#dump his ass marie!!!
moth-mart · 9 months
Owen's being held down to the ground in front of Tred's ruler because they won't believe that he's telling the truth/doesn't have ulterior motives & isn't [fully] severing the empire and they're about to cut off his head or something similar but his not-phone thing goes off and they make him answer it and it's. [kid I never named] who's like "hey I'm at your house for our study session but you're not answering the door" and Owen's like ".....I'm not home" <- several galaxies away
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love-overdrive · 5 months
Could Mary’s stand and Heaven’s Door be considered the bride and the ugly ass groom core
I had to look up what this was (apparently I really live under a deep rock) but-
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The real ugly ass groom is Rohan (affectionately)
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strang3lov3 · 1 year
Bath & Body Works
Mall Rats 2! Can be read alone. But if you want-- read Mall Rats 1 here
Summary: You'll drag Joel kicking and screaming into your bubble bath if it's the last thing you do.
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A/N: I am stoked about this one!
Warnings: smut, fingering, handjobs, oral sex (f receiving), rubber ducky, joel is extra cranky, dirty talk, forced bubble bath with a grumpy old man, soapy tiddies, rubber duckies, country apple scented bubble baths
WC: 3.2k
You’re going through your bag of goodies from your first trip to the mall with Joel. You’ve got your undies and bras from Victoria’s Secret, along with some candles and stuff from Bath and Body Works. 
You would have picked out more, but Joel was throwing a bitch fit about how you were taking too long to pick out body sprays and whatnot.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…just fuckin’ pick one already. They all smell like chemicals and girl. I’m gettin’ a migraine.”
“From all the smells?”
“No. You.” You ignored him and searched for body wash to match your body sprays and lotions. “C’mon. Shake a leg, sweetheart.”
“I need body wash. I can’t find it.”
“Here” Joel grabbed a random ass bottle, shoved it in your bag, wrapped his hand around your forearm and dragged your ass out of Bath and Body Works. “It’s all the same shit anyway.”
Now you’re pulling out that random ass bottle of what Joel had deemed as the same shit as body wash. And it’s not the same shit. At all. 
Relaxing Bath Bubbles
Country Apple 
Awh, shit. Guess you’re about to give Joel another migraine. 
You walk over to his house and knock on his door, your backpack full of your Bath and Body Works goodies. Rubber duckies too. You snagged them from a broken claw machine in the mall. 
Knock knock knock knock knock
“Joel, open up.”
You knock some more. Joel opens the door clad in nothing but plaid boxers, his eyes squinting and his hair wild. “The fuck do you want?”
“Need to use your bathroom,” you say. “Now. It’s an emergency.”
Joel raises an eyebrow. “Why? You know what, I don’t wanna know. Just make it quick.”
He’s perplexed, but he leads you to his ensuite bathroom anyway. He says Ellie’s bathroom downstairs is heinous. You enter the bathroom and shut the door, and Joel lays on his bed as he scribbles in his book of crossword puzzles.
The first thing you notice about Joel’s bathroom is how nice it is. Spacious, a deep and wide circular inset bathtub. How he scored this, you don’t know. You strip, leaving your clothes in a pile on the floor then fill up the tub with hot water. You toss your duckies in the water, dump some Country Apple bubble bath in the tub and watch the bubbles emerge, then light your Bath and Body Works candles and turn out the lights. 
The water is soothing and the bubbles smell nice. You lean back in the tub and relax, watching your little rubber duckies float through the bubbles.
Only when half an hour goes by does Joel realize something’s up. He’s been stuck on his puzzle for the last ten minutes and completely forgot that you’re in the bathroom. He shuts his crossword puzzle book in frustration, sets it on his nightstand and turns out the light in his room. 
The flicker of your candles through the cracks of the bathroom door catches his eye. Confused, he decides to investigate. He’s about to knock on the door when he hears a splash. 
Joel doesn’t have time for this. He barges in to find you soaking in his tub, surrounded by candles and rubber ducks. He looks like he’s gonna have a conniption fit.
“Oh, finally,” you say excitedly. “Been waiting for you.”
Irritated doesn’t even begin to describe the expression on Joel’s face at how shockingly cavalier you are about bathing in his tub. “The fuck are you doing in here?”
“Using your bathroom.” 
“You said it was an emergency.”
“Correct,” you reach for the bottle of apple scented bubble bath and toss it to Joel. “Emergency indeed.”
“We need to go over what constitutes an emergency, then. Because this shit is not an emergency. Not in the slightest.”
“It is, actually,” you counter. “That’s bubble bath. Not body wash. They are not the same.”
 Joel looks at you and he’s not sure which of you has a screw loose, but clearly something’s not right here. You fill one of your rubber duckies with water and squirt him on his tummy “The fuck is the matter with you?” he snaps. Joel snatches the toy from your hand and tosses it behind you, so you fill another ducky with water and squirt him again. “Get your ass out of my tub and go home.” 
“Take it up with Tommy. My tub’s broken. He said he’d fix it but he never did. He said to use yours.”
“Tommy did not say that.” 
“You weren’t there. You don’t know.”
“You know what? M’not doing this. Out. Now,” Joel takes a step forward and reaches his arm through the bathwater to find the drain stopper. You grab hold of his arm, biting your bottom lip as you smile mischievously. Joel glares at you. “Don’t.”
You squeeze his forearm tighter and pull with all of your might. Joel tumbles forward into the bath, water splashes over the edge of the tub and floods the floor below. Joel emerges from the water gasping. “God bless it,”  and pushes his hair out of his face, then wipes his eyes and turns to you. The look on his face pierces daggers right through you. 
In a ballsy move, before he can stand up and step out of the tub, you slide over and sit your ass on his lap. You lean back to force him against the edge of the tub. “That’s better,” you say. “Need you to be my pillow. Your tub’s uncomfortable as fuck.”
“Not gonna be your anything. Get the fuck out of my tub or so help me god I will–”
“Joel, shut up. I’m trying to relax. And you should too, because you’re kind of a crankerpuss.”
Joel scowls. “Do not call me that.” 
“Well, you’re being very hostile right now.”
Oh, he’ll show you hostile alright. You don’t know the first thing about hostility. Joel’s about to pick you up and throw your ass out of the–
Nope. Bad idea. 
It’ll make an even bigger mess on the floor. You’re not worth the water damage. And then you’ll slip and fall, crack your skull open and there’ll be blood everywhere. Hiding the body will be Joel’s next step and he’s not in the mood for that. And of course, inevitably, you’ll knock over one of your candles and set Joel’s bathroom ablaze. 
So Joel shimmies off his boxers and tosses them over the edge of the tub. They land with a wet plop. He leans back with you still on his lap, accepting his fate as your human pillow. 
“Isn’t this nice?” you ask sweetly.
“Why not?”
“Shut up.”
So you quiet down and settle against Joel’s torso as best you can. Except as the minutes pass, he still won’t relax. He’s stiff as a board. His hands are in fists, resting on either side of his thighs. He’s practicing his deep breaths and going over the serenity prayer in his head. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
“You seem tense,” 
“Mm,” Joel says. “Wonder why. What a mystery this is. I’m stumped, truly.”
“You tend to run hot. You know. Short fuse,” 
“You tend to drive me fuckin’ nuts,” he counters. You scoop up some bubbles in your hand, and Joel grabs your wrist and shoves it back underwater. “Knock it off. S’not playtime.”
You turn so you’re facing Joel and straddled on his thighs. You lift up on your knees, reaching behind Joel to grab a couple of towels. You drive him nuts, but at least he’s getting a nice view of your soapy tits. Pros and cons. 
You fold the towel and set it behind Joel to support and cushion his neck. “Is this nicer?” you ask. 
“It’d be nice if you weren’t here. See enough of ya already.”
“Get used to it,” you reply. “Got a whole lotta mall left to explore.”
“Don’t remind me.”
You don’t bother responding. Instead, you reach for a rag and a bar of soap and begin to lather it. You lift Joel’s arm up and begin scrubbing his skin gently. 
“Quit it,” he snaps, yanking the rag from you. “Washed earlier.”
Your feelings are a little hurt and you frown. “I’m trying to be nice.”
“Don’t need you to be nice to me. Need you to get out of my house. Now finish your bath.”
You grab the bar of soap again, this time without the rag. You lather it between your hands and reach for Joel’s arm once more, this time putting more emphasis on massaging him and less on cleaning.
This, he seems more receptive to. He lets out a little sigh and his head falls back on the towel you folded for him. You massage down his arm, letting your fingers squeeze and work his biceps, then his forearm, the palm of his hand and even his fingers. Your hand accidentally nudges his half hard cock, but he doesn’t startle or move you away. 
You’re thinking about his cock. You haven’t really seen it, hardly felt it. In a seamless transition, your hand leaves Joel’s and you reach between your bodies to play with his member. He grows hard with your touch, you can feel it. In your palm, he’s thick, heavy, and long. You trace your finger over the prominent vein that climbs up his length. 
Joel sighs and reaches for your hand that’s working his shaft. “What are you doin’,” he sighs. 
“Rub-a-dub-dubbing you.”
You think your eyes deceive you as a flicker of a smirk graces Joel’s face. It’s gone in an instant, but you saw it. You’ll have to alert the media. 
“Charming,” he mumbles. 
You continue massaging his member. You’re thankful that the bubble bath led you to this moment here with Joel, but disappointed that the bubbles are hindering your view. You slide your hand up and down, letting your thumb swipe over his swollen tip. 
“Feel good?” 
“S’good, honey. Yeah, so fuckin’ good. Keep it up.”
Joel’s leaning into it now. Melting like a candle. Eyes fluttered shut, lips slightly parted as a symphony of curses and pretty noises escape his mouth.
“Fuck, darlin’. Squeezin’ me s’good.”
 His chest is rising and falling unsteadily. The flickering candlelight bounces off of his skin and gives his face a warm glow. He’s got both hands on the globes of your ass cheeks, sliding over the expanse of skin. Up your waist and down your thighs, loving every inch of your body. 
You lean forward and hold onto his shoulder with your free hand while you stroke him with your other. You dip your head lower to kiss and nip at his jaw and neck. His skin is warm and fragrant like the bubble bath. 
One of Joel’s hands slither between your bodies and he cups your mound. His fingers reach lower to trace lazy circles into your clit. You pump him faster as he plays with you, soft breaths and groans falling from his lips. “Y’got it, sweetheart. Just like that. Just like–ohh, fffuck.”  He squeezes your ass tight as he finds his release, his body tensing and twitching under your touch. He lets out deep and guttural groans, music to your ears. 
He’s coming down from his high, still mindlessly tracing your pussy with his thick fingers. You’re watching as his breathing slows. He’s finally relaxed. And they said it couldn’t be done!
And just then, one of your little rubber duckies floats between you and Joel. The duck wears a mischievous smile. It’s like it’s thinking what you’re thinking. 
Subtly, oh so subtly, you reach for the ducky and squeeze it, then open your fist slightly and let it fill up. Joel’s eyes are still closed and he’s breathing peacefully as you hold the duck level with his face. You squeeze the ducky once more, and a thin stream of water squirts from the duck’s beak and onto Joel’s cheek. Got his ass. 
Joel opens his eyes slowly, his previously soft expression now harsh and irritated. Joel reaches for the duck. “You squirt me with that thing one more time…” he takes it from your hand, “Watch what happens.”
You bite back a smile. 
“Keep it up,” Joel growls. “Now sit back down and spread your legs. Water’s gettin’ cold.”
He’s got a soft spot for you, believe it or not. His brain is telling him to kick your country apple scented ass out the door, but his heart’s telling him to let you stay a while longer. He is a gentleman with principles, after all. A lady should always finish. 
“Wider,” he says. “Open up.”
He uses his strong, masculine hands to grip your thighs and spread them apart, but he doesn’t have to do anything. You oblige to his request immediately. He toys with your clit, circling and swirling his fingers over the sensitive bud before dipping his middle finger inside of you and chuckling. “Hmm,” he hums. “Selective hearing.” “What?”
“Nothin’,” he mumbles. “Just think it’s funny how ya only listen t’me when you’ve got my hand or my cock between your thighs.”
You answer him with a soft moan and scoot closer to him, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as he pumps his finger inside you, feeling how warm and wet you are. 
“So this is what it’s gonna take, hmm? To get you to be a good girl for me?”
“More,” you breathe. 
Joel inserts a second finger and you gasp. “Jesus, girl. M’gonna get carpal tunnel tryna get you to behave yourself.”
“Carpal what-el?”
“Don’t worry about it, pretty girl. S’nothin’.”
You whimper as his thumb swipes your clit and his fingers pump inside you. You hold his shoulders for stability as you grind your pelvis against his palm, rocking the water all over the place, over the tub. The waves bounce high and into Joel’s mouth, he’s annoyed as he spits out some bubbles. You may have overfilled the tub. 
“Y’need to sit still,” he says. “Makin’ a goddamn mess.”
“Sorry,” you rasp.
But the splashing continues. Joel gets an idea then. He pulls his hand away from your core. 
“No,” you whine. “Don’t stop, Joel, please–”
“Lookit that, usin’ your manners. Bein’ so nice,” Joel praises you. “You’re fine,” he coos softly. “Not goin’ anywhere. M’right here with you.”
Joel adjusts a few towels on the tile surrounding the tub, making a nice little bed for you. He lays you on the towel, watching as beads of water fall from your body and your legs dangle in the tub. He pulls you close, then licks one long stripe up your pussy.
“Yeah, that, keep doing that,” you beg.
“Not plannin’ on stoppin,” Joel chuckles, his low voice sending vibrations through your sex. “Gonna take my time with your sweet pussy.”
Joel does just that. He licks from bottom to top, top to bottom. He tastes every inch of you, from your slick folds to your clit and back down to your entrance. He flattens his tongue wide against you, lapping at your cunt and savoring the taste of your arousal. He loves the sinful, wet noises your pussy makes. 
You tug on Joel’s wet strands of salt and pepper hair, pulling him as close as you can get him. “I know, gorgeous. I got ya,” he whispers. 
Joel pushes two fingers inside you once more, this time curling them upward to find that sweet spot inside you. You kick your legs, splashing even more water than before. You’ve got an iron grip on his damp curls, twitching and shuddering with every flick of his tongue and sending water flying. 
This whole eating you out to keep you from flooding the bathroom thing didn’t go as planned. But Joel’s a trooper. He’ll soldier on and mop up your mess later. He firmly grips the area behind your knees, lifting your legs from the water and pushing them apart. They sit high at your hips, he has you in a vulnerable position. He devours you and holds you close with a certain tenderness, and you know you’re in good hands. 
“Mmmm,” you moan. “S’good, fuck.”
“Got a dirty mouth, hon. You know that?”
You do know that, but you can’t respond. The only thing you can do is whimper and make those sweet, sweet noises that Joel loves so much. “Keep makin’ those pretty noises, sweetheart.” he whispers as you squirm against him. He holds you tighter, keeping you still as he brings you to the edge. His fingers and tongue working relentlessly to make you dizzy.
“Gonna, fuck. M’gonna come, Joel. Please, please–” 
“Come on my tongue,” Joel tells you. “Let go f’me. Give me a good one, sweetheart. Wanna taste it. Wanna taste all of you.”
With his words and ministrations inside you, along with his tongue dancing on your clit, you dissolve under him. Pure pleasure courses through your veins, beginning deep in the pit of your stomach and washing over you, your torso and thighs. Joel’s name is the only word you know at this moment. You sing it like a hymn, worshiping the man who makes you see stars. 
Your head feels fuzzy. You’re hardly aware that Joel’s now kissing his way up your body, over your tummy and your ribcage. He kisses one of your breasts, then the other. He flicks his tongue over one nipple and lightly pinches and twists the other. “Didn’t get to give these tits of yours enough lovin’,” he mumbles. 
It’s touching. He’s such a good lover, but such a forgetful man. Guess what’s sitting right next to you.
Yup. Rubber ducky. 
Joel’s still kissing and massaging your tits, and you quietly reach for the duck. You squirt him right between the eyes. 
Joel snatches the toy from your hand. “Where do you keep finding these fuckin’ ducks?!”
You shrug and giggle, then Joel pulls away from you. He pulls the drain stopper, then dries you and himself off with fresh towels. “Alright,” he says. “You had your bath and then some. Get lost.”
You pout. “You’re not gonna walk me home? It’s late.”
“Nope.” Joel bites his cheek, knowing he’s not actually gonna kick you out to walk home alone. You’re making him soft, and he hates it. “Fine,” he concedes. “Get in bed.”
You giggle and make your way to his bed, watching Joel mop up your mess in the bathroom. He blows out the candles and returns to you. “M’way too fuckin’ nice to ya,” he grumbles. 
“Eh,” you shrug. “Could be nicer.”
Please comment/reblog if you enjoyed! Send me asks! Your interaction means the world and keeps me going!
Part 3
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sun-snatcher · 25 days
Hey!! Just wondering if you do headcanons? If so can we get some hcs from We Lucky Few about Deadpool and the Gang™ being a domestic happy family 🥲🥲
#WELUCKYFEW | Headcanons galore !
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i. —— THE FIRST DAY IN A NEW UNIVERSE means Wade has to break it to Blind Al that there’s gonna be 3 more strays that’ll be staying over at the apartment for a while (in tragic addition to Mary Puppin’s and Logan).
The old lady agrees (very vehemently disagreed, actually, but she knows Wade already made up his mind) only because she’d hoped he meant stray cats this time, to which she’d been disappointed with: “Say hello to Logan’s hispanic feral cat-daughter, your local homeless war veteran with a PhD and a dash of PTSD, and Amateur David Blaine—! But if he was born in the South.”
Regardless. It’s only, like, for 2 weeks! As long as they don’t touch her cocaine. Anywho, Vanessa’s already pulling strings to get you and Remy an apartment; Laura’s first instinct was to seek out the Professor and Logan’s… a drifter. Vagrancy is nothing new to him. He’ll figure his things out one way or another.
ii. —— GROCERIES COST TENFOLD during the time everyone was still crammed in that little house. Dogpool is in the trolley seat having a good time. Wade and Laura stock up on junk food and Logan’s dumped an armful of canned goods that “will actually last for the fuckin’ week.”; Meanwhile Gambit’s been banished to trolley-pushing ever since he’d admitted to stealing Skittles, M&M’s and small tidbits from the candy aisle without anyone noticing.
And you— well, you were on breakfast duty, which means bread, jams, cereals; but it’s all just a tad bit overwhelming. I mean, why is there a need for this many flavours? You can’t remember the last time you had much of a choice when it came to food since the war.
(It’s Wade who finds you. He gets it; 10 years serving Canadian military/the JTF2 means he’s seen just about every other middle-eastern country that’s a battleground— And then suddenly he’s discharged and thrown into civilian life with zero assimilation and the expectation of exercising autonomy after living his whole life under orders and the threat of damn a bullet in his head. So. Yeah, he gets why you kinda just… Blank out.)
“You can roulette it,” Wade advices. “Or pick one with your favourite colour. That’s how I did it my first few years out. Just don’t even fucking think of picking Special K or I’ll prune your ass back to the Void mys—”
iii. —— MOVIE NIGHTS ARE ON FRIDAYS. That means Gambit’s on permanent popcorn duty ever since Laura accidentally destroyed the microwave (she insists it’s Logan but the 2 holes say otherwise). And by popcorn duty I mean: having Remy shake the bag and generate enough kinetic energy to heat and pop the kernels. “Mais, if it works, it works, mes amis.”
iv. —— EVERYONE ROTATES TAKING Dogpool out on a walk. Remy uses the opportunity to have you tag along and tell him about New York when really he just likes spending time with you.
Logan has to be convinced to walk her; though he usually relents because it puts his mind to work and it helps that he can map out the city again. Sometimes Laura joins him, too. If she’s lucky, she’ll hear an X-Men story or two when Logan’s feeling particularly nostalgic. (Half of them are him shitting on Scott, but hey, she’ll take what she can get.)
v. —— LOGAN DOESN’T SLEEP. Can’t is a better way to put it, and neither can you and Remy at times; you figure maybe it’s because everything feels a little too.. fine.
Almost perfect. Too good to be true. Logan always loses all that’s close to him and as much as he hates to admit it: all of you are beginning to matter. Family, dare he even think. And it terrifies the absolute shit out of him.
Meanwhile, you get night terrors, and you’ve already alarmed everybody approximately five times now (Closing your eyes now means facing an apocalyptic warzone and the weight of life and death. You don’t talk about it. Everybody knows not to ask) so sleep is just an option to you if you could help it.
Remy stays up just out of pure habit. They used to alternate shifts back in the Void (which was why he sometimes caught Laura wide awake in the kitchen at weird hours of the night, too) because the Hideout became too vulnerable with their dwindling numbers. Losing Daredevil had been the catalyst.
Fortunately, sleep still does happen: You’re curled in the loveseat with Gambit’s coat over you as a makeshift blanket— you must’ve lighted out first. Remy and Logan are dead asleep on the ratty, squeaky couch; Laura half-melted beside them, legs hanging off the pleated sofa arms with Dogpool asleep in her arms. Love Island drones from the outdated home TV.
vi. —— WADE TAKES A SELFIE when he catches the scene.
He’s used it as the icon of the groupchat he created (lovingly titled: LIMBO LOSERS CLUB!) once he made sure everyone got some means of communication for when they moved out.
Not that Logan will ever use it.
Or Blind Al— “I mean, she doesn’t even text Wade, why is she in the chat?”
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minotaurs-my-beloved · 3 months
Not the mermaid anon but I was thinking of a nun encountering an angel, who is not as virtuous as the scriptues say, and the angel convincing the nun that she is going to hell unless she has sex with him.
Jesus Wept.
(or the terrible pun of a title i originally used, The Second Cumming)
What a fun idea anon, it also gives me a reason to be dramatic, sacrilegious, make a terrible pun, and dump a little bit of bible lore thats been ingrained in me
TW: Sacrilege and noncon or dubcon (the demon is pretty coercive and lies about being an angel)
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He'll whisper sweet lies into your ear to try and get you on board, "You are chosen to be Mary. Through you will the second coming of Christ occur as the scriptures foretold all the way back in Genesis. To crush the head of the serpent, don't you remember?"
You call him out on the fact that Jesus already did that in his first coming and he laughs it off, saying, "Oh Ye of little faith, you all have interpreted this wrong. He has yet to fully crush the head, that is why demons and sin still exist. Hence him needing to return a second time, to fully end it."
When you ask why God would make you commit an egregious sin such as sex and not perform a miracle like he did with the virgin Mary, he angrily strikes you down. "God would not want that? You would dare question God's plan? As a mere mortal who cannot even wrap your head around his sheer existence, you defy him? Such hubris, do you want to suffer eternal damnation?"
You quickly try to redeem yourself, the threat of hell absolutely terrifying you and simply say that you do not understand. He just tells you that you do not need to, it is not your place. You try to rationalize all of this, knowing your God would never wish to harm you, this must be the way. I mean, he's an angel, is it really even considered fornication?
So, you agree.
He quickly strips you, his eyes don't look like they used to, now predatory, losing some of the light they used to hold. You just stand there, unsure of what you're meant to do. You're a virgin of course, you had never even kissed someone, and never thought about sex lest you fall into lust. He realizes this and starts telling you what he wants. Ordering for you to get on your hands and knees before him.
He goes behind you and you feel something sliding up and down your pussy, you whimper in fear, not knowing how this will feel, but you push all that to the side because you want to serve your God. He is surprisingly gentle in the beginning, slowly pushing his cock into your cunt, asking if you're okay. But the second he's fully inside, all of that disappears as he drives his cock in deep over and over. He grabs you by the hair, making you look up, "Look at the crucifix, you're worshiping your savior as I speak. Recite the holy prayer for me, c'mon."
He sounds completely different, from a booming, holy voice he now sounds raspy and strange. You try to look back at him, but his grip on your hair tightens, forcing you to look ahead. You begin saying the prayer as he commanded you, but it's so hard to think when he's fucking you like this. With each stutter he slaps your ass and you whine, trying your best to remember the entire thing. It gets exponentially harder to do so when something starts pushing against the rim of your asshole.
Before you have time to ask what he's doing, he rams his cock fully inside your tight hole, making you scream. He's now fucking you with two cocks. Why does he have two cocks? (for the second cumming, ikik im so funny) You have completely given up the prayer at this point, and he seems to have too, instead focusing on fucking you.
"I'm going to cum. I'm going to fill and ruin your holes and you're going to fucking take it. Thank your God. Thank him for my cum."
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wowsosad · 2 months
:( Dean as John’s younger brother, and who John conveniently dumped Sam into the arms of after Mary died.
Sam growing up completely unaware that Dean’s not his actual dad, thinking that them moving every couple of years is because his daddy likes living in different places (and not because Dean is actively evading John, who at this point doesn’t deserve contact with his only son).
Sam never really growing out of calling Dean “daddy”, though once he’s a teen he sticks to “dad” at school or when his friends are around. When they’re alone, though, he reverts back. Even when he’s 14, 15, 16, never giving it up, and Dean’s avoiding the pit of guilt in his stomach the longer it goes on.
Sam going to Stanford, seeing Jess burn on the ceiling, and calling home so fast his fingers hurt. And Dean, who’s worked for the past 20 years to ensure John’s shit never bit them in the ass, only to ultimately fail.
Ugh. I’m writing this STAT
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gloxk · 1 year
“Mary Jane.”
Gojo satoru ~
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Summary: Your best friend was a snake. She slept with your boyfriend at a party. Everything shattered when you saw them. Your heart broke, leaving you with hatered and resentment. But two can play that game. Didn't she know? Karma’s a bitch.
W/C : 2k+. READING TIME: 10 minutes.
Setting: Modern Au, Reader is in their 20’s.
Song inspo:The best I ever had (Limi)/ Birthday S*X (Jeremih)/Drunk in love (The weekends version)/What you need(the weekend.)
A/N: Happy kinktober. It’s been a minute. (I've returned just for this years kinktober) idk i’ve just been busy fr. I haven’t been writing at all 😭. But I was on tik tok right, and i saw this lil video abt a story. So yall know those reddit stories? Bro this story was fucking outrageous, i tell ya. So boom bro got cheated on by his gf and she slept w his best friend. I was like damnnnnn 💀 ain’t no way. So bro turned around n fcked his ex best friends sister. The crazy thing is HE RECORDED IT. AND HE SENT IT TO BRO. I got carried away w this one. (I was high asf.) But anyway please enjoy! My grammar might be fucked up i didn’t feel like prof reading. Mdni/ageless blogs you will be blocked. 17+.
Warnings: F/M relations,Jealousy, angst if you squint, friend dumping, lewd behavior, DRUGS & alcohol. (mary J) mentions of Ex, BJ’s, Male receiving, unprotected sex (I got a little nasty w this one)
You sat there disappointed in your dry phone. It was like looking at a blank screen. The night was cold, dark, and quiet. Everything was different now that you cut off your toxic-ass best friend. Deleting all the pictures and videos of you two. All the happiness and laughter y’all had shared just for it to be ruined in a few hours. The incident only happened a few days ago.
You decide to scroll through your alt account’s Instagram feed hoping to see something interesting. Something interesting indeed popped up. A little green circle around your ex-best friend’s profile picture. “Curiosity killed the cat ya’know?”, It surely killed you as soon as you clicked it. She was with your Ex. Your face scrunched in disbelief. You couldn’t help but muster up a pitiful laugh. What was going through her goddamn mind? Did she know the alt belong to you? Was the random pinterest boy profile picture not convincing enough? You nearly tossed your phone to the ground you felt tears bubbling up in your eyes. You remember the whole thing like it was yesterday. The horrible things you said to each other. But one thing she said in particular stuck in your head. “You aren’t even together anymore! Why the fuck do you care Y/n?”, Those were the last words she said to you, the last words you needed to hear to leave her alone. It hurt you so much, the girl you known from middle school betrayed you.
It was late maybe around 11 pm. Your mind was filled with anger. You couldn’t stop thinking about it. You told her everything and she did the same. You two grew up together. When you introduced your boyfriend and best friend they hit it off. They were so cool with each other that it seemed like a dream come true. Having your best friend actually like your boyfriend was extremely rare to come by. Your dream came short-lived after you found them fucking in a bathroom at a party. It hurt so fucking bad. You clenched your shirt trying not to cry. That night broke you, you lost everything in 4 hours. All it took was a couple of shots and one blunt to have your whole world crash. In a fit of rage, you decided to go through her entire Instagram feed. Scrolling through every single post. In a recent post from earlier today, you saw a dump of her stepbrother. All of the pictures were silly, cute pictures of him. You couldn’t lie, he was fine as fuck. You saw her stepbrother a couple of times when y'all were younger, but god did puberty hit him good. He was tall and muscular with a sharp jawline. He has white hair and beautiful ocean-colored eyes. He had a couple of arm tattoos as well. You sat there trying to remember his name. You looked over the caption trying to find something leading to him, the caption read: “HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY @satoruxgxjo! I hope 19 treats you good lil, bro :).” That was his name! You finally remembered him. Satoru gojo, it was definitely moan-able. You DM’D him almost immediately.
(Y/n): “Hey! I saw your birthday was earlier and I wanted to wish you a happy 19th birthday!” You didn’t know what you expected him to say back to that. You didn’t know if you wanted him to immediately block you or text you back. Maybe if he blocked you would be able to move on and heal. But all you wanted was revenge. After two minutes you got a notification from Instagram. (satoruxgxjo): “Yo, I appreciate it. it’s been a minute. How have you been?” A smug smile arose on your face. You instantly texted him back. (Y/n): “I’ve been amazing. Recently I had just got some za from a friend and since it’s your birthday maybe we can roll up?” You watch as your text goes from Sent to Seen. Your heart immediately went faster.(satoruxgxjo): “Lmao? That was quick but sure. I don’t mind. Addy?” Your face was sinister. If he could see your face right here probably think twice about his current decision. You sent him your location, (Y/n): “I mean it’s not like we don’t know each other Saturo, just pull up :) We can catch up!”, You were so happy that this was gonna work out perfectly. (satoruxgxjo): “Who is Saturo? It’s Satoru* n I’m otw.” That happiness quickly faded into embarrassment. How could you forget his name already? You repeated it 10x to remember it, while repeating his name you quickly got up and rushed upstairs.
You dressed yourself in a loose shirt that hung off your shoulders, your chest was the only thing holding it up. Underneath you made sure to treat your guests to an easy reveal no bra and pink Victoria's Secret lace panties. Your hair was messy letting little strands of hair frame your face. You rushed downstairs to set everything up, you grabbed an open bottle of Hennessy and accompanied it with a jar of bud including a pack of Raw’s. Everything was set for the most part. You dimmed the lights and played some sensual music. You turned your TV on to some random Netflix show to make it seem casual. You soon turned your attention to the door as the doorbell rang. A wicked smile placed on your face, your hips swaying to the music. You opened the door and smiled at your victim—I mean visitor. “Heyy~.” Your voice filled with a welcoming tone. Luring him in like a fisherman. “Hey, Y/n.” He had a basic white shirt on, and his muscular body filled it out nicely. His lower half was hidden behind grey sweatpants, He had on white cross that were no longer white. His tall frame continued to tower over you. He sounded so nonchalant, but his blue eyes told a different story. He couldn’t stop looking at your bare shoulders. “Come in hun.” You moved out of his way and motioned him to the couch. The table caught his attention immediately. You made your way to the kitchen swaying to the beat of the music. “Henny? Whatcha got this for?” He picked up the bottle with an eager smile. “Why else Satoru?” You winked at him. Watching him open the bottle and pour himself a shot. “Well, Hopefully, it’s not for little ole me. God, you wouldn’t make such a silly mistake and give an underage boy Hennessy? Right?” He asked mocking you. A smug expression on his face. You couldn’t wait to wipe it off. “Oh of course not! I would never do such a disgraceful thing. But..I won’t tell if you won’t.” He threw his head back and he gulped down the shot of liquor. The burning sensation only made him crave it more. “You know I don’t kiss and tell.” He chuckled as he watched you sit down on the couch. He soon followed you and plopped down beside you. “You ever rolled before?” You looked at him as you picked up the grinder. “Nah, I’m more of a pipe or hookah person. Ya’know?” You giggled at him. He was falling into your trap without even knowing. “Lemme show you how to roll then.”. You took him through the basic steps. Letting your hands guide his. After a few attempts, he was able to get a good enough roll for a beginner. “And now ya gotta lick it.” You bent over his lap using his muscular arm to hold yourself up. You dragged your tongue over the paper making sure to seal it. You took the joint from him and began to light it. His eyes watched you dangerously. After a couple of pulls, you handed it back over to him. He pulled a heavy hit making him cough. You poured another shot for the both of you. Handing him a glass of liquor. “Oh? Is that for me? How kind.” Your hand sat between his thighs. “Of course.” He took the glass and knocked it back, and you followed his lead.
You weren’t slightly drunk nor were you high. But you couldn’t say the same for Satoru. He almost finished your bottle of Hennessy. His head was between your neck and shoulder. He was mumbling incoherent nonsense, you didn’t particularly care what he was babbling about. He was lying between your legs using your chest to keep him propped up. His hands rubbing your thigh, “Mm..please.” He mumbled desperately. “I told you not to drink too much Gojo. Now look at you.” You laughed as you rubbed his head. “.. I know. m’ sorry. Please y/n. Please.” You were confused you didn’t know what he was asking for to be quite frank. “You should get an Uber to take you home.” You nudged him to get off of you. He didn’t budge at all. His eyes looked up at you pleading with you. “I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay with you. lemme stay.” He was so whiny while he was drunk it was pissing you off. “Okay, you can stay.” He hummed softly in response. “upstairs?” You whispered in his ear, he nodded his head. You moved off the couch pulling him off with you. You walked him up the stairs to your bedroom. He was stumbling up the stairs you had to hold him up. Making it to your room in one piece was the hardest part. Opening the door his hands never left your body, If anything they became more needy. His fingers roamed around your back as he began to tug at your shirt.
You grabbed his hands telling him to stop. “I don’t know...if we should do this...I’m sure your sister wouldn’t like this.” You smiled as you pushed him on the bed. Of course, she wouldn’t like her brother sleeping with her ex-best friend. But that made it more exhilarating. Satoru groaned at your words. Bringing up what you and his sister had going on at a time like this was a low blow. “Don’t fuck with me Y/n. You’ve been touching me all night. Saying little shit to me. I’m ready now, and you’re gonna act like this?” You heard the frustration in his voice, looking down at his gray sweats pants you saw what else was frustrated. You laughed at him. “Oh look who’s mad at me. I’m just trying to respect you and your sister's relationship.” Your hands go under his shirt and rub his abs. He laughed as his arm covered his face. “Ah, so I understand why she called you a conniving bitch now.” Your smug face was quickly wiped with confusion. “Oh…Yeah? She gonna think I’m more than conniving after this.” You grabbed him by his hair pulling him closer. Your lips clashed against his, you could taste the intoxication on his tongue. The kiss became sloppy fairly quickly. His hands continued to roam over your back. He followed your lead not allowing your mouth to leave his. He yanked at your shirt, he wanted to pull it off of you. Sitting on his lap, you took off your shirt and tossed it to the side. His hands went up to cup your breasts. His fingers ran over your hardened nipples, his expression was darkened with lust. “So fckin pretty.” He sat up leaving kisses on your neck and chest. You assisted him in taking off his shirt and tossed it over to yours. Leaving kisses on his neck and slowly moving downward to his chest. Taking your precious time with him. He was so impatient, whining if you didn’t kiss him. You used your finger to trace his v-line teasing him enough to push him. You got up and slowly removed his sweatpants leaving him in his tight boxers. Licking your lips at the sight, it was a delectable sight indeed. Tracing the bulging print through his Ethikas. “Oh my god…” You stuttered in disbelief, this man was packing. Satoru felt you tugging his boxers, he lifted his hips and allowed you to yank them off of him. The cold air hit him drawing out a long sigh. Those blue eyes watching you with a dangerous glint, those eyes screaming out for you. “don’t play with me Y/n.” He whispered, almost as if he was begging you to make him feel something. You seated yourself between his thighs, looking at him with awe. Your hands running up and down his hardened dick. You gave him kitten licks on his tip, licking away any pre-cum. He growled at the teasing, “C'mon.” his hand caressingyour cheeks. You smiled as you quickly put your mouth around the tip and bobbed your head up and down.
His tip hits the back of your throat every time. Satoru’s hand pushed your head down so he could feel you deep-throat him, “Fuuucckk, just like that.” You pulled your head back with an angry expression. “Nobody likes a head pusher.”, You glared at him. “Nobody likes a fucking teaser.” He mumbled. You laughed at his audacity as if he was the one in control. You slipped off your underwear and climbed on top of him. Letting him slide in slowly, inch by inch. You threw your head backward, rolling your neck. Low moans escaped your mouth as you felt his hips grinning against yours. “Go faster.” His tone completely shifted from whiny and desperate to frustration. He wanted more, He needed more. It wasn’t enough for him. You looked so pretty going up and down on him. His eyes watched your body lift itself off of him and right back down. Your nails dug holes in his chest, “That fuckin’ hurts Y/n.” He gave you a sadistic smile as he dug his nails into your hips. You shrieked in pain. You could quite literally feel his nails penetrate your skin. That didn’t stop you though, you couldn’t care less about anything other than cumming. Your mind became foggy and filled with a certain haze. “Mm. Keep going. Dnt stop.”, Those words left Satoru’s mouth, his thrusts were sloppy and no longer had rhythm. His fingers found their way to your clit and played with you to make sure you came before him. Your moans filled the room as you were so close. You stopped as you finally reached the bliss you been begging for, panting heavily trying to regain the breath you once had. The feeling of warm liquid filling you was a slap in the face. You soon realized you didn’t use protection. You looked down at Satoru whose eyes were closed with a smile of his face. “Oops, m’sorry i’ll get you a Plan B in the morning.” His hand gripped your ass while you sat there in disbelief. How could you fuck up this bad? You smiled as you seen him cover his face once again, “Don’t worry about it. I have some in the bathroom.”. You got off of him and made your way to the bathroom.
When you came back you saw sleeping Satoru, under your sheets wrapped around your blanket. It was a cute sight to see him so vulnerable, you were about to fuck up his life. You crawled into bed next to him, cuddling him. He turned around and placed his head between your breast, his arm wrapped around your lower back pulling you close. You took out your phone and took a couple of pictures. This bitch was gonna know “Fuck my man, I fuck your brother.”. You unblocked her number to send her a little treat. “When Satoru comes home tomorrow tell him I had a wonderful time. (3 attachments sent).”.
You turned off your phone and cuddled the sleeping boy, kissing his forehead and cheeks. “Mm, she's gonna fuck you up when you get home.” You whispered in his ear. His phone was soon blowing up, From his mom and sister. “I don't care, you don't know how long I've been waiting to fuck you.” He muttered under his breath. You laughed, He wasn’t going anywhere. Not just yet.
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lynsstrange · 4 months
the marauders as color/winter guard performers headcannons
(For the enjoyment of me and the probably one other person on the platform who’s two niche interests somehow overlap)
Section leader during marching season, team captain during winter season
Takes it VERY seriously
Is the reason they have twelve hours of practice a week, but also the reason they score very high
Everyone hates him the second conditioning comes around, constantly yelling at the team (Sirius) to try harder while they’re doing suicides and across the floors at seven in the morning
Rifle prodigy (he cannot stfu about showing off how many rotations he can do)
The overzealous upperclassman that scares off incoming freshmen
Always the one lending money at competitions for food. Also has first aid stuff, electric tape, hand warmers, and just about anything else the team could be in need of packed
Basically Team Mom ™
TECHNICALLY co-captain
Her and James are constantly bickering over whether her position is official (“That’s Mary, our FLAG SERGEANT” “WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN”)
She’s much more involved in flag, doesn’t like weapon as much
A good teacher, but brutally honest to anyone she sees as not meeting expectations
Resident playlist-maker, and has dominion over the speaker in the back of the bus
Is constantly critiquing the show design and advocating for aesthetic cohesion (“the rifles would look so much better if the bolts were taped blue, just saying”)
Is good at weapon, more so sabre
Doesn’t like flag as much, but always gets stuck on solos on it because he’s talented
Manages to miss his drill dot EVERY FUCKING TIME by just a little bit and it sends James into rage
Never really knows the counts, but always in time
Manages to look good even in the shittiest of costumes
Trauma dumps and tells wildass stories in the back of the bus on the way back from late night comps
Constant guard terminology sexual innuendo (“Remus, I need you to strip- your silk, Remus, mind out of the gutter 🙄”)
He doesn’t know how he got here
Meaning he got dragged into it by Sirius and James
(Mostly James)
Is basically being held hostage because of his skill- that being that he’s a lot stronger than he looks, so he’s good at rifle when he actually tries
Always has some dusty ass beat up novel in his competition duffle (me)
Late to practice or gone often because he has so many other academic commitments lmao
Always covered in bruises from getting whacked by equipment
Competitive only when it comes to Sirius. (Sirius can do a one handed forty five?? Remus can do a DOUBLE one handed forty five)
Marching band historian during fall season
Runs the guard’s social media pages
Organizes all team parties
A STICKLER for team traditions, and makes sure they’re continued on each year
Pretty well-rounded, but prefers flag
Like Remus, only truly competitive and spiteful when it comes to James
All the freshmen love her because she’s a good teacher, and she has a special talent of talking just about anyone into auditioning
Always mad about the state of disarray in the guard room
Like Remus, isn’t sure how he ended up here
Isn’t really that great at anything, but he tries real hard
Plays trumpet or smth during marching season lmao
And somehow ended up in guard by peer pressure and a crippling fear of being left out
Weapon NERD
And honestly all around guard nerd
Is almost as enthusiastic as James
She even did baton for a short period of time for fun
Is one of those people who can just whip rifle around in that effortless way (you know the type of person I’m talking about)
Constantly coming to James with feedback about choreography, and they’re always either getting along very well or at odds
Definitely on her way to DCI
Resident makeup helper (she can do a mean cat eye, even on a highway in a school bus)
Maybe at some point I’ll do the skittles or other various characters lol but for now I’m imagining just the in-universe Gryffindors/marauders as one team haha
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soubi122 · 1 year
Heya hope ur doing great so here's another one of mind dumps
So rindou x a very laid back reader who's very chill and cool with everything and has a bit a hobby for figure skating ( the figure skating is optional)
So he was invited to a friend's house to hang and smoke weed/and drink so he went to the basement and saw you with the weed pot (idk what's it called:']) and decided to join in and u guys were having small talk and rin felt very comfortable with you and had he's arm wrapped around your waist and playing ur hair (y'all got teased a bit but didn't mind it all) late reader helps rindou get to his but was clingy ( horny (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞) so reader being chill about took him home with and yk what happens ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (btw sorry for the bad grammar)
Hello my love! I'm so sorry this took a really long time to write. It is finally here, I hope you like it! ❤️
Rindou Haitani, smut, drug use, alcohol use, unprotected sex, slightly rough. ALL ADULTS, MINORS DO NOT READ!
"So, remind me again…who is going to be there?" Rindou asks a friend who was taking him to a party. As much of a partygoer he was - he still remained cautious. "You know, just chicks and some guys." The friend replies with a carefree tone. His goal was to score a chick and Rindou was the bait. It beats bringing Ran's womanizing ass to the party and having him steal all the women for himself. 
Heading into the house, Rindou noticed that there were a bunch of people he was familiar with - the same people that hit up Roppongi on weekends. Good, so I don't have to watch my back. He thinks to himself. Being taken to a Yakuza hideout once by accident was enough for him to be careful about where he's going, compliments of Kakucho of course. The music was loud, the drinks were everywhere but he had yet to find anyone that could hold his attention. He thought it was going to be a small party, this was quite the crowd. 
Some time passed and he was getting rather annoyed that his friend would ditch him every 5 seconds to chase a piece of ass. After being turned down by half of the party girls, they decided to head to the basement to take a break. Usually the chill folks are down there and would have some aromatherapy to help relieve some stress. "Man, those girls are fucking stuck up." His friend complained as he was walking down the stairs. Rindou could only chuckle at his friend's defeated attitude. The scent of Mary Jane hit them square in the face the moment they were headed down. A small group of people were just chilling on a sofa and floor, completely unbothered by the loud noise upstairs and vibrations of the music. 
Rindou recognized one or two people but the others were complete strangers to him. The strangers began to almost chant "Toke! Toke! Toke!" over and over again when someone was taking a hit of the bong. Rindou's eyes looked over to the person whose head was tilted down and he could hear the bubbling of the water and the sound of someone inhaling. Everyone paused when the bubbling stopped and everything in the room almost went dead silent. When you lifted your head and exhaled through your nose, everyone cheered and yelled. That was the longest Rindou has ever seen someone hold it before. 
"Did you see that shit? That was a good fucking hit." His friend says and introduces himself and Rindou to everyone. Your eyes met his and you smiled while waving your hand at him. The hazy look in your eyes and that cute smile on your face made some warmth creep up his face. They were welcomed into the circle, "Take a seat anywhere you like." You say and reach for the red plastic cup that had beer in it. "You've been babysitting that beer (Y/N)." One of the guys says and throws you a cocky grin. So that's her name. Rindou thinks to himself and plants himself right next to you. Taking it as a 'drink up' hint, you chugged your beer, impressing both guys that just walked in. “So, what brings you two to this lonely little circle of ours?” You say with a hint of playfulness on your tongue. The man sitting next to you was absolutely handsome - you could tell he works out by how the lines of his muscles show through his shirt. 
When his friend took a seat across the floor, you passed the bong to him and the moment his eyes met your face - he paused. The awkward pause made you clear your throat. “Umm, so are you taking a hit or…?” You ask. “Aren’t you that chick that’s constantly on the ice?” He asked and piqued Rindou’s interest. Ah yes, your little hobby painted you as a goody two shoes but in reality you were nothing like that. “You are! Rindou, this is the chick who’s always in the rink at night.” You had no intention of going pro for figure skating but still practiced to get some exercise in. “Ah, the figure skater, right?” Rindou asked and proceeded to take the bong out of your hands. He was so close, you feel the warmth radiating off of him. Those beautiful lavender orbs were scanning every inch of your face behind his frames. 
“Oh - what’s this? You have an admirer (Y/N).” One of your friends said out loud. There was no mistaking it - Rindou was showing his interest in you. The little comment made some pink dust your features. He proceeded to take a hit and keep eye contact with you while he did so. Looks like he was trying to hold it in just as long as you did, and of course - he did. The ambience was super relaxed by the time the bong made its way around the entire circle. Throughout the night, the conversations and jokes allowed Rindou to feel comfortable and rather bold around you. 
“Aren’t figure skaters supposed to be good girls?” He asks and starts lightly toying with the ends of your hair. His finger wrapped itself around the strands and your heart skipped a beat. The first touch gave him an idea of your comfort levels, does he proceed? Your sultry laugh made him want to dive deeper into the rabbit hole with you. “And who says I’m a good girl?” You ask and look at him, both your eyes are glossy and hazy. “Get a room you two. You’re practically fucking each other with your eyes.” Someone says. Both you and Rindou cracked up, it was true - the things you both were thinking about were communicated in looks rather than words. Now that it was out in the open, he slithered his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. The butterflies in your belly were starting to run a little rampant the more he touched you. Rindou kept toying with your hair or lightly brushing your hair back to get your attention back on him when you would talk to someone else.
Several hours of lightly teasing each other and messing around with friends, the sounds of footsteps slowly started to dwindle down, it sounded like the party was coming to an end. Little by little, the circle began to get smaller. People were heading home as it was already 3:00 am. It gave him a little more resolve to continue running his hands alongside your waist and making subtle moves that sent chills down your spine. His large palm began to gently squeeze your thigh, almost as if signaling something to you. You bite your lip and turn to face him. He was not expecting you to tease him in return. “Too bad the night's over.” You say and reach over to take one last hit of the bong before heading out. Inhaling, you closed your eyes and leaned back into the couch - wanting to take your time before exhaling in bliss. Right as you were beginning to exhale, Rindou leaned in, parting his lips and inhaled the smoke that slowly came out of your mouth. He cupped your cheek and connected his lips to yours, giving you a shotgun kiss. Rindou was feeling more than just the effects of weed. He was feeling a tight sensation around his cock.
“Can I take you home (Y/N)?” He asked and nibbled on your lower lip. You could tell he was needy. The entire time he was stuck on you and couldn't keep his hands off you. “Will you make it?” You snicker and run your hand through his hair making him hum. "Everyone is almost gone…we can just stay here." He whispers in your ear and gives a kitten lick to the shell of your ear. "Please…" Rindou's eager tone almost made you feel bad about teasing him. Is this how he is when he's high? Horny and needy? Not wanting to get caught or kicked out, you decided to feed the monster but in your territory. 
Leading him to your place, you kept doing little things like hold his hand or press your chest against his arm so that he could feel your tits. He was already falling apart for you. When you arrived at your door, he couldn't keep his hands off of you. Stepping in, you immediately led him to your room. Next thing you knew, you were both on the bed, rolling around on the mattress. 
 While fighting to be on top, clothes started to fly off bit by bit. Seeing the tattoos that adorned his body, you couldn't help but submit to him, he was gorgeous and toned. You were almost entranced by the fact that his tattoos extended from his collarbone to his arms and down to his legs. "Do I have your complete attention now?" Rindou asks and pouts. "You've had my attention since the moment you sat next to me." You admit and reach down south to stroke him. The way his lips parted and let a moan escape his throat - you wanted to see him completely break. The unholy amount of precum was dripping on your lower belly. He was going to fill you up and have you dripping for days. 
Not wanting to waste another second, you guided him between your folds and let his tip slide in. The sweetest whimper dripped from his lips and you couldn't help wanting to hear more. "…oh fuck… you feel so good." He barely manages to say before you rip another whimper from him as you take him in even further into your core. Being pussy drunk was no joke, once a man tastes a bit of heaven - he will never want to come back down to earth. Pulling him inch by inch, you felt his cock twitch and throb, making you pant. His length alone was enough to have you clawing at his back. Slowly reeling his hips back, you could feel the difference - your walls were spasming around him and trying to suck him back in. 
Rindou was gentle and passionate, kissing your lips each time his tip hit your cervix. His menacing demeanor only applied outside in a world full of strangers. Between the sheets, he was sweet and almost innocent. His lavender orbs were glossy and filled with desire, if you would have let him take you at the party - you were sure everyone would have heard his moans. You met his hips, slowly grinding with him. The more friction on your clit, the more your hips picked up the pace. “...(Y/N), can I go faster?” What a gentleman, asking you for permission to destroy your insides. You nodded unaware of what his next move was going to be. He shifted his position to get on his knees and lifted your hips to get a deeper angle. Leaning in he took your hands and pinned them above your head, there was almost a glow in his eyes when you looked at him. 
In one motion he thrust so deep that you felt a numbing sensation in your spine, making you scream. “Mnh…too deep!” You whimper and try to free your hands. Rindou crashed his lips into yours to silence you. It only took one hand to pin your wrists, the other gripped your hips to keep you in place. His thrusts were hard and fast, it was making your eyes tear up. "Ngh, f-fuck…you feel so damn good." Rindou said once he broke the kiss. You could have sworn you felt your eyes roll back into your skull. The way his length kept hitting the right spot had your tongue almost lolling out. "Look at you…drunk off my cock already. Yeah?" He went from sweet to devilish the moment you gave in. 
"Hah, you're fucking clenching so tight." Rindou pants as he continues to wreck your insides. The way his hand gripped your hip, he left indents in your skin - almost bruising it. It was painful but it didn't stop you from feeling the immense pleasure that he was giving you. His kisses were making you melt, his tongue was dominating yours and you felt the drool dripping down the corners of your mouth. Breaking the kiss you moan out loud, "Rin-aah! I'm - oh god!" The amount of pressure he was putting on your hips had you almost crying. Everything started to get stuporous, the combination of alcohol, weed and sex had you knocking on the white pearly gates. 
Rindou felt how your velvet walls pulsed and clenched repeatedly around his cock. It was feeding his appetite but he had yet to get to the main course. Slowly he released your wrists and cupped your cheek. That sincere and tender gaze gave you but a moment of peace. Rindou pulled out sitting up on his knees - he was towering over you and you couldn't help but feel anticipation. What else can this man do to get you to scream? "Roll over, beautiful…" He says with a smirk on his face. Just as he ordered, you got on your stomach and looked over your shoulder. It felt like his figure dwarfed your own. His broad shoulders that had defined muscles had you in a daze. 
Rindou snatched your hips and lifted them so that you were now on your knees. His right hand gently ran down your spine - he was giving you goosebumps. In one thrust he buried himself inside you, you screamed into the pillow and clenched the sheets. "Fuck, fuck, fuck…your so wet." He moans and keeps a steady pace. Your thighs were trembling as he kept going deeper and deeper. He was bruising your cervix. “Oh god! Rindou, I’m gonna cum!” You moaned and the coil that was tightly wound began to snap. Your incoherent babbles and whines only made Rindou go faster. The satin ring that adorned the base of his cock had him on cloud 9. He too felt his coil snap, it made him double over and lean into your shoulder. Nipping at your shoulder as he emptied himself in your womb, he wanted to keep you full and keep you for more than just one night. 
When you both regained your breaths, you both turned on your sides and he wrapped his arms around you - he was still buried inside you. “Can I stay the night?” He asks and buries his face into your neck. There was no response, only soft snores and slight clenching. For a moment he got worried but when he sat up on his elbows he noticed the smile on your face. Rindou Haitani has a habit of not only knocking his opponents out but of also knocking his partners out too.
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yolkie-squid · 2 months
Major doodle/drawing dump!!! (30 IMAGES, DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YA!!!)
heya!! Sorry I haven’t been active in a while, but I’m back n I got tons of drawings :oD (this is gonna be an extremely long post btw)
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my silly moirails ( @oliviaatk ‘s) sillier character, Kreeg :oD ft. A mini Q and a mini Deriss (all Olivia’s oc’s!!)
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Practice page with quite a few homestuck characters, as well as another one of Olivia’s oc’s :o] the characters from left to right, top to bottom Q (OC), Dirk, Gamzee, a very unfinished Meenah, Roxy, a scribbled out Nepeta wip, Karkat, a lil Tinkerbull :oD, Jane, Brobot, Dave beatboxing, another lil Tinkerbull, n Terezi!
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More of Q, with Ashi, n they’re in trickster mode O_o as well as two trickster mode Dirks! One of which I digitalized!! But I’ll show that in a different post :oP
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Self indulgent Gamzee page :oD
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Silly lil doodle of Ashtavi n his matesprit Clufoh (another one of Olivia’s OC’s :o]), along with some texts of theirs!
some of these ones are from a few months ago but I don’t think I posted them- so here they are!!
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Silly doodles of Ashtavi n Q ft Squishy guy from regretevator
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More drawings of mainly Ashi n Q but this time Clufoh included nasty well as a little Equius n Gnarpy (regretevator)
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Deriss n Q talking ab Ashi n Clufoh relationship, ass well as a panicking Ashi
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A lil comic of Ashi n Clufoh (lmk if I need to type it out) n another doodle page of the moirails :oD
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A fuck ton of lyrics, a doodle of Ashi n Clufoh, n a lil thingy of me n my moirail :o]
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Ashi n Clufoh kissing :o0 ft a little doodle of my other moirails (@turnt3ch-g0d-h34d ) homestuck OC Judas :o]
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Did I mention that Clufoh n Ashi have two kids??? Well now ya know :o]
so on this page we have (again, in order from left to right) Clufoh, Laszlo (bio kid), Cloknia (adopted) Ashi, Q, Deriss, then Zilpha (Laszlo’s kismesis)
also there’s a mini Envy n Molo on this page (another two of my other moirails oc’s :oD)
now onto my other sketchbook!!! (Final one for this post :oP)
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a doodle of Acht n Agent 8 from Splatoon, with a lil drawing of Off The Hook in the background as well as a little bit of Captain 3. Then next to it is an actual drawing of Envy (TG’s OC :o]) and an actual Q drawing!! I’ll show what’s under the lil flap with words!
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Parallel canon doodle with a lil bit of my own headcanons with the lore :oP
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A very big drawing of Q, an actual drawing of Equius, a lil fleshcousin, a tiny Vriska bullying a tinier Eg(g)bert, a Gamzee n the persona of my moirail :oD (and very little OC’s of mine,, but this ain’t about them)
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Pilby from Regretevator!!
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My moirail n I :o] <>!!!
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More moirails :o] (don’t mind the bottle cap and the gum, I had to censor a few things)
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Darli n Jayden!! Jayden also belongs to TG :oP n there’s one itty bitty Q
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Ashi not having a very good time ft. Q,, and Clufoh
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Some more oc’s, Tangerine n Mary (Mary belongs to TG :oP)
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Ashi n Q and Ashi n Clufoh :o]
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Quite a few doodles, including God tier Q, Ashi, n Clufoh.
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Merfolk au of me n Olivia’s oc’s
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A lil more au stuff, including the merfolk au, succubus au of Envy n Molotov (TG’s oc’s) n some human au stuff of Ashi n Clufoh :o]
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Ok so, there’s a few doodles of Ashi n Clufoh, a few doodles of Tanner (TG’s OC) n Selever, a couple of drawings of Judas n Reveta (both TG’s) as well as one of Ashi and Q
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Me n my moirail, quite a few grubs, a couple doodles of my TG’s OC Vend, n more Laszlo n Cloknia drawings
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Nadiah n Zilpha refs
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A lot of sprites- plus Vend again and a secondary persona
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Quite a bit of Laszlo with its moirail, n one drawing of it with its kismesis, multiple little Kinito’s scattered around, along with a little commander Tartar from Splat 2 Octo expansion!!
Annnnddd that’s it that’s all!! (for now) ty for takin the time to look at all my silly lil drawings n stuff, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!
Honk :o]
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blakbonnet · 11 months
Am I the only one who feels really bad and sad that Olu, Jim and Archie were planning on leaving the Revenge without having a second thought at the end of Ep7? I mean... they are a family! I really don't understand why they would just leave like that. Poor Stede. He lost nearly evetything in a single day. I get why he got so mad.
I get why he was mad and acted like an idiot - Ed dumped him, he probably knew at the back of his mind that his success won't last forever and everyone will know that he's a failure sooner or later, and to top it all - the one thing he wasn't worried about, the crew were also leaving him.
So he picked the stupid hubristic fight with zheng and got his ass handed to him but like she said "it's not poaching if they want to leave" and Stede just didn't understand that.
On top of that, he was calming down when he realised that Olu and the others just didn't want to stay on the Revenge anymore but then she threw the serial killer boyfriend line at him which was yeah below the belt, particularly in that moment. So he tried to "win them back"
I completely 100% understand why he did it, his actions are consistent with his character and circumstances.
I think the definition of family to him and to them is quite different too. They're proper pirates, they're transient by nature, and olu and jim are family, not them and stede. Stede is their boss, a friend at most. We do forget that Stede fucked off and never left them a note but expects some kind of "they'll stay with me just because we had some good times". Which is again so so Stede. He expects people to stay static where he leaves them - did that with Mary too.
It's so so complicated and so rich of a character to be honest but not like Ed - Stede is not hard to read at all lmao he's an open book!
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I hope Marie Batel survives, realizes Chris is a bad space boyfriend, dumps his ass and hooks up with someone hot like Una or Neera.
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tinythebunni · 2 years
Druig x innocent reader
Such a Dumb Little Thing
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Druig is not a good man. Sure, he’s an immortal eternal, but by no means was he a hero. Hero’s are good people, hero’s only ever have good intentions. Hero’s do no wrong. But he’s saved people, he’ll be saved the planet! But what he planned on doing to you, that made him lose all hero points.
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Druig first saw you 2 years after the emergence. After he rebuilt his village, he decided to move to Queens. He had some friends there after all.
Once he arrived at the Avengers Tower and had a brain cell splitting conversation with Loki’s oaf of a brother Thor, he went to the library to find him.
Once he saw his old friend, he stood in the doorway waiting for him to notice his presence. But you can’t exactly scare the God of Tricks, now can you?
“You seem as brooding as ever.” Loki said with mirth in his voice.
“And you seem as depressed as ever. How’s the daddy issues?”
“How’s the fake God?”
Eventually, neither one of them could keep it together. As soon as their eyes connected they burst out laughing. They gave each other a side hug and reconnected.
Druig is in the living room now, listening to Loki hum an Asgardian hymn. Druig was listening as he read The Odyssey. He was half way done when the elevators opened up, with two teens stepping out.
One, being Peter Parker. Otherwise known as Spider-Man. The arachnid avenger. The second, being unknown to Druig. But he wanted to change that. This one drew him in.
She was tall, most likely above 5’7. Soft locks flowing down to her breasts, wavy and beautiful. Her eyes, a beautiful dark brown. But her clothing, a beautiful indicator of her innocence.
This angel in front of him, this goddess, was wearing a pink milkmaid dress. Her tits practically flowing out the top. The dress just barely covered her ass, falling down to mid thigh. She had on knee high socks with a light pink bow in the middle, and Mary Janes to cover her feet.
She was a wet dream. With her hair in pigtails and adorned in bows, she looked ready for him to take her. And yeah he meant fuck when he said “take her” but he also meant literally take. He planned on kidnapping her.
In his mind, it wasn’t exactly kidnapping. It was relieving her of her duties. She’d be his pretty little housewife. His own personal cum dump. She’d walk around in that dress or only an apron and knee socks. His pretty house wife.
“Oh, hi mister Loki! This is Y/N, she’s my friend from science!” Peter said.
It seemed Druig hadn’t been noticed yet. But you noticed him. You were staring, quite hard to be honest. His leather jacket made him seem all the more attractive.
“H-Hello! I’m Y/N, but you already knew that. Peter just introduced me, I’m sorry that was dumb.”
She’s cute. Quite adorable actually.
“Hello Bunny. Pleasure to meet you.” Had you not been standing, you would’ve clenched your legs together. A way to relive the ache between your thighs.
You’d let him use you if it meant he’d kiss you. You barley knew the man but you’d made up your mind.
“I, um, oh my god. I-It’s a pleasure to meet you too! What’s your name?” You asked as you sat next to him on the couch. Peter would’ve taken a picture if he had his camera on him.
You, dressed in pink and white, cheeks aflame and thighs clenched. Next to this Eternal, dressed in all black, brooding and a dark demeanor to him. Truly comical.
“I’m Druig. I’m a friend of Loki’s.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you! Loki’s really nice to me, so any friend of his is a friend of mine!”
“Oh bunny, I don’t wanna be your friend.” Druig said with a smirk. Loki and Peter took this as a cue to leave, you two looked five seconds from fucking.
With teary eyes you asked, “you don’t?”
“Oh no bunny. I wanna be more than that. I wanna do some things that friends that don’t do with each other.” And with that, he walked to the guest room
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It’s been a week. You’ve come over to the tower every day since you met Druig. Everyday it was a game of cat and mouse. He’d stare and you’d blush and never look. Too scared to even try. But tonight was different.
Peter invited you to have a sleepover and you gladly accepted. You guys watched Star Wars (Peter’s choice) and Barbie (your choice).
It’s 2am now. Peter’s sleep, has been for a while. You on the other hand, haven’t fallen asleep yet. You’re horny (all Druig’s fault) and hungry. A bad combination.
Walking out to the kitchen, you grab an apple and sit on the counter. While scrolling on your phone, you hear foot steps walking towards you. You don’t look up, half expecting it to be Peter.
“Didn’t think you’d wake up before New Years. Surprise surprise.”
“Ooh, you’ve got a slick tongue, now don’t ya.” You look up at the voice of the man who’d been plaguing your thoughts.
“I know a few tricks with my tongue too.” He says with a smile. Two can play at that game.
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“Oh my god! mmm nghhhh! Please Druig please!” You’re on his bed now, completely naked, while he’s still fully covered. Leather jacket on and everything.
Suddenly he stops. Removes his fingers from your puffy cunt, tongue from your clit, and head from in between your thighs.
You whine in protest, writhing and whimpering with need. You open your mouth to speak, but Druig beats you to it.
“Call me Daddy.”
You nod your head and beg him to continue. He lays his right hand on your abdomen to keep you from arching up. The thumb on his left hand finds your clit and runs figure eights. He just seems to be doing everything right.
You get close in seconds, it’s your first time even being touched like this. You’ve never even touched yourself before! You’ve never masturbated! (Your slick coating Mr.Carl the bear begs to differ.)
He can tell your close, he gets impossibly faster with his thrusts. Your a moaning mess underneath his hands, turning into putty for him to use.
The bed is moving too much for it to be just from him fingering you. You sit up just a little bit to look down and confirm your suspicions. Druig is jumping the corner of the bed. Hot.
The sight of Druig grinding against the bed sets you over the edge. You cum all over his hand, your slick covering his fingers, wrist, and forearm.
“Mhmm, virgins get wet so easily. Can’t wait to feel your soaking pussy wrapped around my cock.”
You thought he’d stop already. You’d already came, that much was evident, so why was he still pumping his fingers in and out of you?
“Mmm, dr-daddy it’s too much!”
“Be quiet or I’ll shut you up myself.” Don’t gotta tell you twice.
You muffle your whimpers with the palm of your hand, the other one finding the bed sheets to ground yourself. You were feeling floaty already.
Druig making you call him daddy, the overstimulation of him fingering you, and the tears slowly running down your cheeks was too much.
You slipped your thumb into your mouth, a coping mechanism you used when overwhelmed. Usually when you do this you’re stressed because of a test, not because you’re being fingered by an absolute God.
“Such a dumb bunny, I beg there’s not a single thought in your head right now that ain’t about me” Druig smiled. Keeping his eyes on you, he replaced his fingers with his tongue. He planned on making you cum 4 times tonight. One orgasm for each time you made him hard that day.
You could feel him deep inside you, his tongue claiming you all over again. You squirmed as you found yourself getting close to the edge again. And Druig new this too.
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when you cum, look away, and I’ll stop and leaving you begging me to cum.” You nodded in submission and listened.
Once you found yourself about to cum, you looked at Druig with begging eyes. You looked so pathetic right now, it made him chuckle. The vibrations from his laughter sent you over the edge. Your eyes almost rolled back, but Druig smacked your thigh before they could.
While Druig helped you ride out your orgasm, you made eye contact the entire time. Once your high was over, you were left panting and staring up at the ceiling.
“Oh baby, we aren’t even close to done yet.”
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blondie20000 · 7 months
SPN Season 14 Recs
Season 14, the season that had so much potential. As I am in an SPN mood, I'm going to recommend some season 14 fics that I love! Links are in the titles of the fics. Fics are from both Ao3 and FF.
I also added my fics because while I do have a masterlist in my pinned post if anyone is looking for a specific season, they can look here.
More fics may be added later on.
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The Bringer of War by MadisonTheGeek
"Now that the archangel Michael has made it to a new world and taken possession of Dean Winchester, he can begin to put his plans in motion for a new world order. Meanwhile, the rest of the Winchester group search restlessly for the missing Dean and slowly being to unravel Michael's plans."
Not All Good News by trevelies
"Michael is caged inside Dean's mind for now. But there's grace leaking from the cracks, banging on the doors, and Dean knows what happens at the end of this story. With borrowed (and confusing) Archangel abilities, a group of mistrustful Apocalypse Universe Hunters, and too many Michael Monsters to deal with, Team Free Will 2.0 is ready to clean up the mess that Michael's left behind and stop another apocalypse. Not all the danger is locked inside a bar's walk-in freezer, though - and the Winchesters need to watch out for old and new enemies around every corner.
And at the end of it all, Dean needs to decide how far he'll go to get rid of Michael once and for all."
Gonna Leave a Scar by trevelies
"Michael repossesses Dean in Kansas City, and Team Free Will 2.0 isn't exactly on board. It doesn't matter that their only weapon and chance at defeating Michael is currently broken into pieces - family never gets left behind. And that goes double for Winchesters. Sam does a deep dive into Dean's head because he's not letting Dean disappear on his watch, even if it means facing an Archangel on his own turf."
All On You by trevelies
"The Spear" speculation. Dean's vision is swimming - literally. But Team Free Will 2.0 has much bigger problems. The angels have finally located Michael, and the Winchesters have Kaia's Spear, an angel and a half, and about three weeks of bad memories to take out on Michael's feathery ass."
The Abyss Gazes Back by Water_of_life
"Dean was able to convince Sam to go along with his plan of locking Michael (and Dean) away in the ma'lak box and dumping it in the Pacific Ocean. Sam gave in to Dean then, but he never gave up searching for another way to save Dean and the rest of the world from Michael. Now that a group of deep sea researchers have stumbled upon the box, Sam is about to find out if he put the reprieve to good use, and if they are all ready to face what is coming."
Omission, Lies, and False Truths by GalaxyThreads, SpiritClusters
"In the wake of Lucifer's death, with Dean missing, Sam falling apart, and Cas struggling to keep everyone together, Jack realizes there are a lot of things he doesn't know about the Winchesters and Cas. Things he should know. Things he's going to fight to learn."
10 Years Gone by cayuga
"What if Nick had kidnapped Mary before she'd gone into Donna's workshop and saw the Ma'lak box in Damaged Goods? What might have happened if Dean had managed to go through with his trip to the bottom of the Pacific without telling Sam."
the lies I tell myself by randomfills (spnfanatic)
"Alt. take on season 14, episode “Nihilism”. Sam and Cas have a plan to bring Dean, literally, out of his head, but Michael is ready for them and once they enter Dean’s mind, they quickly realize they’re in Michael’s playground and Dean has been hiding things...things that even Sam didn’t know. (mentions of abuse, flashbacks)."
The Room by Fantasticly_Anonymous
"Sam learns what it is that Dean’s been doing up at Donna’s cabin and he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it enough that he thinks up his own solution to their little Michael problem. A bit of a bottle episode, a ‘What If?’ scenario, and a character exploration between the different members of Team Free Will and the archangel thorn in Dean’s mind. In which, nobody, not even the entire world, needs to die."
Rather be the hunter than the prey by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"The story takes place in S14E15 Peace of Mind , only instead of Dean, Cas is the one to take Jack to Donatello to try and find out if he still has his soul. Sam and Dean take on a simple salt and burn where they meet up with Ketch. Upon their return, they are welcomed by a sight that has Sam experiencing Deja vu. Forgotten plotlines."
Match made in Heaven by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"Two people the world forgot about find each other by accident. Their love is so strong, so powerful when they run into an army of monsters, this unlikely couple ends up being a bigger threat their leader ever anticipated. Michael just couldn't let something as powerful slip thought his fingers and he will end up biting off more then he could chew. Set during season 14"
Roles Reversed by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"What if when Dean got hit in the head and the doors of Michael's cage opened, something happened that made them reverse their roles? That made Dean an archangel who could just snap his fingers and instantly kill demons? That made Michael nothing but a pitiful soul that kept drowning in his own nightmares? Come and see."
It's all in the blood by Becciehill1976
"Faced with recurring fears about Michael returning as well as trying to fit back in to life in a busy bunker, Dean needs time away from everyone, so he can get his confidence back and find his place in the world Sadly, being a famous hunter has it’s draw back as Dean finds out the hard way when kidnapped whilst on a hunt. From there, Dean gets to find out that there are worse things than being the Archangel Michael’s vessel, as he battles powerful vampires. Will he be able to escape his new prison or will his family find him in time?"
One of a kind by MalicMalic
"Someone told me that someone told them there aren't enough of Michael/Dean fics out there. Let's change that. While we're at it, why not add another Michael to the mix and see what happens."
Passenger by moonlightsdean
"With Michael having escaped Dean's mind and caused destruction in the bunker, Jack took the initiative to end things once and for all with Michael. Now with Michael dead and Dean freed of having Michael trapped within his mind, he'll be able to relax and have time to deal with the aftermath of what happened with the AU hunters. But what if Michael's relinquish from Dean's mind wasn't as clear cut as it was made out to be? When things start going awry for Dean he's left to wonder what really happened during the time he was unconscious, and why he just can't catch a break."
The Price You Pay by Jadeys_World
"It was a miracle that Sam survived taking on the Archangel Michael. Team Free Will is going to find out what it takes for a miracle like that to happen and what it costs when a Reaper and unreliable Rogue Angel each decide to help in their own way. There are secrets and betrayals, a world that needs saving once again, but at least they have each other."
An Alternative Ending by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"Michael isn't sure how long he's been in the cage, time is meaningless to him. But as his sanity slips further and further away, resentment to his father sets in. And once Lucifer takes Sam and Jack away a desperate Dean is more than willing to let what should've happened years ago, to happen now."
Of All The Burdens I Must Bear... by Jadeys_World
"Chuck constructs the perfect punishment for Sam after the events of Moriah. Lucifer is given a new life to make amends for the burden his father placed on him when they defeated The Darkness. Sam is adrift and alone in his new life, left to find a new strength to cope without his new reality as the enemy."
At What Cost by Jadeys_World
"Mary is gone, taken beyond any Winchester deal or pleading, but there's one option left to them. They can get her back, but it will come at a price, a price that might be too much for Dean to pay. A story of family, betrayal and the things you will do for the people you love."
Burned Away by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"In which Sam is the one with Jack at S14E17 Game Night and as a result, a different person dies."
Testing by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"Mary takes a pregnancy test. Post Episode 13 Lebanon."
Peace When You're Done by kittenofdoomage
"Dean puts himself in the box in S14 when there’s no other way to defeat Michael. Canon divergent from the end of “Ouroboros”."
Dean in the Box by Secretwrittenword
"The box came to a rest on the deepest floor of the ocean. The pressure pushing down on it caused the structure to creak and groan... Set in Season 14, with no other option, Dean seals himself into the Malák box and sinks to the furtherest depths of the ocean. Once there he has nothing but time to kill and an Archangel to annoy."
Dog Dean Afternoon by Secretwrittenword
"Sam and Cas go on a hunt leaving Dean and Jack alone in the bunker to recuperate. After going for a walk Jack finds something that just might be the key to help Dean recover from his ordeal with Michael."
Escape of the Archangel by themodernteen
"Adaptation of the 14x14 episode "Ouroboros" when Dean is unconscious after getting his head slammed into the wall by the demigod. My own interpretation of the episode, what goes through Dean's mind in his internal battle against Michael, and a worried Sam and Castiel watching him endure it."
Nemesis of the Mind by TiTivillus
"In an attempt to save Dean from Michael, Sam delves into Dean's mind. Things don't go as expected."
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by TiTivillus
"Dean is back… or is he? Coda to 14x02 "Gods and Monsters".
Consequences by Jadeys_World
"Season 14 AU. Sam is determined to free Dean from Michael and turns to Rowena and the Book of the Damned for help. She finds a spell that will work, but, of course, there will be consequences, and this time, Sam will be paying the ultimate price unless Dean can find a way to save him in return."
Consequences by Blondie2000
"For some reason, Lisa found herself drawn to him. She reaches out and places her hand on his cheek. As soon as she touched him, she felt a jolt of electricity go through her. The touch it felt so familiar. The buzz it gave her felt familiar."
"Dean." She repeated his name. "Dean."
Black by Blondie2000
"AU of Game Night. Jack wanted Mary to leave him alone. He gets what he wants and accidentally sends Mary to a place where no humans go. Now with Mary gone Jack has to get her back before the Winchesters and Castiel find out and Mary has to survive the dark forces that lurk in the Empty."
Snow Day by Blondie2000
"Jack experiences his first ever snow day."
One Time Deal by Blondie2000
"Sam and Jack have been kidnapped by Lucifer. Time is running out. What if Dean never said yes to Alternative Michael but instead says yes to our Michael. It is a risky deal but Dean will do whatever it takes to rescue his family and beat the devil once and for all."
The French Mistake 2: An Archangel Nightmare by Blondie2000
Dean is gone, Michael has retaken control, and his army is outside, ready to come in and tear everyone apart. With no way out, Sam seeks out help that causes everyone to be sent to a world where their lives are a T.V show and they are actors. Not only do they have this world to worry about, but they still have Michael riding around in Dean's body on the set. Can TFW 2.0 get back home?
The Road to Hell by Blondie2000
"The Winchesters find a way to save Dean from Michael. This results in Michael becoming the thing that he grew to hate. He ends up going on the road to Hell. Will he make it to the end? Read and find out."
Who is a Wee Cutie Pie? by Blondie2000
"To stop Michael, Rowena puts an adorable curse on him. Set Season 14 Episode 14. AU where Michael never possessed Rowena but stays in Dean instead."
We are One by Blondie2000
"Dean confronts Michael. It leads to unexpected results."
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The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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mllemaenad · 1 month
Hi- I might've sent this already, sorry, I don't remember, but do you think there's an in-universe explanation for the difference in slavery between the Capital Wasteland and Commonwealth? In the Commonwealth, the only major slaving operation is the Institute - the Gunners try to buy Billy in Kid in a Fridge, but that's the only non-Institute example I can really think of in the present day. In the Capital Wasteland, slaving is rife, with a number of different factions involved in the trade.
Hm. Well, for a start, it is unfortunately true that the Commonwealth is the exception to the rule here, rather than the Capital Wasteland. Slavery is rife in the post-war world. It's true that the NCR outlawed it ... but the point is that they kind of had to outlaw it. There's so much slavery in California, particularly in Fallout 2. And it's not just dickhead raiders in shanty towns. Vault City, a technologically advanced settlement built around an opened control-group Vault with access to a GECK, relies quite heavily on slavery.
The Capital Wasteland is a bit of an oddity, if you only look at the base game. The area is very depopulated, due to a combination of very bad water (and the minimal agriculture as a flow on effect from that) and the rampant super mutant attacks (which in turn have led to destabilised populations turning to raiding, further reducing the population). It's a fucking mess out there.
Ridegefield, Rockopolis and Grayditch are just gone. Big Town is hanging on by its fingernails. Arefu is bleeding people, even before the "vampire" attacks. And yet, there sits Paradise Falls – definitely one of the largest and most prosperous settlements in the region – and its income relies almost entirely on the slave trade.
We do meet a small number of slaves, or former slaves, in the game, but not really enough to justify the success of Paradise Falls. And it does not seem to be hugely popular in the area – it's more that no one has the people or resources to stop it. Flak had to "sell out" the slavers for residency in Rivet City:
Flak used to be one of us. Thinks he can make a new life in Rivet City. He's sold us out on more than one occasion. It's time for retribution. – Grouse dialogue, Fallout 3
So Rivet City is hostile to the slavers ... but we also know that Sister has infiltrated Rivet City on behalf of the slavers, and so far, they haven't discovered him or kicked him out, even though he is a giant pain in the arse in every way possible.
Moriarty and Ahzrukhal both engage in debt slavery and will engage in a bunch of verbal gymnastics to deny that they have enslaved anyone at all. They get away with it because no one will stand up and deal with them ... but their attitudes are not considered acceptable by the general populace. Moriarty believes that revealing Doc Church's past with the slavers would get him run out of town and could therefore be good blackmail material.
Church thinks he such a freakin' badass. Everybody runs to him if they get a damn wood splinter and he just laps up their caps like a drunk downing alcohol. If people only knew he used to be a medic for the slavers at Paradise Falls, they'd run his sorry ass right out of town. But I think I'll keep that little nugget tucked away for later use. – Moriarty's Terminal, Fallout 3
There really doesn't seem to be much appetite in the Capital Wasteland for slavery, and while the slavers have always existed their prosperity is new.
The most dangerous dump in the Capital Wasteland. The Slavers there would have bought and sold anything with a pulse. They still will, from what I hear. Back in my day, they were more disorganized, though. Their leader was a guy named Harmon Jurley, a psychotic son of a bitch who was rumored to eat the slaves he couldn't sell. – Herbert (Daring) Dashwood's Terminal, Fallout 3
Now: there's an answer to that question. And the reason I'm dancing around it is because I don't think you've taken Maris out to the Pitt, yet? There are answers there, but I'd be spoiling the plot for you. So ... light, context free response: the slavers in Paradise Falls have been doing so well over the last couple of decades because there's a buyer outside the Capital Wasteland. Most enslaved people are exported out.
Over in the Commonwealth, they have similar problems – though for very different reasons. The water situation appears to be better. Obviously it still needs purifying, but it's more usable than anything in the Capital Wasteland. They are capable of farming and you can set up farms as you play. But the chaos in the region means those never really prosper. And, like the Capital Wasteland, they are subject to super mutant attacks. They also don't really have the population to support a major slave trading operation.
So one simple reason there's little slavery in the Commonwealth might be that there aren't enough people, or enough farms or factories, to support it and unlike the Capital Wasteland there's no one on the outside supporting the trade.
But I do think there are a couple more elements. The first would be The Institute itself. While the situation in the Capital Wasteland is bad, it isn't until the arrival of the Enclave that they're being actively oppressed – clearly neither branch of the Brotherhood has the resources to hold more than a few blocks of territory at a time so they're not doing it. Their problems are largely environmental in nature.
We do know that the Institute has been destabilising the Commonwealth for many years. The Commonwealth Provisional Government lasted about ten seconds before they wiped it out. They are largely agnostic on the question of good and evil here: they oppose the Brotherhood, they oppose the Minutemen, they oppose the Railroad. They oppose anyone who might be able to organise against them enough to interfere with their bullshit experiments.
And while appalling, a large scale slave trade would require ... organisation. You'd need the manpower to capture people; the means to feed and house them (however minimally) before they were sold; the means to prevent people from escaping or from being rescued or "stolen"; you'd need to be able to transport people across long distances; you'd need all of the logistics that come with running any other business. And in the context of the Commonwealth, their interests would be in conflict with the Institute's: both would want to kidnap and use people. They'd be encroaching.
In the context of Fallout 3, Paradise Falls is that organised. They've got big, strong walls. They have exploding collars and the "mesmetron". They've got traders and doctors inside the compound. You can encounter slaver patrols as random encounters, so you can see them on the hunt. It's quite gross to write this but ... okay, yes, the slavers do seem to more or less have their shit together here.
It's hard to imagine the Institute even allowing something like that to get off the ground. To them, a functional, organised slaver organisation would likely be as threatening as the Minutemen. So there isn't one.
The other thing is ... well, the attitude to strangers in the Commonwealth. Everyone is afraid of secret synths. They're afraid of their friends and family members being replaced, but there at least they might be able to recognise the change. Any stranger might be a synth, and there would be no way to know. I'm sure there are terrible people in the Commonwealth who would buy slaves. But there's an element of risk, here, that such a person might be an Institute spy. And while it has nothing to do with slavery we know that's not unfounded: you can occasionally get hostile synths in your own settlement system. So "Hey, do you want to bring a bunch of strangers back to your house?" is probably a more unnerving question in the Commonwealth.
That said, I think there is probably a bit more going on than just Billy and the gunners. It's not uncommon to get a kidnapping and ransom mission from your settlements. Obviously they threaten to kill the victim if not paid ... but I mean it's clear here their objective is money. Kidnapping people from families who obviously cannot pay and then killing the victim is going to be a resource drain with no upside. So I tend to think some of those victims might ... not have been killed. Because the raiders want someone to pay and anyone will do.
So, yeah: it doesn't really make a lot of sense for either the Commonwealth or the Capital Wasteland to have a prosperous slave trade, but the Capital Wasteland is very much supported by an outside market. And in the Commonwealth there is no such group. Moreover, the Institute is not keen on organisation regardless of the form it takes, and the fear of synth infiltration probably keeps demand low.
So – there likely is some slavery going on in the Commonwealth, but it's small scale and disorganised. Just raiders kidnapping and selling when they get the chance. In the Capital Wasteland ... the presence of their buyer gives them the resources to grow.
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