters of Mars”)
The Doctor arrives at ‘x’ place—a cold, dark Library, a doomed base on Mars—and meets an extremely accomplished leader of a good crew in Adelaide and River. Both women are necessarily hardened by their experiences and responsibilities in some ways but clearly care for their loved ones and their colleagues all the same.
The Doctor knows almost everything there is to know about Adelaide from an impersonal standpoint—her history, her death, her cosmic place in the wider universe. He initially looks at the Bowie crew and is visibly stricken by the inevitable tragedy of them all. River knows almost everything there is to know about the Doctor from a personal standpoint—he’s her husband, but god, he’s so young, and he doesn’t even know it. Know her. She has years upon wonderful and complicated years of history with this man, and he looks right through her. (She thinks it might kill her.)
As the respective episodes wear on, the Doctor has a clear connection with both River and Adelaide, both of whom can boss him around like people rarely do skskdjnsns. They’re smart and driven and won’t suffer any fools, but they’re remarkably human when it matters most. River speaks softly to Miss Evangelista as her ghost fades from the neural relay. Adelaide doesn’t shoot the infected Andy even though she could have.
But he’s also increasingly frustrated and upset by his helplessness when it comes to them. It scares and unnerves him that River is clearly someone extremely important from his future; he’s always been insecure about not knowing what’s in store, and River is a walking reminder of his lack of personal perspective, his inability to totally have control. He’s drawn to her. She’s so clever and brave and good. He fears what she represents all the same. He snaps at her, clearly distrusts her. River calls him out on being emotional. The Doctor knows that he should leave Bowie Base One. There’s nothing he can do for these wonderful people. What happens on Mars has to stay on Mars; a fixed point is just that—an immutable event in time. But as he gets to know Adelaide—who is also so clever and brave and good—that responsibility becomes muddied by his increasing care and admiration for the captain. He grows taciturn as he watches the mission all fall to pieces. He’s emotional.
But why is he emotional? What’s another central tension that these episodes share? Both “Waters” and “Forest” either directly or intertextually deal with the Doctor simply reeling over the loss of Donna. The wrenching grief of having failed yet another someone that he loves drives the Doctor’s anger and affects his ability to think objectively. River tells him to focus on the present, on the five people who are still alive in the room. (“Dear God, you’re hard work young.”) And the last scene of “Waters” is in stunning and raw conversation with “The Runaway Bride.” Ten alone and grieving is a recipe for disaster. Donna is the first person who’s explicitly told him that he needs someone to stop him. Because if he isn’t stopped, he becomes his own waking nightmare. He becomes the Time Lord Victorious.
The climaxes of both “Forest” and “Waters” are about the Doctor wanting to change history. “Time can be rewritten,” he pleads. And River, angrier and more desperate than we have ever seen her before, pleads back, “Not those times. Not one line. Don’t you dare.” By making him watch her sacrifice, she implicitly shows him that this moment in time is inevitable, and he’ll one day do the same to her in a lake in Florida. (It’s horrible and it’s awful, but, god, if it isn’t an act of unspeakable love and forgiveness too.) But Ten in “Waters” doesn’t have anyone to stop him—not Donna, not River, not even initially Adelaide, even though she desperately tries by blowing up the base. The laws of time will obey the Doctor. He’s a Time Lord, and he makes the rules. This revelation elevates all of his worst impulses—his arrogance, his vanity, and his pride—and for a moment, as we watch him gleefully preen to a horror-struck Adelaide, Yuri, and Mia, we understand that he’s become the villain in someone else’s story. Someone has to stop him, and that Adelaide does. She understands that there are too many things at stake for the future—her granddaughters’ life, the lives of so many others—in the same way that River wasn’t willing to relinquish one fragment of hers and the Doctor’s history. The Doctor realizes the magnitude of what the captain did—what he forced her to do—immediately. He went too damn far.
“Forest” and “Waters” both end with the Doctor running. Running to River, trying to save this person who will clearly mean so much to him one day. Running away from his fate in “Waters,” unwilling to accept the death that soon awaits him. (“Oh, I’m good!” He exclaims jubilantly when he realizes that his future self has saved the professor. / “Oh, I’m good!” He grins at Mia, Yuri, and Adelaide, so pleased that he’s saved them, that he’s single-handedly changed a fixed point.) But the shared impact of these stories is that both River and Adelaide teach the Doctor a lesson about the inevitability of time—its forward march, no matter how much he wishes otherwise. They give him perspective, these remarkable women—and to a being such as the Doctor who is sensitive to the whole breadth of the universe—that’s often the most important gift that he ever receives.
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ranchracoon · 5 months
Ch. 9 The Greenhouse
The next few days were spent carefully juggling your duties, your sewing project, and working outside. Angie didn't talk to you much after you went into the workshop, she still bossed you around per usual but it was less....bossy. You tried to surprise her with dinner when she came back from the village, but she ate in silence then went to bed; leaving you with the clean up and putting the groceries away. After that, you decided to avoid her as much as possible and not bother with her attitude change. You didn't see much of Donna either, she was never in the workshop when you were and you started to think things were going back to before you saw her, only now you felt even more alone. You refused to go to the village after the encounter with Salvatore, now that you think about it, you hadn't heard from Salvatore or the other lords since the interaction either.
You had finished the jacket you had started, it wasn't as pretty as some of the other clothes you'd seen designed in the workshop. Intricate clothing on blank-faced mannequins, whilst yours looked like you plucked it out of an elementary school lost-and-found. You made it though and you were proud of it; you snuggled your arms through the sleeves to check that it fit and it did perfectly. It was soft, warm, and you could now go outside without having to worry about getting frostbite.
"That looks nice."
You yelped in surprise then whipped around to see Donna there. She was wearing a black button-up, frilled shirt with equally black slacks and snow white suspenders with them. She was stunning, even if she blended in with the shadows of the workshop. Her mask looked shinier too in the stark darkness, you could see the paleness of her eye clearly while the other pierced through you.
"What is it with everyone wanting to scare me in this house?"
Donna fidgeted where she stood, you could have sworn she blushed but she looked away too quickly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine, you're just..so quiet. I'm pretty sure I heard the mice taking notes about how to sneak around better. Where have you been?"
Donna stifled a chuckle, you watched as her eye frantically looked around as if she was asking and answering a hundred questions until she realized she hadn't spoken yet.
"I'm sorry, I know I said I would be here to help you but with Salvatore being a new lord, we've had to do a lot of catch up meetings."
"Oh." That would explain why she hadn't been around, but not Angie's attitude.
"Was Mother Miranda upset with me about Salvatore?" You asked.
"Not this time, but I'd prefer if you wouldn't hit anymore people. Or fall off things. I don't want you to get hurt."
You snickered in embarrassment, that meant she had seen every attempt at getting her attention,"I will certainly try."
"I'm glad I found you though, I have something for you."
Donna reached into the pocket of her slacks then held out her hand, you walked up to her and she opened her hand when you stopped. It was an old, rusted key, with a faded tag attached to it; you took the key from her and examined it while trying to read what the tag said.
"What is it?" You asked.
"The key to the greenhouse." Donna muttered.
You smiled brightly, "you found it! Let's go take a look."
Before Donna could object you took her gloved hand and pulled her through the hallway to the elevator. She stood next to you in silence but you noticed her shift from one foot to the other when you didn't release her hand. You wanted to ask her about how she crept out so easily but decided to save it for another time, for now, you had to keep her next to you before she disappeared again. When the elevator opened you pulled her along, Angie was sweeping in the living room and she looked at the two of you confused as you got on your shoes then went out the front door.
Donna followed you through the front gate, down the path, and the two of you arrived at the greenhouse. Ivy had overtaken the building, parts of the building were broken in, there were broken pots, similar wooden structures to the front of the manor, even the fence was falling over. Ick. You released Donna's hand to insert the key into the lock, it took some pressure and elbow grease but eventually the lock clicked open. You pushed open the door with your shoulder, years of plant build up made it difficult and when the door gave in, you got a good, long, look at the place. It was worse than the outside. You couldn't take a step without stepping on a pile of dirt, broken objects, or miscellaneous stuff you couldn't identify. Two steps in you stopped and huffed while swiping a spiderweb and dust away from your face, turning around you saw Donna still in the doorway.
"Are you going to come in?" You asked.
She shook her head no.
You sighed softly and put your hands on your hips, "how long has it been like this?"
"Since my mother passed...gardening was something she enjoyed immensely." Donna whispered.
"Well then...we have a lot of work ahead of us to make this worthy of her." You offered cautiously.
"We?" She responded with a raised eyebrow.
You nodded your head, "but I think I'll have to teach you how to sew up some work clothes. You can't do yard work in that, it'll get ruined."
Donna looked down at her outfit then back up at you with a soft chuckle, she rubbed the back of her neck and looked away from the greenhouse. She walked away so you followed her, closing the greenhouse door behind you; she walked around overlooking the dead vines hanging off trellises that created a walkthrough arch. You watched her examine everything with great attention as if she were in a museum of aged artifacts. When she stopped walking, she paused in front of a tree. She stood there for a long period of time while you stood next to her, the tree was dead with bits of ribbon strung off the limbs. Her face gave nothing away, the mask didn't help in hiding her emotions but it gave you a chance to realize the white part of her eye piece was white fabric.
"What are you thinking about?" You asked softly.
"She would be so ashamed to see how far I've let this go. The garden was her pride and joy, she would spend hours in it with me..." Donna trailed off.
You put your hand on her shoulder which made her flinch back, so you dropped it immediately. Instead you offered a soft smile and held one hand in the other as you looked back up at the tree thoughtfully.
"I can think of something else that has been forgotten for too long. Perhaps it's time you and this garden get some much needed tlc." You said softly.
You and Donna walked back to the manor in silence, this time you didn't drag her and you walked on her other side so as to see her face. The setting sun made her porcelain skin look golden, it highlighted the streaks of brown in her hair, you could even differentiate the brown and black of her iris. She caught your stare as you got to the front gate and you quickly looked away, she waved you to go first and followed behind. Angie was nowhere to be found and for that you were grateful, the last thing you wanted was Angie to come in and sour the mood. Donna looked around the manor for a brief moment, you looked over at her and she let out a long sigh.
"Where have you been?" Angie's voice screeched.
You jerked around to see Angie in the walkway leading to the sitting room, she stomped through then halted when she saw Donna. She cleared her throat and bowed the furthest she could with her aged body.
"Apologies, I didn't see you there my lord. I was wondering where Y/N had run off to." She apologized.
"Her and I were taking a stroll." Donna answered.
You glanced up at her and gave her a soft smile before turning to Angie, "is there something you need?"
"Yes. Do you know what time it is? We have to get started on dinner."
Angie walked away toward the elevator and you looked up at Donna again with a brighter smile.
"Meet me in the workshop tomorrow to work on your gardening clothes? If you're not busy that is."
Donna remained silent for a moment before she finally met your eyes, "I would love that. I would also love it if you made dinner again, and maybe continue to do so?"
You stifle a chuckle and cover your mouth, guess your intuition was correct about having to eat Angie's sludge. You nodded your head in agreement then examined her face for a moment, Donna turned to face you and took your hand in hers. She leaned down and kissed the back of it with a soft smile.
"Thank you for listening, and getting me out of the manor. I look forward to working on the greenhouse with you."
Your cheeks got red and hot when her lips touched your hand, her lips were warmer than you expected, they were also very soft. It felt like a flutter against your skin, when she pulled away there was a lingering tickle where her lips had once been. Donna offered her arm and you took it, the two of you went downstairs and parted ways at the kitchen. Angie was inside, already started on dinner, her back to you and you put your hands on your hips.
"Did I do something to offend you Angie?" You asked frustrated.
She whirled around, "offend me? Oh no." She started, her eyes looking wet, "I'm shocked to put simply. I...she looks so much like Claudia that it feels like a phantom roaming the halls. I...I apologize if it seemed like that."
You walked up to Angie and took the spoon from her hand, "I understand Angie. Things are changing, hopefully for the better."
Angie scoffed some, "perhaps. Now, I never did hear the story about you sucker punching Salavator."
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heresmyfiddlestick · 10 months
new doctor who trailer, let's go
let's try and get anything out of what they've given us on wild blue yonder
to re-cap from my first trailer break-down post, we've got (from top left to bottom right) the Doctor with his jacket off (since he tossed it down just before zooming around the new TARDIS and didn't have time to grab it on his way out) discovering something in a strange metal-walled place, Donna also being amazed, Donna rushing frantically through a corridor, a hero shot of Donna with a little triangle button thing behind her, a little scene where we establish that something has scared the TARDIS away and Donna is going to kick its arse (over three shots), Dr. Who trapped in a little metal box screaming "NOO" again, and a spooky looking TARDIS
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they have...really not given us anything - i'm very excited!!
we start with an ordinary metal room, which the TARDIS then violently spins through, materialising in. (just like in the Children in Need special... why is she doing that now? smashing things up) this gives us that final WBY shot from the specials trailer. we can suspect that this crash landing is because of the coffee incident from TSB
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somebody give this man a break! this has got to be just after crashing and rushing out of the TARDIS, hence the smoke everywhere, and the guy just grateful to be alive and safe
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then a blackout as creepy music comes in, before we see our time travellers snooping around a blue-lit room. those things with the windows on them, I'm thinking stasis chambers of some sort? but what's inside? the lights that flicker in the next shot are in this same room. check out that grille on the left hand side of the first shot, it looks like the thing the Doc was banging against in the specials trailer
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Donna asks, very scared and clearly in the first room they arrive in, "where are we?" - this is presumably coming just after the TARDIS has disappeared and before the "kick its arse" line
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Ominous shot of a grubby vent, which we've seen in the very first shot of this trailer above and to the right of the first door, with a creepy ticking/clicking noise... something is watching them?
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"Oh, life signs!" - we recognize this chair and room from the specials trailer! this comes straight before the shot when he stands up and they both look amazedly at something. that'll be the life signs then. probably what's being held in those stasis chambers
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a door slams in Donna's face in a dark and green place - and another one of those grilles - this might be around the time Donna is running through her colour-coordinated corridor
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"Doctor!" "Donna!" while Tenteen is in a bright red and scary room
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and then a further quick shot of the shouty "NOO" room
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so obviously these two are going to get separated in this unfamiliar place, after discovering there are "life signs" somewhere on board
which leaves us wondering, "what are they?" (a line of dialogue laid over what is clearly a scene taking place in the first room, this is probably the two of them watching as the TARDIS absconds)
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alright, RTD you've done a very good job of giving us absolutely nothing on this one and I have to respect that.
we do know (from Tardis Wikia) that there's a character called Mrs. Merridew played by Susan Twist, the episode is directed by first-time DW director Tom Kingsley, and the TARDIS has left because of HADS
also, from this promo image, we have this little robot guy, and a big triangular corridor with piston-looking things. is the robot guy Mrs. Merridew? why is he all Rusty? why is he so cute? it sort of seems like he could be the one making the ticking noise, and he is probably the one caring for whatever life signs are being held in the stasis chambers... maybe it's a long-haul star cruiser type thing à la The Ark in Space?
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then we have the Target cover, which shows us the little guy again, as well as Donna and the Doctor in what looks like a golf cart. easy transport for getting around an unmanned space station, maybe?
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Oh yeah, we also have this clip shown at the end of the Doctor Who Unleashed episode, which gives us these amber-coloured banks of drawers of somethings, one of which the Doctor grabs, "if we move one up..."
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"ugh, is that stuff dangerous?" Donna asks as what looks like a misshapen honeycomb drips. "No," says the man who should really still be recovering from regeneration sickness before giving it a sniff and a lick (hello 13)
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and then definitely deciding "no"...
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...and as he tries to put it back, he gives a little cough and starts falling backwards
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so what does this leave us with? the Doctor and Donna are abandoned on a spaceship/station/underwater bunker that doesn't see a lot of use but is the site of Hostile Action which makes the TARDIS fuck off. they go snooping around to see what's up and find a bunch of rooms with exciting different colour palettes, flipping on lights and licking alien honey as they go. they discover the life signs that are being kept alive in the bowels of this ship/station/bunker before being separated. maybe they can still hear/see each other somehow? one of them discovers the rusty little guy and maybe the other discovers Mrs. Merridew? they have a daring escape on a golf cart and manage to get the TARDIS back through the power of the U.S. Air Force
and it's "unlike any Doctor Who episode ever"!
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thoughts on the special #2
this was fun last time so why not do it again
i had to double check that i was watching the right show cause it was in the wrong time period then I remembered that its a show about time travel and aliens
not to be racist but I feel like that guy shouldn't be black if its the past
apple tree OH its newton got it
I like her she reminds me of ms hudson. shes probably not his housekeeper either
okay its definitely newton
of COURSE. omg I've done it I've solved the secrets of the univ-HOLY SHIT WAS THAT A FLYING PHONE BOOTH WHAT THE F- *its raining apples from out of the sky apples no need to ask why*
honestly relatable, doctor you gotta stop traumatising people in the past
"So he can blame me for all eternity." these two are so cute old married couple fr (platonic)
DOCTORDAVID ILY YOU ARE ADORABLE look how excited he is to meet him
the GRAVITY of the SITUATION oh my god i love donna so much
oh my GOD its MAVITY (its giving Mawage)
was i too busy getting excited in the first special to notice the new theme??? its so cool woah the tardis is doing flips
oh flickering lights that's never good that's how the angels get ya
sir you have some apologizing to do after all she's done for you and you light her on fire every chance you get no wonder she threw you out last regeneration
lol the tardis was so pissed at him she became american
ye you should be sorry apologize to her for blowing her up
no DONNA its a non-sonic screwdriver obviously
why the FUK are you YELLING at it jesus christ someone needs to teach this man stranger danger especially since 80% of the creatures they meet try to kill them
donna: No i need to be the Voice of Reason doctor: ..... donna: yeah okay you're right lets go to questionably safe activities
Mavity, Mavity. Mavity is wot bwings us to Earf today. Mavity, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam-
oh no its a wall
Donna: Wait you didn't know? All of us knew, you were the fruitest fruit loop we'd ever met the writers are just allowed to be controversial now
these two Idiots (affectionate)
Yes, the tardis took advantage of your absence and turned Common Sense Protocol back on, obviously someone needed to
if a very slow robot is trying to walk down a very long corridor i feel like the best plan of action is to see what its walking towards not what its walking away from??
why are there no stars are they inside dark matter or smth
oh wormhole well I guess that's cool too
okay you say 'oh no its the edge of the universe' literally all the time I'm not that scared anymore
that pose is so silly why are you standing like that
oh Fuck its a Thing
'just settling' with your luck its a weeping angel or some shit
the change in his voice when they went into the echoy room gave me a heart attack I thought it was a new person
DUDE its giving the same vibes as "Is this perfume or alcohol? *drinks whole bottle* it's perfume"
good lord this man is an idiot
iTs A nOiSe with YOUR luck?????? learn from your friends sir she's got common sense
these guys are being way too blase about the drastic temperature shift it might just be my Awareness Of The Genre but I do think they should be more concerned
oh em gee its creepy mimicks that's weird (dude the donna mimic isn't even remotely realistic like the doctor mimic was pretty good had me fooled but she comes in like "I have done what you ordered. I am a robot.")
I swear. This man. Isn't he supposed to be clever or smth
why is the steering wheel shaped like a sandal
This man's typecast is literally Sad Gay Men why are they ALWAYS so SAD
I think the doctor currently having an existential crisis is the Real doctor with Fake donna and the one without the tie is the Fake doctor with Real donna
#nope its not her
#called it
he looks so betrayed how can she not immediately start apologizing look at that face
The Real Genius of This Show: DONNA NOBLE, everybody, round of applause for donna noble
jesus these things' life goal is to bring up all their insecurities isn't it
oh my god give this man a break
okay the last time you(r face) encountered a copying alien, it very nearly succeeded by stealing your voice. Maybe that's a good hint to Shut Up???? Its gonna keep stealing your thouuuuughts
how to stop thinking: knock her out. you don't think (consciously) if your unconscious. just hit her over the head if you both live she'll thank you in the end
WITH THE KNOCKS TOO if this is midnight 2.0 I swear-
the way that's framed it very nice the stunt double and the actor can be in the same shot since their faces arent together
that's not therapeutic that's self destructive
Go Converse Go Converse You Can Do It
wait if those guys aren't matter and they absorb heat why wouldn't the bomb just feed them I feel like there are flaws in this plan
That is a Fabulous entrance bravo tardis have you ever perhaps considered musical theatre I promise you would have to deal with fewer dumbasses who like to blow you up
its a skateboard woo eeeeeee
ok saved donna is not excited enough at all I'm suspicious (and if its real donna I'm concerned)
did he just kill his best friend for the second time
he owes the tardis and donna SO many apologies after this
idk if its the music or the doctors influence but it is sad that those two died (if they did I still think they didn't)
✨Trauma Buddies✨
You idiot if you've got a feeling its probably right its always right with you
c'mon bestie spill your trauma
"I'm alright""Is that special time lord code for 'really not alright at all'? 'Cause I'm alright, too." ah how far we've come *wipes tear*
imagine being wilf and for the past 15 years you've been sure you killed one of your best friends and NOW HES BACK
in crying
wow Grammarly really doesn't like my tumblr grammar
the end
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among-mad-wolves · 1 year
November 20, 1985
Dear Diary, I had a dream just now that makes me believe I will not be sleeping tonight. I was in a room. It was very empty, and I was feeling badly that it was empty. I thought it was my fault that nothing was there. I was crouched in one of the comers of the room, and I was staring at this one spot at the other end of the room, because I knew something was going to be there, soon. After a minute, I started to get very cold. And I thought that I saw something, but it disappeared. Then I looked away because I was trying to find the door that went to another room and out of this one, because I wanted to see if the furniture was in another room. I felt very bad about something and I wanted to fix things, so that I could stop feeling so . . . guilty. I guess that's what I was feeling. Guilt. I turned back to look across the room and there was an enormous rat sitting there. I knew in the dream that it was coming after me, and that it wanted to bite my foot off. I became so afraid! I saw it come closer and closer to me and I tried to think of a way to stop it, or a place to run away, but there wasn't anywhere to go, or anything I could do! I know it may sound funny, but it was so frightening. I sat very still and tried to keep my feet tight against my body so that the rat couldn't get to my foot. I couldn't stop thinking of how awful it was going to feel when it closed its jaws around my ankle and bit down. I didn't want to feel that, and I didn't want the rat to come near me. Don't come near me! I just kept thinking of how much pain there would be. . . . And so, in the dream, because I knew all he wanted was my foot, I bit my foot off myself. When I woke up, I could barely breathe, I was so scared! I can still see the rat, and I think it was after me because something was wrong with the room, or I was being punished for something. But I was more afraid of the rat's teeth and how much it would hurt. . . . So I decided I would do it. I would hurt myself, before he could. Even though I didn't understand why the rat wanted to hurt me, I just knew I had to do it myself, or he would. I didn't like that dream at all. Please, Diary, I know it sounds silly, but don't judge me the way someone might if they heard me tell them this dream. I hope I never dream like that again. I don't even want to know what it means, or if I'm sure I even want to remember it. I'll decide that tomorrow, when the darkness is gone, and things are easier to see when they come after you. It makes me mad that I feel like I can't go and tell Mom about this. I'm afraid she'll laugh and then maybe tell it to everyone and embarrass me. I'm so afraid people will laugh at me. I am going to try to be more like Donna. I'll be good and I'll do everything I'm supposed to do. That way, there won't be anything anyone can find out and make fun of me for. There will be nothing they can say I have done wrong. I bet that what I did with Donna and the boys is causing this. I can't even think straight enough to decide if one feeling was worth the other. Something has to be causing nights like this. I will try to be better. I will stop doing things that older girls should be doing. I will not let anyone hurt me, like in the dream. I'll hurt myself first. I know the places that are the most delicate. I'll do the hurting from now on, as long as all of this stops!!!! I wish I could talk to my mommy. Laura
0 notes
ladykailolu · 2 years
In a modern!AU, Gyro would be embattled in a custody battle against Maggie’s mother (let’s call her Donna, for simplicity). Donna wanted to keep Maggie for the money that she would get, but she didn’t want to actually take care of Maggie. She also knows that the courts tend to favor the biological mother of the child, so she feels confident that she’ll get what she wants. In truth, Maggie has lived with her mother for a few years now and absolutely hated it. She knew her mother hated her very existence and either ignored her or pretended to be an attentive mother so no one can pry the child support check from her greedy hands. Oh, and instead of using that money to support Maggie, Donna uses that money to support herself and her husband--a Neapolitan man who is not Gyro. Both Donna and her husband hated Maggie. The husband was furious at one point that his wife had slept with another man while they were married, and Maggie came out of that affair. So, sometimes he hit Maggie and locked her in her room or terrorized her by breaking her toys or threatening to leave her behind if the “family” traveled anywhere.
Maggie hated that house, but she kept silent because she knew that if she complained or ratted out her mother and step-father, Donna’s husband would beat her. She was scared and afraid for her life. She even tried to hide her bruises and cuts and came up with flimsy excuses to her teachers, peers, and even to Gyro if they ever saw her injuries.
Since he still pays Donna child support every month, Gyro has rights to see Maggie on a regular basis and often spends the weekends with her. So, Maggie lives with Donna and her husband Monday through mid-Friday, and with Gyro from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. As such, Maggie feels the most relief when Friday evening rolls around and Gyro arrives at the designated place to take her off of her mother’s hands.
Only once did Maggie break down and cry in front of Gyro, and it started when Gyro saw a fresh bruise on her arm. It was dark blue, and ugly green and red. Of course, she tried to explain it away like always, but he knew she was lying. Maggie wouldn’t look him in the eye, and she hesitated and stuttered a lot while recounting her explanation. Simply put, she wasn’t confident in her story. She wouldn’t even look at him when he told her to until he started getting frustrated. Sensing his anger, Maggie froze and fidgeted. A lot. Then she started to cry and told Gyro everything. The hitting, the yelling, the insults and threats leveled at her from her own mother and step-father. Almost everyday, Maggie endured violence from the people who were supposed to protect her, and very often, she went to bed hungry because Donna would criticize her from taking food away from her half-siblings (Donna’s children with her husband) or make up some story that Maggie loss the right to have dinner because she was “being a naughty girl”. Maggie felt hated by them and pleaded with Gyro not to let her go back into that house. She clung to him and cried until she couldn’t, until she was so numb, she didn’t care what happened to her. She was beginning to realize how powerless and hopeless she was.
Then Gyro started putting all the pieces together. All the ugly bruises, the cuts, the fear and hesitation Maggie showed when Sunday evening drew near. How she clung to him when they hugged before he handed her over to her mother. How raggedy Maggie looked on Fridays when he came to pick her up. Why was she dressed in dirty, ragged clothes while her mother always seemed dressed for a formal party? And how Maggie was hesitant to ask for anything over at the Zeppeli McMansion. How many times has this child been beaten simply for asking for help or for permission? Gyro had originally chalked it up to shyness--the Zeppeli family was huge and there were many faces that Maggie simply wasn’t familiar with. Additionally, the Zeppelis were no strangers to being loud, especially around the dinner table. His aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents, even mother loved to talk about their lives and connect with their family. It was a sort of chaotic harmony.
But Maggie never fit in that harmony. At the dinner table, she kept quiet and seemed so small in her chair while others around her talked endlessly. She ate little, only what was given to her on her plate and never reached for anything. Many times, Will and Liona (Gyro’s mother) insisted that Maggie eat more because she was “practically skin and bones,” and Maggie refused at first until more food was added to her plate anyway. Afterwards, someone approached Gyro and commented on Maggie’s strange, reserved behavior. She didn’t look well. She looked ill and scared. But when Gyro asked, she always said that she wasn’t hungry or she had a tummy ache. At once point, Gyro pondered if someone from his own family had made a nasty remark to her and carefully watched who talked to his daughter during the next family dinner. But nothing significant happened, so he dropped that suspicion.
Now he knew. It made sense. Maggie always stayed up later during Saturday nights, claiming that she didn’t want tomorrow to come. Gyro didn’t understand what she meant and interpreted it as her unwillingness to return to school. But that wasn’t it. The next weekend, she showed up with more bruises on her legs, claiming that it was due to a bicycle accident. But that wasn’t it either.
Then she came over with circular burn wounds on her wrist. They burned her. They burned his daughter. He couldn’t believe he bought the lie that it was an accident, that Maggie got into something she shouldn’t have and burned herself. Gyro kicked himself for ever thinking that. Fuck that. They hurt his child!
So, he promptly took Donna to court, determined to end this charade. Donna wasn’t going to hand over her cash cow so easily, however. It was a bitter battle from start to finish, and every update, no matter how minor, spread through the Zeppeli family like wildfire. Eventually, Gyro won that battle and got full custody of Maggie, which was like a sigh of relief for the entire family. Within a day, Maggie gathered her things and moved into the Zeppeli multi-generational McMansion permanently.
Within a week, Maggie’s confidence improved somewhat. She was still hesitant to ask for anything, but even so, she felt comfortable around the Zeppelis. Though there was many of them and most of them were loud, they were friendly and welcoming, treating her like a true family member, a daughter, a sister, a little cousin. It was a far cry from Donna’s selfish children and the nobodies who ignored her.
For a while in her new home, she hovered around Gyro, feeling safe and secure only with him until she opened up to Nonna Liona and Nonno Will. Over time, she felt more comfortable playing with toys in the presence of others, asking for help or for more food when she wanted it, and living the normal life of a child. Very rarely, Donna tried to contact Maggie to check in with her, but Maggie ignored her and Gyro intercepted her messages. He wanted nothing to do with Donna nor have her talk with Maggie ever again.
Every time that Gyro saw Maggie smile, he knew that the hardship was worth it.
0 notes
dmc-tings · 3 years
The four Lord's accidentally hurting their s/o during an argument
Alcina Dimitrescu
You had gone to hangout with her brutish brother, Heisenberg
Without her knowing
She didn't mind, as long as you told her
But it seemed like you made it a POINT to leave without doing so
"Alcina, I'm a grown (man/woman/person) I can go as I please!"
"Oh forgive me for treating you like a child! As your behavior has shown me!"
She stood tall and stiff, arguing with you
And you stood (as tall as you could), glaring at her with defiance
Alcina was sheathing and unsheathing her long claws behind her back
Trying not to slice her beloved's head off
But when you got like this, it was rather difficult
You threw your hands up, in anger
"This is the shit, Heisenberg, is talking about!! You use your height to talk down on everyone!! And it-"
She swung her hand to shut you up
And.... well it did shut you up
Her claws had been out
Slicing your midsection open, effectively gutting you
Before you could hit the ground, the Draculina caught you
And rushed you to her chambers, where the maids started to care for you
She never left your side, holding your hand
Once cleaned, sewn up and bandaged, the chambermaids left your both alone
There she sat for days, for her it felt like months, years... and eternity even
You finally woke up and looked at her
For the first time in almost a century, Alcina let herself be human
Large, fat tears where streaming down her face
Though she made no sound and you couldn't see her eyes
You knew by how hard she tightened her grip on your hand
That she was relieved and desperately sorry
"Im sorry too, you know... I should be more careful about your feelings. And-"
She cut you off
This time with her lips, forgiving you with no words
Angie and Donna Beneviento
On very, very, very rare occasions would you and Donna argue
And this was such a time
You had wanted to go into the village
But Donna, insisted you stay home, just for a bit
This, for whatever reason, pissed you off
"Your so goddamned controlling, Donna! Is it a big fucking problem for me to want to be alone, just for a few hours!?"
She never would say anything back, she didn't have to
The pollen would do it for her
Through narrowed eyes, she made you see the worst
Your angry ranting stopped
You saw your family's deaths replaying
Right. In. Front. Of. You.
Your mother crashing in to a dark river, your brother slashing his arms, bleeding out, and your father going mad, setting the family home on fire, letting himself burn alive
You knew none of this was true, but.... it felt so real...
You fell to your knees, weeping, but making no noise
Letting the tears fall, you sat back pulling your knees to your chest
Donna and Angie both knew it was going a bit too far
"Great!! Now (he/she/they're) broken!" Angie fussed
Donna made the illusion dissappear, feeling bad about what she had done
You were curled up, holding yourself
Angie, was already at your side, uncharacteristically, trying to soothe you
Donna kneeled on front of you, wiping your tears
You all sat like this for hours
Finally, you calmed down
She shushed you, pulling you into her arms
You hugged her and Angie
This is how you all forgave one another
And it always worked
Salvatore Moreau
He never liked it when you got like this...
You could be come so rageful
And it scared and confused him
All he asked was "Darling? Will you help me decide which experiment to send to Mother?"
And you exploded, throwing things and yelling at him
This continued, until you threw a knife in his direction
It just barely missed hitting him
This caused him to explode as well
Like Donna, he rarely argues but that was the last straw
You stopped your rampage to watch his
He finally turned into his MASSIVE other form
And rushed off
You realized that you were to blame for this
So you followed him to the Reservoir
Watching him let out his anger out in the water and surrounding area
Him, not knowing you followed, bashed into some of the rocks
Causing them to fall, on top of you
Luckily, you jumped far enough away, not to get completely covered
You screamed as your leg got caught in the rockfall
Moreau hear it, transformed back and rushed to you
Uncovering the rocks, and pulled you to him
Quickly he made a tourniquet and gently pulled you to safety
"Im sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there, my Precious..."
He continued to whimper apologies to you
You cut him off, "No... im sorry, I shouldn't explode like that..."
You both sat in comfortable silence, knowing that this would happen again
Karl Heisenberg
You both were HEATED
You simply asked him to help you out a bit with some chores
To which he exploded
Throwing harsh and colorful words at you
"Ungrateful lazy bitch." Was hastily thrown at you
To which you retaliated with, "Piece of shit garbage."
Not caring about the floating debris, you tried to leave
Which Heisenberg blocked your way, a bit too aggressive
Not bothering to look at what he did
One of the flying slabs of metal sliced open your arm
Almost cutting it off
Though Karl didn't look at you, but your screech made him whirl around
Anger gone, when he saw your blood pouring out on to the floor
He rushed to your side, ripping his shirt into makeshift bandages
As he was wrapping you up, you started to pass out due to bloodloss
For the first time, in the longest time, Heisenberg felt himself panic
"Y/N! Stay with me, please!! Dont-"
You lost consciousness
He stood up and pulled you into his arms and rushed to Dimitrescu Castle
Kicking the large door in, he demanded that Lady D help
She was about to refuse, but saw the tears streaming down his face
And an eyeful of you bleeding out
She quickly snapped at her chambermaid's to help you
A few hours passed, with Heisenberg pacing outside of the room where you were being cared for
When the door opened he pushed past the maid, to your side
You looked at him, wanting to hit him
But softened up seeing this rugged man crying and apologizing for his outburst
You couldn't get him to shut up
And he held your hand like a life line
You petted his head with your other hand
Once he calmed down, you started to laugh
Karl looked at you like you lost your mind
"What the FUCK are you laughing at!? I almost took your gotdamn arm off!! I-"
"I... i..." You wheezed, " I forgot why we were arguing."
Karl looked up thoughtfully, "Damn. So did i."
He leaned forward and gave you a kiss
"Still... im sorry."
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
If We Were Fast Enough
Flash!Reader x Flashfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 5.3K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: I had this idea after watching a few clips of Flashpoint Paradox! Enjoy! -Thorne
Her hand was tightly clasped in his, eyes narrowed in sadness, but there was a pride in them; she felt the speed transfer between them, flowing through her veins and he said, “You’ve got my speed, honey. It’s up to you now.”
The tears that had welled in her vision tipped over and she whispered, “I can’t leave you here, dad. I—I can’t just run away.”
He shook his head. “You’re not running away. You’re surviving.” A groan escaped him, and the pool of blood seemed to double in size. “We’re running out of time. You’ve gotta go before the timeline collapses.”
“Where do I go?” she asked, wiping her eyes. “This universe is home.”
“Honey, Speedsters are Speedsters whichever universe we’re in.” he smiled weakly at her. “You’ll have a family wherever you end up.”
She gazed at him, breathing deeply as fresh tears grew in her gaze. “I’m scared.”
“I know. But you can do this.” he replied, pausing to look her over. “You look just like your mother, honey.” He smiled tearfully. “She’d be so proud of you if she were here now.”
Pulling the cowl over her head, she gave a watery laugh. “Mom always said I looked like you.”
“Nah. You take your speed and nature after me, but you are a spitting image of your mother.” A blast sounded in the distance and they both looked over, eyes widening as the white flash of light grew larger and larger. “You have to go. Now.”
Swallowing thickly, she leaned down and hugged him around his neck as tight as she could, inhaling the scent of ozone and spearmint for the last time. “I love you, dad. I love you so much.” Her fingers dug into his ruined suit as she cried. “I love you.”
He caressed the back of her cowled head. “I love you more, honey.” Pulling away, he leveled her with a firm look. “Now run, Lightning Flash. Run.”
The bluish-white lightning flowed across her body, and she turned, letting her feet carry her across the war-torn field, escaping the atomic blast. The world melted around her, a blur of memories surrounding her: her birthdays, her parents’ faces, her first stroke as a Flash, the start of the war, the deaths of her friends and family, everything up until now.
She was helpless to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks, the feeling of her heart pounding in her chest, and the booming in her ears as she ripped through the waves of time and the boundaries of space.
A shriek sounded behind her, and she turned her head, eyes widening. “Ah shit!”
The time wraith screamed at her again, reaching out to grab her and she just barely dodged it, turning back to face the flowing warp. She was close. All she had to do was get to the next time boundary and she could lose the wraith.
“Almost there!” she told herself as another bellowed sounded in her ears again, and with one final leap, she burst through the barrier, the waves collapsing around her. The shock of the blast sent her skidding along the ground, and she cried out as she rolled.
Shouts sounded in her ears, humans, but she was more concerned about the screaming time wraith. “I just lost everything! Can’t you just leave me the hell alone!” It shrieked at her again, advancing and anger welled through her as she pushed herself to her feet and she growled, “You wanna dance, you sonovabitch? Then let’s dance.”
Her eyes lit up in a white force and she darted past the wraith, hitting a point above it, then she darted past again, and again and again in a star formation, over and over until all that could be seen was a blur of blue and white. The clouds rumbled above, swirling faster and faster and she hit the top of the star, coming down at the wraith. A burst of lightning cracked from the sky, striking the time being just as she collided with it, and in a hail of blue and white strikes, the wraith exploded into smoking fragments.
As the smoke cleared, the human voices grew louder, but she was sprawled out on the ground, breathing heavily, her body crying under the strain. Someone placed their hand on her shoulder, worrying, “Are you alright?”
She nodded weakly. “Yeah…just gimme a minute. The five-star lightning strike always takes a lot outta me.” Shutting her eyes, she focused on breathing deeply.
“I’ve never seen anyone destroy a time wraith before.”
“It takes practice.” Craning her neck, she opened her eyes, and bit back a sob as the man’s face cleared before hers. “You’re this world’s Flash, aren’t you?” she whispered, “Barry Allen.” His blue eyes widened, and he nodded mutely. “I figured.”
“Who are you?” he asked. “What world did you come from?”
She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s gone now.” Meeting his gaze once more, she added, “But you can call me the Lightning Flash.”
“What’s your real name?” Barry quizzed.
(Y/N) Allen. And I’d tell you that but all it’d do is bring hurt to both of us.
“(Y/N) Sloan.” She laid her head down, closing her eyes. “I’m gonna take a nap for a while…I’m really…tired…”
His voice called out to her, but all she heard was a warbling noise as she drifted into darkness.
When she came to, her head felt like someone had thrown an overripe melon off a balcony ledge and watched it splatter across the ground. She groaned and forced her eyes to open, pushing herself up on her palms.
“Woah, woah, woah!” someone worried. “Take it easy there, Flashy.”
(Y/N) looked over, seeing a familiar green symbol, and an ever more familiar unmasked face. “I’m fine, Hal.”
He blinked. “You know who I am?”
“Please, I’d know that big head of yours from a mile away.” Smirking, she added, “I know everyone in the Justice League.” She grunted, pulling her left arm over her chest, feeling the taut muscles in her back ripple as she stretched them out. “Where am I?”
“The Watchtower.” Hal gazed at her curiously. “Man, when Barry said you knew who he was, I didn’t think he meant you knew all of us.”
“You sound upset that you didn’t get to introduce yourself,” she shot back with a pained grin, stretching her other arm. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll forget I know you, and you can reintroduce yourself.”
He chuckled and pressed a button on the side of the med bay bed. “Nah, no point now.” He looked down at the small light flashing. “Hey, she’s awake.”
In an instant, a sharp wind blew across the room and there stood the scarlet speedster without his cowl; moments later, the doors opened and in walked the top League members, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.
(Y/N) threw her legs over the side of the bed as they walked over, waving off Barry and Hal who both reached for her, and stood on shaky legs. “Shit, I feel like a newly born giraffe.”
“You shouldn’t be up.” Barry frowned. “You practically tore yourself apart at the molecular level.”
“It was that or be taken by a time wraith,” she shot back, cracking her neck. “How long have I been out?”
“Eighty-six hours,” Batman said, taking her chin in his hand, tipping her head side to side as he shown a light in her eyes. “Your body’s been recovering slower than it should for a Flash.”
(Y/N) blinked. “The particular move does like Barry said it did. It tears the body at the molecular level to contain the speed force into one location.”
“It was dangerous,” Barry scowled, and she couldn’t help but laugh at this younger version of her father who was still just as serious.
“Being a Flash is dangerous.” She felt Batman pull away and she flexed her fingers. “I don’t use the move unless it’s a life-or-death situation.” Glancing at Barry, she questioned, “What earth is this?”
Before he could speak, Batman denounced, “You time jumped, and you don’t know what earth you came into?”
“I didn’t exactly have time to think out a plan while a nuclear blast was going off, Bruce,” she growled, glaring at him from behind the neon blue mask. “And to top it off, I had a time wraith coming after me. I wasn’t in a position to choose which earth I wanted.”
He went silent, gazing at her intently. “Whose names do you know of the Justice League here?”
(Y/N) looked around at the superheroes before her. “You’re all the same Justice League as my earth, but in mine, you’re retired, and your children run the show.”
“I’m sorry, children?” Hal interrupted. “We have—we have children?”
“Some,” she laughed. “Conner Kent is our Superman, Donna Troy is our Wonder Woman, Jason Todd is our Batman, Kyle Rayner is our Green Lantern, and Roy Harper is our Green Arrow.”
“And you?” Superman questioned.
“I’m my Justice League’s Flash. The Lightning Flash.” (Y/N) smiled wearily. “The fastest woman alive.” She toyed with the blue and white gauntlet. “At least now I am.”
“You said you were our kids?” Hal said. “Are you Barry’s daughter?”
The two Speedsters looked at each other and she answered calmly, “No. My transformation into the Flash was a freak accident, much like Wally West’s. That being said, I’m not related to the Flashfamily by blood.”
“Hmm.” Batman grunted, then turned, wandering off. “You need to rest up more then we’ll run tests.”
“Only if she consents.” Barry called out.
Bruce stopped, not even bothering to look over his shoulder as he retorted, “She’s a Speedster from another universe. We need more information before we can let her loose in anyone’s city.”
As he wandered off, she placed her hands on her hips and griped, “God, I miss Jason being Batman. He’s less of a jerk-off about new things.”
Superman chuckled, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t take it the wrong way…(Y/N), was it?”
She nodded. “Yeah, (Y/N) Sloan.” Sticking her hand out, she added, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” he murmured, shaking her hand strongly, then he pulled away. “He is right though. You should get some more rest before you wander around the Watchtower.”
She waved it off. “I’ll be alright. If you’ve got a treadmill designed for Speedsters though, I’d like to run a bit.”
“I’ll show you where it is,” Barry answered, leading her from the group. As they walked down the hallway, she paused, leaning against the wall as a wave of nausea came over her; he caught it instantly. “Are you okay?” he frowned. “We should go back to the med bay.”
“No.” she grunted. “I’m fine. Just…just gimme a moment.” Shaking it off, she squared her shoulders. “I absorbed speed from the remaining Speedsters on my world before I left. It’s just taking a toll on me.”
“Why absorb their speed?” he asked, and she could tell from his voice that there was a level of suspicion in it.
“Because it was the only way to keep it from being stolen by our enemies as we were being slaughtered.” (Y/N) looked down the hall. “We can go now. It’s passed.” She bypassed him, wandering down the hallway, though she kept a hand on the railing the entire time.
It wasn’t a surprise that they sent her back to Central City with Barry after the few tests she’d let them run. Only tests on the outside, no blood or DNA samples for them to investigate. Barry’s apartment was cramped and there wasn’t room for them both to be in the kitchen, but she’d lived there before, so ducking under his arms and turning around him was second nature.
And Barry, bless the kindhearted soul he was, tried at every opportunity to make her comfortable in the home. (Y/N) respected it, knowing that even worlds apart, Barry Allen was still Barry Allen. She watched him sometimes. When he was sitting on the sofa or at the bar, flipping through paperwork or reading a book on physics. He always lost track of time, forgot what was happening around him, but his face showed ease. Peace. Like the world wasn’t on his shoulders.
It made her miss her father. It made her miss her family and friends. Her world. (Y/N) cried at night on the couch, silent tears dripping down her cheeks as she remembered every last moment of her family and friends’ lives. She’d been lucky in the end to come out unscathed. But her father, his friends, her friends, all dead. All killed in a pointless war that ended with the entire world blown to hell—and she was the only one left.
She sat beside the window, gazing down at the quiet street below her; she felt like crying, but by now, she’d cried out every tear, and all that remained was the hole drilled in her chest, empty and aching.
“(Y/N)?” Glancing over, she saw Barry coming out from his bedroom, brows furrowing at her. “Are you okay?”
Shrugging, she looked back out the window. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again, Barry.” It was hard to not call him ‘dad’ all the time, and weird to call him ‘Barry’.
She felt him sit opposite of her on the little bench. “Can I help you anyway?”
It took a while for her to speak, but when she did, her voice was barely above a whisper. “It’s all gone. My life. All of it. I’m the only one left from my world.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m…alone.” His hand rested on hers and she felt tears well in her gaze. “I miss my family…and I miss my friends.”
She shook her head, looking at him. “Why my world? Why us?” tears slipped down her cheeks. “Everything was fine one moment and the next thing any of us knew, the world was going to war, and we couldn’t stop it.” A loathing laugh escaped her. “We were the Justice League. The proteges of the greatest heroes and yet we couldn’t stop war.”
(Y/N) wiped her tears. “We failed. I failed.”
“What happened wasn’t your fault, (Y/N).” Barry murmured. “You know that.”
“It feels like it.” She countered. “What do I have to show for all my saving? A sole survivor stuck in a world that has no need for her.”
His eyes were narrowed in concern, the way her father’s used to do when she’d tell him of her troubles and doubts. “There’s always a need for us. Everyone one of us.”
“Speedsters?” she asked, and he squeezed her hand.
“If the universe wanted you dead, you’d be dead, (Y/N). But you’re here and you’re alive.” He smiled sadly. “You can’t outrun the past. But you can change the direction you’re running in.”
She gazed at him and for once in the past few weeks she’d been there, she felt her heart lighten. “Thank you, Barry.”
He smiled warmly at her and patted her hand. “Since we’re both awake…wanna go for a run?”
(Y/N) chuckled and nodded her head. “Yeah. It’d certainly help burn off the emotions.” She held out her hand and Barry looked at the ring on her finger.
“Wow, your ring is cool.” He took her hand, gazing intently at it. “I noticed your suit isn’t red like most of us Speedsters are. Yours is mainly blue and white.”
She nodded. “It was too complicated to call myself Flash since there were more than one, so I took the name Lightning Flash and designed my suit the colors associate with lighting.” (Y/N) vibrated and reappeared in her suit. “Blue and white.”
“With silver trimming,” he added, poking the mask she wore, and she batted his hand away.
“Hey, gold’s overrated.”
Barry’s face pinched as he vibrated into his suit. “Is not!”
“Is too! It’s the colors for the Seminoles.”
He placed a hand to his chest. “I can’t believe you just told me my colors were FSU’s colors. I’ve been fatally wounded.”
“You’re a drama queen,” (Y/N) laughed then started towards the door. “Race you to Coast City!”
Barry sped after her. “Why Coast City!”
“Because it’s California, man!” she watched as he matched her speed. “And Hal’s apartment always has Doritos!”
“I think you might have a crush on our resident Green Lantern,” Barry teased and (Y/N) gagged.
“Dude, gross.”
“Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you aren’t friends with your Green Lantern!”
“The best, but Kyle and I were only friends! My dalliance fell with another team member!”
“Batman?” he asked, and she nodded.
“Oh. Lovely.” Barry sighed. “You and Jason Todd seem like a wonderful pair.”
(Y/N) snorted. “Contrary to popular belief, Jason was actually a fantastic Batman. He loved it, oddly enough.”
“That is odd,” the Speedster countered. “Because as far as I know, none of the Batkids want to be Batman.”
She merely laughed in return, passing the Coast City sign.
“You know these aren’t…my world folks, right?”
He smiled, watching the group of young adults across the room laugh and joke around. “I know, but the lot of us thought it would be good if you got together with the age group of you own.” Barry looked over. “Besides, I think you’re going to fit right in with this world’s group.”
(Y/N) tipped her head side to side, huffing a laugh as Jason thumped Kyle in the side. “We’ll see.” She let Barry lead her over and the small group perked up at their arrival.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming on such short notice. I know you were busy.”
Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “So, why did the League invite us all?”
Barry gestured to (Y/N). “I’d like everyone to meet (Y/N) Sloan. She’s a Speedster who recently arrived on this earth.”
“Recently?” Roy asked and he nodded.
“There was a…problem on her earth.” He glanced at her and nodded, prompting her to speak.
“My world isn’t in the general stream of timelines anymore.” She smiled awkwardly. “I came here to…survive more or less.” Holding out her hand for one of them to shake, she said, “But it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“You know who we are?” Kyle asked as he shook her hand.
“Yeah. This world is surprisingly similar to mine, Kyle.” (Y/N) smiled with a little less awkwardness. “I know all of you.” Her eyes fell on Jason who was watching her closely, teal eyes narrowed in calculation. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He hummed. “Who are we over there?”
At that, all the awkwardness fell away. “You don’t wanna know,” she giggled, and his face dropped.
“No.” she nodded, and he whispered, “Me?”
“I’m confused,” Roy interrupted, and Donna snickered.
“I think Jason’s the Batman of (Y/N)’s world.”
“HA!” everyone dissolved into hysterics as Jason proceeded to all but cry.
“I don’t wanna be Batman!” he whined. “Why am I Batman! Why not anyone else!”
(Y/N) laughed. “What are you talking about? You volunteered to be Batman.”
“Jesus, I must’ve lost my mind then,” Jason retorted, then looked at her. “Do I carry guns?”
“Non-lethal rounds.”
“Damnit.” He sulked. “Can’t freakin’ believe I’m the Batman on your world and I willingly put the suit on.”
“You were a good Batman,” she stated. “There wasn’t anyone I trusted more to watch my back on the team.”
He met her gaze, seemingly shocked, though it only lasted a minute as he quizzed, “So if I’m Batman, does that make all of us…?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yep. Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern.”
“And you?” Kyle asked.
“Lightning Flash,” she answered coolly. “The fastest woman alive.” Meeting their gazes, she tipped her head down. “I know you’re not them…but I do hope we can be friends.” She smiled. “You can never have too many of those, no matter what world you’re on.”
Kyle looked over at Barry who was almost crying. “We get to keep her, right? Because if we don’t, I’m going to be very upset.”
(Y/N) snorted and wrapped a loose arm around his waist. “Don’t worry, Kyle. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” A growling sounded and her cheeks warmed as she pressed a hand to her stomach. “Sorry about that.”
Jason laughed, getting to his feet. “I guess Speedster stomachs are the same no matter what world you’re on.”
“Isn’t that the truth,” Barry retorted, and the vigilante looked at her.
“Wanna annoy Batman and hang around Gotham City?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Wait for me!” Roy shouted, yanking his legs from the table, and soon the others were following.
Barry watched them as they walked to the Zeta-Tubes, laughing and ribbing one another like they’d been friends since childhood; someone nudged him in the side, murmuring, “She’s gonna be okay.”
He nodded as Hal settled beside him. “Yeah…I know she will.” He smiled as (Y/N) leaned into Jason’s side and brought a hand to her eyes, wiping the tears away. “She’s already fitting in better than I thought.”
“(Y/N)’s a strong woman,” Hal acknowledged. “She acts a lot like you in that aspect.”
“How so?” Barry inquired and the Lantern shrugged.
“Well, you can’t get her to stop attending League meetings no matter what Batman says, and she’s always ready to put herself on the line for us.” Hal huffed a laugh. “And she treats me like I’m an old man. I’m thirty-eight and she acts like I’m fifty-six.” He looked at Barry. “But she flows in the world like you, Barry. Her mannerisms, her styles, her speech, it’s all you.”
The Speedster frowned, quietly stating, “You think she’s my future daughter, don’t you?”
Hal shrugged. “She doesn’t look like you, but she’s comfortable around you. Like she knows she’s safe if you’re there with her.”
“Why lie about it though?” Hal could tell Barry was hurt. “Wouldn’t she want to tell me?”
“If you lost everything and showed up in another world where there was a parent still alive, would you act like nothing changed or would you keep it at arms-length?”
Barry sighed. “You’re…right.” He shook his head. “I didn’t even think of that.” His frown deepened. “She must hate looking at me though. I’m not her dad but I’m another version of him.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Barry.” Hal said, clasping his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “She’s just…trying to keep it all together and not mix this world with hers.”
“I feel connected with her.” He admitted. “The speed force works funny like that. We can feel other speedsters—we know their speeds and auras.” His voice became soft. “Hers feels like…like…”
“Like?” Hal encouraged and Barry sighed.
“Her aura feels like when I went back in time and saved my mom.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to explain but she feels like—”
“Like family.”
Barry gaped at Hal. “Yeah…that’s exactly it.”
Hal nodded. “She’s still your daughter even worlds apart.”
“What do I say to her?”
“Don’t.” he answered. “Let her come to you about it.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Barry agreed.
The group had dispersed as quickly as it had come together, not that she was overly upset—she knew they all had prior engagements and teams to be apart of, but she would’ve been lying to say that it hadn’t saddened her a bit. Jason and Kyle, however, seemed to be the only ones that were usually around, Jason more than the latter.
(Y/N) liked being around Jason. He was much more hotheaded than she was used to, but she decided that like the Flashes, Jason Todd was Jason Todd no matter what universe he was in.
He was a little more reckless than she knew, playing fast and loose with the game, but he knew where his feet landed with each jump, and he was there when she needed help, her the same.
It hadn’t taken him long to deduce that the two of them were more than friends in her world, making the joke that she was his Catwoman—she’d cried she’d laughed so hard, but it given them time to talk about everything that had happened to her and her world; most importantly, her father.
She watched as Jason reclined against the cool stone of the ledge, passing one of the wrapped cheeseburgers to her. “Thank you,” she murmured, unwrapping it.
“Mhm,” he hummed, sipping his milkshake, setting his hood beside him; he swallowed and looked over. “What’s on your mind?”
(Y/N) blinked. “What are you talking about?” he merely cocked a brow and she sighed. “I forgot you could read people well.”
“Well maybe if you were a book and not a pamphlet, it’d be harder.”
“Did you just call me simple?”
“Never.” He waved it off. “What are you thinking about?”
She sighed again and set her half-eaten burger aside, pulling her knees to her chest as she whispered, “My mom’s maiden name was Sloan.”
Jason arched a brow. “You go by ‘Sloan’. Was your mom married?”
“My parents were. She died from cancer when I was ten.”
“I’m sorry,” he lamented, and she smiled.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) looked over. “My last name is Allen.”
His eyes widened. “As in Barry Allen, Allen?”
“Yeah…my dad.”
Jason blinked. “Holy shit.”
“Mhm.” She propped her chin on her knees. “The reason I’m just as fast as Wally West in this world is because I absorbed my dad’s speed before I left mine.” (Y/N) gazed at the city. “And then I left him to die in the blast.”
“You know that wasn’t your fault.”
She huffed. “So Barry’s told me.”
Jason stared at her. “Why do you live with him in Central City?”
“Because I don’t have anywhere else to go,” she answered. “And I…I—”
“You miss your dad.” He answered for her, and she nodded, feeling warmth gather in her eyes and she squeezed them shut.
“Yeah…it’s not him but…”
“It’s the only thing you’ve got that’s close enough to him.”
Jason nodded. “You’re welcome to come live with me over here.”
(Y/N) looked over at him. “I can’t do that, Jason.”
“Why not?”
She laughed. “We barely know each other.”
He shrugged. “We know each other enough.” Gazing at her, he added, “I’m not your world’s Jason, but we must be similar enough because I’ve seen and felt you fall behind me during fights, being at my six when I didn’t have it covered.” He smiled. “You know me, (Y/N), and I’d like to know you too.”
She merely gaped at him, then huffed a laugh. “I think that’s the most similar thing to my world’s Jason that I’ve heard you say.”
“Oh, come on!” he griped. “He couldn’t be that different from me!”
(Y/N) smiled. “Robins.”
Jason blanched. “I had Robins?”
“You had a son, who was exactly like you right now.”
“I wanna ask about the son, but what do you mean right now?”
“Oh, you know…hotheaded, anti-social, antagonistic.”
“You’re cute,” he scowled, then looked into the distance. “I can’t imagine bringing my kid with me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Please, it took him like five years of complete begging on his knees before you’d even let him put on the suit, let alone go out with you.” She reached over and pushed hair behind his ear. “You were a good father…a good man.” Her expression turned sad. “I wasn’t fast enough to save either of you.”
Jason leaned into her touch, a frown on his face. “They know you tried, (Y/N).”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “I hope they knew that.” She shook her head as the tears started to spill over. “I lost everyone. You, JJ, my dad and all my friends.” (Y/N) stared at him through the tears. “How do I just start over after all that?”
He pushed the takeout bags out of the way and scooted over, pulling her to his chest; she buried her face in his suit and he propped his chin on the crown of her head. “I wish I had an answer for you.” He rubbed circles in her back. “But I do know that you can either let this keep you down, or you can get back up. Because if you don’t…then every life lost was in vain for you to survive.”
“I take it back,” she blubbered. “Your philosophical bullshit life lessons are the most Jason thing I’ve heard.”
He smiled, squeezing her tight. “That’s what we’re gonna call it now. Philosophical bullshit life lessons.” Jason pressed a kiss to her head. “It’s going to be okay, (Y/N). It’ll get better.”
It’d been a full year since she’d come to the new earth. She hadn’t moved in with Jason yet, but the moving boxes on the couch were the start of it—and she hadn’t told Barry she was leaving, or that he was her dad. (Y/N) wasn’t sure how to break that seal just yet.
She wandered around the tiny apartment, smiling at all the memories she’d made in the past year, and into his bedroom, where she paused at his dresser. A gold ring rested on top of it, and she picked it up, flipping it in her hand.
A woosh sounded from the door. “I’m home!” Barry’s voice trailed off in confusion and he called, “(Y/N)?”
He appeared in her peripheral, but she didn’t take her eyes off the ring, still gazing at the center stones. “There are boxes on the couch.”
“I’m moving in with Jason over in Gotham.”
“Oh…” he murmured, then took sight of what she had in her hands. “Is that—”
“Nora’s wedding ring?” she nodded. “Yeah.”
“How’d you know it was my mom’s?” Barry asked, stepping up to her and she finally looked at him, meeting his eyes.
“Because I had the same one in my world.” (Y/N) searched his gaze. “But you don’t seem surprised by that fact.” She sighed. “How long have you known?”
Barry’s face contorted in shame. “A few weeks after you got here.”
“Why didn’t you say something?”
He shook his head. “Hal said—” he sighed. “I wanted to wait until you said something to me about it. I was afraid if I did, you’d run.”
(Y/N)’s brows pulled together, lips pulling down sadly. “Barry…”
“I know I’m not your dad,” he whispered. “But I know, (Y/N). I can feel it.”
She felt her lips wobble and before she knew it, she was throwing herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist as tight as she could. “Dad.”
Barry’s arms came around her, one holding the back of her head, the other in the middle of her back. “I’m here, (Y/N).”
“I missed you so much,” she cried. “I wasn’t fast enough to save them, and I couldn’t save you either.”
“No,” he said. “You did everything you could. I know you did.”
“But I wasn’t fast enough.” (Y/N) sobbed. “You had to give me your speed so I could run away. Like a coward.”
“Like a survivor,” Barry corrected. “You’ve never run away.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re a survivor, (Y/N). And your dad made sure of that.” He pulled away slightly, tears of his own dripping down his cheeks. “You’re fast enough.” She shut her eyes as more tears rolled down her cheeks and he pressed his lips to her forehead. “And no matter what world you’re on, you’re still my daughter.”
A laugh that sounded much more like a sob escaped her and she hugged him again. “I love you, dad.”
Barry smiled, holding her tight. “I love you more, honey.”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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sandsofoneiros · 3 years
When Night Comes.
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Warning: I don't think I have any other than this was written at midnight and I was too lazy to really edit it. Enjoy all my mistakes and the no plot. Let me know if I need to tag something! Oh! Beauty is terror is a quote by Donna Tartt
Word count: 710
Pairing: Duke Leto Atreides x f!reader.
All of this is just pure tooth rotting softness.
Castle Caladan was finally settling down from the daily hustle and bustle. Only a few were still up in the tower where most of house Atreides slept. One being the Duke who was becoming no stranger to late nights. The reports on the moonfish production had lost interest hours ago but he was determined to ease his work load for tomorrow. Not a horribly unreasonable thought but there would always be new challenges when the sun rose. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tried to find the energy to push forward but there was much left. You, his songbird, had already come by to tempt him to bed. A very tempting offer that had taken everything in him to deny. The way you had pouted at him but didn’t push too much made him smile. Now, he was cursing himself for not joining you in that spacious bed. He would make it up to his you, his songbird.
Tidying up his desk to a more presentable state, Leto dimmed the glowglobes of his study and proceeded down the halls. The echoes of his boots were all that he heard down the hall. Stopping at one of the doors, Leto thought of the person behind it. His son. His heir. Sleeping soundly and hopefully having peaceful dreams. He had heard Paul speak about his dreams that consisted of a girl and part of him wanted to know more. Still, he wasn’t sure of the nature of his son’s dreams and didn’t wish to pry. He hoped that Paul would come to him if it was something that deeply concerned him. Curling his fingers around the doorknob, he pushed open the door quietly and stepped inside. There lied his son curled up in the blankets. The Duke’s lips had twitched up into a smile as he quietly crossed the floor and sat on the edge of Paul’s bed. Trying not to chuckle too much at the soft snores that came from the boy. How the time had flown by. It was hard to believe that his son was already sixteen. Already becoming a man right before his eyes. The Duke could do many things, pull many strings but stopping time, that wasn’t one of them. His hand pushed back the dark curls that matched his own, give or take a few gray strands, out of Paul's face before pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. Standing up, Leto pulled the cover up over the sleeping boy and left his room.
The next stop on Leto’s walk was your shared chambers where he knew that you were sleeping. Hopefully, you were sleeping and not waiting up for him. It was much too late for you to be awake and waiting to scold him about his work habits. Still, he knew that lecture would come tomorrow morning over breakfast. Unless of course he found another way to keep your mind off such matters. There were plenty of ways he could do that and would enjoy most of them. With practiced precision, Leto made his way into the room. Frozen in place when he took in the sight of you. Never had found someone so beautiful. The moon had creeped through the window to shine upon you. It felt the moon had claimed you as a higher deity and he was simply there to observe you.
Beauty was terror and in this moment, he was scared of you. More so scared of the love that he had for you. His songbird. Your love had taken him by storm. Like a raging sea storm that all the fishermen sung about when they were back in the taverns.
Quietly stripping himself down, Leto finally crawled into bed with you. His home. You were his home. His body curled around yours as you slept and he could let the stress of the day melt. You shuffled back against him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Holding you tight to him. Placing a soft kiss to the back of your neck, he let his eyes drift close and breathed in your familiar scent. The peace was washing over him in waves. Letting a sigh of content, the Duke finally began to fall asleep.
“You’re late, Leto…”
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hood-ex · 3 years
This is a fic written for @stxleslyds! The prompt was: a fic with Dick, Roy and Lian spending time together in the Outsiders era. Thanks for the donation, Tati 💙.
Important: This fic takes place a week after the events of Outsiders (2003) #19.
“We could use you here,” Roy says. Even with his voice coming directly through the comm, Dick almost doesn’t hear him say, “I need you here.”
A soft wind blows through Blüdhaven, ruffling through Dick’s sweat-matted hair. What a filthy night it is for a Friday. Thunder rumbling in the distance with hot, humid air filling Dick’s lungs. It’s the kind of air that isn’t natural for a place like the ‘Haven. It’s here for whatever reason, and it’s no better now that the sun has been replaced by pink and purple neon lights flashing across the strip. It’s nights like these that Dick can admit to missing his red tunic and green shorts. It was shit to wear them in the winter but an absolute godsend in the summer.
Dick sighs deeply, moving away from the ledge of the building and away from his view of the herds of drunk people whose laughter echoes between the bars and casinos. There’s a tall HVAC unit in the middle of the building that he walks over to and sits against. The fabric of his suit rubs against it, and he squirms a little at the uncomfortable position. He bears it because this is a conversation that requires a little support.
“I know,” Dick mutters.
He should be under the streets of Brooklyn the same as all the other Outsiders should be. Considering the circumstances, it’s no surprise that some of them have deserted the ship for the time being. Licking their wounds in private so to speak. Dick’s not proud of it. He tacks it onto his mental bulletin board of shame where it sits up there all torn and ugly like the rest of his deplorable moments.
“I’d feel better if you were here to watch Lian when I step out of the room,” Roy says in Japanese. Dick’s brow furrows. Either Lian is in the same room as Roy and he doesn’t want her to know they’re talking about her or there’s an Outsider nearby that he doesn’t want listening in on his personal issues. “She hasn’t started therapy yet and her separation anxiety is still high.”
“High for both of you,” Dick points out. He thinks back to a few days ago when Roy had called him in a panic because he’d left all of his groceries in the middle of the store after his paranoia got the best of him and had him running back to the base to check on Lian.
“Tell me about it,” Roy laughs dryly. “I feel like I’m going fuckin’ nuts, dude.” The strain in his voice sends a full body shiver down Dick’s spine. “All I can think about is whether she’s okay and if the base is protected enough, and if I can really trust everyone here. You and Kory are the only ones I feel okay leaving her with.”
You shouldn’t trust me like that, Dick thinks bitterly. Lilith and Donna trusted me with their lives and look where they are now.
“Everyone else is… I trust them as teammates. I trust them with my life. But I can’t—"
“Trust them with Lian’s,” Dick says, knowing how much this whole situation has fucked with Roy's ability to trust anyone and everyone. Except him and Kory, apparently. Probably Ollie and the rest of Roy's family too.
He thunks his head against the HVAC unit and stares up at the dark sky. Not a single star up there, he thinks, and something like guilt burns in his chest. You took them all with you, didn’t you, Donna? Put them in your pockets and faded away. “She might not be comfortable with me there,” he says after a moment.
It pains him to think that Lian could be scared of him. Scared of him because he looks similar to one of the blue-eyed, dark-haired kidnappers who murdered her babysitter and then branded her like cattle. That type of trauma association doesn’t go away after a week.
“Kory told Lian you might stop by, and you know what Lian asked her?”
Terrible things flash through Dick’s head. Things like words born of fear or disgust. He hugs his arms around his knees and squeezes them tight.
“No, what did she say?”
“She asked, ‘Is Uncle Nightwing gonna bring Blue’s Clues with him?’”
A smile tugs at the corner of Dick’s lips and his eyes start to sting. He can’t believe that’s the first thing she thought of. It only seems like yesterday that he was watching Blue’s Clues with her in Titans Tower. Sometimes he would pause the show and ask Lian questions about each of the clues just to hear what kind of outlandish answers her kid brain could come up with. Other times the detective in him couldn’t help but steer her towards a logical answer. Roy used to always roll his eyes and tell him to stop trying to turn her into a mini Nightwing.
“That doesn’t mean she’ll be okay seeing me in person and you know it,” Dick reminds him.
Roy’s sigh is soft and muffled in his ear. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
Dick’s not one to wait around.
“Let’s cross it now.”
“You’re coming over?” Roy asks, and even though he mostly sounds neutral, Dick can hear the disbelief hidden under it all.
If there was an award for the world's most shitty friend, Dick would probably be in the lead to receive it. Here Roy is dealing with the fact that his daughter was abducted and almost trafficked, and what’s Dick been doing for the last few days instead of sticking by his side? Working himself to the bone in Blüdhaven, that’s what. Hiding away from the fact that he almost lost another important person to him. Trying to avoid the crushing weight of failure that clings to him like a second skin.
Pathetic. Some safety net he is.
“Yeah, give me an hour,” Dick says.
The commute from Blüdhaven to Brooklyn isn’t bad at this time of night. Most of the traffic is packed downtown where all the bars are lined up. Dick takes the highway to avoid the worst of it.
The roar of the city dies off once he goes underground. Down here the HQ looms over him in all its steel glory. Dick’s always thought of it like one giant elevator. It’s all hard angles and sleek, silver walls. Hardly a place one would describe as homey, but it was home to a few people nevertheless.
Dick goes inside after getting his eye and hand scanned by the computer. He heads down the hallway, keeping his footsteps light and quiet out of habit. So far there’s no sign of Jade, Indigo, or Rex in any of the rooms he passes. They’re the most likely to be here around this time. From what Kory told him the other day, Grace has been spending most of her time clubbing, and Anissa has been staying with her dad. He hates to admit it but it’s almost a relief that he doesn’t have to worry about running into either of them.
He ends up finding Roy and Lian in the rec room. Lian is sitting on the leather couch in the middle of the room. She must have had a shower not too long ago because her hair is a little damp and she’s wearing a pair of purple pajamas with unicorns on them. A Cinderella blanket is strewn across her lap and a stuffed rabbit sits discarded on the floor by her feet.
Roy looks small squatting in front of her. His pants are the only sign of his Arsenal gear, and it makes Dick feel slightly out of place since he’s still decked out in full mask and suit. It’s the first time Dick’s seen Roy in person since they brought down Tanner’s operations a week ago. He looks how Dick would expect any parent to look after being targeted by a major sex trafficker: stressed and exhausted.
Those tired eyes of his shift to the doorway where Dick stands, and Dick can see the way Roy looks him over from head to toe, assessing Dick’s condition. He can look as hard as he wants, but he won’t find anything. Dick keeps his face blank and unreadable.
“It still hurts,” Lian whimpers, and both Dick and Roy's attention immediately snaps back to her.
She wraps her arms around her stomach and bends over her lap like she’s going to throw up all over the floor. Roy doesn’t move to try and avoid any possible bouts of vomit. Nothing happens as the seconds tick by. No retching or anything. There’s only the sound of Roy’s hand rubbing up and down Lian’s arm.
“Me and your Uncle Nightwing are gonna get you feeling better soon,” Roy assures her in a gentle voice. “And guess what?”
Lian makes a questioning sound in the back of her throat.
The look Roy shoots Dick is somewhere between caution and amusement. “He’s been playing quiet mouse behind you this whole time.”
Dick braces himself as Lian shoots back up like a rocket. “He’s behind me?” she asks, twisting around in her seat. Dick’s heart starts jackrabbiting because what if she’s scared of him? What if he accidentally triggers her PTSD? What if— “Uncle Nightwing!” Lian shrieks.
Relief shudders through him because she sounds happy to see him. Not scared or angry or disgusted like he feared. She’s looking at him like he just told her he brought her a bag of candy, and that revelation is enough to make him take a breath and finally enter the room.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dick says, hurrying over to the couch so that she doesn’t have to get up. “I missed you.”
Lian reaches for his hand and holds on to it. It’s not like the hug Dick usually gets from her and maybe that’s because she doesn’t want anyone touching her back after the incident. Dick will take anything he can get. His much larger hand closes over her own and he swings them back and forth lightly.
“Me too,” Lian says. She squeezes his hand three times. “Why do you still have your gloves on?”
“My hands are cold,” Dick lies. “Why were you bent over like an accordion just a minute ago?”
“Her tummy’s been hurting,” Roy says with a frown.
“It’s because tigers used to try and eat people,” Lian tells him matter-of-factly. Roy looks like he’s about to correct her but she quickly hurries on. “My brain says there’s danger and it makes my tummy stop working.”
A lightbulb goes off in Dick’s head as he realizes that she’s describing anxiety. A simplified explanation of how the digestive system shuts down and sends blood to other parts of the body when there’s danger.
“My tummy does that too,” Dick says after a pause. “I get a lot of anxiety sometimes. Do you want me to show you how I try to make it go away?”
Lian scrunches her nose. “Do we have to take medicine?”
“Nope. All we need to do is sit up straight and breathe. Breathing really deep helps our brains calm down and makes our tummies feel more relaxed,” Dick explains. He sinks down on the plush couch and demonstrates how she should be sitting. “Now move back until you’re sitting like me.”
Lian does as she’s told and scoots back until she’s resting against the back of the couch. Dick only remembers how short she is when he notices how her feet stick out straight in front of her instead of dangling over the edge of the couch.
“Now tell your daddy to get in position.”
“Daddy,” Lian slaps the free cushion beside her, “sit next to me.”
“Magic word?” Roy prompts.
“Please,” Lian pouts.
“That’s better.” Roy’s knees pop when he shifts out of his crouched position. The whole couch rocks when he falls back against it. “What’s the strat here, Wing? We need to close our eyes or what?”
Dick wants to ask him why he’s acting like he’s never done this before but the playful words stick in his mouth like glue.
“We’ll close our eyes in a second. Lian, I want you to watch how your daddy and I take really deep breaths, okay? Then we’re all going to do it together.”
“I can take really big breaths!” Lian insists. She scrambles out of her pose and gets on her knees. Her little fingers wrap around Dick’s bicep as she leans in close to him. “I can take one million breaths as big as an elephant!”
The tired and apathetic part of him tells him to ignore her kid logic and to get back on track. The uncle part of him is another story. It wants him to be fun and helpful. To distract Lian from the worries and fears she has.
In the end, he does what he always does best: puts on a performance.
“Oh yeah?” Dick challenges with a grin that hopefully doesn’t look as strained as it feels. “I can take five billion breaths as big as a planet.”
“Elephants are bigger than planets,” she says.
“I think maybe the elephants are only bigger in your dreams.”
“Yeah, they are,” Lian agrees because she’s a typical kid who will support anything that proves she’s right in some capacity.
Roy looks amused when he puts his hands on Lian’s shoulders and steers her to sit back on her bottom. “Alright little missy, no more talking. We’re gonna do what Uncle Nightwing says now, okay?”
“Okay,” Lian agrees, looking over at Dick expectantly.
Coaching Lian through the exercise is easy. The most important part is making sure she’s taking breaths that are deep enough to make her stomach expand like a balloon. Dick has her place her hands on top of her stomach so he can see them rise when she inhales.
Roy follows along and Dick can tell that he’s taking advantage of the exercises for his own benefit. His face looks peaceful and relaxed as he follows along with Dick’s instructions to suck in a breath on the count of one and exhale up until the count of ten.
“Keep focusing on counting,” Dick tells them while they exhale. “We don’t want any other thoughts in our heads. No bad thoughts or funny thoughts. Only think about counting to ten.”
They run through a few more cycles. Dick’s pleased when he hears both Lian and Roy’s stomachs grumbling as they exhale. It’s a good sign that the deep breaths are massaging their organs and decreasing any kind of stomach pain.
“That’s it,” Dick says. “We’re all done.” He opens his eyes and sees Lian slumped against the back of the couch. Her hands are still resting on her stomach, but she looks languid instead of tense like she was when he first saw her.
“I’m tired now,” Roy says. His movements are slow as molasses when he slides forward to the edge of the couch and bends over to rest his arms on his thighs. He looks at Lian. “How about you, princess? You feeling any better?”
“Mhmm. My tummy doesn’t feel really uh…”
“Tight?” Dick offers.
“Yeah, it’s not so tight anymore.”
Roy pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Good. Mine feels a little better too.”
“Can we do Uncle Nightwing’s breathing thing again tomorrow?” she asks through a yawn.
“Sure thing,” Roy nods. His attention shifts to Dick. “Are you gonna still be here to lead us through it?”
This isn’t some kind of test but it feels like one. It feels like if he says no then he’s only proving that he’s a bad friend. That he can’t be relied on. He doesn’t want to give Roy that impression because it’s not true. Roy can rely on him the same way Dick relies on Roy. He hopes showing up here tonight is proof of that.
“That’s the plan,” he says, voice soft.
Roy leans over the couch and squeezes Dick’s knee gently. “You sure?” he asks, and his eyes roam over Dick’s face like he’s trying to find evidence that Dick is lying.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He pats Roy’s hand reassuringly in the same way Alfred's done for him and Bruce a hundred times. It's only now that he realizes it's a habit he's picked up.
Lian suddenly leans into Dick’s side and presses her weight against his arm. She pats both his and Roy’s hands.
“I’m sure too,” she says, and this time Dick can’t help but smile.
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
What If We Had The Choice? | Resident Evil Village
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Summary: What would have happened if Ethan had sided with Heisenberg? Unfortunately, Capcom didn't give us the chance to make a choice, so for the enthusiasts.... this would have happened if we had had been given the choice.
Ethan stepped foot inside the dark, dusty factory with a bad premonition. He kept his gun in front of him at all costs as he carefully pushed the first rusty door he encountered open and when he noticed the coast was clear, he also made his way through the badly lit hallway that had appeared from behind the heavy door. He was so close in having his daughter back that he couldn't back down... not now. Another nasty hallway followed and finally, when he took a turn to his right, he spotted an huge curtain hanging ahead of him in a square room. It seemed to hide the wall and table behind it and Ethan struggled with the thought off shoving it to the right to peak behind it or to just leave it be. With his curiosity taking over he pulled the curtain from the beam to which it was attached to and small photos appeared.
Some of them were old pictures of the lords, scratched through with a red marker, while others were pictures of the incidents that had happened around the village since Ethan had arrived there. The pictures reflected in Ethan's eyes and one stood out to him. "Mia?"
"Truth hurts, don't it?" Ethan turned with a quick motion, spotting the man Ethan had met earlier who now stepped out of the shadows directly behind him. The dark and round glasses covered the man's eyes as well as his fedora hat that slightly slanted over his left eye and the long tattered coat fluttered behind him as he took a puff of his Cuban cigar. Ash fell from his cigar as thick white smoke floated around the man's almost completely covered face. "Let me guess." The forth and strongest Lord continued after puffing his cigar once more. "You're thinking take me out like the others, and then you get to go and safe Rose, right?"
"I'm healing my daughter." Ethan bit back.
"Look, y-...you've got this all wrong-..." Lord Heisenberg signed with his hands up in the air to strengthen his words, but he then was cut off by an horrible loud sound coming from under them. "Dammit, I'm talking here!" The man whined, pinching his noise before storming his way towards the hatch to pull it open with ease. "Shut your fucking hole!"
Ethan had no idea what to except or where this conversation was going, certainly not with someone different than the other mutated humans he had met. Alcina Dimitrescu had already some hatred towards men like him, perhaps even all men in general, and was conspiring with Miranda so of course she wanted him dead from the beginning. Donna Beneviento seemed more reasonable and neutral about the situation, but was still crazy as fuck and was also still under Miranda's control. Same goes for Salvatore Moreau, except for the fact he wasn't just following and conspiring with Miranda. He saw Mother Miranda as his real mother and he was so desperate to prove his worth to the other house lords and Mother Miranda that he unfortunately also wasn't able to negotiate with.
However, Lord Heisenberg was someone different. He came across Ethan as more controlled than the other Lords despite being a bit of a direct man. "Sorry about that." The man apologised as he straightened his back. Ethan, still confused whether he had to have patient and listen to the man or take action while it was still possible, stood in the room watching the man in doubt while he snatched a chair from beside a cupboard to place it by the hatch.
"Take a seat." Heisenberg ordered and Ethan stayed in his place, not obeying his competitor. "Listen, Ethan. You're being played."
"What are you talking about? You think this is a game?" Ethan hissed through his teeth meanwhile the lord put out his Cuban cigar, pressing the burning side onto the small table. Ethan had expected some sort of answer from the mutant, but to his surprise Heisenberg aggressively tossed a knife towards the wall covered in pictures and pushed Ethan into the unsteady metal chair instead... the chair almost staggering over the edge of the big hole by all the force falling down onto it.
"I said sit!!" Heisenberg backed off a bit afterwards and continued his story. "Lady super-sized bitch..." The knife stabbed the wall as it made its way to the picture of Lady Dimitrescu. "Ugly-ass psycho doll...." The knife again marked the wall, now resting in the photo of Donna Beneviento and Angie Beneviento. "And that moronic freak." The knife made one last change in direction, the picture of Salvatore Moreau. "Don't you get it? It's a test, to see if you're strong enough... to be part of Miranda's family."
"I don't want to be part of Miranda's family."
"Neither did I! But here we are." Heisenberg raised his voice and Ethan took in a deep breath. "And I'm next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain! Well, fuck that!!" The knife carved the wall as it was forced through the image of Mother Miranda, messing it up.
"I don't give a damn about your personal issues! I just want to fix my daughter!" The lord laughed in response.
"So do I! Do you have any idea how powerful that kid is? Even Miranda is scared of her..." For a second time there was a very loud engine sound hearable and the man deeply sighed in frustration. "Last time, you freak, I swear to god!"
Afterwards making his way to Ethan, Lord Heisenberg gave away his green and grey eyes by removing his glasses and held his chin up, the hat moving a bit upwards to reveal his full face. Scars were located all across his face and he smirked.
"You and me, Ethan! Together we go save Rose, and then we can use her to grind Miranda to paste." Heisenberg closed his fist with strength, acting like he was squeezing a bug to death. Ethan stood before a tough decision; Fight Lord Heisenberg and then hope he could safe his daughter from Mother Miranda all alone... or collude against Mother Miranda with the help of Heisenberg and save his daughter that way. He knew it was wrong to work together with someone who was once his enemy and was willing to use his daughter as a weapon, but it gave him more certainty to actually succeed and get his little girl back. Ethan stood up from his chair and swallowed before nodding.
"When do we start?"
Heisenberg had taken Ethan to his lab to explain what he'd been up to all along and both men now faced each other while sitting down onto different obsolete metal sofas. "Most of this was already put in working before I decided to show up here to save Rose?"
"This is my fucking lifework. Years I have been creating these soldats to deal with Miranda once and for all. It's time for her to die." The man passionately spoke up and pointed at the soldats hanging from a conveyor belt that ran through the factory. "So, Ethan Winters, what do you say?"
"The plan sounds good to me."
"Well then, lets get to work. See you on the other side... Ethan."
Ethan knew exactly what to do because Heisenberg had explained in detail what the plan was. Ethan was going to disturb the ceremony that was taking place so that the lord could launch a surprise attack on Miranda with his invented army. Although, before it could work, Ethan first had to stop by the Duke to restock his ammunition and healing juice. Fast traveling over the stone bridge towards the elevator in the altar, he returned to the Duke.
"Ah... Ethan Winters. I feel like this will be the last time we meet again... It was quite some news to hear you joined Lord Heisenberg's side." The duke folded his hands together, somewhere deep down noticeable that he was delighted to see his loyal customer and good friend back alive.
"Yeah, well, I didn't have much of a choice, did I?"
"You had a choice, but knew that this settlement would be most effective. Now, I suppose you have to act quickly so feel free to peruse." Buying ammunition and healing juice with the last money Ethan had, the friends said their last goodbyes and carried on their separated ways. This would be it. This would be the moment where Ethan would finally get his daughter Rose back. Shoving himself through the filthy black strands know as mold, he saw the blond woman in her black and gold robe shouting for Eva, her dead daughter she lost to the Spanish flu, to be reborn. The moment Ethan wanted to fire his first shot with his M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum, there was a sharp sound audible and then loud rock music followed.
"What the-....?" Ethan cursed under his breath, not knowing what the fuck was happening, but the distractive music seemed to caught Miranda off guard and the chamber of mold crumbled down around them. It looked like Miranda had lost her focus. The distraction gave Ethan a better shot and Miranda jerked her head towards him, glaring deathly at him as he pulled the trigger. The bullet didn't do much to her, but the arena was now free from the mold and it was possible for Heisenberg to step into the destroyed area, which he did. He was still secretly jamming to the loud rock music that was playing on his speakers back in the factory and Ethan wondered what the actual limit of the volume was because it was so terribly loud, even from where they were now.
"Heisenberg! I should have known you were planning an rebellion against me. Unfortunately for the both of you, the ceremony will be complete once dawn breaks and I will become her true mother!" Miranda shouted dramatically and opened her arms widely, letting her six wings stretch out before her mutation took place. Heisenberg just scoffed and threw his Cuban cigar to the ground, stepping on it.
"I'm not letting you get away." Ethan yelled, shooting a few more times at the orange eye that was visible in the upper center of her face. It probably was her weakness. In the meantime that Ethan was busy shooting at the six winged dead looking woman, Heisenberg simply just leaned on his hammer. His head was banging to the music while he watched the scene for a moment, but that was until he forced himself to participate into the battle as well. Putting his thumb and index finger close to his mouth, he whistled as noisy as possible and immediately an army of Lycans and soldats joined him. Miranda was amazed at what was happening before her eyes, but managed to kill several soldats at once with the mold spearing them. Heisenberg groaned in frustration, understanding that his life creations perhaps weren't fully prepared for these kind of attacks coming from her.
Heisenberg sighed and closed his green, grey eyes. It was time... time for him to mutate and face Miranda together with Ethan. He had to defeat her. That was what he wished for all these years after all. Heisenberg listened to the guitar solo in the background as his mind started to control and use the metal scrap from his broken soldats to continue his mutation. Ethan couldn't be distracted by the creature Heisenberg had become and so he kept his attention strictly on Miranda, ready to hit her again. Sadly, he was out of luck. His M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum ran out of ammo and while Ethan tried to block her next attack, Heisenberg seized the opportunity to knock her to the ground before she had the change to launch herself at Ethan.
Heisenberg accelerated his actions and grabbed Miranda tightly before pressing her against one of the broken stone walls. With his other metal arm he activated his saw and wounded her body, but soon found out she could regenerate herself. Her spider legs turned into wings, bigger than before, and she hurled the flames she had summoned when Heisenberg wasn't paying attention. He was blinded and was pushed back by the blow. The lord quickly realized that his mutation was quite easy for Miranda to defeat because of the length and width of his mechanistic form and he turned back to his human form. This way he could use the metal scrap for a shield and dodge all her attacks faster.
"Ethan! Bring your ass over here!" The man growled, seeing that Ethan was laying somewhere on the floor, being completely useless, and Ethan raised to his feet... stumbling a bit, but not giving up.
"I don't have any fucking bullets left!"
"Well good luck keeping her focused on you then!" His gravelly voice yelled over the rock music for only Ethan to hear and he shook his head in confusion, though, he had no time to understand it because Miranda immediately jumped right in front of him. The lord had time to create a stairs of the floating metal with activating his abilities and he ran to the top, hoping Miranda hadn't seen this shit coming or else they both were certainly doomed. Ethan, meanwhile, was fighting off the woman and it was the perfect timing for Heisenberg to put his second plan in working. Heisenberg dropped himself from the stairs, his hammer above his head and aiming at the weakness of Mother Miranda. Hitting her, her back was blown into the floor and she screamed in agony. The combo of the shots of the M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum and the terribly heavy hammer had managed to defeat her.
"My daughter.... My Eva!" She held her arms high and went numb, her body falling apart and turning into ash.
"After an eternity.... that bitch is finally gone." Heisenberg laughed enthusiastically and turned around to face Ethan only to see him crumbling down with Rose in his arms.
"I think we finished each other...."
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Desperate Souls (4)
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Summary: Six years later you and Sam are still a thing.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, former Soulless!Sam x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester 
Warnings: angst, talking about prostitution, dom/sub undertones, angry Sam, hurt & comfort, vulnerable reader, soft Sam, fluff, cuddling & snuggling, jealous reader, implied smut
A/N: A short epilogue to see what happened to Sam and his girl.
<< Part 3
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“But Dean said it’s a good idea,” you argue, fighting Sam’s hold on your wrist. “He said that I should distract the Deputy, no flirt with him to distract him. This way your brother could sneak into the office and get the needed information.”
“Oh, is my brother suddenly your boyfriend?” Sam growls eyes narrowed a little. You swallow thickly, feeling your heartbeat quicken when Sam looks at you like he’s ready to devour you.
“N-no Sam but I wanted to help out,” whimpering you feel his large hands grip your upper arms to push you against the nearby wall. “Sam…please.”
“You’re my girlfriend, mine,” possessively claiming your lips Sam growls against you. “Maybe you forgot your place. Or do you want to go back to being a prostitute? Selling you so easily to someone else to get the result my brother wants sounds like prostitution to me,” hurt you look away, sniffle silently as Sam steps away from you. “I told you that your job is to do research, nothing else.”
“I didn’t let him touch me,” running out of the library you sniffle, wiping your eyes angrily. “I wanted to help out.”
For the first time since you joined the brothers on hunts, you had the feeling you did something useful to help them and now Sam is mad.
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“Sam, it was my fault. I saw the way that douche eyed your girl, and thought-“ Sam raises his hand, angrily clenching his jaw. “I get it, she’s your girl and I messed up. But don’t blame her for my mistake. Y/N only wanted to help me out.”
“Y/N could’ve gotten hurt,” Sam whispers, feeling his chest tightening at the thought he could lose you. “She’s my girlfriend and you risked her life. What if the Deputy was the guy killing all the girls? Did you think about the consequences of your doing?”
“I was with her all the time-“ Dean talks back, cursing as Sam turns his back on him, shaking his head. “Sam, I would never let anything happen to Y/N. You know that.”
“I know but we also lost people we tried to keep safe! Charlie, Bobby, Kevin and so on, Dean. Sarah Blake died right in front of us while we tried to save her,” furious Sam turns around to glare at his brother. “And don’t tell me we tried anything, I know we did but things went wrong, and she died. A mother died and we were helpless. I don’t want to lose Y/N.”
“You’re right, and I’m sorry,” nervously rubbing the back of his neck Dean sighs. “Just don’t ignore the poor girl. She longs to have your attention and love. Don’t take this away from her.”
“I know how to handle my girlfriend,” Sam growls. “I’m with her for six years and know she needs my attention and care. But,” he smirks now, something dark in his eyes, “she needs a strong hand and punishment tonight. I could see it in her eyes. Y/N needs to hear me praise and me to punish her.”
“I could’ve happily lived without knowing about your girl’s preferences in the bedroom,” Dean mutters. “Stop talking about your sex life with me.”
“It’s our dynamic, Dean. Y/N needs me to be her dominant tonight, not her caring boyfriend. I’ll make her feel good right now,” Sam walks away, leaves a shuddering Dean behind.
“Too much information, Sammy!”
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While you look around the room, unsure if Sam still wants you around you gnaw at your index finger. You’ve got no clue where you can go if Sam kicks you out of your shared home.
Dean is a friend, and you consider him family but he’s Sam’s brother and would never choose your side, even though it was his fault you got into a fight with his brother.
“Kitten, I want you on the edge of our bed, naked, hands behind your back and eyes on me in ten,” Sam walks into the room, exhaling dominance. “Kneel and show me what a good girl you can be.”
“Yes, Sir,” you immediately get off the bed to strip your clothes off. Slow to give Sam a good show. You can feel his gaze on and shiver as he hums in appreciation. All you want is for Sam to not be mad at you.
“You’re so pretty for me,” he husks, fingers sliding over your back, causing you to whimper. “Always so beautiful and warm,” his lips meet your skin, force tiny gasps out of your throat. “I changed my mind. I want you on hands and knees, face in the cushions for me.”
“Yes, Sam…Sir,” you moan feeling his slender fingers slide over your chest to pinch your nipples roughly. “All for you.”
“Good girl,” another whimper leaves your lips, and you feel warm, drifting toward the headspace you are seeking since you and Sam fought. “Now do as I said.”
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you, Sir,” you bite your lip, looking up at Sam with teary eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Baby girl,” Sam’s postures changes in a split-second. He drops the silky scarf he wanted to use to fixate your hands, to bring you in his arms. “Y/N, I’m not mad at you.” he kisses your hair softly at the same time as his large hand runs over your exposed back. “Please don’t think I’m mad at you.”
“But-and-then-and,” you sniffle, face hidden in Sam’s chest to inhale his scent. “I don’t want to lose you, Sam. You’re all I’ve got.”
“Shhh, baby,” he carefully picks you up to hold you in his arms, smiling when you wrap your body around him. “We won’t do this tonight. I only want to hold you in my arms. I was so worried something could have happened to you.”
“Dean, he protected me, but I understand you worry about me. I’m not a hunter and can barely fight you or Dean.”
“Aw, my cute girl believes she can fight me,” Sam laughs when you whip your head to meet his gaze, holding it, a pout on your lips. “What I wanted to say is, that you don’t have to defend yourself, I’ll always protect you. Promise me you’ll never risk your life again.”
“Promised,” pecking Sam’s cheek you giggle when one hand starts to wander toward your ass. “Sam, I love your hands on me.” you moan.
“Guys! Are you naked or can I come in? Uh-erm,” Dean stammers, “Jody called. She and Donna could need our help with a case. Only if you are up to it, Sammy.”
“Another case,” you gasp feeling Sam’s lips on yours to greedily kiss you. “Aw, no sex then.”
“We will have so much sex after that case you’ll walk funny for a week,” he grins, eyes drifting toward the anti-possession tattoo on your chest. His name stands next to it and he smiles, remembering the way you clawed at his hand when you got it. “Make it a month.”
“A month,” giggling you look at Sam, giving him a firm nod. “Noted, Sir.” you husk against his lips. “Now get dressed and save the day, my hero…”
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“I hate this,” you whine, looking at Dean who gives you an apologetic smile. “Why must it be Sam? Why didn’t you flirt with that woman to get information? Now he’s running late. What if he finds her more attractive, smarter, or simply desirable?”
“Sweetheart, you are more to my brother than a pretty face. You know that Y/N,” Dean tries to calm you but does the opposite. “Stop pacing around the room.”
You clasp and your hands together, groaning as you can’t get the image of Sam and the doctor out of your head. She dared to touch his bicep and now, well now you are too nervous to sit still.
“I know he loves me but-“ you bite your lower lip, suckling at it, “Sam is an extremely attractive man, a smart one. Every woman we met is whether all over you or my Sam.”
“Your Sam – huh?” Sam smirks when you look at him with wide eyes the moment he steps into the motel room. “When did you make me yours? And why didn’t I know about it?”
“It’s just you know,” trailing off you watch Sam loosen his tie. “Something people in a relationship say.”
“Good, you’re back. Sammy, never leave with another woman or Y/N will lose her mind. She was chewing my ear off,” Dean snickers when you shoot him a disapproving look. “It’s true, sweetheart. You almost murdered me for not hitting on the doctor.”
“Now you know how I felt when you flirted with that douche to get information for us. I don’t want to see you with other men either, baby girl,” Sam holds out his arms, smiling when you immediately let him wrap you in a hug. “Nothing happened, Y/N. And nothing will ever happen with another woman.”
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“That’s not fair,” you whine, snuggling into Sam’s warm chest. “You’re always so warm and I got cold feet and hands.”
“My little frostbite,” Sam pecks your hair, while one large hand caresses your back, tickling your skin. “I guess you must always stay close to me. Not just at the bunker so I can keep your warm and safe.”
“I was jealous when you went out with that doctor. She was so pretty and smart, I feared you could fall for her, Sam,” you admit, sighing when Sam pinches your ass.
“Why?” he smirks when you lift your head to meet his hazel eyes. “I got a perfect girl by my side. She’s cute, a little crazy and I can bend her to my will with my hands.” he purrs the last words, eyes three shades darker when you start to squirm on top of him.
“Sam,” you move one hand over his bare chest, and he shivers at your touch. “Do you want to scare your big brother for a lifetime? Pay him back for telling me to flirt with the Deputy, Sir?”
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SPN Forever Tags
Sam/Jared Forever Tags
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