ad-hawkeye · 6 months
since someone posted a translation on yt i wanted to ask(when you get around to it/free time ofc ofc) what you thought about artem’s dragon breath ssr
my first immediate fucking thought reading this card: WE GET NEIL ANGST FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS?
okay. alright. that aside, i tend to actually really like au cards in tot, so i was actually pretty hyped about this one (HI FUTURE ME HERE WTF THAT WAS SO GOOD????) thoughts below!
love artem just fucking eating shit with this crest. bro is not fooling anyone
artem: [literally fucking coughing his lungs out] I am In complete Control. Of My Well Being. [coughs up blood
edgy artem with his little scar being all blushy is a new level of hilarity i lov ehim
i LOVE the white silhouette of dragon!artem. me and my dragon bf <3
this whole exchange below.
rosa: i dont want you to leave... artem: rosa: UHHH I MEAN. AS YOUR CHIEF OFFICER,
my beloved trope. being able to pick out your loved one's clone from subtle details.
or possessed loved one. in this case.
me and my possessed dragon bf <3
this is literally the most unnerved ive been reading a tot story ever. and its solely from how uncanny this expression is. dont make this face. what the fuck. i know ur possessed but no thats just wrong you cant do that what the fuck dont make that face
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you can tell zhao lu is having a fucking blast voicing this part and i am so here for it. like "here artem is being possessed. get a little freaky with it okay. throw in some ominous whispering and laughing while you're at it"
AND HERE COMES ARTEM WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TO FIGHT OFF THE POSSESSION. MY OTHER FAVORITE TROPE!! zhao lu will see a guy fight off his possession and be like is anyone gonna voice him and then not wait for an ans- oh my god did artem just yell. hoooly fuck this guy never yells.
neil and artem fighting to the death in dragon form was not on my tot bingo card but i cannot complain at all
why is this card story giving more than any of the main timeline stories involving neil ever have. love the theme of the gods preying on the idealistic (neil, artem, mc) in accepting this cursed crest.
"our fates had been intertwined ever since" dear god it feels like they got a year 1 artem writer on this HAHA
on god they're beatin the shit out of artem in this card
bro.. this time shit is giving howl "ive been looking everywhere for you" movingcastle and sophie "find me in the future" hatter and i mean this in the most loving and nostalgic way
oh yeah this au ssr is definitely in his top ones. like right up there with his gufeng ssr.
god the scene with the final art evo is kinda going insane.
artem pleading with her to stop. jesus christ. this is the most emotional reaction ive seen from him in a hot minute. . MOre Please. tot.
not them sadly laughing at this situation............. tot.............. tot.
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couple goals: severing the gods from humanity.... together <3
i don't think i've felt like this about an artem card since 2021 holy shit
chat im gonna cry i miss this dude so much
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starflirts · 3 months
prompt “ if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous ” with our boy percy jackson <3
thank you so much for requesting anon!!!
percy jackson x fem! reader
If looks could kill, Percy would’ve already sent his fellow camp mate to Hades’ kingdom. He swears he doesn’t have anything against Connor Stoll! He’s just there, with you… All the time.
His eyes almost burn holes in his friend’s back as he sees him leaning against a target while you’re talking to him, bow in hand.
“Oh my gods Percy you’re so obvious!” Luke slaps his shoulder, smirking “Watch out you’re almost turning green with envy.”
“Shut up!” he groans, running a hand across his face. “And I’m not… envious, I’m just attentive.” he answers as his gaze finds you again.
“Yeah right. I swear I can see two holes the size of your eyes in Connor’s shirt.” the Hermes cabin counselor barks out a laugh at Percy’s deadpan expression. “I gotta run but don’t fool around ! Y/N’s all yours anyway !” he adds before running off.
As Percy looks at his friend’s silhouette, he hears you laugh and turns around just as he sees you holding onto Connor’s shoulder, the both of you giggling over gods know what. His heart tightens at the sight although he tries his best to dismiss it.
When he raises his head, he notices you and Connor walking over to him, still laughing. He clicks his tongue when he sees his hand on your shoulder but his mood is immediately lifted when you reach for him, linking your arm with his.
“Hey babe! Connor was just telling me about this crazy prank he did on a few Ares kids. I wish I could’ve seen it.” you share a look with the aforementioned boy before bursting out laughing.
“Wow okay that’s, that’s cool ! But we have uh, that thing I told you about yesterday y’know ? I want you to see it now if, if you don’t mind that is.”
You just nod, but he doesn’t miss your questioning stare. You barely have time to wave goodbye to Connor when Percy is already dragging you away.
When he guides you to his cabin’s porch you step aside, crossing your arms.
“Okay, don’t think I haven’t noticed your little games, Perce. What’s going on ?”
He stammers, hand messing with his hair.
“I uh, want to spend more time with you ? Am I not allowed to spend time with my girlfriend ?”
You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous Percy.”
He feels his cheeks burn, too embarrassed to look you in the eye. With a kiss to his cheek, you bring his attention back to you.
“It’s okay, you’re cute when you’re mad.” you joke and he rolls his eyes. “For the record, you always have all my attention, you don’t need to make up lame excuses, everyone already knows.”
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
cold nights // part fourteen
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summary: you showed him colours he knows he can't see with anyone else.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.1k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: finally reunited ahh!! (also a note from me while i'm trying to find pics for the header: damn this dude does not look happy very often huh) (okay so update we're settling for a flashback photo bc coryo in his curls era does not SMILE bruh)
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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"Just right here." Lucy Gray stops on the gravel road, nodding up to the house in front of them.
"Okay, sweet." Sejanus smiles, already heading for the front porch but she grabs his arm, stopping him as Coryo just stares at the house, going slightly pale.
"Sejanus, how about you and I go figure out where you guys will stay, and come back for Coriolanus in a bit?" She offers, nodding toward him.
"Oh- uh, yes. Yeah. Good idea." He agrees, picking up quickly on what she meant. Coryo still hasn't said a word, just staring at the run-down shack that apparently was your home. It was clear that efforts were made to maintain the home, the fence had been patched in several places and there were flower beds outside. From what he knew about your family, that would make sense.
"Coriolanus?" Lucy Gray draws his attention again. "We're going to go find you a place to stay, and we'll come back for you in a bit. Does that sound okay?"
"Yeah that's... that's perfect. Thank you." He nods, in a trance-like state as he makes his way up to the door through some only slightly overgrown grass, before he has the chance to second-guess himself.
"He didn't even listen, did he?" Lucy Gray says, both of them watching him from the street.
"Not at all, no."
He can hear the two of them chatting as they disappear back down the road, and he looks for a doorbell that doesn't seem to be there, just settling for a knock instead. He waits a few moments after knocking on the wood, about to do it again when he hears a woman's voice come from inside. "One moment, I'll be right there!"
"I got it, Ma!" Comes from right behind the door as footsteps approach and it's swung open, a young boy standing there. "Hi." He says, eyeing Coryo up and down. It must be your brother.
"Uh, hi." He clears his throat. "Is Y/N here?"
"No, not right now." The boy answers. "Can I take a message for her?"
"Oh, well, my name is Coriolanus Snow, and-"
"Hold on! I'm coming!" The woman's voice comes again, much more excited as she rounds the corner from the hall, brushing her hands off on her apron. "You're Coriolanus?" She asks, a polite but delighted grin on her face as she gets closer.
"Yes, Ma'am." He nods in confirmation, a smile growing on his face. You look so much like your mother.
"Oh my goodness, come in, please! I didn't recognize you!" She gently moves her son out of the way, who is still staring at him with something unwelcoming behind his eyes. As soon as Coryo steps into the home, she's wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Wow, it is so lovely to meet you! You came a very long way!"
"I did." He chuckles, hugging her back with as much politeness as he can muster behind shaking hands and a pale face.
"Come sit, Y/N will be home within the hour. She'll be just thrilled to see you." She pulls away, gesturing for him to follow her into the living area. "Are you hungry? You must be starving. Let me grab you something."  Your mother says, mostly to herself as he sits down on the couch.
"That would be great, thank you." He smiles, still nervous as he tries to adjust his posture on the slightly uncomfortable sofa, looking around. In reality, he hadn't been "starving" for some time now. It felt good to have a consistently filled fridge all the time, but he has hardly eaten since they left the Capitol. He was too nervous to even think about it.
"Why did you come here?" Your brother asks, making Coryo look away from the family photos that adorned the walls. Most of the frames were broken, photos blurry, but he could tell that to your family that didn't matter.
"I hadn't heard from her. I wanted to make sure she was doing okay." Coryo answers, stiffened by your brother's somewhat hostile energy and the thought of getting to see you so soon. Had you told him something you didn't tell your mother? Probably that he killed that boy, but it seemed unlike you to leave out the part where he had no choice. Unless Tigris was wrong.
Unless you still didn't see it that way.
Your brother hums, sitting in the chair across from the couch and leaning his elbows on his knees. To Coryo, this felt like an interrogation. Coming from a teenager, it was almost cute.
"Lennox, Honey, can you come help me for just a moment?" His mother calls him from the kitchen and he's shooting up again, glaring at Coryo as he walks away. He was confused, today alone he's gotten so many mixed signals on your feelings.
You stuck out the day at work, even though while you were reshelving returns you had to rush to the bathroom in the back to vomit after reading the back cover of an old book about a man who hunted humans. You were hoping by now this would happen less and less, but leaving the house had only made it worse. Getting a job was a mistake and you knew that, but your family was hardly scraping by before you were torn from your life- but neither of your parents could work the whole time you were gone. They were sick about it. Your mom still couldn't work, and you knew your father rarely ever slept these days.
You tried to hand over the winnings Coryo's Dean had given you as soon as you got home, holding it out to your parents with trembling hands as they opened the locked door for you. They wanted none of it. Not a dollar from your three thousand, which you had spent time counting and recounting on the train. They only wanted you home. You had hoped it would give you something else to talk about- that you could smile and be proud that you won and that now your family could live comfortably, at least for a little while. The idea almost made it worth it. As you counted your prize under the dim lighting in the train car, you had wondered if you would do it again for them. The money didn't make saying hello again any easier, though, and you cried for what must have been hours on the porch of your family home, the four of you tangled together in a hug bound together by tears.
It was hard to let go, but when they had, finally, your mother shoved the money back into your pocket and told you to save it. One day, you could buy your own home with it, and that wasn't a bad idea.
All you could do for them now that your money sat in a jar in your closet, the best you could do, was convince them you were fine enough for you all to move on and forget about it. The additional income of getting your own job helped, too. So, when your boss tried to send you home, you declined, and five o'clock couldn't have come fast enough.
You drink water out of an old jam jar on the way home, washing the taste of bile out of the back of your mouth. The fresh air made a world of difference. As much as you adored the smell of books, it got stuffy in there, especially in the summers. Even with the sun beating down on your shoulders over your button-up shirt, you felt better just making the walk home every day. The breeze blowing through the trees, the familiar paths beneath your feet, it was one of the very few things that could ground you in the reality that now, you were safe. That, and the meadow behind your house at night time. Reading under lantern light with the stars overhead and your family at your side, you never felt more real. It was truly over.
That's what you would do tonight, you decided, after a long nap following an unfortunate day. At the end of every unfortunate day, you still had that, and that meant the world to you.
"Oh! Here's Tybalt." Your mom smiles, now comfortable on the couch next to Coriolanus as the cat saunters into the living room, jumping up into the space between them. "This is Y/N's cat, she calls him Tybs." She explains, tears forming in her eyes as the cat crawls onto her lap and she quickly blinks them away, but he had already noticed by then.
"She told me about him." Coryo says, placing his now empty tea cup on the coffee table in front of them.
"Of course..." She chuckles sadly. "He took real good care of us while she was away. On particularly... hard nights," She clears her throat. "He would come out into the living room with her father and I and sit with us, he can purr like no ones business, you know, and then after a while, he would run over to our room there and meow at us. Made sure we got to bed. Then curl up with us and just made sure we knew that.... she was still with us."
A tear falls as she speaks and she laughs nervously, quickly brushing it away. "Gosh, I am so sorry..." She quickly dismisses it. "We have company and I'm crying like a little girl. Forgive me..."
"No, it's quite alright." Coryo insists, shaking his head. Of course, he was worried about you in the arena and every night up until then, but he never entertained the idea of what it was like for your family even though he knew about them. That under the same sky, they were sitting here in this very home praying that you might return. Now, he could see it, and you were the lucky one who made it home. He hoped he wouldn't have to see Jessup's family while he was here. "It must have been awful for you."
"Indeed." She nods, wiping her cheek again. "But, you know, it means so much to us that she had someone there to look after her." She smiles at him. It's genuine. Sad, but full of gratitude. He would no longer wonder where you got that habit from. "I decided I wouldn't be watching anything, but her father insisted. He was out at a bar in town, the only one with televisions, then came rushing back in the door twenty minutes later and dragged us back there with him to watch. I didn't want to go but he said 'No, you need to see this. She's not alone. She has a friend.' So down we went, and they were playing reruns of the two of you being dropped into that cage. I just... She looked so comfortable with you. The way you looked at her we could see you cared, that she was human to you, and that you were there to help. I remember thinking for the first time that maybe she had a chance." She's accepted her tears now, reaching over from petting Tybalt to grasp the young man's hands in her own as she spoke.
Your brother scoffs as Coryo lets her hold onto his hands, a small smile forming on his face that's quickly torn away by Lennox's reaction. "Yeah, and then that other boy had to be the one to bring her something to eat after days."
"Hey!" Your mother gasps. "Lennox, get-" She prompts him to leave if he isn't going to be nice.
He rolls his eyes, getting up to leave.
"I didn't have anything to bring her besides a flower." Coryo finds himself stating, shocking even himself at the confession which halts your brother in his steps. He had never told anyone about the poverty he faced at home, but with them, he felt safe to. Something about knowing you assured him that they were not judgemental people. He clears his throat before explaining. "My family lost everything after the war. When I first met her, I also hadn't eaten in days. I gave her everything I could."
Lennox hums before leaving, either not convinced or embarrassed that he'd even made such a comment. Coryo couldn't tell.
"Coriolanus... I am so sorry." Your mother is quick to apologize, and he's embarrassed by the look of pity in her eyes. Pity from a woman who had, for almost a month, believed she had lost her child, and was still struggling with it today. He felt nothing but guilt.
"Well, I must tell you, your daughter saved us from that." He tries to lift her spirits as a confused expression paints itself into her features, but he doesn't get the chance to elaborate as they both turn at the sound of the front door opening.
"Ma!" You call out, closing the door behind you and kicking off your shoes, preparing your smile to tell her about the absolutely great day you just had.
Your mother stands quickly, patting the boys thigh gently and wipes her eyes. "Hi, Honey, how was your day?" She asks, smiling at him through red eyes.
"Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day." Your groaned response comes slightly muffled from the other room, and Coryo can hear you shuffling about.
"Oh, no. What happened?" Immediately your mother's tone shifts to worry, and Coryo wonders how it took her less than a second to understand.
"Nothing, Ma. All is fine." You call back, putting your bag down in the kitchen, and heading for the living room, gluing a smile back on. "Guess what I saw on the walk home! A ladybug, it landed right on my-" You freeze as you walk into the entryway, seeing your mother and your previous mentor just standing up next to her.
"Oh, I should have mentioned, we have company." Your mother smiles, already gathering the used dishes from the coffee table, and brushing past you to bring them into the kitchen. Likely, to give you two a chance to talk.
When Coryo lays his eyes on you for the first time again, he can swear his heart stops. Yours definitely does as nausea comes over you in a wave again, and your calculated smile drops.
You don't say anything, just staring with an expression unreadable to him. "Y/N, hi." He breathes, smiling at you. You look beautiful but tired, still. Still, that girl he watched in the arena, it was hard to believe that every part of you made it out. You weren't the same girl he saw for the first time in the reaping- you were more. More of you, and more of something else; hurt, if he had to guess.
"It's good to see you." He continues, his voice a gentle whisper that cuts through the awkward tension in the room. Your heart races, emotions swirling like a tempest within you. Coriolanus Snow, your mentor and friend who had guided you through your time in that Capitol and the games, is standing in your living room, looking both apologetic and hopeful.
"Coryo," You manage to say, voice barely above a whisper as you swallow the sickness rising in your throat. The memories flood back- everything awful you had gone through. Meeting him for the first time as he handed you a flower, sitting on opposite sides of the bars of your cage and talking long into the nights. Everything you had done, everything he had given you, the people you both hurt in the process. He takes a step closer, cautiously navigating the fragile space between you.
"I... What are you doing here?" You ask quietly, your eyes unable to meet his gaze. The room feels smaller, the walls closing in on you quickly.
He clears his throat, a nervous habit you remember well. "I wanted to see you," he says, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I didn't know what you were up to and how you were adjusting and... I was worried about you."
The weight of unspoken words lingers between you, and for a moment, neither of you knows how to bridge the gap that only a month of time has built. You had been away from him longer than you had known him, and facing him again, you were embarrassed. Scared. Coryo takes a deep breath, summoning the courage to express the weight of what he's carried in his mind for too long.
"I never stopped thinking about you," He confesses, sincerity etched across his face. "I tried sending letters but I didn't get any response."
The vulnerability in his eyes mirrors your own, and the air crackles with a shared sense of everything you want to say but just can't find the words. You can't help it as you feel over and over again the countless hours spent together in the lead-up to the worst days of your life.
Tentatively, he reaches for your hand, a silent plea for connection. As your fingers take his, warmth floods through you, dissolving the distance. "I missed you," he admits, his voice barely audible.
A rush of conflicting emotions surges within you- that same embarrassment, anger, hurt, but also a flicker of the fondness that never truly faded. "I missed you too," You admit, your voice breaking through the emotional dam, built up from fear and trauma and the stacks of books in your bedroom that held it back all this time.
With those words, the barriers crumble, and the room is filled with a pitiful silence. The weight of what you had both done begins to lift, replaced with the realization that he did honestly care for you, the way you did for him. As you look into each other's eyes, the connection is undeniable, evidence of a bond that time could never change. You would always be connected to him.
"Do you remember when I brought you that blanket?" He asks and you take in a sharp breath. The few pleasant memories you had of your time together were so often overthrown by the awful ones, these days. His eyes flicker quickly across your face. He looks as scared as you feel. "And I said I wish I could get to know you as you are, not as a tribute, and you said you would show me the stars."
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you nod, the nausea you felt steadily subsiding. "So you walk softly and look sweetly and say nothing. I am yours for the walk and especially when I walk away."
Coryo tilts his head at you, and smiles. That must have been a yes. "Please, don't walk away again." He whispers, and in that moment, he feels the tightness in his chest that carried him through the last month finally release.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @scorpiolystoned , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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rabbitsrams · 7 months
I'm just leaving a request for when you get to it absolutely no rush but pls more lunch club schlatt im feral for him
absolutely anon <3 i love this sm!! will be about meeting him at a party the m*sfits (unfortunate) were hosting in los angeles circa early 2020 era <3
i've written a lot about lc schlatt a lot already but idgaf i love writing more <3333 this turned into a whole fic hehe
nsfw under the cut, minors dni!! 18+ only.
you were dragged along by a friend who was invited by their friend. because they had to go to a huge youtuber party and you weren't gonna let them go alone.
the house is HUGE, wasn't a surprise that you lost the group as soon as you went inside. you decide to wait by the drinks on the off-chance someone you know would show up. none of your friends did, but someone else did.
out of all the creators you watched who were at this party, you were a casual fan of jschlatt's content. you were around when he did a face reveal, shocked that he was this cute guy your age instead of a 45-year-old man (it's the voice, sue me).
even in the darkness, you recognized him. you were too stunned to say anything as he grabbed the only water bottle in the area.
"you, uh... you want anything?" he asks. that voice. that voice you've only heard through headphones was now two feet in front of you. you shake your head.
"i, uh, i don't feel comfortable getting drunk at a party where i don't know anyone." you say, looking down at your hands.
"fair enough. uh... ah fuck, i got the last water, 'm sorry."
"i-it's fine," you take a deep breath. "uh, a-are you jschlatt? your voice sounds really familiar."
he chuckles. "yeah..."
"oh wow," you laugh. "i knew it."
it's silent for a moment before schlatt pipes up again. "d'ya know anyone here?"
"i came with my friend, who is nowhere to be found. their friend apparently knows whoever is hosting and got us in."
"ah," he takes another sip of water. "you can't find your friend?"
you shake your head. "whatever. they'll only find me if they need a ride home. i don't care anymore." you grab a can of beer and walk away from the drink table, trying to find a quiet place to stay. schlatt follows you for a moment before taking you to his room upstairs.
it's a breath of fresh air. the music is muffled and schlatt's temporary room is spacious and (mostly) clean. he invites you to sit on the bed with him and you continue your conversation from earlier. he's actually a lot nicer than you expected him to be (considering his online persona). and he's even cuter in person.
soon enough you find yourself leaning in to kiss him. he's a bit nervous and doesn't kiss you back.
"sorry. i, uh, never kissed anyone before." he confesses.
"that's okay. i've only kissed one other person and it's been a while since that happened." you say. that makes him relax a little. he cups your cheek and leans in, hesitantly pressing a soft kiss to your lips. you pull him closer, moaning softly as you put your hands in his hair. he whines.
you pull away. schlatt's face is tinted red and hints of your lipstick are all over his lips. "i, uh, wow..." he murmurs. you smile, moving closer and straddling him. he's already rock-hard underneath you. "s-sorry..."
"oh my gosh, don't be, it's okay." you grind your hips down, feeling his dick twitch in his jeans.
"h-honey, please... 'm gonna... b-bust. w-wanna do it i-inside ya..." he whimpers. you nod, removing your dress and panties. he kicks his jeans and boxers off. he leans to the left, opens a drawer and takes out a condom.
"oh thank god, i was prepared to go out and ask for one," you giggle. schlatt doesn't respond, grabbing your hips and pulling you on top of him. you ease yourself inside him, and before you can start moving, he groans loudly.
"fuck, 'm so sorry."
"did you..."
"w-wait, i don't wanna leave you hangin'," schlatt says. he helps you lay next to him. "can i touch you?"
"y-yes... please..." you whine. he coats his fingers with your wetness before slowly sliding them inside you. you clench around him, whining as he begins thrusting them in and out of you. he rubs your clit with his other hand and before long, you're coming all over his fingers.
"fuck, that was... so good..."
"yeah? it wasn't too, uh..."
"totally fine. uh, we can always do it again, dunno how long you'll be here but um... i can give you my number."
after you both clean up and get dressed, you exchange phone numbers. the party is slowly dying down. your friend texts you that they don't need a ride so you leave. as you drive back, you get a message from schlatt, already eagerly asking for your next meeting.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Carol Danvers x reader - don’t do this to yourself
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Hiii could I request a Carol x self harm reader please ? If not that's okay thank you sm - Anon💜
TW: mentions of self harm
Nothing had ever been the same, nothing ever was going to be the same, not since that day.
Since you had lost everything, since your whole world had been turned upside down and everything was was different.
And you hated it.
You hated the world.
You hated everything in it.
And most of all.
You hated yourself.
You hated who you had become and what you had done.
Standing in front of the mirror you took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment before you opened them again.
Your eyes were drawn to the many scars that littered your skin.
You turned your attention to the bloody bandages that were sitting around your wrist, and with a heavy sigh you began to change them.
It was a quick process, and it was something you were used to doing.
Once you were done, you pulled your shirt back on, buttoning it up before tidying your mess up, throwing it in the trash and taking the trash back outside to the bin.
Throwing it out, you walked back inside and stood in the kitchen, running a hand down your face.
“You seem a little stressed.”
You felt a pair of hands settle on your shoulders and you smiled faintly, slowly turned around.
“Hey…” Carol whispered.
“Hey, thought you were halfway across the universe saving the whole of space and time or something.”
Carol laughed a little but, shaking her head at you.
“No, I just had some diplomatic things to resolve I’m not sure I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Course your weren’t, just winging it again huh?”
Carol grinned a bit, resting her chin on your shoulder, hugging you softly.
“You know me too well.”
You placed your hands on her back, patting it a few times.
“You reek, go take a shower.”
“Wow, okay I see how it is.”
Carol pushed herself away, and she grinned at you as she kissed your cheek before making her way down the hallway.
Walking over to your desk, you looked through some papers before putting a few away.
Making your way back to the living room, you began to go through your books, taking a few to put them on the desk.
“Hey (Y/N)?”
You glanced at Carol as she came through wearing some of your clothes, drying her hair with a towel.
“Did you fell in the shower? Are you alright?”
You looked at her confused before it hit you.
You were in there not long before.
You were adding to your little collection of scars.
“Uh no, no. Sorry I was washing some paint things in there I forgot to clean up.”
Carol nodded her head a little bit, and she looked around before walking over, tossing the towel on the back of the couch.
“Right, except you don’t paint, you hate it, and nothing has changed since I was last here a few months ago.”
You turned around.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
Carol narrowed her eyes a little.
“What did you do..?” She whispered softly.
“Carol I didn’t do anything..”
She walked over, gently taking your hands in hers.
Running her thumbs along the back of your hands, giving you a sad look.
“Please tell me you didn’t…” she whispered.
You clenched your jaw, turning your eyes away from her.
“Carol I.. I hate myself myself. I.. I can’t.. words can’t.. nothing can describe how much I hate myself… how much I hate everything…”
Carol threw her arms around you, holding you tightly
“You should’ve called me (Y/N)…”
“You were so busy…”
“And I would’ve come running, I can’t stand you doing this to yourself I just.. I don’t.. I don’t know how to help you…”
You shook your head a little bit, pulling away from her.
“It’s not something you can help with..:”
“Maybe not, but I can still be here. I can be here so you’re not alone.”
“Carol you can’t do that, you’re needed all over.”
“And right now they’re not as important as you. So, we’re going to figure this out, okay? Because I can’t be out there knowing you’re slowly destroy yourself…”
You slowly shook your head.
“I don’t think I can stop…”
“You can, okay? You can. And we’re going to figure it out.”
You nodded, resting your head on her shoulder, letting her hold your and you clutched in to her tightly.
Never in all your years did you think anybody would stick by you, but there was always someone.
That one person that no matter will always be by your side, and Carol Danvers was that person, and she wasn’t going to let the only ray of light in her life be snuffed out
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kitteneddiediaz · 3 months
167. “let me eat you out while you do that”
Hi anon! Wow, this sparked the greatest image in my head, please enjoy!! Of course, NSFW under the cut
Usually, when Eddie steps into their garage with an opened beer in one hand, loose shirt and sweats, Buck lets him go. Doesn't bother him until it's close to dinner time, calling Eddie back into the house, reminding him to wash the grease from his Chevelle off his hands before he sits down.
Today though, Buck opens the door to the garage, needing to grab just a screwdriver from their toolbox for the handle on the pantry door that's been driving him crazy for about two weeks. And, Buck thinks, as he steps into the garage, that he really needs to come in here more often when Eddie's working on the car.
He's got a wrench in hand, completely bent over the popped hood of the car, reaching down into the mechanics to fix whatever it is that he's got his focus on. But Buck's focus is on something completely different. Because Eddie's loose sweats that already like to hug his ass are stretched tight over his backside where he's bent over at the waist to reach into the car. His shirt is rucked up too, showing off those beautiful dimples he has on his lower back.
He hears Buck come in though, so Buck only gets a second to admire the view before Eddie is straightening up, the sweats loosening their hold on his ass, fabric following the rift between his cheeks and making heat rush to Buck's face.
"Hey babe," Eddie says, wiping his hair out of his face with his wrist and smearing the littlest bit of grease along his temple. "Is dinner ready?"
"U- uhh," Buck sputters, "Um, uh, um." He clears his throat. "Um, not yet, no. I-I just came out to grab a um, a screwdriver."
"Oh, okay. Yeah, they're in the top drawer over there." Eddie says, gesturing to the toolbox on the other side of the car, then turning back and leaning over the hood of the car again, sweats stretching again over his ass.
"Let me eat you out while you do that."
Eddie's hand stops cranking the wrench where he has it buried in the hood. "...What?" He says, incredulous.
"Let me. Eat you out. While you do that." Buck reiterates, hunkering down.
"Buck," Eddie starts, "the garage door is open."
"Yeah, and we're all the way in the back, hidden behind the car. Nobody will see, you'll just have to be quiet."
Eddie just stares for a second, then looks forward, maybe judging if having sex in their open garage is something he wants to do.
Buck steps forward though, wrapping his hands around Eddie's hips. "You can say no, but seriously Eddie, I come out here to find you bent over, sweaty and delicious, and you think I don't immediately want to eat you out."
Eddie chuckles, pressing his ass back into Buck's hips. "Okay. Okay, but, Buck, do not let me get cum on the front of this car."
"Deal," Buck says, sinking down onto his knees behind Eddie.
"There's a knee pad over there." Eddie supplies, gesturing just next to the tire.
"Thank you," Buck responds, grabbing it and positioning it under his knees. He kisses the small of Eddie's back, sliding his fingers under Eddie's sweats and underwear, tugging them down slowly. "Keep working on the car." He pushes his hand forward higher up on Eddie's back, pressing him back down onto the hood.
And Buck usually likes to tease Eddie before he eats him out, ghosting his fingers and nose along Eddie's crack, kneading the fat of his ass under his hands and giving him a few spanks, but today is not the day for that, because Buck figures he only has about 12 minutes before dinner is actually ready, and he's gotta get Eddie to the edge and tumbling over before the timer goes off.
He dives in, licking across Eddie's hole, petting at his taint with his fingers, other hand wrapping loosely around Eddie's cock. And Buck eats. Fucking in and out of Eddie's hole with his tongue, getting one spit-slicked finger inside to rub at his prostate.
And Eddie's - really trying. Every now and then Buck will hear the crank of the wrench, but mostly the garage is filled with the sound of Eddie's soft rock playlist contrasting the quiet moans he's letting out every now and then.
Buck hums against him, into him, feeling Eddie clenching around his tongue and finger as pleasure washes over his skin. He pulls his finger out, grabbing Eddie's cheeks to spread him wider for Buck to press his face harder against Eddie, tongue licking at him opening his mouth to graze his teeth against rim and suck on it.
Eddie reaches back to grip Buck's hair, arching his back farther.
Eddie's close, Buck can tell. He starts stripping his cock for all it's worth, using the little bit of precum to give Eddie even a little bit of glide.
"Buck, Buck, Buck," Eddie chants, grip tightening on Buck's hair. "Baby, baby, I-I'm close. Oh fuck Buck, Buck please."
Buck angles Eddie's cock down towards the floor of the garage, squeezing the head, and Eddie comes, moaning into the engine of the car, tugging on Buck's hair as spurts and spurts of cum land on the floor of the garage.
Eddie slumps against the hood fully, legs giving out, and Buck stands back up, pulling Eddie's sweats up for him. He leans over Eddie's back, pressing a kiss behind his ear. "I love you. Dinner should be ready in a minute. Make sure to wash up before you sit down at the table."
And then he's walking to the toolbox, grabbing the screwdriver out of the drawer, and heading back into the kitchen.
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mymoodwriting · 7 months
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Request for Anon (Yandere Werewolf!Wonwoo) 3.4k, yandere, ABO dynamics, aggressive behavior, supernatural, kidnapping, restraints, biting, blood (@starillusion13)
“Ignore the Sigma House.”
It was your first day of uni and you were following a student tour guide around campus. Your whole group were incoming freshmen, all of you bright eyed and unaware of what uni was really like. After the initial tour you wound up at the involvement fair, a place where all the clubs and sports gathered around to recruit new people. Of course this also included the fraternities and sororities. You were all allowed to go your own way as this was the end of the tour, but your tour guide did warn you to avoid the Sigma House.
“Those guys are just a bunch of animals.”
The warning did nothing to help as those same people overheard and came over to greet all the freshmen. They were super energetic and welcoming, going to show maybe the tour guide had a personal bias they were pushing on you.
“… ha… hi…”
You didn’t notice someone had approached you until you heard a nervous greeting, turning around to find a tall boy with glass giving you an awkward smile.
“You’re really pretty.”
“Ah, thank you.”
“Uh… so, I’m Wonwoo, and the Sigma house is-”
“I’m y/n, and I’m a girl, and Sigma is a fraternity, right? Which means boys only.”
“Right, right, sorry…”
“It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll find some great guys to recruit. I’m gonna check out the rest of the fair.”
“Yeah, yeah, have fun.”
“You too.”
As you said, you took a look at all the tables at the involvement fair, signing up for a few things to get freebies, and thinking of giving them a shot down the line. When you finished with all that you went off to your dorm, needing to unpack, and still get some boxes moved in. While moving around you ended up bumping into Wonwoo.
“Hello again.”
“Oh, hi, what are you doing here? Don’t you dorm in the frat house?”
“Yeah, yeah, we just like to help others, especially when it comes to moving into the dorm.”
Without asking he took one of the boxes you had and gestured for you to lead the way. You weren’t going to deny some help, so he followed you as you got all your things to your dorm and the two of you started to get to know each other.
“What year are you?”
“Oh wow, halfway there.”
“You can say that.”
“Do you like this place?”
“The professors are good, and there are plenty of resources to take advantage of. I think you’ll like it.”
“This was one of my top choices, but this will be my first time living alone. Well, not completely alone as I have a roommate but you know what I mean.”
“Yeah. It’s something else, but I’m lucky to have my brothers looking out for me.”
“Brothers? Oh, you mean the frat house.”
“Yup. You know, we are having a party tonight to celebrate all the new people. It’s open to everyone. You should come by. It’s a great way to socialize and meet new people.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“If you come by-”
You were startled as someone shouted, seeing another boy come over and grab Wonwoo. He offered you a smile, but said nothing as he pulled Wonwoo away. 
“I’ll see you at the party!” Wonwoo yelled. “Bye now.”
It was kinda weird that someone just showed up and dragged Wonwoo away, but you figured it was probably one of his frat brothers who needed him for something. Now that it was just you it was much easier to unpack and get your things all set up. While you were doing that you met your roommate, Misu. You helped her with her things and you both began to get acquainted with one another. You also used the time to mention any allergies or rules you kinda wanted to set down.
“So, I heard the Sigma house is throwing a party, you in?”
“I don’t know…”
“The rumor is they throw the best parties.”
You really weren’t one for parties, but in the end Misu ended up convincing you to go with. You had nothing else to do, so it wasn’t a bad thing in any way. You weren’t sure what to expect, but there were certainly a lot of people. The atmosphere was definitely vibrant and alive, everyone around seeming to be having a good time. Unlike yourself, Misu was a social butterfly, immediately engaging with people. You felt more awkward than anything else. It wasn’t long before Misu disappeared from sight and you were alone.
You thought to hang around for a while, going into the house and looking around. You didn’t see Wonwoo though, figured he was busy with others anyway. This was his party so he probably had things to do. After a while you dipped, preferring to take in the campus at night before returning to your dorm. Tomorrow was day one, and you wanted to be well rested. Going by the noises around you, that wouldn’t be the case for others. It would take some getting used to all this, the bed and atmosphere, but this was what you wanted. Eventually you’d get used to it all, but you had to take it one day at a time.
It wasn’t exactly easy to sleep that first night, but you were ready for the first day. There wasn’t much to expect though. As freshmen, and this being your first week, it was all mostly syllabus talk and class expectations. So you were just going from one to another, which was honestly kind of boring, and that’s how the whole week went.
After one of your classes you heard your name, surprised to find Wonwoo waving you over. He had been waiting for you.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Good. I missed you at the party.”
“Yeah, sorry, I was tied up.” Wonwoo explained. “How’s the first week going?”
“Oh you know, the usual, just going over class stuff. No real learning just yet, although I do need a partner for-”
“I’ll do it.”
You chuckled. “Wonwoo, you’re not in my class. I need a project partner.”
“Ah, right, right…”
It was kinda funny to see how Wonwoo got. He was probably shy around you, but still making an effort to talk to you. Although you had no idea how he found you. The campus was huge and you were going back and forth all day. Guess he got lucky.
“You know… we’re having another party at the end of the month.”
“Wow, guess you guys do party a lot.”
“No, not really, but this next one is to celebrate getting past the drop out deadline, meaning you are committing to your classes. Or at least intend to.”
“I see. Well, I’ll think about it.”
You started running into Wonwoo more often. He liked talking to you, and he also checked in with you, asking if you needed help with anything. He was very sweet, especially that time he brought you a smoothie. Besides keeping you company and making you feel less alone, he really did let you know about all the best places around campus. You knew where to go when you really needed to focus, and what the best drinks on campus were. To you he was like your unofficial mentor, making it easier for you to adjust to uni life. Of course you didn’t always have time for him, but he did his best to be around.
“Hey, y/n!”
You heard Wonwoo shout for you, finding him in the crowd and waving over to him. Before you could get to him you noticed someone else grab him and try to drag him off. You could see a little altercation going on, but couldn’t make anything out. In the end they dragged Wonwoo off and you were left a bit confused. You figured he had something important he had neglected. You didn’t think too much about it until you were approached by someone else.
“You’re y/n, right?”
“Uh… why?”
“Keep away from Wonwoo.”
“What? Who are you to-”
“You’re a distraction for him and he needs to focus on his studies.”
“I don’t understand. Doesn’t he balance-”
“He has responsibilities, and you’re just getting in his way. For both your sakes, I suggest you avoid him.”
“We’re not gonna let some freshmen mess him up, got it?”
“I… I’m sorry… I didn’t know…”
“Just stay away from him.”
You really couldn’t understand why things had gotten so serious, but you tried to make sense of it. After all, Wonwoo was part of a fraternity, those people tended to take the brotherhood seriously, and look out for one another. Not to mention they had all kinds of codes and rules among themselves. You didn’t see Wonwoo for a while after that incident, but soon enough you ran into him again. The first thing that came to mind was his tall friend cornering you and telling you to stay away. Despite seeing Wonwoo, and probably making eye contact, you ducked your head down and tried to get lost in the crowd. That didn’t work though as Wonwoo chased you down and grabbed your arm.
“Hey, I was calling you.”
“I have to get to my next class…”
“You have a free period right now.”
“Look, I don’t wanna cause trouble or be a burden to you, so can you please let go.”
“A burden? Who said that?”
“I appreciate you looking out for me, but I can take care of myself.”
Those words seemed to piss him off as his grip on your arm got tighter. You whimpered and asked him to let you go, but he did no such thing.
“Who told you all this?”
“Who? Did one of my brothers say something to you?”
“No one said-”
“Don’t lie to me. Who?”
“I don’t know… he was tall… and told me to stop being a distraction…”
“They are unbelievable.” Wonwoo hissed. “Come on.”
“Huh? Wait, Wonwoo, where are you taking me?”
He didn’t answer you, instead pulling you along. By now the crowd had basically disappeared, and no one cared to get involved with the scene. That is until a few other boys came by and pulled Wonwoo away. You expected there to be some arguing, but instead Wonwoo threw a punch. You stumbled back a few steps as the group of boys began to grab Wonwoo and basically try to restrain him. One told you to leave, but you were kinda frozen in place from the shock.
“I told you to leave!”
The guy shoved you with enough force to knock you down. It was so unexpected you ended up scrapping your hands, drawing a bit of blood. You whimpered, taking a look at your injury when you heard a growl. Your vision snapped over to see Wonwoo fighting against his friends, his eyes locked on you. For a moment you swear his eyes changed, but next thing you knew someone was in your field of vision and helping you up. They took hold of your arm and pulled you away from the scene. You tried to look back, still wondering what it was you had seen, but you couldn’t see Wonwoo clearly anymore.
The person who took you away from the scene brought you over to one of the gender neutral bathrooms on campus. Without saying anything he began to attend to your cuts, cleaning them up and getting the first aid kit to properly wrap them. They weren’t harsh, which you were grateful for, although they didn’t seem that friendly either. This wasn’t the guy who had come to see you before and told you to stay away from Wonwoo. Still, the silence was awkward and you had to at least thank him. It seemed like he was reading your mind as he spoke before you got the chance.
“I don’t need a thank you, but you were told to avoid him.”
“I… I tried… but he-”
“We know. We’ll keep a better eye on him.”
“Okay… can I at least know your name?”
“And all you guys are from Sigma, right?”
“Enough. Make sure to check on the wound so it doesn’t get infected.”
With that said Jeonghan left the restroom. You hung around for a moment, collecting your thoughts. It seemed they would keep their word as you didn’t see Wonwoo for weeks. You figured they finally got it through his head that it was a bad idea to hang around a freshman. It did suck as it felt like losing a friend, but you had also been using him as an excuse not to socialize. One friend was enough, or at least you told yourself, but it would be better to have friends your own age who are going through similar things as you.
You got into your own rhythm with school work and social activities. Before you knew it midterms had arrived. Of course your roommate had mentioned some parties, some hosted by Sigma, but you skipped out on them. The alcohol and loud music and possible drugs and one night stand objectives wasn’t really you. Besides, you’d be more likely to run into Wonwoo if you went out partying. You didn’t think you were missing anything. Most nights you’d head over to the library for some studying. It was always quiet once the sun went down, that is unless you walked by a party.
You didn’t even stop to look, just picking up the pace but you heard footsteps right behind you, and soon enough a hand grabbed your arm and turned you around.
“Don’t walk away from me.”
“Please leave me alone.”
“Look, I need to apologize.”
“My brothers crossed the line with threats, and shouldn’t have involved themselves.”
“Are you okay?”
“You’ve been gone for days now… I mean I don’t know your schedule or anything, but you’ve been okay, right?”
“Yeah… I’m fine.”
“Then we can part ways.”
“You really helped me adjust to campus life, but your brothers are clearly worried about you, and I don’t want to get in the way of anything.”
“You’re not. I-”
“Your brothers don’t want us to socialize, and I’m gonna respect that.”
“Fuck them.”
“They don’t know anything! I’m not just gonna leave you alone cause they said so. I want to get to know you and be your friend, your closest confidant, and they’re not-”
“Wonwoo, do you hear yourself? What is going on with you!? Cause you’re not the person I met.”
“I’m fine, we’re fine, so can we just move past this and-”
You tried to get yourself free from Wonwoo, but his grip was firm. As you struggled his hold only got tighter, and it started to hurt.
“Wonwoo… let go… you’re hurting me…”
“I’m not gonna let them get in between us again.”
“Wonwoo, what are you talking about? It’s my decision-”
“It’s not! They’ve said stupid shit and you believe them.”
“It doesn’t matter if I do, I don’t want to be around you.”
“You… you don’t mean that…”
“Wonwoo, please let go. Maybe we can talk later or-”
“No, there is no later. When they realize I snuck out and-”
“You snuck out? See, your brothers are worried about you.”
“They don’t care, they’re just getting in the way.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Us. You’re coming with me.”
“Wonwoo, I’m not going anywhere with-”
“I’m not asking.”
Now you were panicking and really trying to free yourself, but Wonwoo wouldn’t budge. He began to drag you along with him, but you fought him. Although when you started screaming he pulled you close. You could barely register what was happening until he had your back pressed against his chest, and he was forcing your mouth open while he poured some liquid down your throat. You tried not to swallow, but you soon began to feel dizzy, your vision starting to go dark.
“… wonwoo…”
As you began to regain consciousness the first thing you felt was cold. You opened your eyes to darkness, and even once you adjusted to the light there wasn’t much to see. You apparead to be in some kind of concrete room, like a basement. You were sitting on a mattress and then you realized the chain around your ankle. Panic started to build up and you tried to get the restraint off, but it was no use. You couldn’t do much else but scream for help, hoping someone would hear you. The only way out was the door, but you soon realized you couldn’t get anywhere near it. You were about to scream again when you heard voices.
They were approaching fast, and it seemed to be some kind of commotion. You quickly backed up, tripping over the chain and collapsing onto the mattress. When the door opened you were momentarily blinded by the light. Although once you could see again the scene before you didn’t make much sense. A group of boys threw Wonwoo into the room, yelling at him to get his head on straight and calm down. In response Wonwoo growled back, making an attempt to escape, only to get thrown back in. You locked eyes with him, seeing them glow in a strange way which struck fear into you. That’s when everyone else became aware of your presence but it was far too late. 
Wonwoo scrambled over to you, pulling you into his arms and nuzzling your neck. You went still, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Your eyes were wide with fear and the others had come into the room, all of them in disbelief as well. They tried to get Wonwoo to let you go, only for him to snap back at them and bite one of them. You saw blood spill on the floor, trying to cower away but then Wonwoo pulled you close again, this time getting behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He had your back pressed against his chest, nuzzling the crook of your neck once more as he breathed in your scent.
“Wonwoo, let her go!”
“How the fuck did she get in here?” One asked. “When?”
“She’s my mate.” Wonwoo growled. “She can’t leave!”
“He’s in a fucken rut right now, he’s not thinking straight.”
“I told you guys we shouldn’t have let him out!”
“Then what were we supposed to do with him?”
“Someone go get Seungcheol and Jeonghan.”
“What’s going on…” You mumbled. “I… I don’t…”
“Y/n, right? Everything’s going to be okay.”
One of the boys tried to get close, only for Wonwoo to growl and his hold over you to get tighter. You could feel something digging into your arms, looking down to see Wonwoo had claws and they were digging into your skin.
“Let go!” You cried. “Please, please, Wonwoo…”
“It’s okay.” He whined. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
“You’re hurting me…”
“I’m sorry… I don’t mean to…”
“Please, just let go.”
“But then you’ll try to leave.”
“I won’t run away, I promise.”
“I don’t believe you.”
Wonwoo let out a whine, pressing soft kisses onto your shoulder, then you felt the pain. You screamed as he dug his teeth into your flesh, feeling the blood run down your arm. The guys really started to panic then, yelling at Wonwoo to stop and desperately trying to get you away from him. One of them broke the chain that was around your ankle, and the managed to get you out of Wonwoo’s grasp. They pinned him to the ground, a handful of them using their own weight to keep him still. By then your vision had gotten blurry and you could barely stand on your own. You collapsed to the floor, the world spinning around you. Your breaths were heavy and labored as you tried to calm yourself down.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, what do we do?”
“The fuck happened!?”
“Don’t yell at us, Seungcheol! Yell at Wonwoo!”
“You were also supposed to watch him.”
You could barely make out the gentleman in your field of view. He was trying to talk to you but his voice sounded so far away from you. His hand hovered over your bite mark, looking it over.
“Is the bite gonna take?”
“I’m not sure. Wonwoo, what the fuck!?”
Seungcheol and the others looked back at Wonwoo. He had stopped struggling but was merely watching everything. Once he realized all eyes were on him he smiled, showing his bloody teeth proudly.
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liveforjeongin · 20 days
Hi can I request Lee Seungmin Ler skz with 21, 25 & 27 from prompt list 1 please? You don't have to write this if you don't want to!! Love love love your works!! Have a great day and stay hydrated!!🩷🩷
Just Be Honest - Don't Mess With Your Members Pt2
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You're so sweet anon, ty😭
And thanks for the request too<3
a/n: This is... Quite old😭 So the dorms are still the 4 - 4 ones the members lived in before so yes thank you
-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: anon
warnings: gang tickles, raspberries though it's just one-, rough tickles ig, pinning, idk if it's angst but Seung is upset, swearing
Read the first part here in case you haven't yet!
taglist: @itzsana-kiddingmenow @makebelieveyouregoodenough
Prompt 21, list #1: “I know other ways to make you talk…”
Prompt 25, list #1: “You’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
Prompt 27, list #1: “Wow. you are super ticklish.”
Seungmin was in his room, lost in his thoughts.
He had had a small fight with Minho over some cookies the younger had bought, and Minho accidentally ate.
They discussed a little and Min apologized, obviously, but Seungmin was still a bit upset at the situation.
He was just layed on his bed, staring at the ceiling, when Jeongin knocked on his door, interrupting his thinking.
"Hey, hyung. The guys were thinking on doing a movie night tonight in the other dorm. Since you didn't answer the messages, I came to ask you if you're up to it."
"Oh, hey, Innie. Um, yeah, sounds cool, why not?"
"Great!" The younger gave him a small smile that Seung couldn't return.
Once the night fell, all the members gathered in the 3racha+Hyunjin dorm, and as usual, couldn't help but fight over the movie.
"Horror is always the best option" Changbin tried to argue, Jisung and Minho agreeing with him.
"I wanna be able to sleep tonight, thank you" Lix... Didn't agree that much.
Minnie was still thinking on his earlier discussion with Minho, so he was sat on the floor, not even being part of the conversation.
It didn't take long for Chan to realize. "Seungminnie, you alright?" Asked him.
Seungmin, of course, tried to shrug it off "Uh- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, hyung... Nothing important..."
But Chan didn't believe him, and neither did the other members. All their attention was now focused on the puppy.
"Seungminnie, come on... You usually don't act like this... Tells us what happened..." Hyunjin insisted, but Seungmin still gave it zero importance.
After some more minutes, the members were already tired of trying to convince Seungmin to talk, so, they were going to need some desperate measures...
"Okay, fine, don't talk. I know other ways to make you talk anyway…" Jeongin sat next to his hyung on the floor, and in a quick movement, somehow pinned him down on the floor.
"I-Innie... Get off of me you brat!"
"Uh-uh-uh, Seungminnie... We don't treat our youngers like that" Changbin teased the younger a little.
"Oh yeah? Fuck you all anyway. Let me go!"
Jisung couldn't help but fake gasp at the vocalist's comment "Oh, Seungminnie... You’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance...” sent a poke to Seungmin's belly to emphasize his point.
Of course this made Seungmin realize he was actually defenseless.
"N-No... Guys... Guys please no... I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'll talk! I'll talk, really... But pleaseeeee!"
"Mmm... I don't think talking can really get you out of this one Seungminnie... You were quite rude as well..." Felix teased, helping Jeongin to pin the puppy down, now being the one raising his arms.
"Guys... Guys, guys, please... PleaAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHASE!" The second younger was cut off mid sentence by some tortuous fingers attacking his belly.
Oh those guys were mean-
"Sorry, Seungminnie. I can't quite hear you through all that screaming~" Chan teased, his fingers still tickling Seungmin on his stomach.
It didn't take long for the rest of the guys to join the fun. Hyunjin started working on one of the guy's sides, while Jeongin was in charge of the other one, Changbin went for his ribs, Minho for his thighs and Jisung went for his neck, all of them spots in where Seungmin was quite sensitive.
They sure hadn't to wait to hear their friend scream.
"Wow. You are super ticklish-” Hyunjin couldn't help but point out.
"You sure don't sound sorry though... You're laughing quite a bit right there. How inconsiderate of you! We're clearly hurt over here!" Sungie teased with a fake pout, knowing that would most likely annoy Minnie.
"HAN, SHUHUHUHUHUT UPPPP! YOU AREN'T HUHUHUHURT AT ALL!" Seung argued through his laughter.
"Who says, hmm?" Minho spoke up.
"IHIHIHIHI DO! BECAUSE I KNOW YOU AAAHHH-" was surprised by a sudden raspberry on his belly button, courtesy of Chan.
"You talk too much and nothing is what we want to hear..." Was Chan's excuse.
"Do we need to go a bit rougher so you tell us~?" Innie teased, dangerously placing his hands on the vocalist's hips. There's no way he ain't speaking with that.
All the member's stopped their tickling and Lixie set his arms free, making sure to pet him a bit too "You did really good right there... Now tell us, what's got you all upset?"
Seung took a few moments to catch his breath, and once he did, he looked up at the members, all looking at him "I... I discussed with Lee Know hyung this morning... It was stupid, he ate some cookies I bought and I got mad... He apologized but... I still think about that... I didn't like it that we fought..."
Lino's heart melted at the younger's confession... He really was so cute "Hey... Don't feel bad about it... We did discuss and, again, I'm sorry for not asking before eating those cookies... But we're okay. Don't feel upset about that fight anymore..." Spoke softly to the puppy.
Seungmin couldn't help the small smile on his face after his hyung's words... He was right, it was in the past now.
Minho ruffled his dongsaeng's hair as his final touch, and then they all got back to argue about the movie, but this time, Seung did indeed participate.
WELL HELLOOOOOOOOOOO YOUR FAVORITE GIRL IS BACK😻😻😻 (I know I'm not I just wanted to say it)
I feel like it's a bit hypocritical of me to not read fics these days cuz I don't like it rough but then post this, like, I'm sorry-
BUT ANYWAY, had this one in my inbox for... Really a long time😭😭😭 So ty for the patience of this dear anon and I might upload some more new fics these days honestly who knows
BUT ANYWAY I hoped you guys liked this one I'll try to write more often<3
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Patching up the holes in your thoughts
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • After finding a safe space to hold up, given everyone’s injuries, Daryl did his best to keep you safe and remind you…you’re not in that dark place anymore • ANGST/SFW • TW: Hallucinations / Head injury / Blood loss / Anxiety / Concussion
Requested by: Anon
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She’s okay we’ve got her
Yeah that spill she took was awful
Did you see the amount of blood?
Guys, Daryl is still in the room. He doesn’t have to relive what happened
Siddiq’s right. Let’s get Y/N patched up
Y/N jolts awake in one of the infirmary rooms behind the main room where all the procedures and check ups happen. She anxiously looked around the room feeling a throbbing pain in her head.
The moment she sat up, Siddiq has stepped in to check on her and gave out an obvious sigh of relief.
“Thank god you’re alright”
“Wha…what happened?”
“You were helping with the bridge when one of the Saviors carrying some planks tuned too quickly knocking you in the back of your head. You had caught yourself but given parts of the floor was still being installed, your foot got caught and you went head first into the concrete.”
“Wow…that’s comedic”
“Mm. If you had woken up and brushed it off? Then maybe. But you were out cold and lost a lot of blood.” Siddiq frowns being careful with her when getting the blood pressure cuff on her as Y/N noticed a few bandages scattered on her arm.
“Did you fail the first stick or something?”
“No, again, you lost a lot of blood. So after you got stitches and bandaged, Daryl donated his blood” He states taking the cuff off when it was normal and checked the bandages to make sure they weren’t irritating. “Did you know he’s a universal blood type?”
“Yes, and what his brother did with it.” She frowns feeling the discomfort. “Don’t you dare abuse that fact”
“Hey, if he agrees to it in the future. Then cool, but the second he says no? Ain’t gonna do it. Besides, you’re the most recent serious case we had.” Siddiq sat on the edge of the bed taking out his flashlight pen, something Rosita found and gifted him. He checks the reactivity in her eyes watching her retract a bit to rub her eyes. “I’ll close the blinds, you could have a migraine from being out for a while. But I’d like to keep you here for a few days. Don’t want you going home where your room is upstairs”
“I could sleep on the couch…but I am enjoying a bed”
“Plus, I’m upstairs in case of anything” Siddiq smiles a little. “And Daryl desperately wants to be in here but Rick and Aaron have been keeping him out”
“He saw everything happened. He was stressed out bringing you here, stressed out watching me assess your injuries, and wouldn’t let me work until I’ve checked everything. So he got kicked out”
“Can he come see me?”
“I’d like to have you try and sleep for a while longer. Or at least an hour to do another neuro check…then he can come in”
“Mm…okay” Y/N was disappointed but never refused doctor’s orders.
The thing is, when he left, she was afraid to go back to sleep. Y/N wasn’t one to fear death but hearing what happened freaked her out. She tried her best to remember it for herself but there were holes in her thoughts.
So she did what was asked…and tried falling back asleep. It didn’t take long.
But something felt off…
“Move!” The familiar voice yells over her making her jolt unconsciously.
“I didn’t do anythin’ man. She was in the goddamn way”
“Alright alright! There’s something more important to handle right now! ____ get your fucking shit together and get her to Siddiq” The other familiar voice interrupted the other and the unfamiliar one.
The unfamiliar loomed over her unconscious form as the blank expression that was formed on the blurry body, drove a chill down her spine.
“She’s dead”
The voice she knew continued to argue with this unfamiliar that became voiceless while the scene moved.
“Wow she’s uh. Really bleeding” a new facial voice came into the channel while the warmth that came from this being brought sensations to her physical body. Like she’s felt this before.
“I can see that. She hit her head, but it doesn’t fucking help that this bastard hit her with a plank that knocked her already—then off balance—and then into the fucking concrete”
“Daryl, please. Your frustration won’t help this situation”
“It hasn’t on the way over here. Tell me where yea need me ___—“
“Get him out of here unless he’s going to be useful” Siddiq snaps applying pressure to the sound as the familiar took Daryl’s bicep feeling him pull away. Which lead to the familiar full on grabbing Daryl and taking him out of there.
“She’s okay, we’ve got her” Siddiq reassures Rick when he returned to help him. Soon another familiar came rushing through with another that could help with their infirmary experience.
“That spill she took was awful, not to be gruesome about it. But it was like a fruit being thrown at the ground until it exploded”
“That’s fucking vivid ____”
“Did you see the amount of blood?!”
“___—-! ___—-!”
“Daryl is still within goddamn earshot. Watch what you’re fucking saying”
“Ricks right. Daryl doesn’t have to relive this, okay?” Siddiq made his partner Rosita take a hold of applying pressure while he had Aaron get an IV in while he did a quick stitch job. “Thank god”
“I can see her skull”
“BECAUSE I CAN SEE ITS NOT CRACKED OR BROKEN OPEN LIKE A COCONUT!” Siddiq snapped out of anxious habit when others yelled at him. Rick held his hands up defensively before watching Aaron tape the IV needle in place and the yelling triggered the archer to come in.
“Ah hell no!”
“If she’s gonna die I ain’t—“
“She’s not going to die!”
“I ain’t fucking leaving her regardless!” Daryl snaps and no one said another word, all that happened was Rick and Aaron sharing a glance and then quickly taking the archer that fought against the two, back out of the room. His anxiety would only make everything worse.
Then a sudden deep breath escaped Y/N and that startled Rosita and Siddiq, but once he took notice that that action helped her start breathing regularly. Overall relief occurred before the work continued.
“She’s dead”
The unfamiliar voice startled her awake from her unconscious state. Y/N sat up finding Siddiq and Rosita were no longer in the room and all there was was this unfamiliar being with a monotoned voice, compared to how it was on the bridge.
“Go away…”
“She’s dead”
“No…No no no I’m not” Y/N whined, holding her head as she tried to get up and leave. Only to realize she wasn’t in an infirmary bed or in that building anymore.
She’s been moved. She has memory of this. But currently she was in an old state of mind that her concussed state from the main injury was starting to trigger the past issue.
“Please…go away” She cried as she stumbled out of the bed making the thud noticeable to others within the house.
“She’s dead. She lost a lot of blood. How could anyone recover—-“
“Y/N?! Y/N oh my god” Daryl opened the door making this image of an unfamiliar being fade away, indicating she was snapping back into her reality.
But she didn’t know that.
“Hey hey hey, you’re okay. What happened? Did yea fall?” Daryl kept asking as he tried to hold her but she retracted at first. “Y/N…”
“You’re not here…this guy wants to hurt me. You’re not here. You’re not here” She sobbed, and it wasn’t going to be an entirely gentle approach to get her to realize that it was Daryl.
The way she started to corner herself in the room continuing to sob shutting her eyes tight. Daryl frowns trying his best not to fall apart at the sight as he quietly brings himself closer sitting on his knees before her. It was a risk, but he carefully took one of her hands feeling the first retraction—but she felt the familiar warmth from before. But different.
“You comfortable?” His voice was always so soothing and his touch was ever so gentle when it came to her fragile state. “I can get you another blanket”
No I’m okay
“Alright, but I’m stayin’ close.” He smiles bringing the blanket over her before sitting on the edge of the bed and taking her hand into his. Rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.
You know I won’t break if you leave
“I don’t wanna leave yea”
Can you at least do something when I’m asleep?
“Mmm. You tryin’ to kick me out, sunshine?” Daryl scoffs playfully but he couldn’t help but find himself admiring her smile and laugh again. It was only three days after the accident, and he missed it. He missed it so much.
Of course not, I would love for you to lay with me a while. But I am currently out of service. You can still help rebuild the communities
“Fine. But right now I’m staying” Daryl smiles bringing her hand to gently rest on his cheek so that he could feel that he was there.
“I’m right here, sunshine” His voice was a low whisper that made her re-open her eyes, her blurry tear filled eyes as her thumb gently brushes his cheek feeling the familiar scruffiness he had. “Y/N…”
“I’m sorry…I-I don’t…I don’t know what happened”
“You suffered a head injury…Siddiq warned about your concussion being a bit bad” Daryl frowns bringing himself closer as she brought her other hand to his other cheek. “Hallucinations could happen…not likely but I just…shouldn’t have assumed it not happening”
“…I’m okay now…I think”
“‘M here now. You can’t kick me out cuz imma just stick with yea every day until yer better”
“Please?” Y/N felt the tears fell as he gently brushed them away before bringing his arms around her making her move hers around his neck.
The archer carefully stood while holding his girl and making her legs wrap around his torso until he moved to the bed. Helping her lay down before bringing himself to her other side and laying with her. She carefully brought herself to rest her head against him, making him tense slightly afraid if he moved he’ll hurt her. But she kept her head on his shoulder, part of it where the stitches weren’t.
“I’m never leaving, okay?”
“If…if it happens again” The fear in her voice made Daryl worry as he looks at her waiting. “Will you help me out?”
“I’ll always bring you back, sunshine”
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plinthpilled · 8 months
I love love LOVE your bsf to lover stuff with sejanus it's one of my favorite tropes and with himmm?? 🫠
tysm!! here's more just for you anon <3
you and sejanus plinth have been best friends ever since he came to the Capitol from district 2. you were the only person who ever stood up to his relentless bullies that were your classmates and he couldn't thank you enough for that. things soon became conflicting, though. after being friends for years, you realized you really really liked him and wanted to be more than friends. you refused to say anything due to not wanting to fuck up a perfectly good friendship. this was your thought process until today.
you were walking down the elegant halls of the academy when you felt a hand grip your shoulder from behind. you turn around panicked, just to see it was sejanus. you lightly punch him in the arm in a joking way. "asshole." you giggle. "oh my god whatever will I do? my best friend just called me an asshole!" he said sarcastically while doing dramatic hand motions. you laugh at his silly antics and step closer to him, closing the distance between you two. "sej I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the park today? I know it's like really last minute so no worries if you can't!" you say. "of course I do. what else would I be doing anyways?" he smiles. "okay! meet me there in half an hour." you tell him, reaching the exit of the building. he waves to you and you return the gesture, excited to be able to see him. you get in a car that you called and make your way home.
when you arrive, you basically run out of the car to go get changed. you debate several different options before settling on your favorite outfit. while waiting for the appropriate time to leave came, you did some thinking. you decided today was the day to confess your undying love for your best friend. it was the perfect day, truly. not too hot, not too cold and at the park no less. it seemed like the stars had aligned. a wave of nervousness washed over you, realizing that if he didn't feel the same way, you would have no one. many of your classmates refused to talk to you because you were associated with the district born boy. you didn't mind at all though, as long as you had sejanus by your side, everything was perfect. you straighten up your outfit and perfect your hair before heading out to the designated spot.
you sit at you and sej's usual spot, a specific bench that overlooks the large and majestic lake. you were lost in your thoughts when you feel a presence next to you. you turn to see sejanus's beautiful dark curls and matching eyes. "hey." you smile. "hey yourself. you look nice." he returns the gesture and you can physically feel yourself fall more in love with the boy. "you feeling alright?" he asks, worry spreading across his gorgeous features. "oh- yeah I'm fine." you say. "you're not convincing in the slightest. what's wrong?" he puts his hand over yours, his touch addicting. you take a deep breath, knowing it's now or never. "I- uh- just wanted to tell you something." you say, nervousness and anxiety soaking your words. the second you say that you can see worry plastered all over him. you knew from his now rigid stance that he was expecting the worst. "shoot. you can tell me anything." he states with the kind and charming voice you have loved since you met. you take another deep breath, preparing yourself for the absolute worst. "I know this is going to sound completely out of nowhere and I'm so sorry but I'm in love with you. I've loved you since the day we met and every time we talk or even every time I'm around you I just fall more in love and I just needed to get this weight off of my chest." you say, words coming out at lightning speed. you look down in your lap, afraid to make eye contact after admitting something like that. you hear sejanus whisper a "wow" under his breath, not in a malicious way. you finally have the courage to look up at him. he looks at you with absolute adoration. "I love you too." he finally says and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face like wildfire. the man of your dreams just said that he loved you. you were convinced you were dreaming.
sej breaks you out of your trace by putting his hand on your cheek and moving his thumb back and forth over your skin. "I always thought you were the most gorgeous person in all of panem, you know." he says softly. your smile increases tenfold as you put your forehead against his chest. you giggle into him and he does too, his body shaking slightly as he does so, his angelic voice soothing you. you take your face away from his body and kiss him on the cheek. "you missed." he said. you tilt your head slightly and cock and eyebrow. "huh?" he grabs under your chin gently and gives you a soft peck on the lips. you lean into it, feeling at ease. the interaction unfortunately ends and you look up at him and flush red. you then face away and out your head against his shoulder as he wraps his arm around yours. the two of you watch the sun set as you praise each other, neither of you ever feeling so content as in that moment.
an: I hope you enjoyed! ik I say that every time but I really mean it. hope this lives up to your best friends to lovers sejanus idea 🙏
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chaithetics · 9 months
yes yes yes i wanna see the barbie fic!!! i know im gonna love itttt -barbie anon
Porcelain and the Shark: Barbie Hosseinis
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of complexion)
Word count: 2.6K
Prompt: porce forcing stewy to take the day off to take her and the kids to see barbie… he buys the kids a new barbie toy each and buys porce some cute barbie merch… porce relates to barbie’s existential crisis…. and gets just a touch sad at the parts about mothers and their daughters… stew cheers her up by reminding her that she’s an incredible mom to the kids and she goes and sees oppenheimer with him the next day as a thank you. that’s all xo 🫶
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established relationship, wholesome fluff, existential crisis mention, some not great Roy dynamics are alluded to. Not beta read sorry!
Authors note: thank you so much for sending this through Nonnie and your patience, you're an angel! i really hope you enjoy this, please let me know what you think! There's a slight change, I actually don't think Stewy would be super into Oppenheimer for a few different reasons. I hope that's okay?! I hope you all enjoy this, I am sorry for the absence lately, enjoy and let me know what you think, I love engaging with you all via comments, reblogs, and asks! Live for them! Lots of love to all you tumblr hotties (you're all hotties) let's pretend the gif is a barbie reference lol.
You’re kneeling on the floor in Tillie’s room as you help your young daughter change into her outfit. It was cute but you hadn’t expected it to be so complicated to put on. Mainly because Tillie was so excited, wriggling and bouncing as she chatted, she couldn’t stay still for very long. After a couple of minutes you’d been able to finish up her outfit and kissed the top of her head as you finished putting her hair in the neat bun she’d asked for to match her new but beloved doll sitting next to her.
“Wow! You look amazing and you’re both matching! How cool!” You excitedly say to Tillie who giggles and nods.
“We’re both ready for space now!” Tillie exclaims as she grabs her astronaut Barbie doll.
“You can play with your toys now that you’re dressed, practice for space. I’m going to check on dad and Jonathan now, okay sweetie?” You place another kiss on top of her head and she nods, happily focusing on her toys again. It makes you chuckle how quickly she goes back to playing now that your interruption of dressing her is over.
You start to walk towards Jonathan’s room but pause when you hear Stewy’s voice coming from his home office, you think it’s odd that he’s in there as this was a day that he was meant to be completely offline from work and just for family. Changing the route to Jonathan’s room you walk to his office until you’re leaning against the door watching him. Stewy’s pacing back and fourth in his office as he continues his call with an earphone in. He looks at you and with a small smile before taking a sip from his morning cappuccino in a ridiculously tiny cup as he hums along to whatever is being said on the opposite end of the phone.
“Uh-huh, yeah, well yeah, we’ll just need to circle back to that later. Uh-huh, I’ve gotta go. Mmm, yeah, sure, bye.” He quickly ends the call, removing the earphone and placing it on his desk before turning to look at you as he carefully places his coffee cup down on the desk.
“You’re not in pink-” You start.
“Neither are you.” Stewy immediately quips back with a small teasing smile as he looks you up and down adoringly.
“Well no, I haven’t changed yet. I was getting the kids ready.”
“Okay, go get ready I’ll finish up whatever needs finishing up and then you can head out.” He says as he comes over giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“We head out.” You correct, emphasising the word as you’re already not a fan of the direction this was headed in.
“Honey…” Stewy says with a sigh and it’s clear that something has come up, he needs to cancel. The guilt is written all over his face like a ghost came up and tattooed it on as soon as you walked into the office.
“You promised.” You say rather bluntly. The work-life balance is important to you and after experiencing all that your childhood had to offer in terms of swinging between sheltered neglect and highly-criticised surveillance. You refuse the notion of having your children growing up without a father or experiencing the wonder and insult of what it’s like to have a father miss out on what’s meant to be memorable and special family days. You know Stewy isn’t like that, he’s just busy and he’s always there but you still can’t help but take it personally.
It almost feels like a childhood defense and you feel your lip quiver a little as you look at him, knowing he had promised this and now he was going to break the promise to you and your children.
“I know baby, but something’s come up at work and-” He continues with wide eyes, trying to diffuse the situation as he can see how upset it’s making you.
“I’m not happy about… I’m not happy about this Stew.” You admit quietly as you look down while leaning against the wall more.
“I know. I know. I’ll make it up to you and the kids, we’ll do something later on. I’ll buy them some more toys.” “You’re not becoming that father who uses money and presents to make it up to children.” You say softly.
“I won’t do that.” He chuckles and comes over to you and wraps his arms around you softly. “I love you and you’re so pretty, you know that right?” He presses a few soft kisses to your jaw and neck.
“You’ve said it before…” You whisper back, as he holds you in his arms.
“Mm… Good. I just wanted to remind you.” He whispers against your neck and you feel his breath and words tickle your neck.
“If you’re not coming, you’re the one who needs to break that news to their cute faces and you do owe them. And me.” You can’t help but sigh in his arms as you relax into him, finding comfort in his presence as you always do despite how you’re annoyed with him over this.
Stewy nods as he listens to your words, and caresses your back gently. “I’ll try…” He whispers, you know it’s less likely that he’ll actually end up working through the day and bailing on the much anticipated Hosseini family event of seeing the Barbie film with your young children.
Tillie then calls out for you and Stewy, you smile at him, squeezing his hand and walking with him, hand-in-hand into Tillie’s bedroom. Tillie jumps up when she sees her dearly loved parents walk into her bedroom and runs over with her doll. Some children had dinosaur phases, or princess phases but Tillie was one of those children who became obsessed with space as soon as her eyes could take in the moon and what it was. She had an astronaut Barbie in her hand which had become one of her most prized possessions since Stewy had recently brought it for her. It was in her hand at every playtime, bedtime, and seated next to her at each meal.
As Tillie jumps up to hug her parents, it is then that Stewy sees her outfit in full… Tillie is wearing an astronaut costume in pink. One that you’d spent a lot of time trying to find the right person to commission it and they had excelled. She was a cute little astronaut just as she wanted to be and it was perfectly in theme with the Barbie film that she was excited to see as well.
She ran over to her father and Stewy quickly picked her up, you could see his heart melting as he took in the sight of his precious daughter in her outfit, she looked adorable and Stewy loved how she was so young but already had dreams that were so out of this world.
Stewy swayed slightly while holding Matilda, he kissed the top of her head and smiled widely at her.
“Oh my God, look at you… this outfit is amazing….” Stewy said to Tillie with a smile. He pressed another kiss to her head and held her a bit tighter as he kept swaying with her. “Oh my…. Look at her! Look at her!” He said with the largest, most loving eyes to you and you couldn’t help but smile widely and nod. She was always cute and precious but this was an exceptionally cute look of Matilda’s. You also always appreciated seeing this moment between Stewy and Tillie, he was so in awe of her and she was in equal awe of her father as well. A polar opposite to what you and Shiv had known but it was what you wanted for your children, it was what every child deserved.
“How could you say no to that cutie, Stewy? You tease playfully, already seeing him mentally cave by her.
“I can’t… I can’t… I’ll make a call and then we’ll see Barbie, huh?” He says to Tillie and gives her a little nose bop which makes her giggle loudly and excitedly.
“Go change, dad Ken, not work Ken!” Tillie says with another giggle as she tries to boop her father on the nose in return. Stewy smirks and nods, kissing her forehead again as he swings her gently with a smile.
“What am I going to wear though? I need some pink, huh honey?” He asks Tillie and she smiles and nods.
“I brought you a pink turtleneck, it’s out in the room honey.” You say softly with a happy smile as you look at him, you couldn’t resist the chance to get him in theme and you always had a weak spot for Stewy in a turtleneck so this was just as much a treat for your family as it was for you. All just for different reasons.
“You’re a prize, babe. Thank you. Isn’t your mommy the best? I mean look at you and soon look at me and I’ll be just as cute huh?” Stewy kisses Tillie’s cheek and then puts her down and gives you a soft, loving, grateful kiss on the lips to say thank you for organizing that.
Stewy goes off to change and he looks so handsome in his pink turtleneck, you feel your cheeks immediately heat up as he comes back out. He kisses your cheek and whispers a sweet thank you.
You, Stewy and your little Hosseinis all watch Barbie, everybody dressed up in theme in pink and looking like charming Barbies, Kens, and Allens. The children are all thoroughly engaged in the film and its bright visuals, there’s plenty of humor as well that’s sneaked in to appeal to adults which gets genuine laughs from you and Stewy.
You’re not quite surprised but you struggle for a moment as you feel quite touched, sensitive and yet vulnerable throughout several scenes of the film. This concept of identity, and having an identity that is separate from the men in your life, along with one that is separate to your identities as a wife, a mother, a sister, and a daughter. You can’t help but get teary at many of these scenes and think about what something like this means for your children, especially sweet Tillie, and the relationship between mothers and daughters. You love Tillie with all of your being, is that enough you wonder? It certainly wasn’t with your parents but that wasn’t the right love and you know it’s different with your children, you don’t let the thoughts in that your parents probably felt the same at some stage in. You’re already getting teary-eyed in this film, surrounded by those dearest to you, you don’t think you can quite handle an existential crisis right now.
Stewy notices your eyes becoming glassy with tears during these scenes and he snuggles a bit closer to you, pulling you into him more to gently kiss your cheek and squeeze your shoulder and hand. He caresses your arm gently from the first scene that brings you to tears and then throughout the rest of the picture.
“Hey, you’re a great parent… They love you more than anything, I’m in awe of you. You’re such a great mom.” Stewy promises as he whispers into your ear. You smile at him and tilt your head to kiss him softly on the lips.
The children loved the film and it was a great family day that didn’t end in terms of quality time right after the movie finished. The children were all now tucked in bed and you were lying in bed now and Stewy had just finished brushing his teeth and was coming to lie in bed.
“Hi.” He whispered as he laid on the bed and looked up at you.
“Hey.” You smile back at him and can’t help but feel your cheeks heats up again, you loved him in the pink turtleneck but you also loved him out of it and any tops, just as much.
“And thoughts on the film that made all the men so angry?” He asks.
“I mean, it was a bit gentle on men, huh?” You say as you tilt your head to look at him.
“Uh-huh, far too gentle. It should’ve challenged my masculinity more than it did.” He says softly as he kisses your cheek and then your jaw gently with a smirk. “Ken did kinda feel like that incel-pipeline justification, right?” He says as he pulls away and looks at your face, Stewy starts to caress your arm gently as he leans back on the pillows.
You nod and smile. “Exactly! And you picked that up!” He chuckles at that and his cheeks heat up a bit as he continues to caress your forearm. “It still had some good stuff in it, Tillie really enjoyed it, ‘Yay space!’ Is going to be a new catchphrase for a while.” You say with a smile as you gently caress his cheek in return and giggle a little at the thought. That line alone and the acknowledgement of a Barbie in space was more than enough to make the day for Tillie and seal it as a classic for her.
“Astronaut Barbie was my favorite. Tillie and I have that in common now.” He says playfully and you can’t help but chuckle some more at that.
Stewy then leans back to grab his phone to do something that his mind has just thought of, you can’t help but feel curious.
“What are you doing?” You as with a smirk.
“I’m going to get one of those ‘I’m Kenough’ hoodies delivered to Kendall’s.” He says with a smirk as he taps away at his phone. You can’t help but laugh.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, he definitely needs it.” You laugh.
“Exactly, he really does.” Stewy says playfully, he finishes up, showing you an order confirmation email and then puts his phone down and kisses you softly on the lips.
“Since you’ve seen Barbie, does that mean I have to be your date to Oppenheimer now?” You ask as you look up at him. Stewy immediately scoffs and then laughs.
“No!” He laughs.
“No?” You ask with a small chuckle.
“I’m a dad, I’ve been exposed to the magic and art of Barbie and Bluey, why would I need to see Oppenheimer? Also it’s three hours long? It’s not for children, why would I go through those three hours?” He asks.
You smile and nod as you caress his cheek. “Very good points.” You whisper.
“How boring and convoluted must a film be to be three hours long? And if I have that much time for something shouldn’t I spend it with you and our angels?” You can’t help but smile widely at that.
“Isn’t it mandatory bro viewing now? What on earth will you talk about in the office on Monday?” You ask playfully before kissing him softly on the lips.
“I won’t watch a film because of peer pressure, if I felt insecure, I’d just read the Wikipedia plot and honey, I don’t get insecure.” He says proudly right before leaning over, closer to you in order to kiss your lips. The kiss starts off soft at first but Stewy quickly deepens it, he playfully nibbles on your lip as the kiss deepens on both your ends and Stewy steals a moan from your lips as you run your hands through his hair.
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prettynice8 · 2 months
Hidan x preferably male reader
Okay I’m going anon because this is gonna be KINKY
Um anyway haha I’m talking hair pulling
I’m talking like uh biting
umm umm 😇 oh yeah like um
idk fucking…um maybe can you do A fucking trans ftm reader or some shit idfk if it’s just male that’s cool too i don’t know
like i don’t know sex that’s what usually happens ⁉️
i don’t know I’m so tired right now 😭 this is turning out not that kinky OH SHIT WAIT choking yeah that too but it needs to be HIM anyway yeah 😎 yeah anyway thanks im so tired so im not editing fucking *shit* but yeah hope this is readable anyway thanks bye im gonna go take a nap 😍
oh yeah but then it’s like he calls you a Bitch etc because it’s da- Hidan like ⁉️ anyway but we know he loves us 😌 stupid man couldn’t last a day without us with his horny ahh 😝😚✌️ okay bye for real why is this so long help im sorry they say im chatty but wow but yeah now bye 🥲💀
OMFG this was so funny I can't
Hidan x ftm male reader
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This guy
Stuff: swearing, degradation, BDSM?, kinky shit, choking, biting, possessive Hidan, hair pulling, dom Hidan, subby reader, top Hidan, bottom reader, smashing, rough sex, hints of fluff
Word Count: 1,036
Notes: by far the most entertaining request I've gotten. And sorry if this isn't quite right, I'm cis so I don't know a whole lot. happy pride
Hidan had been gone for an awful long time on Akatsuki duty, a whole 3 months to be exact, far too long from his home, and more importantly far too long from his adorable little boyfriend. Though he's been gone even longer, this trip felt particularly difficult because he missed your final bottom surgery, and he secretly felt terrible.
Right when he walks into the house, he sees you and his gruff demeanor quickly brightens up, but just as quickly drops since he has to keep up a certain image and fawning over his boyfriend didn't particularly fit that.
The moment you see him your face beams, so you run and jump into his arms, which thankfully he's quick enough to catch you.
"I've missed you so much honey." You stated with a massive smile on your face. Hidan does his cool guy thing and simply gives you a slight smirk.
"God, you're acting so clingy, so fucking annoying." He said coldly. "How'd the surgery go?" He asked, clearly his compassion for you getting the better of him.
"Pretty well, it felt weird at first, guess you're lucky you didn't have to be there for the worst parts." You answered, still brightly smiling at him.
He looked down at you with an apologetic look for a moment, "Sorry I wasn't, I'll try better to stay with you." He said, his cool guy persona practically destroyed at this point, but you had to open your fucking mouth.
"Aw, you care about meeee." You cheekily exclaimed, causing his light smirk to darken into a glare.
"I care about you fucking ass, speaking of which..." He replied before tightly gripping your ass.
You yelp gayly at his tight grip before your bright smirk returns to your face, though in your eyes now there's a burning hint of lust. "Fuck yeah!" You cheered brightly before Hidan pulled your hair, pulling your head to the side and exposing your neck, which he dived into the crook of your neck, attaching his canines to the spot.
He starts aggressively nipping at your neck, you would call them love bites but with the way he does it, they're hate bites, but you still continue to moan lightly. He continues this assault on your neck before going to sucking.
He sucks at a certain part of your neck, leaving a dark purple mark in his wake, causing your moans to get even louder. He multiplies into several deep purple marks until your neck is a mess of purple and red marks scattered throughout.
Hidan continues his sucking even through carrying you to your guys' shared bed, only stopping after finally laying you down. He then crashes his lips into yours, creating a kiss made of only teeth and tongue.
His kiss is powerful as his tongue completely dominates your own, causing you to moan deeply into the kiss. He then tries out your brand of penis, cupping the clothed member in his hand, causing your sounds to become even more frequent in the passionate kiss.
He takes your pants off and starts jerking you off, pumping his hand along your now hard cock.
"How is it? Now I have a new way to make you act like a fucking slut." He stated, both tightening and quickening his grip on your cock, causing you to moan at an ear shattering noise as you burst into his hand.
He licks up the cum on his hand, licking up as much as he can before stripping the rest of your clothes off you, and then soon after his own.
Hidan then flips you over so that you're on all fours and winds his hand up, causing it to quickly come crashing down on your ass in a powerful spank. You shriek in a mix of pain and pleasure, loving that you have your boyfriend back and he hasn't changed at all.
He roughly pulls your hair back to gently kiss you on the cheek, the duality of men. "I missed you." He said lightly. What a kind and uncharacteristic thing to say, he fixes this by plunging his cock into your already lubricated hole.
You already prepared before he came home. Hidan is a lot of things and one of them is consistent. He doesn't give your preparation a single thought as he thrusts his hips roughly into you, pounding the shape of his cock back into you.
"Sorry bitch, I just figured that you've probably gotten too tight, I had to re-loosen you up." He said, and loosen you up he does.
He thrusts his cock wildly and almost painfully into you, causing your moans to only crescendo and fill the room, along with the sound of skin quickly slapping into each other.
He wraps his hand back around your hard member, only quickening, because of course he still can, his pace into you. Hidan matches the pace of his hips with that of his hand, making you putty into his hands, literally, since he causes you to once again burst in his hand.
He quickened his pace as he reached his upcoming orgasm, filling your insides with his warm seed. He slows down his hips, gently rubbing your sides that have been bruised by the same hands, but he is far from done.
He goes right back to fucking you, his big cock rearranging your insides. His hands pull you hair back so painfully that tears develop in your eyes, a mix of the pain and amazing pleasure you were feeling, evident from how you have your now third orgasm of the night, eliciting the loudest moan yet, which is saying a lot.
He quickly flips you over and traps you into a deep and powerful kiss, one that is strangely warm and loving from him, before he once again cums in your abused hole.
He keeps his cock in your ass, still very far from being done, but he wants to stay like this with you for a few moments, holding you tight in his arms as he rests his head on your chest.
He gently traces the scars there, happy to have this moment with you. "Hope you're ready for round 3 bitch."
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reashot · 2 years
Sorry it take this long, but Anon requested to see Christmas themed Lancaster and by God they're going to get one:
Under the Mistletoe 💏
To celebrate Christmas. Both team RWBY and JNPR decide to have a get-together and for the venue they decides to have it in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Let's start this party with a Yang!
Everyone: Yang!
Pyrrha: Wow Yang! How do you get all this stuffs for the Christmas party?
Yang: Well. Let's just say it's a donation from an anonymous donor...
Cuts into Junior's club.
A gruesome scene unfolds inside of a nightclub. Bodies of suit wearing mooks littered the dance floor and their Boss, Junior can be seen sitting in the counter nursing his wounds by pouring himself a stiff one.
Goon: Boss... Why the heck do that blonde beast came here and stole our stuffs?
Junior: Shut up...
Back in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Anyway... How about a drink? Non alcoholic of course.
Pyrrha: I'll take two. Thank you.
While bringing two drinks across the room Pyrrha passes many of the friends she made in Beacon.
Nora: Ren-ren let's dance!
Ren: Sure Nora.
Weiss: So, Blake... How is it like being a Faunus?
Blake: How is it like being me?
Weiss: Look! I'm trying to strike a conversation, okay? And it's hard when you know I said something to you that can't be taken back.
Blake: I know that Weiss. Baby step, okay.
Weiss: Baby step.
Ruby: Jaune did you watch _syberSamurai last stream? 😁
Jaune: I did, Ruby. Man she almost lost the match 4-1 but in the last minutes she turned it around and ended up winning against impossible odd.
Ruby: Ikr. She's so awesome. 😆
Pyrrha: Hmm. What are you two talking about?
Jaune: Oh. Pyrrha. We're just talking about video games. That's all.
Pyrrha: ... I see. Oh and Jaune I brought a drink for you.
Jaune: Oh thank you Pyrrha... *Walked just few centi away to be perfectly below the mistletoe*
Yang: Ah! Both Vomit Boy and P-Money are under the mistletoe so according to the rule they must kiss.
Pyrrha: Wow. Do you want to kiss me Jaune?
Jaune: Is that even a question? Of course.
Both Jaune and Pyrrha kiss to the cheers and approval of everyone watching. Everyone except for Ruby who sees it differently.
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Yang: Woohoo! 30 second kiss. That's your longest one to date. And don't think I didn't see you slipping your tongue there Pyrrha. You horny fox. You.
Ruby: Give me a drink Yang!!! 😫
Yang: Eh, sure. *pours one out for her little sister*
Ruby: Another! 😠
Yang: K. *pours another*
Ruby: More! 😡
Yang: Ruby this is Non-Alcoholic. You can't get drunk from this.
Ruby: Maybe I just like to drink! You ever think about that? 🤬
Yang: Rubs... If you are upset about something you can tell me all about it. I'm your big sister after all.
Ruby: I don't want to talk about it... 😢
Yang: It's about Jaune kissing Pyrrha isn't it?
Ruby: Why don't he like me? I also want to kiss him using my tongue too. 😭
Yang: Oh Ruby... Tell you what go up to him right now and I'll help you out.
Ruby: How? 😞
Yang: Look just trust your sister, okay.
Ruby: He-hey Jaune... How's it hanging. 😟
Jaune: What is it Ruby. Do you want to talk more about other stuffs?
Ruby: Uh... Uhm... Eh... I mean. I want to... 😵
Unbeknownst to the two of them. A mistletoe silently glides above them and landing perfectly above the two dorks's head. The mistletoe is being guided by Yang by using a long stick. No doubt she prepares them beforehand for some sort of prank.
Yang: Oh no, a mistletoe somehow got above Jaune and Ruby. How did that happened? Tee-hee. Anyway you know the rules and so do I.
Ruby: C-can I kiss you too Jaune?
Jaune: R-Ruby I...
Pyrrha: Go for it Jaune.
Nora: Yeah! Go for it!
Blake: (Oh Brothers they're going to do it. Finally.)
Jaune: Okay here goes...
Ruby: 😚
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Jaune : There Ruby, how do you like it?
Ruby: 😶
Jaune: Ruby?
Ruby suddenly tackles Jaune to his bed. And proceeds to mount him. The suddennes took everyone by surprise.
Jaune: Ruby what's gotten into you?
Ruby: 🥵🥵🥵 Everyone! Please evacuate to a safe six miles radius. Or else will I not be responsible for what will happen next 🥵🥵🥵
Jaune: Eep!
Yang: Ah hell nah! I'm still way too hot and sexy to be an aunt.
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https-cyber-slxt · 1 year
Holy shit! Your blog is an oasis in a desert istg. Finally some proper unadulterated femdom content on this hellsite. Thank you so much!
If your requests are still open, can I please get some sub!Dante content? General headcanons or just a little pegging for my bbg :) Up to you. And thanks again <3
P. S.: A word of advice: try to avoid more explicit tags, like sub!character or dom!reader, and use something more general like character x reader. I've noticed that Tumblr algorithm doesn't take into account actual contents of the post and shadow bans based on tags. I've seen some really outrageous stuff fly under the radar, because it only had fandom tags and nothing specific. Hope this'll help at least a little bit. You don't deserve to deal with this bs. Wish you the best!
hiiiii anon, I really appreciate these kind words, here just for you.
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Oh and I'll absolutely give you your “daily” dose of pegging Dante :P
Devils Do Cry!
Sub!Dante x FemDom!Reader
A/N: I am so unmotivated (also it's 10 pm and I'm tired as shit, so if this is bad, I'm sorry)
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“So... Who's Elizabeth?” you question out of nowhere as you pull your sword out of the Hell Caina's chest, causing it to wither away. Dante becomes stunned at the question, raising a brow at you. “Just another Devil Hunter, why?”
He swallows thickly at your serious expression. You prop your glasses up and wipe the blood off of your weapon. “A little birdie told me that you went on a *date* with her last night” Dante whimpers and furrows his brows before propping himself up properly. “Oh yeah? Well maybe that little birdie was trying to make you jealous” your face becomes even more serious. “Why would Nero wish to make me jealous?”
Dante stops in his tracks and nearly bursts into a sprint, damn you little nephew! “I uh- uhm-” his sentence cuts off as you grab his collar and shove him against a wall. “Don't lie to me Dante! What were you doing last night!?” He sobs as he licks his dry lips. “I'm sorry (Name), but I promise I didn't do anything, I just- walked her back home, that's all, and Nero must've thought something else“
You drop Dante and turn away, walking back to his office space with him not far behind you.
☆~ 5:30 PM ~☆
You lie on your stomach as you flip through the pages of the magazine, munching on the cheese pizza while doing so. Your fingers rest at the bottom of the page while your eyes fixate on the pictures, making you unaware of your surroundings. Your reading becomes interrupted as the doors slam shut, making you look up at Dante. “Jeez those two are a pain in the ass” he sighs while stretching.
“If they're so annoying, why are you friends with them?” you ask while flipping to the next page, placing your hand under your chin. “Well you know, it's nice to have some company in this shithole” He answers while walking up the stairs. You scoff and lift yourself off the couch. “Hey! Which drawer do the magazines go into?” you shout while fiddling with the book in your hands. “My desk drawer!” oh wow real helpful.
You roll your eyes and walk behind the desk, opening up the top drawer, nope, the middle one, nu-uh, the bottom one perhaps? Your hand grabs the handle and just as you're done opening it halfway, you slam it closed and grip the magazine in your hands even tighter.
A few moments later Dante rushes down the stairs, oblivious to your shocked expression. “Hey babe so, Morrison will be here in a few and- are you okay-” his sentence cut off as he stares at your grip on the bottom drawer handle.
You both stand there in complete silence, until you stand up and purse your lips, dropping the magazine on to his desk. “So how long have you had those?” you ask while side eyeing him. Dante stands there in complete shock. He lifts his hands up and defence, trying to think of an excuse. “How. Long. Have. You. Had. Those?” Now your entire body was facing him. “A-awhile it's that, I've been hesitant on asking you..”
NSFW Below The Cut X3
A bright blush covers his face as he answers your question. “Bend over the desk” you command while opening the drawer with your heels. “But Morrison-!” his sentence interrupted as he's pushed against the desk. “I don't care about Morrison, if walks in here that'll be his own problem. Now, bend over the desk, and take off your pants while you're at it”
A sob leaves Dante as he follows your command, taking off his pants and boxers while bending himself over his work desk, spreading his legs open and resting his chin on his forearms.
Meanwhile with you, you pull the strap-on out of the drawer, and you're not gonna lie when you say it's packing a decent size, 8-9 inches at least and relatively girthy as well. You notice the ring gag in the drawer and pull it out, it'll be of good use. You set the strap aside and lift the gag right in front of Dante's face. He gasps and looks back at you, you smile and giggle. “You know what to do” were the only words you said before he sighed. Shoving the gag into his mouth, you grab the straps and adjust it to your liking.
You reach back down and grab the lube out of the drawer. You grab Dante's hand and squeeze the lube on to his fingers. He looks back at you with confusion and you just smile at him. “I can't just shove this entire thing into you without any preparation, go on, open yourself for me” you continue smiling as he lets out a soft whimper.
Using his free hand, Dante spreads his ass open, allowing his fingers to slip in easier. He slowly inserts his middle finger in, soft gasps escaping him as he inserts another finger. He goes knuckles deep, making him arch his back, his free hand quivering and struggling to hold himself open.
His upper body basically falls limp as he starts to finger himself, getting lost in pleasure and completely forgetting about your presence. You grin and grab his wrist, giving him a fright in the process. You pull his fingers out and grab the strap-on from his side.
You tie the harness around your hips and grab the lube, carelessly squeezing some on to the strap, causing a little bit to fall on the floor beneath you. You stroke up and down, smearing the lube all over.
You slowly insert your strap into him, heavy moans escaping him as he grips the front of the desk. “Ah! nghhhh~!” drool slips down his chin as his eyes begin rolling back. You insert the entirety of the strap in him, the harness touching the skin of his ass.
You readjust yourself and lie on top of Dante's back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You short thrusts cause sobs to escape Dante as tears begin to fall from his eyes, leaking onto the desk below him. Your nimble fingers remove themselves from his neck and creep down towards his dick. Your free hand wraps around his leaking cock, pumping up and down gently.
Your other arm wraps around Dante into a chokehold, making his hands move from the desk to the arm around his neck. Letting go of his dick, you untie the gag move your hand back to its original position, pumping faster than before. “Shit! You're killing me! Just fuck me already! I need it, please!” Dante's tears roll down on to your arm along with his drool.
You unwrap your arm around his throat, causing him to drop on to the desk. You grab his arms and lock them behind his back, speeding up your pace in the progress. Dante cries and moans, not caring of someone or something hears him. “God fuuuck~! Yesyes! Oh you make me feel so- so good! Ah! Ah~! Nggggh!”
Your hand lets go of his arms, but like the loyal slut he his, he keeps them there as you grab his hair, lifting his head up and biting his neck. “Yes!! Oh fuck yes! Faster, faster! Fuckmefuckme!” Dante moves his hands to his dick as both your hands grip his hair and jacket collar. “I'm g-gonna cum! Pleaseplease! Let me cum! AH!” his begs and pleas turn into a nonsense of sobs as you rake your fingers through his messy and sweaty hair. “Cum for me” you whisper in his ear.
Dante sobs and cries as he releases all over the floor, some even getting on his desk. Quite sobs escape him as his left over tears form a small puddle beneath him.
Just as you lift yourself up, Morrison busts through the door, an unpleasant look on his face. “Considering that you two have stopped fucking like two rabbits in heat, just take this before my day is even more ruined” Morrison hands you a letter, not saying another word and slamming the building doors closed, his car revving up and leaving the area just as quickly.
You set the letter aside and stare at the fucked out Dante beneath you. “What to do with you...”
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arabaka · 1 year
hmm, i’ve been thinking about insecurities and stuff, and reigen ofc! and that’s great and all, but uh, those two thoughts kinda overlapped eachother, yk? so i’m like constantly asking myself “would reigen like that?” and yk i’m just gonna dump my thought onto you since ur cool and i find that i agree w you very often.
you think reigen likes body hair on women?
i think he would, in my mind he seems like one of those guys to say “i feel like im going on an adventure in the jungle” when eating you out, or something along the lines of that. but other than your pussy i don’t think reigen gives, ANY fucks about your body hair.
theres also stretch marks.
i hc reigen to be a little chubby so…..i think he would understand…..imo….
tittiy size?
i hc reigen to have absolutely 0 play before meeting you/reader so he’s like “i’ll take what i can get” and will love you no matter your bobbie size
playing off the inexperienced reigen thing, what about him meeting a very experienced reader?
he’d probably be very scared (i would be sca
red) but i feel like after a bit of coaxing and practice with eachother he will eventually let loose a bit. also i’m the same anon that sent that hc that he pokes you to ask for permission to touch you so YOU CAN TELL I REALLY LIKE THIS HC!!!!!!
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the first paragraph i'm so? i cry. thank you ily i am so honored to partrake...
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ reigen arataka x afab!reader. nsfw.
BUT WOW I HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THE PUSSY HAIR TAKE... i think he would definitely prefer it... thinks you look sexy with bush.
EEEPP I SEE REIGEN WITH THE SAME BODY TYPE TOOOOO... although in some of one's drawing he does give him definition in the abdomen so in my mind i'm like... both... yummy.... okay sorry for the tangent . loves the way stretch marks feel... in his hands and on his tongue...
reigen is a virgin. this is a fact of life.
so yea. all tiddie good tiddie.
auwhhadhwhe virgin!reigen and virgin!reader... i can imagine this as a series..... just imagine... but yeah, i can imagine it being such a beautiful thing... being in the heat of the moment and one things is leading to another but when your clothes are off you're ... both acting. acting by what you've seen and what's been told to you but really? you don't want this. not like this.
so you both decide to ease into it together and learn. learn from each other. off each other. promising to be vocal. BEING VOCAL about what works and what doesn't. making mistakes. getting overwhelmed. but always feeling love.
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jayswritings13 · 2 years
Total Drama: Flirty s/o with Brick, Sammy and Scott
Request: "Can I have Brick, Sammy, and Scott with a very flirty S/O?" by Anon
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Literally, can't look at you without turning bright red.
Like unbelievably bright red.
"Are you feeling okay there, solider?"
He suddenly forgot how to speak, just sputtering out syllables and sounds, hoping and praying that they make a coherent sentence at some point.
They never do.
It takes Brick a good while before he can even full respond back to your remarks, and even then, his responses are often one word or two words.
He hasn't had any experience in flirting, so someone, please help him.
No one has even given him this sort of attention and he is loving it, but also really lost.
"You're too cute."
"I-You-That's-" Brick quickly said, "Um-" He stops when he hears your laughter. He halts any and all speech, suddenly fearing that he's misinterpreted all of your interactions and you don't like him and you just like to mess with him and watch him squirm and yo-
"I like that." You said, grinning. "I'm sure that it's pretty obvious that I like you, solider."
"You do?"
"Yes! Even more so, wherever you get flustered."
"I-you-" Brick pauses and takes a breath, "It's that all the time?"
"Uh huh."
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So oblivious.
After years of being emotionally abused by her sister, she's convinced herself that no one is truly interested in her.
So when you start hanging around her, showing her extra attention, and complimenting her, she's fully convinced that it's either a joke or all in her head.
Instead of asking and dealing with this confusion, Sammy ignores it.
Which is really hard to do whenever you get close and complement her and flirt with her.
For half a second, she's convinced that you are not joking, because no one would do a joke for this long or this elaborate.
So, with some help from Jasmine, she gathers up the courage to ask you about it.
"Do you like me?"
"Wow, surprisingly forward from someone who's been ignoring all my advances," You laughed, "But yes."
All that sudden courage Sammy had? Yeah, that went right out the window once she realized that you were being honest.
"Oh, wow," Sammy said, suddenly unsure of what to say and very aware of how your eyes were on her. "So, like none of that was a joke? Amy didn't put you up to this?!"
Sammy never really gets used to your undivided attention on her, or your constant affectionate comments and actions.
But, nonetheless, she loves them and she enjoys spending time with you.
Even if you make her so happy that she gets sick from how the butterflies in her stomach bounce around.
And you love nothing more than to fluster her and shower he in affection.
"You're the best person I know." You said, smiling so brightly at Sammy that she for sure thought that it was a dream. "Also, the most beautiful."
Though, your hand in hers always seemed to bring her back to reality.
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He tries so hard to be just as flirty back.
But he has no idea what he's doing.
He has no idea how to respond to any of your affection or attention.
He hates that he's not that guy that can effortlessly flirt with girls, but, as for you, you love nothing more than to watch him react to your advances.
"You've been pretty silent there, Freckles." You smirked, "You're normally talking my ear off. As annoying as your whining and plotting can get, I do miss hearing you."
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Scott grumbled, "Besides, I don't what you're talking about." Though, you could tell that was all complete bullshit.
Growing up as he did, it wasn't like Scott had a lot of experience with affection.
And he hates to admit when he sucks at something.
"I, er, like your teeth? Wait-no!"
"Um, thanks, I guess."
You would think that spending as much time as he did around Alejandro while on the villains team would help him a bit.
Though, you guess there was a different sort of charm to Scott's awkward unflirting and compliments.
"Y'know, if you really aren't comfortable with the flirting and overly affectionate stuff, I'll cut it down a bit." You said, "I like you, and I love watching you squirm, but not if you totally uncomfortable."
"No, uh. I don't hate it.... I'm just not good with this kind of stuff, as you can probably tell."
"You don't say."
"Hey, I'm trying!" Scott said, as you laughed.
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