#dont know why theres water falling from the ceiling still...
bookishjules · 1 year
we sat there idling, until the snow collected in drifts between our seats, until the frost that crept up our legs became thick as ice. and then we were no longer waiting--we simply were, painted into a state of being, fated from the very first flake
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cupiohearts · 3 months
AND NOW IM OFF TO THE RACES ?! - pointing out moles with ace, malleus, and vil
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ACE is obnoxious. he might be your boyfriend but sometimes you feel like decking him in the face sometimes. "hey dont roll your eyes at me!" he says as you switch out of your jacket for the fifth time. you hear his back hit the bed. (it was a very loud screech since your bed is hard as rocks)
"gah!" he brings his body off the bed and deliver a small punch to it "crowley needs to get you a new bed."
"and a new budget" you chime in. sighing as you go through your closet filled with clothes. not like you bought them yourself. it was from kalim, and vil- and just about every other rich student on campus buying you things.
"oh come on! we're gonna be late to riddle's unbirthday party!" he whines as he stares at your back.
"hes not gonna get angry at me. im his favourite now shut up and tell me which looks better!"
you expected him to reply with a sassy comment like he normally does. but youre met with silence. "ace?" you ask as you pause and stare at the ceiling with a raised eyebrow.
after a moment of silence, his voice can be heard in something just slightly above a whisper. "did you know you have a mole on your back? its right-" he gets off the bed. it makes a slight creak as he moves towards you. "here" he finishes.
his finger touching a spot in the middle of your back just a bit to the right. you turn your body around to attempt to look at it.
"i cant see it obviously! my head doesnt spin 360 dummy" you flick his forehead. "now stop looking at my back and focus on the clothes!"
he mimicks your voice in a more high pitched tone before going back to sitting on the bed. "you should show me more of your moles. its like finding shells on beaches."
you were forced to sit down as VIL does your skincare. "i dont think i wanna do this.. im so tired." you complain to your boyfriend.
"close your potato otherwise youll get a mouthful of foam" he commands you while he starts to lather the foam all over your face. you sigh as you close your eyes, feeling the motion of his hands on your face. rubbing in whatever product he was using.
the feeling of his hands circling your cheeks and then back to your forehead and then your chin almost made you fall asleep if it wasnt for the cold water hitting your face.
you opened one eye as you feel his fingers poke at your face. "hm? what the heck why did you poke me!" you say as you open both your eyes and huff at him.
unfortunately he had placed your hands in a covering because he was also putting hand masks on your hands.
he raised an eyebrow at you. geez he was so hot. "i didnt realize you had a mole there prefect" he says as he looks more closely at it. "well yeah- its tiny" you say as you pull your head a bit away from his face. sweating bullets at the sight of the queen himself looking at the mole you had.
"its cute." he simply states before slapping your face with some cream again.
perhaps he thought you didnt realize how his fingers seemed to pay special attention to your mole everytime. whenever he gives you goodbye kisses when the bell rings, he leaves a ring of lipstick around your mole.
he notices it if you cover it up with some makeup or what not. a frown getting on his face as he immediantly swipes at what covers it.
"why did you cover it? its a lovely place for a mole. you shouldnt cover it up. did you know theres a myth that moles appear when our past lover had kissed up before?" he asks you while his eyes were still focused on the mark.
MALLEUS notices your mark when he looks at your foot while you two relax at the lake. he notices it every single day, discreetly (or not) staring at it whenever you go on your rambles about your day or possibly how annoying ace and deuce can get sometimes.
you know he noticed at first because he paused mid conversation to lower his gaze down your foot. it took him a minute or two to snap out of it and stop blanking out on you but the good deed was done.
after that day you decided that his gaze on your foot started to freak you out a bit more so you suggested less water and more shoes rather than sandals.
you didn't think he would notice but while you two hung out in your spot after a week or two. he would start staring down at the spot where he knows where your mole is. he specificallly remembers it and frown.
"child of man take off your shoes"
"tsunotarou we talked about this you cant steal my shoes i only have one pair"
he shakes his head this time. kneeling down at your feet as he slips your slippers off. slipper because you wore them to feel comfortable at night. his hands holding your foot in his hands while your shoe is in your other one.
you gasp and try to take your shoe back from him. your hands no match for his years of experience from doing bits of swordfighting however.
"tsunotarou i need my shoes back! my foot is cold" you whine to him.
"but the dot. you have a beauty mark on your foot"
darn his sad dragon eyes. you wouldve probably hurled a rock at him if he wasnt so naive and confused. you poor poor soul malleus.
"yes i have beauty mark on my foot i have them everywhere on my body tsunotarou. now give me back my shoe" you say with a furrowed eyebrow and a frown etched onto your face huffing.
he lights up at this. the opposite of what you wanted (what you really wanted were those slippers in his hands).
after that day he did give you your slipper back but he started to inspect your body. not as creepy as it seems but whenever he thinks youre distracted he looks everywhere on your body for a darker spot.
god forbid you allow him to do this with free will. sometimes whenever he thinks he hit jackpot on finding a new one, he pulls on your clothes tugging it down or off to look at it without it being obstructed.
youve had very awkward stares about this that you dont wish to describe.
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moonlit-dreamers · 22 days
*falls through the ceiling*
hey fuckers. im gonna talk about an au i havent talked about on tumblr yet bc iivvee been very focused on stl au lol (and i also just dont post often 💀) BUT! IM HERE!!
i came up with this au a while ago and i did kinda briefly mention it a while ago but that. doesnt fucking matter.
this is an au for the sun vanished! its a story on twitter that i became absolutely OBSESSED with (and still kinda am even after all this time). listened through the whole story from a ytuber nate at night. hes pretty good and i recommend you check him out
but a basic sum-up for ppl who may not know what the sun vanished is: one day the sun randomly vanished and never came back. it starts off with tsv (we dont know his real name) trying to reunite with danyon, his friend. we then also meet tucker and nat who are also trying to meet up. a lot of shit happens that i. honestly cant remember the proper order of. "dark water" is some kinda.. weird water that fucks with your body and mind. theres also "we the people" who is an organization that tries to "work with" the "invaders" by using dark water to make themselves invisible. later on tsv, tucker and nat join a group that is very much against wtp. that... should be all thats needed to know to partially understand this au >.>
so here we go! first up, nobody in this animatronics. with a lot of the events (especially with what happens to tsv) it wouldnt work the same if they were animatronics. so theyre mutants! bc i refuse to ever make them humans!
for who is who: sun is tsv with moon being danyon. while i will say that tsv and sun do differ a lot in personalities it just.. makes more sense with the situation. especially with sun being so desperate to meet up with moon despite all the red flags.
im constantly debating if tucker would be eclipse or solar. his behaviors is like a weird mixture of the two. more aggressive than solar but nicer than eclipse. but either way hes best friends with lunar (who is nat). he is.. very overprotective and lunar is frequently frustrated with his behaviors. while, yes, lunar is a kid (14 at the beginning), he still hates being treated like he cant do anything by himself. eclipse also despises moon and never trusted him in the first place. think he tried to kill him at one point tho i. cant remember >.> (its like 1am im half asleep cut me some slack)
jack would be theseus (previously known as half-crop). jack is a kid they (the other group) brought in and kept in captivity since they were unsure if he was infected or not. with the help of lunar being a persistent lil shit they managed to get proof that he was fully conscious (since he never talked). jack only has one functioning eye, the other eye seems to be... messed up in some way. but it isnt pretty. he mainly covers it with his hat (for his own comfort). hes semiverbal and selectively mute, only talking around lunar and maybe eclipse if hes lucky.
im thinking that wtp could be the creator council? or at least ran by a creator. maybe they somehow caused the sun to vanish and let the "invaders" in freely or maybe they want to study it and thats why theyre nonhostile (towards the invaders, that is. not to other ppl lol). that would also make it suck more since moon was converted/manipulated into joining them ;-; meanwhile the other group could be others from the plex, like roxy, chica, monty, freddy, etc. theyd be really minor characters (theres actually not many names mentioned anyway lol) so i havent thought about it much *shrug*
but i have. SO many thoughts about this au man. theres so many scenarios i imagine with them. like eclipse first finding lunar in his basement staring at the dead bodies of his parents (that he had to kill himself). sun drinking too much dark water and hallucinating that moon was with him and begging him to come back and that hes sorry. lunar finding a video sun took of him and eclipse dancing together. sun sending his last message to moon about how he hates him and that neither of them turned out to be the ppl they promised they would be then ending it by saying he loves moon and hopes he never sees the message.
idk man. kinda unwell over this
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t0shii · 3 years
hi could i request kita, tendou, and mattsun and it’s your first time sleeping at their place and they find out you cant sleep in the dark and need to sleep with a night light?
% s/o who can't sleep in the dark
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.! timeskip! kita, tendou, matsuwaka (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ mention of food in kita's, mention of rainstorm in tendou's, water drinking in mattsun's- not proofread.
.! hi! ty for the request <3 sorry u had to wait so long :(( (idk why these ended up to be so long)
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to say you were nervous to stay the night as your boyfriends place for the first time would be an understatement... your heart raced as kita placed your back on the ground to unlock the front door, "make yourself at home." he opens the door, "down there is the bathroom... and that's my room." he shows you around and you crack a joke about how clean his house is compared to your apartment. you both decide on a movie night with take out which he insisted you choose.
you yawn and rub your eyes as the third movie of the night ends. you'd been laying in between his legs, back pressed against his chest. you sit up and he follows, wrapping his arms around you and perching his chin on your shoulder, "sleepy? we can head to bed if you want." he mumbles into your neck before planting a kiss there, "mhm, let me change first though." you try standing up to reach your bag but his hold on you doesn't loosen, "i have clothes you can wear." he says bluntly, standing up and bringing you with him. he leads you to his room, rummages through his dresser and hands you a shirt and shorts, "these should fit, yeah? i'll leave so you can change."
you start to internally panic as you both settle into his bed, and he begins turning off every light in the room. suddenly theres only one bedside lamp illuminating the room, he reaches to turn it off and lays down, pulling your body against his which makes you giggle. "good night." he mumbles into your hair, "night." you sigh. 'maybe if you close your eyes you'll forget it's dark' you think to yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. thirty minutes pass you're still awake. you sigh, a little louder than intended, "y/n? are you still awake?" you mentally scold yourself, "yeah" he props himself up with his elbow; you angle your head back to look at him, "what's wrong?" the sleep in his voice evident. "well... uhm... i..." his eyes soften as he notices you becoming nervous and he cups your cheek with his free hand, "you can tell me angel."
you can help but lean into his touch "it's embarrassing" "not it's not" "okay well... i can't sleep in the dark. ever since i was a kid, i've never been able to." you can see eyebrows furrow from the small amount of moon light peeking through his curtains, "why didn't you tell me before i turned all the lights off?" he frowns, reaching over to turn the lamp on, relief filling your chest at the illuminated room. "because it's embarrassing." you mumble as he lays back down and pulls you against his chest again, "it's not embarrassing, baby, at least not to me. so no need to embarrassed, i won't judge you for i and besides, i don't mind sleeping with a light on." he places and kiss on your temple and you sleep well, secure and comfortable in his arms.
you'd been over to tendou's apartment plenty of times before and every time you made up some lame excuse for why you couldn't stay the night, "i need to feed my cat" "my clothes are still in the washer" literally anything to save you from the embarrassment of having to tell him you couldn't sleep in the dark. tonight was different though, with a storm passing over town and not looking like it's letting up any time soon, he wouldn't let you leave. "ten, i dont have any clothes here, my cat's by herself-" he cuts you off "babe, babe- you can wear something of mine if you want and i'm sure she'll be fine. she's a cat." he holds you firmly in your cuddling position on his couch. "fine." you grumble.
really, if he had to be honest, it hurt tendou's feelings a little bit that you were always against the idea of staying the night with him- but he had no choice but to celebrate this small victory and thank the rain storm, "it's for your safety, angel." he says proudly, placing a kiss on your cheek. you choose to ignore the nervous feeling creeping up your belly and rest your head back on his chest, "yeah yeah let's just continue with the show, i'm invested in the plot." "you mean the hot main characters?" "exactly... the plot." you giggle while he pretends to be offended. three hours later you find your eyelids getting heavier and heavier until you can barely keep them open and your boyfriend seems to take notice quickly.
"are you falling asleep on me? we haven't even finished season 3 yet." he mumbles and you let out a groan, "it's two in the morning, of course i'm getting sleepy." you rub your eyes, "i'm just giving you a hard time, babe. you're the one who wanted to stay up though but i guess we can go to bed now." you sit up and stands from his position on the couch and helps you up, "c'mon sleepy head, you can make it." he grins taking your hand and leading you to his room. he lets you sit on his bed while he looks through his dresser, "hmm is this shirt okay?" you nod as he hands you an old band shirt "i'll be right back." he leaves the room with his own change of clothes. once he's back you both lay down, "oh babe, i almost forgot, you wanna see something cool? he gets out of the bed and you respond with an "mhm" as he begins to turn all the lights off, a familiar nervousness creeping up your belly as the room gets darker and darker.
"okay okay, so i don't sleep well in pitch dark but the lamp is just too much light so i got this-" he plugs in a small object into the wall, stars illuminate his bedroom ceiling as well as your other surroundings and he smiles wide, "see it makes stars, theres a moving option too but i don't really like it that much. oh, and don't make fun of me." he says seriously, sliding back into bed with you, arms wrapping loosely around your waist, "well i can't make fun of you for that, satori." "i was just hoping you wouldn't, honestly." he chuckles. "babe, do you wanna know i always avoided staying the night here?" you ask, ready to confess your secret. "i didn't wanna force it out of you but now that you're ready, yes." you both turn your heads to look at each other. "the truth is, i was embarrassed because i also cant sleep in the dark, been that way for as long as i can remember. but i'm glad theres someone i can relate to." "how ironic" he mumbles, placing his face into the crook of your neck. you sleep like a baby in his arms that night.
you were over at issei's place so he could help you study for an exam coming up, honestly you didn't want to stay as late as you did and when the both of you finally noticed the time he just wouldn't let you leave. "c'mon baby, it's too late. it would be irresponsible of me to let you go home now, i don't mind you staying the night." he hugs you tight like you'll disappear if he lets go, face buried in the crook of your neck. you sigh in defeat, "okay fine." his head perks up as you say it and he smiles at you, "i can get you something to sleep in if you want."
that's how you got in this situation, awake hours after your boyfriend had already fallen asleep. finally after two hours of laying in the dark listening to his snores, you sigh quietly, slipping out of his loose embrace and tip toeing your way to his kitchen to get a glass of water and sat at the dining table. you'd been sitting there for about thirty minutes before you heard the bedroom door creak open and heavy, rushed footsteps make their way towards you. "y/n?" you recognize a panic in your boyfriend's groggy voice, "i'm in here." you croak out hearing a sigh of relief escape his lips once he sees you. you look up at him, his hair was an absolute curly mess and his eye lids were droopier than they already were, he was obviously still half asleep. "y/n there you are. he sits in a chair next to you, "you scared me, i woke up and you were gone. i thought you left." he leans his head on your shoulder, "sorry." you mumble, bringing a hand up to run through his hair a few times resulting in a groan from the man.
"'s okay, how long have you been awake?" "hmm about two and a half hours now." you reply honestly, "what? baby, why didn't you wake me up?" he raises his head and you both turn to look at each other, "you were tired, issei-" he interrupts you, "so? you shouldn't have had to be awake by yourself." "it's fine, i knew it was gonna happen, i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep" "why's that?" you sigh, internally scolding yourself for the hole you've dug yourself into. "i... i cant sleep in the dark." he looks at you for a moment, "that's all? that's what kept you up this whole time?" he asks and you nod. mattsun can't help the grin that makes his way onto his lips, "baby, you should've just told me, i could've kept a light on for you." "no- look i shouldn't have told you now you'll think i'm immature." you mumble, looking away from him. "no no baby, it's totally normal, honestly and i don't think any less of you. i just wish you would've told me sooner because then we'd both be sleeping right now. he hugs you before standing the both of you up, "c'mon we're going to bed." he grabs your glass and leads you back to his bed. you sleep in his embrace, table lamp illuminating the room the rest of the night.
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violetnotez · 3 years
matchup for drew  |  JJK
Request a matchup here
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Hey babe! So I match you up with....
 Inumaki Toge
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Look at this pretty boy like ughhh youre so lucky 😭
Inumaki is incredibly loyal-he wouldn’t ever ever give you a reason not to trust him
Also, don’t let his quietness fool you-he is a total trickster/prankster and will always be doing something silly to get you to laugh
He really likes training with you-to him it’s quite therapeutic and a great way to bond with you
But he’s cheeky at times if your doing close combat-he’ll just quickly plant a kiss on your cheeks to get you distracted so he can pin you down 💀
He thinks it’s amazing you’re so skilled in so many sports-it takes a lot to train, and he respects it a lot!
The one he really wanted you to teach him was rollerskating-one day he’d just walk into your room, hand holding a pair of new skates and just plainly saying “Tuna?”
Tuna meaning Please teach me, I know you’re busy but I’m bored and I just wanna have some fun please please please 🥺
He caught on to it really quickly, and in no time you two were blasting music and making trips to the grocery store for some sweets as quick little dates
Inumaki at one point tried to teach Panda and Maki, but Panda was totally decked out in headgear and shoulder pads and still ate shit every 2 seconds 💀
When he first met you, he honestly wasn’t really that intimidated
He still got that nervous rush of meeting someone new, but he was used to meeting intimidating girls-Nobara and Maki being perfect examples of that
Maki was so relieved to have another girl, and you two hit it off amazingly-you two would always be paired together cause you work great off each other as partners and as friends
Panda is just so lovingly protective for you, like if you feel uncomfy in public at times or just feel awkward in general, he’s right there to just give some support 🖤
He just approached you like he would with them, just a quick nod of his head and maybe a reply like “Bonito flakes” to be respectful
He is really intrigued by you-he’s naturally curious, how could he not when he has someone new and pretty in front of him~
But he gave you space, not wanting to intrude or make you uncomfy
But once you begin to open up, OH MY GOD he is so happy!
You get along well with his friends, it’s almost hard to imagine you not being in there friend group at one point-
Whenever something makes you smile, he starts noticing it makes him feel all fluttery inside,,,
Or when he is able to make you chuckle, he finds himself smiling but so grateful he’s able to hide his cheeks with his clothing-
He isn’t oblivious, he obviously knows he caught feelings but he’s super scared to say anything
Cause-how could he even tell you? It’s not like he could just walk up to you and say “Let’s go on a date-“
You could say no and reject him....or even worse, he could make a terrible choice of words and force you on a date by accident with his cursed technique
The 2nd option was too terrifying to him, so he opted to text you a picture of him holding a sign that says “Date?” like a prom proposal, his lilac eyes unable to look at the screen
He definitely begged Panda to take it, cause the picture was pretty fuzzy and theres a furry finger on a corner of the photo
But you thankfully said yes, and Inumaki took you to a roller skating rink, thinking you’d feel comfortable there to hang out. Which was a great plan, until Toge realized he didn’t know how to rollerskate
Panic ensues
The whole time he was desperately trying to repeat to himself “Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall-“ and still look cool at the same time 💀
It was still cute though, and after you helping him out a bit he caught on very quickly
Still did fall a few times, but when you would giggle and help him up he felt a lot better about it 🥺
Needless to say, was probably the main reason he asked you later on to teach him how to skate properly 💀
And also the main reason your guys’ second date was at a very flat forest with little shrines and fish ponds to look into
Inumaki reallllyyyy craves physical touch, but he never forces it upon you
At the beginning of your relationship, it was really delicate touches, from intertwining pinkies to resting his head on your shoulder
But then it slowly became more and more as you two got more comfortable
This dude will just full on run behind you and wrap his arms around you if hes tired
Or snatch your hand and squeeze it tightly if hes afraid you might be in danger
Does this really cute thing where he puts his forehead on yours and stays there for a sec- dont ask him why he does it, he’ll start blushing but he just likes feeling close to you like that  🥺
Songs for Your Relstionship: Paradise by Coldplay,  Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran, Timeless by We Three
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“Toge, what are you doing-and when did you get those?” you questioned, your eyes scrunched up in confusion as you eyed the white haired boy in front of you.
Inumaki was standing in your doorway, his jacket zipped up fully so only his violet eyes were visible. In his hands were a pair of roller skates, the wheels a clear plastic while the shoes being a periwinkle blue. 
All he did was simply walked into your room, knowing it like the back of hand from countless visits as he picked up your skates that had been left on the floor from the day before. He simply held out both pairs, one simple word of “Tuna” presented out of his mouth.
Your eyebrows furrowed even more, head tilting slightly as you shifted on your bed.
What the hell did he want you to....
“Do you want me....to teach you how to roller skate?”
You saw him instantly light up, obviously ecstatic you had understood him so quickly. He simply nodded his head once as confirmation, violet eyes wide with relief and anticipation.
Inumaki had been bristling to get back in those skates after he had done such a disastrous attempt at your first date. Everytime he thought about how much he had fallen he always internally cringed, almost able to still feel the bruises on his rear that lasted days after.
You had looked so graceful and so happy that day, like you were gliding on top of water as you did laps around the rink or simply to just pick him off the ground after he had eaten shit. He wanted to be able to do that with you, to be able to have picnic dates at the park or just glide over to a store to buy some sweets and ice cream-he had so many cute ideas planned it was almost overwhleming.
He just needed to learn how to skate without painting his body in bruises first.
“Oh, Toge, Im so sorry-” he heard you saw, his heart falling slightly at the sound of guilt in your voice, “but I have some assingments I have to finish....maybe we can do it this weekend?”
That happy expression he had had a few moments before faltered slightly, his lips pursed and nose scrunched under his jacket. 
But Inumaki was persistent-he wasnt one to take no for an answer, especially when he knew how to get what he wanted with a few dirty tricks.
Toge took a few steps towards you, his knee landing on top of your bed and making it dip under his weight, wrapping his arms around you in an inescapable hug.
Inumaki was pretty clever, as he knew it was hard for you to resist him when he was being clingy. He simply nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, white hair tickling your jawline, hands squeezing your sides gently.
You sighed, rolling your eyes slightly with an amused smirk as your propped yourself on your elbows and looked down at your boyfriend, who was clearly milking it to get what he wanted.
“Youre not gonna let go unti l say yes, huh?”
Inumaki picked his head up, violet eyes soft yet mischeivously as he shook his head gently-
This brat wasnt going to let go until you did exactly what he wanted. 
You sighed exaperatedly, looking up at the ceiling as you felt Inumaki chuckle against your stomach.
“Fine then...” you gave in, finding it adorable how quickly his face light up.
“-But you have to buy me snacks and be my study partner for the rest of the night.”
Toge instantly smiled, the crinkles of the expression showing around his eyes. Getting you to teach him how to roller skate, and have a study date right after? This day was getting better and better for him.
“Salmon!” he agreed quickly, shuffling off of your form and handing you your skates- you were going to make him a pro after today, and he was more than ready.
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I hoped you liked these, and thank you for requesting!! <3
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heartjwi · 5 years
could you do a bed sharing au with any of the dreamies,, ur choice im indecisive, like an e2l,,, im a sucker for bed sharing stuff 🤧🤧🤧
requests are open
going on spontaneous trips with the dreamies sorta became your thing™️
like expect someone to call you at 1 am and just be like:
and then y’all end up in the middle of no where in the middle of the night
but in the end, it’s always fun being with your best friends
except for jaemin
something about him just made your skin crawl
but it dont matter
cs u lit cher rally ignore him each time
you either stick with renjun or hyuck
no in between
jaemin is just,,,, he’s something else
the dreamies ,, yet again planned something spontaneously
and that is,,,
having a roadtrip across town
you don’t even know what the fuck they ate that day
to even plan something so,, out of the blue
and out of your own reach
like, you guys barely have any money combined for gas
and at some point y’all need to shower
that means staying at a hotel
and buying food
but according to chenle, “money doesn’t matter. the memory with your love ones does”
so here y’all are,, packed in jeno’s car
“WHY DIDNT YOU GET THE MINI VAN” hyuck dramatically whines as he got in the passenger seat
the mf passenger seat
‘lucky bitch’ you thought as u squeezed yourself between renjun and jaemin
“why is y/n beside me and not jisung” jaemin complains
“cause i don’t want to sit with you” jisung replies on the other side of the car
jaemin grunts and avoids your physical contact at all costs
but obviously fails
every time jeno hits a speedbump you just fall right onto his lap
in which of course you remove yourself off of him in the speed of light
“you fucking suck at driving” renjun kicks jeno’s chair making the car brake abruptly
“I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE” chenle yells getting a paper bag and v*mits
car sickness yk??
the entire roadtrip was a mess
the sun has finally set and it was getting dark out
“yo um, i’m not gonna drive our asses all the way across town overnight i need me some beauty sleep” jeno looks at everyone with the rear view mirror
“theres a motel nearby let’s just stay there for tonight and tonight only” hyuck cleared out things, getting the GPS ready & working
“what are having for dinner?” you asked
“let’s just have some pizza” renjun suggests
“heh let’s try and not kill the pizza man” chenle snickers, remembring a certain scene from a music video he saw a few days ago
jaemin doesn’t say anything and just spaces out
you rolled your eyes at how he didn’t say anything
like i said, everything he does??? annoys tf out of you
“why are you so annoyed at him?” renjun asks you, playing with the hems of the blanket you two are sharing
“cause he’s jaemin. he’s so mean to me and i didnt do shit” you murmured, loud enough for renjun to hear
jaemin, who had his airpods on wasnt actually listening to songs
he was eavesdropping your conversation w renjun the entire trip
and he somehow felt bad that he was being mean to you
just the sudden realization hits him
but he brushed it off and continued to listen to everyones conversation
night time finally comes through and everyone is now at the motel
since renjun is ,, the legal adult in this situation
he booked everyone a room
with the limited budget y’all got atm,,, he only booked 3 rooms
“sad to say, two of us have to share 1 room together since all the two bed rooms are taken” renjun explains, holding out the three room keys
“let’s play rock paper scissors to determine the pairs” chenle suggested
“great idea bro” jisung whispers to chenle
“i know right bro” chenle giggles
you stared at the two kids in awe before being rudely pushed by jaemin himself
“move” he pushes past you
“dickhead” you muttered
“rock paper scissors.. shoot!” hyuck yells out
in the end the pairs were:
first room: jeno & hyuck; 
second room: jisung, chenle & renjun
(renjun gets that other single bed while chenji gets to share the bed)
and finally, the one bed room,,,
it was you and jaemin
“you gotta be fucking kidding me” you react
the 5 boys looked at the two of you uncertainly
especially renjun and jeno
“i’d switch rooms with you if you’d like” renjun offers
“yeah! you can have the lone bed y/n!” chenle smiles
but you both reject the offers
“are you okay with this?” jeno asks jaemin cautiously knowing how,, cranky he can become when he’s a tad bit tired
“yeah” jaemin mumbles
“are you sure-” 
“its fine. i can manage” jaemin waves jeno off
everyone slowly comes up to their rooms
you and jaemin stayed behind to get your stuff from the car
you got your small luggage and backpack and started trudging up the stairs
jaemin who was behind you couldn’t help but watch you in pity
he even started contemplating with himself whether or not to help you
swallowing his pride, he silently grabs both of your bags and sped walk to your room
you felt your heart flutter at his sudden actions
“snap out of it” you slapped yourself in the face
but still
you can’t hide that sly smile from your face
jaemin places your things by the door and went out to get some fresh air and some snacks
you decided that you’d use your alone time to go shower and pamper or some shit
after taking a cold shower (since the motel offers to PAY for hot water) you brushed your teeth and changed into pajamas
a little later jaemin comes back from his stroll
and walks in on you with your pink pajamas with a towel on top of your head
“cute” he comments, smirking at himself after seeing your flustered face
he does his business and later follows you to bed
there was a pillow barricade in the middle of the king sized bed
it was kinda awkward to move around since the bed creaks
and not to mention the mattress was hard as a rock
there was no TV in your room so to pass time, you stared at the ceiling fan in silence for god knows how long
till jaemin decides to break the silence
“i’m sorry” 
you sat up and stared at him— who was also staring right back at you
“for?” you raised a brow
“for everything. for being rude to you for no reason” he calmly states
“i’m sorry too” you look at him with a pout
jaemin chuckles, “i guess we’re even” 
after that, you and jaemin talk about endless things till the two of you got sleepy
“jaems, i’m tired” you whined
“this is the nth time you whined today. don’t get me started on your whines in the car” he nags
you scoffed, “bitch please”
“and don’t think you were trying to get handsy on me whenever you fall right onto my lap!” he accuses you
“like i wanted to touch you” you poke your tongue at him
jaemin rolls his eyes but laughs anyway
“since we’re friends now, lets get rid of this pillow barricade” he flings the pillow right onto the floor
“why though” you ask dumbfounded
“no reason” he giggles
“just admit you have a crush on me” you make kissy faces in front of him
he nearly gags but laughs yet again
you stared into his eyes which were sparkling
how come you never noticed such thing before?
“anyway, let’s sleep now” jaemin tells you before turning off the lights in the room
you two made yourself comfortable under the covers before hitting the hay
“goodnight jaemin” you whispered, closing your eyes
“sweet dreams, y/n” jaemin smiles to himself, before heading off to dreamland
the next morning, instead of feeling the cold and hard mattress, 
you found yourself hugging something warm and cuddly
you woke up to be in jaemin’s arms
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Only For A Moment (Prologue 1)
“Hi darling muffin! As you already know, I think about OFAM a lot...like ALOT. And I have a question. Bucky was obviously trailing the reader for a while before he let himself be seen/known by her. What was he possibly thinking or feeling when he first saw her? What was going through his mind during that time before he revealed himself?”
I fucking love you. Have I made that clear recently?
So. Tumblr ate @wonderlandmind4 ’s asks to me like 3 fucking times. But it may be for the best because instead of just answering you normally I’m gonna write a little prequel fic instead.
Hope this answers your question babe!
Tumblr media
Bucky stares blankly at the ceiling of his small apartment. He can hear the traffic outside and the families in the apartments around him far better than any normal person ever could. For hours he lets those sounds wash over him, ground him, distract him from the ghosts in his head.
This was the benefit of being here rather than the farmhouse he’d stayed in for a couple of months after getting to Romania, the noise. Growing up in Brooklyn quiet was a hot commodity. Some part of him remembers seeking it out on rooftops and nighttime beach treks. Solitude away from city sounds, his parent’s arguing, his sister’s pestering. Now… he’d give anything to be annoyed by his family’s noise.
Sighing he finally sits up, leaning against the wall. He hadn’t left here in four days. The nightmares had been so bad. Flashbacks, the psychology book he read called them. Dreams so real they seeped into reality, distorted things to the point that a person couldn’t tell what was real. He was exhausted, on edge, and truly beginning to wonder why the fuck he was even trying.
Absently his fingers wander to the journal laying by the bed. That was why. He knew it in his bones. He wasn’t going to let go until he got it all back, everything they took from him, and he couldn’t go before telling Steve he was so sorry… How could he have done that-
His right fist slams into the mattress, the springs groaning in protest. This wasn’t doing him any good, hiding out in here. Being in the city was stressful sometimes but he wasn’t about to fly off the handle… he needs the distraction.
The October day is bright, a little warm even. Blue skies with perfect puffy clouds floating languidly about. It was beautiful. The perfect day to go to a park. He’d been meaning to check out Cișmigiu Gardens, so he sets off in that direction.
It’s barely noon when he gets there and seeing that it’s Thursday, the park is fairly deserted. There are enough people to serve as the distraction he needs, plus the park is beautiful, some flowers still blooming and foliage still fairly green despite fall being here.
“Alice!” Bucky spins on his heel toward the sound of the woman. She’s a few yards away running after a giggling toddler who’s heading straight for the water.
He moves to chase down the kid but a boy bolts from his sunny spot on a bench, fast, very fast. Something about the way he moves gives Bucky pause.
The toddler has a head start on everyone and is just about to the water. One pudgy leg goes to take a step into the water and by some sheer force of luck, they fall back… somewhat unnaturally, as if they were pulled. But…
The boy snatches the baby up, who immediately starts to wail, their master plan thwarted. From his place, he can just hear the boy coo to comfort the child. He must be very young, voice still soft and feminine.
Panting the mother catches up. Thanking the young man profusely. As he hands the toddler to its mother Bucky see’s his face… except… he knows this face somehow.
Suddenly he can’t breathe but he can’t look away. Despite appearances, he knows this isn’t a young man. You’re a woman… it feels like someone’s digging an icepick into the front of his brain. He grits his teeth trying to focus.
Quickly he sits on a bench, diagonal and down a bit from the one you got up from, pulling a book from his bag to hide his gawking. Thankfully you’re not paying any attention at the moment. You head back to your sunlight drenched bench.
Fuzzy images flash through his mind. You look so different, he remembers thick hair, falling loose into your face. A face that’s crying, bloody, scared… of him? Of course of him… You look just past him, he freezes, but you don’t notice him before you lay back on the bench, eyes on the blue sky.
Could you really be Hydra…? Because surely that’s why he knows you. A Hydra trainee… someone he was supposed to break…
There’s something else there though. He knows it he just can’t touch it.
For hours Bucky watches you. Strangely you don’t do much but look at your phone from time to time, drink out of your large paper coffee cup, and stare at the passing clouds, or the water or the people. Much like him, you seem to fade into the background. No one paying you any mind at all. It makes his chest tighten just a bit... the melancholy that settles around you despite the beautiful day around you.
When you finally get up he can’t help it. He has to follow. In all this time he hasn’t seen one Hydra agent, not one face he recognizes. Bucharest should be safe, it wasn’t a hub for any of Hydra’s active bases, off the radar entirely… So why…
You slip into a store and exit with a bottle of whiskey, snacks, and cigarettes. From there he tails you to a rundown block just near Lake Floreasca. It’s the first time you seem to pay attention to your surroundings before you go into a dilapidated building and don’t exit again.
That night he dreams of hitting you… with his left fist. He remembers them briefing him, he was to go until you stayed down. They preferred he didn’t kill you, too valuable, too unique for some reason. All he saw was a woman, a target… But then… He wakes up drenched in sweat, his head feeling like it’s going to crack open.
Bucky spends the next eight days following you. He knows he shouldn’t. A part of him thinks you could be a threat, an agent sent here to flush him out, bring him in… his gut says something else… even though he doesn’t know exactly what that something else is.
What he does know is that an active agent or asset usually eats regularly, something you don’t do. They don’t go out for multiple coffees, chain smoke, and go through handles of liquor a day… No, his gut says you’re not an active agent at all… You look like someone who’s hurting and lost… just like him.
It’s stupid. He knows it’s stupid. If you are someone he hurt you won’t have any interest in speaking to him, why would you? But there’s that little nagging thing he can’t reach. Something different… Something special… He fucking hates that he can’t get to it. And it’s that little something paired with his crushing sense of loneliness that makes him finally decide to let you see him.
The day is bright again as he waits just down the way from what appears to be where you’re living. He doesn’t even register it though. His heart is thundering in his ears, breath ragged. 
There are so many things that can go wrong here. Not least of which being that you could lead them to him… he’d rather die than go back but… he needs this. And maybe, just maybe you do too. Though he can’t allow himself to hope that he could do something, anything good for someone else. Still... 
You’re eating breakfast, that’s good, he doesn’t think you ate at all the day before. While he doesn’t want to interrupt you the busy morning street is as good a place as any for him to get in your line of sight, to see if you even know him. Strategically he stands by a newsstand just down from the Starbucks you’re in front of and waits.
To anyone else, he’s just a man looking at the paper, but his eyes are glued to you. After a few minutes, you seem to sense that you’re being observed. Maybe you do have some self-preservation skills… He feels your eyes lock on him.
It happens quickly, so quickly that no one around you catches it. But it looks almost like your table and the items on it begin to float just slightly before settling, spilling your coffee. He takes the moment of distraction to disappear, his heart threatening to beat its way out of his chest.
You knew him… That much was clear. Now he just had to find out how you fit into his story… why you’re different… whatever came after, he was ready for.
@bluegirlusa1 @l0kisbitch @tazzi-baby @disagreetoagree @woodyandbuzz20-01 @mooniightbucky @saundrasays @breezy1415 @alyssaj23 @mywinterwolf @wonderlandmind4 @fairislesheets @anamcg317 @buckaroo-barnes @jazztherebel @peachthatdrinkslemonade @regulusirius  @auskitty @babyimp1967 @katecolleen @handplucked @piensa-bonito @darkdragonphoenix @issanitydead @thestorydetective @buckysstar @wintersoldierswhore @greyeyedsmile14 @watchoutforfrostbite @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @jewelofwinter @siriuslycloudy2 @hardygal69 @marvelousmeggi
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
How i can stay up for 48 hours so easily (dont reccommend, you might start hearing things or seeing things and you might drink an unhealthy amount of coffee or energy drinks, and u will make more stupid decisions):
After the first 24 hours is up, itll be easier to stay awake longer
Its hard to sleep when ur on cocaine 👀👀😂
Im scene and my name is kyle so obviously if i can i drink monster but if i really need energy then i drink a bang
I eat more. Food gives you energy, no matter what, even if its a small amount of energy, its still something. Without sleep, your body will absorb the food's energy instead of getting energy from sleep bc ur not sleeping.
I listen to fast pace music or metal. Music only makes me sleepy if its a song ive heard like 60 times already. Or if its spa music or sumn. So my favorite songs to keep me awake are listed by band here.
I keep moving around if i can. Whether its just fidgeting, cleaning, or simply moving my fingers a lot by typing quicker, i try to move more to keep my blood and energy flowing so i can stay awake easier
Keeping at least one bright light on or facing or using a light that is not white or offwhite. The brighter the better. If u have those decorative light strip things on ur ceiling or the top of ur wall or whatever, blue purple and red keep me awake the easiest. Or rainbow flashing (if you dont like flashing or itll give u a seizure or sumn then there should be a fade option i think. I had a rainbow party bulb that had a fade option. And im gonna get another one friday or saturday, whenever i get my allowance and a trip to walmart or home depot lol. But the fade is easier on the eyes than flashing) and make sure youre exposed to white or offwhite light at least every hour or so bc the color light will temporarily affect your vision if u r in it or look at it for too long.
Stay on your phone, tablet, or computer a lil if you can. The screen will keep u up. But dont stay on it for too long especially in the dark it can fuck up your vision and hurt your eyes. So be careful.
Strong scents. Sniff a strong perfume or if you have it a really strong candle or incense. The stronger, the better. Itll open yyour senses a bit.
Stretch your body or like move or shake a part of it every now and then to tell your body it needs to not fall asleep
I try to do as little as possible during the day to keep the energy for the night, unless i have to go do something important or tiring that day. If i have to do ssomething important or tiring and i know it i try to at least get about 4-6 hours of sleep. But this is abt pulling multiple all nighters in a row lol
If its obvious you didnt sleep at all and people are going to be asking you, heres some excuses:"i think i may be about to start my period or something maybe" "i just woke up tired idk" "i was up a little late last night because i couldnt sleep, and i also kept waking up a lot." "Idk why im so tired to be honest" "my (insert pet) kept me up all night" "i tried to sleep but my phone was blowing up all night and i was too tired to get up snd turn it or the notifications off" "(insert friend) kept me up all night" "i was watching youtube and got distracted, i didnt realize what time it was til it was nearly 3 in the morning" and those are some of the ones i use/have used/think might work
I try and have a lot of caffeine, but not too much. I drink like a cup of coffee, and have soda or smth with or between my meals. I still drink water and stuff, but i drink stuff with caffeine in it when i feel like im about to pass out or something.
Ive got insomnia anyways so i mean... (its undiagnosed but i literally have all the signs/symptoms, so we all feel theres no need to get the doctor to diagnose me since we already know for certain)
I sometimes do drugs yall sorry i failed at being sxe like i was b4 i was 8 😳👊
I talk to my friends if theyre awake. Some live on the other side of the world in like russia n shit so normally its daytime for them lol
I think ive gotten most of it. However if yyou need to stay up to like finish a project or sumn hmu, my dms and asks are open if you need more tips.
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sulevinblade · 6 years
(Talesfromthefade) things you said when you were drunk, for the DWC?
OH MY GOD this was a little idea that got away from me in a big big way but I’m still pretty happy with it. For this and for “cafune - the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love,” from @contreparry! For @dadrunkwriting!!
Alistair/Leohta Aeducan, T for language, dumb suggestive jokes, and alcohol use, 4k+ words (awaaaay from me, I wish I had time to edit it but uh I spent the entire time writing it instead). 
On the cusp of the party’s visit to Orzammar, Alistair learns what kind of drunk Leohta can be, and shares a little lesson of his own. Light angst, serious fluff.
He finds her standing on the rocky beach, well away from the dim glow provided by the Spoiled Princess’s small windows. It takes a moment for Alistair’s eyes to adjust to the complete dark–the night watch Templar doused all the torches at the dock, as clear an indication as anything that no one else would cross Lake Calenhad tonight–but even if he’d had to follow her blind he could’ve found her by the sound.
Normally finding Leohta by sound means the clank or grind of armour, the grunts or barks of Leon, or even her rare laughter at something Zevran said (it was always Zevran making her laugh), but tonight the sound is completely unfamiliar. It’s still enough to guide him, though.
Last he’d seen her, she was swapping some of the coin they’d made selling things to the Templar quartermaster for three large bottles of deep pink liquid. It seemed a bit of a racket to Alistair, that they should collect the mages’ items as they cleared the Tower only to sell them to the Templars who would then in turn sell them back to the Mages, but surely if that wasn’t how the economy of the Circle usually worked, Wynne would’ve said something. That was Alistair’s hope, anyway, as he’d watched Leohta count the coins before they left, then again at the tavern’s bar. She’d tossed the bag back to him before collecting the bottles and heading outside, and he in turn had left it with Zevran.
“You have known our illustrious leader the longest among any of us. Has this always been a habit of hers?” Alistair squinted across the table, trying to determine Zevran’s game, but succeeded only in giving up his own. “You think I see this as a weakness I can exploit, but I would think even you would see that if I were going to do so, I would have done it by now and certainly would not draw attention to my plans by involving you.” His eyes only narrowed further–how does Zevran make talking down to him still seem so seductive?–but Alistair did sit back in his chair.
“I haven’t known her all that long, really, but I don’t think so. Why d'you ask?”
“My Antiva makes the finest wines in Thedas, so it is not uncommon to see those there who overindulge, but there are many types. Leohta, she is young and exploring her limits, yes, but she is also trying to drown things she does not want to feel. Her limits are low and the things she seeks to kill are very large. It is a dangerous combination.”
Alistair glanced again toward the door. Of course she hadn’t come back inside, that’d be too much to ask for, but what was he supposed to do?
“If it is too much for you, I will go after her, but she should not be alone.” Both of their chairs scraped back at the same time but Alistair was the first to stand, something that for some reason brought a sad smile to Zevran’s face. Alistair could only look at it for a moment before looking away.  "I know you do not think much of me, Alistair, and while that is entirely your loss, I do know that one thing we have in common is how much we care for her. Go see to her, my friend, before her sorrows are not all she drowns. It is probably for the best; I am not much of a swimmer myself.“
So now here he is, approaching carefully, pretending to be taking in the constellations while Leohta hurls rocks at the water like she’s trying to knock the waves down before they can reach the shore. The night is perfectly clear; Kinloch Hold is merely a dark space in the sky where the stars are missing, but everything else is black sky and white twinkles. He clears his throat in case she somehow hasn’t noticed since he doesn’t fancy getting one of those stones thrown at him, but she only pauses for a moment before bending to search the area around her feet for another suitable candidate. One bottle is already empty, stuffed mouth down among the pebbles and into the sand underneath them, and as Alistair finishes closing the distance Leohta gives up her search and instead tips to land on her backside, legs out in front of her and a second bottle in her hand. He knows they’re not small but her stature makes them seem even larger; it makes the sight of her lifting one to her lips almost comical but the effect is spoiled by how long it stays there. Maker’s breath, Zevran was right when he talked about drowning.
"You planning on coming up for air any time soon?”
There’s a pop as she breaks the vacuum she’s created, then a dry laugh. She still isn’t looking at him. It makes his chest hurt, how badly he wants her to turn her head. “Breathe through your nose and you can use your mouth for whatever you want.”
“You’re spending too much time with Zevran, saying things like that.” Sighing, Alistair drops down crosslegged at her side and extends a hand. “What are you even drinking? I’ve never seen anything that color in a tavern before.”
“One of the Templars told me about it. I guess–” there’s a pause and she bunches up her eyebrows, apparently trying to put the pieces back together, “I guess the mother started making it as a tribute to her daughter and now of course it’s all very sad but the owner still makes it as a specialty. Sweet mead made with roses.” She passes over the open bottle, not bothering to wipe the top, and the expression on her face, like she’s sharing a secret, distracts him so much he can’t be bothered either. She wasn’t kidding when she said it was sweet but the roses are strong too, floral and delicate. He passes the bottle back after just one mouthful.
“I’ve never had a mead like that before. It’s very… different.” Leohta seems to accept that answer, nodding before lifting the bottle to her lips again.
“There’s nothing like this in Orzammar. Not even in the palace. Not even to make it. No honey, no roses, and when there is if you said you wanted to make something like this with it, you’d be laughed out of the kitchen.” She holds the bottle in front of her contemplatively, swishing the contents back and forth gently and tilting her head in time with the motion. Alistair’d almost think it was a contented sort of gesture but then she sighs and drops her head back, hair falling over her shoulders as she lifts the bottle skyward. “Nothing like that, either. No stars, no sky. Some of the caverns are so high the ceilings are invisible, but you still know they’re up there.” Slowly, she lowers the bottle but keeps her gaze fixed upward.
“Do you miss that?” It’s not something he’s given a lot of thought to but it’s hard to imagine. Even within the walls of the Chantry there were windows. The sky was always there, or not-there maybe, when compared to a ceiling of stone. Trying to imagine life without it or everything it held–the sun, the moons, the clouds and stars and birds–was virtually impossible, but here was Leohta not just imagining the opposite but living it.
“Dunno. I still don’t understand all this. What keeps it up there?” Her hand waves up at the stars but only briefly; even sitting down she’s unsteady without both hands to support her. “With the stone, you know that even if you can’t see the ceiling, it’s still held there by the stone. Nothing floats, nothing rises or sets.” Watching her profile, he can see the way it hardens as her train of thought jumps the track. “Nothing changes.”
He shifts a little, the pebbles grinding softly underneath him as he leans to try to catch her eye. “You changed.”
This time when she looks over at him, it gives him a chill. The stone she’s been so contemplative about has found a home in her eyes, the set of her mouth. They seem cold and stiff and almost lifeless, soft evening blue turned to lapis lazuli. Still beautiful but hard. “I left, and not by choice. You wouldn’t know how much I’ve changed, Alistair. You have no idea what I was like before we met.”
“I suppose not, but I do know you’ve changed in the time I’ve known you.” He keeps his voice softer now, speaking carefully to avoid that stony shift becoming somehow permanent. He hasn’t seen her look like that since before Ostagar, and to lose all the little ways she’s softened since then would be the greatest waste. “Do you miss that? Or her, I guess. Do you miss who you were before?”
Her laugh is a single humorless sound that moves her entire body, shaking her shoulders and flexing her stomach. “What does that matter? She’s dead. Worse than dead.” There’s venom in her voice but Alistair doesn’t flinch since for once he’s certain it’s not directed at him. He watches as Leohta stands, a wobbly process that involves repeated planting of hands and feet before she can push herself vertical. There’s a powerful temptation to offer her help but the set of her jaw makes him stay his hand, even if whatever effect she might be going for is already ruined by her own unsteadiness. “Nobody mourned her, nobody misses her, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s dead. Bhelen killed her as sure as he killed Trian. The prince is dead, the princess is dead. Princess Aeducan is dead.” Her voice is raising, getting louder and more raw the longer she speaks, until finally she’s yelling out at the water. “Princess Leohta Aeducan, second born and best beloved daughter of House Aeducan, is dead!” She punctuates the last word by throwing the empty bottle into the water but it’s a bad throw, short and shallow. The bottle makes only a small splash then floats, reflecting the moonlight as it bobs its way back toward the shore.
Alistair rises, brushing at the back of his breeches, and makes his way up to stand beside her. He’s well within punching range, possibly a dangerous gamble, but if the way she’s carrying herself is any indication, it wouldn’t hurt very much right now. Plus, if she punched him, at least it’d prove she was feeling something. “I’d mourn her but like you said, I never did get to meet her. I’ve met Warden Aeducan, though, and I think she’s pretty great. Accomplished a lot, too.”
She’s bent back down and is sorting through the stones at her feet, tucking some in the bend of her other arm. Standing back up is a careful process but she’s shaking her head the entire time. “They’re not gonna think so.” Her voice is normal again but her profile is still stony.
Was this was he was like heading into Redcliffe? Of course, he hadn’t gotten drunk on sickly sweet mead to deal with it, but he’d had his turn as the prodigal royal-but-not-really. The main difference was he never wanted it, but she spoke so little of her life before the Grey Wardens. Was the crown of Orzammar what she’d really wanted? Not that it really mattered now. “Seems to me they had their chance to appreciate you and they blew it.”
“Oh, no. That’s the thing. Up until the end, they loved Princess Aeducan. That was the whole problem. She was too well-loved. Luckily, I’m not.” Leohta stares out at the ripples from her last throw but the fight’s going out of her. It ought to be a comfort, less risk of being punched, but instead it just hurts more. He curls his hands into fists at his sides to keep from reaching out, swallows the words that’d tell her just how deeply loved she is and not only by him, as much as he might wish it were so.
“We could go back to Denerim without going to Orzammar.” Aaaaaaaalistair, what’re you doooooooing? He ignores the voice in the back of his head, prepared to make an argument for mounting their assault without the help of the dwarves, but Leohta shakes her head. She’s drunk and she’s still got better sense than you.
“Just because I don’t want to go back doesn’t mean we don’t have to. Being a Grey Warden isn’t supposed to be fun, hasn’t been so far, why start now?” She seems to consider the matter closed as she turns her attention back to the rocks she’s holding, sorting through them as though looking for a particular one. They start to slip away and clack into the pebbles below and with a frustrated sigh she picks one, letting the remainder drop. “This is supposed to be, though. How the fuck do you do this?” Another windup, another bloop.
“Wait. What are you trying to do?”
“Make it…” She shakes her head, the word apparently lost, and instead makes a bouncing motion with her hand.
“You’re trying to skip stones… by heaving them at the surface of the water with all your might?” And there’s the punch he was waiting for, exactly as painless as expected. It’s not even hard enough to stop him laughing.
“I saw you and Zevran do it in Redcliffe before we left and it seemed to calm you down so I thought I’d try. You made it look easy, but if you’re just gonna laugh then forg–”
Alistair intercepts her before she can start to walk away. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just that I never would have guessed that’s what you were trying to do. I thought you were mad at the lake or something.” She’s looking up at him, wary, so he holds his hands up in innocence. “If you still want to try, I can show you.”
“No more laughing?”
“No more laughing. Warden’s honor.” When Leohta seems satisfied with his intentions, Alistair finally looks away from her, crouching down. “The first thing you need is the right kind of rock. It needs to be pretty flat and you want a triangle shape if you can find one, but flat will do for now.”
She’s crouching as well. “I thought it would be better with a round rock, like a ball.” She’s quiet, almost chastized, and Alistair has to duck his head and cough into his fist to hide the grin it conjures.
“No, that’ll break through the water and sink. A flat rock will bounce better. Something like these.” He shows her the three he’s found, all rounder still than he’d like but they should do the trick. She holds up a couple of her own and really, they’re no better, but they’re only for learning. “Yes, those will do. Now.” Alistair drops to his knees and crooks his fingers around one of the stones. “You have to hold it like this, because the important part is that you get it to spin. That’s what makes it skip.”
Leohta’s squinting at his hand, then she tries it out herself. Her hands are smaller so she can’t quite circle it the way he does, but Alistair hopes it’ll work out. “Like this?”
“Just like that. Now, the other trick is not to throw it up but to flick it. You want it to stay flat so you have to kind of–” He turns his arm out at the elbow and flicks the rock out onto the water. Four hops, not his best work but not bad.
When he looks back at Leohta, though, she’s entranced. She watches the ripples so long he has to clear his throat to get her attention back, but this time every trace of the stone is gone from her face. She looks eager, determined, but also a little embarrassed. Surprised to have been caught, probably, but it’s a charming expression nonetheless. She turns to face the water again, weighing the rock in her hand, then moves her arm and throws.
It splashes and sinks just like all her other attempts. Leohta curses softly and starts to turn away but Alistair catches her wrist.
“Hey, no way. You’re not giving up after one attempt. C'mon. We’ve got two more rocks, so two more tries, then I guess I can let you give up.” He starts to move before she can start to argue.
“It’s not giving up, Alistair, it’s accepting the inedible. Inedibibble. Ined… remind me to compliment the tavernkeeper tomorrow. His stuff is good.” Her voice gradually gets softer, a delayed reaction to where Alistair has taken up a position just behind her. It’s extremely convenient for him: she can’t see how his face is burning up from the presumptuousness of being so close to her, but it’s also the best position to show her how to move her arm. He wraps his hand around hers and lifts her arm into position.
“From here, you have to flick your hand out. Try to imagine the rock spinning out from the inside of your thumb and taking all that energy with it. The harder you can flick it, the more it’ll bounce and the more hops you’ll–all right, that’s it, you and Zevran are officially being separated because that’s not even dirty and now you’ve made it dirty. I hope you’re happy.” The woman in front of him is struggling to contain her laughter, he can tell, and as much as he wants to keep her focus on him, it’s hard to be genuinely upset. She doesn’t laugh nearly enough and especially not around him. The fact that whatever is so funny is lost on him is a far distant concern.
Alistair waits for her to compose herself then takes a moment to compose himself in turn when she settles back into a proper posture that puts her in contact with him from shoulder to hip. She’s nearly as tall as he is when he’s on his knees like this, a fact he’s thought about many times but never quite in this situation. Leohta gives herself a little shake, tossing her hair in his face as she does. He tries to blow it out of the way but there’s just too much. All right then, one thing at a time.
“Now. Just remember, angle your hand back and then flick. That word is ruined for me now, I think. You’ve ruined flicking.” In front of him Leohta snorts and Alistair make a private vow to forbid Zevran from using that word. He wants it to be their joke even if he doesn’t understand it. “Do you think you can manage?”
“To flick? I’ve done all right for the last few years anyway.” She giggles and clears her throat. “All right. Angle my hand back,” and her hand is moving inside of his so he loosens his grip, “then forward and flick!”
Alistair peers over her shoulder and sure enough. Blip, blip. One hop, but it’s one more than she’d managed before. He puts his hands on her shoulders and squeezes. “There you go! Well done, Warden Aeducan.” She lifts one hand to pat his but he can tell she’s still looking at the ripples.
After a moment, he releases her shoulders and, feeling a little bolder by the fact that she hasn’t elbowed him away yet, reaches forward to comb his fingers through her hair. It’s a practical gesture–even as he’s speaking, her hair is getting in his mouth–but hardly exclusively practical. Her hair is thick and her scalp surprisingly warm underneath it. In front of him she’s gone very still; he thinks she might even be holding her breath but then again, so is he. He focuses on his own hands until he’s gathered her hair at the back of her neck, but then the tension in it changes and oh.
Alistair looks up and she’s right there, her head turned to look at him. Maker’s breath but she’s close, her mouth gently open and her eyes searching his face. Her breath smells like honey and roses and his hand is still in her hair, it’d be so easy and it might be perfect but she’s been drinking and that’s not right. Or might it be OK, with her looking at him like that? The motion of her lips is so mesmerizing that it takes him a moment to realize she’s speaking to him.
“Alistair.” And like that, the moment is over, or at least set aside. “Would you do that again?”
“Of course.” She could ask him to fetch the moons from the sky right now and he’d say yes, but… “Wait, do what?” He didn’t do anything other than have a whole lot of thoughts in a very short span of time.
“Touch my hair. That was nice.” She’s leaning more of her weight against him now and it’s nice but also just starting to make him concerned. Still, he already said yes, so Alistair releases her hair from where he’s holding it and threads his fingers through it again, starting at her temple, mindful of and parallel to the little braid she’s so meticulous about. As he does it, her eyes drift closed but her face is relaxed. It’s not quite a smile but he’ll take it. “Again,” she murmurs as his hand comes to rest on the back of her neck.
Alistair laughs softly but he complies with her request, stroking his fingers through her hair again. And again, and once more, until she leans forward completely and drops her head onto his shoulder. Her breath is warm on his neck as he gives her one last stroke, then stops to reach out away from her. She grumbles softly in protest but he hushes her. “I’m just getting your other bottle. It’s bought and paid for, no sense leaving it here.”
“Why, where’re we going?”
“I don’t know yet about myself but you are doing to bed. Sleeping standing up is only good for horses and probably Sten, and sleeping on your knees is good for no one. Now, come on, up you get.” He hooks the hand holding the unopened bottle of rhodomel under Leohta’s knees, his other arm coming up behind her shoulders. She grumbles again as he starts to stand and he pauses before beginning to walk.
“You’re carrying me like a princess.” The humor in her voice warms him but now he feels a little more confident about deflecting it.
“I’m a Warden carrying another Warden like a Warden. No princesses here. Well, except for the tavern but I’m certainly not trying to pick that up. I could throw you over my shoulder if you wanted, but you have to promise not to throw up on my back.”
“No promises.” She slumps against his shoulder as he starts to walk. It’s only a few steps from the beach to the door but he takes his time. Who knows what Orzammar will do to her, or what she might do to Orzammar? The answer is liable to be complicated but this, for as unexpected as it is, feels strangely simple. She might not even remember it in the morning, but it’s not a feeling Alistair’s going to forget any time soon. “Alistair.”
“I don’t have a free hand to pet you, but if you can stay awake until we get inside, maybe I’ll give you scritches once I get you upstairs.” He’s trying to figure out how he’s going to open the door when she shakes her head and answers.
“Thank you for coming out tonight. I’m sorry I’m–”
“None of that now. You have nothing to be sorry for, and if anything I should say thank you for having me.” Alistair manages to hook the latch with his pinkie then wedge his foot into the gap, kicking the door open as he maneuvers her inside. “You may not have found it so, but I think being a Warden can be a little bit fun, if you’re with the right person. Or people,” he continues, scrambling to cover for himself while trying to ease the door’s closing with his foot. Once he’s got both feet back on the ground, he looks down at the woman in his arms. Fast asleep, looking as young as he’s ever seen her and more peaceful than she has possibly the entire time he’s known her. The inn’s main room is empty, the fire doused, and he’s almost loathe to speak again and interrupt the silence, but he does.
“Or person. Just the right person.”
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Nct 2018 Reacts: Someone flirts with you
Requested: Nah
A/n: I didn't add gifs because that would be a lot of work and i'm to lazy to find decent gifs. More n likely grammar/spelling mistakes 
Admin: Mirae
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T a e y o n g
Taeyong would watch from afar while some guy tried to hit on you. It was obvious that you were uncomfortable.  Taeyong would try and keep his calm as he approached you and the creepy guy. His arm snaked around your waist and he gave the best protective smile he could in the direction of the guy before asking you 
“Hey babe, would you like to head home?”
T a e i l
Taeil was sitting next to you while watching whatever movie was on the screen. Some drunk guy took the seat next to you and began talking about how he was recently divorced and looking for someone just like you. Taeil was extremely awkward, he didnt know what to do. He would glance at you and see your face twisted In displeasure 
“Um,,Y/N,,Taeyong called, theres a problem at the dorm. Lets go” 
J o h n n y
Johnny was joking around and having a good time with his members when he felt his phone vibrate. Looking down hre smiled when he noticed it was a text from you. “Johnny, this creepy won't leave me alone. Can you please come get me?” you sent. Johnny felt his blood run cold, he instantly stood up and apologize while leaving. Johnny would call you and stay on the phone until he got there 
“Ill be there soon babe, dont leave>”
Y u t a
You smiled and took another sip of your drink. The cool water felt great on a hot day like this. The waiter came over to your table and handed you guys your check, as he was about to leave he began to compliment you tlaking about he had never seen someone as ethereal as you. Yuta balled up his fist and eyed the guy up and down. He was extremely pissed and irritated. 
“Clearly we are dating, its very disrespectful of you to flirt while im still here you trash”
T e n
“We should really go to the beach sometimes together, I have a great body, ya know,” he continued to ramble about how good looking he was. Ten rolled his eyes, the guys poor attempts to flirt with you were really funny to him. Ten could tell you thought the situation was hilarious too. After watching the guy make a complete fool of himself Ten finally stood up and put his arm around your waist
“Well I think you've humiliated yourself enough today. Babe, lets go,”
K u n
Kun felt his face heat up from embarrassment. He wasn't even the one being hit on but he was cringing at he guys choice of words. Kun would almly grab your hand and silently pull you away from the creepy guy before laughing to himself and asking
“Was my flirting that cringy?”
D o y o u n g
Doyoung shoved his hands in his pockets and huffed out in anger. It was clear that you two were dating yet this guy had the audacity to flirt with you. He wasn't even doing a good job at it “Are you my pinky toe cause im gonna bang you on my coffee table tonight.” Once Doyoung heard that he pulled you behind him and said 
“The only thing going to be banged on your coffee table tonight is your face if you don't shut up and leave us alone”  
J a e h y u n
You had gone up to order another drink while you waited for Jaehyun to arrive, he had been 1 hour late. The guy in line behind you started making inappropriate comments and then he started to joke about how your boyfriend wasn't going to show so you should just hang out with him instead. When Jaehyun walked in the door and saw this and rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand 
“Im sorry I took so long babe, I had some things I needed to take care of”
W i n w i n
You grabbed Winwins hand even tighter when the gentleman behind you mumbled something about how nice your body looked in that outfit. Winwins face was red as he had heard it to. Winwin wanted to be the brave and protective boyfriend that said something. So he would peacefully mumble 
“Please leave my partner alone.” 
J u n g w o o
Jungwoo was giggling about what his members were saying when Lucas pointed over at you who was obviously uncomfortable. Jungwoo noticed the guy who was leaning in closer and closer. Jungwoo coughed a little before standing up and waltzing towards you with the most confident walk he could muster.
“Ex,,xcuse me sir,,please leave my partner,,alone.”  
L u c a s
Throughout the dinner Lucas had done his best to stay calm at the guys attempts to hit on you. By the end he had finally had enough, he hasn't seen you in awhile and he just wanted to have lovely dinner with you all to himself. As you two were exiting the restaurant and the waiter gave you flirty eyes Lucas hollard out 
“I think its rude that a member your wait staff willing flirted with my partner will I was right there.”
M a r k
Mark wondered what was kaing you so long. You said you were going to the restroom 15 minutes ago and you hadn't been back. At first he was afraid you had ditched him but he knew you better. he would walk towards the restroom to see what the problem was when he saw you. Some guy had your wrist tightly secured in his hand. A anger Mark had never experienced before erupted inside him. He marched over there and pulled you form the guy
“Hey! Leave Y/N alone”
R e n j u n
(can you tell who my bias is) 
You held on tightly to the bar on the ceiling, not wanting to move around and bump into other riders. Renjun stood next to you and stared out the window, lost in thought. Your blood ran cold when a arm that wasn't your boyfriends snaked around your waist. “This way you wont fall,” he creepily bled into your ear. You felt chills go down your spine. Looking at your boyfriend you tried to alert him without actually saying anything. Renjun looked at you when he felt your eyes burning holes into him. Immediately he noticed why you were staring so intensely at him. Renjun grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him. One hand held tightly onto the medtail abr while the other was secured around your waist. You smiled and relaxed before leaning into him
“You should have said something.”
J e n o
Jeno watched with curious eyes. You went to order an ice cream cone but the cashier wouldnt stop talking to you. Youd look back at Jeno and give him pleading eyes. Jeno would nod to himself and approach you with a bright smile and hand the cashier some money 
“2 of what Y/N wants to order,please?”
H a e c h a n
(have you spotted my bias wrecker yet?)
Your hand skimmed over the variety of books on the shelves. Nothing was catching your eye. “Do you need some help? I can help you in more ways than one,” the library worker said while placing his hand on your wrist. Your heart sunk as you attempted to pull away but his grip was to much. Haechan entered the library with a big smile on his face. it immediately fell when he saw you struggling to get away from some guy. Haechan huffed out and marched over there with a scary look on his face. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around you waist  
“Don't you have an boundaries? Creep.”
J a e m i n
Jaemin smiled brightly while his legs swung back and forth. He was sitting on the bench at your favorite park waiting for you to show up. Checking the time he noticed you were late. Jaemin decided to facetime you. When you answered you sneakily faced the camera on a guy. He was talking non stop about how cute you two would be together. Jaemin scoffed and took note of where you were before he ran to you
“Can we have 1 date without it being interrupted or ruined?” 
C h e n l e
Chenle was giggling while you two happily ate the ice cream. You looked so adorable with ice cream smeared on your face. Some guy sat next to you and mumbled something into your ear with a smirk before looking at Chenle and rolling his eyes. Chenle curisuly looked between you two, you had stopped eating your ice cream and you looked disgusted. Chenle took the hint on what the guy probably said. He leaned over and planted a sloppy kiss on your cheek before grabbing your hand and leaving
“Why are people so creepy and weird?” 
J i s u n g 
Jisung had left to use the restroom. While he was on his way out he noticed that some guy was sitting in his spot and was talking to you while you attempted to smile. Jisung quickly texted his members asking for advice. They all yelled at him and called him stupid. Mark simply told him to confront the guy while Haechan said to punch him. Jisung walked towards you, he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and awkwardly coughed 
“You're sitting in my seat and flirting with my partner,,,I dont appreciate it”
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smutandfluffohmy · 6 years
Dream Land
From: Smutandfluffohmy Character Parings: Peter Pan X Reader Warnings: Slight swearing
Prompt: “Love your imagines! Could you do a Peter Pan one where you only go to Neverland in your dreams. You and Pan are best mates, then he realizes he’s in love with you one night walking you back to your treehouse. Scared, he doesn’t let you return the next night. You prove you love him by coming to Neverland for real and fluff fluff fluff”
A/N: Hi guys! I’m starting university in two days and I’m really nervous AND I will be taking creative writing classes so hopefully if theres any change in my writing I hope its for the better and that you guys enjoy it!
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Night time was your favorite time of the day because you were able to see your best friend in the entire world. The first time you went to Neverland you thought it was nothing more than a regular random dream, one to chuck with the rest of the good dreams you had. Arriving in Neverland on its own was already crazy enough at first it seemed like an empty forest with nothing but trees for miles and miles.
“Who are you and what do you want” A boy said as he appeared uncomfortably close to your face.
“Wow okay hi” You said as you took a step back from the boy as his face fell into darkness as soon as you weren't close enough to see him in the complete darkness.
“I asked you a question” The boy said taking another step closer to you as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Well I’m Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N and I don’t really want anything I don't even know how I got here” You said looking up at the boy as you strained your eyes to make out any of his features.
“Stop looking at me like that” The boy said as you continues to look at him exactly how he told you not to.
“Well I can't see anything sorry that it's dark” You said getting closer to him than you already were.
“Sorry my bad” The boy said as he snapped his fingers and it was suddenly morning “Well if you don’t want anything then leave” he said turning around and walking deeper into the woods.
“Wait hold up” you said as you ran to catch up to him “what’s your name”
“Really what’s your name? That’s your question. Not how I made night turn into day” He said cocking up one of his eyebrows with the same expression he’s had since you meet him.
“I mean it’s my dream anything can happen in a dream” you said as you smiled up at him still waiting for him to answer your question.
“Well my name is Peter. Peter Pan” Peter said with a crooked smile that seemed to make his entire body crooked.
~one year later~
“Peter do you remember the first time we meet?” You said as you walked next to your best friend lightly brushing against each other.
“Umm yea a bit why” Peter said with a lie because he remembered every minute of that night because it was the first time in 10 years that anyone has ever visited Neverland, magical or not 10 years still dragged by.
“Can you please make it snow? Pretty please” You said with a big smile as you gripped his forearm looking up at him.
“Oh sure like this” Peter said as he snapped his fingers together and the nice day out turned into the sun glaring down on the both of you. “Or like this” he snapped his finger again and it started raining.
“Peter come on” You said as you playfully swatted at his arm as he let out a hearty laugh Peter ran deeper into the woods as you ran after him.
“I hope you know that I don’t usually run” you said trying to pick up speed as Peter ran ahead ducking and jumping over branches.
“Yea I can tell” Peter laughed and it rang through your ears and through the forest.Peter seemed like pure sunshine despite the gloomy weather.
“Hey don’t be rude” You yelled out as your foot got trapped in an outgrown root at started falling to the ground. You let out a shriek as you prepared yourself for the impact but instead you were greeted with a faceful of mud.Peter walking back towards you
“Are you okay” Peter said as he nugged you with his foot as you laid there with your face buried in the cold mud. Gripping a handful of mud you turned around and threw it at him.
“Yea good try loser” Peter said with his arms crossed over his chest and a cocky smile as he appeared somewhere else entirely.
“No fair I dont have magical powers” You said as you sat up as the mud soaked into your jeans.At that moment the rain stopped and you looked up to the sky then to Peter.
“Come on let's get you to your treehouse you're all muddy” Peter said as he offered you his hand to get up grabbing it you pulled him down with you. Letting out a grunt as he fell on top of you instead of next to you.
“Ow what was that for” Peter said lifting himself up as he looked down at you as he reached over and moved a strand of hair that was stuck to your mouth, leaving a smudged of mud in your mouth.
“I was trying to pull you into the mud not me get off” You said lightly shoving Peter as he got on his feet and lifted you up with him.
“Okay come on let's actually get you to your treehouse I can’t have you dying on me. Humming in agreement you and Peter walked side by side arms linked together, snapping his fingers together once more you guys were up in the tree house.
“So Peter I was thinking since tomorrow is christmas if I could maybe come spend it all day with you” You said with a big smile as you walked over to the sink to wash off all the mud.
“What about your family?” Peter asked as he flipped through one of the books you keep forgetting to take back home.
“Well my mom and dad took up a big case up in New York about this company fighting against a claim about a employee claiming neglect and blah blah long story short I told them I could be fine on my own.” You said as you combed your hair with your fingers trying to get the mud out of it.
“Why don’t you just go to New York I think you mentioned you wanted to see it someday” Peter said as he sat criss crossed on your bed looking at you as you tried your best to clean up.
“What? New York is only filled with cars and there’s never snow and they don’t really do anything for Christmas. So what do you want Peter?” You said as you turned to face him, his elbows were on his knees and his head was resting on his hands looking up at you.
“Want of what” Peter said as he tilted his head. “For christmas what do you want” You said as you went behind a curtain that divided the room to change into different clothes ones that weren't caked with mud.
“Well I don’t really know I can make anything appear so I'm not in the want for anything.” Peter said as he laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Of course he wished and wanted many things but how could he tell you that he developed a crush on you when you kept insisting that he was just a dream. How could he tell you that he knew he loved you when you dared him to jump into the water or when you kept bringing him things that reminded you of him.
“Ill figure something out” You said as you came out with oversized Pajamas as you crawled into the bed and laid down next to him.
“Of course you will” Peter said as he turned to look at you. Panic started to slowly creep into Peters mind as many thought popped into his head, what if you didn't like him that way, what if you hated him, what if you told him that you hated him and left him all alone just like everyone else did.He really couldn't be left alone again and hurt not again and espasially not by you because that would crush him.
“Hey y/n maybe you should go to New York with your parents” Peter looked over at you as he looked at how your hair fell on the pillow, or how you never liked to buy clothes that fit you properly and still complained when you tripped over them.
“What? No come on I want to spend Christmas with you” You smiled as you turned to face him.
“No Y/N you can’t” Peter insisted as he sat up.
“Well why not? I don’t want you here by yourself” you wondered up at Peter as you slowly raised up from the bed.
“Because I don’t want you here and it’s time for you to leave. Why don't you just grow up and never come back” Peter shouted as he jumped out of bed and walked towards the window.
“You don’t mean that” You whispered as you walked towards him with caution feeling like you were walking on broken glass.
“Yes I do” Peter spat as he made you appear back in your own house, in your own bedroom as you let out a cry like a wounded animal. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground repeating to yourself that he didn't mean it and that you were just going mad.
You woke up in the middle of the night curled up in a ball on the floor as you looked up at the ceiling as memories of last night came flooding back.
“Fuck this” you whispered to yourself as you pulled out a box with a ribbon on it from under your bed. Digging through it you found the cylinder container Peter first gave you when he explained that he and Neverland were all real. Setting the container on your desk you grabbed a backpack and starting putting movies and popcorn and anything christmas related you could think of inside. You lit up the container waiting for the shadow to appear,waiting in the dark felt like the seconds were dragging on to minutes you were about to call it off till you heard the rustling from your closet door.
“Thank you shadow” You beamed as you got ahold of the shadow and waited to arrive to Neverland once again.
Flying over Neverland you noticed it was covered in a thick layer of snow, the shadow left you inside Peter’s treehouse as you noticed that he was lying down sobbing.
“See I can’t leave you alone for one minute because you freeze Neverland and you turn into a mess” You sniffled as you both cried and laughed  walking over towards Peter.
“Y/n why did you-” Peter stumbled over his words as he tried his best to wipe away all the tears but failed as more tears kept spilling out.
“No you shut up.I love how you do that thing with your eyebrow when I do or say something you think is funny. I love how you let me put flowers in your hair or how you say that pumpkins freak you out. I just love you Peter Pan you big idiot” You said as you chucked a present towards his direction.
“You love me? Really?” Peter said as he slowly got up from his bed. Nodding aggressively to Peter you let your tears come out all at once as Peter rushed to your side.
“I think I know what I want for Christmas” Peter whispered as he put a bow on top of your head. “You’re all I ever wanted and so much more”
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Where there was Fire,embers remain
Cw:injury and food ment
Ok to rb
Part 1
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Its been two days since their last encounter.
Thinking a third one was going to go by without meeting with her ex again jerico went to sleep early.
Shes snoring, wings sprawled on the matress.
Someone shakes her awake, jumping on the bed sitting Straight shes met with an injured rorschach, a recurrent theme with him, looming over her with his mask lifted up to his forehead so she could see his beautiful face.
--What the fuck happened to you?!-- jerico asked running to catch him.
--goons...--he answered sitting on the matress.
She ran to the bathroom grabbing the first aid, and ran back to Stitch his injuries.
Same thing as last time happened, hes laying on the bed, hands on his chest sighing,jeri washing his clothes.
She comes back, sitting with him, he looks away and she does the same.
-- theres either two things happening here,either those goons are serious biscuit boxes or you just want an excuse to see me
He snorts looking at her-- if you think I want to see you, youre wrong, I have better things to do...
She chuckles at the obvious jokey undertone of that answer, it was just like old times.
Laying down with him, she doesnt dare to come closer, she doesnt want to repeat what happened two days ago.
So they Keep distance, rorschach is not even attempting to break the Ice and neither does she.
Jer sits up however, she doesnt leave the bed,all she does is Stretch her wings as far as she can,Walter heard the bones pop, and she let out a groan.
He chuckled under his breath, he forgot how cute she could be.
She then yawns, her sharp fangs grow target as her tongue became similar to a lizard for a quick second.
--y'know Its been a while since I flew...remember when we used to fly togheter? You on my back? The wind blowing as we passed the clouds?
He nodds trying to Keep an emotionless face-- I do
Noticing the lack of interest in his voice she stands up, putting her shoes on-- ill be right back, you stay here
As shes about to leave,already on the Fire exit stair right infront of her window he stops her.
--Wait! What if someone comes? Im in no condition to fight! You have to stay!--it was all bullshit, he didnt want her to leave.
She peeks her head through the Window and he looks away-- ill be right back, ill bring you something!
He sneered-- I dont need your pity prizes
She rolls her eyes,a bit annoyed-- Whatever-- her cold answer made him stiffen, he never heard her voice like that-- im tired of you treating me like shit even if I save your ass... youre lucky youre injured..
-- with that he heard her wings flop and she flew away.
The cold wind felt like home flying was just in her blood, it was freeing her arms stretch, and she lets out a loud roar.
She looks down at the city, and lands on a tall building,watching a couple walk hand in hand.
It reminded her of Walter and her when they were togheter.
They were smiling, laughung togheter while eating,she couldnt hear what they were saying, all she saw is that the woman was very happy and excited about something, and her boyfriend is calmly hearing her, happy for her and whatever she was saying.
Jerico stared at them,heart aching as a single lonely tear ran down her cheek.
Why? Why did they split up? They were happy just like that.
She hits the ledge she was standing on with her fist, the rock melts away dripping on the windowpane below.
While she was crying to herself,rorschach wasnt free of destinys cruel jokes.
He couldnt sleep if jerico wasnt around, so hes leaning on the Fire exit, it was like a balcony,and he was leaning on the handrail.
Below Him there was this married couple...the Man was cold but acted as if he wasnt, his girlfriend catched up to that and shared the jacket he gave her.
Awkwardly they both Walked togheter, arms around the other.
He snorts gripping the cup, jerico and him were just like that, inseparable, they had eachothers backs.
He remembers one particular time where jerico sacrificed herself taking an molotov explosion that was meant for him.
He remembers how much he chastisiced her afterwards, how scared he felt of losing her.
That same fear he was feeling now, he didnt want to admit it.
The simple thought of her slipping through his fingers made him feel scared.
He wouldnt loose her, he couldnt afford to.
He finished his coffee and left the cup on the kitchen, he washed it himself.
He lays in bed, and heard the flopping of wings, then someone coming in.
He knew her steps so well he didnt bother to Open his eyes,he knew she was with him in bed, but away from him
Both remembered what they witnessed today, the old memories of their love haunting them all over again.
And those embers lit a Fire then and there.
The Next morning jerico woke up with a nice breakfast in bed, of course Walter wasnt with her on her bed,but the gentle rustle of cluttery and the noise of the tap water running told her he didnt leave her.
She Ate comfortably,and took the tray with her to the kitchen, wich she left on the counter.
Rorschach smiled hearing her cheery soft tone, this time he didnt hide it.
He turns around drying his hands-- morning...howd..Howd you slept?
She giggles at his awkwardness--fine,what About you?
He shrugged-- alright.. no nightmares this time
She nodds-- im glad
The silence that followed wasnt awkward or tense, just sort of there.
--im going to take a Bath--he said-- id...id appreciate it if you could help me
Walter knows he fucked up when he sees her raise an eyebrow with a smirk.
--though you didnt want me touching you~
He stomps his foot on the floor-- iTS A MATTER OF EFFICIENCY!, YOUR TOUCH IS A NECESSARY EVIL!--He blushed hard walking to the bathroom with jerico laughing following suit.
He missed her laugh.
Carefully she helped him bathe, her light touches didnt help his blush,he wanted to pull her in and kiss her hard and passionately.
But he stopped himself, just comforming to biting his Lower lip and looking away.
When they are finished she helps him put on a shirt and both sit a bit closer on the sofa.
During the afternoon jerico went to write, trying to finish the first draft of her story.
Feeling stuck she calls rorschach,who walks over and reads what she wrote.
--Its good-- he said leaning in-- but thats not how that works -- he knew a bit about what she was writing so he helped her, once she corrected it she thanks him and he presses a kiss to the top of her head-- dont mention it doll...
Her heart skips a beat.
Not for the kiss.
But the nickname...
He uses to call her doll when they were dating. She forgot how nice it sounded when he said it.
She smiled,blushing and kept writing.
At night rorschach rested way closer to her than before.
Walter looks at the ceiling-- y'know...lately ive..ive remembered some things...I got reminded of how much...--he made a pause-- of how much I love you...
When we met, I thought you were just like any other woman, I was so wrong.
With you everything I felt repulsed by, love, intimacy...they all felt right with you -- he licked his lips and he sat up, so did she-- I was such a fool to leave you...im so sorry...
Jers hand pressed itself against walters cheek, he looks at her.
--i too got reminded of our golden days, you had me eating out of the Palm of your hand rory, Man, you had me crazy for you, a single look would make my knees weak...
Id put myself in danger just for you,and I did several times
He snorted-- yeah you did
--I still remember how angry youd come to me,stomping and yelling about how stupid I was for sacrificing myself for you...I miss those days...i miss you..
Rorschach licked his lips-- would you ever consider of taking me back?
Jers eyes fill with tears--are you kidding me?! Id take you back right here right now!
He also starts to cry taking her hands in his-- would you do it now?
She nodds cupping his cheeks and kissing him
He kisses her back with passion, both fall on the bed, the heated kiss ends with laughter and happy tears.
--im never leaving you again--walter said cupping her cheeks-- I promise
She hugs his hips looming over him-- im never letting you go, im staying through good, bad and worse rory
-- im staying through good, bad and worse Walter..
He chuckles and kisses her again as tears stream down their faces.
Both end up laying in bed, cozying up to their Newly lit Fire.
A Fire that would never be put out.
After all, where there was Fire...embers remain
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lowkey-dying-art · 7 years
P.E.T ep 2
Aris body was there, and silverware was scattered around the ground, a knife dug deep into her neck, blood leaking out of it. Era skids to a stop, a few feet away from Ari's body. She freezes.. staring at the body silently "....." "Oh god! Ari!" Angy went to Ari's side, seeing the blood and her dead expression. She felt her stomach knot and herself getting light headed again but not from the ghost. The boy didn't even bother. His friends can handle it, right? For now, he just. Continues drawing. What a great brother teammate. Era begins to hyperventilate, it becoming harder to breath and- oh god it feels like the walls are closing in and the world is slowly falling apart and you can't speak or move and everything hurts Angy cursed under her breath, not knowing what to do exactly. All she knew is that she couldn't panic, not now. Eras vision starts blurring and everything around her is drowned out and oh god the only thing there is in the room is the dead body of your friend and th e y are n ..' t. .. .. Era falls to the ground A little voice is heard from the corner, a feminine raspy voice. "O-oh no. A-are your friends ok?" Two small little purple woolen cat ears poke from behind the counter to the kitchen. Angy heard a thud and saw that now Era was in the ground. "Era!" She crawled over to her boss, not caring if she got her pants soaked with Ari's blood. Luckily nothing had happened to her, Angy thought that she had simply passed out. She took off her sweater and placed it under Era's head. Where the hell was Arthur?
He'd jUMP- And whip his head around, looking at the random girl just happened to be like, right there. What. "Okay," He'd inhale, putting the journal away and facing this random lady, and exhale. "Who are you?" Yelping as she got hit, she stumbled backwards. Climbing out from the back of her shirt, a small pig plushie looked at Arthur with beady little eyes. "I am Klondike. The girl you just bonked is Spop Spooker. What human meat name do you go by?" Angy had grown impatient. She couldn't deal with one of team mates  being dead and the other one being passed out. "ARTHUR! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" She yelled to the young boy, not leaving because she didn't want to leave both Ari and Era alone. The pig turned his head towards the shouting. "Another meat person is here..... lovely" He's?? What. W h a t. "What." Ok ay- oh jesus Angry's angry. Or, Angy's angry. He'd make his way over there, probably jumping over the counter if that's an option. "Wha- OH. Oh. She's, uh.." Yeah, she's dead, Arthur. Spop poked her head over the counter, curious as to who the new voice was. Klondike how ever was annoyed. "These meat creatures look like they want me dead. We need to flee, energy- I mean friend..." Era shuffles slightly, blinking her eyes open. The smell of blood immediately hits her as she quickly sits up. Everything feels hazy and blurry and- wh.. what's even going on right now. Era doesn't care right now, being more focused on the blurry world around her before she quietly whispers "wha.."
Angy noticed Era had finally woken up "Oh thank goodness you're okay, I sort of freaked out because of you and Ari and-" she stopped herself when she realized that Era was probably more confused than anything "You passed out.." Spop walked over to the door and pushed gently, but alas she could not open the door. "hmm.." She backed up and charged forwards, slamming herself against the door, causing an echo throughout the whole cafateria. Angy jumped a bit when she heard the echo. Was that Arthur? Era flinches slightly when hearing the loud noise, before slowly looking towards Angy "I- I did?" her voice is quiet and confused, and she attempts to stand up before stumbling slightly. Her body feels like jello right now jUMP-- okay what the f u c k is going on at this point. He's like, so confused. Why did he come to this. What is he doing here. He's gonna stand there. An echoy voice is heard saying "you had one job Spop, not to slam yourself against the door. And what did you do. SLAM YOURSELF AGAINST THE DOOR " The loud talking and noises doesn't help the headache Era just now realizes she has, as she firmly presses her hands on each side of her head as they try not to fall over The young girl was confused now. She had heard a voice yell but her attention went back to Era when she saw her trying to get up but obviously not really big able to "What's wrong Era?" Y'know what? He's not just gonna stand. He's gonna sit on the counter. what a boy. Era doesn't respond for a moment before whispering "I uhm.. I don't- everything feels.. hazy,,"
A piece of the ceiling hits Arthur on the head. This is what you get for not helping with your dead sister Era flinches again when hearing a loud thump. She's so confused and everything looks like they're melting wH-- WOW OKAY. He's probably passed out at this point. That or close to unconcsciousness, because he's trying to get over the fact he got hit in the with a piece of the fucking roof. Angy, growing more and more annoyed with not knowing what the hell was going on, helped Era by putting her arm around her neck for her to support herself. Angy then walked with Era back to where Arthur was. Era is just,, so,, confused Spop cries quietly, sitting against the door A small mumble noise came from the 'body' on the floor, and a tiny cough. Aris hands moved up and just, fiddled with the knife for a second, before it disappeared entirely. She sat up, holding her head. "..wh..?" she muttered, looking around,e yes only half open. In a few seconds she focused on Arthur and the two girls, and concerned filled her eyes "Era are you okay- oh my god Arthur your bleeding- wait was i bleeding, theres blood, on my neck, what- what- okay, nono." she took a deep breath, stumbling to her feet "Arthur are you okay what happened- Era you look like you just had a panic attack- i feel like, i lost...something. What is going on-- okay, no, worry about others. okay. okay. uh." she kind of, realized Angy was handling Era, and made a grab to try and see the wound on Arthurs head Spop- "to many people" : ( He'd swat the hand away, no don't touch he doesn't like. "I'm- i'm i'm, i'm fine, it's cool, uh you're, you died actually." Era blinks. Her head feels like it's pounding but she makes them attempt to look over at Ari anyways "di.. wh. whaa." 
Ari blinked at Arthur for a second, then looked at Era. But in a moment she had looked back at Arthur again "alright, fine, i wont touch you, but. your heads obviously going to feel like shit, and you are obviously bleeding and in pain." she took off the thing that held arrows and stuck her arm in, handing Arthur pain reliever and taking out Eras anxiety pills, giving them to the female. Out bandages come and she attempts to wrap Arthurs forehead in bandagas™ Era just, stares at the pills, not even attempting to grab them as she confusedly says "You were dead." "H-.. howww..." "What." The pig plush sits next  to Arthur "Hello. Can you unlock the door woo mern" He's gonna grab fo- where's his water. Where's his bag. Where the fuc k. He's not gonna move though, seeing as he's being wrapped in bandages. He probably also took off the headlamp. Oh hey, it's that plush again. "I'm not a woman? Or whatever a 'woo mern' is?" Ari just,, puts the bag on his lap. there you go brother please stop being so confused yes thank u. Now he can swallow the medication with a low chance of choking. Era is just so confused and feels like she's melting Ari finishes wrapping Arthurs wound, completely not acknowledging the pig plush "I swear Arthur! if your not more careful you'll-" she cut off, clenching a fist and sighing "Just be more careful." Ari you're the one that just died. Ari looked at the pig plush finally and immediatly backed up "uh guys." she pointed at it "That would be a level twenty-five demon. capable of destroying planets.." she muttered, narrowing her eyes at it "I advise you all to back away from it." "I am not a demon. I'm a pig"
Era sluggishly walks over to Ari, squinting her eyes slightly as she lightly pats her on the shoulder "How are you alive?" she asks slowly, as if saying the wrong thing could suddenly make Ari disappear Klondike waves his plush hoof Klondike looked around "So.... how many more meat people are around here?" Angy stood silently, trying to process all that was going on. Era had fainted but was "alright" now. Ari had come back from dead somehow ven though she had a knife stuck into her neck and Arthur, was just being Arthur. Not to mention, there was a new person and plushie that was talking to all of them and they were still trapped in an asylum cafeteria. She wouldn't be surprised if she managed to lose her mind at the end of this exploration. "No other meat people.. just us," He'd take out his journal again, making another entry about this weird pig thing, titling it 'Plush Demon?'. this is a b  a d  time boy Ari looked at Era "Not explaining it right now. But i guess its not YOLO anymore amirite?" Ari gave a tiny grin, before going and picking up Arthur, carrying him over to the other side of the room, away from the pig. Ari how did you even, hes only one inch-..yknow what. dont question the mother. "Can you get away from us small demon pig?" she asked politely, smiling Era doesn't really accept that as an answer, but she's to jumbled up right now to really care. Her mind always gets confused after panic attacks (In a state of panic yet not which results in feeling like jello and being confused all around)
"I guess it's YOLF n- HEY !!" He doesn't like this, no stop. He struggle. "How rude. I only wish to conversate with you. Well do be careful to not step on my prey- friend. That's her there in the corner" Ari looked at Spop and she immediatly became entranced, she softly patted Arthurs back after setting him down, and got onto her hands and knees, crawling over to the other girl. She extended a hand. "Im..im uh..uh..hh..hi!!" o boi here comes that shy waddup Spop backed further into the corner. "H-hi...?" She was looking curiously at Ari's hand Era is just sitting against the wall now He's gonna return to the talking pig. Yes talk to the demon, Arthur. Great idea. Totally fullproof plan. 100%. "So what exactly ARE you? Besides being a plush doll of a Minecraft pig or whatever," He's trying to sketch out this thin g, Glaring at Arthur "MINECRAFT?! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I AM NOT A BLOCKY PIECE OF BACON! I AM THE GREATEST PIG YOU WILL SEE!" "..That's probably true, seeing as most other pigs live in mud," How does it glare at him when it can't move it's eyelids. Or can it? He can. And he is Ari smiled slightly "Its fine, no need to-to shake it" she chuckled quietly, putting her hand down and moving into a sitting position "My name ...my name is Eliza. Nice to meet you!" nice alias there Ari.
But h o w, "You wanna tell me anything else about you? It'd be nice to know." "Okay then.." Angy sat down on the floor finally coming back to herself and not being completly confused "I guess we are doing this even though it's a.. plushie.. that can.. talk.." Spop hugged her knees "My name is... Spop". Klondike raised a plushie eyebrow "Why are you so curious..." "Because you're a talking plush? I mean, those aren't exactly common. Except for the ones with pre-recorded messages." "How do you know my words aren't pretty recorded, flesh person" Ari smiled slightly at Spop, moving a hand to touch the girls leg softly "alright.. definently real." she moved her hand off, just smiling "Spop huh? How'd you end up here? exploring, like us?" She adjusted her beanie. "Mama left me here to be taken care of" Ari blinked "..what" she blinked again "how long ago was t-that darlin?" here comes mother mode, "Cause...this place has been shut down for two hundred years." "Because you just responded to me about the topic? Also because you can move on your own." "Which is.. really creepy, like something from a fuckin' horror movie." Angy listened in to what Ari had said. It was true, the place had been shut down for quite a bit. Did this mean Spop was a ghost? Era tries to recollect her thoughts as everyone else talks before suddenly jolting up, her face scrunched into a look of confusion. She stares at the group for a moment before calling out "Hey- Shouldn't we be trying to find a way out of this place instead of doing little five hour introductions?? We can do those back at the HQ." By what she's saying it seems like she'd be annoyed but her voice is more tired then anything
Ari looked at Era, "Thats definently a good idea. alright" she got to her feet "Arthur, you keep questioning that pig. Make sure it doesnt fuckin move. And..uh dont get hurt. it might be bad. call for me if you need help or if it attacks. Spop, your job is to try finding a window. Angy, if your still panicked, take a few deep breaths then get your ass back to work, try and find a ventalation system, Era, come help me try breaking down the damn door." and off Ari goes. "And if the ghost comes back, dont attack!" she called behind her Era quietly follows Ari, catching up with her pretty quickly. It seems she's a lot better now "Is there any plans on how to break down the door? Or are we just winging it and using a grenade?" Spop was now curious "what is a grenade?" Ari glanced sighed slightly, not answering Spop. "I said look for a window you stupid cat!" she snapped, whipping around to face Spop, glaring at her Era stares at Ari "Don't call them stupid-" Spop backed up "Im not a real cat..." She takes off the hat, revealing only messy hair. Era blinks, then turns to Spop "Wait- who are you??" "Knowing Ari, she'll probably still use a grenade because that worked soo well last time" Angy crossed her arms Ari just narrowed her eyes, walking forward and snatching the hat away, putting it in her quiver. (thingt hat holds arrows) She sighed again, staring at Spop "Look. For. A. Window." she snapped at Spop, then glanced at Angy "And you look for a fucking vent before i have to kick you out of this group!" Ari blease this is your first mission Era pats Ari "Shhh don't yell at them." Spop backed up "I'm sorry for wasting your time......" and back where she came from "Hey by the way, you guys can blast open the doors, you know that right?" He'd shout to Ari. Ari sighed "Arthur did you not watch the documentaries! Ghost locked doors cannot be blown up!"
Angy simply glared at Ari "I'm sorry but last time I remember I wasn't the one who was being a reckless jerk." She then stormed off, not wanting to deal with this crap "Actually no, I didn't because they're absolutely unrealistic!" He'd sigh, facing the pig. "Anyways, Klondike, why are you named after an ice cream bar?" Era inhales, then exhales "Ari you should probably calm down- lets just,, go try and get the door open." Deep inhale from the pig "Ghost and Toast are one state above us Arthur! When we move on to North Carolina explorations we might meet them. Then you can shove that statement down your throat!" Ari please. She looked at Era "Fine! fine. Whatever." she stormed over to the door, trying to pull and shove at it aggresively. The building rumbled slightly, floor shaking a bit Era looks over to Ari in concern before blinking, looking around nervously "Uh.. oh no.." Angy had heard the rumbling "Are you trying to kill us again!?!" Ari stopped, backing up a bit from the door. Worry filling her. The rumbling from the building got worse, as well as the shaking of the building. Kind of like how a building will move in movies before it collapses. Have fun getting out of the cafeteria Era turns her head, calling out to the others "THE BUILDING'S GOING TO COLLAPSE!" "Oh shi-" before she could finish her sentence, however, the building finally collapsed, various debree crushing Angy in the process.
Oh shit uh. He's gonna just grab the pig, stuff that in his hood. Probably a bad idea, but until Spop got back this was the best he could do. Plus, the thing might've been useful. Arthur scurried under the counter as the ceiling caved in. The ghost children in the corner of the room dispersed as the building shook, small screeching as it fell. Ari moved quick to duck and skid under a table, pressing herself aganist the back of it, holding her breath in order to not breath in too much dust or debri Era looks to Ari, joining her and sliding under the table as the ceiling crumbles and collapses around them, the table above their heads getting crushed by the amount of debris and chunks of the ceiling falling onto it A scream from Spop is heard
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[HR] Massacre Of Some Goats (Part of my unreleased anthology book)
Massacre of the Goats
It is not a lie that I have seen my own son be cast of a cliff by Imperial soldiers. The mass grave of infants by the rocks below had been washed with tears and blood but there were no clothes as they were stripped beforehand. Xian had asked for nothing from the soldiers, just a bowl of rice.
What am I to tell to his mother?
His mother who's conscience were too pleasant for this world. Its..Hell. I would feed my wife the scraps that my son would not want as she slipped into a sweaty, rambling fit. And so, in a damp and hazy night like this; there would be nothing for me to eat.
In a previous life, before all of this I was a graduate in agriculture at the only university around here, the one at the base of mountains. Before the druggy withdrawn animals roamed the streets, they were my friends. We had been flooded with mystifying agents by the West, men frenzied for violence, food and sex as flames itched their glass pipes. I saw the worth it still had. The rich men were able to transport their families overseas in the presence of a multitude of melons. The export trucks followed The Silk Road as to not stray.
Just before that the educated were sent to farms as to promote equality; it was our beloved Chairman's idea. We; me, Chi and Xian were once happy in our family bubble.
My village was a tired settlement sleeping at the edge of a sharp cliff face. As the sun peeked over the one long road which passed through farmyards and small huts, one would awaken to the humbling cliff face etched with bright green vegetation looking over at the goat and drug fields across the street. My home was the plantation first from the right, I had also rented my properties to good families nearby, my monthly payments would come running down the road. We lived in comfort but to the state I was merely a rich peasant.
Around the time when produce from the wheat farmers was to be sold only to the state, our countries population was urged to kill sparrows and flies as the creatures had been a pest to the sacred harvests. So when all the food was sent to the cities, I asked the arriving cadrè what we were to eat, for this I received ten lashes.
Over the coming months, the laughter of children and symphonies of bustling businesses had ceased. People at home would hear tractors and the grunts of iron women tending to molten steel by their backyard furnaces.
'In 15 years our economy needs to be as powerful as the US', proclaimed our Chairman.
So to accelerate metal work across our Great Nation, these furnaces were quickly erected with clay. The iron scraps were sold to cadre in exchange for rice but how will peasants eat when their pots and pans have been smelted.
Then one day on the Year of the Dog, trucks carrying bulldozers peeked over the long road. They parked up in a single column formation in direct view of the cliffs face. Houses were levelled, all of my properties. Gone. Any peasant that was brave enough to scream or scold the cadrè were beaten to the bone. After tending to the beaten, I walked passed the rubble for my last cigarette, I could hear the crackling of a great fire. I lit it by the fire of my burning Opium field as the villagers screamed in pain and sorrow. I just stood and watched the painting, strokes of bright orange and black blemished the moon soaked fields. In the distance, a single dove tree unable to flee is forced to watch the evil of man.
My village was once a beautiful place, now it cries in the smoke of the furnaces. Some would say the cliff would smile when drenched in the monsoon season, now it listens to the ramblings of withdrawn peasants and dying mothers. Bodies littered the side of our long road covered in bits of soot. The community house fed grains to peasants that hadn't succumb to the black fumes but the goats behind the house were for the cities.
I stopped caring and started eating, a dead tenant of mine had once said to me:
'My mother suffered in the Revolution of 1911, she said that bark or clay can be roasted on a fire and that it can be eaten. If trees are stripped, scrapings of coal also suffice'.
From the death of sparrows and absence of flies grew the number of locusts whom ruined wheat crops across the nation. Cadre grew more violent as the food for the cities depleted, peasants were buried alive, injected with salt water and had their tender bones crushed. It was then, when the scraped coal had taken my fingernails, that my loving wife gathered the women of the village into the community house. By dawn, a dozen women and children hung from the ceiling in a brave act of self destruction. Ash blew itself across the land, tens of millions of the darkest souls floated into the next realm.
Now I sit by the community building, my son, a bloody mess of guts and muscle. My wife, hanging from the sad cliff face in the nude. Cadrè refused to bury deserters. I'm hungry. Where do I go from here? The end cannot be worse than what I have suffered, yet; I dont know what the end is. A thousand gods have pondered and agreed to bestow this intensity of suffering onto man. Why? Theres my story for you fuckers. I'm going to sleep.
The faceless man had concluded his rambling and the line of dying peasants laughed in response to his tale, all seemed to have lost their way. Before his dying breath was ready, he held back. He had questions and so with his thin stature and the blackness of coal smudged across his teeth and mouth, he grabbed a sharp shoulder blade lying next to him and marched to the goats.
The first goat he killed was too small, blood splattered across his left eye and hands as he worked hard to hold down the squealing creature. The other few goats could not be used either. From the pregnant one he had learnt to cut around the neck until he felt a crunch. This was when he was to rotate the shoulder blade, the head popped off clean. The final goat was a dream, its head lay on the ground, spitting dark red blood.
This man, with a face of blood, ash and soot fit the decapitated head onto his own after pulling out its brain and parts of its skull. Sharp cuts of bone sliced the mans neck as the head took its place on his thin face. Blood gushed down his face, the creatures blood mixed with his own and flowed down his face. He was suffocating.
The blood started to clot, it was almost solid. It webbed, crossing itself over through the dark abyss, the red plasma pulsated. It lived. He walked carefully only over the plasma as he did not want to fall to his death, however he had failed to notice the hole at the centre of the complex. Falling through shadowy growths of blood vine, the colours brightened as he fell further from his starting point. Bright blood pushed him through the new realm and he found himself lying on the face of a black pyramid plummeting to eternity.
Purple lights flashed in the dark of the black abyss, it started to rain. The pyramid of blackness in the expanse of colourful blood rain, colonised by the faceless hybridized being; continued to fall. The eye of the goat manages a blink.
Sitting opposite him, a bearded man, browned by his climate. The rain continued, it flushed down the body of a palm tree that the bearded man sat underneath.
"God hates us. Why? In infinite suffering, even death may die. Why would he kill my happiness?".
In response to his questions the bearded man smiles. He opens his eyes slowly, his legs remain crossed.
"What happens at the end? I'm standing at the edge of my world, what's the meaning?".
Frustration was growing.
Not resting his smile, the bearded man answers:
'You're alone'.
Malnourished villagers found several dead goats behind the community house. That night they ate meat for the first time in years. The mans old tenant tucked into thin cuts of his landlord and goats cheek. This was when Yasukè opened his eyes with a stern look.
Sometime in 1580, Japan.
Yasukè removes his trusted katana from the tachikake. He slides the cold steel from the hardened wooden koshirae. He stands by the open sliding door with the loose sleeve of his kimono dancing with the wind. His sword glistened amongst the dawning sun. Etched into the opening of the doorway Yasukè contemplated his dream as his talkative dwarf servant swept himself through the withering wheat fields to shout:
'Yasukè, taste battle for once. In the night as we slept, men ravaged our farmyards. Behold Yasukè, beyond the that tree stump lies thirty decapitated goats'.
Yasukè ran softly in short steps towards the sleepy cold sun. Passing the cold bark of the cut Maple tree, he lay his concerned eyes upon the massacre of some goats.
submitted by /u/steffenate [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3dRPXav
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🌙🌙🔥🌙🌙||HOPE #3; ||You Know My Name, Not My Story||🌙🌙🔥🌙🌙
PART THREEE, FACEBOOK IM NOT A HARM TO MYSELF OR OTHERS THIS IS IN MY PAST XX TRIGGER WARNING XX 💚💚🔥🥀🦋A Lil Deeper Into My Demons Life; *Johnny "JJ" Garcia; about the visions he basically comes at night funny how "at night" is when i act out anyways, "johnny" did some huge damage to me and made me do damage to others, but mostly me, he abused me, made me breakdown millions of times made me violent with crazy ass visions of different shit, its like living in a horror movie.coming after me i tried to kill him but he never dies he said "pull the red wire" which one do i pull theres to many i hate when he "possesses" me when he comes after me even in my dreams he still makes me violent sometimes but less cuz im getting treatment. "you gotta nice autograph picture, one for you and one for yo sister" at my group home "JJ" hassnt seen me (except for once i was outside trying to kill me or hurt myself, i threw rocks at the car that Johnny was running over my mom with in the vision, she ran she ran and i almost went AWOL but i didn't) *Elizabeth "Liz" Ramos; ~The Night You Left, Turning Sara Into Elizabeth Ramos~ MY STORYxccc Written In 9/6/12 I was screaming, panting, searching, all over, so this is my story, so i was @ Preston's open house, right? and he got mad at me and tried to punch me so i punched him then i ran round the blocks screaming for you when people walked by i threatened them i was insane dark posessed, i stole a pack of cigarretes and some blue pills and Esctasy the cops (there were about 7 or 8 cars) chasing me but i was to fast finally i got thrown in my moms car i went home lockled in my room going crazy cutting till i was bleeding and beaten and bruised, trashing my room, destroying everything, graffiting on myself and the walls writing "666" everywhere. ranting on satanistic shit, listening to death metal, finally Johnny took full control and possessed me i busted the door down trashed the house i punched my mom and myself the officer in our house i stole a pill bottle and chased my family around ranting on and on i busted the front door open my mom tackled me to the ground i got out of her grip i ran into the dark going cxrazy going mad trying to die with Johnny chasing me and abusing me, after about 5 minutes they tackled me to the ground i went to the car destroying the glass all my personalities came out, i got more posessed than before i realized it wasnt you Cynthia sang to me and i knew it wasnt you it was your father, Presly Garcia, i know you would leave me i knew you would fuck up. *Johnny "JJ" Garcia; ~Lisxten Upx~ MY STORY.cc EMPTY.TO.EMPTY (WRITTEN AT RESIDENTAL TREATMENT CENTER) This is how I feel, i know you don't have the power to kill my mom you showed me that she burned in a fire well fuck off Johnny are you real? NO YOUR NOT FUCKING REAL. MAKE ME A PERSON OF DARKNESS, my depression digs deep Johnny no Johnny STOP MAKE IT STOP HELP ME HELP ME STOP IT NO GO AWAY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? but you can't kill mommy please dont take me to the ends. i don't know about you, but im done. this is how i feel, i feel lonely, and shattered, don't know where to go, what to do, im just done, i don't care about me, i hate me. I HATE ME. the new me isn't like the old me, the new me has lost herself inside and outside, mentally and physically, im lost inside a big dark hole of lonleyness, depression, sorrow, hurt, blind, numb, fucked up, mental, ill, scared, paranoid, crazy, done... If i leave i know, that you would be laughing you wouldnt cry JUST FUCKING WATCH ME SUFFER ABUSE MYSELF TO DEATH AND YOULL LAUGH YOUD BE HAPPY. and as i say goodbye, noone will here me. shit. worthless. lonely, nothing. wasted. IM FUCKING DONE! LET ME GO GET OFF ME IM DONE!!! its all clashing down nowhere to hide, trapped inside, wanting to die, wanting to cry, burst, break, can't breathe, its all inside, i have to get out before everyone comes down, i'm sorry to you all for making your life misrable. Something in my brain is missing or snapped, i can't reconize myself, im going dark, nothings helping im getting crazier, getting worse, its taking control of me its killing me, all over, its not normal, its killing me all over, im blind, im stuck, about to break, a chemical embalance, im different. my hallucinations make NO SENSE IM NOBODY WHO AM I I DONT KNOW WHO I AM. im losing my mind idk who i am its the end, wait stop talking, there coming in suits killing me, why arent i normal? whats going on? laugh laugh feeling intoxicated mental retardation out of it delusional fuck man im losing it, im going insane, idk who i am, help me, lost 40 lbs idk who i am real bad hallucinations, try to kill myself, my amazing friend Oscar prayed with me, cared, comforted me, helped me, he saved me brought me to God. I WANT DADDY. WHATS GOING ON? repeated phrases over and over in my head in my mind its broken, IM SCARED, "circles and squares for people who cares" i wanted to die, stayed up all night in the hospital bed, for 20 FUCKING HOURS. nothing makes sense.... BAD.EPISODE.SCREAMING. there after me, i dont know whats going on whats happened to me, ive changed for the worse NO NOT THE CHANGE. idk whats real and whats not, im not in reality, im in a dream can't wake up WHEN WILL I WAKE UP? my life is crumbling, Johnny is becoming real, bad anxiety, mom called 911 WENT TO ETS MENTAL HOSPITAL, CUZ I WENT CRAZY, THEY TOOK ME AWAY DONT TAKE ME AWAY WHY DID YOU TAKE ME AWAY??? IM JUST DONE AND OVER... bye :( *Good Daddy/Bad Daddy; So this is how it all started, so on 3/18/14, Tuesday, i tried to commit suicide, the night before i pulled an allnighter with my iPod, and pulling allnighters effects my medication, i was hearing my dads voice talking to me, saying, "im coming back" "no your not you little bitch so shut the fuck up" "im coming back nomatter if i like it or not" the next day at school i went AWA around campus. i was already pissed and triggered, i missing my dad, so i told my teacher and i went AWOL twice, the 1st time i ran i tried to jump in front of a car and my staff saw me and the OGI van was already chasing me, i refused to get in the van, they took me back to the school, i got out and went AWOL again, try kill myself, the van chased me, i fought to get in and this time the staff escorted me to the residential dorm quiet room, i got in 6 restraints 4 escorts, i selfharmed with my nails and i was damaging property. i had a whole bunch of people talk to me i screamed "i wanna go home" everywhere, i started hearing and seeing things, i didnt go home i went to ETS mental hospital, in an ambulance, all this shit happened cuz i was being unsafe, now i learned my lesson. *NXSP; ~Underestimated~ My Storryyxx 8/12/14 Sometimes, its not what it seems, its not reality, could cry and hurt myself for hours not sleep pull allnighters one day after another im bloodshot my brain is sufficating you can see all the hurt and pain in my eyes, im scared, wanting to die, take my family with me, im just so messed up, im done with this shit the mentalness the non functionality the disorders, im tired of me, im tired of life, im tired of everything. im just, darkness. ON 8/7/2012 In progress... okay its now 5:02 P.M, Johnny's awake again, ready to start raising hell, hes in process or "processing" hes adapting, ready to posess me, imma take off the motion detector im FUCKING BLOODSHOT READY TO FACE DEATH IM TO UNSTABLE IM TO DANGEROUS. and the wires, well white wires, trying to break free out the locked doors , so sweet, the dectectors on the doors the wires on the walls, the blood on the ceiling, the dreams that crash my mind MAKE ME FUCKING BLIND. myself broken to peices, 2:00 AM still up slaving myself, about to go out on myself, wanting to hang, but its just a thought, an addicting thought, the pain and suffering theres no end to the feeling, im down. almost about to become someone else, the transfering starts as i transform into someone dark, a dark shadow waiting to come out and kill the light, as the blood drips down me, on everything, my wrists, so silent, then i scream, cuz im bloodshot, eyes you can barely see nomore, cuz there full of blood, clear for water, the wires falling down, and strangle herself, now its 5:00 am, still awake ready to start it all over again. xx {.} isnt it funny? its like im a completly different person, no touch with reality, yes i do agree ive changed for the worst, mental in the head, my brain doesnt function right, and im different, im not normal stanger to myself its like im a complete stranger... mentally unstable, physco, not normal, im so ill, like im a complete stranger FUCK IT MAN. to crazy for normalcy NO FUNCTIONALITY THE PERFECT FUCK MY LIFE. insanity insane ive dissapointed all of them WHO AM I? nothing.. to bad for me, haha isn't it funny??? "Ms Function or KnoqoutToCrazyyes.no.or.maybe." *Flyerway; (POEM BY ME ALISA MONEE ALVAREZ/SARA BERGER) ""Have you heard the news lately, i was born to be dead, meant to be someone, but now imma noone, so now i blaqout, see you later, well maybe... Open your eyes, see yourself cry, die, break, and fade away, heartless and cold, stone cold, broken and empty, noone else knows, the pain that unfolds, the dark side of your mind, mental and lonely, how come you never told me? some reason or excuse, to keep me from me, is it because im to crazy or im sick in the head? all those stories you told me, when i was a baby, something changed right inside me, then i grew up for noone, had no love and acception, then i became different, to crazy to function, my brain is defunctioned, im old and unstable, but i am not able, to pay back the life i was grown to, crazy and physco, noone to hold me, sing rock'a'bye'baby. I guess i was born crazy, mentally ill, built a wall i cant break down, these chains tied right on me, broken and knoqued out, have you heard me lately? i am noone BUT IM BECOMING A SOMEONE I FOUND MYSELF AGAIN, THROUGH GOD, HE SAVED ME, IM READY TO BE HEALED TO BE RECOVERED END THE DARKNESS, GET BETTER, END TREATMENT, IM FUCKING READY YOU BITCHES CANT STOP ME, Im not gonna lose it all, go all out, make stupid ass choices, no dangerous stuff, imma maske the right choice I LOVE YOU GOD, THANK YOU@!!!!!"" POEM BY ME. THE END. *Johnny "JJ" Garcia/The Ends/Erin Ramos; ~Break In The Dark, Molero Fever~ Myy Storii xc :3 8/7/2012 "JJ"s awoken from his sleep, Putting Liz and brother's fire out, tonight ...Hes awake, hes awake,please save me, i cant control him anymore, i cant fight him anymore, not even for you, please mom come and save me, make him dissapear so i can see the stars again, Johnny, are you wake? are you ready to raise hell? i knew youd come back, are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna try to take over me, no no no dont touch me, to many people to much noise to much sound, no shut up, rock back and fourth, no mom please fly here tonight and save me, please no no no dont die Preston, are you really in the hospital? no hes not bleeding, open your eyes, JJ do you copy? send Preston to The Ends, the end of WHAT? no Johnny let me go, PLEASE LET ME GO, is that him? no no no no no no NOOOOOO lET GO OF ME. don't touch me DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME GET THE FUCK OFF ME. hes not dead, he cant be, im bleeding, Johnny stop not there, no i need you mom, no Johnny, no Johnny your not me, your a liar, NO IM NOT NOW HOLD STILL, IM GONNA KILL YOU, NO JOHNNY, PRESTON, MOMMY, hes now awake, processing, Johnny to Constance, send em all to The Ends, put there fire out, NOW, I SAID NOW BITCH... *Constance McMann; Saturday, 2:28 pm, Auguest 18th, 2012, Constance i need to ask you something. Dear Constance, i know how hard you worked to take care of me, but i still cant be here, alone, in this spot, sure i call you and i ask if theres a way to escape "JJ" but your answers always the same, "pull the red wire" but i dont know where it is, so please tell me, i love mom i really do, i cant choose between my real mom, and you Constance, your my sister, i call you my mom, but YOUR NOT MY FUCKING MOM. Liz Ramos, OUT... Thursday, 7:29 pm, Augest 23rd, 2012, and in the dark, he must remain. *NXSP/Erin Ramos/Liz Ramos; Things Erin did wrong... 1. told JJ about the red wire, 2. mentioned "the thing", 3. told JJ "L"s number, 4. pulled up a knife to Preston, 5. told JJ that Lisa is "L". Aye, call JJ back @2:30, call mama, to pull it all out, the numbers of "US" make the dreams harder, follow the red wire to kill it all, all the Garcias all the McManns, i thought i was outta sight, but im back on, calling Lisa 60 times a day until he kills, i dont know who, but it all means something, Lorene, i thought the socket was already electrified, i shaked and shaked, now look where i am, look where Preston is, sick as hell in the hospital bed, stop calling Lisa, im asking you Johnny, im not, im not, IM NOT break out with the green wire, i know you can, what about late night? i made a contract for the program, now JJ put me on level drop, 4RF, bitch, now I...I...shit here he comes, calling me, OH SHIT. -.- This is a blog i wrote when i was at my level 14 residential treatment center. Tuesday, 6:51 pm, Augest 21, 2012 LIFE OUTTA JOHNNYS SIGHT, WHO FUCKING TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU SO... why JJ did you open up a new story on us, not willing to even notify me, ive been in the program for 4 fucking years, and you never mentioned "The Thing" to me, im one of you guys, i had sight put on me, and now you want me to uninstall it? JJ get it thru your damn head that im a part of "US" im not going to The Ends i know hes in the hospital. you told me he was sick, i thought you were a liar, but i know its for real this time. the outsiders think your nothing but a freak, unexsistable, fake, but i know your real, i dont want to get a new master, im out of sight, forever, this is me Elizabeth Ramos..... oh my fucking god Erin, can't you see Liz doesnt want you or need you, just shut up, i dont want to hear it, shes outta sight all because of you, NO JJ ITS NOT MY FAULT, please just give me one more chance i dont wanna go to The Ends, im sorry i mentioned "The Thing". No Erin, times up, the red wires been pulled, and its all BECAUSE OF YOU. now we have to live outta sight, and Elizabeth, when she finds out Johnny cant be her master, and ill tell her the excact reason why. Im Erin Ramos this is me... bye. What do you mean? are you saying he left? AGAIN. i know Liz, all im saying is he can no longer posess you. then how the hell am i supposed to raise hell? if it hadnt been for Erin, we wouldnt be in this fucking mess, this would have NEVER HAPPENED. no CeeCee you know what this means, were gonna be sent to The Ends, if one "Ramos' pulls the wire, all the "Ramos" will be taken to The Ends. Do you know how low functioning Erin is? NO. I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF HE IS. SEND HIM TO THE ENDS, IM NOT GOING DOWN THAT ROAD, being a "McMann" HELL NO. Liz, im so sorry, i should have told him, its not my fault, ITS NOT MY FAULT... This is Elizabeth and CeeCee. nite bitch.... Okay Tuesday, 8:38 pm, Augest 28th, 2012, this is Plumb and Erin Ramos, JESUS CHRIST HOW LONG HAVE I KNOWN YOU? for all the time ive known you, like 2 years? shit, Erin hasn't even told Johnny about you yet, Plumb. i know your my friend, my step sister, but i have to tell Johnny, if you want to be a part of "US" i have to. But what if he doesn't approve me for the program? WELL THEN GET YOUR ASS UP AND START THE PAPERWORK. what paperwork? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? youll be sent to "The Ends" if JJ hears that, dont you EVER deny paperwork, oh and dont mention "The Thing" either. whats "The Thing"? Dont tell JJ that i told you what "The Thing" is, alright? i promise. okay "The Thing" happens excactly on December 30th, 2012. YEAH AND? what happens is all the wires will be pulled, and every person that asleep while its happening will be sent to "The Ends" Erin is gonna be sent to "The Ends" regardless, i know you like Erin, but hes your step brother, he doesnt even know you exsist, well im logging off, nite o> *Michael Alvarado-Alvaro/DANCING Squares/Veronica&Victoria Enxxelia; [[[[ -----Will You Believe Me If I Went Insane? (These are TRUE REAL Stories I had written in CHYC treatment center back in 2012, these are 100% real, about my hallucinations and me going insane, my stories && my raps.) X'd Out Bitchz-----]]]] 7/12/2012, Ronnie Irez, Coded, got in the shower half naked, sat there crying, digging deep into my skin with the blade oh I pressed it against my skin, watching it bleed, the blood rushing down, brings me to my knees, don't feel no pain, but I'm enjoying it, the blood dripping on the floor, but I don't care, just stand there, watch me bleed, at that moment I jumped and hit the ground, no tears came out, oh hell no, I tried to move but I couldn't, I was stuck, this is just payback for my choices, I tried to get up but I couldn't move a muscle, well this is how I am, visions of killing and fighting and burning down this place, so I got up and climbed out the window, I pulled out my gun, pointing it towards my mouth, thinking of death, suicide, ending it all, Johnny's got me now and I'm just fine, I assaulted 5 cops, and I ran, so faraway I couldn't be found, the world is cruel, it's full of pain, all I think about is numb blank fucked up thoughts, that's all I want to do, all I ever wanted, so I pull out the lighter and my cigarretes I smoked until I fainted, getting faded, and it all turned black , oh I'm so sad, so sad, full of pain, now I feel it, now oh I regret it, bye mom bye dad, see you later, oh no . *Charlotte McMann; 7/12/2012, fire and flames, last week was the day I did it, now I regret it but I did it, I tried to kill my other, I walked into his room and tried to choke em' watch the satisfaction on my face grow, to see him in pain, to see him suffer like I once did, tried to kill em ' all to take em' where daddy is, so we can all be together, and burn this place on fire, and kill every fool in this damn place, yeah I said it, and I'll do it , hell no bitch yo getting in my face, I'll fuck you up before you can blink, have a nice rest while I knock you out, see you in hell, cuz dats where yo ass is going, can't you hear me? can't you hear my voice or are you just ignoring it . yes you tried but you didn't make it, sorry for your loss but it's not my problem, well goodbye have sweet dreams cuz when you'll wake up it will be dark and empty, burning like my soul, like my heart, like the diamonds in your fire , cuz I'm no liar cuz yo just a fake, the cops are chasing me, you'll never catch me, cuz dats just me. Cold and over, shivering outside , the rain is falling down , try to make it through, oh sorry no I can't, I try to walk my way , but there's nowhere to go, my home is so far away, I'm cold and alone, where are you ? I need you, lead me the way I need to go , oh I need to know , where I am, where I need to go , before I lie here and die, my bodies getting old, I'm just laying here like a stone, bodies tense, muscles to hard to move, can't seem to make it any further , come on, come on , your almost there, you may not realize it , but you go to believe, just a few miles away , yes you got to believe, crawl faster, get up , please, I don't wanna see you so broken, I wanna see you try, climb , run , please please your almost there, don't give up now cuz your getting close, your thinking why try harder? but you've got to before you die and get taken away from me, I've already lost enough, I can't stand losing you, leave me like this, shattered inside , cold inside and out, skin scratched and bruised and bleeding, I'm so cold , can you see through me ? if you can please tell me, why me why now why does it have to be this way , why does it have to end like this? *Contance McMann/Erin Ramos; 7/14/2012, see your face, burn down the house, watch it fall, try to stop it but it's no use no more, later that day she burned in a fire, I ran in there, tried to save her, but you know what , she was already dead, the body was turned to ashes, I picked it up trying to bring it back to life , opening eyes like a pleasure, there were red and bloodshot, I had a mental breakdown put it in my trunk, road off the bridge deep into the ocean, we drowned to the bottom, I passed out then I woke up in a hospital bed , body scarred, face burnt, I looked up and there was Constance , I was scared, didn't mean it, I saw your face Constance, please forgive me,it was just a vision, just my mind playing tricks on me , I sorry I was sweating now I got up and slipped and fell when I saw your face, I jumped I was scared oh Erin not now , please not now, I grabbed your body and hid it, JJ killed ya, oh I saw your face , yes i saw your face, it was gone forever. ^.^ *Flyerway && Eddie/Edgar/Chillwax Alejandria; 9/3/2012 My last step, baby it's gonna be okay, don't worry ill be alright, I tried to tell you but you never listened to me I don't care anymore, what you say or what you think, I'm in pain, all over my body, the scars are infected, my life is over, as I inject the last shot of meth, I say goodbye hopeing I would die , die slowly in pain, I light the candles there on fire, I step into the bathtub, water burning, I take my last step in life, I try to cry but it's impossible to me, I'm in so much pain, I can't take it anymore , JJ is after me , trying to kill me, I just want to escape , I'm melting and falling to peices blood all over, ready to die, but then I see you, your face is shocked, you yell and cry, I can't stand to see you hurt, I try to crawl out, but it's to late, body is numb and now all I hear is sirens ringing, your crying, police trying to save my life, I feel so numb, but I don't care, this is the end and now I say, goodbye... *Elizabeth Ramos/Constance McMann/Charlotte McMann/Josephina "Paid2Kill" Hernandez; xxGotNoPleasurexc -"Seeing Me, Elizabeth Ramos , It's Like Reading A Nightmare" (my hallucination alternate life) , by me Sara Berger/Alisa Alvarez- _____Walk into the classroom with your head held high, say hello to everyone inside, my greetings warm and friendly, but when I go outside I remember that I don't have a home, and I feel alone, remember the day I dressed you up for school? The day I cried when I said my goodbye? As you got on that bus and drove away? You don't know what goes on through closed doors, at school everything seems fine , I sit down and do my work quietly and I see all my friends, and act like it's all alright , I'm scared to get in the car , what's gonna happen as soon as I leave my second home? Behind my smile and my hard work and kindness is someone broken and damaged, I can't show it besides behind closed doors. I walk into my house , no parents home, my sister Constance Ramos is inside sitting on the couch, waiting for me to come in with my substances, I pass out the liquor and the cocaine and get high every second of the day, I never had real parents cuz my dad was a physcotic killer and my mom got sent to jail for drugs , aggression , and sexual assault. My dad abused me 24/7 and put a gun to my moms head countless times, and beat her till she bleed and suffocated, he was a serial killer addicted to meth and crack cocaine, and my whole life he beat us to death , tortured us, till we blackout, and cut us up, and abused us to death. Finally he got sent to jail and he killed himself, so I didn't have a dad, no parents, I had to raise myself, my mom was so traumatized that she got Alzheimer's, she was like a 2 year old, she couldn't take care of me and she had physcotic episodes, then the police came cuz she started shooting her shotgun at the wall and all around the house and then at me as she was screaming "I wish you were dead, just like your father, go get raped or killed and kill yourself" she was not in reality she got hijacked and possessed and thought I was her husband and thought I was someone else, she didn't knew who I was, I was like a stranger and so was she, just a blank cold dis activated stranger, she wasn't my mom she was an animal who didn't know reality, and I was like bait to her for her physcotic episodes, then she drowned my head in the tub and burned me and tortured me worse then my dad as she got possessed, she shoved my head against the wall beating me and suffocating to death and stabbing me and torturing me, then she took her shotgun and pointed it towards my head, before she raped me while I was on the toilet and injected drugs into me, the police took her away and I moved to a foster home. The house parents were drug dealers, and they were crude and physcotic, they raped all the children and murdered them, they tortured us like a murderer would but we had to keep it a secret, shhhhhh they said, very quiet, they abused us bad and attempted to kill us, mainly me and this other kid Erin Vanity, we both got brain damaged , our bodies were bloody and scarred , I took Erin in as my little brother and we grew close, but he was low functioning as well, so I had to teach him, one night when we were sleeping I got a call from the neighborhood police department , saying my mom died after she got arrested she jumped out of the car and into the freeway, so I never had parents. I went through 24 foster homes where we were tortured and on drugs, finally me and Erin were on the streets for 2 years doing crazy physcotic illegal shit and killing , and that's where I met this girl named Constance Ramos who was also on the streets, she took us in and we became family , The Ramos Family, we lived together , and then Johnny Garcia came into our lives, he became my master , and me and him and his father Presly got possessed and raised hell (definition for torturing killing and doing physcotic insane and murderous Satanistic shit) he was my master and were physco insane , dysfunctional killers, and we raised hell all day and all night, doing the craziest shit u can think of, and I came home to Constance snorting cocaine and Erin smoking and having a physcotic episode, trashing the house and he was mentally 2 years old. I had no family all my life has been trauma, so I continued to raise hell with Johnny , then he took us to NXSP , a world of controlled programs we went there and raised hell like Satan would have but worse, we became physcotic killers , everybody was, finally I had a home, we were controlled and possessed and our minds were controlled and damaged and we were controlled by our minds and by our programs, I went there to raise hell , I came into the real world and they possessed me and I was out doing crazy physcotic Satanistic shit just as bad as in NXSP, I went insane and my mom was out of it (my mom in the real world) , her little girl was gone I became possessed as Elizabeth Ramos, raising hell and I still had no one so besides being physcotic and living in NXSP and dealing with possessed possessive insane hallucinations and turning me into a possessed physcotic person, i pretended to be fine. I came to school like nothing was wrong, I said my hellos and friendly greetings, but behind closed doors I was raising hell in NXSP, going crazy as Sara and Elizabeth, doing crazy shit in both of my lives. You still don't know what happens behind closed doors, cuz it isn't what it seems, when your seeing me, Elizabeth Ramos .
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lostandbrokenshell · 5 years
Darkest Before Dawn Part 6
Farcry 5 fanfic. Rated M for Mature language and sexual reference. No pairing or plans for smutt.
“So how did get in contact with the whitetails end up as tea with Jacob again?” Whitehorse asked exhausted
“Well you see to make sure the kids could get here safely, the dep here sacrificed herself to the peggies.” Sharky said with a nod. “They wouldn’t hurt her and there was only a couple of them. Hurk and i then brought the kids back here and waited for you to get back from your thing.”
“And it was coffee, let me tell you it was terrible coffee. It also ended up with me being drugged. So not the most ideal outcome, but i found and returned a deputy. So not a complete loss.” You say as you steal some of Sharkys jerky.
“Jacob made the coffee. Hes not much kitchen talented.” Pratt said “He still put you through the trials. But yours was different than everyone elses.”
“Different how?” Whitehorse asked.
“I only seen a couple... But even a couple of Jacobs peggies said it was different. Its usually all ‘Cull the heard’ ‘Kill the weak’ and rook’s, wasnt. I don’t know what it was, but it wasn’t what they normally are.”
“I don’t even remember.” You say as you shake your head. “Was having terrible coffee one second, waking up in peggie VIP solitary confinement the next.” You look around and jail at everything going and back to the Sheriff. “I think they will expect me to come here after busting out Pratt. I should go back into Johns region and make some noise there take the heat off of here.”
“I call shotgun!” Sharky yelled jumping up.
“Awe man.” Hurk groaned.
“Your right, this place might be more of a target now. Alright, go make some noise over there.” Whitehorse said with a nod.
“Thanks rook. I owe you one.” Pratt said with a nod.
“Buy me a beer when we’re in Canada. And its even.” You say with a smile.
“I hear canadian beer is thick like maple syrup.” Sharky said as you all head to the door
“That is definitely true.” You say “Most six packs come with a mini maple syrup bottle.”
“Awe man! That’s brilliant so you always have some for pancakes the next morning!” Hurk said excitedly.
“Most people are to hungover to make pancakes and suffer with the lesser cousin, frozen eggos.”
“Yeah, I usually eat that for breakfast after a kick ass party to” Sharky said as he hoped into the passenger side “Any ideas on where you want to go next?”
“Im stuck between ‘Thats fucking stupid’ and ‘How stupid are you’ ideas.” You reply as you start the truck.
“Im a personal fan of ‘How stupid are you.’ Ones” Hurk said from the back
“Ah! That one is, break into Johns house! And look for cult plans and that kind of things.” You say overly optimistically.
“Whats the ‘Thats fucking stupid’ plan?” Sharky asked looking at you with curiosity.
“Dress up like peggies, get into Johns vault and get out with Hudson. The get out part, is a little holey on the how details of the ‘how to’ part.”
“Wow, that really is. A fucking stupid idea dep.” Sharky said with great surprise. “At this point Jacob has probably shared your photo so everyone will know who you are and what you look like. Thats a very bad idea.”
“I agree which is why its in that category. I dont have much more for ideas, so im open to suggestions right now.”
“Lets do the house thing!” Hurk said excitedly from the back.
“Well, it’s probably got gaurds an stuff. I doubt he would leave it unguarded so I would need you two to make noise and draw them away. I will radio when i got stuff, or nothing.”
“What if you get caught or something?” Sharky asked
“Im golden, you know im safe, i will give three long clicks on the radio. Go wait at the spread eagle i will eventually give the slip to the peggies.” You say optimistically.
“You get caught, i give you one week to bust out or im busting you out.” Sharky said sternly.
“That is fair enough. I also have no clue where John lives so, im going to need directions at this point.”
“The Seed Ranch is that way, past Falls end.” Sharky said pointing to an upcoming road. “Hurk and I could start blowing shit up at the end of the air strip while you skidaddle on up the road to the house.”
“Theres an air strip? Does he keep planes there?” You ask excitedly
“Uh, i think so.” Sharky replied slightly confused.
“New plan! If there’s a plane, i take the plane! Theres another airfield right? Close by?”
“Yea the Rye’s airfield is up from the ranch” Hurk said.
“Sweet deal boys! We got our selves a plan! And hopefully a plane.”
You three sat at the end of the airstrip “You sure about this?” Sharky asked you nodded. “Alright then dep, we give you a five minute head start then we start blowing shit up to draw them away.” You flash a thumbs up and start running down the road hugging the busshes, crouching after a bit you heard a big explosion behing you followed by loud yelling from Hurk and Sharky. You start to move slightly slower and hug lower to the ground, ready to drop to the ground for cover at a moments notice. You could see the commotion up ahead, the peggies where scrambling to get things together. Head lights flared up and you drop and start army crawling in the ditch. When you heard the vehicles close you stop and wait for them to pass before you pop your head up. You couldn’t see anyone else coming so you go back to crouching and keep heading to the house. There was only a couple peggies left at the house, they didn’t seem to concerned about the commotion at the end of the road. They also were terrible gaurds a simple rock thrown in the opposite direction drew them in like blood in the water for a shark.
“Wow.” You say as you look walk in. The fireplace took you by surprise, the whole place was so beautiful. You start looking around and pick a random door to go through. It had model planes, some hanging from the ceiling others on stands throughout the room. They where all so beautiful and displayed with care. Did he build them?
“It keeps me busy in my down time.” Startled you turn around John was standing in the door way watching you. “I missed you JoJo. I looked for you. Spent lots of money on private investigators trying to find you. When you popped back up on radar i was hoping you would come sooner.”
“You should ask for your money back from the P.I’s, I’ve pretty much been in the same spot in Canada the whole time. But i missed you to, John. I missed all of you. I..” you pause “I remember you use to cry on my birthday. Something about being older and it should be your birthday first.” John looked slightly surprised you brought that up. “I think it was more about about for a month and a half we are the same age.” He got a small smile. “I, don’t know why i never came back until now. Maybe i was scared? I cant be sure on the answer honestly. I can be sure on whats going on right now. John this is not the way.” You grab on to your radio one click “Im going to put my radio down.” Two click John nodded and you put it on a table three click.
“You belong with your family JoJo. We missed you, we looked for you, we waited for you.” He put his hands up and turned around waving to everything. “This isn’t just mine, its ours, its our family’s. Edens gate, is ours, its our family what we are doing.” He took looked you in your eyes. “These people need saving, they just don’t know it. Its coming, and we will be ready.”
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