#dwd 2022
larrytimelines 2 years
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Full article before it gets deleted/edited. Link
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awesomefringey 2 years
This is too good twitter com/bestofpugh/status/1587458760406175744?t=DFo7D7-CZHZayWMqQelQRg&s=19
As if I needed any more proof that Florence's humour is brilliant!
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thestylesindependent 2 years
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Harry on the set of Don鈥檛 Worry Darling via MorrowSound
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daisiesonafield-blog 2 years
Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis nanny interview for Daily Mail - Oct 17 2022 - PART 1.
Part 2 here.
Full interview download here.
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d-1hater 2 years
Everyone losing their minds over the latest Hollywood scandal:
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Me, someone who is easily bored and entertained, showing up with zero prior knowledge ready to face the newest challenger to my short attention span and form a very strong opinion on it:
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ratita-cosmica 2 years
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'It's scary to sacrifice something. But you're sacrificing something more by sitting in that fear.' Don't worry darling (2022)
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fallingsunflower 2 years
can we talk about the Shia/Miss Flo/Olivia drama again because that was something lmaooo
please that shit deserves its own reality television show 馃槶 I wish you could have seen my face when that video dropped. I always take the articles with a grain of salt but the video was the icing on top of the cake tbh. What a fucked up situation. And it got grazed over tbh. I know we talked about it here but it didn't really take off anywhere else, at least not to the extent it should have
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so-idialed-9 2 years
Louis' face not just smiley and happy but doing that fond face, at the fan signing in Manchester.
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Where do you want to sit? / Staring at Next to to you
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thegoldensungoddess 2 years
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update to my art summary of 2022
mostly darkwing duck art
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zoemaywrites 2 years
The Happening
Part 3 of Now is not our time x
2147 words
TW: angst!!! abortion procedure, medical procedure, teen pregnancy
Upon awakening, y/n felt stiff, she found the arms wrapped around her waist and gentle snores on the back of her neck. It was true, it had all happened. She wanted to roll over, to get out of bed, but she knew any movement would wake him. She was stuck between moving over and getting out of bed and just laying there for a moment more in peace when nausea hit. She flung herself up, smacking harry in the process, rushing to the bathroom before any puke could spill anywhere. Harry groaned, but shot upright as soon as he heard the retching sounds coming from the en-suite. He quickly gathered himself up and rushed to the bathroom. He looked at her in sympathy, grabbing a hair tie from his wrist, pulling her hair into a low ponytail, and gently rubbing her back. He grabbed a cup of water and some mouthwash after she had finished, not saying a word as she swirled the water, and then mouthwash around her mouth.
She sat up and went back to bed, and after a few moments of recollecting himself, he joined her. Harry didn't know what to do, did he say something? Did he sit in silence? It was all decided for him however when y/n started to speak.
"Hey," she said gently looking up at him.
"Hey lovie," he replied, stooping down to kiss her before she made a face ad pushed him away.
"I know I just threw up and all, but morning breath still stinks". He chuckled at her while she placed her head on his shoulder, taking in the moment of silence before the inevitable conversation.
"I know this probably isn't what you want to hear right now, but I need you to know that whatever decision you make, you need to do it safely love. I can't imagine what could have happened if I turned up any later - where would we be? Any choice you want, I will support, but I need you to be safe, I聽need聽you to be able to come home to me."
Y/n knew he was right, she knew she was being stupid when she'd ordered those pills from some dodgy website online.
All she did was nod. She swung her legs across Harry's and hugged them into his side, burying her face into his chest.
"Are you - are you mad at me?" She questioned quietly. It was like she had lost her ability to go above 10 decibels.
Harry shook his head, certain of the answer.
"I could never be mad at you lovie, I just need you to be safe, yeah?"
She nodded her head.
"So, I guess we should talk about the options?" She hesitantly questioned.
Harry sighed. He knew what she wanted, and he would never make her do anything else, but it was just such a large decision to come to terms with, especially in just under 10 hours of finding it out in the first place.
"I will support you no matter what you choose love, whatever you want, I will be there with you through it all."
She couldn't take it anymore, she buried her head further into his chest and began to sob.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she kept repeating.
"Y/n love, this is just as much my fault as it is yours, if not, more mine." She continued to gently cry.聽
"So, I feel you already have an answer on what you want to do?" Harry questioned.
She sighed, wiping her tears and looking up at him. The scene in front of him broke him, but he stayed strong. For her.
She nodded.
"I don't think now is our time, I want to go through A levels, I want to go to university, I want so much more for us."
Harry agreed, now wasn't their time.
"I guess I will find a place nearby then that does what we want?" He was too scared to say the word, to make it that much more real.
She nodded, giving his shoulder a peck.
Harry found a medical centre nearby, about a 15-minute drive away that would do the procedure, and booked it for the following day.
Sunday arrived far too quickly in his opinion.
Harry returned home to get his car, 'old red', and made his way back to y/n's. She sat on the wall outside the front entrance, picking at her nails. He got out and walked over to her, saying a small greeting when she looked up. The look in her eyes was pained, she knew what she was going to do, and she knew she should, but she still felt weird about it.
Harry wrapped his arms around her when she stood up, gently guiding her to the car. He opened the door and let her get in before returning to the driver's side.聽 The ride was silent, with a soft hum of tunes in the background, and a gentle grasp of hands. Harry wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. How was he supposed to comfort her in a time like this? This was already such a big change for him, but he knew it was more than 10 times worse for her.
After the fifteen-minute drive, they found themselves in a parking bay outside the 'treatment centre', as they had called it over the phone. She looked over at him, and he was already staring back at her.聽
"Are you okay," he asked. He mentally face palmed, knowing she was, in fact聽not聽okay.
She shrugged, unsure on how to respond. He squeesed her hand three times before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Y/n also slipped out the door, and made her way to his side. They slowly walked up the steps, making their way to the front sliding doors.聽
They got to the counter and checked in, the receptionist gave them a look of pity, which neither appreciated. They sat in the waiting room chairs, y/n's head resting on Harry's shoulder, while he whispered loving phrases to her, occasionally kissing the side of her hair.聽
"Y/n, y/l/n?" a short, plump lady called. She looked like a warm, friendly person, y/n was more than happy that it was her who was calling her name and not some cold faced nurse.聽
Y/n looked to harry, who gave her a small smile as they stood up. The nurse rounded them around the corner and took them to a more private office.聽
"Hello, I'm going to be your nurse today, my name is Jenna, and I will be with you throughout the whole procedure, okay Miss y/l/n?" Y/n nodded along to everything she said, this all feeling a bit surreal.
"Perfect, now, before anything else, I will have to ask you a few questions, your partner is welcome to stay, but that is completely up to you." Y/n looked over to harry squeezing his hand.
"I'd like him to stay please," she voiced quietly.
Jenna smiled at her, "of course - now for those questions. I see you're here for a termination of pregnancy, is that correct?"
"Uh, yes."
"And when was your last period and how light was it?"
"I'd say about five or six weeks ago and it was very light?"
"do you know how far along you are?"
"the test said about 8 weeks I think, but that was a week ago."
"Its normal for spotting during the first trimester, so I will put nine weeks on the chart here. Do you have any medical conditions? If you just say anything and I will right it all down, no problem too big or too small, honey."
"I have anaemia? um, I'm not too sure other than that."
"Alright, perfect. And have you ever had an abortion before?"
"Great, now, I will just take your blood pressure and do a few tests and we will be on our way. Your partner can stay in the waiting room while we carry out the procedure, okay?"
Y/n nodded along, carefully taking in all the details Jenna was giving. Harry's grip on her hand hadn't loosened at all, if not growing tighter throughout the questions. He felt like he was under interrogation, and it wasn't even him answering.
The nurse placed a blood pressure monitor around y/n's arm, letting it do its thing. The readings came back, and the nurse seemed to be happy with the results, so she asked to do an external ultrasound.
Y/n laid on the bed with Harry's hand in hers while she lifted her shirt and undid her trousers to let her take a look. The gel was cold, as she had been warned, and it felt strange to have someone digging something plastic into her abdomen.聽
"It looks like the test you took was slightly off, you are more around seven weeks from the size of the embryo on the screen."聽
The information didn't shock y/n, she didn't care whether she was 20 weeks or 2, she just wanted the thing out of her and to return back to normal life.
Jenna handed y/n a blue cloth to take off the remaining gel and scribbled some things onto a chart.聽
"right, well, I will leave this gown with you and a pair of these paper panties - I know - gorgeous right? And leave you to get changed. Sir, if you follow me, I will take you to the waiting room."
Harry stepped towards y/n, giving her a soft peck; a look of so much love and adoration across his features, yet a hint of terror slipped through.聽
"you'll be okay, I love you, I will be waiting when you get out, okay?" He whispered to her. All she could manage to do was give a slight nod and a small, "I love you," before he left the room with the nurse.聽
Once they left, she slipped off her clothes and put on the pants and gown. She had never felt so helpless.
The nurse soon returned with a gentle smile.聽
"Now, there's one last thing I need to check," she smiled gently.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this, you are not being coerced by another party?" Jenna knew this wasn't the case, but legally, she had to check.
"No, I want to do this."
"Okay then, I will take you through to the theatre now."
She was lead down a narrow hallway to a room with a glass window in the door. She took a deep breath, greeting the surgeon and medical team.聽
"Hi, Y/n, is it? I will be the doctor performing the procedure today, Doctor Williams. I know you have already talked through this with Jenna, but there are a few things I need to check, okay?"
Y/n nodded, ready for more interrogations about her sex life.
"First off, just to be sure, you are wanting this procedure on your own terms, correct? No one is forcing you into this?"
"No, I have made this decision on my own."
"Perfect. Would you like me to take you through the process, or I can give you a leaflet to read through if you would prefer."
"Um, I'm happy for you to explain Doctor."
"Right, well first off, you can either be put under general anaesthetic or be awake with local anaesthetic, then, once you are prepped and ready with an IV, we will insert a small tube into your vaginal canal, go through the cervix and use a suction device to dispose of the embryo and any other waste in your uterus, this procedure will take around twenty minutes, if you are awake, you will feel a small pressure in your abdomen, however if not, you wont feel a thing. You may have some side effects after, such as nausea and cramping, but I will get Jenna to give you a leaflet on the way out about that. Do you have any questions?"
That was a lot of information for y/n to take in, she knew what would happen, but it just sounds so much more real now she was sat on a bed and a doctor using all this medical jargon.聽
She shook her head.
"Okay then, would you like general or local anaesthetic?"
"General please - that's the one where I won't be awake right?"
"Yes, now, I will get Jenna to prep you with an IV and we will get this on the way."
The IV was the least of y/n's worries, she just wanted this over with.
After that, they placed a mask over her face and she counted backwards from ten, although she wasn't too sure how far she got before darkness overtook her.
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larrytimelines 2 years
The Jolivia nanny interview: article 3 - Oct 19 2022
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Full article. Published Oct 19 2022. Link
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askdarkwingduck 2 years
Do you keep in touch with the Justice Ducks ?
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I sure do!! Right now they are celebrating the holidays!! As am I!! Even the greatest superheroes need to celebrate the festivities with their loved ones!!
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thestylesindependent 2 years
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Don't Worry Darling has won the People's Choice Award for the Drama Movie of 2022!
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daisiesonafield-blog 2 years
Hi. Is there a post of everything that went down with the nanny/salad/Olivia making fun of it on IG? I would love to see it all in one place as I cant find all the information. If there isn't one, would you maybe be willing to make one? If yes, thank you :)
Hi dear,
I can't put all the info in one post bc they're basically too long and tumblr doesn't support that format. I'll link it here tho.
1st nanny article - Oct 17 2022
Nanny video interview part 1 and part 2 - Oct 17 2022
Jason & Olivia disputing the nanny's claims - Oct 17 2022
Olivia speech at ELLE Women in Hollywood - Oct 17 2022
2nd nanny article - Oct 18 2022
Olivia's salad dressing recipe IG post - Oct 18 2022
Olivia playing mommy for the paps with her kids - Oct 19 2022
Nanny interview part 3 - Oct 19 2022
Everything else is under this tag, as things are still developing.
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matchakoii 2 years
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ArtFight attack for Merani_Draws on Insta and ArtFight of their DWD OC Eleanor! I鈥檝e really adored this character since I first seen her so it was an honor getting to draw her. DWD is one of my favorite childhood series! So it鈥檚 always great to find more OCs for it.
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