#echo: it's ok you're fine you're fine just hang in there
robotsandramblings · 4 months
i had a really funny revelation that Crosshair and Echo were [during S3] and still are sharing the Havoc-4 call sign, probably even playfully fighting over it, now that Crosshair is back on the team,,
then i realized that Crosshair probably took up the Havoc-2 call sign because Tech is gone
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
Animal control with jaune and Blake
I don't know if what I wrote below was what you expected, but what's done is done. ------------
Animal Control
Jaune and Blake drive in their van to their first client.
Jaune: *Driving* So, what kind of job do we have today?
Blake: We have to appease a crocodile.
Jaune: Is it a "catch and release" type of job?
Blake: No, they just need us to relax her.
Jaune: Oh, I see, it's their pet.
Blake: *Quietly* I wouldn't say that.
Jaune: What's her name? The crocodile, I mean.
Blake: Tock
Jaune: Ok, first time I've heard a name like that.
Blake: Make a left here and the house will be on the right.
Jaune: Thanks
Jaune follows Blake's directions and they stop in front of the house.
Jaune: Here we are. I'll go take some tranquilizer darts.
Blake: It won't be necessary.
Jaune: Really? Is a crocodile.
Blake: Trust me, you won't need it.
Jaune: If you say so
They get out of the van, walk to the door and ring the doorbell.
Jaune: After these, do you want to stop and eat at the taqueria I told you about yesterday?
Blake: Sure, if we have time.
Jaune: Great.
Suddenly the door of the house opens. In front of them 5 very scared people appear and start talking at the same time.
Jaune: Wow! Quiet! Don't worry… As you can see, we are animal control and we are already informed of what is happening. You.. *he points to one of the people* ..where is the crocodile?
Stranger 1: T-That way.
He says as he points to a door at the end of the hallway.
Stranger 1: She's in there. Please be very careful.
Jaune: *Smiles* Don't worry, we are professionals.
He says with great confidence.
Stranger 2: If you survive, we will follow you to the depths of hell.
Jaune: (Holy cow, what kind of crocodile do they have?!) T-That's not necessary.
Blake: Jaune, lets go.
Jaune: R-Right.
The two pass between the people towards their objective. The more they do it, the more they hear the chaos happening inside the room.
Jaune: So, how do you plan to appease her?
Blake: By using you.
Jaune: *Surprise* I'm sorry!
Blake grabs the door handle and opens it without any worry.
Jaune: Wait!
When they open the door completely, they find a very upset woman.
Tock: How the hell did I lose that money?!! That bet was supposedly a sure winner!!! *She grabs a chair and throws it against the wall* AAAAH!!!!
Jaune: Blake...
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: That's not a crocodile
Blake: Wrong, she is.
Jaune: She is a person!
Blake: Correction, She is a Crocodile Faunus person.
Jaune: That doesn't matter, you told me that we would work with animals!
Blake: She is an animal.
Jaune: *Gasp!* Now that's racist.
Blake: Ok I lied! Actually this companionship business for women.
Jaune: And I'm the product?
Blake: Y-Yes... *Ashamed, she lowers her head*
Jaune: *Sighs* Look Blake, if you need money, I can help you.
Blake: *Happy* So you'll work for me?!
Jaune: Hell no! I leav-!
Tock: *Grabs his shirt* You finally arrived handsome.
Jaune: *Worry* Hey wait a minute! I was just leav-!
Tock: Enough of the talk, let's fuck!
She pushes Jaune into the room and locks the door. Blake puts her ear to the door and listens.
Jaune: Wait this is all a misunderstanding! If you let me explain-!
Suddenly the sound of clothes falling is heard.
Jaune: O-Oh God~
Tock: You like what you see, big guy~💕 This is all yours for the next hour~
Jaune: I-I don't think it's a good idea-
Tock: If you're worried about my teeth, don't be. I don't bite…hard~
Jaune: Is not that, the thing is...
Then the sound of a zipper is heard.
Jaune: H-Hey!
Tock: Holy fuck~💕 They told me you were big, but I didn't expect such a massive cock~ God, I need it inside me~💕
Jaune: H-Hang on a minute! I don't think she will fit! Hey! WAIT!
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room.
Tock: MoThErfuCkEr!!💕
Jaune: *Worry* Are you ok?!
Tock: I'm fine! Just… fuck~💕… I think I just came. Shit, you sure have a nice cock~ I will definitely book you again. Now let's test your stamina~💕
Jaune: Mu stami-*Gets kissed*-MHH!!💕
Tock: Shut up now, will you, just fuck me~💕 *Kiss* *Kiss* *Kiss*
Blake: (Looks like my plan was a success)
Blake walks away from the door and starts typing on her phone.
Blake(text): I have a space open this Saturday, is that okay?
White_Queen: I take it. It would be at my beach house. I'll send you the address later, along with the deposit.
Blake smiles at the text
Blake: (Oh Jaune~ You don't know how valuable you are.)
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clownery-and-fuckery · 10 months
Do you think the Bad Batch and the 501st had like- a gen z and millenia kind of relationship? Like-
Tech watching Crosshair and a group of regs fall off a mountain side(they were fine): dam. F in the chat
Echo, distraught: a what in the what
Hunter, over comms: F
Echo, visibly shaken: wh a t
Or like-
Rex, kicking ass:
Wrecker: ugh slay
Rex, still kicking ass: what did you just??
Wrecker: u know, u slayed that 🤭
Rex: h- what???
A personal fav
Jesse: you're literally the worst group of soliders I've ever seen! You've ZERO respect for the Captain!!!!!! >:(
Crosshair: ok boomer
Jesse: w
Jesse: what
Tech: on god you're the worst
Jesse: hang on-
Hunter: flopped
Jesse: stop that—
Wrecker: L
I just think it'd be silly ok???
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slayfics · 7 months
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Denki comes to check on you.
~1,200 words
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You sat in your living room scrolling through your phone after finally making it home from patrol.
A notification came through- another text from Eijiro. That made five unanswered texts from the hero now.
You sighed, scrolling through the messages.
Hey! How are you doing? [01/07 3:38pm]
Hey! You alright?? [01/15 2:54pm]
Sorry for bugging you, but it's been a while, is everything ok?? [01/18 6:19pm]
Ok, I'm seriously worried about you now. Please respond! [01/22 8:23am]
That's it, I'm barging over there today if you don't let me know you're alive. [01/23 9:41pm]
He sure was persistent you thought. It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to your friend- but... you couldn't bring yourself to even begin to explain how you have been doing.
It had been about a year since you all graduated from U.A. and started working at Hero Agencies. It was great at first finally being a pro hero and seeing what agency all your classmates ended up at... but... a year into it- all the excitement of being a hero seemed to fade. Now it was just work- and fucking hard work at that.
How could you even say out loud that hero work isn't what you thought it was when you couldn't even admit it yourself? It was easier to just ignore.
Suddenly a loud hum echoed through your apartment disrupting your pity party and all the lights went off.
You forgot to pay the electric bill.
You turned the flashlight on your phone and booked it to your desk- trying to sort through the pile of mail that had accumulated over the past three weeks.
"Damn it", you mumbled to yourself unable to find where the electric bill was. Shifting more junk mail aside the light on your phone dimmed and blinked off.
"Are you kidding me?" You cried and tapped at your phone- but you were only greeted with an image of a red battery signaling your phone had died.
You grunted in frustration and yanked your keys off your desk to make your way to your car. As soon as you opened the door you were hit with the blast of the cold winter air. You cursed your way down to your car before finally settling in the driver's seat.
You started the engine, turned the heater on, and plugged in your phone.
Despair set in when you realized the power wouldn't be turned on tonight even if you did pay the bill right now- and you would have to sleep without the heater upstairs in the dead of winter.
The light from your phone illuminated your car once it had enough battery to power up again. You reached for your phone and at the same time, someone knocked on your window, startling you into a jump. Your phone fell out of your hands as you jumped and turned to your window.
"Heyyyy~" Denki called laughing slightly at your startled reaction.
You rolled the window down, "Kaminari you scared the shit out of me!" You complained, slapping his arm playfully.
"Sorry sorry," He laughed. "Where you headed?" He asked.
"Nowhere," you answered honestly but wish you had thought better to lie.
"Nowhere? Sooooo you're just hanging out in your car?" he asked, tilting his head confused.
"Ugh- just get in, it's freezing," You exclaimed and unlocked your door.
Denki went to the other side of the car and slid into the passenger seat.
"Man, it's cold out there!" He said shivering as he warmed his hands up by the heater.
"What are you doing here Kaminari?" You asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," He retorted and looked over at you resting in your PJS in the driver's seat.
You rolled your eyes and picked up your phone of the floor of the car. Intent on avoiding the question you unlocked your phone and began to scroll through your apps.
"Fine fine you win, I came over because Kirishima sent me," Denki answered.
"Seriously?!" You let out annoyed.
"Yup- he said you hadn't responded to him in weeks. He made a big deal about it when I told him I hadn't heard from you either. He had to stay later for patrol tonight so- he sent me to come to check on you, and I find you hanging out in your car in your PJS beacauseeee~?" Denki questioned, hoping to finally get an answer from you.
You let out a sigh and looked out the front window of the car, "Promise not to make fun of me," You spoke.
"Me? Of course not! I know how bad it feels to be made fun of- so come on you can tell me anything. Promise I'll never judge you or- make you feel bad about something, kay?" Denki reassured you.
"All right... I've been struggling to balance everything in my life recently and... I may have... maybe forgot to pay my electric bill," You squeaked out. "Then my phone died- and it's freezing upstairs so... I came here to charge my phone and warm up."
"Oh man," Denki said, sympathy filling his eyes. "Why didn't you let one of us know things were so rough recently?"
"Because- I don't know- I just... I don't want anyone to think I can't take care of myself- or I can't handle hero work. Because I can! I'm doing fine! So don't give me those stupid puppy dog eyes!" You said defensively.
"Wow wow there- I know you can do it all by yourself, but- everything in life is easier with friends, right? Look- I think Kirishima made the right move sending me over tonight. What do you say we go upstairs and find that electric bill to pay, and in the meantime~ I can get the electricity going for you- since it'll take the power company a bit before they turn it back on," Denki said, flashing you a wink.
Denki's help and kind words finally broke something inside you, you felt the lump in your throat form and the threat of tears sting your eyes. You blinked hard to try and banish it away. It felt so nice to have a friend around again- why were you stubborn for so long and isolating yourself? It felt like you had been suffocating these past three weeks and finally, you were able to take a deep breath in again.
"Hey... you alright?" Denki asked, noticing your saddened demeanor.
"Yeah," You sniffed, then wrapped your arm around his bringing his shoulder down to lay your head on. "I didn't think it was going to be this hard," You mumbled.
Denki hummed, "Yeah me either honestly... but that's why we look out for each other. So, none of this hiding away stuff anymore, okay?"
You nodded into his shoulder and squeezed his arm tighter.
"Come on- let's get this show on the road. I'll get your electricity running again, and we can have drinks and catch up. Then maybe tomorrow we can plan to get some food with Kirishima too, he's been worried sick about you. Sound good?" Denki asked.
"Yeah, that sounds good." You agreed, a smile spreading on your face for the first time in weeks.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango
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beautification-tales · 5 months
The Voyeur
An April and Pepper Tale
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April woke up in her bed covered in sweat. She shivered as she saw the lacey pink bra and panties hanging loosely on her body. She sighed knowing that Pepper had control of her body last night. April never fully understood what happened to her when she took the serum. However, Pepper wasn’t shy about filling April in.
April let the undergarments fall off her body as she went to the shower. April frowned at what dirty things her alter ego did last night. Pepper was a slut. She shivered as the cold water washed away the dried sweat and sticky remnants of the night before. She couldn't help but wonder what had happened. She toweled herself off and put on a robe. She continued to dry her hair with a towel as she walked to her laptop. She saw the new video file recorded last night and opened it.
April opened her eyes as the platinum haired beauty that is her alter ego in the pink lingerie fondling her breasts. “Hey April! Don’t worry about last night. Trust me!” Pepper giggled as she continued to play with her nipples. April couldn't help but feel aroused by this, even though she knew it was wrong. Pepper leaned closer to the camera. “I was with only one man last night. I made him cum three times.” Pepper stopped playing with her breasts on the video. “Unfortunately he passed out after that so I had to come home still super horny.” Pepper’s left hand grabbed at her big breasts as her right hand disappeared from the screen.
“The things I do for you, April. I hope this proves to you that I love you. I want us to work together mmm ahhh!” April tried to look away as she realized Pepper was masturbating. “Fuck! Don’t look away April! Don’t be ahhh prude! I’m you! You are me… so I know you’re getting wet right now and you're touching your body too.”
April jumped as she realized Pepper was right. April was caressing her body as her bathrobe was open. April was about to end the video as the file still had a few minutes left. “No! Don’t turn it off! Watch me cum or… or I’ll fuck Dustin!” April covered her mouth in shock.
Pepper’s lips curled into a sinister smile as she laughed. “I know you want him. So let me fuck him.”
April shook her head and whispered. “Stay away from him, you slut.” Pepper laughed knowing her other half so well. “Ok I knew that would piss you off. Fine he’s off limits… for now but that’s only if you keep watching me!”
April frowned as she continued to watch her alter ego pleasure herself. Pepper was truly a manipulative bitch. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of arousal at the sight of her rubbing herself, even though she knew it was wrong. As Pepper's orgasm neared, April’s resolve weakened. Her breath hitched and her fingers dug into her skin as she fought against the urge to touch herself.
“April, stop fighting me! Just touch yourself!” Pepper looked directly at April as if they were in the room together. “Look at me! Look at how sexy we are. Dustin could be yours… ours.” April’s mind thought of her crush as her heart kept beating faster. April stopped fighting the urge as her bathrobe opened completely.
Her hand traveled down to her soaking wet sex. The feeling of warmth against her fingers was almost unbearable. She moaned softly as she slipped her finger inside, feeling the slickness that was her arousal. Pepper eyes rolled back on the video as April began to touch herself, mimicking her alter ego.
"That's it, April. Show Dustin how much you want him." Pepper breathed hard, her chest heaving with every breath. "You know you want him as much as I do." April closed her eyes, unable to deny the truth of Pepper's words. Her fingers moved faster, her body arching into the touch as she neared the brink of orgasm.
April came hard as she trembled beneath the force of her orgasm. Her breathing ragged, her body shaking with the intensity of the sensations coursing through her. Pepper's words echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the desire she felt for Dustin. She didn't know how she could resist him any longer. As the wave of pleasure subsided, April felt a sense of loss and emptiness. She wanted more, and she knew that Pepper was the only one who could give it to her.
April ran to the refrigerator and grabbed a vial of PPR. She hurriedly dug into the drawer for a syringe. Her hands were shaking as she quickly prepared the injection. April exhaled as she felt the pinch in her arm as the cold liquid entered her veins.
April could almost hear Pepper’s voice laughing in her ear as she injected herself. "It’s so much better when we work together." April began to feel woozy and steadied herself against the fridge.
April’s curly brown hair straightened quickly as it turned platinum. April turned and put her back against the fridge. She smiled as her eyes changed color, becoming a piercing shade of blue. The bathrobe fell to the floor, revealing her naked body, her breasts grew as April held them and felt her hard nipples.
She licked her lips, feeling the power of her other half surging through her. She grew taller and stronger as her legs and arms grew and filled with feminine muscle. She felt her hips explode out as her ass grew firm and round. April’s face shifted as Pepper began to emerge.
"Oh Dustin," she purred, her voice deep and sultry. "I hope you’re awake now because today we’re aiming for four times."
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thought--bubble · 9 months
There Is Still Hope ..... Isn't There? Pt2
Tom Bennett X (Best Friend's Sister Reader)
Word Count: 1,218
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There is Still Hope Isn''t there? Masterlist
Tom Bennett Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: None
You arrive home late from your shift and as usual Josh is up sipping tea and waiting for you in the kitchen.
"busy night?" he whispers to you.
"Yeah i guess so" you say dropping your purse on the table
"Shhh!" He gestures toward the living room where you can see a sleeping Tom curled up on the sofa.
You look at Josh confused. "Is he alright then?"
"lets go upstairs to talk" he nods towards the stairs and you grab your purse and then follow him up.
Josh walks into your room and sits on the corner of the bed. "He has nowhere to go"
You place your purse down on the dresser gently.
"his dad is gone, his sister left." Josh runs his fingers through his hair. "he's been through.... incredible things. He just needs a minute, to pick himself back up"
"Course, Course, I understand"
"He's not that same goofy fella we knew. He's been through hell. I just...... i gotta help him ya know?" Josh sighs "I know this is your home too so if you're not ok with it-:"
You cut him off quickly "Of course i'm ok with it." you sit down next to him. "As long as he needs is fine with me"
"Great, get some sleep" Josh pats your knee "We'll talk more about this in the morning"
you nod and wish Josh a good night before getting changed into your nightgown. as you lay down for sleep all you can think about is Tom curled up on the sofa. Josh didn't even get him a blanket! You laugh to yourself.
You can't leave him like that so you look around for a spare blanket and pillow. you quietly make your way down the stairs, blanket and pillow in hand. you walk over to a sleeping Tom as quietly as possible. you gently place the blanket over him and attempt to slide the pillow under his head.
The touch of your hands makes him jump awake and grab onto your wrists tightly.
"Oh!" you attempt to pull away startled.
He grips you tight for another moment before a look of recognition crosses his face and he lets go.
"oh, kid i'm sorry" he mumbles groggily.
"No Tom, that's ok i'm sorry" you shift uncomfortably and cross your arms covering your chest. Just now realizing that your nightgown is a bit more revealing than you would normally present yourself in front of Tom. "Just brought you a blanket and pillow... didn't mean to wake ya"
He looks over at the pillow half hanging off the sofa. "you're too sweet to me" he chuckles and pulls the pillow up on the couch squishing it up and laying his head back down on it.
You blush as you nod at him. "Well good night Tom" you turn towards the stairs and he yawns.
"Night kid" He turns over on the sofa getting comfortable.
You glance back over at him one last time before climbing the stairs and heading back to your room.
As you lay in your bed you find it difficult to sleep thinking of Tom down there asleep on the sofa. It's not like he didn't crash at your place from time to time when he and Josh were running amuck as teenagers but it just felt so different now.
He had said you grew up, were a proper lady now. Then hours later used that dreaded nickname "kid".
"Kid" you say out loud letting it echo through the empty room. "I'm no bloody kid" you grumble while turning over.
At some point sleep took you, because before you knew it you were waking to the gentle knock of Josh at your door. "Tea is on"
"Thank you!" you yell toward the door. You stretch before getting out of bed and walking toward the door. As soon as your hand hits the doorknob you stop and remember "Tom's down there, I gotta get dressed".
You turn back to your closet refusing to go down in front of Tom in your nightgown. "Hmmmm" you tap your lip looking at your clothing options. Usually you would not be too picky on a day like today. Since your plan was to stay home and catch up on the cleaning, but with Tom being downstairs you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to look beautiful.
You choose a nice black dress with red trim and put your hair up nice. You start to place a bit of blush on your cheek when you hear another knock on your door.
"You coming?" you can tell Josh is confused. The routine you two follow is the same every morning. He wakes up first and heads to the kitchen putting on the tea and then comes back upstairs to wake you. By the time you reach the kitchen usually still clad in your nightgown, the tea is ready. You sit with Josh for a bit and chat before he heads out for work. You never deviate from the routine. It is very important to you and to Josh that you make time for each other.
Since the tea has been long past ready this morning and cooling on the counter Josh is now confused and waiting.
You get up and open the bedroom door. "Yeah i'm coming, sorry" you close the door behind you.
"Just cuz he's here don't mean you gotta get all dressed up for tea" Josh states raising an eyebrow at you. "It's still just Tom"
"I know, but i can't be frolicking about in my nightgown either, it's a bit revealing" You shrug "Now let's go have tea, you have to leave soon"
The two of you journey downstairs to where Tom is sat at the table thumbing through a newspaper.
"Tom's gonna be out looking to get himself a proper job today" Josh smirks as he enters the kitchen grabbing the cup off of the counter and handing it to you.
"Tom with a proper job? never thought" you chuckle as you take a sip of the tea and then grimace.
"Cold huh? that's what happens when you're late for mornin tea" Josh plops a kiss on your forehead. "Don't let him sit in the flat all day, he's gotta get out there"
"Yeah, yeah I won't I have things to do today don't need him in the way all day" You smile and wave at Josh as he walks out the door.
"I won't be in your way, I'm heading out now." He takes a piece of toast from the table and stuffs it in his mouth.
"You know who's hiring? What places to go to?"
"I'm not new round here. I know the places." he looks you up and down briefly. "That's a nice dress"
You blush lightly and turn away "So where ya thinking?" You are really hoping he will stay for at least a little bit, so you will have the chance to spend some time with him alone.
"Few places, you'll know when I land something" he gives you a cheeky grin as he walks out the door. "See ya kid" he wiggles his eyebrows and closes the door behind him leaving you standing quietly in the kitchen.
"I'm not a bloody kid!" you yell into the empty space.
Part 3
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hey! Ok I’m OBSESSED with your writing and ugh it’s just amazing ily! I was wondering if you could write something based on the song I Can See You by Taylor Swift for Fred or George? I have no preference cuz I love them both:) XOXO
TYSM for your kind words, lovely!🥰🥹🤗💞
I'm sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy it!
Fred Weasley x Fem!reader
I Can See You
Falling head over heels for her boss was not something Y/N ever intended.
And yet here she was, leaning in closer, hanging on to his every word as he talked about expense reports and net profits. It wasn't the most thrilling of subjects, but that didn't matter. He could've been reading the grocery list for all she cared.
His voice was pure ambrosia. Food of the Gods. Nectar for her soul. She'd fallen in love at first sound.
"You're bookkeeping skills are second to none. Hiring you is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Keep up the good work!" Fred patted her shoulder, and then he was off to the next thing without a second glance in her direction.
Y/N watched him go, wondering how he couldn't feel it? That electric pulse between them. The one that made her blood pump faster whenever he was near. The one that haunted her night and day, conjuring visions of his body pressed against hers, their lips locked in an all-consuming kiss.
"I can see you," she mummered as he disappeared around the corner. "When will you see me?"
The hours dragged on into days and the days into weeks, and just when she thought all hope was lost, something shifted. It was subtle at first. A compliment here, an unexpected smile there.
"Hey Y/N," Fred smiled, his ears tinging pink. "Your hair looks really nice today. Did you change it?"
"Uh, yeah, a little," her hands immediately went to her locks. "I curled it this morning. Nothing major."
"Yeah?" He grinned. "It looks lovely."
"Oh, um... thank you." Y/N feared her heart might beat right out of her chest.
Fred chewed on his bottom lip. Her smile had sent him spiraling. He'd never intended to fall for his employee, and yet here he was, standing before her, wondering how he was only seeing her now. Truly seeing her.
Fred watched her now the way she watched him. She saw the quick side-eye glances when people surrounded them and full-on stares when they were alone.
That was fine with her. They could keep it quiet. Clandestine. Just the thought sent a ripple of excitement down her spine.
Fred's gaze had locked onto her as she walked back to the office, his footsteps echoing behind her in the hallway. She stood with her hand against the doorframe, waiting.
His breath was hot against her neck. "I've fought my feelings for so long," his voice was low and rough. "I can't fight them any longer."
"Then don't," she turned to face him.
His eyes bore into hers. "Tell me you want this," he mummered.
She smiled and ran her hand along his jawline. "I'm yours for the taking. Always have been."
Fred's lips met hers in a crushing kiss that stole her breath and turned her knees to jello. He tightened his embrace, holding her upright in his arms.
It felt like only seconds before he pulled away. "I dream of nothing but you," he said.
"Good. That makes us even," she grinned and pulled him back to her.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman
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snoreyua · 1 year
₊˚ෆ ⁀➷ come back to me // ep. 4
synopsis : you and riki were childhood best friends doing everything together. when you entered middle school, you overheard him talking shit about you to his so-called friends. out of frustration, you moved schools and cut all contact with him. now starting a new year in high school, what will you do when riki unexpectedly transfers to your school? can you rebuild your friendship or will something much deeper will bloom?
word count : 1k
warnings : reader is sick, arguing-ish?, fluff, not proofread, lowercase intended, lmk if i missed anything
yua's notes : i kinda died sorry 😭😭 i really liked writing this i think its so cute 🙁🙁 MY TURN WHEN??
previous masterlist next
story written under the cut
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you groaned, pulling your pillow over your ears as the sound of your alarm blared through the room. you had barely managed to fall asleep, considering the events of yesterday lingered in your mind. as you embraced yourself in the warmth of your blankets, it was suddenly stripped off your body, a cold front spread through your body. "get up y/n you're already late!" your mother chirped, as you internally swore from how cold you felt. trying to warm yourself up, you looked at your mother, who looked slightly irritated from your reluctance to wake up. "oh my goodness, why is it so cold this morning?" you shivered, trying to find something to help you stay warm. "what are you talking about y/n? it's the middle of spring!" your mother said, before leaving you alone in your room.
as you walked down to your class, your face felt warm and stuffy, feeling like you were going to sneeze any moment. after endless nagging, you gave in to your mother who forced you to go to school. your hands rubbed your arms, attempting to generate some sort of heat for your freezing body. you sniffed loudly, slightly coughing as you slumped onto your seat next to riki. sighing, you folded your arms on the desk, resting your head on top. your head felt like it was spinning, like you were going to faint. you felt a slight tap on your shoulder. you turned, your eyes meeting riki's.
"hey are you ok?" he asked, looking concerned at your dishevelled state. "yeah i'm fine," you mumbled, not wanting to look at him any longer. you felt your heart race, thinking about him, your cheeks slightly heating. "oh my god I think I like him…" you muttered under your breath. "hm? did you say something?" riki turned to you, your words incoherent to him. as you were going to speak, you felt an uncomfortable sensation, in your nose. before you could react, you sneezed. your face turned red in embarrassment, as you felt some of your snot dangling from your nose. you quickly hid your face, turning even redder from riki's gaze on you.
"bless you! you want some tissues?" he stood up, worried for you. you stopped him. "no it's ok i'll get them," you said before quickly standing up. you shakily walked to the front of the class, grabbing some tissues from the box. your head felt like it was pounding, as you blew your nose and threw it in the bin. on your way back to your desk, you bumped into a chair causing you to fall. your face was met with the hard, cold floor. if you felt dizzy just then, you felt like you were going to pass out now. calls of your name echoed in your head were the last thing you remembered before your vision faded to black.
after a few hours, you slowly regained consciousness. you sat up from the bed, realising that you were in the school infirmary. you looked to your side, seeing riki, who was sleeping. his head hanging low as his arms were crossed. you were wrong to say that you didn't like him before. oh god you loved him like crazy, but you never had the guts to tell him. you were scared that you were going to lose him if you confessed, so you kept it to yourself. maybe that's why it killed you so much when you heard him backstab you that day.
you huffed, as you observed his face. he looked unreal, compared to before. his features matured, suiting his face even more. his moles enhanced his features. his pouty lips, his hair, his eyes, they seemed to stand out to you."i can't believe you look this handsome now…" your eyes then traced to the bracelet that you made him. you smiled to yourself, as you gently touched his hair. "i can't believe you still have that bracelet," you sighed, still looking at him. "i'm sorry for being so harsh to you ki," you mumbled before hearing footsteps approach you.
"ah y/n! you're finally awake!" the nurse smiled at you. the voice of the nurse woke riki up, who suddenly sat up straight. "unfortunately, I called your mother but she said she can't look after you because of work. however, this young gentleman has volunteered to take care of you." she said, pointing to riki. you shook your head, insisting that you could look after yourself, but the nurse said that you needed someone to look after you. you exhaled, finally agreeing with her information. she left the two of you alone.
you looked at riki, who was staring at you. "thank you riki," you murmured, bowing your head. he smiled at you, with a mischievous look. he smirked at you, as you raised your eyebrow. "why are you looking at me like that?" you furrowed your eyes at him. he crossed his arms and chuckled, shaking his head. "I heard everything you said~" he giggled as he leaned closer to your face. you felt your cheeks flare up, covering your face in embarrassment. you slapped his arm, which caused him to laugh more at you.
"ooh getting feisty are we y/n?" he teased you, making you go even redder. "well, I can't deny that I am this beautiful now," he dramatically posed, making you stifle a laugh as you rolled your eyes at him. riki showed off his bracelet to you, the charm gleaming in the faint sunlight in the room. "and why would I take this masterpiece off? your 5 year old hands really had some skill, I can't lie" he smiled as he looked at the bracelet, then at you. "oh yes the last thing…" he said, coming even closer to your face. "I forgive you y/n" he flashed you a wide grin, making you blush even more.
you pushed his head away with your finger, trying to look annoyed. "well, it still doesn't change the fact that I still hate you." you grumbled, looking away from him. "y/n, you know you really don't look that annoyed. your face is still as red as a tomato." he sighed, watching you blush even more. you hit him with your pillow, making him dramatically fall to the floor. although you were trying your best not to crack, you started laughing , which made riki laugh. you got off the bed, helping him get up. he then suddenly picked you up.
"come on y/n! we're going to my house!"
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taglist (open) : @viagumi @lilriswife4life @keiipopped @w0nslvr @mizomani @k25vi @bacterla @yumilovesloona @wendypopsi @ak-aaa-li @jakevascaino @iea-tsand @bbinwrld @en-happiness
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thinkingoflawrence · 9 months
Imagine: Adam and you move to San Francisco (Fluff)
This is for a friend, so there are insiders like “San Francisco” in it, The character is also based of off her, at least as best as I could.
i hope others still enjoy it!
After you and Adam finally had enough money to move to San Francisco to open your camera shop,
you had helped Adam out of the bathroom, and finally got away from Jigsaw… you, yourself, were a Jigsaw victim too, you survived and somehow became an apprentice.
You had known him from Scott, you were invited to some house party that Scott was throwing, and then you met Adam there. Now, in San Francisco, the two of you set out to turn your passion for photography into a new chapter, leaving behind the dark part of your lives.
After a long ass car drive, we finally arrived,
Our car stopped in front of our new store and our new apartment, “Damn… We made it… Adam! San Francisco… our store. Can you believe it? Holy shit…”
with an excited tone to it, “Believe it, sweetheart. I always knew this day would come. Now, let the city bask in the glory of our photographic genius”
he gave me a smirk, and chuckled awkwardly, I got out of the car and Adam then followed.
I just stood there looking at the building, our flat was right above the store, it looked amazing… it was just amazing…
The sound of Adam's camera echoed through the moment, and as I turned, he had that mischievous grin. “Well, now our first new memory”,
“wait wait wait… take another picture, wait…” I did my best sigma expression that I could, and Adam took another picture, trying not to laugh his ass off.
As Adam previewed the shots, i glanced at the photos.
“What's with the Sigma act, Soph? Trying to look all mysterious and brooding?”
I chuckled, “You're missing the charm.”
Adam being a little sassy, “Soph, it's called ambiance. But if you've got a better pose, feel free to enlighten us.”
“Well… no, fuck you” i said jokingly
Adam smirked, “Ambiance, Soph, Ambiance. It's an art you might not understand.”
Sophia shot back, “Well, I've got my own art form it's called not giving a damn. Try it sometime.”
I chimed in with a playful tone, “Yeah, Adam, take notes from that.” Adam laughed, “I'll consider it, but I make no promises. I've got an image to maintain, you know.”
As we bantered, I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth. “Yeah, alright, alright, whatever,” I said with a grin, “but seriously, maybe we should channel this energy into getting those cardboard boxes inside? Our new life in San Francisco isn't going to unpack itself.” i said,
Adam chuckled, “Fine, fine, we'll save the photo shoot for later. Let's deal with the cardboard boxes.”
My lips curled into a grin, “Finally, someone with priorities. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for you. The mix of sass, laughter, and the excitement of a new beginning hung in the air as we put everything in the flat above the store.
Entering the flat, a comforting new smell surrounded us. Boxes down, we started unpacking, the promise of a fresh start in each unopened box.
Time skip ~ some days later
“Alright, that was the last one…” I remarked as I watched the last customer leave the shop, Adam was just in the back, Adam was immersed in developing pictures. Deciding to visit him, I swiftly walked to the door and opened it. “Boo.” I exclaimed, and to my surprise, Adam jumped, nearly dropping the pictures. He shot me a wide-eyed look, and then we both burst into laughter.
“You were very scary, you know?” Adam teased. “I know, I know, thank you,” I replied, inspecting the developing photos. Some were already hanging up to dry, and I noticed the pictures Adam took when we arrived were there.
“Well, they really turned out great, especially this one,“ I said, grabbing the picture. “Damn, I'm beautiful.” I held the photo next to my face, recreating the expression.
Adam took the picture, a bit embarrassed but still sassy. “I wanted to make something with it, but I forgot, okay?”
“Well, damn, okay,” I said. “I'll go upstairs already. You can finish if you want.”
“Alright, I'll just finish up and then join you, Soph.” Adam gave me a soft, quick kiss before I headed upstairs. way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth before finally heading to bed.
To my surprise, Adam was already there. “Well, someone was fast,” I remarked. “Yeah, I was quick to finish all of them,” Adam said with a small smile as he got into bed.
I joined him, and we just laid there, talking about everything and anything. Eventually, we fell asleep, wrapped in the comfort of each other's company.
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Tag list:
@xqnqx @thinkingofnana
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questforgalas · 1 year
Favorite sibling moments that made me fall in love with The Bad Batch during their TCW Arc - "On the Wings of Keeradaks"
Literally just this moment while they once again face down a battalion of droids
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Crosshair seamlessly avoiding the droid Wrecker picked up and swung around anticipating what Wrecker would do
Crosshair again avoiding a droid Wrecker throws behind him while they guard the door and throwing a look at Wrecker before resuming shooting
Wrecker's soft smile at Rex and Echo's reunion 😭 (let him have Crosshair back and let us have an entire episode that is the squad's reunion please TBB writers I'm begging you)
"Great, now how do we get up there" "Oh I can help with that!" immediately grabs Hunter and throws him in the air
"A heads up would've been nice!"
"Well I hope there's a ship we can steal" "Let's hope this trip isn't for nothing" Echo already meshing with the sibling sass
"That's fine, but if you fall don't take me with you"
(Oh not, that last one really hurts now doesn't it)
"Oh no, I looked" followed by Tech's eye roll
Hunter encouraging Wrecker across the beam
Wrecker no hesitation jumping to grab Crosshair as he falls when he literally 15 seconds earlier was panicking about how high up they were (A+ choice by the creators)
"I do have a brilliant idea" "I'm hanging here!" Sibling 101: sass opportunities must be taken even when dangling above an abyss
(Oh no, these new parallel realizations are really starting to hurt)
"He records everything. It's a hobby" Sibling 101: all opportunities to mock your sibling must be taken regardless of the situation you're in
Crosshair's trust in Wrecker to hold him so much that he continues to shoot and take down droids even while dangling above an abyss being held by the ankle
"How else? We jump?" Echo's eyes as he processes what Tech just said
the knife throw Wrecker executes to Hunter so Hunter's dual-wielding (literally have watched this arc countless times and I just caught that, so freaking cool)
The bridal carry to throw Wrecker and Hunter execute 😂😂
While Tech translates to the Poltec's Crosshair looks at him with a smile in the background
**(the link is crediting a post I put the gif in previously and tumblr is being weird not letting me copy and past it from their masterlist but the gif is actually by @proadhoghog, please check their work out)
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moiravim · 2 years
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Loki x Yn
enemies to lovers
has smut❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
takes place during Loki series.
The morning sky was cerulean-blue. The sound of intoning cars filled the air. The sun was glowing like a beacon for the lost souls of the world. A feathered sound echoed through the trees. The sugary smell of the bakery nearby drifted through the air. The clouds were drifting along in the eternal summer sky. It was like a dome of azure blue. The concrete below her feet was rough. A variety of people passed her, all going about their day with no idea what events were coming next.
You gazed around the city, finding your eyes wander up to the sky. You look back down to your phone awaiting a text from Clint about your plans for the day when you suddenly hear a crashing sound from behind you.
Your head turns up from your phone and snaps back. The sound of rubble hitting the ground and the smell of smoke fills your senses. You tear your eyes from the scene in front of you to look at the sound coming from your phone.
You open your phone to see 3 missed clas from Clint. You call Clint back almost immediately.
Before you even got the chance to ask Clint what the hell was happening you're interrupted by his distraught voice. "Y/n where the hell are you?"
"I'm in the city not far awat from the tower, I was waiting for you to text me back about where to meet. Where the hell are you?! And what's going on?" You snap
You hear rustling coming from Clints end before he starts to speak "There's an emergency get up to the tower asap." You say a quick ok and start running towards the tower, hair rustling in the strong wind. "So what's going on?" You question in a loud, fast voice.
"Loki's invad-" Clint starts but his voice gets cut off by another. "Sorry Clint you were gonna over explain, so let's keep this short, sweet, and as simple as possible. Loki's invading new York because he wants to rule new York, and Thor aka Loki's brother knows how to stop him and it requires us, so hurry up and get here." Tony's exasperating voice states before hanging up on you.
You let out a breathe of annoyance, putting your phone back into your pocket as you begin to pick up your pace back to the tower.
You hurriedly make your way through the doors expecting to hear the bustling voices of your fellow avengers but instead you're greeted with nothing but silence. Well the most silence yiu can get going with the fact that there's currently an invasion right outside your window.
You run over to the window to get a better idea of what's going on and where your friends are just to see them running towards the battle without you. "Those dicks..." you mumble before turning around to get your gear on and put a stop to this hell hole of a day.
You finish putting on your gear, making sure to grab your weapons. Grabbing a set of double hand guns and a machine gun. Snatching a knife and a handful of ammo from your selection, hooking them on your belt.
You rum towards the elevator, pressing the down button a couple of times. As soon as the doors open, you hop inside, pressing the floor one. The quiet elevator music playing in the background, a sudden dung signaling you that you're on the first floor, scurrying out of the elevator to where you last saw the Avengers.
Running outside into the diaster of New York made you let out a small gasp, you continue running almost tripping over the terrain before you finally find a worn down Clint next to Tony, Thor, Natasha, and Bruce.
Next to them is a man handcuffed and wearing a muzzle. "Is it over? Are you guys alright?" You question thrm quickly. "We're fine, and yes, the fights over. We caught the greasy haired bastard who caused it, " Tony says, looking at him and then back to you.
"Wait, so I got all geared up for nothing? I get to partake in no fighting whatsoever?" You ask, looking around yourself.
"That is correct, Lady y/n, we put a stop to my brother." You turn your head to look at the man on the floor before asking . "What's the twerp's name?" Looking at Thor awaiting and answer. "My brothers name is Loki." He states making eye contact with you.
Turning your head to look back at Loki, you find him already looking at you. Breaking eye contact to look at the rest of your friends, you ask, "So what do we do with him?"
The avengers walk into the compound when you see hulk breaking down a door, knocking out the agent holding the case containing the tesseract. You watched Loki reaches for the tesseract and you chased after him.
You grab his shoulder to pull him away from the tesseract but it is too late and a blue mist surrounds the both of you, teleporting you both somewhere unrecognizable.
"What the hell, man?! This is all your fault. I have plans with Clint tonight.." you complain as you roll your eyes at him. Clint had been friends with you for a long time. He is the one who introduced you to the avengers. He changed your life for the better and the least you could do is be on time to your lunch date with him.
"My fault? How absurd of you. If you're dumb self hadn't grabbed me you wouldn't be here." He yelled back. You and Loki had never gotten along.
The first time you two met, he snuck up on you, causing you to punch him with all your strength. His face was junked up for over a week and he never forgived you for it.
Not that you want his forgiveness. It's his fault for walking up behind you when you thought you were alone. He could have been anyone, how were you supposed to know he was Thor's brother?
"Sure, blame it on me all you want. But it was 100% your fault." You respond to his argument.
He stares at you and disgust before walking off, leaving you to fend for yourself. That's when a group of people walk up to the two of you and Loki starts talking to them.
Then suddenly a rectangle shaped portal opens, and a group of agents wearing suits with the letters TVA on them walked through it.
It quickly became clear to you that they were arresting the two of you. Loki tried to fight back but it didn't work out. You decided to stay compliant until the time was right.
After the two of you had gotten settled you were introduced to a man named Mobius. He claimed that he would try to help you the best he can.
You quickly proved to Mobius that he can trust you, which you were thankful for since you had gotten your outfit back while Loki was stuck wearing a suit which says variant on it.
You and Loki walk into an empty office, continuing your tiff. "Maybe if you weren't a stupid asshole who just had to touch the fancy blue glowy thing, we wouldn't be here!" You state pointing your finger at him then yourself.
"It's called a tesseract,you incompetent mortal! And maybe if you didn't have to come in and save the day by trying to stop me only , I would be here n,t you!" He angrily yells.
You glare at him, a you lift your hands, pressing them onto his chest and shoving him away from you. He looks shocked for a moment before his face morphs back into his angry scowl.
Loki takes fast and heavy steps back towards you, chests touching, facing not even an inch apart. "Loki if you don't get the hell away from me I, gonna punch the shi-"
You get cut off mid sentence when you feel his lips smash into yours. You quickly pull away, shocked by the action. Both of you breabreathedvily. You look up at him, lust filled your eyes as you pull him towards you, smashing his lips onto yours for yet another kiss.
Stumbling for something to lean on, you bump into a desk. Loki lifts you up and sets you on the desk. Breaking the kiss only for a second to catch your breath. His lips are back on your almost immediately, his tountonguehing open on your bottom lip, begging for entrance in your mouth. Right when your mouth opens for a second,his tongue is colliding with yours.
Your hands fumble with the zipper of his tan jumpsuit, desperate to get it off. Once you finally get it unzipped, he slips it off and works his hands on your clothes, zipping off your jumpsuit, leaving you both in nothing but your undergarments.
Lokis lips attatch to your neck, tounge swirling on your soft skin, leaving marks. He quickly takes your bra off, moving his lips down to your breast, sucking on the bud of your nipple.
You moan at the sensation of his tongue of your breast and his hand on the other. He grabs you by the waist, flipping you over on the table, stomach laying flat. He takes his fingers, pulling down my panties.
Loki chuckles lightly. "You're so wet. All for me, huh?" You look back at him with an annoyed expression. "Don't get to cocky Loki."
He smirks before taking his boxers off, tossing them to the side. He pumps his shaft a few times before lining himself up with your soaking pussy.
Loki pushes himself in your entrance, groaning with each thrust. Below him you're a moaning mess, whining his name each time he hits your g-spot.
Loki's thrusts becomes sloppy, as do his moans. He's groaning his name above you as you let of loud moans of his name.
With one final thrust you and Loki release at the same time. Collapsing onto the table, breathless.
Loki hands you your clothes, both of you getting dressed again. "Just wanted to let you know, even after whatever the hell that I was, I still hate you." You utter, looking at him to make eye contact. "I hate you more." Loki states with a smirk.
Loki had told you he wanted to show you something. The two of you walked through the halls until he knocked out a TVA worker and stole his TemPad.
You smile and nod as he opens a Timedoor, taking you to a new planet. It looked more like Earth but the technology seemed much less advanced.
You search the town until Loki concluded the planet safe. "I still think this is all your fault. I would've been home with my friends if it wasn't for you" You grumbled in an annoyed tone.
He glares at you and you roll your eyes back at him. "Come on now, we need to find somewhere to stay" you say before you continue walking.
Eventually you find an abandoned cottage house. Loki dusts off some of the surfaces while you check your weapons to make sure they're all in good condition.
You yawn and walk to the couch and prepare yourself for sleep, letting Loki rest on the small twin-sized bed.
You wake up in the middle of the night, feeling horribly sick, barely being able to feel your body as you feel yourself heating up.
You grown in pain as you see Loki shuffle and slowly get up. "Loki" You whisper out, almost too quiet to hear.
He turns to you with a concerned face and immediately makes his way over. He sits down on the floor in front of you and moves your hair out of your face.
"What's wrong...?" He asks, concerned. He can tell you're sick but he hopes you'll tell him it's something else and that you're okay. You look at him sadly and that's enough for him to understand.
He rubs your back as his eyes water. He wants to help, he really does. But he never learned how to heal with his magic. He doesn't know how to kill off this disease.
He knows it's because your body isn't adjusted to the illnesses on this planet, and his heart hurts as he remembers all the times you had told him it's his fault you're here. It's his fault you are dying.
"YN... There's something I need to tell you. I don't hate you. At all. I love you, and if things were to be different I'd like to spend my life with you. I'm sorry I put you in this mess" He lets out, as his tears start to fall.
"Hey.. it's not actually your fault. I was just playing with you. And.. I think I love you too." You respond as you start to fall back asleep.
When you awoke, you looked up at Mobius with a confused face. "What happened...? Where's Loki?" You ask, your voice shaking.
You felt someone rubbing your side and you look behind you to see Loki sitting on the other side of you. You smile as Loki states; "Mobius had found us shortly after you fell asleep... He had an antidote to the illness."
You turn your head towards Mobius and smile thankfully. He nods before turning around and walking out of the room.
"YN? I'd like to be with you. Forever. I know you love me as much as I love you, please give me a chance." He tells you once the door closes. Looking to his eyes, you think for a moment.
You doubted the truth of his words but decided it was worth the risk.
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mccnstruck · 2 years
if it's ok can i request akito x fem reader who gets hurt and has to undergo surgery, physical therapy, hospitalization, ect? it's ok if not hehe have a good day
sticks and stones will break my bones, but i trust you won't break my heart
characters: akito shinonome x gn!reader
tags: mentions of hospitals, injury (not specified), sugery + physical therapy (not specified), established relationship, ooc?, the author being an idiot when it comes to knowledge of medical stuff, neutral pronouns, swearing, no honorifics, hurt/comfort
a/n: i wanna say im SO SO SO SORRY that im so late with this !!! i oh jeez i was tryna make this a full fledged fic but i lost all motivation for writing but i got this done LMFAO i hope you enjoy!!! so sorry again </3
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- when a familar buzz is heard from his phone, he sighs in relief. man, after a whole day, you finally respond to his text..... what?
his eyes widen and he has to take a second look at your message to procress that... you've been in the hospital the whole day!? and he just learned of it?!
apparently, you've hurt yourself really badly and couldn't text him because you were getting treated for.
when he rushes over to the hospital and sees you, sheepishly smiling and rubbing your neck in nervousness, he lightheartedly glares at you.
"the hell did you do to yourself?"
"ah.. that's not a concern right now.."
akito raises his eyebrows. "yea, let's ignore the whole reason why you're here. what happened?"
you sigh, and explain the whole story to him. he sits next to your hospital bed and place his hand on your arm closest to him.
"jeez.... i'm just glad it's not any worse than this."
in a playful tone, you make puppy eyes at him. he groans and lets go of your hand.
"what do you want now?"
"wellll... since i am in a very unfortunate situation...." as you hold you hand over your heart in emphasis, "does this mean i can have the last slice of cheesecake in your fridge...?"
he abruptly stands up and proceeds to walk away. "hell no. im pretty sure it has my name on the box."
you clutch onto his jacket and weakly hang on. "nooo 'kito, i'm sorry! come back..."
he sighs and takes your hand to intertwine his fingers through yours. he tilts your face with his other hand and kisses your forehead with so much tenderness coming from a hot-headed ginger.
"you're lucky i'm too in love with you to say anything."
you let out a loud laugh, and grin. "i know. the way you look at me in class says a lot."
he flys back in mock annoyance. "oi! is this supposed to be your suffering or mine?"
you mischeviously cackle and cover your mouth from trying to laugh even more. "akito, you're so fun to make fun of."
he groans and sits back down on the side of the bed. having a few more moments of laughter, you slowly calm down and proceed to stare at him. he looks back and grins.
"what're you staring at?"
you reach out and tuck his hair behind his ear. his eyes widen for a little bit, and his cheeks have slight hues of pink.
"i love you."
he smirks. "ok, and?"
"i'm in pain and agony right now. i think my words mean a little more than just a little daily confession of love."
his smirk slowly turns into a soft smile. "i love you too."
"can i have the last slice..?"
he sighs in defeat, yet his lovestruck smile never fades. he rolls his eyes in faux disinterest, and lets out a soft "fine, you thief."
you let out a surprised gasp, before your eyes crinkle in joy and you laugh, uncaring of whatever happened before hand. akito can only look at you in awe for a moment, before his emotions overwhelm him and he impulsively cups you face to kiss him.
when he leans back, he opens his eyes to your eyes staring back at him.
he felt at peace... until it wasnt.
three loud knocks echos through the hospital room. both of you jump from your place and akito accidentally hits the place you were affected.
"oh, goddammit!" you hiss and immediately cover the pain with your hand.
"shit! are you ok?"
"yea, i'm fine... come in!"
when the doors opened, an, kohane, and toya walked in concerned. akito's eyes widen, yet you knew in silence that he was a little annoyed. just a little.
an ran up to your bed table and put flowers and a card. "we heard what happened and rushed over here! how are you feeling now?"
you softly laughed. "i'm doing fine now. how was practice?"
and soon enough, laughter and bickering was heard from your hospital room and your injury was forgotten until they left the room. you ended the day content, and ready to be out of this hospital room.
- now, how does recovery look like?
- if you have physical therapy, you know akito is always making sure you're slowly but surely improving. he might not be physically there every session, but you know damn well he's texting you to make sure you aren't overworking yourself.
you were not having the best of days. while you were at physical therapy, your body refused to cooperate with your mind, and trying even harder to get some progress only made the nurse have you take a break.
you stare at the floor.
why....why won't you get better..?
are you not trying enough..?
or is it because you're turning weaker..?
are you weak?
before you could answer any of these questions, you phone buzzes besides you. you pick it up to see a familiar contact name of "mine <3". you smile to yourself and open his text.
mine <3: hey, i hope your appt. is doing alright. i don't want to see you push yourself more than you need to, ok? or else i'm not buying you any more cheesecake.
you softly laugh and go to text him back.
[name]: hey akito <3 it's going well, dw, i'm sitting down right now :)
you look to the ceiling and sigh, smiling at the thought of him seeing you moving around freely again.
"one more time."
- if you have surgery, akito lightheartedly jokes about it, but truthfully he gets really worried really easily. he says he isn't worried as hes pacing around the room.
it was the day of your surgery, and both you and akito were sitting in the waiting room.
he checks his phone repeatedly, looking as the time ticks... from one minute.... to the next.
his leg jumps up and down, and he wonders when your last name is going to get called, cuz he has other things to do...
not really.
truthfully, he planned everything else around your surgery, making sure to say he was busy for practice. hell, he even completed his homework on time for this!
his leg jumps. up, down, up, down, up down up down up down-
your hand rests on his leg, and your head gently rests on his shoulder.
" 'kito, why are you so stressed out?"
"i'm not. what you mean?"
you raise your head to glare at him and soon enough, akito sighs in defeat.
"i'm just worried about your surgery."
"you look like you're about to take the surgery."
"....oi, let me off, will ya?"
"akito.. i'll be fine. don't worry too much, or else your brain will explode of stress."
"pfft.... then i'm gonna be the one who needs surgery."
you both laugh quietly for a moment. when it turns silent again, you grab his hand and rub your thumb in comfort. the silence is comforting for both of you, and you forget the eerie ambiance of the hospital and the sickly smell of everything around. with him, everything was just... right.
"[last name] [name]? we're ready for you."
you sigh from the now reality you've come back to. you start preparing yourself mentally when you feel a hand stop you from moving.
he looks at you and slightly smiles. "take care, alright?"
you smile back as a "alright. i love you" comes out of your mouth. akito lets go and you're off to the surgery, waiting until you can finally run back to him once again.
- if you have to go through hospitalization, akito always is making sure you have some company, whether he brings friends from school, vivid bad squad, or even just him by himself.
tears of laughter fall from your face as you and vbs remember memories when you guys first started.
kohane laughs, and adds quietly," i remember when toya and akito had that whole fight and everything. me and an were just quietly watching with [name]."
you gasp in remeberence. "i remember that! i had to hold in my laugh when they made up because everything felt like a fever dream. i'll never forget how akito sprinted to get to the cafe.
an grins at akito and says," we sang ready steady literally immediately afterwards like we weren't all against each other's throats."
she fake coughs, and adds," like a certain someone."
"oi! shut it. like you didn't have any problems with me and toya."
toya adds," truth be told, you did sabotage their performance. an was rightfully mad."
"hah! thank you toya for being a witness."
"toya, not you too!"
the sun began to set as jokes and laughter echoed through the bland hospital room. but as the shine of the sun began to dim, kohane reminded everyone of the time. they packed up their stuff and headed for the door.
"we'll be heading off [name], take care."
"bye toya, you guys take care as well!"
akito drags a little behind the group, before speaking up. "i'll come down in a few, you guys."
an lets a playful whistle, and akito grumbles under his breath. "confessing all your love to [name] now? isn't it a bit too late?"
"shut it, an!"
an snickers, as kohane quietly laughs behind her. "alright, we'll head out now. take care, you two."
with that, they left the room, leaving akito to plop down on the chair nearest you.
you smile and take his hand to guide him to the side of your bed. he gently sits down, careful to not hurt you, and intertwines his fingers through yours.
"so, whens the confession?"
akito sighs in exasperation and glares at you. "not today, since you asked."
"awhh, i was hoping you'd up my spirits, considering of my poor, miserable, situation."
he lets go of your hand and flicks your forehead. "you spoiled baby."
"but you love me for it though!"
"hmph. unfortunately, i do."
he brushes off your hair and places his lips to your forehead for a moment, before connecting both your foreheads together.
"and i wouldn't have it any other way."
you giggle, and whisper. "you're just a big sap."
he leans back and grins, copying your words. "but you love me for it though."
you sigh. "unfortunately, i do."
a comfortable silence wraps around both of you like a blanket, and you both gently smile at each other.
"you didn't have to stay back if you had something else to do, i know it's getting late."
akito looks away from you to look at the door. "i mean, i didn't wanna go home yet."
"ah, i see..."
"but, there's also another reason."
you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "what do you mean?"
"well..." he pauses. "i feel you might get a little lonely in here. i mean, compared to your room, this place doesn't have an exactly a comforting feeling. and well, even though i haven't been hospitalized, i can guess it still feels really isolating."
when he looks back at you, his eyes widen at your expression. you try to wipe your tears away and look down, but they still kept on flowing down your face. you try to hide your running nose and your try to laugh it off, but it only comes out as desperate cry to get out of this damned room.
"pfft.. i never knew you had heart, akito..."
you felt a hand wipe your tears. when you look up, akito had a face of understanding, a wordless but shared pain. he opens his arms slightly, and you fall into him, tears falling freely.
"i don't...akito, i don't wanna be in this room anymore..."
he rubs your back in comfort, and as the moon rises, you find the eerie white walls seeping into your mind to be insignificant in akito's arms.
+ bonus !!
akito takes a sip of water as he enters backstage. he's sweaty, his heart is racing, and he's pretty sure his voice is gone.
but damn if that wasn't a good performance.
his voice was on point, the lights focused on him, he even hyped up the crowd! he flicks his hair back as he looks up at the ceiling. even with a great performance, a thought lingers in his mind.
he wishes you were in the crowd. hell, even if you were the only person in this so called "crowd", he would still count every second performing for you one of his best. so long as you were here.
but you weren't...
akito sighs. a good performance was a good performance. he could always tell you about it later on.
a knock comes from the other side of the room. hoping it was one of his fellow members, he yells a "come in!"
when he looks back, reality freezes, and his hands are frozen at the sight of you, in all your glory.
you smile wide, and you could only speak in awestruck. "i'm- akito, this was your best performance yet!"
when he regains his control over his hands, his legs run to you and scoop you into his arms.
yea, you could've complain about how sweaty he is, or how he could've said a simple greeting. but, the equal joy you both felt could only be replicated in a tight hug.
he breathes in your presence. he realizes how much your hospitalization had taken away from both of you.
lost in his emotions, he whispers, "welcome back, [name]."
reposting or plagiarizing of my works is not allowed under any circumstances.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
Some Rick and Morty quotes that make me SOB
"I'm calling it...the adventure's over..."
"We can't leave now, Morty! I'm on fire!"
"Look I wanna leave now. You win the bet ok? Just get the portal gun and let's go home please! Please...I just want to go h-home..."
*Rick sees a beaten Mr. Jellybean leave the bathroom and realizes what that sick fuck did to his grandson*
"Listen Morty...I just won a bunch of shmeckles...how about we use 25 of them to pay Slippery Stair here for a ride, then we'll give the rest of the shmeckles to the villagers, huh?"
"Sure Morty, yeah, a good adventure needs a good ending."
"Oh heros! We'd like to introduce you to our beloved king so that he may thank you personally!"
*Mr. Jellybean is on a throne, waving*
"U-uh no i-it's cool. Rick. Portal. Hurry."
~ Meeseeks and Destroy
"Morty, where's your collar? I'll fix it."
"I dropped it!"
"...." *Rick puts his time collar on Morty and Morty gets to safety*
"I'm okay with this. Be good Morty. Be better than me."
~ A Rickle in Time
"So let me get this straight...for the rest of your life no matter how much it hurts you, no matter how much it destroys our children's futures...we're going to do whatever Rick wants, whenever he wants?"
"Because I don't want him to leave again you fucking asshole!"
"I was thinking I'd go to the gloppy drop system...get some ice cream..."
"D-do you want me to come with? D-don't you need my brainwaves for camoflague or something?"
"I'll be ok...bye Morty."
"Rick...you're not leaving right?"
"Yes I am...to get ice cream."
"So you're coming back?"
"Morty, if you go to where there's a bunch of ice cream and don't come back, you haven't actually gotten ice cream, you just went to where ice cream is."
"Rick...I can handle it if you go...but you'll break Mom's heart...and I won't forgive you for that!"
"...Where's the car, Morty?"
"Look...I'm doing what's right for the galaxy by calling you...so...if I come back to Earth...can my family have a normal life?"
"We only want Sanchez sir, your family will be fine."
~ The Wedding Squanchers
"Because he (Rick) doesn't care! Because no one is special to him Summer! Not even himself!"
"C'mon girls the ice cream's gonna melt!"
*Diane and Beth get blown up by a bomb*
~ Rickshank Redemption
"Morty, not that I give a shit but are you alright?"
"Jesus Chirst it hurts!"
"Relax! Quit your bitching! You're gonna be fine! Grandpa's here."
~ Rest and Ricklaxation
"Have fun with this toliet you get to use all by yourself now! Have fun while you sit there and think about how nobody wants to be around you, and how you ruin it all for yourself because you're a huge piece of shit! King shit on his throne of loniness. All hail his majesty! The saaadessst piece of garabage in the entire cosmos!"
~ The Old Man and The Seat
"Holy shit I'm a terrible father."
~ Star Mort Rickturn of Jerri
"What we had was toxic, don't you see? I'm a bad partner because I never made you a true partner. The crows made me see that. I thought they were a joke like you, but it turns out that they are more enlightened than any of us."
"Ok...so what's the undercut?"
"You're not hearing me Morty, I will never be the same because of these two crows. So I need to leave with the crows and see what more they can teach me."
"Oh. ....Oh."
~ Forgetting Sarick Mortshall
"You can come with me if you want, don't blame me if you don't."
"Ugh..from where I sit Morty, that's the best deal on the table...I-I don't have a real plan."
~ Rickmurai Jack
"If you don't care if you die, why do you care if I die?"
"Knock it off get outta here! You did this last season! You're like a suicide bomber!"
"Takes one to know one!"
"Well you get it from him (Rick Prime) not me!"
"I don't know him! You're my grandpa Rick! Rick and Morty 100 years!"
~ Solaricks
"I MADE you! I showed you infinity! And what did you do with it? Hang out with MY grandson!? Raise echos of MY daughter?! What's your life without me?"
"Let's find out."
"Admit it, you would've been me! I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine! But eventually you did! YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE!"
~ Unmortricken
"Come on, we'll get through this!"
"I-I'm staying here..."
"No we're Rick and Morty. I'm not leaving without you."
"....What did you just say?"
"I said I'm not leaving without you! C'mon! You're irreplaceable!"
(Echoing) "Irreplaceable...Irreplaceable...Irreplaceable..."
"Oh god...I know what I'm afraid of...I'm afraid you'd never say that in real life! I'm afraid that if I jumped into a hole you wouldn't even bother jumping in after me! This entire thing has been about me! YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THE HOLE ARE YOU!?"
~ Fear No Mort
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Part 4
Charles’ Pov:
I see M/N storming out of the Mercedes media office as the Ferrari media office is right opposite their's. He looks like a child who's just been told off, curiously I approach George who followed shortly behind M/N.
“Hey George, what's wrong with him” I ask trying not to sound concerned
“Oh you know he's just had about the 1000th lecture about media relations in his career” he responds
“What did he do this time” I make sure that when I say this I don't sound to intrigued
George gives me a look like I'm an idiot and he says “You haven't seen the social media post of him” I shake my head “he's trending on Twitter, it's not hard to miss” as George walks away I pull out my phone and open twitter and see that #M/N L/N is trending. I click on the hashtag and see a photo of M/N and Mick Schumacher hugging in the rainy streets. When I saw that photo I felt a weird feeling, it's one I can't describe. It's almost like a feeling of anger, but I don't know what I'm angry about.
Whilst I'm lost in my thoughts I hear someone shouting “Everything OK Leclerc” I turn around and see Daniel I forge a smile and say “Yeah, it's all fine” however I can tell he doesn't believe me. “You know I can tell you're lying, do you want to talk about it?” I stand there debating whether or not I want to, when I come to a decision, “sure, let's go to catering” as we are sitting in the catering tent. It's quite empty apart from the catering staff and the odd engineer from the other teams.
Daniel breaks the silence, “so mate what's wrong”, I sit in silence for a moment before speaking “It's M/N” I say bluntly and immediately Daniel's posture shifts and he shoots me a look as if to say ‘continue’. “He's so unbearable, he reported me for an accident, he verbally attacked me after the first race, on the podium he ignored me like I was a piece of shit, he is so insensitive, in the club he left early because he had a 'headache' but I know that is a lie because he was seen hanging around with Mick and I don't know why but seeing the photo of them 2 hugging and laughing together just makes me feel….. I don't know…. angry, annoyed”
After my verbose speech Daniel sits in silence and almost immediately says aloud
“Do you love him?”
The question catches me off guard, I'm fairly sure I'm not gay, quite defensively I reply “Absolutely not, I'm not gay, what makes you say that” . “The feelings you felt when you saw that photo wasn't anger it wasn't annoyance it was jealousy, you were jealous that he had left you and gone to Mick, you may not know it but you are inadvertently in love with him, you don't have to be fully gay to like a man.” When he finishes he gives me a look before standing up and before he leaves. He gives me a few words of wisdom
“Think about it, if you love him, you have to come to terms with yourself and your identity before you approach him, and you should probably fix your friendship before getting into a relationship"
As he exits the tent I feel more conflicted than ever, I don't love him, he's made my life hell and he's only been here for one race"
As I make my way to my car to head to the airport, Daniels says “do you love him?” echoing in my mind and as we arrive at the airport and board the plane I open my laptop and type in “am I gay quiz” and click in the link, as I answer all the questions, I click ‘see results and it says “You are 86% Homosexual”, I close my laptop and lean against the window confused about whether I actually know myself as well as I think I do.
Max approaches me from the back of the plane and sits next to me “everything alright, you look like you've seen a ghost” he intrudes with a concerned tone, I reply with a simple “Yep”, we sit in silence for a while it is awkward and tense.
He quickly snatches my laptop and says “let's find something to watch” for a moment I ignore what he says but realise what my last open tab is and try to stop him from opening it, “WAIT”, but it's too late, he sees the screen and he looks at me, he doesn't say anything, he just looks at me.
We are both trying to gather what to say and I say “I took that for a dare, Daniel dared me to do it” he again looks at me questioning my sincerity, I know he isn't buying it but he says “oh OK cool” he then swiftly closes the tab and opens netflix and plays a movie however the whole time I am zoned out, when there is a kissing scene between 2 men and I see Max looking at me I know he did this as a test, that sly little shit, I look intently at the screen not wanting to show a change in emotions as the movie concludes I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.
I stand there for 5 minutes looking in the mirror wondering if I truly recognise what I see in it, I splash cold water onto my face. I exit the toilet and take my seat for landing. I walk down the steps and sigh at the beautiful views of Nice (there is no airport in Monaco).
When I exit the aircraft I see the other aircraft that was carrying the other half of the grid and I see M/N walk out engrossed in conversation with George and Yuki both groups merge together and head towards the car's and we see a list of which people are in what car I quickly locate my name on the list and see which one I am in and instantly want to die:
Car 3:
Charles Leclerc
Oscar Piastri
Yuki Tsunoda
Zhou Guanyu
I see the other 4 expressing their joy at being together and Yuki quickly wraps his arms around M/N, they seem to be really close and good friends I know Yuki and M/N have known each other before F1, they were in Karting together at one point of their childhood and M/N isn't that much younger than Yuki despite towering above him.
We are quickly told to get into the cars which are more like small minivans Yuki sits next to M/N and Zhou and me and Oscar sit next to each other, the others are going to their hotel and I'm being dropped off at home, Yuki and
M/N are constantly touching each other the whole time, Yuki jokingly says M/N has no abs so M/N pulls his shirt off to prove a point and Yuki touches his stomach stating his reason is “I have to check if they are real or not”, I see M/N blushing. It's clear he feels something towards Yuki. And I tell myself Yuki isn't gay but I thought I wasn't, actually I don't know if I am.
As the journey goes on Yuki and M/N are all over each other and we were all playing truth or dare and Oscar had dared Yuki to kiss M/N on the cheek which he does so, and it makes me angry but what Yuki says next makes me even angrier. “That's nothing I remember when we kissed each other on the lips after M/N won the F2 Championship” as soon as he finishes his statement we arrive at my family home I quickly get enraged and confused.
I collect my luggage from the back and they all say in unison except M/N "Goodbye Charles".
As I watch the car drive off I stand there and simply say.
“Am I gay?”
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rockitmans · 2 years
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day (5/14)
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. Today's song is You're The Best Thing by The Style Council
This one's for @cerriddwenluna who has not only been a wonderful cheerleader for this fic but also inspired this chapter with our mutual Elliott love
Read on AO3 or below
Blaine wakes up with his phone pressed against his cheek. He'd stayed up so late talking to Kurt that he'd fallen asleep in the middle of typing out a sentence. He can barely believe how long they spent chatting. They just clicked so instantly that everything felt easy. The conversation meandered with the joyful flow of close friends, helped along by the huge amount they seem to have in common. 
Blaine is slightly suspicious he really did manage to manifest Kurt into being through pure wish power. He's that perfect. Or maybe he has some glaring flaw that has yet to reveal itself. Maybe he thinks that Katy Perry is overrated. 
Blaine flips open his DMs, not really expecting much, but is delighted to see a new message from Kurt. 
Kurt: Good morning, sunshine ☀️
It's a simple enough message but it tells Blaine two things. That Kurt isn't interested in playing games with him, which is nice after the mental gymnastics he occasionally went through with his exes. And that Kurt woke up thinking about him. Which means Blaine isn't alone.
Blaine: Good morning. I have to go to my real person job today 😔
Kurt: Same here. Catch you later though?
Blaine: Absolutely 
Blaine's Real Person Job is at his local record store but he barely considers it work. He just gets to talk to people about music all day. He also gets to hang out with his favourite colleague, Elliott, who always buys him a morning coffee without fail. Angels exist in the form of Elliott Gilbert. 
"Morning, Bee," Elliott greets him, pushing a Starbucks cup into his hand. He peers into Blaine's face. "You okay, skipper? You look tired."
"I was up most of the night," Blaine admits. 
"Lucky you." Elliott waggles his eyebrows and Blaine glares playfully.
"Not for that. Um… Sebastian and I broke up actually."
"Oh." Elliott frowns. "Is it too early to admit I never liked him? Or are we still in the 'mourning and pretending he was wonderful' stage?" 
Blaine laughs weakly. "Insult away. He cheated on me."
Elliott stiffens. "Where does he live, again?"
"No. You're not killing Sebastian."
"Not even like a little spook? Some casual threats of violence?"
"Fine," Elliott sighs. "But seriously, how are you holding up?"
Blaine thinks about it. Waking up with thoughts of Kurt had kept the grief at bay. And, if he's being really honest with himself, Sebastian was always more fun than Forever. They were never going to be picking out paint samples or arguing over who would pay for the Netflix account. He just wishes Sebastian had told him the expiry was up on their relationship and that they had parted amicably. Not that he had fucked a random from the gym. 
"I'm doing okay," he says honestly. "More pissed off that he cheated than about the relationship being over."
"And…" Blaine hesitates, wondering if it's too early to start talking about Kurt. 
"And?" Elliott echoes curiously. 
"Well… And don't judge me. I kind of started talking to someone else."
"Blaine Anderson, you slut," Elliott gasps, sounding thrilled. "Tell me everything."
"Not like that. Just. A guy messaged me on Instagram."
"Oh my God."
"I know, I know. But honestly it's all been very wholesome. We talked all night. It was kind of wonderful actually."
"That is… incredibly boring but I'm thrilled for you, truly."
"Sorry you can't vicariously live your sex life through me," Blaine says tartly. "I hate to disappoint."
"That's ok. I'm used to disappointment."
Blaine flips him off and Elliott laughs.
"Just be careful, okay?" Elliott adds more seriously. "Not everyone is who they claim to be on the internet."
"I'm being careful," Blaine lies. "It's not like I'm planning to meet him anytime soon." The dinner reservation at Di Fara set for less than two weeks away  flashes like a beacon in his mind. He could so easily invite Kurt. He ignores the impulse. 
Elliott hums doubtfully. He knows Blaine far too well.
Blaine makes it a grand total of four hours before he messages Kurt again. Which is fine and normal and completely chill, actually. 
Blaine: I'm on lunch if you wish to be bothered
It takes Kurt fifteen minutes to respond and Blaine spends the time bouncing his knee anxiously and reminding himself that Kurt actually does have A Life and it's not all about him. Unfortunately.
Kurt: Bother away 
Kurt: How's real life going?
Blaine: Extremely boring
Kurt: Mine too. No cute, half naked guys in my Insta feed today 😔
Blaine: Listen
"What are you smiling about so much?" Elliott interjects, wandering into the break room and stealing a bite of Blaine's sandwich. He looks at the phone in Blaine's hand. "Oh my God. Are you talking to your Instagram man right now? Your Insta-man?"
"Shut up."
"That's not a no."
"I thought this was a safe space," Blaine complains and Elliott cackles. 
"I'm not judging. You're adorable. "
"You say you're not judging but your tone says otherwise."
"Don't leave him on read," Elliott urges, waving him away and grabbing a magazine. "God forbid I get in the way of 'true love.'"
"I can hear the quotation marks," Blaine mutters but he glances back at his phone. 
Kurt: I'm listening intently 
Blaine: Sorry. My friend interrupted my flow to ask me why I was smiling so much
Kurt: Oh? And why ARE you smiling so much
Blaine: I've made a horrible mistake
Kurt: 😂
Blaine: I'm being bullied from all sides today
Kurt: No. I've been smiling all day too. Because of you, to be clear.
Kurt: It's going to be very awkward if you weren't smiling because of me now 
Blaine laughs, ignoring Elliott's pointed cough. 
Blaine: Don't worry.
Blaine: It was definitely because of you
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haruchi-slit · 1 year
Author's note: hi,hi,hello! Hope you enjoy my ff and get ready for the heavy smuts ahead please be cautious while reading this. And if you're not comfortable reading heavy detailed smuts well this is not for you darling and "y/n" is  half Pilipino half Japanese so she would be speaking some Tagalog words but don't worry some grammatical errors ahead  :3
A ringtone was heard across y/n's condo,she picked up the phone and answered it a cold raspy voice was heard over the other line of the phone.
"Hey y/n come over at the hideout, Sanzu caught some traitors"
"We need you here." It turns out it was Mikey
"Putangina oo na!" (fuck fine) y/n said from the exhaustion
Y/n hangs up and rushed to the hideout
When she got there she saw sanzu pointing a gun towards the three men sanzu faced her and smiled at her lovingly and utter flirty words like.
"Heyyy,my lovely darling" and blew a kiss towards her.
"The fuck?" She said and dodged the kiss which made Sanzu disappointed.
"So Mikey their the traitors?" Y/n said
"Yeah" Mikey said while munching his Dorayaki.
"But,why do you need me here? Is it  Something important? Y/n said.
"Of course it's "something" important"
Mikey said.
"Tell me" y/n said and yawned.
"Aight we need you to make the traitor spit what's their intentions and who sent them" Mikey said.
"Fine,fine" you walked towards the traitors and stand next to sanzu, you reached out your cocaine in your pocket a bitter and sweet taste stung your touge making you high and turned on. You grabbed a knife and and leaned towards the  traitor.
"Who sent you love?" She said as the drug hit her.
"I'm not going to tell you" the traitor said.
"So you want the hard way huh?" You pulled away and grabbed a scalpel and tear the traitors shirt "I'll make your death slowly and painfully so if you wanna live..you should spill your words love"
Dang I wish she can call me love,Sanzu taught in his head
"So who sent you?" She asked again "No." She draws the scalpel to the traitors abdomen and draw a dick
"Ahh you bitch" the traitor shouted
"I know I am love." She said "who sent you?" She asked again this time she's completely getting impatient and again she earned a word "No." So she
Draws the scalpel to the traitors cock
And stabbed it "spill your words sweetie" "AHHGHHK" the traitor shouted in agony and completely in horror "FUCK FUCK OK ILL SPILL THEM" the traitor can barely form a word from the pain "we're cops the three of us,we're cops we're sent to investigate and arrest y'all,we were sent by the chief." Y/n burst out of laughter "what do you mean arrest us? HAHAHAHAHHAHA PUTA KA  GAGO MO (YOU ARE A WHORE SILLY) three cops ain't enough,Mikey my jobs done here"
"K" Mikey said
You heard gunshots while you walked away.
(I recommend listening Heaven and back by Chase Atlantic  while reading :3)
You left the scene  and walked towards your room you flooped your self to the bed and took some cocaine again and saw a man's figure leaning to your door frame you're high so you can't even care and give a shit "I probably shouldn't took cocaine fuck!" You exclaimed "awh don't worry love" the voice echoed across your room and as you guessed it was Sanzu Bontens no.2 "tangina nuginagawa mo Dito hinayupak ka?" (The fuck are you doing here you animal?)  "Huh?" Sanzu asked not understanding the words that came out of you mouth "nothing you horny bastard! Now get tf outta my room"
"What if no?" He locked the door and  walked towards you... closer and, closer to you until his on top of you
"I can't take this anymore darling I need you, I want you, I crave you." He said as you feel his erection bulging to your entrance "HOI TANGINA MO VIRGIN PA KO GAGO KA" ( HOI FUCK YOU IM STILL A VIRGIN YOU WHORE)
You exclaimed blushing and denying him you tried to push him but you're to high to keep up so there's no escape a mean while you found your self sucking him "ohh yess..fuck your good at this baby" you saw him bitting his bottom lip and you spat on his dick making it more sloppy and lubricated he moaned softly you teased him a little making him more tuned on he saw a camera beside your bed he took a photo of you sucking him "look at the famous model Y/n" he took the polaroid and showed it to you "you still look so gorgeous even tho your a mess right-" you cut him off by kissing him deeply and roughly "manahimik ka"(shut up) "huh" he said "I said shut up" he obeyed you. You guided him to your bed and pushed him you took a cocaine from your drawer making you much high than before "I like the view up here you pathetic manwhore" you said he stared at you blushing wanting more of you he craves you to be honest you lit a cigarette and started puffing smoke you blow a smoke in Sanzu's mouth even tho it hurts he still kissed back when you pulled away he coughed after your done smoking you pressed the lit cigarette on his neck leaving your mark "hmff hgn" he softly muttered you took off his pants and this his erected member you took the camera and took a picture of you and him you posing with a peace while his  hard "awhh,look lovee" he tried to get the picture from you but failed cause you touched his dick making him whimper I'm not this sensitive before but what the fuck happened? he said to himself you rubbed his dick back and forth but of course teasing him till he goes crazy "mmhh hngg.. y/n fuckk!" You softly bit his dick "o-ouch" he said "watch your language Haruchiyo and it's not "y/n" call me
My queen"  "Y-yes my Queen"
"Now shut up be quiet for your queen we don't want anyone to hear us do you?" you said he nodded in response you continued to suck and tease him and you feel his 9 inches cock is about to cum cause you tastd a pre cum and it's sweet "don't cum until I say so darling" you said "b-but how? Hghh ugh I'm about to ahh" he said "just don't until I say so understand?" You said "Yes mhgh my Queen" you stopped sucking him and opened your  legs for him signaling him to give you cunnilingus "come here and give your queen great pleasure" he crawled to you like a puppy and started to lick your pretty pink
Folds he started slow but eventually he pick up a speed making you arched your back and hold his hair tightly you pressed you pussy more towards his face making you squirm in pleasure "OMG YESS FUCK" you moaned loudly "yeah yes that's the spot" he slid his tongue in your pussy and put two fingers in you making you arched your back again "Fuck you're so good at this oh oh my I'm about to ahh shit" you squirted on his face "your so sweet my Queen" you saw his dick being really erected and needy and there's a pre cum dripping from it "now cause your a really goodd servant I'll give you a prize you sat on top of him and spat on your fingers and put it in your pussy making it more wetter you lowered your pussy to his dick "MGHH HGNN" he moaned loudly you slammed your pussy to his dick "OH FUCK IT HURTS" He saw a drip of blood from your pussy "so my lovely Queen is really a virgin" he teasingly said "TANGINA MO" (fuck you) he just chuckled even tho he didn't know what that means you waited for your pussy to adjust cause of the size of his dick "does my Queen needs help?" He teasingly said
"No." You said you pinned his hands on the headboad of the bed and strated fucking him hard your tits bouncing aggressively as you pound your pussy to his massive dick you can hear him whimper softly "your so tight My Queen mhmm hghhh ugh"
You didn't respond you fucked him with no remorse you felt his dick twitched so you know his close you teased him by moving slowly "move faster y/n" he said "I don't accept commands my dear but I do accept pleas" you said  "mffmmg My Q-queen please move faster" "hmm that's more ah ughh-ugh like it" you moved a little faster and in a circular motion making his mind go blank cause of the pleasure his getting from you " I'm about to cum darling" you said to him
He nodded in response he was about to cum soon too he came first and you followed he "HHMM UGHH HGHH" he moaned loudly "oh fuck!" You said
"I want more y/n" " do I have to repeat my self? Didn't I said earlier I don't accept commands but I do accept pleas" you put his dick into your pussy he moaned softly again he squirmed underneath you feeling that his about to come again "My Queen mhmm i-im about to ugh come can I cum inside you?" He said with his blue orbs meeting your eyes he looks so hot and a mess right now but oh my you said to your self  "yes you can my love I'm close to let's cum together" you said you both reached you climaxed and sanzu passed out and so did you the next morning you two wake up and your completely clues less because of the effects of the drug then sanzu told you what happened and he said you two fuck you didn't believed at first but he gave you the polaroids "here's the proofs love" Sanzu said smiling brightly at you "now your mine and only mine" he added you we're shocked as fuck he hugged you and started to roam his slender fingers around you he puts his two fingers in you making you arched your back again "is my Queen in pleasure?" He teased once again  "ughh hghhh ughhh wait ughhh we just fucked last night!" Then your phone started to ring it's your manager from the modeling agency "oh no no no" he gaved yo the phone and you answered it "h-hey hmg mahiko? Why are you calling?" He pounded his dick in you and started to fuck you harder and faster making you squirm you held you moans back because mahiko might hear you moaning "nothing just checking on my best friend of course!" Mahiko said "ohh yeah I'm f-fine ugh Mahiko"
Sanzu teased you more making you shout "UHGG" "OMG Y/N ARE YOU OK?" Mahiko said "Ugh Y-yes I'm ok I'll call you back later"  you both climaxed you two showered cause you two stink
After you two shower together you dressed up,once you two get out of the room ran,rindou and kakucho is staring at you two and they look pale as paper "What happed the three of you?" You said "guess" ran said "huh" sanzu said "YOU WERE MOANING SO LOUD LAST NIGHT THAT WE DIDN'T GET ANY SLEEP YOU FUCKERS!"
Rindou shouted at the two of you you two looked at each other and blushed
"What do you mean moaning?" Sanzu gaslight them "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LITTLE DRUG ADDICT!"
The end
Thank you ♡♡
Almost 2000 words BWHAHHA
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