#drawing him like one of my french girls (a lie...I have no french girls)
catlover4536 · 10 months
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Eddie Dear is the Drag icon we all needed and I ADORE it!
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toweroftickles · 2 months
Hi (:
What do you think about characters of "Inside out 2"? Do we have some lees here?
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Ok I somehow didn't experience the original Inside Out until like 2 weeks ago, and then immediately rushed to theaters for the second one, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since! Of course the first thing I started daydreaming about was the chaos that would ensue in Brain HQ during tickles. So yes, I've definitely got headcanons. XD
When Riley Gets Tickled
Joy squees, claps, bounces up and down, the usual. "AAAH Tickle time! Awww, our girl is still so adorable..."
Disgust: "Mm-mm. I hate this. Hate it. Majorly messing with my zen."
Sadness: *confused and a little uncomfortable*
Fear: *open-mouthed and deeply uncomfortable*
Envy gasps and hops up to the screen. "Omigosh omigosh they're touching us. That means they like us and think we're cute, right? Right?!"
Anger: "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?! You want a fight, kid?! I'll give ya a fight! Right up your -"
Anxiety: "Wait! There's a million possible variables in what'll happen if we decide to fight back! Accidentally punching them would be devastating to our network!"
Joy's not paying attention, she's too busy laughing and hammering the serotonin injector.
"I-I got it! Scream! Just holler, really loud!"
"GUHH, get out of the wayyyy; stop hogging this thing! We have to run! Come on!"
Ennui: *exists in French*
*Meanwhile Embarrassment is just spread out like a starfish and rolling his entire girth back and forth across the keyboard.*
When Riley's Tickling Someone Else
Joy takes the wheel here. The others know not to disturb a master plying her craft. She's an expert tickler, so she feeds Riley a whole bushel of fun ideas, and Envy is her eager troublemaker minion.
There is in fact a dedicated "Tickle" command button. The plastic is slightly stuck in the slot because it hasn't been used much.
Anger keeps trying to grab his levers and switches, but Joy usually shoves him to the side with her foot.
*tries to wrest control from Joy and rein her in*
*barfing in the corner somewhere*
When a Tickle Scene Pops Up in a Movie
Joy giggles happily and squirms in her seat, then boops the control panel so that Riley follows suit.
Disgust is a tiny bit antsy...she's not influencing Riley yet but she's on standby in case stuff gets weird.
Embarrassment gingerly taps the console at increasing intervals until Sadness pulls his arm away.
Ennui: Probably watching something else. Or doomscrolling.
When Someone Asks Riley if She's Ticklish
*screams like a little girl*
*hides, bangs head on the desk*
"That is NOT funny!"
"Oh no! What do we do; whaddawedo?! Riley's way too ticklish! What if they tickle us and don't stop for the rest of eternity?! What if they think Riley's laugh is weird and we're socially ostracized and forced to get a job in a fish cannery?!"
“Ew ew ew ew no. Lie. We have to lie right now!” *jumps for the controller*
*Joy grabs Disgust's arm* "Whoa whoa whoa, eeeaasy there. Let's just calm down...this is a fun question; we're having fun..."
Envy: "Ooo, what if they're ticklish and they want us to tickle them?" *already wiggling her fingers in the air*
"But if we misread that signal and make them mad at us, then..."
Ennui: *groans and taps her console app*
Riley, being super casual: “Meh…a little. Not really.”
Suddenly Riley's eyes dilate. Her throat hitches and there's the tiniest bit of pink in her cheeks. Everyone turns their heads to look at -
"Ohhhh boy. There it is. We're doomed now."
When They Get Tickled Themselves
Come on, we all know that Joy always draws first blood. (Er...first giggle?) She's such a switchy monster. Tickling is her default method of cheering others up. It's canon. Case closed.
As someone whose default setting repels positivity, Sadness is not ticklish at all, and this actually upsets her.
*silently grabs the tickler by the neck and tosses them out the window*
Nobody protests like Disgust. She gets mad. She slaps. She hurls insults. She runs away. Disgust is both extremely ticklish and extremely touch-averse, so this is Code Red for her.
Fear is the type who doesn’t so much “laugh” as “have a shrieking, spastic outburst and breakdance like Sonic the Hedgehog in a malfunctioning taser-testing facility."
At first, Anxiety is overcome by stressful jitters, miserable and whimpering, and her whole body contracts. After a few moments of tickling, though, she starts to let all that tension out and relaxes into nervous vibrato laughter. It becomes sort of a therapeutic stress release, like her special chair.
It's not exactly the physical sensation of tickle torture that Envy craves, it's the attention. The sound she makes when tickled oscillates between wild, snorty cackles and the dulcet hoots of a baby owl trapped in a pinball machine.
Ennui is dead. No reaction. Her body is a neurological cemetery. ...EXCEPT for her heels and the back of her knees. (And if you thought phone loss made her experience Vietnam flashbacks...)
What do you think Embarrassment does? He plops himself down on the floor and pulls his hoodie so tight around his face that no one can tell if he's laughing or sobbing.
As Riley's primary protector, Fear is always scouting ahead for any potentially-tickly environmental hazards, and gently nudges her away from catastrophe ("you forgot your shoes! put them back on before you walk on grass;" "don't lift your arms up around Bree and Grace;" "those massage chairs in the mall are actually full of rusty knives and drug dealers sleep on them;" etc.)
When Riley gets tickled, the emotions don't "feel" it, exactly, but they perceive something of a contact buzz.
These are typically how the reactions go, but they're not universal. If Riley's been in a bad mood, Anger might be more proactive in grabbing the handles. Embarrassment may have more or less of his body mass pancaking the buttons, depending on who's tickling her. (Like...a boy?! Or Val?! Or -) Standard variations like that.
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Riley has an extremely ticklish tummy! That's her spot. (Just the vibe I get; IDK.)
Bree and Grace are really ticklish too, but Riley is the weak link... the member of the trio that the other two team up against. Lots of tickle fights and sneak attacks.
She obviously loves to laugh and goof around with her friends, but probably isn't over-enthused by that last part.
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The most popular girl in school, the tough athletic one - her adulating devotees wouldn't think it, but beneath that too-cool exterior, Val is very weak to tickling.
All the other Firehawks know, and like to tease Val by poking her.
She's a good sport about it and takes it like a champ - just yelps and laughs and pushes back. They have fun.
Her big weakness is her feet.
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Lance Slashblade
Crop top alert. The abs are asking for it. (Just sayin.')
The thought of being tickled is intolerable to him. Even in this...what should be a moment of joyous camaraderie...he is haunted. Forced to laugh like...like some sort of...clown swordsman?! How could he be so weak...so degraded...so unworthy to carry the holy blade of his ancestors, they whose destinies were written in the stars ere these centuries long past? Will he never be a true warrior, with the strength to stem the tide of encroaching night? It is too painful to think about...the icy whips of humiliation, always ravenous and bitter in their lashes, strike! and cast him into the shadows and okay the joke's over now we're getting long-winded and edgelordery big words drama sparkling vampires and junk
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(Also, yes, he Morph-Balls himself.)
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robinsno1lesbian · 3 months
𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬༄。°
-r.b. x reader
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summary: robin buckley summer headcanons!
warnings: lots of fluff!! some (hinted) 18+ content, oral sex, vaginal fingering (fem!receiving obviously), mention of weed, non-sexual nudity & skinny dipping (let me know if i missed anything!)
a/n: send me your requests for my summer fics & find my guidelines here!
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❀ in summer, robin takes you to lover���s lake right after work to cool down (after spending your shift sorting in vhs tapes in sweaty uniforms, it’s a pleasant way to spend the afternoon)
❀ she sunburns so easily! the fact that she constantly forgets to apply her sunscreen doesn’t make it better either.
❀ so she always has a slight sunburn on her rosy cheeks.
❀ “i’m not sunburned at all! this is a tan”
❀ she loves to apply your sunscreen though, regardless of how careless she can be herself: she always helps you in the places you cannot reach. she’ll draw random shapes and patterns on your skin before spreading it.
❀ robin’s freckles are even more prominent in summer and you spend hours counting them as you lie close to her.
❀ robin will never not insist on buying you a sweet treat: mostly ice cream that she’ll later kiss from the side of your mouth.
❀ she also frequently goes to hawkin’s public pool with you and the rest of the group (where she will act like a kid)
❀ she’s in the water 24/7, constantly begging someone to join her.
❀ “come on y/n!! the water isn’t thaaaat cold! i’ve been in there!”
❀ if you decline, she’ll get out just to give you a tight hug while the water is still dripping from her.
❀ when she’s not bothering you, she’s splashing water at steve or busy having a canon ball contest with him. (again: literal kids.)
❀ but if you do join her, she’ll pull you close under the water or carry you around on her back, enjoying the possibility of being close like this in public without catching anyone’s attention.
❀ later, you’ll lie in bed with her, the two of you sharing kisses that taste of sunscreen and the last remains of pool water she’s soaked in all day.
❀ falling asleep is hard with the summer heat threatening to suffocate the two of you, but comes much easier when you’re home alone and don’t have to bother to wear clothes.
❀ her bare body pressed against yours, her chest rising and falling with even breaths, is enough to soothe you to sleep, regardless of the heat.
❀ this often leads to wandering hands in the morning though…
❀ …when the sun is still rising and a comfortable breeze is going through the room. when you wake up to soft kisses peppered down your back and robin’s hair tickling your neck.
❀ …when robin’s voice is still raspy from sleep as she asks you if you’re okay with it and instead of answering verbally, you pull her on top of you and taste the laughter from her mouth.
❀ …when she grinds down against you, and you move back up against her and you have to stifle your moans because she left the window open.
❀ “that’s my girl. so good. i wish i could hear you. you’re so pretty”
❀ so you end up coming with your face pressed against her pillows and her head buried between your thighs.
❀ her savings are not enough to take you to europe just yet, but she insists on taking you to a beach town for the summer vacation. somewhere where no one knows the two of you and you have a place for yourself.
❀ she loves to talk you on long walks along the shore, where she holds your hand and steals quick kisses when there’s no one around to see.
❀ robin brings french and spanish books that she’ll read to you while you’re sunbathing. you don’t understand what she’s saying, but there’s something comforting about the way she pronounces each syllable, while she runs her fingers through your beach waves.
❀ one night, she convinces you to go skinny dipping with her:
❀ it’s nearly 3am, you’re both a little high from a joint you’ve shared and there’s no one around to see.
❀ she’s giddy when she sheds her clothes for no one else but you to see and races you to the shore.
❀ the water is cold, yet robin’s body warm, when she wraps her arms around you from behind and pulls you into the waves of the sea.
❀ she holds you over the surface with ease so you can wrap your legs around her and cover her in salty kisses.
❀ you can kiss her openly that night, and enjoy being close and affectionate with her without having to worry that someone might catch you.
❀ robin collects the prettiest rocks and shells for you while you’re sunbathing.
❀ she’s constantly moving, walking along the shore as she’s looking for new things to find among the seaweed and sand.
❀ she then sorts them on your back and puts them down along your spine while you’re still dozing in the sun.
❀ robin definitely brings watercolors to the beach and paints the scenery.
❀ but she also has a camera she brings along to capture the moments, constantly snapping pictures of you when you’re not paying attention.
❀ after a long beach day, you can’t wait to wash the sand and salt off of your skin. you untie your bikini the moment you step through the door, letting it drop to the floor as you step to the bathroom with robin watching you.
❀ you beckon her over, then, and she stumbles over her own feet in an attempt to rush to the shower with you.
❀ she washes your hair under the shower, runs her gentle fingertips up your body, and traces your curves under the steam.
❀ only when you’re both clean and no longer covered in sea salt and sweat, she lowers herself down on the shower tiles until she’s kneeling between your legs.
❀ “so pretty. such a pretty girl”
❀ she doesn’t stop talking, not even when she puts her mouth on you and licks through your wet folds.
❀ “hmm such a pretty pussy too. taste so good for me.”
❀ you love to braid her hair, when she’s got her head in your lap and you’re listening to the soft sounds of the waves meeting the shore.
❀ when it’s your head in her lap, she’ll feed you the food she’s brought along; dropping grapes and apple slices into your mouth while she rambles on and on.
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gaysindistress · 8 months
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest This fanart has haunted me since the first time I seen it and then I watched the Inglorious Bastards and here we are. There is nothing explicated stated but since Bucky is lowkey inspired by Hans Landa, take care of yourself and skip if you need to.
Footsteps and a knock at the door. 
“Mademoiselle?” the quiet voice of a maid drifts from the cracks of the door, “Mademoiselle are you awake? You have invités.”
The code word is what rouses the girl from her fitful sleep. Sliding out of her warm bed, the girl grabs her robe and slips it on before opening her bedroom door for her maid. 
“Merci, Josette. How many?” The hoarse voice tears its way from her throat as she steps aside for her maid to come in. 
Josette shifts nervously on her feet but stays put before whispering, “One but Mademoiselle, he is… he is the one from the papers.”
The girl nods as she listens to the frightened words of her maid. “Take him to the kitchen and tell him that I will be down momentarily. Give him a glass and a pitcher of water but do not offer him anything else and leave immediately. Wake Monsieur Pierre and tell him that you need him to take you to get honey. Do you understand?”
Josette doesn’t do anything, she just stares at the girl that she’s worked for for the last two years in shock. She begins to tremble and she grips her by the shoulders. 
“Tu comprends, Josette?”
She nods and scurries off down the hall, her blonde hair whipping behind her. The girl closes her door and begins to fix her appearance in her vanity mirror, rebraiding a braid she wore to sleep that night. She changes into her usual pair of cotton dungarees with a worn white blouse under and puts on the terribly knitted cardigan she made when Monsieur Pierre’s wife was first teaching her. Unable to find her boots, she slips on her oxfords and stalls at the door with her hand on the knob. She had hoped that it would’ve taken the bastard longer to find her but alas time is never going to be on her side. 
She pulls the door open and walks to the kitchen. She’d come to love this chateau during her months here and would miss it when she undoubtedly would be forced to flee. Pierre’s hushed voice draws her attention behind her but she doesn’t turn around. He’s telling Josette to hurry up and it almost made her chuckle. He wasn’t fond of the young blonde and would lecture her regularly. It seemed as though nothing would ever change from the sound of his frustrated voice. 
The flicking candle light in the kitchen is a warning, an omen really as she drew closer. She knows who was sitting in there, the man who had been haunting her dreams for years now.
“Monsieur,” she says in demure tone as she steps into the kitchen, “I apologize for my staff. She is a nervous girl. Would you like something to drink other than water? Coffee? Tea?”
“Fräulein,” the menacing voice that plagues her drawls, “you know that’s not how you should address me.”
The switch from French to German causes her to freeze internally but she doesn’t let it show. Instead she feigns nativity and she shakes her head at him, “I’m afraid I do not speak German, only French.”
He only stares at her. His sharp blue eyes are intense as they were before but the evidence of their time together is everlasting. A deep scar that stretches from his eyebrow to the bottom of his eye socket and a milky white eye in the middle of it. 
Her lip curls up in a smirk when she turns her face and sits opposite of him. He’s dressed in the usual attire of a colonel: an immaculately kept black uniform with a long black overcoat. 
“We both know that is a lie, Fräulein.”
She doesn’t respond. 
His own smirk overcomes his painfully beautiful face, “Drop the act, y/n. 
“I don’t know what or who you’re talking about. There is no act to be dropped and no y/n here.”
He leans back in his chair, causing the wood to creak and groan under his weight. He takes a drink of water while holding eye contact with her. Upon setting it down, the sound of gunfire rips through the air and she tenses while he watches for her reaction. When she doesn’t so much as flinch, he cocks his head at her and narrows his eyes. A car barrels down the gravel driveway and crashes into the ancient tree in the center. 
“I would apologize for them but that would be a lie,” he tells her. 
There’s a shift in the air and her demure french woman act is, in fact, dropped. 
Her accented German cuts thick through the air, “What do you want?”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“I will burn this shithole to the ground,” he says as he pulls out a cigarette tin and lights a cigarette. He offers one to her and she takes it, allowing him to light it. 
“Is that meant to scare me into going with you? Come on, James, you have done worse than that and I suspect you will do far more.”
“Perhaps,” he agrees with a shrug of his shoulders. “But you will come with me, y/n. Tonight.”
“No,” she states again, blowing out her smoke and crossing her arms. 
“Defiant as always I see,” he mutters under his breath as he too takes a drag of his cigarette.
There is a long silent pause as the two of them smoke and stare at each other. His beauty hasn’t waned over the years but it’s turned deadly. The scar she gave him when she escaped him that night adds to the murderous edge to his gaze. The uniform that he wears is foul and makes her sick to her stomach. He’d promised to leave, promised to get away before things got bad. He’d promised to come for her once it was safe and they could live the life they had dreamed of. 
He’d broken all of those promises when he put on that uniform. All but one promise that is. He has come for her and he would be able to provide her with his sick verison of safety. 
“One of us is going to die,” she says finally whilst tapping the ashes of her cigarette onto the floor. “That’s the only way this ends.”
“No, Fräulein. There is another way but you will not like it.”
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chlobliviate · 1 month
Wolfstar Microfics - Bronze
words: 785
It was the summer before sixth year, Sirius was finally living with the Potters and everything was looking up. His nightmares were less frequent, he was sleeping more and eating an amount fit for a teenage boy. Effie was trying to teach him to cook and some of it was going in. It really seemed like the perfect summer.
Until Remus returned from France, Lyall Lupin had ministry work in Marseille for almost five weeks, meaning that Sirius hadn’t seen Remus in over a month. He did notice that he didn’t care as much about not seeing Pete for over a month but shrugged it off as a canine camaraderie thing.
When Remus popped out of the grand fireplace in the drawing room, Sirius was speechless. Remus, with his sandy hair and his pink cheeks, was now all shades of bronze. He had freckles.
James seemed to sense that they’d be getting no sense out of Sirius for a little while, “Fuck, Moony. You’re all… Did you just lie under the sun the whole time?”
“Reading in the sun is the best way to spend a summer.” Remus looked curiously at Sirius. “Maybe not if you’re as pale as you, Pads. You’d just burn.”
“He’d go a glorious pink!” James said proudly. “Want a cuppa?”
“Yeah, I’d love one. Thanks, Prongs.” Remus dropped his bag onto the floor by the sofa as James bustled off to make the tea. “Pete not here yet?”
Sirius shook his head trying to tear his eyes away from Remus’ face, “Nah, he’s getting here about six. His mum has a thing or something.”
Remus nodded, “How’s your summer been? Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”
“Honestly, best summer ever.” Sirius finally relaxed, “I still don’t feel like it’s real. I keep expecting to wake up back at Grimmauld Place.”
“You never need to wake up there again,” Remus said softly, and Sirius smiled at him. “Thanks for writing to me, by the way. Not that being in Marseilles wasn’t great, but Dad had work and then with Mum having to go back and care for Nana, it was lonely.”
“Oh, no problem. Thanks for writing back. Hope it didn’t interrupt your tanning sessions.”
“Do I really look that different?” Remus chewed on the side of his lip.
“You’re all… bronze. Your hair, your face. It’s wild. Your scars being paler than your skin is weird. In a good way!” He added hastily, “It suits you.”
“Well, thanks.” Remus could feel his face growing even darker. “It’s a shame we’re about to go back to Scottish Autumn.”
“You could find one of those muggle squirty tans.”
Remus chuckled, “Nah, I don’t think that’s for me. I’ll just fade back to pale Remus and it’ll be like it never happened.”
Sirius tried to understand why he didn’t like that thought. He liked this new confident, smiling Remus. Would that also fade with the tan? Or was that just a consequence of spending several weeks alone in France? The thought that maybe he’d met a nice French girl made his stomach churn. It would explain a lot about the way Remus carried himself now.
James came back with a tea tray. “Mum and Dad are out tonight, but Mum made us dinner before she left so we won’t starve.”
“Hey, I can cook now!” Sirius snapped, to Remus’ surprise.
“Making pasta bake and egg fried rice is not the same as being able to cook.” James sighed.
“But it’s more than you can do, Prongs.” Remus smiled at Sirius. “And you’ve lived with your mum for sixteen and a half years.”
“Ugh, I should have known you pair of dogs would start ganging up on me within minutes of getting here.” James poured the tea into three mugs carefully. “Just wait until Lily starts spending time with us, then I’ll have someone on my side.”
“Firstly, you wish, and secondly, bold of you to assume she wouldn’t side with Moony.” Sirius gestured at him, “Especially when he looks like this!”
James gave him a strange look before turning back to Remus, “How were the French girls?” He waggled his eyebrows, “Any French stories to tell?”
Remus said nothing, but a smile teased at one corner of his mouth, and Sirius suddenly panicked. He picked up his mug and took a sip, even though it was way too hot. “Don’t hassle the man, James. Just because you’re not getting any!”
“Oh, because you are?” James said, at the same time Remus nodded at him in silent thanks. “Honestly, Moony, can you teach Sirius to be better at silencing charms while you’re here?”
Sirius choked on his tea.
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Imagine sub yandere hyunjin who's in a art class. And for a project, he has to get someone to pose so he can paint a portrait of them. So he asks you, his crush if you can pose for him so he can paint a portrait of you. And he's so happy that you agreed because that means you in him get to be alone in a room for a long period of time. He might even lie to you and say that the portrait has to be nude/semi nude, so you're going to have to take off some/all of your clothes and he has to try to hide and ignore the situation that is currently happening in his pants. Seeing you nude/semi nude in person is so much better than the pictures he secretly took that are currently hidden under his bed. :)
😫🙏😩i'm literally so sorry this took so long,
i can't get the idea out of my head of finding out later on that he was lying to you just so he could see you bare and/or finding all of his other portraits and drawings in his journal of you, the other pictures under his bed of you. every bit of it is lewd and perverted, compromising positions and material he's used to jerk-off for the past few years when all he's been able to do is fantasize about being with you.
he's so apologetic when you find it, so pathetic, his eyes getting all teary and glossy as he gets down on his knees and begs you to forgive him. both mortified and turned on by the entire ordeal-after all, he's been waiting for this very moment for years.
a worthy punishment would be forcing him to cockwarm you. your dick (fake or not, you choose) buried so deep inside him he can hardly think straight, hardly even come up with comprehensible sentences. but he can't move. he can't do anything except for paint.
you set up some paints for him, a brush and all the other tools he'll need and pull off your shirt. you tell him to paint you a pretty picture on your chest and when you deem it good enough you'll fuck him.
he's already drooling over feeling so full. almost losing it after seeing your chest-being able to touch your chest just. it all just adds a whole other level.
he's not allowed to do anything else though. anytime he stops or gets too fixated you're there to give him a 'gentle' reminder to keep going and not mess anything up.
giving me 'draw me like one of your french girls' vibes, which i feel like fits hyunjin very well
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
you not being alone in your unrestrained appreciation of this man:
if will doesnt draw mike laid out with nothing on sometime somewhere in his life, it will be a goddamn tragedy (has titanic really ruined this trope by making it a joke? doesnt matter cos titanic wont be out until 97 and are byler even going to see it at the movies? hmmm im not sure. maybe will sneaks away to see it cos mike scorns, or drags him along and mike is mortified by how much he liked it
i mean they are both swooning at leo di caprio, let's not lie to ourselves)
even funnier possibility: will steals jon's camera to take saucy pics of mike but forgets to figure out developing them, then jon develops the print and his eyes are burned from his skull (phoebe from friends voice ''ahhhhh my eyes! my eyes!'')
Are you kidding me? Absolutely. I'd say getting to draw Mike in all his naked glory is one of Will's top fantasies. Our soulful little artist. He'd have dreamt of this, years of watching Mike and sketching him. Quick little studies of his profile when they're hanging out and his sketchbook is present. And then there are the secret, indulgent drawings that he feels somewhat ashamed about, in his private sketchbook hidden in a tear in his mattress he'd cut years ago. But they get together and grow comfortable with each other. Will draws Mike. A lot. But now Mike sits for him, poses under Will's instruction. Mike, who can't sit still, but can sit still for Will. It's an excuse to stare at him.
One day Will shyly asks Mike to take his shirt off as he draws. He just wants to practice on anatomy, he swears is his excuse. Sure. Mike doesn't let that comment slide 🤭 But Will sketches him, both are blushing all the while. The art sessions get bolder. Instead of the chair, Mike lounges on the bed. Ditches his shirt automatically. Will almost can't get the words out when he asks him to take off his pants the next time. And another time - everything. It's vulnerable. Tense. Intimate, to be completely exposed under an artist's gaze. Eyes roving over all that beautiful, pale skin and the dark curls all over his chest and lower. Putting pencil to paper to capture and draw the most intimate parts of his lover. Mike's confidence grows over time when he looks at Will's drawings, sees how Will truly views him.
Will doesn't lie. And neither does his art.
Flash forward, and it's the late 90s, and our boys are cinephiles for sure. They love living in the big city, having access to so many more films. So much never reached their small town. Titanic would have reached them, though. Anywhere. It may not have been their top pick of the year, but it's a pop culture moment and they relent and grab some tickets to check out the hype. The movie is breaking countless records and reviews say that it is a technical marvel in film-making. Mike has a secret guilty pleasure for romcoms (if it's heavy on the com! he insists. Will lets him believe that's the whole truth) and he's willing to branch out from sheer curiosity, while Will does love a historical drama, heavy emphasis on the drama. If it ends up cheesy or boring, the two of them always have fun sharing mocking commentary whispered in each other's ear. So, they're both a little shocked to find themselves swept up in the sincere romance portion of the movie, and both keep looking at each other with eyes that just say everything, smirking about their new mutual crush on mister Leo. What a cutie. And then - the draw me like one of your French girls scene. Mike squeaks a laugh during that scene and claps a hand over his mouth as he giggles out of his control and Will whips his head to stare at him. They know. They fucking know what they are. How many times have they done this? Mike, laid out and posed on the bed as Will traces soft graphite across paper as his eyes trace the sharp angles and lines of Mike's body. It's a random Wednesday and they're at a theater in Chelsea, one of their favorites. They don't have to worry as much there, and have been holding hands since they took their seats. Mike pulls the ultimate date-move and stretches, and his arm re-positons across Will's shoulders. He pulls him close and leans over to place a kiss to his neck just as Rose is retying her robe and admiring Jack's sketch. "When we get home, will you draw me like--" and he doesn't get to finish as Will cuts him off with a kiss and the world's fondest eye roll.
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meaniezuchinni · 5 months
I have to believe that once Bob went to that drawing class, he actually loved it and doodles all the time (often drawings of whatever food he's made that day.)
When the kids are all out, there's no question in my mind he draws Linda nude. And every time, Linda asks him to "draw her like one of his french girls". Bob chuckles, has her lie down, puts on some Donna Summer and sketches his beautiful nude wife.
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
Pacify Her
*dark AU: Hobie is psychotic and obsessed with Miles. Not fluff-and not for the faint of heart. So yeah, trigger warning!
Tired, blue boy walks my way
Hobie leans against the wall in the hallway in HQ, his dark eyes stares far watching Miles along side with his girlfriend, Gwen. The two were spending time together, it irks the punker so much.
Holding a girl's hand
His eyes glares at the two holding hands, he inhale his cigarette before exhale a long grey smoke. The feeling in his chest is pure jealous, green with envy glint in his narrow eyes.
Each step he made, his heavy boots clicks by the amount of accessories he carries. Following the two from afar without their Spidey Senses warning them. He's their friends, they would never think Hobie would hurt them- well, Hobie's eyes on Gwen.
Boy does he want to bash her brains with his guitar. The little weak insect touching his little prey, his little Miles. The Latino laughs along with Gwen talking about something. He didn't care, he only wants to see Miles' smile. That beautiful wide smile like beaming sunshine all warm, all too perfect. He wants his Sunflower.
The blond Spider-woman giggles as she lay her head onto her seventeen boyfriend. Hobie scowls with disgust at the little cunt touching his Sunflower. Someone so tainted and broken shouldn't touched his Miles, not even Gwen.
The little traitor with her stupid emotional pathetic life. He only took her under his wing so he can use her. Good thing, he did. She was able to paint this perfect picture of Hobie Brown, Spider Punk. The cool Spider-man who does whatever he wants.
To say the least when he heard Miles, he thought he was weak too. A lad coming from a perfect home, middle class family with a dad that's Chief of Police. Massive eye roll the way Gwen talked about him. He assumes he was a white boy like Peter Parker- Oh boy was he so wrong.
Hobie's happy he's wrong to say the least. Seeing Miles being powerful, strong never forgetting who he is- it's enough to get his crotch aching in his skinny jeans. He lick his lips thinking about how he saw Miles in a wave panic was able to fend off all of Spider Society by himself.
Such a golden boy, so much so Hobie wants to break him. Make him his. To keep his Sunflower looking at him and only him.
That basic bitch leaves finally
Black eyes watches Gwen leaving Miles alone in the cafeteria. A wide smirk appeared on his face.
He watches her leaving into the left exit having to put on her Spider-woman mask being in a hurry. Perfect.
Now I can take her man
Leaving Miles all alone. He appeared in front of his Sunflower being laid back. "Peter Pan, what's up, mate?" He asked.
Miles lift his head up from drawing Gwen while eating his lunch, "Hobie, my man. What's up?" A wide bright smile on his face looking so joyful to see him.
Hobie likes Miles- no like is what little sprogs say when they play stupid games like Cooties. Hobie is infatuated with Miles, obsessive to the point he knows Miles' breathing pattern.
Only Miles know how to claw their way through survival. To proven themselves to shitty people that wank themselves the moment they see a poor bum staring down. The amount of power to show and never give up. Hobie wants him.
"Nuthin' much. Where's Gwendy?" Hobie asked taking a french fry from Miles' basket of fries. "Saw you two snogging."
"Oh, she went to the restroom. I'm sure she's fine." Miles happily said. "Hahaha, we weren't snogging, man. We were holding hands."
"You're a virgin, mate. You need to be forward." He knowns Miles is the type to take his time, romantic at heart. The poor lad doesn't know Gwen isn't one to wait.
He should know, Gwen had a crush on him when he took her under his wing. She would casually flirt with her disgusting awkward flaunts or being touchy.
Of course, Gwen had to agree to be with Miles when he asked her out. She's the kind that never wants to hurt her friend's heart. So the poor lad living in this lie.
"Me? Nah, I like to take my time." Miles being bashful.
Hobie grins at him, "Oh yeah?" Hobie turns pinks whenever he sees Miles, that's what people say. At first, he noticed his universe style and learns to use his emotions to his benefit. When he sees Gwen, he thinks of something nice so his true colors aren't show. At first it was hard but he got the hang of it.
Miles shyly nodded.
Just then Gwen appears to kiss Miles on his cheek. "Hey bae, I'm back." Happily sitting next to her boyfriend.
Hobie's eyes carefully side eyes her, his jealousy almost peek through. Then he calms down when he saw Miles' smile. "Hey bae! How was the restroom? Wasn't pack?"
"Nah, it was fine." She noticed Hobie happily said, "Hey Hobs, what's up!"
Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
"I'm good, Gwendy. Just talkin' to Peter Pan, here about sex." Hobie casually said.
"Ohhh, wow. Miles, look at you." She said out loud.
"Hobie!" Miles looks a bit flustered, then gave a weak smile when his doe eyes glanced at the punker.
Hobie only winks at him.
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?
"Ho-oo-oo-bie!" Miles came crying to his punker.
Pavtri was chilling with the punker on his houseboat. The two were hanging out until Miles came through the portal in full tears.
Hobie stop what he was doing to calm the Spider-man down. Pavtri made chai for Miles to calm his nerves. "Dude, what happened?" Pavtri asked
Miles sniff, "Gwe-Gwe-Gwen broke up with me!" He cries into Hobie's arms, "Sh-Sh-She said she was sorry and couldn't do it anymore!"
"Awe, man. That's terrible." Pavtri said out loud.
"Yeah, bruv. Why would she do that?" Hobie fake gasp, he knew Gwen wouldn't last with Miles. She's too problematic.
"I-I dunno 'no!" He looks up with his puffy eyes and pouty lips, "I think it's because she wanted sex, but..."
Pavtri rubs Miles' back, "But?"
"I'm Asexual!" Miles came out being in full tears. "I-I-I don't want to have sex..."
This caught Hobie off guard. What a beautiful secret! His perfect Sunflower became even more pure to him. Knowing that virgin hole will never be touched, those puffy pouty lips never sucking dick or pussy. To see such lovely supple skin in sweat- Oh no, his Sunflower is so pure.
Hobie's body for the first time turned vibrant pink with hints of red. Pavtri noticed being surprised. Miles didn't noticed being too much in tears about his break up.
The punker is know to be a lad that loves sex. In the beginning, he did it for survival, but he does it for fun. Sex would mean nothing to him from time to time. Flaunting it never impresses him, but this!
Miles being a beautiful virgin, it gets him going. A huge bulge from his skinny jeans formed. "Shh, it's okay, luv." Hobie made Miles sit on his lap almost straddle position.
Miles sniffs so cutely with a pout, "Bu-bu-but Gwen?"
"Sh-sh-sh, you just lay here and calm down. I'll never leave your side." Hobie hums.
Pavtri watches the two feeling very weirded out by Hobie's flirts. He thought it was a low blow to be after Miles after a break up. But the Indian Spider-man stood quiet.
Miles nodded with his arms around the punker's neck, "Okay. Like this." He lays his head on Hobie's chest.
"Yes, luv. Don't worry... just be here with me. I'll protect you." His voice lingers on. His eyes on Pavtri gave an indication for him to leave. The Spider-man rushed out without another sign.
"Okay..." His Miles rest with him, "But Hobie... what's this?" Feeling something poking his bottom.
"Nothing, luv."
Pacify her
Hobie saw Gwen in her Spider-woman swinging from building to building. It's a cold night in her world, she was doing her parol to make sure her city safe. When she got on top of one building she checks on her watch, "Hmm... no drugs here?" She looked confused by the news through a mysterious email she received.
Unaware of the stealthy punker coming behind her, he took hold of his guitar the closer he got to Gwen. His eyes saw red, no one hurt his Miles.
When Gwen's Spider Sense kicked up, she quickly turns around only to say, "Hobie?"
She's getting on my nerves 
"Hey Gwendy!" A sinister smile appear on his face with a sadistic eyes gleaming in bright red. Gwen stood with wide eyes before able to process that her friend slams his guitar against her head.
The Spider-woman fell on the floor feeling her nose bleed, "Wha-Why?" She cries with her blue eyes pleading for help, her jaw broken. Too freaked out from what happens.
Hobie licks his lips, "This for Miles, Gwendy. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." He lift his guitar one more time with one harsh swing.
The sound of his guitar bashing into Gwen's limp lifeless body over and over again only leaving a mush of meat and organs. Hobie darkly chuckles having some of her blood on him. Finally the pest is gone!
Now it's time to hide the body... where to, where to? He stood smoking his cigarette. Hmmm...
You don't love her
Been weeks since friends of Gwen saw her. Miles been trying to contact her but nothing. No one knows where she went too. Hobie watches as everyone were so confused about her disappearances until Miguel made a comment about Spider-heroes always coming and going.
"But-but she isn't the time to just leave!" Pavtri said to Miguel.
Miles nodded, "Yeah! She was-" Miguel cut him off, "Miles, aren't you two broken up?"
"Then, she's off to be on her own. Many Spider-heroes do that." Miguel looks down at Miles.
"But-" Miguel cut Miles, again which pissed Hobie off. "Morales, don't you think it's better to get away from it all?"
Miles frowns, "Yes, sir."
"Anyway, I'm sure she's fine. Now, can you all leave me alone." Miguel said out loud.
Miles looks down with worried with Pavtri hugging him, "Come on, Miles. We'll go drink a cup of tea."
Hobie was about to follow them until Miguel commented, "Not, you Brown...."
"Hmph?" Hobie saw Miles and Pavtri leaving the room. Then his heavy boots thud every step toward Miguel.
"I did my part in saving you hind. Now, you keep your part." Miguel's red eyes glaring at the punker in front of him.
"Yes, boss-man!" He tosses Miguel the flash drive, "We don't want anyone knowing there's two killers around- two serial killers."
Miguel catch the flash drive, he crushes it with his hand. "Good. Next time, I won't be so kind."
"Heh, next time don't fuck up, mate." Hobie grins darkly, "I saw your eyeing on Earth 9916, looks like your planning to having another sprog?"
"None of your business. Now leave or else," Miguel licks his lips, "I'll take your Sunflower. He looks pretty easy to fuck with." His red eyes gleams with lust.
Oh how he hate that fucker. But a lass, he needs his fellow killer acquaintance, they need each other to maintain this foolish propaganda of being great heroes to get what they want.
Hobie chuckles, "Watch it or I'll bash your lil kid's head- not the first time, I've done it." The two were having a stare down.
Miguel finally said, "Leave, Brown."
"Already doing that." Hobie was already out the door.
Stop lying with those words
Miles took a small bite of his burger as him and Pav went to hang out with Hobie on his houseboat. "So, what did Mr. Grumpy pants say?" Pavtri asked.
Hobie shrugs, "I dunno. I don't listen to shit." He wore his black ripped tank top having a bucket of red chum getting ready to dump it out of his boat.
"Mmm, I'm sorry, Hobie." Miles finally said, "Miguel must've been mad at me and took it out on you. I went to him for help but he seems so annoyed."
"More like too touchy. You saw how he keeps touching our shoulders so much." Pavtri shudders with disgust.
Miles took another bite. "Mmhhmm, I felt his eyes were on me for too long."
"Is that right?" Hobie asked putting on a fake smile as he stir the chum, "Looks like I have to give him a piece of my mind."
"No, Hobie. It's fine. I can handle myself." Miles being proud. "I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Nah, luv. I promise to protect you." Hobie turns to him.
Pavtri eyes on the red chum, "Um... Hobie why is that chum so red? Like it's not from your world?"
"I like to grab other world's crap to feed the fishes here or feed it to my dog." Hobie toss the bucket of red chum in the ocean as the fishes come by to eat. "See!"
Pavtri saw the way the chum looks too meaty red, then again he always thought chum always looks red. He shrugs it off. "Miles, your not hungry?"
"I'm sad Gwen left us. I hope she's okay." Miles pouted, "I hope her dad is fine. I never knew she would runaway, again."
"She's always running. Let her be. It's no use if she doesn't want help." Hobie coldly said then turn to his friends, "Oh, I almost forgot gifts for you two!"
"Gifts! Really? Wow!" Pavtri said out loud.
Miles said, "Wow, Hobie. What's the occasion."
"Nothing big." Hobie gave the two handmade necklaces with a small bottle filled with white dust?
"What's this?" Pavtri asked holding the necklace seeing the tiny bottle.
Miles puts the necklace on, "It's cool. I like it."
"Ohh, it's dirt from when we first met. Thought I made it... Gwen always had that idea." His eyes gleam seeing her bones dust being useful. Then he gave Pavtri a band shirt using Gwen's old Spider-woman's suit, "Try this on. I used old Spider-man patches from all of us..."
"Ohh, so cool!" Pavtri put on the shirt seeing the patches of their Spider-man suits even Gwen's on it. "Sweet! You can see the wear and tear!"
Hobie turns to Miles to hand him a shirt, "Here you go, luv."
"Oh thanks, Hobie. I'll keep this forever and ever." Miles happily puts on the shirt.
"Hey what's that jar?" Pavtri asked.
"Oh this is red paint... I'm going to write Poly's name."
"Oh you finally gonna write your Houseboat's name! Can I help?" Miles asked.
Hobie's lips twisted to an eerie smile, "Sure, luv. I made the paint myself. So I used a dry pigments that smell like iron... so its bit funky."
Pavtri said, "Miles should make some cool designs!"
"Ohh, can I?" Miles doe eyes on the punker.
"Yeah, whatever you want. Make sure you have fun with it." Hobie playfully dip his finger in the jar of red paint, then pull it out to tap on Miles' nose. "Okay, Sunflower?"
Miles giggles, "Okay, Hobie." The punker smirks widely having his Sunflower completely his.
Pacify her
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eirinstiva · 2 months
Life below stairs
What ho! Bertie Wooster sent a letter!. Time to prepare some tea and read all the gossip! Apparently the first plan didn't go well
“Yes; that cook-pinching business. Jeeves tells me he saw Anatole last night, and Anatole refused to leave.” “But surely Aunt Dahlia had the sense to offer him more than he was getting with you?” “The sky was the limit, as far as she was concerned. Nevertheless, he refused to skid. It seems he’s in love with our parlourmaid.”
Anatole is in love, don't you dare to break his heart! Engage Anatole and the parlourmaid is a good idea.
“It can’t be worked. If your aunt engaged our parlourmaid she would have to sack her own, wouldn’t she?” “Well?” “Well, if she sacks her parlourmaid, it will mean that the chauffeur will quit. He’s in love with her.” “With my aunt?” “No, with the parlourmaid. And apparently he’s the only chauffeur your uncle has ever found who drives carefully enough for him.” I gave it up. I had never imagined before that life below stairs was so frightfully mixed up with what these coves call the sex complex. The personnel of domestic staffs seemed to pair off like characters in a musical comedy.
This is a good soap opera!
Bingo has an idea and it to steal the article~ I love Bingo's enthusiasm but his ideas are a bit dangerous, and we know what happens when they don't follow Jeeves' plans.
“Now listen, Bingo,” I said. “I’m frightfully sorry for you and all that, but I must firmly draw the line at burglary. I⁠—” He gazed at me, astonished and hurt. “Is this Bertie Wooster speaking?” he said in a low voice. “Yes, it is!” “But, Bertie,” he said gently, “we agreed that you were at school with me.”
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Run away Bertie!!! Unless you are ready to pull a Raffles & Bunny with Jeeves. In that case I propose Jeeves as AJ Raffles and Wooster as Bunny Manders. Going alone could be a good idea, but I'm not sure if it will work. It's pretty obvious that Bertie is so nervous about this
I stood for a moment, listening. Everything seemed to be all right. I was apparently alone in the world. In fact, I was so much alone that the atmosphere seemed positively creepy. You know how it is on these occasions. 
Yeah, the calm before the storm... a table with a vase, two framed photographs, a saucer, a lacquer box and a jar of potpourri.
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Bertie old chap, you can't expect that the parlourmaid would lie when she haven't see you before!
I looked at the girl with positive loathing. How she could have inspired affection in anyone, even a French cook, beat me. Not that she was a bad looking girl, mind you. Not at all. On another and happier occasion I might even have thought her rather pretty. But now she seemed one of the most unpleasant females I had ever encountered.
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And then there was another bit of a lull. And suddenly I found myself by the window, and, by Jove, it was six inches open at the bottom. And the world beyond looked so bright and sunny and⁠—Well, I don’t claim that I am a particularly swift thinker, but once more something seemed to whisper “Outside for Bertram!” I slid my fingers nonchalantly under the sash, gave a hefty heave, and up she came. And the next moment I was in a laurel bush, feeling like the cross which marks the spot where the accident occurred.
At least this escape was successful, and Bertie learnt that being a thief is hard, even with the old bulldog courage of the Woosters. Will you try it again in the future?
“Never again, Jeeves!” I said. “Never again!” “Well, sir⁠—” “No, never again!” “Well, sir⁠—”
Let's be honest, I don't believe in your word, Wooster.
“What do you mean, ‘Well, sir’? What are you driving at?” “Well, sir, Mr. Little is an extremely persistent young gentleman, and yours, if I may say so, sir, is a yielding and obliging nature⁠—” “You don’t think that young Bingo would have the immortal rind to try to get me into some other foul enterprise? “I should say that it was more than probable, sir.”
Leave it to Jeeves, Bertie. Go to the countryside and have rest there. Run away from the gossip and enjoy your youth! [I just read the two versions of The Picture of Dorian Gray, don't blame me~]
“That the girl, in a previous situation some little time back, had been a colleague of Anatole, sir. And Anatole, as is the too frequent practice of these Frenchmen, had made love to her. In fact, they were, so I understood it, sir, formally affianced until Anatole disappeared one morning, leaving no address, and passed out of the poor girl’s life. 
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Oh lalà~ Anatole is a womanizer~
Jeeves has the power of gossip!!! And it was used for the great good!!! (?) Can we appreciate the way Jeeves moves everything on this case? He's like a spider on his cobweb, ready to see use all his knowledge and the gossip to get everything, and he get money from everybody. So happy to see that he's not using that brilliant mind for piramidal schemes.
Next story comes courtesy of Jeeves, that sounds interesting <3
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lukaherehelp · 10 months
Playboyy EP1 - "Sex is about everyone"
okey, let's get it:
The fountain a la WAP really fits the show, ain't going to lie.
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Something tells me that Zouy liked/likes Nant, idk why. Like, they are showing us that Zouy and Nant were pretty close and Nant was definetly a safe space for Zouy for everything, sex talk included. September 15th, 2022 - what was your wish, Zouy?
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"Pacebook". I love this show, I swear. Now, the video is posted on the 18th although the video is from a year ago, but also: First's comment asking "where are you? are you coming to class?" was made 2 weeks ago. So... Nant went missing at the beginning of 3rd year.
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as I said before, hilarious that Zouy and Jade share the same laptop, "Deadline is faster than Karma" is the true collegue/uni experience!
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The parallels to OF are strong but I'm not going to go deep into it. A little tmi: I'm a virgin, I'm not ashame of it and never will be. On contrary to Zouy (and Mew) I'm lucky to have friends since my high school years that never cared neither pressured me into changing this about me. As everyone fuckin should. And that's the commentary both shows are doing on this. But we are going to focus on Playboyy here. Zouy pointing out that Porche, Captain and First being so on the nose about each others sex lifes is the reason Nant went missing, is a really valid point. This group probably met each other on 1st year, so at 18 years old. That's still an age were you can easily sucumb to pressure from your "friends" whom are just giving "friendly advice", while you are trying to "fit in". But it can get you into serious trouble. Porsche, Captain and First are finding out now that their "harmless" behaviour can lead to bad things happening to others only because these others (Nant and Zouy) wanna "fit in" with the group with them.
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Feeling all those eyes on you, even if they are "friendly", is a heavy burden.
Now, the whole scene with Jump was highly amusing at the begining, but when it came the time to be Jump and Zouy to be alone, it was painful to watch for the same reason I just talked about but also gives us more insight on Zouy's relationship with sex: he's not ready to get physical yet but he still gets horny like the rest of the lads in this household (everyone is horny 24/7, I love them)
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baby boy was so out of his element, come here, let me wrap you in a blankie. is okey.
Now, I must say: Him asking Jump to pose like Rose in Titanic IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS. PEAK ART CLICHÉ. He really said "I want to paint you like one of my french girls" and I almost busted a lung laughing.
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I feel like this is some random model drawing, not Nant. But I could be wrong.
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Another moment that knocked the air out of my lungs: Porche and Captain walking on Zouy and First. CAN WE PLEASE START LOCKING THE FUCKIN DOORS? DIDN'T WE LEARNED FROM VENUS IN THE SKY?!
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This "punishment" is not effective at all but deeply amusing.
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Zouy comments again how uncomfortable this makes him and I feel so sorry for him. I know the rest are just trying "to help" but they are not helping at all. Their behaviour got Nant into trouble in the first place and Zouy clearly doesn't wanna end like him as well...
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Now, the demon @respectthepetty has teached us well about color and I wanna point out:
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Zouy's backack is yellow... and so is Teena's bike
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Also, lowkey introducing us to Keen. Captain gets so distracted side-eyeing him that he ends up bumping into Puen. And it adds another problem: the rich kids don't like the scholarship students.
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They know what they are doing...
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... and I thank them for it *cue chrome arts by onlyoneof*
See, this is when I started loosing my shit:
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Sir, we get it, you are hot af, BUT 5FT WAY PLEASE, WE JUST MET.
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fuckin hell Kaowoat, you are a beautiful man, lord have mercy on me.
I'm going to end up with a collection of this three and there reactions, am I not?
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Chan: *huffs as he hides in his studio* I swear if Felix calls me daddy one more time in front of camera...I'll...I'll...
Han: you'll what?
Chan: *yelps and turns away from the door to see Han and Changbin working on music*
Changbin: before you ask, yeah we watched you have that whole moment
Han: so carry on, we wanna know how this plays out
Chan: well to be honest I don't know what I'll do
Han: punish him. I'll totally help
Changbin: punish the brat. We will all help
Chan: *glares at them* you guys are way too horny for Felix and there is no way any of you but Minho can tame him
Han: true
Changbin: I mean who can say no to Felix
Han: very true
Chan: we're doomed
Han: changing our name from Stray Kids to Straylix
Changbin: we're both horny and innocently craving Yongbok all the time.
Chan: and he keeps losing the group all the time
Han: perfect! When do we change our name? STEP OUT WE ARE STRAYLIX!
Changbin: *giggles* and no one tell Yongbokah, we'll just save it as a surprise. He'll be shocked
Chan: we can open up the betting pool again. Haven't done that in a while
Han: on what his reaction to the name change will be? Cause that sounds like fun
Chan and Changbin: absolutely
Han: Straylix as our first album under the new name
Changbin: hear me out. We each do a song dedicated to Bokkiiee and then do a song altogether. That'll be 8 songs
Chan: and two bonus songs so Felix doesn't get suspicious and feel left out. Have a full group song and give him his own solo.
Han: we can do photo shoots of us with our Lixie shrines
Changbin; *stares at Han* I'm sorry. Our what now?
Han: *looks between the two* our. Lixie. Shrines ... You ... You guys don't have one?
Chan: that is super creepy not gonna lie
Changbin: I have a Hyunjin one but I guess I'm willing to make some room for a Lixie one.
Chan: that's two extra creepy members
Han: I'll show you Minho and Hyunjins ones. You would think Hyunjin would have the biggest one but out of all of us in paboracha it's actually Minho himself
Chan: 😳🤨
Han: although I overheard Minho and Hyunjin Talkin the other night and Minho said that he has a trade and exchange deal going with Seungmin and Jeongin. The whole cuties dorm is just one massive Felix shrine
Chan; I'm sorry does Felix know about any of this? ... Hyunjin too changbin?
Changbin; hyunjin knows ... But I see my shrine making skills could have been more useful somewhere else
Han: I'm sure Hyung would do some offers with you for some hyunjin things
Changbin; he's got himself a deal
Han: oh right. Sorry Hyung. Yeah Felix knows. He was weirded out by it at first but since he loves his favorite stalkers he's just learned to accept and embrace it. We have a GC on KKT where he'll give us photos we can use
Changbin: he sounds like he's one photo away from starting an onlyfans
Han: oh I think we're getting there. We are wearing him down. He's so close
Changbin; I'll have a word with him if you have a word with Minho about my shrine problem
Han: deal
Chan: you guys are freaks. Renaming us to Freaky Kids & Chan because I want no business in thi-
Chan: *gets up too fast, trips over chords and falls forward. Backpack gets sent flying across the room and opens. Photos, photo album, camera and a sketch book comes flying out*
Han: ...
Changbin: ...
Chan: ...
Han: 😏 so you have no idea about this Felix shrine business
Changbin; *picks up the sketchbook he recognizes* this is a book I usually buy for Hyunjin to do his art
Han: ooh let's see what's in there
Changbin: *opens the book and gasps alongside Han* holy shit hyung
Han: oh wow...these are...god damn...they're very hot... do you think you guys could take photos in some of these positions?
Changbin; there's no need to
Han: hmm?
Changbin: *picks up some photos* it seems our fearless and shy leader can be a very kinky man
Han: holy shit... You really told Jinnie to draw the both of you like one of his french girls huh?
Chan: *can't do anything but sit there in shock, face blushing red. Holy body is red in fact*
Changbin & Han: *looks at all the drawings and photos to see which ones match the art*
Han: so on top of these ones that Hyuniiee took, you're out here taking random photos of Lixie?
Changbin: *smiles smugly and impersonates Chan* DoEs FeLiX kNoW aNyThInG aBoUt ThIs?
Felix: *walks through the studio room door* Hey guys Di- *stares at the mess* nner is here in the dance studio
Changbin: ...
Han: ...
Chan: ...
Felix: ...
Chan: I can explain
Han: *at the same time as Chan* he can explain
Changbin: food *races out of the studio*
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neptoons1998 · 2 years
Black Pearls
Summary: Okoye might like her break from the training center after all. Okoye and Attuma have a conversation. Attuma thinks Rhinos are whales.
A/N: Here you go!
Okoye could believe her eyes he was real. Her child's brain didn’t make him up, in order to process her parents' death. The once boy grew Okoye still had a couple of inches on him. His once short hair was slowly growing out reaching to his chin.
“Okoye,” Attuma’s voice was still light and airy as he looked at her. Attuma couldn’t believe his eyes his sun had come back to him. 
“So you did know how to say my name right,” Okoye joked. Attuma could only give her a slight chuckle, even though he didn’t know her language he could tell she said something funny. 
“What are you doing here?” Okoye asked moving forward with the conversation. Attuma looked at her once more as he tilted his head. Maybe I should try saying it in a different language, Okoye thought as she started to speak in French, Spanish, and Latin; with a quickness. Still, Attuma could only look at her. Okoye had one more trick in her sleeve if he didn't speak it then the young warrior would go back to the drawing board. Once her lips repeated the question again, Attuma was shocked, “You speak my language?”
Okoye gave a shy smile, “Somewhat, I’m still learning, so go easy on me.”
Attuma wasn’t sure what to say next. He was beyond grateful that he could finally understand her now, “I always came back here waiting for you.”
“You waited for me?” Okoye repeated. Attuma nodded as walked into the shallow side of the water his hair sticking to his body, “I won’t lie to you I felt foolish when you didn’t show up, but I continued coming here to the cove.”
Okoye as if she was put under a spell scooted herself closer to him, “I agree that was foolish someone could’ve hurt you.”
“A risk that I didn’t mind,” Attuma said as he continued to look at her. Attuma looked down at her wrist he placed his damp hand around, “You still have this?”
Okoye gave a small shrug as she look down at him, “You made it for me.”
Okoye didn’t want to go into detail about how this small bracelet gave the girl some peace during her grieving process of losing her family and being taken care of by her cold and distant uncle. That would be unfair to dump that on him. Attuma smiled at her. The only other person who like his jewelry-making was his mother, “I’ll make more you.” Attuma tried to undo the knot ties to Okoye’s wrist. Okoye quickly shook her head,” No, I like this one.”
“Really?” Attuma questioned. He knew he could do a much better job now, he gained more skills in jewelry making. Okoye nodded,” It’s perfect.”
Attuma nodded along with her not taking his hand around her wrist. Okoye looked at the entrance she could tell that the sun was about to set. She needs to hurry to the cottage,”I have to go.”
“Will you be here tomorrow?” Attuma asked her as her hands were still intertwined with his. Okoye tried not to think too much about the young teen holding her hand, It’s probably a culture thing, she thought. Okoye would be lying that she didn't enjoy the thought of sitting on the ground enjoying the company. 
Okoye should enjoy the time she had with a close childhood friend before she goes back to the training center, plus it is way better than staying in the empty cottage or keeping up her appearance if she decides to go to the golden city. 
“Yes,” Okoye said before slipping away to go back to her uncle’s house. During any downtime, she would sneak off to see Attuma. In the grand scheme wasn’t that hard Okoye just lied to her uncle that she would be staying late in order to hone her skills, she could be the next great general if she was just lazing about. 
“What’s a Rhino?” Attuma asked as he continued to watch her. The pair were in the cove as Okoye gave Attuma a mango he could try. That’s one of her favorite thing about having him here. She didn’t have to play the overly stoic trainee, she could be herself before the accident. Okoye thought for a moment as she dipped her toes in the water, “They are big and they horn on their nose.”
“Like a whale?”
Okoye fluttered at the thought her favorite animal compares to a floating blubber, “Rhinos are more amazing than some whales. They are strong, yet gentle creatures.”
“They sound like a whale to me” Attuma recalled. “You should show me what they look like one day.” Okoye smiled at him, “Maybe.”
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levans44 · 1 year
Damage Control - Chapter 10
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She remembers the first time she was here, during her first Friday night in college. Having arrived in a new city in a new state, she wouldn’t have survived her first semester without her building’s RAs, who had introduced her to some of the best eateries around campus. This was one of her personal favorites—a cute little Thai place a few blocks away from her old apartment. After a particularly bad test or whenever she was feeling down, a cardboard takeout box stuffed with chicken Pad Thai from this place never failed to cheer her up.
Now, sitting in one of the window booths of the restaurant 7 years later, it all felt a lot smaller than how she remembered it. But then again, that could have also been because of the 6-feet-tall giant sitting across from her. Thankfully, they had arrived at a time when the restaurant wasn’t bustling with hungry college students and Postmates couriers, so their order was out in under 10 minutes.
With two steaming dishes of stir-fried noodles between them, she slips out the little red notebook out of her purse and sets it down on the table.
“Before we eat, I need you to explain something.”
Steve looks nervously at her as she flips through the book before reaching the very back. With a satisfied grin, she rotates the notebook toward him and slaps it down on the table.
“I didn’t know you could draw!”
Steve groans, putting his face in his hands. “I don’t.”
“That is a lie.”
“It’s just… something I used to do.” He scratches the back of his neck, looking rather flustered.
During all of her researching and reading at Damage Control, the fact that Captain America liked to draw never came up once. The newly discovered fact was so endearing she could hardly hide her fondness over it.
She flips through the pages, looking up at him in awe “Steve, these are really good. Did you study art?”
“Yeah, I went to arts school for a while.”
She does a double take, eyes the size of saucers. “You what?”
“Auburndale arts.” He smiles softly, glancing down. "Never graduated, though”
“Why not?”
He shrugs, a heavy sadness in his shoulders. “There were more important things going on. I uhm…”
He clears his throat, before continuing. “I started trying to enlist around that time.”
She could tell that he had wanted to say something else instead, and wanted to ask what it was, but chose against it.
Instead, she purses her lip and nods, leaning back in her seat. “Well, that’s still… impressive.”
“Thanks” A sheepish smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he takes a sip of his water. It was only after he clears his throat, glossy eyes flitting up at the ceiling for a brief second, that she figures out what he had wanted to say instead—his mother, Sarah Rogers, had passed from tuberculosis when Steve was 20. Right around when he would have registered for art school.
I know how hard it is to lose someone.
She blinks, shifting in her seat, before taking a breath and straightening up.
“Well, you’ll have to draw me sometime, like one of your French girls.”
His confusion makes her frown, before she lets out a loud laugh upon realizing that he had no clue what she was referencing.
She slides the notebook across the table, and he stares at it, trying to decipher what she found so amusing.
As his eyes flit back up to meet hers, she hands him his pen, smiling so hard her cheeks were starting to hurt.
“We gotta add one more thing to your list.”
“Whew, best meal I had in a while.” Captain America pats his stomach as he follows her out of the restaurant.
“Right? Amazing.”
“Yeah. Much better than anything we had in my time.”
"Well that was nothing, there's still so mu-"
Just then, a notification sounds from Steve’s phone, and he fishes it out of his pocket to check the screen. It makes her realize that she had just taken Captain America out for lunch, when he’s probably due for a million other commitments.
“Oh, if you have to go, I totally get it, I—”
“—no, no, we're good. Got another hour or so.”
She pauses, his reassuring smile slowing down her brain before it goes into overdrive.
“You sure?”
“Positive.” He nods before stopping to take a breath, squinting under the mid-day sun as he glances around at the landscape around them. Though they were still technically in the midst of Manhattan, they were now situated within a college quad. The robust greenery and glass-covered research buildings were strangely serene, somehow shielding them from the bustling city outside. They watched a few students throw around a frisbee on one of the lush green patches, others reading on lounge chairs or chatting as they made their way to class.
“This is your old college campus, isn’t it?”
It takes her a little while to break out of her nostalgia before she can respond.
“Yeah, yeah it is.”
“… mind if I ask for a tour?”
She looks up at him, a little surprised, but the smile on his face is unreadable.
“Ok, uh… what do you wanna see?”
He shrugs, adjusting his cap over his head. “Whatever you wanna show me.”  
“Well, we could start here… at the engineering quad.” She follows the small white stone pathway, headed toward the center of the campus.
“I used to be an engineering major, believe it or not.” She mutters quietly, letting out a small snort.
At that, Steve quirks an eyebrow, tilting his head to look at her.
“Oh yeah? Tell me more about that.”
She smiles, returning for a brief moment to the curious and wide-eyed sophomore she used to be. All she had wanted back then was the intern job at Stark Industries, to work for the Tony Stark. If only her 20-year-old self had known what she knew now.
She tells him small, insignificant stories from her college days, the ones she’s never though she’d come to reminisce—the spot she tripped over while running late to an exam, or the time she and her friends got drunk and highjacked a golf-cart, driving all the way across campus before being discovered by security. Steve listens in with genuine interest in his eyes, occasionally offering her a smile or a small comment. It made her feel as though her trivial experiences actually meant something.
Soon enough, they had reached the center of the campus, where a giant, bronze statue of the school’s founder stood, with the alma mater etched into the pedestal.
Veritas vos Liberabit.
The truth will set you free.
Funny thing, the truth. To her, it had long been lost. Around the same time that the eager spark within her—to help, to serve, to find the truth—had flickered off.
She gazes silently as young students and their families take turns standing in front of the statue, smiling excitedly for the camera.
If she had made her graduation, could all this have made her that happy? Would they have stood here for a photo, holding tightly to each others’ hands as they both smiled wide for the camera?
“She would have been so proud.”
His quiet remark interrupts her thoughts, ripping through her like a hot flame. She feels her stomach drop, tears immediately stinging in her eyes.
He remembered.
Her feet freeze to the ground—she finds herself unable to move, unable to breathe. Not even able to turn and look at him when she can feel his steady gaze on her.
He fucking remembered.
Eyes glued to a single spot on the statue’s pedestal, she desperately tries to control her breathing, feeling the lump in her throat press down on her airway like a heavy rock.
“You alright?” He asks softly from beside her, gaze still on her.
She couldn’t believe he fucking remembered.
She flinches as she feels a warm hand brush against her cold knuckles, eyes glancing up. She blinks, shaking her head though her answer is affirmative.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
She clears her throat, blinking the last of the tears out of her eyes before she suddenly reaches for him, grabbing him by the arm. He lets her push him in front of the statue, retreating a few steps before staring back at her, confused.
Before he can get another word out, she grabs her phone and snaps a few photo of him. She checks the photo, satisfied at the dumbfounded look on his face, her alma mater standing proudly behind him. She feels the lump in her throat melt a little, letting out a small giggle as she giddy scrolls through the photos. Just a fun souvenir, she figures. Plus, she knew Tony would kill to get his hands on these photos.
Before she can look up to survey Steve’s reaction, she hears a woman’s voice approach her from behind.
“Oh how sweet! Are you two visitors? Would you like me to take a photo of the both of you?”
“Oh, n-” She’s quick to shake her head before she’s suddenly interrupted by Steve, who swoops in from behind her, hand gently skimming her upper back.
“Yes, please.” He smiles innocently, handing the woman his phone before pulling her in front of the status alongside him. He pulls her in close by the waist as she nudges his side, elbow digging not-so-subtly into his stomach. She glares up at him, but his gaze is fixed forward, flashing his pearly-whites. Before she can stop herself, a smile starts bubbling through the surface. She slowly lowers her elbow, trying not to focus on the way his fingers were resting above her hip as she looks up at the camera.
The woman crouches low, bringing the phone close to her face.
3, 2, 1, smile!
Damage Control Masterlist
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep7-12 !!
(Still from my drafts! Just moved back to college yesterday and today and classes start tomorrow. Wish me luck! My schedule sucks this year so I'll need it lol)
man this is flying by!! but lucky me, the druids’ holy land arc is one of my favorites
King learning throughout this season that not only does he need the other Sins, but they need and love him is so sweet. I just love the character development they all go thru this season
draw him like one of your french girls ~~
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I love that Matrona has purple eyes like Diane, the small details really make it
I actually NEED to know what Monspeet and Meliodas’s relationship was prior to his betrayal. “I can’t believe HE’S the one who sensed us” ?? Whats that about🤨 also zeldris and monspeet seem to have been in good terms, like were they all friends?
I don’t know how its possible, but Monspeet’s voice is even hotter in spanish
I love that despite galand not being able to lie, they still don’t believe his stories lol
KAJSDKWUDFL I forgot how shocked i was with the reveal that Merlin stole Mel’s power i just love the druid training arc sm
theyre so silly i love them
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do we know why jenna and zaneri don’t have wings? are they just hidden with magic or something??
okie so apparently they’re just inhabiting human bodies and their real bodies had wings. found this on the wiki, do we know where the info comes from?
WAIT do jenna and zaneri know elizabeth?? Like KNOW her?
HAHAHA this part always destroys me
ngl the best thing seven deadly sins as an narrative does is portray the intense agony and trauma from mel and ellie’s curses
anyway... the fact that Meliodas and Zaratras were of equal rank when they met is kinda funny
the absolute horror on meliodas’s face when he hears liz is just PERFECT
liz is so slay she’s everything i want elizabeth liones to be
King: uhh hey jenna...🥺 what are you planning to have us do in there😓
Jenna: isnt it obvious??? 🤨 rigorous training 😤😤
the way they cut btwn scenes of meliodas abt to lose it and him and liz being happy is just so well done
I love that they were trying to get Meliodas to abandon his emotions to keep his rage in check and then when he actually has no emotions we find out that he’s straight up evil and much, MUCH worse than before lol
the tears pooling on their insanely pointy chins always gets me lol. but also mel just violently sobbing and then suddenly being fine. Mans has serious issues with repression that can def be drawn to his daddy issues
BAN/ZHIVAGO ARC😭😭😭 a few observations: Ban is very clearly influenced by Zhivago’s style, like the clothes are so similar, the fact that they sent Ban to Aberdeen prison and his favorite is Aberdeen ale makes me think he associates it with his dad, Zhivago was hot, Ban mirrors Zhivago’s words to him to Elaine, Zhivago tells Ban to never trust humans and the only humans he ends up trusting are Escanor and Jericho, zhivago has lived in misery about the deaths of his children for almost 40 years :(
idk why this is one of my fave arcs it’s literally just angst lol
gil and howzer as boyfriends. Discuss.
seeing gowther fight hand to hand is actually pretty cool, i had assumed he was weak like king but he can hold his own
how did king not clue in when galand literally opened with “Meliodas its been such a long time” like BABE CMON
meliodas just mocking king for his lack of wings is always funny. nothing like a dick joke to make you feel better after Zhivago’s death
I HAVE to do a meliodas self hatred/relationship to being a demon post, i have so many thots
monspeet shielding Derieri from the rocks with his cape🥺
melascula is so sassy i love her
estarossa is my deranged babygirl i love him. that fucking freak
taizoo is a bottom.
meliodas somehow has 15 year old rizz. like the fucking blond boys.
(not so) fun fact: Elaine is my mom’s name so its a little weird
nakaba’s size kind seriously needs to be studied
okie doke that’s it join us next time !!
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mari-m-rose · 1 year
I was tagged by alemanriq (a lot of time ago...I'm revising my drafts. Thanks tho, Ale! ♥)
Tag the person who tagged you and let them know when you’ve finished. (I'm not doing this, tagging people gives me anxiety)
Answer the questions/tasks and then tag 20 people and let them know they’ve been tagged
1. How tall are you? 1.58 m
2. What color and style is your hair? Dark brown and straight
3. Which color are your eyes? Dark brown, almost black
4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I used to wear glasses but I never got used to them so I dropped them, didn't need them that much.
5. Do you wear braces? I should but I'm not.
6. What’s your fashion style? I like formal attire or close to formal: coats, boots, shirts and jeans, maybe a sweater but a thin one. Dresses in summer.
7. What is your name? Mariana, but I prefer to be called Mari
8. When were you born? 21st December 1990
9. How old are you? 32
10. Where are you from/live now? Perú
11. Do you have any siblings and what are their names? Older brother
12. What school/college do you go to? Graduated at the supposedly best uni in Perú but not actually.
13. What kind of student are you? In uni I was a bad a student, like a bit bellow average. In high school I was a very good student most of my life.
14. Do you even like school? I loathed high school. I liked most of my uni years, more because of friends, less because of learning.
15. What are your favorite subjects? Literature, art, music, language, english, french, biology, art history.
16. What are your favourite tv shows? Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are amazing shows. As for anime, my fave are Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter 2011, Akatsuki no Yona, Re:Zero, Digimon tamers/02 and those are all I can remember right now.
17. What are your favourite movies? I adore Pride and Prejudice (basic I know), but in general I tend to adore horror movies more like Midsommar, Hereditary and zombie movies in general.
18. What are your favorite books? Dracula, uh... polemyc I know but I will always say HP series and ...I can't remember any other one rn tbh.
19. What is your favourite pass time? Playing videogames but also organizing stuff and fixing stuff around the house
20. Do you have any regrets? Majoring in graphic design.
21. What’s your dream job? character designer...and if I learn how to draw/shade/color better: illustrator.
22. Would you like to get married one day and where? I did get married, I think the places were nice. It was a beautiful church with a gothic design and the reception was in a house on the country side. The house had a vintage colonial style and it was pretty elegant, the garden with the pool looked nice and the decor me and husband chose was top notch.
23. Would you like to have kids one day and how many? I don't earn enough money to have kids but if I got money I would have 2 kids.
24. Are you a girly girl, a regular girl, or more of a tomboy? I was a regular one most of my life? Kinda like comfy type and no make-up. Now I'm girly, I want all the pink and all the make up!
25. Do you like shopping? Just the right amount of time but yeah.
27. What is the most scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Some guys entered my family home and killed everyone. I even remember feeling the bullet in my stomach and the blood coming out of me before I woke up.
28. Do you have enemies? I have no enemies.
29. Who are your best friends? I'm not so sure, I'm insecure in this field. I used to think I had 3, but idk anymore.
30. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and what is their name? Husband and he doesn't like his info to be disclosed so I won't name him.
31. What is the biggest lie you have ever told anyone? I'm not a good liar.
32. Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Put your music on shuffle and write down 30 songs that come up without skipping. (How about just 5) 1. Almost Home - mxmtoon 2. That's What I like - Bruno Mars 3. Golden Time Lover - Sukima Switch 4. Helena - My Chemical Romance 5. This is Love - Utada Hikaru
This is the part where you tag 20 people! As for me, if you read this you are tagged! You can tag me if u fill this btw, my anxiety only goes one way.
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