#early soulmate signs
He closed the door behind him as softly as he could, as if the slightest echo in the hall would send his father’s knights running down the hall. As if they would be able to sense his mere aura in the castle after he had been gone, not because they cared, but so they could put him in front of the king.
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astrow1zar6 · 10 months
Venus Sign Observations- 011
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Venus in Leo’s are those girls in hs you think “how early does she get up to get ready?” You rarely ever see this placement have ugly days they are all so well kept & usually smell incredible. The types to wear their hair in really trendy styles, wear designer outfits and perfumes. BIG on luxury. In a relationship they LOVE being shown off and given lots of attention and compliments. they also love when their partner begs for their attention.
Venus in Libras are really easy to impress lol, all you really have to be is semi attractive. My libra Venus friend every time we go out would be like “OMG THAT GUY IS SOOO CUTE” but say that about 15 other guys that day😂 the women can be VERY obsessed with the opposite sex. They are such flirty people.
Venus in Taurus gives conventional housewife vibes lol. They are into classic feminine hobbies such as sewing, cooking, making jewelry/ clothes, art. If you marry a women with this placement you hit the jackpot.
Venus in Scorpio men tend to be cheaters. Everyone talks about their loyalty but they are only really loyal once they feel they’ve truly found their soulmate (in most cases are rare cuz they’re picky) a lot get bored of their relationships once the passion dies (similar to Aries Venus). They tend to prefer emotionally complex women to keep them on their toes.
Venus in Aquarius’s tend to look really good with circle frame glasses. They pull it off soo well. Also if you have this placement and are looking for new fashion ideas. Look up cyberpunk/Dystopian aesthetic. Y’all would look amazing in that type of style.
Most Venus in Virgos I meet are not big on the physical aspect of love. It takes them SOOO long to open up physically. This causes a lot to get friend zoned. They express their love very differently from most Venus signs which can cause some confusion in their relationships. They are big on acts of service & the intellectual side of love.
Venus in Aries usually always makes the first move when liking someone ( man or woman) they can jump into relationships fast just for it to end just as quick. They really date for the excitement and fun of having a new crush. But once that it becomes deeper than a crush and gets serious most usually back out. Also they can get turned on my arguing. When things become dull they will normally create some issue to keep the sparks alive. To more sensitive signs this can be very draining.
Venus in Geminis are very hard to pin down. I notice their feeling for their partners never seem quite genuine? I notice even in relationships they try to seek out attention from other people. They need a lot of mental stimulation to keep their full attention on one person. And if they’re partner fails to stimulate them they’ll find someone else who can. It’s very rare they catch true feelings for someone but when they do they’re surprisingly loyal.
Venus in Pisces kinda irritate me lol. The men are always talking to different women. They are big on following their heart, but if their hearts tells them to talk to five girls they would😭 it’s very rare to see the men of this placement settle with one woman. The women of this placement I notice are amazing lovers but tend to give it to usually terrible neglectful partners:( I’ve seen women with their placements bust their ass for men that barely give them the time of day.. y’all deserve a lot better than that.
Sagittarius Venus’s tend to date people who are a different ethnicity as them or date from foreign countries. They have a deep appreciation for culture and traveling. So they may also travel with their partner a lot. This is imo the most loyal Sagittarius placement. I’ve seen people be in relationships for years with this placement.
Cancer Venus’s are extremely sweet and nurturing in a relationship. Gives Mommy vibes 🥺. The types to bring you home cooked meals get your bath water running. A lot a notice tend to be very submissive/vanilla. They require a lot of emotional attention and babying even themselves. They types to prefer at home dates compared to traveling or going out.
Capricorn Venus tends to take partnerships like it’s a job (similar to Virgo Venus) they see attending to their partners needs more like a duty which is why they can appear cold in their affections even though they mean well. Emotionally it can be harder to connect with this sign but once they trust you they’ll show you a very sensual romantic side they’ve been hiding. They mostly express love through gift giving. These partners give some of the best most expensive gifts. Just know you’ll be taken good care of if this placement loves you 👌🏽
Venus in Scorpios look AMAZING in black. Any dark aesthetic look great on them. And they may prefer partners with a darker aesthetic as well
Venus in Aries women tend to feel more comfortable having male friends than other women. Usually we’re tomboys growing up
Libra Venus’s are usually really good at makeup or look amazing with a full face of makeup.
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mintaikk · 1 month
One of the reasons I love Spideypool is bcuz Wade's feelings for Spiderman aren't just played off as a joke this time. In almost every piece of media where Deadpool's pansexuality is shown, it's played off as a joke because to film bros, that's all queerness will ever be. A joke. But in the Spiderman/Deadpool comics, it's a bit different.
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Like, okay, sometimes they're used as a joke, but ultimately, in the comics, they're actually something important.
I'm just starting issue 13, so I'm still early and don't know much still, so please bare with me herw. But even then, Wade's crush on Spidey is what makes him want to be a hero. His crush on Spidey and wanting to impress him is what makes Spidey more open to their friendship and lead to his character growth, see that not everything is black and white (that one drug dealing thing), and he sees that Deadpool isn't as much of a bad person as he thinks he is. Also, it gives Spidey a friend, which he so desperately needs in this comic.
Also, for fucks sake, he had his wife (dw, Spiderman is on the free pass list. Shiklah signed it and everything) KILL him just so he could go in the after life and revive Peter after he killed him, BEFORE even knowing that Peter was Spiderman. Soulmate behaviour fr
Also, I talked about how his attraction to men is used as a joke, but I want to talk about one scene where him having a crush on Spidey is used for a joke, but it's not the focus.
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Love this moment because 1) it's adorable and 2) the joke isn't "haha, Deadpool is attracted to men" the joke is "haha, Deadpool is embarrassed about how much he talks about Spidey." It's a cute moment and doesn't have slightly homophobic undertones.
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harmoonix · 9 months
🎄🎅🏼 Short Astro - Christmas Observations 🎄🎅🏼
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🎄 - Your 7th house sign can sometimes indicate the season you'll met potential spouses/boyfriend/girlfriend, if you have Sagittarius/Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces in the 7th house you'll have luck during the winter 🎄
🎄 - Venus aspecting Jupiter harmoniously can give the same vibes as Jupiter in the 7th house = Having luck in their relationships/partners 🎄
🎄 - Vertex in the 8th house can indicate a native who will experience intense things in their lives just as the vibes of Jupiter in the 8th house 🎄
🎄 - Sagittarius/Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars will definitely look for a freedom in the relationship, don't make them feel like a bird in a cage 🎄
🎄 - Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) on your ascendant/sun/moon will definitely give a lot of nurturing vibes around the people they are. Like they will truly send this energy to everyone around 🎄
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🎄 - Virgo Risings/Virgo Degrees 6°, 18° truly embody the fairy archetype, being seen as someone pure/majestic/innocent and angelic 🎄
🎄 - Pluto aspecting Neptune/Jupiter will always be searching for more. Like if you tell them a secret they will want to know every little detail about it 🎄
🎄 - Moon prominence in a chart really makes a native very beautiful, the native can have an oval face, beautiful looking eyes and shiny skin just like the moon 🎄
🎄 - Usually the people who get really obsessed with others from a early stage have a Taurus/Scorpio Moon, they are seen as the most posesive ones 🎄
🎄 - Leo/Libra/Cancer Venus/Moons are so beauty - centered. Like they always want to look pretty whenever they are 🎄
🎄 - Mars aspecting the Moon can have a short temper of vibe, they can get angry really fast or just feel like exploding 🎄
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🎄 - Sometimes 11th house placements/Aquarius heavy in a chart can show an satisfaction/desire/attraction towards gaming 🎄
🎄 - 2nd house stelliums + food are soulmates like they are always thinking about food and hungry 24/7 🎄
🎄 - 12th house placements/stelliums + their bed are also soulmates, these people really love to sleep a lot and I can tell their bed is the perfect spouse 🎄
🎄 - Juno aspecting Neptune can sometimes dream or have specific signs about their spouses/partners. Is like a soul connection in between 🎄
🎄 - Uranus in the 1st house can also have the vibe of people telling or feeling like you are a different person/out of the crowd 🎄
🎄 - Uranus aspecting Mars, beside the naughty things this placement has. It really shows a person who has a lot of ambition towards the things in their lives 🎄
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🎄 - Sometimes Pisces/Taurus/Libra Midheaven can indicate a career inclined to arts or in general to possess a talent to arts like painting/drawing etc..🎄
🎄 - The thing with Libra Placements being indecisive is really true. Like Libra embodying the balance yet they can be really indecisive feels really true 🎄
🎄 - Aries/Mars in the 4th house in the Draconic Chart can indicate that your soul already knew how intense your family life is gonna be like. Before the reincarnation 🎄
🎄 - Neptune in the 1st house natives really need to be cautious with who they spend time with so they won't get influenced by the bad people 🎄
🎄 - Scorpio Mercury/8th house Mercury can talk dirty a lot, I know a lot of people with those aspects who talk dirty 24/7 with no break.. sometimes cussing too like wow..😭🎄
🎄 - If you have Gemini or Virgo in the 7th/8th house axis. Please make sure to not fall in love with people who are not able to communicate with you 😭😭 they will ruin your life. Always choose people who can communicate instead 🎄
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🎄 - Libra/Leo/ asc or Venus/Moon in the 1st house in the solar return chart indicates a glow up in that special year for you 🎄
🎄 - Neptune aspecting the Moon or Sun have a dreamy energy around them like you'll feel these people are out of the world when you are with them 🎄
🎄 - Aries/Mars in the 3rd house are really good Indicators if you have defend/take care of people and you have these placements 🎄
🎄 - Pluto aspecting Mars/Mars in Pluto in the same house have a powerful energy in them. Is like you really know how powerful they are once you stay/hang around them 🎄
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🎄 - Mars in Earth degrees (2°, 6°, 10°, 14°, 18°, 22°, 26°) give boss vibes. They may also have that energy of "boss bitch" too 🎄.
🎄 - Ascendant aspecting Sun (all aspects) wil always shine because of their personality, in general your energy if very welcoming and nice and people love that 🎄
🎄 - 4th house in Cancer/Pisces/Taurus have a welcoming energy in their house is like you enter in a house touched by the heaven 🎄
🎄 - Pisces Uranus / Aquarius Uranus both have highly spiritual abilities, one about the subconscious realm and one about the awareness of the outer world 🎄
🎄 - Capricorn Suns are usually respected in their work environment, like they know how to make other people to respect them 🎄
🎄 - Eros (433) aspecting the Midheaven can indicate that people will see you as someone erotic/highly sexual or attractive because of the energy you tend to give 🎄
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overcatic · 2 months
random (vedic) astro observations cause im bored
1. ashleshas love braiding & twisting their hair (brided/twisted hair resembles the body of a serpent and braiding one’s hair is associated with storing and protecting one’s energy, which is a major theme with ashlesha (protecting one’s family, privacy, wealth, life force, etc.) — ex. young thug.)
2. i can easily spot aries lagna through their alien head shape (big forehead & broad temples with a narrow chin.)
3. sun in rohini can make a woman known for her beautiful voice and/or feminine appeal (softness, sensitivity, motherly nature.)
4. the 7th aspect of saturn is where most of your effort and hard work is directed.
5. aries is the celestial horse, that is why they look and walk like that. most likely to have horse-like physique, physiognomy & hair.
6. rahu in the 1st gives serpent-like beauty and charm. their eyes have the power to hypnotize people.
7. sun conj. ketu (if positively placed and aspected) can make someone free of ego. most likely to have a jesus christ type of mentality. very naturally seductive. great dancers, especially if the sun rules the 3rd or 5th house. early awakening of kuṇḍalinī can be seen here.
8. saturn in the 1st house is one placement i’ve repeatedly seen in the charts of narcissists. charismatic, controlling, cruel, and really good at weakening people’s self-esteem. they can quite literally steal people’s life force (sun).
9. sidereal gemini is the sign of soul union. geminis, in this reincarnation, are meant to meet and be with their soulmates. this is especially seen in punarvasu, the star of return/reunion.
10. the house 2nd from venus can accurately indicate the type of partners you attract. 6th house: doctors, surgeons, politicians, lawyers, healers, etc. 8th house: bankers, journalists, astrologers, psychologists, etc. 12th house: creatives, activists, authors, musicians, animal lovers, etc.
11. swatis have a special affinity with spiders. (spiders = saturn. swati is the exaltation of saturn.)
12. atmakaraka falling in the 8th house of navamsa indicates that the soul reincarnated to serve, heal, and help; because the 1st house (purpose) is the 6th from the 8th. and if there’s a planet in the 1st, the person/people represented by it are the ones who the soul seeks to serve and heal.
“ that’s it for today! namaste xx
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goldsbitch · 5 months
The emotions and glimpses of daily life of this random girl followed Lando throughout his whole. Whenever she's sad, he knows. Her celebrations sort of become his celebrations. For him, it's like breathing - just another part of his life. That is until he meets her.
soulmate au
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Lando knew the moment he saw her. And it was at that point when he thought he was truly going crazy.
For his whole life, he thought it was just some fantasy that he planted in his mind in early age and was impossible to get rid off.
He froze completely. Panicked, went into fight or flight mode, these two fighting each other so hard that he just stood there, staring like a creep. Thank god she was far away enough and probably did not notice.
His second immediate reaction was anger. Did she really not notice him? The audacity? How can she roam around his brain for his whole life and then not react when she sees him? Her being in the paddock meant that she definitely knew who he was, people don't just end up by chance there.
Except maybe she did. Her outfit gave away that she was one of the medics from the medical team. Of course she would be. Saving lives, doing something proper meaningful. Not driving around in circles and making a big deal out of it, like he did. Never in his life did he feel as selfish and sort of shameful for his choice of career.
He began to insert ideas into her head, despite not having spoken a single word to her. She was probably someone who valued intelligence, people who were book smart, humble heroes in the society who were focus on dedicating their lives to saving others.
Not those who were recklessly driving around in circles. There was no way she'd see him fit to her. That was not going to stop him. Her being one of the medics provided a great opportunity. Hypochondria? So be it.
His mind was spiraling out of control.
For as long as he could remember, he had dreams (and something he would not dare call visions) about this one girl. As if he was watching glimpses of her life, little moments, bits and pieces. But it was almost constant. He was so used to it at this point that he found it relaxing. It was very confusing growing up. Every adult around him was freaking out when his childhood imaginary friend phase would just not go away. So once he realized that people were thinking he's weird, he just stopped talking about it. It was also a big revelation to him when he found out that other people did not have these visions in their head so intensively. When he was 17 he had an obsession phase, where he researched the fuck out of how brains worked, but nothing seemed to match. His dreams did not provide him with anything specific, no details about place, vague signs that this person he kept seeing at least lived in the same time frame as he did. It was little things he saw and felt, as if her emotions traveled to him. He'd seen her happy, laughing with friends while she tried weed for the first time, getting nervous by her exams and debating whether to brush her teeth in the evening. Her becoming a medic now finally answered few questions. Often he would wonder why was she studying so much. His blurry dreams blocking these specifics out, just to make it all more frustrating. Observing her having a crush on someone was unnerving and eventually, seeing little things from her romantic relationship, just made him supremely mad. He was glad that was over, because at one point, it had started to seriously mess up his mood. He genuinely celebrated the break up. Incredible amounts of little moments and details were conveyed to him, but no idea on where or who she was. He just had this knowledge in his head about someone who he doubted actually existed.
And now she was probably standing right across the track. It was a lot to take in.
Most of the medical team traveled with them, as far as Lando was aware. Never really paid that much of attention to that department until then. So he figured he's only have few days to capture her attention, she might have been local. He was already contemplating moving here to join her life, in case she was local. That's when he decided to get a full medical check up upon request.
He complained nonstop about a pain in his stomach - vague enough for many possibilities having to be ruled out.
It quickly started feeling like playing a video game. Having to jump through levels in order to get to his "boss".
He spent an hour in the medical centre, where he was taken immediately after his first comment about his fictional pain, because everyone still had in fresh memory the saga of Carlos's appendix. "This is gonna be easy" he thought to himself, because one of the first people he saw passing by was her. He was not even trying to hide when observing her. The way her hair fell out of a messy bun. A concentrated look as she was attending one of the staff members, listening attentively and taking care of their wound. The whole place seemed to glow up by her presence. He wondered how it felt when her fingertips touched the skin of another person and was almost jealous of the person she was treating. On par with his bad luck, the drivers had a dedicated doctor on-call, so he was taken to a different private room where he had to undergo a full medical scan, with of course nothing being found. When he got out, she was no longer there. All for nothing.
The rest of his day was covered in a brain fog, he sort of floated through the media day, feeling like he was not really there. He let Oscar totally step up to be the main star this time. As if he could give a fuck.
Over the years of having to live with this strange connection, he managed to block it out temporarily for moment when he really need to focus. This time, he was doing the exact opposite. Trying to somehow "connect" to this personal bluetooth he had in his head.
Finally, after few hours he felt something. A light wave of anxiety, as she opened her email. Then a wave of disappointment, despair and her giving up. He was more than able to not get affected by her emotions - usually. This time it was sort of in tune with his own mix of emotions, so if he was a downer before it progressed perfectly into him shutting off completely.
He managed to completely forget that his latest girlfriend, if that was the right word to use, was coming over. He only realized when he saw a pair of female shoes thrown by the door of his hotel room. A wave of guilt washed over him. He was being an asshole again. As they greeted each other, he tried to kiss her as much as he could, trying to avoid unnecessary conversation. Maybe this reality check was good. He often got lost in his own head, listening sad songs to fill this strange void - or he would just party too much. Now, there was a real person standing in front of him, a super hot girl who liked him and was not annoying. He figured there was no point in drowning in his own delusions.
Letting her fuck his brains out worked, at least until the next morning.
part 2
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storiesbyrhi · 2 months
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Eddie Munson x Reader 1,606 words
Warnings: recreational drug use.
Synopsis: A short meet-cute featuring crossed paths, Argyle's weed, probable soulmates, and Fangoria magazine.
Author’s Note: Set in 1990. No Upside Down AU.
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He is the last to get on the train. Patiently waiting his turn. Smiling politely at the other commuters. You watch him step off the platform into the carriage. He opts to stand against one of the poles, letting others take the vacant seats. He surveys his surroundings. It is at this moment his eyes lock with yours.
Instead of pretending like you’d only just glanced at him or nodding a casual acknowledgment, you look away too quickly. You feel yourself flush.
As the train finally pulls into your stop, you’ve used all your willpower not to look back his way. All that willpower amounts to little; as you stand, preparing to leave, you feel him staring. His gaze pulls yours back to him.
He flashes a brilliant smile, then ducks out the opening doors before you can clock his blushing cheeks.
You’re not a romantic by nature. Yes, you are prone to fits of fancy and the occasional delusional daydream, but you don’t find yourself frequently lusting after pretty people on the train. Beauty is viewed with a matter-of-factness rather than a force of attraction itself.
Some people are funny.
Some people are clever.
Some people are hot.
Some people are whatever.
And it isn’t as if this makes you less shallow or more holy than anyone else. It kind of just makes you a little more detached. Yes, you’ve dated. But there were never big, big feelings. No traumatic breakups. It had all been textbook mediocre.
It is all this knowledge of yourself that comes to the forefront of your mind as you lament the loss of the man in the crowd.
You track his fluffy hair through the station, but he is gone by the time you get to the city street. The sun is setting, a twilight glow making all the shadows seem worthy of an art gallery.
The man is gone. His dark eyes. Kind smile. His stupid t-shirt. What was it? The Burbs. That’s it. The Tom Hanks movie from last year.
Why are you still thinking about him?
The guy. Not Tom Hanks.
You walk slowly, in the city way too early for the party your friend from college, Robin, is hosting. Time to kill.
In a 7-Eleven you stand at the drinks refrigerator with too much consideration. Too much effort. Dr Pepper will always win over Coke. Flipping through magazines in the rack pulls you through a couple more minutes.
It occurs to you that the old record store a few blocks from Robin’s is open late. They have better magazines.
The neon sign sparkles against the darkening skyline as you turn onto the store’s street. Lured like a moth to a flame, you’re inside and pulling Fangoria from the stand before taking a second to look around.
There are a few customers browsing, one with a punk magazine ordered especially from the UK in his lap as he reads from the floor. You wonder if it might make more sense for the owners to open a library.
A music library would be cool, you think, as you look over at the counter.
You can identify them both.
The guy behind the counter has dead straight longer hair and one of the best speaking voices you’ve ever heard. Argyle works days mostly, since he delivers pizzas by night. He must be covering a shift for someone. Or maybe the night guy is late.
Opposite Argyle, leaning on the counter with a familiarity that tells you he has been here plenty of times before, is the man from the train. Though he isn’t facing you, the Dio patch and hair are a giveaway.
What are the fucking odds?
Fangoria back in the rack, you creep through the aisles, trying not to draw attention to yourself. When you get close to the counter, you listen to their conversation. They’re funny.
Argyle’s brand of humor is easy and irreverent. It’s how he ends up befriending everyone, including you and Robin. And, as it were, the man from the train. Train guy’s banter is far more purposeful, performative. He’s dramatic, or maybe it seems like that in contrast to laid back Argyle.
They’re talking about music but suddenly switch to films. Bill & Ted. Even more suddenly, they break out into impersonations.
It’s too late to catch your laugh. Far too late to pretend it was a coughing fit. The man turns around. He beams as he recognizes you. It’s almost enough to keep you there. Almost.
“Hey-” Argyle goes to greet you.
“Sorry. Hi. I’ve gotta go,” you say.
“See you at Robin’s later?”
“Yeah. Yep. Bye!” and you’re out the door before Argyle can think to introduce you.
This feeling is so foreign to you. You feel all gooey and icky, like maybe your skin is going to start to fizz and slick off your body. Stupid, pretty train boy, you think.
It’s still too early for Robin’s, so you detour to a bar and order a drink in a vain attempt to settle yourself.
Stupid, pretty train boy.
Four hours later.
“I jus’… Can it come closer? It’s too… too far away?”
Robin looks at you. If you look back, you would see the face of a woman equal parts amused and bored. But you physically cannot look away from the television. And the television seems to be getting further and further away.
“Quick… Robin… It’s going!” you whine. The television set is as small as your palm. You hold your hand up to compare it. “So, so small…”
“You, my friend, are so profoundly high. Argyle gave you that new shit?”
“Says try with pineapple,”
“I-What? Pineapple?”
“Says try before you deny,”
“Alright. I’m calling it. You need some time out.”
Suddenly, you are floating through Robin’s place. A conversation about whether you are okay by yourself floats along with you. Yes, you would be okay. You like rolling around in bed, high as a kite. The party is winding down anyway. You’d not be alone for long.
Alone, you play three games of I-Spy. The loser and the winner. You starfish out on the bed and make imaginary snow angels. Time passes. Maybe. You’re not sure. Then, you see the room explode into view. The light has been switched on and you yelp, diving for cover under a pillow.
Voices. The weight of someone being dropped into bed next to you.
Robin calling your name. So far away. “You alive in there?” she asks.
“Ah-huh,” you confirm.
Then, quiet. You emerge from under the pillow like a field mouse from its burrow. They had left you in darkness but for him, a bedside lamp has been left on. He doesn’t know Robin’s bedroom like you.
He is lying on his back staring up at the ceiling. In profile, he is just as pretty. You want to drive a little Matchbox car down his forehead and use his nose as a jump. Evel Knievel style. The thought makes you giggle, which makes him turn his head. He looks at you, blinking twice.
“I wondered where you went,” he admits. He rolls onto his side, tucking his hands under his head like a pillow. “Hi,”
“Bit weird seeing you again,”
“Bit weird,” you parrot.
He smiles. “Why’d you get sent to the naughty room?”
Your answer, or lack thereof, answers the question.
“Argyle not warn you properly about the Californian stuff?”
You shake your head.
He laughs, so you laugh. He wriggles a little closer.
“Hi,” he whispers, sticking out a pinky finger. You watch as he hooks it around yours.
When did you move to mirror his body? When did he arrive at the party? Was he here for you? No. Silly. So silly. That would be silly.
“You’re getting small… Like the television,” you tell him.
“Oh… I don’t want to get small… If I come closer, will I get big again?” He doesn’t wait for an answer. This close you can see his pale freckles. The tired purple under his eyes. The almost-wrinkles that are born of laughter. Long eyelashes.
“Long eyelashes?” he asks.
You snort, giggle, lost and happy.
“I need you to know I did not follow you here,”
“I’m friends with Argyle,”
“Okey dokey,” you nod.
He holds in laughter, so you do too.
“I didn’t follow you either,”
“To Vinyl City? But you were eavesdropping.” It isn’t an angry accusation. It’s not really a question either. Still, you nod. “I’d be okay with it if you were following me. For the record,” he states, rather emphatically. 
He watches you watch him. He makes you feel as if you are getting higher and sobering up at the same time.
“I’m Eddie,”
“Are you?”
“Yeah. Last I checked,”
“What’d you check?”
“Ah… Birth certificate?”
“Says Eddie?”
“Well… Edward.”
You giggle. Eddie’s heart flutters so hard it feels like nausea.
“Hi… Eddie,”
“Hi. Do you have a name?” He already knows it. He just wants to hear you say it.
You nod.
Eddie laughs. “Tell me your name?”
You do. Because he asked.
“So… Three times… Coincidence?”
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t know what three times he’s talking about. “That’s two. Two’s a coincidence,”
“What’s three then?”
You can’t remember. You shrug, which makes Eddie laugh, which makes you laugh. A repeated cycle.
“I think it means something,” he asserts.
“So do I,”
“Do you? Or are you just a little bit high?”
“Can it be both?”
Eddie makes a show of thinking. “It can. I’ll allow it.” He grins. “So, it means something?”
“It means something,” you agree.
End Note: I've been struggling to write post-Burning Yarrow. So, this was just a little something to try to get back on the horse. Soulmate meet-cutes are my bread and fucking butter.
I have some very vague ideas for a part two of this, but idk if it will amount to much. Lemme know your thoughts and feelings.
Eddie Taglist: solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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new hs history teacher(/basketball coach ofc) steve who is being shown around the school by gym teacher chrissy.
she takes him around the building to show him where the teacher's lounge is, the cafeteria, what bathrooms to avoid at all costs, and to where her office is if he ever needs anything.
"If I'm not here, I'm probably in Robbie's class over in the language department."
"Robin, my partner. She officially teaches ASL, but she likes to join in on the others' lessons whenever she has downtime."
Finally, once they've covered the whole length of the school, she brings him to his room. "So this is you, and right next door is Eddie, our Criminalistics teacher." gesturing to the still-dark window of the door directly across from his in the alcove. 
There's polaroids covering nearly every inch of the outside of the door, pictures of what he can only assume are students with the same dark-haired man.
"It's a science elective," she explains, "It focuses on the basics of forensic science!"
"Wow that’s…really?"
She nods enthusiastically, "It’s super interesting,” she nods, moving to unlock the empty what-will-be history classroom. “Eddie’s here on even days, and in the music room on odd days for the guitar elective classes."
"Anything I should know about my wall neighbor?" he asks as she pushes the door open.
It looks like she's going to say no, but something flickers across her face and she winces minutely.
"Oh god, what is it?"
She looks at him sheepishly, "How do you feel about metal music?"
Since his tour in mid June, Steve's completely overhauled his classroom. 
The only room available to him was the one down here in the science hall, but he made do, plastering removable whiteboard contact paper to the tops of the lab tables and a little reminder at each spot for the students about his less-than-stellar hearing, to make sure they speak up when answering a question from the back of the room.
And ever since he got his room, he'd been waiting for the day he finally meets his neighbor.
He met Chrissy's Robbie the same day he had the tour, and they clicked instantly (No seriously, how did he ever function before Robin?). Chrissy had made the comment about them being platonic soulmates one night in August when they'd gone out for one too many drinks, and it's stuck ever since.
Speaking of: "What are you still doing here, dingus? It's almost five."
"Yeah, I know, I know," he says, waving her off.
Robin comes in from the hall and plops herself down on one of the table tops instead of helping him hang a map behind his desk. "You're still adding stuff to your walls?"
"Well, I haven't been here for a couple years already, Bobs," he grits out as he stretches up on his toes to hang the far corner of his map. Finally, the eyelet hooks over the many-times-painted-over hook embedded in the concrete wall. "So yes."
"Well you can finish up tomorrow, we," she emphasizes the word by dramatically waving the same sign with her hand between them, "Have a burger date to get to." 
The following day, the day before the school year officially starts, Steve arrives early to his classroom, only to find his neighbor's classroom lit up as well.
The be-polaroided door is propped open all the way, the sound of heavy drums and guitar streaming out the door along with the faint smell of moth balls and a spicy incense.
His own room forgotten, Steve steps through Mr. Munson's doorway.
Eddie is standing behind his desk at the front of the room, but hunched over it scribbling onto something.
When Steve's shoe squeaks against the tile floor, Eddie says "Hey, what do you think, identifying skeletal remains, or blood spatter first?" without looking up at him.
"Skeletons, of course." Eddie's head snaps up to look at him. His huge dark eyes are much more striking in person than in a photo. "Much more interesting, yeah?"
Eddie blinks at him. "You're not Chrissy."
"You're correct."
Eddie blinks again, "Who're you?"
"Oh, sorry, hi. I'm Steve. I'm your new neighbor." he gives the other man an awkward wave when he still doesn't move. "Sorry, should I--" he says, gesturing over his shoulder with a thumb.
"No!" Eddie interrupts, standing straight and hurrying out from around his desk. 
He extends a hand and jogs lightly up to Steve. His pen is still laced into his fingers, the end of it chewed flat. "Oh shit, sorry, sorry," he tucks the pen behind his ear, "I'm Eddie. Munson."
"I know," Steve smirks, taking Eddie's hand. "I've been waiting to meet you."
"Oh have you?" he smirks.
"Yeah, Chrissy told me you're her best friend and I wanted your advice on maybe asking her out."
Eddie's face hardens immediately, the warm milk chocolate of his eyes curing into a solid dark, the easy smirk morphing into a cringe as he looks Steve up and down.
He opens his mouth to say something particularly scathing, Steve's sure, but he cuts him off before he can. "I'm kidding, man, I know she's with Robin."
His expression softens just a bit.
"Plus, she's not really my type anyway, even if I were hers."
"Yeah, I'm more into brunettes." Steve winks, finally releasing Eddie's hand. "I still have a bit more to get done, but I'll check in with you later?"
"Oh--yeah, for sure, I'll be here." Eddie stammers out, his cheeks tinged pink.
Steve fist pumps in his head as he heads to his door, You still got it, Harrington.
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filmbyjy · 5 days
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SYNOPSIS > When you turned 18, you heard your best friend’s favourite song. Turns out, it was just one of the various signs to finding your soulmate. However, you couldn’t bring this up to jake. Not when he was in a happy relationship with your other best friend! Would you choose heartbreak or sacrifice your happiness for the sake of keeping the friendship?
FOURTEEN – hanahaki disease?
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a/n: idk if this is a bit early to reveal the disease but it’s just the early signs so it will get worse as time goes by💀
taglist[open]: @sumzysworld @mitmit01 @moon3verland @baribaaari @byty2k @alex-is-sleeping @viagumi @txtlyn @belovedsthings @woninluv @dreamiestay @niniissus @kyutiepeachy @yoongisbaguetteshoes @squiishymeow @jjaammm @enhaz1 @illvding @woniejjang @bee-the-loser @laurradoesloveu @ckline35 @ningx2stan @hoonlvly @clampclover @xyzyx01 @victoriasimm @eneiyri @nshmrarki @woorcve @bubblytaetae @i03jae @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @l1wv00n @onlyhyunjin @kyanmeai @isa942572 @lisaswifey @alisonyus @firstclassjaylee @szkstay @enhamysunshines @milanco @hsbae @zyvlxqht @lixiebokie @wth121 @enahasblog @gongiz @anuisamazing @heestrawberries @gyehyeonist @istglevi-gotmesimping @heelovesmeknot @silquids
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minsh0e · 8 months
mini astrology observations 1/???
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hi hi ! these are my first (and probably last) astrology observations. i expect that you might not agree with any of these so i am open to criticism. i also want to point out, that i am not a professional. have fun reading <3
p.s. - the art belongs to kibong rhee/이기봉
☆ pisces/12th house placements 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽being tired/sleepy all the damn time for no reason
☆ your house/sign stelliums might refer to the part of your body you should focus on when considering fashion. for instance: people with pisces/12th house placements might really like shoes, person with aries/1st house placement can look great with anything related to head (glasses,ribbons,hats etc.), taurus/2nd house people might look great with necklaces or any jewelry...
☆ i don’t know why, but I always get attracted to men whose mars trines mine venus…like four men that i found to be amazing, had all mars in the same element as my venus. the aspects weren’t mostly even that tight, yet i felt something!? of course this might not apply to you (because you should consider everything else in natal charts, synastry chart etc.), but men are represented as mars and women as venus after all…try to check this next time you like someone or if you are with somebody.
☆ people who have 3rd house or 5th house placements that are negatively aspected might have problem with presenting (even the ideas) or social anxiety disorder. both houses are related to youth so it may have showed in their early years. this will most likely be seen/felt if the aspects are present in between these two houses (for instance square).
☆ this is very random, but your mothers moon might be in the same sign as your descendant.
☆ scorpio placements (especially moon, mercury and mars) are so hard to deal with and not just for the person who has them, but also for everybody else around. for instance: my mom and sister both have these and i can’t argue with them as i always loose and come out as the “bad one”. these placements always stand up for their opinions and might say something harsh without really meaning to. they also might try to find excuses/backup for something to avoid being hurt (in conversations as well). deep inside they are very fragile…this might apply to aries placements as well. 
☆ why are virgo mars men always thinking about “that thing” (aka. are h*rny). even when something innocent was said, they connect it with doing “it”. double points to those, who have mars in their 10th house.
☆ if the houses in the synastry are overlapping each other so that the 1st house overlaps with 1st, 2nd or 12th house (if the ascendants are close to each other), people with this synastry have bigger probability to complement/understand each other really well. that is because one persons placements may fall into the house that is same to their placement in natal chart or the natal chart of the other person. these people are at home with each other and probably went through the same life experiences, therefore they don’t need to be afraid to be judged. they just get each other. this is literally a soulmate connection. what i mean:
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→ if you look at the neptune you can see, that they fall into the same houses. same goes for pluto etc.
☆ venus is what you like and what you want and therefore, it can represent your ideal partner and what you are looking for in them. this applies to both women and men.
okay, that is all. feel free to leave your feedback :)
edit: just checked this post and i don't know what to think...thank you all so much for such a reaction, i appreciate it a lot :D love you <3
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hardtreekoala · 1 year
Want to Meet Your Soulmate?
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444you · 2 months
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SATC is a show every girl in her early 20s should watch 🎀 things we could learn from it ..
being single is just as fabulous as being taken or married
your friends are ur soulmates
its okay to make mistakes, no matter how old you are
talking about love is okay. however it shouldn’t be the only thing you talk about. we didn’t grow up to just talk about love interests.
theres nothing wrong with wanting to purchase cute heels
you can be the most perfect girl and still not be the first choice, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you
mixed signals isn’t a sign of interest. the right one is going to make sure you know they want you
there is nothing wrong with having standards
who you do is nobodys business but yours
ones beauty isn’t an absence of another
being a stay at home mom is fine, just like being a successful business woman. neither should be shamed
we all have our version of big. take it as a learning lesson. it’s normal dw
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astrow1zar6 · 8 months
Astro observations of players/ heartbreakers - 26
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Libra placements: Libras really adore romantic attention (when single & sometimes even in a relationship) they will flirt with people they really have no attraction to for fun or cuz their bored. They have this amazing ability to make others feel really special just for them to be doing that to 5 others or just for it to be completely ingenuine. They can be so charming that you really believe they like you until you realize they don’t. Libras leave a lot of broken hearts behind them. They will say the most heart warming shit that will have you thinking they’re in love with you just to leave you for the cutie next door 😭 especially if you have libra in your sun, moon and rising.
5th house stellium’s: oh lord lol these people can be everywhere in terms of the heart. The 5th house is related to short love affairs. So you can imagine these people go thru a lot of potential partners in their life (unless afflicted or Saturns in the 5th). These people are very flirty they love the feeling of having new crushes and the LOVE the attention they get from their crush too. However, these people normally have a lot of crushes and never usually settles down with one. This can be a big baby maker placement especially if Jupiter and Venus are involved. I’ve seen men with a lot of 5th house placements that have babies with multiple women or have a lot of baby mommas. They tend to do very risky shit for fun just for it to backfire on them. They are part animals at heart and usually that’s where I notice they make most of their mistakes they end up regretting. They usually end up getting caught up in the heat of the moment when it comes to people their attracted to which can lead to a cheating problem.
Sagittarius suns: if you can get a Sagittarius to actually commit to you you won.. no but seriously they are not the best with commitment😭 when they feel a relationship is getting too close I notice they start to get cold feet and become really distant with their partner or do little things to self sabotage the relationship. They are very romantic very fast in the beginning of the relationship. Most Sagittarius’s move REALLY fast and are impulsive when getting in relationships. They usually try to commit too early having the other party believe they are in love with them just for them to back out the minute it gets to stabilized and that isn’t usually long. They can feel like their partners slow them down in some way and end up neglecting the relationship.
Scorpio Venus: now I really don’t believe all these posts saying “this this the most die heart loyal sign” cuz that’s complete bull crap and the people who know know😭 I’m mostly talking about the men in this situation but these men can be the biggest cheaters!! It’s honestly rare to see these people not cheat from what I’ve seen. They are really picky of the women they date and I notice the women they do pick to date they don’t really like them that much?? They go for people they have a very mild attraction to usually and for such intense people it’s something you wouldn’t expect. I believe Scorpio Venus do this as a way of control because when they are truly in love and with the right partner they become fiercely loyal and loving. But I don’t think they seek out those type of relationships because they are often extremely painful for them because of their intense emotions, when they are truly in love they feel like they have no control over themselves when in that state, so I think they find people they don’t love that deeply so they can be in complete control of themselves and their partner. Which is why they can be very possessive and jealous of their partner even while their sleeping around it’s a big control thing. But I believe once they find their soulmate it’s the complete opposite but that’s usually a challenge.
Pisces Venus: these are also extreme charmers like libra. Pisces is exalted here so they have the ability to be some of the most romantic loving partners, they will sweep you off your feet with the words and promises that they give you then outta no where where you think everything’s perfect between the two of you… he ghosts you. Then next thing you know you see him at the bar talking to another girl like nothing. These men tend to never quite know what they want and usually have wandering eyes for other females. The commitment line is usually really blurred for these people which is why they attract a lot of situationships no one knows what it really is.
Aqua Venus: these people play hot & cold soo much it can drive the person they’re talking to a little crazy. When they are unsure of the partner they tend to juggle them around until they decide. One minute they are so flirty and engaging and romantic towards you then the next they’re ignoring your texts, giving you really dry robotic responses. They put their partners thru a whirlwind to get to their heart. This can leave the other party feel like they are being stringed along (most likely they are) like Scorpio Venus they are very picky with their partners and settle for very authentic/unique people. They can like the most oddest people or just people you’d never expect them to date. You never know what’s going to melt these peoples heart. They really need someone who excites them. (Sn: I notice Scorpio and Aqua Venus’s actually make an amazing couple)
Uranus square Venus: one minute they wanna break up & meet other people the next they want you again and the cycle repeats. These are the kings & queens of on and off relationships 😂 they can never seem to make up their mind on if they’re ready to commit, they can be really unpredictable in love which can be pretty exhausting. One minute they’re in love the next they’re bored and cold towards you. U tend to have a lot of relationships come and go but can’t seem to get them stabilized. This can leave your partners feeling really confused & played.
Gemini Venus: they never really seem like they’re interested in anyone they’re dating. They are always trying to seek out attention from other people even when in a relationship. Their crushes are usually very superficial and fleeting. It takes A LOT to keep these people attention, you have to be very mentally stimulating and almost fascinate them to really get them hooked on you. But they are not easily impressed, they are really good at predicting people’s behaviors so it’s hard to find someone that really excites them. They enjoy things they can’t predict or keeps them guessing it lights up their curious minds (go for a Venus in aqua!).
P.S. just because you have any of the placements mentioned that doesn’t make you a player other placements obviously play a role! Just the most common ones I’ve observed 🐮
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kkami-writes · 11 months
waiting for us — chapter thirty eight. cat cafe
cw. mention of a bruise/implied domestic abuse wc. 631 + 4 SS
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You and Minho had agreed to meet up at the cafe since you had a early shift at love stay. Of course he had wanted to pick you up but had only relented when you insisted that you’d really enjoy the short walk. You had agreed to let him take you to work for the rest of the week though.
He was sat at a table already waiting for you when you walked in, the tiniest smile curling at his lips at the sight of you. Perhaps he had got there a little early, maybe just a little excited to be having some alone time with you. Not that he would ever admit that.
Minho waves you over and you make your way to him, sliding into the seat right across from him at the small table.
“Hi Min,” You greet him softly and he would have been happy at the nickname but his lips curl into a slight frown. He can see what looks like a purple bruise high on your cheekbone. It seems like you’ve tried to cover it with makeup but part of your foundation has wiped away from your shift. Minho so desperately wants to ask what happened, why you were hurt, but he knew the odds you’d actually answer him were low. Despite only meeting you a handful of times he already knew you would just deflect, trying to not make a big deal out of it. You were just like him in that way. He let’s it go because the last thing he wants to do is ruin the date by asking.
So he takes a deep breath, cooling his expression before you can notice. Minho can’t deny the immediate anger at the thought of someone hurting you. Someone as precious as you.
“Hey Kitten,” Minho takes so much pride in the way your cheeks flush. You were sure these boys were going to be the death of you.
The two of you order drinks, a caramel macchiato for you and a latte for Minho. Both drinks came with cute cat art on the top and you find it cute that Minho just has to take a picture for a keepsake. You also order some paw shaped cookies. They taste pretty good but you can’t help but think that a certain fairy boy could make something even better.
Eventually the two of you find yourselves on the floor, playing with the cats in the cafe. Several cats have crowded around Minho, head butting him softly for attention. You coo and take several pictures, sending them to the group chat. You’re surprised that the cats have flocked to him, but at the same time you’re pretty sure they can tell that he’s one of them.
On the flip side, Minho can’t help but watch you as you sit in the corner, with one of the black cats, a cat toy in your hand as you play with the kitty. That signature small smile graces his features as he watches you. Would it be too much to ask you if you want to be the mother to his own cats? Which reminded him that he had to tell you all about his babies. Minho sneaks his own pictures of you to retaliate as he also sends them to the group chat, the boys instantly cooing over you.
As he watches you he can’t help but feel complete, so content. While he knows you’re still getting used to them, 8 soulmates can be overwhelming, Minho still feels like you fit in so perfectly with them. The missing puzzle piece they’ve been looking for, for such a long time. And now that you were here he promised himself that he wasn’t going to let you go. Not if he could help it.
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harmoonix · 3 months
💙ᴊᴜɴᴏ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴀᴛᴇᴅ💙
Juno Asteroid (3) small observations
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《 we're all alone in our own universe 》
Aspects Applying list:
Quintile/Bi - Quintile
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💙 - Juno in Water Signs spouse will very emotionally connected to their partner, to their needs and desires
💙 - Juno aspecting Neptune is so so so beautiful! Especially in harmonious aspects because it offers you such a deep connection with your spouse, a spiritual connection
💙 - Juno aspecting Saturn can feel like your spouse may be karmic, or your relationship may be a karmic one. Same can happen if you have Juno in Capricorn, or at 10° 22°
💙 - Juno at 29° natives can feel like they're never gonna meet their partners or feel like they're never gonna be in a good relationship, I can tell you that good things take time
💙 - Juno in Taurus/Virgo/Cancer natives probably will have a very nurturing spouse, someone who can heal you
💙 - Juno aspecting Chiron natives probably fought a lot with rejection or with breaks up in this life, Juno needs proper healing here
💙 - Juno in the 8H/Scorpio/at 8° 20° can have a secret relationship. Not so many people will be aware of that, and it is like hiding it from the rest of the world
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💙 - Juno in the 3H or Gemini will give a very communicative spouse to the native (Juno at 3° 15° 27° as well)
💙 - Juno aspecting the ascendant will have the aura of 'spouse material' or 'wife material' people can see you as a role for their spouses
💙 - Juno in the 4H or in Cancer/at 4° 16° 28° can tell about a spouse who put family first but take CARE! Because it can be their own family as well, so boys with these placements can be mama's boys, and the girls can be 'daddy's girl'
in every breath I take, I'm breathing you
💙 - Juno in Virgo or the 6H is honestly a refreshing placement for Juno! Because the spouse will give you peace of mind. Mostly, if it's in the 6H
💙 - Juno aspecting Pluto can indicate your relationships or spouse will evolve a lot during the relationship years
💙 - Juno aspecting the Moon is romantic, sensual, spiritual, and peaceful! The spouse or your relationship can be peaceful
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💙 - Juno aspecting Uranus can indicate a lot of random things or unexpected things can happen while you met your spouse and when you gonna start a relationship with them
💙 - Juno aspecting Venus in harmonious aspects can indicate a lovely relationship, romantic, lots of devotion towards your spouse
Forever and ever together, we sail into infinity
💙 - Juno aspecting Venus in harsh aspects can indicate you or your partner have a hard time understanding love or to understand how it is to give love to someone. Maybe someone between you 2 was hurt before
💙 - Juno in the earth signs can make the relationship very grounding and healthy, also a hardworking spouse
💙 - Juno in the 5H/Leo at 5° 17° 29°, the 5H is heavy associated with temptation, lust, sex-hungry, even with cheating at some point. Is a very lustful relationship or spouse
💙 - Juno in the 1H usually can tell that the native will find their soulmate early in life because it talks about spending your whole life with your soulamate
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💙 - Juno aspecting Mars can bring conflicts into a relationship, fights, maybe even some tension between you and your spouse
💙 - Juno in the 10H can work in the same field as their spouse, though your relationship with them can get quite popular/known
💙 - Juno aspecting the south node can be desperate to find a partner because in a past life, they loved someone who couldn't love them back, so they are desperately looking for love
💙 - Juno aspecting the north node can mean that at some point in your life, a certain relationship or partner can have an impact on your life
💙 - Juno aspecting the Lilith can indicate a very powerful relationship or spouse, someone with a lot of influence within the relationship
💙 - Juno aspecting the Sun natives can have a spouse who resembles them, someone popular, known, powerful in the society
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Juno with good aspects shows a lot of benefits within the relationship, and the spouse, your spouse will make your life happier/better
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Juno in harsh aspects can tell about a native who can't notice the benefits their spouse or relationships brings them
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💙 - Juno between 10° and 15° can have good body language with their spouses, strong attraction towards them
💙 - Jupiter or Juno at 17° can tell about dating someone popular/known/even famous, famous relationship, famous public image
💙 - Juno in fire signs will love everything with passion in their relationship!
💙 - Juno in air signs are the best to date/to have a relationship with if you want to have someone who can understand how you feel and support you
An everlasting piece of art
A beating love within my heart
💙 - Juno in Aries/Capricorn/Taurus can be the breadwinner in the relationship, dominant spouse in the household
💙 - Juno in Sagittarius/Juno in the 9H makes the best memories with their spouses while traveling!! You'll never let it go ~
💙 - Juno in Pisces/12H create the most beautiful soul experiences with their spouses. They can be karmic soulamates (Juno at 12°, 24°)
💙 - Juno in Taurus/2H can have the spouses who will invest a lot in their relationship, and also a very wealthy relationship
💙 - Juno aspects to your CHART RULER (look for the planet rules over your rising sign) can indicate that relationships will be a big part of your life
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💙 - Juno in Aquarius/11H/11° 23° make the best friendships with their spouses, these natives are loyal to the bones, create good relationships, make good memories. They got all on the plate
💙 - Juno in Gemini/Sagittarius axis natives can have lots of love languages through texts, phonecalls
💙 - Juno in Scorpio natives can marry an attractive person/partner/spouse
💙 - Juno aspecting Groom or Briede (if you love the same gender) in good aspects can indicate love towards that
💙 - Juno in Libra/Pisces/Taurus natives will get such romantic spouses, they're a keeper
💙 - Juno in the 11H spouses can influence other people. They can have the power of influences
💙 - Juno in Aries or at 1° 13° 25° is probably one of the hottest placements for Juno to be in because of their dominant, strong aura. All I can say is that the spouse will be so ambitious for you and for your relationship! They will adore you
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💙 Juno is my fav asteroid for a reason, so of course, that means more observations for yall ♡
🦋 Isn't blue such an amazing color?? I would give my soul to be a water spirit in my next life purr
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haruka-norikoyo · 1 month
Biggest Fan
Monoma Neito x reader | Soulmate AU
The gasp I’ve gusped (yes past tense to the fourth dimension) when I thought of this scenario. Mild spoilers for the end of the manga.
The fourth birthday is a momentous occasion in one’s life. Not only is it the year where most develops their quirk, it is when one is assigned a soulmate.
No one knows whether it is a quirk or something entirely foreign. Many believe there is divine power at play. Because, after all, how can one have such power? It is a phenomenon which extends throughout the entire world. On a person’s right wrist appears the first words that their soulmate says to them. When those words have been uttered, they simultaneously disappear, and they now know their soulmate.
Monoma Neito got his quirk before his words. It’s not unusual, just rather rare to be an early bloomer. Normally, developing a quirk early would invite excitement and respect. “You can’t be a hero with a quirk like that.”
He’d copied another kid’s quirk, excitedly showing it off to his friends. But quirks are unique to oneself, aren’t they? Something to take pride in because only you can do it. So for someone else to be able to do it too?
“That’s something a side character would have.”
He stopped showing it off to other kids after that. Though, before he knew it, it was his birthday. Neito never understood what’s so exciting about getting random words on his wrist and someone he’ll be stuck with for the rest of his life. He’s a kid, after all. Getting his quirk was much more interesting to him. But after the response he got, he doesn’t get his hopes up.
All his relatives were eagerly checking his wrist for the soulmate words. It honestly was a little suffocating to be crowded the whole day with “do you have it yet?”. He can’t wait for it to be over.
Then, a gasp. He turns to see his mom pointing at his wrist. “Neito, your words!”
“Oh,” he glances down. Now that it’s here, he can't help but be a little curious. “Excuse me, Phantom Thief? I’m your biggest fan!”
His eyes widen, but before he could properly think about what it entails, he’s surrounded by everyone at the party. All of them eager to see what his match would tell him in their first meeting.
The next time he saw the kids who said he’ll be nothing but a side character, he rubs it in their faces.
“Look at this! My soulmate calls me Phantom Thief in our first meeting. That means I’ll be a pro hero— and what’s that? I already have a fan.”
“That— that doesn’t mean anything!”
“Yeah! It’s probably your name for a comedy show or something!”
But their words don’t reach him. He has a fan. Sure, it’s his soulmate, them being his biggest fan is a given, but still. Someone out there will be watching him. “Hahaha! Envy me all you want— my soulmate loves me way before we ever meet!”
“You’re still banking on your soulmate’s words?” Is something he heard numerous times, especially when he made it known he signed up for UA high school. Standing amongst other examinees, he wonders if his soulmate is there too. Maybe they’re already watching him. He shakes his head. No, they call me by my hero name. I won’t meet them until I become a pro hero…
He looks up at the big gates of the practical examination, his lips forming a smile as he discreetly copies the quirk of the examinee beside him. Looks like I’ll have to work hard to meet them.
The sports festival was his chance to get his soulmate’s attention. Yet, all everyone could talk about is the class that got attacked by villains. He hatched a plan to take them down and help his classmates.
“I believe it would be beneficial if we don’t show everyone our quirks in the first round. Looking at the past sports festivals, it’s likely to backfire on us, so it’s better to keep a low profile and then show off our skills in the more important rounds. Of course, none of you have to follow up on this. I won’t blame you for wanting to stand out. This is the sports festival, after all.”
He figured Shiozaki and Testutetsu would want to go all out. Sure enough, they did.
“I wouldn’t mind going through with it,” Kendo says. “But what about you?”
Neito raises his brow. “Naturally I’ll follow through with it..? What’s with that?”
Kendo gestures to her own wrist, which already doesn’t have her words. “Nothing, I just thought that your biggest fan would want to see you go all out.”
Maybe without the words on his wrist, he would’ve followed through with his plan. As he crosses the finish line in 7th place, he looks at the crowd. They aren’t cheering as loudly as for the top three, but with the hundreds of people presently cheering, the stadium is still deafening. Did you see me? Neito gazes down at his wrist, wondering that if they did, is soulmate is as in love with him as he already is?
He got a few internship requests despite not making it to the third round. Currently, his classmates are busy picking their hero names while he sits back, already having decided his.
Awase groans from the front of the class. “Argh! Monoma’s lucky, his soulmate says his hero name already so he doesn’t have to think about it..!”
Neito shrugs. “I’m sure you can think of something…”
Awase groans in response.
What an eventful first year…
Shit happened. He fought in a war with other kids his age. Crazy. Well, at least it’ll go down in the history books.
He stands in front of the statue displayed for his efforts in the war. His face and his hero name is engraved on the marble surface. He was a key player. The start point for Deku and Dynamight in the war. It was made known to everyone.
“Most people know my name and what I did, but don’t necessarily recognize me like those two…” Neito sighs, rubbing the back of his head as he recalls the screaming first students swarming to Bakugo and Todoroki this morning. “Guess I’ll have to work harder still.”
He falls silent.
Neito turns his heel, walking down the walk way of other statues mounted after the war. “Woah, he really does have a statue..!” He looks over his shoulder, spotting a student running in from the entrance. Right, they’re permitted to go off campus during lunch hours again. Neito watched in amusement as the student marvels at the statue. Their face glows with excitement as they pulled out their phone, discreetly attempting to take a selfie. Though, they obviously felt too embarrassed to do so on their own, ending up with blurry pictures.
Hm, he has time…
He approaches. The student nearly drops their phone straightening themself out to look inconspicuous. “Need help taking a photo?” he asks with a smile.
A hint of recognition passes through the student’s face. They turn to him in bewilderment, yet, at the sight of him they seem to forget that train of thought. Their eyes widen, and they cup their hands over their mouth. Neito chuckles while they stare at him in silent excitement, looking down. Damn, now that he’s faced with a fan he doesn’t know what to do.
“Excuse me… Phantom Thief?”
“Hm?” he brings his gaze back up. The student move their hands away from their mouth, revealing the brightest smile he’d ever seen directed at him, or anyone for that matter.
“I’m your biggest fan!”
“My…” his eyes widen. He looks down at his wrist. It’s gone. His words are gone. “You’re my…”
They blink at him, tilting their head. Albeit their confusion, they still watch and listen carefully for what he’ll say next. Did they not notice? Were they so enthralled by meeting him that they forgot their own words? The idea makes his heart swell. Before he could even register his own actions, he reaches out for them, hands on their shoulders.
“S… Say that again!”
“Eh?!” they can’t help but step back, face warming up at their proximity. “Um… I’m your biggest fan?”
Someone watching from a distance wouldn’t be able to tell who the fan in the situation is. Although, one could probably say it’s both. “Your words… do you know how much your first words helped me over the years?” he breathes out, heart thumping so loudly. This adrenaline is a relief that is incomparable to anything else. “Huh? Over the years? U-Um…” Oh dear, it looks like the student might short circuit. “Ah, sorry… I got carried away.“ Neito steps back, releasing their shoulders. “But, you really don’t notice?”
They stare at him. After a few seconds, it finally dawned on them… the realization they made earlier. “You… said my words…” They look down at their wrist and gasp. “They’re gone!”
“Yeah,” Neito nods.
They point at him, eyes wide. “You’re my soulmate!” “That’s right.”
“Holy shit.” Neito laughs as they cover their mouth once more. “My soulmate… my soulmate is Phantom Theif? For real?! I’m not dreaming?”
“Does it feel like a dream?” he asks teasingly with a raised brow.
They nod vigorously. “C-Could I… get a picture with you?”
He grins, watching them fiddle with their thumbs nervously. “Of course. Mind if I take it for us?” “Oh sure, here,” they hand over their phone.
Neito extends his arm out, holding the phone still until the camera focuses on both of them. Of course, his statue is there in the background. After all, that’s what they originally wanted to photograph.
“What’s your name, by the way?” Neito asks, pulling away. He still has the phone, though.
“(L/n) (y/n).”
“Ah, good, now I know what to write in your contact. I can put my number in, can’t I?”
“Y-Your number…” (y/n) awes. It’s only natural to keep in touch with their soulmate, but having someone the Phantom Thief whom they love so much in their contacts is something they never thought would happen. “I’d love that!”
Neito types in his number into (y/n)’s phone, and hands it back to them. “Alright. Done. Send me a text any time you wanna meet up. And if you need help as my underclassman, feel free to come to me, okay?”
(y/n) nods. “Okay.”
“Then… I’ll see you next time.”
“Um! One last thing!” (Y/n) purses their lip, debating whether on saying it or not. “May… may I get your autograph?”
“An autograph?” Neito raises his brow with a grin, watching as they scramble to find something from their bag. “Even though I’m your soulmate?”
“It’s a big bonus that you’re my soulmate but— I’ve been a fan of you since seeing the sports festival replays!” Determination burns in their eyes as they extend a board and sharpie to him. “See? I even have a special place for you to put your autograph. Please?”
“Oh, how could I refuse a request from my biggest fan?” he snickers in attempt to distract from the blush dusting his cheeks. He takes the board and sharpie, fingers brushing against each other’s.
“(Y/n), thank you for supporting me even before you realized it. Sincerely, your soulmate, Phantom Thief.”
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