#dont be fooled im having a blast
venusararara · 2 years
How the fuck do you talk abt game development. Like yeah, the music im using rn is UHGLEE but idk how to fix it, placeholder bgs need to be replaced, I have like 5 endings finished, bresk and [REDACTED] sprites need to be drawn out. This is fun uwu
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serxinns · 2 months
idk if u do angst or not but i love me so good angst so if u dont mind can u do some kiribaku x reader angst plz i would love that thx like they cooking for kiri and bakugo and bakugo complains about how little reader dose and kiri agrees cuz they just kinda stay at home and clean do the laundry and so like after he says that she gets mad so the next day she does nothing and like just reads like doesn't cook for them that night doesn't do there laundry and doesn't clean the house that day and at first bakugo's mad about it and kiri doesn't know what to feel and this go's for a few day and kiri and bakugo have to do everything and the see how hard it is and apologizes to reader! i think it cute
thank you plz dont feel like u have to! i love ur writing
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You were humming along to your favorite song as you were carrying 3 baskets of both your husband's clothes "That's About all of them" you huffed in relief you then grabbed and poured all the bleached cleaning chemicals in there and the clothes and turned on the washing machine "ok so I cleaned the room unclothed the sink and the toilet went and got groceries what else..." you were thinking for a while until a delight smell met your nose
"Man whatever Kats is cooking must be good I might sneak a bite or two.." a mischievous grin started forming on your face you crept out of the laundry room in the halls to where the kitchen to hear Kiri and Katsuki talking, you leaned your ear closer and it seems like they were talking about you
"And then when I came back I saw y/n tried and laying on the couch sleeping like a layout sloth with MY favorite chips in hand! " You giggled as you heard Katsuki angrily rambling on to his other lover Kiri about you slacking off thinking he was still holding a grudge about the snack incident"God I wish she could just do SOMETHING around the house rather than clean and BARELY cooking shes so..LAZY" "bakugo don't be so mean but yea I kinda agree I wish she could do more in the house rather than clean.."
Your heart stung at that very moment tears started to swell up in your eyes you had to carry Kiri's 2000-pound dumbbells when it was delivered at his home which bruised your hands and arms pretty bad, another time you saw permanent stainsmon Akatsuki's hero suit due to a battle with a notorious villain and decided to spend all your savings try and get it off, the more rambling they went on about you being "Lazy" the more angry and hurt you were
You then ran up the stairs and stuffed your face into the pillow and cried softly were you not working hard enough? After all the bruises cuts and money worth nothing? Were you actually Lazy? Thoughts swirled around your head and you lost your appetite you didn't feel like sleeping with them so you grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept in the guest room for tonight, you locked the door making sure they wouldn't barge in
Suddenly a knock on the door alerted you "Hey baby you there why are you in the guest room?" Kiri asked concern filling his voice but you ignored him getting the pillow and putting it on your head, Kiri tried a few more times getting more worried for you so he quickly ran down to get Katsuki about the situation "hèy blast y/n locked herself in the guest room... I think they're ignoring me" katsuki rolled his eyes while brushing his teeth getting ready for bed
"She's probably in her "dramatic bitch phase moods" or whatever she calls it she'll prob get over it in the morning," he said waving it off "but it feels like shes mad at us.. I think we should-" he was cut off by katsuki kissing him on the lips "El they'll be fine I'm sure of it plus she'll prob crawl back into bed without us knowing in the middle of the night now good night" katsuki pecked kiri on the cheek and jumped into bed Kiri took one last Glance in corners and slowly climbed in the bed feeling a bit empty even katsuki felt it so he clung onto Kiri but it was still empty and cold without you
The next morning they woke up and there was still no you, katsuki glanced at the space and rolled his eyes maybe you are mad.. or you woke up early to cook breakfast? Katsuki then took a shower and then got ready, you normally already had his warm dry clothes in the drawers but to his surprise, they were all soaking "Y/N!" He yelled out stomping around to hunt you down for this cruel prank but to find out you already left without their breakfast... only but a note and plain grain cereal saying "Here's your breakfast breakfast 😁"
Katsuki was stunned knowing that you would go all out making them a big breakfast with their drinks and everything decorated Kiri followed behind him yawning he glanced at the table and looked a bit worried "Katsuki what if we did make her upset" Katsuki groaned at his boyfriends whining and turn towards him "she's not mad she's probably was too lazy to do it and even if she was she can't go that far we can outlast her rebellion" he said with confidence
It's been 2 days and it's been hell you weren't lifting a finger for them and both of your boys weren't too pleased with that, katsuki wasn't used to washing clothes so he accidentally mixed the colored clothes with the white clothes which stained some of the white clothes to his annoyance, Kiri was freaking out that there was red hair dye left and he had hero meaning to go and his hair was almost turning black he begged you to go to the store but to his defeat you just stared at him and politely said no and got back to your reading
Katsuki was getting enraged by your sudden behavior so he confronted you with a beaming glare "Oi what's with this shitty attitude your pulling?" "Blasty no!" You tilted your head innocently at the 2 Men "What do you mean I'm doing something" You were about to go back to your read when Katsuki snatched the book and slammed it on the counter you glared at him "I had enough of this shitty attitude woman you have been doing less and less work each day and we're paying the consequences"
you scoffed "But is this what I am right a Lazy bum" Katsuki was about to question you about your statement but then it hit him..the memory of him and Kiri talking about you... "you heard our conversation" you looked over to him as your eyes narrow "at every single last word" Kirishima swelled up with guilt avoiding eye contact with white katsuki was still glaring
"Listen, baby, we're sorry it won-" "Oh don't give me that half ass apology you're gonna have to work for it BIG TIME" "Oh please like we deserve your forgiveness just because you're not doing much" You laughed sarcastically and got in his face
"I bet your ass wouldn't last a week without me doing the housework" "Fine winner gets to use the others credit card for the day and make them breakfast in bed for almost a week" "what!? Bakugan I dont think-" "Deal" you cut off Kirishima as you shook hands with the blond "what have I gotten into"
The next few days were hell! Most of Kiri and katsuki's colored clothes were bleached due to Kiri accidentally putting them in the colored clothes rather than putting them in the white clothes all their clothes were full of dye stains that day while you happily shopped you some clothes,
Katsuki, on the other hand, was worse he didn't have any time to make breakfast or lunch so he went on for the day cranky and hungry having to eat cheap instant ramen in his break and was questioned by fans on why was there Clear dye stain on his suit and kiri got laughed by both his friends and in the agency about his hair drooping and all black colored making his fans chased after him with questions or stating they liked his hair red which was to his annoyance
You watched as the two boys struggled with doing their jobs as you sat there secretly giggling to yourself and talking with your friends on the phone like a form to brag it to them
"Katuki im gonna apologize it's getting too much..." Kiri told Katsuki as he was struggling to mow the lawn (you also do that) "Are you kidding you giving up that easily because she was a" "No Bakugo because I know to feel what's it like its hard, look at you, your struggling to turn on the lawn mower your clothes are stained and we haven't eaten no good meals in over a week I'm tried katsuki and you are too"
katsuki stood they're quietly he didn't wanna admit but it was true it had been torture without you hell even if they kept going like this the whole house would be a disaster but not inky that their relationship would be stained and he didn't want that he truly loved you two even if he doesn't show it and he doesn't mean or intentionally wanna hurt you was he really taking it to far? That's what he made his final decision
"Fine.." Kiri turned slowly turned into smirk a bit "what was that couldn't hea-" "I SAID FINE DONT PUSH IT YOU DAMN ROCK" he chucked putting hands up in defeat "alright alright I heard you thr 1st time kats!" He chuckled as both was finding a way to make it up to you when you got home
You arrived at your home signing it's been a long day for you even tho you barely did anything you had a lot on your mind wondering was too far but were still confident that they needed to learn their lesson!, you got to your doorstep seeing a note that said "come in there's a surprised" in both Katsuki and Eljirou handwriting you raised your brow a bit but curious to know what was the surprise about
You slowly open the door revealing a fancy dinner table with all your favorite foods' petals on the floor what's next to the dish is a small gift right beside it "You look over to see both Your husbands' faces guilt written all over, you narrowed put your hands on your hips pretending to not be happy "so what's all this" katsuki sighed knowing that you were still mad at them which was reasonable "an apology i-no we're sorry for what we say I know this isn't much" you glanced I silently "but we also ran a warm bath for you with your favorite show recorded-"
you cut the men off by tackling them with a hug happy tears fllow "I COULDNT DO IT ANYMORE I HATED THIS CHALLENGE" Kiri's face was starting to swell up in tears as well "ME NEITHER" Both you and Kiri cried dramatically while Katsuki stood there genuinely smiling and chuckling a bit
"What are you laughing at blasty" glaring playfully at the blond who was on the edge of wanting to bust out laughing at his partner's dramatic performance
"Nothing" he smirked he was just glad everything was back to normal "So who wanna watch (favorite show)"
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kaiju-krew · 5 months
Hey there! Firstly, big big fan of your art and headcanons, ty for your cool and awesome big brain ❤️ Now that you’ve seen the movie, I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Shimo??? I’ve just seen impressions of her so scattered. (I saw your post on how she will NOT be treated as a pet, and I so appreciate that.)
I will say, for me the ‘old gal’ vibes are so strong and I’m here for it. Like when Goji blasts his atomic breath into the sky at the end and she’s looking at it with such awe and her cute super gummy smile, it reminds me of when a grandma gets shown some common piece of technology that the rest of us are used to, but she just can’t heckin believe it because she lives in a damn cave??? I loved that.
hi hi! omg u think i have a big brain...... compliment of the century.... i must have ppl fooled bcuz i am viscerally dumb most of the time
anywAYS. gxk spoilers below (and a lot of ranting)
shimo my beloved💙 i appreciate most interpretations of her, besides people who are just straight up caling her a dog. and like, not in the way i’d compare goji to a cat? for me it's more mannerisms based, so for goji my main expression/mannerism inspirations are cats, wolves, and komodo dragons (obviously), and for mosu it's owls and cats, with a crumb of horses because of their 'ear' communication so i use that with her antennae.
sorry for tangent but anyways. i dont need someone barking at me that i call goji a cat/draw him acting like a cat so calling shimo ‘kong’s pet dog’ is fine. i think its the difference between goji having the personality i characterize him with + mannerisms inspired by other animals, vs. him having no personality besides Being A Cat. like, he’s a dumbfuck but he’s clearly an intelligent creature capable of communication and understanding. i make a lot of shitposts but truly in my personal hc i’d never reduce him to ‘pet level intelligence’
i think i’m extra touchy about people calling her ‘kong’s pet’ because like. dawg. did you watch the movie? she was JUST freed from being skar’s slave/beast of burden/abused pet whatever you wanna call it. why would you want her to become another creature’s pet again?(obviously minus the abuse) idk mannn it just feels…. reductive somehow. she clearly shows intelligence and understanding when she realizes what’s happening during the fight and helps to kill skar. i just refuse to reduce her entire character to kong’s pet status bcuz that makes me uncomfortable asf.
as a disclaimer, you’re welcome to have whatever hc you enjoy. me expressing my personal thoughts on the matter isn’t an attack on anyone who characterizes her that way, i’m just not interested in engaging with it in the slightest.
DOUBLE ANYWAYS i just needed to get that outta my system. TIME FOR CUTE FUN IDEAS YAHOOO
i’m seeing mixed info about her age so idk where she actually sits there?? i remember seeing something like she’s the First Titan but i also think the novelization of the movie said she’s only 3 million years old?? when im p sure they’ve said goji is 250+ million years old so…. i have no clue there lol. personally she feels less jaded and grumpy than goji does to me so my brain automatically sees her as similar or younger bcuz of my Grumpy Old Man bias.
i’m still workin out my ideas for her but based on how the movie ends i like to think she helps kong with relocating the apes to a better home, and they mostly live in HE. her n kong venture up for surface dates bcuz she gets what she fucking deserves 💙
goji nearly has an aneurysm the first time they come up, since mosu literally takes them for a lil tour of monster island. bro standing there clenching his fist like the arthur meme, he begrudgingly knows she’s right and eventually he gets used to it
i got more ideas cookin for her but this post is already too damn long cuz of my ranting time to stfu
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brambletakato · 7 months
ok i havent drawn a lot so ill do a big artdump of some stuff i abandoned or at the very least wont finish for a long while (id in alt and story/thoughts below the image)
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In a server that I'm in, we briefly talked about Descole hypothetically returning in NWOS and somebody mentioned he should bring Keats along. Inspiration struck and I drew this. I was hoping I could use Blender to make the buildings and whatnot, but I was intimidated by the task and ultimately ended up dropping the entire thing.
The building that Keats and Descole are on is… Meant to be a rough placeholder, I didn't mind redoing the entire thing but I wanted to at least have a vague idea before the entire draft slipped from my mind.
(More images in cut that are either old or kinda detached. also theres crossover stuff in there. be warned)
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HAHA YOU CLICKED READ MORE NOW I CAN SHOW MY INSANITY. MWHAHAHA. MWHAHHAHAHAHAHA. ok so errm this is campaign des that i mentioned a few times and yes that is The Mario from The Paper Mario. I think about them so much and its a bit pathetic bc its like "you're overthinking a kid's mascot" ITS SO SILLY YOU DONT GET IT...
Oh right the doodle uhh so I was thinking about them and just drew a hypothetical scene for funsies, it didn't happen in roleplay (and also because I wanted to draw paper mario without a reference and see where that went). It's an ex-villain and struggling hero dynamic and i love it sm
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Segments of a comic I drew for a friend in a super silly AU with dante from the limbus company hand on hip . Id get super embarrassed if i shared the details of the au because we kinda said "fuck it we ball" and made up stuff that shouldn't work at all lol. It's also why there's no text in the speech bubbles.
But the general gist of why I drew this is because we kept discussing a scenario where Descole has to fix up something in Dante's clockhead (vaguely inspired by that april fools episode) and i had a strong vision ab the comic. Also I had to make their head in blender because i was struggling with the perspective and wanted a flexible reference. First time drawing something not made out of flesh fur or fabric!! had a blast rendering the fire and the shine though. SUPER fun super recommend
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I just like this little doodle,,, the expression vaguely reminds me of a ghibli villain and it scratches my brain. im expecting him to move on twos at 24 fps very subtly at any moment now.
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And finally... um... yeah. "draw a character in this pose" sort of beat. sometimes I alternate using the sketchbook and marker pens in firealpaca and this is one of my rare marker doodles. Also this is pretty old afaik but i still think about it sometimes
happy sycamore sunday (even though hes not anywhere to be seen in these doodles)
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ad-hawkeye · 6 months
since someone posted a translation on yt i wanted to ask(when you get around to it/free time ofc ofc) what you thought about artem’s dragon breath ssr
my first immediate fucking thought reading this card: WE GET NEIL ANGST FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS?
okay. alright. that aside, i tend to actually really like au cards in tot, so i was actually pretty hyped about this one (HI FUTURE ME HERE WTF THAT WAS SO GOOD????) thoughts below!
love artem just fucking eating shit with this crest. bro is not fooling anyone
artem: [literally fucking coughing his lungs out] I am In complete Control. Of My Well Being. [coughs up blood
edgy artem with his little scar being all blushy is a new level of hilarity i lov ehim
i LOVE the white silhouette of dragon!artem. me and my dragon bf <3
this whole exchange below.
rosa: i dont want you to leave... artem: rosa: UHHH I MEAN. AS YOUR CHIEF OFFICER,
my beloved trope. being able to pick out your loved one's clone from subtle details.
or possessed loved one. in this case.
me and my possessed dragon bf <3
this is literally the most unnerved ive been reading a tot story ever. and its solely from how uncanny this expression is. dont make this face. what the fuck. i know ur possessed but no thats just wrong you cant do that what the fuck dont make that face
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you can tell zhao lu is having a fucking blast voicing this part and i am so here for it. like "here artem is being possessed. get a little freaky with it okay. throw in some ominous whispering and laughing while you're at it"
AND HERE COMES ARTEM WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TO FIGHT OFF THE POSSESSION. MY OTHER FAVORITE TROPE!! zhao lu will see a guy fight off his possession and be like is anyone gonna voice him and then not wait for an ans- oh my god did artem just yell. hoooly fuck this guy never yells.
neil and artem fighting to the death in dragon form was not on my tot bingo card but i cannot complain at all
why is this card story giving more than any of the main timeline stories involving neil ever have. love the theme of the gods preying on the idealistic (neil, artem, mc) in accepting this cursed crest.
"our fates had been intertwined ever since" dear god it feels like they got a year 1 artem writer on this HAHA
on god they're beatin the shit out of artem in this card
bro.. this time shit is giving howl "ive been looking everywhere for you" movingcastle and sophie "find me in the future" hatter and i mean this in the most loving and nostalgic way
oh yeah this au ssr is definitely in his top ones. like right up there with his gufeng ssr.
god the scene with the final art evo is kinda going insane.
artem pleading with her to stop. jesus christ. this is the most emotional reaction ive seen from him in a hot minute. . MOre Please. tot.
not them sadly laughing at this situation............. tot.............. tot.
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couple goals: severing the gods from humanity.... together <3
i don't think i've felt like this about an artem card since 2021 holy shit
chat im gonna cry i miss this dude so much
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
PLEASE talk more about tomgreg in prison together i literally love this au 🙏🙏 or if you/anyone else has fic recs of this au...😳😳 but im simply desperate to hear what other thoughts you have about it bc all your posts are spot on so far
So far I've only read one tomgreg prison fic and it was a smutty one-shot called Orange is The New Greg, I did enjoy it. I have written also a fic where tom and greg fuck under the guise of Greg preparing for prison but that's only tangentially related and is not close to the vibe i'm thinking of if they actually did go to prison together,
especially because it would split off before season 4 I think I'd play with that more season 3 characterization but I would definitely keep the aspect where,
Tom, I think, would find it hard to ingratiate himself to the right people, because he'd be too transparent- the very cursory glance i did at "white collar prisons" and prison consultant stuff said "in a low security prison camp it's a mistake to think they're all white-collar it's definitely not like that, there are people from a range of walks of life" and that you're not supposed to suck up to the Correctional Officers but to the other prisoners. Tom would be too polite to the COs because authority figures and then they'd like him, and Greg would just be like "Dude you were specifically told" and Tom would be like "shut the fuck up"
i think Greg would be 500X better at getting in with other prisoners because he remembers normal life and can be very non-threatening on purpose and unintentionally whereas Tom would probably be too formal and just wonky and weird with people because he's so uncomfortable. Greg would have to be the one pulling for him all the time and that would be supremely funny and bruise Tom's ego for a while until he's like actually screw it i'll be sporus and you protect me this is fucking fine (that would take a while to get to that point)
Tom also can't risk beating Greg's ass into the ground because he knows he wouldn't survive solitary confinement for more than five minutes and Greg also knows this so would probably be more than happy to continue to annoy the shit out of him whenever he wants.
Tom complains incessantly about the prison food and Greg thinks it is "really not so bad Tom honestly" and then talks about how he's happily lived on Mr. Noodles for years anyway so, you know. but then Greg is still the one to get them in with the prisoners who barter, grow, and cook some of their own, better, food.
insofar as their sexual relationship, I do think they would start up fooling around early and it would be one of Tom's only solaces in this blasted place.
and that Greg would be the one to be like "Should we try to trade for, like... lotion and uh condoms.. and stuff" (angling to get fucked, obvi) and Tom is like "absolutely not people can't know we're fucking?" and Greg is like "literally why not?? are you seriously ashamed of this? half he people here are fucking, what the fuck" and Tom is like "more because it's illegal for us to be having sex??" and Greg is like "what?" and Tom is like "did you even listen when you were outlined what behaviours we forbidden from exhibiting?" and Greg is like "there are a lot of rules, okay, dont judge me. but like. seriously even if it's consensual? it's illegal?" and tom is like "YES because they wouldn't be able to tell if I'd coerced you" and Greg is like "okay but why would- by default- why would it be you coercing me" and Tom gives him a wicked look and calls says "Because you're the twink" which Greg also argues and says "I think I would know better if I'm a twink or not seeing as I'm..." and tom is like "What. Gay?" and Greg is like "UH?! clearly!?! ive sucked your dick every night the past week" and Tom is like "And i have yours, but I'm not gay" and Greg goes over to his bed and refuses to speak to Tom for the rest of the night and Tom thinks he should be happy with that outcome because he complains every single day that Greg won't shut up, but he really isn't.
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maddsmallow · 1 year
hi im gonna complain about people seeing hank and connor as father and son under the break so if you see them like that maybe dont read. like you do you but if this is gonna upset you then. dont fuckin read it lmao
if tumblr puts this in the fucking tags even tho i didnt tag it 1) im sorry, and 2) im gonna be fucking pissed im just trying to vent on my own got dang blog
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cropped out the person who made these tags because i dont even know them and also im not a fucking asshole thats gonna put someone on blast like that but. this is the EXACT problem i have with hank and connor as father/son. i dont even mind connor seeing hank as a mentor or something like that (even tho i personally disagree with using the term "father figure"), but it's the "connor is like a new chance for hank to be a dad" that fucking gets me. do you not see all the different CANON reasons why that works completely against hank's character, and takes away connor's say in the whole situation?? hank IS a dad. he's a dad to a dead boy. basically his whole fuckin personality is him mourning over the loss of cole because he loves him SO much. you think he's gonna cling to the first mentee he's had since cole's death and immediately have him replace his dead fucking child? that's like, making hank give into some kind of fucked up delusion. that's mentol illness luv. imagine misunderstanding a character THAT badly.
and that isnt even getting into the whole "you're taking away all of connor's agency as a fully grown adult man" thing. he's not a child. he's an android that was activated only a few months ago, sure, but he was literally created to be like 27-33 or something. he deals with guns. he looks at pole dancers at the eden club. he works with murder scenes. you literally ARE taking away all of his agency as an adult man by seeing him as some little puppyboy that needs a dad to take care of him.
i mean of course you can take these characters and do whatever you want with them outside of canon, they're basically just barbie dolls lmao. but to claim that it's CANON that hank would think of connor as his own literal son, that he thinks that before the game's even over?? absolutely fucking not. those jokes of hank being like "who's my son?" and connor answering "me:)" and hank's relationship bar goes up, it's cute i guess but if that happened in the game? if that was a real choice in the game? hank would've shot connor without a second fucking thought. hell no hank would've thought connor was anything CLOSE to what cole was to him. hank straight up would've murdered the real connor and not even been upset about it when sixty told him so. david cage can eat my entire ass for agreeing that they're father and son, he just said that because he's a homophobic piece of shit, and that's literally the ONLY thing ever to point at them having that sort of relationship.
and i'm not gonna sit here and be like "but anyways here's all the reasons hank and connor are TOTALLY in love" because i dont actually think that's canon either. i'm just playing with them like barbie dolls lmao. my problem is people taking subtext that doesnt fucking exist of them being "like father and son" and claiming it's the be all end all of their whole relationship. their view of them as father and son is the ONLY way to see them. which is just not fucking true. there's NOTHING in canon to support them as being anything but close friends or enemies. that's it. and then they come onto these posts about hankcon, which obviously have NOTHING to do with them since they dont ship it, and tell the OP who ships them "fuck you." like?? you could have just scrolled. you could have just kept fucking scrolling. you fool. you moron. what happened to ship and let ship. just fucking move on, jesus christ. stop taking the time and effort out of your day to go out of your way to 1) make yourself upset by seeing this content and not just blacklisting it and blocking the posters, and 2) making someone else upset that you took the time to be a shithead on something that obviously wasn't even meant for you but made THEM happy. just stop !!! log off!! touch grass!! and this goes for hankcon shippers who do the same!! what the fuck is wrong with you!! we're all just here to vibe and love on these dork ass characters!!!!! fuck !!!!!!!!!!!
also it's super cringe when bryan dechart is playing the game and you're all screaming "wow best father son duo everrrrr" in the chat as if that also doesnt make bryan uncomfortable because he's gotta be super fucking careful about how he fuckin speaks about his character to everyone and not piss off all the rabid father-sonners by insinuating they're only friends. just. shut the fuck up. hankcon shippers who try to shove it in other people's faces also need to shut the fuck up. jesus fucking christ
IN OTHER WORDS. old man yells at cloud is basically me rn
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^actual pic of me
anyways here's a cookie 🍪
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balladofmoony · 1 year
my all the time babies aka fic recommendations
I read so many fics these past two years and these works are absolutely piece of art I'm sure I missed so many of my favorites but I might add them later too! Hope you like it 🤍
• If You'd Stayed a Stranger by melpomenite
71k | Teen Up and Audiences | Wolfstar & Jily
this fic is the love of my life. i can't express how i loved it the first time i read it. remus is the heir of the house lupin that was cursed years ago and sirius comes across to him at a night he was seeking refuge after his escape from his family. it has an ending that crushes your soul but i wouldn't call it a sad one. give it a shot, if feels like reading a fairytale when you were nine years old and i'm not kidding.
• Step & Repeat by TherestheSnitch
62k | Mature | Wolfstar
fake dating. i rest my case. (no im not) sirius is this uprising star and remus as one of his best friends starts to fake date him. I waited every chapter for this fic it was everything you could ask for. the ending made me giggle so hard you wouldn't believe. the writer put so much work into it I'm absolutely in love with this one.
• Hypothetically by halictus
50k | Teen Up and Audiences | Wolfstar
I LOVE SO MUCH WHEN THEY ARE NERDS. I have no idea if the writer had a knowledge about science before this but anyway it left me in awe well because I'm a bitch for anything I don't fully understand. remus and sirius are scientists but they have a history and meet again at a summer camp. exes to lovers AND trans remus. sirius is the most adorable person ever.
• A Wolf, A Bear, A Dungeon Master, and Boy Wonder by ratmom819
31k | General Audience | Wolfstar & Dorlene
teddy has joined a DnD campaign and his DM is Sirius. harry has a teacher and he happens to be teddy's father remus. harry and teddy are always a delight but in this one they are on another level. harry and remus's relationship and sirius being best of herself. they even have a band!
•A Stuffed Nose and A Senseless Boy by moonscone
34k | General Audience | Wolfstar & Dorlene & Jily
I laughed my heart out multiple times reading this one. It's funny it makes me giggle it makes me cry. It has pining remus and and sirius. they both are in gryffindor but remus is best friends with lily and he doesn't have close relationship with james and sirius. sirius makes a fool out of himself just to catch his attention and uh... my boys.
•Meet You in the Middle by moonscone
46k | General Audience | Wolfstar & Jily
SO. As you might see I love everything moonscone wrote. Especially this one well because it has pining star sirius? Nervous remus being the best teacher. JAMES AND LILY IN THIS I SWEAR TO GOD THEY ARE ADORABLE. It has found family. When James and Lily get in an accident Remus is left on his own to take care of their six year old son Harry for a time. He meets Sirius the Godfather and the chaos ensues.
•(So I'll Take My) Good Fortune by orphan_account
55k | explicit | wolfstar
I dont know how many times I've read this one. Sirius is portrayed so beautifully and Lupin family is actually a very big part of it? Like we see their dynamic very closely. It has biracial remus AND TEDDY. I love a little teddy fic. Give a shot. I don't know how but it made me question the way I was brought up because remus is such a good father.
•Remain in Light by veeagainst
175k | Explicit | Wolfstar
In this one we see what would happen if sirius didn't die in the ministry. I generally don't like this concept but in this one everything makes so much sense and it's so beautifully written. I loved everything in it.
•Defining Moments by Gemmie_Bear
99k | explicit | Wolfstar & Jily
Vampire Sirius and erotica writer Remus. James in this is the best boy ever and so in love with Lily as always. I don't know if the writer will continue this one but honestly even if it's not complete its a blast to read.
• i call him moony, he calls me pretty by moonysmaddness
71k | not rated | Wolfstar & Jegulus & Pandalily & Dorlene & Rosekiller & O'knutzy
It mainly a wolfstar fic and YES it's based on sweather weather so we see lion hockey team too! Remus is an musician who needs a space and he takes a vacation to Gryfindor where he meets his best friends brother. They fall in love and everything about it is so cute. There is a signs of Jegulus but nothing major right now.
• I Speak Because I Can by glossssy
26k | not rated | Wolfstar
"Having recently quit his world-famous rock band to get sober and care for his son, remus has moved back to his hometown and is looking for something to pass the time. luckily, a local cover band is looking for a new bassist." remus relationship with teddy and his new band mates is great. I just listened to Noah kahan while reading this. I hope we'll read more its gorgeous.
•Email My Heart by backtosaturn, icarus_and_the_sun
68k | Teen and Up Audiences | wolfstar
"When Sirius Black accidentally sends her philosophy paper to Remus Lupin they do what only Remus Lupin would do. They return it, with comments. Told mostly through their exchanged emails, watch Sirius Black and Remus Lupin fall in love. Every lifetime means every lifetime."
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cleverpaws · 2 years
NOT. a generation loss blog
dee en eye if you support that man and that skeleton and what they did in that cage..
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actually im keeping the title like that its so fucking funny to me
salutation i am michael (he/they) and uh. get intro post'd x100 - bi and/or gay whichever is more comedically convenient - aro ace & apl spec fool. peace and life - nonbinary dude 🎸🎸⚡⚡⚡⚡ there's no comma there for a reason - average EX library volunqueer again :( - king of the wildly inconsistent art & writing styles <- Update we figured out why this was. you'll never guess - cartoonist 💯💯 - Mongoose/weasal/etc - i love 2 run around and have wild frolicking visions of Character - adhd. autism. npd. maybe ocd. long ago the four nations ruled in harmony - the original #1 hetch fan (shared title) - plural btw. i will now gaslight the internet into thinking i was open about this the whole time and you all just missed it - ^ u probably wont meet many other headmates just bc our switches r mostly passive influence and very short-lived. except shilo. shilo really likes tumblr for some reason
I RUN @showfallmanagement AND @lostnfounder THE SHOWFALL ASKBLOGS!!! COME SAY HI!!!
ALSO MORE RECENTLY STARTED @notslmccl do NOT go look at "chase" and do NOT poke him with sticks
dream team fans and harry potter fans you are not welcome here!! TRANSGENDER BLAST RAHH 💥💥
also no, people who think queer labels can "contradict" each other you are not welcome here either 💥💥💥 * my bi gay aroace nonbinary guy energy explodes you x100 *
things i am not normal about: - GENLOSS!!!!!!!!!! 4️⃣ - ^ and, by extension, ENCOREVERSE!!!!!!!! 🌈 - BITB!!!!!!!! - JRWI IN GENERAL I JUST PUT BITB FIRST!!!! - SPLATOON!!!!!!!!!! 🦑🦑🦑🦑🐙🐙🌊🌊 - MINECRAFT!!!!! - HOLLOW KNIGHTTTTT!!!! 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛 - ANGELS JUST LIKE AS A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!! - BODY HORROR!!!!! - VIDEO ESSAYS!!!!!!!!
things i am actually somewhat normal about (casual interests): - dsmp!!! - tdp 💪 love hate relationship - ghibli movies - cartoons in general! - assorted indie horror games - indie animation usually
i tag any and all posts that contain hetch with "#hetch generation loss" and any and all remotely sneeg/frank related posts with. shocker. "#sneeg/frank" go nuts gay people ("#asks" are also tagged)
(and if you go through "#saving this" you will find my many artist resources, recipes, and the occasional Insanely Good Post i think about every day)
ALSO!!! im like Never serious on here ever but just 4 the record (i dont even know if anyone will see this) please do not call me ur friend if i dont know you!! 😭 im aplatonic and while i do still have ppl i consider friends its personally just weird for me to be forced into friendships by people i literally havent interacted with that much (even if we're mutuals!!!!! sah ree guys) (saying stuff like "my friend" at the end of msgs in like that semi joking tone is fine tho)
how ever...... mutuals r totally free 2 ask for my discord or msg me on here 💯💯
also if you EVER need me to explain any encoreverse lore to you i will drop everything to do so 😍😍
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(all banners n images r mine except the mcytblr sexyman voted one by @/tmmyhug and the sonic narc abuse one by @/nicepersondisorder)
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skittering sounds alright ill get out of your hair . the particles aren't though. yeah sorry man they uh. they really get stuck in there. sorry
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krk-wa · 8 months
Rambling TS! Underswappp
Spoiler alert
Lately im too much focus playing that i forgot my task bcs god i've been waiting this for 4 years
Its suprising me that sans has three roles to disguise 😂 i've been fooled by him many times including his battle, ESPECIALLY THAT COIN 1G THAT KEEP PULLED AWAY BY HIM. Idk how many times i've been laughing so hard because of his goofy action
I think i also have a crush on papyrus too
Probably gonna draw him hehe
Man their moment of playing games got me emotional hhhh
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This one still choked me
Because i think it was a flirt 😭😭😭😭😭 BUT TURNS OUT IT WAS A PUN (i forgot that the character im using was a child)
Aside of that, im suprissed that papyrus using his gaster blast for sans's battle
Not gonna lie, papyrus got some mysterious than sans here
Maybe is because sans got more often appear? Or is because abt what papyrus told chara abt being watched, and when that happened, he suddenly being.. distracted.. instead Using reason "OH IT WAS SANS ALL ALONG"
No wonder why papyrus got tired eyes, i get the feeling abt editing stuff and the busy, still the coolest brother ever 💙
I dont wanna do genocide bcs im still afraid to start, maybe i should try to watch their gameplay
Obv i dont wanna ruin the game wwww
And alphys.. man.. she looks.. fit???
I will let myself sleep this time
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mayday-melody · 1 month
idk how its spelt but im so nervous..
ive bearly scratched the surface of how to act on tumblr, now i have to learn deviant art so i dont make a fool of myself, If someone is willing to explain stuff to me I'd be super duper greatful🙏🙏🙏🙏
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cus srsly im so scared, im only on there bc of one artist but i might aswell use it, im just scared I'll do it wrong and be blasted to next year
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me currently
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cheesewizardry · 5 months
Magic dialogue
I am new to this app and I cant fi d the original post but this is following the post with the idea that wizards should trust their spells as much as software engineers trust their programs, which is to say, not at all.
“So what new spells are you working on?”
“A teleportation spell, Im trying to get it to be more cost effective than Malcazzar’s”
“Oh really? What language are you using?”
“Elder futhark”
“El-Im sorry what!? Elder futhark? Not even Younger? I mean dont get me wrong, I love Elder, my staff only has Elder runes, you cant get any simpler than one rune, one effect. But, for teleportation!? Its the most basic elemental runic language in existence, but trying to get any effect outside of the basics increases the size of the scroll like nothing else. And teleportation is notoriously tricky.”
“Yeah its been tough, and the scrolls are getting pretty long.”
“I mean are you running into recursion? Just patching the kinks in the code would require quite a few runes, and then more runes to fix those problems, not to mention all the other effects and power sources.”
“Yeah well Elder is the language i know best, and its actually showing promise. Since the system is so basic each rune has quite a lot of possible effects, its just a matter of finding the right grammar to express it. Ive found a few good combinations, now its just a matter of condescending it.”
“I see, say, what kind of power source are you using?”
“Right now to save my own mana Im using wall power, im just running it through a standard elemental conversion matrix to get it to interface well.”
“Oh christ, how many times have to tripped a breaker cause you tripped over it?”
“Only about 3 times or so”
Both laugh.
“Well what about you, what are you working on”
“Oh im forcing myself to learn Icelandic Stave magic.”
“Oh no, why?”
“Oh im a masochist, but really im using it as an introductory system for geometric magics. I tried learning alchemical circles in school but the last time i used one I messed up the power source portion and it ‘law of equalivilant exchanged’ it’s way into eating a hole in my floor.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
“You dont know how close my foot was to it.”
Both laugh, the second wizard nodding, “yeah I can see how that would dissuade you”
“Thats the best lesson my teacher ever taught me. ‘A fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from other’s mistakes’ he lost three fingers on one hand before he realized he should have been poking things using a stick.”
“So he started using a stick?”
“No after losing a finger you now have a designated hand for poking things”
Both laugh, the first wizard speaks again “so yeah im hoping by dipping my toes in, pun intended, this time into basic geometry Ill be able to finally wrap my head around those blasted archaic instructions, i could never keep the angles right, i always ended up with a stray line here, or an aberrant circle there, when i was lucky the spell would fail, when i was unlucky the spell would fail spectacularly and we would then have to hunt down what spawned from it.”
“Oh I definitely get that, i once fell asleep during the class where we learned mentally projecting fine detail into the work as it was formed with alchemical circles, our task was to recreate a bust of merlin from blank stone. Well the circle i drew was great, but i must have been dreaming of maidens because the bust ended up having one, as well quite the mockery of a face.” Both laugh, “yeah i got in some trouble for that one”
“Right now im trying to get my team’s head wizard to finally accept that we dont need to spend the ridiculous rates for ‘genuine’ ingredients when substitutes with some adjustment work just as well. We almost got into a full blown duel when he asserted that he could only accept real basilisk petrified eggs. For one, basilisk’s are notoriously kept in terrible conditions by crackpots, 2nd its three times the price of any chunk of basalt and all you need to do is look up one formula to calculate how much quarts and marble dust to add. He said ‘oh but i dont want to add anymore ingredient circles’ like bitch, adding ingredient circles and three lines of runic code to incorporate them is the easiest thing to do, its literally the building blocks of spell craft. And dont get me started on unicorn tears. Everyone worth their wand knows that its as simple as adding sea salt to holy water. ‘But its not genuine unicorn tears’ he says, and im like fucker, make a unicorn cry, see how you feel about yourself, then tell me how much cruelty is worth for ‘genuine’ components, the twat.”
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girlwithnomemory1563 · 6 months
i went out again and once again didnt end up going home with someone! don't let that fool you, i still verbally harassed random men bc i was drunk and bored! however, it was spring break at the college town i live in so the bar was so dead. like there was a wedding going on and we were dressed for the bar...LMAO WE GOT TO MEET THE BRIDE THO! AND CONGRATULATE HER !
it started with me like not even wanting to go tho bc we didn't have a secure place to stay for the night (fr was going to sleep in our non tinted cars) and i didnt know anyone who could get us some cheap alcohol bc once again, its spring break so no one was on campus jfc. but we were like determined bc my friend sami was finally in town for a thirsty thursday so we needed to go out. so eventually, my other friend misa came through for us!! i completely forgot she has her own little shed house so she offered it up for us to stay in and then got her grandmother (?? hello?) to get us some four lokos! so off we went!
we arrived to the empty ass parking lot and got like nervous bc why the hell is it empty....where is everyone...but alas, we started to down our four lokos anyways. we get to the point where we feel tipsy, so we all head in and like as we're getting our id's checked and everything, we peak into the literally dead ass bar. bro what? so we get in and go straight to the bathroom and have to devise a plan bc wtf are we doing here. how are there grown ass adults sitting on the smoking porch, dressed to the nines eating and enjoying each other's company? where is sexxyred? where is gasolina? WHERE IS MR 305 MR WORLDWIDE???
ultimately, we decide as long as we are drunk enough, we can have fun anywhere so we run back to the car and start chugging out four lokos. as we do this, a car pulls up next to us that has two men in it!! what a coincidence! at this point, we are already tipsy and chatty and just getting more drunk by the sip. so ofc me and misa, frequent thirsty thursday attendees, want to go chat with them! i mean, by this point, they've gone inside and seen that its dead and come back. and now they're just sitting in their car, with the doors open might i add so its almost like an invite, smoking a cigarette!! that is catnap to a cat and i am just a little kitty cat. and they've obviously seen us like leaning over to see them and us laughing and just being foolish since my car has no tinting whatsoever. but miss sami is being all like "noo we can't do that we dont know them blah blah blah" but that is the point! cmon ma! so we go over there and im instantly like "haiii is that a cig?" and its two guys, one that looks like a 2019/2020 tiktok eboy like had the cross earring and everything, and then another guy that had long hair and just looked greasy but also like a fun gi. a fungi... anyways, they give us a whole cigarette and entertain us for like a whole 20 mins! we all just chat with each other and i end up showing them the super cool awesome bass i have in my shitty car. then, they leave and we are stuck to our own decision making. do we call it quits now and just uber home while we can, or do we go back in and see what the ferk is up! we go back in!
we go back in and its like less dead now so we feel a little better, but there's still like just an awkwardly not small, not large, sorta medium sized crowd in the middle of the floor with people actually sitting down at the high tables and stuff. so to the bathroom we go and hype ourselves back up. we chat with some girls, hit the carts and vapes and then go back out there! still really the only ppl giving like...thirsty thursday and not dive bar in the south but its alright bc atp we are like blasted and crossed and just dancing together on the outskirts of the random dance crowd. this is when we meet the aforementioned bride! she was wearing a bridal dress and everything and she even showed us her groom (not cute, she could do better but as long as mother is happy). and then, as we keep dancing, we spot a guy we used to go to highschool with! sami is the one who notices him and is like "omg is that so and so" and i was like "omg yeh...should i go say hi.." and she was like, ofc, "omg no!" but this one i sorta agreed with bc i actually didnt know him that well, i just knew of him bc he was sorta popular but also sorta not? but i also was in yearbook in highschool so i knew of everyone even if they didn't know of me LMAO. so we keep dancing and then somehow, we are beside him! so sami is finally like "ok now go say hi" and like a sleeper agent activated, i just turn and go say hi to the feller!
he actually is like cute and was way cuter when i was drunk bc he was taller than me, so i get him talking and bring in misa and sami and we all chat. and then his random ass sister comes up to us, probably drunk, and is like "ooohh isnt he so cute? isnt my brother so cute?? god hes sooo cute and soo single" so i got the message but also like, hey girl we are just talking and catching up and youre doing alot rn whats up! she seemed sweet tho and we ended up talking with her too but that was just a weird ass first impression of her. then sami is like "didnt u used to do the fortnite dance all the time?" and he was all like "pshh no what i dont even...i dont even know how to" knowing full damn well that he knew how to fortnite dance. so we pull up a youtube video for him and he gets on stage and fortnite dances for us! so kawaii!! and he also tried to get the dj to play no hands but mr waka flaka like three times but he just kept playing some country ass shit every other song so we go to leave! our plan was to uber back to misa's shed house, but then the bouncer is like "uber doesn't run this late." what! what do now! we think and think and our new found friend is still with us and he's like "im taking my sister and her friends home." and then sami has the brilliant idea to make him take us home as well! except he didnt have enough room in his car. so he took his sister all the way home, came back to pick us up and then took us all the way home. free of charge. i was going to venmo him gas money but ive forgotten so many times now that i just dont want to text him anymore. and i ended up losing my ring in his car. and we texted abt it and flirted a little (hehehe) but i suck at texting so we havent talked in like a week LMAO.
but yeah, fun thursday! super tame but also super fun! i wish i was better at being a communicating human so i could still being chatting with that guy but alas. thats all.
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Dave Strider, John Egbert
Act 4, page 1646-1649
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: ok im in
EB: in where?
TG: the medium
EB: oh, already?
TG: what do you mean already shit took 4 goddamn hours
EB: huh, i guess time flew by while i was doing other stuff.
EB: how did it go?
EB: with you and jade i guess?
TG: i dont want to talk about it
TG: imagine the worst day of my life
TG: just stood up and clinked a glass like it was about to give a speech
TG: then took a shit in my dinner and passed out with its pants down
EB: ew dog! ewwww!
TG: yeah
EB: so nasty! gross dude!!!
TG: stfu
TG: what are you doing
EB: i'm in a rocket pack and i am about to blast off into space.
TG: ok
EB: it should be sweet.
TG: i need some advice
TG: my kernelsprite which was this brainless feathery asshole with a sword in it
TG: turned into this bigger like ghostly feathery asshole
TG: with a sword in it
TG: it seems to want me to prototype it again
TG: not sure what to do
EB: hmm...
EB: have you asked rose?
TG: shes asleep for some reason
EB: wow, really?
TG: yeah i saw her there
TG: all tuckered out
TG: like she got smacked in the face with a pillow case full of the snooze wizards beard dander
TG: cause obviously its fuckin prime time for swiping some shuteye about now
TG: like a few hours into her magic stupid quest
TG: anyway what do you think
EB: i don't really know, i mean...
EB: it's supposed to be like your ghostly spirit guide or something.
EB: unless you have the remains of a wise old dead grandparent lying around, i'm not sure what to tell you!
TG: ok fine but
TG: it seems to be suggesting something here
TG: and
TG: i guess im kinda weirded out by its suggestion
EB: i don't know, just do what it says!
EB: it knows stuff about the game, so it probably knows better than i do...
EB: i gotta go!
EB: gonna blast off to the seventh gate.
EB: and, uh, win this game i guess.
TG: ok well it definitely sounds like youre fucking something up over there
TG: but alright later
EB: later.
EB: what?
TG: dont go yet
TG: somethings up
EB: ugh...
TG: ok its me from the future
EB: huh?
TG: its me
TG: i just appeared
TG: from the future
TG: wearing a rad suit
TG: he says dont go
TG: or youre gonna die
EB: pfffff.
EB: lame.
EB: what kind of gullible stooge do you think i am?
TG: he says i dunno gullible enough to trust a leetspeaking troll who wants you dead and strap on a rocket pack cause she said to
EB: this is like some terrible april fools prank.
EB: but 13 days too late.
EB: remember, you are talking to the pranking MASTER.
TG: ok that was probably the dumbest thing you ever said just now
EB: if future you is real, then why don't you let me talk to him.
TG: do you hear what youre saying oh my god
TG: this guy is me if i get him to talk to you youre just talking to me again jesus it proves nothing
EB: hold on, someone else is bugging me.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: john stop being a tool and unbuckle yourself from that piece of shit
TG: if our friendship means anything youll listen to me and past dave
TG: this is future dave by the way
EB: hahaha!
EB: wow, you're really pulling out all the stops for this stunt!
EB: using your phone and computer at the same time to message me.
EB: you're kind of going through a lot of trouble actually, i don't know why you're bothering with this.
TG: yeah exactly why would i bother
TG: this sort of cornball horseshit is your cup of tea not mine
TG: dont make me track you down through time and stop you in person
EB: you can't track down through time WHAT YOU CAN'T CATCH!
EB: pchoooooo!
TG: oh god did you just blast off
EB: no...
EB: but that would have been sweet if i did just then.
TG: ok well just dont ok
TG: im turning this timeline over to past dave
TG: and helping you all stay alive and do this thing the right way this time
TG: just stay on the goddamn ground for fucks sake
EB: ok, i guess...
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richardsphere · 1 year
RWBY Catchup Slogblog V8E10: The one in which Ironwood, actually has a point for once
“I dont give a DAMN about Jaques Schnee”  Cool, this is the first sensible thing i can remember this guy saying. ---- Bad news the cane is apparently the equivalent of a nuke. (this is bad news because nukes are one-time use items and now “on the table” as far as the narrative is concerned. This means the enemy can have the Scepter make a Cane and nuke things if they get the cane while bypassing the “one item at a time” restriction because, i dont need the old nuke after it went off). Also the existence of nuke-type weaponry in this story is just generally an uncomfortable level of powercreep. Even if it turns out to be a one-time use item that still means there is no way for the story to de-escalate back to a sensible scale. So Grimm in the inner city were vaperised, but the people who were carrying the bomb into the whales mouth are fine. (maybe the cane is like Ruby’s Eyes and only affects grimm?) Marrow asks a good question: which characters were still inside the whale? Quick headcount: Salem (immortal) Oscar (presumably alive, i dont think ozpin would make a nuke that destroys its wielder, if only because it would mean more fetchquests to return the nuke-cane) and Hazel certainly. Mercury and Tyrian are off to Vacuo so they’re safe. Watts and Cinder are prisonbreak-buddies Neo seems to have made it out just in time but was definitly in the blast radius. It feels like im missing someone? Wasnt there one more seat at Salems table at the castle? It just feels like im forgetting someone? so in summary: Nuked the enemy base, but it does nothing to affect the overall scores. ----- Team Badguy sucks at communication apparently. “she’s on a set path now”, thats weird, do the baddies know the location of the vault? as in have coordinates for its exact location within Atlas? It feels like the virus should only work if they had like verry specific instructions and im fairly certain that the exact location is like, super-duper-top-secret so its weird that they’d know it to the level needed to code a virus to go exactly there. (just think of the PeanutbutterSandwich test for ref.) Arthur sure likes dangling over ledges. Maybe this time they’ll actually get dropped. Arthur manages to rage her into sparing him somehow? I dont really buy her pulling him closer as a response in this scene, it feels weird for her to acknowledge he’s somewhat right about her. on a related note, wasnt she initially protrayed as this master manipulator playing Beacon for Fools and now she’s portrayed as a fire-themed brainless brute.  -------- Ah so we do only get the explanation about how the cane works after the cane gets used. I’ll be honest i thought it’d just been something i forgot about. (it stores kinetic energy.) Most of the power has been used but at least some remains. Gut feeling tells me the fact its charged by kinetic energy will be significant somehow (maybe ties in with Harriet Speedsemblance for a rapid mini-charge if she’s still on the road to defection) ------- Oh happy suprise, the subwaytunnel refugees arent dead yet. (reminder, this entire ordeal started with burrowing grimm so this is a legitimate suprise with how long the battle feels to have been going) also just now noticed the atlas flag-thing has a spear on it. ----- And James finally stops pretending he didnt snap years ago. Winter is clearly realising that oops turns out my surrogate Dad is about as trustworthy as OG dad. Neo is still Neo. Just noticed, Blake is still wearing the eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara/some other form of eye-based makeup that I dont understand from the party she attended the day before the election. Have events really happened that much more quickly then i thought that she’d still be wearing that? And of course the show doesnt even have time to give the characters a reunion before it drops another gutpunch that i can barely feel with how numb and bruised i am from the plot. But at least Em’s on the good side now, that should technically count for some form of "win” on the heroes side.
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i stg if i get academic-splained by one more bitch i am going to explode. im in my own living space. making a joke. [vent in tags/completely disregard this i'm just aggravated and i have anger...troubles]
edit~ why are the tags out of order im in hell
#oh that actually kind of upset me /embarassed me#ffucckiing aassshoollle#riley is runnin' da yap again#why do you need to stare at me like i'm dumb and be like that isnt actually from the victorian era that's pre-renaissance#dont you know who thomas cromwell is? we were just talking about that time period in lit#'this is actually wayyy before that' headass lookin at me like 🙁😟 like im fuckin patheric bc i dont knoe as muvh as you#and i know not everybody means it like that. bc some of these ppl are like 'wow riley u r so smart dont talk ab urself like that'#'u have a big brain' !!!#then make me into a fool amd are looking at me like this was the most pitiful shit ever.#so i just follow it up w what can you really tell by the painting? that has nothing to do w our class#yeah ... well okay#haha i dont know everuthing. idk what you want me to say.#*just stares at me*#what the FuvkkKkBD IS UR PROBLEM WHAT TJE FUCK#why do these fucking peoole act like this im so pissed off. im actually glad im going to wrok. shut the fuck up. if somebody plays one more#tiktok on full blast...#w ugly fucking music im gonna stary screaming and throwing shit. shut the FUCK up#you dont know everything and i know you dont think IM DUMB#but maybe put some fucking efgort into not making me out to look like it in public. thanks. ficking thank you.#we cant all be as smart as yall. im literally getting so fucking angry i need to leave now#fuck it om going to work 40 minutes lately im gonna k!ll someone#and it isnt like i can talk about it w some of these people even with a#bc im actually good at communicating how i feel but bc i cant communicate w certain ppl i go batshit bc there is no resolution#i dont even need an apology. just dont do that.#but that convo will turn into an argument bc yall dont FUCKING GET IT. fuck off. im leaving for work now fucking hell
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