#daily storytime
lonelywithdreams · 21 days
When, at almost 3AM, you gotta walk to your work place, which is on the same property as the place that I live during holiday, in flipflops and pajamas because you forgot your charger and your phone is dying and on the way out you grab some candies because yesterday was a wedding there
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Storytime: Believing in Santa, or "I bet you were a delight"
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Yesterday on a lunch outing with 5 work colleagues, 3 of whom are parents of kids under 10, plus myself and another young-ish woman who are childless but have enough dealings with sprogs... the conversation turns to Christmas and belief in things like Father Christmas/ Santa, the Tooth Fairy and whatnot.
After general sharing of stories including the parents talking about when their kid stopped believing, or had it told to them by an older kid, I shared my story of having a debate in primary school (y5 or y6, so age 9 or 10) about whether Father Christmas was real.
I had read the Hogfather by Terry Pratchett by that age and shared his solution to the conundrum: that many of these beings can be described as an anthropomorphic personification, and the more belief people have in it, the more real it becomes.
I really like this notion: it gives strength to magic, superstition, beliefs and faith alike. This is how religions rise and fall, how supernatural phenomena won't occur around skeptics and how some things are just ingrained into our collective psyche, because somewhere in our subconscious there is a grain of memory or residual belief about it. It waxes and wanes with the power of collective thought and storytelling, and for those that have time for it, it is as real as you make it.
I didn't say any of that following paragraph, just said the first bit about using it in a primary school debate and it being from Terry Pratchett and the Hogfather; to which the other young woman retorted, "Oh, I bet you were a delight".
I don't know whether I'm meant to be offended. At the time I laughed, and the conversation moved on.
But honestly, I worry that it was meant in a mean way and that kind of upsets me. I have always treasured being able to circumvent the breaking of the illusion and the loss of innocence. I love the fact that reading, an activity always pleasing to grownups, had given me that gift of knowledge and terminology for something I wanted to understand.
Sir Pratchett's influence on the nerdy, the neurodivergent and the not-very-cool is profound and far reaching even after his death. Of course, he was a bestselling author and millions of people have read his works, so I assume neurotypical people have also read his books!
I don't know if I should be sad that this person who called me sarcastically, "a delight", just never got the memo about the wholesome quirky cool that is Pratchett's worldview.
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Maybe I am taking offence where none was intended - I guess having a 9 year old use big words could be annoying to adults, but I think it's a good thing. I really wish I could read half as voraciously as I did when I was a child. I miss getting lost in fantasy worlds of literature and by gosh I miss Terry Pratchett. It's it just nostalgia? Maybe. But also if I lose this shit, I probably lose even more of my identity and continue down the slope of depression and anxiety that began around that age. I keep getting told I look so young (I'm 31) and I know that ADHDers do grow up slower than their neurotypical peers. It takes longer for our brains to develop. The ADHD / Autistic brain doesn't "prune" neural pathways and the overlap can contribute to positive and negative elements of cognitive differences. E.g. improved pattern recognition vs sensory overload. I would cite the studies I have looked at, but I can't be bothered digging through my browsing history.
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This is one of those times where I overthink the interaction and realise I'm possibly at fault for being "too much", or reflect on a childhood memory and have it reframed as another example of me being neurodivergent and not fitting in. But at that point in time, age 9 or 10, the other kids on my debate team seemed fine with me sharing my point and explaining it, as a means to an end in completing the class debate. I thought I was welcomed.
It's only with this comment, I find myself wondering how much of my past conduct was actually too much or too weird or too different for other people.
Ironically, this lunch came after we had an hour long presentation from the EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) team at work... where they specifically outlined how feeling "othered" can negatively affect behaviour.
Cool. Cool Cool Cool.
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itsgrainingtoday · 1 year
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Earlier this week
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thatnateguy · 8 months
Clothing store updates, day #7:
Here's what the outside world looks like rn:
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Today's music CD is electronic/jazz. Mostly because I don't expect to get a lot of customers today, but also because the manager thinks we'll close this store early.
Ironically, I've already gotten 2 customers and we've only been open for 30 minutes.
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mcnernzzz · 2 years
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Normally when i play catch up i try to FULLY catch up before posting, but i have fallen so far behind i think i may be tapped out.
BUT i did what i was set out to do! I got to armadeado- sorry, "dillo," not becuz it was halfway, but becuz when i read that prompt, i then said "well now i HAVE to do inktober!"
There's a joke in my family ever since my sister moved to texas, that armadillos arent real cuz we've never seen one live. But we've seen HUNDREDS dead as roadkill. We even started the armadeado game when every time we drive to and from texas, we count how many we see, and when i said hundreds, i meant it.
Last year i found one of those not anatomically correct halloween animal skeletons as an actual armadeado and i lost my shit laughing in my car after buying him (his name is arnold) and my mom got mad that i didnt get her one.
Its somewhat bitter sweet with this picture of arnold becuz 1 he's packed up tight in our storage unit for at least the next year, and 2 my family is moving out of texas and closer to home so the armadeado game will be no more...
So here's day 14 -Empty and day 15 - Armade-DILLO
I may do ONE more in this inktober cuz there really was only one more day i was kinda interested to do but for now/the rest, i am tapped out. This month got way too busy and hectic for me. It happens. I'm human. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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swimminginlakes · 2 months
Toxic relationships
Unfortunately, some of us don't realize just how toxic your relationship was until you get out of it. So here's some shit that my ex did that I'd never let anyone do to me now :]
told me he'd break up with me if i went to see my favourite band (and that's why i didn't go, SHAME!!!)
getting mad at me for not eating a lot at his new years eve party when i explicitly told him i wasnt gonna eat much (had a weird relationship with food at that time and recently returned from the hospital for it) and never standing up for me when his parents asked me if i thought their house and food was unclean
always made fun of me together with his parents for the jobs i had to work (his family was quite wealthy and they always let me know, while i had to work to support myself and my gradma who raised me because my parents fucked off when i was little)
getting mad at me one year for not coming to another new years eve party cause i didnt want to leave said grandmother alone
getting mad at me for forgetting condoms at my house and not bringing them over (he refused to keep condoms at his house because what if his parents found them !!! that was honestly one of the stupidest fucking things ever said by anyone but oh well, i was young lol)
always judging me if i dared buy fruit or veggies because they are expensive and i was complaining about having no money (but i refuse to eat foods without veggies, im not a monster)
getting mad when i didnt wanna have sex (because honestly he wasnt that good at it and he was silent through the whole time so i felt creeped out)
screamed at me for forgetting the condoms once (apparently he thought i was cheating on him because his ex did that and clearly i was the same because i was a woman... then again, he could keep the condoms with him and we wouldnt have this problem)
we were supposed to move in together but he wouldnt take my suggestions when it came to the house, and always rather asked his parents. naturally i got mad because it was me who was supposed to live there so i told him to move in with his mommy cause im fucking done with his behaviour. he didnt talk to me for 3 days and then messaged me asking if im willing to pay for the furniture and that his parents are driving us to IKEA, because they picked out the perfect bed and whatever. told him to go to hell
his parents and grandparents always kept talking about how highly intellingent he is and how lucky i was to have met him but he couldnt even read the instruction manual to build a garden shed without my help so where the IQ at? (this isnt really toxic but it fucking pissed me off hearing how perfect he is when he couldnt even buy fruit at the store that wasnt already moldy, like how dumb can you be to not check my guy)
his parents always asking me if i can cook well because how else am i gonna take care of him???? ????? what do you mean? why can't he cook himself? that's literally a basic human skill and if he can't do it he shouldn't be moving out of your house where you do all for him, even wipe his scrawny little ass (he couldn't even do that properly, he had skid marks every fucking where. it was truly disgusting)
told me if i don't let him read my diary it's a sign that i'm hiding something from him. i said i'm allowed to have private thoughts that he doesn't know about and he didn't talk to me for like a week
I'm sure there's much more. I just randomly started thinking about it yesterday because i was reading my old diaries and have seen how far I've come and how different I am as a person now.
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ambassadoralexa77 · 3 months
Offer: Get 2 Months Free Trial at Audible!
Offer Description: Non-prime members get 2 Months Free Trial at Audible.
LINK: https://tidd.ly/3P4yaC2
End Date: 31/07
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tavern-of-lore · 3 months
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Chapter 3 -
Purple Winds
Over the hill I walked, the last blades of green grass for the next hundred miles at least.
An expanse of charred rock and burned grass mixed with the occasional pile of black bones.
"Where the hell are you" I muttered, scanning the immediate vicinity for any threats or outstanding travelers.
"We've never traveled this far" Diana, my daughter, chimed in fearfully.
"It's ok, we have a map now. It's from the wanderer remember? That guy has been everywhere, even here. He just left cause he didn't like it to much is all. Nothing to worry about" I lied, picturing the various ways this all could go wrong. What else should I have said to her?
"Huh, he was a funny guy. I liked his cloak, it looked like lizard skin dad" she said excited in the possibility of meeting him again.
I chuckled, she was just like her mother. So full to the brim with curiosity and bewilderment in this world. Something I had lost once the winds turned clouds of purple and violet.
"Ok, now, when we walk through the wastes how to you take each step?" I asked, hoping she'd remember her lessons.
"You take your heel lightly putting it down and lower your feet to the ground right?"
She got it right, I was so proud, 2 years ago she would have completely ignored that lesson. Now she was more interested that ever in my teachings.
"Good, very well put" I said trying not to patronize her. She was adorable when she got prideful.
The winds began to pick up from the east, blowing past from left to right across the field infront of them.
"We need to go now, stay quiet like we talked about and hold onto my hand. If you lose your grip you have a rope tied to my belt. Just follow it back to me and we'll never get lost. Ok hunny?" I asked, trying to reiterate the lessons in case she forgot.
"Ok dad, I will"
We stealthily walked like clouds of mist on a lake. She was good for her age, avoiding twigs and random bone or two.
Hours passed and we kept up a good pace, staying ahead of the winds and keeping our wits about us. Most of the landscape was void of any life, no grass, no trees, and no animals.
Cresting another hill I saw the impossible, below were small stacks of smoke rising into the sky next to a grey lake. Men, women, and children all living as though the landscape was like this for thousands of years.
"Stay down" I whispered.
She looked scared, but did as I asked.
"I'm going to carry you past this point, I love you but I can't risk them hearing us. It'll all be ok Diana" I said, trying not to sound to afraid.
We waited for a little while longer, the sun setting to our right.
"Ok. Now hunny" I said picking her up on my back.
I quickly but silently rushed around the hill, coming up on the west side of the village. That's when I heard the screams, and saw the purple wisps of smoke falling down the opposite side from us. Glowing violet eyes peering at a buffet ready for consumption.
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 106
There existed a figure who dared to defy the established order. This individual harbored a vision, a fervent desire to shatter the status quo and usher in a new era. However, their aspirations were met with skepticism and disdain from the masses.
"I don't understand why you persist in such foolishness," one voice sneered, echoing the sentiments of many.
"Because I refuse to accept mediocrity as our fate," the visionary retorted, their eyes blazing with determination.
The townsfolk shook their heads in disbelief, unable to comprehend the audacity of the one who dared to challenge the norms they held dear.
"Why can't you just accept things as they are?" another bystander chimed in, their tone tinged with frustration.
"Because I see potential where others see only complacency," came the unwavering reply.
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im-anchan · 10 months
Casual Greetings 👽
Greetings, internet. My name is Andrea and this is attempt #374 at starting a personal blog, due to the fact that I run and hide to my introvert safe haven after any small speck of attention. So this time we're keeping it -casual-. I'll reflect on all the weird, exciting, sometimes mundane things that have happened the past few years, and if anyone happens to want to stop by, pull up a chair and say hi, all are welcome.
So what's there for me to write about? Well, I'm more of a 'figure it as I go' kind of gal, so we'll just have to wait and see.
A little bit about me, I've been living somewhat of a nomadic lifestyle for the past 5-6 years, and consider myself a professional job-hopper. Any living situation or job longer than 10 months is a heavy commitment in my book. The only thing I'm fully committed to is my partner Kaz, who continues to be my favorite souvenir from my time in Japan.
Where in the world are we now? After leaving Japan and spending a year together in Australia, we've hopped across the pond and are now in month 6 of a working holiday in New Zealand.
While constant moving, visa applications, and job instability has been *exciting*, we're not the youthful travelers we once were and our long-term break from nomadism is in the works for next year, when we'll be moving to my homeland of the United States for the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, we're enjoying the beautiful nature and friendly people of New Zealand in the quirky capital city of Wellington.
Anyways, this blog will be mostly personal stories, but feel free to hop along if you like, and I promise I won't run away this time. And in case you were wondering - that is in fact me in my icon - but that is a story for another time 🐟
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✨📓 Storytime 📓✨
So I’ve pretty much decided that I wanna use tumblr as a wackadoo version of my journal because where else can I share my completely bonker thoughts and feel safe enough to be weird to do right? 😅
AnYhOo, there’s this guy who I’ll affectionately call Golden Sunshine Boy #GSB, who I’ve been lowkey not subtle at ALL crushing on for like 2+ years lately. He’s genuinely the purest most wholesome bean to exist on this entire planet, like you look up the word cinnamon roll or good boy and you’d pull up his name. Which is one of the reasons he caught my eye.
Well lo and behold, our mutual friend one day had invited me over for an holiday and told me hesitantly that he had gotten a girlfriend. Turns they’ve been dating for quite some time now, and I didn’t even know.
Funny enough as I casually started talking to GSB, I find out that not only is he dating this girl, but recently had a meeting with her father.
Yep. THAT kind of meeting.
And this man, this sweet, wholesome, lovable idiot of a man, turns to me with his stinking beautiful golden shinning smile and says with all the excitement of a small child:
GSB: “You know what? You actually helped me!”
Me: “wut?”
GSB: “Yeah! I met with S/O’s dad the other day and you actually helped me with the interview because we were talking about conflict styles. Since you had shared that test with me the last time we talked (I study Human Development and Communication for school and we had been talking about a bunch of relationship stuff previously) I was able to show him the screenshot of my results!”
Me: … ☝🏼😦 ✊🏼 😐
Welp turns out that I’m so good at third wheeling that I just helped the “love of my life” get engaged to someone else. Go figure 😅🥲💔
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prettybbychim · 1 year
routine bloodwork this morning yay when i scheduled the appointment last week, the receptionist told me no food or drink after midnight. i’m used to this by now so no problemo miss ma’am
i go to the appointment today and the phlebotomist can tell i’m dehydrated by looking at my veins (bc they’re wizards) and she’s like did u drink anything today? no. she had this look on her face i can’t even describe but i think it’s negative so i backpedal and say that i was told not to!
she’s like, who told you not to drink anything? i tell her and she says no it’s much better for me if you drink water. more water the better
i feel like she’s getting a little irritated and i immediately think it’s towards me and i’m bracing myself to be her pin cushion
the logical side of my brain kicks in (the one that’s mostly dormant) and deduces no, she cannot be mad at me. i only did what i was told. im a good boy. and who told me? that other lady. yeah she’s mad at the other lady. bad lady
phlebotomist takes my blood nice and smooth which is a miracle bc i’m usually pricked 50 times in my arms, wrists, and hands before they find a good vein. i more than not end up bruised with a blown vein. fun times
anyway she might’ve been terse but she can’t possibly be mad at me and i didn’t become a ratty pincushion
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thatnateguy · 7 months
I forgot what day I'm on and had to look it up but anyways
also it's really lovely out so I opened the front doors
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Stacy had driven past the entrance to the park a hundred times. No, more than that. Thousands of times. On the way to work and back home, every day for.. how long? Fifteen years? It was pretty enough, with a worn wooden gate post and space for two or maybe three cars to park on the gravel next to it. But she'd never really looked at it before. Maybe she'd just never been stopped on this particular stretch of road for this long before either.
"There must be a crash up ahead," she said out loud. Such a spinstery thing to do. Talk to one's self. She'd gotten into the habit ages ago, long before she was anyone's true definition of an old maid. She had talked out loud to Jonathan, the marmalade cat she'd picked up after the original Jonathan had left her. She had been afraid of being lonely, and Cat Jonathan turned out to be just as good for company as the human one had been. But then he'd left her, too. He fell asleep in a pool of sunshine and slipped away from her life as unobtrusively as possible. Like Original Jonathan, though he'd left a note. She'd thought about finding a new Jonathan, maybe the next one would be a dog. Or a betta fish. A succulent.
She sighed, thinking of Jonathan. The cat. She rarely thought of the human Jonathan anymore, but the cat she missed. She squinted at the long line of cars ahead of her, trying to see if there were flashing lights at the end of queue. Maybe smoke. Cars around her beeped their horns half heartedly. No one was truly in a hurry to get to their office. Not when there was such an irrefutable excuse to be late. To sip coffee, listen to podcasts, be in the comfort of one's own car for a bit longer.
Stacy looked out to the entrance to the park. Suddenly, she felt something new. An impulse. She never felt impulses. But this one was strong, immediate and she could see no reason not to obey. She wasn't even listening to a podcast.
She pulled her blue-grey Volvo onto the gravel patch next to the gate, the car behind her experiencing the temporary joy of movement as they slid into her space. She was out of her car and under the spreading shade of the trees crowding the entrance to the park before she'd even realized what she'd done.
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lilccreatures · 1 year
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hldailyupdate · 6 days
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Harry with a fan in London. (15 September 2024)
“STORY TIME: "A Pop Star Complimented My Fit”
Every morning, I talk to God and my late mother—it's my daily ritual. When l'm home in Miami Beach, I go to the ocean for these conversations, but here in London, with no beaches in sight, I head to one of the many beautiful parks. So, there I am, strolling through Regents Park, after my conversation with the universe, when this guy stops me.
"I like your Fit," he says. Naturally, I reply, "Thanks, bro, you looking fly too!" Then we get to chatting, when suddenly, a woman approaches us and asks for a picture. I'm flattered (clearly, the fit was on point), but she points at my new friend and says, "No, I mean with him!"
So, I take three photos of them, feeling like l've just been promoted to part-time photographer. Then a small crowd starts forming, all wanting pictures with this guy. I'm thinking, Okay, who is this dude!? So I lean over and whisper, "Who are you?"
He grins and says, "I'm a singer." Cool, I think. I ask, "What's your name?"
"Harry Styles." (3rd Slide)
Now, here's the funny part: I had absolutely no idea who he was. Yr So l do a quick Google search, and not only do I find out he's crazy famous, but he was born on February 1st-the same day as my mother. Talk about a cosmic twist!
Moral of the story: Stay open to the universe, appreciate every encounter, and always be kind-you never know when you're about to meet a global pop star (even if you don't recognize him). 😂
#StoryTime #LondonAdventures”
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