#the one that hoola hoops
lewiscarrolatemybrain · 4 months
I know we all love Secretly Silly Dragon but I think maybe the reason some people have a hard time picturing it is that we forget Silliness, like all good things, comes in many forms. I posit that Dragon’s silliness presents itself not through loud and goofy behavior like in his father and son, but rather through a willingness to immediately commit to any and all bits. This man will Yes, And you all the way down. He won’t even ask questions. He’ll just immediately start playing along, and he’ll stay completely straight-faced the whole time. This man’s ability to keep his face in check through a joke is legendary and his willingness to keep a bit going for years should be feared and respected. He once invited Ivankov into his office for a private meeting, revealed to Ivankov that one of the fancy mysterious boxes on his desk actually holds a bottle of bubbles that he blows when he’s bored, and when Ivankov asked why he would reveal this secret to them Dragon said “because no one will ever believe you. Dismissed.”
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Look, I just need more crack fics of Shen Qingqiu jumping through circus hoops to explain how he’s straight while everyone watches on in horrified awe.
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amp-lifes · 5 months
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cornkernelcorp · 7 months
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Hey, what'cha got there Crayfish..?
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oh just the catch of the day, nothing new :] I saw @/shipovnikk reblog the "you can draw my ocs" thing and I thought "bet"- and so I drew this. I've been wanting to draw them for awhile!! Expect some more of my fresh moots to be targeted for gift giving /silly
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sunspotmangafan · 8 days
An idea I had at the end of limit 2
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With this scene. It had been pouring it down, pretty bad rain. And Kohei came in through the rain to Sig-n to essentially break up with him.
Taichi refers to his hands here as being “freezing cold.”
And with Taichi, a lot of the time he’s referred to as a sunny person. Take this part from this Sunspot mini comic
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Like Taichi is literally a “sunny man” and brings good weather.
So. Maybe Kohei’s so cold from the rain to symbolise how he’s distancing himself from the sunny person in his life, Taichi.
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cassynite · 1 year
gonna start answering for the ask meme soon and i am seeing no one asked for 18 so i will share the brooklynn 99 images that captures sparrow best without prompting
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keepontalking · 2 years
That first shot of young Kaz's hand touching a bloated corps legit made me want to vomit. It's one thing to imagine it while reading, it's a whole other experience seeing it played out. Bravo.
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Girl’s hula hoop!
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Lucifer: Do you actually want to know how I hurt my wrist?
Adam: Sure??
Lucifer: I was hoola hooping.
Adam: Why are you telling me this?
Lucifer: Cause no one will ever believe you.
Adam: You sick son of a bitch!
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amp-lifes · 10 months
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Technoblade: Do you wanna know how I really hurt my wrist?
Tommy: Yes
Technoblade: I was hoola hooping. Philza, Y/n and I attended a class for fitness and fun.
Tommy: Oh my god
Technoblade: I’ve mastered all the moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie doodle.
Tommy: Why are you telling me this?
Technoblade: Because no one will ever believe you
Tommy: You sick son of a bitch
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Eloise: Do you want to know how I really hurt my wrist?
Gregory: Yes.
Eloise: I was hoola hooping. Cressida and I attended a class for fitness and fun.
Gregory: Oh my god.
Eloise: I’ve mastered all the moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie doodle.
Gregory: Why are you telling me this?
Eloise: Because no one will ever believe you.
Gregory: You sick son of a bitch.
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lordofshitposting · 2 months
JJK as Brooklyn 99 quotes because it would be hilarious
Miguel: Getō! Where is Mimiko's stuffed bear?
Getō: Umm... She must have forgotten it in the temple. Don't worry, I'll get it tomorrow and-
Miguel: Let me be clear. Mimiko can't sleep without that stuffed bear, and if Mimiko doesn't sleep, Nanako also doesn't sleep, and if both of them don't sleep-
Getō: I know, I know. Miguel doesn't sleep.
Miguel, holding black rope: No. Getō doesn't live!
Mai: Alright, give me your hair dryer.
Mechmaru: What?
Noritoshi: What are you talking about?
Mai: Don't you carry one in your bag?
Noritoshi: Have you met a normal person before?
Mai: Pulls out her phone to call Momo
Mai: Hey, do you carry a hair dryer with you?
Momo: Of course, I'm not an animal.
Gojo, to principal Gakuganji probably: You think that disapproving glare is gonna work on me after all the times I've seen it? Step it up, find something new. You're boring.
Maki: So what, now I'm supposed to do everything Yuta does? What if he jumps off a cliff?
Panda: If Yuta were to jump off a cliff, he would have done his diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry. So yes, if Yuta jumps off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Maki: You jump off a cliff!
Panda: Gladly, provided Yuta did first.
Yuta: I gotta go.
Maki: Aren't you forgetting something?
Yuta: Uh...
Yuta: kisses Maki's forehead
Maki, blushing: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Manami: You want to hold him, Larue?
Larue: Oh, um... yeah sure, that would be great.
Larue: Hugs Getō
Manami: The baby, Larue.
Larue: Yeah. Right, right. The normal thing.
Nanami: The most time I have spent with someone is four hours and it was hell.
Gojō: What about the ride to Bludhaven we took? That was four hours.
Gojō: Oh, I see what just happened.
Yuji: Remember how upset you got when Megumi ended a text with "thx" instead of "thanks"?
Nobara, visibly upset: Why would you bring that up?
Gojō: Hey Getō, do you know my blood type?
Getō: Yeah, it's B positive.
Gojō: Okay, I guessed wrong.
Gojō, to his nurse: Excuse me, ma'am-
Gojō: Be myself? Shoko, I have one night to win over Suguru. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Mei Mei: A couple of weeks.
Kusabake: Six months.
Utahime: Jury's still out.
Gojō: See, Shoko? "Be myself" what kind of garbage advice is that? First impressions are everything and I'm not Nanami!
Nobara: How much could I possibly owe you? Fifty, sixty bucks?
Megumi: Two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven dollars.
Nobara: Dollars?! Wait, of course dollars. Why was that the part I was surprised by?
Hakari: Do you wanna know how I actually hurt my wrist?
Kashimo: Yes.
Hakari: I was hoola-hooping. Kirara and I attend a class for fitness and for fun.
Kashimo: Oh my God.
Hakari: I've mastered all the moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie doodle.
Kashimo: Why are you telling me all this?
Hakari: Because no one will ever believe you.
Kashimo: You sick son of a bitch.
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etradio · 4 months
Mina Ashido Support Item Ideas
Acid bombs
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•Ashido now has capsules around her waist and her left arm. The capsules are made of a acid-proof glass.
•••I imagine her capsules would contain different things.
•her regular acid, in different viscosity levels for different situations.
Pepper Spray//Foam
•Since Ashido can control the viscosity of her acid, she could use it as a substitute for pepper spray.
{Notice the containers kinda resemble perfume bottles}
• She could also make Pepper Foam. It’d be useful so that she wouldn’t risk harming her allies with the spray.
Roller Blades
•every time I make a ‘character support items’ thing, I gotta do a random bull crap one.
And that’s the roller-blades.
•I thought it was cool.
•••She usually just slides on her acid, so I thought she could use the wheels to get around faster-or at least- I thought she was kinda at risk of slipping.
•keep in mind, this is coming from someone who fell flat on their face the first time they tried to roller skate. I fell while clinging to a wall. Pathetic.
Acidic Foam Spray
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•Police Officers can use Pepper Spray but they can also use Pepper Foam.
•The idea here was that Ashido could adjust her acid’s viscosity into pepper spray/foam
•If she flexes her hand in a…idk the word for it- ‘squeezing motion’ ?
-then the foam would shoot out of the palm of her hand.
•She can also spray the acid out of the mini capsule as a longer range than her usual hand nozzle move.
Dagger Blade
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•Ashido’s gloves store up acid, similarly to Bakugou’s gauntlets.
•The acid can then be used on her daggers.
{since she’s a hero she obviously wouldn’t use it on anyone,}
But it’d be useful for cutting something more precisely.
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Tbh I was thinking of Kanroji from Demon Slayer.
I always got one where I add it because I just think it’s cool
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So yeah. The sword also can connect to itself by the ends like a deadly hoola-hoop.
I used to play a game as a kid that was called ‘Soul Caliber 5’ and there was a character with a weapon like this.
I’d like to go back to this idea so I can make a new outfit design- this was just a base for the ideas. Meant to be easy to redraw over & over again.
I originally posted this on my Amino. So if you see it on there that’s likely my other art account.
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Been talking to a bunch of people about a bunch of things since that episode, and despite how mad I am, I still have hope. (Foolish? Quite possibly).
Hold onto your hoola hoops folks, this is long lol.
I'll start with the issue that affects the most characters: our beloathed bigot, Captain Gerrard. He has something against each and every one of the characters: race, gender, sexuality, what socks they wore on Thursday. This jackass hates everyone.
Judging by the still Tim shared, Ortiz had a hand in putting him in charge. It's honestly the most logical explanation since we could've easily had Hen or even Chim as captain again if push came to shove (and captain Han again could've been really interesting considering 6x14 but I digress). Regardless, he's there. And he's going to make everyone's lives misery. And no one is going to let him. He's intruding on a family. Not one of them is going to willingly stay silent. It's much more likely they'll have to hold each other back.
The one person that likely won't stick up for them? Tommy. Don't attack me yet, hear me out. We know how he was in the Begins episodes. But when he came back in 7x03 he had a dry sense of humor and an attitude that could've mixed well with the 118 (I'll admit it. I liked him in 7x03). But 7x04 emphasized not only Buck's jealousy that Eddie was spending time with Tommy, but also Tommy's jealousy of Buck and the fact he has a family at the 118 and with the Diaz boys. He has high expectations and gets pissed when they aren't met (re: expecting Buck to be completely comfortable and out for their first date just days after their kiss and then leaving him on the curb when he wasn't). He dismisses Buck's wants and concerns (not even trying for the bachelor party and then waving off Buck's worry over Bobby because his real dad's alive). That last bit, that 7x10 scene was quite deliberate.
I'm not going to get into the kink joke. That's not even an issue. But Buck was worried about his surrogate dad and wanted someone to lean on, only for Tommy to dismiss said worry and then spin it to be "woe is me" about how he didn't have that found family, or a real family. The jealousy he feels towards present day 118 keeps on being addressed. Any topic Buck discusses with him is waved off as if it means nothing. What does that mean for Gerrard being back?
Well. Tommy's "tough luck kid" attitude towards Buck isn't likely to stop. They've made no move to suggest it will. So when Buck wants to vent about how bad Gerrard is, Tommy is going to dismiss it. "I had to put up with it too, ya know." No empathy, no support, just diminishing valid worries and making Buck the butt of the joke, as always. (Side note: see a pattern? Any specific characters ring a bell... at all?)
Why does this matter? Jealousy started this relationship. Jealousy will end this relationship. Just like Abby finding herself started and ended that, Buck's job started and ended Ali, Taylor's job started and ended that, and Buck's death started and ended Nat. Jealousy (in general and involving Eddie) started BT. Catch my drift? When Tommy gets jealous that the 118 stick up for one another and support one another and when he sees Buck and Eddie lean on each other more and more, he's not going to stick around long. Will it be a confrontation? Most likely. Unless he gets the LI treatment and it happens off screen. I think it would be more fulfilling on screen and show the most growth from Buck, like the Taylor breakup did.
As for dealing with the bigot himself, he's either going to be reported, replaced, or rigor mortised. I see Bobby having to do some intense healing both physically and mentally before he returns either to work in general or as Captain (I really have no idea whether they'd basically demote him to have Gerrard or not. I don't get it pero ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯). Also, his heart stopped for 14 minutes and he just walked away?? Sure, Jan. But maybe it's a 911 miracle. Or it could be like Buck in 3x01. An injury you think is completely fine only for it to come back to haunt you. But considering Bobby mirrors Eddie, it's much more likely his mental health takes the biggest hit and gets to heal (unlike my poor Eddie. I'm still so pissed. More on that later). He also resigned. That has to be fixed. He'll probably be forced into therapy, either by the department or Athena (who should go herself and I'd be incredibly disappointed if she didn't suggest he see someone). And once that's all dealt with, he'll be back to work. How long that will take? Don't know. Whether he directly replaces Gerrard or if the jackass is already gone when he gets back? Also don't know. (Little side note that's totally unrelated: I want to see Eddie as Captain at least once. It would be interesting to see).
And then there's Ortiz, the supposed puppet master. Drama for the sake of drama. I think they just couldn't have more than two or three happy characters in a finale so they decide to traumatize the children and torture Hen and Karen as usual. I hate it. But I'm focusing on what they'll do with it. I've hated storylines before and some have been resolved, some have been dropped (for now). But what they'll do with this woman? I don't know. Will she find out Madney has Mara and go after them? I don't know. Her end goal and their plan for her is the one thing I simply cannot figure out (yet).
And the most heartbreaking and infuriating of all... My Diaz boys. I cannot begin to tell you how upset I am over that. I can't. There's so much they could've done instead and so much I hate about what they did. These boys have been fighting since day one to heal and as soon as they take a step forward, they're yanked five steps back and punished for being in pain. I cried twice yesterday talking about Chris. So I won't get into all that. My anger is not the point.
Right now, Helena is the victor. She proved herself right. Eddie is unfit, incapable, unstable. She didn't want Eddie to drag Chris down with him and Eddie has spent the entire time since she said those words preventing it. He's tried to show Chris they're enough just the two of them, that no one can tell Chris he's different, that people do stay, that running from the problem won't sto-
*Record scratch*
Eddie learned from experience that the Diaz way of handling everything (re: not at all) doesn't work. You can't run from the problem and expect it to go away. That's how you start piling up those boxes Frank warned him about. He knows that running doesn't work, and he (and Buck) have consistently shown Chris that staying is what matters (insert Buck's definition of love). But Helena and Ramon just showed Chris he can run from his problems.
Now, Chris is a smart kid. Like Carla said, I think he understands a lot more than we'd like him to. 7x01 broke my heart when he admitted that love didn't matter because everyone just leaves anyway. He's still in the mindset that whether or not you stay makes no difference. He's going to realize that, in fact, it does. Because the way Eddie loves him is vastly different than the way his grandparents do. And it won't take long for him to realize that. The only way Helena will see that Eddie is a good dad is if Chris confirms it.
Whether or not he and Eddie will have patched things up by the time he wants to go home is still up in the air. I think I would personally prefer to see the work they put in to repair this. I love how Eddie and Chris communicate. No matter the issue, they always talk about it eventually. It may take a little bit for them to get to that point, but when they do it's beautiful to see (the skateboard, Eddie's therapy, Chris' independence).
And speaking of communication, can they please clarify that Eddie only hugged Kim???? Everyone acted like they found them in bed together! I need that cleared up because the reactions from the others were disproportionate. (Chris I understand, but Buck implied Eddie and Kim slept together and so did the parents. Bad editing. Happened a lot this season).
As for buddie, I have no complaints on them this season at all. The communication, the openness, the vulnerability they had with each other was remarkable. We made headway this season. And now, for however long Chris is away, Eddie and Buck will only be BuckandEddie. They are the only thing each of them is allowed to have, and I'm really hoping they actually lean into that. Feelings realization on one part at the very least. What sparks it? Who knows! It could be Chris' absence making them reexamine their relationship, Tommy pointing out their bond, one of them getting hurt and the other absolutely losing it (Drown Buck 2024/ Trap Eddie 2024). (I have way more buddie specific specs but here isn't the place for them all lol). The possibilities there are endless. And I am excited for it, despite of- and in spite of- that finale.
Am I still incredibly pissed at the episode? Yeah. Was the season lackluster overall? Also yeah. Ten episodes and constantly changing plans doesn't make for a good season. But I'm still going to stay hopeful. It's a beautiful story and I'm letting them tell it, but these bonkers decisions really need to be fixed. And soon.
Anyway, if you read this I love you 🩷 (and tell me your own specs/ hopes for the next season!)
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jealousmartini · 4 months
What is your favourite thing you’ve scripted in your better and KPOP reality 🙈
For my kpop dr, I have multiple favourites so I will be mentioning more than one🧍🏿‍♀️
kpop dr
— MKB (my own gg) is a 3rd gen group. This is because 3rd is THE BEST generation of kpop groups. Infact it's the best generation of kpop period, but then again I might just be biased because that's the generation I grew up with. I also scripted P1harmony is a 3rd gen too.
— Charmings (the fanbase) never fail to out-do and show support and love across the world at concerts. They are also very creative and entertaining, making signs and always participating in small activities like the mute challenge and waves
— I have caught the hearts of many people, and many people have a crush on me. Not just Charmings but Idols too. I also scripted at least 2 members from TWICE, BTS and someone from Ateez has a crush on me as well as some others from other groups. I deliberately didn't specify WHO had a crush on me because I wanted it to be a suprise
better cr
— I scripted I can actually speak fluent Spanish and Korean since they were both supposed by my native tongues
— LMAO THIS IS SO RANDOM BUT Yknow those random scenes from a movie or a tiktok goes viral and it becomes a trend to edit it? Well I scripted a clip of me from a random livestream of me hoola hooping a glowing hoola hoop and a clip of me showing up at a kai cenat live cosplaying as twilight sparkle went viral and it was a trend to edit those clips for like a month
— that one horrible girl from highschool you know who has size 15 mens feet. No I won't elaborate.
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