#ego coord
eldritchmochi · 1 year
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more of mochis fit backlog 17/???? (i think god im doing these all in a row and i have LOST COUNT FUCK)
this was such a fun lil way to coord this dress :>
blouse: thrifted/vintage
jsk: angelic pretty horror candy shop
tights: we love colors (they are pink and there promise)
shoes: an*tai*na
accessories: thrifted + indie brands (wamh + lady sloth???)
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coffeegnomee · 6 days
Bacon saying "yes. [I watched] the entire thing" about having seen Kab's new video "I watched it for entertainment purposes, but I also think I took some things from it as well"
KAB: "fair enough, I put things in there knowing people would watch it and take things from it"
she brings up how Clown never offered her a team, and that she is close to getting his full trust. Which I think is a lie rooted in the truth that she was so "my son could never hurt a fly he's just misunderstood" in the video to get Clown to trust her more irl/in lifesteal. Like how he trusts Branzy and Ferre.
(even though it is SO WEIRD for her to have been like that about Clown in the video. Like it was an exposé about how right the Mice were to be cautious about her affiliation and assume she was telling him things. She was. Maybe not base coords, but she just leaked that she absolutely told him things about them and that she was not for the team at all. And she left that all in. why? WHY Kab? I can only assume it was to endear her to Clown more? That's the only thing that makes sense? Unless she did it to "prove" to the Mice that they were wrong to assume she was teamed with Clown, "see I was just telling him to be careful and you guys were making him into a villain" or smth. I genuinely don't know. I don't understand her at all.)
But she's bringing it up to Bacon and downplaying it so that he thinks she isn't as close to Clown as she is. She's trying to manipulate him here I think.
then Bacon brings up the google doc of Mapicc's personality, which apparently Mapicc dmed her about (which is hilarious for the record)
To which she says it wasn't real [the doc itself], she made it for the video. She only articulated Mapicc's personality and Mapicc's alone.. which obviously means it was him very much on purpose. So did she do it to stoke Mapicc's ego? Or to see what he would say about it and confirm or deny if she was right? I can so easily imagine her writing it up being like, now Mapicc will think I understand him but this is not really what I think about him and he will be easier to manipulate.
But the analysis, like I wrote about, was right for the wrong reasons, AND YET I saw how they were rooted in very plausible assumptions she would have made bc of talking to Ash.
So I struggle to see how that writeup wasn't what she genuinely thought. This whole video just feels like exactly what she genuinely thought throughout the whole first week.
And it's completely rooted in the concept that she knows what she's talking about, even though her only evidence is that she can read Clown. (the only other moment being that she was right the empire would betray them in the End. Which was the softest of softball throws. It was an allyship against the other team. Obv the beef starts up the second that is over.) Like congrats. You've known Clown for two years very closely. It would be weird if you didn't. And on THAT note,
She called Woogie a dipshit for having his own opinions about Clown based on his interactions with him for the past FIVE whole seasons. THREE YEARS.
She took his words as saying that you shouldn't trust Clown instead of what he was really trying to say, which was we as a team should not trust Clown. Kab knows Clown won't kill her but she just fails to understand that other people have their own valid experiences of the members. She's just so focused on her singular view of people and how they will interact with her that she completely misses the opportunity to learn what other people think of other people without it being an attack on her own opinion.
I know I get on here and analyze everyone to death. I know that that's how I love to watch and enjoy lifesteal. And that not everyone observes the lifestealers like bugs to be pinned down and dissected. Watching vods is a listening-only experience. I cannot talk or add to the convo, right?
But it still boggles my mind that she doesn't see the manipulative value in silently listening to every word that comes out of someone's mouth in order to learn what they think about others. And let that tell you what to think about others.
If she just listened to what people said, especially what they say about people she doesn't understand, she would learn SO much.
Like she completely called Woogie an idiot for wanting to ally with the Empire for the purpose of killing Clown Mane and Flame.
And she said it because she doesn't understand how Mapicc and Spoke think.
And because she doesn't understand them, she thinks Woogie doesn't understand them.
Like I know Woogie isn't always the most active and integrated member, and he's also an unreliable narrator and has assumptions rooted in a subjective path just like she does.
But Woogie AND Mapicc AND Spoke have all been playing on this server since Season ONE. You would think that that would be an excellent learning opportunity to ask Woogie how he views Mapicc and Spoke.
And then from there, sure! Take it with a grain of salt. Take your personal experiences with them as the most important opinion to value for your own safety (bc nobody can tell you what your gut says) but then also take their opinion and use it against them if you want to be such a great manipulator. Or at the very least catalogue their opinion away for further study at a future time.
It's just. She just has her assumptions about herself towards every member and completely and totally discounts what anyone has to say about their assumptions of themselves with other members. And she gets so damn triggered by people saying they have more experience than her, thinking it's a personal attack on her intelligence. Where that comes from I cannot know but that sounds incredibly deeply rooted.
So back to the Bacon conversation.
She said she knew people would watch it and said stuff on purpose.
And yet she completely left in the whole scene about lying to Woogie about being sorry for discounting his opinion. “Sometimes you need to be sopping wet for people to trust you chat”
Everyone on lifesteal is going to watch this video. WOOGIE might watch this video (though I have a feeling he won't tbh) and you're just leaving in that when you apologize you are never sincere about it and are 100% using that to manipulate them later.
INSANE to leave that in. You leave that in the drawing board. You keep that shit hidden. ESPECIALLY if you know your enemies will watch it. Girl was the most open book ever.
And then to end the video saying I'm a liar and manipulator bitch I know what I'm talking about. Insane. You are just BROADCASTING that you should never be trusted ever. (for the second video in a row!)
Also in a video about you desperately trying to prove that you should be trusted. It's two different kinds of trust, funny that we use the same word for both.
Trusted in that you tell the truth vs trusted that you know what you're talking about.
I am so interested to know what Bacon thought of that. What will he think if she does apologize now? He's not dumb. He saw the video.
She just thinks she's playing 4D chess. And yet 4D chess would be being silent and listening to what everyone says. Like how Spokes does. and Clown. No talking, just silently listening in vc's and coming to conclusions about the members.
And Bacon too. He's been asking people so many questions about what they're doing and why and then just listening to what they have to say, and then forming his own conclusion about it and going off to try something. He's becoming great at listening and thinking and this whole little arc was founded on using that information to do something interesting on the server.
Though I suppose he wasn't always that good at it. And therefore the final conclusion you can take is the same every time: Kab needs experience in order to gain experience. And it will be a long and painful process.
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pri-rp · 3 months
Mitch's Backup
Once Steve is on screen, his eyes refuse to meet his gaze. If he's observant, he might notice how damaged Mitch's plixel armor is, and just how scratched up he is. Are those scratches getting worse or...? "...I need you... to... come to my coordinates. I-I'm sending them over. You... might want to bring a few extra Techs while you're at it..." A very straightforward but not-so-polite way to say I Need Help. You know it's bad when he's asking for help.
Shit. Mitch looked in bad shape- he knew that ego was- now wasn't the time for that. "On it. Can you give any details? i'll keep you on the line as i send the coords out." he can focus on helping first and formost.
never had Mitch ever looked so damage... and never did he ask for help. Whatever was going on, was getting bad. Mitch can see Steve typing on the gauntlet's side- likely sending the coordinates out to folks as he waits for details. he's moving too.
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anna-neko · 9 months
ya know what time it is - 2023 review only the GOOD STUFF lets go!
kick-off with fresh NewYears card: yes, literally scramble to do this on last hours of The Year. It is Tradition™
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JANUARY Went to a pinball arcade! The people there absolutely luved me & was gifted a thing (pale blue bowtie to match my dress)
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MARCH massive ego trip with SakuraWars 3 anniversary: ancient cosplay tweet blowing up. Got so many sweet comments frm strangers ~♥
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APRIL AnimeBoston happened. full Scary Marlowe brainrot (DaddyMaster DnDads liked/RTed me a bunch), played cosplay photog, helped with a SakuraWars panel
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played with dolls, wore cute outfits (shout-out to lady screaming "love your coord!!" from across the street)
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MAY played with dolls some more, saw Beetlejuice musical! and of course moar cute frills wearing
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JUNE frills, so much frills. and playing photog a bit again
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JULY a week of seeing ALL the frellin musicals (never shutting up about Hadestown yet again)
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frills? Ain't no record-high temps keeping me from wearing them!
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SCARY MARLOWE COSPLAY SHENANIGANS REACHED NEW HIGHS things were set on fire, climbed 20ft hella high ledge for a goof, shady alleys...
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OCTOBER cosplay photog for a day, yeah!
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oh whats this? went to Another Anime Con and got to help with a dolls panel! Getting to do panels?? wooow, past me is punching the air in triumph
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poopserver · 9 months
starting now as Pirate Perry (my alter ego) i will place signs at spawn marking the coords of interesting locations i find while sailing the seas
Pirate perry
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millepara · 4 years
aikatsu planet ep 4 thoughts (‘why did they-- wait, what? so what was the point of--’ just a lot of me doing that)
mildly upset that these students lovingly making fun of each other seem more natural than the main actors
Kyoko’s... fine? I guess? I really want to like her more than I do. this is clearly supposed to be the ep where the newbie mc follows around the senpai idol to learn valuable lessons about hard work as an idol, but in Planet they’re all still attending regular school so they’re just like watching her show off in her various clubs... I obviously don’t have anything against characters who are good at everything (points to fav chara track record) but... this has nothing to do with being an idol, so... why are we here. just to establish Kyoko as a yamato nadeshiko, I guess
Mao’s big bro is the student council president.
there’s a school rule that says they’re only allowed to sneeze 3 times in class. oh! apparently Kyoko was the one who proposed that girls be able to wear pants instead of just skirts at school. I was wondering why they chose shorts for her uniform other than it just being a hint at her alter ego Beat bc skirt seems more obviously yamato nadeshiko, but there’s backstory support for it too.
Kyoko has a secret room? why? how? does the school know about it? I’d like to think that it’s an illegal room she secretly commandeered. guess this is going to be the idol hangout from now on
the school DOES NOT know about it!! Kyoko is a criminal!!
oof... Kyoko’s voice is not made to come out of an anime character (imo) (imo)
wait, how does eating work in aikatsu planet, anyway?? does the food you eat in planet sustain you in the real world too? if so, wouldn’t it be relatively easy to solve world hunger with digital aikatsu planet food???
guys in planet! confirmed
love that some of them have colorful designs too. looks like boys are able to design their own avatars, and not just girls!!
apparently Hana (Meisa v.) was never seen together with other idols.
instead of making Mao suffer about how she has to pretend to be someone she’s not.... why not hold that press conference already?! god
litter still exists in aikatsu planet. guess it can’t solve all the world’s problems
inspirational message from Beat about aikatsu planet being a place where you can truly be yourself, whether it’s a girl wanting to be a bodybuilding guy (hell yeah) or a child wanting to be one of these flower-exchanging adults in some stage of a relationship (I REALLY HOPE NOT, BEAT!?!?)
Beat’s gotta win the dressia appeal... yeah, she did. thank god bc Hip-Hop Break is my least fav music type coord, I like this performance 200% more with Bloody Rock. though it is the song I’ve played most on the game so I admit I don’t feel as wowed by it as I have the last 3... that’s my own fault though
just like in the first ep, Hana won in dressia points only, but this time she lost to Beat. so the lesson here is that everything’s made up and the points don’t matter!!
“The dressia battle was so passionate!” was it. in what way.
the skateboard boys were unnamed but one was voiced by Arthur Lounsbery? what! give him a name! make him a recurring character
next is a drama ep about Cinderella. this week I kind of felt like all of the significant stuff happened in the animated half of the show, and the live-action half could’ve been condensed to like half the time w the exact same effect on the ep overall... I am afraid to experience that feeling next week as well with a drama ep that only Hana and not Mao can try out for...
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 years
Lol the ToA coord that quit was the one who doxxed a person and nearly set them to suicide and a ton of other heinous threatening shit, so don't feel too bad nony. Every single one of them are terrible people and they use your donations and generosity to pump their egos. And all of you fall for it, every year.
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precure-stuff · 4 years
Aikatsu Dream Chapter 2
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This is an AU that take place in the Friends universe. The characters from canon are seen below. Any interaction appreciated. Also let me know if there’s typos or grammar issues
02. Beginning of Dreams
The successful applicants arrived at Star Harmony in the early morning. May twirled about in her room, “So these are the dorms! Aren’t these wonderful?’ She turned around to see Wanda unpacking with her face away from her. An awkward silence passes and she tries again. “Did you know these dorms weren’t always here? When my mother went here they had to go home, isn’t that strange?”
Wanda stood up and turned to face Maya, she looked straight into her eyes with a cold stare, “You know since your mother went here, didn’t you technically cheat your way in?” Maya averted her gaze, “Your idol interview was on her, wasn’t it? Won’t it be suspicious if you get a perfect score?” She moved Maya aside as she shoved her suitcase under the bed. “You should probably keep her being an idol a secret.” With that said, Wanda rolled over on her bed and clutched her pillow.
“Nice to meet you too,” Maya muttered, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to get our test scores.” She left the room and ‘accidentally’ slammed the door shut. As she walked toward the office, she passed Kagami who she waved at. Once there, Tamaki handed her the results. Apparently they were all going to receive them, thus she was given Wanda’s results as well.
In her room, Maya waved the results over Wanda waking her up. She sighed and grabbed her own from Maya’s hand. After briefly scanning them, she shoved them in her school bag on the floor. Maya took her results out optimistically but grimaced as they were revealed. “A perfect score in the interview quiz…on my own mother,” She hears Wanda snicker.
“Not much else I’m assuming…” Wanda muttered. Maya whined as she read the other results. A high score in the idol quiz, a mediocre time in the race and a poor score for the performance. Maya thrust herself on her bed and pounded the pillow. As her tantrum ensued Wanda felt touched. “Fine, if you feel that bad I can help you out,” Maya sat up excitedly. Wanda pulled out her phone.
“What? I thought you were gonna help me.”
“I am. Pose a little for some quick pictures.” Wanda said. Maya let her hair down and stood with her back to the plain wall. A few snaps later, Wanda suggested they go outside. “If you get some good pictures early on, people might pay attention to you.” Wanda led Maya to a spot outside with some flowers and carefully placed them in her hair. Maya appreciated the skill Wanda offered and posed accordingly. Wanda then had her wear the Mint Feuille Coord from her entrance performance. As the shoot continued, Maya grew more confident and tried out a few outlandish poses.
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“Thank you,” Maya said as they looked over their pictures. Wanda nodded in acknowledgement. “Aren’t you glad we did this?” The pictures got Maya’s account a few likes and they laughed together. From her office at the top of the school, Tamaki watched over them in amusement. The bell rang and they headed off to class.
In the empty class Tamaki briefed Ken on his first lesson. As they looked over the seating arrangement Tamaki pointed at Maya’s name, “Oh, I didn’t know that idol’s daughter was here. Didn’t she do the quiz about her mother then?”
“Ah,” Ken began to panic, “Well I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.”
“Leave her be. If she doesn’t belong, we’ll know soon enough.” Tamaki took a closer look, “Besides, I think there’s someone else of interest here. A possible candidate to fill the void after her departure. Once the phantom idols left the spotlight, neither was ever seen again. Her daughter’s presence her does interest me however.” Tamaki left once the students started streaming in. Ken introduced himself to the class and had Maya and Wanda sit at the back of class. He then proceeded to review the entrance exam results.
“The highest score was obtained by Cress.” Ken announced. A girl near the front stood up. She had grey, shoulder length twintails held behind her head in a giant red ribbon. Maya looked at her in awe. The golden star earrings she wore added to her elegance and it was clear she would have a lot of fans. Cress arrogantly flipped her hair and took her seat. The lesson resumed and came to an end with the bell. As the other girls headed to the café Wanda slept on her desk.
Ken walked up to her and twirled her hair. “Wanda, don’t you think you should have a snack with the other girls. It’s not good to go hungry.” Wanda saw through him and ignored him. Her eyes looked empty from his perspective. “Look, I…” he shook his head, “I know about all the applicants here. You’ve been chasing your dream longer than any of them haven’t you?” Wanda began to walk away, “You know what failure is like, but you can’t give up yet?”
“It’s a waste of time.” Wanda retorted.
“Then why are you here? To keep doing the bare minimum? I saw your test scores and know you know more than that.” He restrained himself. “Enjoy your break,”
In the Star Harmony Café, Cress’ table was full with girls fawning over her. She ate with poise and spoke with a certainty the other girls admired. Maya sat among these girls and noticed Wanda walk in. As Cress relishes the other girls’ attention, she snickers at the thought of Wanda ignoring her.  When Maya left the table to greet Wanda, this drives her up the wall as she loses the others’ gazes as well. “If there’s a single girl here who I haven’t charmed yet, then I’ll be sure to.” She said. “I’ve decided!” Cress declared. “I’m going to perform at once!” She walked over the table and out of the room taking her new fans with her. In the ensuing chaos, Wanda and Maya were pushed along with them.
In the halls, Ken blocked their path, “Where do you think you’re going?” His tone implied more frustration than he let on.
“I’ve decided! I’m going to perform. If you don’t enjoy it, then do whatever you please!” Cress replied. Ken clutched his head in frustration as the other idols followed after her. He decided to head after them tracing the nearest auditorium. Outside, Tamaki was waiting as she tapped her foot in anger.
“What’s going on here? It’s barely been a week and they’re doing whatever they want.” She begins to rant but music interrupts. Their attention is drawn instantly.
“I yearn to unveil my true self before you,” Cress’ sung the first line from Gost Coaster. Her voice brought their argument to a stop. Her aura appeared and glowing red circles appeared around her as black diamonds rained down. She was performing far above her level and relished the attention she got. As Maya watched starry eyed, Wanda felt uncomfortable and decided to leave. Cress performed her appeal, Wicked Garden. Purple flames rose above her and rained down red jewels in a black, barren garden.
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“Tamaki, that’s the girl you were referring to isn’t it?” Ken asked. Tamaki smiled and nodded. All her anger had faded. As the other girls fed Cress’ ego as Maya looked around for Wanda but she was nowhere in the room. In Wanda’s dorm, she was curled up in bed. Her eyes were teary but she wouldn’t let herself cry. As Maya walked in, Wanda wiped her tears away. She faced her with a forced smile and sad, “I’m fine.”
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voidendron · 4 years
Deep Blue Sea: Ch. 15
Chapter 15: Floating Island Subnautica/JSE Egos Crossover
nudity warning is a just-in-case thing, but they're just just changing!
Warnings: Swearing, Non-Explicit Nudity Characters: Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man, Marvin the Magnificent, Jameson Jackson, Dr. Schneeplestein POV: Chase Brody
Night had fallen by the time Jackie got back to the habitat.
Chase couldn’t help the massive grin to cross his face when all of their PDAs beeped, the coordinates automatically transferring from Jackie’s to theirs.
“Dry land,” he breathed. “Holy shit.”
“What about Keen?” Jameson asked, brows furrowed.
Jackie shrugged. Chase wasn’t sure he liked that shrug. “He wasn’t there, but left a message to get to the landmass ASAP. Also a scolding for going to the pod instead’a straight there.”
“Well?” Henrik threw an impatient hand toward the bulkhead. “Are we going or not? I am fucking sick of the water.”
Chase had to bite his tongue to keep from saying something snarky. Instead, he just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Dude. You really want to swim there at night? These coords are like, a kilometer from here, and we don’t know what kinda shit’s in the water between here and there. We’ll wait for morning, make sure we’ve all got working Seaglides and batteries, and then we’ll head out.”
“One question.” Marvin ran a hand through his mess of hair. “If it’s only a kilometer away, how is it we can’t see it from here?”
They all exchanged glances. That…was a good question…
They learned that, even after not resting the previous night, sleep was a fitful thing.
No beds left them on the hard floor of their habitat and trying not to elbow or kick each other. There was a point that Henrik woke up yelping as someone stretched, shoving a foot into his injured ankle, while Jackie’s snoring would occasionally splutter to startle most awake. And, many times, something would bump against the habitat from outside and anyone unlucky enough to be awoken by it would be left bolting upright and throwing wild looks through the cramped room and at each other.
It was cold, it was uncomfortable, they were stripped down to their underwear because their dive suits were wet and it was beyond awkward, and they were all lucky to get any more than a few hours of sleep before sunlight filtered in through the room’s single window.
Chase yawned and rubbed at his burning eyes. When he sat up, he couldn’t help but grimace. God, his whole body ached. Going straight from nonstop swimming to sleeping on a hard floor couldn’t be good for his muscles.
Jameson looked like the only one with any semblance of energy as he pulled himself to his feet and went straight for one of the lockers. From it, he grabbed his hearing aid.
Well. That would explain it. The noises they all heard throughout the night wouldn’t have bothered James at all.
Chase just shook his head. “Lucky bastard,” he chuckled.
All he got in response was a smug, toothy grin. The chef had a little bounce to his step as he grabbed what they had for food and water to pass around to the rest of them, though he was being careful with how he moved his arms.
“Aren’t you sore, man?”
“A tad bit, yes,” he replied once his hands were free to sign. “But I didn’t do nearly as much swimming as the rest of you.”
“Fair enough.”
Chase…really wasn’t looking forward to going back in the water. His body felt like it would scream at him if he did. But! They had things to do and dry land to get to! That thought alone was enough for him to push through the deep ache and pull himself to his feet while nibbling on the nutrient bar he’d been given.
Eesh, they tasted like cardboard. Really, Alterra? That’s the best you could do?
The others were moving about as slow as him as they struggled to get up. Marvin’s long limbs nearly tripped him as he stifled a yawn during his attempt to stand, while Henrik used the wall for support. He was barely letting his injured leg touch the ground, and was it bleeding again? There were little specks of blood soaked through the bandages. When he was kicked last night it must have broken some of the stitches. Ouch.
“Okay—” Chase yawned; the others couldn’t help themselves from doing the same, “—Jackie and Marv, you two wanna craft us one more Seaglide and some more batteries? I’m gonna check over the ‘Glides we already have to make sure they’re safe for the trip. And…James, could we have you check Doc’s leg while we’re doing that?”
“Uh. Sure?” Jackie shrugged. “But why do ya want to check them? They’re working fine.”
Chase’s mouth twitched. “We haven’t tried ‘em for this sort of distance before, and considerin’ my crew was killed when theirs blew up? You’re nuts if you think I’m lettin’ that happen again.”
“I—oh, god.” Jackie’s eyed were wide. “I didn’t know—I—”
“I think we all lost friends, man. Let’s just get off his damn planet.”
“Right. Yeah.”
Pulling their wetsuits on was even more of a struggle than Chase had imagined. They’d turned their backs to each other and stripped completely to pull their suits on, but they could all still hear each other grimacing and hissing as sore muscles rebelled against the tight fabric.
“This sucks,” he grumbled.
Even Henrik made a sound of agreement.
When most of them had finally managed to pull the zippers up to their throats, Jameson was still struggling. He had one arm in a sleeve, but was struggling with the other, gritting his teeth, pressing a hand to his chest. Chase had about forgotten about the man’s fractured ribs and grimaced sympathetically.
“Here. Let me help.”
He got a relieved sigh and nod, with Jameson squeezing his eyes shut when Chase took hold of his arm to gently position it into the sleeve. Yeah, James was definitely going to be the one taking the Seamoth.
“Hey… I thought you needed glasses?”
The chef looked up at him and blinked, then gestured for his work clothes laying in a messy pile near everyone else’s. “They might be in the pocket of my jeans.” His shoulders shook in a silent chuckle. “So much going on I’d forgotten to put them on!”
“That why you ran into a locker while Jackie was gone yesterday?” Chase laughed when the man’s ears turned red; Jackie snorted and gave a “wait, really?” sort of look their way. “Lemme grab ‘em.”
Sure enough, the circle-framed glasses were there. Their case had a big crack in it, but the glasses themselves looked all right.
With that done, everyone set to work.
It didn’t take them long—Chase made a few little tweaks to one of their Seaglides that looked like it had been dropped, while they already had most of the supplies for batteries and another Seaglide stored in lockers—and they were left waiting for Jameson and Henrik.
“It’s still inflamed.” His signs were clumsy with a needle in one hand. “But I’ve re-stitched where they broke, and I think the wrap will hold.”
“Okay. I guess we should head out, then.”
Four with Seaglides, Jameson helped into the Seamoth, and they took off as soon as he had the controls figured out.
Chase squinted into the distance. Low-hanging clouds created a fog. He hadn’t really noticed it before, but that fog had to be hiding the landmass. He ducked under the surface, swimming alongside the Seamoth that would occasionally zip ahead of them before Jameson let back on the touchy controls enough to keep to their slower pace.
Eventually, the two glanced at each other when they saw the shadows in the distance. Shadows that weren’t moving. Shadows, illuminated by…something. Chase poked his head above the surface—land!—ducked back under, tried to process what he was seeing.
With one hand, the sign messy but more or less understandable, he asked, “Is this island floating?!”
Jameson did the same: Raised the Seamoth up enough to see the land looming ahead of them, then right back down to look at what should have been a mountainside. Instead, it was jutting pillars of stone that pointed down into the pitch-black waters below, glowing pink… Oh! Whoa… He’d seen those things, only much, much smaller versions of them floating rocks in the shallows. How were they this big?! Were they the reason the island was floating? Incredible…
They were both staring with wide eyes, their companions above oblivious to the sight just below.
As they drew nearer the island, Chase could make out sunlight slicing right into the center of it. There was a hole there. Maybe a way to get on the island, too; he couldn’t see any beaches low enough for them to reach along the exterior so worth a shot, right?
He went back up, pushed his mask up on his forehead to he could call to the others. “Hey! Dive under, I think there’s a way on the island down there!”
Glances cast around, then they followed him down.
The other three froze when they saw the sight that had greeting him and Jameson. He could see their thoughts clear as day on their faces: “Holy shit.”
His hunch was right, too. Right smack-dab in the middle of the island was a bay, and in that bay, a beach.
On the beach, two sets of footprints.
As soon as they were on land, they all fought to get their flippers off, then bolted after the footprints. Marvin and Jameson, however, lagged behind. When Chase glanced back, he noticed they were looking at…something.
“Uh, guys? Why don’t we go find the other survivors?”
“There’s a PDA,” the performer said, reaching down to snatch it up. “It looks like it was thrown.”
“Thrown?” Jackie arched a brow.
“Look at the marks in the sand around it, and the screen’s cracked to hell. It was thrown.”
“Well…does it have anything on it?” Chase asked, leaning in a little.
“Uh… Yeah. Single recording.”
Jackie tilted his head. “That’s not right. Should have other stuff, right?”
“Yeah…” Chase answered. “Unless the user needed a single message prioritized and everything else is just locked, or the user died, so the PDA…recorded the last moments…” He rubbed at his beard and glared. “…I don’t like this. Play the recording. Could be important.”
CTO Yu and Keen started speaking; she wanted to board the ship, attempt to repair it. She was ready to go alone, but Keen chose—unwillingly, from the sounds of it—to accompany her.
Chase about opened his mouth—it seemed like a normal recording—but clamped it shut again when the damaged PDA crackled out, “Final recording from Second Officer Keen, two hours after last activity.”
Keen’s voice—out of breath, terrified—cut through the silence to fall over the group. He was breathing heavily, like he was running from something. “Rendezvous was a failure,” he gasped out. “Intercepted a transmission from Alterra HQ; seems they sent a data package to the Aurora. We attempted to leave the island and were intercepted. Something’s here. It’s hunting us. Get off the island—consider the CTO and I dead.” He paused. When he spoke again, he’d lowered his voice to but a whisper. “Be safe. Keen… Out.”
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representshinjuku · 2 years
Fight 4 Your Pride
Fight 4 your pride
Getting my way Number One bad Ichiro takes the stage
You can’t pass me up, I’m the leader
Aye, always in battle mode
These rhymes’ll kick you trash to the curb
We three brothers got the strongest will
Never running outta freestyle rhymes
Our fists will pierce the heavens
Time’s up--we’re fighting no holding back
We took this game--you want your participation trophy?
Your face is gonna get all bruised up
If you keep comin’ at us you’re gonna get hurt
Before you pick a fight with us brothers,
You better look away and step aside
Or else we’re gonna have to play tag
And if we catch you, you’re gettin’ beat down
Jiro’s acting cocky again, dimwit
So let’s ignore him and let me take the stage
I’m a prodigy in complete control of this verse
So bow down
With a sense of nihilism
Even lyricists are awed by my rhyming
You can’t even figure out how to respond
‘Bukuro’s praised, you surrender
[Buster Bros!!!]
Say c’mon, Buster Bros!!!
This is the starting line
You gotta fight for your pride
Cutting through the fakes Hard Core
I’m the real gangster
Now, now, it’s Samatoki-sama’s turn
So kneel down and lick my boots
You weak little brats tryna run
I’ll beat you down, punch above your guard
Better obey ‘Hama you shitstains
All heaven and earth is mine
You fake MC suspects putting on airs
Are the hustlers here? Don’t make me laugh
If you little puppies want to act like big dogs
Then I’ll arrest you, no reason needed
Defying me is bad luck
Give me a hard time and you’ll suffer more
Don’t think you can escape now
My basement’s overflowing with body bags
If you take one step into this killing field
I won’t let you prepare or take the lead
Your naive decision
To stand against me will result in agony
I take aim at you fleeing scraps 
Have you enjoyed your final meal?
Without hesitation I pull the trigger and steal a life
Pray to god
[Mad Trigger Crew]
Heed My Mic
You gotta fight 4 your pride
Supersonic shock waves
Bright lights set loose by this Hypnosis Mic
Fire off unparalleled rhymes
With a Bang! Bang! Bang!
I’m breaking my way out
I’m gonna be champion
This is survival of the fittest
The front lines, the danger zone
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
Let’s bout, no hesitating, player
Can’t run from judgment time
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
No way out, until the end it’s
Live or die
Preachy old dinos are nothing but a pain
And little kiddies are so not cute
Sorry to keep you waiting ladies
Fling Posse, an order-made new coord
A literary master, a gambler, and Ramuda’ll
Show you a wild time with our tricks
The second you realize you’ll be on your deathbed
Hm~ a sense of deja vu in these sights
Control lost in slow motion
Pessimism torments you as you doze off
Within an erased story
Is the wandering you and I
As if Alice and Chuuya…
Well, that was all a lie. 
The die come up snake eyes!
Slithering up all dangerous!
A pro gambler’s gotta go all in
Live or die, just go flashy as hell
Boom shakalaka boom shakalaka boom
I’m the type that’ll never let up
I’ll make a clean sweep of you washed-up guys
Shibuya’s gonna steal it all nyow!
[Fling Posse] 
Say c’mon Fling Posse
Driving out the wack MCs
You gotta fight 4 your pride
If everything that occurs
Is connected by some deep fate, then
When might the sin of quarreling beneath that weight
Ever be forgiven?
To ease the hatred resounding at life’s end
I search for words to heal a heart; that is my ego
Even if my ears cease to hear
I’m prepared to expose myself to the rain of insults
Don’t stop party night
1,2,3 we’re not done yet
Hey, what’s in your hand?
What’s in your hand?
A glass to keep on drinking with!
Our meeting was surely fate
Shinjuku will never let you go
No way you won’t fall in love with the No. 1 Gigolo
Pop the champagne!
Ah, must be nice to be a guy with a strong stomach, 
Meanwhile I’ve been over here pissing blood for two days
And today they’re gonna make me do karaoke again
When I’m sick of waving the stupid tambourine around
“Fuck off!”
Working sleepless, getting scolded in our dreams
That’s us corporate drones
I’m sick and tired of this; I’m taking a solo vacation to India
To find enlightenment in the Ganges River! 
Yes, we’re Matenrou
Division Battle, stake out your life
You gotta fight 4 your pride
Supersonic shock waves
Bright lights set loose by this Hypnosis Mic
Fire off unparalleled rhymes
With a Bang! Bang! Bang!
I’m breaking my way out
I’m gonna be champion
This is survival of the fittest
The front lines, the danger zone
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
Let’s bout, no hesitating, player
Can’t run from judgment time
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
No way out, until the end it’s
Live or die
[Ichiro] A massive feud, here comes karma
[Samatoki] If you’re scared of the illegal then go home
[Jiro & Saburo] The thug life’s just right to start playing dirty
[Jyuto & Rio] This is a revolt of words, gimme the mic!
[Ramuda] A massive uproar, life’s the prize
[Jakurai] What’s fair must fade; all things must pass
[Gentaro & Dice] A revolution’s coming, fakers get eliminated 
[Hifumi & Doppo] This is a revolt of words, Don’t Pass The Mic
Time to settle this; 4 Divisions Say ho!
If you wanna see, then make some noise; say Ho! Ho! Ho!
[Jakurai] Infinite, parallel possibilities
[Ramuda] About to explode, high voltage
[Samatoki] Controlling this battle with one phrase
[Ichiro] Bet it all to Rule the Stage
A sudden storm ushers in a new age--battle royale
Assembled in force to crush each other--fight 4 your pride
Super sonic shock waves
Bright lights set loose by this Hypnosis Mic
Fire off unparalleled rhymes
With a Bang! Bang! Bang!
I’m the real deal
I won’t let you take the top
This is survival of the fittest
Sparks flying in this danger zone
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
Let’s bout, no hesitating, player
Can’t run from judgement time
You gotta fight 4 your pride
You gotta fight 4 your pride
No way out, until the end it’s
Live or die
Let’s settle this with a final battle
Live or die
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arachnidsgamer · 3 years
Tall, dark and beautiful. Casual smoker. Singer and dancer for her own group; big name around those parts and rather rich. Bit of an ego (about as large as her giant ass) and currently working off a "little" winter weight. Enjoys dark, quiet nights.
I am respectfully looking and eager to send you my coords so we can hang out and get to know each other 8etter please hit me up again you sound wonderful.
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alteregoindiaa · 3 years
Looking for some fashion inspiration for the season. We enlist for you the perfect and in trend coord sets for all your everyday occasions.
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pretty-idol-hell · 7 years
hey, sorry if youve been asked this before but does pripara have difficulty settings? i love the anime but ive seen videos of the rhythm game and it looks super easy. i see the appeal of making your own character and unlocking coords, but i get bored of easier modes of rhythm games super easily so i wanna know the difficulty before paying like €80 for the switch game. thanks!
On the arcade game there are technically only two difficulty settings: regular (one button), and “Gold Disc” (3-button) and neither are very difficult. Although recently, the difficulty was indirectly bumped up significantly with the addition of Zuttomo, 2 player songs, which are a great challenge to play on your own since they are not designed to be able to. (Especially Twin Mirror Compact.) I don’t know if this will apply to the Switch.
The easy level of the rhythm used to bother me when I first stated playing the arcade game, but I got over it pretty quickly. First of all you have to have the self realization that this is a children’s game. You are playing a children’s game. Second, the addictiveness of PriPara comes from somewhere else like you said: The songs, the colors, the coords, making your own character and your own original teams, etc! It’s just something about the atmousphere. (And well, if you don’t think that’s worth it than perhaps your loss I guess.)
By the way.
It’s always easy to pass songs in PriPara, but being perfect on the arcade game and scoring high is actually WAY harder than you think. Competitive PriPara is like 25% rhythm and 75% is knowing exactly the perfect combination of coords, jewels, and team members to take advantage of bonuses. (Meaning any beginner would place low in a competition despite perfect rhythm.) I always show up to competitions with some ridiculous team it took me weeks to a month to put together, but it does come down to rhythm accuracy in the end between me and the other small group of people who know what we’re doing. And I often lose. I came in first place in a Grandprix only once technically.
I got maybe 4th or 5th place (left before the final rankings, just know I wasn’t top 3) in the most recent Grandprix at Prism Stone Harajuku after trying my ABSOLUTE HARDEST but the competition was BRUTAL. It was a pretty big upset for me and a bit of a dent in my ego, so hearing someone say PriPara is easy, while I totally understand why someone would think that based on videos and this probably doesn’t apply to the Swich, I’m like “…….”
Just FYI hahaha.
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Sobre robo de significantes
Este es un resumen de un capítulo titulado “Identidad social o el retorno del sujeto en sociología. Un nuevo enfoque de estudio” por el autor Gilberto Giménez, del libro Identidad: análisis y teoría, simbolismo, sociedades complejas, nacionalismo y etnicidad de la autora Leticia Méndez y Mercado. El capítulo consta de seis acápites.
En el primer acápite titulado, “Un nuevo objeto de estudio”. Gimenez describe que las crisis general de identidades son una nueva forma de crisis social. Estas crisis afectan: 1) todo el sistema de identidades tradicionales en los países en desarrollo bajo la “modernización”; y 2) al sistema de identidades ideológicas, políticas y religiosas configuradas a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que se desmoronaron en la Guerra Fría.
Esta crisis se manifiesta en forma contradictoria, de un lado emergió una tentativa de eliminar fronteras al construir unidades supranacionales (como la unión europea), y por otro lado se despertó el nativismo que fomento la disolución de estados multinacionales unificados bajo identidades ideológicas supranacionales (como Yugoslavia), de esta manera comenzaron a proliferar identidades grupales de pequeña escala. Esto es lo que Michel Maffesoli llamo “tendencia a la neotribalización” en las sociedades de masa.
El segundo acápite “Antecedentes teóricos”, hace un recuento histórico del concepto de identidad. Citando los estudios de George Mead como pioneros en el tema, los estudios de Erving Goffman y Ralph Turner en el interaccionismo simbólico, los estudios de Alfred Schutz, Peter Berger y Thomas Luckman en la fenomenología, y Talcott Parsons desde el funcionalismo-estructuralista, autor que incorpora la identidad al sistema de la personalidad. Por su parte, también Habermas introduce la identidad como elemento de su teoría de acción comunicativa.
En el tercer acápite “El núcleo de la identidad”, Gimenez describe que la identidad forma parte de una teoría más amplia; la del actor social, y que estas no pueden desasociarse. La identidad no es una propiedad intrínseca del sujeto sino que tiene una cualidad intersubjetiva y relacional, es decir, es resultado de un proceso social, surge y se desarrolla en la interacción cotidiana. Afirma el autor que existen tres dimensiones de la identidad, citando a la autora Loredana Sciolla, estas son: 1) locativa, donde el individuo se sitúa y delimita sus fronteras, esta dimensión está vinculada con el principio de la diferenciación entre e individuo y el mundo; 2) selectiva, donde hace un proceso de selección y rechazo, aquí se plantea el vínculo entre la identidad y la acción, e; 3) integradora, esta dispone de un marco epistémico en el que trazar vivencias presentes y futuras creando así una biografía, esta ultima dimensión se vincula con el sentido de la continuidad a través del tiempo.
En el cuarto acápite, “Identidad y estructura social”, el autor describe la importancia del marco social en la identificación del sujeto, sin embargo, arguye que “los valores comunes no constituyen modelos normativos de acción [..] sino que solo son reglas del juego”.
En el quinto acápite, “Identidad individual e identidad colectiva”, Gimenez expone aun más sobre la importancia que juegan los demás en la autodefinición del sujeto. Sostienen que la identidad del ego surge de la inscripción a una múltiples campos semánticos, es decir, se trata de múltiples identificaciones, no obstante opina que en ocasiones una identificación eclipsa las demás en diferentes contextos. Por ejemplo, Gimenez cita al autor George Devereux y el concepto de hipercatización, este es un proceso en el cual un sujeto es sustraído de sus demás identificaciones de círculos de pertenencia del individuo.
En el último acápite titulado, “La dinámica de la identidad: cambios y mutaciones”, Gimenez explica que las identidades, tanto colectiva como individual no deben de concebirse como inmutables, sino como procesos contingentes. Las identidades se encuentran en constante cambio, y pueden ocurrir ciertos fenómenos como la transformación y la mutación, por fusión (asimilación) o fisión (diferenciación). Gimenez cita al autor Donald Horowitz y su esquema de cambio cultural que se constituye de dos fenómenos con dos divisiones correspondientes:
1) dos formas de asimilación:
    1.1) amalgamación, este es el resultado de la unión de varios grupos en uno nuevo;
    1.2) integración, consiste en la pérdida de identidad de un grupo y la incorporación a otro grupo;
2) dos formas diferenciación:
    2.1) división, implica la ruptura de un grupo con rasgos identitarios propios;
    2.2) proliferación, este fenómeno implica la construcción de grupos con identidades nuevas a partir de grupos-madre que conservan su identidad.
Giménez Gilberto. “Identidad social o el retorno del sujeto en sociología. Un nuevo enfoque de estudio” en Méndez y Mercado, Leticia (coord.), Identidad: análisis y teoría, simbolismo, sociedades complejas, nacionalismo y etnicidad. III Coloquio Paul Kirchhoff, UNAM, México, 1996, pp. 11-2
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bubblegumspook · 8 years
Oh boy it’s already February better make a post about my lolita goals. Last year’s post can be found here. 
2016 was kind of a shit year in general, but it was really good for my lolita wardrobe -- it nearly doubled in size! I bought one of my dream dresses! I spent three hundred fucking dollars on a single dress! More than ever, I feel like a real lolita (potty mouth notwithstanding) and I did manage to tick off most of my goals for the year.
Those goals were :
Continue beefing up my wardrobe. I wanted to round out my wardrobe a little more so I could wear lolita more often without feeling like I was repeating outfits constantly. I specifically wanted to buy a black jsk, one of the witchy themed jsks on my wishlist, teaparties in black and in lavender, a lavender blouse, and one brand dress. I didn’t tick of this list fully -- I only got the black jsk (its burando though) and the teaparties, which my wardrobe definitely needed, but I did get a bunch of things like a pink blouse, a couple of cardigans, a peignoir (aka my favourite trend ever!!!!), some socks, a bunch of jewelry -- tons of stuff! I also literally doubled the number of dresses I own, including getting my hands on one of Haenuli’s releases for the year.
Take pictures of my coords. This goal I did great on. I didn’t take a picture of every single coord I wore this year, but I did get an instagram, which made me so much more likely to take ootd pictures, so I do have pictures of most of my coords. They’re even posted on the internet and tagged and everything, which brings me to my next goal...
Be more active in the Lolita community/update this blog/make more personal posts on my Lolita tumblr. My blogspot blog sort of... died (whoops) since I was either too busy or too tired to write stuff for it, but I did pretty alright with the other bits of this goal. I definitely posted my coord pictures in the lolita fashion tags here and on instagram, which had been a thing that I was too anxious to do, plus I made a couple posts in the facebook comm for my area and went to a meet or two. I mean, I’m not a fantastically social person, but I tried, a+ me. 
Lastly, make my own clothes was a goal, and its the only one I dont get to tick off as complete. I didn’t. At all. Which doesn’t surprise me because I knew making it that I probably wouldn’t, since I need a new sewing machine to do so, but I really do need to make a skirt out of this bat fabric. It’s so cute and so me. 
In 2017 I want to :
Continue rounding out my wardrobe. This is my big goal every year because there’s always so much to do. I specifically want to buy
More socks
More wigs
One of the burando prints on my wishlist
Pink teaparties
A coat
Nothing too extravagant! I think I can manage this.
Go to more meets/Host a couple of meets. Pretty much all I do is work and sleep. One of my over all goals for the year is to be more social and lolita meets are definitely part of that. I have a couple of ideas for meets I want to do too, so I might as well try my hand at hosting!
Maybe make some videos? For all my ego I am actually kind of shy, but I love haul and unboxing videos so I kind of want to make some of my own. This will probably be the hardest thing for me to do, but I always want to get out of my comfort zone so I’m gonna try.
Save up money to go to the Paradiso con in 2018. I am all about J-fashion so a con dedicated to it is right up my alley. I wish there was one on the west coast where I am but I love this silly fashion enough to fly to the other side of the country for an event. The line up for this year’s Paradiso looks so good! I wish I had learned about it earlier so I could have saved money to go this year but hopefully next year is even better. This is also a pretty lofty goal for me since a) I’ve never been on a plane -- I’ve barely left my home state my entire life! -- so that’s a scary new experience and b) I love spending my money so saving up enough to fly out to the east coast + hotel costs + tickets + spending money is going to be.... challenging, but I really want to go so I’m gonna try my best!
And that’s about it! Not toooo much, but enough to really challenge me for the year. Hopefully I can complete most of these goals. I really look forward to seeing what the year brings my wardrobe!
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burlveneer-music · 7 years
William Fields - coords - generative & algorithmic electronic music & visuals; video sample:
Really happy with the fidelity of the A<->V connection. Maybe my favorite piece so far. #audiovisual #realtime #javascript #threejs #webgl pic.twitter.com/tY4uEffs1H
— William Fields (@william_fields) April 14, 2017
William Fields, ½ of the improvisational duo Beck-Fields, releases his first solo album for NOREMIXES. coords, however, is not your typical studio creation; it is an immersive A/V generative experience redefining our sensory reaction to composition and production. “I am hoping to create a synesthetic experience,” explains Fields, “where the music and visuals become one inseparable thing in the listener’s mind and generates a sense of wonder, awe and mystery. A feeling of recognition and beauty, but not knowing or understanding what is going on or how it was created.” For the past five years, William Fields has all but abandoned composing on a piano roll, shifting his approach from composition to the improvisational and performative. Using a live performance rig that is extremely expressive and flexible, Fields’ sound can morph instantly from pure ambience to complex rhythmic assault. His accompanying visual system is event and parameter driven - generating visuals that perfectly match the corresponding musical events. This strong audio/visual connection has long been a passion for Fields, seeing sounds as shapes and forms. He cites Autechre’s “Gantz Graf” video as a reference point and inspiration. It is this control over the generative systems for coords that separates this work from anything Fields has previously released. With coords, everything is 100% generative and algorithmic. Fields programmed and configured the audio-visual system, pressed record, and let it run for 23 minutes. Every 45 seconds or so, the system jumps to new coordinates within the possibility space and a new world is created, even down to the track titles which are displayed in the live video. Not a single control, note, color, or visual form of coords was explicitly composed. “This generative approach to writing is very much inspired by John Cage and Buddhism. Cage struggled throughout his artistic career with the paradox of how to be a composer – who by definition must make judgements and decide what is good or bad – while practicing non-judgmental mind as taught in Zen Buddhism. I also practice Buddhism and I am exploring some of these same issues in this work. I am trying to find ways to avoid putting my ego into the music, and to practice radical acceptance of what is. coords is an exercise in this practice.” *Purchase includes full A/V mp4 download* (c)2017 William Fields + (p)2017 NOREMIXES
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